E-Update - September 28, 2014

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Online Editions

Our E-Update, Calendar of Events and E-Update Resources

, along with
supplemental updates of information, during the week now are available at

You do not have to be a Facebook user to access the Page but do need to be a user
to access other than basic features.

Week of September 28, 2014

Helping to Bridge the Gap Between the Wealth of Available Resources
and the Poverty Associated With People Not Knowing About Them

In an attempt to aid reader searches, new items added each week are highlighting in
yellow. As always, we are interested in receiving feedback in regard to how we might
improve our publications, content and convenience of use.

E-Update periodically reports ways in which subscribers use our publications to aid their
families or organizations. If you have a short description that might be helpful to others
and their uses, we would like to hear about them. Please forward two or three sentences
that provide specific uses of benefit to [email protected].


Activities are subject to change without notice; participants are encouraged
to use contact information to confirm times and dates.

To unsubscribe, please send a message to [email protected]
with the word Unsubcribe in the Subject line.

2009-2014 Casey Jones, Transformation Initiative for Building Healthy Communities Through Healthy Families.
Permission is granted to reproduce for personal or non-commercial uses only.

Sections Available in the attached Calendar of Events:
UPDATED THIS WEEK: Special Activities: Upcoming primarily free activities
listed by day over the next several months.
Special Ongoing Scheduled Activities: Primarily free activities held regularly
each week or month.
Area Ministries for Those Who are Struggling. GriefShare, DivorceCare,
Celebrate Recovery, Mending Hearts.
Day Trip Destination Sites: Free admission sites for individual and family outings.
E-Update Resources
: Accompanying Information About Services, Including
Employment Resources, for Individuals and Families.

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UPDATED THIS WEEK: Calendar of Events - Please Submit Additions Today
Upcoming Activities The following items are detailed in the accompanying Calendar of
Events and are in addition to those described within this E-Update. They will be occurring
during the current two-week period or are newly listed as part of the longer term Calendar.
These activities are provided for both personal use and printing out and sharing with others
through suggested posting on public and employee bulletin boards, hard copies or e-mail.

Updated: This Weeks Calendar of Events Activities (Found in Calendar of Events)
American Revolution History Events King of Prussia (Valley Forge).
Scenes of the Schuylkill River Heritage Area Art Show Pottstown.
From Bach2Rock For Youngsters Berwyn.
Painted Country Views Art Exhibit Malvern.
From Isolation to Collaboration Art Exhibit Malvern.
Look Good Feel Better for Women Multiple Locations.
PA CareerLink and Job Search Services Area Counties.
Fall Reading and Children Programs Area Libraries.
Pardons and Expungements Workshop Coatesville.
Medicare 101 Workshop Exton.
Aging Family Pets Presentation Phoenixville.
Family Literacy Night Pottstown.
LinkedIn 3 Workshop Chester Springs (Ludwigs Corner).
Financial Planning Workshop -- Chester Springs (Ludwigs Corner).
New Holland Farmers Fair New Holland.
Rep. Corbin Constituent Breakfast Phoenixville.
Losses and Change Support New Holland.
Early Childhood Parenting Series Pottstown.
Adult Book Bingo Chester Springs (Ludwigs Corner).
All About Bluebirds Presentation Exton.
Home Purchase Meet a Realtor Workshop Exton.
Weight Loss and Wellness Presentation Chester Springs (Ludwigs Corner).
Dare to be the Best Fatherhood Series Pottstown.
Growing Cities Documentary Screening Malvern.
Post-Adoption and Grandfamilies Support West Chester.
Rep. Painter Senior Expo Pottstown.
Sensory Storytime Paoli.
The Great War Presentation Phoenixville.
Narcotics Overdose Education for Parents West Chester.
Martin Guitars Presentation Kennett Square.
Unionville Community Fair Kennett Square (Unionville).
German Language Storytime Paoli.
Dining with Diabetes Presentation Pottstown.
Heritage Festival Reading.
Charlestown Day and 5K Run Phoenixville.
Hibernia Park Anniverary Coatesville (Wagontown).
Paoli Blues Fest and Street Fair Paoli.
Rep. Truitt Senior Expo West Chester.
Bark in the Park Nottingham.
Cerebral Palsy Author Discussion Glenmoore.
Star Party Downingtown (Eagle).
Gods Not Dead Screening New Holland.

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Updated: Next Weeks Calendar of Events Activities (Found in Calendar of Events)
American Revolution History Events King of Prussia (Valley Forge).
Scenes of the Schuylkill River Heritage Area Art Show Pottstown.
From Bach2Rock For Youngsters Berwyn.
Painted Country Views Art Exhibit Malvern.
From Isolation to Collaboration Art Exhibit Malvern.
Look Good Feel Better for Women Multiple Locations.
PA CareerLink and Job Search Services Area Counties.
Fall Reading and Children Programs Area Libraries.
Marshalton Triathalon Marshallton (West Bradford Township).
Infantry Encampment West Chester.
Service Dog Anniversary Cochranville.
Nature Photography Workshop Glenmoore.
Nolde Mansion Open House Reading.
Gospel Concert Coatesville.
Coping with Depression Presentation Exton (Lionville).
Meridian Plaza Fire Presentation Chester Springs (Ludwigs Corner).
Vista 2025 Economic Development and Landscapes Breakfast Malvern.
Putting the Animals to Bed for Kids Glenmoore.
Concert Series Chester Springs (Ludwigs Corner).
Harvest Moon Hike Coatesville (Wagontown).
Searching for the Continental Powder Works on French Creek Presentation King of
Prussia (Valley Forge).
Eleanor Roosevelt Presentation Exton.
Photography Workshop Chester Springs (Ludwigs Corner).
Home Purchase Financing Workshop Exton.
Regional College Fair Plymouth Meeting.
Seneca Indian War Hero Author Discussion Berwyn.
Flu Shots Chester Springs (Ludwigs Corner).
How to Survive and Thrive in the Art World Despite the Odds Presentation Malvern.
Breast Tomosynthesis (3D Mammography) Presentation West Chester.
Family Square Dance Strafford.
Personal Document Shredding Trooper.
Household Hazardous and E-Waste Collection West Chester.
Scientific Benjamin Franklin Portrayal West Chester (East Goshen Township).

New: Future Weeks Events and Activities (View in Calendar of Events)
From Bach2Rock for Youngsters Berwyn.
Nonviolent Communication Presentation Chester Springs (Ludwig Corners).
Post-Adoption and GrandFamilies Support Groups West Chester.
Native Plants Presentation Chester Springs (Ludwigs Corner).
Scary Stories Author Discussion Exton.
Patrick Henry Portrayal King of Prussia (Valley Forge).
Adult Book Bingo Chester Springs (Ludwigs Corner).
Merling Trio Concert Wilmington, Del.
Senior Caregivers Expo Exton.
Expectant Parents Baby Shower Exton.
Stephen Kleiman Banjo Concert Chester Springs (Ludwigs Corner).
Medicare 101 Workshop Chester Springs (Ludwigs Corner).
Alzheimers Author Presentation Chester Springs (Ludwigs Corner).
Pardons and Expungements Workshops Coatesville.
Give Me a Fast Ship: The Continental Navy Author Discussion King of Prussia
(Valley Forge).
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Charles Dickens and Christmas Presentation Kennett Square.

Activities Submission - Organizations are encouraged to submit information about ongo-
ing services and activities, along with special events, as soon as possible after establishing a
date to maximize publicity and to help individuals and other organizations with planning
processes for their own events.

Formats for submission should be similar to and include all information as that shown on the
current, accompanying Calendar of Events. Further information about submissions appears
at the end of this E-Update and the Calendar. Information should be submitted to
[email protected]. Don't let your important activity be left unknown.

NEW THIS WEEK: Drug Overdose Deaths Escalate in All Areas of Pennsylvania
A new report by The Center for Rural Pennsylvania, a legislative agency of the Pennsylvania
General Assembly Drug, finds that overdose deaths have escalated, now impacingt one in
four Pennsylvania families.

Some of the other findings in the report, Heroin: Combating this Growing Epidemic in
Pennsylvania, include:

The epidemic continues to impact both rural and urban communities in every corner
of the Commonwealth.

Approximately 80 percent of people who abused heroin reported abusing prescription
opioids before starting to abuse heroin.

Overdose deaths have increased by 470 percent, rising from 2.7 to 15.4 per
thousand over the last two decades, according to he Pennsylvania Department of

Heroin and opioid abuse has claimed the lives of nearly 3,000 Pennsylvanians during
the past five years, according to the Pennsylvania Coroners Association. More
Pennsylvania adults ages 20 to 44 are dying from drug overdoses than motor vehicle

Increased use of heroin, often having roots in the abuse of prescription painkillers
like Vicodin and OxyContin, has catapulted Pennsylvania to seventh in the nation for
drug-related overdose deaths in the latest federal statistics from the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

The Center reports that mitigation must center around three components: public awareness,
coalition action, and data and evaluation.

The report, which makes more than 20 recommendations, two components of which are
before the Pennsylvania legislature, is available at

NEW THIS WEEK: Forum Video Explores Local Aspects of Ferguson, Mo.
A local video, "How Do We Take Steps to Keep What Happened in Ferguson, MO, from
Happening in Our Own Backyard", has been posted to the web.

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The recording was made during a Building Bridges community forum hosted by St. Paul's
Baptist Church in West Chester last month and appears at

Dozens of community residents heard from West Chester Police Chief Scott Bohn,
Coatesville Police Chief John Laufer and West Goshen Township Community Relations Officer
Michael Cotter as they answered questions such as:

How should we, as citizens, respond when questioned while driving or walking by law
enforcement officers and what is the normal procedure.

What are our rights as citizens?

What questions can we ask and what answers can we challenge civilly?

How can we dismantle the fears that some, particularly African American males,
might have when approached by law enforcement officers?

Do your police departments have ongoing sensitivity training?

We are hearing that law enforcement officers are trained to shoot to kill. Can you
speak to this matter?

How can we as citizens build better bridges with law enforcement officers?

The chiefs said that law enforcement officers have similar apprehensions as those
experienced by common citizens to being stopped by police.

Officers indicated that similar forums should take place throughout the county to aid in
better communication between law enforcement and the public.

NEW THIS WEEK: Third Phase of Chester County Trail Opens
Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources Secretary Ellen Ferretti
and Chester County officials have opened 1.2 miles of the Chester County Trail extending
west from the Exton Park site on Church Farm Lane, off Business Route 30, to Iron Lake
Boulevard and Main Street at the Exton retail area.

The addition brings the total Trail length in Chester County to 13.5 miles. The project
included the rebuilding of approximately half a mile of an unpaved demonstration trail
section between Ship Road and the Exton Park site, and a signalized trail crossing of
Business Route 30 and North Ship Road.

When complete, the final length of the Chester County portion of the Chester Valley Trail
will be approximately 18.5 miles, from County Line Road west into Downingtown, to connect
with the Struble Trail. From County Line Road east, Montgomery County is working to
complete a planned connection with the Schuylkill River Trail in Norristown.

Further information on the addition is available at http://pa-
chestercounty.civicplus.com/ArchiveCenter/ViewFile/Item/402, with information on the 13.5
miles of current trail, along with an additional extension of five miles, at

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NEW THIS WEEK: Fall Foliage Reports Start
Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources is posting weekly updates
on Fall foliage, saying that the Commonwealth has a longer and more varied fall foliage
season than any other state in the nation -- or anywhere in the world.

A weekly color report is available at
http://www.dcnr.state.pa.us/forestry/stateforests/fallfoliage, along with some prime
locations for viewing throughout the state at

A quick primer on how weather influences Fall colors from the National Weather Service at
La Cross, Wisc., is available at

NEW THIS WEEK: Free Assistance for Companion Pet Owners
Animal House Project, known as the Chester County Pet Food Pantry, has expanded
assistance from Chester County to pet owners in Berks and Western Montgomery counties.

The organization distributes donated pet food, pet care items, and veterinary vouchers for
spaying/neutering and vaccines, when available, to families in crisis or within 200% of
federal poverty guidelines.

During the first six months of this year, the food pantry reports distribution of more than
12 tons of dry and over 6,000 cans of pet food to owners in need. Distribution is available
one Saturday a month in both Pottstown and through a mobile pantry in Downingtown.
Donation drop-offs are available at several locations.

Further information and applications are available at www.animalhouseproject.org,
[email protected] or (484) 558-0467.

Parents and Caregivers Children Education Conversations
Parents and caregivers of Pre-K to third graders in the Pottstown School District have
followed up May community conversations about What Do You Need to Help Your Child
Succeed? as part of an Our KidsTheir Future initiative.

A report from the prior sessions as to what parents need and how the school district can
more effectively work with families of young children is available at

Further information is available at [email protected] or (610) 256-6370.

Phoenixville Library Closing for Heating and Air Conditioning Unit Replacement
Starts Thursday, September 25
Phoenixville Public Library will close all or a part of its facility, starting September 25 for a

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The Childrens Library will close September 25, with the entire building closing Monday,
October 6. Both will re-open on Monday, October 27. Book and other holds will be
available for pickup from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays.

Further information is available at
www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=10152477263468110&id=115198698109 pr
(610) 933-3013.

Free Faith-Based Community Conversations Breakfast Tuesday, October 7
Chester County Health and Emergency Services Departments will host churches and other
faith-based organizations at a Community Conversations breakfast from 8:30 a.m. to
10 a.m., October 7, in the third floor cafeteria at the Government Services Center,
601 Westtown Road, West Chester.

Purpose of the event is to provide information on how organizations can tie emergency
preparedness in with everyday activities, with information being provided on the
Pennsylvania Disaster Spiritual Care Network, Septembers National Preparedness Month,
and an October flu clinic and exercise preparedness activity.

Further information and registration are available from Janet Zeis at [email protected] or
(610) 344-5014.

NEW THIS WEEK: Holiday Programs and Housing Forum Scheduled Tuesday,
October 7
Montgomery County Aging and Adult Services will host its annual Housing and Holiday
Programs forum for area services providers from 8:30 a.m. to 10:30 p.m. October 7 at its
district office at 260 High Street, Pottstown.

Speakers on housing topics will include representatives of the Pottstown Cluster of
Churches, Your Way Home Montgomery County homelessness initiative, Genesis Housing,
and Ministries on Main Street homeless shelter, with organizations then sharing information
on the holiday programs.

Further information and requested registration are available from Joanne Class at
[email protected] or (610) 327-9203.

NEW THIS WEEK: Free Child Serving Systems Training Wednesday, October 15
A community training on Accessing the Child Serving Systems in Chester County will be held
from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. October 15, at the Chester County Public Safety Training
Campus, 137 Modena Road, South Coatesville.

Agency representatives and family members will learn about services and how to access
them from Children, Youth and Families, Mental Health/Intellectual and Developmental
Disabilities including Early Intervention, Juvenile Probation, Drug and Alcohol, Health, and
Community Development departments, along with education and the Chester County Youth

Further information is available at [email protected] or (610) 344-6640, with
required registration by Monday, October 6 at www.chescoDHSTrainings.com.

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UPDATED THIS WEEK: Chesco Holding Free Public School of Government Series
Through Tuesday, October 28
Chester County is hosting a six-week School of Government for county residents at the
Chester County Library, 450 Exton Square Parkway, Exton.

The Tuesday night classes, running from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. through October 28, are
designed for citizens wanting to know more about county services and the responsibilities of
Chester County government in relation to municipal and state governments.

Chester County elected officials and department directors will present information on the
Countys budget process, as well as courts and the justice system, human services, health
and environmental health, emergency services, community development, planning, parks
and trails.

Further information and reservations for limited seating are available at
www.chesco.org/DocumentCenter/View/19298, [email protected] or (610)

Highlights of county government, presented in the first session, are available at

UPDATED THIS WEEK: Community Organization Networking Connection Meetings
(Regular Meeting Dates are Subject to Change)
COSECHA (Harvest) meets from 9:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. the second Wednesday of the
month from September through June at various Southern Chester County locations. Paid
and volunteer individuals who work with Chester County children, youth and families share
information and build partnerships for after-school, out-of-school and summer programs.
On October 1, a different date, the group will discuss Fall and Winter Program
Connections, Including Holiday Programs at the Family Center, 637 Millers Hill, Kennett
Square. Further information is available from Laurie Szoke at [email protected] or (610) 696-

Chester County Family and Community Partnership meets from 10 a.m. to noon on
the first Friday of February, April, June, August, October and December at various locations.
The group is a diverse partnership of individuals, families, community organizations, service
agencies, businesses and funders committed to empowering individuals and families in
living self-sufficient, productive and fulfilling lives. Additional information is available from
Kathy Brauner at [email protected] or (610) 344-5262.

Coatesville Area Resource Network (CARN) meets from 9:30 to 11 a.m. on the third
Wednesday of the month, except August and December, in the fourth floor conference room
at Brandywine Health Center at 744 East Lincoln Highway, Coatesville. Representatives of
community organizations exchange information about current and upcoming activities and
hear presentations from various services providers. Further information is available from
Kathryn Spurlock at [email protected] or at (610) 380-7111 x16.

Lancaster County LINK to Aging and Disability Resources meets from 1 p.m. to
2:30 p.m. on the third Thursday of the month at various Lancaster area locations for
services cross-trainings and exchange of information on creating a one-stop, no-wrong-door
resource for older adults and adults with disabilities, including consumers, family members
and others, seeking information about local resources. Further information is available from
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Brian Long, coordinator, at www.lancastercountylink.org/cross-training-meetings/2014-
meetings, [email protected] or (717) 380-9714.

Phoenixville Area Resource Network (PARN) meets from 9 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. on the
fourth Tuesday of the month, except December, at the First United Methodist Church (north
entrance), 865 South Main Street, Phoenixville. Representatives of community organizations
exchange information about current and upcoming activities and hear presentations from
various services providers. On October 28, KenCrest and Southeastern Home Health will
present. On November 25, Legal Aid of Southeastern Pennsylvania will provide a broad
background of services information. Additional information about the group is available
from Debbie Dundon at Open Hearth, Spring City, at (610) 792-9282
x201 or at [email protected].

Community Nurse Network meets from 4 p.m. to 5:15 p.m. the first Thursday of
alternating months to exchange information on promotion of holistic health within faith
congregations and communities and to develop additional faith community nurses, also
known as parish nurses. On November 6, the group will meet at Neighborhood Agencies,
795 Marshall Street, West Chester. Further information is available from Joan Holliday at
[email protected] or (610) 717-2180.

Kennett Area Bridging the Community meets at 7 p.m. on the second Wednesdays of
January, March, May, July, September and November at various community locations with
any interested individual or organization welcome to attend and share information on
resources and needs that can build "bridges" toward a more integrated Kennett area
community. On November 12, the group will meet at PathStone Senior Training and
Employment Services, 421 McFarland Road, Kennett Square. Additional information is
available from Joan Holliday at [email protected] or (610) 717-2180. Minutes from prior
meetings are available at www.bridgingcommunity.com/bridging.php.

Communities That Care (CTC) groups in several Chester County school districts provide
networking opportunities for community organizations and individuals that use a planning
and mobilization model to promote healthy youth development and prevent and reduce
negative youth health and behavior issues that may include substance abuse, delinquency,
teen pregnancy, school drop-out, and violence.

West Chester CTC meets from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., on the second Thursday of
each month of the school year at the West Chester Area School District Spellman
Administrative Building, 829 Paoli Pike, West Chester. Lunch is provided by
reserving at [email protected] or (610) 359-5817.

Downingtown Area CTC meets from 12:30 p.m. to 2 p.m. the third Tuesday of the
month from September through May at the Lionville Community YMCA, 100 Devon
Drive, Exton. On October 21, Tina Forsythe will discuss teen statistics from the
Pennsylvania Youth Survey (PAYS). Further information is available at
[email protected] or (610) 458-9090 x2827.

Coatesville CTC Community Prevention Board, a body coterminous with the
Coatesville Youth Initiative Steering Committee, meets periodically in the fourth floor
Community Room, Brandywine Health Foundation, 744 East Lincoln Highway,
Coatesville. Further information and requested lunch reservations are available from
Jarvis Berry, CTC community mobilizer, at [email protected] or
(610) 380-0200.

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UPDATED THIS WEEK: Support Groups for Unemployed and Underemployed -
Several networking/support groups (open to everyone) are available at area churches for
persons who are unemployed or unemployed, with each providing its own variety of specific
services in support of those who attend:
Downingtown (Lionville/Exton) -- Barnabas Group, at Calvary Fellowship Church,
95 West Devon Drive (rear entrance) at Route 113 in Exton (Lionville) is named after
the Biblical disciple known as the Son of Encouragement. Weekly sessions are part of
the churchs Care Monday, that includes a prayer group that meets at the same time
in the Prayer Lobby (Portico Entrance), with intercession for those attending the
Barnabas Group and the churchs other Care Ministries, including DivorceCare for
those coping with separation or divorce, even years later; Mending Hearts for those
with prodigal children and other family members; and various offerings focused on
assistance in healing and coping. Further information for Barnabas Group activities
is available at [email protected] or (610) 363-7171.

Malvern Penn State Great Valleys Alumni Association and My Career Transitions
(MCT), an all-volunteer job counseling group, meets from 9:45 a.m. to 11:45 a.m.
the second Saturday of the month, except August and December, in 130 Main
Building, Penn State Great Valley, 30 East Swedesford Road, Malvern, preceded by a
new member orientation at 8:30 a.m. On October 11, Lynne Williams will discuss
The Art of Networking in Person and Online. On November 8, Todd Cohen of
SalesLeader will present Selling Yourself: Its NOT an Option. Further information
and required registration are available at

Wayne A one-on-one Employment Guidance Ministry, along with periodic special
employment related events to aid jobseekers is available at St. Davids Episcopal
Church, 763 South Valley Forge Road, Malvern. Further information is available from
George Vosburgh at [email protected] or (610) 688-7947.

West Chester Unemployment support group meets bi-weekly from 5:45 p.m. to
7:30 p.m. at First Presbyterian Church, 130 West Miner Street, West Chester, to
learn tips and techniques related to job searches. Further information is available
from Elisabeth Hartwell at [email protected], at (610) 696-0554.

West Chester BarnabasWC group meets from 6:30 a.m. to 7:30 a.m. Mondays,
except holidays, in the Community Room, Providence Church, 430 Hannum Avenue,
West Chester. Further information is available at www.barnabaswc.org or
[email protected].

Six Area Affiliates of Joseph's People meet during the month:
Central Delco Groups at three locations in Central Delaware County now
coordinate meetings in Media and Upper Darby at 7 p.m. on the first three Tuesdays
of the month. St. Francis Room at St. Mary Magdalen Church, 2400 North
Providence Road, Media, will be the site for the first Tuesday, with further
information at [email protected] or (610) 873-7117. On October 7, Bob
Rosania, a primary author of Josephs People My Journey handbook will discuss its
contents and how best to use it. The rear entrance Parish Hall at St. Laurence
Church, 8245 West Chester Pike, Upper Darby is the location for the second
Tuesday, with further information at [email protected]. On October 14, , job
seekers who bring a resume and sample job description for a desired job will have an
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opportunity to practice their skills during Mock Interviews. Hassler Chapel, Media
Presbyterian Church, 30 East Baltimore Pike, Media, is the site for the third Tuesday
with further information at [email protected]. On October 21, Ed Hunter of Life
in Progress Coaching, will answer questions during Ask the Career Coach.
Downingtown -- 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. on the second and fourth Tuesdays, at St.
Joseph's Parish, 338 Manor Avenue (Route 322), in the parish meeting room behind
the school at the back of the property. Further information about the affiliate is
available by leaving a message at (610) 873-7117.
Berwyn/Main Line - 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. on the first and third Thursdays at the
Hagenbach Room, St. Monicas Church, 635 First Avenue. Further information is
available from Bob Schubert at [email protected] or (610) 755-2398.
Upper Uwchlan Township 7 p.m. on the first and third Mondays at the School
Education Center, St. Elizabeths Catholic Church, 100 Fellowship Road, Chester
Springs. Further information is available at (610) 321-1200 or at
[email protected].
Reading 7 p.m. to 8:30 pm. on the first and third Wednesdays at St Catharine's of
Siena Parish Center. 2427 Perkiomen Avenue, Reading. Further information is
available from John Senick, facilitator, at (610) 779-4005.
West Grove 6:45 p.m. on the fourth Wednesday of the month in the new Parish
Life Center, Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Church, 300 State Road, West
Grove. Further information is available from John Colgan at [email protected].
Additional information on all St. Josephs People chapters is available at

Support Many New Job Assistance Workshops, Job Fairs and Job Openings Report
Unemployed and underemployed persons seeking education and training in career planning,
along with employment assistance for veterans, ex-offenders and persons with disabilities,
can take advantage of a broad series of monthly workshops offered by the Pennsylvania
Department of Labor CareerLink at its new Exton offices in Suite 500, 479 Thomas Jones
Way in the Oaklands Corporate Center.

These trainings include an orientation presentation as to what PA CareerLink has to offer.

A calendar of PA CareerLink-Chester County workshops for the current month, along with
several company job fairs, is available at http://chesco.org/DocumentCenter/View/19706.

Monthly job openings list that lists several pages in the Chester County area is available at
http://chesco.org/DocumentCenter/View/19614. Daily position openings updates are
available through www.cwds.state.pa.us.

Websites for additional county PA CareerLink offices in the area, at which many services are
available to out-of-county residents, include:

Berks: www.co.berks.pa.us/Dept/CareerLink/Pages/default.aspx
Delaware: www.delcoworks.org
Lancaster: www.jobs4lancaster.com
Montgomery: www.montcopa.org/index.aspx?NID=1024

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Tri-County Libraries Highlight Free Job-Seeker Services
Libraries from three counties are providing information on the many valuable services they
have available for job-seekers that often are highly underutilized by the unemployed and

Pottstown Regional Public Library, along with Boone Area at Birdsboro, Phoenixville Public,
and Henrietta Hankin Branch at Chester Springs (Ludwigs Corner), kicked off the awareness
effort, coordinated by our Transformation Initiative Building Healthy Communities Through
Healthy Families, during the Tri-County Job Fair, hosted by Pennsylvania Senator John C.
Rafferty, Jr. this month in Pottstown.

Further information on the libraries initiative and services available to job-seekers is
available at https://www.facebook.com/TransformationIni/posts/730374263694494.

Chesco Library System Launches Free Mobile App
The Chester County Library System has launched a new mobile app for its libraries to
provide easy access to library accounts and many other library services.

The app includes functions such as full account and catalog access to place holds and renew
materials, an ISBN barcode search, Ask a Librarian feature, access to databases and
resources such as the Power Library, Mango Languages and Refer Web for health and
human service information in Chester County, new releases and top recommendations, and
individual libraries social media pages, blogs, and calendars of events.

Mobile users also can access OverDrive directly to download eBooks and eAudiobooks and
read eMagazines through the librarys digital magazine distribution service, Flipster.

Further information and download links are available through www.ccls.org.

Save the Children Rates Pennsylvania Unsatisfactory in Emergency Planning for
Children with Disabilities; Parents, Too
As National Preparedness Month kicks off with a reminder to Be Informed, Make a Plan and
Build a Kit for emergencies for oneself and families, the international Save the Children
organization says that Pennsylvania rates unsatisfactorily when it comes to have a plan to
address needs of children with disabilities and functional needs.

It also says parents also are leaving all children at risk, on average spending five times
more energy on back-to-school than disaster planning with their kids and family.

Floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, wildfires, winter storms and earthquakes are being
highlighted this month by emergency preparedness agencies, along with awareness by
businesses and kids as to what to do if a potential disaster strikes or is about to strike.

Information on the Save the Children report card is available at

More information about the observance, including National Prepareathon Day on Tuesday,
September 30, is available at

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Planning information is available at www.ready.gov, including how to prepare a community
and letting others know about the importance of this life-saving focus.

Chester County also has introduced a new website, READY ChesCo, at www.readychesco.org
as part of the observance.

Regional Fatherhood Initiative Launches
A regional initiative to better connect kids and their fathers was launched at a September
Family Day in Pottstown.

Developed by the Montgomery County Office of Children and Youth and community
organizations, including our Transformation Initiative Building Healthy Communities
Through Healthy Families, the initiative focuses on fathers being critical to a childs success
in life.

The Pottstown event included father-child field games, nutritional eating and reading
activities including an appearance by a childrens book author, crafts, a Legos table,
community resources and more.

Fathers and male mentors signed a pledge card affirming their intent to be an active and
responsible father or father-figure who is considerate of the well-being of their child in all
matters, will love and take the time to know what matters to the child, be available when
the child needs his or her father, stay connected to, listen and help a child succeed, help
nurture a healthy well-being of body, mind and spirit within a child, and leave the child with
memories of a father who values his child.

They then signed a large I Took the Fathers Matter Pledge banner and received a t-shirt
with the same affirmation to be an active and responsible father or father-figure in a childs
life. Earlier in the week, several on-duty members of the Pottstown Police Department
signed the banner in a show of support.

Organizers say there is a national crisis of absent and disengaged fathers that is destroying
family foundations that children crave and need in order to cope adequately with the
ongoing stages and struggles of life.

This was the second introductory event of three across Montgomery County, with a Back-to-
School With Dads being held last month in Norristown and a Movie Night with Dads being
scheduled for Willow Grove in October.

Individuals, organizations and businesses are encouraged to become involved, with further
information available from Fred Blankenburg at [email protected] or (610) 278-5906
or Kathleen Sullivan at [email protected] or (610) 278-5873, with coverage of the
event and initiative at www.pottsmerc.com/general-news/20140913/fathers-family-day-

Special Enrollment for Health Insurance Marketplace Available
Although next years open enrollment for federal health insurance coverage under the
Health Insurance Marketplace wont start until November 15, one may qualify for special
enrollment provisions due to special life circumstances.

Qualifying life events for special enrollment include, but are not limited to:
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Marriage or divorce.
Having a baby, adopting a child, or placing a child for adoption or foster care.
A change in residence, gaining citizenship, or leaving incarceration.
Losing other health coverage due to losing job-based coverage, the end of an
individual policy plan year in 2014, COBRA expiration, aging off a parents plan,
losing eligibility for Medicaid or CHIP, and similar circumstances not involving
voluntarily ending coverage or losing coverage that doesnt qualify as minimum
essential coverage.
Having a change in income or household status that affects eligibility for premium
tax credits or cost-sharing reductions for people already enrolled in Marketplace
Gaining status as a member of an Indian tribe.

Further information, including an online screening tool, is available at
www.healthcare.gov/how-can-i-get-coverage-outside-of-open-enrollment/#part=2, or at
(800) 318-2596.

Services Expansion of Free Southern Chester County Ride For Health Initiative
The Transportation Management Association of Chester County (TMACC) and the
Phoenixville Community Health have expanded their Ride for Health Initiative (RFHI) in
Southern Chester County to include trips for human and social services needs in addition to
the earlier healthcare focus.

The service provides taxi or public transit trips for eligible residents of Avon Grove, Kennett,
Oxford and Unionville-Chadds Ford school districts to health and human and social services
sites, including those in Kennett Square, West Chester and Coatesville.

Scheduled transportation is available from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays from Kennett Area
Community Service, 136 West Cedar Street, Kennett Square. Earlier information is available
at http://origin.library.constantcontact.com/download/get/file/1102570574404-
1463/FREE+Medical+Transportation.pdf or (610) 925-3556. Information also is available
from partner agencies at

Information on a similar Phoenixville area initiative that has been in existence since 2000 is
available at http://origin.library.constantcontact.com/download/get/file/1102570574404-

Please Note: New and Updated tags refer only to the time of appearance of information in these
E-Updates. Some on-going activities may have been in existence for some time and are being listed for aware-

Letting People Know/Making a Difference - Ongoing
Feedback indicates that a lack of communications tools is a primary deficiency in bringing community services
providers and those needing information together.

If you know of an activity designed to have a real impact on families (this includes individuals and youth) that we
should be aware of or might be interested in reporting in these periodic e-mail updates, please let me know, either
with details or a web site link. In order to maintain its value, this forum currently is a subjective, selective
distribution so all information submitted may not be used.

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Also, if you know someone who might be helped by these periodic updates, please forward all or selected portions
as you feel appropriate. If you would like to be added to or removed from this list, please hit reply and advise by
typing "Subscribe" or "Unsubscribe" or something similar in the Subject line.

Events listed are based on subject matter related to activities impacting families and is based on information
reported to us. No endorsement is made or implied.

Suggestions for improvements are encouraged. We currently are developing a more advanced electronic
communications method for this type of material that will have more expansive yet less obtrusive characteristics.
Please stay tuned.

To submit materials for publication, please refer to the guidelines that follow.


Casey Jones
Transformation Initiative
Building Healthy Communities Through Healthy Families
(610) 707-1494 / [email protected]

General Guidelines for Information Submission:
Submission up to two to three months prior to the event is encouraged to increase exposure for new subscribers,
persons who don't read the list every week, and for other organizations that want to avoid scheduling opposite an
event or might want to collaborate with another in the area. For annual events, longer lead times may be
appropriate. Our deadline generally is the Friday before the week of publication.

A general idea of the information needed (many submit too little for the consumer to understand what actually is
occurring and why they might like to attend) can be obtained by perusing the publications or using the following
Please use full names followed, if appropriate, by acronyms in parenthesis.
Name of Event:
Date(s) - Include both day(s) of week and actual dates:
Times (Starting and ending):
Location (Including any applicable room number, particularly in a large facility, and a Mapquest or Google
Maps searchable address:
Sponsoring Organization(s), if not part of the location address:
Participant Eligibility (Ages, gender, etc.):
Description of Activities and, as applicable, the presenter and the purpose of the event (Two to three
descriptive sentences with the most appealing information; please avoid superfluous words such as
"wonderful", "great", etc.):
Any Fees, including free-will offerings:
Contact name, e-mail, telephone, along with any web page that is focused primarily on the specific
Any registration requirements:
We generally use only free activities of a non-commercial nature or those in which a very small materials fee is
Fund-raising activities generally are not published unless there is a good mixture of free activities also
available, including free admission, and a participant has the choice of purchasing incidental items, such
as food or crafts.
Church events generally are published only if they are separate from normal weekly worship services.
Due to the wide variety of activities available, decisions on publication ultimately are determined on a case-by-case
basis in context with focus of the publications.

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