This document discusses the development of a low-fish meal feed formulation for commercial shrimp farms. It notes that fish meal prices are increasing due to steady supply and growing demand from aquaculture. The authors conducted growth trials with juvenile shrimp to evaluate modifications to a basal fish meal replacement feed at the 50% replacement level. They found improved or similar growth compared to the control feed by reducing crystalline amino acids, removing fish oil, including less lecithin, and maintaining blood meal and mineral supplements at basal levels. This information was used to develop a generalized fish meal replacement formulation for shrimp farms using partially-purified ingredients.
This document discusses the development of a low-fish meal feed formulation for commercial shrimp farms. It notes that fish meal prices are increasing due to steady supply and growing demand from aquaculture. The authors conducted growth trials with juvenile shrimp to evaluate modifications to a basal fish meal replacement feed at the 50% replacement level. They found improved or similar growth compared to the control feed by reducing crystalline amino acids, removing fish oil, including less lecithin, and maintaining blood meal and mineral supplements at basal levels. This information was used to develop a generalized fish meal replacement formulation for shrimp farms using partially-purified ingredients.
This document discusses the development of a low-fish meal feed formulation for commercial shrimp farms. It notes that fish meal prices are increasing due to steady supply and growing demand from aquaculture. The authors conducted growth trials with juvenile shrimp to evaluate modifications to a basal fish meal replacement feed at the 50% replacement level. They found improved or similar growth compared to the control feed by reducing crystalline amino acids, removing fish oil, including less lecithin, and maintaining blood meal and mineral supplements at basal levels. This information was used to develop a generalized fish meal replacement formulation for shrimp farms using partially-purified ingredients.
This document discusses the development of a low-fish meal feed formulation for commercial shrimp farms. It notes that fish meal prices are increasing due to steady supply and growing demand from aquaculture. The authors conducted growth trials with juvenile shrimp to evaluate modifications to a basal fish meal replacement feed at the 50% replacement level. They found improved or similar growth compared to the control feed by reducing crystalline amino acids, removing fish oil, including less lecithin, and maintaining blood meal and mineral supplements at basal levels. This information was used to develop a generalized fish meal replacement formulation for shrimp farms using partially-purified ingredients.
Development of a Low-fish Meal Feed Formulation for Commercial Production of
Litopenaeus vannamei. In: Cruz Surez, L.E., Ricque Marie, D., Nieto Lpez, M.G., Villarreal, D., Scholz, U. y Gonzlez, M. 2004. Avances en Nutricin Acucola VII. Memorias del VII SimposiumInternacional de Nutricin Acucola. 16-19 Noviembre, 2004. Hermosillo, Sonora, Mxico
238 Development of a Low-fish Meal Feed Formulation for Commercial Production of Litopenaeus vannamei
J oe M. Fox, 1
Addison L. Lawrence 2 and Franz Smith 2
1 Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi, 6300 Ocean Drive, Corpus Christi, Texas, USA 78412 2 Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, Shrimp Mariculture Project, 1300 Port AvenuePort Aransas, Texas, USA 78373
Fish meal is used in marine shrimp feeds because it is high in protein, highly digestible and is an effective feed attractant. Reasons for current interest in its replacement include irregular availability, variable quality, perceived contribution to deterioration of fisheries, potential for adulteration, contamination with hydrocarbons and biological pathogens, and increasing cost. Growth trials were conducted with juvenile Litopenaeus vannamei to evaluate modifications in nutrient supplementation/restriction of a basal fish meal replacement formula at the 50% replacement level. Trials compared growth and survival of shrimp fed a basal control feed to experimental feeds in which crystalline amino acids (CAA), oil and lecithin, blood meal and specific minerals were modified. Improved or similar growth relative to the control feed were shown with reduced levels of CAA, removal of menhaden oil, inclusion of a lower level of lecithin, and maintenance of blood meal and mineral supplements at their basal levels. This information was used to develop a generalized fish meal replacement formulation for marine penaeid shrimp using readily available partially- purified ingredients. Low- and high-marine animal meal feed formulations are compared.
Running title: shrimp fish meal replacement
Although the world supply of fish meal has been constant, about 6.2 MMT (Hardy, 2001), current data on Gulf of Mexico menhaden landings indicate a short-fall so far this year ( Estimates of the portion of world supply used by aquaculture range between 18 (Barlow, 2000) and 31% (, with the remaining portion used for terrestrial production feeds. Compounded commercial shrimp production feeds contain about 25% fish meal (Tacon and Barg, 1998).
The availability of fish meal is largely dependent upon weather patterns (e.g., El Nio) and ability to locate fish in harvest grounds (Pontecorvo, 2001) and perception of over- exploitation, whether real or not, has caused projection of higher future prices (Delgado et Fox, J .M., Lawrence, A.L. and Smith, F. 2004. Development of a Low-fish Meal Feed Formulation for Commercial Production of Litopenaeus vannamei. In: Cruz Surez, L.E., Ricque Marie, D., Nieto Lpez, M.G., Villarreal, D., Scholz, U. y Gonzlez, M. 2004. Avances en Nutricin Acucola VII. Memorias del VII SimposiumInternacional de Nutricin Acucola. 16-19 Noviembre, 2004. Hermosillo, Sonora, Mxico
239 al., 2002). According to FAO (2002), only 18% of total fish stocks are over-exploited and these species are typically long-lived, slow-growing ones less able to support high exploitation rates. On the other hand, pelagic fish used for fish meal/oil are characteristically small and bony and not suitable for human consumption.
The use of fish meal in aquaculture feeds has undergone considerable recent scrutiny. One area of concern regards the trophic efficiency associated with aquaculture use of fish meal. An estimated 3.75 kg of fish are required to produce 1.0 kg of shrimp (FCR =1.5, 5 kg fish =1 kg fish meal, 25% fish meal inclusion rate). Another issue regards bans on use of fish meal in terrestrial feeds. Fish meal has is considered ultimately capable of causing bovine spongiaform encephalopathy (BSE) due to its potential for adulteration with meat meals and other byproducts implicated with this disease. Fish meal has also been verified as contaminated with polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). In three independent studies, 37 fish meal and fish feed samples from six countries were tested for PCB contamination: almost all samples were confirmed positive (J acobs, 2002; Easton, 2002; CFIA, 1999).
World shrimp production has eclipsed 1 MMT and is one of the factors increasing demand for fish meal. With increasing demand and steady supply, price increases are seemingly inevitable. One-third of the fish used to make fish meal inputs, about 10 MT, is converted to aquaculture feeds (Tacon, 1998; Pike, 1998). The remaining two-thirds of the fish, 22 Mt, is used to make fish meal for chicken, pig and other animal feeds, although the share of aquaculture continues to increase. The proportion of fish meal supplies used for farming fish rose from 10% in 1988 to 17% in 1994 and 33% in 1997 (Pike, 1998; Tacon, 1999). Moreover, fish meal prices have increased substantially in the past three decades and are likely to increase further with continued growth in demand (Naylor et al., 2000). One estimate predicts fish meal and oil in aquaculture will rise by more than 50% by 2010 (Pike, 2000). Increases in fish meal and fish oil prices could undermine the profitability of many aquaculture enterprises. However, some increased availability of fish meal for aquaculture is likely to occur with decreased use for swine or poultry production.
Fox, J .M., Lawrence, A.L. and Smith, F. 2004. Development of a Low-fish Meal Feed Formulation for Commercial Production of Litopenaeus vannamei. In: Cruz Surez, L.E., Ricque Marie, D., Nieto Lpez, M.G., Villarreal, D., Scholz, U. y Gonzlez, M. 2004. Avances en Nutricin Acucola VII. Memorias del VII SimposiumInternacional de Nutricin Acucola. 16-19 Noviembre, 2004. Hermosillo, Sonora, Mxico
240 As a renewable biotic resource, fish meal is high in protein (60-75%, dm basis), depending on species and quality of production, and highly digestible (ADP =81%; Akiyama et al., 1989; Forster and Dominy, 2001). It has relatively high energy content compared to other protein byproducts (14.3 vs. 11.7 mJ DE/kg from meat meal; Pike, 1999). Fish meal is highly palatable and, at typical inclusion levels (e.g., 25%), is an effective feed attractant (Coman, 1996; Hertrampf and Piedad-Pascual, 2000). It also contains significant levels of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), highly unsaturated fatty acids (HUFA), minerals, unknown growth factors and phospholipids.
In order to use fish meal in commercial production feed formulations for marine penaeid shrimp and other organisms, substantial variation in its nutritional composition due to source must be recognized. Table 1 exemplifies the variation between herring and white fish meal. This comparison shows substantial variation in protein, lipid, glycine, proline, calcium and phosphorus, all of which implies variable use in feed formulation. Further examination of this variation in terms of essential amino acid (EAA) content is shown in Table 2. Comparison of EAA content indicates highest variation in terms of arginine and lysine.
Apparent chemical score (ACS) of protein from various feedstuff proteins in terms of EAA requirement of marine penaeid shrimp is shown in Table 3 and clearly indicates that, in terms of the EAA shown, none of the non-fish meal ingredients shown could serve as a single replacement for fish meal. This indicates that any potential for replacement of fish meal by one novel ingredient could be difficult, but rather possibly accomplished by a combination of ingredients.
Fox, J .M., Lawrence, A.L. and Smith, F. 2004. Development of a Low-fish Meal Feed Formulation for Commercial Production of Litopenaeus vannamei. In: Cruz Surez, L.E., Ricque Marie, D., Nieto Lpez, M.G., Villarreal, D., Scholz, U. y Gonzlez, M. 2004. Avances en Nutricin Acucola VII. Memorias del VII SimposiumInternacional de Nutricin Acucola. 16-19 Noviembre, 2004. Hermosillo, Sonora, Mxico
241 Table 1. Variation in biochemical composition of fish meal 1
Nutrient Herring meal Whitefish meal protein 71% 66% lipid 9% 5% water 8% 8% ash 12% 21% energy, digestible 11.0 mJ /kg 10.8 mJ /kg lysine 7.78 g/100 g protein 7.22 g/10 g protein arginine 6.34 g/100 g protein 6.58 g/10 g protein methionine 2.94 g/100 g protein 2.72 g/10 g protein threonine 4.14 g/100 g protein 4.05 g/10 g protein glycine 6.00 g protein 9.90 g/10 g protein alanine 6.30 g/100 g protein 6.30 g/10 g protein proline 4.20 g/100 g protein 5.30 g/10 g protein calcium 2.04% 7.17% phosphorus 1.42% 3.80% 1; NRC, 1993; Cowey, 1999 fats have a much lower ratio (e.g., approximately 0.05-0.19. For consideration, humans require a ratio of 0.02:1 of n-3:n- 6 FA for best growth (Pike, 1999).
Table 2. Variation in essential amino acid content of fish meal 1
Table 3. Apparent chemical score of various feedstuff proteins in terms of EAA requirement by marine penaeid shrimp 1
lysine arginine methionine threonine Requirement (% protein) 4.67 a 5.4 b 2.0 c 3.5 c
herring meal 169 144 153 114 white fish meal 157 124 138 114117 menhaden meal 156 103 137 117108 blood meal 142 44 63 136 meat and bone meal 111 124 67 93 poultry byproduct meal 95 123 90 100 soybean meal 141 145 72 106 1 Apparent chemical score is determined by dividing the apparent requirement for an EAA by its concentration as percentage of protein within an ingredient. a Fox et al. (1995) b Chen et al. (1992) c estimated by authors
Fox, J .M., Lawrence, A.L. and Smith, F. 2004. Development of a Low-fish Meal Feed Formulation for Commercial Production of Litopenaeus vannamei. In: Cruz Surez, L.E., Ricque Marie, D., Nieto Lpez, M.G., Villarreal, D., Scholz, U. y Gonzlez, M. 2004. Avances en Nutricin Acucola VII. Memorias del VII SimposiumInternacional de Nutricin Acucola. 16-19 Noviembre, 2004. Hermosillo, Sonora, Mxico
242 A comparison of fatty acids (FA) content of various fish oils to various other oil/fat sources is shown in Table 4. This comparison indicates high variance in FA content among herring oils and menhaden oil. It also shows the obvious lack of marine FA in terrestrial animal- and plant-derived oils. The n-3 marine FA, eicosopentaenoic and docosohexaenoic acid, are essential for normal growth and survival of marine penaeid shrimp. Fish oil has a n- 3:n-6 FA ratio of 15.7-16.7; whereas, terrestrial-source
Table 5 compares mineral composition of various fish meals to other ingredient meals sourced from terrestrial animals and plants. Fish meal is typically lower in Ca and P than meat meal and meat and bone meal. It is also lower in Mg and Cu than meat and bone meal. Soybean meal contains less Ca and P than most fish meal sources, but is higher in Mg and Cu content.
Vitamin content in various fish meals is compared to other feed ingredients in Table 6 and shows relatively similar biotin content of fish meal to other ingredients. On the average, fish meal is substantially higher in choline content than blood meal or corn gluten meal and somewhat higher than meat meal, meat and bone meal or soybean meal. It is lower in choline content than poultry byproduct meal. Fish meal typically contains more thiamine than blood meal, meat meal, meat and bone meal, and poultry byproduct meal, but substantially less than soybean meal. Soybean meal and corn gluten meal contain no vitamin B 12 . Vitamin E content of fish meal is typically higher than that of meat meal, meat and bone meal, poultry byproduct meal and soybean meal. It is lower in vitamin E content than corn gluten meal.
A comparison of energy content between fish meal (64%) and other energy feedstuffs (Table 7) shows somewhat lower gross energy (GE) than that of soybean meal (48%). However, in general, the GE value of fish meal is fairly similar to that of corn, wheat, wheat bran and wheat middlings. Its GE content is somewhat higher than that of alfalfa.
Fox, J .M., Lawrence, A.L. and Smith, F. 2004. Development of a Low-fish Meal Feed Formulation for Commercial Production of Litopenaeus vannamei. In: Cruz Surez, L.E., Ricque Marie, D., Nieto Lpez, M.G., Villarreal, D., Scholz, U. y Gonzlez, M. 2004. Avances en Nutricin Acucola VII. Memorias del VII SimposiumInternacional de Nutricin Acucola. 16-19 Noviembre, 2004. Hermosillo, Sonora, Mxico
243 In terms of metabolizable energy (protein), fish meal provides somewhat lower energy via protein than corn, or wheat. As an energy source via protein it shows greater availability than alfalfa, soybean meal, and wheat bran or wheat middlings. About 72% of GE in fish meal is available for metabolic use, which is somewhat lower than that for corn (87.9%), but substantially higher than that for alfalfa (44.1%), soybean meal (55.6%), wheat bran (32.4%) or wheat middlings (46.9%).
Fox, J .M., Lawrence, A.L. and Smith, F. 2004. Development of a Low-fish Meal Feed Formulation for Commercial Production of Litopenaeus vannamei. In: Cruz Surez, L.E., Ricque Marie, D., Nieto Lpez, M.G., Villarreal, D., Scholz, U. y Gonzlez, M. 2004. Avances en Nutricin Acucola VII. Memorias del VII SimposiumInternacional de Nutricin Acucola. 16-19 Noviembre, 2004. Hermosillo, Sonora, Mxico
244 Table 6. Vitamin composition comparison, fish meals vs. other meals 1
The dry matter, protein and energy digestibility of menhaden fish meal is compared to that of other meals in Table 8 and shows lower dry matter and protein digestibility by Litopenaeus setiferus than that of wheat gluten, soybean meal or wheat flour. Conversely, the energy it provides to this species is more digestible than that of wheat flour, meat and bone meal or shrimp meal.
Fox, J .M., Lawrence, A.L. and Smith, F. 2004. Development of a Low-fish Meal Feed Formulation for Commercial Production of Litopenaeus vannamei. In: Cruz Surez, L.E., Ricque Marie, D., Nieto Lpez, M.G., Villarreal, D., Scholz, U. y Gonzlez, M. 2004. Avances en Nutricin Acucola VII. Memorias del VII SimposiumInternacional de Nutricin Acucola. 16-19 Noviembre, 2004. Hermosillo, Sonora, Mxico
245 Another useful characteristic of fish meal is its relatively high phospholipid content (Hertrampf and Piedad-Pascual, 2000) and the absence of phytate. Phytate or phytic acid is found in high concentration in grain products (e.g., soybean meal) and reduces availability of phosphorus and zinc.
Fishmeal replacement in marine shrimp feeds
The obvious question arises as to why replace fish meal in commercial production feed formulations for marine penaeid shrimp. The following reasons are therefore offered: 1) availability is sometimes irregular due to climate change (e.g., El Nio); 2) protein level, quality and thus, digestibility, among types of fish meal are highly variable; 3) a perception of exploitation of fisheries; 4) because it is commonly adulterated with meat meals (among other things), it has potential to harbor bovine spongiform encephalopathy; 5) it can be contaminated with PCBs, Salmonella sp.; and 6) its cost can fluctuate tremendously (e.g., $600-1,400/MT).
Table 8. Percentage dry matter, protein and energy digestibility of various feed ingredients by Litopenaeus setiferus 1
Ingredient Dry matter Protein Energy menhaden fish meal 57.86 80.81 71.55 Shrimp meal 48.66 75.38 62.23 meat and bone meal 54.09 75.62 67.85 soybean meal 60.26 86.44 72.00 wheat gluten 70.46 90.98 81.17 wheat flour 58.39 82.09 68.97 1 Brunson et al., 1997
Efforts at replacing fish meal with plant and meat meals have met with reasonable success for various marine finfish and are summarized in Table 9 and show various levels of replacement. In one of the more successful studies, an animal meal mix (e.g., Fox, J .M., Lawrence, A.L. and Smith, F. 2004. Development of a Low-fish Meal Feed Formulation for Commercial Production of Litopenaeus vannamei. In: Cruz Surez, L.E., Ricque Marie, D., Nieto Lpez, M.G., Villarreal, D., Scholz, U. y Gonzlez, M. 2004. Avances en Nutricin Acucola VII. Memorias del VII SimposiumInternacional de Nutricin Acucola. 16-19 Noviembre, 2004. Hermosillo, Sonora, Mxico
246 ProPak TM ) was used to replace up to 50% of the fish meal component of feeds offered Sciaenops ocellatus (Meilahn et al., 1996). However, most efforts have focused on the use of soybean meal, lupin or field pea meals.
In terms of marine and freshwater penaeid shrimp, several past and recent studies have evaluated replacement of fish meal with a variety of plant protein meals (Table 10). Most of these studies have involved, as with finfish, the use of soybean meal and have met with variable levels of success. Only one of these studies has indicated potential for 100% replacement and involved use of soybean meal and distillers byproducts included in feeds offered to Macrobrachium rosenbergii (Tidwell et al., 1993).
Recently, other studies (Table 11) have focused on replacement of fish meal in marine and freshwater shrimp feeds through the use of meat byproducts or co-extruded meat byproducts with plant meals (e.g., soybean poultry byproduct meal, egg supplement, flash- dried poultry byproduct meal, meat and bone meal, etc.). In only one of these studies, Samocha et al. (2004), was 100% replacement of fish meal shown.
As shown by the previous, most previous fish meal replacement studies have focused on either on single plant protein replacement or preparation of coextruded specialty meals. These approaches to fish meal replacement could be necessary for small mills, mills lacking advanced formulation technology, or be warranted should a novel ingredient substantially decreases ingredient cost of feeds. Our hypothesis is that a low-fish meal commercial production feed for marine penaeid shrimp is possible using readily available partially- purified ingredients. The objectives of this study were to 1) evaluate modifications in nutrient supplementation/restriction of a basal fish meal replacement formula at the 50% replacement level for L. vannamei and propose a generalized commercial production formula for this species.Methods and Materials
Fox, J .M., Lawrence, A.L. and Smith, F. 2004. Development of a Low-fish Meal Feed Formulation for Commercial Production of Litopenaeus vannamei. In: Cruz Surez, L.E., Ricque Marie, D., Nieto Lpez, M.G., Villarreal, D., Scholz, U. y Gonzlez, M. 2004. Avances en Nutricin Acucola VII. Memorias del VII SimposiumInternacional de Nutricin Acucola. 16-19 Noviembre, 2004. Hermosillo, Sonora, Mxico
247 Table 9. Summary of recent fish meal replacement studies in fin fish Study Replacement Species Kaushik et al., 2004 Plant proteins; decreased FM protein to 2% Dicentrarchus labrax Chou et al., 2004 Soybean meal; replaced 40% of FM protein Rachycentron canadum Williams, 2004 Meat meal, casein were good replacements; soybean and lupin meal, poor Lates calcarifer Glencross et al., 2003 Lupikn kernel meal; 37.5% replacement at expense of FM Oncorhynchus mykiss Borlongan et al., 2003 Feed pea meal; 20% of total protein Chanos chanos Booth et al., 2001 De-hulled field peas; improved digestibility Bidyanus bidyanus Meilahn et al., 1996 ProPak TM (animal meal mix plus crystalline EAA); replaced 50% FM Sciaenops ocellatus
Table 10. Replacement of fish meal in shrimp feeds using plant protein meals
Study Replacement Species Lim and Dominy, 1990 Soybean meal; 40% replacement of anchovy fish, shrimp head and squid meals Litopenaeus vannamei Piedad-Pascual et al., 1990 Soybean meal; 55% inclusion level, low stocking density P. monodon Tidwell et al., 1993 Soybean meal and distillers byproducts; 100% replacement, but at low stocking density Macrobrachium rosenbergii Lim, 1996 Solvent-extracted cottonseed meal L. vannamei Sudaryono, 1999 Various lupin meals P. monodon Eusebio and Coloso, 1998 Cowpea, green mungbean, rice bean, leaf meals L. indicus Penaflorida, 1995 Papaya, camote leaf meal P. monodon
Fox, J .M., Lawrence, A.L. and Smith, F. 2004. Development of a Low-fish Meal Feed Formulation for Commercial Production of Litopenaeus vannamei. In: Cruz Surez, L.E., Ricque Marie, D., Nieto Lpez, M.G., Villarreal, D., Scholz, U. y Gonzlez, M. 2004. Avances en Nutricin Acucola VII. Memorias del VII SimposiumInternacional de Nutricin Acucola. 16-19 Noviembre, 2004. Hermosillo, Sonora, Mxico
248 Table 11. Replacement of fish meal in shrimp feeds using meat byproducts
Study Replacement Species Samocha et al., 2004 Co-extruded soybean poultry byproduct meal and egg supplement; 100% replacement of FM Litopenaeus vannamei Davis and Arnold, 2000 Co-extruded soybean-poultry byproduct meal, flash-dried poultry byproduct meal; 50% replacement of FM L. vannamei Yang et al., 2003 Meat and bone meal, poultry byproduct meal; 50% replacement of FM Macrobrachium nipponense Forster et al., 2003 Meat and bone meal; 25-75% replacement, depending upon source L. vannamei Cruz-Suarez et al., 2001 Canola meal; replaced a portion of FM, soybean meal and wheat L. vannamei Sudaryono et al., 1995 Combination of shrimp head meal and scallop waste gave best results Penaeus monodon
Source of shrimp
Postlarval shrimp (L. vannamei) were purchased from Shrimp Improvement Systems (Plantation Key, FL) and reared in indoor cylindrical tanks connected to a recirculating seawater treatment system at the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station (TAES) Shrimp Mariculture Project (Port Aransas, TX) until achieving an appropriate size for stocking of growth trial tanks.
Experimental design
Four optimization trials were undertaken in which shrimp were offered a basal feed containing 12.5% fish meal: Trial 1 (EAA modification); Trial 2 (fish oil and lecithin modification); Trial 3 (blood meal inclusion level); and Trial 4 (mineral modification). Experimental system and stocking
J uvenile L. vannamei (mean initial weight 0.2-0.5 g) for Trial 1 were stocked into experimental recirculating systems under the following conditions: 32.0 L (0.07 m 2
Fox, J .M., Lawrence, A.L. and Smith, F. 2004. Development of a Low-fish Meal Feed Formulation for Commercial Production of Litopenaeus vannamei. In: Cruz Surez, L.E., Ricque Marie, D., Nieto Lpez, M.G., Villarreal, D., Scholz, U. y Gonzlez, M. 2004. Avances en Nutricin Acucola VII. Memorias del VII SimposiumInternacional de Nutricin Acucola. 16-19 Noviembre, 2004. Hermosillo, Sonora, Mxico
249 bottom area) rectangular tanks; five shrimp/tank; water exchange rate of 1,440% per day. For Trials 2,3 and 4, shrimp of similar size were stocked into similar tanks but at a density of 4 shrimp/tank and with 2,770% daily water exchange. Each experimental feed was offered to shrimp at a ten-fold level of replication (i.e., 10 experimental tanks per dietary treatment).Experimental feeds
A 35% crude protein basal control diet (Table 12) was formulated to contain 12.5% menhaden fish meal and was slightly modified according to the following as-fed criteria. Trial 1 modifications involved manufacture of six experimental feeds: low methionine (0.10%), high methionine (0.50%), low lysine (0.10%), high lysine (0.50%), low arginine (0.10%) and high arginine (0.50%). Trial 2 modifications to the basal diet called for preparation of no-menhaden oil (0.00%) and low-menhaden oil (1.00%) experimental feeds as well as low- (1.00%) and high-lecithin (5.00%) feeds. For Trial 3, blood meal content of the basal control feed was modified into medium- (9.00%) and high-content (12.00%) experimental feeds. Trial 4 modifications involved preparation of the following experimental feeds: no NaCL (0.0%), 2.5% KCl and 4.0% CaHPO 4 .
Dry feed ingredients were first mixed in a vertical V-type mixer followed by addition of water to achieve a wet mash consistency appropriate for subsequent cold extrusion through a 3.0 mm die using a Hobart-200 mixer (Troy, OH) with meat chopper attachment. Extruded feed strands were dried in a forced-air convection oven overnight to achieve a dried moisture content of 10%. Dried feed strands were hand-ground with a mortar and pestle and screened through #10 and #18 sieves to achieve appropriate-sized feed particles.
Fox, J .M., Lawrence, A.L. and Smith, F. 2004. Development of a Low-fish Meal Feed Formulation for Commercial Production of Litopenaeus vannamei. In: Cruz Surez, L.E., Ricque Marie, D., Nieto Lpez, M.G., Villarreal, D., Scholz, U. y Gonzlez, M. 2004. Avances en Nutricin Acucola VII. Memorias del VII SimposiumInternacional de Nutricin Acucola. 16-19 Noviembre, 2004. Hermosillo, Sonora, Mxico
J uvenile L. vannamei were offered feeds on a semi-continuous basis (20 feedings per day) using automated wheel-type feeders. Experimental system water quality was evaluated in terms of temperature, salinity and pH (daily) as well as NH 3 /NH 4 + -N, NO 2 -N and NO 3 -N (Clesceri, et al. 1998). All residual/uneaten feed, molts, feces and dead shrimp were removed from experimental tanks on a daily basis. All experimental trials were terminated after 31-33 days.
Results and Discussion
Periodic determination of water quality factors in experimental systems indicated that at no time could any of the factors be considered outside appropriate ranges for normal growth and survival of L. vannamei.
Fox, J .M., Lawrence, A.L. and Smith, F. 2004. Development of a Low-fish Meal Feed Formulation for Commercial Production of Litopenaeus vannamei. In: Cruz Surez, L.E., Ricque Marie, D., Nieto Lpez, M.G., Villarreal, D., Scholz, U. y Gonzlez, M. 2004. Avances en Nutricin Acucola VII. Memorias del VII SimposiumInternacional de Nutricin Acucola. 16-19 Noviembre, 2004. Hermosillo, Sonora, Mxico
251 Trial 1
Results from Trial 1 are shown in Table 13. No significant difference (P>0.0500) was shown in survival among shrimp fed both control and experimental feeds. Schefes test (Day and Quinn, 1989) indicated that only in the case of shrimp fed the low-methionine diet was instantaneous growth rate (IGR) of shrimp greater than that for shrimp fed the basal control feed (P=0.0340); 7.87 0.25 vs. 7.58 0.22, respectively). This indicates that a reduction of DL-methionine in the basal formulation from 0.3 to 0.1% could improve growth and reduce overall feed cost in commercial formulations. Supplementation of DL- methionine at >0.88% in research feeds offered to Penaeus monodon resulted in reduced weight gain (Millamena et al., 1996). Results from Trial 1 also suggested that inclusion of L-lysine HCl and L-arginine at levels at least as low or lower than of the basal formulation could be possible.
Table 13. Survival and growth (IGR) 1 of juvenile L. vannamei offered feeds containing various levels of crystalline amino acids Dietary treatment Mean survival (%) Mean IGR (SD) 2
Basal feed 98 a 7.58 (0.22) b
Low methionine (0.10%) 98 a 7.87 (0.25) a
High methionine (0.50%) 98 a 7.66 (0.24) b Low lysine (0.10%) 98 a 7.72 (0.24) b High lysine (0.50%) 92 a 7.78 (0.18) b Low arginine (0.10%) 100 a 7.69 (0.19) b High arginine (0.50%) 100 a 7.94 (0.52) b 1 Instantaneous growth rate (IGR) is defined as the natural log of the square root of the difference in initial vs. final mean weight of shrimp divided by length in days of the trial. 2 Means having similar superscripts are not significantly different at P=0.0500.
Trial 2
Results from Trial 2 are shown in Table 14. There was no significant difference in survival or IGR between shrimp offered the basal feed and any of the experimental feeds (P>0.0500). An indication that menhaden oil (basal formulation level 1.90%) could be reduced or removed from the basal feed formulation was presented. This is probably due to non-limiting availability of n-3 HUFA from other sources in the feed (e.g., crab meal, fish Fox, J .M., Lawrence, A.L. and Smith, F. 2004. Development of a Low-fish Meal Feed Formulation for Commercial Production of Litopenaeus vannamei. In: Cruz Surez, L.E., Ricque Marie, D., Nieto Lpez, M.G., Villarreal, D., Scholz, U. y Gonzlez, M. 2004. Avances en Nutricin Acucola VII. Memorias del VII SimposiumInternacional de Nutricin Acucola. 16-19 Noviembre, 2004. Hermosillo, Sonora, Mxico
252 meal, fish solubles, etc.). It is likely that a lower level of lecithin supplementation is (from 3 to 1%) is also recommended, although numerically lower growth was shrimp fed the low lecithin feed. Improved growth was shown by Gong et al. (2002) for juvenile L. vannamei offered feeds containing 0.2 and 1.5% cholestrol and lecithin, respectively, vs. 3% lecithin.
Trial 3
Results from Trial 3 are shown in Table 15. There was no significant difference in survival or IGR between shrimp offered the basal feed and any of the experimental feeds (P>0.0500). However, both survival and IGR were numerically lower for shrimp fed the high blood meal feed (12%). This suggests that, for the basal formulation, supplementation with blood meal above the basal (6%) level could be harmful to shrimp. Replacement of FM by blood meal in excess of 10% decreased growth in L. paulensis and L. californiensis (Hertrampf and Piedad-Pascual, 2000). Also, as previously mentioned, several countries have forbidden use of blood meal in terrestrial feeds (especially those fed to ruminants) due to potential for transmission of BSE.
Table 14. Survival and growth (IGR) 1 of juvenile L. vannamei offered feeds containing various levels of fish oil and lecithin
Dietary treatment Mean survival (%) Mean IGR (SD) 2
Basal feed (1.90% menhaden oil and 3.00% lecithin) 93.75 a 8.14 (0.22) a
No-oil (0.00%) 97.91 a 7.88 (0.25) a
Low oil (1.00%) 95.83 a 8.28 (0.24) a Low lecithin (1.00%) 85.41 a 7.57 (0.24) a High lecithin (5.00%) 91.66 a 8.02 (0.18) a 1 Instantaneous growth rate (IGR) is defined as the natural log of the square root of the difference in initial vs. final mean weight of shrimp divided by length in days of the trial. 2 Means having similar superscripts are not significantly different at P=0.0500.
Table 15. Survival and growth (IGR) 1 of juvenile L. vannamei offered feeds containing various levels of blood meal Dietary treatment Mean survival (%) Mean IGR (SD) 2
Basal feed (6% blood meal) 87.50 a 9.56 (0.72) a
Med blood meal (9%) 87.50 a 9.67 (0.91) a
High blood meal (12%) 79.16 a 9.14 (1.02) a Fox, J .M., Lawrence, A.L. and Smith, F. 2004. Development of a Low-fish Meal Feed Formulation for Commercial Production of Litopenaeus vannamei. In: Cruz Surez, L.E., Ricque Marie, D., Nieto Lpez, M.G., Villarreal, D., Scholz, U. y Gonzlez, M. 2004. Avances en Nutricin Acucola VII. Memorias del VII SimposiumInternacional de Nutricin Acucola. 16-19 Noviembre, 2004. Hermosillo, Sonora, Mxico
253 1 Instantaneous growth rate (IGR) is defined as the natural log of the square root of the difference in initial vs. final mean weight of shrimp divided by length in days of the trial. 2 Means having similar superscripts are not significantly different at P=0.0500.
Table 16. Survival and growth (IGR) 1 of juvenile L. vannamei offered feeds containing various levels of minerals Dietary treatment Mean survival (%) Mean IGR (SD) 2
2.5% KCl 83.33 9.22 (0.79) b 4.0% CaHPO 4 93.75 9.57 (0.53) a 1 Instantaneous growth rate (IGR) is defined as the natural log of the square root of the difference in initial vs. final mean weight of shrimp divided by length in days of the trial. 2 Means having similar superscripts are not significantly different at P=0.0500.
Trial 4
Results from Trial 4 are shown in Table 16. Although there was no significant difference in survival between shrimp offered the basal feed and any of the experimental feeds (P>0.0500), a significant effect on IGR was shown by level of NaCl and KCl supplementation. Reducing NaCl to 0.00% and increasing KCl to 2.5% significantly decreased IGR of shrimp relative to those offered the basal feed. Dietary deficiencies of Na and Cl have not been demonstrated in marine shrimp or fish (NRC, 1993); however, these minerals could be required in grow-out feeds for low-salinity culture conditions. No dietary requirement for K has been shown (He et al., 1992), despite a normal formulation inclusion level is 0.9%. Increasing dietary CaHPO 4 from 3 to 4% did not increase IGR. This could have been due to reduced digestibility at basic gut pH (Guillaume et al., 2001).
Conclusions from feeding trials
The previous feeding trials indicated that the base low fish meal feed (Table 12) could be improved by decreasing concentration of DL-methione and that L-lysine HCl and L- arginine content could also be reduced. Trial 2 showed that the basal low fish meal formulation probably does not require addition of menhaden oil and that lecithin to level could be reduced to 1%, albeit probably not without supplementation of dietary cholestrol. There was no need to increase blood meal above 6%, although investigation into a lower Fox, J .M., Lawrence, A.L. and Smith, F. 2004. Development of a Low-fish Meal Feed Formulation for Commercial Production of Litopenaeus vannamei. In: Cruz Surez, L.E., Ricque Marie, D., Nieto Lpez, M.G., Villarreal, D., Scholz, U. y Gonzlez, M. 2004. Avances en Nutricin Acucola VII. Memorias del VII SimposiumInternacional de Nutricin Acucola. 16-19 Noviembre, 2004. Hermosillo, Sonora, Mxico
254 dietary inclusion level is warranted. No real change in mineral salt content of the low fish meal basal feed was warranted.
Low- vs. High-Marine Animal Meal Formulation
Based upon the results of Trials 1-4, a low-marine animal meal feed is shown in Tables 17 (ingredient composition) and 18 (proximate analysis). A complete formulation is not provided due to the proprietary nature of the formulation. It should be noted that the proximate analysis, Ca and P content of this feed formulation, when compared to that of a high-marine animal meal commercial feed are similar. A slightly higher level of fiber is shown in the low-marine animal meal formulation, largely due to higher inclusion level of plant meals. Major differences in ingredients between the low- and high-marine meal formulations are as follows: decreased inclusion of marine animal meals (15.0 vs .25.0%), increased level of plant protein meals (66.0 vs. 60.2%), slightly higher overall inclusion of oils (e.g., reduction in fish oil, but higher soybean and corn oil; 8.2 vs. 7.2%), increased minerals (e.g., CaCO 3 , CaHPO 4 , NaCl, KCl and MgO; 9.8 vs. 6.6%). A similar levels of vitamin/mineral premix and binder (0.5% for both) are proposed.
Table 17. Generalized feed formulation for a low-marine animal meal feed for marine penaeid shrimp 1
Table 18. Proximate analysis, Ca and P composition of a low-marine animal meal commercial feed formulation for marine penaeid shrimp 1
Nutrient Low-marine animal meal feed High-marine animal meal feed Crude protein 35.0 35.0 Crude fat 9.0 9.0 Total ash 16.0 16.0 Crude fiber 2.9 2.5 Fox, J .M., Lawrence, A.L. and Smith, F. 2004. Development of a Low-fish Meal Feed Formulation for Commercial Production of Litopenaeus vannamei. In: Cruz Surez, L.E., Ricque Marie, D., Nieto Lpez, M.G., Villarreal, D., Scholz, U. y Gonzlez, M. 2004. Avances en Nutricin Acucola VII. Memorias del VII SimposiumInternacional de Nutricin Acucola. 16-19 Noviembre, 2004. Hermosillo, Sonora, Mxico
255 Ca 2.4 2.4 P 1.5 1.5 Carbohydrate-calculated 25.2 25.2 1 percentage, as-fed
Future research obviously requires commercial verification of the low fish meal//marine animal meal-based feed under controlled conditions and in conjunction with a standard commercial marine penaeid shrimp production feed.
The authors would like to acknowledge support from the following institutions for their assistance during the course of these studies: the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi, the USDA Marine Shrimp Farming Program and USDA-CSREES. CSREES
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