This document provides specifications, applications, hazard classification, packaging, transport, storage, and safety measures for sodium hydroxide solution. It specifies test methods and limits for total alkali content, sodium carbonate content, iron content, and chloride content for membrane and mercury grades. Sodium hydroxide solution is mainly used in chemical, paper, cellulose, fiber, aluminum, soap, and food industries. It is classified as corrosive and transported in steel or plastic tanks. Sodium hydroxide requires proper storage in lined steel tanks and protective equipment when handling due to its corrosive properties.
This document provides specifications, applications, hazard classification, packaging, transport, storage, and safety measures for sodium hydroxide solution. It specifies test methods and limits for total alkali content, sodium carbonate content, iron content, and chloride content for membrane and mercury grades. Sodium hydroxide solution is mainly used in chemical, paper, cellulose, fiber, aluminum, soap, and food industries. It is classified as corrosive and transported in steel or plastic tanks. Sodium hydroxide requires proper storage in lined steel tanks and protective equipment when handling due to its corrosive properties.
This document provides specifications, applications, hazard classification, packaging, transport, storage, and safety measures for sodium hydroxide solution. It specifies test methods and limits for total alkali content, sodium carbonate content, iron content, and chloride content for membrane and mercury grades. Sodium hydroxide solution is mainly used in chemical, paper, cellulose, fiber, aluminum, soap, and food industries. It is classified as corrosive and transported in steel or plastic tanks. Sodium hydroxide requires proper storage in lined steel tanks and protective equipment when handling due to its corrosive properties.
This document provides specifications, applications, hazard classification, packaging, transport, storage, and safety measures for sodium hydroxide solution. It specifies test methods and limits for total alkali content, sodium carbonate content, iron content, and chloride content for membrane and mercury grades. Sodium hydroxide solution is mainly used in chemical, paper, cellulose, fiber, aluminum, soap, and food industries. It is classified as corrosive and transported in steel or plastic tanks. Sodium hydroxide requires proper storage in lined steel tanks and protective equipment when handling due to its corrosive properties.
Tested properties Membrane grade Mercury grade Test method
Total alkali content expressed as NaOH min. 48.0 m/m % 48.0 m/m % MSZ 16972:1981 (ISO 979:1974) Na 2 CO 3 content max. 0.3 m/m % 0.3 m/m % MSZ 16972:1981 Iron content expressed as Fe 2 O 3 max. 10 mg/kg 10 mg/kg MFF-243* (ISO 983:1974) Chloride content expressed as NaCl max. 100 mg/kg 100 mg/kg ISO 981:1973 Mercury content max. - 0.1 mg/kg MFF-268* * BorsodChem own method SODIUM HYDROXIDE SOLUTION APPLICATION AREAS Sodium hydroxide solution is used in the largest quantity by the organic- and inorganic chemical industries. Large consumers are the paper and cellulose industry, synthetic bres and viscose-, aluminium industry. Additional signicant consumers are soap and detergent production, glass and food industries. It is used for water and waste water treatment and has numerous other uses in addition to the above. HAZARD CLASSIFICATION According to ADR and RID sodium hydroxide is classied in Class 8 (corrosive substance) on the basis of its main hazardous properties. All further measures to be taken related to transportation can be determined in the knowledge of its hazard classication. PACKAGING AND TRANSPORT Sodium hydroxide is delivered in steel, alloyed steel (acid-proof steel) or rubber-lined steel tankers or in 1 m 3 plastic tanks, which are appropriate from the aspect of corrosion protection. The majority of tankers are equipped with internal heating coil connected to steam supply. By road and rail it is delivered in packaging devices complying with ADR and RID regulations. STORAGE It can be stored in steel tanks (max. up to 55 o C). In order to prevent corrosion and contamination with iron a lined steel tank or alloyed steel, nickel or nickel alloy tank shall be applied. To avoid freezing of the caustic soda solution, the storage tanks and pipes shall be equipped with a heating device. It can be stored for an indenite time under suitable conditions. No expiry date in properly closed container or storage tank. SAFETY MEASURES The caustic soda may cause serious deep injures in case of contact with skin or any other body parts. It is a highly corrosive product even in its highly-diluted solutions. In case of eye contact a small quantity can cause damage to the eye and blindness in serious cases. During handling it is absolutely essential to wear proper protective clothing, rubber gloves, laboratory mask or safety goggles. Issue 01 November 2010 1/2 Chemical formula: NaOH+H 2 O Other name of material: Lye, caustic soda water solution Molecular mass: 40 Hazard identication number: 80 U.N. number: 1824 Appearance: Colourless, odourless liquid free of sediments TECHNICAL DATA SHEET (TDS) This information is based on our most recent knowledge. However, the application and processing of the material after sale is beyond our control and we cannot assume responsibility for use of this material outside BorsodChem premises. The user is obliged to check the suitability of this material for the intended use and accepts sole responsibility for compliance with any legal requirements relating to its use. This document does not constitute a warranty or guarantee. 2/2 Manufactured by: BorsodChem Zrt. Bolyai tr 1., H-3700 Kazincbarcika Hungary Phone: +36-48/511-211 Fax: +36-48/511-511 Version: English Issue: 01 Date: November 2010 Technical Data Sheet Sodium hydroxide solution Issue 01 November 2010 Marketing Manager H-1054 Budapest, Szabadsg tr 7. Phone: +36-1 354 4403 Fax: +36-1 354 4436 E-mail: [email protected] PVC Manufacturing H-3700 Kazincbarcika, Bolyai tr 1, Phone: +36-48 511 005 Fax: +36-48 511 594, +36-48 312 431 E-mail: [email protected] SODIUM HYDROXIDE SOLUTION TECHNICAL DATA SHEET (TDS)
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