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Design Current Controller 3-Phase Converter Unbalanced Input Voltage

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Design of Current Controller for 3-Phase PWM Converter

with Unbalanced Input Voltage

H. S. Kim H. S. Mok G. H. Choe D. S. Hyun* S. Y. Choe**
Dept. of Elec. Eng., Kon-Kuk University, Korea
* Dept. of Elec. Eng., Hanyang University, Korea
** Hyundai Heavy Industries Co., Ltd, Korea
Abstract Generally curren f con froJJer of 3-phase PWM
converter has been implemen fed in fhe synchronous frame
because fhe synchronous frame con froler can efimina fe
sfeady sfafe error and has fasf transienf response by
decoupling con fro/. However mosf of such con fmlJers have
been designed under balanced inpu f volfage. Therefore
such designed curren f con froJJers showed undesirabJe
currenf confro1 characferistics under unbaJanced
condifion because current reference is disforted by fhe
second order harmonic voJfage due fo negafive sequence.
In fhis paper current confroJJer for PWM converter
considering unbalanced inpu f voJfage is designed and
venfied by simula fion and exprimen f.
1. Introduction
AC/DC conversion equipment which converter AC input
to DC output is widely used in variable speed motor drive,
battery charger, and welding machine etc. Mainly low cost
equipments such as diode rectifier or phase controlled
rectifier have been used as AC/DC converter. However
recently in sideof the quality of utility, the effective useof
energy and stable power supply, PWM converter causes
many researchers to give much their attention[l-4].
In order to satisfy above mentioned factors, PWM
converter is required to have two functions of DC link
voltage regulation and current control which make
sinusoidal input current in phase with source voltage.
Especially the performance of converter is much affected
by current controller. Most generally used current
controllers are PI and predictive controller designed on
synchronous frame. Synchronous frame decoupling
controller which can eliminate steady state error because
electrical quqntuty is represented as DC quantity[2-4].
Generally these current controllers have been designed
under the assumption which input voltage is balanced.
Therefore these controllers show undesirable current
control characteristics under unbalanced condition
because current reference is distortred by the second
harmonic voltage due to negative sequence. Consequently
in order to improve this drawback of conventional ones,
systemcontrolled by positive sequence is proposed and
linear control region is analyzed. And then validity of the
proposed controller is verified by simulation and
2. Mathematical model of PWM converter
Thepower circuit of PWM converter is shown in Q. 1.
KVL equations of source side for three phase are obtained
where P is differential opecator.
=l e a eb e c /
iabc = i s c l
'DEFo =['Do 'Eo ' F o l
KCL equation of DC link past can bewritten as
( 2)
c L = i . - i
2 L'
Power balance equation between switching circuit of
converter input and output is
vDoia +vEoib +vFoic =Vcii .
Fig. 1 3-phase of PWM converter.
Provided that electrical quamties such as voltage or current
expressed as xa, xb, xc consist of positive sequence,
negative sequence and zero sequence as following:
r i r 1
[ ' : I =
* , \
xa, xb, xc can be transformed into synchronous d-q axes
representation as (6) usiqg (5). one can know from(6)
that positive sequence is expressed as DC component, on
the other hand negative sequence as second harmonic
r 1
L 2 2 J
0-7803-4489-8/98/$10.00 0 1998 IEEE
X& =xmP cosa P
x : ~ =-xmP s i na
x;, =x,, cosan
x:, =x,, si na,
And also electrical quantity described on synchronous
frame of (6) is transformed by ( 7) into a-b-c axes
representation as (8).
( 7)
X e 9dn =[xi, xi,]
Using (8) as notation of three phase voltage and current of
(I ), obtained is model of systemwith unbalanced input
voltage as foIlowing equation^.
r R
I - - - -0
. (9)
Andthen following power balance equation is obtained by
(3) and (8).
Therefore systemblock diagramis described as fig. 2 by
(2) , (9), (I 0) under unbalanced input voltage source.
V i
Fig. 2 Block diagramof PWM conver
S. Conventional control scheme
(I ) Control scheme
Generally PWM converter's controller have been designed
under balanced input voltage source. Under balanced
condition converter's model is as follows [3]:
3 e . e e e
-(Vdid +v 9 i q ) =v c i . I '
Synchronous frame current controller using PI controller
have been designed as follows:
(1 3)
By substituting (13),(14) into (11) instead of
transfer function of each axis current controller can be
obtained as following equations under the assumption that
PWM modulation is ideal.
I," It ; k pS +k I
e' - e* = 2
I9 I d LS + ( R t k p ) S t k i
Therefore propotional and integral gain of current
controller are determined by pole placement design
according to natural frequency and damping ratio as
follows 151:
kp =~<w, L - R
(1 7) k I =w, L ,
where U, is natural angular frequency,
In order to operate systemin unity power factor, each axis
current reference was obtained as followinn eauation.
and 6 is damping ratio.
In above equation, (2 represents reactive power and p ~ n is
active power which coincide with load power if neglecting
converter's loss. And then the active power 'rn which is
supplied fromutility is obtained by DC voltage controller
as follows:
4, =?ipv(Vc - Vc ) t kivl(Vc - Vc )dt t Vc. i L
* *
And gains of voltage controller are desined as follows:
( 2) can be rewritten as
c-vc =(Pi, - P,)P,,
where p =1 / vC, 4, =vcii , pL =Vc i L.
In above equation, power gain P can be linearized about
nominal operating point using taylor series as follows:
:r on synchronous
- 1 1 *
Pg =7+--(VC - vc ),
vc vc
where vc is nominal operating point.
Thesecond termof right one of ( 2 1) can be negligible if
the variation y, - yc* is very small. Andthen assuming that
current controller is very faster than voltage control loop,
voltage control block diagramcan be approximated as
following figure.
Fig.3 Approximated voltage control block diagram.
Transfer function of voltage controller is described as the
following equation:
- -
- -
y p v P / I V
s t-s+-
Therefore controller gains are designed as follows[5]:
where is natural angular frequency of voltage
and 5 , , damping ratio of voltage controller.
AndFig. 4 shows conventional control block diagram.
Fig.4block diagramof conventional control system.
( 2) problemof conventional controller
Negativesequence appearing at utility, each ax i s current
reference obtained as (18) is as fol1ows:From above
equation one can knows that current references are
distorted by the second harmonic component due to
negative sequence. Consequently this negative sequence
effect to current references make input current to be
distorted. Therefore generation of current references is
very important to make current sinusoidal.
(ee ce" m) - ee sudl ut )l ~*
4. Proposed control scheme
When input voltage is unbdanced, reactive power(Q), and
active power( 4 n ) are des'cribed as (24), (25). Fromthese
equation both active power and reactive power are
composed of DC component and 120[Hz] components.
Consequently current references for ideal current control
should be obtained to mak:eall ones of reactive power and
ripple components of active power.
Sn =- [ e e 3 i e e .e e .e e .e
qp qp +edp'dp +eqn'qn +edn'dn)
e , e e . e e e e e
eqnrqp +ednidp +eqpiqn +edpidn]
e e
edpiqp +eqpidp + e e
qn'dn - edniqn ]
+- cos2wt {ei ni i p 3 - ednrqp e .e - edpiqn e .e +eqpidn} e .e
Q = - { - e ' e e e
( 25)
However in order to obtain such ideal current references
veiy complex computation steps are needed. And also
references obtained by such steps need very complex
computations. Therefore Proposed is current controller
which control negative sequence current component to be
zero in this paper. So rippllepower due to multiplication of
negative sequence current and positive sequence voltage. If
negative sequence current would be zero, positive
seauence current referencles were obtained as follows:
Sn is DC componebt of input power( Pin ).
AndCurrent controller for positive sequence current is as
e* k~ ,e* e e e
vqp =- ( kp +-)(rqp - i ) - wLid +e
e* k~ .e* e e e
Vdp =- ( kp +-)(Idp - i d ) +OIL1
In order to construct current controller as above
input voltage is needed. It can be observed that negative
voltage is tranformed into the second harmonic
component on synchronous frame. And hence positive
menGoned, decompos;Gon of symmetrical component ol
sequence can be detected using band pass filter with center
frequency of 120[Hzl as Fig.5 And negative sequence is
calculated as follows:
= e a - e p a
p b
P' (29)
e n b = e b - e
e , , = e c - e
0 - - 0 0
0 0 - - 0
L ,
0 0 o - -
Fig. 5 Block diagramfor detecting positive sequence,
Block hagram of proposed controller is described in fig. 6.
In order to make negative current to be zero, detected
negative sequence of input voltage is added to positive
sequence controlled voltage of converter as Figure. Space
vector modulation method was used as modulation
method[6] in fig. 6.
S.C.D : sequencecomponent
C.C. : Current controller
Fig. 6 Overall block diagramconsidering phase unbalance.
5. Linear control condition of proposed current
Three phase input voltage and switching function are
as follows:
ea =E cosot +E cos(wt +a )
mP mn n
eb =E cos(wt - 120) +E cos(wt +120 + a )
mP mn n
e, =E cos(ot +120) +E cos(wt - 120 +a )
mP mn n
dl =M cos(wt +4 ) +M cos(wt +(6 )
P P n n
d2 =M cos(wt - 120 +4 ) +M cos(wt +120 +4 )
P P n n
P P n n
d3 M COS( O~ +120 +4 ) +M cos(wt - 120 +4 )
Converter output voltages are as follows:
v = V d l v = V d 2 v = V d 3 (32)
Input voltage and converter out voltage are described
using ( 5) on synchronous frame as follows:
Do c Eo c Fo c
e e
e = O e = E
4P mP dP
ee = E eosa ee =E si na (34)
v e = V M cos4 y e =- v M sin4 (35)
qn mn n dn mn n
4P C P P dP C P P
ve = V M cos4 ve =- v M si n4 (36)
Steady state equation of (9) neglecting resistance is
written as
qn e n n dn e n n
[ ~ = ~ - ~ 0 0 : 0 0 I]
0 0 - 0 0
- ' - 0 0 0 1
e e
In order to satisfy unity power factor operation condition
and to make negative sequence current zero, positive
sequence d-q axes current references and negative
sequence converter vortages are obtained using (26) and
(33) as follows:
. e
7 idp =0
2 5 n
l e = - ~
qp 3 ee
e e (39)
e e
qn 4n dn dn
, v = e v = e
And positive converter voltage to satisfy (38) using (261,
(38) are written as
e e e
2 wLTn
(40) v4p =eqP vdp =
Amplitude of switchmg function on d-q axes can be
obtained using (5) and (31). And maximumamplitude on
d-q axes of switching functions is as follows:
M = M + M
mm p n
And then M~~ must satisfy following condtion because
this maximum value must be smaller than linear
modulation index K which is depent of modulation
M p +Mn s K
Obtaining M by (351, (40) and M~ by (361, (39) and
substituting found ones into (42), (45) is obtained.
Accordingly DC voltage must satisfy (45) for current
controller to operate in linear operating region. Critical
voltage according to load condition at which linear control
condition is satisfied is obtained by equality condiyion of
(4 5).
Input voltage
DC link capacitance
load resistance
DC voltage
e, =&.62.cos(wt)
eb =&.lO7cos(wt - 120)
ec =&.107cos(wt - 240)
( E =I33 V, E =21 v )
mP mn
2.9 [mHl
2200[ p Fl
(in caseof space vector modulation K =1 I A
Substituting following equation instead of ;iii, of (45),
critical voltage can be found in case of abovesimulation
condition as Fig. 7.
- *2
en =Vc / R L '
where vc* is Nominal operating DC voltage.
l i near
operating m.6
2 U l 2 f i u 2 8 0 3 m ~ 3 r 1 0
operati ng DC w1.M
Fig. 7 Critical voltage according to operating DC voltage.
FromFig. 7, it can be observed that in case of which DC
voltage would be lower than about 26O[V], current
controller could not show satisfactory characteristics.
Fg. 8 shows waveformof unbalanced input voltage in
simulation condition. Fig. 9(a) is current waveform
controlled by synchronous, frame PI controller and Fig.
9(b) by proposed controller when DC voltage is 34O[V] -
point @ of Fig. 7. These figures show that current
controlled by proposed one: is nearly sinusoidal waveform
compared to distorted current waveformcontrolled by
synchronous frame PI controller. Fig. 10 shows each
current waveformcontrolled by two controller when DC
voltage is 26O[V] -point 03 which is critical voltage for
linear control. In case of DC voltage Z5O[V]- point 0,
current waveforms are shown at Fig. 11. FromFig. 10 and
Fig. 11, proposed controller can control current nearly
sinusoidal as Fig. lo&) until DC voltage is decreased down
to 26O[V] of critical DC voltage. On the other hand it is
shown that current controller can't control current
sinusoidaly as Fig.ll(b) :in DC voltage below critical
voltage. From above results DC voltage should be
determined to satisfy (45:) for smooth current control.
Transient characteristics fo:r abrupt load variation fromno
load to 2[kW] and from2[lkW] to no load is shown in Fig.
12 when DC voltage is 34O[Vl. For load current(iL)
variation, about 5[Vl overshoot and undershoot appears
and settling timeis about O.Z[secl.
7. Experiment
Experimental condition is the same as simulation one of
Table1. In experiment unb,alanced input voltage was made
by unbalanced transformer connection as Fig. 13.
TMS32OC31 was used for controller and dead time was
4[ p SI. Switching pattern and dead time was made by
EPLD(Erasab1eprogramlo& device) -EPM5 128, AlteraCo.
Swithing circuit cosist of IGBT which is product of
Semikron Co.
v, Vabf 3.4 5
Fig. 13 A-Y transformer connection
for unbalance 3CD source.
Fig. 14 is input voltage waveformwhich is secondary side
voltage of transformer of Fig, 13. Fig. 15 is experimental
current waveformcontrolled by synchronous frame PI
controller and proposed controller when DC voltage is
34O[V]. These figures show that current controlled by
proposed one is nearly sinusoidal waveformcompared to
distorted waveformcontrollled by conventional one.
Current waveforms when operating DC voltage is 26O[V]
are shown in Fig. 16. Resiults similar with simulation are
shown in figure. Current waveforms of systemoperated at
DC violtage 25O[V] are shown in Fig. 17. FromFig. 17(b),
proposed controller shows unsatisfactory results too.
Waveforms of Fig 18 show systemtransient characteristics
when load was changed abruptly fromno load to 2[kWl
and from2[kW] to no load. About 4[Vl overshoot and
undershoot appear and transient time of DC voltage is
0.2[msl in Fg. 18.
c) RI
I 1
IU..fl"dJ 0 42D a420 IJ .450 n.*m D.4W t [Sms(div]
Fig. 8 Simulated unbalanced input voltage. Fig. 14 Experimental unbalanced input voltage.
D 0
'3J.4RJ o,*rn o.*m n,m a.+% 8*+X
(a) synchronous frame PI controller
(a) synchronous frame PI controller
20 I isa isb i c r I 1
s.+m n.430 atso fl.435 i 4 a 8.*f
@I ) proposed current controller
Fig. 9 Simulated current waveforms for each current
controller in DC voltage above cribcal voltage.
(b) proposed current controller
Fig. 15 Experimental current waveforms for each current
controller in DC voltage above critical voltage.
i sa i b i sc
"I I I I I
';tal.* 0 438 i +zo 8.430 o.r40 : 35c
(a) synchronous frame PI controller
r. I I I I J
"U.4DIl as93I1 a.(m &-ea 33.J-Q 0.4
(b) proposed current controller
Rg. IO Simulated current waveforms for each current
controller in critical voltage for linear operating.
i sa isb i sc +
-20 I I I
(a) synchronous frame PI controller
<"I /sa isb isc I.
@) proposed current controller
Fig. 16 Experimental current waveforms for each current
controller in critical voltage for linear operating.
' rOb.400 0. 410 0.420, 0,430 0.440 d.45C
(a) synchronous frame PI controller
a- . .
' 0.400 0. 410 0.4?07 0, 430 0. 440 d.45C
(b) proposed current controller
Fig. 11 Simulated current waveforms for each current
controller under critical voltage.
Fig. 12 Simulated transient response characteristics
for load variation (no load 4 2 [kW] -+no load).
8. Conclusion
New current controller is proposed for system with
unbalanced input voltage. And linear control region is
analyzed. Fromthe computed results and experimental
results proposed controller have shown good current
control characteristics for unbalanced input voltage in
linear control region.And stable operating characteristics
in transient test in accordance with load variation was
Effect due to negative sequence voltage for DC voltage was
not refered in this paper. Fromthe power balance equation
in mathmatical model of PWM converter wecan predict
120[Hz] ripple voltage appearing DC voltage. Accorchgly
as future study careful analysis of DC link voltage will be
And then control metod to satisfy all of two factors -
current control characteristics and DC voltage ripple
minimization must be developed.
I 1 1
-20 I L I
(a) synchronous frame PI controller
isa i sb i sc
2 0 1 1 1
(b) proposed cwrrent controller
Fig. 17 Experimental currenit waveforms for each current
controller under criiical voltage.
VC 340 \
'L 0
17 I
-12 I I I
tpI.1 sldv]
Fig. 18 Transient characteristics for load variation
(no load -*2[kW] -+no load).
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