Physiology and Our Health Work

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Vernon Sparks M.D.

Copyright © 2009

Vernon Sparks


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(Physiology and the Three Angels’ Messages)

N the earth made new the eternal physical, mental and spiri-
tual health of the saints will be maintained not by a moment-
by-moment supernatural corrective or preventative interven-
tion by the Creator. Their eternal health and well being will be the
natural outworking of the saints’ complete obedience to the
Creator’s laws reigning in their bodies and environment. God is
committed to the task of bringing together out of every nation,
kindred, tongue and people a final generation who are willing to
obey and through submission to the Holy Spirit are able to begin
living that life here and now.
To call out such a body of believers God has committed to His
final church a body of truth encompassing all aspects of man’s
existence. The Creator has entrusted us with a knowledge of the
everlasting gospel of the eternal principles of physical, mental, and
spiritual health. With this fountain-of-youth body of truth God
has promised the here- and-now enabling power of the Holy Spirit.
But fallen Lucifer has indeed come down as a roaring lion. He
has devised and promulgated a seemingly endless variety of false-
hoods which has made it humanly impossible to determine truth
from error. For every divine principal of truth in the physical, men-
tal, and spiritual realms Satan has broadcast a field full of tares.
Only through the utilization of yard sticks of truth provided by
God will we be able to determine divine principles from falsehood.
This standard is just as essential in determining the divine truths
regarding physical health as it is in determining truth in regards to
our eternal mental and spiritual health. The world is full of differ-
ing voices in the field of health. One claims, “I have truth” while
dozens of others re-echo, “No, here is truth.”

4 Physiology and Our Health Work
Satan is causing every wind of doctrine to blow in the field of
health just as surely as he is the cause of the humanly insurmount-
able confusion in the spiritual world. If by roaring the lion cannot
panic and separate us in our religious beliefs, he is determined to
divide and conquer us in our understandings of truth in regard to
our health practices and preaching.
But God has not left us to be tossed to and fro and carried
about by every wind of doctrine. Eph. 4:14. By His spoken Word
in the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy and through the revealed
laws reigning in His created handiwork, God has given us yard-
sticks by which to determine the principles of health in this life
and in the life to come. The task of the Comforter to guide us into
all truth through the still small voice saying, “Here is the way walk
ye in it” will be recognized and confirmed by its harmony with the
Law, the Testimonies, and the principles of physiology as found in
nature. God requires His children “to obey natural law, to preserve
physical health. Nature’s path is the road He marks out, and it is
broad enough for any Christian.” “He has graciously made the path
of nature sure and safe, wide enough for all who walk in it.” Testi-
monies, vol. 3, 63; Counsels on Diet and Foods, 39
For the benefit of this final generation God has permitted great
light to shine forth regarding His laws governing physical as well as
spiritual health. “God has permitted a flood of light to be poured
upon the world in both science and art.” Patriarchs and Prophets, 113
In harmony with God’s will this generation has experienced a
veritable explosion in understanding of human anatomy and physi-
ology. Textbooks in physiology including the subjects of organ and
tissue functions in healthy and also diseased states have had to be
re-written every few years. The more science has discovered how
the human body functions, the more it has come into harmony
with the principles of healthful living as given in the Bible and the
Spirit of Prophecy. Although the human discoveries in the field of
physiology are incomplete and must always be tested by the Law
and the Testimonies, they are another yardstick for determining
Physiology and Our Health Work 5
One of the purposes for increased knowledge in physiology is
that man might confess and forsake sin. “It should be made plain
that the violation of God’s law, either natural or spiritual, is sin and
that in order . . . to receive His blessing, sin must be confessed and
forsaken.” The Ministry of Healing, 228
Sin includes disobedience to physiological law as well as to any
other of God’s laws.
“The laws that govern our physical organism, God has written
upon every nerve, muscle, and fiber of the body. Every careless or
willful violation of these laws is a sin against our Creator.” Educa-
tion, 196–197
We are given much counsel regarding the importance of know-
ing and living in harmony with the laws of physiology:
“Children should be early taught, in simple, easy lessons, the
rudiments of physiology and hygiene. The work should be begun
by the mother in the home and should be faithfully carried forward
in the school. As the pupils advance in years, instruction in this
line should be continued until they are qualified to care for the
house they live in.” Ibid., 196
“Every school should give instruction in both physiology and
hygiene, and, so far as possible, should be provided with facilities
for illustrating the structure, use, and care of the body. . . . As the
foundation principle of all education in these lines, the youth should
be taught that the laws of nature are the laws of God—as truly
divine as are the precepts of the Decalogue.” Ibid.
Education in physiology should begin at the first dawn of rea-
son. “Parents should seek to awaken in their children an interest in
the study of physiology. From the first dawn of reason the human
mind should become intelligent in regard to the physical structure.
We may behold and admire the work of God in the natural world,
but the human habitation is the most wonderful. It is therefore of
the highest importance that among the studies selected for chil-
dren, physiology occupy an important place. All children should
study it. And then parents should see to it that practical hygiene is
added.” Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students, 125
6 Physiology and Our Health Work
Children should be taught that physical health is dependent
upon obedience to the laws of physiology and is pleasing to God.
“Our children should be instructed that they may be intelligent in
regard to their own physical organism. They can at an early age, by
patient instruction, be made to understand that they should be made
to obey the laws of their being if they would be free from pain and
disease. They should understand that their lives cannot be useful
if they are crippled by disease. Neither can they please God if they
bring sickness upon themselves by the disregard of nature’s laws.”
Child Guidance, 105
God has promised to keep in health those who obey His laws
of physiology. “The Creator of man has arranged the living ma-
chinery of our bodies. Every function is wonderfully and wisely
made. And God has pledged Himself to keep this human machin-
ery in healthful action if the human agent will obey His laws and
cooperate with God. Every law governing the human machinery is
to be considered just as truly divine in origin, in character, and in
importance as the Word of God. Every careless, inattentive ac-
tion, any abuse put upon the Lord’s wonderful mechanism by dis-
regarding His specified laws in the human habitation, is a violation
of God’s law.” Medical Ministry, 221
Those who study physiology will be inspired with reverence
and they will consider obedience to God’s eternal laws of health as
a privilege and blessing. “As in the study of physiology they see
that they are indeed `fearfully and wonderfully made’ (Psalm
139:14), they will be inspired with reverence. Instead of marring
God’s handiwork, they will have an ambition to make all that is
possible of themselves, in order to fulfill the Creator’s glorious plan.
They will come to regard obedience to the laws of health, not as a
matter of sacrifice or self-denial, but as it really is, an inestimable
privilege and blessing.” Education, 201
Thousands die due to ignorance of the laws of health based on
the principles of physiology. “There are but few among the young
who have any definite knowledge of the mysteries of life. The
study of the wonderful human organism, the relation and depen-
Physiology and Our Health Work 7
dence of all its complicated parts, is one in which most mothers
take little if any interest. They do not understand the influence of
the body upon the mind or of the mind upon the body. They oc-
cupy themselves with needless trifles and then plead that they have
no time to obtain the information which they need in order to care
properly for the health of their children. It is less trouble to trust
them to the doctors. Thousands of children die through the igno-
rance of their parents regarding the laws of hygiene.” Counsels to
Parents, Teachers, and Students, 126
The three angels’ messages include a final call to sinful man to
honor and give glory to the Creator. A knowledge of physiology is
necessary in order to answer that call. “A practical knowledge of
the science of human life is necessary in order to glorify God in our
bodies. “ Healthful Living, 13
The term health reform applies to bringing one’s health prac-
tices into harmony with the laws of human physiology. Instruction
in physiology and urging life-style changes to conform to it is an
essential part of God’s final message to man. “I was . . . shown that
the health reform is one branch of the great work which is to fit a
people for the coming of the Lord. It is as closely connected with
the third angel’s message as the hand is with the body. . . . To make
plain natural law, and urge the obedience of it, is the work that
accompanies the third angel’s message to prepare a people for the
coming of the Lord.” Testimonies, vol. 3, 161
“For years the Lord has been calling the attention of His people
to health reform. This is one of the great branches of the work of
preparation for the coming of the Son of man.” Ibid., 61
An intelligent knowledge of physiology and conformity to it
has the threefold purpose of opening doors, relieving suffering,
and purifying God’s people. “The work of health reform is the
Lord’s means for lessening suffering in our world and for purifying
His church. Teach the people that they can act as God’s helping
hand by co-operating with the Master Worker in restoring physical
and spiritual health. This work bears the signature of Heaven and
will open doors for the entrance of other precious truths. There is
8 Physiology and Our Health Work
room for all to labor who will take hold of this work intelligently.”
Testimonies, vol. 9, 112–113
In the early days of our church the knowledge of medical physi-
ology was still in a comparatively primitive state. Most illnesses
were treated without knowing their cause and most medication
then given have since been shown to actually be poisons without
beneficial effects. With a very limited understanding of the physi-
ology of the healthy as well as of the multitude of diseased states
of the human body much of the health care of those days was
indeed irrational. Even today in this era of increased knowledge
much of our health care is irrational, primarily due to a failure to
harmonize science and “Thus saith the Lord.”
Over and over the Lord has instructed us to base our treat-
ment on rational remedies. The word rational means to be logical
and sensible, thus in harmony with the natural laws of physiology
and anatomy. “As the work developed, we were instructed that
suitable places were to be provided, to which we could bring the
sick and suffering who knew nothing of our people and scarcely
anything of the Bible, and there teach them how to regain health
by rational methods of treatment without having recourse to poi-
sonous drugs, and at the same time surround them with uplifting
spiritual influences. As a part of the treatment, lectures were to be
given on right habits of eating and drinking and dressing.” Counsels
on Health, 469
“In Southern California there are many properties for sale on
which buildings suitable for sanitarium work are already erected.
Some of these properties should be purchased and medical mis-
sionary work carried forward on sensible, rational lines.” Testimo-
nies, vol. 7, 98
“In the Sanitarium which we are about to erect in New South
Wales, provision must be made for all classes. The accommodation
and treatment must be such that patients of the higher class will be
attracted to the institution. Rooms must be fitted for the use of
those who are willing to pay a liberal price. Rational methods of
treatment must be followed. The patients must not be given alco-
Physiology and Our Health Work 9
hol, tea, coffee, or drugs; for these always leave traces of evil be-
hind.” The Kress Collection, 85
Writing in the Review and Herald of October 11, 1898, Mrs. E.
G. White quoted the following report of Elder H. C. Lacey regard-
ing the nurses’ training at Avondale School. “In connection with
the other work undertaken by our school, there has been organized
this year a special department of physiology and hygiene. This de-
partment offers to the student the means of acquiring a practical
knowledge of the workings of the wonderful mechanism of the
human body, and furnishes an opportunity of becoming acquainted
with the most approved methods in the rational treatment of dis-
ease. The study of anatomy, the form and structure of the body;
of physiology, the use and functions of the various organs; and of
hygiene, the laws that underlie their healthful activities, is pursued
from a biblical and scientific point of view.
“The object we have before us is the qualifying of laborers to
engage in the all-round work of the third angel’s message.” Review
and Herald, October 11, 1989
We should note in the above reference that the physiology
taught was from a scientific as well as biblical point of view. Re-
peatedly the Spirit of Prophecy counsels us to emphasize the simple,
rational remedies and to de-emphasize the use of drugs. In 1909
Ellen White wrote that we are to work with all rational methods.
“As Christ’s followers, we are to work with all rational methods
to preach the gospel of present truth. Not only by words but by
deeds we are to give evidence that Christ is willing to unite with
His devoted ministers today in healing the sick and suffering.”
Medical Ministry, 28
One can obey this counsel by emphasizing the simple rational
remedies while working in harmony with, but resorting to only as
necessary, the more complex rational remedies. To use a complex
rational remedy when a simple rational remedy will take care of
the problem is irrational and leads to unnecessary risk of side ef-
fects from the remedy. It is also irrational to depend on a simple
rational remedy when a more complex rational remedy is truly
10 Physiology and Our Health Work
needed and leads to unnecessary risk of complications from the
illness. For further discussion of the relation between simple and
complex rational remedies, see the article “Agriculture and Our
Health Work,” on this same website.
Medical missionary work is an essential part of the third angel’s
message. (See Testimonies, vol. 6, 288; Medical Ministry, 160; and the
article “The Lord’s Work,” on this same website.
It is the union of Christlike work for the body and Christlike
work for the soul. It includes the promulgation of living habits and
remedies in harmony with natural law. The health practices and
rational remedies promoted by Christ’s final message to the world
will be in harmony with His laws of physiology.
But the devil has muddied the waters and created differing
understandings and interpretations in the areas of physical law as
well as of spiritual law. There are differing approaches to and vari-
ous explanations of the laws of physiology. Whom are we to be-
lieve? Whose interpretations of natural law are to form the basis
of health reform, of rational remedies, of medical missionary work,
of God’s third angel’s final message of compassion and pardon to
a dying world?
It is God the Creator being represented. He is to be represented
by true interpretations of His natural as well as His spiritual laws.
One of His representatives is not to be saying one thing and an-
other representative saying another.
“The third angel’s message is infallible. Upon the grand, enno-
bling truths connected with that message you can dwell with per-
fect safety. Labor intelligently to encourage union of faith and union
of judgment . . . .Those who are engaged in proclaiming the last
solemn message to a dying world . . . although possessing different
temperaments and dispositions . . . will see eye to eye in all matters
of religious belief. They will speak the same things; they will have
the same judgment; they will be one in Christ Jesus . . . .
“No one should feel that his judgment is faultless, that his ideas
are above criticism, and that he can pursue a course of his own,
regardless of the opinions of others with whom he is united in
Physiology and Our Health Work 11
labor. When we think we know all that is worth knowing, we are in
a position where God cannot use us. The third angel’s message is
not a narrow message. It is worldwide; and we should be united, so
far as possible, in the manner of presenting it to the world.
“Man is fallible; but the message is infallible. With it all should
be in harmony; it is the center of interest, in which all hearts should
be united. We may get up points that are of no consequence, and
seek to maintain them; but we shall gain no strength by so doing.”
Lift Him Up, 309
We are reminded by the above reference that we are to be united
in the giving of the third angel’s message and that none of us alone
has a perfect understanding of all that the message contains or of
all the ways it is to be presented. We are cautioned against issues
of no consequence. We are instructed to find unity on doctrines
and plans by a study of the Scriptures and the Testimonies.
If as a people we had accepted and followed the above coun-
sels, our health work today would indeed be a marvel to behold.
Our health institutions would be country located, administered and
staffed by Seventh-day Adventist health professionals working for
Christlike sacrificial remuneration. We would be stressing preven-
tive health practices and the simple, economical, readily accessible
rational remedies. We would be providing health care for body, mind
and spirit at a cost which would be the envy of and model for the
But those desirous of participating in the loud cry of the third
angel based on the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy must not tarry
unduly lamenting over what might have been. The third angel’s
message is to be given in its fullness. It is to be given in a loud
voice by a people united in speaking with one voice.
The Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy are veritable gold mines
of truths in the area of physiology. The instruction regarding proper
diet, exercise, sunlight, rest, trust in divine power, dress, and so
on, are of inestimable value to temporal and eternal health. The
Lord has also revealed a “flood of light” in physiology through the
discoveries of science. Those presenting God’s final message to
12 Physiology and Our Health Work
the world will be united not only on the physiological truths of the
Bible and Spirit of Prophecy but also upon those truths discovered
by science which are in harmony with the law and the testimony.
God’s final-hour medical missionaries will not work or speak con-
trary to the generally recognized physiological truths unless spe-
cifically called to by a “Thus saith the Lord.”
In the beginnings of our health work, the Lord could have led
us to a learn-by-experience health program based on the physiologi-
cal truths in the Spirit of Prophecy and the Bible utilizing the eight
natural remedies, charcoal, and simple herbs. But He knew that
personal experience would not be a reliable instructor and guide.
He purposed that His final-hour health program would be in har-
mony with physiological laws discovered and demonstrated in a
scientific manner.
“True experience is in harmony with natural law and science. .
. . Genuine experience is a variety of experiments entered into care-
fully, with the mind freed from prejudice and uncontrolled by pre-
viously established opinions and habits; marking the results with
careful solicitude, anxious to learn, improve, and reform, on every
or any habit that is not in harmony with physical and moral law.
With some, the idea of others gainsaying that which they have
learned by experience seems to them to be folly, and even cruelty
itself. But there are more errors received, and firmly retained, un-
der the false idea of experience, than from any other cause; for this
reason, that which is generally termed experience is no experience
at all, because there has never been a fair trial by actual experiment
and thorough investigation, with a knowledge of the principle in-
volved in the action.” Health Reformer, 78
If we believe that something will benefit us we will about 60
percent of the time feel better after we use or do it. This is called
the placebo effect. It makes it nearly impossible to determine
whether that something is actually causing the improvement or if
it is merely mind over matter. Science has devised several methods
of study to determine the true effectiveness of a given treatment.
If not supported by such studies or by a specific “Thus saith the
Physiology and Our Health Work 13
Lord,” one’s experience may not be a true experience.
The most reliable way to determine the physiological effect of
a medicinal substance, be it a food supplement, an herb, or a medi-
cation, is by the double-blind method. The substance to be tested
is placed in a capsule, and identical capsules (or tablet or liquid)
are filled with a medicinally inactive substance such as starch. A
group of patients (the larger the number the more reliable the re-
sults) with an identical health problem are treated equally except
one half receive the capsule with the substance being tested and
the other half receive the inactive capsule. Neither the patient nor
the observers noting the treatment results know which patients are
receiving which capsule; hence it is called “double-blind.” At the
end of the treatment the code is broken and the effectiveness of
the substance can be determined.
Another method to determine physiological effect is the ran-
domized study. A large group of patients with the same problem
(say low-back strain) are treated equally except every other one is
assigned to total bed-rest until pain is gone. The alternate one half
are permitted out of bed as desired. By noting which group tends
to get back to work the sooner, the physiologic effect of rest ver-
sus activity can be determined.
Non-harmful simple rational remedies for nonlife-threatening
illnesses need not perhaps be studied to such a degree, but the
more potentially serious the health problem, the more important it
is that the treatments given be studied scientifically in order to
determine if the experience with those treatments are really true
God purposed that the leaders of His health program were to
receive formal training as physicians. Writing in the Review and
Herald of May 24, 1877, Elder James White stated: “We became
satisfied that our health institute could not rise to eminence and
the full measure of usefulness without thoroughly educated physi-
cians to stand at the head of it. We laid our plans to gain this point.”
The Story of Our Health Message, D. E. Robinson, 203
Early in the 1870s Ellen and James White had arranged for
14 Physiology and Our Health Work
four young men to get their M.D. degrees at a hygienic center oper-
ated by Dr. Trall. After the short course there, Dr. J. H. Kellogg
was sponsored to the regular three-year training program at Bellevue
Hospital Medical College in New York City. Ibid., 205
In 1905 the servant of the Lord wrote the following: “Much
good can be done by those who do not hold diplomas as fully ac-
credited physicians. Some are to be prepared to work as competent
physicians. Many, working under the direction of such ones, can
do acceptable work without spending so long a time in studying as
it has been thought necessary to spend in the past.” Special Testimo-
nies, Series B, No. 6, 49
This divinely led association with the medical profession was
in part or in whole due to the recognition that of all the health
professions the medical doctor has generally been trained the most
thoroughly in scientifically evaluated anatomy and physiology and
also in the details of the various disease processes.
This statement in no way was or is a blanket endorsement by
God of the regular medical profession. The leaders in His health
work were to get their basic training as recognized medical doctors
and then they were to harmonize that training and knowledge with
the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy.
God’s health workers were to work with nature’s own resources
to enable the diseased organs to resume and regain their natural
functions. “The most difficult cases are best and most successfully
managed by nature’s own resources. This science, fully adopted,
will bring the bests results, if the practitioner will be thorough.
The Lord will bless the physician who depends on natural meth-
ods, helping every function of the human machinery to act in its
own strength the part the Lord designed it to act in restoring itself
to proper action.” The Use of Drugs in the Care of the Sick, 43
Such a system of health care requires a thorough knowledge of
the human structures and their various functions, for example,
anatomy and physiology.
The methods of treatment used in our “sanitariums were to
reform the medical practices of physicians.” Medical Ministry, 27.
Physiology and Our Health Work 15
The Lord’s health-care workers were not to limit their methods of
labor to any health-care system present around the turn of the cen-
tury. Their knowledge of the Bible, the Spirit of Prophecy and the
principles of anatomy and physiology was to guide them in select-
ing and utilizing truly scientific methods, regardless of their source.
“When questioned regarding the work to be done at Loma Linda,
Mrs. White said during the Mountain View Conference in January
1910, `Whatever our young people, preparing to be physicians need
to know, that we must prepare to teach.’
“Our medical missionaries should be given the opportunities
to know the very best things done by the allopaths, the eclectics,
the homeopaths, the osteopaths, [the `naturopaths’] and the water-
cure doctors, but none of these systems should be adopted as com-
prising that which our physicians need to know: nor should the
name of any of these systems be adopted as the `sign of our order.’
Neither should our medical men give the credit or honor of the
results of their labors under God, to any man or group of men, or
to any locality, or to any system.” The Medical Evangelist, October-
November, 1911, 132, as quoted in A Compendium on Outpost Evan-
gelism, by James and David Lee, Fourth Edition, 1986, 540
The understanding of truth is progressive. Especially is this so
in the imperfect discoveries of science. We cannot rest safely upon
the understanding of our forefathers. This is just as surely true in
the understanding and application of physiology as it is of God’s
written Word. God wants us to speak and work in harmony with
the present-day knowledge of natural law which is not conflicting
with God’s Word. Science is, however, somewhat fickle. What she
says a study reveals one day, she says another study reveals the
opposite the next. Thus we must not lean unduly upon her prof-
fered arm but maintain a stable approach through our faith in Scrip-
ture and the Spirit of Prophecy.
Dr. J. H. Kellogg revealed to Dr. David Paulson that the above
approach enabled Battle Creek Sanitarium to remain ahead of the
general medical profession.
“He [Doctor Kellogg] said when a new thing is brought out in
16 Physiology and Our Health Work
the medical world he knew from his knowledge of the Spirit of
Prophecy whether it belonged in our system or not. If it did, he
instantly adopted it and advertised it while the rest of the doctors
were slowly feeling their way, and when they finally adopted it, he
had five years the start of them.
“On the other hand when the medical profession were swept
off their feet by some new fad, if it did not fit the light we had
received [from Ellen White] he simply did not touch it. When the
doctors finally discovered their mistake, they wondered how it came
that Dr. Kellogg did not get caught.” How Kellogg Kept Ahead, E. G.
White Publication Document File 45, Windows, 144
If there is a method of diagnosis, a proposed type of disease or
a new form of treatment not generally accepted by the body of
health-care providers most thoroughly rooted in up-to-date physi-
ology and there is no clear-cut “Thus saith the Lord,” we would
best leave the controversial matter alone.
With the combination of a “Thus saith the Lord” and the ad-
vancing discoveries in physiology, the Lord’s health work will thus
be blessed with advanced physiological concepts rather than handi-
capped by antiquated or false beliefs.
By no means do we all need to be physicians or ministers to
present the physiological and spiritual truths of the three angels’
messages. We may not all speak and work on the same level, but
we will all be searching for and directing others to the same sources
of truth.
Obedience to the laws of physiology as expressed in the eight
natural remedies will prevent the development of many of the
physical ills modern medicine has been raised up to treat in sinful
man. A healthy lifestyle will undoubtedly decrease the need for
trauma centers, intensive care units, radiation, chemotherapy, or-
gan transplants, and so on, but God’s medical missionaries will be
found speaking and working in harmony with the same physiologi-
cal truths that make the developments in modern medicine pos-
sible. Obedience to the natural laws gives success to those using
simple rational remedies as well as to those using complex rational
Physiology and Our Health Work 17
remedies. We are all to be drawing from the same body of truth.
Some might question how important it is to have the physi-
ological concepts correct as long as one lives and leads others to
live the proper health practices. I believe that the end does not
justify the means and that false or outdated beliefs regarding physi-
ology result in several problems.
1. They create barriers between our message and those who
know up-to-date physiology. Rather than opening doors, they
close doors. Granted there are those who believe and pro-
mote contrary concepts of physiology and knowingly reject
newer seemingly proven findings. This group we should work
with, encouraging them to glorify the Creator by the accep-
tance of truth in all of its forms.
2. They lead us to become crusaders and even social martyrs
for matters for which God has not required us.
3. They waste time, talent, and energy which could be used
more effectively.
4. Wrong or antiquated beliefs about physiology lead to wrong
or antiquated treatments of disease, such as a controversial
herb stimulant for cardiac arrest to the neglect of the firmly
established physiological approach of mouth-to-mouth
breathing and rhythmic heart compression until emergency
assistance is available.
5. Wrong concepts create conflict, controversy, confusion, and
disunity within the body presenting the third angel’s mes-
6. Wrong or antiquated concepts on the fringes of or outside
of the scientifically or thus-saith-the-Lord proven truths will
leave us and those we influence more susceptible to Satan’s
last-day deceptions. “Because they received not the love of
the truth . . . God shall send them strong delusions, that they
should believe a lie.” 2 Thessalonians 2:10–11. As the Holy
Spirit withdraws from the earth Satan will be permitted to
exercise more fully his supernatural powers. He will not only
work through openly miraculous powers, but he will also lead
18 Physiology and Our Health Work
man astray through seemingly scientific natural means of di-
agnosis and treatment (see the book Bringing Seventh-day
Adventists to the Test on this website). It will be argued that
they are based on technology yet undiscovered or unproven
or just unaccepted. This argument may or may not be true.
But it may be the only clue that it is false and that it will lead
eventually to rejection of God’s written Word. It is wisest to
leave methods alone that are unproven to be in harmony
with natural laws unless we have a clear “Thus saith the
The third angel’s message is infallible. It speaks with a loud
voice and with one voice. It is God’s final call to sinful man to
repent and by His grace live in harmony with and obedience to His
rules of physiology and of social and spiritual well being. He has
permitted a flood of light to unite us in this work. May the Lord
help each one of us regardless of previous training or practice
through submission to His revealed truths in the Bible, the Spirit
of Prophecy, and in the natural world to experience as well as to
participate in this final grand work.
This heartfelt plea should be the prayer of each one.

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