A u d io B) 9 m s . Wa y 0 . 2 5 m s P OW 2l 7m s , F OI JSHz
S , c t njin( B) 5 k h z I EGG( 8) 9 m s , To * 62 9 m e C Q O 1 6. C L 0 3
Voci Ve t . 2 85
Figure 1. Tenor A s inging in reinforced a nd norma l fa ls et t o. A na lys is windows on
t he left s how t he a cous t ic s pect rum, deoms t ra t ing decrea s ed energy in t he high fre-
quency ha rmonics for norma l fa ls et t o. EGG t ra ces s how a higher clos ed quot ient
a nd fa s t er glot t a l clos ing ra t e for t he reinforced fa ls et t o.
Tenor B: Cres cendo from norma l
fa ls et t o t o full voice
' .
v oi ce B r a "
F d o (A) 9 uw Delay 150Me Pmlod 256 P0303 I
Spedroffm(A) 5 ICinor 1307 me0 1* EGOWS mi ibri 1307 m l COO.CL 035
Tenor A. Crescendo from reinforced
fa ls et t o t o full voice
I50 noPlod 2.24PO447 He
fteovarem(B) B *k Cu,o, 1190 mi 0I EGG(B) B ml, 'VIm. 1190 mlCO0.4$. Cl. 0.36
Vccs'i,l. 2.&5
Figure 2. Cres cendo from norma l a nd reinforced fa ls et t o. A voice brea k is vis ible in
t he s pect rogra m of Tenor B (lyrico s pint o v oice).
- Voi ce P e d a gogy
la bora t ory t o explore t hes e differences
in regis t ra t ion. Ma ny t hings ca n be
a ccomplis hed, however, t hrough
s ound a nd s ens a t ion a lone Phys ica lly,
t he reinforced fa ls et t o is likely t o dis -
t inguis h it s elf t hrough a low, rela xed
la ryngea l pos it ion a s oppos ed t o t he
la ryngea l eleva t ion oft en s een wit h
t ra dit iona l fa ls et t o. The t imbre is a ls o
different , wit h t he reinforced s ound
more clos ely res embling t he qua lit y
of t he legit ima t e, a lbeit quiet , oper-
a t ic hea d voice, including a churoscuro
t imbre a nd t he pres ence of high fre-
quency ha rmonic overt ones . The t rue
t es t , however, lies in t he a bilit y t o
cres cendo. Us ing norma l fa ls et t o, it
is pos s ible t o ma ke a fa irly s t rong
cres cendo; t he res ult ing s ound, how-
ever, rema ins in fa ls et t o a nd ma y
clos ely res emble t he t imbre of a
woma n' s voice (unles s it is deliber-
a t ely moved int o t he full voice, which
is us ua lly a ccompa nied by a n obvi-
ous brea k). By cont ra s t , t he cres cendo
from t he reinforced fa ls et t o moves
t ra ns pa rent ly int o t he full voice.
Reinforced fa ls et t o is proba bly not
t he pa na cea ma ny of us ha ve a wa it ed
t o help every ma le s t udent ga in ea s y
a cces s t o his upper regis t er. A s we a ll
know, t he qua lit y of fa ls et t o va ries
grea t ly from s inger t o s inger. I n s ome
it is s t rong a nd elega nt (which might
lea d t o t he a rt is t ic choice t o t ra in a s a
count ert enor); in ot hers it is wea k,
brea t hy, or a bs ent a lt oget her. For t hos e
who a re bles s ed wit h a fa cile fa ls et t o
a nd t he a bilit y t o s elect bet ween it s
norma l a nd reinforced va ria nt s it
ma y indeed s erve a s a pa t hwa y t o t he
t op. I t will cert a inly receive furt her
explora t ion in my own voice s t udio.
1. Ba rba ra M. Dos cher, The Functional
Unitij of the Singing Voice (Met uchen,
NJ: The Sca recrow Pres s , 1988), 150.
2. Ja mes C. McKinney, The Diagnosis and
Correction of Vocal Faults (Na s hville,
TN: Genevox Mus ic Group, 1994), 101.
3. Dona ld G. Miller, "Regis t ers in Singing:
Empirica l a nd Sys t ema t ic St udies in
t he Theory of t he Singing Voice"
(Groningen, Net herla nds : The Uni-
vers it y of Groningen, 2000), 167.
4. Joha n Sundberg, The Science of the
Singing Voice (Deka lb, I L: Nort hern
I llinois Univers it y Pres s , 1987), 79.
Scott McCo,y is director of the Presser Music
Center Voice Laborator,j and
MA Y/1 t J NE 20034 0 7
Scott McCoy
ing classes in voice anatomy, physiology, A long-time member ofNATS, McCoy cur- Voice and Pedagogy at Westminster Choir
College ofRider University. He has authored
or coauthored several articles related to
journals, and presented portions of his
multi-media voice science and pedagogy
textbook, Your Voice: An Inside View, at
the 2002 NATS National Convention.
Deeply committed to education, McCoy is
founding faculty member in the New Y ork
Singing Teachers Association (NY STA)
professional development program, teach -
and acoustic analysis.
Jo date, ne has performed more tnan two
dozen leading operatic roles and over sixty
concert and oratorio solo roles with profrs-
sional music organizations in the United
States and abroad. In addition, he is a spe-
cialist in the song cycles of Schubert and
Schumann, frequently concertizing with
pianists Claude C,ymmnan andj.J. Penna.
rently serves the organization as Vice Pres-
ident for Workshops and as a member of
the Editorial Board ofthejournal of Sing-
ing. Prior tojoining the Westminster faculty
in 1997, he was chair of Voice and Opera
at the University of Iowa. When not teach-
ing, singing, or writing, he might beJbund
working on one of his vintage British sports
cars, including a 1952 MG-TD anda 1970
Jaguar XKE.
singing that have appeared in prestigious McCoy maintains an active si ngi ng career.
The National Association of Teachers of Singing, Inc.
announces a
Call for Performances of Vocal Chamber Music
for the
National Convention in New Orleans
July 8-12, 2004
The 48" National NATS Convention wi//feature vocal chamber music representative of all voice types
and instrument groups. Total performance time Jor each piece selected, including an y explanatory com-
ments, will he twenty minutes. Selected performers will chose*hy acommittee employing a blind
review process.- -
If y ou are interesled !ffJWrJVming a composition for voice and insrrunu'nt(s), including chamber en-
sembles, at the New Orleans NATS convention in 2004 please submit the following materials:
1. A recent recording (CI) or cassette) of the clected composition by the submitting performers.
The performance. including a briel lecture presentation, should not exceed twent y minutes.
2. A brief ahstrcr describing the.pie'e and the instrumentation.
3. Brief biogrhies of the pezfovnierc amid/or ensemble.
Please send y our submission or an' quesdbiisfu the address !ow.
Submission Deadline: June 1, 2003
Schar mal Schr ock, Pr ogr am Chair man
85) 549-236
SLU Box 10815
s s chr ock@ s e lu . e d u
Sou the as te r n Lou is iana Unive r s ity
Hammond , LA 70402