Soft Eng'g 1 Lec
Soft Eng'g 1 Lec
Soft Eng'g 1 Lec
• To introduce ethical and professional issues and to explain why they are of concern
to software engineers
Topics covered
Software engineering
• Software engineering is concerned with theories, methods and tools for professional
software development.
Software costs
• Software costs often dominate computer system costs. The costs of software on a PC
are often greater than the hardware cost.
• Software costs more to maintain than it does to develop. For systems with a long life,
maintenance costs may be several times development costs.
• What is software?
What is software?
• Software engineers should adopt a systematic and organised approach to their work
and use appropriate tools and techniques depending on the problem to be solved,
the development constraints and the resources available.
• Computer science theories are still insufficient to act as a complete underpinning for
software engineering
– Waterfall;
– Iterative development;
• Roughly 60% of costs are development costs, 40% are testing costs. For custom
software, evolution costs often exceed development costs.
• Costs vary depending on the type of system being developed and the requirements
of system attributes such as performance and system reliability.
• Model descriptions
• Rules
• Recommendations
• Process guidance
• Software systems that are intended to provide automated support for software
process activities.
• Upper-CASE
• Lower-CASE
• The software should deliver the required functionality and performance to the user
and should be maintainable, dependable, efficient and acceptable.
• Maintainability
• Dependability
• Efficiency
– Software must be accepted by the users for which it was designed. This
means it must be understandable, usable and compatible with other systems.
• Heterogeneity
• Delivery
• Trust
• Anyone can call themselves a software engineer, but not all programmers are
software engineers (and not all software engineers are programmers)
• Newly hired software engineers typically assigned to test or maintain someone else’s
pre-existing code
• Software engineers must behave in an honest and ethically responsible way if they
are to be respected as professionals.
• Confidentiality
• Competence
– Engineers should not misrepresent their level of competence. They should not
knowingly accept work which is outwith their competence.
• Computer misuse
– Software engineers should not use their technical skills to misuse other
people’s computers. Computer misuse ranges from relatively trivial (game
playing on an employer’s machine, say) to extremely serious (dissemination
of viruses).
• Members of these organisations sign up to the code of practice when they join.
• The Code contains eight Principles related to the behaviour of and decisions made by
professional software engineers, including practitioners, educators, managers,
supervisors and policy makers, as well as trainees and students of the profession.
• Preamble
– The short version of the code summarizes aspirations at a high level of the
abstraction; the clauses that are included in the full version give examples
and details of how these aspirations change the way we act as software
engineering professionals. Without the aspirations, the details can become
legalistic and tedious; without the details, the aspirations can become high
sounding but empty; together, the aspirations and the details form a cohesive
– Software engineers shall commit themselves to making the analysis,
specification, design, development, testing and maintenance of software a
beneficial and respected profession. In accordance with their commitment to
the health, safety and welfare of the public, software engineers shall adhere
to the following Eight Principles:
– Software engineers shall act in a manner that is in the best interests of their
client and employer consistent with the public interest.
– Software engineers shall ensure that their products and related modifications
meet the highest professional standards possible.
Ethical dilemmas
Key points
• The software process consists of activities that are involved in developing software
products. Basic activities are software specification, development, validation and
• Methods are organised ways of producing software. They include suggestions for the
process to be followed, the notations to be used, rules governing the system
descriptions which are produced and design guidelines.
• CASE tools are software systems which are designed to support routine activities in
the software process such as editing design diagrams, checking diagram consistency
and keeping track of program tests which have been run.
• Professional societies publish codes of conduct which set out the standards of
behaviour expected of their members.