Eighth Polish Conference On Analytical Chemistry: Editorial

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Eighth Polish Conference on Analytical Chemistry

Pawe Kocielniak
Published online: 21 January 2011
# The Author(s) 2011. This article is published with open access at Springerlink.com
The Polish Conference on Analytical Chemistry has a long
and rich history. The first such scientific forum took place
in Warsaw in 1981. Since 1995, Polish analysts have had a
chance to meet every 5 years in Gdask, Gliwice, Toru,
andin 2010in Krakw.
The VIIIth Polish Conference on Analytical Chemistry
was held on July 49. It was organized by the Department
of Analytical Chemistry, Jagiellonian University, in coop-
eration with the Polish Committee of Analytical Chemistry
of the Polish Academy of Sciences. The meeting attracted
570 participants, who presented their works in the Audito-
rium Maximumthe main conference center in Krakw.
The conference was opened by Adam Hulanickia
famous and distinguished scientist, and a patron and tutor to
several generations of Polish analysts. In his lecture, he
recounted the history of Polish analytical conferences,
including many interesting and little-known details. Anoth-
er impressive presentation was given by a special guest of
the conferenceGeorges Guiochon from the University of
Tennessee, Knoxville, USA, who is a specialist in chro-
matographic analysis. He acquainted listeners with the
latest developments in this analytical domain, placing
emphasis on methodological and instrumental advances.
The regular scientific program of the conference
encompassed several plenary lectures, as well as oral
and poster sessions. Eminent Polish scientists, working
mostly in foreign research centers, were invited to deliver
the plenary lectures. They were Anna Brajter-Toth
(University of Florida, USA), Ewa Cukrowska (Univer-
sity of the Witwatersrand, South Africa), Pawe
Ciborowski (University of Nebraska, USA), Tadeusz
Grecki (University of Waterloo, Canada), Andrzej
Lewenstam (Abo Akademi University, Finland), Ryszard
obiski (National Center for Scientific Research,
France), and Marek Trojanowicz (Warsaw University,
Poland). In their fascinating speeches, they outlined the
current state and future directions of different analytical
fields, providing a broad overview of the progress in
modern analytical chemistry.
The oral and poster presentations were given in 12
separate topical sessions, encompassing all the main
analytical domains. A unique feature of this conference
was a session titled Criminalistic Analytics reflecting the
strong scientific collaboration between two Cracovian
centers: Jagiellonian University and the Institute of Foren-
sic Research. Another session was devoted to the Sympo-
sium on Flow Analysis, which has traditionally been
organized in Krakwfor the seventh time in 2010.
The thematic sessions revealed that Polish analytical
chemistry is developing systematically in terms of method-
ological, instrumental, and applicative aspects, which are
being introduced into all branches of our lives. Protection
of human health, the environment, and cultural heritage is
still of great importance to Polish analysts. Owing to the
creation and application of analytical procedures, methods,
and instruments of increasing sophistication, it has become
possible to identify and determine ever-decreasing amounts
of analytes in various forms and of various levels of threat
to our environment. Novel techniques for preparation of
biological samples together with chromatographic and
electrophoretic separation systems and with mass spectrom-
etry as a detection system have opened up new analytical
Published in the special issue Focus on Analytical Science in Poland
(VIIIth Polish Conference on Analytical Chemistry) with Guest Editor
Pawe Kocielniak.
P. Kocielniak (*)
Faculty of Chemistry, Jagiellonian University,
3, R. Ingardena St.,
30-060 Krakw, Poland
e-mail: [email protected]
Anal Bioanal Chem (2011) 399:31553156
DOI 10.1007/s00216-010-4649-9
possibilities in clinical, pharmaceutical, and forensic toxi-
cology. The growing interest in exploitation of nondestruc-
tive analytical methods, flow techniques, and integrated and
miniaturized instrumental systems for different purposes is
also worth mentioning. All the above is evidence that
analytical chemistry is increasingly being introduced into
our everyday lives, helping to make them healthier, safer,
and more comfortable. The papers presented in this special
issue of Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry are
representative of the discussion of this tendency at the
In addition to the scientific program, there was a wide
range of social activities. A Chopin concert, which was held
in the courtyard of Wawel Royal Castle, made a great
impression on listeners. The conference banquet took place
in one of the halls of the Wieliczka Salt Mine, situated within
the Krakw metropolitan areathe mining company is
believed to be the world's 14th oldest company still in
operation today. During the meeting in Zalesie Inn, guests
experienced the atmosphere, folklore, and food of the
Cracovian region. Finally, all attendees were invited to
sightsee Krakw. First on the list was, of course, the Old
Town, with the largest mediaeval market square in Europe
the colorful and crowded Main Market with its pigeons and
florists and assorted market stalls. Mariacki Church, from the
highest tower of which a bugle-call is sounded every hour,
and the museum of the famous Jagiellonian University
Alma Mater Cracoviensiswere also visited.
The next Polish Conference on Analytical Chemistry
will be held in Pozna in 2015.
Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License which per-
mits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any
medium, provided the original author(s) and source are credited.
Pawe Kocielniak
is a professor at both Jagiello-
nian University and the Institute
of Forensic Research, Krakw,
Poland. He is the head of
the Department of Analytical
Chemistry and the Laboratory
of Forensic Chemistry (Jagiello-
nian University). His research
interest is in development of
new analytical methods and pro-
cedures in flow analysis and
forensic chemistry with special
attention to fundamental analyt-
ical issues such as calibration,
interference effects, digestion, preconcentration, and separation. He is
involved in designing original flow devices dedicated to various
analytical purposes. He is also focused on miniaturization of flow
systems and their adaptation to clinical and forensic analysis. Pawe
Kocielniak has authored about 170 publications related to analytical
chemistry and is a member of the Polish Committee of Analytical
Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Sciences.
3156 P. Kocielniak

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