Current Condition SLD W MGT. of ILigan City
Current Condition SLD W MGT. of ILigan City
Current Condition SLD W MGT. of ILigan City
Chapter III
Local Executive No. 79, Series of 2004, created the Iligan City Solid Waste
Management Board and the composition of Technical Working Committees (TWC) with
its members based on Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR)
Implementing Rules and Regulations, to make it more effective in its task as envisioned
by Republic Act No. 9003 for the installation of Central MRCF.
Figure 3.1 Organizational Chart of Iligan City Solid Waste Management System
City Administrator
ABC President Public Service Division DILG- Director
Jerry A. Saripada
DILG - Initiate the directive responsibilities for
implementation of R.A. 9003 SWM on its legal basis.
LEGAL OFFICE - Lead office for the expropriation of the project site and
other legal matters.
TABLE 3.2 Inventory of Vehicles for Iligan City Solid Waste Collection
Plate Trips/Day Total
Model/ Vehicle capacity
no. No. of Per Unit Daily
Type of Unit Year Condition
Units CAP.
Cu.m. Tons (tons)
Compactor 9C-494 HINO/1993 4 8 4.8 4 77 Running
Truck 9C-495 - condition
9C-496 -
9c- 651 -
Compactor 9C-688 HINO / 1 8 4.8 4 (19) Non-
Truck 1998 operation for
Compactor 9C-498 Mitsubishi 1 5 3 4 12 Converted to
Truck /1993 dump truck
Compactor PBK900 HINO/1993 (1) 5 3 4 Zero Non-
Truck operational
Dump Truck 9C-499 HINO/1993 2 8 2.8 4 22 Running
9C-500 condition
Dump Truck 9C-191 Nissan 2 8 2.8 4 22 Running
9C-269 1998 condition
TOTAL 10 153
Source of Data: Public Services Division (PSD)- August 30, 2005
The total collecting fleet of Public Services Division (PSD) is 10 units as shown
in Table3.2. Only 9 units are in running condition because one (1) dump truck is for
repair in order to extend its use to 2-3 years. The present total collection is assessed at
150 to 250 metric tons per day depending on the season and density of the waste is 0.6-
tons/cu.m. (Seetable3.6) at 85% collection efficiency is assumed.
The operation of the operating fleet is 2shifts (Morning/Afternoon) per day, 2
trips per shift for 7 days a week. The manning of the units consist of driver plus the
collectors as follows: 2-3 collectors for compactor truck and 4-5 collectors for dump
trucks, the actual number of collectors need to be varied to suit loading conditions of the
The responsible organization for solid waste management in Iligan City is the
Public Services Division under the City Mayor’s Office and with the directives of the
City Office personnel whose task includes the operation and maintenance of the open
dumpsite at Barangay Santiago. The organization has suffered problems with permanent
positions unfilled. Nevertheless, it has been particularly innovative in utilizing
competent casual staff to plan and operate a reasonable level of service. However, this
gravely affects the continuity of service since in some instances; the casual staffs are
change on a monthly basis.
It’s OPERATING FUNDS for year 2005 is P 22.299 million. It has a total of 98
casuals and 121 regular personnel as shown in above Table3.3.
The city is not collecting the domestic waste emanating from various industries as
PRMDP reports because they have their own Solid Waste Management System.
However latest monitoring and survey from CEMO/ICSWMB found out that there is
collection scheduled of City-PSD Office.
Presently, the Public Service Division (PSD) is responsible in the collection of
garbage waste for the 29 coastal or urban barangays. The estimated capacity of
unsegregated waste generated from this populated barangay is 163.6 tons/day
(assumptions: Urban/coastal population of 278,892 at 0.69 Kg./capita-person-day, 85%
collection efficiency and assumed garbage density loose of 500Kg/m3) see table 3.6
The activity of household waste collection system for mixed waste with
recyclable and/or recoverable materials are “pick-up” by the garbage collector usually
leave/hang waste placed in plastic bags, sacks, boxes or bins near the gate. These left
materials are being collected either segregated or not-segregated. During the collection in
households, the collectors usually sort out the saleable, recyclables/recoverable garbage
or additional earnings. This practice can greatly help the waste reduction program of the
City considering that 9 garbage trucks with collectors are operating daily.
Buru-un have also started the activity on SWM-BMRF facilitated with the Guevara
Foundations-NGO’s, where as such Transfer station facilities shall have been initiated
before it will reach to final disposal.
Processing facilities for the recyclable and/or recovered materials are being
managed and sell out by the junk store as the buyback proponent. List of Junkshop
Processing Facility in Iligan City is shown in Table 3.7. Junk shops and processing
industry facility like Global & Billet are efforts on recycling to minimized waste.
• Domestic Waste
Iligan City is utilizing an open dumpsite at Brgy. Santiago since commenced in
1973 operation. It is a marshy area covering of about ten (10) hectare and located 3.5
km. closer to the Poblacion city proper. The land area is almost filled up with garbage
and encroached. Informal housing is flourishing on the reclaimed area. Including the
scavengers are prevailing on –site for livelihood. The sources of waste materials are
coming from the two public markets, household residents of 29 urban barangays,
institutions and commercials. Figure 1 Location Map of Active Dumpsite is shown.
Estimated garbage waste disposed ranges 150 to 250 tons/day about 200 to 300 cu.m.
(Source: PSD, PRMDP)
Table 3.4: 29-Rural Barangay Serviced by the Public Service Division as of 2006
For Estimated No. Of Household
10-Years Solid Waste Management Plan 31
Action Plan
A. Brgy. Bonbonon A. Brgy. Bonbonon
By December 2006-form two(2) By December 2006- buyer for compost,
Cooperatives non-bio products, recycled items, cut
-Coop raining flower, handicraft, etc., is already
-Financial available (identified).
Recycles (trained on: bagmaking, * Suggestions: 1. Survey of potential market
Slippers, plastic molding, Cut 2. Marketing Summit
flower production, Etc) 3. Recyclers forums
• Non-Bio Segregators( Trained 4. Advertisement (?)
on: Packaging, Segregation) Issue- How to sell the non-bio to the
Training Center Services: Coops (system-pricing-monitoring of sales)
- Recycling - How to convince the farmers to use the
- Slipper making compost product.
- Novelty items Market support in- place by 1st semester of 2007
- Handicrafts for:
- Cut flower production - Compost sales
- Plastic molding - Recycled items /products
- Brick making - Non- bio products
B. Non-bio segregators B. Barangay Santiago
Training needed: Action Plan Time table
- Segregation/ classification of
Livelihood for scavengers (88 Dec. 2006
plastics, papers, metals, persons)could be done thru:
props preparation and - CDLO
packaging of said item, etc… - Consultant
- Third party
-Training /Capability Bldg.
- Cooperativized(?)
- initial working capital
- training/capability bldg.
C. Training Center C. Other barangay
Services Interested to have
Training needed: Their MRF ( ie. Kiwalan,
• Recycling Luinab, Ma. Cristina,
• Handicrafts San Miguel)
• backyard composting -Same above
• Segregation -Livelihood /training
• Cut flower production Assistance
1 semester of 2007(?)
• etc.