Rosenberg Brown Jefferson HeadandNeck PDF
Rosenberg Brown Jefferson HeadandNeck PDF
Rosenberg Brown Jefferson HeadandNeck PDF
Neck mass
Differential diagnosis
Cervical lymphadenopathy
Med Clin N Am 94 (2010) 10171029
0025-7125/10/$ see front matter 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
sternocleidomastoid muscle, posteriorly by the anterior border of the trapezius
muscle, and inferiorly by the clavicle. The boundaries of the anterior cervical triangle
are the median line of the neck, the inferior border of the mandible superiorly, and
the anterior border of the sternocleidomastoid muscle posteriorly. The location of
the neck mass in a particular lymphatic zone also provides the clinician a clue to the
site of origin of a neoplastic or inflammatory process (Fig. 1A, B).
Fine-needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB) is the standard of care in working up an adult
neck mass. FNAB, while highly dependent on the skill of the cytopathologist, is highly
sensitive and specific for neoplasia, easily performed in the outpatient setting with
local anesthesia, and may provide a specimen for Gram stain, acid-fast bacilli stain,
or culture. In contrast to open biopsy, FNAB will not interfere with subsequent surgical
treatment of a neoplastic condition. FNAB may also distinguish cystic from solid
masses. While FNAB is an appropriate initial diagnostic procedure for a persistent
neck mass, it should not be attempted on pulsatile neck masses. In general, FNAB
is most safely performed after imaging studies are complete to avoid inadvertent
biopsy of a vascular lesion.
In most situations, computed tomography (CT) of the neck with contrast is the best
initial imaging study for evaluation of a neck mass in an adult. CT with contrast
provides adequate information regarding, the size, extent, location, and characteris-
tics of the mass. Cystic and solid lesions can be distinguished, and the relationship
of the mass to other vital structures such as the airway, cranial nerves, and major
blood vessels can be assessed. The scan will also reveal possible primary sites in
the case of neoplastic disease. To encompass the entire upper aerodigestive tract,
the ordering physician should request that the CT scan of the neck extend from the
base of the skull to the thoracic inlet. If indicated, further imaging studies such as
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can be obtained.
MRI is an excellent imaging modality for soft tissue lesions, but is not requiredin most
situations. MRI is more expensive and time consuming. However, MR imaging may be
useful in certain clinical scenarios, for example, in the patient with iodine contrast reac-
tions or for thyroidimaging. Anexampleof anindicationfor MRI withcontrast is theneed
to evaluate a thyroid mass that extends into the mediastinum. MRI is preferred in this
clinical situation because the iodine load administered with CT scan is metabolized
by the thyroid tissue and can interfere with radioactive iodine treatment.
Ultrasound is the ideal imaging study for a thyroid lesion. This imaging modality,
however, does not provide enough information about the character of a neck mass
and the relationship to other structures for a routine evaluation of a neck mass outside
of the central compartment. Therefore, if imaging is included in the workup, CT of the
neck with contrast should be obtained.
Occasionally the FNAB is diagnostic for carcinoma, yet no primary site can be identi-
fied on imaging or head and neck examination. This situation warrants a complete
endoscopic examination of the upper aerodigestive tract under general anesthesia,
with directed biopsies in an attempt to ascertain the primary site. Another indication
for operating room management is for those cases where lymphoma is high in the
Rosenberg et al 1018
Fig. 1. (A) The major triangular divisions of the neck and lymphatic drainage patterns indi-
cate primary location of inflammatory and neoplastic disease processes. GI, gastrointestinal;
GU, genitourinary. (B) Adult patient with a neck mass located in the superior aspect of the
anterior cervical triangle.
Adult Patients with Neck Mass 1019
differential. A definitive diagnosis often requires an open neck biopsy to obtain suffi-
cient amount of specimen to perform flow cytometry studies.
The following sections are brief descriptions of pertinent historical information, phys-
ical examination findings, laboratory tests, and imaging studies for each differential
diagnosis category. While not representing a complete list of differential diagnoses
or diagnostic approach for an adult with a neck mass, the descriptions provide
a framework on which to build clinical decision making. As illustrated in this article,
the differential diagnosis is extensive and is easily remembered by employing the
mnemonic KITTENS (Table 1) as initially described in Pashas book, Otolaryn-
gology: Head and Neck Surgery Clinical Reference Guide,
an acronym for Kcon-
genital/developmental anomalies, Iinfectious/inflammatory, Ttrauma, Ttoxic,
Eendocrine, Nneoplasms, and Ssystemic diseases.
K: Congenital/Developmental Anomalies
Thyroglossal duct cyst is the most common congenital neck anomaly and represents
persistence of the thyroglossal duct. This cyst most commonly presents as a midline
Table 1
KITTENS mnemonic for the differential diagnosis of the adult neck mass
K Congenital/developmental anomalies
Thyroglossal duct cyst
Branchial cleft cyst
Dermoid cyst
Vascular malformation, ie, lymphangioma, lymphovenous malformation, etc
I Infectious/inflammatory
Lymphadenitis/cervical adenopathy
Viral (EBV)
Bacterial (cat scratch disease, mycobacteria, atypical mycobacteria)
T Trauma
T Toxic
Thyroid toxicosis
E Endocrine
Thyroid neoplasms
Parathyroid neoplasms
N Neoplasms
Salivary gland
Parapharyngeal spacesalivary tumors, glomus tumors, neurogenic tumors
S Systemic disease
Sjo gren syndrome
Kimura disease
Castleman disease
Data from Pasha R. Otolaryngology: head and neck surgery clinical reference guide. 2nd edition.
San Diego: Plural Publishing, Inc; 2006. p. 79, 207.
Rosenberg et al 1020
cystic mass, usually inferior to the hyoid bone that (classically at least) elevates with
swallowing or protrusion of the tongue.
Thyroglossal duct cysts are usually diag-
nosed by the age of 5 years, and 60% of them are diagnosed before age 20. However,
about 7% of the adult population still has this abnormality.
These cysts may become
evident after an upper respiratory tract infection, and it is appropriate to treat any
acutely infected thyroglossal cyst with antibiotics. An important consideration in
adults is that this mass may contain, although rarely, the only functional thyroid tissue
in the patient; therefore, palpation of a normal thyroid gland is a key aspect of the
physical examination. CT scan of the neck with contrast is the single most important
imaging study and should be obtained in adults with suspected thyroglossal duct cyst.
The CT scan can confirm the presence of a thyroid gland. In addition, approximately
1% of adult thyroglossal duct cysts contain carcinoma foci, and CT scans can reveal
calcifications in these areas of carcinoma.
Treatment involves complete excision.
Branchial cleft cysts are most commonly found in late childhood or early adulthood.
Similar to thyroglossal duct cysts, they are frequently diagnosed following an upper
respiratory tract infection when the mass becomes inflamed. Occasionally the mass
resolves, but most often they persist as a soft mass in the neck. The first branchial cleft
cyst is found at the mandibular angle inferior to the ear lobule along the inferior border
of the mandible, and may have a tract that connects to the external auditory canal. The
second branchial cleft cyst is the most common type, and may have a tract that opens
along the anterior border of the sternocleidomastoid muscle. This cyst sometimes has
a tract that opens in the oropharynx at the superior portion of the tonsillar fossa. CT of
the neck with contrast is an appropriate imaging study in an adult patient. Initial
management is with appropriate antibiotics if the mass is infected. Definitive treatment
is complete surgical excision of the cyst and tract.
Ranulas are mucus retention cysts or mucus extravasation pseudocysts in the floor
of the mouth. A plunging ranula is a mucus extravasation pseudocyst that more
commonly arises from the sublingual gland, and may present as a neck mass when
it, by definition, extends through the mylohyoid muscle. History reveals a progressively
enlarging cyst in the neck. A plunging ranula may present as a submandibular mass
without obvious intraoral involvement, and waxes and wanes in size. Physical exam-
ination reveals a soft, compressible mass in the neck, usually in the submandibular
CT scan of the neck with contrast is the best imaging study to evaluate
the mass.
Treatment is excision of the sublingual gland and ranula in continuity to
minimize the risk of recurrence.
Dermoid cysts are rare but may present as a painless, superficial, soft, doughy mass
in the neck. The most common location in the neck is in the submental triangle (under
the chin). Dermoid cysts most commonly present in children or young adults. The der-
moid cyst progressively enlarges due to accumulation of sebaceous contents.
physicians advocate use of MRI to distinguish this mass from other neck masses,
but first-line evaluation for most neck masses in adults is CT of neck with contrast.
Treatment is with surgical excision.
Lymphangioma, or lymphatic malformation, is a rare, congenital anomaly that
usually presents in childhood and occasionally in adults. The majority of cases occur
in the head and neck, mostly in the posterior triangle. Diagnosis is by history of a soft,
compressible neck mass that usually enlarges proportionally with the growth of the
patient. Characteristic findings of cyst-like structures on imaging studies like CT
scan of the neck with contrast aid in diagnosis. Definitive diagnosis of lymphangioma
is from operative pathology. Treatment regimens vary depending on macrocystic or
microcystic features, but usually involve an attempt at complete surgical excision,
although usually this is a difficult endeavor.
Adult Patients with Neck Mass 1021
I: Infectious/Inflammatory
Deep neck space infections and neck abscesses in adults are often caused by an
odontogenic or salivary source. Other causes include penetrating trauma, spread of
infection frommore superficial infections, and in cases in which no source is identified,
branchial cleft cysts or fistulae. Important historical information encompasses symp-
toms of infection including pain, swelling, erythema, fever, odontalgia and/or history of
recent dental procedure, spontaneous purulent drainage, accompanied by a progres-
sively enlarging neck mass. There may be airway compromise as well, depending on
abscess size, specific neck location, and edema. Physical examination reveals
a tender swelling in the neck with possible overlying erythema, induration, and local
fluctuance. The imaging study of choice is a CT scan of the neck with contrast. Treat-
ment involves appropriate antibiotics and surgical drainage depending on size and
response to antibiotics.
An important point is that in adults, a necrotic, inflamed
lymph node from a metastatic cancer may present in a similar manner to a neck
abscess. If there is suspicion for a malignancy, CT of the neck will also be an important
study (see N: neoplasms).
Acute sialadenitis presents with pain and swelling of the affected salivary gland,
accompanied by systemic symptoms of infection. History taking should include onset
of pain and swelling, gradual or rapid onset, odontalgia to assess for possible dental
abscess, and medical and surgical history to identify risk factors. Common risk factors
include an elderly, debilitated patient, dehydration, recent surgery, and recent dental
procedures. Physical examination reveals local edema, erythema, induration, warmth,
and tenderness to palpation, and likely reveals systemic signs of dehydration.
Palpate the involved area to assess for fluctuance that might indicate abscess forma-
tion. Perform bimanual examination by compressing the gland with one hand and by
applying pressure in the direction of the respective salivary gland duct using the other
hand. Assess for purulent discharge from the duct opening into the oral cavity. Also
inspect the teeth, as dental abscess is one of the differential diagnoses. Laboratory
tests usually reveal leukocytosis with predominance of neutrophils, andsome advocate
obtaining cultures of purulent drainage if present. Initial management includes appro-
priate antibiotics, hydration, sialogogues (such as lemon wedges), bimanual massage
workingin the direction of the duct openingin the oral cavity, warmcompresses, appro-
priate pain control, and good oral hygiene. If there is no improvement in 2 to 3 days, or if
abscess is suspected by physical examination, obtain a CT of the neck with contrast to
assess for the presence of an abscess. If an abscess is present, surgical drainage is
indicated. Once symptoms resolve, continue antibiotics for an additional week.
Chronic sialadenitis usually results from sialolithiasis or salivary duct stenosis or
compression. Obstruction results in salivary gland hypertrophy and fibrosis from
chronic inflammation, and may lead to chronic pain of the involved gland. Patients
usually report an initial episode of acute sialadenitis followed by repeated episodes
of local pain and swelling. The underlying cause is often sialolithiasis, but may also
include entities such as stricture of the salivary duct or compression fromtumor. Phys-
ical examination is similar to acute sialadenitis, but finding the underlying cause is
important. Evaluation may involve CT of the neck with contrast, among other studies.
Management involves appropriately treating any episodes of acute sialadenitis (see
previous section) and identifying and treating the underlying cause of the chronic
In many cases, surgical excision of the involved gland is the defin-
itive treatment.
Cervical lymphadenopathy may result from a variety of viral infections, including
systemic infections such as human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), infectious
Rosenberg et al 1022
mononucleosis (EBV), cytomegalovirus, or toxoplasmosis. Such infections may lead
to cervical lymphadenopathy as well as more generalized lymph node involvement.
A thorough history and review of systems is important to recognize the other symp-
toms of these systemic infections. On physical examination, it is important to note
the location of the lymphadenopathy, size of the lymph nodes, mobility, lymph node
consistency with respect to firmness, softness, or fluctuance, and tenderness to
palpation. Diagnostic approach and treatment are determined by the suspected viral
infection. After appropriate treatment, however, if the lymphadenopathy persists or
enlarges, FNAB or referral to an otolaryngologist for possible lymph node biopsy is
Cat scratch disease is a bacterial infection caused by Bartonella henselae, which is
transmitted by a cat scratch/bite or flea bite and often results in cervical lymphade-
nopathy. In the United States it generally occurs in young patients less than 21 years
who are immunocompetent. History reveals exposure to kittens or to cats with flea
infestation. Patients demonstrate regional, usually single node lymphadenopathy,
and the location depends on the site of inoculation. The cervical region is one of the
most common sites of involvement. The nodes are usually tender, possess overlying
erythema of the skin, and are occasionally suppurative. Most involved nodes range in
size from 1 to 5 cm. Patients also usually have a cutaneous lesion at the site of inoc-
ulation. Systemic involvement may occur, but less commonly than the cervical lymph-
adenopathy. Diagnosis is from history/physical examination and positive serology for
B henselae. Treatment is medical using oral antibiotics.
Tuberculous lymphadenitis in the cervical region, also known as scrofula, is a mani-
festation of extrapulmonary tuberculosis (Mycobacterium tuberculosis). Cervical
lymphadenopathy is the most common manifestation of tuberculosis in the head
and neck region. Patients most commonly present with multiple, matted, rubbery
bilateral lymph nodes in the posterior cervical chain. Physical examination demon-
strates firm, fixed masses in the posterior cervical region with or without overlying
skin induration, a draining sinus, or fluctuance. Diagnosis is by FNAB, or occasionally
excisional lymph node biopsy, following a positive PPD skin test, and other necessary
tests to rule out pulmonary disease. A chest imaging study is always warranted when
tuberculosis is suspected. Treatment usually involves a combination of 4 antituber-
cular medications. Complete excision becomes necessary when there is an actively
draining sinus or fluctuance.
Atypical or nontuberculous mycobacterial infections are usually seen in children and
in immunocompromised patients (eg, HIV positive). These infections present as iso-
lated disease, such as submandibular and submental cervical lymph node involve-
ment. Patients rarely have constitutional symptoms. The atypical mycobacterial
organisms are known to be resistant to antitubercular multidrug therapy. Due to this
resistance, atypical mycobacterial infections are primarily treated with excision of
the involved lymph node. Sometimes curettage is preferred to surgical excision.
However, surgical management may not be necessary in all cases if the organism is
sensitive to other antibiotics. However, surgical treatment is usually indicated in this
type of infection.
T: Trauma
Neck masses caused by trauma have a history and physical examination consistent
with the type of trauma. A recent hematoma may reveal ecchymosis overlying
a neck swelling, and is often tender to palpation and soft. In contrast, if the hematoma
is well organized, it may become firm due to fibrosis. History and examination are
Adult Patients with Neck Mass 1023
diagnostic, and small hematomas usually resolve gradually without intervention.
However, acute, expanding hematomas require surgical exploration and referral to
an emergency department for immediate care.
Pseudoaneurysm or arteriovenous fistula may occur after shearing or penetrating
trauma to the neck. Such a fistula may go unrecognized and later present as a soft,
pulsatile mass with a thrill or bruit. A contrast-enhanced CT scan may assist in diag-
nosis, and treatment is surgical ligation.
Laryngocele may be caused by repeated use of musical instruments such as
a trumpet. Diagnosis is established by history, physical examination, CT scan with
contrast, and laryngoscopy if indicated. The lesion may continue to grow causing
intermittent globus sensation, and serve as a nidus for infection. Surgical excision is
definitive management.
T: Toxic
Thyroid toxicosis is a biochemical disease entity that results from exposure to exces-
sive concentrations of thyroid hormones. This disease state is 10-times more likely to
occur in women. Graves disease is responsible for this condition in 60% to 85% of
patients. Toxic nodular goiter results in 10% to 30% of cases while toxic thyroid
adenoma is responsible for 2% to 20% of cases.
Thyroid disease is discussed in
the article by Matthew C. Miller elsewhere in this issue.
E: Endocrine
Thyroid pathology is the leading cause of anterior neck compartment masses. The
thyroid nodule is extremely common, occurring in 4% to 7% of the adult population,
and about 5% of such nodules harbor a malignancy. Both of these thyroid conditions
are discussed in the article by Matthew C. Miller elsewhere in this issue.
Parathyroid cysts are a rare entity but are clinically significant lesions. The literature
reports 15% to 57% of parathyroid cysts as functional, although 33% is more
commonly referenced. These functional cysts contribute approximately 1% to the
cases of hyperparathyroidism.
The most common clinical presentation includes
complaints of dysphagia with a female preponderance and greater than one-third
demonstrating a palpable neck mass in the anterior cervical triangle. Symptoms of
hypercalcemia-related hyperparathyroidism occur in the one-third of patients who
harbor a functional parathyroid cyst. Other cystic lesions that may similarly present
include branchial cleft cysts, cystic papillary carcinoma, and thyroglossal duct cysts,
although thyroglossal duct cysts are usually midline masses that move with deglutition.
As this differential diagnosis comprises surgical conditions, referral to an otolaryngol-
ogist with a good contrast-enhanced CT scan provides an adequate initial workup.
Another rare endocrine disease entity is parathyroid carcinoma, which accounts for
approximately 1% of parathyroid pathologies. There is an equal sex distribution, and
patients typically present during the sixth decade of life. The common features on
presentationarethoseof hyperparathyroidismincludingfatigue, weight loss, psychiatric
symptoms suchas memory loss, muscular weakness, kidney stones, bonedisease, and
abdominal complaints such as constipation. The patient may have a breathy voice if the
recurrent laryngeal nerve is invaded and there may be a palpable, firm mass that may
trigger the diagnosis of parathyroid carcinoma when coupled with symptoms of
These symptoms should elicit a serumcalciumlevel, a serum
intact parathyroid hormone assay and referral to both an otolaryngologist and an
endocrinologist. Contrast-enhancedCT scan of the neck is also beneficial in delineating
the extent of disease and whether clinically significant lymph nodes are present.
Rosenberg et al 1024
N: Neoplasms
Adults older than 40 years have a high likelihood of harboring a malignant neoplasm.
Malignant neoplasms as they relate to the upper aerodigestive tract are discussed in
the article by Crozier and Sumer elsewhere in this issue. Some of the other more
common benign and malignant neck neoplastic lesions are discussed here, including
salivary gland neoplasms, primary vascular neoplasms, neurogenic neoplasms, and
The majority, that is, approximately 80%, of salivary gland neoplasms arise in the
parotid gland. Neoplasms of the parotid gland are benign themselves approximately
80% of the time as well, while 50% of submandibular gland neoplasms are benign.
Historically, patient tobacco and alcohol use are not associated with an increased inci-
dence of salivary gland neoplasm, although some studies suggest an association of
tobacco use with the development of a Warthin tumor. A history of radiation may
increase the risk of benign pleomorphic adenoma or mucoepidermoid carcinoma.
Occupational exposure to wood or silica dust is also associated with salivary gland
Patients typically present with an asymptomatic neck mass anterior
to the ear, inferior to the ear lobe corresponding to the tail of the parotid gland, or in
the submandibular triangle. Tenderness to palpation is unusual but may occur with
associated infection. Examination of the face or scalp may reveal a skin cancer that
has metastasized to an intraparotid lymph node(s). A firm mass or facial nerve paresis
is a poor prognostic finding associated with malignancy. A contrast-enhanced CT
scan of the neck is warranted as well as FNAB for definitive surgical treatment.
Other common benign neoplasms presenting in the neck involve tumors arising
from elements of the parapharyngeal space. These neoplasms include salivary gland
tumors, neurogenic tumors, and paragangliomas (carotid body tumors, glomus jugu-
lare, glomus vagale). The patient may complain of dysphagia, dyspnea, symptoms of
obstructive sleep apnea, symptoms of eustachian tube dysfunction, or other symp-
toms related to cranial neuropathies. These symptoms usually present with significant
tumor size. In addition, symptoms of flushing, hypertension, and palpitations may
occur in association with functional paragangliomas. The most common finding on
physical examination is that of a painless neck mass or painless oropharyngeal
mass. The neck mass may have a palpable thrill or audible bruit. Paragangliomas
derived from the carotid body are mobile in an anteroposterior direction but not in
a vertical direction.
Patients with these symptoms and clinical findings warrant
a contrast-enhanced CT scan of the neck, preferably from the skull base through
the clavicles, before referral to an otolaryngologist. In addition, patients with symp-
toms of a secreting paraganglioma should undergo a 24-hour urine collection for cate-
cholamines and their metabolites.
Lipomas and especially liposarcomas are extremely rare lesions presenting above
the clavicles, as they usually occur in extremities and the trunk. In general, patients
present with a slowly enlarging, painless neck mass. A history of trauma to the area
affected may also be elicited.
Physical examination reveals a subcutaneous,
smooth-surfaced soft tissue mass. A contrast-enhanced CT scan of the neck is war-
ranted to determine the extent of the process before complete surgical excision.
Lymphomas are a heterogeneous group of lymphoproliferative disorders and are
generally classified as Hodgkin or non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Symptoms include odyno-
phagia, globus sensation, otalgia, or hearing loss associated with otitis media and
dysphagia. Classic constitutional symptoms include fever, night sweats, and weight
loss. Lymphomas present most frequently with lymphadenopathy and frequently
involve the head and neck region. In the head and neck region this disease most often
Adult Patients with Neck Mass 1025
presents as a painless nodal mass. The mass may become painful with rapid growth.
Hodgkin disease rarely presents in extranodal sites in the head and neck area, whereas
non-Hodgkin lymphoma often presents with extranodal manifestation in the Waldeyer
ring, mainly the palatine tonsil and nasopharynx.
CT imaging studies of the head and
neck, chest, abdomen, and pelvis assist in staging, in addition to planning the most
appropriate site for biopsy to confirm the diagnosis. Open biopsy is frequently neces-
sary to ensure an adequate specimen for appropriate cytogenetic studies.
S: Systemic Diseases
There are a few rare systemic disease conditions with manifestation of neck masses
as part of the disease entity. Such disease entities include Sjo gren syndrome, sarcoid-
osis, Kimura disease, and Castleman disease. In addition, manifestation of the HIV
systemically occurs frequently in the neck, as discussed previously with respect to
infectious and neoplastic processes.
Primary Sjo gren syndrome is a chronic disorder characterized by the Sicca complex
of xerophthalmia with secondary keratoconjunctivitis and xerostomia. This syndrome
is caused by immune-mediated destruction of the exocrine glands of lacrimation and
salivation. Secondary Sjo gren syndrome refers to the Sicca complex in association
with other connective tissue disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis or systemic lupus
erythematosus. This disease occurs in 1% of the population, with onset between the
ages of 40 and 60 years and with a 9:1 female predilection. Approximately 80% of
patients complain of xerostomia-related complications such as dysphagia, change
in taste, fissures of the tongue and lips, and increased dental caries. Ocular symptoms
include dryness, burning, foreign body sensation, and itching. Sinonasal complaints
also occur, and manifest as epistaxis in 50% and hyposmia in 40% of patients.
Approximately one-third of patients develop persistent salivary gland enlargement.
These symptoms should prompt an autoimmune serologic workup and referral to an
otolaryngologist for a salivary gland biopsy, which is the single best diagnostic test.
Sarcoidosis is a multisystem disorder of unknown cause. Otolaryngologic manifes-
tations of sarcoidosis occur in 10% to 15% of patients.
The most common sites of
head and neck involvement are the cervical lymphatics, parotid glands, and facial
nerve. Cervical adenopathy is the most common of the aforementioned head and
neck manifestations, and was present in 48% of patients in a series by Dash and Kim-
Referral to an otolaryngologist for diagnostic confirmation by FNABor open
biopsy demonstration of noncaseating granulomas is warranted.
Kimura disease is a chronic inflammatory condition characterized by a triad of pain-
less subcutaneous masses in the head or neck region, blood and tissue eosinophilia,
and markedly elevated serum immunoglobulin E levels.
This condition is endemic to
Asian countries, although reported in America and Europe in Asian descendents.
These patients are typically male, with a 76% incidence of subcutaneous soft tissue
and deep cervical masses in the head and neck region on physical examination. These
lesions are nontender and poorly circumscribed, commonly involving the periauricular,
epicranial, and orbital regions of the head, and frequently manifest in the submandib-
ular triangle (43%).
Patients may complain of pruritus and are most frequently free of
systemic symptoms. A contrast-enhanced CT scan is nonspecific, usually demon-
strating homogeneous-appearing lymph nodes with slight enlargement of the major
salivary glands. The differential diagnosis includes lymphoma, scrofula, and eosino-
philic granulomas. If the workup for tuberculosis is negative, referral to an otolaryngol-
ogist for biopsy is appropriate.
Castleman disease is an uncommon nonneoplastic lymphoproliferative disorder
that can present as a solitary cervical lesion. Although this disease entity involves
Rosenberg et al 1026
benign lymph node hyperplasia and usually affects the mediastinum, the second most
commonly involved site is the head and neck area. The disease may manifest in a local-
ized unicentric pattern with a slow-growing lymph node or as a multicentric systemic
disease with numerous constitutional symptoms. Presenting signs and symptoms are
generally nonspecific and therefore, Castleman disease should be considered in the
differential diagnosis of long-standing inflammatory or neoplastic cervical masses.
A contrast-enhanced CT scan of the neck is helpful in defining the extent of disease.
In addition, enhancement of the lesion differentiates this from lymphoma, which does
not typically enhance. The diagnosis of Castleman disease is often difficult and when
considered in the differential diagnosis, surgical excision with pathologic review is
required to establish this diagnosis.
The differential diagnosis for a neck mass is extensive and is easily remembered by
employing the mnemonic KITTENS (Table 1),
which is an acronym for Kcongen-
ital/developmental anomalies, Iinfectious/inflammatory, Ttrauma, Ttoxic, E
endocrine, Nneoplasms, and Ssystemic diseases. Depending on the patients
age, the focus of this differential changes. For patients younger than 40 years the initial
considerations should include congenital anomalies or infectious/inflammatory
causes. In addition, traumatic origin of neck mass formation is also more common
in this age group. However, for patients 40 years and older, 80% of neck masses
are associated with a neoplastic process. Additional causes to consider for the devel-
opment of a neck mass are endocrine pathologies and, more rarely, systemic disease.
The authors would like to acknowledge Dawn Rosenberg for her artistic talent and
preparation of our figure depicting the anatomic neck boundaries and lymphatic
drainage patterns.
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