NP 2511D 2 - 3511D 2 - D F10116 Com R100P1 - Eng

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D-F10116 NP-2511D-2/3511D-2 Command reference Rev.1.


Command Reference


Revision 1.00 2012.09.24 1st edition

All specifications described are subject to change without prior notice.
Though we made assurance doubly sure to write this product specifications,
Please contact us if you find any mistakes and erroneous omitting.

Nippon Primex Inc.

Head Office:
1-5-12 Unoki Ohta-ku Tokyo 146-8650 Japan
TEL :+81-3-3750-1234 FAX :+81-3-3750-4555
E-mail : [email protected]

Spec. D-F10116
D-F10116 NP-2511D-2/3511D-2 Command reference Rev.1.00
Table of contents

1. Application1

2. Command2
2.1 Command Table 2
2.2 Printer Driver 4
2.3 Command Details 4

3. Character Code Table 46
3.1 Domestic Character Code Table (International Character Set: Japanese) 46
3.2 Overseas Character Code (International Set: USA) 47
3.3 CODE PAGE 858 48
3.4 International code table 49
3.5 CODE PAGE 1250 50
3.6 CODE PAGE 1251 51
3.7 CODE PAGE 1252 52
3.8 CODE PAGE 1253 53
3.9 CODE PAGE 1254 54

D-F10116 NP-2511D-2/3511D-2 Command reference Rev.1.00

1. Application

This document is about command and character code table of NP-2511D-2, NP-3511 D-2.
Please refer to product specifications of NP-2511D-2, NP-3511D-2 for their specifications, precaution,
and revision history.

D-F10116 NP-2511D-2/3511D-2 Command reference Rev.1.00

2. Command

2.1 Command Table

1) [Horizontal Tab]HT 4
2) [Print and Line Feed] LF 4
3) [Carriage Return] CR 4
4) [Software Reset] DC1 4
5) [Barcode Termination Change] ESC RS c n 4
6) [Character Right Space Quantity Setting] ESC SP n 4
7) [Print Mode Batch Setting] ESC ! n 5
8) [Absolute Position Setting] ESC $ n1 n2 5
9) [Download Characters Set SET/RESET]ESC % n 5
10) [Download Characters Definition] ESC & s n m a Dn 6
11) [Bit Image Mode Setting] ESC * m n1 n2 Dn 8
12) [Underline SET/RESET] ESC n 10
13) [1/6 inch Line Feed Amount Setting] ESC 2 10
14) [Line Feed Amount Setting by Smallest Paper Feed Pitch Unit] ESC 3 n 10
15) [Data Input Control] ESC = n 10
16) [Printer Initialization] ESC @ 10
17) [Back Feed] ESC B n 11
18) [Horizontal Tab Position Setting] ESC D n1 n2 --- NUL 11
19) [Enhanced Print SET/RESET] ESC E n 11
20) [Double Strike Print SET/RESET] ESC G n 11
21) [Print and Line Feed by Smallest Pitch Unit] ESC J n 12
22) [International Character Selection] ESC R n 12
23) [90 Clockwise Rotated Character SET/RESET] ESC V n 12
24) [Relative Position Setting] ESC n1 n2 12
25) [Position Alignment] ESC a n 13
26) [Raster Bit Image]ESC b n1 n2 n3 Dn 14
27) [Feed Switch VALID/INVALID] ESC c 5 n 15
28) [Print and n Line Feed] ESC d n 15
29) [Presenter Ejection/Retraction Mode Selection] ESC h n 15
30) [Full Cut] ESC i 15
31) [Partial Cut A] ESC m 15
32) [Partial Cut B] ESC n 17
33) [Compulsory Ejection] ESC r n 17
34) [Presenter Ejection/Retraction] ESC r 0 n 17
35) [Presenter Auto Ejection/Retraction Time Setting] ESC r 1 n 17
36) [Printer Information Transmission] ESC s n 17
38) [Printer Status Transmission] ESC v 18
39) [Inverted Character SET/RESET] ESC { n 19
40) [Partition Drive Selection] GS % n 19
41) [Black and White Reverse Print SET/RESET] GS B n 19
42) [Print START/FINISH Setting] GS G n 20
43) [HRI Character Printing Position Selection] GS H n 22
44) [Fixed Bit Image Print] GS P n 22
45) [Fixed Bit Image Registration] GS T n 22
46) [Firmware Download] GS d Dn 23
47) [HRI Character Style Selection] GS f n 23
48) [Barcode Height Selection] GS h n 23
49) [Barcode Print] GS k n Dn NUL 24
D-F10116 NP-2511D-2/3511D-2 Command reference Rev.1.00
50) [Auto-transmitting of Printer Status]GS v NUL 24
51) [Barcode Width Selection] GS w n 24
52) [Print Density Setting] GS ~ n 28
53) [Cue Operation] Gs FF n 28
54) [Mark Detection Method & Position Correction Feed Amount Setting] Gs ( m a n1 n2 28
55) [Cue Process Set at Setting Paper] Gs m n 28
56) [Printable Area Set] Gs W n1 n2 29
57) [Maximum Printing Speed Set] GS S n 29
58) [Batch Setting of Japanese Kanji Print Mode] FS ! n 29
59) [Japanese Kanji Mode Setting] FS & 29
60) [Japanese Kanji Underline SET/RESET] FS n 30
61) [Japanese Kanji Mode RESET] FS . 30
62) [Definition of Extra Characters] FS 2 a1 a2 Dn 31
63) [Japanese Kanji Code Selection] FS C n 32
64) [Japanese Kanji Space Amount Setting] FS S n1 n2 32
65) [Character Table Code Selection] FS T n 33
66) [Quadruple Japanese Kanji Size SET/RESET] FS W n 33
67) [Page Layout Setting]ESC T Dt 34
68) [Page Length Setting] ESC I DI 34
69) [Page Lay Out Print Area Setting] ESC W DI Dt Dw Dh 34
70) [Page Print and Clear] FF 37
71) [Page Print] ESC FF n 37
72) [Page Buffer Clear] CAN 37
73) [Page Buffer Area Clear] Esc CAN Dx1 Dx2 Dy1 Dy2 Dw1 Dw2 Dh1 Dh2 37
74) [Page Buffer Lay Out Start/Finish Setting] ESC L n 38
75) [Back Feed (mm unit)] Gs J n 40
76) LED bezel setting GS I n m 40
77) [QMS character print]FS k n Dn NUL 41
78) [Registration of User Code Page] GS & n Dn 41
80) [QR code printing(Model2)]ESC q S E V M 44
81) [Module width size of PDF417 setting]GS n n 45
82) [PDF417 printing]GS p e h nl nh [d]k 45

is effective only as Japanese is selected.

*53) 55) is related to Black Mark Commands.

*In case print method is a buffer full , print speed will be max. 200mm /sec.

D-F10116 NP-2511D-2/3511D-2 Command reference Rev.1.00

2.2 Printer Driver

Apply the driver stated as below or latest NPI driver (NPI EX driver is recommended).
NPI EXDriver Ver.
NPI Printer_DS2.0

2.3 Command Details
1) [Horizontal Tab]HT
Code: [09]h
Print position moves to the next horizontal tab position.
*Horizontal tab is set by [Horizontal Tab Position Setting] command.
*Default of [Horizontal Tab Position] is every 8
character (9 digit,17 digit,,41digit) in font A.
(2 inch model is until 33rd digit)
*If the next [Horizontal Tab] is not set, this command is disregarded.

2) [Print and Line Feed] LF
Code: [0A] h
Prints out data inside print line buffer and line feeds based on preset line feed quantity.

3) [Carriage Return] CR
Code: [0D] h
*This command is disregarded.

4) [Software Reset] DC1
Code: [11]h
Restarts firmware as same process when turning the power ON.
*Since this command will be stored in internal reception input buffer and executes
sequentially, timing of command receipt and execution will be different.
*If during cutter movement, software reset will be activated after auto-cutter finishes driving.

5) [Barcode Termination Change] ESC RS c n
Code: [1B]h + [1E]h + [63] + n *[n = 00, 80]h
Change terminator of [Barcode print] command with n.
*n is indicated as follows;
n(hex) termination
00 [00]h
80 [FF]h
*Default value of n is [00]h

6) [Character Right Space Quantity Setting] ESC SP n
Code: [1B] h + [20]h + n *[00 n 20]h
Sets right SPACE quantity of character by dot. (1/203 inch unit)
*Right SPACE is reflected with zoom when double width zoom mode.
*Default value of n is [00]h.
D-F10116 NP-2511D-2/3511D-2 Command reference Rev.1.00

7) [Print Mode Batch Setting] ESC ! n
Code: [1B]h + [21]h + n *[00 n FF]h
Assings print mode.
*n has the following meaning.

*If double height and double width are set at the same time, quadruple character will be formed.
*All of the printed characters will be underlined except for the 90 clock-wise rotated
characters and spaces created by [Horizontal Tab].
*Underline width is determined by the value set in [Underline SET/RESET].
Default value is 1dot width.
*Enhanced print control is only effective when Kanji mode
*Enables to print with different character sizes mixed e.g. double width and normal size etc.
*Font B is available only when selecting either International Code Table or Japanese Code
Table or Code Page 858 in [Character Code Table Selection], also when selecting
Japanese as language font.
*Default value of n is [00] h.

8) [Absolute Position Setting] ESC $ n1 n2
Code: [1B]h + [24]h + n1 + n2 * [00 n1 FF]h
* [00 n2 02]h
Sets print start point from head of the line by number of dot. (by 1/203-inch position)
*Divide dots at print start point by 256 and quotient shall be n2 while remainder is n1.
*Print start point is (n1 + n2 256) from head of the line.
*Disregards setting beyond end of the line.
*When this command is received in the middle of line, it will be effective even not passing the
current position.

9) [Download Characters Set SET/RESET]ESC % n
*Effective when language font:Japanese is selected.
Code: [1B]h + [25]h + n * [00 n FF]h
SET/RESET download characters
*Only least significant bit (b0) is effective to n.
b0 has the following meaning.
b0 Function
0 RESET download character set
1 SET download character set
*Default value of n is [00] h
bit function
0 1
0 Character font Font A Font B
1 Undefined
2 Undefined
3 Enhanced RESET SET
4 Double height RESET SET
5 Double width RESET SET
6 Undefined
7 Underline RESET SET
D-F10116 NP-2511D-2/3511D-2 Command reference Rev.1.00

10) [Download Characters Definition] ESC & s n m a Dn
*Valid when Japanese is selected.
Code : [1B]h + [26]h + s + n + m + a + Dn *[s = 03]h
*[20 n 7E]h
*[20 m 7E]h
*Font A [01 a 0C]h
*Font B [01 a 09]h
Defines font for download characters of alphanumeric characters.
*s indicates number of bytes to define in vertical direction while a is number of dots in
*n indicates the start character code and m means end character code. (If only 1
character definition, then n = m.)
*Definable characters are from [20] h ~ [7E]h on ASCII code. (95 characters)
*Dn indicates data to be defined and indicates horizontal direction adots pattern from the
left edge. Remaining pattern on the right side will be filled with SPACE.
*Download characters once defined by this command remain valid until execution of
[Software Reset] or Reset Switch or turning the power OFF.
*Redefinition is only effective to designated area.

In case of FontA

P7 P34

D-F10116 NP-2511D-2/3511D-2 Command reference Rev.1.00

In case of Font B

P7 P25

P27 P6 P3
D-F10116 NP-2511D-2/3511D-2 Command reference Rev.1.00

11) [Bit Image Mode Setting] ESC * m n1 n2 Dn
Code : [1B]h + [2A]h + m + n1 + n2 + Dn *[m = refer to the table below]h
*[00 n1 FF] h
*[00 n2 02] h
Prints data in bit image with resolution designated by m.
*Total print dots are divided by 256, quotient shall be n2 and remainder is n1.
*Total print dots in bit image mode are (n1 + 256 n2).
*If the input bit image data (Dn) exceeds printable area, exceeding data will be discarded.
*Bit image data (Dn) interprets bit 1 as print and bit 0 as not print.
*Bit image mode is indicated below.

Standard Mode
Vertical Direction Horizontal Direction
Max. Dots
m(hex) Bit Image Mode
Dot Density Dot Density
00 8dot single density 8 67DPI 101DPI 224 320
01 8dot double density 8 67DPI 203DPI 448 640
20 24dot single density 24 203DPI 101DPI 224 320
21,23 24dot double density 24 203DPI 203DPI 448 640

D-F10116 NP-2511D-2/3511D-2 Command reference Rev.1.00

<Relationship between Bit Image data and Printed Dot>
*8dots bit image

Print Data

Single density Double density
*24dots image bit

Print Data

Single density Double density
D1 D2 D3
D1 D2 D3

D1 D4 D7 MSB
D4 D5 D6
D6 D9
D1 D2 D3 D7 D8 D9
D-F10116 NP-2511D-2/3511D-2 Command reference Rev.1.00

12) [Underline SET/RESET] ESC n
Code: [1B]h + [2D]h + n *[00 n 02]h
SET/RESET Underline.
*Underline is valid to all characters except for area skipped by [Horizontal Tab].
Also, underline is not valid to 90 clockwise rotated character.
*This command is not valid when Kanji mode.
*Underline is verified with n value as shown bellow.
n(hex) Type
00 RESET underline
01 SET one dot underline
02 SET two dot underline
*Default value of n is [00]h.

13) [1/6 inch Line Feed Amount Setting] ESC 2
Code: [1B] h + [32] h
Sets one line feed to 1/6 inch.

14) [Line Feed Amount Setting by Smallest Paper Feed Pitch Unit] ESC 3 n
Code: [1B]h + [33]h + n *[00 n FF]h
Sets line feed amount for a line to n/203 inch.
*Although setting under value of characters height, it will execute line feed for the amount of
characters height.
*Default value of n is [22]h.

15) [Data Input Control] ESC = n
Code: [1B]h + [3D]h + n *[00 n FF]h
Selects available device for data input from the host.
*Each bit of n indicates below;
bit function
0 1
1 Undefined
2 Undefined
3 Undefined
4 Undefined
5 Undefined
6 Undefined
7 Undefined
*When printer is not selected, all receipt data are deleted until the printer is selected by this
*Even if printer is not selected, depending on printer operation it may become busy status.
*Default value of n is [01] h.

16) [Printer Initialization] ESC @
Code: [1B] h + [40] h
Clears data stored in the print line buffer and initializes (default status) each setting.
*Does not clear data stored in the internal receive input buffer.
*Activate re-reading Dip switch and Memory switch.
*Stores in receive buffer and executes sequentially.
D-F10116 NP-2511D-2/3511D-2 Command reference Rev.1.00

17) [Back Feed] ESC B n
Code: [1B]h + [42]h + n *[00 n FF]h
Once this command received, paper is forwarded in reverse direction.
*Set forwarding amount by n Dot line. In case of setting [00]h, no forwarding.
*Please do not enter this command sequencially for preventing paper jam.
When back feedi more than [FF]h dot, please use [Back feed (mm/unit)].
*Backlash may let paper not put properly.
*If there is print data in Print Line buffer, backfeed is activated after printing.
*Tip of paper should not be exceeding the limit of back feed.
(Please refer to 2.4 Cutter specification in Products Specification)

18) [Horizontal Tab Position Setting] ESC D n1 n2 --- NUL
Code: [1B]h + [44]h + n1 + n2 + --- + [00]h * [00 n FF]h
Sets horizontal tab position.
*n indicates the digits from the head to the tab position.
In this case, it shall be [n = tab set position 1].
*Although tab position is set at the point of (character width x n) from head of the line, in this
case, character width includes right SPACE amount of the character and when double width
zoom is set, width becomes double of ordinary character.
*Enables to set max. 32 tab positions and settings exceeding this will be ignored.
* ESC D NUL clears all set tab positions. [Horizontal Tab] after clear is ignored.
*Default of [Horizontal Tab] is every 8
character (9 digit,17 digit,25digit,33digit,41digit) in font
A. (2 inch model is until 33rd digit)

19) [Enhanced Print SET/RESET] ESC E n
Code: [1B]h + [45]h + n *[00 n FF]h
SET/RESET Enhanced Print.
*Only LSB (least significant bit b0) is available to n.
b0 has the following meaning.
b0 Value
0 RESET enhanced print
1 SET enhanced print
*When executing enhanced print, print result may be deformed.
*Default value of n is [00] h.

20) [Double Strike Print SET/RESET] ESC G n
Code: [1B]h + [47]h + n *[00 n FF]h
SET/RESET Double Strike Print.
*Only LSB (least significant bit b0) is available to n.
b0 has the following meaning.
b0 Descriptions
0 RESET Double Strike print
1 SET Double Strike print
*When Double Strike print, print result may be deformed.
*Default value of n is [00]h.

D-F10116 NP-2511D-2/3511D-2 Command reference Rev.1.00

21) [Print and Line Feed by Smallest Pitch Unit] ESC J n
Code: [1B]h + [4A]h + n *[00 n FF]h
Prints data inside the print line buffer and feeds paper for n/203 inch.
*Line feed quantity does not remain.
*Beginning of the line shall be a next print start point.
*Executes line feed for the amount of characters height, even if setting under value of
characters height.

22) [International Character Selection] ESC R n
*Effective only when selecting either overseas or domestic code in [Character Code Table
Selection] in addition to selecting Japanese in language font.
Code: [1B]h + [52]h + n *[00 n 0C]h
Selects International Characters.
* n has the following meaning.
n(hex) Character Set
00 U.S.A.
01 France
02 Germany
03 U.K.
04 Denmark I
05 Sweden
06 Italy
07 Spain
08 Japan
09 Norway
0A Denmark II
OB Spain II
OC Latin America
*Default value of n is [08] h.

23) [90 Clockwise Rotated Character SET/RESET] ESC V n
Code: [1B]h + [56]h + n *[00 n 01]h
SET/RESET 90 clockwise rotated character.
*When 90 clockwise rotated character is set, [Underline Setting] is INVALID.
*n has the following meaning.

*Default value of n is [00]h.

24) [Relative Position Setting] ESC n1 n2
Code: [1B]h + [5C]h + n1 + n2 * [00 n1 FF]h
*[00 n2 FF]h
Sets print start position by dots in 1/203 inch unit counting from the current position.
Divide the dot number by 256 and quotient shall be n2 while remainder is n1.
Rightward defines plus, leftward defines minus.
When n dot is set on rightwards, the value is (n1 + n2 x 256).
When n dot is set on leftwards, the value is set by n complement.
n dot = 65536 - n
Setting which exceeds end of the line is disregarded.

n(hex) Descriptions
00 RESET 90 rotated character
01 SET 90 rotated character
D-F10116 NP-2511D-2/3511D-2 Command reference Rev.1.00

25) [Position Alignment] ESC a n
Code: [1B]h + [61]h + n *[00 n 02]h
Aligns print data in a line at the designated position.
(Except for fixed bit image)
*n has the following meaning;
n(hex) Position
00 Left alignment
01 Centering
02 Right alignment
*Effective only when input in beginning of the line.
*Default value of n is [00]h
D-F10116 NP-2511D-2/3511D-2 Command reference Rev.1.00

26) [Raster Bit Image]ESC b n1 n2 n3 Dn
01n138h2-Inch model
01n150h3-Inch model
Prints data in raster bit image.
*Dn is raster bit image data.
*Prints raster bit image of width n1 byte by height (n2 + 256 x n3) dot lines.
*The total byte of the requested raster bit image data (Dn) is {n1 x (n2 + 256 x n3)}.
*Raster bit image data (Dn) exceeding the printing area will be disregarded.
*Raster bit image data (Dn) interprets bit 1 as print and bit 0 as not print.
*Relation between raster bit image data and printed dots are as follows.

n1 byte

D1 D2 Dn1
Dn1+1 Dn1+2 Dn1*2
Dn1*2+1 Dn1*2+2 Dn1*3




*Make sure to add ESC J 00h ([1B]h + [4A]h + [00]h) at the end of this command.
*Data of this command starts printing after buffering regardless of [Print start/finish Setting] command.

D-F10116 NP-2511D-2/3511D-2 Command reference Rev.1.00

27) [Feed Switch VALID/INVALID] ESC c 5 n
Code: [1B]h + [63]h + [35]h + n *[00 n FF]h
Changes the FEED switch valid or invalid
*Only LSB (least significant bit b0) is available to n.
b0 has the following meaning.
B0 Description
0 Enable FEED switch
1 Disable FEED switch
*Default value of n is [00]h.

28) [Print and n Line Feed] ESC d n
Code: [1B]h + [64]h + n *[00 n FF]h
Prints data inside print line buffer and feeds paper for n lines.
*Setting amount does not remain.
*Beginning of the line shall be the next print start position.
*If there is print data remained, it definitely performs line feed at least for the same height of
the character.
*When nlines x line feed amount is over 100mm, line feed amount will be 100mm.

29) [Presenter Ejection/Retraction Mode Selection] ESC h n
*This command is effective only for using presenter.
Code: [1B]h + [68]h + n *[00 n 07]h
Selects presenter mode.
*Contents of the mode differ depending on model of the presenter.
*n has following meanings.
Presenter n(hex) Function
00 Clamp Ejection
01 Complete Ejection
00 Auto Retraction
01 Auto Ejection
02 Manual Retraction
03 Manual Ejection
04 Complete Retraction
05 Complete Ejection
06 Function OFF Retraction
07 Function OFF Ejection
*Default value of n is [00]h.
*Please refer to Details of NPT-306 movement mode for details of each mode on next page.
*Function OFF Retraction or Function OFF Ejection is recommended when printing length
more than 250mm.

30) [Full Cut] ESC i
Code: [1B]h + [69]h
*Executes full cut of the paper.
*Only effective at the head of a line

31) [Partial Cut A] ESC m
Code: [1B]h + [6D]h
*Executes partial cut (center is left uncut.)
*Only effective at the head of a line.
*Full cut is activated when using NPT-306.
*Please do not use this command with the printer dedicated to FULL cut, [NP-2511F/3511F].
D-F10116 NP-2511D-2/3511D-2 Command reference Rev.1.00

Description for NPT-306 operation mode

Clamp means the presenter is in status of waiting for paper extraction.
Function OFF is to activate presenter motor synchronized with the paper feed motor and not to function
as a presenter.
However, since a paper detection processing and an ejection/retraction processing function are kept,
paper detection error occurs if the paper does not go inside the presenter while presenter ejection error
occurs if the paper does not eject from the presenter.
Paper Detection will not activate for feeding quantitative paper after cover open/close.
Paper Detection Error occurs if there is no paper inside presenter when paper end is occurred.
Since leaving a short reed-shaped paper causes paper jam, make sure to remove it by opening the

Mode Clamp Retraction Condition Ejection Condition
Feed SW ON
Receives presenter retraction of
[Presenter Ejection/Retraction] command.
Receives Print / Paper Feed related
Elapses time set in [Presenter Auto
Ejection/Retraction Time Setting]
Receives presenter ejection in [Presenter
Ejection/Retraction] command.
Receives presenter retraction of
[Presenter Ejection/Retraction] command.

Feed SW ON
Receives presenter ejection in [Presenter
Ejection/Retraction] command.
Receives Print / Paper Feed related
Elapses time set in [Presenter Auto
Ejection/Retraction Time Setting]
Feed SW ON
Receives presenter retraction of
[Presenter Ejection/Retraction] command.
Receives Print / Paper Feed related
Receives presenter ejection in [Presenter
Ejection/Retraction] command.

Receives presenter retraction of
[Presenter Ejection/Retraction] command.
Feed SW ON
Receives presenter ejection in [Presenter
Ejection/Retraction] command.
Receives Print / Paper Feed related
NO Full cut


Full cut
NO Full cut
NO Full cut
D-F10116 NP-2511D-2/3511D-2 Command reference Rev.1.00

32) [Partial Cut B] ESC n
Code: [1B]h + [6E]h
*Executes partial cut (A few mm in the center is left uncut)
*Only effective at the head of a line.
*Uncut part is somewhat wider than that of Partial Cut A.
*Full cut is activated when using NPT-306.
*Do not use this command for the printers dedicated FULL cutting

33) [Compulsory Ejection] ESC r n
*This command is effective only when use of presenter (NPT-301)
Code: [1B]h + [72]h + n *[00 n 01]h
[Compulsory Ejection] is used when desired to compulsorily complete ejecting paper under
status of non-removal paper after clamp ejection for over certain period of time.
*This command makes motor rotate forward or reverse until paper is ejected completely.
*n has the following meanings.
n(hex) Motor
00 Forward Rotation
01 Reverse Rotation

34) [Presenter Ejection/Retraction] ESC r 0 n
*This command is effective only when using the presenter (NPT-306).
Code: [1B]h + [72]h + [30]h + n *[00 n 01]h
Conducts presenter Ejection/Retraction movement.
*When receiving this command it conducts Ejection/Retraction after releasing clamp status.
*It is effective only when selecting Auto Ejection/Retraction or Manual Ejection/Retraction
Mode and the printer status is in clamp status.
n(hex) Function
00 Presenter Retraction
01 Presenter Ejection

35) [Presenter Auto Ejection/Retraction Time Setting] ESC r 1 n
*This command is effective only when use of presenter (NPT-306).
Code: [1B]h + [72]h + [31]h + n *[00 n 3C]h
Sets the time from clamp status to Auto Ejection/Retraction when selecting Auto
Ejection/Retraction Mode.
*Time set by n is as follows.
{The time for Auto Ejection/Retraction = n x 1.0sec}
*Default value of n is [04]h.

36) [Printer Information Transmission] ESC s n
Code: [1B]h + [73]h + n
Transmits printer information.
*n and details of returned data are as follows.
n(hex) Printer Information Returned data format Returned data length
02 Model Info.
Variable-length string
(terminal NULL=00h)
Max. 32Byte
03 F/W version info. Fixed-length string 8Byte
04 Boot version info. Fixed-length string 8Byte
05 SW setting info. Fixed-length string Hex data
14 USB serial No. Fixed-length string 8byte
Returned format
[FF]h + n(*1) + returned data (*1) designated n in command.
*Please refer to [Products specification 3.2.6] Data transmission
for transmission format.
D-F10116 NP-2511D-2/3511D-2 Command reference Rev.1.00

37) [Character Code Table Selection] ESC t n
*It is effective only when Language font:Japanese is selected.
Code: [1B]h + [74]h + n *[00 n 07]h
Selects character code table
*n has the following meaning.
Font Table
00 International Code page
01 Japanese Code page
02 Code Page 858
03 Code Page 1250
04 Code Page 1251
05 Code Page 1252
06 Code Page 1254
07 User Code Page
*Default value of n is [01]h

38) [Printer Status Transmission] ESC v
Code: [1B]h + [76]h
Transmits current printer status.
*Status to transmit is one byte. Refer to 4.2 1) Error Detection Details of Product
Specifications for the contents. Also, please refer to [Products specification 3.2.6] Data
] for transmission format.
*Transmit one byte after confirmation of receivable status on host. (CTS signal: SPACE status)
*When host is unreceivable status (CTS signal: MARK status), printer waits until host turns to
*This command is effective only for SERIAL Interface.
*Make sure to issue command before transmit of print data.
(Stored into internal receipt input buffer and executes sequentially.)
*Receivable except when internal receipt input buffer is full.

D-F10116 NP-2511D-2/3511D-2 Command reference Rev.1.00

39) [Inverted Character SET/RESET] ESC { n
Code: [1B]h + [7B]h + n 00nFFh
SET/RESET Inverted print function.
*Only LSB (least significant bit b0) is available to n.
b0 has the following meaning.
b0 Descriptions
0 RESET inverted character
1 SET inverted character
*The command is only valid when it is assigned at the beginning of a line.
*Default value of n is [00]h.

40) [Partition Drive Selection] GS % n
Code: [1D]h + [25]h + n *[00 n 03]h
Selects partition drive.
*n has the following meaning.
n(hex) Partition
01 Fix without partition
02 Fix in dual partition
03 Optimization
*Default value of n is [03]h.
*Will be disregarded and DO NOT change when out of range.

41) [Black and White Reverse Print SET/RESET] GS B n
Code: [1D]h + [42] + n *[00 n FF]h
SET/RESET black and white reverse print.
*Only LSB (least significant bit b0) is available to n.
b0 has the following meaning.
b0 Function
0 RESET Black and White reverse print
1 SET Black and White reverse print
*Black/white reverse print is applicable to built-in characters and downloaded characters.
*Right side SPACE of set character in [Character Right Space Quantity] is also applied to
black/white reverse print. However, it does not cover the skipped SPACE created by bit
image, raster bit image, fixed bit image, barcode, HRI characters, [Horizontal Tab], [Absolute
Position Setting], [Relative Position Setting].
*Does not affect to SPACE between the lines.
*Setting reverse print has priority over underline setting. Thus, even when underline is set,
underline will not be added to black/white reverse character. However, underline setting
remains effective.
*When black/white reverse print, print result may be crushed.
*Default value of n is [00]h.

D-F10116 NP-2511D-2/3511D-2 Command reference Rev.1.00

42) [Print START/FINISH Setting] GS G n
This command enables to judge whether print movement is finished or not by monitoring bit7
of printer status.

1) Print START/FINISH Setting (n = [00]h, [01]h, [10]h, [11]h)
(1) [Print START Setting (w/o JOB ID)]
Code: [1D]h + [47]h + [01]h
Sets 1 to bit7 of printer status.

(2) [Print FINISH Setting (w/o JOB ID)]
Code: [1D]h + [47]h + [00]h
Sets 0 to bit7 of printer status.

(3) [Print START Setting (w/JOB ID)]
Code: [1D]h + [47]h + [11]h + ID1 + ID2 + ID3 + ID4
Sets 1 to bit7 of printer status.
Sets JOB ID (4Byte)
Holds printer status that are logical added (OR) from START setting to FINISH setting
as complete status.

(4) [Print FINISH Setting (w/JOB ID)]
Code: [1D]h + [47]h + [10]h
Sets 0 to bit7 of printer status.
Transmits print FINISH notification of the following format.
[FF]h + [13]h + JOB ID(4Byte) + FINISH status(1Byte) + Backup(3Byte)

2) Buffering Print START/FINISH Setting (n = [20]h, [21]h, [30]h, [31]h)
*Received data is once buffered in the page buffer in print image ,and prints out buffered
image once receiving a print finish setting.
*Although a little time-lag remains from Reception Start to Print Start, print movement
will be stabled at the maximum speed. However, since there is a limit in buffer memory,
in case of printing image exceeding 160mm printing length, memory storages every
160mm and repeats print movement. Printing stops once and restarts on the edge.
*When print stop error occurs during printing the data pinched between Print start
setting and Print finish setting, print data until Print finish setting is discarded.

(1) [Buffering Print START Setting (w/o JOB ID)]
Code: [1D]h + [47]h + [21]h
Sets 1 to bit7 of printer status and starts buffering.

(2) [Buffering Print FINISH Setting (w/o JOB ID)]
Code: [1D]h + [47]h + [20]h
Prints image buffered inside page buffer and sets 0 to bit7 of printer status.
Clears page buffer.

(3) [Buffering Print START Setting (w/JOB ID)]
Code: [1D]h + [47]h + [31]h + ID1 + ID2 + ID3 + ID4
Sets 1 to bit7 of printer status and starts buffering.
Sets JOB ID (4Byte)
Holds printer status that are logical added (OR) from START setting to FINISH setting
as FINISH status.
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(4) [Buffering Print FINISH Setting (w/JOB ID)]
Code: [1D] h + [47]h + [30]h
Prints image buffered inside page buffer memory and sets 0 to bit7 of printer status.
Clears Page buffer.
Transmits print FINISH notification of the following format.
[FF]h + [13]h + JOB ID(4Byte) + FINISH status(1Byte) + Backup(3Byte)

*When continuously using this command with USB interface, use only n = [31]h, [30]h and
make sure to transmit next [Print START Setting] command after receipt of FINISH status.

D-F10116 NP-2511D-2/3511D-2 Command reference Rev.1.00

43) [HRI Character Printing Position Selection] GS H n
Code: [1D]h + [48]h + n *[00 n 03]h
Selects printing position of HRI character when printing barcode.
*n has the following meaning.
n(hex) Printing position
00 No printing
01 Above barcode
02 Under barcode
03 Above & Under barcode
*HRI character will be printed by font selected in [HRI Character Font Selection].
*Default value of n is [00]h.

44) [Fixed Bit Image Print] GS P n
Code: [1D]h + [50]h + n *[00 n 02]h
Prints print data of registered bit image.
*Selects one of the three registered print patterns by assigning 00 ~ 02 values in n.
*n has the following meaning.
n(hex) Print Pattern
00 Pattern 0
01 Pattern 1
02 Pattern 2

45) [Fixed Bit Image Registration] GS T n
Code: [1D]h + [54]h + n
Registers print data of predetermined bit image.
*Enables to register 3 patterns starting from 0 ~ 2.
*Each pattern can be registered up to max. 64k Byte. (Part exceeding max. value is
discarded.) Refer to the following formula for registered data size.
Print area(mm) x dot number of bit image for vertical direction X number of bit image
*Registered data will not be erased either by turning the power OFF/ON, commanding
[Printer Initialization] or [Software Reset] or executing RESET switch.
*n has the following meaning.
n(hex) Function
0 START registration of pattern 0
1 START registration of pattern 1
2 START registration of pattern 2
FF FINISH registration
*When starting registration in the middle of a line, all of the line will be registered.
*When finishing registration in the middle of a line, the line will not be registered.

<Command sequence for registering pattern 0>
GS T 00h + (Bit image data by ESC *) x n line + GS T FF h

D-F10116 NP-2511D-2/3511D-2 Command reference Rev.1.00

46) [Firmware Download] GS d Dn
Code: [1D]h + [64]h + Dn
*Downloads printer firmware in hexadecimal code and rewrites firmware according to the
outcome, and reboots.
*Dn is HEX code of firmware and complies with INTELLEX HEX format.

47) [HRI Character Style Selection] GS f n
Code: [1D]h + [66]h + n *[00 n 01]h
*Selects font of HRI character style when printing barcode.
*n has the following meaning.
n(hex) Font style
00 Font A
01 Font B
*Default value of n is [00]h.

48) [Barcode Height Selection] GS h n
Code: [1D]h + [68]h + n *[01 n FF]h
Sets the height of barcode by dot.
*n indicates dot number for vertical direction.
*Default value of n is [A2] h. (162dots)

D-F10116 NP-2511D-2/3511D-2 Command reference Rev.1.00

49) [Barcode Print] GS k n Dn NUL
Code: [1D]h + [6B]h + n + Dn + [00]h *[00 n 07]h
Selects barcode symbology and prints barcode.
*Beginning of the line shall be a next print start position.
*Selects following barcode symbology with n value.
n(hex) Barcode Symbology
00 UPC-A
01 UPC-E
02 JAN-13 (EAN-13)
03 JAN-8 (EAN-8)
04 CODE39
05 ITF
07 CODE128
*Dn indicates the character code to be printed.
*When character code Dn is not printable character, following data after Dn will be treated
as normal print data.
*When selecting barcode symbology that print character number is fixed, character number
must be matched to the print character number.
*Does not print barcode when horizontal data exceeds length of a line.
*[00]h at the end of this command can be changed to [FF]h by [Barcode End Change].
*Refer to [Barcode Specifications Details] of appendix for details of barcodes.

50) [Auto-transmitting of Printer Status]GS v NUL
Code: [1D]h + [76]h + [00]h
Auto-transmits status when printer status changed.
*Status that will be transmitted is 1 byte. Please refer to Product specifications 4.2.1) Error
Detection Details for contents. Also, please refer to [Product specifications 3.2.6) Data
transmission] for transmission form.
*Once the setting is done, it is effective until executing [Software Reset], reset switch or
turning the power OFF.
*This command is stored in internal reception input buffer and executes sequentially.

51) [Barcode Width Selection] GS w n
Code: [1D]h + [77]h + n *[02 n 04]h
Selects horizontal size of barcode.
*Default value of n is [03]h

D-F10116 NP-2511D-2/3511D-2 Command reference Rev.1.00

Barcode Detail Specifications

Name Number Types of Character Remarks
UPC-A 12
Numbers (0~9)

*Check digit that has calculated inside printer will be
automatically added to 12
*Calculated value will be prioritized if numerical value
differs from 12
Numbers (0~9) *12 digit data will be compressed to 8 digit inside of
*Check digit that has calculated inside printer will be
automatically added to 8
*Calculated value will be prioritized if numerical value
differs from 12
Numbers (0~9) *Check digit that has calculated inside printer will be
automatically added to 13
*Calculated value will be prioritized if numerical value
differs from 13
Numbers (0~9) *Check digit that has calculated inside printer will be
automatically added to 8
*Calculated value will be prioritized if numerical value
differs from 8
Number (0~9)
Alphabet (A~Z)
Marks ($%*+ ./:SPACE)
Start/Stop Code (*)
*Make sure to enter Start/Stop Code "*".
ITF Even Number: 0~9 *DO NOT print when letters are odd numbers.
Number (0~9)
Marks ($%*+ ./:SPACE)
Start/Stop Code (ABCD)
*Make sure to input Start/Stop Code
*Although can be printed out without Start/Stop
Code, it unable to read-out by scanner etc.
*Refer to next page for CODE128.

D-F10116 NP-2511D-2/3511D-2 Command reference Rev.1.00


1. Overview
2 digits-characters are rendered by ASCII 128 characters (numeric characters, capitals/lower cases,
symbols and control codes) with one barcode pattern. A number of numeric characters to render is
variable-length. Stop character and check digits are automatically attached.

2. Character types
Code set A: [00]h ~ [5F]h -- 0-9, A-Z, ASCII control codes, special characters
Code set B: [20]h ~ [7F]h -- 0-9, A-Z, a-z, special characters
Code set C: 00-99 (double density encoding of numeric only data)
Special characters:
1) Start character / code definition character (CODE A, CODE B and CODE C)
The barcode data has to start with this character.
You can change the code set from one to the other in the barcode data.
2) Shift character (SHIFT)
Code set A: One character right after SHIFT is treated as a character from code set B.
Code set B: One character right after SHIFT is treated as a character from code set A.
Code set C: Unavailable
3) Function characters (FNC1, FNC2, FNC3, and FNC4)
These characters depend on an application.
Code set C can handle only "FNC1."

3. Specifications
Command execution is halted if the barcode data does not start with a "start character."
Command execution is halted if the combination of "{" and the next character is not a defined
special character.
To use "{" as a character, the string has to be "{{" ([7B]h + [7B]h).
When any character which cannot be included in its code set is included in the data, barcode is
printed but not readable by a scanner.
To use [00]h as a code, change the barcode termination character to [FF]h with "Barcode
termination command."
HRI characters of control/special characters:
1) Control characters ([00]h~[1F]h, [7F]h)
A space character is printed.
2) Start character / code definition character (CODE A, CODE B and CODE C)
Nothing is printed.
3) Shift character (SHIFT)
Nothing is printed.
4) Function characters (FNC1, FNC2, FNC3, and FNC4)
A space character is printed.

4. Character Table
Special Characters
ASCII Hexadecimal
CODE A {A [7B]h + [41]h
CODE B {B [7B]h + [42]h
CODE C {C [7B]h + [43]h
SHIFT {S [7B]h + [53]h
FNC 1 {1 [7B]h + [31]h
FNC 2 {2 [7B]h + [32]h
FNC 3 {3 [7B]h + [33]h
FNC 4 {4 [7B]h + [34]h

D-F10116 NP-2511D-2/3511D-2 Command reference Rev.1.00
Code Set A
HEX 0 1 2 3 4 5
1 SOH DC1 ! 1 A Q
2 STX DC2 2 B R
3 ETX DC3 # 3 C S
4 EOT DC4 $ 4 D T
5 ENQ NAK % 5 E U
6 ACK SYN & 6 F V
8 BS CAN ( 8 H X
9 HT EM ) 9 I Y
A LF SUB * : J Z
B VT ESC + ; K [
C FF FS , < L
D CR GS - = M ]
E SO RS . > N ^
F SI US / ? O _

Code set B
HEX 2 3 4 5 6 7
0 SP 0 @ P ` p
1 ! 1 A Q a q
2 2 B R b r
3 # 3 C S c s
4 $ 4 D T d t
5 % 5 E U e u
6 & 6 F V f v
7 7 G W g w
8 ( 8 H X h x
9 ) 9 I Y i y
A * : J Z j z
B + ; K [ k {
C , < L l |
D - = M ] m }
E . > N ^ n ~
F / ? O _ o DEL

Code set C
HEX 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
0 00 16 32 48 64 80 96
1 01 17 33 49 65 81 97
2 02 18 34 50 66 82 98
3 03 19 35 51 67 83 99
4 04 20 36 52 68 84
5 05 21 37 53 69 85
6 06 22 38 54 70 86
7 07 23 39 55 71 87
8 08 24 40 56 72 88
9 09 25 41 57 73 89
A 10 26 42 58 74 90
B 11 27 43 59 75 91
C 12 28 44 60 76 92
D 13 29 45 61 77 93
E 14 30 46 62 78 94
F 15 31 47 63 79 95
D-F10116 NP-2511D-2/3511D-2 Command reference Rev.1.00

52) [Print Density Setting] GS ~ n
Code: [1D]h + [7E]h + n *[41 n 87]h
Sets print density in the range from 65% to 135%.
*Though n range has [41]h (65%) ~ [87]h (135%), please set in the range of [41]h (65%) ~
[82]h (130%) in actual use.
*Default value of n is [64] h.
*When using this command while [Print START/FINISH Setting] command, the setting is
*When using this command while [Buffering Print START/FINISH Setting], [Page Buffer
Layout START/FINISH Setting] commands, the setting is disregarded.

53) [Cue Operation] Gs FF n
Code: [1D]h + [0C]h + n *[n = 00, 10, 11]h
Executes preset position correction feed after detecting black mark.
*Paper detection error happens after paper FEED Max.160mm when black mark is
not detected.
*n has following meaning.
n(hex) Description
00 Mark detection + feed to print start position
10 Mark detection + feed to cut position + full cut
11 Mark detection + feed to cut position + partial cut A
*Please do not use [11]h with the printers dedicated FULL cutting.

54) [Mark Detection Method & Position Correction Feed Amount Setting] Gs ( m a n1 n2
Code: [1D]h + [28]h + m + a + n1 + n2 *[m = 00, 01]h, [a = 00, 01]h
*[01 n1 FF]h
*[01 n2 FF]h
Sets mark detection method and feed amount for position correction.
*m, a, n1, n2 has following meaning.
Set Item
Detecting Method
Setting value
(n2 x 256 + n1)
00 Upper edge
Feed amount
to print start position 01 Lower edge
Set a position from mark detection
to print start by dot.
00 Upper edge
Feed amount
to cut position 01 Lower edge
Set a position from mark detection
to cut postion by dot.
*Feed amount is set by dot with signed 16 bit (32767 ~ 32767), upper bit is set by n2 while
lower bit by n1.
*When feed amount is set in negative, make sure paper edge does not exceed back feed limit.
(Refer to cutter specifications).
*Default values are as follows:
Item Detecting Method Preset Value
Print start position Upper edge 92 dot ( 11.5mm: between sensor ~ head
Cutting position Upper edge 168dot ( 21mm: between sensor~cutter )

55) [Cue Process Set at Setting Paper] Gs m n
Code: [1D]h + [6D]h +n *[00 n FF]h
Sets cue process when loading roll paper.
*Each bit of n has a following meaning.
Bit Function
0 1
0 Cue operation after auto loading INVALID VALID
1 Cue operation after thermal head cover open/close INVALID VALID
2 Cue operation after Feed switch push INVALID VALID
*This cue operation is same as selecting Gs FF [10] h.
*Default value of n is [00] h
D-F10116 NP-2511D-2/3511D-2 Command reference Rev.1.00

56) [Printable Area Set] Gs W n1 n2
Code : [1D]h + [57]h + n1 + n2 *[00 n1 50]h:3 Inch model
*[00 n1 38]h:2 Inch model
Set left margin and printable area *[03 n2 4D]h
*n1 = left margin (mm)
*n2 = printable area (mm)
*Right margin (mm) = Paper width (left margin + printable area)
*Refer to [Product specification 2.3 Printable Area] for detailed explanation.

57) [Maximum Printing Speed Set] GS S n
Code: [1D]h + [53]h + n *[00 n 04]h
Set maximum printing speed at bufferfull print.
nhas the following meaning.
n(hex) Maximum Print Speed n(hex) Maximum Print Speed
00 Max. 200mm/sec 03 Max. 100mm/sec
01 Max. 150mm/sec 04 Max. 75mm/sec
02 Max. 125mm/sec
*Default value of n is [00]h

58) [Batch Setting of Japanese Kanji Print Mode] FS ! n
Code: [1C]h + [21]h + n *[00 n FF]h
Sets print modes of Japanese Kanji all at once.
*n has the following meaning.
Bit Function
0 1
0 Undefined
1 Undefined
2 Double width RESET SET
3 Double height RESET SET
4 Undefined
5 Undefined
6 Undefined
7 Underline RESET SET
*When setting both double height and double width , quadruple character will be formed.
*All of the printed characters will be underlined except for the 90 clockwise rotated
characters and spaces created by [Horizontal Tab] command.
*Underline width is determined by the value set in [Japanese Kanji Underline SET/RESET].
Default value is 1dot width.
*Different sizes of characters mixed such as normal size, double height, double width and
quadruple can be printed.
*Combined print with ANK Character is also available.
*Default value of n is [00]h.

59) [Japanese Kanji Mode Setting] FS &
*It is effective only when Japanese is selected in language font.
Code: [1C]h + [26]h
Sets Japanese Kanji mode.
*It will be ineffective, when Japanese is selected with Shift JIS in Japanese Kanji Code system.
*Default status is release of Japanese Kanji mode.

D-F10116 NP-2511D-2/3511D-2 Command reference Rev.1.00

60) [Japanese Kanji Underline SET/RESET] FS n
Code: [1C]h + [2D]h + n *[00 n 02]h
SET/RESET underline of Japanese Kanji
*All of the printed characters will be underlined except for the 90 clockwise rotated
characters and spaces created by [Horizontal Tab] command.
*This command is not effective when release status of Japanese Kanji mode.
*n has the following meaning.
n(hex) Function
00 RESET underline of Japanese Kanji
01 Set 1 dot underline of Japanese Kanji
02 Set 2 dot underline of Japanese Kanji
*Default value of n is [00]h.

61) [Japanese Kanji Mode RESET] FS .
*Valid only when Japanese is selected in language font.
Code: [1C]h + [2E]h
RESET Japanese Kanji mode.
*It will be ineffective, when Japanese is selected with Shift JIS in Japanese Kanji Code system.
*Default status is release of Japanese Kanji mode.

D-F10116 NP-2511D-2/3511D-2 Command reference Rev.1.00

62) [Definition of Extra Characters] FS 2 a1 a2 Dn
*Valid only when language font:Japanese is selected.
JIS code system: *[a1 = 77]h
*[21 a2 7E]h
Shift JIS code system: *[a1 = EC]h
*[40 a2 7E, 80 a2 9E]h
Defines Additional Kanji Character.
*Enables to define up to 94 characters.
*Dn is data to define. Data will be 3 bytes(vertical) x 24 dots(horizontal) = 72 bytes
*All of the default statuses are "SPACE".
*Once defined by this command, it will be effective until execution of [Software Reset] and
RESET switch or turning OFF the power.
*Only designated area will be redefined.


P1 P4 P7 P70

24dots P2 P5 P71

P3 P6 P72 LSB

D-F10116 NP-2511D-2/3511D-2 Command reference Rev.1.00


63) [Japanese Kanji Code Selection] FS C n
*It is effective when language font:Japanese is selected
Code: [1C]h + [43]h + n *[00 n 01]h
Selects Japanese Kanji code system.
*n has the following meaning.
n(hex) Code
00 JIS code
01 Shift JIS code
*Default status is setting of memory switch MS2-1.

64) [Japanese Kanji Space Amount Setting] FS S n1 n2
Code: [1C]h + [53]h + n1 + n2 *[00 n1 20]h
*[00 n2 20]h
Sets right/left sides spaces of Japanese Kanji by dot unit.
*n1 sets left SPACE. Default value is [00]h.
*n2 sets right SPACE. Default value is [00]h.
*Width of SPACE will be double when double width mode is selected.

D-F10116 NP-2511D-2/3511D-2 Command reference Rev.1.00

65) [Character Table Code Selection] FS T n
Code: [1C]h + [54]h + n *[n= 00, 01, 03]h
Switch built-in language font.
*n has the following.
n(hex) Built-in language font
00 Japanese
01 Chinese
03 Greek
*Default value of n is set of memory switch (MS2-2, MS2-3).
*By executing [Printer Initialization], this setting will be returned to value set by memory
switch (MS2-2, MS2-3).

66) [Quadruple Japanese Kanji Size SET/RESET] FS W n
Code: [1C]h + [57]h + n *[00 n FF]h
SET/RESET Quadruple Japanese Kanji Character.
*Only LSB (least significant bit b0) is available to n.
b0 has the following meaning.
b0 Function
0 RESET Quadruple
1 SET Quadruple
*Default value of n is [00]h.

D-F10116 NP-2511D-2/3511D-2 Command reference Rev.1.00

67) [Page Layout Setting]ESC T Dt
*Page layout related command.
Code: [1B]h + [54]h + Dt *[00 Dt 03]h
Set page direction.
*Dt has the following meaning.
Dt(hex) Mode
00 Portrait mode(0 )
01 Landscape mode(90)
02 Portrait mode(180)
03 Landscape mode(270)
*Default value for Dt is [00]h (Portrait mode)
*Initializes [Page Length Setting] and [Print Area Setting]
* Print dragging may occur when printing barcode in landscape at 200mm/sec and unable to
read out the barcode. In such case, take measure by lowering the print speed by
[Maximum Print Speed Setting] or shortening length of the barcode.

68) [Page Length Setting] ESC I DI
*Page layout related command.
Code: [1B]h + [6C]h + DI
Sets page length.
*Enables to change paper feed length when page print by changing page length.
*Sets DI in mm for page length.
*Page length will vary to Y direction when portrait setting while X in landscape setting.
*Initialize [Page Expansion Print Area Setting]

69) [Page Lay Out Print Area Setting] ESC W DI Dt Dw Dh
*Page layout related command.
Code: [1B]h + [57]h + DI + Dt + Dw + Dh
Sets print area of page lay out.
*Sets DI for left margin, Dt for upper margin in mm.
*Sets Dw for X direction print area, Dh for Y direction print area in mm.
*Only effective at the head of a line.

D-F10116 NP-2511D-2/3511D-2 Command reference Rev.1.00

Portrait Mode

Mark Name Minimum Maximum Default Setting
A Page length 3mm 160mm 160mm
B Left Margin 0mm 53mm 3mm
C Upper Margin 0mm 157mm 0mm
D X print area 3mm 56mm 52mm
E Y print area 3mm 160mm 160mm

Mark Name Minimum Maximum Default Setting
A Page length 3mm 160mm 160mm
B Left Margin 0mm 77mm 4mm
C Upper Margin 0mm 157mm 0mm
D X print area 3mm 80mm 72mm
E Y print area 3mm 160mm 160mm
*Setting over 3mm for left/right margin is recommended. Refer to 2.3 Print Area.

Paper FEED
Y direction
X direction
D-F10116 NP-2511D-2/3511D-2 Command reference Rev.1.00

Landscape Mode

Mark Name Minimum Maximum Default Setting
A Page length 3mm 160mm 160mm
B Left Margin 0mm 157mm 0mm
C Upper Margin 0mm 53mm 3mm
D X print area 3mm 160mm 160mm
E Y print area 3mm 56mm 52mm

Mark Name Minimum Maximum Default Setting
A Page length 3mm 160mm 160mm
B Left Margin 0mm 157mm 0mm
C Upper Margin 0mm 77mm 4mm
D X print area 3mm 160mm 160mm
E Y print area 3mm 80mm 72mm
*Setting over 3mm for left/right margin is recommended. Refer to 2.3 Print Area.

Paper feed direction
Y direction

X direction
D-F10116 NP-2511D-2/3511D-2 Command reference Rev.1.00

70) [Page Print and Clear] FF
*Page print related command.
Code: [0C]h
Clear page buffer after printing contents of page buffer.
*Will be disregarded when using this command while command of [Buffer Print Start/Finish

71) [Page Print] ESC FF n
*Page print related command.
Code: [1B]h + [0C]h + n *[00 n 01]h
Prints content of page buffer.
*n has the following meaning.
n(hex) Mode
00 Page Print
01 Inverted Page Print
*Default value of n is [00]h. (Page Print)
*Inverted Page Print prints out with rotating page in 180 clockwise.
*Will be disregarded when using this command while command of [Buffer Print Start/Finish

72) [Page Buffer Clear] CAN
Page buffer clear related command.
Code: [18]h
Clears page buffer.

73) [Page Buffer Area Clear] Esc CAN Dx1 Dx2 Dy1 Dy2 Dw1 Dw2 Dh1 Dh2
*Page buffer clear related command.
Code: [1B]h + [18]h + Dx1 + Dx2 + Dy1 + Dy2 + Dw1 + Dw2 + Dh1 + Dh2
Clears designated area of page buffer.
*Sets dot for clear starting point by (Dx2 x 256 + Dx1) for X-axis, (Dy2 x 256 + Dy1) for Y-axis.
*Sets dot for clear area by Dw2 x 256 + Dw1 for width, Dh2 x 256 + Dh1 for height.
*Coordinate origin shall be upper-left of print area.
*When Clear Starting Point is out of print area, it will forcibly shift into print area after
clearing excessive coordinates to 0.


Clear Area Height
Clear Area Width
Clear Starting Point (X, Y)
D-F10116 NP-2511D-2/3511D-2 Command reference Rev.1.00

74) [Page Buffer Lay Out Start/Finish Setting] ESC L n
*Page edit related command.
Executes edit for page buffer with method of 1 or 2.
*Will be disregarded if this command used while command of [Buffer Print Start/Finish

1. Start/Finish setting for page buffer lay out (n = [00]h, [01]h)
(1) [Page Buffer Lay Out Start Setting]
Code: [1B]h + [4C]h + [01]h
Starts page buffer lay out.
*Executes lay out in line-at-a-time.
*Initialize lay out position to upper-left of print area.

(2) [Page Buffer Lay Out Finish Setting]
Code: [1B]h + [4C]h + [00]h
Finishes page buffer lay out.

2. Start/Finish setting for coordinate set page buffer lay out (n = [10]h, [11]h)
(1) [Coordinate Set Page Buffer Lay Out Start Setting]
Code: [1B]h + [4C]h + [11]h + Dx1 + Dx2 + Dy1 + Dy2 + Dt + Dv
Starts page buffer lay out from set coordinate position.
*Set dot for starting point with Dx2 x 256 + Dx1 for X-axis, Dy2 x 256 + Dy1 for Y-axis.
*Dt sets rotation while Dv sets overlay.
*Coordinate origin shall be upper-left of print area.
*When lay out starting point is out of print area, it will forcibly shift into print area after
clearing excessive coordinates to 0.
*Execute lay out in object-at-a-time. (character string, barcode, bit image, raster bit
image) Round off excessive part from print area.
*Only flag changes in [Position Alignment]
*Disregards [Fixed Bit Image Registration]
*Dt has the following meaning.
Dt(hex) Mode
00 No rotation
01 Rotation of 90 clockwise

*Dv has the following meaning.
Dv(hex) Mode
00 Overwrite background
01 Overlay background

(2) [Coordinate Set Page Buffer Lay Out Finish Setting]
Code: [1B]h + [4C]h + [10]h
Finishes coordinate set page buffer lay out.

*See page print sample on next page.

D-F10116 NP-2511D-2/3511D-2 Command reference Rev.1.00

*Page Print Sample:
(1) Page Layout Setting (Sets page direction)
(2) Page Lay Out Print Area Setting
Left margin/Upper margin = 0mm
X direction print area = 80mm
Y direction print area = 160mm
(3) Page Buffer Lay Out Start
(4) Background Image (Bit image: Checkerboard Design)
(5) Page Buffer Lay Out Finish
(6) Page Lay Out Print Area Setting (exam.1 / exam.2)
Left margin/Upper margin = 4mm
X direction print area = 72mm
Y direction print area = 152mm
(7) Page Buffer Lay Out Start (exam.1) / Coordinate Set Page Buffer Lay Out Start (exam.2)
(8) Character String ABCD + [0a]h
(9) [0a]h
(10) LOGO image (bit image: NPI)
(11) Page Buffer Lay Out Finish (exam.1)/Coordinate Set Page Buffer LayOut Finish(exam.2)
(12) Page Print

Print Ex.1 Print Ex.2

* Overwrites in the range of * Overwrites (overlays) in the
print area due to lay out in range of height and width of
line-at-a-time. the objects due to lay out in

D-F10116 NP-2511D-2/3511D-2 Command reference Rev.1.00

75) [Back Feed (mm unit)] Gs J n
Code: [1D]h + [4A]h + n *[00 n FF]h
Feeds paper in reverse direction when receiving this command.
*Assigns feeding amount n in mm unit. Does not feed when setting [00]h.
*Backlash may affect assigned feeding amount to be incorrected.
*In case there is print data remained inside the print line buffer memory, it will shift to the
back feed after printing.
*Make sure tip of the paper does not exceed the back feed limit
(Please refer to product specifications 2.4 cutter specifications).

76) LED bezel setting GS I n m
*This command is valid only with LED bezels [BEZ-320/330].
Code: [1D]h + [6C]h + n + m *[n=00]h
Set emitting patterns of LED bezels.
m has meanings as below.
m(hex) Function
00 Disable emitting operation
LED (Blue) blinks under suspension of paper feeding or printing with paper kept in
bezel sensor.
LED (Red) blinks during paper feeding or printing with paper kept in a bezel sensor.
LED (Blue) blinks when there is no error except near-end with paper kept in a bezel
LED (Red) lights or blinks, synchronized with alarm lamp of operation panel when
error .
03 Reserve
*Default value of m is [01]h.
*This command is valid until [Reset software], Reset switch, or Switch OFF is executed.
*Same movement as m=[01]h when m=[03]h designated. .
*LED may black out once when this command is used with bezel sensor detecting paper.

Emission patterns of LED light In case m=01h
Printer status Display pattern Color
Printing or feeding paper is not being
executed with paper in a bezel sensor.



Printing or feeding paper is being executed
with paper in a bezel sensor.




Emission patterns of LED light In case m=02h
Printer status Display pattern Color
Paper in a bezel sensor
(No error except near end)



Paper in a bezel sensor
(when theres error except near
end )


0.2sec 1.0sec

No paper in a bezel sensor
(When there is Error)
Refer to Product Specifications
[4.6 (1) Alarm lamp].

D-F10116 NP-2511D-2/3511D-2 Command reference Rev.1.00

77) [QMS character print]FS k n Dn NUL
Code: [1C]h + [6B]h + n + Dn + [00] h *00n12h
Activates QMS printing.
*Line head will be next start position of printing.
*Select following printing magnification by value of n
n(hex) Type
00 Quadruple
01 Nonuple
02 Sixteen times
10 Bold quadruple
11 Bold nonuple
12 Bold sixteen times
*Dn indicates character code to print, and valid characters are A~Z and
0~9of ASCII code.
*If Dn is unable character to print, data after that will be treated as normal print.
*Printing is not executed when the length of landscape exceeds the length of 1 line.

78) [Registration of User Code Page] GS & n Dn
Code: [1D]h + [26 ] + n + Dn *00n01h
Activates Registration of User Code Page.
n(hex) Type of font
00 User Code Page Font A (12x24)
01 User Code Page Font B (9x17)
*Dn indicates registration font data. Date format is Rasta format.
*Select [00]h for all the data not to register because 10752 byte for 224 characters data
is necessary.
[2byte wide by 24byte height] x 224 characters ([20]h~[FF]h)
*Able to register in [7F]h, [FF]h, too.

D-F10116 NP-2511D-2/3511D-2 Command reference Rev.1.00

Reference example
In case of A

d1 =00h, d2 =00h
d3 =00h, d4 =00h
d5 =06h, d6 =00h
d7 =06h, d8 =00h
d9 =06h, d10=00h
d11=0Fh, d12=00h
d13=0Fh, d14=00h
d15=0Fh, d16=00h
d17=19h, d18=80h
d19=19h, d20=80h
d21=19h, d22=80h
d23=19h, d24=80h
d25=30h, d26=C0h
d27=3Fh, d28=C0h
d29=3Fh, d30=C0h
d31=30h, d32=C0h
d33=60h, d34=60h
d35=60h, d36=60h
d37=60h, d38=60h
d39=60h, d40=60h
d41=60h, d42=60h
d43=60h, d44=60h
d45=00h, d46=00h
d47=00h, d48=00h

dummy data.
Dummy data should be 0 when it is registered.

D-F10116 NP-2511D-2/3511D-2 Command reference Rev.1.00

Reference example
In case of B

d1 =00h, d2 =00h
d3 =00h, d4 =00h
d5 =00h, d6 =00h
d7 =00h, d8 =00h
d9 =00h, d10=00h
d11=00h, d12=00h
d13=00h, d14=00h
d15=00h, d16=00h
d17=3Ch, d18=00h
d19=7Eh, d20=00h
d21=C3h, d22=00h
d23=C3h, d24=00h
d25=C3h, d26=00h
d27=C3h, d28=00h
d29=C3h, d30=00h
d31=FFh, d32=00h
d33=FFh, d34=00h
d35=C3h, d36=00h
d37=C3h, d38=00h
d39=C3h, d40=00h
d41=C3h, d42=00h
d43=C3h, d44=00h
d45=C3h, d46=00h
d47=C3h, d48=00h

Dummy data should be 0 when it is registered.

79) [USB serial No. setting] GS U Dn
Code: [1D]h + [55]h +Dn
Activate seting USB serial number.
*Dn indicates data of USB serial No.
*([20]h), -([2D]h), /([2F]h), [30]h~[7A]h are available for 8 byte fixed length.
*In case Dn= [00]h (1byte), No USB serial No. is set.
*USB serial No. on this setting will be valid from the next USB reconnection.
*Default value is No USB serial No.

17 dot
9 dot
D-F10116 NP-2511D-2/3511D-2 Command reference Rev.1.00

80) [QR code printing(Model2)]ESC q S E V M
Conduct QR code(Model2) printing

Parameter Explaination

SModelu size
Select 1 module size of QR code by dot number of printer.
Selectable size is 120 dots.
When invalid size is selected, 4 dots will be selected.(Reading is not guranteed when
module size 1, 2, 3 are selected due to resolution of printer mechanism.

EError correcting level
Please select error correcting level for recovering of symbol.
Selectable value is as below.
When invalid value is selected, error correcting level will be L.
Error correcting
Ability for
0 L 7
1 M 15
2 Q 25
3 H 30

VModel number(Version)
Please select module number of QR code by model number.
Selectable model number is 040.
Model number 0 is set with version to automatically become minimum depending on data
Model number 140 select 21x21177x177 module.
(4 modules are incleased every increase by one model number).
When invalid value is selected, model number will be 0(automatically).
if character string over capacity of selected model number is assigned, model number will
be expanded automatically and printed.

MMask pattern
Selectable mask pattern is between 08.
Optimal mask pattern will be set for mask pattern 0. *1
When invalid value is selected, mask pattern will be 5.

*1 Please use model number 10 or less when use of optimization because it takes time
although optimization proceeding of mask pattern is made based on specification of QR

n1 n2Data Byte number
Please assign data Byte number(n2256n1).

DnCharacter string data
Please assign character code to print.
Please enter Japanese Kanji data with shift JIS code.

QR code printing will not be operated when generated QR code symbol exceeds the printing area.
The amount of paper feed will be the amount of QR code height regardless of line feed set by ESC
2, ESC 3, etc.
D-F10116 NP-2511D-2/3511D-2 Command reference Rev.1.00
When printing data is in print line buffer, QR code printing will be operated after printing the data.
No influence to printing mode(Enhanced printing, Double strike printing, Underline, etc.) except
inverted printing.
Print area setting command and Position alignment command are valid.(Ablosute position and
relative position are invalid)

81) [Module width size of PDF417 setting]GS n n
Code:1Dh6Ehn *02n04h
Select module width size of PDF417.
Default value of n is03h.
When out of range, it will be disregarded and not changed.

82) [PDF417 printing]GS p e h nl nh [d]k
Code1Dh70hehhlnh[d]k *00e08h,e=FFh
Activate PDF417 print. *01h06h
e is error correcting level.(e=FFh is auto-setting)
When out of range, it will be00h.
h indicates height ratio. (The value is for how many times step height of symbol is bigger
than module width size)
When it is out of range, it will be03h.
nl is the low side of data length.
nh is the high side of data length.
1k (=nh256nl) 5420 . The data out of range will be disregarded for the assigned
amount and this command will be invalid.
d is a data
When generated PDF417 symbol exceeds the printable area, PDF417 will not be printed.
The amount of paper feed will be the amount of height of PDF417 regardless of the amount of
paper feed set by ESC 2, ESC 3.
If there is printing data in print line buffer, PDF417 printing will be operated after printing the
No influence to printing mode(Enhanced printing, Double strike printing, Underline, etc.)
except inverted printing.
Print area setting command and Position alignment command are valid.(Ablosute position and
relative position are invalid)

D-F10116 NP-2511D-2/3511D-2 Command reference Rev.1.00

3. Character Code Table

3.1 Domestic Character Code Table (International Character Set: Japanese)

*[SP] indicates Space.
*[CR] is disregarded.
*Printer operation cannot be guaranteed if the blank control code (codes below [1F]h) is transmitted
to printer.
*This code table indicates simplified symbol and is not print result. There may be some difference
from the actual print

HEX 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F

HEX BIN 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111

0 0000

1 0001

2 0010

3 0011

4 0100

5 0101

6 0110

7 0111

8 1000

9 1001

A 1010

B 1011

C 1100

D 1101

E 1110

F 1111
D-F10116 NP-2511D-2/3511D-2 Command reference Rev.1.00

3.2 Overseas Character Code (International Set: USA)

*[SP] indicates Space.
*[CR] is disregareded.
*Printer operation cannot be guaranteed if the blank control code (codes below [1F]h) is transmitted
to printer.
*This code table indicates simplified symbol and is not print result. There may be some difference from
the actual print

HEX 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F

HEX BIN 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111

0 0000

1 0001

2 0010

3 0011

4 0100

5 0101

6 0110

7 0111

8 1000

9 1001

A 1010

B 1011

C 1100

D 1101

E 1110

F 1111
D-F10116 NP-2511D-2/3511D-2 Command reference Rev.1.00

3.3 CODE PAGE 858

*[SP] indicates Space.
*[CR] is disregarded.
*Printer operation cannot be guaranteed if the blank control code (codes below [1F]h) is transmitted
to printer.
*This code table indicates simplified symbol and is not print result. There may be some difference
from the actual print

HEX 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F

HEX BIN 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111

0 0000

1 0001

2 0010

3 0011

4 0100

5 0101

6 0110

7 0111

8 1000

9 1001

A 1010

B 1011

C 1100

D 1101

E 1110

F 1111
D-F10116 NP-2511D-2/3511D-2 Command reference Rev.1.00

3.4 International code table

*This code table indicates simplified symbol and is not print result. There may be some difference from
the actual print

Character set 23h 24h 40h 5Bh 5Ch 5Dh 5Eh 60h 7Bh 7Ch 7Dh 7Eh

00h USA

01h France

02h Germany

03h UK

04h Denmark I

05h Sweden

06h Italy

07h Spain I

08h Japan

09h Norway

0Ah Denmark II

0Bh Spain II

0Ch Latin America
D-F10116 NP-2511D-2/3511D-2 Command reference Rev.1.00

3.5 CODE PAGE 1250

*[SP] indicates Space.
*[CR] is disregarded.
*Printer operation cannot be guaranteed if the blank control code (codes below [1F]h) is transmitted
to printer.
*This code table indicates simplified symbol and is not print result. There may be some difference
from the actual print

HEX 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F

HEX BIN 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111

0 0000

1 0001

2 0010

3 0011

4 0100

5 0101

6 0110

7 0111

8 1000

9 1001

A 1010

B 1011

C 1100

D 1101

E 1110

F 1111
D-F10116 NP-2511D-2/3511D-2 Command reference Rev.1.00

3.6 CODE PAGE 1251

*[SP] indicates Space.
*[CR] is disregarded.
*Printer operation cannot be guaranteed if the blank control code (codes below [1F]h) is transmitted
to printer.
*This code table indicates simplified symbol and is not print result. There may be some difference from
the actual print

HEX 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F

HEX BIN 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111

0 0000

1 0001

2 0010

3 0011

4 0100

5 0101

6 0110

7 0111

8 1000

9 1001

A 1010

B 1011

C 1100

D 1101

E 1110

F 1111
D-F10116 NP-2511D-2/3511D-2 Command reference Rev.1.00

3.7 CODE PAGE 1252

*[SP] indicates Space.
*[CR] is disregarded.
*Printer operation cannot be guaranteed if the blank control code (codes below [1F]h) is transmitted
to printer.
*This code table indicates simplified symbol and is not print result. There may be some difference
from the actual print

HEX 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F

HEX BIN 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111

0 0000

1 0001

2 0010

3 0011

4 0100

5 0101

6 0110

7 0111

8 1000

9 1001

A 1010

B 1011

C 1100

D 1101

E 1110

F 1111
D-F10116 NP-2511D-2/3511D-2 Command reference Rev.1.00

3.8 CODE PAGE 1253

*[SP] indicates Space.
*[CR] is disregarded.
*Printer operation cannot be guaranteed if the blank control code (codes below [1F]h) is transmitted
to printer.
*This code table indicates simplified symbol and is not print result. There may be some difference from
the actual print

HEX 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F

HEX BIN 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111

0 0000

1 0001

2 0010

3 0011

4 0100

5 0101

6 0110

7 0111

8 1000

9 1001

A 1010

B 1011

C 1100

D 1101

E 1110

F 1111
D-F10116 NP-2511D-2/3511D-2 Command reference Rev.1.00

3.9 CODE PAGE 1254

*[SP] indicates Space.
*[CR] is disregarded.
*Printer operation cannot be guaranteed if the blank control code (codes below [1F]h) is transmitted
to printer.
*This code table indicates simplified symbol and is not print result. There may be some difference
from the actual print

HEX 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F

HEX BIN 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111

0 0000

1 0001

2 0010

3 0011

4 0100

5 0101

6 0110

7 0111

8 1000

9 1001

A 1010

B 1011

C 1100

D 1101

E 1110

F 1111

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