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Unit 9

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Read the following text to answer questions 1-8

The Ant and the Dove

One hot day, an ant was searching for some water. After walking around for some time, she came to
To reach the spring she had to climb up a blade of grass. While making her way up, she slipped and fell
into the water.
She could have drowned if a dove up a nearby tree had not helped her. Seeing that the ant was in
trouble, the dove quickly plucked a leaf and dropped it into the water near the struggling ant. The ant
moved towards the leaf and climbed up there. Soon, it carried her safely to dry ground.
Just as that time, a hundred nearby was throwing pit his net towards the dove, hoping to trap it.
Guessing what he was about to do, the ant quickly bit him on the heel. Feeling the pain, the hunter
dropped his net. Quickly, the dove flew away to safety.
1. What did the dove do to save the ant?
a. It climbed the nearby tree
b. It saw the ant struggling
c. It dropped a leaf
d. It carried the ant to dry ground
2. What did the hunter do to the dove?
a. He was hoping to eat it
b. He was trying to trap it
c. He was trying to shoot it
d. He was running toward it
3. Which statement is TRUE according to the text?
a. The dove bit the hunter on the heel
b. Both animals were finally safe
c. The hunter killed the dove
d. The ant bit the dove
4. What is the purpose of the text?
a. To inform the readers about the ant
b. To describe the job of a hunter
c. To entertain the reader
d. To describe the dove
5. What can we learn from the story?
a. One good turn deserves another
b. Dont be greedy, or you may lose
c. When there is a will, there is a way
d. It is wise to plan ahead for hard time
6. . . ., she came to a spring. (paragraph 1) The underlined word means . . .
a. Water in a pail
b. River in the middle of the city
c. Flood in the middle of the jungle
d. Water emerging from underground
7. Soon, it carried her safety . . . The underlined word refers to the . .
a. Ant
b. Leaf
c. Dove
d. Spring
8. . . . the dove quickly plucked a leaf . . . (paragraph 3) The underlined word means . . .
a. Pull something
b. Push something
c. Put something
d. Prick on something

Read the following text to answer questions 9-12
The Crow and the Oyster
One day, a hungry crow saw an oyster on the beach. He wanted to eat the tasty meat inside the shell, so
he tried to open the oyster.
First, he used his beak, but he couldnt open the shell. Then, he hit it with a stone, but the shell stayed
tightly shut. He even jumped up and down on the oyster, but still he couldnt open it.
Then, another crafty crow came by. He saw what the first crow was trying to do and said, My friend,
may I offer you some good advice? I suggest you pick up the oyster in your beak, flying high into the air
and then drop the oyster onto the rock below. The oyster shell will break open and you will be able to
have your meal!
The hungry crow thought that this was a very good idea. He picked up the oyster with his beak and then
he flew as high as he could. When he was sure that he was high enough, he dropped the oyster onto the
rocks far below.
The oyster shell broke wide open. However, the crafty crow was waiting behind the rock nearby, and he
reached the broken oyster first. He enjoyed a tasty meal while the hungry crow had nothing to eat.
9. The hungry crow did the following things to open the shell, EXCEPT . . .
a. Jumping up and down on it
b. Hitting it with a stone
c. Using his beak
d. Asking for help from another crow
10. How did the crafty crow trick the hungry crow?
a. By giving suggestion of dropping the oyster onto the rocks
b. By telling that he was so hungry and needed some food
c. By saying that he had a nice and strong beak
d. By saying that the oyster was harmful
11. What is the moral value of the story?
a. Do not fly high on the sky
b. It is not easy to fool people
c. Always trust people who offer help
d. Do not be fooled by people who offer help
12. . . . another crafty crow came by. (paragraph 3) The underlined word has similar meaning to . .
a. Cunning
b. Happy
c. Generous
d. Shy
Read the following text to answer questions 13-18
The Donkey and the Wolf
A donkey was eating grass in a meadow when he saw a wolf coming towards him. Thinking quickly, he
started to limp pretending he was hurt.
The wolf came closer and asked, My friend, I am sorry to see you are injured. Tell me what happened to
your leg.
The donkey said, I was very careless this morning. I jumped through a hedge and stepped on a thorn.
You should pull it out before you eat me, he warned, So you dont prick your mouth.
Ill try, answered the wolf. Just hold still while I look for it. But as soon as the wofl lifted the injured
hoof, the donkey kicked him in the face, knocking out many of his teeth. The donkey ran away as the
wolf rolled on the ground in pain.
The wolf felt very silly for being tricked so easily. Oh well, he said to himself, I got what I deserved.
My father taught me hours to hunt for a living, not how to take care of others.
13. . . ., he started to limp . . . the synonym of the underlined word is . . .
a. Hobble
b. Bend
c. Sit
d. Lay
14. I was very careless this . . . (paragraph 3) The antonym of the underlined word is . . .
a. Patient
b. Careful
c. Nice
d. Slow
15. Look at the picture. Which part shows the hoof of the donkey?

a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
16. What is the moral value of the text?
a. Think about what you do best when you offer a help
b. Be brave to offer your help, even to your enemy.
c. Being greedy is sometimes helping you
d. Honesty is the best policy
17. Why did the wolf ask the donkey to hold still?
a. Because he wanted the donkey to fall asleep
b. Because he knew that the donkey was sleepy
c. Because he wanted to eat the donkey right away
d. Because he wanted to pull the thorn out of the donkeys hoof
18. What did the donkey do when the wolf lifted his hoof?
a. He made the wolf feel silly
b. He taught the wolf how to run
c. He kicked the wolf in the face
d. He rolled on the ground in pain
Read the following text to answer questions 19-22
The Fox and the Crow
An ugly black crow perched on the branch of a tree. She had stolen a tasty piece of cheese and was
about to enjoy her meal.
Just then, a hungry fox passed by and saw the food in the crows beak. His mouth watered at the sight,
so he thought of a clever plan to get the cheese for himself.
Looking up at the crow, he said, I have always admired your beauty with your soft, shiny feathers and
well-curved beak. If your voice is as fine as your looks, you could be the Queen of the Birds!
Now the crow wanted to be the queen. So, in order to prove that she could sing, she opened her beak
and made a loud, Caw! The piece of cheese fell from her beak to the ground before she realized her
Picture of donkey
As the fox snatched up the cheese, he laughed, My dear crow, your voice is fine, but your judgement is
not! You shouldnt believe everything you hear!
19. What did the crow have on her beak?
a. A piece of cheese
b. Some tasty meat
c. A branch of tree
d. Some water
20. Why did the crow open her beak?
a. To sing
b. To bite the fox
c. To eat the food
d. To snatch the food
21. . . .snatched up the cheese . . . (last paragraph) The underlined word means . . .
a. Put
b. Cut
c. Left
d. Grabbed
22. What can we learn from the story?
a. You may cheat your friend to get something
b. People may use flattery to get something from you
c. People may give you some food when you are hungry
d. You must give away your food when somebody wants it
Read the following text to answer questions 23-26
The Grasshopper and the Ants
One summer, a grasshopper spent his days merrily singing and dancing. He hopped everywhere, while
ants were busy gathering grains of wheat and corn. He laughed at the ants and said, How dull! Why
dont you sing and dance with me instead of working under the hot sun?
We are storing away food for the winter, they explained, you should do the same.
The grasshopper laughed and replied, Why worry about the winter? I have plenty to eat for now. And
he hopped away to look for someone to play with.
But when the winter came, the grasshopper could find no more food. Shivering, he knocked at the ants
door. Can you spare me some seeds? he begged. I am cold and hungry!
We worked hard all summer to store away food, they answered. What were you doing?
I was busy singing and dancing, he said.
Then sing and dance for us now! They told him. Its time you work for your dinner.
23. The grasshopper laughed at the ants because . . .
a. The ants were very funny
b. The ants made some jokes
c. He taught the ants were dull
d. The ants danced and sang songs
24. What is the moral value of the story?
a. Eating seeds is very important
b. We must sing and dance a lot
c. We must be greedy to safe our lives
d. It is wise to plan ahead for hard times
25. What did the ants want the grasshopper to do for his dinner?
a. To hop away
b. To sing and dance
c. To collect the food
d. To knock at the door
26. What happened when the winter came?
a. It was hard for the grasshopper to find food
b. It was a beautiful season for the grasshopper
c. It was not easy for the grasshopper to find a shelter
d. It was hard for the grasshopper to find someone to play with
Read the following text to answer questions 27-29
The Lion and the Hare
Once upon a time, a lion had been hunting for days without catching anything to eat.
It looks like I will go hungry again! he thought.
Then he saw a hare fast asleep beneath a shady tree. He moved quietly toward it, thinking, At last!
Here is a delicious meal sitting and waiting for me!
He was about to catch the hare when a fine young deer trotted by. The lion thought, Now there is an
even better dinner! He turned and chased the deer. The noise woke the hare and he quickly hopped
After a long chase, the lion failed to catch the deer. Tired out he came back looking for the hare, but he
found that it had run away.
What a fool I am! the lion said as his empty stomach growled.
It serves ne right for losing the food that was almost mine, just for the chance of getting more!
27. What was the hare doing when the lion saw him?
a. He was looking at the deer
b. He was sleeping
c. He was running
d. He was hunting
28. Why did the lion postpone catching the sleeping hare?
a. Because he was afraid of waking the hare up
b. Because he didnt like eating the sleeping hare
c. Because he wanted to chase another lion
d. Because he saw a deer passing by
29. What can we learn from the story?
a. Dont run away when your friend needs you
b. Dont be greedy, or you may lose
c. Dont speak too much
d. Dont miss a chance
Read the following text to answer questions 30-35
The Wind and the Sun
The wind and the sun argued about which of them was the strongest. The wind said, I am so powerful
that I can blow all the clouds out of the sky. The sun said, I am more powerful because I can heat up
the sea below and this will produce many more clouds.
For a long time, the sun and the wind went on arguing. Just then, they saw a boy walking along the road
below. He was wearing a coat. The wind suddenly had an idea. He said, Lets see who can get the coat
off that boys back. The sun agreed.
The wind started first. He blew as hard as he could. He blew from behind and he blew from in front of
the boy. The harder he blew, the more tightly the boy held on to his coat to keep it from blowing away.
After a while, the wind gave up.
Then, it was the suns turn. It came out from behind the clouds and shone on the boy. The boy felt
warm. After that, it began to get hotter and hotter. Soon, the boy could not stand the heat any longer.
He took his coat off. The sun won.
30. Who had the idea of getting the coat off the boys back?
a. The sun
b. The boy
c. The wind
d. The writer
31. What did the boy do to keep his coat on from blowing away?
a. He tied it with a rope
b. He held it tightly
c. He buttoned it
d. He blew it
32. What did the sun do to take the boys coat off his body?
a. He shone brightly
b. He took off the boys coat
c. He blew as hard as he could
d. He came out from being the clouds
33. What can we learn from the story?
a. We may be more successful by being gentle than by using force
b. We must try hard to cheat others when we want to be successful
c. We should be strict to people around us
d. We should be deceitful to win a game
34. It came out from . . .(paragraph 4) The underlined word refers to . . .
a. The sun
b. The wind
c. The boy
d. The cloud
35. . . .the sun argued about which . . . (paragraph 1) The underline word means . . .
a. To make somebody understand
b. To make somebody angry
c. To express disagreement
d. To express love

Read the following text to answer questions 36-40
A Lion and the Mosquito
A lion grumbled and growled at a mosquito which kept flying around his head as he tried to take a nap.
Go away before I crush you under my paw, he roared
I am not afraid of you, teased the mosquito. You may be called the King of the Beasts, but I am more
powerful than you are. I can prove it, too. Lets fight and see who wins. The lion agreed.
The mosquito quickly swooped down at the lion and bit him again and again on his nose and ears. While
trying to crush the mosquito, the lion clawed himself with his sharp nails, drawing blood.
Enough, he finally cried. Enough! You win!
Unharmed, the mosquito buzzed away. He boasted of his victory over the lion to anyone who would
listen. He was so busy boasting that he flew straight into a spiders web string between the trees.
As a tiny spider hurried towards him, the mosquito struggles helplessly in the strong threads of the web.
I fought and won against the greatest of the beasts, he thought sadly, only to be devoured by one
less powerful than I am!
36. What did the mosquito do to the lion?
a. He bit the lion several times
b. He listened to the lion
c. He made the lion cry
d. He crushed the lion
37. The main idea of the last paragraph is . . .
a. The lion won the fight
b. The mosquito regretted his manner
c. The mosquito was afraid of the spider
d. The lion was sad to see the mosquito
38. From the text we know that . . .
a. The lion won the fight over the mosquito
b. The lion successes to crush the mosquito
c. The mosquito was proud of his victory
d. The mosquito bit the spider
39. What can we learn from the story?
a. Never touch a spiders web
b. Never fight over a small animal
c. Never judge your enemys strength
d. Never let your enemy knows that you are afraid
40. He boasted of his victory . . . (paragraph 6) The underlined word has similar meaning to . . .
a. Talked about something loudly
b. Talked happily about something
c. Talking sadly over something happened
d. Talked with too much pride about something

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