OB Prelim Notes
OB Prelim Notes
OB Prelim Notes
Ph of vagina - acidic
2. Internal:
Pregnant = ovoid
Weight : Non pregnant: – 50 - 60 grams
b. inhibit ovulation
2. Lupreulide (Lupron)
C. Ovaries – Almond shape, dull white sex glands near the fimbrae, kept
in place by ligaments.
1. ovulation
4 significant segments
at ovulation
2. Ampulla – outer 3rd or 2nd half, site of fertilization
1. External
Penis – the male organ of copulation and urination. It contains of a
body of a shaft consisting of
3 Cylindrical Layers
2 corpora cavernosa
1 corpus spongiosum
Male Female
Testes Ovaries
1st Trimester
Goodel's- change of consistency of cervix Ultrasound
Breast changes Chadwick’s- blue violet discoloration of evidence
Urinary frequency vagina (sonogram) full
Transvaginal –
empty bladder
Amenorrhea Hegar's- change of consistency of isthmus
Morning sickness Elevated BBT – due to increased
Enlarged uterus progesterone
Positive HCG or (+)pregnnacy test
2nd Trimester
Fetal heart tone
Cloasma Ballottement – bouncing of fetus when Fetal movement
Linea negra lower uterine is tapped sharply, sign of Fetal outline on x-
Increased skin myoma ray
pigmentation Enlarged abdomen Fetal parts
Striae gravidarium Braxton Hicks contractions – painless palpable
Quickening irregular contractions
○ vague discomfort
- Fundal height
- Anemia
- Abdominal cramping
- Pulmonary embolus
Nursing care:
* candidate for CS
Partial – 5%
➢ Internal examination
➢ Sudden fetal blood loss
Diagnostic Examination:
➢ Ultrasound
Note: Avoid: sex, IE, enema – may lead to sudden fetal blood loss
Nursing Care:
➢ Bed rest
➢ Prepare to induce labor if cervix is ripe
➢ Administer IV
Note Alert : Surgeon – in charge of sign consent, RN as witness
MD explain to patient