DesertMagazine 1963 August

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AUGUST, 1963 40c



Stories By....
Nell Murbarger
Department of Economic Development
Desert Research Institute
Centennial Commission
"Recreation Unlimited"



IN 1964

Special September
Featuring . . .
Scenic Attractions. . . Rock Hunting . . . Fishing Edition
.. . Boating . .. Ghost Towns. . . Indian Lore . . . MAP
Calender of Events. . . plus other attractions.

A souvenir and reference issue uou will want to keep.

Volume 26 Number 8

AUGUST, 1963

This Month's Cover

Arch in the Devil's Garden, southeast Utah.
Fantastic carvings of sandstone support this
lovely arch against a deep blue sky. Photo
3 The Desert in August
5 Desert Camera
6 New Ideas for Desert Living
8 Petroglyph Loop Trip
Interesting prehistoric Indian writings near
Bishop California.
First of a series exploring the prehistoric
Indians' formula for survival.
12 Jumping Jack Rabbits
By JANICE BEATY. A witty profile of the
The Desert in August . . .
curious Jack.
TRAMWAY OPENING DELAYED. Impossibility for some dignitaries,
14 Utah's Ccmyonlands by Bus including California's Governor Pat Brown, to attend the previously
RAYE PRICE discovers an easy way to visit scheduled opening of Palm Springs Aerial Tramway on August 3,
Utah's backcountry. coupled with need for additional time to finish the restaurant, has re-
16 Voodoo in the Desert sulted in postponment of the official opening until September 14. The
By J. E. P. HYLAND, M.D. A doctor examines largest and longest single-lift passenger-carrying aerial tramway in
the Peyote cult. the world, the $7,700,000 tourist attraction will have two 80-passenger
19 Rain cars carrying visitors 13,200 feet, with a vertical ascent of 5873 feet, up
ERWIN KAUPER explains how to locate the
the mountain in a matter of approximately 14 minutes each way.
driest spot in America on his unique weather Officials expect more than one-half million tourist yearly.
22 Mines, Minnows and Marinas JOSHUA TREE IMPROVEMENTS. A general face lifting and addition
By CHORAL PEPPER. A desert-lake vacation of new facilities are already underway at the Joshua Tree National
for the whole family. Monument in Southern California, according to Superintendent William
26 Bottle Bonanza R. Supernaugh. A contract has been let for the second part of the
By E. T. REED. An enthusiastic report on a
$625,000 Mission 66 improvement program, he said.
popular hobby.
27 Desert Cookery GOING UP. Eighty-five per cent of the land in the State of Nevada is
owned by the United States and approximately 80 per cent of the
oles for easy summer cooking. people live in the Reno and Las Vegas areas. Skylines of both cities
30 Use With Core are changing with "high rises" taking the place of two-story hotels.
Tallest structure in Nevada today is the new addition to the Sahara
Tips for Suntanning
33 Planting Palms DESERT is published monthly by Desert Magazine, Inc., Palm Desert, Calif. Second Class Postage paid at Palm Desert, Calif., and at
additional mailing offices under Act of March 3, 1879. Title registered No. 358865 in U.S. Patent Office, and contents copyrighted 1963
It's easy—if you know how and when. by Desert Magazine, Inc. Unsolicited manuscripts and photographs cannot be returned or acknowledged unless full return postage is
enclosed. Permission to reproduce contents must be secured from the editor in writing. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE; $4.50 per year (12 issues)
34 The Angel of San Jacinto in the U.S.; $5 elspwhere. Allow five weeks for change of address, and be sure to send the old as well as new address.
HELEN GILBERT reveals a little-known scenic
To subscribe, or to give a DESERT gift subscription, use the coupon on page 5
attraction near well-known Palm Springs.
36 Shopping Along a Navajo Trail Arden E. Roney & Associates
580 South San Vicente Blvd., Los Angeles 48, California. Phone: 651-3930
There are bargains and treasures still to be NEW YORK—210 E. 53rd St. PL 3-1780 SAN FRANCISCO 3—1355 Market St. UN 1-7175
found CHICAGO 1—35 E. Wocker Dr. ST 2-8196 DETROIT 26—658 Book Bldg. WO 1 -6063


By CHARLES E. SHELTON. Reviews of three
publisher editor
new publications Address Correspondence To:
42 Letters from our Readers Desert Magazine, Palm Desert, Calif. Phone: FI 6-8144

August, 1963 / Desert Magazine / 3

in Las Vegas. Just completed, the $6 million 24-story Sahara tower
rises in the desert where 50 years ago there were only burro and
jackrabbits. Next month's DESERT will publish a special edition
saluting Nevada which celebrates its 100th birthday in 1964.

INDIO THINKS BIG — Not only has the comparatively small com-
munity of Indio, California started on a mammoth $1,300,000 project to
salvage an old Egyptian temple which would otherwise be covered
by backwaters from Egypt's Aswan Dam, but they have enlisted the
aid of actress Elizabeth Taylor to help. The directors of the Temple
FRESH-AIR Derr for Indio, Inc. a non-profit organization seeking donations to
move the temple from Egypt to Indio, have contacted Elizabeth Taylor
COOLING for a contribution and support in bringing the 3,300 year old temple to
Southern California. Donations from $1.00 up should be sent to the
Temple Derr for Indio, Inc. The project has been approved and en-
dorsed by the United Nations Educational and Scientific and Cultural
Organization, according to executive director Lucile Carnes, who said
donations are tax free.


Death Valley National Monument will remain open during the sum-
mer months, but some scenic sideroads will be closed due to excessive
heat and infrequency of road patrols, according to Superintendent
John A. Aubuchon. The Museum and Visitor Center will also be open
seven days a week from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Visitors should check
at the center as to what roads are closed.

WHOSE CROWDED? Although the population explosion in the West

is going full blast, there is still plenty of room. More than a quarter
of California is desert and barren land, with nearly half of the State's
100,300,000 acres belonging to the Federal government.

SALTISH SALTON SEA. Riverside County's Salt on Sea, which attracts

DESERT-PROVED millions of Southern California fishermen and water enthusiasts every
for more than 23 years year, will become too salty for water contact sports in 20 to 40 years
unless something is worked out to remove the increasing salt content.
A gentle breeze of fresh, cool air In presenting a plan to solve the problem to the Colorado River Basin
Regional Water Polution Board, executive officer Arthur Swajian,
flows constantly into every room Indio, said that "despite present control activities Salton Sea, within
when you cool your home with an a limited number of years, will become too highly mineralized to be
Arctic Circle V-Series Air Cooler. used for water contact sports." Taking militant action, Swajian pro-
Patented Microglas liners on the posed a plan to remove the salt by diking off 28 square miles of the
sea and then dredging the salt left there by evaporation.
cooling pads help keep out dust
and pollen. For more than 23
years, Arctic Circle Coolers have
TWO MARINAS OPEN. Two new boating marinas are now in opera-
led in features that assure better tion following dedication ceremonies. Oceanside opened its $7.5 mil-
cooling at lower cost. lion Oceanside Harbor which it describes as "California's newest
pleasure marina." The 600-slip harbor, which took two years to build,

is the only such marina on a 70 mile stretch between Newport Beach
and San Diego. The famous 4-mile bathing beach is the "finest
municipal bathing beach in all southern California." Blythe, Cali-
fornia opened a $40,000 small boat launching facility featuring a 24-
foot-long ramp which will be available to fisherman and boating
enthusiasts at no cost.

See the Yellow Pages

AUGUST CALENDAR. 8th-11th—New Mexico's 42nd annual Inter-
Tribal Indian Ceremonial, Gallup, New Mexico. 10th—Smoki Cere-
for the Nearest monials and Snake Dance, Prescott, Arizona. 18th-24th—Indian Snake
ARCTIC CIRCLE Dances, Winslow, Arizona. 21st-25th—Farmers Fair, Hemet, California.
23rd-25th—Coconino County Fair, Flagstaff, Arizona. 28th-Sept 2—San
Air Cooler Bernardino County Fair (Rodeo 31st-1st). 30th-31st—Sheriffs Pose
DEALER Parade and Rodeo, Sedona, Arizona. 31st-2nd—Lions Stampede and
'49er Show and Parade, Fallon, Nevada.
4 / Desert Magazine / August, 1963
(Infrequent desert lightning is an
elusive subject for both professional
and amateur photographers. We con-
sider Bob Riddell's article and strik-
ing picture so unusual that this
month we are devoting DESERT
CAMERA to the Tucson, Arizona
Let's try something new in picture
taking and add photographing light-
ning to our list. This is easier than
you might think.
As in shooting sunsets, pre-selec-
tion of locations are important as are
luck and perseverance. I have loca-
tions in the east, west, north, and
south and can catch lightning any-
where. In the southwest, lightning is
most dominant during July and Aug-
ust, and in other parts of the country
varies with the rainy seasons.
Cacti, trees, buildings, windmills
corn silhouetted against a full sky of I N TUCSON, A R I Z O N A . CAMERA DATA: SPEED GRAPHIC 4 x 5 , 5'A ILEX SHUTTER, SUPER
lightning made one of the nicest pic- X X FILM, 20 MINUTES OPEN SHUTTER AT F l l , AT 11 P.M. SEE DESERT CAMERA.
tures I have seen.
To aid in focusing on a close sub-
ject I use a flashlight—also handy to DESERT Subscription Service
check lens setting. If your subject is
at infinity, then, of course, you mere-
To Subscribe To Change Your Address
ly set your lens at this setting.
Mail this form with your Magazines are no longer forwarded by the post
To take the picture, open the payment office when you move. To insure uninterrupted
shutter and leave it open for 10, 15, delivery please attach your magazine address
• New Subscription label here and print your new address below.
or 20 minutes at F8 or Fll. It's hard
to overexpose with black and white • Renewal
film with lightning as the only source
of illumination. The longer you ex- Name
pose, the more interesting the pattern. D 1-year subscription
If you are near a road, put your hand $4.50
over the lens when stray car lights is D or2-year Two
1-year sub-
approach. scriptions . . $8.00
Catching daylight lightning is
much harder; it may take several To Give a Desert Subscription
exposures before you record a flash Print your name and address above, and name and address of recipient below.
on film. Your camera lens is set for
daylight reading, of course.
So next time it looks like a storm
and lightning is coming your way,
take off and challenge nature to a Indicate below how we should sign your gift card
photography session. You may come
back with pictures few friends have
'' From ,
in their albums. L. J
August, 1963 / Desert Magazine / 5


One Time Only most striking examples of a new idea
in outdor living is the Sun Goddess
FALL CLEARANCE SALE Sand Chair. An eye-catching alumi-
During August and September num frame with tough nylon webb-
ing makes the new sand chair a real
40% off on all KAR KAMPS stopper. Reinforced at points of
20% off on_aU Luggage Carriers stress, with dimensions of 18-inches
high, 17-inches wide, the chair weighs
KAR KAMP MFG. less than comparable wood furniture,
8925 E. GARVEY AVE. - DEPT. L yet outlasts wood when exposed to
S. SAN GABRIEL, CALIF. blistering sun and continued heat.
Looks like rugged equipment ready
for the desert patio. Prices available
from Hampden Specialty Products
Corp., 295 Fifth Avenue, New York
16, N. Y.
A Four-Day Mo rorboat Tour
of Glen Canyon (Lake Powell)
to Rainbow Na tural Bridge PORTABLE WINCH - Another
(Start at and return to Hite, Utah) new portable winch for medium-duty
Also - Day Trips • Ilightseeing Rides emergency service has hit the market.
This time it's an electric-powered
GLEN CANYOIM BOATING model weighing just 30-pounds over-
WHITE CANYCIN, UTAH all, operating off either 115-volt AC
power, or from a 12-volt storage bat-
tery. It measures just 10%xl2x7%
inches, and yet is rated at a pull of
New Improved up to 2000 pounds. Has machine-cut
METAL spur gear drive, an automatic brake
to stop and hold loads, an emergency
DETECTOR hand crank, a protective cover, and
Finger tip nob con-
trol . . . low cost op- steel drum barrel. The winch comes
eration . . . greater
sensitivity . . . bat- equipped with 30-feet of 3/16-inch
tery checker.. easy
to operate .. depth:
aircraft cable and hook. Price not
6 ft announced, but this item may be a
Model 27 (DeLuxe) photo above $119.95 practical accessory for the backcoun-
MODEL 711 $149.00 try driver. From Tulsa Products Div.,
RAYTRON'S MODEL 990 $165.00
Vickers, Inc., 731 East First Street,
NEW SUPER SCOPE Tulsa 20, Okla.
Completely transistorized, with long
durable life . . easy to operate . . maxi-
mum sensitivity and performance up
to 28 ft. depth.
• • • •
Shipped express only
BACKPACK UNIT - The handiest
MINERALIGHTS: complete line from pack-in unit I've seen in many years,
$12.75 to $109.50. the new Himalayan Ranger Pakbag,
•k Lapidary Equipment - Supplies •
Gems-Minerals is made of strong but lightweight ma-
Books -Ar Jewelry terials, weighing just 16 ounces. Poly-
~k Tools vinyl chloride-coated fabric has great
• • • abrasion-resistance. The unique fea-
Triple Beam ture is the removable side-pockets,
Balance which can be then used for belt-pack
by Ahaus duty alone or in pairs. The three out-
Complete with er removable pockets are waterproof
specific gravity
attachment, and
Herculite. The Range Pakbag which
cover $41.25 straps onto all Everest Pak frames,'
has dimensions of 16x10x21-inches.
Comhbon <J\ock Retail price is $8.95, with front pock-
1405 S. Long Beach Blvd., Compton, Calif.
et at $3.95, side pockets at $2.95. Him-
Telephone: 632-9096 alayan Industries, 807 Cannery Row,
P. O. Box 1647, Monterey, Calif.

6 / Desert Magazine / August, 1963

A NEW WATER ]UG - Made of
lightweight plastic foam, the new
Skotch-Kooler insulated jug has some
amazing performance features. The
maker claims that it will keep boil-
ing water too hot to drink for over
six hours. And when filled with ice
water, and exposed to a 100-degree
hot sun for 12 hours, the contents IT'S EASY AND LOTS-OF-FUN
when checked registered just 40-de- Make Beautiful Gems Now! Learn about this
fascinating hobby in a new booklet, "SO YOU
grees. That's real efficiency, and WANT TO CUT GEMSTONES" and Informa-
tive Catalog—$1.50 value for only 25c. Send
sounds like the kind of jug most des- for yours TODAY
ert travelers will find useful. The
Skotch-Kooler is available in several Lapidary Eng. Corp.
colors, and has an inner and outer 1st. & Hwy. 99 Redlonds D, Calif.
seemless polyethylene liner. Priced
at $5.95 and up from Hamilton-
Skotch Corp.' 130 East 59th St., New
York 22, N. Y. APACHE LAND


ANGLER'S SHOES - As any fisher- a Vacation Land

man can tell you, scooting up and
over slippery rocks alongside a can- to Remember
yon creek requires sure footing, and
this is something difficult to achieve
in most ordinary ankle-top shoes. The
new special fisherman's shoe by Wein-
brenner looks like quality merchan-
dise with practical appeal. They call
it the Strike, and I'd say if you want-
ed something out of the ordinary, a
shoe with an aim in life, the Strike
may be a good choice. Priced reason-
ably at $12.95, from Weinbrenner,
Division of Textron, Inc., 2025 North
Summit Avenue, Milwaukee 1, Wis.
The While Mountain Apache Indians welcome y o u .
Come and enjoy the wonderful mountain climate,
the beautiful primitive scenery, clear, cold streams
and the best trout fishing in the Southwest.


compact LP-gas stove, lantern, and WHITERIVER, ARIZONA
heater all rolled into one package?
The Junior Port-A-Kitchen is just TRAVELERS' DISCOUNT
that, and looks to be one of the clev-
erest camper's accessories in years.
The unit is designed to be mounted
atop any refillable LP-gas fuel tank
of small capacity, such as the 11-
pound bottle. Also fits the 20-, 30-,
40-, and 60-pound cylinders. Handy SAVE 10% CASH
for desert cabins or desert camp-out. ENTERTAINING
Capacity is 4000 btu per hour. LP- VACATIONING
gas heats fast, and is reliable and
clean-burning. The lantern attach- TRAVELING
ment has regular tie-on replaceable NATIONAL DISTRIBUTORS DEPT BB18
mantles. Priced at $13.95 for basic P. O. BOX 420 ARCADIA, CALIF.
stove-heater, with lantern attachment
extra at $9.95, the Junior Port-A-Kit-
chen is available from Appolo Prod- Address
ucts, 122 E. Michigan Ave., Battle City
Creek, Michigan. State

August, 1963 / Desert Magazine / 7

'DEEPEST VALLEY by Genny Schumacher.
Guide book to Owens Valley area. Trails,
Geology, Wildlife, History. What to see
and where. Paper $2.95, cloth $4.75
macher. Places to see, History, Geology,
Wildlife. Guide book to ever popular area.
Back country hiking. Paper $2.45
STORY OF BODIE by Ella Cain. Stories of
how this western mining camp earned the
reputation of being the most lawless, wild-


est and toughest in west. Paper $2.50
tennial stories. Full of photos, facts, his-
tory. Illustrated with old newspaper clips.
Paper $1.00
er Tory Peterson. 740 illustrations in this
standard bird book for all western bird
watchers $4.95
F OUR major petroglyph areas on
the desert side of the Sierra Ne-
vada Mountains north of Bishop,
less—"writing material" supply. What
their "doodles" meant is anyone's
guess, although more and more scien-
DESERT WILDLIFE by Edmund C. Jaeger, lie along the path of a 50-mile loop tists are devoting time to the study of
depicts lives of 40 native mammals, birds trip. While 25 of these miles are dirt these writings and their possible
and reptiles of the southwest deserts. road, the standard car will have no meanings.
Many unusual photos $5.95
trouble here. The trip is being pro- The Bishop loop trip's four sites
GEM CUTTING by John Sinkankas A lapi- moted by the Bishop Chamber of
dary's manual. Much useful information. are:
Illustrated $11.75 Commerce, in cooperation with the
Eastern California Museum Associa- Chalfant Petroglyphs—on a turn-off
MANY OTHERS. Write for complete list. from the main highway, nine miles
Postage prepaid if payment enclosed with tion and the Eastern Sierra Gem and
order. In Calif, add 4% sales tax. Mineral Club. north of the Mono-Inyo county line.
The petroglyphs were incised in These petroglyphs are carved on east-
PINON BOOK STORE a volcanic flow stone known as the facing cliffs, north and south of the
roadside sign directing visitors to this
206 North Main St. Bishop. Caliiornia Bishop Tuff. An estimated 35 cubic
In the Heart of the Eastern High Sierras miles of this material is deposited in locale. High on the light-colored
the valley between the Sierras and walls of a recess in the bluffs north
the White Mountains. of the sign, is a design four feet in
V - 8 POWERED JEEP & SCOUTS diimeter—the largest known in this
When your rig is V-8 powered, your enjoy-
To the ancient Indians, this dark
ment is tripled. Sand, hills, mud are no rock provided an excellent—and end- area.
longer obstacles. Highway travel is quicker,
giving more time to roam the desert. Chu-
ehua's adaptor housings are designed to
make each installation easy and strong. TO U. 5. HWY 95
Adaptors are full bell housings, not plates,
using 9'/ 2 " input shafts making little or no
firewall cutting necessary.
Priced from $46.50 for all General Motors,
Chrysler, and Ford and Mercury V-8's
Write today for FREE information
Four Wheel Drive Accessory Center,
1625 Harbor Blvd., Fullerton 7, Calif.

Foreign employment offers men and
women choice of 19 countries — free
transportation — special tax benefits —
bonuses — liberal vacations — And a
most unique way of life in government
careers or with American companies,
their subsidiaries. Over half a million RED CANYO
Americans work and live exceptionally PETROGLYPH
well outside the U.S.A. You can earn LOOP TRIP
up to $1,600 per month paid in U.S.
currency. For complete information
send $2 to Foreign Projects, P. O. Box
1945, Beverly Hills, Calif.

Thousands of new job openings now in
Southern California in all fields. Per-
manent job security. Send $2 for job
information, names and addresses to
California Jobs, P. O. Box 1944, Beverly
Hills, Calif.
8 / Desert Magazine / August, 1963
# • p


Photos By Curtis Phillips
Canyon Petroglyphs—at the
top of the loop. The hieroglyphics CHILDREN PLAY ON "i NEWSPAPER ROCK" I N CHIDAGO CANYON
in this area are extensive, covering
the tops of the low ridges as well as
the cliff walls. This group is noted
for its many hand- and foot-prints, and
large animal tracks. Picturesque Red
Canyon runs west into the mountains.
Chidago Canyon Petroglyphs — on
Fish Slough Road, which follows a
portion of the old stage route which
connected Bishop with Bodie and
Aurora mining camps. The Chidago
(pronounced shi-day-go) group fea-


tures so-called Newspaper Rock —
popular with children who enjoy
climbing rocks.
Fish Slough Petroglyphs—geometric
designs are scattered on boulders west
of the Fish Slough sign. This was a
popular Indian camp, and evidence
of past habitation is extensive. From
March through early June, Fish \ ',>^
Slough Springs is a popular stop-over
place for migrating birds.
There are no roadside services on

nfMfc M

- lii HHi
the loop route; there is no wood or
water. But, there are a million petro- • • * •

glyphs to examine, wonder over, and 1ST-.

photograph. /// HHHHH mm

First in a series of articles exploring the
prehistoric Indian's formula for survival

ODERN man is splendidly at home in his air- know-how in making use of uncultivated desert life.
M conditioned desert with supermarket food, but
how well would he adapt to a powerless, mer-
chantless, atomic-blasted land, or even a transportation
With information largely furnished by naturalists
Ted Whitmoyer and Derek Hambly of the National
Park Service, DESERT brings you a monthly series of
breakdown on the desert? eight articles reconstructing the survival formulas estab-
Stranded for a full day without water at 120-degrees, by early Southwest Indians.
a healthy man will die by nightfall. The human body Their fight for survival was a daily occurrence, not
was not designed for an arid existence. merely a matter of temporary dis-
And yet, human life has persisted. placement. Following trails of ani-
How did prehistoric man manage to mals and birds to water, primitive
survive and leave a heritage on every man migrated hundreds of miles
desert of the world? across desolate land. Enroute, he set
Actually, he did fairly well. And up camps at which he replenished
so could today's desert dweller, with his food supply and sucked trickles
imagination and wit. He may have of moisture from the barren ground.
to substitute scotch highballs for Usually these camps fell near the
tequila cocktails, but a full-course din- shade of desert mesquite — for good
ner from soup to nuts grows almost reason. Where mesquite occurred,
under his feet. His problems would there also occurred water. It might
not result from a bare cupboard. lurk far below the surface but it was
Rather, they'd result from lack of there. Small animals, such as rabbits
and mice, knew this too, and where Unfortunately, water will not pour
there were rabbits and mice there forth. The tissue of the cactus must
were also predator snakes. As a con- be pummeled into a pulp. After a COMMON
sequence, the mesquite indirectly pro- few moments, water collects in the
vided a varied feast. Rabbits and barrel's hollow.
mice ate the mesquite beans; snakes EDIBLE
ate the rabbits and mice; and the In- Reports vary as to its taste. One
dian ate the whole caboodle! authority compared it to a raw po-
tato and found it refreshingly pleas-
Very early primitive man learned ant, but others complain of bitter- and USEFUL
to use everything at hand, and to use ness and warn that its heavy alkaline
it well. Not even plant life was al- content may produce stomach cramps.
lowed to serve a single purpose. Possibly both reports are true. The PLANTS
Consider the desert gourd, for ex- barrel cactus is constructed with an
ample. In flat, sandy areas this wild accordianlike "stomach", in a sense
that its body contracts during periods of the WEST
plant blossoms and then bears a beau-
tiful gourdlike fruit. The flesh of of limited moisture, but during a
rainy season will expand with its re- A New & Useful Book by
the fruit was eaten and the seeds MURIEL SWEET, Botanist
ground into a mush. Then a soap plenished store of fresh water. This
was made from the plant's crushed could well contribute to the varia- More than 115 line-drawings . . .
roots. (This soap is irritating to the tions in taste. every plant illustrated . . .

skin if not rinsed off thoroughly.) The barrel cactus serves another Factual Guide to Plants Which
Only the flower failed to serve a sur- function for survival—that of a com- Gave the Western Indians Food
vival need of man. But then, who pass. This is because of its inclina- 6- Healing . . . From the Deserts
knows? Perhaps a pretty maiden tion to list to the south. As the sun to the Highest Mountains . . .
tucked one behind her ear. passes from east to west along a path
Fictional tales of man's survival on somewhat to the south of us, its in-
tense rays tend to dry the south side only $1
the desert may credit the barrel cactus
with a heroic role, but in reality there of the barrel more quickly than the post and tax paid
is little evidence of it ever having north. This permits the tissues on
saved the life of a thirst-maddened the north to grow faster and thus
push the cactus toward the south. DEPT. D
This condition, of course, is true only HEALDSBURG, CALIF.
Nevertheless, an emergency ration in a free-standing barrel cactus un-
does lurk within its thorn-nettled shaded by other growth. Otherwise,
body. The trick is, how do you get the cactus will lean toward the bright-
it out? est source of light, which may not
always be from the south.
No other variety of cactus has a
more formidable array of spines. Even A popular southwestern confection WHEN YOU WRITE
thirsty Indians tackled the barrel cac- called "cactus candy," which tastes . . . or phone in response to an ad in
tus as a last resort. A slight prod near
the base will topple its shallow-root- like candied melon rind, is a modern DESERT, it only takes a moment to men-
use for the fleshy barrel cactus. How- tion where you saw it. The firm you are
ed body to the ground, so it is neces- doing business with will appreciate know-
sary to carefully remove a section of ever, a man forced to seek survival
ing how you learned of them, and
the top by cutting with a sharp imple- on the naked desert might not find DESERT will be grateful for your support
ment or crushing with a well-aimed the recipe's accompanying ingredi- and friendship thus expressed.
blow. ents. ///

The unique hydraulic mechanism which raises The Alaskan Camper is quickly transformed ience of a weathertight, high ceiling, home away
the camper top can be safely operated even by from its compact low silhouette on the road to from home complete with three burner stove,
a small child. Locks prevent accidental lower- roomy walk-in living quarters. Drive safely at sink, cabinets, ice box, beds, and many other
ing. The top is lowered quickly by the simple any speed with m i n i m u m drag and sway. luxury features.
turn of a valve. Moments later, enjoy the comfort and conven-
Write today to the factory nearest you for free folder describing the most advanced camper on the road.
1 Dept.
riant D
H Dept. D Dept. D Texas Div., Dept. D
9847 Glenoaks Blvd., 8819 Renton Ave. P. 0. Box 264 7 7 pVlham Ave. P. 0. Box 548 6911 Stearns St.
YOU / Sun Valley, Calif. Seattle 18, Wash. Manheim, Penna. Toronto 9, Ontario Red Deer, Alberta Houston, Texas
This is the "Year of the
Hare" according to the
Chinese zodiac. Babies born
m \r this year can expect a long
A j^^^r life, says ancient tradition, for
^^L m m the first hare on earth lived to
^ ^ ^ ^ £j^ the ripe old age of 1000 before he
^^k % ^ ^ wound up on the moon pounding
^W out the drugs of immortality. But
v ^ the Chinese are not the only folks in-
^^^J fluenced by hares. The hare — or jack
jk^j rabbit as we know him — plays quite a
2^L role in our own lives. Our celebration of
L^\ Easter, is partly his doing. Long before Easter
^•^^^ became a Christian holiday, it was a festival for
t ie
^ ^ l^^^l " P a § a n goddess Ostara of northern Europe.
> ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^^J (Our word "Easter" comes from her name.) Leg-
k ^k ^ ^ ^ ^ end has it that the hare was originally a bird, but beg-
V ^L "^ ged Ostara to transform him into an animal that he
lfr might walk on earth. She did, and in grateful thanks
the hare laid eggs at Ostara's festival every spring. Many
people see a hare-in-the-moon instead of a man. The
Hindus of India tell tales of the moon hare who is king
of all earthly hares. A Japanese hare reputedly pounds rice
dough on the moon for making cakes in the shape of his home.
And because early Europeans saw a hare-in-the-moon, the date
for Easter every year is still determined by the moon's phases.
Although we call him Easter "rabbit," he is not one, for true rab-
bits, native to Europe and Africa, are born naked, blind, and in a
deep burrow. No wild North American "rabbits" can make these
claims, so regardless of what we call them, all are really "hares." But
no legend about him is as fantastic as the real hare himself. He is one of
the fastest creatures on the Western plains. The Prairie Hare or White-
tailed Jack Rabbit (Lepus townsendii), for instance, lopes along at 3 5 mph
and has no trouble at all accelerating to 45 mph if necessary. His prodi-
gious high jumps of 5l/z feet are not made just for fun, but often for the
practical purpose of taking a quick look around. And he really is partial to
moonlight. Often the moonlight nights of mid- While hares may be the epitome of meekness
winter will draw together up to a dozen of these and timidity for most of the year, come March
jacks for the fun of frolicing back and forth mating season and they abruptly go wild. Mild,
in a circle almost like a community dance. companionable jack hares suddenly begin snap-
The Black-tailed Jack Rabbit (L. califori- ping at one another. Some stand on their hind
cus) of our own southwest is remarkable for his legs and box; others hiss, scream, grunt or click.
ability to exist without drinking water. His diet In fighting furiously over the does, the jacks
of succulent plants seems to provide enough frequently bite and claw, but sometimes leap
moisture, so that even where water is available into the air as if possessed by devils. "Mad as a
he may not touch it. Enormous hordes of Black- March hare" is no mere old wives' saying.
tailed Jacks sometimes build up, and in certain Yet when all is said and done, someone is
areas they are trapped by the thousands in huge sure to inquire: what good are jack rabbits? In-
rabbit drives. The ancient Hopi Indians hunt- festations of these creatures have long plagued
ed hares like this, driving them into strung- Western farmers. Are they merely pests? No,
out nets and then stunning them with boom- say ecologists who point out that hapes are im-
erangs. portant as buffers between the predators and
Most curious of our southwestern hares are the larger, slower-breeding mammals. In other
the White-sided Jack Rabbits or Antelope Jacks words, if there were no hares to feed on, coyotes
(L callotis and L. alleni), both of south-central would kill off many more of the larger game
Arizona. They have a whitish area on their low- animals.
er sides which can be shifted around at will by
the remarkable contraction of certain skin Still, there must be a better answer. Or is
muscles. Even during hot pursuits this shifting it only foolishness to feel a thrill when you
takes place, with the white areas always being stumble upon a big old jack rabbit with his im-
pulled onto the side facing the enemy. They possibly long ears cocked your way, his nose a-
flash in the bright sunlight almost like an in- twitching, and his kangaroo-legs braced for the
tentional warning signal to other hares in the bounding getaway that will leave you wonder-
vicinity. ing if maybe once he really was a bird? ///

1A I Flocort }J\nnrv7\na / Aiiniist

R ECENTLY I returned from a
1253-mile week-long trip through
some of the wildest country in
America—and I didn't drive a mile
again as "that red rock."
I regretted being without a
suit when I noticed swimming pools
(nor back-seat drive, either). I travel- at several motels, but our accommo-
ed in air-conditioned comfort and I dating driver pulled up before a local
slept on spring-mattresses every night. clothing store, and I was soon splash-
I explored country few whitemen ing with the rest. Moab's motels are
have seen and I didn't lack fresh vege- excellent. Private accommodations
tables for a single meal. for passengers traveling alone were
available at a slight additional cost.
Three ways to explore Utah's Can-
yonlands were suggested in DESERT's Although the bus tour was far
April, 1963, issue—guided jeep tour, from rugged, opportunity existed for
tag-a-long tour and by passenger car. active outdoor exploration. Designed
Now a fourth may be added. This as a "learning" trip, qualified geolo-
summer, for the first time, Grayline gists explained the terrain and pass-
Tours inaugurated a Canyonlands engers were encouraged to take the
Tour. I was priviliged to be aboard mile-and-a-half climb to Delicate
its "maiden voyage." Arch, a guided jeep trip through pri-
mitive Monument Valley, and hikes
I must admit that I launched upon down twisting trails in Bryce Canyon.
this trek with trepidation. F e w I found frontier pants the perfect
people, even Utah residents, have answer for clothing, with rubber-
covered the long, lonely loop from soled shoes for the slickrock climb at
Salt Lake City to Dead Horse Point, Delicate Arch and cowboy boots for
Arches National Monument, Moab, the deep sand and sage at Monument
the Goosenecks of San Juan, through Valley.
the Navajo Reservation of Monu-
ment Valley, into Arizona's Tuba It soon became apparent that tra-
City, across the bridge of Glen Can- veling in a congenial group such as
yon Dam at Page to re-enter Utah this was a distinct advantage. Passen-
and return to Salt Lake City via gers developed new interest in geo-
Bryce National Park. In fact, until logy, archeology, botany and history
the spring of 1963, parts of this route as they enjoyed the coloring of gro-
were without paved roads. No wonder tesque formations. In addition to in-
my family raised a collective eyebrow formation from the driver, each pas-
and warned me of daily baked beans senger presented something of his own
and primitive accommodations as I to the group; one a knowledge of
stuffed a case with sun lotion, drip- desert wildflowers, another a ready
dry blouses, frontier pants, boots, eye for minerals and rocks, others just
rubber-soled shoes and a sweater and plain humor.
skirt. Motel accommodation each night
But beans and sleeping bags weren't were excellent and, although the qua-
my only concern. I'd never traveled lity of food varied with the accessi-
by bus—other than around cities on bility of the place, it was far from the
rubber-neck tours — and I wonder- baked bean diet my family had
ed if there'd be other women traveling predicted. A two-night stopover at
alone, like myself, and how Grayline the San Juan Trading Post in Mexi-
would manage to pair us as har- can Hat, Utah, added shopping fun
monious roommates. with an exciting selection of authentic
Indian jewelry, rugs, and handicrafts.
As it turned out, both concerns
were baseless. There were almost as With 14 rolls of film to tell my
many women traveling alone as there story, I found myself using the bus
were men and somehow or other trip as reconnaisance for future fam-
passengers with mutual interests ily vacations.
gravitated together quite naturally.
Male, female, alone, or in a group,
Immediately we settled into our anyone 12 years or older will delight
reclining seats and sped beyond the in the Canyonlands bus trip. You
urban fringes of Salt Lake City, taking must make minor sacrifices for this
pleasure in the fact that sagebrush beauty and adventure, however. Bus
doesn't grow in neat little rows like travel entails handling your own lug-
city gardens. After lunch at Green- gage, so keep it light and compact.
river's Book Cliff Inn, we entered Side excursions may be hot and dusty,
country which grew progressively un- especially on the Monument Valley
believable. Our first realy great thrill jeep trip. But, to compensate for this,
was Arches National Manument on Grayline does your driving, reserves
the outskirts of Moab. Here our your rooms, provides guides, arranges

Raye Price driver-guide explained the history

and geology of its fantastic erosions
and now I'll never refer to sandstone
your social hours and schedules your
meals. Believe me, this is the rubber-
neck tour of all time! ///

August, 1963 / Desert Magazine / 15

Because of these latter strange and
exotic faculties, peyote has become
the center of a minor-key discord
which has come to involve not only
Indians and their tribal councils, but
also state legislatures, religious groups,
medical men, law-men, anthropolo-
gists, the American Civil Liberties
LJnion and even the Supreme Court
of the United States. Peyote was the
W HEN SR. CORTES and his fel-
low conquistadores were mak-
ing their celebrated grand circle
tour of Mexico and Central America
mercy. Peyotl talked to them sooth-
ingly and quieted their fright so
there would be no struggle, no an-
guished cry in the flame-filled night.
main campaign issue in the recent
election of the Tribal Council of the
Navajos, a sovereign nation by treaty.
The chairman of this council has a
in the sixteenth century, they were The Plumed Serpent would be salary exceeding that of most gover-
aided by tribes of Indians which they pleased. nors of states.
had liberated from the yoke of the Today, 400 years after the long ob-
imperious Montezuma. These native Peyote is accepted by its users as
auxiliary forces not only took an ac- sidian knife of the Aztec priests exact-
ed its bloody demands, the peyote an understanding friend with a liv-
tive delight in liquidating Aztecs ing personality which enables it to
alongside their deliverers, but showed cactus still plays a vital and an in-
tegral part in the life and times of talk and laugh with them. It brings
their appreciation for the privilege visions of beauty and grandeur such
by introducing to the Spaniards many the American Indian. Peyotism, as as will never be experienced by mor-
of the delightful foods which grew so cactus-eating is called, is still widely tal man. These visions are of such
profusely in this great new supermar- practiced by American native popula- magnitude and power as to make the
ket of the New World. Tomatoes, tions both on and off the reservation. squalor and poverty of reality of no
yams, squash, avocados, cocoa, straw- It is estimated that about 100,000 In- consequence. The spirit of peyote
berries—even iguana lizards—became dians are active users of peyote. This transcends all and through its use the
additions to the commissary of the number, necessarily grossly inaccurate great Manitou lets his redman have
army of Spain. due to communication problems in- a sneak preview of paradise.
volved, also includes 40,000 known
But the early-day turistas, much to members of the Native American Peyotism was first introduced into
the puzzlement of the Indians, drew Church, a sect composed of Indians the Plains region about 100 years ago,
the line at cactus-eating. Although which holds the peyote cactus, due to probably by marauding bands of
much sought after by the natives, the its novel properties, to be divinely en- Kiowas and Comanches who "liber-
Spaniards found the peyotl to be bit- dowed with the ability to shape a ated" quantities of the cactus from
ter, nausea-provoking, and, more man'-s life. It assumes the stature of the Huichol Indians of old Mexico.
often than not, impregnated with a sacrament. During the ensuing years the supplies
sand. Hardly worthy of the esteem in were replenished and eventually trad-
which it was held by the Indians and Peyote, the dream-catcher, grows ing fairs were set up on an annual
Aztecs alike. extensively in the desert terrain of basis. The friendly spirit of peyote
the lower Rio Grande Valley and prevailed where once there had been
As years are measured by the great southward into the valleys of Mexico. bitter enmity.
stone sun disc of the Aztecs, the Completely out of character with
peyotl cactus had been used in the cacti in general in that it is free of In 1918 the Native American
mysterious rites in the temple atop spines, the peyote has a carrot-shaped Church was established by those In-
the truncated pyramids for a long root and a small hairy nubbin which dians who felt that peyote merited
time. It was fed to the Selected Ones, appears above the ground. It is this special consideration as an actual
the human sacrifice. Many had been button which is dried and eaten. Con- vessel through which the Great Spirit
the lovely maidens who had partaken tained in this desiccated desert con- manifested himself to his beloved
of the little dream-catcher catcus that fection are the alkaloids which imbue redman. Persecuted and maligned by
would deaden reality and bring peyote with its wondrous potency. centuries of abrasive association with

16 / Desert Magazine / August, 1963

whites, the Indian had found in pey- its effect states, "It is like seeing the deemed unwise to eat or drink too
ote the instrument enabling him to door of life swing open before you." freely during the hours of late after-
accept status with true nobility. The The implication being that, until noon and early evening.
visions inspired during the peyote peyote, one's perception and sense of As night falls over the desert, the
ritual instill a god-like presence in values are apt to be a bit myopic. spirit of peyote comes alive. Coyotes
his character which will forever be his The Indians themselves have natural- run along the clay banks sending
tower of strength. Brotherly-love, self- ly introspected upon their cactus-eat- their fey yammering into the echo
reliance, a lively sense of responsibil- ing and they believe, "You can use chambers beyond the dunes. Sand-
ity to one's family and to his fellow peyote all your life but it will teach stone monoliths which tower in a
man are attributes to be aspired to you things that are ever new." sheer rise from the floor of the desert
through peyote. Above all, only by ,While Huxley and many other non- project long shadows that mingle
the all-night vigil in the peyote teepee Indians have partaken of peyote both with wisps of fog trailing across the
could the harassed Indian hope to re- from a scientific and thrill-seeking rising moon. Fog and shadow lose
sist the lure of the demon fire-water. point of view, the true peyotist takes themselves in darkening canyons.
Cactus-eating serves as a meeting a jaundiced look at the curious. Off- Peyote talks and chuckles; redman
ground of ancient traditions and mod- hand participation has no place in pauses to listen. A solitary drum
ern social graces for the twentieth the peyote teepee. Since the little cac- picks up the beat as a fire flickers
century Indian. Visions have always tus is a gift from the Great Spirit it hesitantly within the teepee. A late-
been an essential part of the redman's should be afforded a commensurate arriving pick-up struggles up the ar-
religion. It was the custom in most respect. roya amid blowing sand; two Indians,
tribes for the shaman, or medicine- The ritual of the peyotists is by no their blankets drawn tightly about
means the orgy or the running amok them, hurry to join those already in
man, to send a young warrior into the dimly-lit tepee.
the wilderness to suffer privation un- of the Indian which the uninformed
til such time as a vision or omen have presumed it to be. Since the Protocol assigns to the peyote priest
should manifest itself to him. Pro- announced intent of peyotism is to conduct of the meeting. Procedure
perly interpreted by the shaman, this foster the development of a nobler may vary considerably in detail
sign from the Great Spirit could have redman through morality, sobriety, among the separate tribes (there are
a profound effect on the brave's life chastity and right living, it would approximately 45 tribes presently
and his standing within the tribe. hardly seem feasible that the cere- practicing peyotism). As a rule there
The hallucinations of peyote, (not mony would in any way resemble a is a small altar of sorts situated in
accepted unqualifiedly by many medi- "reefer session." the center of the meeting place. This
cine-men) are believed to be, by Peyote meetings follow no fixed consists of a small fire with ashes
members of the Native American schedule—probably because in the banked into a form of a crescent. The
Church at least, manifestations from past many of the tribal councils in celebrants seat themselves on the
God. bowing to diverse pressures have ground in a circle at the periphery.
Aldous Huxley, eminent British looked with disfavor on the gather- Between the horns of the crescentic
author, in his pursuit of the mystic, ings. But the news of an upcoming fire on a garland of cedar branches
essayed to eat peyote and was pro- ceremony travels across the reserva- lies "father peyote," a larger than
foundly moved by the exquisite vi- tion like a tumbleweed in a whirl- usual button of the cactus selected
sions he perceived. He says ecstati- wind. The word is passed guardedly, for this place of honor because of its
cally, "The man who comes back from but none-the-less efficiently. The fam- size.
the 'Door In The Wall' will never be ily pick-up is filled with gas. The
peyote blanket is brushed and aired. The peyote priest, his peyote blank-
quite the same as the man who went et draped over his shoulders and a
out." This character-altering ability Peyote etiquettes requires that all woven basketful of peyote buttons on
of peyote has been commented upon who anticipate attending should take his lap, begins to sing. On one side
by others. A well-known anthropolo- a pre-ritual bath at noon of the meet- of him is seated the drummer, on the
gist who has spent most of his career ing day. And since peyote has a defi- other side, the peyote rattler. These
working among Indians and accord- nite predisposition toward nausea, two instrumentalists accompany the
ingly has been exposed to peyote and especially among the novices, it is priest as he chants. The woven bask-

August, 1963 / Desert Magazine / 17

et is passed clockwise so that all may feet may be mildy stimulating so that blankets more tightly and the singing
partake of peyote. Each celebrant the early meeting takes on a tone of becomes barely audible. The house
will usually accept at least four but- well-being. There will be a little lights dim. The show is about to be-
tons on his first orbit of the basket. trouble here and there with nausea. gin.
Occasionally a participant is handi- Salivation is stimulated to the point
capped by lack of teeth. Such is the that a tin-can cuspidor is usually An objective assessment of peyote
spirit of peyotism that his neighbor standard equipment for the peyotist. visions is futile. Indian artists have
will gladly chew his peyote into a sat- Mescaline, which is the most active attempted to paint pictures of their
isfactory bolus for him! alkaloid of the several contained in hallucinations which were fantastical-
peyote, causes an increase in respira- ly colored in a riot of reds, yellows,
As the meeting progresses and af- purples and other primaries. A com-
ter the basket has made several tion rate so that it is not uncommon
for a certain breathlessness to pervade mon concept favored by several na-
rounds, the drumming becomes fast- tive painters was the presence of a
er, the singing more fervent. Others the dark of the teepee.
peyote bird of gorgeous plumage
take their turn in the chant and it As more buttons are eaten, the dominating a landscape of prodigal
is said that under the stimulus of mild excitement of the early evening coloring. Since no two visions are
peyote many long-forgotten songs and is replaced by a sense of impending comparable, these artistic efforts con-
traditions are reclaimed about the solemnity. The peyotists gaze fixedly tribute only superficially, so say the
crescent of ashes. into the depths of the little fire where peyotists. The real vision, God's true
Pharmacologically, peyote is pri- something seems to stir vaguely. Som- gift, is the insight which comes with
marily a depressant, but its initial ef- nolence deepens; they draw their peyote.
Among the harsh words which have
PEYOTE "BUTTONS" (LOPHOPHORA WILLIAMSII). been slung at the peyotists, the one
which they object to most is "nar-
cotic." The definition of this word
is at the root of the turmoil in which
they are involved—they and the di-
verse agencies mentioned earlier.
What really constitutes a narcotic?
If one accepts that a narcotic is any
substance that deranges consciousness
and the normal stream of thought or
intellect, then the peyotists will accept
peyote as a narcotic. But let's also
include alcohol, barbituates and tran-
quilizers, they say.
On the other hand, they reason, if
a substance is non-habit forming
(there are no cases of peyote addic-
tion) and does not lead to moral de-
cay, but rather has the opposite ef-
fect, is it still a narcotic? Increasing
sentiment seems to favor the peyotists
in their fight to bring proper stature
to their little friend, peyote. The A-
merican Civil Liberties has held that
the religious freedom of members of
the Native American Church have been
infringed upon by the curtailment
of the use of peyote by some officials.
The state of New Mexico has remov-
ed legislation from its constitution
which previously had banned the use
of peyote. California is contemplat-
ing similar action. Since the recent
election, the Navajo Tribal Council
is showing unmistakable signs of
softening its attitude.
To the friendly little peyotl it is
of no consequence. What is reality
but a segment in the vast vista of
time? A friend is for always. Wheth-
er it be an Aztec maiden about to
have her quivering heart ripped from
her young body on the high altar,
or whether it be an unhappy Indian
sick in his soul from the corrosion of
whiteman's civilization, peyote will
comfort. Who would do otherwise?

18 / Desert Magazine / August, 1963

Areas which receive
greatest rainfall in the

Author of these DESERT articles: "Wind—The Desert's
Worst Weather" (May '61); "What's Pehmd the
Desert Mirage" (Aug. '61); "Smog Over the Desert"
(Oct. '61). Mr. Kauper is a research meteorologist
with Meteorology Research, Inc., Altadena.

VER the clicking of the Station

O Agent's telegraph key came the
unfamiliar, but still unmistak-
something that took place more than inches a year from 1911 to 1930. Bag-
two years before. As the entry of rain dad, by comparison, averages 2.28 in-
was made on the records, the longest ches a year—the result of some wet
able sound—rain was slanting against drouth in the meteorological history years (up to 10.20 inches) combined
the windows. The telegraph was for- of the United States had come to an with the record dry spell.
gotten, for this was rain—an event end.
long awaited at Bagdad, a station on The Bagdad station, situated be-
Bagdad, California, had taken its tween Barstow and Needles, is no
the Santa Fe line in California's Mo- place in the climatology books as a
jave Desert. representative station of the dry heart more. It survives only as a siding on
The date: November 9, 1914. of the American desert. To be sure, the Santa Fe. But, it still lives on in
another site—Greenland Ranch (now the weather records and typifies the
The last rain reported by this Furnace Creek) in Death Valley — most arid zone of the desert — the
Weather Bureau cooperative observa- owns the record for the least annual point beyond the normal range of
tion station was a distant memory, U. S. precipitation, averaging 1.45 summer storms from the southeast

Alimist 1 QR3 / Flftftort Mnnn^ino / lfl


and winter storms from the north- southeastern California. Southeast of the Borrego country, Indio and
west. When such storms do reach the this line is the dominion of the sum- Coachella Valley, then doubling
inland desert places such as Bagdad, mer storm. Northeast is the area of southward to Salton Sea, El Centro,
they usually have exhausted their yet a third type of rain pattern—that northwest to Blythe, dipping in and
moisture-bearing clouds against the which falls mostly in the spring out of Arizona, through Needles,
mountain ranges which stand be- (about May). westward through the Mojave Desert
tween desert and sea.
The line of separafion between the to the Bagdad area, north through
The effect of the various storms "winter rain" stations and "summer Death Valley, continuing in the same
may be seen in the accompanying rain" stations marks the zone of least direction past the Beatty-Goldfield-
map. Here the American desert is precipitation. (To a lesser extent Tonopah country of Nevada, dou-
zoned according to the period of this area of low rainfall extends along bling back toward Las Vegas and then
greatest rainfall during the course of the boundaries of the "spring rain" eastward into Utah's Dixie. This
an average year. Roughly speaking, patterns.) Thus, by tracing the di- "highway" is rainfall's "no-man's
the winter precipitation area extends viding line north from Baja Californ- land" in the Southwest.
inland from the Pacific to central ia, we find (much to no one's sur- The summer storms are the most
Idaho, eastern Nevada and extreme prise) that things are especially dry in spectacular of all desert weather.
SI! / DoooH Mr,nrt-,ir,a
Seemingly out of a clear sky the mountain barrier and down the other spersed with some almost wet years—
clouds spring up, towering to heights side, it is warmed by compressional the years of the lush wildflower dis-
of 40,000 feet or more. Cloud drop- heating. Such warming causes the plays. People will continue to live on
lets grow within their mother clouds evaporation of any clouds that man- the desert by tapping the under-
until they are too heavy to be held age to move across the mountain ground waters—those natural reser-
aloft by the updrafts. Then down mass. The result is a dry zone behind voirs containing the runoff from by-
they come, as large wet drop or some- large mountain ranges—a "rain-shad- gone rainstorms.
times as soft hail. The resulting ow"—superimposed on an already
downpour often is too much for the Who knows, perhaps water from
arid land.
parched land to absorb all at once. Bagdad's drouth-breaking storm in
There is sudden run-off, and roads, Under existing geographical and November, 1914, may be moving up
bridges, powerlines and railroad meteorological rules, the American the pipe of some Mojave Desert well
tracks are washed-out. This is the desert will continue to exhibit its pat- today, serving a new generation of
substance of those news items that tern of years with little rainfall inter- desert dwellers. ///
regularly appear in midsummer.
These storms also have more subtle
dangers—far-off thunderstorms that
start walls of water and mud moving
down watercourses. An unwary camp-
er who thinks that he is safe because
no rain has fallen on his camp in a
wash is actually in danger of losing
his equipment or even, as has happen-
ed, his life.
This is the dichotomy of the desert
—a short-term overabundance of rain
and a long-term lack of moisture—a
lack that is the essential condition
that both causes and characterizes a
desert. If an annual average of eight
inches or less is taken as an indica-
tion of a desert climate, it becomes
evident that the West's arid area
truly extends beyond what is com-
monly thought of as "desert."
The rainfall pattern clearly shows
the effect of elevation on precipita- RECRUITING
tion. Low level stations, such as
those on the Colorado Desert and in
Death Valley, have the least rainfall.
High terrain invariably receives larg-
er amounts. The "rain shadow" ef-
fect is evident—east of the Sierra Ne-
vadas and west of the Rockies, for
example. In each instance the rain-
bearing winds have to pass over a
high obstruction before reaching the
area in question. In the case of the
Sierras, the winter storms from the
west are affected: while the Rockies
act to dry out the moist winds from
the east and south. Most of what we
know as desert lies between these
massive cloud-obstacles.
Two actions occur together to pro-
duce the "rain-shadow" effect. First,
much of the moisture is deposited on
the windward slopes due to the air
being lifted and cooled to saturation.
Then, as this air flows across the

i nco / r*\ * /t~ J / oi

\ CTIVITIES FOR the entire
/-\ family, ranging from rock col-
lecting to diving for prehistoric
fish, may be enjoyed in an uncrowded
56-mile stretch of the lower Colorado
River between Arizona and southern
On these waters there is year-round Fishermen may cast for bass, cat-
fishing, water skiing, boat racing or fish and trout at the same time. Some
just plain lazy swimming and sun- set up two poles to avoid the bother
ning on sandy beaches along its of changing bait and lure. Whereas
shores. Lake Mead to its north is too warm
For the landlubber, the r e g i o n for trout and Lake Havasu to the
abounds with abandoned mines, and south runs generally to bass also, Lake
the terrain is rich with geological for- Mohave spawns both. Water drawn
mations, Indian petroglyphs and spec- from the depths of Lake Mead at
tacular scenery, all accessible by pas- Hoover Dam flows into Lake Mohave sober fisherman. After much research,
senger car. at a temperature low enough to pro-
duce a cold front which supports National Park Service naturalist Ted
Even though Lake Mohave is with- trout in the original deep river chan- Whitmoyer, called upon to identify
in a few hours of many crowded Sou- nel while bass play in warmer upper the monster, concluded that it was a
thern California communities, a waters. relative to one taken in November,
boater frequently has the entire lake 1952. Once common to the Colorado,
to himself. And, for a 4-wheel driver Besides channel catfish, bass and this giant of the minnow family pro-
to venture in the backcountry without trout, there are also crappie, blue- vided food for prehistoric Indians who
first reporting his approximate des- gill and a nearly extinct specie called lived along its shores. Where one
tination, is an invitation to disaster. the Colorado squawfish. A member of such fish existed, it's likely there are
This is astonishing indeed, consider- this rare family, which may weigh more, but considering the interval
ing that few recreational areas of the 100 pounds and measure 5 feet, between catches, it might take a crew
Desert Southwest have so much to turned up last November at Willow of Scuba divers to locate them. But
offer. Beach much to the astonishment of a what a challenge for fishermen!

22 / Desert Magazine / Auaust. 1963



Also under Lake Mohave, and of
interest to Scuba divers, are some of
the finest petroglyphs ever pecked in-
to a wall of the Colorado. A scattering
shops and mooring or permanent
boat slips, should you bring your own
boat. There are also secluded coves
and sandy beaches for those who
choose to camp.
On the Arizona side are Lake Mo-
have Resort at Katherine Wash near
Davis Dam and Willow Creek Resort
10 miles below Hoover Dam. Nev-
ada's two resorts are Crazy Canoe
Cove near Nelson and Cottonwood
Cove near Searchlight. All four fall
within the Lake Mead Recreation
Area and each is currently expanding
and adding to present facilities.
For those gregarious ones who like
lots of company, Lake Mohave Resort
is a hive of activity. Two miles north
of Davis Dam from Arizona payed
Route 68, it is also within commuting
distance of bustling Bullhead City
just south of the dam. A short dis-
tance across the lake is a fine petro-
glyph site, Grapevine Canyon, and
progressive Lake Mohave Resort man-
ager Ham Pratt provides trips to visit
it, as well as conducted rock collecting
excursions. A luxurious 32-unit motel
is the largest on the lake and a new
restaurant and cocktail lounge is sche-
duled for an early opening.
Willow Beach Resort, four miles
south of U.S. 93 on a paved road, is
considered by many to be the finest
Colorado. His sternwheeler, the Ex- trout area on the lake because of its
of these prehistoric Indian writings, proximity to the West's largest trout
which must have towered several hun- plorer, which had been designed in
Philadelphia with no knowledge of hatchery. Surrounding country is rug-
dred feet above ground level at the ged and colorful with the Black
time they were inscribed, may still be the nature of the Colorado and ship-
ped in eight sections around the Horn Mountains towering above the shore.
seen above the waterline adjacent to Directly in front of the resort the
the Arizona shore about one-half mile to be reassembled, finally hung-up
on a boulder near Black Canyon. water widens a bit, but soon narrows
north of Monkey Rock. into its original channel and boaters
Later, heavy ringbolts were set into
But not all of Lake Mohave's lore the canyon wall of Black Canyon so are reminded of the lower reaches of
is prehistoric. In 1865 Brigham Young that ships could maneuver the rapids the Grand Canyon.
instituted steamship travel along this by hooking a cable into the rings and It is here that archeological exca-
route to transport goods from San winching themselves up or down vations were undertaken by the Na-
Francisco via the Gulf of Cali- Ringbolt Rapids near the present site tional Park Service in 1936 and again
fornia and up the Colorado River. of Hoover Dam. in 1947-50 which produced evidence
Historians hint that during troubled of occupancy from 250 B.C. by a
times with the U.S. government, a Today's sportsmen may enter Lake
Mohave at one of four resorts. The Western varient of the Basketmaker
few converts found their way to Zion I] people. Other pre-ceramic and cer-
along this route too. ideal way to explore this kaleido-
scopic country is to begin at one re- amic cultures were also uncovered, as
The trip was an arduous one and sort and make a circle tour. Each one this region provided an important
not always successful. Lt. J. C. Ives provides excellent overnight accom- trade link between California and
is believed to have attempted it first modations, boat rentals, paved ramps the Southwest along the Mohave-Pa-
on a government assignment in 1858 for launching, trailer parks, coffee cific trail and native ancestors to the
to investigate the navigability of the
•V';' *%•* ''"^i^? %-3

^!» imm o m
To Borstow

Mojave tribes acted as middlemen in lee and Knob Hill, produced many
the traffic. millions more.
In addition to stone tools and pot- Not content with the gold and sil-
tery, excavators dug up vertebrae of ver taken from their mines, these
extinct fish and also found conclusive early prospectors cast avaricious eyes
evidence that grizzly bear once fre- toward the Colorado River. What
quented this desert land. Actually, myriads of gold might lurk in its
this is not as surprising as it may depths! So, in about 1909 they an-
sound. As recently as 1880 these ani- chored a $185,000 dredge in Eldor-
mals were observed in the Cerbat ado Canyon to recover placer gold.
Mountains southwest of Willow Luck eluded the endeavor, however,
Beach. and a year later, the dredge was
swamped by a flood.
Accommodations for 50 trailers,
with all facilities, are available and Although it is commonly believed
there is also a public campground. that soldiers from Ft. Mohave first
Managed by Earl Gilmore, a modern discovered the gold veins of Eldorado
40-unit motel is under construction, Canyon in 1859, arrastras found in
with six units already completed. the canyon indicate that these de-
Crazy Canoe Cove, formerly known posits had been worked by Spaniards
as Murl Emery's Eldorado Landing, long before that. A persistent story
is now leased by Glen Massey. This supporting this theory is that in the
was the first of the resorts to have early 1860's, after prospectors began
cabins for rent and although they to move in, a well-equipped party
are not new, they are comfortable. from Mexico came up the Colorado
Elaborate plans for expansion are ex- carrying a map which led them
pected to be undertaken soon. straight to the Techatticup mine,
which was already being worked. The
Nineteen m i l e s from U.S. 95 Mexicans revealed that they'd found
through Nelson, Crazy Canoe Cove the map in Mexico where it had pre-
lies on the fringe of some of the most sumably been left by a party of Span-
exciting mining country in Nevada. ish explorers in the late 1700s—a cen-
Three-and-a-half million dollars in tury before the mine's discovery by
gold was removed from the Techat- Ft. Mohave soldiers.
ticup mine alone. Other Eldorado
Canyon mines, among them the Wall The other Nevada resort lies at
Street, Crown Queen, Sphinx, Jubi- continued on page 31
HILE GHOST-CHASERS concentrate on the ruins
of old mining towns and camps, we head straight for
their abandoned dumps.
Recently my husband and I returned from a visit to
Virginia City, a picturesque Nevada mining town that
never quite made it as a "ghost town."Considering the
city's glorious antique mansions and historic landmarks,
it might seem curious that we chose to spend our time
at the city dump, but it isn't quite as crazy as it sounds.
Within six hours my husband dug up $100 worth of
Since then, we've spent practically every weekend
probing the ruins of old mining camps and ghost towns
—for fun as well as profit. Although values vary, any
type bottle is precious so long as it dates back to the
pioneer or gold rush period. Bitters and patent medi-
cine bottles, however, bring the greatest rewards.
Sun-tinted purple bottles are always a delight to find.
The fact that they have changed color proves they are
old. Manganese in the glass formula, when exposed to
ultra-violet rays of the sun, causes glass to turn a lovely
amethyst. Around 1912, during the first world war in
Europe, the use of manganese was discontinued so most
glass turning purple today was made before that date.
In Providence, California, we found many deep
purple bottles in a nearby gully. Evidently they had
lain there since the town's heyday of 1889. Providence
is nestled in the Providence Mountains just a few miles
above Mitchell's Caverns off Route 66 and is the only
location where we've found no evidence of previous dig-
gers. Many of the bottles we found there were just lying
around. But don't sell a bottle short if it isn't purple.
We found some lovely olive green wine bottles which
are quite valuable. These all have a very high "kick-up"
(false bottom).
Most of the old bottles which we unearth that are
still clear, turn purple in a few months when put up on
the roof. We have noticed that some turn more quickly
than others.
The value set upon these old bottles and jars de-
pends upon how badly a buyer, or collector, wants
them. For example, a friend of mine found several
old Mason jars under the floorboards of an abandoned
mountain shack. After four months on her roof, they
had turned a lovely purple, and sold for $3.50 each.
Don't laugh; I considered myself lucky to be able to
continued on page 32

August is the time for one-dish meals and casseroles. Some of these may
be prepared in the morning, then popped into the oven for a half-hour to heat
before dinner.


3 cups cooked rice 4 large or 6 small chicken breasts 1 small onion
1/2 cup stuffed olives, chopped 1 can mushroom soup 2 tablespoons butter
1/2 cup walnuts, cut up 1 small can broiled mushrooms 1 can tuna
2 cups cooked chicken, cut in large 1 cup commercial sour cream 1 can tomato soup
pieces. 1/2 cup cooking sherry 1/2 teaspoon salt
1 can cream-of-mushroom soup Place breasts in shallow baking pan. 1/4 teaspoon pepper
1 cup chicken broth Combine remaining ingredients and 1 t3aspoon lemon juice
Combine olives and nuts, and toss pour over. Sprinkle with paprika.
1/4 teaspoon basil
lightly. Place half of mixture in a Bake at 350 degrees for 1 to 1-1/2
greased casserole (1-1/2 quart size). hours. Serves 4 to 6. 1/4 cup water
Combine chicken and soup, spoon 2 hard-cooked eggs
half over rice. Add remaining rice Chop onions and cook in butter un-
mixture. Top with remaining chick- til limp. Add drained tuna, tomato
en mixture. Add broth. Bake, cover- soup and other ' ingredients. Cook
ed at 350 degrees for one hour. several minutes, or until bubbly.
Serves 6. CAREFREE CASSEROLE Pour over toasted English muffins
4 deviled or sliced hard-boiled and cover with slices of hard-cooked
1 /3 cup chopped onion
1/4 cup butter
1 can cream of celery soup 1-1/2 cups liquid from peas (if SPINACH CASSEROLE
1-3/4 cups hot water necessary, add water to make Cook 3/4 package noodles and 2
1 cup canned green beans 1-1/2 cups) packages of frozen spinach, separ-
1 -12 oz. can corned-beef, coarsely 1/2 teaspoon salt ately. Make white sauce of 3
chopped 1-1/3 cups minute rice tablespoons butter, 2 tablespoons
1-1/3 cups precooked rice 4 slices cheese flour, 1/2 teaspoon paprika, pinch
Mix soup and hot water, add green 1/4 lb. ham or luncheon meat of pepper, 1 cup milk, Grate 1/2
beans. Pour half into a 1-1/2 quart Lightly brown onion in butter. Add lb. Swiss cheese (no other cheese
greased casserole. Arrange corned- liquid, peas and salt. Bring to boil. gives this the same flavor). Add
beef over top. Sprinkle with rice. Stir in rice and cover. Remove from salt.
Pour in remaining soup mixture. heat and let stand 5 minutes. Cut Butter flat casserole or baking dish
Cover and cook for 10 minutes in meat into strips and arrange on rice, and put in layers of noodles, spin-
375 degree oven. Stir mixture gently. which has been placed in greased ach in white sauce, and cheese, in
You may spread sliced blanched al- shallow baking dish. Top with devil- that order. Bake 15 minutes in 400
monds over the top if desired. Re- ed or sliced hard-boiled eggs and oven. This may be prepared ahead
turn to oven and bake uncovered cheese slices. Put under broiler un- and is much beter than it sounds.
30 minutes longer. Serves 4 to 6. til cheese melts. Serves 4. continued on page 29

August, 1963 / Desert Mtt<-r,T7ino / 01

Just $10 down and $10 per month for choice
property only 5 minutes drive from down-town

VEGAS VIEW — The real estate with skyrocketing value

*: $10. DOWN
$10.00 per Month

You can now take advantage of the fabulous business boom in the Las Vegas area. Here gains in
real estate activity outstripped all other parts of the nation during 1962 with a spectacular jump of
nearly 100 per cent in sales volume—this trend and the trend in retail sales and other business
activity has continued to soar upward during 1961 and 1962.
Both fun and profit can be yours...Bask in the desert sun...Ski at 11,910 foot Mt, Charleston
...Boat, swim and fish at giant Lake Mead. These water and snow-fun areas are within a 30-minute
drive of VEGAS VIEW.
Vegas View lots are free of city taxes but adjacent to the present Las Vegas city limits—totally
unlike much of the barren land sold today in remote desert and swamp areas of doubtful future.
The lots now have graded streets and electricity on the East and West boundaries of the subdivision.
Never again will sites with such a potential increase in value be offered at these low, low prices. Com-
parable lots in Las Vegas are now selling for many hundreds of dollars-more. In VEGAS VIEW just $10
will start you on your way to early future profits! Total cost of these 50' x 100' sites is only $995 plus
the low interest included in monthly payments. You must act NOW to take advantage of this oppor-
tunity of a lifetime. Remember — only a very limited number of these choice sites are available.



JUST I wish to purchase site (s) in VEGAS VIEW and
have enclosed $10.00 as a deposit on each site. If for any
reason I am not satisfied, I understand that my deposit will
be returned to me immediately if I notify you within 30
days. Please RUSH brochure and sales contract to me today.

28 / Desert Magazine / August, 1963

I tablespoon unflavored gelatin
1/4 cup cold water
1-1/2 cups tomato juice
COOKERY continued from page 27
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 -12 oz. can corned-beef
3 hard-boiled eggs, chopped
1/2 cup chopped cucumber
4 tablespoons butter
2 cups chopped celery
1/2 lb. fresh or canned mushrooms,
1 tablespoon minced onion
2 tablespoons flour
3/4 cup salad dressing
Soak gelatin in water until dissolved.
1 cup chicken stock (may be made Heat tomato juice, add gelatin, lem- 60 sheets — 7y2"xlOVV' personal size — 4 de-
lightful illustrations of "Just Horses" in full color
from bouillon cubes) on juice and salt. Chill until almost by Bob Lorenz — 50 illustrated sheets plus 10
1 cup milk set. Add rest of ingredients. Pour blank of white rippletone writing paper with 50
matching envelopes — plus a 7 " x l 0 " full color
Salt and pepper in mold or pan and refrigerate. framing print of a sorrel Quarter Horse — all
2 egg yolks Serve on lettuce, with slices of to- beautifully boxed! $3.00 per box — postage paid
— immediate delivery — money back guarantee!
mato to garnish. Send today for catalog showing western framing
1 cup cream prints, stationery, notes, and desert Christmas
3/4 cup cubed left-over lamb roast cards.
2 or 3 tablespoons sherry wine
May be garnished with hard- HAM-BEAN CASSEROLE THE LAZY RL RANCH
cooked egg slices, baby arti- 1 can green beans, (or 1 package DRAWER 1500-D
chokes or slices of avocado frozen). BOULDER, COLORADO
Melt butter, add mushrooms and cook 1 large can mushrooms
gently until lightly browned. Lift out 1/4 cup butter
of butter. Blend flour into butter
off the stove. Stir in milk and chick- 1 /3 cup sifted flour
en stock over low heat or in double- 2 cups milk SPECIALISTS
boiler until it starts to thicken. Add 1 cup cream or canned milk In Desert Land In
salt and pepper. Beat egg yolks and 1 teaspoon salt ARIZONA
stir the cream into them. Add to the Dash of pepper
sauce and cook until it is thickened. Write To Tell Us
Add lamb and mushrooms. Keep 3 cups cooked ham, cut in strips
hot over hot water or low heat until Grated cheese for top What You Have Been
ready to serve. Just before serving, Saute mushrooms in butter for 5 min- Looking For
add the sherry. This is attractive utes. Save a few mushrooms to gar-
served in a chafing dish with the nish top. Blend flour into butter and HELMICH INVESTMENT CORPORATION
mushrooms. Add milk, cream, salt 601 Luhrs Bldg.. Phoenix, Arizona
garnishes placed over the top. ALpine 3-0713
and pepper and cook over low heat
until thickened. Add beans and ham.
Mix and place in greased 2 qt. cas-
RICE STROGANOFF serole. Top with reserved mush-
1-1/2 lbs. boneless beef chuck cut rooms. Sprinkle with grated cheese.
in thin slices Bake in 350 degree oven for 20 min-
utes. 8 servings This may be pre- "BEEF STICK"
1 small can mushrooms pared ahead of time, but if very cold "No Pepper"
1/4 cup butter or margarine allow 30 minutes baking time. "No Garlic"
"No Vinegar"
1 envelope onion soup mix "No Pork"
4 cups water • FOR SPORTSMEN •
A MUST for Fishing, Hunting,
3/4 cups uncooked rice Camping, Picnics, Boating, Pack-
ing Trips — Because of its long
1/2 cup sour cream TUNA-CASHEW CASSEROLE lasting freshness—will keep with-
out refrigeration.
2 teaspoons paprika 1 - 3 oz. jar chow-mein noodles
Guarantee of Satisfaction
1/3 teaspoon garlic salt 1 can cream-of-mushroom soup and Safe Delivery
Salt and pepper to taste 1/2 cup water No Charge for Mailing
Saute beef slices and drained mush- 1 can chunk-style tuna 100% Pure Beef
rooms in butter until browned on all 1/4 lb. cashew nuts Hickory Farms of Ohio
sides. Blend in soup mix, and 2-1/2 1 cup finely cut celery
Western Division
P. O. Box 3306, Van Nuys, Cal.
cups water. Cover and cook over
low heat until meat is almost tender, 1/4 cup minced onion Approx. 4 lb, beef sticks are $5.98 ea. includ-
ing all packing and mailing. Send check or
about 40 minutes. Stir in rice and Dash of pepper money order.
remaining 1-1/2 cups water, and Combine all but 1/2 cup of noodles. Please ship me Beef Sticks at $5.98 ea.
New Customer Old Customer
bring to boil. Stir. Cover and sim- Place in casserole, sprinkle remain-
mer over low heat for 20 minutes. ing noodles over top. Bake 40 min- To:

Stir in sour cream, paprika, and gar- utes in 325 degree oven. Serves 5 or
lic salt. Salt and pepper to taste. 6 6. This is very good made with left-
servings. over chicken or turkey.

August, 1963 / Desert Magazine / 29

will still damage the epidermis, caus-
ing inflamation or blisters which
could lead to infection.
Sometimes persons living in the
tropics develop a "tropical pallor."
This accompanies exposure to sun-
light in a humid climate where the
air is constantly moist and the skin
covered with a film of perspiration.
Some striking experiments have
been made that show that this film
is an effective protection against MACDONALD'S
much of the ultra-violet. A small
amount of perspiration was placed be-
tween two thin plates of quartz, a
substance transparent to ultra-violet,
and the plates fastened to the inside YOU CAN EASILY turn our kit into a
of a subject's arm. After a few hours complete, professional looking, well-built
of exposure the effects of sunburn camper in just a few hours with simple
hand tools. (Or complete line for the man
showed in all the exposed area ex- who wants one assembled).
cept that protected by the film of

D O YOU realize, when you settle

down on a chaise to enjoy the
noonday sun, that what you're
really doing is bombarding your skin
perspiration. Nevertheless, it's pos-
sible to receive a bad case of sunburn
even on a cloudy day with over-ex-
posure or in a dry wind; in the latter
beautiful heavy aluminum cover, scored for
strength. Extremely light.
door; wide range of optional equipment
cells with the sun's invisible ultra- instance the wind dries the skin rapid- and accessories to further enhance your
violet rays which three or four hours ly and protection afforded by perspir- camper.
later will cause a coagulation of the ation is nullified. Write or visit one of our 12 western plants:
albumen in the skin cells, thereby
producing certain toxins which, when Reflected sun's rays from water or Macdonald Camper Kit Co.
absorbed, might cause sun-shock? sand also contribute to burning ac- EL MONTE SAN JOSE EL CAJON
tion, so the protection of a sun shade 11015 E. Rush 1070 Elm 501 Wile
In other words, you're getting sun- may not be protection at all. HAYWARD VENTURA OGDEN, UTAH
burned. 82 W. Jackson 181 West Main 185 West 12th
The beneficial effects of sunlight 4865 Pasadena 9643 Apache Trail
on men and animals has been a sub- Three Easy Steps PORTLAND, ORE. FRESNO
9215 SE 82nd 1525 Blackstone
ject for scientific exploration since
1845 when famed English physician To acquire a healthy, attractive 207 Jovita N.E. 4952 Casa Grande Hwy.
Dr. Jonathan Pereira noticed that suntan, it's necessary to follow three
sunlight differed from other forms of easy steps:
light and attributed its beneficial ef-
fects to some peculiar quality in the
sun's radiation. Today the "why and 1. Avoid hours when the sun's rays EXPLORE UNDERGROUND
wherefore" of suntanning is just be- are most intense and plan your sun-
ginning to be understood. bathing before 11:00 a.m. or after Years ahead METROTECH
2:00 p.m. transistor locators. Detect
A newcomer to the desert tries to gold, silver, coins and relics.
hurry-up a coat of tan, and what hap- Write for free information to
pens? His dead-white city skin turns 2. Individuals vary in their ability Underground Explorations,
red and mottled from excessive infra- to tan, so it's safest for blonds to be- Box 793, Dept. 3A
red rays of the visible sun spectrum. gin with only a few minutes exposure Menlo Park, California
But this is only the beginning. Ling- each day until the skin becomes sun-
ering and more serious results show conditioned. At the most, 20-minutes
up later when the sun's invisible ul- exposure each day is enough for any-
one and a suntan preparation contain-
tra-violet rays begin to take effect.
Then the victim suffers from blisters, ing lanolin or other rich emollients
sun-shock, itching, burning pain, peel- is advisable.
ing and sometimes infection. KENT FROST
However, this needn't happen. Slow, 3. Select a suntan preparation gear-
progressive exposure will produce a ed to suit your own particular activity.
safe, golden coat of tan. Melanin,
the pigmenting material responsible
Dark complexioned people might pre-
fer an oil in liquid or spray form
for the dark skin color of the black while sun-sensitive blonds prefer a The Famous Utah Needles Country, Salt Creek,
Angel Arch, Castle Arch. Historical Mormon
races, builds up in the deeper layers cream or lotion. If you're swimming, Trail of 1880, Lake Powell Shore Line Area,
Canyonlands Country: Including Land of
of the epidermis and acts as a pro- skiing, or skin-diving, a cream prepar- Standing Rocks, Grand View Point, Upheaval
tective screen to shut out further ac- ation is most desirable. If you fish, Dome and Monument Canyon.
tion by ultra-violet rays. After a golf or garden, it is desirable to apply $25 per day per person
thorough coat of tan has been ac- special products designed to protect For further information and reservations write:
quired, any subsequent action of the lips, nose, ears — or bald spot — in ad- Kent and Fern Frost, Canyonlands Tours
sunlight is mostly that of less harm- dition to your preferred lotion or 295 Blue Mt. Drive Monticello, Utoh
Phone 587-2787
ful infra-red rays, but over-exposure cream ///

30 / Desert Magazine / August, 1963

in the high country



Find the fun of remote hunting & fishing spots
that this big, tough, powerful 4-wheel drive will
take you.
LAKE MOHAVE slips for 125 boats lies at the base of
the hill. The Coltons currently have
continued from page 25 27 trailers available for overnight
the end of 15 miles of paved road east rentals and 125 permanent trailer
of Searchlight. Cottonwood Cove, the sites. However, plans for a luxurious
oasis its name implies, has recently motel and other expanded facilities
been purchased by Gordon and Gail are approved and soon will be under
Colton, as fascinating a couple as construction. Free public camp-
you'll ever meet. grounds with water are nearby.
Gordon is the third generation Rates for facilities, including ac-
heir to the discoverer of Searchlight commodations and boat rentals, must
and its richest mine. It was from him be approved by the Lake Mead Na-
that we learned the true story about tional Recreation Area for all four Powerful 135 h.p. waterproof engine climbs up
how the once thriving city received resorts and are nominal. to 65% grades. For added power, transfer case
its name. Unlike Lake Mead, with its ex- gives 2 or 4 wheel drive in any gear.
Back around 1895, while an Indian treme fluctuations of water l e v e l ,
renegade named Queho terrorized the Lake Mohave remains fairly constant.
region, Gordon's grandfather was en The water is clearer than other Col-
route, alone, to nudge in on a gold orado Lakes, as the silt is trapped
find at Superstition Mountain. As the above, and visibility for Scuba diving i...,TK.j*
1 *
sun sank below the range, he glimpsed is exceptional. Depths range to several
t h e crippled Queho silhouetted hundred feet. |

against the sky. Colton dived behind Strong winds rise without warning,
a rock and hardly moved for the en- but steep mountains along the shore-
tire night. When he did, it was to line give protection and in most sec- Ay f#,MfL.:..:
stealthily light his pipe. As the match tions of this long narrow lake there 0

flickered against his craggy shelter, he are safe shores easy to reach. Any size
noticed a sparkle of gold in the rock. boat or cruiser which may be launch-
Big room for 7 adults. Available with a weather-
With the dawn, his suspicion was ed from a trailer will comfortably tight, lockable hardtop or soft top. Give it a work-
confirmed. It was gold! The box of navigate Lake Mohave. out and discover why the Datsun Patrol is the
matches in his hand carried the brand World's Most Advance Design 4-wheel Drive Vehicle.
name "Searchlight." Thus a gold Each habitue of this lake swears by
town was christened and born. own special fishing hole, just as he
swears by the merits of his own fav- or mail coupon for dealer name:
Cottonwood Cove is located on the orite resort. A leisurely trip with an Nissan Motor Corp. in U.S.A., Dept. 8 DM
shore of the broadest portion of Lake overnight stop at each marina is the 137 E. Alondra Blvd., Gardena, Calif.
Mohave. In a jewel-box setting, its best way to discover the magic of Send information on Datsun Patrol
blue water sparkles amid a circle of many-faceted Lake Mohave. Then, on Name
golden mountains. Full-grown cot- return trips, you'll gravitate natur- Address-
tonwood and elm trees line the gently ally to the resort with characteristics
City .State_
sloping avenues of the trailer park best suited to your own vacation Attn. Car Dealers: write for Franchise Info,
and a well-equipped Marina with ideas. ///

August, 1963 / Desert Macrazine / 31

BOTTLE BONANZA little cobalt blue bottle marked "Owl Poison." Since
poison bottles are quite rare, I couldn't believe our luck!
continued from page 26
Poison bottles were usually three or six-sided, and some
buy one at that price. In the antique shops they are had very prickly-pointed stoppers.
priced as high as $8. You're probably wondering where to find these mar-
velous treasures. Well, you've got to dig. We've found
Bitters bottles, historical flasks, and patent medicines
that wherever an old mine or mining town existed,
bring the best prices. The bitters, depending upon manu-
there are dumps—sometimes two or three, depending
facturers, range from $4 to $10. A rectangular, light
upon the population. It isn't only in the West that
green bottle embossed "Dr. Flint's Quaker Bitters,"
you'll be able to dig, either. We correspond with an
Providence, R. I. costs $10. These are quite rare. More
old gentleman in Ohio who has found some remarkable
common are "Lash's Bitters" or "Hostetter's Bitters"
bottles within a few miles of his home. Wherever you
which sell for $3 or $4. We have two "Drake's Planta-
see rusty old tin cans with soldered sides, you can be
tion X Bitters" bottles in the shape of a tall log cabin
sure that in this same general area there will be old
which are dated 1862 and valued from $10-$15 in the
glass, too. If you are lucky, you will find unbroken bot-
West, although they are more reasonable in the East.
tles. We've found digging along obsolete railroad tracks
It's interesting to note all the different cures these very profitable. Look for evidence of a laborers' camp,
medicines were supposed to bring about—"Sure Cure and dig there. This tact has netted us some wonderful
for Catarrh," "Kickapoo Indian Cough Cure," "W. M. bottles, some with Chinese lettering on them. Dig
Johnson's Sure-Cure for all Malarial Diseases!" This around abandoned shacks (especially in their back
abundance of patent medicine bottles reflects the early yards) or in gullies adjacent to old dwellings. Remem-
mining camps' shortage of doctors. That these medicines ber, they didn't have to be neat in those days.
were liberally laced with alcohol added to their popu-
larity. The important thing to remember is that you'll
have to dig. Most of the bottles that were lying around
There are people who collect only Bitters bottles, on the ground were picked up long ago. For every
and if you check DESERT's Trading Post classifieds, whole bottle you find, there'll be a hundred broken ones.
occasionally there are "wanted to buy" ads which pro- But finding that single unbroken one can give you a
vide a market for your duplicate bottles. The lowly satisfaction you won't believe. It's a thrilling thought
bottle is entering its heyday of popularity. There's that the bottle you hold in your hand may have come
something very appealing about an old glass container by ship around the horn to San Francisco, traveled in-
that filled a particular need of the wonderful breed of land by freight wagon, and is still in one piece.
people of that era. An old "Folgers Extract" bottle can
help you visualize the women of that day, cooking by Your digging will produce all kinds of little side-
campfire alongside a wagon train. Folgers makes coffee products—buttons, stove-lids, rusty guns, iron kettles,
now, but at that time it packaged spices and extracts. tableware, and whatever else a boom-town family may
The prevalence of crockery ale bottles, also wines and have tossed away. Once we dug up six lovely hand-
whiskey, gives us an insight into the hard working, painted glass buttons. There were certainly no ball
hard drinking men of those days. Most of the time it point pens in those days, evidenced by the many ink-
was easier to obtain alcohol than pure water. The old soda wells, some already purple, and in both plain and fancy
and gingerale bottles were made with rounded bottoms types. Near Oatman, Arizona, we found crockery ink-
to insure their being stored on their sides. That way wells and several military buttons.
the corks were kept damp. If they dried out, the corks Think twice before you get into this hobby. There's
would shrink, and the effervescence escape. This is one something about digging-up that first bottle that "hooks"
version. We ran into an old-timer at Rhyolite who you—and there's no place to go for a cure. It's a disease
said he once found some of these bottles still crated, as bad as gold fever.
and they were standing straight up. So, you can see, it's
things like these that make the study of old bottles so For Mother's Day, my son gave me a bright new
interesting. (These bottles,by the way, sell for about shovel, and I couldn't have been happier. If you want
$1.50, and are usually marked "Belfast" or "Dublin.") an exciting hobby with fresh air, sunshine, and good
healthy exercise, look no further. This is it. Happy
Near White Hill, Arizona, we found an interesting Hunting! ///

Don't let Tim Rot Amtjl

USE ON • . • APPLICATION: brush it on.
CURING: air-dries, 5 to 15 minutes.
MOBILE HOMES COLOR: dull black v ^s^gg PP^ ^H
FLEXIBILITY: excellent. Stretches with tire.
BOAT TRAILERS RESISTENCE to gas, oil, ozone, sunlight: excellent
COVERAGE: one quart 4 to 8 tires.
Fills small cracks and checks, leaves a smooth, natural- AUTO-VACATION PRODUCTS, P. 0 . BOX 2 7 6 ,
looking appearance, preserves rubber up to year against QUART: $ 3 . 9 5 PLUS FREIGHT. SORRY—NO C.O.D.
FIRE TRUCKS cracking, ozone-damage, dry-checking, weathering. NAMF'
Reduces tire replacement costs. <;TPFFT AnnuF<;<;-

CITY: , ^TATF' _(rnnn


nn I r\ i \f : / n *
tLMS FREE!Helpful brochure
for rock hobbyists!

This new brochure,

fresh off the presses, is
available without
charge to rock hobby-
ists and readers of
Desert Magazine. Spe-
cial sections on sharp-
ening, reversing and
installation of diamond
blades for better lapi-
dary cutting ... also
includes useful tips on
coolants, lubricants,
speeds and feeds, and
other suggestions on
how to get longer and better wear from
your cutting equipment. Compact and
easy-reading, well-illustrated. Write
today for your copy.
! • • • • • •
Please mail me your free brochure, "Do's
& Don'ts for Lapidary Cutting."
City, State-
Diamond Products
12600 Chadion,


tree families, palms transplant
best during hot summer months.
If you are planning to move a palm
about the size of a drinking straw for
about eight hours at least twice a
week during the first few months.
Subsequently the palms should get a
Hawthorne, Calif.
SINCE 1866

into your yard, now is the time. deep irrigation at least once a week
This seeming contrariness is due to during the warmer months. Tying
two very good reasons. One, when the fronds vertically will protect the
you cut a palm root, it usually dies. bud for the first two or three months.
New roots are formed at the crown. Palms average about a foot of
And secondly, palms do not grow new growth each year—an 8-inch tree in
roots during cool winter months. a gallon can will reach 4-feet in three
From May to September, palm years. When planted in a cluster,
root growth is at its maximum, al- they should be as close together at
though the most successful results the base as possible. Being crowded, Custom Made Auto Sun Shades
often occur during the hottest part of they spread from one another as they "Take the sizzle out of the Sun." Your car or
the summer, providing the tree re- grow, each seeking its share of light. wagon up to 15° cooler. Blocks the sun's rays
ceives plenty of water. Following the law of "survival of the and public's gaze yet gives excellent visibility
and ventilation. Ideal for campers, travelers,
Palms as a group are easily moved, fittest," the largest palm in the clus- and every day driving. Greatly improves air
even by amateur gardeners. A large ter will hog water and food from the conditioning efficiency. Custom made for cars
root ball—the larger the better—will others and grow taller faster, thus and wagons 1955 through 1963. Easy to install
contributing to the interest and com- with enclosed simple instructions. Write for
insure obtaining as may existing feed- position of the design. Free catalogue and prices. Give make and
ing roots as possible and will also model, 2 or 4 door. Prompt Shipment. Sidles
lower the center of gravity of the Mfg. Co., Box 3537D, Temple, Texas.
Palms in patios should be placed
tree to give stability in wind and wea- 25-to-50 feet from the house so that
ther. Four-foot balls are recommend-
ed on all large palms.
when they reach maturity, their
fronds will be visible from the house's
After lowering the palm into the interior. If planted too close, nothing
hole, set it a few inches deeper than will show from a window but the JEEPS
formerly to encourage new root trunks.
growth. Then shovel in good soil and Station Wagons and Trucks
When planted beside a pool, a 2 and 4-Wheel Drive
compact it. The bottom of the hole palm will cast its exotic image into
should have at least a foot of peat, the water if planted at an angle to NEW and USED
leaf mold or rotted manure. overhang the pool. To achieve this SALES - PARTS - SERVICE

Water, especially in the hot months, effect, plant a 10-footer canted at 45-
is all-important and the hose should degrees. After a few years it will be- Hall Motors
be allowed to run in the irrigation gin to turn upward at the top and a Cypress and Van Buren

depression with a stream of water beautifully curved trunk will result. Riverside — Arlington

N EARLY a half-century ago, a

trainman stopped at Banning,
California, and excitedly told
a crest of two ridges just below the
2300-foot level. A white boulder be-
tween the ridges forms the head, and
Russell Donaldson, early-day photo- an outcropping of white granite
grapher, that he had seen an angel shapes the robes of the standing figure
rise out of the dust of a rockslide on which is from 400 to 500 feet in height
the mountain near Whitewater. The and is designated on Forest Service
angel was not a figment of his imag- maps simply as the "Desert Angel."

HELEN GILBERT ination, but was of solid stone and is

visible today just as it was that spring
day when Donaldson hurried down
toward Palm Springs to take pictures
of it. It is one of the more spectacular
Although not as clearly defined as
it was a few decades ago, due to eros-
ion, the angel is still plainly visible.
As a result of settling and changes
landmarks of the area, although un- that have taken place, some of the
seen and unknown to most visitors delicate ethereal quality has been lost,
to the popular resort of Palm Springs. but it is still inspiring and the robes
now seem to swirl about the figure.
Near the crest of a rugged slope of
Mt. San Jacinto, two miles northwest The best point from which to view
of Palm Springs, where State High- the impressive landmark is in the
way 111 follows the Whitewater Riv- vicinity of Garnet, on U. S. Highway
er wash, the form of an angel in flow- 99 near the Indian Avenue overpass.
ing white robes and with wide-spread The landmark is best seen during
wings, may be seen. early morning hours when the first
Wings of the angel are formed by rays of sun catch the hilltops in sum-
mer and early winter months. Later
in the season, when the sun moves A completely self-con- Ideal for . . .
further south, shadows diminish its tained portable kitchen Camping
outline. . . . Has its own fuel sup- Boats
ply . . . Baked enamel Patios
The Angel may be plainly seen also finished in turquoise, Trailers
from Desert Hot Springs where it has white, yellow and cop- Vans
become a legend and where a hospi- pertone . . . 50 lb. ice- Sportsmen
tal—Angel View Crippled Children's box . . . two-burner bu- Jeeps
Foundation—has been named in its tane stove . . . sink and Camper shells
honor. guaranteed pump . . . PORTAGALLEY is
carrying handles for 36"long,18V*"wide
There are many legends and easy moving . . . Tubu- 30" high
theories regarding the Angel's dis- lar steel frame for dura- Retail: $299 FOB
covery. Some say that Cahuilla In- bility . . . Pomona
dians held religious ceremonies on
the slope above the Angel's head.
Viola Mathews, who for many years For Demonstration and Information, Write To—
was spokesman for the Morongo band PORT-A-GALLEY 269 W. Bonita Ave., Claremont. California
of Cahuilla Indians, says that her Dealer Inquiries Invited
grandmother pointed out the Angel
to her. Her grandmother was a mid-
wife and often traveled from Morongo
to Palm Springs, and said "the angel
had been there a long time." But
those who saw it first credit it to a
rockslide caused by a slight earth-
quake about 50 years ago.
Old-time desert people knew about Features 3-Speed
gear box, left-
it and looked upon it reverently. Early
travelers saw the figure as they moved
TRAIL hand operated
clutch, right-
slowly across this stretch of barren hand operated
desert. To them it was a welcome MACHINE shift lever,
telescopic front
symbol because they knew that they Dealer forks, folding
were nearing the end of their jour- Inquiries kickstarter.
ney without serious mishap — not a Engine: Briggs &
trivial thing in those days of poor Invited Stratton 53/4 HP.

roads and undependable cars. MUSTANG MOTOR PRODUCTS CORP., 241 CONCORD ST., GLENDALE 3, CALIF.
In the early days, trains stopped
at the Palm Springs station at Garnet.
Passengers bound for the health spa, W H E N Y O U W R I T E or phone in response to an ad in DESERT, it only takes a
detrained and were driven to town by moment to mention where you saw it. The firm you are doing business with will
horse and carriage. The big steam en- appreciate knowing how you learned of them, and DESERT will be grateful for your
gines stopped at Garnet to "take on support and friendship thus expressed.
water" and trainmen invariably point-
ed out to passengers the figure of the
Angel on the mountain. A row of
palm trees paralleled the railroad
right-of-way, and between them ran
a little stream of clear, cool water,
grass-edged—a welcome sight in a
land marked only by sand, sage and
Early settlers of the Coachella and
Imperial valleys traveled by Southern
Pacific railway from the desert "to
the coast." And always as the trains,
with booster engines puffing, climbed
slowly toward San Gorgonio Pass, the
eyes of the settlers were drawn invol-
untarily toward the Angel of the
Sometimes, after sunset, the Angel
appears in the haze that shrouds Mt.
San Jacinto. With flowing robes and
arms folded across her breast, she
appears wrapped in an aura of im-
penetrable mystery, still serene and
beautiful—still the guardian angel of
the desert. /// "Can't we make an exception just this once, Ed?"
Shopping Along
A Navajo

chignons, race across the valley's soft Descending into such hubbub, a
T HE trading post is more than a
market in the life of the Navajo.
It's his Elks Club, Junior League,
Ladies Aid and Day Nursery. It's
red earth on a breed of pony distinct-
ly their own. Arriving by cart, horse-
back and truck, they come to the
tourist feels like an interloper. Mer-
chandise hanging from ceiling rafters
and tucked into long shelves is gear-
also his Wailing Wall when he's trading posts from miles around to ed to the Indian customer, not the
financially over-extended. trade rugs and jewelry for credit ap- souvenir hunter. He must wait in
plied to sugar, coffee, flour and the line with the laughing, visiting, pop-
Although some trading posts could machine-made Pendleton blankets drinking natives in order to make a
be appropriately named Ye Olde worn as wraps which the Navajos, purchase.
Trading Post Shoppe as far as authen- paradoxically, prefer to those woven
ticity is concerned, those along the No one hurries. The Indian is de-
on their own hand looms. termined to stretch out his business
newly-paved Navajo Route 1 through
Monument Valley are the real thing. The primary source of income in as long as possible, so the tourist
this region is derived from cattle and might as well resign himself to a
Here Indians of southeastern Utah leisurely period of shopping. Off in
and northern Arizona come to trade sheep raising, and living arrange-
ments are by necessity non-communal. a corner he'll find the inevitable pile
with old-time traders exactly as they of rugs, neatly folded, which he's free
have since 1906 when John Wetherill Often a Navajo goes for weeks with-
out meeting a friend. His occasional to examine. Silver and turquoise jew-
established the first trading post in elry is usually displayed under a glass-
this area at Oljeta. trading post visits set the scene for
flirtations to flourish, women to ex- covered counter, but he can look.
Life in Monument Valley has change gossip, children to munch The real treasure, however, hangs be-
changed little since then. Women sticky candy, and handsome Navajo hind the cash register. That's where
continue to tend sheep attired in men to discuss their active Tribal the trader keeps his pawn.
long satin skirts and Navajo men, Council. It's also at the post that the In the jewelry department, "dead"
with their heavy hair gathered into family jewelry is hocked. pawn is the most fascinating. "Dead"
pawn consists of items unredeemed Another guarantee is that of the
after the legal pawn limit of six trader who agrees to replace any stone START NOW TO ENJOY THE
which in time changes color. The FASCINATING HOBBY OF GEM
months to a year has elapsed. Because
Navajos themselves prefer to work AND MINERAL COLLECTING
a Navajo's wealth and social status is
consistent with the amount of jewel- with untreated stones and some make
The Southwest abounds in gems and minerals.
ry he wears, these necklaces of chunky pilgrimages to special mines in Ne- Start collecting now! Use the finest gem cutting
uncut turquoise with their wampum vada and elsewhere which produce and polishing equipment for maximum pleasure
bead fringes, or heavy silver bracelets, turquoise less susceptible to change and profit.
concha belts, buttons and rings are than that which is available from Choose the finest-HIGHLAND PARK-arbors, tum-
often heirloom pieces and of greater wholesalers. blers, belt sanders, trim saws. 45 Models available.
value than the new.
Uncut turquoise jewelry may be
This is particularly true of tur- modern, but usually this fashion in- Highland Park MANUFACTURING CO.
quoise as turquoise commonly loses dicates age. Prior to 70 or 80 years 1 0 0 9 - 1 0 1 5 MISSION ST. • SO. PASADENA, CALIF.
its blue tone and turns green with ex- ago, turquoise beads, pendants and
posure and age. Without conducting earrings were left uncut and com-
tests, It's almost impossible to deter- bined with shells or bone beads or
mine on sight which stones will hold
their color and which will not. How-
ever, a piece from "dead" pawn, with
strung separately on fine chains
woven of human hair. Combining Metal Detectors
turquoise with silver was an idea in- BOUGHT - SOLD - TRADED
the trader's date of acquisition mark- troduced by Spanish conquistadors; Dealer For
ed on the ticket, is an excellent indi- as was the now famous squash blos-
cation of the permanency of the som design which is actually an In- Detectron, Fisher, Goldak,
stone's color. By the time the pawn dian adaptation copied from the Raytron, GeoFinder,
would become "dead" pawn, an in- pomegranate blossom design worn by Metrotech
ferior stone would have turned. early Spaniards. Repair Service
Much of the turquoise mined in BILL'S SERVICE CENTER
the western states is highly porous. It Most trading posts exhibit a good-
is this which subjects the stone to al- ly supply of pawn, but it isn't always 15502 So. Paramount Blvd.
Paramount California
teration. Modern methods such as easy to inveigle a trader into parting
impregnation with wax or plastic in- with it—and will grow harder as tour-
hibit the change—or at least slow up ist wampum pours in. Contrary to a
the process—but an untreated stone popular misconception, traders are OPALS and SAPPHIRES
which has held its true color over a not out to bilk the poor Indian. Most Direct From Australia
period of years is a pretty reliable of the traders in Monument Valley This Month's Best Buy
guarantee. were born and reared there, many
Rough Black Opal from Lightning Ridge
1 WHOLE POUND $30.00
l/ 2 POUND $18.00
Send personal cheque, international money
order, bank draft. Free 16 page list of all
Australian Gemstones.
294 Little Collins Street





P. O. Box 276, San Dimas, Calif.

NAME.. -

"I don't care if you are beating the heat! Get into
these clothes before a tourist sees you!"

August, 1963 / Desert Magazine / 37

the offspring of early traders. These Navajo people resent photographic
men assume a protective as well as invasion, as in their religion every-
realistic attitude toward their Indian thing has a spirit, including a photo-
neighbors and, understanding the graphic likeness. Without granting
Navajo sense of value, will hold permission, an Indian subject may
"dead" pawn far beyond the legal not be willing to share his spirit with
limit set by the Indian Service, especi- a stranger, so keep your cameras out
ally when they believe the pawnee of sight. Also, many Indians in this
»•* Write or phone if vQe can serVe will eventually make redemption. area do not speak English, so avoid
• your desert real estate needs J Frequently this requires years and an needless conversations with them.
item will have increased in value to They are not unfriendly, exactly —
* 29 PALMS a point where the trader could more they just aren't interested.
than double his investment, were he
Jach B. Renfro, Inc. to sell it to a tourist.
As for negotiating directly with a
Exclusive Property • Buy Direct
Navajo for an item, forget it! In the
6495 ADOBE ROAD 367-2535 Trading posts, such as the ones at first place, it's a rare tourist who is
Oljeto, Kayenta, and Inscription qualified to evaluate the goods. Nava-
House, cater primarily to Indians, jo rugs, for instance, are not priced
+BORREGO SPRINGS but along the Navajo Trail are also according to thickness. Before settling
Carlson & Corey Co. a few posts with partitioned sections on a price, a trader weighs the rug
Borrcgo d- La Jolla Properties designed to speed up service for the and guages the number of threads per
XMAS CIRCLE HO 7-5344 tourist. Tuba City stocks a fine selec- square inch. The tighter the weave,
tion of Navajo rugs on its mezzanine, the less bulky the rug—and the finer.
separate from the milling throngs Then he ascertains whether yarns are
* LA QUINTA trading for coffee below. The San the natural black, gray, brown and
Milton A. Hoffman Juan Trading Post at Mexican Hat, white of the sheep's wool or whether
dyes or commercial yarn have been
Serving La Quinta Since 1931
Utah, maintains a separate gift de-
P. O. BOX 306 DI 7-4441
partment for rug and jewelry buyers. used and if so, of what quality. Facili-
It's interesting to visit the first- ties for producing fast color with
I mentioned ones just to look, if not dyes are not conveniently available
to buy, but in doing so one must ob- to some of the local weavers, so rugs
REMEMBER BIRTHDAYS with serve the customs of the land. Some woven with yarn they've dyed in the
a DESERT subscription . . . $4.50 hogan are likely to fade. If colored
yarns are of vat-dyed commercial
quality and used in total, or com-
YOUR C A R W I L L NEVER B O I L W I T H bined with those of natural wool
carded on the reservation, however,
AQUA-MATIC MOTOR COOLER the buyer is safe. But only a repu-
Prevents Overheating Automatically table trader is in a position to know
NOW YOU CAN DRIVE COOL ALL SUMMER! his weaver and place a proper value
The Aqua-Matic operates when the pressure in the car's
cooling system releases the radiator pressure cap, allowing on the rug. The average tourist is
steam and pressure to escape through the overflow pipe
which forces water from the reservoir tank to the spray not.
unit in front of the radiator. Pressure cap shuts off cooler
automatically as evaporation drops engine temperature. The rug market is especially at-
• Install on any car or truck in five minutes.
• No overheating even in extreme heat under heavy loads tractive along the Navajo Trail, since
• No more loss of radiator water due to overheating. it is here that the sheep are raised
• No buttons to press—no controls—fully automatic.
• Includes hoses and fittings. Full instructions. and the wool washed, carded and
• With new improved 2-quart "Hi Temp" ( 1 9 B E
super plastic water tank Full Price * • * • • a
woven into rugs for sale in other
• Deluxe model, with new one-gallon high C I O QC3 parts of the Southwest. Indian arti-
pressure brass tank Full Price • ' » ' ' facts also tempt the collector—bar-
Add Sales Tax in Calif.
• A Quality product with money-back guarantee. gains which in a more heavily travel-
P.O. Box 647, Burbank. California
ed area would have been snapped up
long ago. Navajo Route Number 1
joining Utah Highway 47 is still unre-
WORTH SAVING. 81% of our readers corded on most maps. Treasure seek-
ers should make the trip now. / / /
save their DESERTS for future refer-
ence and reading pleasure.
The best way to keep . . . your headquarters for a
your back issues is in Southern Utah vacation
our attractive specially- San Juan
made loose-leaf BINDERS.
Gold embossed on Spanish Grain Imi-
tation Leather. Space for 12 magazines MEXICAN HAT, UTAH
easily inserted. A beautiful and prac- 22 Modern Motel Units . . . Guided Scenic
FOR YOUR tical addition to your home book-shelf. Tours to Monument Valley and Fabulous San
DESERTS: Mailed postpaid from: Juan County . . . Curio Shop, Navajo Rugs,
Indian Jewelry . . . Cafe . . . Film, Camping

$3 each Binder Dept., Desert Magazine

Palm Desert, Calii.
Supplies . . . Service Station . . . Licensed
Hunting Guides . . . Accommodations For
Hunters During Deer Season.
California residents please add 4% sales tax
Phone: 42, Mexican Hat, Utah

38 / Desert Magazine / August, 1963

American Exploration and Travel
One who knew the early west and
EXPEDITIONS | its ways perhaps better than any other
f ESCALANTE/GLEN CANYON * man was Kit Carson, the explorer,
Indian scout, Indian agent, buffalo
S AREA ! hunter, and guide for several Ameri-
can military expeditions throughout
Ken Sleight, River Guide
SOUTHWEST Morgan Estergreen, is a thorough re-
port on the fabulous life of Carson.
6575 South Main Bountiful. Utah A fur trapper, a meat-hunter, a guide
• SNOUiajdXl ONYiajaNOM • SNOIllOldX] ONVlUBaNOM • for Fremont and Kearney, an Indian
agent, a colonel of the New Mexican
militia, an agent in the early days of
American California, a man with 19
UNDISCOVERED WEALTH! notches on his gun,—this was only

ft p, Buried loot, coins, silver, gold,

jewelry, battle relics! Transistor
M-SCOPE detects them all. Used
world-wide by experienced explor-
ers since 1932. Exciting! Reward
ing! Lightweight and supersensi-
a portion of the man Kit Carson. The
book has 313 pages, a few illustra-
tions, 12 pages of "notes on sources,"
and 11 pages of bibliographical leads.
tive, the powerful M-SCOPE offers
greater depth penetration, over —CHARLES E. SHELTON
200 treasure - hunting days oi
battery life. Easy terms. Guaran-
teed. Write for the FREE illustrated
booklet of fascinating customer
experiences. THE NEW BOOKS . . .
FISHER RESEARCH LAB., INC. land Quick; 232 pages; $9.95
Dept. 2C, Polo Alto, Colif.
T HE late Leland Quick, for 13 years
editor of the Lapidary Journ-
al, completed the manuscript
IN COURAGE, by Morgan Est-
ergreen; 318 pages; $5.95
NEW TOURS before his death last year. Hand- EXPLORING THE GREAT BAS-
Southeastern Utah somely printed and heavily illustrat- IN, by Gloria Griffen Cline; 254
Northern Arizona ed, THE BOOK OF AGATES gives pages; $4.95
a historical background to the use of
'AMERICA'S LAST agate, tells of agate-collecting trips,
gives a list of areas throughout the
United States, explains how to cut Rittenhouse Wynn. A spritely
and polish agate, and tops off the report on the early days of the
ALL-EXPENSE TOUR — $250 book with an excellent bibliography the Rand District. 313 pages;
Round-Trip from Salt Lake City about agate and gemology in general. $8.50
All-Expense-Si xDays (five nights)-JeepTrips
A i r - C o n d i t i o n e d Buses
The Book has 232 pages, is printed
Every turn gives a vista of green-clad plateaus or on high quality stock and has a linen BRAVE WARRIORS, by Norman
flaming cliffs. Monument Valley and Capitol Reef hard-cover. Wiltsey; a novel recounting the
National Monument, Arches National Monument, trials of seven Western Indian
Dead Horse Point, Fisher Towers, Moab (Uranium
„ capital), Natural Bridges, Goose Necks of the San Juan; The gemologist who would search tribes. Illustrated; 380 pages;
Navajo, Apache and Hopi Indians; for agates, opals, or other booty in $6.50
Kayenta and Tuba City, Glen Canyon
Dam and Lake Powell (when com*
our western United States, might take
plete), Escalante, Petrified Forests, along on his travels a recent publi- HOW TO ORDER . . .
Boulder City, Circle Cliffs. The entire
1253 miles a paradise for camera
cation: EXPLORING THE GREAT The books listed above can be pur-
fans. Color for pictures at every BASIN, by Gloria Griffen Cline. Stop chased by mail from Desert Magazine
season. For derails on this to think of it, you don't have to be Book Store, Palm Desert, Calif. Please
exciting tour write: add 15c for postage and handling per
a gem hobbyist to enjoy the heritage book. California residents also add
29 West South Temple Salt Lake City 1 , Utah of our historic West. The Great Basin 4% sales tax. Write for free South-
book tells of the effect of the fur west book catalog.
trade on opening the Basin to explor-
ation. In the pages we meet Jerediah

Smith, Peter Skene Ogden, Joseph
Reddeford Walker, John Fremont,
and others who wandered the West
a century and more ago. The Great
Basin encompasses the western half
SCENIC BEAUTY of Utah, the southwestern corner of
FIRE AGATE FIELDS Wyoming, the southeastern corner of
Idaho, part of Oregon, almost all of
MOVIE SETS Nevada, and the eastern part of
Southern California. The author,
Please consider this your invitation to visit this
fascinating corner of the West . . .
who teaches at Sacramento State Col-
lege, is a student of the fur trading
OATMAN • GOLDROADS business. Her book is a part of "The

August, 1963 / Desert Magazine / 39

ment. Down sleeping bags, lightweight tents,
boots. Free catalog. Highland Outfitters, P.O.
VACATION RENTALS, brand new 15 and 16 foot
Box 121, Riverside, Calif.
travel trailers, sleeps six people, hitch, insur-
ance and hookup included. If you are going • Hew to Place in Ad:
NEW LECTRO-FLATE air pump plugs into your
to Yellowstone or anywhere in the Rocky • Mail your copy and first-insertion remit-
auto cigarette lighter, inflates air mattresses,
Mountain area, make arrangements to pick tance to: Trading Post, Desert Magazine,
rubber boats, etc. so easy. Safe, won't over-
your trailer up in Denver. Write for details. Palm Desert, Calif.
inflate and fits all valves, light, compact, carry
Mobile Trailer Leasing, Inc., 4101 W. Colfax, • Classified rates are 20c per word, $4
in your glove compartment. Order now, re-
Denver 4, Colorado. minimum per insertion.
fund in 10 days if not thrilled. Send only
$9.95 plus 50c mailing cost to: Smith-Williams,
STATION WAGON owners: Build portable dress- Dept. B8, P. O. Box 1577, Moab, Utah.
ing room attached to your wagon. Easy, COWBOY POLO—most exciting game played on
illustrated plans $2. Ada-Cabana, 1397-D Hed- horseback. Rule book, $1. R. B. Bush, 7043
ding, San Jose 26, California. North Second, Albuquerque, New Mexico. • FOR WOMEN
NEVADA TREASURE Hunters Ghost Town Guide. LADY GODIVA "The World's Finest Beautifier."
• BOOKS-MAGAZINES Large folded map. 800 place name glossary. Your whole beauty treatment in one jar.
Railroads, towns, camps, camel trail. $1.50. Write: Lola Barnes, 963 North Oakland, Pasa-
READ THE Prospector's Guide. Tells how and Theron Fox, 1296-C Yosemite, San Jose 26, dena 6, California.
where to prospect for minerals, etc. Send California.
for application to United Prospectors, Auberry, STRAWBERRY UPSIDE-down cake. Generations-
California. "THE BOTTLE Trail" Volumes I and II. Pioneer old recipe which may now be revealed, $1.
bottle histories. Each: $1.65 postpaid. Mrs. B. Carmer, 1690 W. Pleasant View Drive,
BOOKS: "PANNING Gold for Beginners," 50c. May Jones, P. O. Box 23, Nara Visa, N. Mex. Ogden, Utah.
"Gold in Placer," $3. Frank J. Harnagy, Box
105, Prather, California. BOOK: "Old Bottles and Ghost Towns", many
sketches. See Desert, February '63 issue. $2.15 • GEMS, CUT-POLISHED
OUT-OF-print books at lowest prices! You name prepaid. Mrs. Adele Reed, 272 Shepard Lane,
it—we find it! Western Americana, desert and Bishop, California. OPAL CABOCHONS, with good fire 60c each.
Indian books a specialty. Send us your wants. Ten minimum. Phil Kendall, Apartado 80, San
No obligation. International Bookfinders, Box "VACATION ADVENTURE in Panning for Gold." Miguel de Allende, Gto. Mexico.
3003-D, Beverly Hills, California. Informative booklet on what is gold, history
of gold in Western U. S., how to pan it and NELLIE BASSO Minerals. Local gem material and
a special section on locations. $1. MBA, Box jewelry. 675 12 Street, opposite public swim-
"GEMS & Minerals Magazine," largest rock hobby
1167, Cortez, Colorado. ming pool. Lovelock, Nevada.
monthly. Field trips, " h o w " articles, pictures,
ads. $3 year. Sample 25c. Box 687J, Mentone, "TREASURE HUNTER'S Bibliography" lists all APACHE TEARS, polished to make jewelry or
California. known treasure books, maps, authors, pub- what have you, 10 for $1, postpaid. William-
lishers. Every true enthusiast needs this val- son's Rock Jewelry, 2606 North 7th St.,
NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC Magazines, 1888-1961, Phoenix, Arizona.
uable, time saving reference. Only $2 post-
any issue, maps, bound volumes. Free litera-
paid. Shelby, Box 4266-F, Saticoy, Calif.
ture, "Geographic Hobby," price lists, circulars
on books about collecting geographies. Peri- THAT BOOK you want, let us find it. Free • GEMS, DEALERS
odical Service, Box 465-DE, Wilmington, Del.
search. Argonaut Book Search, Box 18, Clary-
ville, New York. CHOICE MINERAL specimens, gems, cutting ma-
WESTERN GEM Hunters Atlas-all three of those terial, machinery, lapidary and jeweler's sup-
popular gem atlases combined in one big "HOW TO" books, $2.50 each. List free. J. G. plies, mountings, fluorescent lamps, books.
book, 93 full page maps with rock hunting Tyrell Co., 322 Grand Street, Danbury, Conn. Sumner's, 21108 Devonshire, Chatsworth, Cal.
areas spotted in color. Complete coverage of
11 western states, plus parts of Texas, South DESERT ROCKS, woods, jewelry. Residence rear
Dakota and British Columbia. Type of material, • BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES of shop. Rockhounds welcome. Mile west on
mileage and highways are shown. Price: $2.50 U.S. 66. McShan's Gem Shop and Desert
postpaid. Scenic Guides, Box 288, Susanville, FOR SALE: Rock, gemstone business, tons of Museum. P.O. Box 22, Needles, California.
California. cutting material, fixtures, lapidary equipment,
$3000. Take it away or buy 7 roome home, RIVERSIDE CALIFORNIA. We have everything
LEARN ABOUT gems from Handbook of Gems 4V2 acres, Highway 80, two miles east of for the rock hound, pebble pups, interesting
and Gemology. Written especially for ama- Jacumba, California, $12,900. Terms. Box 223, gifts for those who are not rock hounds.
teur, cutter, collector. Tells how to identify Owner Holibaugh, Phone 766-4400. Minerals, slabs, rough materials, lapidary sup-
gems. $3 plus tax. Gemac Corporation, Box plies, mountings, equipment, black lights. Why
808J, Mentone, California. not stop and browse? Shamrock Rock Shop,
• DESERT STATIONERY 593 West La Cadena Drive, Riverside, Calif.
BURIED TREASURE & Lost Mines, by Frank L. OVerland 6-3956.
Fish, authority on buried treasure. This fas- DESERT, ROADRUNNER and cactus living-color
notecards: $1.50 with envelops, from artist CULL BAROQUES, second grade, small baroques,
cinating hobby pays off! Book contains 68
Henry Mockel, Box 726, Twentynine Palms, mixed, more than 15 varieties, worth more,
pages of true treasure locations, 20 photos
California. 6 pounds—$5.75 postpaid. Vincil Brubaker,
and illustrations, and vital information to help
5318 W. L-12, Lancaster, California.
you search for hidden wealth. Book: $1.50
postpaid. Beautiful four-color 19x24" map, • EQUIPMENT-SUPPLIES LENWOOD ROCK & Gift Shop opening August 3.
showing book locations, suitable for framing Large stock of wood, onyx, sagenite, etc. not
for den or study, $1.50 postpaid. Special LIGHTWEIGHT TENTS, packs, sleeping bags. We previously offered for sale. Five miles west
offer: book and map, $2.50 postpaid. Amador manufacture the world's finest complete line of Barstow on Main Street (Old Highway 66).
Trading Post & Publishing Co., L. Schaefer, of camping and climbing equipment. Big new
14728 Peyton Drive, Chino, California. catalog 10c. Gerry, Dept. 22, Box 910, Bould-
WORLD'S LARGEST book and magazine listing
35c. Unlimited selection, gigantic discounts. DESERT HIKING, lightweight camping and moun- FOSSILS: OVER 2000 speciesl New, 60 page,
Large assortment of mail order publications taineering equipment: An excellent selection 1963 catalog, 50c (stamps OK). Sets: phyla,
with hundred of amazing offers, 30c. Aston- of quality equipment and food at reasonable time periods, preservation types, etc., $3 to
ishing moneymaking, self-help catalogs in- prices. Efficient, personalized service. Write $10. Wholesale, retail. Buying, exchanging
cluded free. Rhodes, 411-DE Davidson, Indian- for free catalog. Sport Chalet, 951 Foothill fossils, too. Malick's Fossils, 5514 Plymouth
apolis 2, Indiana. Blvd., P. O. Box 186, La Canada, Calif. Road, Baltimore 14, Maryland.

40 / Desert Magazine / August, 1963

POCKET GOLD, rare, crystalized, $2. Placer gold SELLING 20,000 Indian relics. 100 nice ancieni TRUNKFUL 25,000 Indian-Lincoln certs mixed
$2. Cold dust $1. Coldbearing black sand $1. arrowheads $25. Indian skull $25. List free. (from the 1920s and older). Will pack "grab-
Attractively displayed. Postpaid, guaranteed. Lear's, Glenwood, Arkansas. bag" style, 400 mixed—$25., sample bag of
Lester Lea, Box 1125-D, Mount Shasta, Calif. 20—$2. Mrs. Fischer, Box 5490, Sherman Oaks
AUTHENTIC INDIAN jewelry, Navajo rugs, Chi- 101, California.
FRESH TIGER sharks' teeth, average 1", 50c each, mayo blankets, squaw boots. Collector's items.
$3 per dozen. Also, fossil sharks teeth, aver- Closed Tuesdays. Pow-Wow Indian Trading
age 3 / 4 " , 25c each, $1.50 dozen. Ray Giger, Post, 19967 Ventura Blvd., East Woodland • MANUSCRIPTS WANTED
1644 Monterey Blvd., Hermosa Beach, Calif. Hills, Calif. Open Sundays.
WANTED SHORT stories, books, articles, plays
EMERALD, RUBY, Aquamarine, Topaz, specimens, of all descriptions for sale to publishers, pro-
THOUSANDS INDIAN relics, many museum qual-
plus hundreds more, and the finest rough ducers. Free literature. Literary Agent Mead,
ity. Baskets, pottery, rugs, pipes, fetishes,
gemstones, reasonably priced and guaranteed. Dept. 6A, 915 Broadway, New York City 10.
necklaces, drums, stone cogs, axes, tools, me-
Free lists. The Vellor Co., P. O. Box 2344 (D), tates, mortars, arrowheads, pendants, beads.
St. Louis 14, Missouri. Open daily. Sunday and Monday appointments • PHOTO SUPPLIES
only. Krechel's Antiques. 2738 Honolulu Ave-
SLABBAG! $10 value for $7.50. Includes lapis, nue, Montrose, Calif. Phone 213-249-5324.
rhodochrosite, jade, and many others. Money RAPID, CONVENIENT mail service for quality
back if not satisfied. Mother Lode Gems & black-white or color film finishing. Write for
Minerals, Route 1, Box 1510, Meadow Vista, FINE RESERVATION-MADE Navajo, Zuni, Hopi our free bargain brochure. The complete pho-
California. jewelry. Old pawn. Many fine old baskets, tographic store since 1932: Morgan Camera
moderately priced, in excellent condition Shop, 6262 Sunset Blvd., Hollywood 28, Calif.
UPPER DEVONIAN fishes known as Bothriolepis Navajo rugs, Yei blankets, Chimayo homespuns,
from the locality of Scaumenac Bay, Quebec. pottery. A collector's paradise! Open daily WESTERN COLOR slides, National Parks, Monu-
They are available from $5 to $15 each. Fossil 10 to 5:30, closed Mondays. Buffalo Trading ments, nature, Indians, mountains, weather.
Fishes Unlimited, 397 Alphonse St., Rochester Post, Highway 18, Apple Valley, California. Request listings. Nesbit's Quality Approvals,
21, N. Y. 711 Columbia Road, Colorado Springs, Colo.
10,000 INDIAN relics for sale, trade; large col-
FROM GEORGIA—deep sea green talc, mineral lections sea shells and choice fossils. 17437 8mm MOVIES: 50' color. Calico, California; San
specimens of striking beauty. About 3x5". $2 Bellflower Blvd., Bellflower, Calif. Phone TO Francisco's Cable Cars; Virginia City, Nevada;
each, postpaid. Douglas Minerals, Box 132, 74356. California's Mother Lode; Death Valley. $4.95
Albemarle, North Carolina. each. Longstreet, 6977 Sunnydell, Hollywood,
THREE FINE prehistoric Indian war arrowheads California.
• GEMS, ROUGH MATERIAL $1. Flint scalping knife $1. Rare flint thunder-
bird $3. All $4. Catalog free. Arrowhead, WILDLIFE, SCENICS, Aleutian Islands and odd
THIRTY MINERAL and crystal specimens, individ- Glenwood, Arkansas. spots, three samples and catalog $1. Aleutian
ually wrapped and identified, $5. Fifty, $10. Films, Box 3412, Long Beach, California.
Satisfaction guaranteed. Green's, 6552 Vrain, • JEWELRY
Arvada 3, Colorado.
GENUINE TURQUOISE bolo ties $1.50, 11 stone
BEAUTIFUL CUT or rough Australian fire opals
turquoise bracelet $2. Gem quality golden 1962-63 WILDFLOWER and Wild Tree Seed Cata-
sent on approval. See before you buy, from
tiger-eye $1.75 pound, beautiful mixed agate log, lists over 700 of the best varieties, 50c.
one of America's largest opal importers. Free
baroques $3 pound. Postage and tax extra. Scientific name, common name, informative,
list. Walker, 20345 Stanton Ave., Castro Val-
Tubby's Rock Shop, 2420V2 Honolulu Ave., artistic. Clyde Robin, P. O. Box 2091, Castro
ley, California.
Montrose, California. Valley, California.
MEXICO AGATE specials: Black lace, yellow and
red sagenite, flame, small moctezuma, choice • MAPS CHIA AS featured in "Hot Cakes and Chia" (April
$1 per pound. Postage, please. Lovelace Rock '58 Desert) for sale, $5.50 pound. Wonderful
& Mineral Shop, 2610 Armory Road, Wichita SECTIONIZED COUNTY maps - San Bernardino health food. Gregory, Box 147, French Camp,
Falls, Texas. $3; Riverside $ 1 ; Imperial, small $ 1 , large $2; California.
San Diego $1.25; Inyo $2.50; Kern $1.25;
NEW FINDI Lavender scenic wonderstone, takes other California counties $1.25 each. Nevada CACTI AND succulents. Send for free price list.
beautiful polish. Often cuts scenes of hills, counties $1 each. Include 4 percent sales tax. Special this month, 10 assorted cacti $3.50 or
valleys, lakes, sunsets, highways, sand dunes Topographic maps of all mapped western 10 assorted succulents $3.50. Free copy of
and others. Best we have ever seen. 8 areas. Westwide Maps Co., 114 West Third "Cactus Growers Guide" with each order. We
pounds for $5 postpaid. Ricolite Gem Co., Street, Los Angeles 13, California. are members of California Cactus Growers
700 South Espina Street, Las Cruces, New
Association, Inc. The Cactus Garden, 5311
METSKER'S NEW county maps show all roads, Scotts Valley Drive, Santa Cruz, Calif.
creeks, lakes, sections lines, etc. For hunters,
• HOME STUDY fishermen, rockhounds. $1.25 each at sports,
stationery and map stores. Metsker's Maps,
LEARN JEWELRY Making at home. Inexpensive 111 So. 10th St., Tacoma, Washington.
Art Metalcraft course teaches how to make FOR INFORMATION on desert acreage and par-
all types cuff links, earrings, tableware, etc. cels for sale in or near Twentynine Palms,
of silver, gold, copper. Send postcard for • MINING please write to or visit: Silas S. Stanley, Realtor,
free booklet. Interstate Training Service, Dept. 73644 Twentynine Palms Highway, Twenty-
L-l, Portland 12, Oregon. $1 FOR gold areas, 25 California counties. nine Palms, California.
Geology, elevations. Pans $3, $2.50. Poke $1.
LEARN NATURALISTIC oil painting by corres- Fred Mark, Box 801, Ojai, California. LAS VEGAS LOTS for sale, in fast-selling subdi-
pondence. Amateur and advanced. Forty point vision, just five minutes from downtown.
critique of each painting. Walker School of ASSAYS. COMPLETE, accurate, guaranteed. High- Choice level lots (50'xl00') at lowest terms
Art, Box 486, Montrose 1, Colorado. est quality spectrographic. Only $4.50 per in Las Vegas. Only $10 down, $10 per month.
sample. Reed Engineering, 620-R So. Ingle- $995 ful price . . . while they last. Send
LEARN WHILE asleep, hypnotize with your re- wood Ave., Inglewood, California. today for free brochure. Land, Inc., Dept. DC,
corder, phonograph. Details free. Research 130 Las Vegas Blvd. South, Las Vegas, Nev.
Association, Box 24-DS, Olympia, Wash.
LEARN SPANISH fast, for travel, pleasure, in- OREGON RANCHES near Medford and Grants
come. Amazing new method. Full particulars, Pass, 50 to 160 acres low as $150 down, $35
SILVER DOLLARS special. All uncirculated.
introductory lesson 25c. Trader, Box 3488- monthly. Free catalog. Cal-Ore Ranches, 843-
1878cc $5., 1880-81-85-1892cc $20 each. 1898-
DM8, Ridgecrest, California. DX East Main Street, Medford, Oregon.
1904 0 mint $5 each. 1899-1900-01-02 0 mint
$3 each. Coin catalog 50c. Shultz, Salt Lake
City, 10, Utah. FOR SALE: 10 acres, Salton Sea area, playground
• INDIAN GOODS of the desert, make offer. Ida Watson, 133
INDIAN PHONOGRAPH records, authentic songs Southeast Leland Street, Port Charlotte, Fla.
ANY THIRTEEN Philadelphia Lincolns except
and dances, all speeds. Write for latest list: 09vdb, 15P, 3IP, 32P, 33P, $1.10. Proof sets
Canyon Records, Dept. D, 834 No. 7th Avenue, 1957 $4.25, 1960 $4.25, 1961 $3.10. Traci-
Phoenix, Arizona. money, 25 Quinlan, Staten Island 14, N. Y. MORE CLASSIFIEDS
August, 1963 / Deseit Magazine / 41
SALTON SEA: Fine trailer park site, choice resi- FROM OUR READERS
dential lot by golf course overlooking Salton
Sea. Iris O. Smith, Realtor, Room 1, Arcade
Building., (next to store and post office) Salton
City, California.

HIGH DESERT acreage and cabins, l-'A acre Naturally-Cooled Melons . . . mile vacation trip and it's the best we've
homesites $990. Ninety minutes from Los An- To the Editor: I would like to pass along ever had. Took 200 color slides!
geles. Phelan Realty, Box 8 / M , Phelan, Calif. some advice to desert newcomers—especial- HORACE G. WHITECAR
ly those who find themselves in the desert Pasadena
SELL-TRADE, Colorado, 3415 acres irrigated shal- on a good hot summer day. You don't
low wells, river bottom land, very productive, have to carry ice to have cold watermelon.
carry 2000 cattle yearly,, large feeding pens. Put the melons in your car (be sure they Prehistoric Horse . . .
Highly improved, near city, can subdivide. don't roll around and get smashed) and To the Editor: I've heard that on the Ari-
Write: E. H. Grantham, 210 Main, Ordway, when you come to a bit of shade, pull over. zona side of the Colorado River in the
Colorado. Don't worry if there is no shade—your car mountains back from the shores of Lake
is making shade. Mohave, a herd of wild horses the size of
2V2 LEVEL acres, 100 miles from Los Angeles, a dog with normal horse-sized heads has
$990 full price. $25 down, 15 month. Beau- Now kick about an inch of the top soil been seen through the years. It is believed
tiful area near Mojave River, highway, suitable from under the runningboard, cut or break they might be living progeny of a breed
weekend retreat, year-round living. AX19188, the melon into pieces, and place in the long extinct. I've checked this out with
Box 8062, Los Angeles 3, Calif. spot you've cleared out. If there is a several natives of the area, including Murl
little breeze, the melon will cool itself in Emery, who are familiar with the rumor and
about 15 minutes. If no breeze, it takes a know old prospectors they consider reliable
• TREASURE FINDERS little longer. who claim to have seen the animals. I
NEW-FLUORESCENT mineral detector that de- Cool watermelon is better for you than would like to arrange a photographic ex-
tects boron, fluorine, lithium, molybdenum, hitting that waterbag or canteen. And if pedition by plane into the area to prove
strontium, tungsten, uranium, zinc, zirconium you are going on a long hot hike, don't be the validity of the animal's existence. If
and other minerals. Cigarette pack size, day- afraid to eat watermelon for breakfast. It any DESERT reader can supply informa-
light operation, requires no batteries. Price will take you farther than water. tion relative to the subject, will they please
$12.50. Free brochure. Essington Products &
send the information to me c/o DESERT
This is my first leter to any magazine. If Magazine. I'd particularly like to know
Engineering, Box 4174, Coronado Station, Santa
Fe, New Mexico.
you can use it, fine. exactly where they've been seen.
SENSITIVE TRANSISTOR metal locators. Find Chino, Calif.
gold, silver, buried treasures. $19.95 up. Free
Las Vegas
catalog. Relco, Dept. D, Box 10563, Houston Wonderful Vacation . . .
18, Texas. Kumquat m a y ! . . .
To the Editor: Thank you for your March To the Editor: Could Lucille Carleson in-
FIND LOST or hidden treasures with new tran- 1961 and April '62 and '63 issues on scenic clude a recipe for kumquat preserves in
sistor metal detector, underwater metal de- Utah. We used them to guide our 2000- DESERT Cookery? I am new to the South-
tectors, scintillation counters, etc. Free litera- west and understand that this Oriental fruit
ture. Gardiner Electronics, Dept. 51, 2545 E. is known in some regions as the desert
Indian School Road, Phoenix, Arizona. lemon.

Palm Springs
1000 NAME and address labels, $1 postpaid.
GHOST TOWN items: Sun-colored glass, amethyst J. G. Tyrell Co., 322 Grand St., Danbury, Conn.
to royal purple; ghost railroads materials,
Discovering the Desert...
tickets; limited odd items from camps of the SEARLES LAKE gem, mineral and hobby show: To the Editor: Before seeing your maga-
'60s. Write your interest—Box 64-D, Smith, October 12-13, Trona, California. Camping, zine I had always thought of the desert as
Nevada. swimming, raffle, field trips. a part of earth's anatomy to be pitied or
despised for its desolate bleakness. Now
CANYON WONDERLAND Rail Tour: October 2 6 - I love it more than any other type of land.
WE HAVE nice collection colored desert glass
November 3, 1963. Fall tour follows highly Thank you for opening a door to a wonder-
and bottles. Many varieties nice rocks and
successful spring trip. Compare Arizona Grand ful place.
tables. Apache Tears, 20 for $1.15. Roeders
Canyon, Barranca del Cobre. Spectacular
Rock Shop, Box 355, Jacumba, California. DEBBIE CULLIO (age 13»/2)
scenery, fall coloring, colonial towns, make
Mexican friends plus unusual rock collecting, Whittier
GENUINE DEERSKIN billfolds, very serviceable.
most experienced tour leader. Information:
$5.50 postpaid. F.E.T. included. J. G. Tyrell
Wampler Tours, Box 45, Berkeley 1, California. Mysterious Trophy • . .
Co., 322 Grand St., Danbury Conn.
SIRE: RICKY TAYLOR 2-year-old colt. Dam is To the Editor: In 1933 I dug up a trophy
BEAUTIFUL LAVENDER sun-colored bottles and Buzzy Bell Star. This large mare has excellent cup in Fontana, California, which was in-
insulators of the Old West, $4 each. Selected breeding, for speed, in training, reasonably scribed—
to please. Harvey T. Smith, Box 673, Hilts, priced, $1500. Hibbard, 2415 Corman Road,
California. Elsinore Lake
Longview, Washington. July 3, 1886
SOLAR POWERED water heater that really works
• MISCELLANEOUS and saves you money. Build "Old Sol" your- Won by the Sail Boat
self, 36 gallons, completely automatic. Runs but that is all. The name of the boat is
FREE "DO-it-Yourself" leathercraft catalog. Tandy
on sunshine and is capable of extremely fast missing.
Leather Company, Box 791-K48, Fort Worth,
recovery. Works in homes, cabins, trailers.
Plans and instructions including where to buy I have been unable to locate information
materials, $2. L. Applegate, Box 71 A, Landers, regarding this race. Although present rec-
WAMPLER WILDERNESS trips-hiking and riding.
California. ords indicate that the first sail boat race in
California, Arizona, Mexico. Also Gypsy Tours California was held in 1904, it is possible
—Arizona back-country motor caravan camp- BIG MAILS, replete with opportunities and where that this one at Elsinore Lake will prove
ing trips. Year-around activities at moderate to buy barganis, only 25c. Tony Matzkewitz, that erroneous.
prices. Details: Box 45, Berkeley 1, Calif. 125-DM Thames Street, Brooklyn 37, N. Y. Could a DESERT reader shed more light
SEE OUR playing cards and other novelties, free GET MAIL from everywhere. Get listed for life,
on the subject?
samples and wholesale price list. Nina, 624 Kazaks, 234 East 58th Street, New York 22, DORIS McCARGAR
South Michigan, Chicago 5, III. New York. Yerington, Nevada

42 / Desert Magazine / August, 1963

NOW... Start Enjoying "THE BEST o f TWO WORLDS"



in ever increasing numbers. Westward to Nevada, where the air is fresh and clear, taxes are low or non-
existent and opportunity is open to all. Yes, Nevada is booming and real estate investors are prospering.
It is a proven fact that many purchasers of Nevada acreage have realized fabulous profits from small
investments. Now, a NEW Nevada Real Estate Opportunity exists for you. This Ground Floor Opportunity is
MEADOW VALLEY RANCHOS, located only 1 Vi miles from the thriving city of Elko, Nevada.

. . . T H E WORLD OF THE WEST Located in prosperous Elko County, the ranchos
View Golf Course. No rush for start-
have the backdrop of the majestic Ruby Mountains. The sparkling Humboldt
ing times on this city owned and
River is a short V i mile away. Every Rancho fronts on a graded road that
maintained golf course, but golfing
leads into coast to coast U.S. Highway 40. Amidst these spectacular sur- as it should be enjoyed. Play a leis-
roundings MEADOW VALLEY RANCHO owners can relax and enjoy the won- urely 9-18 or 36 holes surrounded
derful life of the Golden West. by breathtaking scenery, minutes
from your rancho.
. . . T H E WORLD OF CITY CONVENIENCES The bustling city of Elko with its
modern schools, shops, theaters, hospital and airport is only 1V4 miles away. YOUR OWN L A K E . . . You, a n d your i n v i t e d guests w i l l spend
The Experienced, Successful Developers of MEADOW VALLEY RANCHOS are many happy hours boating, f i s h i n g a n d p i c n i c k i n g at nearby
not offering remote land where purchasers have to hope for progress and Lake Osino. There is no charge t o Rancho owners f o r f u l l
expansion. They offer you the opportunity of a life time, a chance to par- rights t o t h e use of t h i s private m u l t i - a c r e lake a n d park area.
ticipate in Nevada's continuing boom . . . Minutes from the conveniences
PROVEN OPPORTUNITY: Yes, individuals are taking advantage of Nevada
of hospitable Elko, in the midst of current growth and progress, MEADOW
opportunity. But the countries financial experts, our leading corporations are
VALLEY RANCHOS has all the necessary ingredients to skyrocket in value!
also investing in their Nevada futures. Industrial giants build plants where
Increasing Land Values and Population demand them. Anaconda Copper has
RECREATION UNLIMITED: completed a $32,000,000 plant. North American Aviation, Kaiser Steel and
Curtis-Wright are building plants or have secured large acreage.
FISHING: In jewel like lakes,
and mountain fed bottom LOW OR NON-EXISTENT TAXES: As a result of Nevada's low realistic tax
streams you'll catch trophy structure, Profits And Wages Are Kept; not paid out to the state. NEVADA
and Brook Trout . . . large real property tax is definitely limited by the state constitution. YES, NEVADA
owners can catch their din-
ner within easy driving dis- TOTAL COSTS: The full price of the title to your Vh acre Rancho is only
tance of the property lines. $595.00. Complete payment schedule is $1.00 down and $10.00 per month.
No interest, no carrying charges. Live, Vacation or Retire on your land, or
simply hold for investment security. Wise men like Andrew Carnegie said,
HUNTING: Hunters from all corners of the globe come to Elko County to "More money has been made in Real Estate than in all industrial investments
hunt the big game species Mule Deer . . . Quail, Chukar, and Partridge are combined." Make MEADOW VALLEY RANCHOS' PROSPEROUS FUTURE —YOUR

DM-2 Stockmen Bldg., Elko, Nevada
Yes! — Reserve acreage at M E A D O W VALLEY RANCHOS for me — 2'/ 2 acre parcel, $595 — payable $1
down, and $10 a month, no interest no carrying charges. Send purchase contract and map showing exact loca-
tion of my holding. You will return my deposit if I request same within 30 days. Have indicated below number
of Ranchos desired.


2V2 *' $10 Address.
5 $2 $15
$3 $20 Clty:_ State:.
DM-3 SMckman Bldg., Elko, Nevad Indicate No. of Ranchos Total enclosed :

August, 1963 / Desert Magazine / 43

There are good reasons why the majority of our subscribers save their old DESERT
issues . . . ACCURATE INFORMATION and DETAILED MAPS that will lead you
to exotic corners of a fascinating land . . . ghost towns, gem-mineral fields, mountain peaks,
lost mine locales, canyons, Indian pueblos, lakes and rivers . . .
1955 JUNE—Murbarger: "White Mountains" JULY— Werner: "Desert Mountains"
MARCH— Murbarger: "Camper's Tour Appleby: "Baja California Vacation" Murbarger: "Sulphur, Nevada"
of Mexico" Weight: "Gems of JULY— Sperry: "Yellow Cat Gems" AUGUST— Murbarger: "Lower Colo-
Monte Cristo" Murbarger: "New Mexico Back- rado River" Greenawalt: "Inyo
MAY— Weight: "Bell Rocks in Big Country Tour" Tram"
Sandy Valley" Murbarger: "Apache- AUGUST— Henderson: "Mystery Val- SEPTEMBER,— Tinker: "Gunnison
land Marble Mine" ley" Muench: "Ancient Cliffhouse" Island" Miller: "Hole in the Rock"
JUNE— Weight: "Hidden Gold of Bi- SEPTEMBER— Murbarger: "Organ OCTOBER— Hilton: "The Road to Ba-
cuner" Lesure: "Ajo's Copper Grub- Pipe Cactus National Monument" hia de los Angles" Jensen: "Pipe
stake" Conrotto: "Pino Basin Rhyolite" Spring"
JULY— Weight: "Tabaseca frail Gold" OCTOBER— Henderson: "Land of NOVEMBER— Hilton: "Bahia de los
Murbarger: "Rock Hunting Near Standing Rocks" DuShane: "Punta Angeles" Murbarger "Navajo Dam"
Lovelock" Penasco" DECEMBER— Hilton: "Guardian Angel
AUGUST— Henderson: "Devil's Can- Island" Ford: "Cottonwood Springs"
yon in Baja" Murbarger: "Virgin 1958
Valley Opal" APRIL— Dushane: "Baja California
SEPTEMBER— Russell: "Panamint 1960
Ledge of Gold" Weight: "Cadiz Tri- Murbarger: "Silver Cloud Opalite" FEBRUARY— Rigby: "Honanki and
lobites" May—Murbarger: "Taylor, Nevada" Palatki" Auer: "The Historic Hue-
DECEMBER— Murbarger: "Ichthyo- Conrotto: "Chuckawalla Apache cos"
saur State Park" Vargas: "Saddle Tears" APRIL— Jenkins: "Dirty Sock Spa"
Mountain Chalcedony" JUNE— Murbarger: "Seven Troughs Ransom: "Socorro Chrysocolla"
Bonanza" Conrotto: "Whipple Moun- MAY— Weight: "Lost Wilson Bonanza"
1956 tain Chalcedony" LeViness: "Ghost Ranch Museum"
APRIL— Murbarger: "Nevada Ante- JULY— Ward "Mojave Back Road" JUNE— Jensen: "Lee's Ferry" Bran-
lope Range" Ransom: "Salt Creek Jaeger: "Amargosa River" ham: "Acoma—the Sky City"
Canyon Serpentine" AUGUST— Murbarger: "Museum of
JUNE— Henderson: "Utah's Circle Northern Arizona" Conrotto: "Ver- 1961
Cliffs" Ford: "Seventeen Palms de Antique Quarry"
Oasis" SEPTEMBER— Conrotto: Rattlesnake AUGUST— Ford: "Pinyon Ridge" Con-
JULY— Henderson: "Boating Lodore Canyon Gold" McHunter: "La Paz" rotto: "Hole in the Rock Trail"
Canyon" Weight: "Chocolate Moun- DECEMBER— Murbarger: "Jarbidge SEPTEMBER— Vargas: "Six Gem
tain Petrified Palm" Agate Ledge" Henderson: "Boating Field in Western Arizona"
AUGUST— Weight: "Gem Rock in Ship Glen Canyon" OCTOBER— Murbarger: "Campers'
Mountains" Wing: "Boating Little Tour of Mexico" Jensen: "Utah's
Colorado River" 1959 Markagunt"
SEPTEMBER—Kenyon: "Anza's Sand- JANUARY— Werner: "Baja Salt NOVEMBER— Ford: "Borrego Bad-
stone Canyon" Weight "Agate in Spring" Hutchinson: "Backpack- Lands" Heald: "Pena Blanca Lake"
the Silver Peaks" ing Asbestos Canyon" DECEMBER— Weight: "The Dale
OCTOBER— Weight: "Superstition FEBRUARY— Murbarger: "Rhyolite" Mines" White: "Madrid, New Mexi-
Mountain Treasure" Page: "Mine Anderson: "Lure of Salton Sea" co"
with the Iron Door"
DECEMBER— Tinker: "Baboquivari MARCH— Murbarger: "Fable Valley"
Valley" Taylor: "Gila Range Chal- Heald: "Coronado National Memor- 1962
cedony" ial" JANUARY— Heald: "Phoenix Desert
APRIL— Weight: "Lost Silver in the Parks" Weight: "Colorado River
1957 Trigos" Abarr: "Fort Ojo Caliente" Marinaland"
JANUARY— Henderson: "Trail to MAY— Murbarger: "Cortez, Nevada" FEBRUARY— Polzer: "Kino's Shrines"
Chuckawalla Springs" Weight: Wortley: "Saline Valley Lost Mine" Harrington: "Southwest Caves"
"Little Horn Gold" JUNE— Abarr: "Franciscans' Saline JULY— Staff: "Salton Sea's Mullet
MAY— Murbarger: "Yampa Ranch" Missions" Ouellette: "Fiery Furn- Island" Trego: "Nevada Fourth of
Weight: "Cast Silver in the Trigos" ace" July"
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