Nesc 2471-Dec 1

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Nesc 2470-December 1 12/01/2009

Excitation-Contracting Coupling
 The Myotatic Reflex
 The muscle spindles make sure that your muscles stay the same
length so that you don’t drop an object
 Stretch reflex: muscle stretcheddischarge rate of spindle
increases, as muscles shortened (muscles go slack) discharge rate
goes down.
 It is very fast because it is a monosynaptic connection to motor
neuron- goes into the dorsal horn, synapses on motor neuron which
depolarizes it and then signal goes out ventral horn causing muscle
 Example: knee-jerk reflex
 This all happens within the level of the spinal cord
 Gamma Motor Neurons
 Muscle spindles
Intrafusal fibers (muscle fibers inside spindle) : gamma – they stop muscle
fibers to be the same level of taughtness
Extrafusal fibers: alpha- innervate the bulk of the muscle
They control the intrafusal muscle fibers so that your muscle spindle is
sensitive to change in stretch (has to be taught enough for this to occur)
 Gamma Loop
 Reflex that makes sure muscle spindles are still working
 Changes set point of the myotatic feedback loop (keep stretch
receptors in working range)
 Circuit (Gamma loop)
o Gamma motor neuron intrafusal muscle fiber contracts A
alpha sensory neuron notices change in muscle length which
causes activity in a alpha sensory neuron a alpha motor
neuron fires to keep muscle the same lengthgamma motor
neuron senses change in alpha motor neuron
Also receives descending control

Golgi Tendon Organ

 Innervated by AB sensory fibers
 Sensitive to muscle tension- force on tendon causes sensory neuron to
fire active potentials
 AB fibers enter dorsal horn, synapse on interneurons in ventral horn,
inhibit alpha motor neurons when they fire. These alpha motor neurons
innervate the muscle they are attached to. This is used so that you can
pick up delicate objects and not crush them
 Reflex arc protects muscle, regulates muscle tension (fine motor acts)
 descending input of the brain can influence muscle

Spinal Circuits: Inhibitory Input

 Reciprocal inhibition: Contraction of one muscle set accompanied by
relaxation of antagonistic muscle- happens automatically
 Example: Myotatic reflex

Central Pattern Generators

 Neural circuit that gives rise to rhythmic motor activity- groups of
 Rhythmic activity in single neuron:
 Glutamate NMDA receptors (voltage and glutamate sensitive).
 When glutamate binds to receptor, Na+ and Ca+ can enter. This
only happens if the membrane is slightly depolarized. At resting
membrane potential, the receptor channel is blocked by Mg but as
cell depolarizes, the channels becomes less attracted to Mg and Mg
leaves, allowing Ca+ and K+ to enter cell.
 Stops firing because Ca+ activates K+ channels (found in spinal
interneurons) which increase K+ outflux, and K+ hyperpolarizes
which causes Mg to clog the channel again
 Some spinal neurons receive tonic excitatory input. So this keeps
them slightly depolarized
 When glutamate opens NMDA receptor increase in excitability will
allow Mg to leave and Na+ and Ca+ enter (enough increase for Mg
to leave)
 Inhibition shifts from one neuron to the opposite sides of the
inhibitory interneurons due to reciprocal nature of these inhibitory
 Strategy:
 Association Areas Neocortex
 Tactics
 Motor cortex (decides what signals to send so that action can be
carried out)
 cerebellum
 Execution:
 Brain Stem
 Spinal cord

Descending Spinal Tracts

 Axons from brain descend along two major pathways:
 Lateral Pathways:
o Corticalspinal Tract is main voluntary movement tract- From
motor cortex to ventral horn. Longest, largest CNS tract also
called pyramidal tract. Dessucates at junction between
medulla and spinal cord
o rubrospinal tract- parallels Corticospinal tract but slower
o Damage to cortical spinal tract- the rubrospinal tract can take
over some of the movement. Voluntary control lost on
contralateral side. Postural reflexes are still in tact because
these are damaged by four ventromedial tracts.
 Ventromedial Pathways
o Balance and large muscle control
o 4
o Posture and locomotion under brain stem control which gets
information from cerebellum
o The vestibulospinal tract (info from vestibular system
influences) and tectospinal tract (from superior colliculus) are
important for the stability of the head and for balance.
o The pontine (stay upright) and medullary recticulospinal tract
(movement)--> both are used for postural reflexes and
voluntary inhibition of these reflexes
The planning of movement by Cerebral Cortex
 Motor Cortex:
 Area 4 and 6 on the frontal lobe
 Motor movement planning is done in area 6 (associatory motor
cortex) and the motor cortex sends the information down to the
 Basal Ganglia
 Function of the loop: Selection and initiation of willing movements.
 Projects to the ventral lateral (VLo) nucleus of the thalamus
 Provides major input to primary motor cortex
 Anatomy:
o collection of structures
o Caudamte nucleuse, putamen, globus pallidus (nuclei)
o Substantia Nigra: connected to basal ganglia-recieves
information from s.r which is nucleus of cells that contain
 Cortex
- Prefrontal lobe
- Projects back to basal ganglia
- Forms a loop

 Cortical activation
- excited putamen neurons
- Inhibits globus pallidus neurons
- release cells in VLo from inhibition
- Activity in VLo increases activity in SMA

Basal Ganglia Disorders

1. Parkinson’s Disease
 Symptoms: rigidity and tremors of hand and jabs
 Organic basis: You loose substantia Nigra cells which are dopanergic
and send axons to neurons that shut down the inhibition so you have
movement. Degeneration of substatia Nigra inputs from striatum
(pootamin area)
 Dopa treatment: Facilitates production of dopamine to increase SMA
activity. Precurser for dopamine.
2. Huntington’s Disease
 Symptoms: Hyperkinesia, dementia, impaired cognition
 Loss of cells in caudate nucleus, putamen and globus pallidus as well
as cortex and elsewhere.

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