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United Solar Ovonic

Flexible Photovoltaics
for Your Advantage

United Solar Ovonic

Solar Energy – The sun really is green

Ever increasing carbon dioxide emissions and their impact on climate
changes as well as rising energy costs and diminishing fossil resources
necessitate a shift to more sustainable and ecologically sound energy

Because photovoltaic converts sun light directly into electrical power,

this technology offers important advantages compared to other
renewable energies, such as silent operation, no moving parts,
zero emission, no storage of hazardous fuels, long lifetime, low
maintenance, no operating costs and unattended operation.

Many European governments promote the installation of photovoltaic

systems by offering special feed-in tariffs and/or investment incen­tives.
Under certain circumstances subsidies from the European Structural
Fond can be obtained.


Thin film technology at its best
UNITED SOLAR OVONIC is the world’s largest manufacturer of triple-
junction amorphous-silicon solar panels. Founded in 1990 we offer years
of experience in photovoltaics. As a wholly-owned subsidiary of the
American technology leader in renewable energies Energy Conversion
Devices, Inc. (ECD) (Nasdaq: ENER) holding nearly 1000 patents,
we can draw on extensive and fundamental know-how from materials
and production technology to the final product. Together with ECD,
we have been selling products for more than 20 years.

United Solar Ovonic

Our Innovative Technology –

Good for you and the environment
UNI-SOLAR® thin film solar cells
are made in a roll-to-roll vacuum
deposition process on a continu­ous
roll of stainless steel, excep­tionally
suitable for high volume produc-

Because thin film cells can be up

to 300 times thinner than crystal­line
solar cells, less material is required.
The vacuum deposition process
uses lower process temperatures UNI-SOLAR®: Efficient and ecological production due to lower material
leading to lower energy consum- and energy input
ption during production. Therefore,
compared to conventional crystalli- Process temperatures Material input

ne PV products UNI-SOLAR® thin

1000° C
film solar cells offer a better energy to ≤ 300 µm
1500° C
balance, providing a higher
contribution to the protection of
the environment.
300° C

1 µm

Thin film Crystalline Thin film Crystalline

Cross-Section of the UNI-SOLAR®-Triple-Junction-Technology Each UNI-SOLAR® PV-module

utilizes the unique Triple-Junction
Transparent Contact-Layer Total ThicknessTriple thin film silicon solar cells, where
Blue Cell Junction Cell < 1 µm the blue, green and red light of the
Green Cell
Red Cell
sun is absorbed in different layers
of the cell yielding unprecedented
Reflecting performance. This light spectrum
splitting capability is the key to
higher efficiency, especially at
Flexible Substrate
(Stainless Steel) 300 times less material input lower insolation levels and under
compared to conventional diffused light.

United Solar Ovonic

Take Your Chance –

Product advantages for your benefit

Flexible Lightweight No-Glass Durable

Flexible UNI-SOLAR® Lightweight No Glass UNI-SOLAR® Durable UNI-SOLAR®

PV-laminates offer UNI-SOLAR® PV- PV-laminates in PV-products encap­
freedom of design to laminates are particu­ ground-mounted PV sulated in UV stabi­
architects as they can larly suited for retrofit­ installations reduce lized, weather-
even conform to ting of existing sub-construction resistant polymers
curved surfaces and buildings or applica­ requirements and total have proven them­
hence are meeting tions, where addi­ system costs substan­ selves over decades
the increasing de- tional weight and/or tially. under the most
mand for aesthetically wind load are critical extreme conditions
pleasing building to the statics of a imaginable, including
integrated PV (BIPV). building or structure. satellites, ocean
buoys and military

UNI-SOLAR® PV Products –
The right solution for every application
UNI-SOLAR® PV Products are offered in the form of flexible laminates for building
integrated PV solutions.
Flexible UNI-SOLAR® PV-laminates can be bonded to conventional metal roofing panels,
single-ply membranes, modified bitumen roofing materials and others. The resulting
modules are exceptionally durable. By-pass diodes are connected across each cell,
allowing the modules to produce power even when partially shaded or soiled.
UNI-SOLAR® PV Products come with a 20 year/80 % warranty on power output of the
Rated Power (at Standard Test Conditions).

United Solar Ovonic ®

United Solar Ovonic

Shadow Tolerant High Temp More kWh –

Performance higher RoI

Shadow tolerant UNI-SOLAR® PV- UNI-SOLAR® PV-

UNI-SOLAR® PV- products render products achieve
products offer higher better energy yield at higher kWh energy
outdoor performance high module tempera­ output per Wp
in low and diffuse tures and in warm installed than most
light conditions due climates. Under real conventional crystal­
to higher absorption outdoor conditions, line products. Make
of light in the blue module temperature the most out of your
wavelength range. can be up to 80° C, photovoltaic invest­
Our products deliver especially if they are ment!
power even when building integrated and
partially shaded or directly in the
soiled. sun. At these tempera­ Annual Energy Yield of different Technologies, Bolzano, Italy
tures UNI-SOLAR®
PV-products can yield 1400
Competitor A – Crystalline Silicon
up to 20 % more
1200 Competitor B – Crystalline Silicon
electricity compared to
UNI-SOLAR® Thin film
annual production in kWh/kWp

conventional 1000 Amorphous Silicon

crystalline solar
modules of the same 800
power rating.



2004 2005 2006
Courtesy of the Energy Conservation Office of the province of Bolzano

United Solar Ovonic

Get In Touch –
Start generating your own pollution-free energy now
Your United Solar Ovonic team at your disposal

Global Headquarters Sales & Manufacturing Iberian Sales Office

United Solar Ovonic LLC United Solar Ovonic Europe GmbH

3800 Lapeer Rd. c/o Velazquez 99 – 1C
Auburn Hills, MI 48326 28006 Madrid
USA Spain
Toll Free: +1.800.843.3892 Tel: +34.91.4116133
Tel: +1.248.475.0100 Cell: +34.606.584252
Fax: +1.248.364.0510 [email protected]
[email protected]

European Headquarters Sales & Marketing French Sales Office

United Solar Ovonic Europe GmbH United Solar Ovonic Europe GmbH
Trakehner Strasse 7-9 c/o 17 bis Route de la Reine
60487 Frankfurt/Main 92100 Boulogne
Germany France
Tel: +49.69.7137667.0 Cell: +33.666.850777
Fax: +49.69.7137667.67 [email protected]
[email protected]

South European Sales Office

United Solar Ovonic Europe GmbH

Via Monte Baldo, 4
37069 Villafranca (VR)
Tel: +39.045.8600982
A subsidiary of Energy Conversion Devices, Inc. (Nasdaq: ENER)
Fax: +39.045.8617738
[email protected]

Copyright 2008 United Solar Ovonic – All Rights Reserved – FL-075/2008-Rev3-EU-GB

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