Asad Ahmed Wyen: Personal Information
Asad Ahmed Wyen: Personal Information
Asad Ahmed Wyen: Personal Information
Title Forename Surname & Title
Business Development Manager Asad Ahmed Wyen (Mr.)
Residential Telepone No! Mo"ile No! E#Mail
051-22205! 0!!!-55"#!$ asad%yen&yahoo.'om
Present Address (ouse )o. 255* +treet )o. "$* +e'tor ,-11-2* .slama/ad* 000.
Pla$e & Date o% &irt NI' No! Marital Status
.slama/ad (2
0une 1$"$) 11101-1#!15$$-5 Married
(uali%i$ations Institutes
Ma)or Su")e$ts
From To
MBA (Masters) Mohammad Ali 0innah
2niversity* 3a4istan.
+ep 1$$$ Aug 2001 5-6ommer'e* Management*
7inan'e* .nternational Business*
Mar4eting* Data/ase.
B.68M (Bachelor
of Commerce)
3un9a/ 6ollege o:
6ommer'e* 3a4istan.
+ep 1$$" Aug 1$$$ 5'onomi's* Business ;a%*
Auditing* Advan'ed A''ounting*
Business 6ommuni'ation <
=eport Writing* .ntrodu'tion to
(.ntermediate of
,ovt. 6ollege o:
6ommer'e <
5'onomi's* 3a4istan.
Aug 1$$5 May 1$$" A''ounting* 3a4istan +tudies*
3rin'iples o: 6ommer'e <
Ban4ing* 5'onomi's <
6ommer'ial ,eography.
Latest Emplo0er ###+1!-. Years/
Name & Address o% Emplo0er Dates
Position Title
From To
M-+. 3a4istan A''umulators (3vt)
(Manu:a'turers o: Automotive
(ead 8::i'e Address>
(ouse )o. 2* +treet )o. 1!* +e'tor> 7-
#-* .slama/ad* 3a4istan.
Mar 200" 01
+ep 2011 5?ports 5?e'utive
Summar0 o% Responsi"ilities
My 9o/ responsi/ility is to enhan'e e?ports to meet set @uarterly and annually targets o: the 'ompany. At
the same time* . have to 'olla/orate and share relevant in:ormation < do'uments %ith my team mem/ers*
department head* :inan'e and other sta4eholdersA li4e :oreign 'lients* :a'tory people* transporters* /an4
and 'learing agents et'. Bhe details o: the prominent multiple tas4s that . per:orm in'ludes>-
+'ustomer 'on$entration & 'orresponden$e/
. %or4 'losely %ith the :oreign 'ustomers. 8n every day /asis . re'eive e?port in@uires :rom the 'ustomers
pertaining to produ'tion s'hedule* delivery status* payment update* transport < pa'4aging et' < . reply
instantly %ith :ull in:ormation to the e?tent o: their satis:a'tion. Bhis is signi:i'ant to se'ure timely orders
< re:le'ting the 'ustomers our :ull attention and 4een interest to assist them. All the 'orresponden'e %as
done through regular e-mailing (using M+ 8utloo4) < telephoni' 'onversation. . maintain re'ord :or :uture
+Dra%tin2 Letters & Fa3es/
.t is one o: the important tas4s that . per:orm on the 9o/. .t is the 'ontinuous a'tivity on this position. . use
M+ Word :or dra:ting letters. +ome o: the 'ommon pla'es %here . %rote letters in'ludes the :ollo%ing>
i. Bhe potential 'ustomers around the %orld* introdu'ing the 'ompany and its produ'ts < :eatures.
Bhe letters %ere sent either through e-mail or :a? or sometimes /y post.
ii. Bhe 3a4istani Brade Missions and 7oreign 6ham/er o: 6ommer'e in a/road see4ing their
assistan'e to provide re@uested trade in:ormation help:ul in /uilding trade ties /et%een t%o
iii. .n addition to a/ove . %rite letters to Bhe ;o'al 6ham/er o: 6ommer'e* Brade Development
Authority o: 3a4istan* Ban4s* 6ustom Authorities and shipping 'ompanies et' related %ith day to
day /usiness a'tivities.
+Online &4& Mar5etin2 &Inland6Sea Sipment Arran2ements/
With the vie% to enhan'e e?ports* . do online mar4eting o: our produ'ts. . su/s'ri/e produ't details %ith
di::erent /2/ trading %e/ sites li4e %%%.ali/a/a.'om . .n addition* . pla'e /anner advertisement on the
international trading sites.
.n addition to a/ove* . ma4e inland and sea shipments tari:: negotiation %ith the :reight :or%arders -
shipping lines and arrange 'ontainers - vehi'les :or transportation o: goods (on 78B* 6<7 and 6i7 /asis).
+Super7ision & Orientation o% Sta%%/
. lead t%o :ello% o::i'ers in their respe'tive %or4 and guide them on e::e'tive 'ommuni'ation %ith the
'ustomers. .n addition* . do orientation o: ne% sta:: mem/ers 9oining our se'tion or other se'tions and
present 'omplete overvie% o: the %or4 (e?ports-o::i'e) pro'edures < progress o: the department.
(Do$umentation & Inter#Se$tions 'oordination)
. prepare do'ument sets and maintain proper :ile o: ea'h e?port shipment (;i4e e-:orm* 'ommer'ial
invoi'es* pa'4ing lists* 'erti:i'ate o: origin* ;-6 and advan'e payment do'uments). ,et do'uments signed <
stamped :rom designated authorities :or :urther pro'essing /y other se'tions - departments %ithin and
outside the organiCation li4e /an4s* 'ham/er o: 'ommer'e* et'. Bhe a''ounts department is provided %ith
relevant invoi'es and vou'hers :or updating their a''ounting /oo4s. +imilarly* the :a'tory people are
provided timely order details :or produ'tion planning < dispat'h arrangements. . remain in tou'h %ithin <
outside the organiCation %ith di::erent sta4eholders :or per:orming my 9o/.
+Team Pla0er/
.n the pro'ess o: dealing %ith the 'ustomers . 4eep my team mem/ers posted o: the 'ommuni'ation and
appre'iate their suggestions. All the dealings < /usiness terms are %ell shared %ith the team mem/ers <
department head :or timely e?e'uting the %or4 (shipment) a'tivity avoiding delay < misunderstanding
+Meetin2 Deadlines & Maintain 'onta$ts/
Bhe timely putting up %or4 %as very 'ru'ial in my 9o/. 7or instan'e* . have to gather /usiness orders :rom
the 'ustomers at least in the last %ee4 o: 'urrent month and :or%ard it to the :a'tory so that the
produ'tion < timely delivery 'an /e ensured in the su/se@uent month. Bhe ne'essary planning* :ollo%-up
and prioritiCation o: a'tivities %ere done 'are:ully to a'hieve set targets.
. maintain M+ 5?'el sheets :or re'ording 'onta't details o: all the sta4e holders li4e 'ustomers* /an4s*
'learing agents* shipping lines et' :or my 'onvenien'e as they are all in 'ommuni'ation in routine %or4.
+Plannin2 & &ud2etin2/
. parti'ipate in the annual /usiness plan < /udgeting o: my se'tion together %ith my department head. .
put up sale :igures* e?port regions* revenue < e?penses along %ith the 'ustomer history and last year
targets help:ul in planning < :inaliCing :uture (ne?t yearAs) plan.
(Pro$urement Re8uisitions & *endor9s &ill 'learan$e)
. ma4e stationary re@uisitions o: my department on every month /asis and deliver to the administration
department (responsi/le :or head o::i'e pro'urement) :or timely arrangement o: re@uired items :or our
se'tion. . maintain re'ord o: /ills o: vendors and su/mit to a''ounts department a:ter veri:i'ation and
approval o: my department head ensuring that the dis/ursement o: payments are done %ell in time as per
set +83s.
+IT Net:or5 En7ironment /
. %as %or4ing in an organiCation su''ess:ully pra'ti'ing .B ;A) net%or4. All the 36As %ere 'onne'ted %ith
the servers < relevant in:ormation sharing %ith the di::erent se'tions %ere done through 36 to 36. 8ur
internet* e-mails* data* anti-virus - so:t%are pa'4ages and /a'4up et' %ere administered /y the .B
Pre7ious Emplo0er ### +-!. Years/
Name & Address o% Emplo0er
Position Title
From To
M-+. 7riends 5nterprises
Blo'4 1* +uper Mar4et* 7-1*
.slama/ad* 3a4istan.
7e/ 2002 11
7e/ 200" Business Development
Summar0 o% Responsi"ilities
Bhe 'ompany a'ts as a /usiness agent o: :oreign prin'ipals - 'ompanies. . got opportunity to %or4 in all the
three /usiness divisions o: the 'ompany* namely* 8il:ields 5@uipment +upply* =eady-Made ,arment
5?ports and 8verseas Manpo%er =e'ruitment. . am providing hereunder my responsi/ilities :or your
8il:ields 5@uipment +upply Division
Being representative o: :oreign prin'ipals* . parti'ipate in :oreign and lo'al pro'urement tenders and
in@uiries o: energy se'tor o: 3a4istan.
Bhe /idding do'uments are prepared as per the terms < 'onditions laid do%n in the tender
do'uments or in@uires o: government and other oil < gas 'ompanies and su/mitted %ell in time :or
. regularly :ollo% the status o: /ids su/mitted %ith the 'lients. . maintain sheet in M+ 5?'el o: all the
pending %or4 and 4eep tra'4 on day to day /asis till it is su''ess:ully done.
. prepare /id /onds (earnest money) and per:orman'e /onds in the shape o: D/an4 dra:tE or D/an4
guaranteeE re@uired %ith the /id su/mission.
During the pro'ess o: :inan'ial < te'hni'al evaluation o: the /id(s)* . respond to the @uires o: the
+in'e . %ell understand o::i'e pro'edures < %ays o: doing %or4 due to e?perien'e . 'on:idently
analyCe in:ormation* prioritiCe tas4s and ta4e sel: initiatives %ith sound 9udgment to 'arry out the
%or4 e::i'iently. 7or instan'e* %hen in@uires %ere re'eived :rom the 'lients (oil < gas 'ompanies)
see4ing 'lari:i'ations . prepare the 'ase instantly %ithin given time %ith ne'essary supporting to 'arry
on the %or4 :lo%.
.n the tendering pro'urement* the timely a'tion 'ounts a lot. We have to meet the deadlines /y all
means other%ise all the %or4 < e::orts %ill /e ruin. +o . e::e'tively pursue the assignment and
'omplete all the in:ormation in the manner as dire'ted /y the 'lient and su/mit /e:ore the deadline
.n order to introdu'e the :oreign prin'ipal and its produ'ts . arrange visits to the 'lients. . su/mit
promotional materials < produ't pro:ile ne'essary :or pre-@uali:i'ation %ith the 'lient.
. maintain data/ase in M+ 5?'el o: all the lo'al < :oreign suppliers and their produ'ts in'luding
@uotations su/mitted* pur'hase orders* in@uires and their due dates %ith di::erent 'ompanies :or
ready re:eren'e.
=eady-Made ,arment 5?ports Division
6orresponden'e %ith the :oreign prin'ipal a/out his re@uirements and negotiating pri'es < /usiness
Maintain re:eren'e num/ers and pi'tures o: ready-made garments re'eived :rom lo'al vendors and
orders :inaliCed /y the prin'ipal.
3repare do'umentation o: e?ports 'omprising* /an4 do'uments* invoi'es* pa'4ing list et'.
+upervise and 'oordinate a'tivities %ith suppliers o: garments* lo'al transporters* shipping lines*
'learing agents and prin'ipal :or timely dispat'h arrangements o: the 'onsignment.
Feep department head and a''ounts department in:ormed %ith e?ports position* payments re'eived
and /an4 advi'es help:ul in updating their re'ord.
8verseas Manpo%er =e'ruitment Division
Business 'orresponden'e %ith the :oreign prin'ipals in middle east a/out their 'urrent < up'oming
re@uirement o: s4illed manpo%er.
3reparing ne%spaper advertisements as per the 9o/ des'ription.
6olle'tion < s'rutiniCation o: 6Gs and :or%arding the relevant 6Gs to prin'ipals :or s'heduling
Arrangement o: intervie%s and /oarding o: su''ess:ul appointed 'andidates to a/road et'.
'ourses 6 Trainin2 Pro2rams
From To
B%o MonthHs Braining 3rogram* I6omputer :or 5?e'utivesI(D8+.*
Windo%s $5* M+ Word* M+ 5?'el < 6orel Dra%) :rom 35B=8MA)*
0une !0*
August 2$*
. (ave +u''ess:ully 2sed 7ollo%ing +o:t%are 3a'4ages During My 0o/.
MS Word> ,ood hands on %ord pro'essing. Writing letters. 7ormatting %ord do'uments li4e inserting
/ullets* ta/les* header < :ooter* setting page layout and settings et'.
MS E3$el> . 'an %ell use spread sheet. . use to prepare @uotations and invoi'es* pri'e 'al'ulations*
inserting :ormulas and graphi's %ere su''ess:ully done in this so:t%are.
MS Po:erPoint> . use to prepare periodi' presentations. .nserting slides* 'harts* shapes* pi'tures*
designing o: slides* 'oloring < siCing o: :onts and animations et' are all neatly done.
MS Outloo5> . have %or4 a lot in this so:t%are o: e-mailing ('orresponden'e) %ithin < outside the
organiCation. . have very good hands on it.
MS A$$ess> . have good 4no%ledge o: this data/ase so:t%are and develop small data/ases at 9o/ to 4eep
re'ord o: my %or4.
Name Desi2nation Emplo0er 'onta$t No!
Muhammad .mran +hei4h Deputy Manager
3a4istan A''umulators (3vt.) ;td 0!!!-211"5"
Ahmed Ba4ht ACam Manager 7inan'ial
JB5 3a4istan 0!1-51012"0
Muhammad 7aroo@ +al:i A''ount 8::i'er British Ameri'an Bo/a''o 0!00-52"!#50