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How To Model Helical Gears in ProE - Creo (Module)

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This topic explains how to create a metric (module) helical gear in pro
engineer / Creo using relations and formulas. Helical gears are widely used
gear types after spur gears. The nomenclature of spur and helical gears are all
same except for the helix angle and its relevant parameters.
In spur gears the gear teeth is straight and parallel to the axis of rotation but
in helical gears the gear teeth is at an angle to the axis of rotation and follows
a helical path (aka Helicoid) along the pitch circle diameter.
The angle between the axis of rotation and the tangent line through the helicoid is
called the helix angle. First lets go through the input parameters, relations and formulas
of helical gear.
Typical input parameters for helical gears are given below. I have taken some example
values for this topic. (All values are in mm).
No_Of_Teeth 32
Normal_Module 2.8
Pitch_Diameter 100
Normal_Pressure_Angle 20
Helix_Angle 26
Width 25
Side Right hand
Formulas for helical gear:
Transverse_module = normal_module / cos (helix_angle)
Normal_circular_pitch = pi * normal_module
Transverse_circular_pitch = pi * transverse_module
Transverse_pressure_angle = atan ((tan (normal_pressure_angle))/(cos (helix_angle)))
Outer_Diameter = pitch_diameter + (2 * normal_module)
Root_diameter = pitch_diameter - (2 * 1.25 * normal_module)
Base_diameter = pitch_diameter * cos (transverse_pressure_angle)
Normal_tooth_thickness = (pi * normal_module) / 2
Transverse_tooth_thickness = (pi * transverse_module) / 2
Lead = pi * Pitch_diameter / tan (Helix_angle)
The formulas given below are used get the necessary parameters to model the gear.
You can abbreviate the terms if you want.
The input parameters needs to be created using Tools Parameters. If you have a
gear data table, you can use them directly instead of going through the formulas.
1. Make an extrude for the gear blank. Don't bother about the dimensions. Just give any value for now.
Although I use WF 5.0 to explain
most of the steps here, the method
is same for any version of Creo or
Pro engineer.
You just need to locate the
Formulas for Diametral pitach (DP)
standard is here.
Rendered helical gear
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2. Go to Tools Parameters from the main menu. Create the input parameters and the enter the values as shown in the image
below using the add button.
3. Go to Tools Relations from the main menu and enter the relations. Copy paste the gear formulas given above.
4. Create three circles for Outer dia, base dia and pitch dia using sketch and name them as shown below in the model tree. Give
any dimension for now.
5. Now we have to relate the formulas(dimensions) to the respective skectches.To do that, see the video below.You need to
regenerate to see the result. Relate the dimensions to the respective sketches (i.e Pitch_diameter parameter for Pitch_dia
Note: If you open the parameters windows now, you will see some additional parameters. This is because we created new
parameters through formulas/ relations.
6. Create a new coordinate system at the center of the gear blank using the datums and front face as shown in the image. Name
it GEAR_CSYS for reference purpose. Make sure that the Z direction points outside, X horizontally and Y vertically. I recommend
to create it as shown in the image (X and Y in positive direction). This coordinate will be used to create the involute curve from
7. Now the involute curve has to be created. In
ProE wildfire versions, go to Insert Model
datum Curve or use the short cut button.
This will open up the curve menu manager. Click
on From equation and Done. Now you have to
select the newly created GEAR_CSYS
coordinate. Then select Cartesian. This will
open the text window.
To open this in Creo, type Curve in the search
box at the top right corner and select Curve
from equation from the list.
Now paste this equation in the text window.
Base_radius = Base_diameter / 2
Angle = t*90
Cir_len = (PI * Base_radius * t ) / 2
X_PNT = Base_radius * cos(Angle)
Y_PNT = Base_radius * sin(Angle)
x = X_PNT + ( Cir_len * sin(Angle))
y = Y_PNT - ( Cir_len * cos(Angle))
z = 0
Save the text window and close. Click done. This will create the involute curve.
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8. Create a sketch for Transverse_tooth_thickness (this is circular tooth thickness in case of spur gear) at pitch diameter from
the intersection point of involute curve and Pitch diameter as shown in the video and relate the dimensions to the parameter.
9. Now, Create a new point at the center of the transverse_tooth thickness curve using point option. To do that, go to Insert
Model datum Point point. Now click the newly created curve and enter 0.5 in the input area as shown in the image.
10. Create a new datum using the point created in step 9 and the center axis of the gear as shown in the image. This will be
used to mirror the involute curve.
11. Mirror the involute curve using the datum created in step 10. The model will look like this.
12. The helical path (helicoid) has to be created now through which the teeth section will sweep. To do that, go to Insert
Helical sweep Surface in wildfire versions and in Creo select Helical sweep under Model tab and then click Surface icon in
the feature dash board. See below images.
ProE wildfire versions
Creo Versions
13. Accept the options constant, Thru axis and right handed. Select the datum created in step 10 as the sketching plane for
this. Select the orientation you want and go into sketcher.
For sweep profile, draw a line from the start face to the end face using references. Make sure that the start point is from the
face where you modeled the transverse section. Draw the center line. Create a diameter dimension as shown in the above image
and enter Pitch_Diameter. This will relate the dimension to the pitch diameter parameter. When done, click ok and come out of
the sketcher.
When asked for pitch, type Lead in the input area. This will relate the dimension to the Lead parameter
Next, to define the section, draw a line from the section center to the center line of the gear as shown bellow.
Complete the helical sweep feature and when done the model will look like the image shown below.
Read More Hel p Topi cs Here
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