Mobile Health Mashups

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Mobile Health Mashups:

Making sense of multiple streams of wellbeing and contextual data

for presentation on a mobile device
Konrad Tollmar
, Frank Bentley
, Cristobal Viedma
Department for Communication Systems
Royal Institute of Technology
Stockholm, Sweden
[konrad, crvi]
Motorola Mobility
Libertyville, IL USA
[email protected]

Abstract In this paper we present the Mobile Health Mashups
system, a mobile service that collects data from a variety of
health and wellbeing sensors and presents significant correlations
across sensors in a mobile widget as well as on a mobile web
application. We found that long-term correlation data provided
users with new insights about systematic wellness trends that they
could not make using only the time series graphs provided by the
sensor manufacturers. We describe the Mobile Health Mashups
system with a focus on analyzing and detailing the technical
solution, such as: integration of sensors, how to create
correlations between various data sets, and the presentation of
the statistical data as feeds and graphs. We will also describe the
iterative design process that involved a 2-month field trial, the
outcome of this trial, and implications for design of mobile data
mashup systems.
Keywords-component; Health, Well-being, Mobile, Mash-up,
Data Visualization
A person wanting to improve their overall health and
wellbeing has many choices in understanding their current
condition and tracking their behavior over time to improve.
From traditional paper-based logs to a variety of specialty
devices and sensors, an individual can soon be overwhelmed
by all of the data that is collected. How does one make sense of
it in a way that can lead to positive behavior change? With just
two simple devices, an internet-connected scale and a step
counter, a wide variety of questions could arise: Do I actually
lose weight when I walk more? Do I walk more on particular
days of the week? etc. If you add contextual data such as
calendar free/busy data, location, and people around you, even
more questions can arise. How is my daily step count affected
by my calendar? When I go on business trips, do I gain or lose
Li et al argue that it is currently quite difficult for people to
discover these correlations about themselves. Even for those
who use tools like the Withings scale and Fitbit pedometer to
track their daily weight and step count, it is not possible to sees
trends between the two or to see how they interact on specific
days of the week, weekends vs. weekdays, month to month,
etc. without exporting the data into complex statistical
packages [13,14].
We set our goal to develop a tool that helped ordinary non-
technical people zoom out from this growing mountain of data
and identify the top correlations between data streams and
deviations from typical behavior. This paper will discuss our
system, the first (to our knowledge) consumer-focused
platform for automatically finding significant trends in long-
term wellness and context data, as well as summarise our
findings from a 2-month field study.
We see the mobile phone, a device almost always nearby,
as an ideal platform to use to help people reflect on their
wellbeing. Given that there will be high demands of
computational power for statistical analysis in order to
calculate the notifications, we had to design the system to cope
with the limited computational power and battery life-span of
mobile devices. Moreover, our system aims to help improve the
well-being of people from larger audiences, as such, it needs to
be implemented with a scalable architecture.
The paper will, after a brief related work section, put a
particular focus on detailing the technical solution of our
Mobile Health Mashup system, such as: the Mashup
architecture and collection of sensor data, the Mashup
algorithms used to create aggregated information through
correlations and deviations, and the presentation of the data on
mobile phones as feeds and correlation diagrams. Given the
scope of the paper we will not be able to include the detailed
analysis of our field trial, however the outcome of the design
and field study is presented in this paper as a set of
recommendations that could act as a guideline for mobile
health and well-being services. In addition, these findings are
also highly applicable to other systems that deal with multiple
data streams that interact in complex ways.
Collecting and making sense of multiple data streams has
been a longstanding problem in computing systems.
Representing data in a way that is useful for novice users to
understand has been approached in domains as broad as
understanding public governmental data [10] to the causes of
major industrial accidents [18]. Commercial financial services,
such as, aggregate data from multiple sources, but do
not perform statistical or contextual analysis of the data.
Hyland [10] explored systems to present mashups of
statistical governmental data to a wide range of users. He
writes about the problems of data aggregation including that
different data feeds are sampled at different rates, presented in
summarized forms that lose the rich data points needed for
finer statistical analysis, and the often incompatible data
formats between different agencies and data sets. These
problems have not gone away in the 15 years since his early
work in this domain, however the wide availability of data
through web interfaces and XML/JSON formats has made the
problem of data access easier. In the domain of Mobile
Mashups, Maximilien pointed out that the problems are
frequently outside of the realm of engineering and technology
but rather social, legal and political [15]. He argues that this is
due to the fact that Mobile Mashups impact directly on human
activities and social fabric. From an architectonic point of
view, Peenikal pointed out two styles of Web Mashups: Client-
based and Server-based [16]. Additionally, we can have a
combination of both styles where they are combined leveraging
on the advantages of each one. This architecture has been
previously used by Brodt and Nicklas in the TELAR Mobile
Mashup platform [2]. In this work we are also testing a similar
architecture that relying strongly on the server side for
computational calculations and the mobile terminal for
contextual sensing as well as presentation of the results with
graphs generated from another server.
Over the past five years, there has been a solid stream of
work on mobile well-being systems. Commercially, devices
such as the Fitbit and Nike+ sensors have allowed people to
sense their physical activity by measuring movements and
steps at a great level of detail. This data can then be uploaded
and studied on these companies web sites. Other devices such
as Philips Direct Life provide easy ways to understand daily
activity levels and provide simple suggestions on ways to be
more active throughout the day. Internet-connected scales such
as the Withings model are allowing people to easily keep track
of their weight and changes over time without the need for
manual log-keeping. However, almost all of these services do
not combine data from other devices nor provide any graphs,
insights, or suggestions to users based on the combination of
different well-being devices or contextual factors. Each sensor
is devoted to its own space in the interface.
In the research community there have been many
interesting studies that have utilized ICT to support health
behavior change for an individual. Based on their work with
Ubifit Garden and Houston, Consolvo et al have developed a
set of design guidelines for systems that support health
behavior change [4,5,12] for an individual. Anderson et al
developed a system called Shakra [1] in which users physical
activity is monitored using the GSM cell signal information. BJ
Fogg has also created a series of guidelines for behavior change
and has been exploring the mobile platform as a means to
encourage behavior change [8,9]. Li et al have developed a
system to display contextual information with related wellbeing
data in time-series graphs [13,14]. This system allows users to
remember specific single scenarios when trying to interpret
spikes or valleys in data such as step count or weight. We
believe that this is an important first step, but that long term
trends and correlations are still quite difficult to discover in
systems such as this, hence our focus on mining wellbeing and
contextual data streams for correlations and deviations over
months of data. In his PhD thesis [14], Li agrees and says that
correlation analysis of this data is difficult and another
research project.
There also exists a vast amount of related work in social
psychology and preventive medicine on the topics of data
logging and behavior change. Emmons & McCullough [7]
demonstrated in an experimental study that persons who kept
gratitude journals on a weekly basis exercised more regularly,
reported fewer physical symptoms, felt better about their lives
as a whole, and were more optimistic about the upcoming
week, this is also noted by Burke [3]. Kahn et al. [11] review
and evaluate the effectiveness of various approaches to increase
physical activity in preventive medicine. Kahn highlights the
complex dependencies that various information interventions
have with each other, and found that many sources of methods
and information need to come together more effectively to
create positive changes.
In summary, we realize that we need to scope our challenge
broadly in order learn and understand how to create a tool that
will help ordinary non-technical people to better understand
their wellbeing data. This is multi-faced challenge in finding a
working technical solution that fits and becomes accepted and
used by people in their everyday lives.
Our system consists of a Mashup Server that interfaces with
the well-being and contextual data from multiple data sources
for each user. The Mashup server performs a statistical analysis
across the data and presents user-specific findings in a mobile
phone widget. This widget then links to additional graphs and
data that users can explore to dig deeper into the details of their
well-being via a mobile web site. The mobile phone also
contains a service that runs in the background that (depending
on user privacy settings) uploads contextual data streams to the
Mashups Server.
We collect data from several sources as shown in Table 1.
For the commercial sensors, Withings and Fitbit, we used their
public APIs to collect data on weight, body fat, step count, and
sleep activities. A custom REST API was built on the Health
Mashup server in order to upload information coming from the
mobile background service that we built to collect information
such as hours busy per day in the calendar, location at a city
level, and daily intake of food and exercise input manually in a
secondary widget. Subsection A further describes the Health
Mashup architecture.
Each night, we perform a statistical analysis of the data for
each user and create a feed of significant findings per user. The
statistical analysis that we run includes deviations and
correlations of data with different time scales: daily, by day of
the week, weekly and monthly. However, different machine
learning algorithms could potentially be implemented to unveil
new findings such as clusters of similar life-styles and forecasts
of health conditions based on regression analysis with multiple
health features.
Currently, the feed of observations can include items across
data types such as On days when you sleep more you get more
exercise or items from a particular sensor: You walk
significantly more on Fridays. Since we perform the analysis
based on different time scales, it can include complex items
such as On Tuesdays when you do more exercise you sleep
Data Collected Source Type Sampling
Grams Daily
Body fat
Grams Daily
Step Fitbit Count Daily
Hours slept Fitbit Minutes Daily
Time Awoken Fitbit Count Daily
Busy time
1-5 scale
1-5 scale

Data from the feed is presented on a widget on each users
phone and is updated nightly by accessing an RSS feed on the
server. Only items deemed statistically significant are displayed
in the mobile widget and all items contain a plain text
confidence (e.g. possibly, very likely, etc.) that can help
users understand the confidence interval of the correlation. The
widget can be seen in Figure 1a.
From the widget, users can click on an individual item to
see a graph detailing that particular correlation or deviation.
They can also click on a More button to see the complete
feed. These graphs and the complete feed are served as a part
of the mobile website and are displayed in the mobile web
The graphs show all of the data points for a given
correlation or deviation (such as points of <Steps, Weight> for
each day), or plots of a sensor vs. time (such as weight per
day). The graphs are meant to better illustrate the correlation
and show users outliers or other points that can show the
overall strength of the correlation. The plot of weight for the
past several months can be seen in Figure 1b. From any graph
or from the full feed page, users can navigate to other graphs of
correlations and deviations or to other sensors over time.
We installed a second homescreen widget on our
participants phone that was used to manually log food and
exercise behaviors each day. While logging individual food
items and calories has been proven to be quite difficult to
maintain over time [4], we hoped for a simpler approach using
a 5-star rating. Since we were performing correlations on the
data, a set range was necessary and we were hoping to be able
to see patterns of activity and weight gain/loss based on these
coarse eating and exercise logs (e.g. On days when you eat
unhealthily, you gain weight/sleep more/etc.). Participants
were encouraged to use this feature at the end of the day as a
reflection on the days habits.
In our trial, participants were free to use the devices as they
would like and no constraints were imposed as a part of the
trial. However, if we did not see a particular sensor used in a
week or more, we did contact participants to ensure that a
device was not broken or lost. Since the wifi scale just involved
stepping on it and the Fitbit just needed to be clipped to pants
and charged once per week, we hoped that these devices would
be used quite regularly. We hoped that the widget on the home
screen of the device would encourage users to remember the
study and the devices that they had available to track their
Before exploring some of the technical implications from
the trial itself, we will focus on a more complete description of
the components of the system.

Figure 1. The widget (a) and the plot of weight (b) for the past few months.
A. Architecture and sensor data collection
The data collection method and tools can be divided into
three main groups. First we have external measurements from
two commercially available systems, Fitbit for step counts and
sleep data and the Withings Scale for weight and body fat.
Second, we collect contextual information from the phone. We
compute an estimate on busyness based on how many hours are
marked as busy on the phones calendar (which is often
configured to be an aggregation of work and personal
calendars). We also compute a travel metric based on how
many kilometers have been traveled during the day based on
the distances between city centers that were logged that day.
Thirdly, we provide a simple tool for manual logging of daily
food and exercise habits.
Both commercial services, Withings and Fitbit, provided a
public API that allowed us to gather the users data from their
sensors. These APIs required permission to access the data
which was obtained with user permission via OAuth on an
account setup website that we created. OAuth is a protocol that
allows users to share private information of one service with
another service. It works by providing tokens, instead of
passwords, that grant access to a specific service (e.g. Fitbit)
for a specific resource (e.g. just step counts and hours slept)
and for a defined duration (e.g. 6 months). Both commercial
systems were in the process of developing their APIs but access
was fairly robust once the system was implemented.
The server was a mid-size cloud computing resource. Data
was backed up incrementally every 15 minutes in an Amazon
S3 server and, additionally, full backups of all the information
were executed nightly.
Information gathered on the mobile devices was uploaded
to our Health Mashups database via a custom REST API. City-
level location data was cached on the phone and uploaded
hourly whenever a reliable network connection was available.
Calendar free/busy data was uploaded daily.
Each night, the statistical analysis and computational
calculations were performed on the server side as described in
the next section. The results from this analysis were accessible
from the phone via the above-mentioned Health Mashups API.
Figure 2 presents the overall architecture of the Health
Mashups Service.

Figure 2. Health Mashups server architecture. Information from all the
different sensors are mashed-up in the server. Afterwards deviations and
correlations are calculated and presented on the mobile..
B. Correlations and Deviations
Once per day we computed statistics and updated the users
feeds with the latest significant findings. We were interested in
both correlations across data streams and deviations from the
data in a given stream as we believed that these patterns were
hard for people to identify on their own and would lead to
useful insights about their wellbeing. We performed the
analysis based on four different time scales - daily, weekly,
monthly and by day of the week - across each of the nine
different sensor data feeds - weight, bodyfat, steps, sleep, times
awoken, food, exercise, events and location. All these data
sources have different characteristics and we wanted to explore
if and how these could be compared but also aggregated.
Different sensors data had different time scales, for
example the Fitbit reported the step count on a daily basis
while the busy time was reported from the mobile calendar in
hourly increments. In order to make meaningful correlations
and extract insights the data had to be normalized. Given that,
the minimum level of segmentation used was a day, so we
normalized the information on a daily level. Note that while
some data could be aggregated by summing its values on a
daily level, for example steps or busy hours, other data had to
be averaged, such as weight (if recoded more than once per
We generated a total of 36 different deviation analyses and
the correlations were calculated pair-wise between each of the
variables. That produced 45 different pairs that were tested
over the four different time segmentations producing a total of
180 different correlation analyses. All of these analyses were
performed every night for each of the users of the system in
order to provide new data to the participants each morning. As
such, it could include complex notifications such as On
Tuesdays when you do more exercise you sleep better.
For the correlations we used a Pearson correlation
coefficient threshold of 0.5. Any correlation with a lower value
was discarded and every notification included an indication of
how strong the correlation was. For the deviations we used
those that were more than one standard deviation from the
mean of the sample (e.g. On Tuesday you walked 3,000 fewer
steps than usual for Tuesdays.). For computing these statistical
measures we used a Ruby library called Statsample that
integrated easily with our web service.
C. Feeds
Based on the correlations and deviations, our Mashup
server produced an individual RSS feed for each user. As
mentioned earlier, there could be several correlation and
deviation notifications each day and only feed items that passed
a significance level were added to the feed. Moreover, we also
mixed the feed items based on the different time scales to get a
mix between daily alerts and significant correlations and
deviations that are steady over time. Since only three items
were visible on the widget (without clicking a more button),
we wanted to ensure that these items changed over time.
Once a new significant observation was identified, a new
feed item was created based on a number of templates that we
created. These templates were simple strings with place holders
for the actual data and, as such, could be easily translated into
multiple languages making the platform available to a broader
audience (our initial field study was conducted in Sweden and
The templates were different for each of the potential
deviations based on the sensor and the time segmentation and
included information regarding a users typical value and how
much above or below they were of that value. For the
correlations we had a template for each possible pair of
sensors. This template included placeholders for the
segmentation type as well as the kind of correlation (direct or
inverse). Additionally we had an indication of the strength of
the correlation with 3 possible values: Probable, Quite
probable and Very probable, see table 2 for details.
Message R Min R Max
Probably 0.5 0.69
Quite Probably t 0.7 0.89
Very Probably t 0.9 1.0

D. Visualizations
To let users explore the data we also created graphs of the
deviations and correlations for each of the segmentations,
making 324 different graphs available for each participant
which were updated nightly. As mentioned earlier, these
graphs were shown when clicking on an item on the widget
notifications feed or directly browsable from the mobile
website. Examples of the graphs can be seen in Figure 1b.
To test the Mobile Health Mashups concept, we followed
an iterative design process with several prototypes that the
research team each used in their daily lives as the system was
being created. This culminated in a two-month field trial of the
system in the daily lives of ten externally-recruited participants.
With this papers more technical focus, details of the study and
complete findings do not fit with in the scope of this paper;
however, we will summarize the outcomes of the field trial and
then move on to discuss some implications for the design of
mobile mashup systems.
A. Methods
We recruited ten diverse participants for the field evaluation
of the system in the summer of 2011. Four users lived in
Chicago and six were from Stockholm. They were between 25-
65 years old, comprising an equal mix of gender, as well as a
wide diversity of occupations and educational backgrounds
(from a police officer to a grad student).
The study was divided in two phases. For the first four
weeks of the study, participants used a Withings scale and
Fitbit in their daily lives and could use the websites provided
by the device manufacturers to follow their progress. During
this period we collected data to have a base that was used to
seed the correlations and deviations for the second part of the
trial. We also had participants call a voicemail system to leave
diary entries on any day that they had a new insight about their
After the first month we installed our mobile widget/app on
the participants phones. We also installed the contextual
logging services including calendar free/busy data upload, city-
level location sensing, and the manual food/exercise logging
widget. For the final four weeks of the trial, participants were
asked to continue to use the scale and Fitbit, as well as the new
services as they would like in their daily lives.
During the study we logged accesses to the mobile web site
(both desktop and mobile) to better understand the use of the
graphs, feeds, etc. In addition, we also have a log of all data
uploaded from the sensors themselves including weight, steps
per day, hours sleeping, times awoken during the night, city-
level location per day, calendar free/busy data per day, and any
manually logged food and exercise data. We also collected
qualitative data from surveys and interviews with the
participants at three times, in the beginning of phases 1 and 2
and in the end as well as through voicemail and email diaries.
From the website logs and initial survey data, we performed a
quantitative analysis to better understand how the system
worked and a grounded-theory based affinity analysis of the
qualitative data.
B. Setup and configuration
One of the first things we noted was how difficult it was for
almost all participants to configure the system and give the
system credentials to read data from different information
providers into the system. Without help from the research team,
most of our participants would not have managed the series of
authentication screens to connect the accounts, especially in
connecting the Withings scale, which had a more complex
means of access using a token granted on the Withings site that
had to be pasted into our configuration page. However, beside
these initial problems most of the data collection technically
worked well throughout the study. The findings from the study
rather point towards motivations and social factors as stronger
reasons for how data was and wasnt collected. We will expand
upon this in the next section.
More problematic was the information gathered on the
mobile device. For familiarity, we wanted the participants to
use their own mobiles. We also wanted to ensure that users had
full control over what data (e.g. calendar or location) was being
logged and when. This involved the possibility to stop and halt
the service. Many participants chose to stop location or
calendar logging at points during the trial and then did not re-
enable it.. Several of the users commented that after a battery
drain or a restart of the phone they were unsure of how to get
the services up and running again. While we displayed an icon
in the notification tray while data was being logged, not all
participants noticed this and at times this created gaps in the
collected data when the service would not be active,. This
points to the need for notifications and reminders to
participants when particular data feeds into the mashup system
have not received new data for several days.
To allow participants to see the status of the data that was
collected, we provided a table on the mobile website that
indicated which data sources had data reported for each day.
The values in the table could also be altered to complete
missing data following the guidelines in [5]. However none of
our participants visited this page and hence did not change or
enter new data.
C. Use
Quantitatively, there was a significant difference in the
amount of use of the website between the two countries.
Participants in Sweden accessed the mobile website on average
70 times over the month while participants in Chicago only
accessed the site an average of 10 times (t=3.0, p = 0.027).
Participants in Sweden also walked more than twice as much
each day as participants in Chicago (10792 steps vs. 5147
steps, t=3.5, p = 0.01). Other well-being data did not differ
significantly between the two locations. Across both cities,
users who walked more per day were more likely to use the
mobile website (r=0.666, p=0.035).
The sensors themselves were also not used as much as we
had expected. Participants frequently reported not weighing
themselves regularly as they did not want to see their weight
after a day of heavy eating or sedentary activity. Participant C2
told us, If I dont weigh myself then I wasnt that weight,
and, You dont want to admit that you had fast food for two
different meals in one day. Participants also reported not
wanting to wear the fitbit on certain occasions or with certain
types of clothing. These factors of use need to be considered
when deigning systems for health/wellbeing logging as the data
collected will likely be sparse, making daily comparisons
across sensors difficult.
D. Sensor data collection
In order for our system to operate well and provide accurate
correlations and deviations to our users, it is necessary to have
as much data as possible from multiple inputs on the same day.
We then need examples of good, bad, and average days in
order to find patterns. However, many of our study participants
did not use the devices with this regularity, making the overall
feeds less interesting and reliable.
Because of the lack of consistent use of each of the sensors,
at times the system provided contradictory information on
subsequent days as new data was received. This was an
obvious problem for some participants that lead to a reduced
trust in how well and reliably the system could interpret the
health data. Most participants didn't see the connection between
the amount of data that was supplied with the quality and
accuracy in correlations and deviations.
This leads to new problems in how to handle sparse data
but, as noted above, we wanted in this phase of the study to
understand the natural and normal use of health sensors. Even
with reduced use of the sensors, we were able to calculate a
number of significant correlations and deviations for each user
on a daily basis. Typically 3-10 significant items could be
calculated for each user, the majority being deviations (e.g.
Yesterday you walked significantly more than normal).
The lack of data represents typical usage in daily life.
Naturally, reminders could be sent out and information can also
be labeled with a quality estimate. However this would not
likely solve the issues of missing data when users are having
bad days and simply do not want data recorded. Some data may
also vary rather dramatically from day to day, like steps, so a
correlation that might have been positive one day could swing
negative with a few strong examples on the other side in the
following days (especially if sensors are only used
occasionally). What remains clear is that more adaptive ways
of computing and presenting the correlations and deviations are
E. Reading Feeds
As we discussed above, the main goal of the feed was to
make some rather complex data and correlations easy to
understand and place them in a single location, i.e. the mobile
phone home screen. As the widget was on the home screen of
the device, there is no easy way of measure how many times
the user actually looked at the widget itself or for how long.
However, based on data from the qualitative interviews and
voicemails we identified several themes.
Overall, participants found certain entries in their feeds to
be interesting and they were able to learn a bit more about
themselves through the widget and mobile website. For
example, one participant was able to piece together two feed
items from one day that told her that when she eats more she
sleeps more but also that when she sleeps more she exercises
more. Thus for her, eating more (i.e. enough) could lead to
healthier sleep and thus a desire to be more active the next day
and feel better overall.
Simple forms of data representations were valuable and
often more appreciated than detailed graphs. Although
participants viewed the graphs (more in Sweden than the US),
none of the insights that they made in the second half of the
study came from the graphs. They all came from the feed items
themselves and understanding these feed items in their daily
lives. For example, one participant saw that she gained weight
on Mondays. She thought about this and realized that it was
because she went to her moms house every Sunday for a very
heavy fried Southern meal and dessert.
In this study we focused on the individual and how to
improve the everyday wellbeing by learning how different
health factors interplay. We noticed significant differences in
the types of feed items that different users received. As an
example, for some, exercising more meant losing weight, but
for others it meant gaining weight as they usually followed up a
run with an extra large meal as a reward. This validates the
need for personal mashups that are unique to each user and
illustrates how various aspects of wellbeing and context work
together in each users own unique life.
F. Explore Visualization
Our initial hypothesis was that the feeds would invoke
interest to further explore the data and that users would click on
an item in the widget and study a graph detailing that particular
item on our mobile website. This didn't happen to the extent
that we hoped (especially in the American group although the
Stockholm group averaged 70 views).
The text in our feed items worked for our users and boiled
down a great deal of statistical data and data streams into a
simple sentence written in plain English. Our users did not
need graphs and in fact became a bit confused when actually
digging into the graphs behind the feed items (a common issue
was that graphs of correlations do not have a time axis and thus
are harder for many to interpret). While the text only allowed
users to scratch the surface of the rich data that our system
collected, perhaps these simple one-sentence summaries are all
that is necessary for awareness of a particular wellbeing
pattern. However, beyond the feed item itself, our users wanted
recommendations of what they could do to improve on the
areas that the system identified. We would argue that these
recommendations should also take the form of small text
snippets that make clear and crisp statements that are easy to
read and understand, much like the feed items themselves.
G. Summary
Our participants used the system in a variety of ways and
were able to extract different amounts of value from the items
presented in the feeds on the mobile phone. Participants were
able to learn new facts about how aspects of their long-term
well-being are affected by their context that they could not
discern from the visualizations from each sensor alone in the
first half of the study. Over all participants, we observed that
8/10 lost weight during the study, averaging 1.6kg.
To capture another aspect of the systems impact we
collected a well-being score for the Stockholm participants (the
Chicago group did not complete this questionnaire) based on
the WHO-5 Well-Being Index
. We observed an increased
well-being index over the study for all participants (anova
p=0.05), and we noted a weakly significant correlation between
the WHO-5 index and the activity level (r= 0.79, p=0.059).
This suggests that combining HCI methods with established
medical surveys could be a useful design tool when designing
ICT supported health systems.
We have learned a great deal about how systems should be
architected to better fit with the ways that people actually use
these types of sensors in their daily lives. In this section will we
discuss how this learning could be used to improve ours and
similar systems.
A. Feeds for visualizations and feedback
While the mashup data presented in the feed was seen as
useful to our participants, they wanted additional raw sensor
data presented to them as well so that they could see their latest
progress in a weight loss or steps goal. This need to balance
presentation of raw data with aggregated data needs to be
explored in greater detail.
New and different forms of mini-visualizations and
feedback are needed in the feeds to make them more engaging
and provide a glanceable view of recent progress. This is in line
with theories from information visualization research [17] and
health visualization [4]. One possible way to display rich data
in the small real estate of a phone widget is by using a concept
called a Sparkline explored by Tufte [17].
B. Sparse data samples
Missing data is a major problem in creating reliable
correlations and deviations. Several participants asked us what
it actually meant that two items are correlated. We learned that
our participants were not able to understand the coupling of the
quality and accuracy of the correlations and deviations with
how much data they have provided into the system for those
sensors in the same time period (e.g. to make a correlation
between steps and weight on a daily basis, there need to be
days with both reported). This indicates that there is a need to
label the feed items (i.e. correlations and deviations) with some
quality or quantity indicators. Confidence and correlations
values will probably not make sense for people in general so
here again we could use a Sparkline to indicate when the
quality goes up and down as a function on how much data is
feeding into a particular calculation. Further information could
explain the data needed for a given calculation (e.g. that steps
and weight need to be reported on the same day to be useful for
the daily correlation) to better educate the user as to how the
system works and their role in providing data to produce
accurate end results.
We also learned that social factors play an important role in
how data was and wasnt collected. Reminders, data summaries
for the major sensors, and quality indicators could probably fix
some of these problems. However we also became rather
convinced during the study that this will not plug all the holes.

Rather it is also needed to find new ways to compute
correlations and deviations on sparse data samples. This could
be done for example by using multiple time scales where more
data across attributes is present, ranking based on quality
indicators, and by preference and user interest that is learned by
how the system is used (for example what types of feed items
are selected as favorites). Finally, algorithms that take into
consideration that lack of data often signifies negative values
could help correct for the positive bias in data reporting and
sensor use.
C. Mashups normalization
In order to support these types of statistical mashups, APIs
for data access should support new types of queries for
accessing and aggregating specific types of data. In order for
our system to work, we had to import all of the raw data from
each of the sensors into our system for analysis. This may not
always be practical or desired. Often, we only needed summary
data which each of the individual services could have provided
more efficiently. Through this research, we have identified a
need for additional data access methods and have implemented
these in the Indivo X system
for personal health data. While
our system does not currently rely on Indivo X, with these
changes anyone could build a similar system on top of a
personal health record. As an example, the GluBalloon
team at
the Health and Wellness Innovation event at the MIT Media
Lab used these new querying methods to implement an
application for diabetes that tracked multiple aspects of
wellbeing with sensors and contextual data.
These data access methods seek to define the range of data
and the method by which to normalize it. For example, when
wanting to correlate weekly step counts with weekly weights
two arrays are needed. The first, an array of total step counts
for each week, needs to sum all steps for each day of that week
and return a list with elements for every week within a range.
The second, an array of weight for each week, needs to average
any weigh-ins for each week and then return a list with
elements for every week within the range.
In the end, we see a need for three parameters in
performing queries for data that are used in mashup systems
like this. First, there is a need for an aggregation segmentation.
This is the time range covered in each element of the returned
array. For example by week, hour or day. Secondly, there is a
need for an aggregation function. This describes how to
combine the data that exists over each aggregation range. For
example, steps or hours slept need to be summed, but weights
need to be averaged. Finally, there is a need for the overall data
range that is to be queried. This can be accomplished with a
start and end time.
D. Mobile app versus mobile web
By storing data in the web service, we were able to create a
much more powerful mashup service that is visible on both the
web and from multiple mobile devices (e.g. phone, tablet,
laptop, etc.). If we had performed the mashups on an individual
device, all data would have to be shared with all other devices

in order to make this cross-device access possible. It is simply
more efficient to access data and calculate mashup data in the
cloud where fast and relatively low-power access to Internet-
based data sources is available. Because of this, any device can
access the platform no matter the OS or form-factor without the
need to rewrite all of the presentation logic on each platform.
However, there is still a need for native applications for
tasks such as the mobile widget and the background data
reporting which cannot be creating using todays web
technologies on mobile devices.
E. Security
When storing and analyzing personal health and wellbeing
data, security must be a central concern. For one entity to hold
all of this data across sensors and context could lead to issues if
the data was ever subpoenaed or hackers were able to access
the combined database. This problem is relevant to other data
mashup services such as with financial data. The
utmost care must be taken to ensure that specific account
details cannot be reconstructed should there be a breach in the
database. Also, if raw data is not stored on the mashups server,
but aggregated data is requested from individual data collection
services as discussed above, there is less risk if the server
should be compromised as only data summaries will be visible
and not, for example, detailed time-stamped location data.
F. Related services
In this paper, we have studied mashups for health and
wellbeing data, however our architecture and findings can be
applied to other domains where combined and aggregated data
could lead to an increased understanding of more complex
phenomena. One example could be transportation where
factors like time, traffic, safety, experienced utility, and cost
could be combined and lead to new insights in how to deal with
personal transportation [18]. This could benefit both the
individual as well as society and make it possible to interact
with and understand a complex system. Other areas such as
personal finance, energy use, and pain management could also
benefit from this approach.
Our exploration with the Health Mashups system has
demonstrated how combinations of well-being sensor data and
contextual data can help people to understand their overall
well-being in new ways.
We have described an architecture that supports easily
interfacing to new sensors or contextual attributes and a
Mashup Server that computes correlations and deviations on
the data that it ingests as well as presents a view for users on
mobile phones or the full web.
In the field trail we note that our participants were able to
learn new facts about how aspects of their long-term well-being
are affected by their context that they could not discern from
the visualizations from each sensor alone in the first half of the
study. However, our system was not perfect and we have
learned a great deal about how systems should be architected to
better fit with the ways that people actually use these types of
sensors in their daily lives. We hope that other systems
designers look to the successful aspects of the system as well as
the challenges around sparse data population, visualizations
that provide further explanations of the data, and providing
actionable suggestions when designing new systems that
aggregate and analyze multiple data streams.
We would like to thank our participants for their time and
feedback, Fitbit for providing early access to their sensor
platform, and Wireless@KTH and Motorola for financial
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