The document is a contents page for Issue 17 of the local development plan regarding affordable housing. It lists representations submitted by various organizations, including Homes for Scotland and Diageo Scotland Ltd, as well as supporting documents. Homes for Scotland and Diageo Scotland argue that the affordable housing policy needs modifications to account for development viability. While the planning authority agrees some clarification is needed, it believes the policy provides enough flexibility case-by-case and that developers should already factor in affordable housing requirements.
The document is a contents page for Issue 17 of the local development plan regarding affordable housing. It lists representations submitted by various organizations, including Homes for Scotland and Diageo Scotland Ltd, as well as supporting documents. Homes for Scotland and Diageo Scotland argue that the affordable housing policy needs modifications to account for development viability. While the planning authority agrees some clarification is needed, it believes the policy provides enough flexibility case-by-case and that developers should already factor in affordable housing requirements.
The document is a contents page for Issue 17 of the local development plan regarding affordable housing. It lists representations submitted by various organizations, including Homes for Scotland and Diageo Scotland Ltd, as well as supporting documents. Homes for Scotland and Diageo Scotland argue that the affordable housing policy needs modifications to account for development viability. While the planning authority agrees some clarification is needed, it believes the policy provides enough flexibility case-by-case and that developers should already factor in affordable housing requirements.
The document is a contents page for Issue 17 of the local development plan regarding affordable housing. It lists representations submitted by various organizations, including Homes for Scotland and Diageo Scotland Ltd, as well as supporting documents. Homes for Scotland and Diageo Scotland argue that the affordable housing policy needs modifications to account for development viability. While the planning authority agrees some clarification is needed, it believes the policy provides enough flexibility case-by-case and that developers should already factor in affordable housing requirements.
Homes for Scotland (CLDP041k) GVA James Barr for Diageo Scotland Ltd. (CLDP061b) Dollar Community Council (CLDP077d) Muckhart Community Council (CLDP174h)
3. Supporting Documents
CD001 Scottish Planning Policy (February 2010) CD012 Planning Advice Note 2/2010 - Affordable Housing and Housing Land Audits (August 2010) CD016 Letter from Chief Planner 'Planning for Affordable Housing' (15th March 2011) CD039 Proposed Supplementary Guidance 5 - Affordable Housing (November 2013) CD050 Clackmannanshire Council Housing Needs and Demand Assessment 2011 CD051 Clackmannanshire Council Housing Needs and Demand Assessment Summary 2011 CD053 Clackmannanshire Housing Strategy 2012-2017 SD16 Homes for Scotland (CLDP041k) - Cover Letter SD18 GVA James Barr for Diageo Scotland Ltd. (CLDP061b) - Supporting Statement SD19 GVA James Barr for Diageo Scotland Ltd. (CLDP061b) - Supporting Documentation
Page 2 of 5 Issue 17 Affordable Housing Development Plan reference: Policy SC2 - Affordable Housing (Page 38) Reporter: Body or person(s) submitting a representation raising the issue (including reference number):
Homes for Scotland (CLDP041k) GVA James Barr for Diageo Scotland Ltd. (CLDP061b) Dollar Community Council (CLDP077d) Muckhart Community Council (CLDP174h)
Provision of the development plan to which the issue relates: Policy detailing how Affordable Housing will be delivered through the LDP. Planning Authoritys summary of the representation(s):
Homes for Scotland (CLDP041k) believe that the Policy should be re-written as it is currently confusing. It is unclear whether the policy kicks in for all residential developments above 1 housing unit or if there is another threshold between 1 unit and 20 units. It is unrealistic to require the affordable element to be fully completed and made available for occupancy before the final 25% of the open market housing is released for sale. The affordable housing element is usually subject to the availability of Scottish Government funding and the delivery of market housing can not be delayed because of this. The Chief Planners letter dated March 2011 (CD016) is clear on this and this requirement of the policy is an unnecessary burden, which penalises market housing providers, and must be removed. SPP (paragraph 87) (CD001) makes clear reference to the importance of development viability.
GVA James Barr for Diageo Scotland Ltd. (CLDP061b) believe that the Policy should be modified to include provision for the removal or reduction of developer contributions and affordable housing on sites where there is a development viability justification for doing so. In this context, there should be a clear provision for affordable housing to be removed or reduced for housing development that is being delivered on brownfield and that has additional financial burdens via the Development Plan or abnormal costs.
Dollar Community Council (CLDP077d) welcome and support this Policy and the associated Supplementary Guidance SG5 (CD039).
Muckhart Community Council (CLDP174h) support this Policy.
Modifications sought by those submitting representations:
Homes for Scotland (CLDP041k) believe the Policy should state at what threshold the policy is expected to start; the requirement in the third bullet point that the affordable housing element is fully completed before the last 25% of the market housing be removed; a bullet point inserted recognising the importance of the development viability of a site and how the Council will assess this, especially with regard to cumulative impact of developer Page 3 of 5 contributions on the viability.
Suggest the policy wording is replaced with that below: Residential development, including conversions, consisting of 10 or more units should include provision of an affordable housing contribution amounting to an equivalent of 25% of the total number of units proposed. Whenever practical, the affordable housing should be integrated with and indistinguishable from the market housing.
If the provision of the affordable on-site is not possible the Council will seek off-site provision. Failing that and in appropriate circumstances, a commuted sum will be required from developers.
The details of provision, including tenure, house size and type, will be a matter for agreement between the developer and the Council and based upon local housing need and individual site characteristics.
Supplementary Guidance sets out how the Council aims to implement the above policy in line with the provision of the SPP and PAN 02/2010.
GVA James Barr for Diageo Scotland Ltd. (CLDP061b) want the Policy to be modified to include provision for the removal or reduction of affordable housing on sites where there is a development viability justification for doing so.
Summary of responses (including reasons) by Planning Authority:
In relation to Homes for Scotland's (CLDP041k) points, it is considered that the Policy clearly states that on-site provision of affordable homes will normally be sought on sites of 20 or more units (as per PAN 02/2010) (CD012) or for 1 hectare or more of land. On sites smaller than this, a commuted sum will be sought. No changes are therefore sought to the LDP.
It is accepted that there may be instances where a requirement for all of the affordable element of a housing development to be completed and made available for occupancy before the final 25% of the open housing market is released for sale may not be practical. This could include cases where the affordable element is being spread throughout the development or where the housing developer has transferred land to a third party who are responsible for delivering the affordable housing. PAN 02/2010 paragraph 28 (CD012) states "Where the development of a large site is phased, the implications for the supply of affordable housing should be considered. For example, it may be appropriate to include some affordable housing in each phase or to allow solely market development in the first phase in order to generate a positive cash flow where this can be justified. It may be appropriate to address these issues in a development brief and in any legal agreement associated with the planning permission.". If the Reporter is therefore minded, bullet point three could be amended to identify that the phasing of the delivery of any affordable housing element will be considered on a site by site basis and identified as Page 4 of 5 part of a development brief or masterplan or through the conditions or agreements attached to any planning permissions for the development.
Homes for Scotland (CLDP041k) and GVA James Barr for Diageo Scotland Ltd. (CLDP061b) both request recognition of the importance of the development viability of a site and changes to the Policy wording to acknowledge this, with GVA James Barr suggesting that the Policy could include provision for the removal of the requirement for affordable housing on sites where there is a development viability justification for doing so.
PAN 02/2010 (CD012) recognises that this as an issue and advises at paragraph 27 that "Planning authorities will also need to be aware of other issues which may affect the viability of developing a site. In some cases there may be a requirement for the developer to either provide or make a financial contribution to other major supporting and infrastructure elements, such as a new school or expansion of an existing school, drainage and road improvements. On particular sites there may be high costs to remediate contamination or address poor ground conditions. In determining an application, local authorities may consider all these issues and the strategic priorities for a site holistically. This will be particularly the case where the developer can demonstrate and clearly justify that there are exceptional costs, unknown when the initial offer of purchase was made, which render the development of the site unviable as originally proposed.".
Policy SC2 refers to provision being "...determined according to...local circumstances..." and that "...the nature of these contributions will vary from site to site...". There is therefore scope to vary the level of contribution based on this, but, as PAN 02/2010 (CD012) advises, consideration of such issues and the strategic priorities for a site holistically will be considered at the planning application determination stage.
It is expected that developers will take into account the affordable homes requirement as part of their viability considerations and reflect this in their offer to purchase land. As PAN 02/2010 (CD012) states, only where exceptional costs which were unknown when the initial offer of purchase was made arise, and can be demonstrated and clearly justified, may levels of provision may be re-negotiated.
Clackmannanshire Council has undertaken a detailed HNDA (CD050 & CD051) which has been confirmed by the Scottish Government as robust and credible. The HNDA shows that, at the date of the assessment, there was a significant shortfall in the provision of affordable housing in the area, resulting in a need for 454 affordable and 118 private houses each year. In the current climate, this is not considered to be realistic and achievable, therefore the LHS (CD053) recognises the outstanding need to provide additional affordable housing and it identifies a housing supply target of 31 affordable housing units per year within the LDP area. The need for affordable housing will therefore continue to be greater than overall supply over the period of the Local Development Plan (LDP) which increases the importance of maximising the provision of affordable housing on each site. No changes are sought to Page 5 of 5 the Plan as variations to the provision of affordable housing will be determined at the planning application stage, on a site by site basis, and be fully demonstrated and justified. The wording of Policy SC2 allows for this.
Dollar and Muckhart Community Council's support for this Policy is noted.