This document discusses competencies for human resources (HR) professionals. It identifies six key competency domains for effective HR professionals based on research: 1) being a strategic positioner by understanding external business trends and translating them into organizational decisions, 2) being a credible activist who inspires change, 3) being a capability builder to develop individual and organizational talents, 4) being a change champion who leads organizational transformation, 5) being an HR innovator and integrator who shapes culture and processes to improve organizational change capacity, and 6) being a technology proponent who leverages digital tools. HR professionals must master these competencies to add value as strategic partners.
This document discusses competencies for human resources (HR) professionals. It identifies six key competency domains for effective HR professionals based on research: 1) being a strategic positioner by understanding external business trends and translating them into organizational decisions, 2) being a credible activist who inspires change, 3) being a capability builder to develop individual and organizational talents, 4) being a change champion who leads organizational transformation, 5) being an HR innovator and integrator who shapes culture and processes to improve organizational change capacity, and 6) being a technology proponent who leverages digital tools. HR professionals must master these competencies to add value as strategic partners.
This document discusses competencies for human resources (HR) professionals. It identifies six key competency domains for effective HR professionals based on research: 1) being a strategic positioner by understanding external business trends and translating them into organizational decisions, 2) being a credible activist who inspires change, 3) being a capability builder to develop individual and organizational talents, 4) being a change champion who leads organizational transformation, 5) being an HR innovator and integrator who shapes culture and processes to improve organizational change capacity, and 6) being a technology proponent who leverages digital tools. HR professionals must master these competencies to add value as strategic partners.
This document discusses competencies for human resources (HR) professionals. It identifies six key competency domains for effective HR professionals based on research: 1) being a strategic positioner by understanding external business trends and translating them into organizational decisions, 2) being a credible activist who inspires change, 3) being a capability builder to develop individual and organizational talents, 4) being a change champion who leads organizational transformation, 5) being an HR innovator and integrator who shapes culture and processes to improve organizational change capacity, and 6) being a technology proponent who leverages digital tools. HR professionals must master these competencies to add value as strategic partners.
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1. Human Resources (HR) profession....................................................................................2
1.1. HR as a profession in Sri Lanka.........................................................................................2 1.2. Importance of HR profession in present Sri Lankan context..............................................3 1.3. How HR can help in organiational excellence..................................................................3 2. !ompetencies that inspire HR professionals......................................................................" 2.1. !ompetenc# num$er one% &eing a strategic positioner......................................................" 2.2. !ompetenc# num$er two%!re'i$le (cti)ist.......................................................................* 2.3. !ompetenc# num$er three%!apa$ilit# &uil'er...................................................................+ 2.". !ompetenc# num$er four%!hange !hampion...................................................................., 2.-. !ompetenc# num$er fi)e%Human resource Inno)ator an' integrator................................. 2.*. !ompetenc# num$er six%/echnolog# 0roponent..............................................................11 3. 2anagement (ctions to $uil' these competencies in Sri Lankan HR managers..............11 ". !onclusion........................................................................................................................13 -. References.........................................................................................................................1" 1 | 0 a g e 1. Human Resources (HR) profession /oo man# top management people still i'entifie' human resources (HR) profession as non strategic function that creates onl# costs to the organiation rather than contri$ute for maximiation of profits. 3ften most emplo#ees think HR as their enem# an' HR as non )alue creating function that onl# ser)e to the management. /he# e)en use to criticie the HR functions an' their professionalism as most of the emplo#ee sur)e#s resulte' more criticism o)er the HR 'epartments as the# often think that HR people are the most $lesse' working in comfort one. &ut in to'a#4s $usiness context HR professionals ha)e to pla# lea'ing role as a strategic partner in an organiation. (Dharmasiri A.S, 2004) 5nlike mere strateg# implementer in the past6 to'a# the HR profession shoul' mature to the le)el of $oth strateg# maker an' implementer. Hea' of HR shoul' $e one of the ke# component of the senior management team who is responsi$le with formulate HR strateg# aligne' with $usiness goals. HR is re7uire' to i'entif# as a front en' function in the organiation. Hence HR as a profession has to $e re'efine' to make more )alue to the profession as well as to make HR professional aware a$out their profession6 their role in an organiation6 )alues an' their competencies6 in or'er to impro)e as a more effecti)e profession which impact on $usiness performance as well. 1.1. HR as a profession in Sri Lanka If we consi'er the role of HR $ack in 1.*1s to 1.,14s it re)ol)e' aroun' transactional operations with an a'ministrati)e orientation. It was i'entifie' as a $ack office function in an organiation. /he functions of HR such as recruitment6 selection an' hiring6 pa#roll6 grie)ance han'ling an' emplo#ee relations were consi'ere' in isolation. (t that time there was no 'eman' for HR 7ualifications an' hence ex%pu$lic sector a'ministrati)e emplo#ees an' law#ers ha' a 'eman' to $e emplo#e' as personal managers. Howe)er 'uring the past two 'eca'es this situation has change' as professionall# 7ualifie' people with HR competencies ha)e $een emplo#e' to HR positions with the expansion of HR e'ucation in uni)ersities an' professional $o'ies. 8e can see especiall# in corporate sector in Sri Lanka has $een gra'uall# shifte' from personal management to human resources lea'ership. /his mo)e helps HR emplo#ees to earn recognition in the organiation. /hough the pace of transformation is slow9 HR 'epartments in man# large organiations ha)e re)isite' their role an' reoriente' it to $e a partner to $usiness6 supporting $usiness goal achie)ement. 2 | 0 a g e 1.2. Importance of HR profession in present Sri Lankan context If we concern a$out the present scenario in Sri Lanka as a emerging econom# which creates massi)e opportunities after long lusting war an' 'estruction6 with the )ision of $eing miracle of (sia6 the countr# nee's to ha)e long term plans in or'er to achie)e growth an' 'e)elopment. In achie)ing these goals an' to face the challenges $oth the pu$lic sector an' pri)ate sector nee' to ha)e skill full workforce that una$le the organiations to formulate an' implement the strategies. Hence in this $ooming economic situation of the countr# HR professionals ha)e lot to 'o with formulating an' implementing HR strategies an' make sure the# are aligne' with the respecti)e goals in or'er to go forwar' as a countr#. 1.3. How HR can hep in or!ani"ationa exceence /op le)el managers shoul' alwa#s think a$out how to participate HR people in strateg# formulation process rather than onl# think that HR is onl# for 'o the tra'itional HR acti)ities such as staffing an' compensation. Hence HR shoul' $e 'efine' as a entirel# new role $# not what it 'oes $ut what it 'eli)ers which results enhance the organiation4s )alue to its stake hol'ers such as customers6 in)estors an' emplo#ees. (5lrich6 1..,) (s per :a)i' 5lrich6 HR can help 'eli)er organiational excellence in four wa#s; First, HR should become a partner with senior and line managers in strategy eecution, helping to mo!e planning "rom the con"erence room to the mar#etplace. Second, it should become an epert in the way wor# is organi$ed and eecuted, deli!ering administrati!e e""iciency to ensure that costs are reduced while %uality is maintained. &hird, it should become a champion "or employees, !igorously representing their concerns to senior management and at the same time wor#ing to increase employee contribution' that is, employees( commitment to the organi$ation and their ability to deli!er results. And "inally, HR should become an agent o" continuous trans"ormation' shaping processes and a culture that together impro!e an organi$ation(s capacity "or change 2. Competencies that inspire HR professionas )Any good HR pro"essional wants to be better. &his begins with a desire to impro!e, "ollowed by a clear understanding o" what it re%uires to impro!e.* (5lrich6 :.6 2112) 3 | 0 a g e HR as an emerging new profession6 there is approximatel# one million HR professionals in all o)er the worl' an' count on. Hence it is important to 'efine this new profession what it means to $e effecti)e. &ecause nowa'a#s HR effecti)eness is highl# consi'ere' $# the lea'ers of the $usiness organiations as well as nonprofit organiations as the# recognie the in'i)i'ual a$ilities (talent)6 organiation capa$ilities (culture) an' lea'ership are ke# to their successes. /herefore HR professionals are nee'e' to $e $ecome insightful a')isers an' architects on these matters.(5lrich6 :.6 2112) Since 1.,+6 :a)e 5lrich an' his colleagues are con'ucting a research an' ha)e i'entifie' the skills that 'etermine effecti)e HR professionals. (ccor'ing to :a)e 5lrich6 the research has a strong empirical foun'ation with rigorous statistical anal#ses6 a glo$al sample6 an' a measurement approach focuse' on personal an' $usiness performance. /he 'ata on HR professionals ha' $een collecte' in partnership with man# lea'ing HR professional associations. /his has resulte' in glo$al 'ata from o)er 216111 respon'ents an' *-1 organiations. /his 'ata comes from line managers < HR an' non%HR associates who rate' HR professionals on 13. $eha)ioral an' knowle'ge%$ase' competencies. (s per :a)e 5lrich6 this research is important $ecause it 'efines what it means to $e an effecti)e HR professional; not =ust knowing the $o'# of knowle'ge that 'efines the profession6 $ut $eing a$le to appl# that knowle'ge to $usiness challenges. In this research the# ha)e i'entifie' six 'omains of competencies that HR professionals shoul' essentiall# a'here in or'er to $e personall# effecti)e an' ha)e an impact on $usiness performance. 8ith this as $ackgroun'6 each of the six 'omains of HR competence captures the role an' responsi$ilit# of HR professionals in creating )alue. 2.1. Competenc# num$er one% &ein! a strate!ic positioner )High+per"orming HR pro"essionals should thin# and act "rom the outside+in.>(5lrich6 :.62113) (s 5lrich explains6 the# are 'eepl# knowle'gea$le of external $usiness tren's an' a$le to translate them into internal organiation 'ecisions an' actions. (5lrich6 :.6 2112). /he# shoul' ha)e goo' o)erall knowle'ge of the $usiness that the# in)ol)e in6 $asicall# un'erstan' an' ha)e the a$ilit# to speak the language of finance. ?now where the mone# flows. In the same time the# shoul' un'erstan' the e)er changing glo$al $usiness context inclu'ing social6 technological6 economic6 political6 en)ironmental an' 'emographic tren's " | 0 a g e an' create )alue for their ke# stake hol'ers $# strategicall# positioning with consi'ering the impact $# sai' $usiness con'itions on in'ustr# an' the geograph#. /he# shoul' target an' ser)e ke# customers of their organiations $# segmenting customers6 knowing customer expectations6 an' aligning organiation4s actions to meet customer nee's. /he# also co%create their organiation4s strategic response to $usiness con'itions an' customer expectations $# helping frame an' make strategic an' organiation choices. 3utsi'e%in thinking results increasing ten'enc# for organiations to select functional managers to lea' their HR functions consi'ering the# ha)e the a$o)e 'escri$e' skills in or'er to $e strategic partner. (s an example an organiation can appoint their marketing manager as hea' of their HR thinking that the# $ring a wi'er arra# of exposure in $usiness an' the# know how to utilie human resources in line with acute $usiness nee's. 8e see man# such examples in Sri Lankan $usiness contest as well. Sri Lankan HR professionals 'emonstrate an increasingl# higher ten'enc# with regar' to $eing strategic. /his is particularl# true in the pri)ate sector6 especiall# in the multinationals. &ut the real issue arise here is 'o the# reall# can manage human resources@ /he# ma# reall# goo' in strategicall# positioning to achie)e organiational goals $ut ma# not $e goo' in utiliing human resources as it is a separate art that the# are lack of it. /his situation sometimes lea's to conflicts $etween the emplo#ees an' the management as well. Aor example one of author of this paper has $een emplo#e' one of the lea'ing $ank in the countr# an' HR 'epartment of that $ank consist mostl# $# the other professionals who starte' their career in the $ank as attorne#s6 accountants6 cre'it executi)es. /he $ank is recentl# face' lot of losses 'ue to frau's happene' in the $ranches that people who has ser)e' more than fi)e to ten #ears are responsi$le for those frau's in almost e)er# time. /his is $ecause the $ank has no clear transfer polic# that HR people 'o not make it count as the# are lack of knowle'ge of HR. (n' another scenario is weakness of grie)ance han'ling. (lmost e)er# emplo#ee $elie)es that HR of this particular $ank is weak in that area too. In organiation there are se)eral line managers who ha)e excellent knowle'ge in relating to their fiel'. &ut most of them 'o not strategicall# $eha)e. 8hole organiation tries to achie)e one )ision an' mission. Hence HR professional shoul' carr# those line managers with the organiation expectation. In Sri Lankan context HR professionals are engaging in mi''le le)el management.HR professionals 'o not in)ol)e in strategic 'ecision making in most pri)ate sector companies. - | 0 a g e In Sri Lanka there are onl# two hun're' ninet# three companies registere' un'er !olom$o stock exchange. 2ost of the other companies are sole proprietors6 partnerships pri)ate limite' an' limite' lia$ilit# companies. So the strategic 'ecisions are planne' an' taken $# the owners.HR professional in)ol)e in limite' areas in 'ecision making. Liste' companies HR professional are more power full an' knowle'gea$le than the pri)ate limite' compan# as most of the annual reports ha)e shown their HR strategies6 corporate social responsi$ilities in separate chapters. 2ost of the HR professionals in Sri Lanka are aca'emicall# 7ualifie' $ut the# are not 7ualifie' un'er professional $o'#. /herefore the# ha)e limite' opportunit# to in)ol)e in strategicall# in $usiness en)ironment. !ompanies must tr# to persua'e HR professionals to follow professional courses as well as aca'emic courses. /hen HR professional can collecti)el# take strategic 'ecision with other professionall# 7ualifie' people without an# hesitation. 2.2. Competenc# num$er two%Cre'i$e (cti)ist HR professional shoul' ha)e interpersonal skills6 $ecause the# act as mi''le le)el managers in an organiation. !re'i$le acti)ist highl# impact to perception of HR effecti)eness. If HR professional $uil' goo' relationship with its emplo#ees6 it will $e result to enhance the trustworth#. HR profession shoul' communicate well with the emplo#ee to $uil' proper relationship. Language6 0aralanguage an' $eha)ioral pattern of the HR professionals help to $uil' goo' relationship with emplo#ees. HR professional shoul' more close to their emplo#ees like their line managers. /hen emplo#ees will moti)ate an' the# 'iscuss their pro$lems with the HR $efore taking 'ecision. In Sri Lankan context HR professionals are highl# 'eal with the other emplo#ees. /he main =o$ role of HR professional is recruit an' selection6 /raining an' 'e)elopment6 0erformance appraisal an' fee'$ack6 carrier an' succession planning6 emplo#ee relation. /herefore HR profession can4t $e work without in'epen'entl#. He shoul' $e in'epen'ent an' work $est to the organiation. /ra'e unions in organiations are more powerful therefore HR professional must $uil' goo' relationship with union also. If the HR professional fails to 'o so tra'e unions will $a'l# affect to the organiation acti)ities. * | 0 a g e In Sri Lanka go)ernment sector most of the recruitments are $ase' on political influences. /herefore HR professionals can4t $uil' goo' relationship an' trustworth# among the emplo#ee. /herefore strikes an' struggle arise in go)ernment sector. Bxample; 2inistr# of Health recruite' so man# emplo#ees $ase' on minister4s influence. So those emplo#ees can4t con'uct through general rule an' regulation. HR professionals are una$le to $uil' trustworth# among those emplo#ees. In pri)ate companies also some emplo#ees $uil' relationship with top management an' the# 'o not concern a$out HR professional gui'ance. (s an (sian countr# in heritance our people woul' like to $e a special than the others. So it is more important to intro'uce strong rules an' regulation to control emplo#ees. If there is legal power to the HR profession then he can $uil' goo' relationship with emplo#ees an' $uil' trustworth#. (nother issue is that most of the repute' organiations in Sri Lanka ha)e intro'uce' grie)ance han'ling proce'ure to their staff for the purpose of $enefiting them to $e more open to the management with their issues. (ccor'ingl# the grie)ance han'ling committees ha)e $een appointe' $ut the real issue is emplo#ees ha)e fair fear of coor'inate with them as these committees consist with more HR staff an' emplo#ees alwa#s ha)e 'ou$t a$out their cre'i$ilit#. !re'i$le acti)ist is greatest impact an in'i)i'ual performance of HR professionals as percei)e' $# their line an' HR (ssociates. 2.3. Competenc# num$er three%Capa$iit# &ui'er HR profession can con'uct capa$ilit# au'it an' enhance the capa$ilit# of the organiation inclu'e customer ser)ice6 spee'6 7ualit#6 efficienc#6 inno)ation an' colla$oration. !apa$ilit# represents what the organiation is goo' at known for. HR professionals shoul' $e a$le to au'it an' in)est in the creation of organiational capa$ilities. /hese capa$ilities outlast the $eha)ior or performance of an# in'i)i'ual manager or s#stem. /he main primar# role of HR participant is HR planning strateg# affirmati)e relation then important role is recruiting an' training communication. So HR professional must recruit capa$le can'i'ates from the structure' selection proce'ures. /hen those selectors must train an' 'e)elop to achie)e organiation o$=ecti)e. /o 'o that HR professional must ha)e o)erall i'ea of the organiation an' goo' relationship among the 'epartment hea' otherwise it will 'ifficult to i'entif# capa$le emplo#ee. + | 0 a g e In Sri Lankan context9 HR professionals are not highl# in)ol)e in strategic 'ecision making process. /he# con'uct emplo#ee relationship task. /herefore the# are una$le to $e capa$ilit# $uil'ers. /o $e a capa$ilit# $uil'er the# shoul' ha)e proper un'erstan'ing a$out their $usiness an' acti)ities6 achie)ements an' targets of the $usiness. In one wor' HR profession must comforta$le a$out their $usiness )ision. Bxample9 HR manager of the !e#lon Blectricit# &oar' shoul' $e an engineer. /hen he can un'erstan' what t#pe of emplo#ee shoul' recruit or select for affor' future challenge in the $usiness. HR professions as a capa$ilit# $uil'er must plan training an' 'e)elopment program as well as he shoul' 'e)elop career an' succession plan to 'e)elop capa$ilities of the emplo#ees. /o 'o these tasks $u'getar# restriction are the $ig challenge for HR professionals. (s a 'e)eloping countr# )er# few well esta$lishe' companies reser)e satisfactor# fun's to 'e)elop capa$ilit# of the emplo#ees. Howe)er HR professional is knowle'gea$le as well as he has o)erall i'ea a$out the $usiness he can $uil' capa$ilit# of the emplo#ees. Aurther HR professional has soun' knowle'ge9 he can un'erstan' re7uire' capa$ilit# to the $usiness. /hen he can recruit6 'e)elop proper la$or force to maximie organiation o$=ecti)e. 2.*. Competenc# num$er four%Chan!e Champion /his has $een a nee'e' competenc# for man# long #ears. (s per 5lrichCHR professionals make an organiation4s internal capacit# for change match the external pace of change. HR profession initiate change $# $uil'ing a case for wh# change matters6 o)ercoming resistance to change6 engaging ke# stake hol'ers in the process of change an' articulating the 'ecisions to start change6 the# sustain change $# institutionaliing change through ensuring organiational resources6 'esigning organiation structures6 facilitating s#stematic communications an' continual learning. /he change can $e 'one in three le)el institutional6 initiati)e an' in'i)i'ual le)els. (ccor'ing to Lewin4s change process there are three steps unfreeing6 mo)ing6 an' refreeing. /heoreticall# change process is comforta$le $ut practicall# it is complex. ( change culture is not eas# for HR profession $ecause it affect to internal an' external parties ps#cholog#. So change in in'i)i'ual le)el is more practica$le in Sri Lanka context. (s an (sian we 'o not like change. &ut HR profession shoul' in)ol)e in change. 8hen it necessar# to compete with other $usiness. HR professionals ha)e a$ilit# to change , | 0 a g e organiation than other managerial le)el6 $ecause HR professionals are the people who 'eal with most of the emplo#ees than other managerial le)el. !hange the organiation create new en)ironment it will help to 'o 'a# to'a# tasks easil#. &ut at inauguration people will face 'ifficulties. So HR profession must engage in more an' more grie)ance han'ling. Bxample9 5ni)ersit# of !olom$o intro'uce fi)e CS> concept in #ear 2112D13./he# spen' consi'era$le amount of mone# to success this concept. Howe)er emplo#ees 'i' not concern a$out this concept an' the# 'i' not in)ol)e continuousl#6 $ecause their attitu'es were not change' $# the management. So that concept $ecame a white elephant. !hange of the $usiness shoul' $e effecti)e. Bmplo#ee shoul' re7uest the change or emplo#ee shoul' con)ert to recognie those change. HR professional is the most practica$le person who can gui'e emplo#ee to those changes. So HR professional must $e change champion. He shoul' know the su$se7uent result of the change an' coul' take correcti)e action if there is an# 'e)iation. 2.+. Competenc# num$er fi)e%Human resource Inno)ator an' inte!rator (nal#e histor# of the $usiness6 forecast the future of the $usiness then HR professional 'eci'e what t#pe of human capital the# nee'6 how the# want to perform6 organiation 'esign an' communication pattern. Inno)ators are not followers9 Inno)ati)e things shoul' not $e ineffecti)e. HR professional as an inno)ator a'' competiti)e a')antage to the $usiness. &usiness performance highl# 'epen's on inno)ation an' integration. HR professional can increase inno)ati)e an' integration acti)ities un'er following wa#s9 3ptimiing human capital through work force planning an' anal#tics :e)eloping talent Shaping organiation an' communication practices :ri)ing performance &uil'ing lea'ership $ran' If competitor tr# to follow the inno)ation intro'uce $# HR professional or in in'ustr# that inno)ation concern as $ench mark then the HR professional can satisf# that he has 'one success inno)ation to the compan#. . | 0 a g e In Sri Lanka most of the organiation6 HR professional is tr#ing to $e inno)ator an' integrator through intro'ucing new concept6 'e)eloping talent6 'ri)ing performance. HR professional is inno)ati)e he can create high pro'ucti)e workforce. Bxample9 /he 5ni)ersit# of Sri Ea#ewar'enepura6 'epartment of marketing intro'uce' team concept an' the# use' terms like team lea'er for 'epartment hea'6 team of marketing for :epartment of marketing. So this concept was popular among the other 'epartment also. In Sri Lanka there was lack of opportunit# to 'o inno)ati)e things6 $ecause most of the emplo#ees like tra'itional customs. /he# 'on4t like change an' the# 'e%moti)ate inno)ators an' integrators. So when $eing an inno)ator an' integrator he must ha)e masculine $eha)ioral pattern. 2.,. Competenc# num$er six%-echnoo!# .roponent /o'a# $usiness en)ironment is technolog# intensi)e. /echnolog# re'uces the cost an' keeps the accurac#. /echnolog# proponent impact to high $usiness performances6 $ut it is the lowest impact factor to the HR effecti)eness. Human Resource Information S#stems wi'el# expan' in all o)er the worl'. Aurther Bnterprise Resource 0lanning (BR0) s#stems also impact to an organiation HR profession. In Sri Lankan context liste'6 high turno)er companies use BR0 s#stem therefore HR profession of those companies are more effecti)e than the other companies. Bxample9 2ost small pri)ate companies tr#ing to 'e)elop necessar# Human Resource Information S#stems4 (HRIS) to facilitate their routine tasks. Howe)er in future all the organiation HR profession shoul' $e technolog# proponent. HR professionals use information technolog# to impro)e utilit# of HR operation6 connecting people through technolog# for learning6 inno)ati)e acti)ities an' le)eraging social me'ia tools. HR professional as a technolog# proponent is not highl# impact to HR effecti)eness $ut to re'uce cost of the organiation it is essential that HR professional to $e a technolog# proponent. 3. /ana!ement (ctions to $ui' these competencies in Sri Lankan HR mana!ers In Sri Lankan context of Human resources management onl# )er# few organiations ha)e concerne' a$out the competenc# $uil'up in their HR staff as the# ha)e i'entifie' what is the 11 | 0 a g e role of HR professional in the =ourne# of achie)ing their organiational goals as a whole. Hence it can $e suggeste' to the top managements of the Sri Lankan organiations to a'opt following elements in or'er to ha)e skill full6 capa$le6 an' efficient HR professionals in their organiations. Competenc# Su!!este' /ana!ement actions Strate!ic positioner %Bncourage the existing HR staff to $e 7ualifie' in professional exams con'ucte' $# rele)ant go)erning $o'# an' recruit new Staff who ha)e $oth aca'emic an' professional HR 7ualifications. %2ore in)ol)ement of the HR staff in strategic 'ecision making process. %Look at HR practices an' see the extent to which the# reflect customer expectations. %Share customer information among the HR staff. Bxample9 Frant access to the organiation !R2 s#stem. %In)est consistent weekl# an' monthl# time in un'erstan'ing $oth general an' in'ustr# specific $usiness tren's. 0u$lications like the Ainancial /imes6 an' Har)ar' &usiness Re)iew pro)i'e a goo' o)er)iew. %2ake HR staff knowle'gea$le a$out the o)erall $usiness an' $usiness units from where the mone# flows in to the $usiness. Cre'i$e acti)ist /his is all a$out attitu'es of the HR professionals towar's other staff. In most of Sri Lankan firms it can $e seen that there are acti)ists in HR teams $ut not such cre'i$le as expecte'. /he# are una$le to influence people in positi)e wa#. Hence in or'er to change these attitu'es of HR professionals management can measure whether HR staff ha)e these capa$ilities an' nominate them to necessar# training programs. Capa$iit# $ui'er /he management shoul' empower an' facilitate the HR professionals to con'uct capa$ilit# au'its in or'er to make sure that line managers recognie the importance of an organiation4s capa$ilities in sustaining an organiation4s success. Chan!e champion In Sri Lankan context this is a crucial role6 as t#picall# most of the times people 'on4t like for changes. Resistant to change is the $iggest challenge that the HR professionals ha)e to face as a change agent. Hence ac7uiring the knowle'ge an' the skills are )er# important to act effecti)el# as change champion. /he management can implement following elements to 'e)elop the competenc#. %B'ucation an' training. /here are some uni)ersities an' professional institutes an' pri)ate consultanc# 11 | 0 a g e agencies are con'ucting change management programs. So management can 'eplo# their potential HR staff for these training programs. %Intro'ucing a Support S#stem Aor HR executi)es functioning as change agents6 there is often no one insi'e the 3rganiation to talk to. /he issues are often too strategic or too sensiti)e to 'iscuss openl#. ( support s#stem shoul' inclu'e people who know the nature of change agent4s work an' the satisfactions6 stresses an' risks associate' with it. Human resource Inno)ator an' inte!rator In Sri Lankan context of HR management this competenc# is )er# rare $ecause HR professionals usuall# use' to practice what others 'o. In or'er to integrate inno)ati)e HR practices effecti)el# with the $usiness pro$lems6 HR professionals must know latest insights on ke# HR practice areas relate to talent sourcing6 talent 'e)elopment6 performance management6 work an' organiation 'esign. Hence management shoul' take necessar# actions such as in)esting on participation for the HR forums6 workshops con'ucte' $# repute' international HR professionals. -echnoo!# .roponent /echnolog# is $eing change' rapi'l#. 2ost $ig organiations use BR0 s#stems an' HRIS to make their HR professionals efficient mainl# in their a'ministrati)e works. !ommunication is )ital for HR professionals to sta# connecte' with the staff mem$ers as well as the customers. In Sri Lanka onl# large organiations use technolog# in HR management. 2ost of the firms still 'o lot of a'ministrati)e works such as pa#roll processing $# manual. Hence management shoul' intro'uce more technolog# an' empowere' HR professionals with necessar# technolog# in or'er to pro)i'e effecti)e ser)ice to the organiation. *. Concusion :espite all the contro)ersies it4s e)i'ent that most of the companies ha)e not #et realie' the importance of HR in reaching their organiations )isions6 an' as 'iscusse' one cannot $lame either the HR or the other top management since unlike other 'epartments success of HR 'epen's with the contri$ution of rest of the 'epartments of an organiation. Six 'omains of HR competence 'escri$e the re7uire' area for a HR professional to $e focuse' on in 'e)eloping their skills an' how it can $e transferre' to enhance the organiation performance $ut what reall# matters for e)er# HR professional is where the# coul' actuall# gain this knowle'ge in accor'ance to their specific in'ustr# an' practicall# appl# their knowle'ge in work link in accountanc# an' marketing. /hus this in'icates wh# out of all the professions HR has not #et $een a$le to create certain norms an' policies 12 | 0 a g e compare' to other professions since HR has more practical approach compare' to other professions. /herefore HR professionals nee' to know an' 'o to $ecome $etter an' more effecti)e 'eli)er )alue to emplo#ees6 organiations6 customers6 in)estors6 an' communities. Sri Lankan HR professionals shoul' criticall# look at their current le)el of a$o)e six competencies. It is not $lin'l# following what 5lrich sa#s6 $ut to appropriatel# a'apt to suit our re7uirements. /he# nee' to $e more culturall# sensiti)e an' sociall# responsi)e. 8hilst ha)ing a $len' of tra'ition an' technolog#6 what is re7uire' is to 'eli)er results. 5lrich4s ultimatum will $e urgent for all HR professionals in such a context. +. References &urnes &.6 G?urt Lewin an' the 0lanne' (pproach to !hange; ( Re%appraisalG6 Eournal of 2anagement Stu'ies ("1;* Septem$er 211")6 2anchester6 211". :harmasiri6 (. Strategic 3rientation of HR 0rofessionals; !ompetencies an' 3pportunities. :ail# A/6 Ae$ruar# +6 2111. :harmasiri6 (. 5lrich4s ultimatum. :ail# A/6 (pril 2,6 211". :harmasiri6(. Strategic 3rientation of HR 0rofessionals; !ompetencies an' 3pportunities. :ail# A/6 Ae$ruar# +6 2111. Human Resource !ompetenc# Stu'# H /he R&L Froup. 211". Human Resource !ompetenc# Stu'# H /he R&L Froup. I3JLIJBK ()aila$le at; http;DDhrcs.r$l.netD. I(ccesse' 12 Septem$er 211"K. HR 0rofessionals 2againe. 211". HR 0rofessionals 2againe. I3JLIJBK ()aila$le at; http;DDhrprofessionalsmagaine.comD. I(ccesse' 13 Septem$er 211"K. 3patha6 H.H.:.J.06 211+. Relationships $etween Human Resource 2anager%relate' Aactors an' 0ractice of Strategic Human Resource 2anagement in Sri Lankan Liste' Airms. Sri Lankan Eournal of Human Resource 2anagement6 I3nlineK. 16 +1%,+. ()aila$leat;http;DDpersonnelhrmaca'em#.comDp'fDRelationshipsL21$etweenL21HR L212anager.p'f I(ccesse' 2. (ugust 211"K 5lrich6:. (2112). HR "rom the ,utside -n. Si /ompetencies "or the Future o" Human Resources. 1 B'ition. 2cFraw%Hill. 13 | 0 a g e 5lrich6:. (1..,). Jew 2an'ate for Human Resources. Har!ard 0usiness Re!iew. Eanuar#DAe$ruar#6 +* (1) pp.12"%13" 5lrich6 :. (1...). :eli)ering results; ( new man'ate for human resources 0rofessionals. &oston6 2ass; Har)ar' &usiness School 0ress. 5lrich6 :.9 Bichinger6 R. (1..,). :eli)ering HR with an attitu'e. HR 2againe 1" | 0 a g e