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Dr. P. M. Armenante
New Jersey Institute of Technology
September 8, 2014

Pharmaceutical Unit Operations: Processing of Liquid and Dispersed-
Phase Systems
PhEn 603

Term: 2014 Fall Semester

NJIT Course Title: Pharmaceutical Unit Operations: Processing of Liquid and
Dispersed-Phase Systems

NJIT Course Number: PhEn 603, Section 101

Course Day and Time: Monday, 6:00 - 9:05 p.m.

Classroom: Kupfrian Hall, Room 103, NJIT

Course Instructor: Piero M. Armenante, Ph.D.
Distinguished Professor of Chemical Engineering
Director, Pharmaceutical Engineering Program
New Jersey Institute of Technology
Otto H. York Department of Chemical, Biological and
Pharmaceutical Engineering
Newark, NJ 07102

Office: YCEES Building - Room 120
Telephone: (973) 596-3548; Mobile: (908) 347-8734 (preferred)
Fax: (973) 596-8436
E-Mail Address: piero.armenante@njit.edu

Instructors Office Hours:
Monday and Wednesday, 5:00-6:00 pm (meetings will likely take place in 150 Tiernan Hall
CBPE Departmental Office) or by appointment. Students are strongly encouraged to contact
Prof. Armenante via e-mail to arrange for a meeting. Please note that Prof. Armenante will not
be available for consultation when he is on business travel.

Teaching Assistant (TA): Ms. Lu Zhang, Ph.D. Candidate in Chemical Engineering; Office:
YCEES 328. Telephone: 973-596-8445; E-mail: lz74@njit.edu

TAs Office Hours: Monday and Tuesday, 4:00-5:00 pm, or by appointment. Meetings
with the TA will likely take place in the TA office in 322A Tiernan

Course Notes, Textbooks, and Other Reference Material:
Course Notes: Armenante, P. M., 2014, Pharmaceutical Unit Operations: Processing of
Liquid and Dispersed-Phase Systems: Course Notes. The Notes are duplications of the
overheads used in class. The Notes are available on the internet and can be accessed using
the procedure described below.


Textbooks: The following books are suggested but not required as textbooks:
- McCabe, W. L., Smith, J. C. and Harriott, P., Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering, 7

Edition, McGraw-Hill, New York, 2005.
- Am Ende, D. J. (Editor), Chemical Engineering in the Pharmaceutical Industry, John Wiley
& Sons, Hoboken, NJ, 2011.
Additional reference books (also not required):
- Lieberman, H. A., Rieger, M. M., and Banker, G. S. (eds.), Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms:
Dispersed Systems, Vol. 3, Marcel Dekker, New York, 1998.
- Allen, L. V., Popovich, N. G., and Ansel, H. C., Ansels Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms and
Drug Delivery Systems, 9
Edition, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Publishers, 2010.
[Remark: this is the textbook used in PhEn 601].
- Michel Levin (ed.), Pharmaceutical Process Scale-Up, Marcel Dekker, New York, 2001.
A list of additional reference books is attached.

Availability of Course Notes, Homework Assignments, Textbook, and References:
Pharmaceutical Unit Operations: Processing of Liquid and Dispersed-Phase Systems: Course
Notes will posted on the internet as PDF files (i.e., you will need Adobe Acrobat to read and
print them). The Course Notes can be downloaded from the NJIT website using Moodle.
Students can either access Moodle directly (http://moodle.njit.edu/) and follow the
instructions there, or go through Highlander Pipeline as follows:
1. Go to http://my.njit.edu and login using your UCID
2. Click on the My Courses tab
3. Click on the link towards the bottom of the screen for NJIT Moodle Rooms: Click
here to access your course in Moodle
4. You will automatically be logged into NJITs new Moodle server
5. Locate your course and click on the link with the course title
6. If at any time you are experiencing problems and are unable to log in please let the
helpdesk know at 973-596-2900.
Homework assignments will be posted weekly through Moodle
The textbook can be made available from the NJIT bookstore (973/596-3200;
njit@bkstr.com) or from the publishers
Additional material (reading material, etc.) will be distributed in class. For additional
information, please contact Prof. Armenante
Most additional references (not required as textbooks) as well as the textbooks are
available in most university libraries, including the NJIT library.

Course Prerequisites:
PhEn/PhB Students: PhEn 601; and successful completion of the bridge program (PhEn
500, PhEn 501 and PhEn 502) if required in the students admission conditions, as well as
any other undergraduate-level courses, if any. PhEn/PhB students who do not have these
prerequisites will have to drop the course. [Remark: PhEn/PhB students who are not
required to take the bridge course, do not need to take bridge courses, of course]
Non-PhEn/PhB Students: PhEn 601 (recommended but not required). Students with
appropriate engineering backgrounds (e.g., ChE, BME) do not need to have taken the bridge
courses to take this course. Students with non-engineering background should nevertheless
have the appropriate background in math (up to differential equations), mass and energy
balances, fluid flow, heat transfer, and mass transfer in order to be able to follow the
course. Therefore, they should talk to Prof. Armenante to make sure that they are
adequately prepared for this course before taking it.

Course Objective: This course is one of the common core courses for the Pharmaceutical
Engineering and Biopharmaceutical Engineering MS Degree Programs. The main objective of
the course is to examine methodologies, both applied and fundamental, to analyze and scale up
pharmaceutical manufacturing processes involving liquid and dispersed-phase systems, such as
liquid and multiphase mixing, sterilization and sanitation, filtration, centrifugation and others.


The emphasis is primarily on the engineering aspects of the pharmaceutical processes
examined in the course.

Course Description: This course covers state-of-the-art pharmaceutical processing involving
primarily liquid and dispersed-phase systems, identifying underlying chemical process
engineering principles and providing quantitative approaches to drug product manufacturing
process design and optimization.

Course Outline by Topic Areas: Chemical/pharmaceutical development activities; sterilization
and sanitation processes, aseptic manufacturing; sedimentation; centrifugation; filtration;
processing of liquid and dispersed-phase systems; liquid mixing and dispersion fundamentals;
liquid mixing dispersion calculations; solid-liquid suspensions; liquid-liquid dispersions;
equipment selection and scale-up for homogeneous and dispersed-phase systems.

Course Learning Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
Identify, categorize, and describe the most relevant industrial operations and equipment
encountered in the pharmaceutical industry to process liquids and dispersed phase systems
Construct and assemble mathematical models (typically based on mass, energy and
momentum balances) best suited to analyze the performance of each process and
equipment components
Identify critical parameters for the operation of the process and its equipment, device
experiments to extract them from lab/pilot scale equipment, and analyze the results to
quantify them
Select, preliminarily design, size, and scale-up equipment needed to achieve the desired
process objectives
Examine, assess, and compare different equipment and process alternatives to achieve
optimal desired process objectives.

Course Requirements:
Examinations: Two exams, i.e., a midterm exam and a final exam
Homework: Assigned by the instructor at the end of each classes
Quizzes: Possibly, several very short quizzes on homework just completed
Projects: One, or possibly two, short projects will be assigned after the midterm
exam (see below for details)

Grading Policy*:
Midterm exam* ................................ 38%
Final exam* ....................................... 38%
Homework and quizzes ..................... 12%
Projects ............................................. 12%
Total ................................................ 100%

(*) Students performing very poorly on the exams will fail the course irrespective of their
performance in the homework and projects, as specified below.

Course Final Grade: a tentative guideline for the assignment of final grades is the following:

Cumulative Points Overall Grade
85-90 to 100% A
70-75 to 85-90% B/B+
60 to 70-75% C/C+
50 to 60% D
0 to 50% F


The grade of "D" is not assigned to students taking graduate courses. Students averaging a
cumulative point score corresponding to a D in the above table could receive either a C or an
F, depending on their overall performance.

Please remember that this is only a guideline designed to help the students understand how
they are performing in the course. Dr. Armenante will feel free to change the grading scale
(both ways) when assigning the final grades.

Important Remark: Each exam (midterm and final) will be graded on a point scale from
0 to 100 (100 points in an exam=38% of the final grade; see above). However, failing to
achieve a combined average of at least 55/100 in the two exams will imply failing the
course (F grade) irrespective of the points obtained through the homework and the
projects. In other words, students who perform extremely poorly in the exams will not
be able to use the homework and the projects to pass the course. If this minimum
requirement is satisfied, the final grade will be assigned based on the grading policy
outlined above.

a calendar of exams is included in the Course Outline given below;
all exams are typically 3 hours long unless otherwise stated;
all exams are typically open-book and open-note. However, changes could be made and
will be announced by the instructor prior to the exams;
the final exam will be on all material covered throughout the course (although the main
emphasis of the exam will be on the material covered after the midterm exam);
make-up exams will only be given to students who cannot attend the regular exam time,
and only under documented and extraordinary circumstances. In any case, no student will
be allowed to take a make-up exam unless he/she has the prior consent of the instructor. If
a student will simply not come to an exam, the exam grade will automatically be zero.

Homework: it will be assigned at the end of each class period, collected the following week at
the beginning of the class period, and returned the week after that. No late homework will be
accepted. The homework problems will be posted on the internet and can be retrieved by the
students as described previously for the Course Notes. If appropriate (typically for quantitative
problems) homework solutions will be posted on the internet (as described for the Course
Notes) after the homework has been collected.
Important: Previous experience has clearly shown that those students who do not work
on the assigned problems (or at least seriously try to solve them) typically perform very
poorly on the exams.

Homework Grading: The homework will be graded using a simplified grading scale, i.e., 0 (no
or minimal effort); 5 (intermediate effort); 10 (significant effort). Any questions regarding the
homework grade should be discussed with the instructor.

Quizzes: Very short quizzes focused on selected homework assignments could possibly be
given immediately after a particular homework assignment is completed and collected.
Typically, a quiz will consist of a problem similar to one of the problems in the homework
assignment that was just completed. Quizzes could be used to determine whether the student
will earn the points associated with that assignment or not.

Projects: Every student will complete one, or possibly two, small projects, which will be
assigned after the midterm exam and collected on the day of the final exam. The first project
will consist of critically reviewing (critiquing) 2 papers published in scientific journals (as if the
papers had been submitted for publication to the student). The papers will have to be related
to each other and to be within the scope of the course. The students will be asked to write a
short review of the papers. The student will have to justify whatever conclusions he/she may


reach. The second project (if assigned) will consist of a small design problem for a case study
assigned by the instructor. The problem will be open-ended to allow each student to come up
with his/her own original design.

Class Attendance: As with all graduate courses at NJIT, attendance is not mandatory, but
strongly recommended. Experience shows that students who do not regularly attend class
typically perform poorly in the course. In addition, examples are worked out during the
lectures. These examples are not in the Course Notes. Students are responsible for all material
covered in class.

Time Commitment: Students are expected to allocate some three to six hours per week to
study and work on the assignments for this course.

Students with Disabilities: NJIT adheres to Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act (ADA) of 1990.
Appropriate accommodations are provided at no cost to the student. Additional questions
should be directed to Dr. Phyllis Bolling, Center for Counseling and Psychological Services (C-
CAPS), Campbell Hall, (entry level), Room 205, (973) 596-3420. For further information, visit the
Student Disability Services website.

Code of Conduct and Academic Integrity: The NJIT University Code on Academic Integrity,
found at http://www.njit.edu/academics/integrity.php, will be followed. The Code is being
upheld on all issues related to the course. Students are expected to be familiar with the code
and conduct themselves accordingly.

Important Dates According to NJIT Calendar (Fall 2014):
Sep 01 Monday Labor Day
Sep 02 Tuesday First Day of Classes
Sep 06 Saturday Saturday Classes Begin
Sep 08 Monday Last Day to Add/Drop a Class
Sep 08 Monday Last Day for 100% Refund, Full or Partial Withdrawal
Sep 09 Tuesday W Grades Posted for Course Withdrawals
Sep 15 Monday Last Day for 90% Refund, Full or Partial Withdrawal - no refund
for partial withdrawal after this date
Sep 29 Monday Last Day for 50% Refund, Full Withdrawal
Oct 20 Monday Last day for 25% Refund, Full Withdrawal
Nov 03 Monday Last Day to Withdraw
Nov 25 Tuesday Thursday Classes Meet
Nov 26 Wednesday Friday Classes Meet
Nov 27 Thursday Thanksgiving Recess Begins
Nov 30 Sunday Thanksgiving Recess Ends
Dec 10 Wednesday Last Day of Classes
Dec 11 Thursday Reading Day 1
Dec 12 Friday Reading Day 2
Dec 15 Monday Final Exams Begin
Dec 20 Saturday Final Exams End

Additional important dates are available on the web at the following site:


Course Outline (Fall 2014)

Week Date Topic
1 September 8 Introduction
Chemical/Pharmaceutical Development
Sterilization and sanitation processes
2 September 15 Sterilization and sanitation processes
3 September 22 Mathematical modeling of sterilization
4 September 29 Mathematical modeling of sterilization
5 October 6 Filtration
6 October 13 Math of Filtration
7 October 20 Midterm exam
8 October 29 Exam review
Math of Filtration
9 November 3 Sedimentation
10 November 10 Sedimentation
11 November 17 Processing of liquid systems
12 November 24 Liquid mixing and dispersion
13 December 1 Liquid mixing and dispersion
Solid-liquid suspensions
14 December 8 Scale-up of equipment for dispersed-phase
15 December 15 Final exam

Important: It is conceivable that some changes in the above outline will take place, depending
on the overall performance of the class and the time actually required to cover the most
important subjects of the course.


Additional References
The United States Pharmacopoeia & The National Formulary. The Official Compendia of
Standards, USP 37NF 32, Pharmacopeial Convention Inc., 2014.
ISPE Baseline Pharmaceutical Engineering Guides (the following volumes are available
from ISPE; www.ispe.org):
- Water and Steam Systems
- Commissioning and Qualification
- Packaging and Warehousing
- Bulk Pharmaceutical Chemicals
- Oral Solid Dosage Forms
- Sterile Manufacturing Facilities
- Biotechnology
- R&D Facilities
- Oral Liquids and Aerosols
Am Ende, D. J. (Editor), Chemical Engineering in the Pharmaceutical Industry, John Wiley
& Sons, Hoboken, NJ, 2011
Michael Levin (ed.), Pharmaceutical Process Scale-Up, 3
Ed., Informa Health Care, New
York, 2011.
Allen, L. V., Popovich, N. G., and Ansel, H. C., Ansels Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms and
Drug Delivery Systems, 9
Edition, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Publishers, 2010.
[Remark: this is the textbook used in PhEn 601].
Hickey, A. J. and Ganderton, D., Pharmaceutical Process Engineering, Marcel Dekker,
New York, 2001.
Banker, G. S. and Rhodes, C. T., Modern Pharmaceutics, 3
Edition, Marcel Dekker, New
York, 1995.
Lieberman, H. A., Rieger, M. M., and Banker, G. S. (eds.), Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms:
Dispersed Systems, Vol. 1 (1996); Vol. 2 (1996), Vol. 3, (1998), Marcel Dekker, New York.
Lieberman, H. A., Lachman, L. and Schwartz, J. B. (eds.), Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms:
Tablets, Vol. 1 (1989); Vol. 2 (1990), Vol. 3 (1990), Marcel Dekker, New York.
Avis. K. E. Lieberman, Lieberman, H. A., and Lachman, L. (eds.), Pharmaceutical Dosage
Forms: Parenteral Medications, Vol. 1 (1991); Vol. 2 (1992), Vol. 3 (1993), Marcel
Dekker, New York.
Cole, G., Pharmaceutical Production Facilities: Design and Applications, 2
Taylor & Francis, 1998.
Avis, K. E. and Wu, V. L. (eds.), Biotechnology and Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing,
Processing, and Preservation (Vol. 2), Interpharm Press, 1996.
Armenante, P. M. and A. Kirpekar, Chapter 11: Sterilization in the Pharmaceutical and
Biotechnology Industry, in Handbook of Downstream Processing, by E. Goldberg
(editor), pp. 261-308, Chapman & Hall, New York, NY, 1997.
Gennaro, A. R. (editor), Remington: The Science and Practice of Pharmacy, 20
Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and Science, 2000.
Geankoplis, C. J., Transport Processes and Unit Operations, 4
Edition, 2003, Prentice
McCabe, W. L., Smith, J. C. and Harriott, P., Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering, 7

Edition, 2005, McGraw-Hill.

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