The document provides an analysis of Ramco Cements Limited, an Indian cement company. Key points:
1) Ramco Cements' main business is cement production and power generation from windmills. Cement sales and revenue increased from the previous year. Export sales also increased.
2) Major growth drivers for the cement industry are increased government investment in infrastructure, rising incomes, and demand from real estate and construction.
3) The company follows mandatory Indian accounting standards in areas like fixed assets, inventories, borrowing costs, taxes, and segment reporting.
4) Ratio analysis shows mostly stable or slightly declining returns, activity, liquidity, solvency, and profitability from 2011-2012
The document provides an analysis of Ramco Cements Limited, an Indian cement company. Key points:
1) Ramco Cements' main business is cement production and power generation from windmills. Cement sales and revenue increased from the previous year. Export sales also increased.
2) Major growth drivers for the cement industry are increased government investment in infrastructure, rising incomes, and demand from real estate and construction.
3) The company follows mandatory Indian accounting standards in areas like fixed assets, inventories, borrowing costs, taxes, and segment reporting.
4) Ratio analysis shows mostly stable or slightly declining returns, activity, liquidity, solvency, and profitability from 2011-2012
The document provides an analysis of Ramco Cements Limited, an Indian cement company. Key points:
1) Ramco Cements' main business is cement production and power generation from windmills. Cement sales and revenue increased from the previous year. Export sales also increased.
2) Major growth drivers for the cement industry are increased government investment in infrastructure, rising incomes, and demand from real estate and construction.
3) The company follows mandatory Indian accounting standards in areas like fixed assets, inventories, borrowing costs, taxes, and segment reporting.
4) Ratio analysis shows mostly stable or slightly declining returns, activity, liquidity, solvency, and profitability from 2011-2012
The document provides an analysis of Ramco Cements Limited, an Indian cement company. Key points:
1) Ramco Cements' main business is cement production and power generation from windmills. Cement sales and revenue increased from the previous year. Export sales also increased.
2) Major growth drivers for the cement industry are increased government investment in infrastructure, rising incomes, and demand from real estate and construction.
3) The company follows mandatory Indian accounting standards in areas like fixed assets, inventories, borrowing costs, taxes, and segment reporting.
4) Ratio analysis shows mostly stable or slightly declining returns, activity, liquidity, solvency, and profitability from 2011-2012
Submitted To Submitted By Dr. Pawan Jain Minal Garg Course Instructor FAM 2013153 (Section C)
The Ramco Cements Limited (Formerly Madras Cements Ltd) is the flagship company of the Ramco Group, a well-known business group of South India. It is headquartered at Chennai. The main product of the company is Portland cement, manufactured in five state-of-the art production facilities spread over South India, with a current total production capacity of 13.0 MTPA. The company is the fifth largest cement producer in the country. is the most popular cement brand in South India. The company also produces Ready Mix Concrete and Dry Mortar products, and operates one of the largest wind farms in the country.
The first plant of MCL at Ramasamy Raja Nagar, near Virudhunagar in Tamil Nadu, commenced its production in 1962 with a capacity of 200 tonnes, using wet process. In 70s, the plant switched over to more efficient dry process. A second kiln was also added to bring the total capacity to 15 lakh tons per annum. The second venture of MCL is its Jayanthipuram plant near Vijayawada in A.P., set up in 1987. The 36.50 lakh ton per annum plant employs the latest state-of-the-art technology.
The Ramco Cements Limited (Formerly Madras Cements Ltd) is managed by a Board of Directors comprising of eminent personalities as its members. The Chairman of the board is Shri P.R.Ramasubrahmaneya Rajha, under whose dynamic leadership the company has grown into a massive organization. The company board brings together a team of business, administrative, financial and cement technology professionals who provide guidance and direction to the company's operations in a competitive business environment. The Ramco Cements Limited (Formerly Madras Cements Ltd) has been a pioneer in adopting corporate governance practices comparable to the best in the country.
Ramco cement has won many award till now, the few among them are listed below:- THE FOUR LEAVES AWARD THE CLEANER PRODUCTION MESURE AWARD CII ENVIRONMENTAL BEST PRACTICE AWARD
1. The main revenue generated by the company or main business is through dealing in Cement and power generation from windmills. This revenue is further divided into two parts i.e. Domestic Sales and Exports. There were evident enough changes in the figures of last two financial years. The sale of cement has increased to 83.60 lakh tonnes compared to 75.50 lakh tonnes of the previous year. The sale value of cement for the current year, net of Excise Duty and VAT amounts to Rs.3,627.30 crores as against Rs.3,093.83 crores for the previous year. Out of the total sales for the year, 0.84 lac tonnes of cement was exported as against 0.46 lac tonnes during the previous year. The export turnover of the Company for the year was Rs.28.70 crores as against Rs.14.26 crores of the previous year.
2. The major growth drivers of the industry are as follows:- Increase in investments by Government of India (GOI) in housing and infrastructure development projects underpinned by economic growth. Increase in per capita income. Rising demand for real estate and infrastructure construction sector. Entry barriers due to high capital cost and low gestation period.
3. The mandatory Accounting Standards issued by the Institute of Charted accountant of India (ICAI) and notified under the companies rules, 2006 and relevant provisions of the Companies Act, 1956 are consistently adopted by the company. The areas which are being covered by the company in its Accounting Policies are given below:- Tangible Fixed Assets - Depreciation has been provided on straight-line basis at the rates specified under rules/ Schedule XIV to the Companies Act, 1956, prevailing at the time of acquisition of the asset.
Intangible Assets - Costs incurred to secure right to extract mineral reserves are capitalised which are not amortised in accordance with AS-26.
Investment Property - Depreciation on building component of investment property is calculated on straight- line basis using the rate prescribed under Schedule XIV to the Companies Act, 1956.
Valuation Of Inventories Finished goods are valued at cost or net realisable value whichever is lower. Process Stock is valued at weighted average cost, including the cost of conversion. Raw Materials, Components, Stores & Spares, Coal, Packing Materials etc., are valued at cost, computed on a moving weighted average basis.
Borrowing Costs Borrowing costs that are directly attributable to the acquisition and construction of qualifying assets are capitalised as part of the cost of those assets as per AS-16.
Income Tax The tax provision is considered as stipulated in AS-22 (Accounting for Taxes on Income) and includes current and deferred tax liability.
Segment Reporting The company identifies business segment as the primary segment as per AS-1.
4. Ratio analysis for the year 2011-2012 & 2012-2013:-
Return on Investment Ratio
Return on Assets (ROA) = Profit After Tax+ Finance Cost Total Assets Capital Work In Progress
Return on Invested Capital (ROIC) =Profit After Tax Non-Current Liabilities + Shareholders Fund
Return on Net Worth (RONW) = Profit After Tax Net Worth Net Worth = Shareholders Funds + Share Application Money Pending Allotments
0.095 0.084 0.18 0.09 0.083 0.17 ROA ROIC RONW RETURN ON INVESTMENT RATIO 2011-2012 2012-2013
Activity / Turnover Ratio Total Asset Turnover Ratio (TATR) = Sales Revenue(Net of returns & Excise) Total Assets Capital Work In Progress
Invested Capital Turnover Ratio (ICTR) = Sales Revenue Non-Current Liabilities+ Shareholders Fund
Average Collection Period (ACP) = Trade Receivables x 365 Net Sales
Inventory Turnover Ratio (ITR) = Cost Of Goods Sold Closing Inventory Cost of Goods Sold = Material consumed + Change in Stock + Manufacturing Expenses + Purchase of Stock In Trade
Change in Stock = Opening Stock Closing Stock
Working Capital Turnover Ratio (WCTR) = Sales (net) Working Capital
Working Capital = Current Assets Current Liabilities
Days Inventory (DI) = 365 / Inventory Turnover Ratio
Current Ratio (CR) = Current assets Current Liabilities
Acid Test Ratio (ATR) = Current Assets ( Inventory + Prepaid Expenses ) Current Liabilities
RATIO 2011-2012 2012-2013 CR 0.688 0.358 ATR 0.358 0.399
24 128 29 134 ACP DI PERIODICAL RATIOS 2011-202 2012-2013 0.688 0.358 0.776 0.399 CR ATR LIQUIDITY RATIO 2011-2012 2012-2013 RATIO 2011-2012 2012-2013 ACP 24 29 DI 128 134 Solvency Ratio
Debt Equity Ratio (DER) = Non-Current Liability Shareholders Fund
Debt to Total Invested Capital (DTTIC) =Non-Current Liability Non-Current Liabilities + Shareholders Fund
Interest Coverage Ratio (ICR) = Earnings before Interest & Tax Total Interest Charges
RATIO 2011-2012 2012-2013 DER 1.22 1.05 DTTIC 0.55 0.51 ICR 4.93 4.52
Profitability Ratio
Gross Profit Ratio (GPR) = Gross Profit x 100 Sales net of returns & Excise
Gross Profit = Sales Cost of Goods Sold
Operating Profit Ratio (OPR) = Operating Profit x 100 Sales net of returns & Excise
Net Profit Ratio (NPR) = Net Profit x 100 Salesnet of returns & Excise 1.22 0.55 4.93 1.05 0.51 4.52 DER DTTIC ICR SOLVENCY RATIO 2011-2012 2012-2013
Prediction of Financial Health of the company for different users:- 1. Shareholders (Present & Potential)
Shareholders (Present & Potential) are basically interested in two categories of ratio i.e. Profitability Ratio and Return on Investment Ratios.
A. Return on Assets- There is a slight decrease in the ratio from the year 2011-2012 to 2012-2013 i.e. 0.095 to 0.090. These changes occur due to an increase in Profit After Tax, Financial Cost and Total assets but the main reason behind the change in the ratio is due to decrease in working capital where some of the liabilities are being paid on account of current assets mainly Inventory.
B. Return on Invested Capital & Return On Net Worth- There were only slight changes in these 2 ratios which were not evident enough. These changes took place due to ongoing activities.
C. Gross Profit Ratio- There was an increase from the year 2011-2012 to 2012-2013 i.e. 56.72% to 57.48%, the reason behind is the increase in Gross Profit & Net Sales.
D. Operating Profit& net Profit Ratio- The reason behind decrease in these two ratios is that there is an increase in other expenses, Depreciation & amortization expenses, Employee Benefit Expenses and Financial cost as well.
2. Managers-
Managers are generally interested in Activity & Profitability Ratio. We have already discussed about the Profitability Ratio so given below is the brief explanation of Activity Ratio:-
A. Total assets Turnover Ratio and Invested Capital Turnover Ratio- There is an increase in both the ratio which is due to change in working capital.
B. Inventory Turnover Ratio & Working capital Ratio- The reason behind decrease in both the ratios is change in inventory.
3. Lenders (Short Term & Long Term)
The Lenders are interested in evaluating three ratios basically which are discussed below:-
A. Interest Coverage Ratio- There is a decrease in interest coverage ratio from 4.93 to 4.52 which is due to an increase in PBIT & Finance cost as well.
B. Debt equity Ratio- The Debt Equity ratio is decreased which shows that some part of the Non- Current Liability is being paid over the Shareholders Fund.
C. Net Profit Ratio- The Net Profit Ratio has decreased due to the increase in Finance cost and Tax provisions.
5. For the financial year ending on 2012- 2013, the major expense heads for the company during period of study are as follows:-
Cost of material consumed Change in inventories of finished goods and work in progress Employee benefit expenses Finance costs Depreciation & amortization expenses Other expenses (Manufacturing, Selling & Distribution and Establishment)
EXPENSES 2011-2012 2012-2013 Cost of material consumed 437.60 575.27 Change in inventory (0.78) (45.33) Employee benefit expense 171.21 196.02 Finance cost 158.45 178.51 Depreciation & amortization 280.58 253.90 Other expenses 1678.68 2098.93
6. Overview of Cash Flow Statement:- A. Cash Flow From Operating activities- There is a decrease in net cash flow from operating activities from 863.79 to 701.40. The reason behind decrease in cash flow are increase in depreciation and interest paid. There was a mark able increase in creditors and debtors as well.
B. Cash Flow From Investing activities- There is a decrease in net cash used in investing activities from 552.24 to 382.78.The reason behind this is the decrease in purchase of fixed assets or it can be termed as reduction in purchase of assets.
C. Cash Flow From Financing activities- There is a decrease in net cash used in financing activities from 329.22 to 288.55.The reason behind that is proceeds from short term borrowings, repayment of long term borrowings and repayment of short term borrowings. The above mention Transactions were evident enough to change in the cash flow.
7. There is no MDA given in annual reports of the company. 437.6 -0.78 171.21 158.45 280.58 1678.68 575.27 -45.33 196.02 178.51 253.9 2098.93 MATERIAL INVENTORY EB EXP FIN COST DEP OTHER EXPENSES DISTRIBUTION 2011-2012 2012-2013