website. Share what you learned with a friend! 02 03 04 05 07 08 09 10 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 22 23 24 25 27 28 29 30 01 06 11 16 21 26 Make a grocery list in French! Find a French recipe and make it for your family tonight. Bon apptit! Go to TV5s Francolab and choose a "fche pdagogique" that matches your level. Discover the French "Word of the Day" and use it in a conversation today! Research French- Canadian holidays and traditions. Pick one and organize a traditional activity for your class! Watch "Des chifres et des lettres" either on TV or online . Try to get more points than the contestants! res-et-des-lettres/ videos Send a postcard to a friend and write it (including the address!) in French. Organize an evening with your friends where you watch French animated flms! Use The National Film Boards website: The "Jeux de la Francophonie" began on September 7, 2013. Go to their website and see what interests you! Check out the ofcial listing of the Top 50 singles in France and download the top French-language song! Can you use all of the following accents in an email to a friend: (alt+ 133), (alt +131), (alt + 130), (alt. + 138), (alt. + 136), (alt. + 151) et (alt. + 135)? Research the vocabulary of your favourite sport or hobby! ressources/bibliotheque/diction naires/ index_lexvoc.html Find a French word that you don't understand on the back of your cereal box. Look up its defnition Create a status update in French and post it on your Facebook page. Singer Andrea Lindsay has previously taken part in Les Francopholies de Montral. Listen to her songs and read her bio online. You'll be surprised! Whats the weather forecast for today? Describe the weather to a friend . . . in French, of course! Read an article from the Radio-Canada or La Presse websites and discuss it with your family and friends! Go to the library and take out a book in French! Read it over the rest of the month . . . Listen to "radio jeunesse" in French for half an hour Find a French- Canadian artist and read up on him or her. Share the fun details with your friend! Find 10 words borrowed from the French language frequently used in English (e.g. navet, gauche, haute- couture, etc.) Change your Facebook account's language into French and keep it like that for the rest of the month! Download the French song of the week for free on iTunes. There's a new song every Tuesday! Learn the lyrics to a French song . . . Try the song you downloaded yesterday! Go to a French Press Agencys Website and read the headlines of the day! Look up the English equivalent of these words: glace, truc, chien-chaud, chocolat chaud, chemise et poteau dincendie. Subscribe to the Website Memrise (for free). Choose one of the French courses and play it! Read the Wikipedia page about your favourite actor or artist in French. Share what you have learned with a friend! Look up some French equivalents for the following words, which are often replaced with anglicisms : spam, shopping, hashtag, junk food... Can you fnd any others? * 02 03 04 05 07 08 09 10 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 22 23 24 25 27 28 29 30 01 06 11 16 21 26 Write a summary of the book that you read in French this month and present it to your family and friends! Go to TV5s Francolab and choose a "fche pdagogique" that matches your level. Learn the lyrics of a French song . . . Try the song you downloaded yesterday! Download the French song of the week for free on iTunes. There's a new song every Tuesday! Find a French Canadian expression on and its equivalent in France. Can you suggest an English equivalent? * Discover a French Canadian legend using the Dictionary Of Canadian Biography (in French, of course)! Share that person's page! * Organize an evening with your friends where you watch French animated flms! Use The National Film Boards website: Celebrate the end of the 30-Day Challenge by sharing pictures on our Facebook page! * What are the francophone festivals that will take place in your area? Do an internet search in French to fnd out! Post a picture of you at one of the festivals on our Instagram! * Find 10 words borrowed from the French language frequently used in English (e.g. cul de sac, camoufage, fnac, etc.) Share them with us! * Find a French word that you don't understand in the newspaper. Look up its defnition! Share the article and the defnition on French for the Future page! * Do some crosswords in French to improve your vocabulary and learn new words! Create a status update in French and post it on your Facebook page. Don't forget to tag us! * Find an anglophone artist who has done one or more songs in French and share one on Facebook! * Can you understand the lyrics? Find a French recipe and make it for your family tonight! Post a picture of your dish on our Instagram! * Look for a video of an anglophone comedian who speaks French. Share it on our Facebook page! * Go to the library and take out a book in French! Read it over the rest of the month . . . Share the title and your progress on our Facebook page! * Listen to "radio jeunesse" in French for at least half an hour. Share something that you found out. * Read an article from the Radio-Canada or La Presse websites and share it on Facebook! * Research French- Canadian holidays and traditions. Pick one and organize a traditional activity for your class next year! Make sure to tell us about it on Facebook! * Check out the song "Fil de tlphone" by the francophone group The Hay Babies! What do you think of it? Give us your opinion on Facebook by writing a comment! * Play a game of Scrabble challenging your friends to fnd words in French! Share a photo of your game board on Instagram! * Read the Wikipedia page about your favourite actor or artist in French. Share what you have learned on Facebook and Twitter! * Go to a French press agencys website and read the headlines of the day! Who is your favourite francophone artist? Show us one of his or her songs! Share the video on our Facebook page! * Can you use all of the following accents in poste on our Facebook page? (alt+ 133), (alt +131), (alt + 130), (alt. + 138), (alt. + 136), (alt. + 151) et (alt. + 135)? * Subscribe to the Website Memrise (for free). Choose one of the French courses and play it! Discover the French "Word of the Day" and use it in a Facebook or Twitter update! Don't forget to tag us! * Announce on your Facebook page that your are participating in the 30-Day Challenge (in French, of course)! Don't forget to tag French for the Future in your status! * #francaisavenir frenchforthefuture @francaisavenir * You can visit the ofcial 30-Day Challenge page on French for the Future's website to access the direct links listed above! Programs 30-Day Challenge
Learn French for Kids: Learning French for Children & Beginners Has Never Been Easier! Have Fun Whilst Learning Fantastic Exercises for Accurate Pronunciations, Daily Used Phrases, & Vocabulary!
French for Beginners: A Step-by-Step Guide to Learn the Basics of the French Language, Build your Vocabulary, Improve Your Reading and Conversation skills