Hydraulic Engineering: J. W. Delleur

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J. W. Delleur

Purdue University

29 Fundamentals of Hydraulics

D.A. Lyn

Introduction Properties of Fluids Fluid Pressure and Hydrostatics Fluids in Non-Uniform
Motion Fundamental Conservation Laws Dimensional Analysis and Similitude Velocity
Proles and Flow Resistance in Pipes and Open Channels Hydrodynamic Forces on
Submerged Bodies Discharge Measurements

30 Open Channel Hydraulics

Aldo Giorgini and Donald D. Gray

Denitions and Principles Balance and Conservation Principles Uniform Flow Composite
Cross Sections Gradually Varied Flow Water Surface Prole Analysis Qualitative Solution
of Flow Proles Methods of Calculation of Flow Proles Unsteady Flows Software

31 Surface Water Hydrology

A. Ramachandra Rao

Introduction Precipitation Evaporation and Transpiration Inltration Surface Runoff
Flood Routing Through Channels and Reservoirs Statistical Analysis of Hydrologic Data

32 Urban Drainage

A. Ramachandra Rao, C.B. Burke, and T.T. Burke, Jr.

Introduction The Rational Method The Soil Conservation Service Methods Detention
Storage Design

33 Quality of Urban Runoff

Ronald F. Wukash, Amrou Atassi, and Stephen D. Ernst

Urban Runoff Quality of Urban Runoff Water Quality Regulations and Policies Modeling
Best Management Practices

34 Groundwater Engineering

J.W. Delleur

Fundamentals Hydraulics of Wells Well Design and Construction Land Subsidence
Contaminant Transport Remediation Landlls Geostatistics Groundwater Modeling

35 Sediment Transport in Open Channels

D.A. Lynn

Introduction The Characteristics of Sediment Flow Characteristics and Dimensionless
Parameters; Notation Initiation of Motion Flow Resistance and Stage-Discharge
Predictors Sediment Transport Special Topics

36 Coastal Engineering

Guy A. Meadows and William L. Wood

Wave Mechanics Ocean Wave Climate Water Level Fluctuations Coastal Processes Coastal
Structures and Design

37 Hydraulic Structures

Jacques W. Delleur

Introduction Reservoirs Dams Spillways Outlet Works Energy Dissipation Structures
Diversion Structures Open Channel Transitions Culverts Bridge Constrictions Pipes
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The Civil Engineering Handbook, Second Edition

38 Simulation in Hydraulics and Hydrology

T.T. Burke Jr., C.B. Burke, and
A. Ramachandra Rao

Introduction Some Commonly Used Models TR-20 Program The HEC-HMS Model

39 Water Resources Planning and Management

J.R. Wright and M.H. Houck

Introduction Evaluation of Management Alternatives Water Quantity Management
Modeling Data Considerations

IV.1 Introduction

lobal freshwater resources comprise 1 million cubic miles. Most of this water is in groundwater,
less than 1/2 mile deep within the earth. Of this resource, only 30,300 cubic miles reside in
freshwater lakes and streams. However, all of this water is in a continuous movement known as
the hydrologic cycle. The dynamic nature of this movement is quite variable. The response time of
urban runoff is minutes to hours and the average residence time of atmospheric moisture is a little more
than 9 days, while the global average residence time of freshwater in streams is approximately 10 days,
and that of groundwater is 2 weeks to 10,000 years.
As the eld of hydraulic engineering enters the third millennium, more noticeable water resources
impacts on society are expected. These impacts result from increasing world population, political and
economic instabilities, and possibly anthropogenic-driven climatic changes.
Because of the diversity of the amounts of water involved, the variability of the response times, and
the myriad of water uses, civil engineers must deal with a multitude of physical and management water
problems. Some of these problems are water supply for cities, industries, and agriculture; drainage of
urban areas; and the collection of used water. Other problems deal with ows in rivers, channels, and
estuaries; and ood protection; while others are concerned with oceans and lakes, hydropower generation,
water transportation, etc. Although the emphasis of this section is on water quantity, some aspects of
water quality are considered.
Because of the multitude of different types of problems, hydraulic engineering is subdivided into a
number of specialties, many of which are the object of separate chapters in this section. These specialties
all have uid mechanics as a common basis. Because the concern is with water, there is little interest in
gases, and the fundamental science is hydraulics, which is the science of motion of incompressible uids.
The chapter on

Fundamentals of Hydraulics

presents properties of uids, hydrostatics, kinematics, and
dynamics of liquids. A separate chapter is devoted to

Open Channel Hydraulics

because of the importance
of free surface ows in civil engineering applications. Erosion, deposition, and transport of sediments
are important in the design of stable channels and stable structures. Sediment resuspension has important
implications for water quality. These problems are treated in the chapter on

Sediment Transport in Open

The ow of water in the natural environment such as rainfall and subsequent inltration, evaporation,
ow in rills and streams, etc., is the purview of

Surface Water Hydrology

. Because of the uncertainty of
natural events, the analysis of hydrologic data requires the use of statistics such as frequency analysis.

Urban Drainage

is the object of a separate chapter. Because of the importance of the problems associated
with urban runoff quality and with the deleterious effects of combined sewer overows, a new chapter
has been added on

Quality of Urban Runoff

Hydrology is generally separated into surface water hydrology and subsurface hydrology, depending
on whether the emphasis is on surface water or on groundwater. The chapter on

Groundwater Engineering

is concerned with hydraulics of wells, land subsidence due to excessive pumping, contaminant transport,
site remediation, and landlls.

Hydraulic Structures

have been developed for the storage, conveyance, and control of natural
ows. These structures include dams, spillways, pipes, open channels, outlet works, energy-dissipating
structures, turbines, pumps, etc. The interface between land and ocean and lakes is part of

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Hydraulic Engineering




. The chapter on Coastal Engineering also contains a discussion of the mechanics of ocean
waves and their transformation in shallow water and resultant coastal circulation. It also includes a
discussion of coastal processes and their inuence on coastal structures.
Many forms of software and software packages are available to facilitate the design and analysis tasks.
Several of these were originally developed by government agencies and later improved by private com-
panies, which add preprocessors and postprocessors that greatly facilitate the input of data and the
plotting of output results. Many of these models, such as SWMM and the HEC series, have well-dened
graphical and expert system interfaces associated with model building, calibration, and presentation of
results. Several of the public domain packages are listed in the chapter on

Simulation in Hydraulics and

and detailed examples of application to urban drainage are also given.
It is not sufcient for civil engineers to deal only with the physical problems associated with water
resources. They are also concerned with planning and management of these resources. Conceptualization
and implementation of strategies for delivering water of sufcient quantity and quality to meet societal
needs in a cost-effective manner are presented in the chapter on

Water Resources Planning and Management

As are most engineering sciences, hydraulic engineering is a rapidly moving eld. The computer, which
was a means of making computations, is now becoming a knowledge processor. The electronic encap-
sulation of knowledge and information in the form of software, databases, expert systems, and geograph-
ical information systems has produced a Copernican revolution in Hydraulics (Abbott 1994). The
Europeans have coined the word Hydroinformatics to designate the association of computational
hydraulic modeling and information systems. Thus hydraulic and hydrologic models become part of
larger computer-based systems that generate information for the different interests of the water resources
managers. For example, the linkage of storm sewer design and analysis packages with databases, geo-
graphical information systems, and computer-aided design systems is now becoming routine. Similarly,
decision support systems have integrated combinations of water resources simulations and optimization
models, databases, geographic information systems, expert- and knowledge-based systems, multiobjective
decision tools, and graphical user-friendly interfaces (Watkins et al. 1994). The emphasis has passed from




(Abbott et al. 2001).
Hydroinformatics also introduces new methods to encapsulate existing knowledge often with the goal
of accelerating the rate of access to this knowledge. Some of these are data mining, genetic programming,
and articial neural networks (Abbot et al. 2001). For example, articial neural networks have been used
in the real time control of urban drainage systems.
One of the early issues of hydraulic modeling known as

model calibrations

is still an uncertainty, although
perhaps less apparent in this new paradigm. For example, if the roughness coefcient is used to t calculated
ows to measured discharges, unrealistic values of Mannings roughness coefcient could hide unknown
information or physical phenomena not represented in the model. In that case, the model would not be
predictive, even with an excellent calibration (Abbott et al. 2001). However, in some cases, the laws
governing roughness coefcients are not complete and new interpretations are needed. For example, in
the case of wetlands, as vegetation is deected to one side and eventually attened, the values of the
roughness coefcient departs markedly from the traditional Manning formulation (Kutija and Hong 1999).
The 1993 extreme oods in the Mississippi and Missouri basins indicated the importance of hydrologic
forecasting of the design of ood protection structures and of water management at the basin scale while
taking into account the environmental, ecological, and economic impacts. According to Starosolski
(1991), the old approach of rst designing the engineering project and then considering the ecological
effects should be replaced by a systems approach in which the hydraulic, environmental, and ecological
aspects are all included in the planning, execution, and operation of water resources projects.
Progress in a topic of hydraulic engineering is presented in the Hunter Rouse Lecture at the annual
meeting of the Environmental and Water Resources Institute of the American Society of Civil Engineers
and is subsequently published in the

Journal of Hydraulic Engineering

. The proceedings of the Congresses
of the International Association of Hydraulic Research, held every 4 years, summarize the advances in
the eld, primarily in the keynote papers.
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The Civil Engineering Handbook, Second Edition

Both in surface water and groundwater hydrology, recent researchers have been inspired by the
improved ability to observe and model the many heterogeneities of surface and material properties and
of transport processes (van Genuchten 1991). Remote sensing now makes it possible to model land
surface hydrologic processes at the global scale. Then these processes can be included in general circulation
models of the atmosphere (Wood 1991). The research accomplishments in surface water and groundwater
hydrology are summarized every 4 years in reports from several countries to the International Union of
Geodesy and Geophysics. The U.S. quadrennial report is prepared by the American Geophysical Union
and is published in

Reviews of Geophysics.

Similarly, in coastal engineering, recent mathematical models make it possible to simulate large-scale
coastal behavior that is at scales larger than tens of kilometers and time scales of decades. These models
include waves, currents, and sediment transport. Models capable of describing the interaction with the
bottom topography are under development at least for short-term coastal behavior (De Vriend 1991,
Holman 1994). The new techniques mentioned in the previous paragraphs are still in the research stage
and are beyond the scope of this handbook, but the references at the end of this introduction provide
entry points into several research elds.


Abbott, M.B., 1994. Hydroinformatics: a Copernican revolution in hydraulics,

J. Hydraulic Res.

, vol. 32,
pp. 113, and other papers in this special issue.
Abbott, M.B., Babovic, V.M. and Cunge, L.A., 2001. Towards the hydraulics of the hydroinformatics era,

J. Hydraulic Res.,



39, pp. 339349.
De Vriend, H.B., 1991. Mathematical modelling and large-scale coastal behavior,

J. Hydraulic Res.

, vol.
29, pp. 727755.
Holman, R., 1994. Nearshore processes, in U.S. National Report to the International Union of Geodesy
and Geophysics 19911994,

Rev. Geophys.,

supplement, part 2


pp 12371248.
Kutija, V. and Hong, 1996. A numerical model for assessing the additional resistance to ow induced by
exible vegetation,

J. Hydraulic Res.,

vol. 34(1), pp. 99114.
Starosolski, O. 1991. Hydraulics and the environmental partnership in sustainable development,

J. Hydraulic Res.

, vol. 29 and other papers in this extra issue.
van Genuchten, M.T. 1991. Progress and opportunities in hydrologic research, 19871990, in U.S.
National Report to the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics 19911994,

Rev. Geophysics

supplement, April 1991, pp. 189192.
Watkins Jr., D.W. and McKenney, D.C. 1994. Recent developments associated with decision support
systems in water resources, in U.S. National Report to the International Union of Geodesy and
Geophysics 19911994,

Rev. Geophysics,


part 2


pp. 941948.
Wood, E.F., 1991. Global scale hydrology: advances in land surface modelling


in U.S. National Report
to the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics 19871990,

Rev. Geophysics,

pp. 193201.
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