Quick Response Freight Manual I
Quick Response Freight Manual I
Quick Response Freight Manual I
Prepared for
Federal Highway Administration
Office of Planning and Environment
Technical Support Services For Planning Research
September 1996
Final Report
Quick Response Freight Manual
Prepared by
Prepared for
Federal Highway Administration
Office of Planning and Environment
Technical Support Services For Planning Research
September 1996
Final Report
Quick Response Freight Manual
Prepared by
Cambridge Systematics, Inc.
COMSIS Corporation
University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
Table of Contents
List of Figures ..................................................................................... v
List of Tables....................................................................................... vi
Acknowledgments ............................................................................. vii
1.0 Introduction......................................................................................... 1-1
1.1 Objectives of the Quick Response Freight Manual ................ 1-1
1.2 Organization of the Manual ...................................................... 1-2
2.0 Factors Affecting Freight Demand.................................................. 2-1
2.1 Introduction................................................................................. 2-1
2.2 Factors that Affect Freight Demand......................................... 2-3
2.3 Summary...................................................................................... 2-11
3.0 Simple Growth Factor Methods ...................................................... 3-1
3.1 Introduction................................................................................. 3-1
3.2 Growth Factors Based on Historical Traffic Trends............... 3-1
3.3 Growth Factors Based on Economic Projections .................... 3-2
3.3.1 Analysis Steps Explained ................................................ 3-2
3.3.2 Sources of Economic Forecasts ....................................... 3-4
3.3.3 Improving the Demand Forecasts.................................. 3-5
3.3.4 Sensitivity Analysis .......................................................... 3-6
3.4 Alternative Forecasting Methods ............................................. 3-8
3.5 Illustrative Example ................................................................... 3-9
4.0 Incorporating Commercial Vehicles Into the Travel Forecasting
Process........................................................................................................... 4-1
4.1 Introduction................................................................................. 4-1
4.2 Trip Generation........................................................................... 4-3
4.2.1 Example.............................................................................. 4-6
4.2.2 Alternative Approaches................................................... 4-10
4.3 External Stations ......................................................................... 4-11
4.3.1 Example.............................................................................. 4-15
4.3.2 Alternative Approaches................................................... 4-17
4.4 Trip Distribution......................................................................... 4-17
4.4.1 Example.............................................................................. 4-20
4.4.2 Alternative Approaches................................................... 4-27
4.5 Calibration ................................................................................... 4-29
4.5.1 Example.............................................................................. 4-30
4.5.2 Alternative Approaches................................................... 4-34
4.6 Traffic Assignment ..................................................................... 4-36
4.7 Time-of-Day Characteristics...................................................... 4-37
Table of Contents
5.0 Site Analysis........................................................................................ 5-1
5.1 Overview...................................................................................... 5-1
5.2 Data Gathering............................................................................ 5-2
5.3 Network Identification .............................................................. 5-3
5.4 Trip Generation........................................................................... 5-3
5.5 Trip Distribution ........................................................................ 5-7
5.6 Trip Assignment ......................................................................... 5-7
5.7 Level-of-Service Analysis ......................................................... 5-8
5.8 Illustrative Example .................................................................. 5-8
6.0 Data Collection to Support More Accurate Freight Analysis .... 6-1
6.1 Overview...................................................................................... 6-1
6.2 Primary Data Collection ............................................................ 6-2
6.2.1 Surveys............................................................................... 6-3
6.2.2 In-Depth Interviews with Shippers and Carriers......... 6-8
6.2.3 Establishment of Freight Advisory Committees.......... 6-8
6.3 Secondary Data Collection ....................................................... 6-9
7.0 Principles of Application.................................................................. 7-1
7.1 Introduction................................................................................. 7-1
7.1.1 Sizing the Effort ................................................................ 7-1
7.2 Major Steps of Application........................................................ 7-2
7.3 Data Stretching............................................................................ 7-3
7.4 Resolving Data Contradictions ................................................. 7-3
7.5 Levels of Validation.................................................................... 7-4
7.5.1 Need for Recalibration of an Existing Forecast ............ 7-4
7.5.2 The Need for Orderly Freight Information at Both
State and Regional Levels ................................................ 7-5
7.6 Issues in Using Standard Travel Forecasting Software ......... 7-5
7.6.1 Purpose Designation........................................................ 7-6
7.6.2 Rationalizing Production-Attraction versus Origin-
Destination......................................................................... 7-6
7.6.3 Integrating Freight and Passenger Forecasts................ 7-6
7.7 A Quick Approach for Recategorizing Employment Data ... 7-7
7.8 Network Options for Site Impact Analysis ............................. 7-10
Table of Contents
8.0 Statewide Freight Forecasting in Support of Regionwide
Forecasting ................................................................................................... 8-1
8.1 Introduction................................................................................. 8-1
8.2 The Interface at External Stations............................................. 8-2
8.2.1 Statewide Trendlines at External Stations..................... 8-7
8.3 Kansas Statewide Agricultural Commodity Model............... 8-7
8.3.1 Elements of the Model ..................................................... 8-8
8.3.2 Weaknesses Recognized by Kansas DOT ..................... 8-9
8.3.3 Overall Assessment of KDOTs Freight Model
for Regionwide Forecasting............................................. 8-10
8.4 Wisconsin Intermodal Freight Model ...................................... 8-11
8.4.1 Overview............................................................................ 8-11
8.4.2 Building the Commodity Flow Data Set ....................... 8-13
8.4.3 Freight Forecast................................................................. 8-14
8.4.4 Intermodal Adjustments.................................................. 8-14
8.4.5 Determination of Truck Traffic....................................... 8-15
8.4.6 Observation about the Wisconsin Statewide Model.... 8-17
8.5 Use of Intermodal Management Systems................................ 8-17
8.5.1 IMS Possibilities ................................................................ 8-17
8.5.2 Review of Selected IMS Plans ......................................... 8-18
8.5.3 Discussion and Recommended IMS Elements ............. 8-20
8.6 Discussion of Statewide Contributions.................................... 8-21
9.0 Case Study Applications to Urban Areas ...................................... 9-1
9.1 Lawrence, Kansas ....................................................................... 9-1
9.1.1 Background on Lawrence................................................ 9-1
9.1.2 Lawrence Freight Transportation Model ...................... 9-2
9.1.3 Calibration for Internal Consistency.............................. 9-5
9.1.4 Observations about Lawrence ........................................ 9-7
9.2 Fox Cities and Green Bay, Wisconsin ...................................... 9-9
9.2.1 Introduction....................................................................... 9-9
9.2.2 Fox Cities Case Study Background................................ 9-9
9.2.3 Fox Cities Freight Transportation Model ...................... 9-10
9.2.4 Calibration to Ground Counts ........................................ 9-12
9.3 Site Impact Analysis: Services Plus, Green Bay, WI................ 9-14
9.3.1 Introduction and Description of Case Study Site......... 9-14
9.3.2 Steps in Adapting a Model for Site Impact Analysis... 9-14
9.3.3 Analysis of Results ........................................................... 9-17
9.4 Summary ..................................................................................... 9-17
Table of Contents
Appendix A. Glossary of Terms....................................................... A-1
Appendix B. Selected References..................................................... B-1
Appendix C. Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Codes...... C-1
Appendix D. Trip Generation Summary Tables............................ D-1
Appendix E. Internal versus External Truck Trips........................ E-1
Appendix F. Time-of-Day Characteristics ...................................... F-1
Appendix G. Guide to State Data Centers...................................... G-1
Appendix H. Guide to State Trucking Associations ..................... H-1
Appendix I. Bureau of Census Regional Offices ........................... I-1
Appendix J. National Trade Associations ...................................... J-1
Appendix K. Freight Transportation Data Sources....................... K-1
Appendix L. Commercial Data Sources.......................................... L-1
Appendix M. Recent Freight and Truck Surveys .......................... M-1
List of Figures
4.1 Simplified Quick Response Freight Forecasting Procedure . 4-2
4.2 Map of Hypothetical Study Area for the Example ................ 4-7
5.1 Location of Planned Port Facility in the Hypothetical
Study Area.................................................................................... 5-9
8.1 Danville External Stations ......................................................... 8-3
8.2 Network for Kansas Statewide Freight Model Highlighting
Interstate Highways.................................................................... 8-8
8.3 Forecasted Truck Volumes by the Kansas Statewide Model 8-10
8.4 Overview of the Truck Component of Wisconsins Freight
Forecasting Model....................................................................... 8-11
8.5 State-County Disaggregation Process...................................... 8-15
9.1 Street System in Lawrence Highlighting
Major Through Routes................................................................ 9-2
9.2 Employment Concentrations in Central Lawrence................ 9-4
9.3 All-or-Nothing Assigned Truck Volumes in Lawrence ........ 9-8
9.4 Fox Cities Urbanized Area and Major Highway.................... 9-10
9.5 Assigned Traffic Volumes in the Fox Cities Area .................. 9-13
9.6 Services Plus Site (Middle Right).............................................. 9-15
List of Tables
2.1 Demand Factors vs. Freight Characteristics............................ 2-12
4.1 Trip Generation Rates ................................................................ 4-4
4.2 Percent Distribution of Traffic by Vehicle Class..................... 4-13
4.3 Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) per Lane................... 4-15
4.4 Temporal Distribution of Commercial Vehicle Traffic
in Urban Areas ............................................................................ 4-38
5.1 Trip Generation Rates for Air Cargo Operations ................... 5-6
6.1 Advantages and Disadvantages of Truck Interview
Surveys ......................................................................................... 6-7
6.2 Freight Planning Issues for State DOTs and MPOs............. 6-10
7.1 Employment by Category in Green Bay.................................. 7-8
7.2 Definitions of Employment Categories ................................... 7-8
7.3 Matrix of Employment Splits .................................................... 7-9
7.4 Application of Splits to TAZ #15.............................................. 7-9
8.1 Initial Daneville Matrix of Weights.......................................... 8-4
8.2 Daneville Weighted Destination Trips .................................... 8-4
8.3 Initial Daneville External-to-External Trips............................ 8-5
8.4 Revised Daneville Matrix of Weights ...................................... 8-5
8.5 Revised Daneville External-to-External Trips ........................ 8-6
9.1 Sample of External-to-External Truck Trips for the
Fox Cities...................................................................................... 9-12
This freight planning manual was prepared for the Federal Highway
Administration (FHWA) under Contract No. DTFH61-93-C-00075 by
Cambridge Systematics, Inc. and Contract No. DTFH61-93-C-00216 by
COMSIS Corporation.
Members of the research team included Dr. Harry S. Cohen, Dr. Roemer
M. Alfelor and Krista L. Rhoades from Cambridge Systematics Inc.; Prof.
Alan J. Horowitz, Suparna Chatterjee, and Dr. Michael McAdams from the
University of Wisconsin in Milwaukee; and Deborah W. Matherly and Art
Sosslau from COMSIS Corporation.
We would also like to thank the following for their contributions: Randall
E. Wade, Douglas F. Dalton, John Hartz, Donald R. Uelman and Dwan
Krahn from Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT); Michael
Schumacher, President, Services Plus, Green Bay, Wisconsin; Fred
Sherman, Lawrence/Douglas County Metropolitan Planning Office;
Richard Miller from Kansas Department of Transportation (KDOT); Greg
Keil, City of Menasha, Wisconsin; Ken Theine and Walt Raith, East Central
Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission; Chris Knight and Pat M. Vaile,
Brown County Planning Commission, Wisconsin; and numerous trucking
and warehousing firms in the Fox Valley area of Wisconsin.
Many thanks to Alan Pisarski for reviewing the freight planning data
sources, to the American Trucking Association and the Bureau of
Transportation Statistics (BTS) for extensive use of their materials, and to
all the Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) and other planning
agencies who responded to the surveys.
Finally, we are very grateful to both Dane Ismart and Monica Francois of
the Federal Highway Administration for providing us technical guidance
in preparing this manual.
1.0 Introduction
1.0 Introduction
The Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 (ISTEA) requires that States
and Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) consider urban freight in their long-
range plans, transportation improvement programs, and annual work elements. There
are, however, some issues that must be addressed before the States, MPOs and other
planning agencies can be effective in freight planning:
Most of these agencies have little experience with freight planning. Senior
planners and managers have spent most of their professional careers dealing
with the transportation of people, not freight;
Current and historical data on freight, especially truck movements, are
extremely limited; and
Most of the models in the literature are highly complex, and require data that are
not generally available to planning agencies.
1.1 Objectives of the Quick Response Freight Manual
The objectives of this manual are as follows:
To provide background information on the freight transportation system and
factors affecting freight demand to planners who may be relatively new to this
To help planners locate available data and freight-related forecasts compiled by
others, and to apply this information in developing forecasts for specific
To provide simple techniques and transferable parameters that can be used to
develop commercial vehicle trip tables which can then be merged with
passenger vehicle trip tables developed through the conventional four-step
planning process,
To provide techniques and transferable parameters for site planning, that can be
used by planners in anticipating local commercial vehicle traffic caused by new
facilities such as regional warehouses, truck terminals, intermodal facilities, etc.
The manual addresses freight issues at different levels of analysis. On the more detailed
site planning level, the methods include predicting the number and temporal distribution
of truck trips to and from specific locations and identifying the routes used. On a more
aggregate level such as corridor, metropolitan area, or regional level, the manual helps
develop forecasts of trips generated by various traffic analysis zones and distribute these
trips to the transportation network.
The analytical methods contained in the manual place special emphasis on inclusion of
transferable parameters that can be used as default values for model inputs when data
specific to the State or metropolitan area are not available.
This manual also identifies alternative analytical methodologies and data collection
techniques in order to improve the accuracy of the freight analysis and planning
1.2 Organization of the Manual
The manual is organized such that each chapter is independent of the others and the user
can only read the chapter or chapters that serve his or her interests. The following
describes the main chapters of the manual:
Chapter 2 - Factors Affecting Freight Demand identifies and describes a variety of factors
that influence the demand for goods and commodities as well as the costs and service
levels associated with freight transportation.
Chapter 3 - Simple Growth Factor Methods provides basic methods that can be used to
forecast changes in freight demand due to changes in the level of economic activity and
other factors affecting freight demand as described in Chapter 2. This chapter also
describes ways in which the freight demand forecasts can be improved.
Chapter 4 - Incorporating Commercial Vehicles into the Travel Forecasting Process
deals with the development of commercial vehicle trip tables for use as part of a
conventional four-step travel forecasting process. The steps include Trip Generation, Trip
Distribution, and Trip Assignment. The procedures are applied to a hypothetical study
area. The chapter also provides information on time-of-day (or temporal) distribution of
truck traffic.
Chapter 5 - Site Analysis describes and illustrates procedures for predicting the changes
in commercial vehicle traffic and level of service characteristics on transportation
networks due to specific planned facilities including major intermodal facilities and other
special trip generators.
Chapter 6 - Data Collection to Support More Accurate Freight Analysis identifies
primary and secondary data collection methodologies and data sources which can be used
to improve the accuracy and reliability of the freight planning process.
Chapter 7 - Principles of Application provides additional guidance when applying the
methods discussed in this manual in common planning problems.
Chapter 8 - Statewide Freight Forecasting in Support of Regionwide Forecasting
explains the relationships between statewide and regional freight planning. Procedures
adapted by Kansas and Wisconsin for freight analysis and planning in the state and
regional levels are compared and contrasted. This chapter also discusses the advantages
of Intermodal Management System (IMS) in freight planning and describes efforts by a
number of States to develop an IMS.
Chapter 9 - Case Study Applications to Urban Areas presents real-world applications of
the methods contained in the manual, as well as existing freight forecasting software
models, to three urban settings namely: Lawrence, Kansas; Appleton, Wisconsin; and
Green Bay, Wisconsin. An example of site analysis is also presented for a major trip
generator in Green Bay, Wisconsin.
In addition to the main chapters, the manual contains an extensive compilation of data,
data sources, data collection techniques and other literature pertaining to freight analysis.
These are included in the appendix materials as follows:
Appendix A - Glossary of Terms defines some of the most common terms used in freight
planning and analysis.
Appendix B - Selected References contains some of the bibliographical sources and
materials used to develop the concepts and methodologies in the manual.
Appendix C - Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Codes is a summary of
descriptions and codes corresponding to the land use categories or classification of
employers and establishments in any given location.
Appendix D - Trip Generation Summary Tables contains detailed truck trip generation
rates for specific locations, land use types/SIC Codes, and commercial vehicle
classifications. The rates are expressed in number of trips generated per employee, per
1,000 square feet of building space, and per acre of total land area. Appendix D also
includes a table of trip generation regression formulae obtained from literature.
Appendix E - Internal Versus External Truck Trips compares the percentages of internal
and external truck trips at a number of sites.
Appendix F - Time-of-Day Characteristics contains information on the hourly
distribution of commercial vehicle traffic in selected areas.
Appendix G - Guide to State Data Centers lists for each State the name, address and
telephone number of major organizations which collect, analyze and distribute economic
data and statistical information which can be used for freight forecasting and analysis.
The names of magazines, abstracts or journals that contain this information are also
Appendix H - Guide to State Trucking Associations lists for each State the name,
address and telephone number of a major organization whose interests include (but are
not necessarily limited to) truck transportation.
Appendix I - Bureau of Census Regional Offices identifies the cities, addresses and
phone numbers of regional offices of the U.S. Census Bureau which can provide
information on relevant freight and economic data collected by the Census such as the
County Business Patterns.
Appendix J - National Trade Associations identifies the names, addresses, phone
numbers and mission statements of national associations (mostly non-profit) that deal
with a variety of freight issues.
Appendix K - Freight Transportation Data Sources lists and describes various sources of
data (primarily Federal) and methods relevant to freight that are available to the public.
Appendix L - Commercial Data Sources lists and describes various sources of data and
methods relevant to freight which can be purchased from private entities.
Appendix M - Recent Freight and Truck Surveys is a listing of freight and truck surveys
recently conducted in various locations throughout the United States which are excellent
sources of methods and techniques for data collection and analysis.
2.0 Factors Affecting
Freight Demand
. 2-1
2.0 Factors Affecting Freight
2.1 Introduction
This chapter identifies and describes a number of factors that affect the demand for
freight. The factors may either directly influence the demand for goods and services,
which in turn affect the demand for freight; or they may impact on the costs and/or levels
of service of one or more freight transport modes, which influence whether or not (as well
as how) the freight demands will be met.
The purpose of this chapter is to provide transportation planners and analysts meaningful
insights on various determinants of freight demand. However, it is not the intent of this
chapter to identify and discuss the universe of factors that bear directly or indirectly on
freight demand. An adequate understanding of the mechanism and extent by which some
of these factors influence the characteristics of the goods and commodities produced and
consumed as well as the manner in which they are shipped is crucial to freight analysis
and planning. These factors are generally used for forecasting future traffic (Chapter 3),
estimating volumes of trips generated and attracted and distributing trips over the
transportation network (Chapter 4), and predicting the impacts of new or planned
facilities (Chapter 5).
The factors influencing the demand for freight are more complex and interdependent than the
factors influencing passenger demand because:
decisions by shippers, carriers and receivers affect whether or not a particular
shipment is made and, if so, by what mode and route;
there are many different types of commodities that make up the freight traffic,
and these commodities have wide range of prices or values associated with them
(also some are perishable while others are not);
freight movements are measured in various units such as dollar value, quantity,
weight, volume, container, carload, truckload etc.; and
the cost of moving freight is much harder to determine compared with cost to
move passengers because more specialized services are required for freight (i.e.
See NCHRP 8-31 Final Report, Multimodal Corridor and Capacity Analysis Manual, Cambridge
Systematics Inc. March 1996.
handling, loading, unloading, classifying, storing, packaging, warehousing,
inventorying, etc.).
In this chapter, the discussions pertaining to the factors affecting freight demand are
mostly adopted from the NCHRP 8-30 report, Forecasting Freight Transportation Demand,
prepared by Cambridge Systematics Inc. The factors discussed in that report include:
1. The Economy
2. Industrial Location Patterns
3. Globalization of Business
4. International Trade Agreements
5. International Transportation Agreements
6. Just-in-Time Inventory Practices
7. Carrier-Shipper Alliances
8. Centralized Warehousing
9. Packaging Materials
10. Recycling
11. Economic Regulation and Deregulation
12. Intermodal Operating Agreements
13. Fuel Prices
14. Publicly Provided Infrastructure
15. User Charges and Other Taxes
16. Government Subsidization of Carriers
17. Environmental Policies and Restrictions
18. Safety Policies and Restrictions
19. Effects of Changes in Truck Size and Weight Limits
20. Congestion
21. Technological Advances
Additional explanations are provided to describe the characteristics of freight that are
heavily influenced by each factor. A matrix of freight demand characteristics (i.e.
commodity, shipment, mode and logistics cost) versus factors affecting freight demand is
developed at the end of the chapter.
Since the degree by which each factor influences freight demand varies from case to case,
it is not possible to make definitive assessments of their absolute and relative importance
in determining freight demand. The planner should be able to make appropriate
judgment based on his or her knowledge of the specific situation.
. 2-3
2.2 Factors that Affect Freight Demand
1. The Economy
As a derived demand, freight demand is primarily influenced by the volume of goods
produced and consumed. Expansion in the national economy, or the economy of any
region, results in increases in overall demand (in terms of volume) for goods and services,
while economic contractions result in demand reductions. Overall economic condition is
also indicative of the buying/purchasing power of the population. The types and values
of commodities produced and consumed usually reflect this economic condition.
At the national level, the size of the economy is most frequently measured in dollar terms
as gross national product (GNP) or gross domestic product (GDP). However, freight
demand is more closely related to the goods-production component of GNP or GDP.
While real GDP of goods is a reasonable overall measure of the economys influence on
freight demand, it measures goods production in dollars rather than in weight or volume.
Production of low value (dollars per ton) bulk commodities, such as agricultural products
and coal, generate a larger share of freight demand than their total value would indicate.
2. Industrial Location Patterns
Industrial location patterns are critical to determining transport demand as measured in
ton-miles, line-haul miles or other units which reflect length of haul. The influence of
spatial distribution can best be measured through its actual effect on demand - as average
length of haul by commodity or total ton-miles transported. The spatial distribution of
economic activity also influences mode choice, with many commodities likely to be
shipped by one mode when distances are short and by another when distances are longer.
Travel time, reliability, shipping costs and other logistics costs are all a function of
distance and vary from mode to mode. Another freight characteristic that is influenced by
location (and hence distance) is the perishability of the product.
3. Globalization of Business
Many companies today manage worldwide production and distribution systems, and
national economies are increasingly being integrated into a global economy. As
production facilities are shifted to locations around the globe where products can be
produced more economically, the demand for world trade will continue to increase. The
patterns of domestic and foreign production and distribution vary significantly by
industry and product type, and they affect transportation requirements in the United
States. For example, increasing imports from Asia eventually may warrant containership
For more detailed discussions, see NCHRP 8-30 Report - Forecasting Freight Transportation
Demand. A Guidebook for Planners and Policy Analysts. Cambridge Systematics Inc., January 1996.
service directly from India, a service that would operate through the Suez Canal to the
East Coast of the United States. These containers would then be transported inland from
the East Coast, instead of from the West Coast as currently is the case.
The changing patterns of world trade influence both transport flows and mode choice.
The costs of production and distribution of commodities will reflect much higher
economies of scale compared to more localized businesses. The average length of haul
for freight is also much higher for global businesses, and usually involves more than one
line-haul or terminal facility. Most worldwide freight flows are intermodal, which
highlights the need for standardization of packaging, equipment, handling, and safety
4. International Trade Agreements
Global production and distribution are also affected by international trade agreements,
quotas, and tariff restrictions. The dynamics of the global marketplace have driven the
formation of numerous large regional trading blocs including the European Union (EU),
the ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA), and most important for the United States the North
American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). The essence of the NAFTA is to lower total
costs (i.e. distribution and logistics costs) for North American businesses exporting goods
within the North American market. The tariff elimination schedule will allow all trade
between Canada and the United States to be duty-free by 1998. For most U.S.-Mexico and
Canada-Mexico trade, tariffs will be phased out by the year 2003.
The implications of the NAFTA have been significant for freight transportation interests,
particularly in the border regions. NAFTA provisions radically change cross-border
transportation systems (particularly between the United States and Mexico) which were
complicated by regulations which increased costs. The passage of the NAFTA also
spawned the implementation of the Customs Modernization and Informed Compliance
Act (or MOD Act), which gave Customs the authority to expand its automated entry
system. Over time, it allows Customs to eliminate old systems and adopt practices which
will save both taxpayers and the trade community time and money. As tariff rates decline
and cargo flows increase, improvements to the border infrastructure and the border
crossing processes will continue to be made.
Further integration of economies of individual countries into regional economic and
trading blocs is likely to occur.
5. International Transportation Agreements
Bilateral and multilateral international transportation agreements often involve complex
negotiations as the nations involved seek to protect their interests and to create
opportunities for trade and economic growth. Where carrier entry or participation is
restricted in a particular market, rates tend to be higher. Each mode operates under a
unique set of international arrangements. International air service agreements define the
service routes, and they control the number of carriers from each country, as well as the
. 2-5
type of aircraft, that can serve those routes. Although international water transport is
largely free from route restrictions, carrier conferences influence rates and services in
major markets, and cargo preferences may limit carrier participation in some trade.
International motor carrier operations in North America are likely to become more
efficient and competitive as a result of NAFTA, under which various prohibitions on U.S.,
Mexican, and Canadian carriers will be phased out and safety standards will be
harmonized. In recent years, U.S. and Canadian rail carriers have become more
integrated, affecting service, rates, and rail competition.
6. Just-in-Time (JIT) Inventory Practices
JIT systems focus on keeping inventories at minimum levels by coordinating input
deliveries with production schedules. Adoption of a JIT system often results in increasing
the frequency with which inbound shipments are scheduled, decreasing the lead times
and sizes of these shipments, and increasing the importance of receiving these shipments
on time. Firms which adopt JIT systems often reduce the number of suppliers and
transport companies with which they deal and select suppliers which are close enough to
be able to deliver shipments within short lead times.
The effects on freight demand are to increase the number of individual shipments,
decrease their length of haul and transport costs, and increase the reliability of on-time
delivery. There may be some shifts to modes which are faster or better able to handle
smaller shipment sizes. Within modes, the shift is likely to be to carriers capable of
providing highly reliable service.
7. Carrier-Shipper Alliances
There have been dramatic changes in the institutional relationships among transportation
providers and users. Shippers demand faster, reliable, seamless door-to-door
transportation services, often without stating a mode preference. Such services can be
made available through a single vendor who can arrange, manage, and monitor the
movement. Increasingly, shippers are entering into partnerships with, and often
providing in-plant space for, personnel of logistics companies which, in turn, often are
subsidiaries of carriers.
The major impacts of carrier-shipper alliances on freight demand include lower logistics
costs per unit of commodity, higher reliability of on-time delivery and lower probability of
loss or damage claim.
8. Centralized Warehousing
As transportation systems have become more efficient and more reliable, there has been
more consolidation of warehousing and distribution. This has resulted in part from the
fact that manufacturing firms are increasing their use of third-party logistics providers
who specialize in optimizing the distribution process. The results include increases in the
demand for transportation (as reflected in ton-miles or line-haul miles) and in associated
costs (i.e. line-haul, loading/unloading and in-transit logistics costs). However,
centralized warehousing reduces the cost to keep and maintain an inventory which
include storage space requirements, storage costs and shelf loss.
9. Packaging Materials
The use of lightweight materials as protective packaging for many manufactured products
has resulted in a reduction in average weight and density (weight/volume) of shipments.
This means that heavy fragile products such as appliances, glass products, computers and
equipment are now more transportable than they used to be. The increase in low-density
shipments has also created a demand for larger truck trailers and shipping containers (i.e.
higher volume or cube limit).
10. Recycling
Increased use of recycled materials such as paper, aluminum, plastics and glass products
affects freight origin and destination patterns, lengths of haul, and mode choice for several
commodities. Recycling plants are frequently located near the markets they serve (i.e.
residential or business communities that use recycled products), which also provide them
with materials for recycling. The types of commodities, vehicles/carriers and routes
associated with freight transportation depend upon the sizes and spatial distributions of
the recycling plants and the markets they serve.
11. Economic Regulation and Deregulation
Deregulation within the transportation industry was driven by the desire to encourage
greater price and service competition and to increase opportunities to develop multimodal
and intermodal relationships among and within the various modes. The trend toward
regulatory change began with the Transportation Act of 1940, but was most evident in the
deregulatory actions taken in the 1970s and 1980s. These actions include the Airline
Deregulation Act of 1978 (which was preceded by deregulation of the all-cargo air services
industry in 1977), the Motor Carrier Act of 1980, the Staggers Rail Act of 1980, and the
Shipping Act of 1984. All of these actions paved the way for the growth in intermodalism,
the formation of multimodal transportation companies and alliances, and the evolution of
logistics management -- all of which have substantial impacts on the costs and level of
service of freight transportation.
12. Intermodal Operating Agreements
Transportation carriers have become increasingly multimodal, looking for the most
effective ways to integrate and market their capacity and to combine the services of rail,
truck, water, and air modes. Traditional competitors, both within and across modes, are
. 2-7
recognizing the need to build cooperative relationships. As a result of intermodal
operating agreements and joint ventures, carriers are able to offer a broader range of
services and to tailor service packages for individual shippers, resulting in lower costs
and higher levels of service for freight transportation.
13. Fuel Prices
For all modes of transportation, fuel is a large and volatile cost component. An increase in
fuel prices is likely to result in transportation rate increases for faster modes (e.g., air) and
for premium services provided by a given mode (e.g., high speed rail container and trailer
carriage). Line-haul cost of various modes, which is a function of distance, will also be
impacted by fuel price changes. Accordingly, some changes in demand for specific
commodities or shift of mode may occur. When evaluating the effect of fuel price changes
on choice of mode, it is necessary to consider fuel requirements for competing services
rather than modal averages.
14. Publicly-Provided Infrastructure
Carriers (except for rail) rely heavily on publicly-financed and maintained infrastructure.
The Federal Aviation Administration is responsible for airport runways and related
airside infrastructure, as well as the air traffic control system. The U.S. Army Corps of
Engineers is responsible for waterway and harbor maintenance and for the operation of
locks and dams. The U.S. Coast Guard provides navigation aids and operates Vessel
Traffic Services at selected ports. The Federal Highway Administration implements the
federal aid highway program which funds the National Highway System and other
highways on the basis of a matching formula; and most major highways are constructed
and maintained by state highway agencies.
All infrastructure systems tend to be expanded somewhat more slowly than the freight
carriers and shippers would like, resulting in higher travel times and operating costs, less
reliable delivery times, limitations in type, size and weight of vehicles and shipments,
constraints in delivery and pick-up time schedules and higher in-transit logistics costs.
The quality of local infrastructure and the degree of congestion also affect shipper choices
of mode, transfer facilities and ports.
15. User Charges and Other Taxes
User charges are the principal means of financing publicly-provided infrastructure.
Government efforts to recover the costs of building and maintaining transportation
infrastructure will continue to affect the competitive position of the modes involved. For
the water mode, harbor maintenance fees fund approximately 40 percent of construction
and maintenance costs for coastal harbors, and a variety of user charges (wharfage,
dockage, equipment rental fees, gate fees, franchise fees) finance port operations. For the
air mode, federal spending on airports and airways is supported by taxes on domestic and
international airline passenger tickets, air cargo waybills, and fuel taxes (all of which are
deposited in the Airport and Airway Trust Fund), with construction and operation of
individual airports also financed through revenue bonds, facility leases, landing fees, and
slot fees. Federal highway programs are supported by the Highway Trust Fund, which
receives fuel taxes, an annual heavy vehicle use tax, and excise taxes. Most states also
have highway or transportation trust funds, some with constitutional restrictions on how
those funds are used.
In addition to user charges, transportation companies pay business, sales, and property
taxes. Most of the revenue from these taxes is used for general operations of federal, state
and local governments, though some is available for transportation applications. There
continues to be considerable discussion and debate relating to the use of fuel taxes for
non-transportation purposes.
All forms of user fees and taxes affect the total freight transportation cost, resulting in
higher rates and prices for carriers, shippers and receivers of products. These fees and
taxes can be imposed based upon the value, weight, volume or dimension of commodities,
shipments and vehicles, thus affecting these characteristics of freight in the traffic stream.
16. Government Subsidization of Carriers
Government subsidization of carriers reduces transport costs and affects competition
between classes of carriers, between modes, and between operators of carriers registered
in different countries. Among domestic carriers, the rail industry has been concerned
about subsidization of the motor carrier and barge industries. With the exception of
public subsidies for operations on otherwise unprofitable branch lines, railroads currently
do not receive any government subsidies (although they were the beneficiaries of historic
subsidies, including granting of right-of-way and in some cases adjoining lands). Barges,
on the other hand, provide service on waterways operated and maintained by the U.S.
Army Corps of Engineers and pay a relatively small portion of the cost of constructing,
operating, and maintaining the waterway infrastructure. Similarly, trucks operate on
public roads, and the issue of whether heavy trucks pay their fair share of federal highway
taxes continues to be controversial.
Operating subsidies to U.S.-flag vessel operators are likely to end in the near future. This
could mean the demise of the U.S. merchant marine, as vessel operators reflag. Some
argue that air carriers do not pay an appropriate share of costs associated with the air
traffic control system, but the financial condition of the airline industry makes any
substantial near-term increase in user charges unlikely.
17. Environmental Policies and Restrictions
Environmental policies and restrictions affect all modes of transportation. The restrictions
placed on the water mode and ports include the Clean Water Act, the Oil Pollution Act,
dredge disposal controls, and speed and draft restrictions. Motor carriers are most
affected by emissions controls and clean fuel requirements. Air carriers, particularly the
all-cargo carriers that operate older aircraft and that operate primarily at night, are most
. 2-9
affected by noise restrictions. These environmental policies and restrictions significantly
add to the cost of freight transportation. In addition to the impacts of environmental
policies on modal costs, freight demand also is affected by environmental policies which
affect decisions on the locations of industrial sites and the locations at which raw materials
are produced.
18. Safety Policies and Restrictions
Safety regulations increase carrier capital and operating costs while reducing all accident-
related costs (insurance, liability payments, loss and damage, and delay). These
regulations also create some small costs for safety inspections and record-keeping. One
example of a regulatory action that resulted in demonstrable accident cost savings is the
Federal 55 mph speed limit.
The regulation of hazardous materials (hazmat) transport increases transport costs.
Although we are aware of no data on the costs of hazmat regulation, we believe these
costs do represent a significant proportion of carrier operating costs for hazmat
shipments. Route restrictions for hazmat truck operations are the responsibility of state
and local governments. The amount of such route restrictions is probably increasing, and
may become a significant factor in choice of mode in the future
Although changes in safety regulations may have some effect on carrier costs and on
modal competition, aside from the effects on the cost of hazmat carriage, these effects are
likely to be small relative to those of most of the other factors discussed in this chapter.
19. Effects of Changes in Truck Size and Weight Limits
Changes in truck size and weight limits can have a significant impact on the cost of goods
movement by truck. Truck size and weight limits control the amount of payload that can
be carried on a truck. For high-density freight, the maximum payload usually is
controlled by weight limits; for low-density freight, the maximum payload usually is
controlled by the cubic capacity of the truck (i.e., length, width, and height limits).
Because increases in truck size and weight limits increase the payload per trip, fewer truck
trips are required to carry the same amount of freight. Longer and heavier trucks
generally cost more to operate on a per-vehicle-mile basis; however, these increases only
partially offset any cost savings associated with making fewer trips.
Changes in truck size and weight limits may result in shifts of freight to or from other
modes, particularly rail. Without the diversion of additional freight from rail, increases in
truck size and weight limits would be expected to reduce truck traffic volumes. The
extent to which volume reductions would be offset by the diversion of freight to trucks is
an important issue in the debate over the effects of changes in limits.
20. Congestion
In many urban areas, increasing highway congestion is affecting the cost and efficiency of
truck transport, and the reliability required by just-in-time shipping. Highway congestion
affects trucking costs primarily by increasing the number of driver hours and vehicles
required to haul a given amount of freight and by reducing truck fuel economies.
Recent studies of congestion have distinguished recurring congestion from the effects of
incidents such as disabled vehicles, accidents, and construction or maintenance activities.
To meet delivery schedules in congested areas, allowances must be made for the
possibility of incident-related delays. Such allowances are costly to truckers, since they
increase the time that a driver and vehicle are idle.
Increasing congestion in large metropolitan areas has led to proposals for truck bans
during peak periods in some metropolitan areas. In 1988, Los Angeles Mayor Thomas
Bradley proposed a plan for reducing congestion which included a truck-permitting
program that would drastically reduce the number of large trucks allowed to operate on
the streets of Los Angeles during the morning and evening peak periods.
Congestion also exists in air, water and rail freight transportation resulting in increased
operating cost and lower level of service.
21. Technological Advances
A number of significant technological advances in equipment and information systems
over the past three decades have had a profound impact on freight transportation
involving all modes. The most notable equipment advances include containerization,
double-stack technology, automation and robotics, handling and interchange systems,
automated terminals, and conveyance design. Advances in information systems include
electronic data interchange (EDI), automated equipment identification (AEI), applications
of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) to commercial vehicle operations, global
positioning systems, and cargo/container routing and tracking systems. Many of the
technologies which enable significant increases in productivity are readily available, while
others require significant financial investment before achieving wide application. It
should be noted that there are regulatory, market, and institutional obstacles to be
overcome before some of these advances can be implemented.
Technology will continue to evolve and improve, affecting all facets of freight
transportation including the type, size and weight of commodities, the means by which
they are produced and distributed, and the associated costs.
. 2-11
2.3 Summary
Table 2.1 shows a list of freight demand characteristics pertaining to the commodity,
shipment, mode and logistics costs, and whether or not these characteristics are influenced
by the factors discussed above.
Some of the factors described have an influence on the type, weight, volume and value
(prices) of commodities shipped. For example, a healthy economy characterized by high
GDP, high average income and raised consumer confidence will most likely exhibit heavy
consumer spending on many different types of commodities in addition to the basic ones
such as food and general necessities. The consumers can afford to buy more expensive
items in bigger quantities, and extra income will be available for purchasing products that
they can normally live without including some appliances, electronics and all forms of
equipment/tools. Other commodity attributes that may be influenced by the factors are
the perishability of the products, their storage space requirements and degree of hazard.
For example, technological advances in refrigeration may allow some perishable
commodities to last longer than they would under normal circumstances. High volume
packaged product (e.g. using Styrofoam etc.) would require a lot more storage space than
the same item unpacked. Finally, stricter safety and environmental policies on hazardous
waste transport would significantly reduce the quantity of such hazardous materials (i.e.
chemical wasters, radioactive substances) being moved from one place to another.
The second category of freight characteristics, shipment, refers to the length or distance
and the number of transfer points involved in the shipment of the commodities.
International trade agreements such as NAFTA would eliminate barriers to free trade
between the United States and other countries thereby increasing not only the volume of
commodities shipped but the average line-haul distance (e.g. vehicle-miles traveled) and
number of transfer points (stops) for these commodities.
The impacts of the factors on logistics costs, modal attributes and level of service
characteristics including volume/weight limits, travel costs, reliability, travel time and
probability of loss or damage are dependent on the specific type of mode and route the
carrier or shipper uses. Some of the factors identified may impact all modes available for
freight transport. For example, the overall economy and fuel prices usually have the same
impact on all modes. However, other factors identified may affect some modes or routes
more heavily than the others, which not only changes their logistics costs and modal level
of service characteristics but also their relative attractiveness compared to other modes.
Economic regulation/deregulation on air freight transportation may change the modal
choices of regular air freight shippers and carriers. Truck size and weight limits will hurt
the trucking industry by increasing the cost to move commodities by truck.
Note further that the impacts of the factors on freight demand characteristics can vary in
magnitude and extent, which are not reflected in the table.
Commodity Type (e.g. SIC Code) X X X X X X X X X X X X
Weight X X X X X X X X X X
Volume X X X X X X X X X X X
Value X X X X X X X
Perishability (shelf-life) X X X X X X
Storage space requirements X X X X X X X X
Degree of Hazard X X X X X X X
Line haul miles X X X X X X X X X X X X X
Miles per number of stops X X X X X X X X X X X
Cube limit X X X X X X X X X X
Weight limit X X X X X X X X X X
Suitability for hazardous materials X X X X X X X X X
Line-haul costs (per shipment or per mile) X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
Pickup costs (per shipment or per mile) X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
Delivery costs (per shipment or per mile) X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
Wait time X X X X X X X X X X X X
Travel time X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
Reliability X X X X X X X X X X X X
Probability of loss and damage claim X X X X X X X X X X X X X
Load ratio X X X X X X X X X X
Logistics Costs
Order costs X X X X X X X X X X X X X
Loading and unloading costs X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
In-transit capital carrying cost X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
In-storage capital carrying costs X X X X X X X X X X X X
Storage cost X X X X X X X X X X X X
Shelf loss in transit X X X X X X X X X X
Cost of filing loss and damage claims X X X X X X X X X X X X
Capital carrying cost on loss and damage X X X X X X X X X X X X
Carrying cost for safety stock X X X X X X X X X X X X
Emergency shipment cost X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
Table 2.1 - Demand Factors
vs. Freight Characteristics
3.0 Simple Growth Factor
3.0 Simple Growth Factor Methods
3.1 Introduction
This chapter provides simple methods that can be used to forecast the changes in freight
demand due to changes in the level of economic activity or other related factors. The
procedure involves applying growth factors to baseline freight traffic data or economic
variables in order to project the future freight travel demands. The growth factor
approach is classified into two types -- (1) based on historical traffic trends, and (2) based on
forecasts of economic activity. The first approach involves the direct application of a growth
factor, calculated based upon historical traffic information, to the baseline traffic data. The
second approach recognizes that demand for freight transportation is derived from
underlying economic activities (e.g. employment, population, income, etc.). In this
approach, forecasts of changes in economic variables are used to estimate the
corresponding changes in freight traffic. A hypothetical example is provided at the end
of the chapter to illustrate and differentiate the two approaches.
Growth factor methods can be used by State DOTs, MPOs and other planning agencies
to establish rough estimates of statewide (or regional) growth in freight traffic for the
freight component of a transportation plan. They might also be used to forecast truck
travel for pavement design and management. At the local level, these methods might be
used to project growth in freight traffic in a given corridor or the level of activity at an
intermodal facility.
This chapter also briefly describes a more elaborate alternative approach for freight
transportation demand forecasting using statistical techniques.
3.2 Growth Factors Based on Historical Traffic Trends
This section presents a very simple procedure for using historical data for projecting
future freight demand. It assumes the availability of at least two years of historical data
for the freight demand variable being forecast.
Using two years of historical data, an annual growth factor (AGF) is calculated as follows:
AGF = (T2/T1)
where T1 is freight demand in year Y1 and T2 is freight demand in year Y2.
The annual growth factor can then be applied to predict future demand (T3) for some
future year (Y3) as follows:
T3 = T2 AGF
For example, assume that the number of truck trips at a given location on an average
weekday was 8,000 in 1990 and 10,000 in 1995. Using this simple procedure, the forecast
number of truck trips for the year 2005 is 15,625; i.e.,
AGF = (10,000/8,000)
= 1.04564
15,625 = (10,000) (1.04564)
If more than two years of historical data are available for the variable to be forecast, we
suggest that these data be plotted and examined to insure that they exhibit a relatively
steady growth rate over time. If the year-to-year changes appear erratic, then the assump-
tion underlying the simple procedure relatively constant growth rate over time is
called into question.
Particularly for long-range forecasts, using growth factors based solely on historical trends
is dangerous because it does not consider the underlying mechanisms or factors that bring
about changes in demand for freight. Since freight transportation demand is derived
from the more basic demands for goods and services, forecasts of various economic factors
that affect the demand for goods should be used to predict the corresponding growth (or
changes) in freight demand. This procedure is described below.
3.3 Growth Factors Based on Economic Projections
This section presents a simple procedure for forecasting freight using projections of future
demand or output for the goods being transported. It also describes various sources of
economic forecasts which a freight analyst can use in applying this procedure as well as
ways to improve its accuracy. A brief discussion of sensitivity analysis and alternative
futures is also included. Most of these discussions were excerpted from the NCHRP 8-30,
Forecasting Freight Transportation Demand.
3.3.1 Analysis Steps Explained
To simplify the approach for deriving forecasts of future freight traffic from economic
forecasts, it can be assumed that the demand for transport of a specific commodity is
directly proportional to an economic indicator variable that measures output or demand
NCHRP 8-30 Report - Forecasting Freight Transportation Demand. A Guidebook for Planners and
Policy Analysts, Cambridge Systematics Inc., January 1996.
for the commodity. With this assumption, growth factors for economic indicator
variables, which represent the ratios of their forecast-year values to base-year values, can
be used as the growth factors for freight traffic.
This procedure requires data or estimates of freight traffic by commodity type for a
reasonably normal base year, as well as base year and forecast year values for the
corresponding economic indicator variables. The basic steps involved in the process are
as follows:
1. Select the commodity or industry groups that will be used in the analysis. This choice
is usually dictated by the availability of forecasts of economic indicator variables. As
discussed in the next section, much of the available forecasts are by Standard
Industrial Classification (SIC) code.
2. Obtain or estimate the distribution of base-year freight traffic by commodity or
industry group. If actual data on the distribution are not available, state or national
sources may be used to estimate this distribution. For example, the Census Bureaus
Truck Inventory and Use Survey (TIUS) provides information on the distribution of
truck VMT by commodity carried and industry group. A sample application of TIUS
data for this purpose is presented in the example at the end of this section.
3. Determine the annual growth factor (AGF) for each commodity or industry group as
AGF = (I
where I
is the value of the economic indicator in year Y1 and I
is the value of the
economic indicator in year Y2.
4. Using the annual growth factor and base-year traffic, calculate forecast-year traffic for
each commodity or industry groups as follows:
= T
where n is the number of years in the forecast period.
5. Aggregate the forecasts across commodity or industry groups to produce the forecast
of total freight demand.
The most desirable indicator variables are those that measure goods output or demand in
physical units (tons, cubic feet, etc.). However, forecasts of such variables frequently are
not available. More commonly available indicator variables are constant-dollar measures
of output or demand, employment, or, for certain commodity groups, population or real
personal income. The following subsection describes the data sources for forecasts of
some of these economic indicator variables.
3.3.2 Sources of Economic Forecasts
There are several sources which can be used by analysts at State DOTs, MPOs and other
planning agencies to obtain estimates of growth in economic activity (by geographic area
and industry or commodity type). In general, large urban areas tend to have a smaller
growth rate than smaller suburban and rural areas.
Many states fund research groups that monitor the states economy and produce forecasts
of changes in the economy. For example, the Center for the Continuing Study of the
California Economy develops 20-year forecasts of the value of California products by the
two-digit Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code. Similarly, the Texas Comptroller
of Public Accounts develops 20-year forecasts of population for ten sub-state regions and
20-year forecasts of output and employment by one-digit SIC code and sub-state region; and
a private firm produces 20-year forecasts of output and employment in Texas by three-
digit SIC code. Appendix G lists the data centers in each state.
Long-term economic forecasts also are available from two federal agencies. At 2-year
intervals, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) publishes low, medium and high 12 to 15-
year forecasts of several economic variables, including real domestic output, real exports and
imports, and employment, for each of 226 sectors (generally corresponding to groups of
three-digit SIC industries).
Also, at five-year intervals, the Bureau of Economic Analysis
(BEA) develops 50-year regional projections of population and personal income as well as
employment and earnings by industry sector.
The BEA forecasts are published by state for
57 industries, and by metropolitan statistical area and BEA economic area for 14 industry
groups (see Appendix K, Part 1).
In addition to the state and federal agencies, short and long-term economic forecasts are
also available from several private sources (see Appendix L). The private firms use
government and industry data to develop their own models and analyses. Two of the
better known private sources are DRI/McGraw Hill and the WEFA Group.
DRI provides national, regional, state, Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA), and county-
level macroeconomic forecasts on a contract or subscription basis. Variables forecast
include gross domestic product, employment, imports, exports, and interest rates. DRI also
produces short-term (2- to 3-year) and long-term (20- to 25-year) industrial input and
output forecasts for 250 industries (2, 3, or 4-digit SIC code). Industrial inputs include
employment, energy, and materials used in production. These input/output forecasts are
updated semiannually. Price and wage indices are also forecast for 650 different industries.
The most recent BLS forecasts are contained in U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics,
American Work Force 1992-2005, Bulletin 2452, April 1994.
See U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis, BEA Regional Projections to 2040,
Three Volumes, U.S. Government Printing Office, October 1990.
WEFA produces quarterly short (2 to 3 year) and long-term (10- and 25-year) and
annual long-term (25-year) U.S. macroeconomic forecasts. Variables forecast include gross
domestic product, employment, price indices, financial indicators, and foreign exchange rates.
WEFA also produces short-term (3 year) output forecasts for 537 industries (at the 4-digit
SIC level) on a quarterly basis, and long-term (10-year) input and output forecasts for 480
industries semi-annually.
3.3.3 Improving the Demand Forecasts
The basic procedure presented above makes the simplifying assumption that, for any
transport facility, the percentage change in demand for transport (i.e. freight traffic) of
each commodity group will be identical to the percentage change in the corresponding
indicator variable. However, for various reasons, the two percentage changes are likely to
be somewhat different from each other. These reasons include changes over time in:
1. value of output per ton;
2. output per employee;
3. transportation requirements per ton; and
4. competition from other facilities and modes.
To the extent that the likely effects of these changes are understood and can be estimated
at reasonable cost, the basic procedure should be modified to reflect these effects. These
effects are discussed below.
For most commodity groups, the relationship between value of output (measured in
constant dollars) and volume shipped (measured in pounds, tons, cubic feet, etc.) may
change over time. These changes may be due to a change in the mix of commodities being
produced within a given commodity group (e.g., more aluminum and less steel) or a
change in the average real value per ton of major products within the group. These
changes may result in changing value per ton in either direction. For example, the shift to
personal computers from mainframes provides an important example of a product
category, computers, in which the value per ton, or per pound, has decreased appreciably.
When transport demand is being forecast for several different commodity groups,
adjustments for expected changes in value per ton for all commodity groups will be
relatively expensive to make and may not have a very significant effect on the overall
forecast of transport demand. However, when there are one or two commodity groups
that are of particular interest, some consideration should be given, at least in an informal
way, to determining how real value per ton for these groups has been changing and how
it is likely to change over the forecast period.
Employment is related to transport demand less closely than is real output. Hence,
employment is a less desirable indicator variable. However, long-term forecasts of
employment are more available than forecasts of output, so that, for some purposes,
employment forecasts must be used. As a result of improvements in labor productivity,
real dollar-valued output per employee increases over time, and physical output (in tons or
cubic feet) tends to increase as well. Forecasts of the overall increase in real dollar-valued
output per employee for goods-producing industries (agriculture, mining, construction,
and manufacturing) can be obtained from DRI/McGraw-Hill. In order to avoid a
downward bias in the forecasts of transport demand, forecasts of percentage change in
employment should be converted to forecasts of percentage change in (real dollar-valued)
output by multiplying by estimated compound growth in labor productivity over the
forecast period.
Decreases in the real cost of transportation that have occurred over time have resulted in a
general tendency for industry to increase its consumption of transport services in order to
economize on other factors of production. This tendency has resulted in trends toward
decreased shipment sizes and increases in both lengths of haul and standards of service,
with the last effect resulting both in a demand for premium quality services (e.g., Just-In-
Time Delivery, see Chapter 2) provided by traditional modes and in diversion to more
expensive modes that offer faster, more reliable service. Statistical analyses, using
procedures such as those presented in Section 3.4 below, should provide useful data for
forecasting the extent to which these trends are likely to increase the overall demand for
freight transport. However, similar analyses of the secular shift toward higher quality
modes are unlikely to produce reliable results because of the difficulty in controlling for
temporal changes in modal service quality.
Finally, whenever relevant, forecasts of demand for a facility or mode should be adjusted
to reflect expected changes in degree of competition from other facilities or modes. These
changes may result from:
expected changes in relative costs;
the elimination of base-year supply constraints at the facility in question or at
competing facilities; or
the development of future supply constraints at the facility in question or at
competing facilities; or
the development of new competing facilities.
The forecasting problems posed by base-year supply constraints frequently can be
avoided by choosing a base year when no significant supply constraints existed. When
this is not practical, a combination of historic data and judgment may be used to adjust the
estimates of base-year facility usage to eliminate the effects of the supply constraints, thus
producing estimates of base-year demand in the absence of supply constraints; annual
growth rates or growth factors can then be applied to these estimates of base-year demand
to produce the forecast demand.
3.3.4 Sensitivity Analysis
The growth factor methods presented above produce just a single forecast of freight
demand. Planning decisions can then be made on the basis of this forecast. However,
planners are cautioned that the forecast is likely not to be completely accurate either
because some of the assumptions (e.g., those relating to economic growth) prove to be
inaccurate, or because of deficiencies in the procedure itself. Because no forecast can be
guaranteed to be perfectly accurate, effective planning requires that planning decisions be
reasonably tolerant of inaccuracies in the forecast. The conventional approach to
analyzing the effects of alternative futures is to subject a forecast to some form of
sensitivity analysis.
The development of any forecast requires a number of assumptions to be made, either
explicitly or implicitly. Some of the types of assumptions that may be incorporated into
forecasts of demand for a transportation facility relate to:
Economic growth both nationally and locally;
Growth in the economic sectors that generate significant volumes of freight
handled by the facility;
Transport requirements of these sectors (which may be affected by increased
imports or exports, or by changes in production processes);
Modal choice (which may be affected by changing transport requirements or
changing cost and service characteristics of competing modes);
Facility usage per unit of freight volume (which may be affected by changes in
shipment size or container size);
The availability and competitiveness of alternative facilities;
Value per ton of output; and
Output per employee (if employment is used as an indicator variable).
Sensitivity analysis consists of varying one or more of these assumptions in order to
produce alternative forecasts. The most common alternative assumptions to be
considered are those related to economic growth; and, indeed, economic forecasters
(including BLS) frequently provide high and low forecasts of growth in addition to a
medium (or most likely) forecast. These alternative forecasts of economic growth can be
used to generate alternative forecasts of transport demand, and additional alternative
forecasts of exogenous variables (e.g., trade) can be used to produce an even larger set of
forecasts of transport demand (e.g., high growth, high trade; high growth, low trade; etc.)
However, simply varying these exogenous forecasts generally will not produce a set of
transport-demand forecasts that represents the full range of demand that might exist in
future years of interest. To produce a better understanding of the range of demand that
might exist in the future, a more thorough sensitivity analysis should be conducted.
One approach to conducting a thorough sensitivity analysis consists of reviewing each of
the assumptions explicit or implicit in the analysis and, for each assumption, generating a
pair of reasonably likely alternative assumptions, one that would increase the forecast of
demand and one that would decrease it. A high forecast of demand can then be generated
by using all the alternative assumptions that would tend to increase the forecast (or at
least all those that are logically compatible with each other); and a low forecast can be
generated by using all the alternative assumptions that would tend to decrease the
forecast. These high and low forecasts should provide planners with appropriate
information about the range of transport demand that could exist in the future. Planning
decisions can then be made that are designed to produce acceptable results for any
changes in transport demand within the forecast range.
A somewhat more systematic type of sensitivity analysis consists of making small changes
in the analytic assumption, one at a time, and determining the effect of each change on
forecast demand. The results of this effort are a set of estimates of the sensitivity of the
forecast to each of the assumptions. This type of sensitivity analysis can provide more
insight into the relationships between the various analytic assumptions and the forecasts
produced. However, this approach requires a greater expenditure of resources.
Furthermore, the most important sensitivity results high and low forecasts of demand
can be generated using either approach, though these forecasts will be affected by the
alternative analytic assumptions used to generate them and the care with which the high
and low forecasts are then generated.
3.4 Alternative Forecasting Methods
One alternative to the use of growth factor methods for forecasting freight travel demand
is regression analysis. Regression analysis involves identifying one or more independent
variables (the explanatory variables) which are believed to influence or determine the
value of the dependent variable (the variable to be explained), and then calculating a set of
parameters which characterize the relationship between the independent and dependent
variables. For freight planning purposes, the dependent variable normally would be some
measure of freight activity and the independent variables usually would include one or
more measures of economic activity (e.g. employment, population, income). For
forecasting purposes, forecasts must be available for all independent variables. These
forecasts may be obtained from exogenous sources or from other regression equations
(provided that the system of equations is not circular), or they may be developed by the
forecaster using other appropriate techniques.
For forecasting purposes, regressions normally use historic time-series data (an alternative
is cross-section data) obtained for both the dependent and independent variables over the
course of several time periods (e.g., years). Regression techniques are applied to the
historic data to estimate a relationship between the independent variables and the
dependent variable; and this relationship is applied to forecasts of the independent
variables for one or more future time periods to produce forecasts of the dependent
variable for the corresponding time periods.
The reader is referred to Appendix E of the NCHRP Project 8-30 Report, Forecasting Freight
Transportation Demand, for a more detailed discussion of regression and other statistical
techniques for forecasting freight traffic.
3.5 Illustrative Example
The hypothetical example provided below demonstrates the two approaches for freight
demand forecasting using simple growth factors and shows how a freight demand
forecast can be refined using information on changes in freight characteristics.
Suppose that a 4-lane highway segment in Kentucky serves both passenger and
commercial vehicles. The current (e.g. 1995) average daily truck traffic is approximately
8,000 vehicles, or an average of 2,000 vehicles per lane per day. Historical data on truck
traffic reveals the following information:
The Bureau of Census 1992 Truck Inventory User Survey (TIUS) contains the following
information on vehicle miles traveled by all 6-tire trucks and combination vehicles in the
United States:
Daily Truck
1985 3,450
1986 5,270
1987 6,550
1988 6,880
1989 7,130
1990 7,240
1991 7,330
1992 7,500
1993 7,590
1994 7,820
1995 8,000
1992 Percentage Distribution of Truck VMT
Source: Truck Inventory and Use Survey, Bureau of Census, 1992.
Major Use VMT %
Agriculture (Farming) 7,454.9 6.6%
Forestry and Lumbering 2,611.5 2.3%
Mining and Quarrying 1,480.6 1.3%
Construction 13,453.5 12.0%
Manufacturing 8,446.7 7.5%
Wholesale Trade 12,397.4 11.0%
Retail Trade 8,552.3 7.6%
Transportation and Public Utilities 51,180.3 45.6%
Services 6,782.1 6.0%
TOTAL 112,359.3 100.0%
For this hypothetical example, it will be assumed that the national distribution of truck
VMT shown above is applicable to the State of Kentucky and the highway segment being
analyzed. In practice, a more localized or site-specific VMT distribution is preferred to
national average since the latter may not fully represent the actual area being analyzed.
The Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) forecasts of Gross State Product (GSP) for each of
these industries in Kentucky are shown in the table below:
Gross State Product (GSP) is the gross market value of the goods and services attributable
to labor and property located in a State. It is the State counterpart of the nations Gross
Domestic Product (GDP). Again, for this hypothetical example, it will be assumed that the
statewide trends in GSP as presented above are applicable to the highway segment being
analyzed. In practice, more localized forecasts should be used.
Determine the total daily truck traffic in the corridor in the year 2000 using both historical
traffic growth rate and economic projections. Assume that commodity demand for an
industry is directly proportional to the Gross State Product for that industry. In reality,
the average price per ton of each commodity may change with time making the above
assumption implausible. Furthermore, Gross State Product alone may not be an adequate
economic indicator (see Chapter 2 and earlier sections of this Chapter).
A. Historical Trends
Plotting and review of the historical data on truck traffic indicates very large percentage
increases from 1985 to 1986 and from 1986 to 1987. In subsequent years, the year-to-year
growth is much less. It appears that some occurrence in 1985 or 1986 perhaps a
significant change in the highway network or changes in traffic counting procedures
caused a sharp increase in counted volume on the segment in question. Such an unusual
pattern would indicate the need for further investigation. Unless this investigation
provides an indication to the contrary, it would seem reasonable to use the 1987 to 1995
growth as the basis for an annual growth factor, since growth during this period was
fairly stable.
Gross State Product by Place of Work in Kentucky
Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis Regional Projections Through 2045.
Major Use Gross State Product (Million 1987 $)
1992 2000
Agriculture (Farming) 2,075 2,357
Forestry and Lumbering 309 456
Mining and Quarrying 3,125 3,888
Construction 2,508 2,838
Manufacturing 15,719 19,671
Wholesale Trade 3,404 4,225
Retail Trade 6,159 7,767
Transportation and Utilities 6,290 7,781
Services 16,255 19,675
TOTAL 55,844 68,658
Forecast of the total truck traffic in the year 2000 is then calculated as follows:
AGF = (8,000/6,550)
= 1.0253
= T
= (8,000) (1.0253)
= 9,065
B. Economic Projections
Following the step-by-step procedures discussed earlier in Section 3.3, the current total
daily truck traffic (8,000) is first divided into the various commodity group categories
using the truck VMT distribution. As stated above, it is assumed that production of each
commodity group, and therefore the freight demand, is directly proportional to the Gross
State Product for each commodity category. The results of these two steps are shown in
the table below:
Using the BEA forecasts, the average annual growth factor in GSP (and thus the demand
for commodities associated with GSP) for the various categories are calculated as shown
below (Step 3):
Industrial Category % Daily Truck
VMT Traffic (1995)
Agriculture (Farming) 6.6% 531
Forestry and Lumbering 2.3% 186
Mining and Quarrying 1.3% 105
Construction 12.0% 958
Manufacturing 7.5% 601
Wholesale Trade 11.0% 883
Retail Trade 7.6% 609
Transportation and Public Utilities 45.6% 3,644
Services 6.0% 483
TOTAL 100.0% 8,000
Industrial Category Gross State Product (Million 1987 $) Annual
1992 2000 Growth Factor
Agriculture (Farming) 2,075 2,357 1.0170
Forestry and Lumbering 309 456 1.0593
Mining and Quarrying 3,125 3,888 1.0305
Construction 2,508 2,838 1.0164
Manufacturing 15,719 19,671 1.0314
Wholesale Trade 3,404 4,225 1.0302
Retail Trade 6,159 7,767 1.0326
Transportation and Utilities 6,290 7,781 1.0296
Services 16,255 19,675 1.0263
TOTAL 55,844 68,658
For each industrial category, the annual growth factor in GSP is used to forecast the year
2000 truck traffic volume (Step 4). For example, the forecast of truck traffic for
agriculture/farming is calculated as follows:
= T
* (AGF)
= 531 * (1.0170)
577 trucks per day
Finally, the individual forecasts are aggregated to calculate the total future truck traffic
estimated, as shown in the table below (Step 5):
Truck traffic forecasts based on historical trends do not provide as much underlying basis
as the forecasts shown above. One is therefore more inclined to use forecasts based on
economic projections rather than those based on historical traffic projections.
Again, the above forecasts assume that the unit prices of the commodities, or values of
output per ton, remain unchanged over time. As explained earlier, this is a very
restrictive assumption because unit prices do change with time. In order to improve these
forecasts, adjustments must be made based on the historical price variations.
Industrial Category Daily Truck Annual Daily Truck
Traffic (1995) Growth Traffic (2000)
Agriculture (Farming) 531 1.0170 577
Forestry and Lumbering 186 1.0593 248
Mining and Quarrying 105 1.0305 123
Construction 958 1.0164 1,039
Manufacturing 601 1.0314 702
Wholesale Trade 883 1.0302 1,024
Retail Trade 609 1.0326 715
Transportation and Public Utilities 3,644 1.0296 4,217
Services 483 1.0263 550
TOTAL 8,000 9,195
To illustrate the adjustment procedure for coal mining, the following data derived from
the 1994 U.S. Statistical Abstract will be used:
The price of coal is dropping but at a decreasing rate. Continuing this trend, we forecast
the following prices through the year 2000:
Price of Bituminous Coal
Source: 1994 U.S. Statistical Abstract
Price per
Short Ton %
(1987 $) Change
1987 23.00
1988 21.13 -8.1%
1989 19.93 -5.6%
1990 18.87 -5.3%
1991 17.89 -5.2%
1992 17.14 -4.2%
Average: -5.7%
Price per
Short Ton %
(1987 $) Change
1993 16.59 -3.2%
1994 16.11 -2.9%
1995 15.73 -2.4%
1996 15.41 -2.0%
1997 15.16 -1.6%
1998 14.96 -1.3%
1999 14.79 -1.1%
2000 14.66 -0.9%
Forecasts for coal mining as part of the general mining and quarrying industrial
classification in the State of Kentucky are shown in the following table:
The equivalent tonnage for coal mining can be calculated as follows:
1992 Tonnage = $2,911,000/ ( $17.14/ton)
169,837 short tons
2000 Tonnage = $3,649,000/ ( $14.66/ton)
248,909 short tons
Therefore the more accurate annual growth rate for coal mining truck traffic is:
= 100%* ((248,909/169,837)
- 1)
which is higher than the growth factor of 3.17% used in the earlier calculation.
Gross State Product for Mining/Quarrying in Kentucky
Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis Regional Projections Through 2045.
Industrial Category Gross State Product (Million 1987 $) Annual
1992 2000 Growth Rate
Mining and Quarrying
Metal Mining 0 0 0.00%
Coal Mining 2,911 3,649 3.17%
Oil and Gas Extraction 74 72 -0.24%
Non-metallic minerals, 141 167 2.30%
except fuels
TOTAL 3,125 3,888 3.05%
4.0 Incorporating
Commercial Vehicles
Into The Travel
Forecasting Process
4.0 Incorporating Commercial
Vehicles into the Travel
Forecasting Process
4.1 Introduction
This chapter describes a simplified quick-response procedure for incorporating
commercial vehicles into the travel forecasting processes used by Metropolitan Planning
Organizations, State Departments of Transportation, and other planning agencies. This
chapter also provides alternative approaches that might be used if more data are available
(or can be collected) and more accuracy is desired.
The procedure produces trip tables that can be assigned to highway networks for three
classes of commercial vehicles:
Four-tire commercial vehicles, including delivery and service vehicles,
Single unit trucks with six or more tires,
Combination trucks consisting of a power unit (truck or tractor) and one or more
trailing units.
Figure 4.1 shows the simplified quick-response procedure as consisting of the following
1. Obtain data on economic activity for traffic analysis zones (including employment
by type and the number of households),
2. Apply trip generation rates to estimate the number of commercial vehicle trip
destinations for each traffic analysis zone,
3. Estimate commercial vehicle volumes at external stations,
4. Estimate the number of commercial vehicle trips between pairs of traffic analysis
zones or external stations,
5. Develop a preliminary estimate of commercial vehicle VMT by assigning trips to a
network (or using a table of zone-to-zone distances),
Figure 4.1 Simplified Quick Response Freight Forecasting Procedure
. Trip Generation Rate
by Truck Type and Land Use
Trip Generation
. Economic Activity Data
. # of Employees and Households
by Traffic Analysis Zone (TAZ)
and by Land Use (SIC)
Input Data
. Internal-to-external trips
. External-to-internal trips
. External-to-external (through)
Trips at External Stations 3
. Gravity Model (Travel Time tij )
. Zone to Zone / Station to Station
Trip Distribution
Load Truck VMT onto Network
Trip Assignment 5
Convergence Criteria Met ?
Compare Control VMT
with Estimated VMT
. Regional VMT Estimates
. Vehicle Classification Data
Control VMT
Peak Off-Peak
Balanced Truck Trip Table
and Truck Flows
Peak Off-Peak
6. Develop control totals for commercial VMT based upon (1) estimates of total VMT
in the region for each functional class, and (2) vehicle classification data
indicating the percentage of total VMT associated with commercial vehicles
7. Compare the results of Step 5 and Step 6, and, if necessary, develop adjustment
factors to trip generation rates or trip distribution factors.
Steps 2 through 7 are repeated until the estimates of commercial vehicle VMT developed
in Step 5 is reasonably close to the control totals developed in Step 6. The following
sections describe each of these steps. A hypothetical example is included to illustrate the
Finally, a section on time-of-day characteristics discusses the temporal distribution of
travel by commercial vehicles.
4.2 Trip Generation
In the quick-response procedure, the number of commercial vehicle destinations per day
in each traffic analysis zone is calculated by:
Estimating (or obtaining data on) the number of employees who work in the
traffic analysis zone for each of the following employment categories:
1. Agriculture, Mining and Construction (SIC 1-19)
2. Manufacturing, Transportation/Communications/Utilities and Wholesale
Trade (SIC 20-51)
3. Retail Trade (SIC 52-59)
4. Office and Services (SIC 60-88),
Estimating (or obtaining data on) the number of households located in the traffic
analysis zone,
Applying the trip generation rates shown in Table 4.1 to the data obtained
The trip generation rates shown in Table 4.1 are for trip destinations (which, on an
average day, are equal to trip origins). These rates were taken from a Phoenix, Arizona
. The Phoenix study results are used as the basis for default values because they
Earl Ruiter; Cambridge Systematics, Inc.; Development of an Urban Truck Travel Model for the Phoenix
Metropolitan Area; February 1992; Report Number FHWA-AZ92-314; prepared for Arizona
Department of Transportation and the Federal Highway Administration.
provide an internally-consistent set of trip generation rates and trip times, compared with
potentially inaccurate rates derived from mixing results from a large number of studies in
which the exact trip generations, vehicle definitions and employment categories used are
mostly unclear or unknown. Appendix D, however, contains site-specific trip generation
rates and regression equations that a user may find more suitable for a particular state or
region being analyzed.
Table 4.1 Trip Generation Rates
Commercial Vehicle Trip Destinations (or Origins)
per Unit per Day
Generator Four -Tire
Single Unit
(6+ Tires)
Combinations TOTAL
Employment: *
Agriculture, Mining and
1.110 0.289 0.174 1.573
Manufacturing, Transportation,
Communications, Utilities and
Wholesale Trade
0.938 0.242 0.104 1.284
Retail Trade 0.888 0.253 0.065 1.206
Office and Services 0.437 0.068 0.009 0.514
Households 0.251 0.099 0.038 0.388
* If employment data is available only in terms of retail and non-retail employment, the trip generation rates
shown above for non-retail employment should be weighted by the following national employment average
percentages: (1) Agriculture, Mining and Construction - 10.9%; (2) Manufacturing, Transportation,
Communications, Utilities and Wholesale Trade - 29.5%, (3) Office and Services - 59.6%.
Information on the number of households and employees by traffic analysis zone may be
available to States or metropolitan/regional planning agencies through local data used
for passenger transportation planning. If not, other sources and methodologies may be
used including allocation of business-specific county or zip code data to census tracts.
For example, County Business Patterns presents county-level data on establishments (total
and by employment size class) as well as total employment by SIC code (see Appendix
C for listing and description of SIC codes). This data is tabulated by industry as defined
The trip generation rates in Table 4.1 were increased to account for under-reporting and the fact
that the survey did not cover trips with one end outside the region. The rates for combinations
were increased disproportionately because combinations tend to be used for intercity shipments to
a much greater degree than the other two classes of commercial vehicles.
in the 1987 Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Manual. This tabulation is consistent
with the classification methods used to create the default values in Table 4.1.
The same categories may also be obtained at the zip code level by special order from the
Bureau of Census.
County Business Patterns examines activity by specific sites or establishments. An
establishment is a single physical location at which business is conducted or services or
industrial operations are performed. It is not necessarily identical with a company or
enterprise, which may consist of one or more establishments. When two or more
activities are carried on at a single location under a single ownership, all activities
generally are grouped together as a single establishment. For example, the administrative
and shipping personnel of a manufacturing facility will be classified as manufacturing.
However, administrative and auxiliary establishments that primarily manage or support
the activities of other establishments of the same company (such as the headquarters of a
multi-establishment conglomerate) are shown separately by industry division.
County Business Pattern data by major SIC code and by zip code may be allocated to
associated census tracts where there is reasonable correspondence, based on total
employment in each census tract from the Census Transportation Planning Package (CTPP).
Comparisons of total employment between the two data sources should be performed,
recognizing that County Business Patterns excludes self-employed and government
workers, and that CTPP includes 1990 Census data. Local knowledge should also be
employed to fine-tune allocations. For example, if County Business Patterns identifies
2,000 persons engaged in manufacturing employment in a zip code area, and the regional
planning organization knows that the manufacturing site in a single census tract employs
approximately that many people, it is appropriate to allocate the zip code manufacturing
employment to that single census tract, rather than distribute it among all census tracts in
the zip code area.
A general caution in using Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) or Census data for
employment is that in some cases a headquarters office or central administrative facility is
used as the address for dispersed activities such as construction, transportation, or electric
and gas utilities. Data are excluded for self-employed persons, domestic service workers,
railroad employees, agricultural production workers, most government employees, and
employees on ocean-borne vessels or in foreign countries.
If the planning agency cannot secure employment by business type at the regional, county
or zip code level, analysis can be performed using total employment by census tract.
Under this method (not recommended for quick-response freight planning) total
employment by census tract is multiplied by the average trip generation rate per
employee. Employment by census tract is available from the CTPP. It includes
tabulations by small areas of work, which are traffic analysis zones (TAZs) in areas
where the MPO supplied block-to-zone correspondence (Part 2 in MPO tabulations) and
tabulations by census tract of work (Part 7 in MPO tabulations). Tabulations for CTPP do
not include business type.
Efforts are currently underway to increase accessibility to this data . See Appendix K, Part 1.
To achieve a higher level of accuracy, it is necessary to identify employment by type and
by census tract or TAZ, rather than allocate from zip code or county level. If even greater
accuracy is desired, commercial data sources can provide detailed information in various
formats, including employment by census tract and by SIC code (see Chapter 6 and
Appendix L for details).
4.2.1 Example
Figure 4.2 shows a hypothetical study area consisting of three traffic analysis zones
(TAZs) and a number of major radial and circumferential highways. Four external
stations have also been designated for the study area as shown.
Data on employment and number of households for each zone in the study area are given
in the table below.
Number of Households and Employees in Each Zone
Land Use Type Z1 Z2 Z3
No. of Households 3,120 4,364 5,985
No. of Employees:
Agriculture, Mining and Construction 0 0 0
Manufacturing, Transportation/
Communications/Utilities and
Wholesale Trade
9,362 20,209
Retail Trade 8,916 17,831 7,430
Office and Services 23,775 8,916 5,944
Total Employment 38,932 36,109 33,583
Multiplying the numbers in this table with the trip generation rates in Table 4.1 gives the
estimated number of commercial vehicle destinations per day for each vehicle type in
each zone. For example, the estimated number of 4-tire commercial vehicle destinations
generated by office/services employees for Zone Z1 is:
= [23,775] * [0.437] = 10,390 destinations/day.
Figure 4.2 Map of Hypothetical Study Area for the Example
Si = External Station
Zi = Traffic Analysis Zone and Centroid
Major Highway
Zone Boundary
The estimated total daily commercial vehicle destinations generated for the vehicle types
and land use classification in the three zones are shown in the tables below.
Estimated Total Daily 4-Tire Commercial Vehicle Destinations Generated
Land Use Type Z1 Z2 Z3
Households 783 1,095 1,502
Agriculture, Mining and Construction 0 0 0
Manufacturing, Transportation/
Communications/Utilities and
Wholesale Trade
8,782 18,956
Retail Trade 7,917 15,834 6,598
Office and Services 10,390 3,896 2,598
TOTAL 24,944 29,607 29,654
Estimated Total Daily Single Unit (6+ tire) Commercial Vehicle Destinations
Generated in Each Zone
Land Use Type Z1 Z2 Z3
Households 309 432 593
Agriculture, Mining and Construction 0 0 0
Manufacturing, Transportation/
Communications/Utilities and
Wholesale Trade
1,510 2,266 4,891
Retail Trade 2,256 4,511 1,880
Office and Services 1,617 606 404
TOTAL 5,692 7,815 7,767
Estimated Total Daily Combination Vehicle Destinations Generated in Each
Land Use Type Z1 Z2 Z3
Households 119 166 227
Agriculture, Mining and Construction 0 0 0
Manufacturing, Transportation/
Communications/Utilities and
Wholesale Trade
649 974 2,102
Retail Trade 580 1,159 483
Office and Services 214 80 53
TOTAL 1,561 2,379 2,866
The total estimated daily commercial vehicle destinations generated for each land use
type in each zone and the total trips for all zones are shown in the table below.
Estimated Total Daily Commercial Vehicle Destinations Generated for Each
Vehicle Type and Zone
Vehicle Type Z1 Z2 Z3 TOTAL
4-Tire Trucks 24,944 29,607 29,654 84,205
Single Unit (6+ Tire) Trucks 5,692 7,815 7,767 21,274
Combination Vehicles 1,561 2,379 2,866 6,806
All Commercial Vehicles 32,197 39,801 40,287 112,285
4.2.2 Alternative Approaches
As stated above, the trip generation rates proposed in the quick response method were
derived from Phoenix, Arizona data. In many situations one would want to use site-
specific trip generation rates particularly if the site characteristics are very much different
from the Phoenix area. In addition, the trip generation rates presented in Table 4.1 are for
four groups of land use or industrial classification. Each group pertains to several
specific land use and employment characteristics (see Appendix C for Standard Industrial
Classification (SIC) codes). More accurate estimates of commercial vehicle trips can be
obtained using trip generation rates that correspond to specific land use or industrial
classification, if the employment data as well as trip generation rates exist for the specific
employment category.
Tables D-1a through D-1d in Appendix D contain trip generation rates (per employee)
gathered from a large number of locations throughout the United States and Australia.
The tables are arranged according to the four groups of SIC codes pertaining to the land
use classification in Table 4.1. Specific SIC codes for some trip generation rates in many
locations have been identified (e.g. SIC 42 for Truck Transportation). This information
can be very useful in detailed site analysis and planning for specific types of
establishments, and for more accurate estimation of commercial vehicle trip generation in
a traffic analysis zone. Land use types that could not be classified under any one of the
SIC codes are shown in Table D-1e.
Chapter 6 also presents other data collection methods and data sources pertaining to truck
trip generation. Chapter 5 also describes procedures for estimating trip generation rates
for major intermodal facilities and other special trip generators.
If employment data are not available for estimating commercial vehicle trips, other
measures of economic activity such as total floor space or total land area devoted to
specific employment categories can be used. Trip generation rates per one thousand
square feet (TSF) and per acre of various employment (SIC) categories are shown in Table
D-2b through D-2e, and Table D-3a through D-3e, respectively. These tables are arranged
according to SIC codes (similar to Table D-1). Tables D-2e and D-3e contain trip
generation rates for sites whose land use category cannot be classified under any one of
the SIC codes.
More elaborate procedures (compared to the one-variable, fixed-rate approach in the
quick response method) for predicting commercial vehicle trips involve various forms of
equations as well as more than one independent variable. These equations have been
developed and calibrated using a variety of estimation techniques, most commonly the
ordinary least squares regression. Table D-4a through D-4e summarize some of the
regression equations developed from various site studies and which can be used for
predicting number of commercial vehicle trips as a function of one or more variables. If
the required information exists, these equations can produce more accurate trip
generation estimates compared with the simple fixed-rate approach.
The trip generation rates shown for Phoenix, Arizona in Appendix D are the unadjusted rates
reported in the Ruiter study. See Footnote 1.
4.3 External Stations
Most metropolitan area and regional travel forecasting networks include external stations
through which trips with one or both ends outside the study area are loaded onto the
network. Trips through external stations include:
Internal-to-external trips which begin in a traffic analysis zone and end outside
the study area;
External-to-internal trips which begin outside the study area and end in a traffic
analysis zone; and
External-to-external (through) trips which begin and end outside the study area.
These trips are usually classified into one of the following four categories:
1. Passenger vehicles (which may be subdivided into Light vehicles and Buses),
2. Four-tire commercial vehicles,
3. Single unit trucks with six or more tires, and
4. Combination vehicles.
In the quick-response procedure, commercial vehicle volumes at external stations may be
estimated by applying percentages to estimate volumes for each of the three commercial
vehicle classes based on the functional classification of the highway.
In some cases, however, a comprehensive data gathering effort to determine actual
volumes and vehicle classifications at external stations (possibly including an origin-
destination survey, see Chapter 6) may be warranted as a means for estimating volumes
for each of the three commercial vehicle classes. Such effort will be particularly useful for
a small study area and/or an area with significant volumes of through trips. Sources of
actual data include traffic counts using field surveys, weigh-in-motion equipment or
pneumatic tubes. Field counts will generally include truck counts by truck class
(axles/weight or both), site, roadway type and time of day, usually accumulated as parts
of other studies from one or combinations of the following:
HPMS counts (visual and automated)
Turning-vehicle-movement counts
Weigh-in-Motion counts and classifications
Turnpike or bridge-toll counts
Weigh-station counts and records
Site studies (counts and forecasts)
Safety studies
Cordon counts
Origin-destination surveys
It may be necessary to perform new counts on major external stations with old, suspect or
missing data. Select data from sites near the border of the region in question, preferably
without intervening roads to add or divert traffic. If data are available for a broad
representation of lane and highway classifications, it is possible to expand the data to
lanes and highways that were not sampled.
Agencies should be alert to a number of cautions and potential definitional problems in
all counts related to freight movement, both internal and external. Research suggests
wide variances in truck counts or classifications based on tube counts due to equipment
calibrations, vehicle speed and traffic density. Therefore caution should be exercised in
applying tube counts for vehicle classification to the model. Weigh-in-motion data, and
even some visual classification schemes, may not clearly identify small commercial
vehicles from other four-tired vehicles such as autos and vans. Further, truck
classifications such as pickups, mini-vans and panel or full-sized vans are used for
personal transportation as well as business applications. A key parameter of freight
forecasting is to identify and model vehicle trips which are not typically captured in a
household survey. If the survey or classification method does not clearly distinguish
between personal and commercial vehicle use, then counts of pickups, mini-vans and
panel or full vans should be discounted by the number of vehicles used for personal
transportation. The 1992 Truck Inventory and Use Survey (TIUS) identifies the national
average commercial use percentages for these vehicle types:
Pickup - 32.2 %
Mini-van - 25 %
Panel or full-size van - 45.7 %
As illustrated below, these percentages can be applied to counts of four-tire trucks to
estimate commercial vehicle traffic:
Type Total Count Percent
4-Tire Commercial
Pickups 1,200 32.2% 386
Mini-vans 500 25.0% 125
Panels or Vans 400 45.7% 183
TOTAL 2,100 694
If it is not practical to conduct traffic count and classification studies at external stations,
the default percentages shown in Table 4.2 may be used to obtain estimates of volumes at
external stations for each of the three commercial vehicle classes. The percentages are
based on: (1) vehicle classification data collected by States and compiled by the Federal
Highway Administration, and (2) information from the Bureau of the Census Truck
Inventory and Use Survey (TIUS) on the use of light trucks
Table 4.2 Percent Distribution of Traffic by Vehicle Class
Commercial Vehicles
Functional Class
Single Unit
Interstate 81.6% 3.3% 2.9% 12.2% 100%
Other Principal
87.2% 4.7% 3.2% 4.9% 100%
Minor Arterial,
Collector and Local
88.5% 5.3% 3.6% 2.6% 100%
Average - Rural
86.6% 4.7% 3.4% 5.3% 100%
Interstate 88.2% 5.5% 1.8% 4.5% 100%
Other Freeways and
90.5% 5.5% 1.7% 2.3% 100%
Other Principal
89.5% 6.6% 1.7% 2.2% 100%
Minor Arterials 90.4% 6.4% 1.7% 1.5% 100%
Collectors 90.3% 6.4% 1.8% 1.5% 100%
Local 91.0% 6.4% 1.8% 0.8% 100%
Average - Urban 89.8% 6.2% 1.7% 2.3% 100%
Source: Vehicle Classification Data of FHWA and Census Truck Inventory User Survey.
If data on average daily traffic for all vehicles at one or more external stations are not
available, data on annual average daily traffic per lane from the Highway Performance
Monitoring System (HPMS) database can be used to estimate AADT (see Table 4.3 below).
The minimum information needed to accomplish this method is an inventory of the
number of lanes by functional class, classified as urban or rural, for all highways where
the stations are located. However, it should be noted that the variability in AADT per
lane across facilities and geographic areas is huge, and estimates of AADT based on the
default values given in Table 4.3 could be off by an order of magnitude, as indicated by
the 10
percentile and 90
percentile values of traffic volumes in the HPMS database as
shown in the table.
Specifically, the TIUS was used to estimate the percentage of VMT by four-tire trucks associated
with personal use. In Table 4.2, personal use VMT by four-tire trucks is included in the Non-
Commercial Vehicles column.
Table 4.3 Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) per Lane
Functional Class 2-Lanes 4-Lanes 6-Lanes 8-Lanes 10-Lanes
Average 2,581 4,251 8,500 9,004 ----
%-ile 304 1,493 4,613 5,888 ----
%-ile 20,355 7,325 13,299 15,788 ----
Other Principal Arterial
Average 2,268 3,159 7,100 ---- ----
10th %-ile 671 975 3,416 ---- ----
90th %-ile 4,432 6,425 9,546 ---- ----
Minor Arterial
Average 1,758 2,752 7,878 ---- ----
10th %-ile 335 712 5,047 ---- ----
90th %-ile 3,900 5,518 16,533 ---- ----
Major Collector
Average 1,062 2,774 4,970 ---- ----
10th %-ile 84 650 2,183 ---- ----
90th %-ile 2,665 5,909 8,167 ---- ----
Minor Collector
Average 407 926 ---- ---- ----
10th %-ile 24 79 ---- ---- ----
90th %-ile 1,035 2,500 ---- ---- ----
Average 8,321 8,649 12,940 15,700 16,654
10th %-ile 3,115 3,020 6,249 8,160 10,579
90th %-ile 15,300 15,063 21,000 23,865 23,420
Other Freeways/Expressways
Average 6,887 7,448 11,932 17,084 19,145
10th %-ile 2,420 2,495 4,140 7,000 14,330
90th %-ile 13,475 14,000 21,500 26,638 25,965
Other Principal Arterials
Average 4,823 4,924 6,075 6,936 ----
10th %-ile 1,500 1,833 2,650 2,743 ----
90th %-ile 9,000 8,550 9,779 10,918 ----
Minor Arterials
Average 3,242 3,993 4,747 5,004 ----
10th %-ile 705 1,335 2,200 1,500 ----
90th %-ile 6,748 7,065 8,200 10,594 ----
Average 1,737 2,696 3,243 ---- ----
%-ile 285 528 1,286 ---- ----
90th %-ile 4,025 5,407 5,793 ---- ----
Source: Highway Performance Monitoring System (HPMS) Database, Federal Highway Administration
4.3.1 Example
To illustrate the methods discussed above, the characteristics of the four external stations
in the hypothetical study area shown in Figure 4.2 are given in the table below:
Characteristics of External Stations in Hypothetical Study Area
External Station
Characteristic S1 S2 S3 S4
Functional Class Urban
Rural Interstate Urban Principal
Urban Interstate
No. of Lanes 8 6 4 8
AADT per Lane 13,400 9,100 not available 11,500
No vehicle classification data are available, hence the composition of traffic at these
external stations is unknown. Using Table 4.2 and Table 4.3, the total commercial vehicle
trips at each station can be estimated as shown in the table below:
Estimated Daily Vehicle Trips at External Stations
External Station
Characteristics S1 S2 S3 S4 Total
Functional Class Urban Rural Urban Princ. Urban
Interstate Interstate Arterial Interstate
AADT per Lane
13,400 9,100 4,924
(Table 4.3)
No. of Lanes 8 6 4 8
AADT 107,200 54,600 19,696 92,000
% Distribution:
(from Table 4.2) (from Table 4.2) (from Table 4.2) (from Table 4.2)
Four-Tire 5.50% 3.30% 6.60% 5.50%
Single Unit 1.80% 2.90% 1.70% 1.80%
Combination 4.50% 12.20% 2.20% 4.50%
Truck AADT: (2-Way)
Four-Tire 5,896 1,802 1,300 5,060 14,058
Single Unit 1,930 1,583 335 1,656 5,504
Combination 4,824 6,661 433 4,140 16,059
Total 12,650 10,046 2,068 10,856 35,620
Truck AADT: (1-Way)
Four-Tire 2,948 901 650 2,530 7,029
Single Unit 965 792 167 828 2,752
Combination 2,412 3,331 217 2,070 8,029
Total 6,325 5,023 1,034 5,428 17,810
4.3.2 Alternative Approaches
Chapter 6 provides additional detail on how to obtain more accurate data on external
stations by conducting vehicle classification counts and origin-destination surveys at
major external stations to develop external-external, external-internal and internal-
external trip tables. Surveys at external stations, in which individual vehicles are stopped
and asked about their origin and destination, are the preferred method for analyzing
traffic at these stations. However, as stated earlier, budget limitations or other constraints
may prevent the agency from conducting such surveys at all external stations. If such
surveys are not possible, the agency should consider the possibility of at least conducting
traffic classification counts at external stations, either manually or by using automatic
classification equipment.
4.4 Trip Distribution
Trip distribution is the process by which trips between traffic analysis zones, or between
external stations, are connected. The output of trip distribution is a trip table in which
the origins and destinations of individual trips are identified.
The quick-response procedure uses the following standard gravity model for trip
Vij = trips (volume) originating at analysis area i and destined to analysis area j;
Oi = total trip originating at i;
Dj = total trip destined at j;
Fij = friction factor for trip interchange ij,
i = origin analysis area number, i = 1, 2, 3 . . . n;
j = destination analysis area number, j = 1, 2, 3 . . . n; and
n = number of analysis areas.
Applying the above equation for each zone pair can result in a trip table in which the total
number of trips ending in a given zone differs significantly from the desired number of
destinations (Dj). To address this problem, the Gravity Model can be applied in an
iterative manner. After each iteration, the adjusted destination total to be used for the
next iteration is calculated by the following equation:
= adjusted destination factor for destination analysis area (column) j, iteration q;
= Dj when q = 1;
= destination (column) total for analysis area j, resulting from the previous
iteration of the gravity model;
Dj = original and desired destination total for destination analysis area (column) j,
developed from trip generation;
j = destination analysis area, j = 1, 2, . . . n;
n = number of analysis areas; and
q = iteration number.
For the quick response procedure involving manual calculations, it would be tedious to
perform more than three iterations using the above equation, especially if the study area
consists of numerous zones. The option to iterate more depends upon the level of
accuracy required which is the percentage difference between the destination totals at the
end of each iteration and that originally input for each analysis area. According to the
NCHRP Report No. 187 - Quick-Response Urban Travel Estimation Techniques and
Transferable Parameters Users Guide
, a 5- to 10- percent difference is generally acceptable.
However, these levels of accuracy may not be attained within three iterations. A
computer program may be utilized if the planning agency wishes to achieve a certain
accuracy level without manually going through multiple iterations.
Friction factors (Fij ) for use with the gravity model can be based on travel time or distance
between analysis areas. Most state or regional planning agencies have well-developed
databases describing road networks that include distances and travel times. If an
assignment network is available it should be modified to represent available truck
facilities and operational characteristics and used to develop the necessary input to trip
distribution. For example, the planning agency should annotate roads on the network that
may restrict certain classes of trucks due to height or weight, or conversely may be
designated as truck routes. The agency may also add a time-value to particular segments
to represent the effect of large tolls.
If a network is not available, the agency may develop trip distribution estimates based on
map distances. The minimum data needed for the quick response method are distances in
miles between zones. These may be derived from actual miles on the existing network or
using methods identified in NCHRP Report No. 187. In addition, either map tracings
using a map wheel or driven surveys with odometer may be used for distances.
Distances should be calculated to and from zone centroids, using appropriate routes.
The following data sources for networks may supplement local data. (Data sources for
rail and other modal networks are included in Chapter 6).
Sosslau, Hassam, Carter and Wickstrom. Quick-Response Urban Travel Estimation Techniques and
Transferable Parameters Users Guide. National Cooperative Highway Research Program Report 187.
Transportation Research Board. 1978.
The National Highway Planning Network (NHPN) is available through the Bureau
of Transportation Statistics and is based on the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)
1:2,000,000 digital line graphs (DLGs). The network includes number of lanes,
degree of access control, and FHWA functional classification codes. It is
available on disk, hard copy and CD-ROM, as well as on the Internet (see
Appendix K, Part 2 for details).
The Highway Performance Monitoring System (HPMS) Database includes the
county designation, section ID, toll status, signage, and other identifying
information for all public road mileage in the state (termed "universe data").
Principal arterials and higher road levels include the average annual daily traffic
(AADT), median type, number of lanes, route number, and others. Currently
the data is in ASCII format. Data can be downloaded to a disk and can be sorted
or selected by county, Federal Aid Urbanized Area, State, etc. The Department
of Transportation is converting the database into GIS format as part of the
National Highway Planning Network for ease of use (see Appendix K, Part 2).
The National Commodity Flow Network includes information on highway,
railroad, waterway, aviation and pipeline networks with intermodal
connections. Networks are based on 1:2,000,000 maps and are generally
accurate to 1,000 meters (see Appendix K, Part 2).
In the quick response method, for the different types of commercial vehicles, the
following friction factors based on travel time (tij) in minutes between analysis areas are
Four-tire commercial vehicles:
0 08 . *
Single unit trucks (6+tires):
01 . *
0 03 . *
These friction factors are based on average trip times from Phoenix, with a judgmental
adjustment to account for the fact that the Phoenix survey did not cover trips beginning or
ending outside the MPO region.
If information on external-to-external trips can be obtained from other sources (e.g., from
a special survey or statewide network analysis), these trips should be treated separately
from other trips in the trip distribution step. Section 8.2 of this report demonstrates how
trip distribution might be carried out for an external-to-external trip table.
If separate information on external-to-external trips is not available, then it will be
necessary to apply the trip distribution model to both external and internal trips. In this
case, we recommend that the analyst review a map showing the location of external
stations and identify all pairs of external stations that are unlikely to share trips. Usually
these will be pairs of stations that are adjacent to one another or on the same side of the
metropolitan area. Examples include external stations on two highways that intersect
outside the metropolitan area or serve the same nearby city. The analyst should then put
a very small number or zero in the friction factor matrix to greatly reduce or eliminate
trips between such pairs of external stations.
In applying the gravity model to external stations, it is necessary to estimate: (1) the travel
time from origin to external station for trips that begin outside the study area, and (2) the
travel time from external station to destination for trips that end outside the study area.
The following default values can be used if no other information is available:
Four-tire commercial vehicles -- 40 minutes
Single unit trucks (6+tires) -- 30 minutes
Combinations -- 200 minutes
These default values are based on an analysis of data about the primary range of
operations for trucks from the Bureau of the Census Truck Inventory and Use Survey.
While these default values may be reasonable on average, their use could considerably
understate or overstate travel times for a given external station. Accordingly, the analyst
is urged to examine state or regional highway maps and make judgmental adjustments if
4.4.1 Example
Assume that the origin-destination travel times for the three commercial vehicle types in
the hypothetical study area are as shown in the tables below (Note: Zi = Origin Zone i , Sj
= External Station destination j, the entry Zi - Sj in the table corresponds to the average
Friction factors for Phoenix were adopted in this manual to be consistent with trip generation
default values.
travel time from Zone i to anywhere outside the study area through Sj, and the entry Si -
Zj in the table corresponds to the average travel time from outside the study area to
destination Zone j through external station Si) :
Travel Time (tij) Matrix for Single-Unit Trucks, in Minutes
Destination Zone (j)
Z1 Z2 Z3 S1 S2 S3 S4
Z1 12 22 28 54 50 60 65
Z2 22 14 20 50 45 55 58
Z3 28 20 14 60 52 45 45
Origin Zone (i) S1 54 50 60 --- 78 95 95
S2 50 45 52 78 --- 85 88
S3 60 55 45 95 85 --- 70
S4 65 58 45 95 88 70 ---
Travel Time (tij) Matrix for Four-Tire Trucks, in Minutes
Destination Zone (j)
Z1 Z2 Z3 S1 S2 S3 S4
Z1 10 18 24 54 60 70 75
Z2 18 12 18 60 55 65 68
Z3 24 18 12 70 62 55 55
Origin Zone (i) S1 54 60 70 --- 98 115 115
S2 60 55 62 98 --- 105 108
S3 70 65 55 115 105 --- 90
S4 75 68 55 115 108 90 ---
Travel Time (tij) Matrix for Combination Trucks, in Minutes
Destination Zone (j)
Z1 Z2 Z3 S1 S2 S3 S4
Z1 14 25 30 214 220 230 235
Z2 25 16 22 220 215 225 228
Z3 30 22 16 230 222 215 215
Origin Zone (i) S1 214 220 230 --- 422 438 435
S2 220 215 222 422 --- 428 428
S3 230 225 215 438 428 --- 413
S4 235 228 215 435 428 413 ---
Using the formulae for friction factor given earlier, the matrix of friction factors to be used
in the gravity model have been calculated as shown in the following tables:
Friction Factors (Fij) Matrix for Four-Tire Trucks
Destination Zone (j)
Z1 Z2 Z3 S1 S2 S3 S4
Z1 0.4493 0.2369 0.1466 0.0133 0.0082 0.0037 0.0025
Z2 0.2369 0.3829 0.2369 0.0082 0.0123 0.0055 0.0043
Z3 0.1466 0.2369 0.3829 0.0037 0.0070 0.0123 0.0123
Origin Zone (i) S1 0.0133 0.0082 0.0037 --- 0.0004 0.0001 0.0001
S2 0.0082 0.0123 0.0070 0.0004 --- 0.0002 0.0002
S3 0.0037 0.0055 0.0123 0.0001 0.0002 --- 0.0007
S4 0.0025 0.0043 0.0123 0.0001 0.0002 0.0007 ---
Friction Factors (Fij) Matrix for Single-Unit Trucks
Destination Zone (j)
Z1 Z2 Z3 S1 S2 S3 S4
Z1 0.3012 0.1108 0.0608 0.0045 0.0067 0.0025 0.0015
Z2 0.1108 0.2466 0.1353 0.0067 0.0111 0.0041 0.0030
Z3 0.0608 0.1353 0.2466 0.0025 0.0055 0.0111 0.0111
Origin Zone (i) S1 0.0045 0.0067 0.0025 --- 0.0004 0.0001 0.0001
S2 0.0067 0.0111 0.0055 0.0004 --- 0.0002 0.0002
S3 0.0025 0.0041 0.0111 0.0001 0.0002 --- 0.0009
S4 0.0015 0.0030 0.0111 0.0001 0.0002 0.0009 ---
Friction Factors (Fij) Matrix for Combination Trucks
Destination Zone (j)
Z1 Z2 Z3 S1 S2 S3 S4
Z1 0.6570 0.4724 0.4066 0.0016 0.0014 0.0010 0.0009
Z2 0.4724 0.6188 0.5169 0.0014 0.0016 0.0012 0.0011
Z3 0.4066 0.5169 0.6188 0.0010 0.0013 0.0016 0.0016
Origin Zone (i) S1 0.0016 0.0014 0.0010 --- 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
S2 0.0014 0.0016 0.0013 0.0000 --- 0.0000 0.0000
S3 0.0010 0.0012 0.0016 0.0000 0.0000 --- 0.0000
S4 0.0009 0.0011 0.0016 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 ---
For the four-tire truck, the gravity model is applied as follows:
1. Create an origin-destination matrix (trip table) which shows the row (origin) and
column (destination) totals from the results of trip generation step for the internal
zones and traffic estimates at external stations. The distribution of these trips (e.g. Vij)
are still unknown. (See matrix below)
2. For each origin-destination pair, multiply the column (destination) total by the friction
factor for origin-destination pair (e.g. Dj*Fij). Calculate the total for each row. For
example, for Z1, (Dj*Fij) = (24,944*0.4493) + (29,607*0.2369) + (29,654* 0.1446) +
(901*0.0082) + (650*0.0037) + (2530*0.0025) 22,626. The results are shown below:
3. First Iteration: Distribute the row totals to each cell in the trip table by using the trip
distribution formula for Vij given earlier. For example, V12 = (24,944 * 29,607 *
0.2369)/22625.56 7,734. Calculate the total for each column (destination). Determine
the percentage difference (% Diff.) between the column totals and the original column
total. For example, the % Difference for Column 2 (Destination Z2) is equal to
[(33,177-29,607)/29,607] * 100% 12.1%. If one or more of the % Differences exceed
the threshold value (say 5%), adjust the destination totals using the adjustment
formula discussed earlier (i.e. Dj
Four-Tire Truck Trip Table
Iteration = 0 Destination Zone (j)
Z1 Z2 Z3 S1 S2 S3 S4 Total (Oi) Sum(Dj*Fij)
Z1 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 24,944 22,625.56
Z2 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 29,607 24,321.98
Z3 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 29,654 22,082.25
Origin Zone (i) S1 ? ? ? 0 ? ? ? 2,948 685.74
S2 ? ? ? ? 0 ? ? 901 778.49
S3 ? ? ? ? ? 0 ? 650 622.03
S4 ? ? ? ? ? ? 0 2,530 555.32
Total (Dj) 24,944 29,607 29,654 2,948 901 650 2,530 91,234
Four-Tire Truck Trip Table
Iteration = 1 Destination Zone (j)
Z1 Z2 Z3 S1 S2 S3 S4 Oi Sum(Dj*Fij)
Z1 12,357 7,734 4,793 43 8 3 7 24,944 22,723.50
Z2 7,194 13,800 8,553 30 13 4 13 29,607 23,960.30
Z3 4,911 9,420 15,248 15 8 11 42 29,654 22,426.45
Origin Zone (i) S1 1,426 1,047 471 0 2 0 1 2,948 655.17
S2 238 421 241 1 0 0 1 901 774.10
S3 96 171 380 0 0 0 2 650 665.19
S4 282 585 1,659 1 1 2 0 2,530 546.87
Total Dj 26,503 33,177 31,344 90 33 20 66
% Diff. 6.3% 12.1% 5.7% -96.9% -96.4% -96.9% -97.4%
Adj. Dj 23,476 26,421 28,055 96,126 24,908 20,716 97,603
Note that for the first iteration (q=1), all the column totals are above the 5% threshold
limits. Therefore we need to adjust the column totals. For example, for Column 2, the
adjusted column total is:
0 2
29 607
29 607
33 177
26 421 = = = ,
4. Second Iteration: Repeat Step 3 above, but using the adjusted column total in the trip
distribution formula. Again, for V12, the new value is (24,944 * 26,421 * 0.2369)/22,724
6,872. The results of the calculation are shown below. Note that the % Differences
are all below the threshold value, which means that the no further iteration is
As stated earlier, more than two iterations may be needed in other cases to meet the level
of accuracy criterion. A computer program may have to be implemented if a very
accurate trip table is desired, especially if it involves many iterations. The table below
shows that five iterations are needed to balance the trip table for the above example.
Four-Tire Truck Trip Table
Iteration = 2 Destination Zone (j)
Z1 Z2 Z3 S1 S2 S3 S4 Oi Sum(Dj*Fij)
Z1 11,579 6,872 4,515 1,403 225 84 266 24,944 22,704.55
Z2 6,873 12,501 8,213 978 378 141 523 29,607 23,950.49
Z3 4,551 8,277 14,204 470 231 336 1,584 29,654 22,450.34
Origin Zone (i) S1 1,405 978 467 0 44 9 44 2,948 654.51
S2 225 378 229 44 0 5 20 901 773.76
S3 85 142 337 9 5 0 71 650 666.39
S4 269 530 1,593 45 20 72 0 2,530 547.64
Total Dj 24,987 29,678 29,558 2,949 904 648 2,509
% Diff. 0.2% 0.2% -0.3% 0.0% 0.3% -0.3% -0.8%
Four-Tire Truck Trip Table
Iteration = 5 Destination Zone (j)
Z1 Z2 Z3 S1 S2 S3 S4 Oi Sum(Dj*Fij)
Z1 11,566 6,861 4,536 1,404 224 84 268 24,944 22,701.13
Z2 6,861 12,475 8,247 977 377 142 528 29,607 23,950.08
Z3 4,536 8,247 14,238 469 230 337 1,597 29,654 22,453.43
Origin Zone (i) S1 1,404 977 469 0 44 9 45 2,948 654.41
S2 224 377 230 44 0 5 20 901 773.74
S3 84 142 337 9 5 0 72 650 666.52
S4 268 528 1,597 45 20 72 0 2,530 547.75
Total Dj 24,944 29,607 29,654 2,948 901 650 2,530
% Diff. 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
For the single-unit trucks and combination trucks, the same procedures will be followed
to distribute the trips to various origin-destination pairs. The following tables show the
results of each iteration:
Single Unit Truck Trip Table
Iteration = 0 Destination Zone
Z1 Z2 Z3 S1 S2 S3 S4 Total (Oi) Sum(Dj*Fij)
Z1 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 5,692 3,063.99
Z2 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 7,815 3,627.48
Z3 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 7,767 3,336.91
Origin Zone (i) S1 ? ? ? 0 ? ? ? 965 98.02
S2 ? ? ? ? 0 ? ? 792 168.57
S3 ? ? ? ? ? 0 ? 167 133.32
S4 ? ? ? ? ? ? 0 828 118.85
Total (Dj) 5,692 7,815 7,767 965 792 167 828 24,026
Single Unit Truck Trip Table
Iteration = 1 Destination Zone
Z1 Z2 Z3 S1 S2 S3 S4 Oi Sum(Dj*Fij)
Z1 3,185 1,609 877 8 10 1 2 5,692 3,089.45
Z2 1,359 4,152 2,265 14 19 1 5 7,815 3,611.32
Z3 806 2,462 4,458 6 10 4 21 7,767 3,369.23
Origin Zone (i) S1 253 518 190 0 3 0 1 965 94.00
S2 180 408 201 2 0 0 1 792 164.73
S3 18 40 108 0 0 0 1 167 142.67
S4 60 165 601 1 1 1 0 828 112.83
Total Dj 5,860 9,353 8,700 30 43 8 31
% Diff. 2.9% 19.7% 12.0% -96.9% -94.5% -95.3% -96.2%
Adj. Dj 5,529 6,530 6,934 30,907 14,492 3,539 21,926
Single Unit Truck Trip Table
Iteration = 2 Destination Zone
Z1 Z2 Z3 S1 S2 S3 S4 Oi Sum(Dj*Fij)
Z1 3,068 1,333 777 257 180 16 61 5,692 3,091.16
Z2 1,326 3,485 2,031 451 348 31 144 7,815 3,609.45
Z3 775 2,037 3,942 177 184 91 562 7,767 3,369.91
Origin Zone (i) S1 256 452 176 0 61 3 17 965 93.96
S2 179 349 184 61 0 3 16 792 164.68
S3 16 31 90 3 3 0 23 167 142.80
S4 61 145 565 17 16 24 0 828 112.81
Total Dj 5,681 7,831 7,765 965 793 168 822
% Diff. -0.2% 0.2% 0.0% 0.0% 0.2% 0.3% -0.7%
Combination Truck Trip Table
Iteration = 0 Destination Zone
Z1 Z2 Z3 S1 S2 S3 S4 Total (Oi) Sum(Dj*Fij)
Z1 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1,561 3,325.11
Z2 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 2,379 3,701.76
Z3 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 2,866 3,647.99
Origin Zone (i) S1 ? ? ? 0 ? ? ? 2,412 8.68
S2 ? ? ? ? 0 ? ? 3,331 9.57
S3 ? ? ? ? ? 0 ? 217 8.91
S4 ? ? ? ? ? ? 0 2,070 8.44
Total (Dj) 1,561 2,379 2,866 2,412 3,331 217 2,070 14,835
Combination Truck Trip Table
Iteration = 1 Destination Zone
Z1 Z2 Z3 S1 S2 S3 S4 Oi Sum(Dj*Fij)
Z1 481 528 547 2 2 0 1 1,561 4,047.04
Z2 474 946 952 2 3 0 1 2,379 4,338.80
Z3 499 966 1,393 2 3 0 3 2,866 4,160.67
Origin Zone (i) S1 706 899 802 0 3 0 1 2,412 7.69
S2 739 1,309 1,278 3 0 0 2 3,331 7.75
S3 38 68 110 0 0 0 0 217 9.49
S4 332 624 1,110 1 2 0 0 2,070 7.40
Total Dj 3,270 5,339 6,193 10 14 1 8
% Diff. 109.5% 124.4% 116.1% -99.6% -99.6% -99.5% -99.6%
Adj. Dj 745 1,060 1,326 586,755 782,233 43,714 522,948
Combination Truck Trip Table
Iteration = 2 Destination Zone
Z1 Z2 Z3 S1 S2 S3 S4 Oi Sum(Dj*Fij)
Z1 189 193 208 369 410 17 175 1,561 4,066.69
Z2 193 360 376 438 678 28 307 2,379 4,362.02
Z3 209 377 565 407 690 48 569 2,866 4,175.37
Origin Zone (i) S1 381 452 419 0 779 27 353 2,412 7.70
S2 435 720 730 800 0 50 596 3,331 7.67
S3 17 28 48 26 47 0 50 217 9.51
S4 181 318 587 353 581 51 0 2,070 7.40
Total Dj 1,605 2,448 2,933 2,393 3,186 220 2,049
% Diff. 2.8% 2.9% 2.3% -0.8% -4.3% 1.7% -1.0%
4.4.2 Alternative Approaches
As stated above, instead of travel time, distance can be used to calculate a friction factor in
the gravity model for trip distribution. Friction factors based on travel time can be easily
converted to friction factors based on distance by assuming average truck speeds (i.e.
Travel Time = Distance/Speed). In addition, the ideal trip distribution procedure will
require several iterations in order to not only balance the row and column totals but also
to come up with the original (target) column totals. Note that in the quick response
method and the example given in this manual, no more than three manual iterations were
carried out and the final column totals are not necessarily identical to the original
numbers (i.e., within 5% of the original, which was the criterion used). A computer
program may be implemented to allow numerous iterations of the gravity model and
come up with a balanced trip table (i.e., row totals equal column totals).
The literature on freight demand forecasting contains a variety of alternative approaches
for distributing commercial vehicle trips into the origin-destination trip table. Apart from
the gravity model (which is probably the most popular), commercial vehicle trips can be
distributed into the origin-destination matrix using: (1) the Intervening Opportunity Model
which assumes that the trip interchange between origin and destination zone is equal to
the total number of trips emanating from the origin multiplied by the probability that
each trip will find an acceptable terminus at the destination zone, and (2) the Fratar Model
which assumes that the change in the number of trips in an origin-destination pair is
directly proportional to the change in the number of trips in the origin and destination.
The following describes some of the methodologies found in literature:
The trip distribution methodology adopted for freight movements in the Puget
Sound Region
is also a simple gravity-type model. Trip distribution involves the
allocation of the trips generated to the destinations using an algorithm which
incorporates transportation performance measures. These measures include
distance, travel time, travel cost, or some function of these variables.
Trip distribution for the Portlands Columbia Corridor Transportation Study
involves the creation of a regional distribution based upon the Port of Portland
survey of origins and destinations of trucks for two terminals. Information
gathered from the survey includes truck type, time, origin, route taken to the
terminal, commodity delivered, exiting destination, route taken from the
terminal, and commodity received. A trip table was produced, approximating
truck movements to and from the 38 industrial area origin-destination districts,
by applying the percentage distribution of trips derived from one of the terminal
Transmode Consultants, Inc. Planning for Freight Movements in the Puget Sound Region. Puget
Sound Regional Council. January 1995.
City of Portland, Office of Transportation. Columbia Corridor Transportation Study. Technical
Report 2: Truck Routing Model. April 1994.
surveys to the commercial vehicle trip control totals. The gradient method
was used to modify the trip table until the estimated truck volumes closely
approximated the observed truck counts.
List and Turnquist
developed a new technique for estimating multi-class truck
trip matrices for truck flows in urban areas which allow for wide variations in
input data. The methodology assumes that the links in the analysis network
consist of at least three attributes: (1) a directional flag (i.e., ij, ji, or both),
(2) a use label (e.g. truck class), and (3) a travel time which may vary according
to the time of day. In addition, the methodology assumes that the study area is
divisible into non-overlapping zones and each zone must have a centroid where
trips originate and terminate. The input data are of three types namely: (1) link
volumes or classification counts, (2) partial O-D estimates for various zones,
time periods, and truck classifications, and (3) originating/terminating data.
Nine O-D matrices were estimated from three time periods (6:00-10:00 A.M.,
10:00 A.M.-3:00 P.M., and 3:00-8:00 P.M.) and three truck classifications (van,
medium truck, and heavy truck). A case study analysis focusing on the Bronx in
New York City was conducted to test the procedures.
Memmott and Boekenkroeger
discussed the development of freight flow tables
for a freight generation and distribution growth factor model in Florida. Four
sets of truck freight O-D tables were produced indicating the volume of freight
shipped between each origin and destination zone by mode of transportation
and commodity group. The four O-D tables were: (1) true O-D truck freight
volumes (not including ports), (2) truck freight volumes to ports, (3) truck
freight volumes from ports, and (4) total truck freight volumes. Due to the long
and complicated process involved in developing the various O-D freight flow
tables, its use is not suitable for a quick response method. A full description of
the procedures can be found in two reports prepared for the Florida Statewide
Multi-Modal Planning Process Project.
The Chicago Area Transportation Study (CATS)
planning and modeling
procedures distribute truck trips in the region based on employment
distribution. Using the 1986 survey data for average trip lengths and the
regional highway network, O-D trip matrices were developed for each of the
vehicle weight categories. The O-D matrices were then converted into vehicle
equivalents by weight category, and subsequently combined. The combined
List and Turnquist.. Estimating Truck Travel Patterns In Urban Areas. Transportation Research
Record No. 1430. 1994.
Memmott and Boekenbroeger. Practical Methodology for Freight Forecasting. Transportation
Research Record No. 889.
Rawling and DuBoe. Application of Discrete Commercial Vehicle Data to CATS Planning and
Modeling Procedures. CATS Research News. Spring 1991.
trip table matrix is added to the O-D matrix for autos and the O-D matrix for
external truck trips.
4.5 Calibration
Calibration is the process through which travel forecasting models are adjusted to achieve
a better match with ground counts and perhaps other measures of travel. Use of ground
counts on screenlines or cutlines is the preferred method for calibration. Unfortunately,
many planning agencies do not have counts of commercial vehicles on screenlines or
cutlines. Accordingly, a coarser approach is adopted in the quick response procedure --
calibration based on an estimate of regional VMT by commercial vehicles. However, if
study resources permit, the analyst is strongly urged to obtain or collect commercial
vehicle count data for major links within the study area, and to compare these counts with
assigned volumes (see Chapter 6). FHWAs Calibration and Adjustment of System Planning
is recommended as an excellent guide on how to use a comparison of ground
counts with assigned volumes to diagnose and correct problems in highway system
planning models.
In the quick-response procedure, calibration is performed for the three commercial
vehicle classes as follows (corresponding to Step 5 through Step 7 in Figure 4.1):
Develop a preliminary estimate of commercial vehicle VMT by assigning trips to
a network or using a table of zone-to-zone distances (Step 5) ,
Develop control totals for commercial VMT based upon: (1) estimates of total
VMT in the region for each highway functional class, and (2) vehicle
classification data indicating the percentage of total VMT associated with
commercial vehicles, i.e. Table 4.2 (Step 6),
Compare the preliminary estimate of commercial vehicle VMT with the control
totals and, if necessary, develop and apply adjustment factors to trip generation
rates or trip distribution factors (Step 7).
Initial estimates of commercial VMT can be calculated by multiplying the numbers in
the trip distribution O-D matrix by the zone-to-zone distances. Alternatively, if a
preliminary network assignment has been made the VMT can be calculated by
multiplying the number of trips assigned to a highway segment by the length of the
Establishing control totals for VMT requires at a minimum an estimate of total VMT in
the region by functional class. If available, truck volumes across screenlines would be
desirable. Agencies are advised to begin with the state HPMS AADT and EPA-
recommended methodologies. Many regions are currently required to estimate regional
Dane Ismart; Calibration and Adjustment of System Planning Models; Federal Highway
Administration Publication No. FHWA-ED-90-015; December 1990.
VMT for air quality conformity purposes. The recommended method relies on HPMS
data collection counts. Areawide HPMS data includes travel by functional system and
travel activity by vehicle type. HPMS AADT counts are available for all principal
arterials and higher road designations.
Control totals for regional VMT can be determined from HPMS collected data using the
methodology described in the EPA publication Section 187 VMT Forecasting and Tracking
Guidance. The guide includes tiers of procedures based on air quality status. Regions
that are not currently required to report current VMT for air quality purposes may wish to
apply the least stringent methodologies. The guidance also includes procedures for
forecasting VMT.
Control VMT for commercial vehicles can also be estimated using the national average
percentage distribution of traffic by vehicle class as shown in Table 4.2. Again, these
percentages represent the vehicle type in each highway functional classification as a
percentage of annual vehicle miles traveled for the entire country.
Several different types of adjustments can be made as part of the calibration process
Increasing or decreasing the commercial vehicle trip generation rates for traffic
analysis zones,
Increasing or decreasing the commercial vehicle volume estimates at external
stations, and
Modifying the travel time friction factors (by changing the exponents) to
increase or decrease average trip lengths.
The simplest approach, and the one recommended for the quick response method, is to
develop three adjustment factors -- one for each of the three commercial vehicle classes --
and apply these factors to both trip rates for traffic analysis zones and volumes at external
stations. This approach eliminates the need to redo the trip distribution step.
4.5.1 Example
Suppose the zone-to-zone distances (in miles) for the hypothetical study area are as
shown in the table below:
Initial estimates of daily VMT for each commercial vehicle type are determined by
multiplying the trip tables from the trip distribution step by the table of zone-to-zone
distance shown above. For example, the daily VMT for four-tire trucks originating in
zone Z1 and destined to Z2 is: 6,872*9 = 61,848. The resulting daily VMT estimates for all
three vehicle types are given below:
Zone-to-Zone Distance (miles)
Destination Zone (j)
Z1 Z2 Z3 S1 S2 S3 S4
Z1 5.0 9.0 12.0 7.0 10.0 15.0 17.5
Z2 9.0 6.0 9.0 10.0 7.5 12.5 14.0
Z3 12.0 9.0 6.0 15.0 11.0 7.5 7.5
Origin Zone (i) S1 7.0 10.0 15.0 0.0 9.0 17.5 17.5
S2 10.0 7.5 11.0 9.0 0.0 12.5 14.0
S3 15.0 12.5 7.5 17.5 12.5 0.0 5.0
S4 17.5 14.0 7.5 17.5 14.0 5.0 0.0
Estimated Daily VMT
Four-Tire Truck
Destination Zone (j)
Z1 Z2 Z3 S1 S2 S3 S4 Total
Z1 57,895 61,848 54,180 9,821 2,250 1,260 4,655 191,909
Z2 61,857 75,006 73,917 9,780 2,835 1,763 7,322 232,480
Z3 54,612 74,493 85,224 7,050 2,541 2,520 11,880 238,320
Origin Zone (i) S1 9,835 9,780 7,005 0 396 158 770 27,944
S2 2,250 2,835 2,519 396 0 63 280 8,343
S3 1,275 1,775 2,528 158 63 0 355 6,153
S4 4,708 7,420 11,948 788 280 360 0 25,503
Total 192,432 233,157 237,320 27,992 8,365 6,123 25,262 730,650
Estimate of Daily VMT
Single-Unit Truck
Destination Zone (j)
Z1 Z2 Z3 S1 S2 S3 S4 Total
Z1 15,340 11,997 9,324 1,799 1,800 240 1,068 41,568
Z2 11,934 20,910 18,279 4,510 2,610 388 2,016 60,647
Z3 9,300 18,333 23,652 2,655 2,024 683 4,215 60,862
Origin Zone (i) S1 1,792 4,520 2,640 0 549 53 298 9,851
S2 1,790 2,618 2,024 549 0 38 224 7,242
S3 240 388 675 53 38 0 115 1,508
S4 1,068 2,030 4,238 298 224 120 0 7,977
Total 41,464 60,795 60,832 9,863 7,245 1,520 7,935 189,653
Assume that based on regional studies the total daily passenger VMT for the study area is
approximately 10 million; and about 95% of the passenger VMT in the region is in urban
areas, while the remaining 5% is in rural areas. Likewise, assume that no breakdown of
roads by functional classification is available.
From the above information, the daily control VMT for each type of commercial vehicle
can be calculated using the percent traffic distribution given in Table 4.2. Since no
highway functional classification is available, the average rural and urban percentages
from Table 4.2 are used as follows:
Control VMT for Four-Tire Truck:
= 10,000,000 * [ (0.05*4.7/86.6) + (0.95*6.2/89.8) ]
= 683,038
Control VMT for Single-Unit Truck:
= 10,000,000 * [ (0.05*3.4/86.6) + (0.95*1.7/89.8) ]
= 199,475
Control VMT for Combination Truck:
= 10,000,000 * [ (0.05*5.3/86.6) + (0.95*2.3/89.8) ]
= 273,919
Estimate of Daily VMT
Combination Truck
Destination Zone (j)
Z1 Z2 Z3 S1 S2 S3 S4 Total
Z1 945 1,737 2,496 2,583 4,100 255 3,063 15,179
Z2 1,737 2,160 3,384 4,380 5,085 350 4,298 21,394
Z3 2,508 3,393 3,390 6,105 7,590 360 4,268 27,614
Origin Zone (i) S1 2,667 4,520 6,285 0 7,011 473 6,178 27,133
S2 4,350 5,400 8,030 7,200 0 625 8,344 33,949
S3 255 350 360 455 588 0 250 2,258
S4 3,168 4,452 4,403 6,178 8,134 255 0 26,589
Total 15,630 22,012 28,348 26,901 32,508 2,318 26,400 154,114
For each trip table, the estimated daily VMT is adjusted using the ratio of the control
VMT (calculated above) and the estimated total VMT. For example, the adjustment factor
for four-tire truck is equal to 683,038/730,650 0.935. The adjusted trip tables are shown
Adjusted Daily VMT
Four-Tire Truck
Destination Zone (j)
Z1 Z2 Z3 S1 S2 S3 S4 Total
Z1 54,122 57,818 50,649 9,181 2,103 1,178 4,352 179,404
Z2 57,826 70,118 69,100 9,143 2,650 1,648 6,845 217,330
Z3 51,053 69,639 79,671 6,591 2,375 2,356 11,106 222,790
Origin Zone (i) S1 9,194 9,143 6,549 0 370 147 720 26,123
S2 2,103 2,650 2,355 370 0 58 262 7,799
S3 1,192 1,659 2,363 147 58 0 332 5,752
S4 4,401 6,936 11,169 736 262 337 0 23,841
Total 179,892 217,964 221,855 26,168 7,819 5,724 23,616 683,038
Adjusted Daily VMT
Single-Unit Truck
Destination Zone (j)
Z1 Z2 Z3 S1 S2 S3 S4 Total
Z1 16,134 12,618 9,807 1,892 1,893 252 1,123 43,720
Z2 12,552 21,993 19,226 4,744 2,745 408 2,120 63,788
Z3 9,782 19,283 24,877 2,793 2,129 718 4,433 64,014
Origin Zone (i) S1 1,885 4,754 2,777 0 577 55 313 10,361
S2 1,883 2,753 2,129 577 0 39 236 7,617
S3 252 408 710 55 39 0 121 1,586
S4 1,123 2,135 4,457 313 236 126 0 8,390
Total 43,611 63,944 63,982 10,374 7,620 1,599 8,346 199,475
Adjusted Daily VMT
Combination Truck
Destination Zone (j)
Z1 Z2 Z3 S1 S2 S3 S4 Total
Z1 1,680 3,087 4,436 4,591 7,287 453 5,443 26,978
Z2 3,087 3,839 6,015 7,785 9,038 622 7,639 38,025
Z3 4,458 6,031 6,025 10,851 13,490 640 7,585 49,080
Origin Zone (i) S1 4,740 8,034 11,171 0 12,461 840 10,980 48,226
S2 7,732 9,598 14,272 12,797 0 1,111 14,830 60,340
S3 453 622 640 809 1,044 0 444 4,012
S4 5,630 7,913 7,825 10,980 14,457 453 0 47,258
Total 27,780 39,124 50,384 47,812 57,778 4,119 46,922 273,919
Note that the calibration procedure using control VMTs are not only meaningful for
adjusting base-year commercial vehicle trip tables. The adjustment factors can also be
used to calibrate estimates of future commercial vehicle trip volumes and VMTs for
which no control VMT is available to check against. For example, if trip tables
corresponding to future freight travel demands are estimated, the volumes in these tables
can be adjusted using the adjustment factor (i.e. dividing the future forecasts by the
adjustment factor) determined for the base year, assuming that the ratio between
estimated VMT and control VMT remains constant over time.
4.5.2 Alternative Approaches
Variations of the calibration procedures discussed above have been applied in literature
and other freight modeling studies, as described below:
For the Columbia Corridor Transportation Study
the method involves a linear
regression between observed counts and model volumes.
The paper Truck Travel in the San Francisco Bay Area
includes a discussion of
how daily and afternoon peak hour trip tables were created for two-axle, three-
axle, and four or more axle truck trips. The trip tables were assigned to the Bay
Area highway network. From these assignments, the estimated vehicle-miles
traveled (VMT) and percent Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) were calculated.
Percent RMSE represents the variation between observed and estimated data
that is expected to occur approximately 68 percent of the time. The truck
See Footnote 9.
Schlappi, Marshall, and Itamura. Truck Travel in the San Francisco Bay Area. TRB 72nd Annual
Meeting, Paper No. 930477. January 1993.
Adjusted Daily VMT
All Commercial Vehicles
Destination Zone (j)
Z1 Z2 Z3 S1 S2 S3 S4 Total
Z1 71,936 73,523 64,893 15,664 11,284 1,884 10,918 250,102
Z2 73,466 95,950 94,341 21,671 14,433 2,677 16,604 319,143
Z3 65,293 94,952 110,573 20,234 17,995 3,713 23,124 335,884
Origin Zone (i) S1 15,819 21,931 20,496 0 13,409 1,042 12,012 84,709
S2 11,718 15,001 18,756 13,745 0 1,209 15,328 75,756
S3 1,898 2,689 3,713 1,011 1,142 0 897 11,350
S4 11,153 16,985 23,451 12,029 14,955 916 0 79,488
Total 251,283 321,031 336,222 84,354 73,217 11,441 78,884 1,156,432
forecast seemed reasonable when examined both by county subareas and on a
link by link basis.
In the Phoenix report titled Development of an Urban Truck Travel Model for the
Phoenix Metropolitan Area
calibration involved the use of the 1988 modeling
process (internal truck generation and distribution models) to perform the final
adjustments required to match current vehicle-miles of travel (VMT) to the
vehicle trip modeling system. A regionwide factor of 1.38 was applied to the
results of the trip generation and distribution models. The 38% adjustment
factor represents the effects of:
The expansion of truck vehicle trips to the equivalent number of two-axle
The adjustment of the estimated internal truck travel with the actual internal
truck travel; and
The expansion of internal truck travel to compensate for any under-
reporting in the latest travel survey or under-estimation in the updated non-
truck Phoenix models.
The calibration process for the new models consists of two steps, namely:
1. Expanding the commercial vehicle trips by weight class to account for
the average number of axles per vehicle in each class; and
2. Expanding total commercial vehicle trips so that total estimated and
observed VMT in the Phoenix region are equal. This expansion factor
represents the new effect of internal trips by all commercial vehicles
versus those by vehicles registered in Maricopa County, and of any
under-reporting or under-estimation in any of the Phoenix models which
affect the number of truck and non-truck vehicle trips.
The report titled Truck Trip Generation Rates by Land Use in the Central
Artery/Tunnel (CA/T) Project Study Area
addresses validation of daily truck trip
arrivals. The geographic distribution of calculated daily light, medium, and
heavy truck trip arrivals was consistent with observed vehicle classification
counts on study area streets and arterials. Classification counts on
neighborhood streets indicate miles of truck travel more accurately than truck
trip ends. More accuracy has been obtained by establishing a cordon line
within the study area, correcting for truck trips that pass through without
stopping or those traveling entirely within the cordon, and comparing one-half
of the number of crossing to the estimated arrivals into the cordoned zones.
See Footnote 1.
Nixon, Tom (Central Transportation Planning Staff - Boston). Truck Trip Generation Rates by Land
Use in the Central Artery/Tunnel Project Study Area. September 1993.
4.6 Traffic Assignment
The calibrated commercial vehicle trip tables can be assigned to a network along with
personal vehicle trip tables to produce estimates of total traffic on network links. There
are, however, some special considerations that may affect the assignment of commercial
vehicle trips including:
Heavy vehicles typically have more impact on congestion than automobiles on a
per VMT basis; and
On some highways, trucks are not permitted.
The Highway Capacity Manual
provides passenger car equivalence (PCE) factors that
can be used to quantify the relative impact of different types of vehicles on congestion.
For example, a PCE value of 2.0 indicates that the vehicle in question has the same effect
on congestion as 2.0 passenger cars. Specifically, the HCM recommends a PCE value of
1.5 for trucks and buses on level terrain
, with trucks defined as commercial vehicles with
six or more tires.
Hence, to reflect the effect of heavier vehicles on congestion, the trip tables for single unit
trucks with six or more tires and combinations can be multiplied by 1.5 and 2.0,
respectively, before being assigned to the network. The resulting assignment volumes
will then be expressed in PCEs, not number of vehicles. This refinement is appropriate if
heavy vehicles are expected to account for a significant portion of traffic (e.g., more than
10 percent) on key links. No adjustments to PCE values are needed for four-tire
commercial vehicles, since these vehicles are generally similar to passenger cars in terms
of acceleration and deceleration capabilities.
If trucks are prohibited from using key network links, the analyst should consider
conducting separate traffic assignments for the prohibited vehicles if it is not possible to
code and enforce truck prohibitions in the basic network description. Usually, four tire
commercial vehicles such as pickup trucks and vans are not considered to be trucks for
the purpose of enforcing truck bans, so that such vehicles would be combined with
passenger cars in the assignment process.
Transportation Research Board; Highway Capacity Manual; Special Report 209; updated October
Level terrain is any combination of grades and horizontal or vertical alignment that permits
heavy vehicles to maintain the same speed as passenger cars; this generally includes short grades
of no more than 2 percent. The HCM defines rolling terrain as any combination of grades and
horizontal or vertical alignment that causes heavy vehicles to reduce their speeds substantially
below those of passenger cars but that does not cause them to operate at crawl speeds for any
significant length of time. The HCM recommends a PCE value of 3.0 for trucks and buses on
rolling terrain. The HCM defines mountainous terrain as that which causes heavy vehicles to
operate at crawl speeds for significant distances or frequent intervals, and recommends a PCE
value of 6.0 for trucks and buses on mountainous terrain.
An example of traffic assignment for the hypothetical study area is provided in Chapter 5,
Site Analysis.
4.7 Time-of-Day Characteristics
Analysts may need to know the temporal distribution of travel by commercial vehicles for
several reasons, including:
To conduct separate traffic assignments for different time periods (e.g., peak and
off-peak assignments),
To calculate peak hour or design hour volumes on a link, based on the assignment
of daily traffic to that link, and
To conduct environmental analyses that are based on hourly traffic distributions
(e.g., there are one-hour and eight-hour standards for carbon monoxide)
Table 4-4 shows typical temporal distributions for commercial vehicle traffic in urban
areas. These distributions are based on unpublished traffic data collected by State DOTs
and compiled by FHWA.
Table 4-4. Temporal Distribution of Commercial Vehicle Traffic in Urban
Hour Commercial Vehicles
From To Four-Tire Trucks Single Units (6+ tires) Combinations
12 1 0.7% 0.7% 2.3%
1 2 0.4% 0.6% 1.8%
2 3 0.4% 0.6% 1.5%
3 4 0.4% 0.5% 1.7%
4 5 0.6% 1.1% 2.3%
5 6 2.0% 3.0% 3.7%
6 7 6.9% 5.0% 4.3%
7 8 6.6% 7.3% 6.0%
8 9 6.4% 7.2% 5.1%
9 10 5.2% 7.8% 7.1%
10 11 5.7% 7.0% 6.3%
11 12 5.4% 7.5% 6.8%
12 1 5.5% 6.8% 6.9%
1 2 5.8% 7.1% 6.3%
2 3 6.4% 7.7% 6.2%
3 4 7.8% 7.7% 5.3%
4 5 8.6% 6.6% 5.1%
5 6 7.1% 5.1% 4.0%
6 7 5.8% 3.5% 3.9%
7 8 3.3% 2.4% 3.0%
8 9 2.9% 1.6% 2.9%
9 10 2.6% 1.3% 2.6%
10 11 2.0% 1.0% 2.5%
11 12 1.3% 1.0% 2.3%
Total 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
The temporal distribution of commercial vehicles differs considerably from that of
passenger vehicles, with the latter showing much more pronounced morning and
afternoon peaks due to travel to and from work.
5.0 Site Analysis
5.0 Site Analysis
5.1 Overview
Transportation planners and analysts in local/municipal agencies are often interested in
predicting the impacts of new facilities, commercial developments and other types of
establishments on the volume and spatial distribution of freight traffic in their respective
jurisdictions. The purpose of site analysis is to estimate, within an acceptable level of
accuracy, the number of new commercial trips generated by a new or planned facility and
determine whether or not the existing network of primary highways, local roads,
municipal streets and other transportation facilities can sufficiently handle the projected
traffic demands. Thus, in addition to number of new trips, the analyst is also concerned
about which routes these new trips will take and at what time periods during the day.
The generic term facility is used in this chapter to refer to any site location where some
type of economic activity is carried out.
Site analysis is appropriate only for planned facilities that have significant impacts on
freight traffic including strip malls, industrial factories or plants, major retail stores and
special trip generators such as intermodal transfer facilities.
While site analysis can be applied to both existing and planned facilities, usually the
procedures for analyzing existing sites involve simple traffic counts and observing where
and when these counts are taken. This chapter focuses on the relatively more complicated
analysis of planned sites, in which the following steps are involved:
1. Obtain relevant land use and economic activity data pertaining to the facility
from the owner, developer, designer or constructor.
2. Identify the network of highways, roads, streets and other transportation
facilities in the immediate vicinity of the site which will serve the traffic
generated by the facility.
3. Predict the number of freight trips (by mode) that will be generated by the
facility based upon the information gathered from Steps 1 and 2. These trips
include those going into as well as those coming out of the site.
4. Determine the origins and destinations of the new trips. These include short-
haul (i.e. nearby or adjacent) as well as long-haul (remote) origins and
5. Assign the trips to the adjacent highways and transportation facilities based
upon the characteristics of the network and knowledge of trip origins and
6. Determine the changes in level of service of the transportation facilities as a
result of the new trips.
This manual focuses on commercial vehicles. However, there are also changes in
passenger vehicle demands that would result from the new facility. In estimating the
changes in traffic volumes and levels of service on the transportation network, the total
freight and passenger trips attributed to the site should be calculated.
The following sections describe in detail the steps involved in site analysis, including
additional information on how data collection and trip generation estimation may be
conducted for major intermodal terminals and special trip generators. An example of site
analysis in Green Bay, Wisconsin is presented in Chapter 9, Section 9.3.
5.2 Data Gathering
Site analysis normally begins with data gathering in which all information pertaining to
the proposed facility that is relevant to the analysis is assembled. This information can be
obtained from various sources including the developer, designer, owner, contractor or the
local/municipal/city engineers office which issues construction permits and approves
plans and specifications. Data gathering for site analysis includes but is not limited to the
Company/Owner name and address;
Type of facility to be operated in site (e.g. retail, industrial, manufacturing,
warehousing, etc.) and the activities involved;
Size of the facility in terms of land area, floor area, number of employees;
Type of commodities, products or services produced and consumed;
Anticipated volume of shipments and receipts expressed in either weight,
volume, dollar value or other freight units;
Type of vehicles or carriers to be used for transportation as well as the company
or agency who will be responsible for shipping;
Locations of markets for commodities and services produced (e.g. local,
intercity, out-of-state, international, etc.);
Locations of markets for materials, commodities or services used (e.g. local,
intercity, out-of-state, international, etc.);
Locations of intermediate facilities (i.e. warehouses, consolidation points, etc.)
which will serve the new facility.
Frequency and timing (schedule) of shipping operations.
While basic information such as owner/company name, size of facility and type of activity
can be determined mostly from available documents, the more detailed data may only be
obtained by conducting interviews or surveys with the appropriate individuals. These
include questions relating to the type and volume of commodities used and produced, the
locations of origins and destinations of the shipments, and the schedules.
An interview with the potential shippers and receivers may also be necessary to obtain
some of the information listed above.
5.3 Network Identification
All transportation facilities surrounding the site need to be identified prior to conducting
freight traffic analysis. These facilities include all types of roads (i.e. primary, arterial,
suburban streets, etc.), transportation terminals, railroad tracks, waterways and airports.
The types of mode available for freight transport in the area around the site and their
level-of-service characteristics have a substantial influence on the choices made by
shippers and carriers for the planned facility (see Chapter 2 - Factors Affecting Freight
Maps of the general area showing streets, railroads and other transportation features in
relation to the site not only help identify what options are available for freight transport
but also help establish the relationships among these options. For example, the presence
of a nearby railroad terminal may make it more attractive for the new facility to ship its
products and commodities by rail instead of other alternative modes such as highway. In
reality, other modal service attributes (e.g. cost), and site-specific characteristics such as
those identified in Section 5.2 (Data Gathering), will influence this decision.
In identifying the network of transportation facilities, all their existing physical and
operational characteristics have to be described including size, capacity, traffic volumes,
geometry, speed limits and any other restrictions on use or access (e.g. truck size and
weight limits). The characteristics of the traffic which the facilities serve may also be
relevant to the analysis.
Sources of transportation network and traffic data include the Design and Traffic
Divisions of City or Local Governments, Departments of Transportation, Metropolitan
Planning Organizations and other planning agencies.
5.4 Trip Generation
Predicting the number of freight trips (by mode) generated by a new facility uses much of
the information described above. In Chapter 4, Section 4.2, we described a simple and
direct procedure for estimating commercial vehicle (truck) trips using trip generation rates
per employee and household. The rates for four different land use/employment
categories were derived from Phoenix data and recommended for use in trip estimation.
However, unlike the aggregate planning problem presented in Chapter 4, detailed site
analysis requires a more accurate estimate of the number of trips generated. These
estimates should ideally be based on the comprehensive knowledge of the characteristics
of the planned facility, including but not limited to the number of employees and
households. More precise traffic projections can be inferred from such additional
information as type, weight and volume of commodities produced and consumed, the
sizes and capacities of vehicles, modes and carriers that are available, the frequency and
scheduling of shipments, the storage and handling operations, and other factors that
influence the total demand for freight transportation by the facility.
The volume of freight movement is closely associated with commodity classifications and
land use. Volume is generally expressed in tons and ton-miles, or in truck load equivalents
(TLEs). The specific cubic space occupied by a particular commodity may impact the
number of truckloads required to move a given measure of that product. Manufacturing
plants are destinations for raw materials or parts, and origins for finished goods or parts
that will move elsewhere, perhaps across the county or across the country. A grocery
store warehouse is likely to receive goods from near and far, but will then distribute them
to local stores in a regular "daisy chain" type pattern.
The analyst should explore these and the many other types of relationships between
anticipated freight traffic and the site/facility characteristics. For example, Appendix D
contains tables of trip generation rates for various types of commercial vehicles in
different locations. The tables also identify the specific land use/SIC code for which the
rates can be used. In addition to the total number of employees, the total floor/building
area or total land area of the facility can be used to predict the trips in case the number of
employees is unknown or deemed inappropriate for trip prediction.
A combination of different land uses and other factors affecting freight demand can also
be used to more accurately estimate freight trips by mode. Some regression equations,
such as those included in Appendix D for truck trips, predict daily freight trips as a
function of land use category, number of employees, building/floor area and total area.
In addition to the total number of new trips, the analyst may also be interested in the
distribution of these trips on a given day, week, or even month. These temporal
characteristics are important in determining the impacts of the new traffic on the peaking
patterns around the site.
Using site-specific trip generation rates, regression equations or other methods can
significantly improve the forecasts of the demands for freight transportation due to the
new facility. Aside from the information on trip generation provided in Chapter 4 and
Appendix D (which only pertain to trucks and commercial vehicles), the analyst can
utilize a variety of local, statewide and national data sources or organizations which deal
with the impacts of new facilities on freight traffic for different modes. Appendix F
through M contain a listing of these sources.
In the case of special trip generators such as intermodal terminals, trip generation
estimates can be obtained through direct contacts with a limited number of firms and with
specific limited questions, in particular if the planning agency has been building contacts
with the freight community over a period of time. Actual trip generation data can
generally be obtained through direct contacts, observation, or surveys. If not, the default
values found in Appendix D may be applied. The following describes types of data that
may be sought for different modes.
Average daily truck activity per site, by truck classification- inbound and outbound. This
may require a visual classification count, depending on the size and importance of the
facility, however, in many cases the fleet manager of the planned facility will be able to
provide accurate estimates.
For ports, loadings and unloadings will likely be provided in twenty foot equivalent units
(TEUs), or forty foot equivalent units (FEUs). Maritime data sources such as the Port
Facilities Inventory provide extensive data on over 4,000 major river and ocean ports,
including location, cargo handling capacity, and physical characteristics. Maritime data
sources such as U.S. Waterborne Exports and Outbound Intransit Shipments and the converse
for imports include shipping weight and value by port, and the percentage of
containerized cargo. Tonnage for Selected United States Ports includes tons handled - total,
domestic and foreign. (See Appendix K-4d).
Tonnage into or out of a port facility will require an additional analysis step to distinguish
between rail and truck movements. One method is to calculate total tons, convert to truck
load equivalents, identify total rail tons in or out of the port (see below), and subtract rail
tons from port tons. Several commercial firms provide "value-added" services to
databases such as the above, to decrease the need for user manipulation and increase the
utility. (See Appendix K - 3b).
The primary rail data source related to trip generation is the Carload Waybill Sample. The
public use version of the sample is aggregated to the BEA-to-BEA level. (There are 173
Bureau of Economic Analysis regions in the country). However, state agencies may access
the confidential information, that contains extensive rail shipment data. Data include
origin and destination points, number of cars, tons, length of haul, participating railroads
and interchange locations. (See Appendix K-4c).
The Airport Activity Statistics of Certificated Route Air Carriers publication presents detailed
data on freight express and mail traffic carried for each airport and individual airline. The
Air and Expedited Motor Carriers Network Guide and the Express Carriers Association Service
Directory, both produced by the Film, Air and Package Carriers Conference, include
operational information on AEMCC members by airport code. (See Appendix K-4a).
If actual trip generation data cannot be obtained through primary surveys or secondary
data sources, the default values in Table 5.1 may be applied to either firm or employee
data. Caution should be used, as the values are based on a single study of truck trip rates
for air cargo operations at JFK International Airport.
Table 5.1 - Trip Generation Rates for Air Cargo Operations
Type of Firm
No. of
Number of
per Firm
Trips per Day
per Firm
Trips per Day
per Employee
Courier 3 35 26 0.75
Forwarder 9 39 27 0.67
Broker 5 20 22 0.91
Trucking 1 20 25 0.50
Total/Average 18 33 25 0.73
Source: Characteristics of Urban Freight Systems, Table 57; original source Transportation
Issues Survey Summary, furnished by New York Metropolitan Transportation Council.
Other Modes
The specialized database section (Appendix K-4) also includes data sources for pipelines,
coal movements, military transportation, Mexican and Canadian trade, imports and
exports, and other topics. State or regional planning agencies with even more specialized
needs may refer to the Directory of Transportation Data Sources, TruckSource, or commercial
5.5 Trip Distribution
The estimated freight trips generated by the planned facility may have origins and
destinations at several different locations. Depending upon the characteristics of the
facility and the types of products and shipments involved, the freight trips can range from
very short-distance local trips to long-haul (interstate) and even international trips.
Origins and destinations of trips have considerable influence on the modes used and
routes taken.
The following classifications of origin-destination trips can be used in site analysis :
1. Long haul - Trips into or out of the site with origins or destinations more than
250 miles away from it. These trips usually carry many of the inputs used in
both manufacturing and wholesale distribution operations. Long-haul trucks
are usually large and compete with rail and water. These trips may also include
linkages to ports (particularly container traffic).
2. Short haul (interstate or interregional) - Moving within about a 250-mile radius
of the site. Example of these trips are delivery movements from a wholesale
distribution warehouse to outlying retail establishments.
3. Local trips - Essentially short-distance local delivery operations. This type of
traffic includes small shipments from wholesale distribution centers to retail
stores or to local manufacturers. It also includes drayage, which is the short-
range transfer of cargo to or from rail or port facilities to manufacturing or
distribution facilities. Large trucks are frequently used for drayage.
The origins and destinations of trips that end in the planned facility may be established
based upon the types of materials, raw products, goods and commodities that are used or
produced by the facility. For example, a major auto dealer will most likely have freight
trips that originate from auto assembly plants or factories. Similarly, a dairy plant will
generate trips that include distribution to grocery and retail stores.
Knowledge of trip origins and destinations for the site allows the trips predicted in
Section 5.4 to be assigned to various elements of the transportation network identified in
Section 5.3.
5.6 Trip Assignment
Trip assignment relies essentially on all pieces of information derived and developed from
data gathering, network identification, trip generation and trip distribution. Trip
assignment is the penultimate step in site analysis -- one which involves the loading of
predicted freight trips, by mode and origin/destination, to the transportation facilities
around the site. Again, the modes can include streets and highways, railroads,
waterways, terminals and airports. Origins and destinations may be classified as local,
intercity, intra-state, interstate or international.
The criteria that can be used to assign trips to the transportation network include
capacity, cost, distance, travel time, traffic volumes, level-of-service (i.e. congestion),
speed/weight/volume/height limits and other parameters. In some cases the choice of
route taken is implicit in the choice of mode. For example, if some freight trips are to be
made by barge and there is only one waterway within the vicinity of the site, the trips are
automatically assigned to the existing waterway. On the other hand, for truck trips on
streets and highways, there are usually a number of routing options and the trips need to
be assigned based on the factors identified above.
As mentioned earlier, both the passenger and freight trips added onto the transportation
network as a result of the planned facility have to be determined and used in calculating
the impacts on traffic conditions and levels-of-service of the affected area.
5.7 Level-of-Service Analysis
Depending upon the volume of traffic added and the existing capacity of the transport
facilities, the level-of-service of roads, highways and other facilities in the area may be
seriously impacted by the introduction of the new development. These impacts can be
measured in terms of delay, congestion, accidents, physical and functional deterioration,
air quality, noise and other level-of-service characteristics which are influenced not only
by the volume of traffic but the presence of freight-related vehicles such as trucks.
Since level-of-service characteristics are a function of time, it would be important to
determine the impacts of the new freight trips on both the peak and off-peak traffic
around the site.
The purpose of level-of-service analysis is not only to determine what the potential
negative impacts of added freight traffic will be, but also to identify ways that can
alleviate these problems or even prevent them from happening. In this way the analyst
can make appropriate plans or recommendations.
5.8 Illustrative Example
Suppose that a major port terminal is being planned for the hypothetical study area used
as example in Chapter 4. Figure 5.1 shows the proposed location of this large facility in
Zone 2 of the area. The planning agency wants to determine the impacts of the proposed
facility on the traffic volumes and service levels on the major arteries in the area. For the
purpose of the site impact analysis, the road segments have been numbered as shown in
the figure.
Figure 5.1 Location of Planned Port Facility in the Hypothetical Study Area
Si = External Station
Zi = Traffic Analysis Zone and Centroid
Major Highway
Zone Boundary
Highway Link No.
The number of lanes, capacities, existing traffic volumes (commercial and non-commercial
vehicles) and daily volume to capacity (V/C) ratios in each link are shown in the table
Three thousand (3,000) new employees are expected to work in the proposed port facility
whose major operations include:
Processing of export/import products
Containerization of commodities
The changes in non-commercial vehicle trips in various zones that can be attributed to the
port facility are shown below:
Non-Commercial Vehicle Trips at Zones (vehicles/day)
Zone No. of Trip Ends
(w/o Facility)
No. of Trip Ends
(w/ Facility)
Zone 1 48,000 49,000 1,000
Zone 2
Zone 3
Existing Link Characteristics and Traffic Conditions
Highway No. of Traffic Traffic Volume/
Segment Lanes Volume Capacity Capacity
(pces/day) (pces/day)
1 8 120,188 384,000 0.31
2 6 106,695 288,000 0.37
3 6 121,421 288,000 0.42
4 6 81,940 288,000 0.28
5 6 102,145 288,000 0.35
6 6 114,524 288,000 0.40
7 6 71,904 288,000 0.25
8 4 103,082 192,000 0.54
9 6 94,665 288,000 0.33
10 6 91,324 288,000 0.32
11 4 20,920 192,000 0.11
12 8 103,104 384,000 0.27
At each external station, it is estimated that the non-commercial vehicle trips will change
due to the presence of the port facility as follows:
Non-Commercial Vehicle Trips at External Stations (vehicles/day)
External Station No. of Trip Ends
(w/o Facility)
No. of Trip Ends
Station 1 47,275 47,775 500
Station 2 22,277 22,677 400
Station 3
Station 4
The change in employment for Zone 2 and the resulting changes in commercial vehicle
trips (using Trip Generation rates from Table 4.1 for Manufacturing, Transportation etc.)
for each vehicle type are shown below:
New Commercial Vehicle Trip Origins/Destinations for Zone 2
Without Facility With Facility Change
Employment 9,362 12,362 3,000
Trip Origins/
(Using Trip Generation Rates from Table 4.1 for
Manufacturing, Transportation, Utilities, etc.)
Single Unit
The resulting total commercial vehicle trips for each vehicle type and zone in the study
area, with the port facility, is given below:
Forecasted Total Daily Commercial Vehicle Trips Generated for Each Vehicle
Type and Zone (with Port Facility)
Vehicle Type Z
4-Tire Trucks 24,944 32,421 29,654 87,019
Single Unit (6+ Tire) Trucks 5,692 8,541 7,767 22,000
Combination Vehicles 1,561 2,691 2,866 7,118
All Commercial Vehicles 32,197 43,653 40,287 116,137
At external stations, the commercial vehicle trips for each vehicle type with and without
the port facility are as shown below:
Commercial Vehicle Trip Origins/Destinations at External Stations
Using the information above, the following trip tables are estimated for the study area
with the proposed port facility:
External Station
S1 S2 S3 S4
Truck AADT: (1-
Before After Net Before After Net Before After Net Before After Net
Four-Tire 2,948 3,048 100 901 1,001 100 650 750 100 2,530 2,630 100
Single Unit 965 1,025 60 792 852 60 167 227 60 828 888 60
Combination 2,412 2,452 40 3,331 3,371 40 217 257 40 2,070 2,110 40
Total 6,325 6,525 200 5,023 5,223 200 1,034 1,234 200 5,428 5,628 200
Following the trip distribution and calibration processes described in Chapter 4, Sections
4.4 and 4.5 respectively, the adjusted daily trip tables (in passenger car equivalents or
PCEs) for the commercial vehicles are determined as follows:
Four-Tire Truck Trip Table
(Vehicles/day) Destination Zone (j)
Total (Oi) Sum(Dj*Fij)
? ? ? ? ? ? ? 24,944 23,295.15
? ? ? ? ? ? ? 32,421 25,402.51
? ? ? ? ? ? ? 29,654 22,752.43
Origin Zone (i) S
? ? ? 0 ? ? ? 3,048 708.96
? ? ? ? 0 ? ? 1,001 813.12
? ? ? ? ? 0 ? 750 637.66
? ? ? ? ? ? 0 2,630 567.63
Total (Dj) 24,944 32,421 29,654 3,048 1,001 750 2,630 94,448
Single Unit Truck Trip Table
(Vehicles/Day) Destination Zone (j)
Total (Oi) Sum(Dj*Fij)
? ? ? ? ? ? ? 5,692 3,145.26
? ? ? ? ? ? ? 8,541 3,808.02
? ? ? ? ? ? ? 7,767 3,437.00
Origin Zone (i) S
? ? ? 0 ? ? ? 1,025 102.94
? ? ? ? 0 ? ? 852 176.68
? ? ? ? ? 0 ? 227 136.36
? ? ? ? ? ? 0 888 121.11
Total (Dj) 5,692 8,541 7,767 1,025 852 227 888 24,992
Combination Truck Trip Table
(Vehicles/Day) Destination Zone (j)
Total (Oi) Sum(Dj*Fij)
? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1,561 3,472.50
? ? ? ? ? ? ? 2,691 3,894.73
? ? ? ? ? ? ? 2,866 3,809.15
Origin Zone (i) S
? ? ? 0 ? ? ? 2,452 9.11
? ? ? ? 0 ? ? 3,371 10.06
? ? ? ? ? 0 ? 257 9.28
? ? ? ? ? ? 0 2,110 8.78
Total (Dj) 1,561 2,691 2,866 2,452 3,371 257 2,110 15,307
Daily Trip Table (PCEs)
Four-Tire Truck (PCE = 1)
Destination Zone (j)
10,186 6,544 3,964 1,272 218 86 244 22,513
6,543 12,885 7,804 958 395 155 520 29,261
3,997 7,872 12,452 425 223 341 1,451 26,762
Origin Zone (i) S
1,273 960 422 0 44 10 42 2,752
218 395 221 44 0 6 20 904
87 157 342 10 6 0 76 678
247 527 1,460 42 21 76 0 2,374
Total 22,552 29,341 26,666 2,752 907 674 2,352 85,244
Daily Trip Table (PCEs)
Single Unit Truck (PCE = 1.5)
Destination Zone (j)
4,540 2,121 1,141 398 283 32 97 8,611
2,107 5,960 3,206 749 587 68 245 12,922
1,141 3,225 5,759 272 287 180 885 11,750
Origin Zone (i) S
396 750 271 0 100 6 27 1,551
281 588 286 100 0 8 27 1,290
32 68 180 6 8 0 50 343
97 248 893 29 27 51 0 1,345
Total 8,594 12,962 11,735 1,554 1,292 345 1,331 37,812
Daily Trip Table (PCEs)
Combination Truck (PCE = 2)
Destination Zone (j)
640 736 702 1,262 1,390 69 602 5,401
736 1,546 1,431 1,687 2,586 128 1,189 9,304
705 1,435 1,902 1,390 2,330 190 1,954 9,906
Origin Zone (i) S
1,304 1,743 1,431 0 2,666 111 1,227 8,482
1,473 2,742 2,462 2,735 0 201 2,047 11,659
69 128 190 107 190 0 204 889
622 1,231 2,012 1,227 1,999 207 0 7,299
Total 5,549 9,560 10,131 8,409 11,161 906 7,223 52,940
The non-commercial vehicle trip table is also developed as follows:
The total commercial and non-commercial trips are determined by adding the trip tables
above, resulting in the following:
The trips above may be assigned to various segments in the study area using distances
between origins and destinations. A trip incidence matrix below shows which highway
segments can be used for each origin/destination pair (see Figure 5.1):
Non-Commercial Vehicle Trip Table
(PCEs) Destination Zone (j)
Total (Oi)
? ? ? ? ? ? ? 49,000
? ? ? ? ? ? ? 62,000
? ? ? ? ? ? ? 54,000
Origin Zone (i) S
? ? ? 0 ? ? ? 47,775
? ? ? ? 0 ? ? 22,677
? ? ? ? ? 0 ? 9,114
? ? ? ? ? ? 0 41,072
Total (Dj) 49,000 62,000 54,000 47,775 22,677 9,114 41,072 285,638
Non-Commercial Vehicle Trip Table
Destination Zone (j)
12,604 8,424 4,524 16,557 3,209 512 3,170 49,000
8,424 17,254 9,266 12,985 6,068 968 7,035 62,000
4,524 9,266 12,996 5,064 3,008 1,869 17,273 54,000
Origin Zone (i) S
16,557 12,985 5,064 0 6,813 621 5,735 47,775
3,209 6,068 3,008 6,813 0 433 3,145 22,677
512 968 1,869 621 433 0 4,712 9,114
3,171 7,035 17,274 5,736 3,145 4,712 0 41,072
Total Dj 49,000 62,000 54,000 47,775 22,677 9,114 41,071
Daily Trip Table (PCEs)
All Vehicles
Destination Zone (j)
27,970 17,825 10,330 19,489 5,100 698 4,113 85,524
17,811 37,645 21,707 16,380 9,637 1,319 8,989 113,488
10,367 21,798 33,109 7,151 5,849 2,581 21,563 102,418
Origin Zone (i) S
19,530 16,439 7,188 0 9,623 747 7,032 60,559
5,181 9,794 5,977 9,692 0 647 5,239 36,531
699 1,321 2,581 744 637 0 5,042 11,024
4,137 9,041 21,639 7,034 5,192 5,047 0 52,090
Total 85,696 113,862 102,532 60,490 36,037 11,039 51,978 461,633
For example, for the origin-destination pair Z
, it is assumed that Segment 2 and
Segment 3 will each have 60% of the total daily trips (i.e. some of the trips will be using
both segments ). The assignments for these two segments for all origin-destination pairs
are shown in the following tables:
Traffic Assignment Segments
All Vehicles
Destination Zone (j)
2,3 2,3,4,5,6 2,3,4,5,6,8,
1,2,3 2,3,4,7 2,3,4,5,6,8 2,3,4,5,6,8,
2,3,4,5,6 4,5,6 4,5,6,8,9,10 1,2,3,4,5,6 4,5,6,7 4,5,6,8,11 4,5,6,8,9,10,12
4,5,6,8,9,10 6,8,9,10 1,2,3,4,5,6,
8,9,10,11 8,9,10,12
Origin Zone (i)
1,2,3 1,2,3,4,5,6 1,2,3,4,5,6,
None 1,2,3,4,7 1,2,3,4,5,6,
2,3,4,7 4,5,6,7 4,5,6,7,8,
1,2,3,4,7 None 6,7,11 6,7,10,12
2,3,4,5,6,8 4,5,6,8,11 8,9,10,11 1,2,3,4,5,6, 8,11 6,7,11 None 10,11,12
8,9,10,12 1,2,3,4,5,6,
6,7,10,12 10,11,12 None
Segment 2
16,782 8,913 5,165 9,744 1,530 349 2,056 44,539
8,905 0 0 8,190 0 0 0 17,095
5,184 0 0 3,576 0 0 0 8,759
9,765 8,219 3,594 0 481 336 4,922 27,318
1,554 0 0 485 0 0 0 2,039
350 0 0 335 0 0 0 684
2,069 0 0 4,924 0 0 0 6,992
Total 44,609 17,132 8,759 27,253 2,011 686 6,978 107,428
Segment 3
16,782 8,913 5,165 9,744 2,805 349 2,056 45,814
8,905 0 0 8,190 0 0 0 17,095
5,184 0 0 3,576 0 0 0 8,759
9,765 8,219 3,594 0 9,142 411 2,109 33,241
2,850 0 0 9,207 0 0 0 12,057
350 0 0 409 0 0 0 759
2,069 0 0 2,110 0 0 0 4,179
Total 45,904 17,132 8,759 33,237 11,947 760 4,166 121,904
After all the trips have been assigned to all the highway segments, the levels of service of
the roads with the proposed facility are compared with their levels of service without the
facility as follows:
As can be seen in the table, segments 4, 5, 6, 8 and 9 will experience relatively higher
increases in traffic volume and a drop in service levels due to the proposed port facility.
Link Characteristics and Traffic Conditions with Port Facility
Highway No. of Traffic Traffic V/C Change in V/C
Segment Lanes Volume Capacity Ratio Volume Before
(pces/day) (pces/day) (pces/day)
1 8 121,049 384,000 0.32 861 0.31
2 6 107,428 288,000 0.37 733 0.37
3 6 121,904 288,000 0.42 484 0.42
4 6 87,435 288,000 0.30 5,495 0.28
5 6 106,619 288,000 0.37 4,474 0.35
6 6 119,275 288,000 0.41 4,751 0.40
7 6 72,568 288,000 0.25 664 0.25
8 4 106,338 192,000 0.55 3,256 0.54
9 6 97,047 288,000 0.34 2,383 0.33
10 6 92,930 288,000 0.32 1,606 0.32
11 4 22,063 192,000 0.11 1,143 0.11
12 8 104,067 384,000 0.27 963 0.27
6.0 Data Collection to
Support More
Accurate Freight
6.0 Data Collection to Support
More Accurate Freight Analysis
6.1 Overview
For some applications, State Departments of Transportation, Metropolitan Planning
Organizations and other planning agencies may seek more accurate and reliable estimates
of freight activity and may find the quick-response freight planning approaches presented
in previous chapters inadequate. For example, the truck trip generation rates
recommended in this manual (Table 4.1) which are obtained from Phoenix may not be
suitable for a specific site. Estimates of truck traffic volumes and travel times at external
stations (see Section 4.3) which are derived from the Truck Inventory and User Survey
(TIUS ) may be too rough for the desired level of accuracy. Simple growth factor methods
presented in Chapter 3 may be inadequate in representing the complex relationships
between freight demand and the economic indicator variables in a given area. Agencies
always have the alternative to adopt their own procedures to make more accurate
estimates. However, this will usually require additional data collection on their part.
As stated in the introduction to the manual (Chapter 1), the methods adopted for the
quick-response freight planning approach assume that very little data on freight travel
exists within planning agencies, and that they have limited time and resources necessary
to develop this information. But what if these agencies are willing to allocate some of
their resources to collect more data in order to improve the accuracy of their forecasts?
Which data and data collection efforts should they pursue and what costs are involved?
Data collection can be very costly to undertake. In general the time, costs and level of
effort required to obtain more accurate and comprehensive freight data depend upon the
following factors:
type and volume of information needed;
whether the data already exists or still needs to be collected;
availability of the data, and cost to purchase it (if not free);
the types of equipment needed to conduct surveys or interviews;
time needed to perform the data collection in the field or in the office; and
the level of detail or accuracy desired.
This chapter describes a number of strategies that can be employed by State DOTs,
MPOs and other planning agencies to collect better freight information pertaining to
various economic indicators, demand characteristics, transportation network, origin-
destination flows, and shipper/carrier characteristics -- all of which are needed to
support enhanced freight analysis and produce more accurate freight forecasts. To
simplify the discussions, the data collection strategies have been classified as either
involving primary or secondary data sources.
Primary data sources include:
1. Survey techniques such as tube counts, classification counts, postcard and
other roadside surveys, and surveys of freight terminal operators and port
2. In-depth interviews of shippers and carriers;
3. Establishment of freight advisory committees comprised of key shippers,
carriers and other knowledgeable individuals.
While more accurate and desirable, primary data collection activities are both expensive
and time-consuming.
Secondary data sources include existing reports, abstracts, or statistics from various public
and private agencies at the local, state, and national levels which can be adopted in the
freight analysis. These data sources should be explored first especially if the agency has
limited resources to conduct the more costly primary data collection techniques.
However, more often these data sources either have restricted applicability or are
6.2 Primary Data Collection
Gathering primary data on freight and traffic flows at the federal, state or local level is a
costly and time-consuming process, and data collection programs for most agencies
(particularly at the local level) are rarely a funding priority. In addition, the political,
technological, and operating changes within the transportation industry have rendered
many traditional and often modal-oriented data collection programs inappropriate for
intermodal and multimodal planning purposes. While the freight movement and origin-
destination data available from federal and commercial sources for rail, water, and air
modes are often adequate for planning purposes at the state and local level,
comprehensive and detailed information on truck movements is inadequate in most cases.
Because the vast majority of all freight movements at some point move by truck, such
information is critical to effectively plan and provide the infrastructure and facilities
needed for efficient movement and transfer of freight. Accordingly, while the primary
data collection methods and procedures discussed below could apply to all modes, there
is particular focus on gathering data on truck movements.
6.2.1 Surveys
A critical component of any survey data collection effort is sampling. While there is no
definitive way of selecting a sample size, generally the larger the sample, the more reliable
the sample estimates. However, it would be impossible and prohibitively expensive to
collect data from every transportation carrier, facility, shipper, or location. It is much less
expensive to gather data from a sample of the population, which, if drawn accurately, can
provide reliable results
In determining the optimal survey sample size, one must consider not only the survey
design, but also the logistics of implementing the survey. In the case of
roadside/intercept surveys, telephone surveys or personal interviews, this would include
factors such as the number of interviewers, length of survey, traffic flow, time frame,
location, etc. In the case of mail surveys, this would include reliability of mailing lists and
points of contact, method of transmission and return (mail vs. fax or e-mail), etc.
According to the Bureau of Census Truck Inventory and Use Study (TIUS), about 36 percent
of the vehicle miles traveled by trucks occur on trips of less than 50 miles, and an
additional 30 percent fall into the category of 50-200 miles. Moreover, 95 percent of all
trips are less than 200 miles in length, with 81 percent less than 50 miles. Thus, the
majority of all truck trips are local, and most vehicle miles can be considered local.
Therefore the sampling strategy for truck surveys should emphasize local travel more
than other trip types.
A recent study prepared for the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) in
Oakland, California
provides a comprehensive review of what has been and what is
being done at the state and local level with regard to truck surveys and truck travel
demand forecasting. While the methods and procedures discussed in the report relate to
actual truck travel surveys, most can also be applied to other modes of transport. The
primary data collection methods and related findings are as follows:
Telephone interviews generally yield a high response rate and facilitate follow-
up; however, the survey must be conducted during normal business hours; the
respondent may have limited time, data, or information available at the time of
the initial contact and may be unwilling to return calls or accept follow-up calls;
and may require mail or fax follow-up to verify data and information recorded
by the interviewer. Depending on the sample size, time frame, and nature of the
survey, the number and skills of the interviewers may make this method too
Mailout/mailback surveys are less costly, but generally have a lower response
rate. The reliability and completeness of the response may depend on whether
the survey form finds its way to the appropriate individual within an
Samuel W. Lau, Truck Travel Surveys: A Review of the Literature and State of the Art, prepared for
the Metropolitan Transportation Commission, Oakland, California, January 1995. This report
includes an extensive bibliography as well as 13 sample forms used in truck surveys throughout
the U.S. and Canada.
organization or company. This method also requires some type of tracking so
that one can easily identify and follow up with non-responses. The follow-up
may be done by telephone/fax, postcard reminders, or re-mail of the survey
Combined telephone-mailout/mailback surveys will generally yield a higher
response rate than mailout/mailback; however, it is likely to be more expensive.
One variation of this procedure involves contacting a company by telephone to
advise that a survey form is being mailed and identify the appropriate
department/individual to which the form should be addressed. In this manner,
one can often determine whether a company is likely to respond and adjust the
sample size accordingly. One can also utilize broadcast fax to distribute survey
forms, although the quality of the transmission may affect the response.
Roadside/intercept interviews are often used for truck surveys and generally
yield a high response rate, offer better control over the sample, and enable the
interviewer to respond to any questions the respondent may have when
completing the form. The disadvantages of this method include potential
disruption to traffic flow, safety hazards for the interviewers, less ability to
follow up with respondents, the effect of factors such as weather, time of day,
lighting etc. on implementation, and restricting the sample to a particular
location rather than an entire region.
A paper presented at the 1995 Transportation Research Board (TRB) Meeting
provides a
comprehensive outline for gathering truck movement data and information on a statewide
basis. The paper describes the methodology and procedures employed to interview a
total of 30,000 truck drivers at 28 weigh stations located throughout the State of
Washington. The interviews were conducted in each of four seasons to take into account
seasonal differences in truck movements. The researchers established a goal of
conducting 300 surveys over a 24-hour period at each survey site, and ultimately
interviewed approximately 7500 drivers during each of the survey periods. The following
summarize the significant aspects of the methodology and procedures:
The survey gathered information on vehicle configuration, origin and
destination, highway route, cargo type, vehicle and cargo weight, and the use of
intermodal facilities. Identification of routes was accomplished with the aid of a
map attached to each questionnaire. The primary data collection sites included
permanent weigh stations, ports of entry, and border crossings along major
interstate and state highway corridors. The questionnaire was designed so that
it could be completed within three minutes, with about half the questions
answered by the interviewer through direct observation of the vehicle. Terms
(such as payload weight) that were not readily understood by truck drivers
were identified during a pretest and replaced by simpler language (e.g., the
weight of the cargo being carried).
William R. Gillis, Kenneth L. Casavant, and Charles Howard, Jr., Survey Methodology for Collecting
Freight Truck Origin and Destination Data, presented at the TRB Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C.
January 1995.
Interview teams, totaling up to 90 people on any given day, were recruited from
community service clubs, comprised of individuals with personal knowledge of
local roads, industries, and transportation facilities. They were trained,
supervised, and periodically evaluated by members of the project management
team. Training included instruction in personal interviewing techniques, how to
accurately identify different truck and trailer configurations, and safety
procedures and requirements. Each team was provided with equipment ranging
from clipboards and pens to reflective safety vests, headlamps, and hats. Each
site was equipped with a survey crew sign and traffic cones. Cooperation and
assistance was provided by uniformed Commercial Vehicle Enforcement
Officers and Customs officials, helping to ensure the safety of the interviewers
and, by directing selected trucks to the interview site, creating an atmosphere
that produced a high response rate. Trucks were selected, on the basis of the
sequence in which they were weighed, at a rate that made it possible for the
interview to begin without delay.
At each site, a member of the project management team was available to check
completed questionnaires for accuracy and to address any problem areas with
interview personnel. Weather and other unforeseen events also had an effect on
the quality of data gathered, with some interviews conducted inside the scale
house during particularly inclement weather. In addition, during high-volume
traffic periods, there were occasions when enforcement and interviewing
activities had to be suspended to enable traffic to clear. There were a few
instances where interview activities were suspended for a period of time as a
result of nearby construction activity or, in one case, a hazardous material spill.
The data collection effort was highly successful, with a 95% response rate providing data
and information for an extensive database of statewide freight and goods movement in
Washington. It should serve as a good example of how surveys can be made in an
efficient manner. The costs, however, are a different issue.
The following describes how three survey procedures, namely: truck counts at external
stations, truck surveys at external stations, and commercial vehicle origin-destination
surveys can enhance freight analysis.
Truck Counts at External Stations
The planning agency may need to perform new counts for major external stations with
old, suspect, or missing data, or as part of a comprehensive data collection effort. Truck
counts at external stations also involve classifying commercial vehicles for calibrating and
validating trip distribution forecasts. Cordon or screenline counts are recommended for
most situations. Tube counts, electronic sensors, weigh stations, toll or turnpike counts, or
video or visual classification counts may be used. Once data is available for a broad
representation of facility and highway types, the state or regional planning agency may
expand the data to similar highways that were not sampled.
Traffic volumes at external stations, as well as the types of trips involved (i.e. external-
external, internal-external and external-internal) vary significantly with location. For
example, a 1991 study of nine counties in the San Francisco Bay Area
found that 98% of
all trucks surveyed involved local or intra-regional trips; that is, they either had their
origin or destination in one of the nine counties, which means that only 2% are through
trips. On the other hand, a 1990 study in Yuma, Arizona
found that 7% of all trips
(passenger and freight) were through trips. Still a 1994 origin-destination interview
survey conducted on the perimeter of Berks County, Pennsylvania
determined that 27%
of the trucks entering or leaving the county were not stopping within the county, and
were thus through trips. These wide variations indicate that data collection and analysis
of actual truck traffic patterns, particularly at external stations, can produce more reliable
freight forecasts than those that represent national averages such as recommended in the
quick response method (see Section 4.3 - External Stations, in Chapter 4).
In conducting the truck counts, however, one must bear in mind that research suggests
wide variances in truck counts or classifications based on tube counts due to equipment
calibration, vehicle speed and traffic density. Therefore caution should be exercised in
applying tube counts for vehicle classification in the freight trip generation and
distribution models.
Truck Surveys at External Stations
Truck surveys at external stations are typically accomplished through interviews
conducted at external stations to identify internal-external, external-internal, and external-
external patterns of travel. These surveys provide the basis for trip generation, trip
distribution and time-of-day analyses discussed in Chapter 4, and are usually performed
simultaneously with truck counts.
The state or regional planning agency may face situations in which through freight
traffic, or traffic generated from non-local, widely dispersed sources, contributes
significant traffic volumes to the area. In this situation, the agency may decide to conduct
vehicle classification surveys and roadside/intercept origin-destination surveys at major
external stations to estimate external-external, external-internal, and internal-external
trips. Roadside interviews are most easily performed at weigh stations, although toll
plazas, border crossing stations and roadside pull-offs have also been used.
A summary of the advantages and disadvantages of truck interview surveys, taken from
the MTC Report described above, is shown in Table 6.1.
Schlappi, Marshall, and Itamura. Truck Travel in the San Francisco Bay Area. TRB 72nd Annual
Meeting, Paper No. 930477. January 1993.
Yuma Metropolitan Planning Organization. 1990 Origin-Destination Survey. 1990.
Matherly, D. Stream of Traffic Interview Truck Survey: Methodology and Recommendations on Traffic
Volume Thresholds. Paper presented at the 75th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research
Board. Paper 960581. November 1995.
A method that might serve State or regional planning agencies with a single "target route"
for through trip activity would follow a particular survey strategy implemented in Des
Moines, Iowa. This method involved a roadside truck survey at two major interchanges
along a route, without stopping the vehicles, by verbally recording the time, the tractor
color and/or name, company name on the side of the cab, and any remarks. The purpose
of the survey was to identify through truck trips, defined as trucks that had an elapsed
time of 11 to 19 minutes between observation points.
If Automated Vehicle Identification (AVI) information is available, it can also be very
helpful in determining vehicle routing, weight and time-of-day information.
Table 6.1 Advantages and Disadvantages of Truck Interview Surveys
Advantages Disadvantages
Complete information Potential disruption to traffic
High response rate Quality and conduct of survey affected
by weather, lighting
Better sampling control Hazardous to survey crew
Good representative sample of trucks
entering or leaving a cordon line
Time constraint; no follow-up possible
Easy comparison with mainstream
traffic through field counts at survey
Enforcement problems at the station;
drivers avoiding the survey station
Only represents trucks traveling on road
along survey stations, not entire region
Commercial Vehicle Origin-Destination Surveys
Commercial vehicle origin and destination surveys are usually accomplished through
phone and mail surveys with trip logs, and are based on registered vehicles. These
surveys tend to focus on internal-internal movements with internal-external and external-
internal movements for locally registered vehicles. The results of commercial vehicle
origin and destination surveys are used in freight analysis to provide a basis for analyzing
trip generation, trip lengths (for distribution) and time-of-day characteristics.
The quick response methodology described in Chapter 4 develops trip generation rates
from local land use patterns, primarily using national default values applied to local
patterns. A planning agency may determine that a higher level of accuracy is required to
reflect unique circumstances in its own region.
Mail and phone surveys are less geographically restricted than roadside/intercept surveys
in terms of survey sites but tend to capture primarily local trips. They usually provide
more detail than an intercept interview, and generally have lower response rates than an
actual interview.
A key element in conducting a successful freight origin-destination survey is identifying
relevant shippers, carriers and receivers, and obtaining the cooperation and participation
of local and regional freight representatives. Many mail and telephone surveys establish
the "universe" through state vehicle registration files. This may capture most strictly local
firms, but many local shipping firms will be part of a national conglomerate that may
register vehicles almost anywhere. Appendix K identifies national public sources that
may assist in devising a complete sampling frame. Alternatively, the state or regional
planning agency may wish to purchase specific data from a commercial data source, such
as those described in Appendix L.
6.2.2 In-depth Interviews with Shippers and Carriers
Lengthy personal interviews are the most costly method of conducting surveys and
generally involve a smaller, more select or targeted sample. This approach is particularly
appropriate when assessing the feasibility of new or expanded facilities (see Chapter 5 -
Site Analysis). Interviews with shippers to ascertain the demand for such facilities and
interviews with carriers to determine whether they would consider providing/expanding
service to/from the facility are critical to the freight planning and decision-making
process. These types of interviews are particularly useful for analyzing special trip
generators including intermodal transfer facilities and warehouses.
6.2.3 Establishment of Freight Advisory Committees
A Freight Council provides regular contact with local representatives of the freight
industry. Such contacts are invaluable for identifying freight issues and opportunities
and, more importantly, data. The advantage of establishing freight advisory committees
such as the Freight Council is that members may be more willing to share information.
Such a council will also assist the planning agency in reviewing the local road network
from the freight perspective, based on the needs assessment, as well as in identifying
capacity, classification and condition. For example, eight national associations
representing all freight transportation modes and the nation's manufacturers and shippers
have created the Freight Stakeholders National Network. This network is designed to
promote private-public coalitions, and can help establish an effective freight council
through recruiting participants from the freight sector.
The data collection and analysis activities required for freight planning/modeling which
are shared among freight industry representatives may also contribute to greater
understanding between planning agencies and the private sector freight community.
For more information, contact Rebecca Myer, American Trucking Association, (404) 873-1201.
Table 6.2 identifies typical concerns of freight carriers (see Appendix A for a glossary of
the freight terminology). An agency that demonstrates a preliminary understanding of
freight handlers concerns will be more likely to obtain cooperation in gathering data of
importance to the public agency. In addition, a cooperative effort, such as designing a
survey that meets the needs of the freight community as well as the planning agency, will
likely have a much higher response rate.
6.3 Secondary Data Collection
A recent survey on data sources used for freight analysis revealed that States, MPOs and
port/airport authorities utilize and, in large part, rely on secondary data and information
which are compiled and published by federal agencies and/or private and commercial
sources for data related to freight movement and freight transportation.
The principal
state-level transportation databases are primarily truck-related and include vehicle
registration, operating authority, fuel and other taxes, and safety. Data on commodity
movements and origins/destinations are limited as to the level of detail required or
desired for forecasting and planning purposes. Of those agencies which do collect
primary data as described in the previous section, most do so sporadically or infrequently.
More detailed data pertaining to the volume and type of freight movements may be
helpful for fine-tuning estimation model results, for ensuring complete coverage of the
region, and in some cases for estimating external-external (through) trip flows.
Commodity data are also helpful in accurately forecasting future freight flows and activity
levels. The U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) produces forecasts of employment
and earnings by industry for states, counties, metropolitan statistical areas, and BEA
Economic Areas. An accurate baseline with disaggregate commodity detail can take full
advantage of this national forecasting resource.
A planning agency can usually identify the major shippers, carriers, and receivers in the
region without conducting a primary data collection survey. It may already have
significant information. Thus, the search for more detailed freight data should generally
begin at the agency level, expand to local sources, and fill in remaining gaps with state
and national sources. Alternatively, the state or regional planning agency may wish to
purchase specific data from a commercial data source. Commercial sources may have
available, for purchase, enough detailed data to eliminate the need for a full survey, or
may be able to supply the data to make a survey more effective. Commercial sources are
listed in Appendix L.
NCHRP 8-30 Report - Forecasting Freight Transportation Demand. A Guidebook for Planners and
Policy Analysts. Cambridge Systematics Inc., January 1996.
Table 6.2 - Freight Planning Issues for State DOTs and MPOs
Physical Limitations : Delivery and Collection
Structural vertical clearance for
doublestacking & railroad electrification
Land-side access to airports and harbors
Peak and off-peak delivery of freight Road access to rail terminals
Structural vertical clearance for truck
Loading facilities- intermodal, single mode
Freight delivery at major centers of activity Parking restrictions for freight deliveries
Horizontal radii limiting truck movement
highway access to intermodal facilities
Downtown congestion
Structural integrity and remaining pavement
Truck delivery and loading interference
with street traffic
Bridge or road weight restrictions
Accessibility and Safety
Accessibility time and cost to intermodal
Highway-Railroad crossing safety
Designated truck routes Hazardous materials shipment
Transferability and Coordination: Legal and Regulatory
Movement interference between modes at
highway- railroad crossings
Truck weight limitations
Movement interference between modes at
highway-waterway crossings
Liability of freight rail lines for transit usage
State multimodal trust funds & funds
Highway-ferry boat transfer delays
Congestion and delays created by drayage
Economics and Environmental
Economics tradeoffs between modes and
combinations of modes
User fees and subsidization of
transportation modes
Air, noise, and wetland impacts of intermodal
Economic impact of railroad
abandonment roads
Adapted and expanded from an assessment of issues originally developed by Dane Ismart of
Federal Highway Administration and published in Meyer, Michael; Rail, Intermodalism and
ISTEA, Symposia on Partnerships with Railroads, June 1994.
Depending upon the size and location of the State or metropolitan/local area within a
National Transportation Region (NTAR), other secondary data sources briefly described
in Chapter 4 and/or contained in the Appendix may provide enough information to avoid
a major primary data collection effort. There are 89 NTARs in the country, comprised of
179 Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) regions. Certain flow data, such as the
Commodity Flow Survey, are available by commodity type at the NTAR to NTAR region,
and may thus provide more reliable information pertaining to through trips for large
regional or state studies (see Appendix K).
FHWA is also a major source of freight data, and is currently publishing an update of the
Travel Survey Manual (last released in 1987). The manual will include sections on freight
and truck surveys. It will be available through FHWA. A CD-ROM version may be
distributed through the Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS).
Appendix M describes additional truck and freight surveys conducted by metropolitan
planning organizations throughout the country, plus others in the planning stages.
Contact names are provided for further information.
The following describes other additional secondary data sources at the local, state,
regional and national levels which can be used to obtain more accurate data for freight
Other Local Sources
The local chamber of commerce typically has listings of the major employers in the region,
usually including information on key products, annual sales volume, floor space, and
number of employees. This may or may not include the number of trucks, loading docks,
etc. If so, trip generators can be readily mapped into the appropriate zones.
The local tax assessment office will have similar information, possibly more current and
accurate but local laws on confidentiality may restrict access.
The local phone book (business-to-business directory or commercial directory) may help
identify key employers who do not belong to the chamber of commerce. Local Yellow
Pages and business-to-business directories can also assist in building linkages between a
terminal or warehouse and retail outlets, such as grocery stores. Electronic business
address files for the entire country are also available on CD-ROM.
Other State Sources
Appendix H lists the trucking association for each State. These associations are an
excellent source of information about the trucking industry, and is the natural conduit for
sharing information within the industry. A list of trucking members in the State will not
provide 100 percent coverage of truck related organizations, but should provide a major
starting place. Types of firms that may not typically belong to the state trucking
associations include many single, owner-operated trucks, service firms (office equipment
repair, etc.), construction firms, extraction firms (gravel, mining), and government-related
firms such as municipal waste disposal, postal service, military goods movement, etc.
Other National Sources
Appendix J lists a sampling of national trade associations concerned with freight
movement. Brief descriptions of each association or reference source are included. More
complete listings of associations and databases are available from the following:
TruckSource, published by the American Trucking Association (ATA) and
updated each year, also includes directories, contacts, etc. The ATA can be
contacted at: American Trucking Associations, Customer Service, 2200 Mill Road,
Alexandria, VA 22314-4677.
The Encyclopedia of Associations, by Gale Research Co., is the most comprehensive
list of associations and is available at most public libraries.
A planning agency should generally contact those associations or reference sources for
which local sources are incomplete. For example, the state or regional planning agency
may know of a large truck garden industry in the county, with widely dispersed owners,
and does not know how or where these goods are typically transported. A call to the
United Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Association, listed in Appendix J, would identify major local
shippers of that commodity, locations of refrigerated terminals for consolidating and
breaking up shipments, and possibly typical transport patterns.
National sources will also be the best for locating non-truck intermodal data, including
inland or Great Lakes or ocean waterways, air cargo, rail cargo, and pipeline movement of
goods. The specialized database section (Appendix K) includes data sources for pipelines,
coal movements, military transportation, Mexican and Canadian trade, imports and
exports, and other topics. State or regional planning agencies with even more specialized
needs may refer to the Directory of Transportation Data Sources, TruckSource, or commercial
7.0 Principles of
7.0 Principles of Application
7.1 Introduction
The purpose of this chapter is to give additional guidance on the application of the
methods presented in this manual. Based on case study applications, advice is provided
on determining which methods are most applicable in common planning problems. Case
studies in three cities (Lawrence, Kansas; Appleton-Neenah (Fox Cities), Wisconsin; and
Green Bay, Wisconsin) are presented in detail in Chapters 8 and 9. The intent of the case
studies is to describe the full scope of an urban freight forecasting effort, to illustrate the
best use of available data and resources, and to show where professional judgment can be
exercised to expedite the work and enhance the quality of the results.
In order that the methods of this manual can be better illustrated, the case study cities
were selected to be smaller urban areas. Nonetheless, the general principles of
application, as described in this chapter, would apply to much larger cities. The case
study cities have one other important common feature -- they are located in States that
have recently created a statewide freight forecast with methods compatible to those of this
manual. Thus, Chapter 8 describes the advantages and disadvantages of trying to
interface the statewide and regional levels of forecasts.
7.1.1 Sizing the Effort
The earlier chapters in this manual contain numerous valuable suggestions for data
collection and conducting a quick response freight forecast, but not all of the suggestions
are worthwhile in any given area. When applying the methods of this manual, it is
important to understand:
the nature of the freight system in the area;
the desired uses of the forecast;
the availability and quality of data; and
the needed accuracy, taking into consideration how the freight forecast relates to
passenger forecasts.
Often, freight is only a small part of a larger forecast encompassing both passenger and
truck travel. In these instances, the goals of the whole forecast need to be considered. The
level of effort expended on the freight forecast should be proportionate to its importance
in the whole forecast and to its potential contribution to the accuracy of the whole
7-2 .
forecast. For example, if trucks comprise only 10% of the traffic in the area, then it would
seem unreasonable to spend 50% of the forecasting effort on the freight portion. The
challenge is to produce quality results by being resourceful, while still being efficient.
Using Error Theory to Guide the Size of Effort. Doing a brief error analysis is another
way of judging the adequacy of the amount of effort. Error theory states that the most
unreliable inputs have the greatest impact on the quality of the outputs. Consider the
following example. Average volumes on major arterials in a city are 20,000 vehicles per
day, with trucks constituting 10% of the traffic. Assume the root mean square error
(RMSE) of assigned passenger car volumes to be 2,700 vehicles (about 15% =
2,700/[0.9*20,000]). Now compare the effect on total error of a 15% RMS error in truck
volumes with a 30% RMS error, making the typical assumption that errors are
independently distributed random variables.
Total Error from a 15% Truck Error = (2,700
+ 270
= 2,713
Total Error from a 30% Truck Error = (2,700
+ 540
= 2,753
The truck forecast can tolerate a much greater error than the passenger car forecast
without adversely affecting the total vehicle forecast. Of course, this conclusion does not
apply to instances where the freight forecast is of primary importance.
7.2 Major Steps of Application
Once the goals and priorities have been established, a freight forecast would involve the
following five steps:
1. Obtain Network and Employment Data
2. Obtain Calibration Data
3. Prepare Base-Year Forecast
4. Forecast Employment and External Station Data
5. Integrate the Freight and Passenger Forecasts
In the three case studies Step 3, preparing the base-year
forecast, took the largest amount
of time. Step 3 would likely take the longest in most other cities, too. The base-year
forecast is where all decisions on model structure are finalized, where most assumptions
A base-year forecast is not truly a forecast, as a large amount of information about the base-
year is already known. Planners frequently perform base-year forecasts to calibrate and validate
their networks and parameters. The steps in conducting a base-year forecast are the same as a
future-year forecast.
relating to data preparation are made, and where all parameters are locked in place. In
addition, a good base-year forecast allows an assessment of the overall accuracy of the
forecasts. Chapter 9 devotes a considerable amount of space to the issue of building a
good base-year forecast.
Another time consuming step is employment data preparation. Reasonably good data can
be adapted from the passenger forecast, but such data require substantial conversion and
enhancement. The original industrial categorization of employment data may be
inappropriate, as may be the selected set of special generators. Data conversion and
special generator definition for the case study cities will be described later in detail.
7.3 Data Stretching
A major difference between an ideal forecast and a quick response forecast is the
degree of reliance on data already available. As will be seen in the case studies, data can
be far from ideal. The methods in this manual permit liberal extrapolations of existing
data to cover holes left by missing data items. Every forecast has a different mix of
existing data, so specific rules for data stretching cannot be given. To obtain acceptable
results, data stretching requires considerable amount of judgment and insight.
7.4 Resolving Data Contradictions
Base-year forecasts and calibration exercises must deal with contradictions or
inconsistencies in data. When assembling data from multiple sources the likelihood of
major contradictions increases. In most instances it is possible to rate the quality of the
sources and to use these ratings as a guide. Unfortunately, requirements for data
stretching sometimes involve the joint use of two or more contradictory sets of data.
Means of resolving contradictions include:
ignoring a data item from a weaker data source;
ignoring a data item that is inconsistent with other data from its own source;
ignoring a data item that is illogical or that violates conventional wisdom;
taking a weighted average of two contradictory data items;
using data from the weaker source as advisory only, such as forming
assumptions about how data from the stronger source can be stretched or
reorganized; and
using both data items, but relying on statistical measures to ensure that
parameters have been adjusted properly.
7-4 .
Contradictions can also arise between two different forecasts of input data or between
forecast data and actual data. The case studies illustrate how data from multiple sources
can be used to the best advantage.
7.5 Levels of Validation
Model validation consists of comparing the results of a base-year forecast against known
conditions. In general, for travel forecasting models, validation data consist mainly of link
volumes and speeds. For freight forecasts, it is very helpful (though not essential) that
information be available about the volumes of trucks on many highways scattered
throughout the urban area.
In theory validation differs from calibration. The objective of calibration is to set the
parameters of the model to obtain the best fit to reality. Thus, calibration should be
performed ahead of validation. However, in practice calibration and validation are often
performed at the same time with the same set of traffic count data.
There are three important levels of validation: no validation; validation of the freight
forecast by itself; and joint validation of passenger and freight forecasts.
Level 0 - No validation. For site impact studies and certain other forecasts where
base-year data are unavailable or irrelevant, it is not possible to validate. In these
instances, the methods of this manual should be trusted to produce an adequate
forecast. Results should still be inspected for internal consistency and
Level 1 - Validation of the freight forecast by itself. The methods of this manual
permit a limited validation of the freight forecast against truck counts. A complete
validation cannot be performed because it is not possible to use preferred methods
of traffic assignment on trucks by themselves, without knowledge of the
congestion effects of passenger cars.
Level 2 - Joint validation of passenger and freight forecasts. Ideally, validation
should include both trucks and passenger cars. The assigned traffic volumes can
then be compared with known counts of passenger cars and trucks. Depending
upon the selected travel forecasting software/method, it may not be possible to
distinguish trucks from passenger cars in the assigned volumes. In such cases,
truck traffic and passenger car traffic must be combined for comparison.
In the absence of good truck traffic counts, it is still possible to partially assess the validity
of the forecast by comparing assigned volumes to approximations of the existing truck
traffic on a sample of links. One way of approximating existing volumes is to factor
known volumes for all vehicles by the percentages of trucks on highways of different
functional classes (see Table 4.2).
7.5.1 Need for Recalibration of an Existing Forecast
When adding a new freight component to an existing passenger forecast, a complete
recalibration of the whole model is essential. Because of the likelihood that the passenger
vehicle model has been fudged to account for the truck traffic, this recalibration must be
performed even when the freight forecast has been independently validated. The
recalibration must first remove any unwanted elements in the passenger vehicle forecast
before performing a Level 2 validation on the whole forecast. One popular method of
indirectly including freight into a passenger forecast had been to increase the trip
generation rates for the NHB trip purpose.
7.5.2 The Need for Orderly Freight Information at Both State and
Regional Levels
The preparation of a good freight forecast can be hindered when essential data are
disorganized or is missing. Two sets of data are of particular concern: traffic volumes and
Traffic Volumes. Because it is difficult to distinguish between truck and passenger
cars on automatic counting equipment, many states and cities do not regularly
count truck volumes on a good sample of links. The absence of truck counts
almost eliminates the possibility of an independent validation of a freight forecast.
A truck counting program in support of a modeling effort should count most
freeway links, most off-ramps and on-ramps, and a representative sample (10% to
25%) of major arterial links. Since the percentage of trucks in a traffic stream
varies considerably throughout the day, counts should be made for a full 24 hours
on enough links so that a time-of-day distribution can be ascertained for each
functional class.
Employment Database. Having an up-to-date listing of employers is important for
freight forecasting. Each separate employment location should be identified by
the number of employees and by TAZ. Each employer should be identified by
Management Systems. Information relevant to regionwide freight forecasting can be
present in congestion management systems and in intermodal management systems that
are maintained by state departments of transportation. Intermodal management systems,
in particular, are discussed in Chapter 8.
7.6 Issues in Using Standard Travel Forecasting Software
A freight forecast will likely be made with software originally written for passenger car
forecasting. Thus, some adjustments to standard setup will be necessary. In addition,
7-6 .
each software package has its own peculiarities that will need to be accommodated.
Below are some examples.
7.6.1 Purpose Designation
This manual introduces nontraditional trip purposes that are defined primarily by vehicle
class. Depending upon the software package, it may be necessary to assign each freight
trip purpose to a proxy (e.g., light trucks to Home-Based Work or combination vehicles to
Home-Based Other). All parameters associated with the original trip purpose should be
adjusted accordingly. The Nonhome-Based trip purpose can also be used for a single
vehicle class, but this purpose should not be the catchall for otherwise unexplained truck
7.6.2 Rationalizing Production-Attraction versus Origin-Destination
The trip generation step described in this manual results in estimates of total trip ends.
One may easily conclude that 50% of the trip ends are origins and the other 50% are
destinations. However, some travel forecasting packages require that the results of the
trip generation step be put in terms of productions and attractions. Thus, it may be
necessary to split trip ends across productions and attractions rather than splitting them
across origins and destinations. It is important to understand this distinction before
performing the forecast and to assure that the model is correctly interpreting the trip
generation information. For example, gravity models will disallow trips between two
zones when both of them have only trip productions or both of them have only trip
7.6.3 Integrating Freight and Passenger Forecasts
If the modeling software has a sufficient number of trip purposes, it may be possible to
perform a freight forecast at the same time as a passenger forecast. Otherwise, the freight
forecast should be performed prior to the passenger forecast. The results of the freight
forecast can take one of two forms: (1) truck volumes for each link that will be pre-
assigned to links in the passenger forecast; or (2) a truck origin-destination trip table that
can be assigned to the network at the same time as passenger car trips. Depending upon
the chosen assignment method and features of the software, each form has its advantages
and disadvantages.
The advantages of pre-assigning trip to links are: (1) PCE factors can be adjusted for
grade and other road conditions specific to individual links (see Section 4.6); and (2)
certain links and turn movements can be prohibited.
The advantages of assigning a truck trip table at the same time as a passenger car trip
table are: (1) faster software execution; (2) less data manipulation; and (3) the ability to
reroute trucks to avoid congested links and turns.
7.7 A Quick Approach for Recategorizing Employment
Trip generation for freight modeling requires a fairly detailed account of the employment
in a given region. Different MPOs and planning organizations have different ways of
storing and presenting employment data. A typical task of freight forecasting is to
recategorize existing employment data to correspond to the trip generation categories of
this manual. Preferably, employment should be recategorized using original source data.
However, sometimes the original data are not available or is in an inconvenient format.
The trip generation rates in Table 4.1 are used for calculating the trip ends per employee
by type of industry. Rates are given for the following categories:
office and service employment (office);
manufacturing, transportation, communications, utilities, and wholesale trade
employment (manufacturing);
retail trade employment (retail), and;
agriculture, mining and construction employment (other).
The case study example for Green Bay (Wisconsin) is taken to illustrate the steps in the
process of recategorizing employment data.
Green Bay employment data were originally organized into three categories: commercial
employment; manufacturing employment; and other employment. The SICs within each
of these categories were known. In addition, the 1990 Census provided a detailed
breakdown of the Green Bay employment data by SIC codes (on Table 146, "Industry of
Employed Persons: 1990").
Following is a step-by-step account of the procedure involved in the reallocation of the
employment data.
Step 1. Calculate the percentage of the 1990 Census employment by category.
7-8 .
Table 7.1 Employment by Category in Green Bay
Source: Census for the Green Bay SMSA.
Step 2. Define local and this manuals employment categories in terms of Census
As seen in Table 7.1, the Green Bay employment data were split into 11 categories
by SIC codes. These were reallocated into four trip generation categories,
corresponding to those of Section 4.2 of this manual, using the SIC codes as a
Table 7.2 Definitions of Employment Categories
Industrial Sector Persons Employed % Employed
Agriculture 2312 2
Forest/Fishing 43 0
Mining 60 0
Construction 4790 5
Manufacturing 22405 23
Transport and Communication 7618 8
Wholesale 5065 5
Retail 20022 20
FIRE 5954 5
Services 28219 28
Public Administration 2654 3
Census Category Trip Generation
Local Category
Retail Retail Commercial
Services Office Other (28%)
FIRE Office Other (5%)
Public Administration Office Other (3%)
Manufacturing Manufacturing Manufacturing
Wholesale Manufacturing Other (5%)
Transport/Commun Manufacturing Other (8)
Construction Other Other (5%)
Mining Other Other (0%)
Forest/Fishing Other Other (0%)
Agriculture Other Other (2%)
From values in Table 7.2 it is seen that 56% of all employment was originally
classified as other by the Brown County Regional Planning Commission (Green
Bays MPO).
Step 3. Develop splits of local employment categories into trip generation
A matrix of spits, relating the two sets of categories, could then be developed from
the data of Tables 7.1 and 7.2.
Table 7.3 Matrix of Employment Splits
Each row of the table sums to 1.0.
Step 4. Apply the splits to zonal data.
First, remove special generators for the employment data for each zone and
directly place the special generator employment into the appropriate trip
generation category. For the remaining employment, divide them into their new
categories according to the splits developed in Step 3. For example, consider TAZ
#15 with 215 commercial employees, 51 manufacturing employees, and 152 other
employees. The following table splits these employees across trip generation
categories, then finds the total employment in each category.
Table 7.4 Application of Splits to TAZ #15
Office Manufact. Retail Other
Commercial 0. 0. 1. 0.
Manufact. 0. 1. 0. 0.
Other (28+5+3)/56
= 0.643
(5 + 8)/56 =
0. (5+2)/56 =
Total Office Manufact. Retail Other
Commercial 215 0 0 215 0
Manufact. 51 0 51 0 0
Other 152 0.643*152
= 98
= 35
0*152 = 0 0.125*152
= 19
Total 418 98 86 215 19
7-10 .
This method should be avoided in zones with just a few large employers, as it may
be easier and more accurate to use original-source data.
7.8 Network Options for Site Impact Analysis
Site impact assessment requires a network with a very detailed representation of the
streets and intersections in close proximity to the chosen site (see Chapter 5). There are
three major strategies for drawing networks for site impact analysis.
Strategy 1 - Existing Network. A good existing regionwide network is available.
Incorporate the site into the existing regionwide network, in order to include the
site traffic with all other traffic (trucks and passenger vehicles). This strategy
differs little from traditional regionwide forecasting. All TAZs are shown at the
usual level of detail, but the site becomes one or more additional zones. It should
be recognized that many sites contribute only a few trucks to streets during any
single hour. Therefore, the implementation of this strategy requires very precise
applications of traffic assignment, so that the true impact from this site may be
differentiated from errors inherent in the traffic assignment algorithm itself, for
example, convergence errors associated with insufficient equilibrium iterations.
Strategy 2 - Special Subarea Focusing Network. Create a special purpose site
impact network, implementing the concept of subarea focusing. Subarea focusing
involves a precise representation of the site and neighboring streets, but uses
coarse representations of the road system and urban development well away from
the site. Subarea focusing requires many fewer zones and many fewer links than
traditional regionwide travel forecasting. Only the incremental traffic from the
site can be estimated by such a network.
Strategy 3 - Incremental Site Traffic on Regionwide Network. Adapt the
regionwide network by including the site, but forecast only the incremental traffic
from the site. Besides adding the site to the network, the data at centroids and at
external stations must be modified to eliminate any traffic not involving the site.
Eliminating unwanted traffic can be readily accomplished by allowing only trip
productions at the site and allowing only trip attractions at off-site zones and
external stations. This method is illustrated by the Services Plus case study in
Chapter 9.
When a regionwide network is already available, strategies 1 and 3 are most efficient.
Strategy 2, subarea focusing, is preferred when a regionwide network is not available.
Time Period for a Network. Each site impact network is specific to a period of time, (e.g.,
a morning peak hour or a full 24-hour period). The time period is considered in two
ways. First, the networks time period should be known so that the correct number of trip
ends can be calculated for the site. Second, the impedances on links and at nodes should
properly reflect the amount of traffic during the time period and the imposition of any
time-dependent restrictions on truck movements. The means of identifying the time
period depend upon the chosen software package.
8.0 Statewide Freight
Forecasting in
Support of
. 8-1
8.0 Statewide Freight Forecasting
in Support of Regionwide
8.1 Introduction
Both Kansas and Wisconsin are unusual in that they have statewide freight forecasting
models. The goals of the two models differ considerably, but both are derivatives of the
methods described in NCHRP Report 260.
Specifically, each of the two models:
geographically organizes its data into zones, defined primarily as counties;
identifies the amount of commodities shipped between any two zones;
determines the fraction of each commodity that is carried by trucks;
estimates the number of trucks required to carry the commodity; and
assigns the trucks to a highway network to obtain truck traffic volumes.
The principal desired outputs of both models are estimates of freight vehicle volumes on
various transportation facilities. However, the models differ considerably in their use of
data and the organization of the steps. A good statewide forecast can provide to the
region future estimates of external-to-external traffic and external-to-internal traffic on
those highways with the greatest amount of truck traffic.
Degree of Trust. A statewide model may not be intended for applications within a
region. When using a statewide model for regional purposes, it is important to first
determine whether the statewide model has a sufficiently detailed zone system, has
incorporated a good cross-section of commodities and modes, and has been well
calibrated. The degree of trust can usually be ascertained by comparing the base-year
forecast to known truck volumes. When the match is consistently good throughout the
State, results from the statewide model may be fully and confidently used in a regional
forecast. Otherwise, the results of the statewide model should only be used in conjunction
with data of known validity, such as base-year truck volume counts.
Frederick W. Memmott, Application Of Statewide Freight Demand Forecasting Techniques, National
Cooperative Highway Research Program Report 260, National Research Council. Washington
D.C. 1983.
8.2 The Interface at External Stations
A statewide model interfaces with the regional model at its external stations. Ideally, the
following two conditions should hold true:
Condition 1. Flows to and from each external station should be consistent with the
forecasted volumes on the corresponding highways in the statewide network; and
Condition 2. Through trips between two external stations should be consistent
with number of trucks using both corresponding highways on the statewide
These conditions should hold for the base-year forecast and for any future-year forecasts.
The first condition can almost always be satisfied by proper settings for external station
data. However, the second condition requires the construction of an external-to-external
trip table, which can be a hit-and-miss proposition even under the best of circumstances.
The building of an external-to-external trip table can be facilitated when the statewide
model has the capability of providing information about the amount of traffic that occurs
between many pairs of links or when the statewide model has special capability of
creating a trip table for a window on the network.
For statewide models that do not have these special capabilities, it is still possible to
develop the necessary external station information for the regional model. For any link on
the statewide model near a regional external station, it is essential to categorize the
amount of traffic that is:
External-to-Internal (E-I);
Internal-to-External (I-E);
Internal-to-Internal (I-I); and
External-to-External (E-E).
Most cities are represented by very few centroids on the statewide network. Thus, the
amount of regional I-E or E-I traffic may be readily identified by performing either a select
link analysis or a select zone analysis on the statewide network. When the region is
represented by more than one centroid, I-I traffic may be found by:
inspecting the origin-destination table;
performing a select zone analysis; or
ignoring it altogether.
In a region represented by a single centroid, internal-to-internal traffic must always be
ignored, as it would not have been assigned to the network. The remaining traffic (after
accounting for E-I, I-E and I-I trips) is E-E.
. 8-3
Once the amount of E-E traffic on each link has been identified, it is possible to synthesize
an E-E trip table. When doing so it is important to understand that there is a considerable
amount of error in the link volumes coming from the statewide model, and this error
increases as the link data are further disaggregated into a trip table. An increase in error
would be expected because of the additional assumptions required to split incoming
traffic into its various outgoing flows. However, a high degree of precision is not always
necessary for forecasting. Consequently, a reasonably good E-E trip table can be created
by following these steps:
Step 1. Obtain a drawing of the regional network, showing its external stations.
Obtain a map of the region that includes neighboring cities, major generators in
close proximity to the region, and barriers to travel (e.g., rivers and mountains).
Figure 8.1 below shows a small hypothetical city, Daneville, with five external
Figure 8.1 Daneville External Stations
Step 2. List all pairs of external stations that are unlikely to share trips. Examples
are: (a) pairs of external stations on paths leading from the region to the same
neighboring city; (b) pairs of external stations on two sides of the same divided
highway; and (c) pairs of external stations where both are on paths leading to rural
or suburban locations. In the Daneville example, the external stations C and D lead
to the same part of the State, so they will not exchange trips.
Step 3. Create a matrix of weights, one weight for each pair of external stations. Set
the weight to 0 for all elements on the diagonal of the matrix and for all pairs of
external stations identified in Step 2. Set the remaining weights to 1.0. In general,
the resulting matrix should be symmetrical.
Table 8.1 shows Danevilles matrix of weights.
Table 8.1 Initial Daneville Matrix of Weights
Step 4. Apportion trip origins across destinations according to the total trips at each
destination multiplied by the weight from Step 3.
Table 8.2 shows the weighted destinations, and Table 8.3 shows Danevilles E-E trip
table. At this point the column totals will probably not agree with the needed
destination totals.
Table 8.2 Daneville Weighted Destination Trips
A 0 1 1 1 1
B 1 0 1 1 1
Origin C 1 1 0 0 1
D 1 1 0 0 1
E 1 1 1 1 0
A B C D E Sum
A 0 300 450 175 250 1175
B 200 0 450 175 250 1075
Origin C 200 300 0 0 250 750
D 200 300 0 0 250 750
E 200 300 450 175 0 1125
. 8-5
Table 8.3 Initial Daneville External-to-External Trips
For example Cell AC is calculated as 250*450/1175 = 96.
Step 5. Check the column sums of the E-E trip table for consistency with the
number of destinations. If necessary, adjust the weights in Step 3 by multiplying
them by the desired destination total and dividing them by the total obtained in
Step 5. Redo Step 4 and perform another check (and adjustment, if necessary).
Continue this process of adjustments until the column totals are within 1% to 2% of
the needed destination totals. The first round of revisions are shown in Table 8.4
and Table 8.5. Notice that the destination totals in Table 8.5 are closer to the desired
values, but they are not yet acceptable.
Table 8.4 Revised Daneville Matrix of Weights
A B C D E Sum
A 0 64 96 37 53 250
B 56 0 125 49 70 300
Origin C 107 160 0 0 133 400
D 33 50 0 0 42 125
E 53 80 120 47 0 300
Sum 249 354 341 133 298
A 0 0.85 1.32 1.32 0.84
B 0.8 0 1.32 1.32 0.84
Origin C 0.8 0.85 0 0 0.84
D 0.8 0.85 0 0 0.84
E 0.8 0.85 1.32 1.32 0
Table 8.5 Revised Daneville External-to-External Trips
Step 6. Check the trip table for reasonableness. Change any weights that are
causing unreasonable results, then repeat Steps 3 to 5. Document the logic
underlying any adjustment.
It should be noted that this procedure is very similar to a doubly-constrained gravity
model, except that weights are used instead of friction factors.
Presumably, this procedure could be performed individually for each of the three
categories of trucks given a sufficiently robust statewide forecasting model. More likely
the E-E trip table will contain a combination of all three truck categories.
These steps should only be performed if the statewide results can at least be trusted at the
link level. If not, the statewide model can still be used to establish trendlines.
Validation for Reasonableness. Planners should be comfortable about the accuracy of the
truck E-E trip table before it is incorporated into a forecast. Three questions must be
answered, namely:
1. Are the link volumes from the statewide model sufficiently accurate?
2. Is the disaggregation process for building a truck E-E trip table yielding
sufficiently accurate estimates of trips between external stations?
3. Are the flows in the truck E-E trip table plausible?
In the absence of an existing truck E-E trip table, these questions cannot be answered with
a great deal of confidence. Instead, the E-E trip table should satisfy subjective tests of
A B C D E Sum
A 0 49 115 45 41 250
B 40 0 149 58 53 300
Origin C 102 163 0 0 134 399
D 32 51 0 0 42 125
E 39 62 144 56 0 301
Sum 213 325 408 159 270
. 8-7
reasonableness, supplemented by whatever data are readily available. Data that can
indicate a problem with the truck E-E trip table include:
an old truck E-E trip table;
a partial truck E-E trip table;
a passenger vehicle E-E trip table;
truck counts on ramps at interchanges of freeways and other major arterials
leading to external stations; and
interviews with shippers, carriers, state police, or state DOT officials.
Although such data may not be sufficient to build a base-year truck E-E trip table, it may
be possible to use them in validating a trip table built by other means.
8.2.1 Statewide Trendlines at External Stations
Even when the statewide model cannot be trusted at the link level, it may be still be
trusted to give a good approximation for the growth in truck traffic near the region (see
Chapter 3). A single estimate of truck traffic growth may be made for all external stations
in the region, or estimates can be made for groups of adjacent external stations. Once
obtained, these estimates of growth can be used to convert base-year external station data
into appropriate settings for future-year forecasts.
8.3 Kansas Statewide Agricultural Commodity Model
The Kansas DOT (KDOT) has been involved with freight forecasting since 1984, when a
new computerized state highway network was established. In this initial effort, they used
population, employment and agricultural sales to generate truck trips. Upon using this
methodology, it was found that there was a need for a better commodity and heavy truck
forecasting model. In 1992, they undertook a new freight forecasting model dealing with
truck movement.
This was still an exploratory model, and it was limited to the
movement of five commodities (e.g., corn, wheat, sorghum, soybeans and boxed beef).
These commodities were chosen because the State had collected detailed data for these
commodities for intrastate and interstate movement by mode. The main purpose of this
second effort is to examine the assignment of truck trips from commodity flows. There
Eugene R. Russell, L. Orlo Sorenson, and Rick Miller, Microcomputer Transportation Planning
Models Used To Develop Key Highway Commodity Flows and To Estimate E.S.A.L. Values, Department
of Civil Engineering, Kansas State University, September, 1992.
was some attempt to model non-agricultural truck movement, but this was not the main
8.3.1 Elements of the Model
The development of this model consisted of five steps, namely: (1) network development;
(2) data assembly and analysis; (3) trip distribution; (4) conversion of commodity flows
into truck flows; and (5) trip assignment.
Step 1 - Network Development. Three separate networks were used, differing
only in the way link impedances were determined: a speed network; a terrain
network; and a toll facility network. The networks included 202 TAZs and 2,200
links. Zones of interest here included 105 counties and 69 external stations. For
zones corresponding to counties, the location of the county seat became the zone
centroid. External stations were located where state highways cross the Kansas
border and where KDOT had recent counts of total heavy trucks. The networks
were derived from a network originally drawn for KDOTs UTPS mainframe
model; that network was downloaded to a microcomputer for subsequent
processing. The complete network is illustrated in Figure 8.2 with the freeways
shown as wider lines.
Figure 8.2 Network for the Kansas Statewide Freight Model Highlighting
Interstate Highways
Kansas City
Step 2 - Data Assembly and Analysis. The model utilized secondary data
collected by the State of Kansas concerning movements of five commodities
. 8-9
identified. It also used origin and destination data collected at monitoring stations
at the border and at other key locations throughout the state. This data were
supplemented by the use of mail surveys, telephone reports and personal on-site
interviews. The state data also included the movement by modes (truck, rail, and
barge) so that there was no need to use other sources, formulas or broad
assumptions to derive the modal split for the commodity flows.
Step 3 - Trip Distribution. Three types of trip tables were created for the
following movements: internal-to-internal; external-to-external; and internal-to-
external. The internal-to-internal trip table was synthesized from the commodity
flow data. The external-to-external trip table was developed from O-D studies at
various locations around the state. The internal-to-external and external-to-
internal trip tables were calculated by a gravity model.
Step 4 - Conversion of Commodity Flows into Truck Flows. Modal splits by
commodity were based on actual historical flow data from producer to transfer
point or processing point. Also available were flow data concerning truck
movement from grain elevators to users. Truck flows were obtained from
commodity flows by assuming that all trucks carried a single commodity and
were equally loaded. Trucks were assumed to carry 40,000 of boxed beef or 850
bushels for grain commodities. However, the developers of the model later
reasoned that 910 bushels per load for grains and 44,000 per load of boxed beef
would have produced better estimates of equivalent truck loads.
Step 5 - Traffic Assignments. All-or-nothing traffic assignments were done for
each of the five commodities on each of the three networks. The results by
commodity by network were totaled to yield three networks that contained the
sum of the loadings. To obtain a composite network, percentages were weighted
50, 30 and 20 percent, respectively. This method of creating a multipath
assignment obviated the need for either estimates of passenger traffic or link
capacity. The assigned volumes are illustrated in Figure 8.3. The results were
judged to be smooth and realistic.
8.3.2 Weaknesses Recognized by Kansas DOT
Weaknesses recognized by KDOT include insufficient validation, assumptions about truck
payload, imprecise means of determining good impedance measures, the judgmental
method of weighting the results from the three networks, and an inability to precisely
calibrate the gravity model for internal-to-external and external-to-internal trips. Many of
these problems could have been overcome had KDOT been able to obtain a
comprehensive set of reliable truck volume counts and perform a rigorous calibration.
Another major problem relates to omitted commodities, both agricultural and
nonagricultural. KDOT is continuing its efforts in statewide freight modeling, so better
forecasts should be available in the future.
8.3.3 Overall Assessment of KDOTs Freight Model for Regionwide
At present the usefulness of KDOTs model is limited to establishing trendlines and
growth factors (see earlier section and Chapter 3). Without extensive network calibration,
the model cannot reliably forecast volumes on highways leading in and out of many
urban areas. However, the amount of growth in freight traffic near and through urban
areas should be well predicted. Potentially and with KDOTs intended refinements, the
model could permit a nearly seamless integration of statewide and regional freight
Figure 8.3 Forecasted Truck Volumes by the Kansas Statewide Model
Note: The widths of the links are proportional to the assigned truck volumes.
. 8-11
8.4 Wisconsin Intermodal Freight Model
8.4.1 Overview
The Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) undertook freight forecasting as
part of its long-range multimodal plan -- Translinks 21.
WisDOTs goals included the
construction of a database of forecasted commodity flows and the creation of the ability to
ascertain forecasted link volumes for all major freight modes in the state. The process of
forecasting truck volumes, in particular, is illustrated in Figure 8.4. WisDOTs forecasting
method provides a good example of how data can be collected from both primary and
secondary sources and then used effectively to arrive at a statewide truck traffic forecast.
WisDOTs effort involved the development and analyses of integrated sets of passenger
and freight data for all intercity modes. County level commodity flow data for all modes
was developed. The commodity flow data were converted to tonnages and vehicles to
arrive at the traffic flow by mode. These were then assigned to their respective networks.
Figure 8.4 Overview of the Truck Component of Wisconsins Freight
Forecasting Model
Wisconsin Department of Transportation, Translinks 21 Technical Report Series: Multimodal Freight
Forecasts for Wisconsin, Draft No. 2, 1995.
The flow diagram of Figure 8.4 provides an overview of the various processes and
interlinkages in the preparation of the freight movement data.
. 8-13
8.4.2 Building the Commodity Flow Data Set
The original database for WisDOTs multimodal plan was Transearch -- a proprietary
database of US freight movements produced by Reebie Associates. Transearch includes
descriptions of freight traffic shipments for various geographic markets, commodities,
units of measures, and seven modes of transportation. The following are the four stages
of Transearch data construction, as applied in Wisconsin:
Stage 1. Establishment of the level and sources of production and consumption of
all goods, using industrial output by state and sector, population and industry
employment by county, and foreign trade.
Stage 2. Determination of the level of railroads, water, air and pipeline traffic from
commercial and industrial sources. The geographic units are all converted to BEA
Stage 3. Establishment of the level of truck flows by subtracting the known modal
traffic developed in Stage 2 from the total production developed in Stage 1. The
truck flows are checked against industry statistics and state flows using various
trucking data sources.
Stage 4. Disaggregation of the truck flows to county-to-county flows using county
factors and inter-industrial trade patterns.
WisDOT supplemented the Transearch database with new data to make it specific to
Wisconsin. These were referred to as the custom inputs, which fall into four categories:
1. population and employment data by county and industry;
2. industrial activity for the energy, agriculture and dairy, forest and paper,
aggregates and mineral sectors;
3. waste generation and consumption; and
4. exports.
A mode by mode update of the 1991 Transearch data to 1992 levels was undertaken by
WisDOT. Relevant indices, output measures and projections were used for updating.
Volumes for certain commodities were adjusted according to the industrial output within
Wisconsin. Overhead volumes (i.e., flows going through Wisconsin without originating
or terminating inside the state boundary) were also included in the database.
The railroad traffic was taken from 1992 ICC Private Use Waybill Sample, which provided
the commodity tonnage information for rail traffic originating and terminating in and
around Wisconsin. Likewise, waterborne and airborne freight traffic data pertaining to
the State of Wisconsin were generated. Truck traffic, aggregated to BEA regions in the
Transearch database, was further broken down to the county level for local area analysis.
Truck volumes of secondary shipments (shipments outbound from distribution centers,
i.e., wholesalers or intermodal terminals) and many non-manufacturing goods were not
included in Transearch. Volumes were generated based on the county level data for
wholesaling and warehousing employment, industrial activity, and waste generation and
consumption. In this way a unified structure of freight OD flows by different modes was
developed for 1992 base year.
8.4.3 Freight Forecast
Base-year 1992 data were used to develop forecasts for year 2020 and for five intermediate
target years. Industrial employment and productivity were used for the freight forecast.
The trendline logic applied consisted of: (a) a change in employment due to a change in
production yields a similar change in output, (b) output results in shipments, and (c)
commodities can be related to output of a particular industry through SIC codes.
A projection of the employment was prepared for each year between 1992 and 2020 by
using economic indicators of 92 separate classes of industry, equivalent to two digit SIC
codes. Employment was calibrated to the official population projection of the State of
Wisconsin, embracing all forms of economic activities. This forecast was made for each of
the 106 counties, constituting the set of local analysis zones. The employment forecast for
the remainder of the country was taken from the Regional Projection of the BEA.
Information regarding productivity in Wisconsin was provided to WisDOT by REMI
(Regional Economic Models Inc.) -- a firm specializing in regional economic projections.
Factors showing change in output per employee by industry group over time were
developed, which were used as a multiplier to enlarge or dampen the effect of
employment change on output.
Finally, the base-year freight forecast of flows was generated. Beginning with the 1992
base-year volumes by commodity and origin, tonnage was multiplied with the combined
ratio of change for employment and productivity to that origin and relevant industry.
This was done for each target year assuming the same rate of change for all modes
carrying a given commodity from a single origin. Adjustments in the primary freight
forecast were made for certain commodities (e.g., farm outputs, fuels, waste, nonmetallic
minerals) and for export and air forecasts, which were judged to grow either faster or
slower than the average for all freight.
Trendlining Issues. The freight forecast was developed with econometric factors that
were derived from long-term trends. Any deviations from these trends signify the
varying effects by industry and locality, which result in variations in volume for freight
carriers. Such deviations can affect the overall share of traffic attributed to each mode, but
there is not a true modal shift as a consequence of shipper choice.
8.4.4 Intermodal Adjustments
WisDOT also needed both long-term and short-term estimates of intermodal potential (as
a percentage of total flow) by commodity. They prepared these estimates primarily by
referencing the commodity flow information derived from the aforementioned freight
. 8-15
traffic database and separate results from a survey of shippers and operators conducted
by WisDOT in 1994.
One of the WisDOTs future scenarios, the truck-rail scenario, is based on the state and
national trends of:
significant national growth in intermodal activity and partnerships between
major trucking and railroads companies;
increase in highway congestion;
long-haul driver shortages; and
development of intermodal technologies and equipment leading to increased
The intermodal potentials for the selected commodities, i.e., the commodities being
transported by trucks, were identified in the shippers and the operators survey. The
commodities were subjectively classified into four categories based on their intermodal
potential. The survey also established break points for distances at which intermodal
transport was likely to be more attractive than truck-only transport. Strong preferences
were shown for 500-mile thresholds, which were adopted as the minimum distance for
intermodal freight movements in subsequent analysis. Frequency of shipment was
identified as the principal service component necessary to meet the requirement of
shippers to convert to intermodal.
After the intermodal flows were identified, rail and truck trip tables were appropriately
adjusted and assigned to railroad and highway networks. To amplify the procedure for
truck forecasting, the following section provides a review of the process of truck trip
generation and truck assignments.
8.4.5 Determination of Truck Traffic
As indicated in Figure 8.4, the amount of truck traffic was determined by subtracting
shipment flows by competing modes from the total production and consumption of
goods. The truck flows so generated were checked against trucking industry statistics and
information about state-to-state flows. The truck shipments of manufactured goods were
found to be about half of the tonnage.
The State-to-State truck flows were disassembled to the county level via BEA regions (see
Figure 8.5) .
Figure 8.5 State-County Disaggregation Process
State-State Truck
Flows 4 digit STCC
BEA-State Truck
County Population
Input/Output Matrix
County Emploment
by Industry
Truck Flows
The four-step disaggregation process was as follows:
Step 1. Traffic volume by 4-digit commodity code was considered for each O-D
Step 2. At the origin, the industry producing the commodity was identified by
industrial codes and located by county. The origin volume was allocated to each
county based on its share of employment in the eligible industry.
Step 3. The consumers of the commodity at the destinations were a mixed group,
consisting of industry and the general public. The patterns of consumption were
determined by an Input-Output table. For any given commodity the O-I matrix
indicates the relative amount consumed by each industry or economic sector.
. 8-17
Step 4. Based on the share of population for the general public and employment for
industry, the destination volume was distributed to each county.
Hence, the O-D flows for BEA regions were disassembled to the county level by using
population and employment data.
The truck trip matrix was developed by converting the annual commodity tonnage to
annual truckloads by using typical commodity weights per truck for each commodity.
The densities of the commodities on trucks were taken from the densities generated for
the rail database.
The densities were applied to truckloads using 24 tons as a maximum payload for a
tractor-trailer rig. Finally, annual truckloads were divided by 312 (6 days per week
multiplied by 52 weeks) to obtain daily truck loads. The resulting trip matrix was
assigned to the highway network using an UTPS-style software package. A stochastic
multipath assignment method, which allows all efficient paths between zone pairs to be
considered likely, was used. A calibration process was then undertaken to replicate base
year (1992) truck volumes on the highway network.
8.4.6 Observations about the Wisconsin Statewide Model
WisDOTs approach to freight forecasting is more ambitious than KDOTs, although its
success is also heavily dependent upon achieving a good calibration to base-year truck
counts. Perhaps the greatest concerns with WisDOTs methodology are possible errors
associated with the process of elimination to arrive at the truck flows. In spite of all the
extra effort, WisDOTs model, like KDOTs, is limited for regionwide forecasting by the
use of counties for zones. Consequently, the model cannot readily provide information on
intra-regional truck movements.
Notwithstanding the above concerns, WisDOTs efforts illustrate the potential of freight
forecasting and can provide solid information for calibrating and forecasting external
stations in regional truck networks.
8.5 Use of Intermodal Management Systems
8.5.1 IMS Possibilities
There is great potential in the development of State intermodal management systems
(IMS) for expanding the scope of traffic forecasting. Traditional transportation planning
has paid limited attention to intermodal transportation, particularly the freight
component. IMSs promise to provide for the development of an ongoing intermodal and
multimodal database, which can integrate both statewide and regional information for
more comprehensive travel forecasts.
The foundation of an IMS is the development of an ongoing database and a geographical
information system (GIS) for spatially-referenced data. Some of the database items that
could be included in an IMS are: commodity flows statewide by mode and by network;
intermodal network and facility characteristics (i.e. types of runways at airports, number
of cranes at ports, geometrics at key intersections and interchanges of highways, ease of
transfer between intracity/intercity public transportation); long range freight forecasts;
and modal counts (i.e., truck type by facility). These database items could be shared
between state and regional agencies to provide the basis for short and long term
intermodal plans, including regional forecasts. With the development of wide-area and
local-area computer networks, and the affordability of appropriate hardware and
software, a shared database should be a realistic goal.
Many States have made plans for the development of an IMS. However, the scope and
detail for the various IMSs vary greatly, as does their applicability to freight forecasting.
This is not surprising given the newness of this planning tool. The State IMS plans
described in the next section have forecasting elements or databases that could be readily
integrated into regional forecasting. The other State IMS plans have not been developed
sufficiently to ascertain whether they contained these components.
8.5.2 Review of Selected State IMS Plans
California Intermodal Transportation Management System
The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) is planning a comprehensive IMS
that utilizes a statewide database.
Caltrans has completed the collection of a portion of its
proposed IMS database including an inventory of intermodal facilities. It plans to collect
data on freight and person movement, geometrics, and data elements for all modes,
among other data. Future database collection will be determined according to developed
performance standards.
This database will use a commercial database management system in conjunction with a
geographical information system (GIS). The primary computer system will be a local-area
network using client-server software. In addition, the data will be available to Caltrans
district offices by CD-ROM. The database will have a flexible architecture that will allow
regional and local planners to integrate their plans and modeling efforts with the State
IMS. There are also plans to incorporate expert systems and artificial intelligence
components into the database programs to make the IMS more powerful.
As part of this IMS the freight demand will be estimated for 10-, 20-, and 30-year time
periods. Freight data will be provided by Reebie Associates based on an econometric
model and long-haul truck data obtained through a data exchange program. Training for
California Department of Transportation, California Intermodal Transportation Management System
Work Plan - Preliminary Draft, July, 1994.
. 8-19
Caltrans employees and regional planners on the use of computer applications will be
Idaho Intermodal Management System Work Plan
The Idaho IMS Plan
includes an inventory and collection of modal traffic flow data.
Idaho has divided its data needs into supply and demand categories. Some of the data to
be collected on the supply side are: facility location; modes served; hours and frequency
of service; capacity; flow rates of persons and goods; industries served; and storage and
consolidation capabilities. On the demand side the following information is to be
collected: freight characteristics relevant to movement such as density, containerization
requirements/opportunities, hazardous qualities; goods and freight vehicle flows on links
and through junctions, including intermodal facilities by time and day; origin and
destination matrices of person movements and passenger vehicle movements by purpose
and with diurnal characteristics; and origin and destination matrices of freight, stratified
by type of commodity and characteristics relevant to modal elements of path.
The database structure is proposed to be compatible with several management systems.
The database will be used in combination with other plans and performance standards to
access short- and long-term needs and projects. One of the components will be the
capability of using the database to develop intermodal forecasts.
Michigan Transportation Management System
includes an extensive existing database. MDOT is finishing the
development of a GIS for all highway systems. Data still to be collected include: origins
and destinations, along with access to non-highway facilities; goods movement; and
vehicle classification.
The database and GIS will be integrated so that there is an interrelationship between
MDOTs overall management plan for transportation facilities, such as bridge
management, congestion management and intermodal management.
Nevada Intermodal Assessment System
Nevada proposes a comprehensive, spatially referenced IMS utilizing a GIS containing
numerous items related to freight movement.
Spatially-referenced data that have been
Idaho Department of Transportation. Idaho Intermodal Management System Work Plan, November,
Michigan Department of Transportation, Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act:
Transportation System Management Work Plan Overview, September, 1994.
Nevada Department of Transportation, Nevada Intermodal Assessment System: System Description
and Variable Documentation, Planning Division, July, 1994.
collected include: description of highway links by a variety of attributes (such as type of
facility), truck or truck restricted routes, number of lanes, commodity flow indicators;
railroad links by several attributes (such as type of service and Federal rail classification);
bridge inventory, including deck condition and annual average daily traffic volume; a
description of airport facilities, including runway length, ownership, and enplanements.
The GIS for the IMS utilizes TIGER (Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding and
Referencing) point and line files for railroads, highways and airports. Thus, the GIS was
created with minimal new data collection. The structure of the GIS enables data to be
easily exported to a diverse set of software packages.
8.5.3 Discussion and Recommended IMS Elements
The range of detail and focus vary widely among States IMSs. Some States perceive the
IMS as only a short term management plan, while others perceive it as a vehicle for both
long and short range intermodal planning, including freight forecasting. Still other States
provide extensive detail about the establishment and use of their databases and GISs, but
were unspecific about the nature of the data itself.
Among all the plans reviewed, the previously discussed plans touched on elements of a
well-constructed IMS. However, none had all of the elements. The following is a short
recipe for an IMS that supports the needs of freight forecasting:
1. Goals/Objectives and Performance Standards. There should be a clear and
distinctive delineation of goals and objectives and how these will be
operationalized (i.e., responsibilities of the different actors, databases, hardware
and software, implementation, and training schedule).
2. Description of Database Items. Existing and future database items should be
selected on the basis of data availability, or on the basis of ease in collecting the
data. These should be listed in the IMS plan for review by all involved agencies,
including MPOs and other planning organizations. Data relevant to freight
forecasting should be included within the database. Certain database items may
be obtained conveniently, but they may be of limited applicability. Efforts to
collect data items should be consistent with previously established goals.
3. Database and GIS Structure. Data should be transferable to a variety of
planning organizations. The ease of transferability of data and geographic
references between different software packages (existing and proposed) should
be carefully planned and detailed before the implementation of the IMS. IMS
plans should recognize the relationship of different agencies to the IMS in terms
of whether they will be potential users of the GIS and/or database, their access
to the GIS or database (i.e., local-area and wide-area computer networks), and
their level of participation (i.e., updating of the database/GIS).
In conclusion, there was a wide disparity in the IMS plans. Many of the plans reviewed
had elements that were extremely broad, overly ambitious, or difficult or clumsy to
implement. However, there were other States that appear to be progressing such that
. 8-21
their IMS will not be a bureaucratic exercise to satisfy federal requirements. This is a
natural progression of events in the promulgation of new regulations. The next step
would be for US DOT and their modal administrations (i.e., FHWA, FTA, FRA) to provide
a better explanation of what an IMS should contain.
8.6 Discussion of Statewide Contributions
The case studies in this manual used statewide information to supplement local data
where possible. Statewide traffic forecasts were especially helpful in setting external
station data in future years. Truck traffic counts provided by the State DOTs were found
to be reliable and essential for model calibration. States were also able to provide limited
information on special generators, such as intermodal transfer facilities. A more
comprehensive statewide database in the form of an IMS would have improved the
responsiveness of the forecast and increased its accuracy. Data elements that could not be
readily obtained but would have been useful include:
1. Truck counts by vehicle class on selected facilities;
2. Truck counts on a greater variety of facilities, including roads not designated as
state trunk highways;
3. Lists of major truck trip generators, their commodity and employment
characteristics, and their location;
4. Lists of truck routes or truck-restricted road segments;
5. A statewide, base-year truck forecast that is well calibrated to traffic counts on
road segments serving as external stations for regional forecasting purposes;
6. Diurnal variation of truck trips by vehicle class and road functional class.
With this information, together with data already gathered for regionwide passenger
travel forecasting, a truck forecast can be truly quick response.
9.0 Case Study
Applications to Urban
9.0 Case Study Applications to
Urban Areas
The methods of this manual are primarily intended to provide the freight portion of a
regionwide forecast of vehicular travel. Three case studies are presented here: Lawrence,
Kansas; Appleton-Neenah (Fox Cities), Wisconsin; and Green Bay, Wisconsin. The
Lawrence application has the fewest and roughest steps, so it is presented first. The
forecasts in Green Bay and Appleton-Neenah (Fox Cities) have much in common, so they
are described together with an emphasis on Appleton-Neenah (Fox Cities). In addition, a
site impact analysis is presented for a moderate-sized industrial facility in Green Bay.
Of greatest interest here are data preparation as well as the process of applying quick
response methods to produce base-year forecasts.
9.1 Lawrence, Kansas
9.1.1 Background on Lawrence
Lawrence is a peaceful city with a stormy history. In the 1850s to 1860, Lawrence and its
surrounding areas were sites of violence related to whether Kansas would be a free State
or a slave State. The City of Lawrence was founded in 1854 by the New England
Emigrant Aid Company in Boston and was planned to be the capital of Kansas.
Lawrence soon became the center of Free State activities and a haven for runaway slaves.
During the Civil War, Lawrence was also the site of an attack by Confederate guerrillas,
which resulted in the city being sacked and burned. After this incident, Lawrence rebuilt
itself and in 1866 became the site of the first state university in the Great Plains. However,
Lawrences growth was later overshadowed by neighboring Kansas City and Wichita.
Lawrence is situated in the eastern portion of Kansas, 40 miles west of Kansas City
Kansas/Missouri and 30 miles east of Topeka (see Figure 8.2). The population of the
Lawrence SMSA was estimated to be approximately 80,000 in 1995, with the City of
Lawrence having approximately 70,000 persons. The most prominent feature of Lawrence
is the University of Kansas. However, the city should not be entirely classified as a college
town. Some of the major employers include Hallmark Cards, Sallie Mae Loan Servicing
Center, a K-Mart distribution center, Allied Signal, and Davol Incorporated, makers of
medical and laboratory equipment. These major employers serve as examples of the
diversified economy of Lawrence.
Figure 9.1 Street System in Lawrence Highlighting Major Through Routes
University of Kansas
9.1.2 Lawrence Freight Transportation Model
Lawrence Kansas Street System and Land Use Patterns. The Lawrence street network
has three major traffic arterials: Interstate 70 (part of the Kansas Tollway system); US 59
and Route 10 (see Figure 9.1 above). Interstate 70 is the key link between the Kansas City,
Lawrence and Topeka areas for regional trips and for points east and west. Route 10 is an
alternative limited access facility to and from the southern side of Kansas City. However,
this highway becomes a regular city street within the city limits of Lawrence. As a result,
a significant amount of through traffic flows through the City of Lawrence. US 59 is a
major north-south facility for interurban trips as well as being a significant intercity artery
in eastern Kansas. These arterials carry the bulk of the traffic in the urbanized area. This
is particularly true for truck traffic, as will be seen later.
Land use in Lawrence is fairly compact. The major employers are located in the city
center and in some industrial parks near Interstate 70 or near the northern part of the city.
While the University of Kansas is a dominant land use and one of the highest employers
in the area, there is also a diverse group of industries, services and commercial
establishments that are well represented. The major employers are identified in the next
section in reference to special generators.
Description of Base Network. Lawrence already had a passenger vehicle forecasting
model, which needed a freight component. The end product of a freight forecast would
be a truck trip table, which can then be added to the automobile trip table prior to
performing an equilibrium traffic assignment.
A considerable amount of data from the passenger model were applied to the freight
component. The network structure was adopted in full, although the passenger data for
zones were set aside for later processing, and external station data (derived from
passenger vehicle counts) were discarded. Data for each TAZ included the number of
retail employees, non-retail employees and dwelling units. The network links already
contained speeds and capacities. None of the links were closed to truck traffic, thereby
simplifying the traffic assignment step.
Recategorizing Employment. The original employment data from the passenger network
were altered to reflect the trip generation categories recommended in this manual as
retail trade employment;
manufacturing, transportation, communications, utilities and wholesale trade
office and service employment; and
agriculture, mining and construction employment.
Although Lawrence had raw employment information for each employer that was
identified by SIC code, a more efficient approach was adopted for recategorizing
employment. Employment was already available for each traffic zone in two categories -
retail and non-retail, consistent with the procedures presented in NCHRP Report 187
These data needed to be reorganized into the four employment categories. Retail
employment, of course, was already consistent. For each traffic analysis zone (TAZ) non-
retail employment was split across the three remaining freight employment categories
(manufacturing and wholesale, office, and other) according to the split of non-retail
employment for the entire region. A detailed explanation of the procedure is presented
later in this chapter.
Arthur B. Sosslau, et al., Quick Response Urban Travel Estimation Techniques And Transferable
Parameters, Users Guide, National Cooperative Highway Research Program Report 187. National
Research Council. Washington D.C. 1978.
Eleven special generators were identified namely: Hallmark, University of Kansas, Lawrence
Memorial Hospital, Sallie Mae Loan Servicing, Packer Plastics, K-Mart Distribution Center;
University of Kansas Memorial Corp., Davol Inc., Allied Signal (avionics electronics
manufacturing), E & E Specialties, Inc. (point of purchase displays manufacturing) and
Lawrence Paper Company (paper products). Their locations correspond to the areas of
highest employment as shown in Figure 9.2 (centroid sizes are proportional to zonal
employment). The employment splits for zones with special generators were adjusted
accordingly, but the same default rates of Table 4.1 were used. The University of Kansas
did not have much truck traffic, but it had a large employment that would distort the
forecasts if no adjustments are made. The University of Kansas spanned approximately
eleven zones.
Figure 9.2 Employment Concentrations in Central Lawrence
Truck Trip Generation. The forecasts included one trip purpose each for light trucks,
medium trucks, and combination vehicles. Once the levels of employment were
determined for each zone, total trip ends were estimated for each truck trip purpose
according to the rates in Table 4.1.
A traditional travel forecasting model was used where trip generation results are
provided as either productions or attractions (not origins and destinations). Different
vehicle classes were handled somewhat differently in the conversion of trip ends to
productions and attractions. For light and medium trucks, total trip ends were divided
evenly between productions and attractions at all centroids. Because of the small size of
Lawrence, combination vehicles were assumed not to make any internal-to-internal trips.
To force the travel forecasting software to create only internal-to-external or external-to-
internal trips for the combination vehicle purpose, only trip productions were set at
zonal centroids and only trip attractions were set at external stations.
External Stations. External stations were located in the perimeter of the region on several
major arterials. The setting of external station data was greatly simplified by further
assuming that only combination vehicles leave the region. Because combination truck
trips at external stations were assumed to be only attractions, productions were set to zero
for all trip purposes.
Attractions at external stations were taken directly from truck counts provided by KDOT
or from estimates of truck volumes from the factors of Table 4.2 when counts were
missing on some smaller roads. During the calculations, the software turns half of the
attractions into origins and the other half of the attractions into destinations.
External-to-External Trip Table. The external-to-external trip table was developed by
using the existing combination vehicle counts for the four major external stations that
contained most of the external trips. These counts were divided in two to yield an equal
amount of origins and destinations per external station. For trips originating from the
external stations associated with Route 10 and Interstate 70, it was assumed that these
trips would not double back in the Kansas City direction. In these cases, the trips were
forced to the external station associated with US 59 (southern leg) or to that associated
with the western leg of Interstate 70. This allocation resulted in the majority of the
external trips associated with the external station along Interstate 70 staying on this
Distribution and Network Assignment of Trips. The distribution of trips was
determined with a gravity model using friction factors described in Section 4.4 of this
manual. Lawrence did not have any data on truck trip lengths, so the friction factors
could not be adjusted from the default values. Because of the assumption of no internal-
to-internal trips for combination vehicles, the model was nearly insensitive to the friction
factors for this purpose.
9.1.3 Calibration for Internal Consistency
The Lawrence freight model could only be made internally consistent, as there was no
data on actual truck movements within the city. A Level 2 validation (see Section 7.5) can
be performed at a later date.
Sampling of Calibration Links. Because only internal consistency could be checked, only
a sample of links was deemed necessary. Thus, a sample of 100 links scattered throughout
the network was selected. Care was taken to choose links of various functional classes so
that the percentage of VMT by functional class on the sampled links was similar to the
corresponding percentage on all links in the network. For each sampled link, the truck
volumes were estimated using the factors of Table 4.2 applied to known counts of all
Only four runs of the model were needed to implement the calibration procedure
discussed in Section 4.5. Because passenger cars have been ignored, each run used all-or-
nothing assignment.
Run 1 - Unadjusted. The freight model was run with the default parameters of
Table 4.1. Production and attractions at external stations were set to replicate the
full extent of link volumes entering and leaving the region, without using an E-E
trip table. It was found that the model overestimated desired link volumes by 25
Run 2 - Productions and Attractions Reduced Based on Desired to Estimated
Ratio. All productions and attractions at centroids were reduced by 25 percent
while everything else (including external station data) remained constant. This
resulted in approximately 9 percent overestimation by the model.
Run 3 - Introduction of External-to-External Trip Table. To create a more
representative trip loading, the E-E trip table was added to the forecast and the
attractions (no productions for combination vehicles) at external stations were
reduced accordingly. Total productions no longer matched total attractions for
combination vehicles, so the productions at centroids for combination vehicles were
balanced to match attractions at external stations. This run did not change the
number of truck trips on the network, but it did cause a significant redistribution of
the trips across the network. The results were still approximately 5 percent greater
than the desired link volumes.
Run 4 - Reduction of Production and Attractions. All productions and attractions
at both centroids and external stations were reduced by five percent. The external-
to-external trip table remained the same.
Given the paucity of data and the all-or-nothing assignment technique, further
adjustments were unwarranted. After the fourth run the model was estimating total link
volumes on the sampled links with overestimates of less than 1 percent.
Link-by-link analysis of the calibration results was considered inappropriate. The
distribution of target truck traffic on the sample links was largely governed by the
distribution of passenger car traffic in Lawrence. Substantial deviations at individual
links were both expected and desirable. The outcome of the all-or-nothing assignment is
illustrated in Figure 9.3. Link widths in the Figure are proportional to truck volumes,
without removing streets with zero truck volumes.
This type of calibration exercise is performed only once for a base-year forecast to
ascertain the final trip generation rates and to verify the strength of the external-to-
external trip table. Forecasts for future years should not change the trip generation rates
but could change the external-to-external trip table using growth factor methods.
9.1.4 Observations about Lawrence
This exercise demonstrated that truck forecasting for an urban area using quick response
methodologies is a relatively simple task, easily within the reach of most of the staff of
State DOTs, MPOs and other planning agencies.
Some further recommendations to improve the accuracy of truck forecasting using
methods in this manual are:
Obtain actual ground counts of trucks by truck type on freeways and a good
sample of major arterials;
Survey key points along major facilities to obtain actual through truck
Further calibrate the statewide freight model so it can be more useful for
estimating an external-to-external trip table; and
Develop an employee database, which would identify employees by both SIC
code and zone of employment.
The above recommendations will probably not significantly improve the calibration for
Lawrences immediate purposes, but they will improve the models credibility when
looking at truck-specific issues and policies.
Figure 9.3 All-or-Nothing Assigned Truck Volumes in Lawrence with the
Widths of the Links Representing the Relative Truck Volumes.
9.2 Fox Cities and Green Bay, Wisconsin
9.2.1 Introduction
Appleton-Neenah (Fox Cities) and Green Bay are two separate urbanized areas located in
northeastern Wisconsin and are among the fastest growing urbanized areas in the State.
These areas provide the fullest expression of Wisconsins economy and aspirations, as
they are the center of the paper and food processing industries, and are home to
Wisconsins professional football team -- the Green Bay Packers. Green Bay is the
transportation hub of northeastern Wisconsin, with modern truck, rail, air, and seaport
facilities. The Green Bay urbanized area recorded a population of 162,000 in 1990, making
it the third largest urbanized area in Wisconsin. The Appleton-Neehan urbanized area
had a 1990 population of 161,000. Since similar freight forecasting procedures were
employed in both case studies, only Appleton will be discussed in full. However, the
calibration process is briefly detailed for both case studies.
9.2.2 Fox Cities Case Study Background
The Appleton-Neenah urbanized area is commonly referred to as the Fox Cities. The Fox
Cities are 14 communities along the Fox River: Appleton, Neenah, Menasha, Kaukauna,
Kimberly, Combined Locks, and Little Chute and the Towns of Menasha, Vanderbroek,
Buchanan, Harrison, Grand Chute, Greenville and Neenah. This region was discovered
by French explorers in the 17th century. Louise Nicolet and Father Jacques Marquette are
known to have traveled the length of the Fox River, en route to discovering the
Mississippi River in 1673. The region was mostly settled by northern Europeans.
The city of Appleton is the largest of the Fox Cities. It is populated by a culturally diverse
group of people. Besides those people of European ancestry, Hmongs, Hispanics, African
Americans and Native Americans form significant portions of the population. The Oneida
tribe represents the Native American population of Wisconsin. Their tribal heritage is
preserved by the members residing in the Oneida Nation Reservation, a few miles north
of Appleton. Their humane traditions and fascinating history give this region a unique
blend the old and the new.
The Fox Cities, as well as Green Bay, are famous for their paper mills. The nickname
Paper Valley is well earned as some of the nations major paper companies are situated
in the Fox River valley. Kimberly-Clark, Wisconsin Tissue Mills, Menasha Corporation, and
Appleton Papers are located there. The economy of the Fox Cities is fairly diversified, but
the paper industry retains its dominance over the economy. It continues to be the single
largest employer in the Fox Cities. Therefore, it was not surprising to find that the
special generators in Fox Cities mainly consisted of paper manufacturing firms.
9.2.3 Fox Cities Freight Transportation Model
As seen in Figure 9.4, US 41 traverses Fox Cities, serving as a main arterial. It carries most
of the northbound and southbound traffic in the Fox Cities and beyond. A four-lane,
limited access highway, US 41 provides access to the markets in Green Bay to the north,
and Milwaukee and Chicago to the south. US 10 and US 45 are the other major highways
serving the Fox Cities. Secondary roads include state truck highways 47, 55, 96, 110 and
114. Most of the large manufacturing firms are located along the Fox River close to US 41.
Figure 9.4 Fox Cities Urbanized Area and Major Highways
Industrial parks/Major
Commmercial centers
The Fox Cities, like Lawrence, already had a vehicle forecasting model
, to which the
freight component was to be added. The network structure was retained, along with the
East Central Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission, TM2, Fox Cities Urbanized Area Travel
Demand Model Version 1.1, Technical Memorandum, 1995.
speeds and the capacities on the links. All links were assumed to be able to carry truck
The employment data provided principally for passenger forecasting in the model were
used to generate trip origins and destinations for freight modeling, following the
procedures described in Section 7.7. The Fox Cities employment data were more detailed
than the Lawrence employment data. Employment in each zone was broken down into
commercial, manufacturing, services, wholesale/retail trade and others. Top employers,
serving as special generators, were identified in the Fox Cities area. As mentioned earlier
most of these were the paper and related products manufacturing firms, e.g., Kimberly
Clark, Appleton Papers, Outlook Graphics, etc. High schools, malls, hospitals and similar
facilities were excluded from the special generator category, as only establishments
contributing a particularly large amount of truck traffic were considered.
For the Fox Cities case study, efforts were made to establish direct contacts with the
management of some of the major special generators. The Fox Cities phone directory
provided the addresses and the phone numbers of the 20 largest trucking firms within the
area. Some of the questions asked pertaining to their trucking operations were: (a) How
many of your trucks move in and out of the region; (b) Were these trucks light, medium or
heavy; and (c) What was the regional extent of your trucking services? Since the firms
were contacted over the phone, the questions were kept short and simple. The survey
process itself was quite interesting, as it provided insights into the attitudes and policies of
the firms with regard to information sharing.
Smaller firms, where the warehouse managers could be surveyed, were more forthcoming
with their information. Their answers were informative, with some of them inquiring
about the project and expressing their concerns regarding freight transport facilities in the
region. On the other hand, larger firms were extremely restrictive with their information.
Personnel departments, in particular, were unnecessarily concerned with liability issues,
while parting with only the minimum amount of information. The discrepancies between
the attitudes of the smaller and larger trucking firms posed great difficulties in data
collection. The lesson of this exercise is that there should be a considerable amount of
time allowed for even a small-scale primary data collection, during which written
memoranda could be sent to the individual firms and follow-up phone calls can be made.
A dialogue should be established, creating a favorable environment for gathering
pertinent information.
As with the Lawrence network, truck trips at the external stations were assumed to be
heavy-vehicle attractions and the productions were set to zero for all trip purposes.
Fortunately, more actual truck counts were available in the Fox Cities for road segments
leading to external stations. The attractions at the external stations were taken from the
traffic counts provided by WisDOT, and in few cases where counts were unavailable,
estimates of truck volumes as a fraction of total traffic were used (from Table 4.2). Thus,
data at external stations in Fox Cities area could be set with a greater degree of confidence
than in Lawrence.
The external-to-external truck trip table was provided by WisDOT for the base year.
WisDOT developed its external-to-external trip table by surveying a sample of vehicles
crossing cordon lines. There were 32 external stations, but only 113 of the 992 possible
(non-diagonal) cells had observed truck trips. A part of the external-to-external trip table
showing a few of the larger external stations (423, 400, 401, and 410) is given in Table 9.1.
The availability of the external-to-external trip table greatly eased calibration and gave a
higher degree of credibility to the model.
Table 9.1 Sample of External-to-External Truck Trips for the Fox Cities
9.2.4 Calibration to Ground Counts
Calibration was undertaken for links for which truck ADT counts were provided by
WisDOT. These included the federal and state highways and some local principal
arterials. Only three calibration runs were needed to achieve a suitable match between
actual and average model link volumes:
Run 1 - Unadjusted. The initial run used default trip generation parameters from
Table 4.1 and included the external-to-external trip table. The model overestimated
link volumes by 19 percent.
Run 2 - Productions and Attractions Reduced Based on Desired to Estimated
Ratio. All productions and attractions at the centroids were reduced by 19 percent,
keeping everything else constant. The model overestimated the link volumes on the
sampled links, by 3 percent.
Run 3 - Final Run. Again the productions and attractions were reduced. In the
third run, the model overestimated the link volumes by less than 1 percent, and no
further adjustments were undertaken.
The results of the all-or-nothing traffic assignment are shown in Figure 9.5. Link widths
are proportional to truck volumes, without removing streets with zero truck volumes.
The sizes of centroids are roughly in proportion to their ability to attract truck trips.
As in Lawrence, the trip generation rates should be fixed for subsequent future-year
Ex.Stat. 423 400 401 410
423 0 1448 110 17
400 877 0 0 64
401 57 0 0 291
410 0 301 61 0
The Fox Cities freight modeling methodology was repeated for Green Bay. However, like
Lawrence, the external-to-external truck trip table for Green Bay had to be synthetically
created following the procedures set out in Chapter 7. WisDOT provided the truck ADT
counts for major arterials in Green Bay. The calibration procedure involved 7 runs of the
model, which included adjustments to external stations as well as centroids. Calibration
runs were terminated when the model overestimated the link volumes, on average, by
only 1%. Because of the larger number of calibration runs, the forecasts for Green Bay are
unlikely to be as strong as the forecasts from the Fox Cities.
In both the Fox Cities and Green Bay case studies the final product of a forecast is a truck
trip table, not assigned volumes. The trip table would be combined with the trips for
passenger vehicles before loading them to the network using equilibrium, capacity-
restrained assignment methods.
Figure 9.5 Assigned Traffic Volumes in the Fox Cities Area with Size of
Centroids Directly Related to Trip Attractions
9.3 Site Impact Analysis: Services Plus , Green Bay, WI
9.3.1 Introduction and Description of Case Study Site
New industries or expansion of existing ones can add additional truck traffic both to
nearby streets and to outlying streets. Adapting a previously developed regionwide
freight forecasting model (e.g. Site Impact Strategy 3) is one way to determine a sites
potential impact. This type of analysis can provide a reasonably precise mechanism for
evaluating potential truck movements and enables tailored solutions to traffic problems.
Chapter 5 describes a more generic approach to site analysis. This section illustrates how
a truck traffic impact assessment can be done with minimal effort.
Services Plus is anticipating adding approximately 100,000 square feet to an existing
facility in Green Bay. Their site is located in an industrial park immediately off the Green
Bay beltway system (see Figure 9.6). The firm specializes in the repackaging of consumer
products. The site is now approximately 200,000 square feet and presently has 110 trucks
entering and leaving the facility per day. All the trucks are combination units of which
40% serve the local area and 60% serve regions outside the area. Planners have estimated
that the expansion will add another 55 truck trips per day to the local traffic.
Although not particularly large, this site was selected for the case study because it would
demonstrate travel paths over a variety of facilities (i.e., arterials, freeways, and collectors)
and a variety of destinations (external and internal), thereby indicating the features of this
particular method of traffic impact analysis. In addition, the site was selected from Green
Bay because a freight forecasting model for this urban area had already been prepared
(see Section 9.2) and would provide yet another illustration of the value of a good freight
forecasting database.
9.3.2 Steps in Adapting A Model for Site Impact Analysis
Normally a network is needed for site impact analysis (see Chapter 5, Section 5.3). The
network shows the site in some detail including many of the surrounding streets. In the
case of Services Plus, it was only necessary to add the streets of its industrial park to the
existing regionwide network and to change some data at centroids and external stations.
Had a regionwide network not been available, a subarea focused network (see Section 7.8)
would have been drawn instead. A subarea focused network would have had fewer links,
nodes and centroids, but it would have required the same quality of employment data.
Below are the steps of the process.
Step 1 - Network Additions. The individual streets in Services Plus industrial park
were added. There were only 31 new links and 23 new nodes, including 1 new
Very little effort was required to adapt the regionwide network for site impact purposes; the
whole analysis (exclusive of reporting and graphics) took about 16 hours of work.
centroid. The locations of the nodes could be easily measured from a road map
without resorting to digitizing. Speeds for the new links were assumed to be similar
to local streets (e.g. 25 mph). One arterial link was adjusted to a slightly higher
speed to better approximate preferred paths of travel. This adjustment was made
after a preliminary run showing traffic diverting to a local street instead of to an
arterial. This routing of traffic was related to the selection of all-or-nothing traffic
assignment and the use of intersections without delays. The remainder of the links
had attributes that were unchanged from the calibrated Green Bay regionwide
Figure 9.6 Services Plus Site (Middle Right)
Note: Figure 9.6 shows the impacts of Services Plus on the whole Green Bay network, with the
nodes sized in proportion to trip attractions and the links sized in proportion to truck volumes
from the site.
Step 2 - Setting of Productions and Attractiveness Values. The travel forecasting
software needed data on productions and attractiveness values (replacing trip
attractions), not origins and destinations. Eventually, the software would turn half
the productions into origins and the other half into destinations. The same would
be done to attractions, once they have been ascertained from the attractiveness
values. A singly-constrained gravity model was selected for trip distribution,
whereby only the production-end constraints will be satisfied. A singly-constrained
gravity model is the same as presented in Chapter 4, except there is no attempt to
match attraction totals through the iterative process. This form of the gravity model
can be used to estimate the number of trip attractions at off-site zones, given a
measure of attractiveness.
Two trip purposes were established: internal-to-internal and internal-to-external.
To indicate only the trips generated by Services Plus, the productions and
attractiveness values were modified drastically from the regionwide network. The
sites centroid contained internal-to-internal trip productions and internal-to-
external trip productions, based on the firms estimates of 40% internal and 60%
external shipments. The attractivness values were all placed on off-site centroids
and at external stations. External stations only had attractiveness values for the
internal-to-external trip purpose, while off-site centroids only received
attractiveness values for the internal-to-internal trip purpose. In each case trip
attractiveness values were set equal to the number of trip attractions in the
regionwide model for the heavy vehicle trip purpose. For example the trip
attractiveness value for the external station labeled N in Figure 9.6 was 1548 and the
attractiveness value for the external station labeled S was 1361. As can be readily
observed, these attractiveness values bear little relation to the number of trip ends
expected from Services Plus.
Step 3 - Parameter Settings and Base-Case Run. The model was forced not to
balance productions and attractions. An exponential friction factor function with a
coefficient of 0.03 was used within the gravity model for trip distribution, as
recommended in Section 4.4. Services Plus was unable to identify any consistent
peaking characteristics in its operation, so time of day parameters were set assuming
a 9-hour work day, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Thus, 1/9 of all trips were assumed to occur in
each of those hours. Equal numbers of trips were assigned in each direction in each
hour. That is, half of the trips had the site as their destination, while the other half
had the site as their origin. Both full-day and single-hour analyses could be
Step 4 - Assignment of Additional Trips. Knowing the existing square footage of
the facility and the existing truck trips generated, a custom trip rate could be
developed for this site. Had this been an entirely new site, a trip rate would have
been adopted from a similar facility. There was no need to perform a new model
run with increased trip productions. Since all-or-nothing assignment was used in
the base case, it was only necessary to factor up the previously obtained link
Essentially, these four steps (with little modification) could be used in the evaluation of
most other sites.
9.3.3 Analysis of Results
As seen in Figure 9.6, the sites traffic will be directed to the Green Bay beltway system
and to a limited number of interior streets, mainly leading to industrial locations in the
center of Green Bay. Although the overall impact on Green Bays streets is small, the
impact will be greatest near the entrance of the facility and on entrances to, and exits from,
the freeway.
9.4 Summary
The applications in the case study cities illustrate the overall ease of adding a true freight
component to an urban travel forecast. The freight forecast can piggyback on passenger
vehicle forecasts by adopting, nearly intact, the passenger traffic network and by using the
same employment data with little modification. However, freight-specific inputs are still
required. For regionwide applications these inputs include an external-to-external trip
table, truck counts on freeways and major arterials, and employment information for the
largest generators. The case studies also illustrate how the need for extensive local survey
data can be largely avoided by making good use of default parameters contained in this
manual. The default parameters permit the creation of a solid, first-cut truck forecast that
can be improved over time as more information becomes available.
Appendix A
Glossary of Terms
Appendix A
Glossary of Terms
Primary source: For-Hire Trucking Industry Size Study
Part 1. Classification Definitions of Motor Carriers
Truckload - motor carriers operating with loads, whose weight is either in excess of 10,000
lbs or whose load allows no other load to be carried.
Less-Than-Truckload - motor carriers operating with loads, whose weight is less than
10,000 lbs and whose load allows other loads to be carried. This excludes package
carriers, such as Federal Express, UPS, and US Postal Service.
Package - motor carriers operating with loads consisting primarily of small packages less
than 150 lbs each.
Personnel - the freight carrying operations of motor carriers operating primarily as
transporters of personnel, such as bus and coach lines, excluding emergency vehicles.
Non-Goods - motor carriers operating special equipment vehicles not engaged in the
transportation of goods or personnel. This segment includes utilities and construction
International - movement of goods across a border without any processing or value added
to the shipment.
Line Haul - transportation of goods greater than 250 miles from origin to destination, for
one motor carrier.
Regional - transportation of goods more than 50 miles but less than 250 miles from
origination to destination for one carrier.
Local - transportation of goods less than 50 miles from origination to destination for one
Off-Highway - primary use of vehicle is off-highway, i.e. construction and agriculture.
For Hire - motor carrier offering transportation services to the general public.
Owner-Operator - An owner of one or more power units who also operates at least one of
those power units and who offers hauling services under contract or trip lease.
Regulated - motor carriers operating with ICC authority and whose primary business is
for-hire carriage.
Not Regulated - motor carriers operating without ICC authority.
Combined - motor carriers operating as for-hire but without clear distinction as to which
segment is their primary focus.
Household Goods - motor carriers whose primary business is the transportation of
previously-owned household goods or office furniture for purposes of relocation.
Government - motor carriers owned by government, including state and local. This
category also includes the Postal Service.
Private - all other motor carrier types including utilities and airlines.
Part 2. General Freight and Motor Carrier Terminology
CLASS I MOTOR CARRIER - For-Hire motor carrier receiving annual gross operating
revenues of $5 million or more from motor carrier operations. Prior to 1980, the revenue
classification level was $3 million.
CLASS II MOTOR CARRIER - For-Hire motor carrier receiving annual gross operating
revenues of $1 million to $4,999,999 from motor carrier operations. Prior to 1980, the
revenue classification level was $500 000 to $2,999,999.
CLASS III MOTOR CARRIER - For-Hire motor carrier receiving annual gross operating
revenues of less than $1 million from motor carrier operations. Prior to 1980, the revenue
classification level was $500,000 or less.
CLASS I-VIII TRUCK - Truck with following gross vehicle weight (GVW):
Class GVW
I 6,000 lbs. or less
II 6,000 - 10,000 lbs.
III 10,000 - 14,000 lbs.
IV 14,001 - 16,000 lbs.
V 16,001 - 19,500 lbs.
VI 19,501 - 26,000 lbs.
VII 26,001 - 33,000 lbs.
VIII 33,001 or more lbs.
COFC - Container on (rail) flat car. A form of intermodal movement of freight.
COMBINATION VEHICLE - An equipment configuration that includes separate power
unit (tractor) and at least one trailer.
COMMERCIAL TRAILER - A trailer used to handle freight in the transportation of goods
for others; excludes house trailers, light farm trailers and car trailers.
DOLLY - An auxiliary axle assembly having a fifth wheel used for purpose of converting a
semitrailer to a full trailer.
DOMESTIC INTERCITY TRUCKING - Trucking operations within the territory of the
United States, including intra-Hawaiian and intra-Alaskan, that carry freight beyond the
local areas and commercial zones.
DOUBLE - A combination of two trailers pulled by a power unit. Usually refers to a
power unit pulling two 28' trailers. See also ROCKY MOUNTAIN DOUBLE and
EXPENSES - The cost of doing business, generally excludes current obligations on long
term debt.
FIFTH WHEEL - A device used to connect a semi-trailer and tractor.
FREIGHT - Any commodity being transported.
FREIGHT FORWARDER - An individual or company that accepts less-than-truckload
(LTL) or less-than-carload (LCL) shipments from shippers and combines them into
carload or truckload lots. Designated as a common carrier under the Interstate Commerce
FREIGHT TRAFFIC - Commodities transported.
GENERAL FREIGHT CARRIER - A for-hire carrier that handles a wide variety of
commodities, typically in LTL quantities and generally involves the use of terminal
facilities to break and consolidate shipments.
GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT - A measure of the money value of the goods and services
becoming available to the nation from economic activity within the United States.
GROSS VEHICLE WEIGHT (GVW) - The maximum allowable fully laden weight of the
vehicle and its payload. The most common classification scheme, used by manufacturers
and by states, often for both trucks and tractors.
HEAVY DUTY TRUCK - Truck with a gross vehicle weight generally in excess of 19,500
pounds (class 6-8). Other minimum weights are used by various laws or government
HIGHWAY USER FEE OR TAX - A charge levied on persons or organizations based on
the use of public roads. Funds collected are usually applied toward highway
construction, reconstruction and maintenance. Examples include vehicle registration fees,
fuel taxes, and weight-distance taxes.
and regulated by the Interstate Commerce Commission to carry freight.
INTERCITY TRUCKING - Trucking operations that carry freight beyond the local areas
and commercial zones.
INTERMODAL TRANSPORTATION - Transportation movement involving more than
one mode, e.g., rail-motor, motor-air, or rail-water.
INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION (ICC) - The federal body charged with
enforcing Acts of Congress affecting interstate commerce.
ISTEA - Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991.
LCV - Longer combination vehicle.
LESS THAN TRUCKLOAD (LTL) - A quantity of freight less than that required for the
application of a truckload rate. Usually less than 10,000 pounds.
MODAL SHARE - The percentage of total freight moved by a particular type of
NATION'S FREIGHT BILL - The amount spent annually on freight transportation by the
nation's shippers; also represents the total revenue of all carriers operating in the nation.
NET PROFIT MARGIN - A measure of profitability based on the ratio of net income to
total operating revenues.
NON-REGULATED TRUCKING - A carrier that is exempt from economic regulation, e.g.,
exempt agricultural shipments and private trucking operations.
OPERATING EXPENSES - The costs of handling traffic, including both direct costs, e.g.,
driver wages and fuel; and indirect costs, e.g., computer expenses and advertising; but
excludes interest expense.
OPERATING RATIO - A measure of profitability based on operating expenses as a
percentage of gross revenues.
PIGGYBACK - The transportation of highway trailers or removable trailer bodies on rail
cars specifically equipped for the service. It is essentially a joint carrier movement in
which the motor carrier forms a pickup and delivery operation to a rail terminal, as well
as a delivery operation at the terminating rail head.
POWER UNITS - The control and pulling vehicle for trailers or semi-trailers.
REGULATED MOTOR CARRIER - A for-hire carrier subject to economic and operational
regulation by the Interstate Commerce Commission.
REVENUE - Monies paid to carriers as compensation for the movement of freight.
ROCKY MOUNTAIN DOUBLE - A combination vehicle consisting of a tractor, a 45 to 48
foot semitrailer and a shorter 28 foot semitrailer.
SPECIALIZED CARRIER - A trucking company franchised to transport articles that,
because of size, shape, weight, or other inherent characteristics, require special equipment
for loading, unloading or transporting.
establishments by type of activity in which they are engaged: for the purpose of
facilitating the collection, tabulation, presentation and analysis of data relating to
establishments, e.g., SIC 42 Motor Freight Transportation and Warehousing; SIC 421
Trucking, Local and Long Distance.
STATE OF DOMICILE - The state in which the carrier maintains its headquarters.
STRAIGHT TRUCK - A vehicle with the cargo body and tractor mounted on the same
THIRD STRUCTURE TAX - Any tax on road users other than registration fees or fuel
taxes. See, for example, ton-mile tax and weight-distance tax.
TOFC - Trailer on (rail) flat car. A form of piggyback movement of freight.
TON-MILE - The movement of one ton of freight a distance of one mile. Ton-miles are
computed by multiplying the weight in tons of each shipment transported by the distance
TON-MILE TAX - A tax calculated by measuring the weight of each truck for each trip.
The gross weight is assigned a tax rate that is multiplied by the miles of travel.
TRACTOR SEMITRAILER - A combination vehicle consisting of a power unit (tractor)
and a semitrailer.
TRAILER - A vehicle designed without motive power, to be drawn by another vehicle.
TRUCK - A motor vehicle designed to carry an entire load. It may consist of a chassis and
body; a chassis, cab and body; or it may be of integral construction so that the body and
chassis form a single unit.
TRUCK TONNAGE - The weight of freight in tons transported by truck.
TRUCKLOAD (TL) - Quantity of freight required to fill a truck. When used in connection
with freight rates, the quantity of freight necessary to qualify a shipment for a truckload
rate. Usually in excess of 10,000 pounds.
TURNPIKE DOUBLE - A combination vehicle consisting of a tractor and two trailers of 45
to 48 feet.
TWIN TRAILER - A short semitrailer (under 29') designed to be operated as part of a
combination vehicle with a tandem trailer of similar length.
VEHICLE-MILE - A measurement of the total miles traveled by all vehicles in an area.
Generally applied to intercity movements only.
WEIGHT-DISTANCE TAX - A tax basing the fee per mile on the registered gross weight
of the vehicle. Total tax liability is calculated by multiplying this rate times miles traveled.
Appendix B
Selected References
Appendix B
Selected References
1. Brogan, James D. Development of Truck Trip-Generation Rates by Generalized
Land-Use Categories. Transportation Research Record, No. 716, pp. 38-43. 1979.
2. Brogan. Improving Truck Trip-Generation Techniques Through Trip-End
Stratification. Transportation Research Record, No. 771. 1980.
3. CATS Research News. Chicago Area Transportation Study. Volume 26, Number 1.
February 1987.
4. Chatterjee, Wegmann, Brogan, Phiu-Nual. Estimating Truck Traffic for Analyzing
UGM Problems and Opportunities. ITE Journal. May 1979.
5. City of Portland, Office of Transportation. "Columbia Corridor Transportation Study."
Technical Report 2: Truck Routing Model. April 1994.
6. Gilchrist, Kevin. Truck Related Travel Demand Forecasting Information. Letter to
COMSIS on The MPO - Des Moines Area Metropolitan Planning Organization. June 1,
7. Lau, Samuel. Truck Travel Surveys: A Review of the Literature and State-of-the-Art.
Metropolitan Planning Commission, Planning Section. January 1995.
8. List and Turnquist. Estimating Truck Travel Patterns In Urban Areas.
Transportation Research Record, No. 1430. 1994.
9. List, Turnquist, Mbwana, Wolpert. Analysis of a Dedicated Commercial
Transportation Corridor in the New York Metropolitan Area. Rensselaer Polytechnic
Institute. January 1995.
10. Memmott and Boekenbroeger. Practical Methodology for Freight Forecasting.
Transportation Research Record, No. 889.
11. Middendorf, Jelavich & Ellis. Development and Application of Statewide,
Multimodal Freight Forecasting Procedures for Florida. Transportation Research
Record, No. 889.
12. Nixon, Tom (Central Transportation Planning Staff - Boston). Truck Trip Generation
Rates by Land Use in the Central Artery/Tunnel Project Study Area. September 1993.
13. Ramakrishna and Balbach. Truck Trip Generation Characteristics of Nonresidential
Land Uses. ITE Journal. July 1994.
14. Rawling and DuBoe. Application of Discrete Commercial Vehicle Data to CATS
Planning and Modeling Procedures. CATS Research News. Spring 1991.
15. Ruiter, Earl. Development of an Urban Truck Travel Model for the Phoenix
Metropolitan Area, Final Report. Arizona Department of Transportation; Prepared by
Cambridge Systematics, Inc. February 1992.
16. Schlappi, Marshall, and Itamura. "Truck Travel in the San Francisco Bay Area." TRB
72nd Annual Meeting, Paper No. 930477. January 1993.
17. Sosslau, Hassam, Carter, and Wickstrom. Quick-Response Urban Travel Estimation
Techniques and Transferable Parameters Users Guide. Transportation Research
Board - National Cooperative Highway Research Program Report 187. 1978.
18. State of North Carolina Department of Transportation. "Triad Regional Study, Draft
Report on Commercial Vehicle Survey." Commercial Vehicle Pretest Results. January
19. Transmode Consultants, Inc. Planning for Freight Movements in the Puget Sound
Region. Puget Sound Regional Council. January 1995.
20. Transportation Consulting Group. External Origin and Destination Survey.
Kentuckiana Regional Planning and Development Agency. February 1995.
21. Truck Trip Generation Rates. A Summary Report by ITE Technical Council
Committee 6A-46. July 1992.
22. Watson. Urban Goods Movement. Lexington Books. 1975.
23. Wegmann, Chatterjee, Lipinski. Characteristics of Urban Freight Systems (CUFS),
Preliminary Review Draft. Transportation Center, The University of Tennessee.
November 1994.
24. Wilbur Smith Associates. "I-235 Alternatives Analysis and EIS." Iowa DOT, Technical
Memorandum Number 1. 1991.
25. Zavattero and Weseman (of Chicago Area Transportation Study). Commercial
Vehicle Trip Generation in the Chicago Region. Transportation Research Record, No.
1407. October 1993.
Appendix C
Standard Industrial Classification (SIC)
Appendix C
Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Codes
1,2,7 Agriculture and Agricultural Services
8 Forestry
9 Fishing, Hunting, Trapping
10 Metal Mining
11 Anthracite Mining
12 Lignite & Coal Mining
13 Oil & Gas Extraction
14 Non-metallic Mining
15 General. Building Construction
16 Heavy Construction
17 Specialty Trade Contracting
19 Ordinance
20 Processed Foods and Kindred Products
21 Tobacco Products
22 Textile Mill Products
23 Clothing/Apparel and Other Textile Products
24 Lumber and Wood Products
25 Furniture and Fixtures
26 Paper and Allied Products
27 Printing and Publishing Materials
28 Chemicals and Allied Products
29 Petroleum and Coal Products
30 Rubber /Miscellaneous Plastic Products
31 Leather and Leather Products
32 Stone, Clay and Glass Products
33 Primary Metal Industries
34 Fabricated Metal Products
35 Industrial Machinery and Equipment
36 Electronic and Other Electric Equipment
37 Transportation Equipment (Motor Vehicles and Equipment)
38 Instruments and Related Products
39 Miscellaneous Manufacturing Industries
40 Railroads
41 Local Buses
42 Truck Transportation
43 U.S. Postal Service
44 Water Transportation
45 Air Transportation
46 Pipeline Transport
47 Transport Services
48 Communications Services
49 Electric, Gas, Water, & Sanitary Services
50 Wholesale Durables
51 Wholesale Nondurables
52 Building Materials
53 General Merchandise
54 Food Store
55 Automobile Dealers
56 Apparel Stores
57 Furniture Appliances
58 Eating Places
59 Miscellaneous Retail (Drugs, Liquor, etc.)
60 Banking
61 Credit Agencies
62 Security Brokers
63 Insurance Carriers
64 Insurance Agents
65 Real Estate
67 Holdings & Investment Offices
70 Hotels and Other Lodging Places
72 Personal Services
73 Business Services (Advertising, Building Service, Personnel Supply, Computer and
Data Processing)
75 Auto Repair, Services and Garages
76 Miscellaneous Repair Shops
78 Motion Pictures (i.e. Video Tape Rental)
79 Amusement and Recreation Services
80 Health Services (i.e. Nursing/Personal Care Facilities, Private Hospitals, Health
Practitioner Office)
81 Legal Services
82 Educational Services
83 Social Services
84 Museums
86 Membership Organizations
87 Engineering, Management and Services not elsewhere classified
88 Private Households
89 Industries not elsewhere classified
Appendix D
Trip Generation Summary Tables
Appendix D
Trip Generation Summary Tables
The following tables contain the detailed daily trip generation rates for each location, land
use type, and truck classification. The tables are grouped into the following four sections:
D-1) Trip generation rates per employee;
D-2) Trip generation rates per 1,000 square feet of office space;
D-3) Trip generation rates per acre; and
D-4) Trip generation regression formulas.
Within each of these sections, trip generation rates are summarized according to the
following land use types (SIC numbers enclosed in parentheses-- See Appendix C):
a) Agriculture, Mining and Construction (1-19);
b) Manufacturing, Transportation/Communications/Utilities, and Wholesale Trade
c) Retail Trade (52-59);
d) Offices and Services (60-88); and
e) Unclassified (89)
Note that some of the trip generation rates shown in the table, specifically those obtained
from the Puget Sound Region (i.e., Washington State counties) are expressed in truckload
equivalents (TLEs). Rates expressed in TLEs not only include freight transportationby
trucks but also freight moved by other modes including rail and waterways (which has
been converted into equivalent truckloads).
D-1 Trip Generation Rates Per Employee
D-1a. Trip Generation Summary - Daily Commercial Vehicle Trips Per Employee for Agriculture, Construction & Mining Industries (SIC 1-19)
Land Use Type
Vehicles Single Unit
All 6+ Tire
King County,
Mining (10-14) 213.835 1994 See note 4. Rates are truck load
equivalents (TLEs) and include
all modes (truck, rail, air, etc.)
Kitsap County,
Mining (10-14) 108.295 1994 See note 4. Rates are truck load
equivalents (TLEs) and include
all modes (truck, rail, air, etc.)
Pierce County,
Mining (10-14) 306.395 1994 See note 4. Rates are truck load
equivalents (TLEs) and include
all modes (truck, rail, air, etc.)
Snohomish County,
Mining (10-14) 409.525 1994 See note 4. Rates are truck load
equivalents (TLEs) and include
all modes (truck, rail, air, etc.)
Median SIC (10-14) 260.115 Truck Load Equivalent (TLE)
Average SIC (10-14) 259.513 Truck Load Equivalent (TLE)
Minimum SIC (10-14) 108.295 Truck Load Equivalent (TLE)
Maximum SIC (10-14) 409.525 Truck Load Equivalent (TLE)
King County,
11.770 1994 See note 4. Rates are truck load
equivalents (TLEs) and include
all modes (truck, rail, air, etc.)
Kitsap County,
12.120 1994 See note 4. Rates are truck load
equivalents (TLEs) and include
all modes (truck, rail, air, etc.)
Pierce County,
10.355 1994 See note 4. Rates are truck load
equivalents (TLEs) and include
all modes (truck, rail, air, etc.)
Snohomish County,
11.730 1994 See note 4. Rates are truck load
equivalents (TLEs) and include
all modes (truck, rail, air, etc.)
Median SIC (15-19) 11.750 Truck Load Equivalent (TLE)
Average SIC (15-19) 11.494 Truck Load Equivalent (TLE)
Minimum SIC (15-19) 10.355 Truck Load Equivalent (TLE)
Maximum SIC (15-19) 12.120 Truck Load Equivalent (TLE)
Page 1 of 7
D-1b.Trip Generation Summary - Daily Commercial Vehicle Trips Per Employee for Manufacturing, Transportation/Communications/Utilities
and Wholesale Trade (SIC 20-51)
Land Use Type
Vehicles Single Unit
All 6+ Tire
Phoenix, Arizona
(pop. 1.7 million)
0.641 0.100 0.050 0.150 0.791 1992 See note 2 and 5.
Knoxville, Tennessee
(pop. 450,000)
0.050 0.160 0.465 0.625 0.675 1979
Modesto, California
(pop. 216,000)
0.060 0.193 0.562 0.755 0.815 1979
Rochester, New York
(pop. 1,040,000)
0.575 1979
Saginaw, Michigan
(pop. 235,000)
0.955 1979
Phoenix, Arizona
(pop. 1.7 million)
Communic. and
Utilities (40-49)
0.763 0.106 0.075 0.181 0.944 1992 See note 2 and 5.
Knoxville, Tennessee
(pop. 450,000)
0.195 1979
Modesto, California
(pop. 216,000)
0.075 0.136 0.129 0.265 0.340 1979
Rochester, New York
(pop. 1,040,000)
0.048 0.088 0.084 0.172 0.220 1979
Saginaw, Michigan
(pop. 235,000)
0.031 0.056 0.053 0.109 0.140 1979
Median SIC (20-51) 0.060 0.106 0.084 0.181 0.625 Truck Trips
Average SIC (20-51) 0.238 0.120 0.203 0.322 0.565 Truck Trips
Minimum SIC (20-51) 0.031 0.056 0.050 0.109 0.140 Truck Trips
Maximum SIC (20-51) 0.763 0.193 0.562 0.755 0.955 Truck Trips
Page 2 of 7
D-1b.Trip Generation Summary - Daily Commercial Vehicle Trips Per Employee for Manufacturing, Transportation/Communications/Utilities
and Wholesale Trade (SIC 20-51)
Land Use Type
Vehicles Single Unit
All 6+ Tire
King County,
5.580 1994 See note 4. Rates are truck load
equivalents (TLEs) and include
all modes (truck, rail, air, etc.)
Kitsap County,
3.525 1994 See note 4. Rates are truck load
equivalents (TLEs) and include
all modes (truck, rail, air, etc.)
Pierce County,
4.240 1994 See note 4. Rates are truck load
equivalents (TLEs) and include
all modes (truck, rail, air, etc.)
Snohomish County,
5.205 1994 See note 4. Rates are truck load
equivalents (TLEs) and include
all modes (truck, rail, air, etc.)
Median SIC (20-39) 4.723 Truck Load Equivalents (TLE's)
Average SIC (20-39) 4.638 Truck Load Equivalents (TLE's)
Minimum SIC (20-39) 3.525 Truck Load Equivalents (TLE's)
Maximum SIC (20-39) 5.580 Truck Load Equivalents (TLE's)
King County,
Transportation &
Public Utilities
0.005 1994 See note 4. Rates are truck load
equivalents (TLEs) and include
all modes (truck, rail, air, etc.)
Kitsap County,
Transportation &
Public Utilities
0.005 1994 See note 4. Rates are truck load
equivalents (TLEs) and include
all modes (truck, rail, air, etc.)
Pierce County,
Transportation &
Public Utilities
0.005 1994 See note 4. Rates are truck load
equivalents (TLEs) and include
all modes (truck, rail, air, etc.)
Snohomish County,
Transportation &
Public Utilities
0.008 1994 See note 4. Rates are truck load
equivalents (TLEs) and include
all modes (truck, rail, air, etc.)
Median SIC (40-49) 0.005 Truck Load Equivalents (TLE's)
Average SIC (40-49) 0.006 Truck Load Equivalents (TLE's)
Minimum SIC (40-49) 0.005 Truck Load Equivalents (TLE's)
Maximum SIC (40-49) 0.008 Truck Load Equivalents (TLE's)
Page 3 of 7
D-1b.Trip Generation Summary - Daily Commercial Vehicle Trips Per Employee for Manufacturing, Transportation/Communications/Utilities
and Wholesale Trade (SIC 20-51)
Land Use Type
Vehicles Single Unit
All 6+ Tire
King County,
Wholesale Trade
9.790 1994 See note 4. Rates are truck load
equivalents (TLEs) and include
all modes (truck, rail, air, etc.)
Kitsap County,
Wholesale Trade
18.980 1994 See note 4. Rates are truck load
equivalents (TLEs) and include
all modes (truck, rail, air, etc.)
Pierce County,
Wholesale Trade
11.010 1994 See note 4. Rates are truck load
equivalents (TLEs) and include
all modes (truck, rail, air, etc.)
Snohomish County,
Wholesale Trade
14.130 1994 See note 4. Rates are truck load
equivalents (TLEs) and include
all modes (truck, rail, air, etc.)
Median SIC (50-51) 12.570 Truck Load Equivalents (TLE's)
Average SIC (50-51) 13.478 Truck Load Equivalents (TLE's)
Minimum SIC (50-51) 9.790 Truck Load Equivalents (TLE's)
Maximum SIC (50-51) 18.980 Truck Load Equivalents (TLE's)
Page 4 of 7
D-1c. Trip Generation Summary - Daily Commercial Vehicle Trips Per Employee for Retail Trade (SIC 52-59)
Land Use Type
Vehicles Single Unit
All 6+ Tire
Knoxville, Tennessee
(pop. 450,000)
Retail -
0.075 0.032 0.009 0.040 0.115 1979
Modesto, California
(pop. 216,000)
Retail Trade
0.215 0.091 0.025 0.116 0.330 1979
Phoenix, Arizona
(pop. 1.7 million)
Retail -
0.591 0.133 0.037 0.169 0.760 1992 See note 2 and 5.
Rochester, New York
(pop. 1,040,000)
Retail -
0.039 0.017 0.005 0.021 0.060 1979
Saginaw, Michigan
(pop. 235,000)
Retail -
0.150 1979
Median SIC (52-59) 0.145 0.061 0.017 0.078 0.150 Truck Trips
Average SIC (52-59) 0.230 0.068 0.019 0.087 0.283 Truck Trips
Minimum SIC (52-59) 0.039 0.017 0.005 0.021 0.060 Truck Trips
Maximum SIC (52-59) 0.591 0.133 0.037 0.169 0.760 Truck Trips
King County,
Retail Trade
14.540 1994 See note 4. Rates are truck load
equivalents (TLEs) and include
all modes (truck, rail, air, etc.)
Kitsap County,
Retail Trade
17.690 1994 See note 4. Rates are truck load
equivalents (TLEs) and include
all modes (truck, rail, air, etc.)
Pierce County,
Retail Trade
17.040 1994 See note 4. Rates are truck load
equivalents (TLEs) and include
all modes (truck, rail, air, etc.)
Snohomish County,
Retail Trade
17.770 1994 See note 4. Rates are truck load
equivalents (TLEs) and include
all modes (truck, rail, air, etc.)
Median SIC (52-59) 17.365 Truck Load Equivalents (TLE's)
Average SIC (52-59) 16.760 Truck Load Equivalents (TLE's)
Minimum SIC (52-59) 14.540 Truck Load Equivalents (TLE's)
Maximum SIC (52-59) 17.770 Truck Load Equivalents (TLE's)
Page 5 of 7
D-1d. Trip Generation Summary - Daily Commercial Vehicle Trips Per Employee for Offices and Services (SIC 60-88)
Land Use Type
Vehicles Single Unit
All 6+ Tire
Phoenix, Arizona
(pop. 1.7 million)
Office and
0.309 0.021 0.003 0.024 0.334 1992 See note 2 and 5.
Phoenix, Arizona
(pop. 1.7 million)
Medical &
0.006 0.024 0.030 0.325 1992 See note 2 and 5.
Median SIC (60-88) 0.309 0.014 0.014 0.027 0.329 Truck Trips
Average SIC (60-88) 0.309 0.014 0.014 0.027 0.329 Truck Trips
Minimum SIC (60-88) 0.309 0.006 0.003 0.024 0.325 Truck Trips
Maximum SIC (60-88) 0.309 0.021 0.024 0.030 0.334 Truck Trips
Page 6 of 7
D-1e. Trip Generation Summary - Daily Commercial Vehicle Trips Per Employee for Other Land Use Types (Unclassified - SIC 89)
Location Land Use Type
Vehicles Single Unit
All 6+ Tire
Phoenix, Arizona
(pop. 1.7 million)
Group Quarter
7.523 7.523 7.523 1992 See note 2 and 5.
Phoenix, Arizona
(pop. 1.7 million)
0.040 0.003 0.003 0.043 1992 See note 2 and 5. Rates per unit
Phoenix, Arizona
(pop. 1.7 million)
Residential - Total
0.236 1992 See note 2 and 5. Rates per unit
Washington D.C.
(pop. 3.5 million)
Warehouse and
0.074 0.072 0.084 0.155 0.229 1977 See note 1. Washington D.C.
government warehouse and
garages averaged to get trip
generation rates.
Washington D.C.
(pop. 3.5 million)
0.006 1977 See note 1. Washington D.C.
government offices averaged to
get trip generation rates.
Page 7 of 7
D-2 Trip Generation Rates Per 1,000 Square Feet (TSF)
of Office Space
D-2b. Trip Generation Summary - Daily Commercial Vehicle Trips Per 1,000 Square Feet (TSF) of Building Space for Manufacturing, Transportation/
Communications/Utilities and Wholesale Trade (SIC 20-51)
Land Use
Type (SIC)
Vehicles Single Unit
All 6+ Tire
Vehicles Date Notes/Comments
Australia Manufacturing
0.092 0.046 0.090 0.136 0.228 1989 Summed various trucks to get total truck
trips/TSF. See note 6.
Australia Warehouse
0.047 0.090 0.090 0.180 0.227 1989 Summed various trucks to get total truck
trips/TSF. See note 6.
Boston, Massachusetts
(pop. 4.6 million)
0.350 1992 Summed various trucks to get total truck
Boston, Massachusetts
(pop. 4.6 million)
0.440 1992 Summed various trucks to get total truck
Fontana, California
(pop. greater than 100,000)
Industrial -
Heavy (20-39)
0.190 0.280 1994 See note 8.
Fontana, California
(pop. greater than 100,000)
Industrial -
Light (20-39)
0.135 0.300 1994 See note 8.
Fontana, California
(pop. greater than 100,000)
Industrial Park
0.075 0.180 1994 See note 8.
Fontana, California
(pop. greater than 100,000)
Warehouse -
Heavy (20-39)
0.135 0.185 1994 See note 8.
Fontana, California
(pop. greater than 100,000)
Warehouse -
Light (20-39)
0.105 0.185 1994 See note 8.
Median SIC (20-39) 0.070 0.068 0.105 0.265 0.227 Truck Trips
Average SIC (20-39) 0.070 0.068 0.117 0.277 0.226 Truck Trips
Minimum SIC (20-39) 0.047 0.046 0.075 0.136 0.180 Truck Trips
Maximum SIC (20-39) 0.092 0.090 0.190 0.440 0.300 Truck Trips
Page 1 of 7
D-2b. Trip Generation Summary - Daily Commercial Vehicle Trips Per 1,000 Square Feet (TSF) of Building Space for Manufacturing, Transportation/
Communications/Utilities and Wholesale Trade (SIC 20-51)
Land Use
Type (SIC)
Vehicles Single Unit
All 6+ Tire
Vehicles Date Notes/Comments
Australia Truck
0.920 0.700 1.800 2.500 3.420 1989 Summed various trucks to get total truck
trips/TSF. See note 6.
Fontana, California
(pop. greater than 100,000)
0.895 4.370 1994 See note 8.
Knoxville, Tennessee
(pop. 450,000)
0.118 0.573 1.669 2.242 2.360 1979
Modesto, California
(pop. 216,000)
0.054 0.264 0.767 1.031 1.085 1979
Rochester, New York
(pop. 1,040,000)
0.053 0.255 0.742 0.998 1.050 1979
Saginaw, Michigan
(pop. 235,000)
0.135 0.655 1.905 2.560 2.695 1979
Median SIC (42) 0.118 0.573 1.282 2.242 2.528 Truck Trips
Average SIC (42) 0.256 0.489 1.296 1.866 2.497 Truck Trips
Minimum SIC (42) 0.053 0.255 0.742 0.998 1.050 Truck Trips
Maximum SIC (42) 0.920 0.700 1.905 2.560 4.370 Truck Trips
Knoxville, Tennessee
(pop. 450,000)
Trade (50-51)
0.032 0.058 0.055 0.113 0.145 1979
Modesto, California
(pop. 216,000)
Trade (50-51)
0.106 0.192 0.182 0.374 0.480 1979
Rochester, New York
(pop. 1,040,000)
Trade (50-51)
0.044 0.080 0.076 0.156 0.200 1979
Saginaw, Michigan
(pop. 235,000)
Trade (50-51)
0.015 0.028 0.027 0.055 0.070 1979
Median SIC (50-51) 0.038 0.069 0.066 0.135 0.173 Truck Trips
Average SIC (50-51) 0.049 0.090 0.085 0.175 0.224 Truck Trips
Minimum SIC (50-51) 0.015 0.028 0.027 0.055 0.070 Truck Trips
Maximum SIC (50-51) 0.106 0.192 0.182 0.374 0.480 Truck Trips
Page 2 of 7
D-2c. Trip Generation Summary - Daily Commercial Vehicle Trips Per 1,000 Square Feet (TSF) of Building Space for Retail Trade (52-59)
Land Use
Type (SIC)
Vehicles Single Unit
All 6+ Tire
Date Notes/Comments
Australia Retail Trade -
Other (52-59)
0.830 0.190 0.000 0.190 1.020 1989 Summed various trucks to get total truck
trips/TSF. See note 6.
Australia Retailing -
Center (52-59)
0.650 0.280 0.460 0.740 1.390 1989 Summed various trucks to get total truck
trips/TSF. See note 6.
Baltimore, Maryland -
Suburban Area
Retail Trade -
Soft (52-59)
2.000 1987 See note 5.
Boston, Massachusetts
(pop. 4.6 million)
Retail - Major
0.005 0.075 0.080 1992 Summed various trucks to get total truck
trips/TSF. See note 7.
Boston, Massachusetts
(pop. 4.6 million)
Retail - Major
0.300 1992 Summed various trucks to get total truck
Boston, Massachusetts
(pop. 4.6 million)
Retail -
0.283 0.114 0.397 1992 Summed various trucks to get total truck
trips/TSF. See note 7.
Boston, Massachusetts
(pop. 4.6 million)
Retail -
0.170 1992 Summed various trucks to get total truck
Knoxville, Tennessee
(pop. 450,000)
Retail -
0.062 0.026 0.007 0.033 0.095 1979
Modesto, California
(pop. 216,000)
Retail -
0.413 0.175 0.048 0.222 0.635 1979
Rochester, New York
(pop. 1,040,000)
Retail -
0.065 0.028 0.008 0.035 0.100 1979
Saginaw, Michigan
(pop. 235,000)
Retail -
0.078 0.033 0.009 0.042 0.120 1979
Boston, Massachusetts
(pop. 4.6 million)
Retail -
0.440 1992 Summed various trucks to get total truck
Australia Retail - Local
0.506 0.230 0.090 0.320 0.826 1989 Summed various trucks to get total truck
trips/TSF. See note 6.
Page 3 of 7
D-2c. Trip Generation Summary - Daily Commercial Vehicle Trips Per 1,000 Square Feet (TSF) of Building Space for Retail Trade (52-59)
Land Use
Type (SIC)
Vehicles Single Unit
All 6+ Tire
Date Notes/Comments
Australia Retail - Major
0.280 0.190 0.090 0.280 0.560 1989 Summed various trucks to get total truck
trips/TSF. See note 6.
Baltimore, Maryland -
Suburban Area
Foods -
3.900 1987 See note 5. Converted from one way (trip
ends) to total trips.
Australia Retail Trade -
Store (56)
0.320 0.460 0.046 0.506 0.826 1989 Summed various trucks to get total truck
trips/TSF. See note 6.
Boston, Massachusetts
(pop. 4.6 million)
Food - Fast
0.770 1992 Summed various trucks to get total truck
Boston, Massachusetts
(pop. 4.6 million)
Restaurant /
0.770 1992 Summed various trucks to get total truck
Boston, Massachusetts
(pop. 4.6 million)
0.715 0.495 1.209 1992 Summed various trucks to get total truck
trips/TSF. See note 7.
Baltimore, Maryland -
Suburban Area
Variety /
0.600 1987 See note 5.
Median SIC (52-59) 0.301 0.190 0.046 0.280 0.635 Truck Trips
Average SIC (52-59) 0.350 0.179 0.084 0.324 0.917 Truck Trips
Minimum SIC (52-59) 0.005 0.026 0.000 0.033 0.080 Truck Trips
Maximum SIC (52-59) 0.830 0.460 0.460 0.770 3.900 Truck Trips
Page 4 of 7
D-2d. Trip Generation Summary - Daily Commercial Vehicle Trips Per 1,000 Square Feet (TSF) of Building Space for Office and Services (SIC 60-88)
Land Use
Type (SIC)
Vehicles Single Unit
All 6+ Tire
Vehicles Date Notes/Comments
Baltimore, Maryland -
Suburban Area
0.200 1987 See note 5.
Boston, Massachusetts
(pop. 4.6 million)
0.022 0.037 0.059 1992 Summed various trucks to get total truck
trips/TSF. See note 7.
Boston, Massachusetts
(pop. 4.6 million)
0.110 1992 Summed various trucks to get total truck
trips/TSF. Converted from one-way (arrivals)
to two way (total trips).
Boston, Massachusetts
(pop. 4.6 million)
0.012 0.022 0.034 1992 Summed various trucks to get total truck
trips/TSF. See note 7.
Boston, Massachusetts
(pop. 4.6 million)
0.040 1992 Summed various trucks to get total truck
Baltimore, Maryland -
Suburban Area
2.300 1987 See note 5.
Boston, Massachusetts
(pop. 4.6 million)
0.006 1992 Summed various trucks to get total truck
Boston, Massachusetts
(pop. 4.6 million)
Recreation -
0.006 1992 Summed various trucks to get total truck
Boston, Massachusetts
(pop. 4.6 million)
Office -
0.110 1992 Summed various trucks to get total truck
Boston, Massachusetts
(pop. 4.6 million)
0.005 0.004 0.009 1992 Summed various trucks to get total truck
trips/TSF. See note 7.
Boston, Massachusetts
(pop. 4.6 million)
0.014 1992 Summed various trucks to get total truck
Boston, Massachusetts
(pop. 4.6 million)
0.110 1992 Summed various trucks to get total truck
Boston, Massachusetts
(pop. 4.6 million)
0.019 0.019 1992 Summed various trucks to get total truck
trips/TSF. See note 7.
Boston, Massachusetts
(pop. 4.6 million)
School - Public
0.010 1992 Summed various trucks to get total truck
Page 5 of 7
D-2d. Trip Generation Summary - Daily Commercial Vehicle Trips Per 1,000 Square Feet (TSF) of Building Space for Office and Services (SIC 60-88)
Land Use
Type (SIC)
Vehicles Single Unit
All 6+ Tire
Vehicles Date Notes/Comments
Boston, Massachusetts
(pop. 4.6 million)
School -
0.015 1992 Summed various trucks to get total truck
Boston, Massachusetts
(pop. 4.6 million)
0.050 1992 Summed various trucks to get total truck
Median SIC (60-88) 0.012 0.020 0.046 Truck Trips
Average SIC (60-88) 0.013 0.039 0.437 Truck Trips
Minimum SIC (60-88) 0.005 0.004 0.009 Truck Trips
Maximum SIC (60-88) 0.022 0.110 2.300 Truck Trips
Page 6 of 7
D-2e. Trip Generation Summary - Daily Commercial Vehicle Trips Per 1,000 Square Feet (TSF) of Building Space for Other Land Uses (Unclassified - SIC 89)
Location Land Use Type
Vehicles Single Unit
All 6+ Tire
Vehicles Date Notes/Comments
Washington D.C.
(pop. 3.5 million)
Warehouse and
0.022 0.021 0.025 0.047 0.069 1977 See note 1. Washington D.C. goverment
warehouses and garages averaged to get trip
generation rate.
Australia Industry
1.210 0.230 0.046 0.276 1.486 1989 Summed various trucks to get total truck
trips/TSF. See note 6.
Boston, Massachusetts
(pop. 4.6 million)
Residential 0.011 1992 Summed various trucks to get total truck
Washington D.C.
(pop. 3.5 million)
0.011 0.008 0.003 0.011 0.022 1977 See note 1. Washington DC government offices
averaged to get trip generation rates.
Page 1 of 1
D-3 Trip Generation Rates Per Acre
D-3a. Trip Generation Summary - Daily Commercial Vehicle Trips Per Acre for Agriculture, Mining and Construction (SIC 1-19)
6+ Tire Commercial Vehicles
Land Use Type
Vehicles Single Unit
All 6+ Tire
Date Notes/Comments
Columbus, Ohio
(pop. 810,000)
Agriculture and
0.005 0.000 0.000 0.005 1964 Summed various trucks to get total truck
trips/acre. See note 9.
Racine, Wisconsin
(pop. 136,952)
Agriculture and
0.005 0.000 0.000 0.005 1972 Summed various trucks to get total truck
trips/acre. See note 10.
Kenosha, Wisconsin
(pop. 99,664)
Agriculture and
0.010 0.000 0.000 0.010 1972 Summed various trucks to get total truck
trips/acre. See note 10.
Columbus, Ohio
(pop. 810,000)
0.005 0.005 1964 Summed various trucks to get total truck
trips/acre. See note 9.
Median SIC (1-14) 0.005 0.005 0.000 0.000 0.005 Truck Trips
Average SIC (1-14) 0.007 0.005 0.000 0.000 0.006 Truck Trips
Minimum SIC (1-14) 0.005 0.005 0.000 0.000 0.005 Truck Trips
Maximum SIC (1-14) 0.010 0.005 0.000 0.000 0.010 Truck Trips
Cambridge Systematics, Inc. Page 1 of 10
Cambridge Systematics, Inc. Page 2 of 10
D-3b. Trip Generation Summary - Daily Commercial Vehicle Trips Per Acre for Manufacturing, Transportation/Communications/Utilities
and Wholesale Trade (SIC 20-51)
6+ Tire Commercial Vehicles
Land Use Type
Vehicles Single Unit
All 6+ Tire
Date Notes/Comments
Chicago, Illinois
(pop. 8 million)
3.600 1979
Richmond, Virginia Manufacturing
2.800 1979
Baton Rouge, Louisiana Manufacturing
1.300 1979
Columbia, SC Manufacturing
1.500 1979
Monroe, Louisiana Manufacturing
5.900 1979
Little Rock , Arkansas Manufacturing
NE Illinois/NW Indiana
- Eight Counties
(pop. over 8 million)
1.805 1981
Flint, Michigan
(pop. 470,000)
5.185 1.030 1.080 2.110 7.295 1966 Summed various trucks to get total truck
Racine, Wisconsin
(pop. 136,952)
Manufacturing -
0.970 1.000 0.075 1.075 2.045 1972 Summed various trucks to get total truck
trips/acre. See note 10.
Kenosha, Wisconsin
(pop. 99,664)
Manufacturing -
0.280 1.700 0.050 1.750 2.030 1972 Summed various trucks to get total truck
trips/acre. See note 10.
Racine, Wisconsin
(pop. 136,952)
Manuf. - durable
& extractive
6.405 4.375 0.180 4.555 10.960 1972 Summed various trucks to get total truck
trips/acre. See note 10.
Kenosha, Wisconsin
(pop. 99,664)
Manuf. - durable
& extractive
9.245 8.350 4.425 12.775 22.020 1972 Summed various trucks to get total truck
trips/acre. See note 10.
Page 3 of 10
D-3b. Trip Generation Summary - Daily Commercial Vehicle Trips Per Acre for Manufacturing, Transportation/Communications/Utilities
and Wholesale Trade (SIC 20-51)
6+ Tire Commercial Vehicles
Land Use Type
Vehicles Single Unit
All 6+ Tire
Date Notes/Comments
Nashville, Tennessee Industrial
2.500 1975
Columbus, Ohio
(pop. 810,000)
1.380 1.470 0.565 2.035 3.415 1964 Summed various trucks to get total truck
trips/acre. See note 9.
Median SIC (20-39) 3.283 1.585 0.373 2.073 2.650 Truck Trips
Average SIC (20-39) 3.911 2.988 1.063 4.050 4.826 Truck Trips
Minimum SIC (20-39) 0.280 1.000 0.050 1.075 0.400 Truck Trips
Maximum SIC (20-39) 9.245 8.350 4.425 12.775 22.020 Truck Trips
Chicago, Illinois
(pop. 8 million)
Utilities (40-49)
1.150 1975 See note 5.
Nashville, Tennessee Transportation,
Utilities (40-49)
Columbus, Ohio
(pop. 810,000)
Utilities (40-49)
0.345 0.420 0.305 0.725 1.070 1964 Summed various trucks to get total truck
trips/acre. See note 9.
Flint, Michigan
(pop. 470,000)
Utilities (40-49)
0.320 0.140 0.370 0.510 0.830 1966 Summed various trucks to get total truck
NE Illinois/NW Indiana
- Eight Counties
(pop. over 8 million)
Utilities (40-49)
0.58 1981 See note 5.
Kenosha, Wisconsin
(pop. 99,664)
and Utilities
0.080 0.055 0.050 0.105 0.185 1972 Summed various trucks to get total truck
trips/acre. See note 10.
Racine, Wisconsin
(pop. 136,952)
and Utilities
0.135 0.095 0.010 0.105 0.240 1972 Summed various trucks to get total truck
trips/acre. See note 10.
Fontana, California
(pop. greater than
17.905 1994
Page 4 of 10
D-3b. Trip Generation Summary - Daily Commercial Vehicle Trips Per Acre for Manufacturing, Transportation/Communications/Utilities
and Wholesale Trade (SIC 20-51)
6+ Tire Commercial Vehicles
Land Use Type
Vehicles Single Unit
All 6+ Tire
Date Notes/Comments
Richmond, Virginia Transportation -
0.900 1979
Baton Rouge, Louisiana Transportation -
4.000 1979
Columbia, SC Transportation -
2.300 1979
Monroe, Louisiana Transportation -
2.500 1979
Flint, Michigan
(pop. 470,000)
Wholesale Trade
9.525 3.785 1.700 5.485 15.010 1966 Summed various trucks to get total truck
Median SIC (40-51) 0.320 0.140 0.305 0.510 1.070 Truck Trips
Average SIC (40-51) 2.081 0.899 0.487 1.386 3.663 Truck Trips
Minimum SIC (40-51) 0.080 0.055 0.010 0.105 0.185 Truck Trips
Maximum SIC (40-51) 9.525 3.785 1.700 5.485 17.905 Truck Trips
Page 5 of 10
D-3c. Trip Generation Summary - Daily Commercial Vehicle Trips Per Acre for Retail Trade (SIC 52-59)
6+ Tire Commercial Vehicles
Land Use Type
Vehicles Single Unit
All 6+ Tire
Date Notes/Comments
Flint, Michigan
(pop. 470,000)
5.925 2.800 0.565 3.365 9.290 1966 Summed various trucks to get total truck
Median SIC (52-59) 5.925 2.800 0.565 3.365 9.290 Truck Trips
Average SIC (52-59) 5.925 2.800 0.565 3.365 9.290 Truck Trips
Minimum SIC (52-59) 5.925 2.800 0.565 3.365 9.290 Truck Trips
Maximum SIC (52-59) 5.925 2.800 0.565 3.365 9.290 Truck Trips
Page 6 of 10
D-3d. Trip Generation Summary - Daily Commercial Vehicle Trips Per Acre for Office and Services (SIC 60-88)
6+ Tire Commercial Vehicles
Land Use Type
Vehicles Single Unit
All 6+ Tire
Date Notes/Comments
Flint, Michigan
(pop. 470,000)
2.464 0.595 0.090 0.685 3.149 1966 Summed various trucks to get total truck
Flint, Michigan
(pop. 470,000)
Cultural, Rec.,
0.155 0.050 0.005 0.055 0.210
Racine, Wisconsin
(pop. 136,952)
0.015 0.010 0.025 1972 Summed various trucks to get total truck
trips/acre. See note 10.
Kenosha, Wisconsin
(pop. 99,664)
0.005 1972 Summed various trucks to get total truck
trips/acre. See note 10.
Columbus, Ohio
(pop. 810,000)
Open Space
0.015 0.150 0.115 0.265 0.280 1964 Summed various trucks to get total truck
trips/acre. See note 9.
Richmond, Virginia Services -
Schools, Govt.
4.000 1979
Baton Rouge, Louisiana Services -
Schools, Govt.
2.600 1979
Columbia, SC Services -
Schools, Govt.
2.300 1979
Monroe, Louisiana Services -
Schools, Govt.
5.200 1979
Median SIC (70-88) 0.085 0.150 0.090 0.160 2.300 Truck Trips
Average SIC (70-88) 0.662 0.265 0.070 0.254 1.974 Truck Trips
Minimum SIC (70-88) 0.015 0.050 0.005 0.010 0.005 Truck Trips
Maximum SIC (70-88) 2.464 0.595 0.115 0.685 5.200 Truck Trips
Page 7 of 10
D-3e. Trip Generation Summary - Daily Commercial Vehicle Trips Per Acre for Other Land Uses ( Unclassified - SIC 89; or Combination of Various SIC's)
6+ Tire Commercial Vehicles
Land Use Type
Vehicles Single Unit
All 6+ Tire
Vehicles Date Notes/Comments
Kenosha, Wisconsin
(pop. 99,664)
Wholesale and
0.970 0.500 0.020 1.520 2.490 1972 Summed various trucks to get total truck
trips/acre. See note 10.
Racine, Wisconsin
(pop. 136,952)
Wholesale and
1.345 1.695 0.065 1.760 3.105 1972 Summed various trucks to get total truck
trips/acre. See note 10.
Richmond, Virginia Retail-Wholesale
10.300 1979
Baton Rouge, Louisiana Retail-Wholesale
33.600 1979
Little Rock, Arkansas Retail-Wholesale
16.000 1979
Columbia, SC Retail-Wholesale
20.300 1979
Monroe, Louisiana Retail-Wholesale
35.000 1979
Chicago, Illinois
(pop. 8 million)
Commercial 14.250 1975 See note 5.
Columbus, Ohio
(pop. 810,000)
Commercial 5.965 4.290 0.640 4.930 10.895 1964 Summed various trucks to get total truck
trips/acre. See note 9.
NE Illinois/NW Indiana
- Eight Counties
(pop. over 8 million)
Commercial 7.125 1981 See note 5.
Kenosha, Wisconsin
(pop. 99,664)
Retail & Services
8.465 11.085 0.275 11.360 19.825 1972 Summed various trucks to get total truck
trips/acre. See note 10.
Racine, Wisconsin
(pop. 136,952)
Retail & Services
9.535 11.465 0.065 11.530 21.065 1972 Summed various trucks to get total truck
trips/acre. See note 10.
Kenosha, Wisconsin
(pop. 99,664)
Institutional and
0.675 0.170 0.170 0.845 1972 Summed various trucks to get total truck
trips/acre. See note 10.
Racine, Wisconsin
(pop. 136,952)
Institutional and
1.110 0.410 0.410 1.520 1972 Summed various trucks to get total truck
trips/acre. See note 10.
Page 8 of 10
D-3e. Trip Generation Summary - Daily Commercial Vehicle Trips Per Acre for Other Land Uses ( Unclassified - SIC 89; or Combination of Various SIC's)
6+ Tire Commercial Vehicles
Land Use Type
Vehicles Single Unit
All 6+ Tire
Vehicles Date Notes/Comments
Columbus, Ohio
(pop. 810,000)
Residential 0.220 0.190 0.055 0.245 0.465 1964 Summed various trucks to get total truck
trips/acre. See note 9.
Flint, Michigan
(pop. 470,000)
Residential 0.840 0.100 0.045 0.145 0.985 1966 Summed various trucks to get total truck
Kenosha, Wisconsin
(pop. 99,664)
Residential 0.600 0.260 0.260 0.860 1972 Summed various trucks to get total truck
trips/acre. See note 10.
Racine, Wisconsin
(pop. 136,952)
Residential 0.465 0.180 0.180 0.645 1972 Summed various trucks to get total truck
trips/acre. See note 10.
Chicago, Illinois
(pop. 8 million)
Residential 0.100 1975 See note 5.
Nashville, Tennessee Residential 0.900
Richmond, Virginia Residential 1.400 1979
Baton Rouge, Louisiana Residential 2.000 1979
Columbia, SC Residential 1.200 1979
Monroe, Louisiana Residential 1.700 1979
Little Rock , Arkansas Residential 1.000
NE Illinois/NW Indiana
- Eight Counties
(pop. over 8 million)
Residential 0.060 1981 See note 5.
Chicago, Illinois
(pop. 8 million)
0.500 1975
Chicago, Illinois
(pop. 8 million)
Public Buildings 0.400 1975 See note 5.
Page 9 of 10
D-3e. Trip Generation Summary - Daily Commercial Vehicle Trips Per Acre for Other Land Uses ( Unclassified - SIC 89; or Combination of Various SIC's)
6+ Tire Commercial Vehicles
Land Use Type
Vehicles Single Unit
All 6+ Tire
Vehicles Date Notes/Comments
NE Illinois/NW Indiana
- Eight Counties
(pop. over 8 million)
Public Buildings 0.200 1981 See note 5.
Columbus, Ohio
(pop. 810,000)
Public Facilities 0.260 0.245 0.065 0.310 0.570 1964 Summed various trucks to get total truck
trips/acre. See note 9.
Nashville, Tennessee Public Land and
Chicago, Illinois
(pop. 8 million)
Public Open
0.300 1975 See note 5.
NE Illinois/NW Indiana
- Eight Counties
(pop. over 8 million)
Public Open
0.015 1981 See note 5.
Chicago, Illinois
(pop. 8 million)
Highways -
0.150 1975 See note 5.
Racine, Wisconsin
(pop. 136,952)
Open Land and
Water Areas
0.015 0.080 0.080 0.095 1972 Summed various trucks to get total truck
trips/acre. See note 10.
Kenosha, Wisconsin
(pop. 99,664)
Open Land and
Water Areas
0.003 1972
Columbus, Ohio
(pop. 810,000)
Open Land and
Water Areas
0.140 0.100 0.025 0.125 0.265 1964 Summed various trucks to get total truck
trips/acre. See note 9.
Flint, Michigan
(pop. 470,000)
Production &
0.020 0.005 0.005 0.025 1966 Summed various trucks to get total truck
Chicago, Illinois
(pop. 8 million)
Undeveloped 0.010 1975 See note 5.
Flint, Michigan
(pop. 470,000)
Undeveloped 0.005 0.005 1966 Summed various trucks to get total truck
NE Illinois/NW Indiana
- Eight Counties
(pop. over 8 million)
Undeveloped 0.004 1981 See note 5.
Page 10 of 10
D-4 Trip Generation Regression Equations
D-4a. Trip Generation Summary - Regression Formulas for Daily Commercial Vehicle Trips for Agriculture, Mining and Construction (1-19)
6+ Tire Commercial Vehicles
Land Use Type
(SIC) Date
Vehicles Single Unit
All 6+ Tire
All Commercial
Vehicles R
Leake and Gan
(unknown), London??
Road Haul
1973 1.69 + (1.73 * N) -
(.02 * N
0.58 N = Total non-office floor area in 1000 sq. ft.
See note 4.
Cambridge Systematics, Inc. Page 1 of 6
D-4b. Trip Generation Summary - Regression Formulas for Daily Commercial Vehicle Trips for Manufacturing, Transportation/
Communications/Utilities and Wholesale Trade (20-51)
6+ Tire Commercial Vehicles
Land Use Type
(SIC) Date
Vehicles Single Unit
All 6+ Tire
All Commercial
Vehicles R
NE Illinois/NW Indiana
- Eight Counties
(pop. over 8 million)
1981 163.4 +
933.5 +
255.8 +
1.69 + (1.73*N) -
MANL = Manufacturing land in the district. See
note 5.
NE Illinois/NW Indiana
- Eight Counties
(pop. over 8 million)
1981 253.8 +
257.6 +
271.6 +
529.2 +
730.6 +
MANEMP = Employment at manufacturing
sites. See note 5.
Starkie, London -
Industrial Suburb
and Engineering
1967 26.96 + (0.0377*E) 0.24 E = Employment. See note 4.
Starkie, London -
Industrial Suburb
and Engineering
1967 19.44 +
0.36 FA = Floor area. See note 4.
Fontana, California
(pop. greater than
Industrial - Heavy
1994 78 - (0.652*TSF) 127.3 - (1.09*TSF) TSF = Building area in thousands of gross sq. ft.
See note 8.
Fontana, California
(pop. greater than
Industrial - Light
1994 3.39 +
13.94 +
0.98 TSF = Building area in thousands of gross sq. ft.
See note 8.
Fontana, California
(pop. greater than
Industrial Park
1994 -0.93 + (0.16*TSF) 24.87 +
0.3 TSF = Building area in thousands of gross sq. ft.
See note 8.
Fontana, California
(pop. greater than
Warehouse -
Heavy (20-39)
1994 37.75 +
57.65.3 +
TSF = Building area in thousands of gross sq. ft.
See note 8.
Fontana, California
(pop. greater than
Warehouse - Light
1994 11.43 +
30.44 +
0.6 TSF = Building area in thousands of gross sq. ft.
See note 8.
Leake and Gan
(unknown), London??
Industrial (Other)
Materials and
Mach. (20-39)
1973 5.29 + (22.9*S) -
0.32 S = Site area in acres. See note 4.
Page 2 of 6
D-4b. Trip Generation Summary - Regression Formulas for Daily Commercial Vehicle Trips for Manufacturing, Transportation/
Communications/Utilities and Wholesale Trade (20-51)
6+ Tire Commercial Vehicles
Land Use Type
(SIC) Date
Vehicles Single Unit
All 6+ Tire
All Commercial
Vehicles R
Columbus, Ohio
(pop. 1.1 million)
1980 16.2 + (0.28*INE)
+ (0.18*CTUE)
0.26 INE = Industrial non-manufacturing
employment; CTUE = Communication,
transportation, and utility employment. See
note 5.
Flint, Michigan
(pop. 593,000)
1980 37.6 + (0.2*OE) +
0.73 OE = Other employment; ME = Manufacturing
employment. See note 5.
Saginaw, Michigan
(pop. 236,000)
1980 6.12 + (0.36*TCE)
+ (0.09*TE)
0.64 TCE = Transportation and communications
empl.; TE = Total empl. See note 5.
Fontana, California
(pop. greater than
Truck Sales and
1994 -2.8 + (1.89*TSF) -189.4 - (1.53*TSF) 0.21 TSF = Building area in thousands of gross sq. ft.
See note 8.
NE Illinois/NW Indiana
- Eight Counties
(pop. over 8 million)
Utilities (40-49)
1981 279.3 +
390.4 +
1384.1 +
TCUEMP = Employment at transportation,
communications, utilities. See note 5.
NE Illinois/NW Indiana
- Eight Counties
(pop. over 8 million)
Utilities (40-49)
1981 540.6 +
0.16 TCUL = Transportation, communications,
utilities land in the district. See note 5.
Fontana, California
(pop. greater than
1994 -72 + (38.2*TSF) -108 + (50.6*TSF) 0.1 TSF = Building area in thousands of gross sq. ft.
See note 8.
Nashville, Tennessee
(pop. 770,000)
1990 (2.0552*TE) -
0.726 TE = Number of terminal employees.
Leake and Gan
(unknown), London??
Wholesale Dist. -
Food, Drink
1973 -1.88 + (1.75*N) 0.81 N = Total non-office floor area in 1000 sq. ft. See
note 4.
Page 3 of 6
D-4c. Trip Generation Summary - Regression Formulas for Daily Commercial Vehicle Trips for Retail Trade (SIC 52-59)
6+ Tire Commercial Vehicles
Land Use Type
(SIC) Date
Vehicles Single Unit
All 6+ Tire
All Commercial
Vehicles R
Leake and Gan
(unknown), London??
Builders and
Supplies (52)
1973 1.69 + (1.73*N) -
0.83 F = Total floor area in 1000 sq. ft. See note 4.
Gastonia, North
Carolina (pop. 166,000)
1980 50.1 + (1.1*RE) +
0.37 RE = Retail employment; LIDU = Low-income
dwelling units. See note 5.
Page 4 of 6
D-4d. Trip Generation Summary - Regression Formulas for Daily Commercial Vehicle Trips for Office and Services (SIC 60-88)
6+ Tire Commercial Vehicles
Land Use Type
(SIC) Date
Vehicles Single Unit
All 6+ Tire
All Commercial
Vehicles R
Gastonia, North
Carolina (pop. 166,000)
1980 1.69 + (1.73*N) -
0.27 HE = Highway employment; TE = Total
employment. See note 5.
Page 5 of 6
D-4e. Trip Generation Summary - Regression Formulas for Daily Commercial Vehicle Trips for Other Land Uses (Unclassified - SIC 89)
6+ Tire Commercial Vehicles
Land Use Type
(SIC) Date
Vehicles Single Unit
All 6+ Tire
All Commercial
Vehicles R
NE Illinois/NW
Indiana - Eight
(pop. over 8 million)
Commercial 1981 515.7 +
1.69 + (1.73*N) -
COML = Commercial land in the district. See
note 5.
NE Illinois/NW
Indiana - Eight
(pop. over 8 million)
Commercial 1981 1,112.2 +
2,492.1 +
305.7 +
2,252.7 +
COMEMP = Employment at commercial sites.
See note 5.
Columbus, Ohio
(pop. 1.1 million)
1980 54.6 + (0.51*INE)
+ (0.18*CGE)
0.35 INE = Industrial non-manufacturing
employment; CGE = Commercial and
government employment. See note 5.
Flint, Michigan
(pop. 593,000)
1980 73.3 + (0.59*CE) +
0.47 CE = Commercial employment; TDU = Total
dwelling units. See note 5.
Saginaw, Michigan
(pop. 236,000)
1980 11.9 + (0.38*TDU)
+ (0.37*TE)
0.65 TDU = Total dwelling units; CE = Commercial
employment. See note 5.
NE Illinois/NW
Indiana - Eight
(pop. over 8 million)
1981 762.7 + (5.43*DU) 416.7 + (16*DU) 0.21
DU = Dwelling units. See note 5.
NE Illinois/NW
Indiana - Eight
(pop. over 8 million)
1981 -188.8 +
(35.38*RESL) +
1078.6 +
(56.5*RESL) +
RESL = Residential land in the district; DU =
Dwelling units. See note 5.
NE Illinois/NW
Indiana - Eight
(pop. over 8 million)
Public Buildings 1981 196.5 + (20.92*PB) 112.6 + (73.6*PB) 0.17
PB = Public buildings in the district. See note 5.
Page 6 of 6
NOTES (Trip Generation Summary Tables)
1. Commercial vehicles distributed accordingly:
- Auto/pickup/truck/van = 4-tire commercial vehicles.
- Single unit truck = 6+ tire single unit.
- Semi-trailer = 6+ tire combination unit.
2. Commercial vehicles distributed accordingly:
- 0-8,000 lb commercial vehicles = 4-tire commercial vehicles.
- 8,000-28,000 lb commercial vehicles = 6+ tire single unit.
- 28,000+ lb commercial vehicle = 6+ tire combination unit.
3. Commercial vehicles distributed accordingly:
- 2-axle commercial vehicle = 4-tire commercial vehicles.
- 3-axle commercial vehicle = 6+ tire single unit truck.
- 4+ axle commercial vehicle = 6+ tire combination unit.
4. Assuming trip rate includes all commercial vehicles.
5. No time period indicated; assumed daily.
6. Commercial vehicles distributed accordingly:
- Courier vans plus light rigid trucks = 4-tire commercial vehicles.
- Heavy rigid trucks = 6+ tire single unit truck.
- Articulated trucks = 6+ tire combination unit.
7. Light commercial vehicles (4-wheeled trucks and vans)
= 4-tire commercial vehicles.
8. 4+ axle trucks = 6+ tire combination unit.
9. Commercial vehicles distributed accordingly:
- Light trucks (panel and pickup) = 4-tire commercial vehicles.
- Medium trucks (all other commercial trucks except combination)
= 6+ tire single unit truck.
10. Light [under 8000 lb except farm (under 10,000 lb)]
= 4-tire commercial vehicles.
Appendix E
Internal Versus External Truck Trips
Appendix E
Internal Versus External Truck Trips
The following table contains a summary of the percentages of internal versus external
truck trips as a percentage of total commercial vehicle trips for various locations. Median
and average values of external-external (through) trips have been calculated using the
numbers shown in the Table.
For the San Francisco Bay Area data, internal-internal trips are subdivided into garage-
based trips and linked trips. Garage-based trips are those trips where the truck travels
from its origin to its destination and returns to its origin. Linked trips involve departure
from the origin and travel to several destinations before returning to the point of origin.
Internal-internal port trips are either garage-based trips or linked trips whose origin or
destination is the Port of Oakland.
E-1. Internal Versus External Truck Trips As Percentage of Total Commercial Vehicle Trips
Location Trip Type
6+ Tire
Vehicles Date Notes/Comments
San Francisco Bay Area Internal-Internal (linked) 8.3% 50.0% 1993 See notes 1, 2, and 3.
Internal-Internal (garage-based) 5.3% 34.0% 1993 See notes 1, 2, and 3.
Internal-Internal (port) 1.3% 2.0% 1993 See notes 1, 2, and 3.
Internal-External 8.2% 14.0% 1993 See notes 1, 2, and 3.
Internal-External (Port) 0.0% 0.0% 1993 See notes 1, 2, and 3.
External-External (Through) 0.8% 1.0% 1993 See notes 1, 2, and 3.
Puget Sound Region Longhaul (>250 mi) 9.5% 1994 See note 4.
Shorthaul (<250 mi) 29.0% 1994 See note 4.
Local 48.5% 1994 See note 4.
Through 13.0% 1994 See note 4.
Lancaster County, Pennsylvania External-External (Through) 50.0% 1994 See note 5.
External-Internal 20.0% 1994 See note 5.
Internal-External 30.0% 1994 See note 5.
York County, Pennsylvania External-External (Through) 36.0% 1994 See note 5.
External-Internal 43.0% 1994 See note 5.
Internal-External 22.0% 1994 See note 5.
I-235, Polk County, Iowa Through 11.0% 1991 See note 6.
Yuma Metropolitan Area, Arizona External-External (Through) 7.0% 1990 See note 7.
Port Authority of New York and New Jersey (toll
bridges/tunnel crossings)
Through 7.0% 1991 See note 8.
Average Through (External-External) Truck Trips 17.86%
Median Through (External-External) Truck Trips 11.00%
Minimum Through (External-External) Truck Trips 1.00%
Maximum Through (External-External) Truck Trips 50.00%
1. Percentages based on number of trips.
2. Values available for 2-axle, 3-axle, and 4- or more-axle trucks. Assumed 4- or more-axle trucks = 6+ Combination Commercial Vehicles.
3. Schlappi, Marshall, and Itamura. "Truck Travel in the San Francisco Bay Area." Transportation Research Board 72nd Annual Meeting. January 1993.
4. Transmode Consultants, Inc. "Analysis of Freight Movements in the Puget Sound Region." Puget Sound Regional Council. October 1994.
5. Skelly and Loy, Inc. "PA 372 Origin-Destination Survey Final Report." For Lancaster and York County Planning Commissions. August 1994.
6. Wilbur Smith Associates. "I-235 Alternatives Analysis and Environmental Impact Statement," Technical Memorandum Number 1. For Iowa DOT.
7. Yuma Metropolitan Planning Organization. "1990 Origin-Destination Survey." 1990.
8. Percentage based on eastbound truck traffic at the region's 6 crossings.
Page 1 of 1
Appendix F
Time-of-Day Characteristics
Appendix F
Time-of-Day Characteristics
The following pages contain detailed time-of-day characteristics of truck trips in various
locations. Time-of-day characteristics summary tables are provided both as percentage of
total daily truck trips (Table F-1) and as percentage of total hourly vehicle trips on the
roadway (Table F-2). The median hourly distributions are shown in Tables F-1a and F-2a.
F-1. Time of Day Characteristics - (Hourly Truck Trips As Percentage of Total Daily Truck Trips) Time of Day Characteristics - Summary Time of Day Characteristics - Summary
Percent of Total Daily Truck Trips Percent of Total Daily Truck Trips Percent of Total Daily Truck Trips
Time 4-Tire 6+ Tire Commercial Vehicles All 6+ All 4-Tire 6+ Tire Commercial Vehicles All 6+ All 4-Tire 6+ Tire Commercial Vehicles All 6+ All
Location Land Use Type (SIC) Period Trucks Single Unit Combination Unit Tire Trucks Trucks Date Notes/Comments Time Period Trucks Single Unit Combination Unit Tire Trucks Trucks Time Period Trucks Single Unit Combination Unit Tire Trucks Trucks
4 Urban Areas (Pop. 25,000 to 750,000)* Wholesale Trade (50-51) 12-1 A.M. 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 1979 See Note 1. 12-1 A.M. 0.00 0.00 0.18 0.42 0.14 12-1 A.M. 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.00
4 Urban Areas (Pop. 25,000 to 750,000)* Truck Transp. (42) 12-1 A.M. 0.0 0.0 0.6 0.6 0.6 1979 See Note 1. 1-2 A.M. 0.00 0.00 0.38 0.56 0.38 1-2 A.M. 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.20 0.20
4 Urban Areas (Pop. 25,000 to 750,000)* Downtown Retail (52-59) 12-1 A.M. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1979 See Note 1. 2-3 A.M. 0.08 0.15 0.50 0.78 0.62 2-3 A.M. 0.00 0.05 0.25 0.80 0.30
Phoenix Metropolitan Area (pop. 1.7 million) 12-1 A.M. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1992 See Note 2. 3-4 A.M. 0.03 0.08 0.43 0.68 0.48 3-4 A.M. 0.00 0.00 0.15 0.60 0.30
Triad Region, North Carolina 12-1 A.M. 0.0 1995 See Note 3. 4-5 A.M. 0.20 0.25 0.95 1.32 1.16 4-5 A.M. 0.10 0.20 1.15 1.50 1.50
San Francisco Bay Area (pop. 6.2 million) 12-1 A.M. 1.4 1992 See Note 4. 5-6 A.M. 0.65 0.55 1.55 2.26 2.30 5-6 A.M. 0.60 0.55 1.85 2.90 1.60
* Knoxville, TN; Modesto, CA; Rochester, NY; and Saginaw, MI Median 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.0 6-7 A.M. 0.78 0.75 1.93 3.02 2.98 6-7 A.M. 0.45 0.70 2.25 4.10 2.20
Average 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.1 7-8 A.M. 0.80 1.53 2.90 4.64 5.62 7-8 A.M. 0.95 1.10 3.40 5.10 5.25
Minimum 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 8-9 A.M. 1.88 2.33 4.18 6.34 8.58 8-9 A.M. 1.35 2.15 4.65 6.00 9.00
Maximum 0.0 0.0 0.6 1.4 0.6 9-10 A.M. 3.28 2.75 4.43 7.04 10.53 9-10 A.M. 2.05 2.85 4.70 7.10 10.65
4 Urban Areas (Pop. 25,000 to 750,000)* Wholesale Trade (50-51) 1-2 A.M. 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.2 0.2 1979 See Note 1. 10-11 A.M. 3.30 2.88 3.95 6.86 10.80 10-11 A.M. 1.95 2.95 4.30 7.00 10.70
4 Urban Areas (Pop. 25,000 to 750,000)* Truck Transp. (42) 1-2 A.M. 0.0 0.0 1.3 1.3 1.3 1979 See Note 1. 11-12 A.M. 3.33 2.78 3.73 6.64 10.37 11-12 A.M. 2.20 3.20 4.15 7.20 11.15
4 Urban Areas (Pop. 25,000 to 750,000)* Downtown Retail (52-59) 1-2 A.M. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1979 See Note 1. 12-1 P.M. 3.05 2.00 3.68 5.94 9.47 12-1 P.M. 2.75 1.95 3.60 6.00 10.45
Phoenix Metropolitan Area (pop. 1.7 million) 1-2 A.M. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1992 See Note 2. 1-2 P.M. 2.75 2.15 3.55 5.96 9.10 1-2 P.M. 3.00 2.25 3.30 5.70 9.55
Triad Region, North Carolina 1-2 A.M. 0.4 1995 See Note 3. 2-3 P.M. 1.98 2.08 3.03 5.48 7.98 2-3 P.M. 1.55 2.05 3.30 5.40 8.55
San Francisco Bay Area (pop. 6.2 million) 1-2 A.M. 1.3 1992 See Note 4. 3-4 P.M. 1.85 1.75 2.33 4.60 6.48 3-4 P.M. 1.40 1.70 2.55 4.40 6.00
* Knoxville, TN; Modesto, CA; Rochester, NY; and Saginaw, MI Median 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.2 4-5 P.M. 1.75 1.33 2.45 4.20 5.37 4-5 P.M. 0.95 1.40 1.70 3.80 5.10
Average 0.0 0.0 0.4 0.6 0.4 5-6 P.M. 1.43 1.30 1.70 3.36 3.97 5-6 P.M. 1.10 1.05 0.80 2.70 3.40
Minimum 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 6-7 P.M. 0.58 0.55 1.40 2.32 2.15 6-7 P.M. 0.55 0.40 0.75 1.50 1.35
Maximum 0.0 0.0 1.3 1.3 1.3 7-8 P.M. 0.40 0.20 1.00 1.60 1.36 7-8 P.M. 0.35 0.20 0.50 0.90 0.90
4 Urban Areas (Pop. 25,000 to 750,000)* Wholesale Trade (50-51) 2-3 A.M. 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.3 1979 See Note 1. 8-9 P.M. 0.28 0.10 0.68 1.14 0.88 8-9 P.M. 0.30 0.05 0.40 0.60 0.60
4 Urban Areas (Pop. 25,000 to 750,000)* Truck Transp. (42) 2-3 A.M. 0.0 0.0 1.5 1.5 1.5 1979 See Note 1. 9-10 P.M. 0.30 0.08 0.48 0.86 0.70 9-10 P.M. 0.10 0.05 0.05 0.30 0.30
4 Urban Areas (Pop. 25,000 to 750,000)* Downtown Retail (52-59) 2-3 A.M. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1979 See Note 1. 10-11 P.M. 0.03 0.05 0.48 0.80 0.46 10-11 P.M. 0.00 0.05 0.05 0.20 0.20
Phoenix Metropolitan Area (pop. 1.7 million) 2-3 A.M. 0.3 0.5 0.3 0.8 1.1 1992 See Note 2. 11-12 P.M. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.80 0.30 11-12 P.M. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.80 0.30
Triad Region, North Carolina 2-3 A.M. 0.2 1995 See Note 3.
San Francisco Bay Area (pop. 6.2 million) 2-3 A.M. 1.3 1992 See Note 4.
* Knoxville, TN; Modesto, CA; Rochester, NY; and Saginaw, MI Median 0.0 0.1 0.3 0.8 0.3
Average 0.1 0.2 0.5 0.8 0.6
Minimum 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Maximum 0.3 0.5 1.5 1.5 1.5
4 Urban Areas (Pop. 25,000 to 750,000)* Wholesale Trade (50-51) 3-4 A.M. 0.1 0.3 0.3 0.6 0.7 1979 See Note 1.
4 Urban Areas (Pop. 25,000 to 750,000)* Truck Transp. (42) 3-4 A.M. 0.0 0.0 1.4 1.4 1.4 1979 See Note 1.
4 Urban Areas (Pop. 25,000 to 750,000)* Downtown Retail (52-59) 3-4 A.M. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1979 See Note 1.
Phoenix Metropolitan Area (pop. 1.7 million) 3-4 A.M. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1992 See Note 2.
Triad Region, North Carolina 3-4 A.M. 0.3 1995 See Note 3.
San Francisco Bay Area (pop. 6.2 million) 3-4 A.M. 1.4 1992 See Note 4.
* Knoxville, TN; Modesto, CA; Rochester, NY; and Saginaw, MI Median 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.6 0.3
Average 0.0 0.1 0.4 0.7 0.5
Minimum 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Maximum 0.1 0.3 1.4 1.4 1.4
Page 1 of 11
F-1. Time of Day Characteristics - (Hourly Truck Trips As Percentage of Total Daily Truck Trips) Time of Day Characteristics - Summary Time of Day Characteristics - Summary
Percent of Total Daily Truck Trips Percent of Total Daily Truck Trips Percent of Total Daily Truck Trips
Time 4-Tire 6+ Tire Commercial Vehicles All 6+ All 4-Tire 6+ Tire Commercial Vehicles All 6+ All 4-Tire 6+ Tire Commercial Vehicles All 6+ All
Location Land Use Type (SIC) Period Trucks Single Unit Combination Unit Tire Trucks Trucks Date Notes/Comments Time Period Trucks Single Unit Combination Unit Tire Trucks Trucks Time Period Trucks Single Unit Combination Unit Tire Trucks Trucks
4 Urban Areas (Pop. 25,000 to 750,000)* Wholesale Trade (50-51) 4-5 A.M. 0.2 0.4 1.4 1.8 2.0 1979 See Note 1.
4 Urban Areas (Pop. 25,000 to 750,000)* Truck Transp. (42) 4-5 A.M. 0.0 0.0 1.5 1.5 1.5 1979 See Note 1.
4 Urban Areas (Pop. 25,000 to 750,000)* Downtown Retail (52-59) 4-5 A.M. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1979 See Note 1.
Phoenix Metropolitan Area (pop. 1.7 million) 4-5 A.M. 0.6 0.6 0.9 1.5 2.1 1992 See Note 2.
Triad Region, North Carolina 4-5 A.M. 0.2 1995 See Note 3.
San Francisco Bay Area (pop. 6.2 million) 4-5 A.M. 1.8 1992 See Note 4.
* Knoxville, TN; Modesto, CA; Rochester, NY; and Saginaw, MI Median 0.1 0.2 1.2 1.5 1.5
Average 0.2 0.3 1.0 1.3 1.2
Minimum 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Maximum 0.6 0.6 1.5 1.8 2.1
4 Urban Areas (Pop. 25,000 to 750,000)* Wholesale Trade (50-51) 5-6 A.M. 1.2 1.0 2.2 3.2 4.4 1979 See Note 1.
4 Urban Areas (Pop. 25,000 to 750,000)* Truck Transp. (42) 5-6 A.M. 0.0 0.1 1.5 1.6 1.6 1979 See Note 1.
4 Urban Areas (Pop. 25,000 to 750,000)* Downtown Retail (52-59) 5-6 A.M. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1979 See Note 1.
Phoenix Metropolitan Area (pop. 1.7 million) 5-6 A.M. 1.4 1.1 2.5 3.6 5.0 1992 See Note 2.
Triad Region, North Carolina 5-6 A.M. 0.5 1995 See Note 3.
San Francisco Bay Area (pop. 6.2 million) 5-6 A.M. 2.9 1992 See Note 4.
* Knoxville, TN; Modesto, CA; Rochester, NY; and Saginaw, MI Median 0.6 0.6 1.9 2.9 1.6
Average 0.7 0.6 1.6 2.3 2.3
Minimum 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Maximum 1.4 1.1 2.5 3.6 5.0
4 Urban Areas (Pop. 25,000 to 750,000)* Wholesale Trade (50-51) 6-7 A.M. 2.2 1.5 2.6 4.1 6.3 1979 See Note 1.
4 Urban Areas (Pop. 25,000 to 750,000)* Truck Transp. (42) 6-7 A.M. 0.0 0.3 1.9 2.2 2.2 1979 See Note 1.
4 Urban Areas (Pop. 25,000 to 750,000)* Downtown Retail (52-59) 6-7 A.M. 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.3 1979 See Note 1.
Phoenix Metropolitan Area (pop. 1.7 million) 6-7 A.M. 0.8 1.1 3.1 4.2 5.0 1992 See Note 2.
Triad Region, North Carolina 6-7 A.M. 1.1 1995 See Note 3.
San Francisco Bay Area (pop. 6.2 million) 6-7 A.M. 4.4 1992 See Note 4.
* Knoxville, TN; Modesto, CA; Rochester, NY; and Saginaw, MI Median 0.5 0.7 2.3 4.1 2.2
Average 0.8 0.8 1.9 3.0 3.0
Minimum 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.3
Maximum 2.2 1.5 3.1 4.4 6.3
4 Urban Areas (Pop. 25,000 to 750,000)* Wholesale Trade (50-51) 7-8 A.M. 1.2 3.1 4.2 7.3 8.5 1979 See Note 1.
4 Urban Areas (Pop. 25,000 to 750,000)* Truck Transp. (42) 7-8 A.M. 0.1 0.9 3.0 3.9 4.0 1979 See Note 1.
4 Urban Areas (Pop. 25,000 to 750,000)* Downtown Retail (52-59) 7-8 A.M. 1.0 0.8 0.6 1.4 2.4 1979 See Note 1.
Central Artery/Tunnel Area (Boston, MA) 7-8 A.M. 8.3 1993 See Note 5.
Phoenix Metropolitan Area (pop. 1.7 million) 7-8 A.M. 0.9 1.3 3.8 5.1 6.0 1992 See Note 2.
Triad Region, North Carolina 7-8 A.M. 4.5 1995 See Note 3.
San Francisco Bay Area (pop. 6.2 million) 7-8 A.M. 5.5 1992 See Note 4.
* Knoxville, TN; Modesto, CA; Rochester, NY; and Saginaw, MI Median 1.0 1.1 3.4 5.1 5.3
Average 0.8 1.5 2.9 4.6 5.6
Minimum 0.1 0.8 0.6 1.4 2.4
Maximum 1.2 3.1 4.2 7.3 8.5
Page 2 of 11
F-1. Time of Day Characteristics - (Hourly Truck Trips As Percentage of Total Daily Truck Trips) Time of Day Characteristics - Summary Time of Day Characteristics - Summary
Percent of Total Daily Truck Trips Percent of Total Daily Truck Trips Percent of Total Daily Truck Trips
Time 4-Tire 6+ Tire Commercial Vehicles All 6+ All 4-Tire 6+ Tire Commercial Vehicles All 6+ All 4-Tire 6+ Tire Commercial Vehicles All 6+ All
Location Land Use Type (SIC) Period Trucks Single Unit Combination Unit Tire Trucks Trucks Date Notes/Comments Time Period Trucks Single Unit Combination Unit Tire Trucks Trucks Time Period Trucks Single Unit Combination Unit Tire Trucks Trucks
4 Urban Areas (Pop. 25,000 to 750,000)* Wholesale Trade (50-51) 8-9 A.M. 1.0 3.4 5.3 8.7 9.7 1979 See Note 1.
4 Urban Areas (Pop. 25,000 to 750,000)* Truck Transp. (42) 8-9 A.M. 1.7 2.3 5.4 7.7 9.4 1979 See Note 1.
4 Urban Areas (Pop. 25,000 to 750,000)* Downtown Retail (52-59) 8-9 A.M. 3.8 1.6 2.0 3.6 7.4 1979 See Note 1.
Central Artery/Tunnel Area (Boston, MA) 8-9 A.M. 9.3 1993 See Note 5.
Phoenix Metropolitan Area (pop. 1.7 million) 8-9 A.M. 1.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 7.0 1992 See Note 2.
Triad Region, North Carolina 8-9 A.M. 8.7 1995 See Note 3.
San Francisco Bay Area (pop. 6.2 million) 8-9 A.M. 5.7 1992 See Note 4.
* Knoxville, TN; Modesto, CA; Rochester, NY; and Saginaw, MI Median 1.4 2.2 4.7 6.0 9.0
Average 1.9 2.3 4.2 6.3 8.6
Minimum 1.0 1.6 2.0 3.6 7.0
Maximum 3.8 3.4 5.4 8.7 9.7
4 Urban Areas (Pop. 25,000 to 750,000)* Wholesale Trade (50-51) 9-10 A.M. 1.9 2.8 4.5 7.3 9.2 1979 See Note 1.
4 Urban Areas (Pop. 25,000 to 750,000)* Truck Transp. (42) 9-10 A.M. 2.2 3.1 5.7 8.8 11.0 1979 See Note 1.
4 Urban Areas (Pop. 25,000 to 750,000)* Downtown Retail (52-59) 9-10 A.M. 7.1 2.9 2.6 5.5 12.6 1979 See Note 1.
Central Artery/Tunnel Area (Boston, MA) 9-10 A.M. 10.3 1993 See Note 5.
Phoenix Metropolitan Area (pop. 1.7 million) 9-10 A.M. 1.9 2.2 4.9 7.1 9.0 1992 See Note 2.
Triad Region, North Carolina 9-10 A.M. 11.1 1995 See Note 3.
San Francisco Bay Area (pop. 6.2 million) 9-10 A.M. 6.5 1992 See Note 4.
* Knoxville, TN; Modesto, CA; Rochester, NY; and Saginaw, MI Median 2.1 2.9 4.7 7.1 10.7
Average 3.3 2.8 4.4 7.0 10.5
Minimum 1.9 2.2 2.6 5.5 9.0
Maximum 7.1 3.1 5.7 8.8 12.6
4 Urban Areas (Pop. 25,000 to 750,000)* Wholesale Trade (50-51) 10-11 A.M. 2.2 3.5 3.8 7.3 9.5 1979 See Note 1.
4 Urban Areas (Pop. 25,000 to 750,000)* Truck Transp. (42) 10-11 A.M. 1.0 1.8 5.0 6.8 7.8 1979 See Note 1.
4 Urban Areas (Pop. 25,000 to 750,000)* Downtown Retail (52-59) 10-11 A.M. 8.3 3.8 2.2 6.0 14.3 1979 See Note 1.
Central Artery/Tunnel Area (Boston, MA) 10-11 A.M. 12.4 1993 See Note 5.
Phoenix Metropolitan Area (pop. 1.7 million) 10-11 A.M. 1.7 2.4 4.8 7.2 8.9 1992 See Note 2.
Triad Region, North Carolina 10-11 A.M. 11.9 1995 See Note 3.
San Francisco Bay Area (pop. 6.2 million) 10-11 A.M. 7.0 1992 See Note 4.
* Knoxville, TN; Modesto, CA; Rochester, NY; and Saginaw, MI Median 2.0 3.0 4.3 7.0 10.7
Average 3.3 2.9 4.0 6.9 10.8
Minimum 1.0 1.8 2.2 6.0 7.8
Maximum 8.3 3.8 5.0 7.3 14.3
4 Urban Areas (Pop. 25,000 to 750,000)* Wholesale Trade (50-51) 11-12 A.M. 1.7 2.9 4.4 7.3 9.0 1979 See Note 1.
4 Urban Areas (Pop. 25,000 to 750,000)* Truck Transp. (42) 11-12 A.M. 0.5 1.0 3.9 4.9 5.4 1979 See Note 1.
4 Urban Areas (Pop. 25,000 to 750,000)* Downtown Retail (52-59) 11-12 A.M. 8.4 3.7 1.8 5.5 13.9 1979 See Note 1.
Central Artery/Tunnel Area (Boston, MA) 11-12 A.M. 11.6 1993 See Note 5.
Phoenix Metropolitan Area (pop. 1.7 million) 11-12 A.M. 2.7 3.5 4.8 8.3 11.0 1992 See Note 2.
Triad Region, North Carolina 11-12 A.M. 11.3 1995 See Note 3.
San Francisco Bay Area (pop. 6.2 million) 11-12 A.M. 7.2 1992 See Note 4.
* Knoxville, TN; Modesto, CA; Rochester, NY; and Saginaw, MI Median 2.2 3.2 4.2 7.2 11.2
Average 3.3 2.8 3.7 6.6 10.4
Minimum 0.5 1.0 1.8 4.9 5.4
Maximum 8.4 3.7 4.8 8.3 13.9
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F-1. Time of Day Characteristics - (Hourly Truck Trips As Percentage of Total Daily Truck Trips) Time of Day Characteristics - Summary Time of Day Characteristics - Summary
Percent of Total Daily Truck Trips Percent of Total Daily Truck Trips Percent of Total Daily Truck Trips
Time 4-Tire 6+ Tire Commercial Vehicles All 6+ All 4-Tire 6+ Tire Commercial Vehicles All 6+ All 4-Tire 6+ Tire Commercial Vehicles All 6+ All
Location Land Use Type (SIC) Period Trucks Single Unit Combination Unit Tire Trucks Trucks Date Notes/Comments Time Period Trucks Single Unit Combination Unit Tire Trucks Trucks Time Period Trucks Single Unit Combination Unit Tire Trucks Trucks
4 Urban Areas (Pop. 25,000 to 750,000)* Wholesale Trade (50-51) 12-1 P.M. 1.2 2.0 4.0 6.0 7.2 1979 See Note 1.
4 Urban Areas (Pop. 25,000 to 750,000)* Truck Transp. (42) 12-1 P.M. 0.4 0.7 3.2 3.9 4.3 1979 See Note 1.
4 Urban Areas (Pop. 25,000 to 750,000)* Downtown Retail (52-59) 12-1 P.M. 6.3 1.9 2.2 4.1 10.4 1979 See Note 1.
Central Artery/Tunnel Area (Boston, MA) 12-1 P.M. 11.4 1993 See Note 5.
Phoenix Metropolitan Area (pop. 1.7 million) 12-1 P.M. 4.3 3.4 5.3 8.7 13.0 1992 See Note 2.
Triad Region, North Carolina 12-1 P.M. 10.5 1995 See Note 3.
San Francisco Bay Area (pop. 6.2 million) 12-1 P.M. 7.0 1992 See Note 4.
* Knoxville, TN; Modesto, CA; Rochester, NY; and Saginaw, MI Median 2.8 2.0 3.6 6.0 10.5
Average 3.1 2.0 3.7 5.9 9.5
Minimum 0.4 0.7 2.2 3.9 4.3
Maximum 6.3 3.4 5.3 8.7 13.0
4 Urban Areas (Pop. 25,000 to 750,000)* Wholesale Trade (50-51) 1-2 P.M. 1.6 2.0 3.7 5.7 7.3 1979 See Note 1.
4 Urban Areas (Pop. 25,000 to 750,000)* Truck Transp. (42) 1-2 P.M. 0.4 0.7 2.9 3.6 4.0 1979 See Note 1.
4 Urban Areas (Pop. 25,000 to 750,000)* Downtown Retail (52-59) 1-2 P.M. 4.4 3.4 1.7 5.1 9.5 1979 See Note 1.
Central Artery/Tunnel Area (Boston, MA) 1-2 P.M. 11.2 1993 See Note 5.
Phoenix Metropolitan Area (pop. 1.7 million) 1-2 P.M. 4.6 2.5 5.9 8.4 13.0 1992 See Note 2.
Triad Region, North Carolina 1-2 P.M. 9.6 1995 See Note 3.
San Francisco Bay Area (pop. 6.2 million) 1-2 P.M. 7.0 1992 See Note 4.
* Knoxville, TN; Modesto, CA; Rochester, NY; and Saginaw, MI Median 3.0 2.3 3.3 5.7 9.6
Average 2.8 2.2 3.6 6.0 9.1
Minimum 0.4 0.7 1.7 3.6 4.0
Maximum 4.6 3.4 5.9 8.4 13.0
4 Urban Areas (Pop. 25,000 to 750,000)* Wholesale Trade (50-51) 2-3 P.M. 1.6 2.4 3.7 6.1 7.7 1979 See Note 1.
4 Urban Areas (Pop. 25,000 to 750,000)* Truck Transp. (42) 2-3 P.M. 0.5 0.7 2.9 3.6 4.1 1979 See Note 1.
4 Urban Areas (Pop. 25,000 to 750,000)* Downtown Retail (52-59) 2-3 P.M. 4.3 3.5 1.8 5.3 9.6 1979 See Note 1.
Central Artery/Tunnel Area (Boston, MA) 2-3 P.M. 9.4 1993 See Note 5.
Phoenix Metropolitan Area (pop. 1.7 million) 2-3 P.M. 1.5 1.7 3.7 5.4 6.9 1992 See Note 2.
Triad Region, North Carolina 2-3 P.M. 10.2 1995 See Note 3.
San Francisco Bay Area (pop. 6.2 million) 2-3 P.M. 7.0 1992 See Note 4.
* Knoxville, TN; Modesto, CA; Rochester, NY; and Saginaw, MI Median 1.6 2.1 3.3 5.4 8.6
Average 2.0 2.1 3.0 5.5 8.0
Minimum 0.5 0.7 1.8 3.6 4.1
Maximum 4.3 3.5 3.7 7.0 10.2
4 Urban Areas (Pop. 25,000 to 750,000)* Wholesale Trade (50-51) 3-4 P.M. 1.3 2.2 2.8 5.0 6.3 1979 See Note 1.
4 Urban Areas (Pop. 25,000 to 750,000)* Truck Transp. (42) 3-4 P.M. 0.6 1.2 3.2 4.4 5.0 1979 See Note 1.
4 Urban Areas (Pop. 25,000 to 750,000)* Downtown Retail (52-59) 3-4 P.M. 4.0 2.4 1.0 3.4 7.4 1979 See Note 1.
Central Artery/Tunnel Area (Boston, MA) 3-4 P.M. 5.7 1993 See Note 5.
Phoenix Metropolitan Area (pop. 1.7 million) 3-4 P.M. 1.5 1.2 2.3 3.5 5.0 1992 See Note 2.
Triad Region, North Carolina 3-4 P.M. 9.5 1995 See Note 3.
San Francisco Bay Area (pop. 6.2 million) 3-4 P.M. 6.7 1992 See Note 4.
* Knoxville, TN; Modesto, CA; Rochester, NY; and Saginaw, MI Median 1.4 1.7 2.6 4.4 6.0
Average 1.9 1.8 2.3 4.6 6.5
Minimum 0.6 1.2 1.0 3.4 5.0
Maximum 4.0 2.4 3.2 6.7 9.5
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F-1. Time of Day Characteristics - (Hourly Truck Trips As Percentage of Total Daily Truck Trips) Time of Day Characteristics - Summary Time of Day Characteristics - Summary
Percent of Total Daily Truck Trips Percent of Total Daily Truck Trips Percent of Total Daily Truck Trips
Time 4-Tire 6+ Tire Commercial Vehicles All 6+ All 4-Tire 6+ Tire Commercial Vehicles All 6+ All 4-Tire 6+ Tire Commercial Vehicles All 6+ All
Location Land Use Type (SIC) Period Trucks Single Unit Combination Unit Tire Trucks Trucks Date Notes/Comments Time Period Trucks Single Unit Combination Unit Tire Trucks Trucks Time Period Trucks Single Unit Combination Unit Tire Trucks Trucks
4 Urban Areas (Pop. 25,000 to 750,000)* Wholesale Trade (50-51) 4-5 P.M. 1.0 1.9 1.9 3.8 4.8 1979 See Note 1.
4 Urban Areas (Pop. 25,000 to 750,000)* Truck Transp. (42) 4-5 P.M. 0.7 1.1 6.0 7.1 7.8 1979 See Note 1.
4 Urban Areas (Pop. 25,000 to 750,000)* Downtown Retail (52-59) 4-5 P.M. 4.4 1.7 0.4 2.1 6.5 1979 See Note 1.
Central Artery/Tunnel Area (Boston, MA) 4-5 P.M. 4.7 1993 See Note 5.
Phoenix Metropolitan Area (pop. 1.7 million) 4-5 P.M. 0.9 0.6 1.5 2.1 3.0 1992 See Note 2.
Triad Region, North Carolina 4-5 P.M. 5.4 1995 See Note 3.
San Francisco Bay Area (pop. 6.2 million) 4-5 P.M. 5.9 1992 See Note 4.
* Knoxville, TN; Modesto, CA; Rochester, NY; and Saginaw, MI Median 1.0 1.4 1.7 3.8 5.1
Average 1.8 1.3 2.5 4.2 5.4
Minimum 0.7 0.6 0.4 2.1 3.0
Maximum 4.4 1.9 6.0 7.1 7.8
4 Urban Areas (Pop. 25,000 to 750,000)* Wholesale Trade (50-51) 5-6 P.M. 0.4 1.5 1.2 2.7 3.1 1979 See Note 1.
4 Urban Areas (Pop. 25,000 to 750,000)* Truck Transp. (42) 5-6 P.M. 1.0 2.7 5.1 7.8 8.8 1979 See Note 1.
4 Urban Areas (Pop. 25,000 to 750,000)* Downtown Retail (52-59) 5-6 P.M. 3.1 0.6 0.1 0.7 3.8 1979 See Note 1.
Central Artery/Tunnel Area (Boston, MA) 5-6 P.M. 3.7 1993 See Note 5.
Phoenix Metropolitan Area (pop. 1.7 million) 5-6 P.M. 1.2 0.4 0.4 0.8 2.0 1992 See Note 2.
Triad Region, North Carolina 5-6 P.M. 2.4 1995 See Note 3.
San Francisco Bay Area (pop. 6.2 million) 5-6 P.M. 4.8 1992 See Note 4.
* Knoxville, TN; Modesto, CA; Rochester, NY; and Saginaw, MI Median 1.1 1.1 0.8 2.7 3.4
Average 1.4 1.3 1.7 3.4 4.0
Minimum 0.4 0.4 0.1 0.7 2.0
Maximum 3.1 2.7 5.1 7.8 8.8
4 Urban Areas (Pop. 25,000 to 750,000)* Wholesale Trade (50-51) 6-7 P.M. 0.1 0.5 1.0 1.5 1.6 1979 See Note 1.
4 Urban Areas (Pop. 25,000 to 750,000)* Truck Transp. (42) 6-7 P.M. 1.1 1.3 4.0 5.3 6.4 1979 See Note 1.
4 Urban Areas (Pop. 25,000 to 750,000)* Downtown Retail (52-59) 6-7 P.M. 0.8 0.1 0.1 0.2 1.0 1979 See Note 1.
Central Artery/Tunnel Area (Boston, MA) 6-7 P.M. 2.0 1993 See Note 5.
Phoenix Metropolitan Area (pop. 1.7 million) 6-7 P.M. 0.3 0.3 0.5 0.8 1.1 1992 See Note 2.
Triad Region, North Carolina 6-7 P.M. 0.8 1995 See Note 3.
San Francisco Bay Area (pop. 6.2 million) 6-7 P.M. 3.8 1992 See Note 4.
* Knoxville, TN; Modesto, CA; Rochester, NY; and Saginaw, MI Median 0.6 0.4 0.8 1.5 1.4
Average 0.6 0.6 1.4 2.3 2.2
Minimum 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.8
Maximum 1.1 1.3 4.0 5.3 6.4
4 Urban Areas (Pop. 25,000 to 750,000)* Wholesale Trade (50-51) 7-8 P.M. 0.0 0.4 0.5 0.9 0.9 1979 See Note 1.
4 Urban Areas (Pop. 25,000 to 750,000)* Truck Transp. (42) 7-8 P.M. 0.9 0.3 3.0 3.3 4.2 1979 See Note 1.
4 Urban Areas (Pop. 25,000 to 750,000)* Downtown Retail (52-59) 7-8 P.M. 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.3 1979 See Note 1.
Phoenix Metropolitan Area (pop. 1.7 million) 7-8 P.M. 0.5 0.0 0.5 0.5 1.0 1992 See Note 2.
Triad Region, North Carolina 7-8 P.M. 0.4 1995 See Note 3.
San Francisco Bay Area (pop. 6.2 million) 7-8 P.M. 3.2 1992 See Note 4.
* Knoxville, TN; Modesto, CA; Rochester, NY; and Saginaw, MI Median 0.4 0.2 0.5 0.9 0.9
Average 0.4 0.2 1.0 1.6 1.4
Minimum 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.3
Maximum 0.9 0.4 3.0 3.3 4.2
Page 5 of 11
F-1. Time of Day Characteristics - (Hourly Truck Trips As Percentage of Total Daily Truck Trips) Time of Day Characteristics - Summary Time of Day Characteristics - Summary
Percent of Total Daily Truck Trips Percent of Total Daily Truck Trips Percent of Total Daily Truck Trips
Time 4-Tire 6+ Tire Commercial Vehicles All 6+ All 4-Tire 6+ Tire Commercial Vehicles All 6+ All 4-Tire 6+ Tire Commercial Vehicles All 6+ All
Location Land Use Type (SIC) Period Trucks Single Unit Combination Unit Tire Trucks Trucks Date Notes/Comments Time Period Trucks Single Unit Combination Unit Tire Trucks Trucks Time Period Trucks Single Unit Combination Unit Tire Trucks Trucks
4 Urban Areas (Pop. 25,000 to 750,000)* Wholesale Trade (50-51) 8-9 P.M. 0.0 0.3 0.3 0.6 0.6 1979 See Note 1.
4 Urban Areas (Pop. 25,000 to 750,000)* Truck Transp. (42) 8-9 P.M. 0.5 0.1 1.9 2.0 2.5 1979 See Note 1.
4 Urban Areas (Pop. 25,000 to 750,000)* Downtown Retail (52-59) 8-9 P.M. 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 1979 See Note 1.
Phoenix Metropolitan Area (pop. 1.7 million) 8-9 P.M. 0.5 0.0 0.5 0.5 1.0 1992 See Note 2.
Triad Region, North Carolina 8-9 P.M. 0.2 1995 See Note 3.
San Francisco Bay Area (pop. 6.2 million) 8-9 P.M. 2.6 1992 See Note 4.
* Knoxville, TN; Modesto, CA; Rochester, NY; and Saginaw, MI Median 0.3 0.1 0.4 0.6 0.6
Average 0.3 0.1 0.7 1.1 0.9
Minimum 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1
Maximum 0.5 0.3 1.9 2.6 2.5
4 Urban Areas (Pop. 25,000 to 750,000)* Wholesale Trade (50-51) 9-10 P.M. 0.0 0.2 0.1 0.3 0.3 1979 See Note 1.
4 Urban Areas (Pop. 25,000 to 750,000)* Truck Transp. (42) 9-10 P.M. 0.1 0.1 1.8 1.9 2.0 1979 See Note 1.
4 Urban Areas (Pop. 25,000 to 750,000)* Downtown Retail (52-59) 9-10 P.M. 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 1979 See Note 1.
Phoenix Metropolitan Area (pop. 1.7 million) 9-10 P.M. 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1992 See Note 2.
Triad Region, North Carolina 9-10 P.M. 0.1 1995 See Note 3.
San Francisco Bay Area (pop. 6.2 million) 9-10 P.M. 2.1 1992 See Note 4.
* Knoxville, TN; Modesto, CA; Rochester, NY; and Saginaw, MI Median 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.3 0.3
Average 0.3 0.1 0.5 0.9 0.7
Minimum 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1
Maximum 1.0 0.2 1.8 2.1 2.0
4 Urban Areas (Pop. 25,000 to 750,000)* Wholesale Trade (50-51) 10-11 P.M. 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 1979 See Note 1.
4 Urban Areas (Pop. 25,000 to 750,000)* Truck Transp. (42) 10-11 P.M. 0.0 0.0 1.8 1.8 1.8 1979 See Note 1.
4 Urban Areas (Pop. 25,000 to 750,000)* Downtown Retail (52-59) 10-11 P.M. 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.2 1979 See Note 1.
Phoenix Metropolitan Area (pop. 1.7 million) 10-11 P.M. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1992 See Note 2.
Triad Region, North Carolina 10-11 P.M. 0.1 1995 See Note 3.
San Francisco Bay Area (pop. 6.2 million) 10-11 P.M. 1.9 1992 See Note 4.
* Knoxville, TN; Modesto, CA; Rochester, NY; and Saginaw, MI Median 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2
Average 0.0 0.1 0.5 0.8 0.5
Minimum 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Maximum 0.1 0.1 1.8 1.9 1.8
4 Urban Areas (Pop. 25,000 to 750,000)* Wholesale Trade (50-51) 11-12 P.M. 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 1979 See Note 1.
4 Urban Areas (Pop. 25,000 to 750,000)* Truck Transp. (42) 11-12 P.M. 0.0 0.0 1.4 1.4 1.4 1979 See Note 1.
4 Urban Areas (Pop. 25,000 to 750,000)* Downtown Retail (52-59) 11-12 P.M. 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.2 1979 See Note 1.
Phoenix Metropolitan Area (pop. 1.7 million) 11-12 P.M. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1992 See Note 2.
Triad Region, North Carolina 11-12 P.M. 0.6 1995 See Note 3.
San Francisco Bay Area (pop. 6.2 million) 11-12 P.M. 1.6 1992 See Note 4.
* Knoxville, TN; Modesto, CA; Rochester, NY; and Saginaw, MI Median 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.8 0.3
Average 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.8 0.3
Minimum 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Maximum 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.6 0.6
Page 6 of 11
F-1. Time of Day Characteristics - (Hourly Truck Trips As Percentage of Total Daily Truck Trips) Time of Day Characteristics - Summary Time of Day Characteristics - Summary
Percent of Total Daily Truck Trips Percent of Total Daily Truck Trips Percent of Total Daily Truck Trips
Time 4-Tire 6+ Tire Commercial Vehicles All 6+ All 4-Tire 6+ Tire Commercial Vehicles All 6+ All 4-Tire 6+ Tire Commercial Vehicles All 6+ All
Location Land Use Type (SIC) Period Trucks Single Unit Combination Unit Tire Trucks Trucks Date Notes/Comments Time Period Trucks Single Unit Combination Unit Tire Trucks Trucks Time Period Trucks Single Unit Combination Unit Tire Trucks Trucks
4 Urban Areas (Pop. 25,000 to 750,000)* Wholesale Trade (50-51) Total Daily 18.9 32.5 48.6 81.1 100.0 1979 See Note 1.
4 Urban Areas (Pop. 25,000 to 750,000)* Truck Transp. (42) Total Daily 11.7 18.4 69.9 88.3 100.0 1979 See Note 1.
4 Urban Areas (Pop. 25,000 to 750,000)* Downtown Retail (52-59) Total Daily 56.6 26.8 16.6 43.4 100.0 1979 See Note 1.
Central Artery/Tunnel Area (Boston, MA) Total Daily 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 100.0 1993 See Note 5.
Phoenix Metropolitan Area (pop. 1.7 million) Total Daily 27.6 24.8 49.7 74.5 102.1 1992 See Note 2.
Triad Region, North Carolina Total Daily 100.0 1995 See Note 3.
San Francisco Bay Area (pop. 6.2 million) Total Daily 100.0 1992 See Note 4.
* Knoxville, TN; Modesto, CA; Rochester, NY; and Saginaw, MI
Page 7 of 11
Table F-1a. Median Hourly Distribution of Truck Travel (As Percentage of Total
Daily Truck Trips)
6+ Tire Commercial Vehicles
4-Tire Combination All 6+ Tire All
Time Period Trucks Single Unit Unit Trucks Trucks
12-1 A.M. 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.0
1-2 A.M. 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.2
2-3 A.M. 0.0 0.1 0.3 0.8 0.3
3-4 A.M. 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.6 0.3
4-5 A.M. 0.1 0.2 1.2 1.5 1.5
5-6 A.M. 0.6 0.6 1.9 2.9 1.6
6-7 A.M. 0.5 0.7 2.3 4.1 2.2
7-8 A.M. 1.0 1.1 3.4 5.1 5.3
8-9 A.M. 1.4 2.2 4.7 6.0 9.0
9-10 A.M. 2.1 2.9 4.7 7.1 10.7
10-11 A.M. 2.0 3.0 4.3 7.0 10.7
11-12 A.M. 2.2 3.2 4.2 7.2 11.2
12-1 P.M. 2.8 2.0 3.6 6.0 10.5
1-2 P.M. 3.0 2.3 3.3 5.7 9.6
2-3 P.M. 1.6 2.1 3.3 5.4 8.6
3-4 P.M. 1.4 1.7 2.6 4.4 6.0
4-5 P.M. 1.0 1.4 1.7 3.8 5.1
5-6 P.M. 1.1 1.1 0.8 2.7 3.4
6-7 P.M. 0.6 0.4 0.8 1.5 1.4
7-8 P.M. 0.4 0.2 0.5 0.9 0.9
8-9 P.M. 0.3 0.1 0.4 0.6 0.6
9-10 P.M. 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.3 0.3
10-11 P.M. 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2
11-12 P.M. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.8 0.3
The peak 8-hour hourly distributions of truck travel are identified by bold type.
F-2. Time of Day Characteristics - (Hourly Truck Trips as Percentage of Total Hourly Vehicle Trips)
Percent of Total Vehicles on Roadway
4-Tire All 6+
Location Time Period Trucks Tire Trucks All Trucks Date Notes/Comments
Central Artery/Tunnel Area (Boston, MA) 8-9 A.M. 7.3 8.0 15.3 1993 See Note 1.
Columbia Corridor - Portland, OR 8-9 A.M. 25.6 1994 See Note 2.
Downtown Boston (MA) 8-9 A.M. 7.8 1993 Hourly Average: 7-10 a.m.
Back Bay/Prudential/Copley (Boston, MA) 8-9 A.M. 4.0 1993 Hourly Average: 7-10 a.m.
South End (Boston, MA) 8-9 A.M. 11.6 1993 Hourly Average: 7-10 a.m.
Back Bay/Prudential/Copley (Boston, MA) 8-9 A.M. 4.0 1993 Hourly Average: 7-10 a.m.
East Boston (MA) 8-9 A.M. 6.9 1993 Hourly Average: 7-10 a.m.
South Boston (MA) 8-9 A.M. 16.2 1993 Hourly Average: 7-10 a.m.
South End (Boston, MA) 8-9 A.M. 11.6 1993 Hourly Average: 7-10 a.m.
Median 7.3 8.0 11.6
Average 7.3 8.0 11.4
Minimum 7.3 8.0 4.0
Maximum 7.3 8.0 25.6
Central Artery/Tunnel Area (Boston, MA) 9-10 A.M. 8.2 9.1 17.3 1993 See Note 1.
Columbia Corridor - Portland, OR 9-10 A.M. 27.9 1994 See Note 2.
Downtown Boston (MA) 9-10 A.M. 7.8 1993 Hourly Average: 7-10 a.m.
Back Bay/Prudential/Copley (Boston, MA) 9-10 A.M. 4.0 1993 Hourly Average: 7-10 a.m.
South End (Boston, MA) 9-10 A.M. 11.6 1993 Hourly Average: 7-10 a.m.
Back Bay/Prudential/Copley (Boston, MA) 9-10 A.M. 4.0 1993 Hourly Average: 7-10 a.m.
East Boston (MA) 9-10 A.M. 6.9 1993 Hourly Average: 7-10 a.m.
South Boston (MA) 9-10 A.M. 16.2 1993 Hourly Average: 7-10 a.m.
South End (Boston, MA) 9-10 A.M. 11.6 1993 Hourly Average: 7-10 a.m.
Median 8.2 9.1 11.6
Average 8.2 9.1 11.9
Minimum 8.2 9.1 4.0
Maximum 8.2 9.1 27.9
Central Artery/Tunnel Area (Boston, MA) 10-11 A.M. 10.0 10.6 20.6 1993 See Note 1.
Columbia Corridor - Portland, OR 10-11 A.M. 25.1 1994 See Note 2.
South End (Boston, MA) 10-11 A.M. 5.3 1993 Hourly Average: 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.
East Boston (MA) 10-11 A.M. 6.1 1993 Hourly Average: 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Charlestown (Boston, MA) 10-11 A.M. 7.2 1993 Hourly Average: 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.
East Cambridge/Somerville (Boston, MA) 10-11 A.M. 6.4 1993 Hourly Average: 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.
South Boston (MA) 10-11 A.M. 20.4 1993 Hourly Average: 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Median 10.0 10.6 7.2
Average 10.0 10.6 13.0
Minimum 10.0 10.6 5.3
Maximum 10.0 10.6 25.1
Page 8 of 11
F-2. Time of Day Characteristics - (Hourly Truck Trips as Percentage of Total Hourly Vehicle Trips)
Percent of Total Vehicles on Roadway
4-Tire All 6+
Location Time Period Trucks Tire Trucks All Trucks Date Notes/Comments
Central Artery/Tunnel Area (Boston, MA) 11-12 A.M. 11.9 12.6 24.5 1993 See Note 1.
Columbia Corridor - Portland, OR 11-12 A.M. 22.2 1994 See Note 2.
South End (Boston, MA) 11-12 A.M. 5.3 1993 Hourly Average: 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.
East Boston (MA) 11-12 A.M. 6.1 1993 Hourly Average: 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Charlestown (Boston, MA) 11-12 A.M. 7.2 1993 Hourly Average: 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.
East Cambridge/Somerville (Boston, MA) 11-12 A.M. 6.4 1993 Hourly Average: 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.
South Boston (MA) 11-12 A.M. 20.4 1993 Hourly Average: 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Median 11.9 12.6 7.2
Average 11.9 12.6 13.2
Minimum 11.9 12.6 5.3
Maximum 11.9 12.6 24.5
Central Artery/Tunnel Area (Boston, MA) 12-1 P.M. 13.6 11.6 25.2 1993 See Note 1.
Columbia Corridor - Portland, OR 12-1 P.M. 19.6 1994 See Note 2.
South End (Boston, MA) 12-1 P.M. 5.3 1993 Hourly Average: 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.
East Boston (MA) 12-1 P.M. 6.1 1993 Hourly Average: 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Charlestown (Boston, MA) 12-1 P.M. 7.2 1993 Hourly Average: 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.
East Cambridge/Somerville (Boston, MA) 12-1 P.M. 6.4 1993 Hourly Average: 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.
South Boston (MA) 12-1 P.M. 20.4 1993 Hourly Average: 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Median 13.6 11.6 7.2
Average 13.6 11.6 12.9
Minimum 13.6 11.6 5.3
Maximum 13.6 11.6 25.2
Central Artery/Tunnel Area (Boston, MA) 1-2 P.M. 11.3 10.4 21.7 1993 See Note 1.
Columbia Corridor - Portland, OR 1-2 P.M. 21.4 1994 See Note 2.
South End (Boston, MA) 1-2 P.M. 5.3 1993 Hourly Average: 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.
East Boston (MA) 1-2 P.M. 6.1 1993 Hourly Average: 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Charlestown (Boston, MA) 1-2 P.M. 7.2 1993 Hourly Average: 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.
East Cambridge/Somerville (Boston, MA) 1-2 P.M. 6.4 1993 Hourly Average: 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.
South Boston (MA) 1-2 P.M. 20.4 1993 Hourly Average: 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Median 11.3 10.4 7.2
Average 11.3 10.4 12.6
Minimum 11.3 10.4 5.3
Maximum 11.3 10.4 21.7
Central Artery/Tunnel Area (Boston, MA) 2-3 P.M. 11.0 10.6 21.6 1993 See Note 1.
Columbia Corridor - Portland, OR 2-3 P.M. 20.1 1994 See Note 2.
South End (Boston, MA) 2-3 P.M. 5.3 1993 Hourly Average: 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.
East Boston (MA) 2-3 P.M. 6.1 1993 Hourly Average: 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Charlestown (Boston, MA) 2-3 P.M. 7.2 1993 Hourly Average: 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.
East Cambridge/Somerville (Boston, MA) 2-3 P.M. 6.4 1993 Hourly Average: 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Page 9 of 11
F-2. Time of Day Characteristics - (Hourly Truck Trips as Percentage of Total Hourly Vehicle Trips)
Percent of Total Vehicles on Roadway
4-Tire All 6+
Location Time Period Trucks Tire Trucks All Trucks Date Notes/Comments
South Boston (MA) 2-3 P.M. 20.4 1993 Hourly Average: 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Median 11.0 10.6 7.2
Average 11.0 10.6 12.4
Minimum 11.0 10.6 5.3
Maximum 11.0 10.6 21.6
Central Artery/Tunnel Area (Boston, MA) 3-4 P.M. 10.5 10.5 21.0 1993 See Note 1.
Columbia Corridor - Portland, OR 3-4 P.M. 14.3 1994 See Note 2.
South End (Boston, MA) 3-4 P.M. 5.1 1993 Hourly Average: 3 p.m. - 6 p.m.
East Boston (MA) 3-4 P.M. 3.7 1993 Hourly Average: 3 p.m. - 6 p.m.
South Boston (MA) 3-4 P.M. 8.0 1993 Hourly Average: 3 p.m. - 6 p.m.
Median 10.5 10.5 8.0
Average 10.5 10.5 10.4
Minimum 10.5 10.5 3.7
Maximum 10.5 10.5 21.0
Central Artery/Tunnel Area (Boston, MA) 4-5 P.M. 8.0 7.6 15.6 1993 See Note 1.
Columbia Corridor - Portland, OR 4-5 P.M. 11.8 1994 See Note 2.
South End (Boston, MA) 4-5 P.M. 5.1 1993 Hourly Average: 3 p.m. - 6 p.m.
East Boston (MA) 4-5 P.M. 3.7 1993 Hourly Average: 3 p.m. - 6 p.m.
South Boston (MA) 4-5 P.M. 8.0 1993 Hourly Average: 3 p.m. - 6 p.m.
Median 8.0 7.6 8.0
Average 8.0 7.6 8.8
Minimum 8.0 7.6 3.7
Maximum 8.0 7.6 15.6
Central Artery/Tunnel Area (Boston, MA) 5-6 P.M. 4.6 5.0 4.8 1993 See Note 1.
Columbia Corridor - Portland, OR 5-6 P.M. 10.9 1994 See Note 2.
South End (Boston, MA) 5-6 P.M. 5.1 1993 Hourly Average: 3 p.m. - 6 p.m.
East Boston (MA) 5-6 P.M. 3.7 1993 Hourly Average: 3 p.m. - 6 p.m.
South Boston (MA) 5-6 P.M. 8.0 1993 Hourly Average: 3 p.m. - 6 p.m.
Median 4.6 5.0 5.1
Average 4.6 5.0 6.5
Minimum 4.6 5.0 3.7
Maximum 4.6 5.0 10.9
Central Artery/Tunnel Area (Boston, MA) 6-7 P.M. 3.4 3.3 6.7 1993 See Note 1.
1. Values represent an average of 3 highway locations and 4 local streets. Commercial vehicles distributed accordingly:
- Light trucks = 4-tire trucks.
- Medium and heavy trucks = 6+ tire trucks.
2. Source: City of Portland, Office of Transportation. "Columbia Corridor Transportation Study." Technical Report 2: Truck Routing Model. April 1994. p.13.
Page 10 of 11
Time-of-Day Characteristics - As a Percent of Total Daily Truck Trips
F-1a. Notes on Time of Day Characteristics Time of Day Characteristics - Summary Time of Day Characteristics - Summary
Average Values - As a Percent of Total Daily Truck Trips Median Values - As a Percent of Total Daily Truck Trips
1. Source: Chatterjee, Wegmann, Brogan, Phiu-Nual. Estimating Truck Traffic for Analyzing UGM Problems and Opportunities. ITE Journal. May 1979.
2. Source: Ruiter, Earl. Development of an Urban Truck Travel Model for the Phoenix Metropolitan Area, Final Report. Arizona Department of Transportation; Prepared by Cambridge Systematics, Inc. February 1992.
Commercial vehicles distributed as follows:
- 0-8,000 lb commercial vehicles = 4-tire commercial vehicles.
- 8,000-28,000 lb commercial vehicles = 6+ tire single unit.
- 28,000+ lb commercial vehicle = 6+ tire combination unit.
3. Source: State of North Carolina Department of Transportation. "Triad Regional Study, Draft Report on Commercial Vehicle Survey." Commercial Vehicle Pretest Results. January 1995.
4. Source: Schlappi, Marshall, and Itamura. "Truck Travel in the San Francisco Bay Area." Transportation Research Board 72nd Annual Meeting, Paper No. 930477. January 1993. p. 8.
5. Values represent an average of 3 highway locations and 4 local streets. Commercial vehicles distributed accordingly:
- Light trucks = 4-tire trucks.
- Medium and heavy trucks = 6+ tire trucks.
Cambridge Systematics, Inc. Page 11 of 11
Table F-2a. Median Hourly Distribution of Truck Travel (As Percentage of Total
Hourly Vehicle Trips)
4-Tire All 6+
Time Period Trucks Tire Trucks All Trucks
8-9 A.M. 7.3 8.0 11.6
9-10 A.M. 8.2 9.1 11.6
10-11 A.M. 10.0 10.6 7.2
11-12 A.M. 11.9 12.6 7.2
12-1 P.M. 13.6 11.6 7.2
1-2 P.M. 11.3 10.4 7.2
2-3 P.M. 11.0 10.6 7.2
3-4 P.M. 10.5 10.5 8.0
4-5 P.M. 8.0 7.6 8.0
5-6 P.M. 4.6 5.0 5.1
6-7 P.M. 3.4 3.3 6.7
Appendix G
Guide to State Data Centers
Appendix G
Guide to State Data Centers
XXXX in the following listings refers to the year in the title that will change with each new
issue of the abstract.
University of Alabama,
Center for Business and Economic Research
P.O. Box 870221, Tuscaloosa 35487
Economic Abstract of Alabama, XXXX. 600pp.
Department of Commerce and
Economic Development,
Division of Economic Development,
P.O. Box 110804, Juneau 99811
University of Arizona,
Economic and Business Research, College of Business and Public Administration,
McClelland Hall 204
Tucson, Arizona 85721-0001
602-621-2155 - FAX 602-621-2150
Arizona Statistical Abstract: A 1993 Data Handbook. 616pp.
Arizona Economic Indicators. 52pp. (Biannual.)
Arizona's Economy. 20pp. (Quarterly newsletter and data.)
University of Arkansas at Little Rock, Economic Research, Library 512,
Little Rock 72204
Arkansas State and County Economic Data. 18pp. (Revised annually.)
University of Arkansas at Little Rock, Census State Data Center, Library 512,
Little Rock 72204
Arkansas Statistical Abstract. 600pp. (Revised biennially.)
Department of Finance,
915 L Street, 8th Floor
Sacramento 95814
California Statistical Abstract, XXXX. 210pp.
Pacific Data Resources, P.O. Box 1922,
Santa Barbara, CA 93116-1922
California Almanac, 6th ed. Biennial. 275pp.
University of Colorado, Business Research
Division, Campus Box 420, Boulder 80309
Statistical Abstract of Colorado, XXXX. 609pp.
Connecticut Department of
Economic Development
865 Brook Street, Rocky Hill 06067-3405
Connecticut Market Data. XXXX-XXXX
Approx. 87pp. No charge for single copy.
Delaware Development Office, P.O. Box 1401
99 Kings Highway, Dover 19903
Delaware Data Book, XXXX. 141pp.
University of Delaware Bureau of Economic Research,
College of Business and Economics, Newark 19716-2730
Delaware Economic Report XXXX-XXXX. 200pp. Annual
District of Columbia
Office of Planning, Data Management Division, Presidential Bldg., Suite 500
415 12th St.
N.W. Washington, DC 20004
Population Estimates and Housing Units, Annual.
Office of Policy and Evaluation, Executive Office of the Mayor, 1 Judiciary Square,
Suite 1000, 441 4th St., N.W., Washington 20001
Indices - A Statistical Index to DC Services, Dec XXXX. Annual. 366pp.
University of Florida, Bureau of Economic and Business Research, Gainsville 32611-2017
Florida Statistical Abstract, XXXX. 26th ed. 760pp.
National Data Consultants, P.O. Box 6381, Athens, Georgia 30604
Florida County Perspectives: XXXX. Annual. 110pp.
University of Georgia, Selig Center for Economic Growth, Terry College of Business,
Athens 30602-6269
Georgia Statistical Abstract, 1992-93. XXXX. 535pp.
University of Georgia, College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences,
Cooperative Extension Service, Athens 30602
The Georgia County Guide. XXXX. 12th ed. Annual. 197pp.
Office of Planning and Budget,
254 Washington St., S.W.,
Atlanta 30334-8501
Georgia Descriptions in Data. XXXX-XXXX. 249pp.
Hawaii State Department of Business, and Economic Development & Tourism, Research
and Economic Analysis Division, Statistics Branch, P.O. Box 2359, Honolulu 96804.
Inquiries 808-586-2481: Copies 808-586-2424
The State of Hawaii Data Book 1992; A Statistical Abstract, 26th ed. XXXX. 618pp.
Department of Commerce,
700 West State St., Boise 83720
County Profiles of Idaho, XXXX
Idaho Community Profiles, XXXX.
Idaho Facts, XXXX.
Idaho Facts Data Book, XXXX.
Profile of Rural Idaho, XXXX
University of Idaho, Center for Business Development and Research,
Moscow 83844-3227
Idaho Statistical Abstract, XXXX. 415pp.
(Out of print.)
University of Illinois, Bureau of Economic and Business Research
428 Commerce West
1206 South 6th St., Champaign 61820
Illinois Statistical Abstract. XXXX. 812 pp.
Indiana University, Indiana Business Research Center, School of Business,
801 W. Michigan BS4015 Indianapolis 46202-5151
Indiana Factbook, XXXX. 413pp.
Iowa Department of Economic Development Research Bureau
200 East Grand Avenue
Des Moines 50309
1993 Statistical Profile of Iowa.
University of Kansas, Institute for Public Policy and Business Research,
607 Blake Hall, Lawrence 66045-2960
Kansas Statistical Abstract, 1991-92. 27th ed. XXXX.
Department of Existing Business and Industry, Capital Plaza Office Tower,
Frankfort 40601
Kentucky Deskbook of Economic Statistics. 29th ed. XXXX.
University of New Orleans, Division of Business and Economic Research,
New Orleans 70148
Statistical Abstract of Louisiana. 8th ed., XXXX
Maine Department of Economic and Community Development,
State House Station 59, Augusta 04333
Maine: A Statistical Summary. (Updated periodically.)
Department of Economic and Employment Development
217 E. Redwood St., Baltimore 21202
Inquiries 410-333-6953;
Copies 410-333-6955
Maryland Statistical Abstract. XXXX-XX. 274pp. (Biennial.)
Massachusetts Institute for Social and Economic Research,
128 Thompson Hall, University of Massachusetts at Amherst 01003
413-545-3460 FAX 413-545-3686
Projected Total Population and Age Distribution for 1995 and 2000; Massachusetts Cities and
Towns. March, XXXX. 62pp.
Wayne State University, Bureau of Business Research, School of Business Administration,
Detroit 48202
Michigan Statistical Abstract, 20th ed. XXXX-XX. 629pp.
Department of Trade and Economic Development, Business Development
and Analysis Division,
900 American Center Building, St. Paul 55101
Compare Minnesota: An Economic and Statistical Factbook. XXXX-XX. 165pp.
Economic Report to the Governor: State of Minnesota, XXXX. 148pp.
Office of State Demographer, Minnesota Planing, 300 Centennial Bldg.,
St. Paul 55155
Minnesota Population and Household Estimates, XXXX. 74pp. Available on diskette in Lotus,
dBASE or ASCII files.
Mississippi State University, College of Business and Industry, Division of Research,
Mississippi State 39762
Mississippi Statistical Abstract, XXXX. 750pp.
University of Missouri, Business and Public Administration Research Center,
Columbia 65211
Statistical Abstract for Missouri, XXXX. Biennial. 350pp.
Montana Department of Commerce, Census and Economic Information Center,
1424 9th Ave., Helena 59620
Montana County Database. (Separate county and state reports; will be available by subject
section as well as complete reports by county and state, updated periodically, available in
paper, microfiche, and diskette.)
Department of Economic Development, Division of Research, Box 94666,
Lincoln 68509
Nebraska Statistical Handbook. XXXX-XXXX. 300pp.
Department of Administration, Planning Division, Capitol Complex,
Carson City 89710
Nevada Statistical Abstract. XXXX. Biennial. 405pp.
New Hampshire
Office of State Planning,
2 1/2 Beacon St., Concord 03301
Current Estimates and Trends in New Hampshire's Housing Supply. Update, XXXX. 32pp.
Selected Economic Characteristics of New Hampshire's Municipalities. 12pp.
(Other series available on population estimates and projections, and taxation.)
New Jersey
New Jersey State Data Center, NJ Department of Labor, CN 388, Trenton 08625-0388
New Jersey Statistical Factbook. XXXX. 115pp.
New Jersey Source Book, XXXX. 156pp.
New Mexico
University of New Mexico, Bureau of Business and Economic Research,
1920 Lomas N.E. Albuquerque 87131-6021
New Mexico Statistical Abstract. 215pp.
County Profiles. (Occasionally.)
New York
Energy Association of New York, 111 Washington Avenue, Suite 601, Albany 12210
New York at a Glance, 230pp.
Nelson Rockefeller Institute of Government,
411 State Street, Albany 12203-1003
New York State Statistical Yearbook, XXXX
18th ed., 544pp.
North Carolina
Office of Governor
Office of State Planning, 116 West Jones St., Raleigh 27603-8003
Statistical Abstract of North Carolina Counties, XXXX. 6th edition.
North Dakota
University of North Dakota, Bureau of Business and Economic Research,
Grand Forks 58202
The Statistical Abstract of North Dakota. XXXX. 700 pp.
North Dakota Department of Economic Development and Finance,
1833 E. Bismarck Expressway, Bismarck 58504
North Dakota Economic Data Book. XXXX. 100pp.
Department of Development, Office of Statistical Research, P.O. Box 1001, Columbus
Products and Services. (Updated continuously.)
The Ohio State University, School of Public Policy and Management
1775 College Road, Columbus 43210-1399
Benchmark Ohio, XXXX. Biennial. 300pp.
University of Oklahoma, Center for Economic and Management Research,
307 West Brooks Street, Room 4, Norman 73019
Statistical Abstract of Oklahoma, XXXX. Annual.626pp.
Secretary of State, Room 136, State Capitol, Salem 93710
Oregon Blue Book, XXXX-XX. Biennial. 441pp. $12.
Pennsylvania State Data Center, Institute of State and Regional Affairs, Penn State
Harrisburg, 777 West Harrisburg Pike, Middleton Pennsylvania 17057-4898.
Pennsylvania Statistical Abstract, XXXX. 30th ed., 249pp.
Rhode Island
Department of Economic Development,
7 Jackson Walkway, Providence 02903
Rhode Island Basic Economic Statistics. XXXX. Population summary,
Annual and Monthly Economic Trends.
South Carolina
Budget and Control Board, Division of Research and Statistical Services,
R.C. Dennis Building, Room 425, Columbia 29201
South Carolina Statistical Abstract, XXXX. 422pp.
South Dakota
University of South Dakota, State Data Center, Vermillion 57069
Selected Social and Economic Characteristics, 550pp.
1992 South Dakota Community Abstracts, 400pp.
University of Tennessee, Center for Business and Economic Research,
Knoxville 37996-4170
Tennessee Statistical Abstract, XXXX-XX. 14th ed., 800pp. (Annual.)
Dallas Morning News, Communications Center, P.O. Box 655237, Dallas 75265
Texas Almanac, XXXX-XXXX. 672pp.
University of Texas, Bureau of Business Research, Austin 78712
Texas Fact Book, XXXX. 6th ed. 250pp.
University of Utah, Bureau of Economic and Business Research, 401 Kendall D. Garff
Building, Salt Lake City 84112
Statistical Abstract of Utah. XXXX. (Triennial.)
Utah Foundation, 10 West 100 South 323, Salt Lake City 84101-1544
Statistical Review of Government in Utah. XXXX. 135pp.
Office of Policy and Information, Department of Employment and Training.
Montpelier 05601
802-828-4202 ext. 323.
Demographic and Economic Profiles. Annual.
University of Virginia, Center for Public Service, Dynamics Building, 4th Floor,
2015 Ivy Road, Charlottesville 22903
Virginia Statistical Abstract. Biennial. XXXX. 850pp.
Washington State Office of Financial Management, Forecasting Division
P.O. Box 43113 Olympia, WA 98504-3113
Washington State Data Book. Biennial. XXXX. 306pp.
Population Trends for Washington State. Annual. 128pp.
West Virginia
West Virginia Chamber of Commerce, P.O. Box 2789, Charleston 25330
West Virginia: Economic-Statistical Profile. XXXX-XX. Biennial. 750pp.
West Virginia Research League, Inc.
405 Capitol Street, Suite 414,
Charleston 25301
Economic Indicators. XXXX. 110pp.
The 1992 Statistical Handbook. 94pp.
Wisconsin Legislative Reference Bureau,
P.O. Box 2037, Madison 53701-2037
XXXX-XXXX Wisconsin Blue Book. 1,000pp. Biennial.
Department of Administration and Information, Division of Economic Analysis.
327 E. Emerson Building, Cheyenne 82002
Wyoming Data Handbook, XXXX. 310pp.
Puerto Rico
Planning Board, Area of Economic and Social Planning, Bureau of Economic Analysis and
Bureau of Statistics, Santurce 00940
Economic Report to the Governor, XXXX. (In Spanish.)
Historic Series of Employment, Unemployment and Labor Force, XXXX. (In Spanish.)
Social Statistics Abstract, XXXX. (In Spanish.)
Socioeconomic Indicators by Municipios, XXXX. (In Spanish.)
Economical Forecasts for Fiscal Years 1993 and 1994. (In Spanish.)
Income Product, XXXX. (In Spanish.)
National Accounts of Puerto Rico, XXXX. (In Spanish.)
Appendix H
Guide to State Trucking Associations
. H-1
Appendix H
Guide to State Trucking Associations
Note: This list of state associations is extracted from "TruckSource 1994" and is used with
their permission. "TruckSource" is updated annually, includes additional listings, and is
available from the American Trucking Association.
Alabama Trucking Association
660 Adams Avenue
Montgomery, AL 36104
Phone: (205) 834-3983
Fax: (205) 262-6504
Alaska Trucking Association
3443 Minnesota Drive
Anchorage, AK 99503
Phone: (907) 276-1149
Fax: (907) 274-1946
Arizona Motor Transport Association
2111 W. McDowell Road
Phoenix, AZ 85009
Phone: (602) 252-7559
Fax: (602) 253-1848
Arkansas Motor Carriers Association, Inc.
P.O. Box 2798
Little Rock, AR 72203
Phone: (501) 372-3462
Fax: (501) 376-1810
California Trucking Association
1251 Beacon Blvd.
West Sacramento, CA 95691
Phone: (916) 373-3500
Fax: (916) 371-7346
Colorado Motor Carriers Association
4060 Elati Street
Denver, CO 80216
Phone: (303) 433-3375
Fax: (303) 477-6977
Conneticut: Motor Transport Association of Connecticut, Inc.
60 Forest Street
Hartford, CT 06105
Phone: (203) 520-4455
Fax: (203) 520-4567
Delaware Motor Transport Association, Inc.
1203-D College Park Drive, Suite104
Dover, DE 19901
Phone: (302) 678-5306
Fax: (302) 678-2113
Florida Trucking Association, Inc.
350 E. College Avenue
Tallahassee, FL 32301
Phone: (904) 222-9900
Fax: (904) 222-9363
Georgia Motor Trucking Association
500 Piedmont Avenue, NE
Atlanta, GA 30308
Phone: (404) 876-4313
Fax: (404) 874-9765
Hawaii Transportation Association
2850 Paa Street, Suite
204 Honolulu, HI 96820
Phone: (808) 833-6628
Fax: (808) 833-8486
Idaho Motor Transport Association, Inc.
P.O. Box 4549
Boise, ID 83711-4549
Phone: (208) 342-3521
Fax: (208) 343-8397
Illinois Transportation Associations, Inc.
2000 Fifth Avenue
River Grove, IL 60171
Phone: (708) 452-3500
Fax: (708) 452-3508
. H-3
Indiana Motor Truck Association, Inc.
1 North Capitol Avenue, Suite 460
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Phone: (317) 630-4682
Fax: (317) 638-5380
Iowa Motor Truck Association, Inc.
600 East Court, Suite D
Des Moines, IA 50309
Phone: (515) 244-5193
Fax: (515) 244-2204
Kansas Motor Carriers Association
P.O. Box 1673
2900 S. Topeka Blvd.
Topeka, KS 66601
Phone: (913) 267-1641
Fax: (913) 266-6551
Kentucky Motor Transport Association, Inc.
134 Walnut Street
Frankfort, KY 40601
Phone: (502) 6954055
Fax: (502) 695-9026
Louisiana Motor Transport Association
P.O. Box 80278
4838 Bennington Avenue (70808)
Baton Rouge, LA 70898
Phone: (504) 928-5682
Fax: (504) 928-0500
Maine Motor Transport Association, Inc.
P.O. Box 857
524 Western Avenue Augusta, ME 04330
Phone: (207) 623-4128
Fax: (207) 623-4096
Maryland Motor Truck Association
3000 Washington Blvd.
Baltimore, MD 21230
Phone: (301) 644-4600
Fax: (301) 644-2537
Massachusetts Motor Transportation Association, Inc.
80 Blanchard Road
Burlington, MA 01803
Phone: (617) 270-6880
Fax: (617) 229-0458
Michigan Trucking Association, Inc.
5800 Executive Drive
Lansing, MI 48911
Phone: (517) 393-2053
Fax: (517) 393-1120
Minnesota Trucking Association
1821 University Avenue
134 N. Griggs-Midway Bldg.
Street Paul, MN 55104-2994
Phone: (612) 646-7351
Fax: (612) 641-8995
Mississippi Trucking Association
767 N. President Street
Jackson, MS 39202
Phone: (601) 354-0616
Fax: (601) 354-4371
Missouri Motor Carriers Association
227B Jefferson Street
Jefferson City, MO 65101
Phone: (314) 634-3388
Fax: (314) 6344197
Montana Motor Carriers Association, Inc.
P.O. Box 1714
Helena, MT 59624-1714
Phone: (406) 442-6600
Fax: (406) 443-4281
Nebraska Motor Carriers Association
1701 K Street
Lincoln, NE 68508
Phone: (402) 476-8504
Fax: (402) 476-0579
Nevada Motor Transport Association
255 Glendale Avenue, Suite 6
Sparks, NV 89431
Phone: (702) 331-6884
Fax: (702) 331-6887
New Hampshire Motor Transport Association
4 Park Street
Concord, NH 03301
Phone: (603) 224-7337
Fax: (603) 225-9361
. H-5
New Jersey Motor Truck Association
160 Tices Lane
East Brunswick, NJ 08816
Phone: (908) 254-5000
Fax: (908) 613-1745
New Mexico Motor Carriers' Association
4809 Jefferson Street, NE
Albuquerque, NM 87109
Phone: (505) 884-5575
Fax: (505) 884-3661
New York State Motor Truck Association
1736 Western Avenue
Albany, NY 12203-4413
Phone: (518) 464-5065
Fax: (518) 464-5069
North Carolina Trucking Association, Inc.
P.O. Box 2977
19 W. Martin Street
Raleigh, NC 27602
Phone: (919) 834-0387
Fax: (919) 832-0390
North Dakota Motor Carriers Association, Inc.
1031 E. Interstate Avenue
P.O. Box 874
Bismarck, ND 58502
Phone: (701) 223-2700
Fax: (701) 223-4324
Ohio Trucking Association
50 W. Broad Street, Suite 1111
Columbus, OH 43215
Phone: (614) 221-5375
Fax: (614) 221-3717
Oklahoma: Associated Motor Carriers of Oklahoma
P.O. Box 14620
7201 N. Classen Blvd.
Oklahoma City, OK 73113
Phone: (405) 843-9488
Fax: (405) 843-7310
Oregon Trucking Associations, Inc.
5940 N. Basin Avenue
Portland, OR 97217
Phone: (503) 289-6888
Fax: (503) 289-6672
Pennsylvania Motor Truck Association
P.O. Box 128
Camp Hill, PA 17110-0128
Phone: (717) 761-7122
Fax: (717) 761-8434
Rhode Island Trucking Association
1240 Pawtucket Avenue
Rumford, RI 02916
Phone: (401) 438-0410
Fax: (401) 438-2072
South Carolina Trucking Association, Inc.
P.O. Box 50166
Columbia, SC 29250
Phone: (803) 799-4306
Fax: (803) 254-7148
South Dakota Trucking Association
P.O. Box 89008
Sioux Falls, SD 57105
Phone: (605) 334-8871
Fax: (605) 334-1938
Tennessee Trucking Association
P.O. Box 190538
Nashville, TN 37219-0538
Phone: (615) 255-0558
Fax: (615) 244-0495
Texas Motor Transportation Association, Inc.
P.O. Box 1669
700 East 11th Street
Austin, TX 78767
Phone: 512) 478-2541
Fax: (512) 474-6494
Utah Motor Transport Association
975 West 2100 South
Salt Lake City, UT 84119
Phone: (801) 973-9370
Fax: (801) 973-8515
Vermont Truck & Bus Association, Inc.
P.O. Box 271
Barre, VT 05641
. H-7
Phone: (802) 479-1778
Fax: (802) 479-1395
Virginia Trucking Association
104 W. Franklin Street
Lexington Tower, Suite D
Richmond, VA 23220
Phone: (804) 649-9311
Fax: (804) 788-4218
Washington D.C. Area Trucking Association
2200 Mill Road
Alexandria, VA 22314
Phone: (703) 838-1840
Fax: (703) 836-6070
Washington Trucking Associations, Inc.
4101 4th Avenue, South
Seattle, WA 98134
Phone: (206) 682-0250
Fax: (206) 622-0565
West Virginia Motor Truck Association, Inc.
P.O. Box 5187, Capitol Station
Charleston, WV 25361
Phone: (304) 345-2800
Fax: (304) 345-0308
Wisconsin Motor Carriers Association
562 Grand Canyon Drive
P.O. Box 44849
Madison, WI 53744-4849
Phone: (608) 833-8200
Fax: (608) 833-2875
Wyoming Trucking Association
555 North Poplar Street
Casper, WY 82601
Phone: (307) 234-1579
Fax: (307) 234-7082
Appendix I
Bureau of Census Regional Offices
Appendix I
Bureau of Census Regional Offices
Information specialists in these cities can answer questions about the availability and uses of the
County Business Patterns and other economic data collected by the Census Bureau.
Atlanta, GA (404) 730-3832
101 Marietta St., NW
Suite 3200 ZIP 30303-2700
Boston, MA (617) 424-0500
2 Copley Place, Suite 301
P.O. Box 9108 ZIP 02117-9108
Charlotte, NC (704) 844-6142
901 Center Park Drive
Suite 106 ZIP 28217-2935
Chicago, IL (708) 562-1350
2255 Enterprise Dr., Suite 5501
Westchester ZIP 60154-5800
Dallas, TX (214) 767-7500
6303 Harry Hines Blvd.
Suite 210 ZIP 75235-5269
Denver, CO (303) 969-6750
6900 West Jefferson Avenue
P.O. Box 272020 ZIP 80227-9020
Detroit, MI(313) 259-1158
1395 Brewery Park Blvd.
P.O. Box 33405 ZIP 48232-5405
Kansas City, KS (913) 551-6728
400 State Avenue
Suite 600 ZIP 66101-2410
Los Angeles, CA (818) 904-6393
15350 Sherman Way, Suite 300
Van Nuys ZIP 91406-4224
New York, NY (212) 264-3860
26 Federal Plaza
Room 37-130 ZIP 10278-0044
Philadelphia, PA (215) 597-4920
105 South 7th Street
1st Floor ZIP 19106-3395
Seattle, WA (206) 728-5300
101 Stewart Street
Suite 500 ZIP 98101-1098
Appendix J
National Trade Associations
Appendix J
National Trade Associations
Note: This partial listing of national freight associations is extracted from "TruckSource
1994" and is used with their permission. "TruckSource" is updated annually, includes
additional listings, and is available from the American Trucking Association.
Air Transport Association of America
1301 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Suite 1100 Washington, DC 20004
Phone: (202) 626-4000
Fax: (202) 626-4181
Represents airlines engaged in transporting persons, goods, and mail by aircraft between fixed
terminals on regular schedules.
American Institute for Shippers' Associations
P.O. Box 33457
Washington, DC 20033
Phone: (202) 628-0933
Fax: (202) 296-1370
Association of shippers that consolidate and distribute freight on a non-profit basis for the purpose
of securing the benefits of volume rates and are interested in the continued existence of cooperative
American Movers Conference
1611 Duke Street
Alexandria, VA 22314
Phone: (703) 683-7410
Fax: (703) 683-8208
Represents local, intrastate, interstate and international movers who transport household goods,
office and institutional equipment, and high value products.
American Petroleum Institute
1220 L Street, NW
Washington, DC 20005
Phone: (202) 682-8000 Fax: (202) 682-8232
Represents producers, refiners, marketers,and transporters of gasoline, crude oil, lubricating oils,
and natural gas.
American Trucking Associations
2200 Mill Road
Alexandria, VA 22314
Phone: (703) 838-1700 (703) 838-1754 or
(800) ATA-LINE (Customer Service) (703) 838-1880 (Information Center)
Motor carriers, suppliers, state associations and national conferences of trucking companies work-
ing together to promote increased safety, competitiveness, and productivity in the motor
transportation industry, through influence on state and national transportation policy.
American Warehousemen's Association
1300 West Higgins
Suite 111
Park Ridge, IL 60068
Phone: (708) 292-1891 Fax: (708) 292-1896
Represents the warehousing industry at the national level and fosters social change and advance-
ment through education and exchange of industry information.
American Waterways Operators, Inc.
1600 Wilson Blvd., Suite 1000
Arlington, VA 22209
Phone: (703) 841-9300
Fax: (703) 841-0389
Represents coastal and inland operators of towboats, tugboats and barges; also shipyards that build,
repair or maintain such vessels.
Association of American Railroads
50 F Street
NW Washington, DC 20001
Phone: (202) 639-2555 Fax: (202) 639-2558
Coordinating and research agency of the American freight railway industry.
Council of Independent Truckers of New Jersey
P.O. Box 786
Piscataway, NJ 08854
Phone: (908) 968-1005
Owner-operator association.
Film, Air & Package Carriers Conference, Inc.
2200 Mill Road
Alexandria, VA 22314
Phone: (703) 838-1887 Fax: (703) 549-6196
Represents carriers of film or packaged cargo of 100-1,000 pounds requiring express delivery.
Forest Products Traffic Association
22 N. 2nd Street, Suite 302
Memphis, TN 38103
Phone: (901) 526-7625 Fax: (901) 529-8225
Professional transportation analysts whose chief interest lies in transportation and distribution of
logs, lumber and related wood products.
Household Goods Carriers' Bureau
1611 Duke Street
Alexandria, VA 22314-3482
Phone: (703) 683-7410 Fax: (703) 683-7527
Membership is composed of movers certified by the U.S. Interstate Commerce Commission to trans-
port household goods and other property in interstate commerce.
Household Goods Forwarders Association of America
2111 Eisenhower Avenue, Suite 404 Alexandria, VA 22314
Phone: (703) 684-3780
Fax: (703) 684-3784
Carriers engaged in the movement of household goods by the door-to-door container method.
Independent Truck Owner/Operator Association
P.O. Box 621
Stoughton, MA 02072
Phone: (617) 828-7200 or (800) 628-4866
Comprised of owner-operators, merchant vendors, truck dealers,fuel stops, and truck stops,
dedicated to ensuring the survival of the small, independent truck owner-operator.
Intermodal Association of North America
6410 Kenilworth Avenue, Suite 108
Riverdale, MD 20737 ,
Phone: (301) 474-8700 Fax: (301) 836-6070
Represents companies involved in intermodal freight transportation domestically and/or
internationally within North America.
Intermodal Council
2200 Mill Road
Alexandria, VA 22314
Phone: (703) 838-1918 Fax: (703) 836-6070
American Trucking Associations member council representing companies engaged in internodal
freight transportation. Focus is on issues or concerns of significant import to the intermodal freight
transportation industry.
International Association of Refrigerated Warehouses
7315 Wisconsin Avenue, Suite 1200 N. Bethesda, MD 20814
Phone: (301) 652-5674
Fax: (301) 652-7269
Represents public refrigerated warehouses storing all types of perishable foods and other perishable
products. Associate members are industrial suppliers.
Interstate Truckload Carriers Conference
2200 Mill Road
Alexandria, VA 22314
Phone: (703) 838-1950
Fax: (703) 836-6610
Represents the truckload motor carrier industry.
National Automobile Transporters Association
902 Buhl Building
535 Griswold
Detroit, Ml 48226
Phone: (313) 965-6533
Fax: (313) 965-6950
A representation affirms specializing in the transportation by truck of automobiles, trucks,and
other motor vehicles.
National Defense Transportation Association
50 South Picket Street, Suite 220
Alexandria, VA 22304-3008
Phone: (703) 751-5011 Fax: (703) 823-8761
Professional armed service/civilian organization for men and women of the armed forces, federal
government and private industry who are active in the field of transportation.
National Motor Freight Traffic Association, Inc.
2200 Mill Road
Alexandria, VA 22314
Phone: (703) 838-1868
Fax: (703) 683-1094
Serves as the agency by which thousands of participating motor common carriers nationwide can
discharge their legal obligations to establish, publish and maintain a tariff of classifications of
property transported by truck.
National Perishable Logistics Association
P.O. Box 3021
Oak Park, IL 60303
Phone: (708) 524-1020
Fax: (708) 524-1064
Represents motor carriers and industrial companies whose primary interest is the regulated trans-
portation of perishable commodities.
National Private Truck Council
1320 Braddock Pl. #720
Alexandria, VA 22314
Phone: (703) 683-1300
Fax: (703) 683-1217
Represents manufacturers, processors, shippers, distributors, and jobbers who operate their own
truck fleets and transport their own goods.
National-American Wholesale Grocers' Association
201 Park Washington Court
Falls Church, VA 22046
Phone: (703)
Provides technical assistance and research to wholesale grocers and food service distributors.
North American Traffic Report: Airports Council International- North America,
1775 K Street, NW, Suite 500, Washington, DC 20006,
Phone: (202) 293-8500,
Fax: (202) 331-1362. Price $25 members, $95 non-members. Covers airport activity statistics
ranking over 130 airports in North America in terms of passengers, cargo and operations.
United Fresh Fruit & Vegetable Association
727 North Washington Street
Alexandria, VA 22314
Phone: (703) 836-3410
Fax: (703) 836-7745
Represents growers, shippers, brokers, wholesalers, distributors, and retailers of fresh fruit and
Appendix K
Freight Transportation Data Sources
Appendix K
Freight Transportation Data Sources
The key at the top of each page of this appendix categorizes the data in terms of perceived
usefulness to the quick response freight modeling process. This is not meant to imply that
data items categorized as "marginal" or "specialized" do not have very useful applications
in other areas.
Appendix K is divided into four main parts related to their most appropriate application
in the quick response freight modeling process:
Part 1 -- Baselines, forecasts, and growth factors
Part 2 -- Vehicle miles traveled (VMT) and networks
Part 3 -- Survey development and other
Part 4 -- Specialized data sources, organized as air, pipeline, rail, water, and
multimodal and others.
Demographics, flows,
National, state,
MANUAL: Growth
factor, base year
TITLE: County Business Patterns
CONTENT: The County Business Patterns (CBP) is an annual series of state and national
publications presenting county-level data on number of establishments, total employment,
and payroll on an establishment basis, with economic activity classification reflecting the
principal activity at each individual locations. The data are derived from a universe of
employees covered by Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA).
Data in the CBP represent the following types of employment covered by FICA:
all covered wage and salary employment of private nonfarm employers and of nonprofit
all employment of religious organizations covered under the elective provisions of FICA.
Data for employees of establishments totally exempt from FICA are excluded. These include
the following types of employment: self-employed, government, domestic service,
agricultural, foreign, and railroad employment jointly covered by Social Security and railroad
retirement programs.
For activities such as construction, transportation, electric and gas, establishments are
represented by those relatively permanent main or branch offices, terminals, stations, etc.
Hence, the individual sites or systems of such dispersed activities (e.g., worksites) are not
ordinarily considered to be establishments.
Note:data for industries with less than 100 employees in a given county are not shown in the
printed reports, but are included on the CD-ROM and computer tape.
County Business Patterns Addendum:
Source of Data: Department of Commerce/Bureau of Economic Analysis
Attributes: Geographic Coverage of Data: US, states and counties, to zip code level by special
Update frequency: annual
Sponsoring Organization: Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis
Availability: Printed reports, tape, diskette, microfiche, CD-ROM
Entire US: Superintendent of Documents, PO Box 371954, Pittsburgh, PA 15250-7954, ph. 202-
512-1800, fax (202) 512-2250. Price $245, stock number 803-049-00000-9.
Individual States: (county level) Prices vary from $2.50 to $15.00. Contact above for order
Internet:To county level by 4-digit SIC code - total employment, not by employment by size.
Special request: Total establishments and establishments by employment size class by 4-digit
SIC code by zip code. Minimum charge $300; total US $1000
Contact for additional information:
Carol Comisarow, Statistician
DOC - Economics Planning and Coordination Division
Phone: 301-457-2580
Also contact:
Customer Services Branch
Data Users Services Division
Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233
Phone: 301-457-4100
Flows, etc., Multi-
National, state,
metropolitan, county
MANUAL: Growth
factor, base year
statistics, forecast
TITLE: Regional Economic Information System (REIS)
Abstract: The REIS contains estimates of annual personal income by major source, per capita
personal income, earnings by two-digit SIC industry, full- and part-time employment by
one-digit SIC industry, regional economic profiles, transfer payments by major program, and
farm income and expenses for states, metropolitan areas and counties. In addition, other
information includes BEA estimates of quarterly personal income by state (1969-1992); Census
Bureau data on intercounty flows for 1960, 1970 and 1980; BEA's latest gross state product
estimates for 1977-1989; its projections to 2040 of income and employment for states and
metropolitan areas; and total commuter's income flows, 1969-1991.
Source of Data: Department of Commerce/Bureau of Economic Analysis.
Geographic Coverage of Data: National
Time Span of Data Source: 1969-1991
First Developed: 1991
Update Frequency: Annual
Number of Records: Not Available
File Size: 450MB
File Format: ASCII
Media: CD-ROM
Sponsoring Organization: Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis, Regional
Economic Measurement System
Availability: DOC/Bureau of Economic Analysis, Regional Economic Measurement Division,
BE-55, Washington, DC 20230; telephone, (202)523-5360. Price, $35.
Contact for Additional Information: REIS Staff, DOC/Bureau of Economic Analysis
(202) 606-5360
Flows, etc.
National, state,
metropolitan, other
Growth factor, base year
statistics, forecast
TITLE: BEA Regional Projections to 2040; County Projections also available Publication
Abstract: This document illustrates estimates for 1973, 1979, 1983, 1988, and projections for
1195, 2000, 2005, 2010, 2020, and 2040 for total persons income, population, per capita
personal income, and employment and earnings by industry for the U.S., BEA regions, states,
metropolitan statistical areas, and BEA economic area. Volume 1 contains data on states,
Volume 2 contains data on MSAs, and Volume 3 contains data on BEA Economic Areas.
Source of Data: Department of Commerce/Bureau of Economic Analysis.
Geographic Coverage of Data: U.S., States, MSAs, BEA Economic Areas
Time Span of Data Source: 1973-2040
First Developed: 1964
Update Frequency: Every 5 Years
Sponsoring Organization: Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis, Regional
Economic Analysis Division
Availability: Volume 1 - National Technical Information Service, Springfield, VA 22161;
telephone, (301)487-4650. Price, $27; order number PB90-264532. Volumes 2 and 3 -
Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC, 20590;
telephone,, (202)783-3238. Price, $17/Volume 2 order number 003-010-00211-5; $10/Volume
3, order number 003-010-00212-3. Disks: DOC/Bureau of Economic Analysis, Regional
Economics Analysis Division, Washington, DC 20230; telephone, (202)523-0959. Prices vary.
County Level: DOC/Bureau of Economic Analysis, Regional Economic Analysis Division,
BE-61, Washington, DC 20230; telephone, (202)523-0959. Price, $260 (13 disks). Data also
available for user-selected states at $20/disk.
Contact for Additional Information:
Duane Hackman
Data Manager
DOC/Bureau of Economic Analysis
Contact for Additional Information:
George Downey
DOC/Bureau of Economic Analysis, Projects Branch
National, state
MANUAL: Growth
TITLE: Truck Weight Study Data Database
Abstract: This data base contains weigh-in-motion data from the states submitted in
accordance with the Traffic Monitoring Guide. Summary files are produced for generating
weight reports.
Source of Data: State Departments of Transportation submit data to FHWA in accordance
with the Traffic Monitoring Guide.
Geographic Coverage of Data: National
Time Span of Data Source: 1986-present
First Developed: 1989 (supersedes data base dating to 1930)
Update Frequency: Annual
Last Update: 1993
Number of Records: 40,000,000
File Size: 3GB
File Format: ASCII
Media: Read/Write Optical Disk
Significant Features and/or Limitations: Amount of data varies tremendously by state
because some states submit data from continuously operating weigh-in-motion sites
whereas others submit the minimum 48 hours of data from each weigh-in-motion site.
Some states have not submitted weigh-in-, motion data because of various problems with
the equipment, etc.
Sponsoring Organization: Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration,
Office of Highway Information Management
Availability: DOT/FHWA, Office of Highway Information Management, HPM-30, 400 7th
Street, SW, Washington, DC 20590; telephone, (202)366-0175. No cost to customer if
magnetic or optical disks are supplied.
Contact for Additional Information:
Ralph Gillmann, Data Managers
Perry Kent, Data Manager
MODE: Demographics,
Flows, etc., Multi-mode
National, state
Growth factor, base year
TITLE: Commodity Flow Survey: 1993
Abstract: The Commodity Flow Survey (CFS) is designed to provide data on the flow of
goods and materials by mode of transport. The CFS is a continuation of statistics collected in
the Commodity Transportation Survey from 1963 through 1977, and includes major
improvements in methodology, sample size and scope. A sample of 200,000 domestic
establishments randomly selected from a universe of about 900,000 establishments engaged
in mining, manufacturing, wholesale, auxiliary establishments (warehouses) of
multi-establishment companies, and some selected activities in retail and service was used.
Each selected establishment will report a sample of approximately 30 outboard shipments
for a two week period in each of the four calendar quarters of 1993. This will produce a total
sample of about 20 million shipments. For each sampled shipment, zip code of origin and
destination, 5-digit Standard Transportation Commodity Classification (STCC) code, weight,
value, and modes of transport, will be provided. Check box information on whether the
shipment was containerized, a hazardous material, or an export will also be obtained.
Source of Data: A sample of manufacturing wholesale establishments will complete
Geographic Coverage of Data: National, Stratified by State
Time Span of Data Source: 1993
First Developed: 1993
Update Frequency: Every Five Years
Number of Records: ~20 Million (Estimated)
File Size: TBD
File Format: TBD
Media: 9-track Tape, CD-ROM, Hardcopy
Significant Features and/or Limitations: The 1993 CFS will differ from previous surveys in
greatly expanded coverage of intermodalism. Earlier surveys reported only the principal
mode. The 1993 survey will report all modes used for the shipment (for-hire truck, private
truck, rail, inland water, deep sea water, pipeline, air, parcel delivery or U.S. Postal Service,
other mode, unknown). Route distance for each mode for each shipment will be imputed
from a Mode-Distance Table developed by Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Distance, in
turn, will be, used to compute ton-mileage by mode of transport.
Corresponding Printed Source: Commodity Flow Survey, 1993
Sponsoring Organization: Department of Transportation, Bureau of Transportation
Statistics, Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census
Performing Organization: Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, Oak Ridge
National Laboratory
Availability: Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington,
DC 20402; telephone, (202)783-3238. Data not available until late 1995.
Contact for Additional Information
John Fowler
DOC/ Bureau of the Census, Business Division
Flows, etc.
National, state,
MANUAL: Base year
TITLE: 1992 Census of Transportation, Communications and Utilities Geographic Area
Series Summary (UC92-A-1); other series also available: Series Establishment and Firm Size
(Including Legal Form of Organization) (UC92-S-1) and Miscellaneous Subjects (UC92-S-2)
Abstract: Presents data for establishments with payroll in transportation, communications,
and utilities industries as defined in Division E of the 1987 Standard Industrial Classification
(SIC) Manual, except for SIC Major Group 43, U.S. Postal Service. Presents general statistics
on number of establishments, revenue, payroll, and employment. Data are also provided on
revenue and employees per establishment, and on revenue and payroll per employee.
Comparative statistics showing percent changes in revenue and payroll between 1987 and
1992 area also shown for some kind-of-business classifications.
Source of Data: 1992 Economic Census; 1992 Census of Transportation, Communications,
and Utilities {transportation companies).
Geographic Coverage of Data: National, Stratified by State, Consolidated Metropolitan
Statistical Areas, Primary Metropolitan Statistical Areas, Selected Metropolitan Statistical
Time Span of Data Source: January 1, 1992-December 31, 1992
First Developed: In Progress
Update Frequency: Every Five Years
Last Update: 1989
Media: CD-ROM, Hardcopy
Significant Features and/or Limitations: Includes all establishments with one or more paid
employees engaged in these classifications: SIC 41, local and suburban transit and
interurban highway passenger transportation; SIC 42, motor freight transportation and
warehousing; SIC 44, water, transportation; SIC 45, transportation by air; SIC 46, pipeline,
except natural gas; SIC 47, transportation services; SIC 48, communications; SIC 49, electric,
gas, and sanitary services. Also includes SIC 40, railroad transportation reported to the,
Association of American Railroads; they were not in the 1992 Census of Transportation,
Communications, and Utilities universe. Likewise, data reported to DOT's RSPA/Office of
Airline Statistics were included in the tabulations for SIC 45, but were excluded from the
universe. Excludes firms without paid employees and governmental organizations.
Excludes auxiliaries for all industries except firms in SIC's 46 (pipeline, except natural gas);
481 and 482 (telephone, telegraph and other message
Sponsoring Organization: Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, Business
Availability: Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington,
DC 20402; telephone, (202)512-1800. Publication not available until February, 1995.
Contact for Additional Information
Dennis Shoemaker
DOC/Bureau of the Census, Utilities Census Branch
(301)457-2786; Fax, (301)457-4576
Flows, etc.
National, state
Growth factor
TITLE: Commercial Drivers Licenses
CONTENT: Number of Commercial Drivers Licenses issued. These data are updated
METHODOLOGY: A Commercial Drivers License (CDL) is required for all commercial
drivers whose vehicle falls into one of the following categories:
gross weight of more than 26,000 pounds, including a towed unit over 10,000 pounds;
designed to haul more than 15 passengers, including the driver;
requires placards under the Hazardous Materials Regulations.
Flows, etc.
MANUAL: Base year
statistics, forecast
TITLE: Current Population Survey
CONTENT: The Bureau of Census conducts the survey each month for the Bureau of Labor
Statistics and provides comprehensive data on the employed and unemployed, including
such characteristics as age, sex, occupation, hours worked and industry.
METHODOLOGY: Data based on household interviews are obtained from the Current
Population Survey (CPS), a sample survey of the population 16 years of age and over.
CPS employment data are estimated from a sample survey of about 60,000 households and
115,000 persons selected to represent the entire civilian noninstitutional population. The CPS
estimates are designed to measure overall employment, unemployment, and those not in the
labor force. The survey data are weighted to derive national estimates.
Flows, etc.
Useful, specialized
MANUAL: Base year
TITLE: Current Employment Statistics Publication
Abstract: This publication provides monthly employment data collected from payroll records
of business establishments. Statistics on employment, hours, and earnings are published for
industry groups in the transportation sector, with these data classified using the Standard
Industrial Classification (SIC). Publication detail includes all 2-digit SIC detail (railroad
transportation, local and interurban passenger transit, trucking and warehousing, water
transportation, transportation by air, pipelines, transportation services) and selected 3- and
4-digit detail.
Source of Data: Monthly payroll records from a sample of business establishments.
Employment data for Class I Railroads are provided by the ICC. Data collected via mail,
computer automated telephone interviewing, and touchtone data entry.
Geographic Coverage of Data: National
Time Span of Data Source: Current Year
Update Frequency: Monthly
Sponsoring Organization: Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics
Availability: DOL/Inquiries and Correspondence Branch, Office of Publications, Bureau of
Labor Statistics, Washington, DC 20212; telephone, (202)606-5902
Contact for Additional Information:
Lois Plunkert
Data Manager
BLS/Division of Monthly Industry Employment Statistics
(202) 606-6527
National, state
MANUAL: Base year
TITLE: Nationwide Truck Activity Survey (NTACS)
Abstract: The NTACS is a follow-on to the 1987 Truck Inventory and Use Survey (TIUS)
designed to collect detailed information on travel characteristics of commercial motor
vehicles. The survey provides detailed annual and daily activity for a probability sample of
trucks responding to the TIUS. The data were collected for days selected at random over a
12-month period ending in October 1990. Among the truck, shipment, and location
characteristics, the NTACS identifies shipments carried by the truck that were picked up or
delivered to another mode. In addition, the survey provides information on temporal,
geographic and other characteristics of truck use that are not collected in the TIUS.
Source of Data: Survey of a sample of all trucks reported carrying commodities over long
distances in the 1987 TIUS, approximately half of the trucks that were reported as carrying
commodities locally in the 1987 TIUS and a small portion of the remaining, 1987 TIUS
Geographic Coverage of Data: National, Regional
Time Span of Data Source: 1989-1990
First Developed: 1990
Update Frequency: TBD
Last Update: 1990
Number of Records: 22,044
File Size: 180 tracks, ASCII, 510 Tracks SAS
File Format: ASCII, SAS
Media: 9-track Tape, 6250 bpi; Hardcopy; CD-ROM
Significant Features and/or Limitations: Data limited to trucks 4-years old and older.
NTACS suffered from a low response rate and data inconsistency problems. Where
possible, the collected data were adjusted to compensate for and to decrease the extent of
these problems.
Corresponding Printed Source: 1990 Nationwide Truck Activity and Commodity Survey,
Selected Tabulations
Sponsoring Organization: Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration,
Federal Railroad Administration, Office of the Secretary of Transportation
Performing Organization: Department of Commerce, Bureau of Census, Oak Ridge National
Availability: Tape, Printed Source: Oak Ridge National Laboratory, P.O. Box 2008, Bldg.
5500A, MS6366, Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6366; telephone, (615)574-5957; fax, (615)574-3851,
CD-ROM: Transportation Data Sampler - DOT/Bureau of Transportation Statistics, 400 7th
Street, SW, Room 2104, Washington, DC 20590; telephone, (202)366-3282; fax, (202)366-3640
Contact for Additional Information:
Stacy Davis, Data Manager, Jim March, Data Manager
Oak Ridge National Laboratory DOT/FHWA, HPP-12
National, state
Base year statistics,
growth factor
TITLE: Truck Inventory and Use Survey
Abstract: This data base provides detailed information collected from a 152,000 truck sample
producing state universe estimates for the United States, including a national summary of
the nation's truck population. Data include year of truck model, average weight, state of
registration, major use, principal products carried, annual and lifetime miles, vehicle body
type and size, axle arrangement, maintenance, area of operation, size class, leasing
arrangements, miles per gallon, and hazardous materials carried.
Source of Data: Owners of private and commercial trucks registered in each state complete a
mail survey.
Geographic Coverage of Data: National
Time Span of Data Source: 1987 (Results of the state reports from the 1992 TIUS are expected
to be released in Fall 1993 through Summer 1994. The U.S. summary report and microdata
tape are expected to be released in Fall 1994.
First Developed: 1990
Update Frequency: Every Five Years
Last Update: 1985
Number of Records: 104,600 Logical Records; 424 Character Logical Record Length
File Size: ~44MB
File Format: Not Available
Media: Microdata File, Hardcopy
Significant Features and/or Limitations: Only source of comprehensive data collected for
trucks that are classified by their physical and operational characteristics and that also
provide microdata analysis from a public-use tape to data users of the transportation
community. The records on, the microdata tape are modified to avoid disclosure of a
sampled vehicle or operating company.
Sponsoring Organization: Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census
Availability: Data File - DOC/Bureau of the Census, Customer Services, Washington, DC
20233; telephone, (301)763-4100. Printed Source - Superintendent of Documents, U.S.
Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402; telephone (202)783-3238., Price,
$1.50/Individual State Report; $9.50/U.S. Summary Report; $175/Microdata File. Data
available for 1963, 1967, 1972, 1977, 1982, and 1987 surveys.
Contact for Additional Information:
Bill Bostic, Project Manager
DOC/Bureau of the Census
(301) 763-2735
Flows, etc., Multi-
MANUAL: Growth
TITLE: 1982 Benchmark Input-Output Accounts of the United States Publication
Abstract: This publication shows the distribution of transportation service output (including
rail, truck, water, air, pipeline, and other transportation services) to using industries and final
purchasers. Among the using industries are transportation industries defined by mode. The
commodities used as inputs by these transportation industries are also identified. These
accounts also provide detailed information on the consumption of specified commodities.
The input-output workfile that is available for benchmark years includes information for over
8,000 commodities.
Source of Data: Department of Commerce/Bureau of Economic Analysis.
Geographic Coverage of Data: National
Time Span of Data Source: 1982
First Developed: 1958
Update Frequency: Every 5 Years
Media: Tape, Disk, Hardcopy
Sponsoring Organization: Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis,
Interindustry Economic Division
Availability: Tape, Disk: DOC/Bureau of Economic Analysis, Interindustry Economics
Division, BE-51, Washington, DC 20230; telephone, (202)606-5585. Price varies by table
requested., Printed Source: Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office,
Washington, DC 20402; telephone, (202)783-3238. Price, $19.
Contact for Additional Information:
Ann Lawson
Chief, DOC/Bureau of Economic Analysis, Interindustry Economics Division
(202) 606-5584
Flows, etc.
National, state
MANUAL: Base year
TITLE: Annual Survey of Manufactures Publication
Abstract: This survey of manufactures was initiated in 1949 and has been conducted since
that time for years not covered by the Census of Manufactures. The survey provides
up-to-date statistics on the key measures of manufacturing activity for industry groups and
individual industries, and for states by 3-digit industry groups. Approximately 55,000
plants from a total of 350,000 were surveyed. Included in the sample are all large
manufacturing plants, that account for more than two-thirds of total employment of all
manufacturing establishments in the U.S., and a sample of the more numerous medium- and
small-sized establishments. This program is designed to provide estimates of general
statistics (employment, payroll, hours worked, value added by manufacture, cost of
materials, expenditure for new plant and equipment, value of manufacturers inventory, etc.)
for industry groups and industries; general statistics for values of shipments for classes of
products; fuels and electric energy data by industry groups, and labor cost.
Source of Data: Questionnaire is completed by manufacturing establishments with one or
more paid employees.
Geographic Coverage of Data: National, Stratified by State
Time Span of Data Source: 1949-1991
First Developed: 1949
Last Update: 1991
Update Frequency: Annual
Media: CD-ROM, Printed Source
Sponsoring Organization: Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, Industry
Availability: Publications: Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office,
Washington, DC 20402; telephone, (202)512-1800. CD-ROM: DOC/Bureau of the Census,
Customer Services, Washington, DC 20233; telephone, (301)457-4100.
Contact for Additional Information:
William Visnanski, Data Manager
DOC/Bureau of the Census, Industry Division
(301) 457-4141; Fax, (301) 457-2298
Judy Dodds, Data Manager - Food, Textiles, & Apparel
DOC/Bureau of the Census, Manufacturing and Construction Division
(301) 457-4651; Fax, (301) 458-4503
Flows, etc.
National, state
MANUAL: Base year
TITLE: Occupational Employment Statistics Publication
Abstract: This publication provides employment statistics by detailed occupation within
detailed industries. Statistics on the occupational profile of transportation employment are
provided at the 2 and 3-digit SIC level of detail on a three year cycle.
Source of Data: Annual sample of 250,000 employer units conducted by State employment
security agencies in cooperation with the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Sample is conducted
using mail surveys, telephone follow-up, and personal interviews.
Geographic Coverage of Data: National
Time Span of Data Source: Current Year
Update Frequency: Annual
Sponsoring Organization: Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Office of
Employment and Unemployment Statistics
Availability: DOL/Inquiries and Correspondence Branch, Office of Publications, Bureau of
Labor Statistics, Washington, DC 20212; telephone, (202)606-5902
Contact for Additional Information:
Mike McElray
Data Manager
DOL/BLS/Occupational Employment Statistics
(202)606-6516; Fax, (202)606-6645
Flows, etc.
National, state,
MANUAL: Growth
TITLE: Occupational Compensation Surveys Publication
Abstract: This publication presents occupational earnings estimates by metropolitan area for
selected occupations. Among the occupations studied are four levels of local truck drivers,
forklift operators, material handling laborers and warehouse specialists. Surveys combine
data for most industries, but data are published separately for the transportation,
communication, electric, gas and sanitary services industry division. Several occupational
compensation surveys conducted biennially for the Employment Standards Administration
of the Department of Labor relate to specific transportation industries: Alaskan Air
Transportation, Deep Sea Freighters, and Deep Sea Tankers.
Source of Data: Large sample survey of business establishments representing all MSAs in the
U.S. are conducted via personal interviews every three or four years, with data for
interviewing years collected by combination of mail, telephone and personal, visits.
Geographic Coverage of Data: National
Time Span of Data Source: Annual
Update Frequency: Annual, Biennial
Sponsoring Organization: Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Division of
Occupational Pay and Benefit Levels
Availability: DOL/Inquiries and Correspondence Branch, Office of Publications, Bureau of
Labor Statistics, Washington, DC 20212; telephone, (202)606-5902
Contact for Additional Information:
Staff, Data Analysis
DOL/BLS, Division of Occupational Pay and Benefit Levels, OCSP Information
(202)606-6219; Fax (202)606-7856.
Flows, etc.
National, state
MANUAL: Base year
TITLE: Employment and Wages
CONTENT: The Employment and Wages database contains information on employment,
wages and establishments, by industry, by state. The data represent the count of employment
and wages for workers covered by State unemployment insurance programs (UI) and
Federal civilian workers covered by the Unemployment Compensation for Federal
Employees (UCFE) program.
The BLS aggregates the data to national levels, by State and by industry -- private sector data
are shown at the 4-digit SIC level. Employment and Wages data are available quarterly.
AVAILABILITY: The Office of Employment and Unemployment Statistics at the BLS in
Washington, D.C. maintains the database of employment and wages data. The BLS data can
be copied onto diskettes using compression software. The BLS may have their employment
and wages data available on CD-ROM and also on the Internet -- where databases can be
downloaded via modem.
Flows, etc.
National, state
MANUAL: Base year
TITLE: Employment and Earnings
CONTENT: The Employment and Earnings database contains information on industry
employment, by state, and nationwide occupational employment. This data is published
METHODOLOGY: According to the BLS, Employment and Earnings (E&E) statistics are
compiled from two places: household interviews and employer results.
Data based on household interviews are obtained from the Current Population Survey (CPS),
a sample survey of the population 16 years of age and over. The Bureau of Census conducts
the survey each month for the BLS and provides comprehensive data on the employed and
unemployed, including such characteristics as occupation, hours and industry.
Data based on establishment records are compiled each month from questionnaires sent by
the Bureau of Labor Statistics, in cooperation with state employment agencies. The Current
Employment Statistics (CES) survey provides industry information on non-farm wage and
salary employment, hours, and average weekly earnings.
State agencies mail the questionnaires, then collect and compile data and make employment
estimates at the state level. National employment estimates are then made by the BLS.
The Employment and Earnings publication is prepared in the Office of Employment and
Unemployment Statistics in collaboration with the Office of Publications and Special Studies.
AVAILABILITY: Data are available in printed publications and on computer files.
Flows, etc.
National, state,
detailed Sub-areas,
MANUAL: Base year
TITLE: Occupational Employment Statistics
CONTENT: The Occupational Employment Statistics (OES) covers wage and salary
employment by occupation for establishments in nonagricultural industries. The OES is an
annual survey that provides employment by detailed occupation within detailed private
industries, plus state and local governments.
METHODOLOGY: According to the BLS, the OES is a federal-state cooperative program.
State employment agencies mail a BLS survey to a sample of about 250,000 employer units,
the collect and compile the data. Employment estimates are based upon survey results
adjusted to reflect total industry employment.
Statistics are derived for employment by occupation and industry for about 750 occupations
(which include trucking activity occupations such as truck drivers, dispatchers and truck
mechanics) and 400 industries. The states also conduct the SIC coding of establishments, with
the occupational data shown separately.
Flows, etc.
National, state
MANUAL: Growth
factor, base year
statistics, forecast
TITLE: Occupational Outlook Handbook
CONTENT: Current and projected occupational employment data include employees in
private and government sectors, and estimates for self-employed persons (for total
employment only and not at the industry level).
METHODOLOGY: According to the BLS, the employment estimates are derived from the
BLS industry-employment matrix, which includes data for more than 500 detailed
occupations and 250 detailed industries. The main sources of data used in the matrix are
Current Employment Statistics (CES) estimates for total wage and salary jobs by industry,
and Occupational Employment Statistics (OES) data for employment by occupation within
detailed industries.
Flows, etc.
National, state,
MANUAL: Base year
statistics, establish
sampling base for
TITLE: Payroll Reports
CONTENT: Payroll information reported to the states each month depicting employment,
hours worked, establishment name, address, and type of business.
TYPOLOGY MAPPING: The payroll data are very detailed and provide state-and-county-
level coverage of payroll data for all business establishments, but only within the SIC
structure. As such, only for-hire carriers (SIC 4213) will be reflected as trucking operations in
the data. Payroll data for private fleet operations will be represented in the particular
company's SIC category.
AVAILABILITY: Data are available to government agencies only.
National, state,
facility- airport,
marine port, etc.
MANUAL: Network
TITLE: Highway Performance Monitoring System (HPMS) Database
Abstract: This system includes universe data consisting of a small amount of information
for all public road mileage in each state. Additional information on physical characteristics,
condition, use, and performance for sample roadway sections within the state are included
in the sample data. Sample data are statistically valid for each arterial and collect or
functional system for rural, small urban, and urbanized areas. Areawide data, consisting of
accident data, system length and travel by functional system, and travel activity by vehicle
type are also reported in summary form. Accident data contains summary statistics on fatal
and non-fatal injury accidents.
Source of Data: State inventory, sampling, and surveys are conducted by State Highway
Geographic Coverage of Data: National, Puerto Rico, Limited Data from U.S. Territories
Time Span of Data Source: 1978, 1980-1992
First Developed: 1978
Update Frequency: Annual
Last Update: 1992
Number of Records: ~3.3 Million Universe/Year including 116,000 Sample Section
File Size: ~568MB
File Format: ASCII, EBCDIC, LOTUS (areawide)
Media: 9-track Tape, Disk, Hardcopy
Significant Features and/or Limitations: Sample data only for collector through interstate
functional systems.
Corresponding Printed Source: Highway Statistics (not inclusive of all data)
Sponsoring Organization: Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration,
Office of Highway Information Management
Availability: DOT/FHWA, Office of Highway Information Management, HPM-20, 400 7th
Street, SW, Washington, DC 20590; telephone (202)366-0175. Price $30-$150 and up for
non-government agencies; price varies depending upon amount and coverage desired.
Contact for Additional Information:
Don Kestyn, Transportation Specialist
Flows, etc., Multi-
National, state,
metropolitan, facility-
airport, marine port,
Network related
TITLE: National Commodity Flow Network
Abstract: This data base includes information on highway, railroad, waterway, aviation, and
pipeline networks with intermodal connections for use in calculating distances for the
Commodity Flow Survey. Emphasis has been placed on topological accuracy rather than
planimetric accuracy for use in network analysis such as minimum path calculations.
Source of Data: Public domain maps, digital line graphs from the U.S. Geological Survey.
Geographic Coverage of Data: National
Time Span of Data Source: 1993
First Developed: 1993
Update Frequency: Annual
Last Update: 1993
Number of Records: TBD
File Size: TBD
File Format: ASCII
Media: CD-ROM
Significant Features and/or Limitations: These networks are based on 1:2,000,000 maps and
are generally accurate to 1,000 meters.
Sponsoring Organization: Department of Transportation, Bureau of Transp. Statistics
Performing Organization: DOT/Research and Special Programs Administration, Volpe
National Transportation Systems Center (RSPA/Volpe Center), Service Assessment
Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Availability: DOT/Bureau of Transportation Statistics, 400 7th Street, SW, Room 2104,
Washington, DC 20590; telephone (202)366-3282; fax (202)366-3640
Contact for Additional Information:
Staff, DOT/Bureau of Transportation Statistics
Bruce Spear
DOT/RSPA/Volpe Center, DTS-49
Mike Bronzini
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
MODE: Highway GEOGRAPHY: National, state,
metropolitan, County, Facility-
airport, marine port, etc.
Network related
TITLE: National Highway Planning Network (NHPN)
Abstract: The NHPN is a data base of the major highways in the U.S. It is a foundation for
analytic studies of highway performance, vehicle routing and scheduling problems, and
mapping purposes. The network is based on the U.S. Geological Survey's 1:2,000,000 digital
line graphs (DLG's). The DLG's have been enhanced through addition of transportation
attributes such as number of lanes, degree of access control, median type, and FHWA's
functional classification codes. Other enhancements include the digitation of some
additional links and the correction of topological errors to create a true analytic network.
Source of Data: U.S. Geological Survey's digital line graphs and the States.
Geographic Coverage of Data: National
Time Span of Data Source: Real-Time
First Developed: 1985
Update Frequency: Continual
Number of Records: ~35,000
File Size: ~16 MB
File Format: ASCII
Media: Disk, Hardcopy, CD-ROM
Significant Features and/or Limitations: 1:2,000,000 accuracy insufficient for some types of
analyses. This data base has been expanded upon by the Department of Defense, Military
Traffic Management Command, Transportation Engineering Agency. See National
Highway Planning Network Strategic, Highway Corridor Network (STRANET) and
Connectors located in the MTMC profiles section.
Corresponding Printed Source: Description of the National Highway Planning Network
Sponsoring Organization: Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration,
Highway Needs and Investment Branch
Performing Organization: Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Availability: Disk, Printed Source: DOT/FHWA, Highway Needs and Investment Branch,
HPP-22, 400 7th Street, SW, Washington, DC 20590; telephone (202)366-9223. No charge for
data, however, six high density floppy disks must be provided by the customer., CD-ROM:
Transportation Data Sampler - DOT/Bureau of Transportation Statistics, 400 7th Street, SW,
Room 2104, Washington, DC 20590; telephone, (202)366-3282; fax (202)366-3640
Contact for Additional Information:
Stephen M. Lewis, Data Manager
Bruce Patterson, Data Manager
Oakridge National Laboratory
National, state
TITLE: Monthly Traffic Volume Trends
Abstract: This data base contains information on vehicle miles of travel (VMT) generated by
the Highway Performance Monitoring System. VMT is expanded from the previous year to
give a current year estimate based on the change in traffic volumes at approximately 4,500
locations across the nation. The VMT estimates are generated by functional highway system
within each state and the aggregate for national totals. A computer data base for the VMT
has been created on the DOT central computers beginning with 1970. A new, expanded data
base is generated on the current micro computer system beginning with 1991 VM2 (Traffic
Volume Trends Report) data.
Source of Data: State Highway Agencies provide FHWA with traffic counts from automatic
traffic data recorders buried in roadway surfaces.
Geographic Coverage of Data: National
Time Span of Data Source: 1970-present
First Developed: 1935
Update Frequency: Monthly
Number of Records: Varies
File Size: Varies
File Format: dBASE
Media: Disk, Hardcopy
Significant Features and/or Limitations: Sample limited by statistic sampling and finances
available. A computer data base for the VMT has been created on the DOT central
computers beginning with 1970. A new, expanded data base is generated on the current
micro computer system beginning with 1991 VM2 data.
Corresponding Printed Source: Traffic Volume Trends
Sponsoring Organization: Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration,
Office of Highway Information Management
Availability: DOT/FHWA, Office of Highway Information Management, HPM-30, 400 7th
Street, SW, Washington, DC 20590; telephone (202)366-5055. Price, monthly report is free;
annual cost for monthly data base is $240.
Contact for Additional Information:
Kenneth H. Welty, Highway Engineer
National, state
TITLE: Vehicle Classification and Vehicle Miles Travelled (VCVMT) Database
Abstract: This data base is a compilation of vehicle classification type by highway functional
classification by state. Depicts the vehicle type in each functional classification as a
percentage of annual vehicle miles travelled (AVMT). One table is developed each year that
contains data for all the states.
Source of Data: Data collected by each state.
Geographic Coverage of Data: National
Time Span of Data Source: 1985-present
First Developed: 1985
Update Frequency: Annual
Last Update: 1991
Number of Records: 612
File Size: 471KB
File Format: LOTUS
Media: Disk, Hardcopy
Corresponding Printed Source: Highway Statistics
Sponsoring Organization: Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration,
Office of Highway Information Management
Availability: DOT/FHWA, Office of Highway Information Management, HPM-30, 400 7th
Street, SW, Washington, DC 20590; telephone, (202)366-5052.
Contact for Additional Information:
William Grush
Data Manager
MANUAL: Establish
sampling base for
TITLE: Motor Carrier Census
Abstract: This system includes the name and address, type and size of operation,
commodities transported and other characteristics of the operation of approximately 300,000
motor carriers (truck and bus) and shippers subject to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety
Regulations or Federal Hazardous Materials Regulations.
Source of Data: Interstate motor carriers are required to submit an identification form, Form
MCS-150, to FHWA which results in the carrier being registered in the data base system and
being issued a USDOT number.
Geographic Coverage of Data: U.S., Canadian, and Mexican Carriers Operating in U.S.
Time Span of Data Source: Current
First Developed: 1979
Update Frequency: Continual
Number of Records: ~300,000
File Size: Varies
File Format: EBCDIC
Media: 9-track Tape, 6250 bpi/1600 bpi
Significant Features and/or Limitations: On-line data base that is directly accessible by all
Office of Motor Carrier Headquarters and field personnel. Changes to the data can be made
at any time, generally after contact with the motor carrier, i.e., a safety or compliance review,
roadside, inspection, etc.
Sponsoring Organization: Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration,
Office of Motor Carriers
Availability: The Scientex Corporation, OMC Data Dissemination Program, P.O. Box 13028,
Arlington, VA 22219. Price, $275/6250 bpi tape; $375/1600 bpi tape.
Contact for Additional Information:
Linda Giles
Data Manager
National, state
MANUAL: Establish
sampling base for
TITLE: Annual Registration Filings
CONTENT: Varies significantly from state to state. The data include: Size of motor carrier
Measured by equipment used, employees, and/or estimate revenue.
Type of operation: Service, for-hire, private, construction, agriculture, off-highway.
Commodity hauled: Broad classifications usually, no greater detail than 2-digit SIC level.
Area of operation: Range of operation carrier.
Flows, etc., highway
National, state
MANUAL: Establish
sampling base for
TITLE: Annual Motor Carrier Reports
CONTENT: Employment and leased-employee information for Class I and Class II for hire
motor carriers (this group represents a small percent of total for-hire carriers).
METHODOLOGY: For-hire motor carriers file for interstate operating authority with the ICC.
Class I and Class II carriers (annual revenues greater than $3 million) also submit a Motor
Carrier Annual Report (Form M). An employment census (including the number of leased
owner-operators) is included in Form M.
MANUAL: Establish
sampling base for
TITLE: Motor Freight Transportation and Warehousing Survey
Abstract: This data base reflects information obtained from firms furnishing local and
long-distance trucking, and courier services, except by air; public warehousing and storage
including farm product warehousing, refrigerated, general, and special warehousing and
storage. Excluded are private motor carriers and independent owner-operators. The data
items consist of total operating revenue, and total operating expenses that include annual
payroll and employee benefits. Information collected from trucking firms also includes
commodities carried, end-of-year inventory of revenue generating equipment, and type of
Source of Data: Data are collected from employer businesses on a national level.
Geographic Coverage of Data: National
Time Span of Data Source: 1984-1991
First Developed: 1984
Update Frequency: Annual
Last Update: 05/93
Number of Records: 2,345
File Size: Not Available
File Format: Not Available
Media: CENDATA, Hardcopy
Corresponding Printed Source: Motor Freight Transportation and Warehousing Survey
Sponsoring Organization: Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, Business
Availability: DOC/Bureau of the Census, Business Division, Washington, DC 20233;
telephone, (301)763-3990. Price, $2.50.
Contact for Additional Information:
Christine Tucker
Project Manager
DOC/Bureau of the Census, Business Division
Flows, etc.
National, state,
MANUAL: Establish
sampling base for
TITLE: 1987 Census of Transportation Geographic Area Series (TC87-A-1) Publication
Abstract: Presents data for establishments with payroll from selected transportation for the
United States, each state, District of Columbia, and selected metropolitan statistical areas
(MSA's). Presents general statistics on number of establishments, revenue, payroll, and
employment by varied transportation classifications. Data are also provided on revenue and
employees per establishment, and on revenue and payroll per employee. Comparative
statistics showing percent changes in revenue and payroll between 1982 and 1987 are also
shown for some kind-of-business classifications.
Source of Data: 1987 Economic Census; 1987 Census of Transportation (transportation
Geographic Coverage of Data: National, Stratified by State, Selected Metropolitan Statistical
Time Span of Data Source: January 1, 1987 - December 31, 1987
First Developed: 1991
Update Frequency: Every Five Years
Media: Tape, Hardcopy
Significant Features and/or Limitations: Covers selected transportation industries as defined
in Division E of the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Manual. Includes all
establishments with one or more paid employees primarily engaged in these classifications:
SIC 42, motor freight, transportation and warehousing; SIC 44, water transportation; and SIC
47, transportation services. Excludes firms without paid employees, governmental
establishments, and auxiliary establishments.
Sponsoring Organization: Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, Business
Availability: Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington,
DC 20402; telephone, (202)783-3238
Contact for Additional Information:
Dennis Shoemaker
DOC/Bureau of the Census, Utilities Census Branch
Facility- airport,
marine port, etc.
Growth factor/Base
year statistics/Forecast
TITLE: Airport Activity Statistics of Certificated Route Air Carriers Publication
Abstract: This report presents detailed data on the volume of revenue passengers, freight
express, and mail traffic carried by U.S. certificated route air carriers for each airport and
individual airline; and total departures by airport, airline, and aircraft model operated.
Scheduled/nonscheduled service shown by airport and carrier are included.
Source of Data: Data are derived from RSPA Form Schedules T-100 and T-3.
Geographic Coverage of Data: National
Time Span of Data Source: 1993
First Developed: 1962
Update Frequency: Annual
Last Update: 06/93
Sponsoring Organization: Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration,
Statistics and Forecast Branch and Research and Special Programs Administration, Office of
Airline Statistics
Availability: Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington,
DC 20402; telephone (202)512-1800 or National Technical Information Service, Springfield,
VA 22161; telephone, (703)487-4650
Contact for Additional Information:
Patricia Beardsley, Data Manager
fax, (202)267-9636
Paul Gravel, Data Manager
fax, (202)366-3383
Facility- airport,
marine port, etc.
MANUAL: Growth
TITLE: Aviation Data and Analysis System (ADAS)
Abstract: This system provides access to official agency activity forecasts and approved
benefit/cost methodologies for any airport or group of airports reported by the system. ADA
also provides all the tools necessary to study the effects on the benefit/cost ratio of changes in
costs, aviation activities, or airport specifics such as runway utilization, existing minima, or
weather data.
Geographic Coverage of Data: National
Time Span of Data Source: 1993
First Developed: 1993
Update Frequency: Not Available
Last Update: Unknown
Number of Records: ~4,000
File Size: Not Available
File Format: Not Available
Media: Not Available
Significant Features and/or Limitations: Descriptive historical and forecasted data are stored
for approximately 4,000 airports nationwide.
Sponsoring Organization: Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration,
Information Systems Branch
Availability: DOT/FAA, Information Systems Branch, APO-130, 800 Independence Ave.,
SW, Washington, DC 20591; telephone, (202)267-3550; fax, (202)267-5800.
Contact for Additional Information:
Staff, DOT/FAA, APO-130
TITLE: FAA Statistical Handbook of Aviation Publication
Abstract: This report covers statistical data from the Federal Aviation Administration,
National Airspace System, airports, airport activity, U.S. air carrier fleet, U.S. civil air carrier
operating data, airmen, general aviation aircraft, aircraft accidents, aeronautical production,
and imports/exports.
Source of Data: Federal Aviation Administration.
Geographic Coverage of Data: National
Time Span of Data Source: 1991
First Developed: 1945
Update Frequency: Annual
Sponsoring Organization: Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration,
Statistics and Forecast Branch
Availability: Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington,
DC 20402; telephone (202)512-1800 or National Technical Information Service, Springfield,
VA 22161; telephone (703)487-4650
Contact for Additional Information:
Patricia Beardsley
MODE: Air GEOGRAPHY: Facility-
airport, marine port, etc.
Growth factor
TITLE: Terminal Area Forecast
Abstract: Twelve-year forecast of aviation activity at selected airports in the U.S.,
encompassing at least those airports with towers and/or receiving commercial service. For
each airport, detailed forecasts are made for the four major user groups of the air traffic
control system: air carrier, air taxi/commuter, general aviation, and military. Summary tables
contain national, FAA regional, and state aviation data and other airport specific highlights.
Forecasts are prepared to meet the budget and planning needs of the FAA and to provide
airport specific information that can be used by state and local aviation authorities, by the
aviation industry, and by the general public.
Source of Data: FAA-developed.
Geographic Coverage of Data: National
Time Span of Data Source: Twelve Years
First Developed: 1993
Update Frequency: Annual
Last Update: 1992
Number of Records: Not Available
File Size: Not Available
File Format: Not Available
Media: Hardcopy
Corresponding Printed Source: Terminal Area Forecast
Sponsoring Organization: Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration,
Statistics and Forecast Branch
Availability: Printed Source: Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing
Office, Washington, DC 20402; telephone (202)512-1800 or National Technical Information
Service, Springfield, VA 22161; telephone, (703)487-4650
Contact for Additional Information:
Staff, DOT/FAA, APO-110
National, other
TITLE: Capacity and Service on the Interstate Natural Gas Pipeline System Publication
Abstract: This report identifies and quantifies the capability of the national natural gas
pipeline infrastructure to transport natural gas to the natural gas markets of the country. The
report examines the capabilities of the pipelines that make up this network to move gas
across regional and state borders and compares these to 1990 levels of natural gas flow to and
within regional markets. In addition, envisioned and currently approved plans to construct
major new pipelines and expand existing systems are presented and assessed relative to the
needs of the current and near-term marketplace.
Source of Data: A variety of government (federal, state, and regional) publications and
industry documents, data bases, interviews, and industry analytical reports.
Geographic Coverage of Data: National
Time Span of Data Source: 1990
First Developed: 1990
Update Frequency: One-Time Special Report
Last Update: 06/92
Sponsoring Organization: Department of Energy, Energy Information Administration,
National Energy Information Center
Availability: National Technical Information Service, Springfield, VA 22161; telephone
Contact for Additional Information:
Staff , DOE/EIA/National Energy Information Center
(202)586-8800; Fax, (202)586-0727.
National, other
TITLE: Statistics of Interstate Natural Gas Pipeline Companies
Abstract: This data base contains financial and operational data on major interstate natural
gas pipeline companies as defined by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC).
Source of Data: Data are collected on FERC Form 2, Annual Report of Major Natural Gas
Companies, from interstate natural gas companies subject to the accounting and reporting
requirements of the FERC.
Geographic Coverage of Data: National
Time Span of Data Source: Current year
First Developed: 1976
Update Frequency: Annual
Last Update: 04/92
Number of Records: 240/year
File Size: 2.5-3.0MB
File Format: EBCDIC
Media: 9-Track Tape, 1600/6250 bpi; Hardcopy
Significant Features and/or Limitations: Data are company specific to the reporting company.
Corresponding Printed Source: Statistics of Interstate Natural Gas Pipeline Companies 1990
Sponsoring Organization: Department of Energy, Energy Information Administration
Availability: National Technical Information Service, Springfield, VA 22161; telephone
(703)487-4650. Requests for tape conversion to disk can be made through NTIS.
Contact for Additional Information:
Juanita Mack
Data Manager
EIA/National Energy Information Center
National, state, other
TITLE: Carload Waybill Sample
Abstract: This data base contains rail shipment data such as origin and destination points,
type of commodity, number of cars, tons, revenue, length of haul, participating railroads,
and interchange locations. The waybill sample contains confidential information and is
used primarily by Federal and state agencies. The public-use version of the sample,
however, contains aggregated nonconfidential data. Movements are aggregated to the
BEA-to-BEA level at the 5-digit STCC level. For a particular commodity, the origin or
destination BEA is not included unless there are at least three freight stations in the BEA and
there are at least two more freight stations than railroads in the BEA.
Source of Data: Annual stratified sample of waybills for railroads which terminate over 4,500
cars per year.
Geographic Coverage of Data: National
Time Span of Data Source: 1991
First Developed: Unknown
Update Frequency: Annual
Last Update: 1993
Number of Records: >350,000
File Size: Not Available
File Format: ASCII
Media: 9-track Tape, 6250 bpi, CD-ROM
Significant Features and/or Limitations: The waybill sample contains confidential
information and is used primarily by Federal and state agencies. There is, however, a
public-use version that contains aggregate nonconfidential data.
Corresponding Printed Source: Carload Waybill Statistics: Territorial Distribution, Traffic
and Revenue by Commodity Class
Sponsoring Organization: Interstate Commerce Commission
Performing Organization: Department of Transportation, Federal Railroad Administration,
Office of Policy Systems
Availability: CD-ROM: DOT/Bureau of Transportation Statistics, 400 7th Street, SW, Room
2104, Washington, DC 20590; telephone, (202)366-3282; fax, (202)366-3640. Tape: Mr. James
Nash, ICC, Office of Economics, 12th and Constitution, Washington, DC 20423; telephone,
(202)927-5740; fax, (202)927-6225. Printed Source: National Technical Information System,
Springfield, VA 22161; telephone, (703)487-4650
Contact for Additional Information:
James Nash, Data Manager
ICC, Office of Economics
National, state,
metropolitan, other
TITLE: FRA National Planning Network
Abstract: This data base presents a digital representation of the major continental U.S.
railway systems, covering some 186,000 miles of track. Link attributes include owning
railroads, trackage rights railroads, state, previous owning railroads, subsidiary railroads,
FAA region, passenger service, U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) region, and significance in
civil rail lines important to national defense. All links in original USGS data are retained.
Links subsequently abandoned are so identified. Node attributes include name, state (where
there is a name), standard point location code, and junction code, if any.
Source of Data: USGS 1:2,000,000 digital line graph.
Geographic Coverage of Data: National
Time Span of Data Source: Current
First Developed: 1990
Update Frequency: As Required
Number of Records: 11,010/Nodes; 15,800/Links
File Size: 13MB
File Format: ASCII
Media: Disk
Significant Features and/or Limitations: Locational accuracy of the network is approximately
+/- 1,200 meters for those links carrying shape point data.
Sponsoring Organization: Department of Transportation, Federal Railroad Administration,
Office of Policy Systems
Availability: DOT/FRA, Office of Policy Systems, RRP-20, 400 7th Street, SW, Washington,
DC 20590: telephone (202)366-2920; Fax, (202)366-7688.
Contact for Additional Information:
Raphael Kedar
Director, DOT/FRA, RRP-20
MODE: Rail, highway GEOGRAPHY:
National, state, other
Specialized, useful
MANUAL: Network
TITLE: Grade Crossing Inventory System (GCIS)
Abstract: This system contains a record of every public and private crossing in the U.S. along
with the accident history of each crossing. Information includes the identification number,
railroad, railroad division, subdivision, milepost and branch, state, county, city or nearest city,
street or highway, and crossing type. In addition, public grade crossing information such as
number of daily train movements, train speeds, type and number of tracks, details of crossing
protection both active and passive, crossing angle, number of traffic lanes, daily highway
traffic volume, pavement markings, advance warning signs, crossing surface, highway
system, and percentage of trucks is available.
Source of Data: Information is supplied by the railroads and states on an optional basis.
Geographic Coverage of Data: National
Time Span of Data Source: Current Year
First Developed: 1973
Update Frequency: Continual
Number of Records: ~600,000
File Size: ~200MB
File Format: Sequential
Media: 9-track Tape, Disk, Hardcopy
Corresponding Printed Source: Railroad-Highway Crossing Accidents
Sponsoring Organization: Department of Transportation, Federal Railroad Administration,
Data Analysis Branch
Availability: DOT/FRA, Data Analysis Branch, RRS-22.1, 400 7th Street, SW, Washington, DC
20590; telephone, (202)366-2760. Price, $35/tape, non-government agencies. No charge to
government agencies, railroad, or railroad labor requestors.
Contact for Additional Information
Robert Finkelstein, Chief
(202)366-2760; Fax, (202)366-7592
National, facility-
airport, marine port,
Specialized, useful
TITLE: Port Facilities Inventory
Abstract: This system contains detailed information on more than 4,000 major ocean and river
port facilities, including location, physical characteristics, cargo handling equipment and
Source of Data: Data are purchased from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers which
systematically surveys all U.S. ports; additional data supplied periodically port authorities.
Geographic Coverage of Data: Major U.S. ocean and river port facilities
Time Span of Data Source: 1988-1994
First Developed: 1976
Update Frequency: As Information is Available
Number of Records: 4,000
File Size: 8MB
File Format: ASCII, dBASE
Media: Disk
Significant Features and/or Limitations: Extensive detail on major U.S. port facilities, both
ocean and river; does not include all U.S. port facilities.
Sponsoring Organization: Department of Transportation, Maritime Administration, Office of
Port and Intermodal Development
Availability: DOT/MARAD, Office of Port and Intermodal Development, MAR-832, 400 7th
Street, SW, Washington, DC 20590; telephone, (202)366-5477; fax, (202)366-6988.
Contact for Additional Information:
William Dean, Data Manager
(202)366-5477; fax, (202)366-6988
MODE: Waterway GEOGRAPHY: National,
facility- airport, marine port, etc.
Specialized, useful
MANUAL: Growth
TITLE: Port Series, 1921-Present
Abstract: The fifty-seven reports in the port series include information on commercial
facilities at the principal U.S. Coastal, Great Lakes and Inland Ports. Each report consists of
complete listings of a port area's waterfront facilities, including information on berthing,
cranes, transit sheds, grain elevators, marine repair plants, fleeting areas, and docking and
storage facilities. Aerial maps show the locations of the described facilities.
Source of Data: Facility operators, port organizations, transportation companies conduct
on-site investigations.
Geographic Coverage of Data: U.S. Coastal, Inland Ports, and Waterways
Time Span of Data Source: Varies 1-10 Years
First Developed: 1987/Data File; 1921/Printed Source
Update Frequency: Every 8-12 Years
Number of Records: ~10,000
File Size: 56MB
File Format: ASCII
Media: Tape, CD-ROM, Diskettes, Hardcopy
Significant Features and/or Limitations: Contains complete physical data on each facility
limited by knowledge of on-site informants.
Corresponding Printed Source: Port Series 1921-Present
Sponsoring Organization: Department of Defense, Department of Army, U.S. Army Corps
of Engineers, CEWRC, Navigation Data Center
Availability: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, CEWRC, Navigation Data Center, Ports and
Waterways Division, Casey Building, Ft. Belvoir, VA 22060-5586; telephone, (703)355-3315;
fax, (703)355-0047. Price, $6-$26 depending on size.
Contact for Additional Information:
John Vetter, Data Manager
COE/CEWRC, Navigation Data Center
Bob Ray, Data Manager
COE/CEWRC, Navigation Data Center
Jim Feagans, Data Manager
COE/CEWRC, Navigation Data Center
Sid Formal
Data Manager
COE/CEWRC, Navigation Data Center
MODE: Multi-mode,
National, other
TITLE: Estimated Waterborne Commerce Statistics Publication
Abstract: The estimated Waterborne Commerce Statistics report provides tonnage estimates
of the national waterborne commerce and selected waterways by major commodity
groupings for the most recent calendar year. It also shows actual annual tonnage by
commodity for nine years prior to the year being estimated.
Source of Data: Vessel operating companies file vessel operation reports and lock
performance monitoring systems reports.
Geographic Coverage of Data: National
Time Span of Data Source: 1989-1992
First Developed: 1989
Update Frequency: Annual
Last Update: 1992
Significant Features and/or Limitations: Timely estimates and 10-year trends.
Sponsoring Organization: Department of Defense, Department of Army, U.S. Army Corps of
Engineers, Products and Services Office
Availability: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Products and Services Office, Waterborne
Commerce Statistics Center, P.O. Box 61280, New Orleans, LA 70161-1280, telephone,
(504)862-1424; fax, (504)862-1423
Contact for Additional Information:
Thomas Mire, Data Manager
COE/Waterborne Commerce Statistics Center
(504)862-1424; Fax, (504)862-1423
Roy Walsh, Data Manager
COE/Waterborne Commerce Statistics Center
(504)862-1424; Fax, (504)862-1423
MODE: Multi-mode,
National, other
TITLE: Waterborne Commerce of the United States, Parts 1 thru 5 Publication
Abstract: The statistics of waterborne commerce have been published in five parts by the
regional offices of the Corps of Engineers since 1953. Prior to 1953, the statistics were
published annually as Part 2 of the annual report of the Chief of Engineers. Tables give
tonnage and ton-miles of freight traffic by commodities; comparative statement of traffic,
trips, and drafts of vessels. Parts include: Part 1-Atlantic Coast Area; Part 2-Gulf Coast,
Mississippi River System and Antilles (Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands); Part 3--Great Lakes
Area; Part 4-Pacific Coast, Alaska, and Pacific Islands area; and Part 5--National Summaries.
Source of Data: Vessel operating companies file vessel operating reports.
Geographic Coverage of Data: National, U.S. Territories
Time Span of Data Source: 1953-present
First Developed: 1953
Update Frequency: Annual
Significant Features and/or Limitations: All companies moving commerce by water are
required by law to report. Hardcopy dates back to 1920.
Sponsoring Organization: Department of Defense, Department of Army, U.S. Army Corps
of Engineers, Products and Services Office
Availability: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Products and Services Office, Waterborne
Commerce Statistics Center, P.O. Box 61280, New Orleans, LA 70161-1280, telephone
(504)862-1424; fax, (504)862-1423. Price, $17.50.
Contact for Additional Information:
Thomas Mire, Data Manager
COE/Waterborne Commerce Statistics Center
Roy Walsh, Data Manager
COE/Waterborne Commerce Statistics Center
MODE: Multi-mode,
National, state, other
TITLE: Origin and Destination of Waterborne Commerce of the United States, Public Domain
Abstract: This database contains aggregated information that depicts waterborne commodity
movements between 26 geographical regions or between individual states of the U.S. This
database protects the confidentiality of the data provided by the individual companies and
provides the origin/destination commodity flows.
Source of Data: Vessel operating companies file vessel operations reports.
Geographic Coverage of Data: National, U.S. Territories
Time Span of Data Source: 1985-1992
First Developed: 1985
Update Frequency: Annual
Last Update: 1992
Number of Records: 400
File Size: 10,000 Bytes
File Format: ASCII
Media: Disk, Hardcopy
Significant Features and/or Limitations: All companies moving commerce by water are
required by law to report.
Sponsoring Organization: Department of Defense, Department of Army, U.S. Army Corps of
Engineers, Products and Services Office
Availability: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Products and Services Office, Waterborne
Commerce Statistics Center, P.O. Box 61280, New Orleans, LA 70161-1280, telephone,
(504)862-1424; fax, (504)862-1423. Price, $5, data file; $15, printed source.
Contact for Additional Information:
Thomas Mire, Data Manager
COE/Waterborne Commerce Statistics Office
Roy Walsh, Data Manager
COE/Waterborne Commerce Statistics Office
National, other
TITLE: U.S. Waterborne Exports and Outbound Intransit Shipments (TM-780)
Abstract: This data base provides information on the shipping weight and value by type of
vessel service by Customs district and port of lading by foreign port or country/area of
unlading by SITC Rev. 3 and by country of destination. The report presents percentage of
containerized cargo. In-transit tables present data on country of origin and destination. An
annual version (TA-780) is also available.
Source of Data: U.S. Customs Service.
Geographic Coverage of Data: National, U.S. Customs Districts and Ports of Lading, Foreign
Ports of Countries of Unlading, Countries of Origin/Destination
Time Span of Data Source: 1989-present
First Developed: 1989
Update Frequency: Monthly
Number of Records: ~200,000/Month
File Size: 20-25MB
File Format: Flat ASCII
Media: Disk, Tape
Sponsoring Organization: Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, Foreign Trade
Availability: DOC/Bureau of the Census, Foreign Trade Division, Room 2179-3, Washington,
DC 20233; telephone, (301)457-1237.
Contact for Additional Information:
Norman Teague
Data Manager
DOC/Bureau of the Census, Foreign Trade Division
National, other
TITLE: U.S. Waterborne General Imports and Inbound Intransit Shipments (TM-380)
Abstract: This data base presents type of vessel services by U.S. Customs port by foreign port
by SITC commodity by country of origin. Data provided include shipping weight, customs
value, import charges, and percentage of containerized and containerized and
noncontainerized cargo. Inbound intransit shipments are also included. An annual version
(TA-380) is also available.
Source of Data: U.S. Customs Service.
Geographic Coverage of Data: National, U.S Customs Districts and Ports of Unlading,
Foreign Ports of Lading, Countries of Origin/Destination
Time Span of Data Source: 1989-present
First Developed: 1989
Update Frequency: Monthly
Number of Records: ~200,000/Month
File Size: 20MB
File Format: Flat ASCII
Media: Tape
Sponsoring Organization: Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, Foreign Trade
Availability: DOC/Bureau of the Census, Foreign Trade Division, Room 2179-3, Washington,
DC 20233; telephone, (301)457-2317; Fax, (301)457-1237.
Contact for Additional Information:
Norman Teague, Data Manager
DOC/Bureau of the Census, Foreign Trade Division
National, other
TITLE: Maritime Statistical Information System
Abstract: This system contains detailed information on U.S. oceanborne foreign trade
statistics by commodity, vessel, port, weight and value; vessel data on all merchant vessels
over 1,000 gross tons and worldwide itineraries for the same vessels.
Source of Data: Bureau of Census for foreign trade data; Lloyd's Maritime Information
Services primarily for vessel data and exclusively for itinerary data.
Geographic Coverage of Data: National/Oceanborne Foreign; Worldwide/Merchant Fleet
and Itinerary
Time Span of Data Source: 1989-present
First Developed: 1991
Update Frequency: Monthly/Foreign Trade; Quarterly/Vessel and Itinerary
Last Update: 07/93
Number of Records: 6 Million/Year - Foreign Trade; 40,000 - Vessel Characteristics; 1
million/Year - Itinerary
File Size: ~1GB/Year
File Format: ASCII, dBASE
Media: Disk
Significant Features and/or Limitations: Foreign Trade data available at the individual vessel
level, linked to vessel characteristics and movements. Data base contains proprietary and
copyright information and can only be released in summary form.
Corresponding Printed Source: United States Oceanborne Foreign Trade Routes, Merchant
Fleets of the World, Vessel Inventory Report
Sponsoring Organization: Department of Transportation, Maritime Administration, Office of
Trade Analysis and Insurance
Availability: DOT/MARAD, Office of Trade Analysis and Insurance, MAR-570, 400 7th
Street, SW, Washington, DC 20590; telephone, (202)366-2277. Publications are free; price for
special requests depends upon data requested.
Contact for Additional Information:
Robert Brown, Chief
TITLE: American Intermodal Equipment Inventory
Abstract: This system records all intermodal equipment of U.S.-flag intermodal marine
carriers and major container leasing companies operating in the U.S. It includes for each
company the type and number, dimensions of containers and trailers. Chassis are shown by
types, number of units and containers carried. The size and number of slots available on
container vessels and barges is recorded. Forty foot equivalent units of trailers along with
automobile capacity are also included for Ro/Ro ships and barges.
Source of Data: Survey of U.S.-flag carriers and major leasing companies operating in the U.S.
Geographic Coverage of Data: National
Time Span of Data Source: 1991-present
First Developed: 1991
Update Frequency: Annual
Number of Records: 1,000
File Size: 250K
File Format: ASCII, dBASE
Media: Disk
Significant Features and/or Limitations: Only source of aggregated data on
American-owned containers, chassis, trailers and vessels, that are essential for planning most
efficient use of U.S. intermodal equipment.
Corresponding Printed Source: Inventory of American Intermodal Equipment
Sponsoring Organization: Department of Transportation, Maritime Administration, Office of
Port and Intermodal Development
Availability: DOT/MARAD, Office of Port and Intermodal Development, MAR-831, 400 7th
Street, SW, Washington, DC 20590; telephone, (202)366-4357. Data available in second half of
year following close of period.
Contact for Additional Information:
Doris Bautch
Data Manger
National, facility-
airport, marine port,
TITLE: Analysis of Ports for National Defense
Abstract: This system includes data on specific evaluations of the commercial ports
capabilities to support early deployment of DoD military units during a contingency. Port
areas analyzed include Baltimore, Boston, Charleston, Hampton Roads, Jacksonville,
Morehead City, Narraganset Bay, New York and New Jersey, Philadelphia, Savannah,
Wilmington (NC), Beaumont, Houston, New Orleans, Gulfport, Port Arthur, Pascagoula,
Lake Charles, Port Hueneme, Los Angeles, Long Beach, and San Diego. Military Ocean
Terminals in New Jersey and Oakland are also evaluated. Data include number and
characteristics of berths, ship mixes, staging areas, inloading/outloading positions, cargo
handling apparatus, rail and highway access, and general information on port facilities. Also
included is a theoretical cargo throughput capability for each port.
Source of Data: MTMC conducts this study through site visits and questionnaires.
Geographic Coverage of Data: Continental United States and military ocean terminals in New
Jersey and Oakland
Time Span of Data Source: 1977-present
Update Frequency: Every Three Years
Last Update: 1994
Sponsoring Organization: Department of Defense, Department of Army, Military Traffic
Management Command, Transportation Engineering Agency
Availability: Department of Army, Military Traffic Management Command, Transportation
Engineering Agency, 720 Thimble Shoals Blvd., S130, Newport News, VA 23606-2475;
telephone, (804)599-1186; fax, (804)599-1563.
Contact for Additional Information:
Ralph Compton, Data Manager
National, facility-
airport, marine port, etc.
Specialized, useful
MANUAL: Growth
TITLE: Tonnage for Selected United States Ports
Abstract: This data base provides listings of tons handled at U.S. Ports for a given calendar
year. The ports are sorted by total, domestic, and foreign tonnage and alphabetically.
Source of Data: Vessel operating companies file vessel operation reports.
Geographic Coverage of Data: National, U.S. Territories
Time Span of Data Source: 1992
First Developed: 1986
Update Frequency: Annual
Last Update: 1992
Number of Records: 600
File Size: 50,000 Bytes
File Format: ASCII
Media: Disk, Hardcopy
Corresponding Printed Source: Tonnage for Selected United States Ports
Sponsoring Organization: Department of Defense, Department of Army, U.S. Army Corps of
Engineers, Products and Services Office
Availability: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Products and Services Office, Waterborne
Commerce Statistics Center, P.O. Box 61280, New Orleans, LA 70161-1280, telephone,
(504)862-1424; fax, (504)862-1423
Contact for Additional Information:
Thomas Mire, Data Manager
COE/Waterborne Commerce Statistics Center
Roy Walsh, Data Manager
COE/Waterborne Commerce Statistics Center
demographics, Flows,
TITLE: Exposure Data Base (EDB)
Abstract: This system was developed to provide accurate program Measures of Effectiveness
(MOE) and effective resource allocation using operational data concerning vessel inventories
on specific waterways by gross tonnage and vessel type. System generates matrices of
commercial vessel transits and cargo data in a port area, region or district, and nationwide in
domestic and foreign trade during a time frame. These transits would become an indicator or
predictor of the amount of the industry's exposure to particular hazards, being compared to
the number of incidents (pollution, casualties, deaths) occurring within the same time frame.
Source of Data: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, domestic traffic; Bureau of Census, foreign
Geographic Coverage of Data: National
Time Span of Data Source: Current Year
First Developed: Unknown
Update Frequency: Annual
Number of Records: Not Available
File Size: Not Available
File Format: Write One Read Many
Media: 9-track Tape, CD-ROM
Significant Features and/or Limitations: System will generate a measure of effectiveness that
is independent of current data gathering practices in the Marine Safety program, and
provides vessel and cargo activity reports unavailable from any other system. The EBD can
be used in conjunction, with other data bases such as the casualty and pollution data bases. It
can also be used independently to provide throughput data for risk analysis projects.
Sponsoring Organization: Department of Transportation, United States Coast Guard, Marine
Safety Evaluation Branch
Availability: DOT/USCG, Marine Safety Evaluation Branch, G-MMI-3, 2100 2nd Street,
Washington, DC 20593; telephone, (202)267-1430, fax, (202)267-1416
Contact for Additional Information:
CDR Thomas Tansey, Data Manager
National, facility-
airport, marine port, etc.
Specialized, useful
TITLE: Waterborne Transportation Lines of the United States
Abstract: This system contains information on vessel operators, characteristics and
description of operations for all domestic vessel operations. Major data content include
alphabetical listing of operators, description of vessels (net registered tons, length, breadth,
draft loaded, horse power, capacity, highest point above waterline, cargo handling
equipment, year built, home base), description of operations (principal commodities carried
and areas served). General ferries, floating equipment used in construction work such as
dredges, pile drivers, fishing vessels, and recreational craft are not included.
Source of Data: Vessel operating companies complete annual questionnaire.
Geographic Coverage of Data: National, U.S. Territories
Time Span of Data Source: 1940-1992
First Developed: 1940
Update Frequency: Annual
Last Update: 1992
Number of Records: 40,000, Vessels
File Size: 9MB; Owners/Operators, 3,200
File Format: ASCII
Media: Tape, Disk, Hardcopy
Corresponding Printed Source: Waterborne Transportation Lines of the United States
Sponsoring Organization: Department of Defense, Department of Army, U.S. Army Corps
of Engineers, Products and Services Office
Availability: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Products and Services Office, Waterborne
Commerce Statistics Center, P.O. Box 61280, New Orleans, LA 70161-1280; telephone,
(504)862-1424; fax, (504)862-1423. Price, $50/data file; $10/printed source.
Contact for Additional Information:
Thomas Mire, Data Manager
COE/Waterborne Commerce Statistics Center
Roy Walsh, Data Manager
COE/Waterborne Commerce Statistics Center
Demographics, Flows,
etc., Multi-mode
TITLE: Data Bank: U.S. Exports of Domestic and Foreign Merchandise (EM-545)
Abstract: This data base presents current month and cumulative data on the net quantity,
value, and shipping weight for 10-digit Schedule B by number, by country of destination, by
Custom district of export, and by method of transportation. An annual tape (EA-645) is also
Source of Data: U.S. Customs Service and Canadian Customs.
Geographic Coverage of Data: National, U.S. Customs Districts of Exportations, Countries of
Time Span of Data Source: 1989-present
First Developed: 1989
Update Frequency: Monthly
Number of Records: 840,000
File Size: 230MB
File Format: ASCII
Media: Tape
Sponsoring Organization: Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, Foreign Trade
Availability: DOC/Bureau of the Census, Foreign Trade Division, Room 2179-3, Washington,
DC 20233; telephone, (301)763-5140. Price, $2400.
Contact for Additional Information:
Yvonne Tayler
DOC/Bureau of the Census, Foreign Trade Division
Gerline Roundtree
DOC/Bureau of the Census, Foreign Trade Division
Demographics, Flows,
etc., Multi-mode
National, state
TITLE: Surface Transborder Commodity Data
Abstract: The Bureau of Census provides the Bureau of Transportation Statistics with
unpublished freight flow data by commodity type of mode of transportation (rail, truck or
pipeline) for U.S. exports and imports to and from Canada and Mexico. The purpose of this
program is to provide information needed to monitor increased traffic associated with the
North American Free Trade Agreement and provide border communities better data to plan
transportation improvements.
Source of Data: Bureau of the Census, Foreign Trade Division
Geographic Coverage of Data: U.S., Canada, Mexico
Time Span of Data Source: 04/93-03/94
First Developed: 1993
Update Frequency: Monthly
Last Update: 06/93
Number of Records: ~1 Million/Month (3/4 Million/Canada; 1/4 Million/Mexico)
File Size: 1.87MB (3 Months of Data, 04/93-06/93)
File Format: dBASE
Media: Disk
Significant Features and/or Limitations: Files are organized by commodity detail or by
geographic detail to satisfy Census confidentiality regulations.
Sponsoring Organization: Department of Transportation, Bureau of Transportation Statistics
Performing Organization: Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, Foreign Trade
Availability: DOT/Bureau of Transportation Statistics, 400 7th Street, SW, Room 2104,
Washington, DC 20590; telephone (202)366-3282; fax (202)366-3640
Contact for Additional Information:
Joel Palley
Industry Economist
DOT/Federal Railroad Administration, RRP-31
Demographics, Flows,
etc., Multi-mode
National, other
TITLE: Data Bank: U.S. General Imports and Imports for Consumption (IM-145)
Abstract: This data base contains data on the net quantity and value of imports for
consumption and general imports by 10-digit HTSUSA commodity code by country of origin
by Customs districts of entry and unlading. Method of transportation is included. An annual
tape (IA-245) is also available.
Source of Data: U.S. Customs Service.
Geographic Coverage of Data: National, U.S. Customs Districts of Entry and Unlading,
Country of Origin
Time Span of Data Source: 1989-present
First Developed: 1989
Update Frequency: Monthly
Number of Records: 1,000,000
File Size: 570MB
File Format: ASCII
Media: Tape
Sponsoring Organization: Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, Foreign Trade
Availability: DOC/Bureau of the Census, Foreign Trade Division, Room 2179-3, Washington,
DC 20233; telephone, (301)763-5140. Price, $2400.
Contact for Additional Information:
Yvonne Taylor
DOC/Bureau of the Census, Foreign Trade Division
Gerline Roundtree
DOC/Bureau of the Census, Foreign Trade Division
MODE: Demographics,
Flows, etc.
TITLE: Worldwide Household Goods Information System for Transportation (WHIST)
Abstract: The WHIST data base provides MTMC with an automated means of acquiring,
processing, storing and reporting personal property rate and shipment information. It is a
centralized data base of personal property data with the decision support tools necessary to
easily retrieve and display this information in a variety of formats. The system is
responsible for the acquisition of data from a number of outside sources, assuring validity of
the data and formatting and displaying the data on appropriate WHIST hardware
components both for use by internal MTMC users and for redistribution to external
organizations. This system works in conjunction with the Transportation Operational
Personal Property System (TOPS).
Source of Data: Service finance centers process data.
Geographic Coverage of Data: National
Time Span of Data Source: Latest 4 years
First Developed: 1988
Update Frequency: Monthly
Number of Records: 6,235,289
File Size: 13GB
File Format: Flat File
Media: Tape
Corresponding Printed Source: MSR-Q Progress Report
Sponsoring Organization: Department of Defense, Department of Army, Headquarters,
Military Traffic Management Command, Headquarters
Availability: HQMTMC, 5611 Columbia Pike, Falls Church, VA 22041-5050. Data
previously provided under TSC OMNI Contract DTRS-57-89-D-0034 by PRC Corporation.
Contact for Additional Information:
William Jackson, Functional
(703)756-1192; Fax, (703)756-2871
Robert Dyer, Programmer
(703)756-1192; Fax, (703)756-2871
Betsy Cunningham, Functional
(703)756-1192; Fax, (703)756-2871
Irene Stegall, Data Manager
(703)756-1192; Fax, (703)756-2871
Demographics, Flows,
etc., multi-mode
National, state,
Specialized, useful
TITLE: Fresh Fruit & Vegetable Shipments
CONTENT: For each mode of transport, data are collected from regulatory agencies,
shippers, and transportation firms. The data include type of fresh fruit or vegetable,
origination, destination, mode, tonnage, and rate ranges. The data are reported for major
cities and for states. Exports are also reported.
METHODOLOGY: Several sources are used to report the data. The agencies, federal and
state, that inspect and report movements by commodity are the major sources of information.
Shippers and transportation firms are also utilized but are not sampled with any statistical
procedure. Data are compiled without the ability to cross-check redundant reporting
AVAILABILITY: Data are published weekly and annually.
Demographics, Flows,
etc., Multi-mode
MANUAL: Growth
TITLE: Industry Productivity and Technology Studies Publication
Abstract: This program develops indexes of productivity for individual industries. Statistics
on industry labor productivity are published for railroad transportation, bus carriers, intercity
trucking, air transportation, and petroleum pipelines. Also, statistics for multifactor
productivity are published for railroad transportation.
Source of Data: Synthesis of other statistics from output/input data from various
government sources and trade associations.
Geographic Coverage of Data: National
Time Span of Data Source: Current Year
Update Frequency: Annual
Sponsoring Organization: Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Division of
Industry Productivity Studies
Availability: DOL/Inquiries and Correspondence Branch, Office of Publications, Bureau of
Labor Statistics, Washington, DC 20212; telephone, (202)606-5902
Contact for Additional Information:
Kent Kunze
DOL/BLS/Division of Productivity Studies
(202)606-5618; Fax, (202)606-5664
MODE: Demographics,
Flows, etc.
TITLE: Economic Censuses
CONTENT: The censuses present complete, detailed statistics of specific economic sectors.
Information covered includes employment by industry, establishments and payroll. The
Economic Censuses provide statistics about business establishments once every five years, for
the years ending in 2 and 7. The censuses do not cover the Post Office, railroad
transportation, and large certified passenger air carriers.
Flows, etc.
TITLE: Economic Censuses
CONTENT: The censuses present complete, detailed statistics of specific economic sectors.
Information covered includes employment by industry, establishments and payroll. The
Economic Censuses provide statistics about business establishments once every five years, for
the years ending in 2 and 7. The censuses do not cover the Post Office, railroad
transportation, and large certified passenger air carriers.
Flows, etc.
TITLE: Occupational Employment in Federal Government
CONTENT: The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) maintains and publishes a
statistical series on Federal employment and payrolls with information by agency, type of
position and appointment, and characteristics of employees.
Demographics, flows,
TITLE: Occupational Employment Database
CONTENT: Occupational information and company business activities are collected
annually by the IRS from tax forms.
METHODOLOGY: The IRS maintains and updates administrative records on companies and
individuals. The occupational information comes from two sources: 1) Form 1040, where
individuals fill in a box, and 2) Schedule C (for self-employed persons and sole
proprietorships) where individuals fill in a code box for the business activity.
Example: For the Schedule C, business activity code 6338 is defined as "Trucking, local and
long-distance, including trash collection without dump." According to the IRS, 1991 data
shows there were 349,327 forms coded 6338 -- a conservative estimate of self-employed
MODE: Highway,
demographics, flows,
National, state
TITLE: Operating Permits
CONTENT: Registration for operating authority varies from state to state. In general, the
data collected include carrier's base of operations, headquarters location, some measure of
financial viability, proof of insurance, principal commodity hauled, type of equipment to be
used, safety record, and carrier personnel.
TYPOLOGY MAPPING: For-hire carriers seeking operating authority within states must file
varying kinds of reports with state agencies. The required information can provide detail on
fleet size, employment, commodity, etc. Government and private fleets are not required to file
Flows, etc.
TITLE: Employee Occupational Database
CONTENT: Occupational employment information is available from a database of employee
METHODOLOGY: Occupational counts are based on a search of job titles -- there is a code for
each title.
AVAILABILITY: The occupational employment information is not available in publication. A
computer program would have to be written to pull the data.
RELATED DATA SOURCES: The Postal Service database is a specialized segment. The
Occupational Employment in Federal Government database does not include the Postal
Service and Employment and Wages provides total Postal Service employment, but not by
Flows, etc., Multi-
Useful, specialized
TITLE: Transportation Energy Data Book, Edition 14 Publication
Abstract: This publication is a statistical compendium containing over 200 pages of tables and
figures. It is designed for use as a desk-top reference. The data book represents an assembly
and display of statistics and information that characterize transportation activity, and
presents data on other factors that influence transportation energy use.
Source of Data: Collected from various published and unpublished sources.
Geographic Coverage of Data: National, Some International
Time Span of Data Source: 1970-present
First Developed: 1976
Update Frequency: Annual
Last Update: 1994
Sponsoring Organization: Department of Energy, Office of Transportation Technologies
Performing Organization: Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Availability: Oak Ridge National Laboratory, P.O. Box 2008, Bldg. 5500A, MS 6366, Oak
Ridge, TN 37831-6366; telephone, (615) 574-5957; fax, (615)574-3851
Contact for Additional Information:
Stacy Davis
Data Manager
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Flows, etc., Multi-
National, other
TITLE: U.S. Trade with Puerto Rico and U.S. Possessions (FT-985) Publication
Abstract: This publication presents data on shipments to and from, and from and to the
United States and Puerto Rico and U.S. possessions. The report shows for each territory by
commodity, net quantity, value, vessel value, shipping weight, and air value and shipping
weight information.
Source of Data: U.S. Customs Service.
Geographic Coverage of Data: U.S., Puerto Rico, American Samoa, Guam, and U.S. Virgin
Time Span of Data Source: 1990-1992
First Developed: 1990
Update Frequency: Annual
Sponsoring Organization: Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, Foreign Trade
Availability: DOC/Bureau of the Census, Foreign Trade Division, Room 2179-3, Washington,
DC 20233; telephone, (301)763-5140. Price, $10.
Contact for Additional Information:
Yvonne Taylor
Data Manager
DOC/Bureau of the Census, Foreign Trade Division
Gerline Roundtree
Data Manager
DOC/Bureau of the Census, Foreign Trade Division
TITLE: Coal Distribution Data
Abstract: This database contains information on coal distribution by origin, destination (state,
Canada, and overseas), consumer category, and method of transportation. Coal
production/purchases, stocks and distribution by secondary methods of transportation are
also reported.
Source of Data: Data are collected on Form EIA-6, "Coal Distribution Report" from U.S.
companies that owned or purchased coal and distributed in excess of 50,000 tons during a
year. These companies include mining companies, wholesale coal dealers, and, retail coal
Geographic Coverage of Data: Worldwide
Time Span of Data Source: Current Quarter
First Developed: 1977
Update Frequency: Quarterly
Last Update: 09/30
Number of Records: Varies 2,500-8,500
File Size: Varies
File Format: ASCII
Media: Disk; Hardcopy
Significant Features and/or Limitations: Data not company specific.
Corresponding Printed Source: Coal Distribution was discontinued with the fourth quarter
publication, 1991. Selected distribution tables have been incorporated into the Quarterly Coal
Report and the Coal Industry Annual.
Sponsoring Organization: Department of Energy, Energy Information Administration,
Survey Management Division
Availability: Diskette: Survey Management Division, Energy Information Administration,
EI-52, Washington, DC 20585; telephone, (202)254-5400. Printed Source: Superintendent of
Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402; telephone,
Contact for Additional Information:
Thomas S. Murphy
Survey Manager
(202)254-5561, Fax, (202)254-8503
MODE: Waterway,
National, other
TITLE: Coal Supply and Transportation Model (CSTM) Model; may also be interested in
National Coal Model (NCM) from same source
Abstract: This model projects distribution patterns of coal supply and intermodal movements
of coal. Both rail and water movements are represented, covering all major U.S. rail lines and
barges by collier routes. Rail shipments are differentiated by sector and various adjustments
are possible for coal cleaning, use of compliance coal, etc. A complete set of reports is
produced that show detailed shipments, production, and transportation routes. Information
on steam and metallurgical coal exports is also included.
Source of Data: DOE-developed.
Geographic Coverage of Data: National
Time Span of Data Source: Current
First Developed: 1991
Media: 9-track tape, 1600/6250 bpi
Significant Features and/or Limitations: Written in Fortran IV. The program requires a VS
FORTRAN compiler on an IBM 3084 computer under a MVS/XA operating system.
Sponsoring Organization: Department of Energy, Energy Information Administration
Availability: National Technical Information Service, Springfield, VA; 22161; Telephone:
Contact for Additional Information: Coal Supply and Transportation Model:
Richard Newcombe
Data Manager
EIA/National Energy Information Center
Contact for Additional Information: National Coal Model
Robert Manicke
Data Manager
EIA/National Energy Information Center
MANUAL: Establish
sampling base for
TITLE: Hazardous Materials Registration Program Database
Abstract: This system contains information supplied by certain offerors and transporters of
hazardous materials on an annual registration statement required by amendments to the
Hazardous Materials Transportation Act of 1974, Public Law 93-633. System contains
information on the name and principal place of business of each registrant, and on the
activities in which the registrant engaged during the previous year that required
registration. Fees collected as part of this program fund grants that support emergency
response planning and training programs of state and Indian tribal governments.
Source of Data: Hazardous materials offerors and transporters; Form DOT F5800.2.
Geographic Coverage of Data: National
Time Span of Data Source: 1992-Present
First Developed: 1992
Update Frequency: Daily
Number of Records: 75,000
File Size: 2 Files - 10MB, 40MB
File Format: System 1032 (VAX)
Media: 9-track Tape, Disk, Printout
Significant Features and/or Limitations: Only offerors and transporters meeting certain
criteria must register.
Sponsoring Organization: Department of Transportation, Research and Special Programs
Administration, Office of Hazardous Materials Planning and Analysis
Availability: Government: DOT/RSPA, Office of Hazardous Materials Planning and
Analysis, DHM-60, 400 7th Street, SW, Washington, DC 20590; telephone, (202)366-4109; fax,
Contact for Additional Information:
David W. Donaldson
Program Manager
National, state,
TITLE: Quarterly Financial & Operating Reports
CONTENT: Balance sheet, income statement, and operating statistics of motor carriers
required to file. Revisions are being made to the structure and definition of the accounts to be
TYPOLOGY MAPPING: Only Class I & II for-hire carriers which report to the ICC are
represented in this detailed database. Class I carriers are defined as having $10 million or
more in annual operating revenue. Class II carriers are defined as having at least $3 million
but less than $10 million in annual operating revenue.
AVAILABILITY: Data are available to the public and are compiled by secondary sources.
Reports in their raw form are available as recorded by the Interstate Commerce Commission.
Flows, etc., multi-
National, state,
county, metropolitan,
Detailed sub-areas
MANUAL: Growth
factor, base year
TITLE: Census of Population and Housing, 1990: Census Transportation Planning Package
Abstract: The CTPP is a set of cost reimbursable special tabulations, produced for the
Department of Transportation in each state. The detailed cross-tabulations have been
designed to meet the needs of state and local transportation planners, and are provided for
counties, places of 2,500 or more inhabitants and custom-defined traffic analysis zones
(TAZs). The CTPP is a continuation of the 1970 and 1980 Urban Transportation Planning
Package programs.
Geographic Coverage: The CTPP statewide tabulations will provide data for persons who
live or work in the state. Data will be tabulated for the state, each county, county subdivision
(only available for 9 states for workplace data), and place of 2,500 or more persons. Totals for
state parts of MSAs, CMSAs, and PMSAs will also be provided, as will urbanized area totals
(place of residence data only). The statewide tabulations will consist of six parts: Part A,
tabulations by place of residence; Part B, tabulations by place of work; Part C tabulations by
place of residence by place of work; Part D, tabulations by place of residence for areas of
75,000 or more persons; Part E, tabulations by place of work for areas of 75,000 or more
persons; Part F, tabulations of place of residence by place of work for areas of 75,000 or more
persons. Urban tabulations produced for the metropolitan planning organizations (MPO) in
each area where the Census TIGER/Line files contain address ranges. Data will be tabulated
for either standard census geography like census tracts of block groups, or for locally-defined,
custom geographic areas like traffic analysis zones. Subtotals for study area, CTPP Region,
MSA, CMSA, PMSA, and urbanized area (place of residence data only) will also be provided.
The urban tabulation will consist or seven parts: Part 1, tabulations by small area of
residence; Part 2 tabulations by small area of work; Part 3, tabulations of small area of
residence by small area of work; Part 4, tabulations of large area of residence; Part 6
tabulations of super district of residence by super district of work for regions with 1 million of
more persons; Part 7, tabulations by census tract of work; and Part 8, tabulations of small area
of residence by small area of work for regions with one million or more persons. There is no
Part 5 in the urban element 1990 CTPP.
Source of Data: 1990 Census of Population and Housing. Approximately 17.7 million housing
units were sampled nationwide.
Geographic Coverage of Data: National. (See Abstract for more detail.)
Time Span of Data Source: 1990
Update Frequency: Every Ten Years
File Format: ASCII, EBCDIC
Media: 9-track Tape, 6250/1600 bpi, Tape Cartridge, IBM 3480 Compatible
Significant Features and/or Limitations: 1990 Census data are based on a sample, and subject
to sampling and nonsampling errors.
Sponsoring Organization: Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, Journey-to-Work
and Migration Statistics Branch
Availability: Summer 1993, continuing into 1994. Contact the state transportation agency or
local metropolitan planning organization.
Contact for Additional Information:
Ernest Wilson (Hotline)
Subject-Matter Specialists
DOC/Bureau of the Census, Journey-to-Work and Migration Statistics Branch
Phillip A. Salopek
Subject-Matter Specialists
DOC/Bureau of the Census, Journey-to-Work and Migration Statistics Branch
U.S. Waterborne Exports and General Imports (Source-U.S. Customs Service and Canadian
Customs; Sponsoring Organization: Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, Foreign
Trade Division); Great Lakes State Overseas Trade Report (Source-Journal of Commerce
P.I.E.R.S. subscription; bills of lading and vessel manifests; Sponsoring
Organization-Department of Transportation, Saint Lawrence Seaway Development
Corporation); St. Lawrence Seaway Annual Traffic Report (Source- Vessel Transit
Declarations filed by vessel representatives using Seaway lock facilities; Sponsoring
Organization -Department of Transportation, Saint Lawrence Seaway Development
Corporation, St. Lawrence Seaway Authority (Canadian))
National, state,
TITLE: Quarterly & Annual Financial Reports
CONTENT: Balance sheet and income statements with accompanying descriptions of
publicly-traded carrier operations as related to financial performance.
TYPOLOGY MAPPING: Only carriers whose equity shares are traded publicly will be
required to file financial reports with the SEC. This includes a few for-hire carriers, and a few
private fleets whose trucking subsidiaries are reported as distinct operating divisions.
Appendix L
Commercial Data Sources
Quick Response Freight Manual
Appendix L - Commercial Data Sources
Cambridge Systematics, Inc. L-1
Appendix L
Commercial Data Sources
Adapted from For-Hire Trucking Industry Size Study, TruckSource and Directory of
Transportation Data Sources. The databases, in alphabetical order by producer, are a
sampling of those available. The individual sources can be contacted for additional
information including available standard and special tabulations and prices. In addition,
the general references cited in the introductory chapter can be consulted for additional
data sources.
The key at the top of each page of this appendix categorizes the data in terms of perceived
usefulness to the quick response freight modeling process. This is not meant to imply that
data items categorized as "marginal" or "specialized" do not have very useful applications
in other areas.
National, state,
Producer: Airports Council International - North America
1775 K Street, NW, Suite 500
Washington, D.C. 20006
Phone: (202) 293-8500
Fax: (202) 331-1362
Database: Worldwide Airport Traffic Report
Description: The commodity measures in this database distinguish between express freight and
mail, and provide an indication of the traffic split between Package and LTL carriers and Truckload
carriers. The movements reflected in the database can indicate traffic that is competitive with
trucks (long-haul) and also complementary (pick-up and delivery for air freight and mail).
Unaffected types of operations are Personnel, Non-Goods, and Household Goods.
National, state,
MANUAL: Base year
statistics, network
related, VMT related
Producer: American Trucking Associations
Trucking Information Services
2200 Mill Road
Alexandria, VA 22314
Phone: (703) 838-1880 (Information Center) or (800) ATA-LINE (Customer Service)
Quick Response Freight Manual
Appendix L - Commercial Data Sources
L-2 Cambridge Systematics, Inc.
Fax: (703) 838-1792
Database: Commodity Flow Database - LTL
Description: Shipment volume, weight, revenue, origination, and destination for participating
carriers. Data are compiled and reported monthly. Reports are generated on 3-digit zip-code
origination/destination basis. Data include exports, Canada by province, and Mexico as separate
origination/destination points.
National, state,
Producer: Association of American Railroads
50 F Street, NW
Washington, D.C. 20001
Phone: (202) 639-2555
Fax: (202) 639-2558
Database: Freight Commodity Statistics
Description: Rail freight data reported annually, including commodity detail, volume, origination
railroad and terminating railroad. Data are collected from Class I railroads. Commodity
classification is at 5-digit STCC levels, where available.
National, state,
Database: Weekly Carloadings
Description: Originations and terminations by reporting railroads of carloads. Data are reported
by name of railroad with originations, terminations, and total carloads indicated. Commodity
classification is at 2-digit STCC level. Intermodal data are reported as carloadings for TOFC and
COFC separately.
Database: North American Trucking Survey
Description: Trip information for current and prior load, type of trip contract, annual
miles, and other related operating characteristics for truckload motor carriers.
National, state
Producer: The Colography Group
1000 Johnson Ferry Road, Suite E 150
Marietta, GA 30068
Phone: ( 770) 565-0464
Fax: ( 770) 977-7383
Database: Air Freight Origin Traffic
Description: Air traffic shipments, express and freight, based upon an establishments survey of
firms generating air traffic shipments. The data reported on a geographic basis by industry type at
the 4-digit SIC level. Data are also reported by domestic and export as aggregate destinations. The
survey results of shippers that comprise this database include small shipments (under 3,000 lbs.)
and express mail. The results are "outbound" only, so no lane detail is generated.
Quick Response Freight Manual
Appendix L - Commercial Data Sources
Cambridge Systematics, Inc. L-3
National, state,
Producer: Dun & Bradstreet Information Services
3 Sylvan Way
Parsippany, NJ 07054
Phone: (201) 605-6431 or (800) 624-5669 * 6431
Fax: (201) 605-6980
Database: Trinc Truck Fleet Marketing Database
Description: Over 4 million companies who own trucks or companies who have trucking
requirements. Includes private and for-hire fleets of one or more trucks. Listing includes name,
address, phone number, SIC code, number of employees, sales volume, line of business.
National, state,
Specialized, useful
Producer: Knight-Ridder Publications, Journal of Commerce, Inc.
2 World Trade Center, Suite 2750
New York, NY 10048
Phone: (212) 837-7050 or 800-952-3839
Database: Port Import/Export Reporting Service
Description: Shipment weight and value for waterborne traffic with origination/destination
information as available on filed manifest with U.S. Customs. Commodity coding is based upon 6-
digit harmonized codes, manifest description, or 7-digit code created by Journal of Commerce
personnel. Origination and destination data for the U.S. is the city of record. Foreign data are
either port or city of destination, as reported on the manifest.
National, other
Specialized, useful
Producer: McGraw-Hill Inc., Data Resources, Inc.
1221 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10020
Phone: (212) 512-2000 or (800) 822-4726
Database: Freight Transportation & Logistics Service
Description: Volume of shipments by weight for all modes of transportation.
Origination/destination data are available at the BEA level. Commodity is reported at the 2-digit
STCC level. Data also segment trucking into for-hire truckload, for-hire less-than-truckload, and
National, other
Specialized, useful
Producer: Reebie Associates, Inc.
P.O. Box 1436
Greenwich, CT 06836
Phone: (203) 661-8661
Fax: (203) 661-8886
Quick Response Freight Manual
Appendix L - Commercial Data Sources
L-4 Cambridge Systematics, Inc.
Database: Transearch
Description: Volume of shipments by weight for all modes of transportation, excluding pipeline.
Origination/destination data are available at the BEA level. Commodity is reported at the 4-digit
STCC level. Data also segment trucking into for-hire truckload, for-hire less-than-truckload, and
private categories.
Source: Transmode, Inc.
3400 International Drive, NW
Washington, DC 20008
Phone: (202) 363-2954
Fax: (202) 363-3091
Database: Trucking Industry Structure Database
Content: Uses TIUS, the National Motor Truckload Database (owned by AAR) and Financial and
Operating Statistics published by the American Trucking Associations to produce cross section
reports on industry movements by type of carrier, type of equipment and length of haul.
Availability unknown.
National, state,
Producer: Transportation Technical Services (TTS)
500 Lafayette Blvd., Suite 220
Fredericksburg, VA 22401
Phone: (703) 899-9872 or (800) 666-4TTS
Fax: (703) 899-5768
Database: National Motor Carrier Directory Database
Description: Information on over 27,000 for-hire trucking companies in the U.S. and Canada.
Includes: Chief executive officer, headquarters address, phone number, revenue, number of trucks,
tractors and trailers (owned and leased), primary commodity transported, TL or LTL.
National, state,
Producer: WEFA (Wharton Economic Forecasting)
401 City Line Ave., Suite 300
Balacynwyd, PA 19004
Phone: (610)667-6000
Database: Private Fleet Directory Database
Description: Deals exclusively with private carriers (WalMart, Safeway, Ace Hardware, etc.).
Information on over 19,000 of the largest private fleets in the U.S. Includes: Name and title of fleet
manager, company and address, phone number, revenue, number of trucks, tractors and trailers.
Appendix M
Recent Freight and Truck Surveys
. M-1
Appendix M
Recent Freight and Truck Surveys
1. Phoenix, AZ- Maricopa Association of Governments (Tammy Flaitz, 602-506-4117)
1991 CSI study- comprehensive, well publicized
2. Phoenix, AZ, 1991, Combined Telephone Mailout-Mailback
3. Yuma, AZ, Yuma Metropolitan Planning Organization (Robert Vaughan, 520-783-
8911): 1990 origin-destination survey, including 7 external and 2 internal stations, one
exclusively for trucks. The data presented does not distinguish between truck and
automobile flows for general flows.
4. Almeda County, CA, 1991, Combined Telephone Mailout-Mailback and Roadside
5. Ontario, CN, 1988, Roadside Interview
6. Tampa, FL- Hillsborough County MPO (Joe Zambito, 813-272-5940): 1994 truck route
study, has extensive discussion and comparison of various truck classification
7. Chicago, IL, 1986, Mailout-Mailback
8. Lafayette, IN, Tippecanoe County Area Plan Commission (James Hawley, 317-423-
9242): 1986, Assessment of the goods distribution in the Greater Lafayette Area; part
of TSM; included survey identifying concerns and most heavily traveled roads.
9. DesMoines, IA, DesMoines Area MPO (Kevin Gilchrist, 515-237-1316): 1991 I-235
Transportation Alternatives Study fax; and memo with 1984 trip production and
attraction model equations and distribution rates; fax concentrating on identification
of through-truck movements, information by time of day and day of week.
10. Louisville, KY, KIPDA (Harold Tull, 502-266-6084): February, 1995, External O/D
survey, including weigh station truck surveys; includes some truck trip tables.
11. Minneapolis, St.Paul, MN (Jim Barton, 612-229-2735): January and February, 1995,
studies on need for Intermodal Railroad Terminal Facilities in the Twin Cities
Metropolitan Area, including assessment and demand analysis of future needs.
12. Kansas City, MO and KS, Mid-America Regional Council, (Bill Derrick, 816-474-4240;
and Mark Kenneally of JBM Engineers- consultants- 816-561-9800) 1994-1995 study; six
working papers available to date including modal facilities inventory, freight flows,
industry survey, regional freight opportunities, and freight infrastructure
13. & N.Y, 1991, Roadside Interview
14. & N.Y., 1992-1994, Roadside Interview
15. Albany, NY, Capital District Transportation Committee (Kristina Younger, 518-458-
2161): Internal CDTC memos, January and May 1995, focusing on time of day truck
travel and performance measures relating to freight movement.
16. Triad Regional Study- Greensboro, High Point and Winston-Salem, NC (Michael
Bruff, P.E., NC DOT, and Bill Martin, Barton-Aschman, 919- 677-0590) - combined
phone/ mail-out, mail-back commercial vehicle survey with travel diaries/ manifests;
pre-test conducted December, 1994, with the survey completed in early spring, 1994.
Includes cars in commercial vehicles, includes trip activity and distribution of vehicles
by industrial classification. Initial results available.
17. Lancaster and York, PA, Lancaster and York County Planning Commissions (Jephrey
Rebert, 717-771-9870): August 1994, excerpts from PA 372 O/D survey for truck
survey including trip tables, trip purposes, and internal versus external destinations;
based on 179 surveys.
18. Berks County, PA, Berks County Planning Commission (Deborah Matherly, COMSIS
Corporation, 301-588-0800)- October, 1994, cordon survey of truck O/D, 1000 plus
19. Memphis, TN, Memphis MPO (Abdul Razcik/ Clark Odor, 901-576-6768): March 1995,
Presidents Island Industry Intermodal Survey; one page survey, distinguishing
between rail, barge and truck trailer loads with minor commodity information (such as
hazardous materials) and identification of issues for shippers.
20. Amarillo, TX, Amarillo MPO ( ), 1990 urban area truck travel survey, includes trip
21. El Paso, TX, 1994, Telephone Interview
22. Houston-Galveston, 1994, Combined Telephone Mailout-Mailback
23. Seattle, WA- Puget Sound Regional Council (Peter Beaulieu, 206-464-7537): 1994 and
1995, "Regional Freight Mobility Conference Proceedings"; "Planning for Freight
Movements in the Puget Sound Region"; "Analysis of Freight Movements in the Puget
Sound Region"- commodity and survey based freight study including rail, water and
truck movements. Describes various databases used in the model, such as TIUS, Dun
and Bradstreet Market Locator, and County Business Patterns.
24. Studies in process or planned for the near future include the following:
. M-3
25. Savannah, GA, Chatham Co-Savannah Metropolitan Planning Commission, (Bill
Herrington, 912-236-9523 and Alan Meyers - consultant- 703-758-8800), first phase of
data collection to be complete in approximately 2 months; full study due for
completion in approximately one year.
26. Evansville, IL, Evansville Urban Transportation Study, (Rose Zigenfus, 812-426-5230),
are completing a study of intermodal activity centers and freight movements,
documents not yet available.
27. Greensboro, NC- (Laura Rice, NCDOT, 919-733-4705), commercial vehicle survey
28. Southwestern PA Regional Planning Commission, (Lucy Klain, 412-391-5590)- regional
rail freight study to begin July 1.
29. Houston-Galveston Area Council (Jerry Bobo, 713-627-3200), commercial vehicle
survey and multimodal facilities inventory study in progress, to be completed by
September with final analysis by December 1995.
30. Austin, TX, Austin Transportation Study (Lee Hoy, 512-499-6423), study completed
but stated to be very general look at freight movements.