Foreword: Propergols Solides, Published in French in 1989

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T H I S book is a translation, with some slight adapt at i ons, of Technologie des

propergols solides, published in French in 1989.
There are few books on solid propellants and their use in rocket propul -
sion, and few of these present a comprehensive review of the field.
There are many reasons for this. For the most part, applications of this
technology, with the exception of fireworks displays, have been limited t o the
fields of advanced armament and space activities. Therefore, most of it has
been protected by industrial or military security classifications. It was thus
necessary t o wait for the moment when a significant quant i t y of dat a would
be disclosed t hrough open literature or patents.
These restrictions on the free flow of information led t o different designs
and met hods in different countries. In France, for instance, there has been
intensive use of trimmed axisymmetric grain designs with high loading
fractions which have not been developed in any other countries, and for
which the design and product i on met hods were protected by a "secret "
classification for a long time. In the USSR a very specific composite
propellant formulation has been used in a family of missiles, with a binder
t hat uses a derivative of a terpenic resin found only in the Ural forests of the
The technology of propellants is, like other technology, subject to the
influence of fashionable trends. In France today, for example, Finocyl grain
designs are currently popul ar. The mai n reason for this is probabl y that
Finocyl geometries are very adapt abl e t o various flow rate or thrust
requirements. There are, however, cases where a simple star-shaped design
would have satisfied the mai n requirements, and also offered some better
secondary characteristics.
While the original objective was t o present, t o the extent possible, a
universal body of knowledge, factors such as restricted information flow,
specific industrial developments in various countries and fashionable trends
have sometimes made this difficult. Readers may therefore find a French
flavor t o some of the chapters.
As already stated, we tried to cover all aspects of the field, and consequently
this is a long book. We had t o be as concise as possible on each subject;
therefore we often refer the reader t o what we feel is essential material for
additional information. One original intention was t hat each chapter should
be readable independent of the others, implying a great amount of redun-
dancy. Because of space limitations we discovered t hat this could not be
done. Therefore, some chapters refer t o other chapters. This practice was,
however, kept to a minimum, and we used a traditional approach: each
chapter uses concepts already developed in previous chapters.
After a first chapter reviewing the fundamentals of rocket propulsion, the
second chapter develops all the descriptive aspects. The second chapter is
recommended to anyone who is interested only in reading about one of the
more specialized subjects found in later chapters. The subsequent chapters
present the specific design met hods and the theoretical physics underlying
them. These are chapters where, after the fundamental mechanisms involved
in the working of propulsion systems are presented, the rules of the art and
specialized engineering met hods are then deduced.
The last part of the book deals with the industrial product i on of the most
i mport ant mot or component : the propellant, and the inert materials, such as
thermal insulations and bondi ng materials.
Some subjects of common interest t o different chapters are covered in only
one of them. Hence, processes used t o manufacture composite propellants,
used for composite double-base propellants (Chapt er 11), are covered in
Chapt er 10. Non-destructive testing techniques used for every type of grain
are also found in Chapt er 10. Some mechanisms for the transition from
deflagration to det onat i on are described in Chapt er 11. The decomposition of
nitrate esters and critical dimensions for cracking by internal pressure are
discussed only in Chapt er 9; vulnerability issues are discussed in Chapt er 8,
All aut hors who contributed to this work belong to the same company:
Societe Nat i onal e des Poudres et Explosifs SNPE. The reason for this is
quite simple. SNPE originated from a famous official French governmental
organization: the "Service des Poudres". For several centuries this organiza-
tion held the monopol y in France for the product i on of "explosive sub-
st ances" (substances t hat can deflagrate or detonate). Duri ng the 19th
century and the first part of the 20th century it was one of the great French
chemical groups where fundamental research in the field of physical chem-
istry was most advanced. SNPE has kept the mandat e, for reasons of nat i onal
interest, to develop all types of product s for propulsion applications and for
all basic research programs in this area, differing from most other countries,
where companies often specialized in only one family of product s.
Daniel Quent i n had the original idea for this project, and stimulated the
first drafts. The requirements of his professional activities t ook him very far
away from France, maki ng it impossible for him t o participate directly in
later drafts. Even t hough there is now little left from the voluminous first
drafts, these had the great merit of resulting in internal document s on each
subject t hat are proving t o be extremely valuable for our company.
I was assisted, for the French version of this book, by a very conscientious
editorial committee that included Cl aude Grosmai re, Rol and Lucas and
Foreword xiii
Bernard Zeller, later replaced again because of the press of other profes-
sional duties by Rene Couturier.
The French edition of this book was published by Masson, Paris, at the
beginning of 1989 with the usual high st andards of this publisher. It found
quickly a significant audience (relatively speaking!) but its diffusion would
nowadays stay essentially limited to French-speaking countries.
The publication of an English version was considered at an early stage.
Pergamon Press, with its dynami c policy, agreed to publish it despite the
limited audience of this specialized subject. We asked Mr s Anne Baron,
Daniel Quent i n' s assistant, to make a first draft of translation. This draft was
then reviewed by the aut hors with the help of their knowledge of the
vocabulary of their technical field. Then we asked some English-speaking
colleagues, knowledgeable in the field, t o check our translation. We wish t o
express all our gratitude t o Miss Carol Jones (Chapt er 13), Professor Beddini
(4) and to Tom Boggs (9), John Consaga (11), Ron Derr (3), Geoffrey Evans
(9), Ray Feist (2), Joseph Hildreth (1), Fr ank Robert o (8, 10, 14), Bert Sobers
(12), Fr ank Tse (6) and Andy Victor (5).
Some of the problems we encountered duri ng the translation were due t o
the fact t hat some concepts t hat are represented by one word in one language
needed a long sentence for their translation and this t o my surprise is true
bot h ways (for instance "aut oser r age" for "bur ni ng area t o port area r at i o"
or "indice st ruct ural " for "rat i o of inert mass t o propellant mass for a given
mot or ", etc.). Anot her difficulty was t hat terminology has sometimes still to
be standardized even if some progress is being made in this area (for example
in low visible signature propellants, hazards classification, etc.). This is
particularly true for propellant formulations. We have developed in French a
specific terminology to name propellants according t o their mai n compo-
nents, which is compact, efficient and (of course!) Cartesian. It was used for
the French version but there is no English equivalent so we had t o decide, for
the English vocabulary, somewhat arbitrarily. Some traces of the French
names may be found in some chapters. In case of possible ambiguities we
have made a special presentation, in an addendum, of the decisions we have
t aken t o name propellants in English, and the rules of French terminology.
Since the French edition was published, at the beginning of 1989, there has
not been much i mport ant evolution in solid propul si on technology, so the
changes made are quite limited.
Some developments on program management were suppressed in Chapt er
8 because they were very specific t o the French organization. A small
addition was made in Chapt er 12 on integral boosters t hat were briefly
mentioned in the French edition, and in Chapt er 7 on XDT (delayed
det onat i on t hrough shock). Some developments related t o clean propellants
for future space boosters and continuous-mixing processes of composite
xi v Foreword
propellant, which may become i mport ant in the near future were added t o
Chapt er 14. Some "fresh" references were added t o some chapters.
On behalf of myself and my co-aut hors I would like t o record our gratitude
to our colleagues at SNPE, whose names do not always appear, for their
generous cooperat i on in the preparat i on of this book. We would also like to
t hank all those who have provided illustrations.
Finally I would like t o t hank my wife Cat hy for her patience and
underst andi ng during the summers of 1987 and 1988 (French version) and
1989 (English version) while I was assuming my editorial duty, and t o t hank
my supervisor, Pierre Dumas, who encouraged me with this work, even when
business was brisk, also all our French, British and American colleagues and
friends who helped us in this task.

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