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2014, Pigeon Point Systems

Pigeon Point

ChMM-700R and Chassis Manager

Chassis Management Mezzanine & Chassis Manager Core
for VPX and VITA 46.11

The Pigeon Point ChMM-700R, and the Pigeon Point
Chassis Manager that comes pre-loaded on it, are part of a
series of Pigeon Point management solutions.

This member of the series provides the core of a Chassis
Manager for VITA 46.11-based VPX systems. The ChMM-
700R mezzanine complies with the 67.60mm x 41.75mm
DDR3 204-pin SO-DIMM form factor. It is installed in the
SO-DIMM socket of a ChMM carrier board to produce a
complete Chassis Manager. The carrier board can be
customized to the form factor and feature requirements of
the chassis products it supports.

For chassis developers, the ChMM-700R is available in a
Pigeon Point Chassis Management Starter Kit (which is
detailed in a separate product brief). The kit includes:
Schematics for a ChMM carrier board, ready for
adaptation to the needs of your chassis.
Bench top hardware, including a Chassis Manager and
IPMC, allowing your ramp up on VITA 46.11
management to start immediately.
One-stop support for hardware, firmware and software
used in developing and delivering your Pigeon Point
ChMM-700R based Chassis Manager.

Small size and low power mezzanine form

Despite its small size, with high integration, the RoHS-
compliant ChMM-700R includes a capable compute core,
while still remaining low power:
297 MHz ARM processor: the Freescale i.MX287
Microsemi SmartFusion FPGA
128 MB of SDRAM
64 MB of Flash for program, data storage (two copies to
support reliable upgrades)
Maximum power: 3.1W at 3.3V/5.0V.

Outstanding placement flexibility
This combination of small mezzanine form factor and low
power allows a broad range of mechanical options for single
or dual ChMM-700R carriers.

When integrated with a suitable carrier, the ChMM-700R
complies with VITA 46.11 and IPMI v2.0, document revision
1.0, plus relevant errata.
Implements a VITA 46.11 Tier-2 Chassis Manager
Supports both Tier-1 and Tier-2 IPMCs for VPX modules
and other intelligent FRUs in a chassis (including a
mixture of Tier-1 and Tier-2 IPMCs)

Strong heritage in robustness and
interoperability from complementary
AdvancedTCA Shelf Manager
The Pigeon Point Chassis Manager and ChMM-700R are based
on the leading independent Shelf Manager for ATCA shelves,
worldwide: the Pigeon Point Shelf Manager and corresponding
Shelf Management Mezzanine (ShMM). ShMMs have been
shipping in ATCA shelves since 2003 (in tens of thousands of
shelves and counting), have been thoroughly tested in dozens
of PICMG organized interoperability events and intensively
validated by major customers including Tier 1 Telecom
Equipment Providers (TEMs).
2 Pigeon Point ChMM-700R and Chassis Manager
Overall tracking/management of chassis
One overall responsibility of the Pigeon Point Chassis
Manager is to manage and monitor the overall operation of
a chassis, including the FRU population and the cooling
thereof, as well as events that may be generated by
exception conditions in the chassis. Within the chassis,
this management/tracking primarily occurs through
interactions between the Chassis Manager and the IPMC
on each of the VPX modules or other management-
equipped FRUs, all via the System IPMB. The figure below
shows these key management subsystems and the System
IPMB connection with the IPMCs in the chassis.

This mission includes graceful activation and deactivation
of FRUs when a chassis is powered up or down. This
mission also includes taking action when exceptions are
raised in the chassis. For instance, in response to
temperature exceptions the Chassis Manager can raise the
fan levels or, if that step is not sufficient, even start
deactivating FRUs to reduce the heat load in the chassis.

Support for redundant Chassis Managers
The Pigeon Point Chassis Manager is usually configured
with active/backup instances to maximize availability. The
above diagram shows how both instances are accessible to
the System Manager, with only the active instance
interacting at any given time. Similarly, only the active
instance communicates over System IPMB with the IPMC
population in the chassis. The two instances communicate
over the TCP/IP based Software Redundancy Interface
(SRI) which is implemented via a pair of USB links between
the ChMM-700Rs. The active instance of the Chassis
Manager posts incremental state updates to the backup via
this interface. As a result, the backup can quickly step into
the active role if necessary.
The Hardware Redundancy Interface between the two
Chassis Manager instances enables the exchange of
hardware level ChMM-700R state information, including the
Presence: each Chassis Manager instance knows
whether the other instance is present in the chassis.
Health: each instance knows whether the other instance
considers itself healthy.
Switchover: the backup instance can force a switchover if

ChMC cross-communication links further
improve availability
In typical chassis that support Chassis Manager redundancy,
the Pigeon Point Chassis Manager running on the ChMM-
700R supports ChMC cross-communication links so that each
Chassis Manager can communicate with both of
the Ethernet switch modules in the chassis, using the two
10/100 Mbit Ethernet links built into the ChMM-700R.

As a result, either a switch module or a Chassis Manager can
switch over to its redundant peer, independently. The figure
on this page shows these cross-connects.

Flexible Chassis Adaptation Layer supports
wide range of chassis variants
The key technology in this layer is the Pigeon Point Hardware
Platform Description Language (HPDL). HPDL enables a
textual definition of management aspects of the ChMM carrier
board architecture and chassis architecture, including the
System IPMB topology, the access methods and
implementations of auxiliary FRUs such as fan trays and power
entry modules, plus information on chassis level IPMI sensors
and IPMI sensors on the ChMM carrier board.

Textual HPDL descriptions are easy for chassis developers to
maintain, including for numerous chassis architecture variants.
HPDL text is compiled to a binary format and interpreted during
chassis operation.

Chassis adaptations via HPDL can be done by chassis
development engineers without any programming skills.

Rich System Manager Interface
Another overall responsibility of the Pigeon Point Chassis
Manager is to enable an overall System Manager to join in
the Chassis Managers management and tracking activities
through the System Manager Interface, which is implemented
over Ethernet on the Pigeon Point ChMM.

System Manager is a logical concept that may include
software as well as human operators in the swivel chairs of
an operations center. As shown in the figure, the Pigeon
Point Chassis Manager provides a rich set of built-in System
Manager Interface options, which provide different
mechanisms of access to similar kinds of information and
control regarding a chassis. Some of the interface options
are specification-governed, while others are specific to the
Pigeon Point Chassis Manager.

Dedicated Chassis Managers are implemented in specific positions
in the chassis designed for that particular purpose, versus integrated
with VPX modules in front loading module slots, such as the switch
modules implementing a dual star Ethernet or other fabric.
Pigeon Point ChMM-700R and Chassis Manager 3

One such mechanism is the Remote Management Control
Protocol (RMCP) interface. To maximize interoperability
among independently implemented chassis products, this
interface is required by the VITA 46.11 specification and
supports IPMI messaging with the Chassis Manager.
RMCP+, the advanced variant of RMCP specified in IPMI
v2.0, is supported as well, though not mandated by VITA
46.11. A System Manager that uses RMCP to
communicate with chassis should be able to interact with
any VITA 46.11-compliant Chassis Manager. This
relatively low level interface provides essentially complete
access to the IPMI aspects of a chassis, including the
ability for the System Manager to issue IPMI commands to
IPMCs in the chassis, using the Chassis Manager as a

The Pigeon Point Chassis Manager supports several
configuration options when both of the ChMM-700R
Ethernet ports on each of a redundant pair of ChMMs are
connected to the System Manager. Those configurations
support one, two or all four Ethernet ports being actively
used or monitored at any given time.

In addition, the Pigeon Point Chassis Manager provides
two interfaces oriented towards human users rather than
programmatic ones:
Command Line Interface (CLI): This interface provides
a comprehensive set of textual commands that can be
issued to the Chassis Manager via either a physical
serial connection or via a remote shell interface, such
as ssh.
Web-based Interface (implemented via HTTP): This
interface enables a subset of the CLI functionality, with
access to the Chassis Manager via a web browser.
Using either of these mechanisms, the System Manager
can access information about the current state of the
chassis, including current FRU population, sensor values,
threshold settings, recent events and overall chassis

The Pigeon Point Chassis Manager also supports Simple
Network Management Protocol (SNMP) access to the
chassis. This popular management protocol is supported
with a custom Management Information Base (MIB)
providing Get and Set access to a wide range of
information and controls regarding the chassis.

Fan geography support enables fine
granularity cooling management
Consistent with VITA 46.11, the Chassis Manager supports
chassis that self-describe their fan geography the
mapping between the FRUs in the chassis (such as the
boards) and the fan devices that cool them. This mapping
allows the Chassis Manager to adjust fan speeds for just
the fans that cool a particular FRU that is raising a
temperature exception. Since increased fan speeds
translate to increased acoustic noise, this type of focused
response to a temperature exception can be very important
for some customers.

Since the fan geography description is included in the
Chassis FRU Information, the Pigeon Point Chassis
Manager can automatically adjust its management to fit the
cooling zones actually implemented in any given chassis.

The remainder of this product brief provides a summary of
key features of the ChMM-700R hardware and software. The
focus is on features that have software support and the initial
feature descriptions elaborate on the System Manager
Interface options.

IPMI LAN interface
Complies with IPMI v2.0, document revision 1.0, and
relevant subsequent errata
Includes required support for Remote Management
Control Protocol (RMCP), as well as RMCP+, as
specified by IPMI v2.0
Privilege levels: user, administrator, operator
Authentication types: none, MD5, straight password/key

VITA 46.11 compliant extensions in System
Manager interface
Get Chassis Manager IP Addresses command allows
System Manager to monitor all IP addresses offered by a
Chassis Manager, with automatic follow-up if any of the
addresses stop responding
Get/Set Fan Policy commands make it easy for System
Manager to retrieve fan geography; additionally, System
Manager can temporarily disable Chassis Manager
autonomous control of particular fan devices, perhaps for
diagnostic operations
FRU Inventory Device Lock Control/Write commands
ensure that concurrent attempts to change chassis
configuration information do not cause corruption of that

Simple Network Management Protocol
Complies with IETF-defined SNMP v2c and v3 protocols
Supports several groups of SNMP variables for
configuration and control, including: IPMCs, FRU
information devices, sensors, boards, chassis, System
Event Log, LAN configuration parameters, PEF
configuration parameters

Command Line Interface (CLI)
Accessible via Telnet or ChMM-700R serial console
Comprehensive status and control access to:
Chassis Manager state and parameters
Boards and other specialized FRUs, such as fans
Management controllers on intelligent FRUs
System Event Log
FRU inventory information, including chassis and
board data

Web interface
Accessible via any web browser at the URL:
Implements simple front end to the command line
interface; supports most CLI commands

4 Pigeon Point ChMM-700R and Chassis Manager
Based on PPMM-700R hardware platform
Pigeon Point Management Mezzanine (PPMM-700R)
physical module delivered as ChMM-700R for the VITA
46.11 Chassis Manager application
Delivered and sold separately as a ShMM-700R Shelf
Manager module for AdvancedTCA shelves (not
further addressed in this product brief)

RoHS compliant
Complies with the Restriction of Hazardous
Substances (RoHS) Directive, which became effective
July 1, 2006

JEDEC-specified SO-DIMM mezzanine
Example socket: TE Connectivity 2013289-1
PPS-defined mounting hole on free edge of SO-DIMM
enables supplementary mechanical support for vibration
and earthquake requirements

Pigeon Point ChMM-700R and Chassis Manager 5

Robust ChMM-700R peripheral
Dual redundant System IPMB
Chassis Manager redundancy support with assistance
from on-board SmartFusion FPGA
Two 10/100 Mbit Ethernet controllers with LED
indicator controls
Two serial interfaces to the i.MX287 and one serial
interface to the SmartFusion FPGA
Two external master-only I
C ports, two fully compliant
C ports, and one local master-only I
C bus for carrier
Real-time clock to time-stamp System Event Log
entries, backed by on-carrier battery or supercap
Watchdog timer external to i.MX287 that automatically
disconnects from System IPMB and reboots i.MX287 if
software hangs
USB 2.0 host and device ports
General Purpose IO signals

Hardware support for reliable firmware
Leverages redundant firmware instances in Flash
Each instance includes a separate copy of U-Boot,
FPGA image, Linux kernel and Flash-based Linux root
file system
Confirmed firmware executes during normal operation
During reliable upgrade, new firmware is loaded as the
candidate image
If the candidate firmware does not start and validate
successfully, hardware automatically reboots back to
the confirmed firmware

Chassis Manager redundancy interfaces

Software redundancy interface (typically routed on the
backplane between Chassis Manager instances)
supports state updates from active to backup Chassis
Manager, so that backup can take over quickly
Software redundancy interface is implemented with
dual USB links
Hardware redundancy interface is implemented on a
two-wire serial interface between Chassis Managers
FPGA-assisted management of hardware redundancy
interface ensures that only one Chassis Manager is

Features that are marked with the symbol are

dependent on suitable support in the ChMM-700R carrier.
System Manager Interface implemented over
10/100 Mbit Ethernet link(s)

Usually implemented to include both Ethernets
Activity and status LEDs
Supports IPMI LAN, SNMP, and web interfaces via VITA
46.11-defined Chassis Manager IP Address, which
automatically fails over between active and backup
Chassis Managers on switchovers
Also supports command line interface over telnet and
secure shell (ssh)
Optionally, uses external DHCP server to acquire
Internet Protocol addresses for use on System Manager
Ethernet interfaces

Centralized fan management support

Optionally makes the active Chassis Manager directly
responsible for fan speed control and measurement
Implemented on the ChMM carrier reference design via
On Semiconductor ADT7490 controller with up to 3 PWM
outputs and up to 4 tachometer inputs
Provision for carrier-specific parameterization

Distributed fan management support

Optionally defers to intelligent (IPMC-equipped) fan trays
to handle local fan speed control and measurement
VITA 46.11-defined fan tray support allows
interoperability and automatic discovery
Provision for carrier-specific parameterization

Flexible temperature monitoring

On-carrier digital or analog temperature monitors
Off-carrier digital temperature monitors (I
possibly placed at key monitor points in chassis, for
instance to measure air ingress and/or egress
Provision for carrier-specific parameterization

Telco alarms

DB15-compatible connector interface with major and
minor alarm reset, plus relay connections for critical,
major, minor and power alarms
LEDs for critical, major and minor alarms indicate: no
alarm (off), alarm triggered (on) or alarm cut-off activated
Alarm cutoff push button

Remote time management
Configurable so that Chassis Manager time is set from
network-accessed time servers
Supports operation without battery backup of the ChMM-
700Rs real-time clock; two protocol options:
RFC 868 as implemented in Linux rdate command
Network Time Protocol as implemented in Linux
ntpdate command

6 Pigeon Point ChMM-700R and Chassis Manager
ChMM-managed Chassis FRU Information

Provision for dual redundant SEEPROM storage of
chassis description data structures, accessed via I
from active Chassis Manager
Chassis FRU Info SEEPROMs typically attached to
Supports Atmel AT24C128 and compatible SEEPROM

IPMC-managed Chassis FRU Information

Optionally accesses Chassis FRU Information via
IPMCs in the chassis
Configurable to use specific pre-defined IPMC
addresses or dynamic search for Chassis FRU
Information sources

Miscellaneous features

Carrier slot hardware address detection
Auto-detection of carrier configuration information
Up to 3 bi-color LEDs, supported with VITA 46.11-
defined LED discovery and control facilities
Optional lithium battery or supercap backup on carrier
for ChMM-700R real time clock

Comprehensive Chassis Manager
foundation layer
ChMM-700R operating system is based on the Linux
2.6.34 kernel, supporting the Freescale i.MX287
Support for reliable remote firmware upgrade for U-
Boot, FPGA, Linux kernel and Linux root file system:
Reliable upgrade utility handles upgrade steps,
can be invoked locally at ChMM-700R console or
remotely via telnet, rsh or ssh
New firmware images acquired via highly
configurable invocations of reliable upgrade utility
Configuration options include multiple protocol
choices (e.g., FTP, scp), arbitrary scripts for image
validation and upgrade finalization
Persistent status file records progress of upgrade
Support for upgrade images in PICMG HPM.1
Boot monitor based on U-Boot; key features include:
Serial console command-driven user interface
Network download via BOOTP or TFTP
Extensive support for Flash memory
Powerful environment variable facility
Autoboot mode
Kernel debugging supported via KGDB

Comprehensive user documentation
The Pigeon Point Chassis Manager User Guide covers
installation, upgrading and overall use of the Pigeon Point
Chassis Manager. The Pigeon Point Chassis Manager
External Interface Reference covers the details of the main
external interfaces, including the command line, web access,
SNMP and RMCP interfaces. The current version of each
document is available on the library page of the Pigeon Point
website at

Ordering Information

297MHz, 64MB Flash (dual
regions), 128MB RAM; RoHS
Note: ChMM-700R is assigned the export classification (ECCN) 5A002
ENC by the U.S. Bureau of Industry and Security.

Pigeon Point ChMM-700R and Chassis Manager 7

2004-2014, Pigeon Point Systems. All rights reserved. The Pigeon Point name and stylized lighthouse logo, as well as IntegralHPI, are
trademarks of Pigeon Point Systems. Other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. 2014-03
Pigeon Point Systems 5860 Owens Avenue, Suite 130 Carlsbad, CA 92008 760.757.2304
For more information, visit our website at

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