SCG800 Guide
SCG800 Guide
SCG800 Guide
First Published: January 01, 2009
Last Modified: July 22, 2014
Americas Headquarters
Cisco Systems, Inc.
170 West Tasman Drive
San Jose, CA 95134-1706
Tel: 408 526-4000
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Fax: 408 527-0883
Text Part Number: OL-31704-02
You must subscribe to a service plan with a wireless service provider and obtain a SIM card.
You must install the SIM card before configuring the 3G Cisco 819 ISR. For instructions on how
to install the SIM card, see Cisco 800 Series see Configuring Cisco EHWIC and 880G for 3.7G
(HSPA+)/3.5G (HSPA)
You must install the required antennas before you configure the 3G for Cisco 819 ISR. See Table
11: Instructions for Installing Antenna, on page 20 for instructions on how to install the antennas:
Table 11: Instructions for Installing Antenna
Instructions for Installig Antenna Antenna
See Cisco Multiband Swivel-Mount Dipole Antenna
See Cisco Multiband Omnidirectional Ceiling Mount
Antenna (3G-ANTM1916-CM)
See Cisco Single-Port Antenna Stand for Multiband
TNC Male-Terminated Portable Antenna (Cisco
3G-AE015-R (Antenna Extension)
See Cisco Single-Port Antenna Stand for Multiband
TNC Male-Terminated Portable Antenna (Cisco
3G-AE015-R). This document applies to both
3G-AE015-R and 3G-AE010-R. The only difference
between these two products is the length of the cable.
3G-AE010-R (Antenna Extension)
See Cisco 3G Omnidirectional Outdoor Antenna
See Cisco Multiband Omnidirectional Panel-Mount
Antenna (3G-ANTM-OUT-LP).
See Cisco 3G Lightning Arrestor
See Cisco 4GIndoor Ceiling-Mount Omnidirectional
Antenna (4G-ANTM-OM-CM)
You must check your LEDs for signal reception as described in Table 2-1 .
You should be familiar with the Cisco IOS software. See the Cisco IOS documentation beginning
with Release 12.4(15)T or later for Cisco 3G support .
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20 OL-31704-02
Basic Router Configuration
Information Needed for Configuration
To configure your 3G data profile, you will need the username, password, and access point name
(APN) from your service provider:
After collecting the appropriate information, perform a full configuration on your router beginning with the
tasks in Configuring Command-Line Access, on page 21.
If you plan to connect voice equipment, see Cisco IOS Voice Port Configuration Guide .
If you need to obtain or change software licenses, see Software Activation on Cisco Integrated Services
Routers and Cisco Integrated Service Routers G2 .
Configuring Command-Line Access
To configure parameters to control access to the router, perform the following steps, beginning in global
configuration mode:
1. line [aux | console | tty | vty] line-number
2. password password
3. login
4. exec-timeout minutes [seconds]
5. line [aux | console | tty | vty] line-number
6. password password
7. login
8. end
Purpose Command or Action
Enters line configuration mode and specifies the type of line. line [aux | console | tty | vty] line-number Step 1
Router(config)# line console 0
This example specifies a console terminal for access.
Specifies a unique password for the console terminal line. password password
Router(config-line)# password 5dr4Hepw3
Step 2
Enables password checking at terminal session login. login
Router(config-line)# login
Step 3
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Basic Router Configuration
Configuring Command-Line Access
Purpose Command or Action
Sets the time interval that the EXEC command interpreter waits
until user input is detected. The default is 10 minutes. Optionally,
add seconds to the interval value.
exec-timeout minutes [seconds]
Router(config-line)# exec-timeout 5 30
Step 4
This example shows a timeout of 5 minutes and 30 seconds.
Entering a timeout of 0 0 specifies never to time out.
Specifies a virtual terminal for remote console access. line [aux | console | tty | vty] line-number
Router(config-line)# line vty 0 4
Step 5
Specifies a unique password for the virtual terminal line. password password
Router(config-line)# password aldf2ad1
Step 6
Enables password checking at the virtual terminal session login. login
Router(config-line)# login
Step 7
Exits line configuration mode, and returns to privileged EXEC
Router(config-line)# end
Step 8
Configuring Global Parameters
To configure selected global parameters for your router, perform these steps:
1. configure terminal
2. hostname name
3. enable secret password
4. no ip domain-lookup
Purpose Command or Action
Enters global configuration mode when using the console port. configure terminal Step 1
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Basic Router Configuration
Configuring Global Parameters
Purpose Command or Action
If you are connecting to the router using a remote terminal, use
the following:
telnet router name or address
Login: login id
Password: *********
Router> enable
Router# configure terminal
Specifies the name for the router. hostname name
Step 2
Router(config)# hostname Router
Specifies an encrypted password to prevent unauthorized access
to the router.
enable secret password
Step 3
Router(config)# enable secret cr1ny5ho
Disables the router from translating unfamiliar words (typos)
into IP addresses.
no ip domain-lookup
Step 4
Router(config)# no ip domain-lookup
Configuring WAN Interfaces
Configure the WAN interface for your router using one of the following as appropriate:
Configuring a Fast Ethernet WAN Interface
To configure the Fast Ethernet interface on a Cisco 861 or 881 ISR, perform these steps, beginning in global
configuration mode:
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Basic Router Configuration
Configuring WAN Interfaces
1. interface type number
2. ip address ip-address mask
3. no shutdown
4. exit
Purpose Command or Action
Enters the configuration mode for a Fast Ethernet WAN
interface on the router.
interface type number
Router(config)# interface fastethernet 4
Step 1
Sets the IP address and subnet mask for the specified Fast
Ethernet interface.
ip address ip-address mask
Router(config-if)# ip address
Step 2
Enables the Ethernet interface, changing its state from
administratively down to administratively up.
no shutdown
Router(config-if)# no shutdown
Step 3
Exits configuration mode for the Fast Ethernet interface and
returns to global configuration mode.
Router(config-if)# exit
Step 4
What to Do Next
Cisco IOS Release 15.1 (3) T introduces the batch command under the interface mode. You may notice
a reduced CPU utilization when interface batching is enabled because packets are processed in batches
resulting in more efficient cache usage.
Configuring the Media Type
Before configuring the Gigabit Ethernet interface on the Cisco 892F ISRs, you must first select the media
type as either SFP or RJ45.
To configure the media type, perform the following steps, begining in global configuration mode:
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Basic Router Configuration
Configuring WAN Interfaces
1. interface type number
2. media-type {sfp | rj45}
3. exit
Purpose Command or Action
Enters the configuration mode for a Gigabit Ethernet WAN
interface on the router.
interface type number
Router(config)# interface gigabitethernet 0
Step 1
Specifies an SFP physical connection. media-type {sfp | rj45} Step 2
Router(config-if)# media-type sfp
Specifies an RJ-45 physical connection.
Router(config-if)# media-type rj45
Exits configuration mode for the Gigabit Ethernet interface
and returns to global configuration mode.
Router(config-if)# exit
Step 3
Configuring a Gigabit Ethernet WAN Interface
To configure the Gigabit Ethernet (GE) WAN interface on a Cisco 891, 892, or 860VAE ISR, perform these
steps, beginning in global configuration mode:
1. interface type number
2. ip address ip-address mask
3. no shutdown
4. exit
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Basic Router Configuration
Configuring WAN Interfaces
Purpose Command or Action
Enters the configuration mode for a Gigabit Ethernet WAN
interface on the router.
interface type number
Router(config)# interface gigabitethernet 1
Step 1
Sets the IP address and subnet mask for the specified Gigabit
Ethernet interface.
ip address ip-address mask
Router(config-if)# ip address
Step 2
Enables the Ethernet interface, changing its state from
administratively down to administratively up.
no shutdown
Router(config-if)# no shutdown
Step 3
Exits configuration mode for the Gigabit Ethernet interface
and returns to global configuration mode.
Router(config-if)# exit
Step 4
Configuring a V.92 Modem Interface
The Cisco 891 ISR has a V.92 modem backup interface. To configure this interface, perform these steps,
beginning in global configuration mode:
1. interface type number
2. ip address ip-address mask
3. encapsulation ppp
4. dialer in-band
5. dialer string dial-string
6. dialer-group group-number
7. async mode dedicated
8. exit
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Basic Router Configuration
Configuring WAN Interfaces
Purpose Command or Action
Enters the configuration mode for a V.92 WAN interface
(serial interface) on the router.
interface type number
Step 1
Router(config)# interface async 1
Sets the IP address and subnet mask for the specified V.92
ip address ip-address mask
Step 2
Router(config-if)# ip address
Sets the encapsulation method to point-to-point protocol
(PPP) for the serial interface.
encapsulation ppp
Step 3
Router(config-if)# encapsulation ppp
Specifies that dial-on-demand routing (DDR) is supported. dialer in-band
Step 4
Router(config-if)# dialer in-band
Specifies the string (telephone number) to be used when
placing a call from the interface.
dialer string dial-string
Step 5
Router(config-if)# dialer string 102
Configures the interface to belong to a specific dialing
access group.
dialer-group group-number
Step 6
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Basic Router Configuration
Configuring WAN Interfaces
Purpose Command or Action
Router(config-if)# dialer-group 1
Places the line into dedicated asynchronous mode using
Serial Line Internet Protocol (SLIP) or PPP encapsulation.
async mode dedicated
Step 7
Router(config-if)# async mode dedicated
Exits configuration mode for the V.92 interface and returns
to global configuration mode.
Step 8
Router(config-if)# exit
Configuring a VDSL2 WAN Interface
The VDSL2 WAN interface is used on the Cisco 887V ISR platforms. Note that the VDSL2 WAN interface
uses Ethernet as the Layer 2 transport mechanism.
To configure VDSL2 on the Cisco 887V ISR, perform these steps, beginning in global configuration mode:
1. controller vdsl 0
2. interface type number
3. ip address ip-address mask
4. shutdown
5. no shutdown
6. exit
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Basic Router Configuration
Configuring WAN Interfaces
Purpose Command or Action
Enters controller configuration mode and the controller number. controller vdsl 0 Step 1
There is no need to configure any VDSL2 parameters
from CPE side. Any specific VDSL2 settings should
be set on the DSLAM side.
Router(config)# controller vdsl 0
Enters the configuration mode for Ethernet Layer 2 transport on
the VDSL WAN interface on the router.
interface type number
Step 2
Router(config)# interface ethernet 0
Sets the IP address and subnet mask for the interface. ip address ip-address mask
Step 3
Router(config-if)# ip address
Disables the interface, changing its state from administratively
up to administratively down.
Step 4
Router(config-if)# no shutdown
Enables the interface, changing its state from administratively
down to administratively up.
no shutdown
Step 5
Router(config-if)# no shutdown
Exits configuration mode and returns to global configuration
Step 6
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Basic Router Configuration
Configuring WAN Interfaces
Purpose Command or Action
Router(config-if)# exit
Configuring ADSL or VDSL on Cisco 860VAE and 880VA Multimode ISRs
This section contains the following topics:
Overview of Cisco 860VAE, 886VA, and 887VA Multimode ISRs
The Cisco customer premise equipment (CPE) Cisco 866VAE, 867VAE, 866VAE-K9, 867VAE-K9, 886VA
and 887VA integrated services routers (ISRs) support asymmetric digital subscriber line (ADSL) 1/2/2+ and
very high speed digital subscriber line 2 (VDSL2) transmission modes, also called multimode.
The 866VAE and 886VA support xDSL over ISDN. The 867VAE and 887VA support xDSL over a plain
old telephone system (POTS).
The default CPE operating mode is auto. Auto mode means that the CPE trains up to the mode configured on
the digital subscriber line access multiplexer (DSLAM), ADSL1/2/2+, or VDSL2.
The following examples assume the DSLAM is configured in either ADSL2+ mode or VDSL2 mode, and
the CPE is configured in auto mode.
Figure 1: Example Topology, on page 30 shows an ATM WAN or Ethernet WAN network topography.
Figure 1: Example Topology
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Basic Router Configuration
Configuring WAN Interfaces
interfaceADSL 1/2/2+
mode or
Ethernet WAN
InterfaceVDSL2 mode
2 Fast Ethernet LAN
interface or
Gigabit Ethernet LAN
A DSLAM in Layer 1 mode may be configured for auto mode. A DSLAM in Layer 2 mode must be
configured for ATM mode or packet transfer mode (PTM).
Cisco 886VA and 887VA allow a maximum of four permanent virtual circuits (PVCs). Note
Cisco 866VAE, Cisco 867VAE, Cisco 866VAE-K9, and Cisco 867VAE-K9 ISRs allow a maximum of
two PVCs.
ADSL2/2+ Annex M Mode on Over POTS VDSL2/ADSL Multimode Annex A SKUs
Annex M is an enhancement of the G.992.3 standard that doubles the upstream bandwidth by "borrowing"
32 additional tones from the downstream frequency range. This feature enables service providers to provision
symmetric data rates for ADSL2 and ADSL2+ services with data rates up to 2 Mbps.
Cisco IOS Release 15.2(1)T adds support for enabling Annex M data structures on Cisco 887VA platforms
and Annex A data structures on Cisco 887VA-M platforms. This features allows both Annex A and Annex
M structures to be run on the same platform with a performance tradeoff for the annex that is not optimized
for the device. With this feature implementation, the modes supported on Annex A platforms are the same as
the modes supported on Annex M platforms (887VA-M and EHWIC-1DSL-VA-M). When digital subscriber
line access multiplexer (DSLAM) supports Annex M, Annex M mode takes precedence over Annex A mode.
Cisco 867VAE and 867VAE-K9 require Cisco IOS Release 15.1(4)M2 or 15.2(2)T or later to use this
For information on configuring Annex M data structures on Annex A platforms, see the, Enabling ADSL2/2+
Annex M Mode on Over POTS VDSL2/ADSL Multimode Annex A SKUs, on page 44.
Configuring Seamless Rate Adaption
ADSL connections can be dropped due to a number of reasons, such as crosstalk, changes in noise margin,
temperature changes, or interference. ADSL2 addresses these problems by adapting the data rate in real-time.
Seamless rate adaptation (SRA) enables the ADSL2 system to change the data rate of the connection during
operation without any service interruption or bit errors.
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Basic Router Configuration
Configuring WAN Interfaces
These features are not currently available on the 866VAE, 867VAE, 866VAE-K9, and 867VAE-K9. Note
For information on configuring SRA, see the Enabling Seamless Rate Adaption , on page 45.
Configuring UBR+
UBR is typically used for data communications applications, such as file transfer and email. UBR is a best
effort service and is the lowest class of service in the hierarchy. There are no guarantees to the actual bandwidth
allowed. Therefore, UBR virtual circuits (VCs) are susceptible to a large number of cell drops or a high cell
transfer delay as cells move from the source to the destination. UBR has no bounds on Cell Delay Variation
Tolerance (CDVT) and is only a best effort service.
UBR+ is a special ATM service class developed by Cisco. UBR defines only peak cell rate (PCR); however,
UBR+ defines a minimum guaranteed cell rate (MCR) and (on the switch) a cell delay variation tolerance
On Cisco IOS versions 15.2(1)T and later, UBR+ is compatable with Cisco Multimode 886VAand 887VA
These features are not currently available on the 866VAE, 867VAE, 866VAE-K9, and 867VAE-K9. Note
For information on configuring UBR+, see the Configuring UBR+, on page 47.
Configuring ADSL Mode
Configuration tasks
Perform the following tasks to configure ADSL mode:
Configuring ADSL Auto Mode
Perform these steps to configure the DSL controller to auto mode, starting in global configuration mode.
Configure the DSLAM in ADSL 1/2/2+ mode prior to configuring the router. Note
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. controller vdsl slot
4. operating mode {auto | adsl1 | adsl2 | adsl2+ | vdsl2 | ansi}
5. end
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Basic Router Configuration
Configuring WAN Interfaces
Purpose Command or Action
Enables privileged EXEC mode. enable Step 1
Router> enable
Enter your password if prompted.
Enters global configuration mode. configure terminal
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters config mode for the VDSL controller. controller vdsl slot
Step 3
Router(config)# controller vdsl 0
Configures the operating mode. The default is auto and is
operating mode {auto | adsl1 | adsl2 | adsl2+ | vdsl2
| ansi}
Step 4
When configured in auto, the operating mode does not
appear in the show running command.
Router(config-controller)# operating mode
Exits the configuration mode and enters EXEC mode. end Step 5
A reload is required after changing mode between adsl
and vdsl for Cisco 866VAE, Cisco 867VAE, Cisco
866VAE-K9, and Cisco 867VAE-K9.
Router(config-controller)# end
Configuring CPE and Peer for ADSL Mode
When configuring for ADSL, the ATM main interface or ATM sub-interface must be configured with a PVC
and an IP address, perform a no shutdown command on the interface if needed.
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Basic Router Configuration
Configuring WAN Interfaces
Configuring the ATM CPE side
Perform the following steps to configure the ATM CPE side, starting in global configuration mode.
1. interface type number
2. no shutdown
3. interface atm0.1 point-to-point
4. ip address ip-address mask
5. pvc [name] vpi/vci
6. protocol protocol {protocol-address [virtual-template] | inarp} [[no] broadcast | disable-check-subnet
| [no] enable-check-subnet]
7. end
Purpose Command or Action
Enters configuration mode for the ATM WAN
interface (ATM0).
interface type number
Router(config)# interface atm0
Step 1
Enables the configuration changes to the ATM
no shutdown
Router(config-if)# no shutdown
Step 2
Enables ATM0.1 point-to-point interface. interface atm0.1 point-to-point
Router(config-if)# interface ATM0.1 point-to-point
Step 3
Enters IP address and subnet mask. ip address ip-address mask
Router(config-subif)# ip address
Step 4
Creates or assigns a name to an ATM PVC and
enters the ATM virtual circuit configuration mode.
pvc [name] vpi/vci
Router(config-subif)# pvc 13/32
Step 5
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Basic Router Configuration
Configuring WAN Interfaces
Purpose Command or Action
Configures a static map for an ATM PVC. protocol protocol {protocol-address [virtual-template] |
inarp} [[no] broadcast | disable-check-subnet | [no]
Step 6
Router(config-if-atm-vc)# protocol ip
Exits the configuration mode and enters EXEC
Router(config-if-atm-vc)# end
Step 7
Configuring the ATM Peer side
Perform the following steps to configure the ATM peer side, starting in global configuration mode.
1. interface type number
2. no shutdown
3. interface atm0.1 point-to-point
4. ip address ip-address mask
5. pvc [name] vpi/vci
6. protocol protocol {protocol-address [virtual-template] | inarp} [[no] broadcast | disable-check-subnet
| [no] enable-check-subnet]
7. end
Purpose Command or Action
Enters configuration mode for the ATM WAN
interface (ATM0).
interface type number
Router(config)# interface atm0
Step 1
Enables the configuration changes to the ATM
no shutdown
Router(config-if)# no shutdown
Step 2
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Basic Router Configuration
Configuring WAN Interfaces
Purpose Command or Action
Enables the ATM0.1 point-to-point interface. interface atm0.1 point-to-point
Router(config-if)# interface ATM0.1 point-to-point
Step 3
Enters IP address and subnet mask. ip address ip-address mask
Router(config-subif)# ip address
Step 4
Creates or assigns a name to an ATMPVCand enters
the ATM virtual circuit configuration mode.
pvc [name] vpi/vci
Router(config-subif)# pvc 13/32
Step 5
Configures a static map for an ATM PVC. protocol protocol {protocol-address [virtual-template] |
inarp} [[no] broadcast | disable-check-subnet | [no]
Step 6
Router(config-if-atm-vc)# protocol ip
Exits the configuration mode and enters EXECmode. end
Router(config-if-atm-vc)# end
Step 7
ADSL Configuration Example
The following example shows a typical ADSL2+ configuration set to auto mode. Outputs in bold are critical.
Router# show running
Building configuration...
Current configuration : 1250 bytes
! Last configuration change at 02:07:09 UTC Tue Mar 16 2010
version 15.1
no service pad
service timestamps debug datetime msec
service timestamps log datetime msec
no service password-encryption
hostname Router
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Basic Router Configuration
Configuring WAN Interfaces
no aaa new-model
memory-size iomem 10
ip source-route
ip cef
no ipv6 cef
license udi pid CISCO887-V2-K9 sn FHK1313227E
license boot module c880-data level advipservices
vtp domain cisco
vtp mode transparent
controller VDSL 0
vlan 2-4
interface Ethernet0
no ip address
no fair-queue
interface BRI0
no ip address
encapsulation hdlc
isdn termination multidrop
interface ATM0
no ip address
no atm ilmi-keepalive
interface ATM0.1 point-to-point
ip address
pvc 15/32
protocol ip broadcast
interface FastEthernet0
interface FastEthernet1
interface FastEthernet2
interface FastEthernet3
interface Vlan1
no ip address
ip forward-protocol nd
no ip http server
no ip http secure-server
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Basic Router Configuration
Configuring WAN Interfaces
line con 0
no modem enable
line aux 0
line vty 0 4
transport input all
exception data-corruption buffer truncate
Verifying ADSL Configuration
Verify that the configuration is set properly by using the show controller vdsl 0 command from the privileged
EXEC mode. Outputs in bold are critical.
Router# show controller vdsl 0
Controller VDSL 0 is UP
Daemon Status: Up
Chip Vendor ID: 'BDCM' 'BDCM'
Chip Vendor Specific: 0x0000 0x6110
Chip Vendor Country: 0xB500 0xB500
Modem Vendor ID: 'CSCO' 'BDCM'
Modem Vendor Specific: 0x4602 0x6110
Modem Vendor Country: 0xB500 0xB500
Serial Number Near: FHK1313227E 887-V2-K 15.1(20100
Serial Number Far:
Modem Version Near: 15.1(20100426:193435) [changahn
Modem Version Far: 0x6110
Modem Status: TC Sync (Showtime!)
DSL Config Mode: AUTO
Trained Mode: G.992.5 (ADSL2+) Annex A
TC Mode: ATM
Selftest Result: 0x00
DELT configuration: disabled
DELT state: not running
Trellis: ON ON
Line Attenuation: 1.0 dB 1.4 dB
Signal Attenuation: 1.0 dB 0.0 dB
Noise Margin: 6.8 dB 13.6 dB
Attainable Rate: 25036 kbits/s 1253 kbits/s
Actual Power: 13.7 dBm 12.3 dBm
Total FECS: 0 0
Total ES: 0 0
Total SES: 0 0
Total LOSS: 0 0
Total UAS: 0 0
Total LPRS: 0 0
Total LOFS: 0 0
Total LOLS: 0 0
Bit swap: 163 7
Full inits: 32
Failed full inits: 0
Short inits: 0
Failed short inits: 0
Firmware Source File Name (version)
-------- ------ -------------------
VDSL embedded VDSL_LINUX_DEV_01212008 (1)
Modem FW Version: 100426_1053-4.02L.03.A2pv6C030f.d22j
Modem PHY Version: A2pv6C030f.d22j
DS Channel1 DS Channel0 US Channel1 US Channel0
Speed (kbps): 0 24184 0 1047
Previous Speed: 0 24176 0 1047
Total Cells: 0 317070460 0 13723742
User Cells: 0 0 0 0
Reed-Solomon EC: 0 0 0 0
CRC Errors: 0 0 0 0
Header Errors: 0 0 0 0
Interleave (ms): 0.00 0.08 0.00 13.56
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Basic Router Configuration
Configuring WAN Interfaces
Actual INP: 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.80
Training Log : Stopped
Training Log Filename : flash:vdsllog.bin
Verifying CPE to Peer Connection for ADSL
Ping the peer to confirm that CPE to peer configuration is set up correctly.
Router# ping rep 20
Type escape sequence to abort.
Sending 20, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds:
Success rate is 100 percent (20/20), round-trip min/avg/max = 20/22/28 ms
Configuring VDSL Mode
Configuration tasks
Perform the following tasks to configure VDSL mode:
Configuring VDSL Auto Mode
Perform the following steps to configure the DSL controller to auto mode, starting in global configuration
Configure the DSLAM in VDSL2 mode prior to configuring the router. Note
1. controller vdsl slot
2. operating mode {auto | adsl1 | adsl2 | adsl2+ | vdsl2 | ansi}
3. end
Purpose Command or Action
Enters config mode for the VDSL controller. controller vdsl slot
Router(config)# controller vdsl 0
Step 1
Configures the operating mode. The default is auto and is
operating mode {auto | adsl1 | adsl2 | adsl2+ |
vdsl2 | ansi}
Step 2
Router(config-controller)# operating mode
When configured in auto, the operating mode does not
appear in the show running command.
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Basic Router Configuration
Configuring WAN Interfaces
Purpose Command or Action
Exits the configuration mode and enters EXEC mode. end Step 3
Router(config-controller)# end
A reload is required after changing the mode on the Cisco
866VAE, Cisco 867VAE, Cisco 866VAE-K9, and Cisco
Configuring CPE and Peer for VDSL Mode
When configuring VDSL, configure the ethernet 0 interface and perform a no shutdown command on the
interface if needed. Start in the global configuration mode.
Configuring the VDSL CPE Side
Perform the following steps to configure the VDSL CPE side, starting in the global configuration mode.
1. interface type number
2. ip address ip-address mask
3. no shutdown
4. end
Purpose Command or Action
Enters configuration mode for the Ethernet interface 0. interface type number
Router(config)# interface ethernet0
Step 1
Enters the IP address and subnet mask. ip address ip-address mask
Router(config-if)# ip address
Step 2
Enables the configuration changes to the ip address and
subnet mask.
no shutdown
Router(config-if)# no shutdown
Step 3
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40 OL-31704-02
Basic Router Configuration
Configuring WAN Interfaces
Purpose Command or Action
Exits the configuration mode and enters EXEC mode. end
Router(config-if)# end
Step 4
Configuring the VDSL Peer Side
Perform the following steps to configure the VDSL Peer side, starting in the global configuration mode.
1. interface type number
2. ip address ip-address mask
3. no shutdown
4. end
Purpose Command or Action
Enters configuration mode for the Ethernet interface 0. interface type number
Router(config)# interface ethernet0
Step 1
Configures the IP address and subnet mask. ip address ip-address mask
Router(config-if)# ip address
Step 2
Enables the configuration changes to the IP address and
subnet mask.
no shutdown
Router(config-if)# no shutdown
Step 3
Exits the configuration mode and enters EXEC mode. end
Router(config-if)# end
Step 4
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OL-31704-02 41
Basic Router Configuration
Configuring WAN Interfaces
VDSL Configuration Example
The following example shows a typical output of a VDSL configuration. Outputs in bold are critical.
Router# show running
Building configuration...
Current configuration : 1250 bytes
! Last configuration change at 02:07:09 UTC Tue Mar 16 2010
version 15.1
no service pad
service timestamps debug datetime msec
service timestamps log datetime msec
no service password-encryption
hostname Router
no aaa new-model
memory-size iomem 10
ip source-route
ip cef
no ipv6 cef
license udi pid CISCO887-V2-K9 sn FHK1313227E
license boot module c880-data level advipservices
vtp domain cisco
vtp mode transparent
controller VDSL 0
vlan 2-4
interface Ethernet0
ip address
no fair-queue
interface BRI
no ip address
encapsulation hdlc
isdn termination multidrop
interface ATM0
no ip address
interface FastEthernet0
interface FastEthernet1
Cisco 800 Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide
42 OL-31704-02
Basic Router Configuration
Configuring WAN Interfaces
interface FastEthernet2
interface FastEthernet3
interface Vlan1
no ip address
ip forward-protocol nd
no ip http server
no ip http secure-server
line con 0
no modem enable
line aux 0
line vty 0 4
transport input all
exception data-corruption buffer truncate
Verifying VDSL Configuration
Verify the configuration is set properly by using the show controller vdsl 0 command from privileged EXEC
mode. Outputs in bold are critical.
Router# show controller vdsl 0
Controller VDSL 0 is UP
Daemon Status: Up
Chip Vendor ID: 'BDCM' 'BDCM'
Chip Vendor Specific: 0x0000 0x0000
Chip Vendor Country: 0xB500 0xB500
Modem Vendor ID: 'CSCO' 'BDCM'
Modem Vendor Specific: 0x4602 0x0000
Modem Vendor Country: 0xB500 0xB500
Serial Number Near: FHK1313227E 887-V2-K 15.1(20100
Serial Number Far:
Modem Version Near: 15.1(20100426:193435) [changahn
Modem Version Far: 0x0000
Modem Status: TC Sync (Showtime!)
DSL Config Mode: AUTO
Trained Mode: G.993.2 (VDSL2) Profile 12a
TC Mode: PTM
Selftest Result: 0x00
DELT configuration: disabled
DELT state: not running
Trellis: ON OFF
Line Attenuation: 1.0 dB 0.0 dB
Signal Attenuation: 1.0 dB 0.0 dB
Noise Margin: 12.0 dB 9.5 dB
Attainable Rate: 87908 kbits/s 50891 kbits/s
Actual Power: 13.5 dBm 8.9 dBm
Per Band Status: D1 D2 D3 U0 U1 U2 U3
Line Attenuation(dB): 0.9 2.3 N/A 7.2 2.9 7.0 N/A
Signal Attenuation(dB): 0.9 2.3 N/A N/A 2.3 6.6 N/A
Noise Margin(dB): 14.5 9.3 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Total FECS: 0 0
Total ES: 0 0
Total SES: 0 0
Total LOSS: 0 0
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Basic Router Configuration
Configuring WAN Interfaces
Total UAS: 0 0
Total LPRS: 0 0
Total LOFS: 0 0
Total LOLS: 0 0
Bit swap: 1 0
Full inits: 33
Failed full inits: 0
Short inits: 0
Failed short inits: 0
Firmware Source File Name (version)
-------- ------ -------------------
VDSL embedded VDSL_LINUX_DEV_01212008 (1)
Modem FW Version: 100426_1053-4.02L.03.A2pv6C030f.d22j
Modem PHY Version: A2pv6C030f.d22j
DS Channel1 DS Channel0 US Channel1 US Channel0
Speed (kbps): 0 84999 0 48968
Previous Speed: 0 24184 0 1047
Reed-Solomon EC: 0 0 0 0
CRC Errors: 0 0 0 0
Header Errors: 0 0 0 0
Interleave (ms): 0.00 6.00 0.00 0.00
Actual INP: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Training Log : Stopped
Training Log Filename : flash:vdsllog.bin
Verifying CPE to Peer Connection for VDSL
Ping the peer to confirm that CPE to peer configuration is setup correctly.
Router# ping rep 20
Type escape sequence to abort.
Sending 20, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds:
Success rate is 100 percent (20/20), round-trip min/avg/max = 20/22/28 ms
Enabling ADSL2/2+ Annex M Mode on Over POTS VDSL2/ADSL Multimode Annex A SKUs
This feature requires Cisco IOS Release 15.2(1)T or a later. Note
Cisco 867VAE and 867VAE-K9 require Cisco IOS Release 15.1(4)M2 or 15.2(2)T or later to use this
Configuring ADSL2/2+ Annex M mode on Over POTS VDSL2/ADSL Multimode Annex A SKUs.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. controller vdsl 0
4. operating mode {adsl1 | adsl2 annex a | annex m | adsl2+ annex a | annex m] | ansi | auto| vdsl2}
Cisco 800 Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide
44 OL-31704-02
Basic Router Configuration
Configuring WAN Interfaces
Purpose Command or Action
Enables privileged EXEC mode. enable Step 1
Router> enable
Enter your password if prompted.
Enters global configuration mode. configure terminal
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters configuration mode for the VDSL controller. controller vdsl 0 Step 3
asdl1Configures operation in ITU G.992.1 Annex A full-rate mode. operating mode {adsl1 | adsl2 annex
a | annex m | adsl2+ annex a | annex
m] | ansi | auto| vdsl2}
Step 4
adsl2Configures operation in ADSL2 operating mode-ITU G.992.3 Annex A,
Annex L, and Annex M. If an Annex operating mode is not chosen, Annex A,
operating mode adsl2+ annex m
Annex L, and Annex Mare enabled. The final mode is decided by negotiation with
the DSL access multiplexer (DSLAM).
adsl2+Configures operation in ADSL2+ mode-ITU G.992.5 Annex A and
AnnexM. If an Annex A operating mode is not chosen, both Annex and Annex M
is enabled. The final mode is decided by negotiation with DSLAM.
ansiConfigures a router to operate in ANSI full-rate mode-ANSI T1.413.
autoDefault setting. Configures the router so that the DSLAM automatically
picks the DSL operating mode, in the sequence described in the "Usage Guidelines"
section. All supported modes are enabled.
vdsl2Configures operation in ITU G.993.2 mode.
annex a, m(Optional) If the annex option is not specified, both Annex A and
Annex M are enabled. The final mode is decided by negotiation with the Digital
Synchronous Line Access Multiplexer (DSLAM).
Enabling Seamless Rate Adaption
To enable SRA, perform the following steps.
SRA mode is disabled by default. Note
SRA requires Cisco IOS Release 15.2(1)T or a later release. Note
Cisco 800 Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide
OL-31704-02 45
Basic Router Configuration
Configuring WAN Interfaces
These features are not currently available on the Cisco 866VAE, 867VAE, 866VAE-K9, or 867VAE-K9. Note
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. controller vdsl x/y/z
4. sra
Purpose Command or Action
Enables privileged EXEC mode. enable Step 1
Router# enable
Enter your password if prompted.
Enters global configuration mode. configure terminal
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enters controller configuration mode. Use the controller vdsl
command in global configuration mode. This command does not
have a no form.
controller vdsl x/y/z
Router(config)# controller vdsl 0/0/0
Step 3
xDefines the network module.
yDefines the slot number.
zDefines the port number.
Enables SRA mode. sra Step 4
router(config-controller)# sra
Use the no form of the command to disable SRA.
Example Configuration: Seamless Rate Adaption
The following example enables SRA on a VDSL line:
router# configure terminal
Cisco 800 Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide
46 OL-31704-02
Basic Router Configuration
Configuring WAN Interfaces
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z
router(config)# controller vdsl 0
router(config-controller)# sra
router(config-controller)# end
Configuring UBR+
Perform the following steps to configure UBR+.
Cisco IOS Release 15.2(1)T or a later release is required to run UBR+ on Cisco 886VA, 887VA, and
887VA-M routers.
These features are not currently available on the Cisco 866VAE, 867VAE, 866VAE-K9, or 867VAE-K9. Note
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ubr+ output-pcr output-mcr [input-pcr] [input-mcr]
Purpose Command or Action
Enables privileged EXEC mode. enable Step 1
Router> enable
Enter your password if prompted.
Enters global configuration mode. configure terminal
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Configures unspecified bit rate (UBR) quality of service (QoS) and specifies the
output peak cell rate and output minimum guaranteed cell rate for an ATM
ubr+ output-pcr output-mcr
[input-pcr] [input-mcr]
Step 3
permanent virtual circuit (PVC), PVC range, switched virtual circuit (SVC),
virtual circuit (VC) class, or VC bundle member.
Router(config-if-vc)# ubr+ 10000
3000 9000 1000
To remove the UBR+ parameters, use the no form of this command.
output-pcrThe output peak cell rate (PCR) in kbps.
output-mcrThe output minimum guaranteed cell rate in kbps.
input-pcr(Optional for SVCs only) The input PCR in kbps. If this value is
omitted, the input-pcr equals the output-pcr.
Cisco 800 Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide
OL-31704-02 47
Basic Router Configuration
Configuring WAN Interfaces
Purpose Command or Action
input-mcr(Optional for SVCs only) The input minimum guaranteed cell rate
in kbps. If this value is omitted, the input-mcr equals the output-mcr.
UBR+ Example
The following example configures UBR+ PVC on a DSL line:
interface atm 0/0
pvc 4/100
ubr+ 2304 2304
The following example specifies the output-pcr argument for an ATM PVC to be 100000 kbps and the output-mcr
to be 3000 kbps:
pvc 1/32
ubr+ 100000 3000
The following example specifies the output-pcr, output-mcr, input-pcr, and input-mcr arguments for an ATM
SVC to be 10000 kbps, 3000 kbps, 9000 kbps, and 1000 kbps, respectively:
svc lion nsap 47.0091.81.000000.0040.0B0A.2501.ABC1.3333.3333.05
ubr+ 10000 3000 9000 1000
There are no new commands for checking traffic on the Cisco 886VA and 887VA. Some helpful commands
include the following show commands:
show interface Ethernet0
show interface ATM0
show interface summary
show controller vdsl 0
show controller atm0
show controller vdsl 0 datapath
show atm pvc
The Cisco 860, Cisco 880, and Cisco 890 Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide,
Troubleshooting section may also be helpful.
Cisco 800 Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide
48 OL-31704-02
Basic Router Configuration
Configuring WAN Interfaces
Configuring the Training Log Using the CLI
When you initiate the training log capture using the debug vdsl 0 training log on the Cisco 866VAE, Cisco
867VAE, Cisco 866VAE-K9, and Cisco 867VAE-K9 ISRs, the training log file opens. Any messages that
are generated are buffered locally and are written to the training log file at 5k bytes per interval. The messages
are not written all at one time, as in previous software versions that supported the training log capture feature.
A maximum log capacity of 8MB (approximately 1 hour of capture) exists on the Cisco 866VAE, Cisco
867VAE, Cisco 866VAE-K9, and Cisco 867VAE-K9 ISRs. Because of this capacity limitation, when the
entire log collection exceeds 8MB, the log capture is automatically terminated.
Cisco 866VAE, Cisco 867VAE, Cisco 866VAE-K9, and Cisco 867VAE-K9 ISRs do not support the
continuous training log autostop feature.
Capturing the Training Log
By default the training log is saved to flash:vdsllog.bin.
To start the training log capture, use the debug vdsl 0 training log command.
Router# debug vdsl 0 training log
The following confirmation is displayed:
Training log generation started for VDSL 0
Halting the Training Log Capture
To stop the training log capture, use the no debug vdsl 0 training log command.
Router# no debug vdsl 0 training log
The following confirmation is displayed:
Training Log file for VDSL written to flash:vdsllog.bin
Displaying the Training Log Status and File Location
To display the training log status and file location, use the show controller vdsl 0 command.
Router# show controller vdsl 0
The following confirmation is displayed:
Controller VDSL 0 is UP
Daemon Status: NA
Chip Vendor ID: 'BDCM' 'BDCM'
Cisco 800 Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide
OL-31704-02 49
Basic Router Configuration
Configuring WAN Interfaces
Chip Vendor Specific: 0x0000 0x938C
Chip Vendor Country: 0xB500 0xB500
Modem Vendor ID: 'CSCO' 'BDCM'
Modem Vendor Specific: 0x4602 0x938C
Modem Vendor Country: 0xB500 0xB500
Serial Number Near: GMH1049001M 867VAE-K 15.1(20110
Serial Number Far:
Modem Version Near: 15.1(20110422:230431) [suguraja
Modem Version Far: 0x938C
Modem Status: TC Sync (Showtime!)
DSL Config Mode: AUTO
Trained Mode: G.992.5 (ADSL2+) Annex A
TC Mode: ATM
Selftest Result: 0x00
DELT configuration: disabled
DELT state: not running
Trellis: ON ON
Line Attenuation: 0.0 dB 0.0 dB
Signal Attenuation: 0.0 dB 0.0 dB
Noise Margin: 16.0 dB 14.6 dB
Attainable Rate: 28516 kbits/s 1222 kbits/s
Actual Power: 7.0 dBm 12.4 dBm
Total FECS: 3 0
Total ES: 0 0
Total SES: 0 0
Total LOSS: 0 0
Total UAS: 147 147
Total LPRS: 0 0
Total LOFS: 0 0
Total LOLS: 0 0
Bit swap: 0 0
Full inits: 1
Failed full inits: 0
Short inits: 0
Failed short inits: 0
Firmware Source File Name (version)
-------- ------ -------------------
VDSL embedded (0)
Modem FW Version: 23a
Modem PHY Version: A2pv6C032b.d23a
DS Channel1 DS Channel0 US Channel1 US Channel0
Speed (kbps): 0 24543 0 1020
Previous Speed: 0 0 0 0
Total Cells: 0 87837567 0 3652502
User Cells: 0 0 0 0
Reed-Solomon EC: 0 3 0 0
CRC Errors: 0 0 0 0
Header Errors: 0 0 0 0
Interleave (ms): 0.00 15.00 0.00 3.76
Actual INP: 0.00 57.00 0.00 0.50
Training Log : Stopped
Training Log Filename : flash:vdsllog.bin
Configuring a G.SHDSL WAN Interface in ATM mode
Perform the following steps to configure G.SHDSL on the Cisco 888 ISR perform these steps, beginning in
global configuration mode.
Cisco 800 Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide
50 OL-31704-02
Basic Router Configuration
Configuring WAN Interfaces
1. controller dsl slot/port
2. mode atm
3. line-term cpe
4. line-mode 4 wire standard
5. line-rate {auto | rate}
6. interface atm interface-number
7. ip-address ip-address
8. load-interval seconds
9. no atm ilmi-keepalive [seconds]
10. pvc [name] vpi/vci
11. protocol protocol protocol-address broadcast
12. encapsulation [encapsulation-type]
Purpose Command or Action
Enters controller configuration mode and the controller number. controller dsl slot/port
Router(config)# controller dsl 0
Step 1
Enables ATM encapsulation and creates logical ATM interface 0. mode atm
Router(config-ctrl)# mode atm
Step 2
Enables CPE. line-term cpe
Router(config-ctrl)# line-term cpe
Step 3
Enables 4 wire operation. line-mode 4 wire standard
Router(config-ctrl)# line-mode 4 wire
Step 4
Specifies the DSL line rate for the SHDSL port. The range is 192
to 2312 kbps. The default is auto (negotiated between the SHDSL
port and the DSLAM).
line-rate {auto | rate}
Router(config-ctrl)# line-rate 4608
Step 5
If different DSL line rates are configured at opposite ends
of the DSL uplink, the actual DSL line rate is always the
lower rate.
The maximum peak cell rate is 8 kbps less than the line
Cisco 800 Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide
OL-31704-02 51
Basic Router Configuration
Configuring WAN Interfaces
Purpose Command or Action
Enters ATM configuration mode for interface ATM 0. interface atm interface-number
Router(config-ctrl)# interface atm0
Step 6
Assigns an IP address to the DSL ATM interface. ip-address ip-address
Router(config-ctrl)# ip-address IP-address
Step 7
Assigns a load interval value. load-interval seconds
Router(config-ctrl)# load-interval 3
Step 8
Disables Integrated Local Management Interface (ILMI) keepalives. no atm ilmi-keepalive [seconds] Step 9
Router(config-ctrl)# no atm
If you enable ILMI keepalives without specifying the number of
seconds, the default time interval is 3 seconds.
Enters atm-virtual-circuit (interface-atm-vc) configuration mode,
and configures a new ATM PVC by assigning a name (optional)
and VPI/VCI numbers.
pvc [name] vpi/vci
Router(config-ctrl)# pvc 0/35
Step 10
The default traffic shaping is UBR; the default encapsulation is
Enables IP connectivity and creates a point-to-point IP address for
the VC.
protocol protocol protocol-address broadcast
Router(config-ctrl)# protocol ip broadcast
Step 11
Configures the ATM adaptation layer (AAL) and encapsulation
encapsulation [encapsulation-type]
Router(config-ctrl)# encapsulation
Step 12
Use the aal2 keyword for AAL2
Use the aal5ciscoppp keyword for Cisco PPP over AAL5
Use the aal5mux keyword for AAL5+MUX
Use the aal5nlpid keyword for AAL5+NLPID
Use the aal5snap keyword for AAL5+LLC/SNAP (the
Cisco 800 Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide
52 OL-31704-02
Basic Router Configuration
Configuring WAN Interfaces
Configuration Example: Configuring a G.SHDSL WAN Interface
The following configuration example shows a 4-wire standard G.SHDSL configuration.
controller DSL 0
mode atm
line-term cpe
line-mode 4-wire standard
dsl-mode shdsl symmetric annex B
line-rate 4608
interface BRI0
no ip address
encapsulation hdlc
isdn termination multidrop
interface ATM0
ip address
no atm ilmi-keepalive
pvc 0/35
protocol ip broadcast
encapsulation aal5snap
interface FastEthernet0
interface FastEthernet1
interface FastEthernet2
interface FastEthernet3
interface Vlan1
ip address
ip forward-protocol nd
ip route Vlan1
no ip http server
no ip http secure-server
Verifying G.SHDSL WAN Interface Configuration
To verify that you have properly configured the router, enter the showrunning command and look for controller
DSL and interface ATM0 parameters.
Router# show running
Building configuration...
Current configuration : 1298 bytes
controller DSL 0
mode atm
line-term cpe
line-mode 4-wire standard
dsl-mode shdsl symmetric annex B
line-rate 4608
interface ATM0
Cisco 800 Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide
OL-31704-02 53
Basic Router Configuration
Configuring WAN Interfaces
ip address
no atm ilmi-keepalive
pvc 0/31
protocol ip broadcast
encapsulation aal5snap
Configuring a G.SHDSL WAN Interface in EFM mode
To configure G.SHDSL on the Cisco 888E ISR, perform Configuring Cisco G.SHDSL EFM HWICs in Cisco
Routers at:
Configuring the Cellular Wireless WAN Interface
The Cisco 880 series and Cisco 810 series ISRs provide a third generation (3G) wireless interface for use over
Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) and code division multiple access (CDMA) networks.
The interface is a 34-mm PCMCIA slot for Cisco 880 series.
Its primary application is WAN connectivity as a backup data link for critical data applications. However, the
3G wireless interface can also function as the primary WAN connection for the router.
To configure the 3G cellular wireless interface, follow these guidelines and procedures:
Prerequisites for Configuring the 3G Wireless Interface
The following are prerequisites to configuring the 3G wireless interface:
You must have wireless service from a carrier, and you must have network coverage where your router
will be physically placed. For a complete list of supported carriers, see the data sheet at:
You must subscribe to a service plan with a wireless service provider and obtain a SIM card (GSM
modem only) from the service provider.
You must check your LEDs for signal strength, as described in Table 12: Front Panel LED Signal
Strength Indications, on page 55.
You should be familiar with the Cisco IOS software, beginning with Cisco NX-OS Release 4.1 or later.
For Cisco 3G Wireless support, see the Cisco IOS documentation.
To configure your GSM data profile, you need the following information from your service provider:
Access point name (APN)
To configure your CDMA data profile for manual activation, you need the following information from
your service provider:
Cisco 800 Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide
54 OL-31704-02
Basic Router Configuration
Configuring WAN Interfaces
Master Subsidy Lock (MSL) number
Mobile Directory number (MDN)
Mobile Station Identifier (MSID)
Electronic Serial Number (ESN)
Table 12: Front Panel LED Signal Strength Indications
Signal Strength LED Color LED
No service available and no RSSI
Amber P3G RSSI
High RSSI (69 dBm or higher) Solid green
Medium RSSI (89 to 70 dBm) Fast (16 Hz) blinking green
Low to medium RSSI (99 to 90
dBm), minimumlevel for a reliable
Slow (1 Hz) blinking green
Low RSSI (less than 100 dBm) Off
3G RSSI = 3G receive signal strength indication.
Restrictions for Configuring the Cellular Wireless Interface
The following restrictions apply to configuring the Cisco 3G wireless interface:
A data connection can be originated only by the 3G wireless interface. Remote dial-in is not supported.
Because of the shared nature of wireless communications, the experienced throughput varies depending
on the number of active users or the amount of congestion in a given network.
Cellular networks have higher latency than wired networks. Latency rates depend on the technology and
carrier. Latency may be higher when there is network congestion.
VoIP is not currently supported.
Any restrictions that are part of the terms of service fromyour carrier also apply to the Cisco 3Gwireless
Cisco 880G ISR does not support online insertion and removal (OIR) of 3G modems. To replace a
modem with another modem of the same type, use the Cisco CLI to enter the shutdown command on
the cellular interface before you replace the modems. =
When a 3G modem is removed, the show interface cellular 0, show run, and show version command
outputs still display cellular interface related information. The show interface command displays the
following message, all other show commands have empty outputs.
3G Modem not inserted
Cisco 800 Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide
OL-31704-02 55
Basic Router Configuration
Configuring WAN Interfaces
You can configure the cellular interface when the 3G modem is removed. However, the configuration
is not effective until the 3Gmodemis inserted. The following message is shown when trying to configure
the cellular interface while the modem is absent.
Router(config)# interface cellular 0
Warning: 3G Modem is not inserted
Configuration will not be effective until modem is inserted =
Inserting a different type of modem than was previously removed requires configuration changes and
you must reload the system.
Data Account Provisioning
To provision your modem, you must have an active wireless account with a service provider. A SIM card
must be installed in a GSM 3G wireless card.
To provision your data account, follow these procedures:
Verifying Signal Strength and Service Availability
To verify the signal strength and service availability on your modem, use the following commands in privileged
EXEC mode.
This feature requires Cisco IOS Release 15.2(1)T or a later. Note
Cisco 867VAE and 867VAE-K9 require Cisco IOS Release 15.1(4)M2 or 15.2(2)T or later to use this
1. show cellular 0 network
2. show cellular 0 hardware
3. show cellular 0 connection
4. show cellular 0 radio
5. show cellular 0 profile
6. show cellular 0 security
7. show cellular 0 all
Cisco 800 Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide
56 OL-31704-02
Basic Router Configuration
Configuring WAN Interfaces
Purpose Command or Action
Displays information about the carrier network, cell site, and
available service.
show cellular 0 network
Router# show cellular 0 network
Step 1
Displays the cellular modem hardware information. show cellular 0 hardware
Router# show cellular 0 hardware
Step 2
Displays the current active connection state and data statistics. show cellular 0 connection
Router# show cellular 0 connection
Step 3
Shows the radio signal strength. show cellular 0 radio Step 4
Router# show cellular 0 radio
The RSSI should be better than 90 dBm for steady
and reliable connection.
Shows information about the modem data profiles created. show cellular 0 profile
Router# show cellular 0 profile
Step 5
Shows the security information for the modem, such as SIM
and modem lock status.
show cellular 0 security
Router# show cellular 0 security
Step 6
Shows consolidated information about the modem. The profiles
that were created, the radio signal strength, the network
security, and so on.
show cellular 0 all
Router# show cellular 0 all
Step 7
Configuring a GSM Modem Data Profile
To configure or create a new modem data profile, enter the cellular 0 gsm profile create <profile number>
<apn> <authentication> <username> <password> command in privileged EXEC mode. See Table 13:
Modem Data Profile Parameters , on page 58 for details about the command parameters.
Router# cellular 0 gsm profile create 3 chap GSM GSMPassword
Cisco 800 Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide
OL-31704-02 57
Basic Router Configuration
Configuring WAN Interfaces
Table 13: Modem Data Profile Parameters , on page 58 lists the modem data profile parameters.
Table 13: Modem Data Profile Parameters
Number for the profile that you are creating. You can
create up to 16 profiles.
profile number
Access point name. You must get this information
from your service provider.
Type of authentication, for example, CHAP, PAP. authentication
Username provided by your service provider. username
Password provided by your service provider. password
CDMA Modem Activation and Provisioning
Activation procedures may differ, depending upon your carrier. Consult your carrier, and perform one of the
following procedures as appropriate:
Manual activation
Activation using over the air service provisioning
Table 14: CDMA Modem Activation and Provisioning, on page 58 lists the activation and provisioning
processes supported by different wireless carriers.
Table 14: CDMA Modem Activation and Provisioning
Carrier Activation and Provisioning Process
Sprint Manual Activation using MDN, MSID, MSL
Verizon Wireless OTASP
Sprint IOTA
for Data Profile refresh
OTASP = Over the Air Service Provisioning.
IOTA = Internet Over the Air.
Manual Activation
You must have valid mobile directory number (MDN), mobile subsidy lock (MSL), and mobile station
identifier (MSID) information from your carrier before you start this procedure.
To configure a modem profile manually, use the following command, beginning in EXEC mode:
cellular 0 cdma activate manual mdn msid sid nid msl
Cisco 800 Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide
58 OL-31704-02
Basic Router Configuration
Configuring WAN Interfaces
Besides being activated, the modem data profile is provisioned through the Internet Over the Air (IOTA)
process. The IOTAprocess is initiated automatically when you use the cellular cdma activate manual command.
The following is a sample output from this command:
router# cellular 0 cdma activate manual 1234567890 1234567890 1234 12 12345
NAM 0 will be configured and will become Active
Modem will be activated with following Parameters
MDN :1234567890; MSID :1234567890; SID :1234; NID 12:
Checking Current Activation Status
Modem activation status: Not Activated
Begin Activation
Account activation - Step 1 of 5
Account activation - Step 2 of 5
Account activation - Step 3 of 5
Account activation - Step 4 of 5
Account activation - Step 5 of 5
Secure Commit Result: Succeed
Done Configuring - Resetting the modem
The activation of the account is Complete
Waiting for modem to be ready to start IOTA
Beginning IOTA
*Feb 6 23:29:08.459: IOTA Status Message Received. Event: IOTA Start, Result: SUCCESS
*Feb 6 23:29:08.459: Please wait till IOTA END message is received
*Feb 6 23:29:08.459: It can take up to 5 minutes
*Feb 6 23:29:27.951: OTA State = SPL unlock, Result = Success
*Feb 6 23:29:32.319: OTA State = Parameters committed to NVRAM, Result = Success
*Feb 6 23:29:40.999: Over the air provisioning complete; Result:Success
*Feb 6 23:29:41.679: IOTA Status Message Received. Event: IOTA End, Result: SUCCESS
The IOTA start and end must have success as the resulting output. If you receive an error message, you can
run IOTA independently by using the cellular cdma activate iota command.
Your carrier may require periodic refreshes of the data profile. Use the following command to refresh the data
cellular cdma activate iota
Activating with Over-the-Air Service Provisioning
To provision and activate your modem using Over-the-Air Service Provisioning (OTASP), use the following
command, beginning in EXEC mode.
router # cellular 0 cdma activate otasp phone_number
You need to obtain the phone number for use with this command from your carrier. The standard OTASP
calling number is *22899.
The following is a sample output from this command:
router# cellular 0 cdma activate otasp *22899
Beginning OTASP activation
OTASP number is *22899
OTA State = SPL unlock, Result = Success
OTA State = PRL downloaded, Result = Success
OTA State = Profile downloaded, Result = Success
OTA State = MDN downloaded, Result = Success
OTA State = Parameters committed to NVRAM, Result = Success
Over the air provisioning complete; Result:Success
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Basic Router Configuration
Configuring WAN Interfaces
Configuring a Cellular Interface
To configure the cellular interface, enter the following commands, beginning in privileged EXEC mode.
The PPP Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP) authentication parameters that you use
in this procedure must be the same as the username and password provided by your carrier and configured
only under the GSM profile. CDMA does not require a username or password.
1. configure terminal
2. interface cellular 0
3. encapsulation ppp
4. ppp chap hostname host
5. ppp chap password 0 password
6. asynchronous mode interactive
7. ip address negotiated
Purpose Command or Action
Enters global configuration mode from the terminal. configure terminal
Router# configure terminal
Step 1
Specifies the cellular interface. interface cellular 0
Router (config)# interface cellular 0
Step 2
Specifies PPP encapsulation for an interface configured for
dedicated asynchronous mode or dial-on-demand routing (DDR).
encapsulation ppp
Router (config-if)# encapsulation ppp
Step 3
Defines an interface-specific Challenge Handshake
Authentication Protocol (CHAP) hostname. This must match
the username given by the carrier. Applies to GSM only.
ppp chap hostname host
Router (config-if)# ppp chap hostname
[email protected]
Step 4
Cisco 800 Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide
60 OL-31704-02
Basic Router Configuration
Configuring WAN Interfaces
Purpose Command or Action
Defines an interface-specific CHAP password. This must match
the password given by the carrier.
ppp chap password 0 password
Router (config-if)# ppp chap password 0
Step 5
Returns a line from dedicated asynchronous network mode to
interactive mode, enabling the slip and ppp commands in
privileged EXEC mode.
asynchronous mode interactive
Router (config-if)# asynchronous mode
Step 6
Specifies that the IP address for a particular interface is obtained
via PPP and IPCP address negotiation.
ip address negotiated
Router (config-if)# ip address negotiated
Step 7
What to Do Next
When the cellular interface requires a static IP address, the address may be configured as ip address
negotiated. Through IP Control Protocol (IPCP), the network ensures that the correct static IP address is
allocated to the device. If a tunnel interface is configured with the ip address unnumbered cellular interface
command, the actual static IP address must be configured under the cellular interface, in place of ip address
negotiated. For a sample cellular interface configuration, see the Basic Cellular Interface Configuration,
on page 64.
Configuring DDR
Perform these steps to configure dial-on-demand routing (DDR) for the cellular interface.
Cisco 800 Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide
OL-31704-02 61
Basic Router Configuration
Configuring WAN Interfaces
1. configure terminal
2. interface cellular 0
3. dialer in-band
4. dialer idle-timeout seconds
5. dialer string string
6. dialer-group number
7. exit
8. dialer-list dialer-group protocol protocol-name {permit | deny | list access-list-number | access-group}
9. ip access-list access list number permit ip source address
10. line 3
11. script dialer regexp
12. exit
13. For GSM:
14. interface cellular 0
15. dialer string string
Purpose Command or Action
Enters global configuration mode. configure terminal
Router# configure terminal
Step 1
Specifies the cellular interface. interface cellular 0
Router (config)# interface cellular 0
Step 2
Enables DDR and configures the specified serial
interface for in-band dialing.
dialer in-band
Router (config-if)# dialer in-band
Step 3
Specifies the duration of idle time, in seconds, after
which a line is disconnected.
dialer idle-timeout seconds
Router (config-if)# dialer idle-timeout 30
Step 4
Cisco 800 Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide
62 OL-31704-02
Basic Router Configuration
Configuring WAN Interfaces
Purpose Command or Action
Specifies the number or string to dial. Use the name
of the chat script here.
dialer string string
Router (config-if)# dialer string gsm
Step 5
Specifies the number of the dialer access group to
which a specific interface belongs.
dialer-group number
Router (config-if)# dialer-group 1
Step 6
Enters the global configuration mode. exit
Router (config-if)# exit
Step 7
Creates a dialer list for traffic of interest and permits
access to an entire protocol.
dialer-list dialer-group protocol protocol-name {permit |
deny | list access-list-number | access-group}
Router (config)# dialer-list 1 protocol ip list 1
Step 8
Defines traffic of interest. ip access-list access list number permit ip source address
Router (config)# ip access list 1 permit any
Step 9
Specifies the line configuration mode. It is always 3. line 3
Router (config-line)# line 3
Step 10
Specifies a default modem chat script. script dialer regexp
Router (config-line)# script-dialer gsm
Step 11
Exits line configuration mode. exit
Router (config-line)# exit
Step 12
Configures the line for GSM. For GSM: Step 13
chat-script script name ATDT*99* profile number#
TIMEOUT timeout value CONNECT
Configures the line for CDMA.
Defines the Attention Dial Tone (ATDT) commands
when the dialer is initiated.
Cisco 800 Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide
OL-31704-02 63
Basic Router Configuration
Configuring WAN Interfaces
Purpose Command or Action
chat-script script name "" "ATDT*777* profile
number#" TIMEOUT timeout value CONNECT
Router (config)# chat-script gsm "" "ATDT*98*2#"
Specifies the cellular interface. interface cellular 0
Router (config)# interface cellular 0
Step 14
Specifies the dialer script (defined using the chat script
dialer string string
Router (config)# dialer string gsm
Step 15
Configuring Data Dedicated Transmission Mode (DDTM)
On CDMA modems, data transmission is disrupted by incoming voice calls if data dedicated transmission
mode (DDTM) is disabled. You can enable DDTM mode so the modem ignores incoming voice calls.
To enable DDTM on a CDMA modem, use the cdma ddtm command in configuration mode.
This command is enabled by default. You can disable this feature by using the no cdma ddtm command.
When DDTM is enabled, only voice calls are blocked for the MC5728v modems. On the AC597E and
MC5725 and MC 5727, incoming SMS messages are also blocked.
Examples for Configuring Cellular Wireless Interfaces
This section provides the following configuration examples:
Basic Cellular Interface Configuration
The following example shows how to configure a gsm cellular interface to be used as a primary WAN
connection. It is configured as the default route.
chat-script gsm "" "ATDT*98*2#" TIMEOUT 60 "CONNECT
Cisco 800 Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide
64 OL-31704-02
Basic Router Configuration
Configuring WAN Interfaces
interface Cellular0
ip address negotiated
encapsulation ppp
dialer in-band
dialer string gsm
dialer-group 1
async mode interactive
ppp chap hostname [email protected]
ppp chap password 0 cisco
ppp ipcp dns request
ip route Cellular0
access-list 1 permit any
dialer-list 1 protocol ip list 1
line 3
exec-timeout 0 0
script dialer gsm
modem InOut
The following example shows howto configure a cdma cellular interface to be used as a primary. It is configured
as the default route.
chat-script cdma "" "ATDT#777" TIMEOUT 60 "CONNECT
interface Cellular0
ip address negotiated
encapsulation ppp
dialer in-band
dialer string cdma
dialer-group 1
async mode interactive
ppp chap password 0 cisco
ip route Cellular0
access-list 1 permit any
dialer-list 1 protocol ip list 1
line 3
exec-timeout 0 0
script dialer cdma
modem InOut
Tunnel over Cellular Interface Configuration
The following example shows how to configure the static IP address when a tunnel interface is configured
with the ip address unnumbered <cellular interface > command:
interface Tunnel2
ip unnumbered Cellular0
tunnel source Cellular0
tunnel destination
interface Cellular0
bandwidth receive 1400000
ip address
ip nat outside
ip virtual-reassembly
encapsulation ppp
no ip mroute-cache
dialer in-band
dialer idle-timeout 0
dialer string dial<carrier>
dialer-group 1
async mode interactive
Cisco 800 Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide
OL-31704-02 65
Basic Router Configuration
Configuring WAN Interfaces
no ppp lcp fast-start
ppp chap hostname <hostname> *** gsm only ***
ppp chap password 0 <password>
ppp ipcp dns request
! traffic of interest through the tunnel/cellular interface
ip route Tunnel2
Configuring Dual SIM for Cellular Networks on Cisco 819 Series ISR
The Dual SIM feature implements auto-switch and failover between two cellular networks on a Cisco 819
ISR. This feature is enabled by default with SIM slot 0 being the primary slot and slot 1 being the secondary
(failover) slot.
For instructions on how to configure the Dual SIM feature for 4G LTE cellular networks, see the Cisco
4G LTE Software Installation Guide .
You can configure the Dual SIM feature using the following commands:
Description Syntax Command
Sets the failover timer in minutes. gsm failovertimer <1-7> gsm failovertimer
Verifies the SIM CHV1 code. gsm sim authenticate <0,7>
<pin> slot <0-1>
gsm sim authenticate
Specifies the maximum number of
failover retries. The default value
is 10.
gsm sim max-retry <0-65535> gsm sim max-retry
Modifies the primary slot
gsm sim primary slot <0-1> gsm sim primary slot
Configures the SIM profile. gsm sim profile <1-16> slot
gsm sim profile
Note the following:
For auto-switch and failover to work, configure the SIM profile for slots 0 and 1 using the gsm sim
profile command.
For auto-switch and failover to work, configure the chat script without a specific profile number.
If no SIM profile is configured, profile #1 is used by default.
If no GSM failover timer is configured, the default failover timeout is 2 minutes.
If no GSM SIM primary slot is configured, the default primary SIM is slot 0.
The following example shows you how to set the SIM switchover timeout period to 3 minutes:
router(config-controller)# gsm failovertimer 3
The following example shows you how to authenticate using an unencrypted pin:
router(config-controller)# gsm sim authenticate 0 1234 slot 0
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66 OL-31704-02
Basic Router Configuration
Configuring WAN Interfaces
The following example shows you how to set the maximum number of SIM switchover retries to 20:
router(config-controller)# gsm sim max-retry 20
The following example shows you how to set SIM slot 1 as the primary slot:
router(config-controller)# gsm sim primary slot 1
The following example shows you how to configure the SIM card in slot 0 to use profile 10:
router(config-controller)# gsm sim profile 10 slot 0
Perform the following commands to manually switch the SIM:
Description Syntax Command
Locks or unlocks the SIM. cellular GSM SIM {lock |
cellular GSM SIM
Locks or unlocks the gsm SIM. cellular <unit> gsm sim [lock
| unlock] <pin>
gsm sim
Unblocks the gsm SIM. cellular <unit> gsm sim
unblock <puk> <newpin>
gsm sim unblock
Changes the PIN of the SIM. cellular <unit> gsm sim
change-pin <oldpin> <newpin>
gsm sim change-pin
Activates the GSM SIM. cellular <unit> gsm sim
activate slot <slot_no>
gsm sim activate slot
The following command forces the modem to connect to SIM1:
Router# cellular
gsm sim activate
slot 1
Configuring Router for Image and Config Recovery Using Push Button for Cisco 819 Series
ISR Router
A push button feature is available on the Cisco 819 ISR. The reset button on the front panel of the router
enables this feature.
Perform the following steps to use this feature:
1. Unplug power.
2. Press the reset button on the front panel of the router.
3. Power up the sytem while holding down the reset button.
Cisco 800 Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide
OL-31704-02 67
Basic Router Configuration
Configuring WAN Interfaces
Step 1 Unplug power.
Step 2 Press the reset button on the front panel of the router.
Step 3 Power up the sytem while holding down the reset button.
The system LED blinks four times indicating that the router has accepted the button push.
What to Do Next
Using this button takes effect only during ROMMONinitialization. During a warmreboot, pressing this button
has no impact on performance. Table 15: Push Button Functionality during ROMMONInitialization, on page
68 shows the high level functionality when the button is pushed during ROMMON initialization.
Table 15: Push Button Functionality during ROMMON Initialization
IOS Behavior ROMMON Behavior
If the configuration named *.cfg is available in nvram
storage or flash storage, IOS will perform a backup
of the original configuration and will boot up using
this configuration.
You can only have one configuration file
with *.cfg option. Having more than one file
will result in uncertain operational behavior.
Boots using default baud rate.
Performs auto-boot.
Loads the *.default image if available on
compact flash
If no *.default image is available, the
ROMMON will boot up with the first Cisco
IOS image on flash.
Examples of names for default images:
You can only have one configuration file
with *.cfg option. Having more than one file
will result in uncertain operational behavior.
Use the show platform command to display the current bootup mode for the router. The following sections
show sample outputs when the button is not pushed and when the button is pushed.
Output When Button Is Not Pushed: Example
router# show platform boot-record
Platform Config Boot Record :
Configuration Register at boot time : 0x0
Reset Button Status at Boot Time : Not Pressed
Startup-config Backup Status at Boot: No Status
Startup-config(backup file)location : No Backup
Cisco 800 Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide
68 OL-31704-02
Basic Router Configuration
Configuring WAN Interfaces
Golden config file at location : No Recovery Detected
Config Recovery Status : No Status
Output When Button Is Pushed: Example
router# show platform boot-record
Platform Config Boot Record :
Configuration Register at boot time : 0x0
Reset Button Status at Boot Time : Pressed
Startup-config Backup Status at Boot: Ok
Startup-config(backup file)location : flash:/startup.backup.19000716-225840-UTC
Golden config file at location : flash:/golden.cfg
Config Recovery Status : Ok
Push Button in WLAN AP
When the push button on the front panel is pressed, WLAN AP will perform both image and configuration
To perform image recovery, WLAN will go into the boot loader so that the user can download the image from
the bootloader prompt.
To perform configuration recovery, WLAN AP will overwrite the contents of flash:/config.txt
with the contents of flash:/cpconfig-ap802.cfg file if available in flash drive. Otherwise,
flash:/config.txt will be deleted.
Configuring WAN Mode on Cisco 860VAE ISRs
The Cisco 866VAE, Cisco 867VAE, Cisco 866VAE-K9, and Cisco 867VAE-K9 routers can be configured
to use either a GE interface or a DSL interface as a WAN link. DSL is the default WAN interface when the
Cisco 866VAE, Cisco 867VAE, Cisco 866VAE-K9, and Cisco 867VAE-K9 routers boot.
After the router boots up, the desired WAN interface can be selected using the wan mode command. When
WAN mode is configured as Ethernet, both ATM0 and Ethernet0 interfaces will be forced into shutdown
state. Entering the no shutdown command on either of the DSL interfaces will be rejected with a message
WAN interface is Ethernet . Similarly, when the WAN mode is DSL, the GE WAN interface will be put in
shutdown state and the no shutdown command will be rejected with the message WAN interface is DSL .
The routers do not support enabling both GE and DSL interfaces simultaneously. Note
Use the wan mode dsl | ethernet command to switch from DSL to Ethernet interfaces or vice versa.
This section contains the following information:
Enabling WAN Mode
Perform the following steps to select and enable WAN mode.
Cisco 800 Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide
OL-31704-02 69
Basic Router Configuration
Configuring WAN Interfaces
1. enable
2. show running-configuration
3. wan mode {dsl | ethernet}
4. exit
Purpose Command or Action
Enables privileged EXEC mode. enable Step 1
Router> enable
Enter your password if prompted.
Displays the default entries on boot up. show running-configuration Step 2
Router# show running-configuration
Selects the desired WAN mode. wan mode {dsl | ethernet} Step 3
Router(config)# wan mode dsl
Exits configuration mode and returns to it would take the
router back to privileged EXEC mode.
Router(config)# exit
Step 4
Displaying WAN Mode Configuration
Use the show running-config command to view the initial configuration, as shown in the following example
for a Cisco 866VAE router.
Your Cisco router displays the WAN mode during the boot sequence after the initial configuration is
Router#show running-config
Building configuration...
Current configuration : 1195 bytes
Cisco 800 Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide
70 OL-31704-02
Basic Router Configuration
Configuring WAN Interfaces
! Last configuration change at 13:27:25 UTC Wed Feb 24 2010
version 15.2
no service pad
service timestamps debug datetime msec localtime show-timezone
service timestamps log datetime msec localtime show-timezone
no service password-encryption
hostname Router
enable password lab
no aaa new-model
wan mode ethernet
no ipv6 cef
ip cef
crypto pki token default removal timeout 0
controller VDSL 0
interface ATM0
no ip address
no atm ilmi-keepalive
interface ATM0.1 point-to-point
ip address
pvc 0/202
interface Ethernet0
no ip address
interface FastEthernet0
no ip address
interface FastEthernet1
no ip address
interface FastEthernet2
no ip address
interface FastEthernet3
no ip address
interface GigabitEthernet0
ip address
duplex auto
speed auto
interface Vlan1
no ip address
Cisco 800 Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide
OL-31704-02 71
Basic Router Configuration
Configuring WAN Interfaces
ip forward-protocol nd
no ip http server
no ip http secure-server
line con 0
exec-timeout 0 0
no modem enable
line aux 0
line vty 0 4
transport input all
scheduler allocate 60000 1000
Configuring the Fast Ethernet LAN Interfaces
The Fast Ethernet LAN interfaces on your router are automatically configured as part of the default VLAN
and are not configured with individual addresses. Access is provided through the VLAN. You can also assign
the interfaces to other VLANs. For more information about creating VLANs, see Configuring Ethernet
Switches, on page 161
Configuring the Wireless LAN Interface
The Cisco 860, Cisco 880, and Cisco 890 series wireless routers have an integrated 802.11n module for
wireless LAN connectivity. The router can then act as an access point in the local infrastructure. For more
information about configuring a wireless connection, see Configuring Wireless Devices
Configuring a Loopback Interface
The loopback interface acts as a placeholder for the static IP address and provides default routing information.
Perform these steps to configure a loopback interface, beginning in global configuration mode:
1. interface loopback number
2. ip address ip-address mask
3. exit
Purpose Command or Action
Enters configuration mode for the loopback interface. interface loopback number Step 1
Cisco 800 Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide
72 OL-31704-02
Basic Router Configuration
Configuring the Fast Ethernet LAN Interfaces
Purpose Command or Action
Router(config)# interface Loopback 0
numbernumber of the loopback interface.
Sets the IP address and subnet mask for the loopback
ip address ip-address mask
Router(config-if)# ip address
Step 2
Exits configuration mode for the loopback interface and
returns to global configuration mode.
Router(config-if)# exit
Step 3
Configuration Example: Configuring a Loopback Interface
The loopback interface in this sample configuration is used to support Network Address Translation (NAT)
on the virtual-template interface. This configuration example shows the loopback interface configured on the
Fast Ethernet interface with an IP address of, which acts as a static IP address. The loopback
interface points back to virtual-template1, which has a negotiated IP address.
interface loopback 0
ip address (static IP address)
ip nat outside
interface Virtual-Template1
ip unnumbered loopback0
no ip directed-broadcast
ip nat outside
Verifying Configuration
To verify that you have properly configured the loopback interface, enter the showinterface loopback command.
You should see verification output similar to the following example.
Router# show interface loopback 0
Loopback 0 is up, line protocol is up
Hardware is Loopback
Internet address is
MTU 1514 bytes, BW 8000000 Kbit, DLY 5000 usec,
reliability 255/255, txload 1/255, rxload 1/255
Encapsulation LOOPBACK, loopback not set
Last input never, output never, output hang never
Cisco 800 Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide
OL-31704-02 73
Basic Router Configuration
Configuring a Loopback Interface
Last clearing of "show interface" counters never
Queueing strategy: fifo
Output queue 0/0, 0 drops; input queue 0/75, 0 drops
5 minute input rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec
5 minute output rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec
0 packets input, 0 bytes, 0 no buffer
Received 0 broadcasts, 0 runts, 0 giants, 0 throttles
0 input errors, 0 CRC, 0 frame, 0 overrun, 0 ignored, 0 abort
0 packets output, 0 bytes, 0 underruns
0 output errors, 0 collisions, 0 interface resets
0 output buffer failures, 0 output buffers swapped out
Another way to verify the loopback interface is to ping it:
Router# ping
Type escape sequence to abort.
Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds:
Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 1/2/4 ms
Configuring Static Routes
Static routes provide fixed routing paths through the network. They are manually configured on the router. If
the network topology changes, the static route must be updated with a new route. Static routes are private
routes unless they are redistributed by a routing protocol.
Follow these steps to configure static routes, beginning in global configuration mode.
1. ip route prefix mask {ip-address | interface-type interface-number [ip-address]}
2. end
Purpose Command or Action
Specifies the static route for the IP packets. ip route prefix mask {ip-address | interface-type
interface-number [ip-address]}
Step 1
For details about this command and about additional parameters
that can be set, see the Cisco IOS IP Routing Protocols
Command Reference .
Router(config)# ip route
Exits router configuration mode, and enters privileged EXEC
Router(config)# end
Step 2
What to Do Next
For general information on static routing, see the Concepts section on page B-1
Cisco 800 Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide
74 OL-31704-02
Basic Router Configuration
Configuring Static Routes
In the following configuration example, the static route sends out all IP packets with a destination IP address
of and a subnet mask of on the Fast Ethernet interface to another device with an
IP address of Specifically, the packets are sent to the configured PVC.
You do not need to enter the command marked (default). This command appears automatically in the
configuration file generated when you use the show running-config command.
ip classless (default)
ip route!
Verifying Static Routing Configuration
To verify that you have properly configured static routing, enter the show ip route command and look for
static routes signified by the S.
You should see verification output similar to the following:
Router# show ip route
Codes: C - connected, S - static, R - RIP, M - mobile, B - BGP
D - EIGRP, EX - EIGRP external, O - OSPF, IA - OSPF inter area
N1 - OSPF NSSA external type 1, N2 - OSPF NSSA external type 2
E1 - OSPF external type 1, E2 - OSPF external type 2
i - IS-IS, su - IS-IS summary, L1 - IS-IS level-1, L2 - IS-IS level-2
ia - IS-IS inter area, * - candidate default, U - per-user static route
o - ODR, P - periodic downloaded static route
Gateway of last resort is not set is subnetted, 1 subnets
C is directly connected, Loopback0
S* is directly connected, FastEthernet0
Configuring Dynamic Routes
In dynamic routing, the network protocol adjusts the path automatically, based on network traffic or topology.
Changes in dynamic routes are shared with other routers in the network.
The Cisco routers can use IP routing protocols, such as Routing Information Protocol (RIP) or Enhanced
Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP), to learn routes dynamically. You can configure either of these
routing protocols on your router.
Configuring Routing Information Protocol
To configure the RIP routing protocol on the router, perform these steps, beginning in global configuration
Cisco 800 Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide
OL-31704-02 75
Basic Router Configuration
Configuring Dynamic Routes
1. configure terminal
2. router rip
3. version {1 | 2}
4. network ip-address
5. no auto-summary
6. end
Purpose Command or Action
Enters global configuration mode. configure terminal
Router# configure terminal
Step 1
Enters router configuration mode, and enables RIP on the router. router rip
Router(config)# router rip
Step 2
Specifies use of RIP version 1 or 2. version {1 | 2}
Router(config-router)# version 2
Step 3
Specifies a list of networks on which RIP is to be applied, using
the address of the network of each directly connected network.
network ip-address
Router(config-router)# network
Step 4
Disables automatic summarization of subnet routes into
network-level routes. This allows subprefix routing information
to pass across classfull network boundaries.
no auto-summary
Router(config-router)# no auto-summary
Step 5
Exits router configuration mode, and enters privileged EXEC
Router(config-router)# end
Step 6
What to Do Next
For general information on RIP, see the RIP section on page B-3
Cisco 800 Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide
76 OL-31704-02
Basic Router Configuration
Configuring Dynamic Routes
Example Configuration: Configuring Dynamic Routing Protocol
The following configuration example shows RIP version 2 enabled in IP network and
To see this configuration, use the show running-config command from privileged EXEC mode.
Router# show running-config
router rip
version 2
no auto-summary
Verifying RIP Configuration
To verify that you have properly configured RIP, enter the show ip route command and look for RIP routes
signified by R. You should see a verification output like the following example.
Router# show ip route
Codes: C - connected, S - static, R - RIP, M - mobile, B - BGP
D - EIGRP, EX - EIGRP external, O - OSPF, IA - OSPF inter area
N1 - OSPF NSSA external type 1, N2 - OSPF NSSA external type 2
E1 - OSPF external type 1, E2 - OSPF external type 2
i - IS-IS, su - IS-IS summary, L1 - IS-IS level-1, L2 - IS-IS level-2
ia - IS-IS inter area, * - candidate default, U - per-user static route
o - ODR, P - periodic downloaded static route
Gateway of last resort is not set is subnetted, 1 subnets
C is directly connected, Loopback0
R [120/1] via, 00:00:02, Ethernet0/0
Configuring Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol
To configure Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP), perform these steps, beginning in global
configuration mode:
1. router eigrp as-number
2. network ip-address
3. end
Purpose Command or Action
Enters router configuration mode and enables EIGRP on the
router. The autonomous-system number identifies the route to
other EIGRP routers and is used to tag the EIGRP information.
router eigrp as-number
Step 1
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Basic Router Configuration
Configuring Dynamic Routes
Purpose Command or Action
Router(config)# router eigrp 109
Specifies a list of networks on which EIGRP is to be applied,
using the IP address of the network of directly connected
network ip-address
Step 2
Router(config)# network
Router(config)# network
Exits router configuration mode and enters privileged EXEC
Step 3
Router(config-router)# end
What to Do Next
For general information on EIGRP concepts, see the Enhanced IGRP section on page B-3
Example Configuration: EIGRP
The following configuration example shows the EIGRP routing protocol enabled in IP networks
and The EIGRP autonomous system number is 109.
To see this configuration, use the show running-config command, beginning in privileged EXEC mode.
router eigrp 109
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78 OL-31704-02
Basic Router Configuration
Configuring Dynamic Routes
Verifying EIGRP Configuration
To verify that you have properly configured IP EIGRP, enter the show ip route command and look for EIGRP
routes indicated by D. You should see verification output similar to the following:
Router# show ip route
Codes: C - connected, S - static, R - RIP, M - mobile, B - BGP
D - EIGRP, EX - EIGRP external, O - OSPF, IA - OSPF inter area
N1 - OSPF NSSA external type 1, N2 - OSPF NSSA external type 2
E1 - OSPF external type 1, E2 - OSPF external type 2
i - IS-IS, su - IS-IS summary, L1 - IS-IS level-1, L2 - IS-IS level-2
ia - IS-IS inter area, * - candidate default, U - per-user static route
o - ODR, P - periodic downloaded static route
Gateway of last resort is not set is subnetted, 1 subnets
C is directly connected, Loopback0
D [90/409600] via, 00:00:02, Ethernet0/0
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Basic Router Configuration
Configuring Dynamic Routes
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80 OL-31704-02
Basic Router Configuration
Configuring Dynamic Routes
Configuring Ethernet CFM and Y.1731
Performance Monitoring on Layer 3 Interfaces
This chapter provides procedures for configuring the network interface device functionality, Ethernet data
plane loopback, IEEE connectivity fault management, and Y.1731 performance monitoring, and contains
the following sections:
Configuring a Network Interface Device on the L3 Interface, page 81
Ethernet Data Plane Loopback, page 84
CFM Support on Routed Port and Port MEP, page 90
Support for Y.1731 Performance Monitoring on Routed Port (L3 Subinterface), page 105
Configuring a Network Interface Device on the L3 Interface
Configuring a Network Interface Device (NID) enables support for the NIDfunctionality on the router without
including a NID hardware in the network. This feature combines the Customer-Premises Equipment (CPE)
and the NID functionality into a physical device. The following are the advantages of configuring the NID
Eliminates a physical device.
Supports both the managed CPE feature set and the NID requirements.
This feature is supported only if you have purchased the advipservices licensing module. For more
information about managing software activation licenses on the Cisco ISR and Cisco ISR G2 platforms,
see .
Configuring the NID
The following steps describe how to configure the NID:
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1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. interface gigabitethernet slot/port
4. port-tagging
5. encapsulation dot1q vlan-id
6. set cos cos-value
7. end
Purpose Command or Action
Enables the privileged EXEC mode. enable Step 1
Enter your password when prompted.
Enters the global configuration mode. configure terminal
Router#configure terminal
Step 2
Specifies an interface and enters the interface configuration
interface gigabitethernet slot/port
Router(config)#interface gigabitethernet 0/2
Step 3
Inserts the VLAN ID into a packet header to identify which
Virtual Local Area Network (VLAN) the packet belongs to.
Step 4
Defines the encapsulation format as IEEE 802.1Q (dot1q),
and specifies the VLAN identifier.
encapsulation dot1q vlan-id
dot1q 10
Step 5
Sets the Layer 2 class of service (CoS) value to an outgoing
packet end.
set cos cos-value
Router(config-if-port-tagging)#set cos 6
Step 6
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Configuring Ethernet CFM and Y.1731 Performance Monitoring on Layer 3 Interfaces
Configuring the NID
Purpose Command or Action
Exits the interface configuration mode. end
Step 7
Configuration Example
This configuration example shows how to configure the NID:
Router#configure terminal
Router(config)#interface gigabitethernet 0/2
Router(config-if-port-tagging)#encapsulation dot1q 10
Router(config-if-port-tagging)#set cos 6
Verifying the NID Configuration
Use the following commands to verify the port tagging sessions:
show run int
Use the show run int command to display the port tagging sessions:
Router#show run int gi0/2
Building configuration...
Current configuration : 10585 bytes
interface GigabitEthernet0/2
no ip address
duplex auto
speed auto
encapsulation dot1q 10
set cos 6
interface GigabitEthernet0/2.1101
encapsulation dot1Q 100
ip address
interface GigabitEthernet0/2.1102
encapsulation dot1Q 100
ip address
Use the ping command to verify the connectivity with port tagging configured:
Type escape sequence to abort.
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Configuring Ethernet CFM and Y.1731 Performance Monitoring on Layer 3 Interfaces
Configuring the NID
Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds:
Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 1/1/4 ms
Troubleshooting the NID Configuration
Table 16: debug Commands for NID Configuration , on page 84 lists the debug commands to troubleshoot
the issues pertaining to the NID functionality.
The Cisco IOS Master Command List at provides more information about these
Because debugging output is assigned high priority in the CPU process, it can diminish the performance
of the router or even render it unusable. For this reason, use debug commands only to troubleshoot specific
problems or during troubleshooting sessions with Cisco technical support staff.
Before you run any of the debug commands listed in the following table, ensure that you run the logging
buffered debugging command, and then turn off console debug logging using the no logging console
Table 16: debug Commands for NID Configuration
Purpose debug Command
Enables debugging of configuration-related issues. debug ethernet nid configuration
Enables debugging of packet processing (VLAN tag
push) on the egress side.
debug ethernet nid packet egress
Enables debugging of packet processing (VLAN tag
pop) on the ingress side.
debug ethernet nid packet ingress
Ethernet Data Plane Loopback
The Ethernet Data Plane Loopback feature provides a means for remotely testing the throughput of an Ethernet
port. You can verify the maximum rate of frame transmission with no frame loss.
This feature is supported only if you have purchased the advipservices licensing module. For more
information about managing software activation licenses on the Cisco ISR and Cisco ISR G2 platforms,
see .
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84 OL-31704-02
Configuring Ethernet CFM and Y.1731 Performance Monitoring on Layer 3 Interfaces
Ethernet Data Plane Loopback
Internal Ethernet data plane loopback is not supported. Note
Figure 4-1 represents a sample topology to configure Ethernet data plane loopback.
Restrictions for Configuring Ethernet Data Plane Loopback
Follow the guidelines and take note of the restrictions listed here when configuring Ethernet data plane
loopback on a Layer 3 interface:
Only external loopback (packets coming fromthe wire side) on the L3 dot1q subinterface and (untagged)
main interface are supported.
To perform a MAC swap, the destination address and source address must be swapped for the packets
that are looped back. If the destination address is broadcast or multicast, the MAC address is used as
the source address for the packets that are looped back.
Loopback operations are supported at line rate.
Untagged frames are not supported on a subinterface. However, the frames for dot1q and qinq are
supported on a subinterface.
dot1ad is not supported on the main interface. However, untagged frames are supported on the main
Single VLAN is supported as a filtering option for a subinterface, but VLAN list and VLAN range are
not supported.
Only MAC address is supported as a filtering option for the main interface.
For the filtering option, the destination MAC cannot be combined with inner VLAN or outer VLAN.
There is no support for L3 and L4 loopback. Source and destination IP address or source and destination
ports will not be swapped.
Connectivity Fault Management (CFM) packets are transparent to the data plane loopback configuration
and cannot be looped back.
Packets coming from the other side of the wire where loopback is configured and having the same
destination MAC address are dropped.
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Configuring Ethernet CFM and Y.1731 Performance Monitoring on Layer 3 Interfaces
Restrictions for Configuring Ethernet Data Plane Loopback
The broadcast and multicast IP addresses of the broadcast and multicast IP frames that are received
cannot be used as the source IP address of the frame when it is sent back to the initiator. In such a case,
the IP address of the subinterface is used as the source IP address of the frame when it is sent back to
the initiator.
Configuring External Ethernet Data Plane Loopback
Configuring external Ethernet data plane loopback is permitted on a Layer 3 main interface and subinterfaces.
The following steps show how to configure external Ethernet data plane loopback on a subinterface using
single and double tagging. (The procedure to configure external Ethernet data plane loopback on the main
interface is similar to this procedure.)
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. interface gigabitethernet slot/port.sub-port
4. Do one of the following:
encapsulation dot1q vlan-id
encapsulation dot1q vlan-id second-dot1q inner vlan-id
5. ethernet loopback permit external
6. end
7. ethernet loopback start local interface gigabitethernet slot/port.sub-port external timeout none
8. ethernet loopback stop local interface gigabitethernet slot/port.sub-port id session-id
9. show ethernet loopback active
Purpose Command or Action
Enables the privileged EXEC mode. enable Step 1
Enter your password when prompted.
Enters the global configuration mode. configure terminal
Router#configure terminal
Step 2
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Configuring Ethernet CFM and Y.1731 Performance Monitoring on Layer 3 Interfaces
Configuring External Ethernet Data Plane Loopback
Purpose Command or Action
Specifies the subinterface and enters the subinterface
configuration mode.
interface gigabitethernet slot/port.sub-port
Router(config)#interface gigabitethernet 0/2.1101
Step 3
Defines the encapsulation format as IEEE 802.1Q
(dot1q), and specifies the VLAN identifier.
Do one of the following: Step 4
encapsulation dot1q vlan-id
For double tagging, use the second-dot1q keyword and
the inner vlan-id argument to specify the VLAN tag.
encapsulation dot1q vlan-id second-dot1q inner
Router(config-subif)#encapsulation dot1q 100
Router(config-subif)#encapsulation dot1q 100
second-dot1q 1101
Configures Ethernet external loopback on the
ethernet loopback permit external
Router(config-subif)#ethernet loopback permit
Step 5
Exits the subinterface configuration mode. end
Step 6
Starts Ethernet external loopback on a subinterface. ethernet loopback start local interface gigabitethernet
slot/port.sub-port external timeout none
Step 7
Enter timeout as none to have no time out period for the
Router#ethernet loopback start local interface
gigabitethernet 0/2.1101 external timeout none
Stops Ethernet external loopback on a sub-interface. ethernet loopback stop local interface gigabitethernet
slot/port.sub-port id session-id
Step 8
Enter the value of the loopback session ID to specify the
loopback session that you want to stop.
Router#ethernet loopback stop local interface
gigabitethernet 0/2.1101 id 1
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Configuring Ethernet CFM and Y.1731 Performance Monitoring on Layer 3 Interfaces
Configuring External Ethernet Data Plane Loopback
Purpose Command or Action
Displays information to verify if the loopback session
has ended.
show ethernet loopback active
Router#show ethernet loopback active
Step 9
Configuration Examples for Ethernet Data Plane Loopback
This example shows how to configure Ethernet data plane loopback using single tagging:
Router#configure terminal
Router(config)#interface gigabitethernet 0/2.1101
Router(config-subif)#encapsulation dot1q 100
Router(config-subif)#ethernet loopback permit external
This example shows how to configure Ethernet data plane loopback using double tagging:
Router#configure terminal
Router(config)#interface gigabitethernet 0/2.1101
Router(config-subif)#encapsulation dot1q 100 second-dot1q 1101
Router(config-subif)#ethernet loopback permit external
This example shows how to start an Ethernet data plane loopback:
Router#ethernet loopback start local interface gigabitethernet 0/2.1101 external timeout
This is an intrusive loopback and the packets matched with the service will not be able to
pass through. Continue? (yes/[no]):
Enter yes to continue.
This example shows how to stop an Ethernet data plane loopback:
Router#ethernet loopback stop local interface gigabitethernet 0/2.1101 id 1
Router#*Oct 21 10:16:17.887: %E_DLB-6-DATAPLANE_LOOPBACK_STOP: Ethernet Dataplane Loopback
Stop on interface GigabitEthernet0/2 with session id 1
Router#show ethernet loopback active
Total Active Session(s): 0
Total Internal Session(s): 0
Total External Session(s): 0
Verifying the Ethernet Data Plane Loopback Configuration
Use the following commands to verify the Ethernet data plane loopback configuration:
show ethernet loopback permitted
show ethernet loopback active
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Configuring Ethernet CFM and Y.1731 Performance Monitoring on Layer 3 Interfaces
Configuration Examples for Ethernet Data Plane Loopback
Use the show ethernet loopback permitted command to view the loopback capabilities per interface:
Router#show ethernet loopback permitted
Interface SrvcInst Direction
Dot1q/Dot1ad(s) Second-Dot1q(s)
Gi0/2.1101 N/A External
100 1101
Use the show ethernet loopback active command to display the summary of the active loopback sessions
on a subinterface:
Router#show ethernet loopback active
Loopback Session ID : 1
Interface : GigabitEthernet0/2.1101
Service Instance : N/A
Direction : External
Time out(sec) : none
Status : on
Start time : *10:17:46.930 UTC Mon Oct 21 2013
Time left : N/A
Dot1q/Dot1ad(s) : 100
Second-dot1q(s) : 1101
Source Mac Address : Any
Destination Mac Address : Any
Ether Type : Any
Class of service : Any
Llc-oui : Any
Total Active Session(s): 1
Total Internal Session(s): 0
Total External Session(s): 1
Use the show ethernet loopback active command to display the summary of the active loopback sessions
on the main interface:
Router#show ethernet loopback permitted
Loopback Session ID : 1
Interface : GigabitEthernet0/2
Service Instance : N/A
Direction : External
Time out(sec) : none
Status : on
Start time : *10:14:23.507 UTC Mon Oct 21 2013
Time left : N/A
Dot1q/Dot1ad(s) : 1-100
Second-dot1q(s) : 1-1101
Source Mac Address : Any
Destination Mac Address : Any
Ether Type : Any
Class of service : Any
Llc-oui : Any
Total Active Session(s): 1
Total Internal Session(s): 0
Total External Session(s): 1
Troubleshooting the Ethernet Data Plane Loopback Configuration
Table 17: debug Commands for Ethernet Data Plane Loopback Configuration , on page 90 lists the debug
commands to troubleshoot issues pertaining to the Ethernet Data Plane Loopback feature. The Cisco IOS
Master Command List at provides more information about these
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Configuring Ethernet CFM and Y.1731 Performance Monitoring on Layer 3 Interfaces
Troubleshooting the Ethernet Data Plane Loopback Configuration
Because debugging output is assigned high priority in the CPU process, it can diminish the performance
of the router or even render it unusable. For this reason, use debug commands only to troubleshoot specific
problems or during troubleshooting sessions with Cisco technical support staff.
Before you run any of the debug commands listed in the following table, ensure that you run the logging
buffered debugging command, and then turn off console debug logging using the no logging console
Table 17: debug Commands for Ethernet Data Plane Loopback Configuration
Purpose debug Command
Displays all the debugging information about the
Ethernet data plane loopback configuration.
debug elb-pal-pd all
Displays debugging information about Ethernet data
plane loopback configuration errors.
debug elb-pal-pd error
Displays debugging information about Ethernet data
plane loopback configuration changes.
debug elb-pal-pd event
CFM Support on Routed Port and Port MEP
IEEE Connectivity Fault Management (CFM) is an end-to-end per-service Ethernet-layer Operations,
Administration, and Maintenance (OAM) protocol. CFM includes proactive connectivity monitoring, fault
verification, and fault isolation for large Ethernet metropolitan-area networks (MANs) and WANs.
This feature is supported only if you have purchased the advipservices licensing module. For more
information about managing software activation licenses on the Cisco ISR and Cisco ISR G2 platforms,
see .
Restrictions for Configuring Ethernet CFM
A specific domain must be configured. If it is not, an error message is displayed.
Multiple domains (different domain names) having the same maintenance level can be configured.
However, associating a single domain name with multiple maintenance levels is not permitted.
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Configuring Ethernet CFM and Y.1731 Performance Monitoring on Layer 3 Interfaces
CFM Support on Routed Port and Port MEP
Configuring Ethernet CFM (Port MEP)
Complete these steps to configure and enable Ethernet CFM on a port Maintenance End Point (MEP):
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ethernet cfm ieee
4. ethernet cfm global
5. ethernet cfm domain domain-name level value
6. service service-name port
7. continuity-check interval value
8. end
9. configure terminal
10. interface gigabitethernet slot/port
11. ethernet cfm mep domain domain-name mpid mpid-value service service-name
12. end
Purpose Command or Action
Enables the privileged EXEC mode. enable Step 1
Enter your password when prompted.
Enters the global configuration mode. configure terminal
Router#configure terminal
Step 2
Enables the IEEE version of CFM. ethernet cfm ieee
Router(config)#ethernet cfm ieee
Step 3
Enables CFM processing globally on the router. ethernet cfm global
Router(config)#ethernet cfm global
Step 4
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Configuring Ethernet CFM and Y.1731 Performance Monitoring on Layer 3 Interfaces
Configuring Ethernet CFM (Port MEP)
Purpose Command or Action
Defines a CFM maintenance domain at a specified level,
and enters the Ethernet CFM configuration mode.
ethernet cfm domain domain-name level value
Router(config-ecfm)#ethernet cfm domain carrier
level 2
Step 5
level can be any value from 0 to 7.
Creates a service on the interface and sets the
config-ecfm-srv submode.
service service-name port
Router(config-ecfm)#service carrier port
Step 6
Enables sending continuity check messages at the set
continuity-check interval value
interval 100m
Step 7
Returns the router to the privileged EXEC mode. end
Step 8
Enters the global configuration mode. configure terminal
Router#configure terminal
Step 9
Specifies an interface and enters the interface
configuration mode.
interface gigabitethernet slot/port
Router(config)#interface gigabitethernet 0/2
Step 10
Sets a port to a maintenance domain and defines it as an
ethernet cfm mep domain domain-name mpid
mpid-value service service-name
Step 11
Router(config-if)#ethernet cfm mep domain
carrier mpid 44 service carrier
The values for domain and service must be the
same as the values configured for CFM.
Returns the router to the privileged EXEC mode. end
Step 12
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Configuring Ethernet CFM and Y.1731 Performance Monitoring on Layer 3 Interfaces
Configuring Ethernet CFM (Port MEP)
Configuration Example for Ethernet CFM (Port MEP)
This example shows how to configure Ethernet CFM on a port MEP:
Router#configure terminal
Router(config)#ethernet cfm ieee
Router(config)#ethernet cfm global
Router(config-ecfm)#ethernet cfm domain carrier level 2
Router(config-ecfm)#service carrier port
Router(config-ecfm-srv)#continuity-check interval 100m
Router#configure terminal
Router(config)#interface gigabitethernet
Router(config-if)#ethernet cfm mep domain
mpid 44 service
Verifying the Ethernet CFM Configuration on a Port MEP
Use the following commands to verify Ethernet CFM configured on a port MEP:
show ethernet cfm domain
show ethernet cfm maintenance-points local
show ethernet cfm maintenance-points remote
ping ethernet mpid mpid-value domain domain-name service service-name cos value
traceroute ethernet mpid mpid-value domain domain-name service service-name
show ethernet cfm error configuration
Use the show ethernet cfm domain command to view details about CFM maintenance domains:
Router#show ethernet cfm domain carrier
Domain Name: carrier
Level: 2
Total Services: 1
Type Id Dir CC CC-int Static-rmep Crosscheck MaxMEP Source MA-Name
Port none Dwn Y 100ms Disabled Disabled 100 Static carrier
Use the showethernet cfmmaintenance-points local command to viewthe MEPs that are configured locally
on a router. The following is a sample output of the show ethernet cfm maintenance-points local command:
Router#show ethernet cfm maintenance-points local
Local MEPs:
MPID Domain Name Lvl MacAddress Type CC
Ofld Domain Id Dir Port Id
MA Name SrvcInst Source
EVC name
44 carrier 2 5657.a844.04fa Port Y
No carrier Down Gi0/2 none
carrier N/A Static
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Configuring Ethernet CFM and Y.1731 Performance Monitoring on Layer 3 Interfaces
Configuring Ethernet CFM (Port MEP)
Total Local MEPs: 1
Local MIPs: None
Use the show ethernet cfm maintenance-points remote command to display information about remote
maintenance point domains or levels. In the following example, carrier, Provider, and customer are the
maintenance point domains that are configured:
On router 1:
Router1#show ethernet cfm maintenance-points remote
MPID Domain Name MacAddress IfSt PtSt
Lvl Domain ID Ingress
RDI MA Name Type Id SrvcInst
EVC Name Age
Local MEP Info
43 carrier 5657.a86c.fa92 Up N/A
2 carrier Gi0/2
- carrier Port none N/A
N/A 0s
MPID: 44 Domain: carrier MA: carrier
33 Provider 5657.a86c.fa92 Up Up
5 Provider Gi0/2.100
- Provider Vlan 100 N/A
N/A 0s
MPID: 34 Domain: Provider MA: Provider
3101 customer 5657.a86c.fa92 Up Up
7 customer Gi0/2.1101
- customer1101 S,C 100,1101 N/A
N/A 0s
MPID: 4101 Domain: customer MA: customer1101
3102 customer 5657.a86c.fa92 Up Up
7 customer Gi0/2.1102
- customer1102 S,C 100,1102 N/A
N/A 0s
MPID: 4102 Domain: customer MA: customer1102
Total Remote MEPs: 4
Use the showethernet cfmmaintenance-points remote command to viewthe details of a remote maintenance
point domain:
On router 1:
Router1#show ethernet cfm maintenance-points remote domain carrier service carrier
MPID Domain Name MacAddress IfSt PtSt
Lvl Domain ID Ingress
RDI MA Name Type Id SrvcInst
EVC Name Age
Local MEP Info
43 carrier 5657.a86c.fa92 Up Up
2 carrier Gi0/2
- carrier S,C 100,1101 N/A
N/A 0s
MPID: 44 Domain: carrier MA: carrier
Total Remote MEPs: 1
On router 2:
Router2#show ethernet cfm maintenance-points remote domain carrier service carrier
MPID Domain Name MacAddress IfSt PtSt
Lvl Domain ID Ingress
RDI MA Name Type Id SrvcInst
EVC Name Age
Local MEP Info
44 carrier 5657.g945.04fa Up Up
2 carrier Gi0/2
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Configuring Ethernet CFM and Y.1731 Performance Monitoring on Layer 3 Interfaces
Configuring Ethernet CFM (Port MEP)
- carrier S,C 100,1101 N/A
N/A 0s
MPID: 43 Domain: carrier MA: carrier
Use the ping command to verify if Loopback Messages (LBM) and Loopback Replies (LBR) are successfully
sent and received between the routers:
Router1#ping ethernet mpid 44 domain carrier service carrier cos 5
Type escape sequence to abort.
Sending 5 Ethernet CFM loopback messages to 5657.a86c.fa92, timeout is 5 seconds:!!!!!
Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 1/1/1 ms
Use the traceroute command to send the Ethernet CFM traceroute messages:
Router#traceroute ethernet mpid 44 domain carrier service carrier
Type escape sequence to abort. TTL 64. Linktrace Timeout is 5 seconds
Tracing the route to 5657.a86c.fa92 on Domain carrier, Level 2, service carrier
Traceroute sent via Gi0/2
B = Intermediary Bridge
! = Target Destination
* = Per hop Timeout
MAC Ingress Ingr Action Relay Action
Hops Host Forwarded Egress Egr Action Previous Hop
! 1 5657.a86c.fa92 Gi0/2 IngOk RlyHit:MEP
Not Forwarded 5657.g945.04fa
Configuring Ethernet CFM (Single-Tagged Packets)
Complete these steps to configure and enable Ethernet CFM for single-tagged packets:
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ethernet cfm ieee
4. ethernet cfm global
5. ethernet cfm domain domain-name level value
6. service service-name vlan vlan-id direction down
7. continuity-check
8. interface gigabitethernet slot/port
9. ethernet cfm mep domain domain-name mpid mpid-value service service-name
10. interface gigabitethernet slot/port.subinterface
11. encapsulation dot1q vlan-id
12. end
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Configuring Ethernet CFM and Y.1731 Performance Monitoring on Layer 3 Interfaces
Configuring Ethernet CFM (Single-Tagged Packets)
Purpose Command or Action
Enables the privileged EXEC mode. enable Step 1
Enter your password when prompted.
Enters the global configuration mode. configure terminal
Router#configure terminal
Step 2
Enables the IEEE version of CFM. ethernet cfm ieee
Router(config)#ethernet cfm ieee
Step 3
Enables CFM processing globally on the router. ethernet cfm global
Router(config)#ethernet cfm global
Step 4
Defines a CFM maintenance domain at a specified level,
and enters the Ethernet CFM configuration mode.
ethernet cfm domain domain-name level value
Router(config)#ethernet cfm domain customer level
Step 5
level can be any value from 0 to 7.
Enters the CFM service configuration mode. service service-name vlan vlan-id direction down Step 6
Router(config-ecfm)#service customer1101 vlan
100 direction down
vlanSpecifies the VLAN.
Enables sending continuity check messages. continuity-check
Step 7
Specifies an interface and enters the interface
configuration mode.
interface gigabitethernet slot/port
Router(config-ecfm-srv)#interface gigabitethernet
Step 8
Sets a port to a maintenance domain and defines it as an
ethernet cfm mep domain domain-name mpid
mpid-value service service-name
Step 9
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Configuring Ethernet CFM and Y.1731 Performance Monitoring on Layer 3 Interfaces
Configuring Ethernet CFM (Single-Tagged Packets)
Purpose Command or Action
Router(config-if)#ethernet cfm mep domain
customer mpid 100 service customer1101
The values for domain and service must be the
same as the values that were configured for
Specifies a subinterface and enters the subinterface
configuration mode.
interface gigabitethernet slot/port.subinterface
gigabitethernet 0/2.1
Step 10
Defines the encapsulation format as IEEE802.1Q(dot1q),
and specifies the VLAN identifier.
encapsulation dot1q vlan-id
Router(config-subif)#encapsulation dot1q 100
Step 11
Returns the router to the privileged EXEC mode. end
Step 12
Configuration Example for Ethernet CFM (Single-Tagged Packets)
This example shows how to configure Ethernet CFM for single-tagged packets:
Router#configure terminal
Router(config)#ethernet cfm ieee
Router(config)#ethernet cfm global
Router(config)#ethernet cfm domain customer level 7
Router(config-ecfm)#service customer1101 vlan 100 direction down
Router(config)#interface gigabitethernet
Router(config-if)#ethernet cfm mep domain customer mpid 100 service
Router(config-if-ecfm-mep)#interface gigabitethernet 0/2.1
Router(config-subif)#encapsulation dot1q 100
Verifying the Ethernet CFM Configuration for Single-Tagged Packets
Use the following commands to verify Ethernet CFM configured for single-tagged packets:
show ethernet cfm domain
show ethernet cfm maintenance-points local
show ethernet cfm maintenance-points remote
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OL-31704-02 97
Configuring Ethernet CFM and Y.1731 Performance Monitoring on Layer 3 Interfaces
Configuring Ethernet CFM (Single-Tagged Packets)
show ethernet cfm error configuration
Use the show ethernet cfm domain command to display the maintenance point domains configured in the
network. In the following example, the customer, enterprise, and carrier maintenance point domains are
Router#show ethernet cfm domain
Domain Name: customer
Level: 7
Total Services: 1
Type Id Dir CC CC-int Static-rmep Crosscheck MaxMEP Source MA-Name
Vlan 100 Dwn Y 10s Disabled Disabled 100 Static customer1101
Domain Name: enterprise
Level: 6
Total Services: 1
Type Id Dir CC CC-int Static-rmep Crosscheck MaxMEP Source MA-Name
Vlan 110 Dwn Y 10s Disabled Disabled 100 Static custservice
Domain Name: carrier
Level: 2
Total Services: 1
Type Id Dir CC CC-int Static-rmep Crosscheck MaxMEP Source MA-Name
Vlan 200 Dwn Y 10s Disabled Disabled 100 Static carrier
Use the show ethernet cfm maintenance-points local command to view the local MEPs. The following is
a sample output of the show ethernet cfm maintenance-points local command:
Router#show ethernet cfm maintenance-points local
MPID Domain Name Lvl MacAddress Type CC
Ofld Domain Id Dir Port Id
MA Name SrvcInst Source
EVC name
100 customer 7 70ca.9b4d.a400 Vlan Y
No customer Down Gi0/2 100
customer1101 N/A Static
400 enterprise 6 70ca.9b4d.a400 Vlan I
No enterprise Down Gi0/1 110
custservice N/A Static
44 carrier 2 70ca.9b4d.a400 Vlan N
No carrier Down Gi0/2 200
carrier N/A Static
Total Local MEPs: 3
Local MIPs: None
Use the show ethernet cfm maintenance-points remote command to display information about remote
maintenance point domains or levels.
The following example displays the continuity check messages exchanged between remote MEPs:
On router 1:
Router1#show ethernet cfm maintenance-points remote
MPID Domain Name MacAddress IfSt PtSt
Lvl Domain Ingress
RDI MA Type Id SrvcInst
EVC Name Age
Local MEP Info
110 customer 70ca.9b4d.a400 Up Up
7 customer Gi0/2
- customer1101 Vlan 100 N/A
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98 OL-31704-02
Configuring Ethernet CFM and Y.1731 Performance Monitoring on Layer 3 Interfaces
Configuring Ethernet CFM (Single-Tagged Packets)
N/A 12s
MPID: 100 Domain: customer MA: customer1101
410 enterprise 70ca.9b4d.a400 Up Up
6 enterprise Gi0/1
- custservice Vlan 110 N/A
N/A 12s
MPID: 400 Domain: enterprise MA: custservice
43 carrier 70ca.9b4d.a400 Up Up
2 carrier Gi0/2
- carrier Vlan 200 N/A
N/A 12s
MPID: 44 Domain: carrier MA: carrier
Total Remote MEPs: 3
On router 2:
Router2#show ethernet cfm maintenance-points remote
MPID Domain Name MacAddress IfSt PtSt
Lvl Domain Ingress
RDI MA Type Id SrvcInst
EVC Name Age
Local MEP Info
100 customer 0026.99f7.0b41 Up Up
7 customer Gi0/2
- customer1101 Vlan 100 N/A
N/A 2s
MPID: 110 Domain: customer MA: customer1101
400 enterprise 0026.99f7.0b41 Up Up
6 enterprise Gi0/1
- custservice Vlan 110 N/A
N/A 2s
MPID: 410 Domain: enterprise MA: custservice
44 carrier 0026.99f7.0b41 Up Up
2 carrier Gi0/2
- carrier Vlan 200 N/A
N/A 2s
MPID: 43 Domain: carrier MA: carrier
Total Remote MEPs: 3
Use the show ethernet cfm error configuration command to view Ethernet CFM configuration errors (if
any). The following is a sample output of the show ethernet cfm error configuration command:
Router#show ethernet cfm error configuration
CFM Interface Type Id Level Error type
Gi0/2 S,C 100 5 CFMLeak
Configuring Ethernet CFM (Double-Tagged Packets)
Complete these steps to configure and enable Ethernet CFM for double-tagged packets:
Cisco 800 Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide
OL-31704-02 99
Configuring Ethernet CFM and Y.1731 Performance Monitoring on Layer 3 Interfaces
Configuring Ethernet CFM (Double-Tagged Packets)
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ethernet cfm ieee
4. ethernet cfm global
5. ethernet cfm domain domain-name level 0 to 7
6. service service-name vlan vlan-id inner-vlan inner vlan-id direction down
7. continuity-check
8. interface gigabitethernet slot/port
9. ethernet cfm mep domain domain-name mpid mpid-value service service-name
10. interface gigabitethernet slot/port.subinterface
11. encapsulation dot1q vlan-id second-dot1q inner vlan-id
12. end
Purpose Command or Action
Enables the privileged EXEC mode. enable Step 1
Enter your password when prompted.
Enters the global configuration mode. configure terminal
Router#configure terminal
Step 2
Enables the IEEE version of CFM. ethernet cfm ieee
Router(config)#ethernet cfm ieee
Step 3
Enables CFM processing globally on the router. ethernet cfm global
Router(config)#ethernet cfm global
Step 4
Defines a CFMmaintenance domain at a specified level, and
enters Ethernet CFM configuration mode.
ethernet cfm domain domain-name level 0 to 7
Router(config-ecfm)#ethernet cfm domain
customer level 7
Step 5
level can be any value from 0 to 7.
Enters the CFM service configuration mode. service service-name vlan vlan-id inner-vlan inner
vlan-id direction down
Step 6
The following are the parameters:
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100 OL-31704-02
Configuring Ethernet CFM and Y.1731 Performance Monitoring on Layer 3 Interfaces
Configuring Ethernet CFM (Double-Tagged Packets)
Purpose Command or Action
Router(config-ecfm)#service customer1101 vlan
100 inner-vlan 30 direction down
vlanSpecifies the VLAN.
inner-vlanThe inner-vlan keyword and the inner
vlan-id argument specify the VLAN tag for
double-tagged packets.
Enables sending continuity check messages. continuity-check
Step 7
Specifies an interface and enters the interface configuration
interface gigabitethernet slot/port
gigabitethernet 0/2
Step 8
Sets a port to a maintenance domain and defines it as an
ethernet cfm mep domain domain-name mpid
mpid-value service service-name
Step 9
Router(config-if)#ethernet cfm mep domain
customer mpid 100 service customer1101
The values for domain and service must be the
same as the values configured for CFM.
MPIDSpecifies the maintenance endpoint identifier.
Specifies a subinterface and enters the subinterface
configuration mode.
interface gigabitethernet slot/port.subinterface
gigabitethernet 0/2.1101
Step 10
Defines the encapsulation format as IEEE 802.1Q (dot1q),
and specifies the VLAN identifier.
encapsulation dot1q vlan-id second-dot1q inner
Step 11
Router(config-subif)#encapsulation dot1q 100
second-dot1q 30
Use the second-dot1q keyword and the inner vlan-id
argument to specify the VLAN tag.
Returns the router to the privileged EXEC mode. end
Step 12
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Configuring Ethernet CFM and Y.1731 Performance Monitoring on Layer 3 Interfaces
Configuring Ethernet CFM (Double-Tagged Packets)
Configuration Example for Ethernet CFM (Double-Tagged Packets)
This example shows how to configure Ethernet CFM for double-tagged packets:
Router#configure terminal
Router(config)#ethernet cfm ieee
Router(config)#ethernet cfm global
Router(config-ecfm)#ethernet cfm domain customer level 7
Router(config-ecfm)#service customer1101 vlan 100 inner-vlan 30 direction down
Router(config-ecfm-srv)#interface gigabitethernet
Router(config-if)#ethernet cfm mep domain customer mpid 100 service customer1101
Router(config-if-ecfm-mep)#interface gigabitethernet 0/2.1101
Router(config-subif)#encapsulation dot1q 100 second-dot1q 30
Verififying the Ethernet CFM Configuration for Double-Tagged Packets
Use the following commands to verify Ethernet CFM configured for double-tagged packets:
show ethernet cfm maintenance-points local
show ethernet cfm maintenance-points remote
ping ethernet mpid mpid-value domain domain-name service service-name cos value
traceroute ethernet mpid mpid-value domain domain-name service service-name
show ethernet cfm error configuration
Use the show ethernet cfm maintenance-points local command to view the local MEPs. The following is
a sample output of the show ethernet cfm maintenance-points local command:
Router#show ethernet cfm maintenance-points local
MPID Domain Name MacAddress IfSt PtSt
Lvl Domain ID Ingress
RDI MA Name Type Id SrvcInst
EVC Name Age
Local MEP Info
100 customer 8843.e154.6f01 Up Up
7 customer Gi0/2.1101
- customer1101 S, C 100, 30 N/A
N/A 58s
MPID: 100 Domain: customer MA: customer1101
Use the show ethernet cfm maintenance-points remote command to display the remote maintenance point
domains. In the following example, customer, carrier, and enterprise are the maintenance point domains that
are configured:
On router 1:
Router1#show ethernet cfm maintenance-points remote
MPID Domain Name MacAddress IfSt PtSt
Lvl Domain ID Ingress
RDI MA Name Type Id SrvcInst
EVC Name Age
Local MEP Info
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Configuring Ethernet CFM and Y.1731 Performance Monitoring on Layer 3 Interfaces
Configuring Ethernet CFM (Double-Tagged Packets)
110 customer 8843.e154.6f01 Up Up
7 customer Gi0/2.1101
- customer1101 S, C 100, 30 N/A
N/A 58s
MPID: 100 Domain: customer MA: customer1101
43 carrier 8843.e154.6f01 Up Up
2 carrier Gi0/2.2
- carrier S, C 50, 20 N/A
N/A 58s
MPID: 44 Domain: carrier MA: carrier
410 enterprise 8843.e154.6f01 Up Up
6 enterprise Gi0/1.1
- custservice S, C 200, 70 N/A
N/A 58s
MPID: 400 Domain: enterprise MA: custservice
On router 2:
Router2#show ethernet cfm maintenance-points remote
MPID Domain Name MacAddress IfSt PtSt
Lvl Domain ID Ingress
RDI MA Name Type Id SrvcInst
EVC Name Age
Local MEP Info
100 customer 0026.99f7.0b41 Up Up
7 customer Gi0/2.1101
- customer1101 S, C 100, 30 N/A
N/A 40s
MPID: 110 Domain: customer MA: customer1101
44 carrier 0026.99f7.0b41 Up Up
2 carrier Gi0/2.2
- carrier S, C 50, 20 N/A
N/A 40s
MPID: 43 Domain: carrier MA: carrier
400 enterprise 0026.99f7.0b41 Up Up
6 enterprise Gi0/1.1
- custservice S, C 200, 70 N/A
N/A 40s
MPID: 410 Domain: enterprise MA: custservice
Use the ping command to verify if Ethernet CFM loopback messages are successfully sent and received
between the routers:
Router#ping ethernet mpid 100 domain customer service customer1101 cos 5
Type escape sequence to abort.
Sending 5 Ethernet CFM loopback messages to 8843.e154.6f01, timeout is 5 seconds:!!!!!
Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 1/1/1 ms
Use the traceroute
command to send the Ethernet CFM traceroute messages:
Router#traceroute ethernet mpid 100 domain customer service customer1101
Type escape sequence to abort. TTL 64. Linktrace Timeout is 5 seconds
Tracing the route to 8843.e154.6f01 on Domain customer, Level 7, service customer1101, vlan
100 inner-vlan 30
Traceroute sent via Gi0/2.1101
B = Intermediary Bridge
! = Target Destination
* = Per hop Timeout
MAC Ingress Ingr Action Relay Action
Hops Host Forwarded Egress Egr Action Previous Hop
! 1 8843.e154.6f01 Gi0/2.1101 IngOk RlyHit:MEP
Not Forwarded 5657.a86c.fa92
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OL-31704-02 103
Configuring Ethernet CFM and Y.1731 Performance Monitoring on Layer 3 Interfaces
Configuring Ethernet CFM (Double-Tagged Packets)
Use the show ethernet cfm error configuration command to view Ethernet CFM configuration errors (if
any). The following is a sample output of the show ethernet cfm error configuration command:
Router#show ethernet cfm error configuration
CFM Interface Type Id Level Error type
Gi0/2 S,C 100,30 5 CFMLeak
Gi0/2 S,C 100,30 1 CFMLeak
Troubleshooting Ethernet CFM Configuration
Table 18: debug Commands for Ethernet CFM Configuration , on page 104 lists the debug commands to
troubleshoot issues pertaining to the Ethernet CFM configuration.
The Cisco IOS Master Command List at provides more information about these
Because debugging output is assigned high priority in the CPU process, it can diminish the performance
of the router or even render it unusable. For this reason, use debug commands only to troubleshoot specific
problems or during troubleshooting sessions with Cisco technical support staff.
Before you run any of the debug commands listed in the following table, ensure that you run the logging
buffered debugging command, and then turn off console debug logging using the no logging console
Table 18: debug Commands for Ethernet CFM Configuration
Purpose debug Command
Enables all Ethernet CFM debug messages. debug ethernet cfm all
Enables low-level diagnostic debugging of Ethernet
CFM general events or packet-related events.
debug ethernet cfm diagnostic
Enables debugging of Ethernet CFM errors. debug ethernet cfm error
Enables debugging of Ethernet CFMmessage packets. debug ethernet cfm packets
Enables debug messages for all Ethernet CFM
platform events.
debug ecfmpal all
Displays debug messages for all Ethernet CFM
platform API events.
debug ecfmpal api
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104 OL-31704-02
Configuring Ethernet CFM and Y.1731 Performance Monitoring on Layer 3 Interfaces
Configuring Ethernet CFM (Double-Tagged Packets)
Purpose debug Command
Displays debug messages for all Ethernet CFM
platform common events.
debug ecfmpal common
Enables debugging of all Ethernet CFM platform
debug ecfmpal ecfmpal
Enables debugging of all Ethernet CFM platform
endpoint list (EPL) events.
debug ecfmpal epl
Enables debugging of all Ethernet CFM platform
interrupt service request (ISR) events.
debug ecfmpal isr
Support for Y.1731 Performance Monitoring on Routed Port (L3
Y.1731 Performance Monitoring (PM) provides a standard Ethernet PM function that includes measurement
of Ethernet frame delay, frame delay variation, frame loss, and frame throughput measurements specified by
the ITU-T Y-1731 standard and interpreted by the Metro Ethernet Forum (MEF) standards group.
This feature is supported only if you have purchased the advipservices licensing module. For more
information about managing software activation licenses on the Cisco ISR and Cisco ISR G2 platforms,
see .
Frame Delay
Ethernet frame delay measurement is used to measure frame delay and frame delay variations. Ethernet frame
delay is measured using the Delay Measurement Message (DMM) method.
Restrictions for Configuring Two-Way Delay Measurement
Follow the guidelines and restrictions listed here when you configure two-way delay measurement:
Y.1731 PM measurement works only for a point-to-point network topology.
The granularity of the clock for delay measurement is in seconds and nanoseconds.
CFM Y.1731 packets work with a maximum of two VLAN tags. The expected behavior is not observed
with more VLAN tags. Also, CFM Y.1731 packets do not work with untagged cases.
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Configuring Ethernet CFM and Y.1731 Performance Monitoring on Layer 3 Interfaces
Support for Y.1731 Performance Monitoring on Routed Port (L3 Subinterface)
Configuring Two-Way Delay Measurement
The following steps show how to configure two-way delay measurement. Both single and double tagging
methods are included in the steps listed below.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ip sla operation number
4. Do one of the following:
ethernet y1731 delay DMM domain value vlan vlan-id mpid value cos value source mpid value
ethernet y1731 delay DMM domain value vlan vlan-id inner-vlan inner vlan-id mpid value cos
value source mpid value
5. aggregate interval seconds
6. exit
7. ip sla schedule operation number life value forever start-time value
8. end
Purpose Command or Action
Enables the privileged EXEC mode. enable Step 1
Router> enable
Enter your password when prompted.
Enters the global configuration mode. configure terminal
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enables the IP SLA configuration. ip sla operation number Step 3
Router(config)# ip sla 1101
operation-number The IP SLAoperation you want to configure.
Configures a two-way delay measurement. Do one of the following: Step 4
Both single tagging and double tagging are supported. Note
The following are the parameters:
ethernet y1731 delay DMM domain value
vlan vlan-id mpid value cos value source
mpid value
delaySpecifies the delay distribution parameter.
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106 OL-31704-02
Configuring Ethernet CFM and Y.1731 Performance Monitoring on Layer 3 Interfaces
Configuring Two-Way Delay Measurement
Purpose Command or Action
DMMis the only supported delay distribution parameter. Note
ethernet y1731 delay DMM domain value
vlan vlan-id inner-vlan inner vlan-id mpid
value cos value source mpid value vlanSpecifies the VLAN.
inner-vlanThe inner-vlan keyword and the inner vlan-id
argument specify the VLAN tag for double-tagged packets.
Router(config-ip-sla)# ethernet y1731 delay
cosSpecifies the CoS. The value can be any number
between 0 and 7.
DMM domain customer vlan 100 mpid 3101 cos
1 source mpid 4101
or For double-tagged packets, the cos value corresponds to
the value specified for the outer tag.
Router(config-ip-sla)# ethernet y1731 delay
mpidSpecifies the destination MPID.
sourceSpecifies the source MPID.
DMM domain customer vlan 100 inner-vlan
1101 mpid 3101 cos 1 source mpid 4101
Configures the Y.1731 aggregation parameter, where aggregate
interval refers to the interval at which the packets are sent.
aggregate interval seconds
Router(config-sla-y1731-delay)# aggregate
interval 30
Step 5
seconds Specifies the length of time, in seconds.
Exits the router configuration mode. exit
Router(config-sla-y1731-delay)# exit
Step 6
Schedules the two-way delay measurement. ip sla schedule operation number life value forever
start-time value
Step 7
lifeSpecifies a period of time (in seconds) to execute. The
value can also be set as forever .
Router(config)#ip sla schedule 1101 life
forever start-time now
start-timeSpecifies the time at which to start the entry.
The options available are after, hh:mm, hh:mm:ss, now, and
pending .
Exits the router configuration mode and returns to the privileged
EXEC mode.
Step 8
Configuration Examples for Two-Way Delay Measurement
This example shows how to configure two-way delay measurement using single tagging:
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Configuring Ethernet CFM and Y.1731 Performance Monitoring on Layer 3 Interfaces
Configuration Examples for Two-Way Delay Measurement
router#configure terminal
router(config)#ip sla
router(config-ip-sla)#ethernet y1731 delay DMM domain customer vlan 100 mpid 3101 cos 1
router(config-sla-y1731-delay)#aggregate interval 30
router(config)#ip sla schedule 1102 life forever start-time now
This example shows how to configure two-way delay measurement using double tagging:
router#configure terminal
router(config)#ip sla
router(config-ip-sla)#ethernet y1731 delay DMM domain customer vlan 100 inner-vlan 1101
mpid 3101 cos 1 source mpid 4101
router(config-sla-y1731-delay)#aggregate interval 30
router(config)#ip sla
schedule 1101 life forever start-time now
Verifying Two-Way Delay Measurement Configuration
Use the following commands to verify the performance-monitoring sessions:
show run | sec ip sla
show ip sla summary
show ip sla statistics entry-number
show ip sla configuration entry-number
show ethernet cfm pm session summary
show ethernet cfm pm session detail session-id
show ethernet cfm pm session db session-id
The following are the sample outputs of the commands listed above:
Router#show run | sec ip sla
ip sla auto discovery
ip sla 1101
ethernet y1731 delay DMM domain customer vlan 100 inner-vlan 1101 mpid 3101 cos
1 source mpid 4101
ip sla schedule 1101 life forever start-time now
Router#show ip sla summary
IPSLAs Latest Operation Summary
Codes: * active, ^ inactive, ~ pending
ID Type Destination Stats Return Last
(ms) Code Run
*1101 y1731-delay Domain:customer V - OK 27 seconds ag
lan:100 CVlan:110 o
1 Mpid:3101
Router#show ip sla statistics
IPSLAs Latest Operation Statistics
IPSLA operation id: 1101
Delay Statistics for Y1731 Operation 1101
Type of operation: Y1731 Delay Measurement
Latest operation start time: *10:43:12.930 UTC Mon Oct 21 2013
Latest operation return code: OK
Cisco 800 Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide
108 OL-31704-02
Configuring Ethernet CFM and Y.1731 Performance Monitoring on Layer 3 Interfaces
Verifying Two-Way Delay Measurement Configuration
Distribution Statistics:
Start time: *10:43:12.930 UTC Mon Oct 21 2013
Elapsed time: 15 seconds
Number of measurements initiated: 7
Number of measurements completed: 7
Flag: OK
Router#show ip sla configuration 1101
IP SLAs Infrastructure Engine-III
Entry number: 1101
Operation timeout (milliseconds): 5000
Ethernet Y1731 Delay Operation
Frame Type: DMM
Domain: customer
Vlan: 100
CVlan: 1101
Target Mpid: 3101
Source Mpid: 4101
CoS: 1
Max Delay: 5000
Request size (Padding portion): 64
Frame Interval: 1000
Clock: Not In Sync
Threshold (milliseconds): 5000
Operation frequency (seconds): 30 (not considered if randomly scheduled)
Next Scheduled Start Time: Start Time already passed
Group Scheduled : FALSE
Randomly Scheduled : FALSE
Life (seconds): Forever
Entry Ageout (seconds): never
Recurring (Starting Everyday): FALSE
Status of entry (SNMP RowStatus): Active
Statistics Parameters
Frame offset: 1
Distribution Delay Two-Way:
Number of Bins 10
Bin Boundaries: 5000,10000,15000,20000,25000,30000,35000,40000,45000,-1
Distribution Delay-Variation Two-Way:
Number of Bins 10
Bin Boundaries: 5000,10000,15000,20000,25000,30000,35000,40000,45000,-1
Aggregation Period: 30
Number of intervals: 2
Router#show ethernet cfm pm session summary
Number of Configured Session : 150
Number of Active Session: 2
Number of Inactive Session: 148
Router(config)#show ethernet cfm pm session detail 0
Session ID: 0
Sla Session ID: 1101
Level: 7
Service Type: S,C
Service Id: 100,1101
Direction: Down
Source Mac: 5352.a824.04fr
Destination Mac: 5067.a87c.fa92
Session Version: 0
Session Operation: Proactive
Session Status: Active
MPID: 4101
Tx active: yes
Rx active: yes
RP monitor Tx active: yes
RP monitor Rx active: yes
Timeout timer: stopped
Last clearing of counters: *00:00:00.000 UTC Mon Jan 1 1900
Transmitted: 117
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Configuring Ethernet CFM and Y.1731 Performance Monitoring on Layer 3 Interfaces
Verifying Two-Way Delay Measurement Configuration
Rcvd: 117
Transmitted: 0
Rcvd: 0
Transmitted: 0
Rcvd: 0
Transmitted: 0
Rcvd: 0
Transmitted: 0
Rcvd: 0
Test ID 0
Router#show ethernet cfm pm session db 0
TX Time BWD RX Time BWD Frame Delay
Sec:nSec Sec:nSec Sec:nSec
Session ID: 0
3591340722:930326034 3591340663:866791722
3591340663:866898528 3591340722:930707484 0:274644
3591340723:927640626 3591340664:864091056
3591340664:864182604 3591340723:927976302 0:244128
3591340724:927640626 3591340665:864091056
3591340665:864167346 3591340724:927961044 0:244128
3591340725:927671142 3591340666:864121572
3591340666:864213120 3591340725:928006818 0:244128
3591340726:927655884 3591340667:864106314
3591340667:864197862 3591340726:927991560 0:244128
3591340727:927732174 3591340668:864167346
3591340668:864533538 3591340727:928327236 0:228870
3591340728:927655884 3591340669:864121572
3591340669:864197862 3591340728:928006818 0:274644
3591340729:927671142 3591340670:864121572
3591340670:864197862 3591340729:927991560 0:244128
Troubleshooting Two-Way Delay Measurement Configuration
Table 19: debug Commands for Two-Way Delay Measurement Configuration , on page 111 lists the debug
commands to troubleshoot issues pertaining to the two-way delay measurement configuration.
The Cisco IOS Master Command List at provides more information about these
Cisco 800 Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide
110 OL-31704-02
Configuring Ethernet CFM and Y.1731 Performance Monitoring on Layer 3 Interfaces
Troubleshooting Two-Way Delay Measurement Configuration
Because debugging output is assigned high priority in the CPU process, it can diminish the performance
of the router or even render it unusable. For this reason, use debug commands only to troubleshoot specific
problems or during troubleshooting sessions with Cisco technical support staff.
Before you run any of the debug commands listed in the following table, ensure that you run the logging
buffered debugging command, and then turn off console debug logging using the no logging console
Table 19: debug Commands for Two-Way Delay Measurement Configuration
Purpose debug Command
Enables debugging of all Ethernet performance
monitoring (PM) events.
debug epmpal all
Enables debugging of Ethernet PM API events. debug epmpal api
Enables debugging of Ethernet PM packet-receive
debug epmpal rx
Enables debugging of Ethernet PM packet-transmit
debug epmpal tx
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OL-31704-02 111
Configuring Ethernet CFM and Y.1731 Performance Monitoring on Layer 3 Interfaces
Troubleshooting Two-Way Delay Measurement Configuration
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112 OL-31704-02
Configuring Ethernet CFM and Y.1731 Performance Monitoring on Layer 3 Interfaces
Troubleshooting Two-Way Delay Measurement Configuration
Configuring Power Management
This chapter provides information about configuring power management and Power-over-Ethernet (PoE)
for router models that support these features. See specific router model documentation for information about
supported features:
Monitoring Power Usage with EnergyWise, page 113
Configuring Power-over-Ethernet, page 113
Monitoring Power Usage with EnergyWise
Cisco EnergyWise monitors and manages the power usage of network devices and devices connected to the
network. For information about using EnergyWise technology, see the configuration guides at the following
Cisco EnergyWise Configuration Guides
Configuring Power-over-Ethernet
Use the power inline command to enable/disable or the show power inline command to verify
Power-over-Ethernet (PoE).
Power-over-Ethernet is available for the C867VAE-POE-W-A-K9 model, using port FE0, with a 60-W
power supply.
Enabling/Disabling Power-over-Ethernet
Use the power inline command to enable/disable Power-over-Ethernet (PoE) on the Fast Ethernet (FE) port
0. Beginning in privileged EXEC mode, perform these steps.
1 configure terminal
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2 interface fastethernet 0
3 power inline {auto | never}
4 end
1. Router# configure terminal
2. Router(config)# interface fastethernet 0
3. Router(config-if)# power inline {auto | never}
4. Router(config-if)# end
Purpose Command or Action
Enters global configuration mode. Router# configure terminal Step 1
The Fast Ethernet (FE) 0 interface. Router(config)# interface fastethernet 0 Step 2
The C867VAE-POE-W-A-K9 supports
Power-over-Ethernet on the FE0 interface only.
Use auto to configure the port to supply inline power
Router(config-if)# power inline {auto | never} Step 3
Use never to disable inline power on the port.
Exits configuration mode. Router(config-if)# end
Step 4
Verifying the Power-over-Ethernet Configuration on the Interface
Use the show power inline command to verify the power configuration on the FE0 port.
Router# show power inline
PowerSupply SlotNum. Maximum Allocated Status
----------- -------- ------- --------- ------
INT-PS 0 18.000 6.300 PS GOOD
Interface Config Device Powered PowerAllocated
--------- ------ ------ ------- --------------
Fa0 auto Cisco On 6.300 Watts
Cisco 800 Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide
114 OL-31704-02
Configuring Power Management
Verifying the Power-over-Ethernet Configuration on the Interface
Configuring Security Features
This chapter provides an overview of authentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA), which is the
primary Cisco framework for implementing selected security features that can be configured on the Cisco
860 and Cisco 880 series Integrated Services Routers (ISRs).
This chapter contains the following sections:
Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting, page 115
Configuring AutoSecure, page 116
Configuring Access Lists, page 116
Configuring Cisco IOS Firewall, page 117
Configuring Cisco IOS IPS, page 118
URL Filtering, page 118
Configuring VPN, page 119
Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting
AAA network security services provide the primary framework through which you set up access control on
your router. Authentication provides the method of identifying users, including login and password dialog,
challenge and response, messaging support, and depending on the security protocol you choose, encryption.
Authorization provides the method for remote access control, including one-time authorization or authorization
for each service; per-user account list and profile; user group support; and support of IP, Internetwork Packet
Exchange (IPX), AppleTalk Remote Access (ARA), and Telnet. Accounting provides the method for collecting
and sending security server information used for billing, auditing, and reporting, such as user identities, start
and stop times, executed commands (such as PPP), number of packets, and number of bytes.
AAA uses protocols such as RADIUS, TACACS+, or Kerberos to administer its security functions. If your
router is acting as a network access server, AAA is the means through which you establish communication
between your network access server and your RADIUS, TACACS+, or Kerberos security server.
For information about configuring AAA services and supported security protocols, see the following sections
services_12.4t_book.html Cisco IOS Security Configuration Guide: Securing User Services, Release 12.4T
Cisco 800 Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide
OL-31704-02 115
Configuring Authentication
Configuring Authorization
Configuring Accounting
RADIUS and TACACS + Attributes
Configuring Kerberos
Configuring AutoSecure
The AutoSecure feature disables common IP services that can be exploited for network attacks and enables
IP services and features that can aid in the defense of a network when under attack. These IP services are all
disabled and enabled simultaneously with a single command, which simplifies security configuration on your
router. For a complete description of the AutoSecure feature, see AutoSecure .
Configuring Access Lists
Access lists permit or deny network traffic over an interface based on source IP address, destination IP address,
or protocol. Access lists are configured as standard or extended. Astandard access list either permits or denies
passage of packets froma designated source. An extended access list allows designation of both the destination
and the source, and it allows designation of individual protocols to be permitted or denied passage.
For more complete information on creating access lists, see the Access Control Lists (ACLs) section in http:/
Cisco IOS Security Configuration Guide: Securing the Data Plane, Release 12.4T.
An access list is a series of commands with a common tag to bind them together. The tag is either a number
or a name. Table below lists the commands used to configure access lists.
Table 20: Access List Configuration Commands
Configuration Commands ACL Type
access-list 1-99}{permit | deny} source-addr
access-list 100-199}{permit | deny} protocol
source-addr [source-mask] destination-addr
ip access-list standard name deny {source |
source-wildcard | any}
Cisco 800 Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide
116 OL-31704-02
Configuring Security Features
Configuring AutoSecure
Configuration Commands ACL Type
ip access-list extended name {permit | deny}
protocol {source-addr[source-mask] |
any}{destination-addr [destination-mask] | any}
To create, refine, and manage access lists, see the Access Control Lists (ACLs) section in http://
Cisco IOS Security Configuration Guide: Securing the Data Plane, Release 12.4T :
Creating an IP Access List and Applying It to an Interface
Creating an IP Access List to Filter IP Options, TCP Flags, Noncontiguous Ports, or TTL Values
Refining an IP Access List
Displaying and Clearing IP Access List Data Using ACL Manageability
Access Groups
An access group is a sequence of access list definitions bound together with a common name or number. This
group is enabled for an interface during interface configuration. Use the following guidelines when creating
access groups.
The order of access list definitions is significant. A packet is compared against the first access list in the
sequence. If there is no match (that is, if neither a permit nor a deny occurs), the packet is compared
with the next access list, and so on.
All parameters must match the access list before the packet is permitted or denied.
There is an implicit deny all at the end of all sequences.
For information on configuring and managing access groups, see
sec_data_plane/configuration/guide/12_4t/sec_data_plane_12_4t_book.html Cisco IOS Security Configuration
Guide: Securing the Data Plane, Release 12.4T.
Configuring Cisco IOS Firewall
The Cisco IOS Firewall lets you configure a stateful firewall in which packets are inspected internally and
the state of network connections is monitored. A stateful firewall is superior to static access lists because
access lists can only permit or deny traffic based on individual packets, not based on streams of packets. Also,
because Cisco IOS Firewall inspects the packets, decisions to permit or deny traffic can be made by examining
application layer data, which static access lists cannot examine.
To configure a Cisco IOS Firewall, specify which protocols to examine by using the following command in
interface configuration mode:
ip inspect name inspection-name protocol timeout seconds
When inspection detects that the specified protocol is passing through the firewall, a dynamic access list is
created to allow the passage of return traffic. The timeout parameter specifies the length of time the dynamic
Cisco 800 Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide
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Configuring Security Features
Access Groups
access list remains active without return traffic passing through the router. When the timeout value is reached,
the dynamic access list is removed, and subsequent packets (possibly valid ones) are not permitted.
Use the same inspection name in multiple statements to group them into one set of rules. This set of rules can
be activated elsewhere in the configuration by using the ip inspect inspection-name {in | out} command
when you configure an interface at the firewall.
For additional information about configuring a Cisco IOS Firewall, see
ios/sec_data_plane/configuration/guide/12_4t/sec_data_plane_12_4t_book.html Cisco IOS Security
Configuration Guide: Securing the Data Plane, Release 12.4T .
The Cisco IOS Firewall may also be configured to provide voice security in Session Initiated Protocol (SIP)
applications. SIP inspection provides basic inspect functionality (SIP packet inspection and detection of
pin-hole openings), as well protocol conformance and application security. For more information, see Cisco
IOS Firewall: SIP Enhancements: ALG and AIC .
Configuring Cisco IOS IPS
Cisco IOS Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) technology is available on Cisco 880 series ISRs and enhances
perimeter firewall protection by taking appropriate action on packets and flows that violate the security policy
or represent malicious network activity.
Cisco IOS IPS identifies attacks using signatures to detect patterns of misuse in network traffic. Cisco IOS
IPS acts as an in-line intrusion detection sensor, watching packets and sessions as they flowthrough the router,
scanning each to match known IPS signatures. When Cisco IOS IPS detects suspicious activity, it responds
before network security can be compromised, it logs the event, and, depending on configuration, it does one
of the following:
Sends an alarm
Drops suspicious packets
Resets the connection
Denies traffic from the source IP address of the attacker for a specified amount of time
Denies traffic on the connection for which the signature was seen for a specified amount of time
For additional information about configuring Cisco IOS IPS, see
sec_data_plane/configuration/guide/12_4t/sec_data_plane_12_4t_book.html Cisco IOS Security Configuration
Guide: Securing the Data Plane, Release 12.4T .
URL Filtering
Cisco 860 series and Cisco 880 series ISRs provide category based URL filtering. The user provisions URL
filtering on the ISR by selecting categories of websites to be permitted or blocked. An external server,
maintained by a third party, is used to check for URLs in each category. Permit and deny policies are maintained
on the ISR. The service is subscription based, and the URLs in each category are maintained by the third-party
For additional information about configuring URL filtering, see
sec_data_plane/configuration/guide/sec_url_filtering.html Subscription-based Cisco IOS Content Filtering
guide .
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118 OL-31704-02
Configuring Security Features
Configuring Cisco IOS IPS
Configuring VPN
A VPN connection provides a secure connection between two networks over a public network such as the
Internet. Cisco 860 and Cisco 880 series ISRs support two types of VPNs; site-to-site and remote access.
Site-to-site VPNs are used to connect branch offices to corporate offices, for example. Remote access VPNs
are used by remote clients to log into a corporate network. Two examples are given in this section: remote
access VPN and site-to-site VPN.
Remote Access VPN
The configuration of a remote access VPNuses Cisco Easy VPNand an IP Security (IPSec) tunnel to configure
and secure the connection between the remote client and the corporate network. Figure below shows a typical
deployment scenario.
Figure 2: Remote Access VPN Using IPSec Tunnel
Remote networked users 1
VPN clientCisco 880 series access router 2
RouterProviding the corporate office network
VPNserverEasy VPNserver; for example, a Cisco
VPN3000 concentrator with outside interface address
Corporate office with a network address of 5
IPSec tunnel 6
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Configuring Security Features
Configuring VPN
The Cisco Easy VPN client feature eliminates much of the tedious configuration work by implementing the
Cisco Unity Client protocol. This protocol allows most VPNparameters, such as internal IP addresses, internal
subnet masks, DHCP server addresses, Windows Internet Naming Service (WINS) server addresses, and
split-tunneling flags to be defined at a VPNserver, such as a Cisco VPN3000 series concentrator that is acting
as an IPSec server.
A Cisco Easy VPN server-enabled device can terminate VPN tunnels initiated by mobile and remote workers
who are running Cisco Easy VPN Remote software on PCs. Cisco Easy VPN server-enabled devices allow
remote routers to act as Cisco Easy VPN Remote nodes.
The Cisco Easy VPN client feature can be configured in one of two modes: client mode or network extension
mode. Client mode is the default configuration and allows only devices at the client site to access resources
at the central site. Resources at the client site are unavailable to the central site. Network extension mode
allows users at the central site (where the VPN3000 series concentrator is located) to access network resources
on the client site.
After the IPSec server has been configured, a VPN connection can be created with minimal configuration on
an IPSec client, such as a supported Cisco 880 series ISR. When the IPSec client initiates the VPN tunnel
connection, the IPSec server pushes the IPSec policies to the IPSec client and creates the corresponding VPN
tunnel connection.
The Cisco Easy VPNclient feature supports configuration of only one destination peer. If your application
requires creation of multiple VPN tunnels, you must manually configure the IPSec VPN and Network
Address Translation/Peer Address Translation (NAT/PAT) parameters on both the client and the server.
Cisco 860 and Cisco 880 series ISRs can also be configured to act as Cisco Easy VPNservers, letting authorized
Cisco Easy VPN clients establish dynamic VPN tunnels to the connected network. For information on the
configuration of Cisco Easy VPN servers see
Site-to-Site VPN
The configuration of a site-to-site VPN uses IPSec and the generic routing encapsulation (GRE) protocol to
secure the connection between the branch office and the corporate network. Figure below shows a typical
deployment scenario.
Figure 3: Site-to-Site VPN Using an IPSec Tunnel and GRE
Branch office containing multiple LANs and VLANs 1
Fast Ethernet LAN interfaceWith address (also the inside interface for NAT)
Cisco 800 Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide
120 OL-31704-02
Configuring Security Features
Configuring VPN
VPN clientCisco 860 or Cisco 880 series ISR 3
Fast Ethernet or ATM interfaceWith address (also the outside interface for NAT)
LANinterfaceConnects to the Internet; with outside
interface address of
VPN clientAnother router, which controls access
to the corporate network
LAN interfaceConnects to the corporate network,
with inside interface address of
Corporate office network 8
IPSec tunnel with GRE 9
For more information about IPSec and GRE configuration, see
ios/security/config_library/12-4t/secon-12-4t-library.html Cisco IOS Security Configuration Guide: Secure
Connectivity, Release 12.4T .
Configuration Examples
Each example configures a VPN over an IPSec tunnel, using the procedure given in the Configuring a VPN
over an IPSec Tunnel, on page 121. The specific procedure for a remote access configuration is given, followed
by the specific procedure for a site-to-site configuration.
The examples shown in this chapter apply only to the endpoint configuration on the Cisco 860 and Cisco 880
ISRs. Any VPN connection requires both endpoints be configured properly to function. See the software
configuration documentation as needed to configure the VPN for other router models.
VPN configuration information must be configured on both endpoints. You must specify parameters, such as
internal IP addresses, internal subnet masks, DHCP server addresses, and Network Address Translation (NAT).
Configuring a VPN over an IPSec Tunnel
Perform the following tasks to configure a VPN over an IPSec tunnel:
Configuring the IKE Policy
To configure the Internet Key Exchange (IKE) policy, perform these steps, beginning in global configuration
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Configuring Security Features
Configuring a VPN over an IPSec Tunnel
1. crypto isakmp policy priority
2. encryption {des | 3des | aes | aes 192 | aes 256}
3. hash {md5 | sha}
4. authentication {rsa-sig | rsa-encr | pre-share}
5. group {1 | 2 | 5}
6. lifetime seconds
7. exit
Purpose Command or Action
Creates an IKE policy that is used during IKE negotiation. The
priority is a number from 1 to 10000, with 1 being the highest.
crypto isakmp policy priority
Router(config)# crypto isakmp policy 1
Step 1
Also enters the Internet Security Association Key and Management
Protocol (ISAKMP) policy configuration mode.
Specifies the encryption algorithm used in the IKE policy. encryption {des | 3des | aes | aes 192 | aes 256} Step 2
Router(config-isakmp)# encryption 3des
The example specifies 168-bit data encryption standard (DES).
Specifies the hash algorithm used in the IKE policy. hash {md5 | sha} Step 3
Router(config-isakmp)# hash md5
The example specifies the Message Digest 5 (MD5) algorithm. The
default is Secure Hash standard (SHA-1).
Specifies the authentication method used in the IKE policy. authentication {rsa-sig | rsa-encr | pre-share} Step 4
Router(config-isakmp)# authentication
The example specifies a pre-shared key.
Specifies the Diffie-Hellman group to be used in an IKE policy. group {1 | 2 | 5}
Router(config-isakmp)# group 2
Step 5
Specifies the lifetime, in seconds, for an IKE security association
lifetime seconds
Router(config-isakmp)# lifetime 480
Step 6
Acceptable values are from 60 to 86400.
Exits ISAKMP policy configuration mode and returns to global
configuration mode.
Router(config-isakmp)# exit
Step 7
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Configuring Security Features
Configuring a VPN over an IPSec Tunnel
Configuring Group Policy Information
To configure the group policy, perform these steps, beginning in global configuration mode:
1. crypto isakmp client configuration group {group-name | default}
2. key name
3. dns primary-server
4. domain name
5. exit
6. ip local pool {default | poolname} [low-ip-address [high-ip-address]]
Purpose Command or Action
Creates an IKE policy group containing attributes to be
downloaded to the remote client.
crypto isakmp client configuration group
{group-name | default}
Step 1
Router(config)# crypto isakmp client
configuration group rtr-remote
Also enters the Internet Security Association Key and
Management Protocol (ISAKMP) group policy configuration
Specifies the IKE pre-shared key for the group policy. key name
Router(config-isakmp-group)# key
Step 2
Specifies the primary Domain Name System (DNS) server for
the group.
dns primary-server
Router(config-isakmp-group)# dns
Step 3
To specify Windows Internet Naming Service (WINS)
servers for the group, use the wins command.
Specifies group domain membership. domain name
Router(config-isakmp-group)# domain
Step 4
Exits ISAKMP group policy configuration mode and returns to
global configuration mode.
Router(config-isakmp-group)# exit
Step 5
Specifies a local address pool for the group. ip local pool {default | poolname} [low-ip-address
Step 6
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Configuring Security Features
Configuring a VPN over an IPSec Tunnel
Purpose Command or Action
For details about this command and additional parameters that
can be set, see Cisco IOS Dial Technologies Command Reference
Router(config)# ip local pool dynpool
Applying Mode Configuration to the Crypto Map
To apply mode configuration to the crypto map, perform these steps, beginning in global configuration mode:
1. crypto map map-name isakmp authorization list list-name
2. crypto map tag client configuration address [initiate | respond]
Purpose Command or Action
Applies mode configuration to the crypto map and enables
key lookup (IKE queries) for the group policy from an
authentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA) server.
crypto map map-name isakmp authorization list list-name
Router(config)# crypto map dynmap isakmp
authorization list rtr-remote
Step 1
Configures the router to reply to mode configuration
requests from remote clients.
crypto map tag client configuration address [initiate |
Router(config)# crypto map dynmap client
configuration address respond
Step 2
Enabling Policy Lookup
To enable policy lookup through AAA, perform these steps, beginning in global configuration mode:
Cisco 800 Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide
124 OL-31704-02
Configuring Security Features
Configuring a VPN over an IPSec Tunnel
1. aaa new-model
2. aaa authentication login {default | list-name} method1 [method2...]
3. aaa authorization {network | exec | commands level | reverse-access | configuration} {default |
list-name} [method1 [method2...]]
4. username name {nopassword | password password | password encryption-type encrypted-password}
Purpose Command or Action
Enables the AAA access control model. aaa new-model
Router(config)# aaa new-model
Step 1
Specifies AAA authentication of selected users at login, and
specifies the method used.
aaa authentication login {default | list-name}
method1 [method2...]
Step 2
Router(config)# aaa authentication login
rtr-remote local
This example uses a local authentication database.
You could also use a RADIUS server. For details, see
Cisco IOS Security Configuration Guide: Securing User
Services, Release 12.4T and Cisco IOS Security
Command Reference .
Specifies AAA authorization of all network-related service
requests, including PPP, and specifies the method of authorization.
aaa authorization {network | exec | commands level
| reverse-access | configuration} {default | list-name}
[method1 [method2...]]
Step 3
This example uses a local authorization database.
Router(config)# aaa authorization network
rtr-remote local
You could also use a RADIUS server. For details, see
Cisco IOS Security Configuration Guide: Securing User
Services, Release 12.4T and Cisco IOS Security
Command Reference .
Establishes a username-based authentication system. username name {nopassword | password password
| password encryption-type encrypted-password}
Step 4
Router(config)# username username1 password
0 password1
Configuring IPSec Transforms and Protocols
Atransformset represents a certain combination of security protocols and algorithms. During IKE negotiation,
the peers agree to use a particular transform set for protecting data flow.
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Configuring Security Features
Configuring a VPN over an IPSec Tunnel
During IKE negotiations, the peers search in multiple transform sets for a transform that is the same at both
peers. When a transform set is found that contains such a transform, it is selected and applied to the protected
traffic as a part of both configurations.
To specify the IPSec transformset and protocols, performthese steps, beginning in global configuration mode:
1. crypto ipsec profile profile-name
2. crypto ipsec transform-set transform-set-name transform1 [transform2] [transform3] [transform4]
3. crypto ipsec security-association lifetime {seconds seconds | kilobytes kilobytes}
Purpose Command or Action
Configures IPSec profile to apply protection on the tunnel
for encryption.
crypto ipsec profile profile-name
Router(config)# crypto ipsec profile pro1
Step 1
Defines a transform setan acceptable combination of
IPSec security protocols and algorithms.
crypto ipsec transform-set transform-set-name transform1
[transform2] [transform3] [transform4]
Router(config)# crypto ipsec transform-set vpn1
esp-3des esp-sha-hmac
Step 2
See Cisco IOS Security Configuration Guide: Secure
Connectivity, Release 12.4T for details about the valid
transforms and combinations.
Specifies global lifetime values used when IPSec security
associations are negotiated.
crypto ipsec security-associationlifetime {seconds seconds
| kilobytes kilobytes}
Router(config)# crypto ipsec security-association
lifetime seconds 86400
Step 3
Configuring the IPSec Crypto Method and Parameters
A dynamic crypto map policy processes negotiation requests for newsecurity associations fromremote IPSec
peers, even if the router does not know all the crypto map parameters (for example, IP address).
To configure the IPSec crypto method, perform these steps, beginning in global configuration mode:
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126 OL-31704-02
Configuring Security Features
Configuring a VPN over an IPSec Tunnel
1. crypto dynamic-map dynamic-map-name dynamic-seq-num
2. set transform-set transform-set-name [transform-set-name2...transform-set-name6]
3. reverse-route
4. exit
5. crypto map map-name seq-num [ipsec-isakmp] [dynamic dynamic-map-name] [discover] [profile
Purpose Command or Action
Creates a dynamic crypto map entry and enters crypto
map configuration mode.
crypto dynamic-mapdynamic-map-name dynamic-seq-num
Router(config)# crypto dynamic-map dynmap 1
Step 1
See Cisco IOS Security Command Reference for more
details about this command.
Specifies which transform sets can be used with the
crypto map entry.
set transform-set transform-set-name
Router(config-crypto-map)# set transform-set vpn1
Step 2
Creates source proxy information for the crypto map
Router(config-crypto-map)# reverse-route
Step 3
See Cisco IOS Security Command Reference for details.
Exits crypto map configuration mode and returns to
global configuration mode.
Router(config-crypto-map)# exit
Step 4
Creates a crypto map profile. crypto map map-name seq-num [ipsec-isakmp] [dynamic
dynamic-map-name] [discover] [profile profile-name]
Step 5
Router(config)# crypto map static-map 1
ipsec-isakmp dynamic dynmap
Applying the Crypto Map to the Physical Interface
The crypto maps must be applied to each interface through which IPSec traffic flows. Applying the crypto
map to the physical interface instructs the router to evaluate all the traffic against the security associations
database. With the default configurations, the router provides secure connectivity by encrypting the traffic
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Configuring Security Features
Configuring a VPN over an IPSec Tunnel
sent between remote sites. However, the public interface still allows the rest of the traffic to pass and provides
connectivity to the Internet.
To apply a crypto map to an interface, perform these steps, beginning in global configuration mode:
1. interface type number
2. crypto map map-name
3. exit
Purpose Command or Action
Enters the interface configuration mode for the interface to which
the crypto map will be applied.
interface type number
Router(config)# interface fastethernet 4
Step 1
Applies the crypto map to the interface. crypto map map-name Step 2
Router(config-if)# crypto map static-map
See Cisco IOS Security Command Reference for more
details about this command.
Exits interface configuration mode and returns to global
configuration mode.
Router(config-crypto-map)# exit
Step 3
What to Do Next
Where to Go Next
If you are creating a Cisco Easy VPN remote configuration, go to the Creating a Cisco Easy VPN Remote
Configuration, on page 128.
If you are creating a site-to-site VPN using IPSec tunnels and GRE, go to the Configuring a Site-to-Site GRE
Tunnel, on page 131.
Creating a Cisco Easy VPN Remote Configuration
The router acting as the Cisco Easy VPNclient must create a Cisco Easy VPNremote configuration and assign
it to the outgoing interface.
To create the remote configuration, perform these steps, beginning in global configuration mode:
Cisco 800 Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide
128 OL-31704-02
Configuring Security Features
Creating a Cisco Easy VPN Remote Configuration
1. crypto ipsec client ezvpn name
2. group group-name key group-key
3. peer {ipaddress | hostname}
4. mode {client | network-extension | network extension plus}
5. exit
6. crypto isakmp keepalive seconds
7. interface type number
8. crypto ipsec client ezvpn name [outside | inside]
9. exit
Purpose Command or Action
Creates a Cisco Easy VPN remote configuration, and enters Cisco
Easy VPN remote configuration mode.
crypto ipsec client ezvpn name
Router(config)# crypto ipsec client ezvpn
Step 1
Specifies the IPSec group and IPSec key value for the VPN
group group-name key group-key
Router(config-crypto-ezvpn)# group
ezvpnclient key secret-password
Step 2
Specifies the peer IP address or hostname for the VPN connection. peer {ipaddress | hostname} Step 3
Router(config-crypto-ezvpn)# peer
A hostname can be specified only when the router has a DNS
server available for hostname resolution.
Use this command to configure multiple peers for use as
backup. If one peer goes down, the Easy VPN tunnel is
established with the second available peer. When the
primary peer comes up again, the tunnel is reestablished
with the primary peer.
Specifies the VPN mode of operation. mode {client | network-extension | network
extension plus}
Step 4
Router(config-crypto-ezvpn)# mode client
Exits Cisco Easy VPN remote configuration mode and returns to
global configuration mode.
Router(config-crypto-ezvpn)# exit
Step 5
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Configuring Security Features
Creating a Cisco Easy VPN Remote Configuration
Purpose Command or Action
Enables dead peer detection messages. crypto isakmp keepalive seconds Step 6
Router(config)# crypto isakmp keepalive
secondsSets the time between messages. The range is from
10 to 3600.
Enters the interface configuration mode for the interface to which
the Cisco Easy VPN remote configuration will be applied.
interface type number
Router(config)# interface fastethernet 4
Step 7
For routers with an ATM WAN interface, this command
would be interface atm 0.
Assigns the Cisco Easy VPN remote configuration to the WAN
crypto ipsec client ezvpn name [outside | inside]
Router(config-if)# crypto ipsec client
ezvpn ezvpnclient outside
Step 8
This command causes the router to automatically create the
NAT or port address translation (PAT) and access list
configuration needed for the VPN connection.
Exits interface configuration mode and returns to global configuration
Router(config-crypto-ezvpn)# exit
Step 9
What to Do Next
Configuration Example
The following configuration example shows a portion of the configuration file for the VPN and IPSec tunnel
described in this chapter.
aaa new-model
aaa authentication login rtr-remote local
aaa authorization network rtr-remote local
aaa session-id common
username Cisco password 0 Cisco
crypto isakmp policy 1
encryption 3des
authentication pre-share
group 2
lifetime 480
crypto isakmp client configuration group rtr-remote
key secret-password
pool dynpool
crypto ipsec transform-set vpn1 esp-3des esp-sha-hmac
crypto ipsec security-association lifetime seconds 86400
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130 OL-31704-02
Configuring Security Features
Creating a Cisco Easy VPN Remote Configuration
crypto dynamic-map dynmap 1
set transform-set vpn1
crypto map static-map 1 ipsec-isakmp dynamic dynmap
crypto map dynmap isakmp authorization list rtr-remote
crypto map dynmap client configuration address respond
crypto ipsec client ezvpn ezvpnclient
connect auto
group 2 key secret-password
mode client
interface fastethernet 4
crypto ipsec client ezvpn ezvpnclient outside
crypto map static-map
interface vlan 1
crypto ipsec client ezvpn ezvpnclient inside
Configuring a Site-to-Site GRE Tunnel
To configure a GRE tunnel, perform these steps, beginning in global configuration mode:
1. interface type number
2. ip address ip-address mask
3. tunnel source interface-type number
4. tunnel destination default-gateway-ip-address
5. crypto map map-name
6. exit
7. ip access-list {standard | extended}access-list-name
8. permit protocol source source-wildcard destination destination-wildcard
9. exit
Purpose Command or Action
Creates a tunnel interface and enters interface
configuration mode.
interface type number
Router(config)# interface tunnel 1
Step 1
Assigns an address to the tunnel. ip address ip-address mask
Step 2
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Configuring Security Features
Configuring a Site-to-Site GRE Tunnel
Purpose Command or Action
Specifies the source endpoint of the router for the GRE
tunnel source interface-type number
Router(config-if)# tunnel source fastethernet 0
Step 3
Specifies the destination endpoint of the router for the
GRE tunnel.
tunnel destination default-gateway-ip-address
Router(config-if)# tunnel destination
Step 4
Assigns a crypto map to the tunnel. crypto map map-name Step 5
Router(config-if)# crypto map static-map
Dynamic routing or static routes to the tunnel
interface must be configured to establish
connectivity between the sites.
Exits interface configuration mode, and returns to global
configuration mode.
Router(config-if)# exit
Step 6
Enters ACL configuration mode for the named ACL that
is used by the crypto map.
ip access-list {standard | extended}access-list-name
Router(config)# ip access-list extended
Step 7
Specifies that only GRE traffic is permitted on the
outbound interface.
permit protocol source source-wildcard destination
Router(config-acl)# permit gre host
Step 8
Exits ACL configuration mode and returns to global
configuration mode.
Router(config-acl)# exit
Step 9
What to Do Next
Configuration Example
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Configuring Security Features
Configuring a Site-to-Site GRE Tunnel
The following configuration example shows a portion of the configuration file for a VPN using a GRE tunnel
scenario described in the preceding sections.
aaa new-model
aaa authentication login rtr-remote local
aaa authorization network rtr-remote local
aaa session-id common
username cisco password 0 cisco
interface tunnel 1
ip address
tunnel source fastethernet 0
tunnel destination interface
ip route tunnel 1
crypto isakmp policy 1
encryption 3des
authentication pre-share
group 2
crypto isakmp client configuration group rtr-remote
key secret-password
pool dynpool
crypto ipsec transform-set vpn1 esp-3des esp-sha-hmac
crypto ipsec security-association lifetime seconds 86400
crypto dynamic-map dynmap 1
set transform-set vpn1
crypto map static-map 1 ipsec-isakmp dynamic dynmap
crypto map dynmap isakmp authorization list rtr-remote
crypto map dynmap client configuration address respond
! Defines the key association and authentication for IPsec tunnel.
crypto isakmp policy 1
hash md5
authentication pre-share
crypto isakmp key cisco123 address
! Defines encryption and transform set for the IPsec tunnel.
crypto ipsec transform-set set1 esp-3des esp-md5-hmac
! Associates all crypto values and peering address for the IPsec tunnel.
crypto map to_corporate 1 ipsec-isakmp
set peer
set transform-set set1
match address 105
! VLAN 1 is the internal home network.
interface vlan 1
ip address
ip nat inside
ip inspect firewall in ! Inspection examines outbound traffic.
crypto map static-map
no cdp enable
! FE4 is the outside or Internet-exposed interface
interface fastethernet 4
ip address
! acl 103 permits IPsec traffic from the corp. router as well as
! denies Internet-initiated traffic inbound.
ip access-group 103 in
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Configuring Security Features
Configuring a Site-to-Site GRE Tunnel
ip nat outside
no cdp enable
crypto map to_corporate ! Applies the IPsec tunnel to the outside interface.
! Utilize NAT overload in order to make best use of the
! single address provided by the ISP.
ip nat inside source list 102 interface Ethernet1 overload
ip classless
ip route
no ip http server
! acl 102 associated addresses used for NAT.
access-list 102 permit ip any
! acl 103 defines traffic allowed from the peer for the IPsec tunnel.
access-list 103 permit udp host any eq isakmp
access-list 103 permit udp host eq isakmp any
access-list 103 permit esp host any
! Allow ICMP for debugging but should be disabled because of security implications.
access-list 103 permit icmp any any
access-list 103 deny ip any any ! Prevents Internet-initiated traffic inbound.
! acl 105 matches addresses for the IPsec tunnel to or from the corporate network.
access-list 105 permit ip
no cdp run
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Configuring Security Features
Configuring a Site-to-Site GRE Tunnel
Configuring Backup Data Lines and Remote
The Cisco 819 series and Cisco 880 Series Integrated Services Routers (ISRs) support backup data connectivity
with a backup data line that enables them to mitigate WAN downtime.
Voice backup is available on router models C881SRST and C888SRST. For information on configuring
voice backup, see Configuring Voice Functionality, on page 173
Cisco 880 ISRs also support remote management functions as follows:
Through the auxiliary port on Cisco 880 series ISRs
Through the ISDN S/T port on the Cisco 880 series ISRs
Cisco 819 ISRs a support remote management functions through the auxiliary port on any Cisco 819 series
On Cisco 819 sries and Cisco880 series ISRs, the console port and the auxiliary port are on the same
physical RJ-45 port; therefore, the two ports cannot be activated simultaneously. You must use the CLI
to enable the desired function.
Cisco 892F ISRs have a Gigabit Ethernet (GE) port that supports copper connections or a small-form-factor
pluggable (SFP) port that supports fiber connections and can be configured for failover redundancy when
the network goes down.
This chapter describes configuring backup data lines and remote management in the following sections:
Configuring Backup Interfaces, page 136
Configuring Cellular Dial-on-Demand Routing Backup, page 137
Configuring Dial Backup and Remote Management Through the Console or Auxiliary Port, page 143
Configuring Data Line Backup and Remote Management Through the ISDN S/T Port, page 149
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Configuring Gigabit Ethernet Failover Media, page 155
Configuring Third-Party SFPs, page 157
Configuring Backup Interfaces
When the router receives an indication that the primary interface is down, the backup interface becomes
enabled. After the primary connection has been restored for a specified period, the backup interface is disabled.
Even if the backup interface comes out of standby mode, the router does not enable the backup interface unless
the router receives the traffic specified for that backup interface.
Table below shows the backup interfaces for Cisco 810, Cisco 880 and Cisco 890 series ISRs, along with
their port designations. Basic configurations for these interfaces are given in the Configuring WAN Interfaces
Table 21: Model Numbers and Data Line Backup Capabilities
V.92 3G ISDN Router Model Number
Yes 881G, 886G, 887G,
887VG, 888G
Yes 886, 886VA, 887, 887V,
888, 888E
Yes 891
Yes 892, 892F
Yes 819
To configure your router with a backup interface, performthese steps, beginning in global configuration mode:
1. interface type number
2. backup interface interface-type interface-number
3. exit
Purpose Command or Action
Enters interface configuration mode for the interface for which you want
to configure the backup.
interface type number
Router(config)# interface atm 0
Step 1
This interface can be a serial, ISDN, or asynchronous.
The example shows the configuration of a backup interface for an ATM
WAN connection.
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Configuring Backup Data Lines and Remote Management
Configuring Backup Interfaces
Purpose Command or Action
Assigns an interface as the secondary, or backup interface. backup interface interface-type
Step 2
This can be a serial interface or asynchronous interface. For example, a
serial 1 interface could be configured to back up a serial 0 interface.
Router(config-if)# backup interface
bri 0
The example shows a BRI interface configured as the backup interface
for the ATM 0 interface.
Exits the configuration interface mode. exit
Router(config-if)# exit
Step 3
Configuring Cellular Dial-on-Demand Routing Backup
To monitor the primary connection and initiate the backup connection over the cellular interface when needed,
the router can use one of the following methods:
Backup InterfaceBackup interface that stays in standby mode until the primary interface line protocol
is detected as down and then is brought up. See the Configuring Backup Interfaces, on page 136.
Dialer WatchBackup feature that integrates dial backup with routing capabilities. See the Configuring
DDR Backup Using Dialer Watch, on page 137.
Floating Static RouteRoute through the backup interface has an administrative distance that is greater
than the administrative distance of the primary connection route and therefore would not be in the routing
table until the primary interface goes down. When the primary interaface goes down, the floating static
route is used. See the Configuring DDR Backup Using Floating Static Route, on page 139.
You cannot configure a backup interface for the cellular interface and any other asynchronous serial
Configuring DDR Backup Using Dialer Watch
To initiate dialer watch, you must configure the interface to perform dial-on-demand routing (DDR) and
backup. Use traditional DDR configuration commands, such as dialer maps, for DDR capabilities. To enable
dialer watch on the backup interface and create a dialer list, use the following commands in interface
configuration mode.
dialer group dialer group number
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Configuring Backup Data Lines and Remote Management
Configuring Cellular Dial-on-Demand Routing Backup
1. configure terminal
2. interface type number
3. dialer watch-group group-number
4. dialer watch-list group-number ip ip-address address-mask
5. dialer-list dialer-group protocol protocol-name {permit | deny | list access-list-number | access-group}
6. ip access-list access-list-number permit ip source address
7. interface cellular 0
8. Do one of the following:
dialer string string
dialer group dialer group number
Purpose Command or Action
Enters global configuration mode. configure terminal
Router# configure terminal
Step 1
Specifies the interface. interface type number
Router (config)# interface ATM0
Step 2
Enables dialer watch on the backup interface. dialer watch-group group-number
Router(config-if)# dialer watch-group 2
Step 3
Defines a list of all IP addresses to be watched. dialer watch-list group-number ip ip-address address-mask
Router(config-if)# dialer watch-list 2 ip
Step 4
Creates a dialer list for traffic of interest and permits
access to an entire protocol.
dialer-list dialer-group protocol protocol-name {permit | deny
| list access-list-number | access-group}
Router(config)# dialer-list 2 protocol ip permit
Step 5
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Configuring Backup Data Lines and Remote Management
Configuring DDR Backup Using Dialer Watch
Purpose Command or Action
Defines traffic of interest. ip access-list access-list-number permit ip source address Step 6
Router(config)# access list 2 permit
Do not use the access list permit all command to
avoid sending traffic to the IP network. This may
result in call termination.
Specifies the cellular interface. interface cellular 0
Router (config)# interface cellular 0
Step 7
CDMA only. Specifies the dialer script (defined
using the chat script command).
Do one of the following: Step 8
dialer string string
GSM only. Maps a dialer list to the dialer interface.
dialer group dialer group number
Router (config-if)# dialer string cdma *** cdma ***
Router (config-if)# dialer group 2 *** gsm ***
Configuring DDR Backup Using Floating Static Route
To configure a floating static default route on the secondary interface, use the following commands, beginning
in the global configuration mode.
Make sure you have ip classless enabled on your router. Note
1. configure terminal
2. ip route network-number network-mask {ip address | interface} [administrative distance] [name name]
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Configuring Backup Data Lines and Remote Management
Configuring DDR Backup Using Floating Static Route
Purpose Command or Action
Enters global configuration mode from the terminal. configure terminal
Router# configure terminal
Step 1
Establishes a floating static route with the configured
administrative distance through the specified interface.
ip route network-number network-mask {ip address
| interface} [administrative distance] [name name]
Step 2
Router (config)# ip route Dialer 2
track 234
A higher administrative distance should be configured for the
route through the backup interface, so that the backup interface is
used only when the primary interface is down.
Cellular Wireless Modem as Backup with NAT and IPsec Configuration
The following example shows how to configure the 3G wireless modem as backup with NAT and IPsec on
either GSM or CDMA networks.
The receive and transmit speeds cannot be configured. The actual throughput depends on the cellular
network service.
Current configuration : 3433 bytes
version 12.4
no service pad
service timestamps debug datetime msec
service timestamps log datetime msec
no service password-encryption
hostname Router
no aaa new-model
crypto isakmp policy 1
encr 3des
authentication pre-share
crypto isakmp key gsm address *** or cdma ***
crypto ipsec transform-set gsm ah-sha-hmac esp-3des *** or cdma ***
crypto map gsm1 10 ipsec-isakmp *** or cdma1 ***
set peer
set transform-set gsm *** or cdma ***
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Configuring Backup Data Lines and Remote Management
Cellular Wireless Modem as Backup with NAT and IPsec Configuration
match address 103
no ip dhcp use vrf connected
ip dhcp excluded-address
ip dhcp pool gsmpool *** or cdmapool ***
ip cef
no ipv6 cef
multilink bundle-name authenticated
chat-script gsm "" "atdt*98*1#" TIMEOUT 30 "CONNECT" *** or cdma ***
log config
controller DSL 0
mode atm
line-term cpe
line-mode 4-wire standard
line-rate 4608
interface ATM0
no ip address
ip virtual-reassembly
load-interval 30
no atm ilmi-keepalive
interface ATM0.1 point-to-point
backup interface Cellular0
ip nat outside
ip virtual-reassembly
pvc 0/35
pppoe-client dial-pool-number 2
interface FastEthernet0
interface FastEthernet1
interface FastEthernet2
interface FastEthernet3
interface Cellular0
ip address negotiated
ip nat outside
ip virtual-reassembly
encapsulation ppp
no ip mroute-cache
dialer in-band
dialer idle-timeout 0
dialer string gsm *** or cdma ***
dialer-group 1
async mode interactive
no ppp lcp fast-start
ppp chap hostname [email protected]
ppp chap password 0 B7uhestacr
ppp ipcp dns request
crypto map gsm1 *** or cdma1 ***
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Configuring Backup Data Lines and Remote Management
Cellular Wireless Modem as Backup with NAT and IPsec Configuration
interface Vlan1
description used as default gateway address for DHCP clients
ip address
ip nat inside
ip virtual-reassembly
interface Dialer2
ip address negotiated
ip mtu 1492
ip nat outside
ip virtual-reassembly
encapsulation ppp
load-interval 30
dialer pool 2
dialer-group 2
ppp authentication chap callin
ppp chap hostname [email protected]
ppp chap password 0 cisco
ppp ipcp dns request
crypto map gsm1 *** or cdma1 ***
ip local policy route-map track-primary-if
ip forward-protocol nd
ip route Dialer2 track 234
ip route Cellular0 254
no ip http server
no ip http secure-server
ip nat inside source route-map nat2cell interface Cellular0 overload
ip nat inside source route-map nat2dsl interface Dialer2 overload
ip sla 1
icmp-echo source-interface Dialer2
timeout 1000
frequency 2
ip sla schedule 1 life forever start-time now
access-list 1 permit any
access-list 2 permit
access-list 3 permit any
access-list 101 permit ip any
access-list 102 permit icmp any host
access-list 103 permit ip host
access-list 103 permit ip host
dialer-list 1 protocol ip list 1
dialer-list 2 protocol ip permit
route-map track-primary-if permit 10
match ip address 102
set interface Dialer2
route-map nat2dsl permit 10
match ip address 101
match interface Dialer2
route-map nat2cell permit 10
match ip address 101
match interface Cellular0
line con 0
no modem enable
line aux 0
line 3
exec-timeout 0 0
script dialer gsm *** or cdma ***
modem InOut
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Configuring Backup Data Lines and Remote Management
Cellular Wireless Modem as Backup with NAT and IPsec Configuration
no exec
line vty 0 4
scheduler max-task-time 5000
webvpn cef
Configuring Dial Backup and Remote Management Through the
Console or Auxiliary Port
When customer premises equipment, such as a Cisco 880 series ISR or Cisco 819 series ISR, is connected to
an ISP, an IP address is dynamically assigned to the router, or the IP address may be assigned by the router
peer through the centrally managed function. The dial backup feature can be added to provide a failover route
in case the primary line fails. The Cisco 880 series ISRs can use the auxiliary port for dial backup and remote
Figure below shows the network configuration used for remote management access and for providing backup
to the primary WAN line.
Figure 4: Dial Backup and Remote Management Through the Auxiliary Port
Main WAN link; primary
connection to Internet
service provider
A Cisco 880 series router 1
Dial backup; serves as a
failover link for Cisco
880 routers when the
primary line goes down
B Modem 2
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Configuring Backup Data Lines and Remote Management
Configuring Dial Backup and Remote Management Through the Console or Auxiliary Port
Remote management;
serves as dial-in access to
allow changes or updates
to Cisco IOS
C PC 3
To configure dial backup and remote management for these routers, perform these steps, beginning in global
configuration mode:
1. ip name-server server-address
2. ip dhcp pool name
3. exit
4. chat-script script-name expect-send
5. interface type number
6. exit
7. interface type number
8. dialer watch-group group-number
9. exit
10. ip nat inside source {list access-list-number} {interface type number | pool name} [overload]
11. ip route prefix mask {ip-address | interface-type interface-number [ip-address]
12. access-list access-list-number {deny | permit} source [source-wildcard]
13. dialerwatch-list group-number {ipip-address address-mask | delay route-check initial seconds
14. line [aux | console | tty | vty] line-number [ending-line-number]
15. modem enable
16. exit
17. line [aux | console | tty | vty] line-number [ending-line-number]
18. flowcontrol {none | software [lock] [in | out] | hardware [in | out]}
Purpose Command or Action
Enters your ISP DNS IP address. ip name-server server-address Step 1
Router(config)# ip name-server
You may add multiple server addresses if
Creates a DHCP address pool on the router and enters DHCP
pool configuration mode. The name argument can be a string
or an integer.
ip dhcp pool name
Router(config)# ip dhcp pool 1
Step 2
Configure the DHCP address pool. For sample commands
that you can use in DHCP pool configuration mode, see the
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Configuring Backup Data Lines and Remote Management
Configuring Dial Backup and Remote Management Through the Console or Auxiliary Port
Purpose Command or Action
Example for specifying an IP address for the ATM interface
through PPP and IPCP address negotiation and dial backup,
on page 147.
Exits config-dhcp mode and enters global configuration mode. exit
Step 3
Configures a chat script used in dial-on-demand routing
(DDR) to give commands for dialing a modem and for
chat-script script-name expect-send
Step 4
logging in to remote systems. The defined script is used to
place a call over a modem connected to the PSTN.
chat-script Dialout ABORT ERROR ABORT BUSY
Creates and enters configuration mode for the asynchronous
interface type number
interface Async 1
Step 5
Configure the asynchronous interface. For sample commands
that you can use in asynchronous interface configuration
mode, see the Example for specifying an IP address for the
ATM interface through PPP and IPCP address negotiation
and dial backup, on page 147.
Enters global configuration mode. exit
Router(config-if)# exit
Step 6
Creates and enters configuration mode for the dilaer interface. interface type number
interface Dialer 3
Step 7
Specifies the group number for the watch list. dialer watch-group group-number
Router(config-if)# dialer watch-group 1
Step 8
Exits the interface configuration mode. exit
Step 9
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Configuring Backup Data Lines and Remote Management
Configuring Dial Backup and Remote Management Through the Console or Auxiliary Port
Purpose Command or Action
Enables dynamic translation of addresses on the inside
ip nat inside source {list access-list-number}
{interface type number | pool name} [overload]
Step 10
ip nat inside source list 101 interface Dialer
3 overload
Sets the IP route to point to the dialer interface as a default
ip route prefix mask {ip-address | interface-type
interface-number [ip-address]
Router(config)# ip route
Step 11
Defines an extended access list that indicates which addresses
need translation.
access-list access-list-number {deny | permit} source
Router(config)# access-list 1 permit any
Step 12
Evaluates the status of the primary link, based on the
existence of routes to the peer. The address is the
peer IP address of the ISP.
dialerwatch-list group-number {ipip-address
address-mask | delay route-check initial seconds
Router(config)# dialer watch-list 1 ip
Step 13
Enters configuration mode for the line interface. line [aux | console | tty | vty] line-number
Step 14
Router(config)# line console 0
Switches the port from console to auxiliary port function. modem enable
Router(config-line)# modem enable
Step 15
Exits the configure interface mode. exit
Router(config-line)# exit
Step 16
Enters configuration mode for the auxiliary interface. line [aux | console | tty | vty] line-number
Step 17
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Configuring Backup Data Lines and Remote Management
Configuring Dial Backup and Remote Management Through the Console or Auxiliary Port
Purpose Command or Action
Router(config)# line aux 0
Enables hardware signal flow control. flowcontrol {none | software [lock] [in | out] |
hardware [in | out]}
Step 18
Router(config)# flowcontrol hardware
Example for specifying an IP address for the ATM interface through PPP and
IPCP address negotiation and dial backup
The following configuration example specifies an IP address for the ATM interface through PPP and IPCP
address negotiation and dial backup over the console port.
ip name-server
ip dhcp excluded-address
ip dhcp pool 1
import all
! Need to use your own correct ISP phone number.
modemcap entry MY-USER_MODEM:MSC=&F1S0=1
chat-script Dialout ABORT ERROR ABORT BUSY AT OK ATDT 5555102\T
interface vlan 1
ip address
ip nat inside
ip tcp adjust-mss 1452
hold-queue 100 out
! Dial backup and remote management physical interface.
interface Async1
no ip address
encapsulation ppp
dialer in-band
dialer pool-member 3
async default routing
async dynamic routing
async mode dedicated
ppp authentication pap callin
interface ATM0
mtu 1492
no ip address
no atm ilmi-keepalive
pvc 0/35
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Configuring Backup Data Lines and Remote Management
Example for specifying an IP address for the ATM interface through PPP and IPCP address negotiation and dial
pppoe-client dial-pool-number 1
dsl operating-mode auto
! Primary WAN link.
interface Dialer1
ip address negotiated
ip nat outside
encapsulation ppp
dialer pool 1
ppp authentication pap callin
ppp pap sent-username account password 7 pass
ppp ipcp dns request
ppp ipcp wins request
ppp ipcp mask request
! Dialer backup logical interface.
interface Dialer3
ip address negotiated
ip nat outside
encapsulation ppp
no ip route-cache
no ip mroute-cache
dialer pool 3
dialer idle-timeout 60
dialer string 5555102 modem-script Dialout
dialer watch-group 1
! Remote management PC IP address.
peer default ip address
no cdp enable
! Need to use your own ISP account and password.
ppp pap sent-username account password 7 pass
ppp ipcp dns request
ppp ipcp wins request
ppp ipcp mask request
! IP NAT over Dialer interface using route-map.
ip nat inside source route-map main interface Dialer1 overload
ip nat inside source route-map secondary interface Dialer3 overload
ip classless
! When primary link is up again, distance 50 will override 80 if dial backup
! has not timed out. Use multiple routes because peer IP addresses are alternated
! among them when the CPE is connected.
ip route 50
ip route 50
ip route 50
ip route 80
ip route 80
ip route 80
ip route 80
ip route 80
ip route 80
ip route Dialer1 150
no ip http server
ip pim bidir-enable
! PC IP address behind CPE.
access-list 101 permit ip any
access-list 103 permit ip any
! Watch multiple IP addresses because peers are alternated
! among them when the CPE is connected.
dialer watch-list 1 ip
dialer watch-list 1 ip
dialer watch-list 1 ip
! Dial backup will kick in if primary link is not available
! 5 minutes after CPE starts up.
dialer watch-list 1 delay route-check initial 300
dialer-list 1 protocol ip permit
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Configuring Backup Data Lines and Remote Management
Example for specifying an IP address for the ATM interface through PPP and IPCP address negotiation and dial
! Direct traffic to an interface only if the dialer is assigned an IP address.
route-map main permit 10
match ip address 101
match interface Dialer1
route-map secondary permit 10
match ip address 103
match interface Dialer3
! Change console to aux function.
line con 0
exec-timedout 0 0
modem enable
stopbits 1
line aux 0
exec-timeout 0 0
! To enable and communicate with the external modem properly.
script dialer Dialout
modem InOut
modem autoconfigure discovery
transport input all
stopbits 1
speed 115200
flowcontrol hardware
line vty 0 4
exec-timeout 0 0
password cisco
scheduler max-task-time 5000
Configuring Data Line Backup and Remote Management Through
the ISDN S/T Port
Cisco 880 series routers can use the ISDN S/T port for remote management. Figure 5: Data Line Backup
Through CPE Splitter, DSLAM, and CO Splitter, on page 150 and Figure 6: Data Line Backup Directly from
Router to ISDNSwitch, on page 151 showtwo typical network configurations that provide remote management
access and backup for the primary WAN line. In Figure 5: Data Line Backup Through CPE Splitter, DSLAM,
and COSplitter, on page 150, the dial backup link goes through a customer premises equipment (CPE) splitter,
a digital subscriber line access multiplexer (DSLAM), and a central office (CO) splitter before connecting to
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Configuring Backup Data Lines and Remote Management
Configuring Data Line Backup and Remote Management Through the ISDN S/T Port
the ISDN switch. In Figure 6: Data Line Backup Directly from Router to ISDN Switch, on page 151, the dial
backup link goes directly from the router to the ISDN switch.
Figure 5: Data Line Backup Through CPE Splitter, DSLAM, and CO Splitter
Primary DSL interface,
FE interface (Cisco 881
A Cisco 880 series router 1
Dial backup and remote
management through the
ISDN interface (ISDN
S/T port); serves as a
failover link when the
primary line goes down
ATM aggregator 3
ISDN switch 4
Provides administrator
with remote management
capability through the
ISDN interface when the
primary DSL link is
down; serves as dial-in
access to allow changes
or updates to Cisco IOS
ISDN peer router 6
Web server 7
Administrator 8
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Configuring Backup Data Lines and Remote Management
Configuring Data Line Backup and Remote Management Through the ISDN S/T Port
Figure 6: Data Line Backup Directly from Router to ISDN Switch
Primary DSL interface A PC 1
Dial backup and remote
management through the
ISDN interface (ISDN
S/T port); serves as a
failover link when the
primary line goes down
B Cisco 880 series ISR 2
Aggregator 4
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Configuring Backup Data Lines and Remote Management
Configuring Data Line Backup and Remote Management Through the ISDN S/T Port
Provides administrator
with remote management
capability through the
ISDN interface when the
primary DSL link is
down; serves as dial-in
access to allow changes
or updates to Cisco IOS
C ISDN switch 5
Web server 6
Administrator 7
To configure dial backup and remote management through the ISDN S/T port of your router, perform the
following procedures:
Configuring ISDN Settings, on page 152
Configuring Aggregator and ISDN Peer Router, on page 154
Configuring ISDN Settings
Traffic of interest must be present to activate the backup ISDN line by means of the backup interface and
floating static routes methods. Traffic of interest is not needed for the dialer watch to activate the backup
ISDN line.
To configure your router ISDNinterface for use as a backup interface, performthese steps, beginning in global
configuration mode:
1. isdn switch-type switch-type
2. interface type number
3. encapsulation encapsulation-type
4. dialer pool-member number
5. isdn switch-type switch-type
6. exit
7. interface dialer dialer-rotary-group-number
8. ip address negotiated
9. encapsulation encapsulation-type
10. dialer pool number
11. dialer string dial-string#[:isdn-subaddress]
12. dialer-group group-number
13. exit
14. dialer-list dialer-group protocol protocol-name {permit | deny | list access-list-number | access-group}
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Configuring Backup Data Lines and Remote Management
Configuring ISDN Settings
Purpose Command or Action
Specifies the ISDN switch type. isdn switch-type switch-type Step 1
Router(config)# isdn switch-type basic-net3
The example specifies a switch type used in Australia, Europe,
and the United Kingdom. For details on other supported switch
types, see the Cisco IOS Dial Technologies Command
Reference .
Enters configuration mode for the ISDN BRI. interface type number
Router(config)# interface bri 0
Step 2
Sets the BRI0 interface encapsulation type. encapsulation encapsulation-type
Router(config-if)# encapsulation ppp
Step 3
Specifies the dialer pool membership. dialer pool-member number
Router(config-if)# dialer pool-member 1
Step 4
Specifies the ISDN switch type. isdn switch-type switch-type
Router(config-if)# isdn switch-type
Step 5
Exits configuration interface mode and enters global
configuration mode.
Router(config-if)# exit
Step 6
Creates a dialer interface (numbered 0 to 255) and enters
interface configuration mode.
interface dialer dialer-rotary-group-number
Router(config)# interface dialer 0
Step 7
Specifies that the IP address for the interface is obtained
through PPP/IPCP (IP Control Protocol) address negotiation.
The IP address is obtained from the peer.
ip address negotiated
Router(config-if)# ip address negotiated
Step 8
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Configuring Backup Data Lines and Remote Management
Configuring ISDN Settings
Purpose Command or Action
Sets the encapsulation type to PPP for the interface. encapsulation encapsulation-type
Router(config-if)# encapsulation ppp
Step 9
Specifies the dialer pool to be used. dialer pool number Step 10
Router(config-if)# dialer pool 1
In the example, the dialer pool 1 setting associates the dialer
0 interface with the BRI0 interface because the BRI0 dialer
pool-member value is 1.
Specifies the telephone number to be dialed. dialer string dial-string#[:isdn-subaddress]
Router(config-if)# dialer string 384040
Step 11
Assigns the dialer interface to a dialer group (110). dialer-group group-number
Router(config-if)# dialer group 1
Step 12
Exits dialer 0 interface configuration mode, and enters global
configuration mode.
Router(config-if)# exit
Step 13
Creates a dialer list for packets of interest to be forwarded
through the specified interface dialer group.
dialer-list dialer-group protocol protocol-name
{permit | deny | list access-list-number |
Step 14
In the example, dialer-list 1 corresponds to dialer-group 1.
Router(config)# dialer-list 1 protocol ip
For details about this command and additional parameters that
can be set, see Cisco IOS Dial Technologies Command
Reference .
Configuring Aggregator and ISDN Peer Router
The ISDN peer router is any router that has an ISDN interface and can communicate through a public ISDN
network to reach your Cisco router ISDN interface. The ISDN peer router provides Internet access for your
Cisco router during the ATM network downtime.
The aggregator is typically a concentrator router where your Cisco router ATM PVC terminates. In the
following configuration example, the aggregator is configured as a PPPoE server.
! This portion of the example configures the aggregator.
vpdn enable
no vpdn logging
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Configuring Backup Data Lines and Remote Management
Configuring Aggregator and ISDN Peer Router
vpdn-group 1
protocol pppoe
virtual-template 1
interface Ethernet3
description 4700ref-1
ip address
media-type 10BaseT
interface Ethernet4
ip address
media-type 10BaseT
interface Virtual-Template1
ip address
ip mtu 1492
peer default ip address pool adsl
interface ATM0
no ip address
pvc 1/40
encapsulation aal5snap
protocol pppoe
no atm limi-keepalive
ip local pool adsl
ip classless
ip route 50
ip route
! This portion of the example configures the ISDN peer.
isdn switch-type basic-net3
interface Ethernet0
ip address
interface BRI0
description to 836-dialbackup
no ip address
encapsulation ppp
dialer pool-member 1
isdn switch-type basic-net3
interface Dialer0
ip address
encapsulation ppp
dialer pool 1
dialer string 384020
dialer-group 1
peer default ip address pool isdn
ip local pool isdn
ip http server
ip classless
ip route
ip route
dialer-list 1 protocol ip permit!
Configuring Gigabit Ethernet Failover Media
Cisco 892F routers have a Gigabit Ethernet (GE) port that supports copper connections or a small-form-factor
pluggable (SFP) port that supports fiber connections. Media can be configured for failover redundancy when
the network goes down.
To assign primary and secondary failover media on the GE-SFP port, perform these steps, beginning in global
configuration mode.
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Configuring Backup Data Lines and Remote Management
Configuring Gigabit Ethernet Failover Media
1. hostname name
2. enable secret password
3. interface gigabitethernet slot/port
4. media-type {sfp | rj45} auto-failover
5. exit
Purpose Command or Action
Specifies the name for the router. hostname name
Router(config)# hostname Router
Step 1
Specifies an encrypted password to prevent unauthorized
access to the router.
enable secret password
Router(config)# enable secret cr1ny5ho
Step 2
Enters interface configuration mode. interface gigabitethernet slot/port
Router(config)# interface gigabitethernet 0/1
Step 3
Configures the port with SFP as the primary media for
automatic failover from SFP to RJ-45.
media-type {sfp | rj45} auto-failover
Router(config-if)# media-type sfp auto-failover
Step 4
Configures the port with RJ-45 as the primary media for
automatic failover from RJ-45 to SFP.
Router(config-if)# media-type rj45 auto-failover
Exits interface configuration mode and returns to global
configuration mode.
Router(config-if)# exit
Step 5
Configuring Auto-Detect
The Auto-Detect feature is enabled if media-type is not configured. This feature automatically detects which
media is connected and links up. If both media are connected, whichever media comes up first is linked up.
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Configuring Backup Data Lines and Remote Management
Configuring Auto-Detect
The Auto-Detect feature only works with 1000 Base SFPs. This feature does not detect 100 Base SFPs. Note
To configure the Auto-Detect feature, perform the following steps, starting in global configuration mode:
1. interface gigabitethernet slot/port
2. no media-type
3. exit
Purpose Command or Action
Enters interface configuration mode. interface gigabitethernet slot/port
Router(config)# interface gigabitethernet
Step 1
Enables Auto-Detect. If a 1000Base SFP is plugged in, the speed
and duplex are set automatically to 1000 and full. Speed and duplex
no media-type
Router(config-if)# no media-type
GigabitEthernet0/1: Changing media to
Step 2
options are not available. An RJ45 connection will only work with
speed as 1000 and duplex as full. If an SFP is not plugged in, all
speeds and duplexes are available for the RJ45 media.
The Auto-Detect feature only works with 1000Base SFPs.
This feature does not detect 100Base SFPs.
You may need to update the speed and duplex
settings for this interface.
Exits interface configuration mode and returns to global
configuration mode.
Router(config-if)# exit
Step 3
Configuring Third-Party SFPs
Small Form-Factor Pluggables (SFPs) that are not Cisco certified are called third-party SFPs. Cisco approved
means the SFPs have undergone rigorous testing with Cisco products and the SFPs are guaranteed to have
100% compatibility.
Third-party SFPs are manufactured by companies that are not on the Cisco-approved Vendor List (AVL).
Currently, Cisco ISR G2 routers support only Cisco-approved SFPs. From Release 15.3(2)T, Cisco ISR G2
routers recognize third-party SFPs.
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Configuring Backup Data Lines and Remote Management
Configuring Third-Party SFPs
Cisco does not provide any kind of support for the third-party SFPs because they are not validated by
Note Supports only 100BASE SFPs and 1000BASE SFPs under two speed configurations:
100 Mbps speed for 100BASE SFPs
1000 Mbps speed for 1000BASE SFPs
Only the following routers and modules support third-party SFPs:
Cisco 2921 Integrated Services Router
Cisco 2951 Integrated Services Router
Cisco 3900 Integrated Services Router
Cisco 3900E Series Integrated Services Routers
Cisco 892-F Gigabit Ethernet Security Router
Cisco 898-EA Gigabit Ethernet Security Router
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. service unsupported-transceiver
4. interface type slot/subslot/port number
5. media-type sfp
6. speed value
7. shutdown
8. no shutdown
9. exit
Purpose Command or Action
Enables the privileged EXEC mode. enable Step 1
Router> enable
Enter your password if prompted.
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Configuring Backup Data Lines and Remote Management
Configuring Third-Party SFPs
Purpose Command or Action
Enters the global configuration mode. configure terminal
Router# configure terminal
Step 2
Enables third-party SFP support. service unsupported-transceiver
Router(config)# service
Step 3
Selects an interface to configure. interface type slot/subslot/port number
Router(config)# interface ethernet 0/3/0
Step 4
Changes media type to SFP. media-type sfp
Router(config-if)# media-type sfp
Step 5
Configures the speed of the interface. speed value Step 6
Router(config-if)# speed 100
For 100BASE SFPs, configure the speed to 100
Mbps only. Similarly, for 1000BASE SFPs,
configure the speed to 1000 Mbps only.
Disables the interface, changing its state fromadministratively
UP to administratively DOWN.
Router(config-if)# shutdown
Step 7
Enables the interface, changing its state fromadministratively
DOWN to administratively UP.
no shutdown
Router(config-if)# no shutdown
Step 8
Exits the configuration mode and returns the global
configuration mode.
Router(config-if)# exit
Step 9
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Configuring Backup Data Lines and Remote Management
Configuring Third-Party SFPs
Example for Configuring Third-Party SFPs
This example shows how to configure a third-party SFP on a Cisco ISR G2 Series Router:
Router# configure terminal
Router(config-if)# service unsupported-transceiver
Router(config)# interface ethernet 0/3/0
Router(config-if)# media-type sfp
Router(config-if)# speed 100
Router(config-if)# shutdown
Router(config-if)# no shutdown
Router(config-if)# exit
Router(config)# exit
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Configuring Backup Data Lines and Remote Management
Example for Configuring Third-Party SFPs
Configuring Ethernet Switches
This chapter gives an overview of configuration tasks for the following:
4-port Fast Ethernet (FE) switch on the Cisco 860, 880, and 890 integrated service routers (ISRs)
Gigabit Ethernet (GE) switch on the Cisco 860VAE-K9
Gigabit Ethernet (GE) switch that services the embedded wireless access point on the Cisco 860 and
Cisco 880 series ISRs.
The FE switches are 10/100Base T Layer 2 Fast Ethernet switches. The GE switch is a 1000Base T Layer
2 Gigabit Ethernet switch. Traffic between different VLANs on a switch is routed through the router platform
with the switched virtual interface (SVI).
Any switch port may be configured as a trunking port to connect to other Cisco Ethernet switches. An optional
power module can be added to Cisco 880 series ISRs to provide inline power to two of the FE ports for IP
telephones or external access points.
This chapter contains the following sections:
Switch Port Numbering and Naming, page 161
Restrictions for the FE Switch, page 162
Ethernet Switches, page 162
Overview of SNMP MIBs, page 164
Configuring Ethernet Switches, page 165
Switch Port Numbering and Naming
The ports for Cisco 860, 880, and 890 ISRs are numbered as follows:
The ports on the FE switch for the Cisco 860, 880, and 890 ISRs are numbered FE0 through FE3.
The port on the GE switch for the 860VAE-K9 is numbered GE0.
The port on the GE switch that services the embedded wireless access point on the Cisco 860 and Cisco
880 series ISRs is named and numbered Wlan-GigabitEthernet0.
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Restrictions for the FE Switch
The following restrictions apply to the FE switch:
Ports of an FE switch must not be connected to any Fast Ethernet onboard port of the router.
On Cisco 880 series ISRs, inline power is supported only on FE switch ports FE0 and FE1. Inline power
is not supported on Cisco 860 series ISRs.
VTP pruning is not supported.
FE switch can support up to 200 secure MAC addresses.
Ethernet Switches
To configure Ethernet switches, you should understand the following concepts:
VLANs and VLAN Trunk Protocol
For information on the concepts of VLANs and VLAN Trunk Protocol (VTP), see:
Inline Power
Inline power is not supported on the Cisco 860 series ISRs. On the Cisco 880 series ISRs, inline power can
be supplied to Cisco IP phones or external access points on FE switch ports FE0 and FE1.
A detection mechanism on the FE switch determines whether it is connected to a Cisco device. If the switch
senses that there is no power on the circuit, the switch supplies the power. If there is power on the circuit, the
switch does not supply it.
You can configure the switch to never supply power to the Cisco device and to disable the detection mechanism.
The FE switch also provides support for powered devices compliant with IEEE 802.3af.
Layer 2 Ethernet Switching
For information on Layer 2 Ethernet Switching, see:
802.1x Authentication
For information on 802.1x Authentication, see:
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Configuring Ethernet Switches
Restrictions for the FE Switch
The authentication command under switch trunk interface mode is enabled for the NEAT feature. This
is available with Cisco IOS Release 15.2T.
Spanning Tree Protocol
For information on Spanning Tree Protocol, see:
Cisco Discovery Protocol
Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP) runs over Layer 2 (the data link layer) on all Cisco routers, bridges, access
servers, and switches. CDP allows network management applications to discover Cisco devices that are
neighbors of already known devices, in particular, neighbors running lower-layer, transparent protocols. With
CDP, network management applications can learn the device type and the SNMP agent address of neighboring
devices. This feature enables applications to send SNMP queries to neighboring devices.
CDP runs on all LANand WANmedia that support Subnetwork Access Protocol (SNAP). Each CDP-configured
device sends periodic messages to a multicast address. Each device advertises at least one address at which
it can receive SNMP messages. The advertisements also contain the time-to-live, or hold-time information,
which indicates the length of time a receiving device should hold CDP information before discarding it.
Switched Port Analyzer
For information on Switched Port Analyzer, see:
IGMP Snooping
For information on IGMP Snooping, see:
IGMP Version 3
The Cisco 880 series ISRs support Version 3 of IGMP snooping.
IGMPv3 provides support for source filtering, which enables a multicast receiver host to signal to a router
from which groups the receiver host is to receive multicast traffic, and from which sources this traffic is
expected. Enabling the IGMPv3 feature with IGMP snooping on Cisco ISRs provides Basic IGMPv3 Snooping
Support (BISS). BISS provides constrained flooding of multicast traffic in the presence of IGMPv3 hosts.
This support constrains traffic to approximately the same set of ports as IGMPv2 snooping does with IGMPv2
hosts. The constrained flooding only considers the destination multicast address.
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Configuring Ethernet Switches
Spanning Tree Protocol
Storm Control
For information on storm control, see:
Overview of SNMP MIBs
Simple Management Network Protocol (SNMP) development and use is centered around the MIB. An SNMP
MIB is an abstract database and it is a conceptual specification for information that a management application
may read and modify in a certain form. This does not imply that the information is kept in the managed system
in that same form. The SNMP agent translates between the internal data structures and formats of the managed
system and the external data structures and formats defined for the MIB.
The SNMP MIB is conceptually a tree structure with conceptual tables. Cisco Layer 2 Switching Interface
MIB is discussed in more detail in BRIDGE-MIB for Layer 2 Ethernet Switching , on page 164. Relative to
this tree structure, the term MIB is used in two ways. One definitions of MIB is, it is actually a MIB branch,
usually containing information for a single aspect of technology, such as a transmission medium or a routing
protocol. A MIB used in this sense is more accurately called a MIB module, and is usually defined in a single
document. The other definition of a MIB is a collection of such branches. Such a collection might comprise,
for example, all the MIB modules implemented by a given agent, or the entire collection of MIB modules
defined for SNMP.
A MIB is a tree where the leaves are individual items of data called objects. An object may be, for example,
a counter or a protocol status. MIB objects are also sometimes called variables.
BRIDGE-MIB for Layer 2 Ethernet Switching
The Layer 2 Ethernet Switching Interface BRIDGE-MIBis supported in the Cisco 887, 880, and 890 platforms.
The BRIDGE-MIB enables the user to know the Media Access Control (MAC) addresses and spanning tree
information of the Ethernet switch modules. The user can query the MIB agent using the SNMP protocol and
get the details of Ethernet switch modules, such as MAC addresses, of each interface and spanning protocol
The Bridge-MIB uses the following approaches to get the Layer 2 BRIDGE-MIB information:
Community-string-based approach
Context-based approach
In the community string based approach, one community string is created for each VLAN. Based on the query,
the respective VLAN MIB is displayed.
To get the BRIDGE-MIB details, use the snmp-server community public RW command in the configuration
Router(config)# snmp-server community public RW
Use the following syntax to query the SNMP BRIDGE-MIB details:
snmpwalk -v2c <ip address of the ISR, ...> public .
snmpwalk -v2c <ip address of the ISR, ...> public@2 .
snmpwalk -v2c <ip address of the ISR, ...> public@3 .
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Configuring Ethernet Switches
Storm Control
When you create a VLAN x, the logical entity public@x is added. If you query with public community,
the Layer 3 MIBis displayed. When you query with public@x, the Layer 2 MIBfor VLANx is displayed.
In the context based approach, the SNMP context mapping commands are used to display the values for Layer
2 interfaces. Each VLAN is mapped to a context. When the user queries with a context, the MIB displays the
data for that specific VLAN, which is mapped to the context. In this approach, each VLANis manually mapped
to a context.
To get the BRIDGE-MIB details, use the following commands in the configuration mode:
Router(config)# Routersnmp-server group public v2c context bridge-group
Router(config)# snmp-server community public RW
Router(config)# snmp-server community private RW
Router(config)# snmp-server context bridge-group
Router(config)# snmp mib community-map public context bridge-group
Use the following syntax to query the SNMP BRIDGE-MIB details.
snmpwalk -v2c <ip address of the ISR, ...> public@1 . ?L2-MIB
snmpwalk -v2c <ip address of the ISR, ...> private .
When you query with the public community, the Layer 2 MIB is displayed. Use a private group for Layer
3 MIB.
For more details to configure and retrieve the BRIDGE-MIB details, see: shtml#brgmib
MAC Address Notification
MAC address notification enables you to track users on a network by storing the MAC address activity on
the switch. Whenever the switch learns or removes a MAC address, an SNMP notification can be generated
and sent to the NMS. If you have many users coming and going from the network, you can set a trap interval
time to bundle the notification traps and reduce network traffic. The MAC notification history table stores the
MAC address activity for each hardware port for which the trap is enabled. MAC address notifications are
generated for dynamic and secure MAC addresses; events are not generated for self addresses, multicast
addresses, or other static addresses.
For more details to configure MAC address notification, see: configuration/
Configuring Ethernet Switches
See the following sections for configuration tasks for Ethernet switches:
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Configuring Ethernet Switches
MAC Address Notification
Configuring VLANs
This section provides information on howto configure VLANs. The Cisco 860 series ISRs support two VLANs
and the 860VAE series ISRs support five VLANs.The Cisco 880 series ISRs support eight VLANs.
Cisco 866VAE-K9 and 867VAE-K9 routers have four Fast Ethernet (FE) switching ports and one Gigabit
Ethernet (GE) switching port.
VLANs on the FE and GE Switch Ports
To configure VLANs, perform these steps, beginning in configuration mode.
1. interface type number
2. shutdown
3. switchport access vlan vlan_id
4. no shutdown
5. end
Purpose Command or Action
Selects the Fast Ethernet port to configure. interface type number
Router(config)# Interface fastethernet0
Step 1
(Optional) Shuts down the interface to prevent traffic flow
until configuration is complete.
Router(config-if)# shutdown
Step 2
Creates instances of additional VLANs. Allowable values of
vlan_id are 2 to 4094, except for reserved values of 1002 to
switchport access vlan vlan_id
Router(config-if)# switchport access vlan 2
Step 3
Enables the interface, changing its state fromadministratively
down to administratively up.
no shutdown
Router(config-if)# no shutdown
Step 4
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Configuring Ethernet Switches
Configuring VLANs
Purpose Command or Action
Exits configuration mode. end
Router(config-if)# end
Step 5
What to Do Next
For additional information, see the information at the following URL: layer2.html
VLANs on the GE Port and GE ESW Port of Wireless APs
Because the GE port is an internal interface that services only the embedded access point of the router, it
cannot be configured only with the switchport access vlan X command, where X is other than 1. It may,
however, be configured in trunk mode. This may be done by performing the following steps, beginning in
global configuration mode.
1. interface type number
2. switchport mode trunk
3. switchport access vlan vlan_id
Purpose Command or Action
Selects the Gigabit Ethernet port to configure. interface type number
Router(config)# Interface gigabitethernet0
Step 1
Places the port in trunk mode. switchport mode trunk
Router(config-if)# switchport mode trunk
Step 2
(Optional) Once the port is in trunk mode, it may be
assigned a VLAN number other than 1.
switchport access vlan vlan_id
Router(config-if)# switchport access vlan 2
Step 3
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Configuring Ethernet Switches
Configuring VLANs
Configuring Layer 2 Interfaces
For information on how to configure Layer 2 interfaces, see the following URL:
The URL contains information on the following topics:
Configuring a range of interfaces
Defining a range macro
Configuring Layer 2 optional interface features
Configuring 802.1x Authentication
For information on how to configure 802.1x port-based authentication, see:
The document contains information on the following topics:
Understanding the default 802.1x configuration
Enabling 802.1x authentication
Configuring the switch-to-RADIUS-server comunication
Enabling periodic reauthentication
Changing the quiet period
Changing the switch-to-client retransmission time
Setting the switch-to-client frame-retransmission number
Enabling multiple hosts
Resetting the 802.1x configuration to default values
Displaying 802.1x statistics and status
Configuring Spanning Tree Protocol
For information on how to configure Spanning Tree Protocol, see:
The document contains information on the following topics:
Enabling spanning tree
Configuring spanning tree port priority
Configuring spanning tree port cost
Configuring the bridge priority of a VLAN
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168 OL-31704-02
Configuring Ethernet Switches
Configuring Layer 2 Interfaces
Configuring the Hello Time
Configuring the forward-delay time for a VLAN
Configuring the maximum aging time for a VLAN
Disabling spanning tree
Configuring MAC Table Manipulation
For information on how to configure MAC table manipulation, see:
The document contains information on the following topics:
Enabling known MAC address traffic
Creating a static entry in the MAC address table
Configuring the aging timer
Verifying the aging time
Port Security
The topic of enabling known MAC address traffic deals with port security. Port security can be either static
or dynamic.
Static port security allows the user to specify which devices are allowed access through a given switch port.
The specification is done manually by placing allowed device MAC addresses in the MAC address table.
Static port security is also known as MAC address filtering.
Dynamic port security is similar. However, instead of specifying the MAC address of the devices, the user
specifies the maximum number of devices that is allowed on the port. If the maximum number specified is
more than the number of MACaddresses specified manually, the switch learns the MACaddress automatically,
up to the maximum specified. If the maximum number specified is less than the number of MAC addresess
already specified statically, an error message is produced.
The following command is used to specify static or dynamic port security.
Purpose Command
mac-address enables static port security. The
maximum keyword enables dynamic port security.
Router(config)# mac-address-table secure
[mac-address | maximum maximum addresses]
fastethernet interface-id [vlan vlan id]
Configuring Cisco Discovery Protocol
For information on how to configure Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP), see:
The document contains information on the following topics:
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OL-31704-02 169
Configuring Ethernet Switches
Configuring MAC Table Manipulation
Enabling CDP
Enabling CDP on an interface
Monitoring and maintaining CDP
Configuring the Switched Port Analyzer
For information on how to configure a switched port analyzer (SPAN) session, see:
The document contains information on the following topics:
Configuring the SPAN sources
Configuring SPAN destinations
Verifying SPAN sessions
Removing sources or destinations from a SPAN session
Configuring Power Management on the Interface
For information on how to configure inline power for access points or Cisco IP phones, see:
Configuring IP Multicast Layer 3 Switching
For information on how to configure IP multicast Layer 3 switching, see:
The document contains information on the following topics:
Enabling IP multicast routing globally
Enabling IP protocol-independent multicast (PIM) on Layer 3 interfaces
Verifying IP multicast Layer 3 hardware switching summary
Verifying the IP multicast routing table
Configuring IGMP Snooping
For information on how to configure IGMP snooping, see:
The document contains information on the following topics:
Enabling or disabling IGMP snooping
Enabling IGMP immediate-leave processing
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170 OL-31704-02
Configuring Ethernet Switches
Configuring the Switched Port Analyzer
Statically configuring an interface to join a group
Configuring a multicast router port
IGMP Version 3
In support of the IGMPv3 feature in Cisco IOS Release 12.4(15)T, the groups and count keywords were
added to the show ip igmp snooping command, and the output of the show ip igmp snooping command was
modified to include global information about IGMP snooping groups. Use the show ip igmp snooping
command with the groups keyword to display the multicast table learned by IGMP snooping for all VLANs,
or the show ip igmp snooping command with the groups keyword, vlan-id keyword, and vlan-id argument
to display the multicast table learned by IGMP snooping for a specific VLAN. Use the showip igmp snooping
command with the groups and count keywords to display the number of multicast groups learned by IGMP
Configuring Per-Port Storm Control
For information on how to configure per-port storm control, see:
The document contains information on the following topics:
Enabling per-port storm-control
Disabling per-port storm-control
Configuring Separate Voice and Data Subnets
For information on how to configure separate voice and data subnets, see:
Managing the Switch
For information on management of the switch, see:
The document contains information on the following topics:
Adding Trap Managers
Configuring IP Information
Enabling Switch Port Analyzer
Managing the ARP Table
Managing the MAC Address Tables
Removing Dynamic Addresses
Adding Secure Addresses
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Configuring Ethernet Switches
Configuring Per-Port Storm Control
Configuring Static Addresses
Clearing all MAC Address Tables
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Configuring Ethernet Switches
Managing the Switch
Configuring Voice Functionality
This chapter provides information about configuring voice functionality on the Cisco 880 Series Integrated
Services Routers (ISRs). The following ISRs have voice gateway capability:
C881SRST and C888SRST: 4 FXS ports and 1 voice backup port
The C881SRST ISR has an FXO voice backup port.
The C888SRST ISR has a BRI voice backup port.
C881-V has 4FXS ports, 2 BRI ports, and 1 backup FXO port
C887VA-V and C887VA-V-W has 4FXS ports and 2 BRI ports.
Voice Ports, page 173
Call Control Protocols, page 174
Dial Peer Configuration, page 175
Other Voice Features, page 175
Fax Services, page 177
Unified Survival Remote Site Telephony, page 177
Verification of Voice Configuration, page 178
Voice Ports
Analog voice ports (Foreign Exchange Station (FXS) ports) connect routers in packet-based networks to
2-wire or 4-wire analog circuits in telephony networks. Two-wire circuits connect to analog telephone or fax
devices, and four-wire circuits connect to PBXs.
Digital voice ports are ISDN basic rate interface (BRI) ports.
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Analog and Digital Voice Port Assignments
Analog and digital voice port assignments vary by model number. Table 22: Voice Port Assignments for
Cisco 880 series ISRs, on page 174 lists the Cisco 880 series ISRs and their voice port assignments.
Table 22: Voice Port Assignments for Cisco 880 series ISRs
Voice Backup Port
Analog (FXS) Port
Digital (BRI) Port
Model Number
4 (FXO port) 03 C881SRST
4 (BRI port) 03 C888SRST
1 (FXO port) 4 2 C881-V
4 2 C887VA-V
4 2 C887VA-V-W
Voice Port Configuration
To configure analog and digital voice ports, see the following documents:
Configuring Analog Voice Ports
Basic ISDN Voice Interface Configuration
Call Control Protocols
Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) is a peer-to-peer, multimedia signaling protocol developed in the IETF (IETF
RFC2543). Session Initiation Protocol is ASCII-based. It resembles HTTP, and it reuses existing IP protocols
(such as DNS and SDP) to provide media setup and teardown. See the Cisco IOS SIP Configuration Guide
for more information.
For router configuration information under SIP, see the Basic SIP Configuration chapter of the Cisco IOS
SIP Configuration Guide, Release 12.4T.
Cisco 880 Series ISR voice gateways provide voice security through SIP enhancements within the Cisco IOS
Firewall. SIP inspect functionality (SIP packet inspection and detection of pin-hole openings) is provided, as
well as protocol conformance and application security. The user is given more granular control on the policies
and security checks applied to SIP traffic, and capability to filter out unwanted messages. For more information,
see Cisco IOS Firewall: SIP Enhancements: ALG and AIC.
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Configuring Voice Functionality
Analog and Digital Voice Port Assignments
Media Gateway Control Protocol (MGCP) RFC2705 defines a centralized architecture for creating multimedia
applications, including Voice over IP (VoIP). See the Cisco IOS MGCP and Related Protocols Configuration
Guide for more information.
Cisco 880 series voice gateway ISRs are configured primarily as residential gateways (RGWs) under MGCP.
For residential gateway configuration information, see the Configuring an RGW section of the Basic MGCP
Configuration chapter of the Cisco IOS MGCP and Related Protocols Configuration Guide.
International Telecommunications Union Recommendation H.323 defines a distributed architecture for creating
multimedia applications, including Voice over IP.
For router configuration information, see the Configuring H.323 Gateways chapter of the Cisco IOS H.323
Configuration Guide, Release 12.4T.
Dial Peer Configuration
Configuring dial peers is the key to implementing dial plans and providing voice services over an IP packet
network. Dial peers are used to identify call source and destination endpoints and to define the characteristics
applied to each call leg in the call connection. For router configuration information, see Dial Peer Configuration
on Voice Gateway Routers.
Other Voice Features
Real-Time Transport Protocols
Real-Time Transport Protocol (RTP) provides end-to-end network transport functions for applications that
transmit real-time data.
Cisco Real-Time Transport Protocol (cRTP) uses the RTP protocol to forward Cisco-proprietary payload
Secure Real-Time Transport Protocol (SRTP) defines an RTP profile providing encryption, authentication,
and replay protection.
RTP is used primarily with DTMF relay and is configured under dial peer configuration. For information on
configuring RTP payload types, see the Dual-Tone Multifrequency Relay section of Dial Peer Configuration
on Voice Gateway Routers.
For information on configuring SRTP on SIP-controlled platforms, see the Configuring SIP Support for SRTP
chapter of the Cisco IOS SIP Configuration Guide, Release 4T.
For configuring RTP on MGCP-controlled platforms, see the Configuring an RGWsection of the Basic MGCP
Configuration chapter of the Cisco IOS MGCP and Related Protocols Configuration Guide.
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Configuring Voice Functionality
Dual Tone Multi Frequency Relay
Using Dial Tone Multi Frequency (DTMF) Relay the local VoIP gateway listens for DTMF digits and sends
the digits uncompressed as either RTP packets or H.245 packets to the remote VoIP gateway. The remote
VoIP gateway regenerates the DTMF digits. This methodology prevents digit loss due to compression. For
information on configuring DTMF Relay, see the Dual-Tone Multifrequency Relay section of Dial Peer
Configuration on Voice Gateway Routers.
For information on configuring DTMF that is specific to call control protocols, see the following:
Configuring SIP DTMF Features
Configuring DTMF Relay (H.323)
Configuring Global MGCP Parameters
The following CODECs are supported by the Cisco 880 series voice gateway routers.
G.711 (a-law and mu-law)
G.729, G.729A, G.729B, G.729AB
For information on CODECs, see the following:
Dial Peer Configuration Examples appendix of Dial Peer Configuration on Voice Gateway Routers.
Cisco IOS SIP Configuration Guide, Release 4T
Cisco IOS H.323 Configuration Guide
SCCP-Controlled Analog Ports with Supplementary Features
Cisco 880 series voice gateway ISRs support the Cisco Skinny Client Control Protocol (SCCP) that supplies
supplementary features on analog voice ports that are controlled by Cisco Unified Communications Manager
or by a Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express system. Supported features include:
Audible message waiting indication
Call forwarding options
Call park/pickup options
Call transfer
Call waiting
Caller ID
3-party conference calls
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Configuring Voice Functionality
Dual Tone Multi Frequency Relay
Speed dial options
For more information on the features supported and their configuration, see SCCP Controlled Analog (FXS)
Ports with Supplementary Features in Cisco IOS Gateways .
Fax Services
The Cisco 880 series voice gateway ISRs support the following fax services:
Fax Pass-Through
Fax Pass-Through is the simplest way of transmitting faxes over IP, although it is not as reliable as Cisco Fax
Relay. See the Configuring Fax Pass-Through chapter of the Cisco IOS Fax, Modem, and Text Services over
IP Configuration Guide for more information.
Cisco Fax Relay
Cisco Fax Relay is a Cisco proprietary fax method that is turned on by default. Cisco Fax Relay allows the
relay of a T.30 modulated signal across IP gateways in real-time on H.323 or SIP networks. See the Configuring
Cisco Fax Relay chapter of the Cisco IOS Fax, Modem, and Text Services over IP Configuration Guide for
more information.
T.37 Store-and-Forward Fax
The T.37 Store-and-Forward Fax mechanism allows a gateway to store and forward fax messages on H.323
or SIP networks. See the Configuring T.37 Store-and-Forward Fax chapter of the Cisco IOS Fax, Modem,
and Text Services over IP Configuration Guide for more information.
T.38 Fax Relay
The T.38 Fax Relay provides an ITU-standard mechanismfor real-time relay of fax signals. Gateway-controlled
T.38 Fax Relay is available on MGCP networks. See the Configuring T.38 Fax Relay chapter of the Cisco
IOS Fax, Modem, and Text Services over IP Configuration Guide for more information.
Unified Survival Remote Site Telephony
Cisco 880 Series voice gateway ISRs with Unified Survival Remote Site Telephony (SRST) include the
Cisco C881SRST
Cisco C888SRST
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Configuring Voice Functionality
Fax Services
Unified SRST automatically detects a failure in the network and initializes the process of auto configuring
the router. Unified SRST provides redundancy for the IP and FXS phones to ensure that the telephone system
remains operational.
All the IP phones and analog phones connected to a telecommuter site are controlled by the headquarters
office call control system, which uses Cisco Unified Communications Manager. During a WAN failure, the
telecommuter router allows all the phones to reregister to the headquarter in SRST mode, allowing all inbound
and outbound dialing to be routed off to the PSTN(on a backup Foreign Exchange Office (FXO) or BRI port).
Upon restoration of WAN connectivity, the systemautomatically returns communication to the primary Cisco
Unified Communications Manager cluster.
Direct Inward Dialing (DID) is supported on the Cisco 880 series SRST voice gateway ISRs.
For general Unified SRST information, see the Cisco Unified SRST System Administrator Guide. Cisco
Unified SRST is described in the Overview chapter.
For information on how the H.323 and MGCP call control protocols relate to SRST, see the following
sections of the Overview chapter in the Cisco Unified SRST System Administrator Guide.
For SIP-specific SRST information, see the Cisco Unified SRST System Administrator Guide. To configure
SIP SRST features, see the 4.1 Features chapter.
Verification of Voice Configuration
Use the following procedures to verify voice port configurations:
Verifying Analog and Digital Voice-Port Configurations
Cisco IOS Voice Port Configuration Guide, Verify BRI Interfaces
To verify, monitor, and maintain SRST, see Monitoring and Maintaining Cisco Unified SRST.
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Configuring Voice Functionality
Verification of Voice Configuration
Configuring the Serial Interface
This chapter describes configuring serial interface management.
Configuring the Serial Interface, page 179
Legacy Protocol Transport, page 180
Configuring Serial Interfaces, page 181
Configuring Serial Interfaces, page 184
Configuring the Serial Interface
The Cisco 819 Integrated Services Router (ISR) supports synchronous by default and asynchronous serial
interface protocols.
Configuring the serial interface in the Cisco 819 ISR allows you to enable applications such as WAN access,
legacy protocol transport, console server, and dial access server. It also allows remote network management,
external dial-modem access, low-density WAN aggregation, legacy protocol transport, and high port-density
Serial interfaces enables the following features:
WAN access and aggregation
Legacy protocol transport
Dial access server
Serial interfaces can be used to provide WAN access for remote sites. With support for serial speeds up to 8
Mbps, it is ideal for low- and medium-density WAN aggregation.
Figure 7: WAN Concentration
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Legacy Protocol Transport
Serial and synchronous/asynchronous ports are ideally suited to transport legacy traffic across a TCP/IP
network, facilitating network convergence. Legacy protocols supported by Cisco IOSR Software include:
Synchronous Data Link Control (SDLC) Protocol
Binary Synchronous Communications Protocol (Bisync)
X.25 Protocol
Figure 8: Network Convergence
The Cisco 819 series ISRs use Cisco Smart Serial connectors. The supported cables are noted in the table
Table 23: Smart Serial Cabling for Cisco 819 ISRs
Connector Type Length Cable Type Product Number
Male 10 ft (3m) V.35 DTE CAB-SS-V35MT
Female 10 ft (3m) V.35 DCE CAB-SS-V35FC 10 ft
(3m) Female
Male 10 ft (3m) EIA/TIA-232 DTE CAB-SS-232MT
Female 10 ft (3m) EIA/TIA-232 DTE CAB-SS-232FC
Male 10 ft (3m) EIA/TIA-449 DTE CAB-SS-449MT
Female 10 ft (3m) EIA/TIA-449 DTE CAB-SS-449FC
Male 10 ft (3m) X.21 DTE CAB-SS-X21MT
Female 10 ft (3m) X.21 DTE CAB-SS-X21FC
Male 10 ft (3m) EIA/TIA-530 DTE CAB-SS-530MT
Male 10 ft (3m) EIA/TIA-232 DTE CAB-SS-530AMT
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Configuring the Serial Interface
Legacy Protocol Transport
Configuring Serial Interfaces
When the router receives an indication that the primary interface is down, the backup interface becomes
enabled. After the primary connection has been restored for a specified period, the backup interface is disabled.
Even if the backup interface comes out of standby mode, the router does not enable the backup interface unless
the router receives the traffic specified for that backup interface.
To configure serial interfaces, you must understand the following concept:
Cisco HDLC Encapsulation
Cisco High-Level Data Link Controller (HDLC) is the Cisco proprietary protocol for sending data over
synchronous serial links using HDLC. Cisco HDLC also provides a simple control protocol called Serial Line
Address Resolution Protocol (SLARP) to maintain serial link keepalives. Cisco HDLC is the default for data
encapsulation at Layer 2 (data link) of the Open System Interconnection (OSI) stack for efficient packet
delineation and error control.
Cisco HDLC is the default encapsulation type for the serial interfaces. Note
When the encapsulation on a serial interface is changed from HDLC to any other encapsulation type, the
configured serial subinterfaces on the main interface inherit the newly changed encapsulation and they do not
get deleted.
Cisco HDLC uses keepalives to monitor the link state, as described in the Keepalive Timer, on page 183.
PPP Encapsulation
PPP is a standard protocol used to send data over synchronous serial links. PPP also provides a Link Control
Protocol (LCP) for negotiating properties of the link. LCP uses echo requests and responses to monitor the
continuing availability of the link.
When an interface is configured with PPP encapsulation, a link is declared down and full LCP negotiation
is re-initiated after five echo request (ECHOREQ) packets are sent without receiving an echo response
PPP provides the following Network Control Protocols (NCPs) for negotiating properties of data protocols
that will run on the link:
IP Control Protocol (IPCP) to negotiate IP properties
Multiprotocol Label Switching control processor (MPLSCP) to negotiate MPLS properties
Cisco Discovery Protocol control processor (CDPCP) to negotiate CDP properties
IPv6CP to negotiate IP Version 6 (IPv6) properties
Open Systems Interconnection control processor (OSICP) to negotiate OSI properties
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Configuring the Serial Interface
Configuring Serial Interfaces
PPP uses keepalives to monitor the link state, as described in the Keepalive Timer, on page 183.
PPP supports the following authentication protocols, which require a remote device to prove its identity before
allowing data traffic to flow over a connection:
Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP)CHAP authentication sends a challenge message
to the remote device. The remote device encrypts the challenge value with a shared secret and returns
the encrypted value and its name to the local router in a response message. The local router attempts to
match the remote devices name with an associated secret stored in the local username or remote security
server database; it uses the stored secret to encrypt the original challenge and verify that the encrypted
values match.
Microsoft Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (MS-CHAP)MS-CHAP is the Microsoft
version of CHAP. Like the standard version of CHAP, MS-CHAP is used for PPP authentication; in
this case, authentication occurs between a personal computer using Microsoft Windows NTor Microsoft
Windows 95 and a Cisco router or access server acting as a network access server.
Password Authentication Protocol (PAP)PAP authentication requires the remote device to send a
name and a password, which are checked against a matching entry in the local username database or in
the remote security server database.
Use the ppp authentication command in interface configuration mode to enable CHAP, MS-CHAP, and
PAP on a serial interface.
Enabling or disabling PPP authentication does not effect the local routers willingness to authenticate itself
to the remote device.
Multilink PPP
Multilink Point-to-Point Protocol (MLPPP) is supported on the Cisco 819 ISRserial interface. MLPPP provides
a method for combining multiple physical links into one logical link. The implementation of MLPPP combines
multiple PPP serial interfaces into one multilink interface. MLPPP performs the fragmenting, reassembling,
and sequencing of datagrams across multiple PPP links.
MLPPP provides the same features that are supported on PPP Serial interfaces with the exception of QoS. It
also provides the following additional features:
Fragment sizes of 128, 256, and 512 bytes
Long sequence numbers (24-bit)
Lost fragment detection timeout period of 80 ms
Minimum-active-links configuration option
LCP echo request/reply support over multilink interface
Full T1 and E1 framed and unframed links
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Configuring the Serial Interface
PPP Encapsulation
Keepalive Timer
Cisco keepalives are useful for monitoring the link state. Periodic keepalives are sent to and received from
the peer at a frequency determined by the value of the keepalive timer. If an acceptable keepalive response is
not received from the peer, the link makes the transition to the down state. As soon as an acceptable keepalive
response is obtained from the peer or if keepalives are disabled, the link makes the transition to the up state.
The keepalive command applies to serial interfaces using HDLC or PPP encapsulation. It does not apply
to serial interfaces using Frame Relay encapsulation.
For each encapsulation type, a certain number of keepalives ignored by a peer triggers the serial interface to
transition to the down state. For HDLC encapsulation, three ignored keepalives causes the interface to be
brought down. For PPP encapsulation, five ignored keepalives causes the interface to be brought down.
ECHOREQ packets are sent out only when LCP negotiation is complete (for example, when LCP is open).
Use the keepalive command in interface configuration mode to set the frequency at which LCP sends
ECHOREQ packets to its peer. To restore the system to the default keepalive interval of 10 seconds, use the
keepalive command with the no keyword. To disable keepalives, use the keepalive disable command. For
both PPP and Cisco HDLC, a keepalive of 0 disables keepalives and is reported in the show running-config
command output as keepalive disable.
When LCP is running on the peer and receives an ECHOREQ packet, it responds with an ECHOREP packet,
regardless of whether keepalives are enabled on the peer.
Keepalives are independent between the two peers. One peer end can have keepalives enabled; the other end
can have them disabled. Even if keepalives are disabled locally, LCP still responds with ECHOREP packets
to the ECHOREQ packets it receives. Similarly, LCP also works if the period of keepalives at each end is
Frame Relay Encapsulation
When Frame Relay encapsulation is enabled on a serial interface, the interface configuration is hierarchical
and comprises the following elements:
The serial main interface comprises the physical interface and port. If you are not using the serial interface
to support Cisco HDLC and PPP encapsulated connections, then you must configure subinterfaces with
permanent virtual circuits (PVCs) under the serial main interface. Frame Relay connections are supported
on PVCs only.
Serial subinterfaces are configured under the serial main interface. Aserial subinterface does not actively
carry traffic until you configure a PVC under the serial subinterface. Layer 3 configuration typically
takes place on the subinterface.
When the encapsulation on a serial interface is changed from HDLC to any other encapsulation type,
the configured serial subinterfaces on the main interface inherit the newly changed encapsulation and
they do not get deleted.
Point-to-point PVCs are configured under a serial subinterface. You cannot configure a PVC directly
under a main interface. A single point-to-point PVC is allowed per subinterface. PVCs use a predefined
circuit path and fail if the path is interrupted. PVCs remain active until the circuit is removed from either
configuration. Connections on the serial PVC support Frame Relay encapsulation only.
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Configuring the Serial Interface
Keepalive Timer
The administrative state of a parent interface drives the state of the subinterface and its PVC. When the
administrative state of a parent interface or subinterface changes, so does the administrative state of any
child PVC configured under that parent interface or subinterface.
To configure Frame Relay encapsulation on serial interfaces, use the encapsulation (Frame Relay VC-bundle)
Frame Relay interfaces support two types of encapsulated frames:
Cisco (default)
Use the encap command in PVC configuration mode to configure Cisco or IETF encapsulation on a PVC. If
the encapsulation type is not configured explicitly for a PVC, then that PVC inherits the encapsulation type
from the main serial interface.
Cisco encapsulation is required on serial main interfaces that are configured for MPLS. IETF encapsulation
is not supported for MPLS.
Before you configure Frame Relay encapsulation on an interface, you must verify that all prior Layer 3
configuration is removed from that interface. For example, you must ensure that there is no IP address
configured directly under the main interface; otherwise, any Frame Relay configuration done under the main
interface will not be viable.
LMI on Frame Relay Interfaces
The Local Management Interface (LMI) protocol monitors the addition, deletion, and status of PVCs. LMI
also verifies the integrity of the link that forms a Frame Relay UNI interface. By default, cisco LMI is enabled
on all PVCs.
If the LMI type is cisco (the default LMI type), the maximum number of PVCs that can be supported under
a single interface is related to the MTU size of the main interface. Use the following formula to calculate the
maximum number of PVCs supported on a card or SPA:
(MTU - 13)/8 = maximum number of PVCs
The default setting of the mtu command for a serial interface is 1504 bytes. Therefore, the default numbers
of PVCs supported on a serial interface configured with cisco LMI is 186.
Configuring Serial Interfaces
This section contains the following tasks:
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Configuring the Serial Interface
Configuring Serial Interfaces
Configuring a Synchronous Serial Interface
Synchronous serial interfaces are supported on various serial network interface cards or systems. This interface
supports full-duplex operation at T1 (1.544 Mbps) and E1 (2.048 Mbps) speeds.
To configure a synchronous serial interface, perform the tasks in the following sections. Each task in the list
is identified as either required or optional.
See the Examples for Interface Enablement Configuration, on page 198 for examples of configuration tasks
described in this chapter.
Specifying a Synchronous Serial Interface
To specify a synchronous serial interface and enter interface configuration mode, use one of the following
commands in global configuration mode.
Purpose Command
Enters interface configuration mode.
Router(config)# interface serial 0
Specifying Synchronous Serial Encapsulation
By default, synchronous serial lines use the High-Level Data Link Control (HDLC) serial encapsulation
method, which provides the synchronous framing and error detection functions of HDLC without windowing
or retransmission. The synchronous serial interfaces support the following serial encapsulation methods:
Frame Relay
Synchronous Data Link Control (SDLC)
Cisco Serial Tunnel ( STUN)
Cisco Bisync Serial Tunnel (BSTUN)
X.25-based encapsulations
To define the encapsulation method, use the following command in interface configuration mode.
Purpose Command
Configures synchronous serial encapsulation.
Router(config-if)# encapsulation {hdlc |
frame-relay | ppp | sdlc-primary |
sdlc-secondary | smds | stun | x25 | bstun}
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Configuring the Serial Interface
Configuring a Synchronous Serial Interface
You cannot use the physical-layer async command for frame-relay encapsulation. Note
Encapsulation methods are set according to the type of protocol or application you configure in the Cisco IOS
PPP is described in Configuring Media-Independent PPP and Multilink PPP.
The remaining encapsulation methods are defined in their respective books and chapters describing the
protocols or applications. Serial encapsulation methods are also discussed in the Cisco IOS Interface
and Hardware Component Command Referenceencapsulation command.
By default, synchronous interfaces operate in full-duplex mode. To configure an SDLCinterface for half-duplex
mode, use the following command in interface configuration mode.
Purpose Command
Configures an SDLCinterface for half-duplex mode.
Router(config-if)# half-duplex
Binary synchronous communication (Bisync) is a half-duplex protocol. Each block of transmission is
acknowledged explicitly. To avoid the problemassociated with simultaneous transmission, there is an implicit
role of primary and secondary stations. The primary sends the last block again if there is no response from
the secondary within the period of block receive timeout.
To configure the serial interface for full-duplex mode, use the following command in interface configuration
Purpose Command
Specifies that the interface can run Bisync using
switched RTS signals.
Router(config-if)# full-duplex
Configuring PPP
To configure PPP, refer to the Configuring Media-Independent PPP and Multilink PPP.
Configuring Bisync
To configure the Bisync feature on the synchronous serial port adapters on Cisco 819 ISRs, refer to the Block
Serial Tunneling (BSTUN) Overview. All commands listed in this section apply to the synchronous serial
port adapters on Cisco 891 ISRs. Any command syntax that specifies an interfacenumber supports the Cisco
891 ISRs slot/port syntax.
Configuring Compression of HDLC Data
You can configure point-to-point software compression on serial interfaces that use HDLC encapsulation.
Compression reduces the size of a HDLC frame via lossless data compression. The compression algorithm
used is a Stacker (LZS) algorithm.
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Configuring the Serial Interface
Configuring a Synchronous Serial Interface
Compression is performed in software and might significantly affect system performance. We recommend
that you disable compression if CPU load exceeds 65 percent. To display the CPU load, use the show process
cpu EXEC command.
If the majority of your traffic is already compressed files, you should not use compression.
To configure compression over HDLC, use the following commands in interface configuration mode.
1. encapsulation hdlc
2. compress stac
Purpose Command or Action
Enables encapsulation of a single protocol on the
serial line.
encapsulation hdlc
Router(config-if)# encapsulation hdlc
Step 1
Enables compression. compress stac
Router(config-if)# compress stac
Step 2
Using the NRZI Line-Coding Format
The nonreturn-to-zero (NRZ) and nonreturn-to-zero inverted (NRZI) formats are supported on the Cisco 819
serial ports.
NRZ and NRZI are line-coding formats that are required for serial connections in some environments. NRZ
encoding is most common. NRZI encoding is used primarily with EIA/TIA-232 connections in IBM
The default configuration for all serial interfaces is NRZ format. The default is no nrzi-encoding.
To enable NRZI format, use one of the following commands in interface configuration mode.
1. Do one of the following:
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Configuring the Serial Interface
Configuring a Synchronous Serial Interface
Purpose Command or Action
Enables NRZI encoding format. Do one of the following: Step 1
Enables NRZI encoding format for router.
Router(config-if)# nrzi-encoding
Router(config-if)# nrzi-encoding [mark]
Enabling the Internal Clock
When a DTE does not return a transmit clock, use the following interface configuration command on the
router to enable the internally generated clock on a serial interface:
1. transmit-clock-internal
Purpose Command or Action
Enables the internally generated clock on a serial
Router(config-if)# transmit-clock-internal
Step 1
Inverting the Transmit Clock Signal
Systems that use long cables or cables that are not transmitting the TxC signal (transmit echoed clock line,
also known as TXCE or SCTE clock) can experience high error rates when operating at the higher transmission
speeds. For example, if the interface on the PA-8T and PA-4T+ synchronous serial port adapters is reporting
a high number of error packets, a phase shift might be the problem. Inverting the clock signal can correct this
shift. To invert the clock signal, use the following commands in interface configuration mode.
1. invert txclock
2. invert rxclock
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Configuring the Serial Interface
Configuring a Synchronous Serial Interface
Purpose Command or Action
Inverts the clock signal on an interface. invert txclock
Router(config-if)# invert txclock
Step 1
Inverts the phase of the RXclock on the UIOserial interface,
which does not use the T1/E1 interface.
invert rxclock
Router(config-if)# invert rxclock
Step 2
Setting Transmit Delay
It is possible to send back-to-back data packets over serial interfaces faster than some hosts can receive them.
You can specify a minimum dead time after transmitting a packet to remove this condition. This setting is
available for serial interfaces on the MCI and SCI interface cards and for the HSSI or MIP. Use one of the
following commands, as appropriate for your system, in interface configuration mode.
Purpose Command
Sets the transmit delay on the MCI and SCI
synchronous serial interfaces.
Router(config-if)# transmitter-delay
Sets the transmit delay on the HSSI or MIP.
Router(config-if)# transmitter-delay hdlc-flags
Configuring DTR Signal Pulsing
You can configure pulsing Data Terminal Ready (DTR) signals on all serial interfaces. When the serial line
protocol goes down (for example, because of loss of synchronization), the interface hardware is reset and the
DTR signal is held inactive for at least the specified interval. This function is useful for handling encrypting
or other similar devices that use the toggling of the DTR signal to reset synchronization. To configure DTR
signal pulsing, use the following command in interface configuration mode.
Purpose Command
Configures DTR signal pulsing.
Router(config-if)# pulse-time seconds
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Configuring the Serial Interface
Configuring a Synchronous Serial Interface
Ignoring DCD and Monitoring DSR as Line Up/Down Indicator
By default, when the serial interface is operating in DTE mode, it monitors the Data Carrier Detect (DCD)
signal as the line up/down indicator. By default, the attached DCE device sends the DCD signal. When the
DTE interface detects the DCD signal, it changes the state of the interface to up.
In some configurations, such as an SDLC multidrop environment, the DCE device sends the Data Set Ready
(DSR) signal instead of the DCD signal, which prevents the interface from coming up. To tell the interface
to monitor the DSRsignal instead of the DCDsignal as the line up/down indicator, use the following command
in interface configuration mode.
1. ignore-dcd
Purpose Command or Action
Configures the serial interface to monitor the DSRsignal as the
line up/down indicator.
Router(config-if)# ignore-dcd
Step 1
What to Do Next
Unless you know for certain that you really need this feature, be very careful using this command. It will
hide the real status of the interface. The interface could actually be down and you will not know just by
looking at show displays.
Specifying the Serial Network Interface Module Timing
On Cisco 819 series ISRs, you can specify the serial Network Interface Module timing signal configuration.
When the board is operating as a DCEand the DTEprovides terminal timing (SCTEor TT), you can configure
the DCE to use SCTE from the DTE. When running the line at high speeds and long distances, this strategy
prevents phase shifting of the data with respect to the clock.
To configure the DCE to use SCTE from the DTE, use the following command in interface configuration
1. dce-terminal-timing enable
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Configuring the Serial Interface
Configuring a Synchronous Serial Interface
Purpose Command or Action
Configures the DCE to use SCTE from the DTE. dce-terminal-timing enable
Router(config-if)# dce-terminal-timing enable
Step 1
Specifying the Serial Network Interface Module Timing
When the board is operating as a DTE, you can invert the TXC clock signal it gets from the DCE that the
DTE uses to transmit data. Invert the clock signal if the DCE cannot receive SCTE from the DTE, the data is
running at high speeds, and the transmission line is long. Again, this prevents phase shifting of the data with
respect to the clock.
To configure the interface so that the router inverts the TXC clock signal, use the following command in
interface configuration mode.
1. dte-invert-txc
Purpose Command or Action
Specifies timing configuration to invert TXC clock
Router(config-if)# dte-invert-txc
Step 1
Configuring Low-Speed Serial Interfaces
This section describes how to configure low-speed serial interfaces and contains the following sections:
For configuration examples, see the Examples for Low-Speed Serial Interface, on page 198.
Half-Duplex DTE and DCE State Machines
The following sections describe the communication between half-duplex DTE transmit and receive state
machines and half-duplex DCE transmit and receive state machines.
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Configuring the Serial Interface
Configuring Low-Speed Serial Interfaces
Half-Duplex DTE State Machines
As shown in the figure below, the half-duplex DTE transmit state machine for low-speed interfaces remains
in the ready state when it is quiescent. When a frame is available for transmission, the state machine enters
the transmit delay state and waits for a time period, which is defined by the half-duplex timer transmit-delay
command. The default is 0 milliseconds. Transmission delays are used for debugging half-duplex links and
assisting lower-speed receivers that cannot process back-to-back frames.
Figure 9: Half-Duplex DTE Transmit State Machine
After idling for a defined number of milliseconds (ms), the state machine asserts a request to send (RTS)
signal and changes to the wait-clear-to-send (CTS) state for the DCE to assert CTS. A timeout timer with a
value set by the half-duplex timer rts-timeout command starts. The default is 3 ms. If the timeout timer
expires before CTS is asserted, the state machine returns to the ready state and deasserts RTS. If CTS is
asserted before the timer expires, the state machine enters the transmit state and sends the frames.
Once there are no more frames to transmit, the state machine transitions to the wait transmit finish state. The
machine waits for the transmit FIFO in the serial controller to empty, starts a delay timer with a value defined
by the half-duplex timer rts-drop-delay interface command, and transitions to the wait RTS drop delay
When the timer in the wait RTS drop delay state expires, the state machine deasserts RTS and transitions to
the wait CTS drop state. Atimeout timer with a value set by the half-duplex timer cts-drop-timeout interface
command starts, and the state machine waits for the CTS to deassert. The default is 250 ms. Once the CTS
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Configuring the Serial Interface
Configuring Low-Speed Serial Interfaces
signal is deasserted or the timeout timer expires, the state machine transitions back to the ready state. If the
timer expires before CTS is deasserted, an error counter is incremented, which can be displayed by issuing
the show controllers command for the serial interface in question.
As shown in the figure below, a half-duplex DTE receive state machine for low-speed interfaces idles and
receives frames in the ready state. A giant frame is any frame whose size exceeds the maximum transmission
unit (MTU). If the beginning of a giant frame is received, the state machine transitions to the in giant state
and discards frame fragments until it receives the end of the giant frame. At this point, the state machine
transitions back to the ready state and waits for the next frame to arrive.
Figure 10: Half-Duplex DTE Receive State Machine
An error counter is incremented upon receipt of the giant frames. To view the error counter, use the show
interfaces command for the serial interface in question.
Half-Duplex DCE State Machines
As shown in the figure below, for a low-speed serial interface in DCE mode, the half-duplex DCE transmit
state machine idles in the ready state when it is quiescent. When a frame is available for transmission on the
serial interface, such as when the output queues are no longer empty, the state machine starts a timer (based
on the value of the half-duplex timer transmit-delay command, in milliseconds) and transitions to the
transmit delay state. Similar to the DTE transmit state machine, the transmit delay state gives you the option
of setting a delay between the transmission of frames; for example, this feature lets you compensate for a slow
receiver that loses data when multiple frames are received in quick succession. The default transmit-delay
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Configuring the Serial Interface
Configuring Low-Speed Serial Interfaces
value is 0 ms; use the half-duplex timer transmit-delay interface configuration command to specify a delay
value not equal to 0.
Figure 11: Half-Duplex DCE Transmit State Machine
After the transmit delay state, the next state depends on whether the interface is in constant-carrier mode (the
default) or controlled-carrier mode.
If the interface is in constant-carrier mode, it passes through the following states:
1 The state machine passes to the transmit state when the transmit-delay timer expires. The state machine
stays in the transmit state until there are no more frames to transmit.
2 When there are no more frames to transmit, the state machine passes to the wait transmit finish state, where
it waits for the transmit FIFO to empty.
3 Once the FIFO empties, the DCE passes back to the ready state and waits for the next frame to appear in
the output queue.
If the interface is in controlled-carrier mode, the interface performs a handshake using the data carrier detect
(DCD) signal. In this mode, DCD is deasserted when the interface is idle and has nothing to transmit. The
transmit state machine transitions through the states as follows:
1 After the transmit-delay timer expires, the DCE asserts DCD and transitions to the DCD-txstart delay
state to ensure a time delay between the assertion of DCD and the start of transmission. A timer is started
based on the value specified using the dcd-txstart-delay command. (This timer has a default value of 100
ms; use the half-duplex timer dcd-txstart-delay interface configuration command to specify a delay
2 When this delay timer expires, the state machine transitions to the transmit state and transmits frames until
there are no more frames to transmit.
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Configuring the Serial Interface
Configuring Low-Speed Serial Interfaces
3 After the DCE transmits the last frame, it transitions to the wait transmit finish state, where it waits for
transmit FIFO to empty and the last frame to transmit to the wire. Then DCE starts a delay timer by
specifying the value using the dcd-drop-delay command. (This timer has the default value of 100 ms;
use the half-duplex timer dcd-drop-delay interface configuration command to specify a delay value.)
4 The DCE transitions to the wait DCD drop delay state. This state causes a time delay between the
transmission of the last frame and the deassertion of DCDin the controlled-carrier mode for DCE transmits.
5 When the timer expires, the DCE deasserts DCD and transitions back to the ready state and stays there
until there is a frame to transmit on that interface.
As shown in the figure below, the half-duplex DCE receive state machine idles in the ready state when it is
quiescent. It transitions out of this state when the DTE asserts RTS. In response, the DCE starts a timer based
on the value specified using the cts-delay command. This timer delays the assertion of CTS because some
DTE interfaces expect this delay. (The default value of this timer is 0 ms; use the half-duplex timer cts-delay
interface configuration command to specify a delay value.)
Figure 12: Half-Duplex DCE Receive State Machine
When the timer expires, the DCE state machine asserts CTS and transitions to the receive state. It stays in the
receive state until there is a frame to receive. If the beginning of a giant frame is received, it transitions to the
in giant state and keeps discarding all the fragments of the giant frame and transitions back to the receive
Transitions back to the ready state occur when RTS is deasserted by the DTE. The response of the DCE to
the deassertion of RTS is to deassert CTS and go back to the ready state.
Placing a Low-Speed Serial Interface in Constant-Carrier Mode
To return a low-speed serial interface to constant-carrier mode fromcontrolled-carrier mode, use the following
command in interface configuration mode.
1. no half-duplex controlled-carrier
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Configuring the Serial Interface
Configuring Low-Speed Serial Interfaces
Purpose Command or Action
Places a low-speed serial interface in
constant-carrier mode.
no half-duplex controlled-carrier
Router(config-if)# no half-duplex controlled-carrier
Step 1
Tuning Half-Duplex Timers
To optimize the performance of half-duplex timers, use the following command in interface configuration
Purpose Command
Tunes half-duplex timers.
Router(config-if)# half-duplex timer {cts-delay
value | cts-drop-timeout value
dcd-drop-delay value | dcd-txstart-delay value
rts-drop-delay value
| rts-timeout value |
transmit-delay value
The timer tuning commands permit you to adjust the timing of the half-duplex state machines to suit the
particular needs of their half-duplex installation.
Note that the half-duplex timer command and its options replaces the following two timer tuning commands
that are available only on high-speed serial interfaces:
sdlc cts-delay
sdlc rts-timeout
Changing Between Synchronous and Asynchronous Modes
To specify the mode of a low-speed serial interface as either synchronous or asynchronous, use the following
command in interface configuration mode.
1. physical-layer {sync | async}
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Configuring the Serial Interface
Configuring Low-Speed Serial Interfaces
Purpose Command or Action
Specifies the mode of a low-speed interface as either
synchronous or asynchronous.
physical-layer {sync | async}
Router(config-if)# physical-layer sync
Step 1
Changing Between Synchronous and Asynchronous Modes
This command applies only to low-speed serial interfaces available on Cisco 2520 through Cisco 2523 routers.
When you make a transition from asynchronous mode to synchronous mode in serial interfaces, the
interface state becomes down by default. You should then use the no shutdown option to bring the interface
In synchronous mode, low-speed serial interfaces support all interface configuration commands available for
high-speed serial interfaces, except the following two commands:
sdlc cts-delay
sdlc rts-timeout
When placed in asynchronous mode, low-speed serial interfaces support all commands available for standard
asynchronous interfaces. The default is synchronous mode.
When you use this command, it does not appear in the output of the show running-config and show
startup-config commands because the command is a physical-layer command.
To return to the default mode (synchronous) of a low-speed serial interface on a Cisco 2520 through Cisco
2523 router, use the following command in interface configuration mode.
1. no physical-layer
Purpose Command or Action
Returns the interface to its default mode, which is
no physical-layer
Router(config-if)# no physical-layer
Step 1
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Configuring the Serial Interface
Configuring Low-Speed Serial Interfaces
Examples for Interface Enablement Configuration
The following example illustrates how to begin interface configuration on a serial interface. It assigns PPP
encapsulation to serial interface 0.
interface serial 0
encapsulation ppp
The same example on the router, assigning PPP encapsulation to port 0 in slot 1, requires the following
interface serial 1/0
encapsulation ppp
The following example shows how to configure the access server so that it will use the default address pool
on all interfaces except interface 7, on which it will use an address pool called lass:
ip address-pool local
ip local-pool lass
async interface
interface 7
peer default ip address lass
Examples for Low-Speed Serial Interface
The section includes the following configuration examples for low-speed serial interfaces:
Examples for Synchronous or Asynchronous Mode
The following example shows how to change a low-speed serial interface from synchronous to asynchronous
interface serial 2
physical-layer async
The following examples show how to change a low-speed serial interface from asynchronous mode back to
its default synchronous mode:
interface serial 2
physical-layer sync
interface serial 2
no physical-layer
The following example shows some typical asynchronous interface configuration commands:
interface serial 2
physical-layer async
ip address
async default ip address
async mode dedicated
async default routing
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Configuring the Serial Interface
Examples for Interface Enablement Configuration
The following example shows some typical synchronous serial interface configuration commands available
when the interface is in synchronous mode:
interface serial 2
physical-layer sync
ip address
no keepalive
no shutdown
Example for Half-Duplex Timers
The following example shows how to set the cts-delay timer to 1234 ms and the transmit-delay timer to 50
interface serial 2
half-duplex timer cts-delay 1234
half-duplex timer transmit-delay 50
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Configuring the Serial Interface
Examples for Low-Speed Serial Interface
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Configuring the Serial Interface
Examples for Low-Speed Serial Interface
C HAP T E R 10
Configuring Wireless Devices
This chapter describes the procedures for initial configuration of the wireless device, radio settings, WLAN,
and administration of the wireless devices. This chapter contains the following sub-sections:
Wireless Device Overview, page 201
Basic Wireless Configuration for Cisco 800 Series ISR, page 208
Configuring Radio Settings, page 220
Configuring WLAN , page 246
Administering the Wireless Device, page 293
Wireless Device Overview
Wireless devices (commonly configured as access points ) provide a secure, affordable, and easy-to-use
wireless LAN solution that combines mobility and flexibility with the enterprise-class features required by
networking professionals. When configured as an access point, the wireless device serves as the connection
point between wireless and wired networks or as the center point of a stand-alone wireless network. In large
installations, wireless users within radio range of an access point can roam throughout a facility while
maintaining seamless, uninterrupted access to the network.
With a management system based on Cisco IOS software, wireless devices are Wi-Fi CERTIFIED
802.11a-compliant, 802.11b-compliant, 802.11g-compliant, and 802.11n-compliant wireless LANtransceivers.
Software Modes for Wireless Devices
The access point is shipped with an autonomous image and recovery image on the access points flash. The
default mode is autonomous; however, the access point can be upgraded to operate in Cisco Unified Wireless
Each mode is described below:
Autonomous modesupports standalone network configurations, where all configuration settings are
maintained locally on the wireless device. Each autonomous device can load its starting configuration
independently, and still operate in a cohesive fashion on the network.
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Cisco Unified Wireless modeoperates in conjunction with a Cisco Unified Wireless LAN controller,
where all configuration information is maintained within the controller. In the Cisco Unified Wireless
LAN architecture, wireless devices operate in the lightweight mode using Leightweight Access Point
Protocol (LWAPP), (as opposed to autonomous mode). The lightweight access point, or wireless device,
has no configuration until it associates to a controller. The configuration on the wireless device can be
modified by the controller only when the networking is up and running. The controller manages the
wireless device configuration, firmware, and control transactions such as 802.1x authentication. All
wireless traffic is tunneled through the controller.
For more information about Cisco Unified Wireless mode, see
wireless/ps5679/ps6548/prod_white_paper0900aecd804f19e3_ps6305_Products_White_Paper.html .
Management Options for Wirelss Device
The wireless device runs its own version of Cisco IOS software that is separate from the Cisco IOS software
operating on the router. You can configure and monitor the access point with several different tools:
Cisco IOS software CLI
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)
Web-browser Interface
Avoid using the CLI and the web-browser tools concurrently. If you configure the wireless device using
the CLI, the web-browser interface may display an inaccurate interpretation of the configuration.
Use the interface dot11radio command from global configuration mode to place the wireless device into
the radio configuration mode. Network Configuration Examples
Set up the access point role in any of these common wireless network configurations. The access point default
configuration is as a root unit connected to a wired LAN or as the central unit in an all-wireless network.
Access points can also be configured as bridges and workgroup bridges. These roles require specific
configurations, as defined in the following examples.
Root Access Point
An access point connected directly to a wired LAN provides a connection point for wireless users. If more
than one access point is connected to the LAN, users can roam from one area of a facility to another without
losing their connection to the network. As users move out of range of one access point, they automatically
connect to the network (associate) through another access point. The roaming process is seamless and transparent
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Configuring Wireless Devices
Management Options for Wirelss Device
to the user. Figure 13: Access Points as Root Units on a Wired LAN, on page 203 shows access points acting
as root units on a wired LAN.
Figure 13: Access Points as Root Units on a Wired LAN
Central Unit in an All-Wireless Network
In an all-wireless network, an access point acts as a stand-alone root unit. The access point is not attached to
a wired LAN; it functions as a hub linking all stations together. The access point serves as the focal point for
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Configuring Wireless Devices
Management Options for Wirelss Device
communications, increasing the communication range of wireless users. Figure 14: Access Point as Central
Unit in All-Wireless Network, on page 204 shows an access point in an all-wireless network.
Figure 14: Access Point as Central Unit in All-Wireless Network
Cisco ScanSafe
The Cisco Integrated Services Router G2 (ISR G2) family delivers numerous security services, including
firewall, intrusion prevention, and VPN. These security capabilities have been extended with Cisco ISR Web
Security with Cisco ScanSafe for a web security and web filtering solution that requires no additional hardware
or client software.
Cisco ISR Web Security with Cisco ScanSafe enables branch offices to intelligently redirect web traffic to
the cloud to enforce granular security and acceptable use policies over user web traffic. With this solution,
you can deploy market-leading web security quickly and can easily protect branch office users fromweb-based
threats, such as viruses, while saving bandwidth, money, and resources.
For more information, see Cisco ISR Web Security with Cisco ScanSafe Solution Guide.
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Configuring Wireless Devices
Cisco ScanSafe
TFTP support with Ethernet WAN interface
Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) is a file transfer protocol notable for its simplicity. It is generally used
for automated transfer of configuration or boot files between machines in a local environment.
The Cisco 819H ISR supports TFTP with Ethernet WAN interface that supports data transfer rate of 10 Mbps.
For more information, see Using the TFTP Download Command .
This feature is supported in all Cisco 819 ISRs that have ROMMON version 15.2(2r)T and above. Note
TFTP download using switch port is supported in Cisco 819HGW SKUs only. Note
LEDs for Cisco 819 Series ISRs
The LED is located on the front panel of the router. Table 24: 3G LED Descriptions for Cisco 819 Series
ISRs, on page 205 describes the 3G LED for the Cisco 819 ISR.
Table 24: 3G LED Descriptions for Cisco 819 Series ISRs
Description Color LED
FPGA download is complete. Yellow SYS
ROMMON is operational. Green (blinking)
IOS is operational. Green (solid)
Reset button has been pushed
during the bootup.
Green (four blinks during bootup)
After powering up, when FPGA is
being downloaded (in ROMMON).
Network activity on FE Switch
ports, GE WAN port, 3G cellular
interface, and serial interfaces.
Green ACT
No network activity. Off
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Configuring Wireless Devices
TFTP support with Ethernet WAN interface
Description Color LED
Module is powered on and
connected but not transmitting or
Green WWAN
Module is powered on and
searching for connection.
Green (slow blinking)
Module is transmitting or
Green (fast blinking)
Module is not powered. Off
Standalone GPS. Green (solid) GPS
GPS is acquiring. Green (slow blinking)
Assisted GPS. Yellow (solid)
Assisted GPS is acquiring. Yellow (slow blinking)
GPS is not configured. Off
Signal > 60
Very strong signal
Green (solid) RSSI
Signal <= 60 to 74
Strong signal
Green (four blinks and then a long
Signal <= 75 to 89
Fair signal
Green (two blinks and then a long
Signal <= 90 to 109
Marginal signal
Green (one blink and then a long
Signal <= 110
Unusable signal
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Configuring Wireless Devices
LEDs for Cisco 819 Series ISRs
Description Color LED
SIM in slot 0 active, SIM in slot 1
is not.
Green / Yellow (one green blink
followed by two yellow blinks)
SIM in slot 1 active, SIM in slot 0
is not.
Yellow / Green (one yellow blink
followed by two greenblinks)
No SIM in slot 0, SIM present in
slot 1.
Off / Green (two green blinks and
then pause)
SIM present in slot0, no SIM in
slot 1.
Green / Off (Slow single green
blink and then pause)
No SIM present in either slots. Off / Off
One blink green and then pause 3G
Two blink green and then pause
Three blink green and then pause
For HSPA PLUS. Green (solid)
Not applicable to Verizon and Sprint EVDO modems.
There is only one LED to indicate the status two SIMs. A one-blink pattern represents the status of the SIM in slot 0, followed by a two-blink pattern for the
SIM in slot 1.
Use the following show commands to check the LED status for your router:
show platform led (for all LEDs)
show controller cellular 0 (for 3G LEDs)
The following is a sample output from the show platform led command and shows the LED status:
Router# show platform led
LEDS : ACTIVITY SIM(slot0 / slot1) 3G
SPEED LED : Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
SPEED LED : Unknown
The following is a sample output from the show controllers cellular command showing the 3G LED status:
Router# show controllers cellular 0
Interface Cellular0
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Configuring Wireless Devices
LEDs for Cisco 819 Series ISRs
3G Modem-QuadBand HSPA+R7/HSPA/UMTS QuadBand EDGE/GPRS Global and GPS,
Cellular modem configuration:
GSM-Carrier Type : Cellular GSM Global.
SKU (PRI) Value: 9900198 .
Modem is recognized as valid
manufacture id: 0x00001199 product id: 0x000068A3
Sierra Wireless Mini Card MC8705 HSPA+R7 modem.
Cellular Dual SIM details:
SIM 0 is present
SIM 0 is active SIM
Modem Management Statistics
Modem resets = 2
Last known modem state = 'application' mode
Packets sent = 2508, Packets received = 44621, Packets pending = 0
DIP MDM link status retry count = 0 pdp context = 0
DIP MDM link up pending = 0 pdp context = 0
IDB Cellular0: DIP profile id = 255
RSSI LED : 3-blink Green <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Service LED : 3-blink Green <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
SIM LED : Slot0 - Green; Slot1 - Off <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
GPS LED : Off <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
GPS NMEA port = Disabled (Stream OFF)
DM port = Disabled
Basic Wireless Configuration for Cisco 800 Series ISR
This module describes how to configure the autonomous wireless device on the following Cisco Integrated
Services Routers (ISRs):
Cisco 860 Series
Cisco 880 Series
Cisco 890 Series
Cisco 810 Series
To upgrade the autonomous software to Cisco Unified software on the embedded wireless device, see the
Upgrading to Cisco Unified Software, on page 216 for instructions.
The wireless device is embedded and does not have an external console port for connections. To configure
the wireless device, use a console cable to connect a personal computer to the host routers console port, and
perform these procedures to establish connectivity and configure the wireless settings.
Starting a Wireless Configuration Session
Before you configure the wireless settings in the routers setup, you must follow these steps to open a
session between the router and the access point.
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Configuring Wireless Devices
Basic Wireless Configuration for Cisco 800 Series ISR
Enter the following commands in global configuration mode on the routers Cisco IOS command-line interface
1. interface wlan-ap0
2. ip address subnet mask
3. no shut
4. interface vlan1
5. ip address subnet mask
6. exit
7. exit
8. service-module wlan-ap 0 session
Purpose Command or Action
Defines the routers console interface to the wireless device. interface wlan-ap0
Router(config)# interface wlan-ap0
Step 1
The interface is used for communication between the routers
console and the wireless device.
Always use port
The following message appears:
The wlan-ap 0 interface is used for managing the embedded
AP. Please use the service-module wlan-ap 0 session
command to console into the embedded AP.
Specifies the interface IP address and subnet mask. ip address subnet mask Step 2
Router(config-if)# ip address
The IP address can be shared with the IP address assigned
to the Cisco Integrated Services Router by using the ip
unnumbered vlan1 command.
Specifies that the internal interface connection will remain open. no shut
Router(config-if)# no shut
Step 3
Specifies the virtual LAN interface for data communication on the
internal Gigabit Ethernet 0 (GE0) port to other interfaces.
interface vlan1
Router(config-if)# interface vlan1
Step 4
All the switch ports inherit the default vlan1 interface on the
Cisco 860 Series, Cisco 880 Series, and Cisco 890 Series ISRs.
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Configuring Wireless Devices
Starting a Wireless Configuration Session
Purpose Command or Action
Specifies the interface IP address and subnet mask. ip address subnet mask
Router(config-if)# ip address
Step 5
Exits interface configuration mode and returns to global configuration
Router(config-if)# exit
Step 6
Exits the global configuration mode. exit
Router(config)# exit
Step 7
Opens the connection between the wireless device and the routers
service-module wlan-ap 0 session
Router# service-module wlan-ap0 session
Step 8
Trying, 2002 ... Open
What to Do Next
To create a Cisco IOS software alias for the console to session into the wireless device, enter the alias
exec dot11radio service-module wlan-ap 0 session command at the EXEC prompt. After entering this
command, you utomatically skip to the dot11 radio level in the Cisco IOS software.
Closing the Session
To close the session between the wireless device and the routers console, use control+shift+6 and x on the
wireless device and enter disconnect command on the router and then press enter two times on the router.
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Configuring Wireless Devices
Starting a Wireless Configuration Session
Configuring Wireless Settings
If you are configuring the wireless device for the first time, you must start a configuration session between
the access point and the router before you attempt to configure the basic wireless settings. See the Starting
a Wireless Configuration Session , on page 208.
Configure the wireless device with either of the following tools, depending on the software you are using:
Cisco IOS Command Line Interface, on page 211Autonomous software
Cisco Express SetupUnified Software
To upgrade to Unified mode from the Autonomous mode, see Upgrading to Cisco Unified Software, on
page 216 for upgrade instructions. After upgrading to Cisco Unified Wireless software, use the web-browser
tool to configure the device:
Cisco Express Setup
To configure the Unified wireless device, use the web-browser tool and perform these steps
1 Establish a console connection to the wireless device and get the Bridge-Group Virtual Interface (BVI)
IP address by entering the show interface bvi1 Cisco IOS command.
2 Open a browser window, and enter the BVI IP address in the browser-window address line. Press Enter.
An Enter Network Password window appears.
3 Enter your username. Cisco is the default user name.
4 Enter the wireless device password. Cisco is the default password. The Summary Status page appears. For
details about using the web-browser configuration page, see the following URL:
Cisco IOS Command Line Interface
To configure the Autonomous wireless device, use the Cisco IOS CLI tool and perform these tasks:
Configuring the Radio
Configure the radio parameters on the wireless device to transmit signals in autonomous or Cisco Unified
mode. For specific configuration procedures, see Configuring Radio Settings, on page 220.
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Configuring Wireless Devices
Configuring Wireless Settings
Configuring Wireless Security Settings
This section includes the following configuration tasks:
Configuring Authentication
Authentication types are tied to the Service Set Identifiers (SSIDs) that are configured for the access point.
To serve different types of client devices with the same access point, configure multiple SSIDs.
Before a wireless client device can communicate on your network through the access point, the client device
must authenticate to the access point by using open or shared-key authentication. For maximum security,
client devices should also authenticate to your network using MAC address or Extensible Authentication
Protocol (EAP) authentication. Both authentication types rely on an authentication server on your network.
To select an authentication type, see Authentication Types for Wireless Devices at: Types.html.
To set up a maximum security environment, see RADIUS and TACACS+ Servers in a Wireless Environment
To provide local authentication service or backup authentication service for a WAN link failure or a server
failure, you can configure an access point to act as a local authentication server. The access point can
authenticate up to 50 wireless client devices using Lightweight Extensible Authentication Protocol (LEAP),
Extensible Authentication Protocol-Flexible Authentication via Secure Tunneling (EAP-FAST), or MAC-based
authentication. The access point performs up to five authentications per second.
Configure the local authenticator access point manually with client usernames and passwords because it does
not synchronize its database with RADIUS servers. You can specify a VLAN and a list of SSIDs that a client
is allowed to use.
For details about setting up the wireless device in this role, see Using the Access Point as a Local Authenticator
Configuring WEP and Cipher Suites
Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) encryption scrambles the data transmitted between wireless devices to keep
the communication private. Wireless devices and their wireless client devices use the same WEP key to encrypt
and decrypt data. WEP keys encrypt both unicast and multicast messages. Unicast messages are addressed to
one device on the network. Multicast messages are addressed to multiple devices on the network.
Cipher suites are sets of encryption and integrity algorithms designed to protect radio communication on your
wireless LAN. You must use a cipher suite to enable Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) or Cisco Centralized
Key Management (CCKM).
Cipher suites that contain Temporal Key Integrity Protocol (TKIP) provide the greatest security for your
wireless LAN. Cipher suites that contain only WEP are the least secure.
For encryption procedures, see Configuring WEP and Cipher Suites at:
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212 OL-31704-02
Configuring Wireless Devices
Cisco IOS Command Line Interface
Configuring Wireless VLANs and Assigning SSIDs
If you use VLANs on your wireless LAN and assign SSIDs to VLANs, you can create multiple SSIDs by
using any of the four security settings defined in the Table 25: Types of SSIDSecurity , on page 213. AVLAN
can be thought of as a broadcast domain that exists within a defined set of switches. A VLAN consists of a
number of end systems, either hosts or network equipment (such as bridges and routers), that are connected
by a single bridging domain. The bridging domain is supported on various pieces of network equipment, such
as LAN switches that operate bridging protocols between them with a separate group of protocols for each
For more information about wireless VLAN architecture, see Configuring Wireless VLANs at:
If you do not use VLANs on your wireless LAN, the security options that you can assign to SSIDs are
limited because the encryption settings and authentication types are linked on the Express Security page.
You can configure up to 16 SSIDs on a wireless device in the role of an access point, and you can configure
a unique set of parameters for each SSID. For example, you might use one SSIDto allowguests limited access
to the network and another SSID to allow authorized users access to secure data.
For more about creating multiple SSIDs, see Service Set Identifiers at: .
Without VLANs, encryption settings (WEP and ciphers) apply to an interface, such as the 2.4-GHz radio,
and you cannot use more than one encryption setting on an interface. For example, when you create an
SSIDwith static WEP with VLANs disabled, you cannot create additional SSIDs with WPAauthentication
because the SSIDs use different encryption settings. If the security setting for an SSID conflicts with the
settings for another SSID, delete one or more SSIDs to eliminate the conflict.
Security Types
Table 25: Types of SSID Security , on page 213 describes the four security types that you can assign to an
Table 25: Types of SSID Security
Security Features Enabled Description Security Type
None. This is the least secure option. You should
use this option only for SSIDs in a public
space, and you should assign it to a VLAN
that restricts access to your network.
No security
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OL-31704-02 213
Configuring Wireless Devices
Cisco IOS Command Line Interface
Security Features Enabled Description Security Type
Mandatory WEP. Client devices cannot
associate using this SSID without a WEP
key that matches the wireless device key.
This option is more secure than no security.
However, static WEP keys are vulnerable
to attack. If you configure this setting, you
should consider limiting association to the
wireless device based on MAC address,
see Cipher Suites and WEP at: http://
SecurityCipherSuitesWEP.html. Or
If your network does not have a RADIUS
server, consider using an access point as a
local authentication server. See Using the
Access Point as a Local Authenticator for
Static WEP key
Mandatory 802.1X authentication. Client
devices that associate using this SSIDmust
perform 802.1X authentication.
If radio clients are configured to
authenticate using EAP-FAST, open
authentication with EAP should also be
configured. If you do not configure open
authentication with EAP, the following
warning message appears:
radio clients are using EAP-FAST,
AUTH OPEN with EAP should also be
This option enables 802.1X authentication
(such as LEAP
, and other 802.1X/EAP-based
This setting uses mandatory encryption,
WEP, open authentication plus EAP,
network EAP authentication, no key
management, and RADIUS server
authentication port 1645.
You are required to enter the IP address
and shared secret for an authentication
server on your network (server
authentication port 1645). Because 802.1X
authentication provides dynamic encryption
keys, you do not need to enter a WEP key.
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Configuring Wireless Devices
Cisco IOS Command Line Interface
Security Features Enabled Description Security Type
Mandatory WPA authentication. Client
devices that associate using this SSIDmust
be WPA capable.
If radio clients are configured to
authenticate using EAP-FAST, open
authentication with EAP should also be
configured. If you do not configure open
authentication with EAP, the following
warning message appears:
radio clients are using EAP-FAST,
AUTH OPEN with EAP should also be
This option permits wireless access to users
who are authenticated against a database.
Access is through the services of an
authentication server. User IP traffic is then
encrypted with stronger algorithms than
those used in WEP.
This setting uses encryption ciphers,
, open authentication plus EAP,
network EAP authentication, key
management WPA mandatory, and
RADIUS server authentication port 1645.
As with EAP authentication, you must enter
the IP address and shared secret for an
authentication server on your network
(server authentication port 1645).
EAP = Extensible Authentication Protocol.
LEAP = Lightweight Extensible Authentication Protocol.
PEAP = Protected Extensible Authentication Protocol.
EAP-TLS = Extensible Authentication ProtocolTransport Layer Security.
EAP-FAST = Extensible Authentication ProtocolFlexible Authentication via Secure Tunneling.
EAP-TTLS = Extensible Authentication ProtocolTunneled Transport Layer Security.
EAP-GTC = Extensible Authentication ProtocolGeneric Token Card.
EAP-SIM = Extensible Authentication ProtocolSubscriber Identity Module.
WPA = Wi-Fi Protected Access.
TKIP = Temporal Key Integrity Protocol.
Configuring Wireless Quality of Service
Configuring Quality of Service (QoS) can provide preferential treatment to certain traffic at the expense of
other traffic. Without QoS, the device offers best-effort service to each packet, regardless of the packet contents
or size. It sends the packets without any assurance of reliability, delay bounds, or throughput. To configure
QoS for your wireless device, see Quality of Service in a Wireless Environment at:
Configuring the Access Point in Hot Standby Mode
In hot standby mode, an access point is designated as a backup for another access point. The standby access
point is placed near the access point that it monitors and is configured exactly like the monitored access point.
The standby access point associates with the monitored access point as a client and sends Internet Access
Point Protocol (IAPP) queries to the monitored access point through the Ethernet and radio ports. If the
monitored access point fails to respond, the standby access point comes online and takes the monitored access
points place in the network.
Except for the IP address, the standby access points settings should be identical to the settings on the monitored
access point. If the monitored access point goes off line and the standby access point takes its place in the
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Configuring Wireless Devices
Configuring the Access Point in Hot Standby Mode
network, matching settings ensure that client devices can switch easily to the standby access point. For more
information, see Hot Standby Access Points at:
Upgrading to Cisco Unified Software
To run the access point in Cisco Unified mode, upgrade the software by performing the following procedures:
Software Prerequisites
Cisco 890 Series ISRs with embedded access points can be upgraded from autonomous software to
Cisco Unified software, if the router is running the IP Base feature set and Cisco IOS 12.4(22)YB
Cisco 880 Series ISRs with embedded access points can be upgraded from autonomous software to
Cisco Unified software, if the router is running the advipservices feature set and Cisco IOS 12.4(20)T
To use the embedded access point in a Cisco Unified Architecture, the Cisco Wireless LANConfiguration
(WLC) must be running version 5.1 or later.
Preparing for the Upgrade
Perform the tasks in the following sections to prepare for the upgrade:
Secure an IP Address on the Access Point
Secure an IP address on the access point so it that can communicate with the WLC and download the Unified
image upon boot up. The host router provides the access point DHCP server functionality through the DHCP
pool. The access point then communicates with the WLC and setup option 43 for the controller IP address in
the DHCP pool configuration.
Example Configuration: Secure an IP Address on the Access Point
The following example shows a sample configuration:
ip dhcp pool embedded-ap-pool
option 43 hex f104.0a0a.0a0f (single WLC IP address( in hex format)
int vlan1
ip address
For more information about the WLC discovery process, see Cisco Wireless LAN Configuration Guide at:
Confirm that the Mode Setting is Enabled
To confirm that the mode setting is enabled, perform the following steps.
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Configuring Wireless Devices
Upgrading to Cisco Unified Software
1 Ping the WLC from the router to confirm IP connectivity.
2 Enter the service-module wlan-ap 0 session command to establish a session into the access point.
3 Confirm that the access point is running an autonomous boot image.
4 Enter the show boot command on the access point to confirm that the mode setting is enabled.
Autonomous-AP# show boot
BOOT path-list: flash:ap801-k9w7-mx.124-10b.JA3/ap801-k9w7-mx.124-10b.JA3
Config file: flash:/config.txt
Private Config file: flash:/private-config
Enable Break: yes
Manual Boot: yes
HELPER path-list:
NVRAM/Config file
buffer size: 32768
Mode Button: on
Performing the Upgrade
To upgrade the autonomous software to Cisco Unified software, follow these steps:
1 To change the access point boot image to a Cisco Unified upgrade image (also known as a recovery image
), use the service-module wlan-ap 0 bootimage unified command, in global configuration mode.
Router# conf terminal
Router(config)# service-module wlan-ap 0 bootimage unified
Router(config)# end
If the service-module wlan-ap 0 bootimage unified command does not work successfully, check whether
the software license is still eligible.
To identify the access points boot image path, use the show boot command in privileged EXEC mode
on the access point console.
2 To perform a graceful shutdown and reboot of the access point to complete the upgrade process, use the
service-module wlan-ap 0 reload command in global configuration mode. Establish a session into the
access point, and monitor the upgrade process.
See the Cisco Express Setup for details about using the GUI configuration page to set up the wireless
device settings.
Troubleshooting an Upgrade or Reverting the AP to Autonomous Mode
If the access point fails to upgrade from autonomous to Unified software, perform the following actions:
Check to ensure the autonomous access point does not have the static IP address configured on the BVI
interface before you boot the recovery image.
Ping between the router/access point and the WLC to confirm communication.
Check that the access point and WLC clock (time and date) are set correctly.
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Configuring Wireless Devices
Performing the Upgrade
The access point may attempt to boot and fail or may become stuck in the recovery mode and fail to upgrade
to the Unified software. If either one of this occurs, use the service-module wlan-ap0 reset bootloader
command to return the access point to the bootloader for manual image recovery.
Downgrading the Software on the Access Point
To reset the access point boot to the last autonomous image, use the service-module wlan-ap0 bootimage
autonomous command in global configuration mode. To reload the access point with the autonomous software
image, use the service-module wlan-ap 0 reload command.
Recovering Software on the Access Point
To recover the image on the access point, use the service-module wlan-ap0 reset bootloader command in
global configuration mode. This command returns the access point to the bootloader for manual image recovery.
Use this command with caution. It does not provide an orderly shutdown and consequently may impact
file operations that are in progress. Use this command only to recover from a shutdown or a failed state.
Related Documentation
See the following documentation for additional autonomous and unified configuration procedures:
Table 26: Autonomous Cisco Documentation
Links Topic
Wireless Device Overview, on page 201 Wireless Overview
Configuring Radio Settings, on page 220 Configuring the Radio
This document describes the authentication types that are
configured on the access point.
Authentication Types for Wireless Devices
This document describes how to enable and configure the
RADIUS and TACACS+ and provides detailed accounting
information and flexible administrative control over authentication
and authorization processes. RADIUS and TACACS+ are
facilitated through AAA
and can be enabled only through AAA
RADIUS and TACACS+ Servers in a Wireless Environment
Cisco 800 Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide
218 OL-31704-02
Configuring Wireless Devices
Downgrading the Software on the Access Point
Links Topic
This document describes how to use a wireless device in the role
of an access point as a local authenticator, serving as a standalone
authenticator for a small wireless LAN, or providing backup
authentication service. As a local authenticator, the access point
performs LEAP, EAP-FAST, and MAC-based authentication for
up to 50 client devices.
Using the Access Point as a Local Authenticator
This document describes how to configure the cipher suites
required for using WPA and CCKM
; WEP; and WEP features
including AES
, TKIP, and broadcast key rotation.
Cipher Suites and WEP
This document describes how to configure your wireless device
as a hot standby unit.
Hot Standby Access Points
This document describes how to configure an access point to
operate with the VLANs set up on a wired LAN.
Configuring Wireless VLANs
In the role of an access point, a wireless device can support up
to 16 SSIDs. This document describes how to configure and
manage SSIDs on the wireless device.
Service Set Identifiers
Administering the Wireless Device, on page 293 Administering the Access Point
This document describes how to configure QoS on your Cisco
wireless interface. With this feature, you can provide preferential
treatment to certain traffic at the expense of other traffic. Without
QoS, the device offers best-effort service to each packet,
regardless of the packet contents or size. It sends the packets
without any assurance of reliability, delay bounds, or throughput.
Quality of Service
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Configuring Wireless Devices
Related Documentation
Links Topic
This document lists the radio channels supported by Cisco access
products in the regulatory domains of the world.
Regulatory Domains and Channels
This document describes how to configure system message
logging on your wireless device.
System Message Logging
AAA = Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting.
CCKM = Cisco Centralized Key Management.
AES = Advanced Encryption Standard.
MIC = Message Integrity Check.
Table 27: Cisco Unified Documentation
Links Network Design
Why Migrate to the Cisco Unified Wireless Network?
Wireless LAN Controller (WLC) FAQ
Cisco IOS Command Reference for Cisco Aironet Access Points
and Bridges, versions 12.4(10b) JA and 12.3(8) JEC
Cisco Aironet 1240AG Access Point Support Documentation
Cisco 4400 Series Wireless LAN Controllers Support
Configuring Radio Settings
This section describes how to configure radio settings for the wireless device and includes the following sub
Enabling the Radio Interface
The wireless device radios are disabled by default.
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Configuring Wireless Devices
Configuring Radio Settings
You must create a service set identifier (SSID) before you can enable the radio interface. Note
To enable the access point radio, follow these steps, beginning in privileged EXEC mode:
1. configure terminal
2. dot11 ssid ssid
3. interface dot11radio {0}
4. ssid ssid
5. no shutdown
6. end
7. copy running-config startup-config
Purpose Command or Action
Enters global configuration mode. configure terminal Step 1
Enters the SSID. dot11 ssid ssid Step 2
The SSID consists of up to 32 alphanumeric characters. SSIDs
are case sensitive.
Enters interface configuration mode for the radio interface. interface dot11radio {0} Step 3
The 2.4-GHz and 802.11g/n 2.4-GHz radios are radio 0.
Assigns the SSID that you created in Step 2 to the appropriate radio
ssid ssid Step 4
Enables the radio port. no shutdown Step 5
Use the shutdown command to disable the radio
Returns to privileged EXEC mode. end Step 6
(Optional) Saves your entries in the configuration file. copy running-config startup-config Step 7
Wireless Device Roles in a Radio Network
The wirless device radio performs the following roles in the wireless network:
Access point
Access point (fallback to radioP shutdown)
Root bridge
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Configuring Wireless Devices
Wireless Device Roles in a Radio Network
Non-root bridge
Root bridge with wireless clients
Non-root bridge without wireless clients
You can also configure a fallback role for root access points. The wireless device automatically assumes the
fallback role when its Ethernet port is disabled or disconnected from the wired LAN. The default fallback
role for Cisco ISRwireless devices is shutdown, that is the wireless device shuts down its radio and disassociates
all client devices.
Configuring the Wireless Device Roles in a Radio Network
To set the wireless devices radio network role and fallback role, follow these steps, beginning in privileged
EXEC mode:
1. configure terminal
2. interface dot11radio {0}
3. station-role non-root {bridge | wireless-clients} root {access-point | ap-only | [bridge | wireless-clients]
| [fallback | repeater | shutdown]} workgroup-bridge {multicast | mode { client | infrastructure} |
universal Ethernet-client-MAC-address }
4. end
5. copy running-config startup-config
Purpose Command or Action
Enters global configuration mode. configure terminal Step 1
Enters interface configuration mode for the radio interface. interface dot11radio {0} Step 2
The 2.4-GHz and 802.11g/n 2.4-GHz radios are radio 0
Sets the wireless device role. station-role non-root {bridge |
wireless-clients} root {access-point |
Step 3
Sets the role to non-root bridge with or without wireless clients, to
root access point or bridge, or to workgroup bridge.
ap-only | [bridge | wireless-clients] |
[fallback | repeater | shutdown]}
workgroup-bridge {multicast | mode {
The bridge mode radio supports point-to-point configuration only. Note
The repeater and wireless-clients commands are not supported on
Cisco 860 Series , Cisco 880 Series Integrated Services Routers.
The scanner command is not supported on Cisco 860 SeriesCisco
880 Series Integrated Services Routers.
client | infrastructure} | universal
Ethernet-client-MAC-address }
The Ethernet port is shut down when any one of the radios is
configured as a repeater. Only one radio per access point may be
configured as a workgroup bridge or repeater. A workgroup bridge
can have a maximum of 25 clients, presuming that no other wireless
clients are associated to the root bridge or access point.
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Configuring Wireless Devices
Wireless Device Roles in a Radio Network
Purpose Command or Action
Returns to privileged EXEC mode. end Step 4
(Optional) Saves your entries in the configuration file. copy running-config startup-config Step 5
What to Do Next
When you enable the role of a device in the radio network as a bridge or workgroup bridge and enable
the interface using the no shut command, the physical status and the software status of the interface will
be up (ready) only if the device on the other end (access point or bridge) is up. Otherwise, only the physical
status of the device will be up. The software status will be up when the device on the other end is configured
and ready.
Configuring Dual-Radio Fallback
The dual-radio fallback features allows you to configure access points so that if the non-root bridge link
connecting the access point to the network infrastructure goes down, the root access point link through which
a client connects to the access point shut down. Shutting down the root access point link causes the client to
roam to another access point. Without this feature, the client remains connected to the access point, but won't
be able to send or receive data from the network.
You can configure dual-radio fallback in three ways:
Radio Tracking
You can configure the access point to track or monitor the status of one of its radios. If the tracked radio goes
down or is disabled, the access point shuts down the other radio. If the tracked radio comes up, the access
point enables the other radio.
To track radio 0, enter the following command:
# station-role root access-point fallback track d0 shutdown
Fast Ethernet Tracking
You can configure the access point for fallback when its Ethernet port is disabled or disconnected from the
wired LAN. For guidance on configuring the access point for Fast Ethernet tracking, see the Wireless Device
Roles in a Radio Network, on page 221.
Fast Ethernet tracking does not support the repeater mode. Note
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Configuring Wireless Devices
Configuring Dual-Radio Fallback
To configure the access point for Fast Ethernet tracking, enter the following command:
# station-role root access-point fallback track fa 0
MAC-Address Tracking
You can configure the radio whose role is root access point to come up or go down by tracking a client access
point, using its MACaddress, on another radio. If the client disassociates fromthe access point, the root access
point radio goes down. If the client reassociates to the access point, the root access point radio comes back
MAC-address tracking is most useful when the client is a non-root bridge access point connected to an upstream
wired network.
For example, to track a client whose MAC address is 12:12:12:12:12:12, enter the following command:
# station-role root access-point fallback track mac-address 12:12:12:12:12:12 shutdown
Overview of Radio Data Rates
You use the data rate settings to choose the data rates that the wireless device uses for data transmission. The
rates are expressed in megabits per second (Mb/s). The wireless device always attempts to transmit at the
highest data rate set to basic, also known as required on the browser-based interface. If there are obstacles
or interference, the wireless device steps down to the highest rate that allows data transmission. You can set
each data rate to one of three states:
Basic (the GUI labels Basic rates as Required)Allows transmission at this rate for all packets, both
unicast and multicast. At least one of the data rates of the wireless device must be set to basic.
EnabledThe wireless device transmits only unicast packets at this rate; multicast packets are sent at
one of the data rates set to basic.
DisabledThe wireless device does not transmit data at this rate.
At least one data rate must be set to basic. Note
You can use the data rate settings to set an access point to serve client devices operating at specific data rates.
For example, to set the 2.4-GHz radio for 11 Mb/s service only, set the 11-Mb/s rate to basic, and set the other
data rates to disabled. To set the wireless device to serve only client devices operating at 1 and 2 Mb/s, set 1
and 2 to basic, and set the rest of the data rates to disabled. To set the 2.4-GHz, 802.11g radio to serve only
802.11g client devices, set any orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) data rate (6, 9, 12, 18,
24, 36, 48, 54) to basic. To set the 5-GHz radio for 54-Mb/s service only, set the 54-Mb/s rate to basic, and
set the other data rates to disabled.
You can configure the wireless device to set the data rates automatically to optimize either the range or the
throughput. When you enter range for the data rate setting, the wireless device sets the 1-Mb/s rate to basic
and sets the other rates to enabled. The range setting allows the access point to extend the coverage area by
compromising on the data rate. Therefore, if you have a client that cannot connect to the access point although
other clients can, the client might not be within the coverage area of the access point. In such a case, using
the range option will help extend the coverage area, and the client may be able to connect to the access point.
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Configuring Wireless Devices
Overview of Radio Data Rates
Typically, the trade-off is between throughput and range. When the signal degrades (possibly due to distance
from the access point), the rates renegotiate in order to maintain the link (but at a lower data rate). A link that
is configured for a higher throughput simply drops when the signal degrades enough that it no longer sustains
a configured high data rate, or the link roams to another access point with sufficient coverage, if one is available.
The balance between the two (throughput vs. range) is a design decision that must be made based on resources
available to the wireless project, the type of traffic the users will be passing, the service level desired, and as
always, the quality of the RF environment. When you enter throughput for the data rate setting, the wireless
device sets all four data rates to basic.
When a wireless network has a mixed environment of 802.11b clients and 802.11g clients, make sure that
data rates 1, 2, 5.5, and 11 Mb/s are set to required (basic) and that all other data rates are set to enable.
The 802.11b adapters do not recognize the 54 Mb/s data rate and do not operate if data rates higher than
11 Mb/s are set to required on the connecting access point.
Configuring Radio Data Rates
To configure the radio data rates, follow these steps, beginning in privileged EXEC mode:
1. configure terminal
2. interface dot11radio {0}
3. speed
802.11b, 2.4-GHz radio:
{[1.0] [11.0] [2.0] [5.5] [basic-1.0] [basic-11.0] [basic-2.0] [basic-5.5] | range | throughput}
802.11g, 2.4-GHz radio:
{[1.0] [2.0] [5.5] [6.0] [9.0] [11.0] [12.0] [18.0] [24.0] [36.0] [48.0] [54.0] [basic-1.0] [basic-2.0]
[basic-5.5] [basic-6.0] [basic-9.0] [basic-11.0] [basic-12.0] [basic-18.0] [basic-24.0] [basic-36.0]
[basic-48.0] [basic-54.0] | range | throughput [ofdm] | default}
802.11a 5-GHz radio:
{[6.0] [9.0] [12.0] [18.0] [24.0] [36.0] [48.0] [54.0] [basic-6.0] [basic-9.0] [basic-12.0] [basic-18.0]
[basic-24.0] [basic-36.0] [basic-48.0] [basic-54.0] | range | throughput | ofdm-throughput |
802.11n 2.4-GHz radio:
{[1.0] [11.0] [12.0] [18.0] [2.0] [24.0] [36.0] [48.0] [5.5] [54.0] [6.0] [9.0] [basic-1.0] [basic-11.0]
[basic-12.0] [basic-18.0] [basic-24.0] [basic-36.0] [basic-48.0] [basic-5.5] [basic-54.0] [basic-6.0]
[ basic-9.0] [default] [m0-7] [m0.] [m1.] [m10.] [m11.] [m12.] [m13.] [m14.] [m15.] [m2.] [m3.]
[m4.] [m5.] [m6.] [m7.] [m8-15] [m8.] [m9.] [ofdm] [only-ofdm] | range | throughput}
4. end
5. copy running-config startup-config
Cisco 800 Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide
OL-31704-02 225
Configuring Wireless Devices
Overview of Radio Data Rates
Purpose Command or Action
Enters global configuration mode. configure terminal Step 1
Enters interface configuration mode for the radio interface. interface dot11radio {0} Step 2
The 2.4-GHz and the 802.11g/n 2.4-GHz radios are radio 0.
Sets each data rate to basic or enabled, or enters range to optimize range or
enters throughput to optimize throughput.
speed Step 3
802.11b, 2.4-GHz radio:
(Optional) Enter 1.0, 2.0, 5.5, and 11.0 to set these data rates to enabled
on the 802.11b, 2.4-GHz radio.
{[1.0] [11.0] [2.0] [5.5] [basic-1.0]
[basic-11.0] [basic-2.0] [basic-5.5] |
range | throughput}
Enter 1.0, 2.0, 5.5, 6.0, 9.0, 11.0, 12.0, 18.0, 24.0, 36.0, 48.0, and 54.0 to set
these data rates to enabled on the 802.11g, 2.4-GHz radio. 802.11g, 2.4-GHz radio:
{[1.0] [2.0] [5.5] [6.0] [9.0] [11.0] [12.0]
[18.0] [24.0] [36.0] [48.0] [54.0]
Enter 6.0, 9.0, 12.0, 18.0, 24.0, 36.0, 48.0, and 54.0 to set these data rates to
enabled on the 5-GHz radio.
[basic-1.0] [basic-2.0] [basic-5.5]
(Optional) Enter basic-1.0, basic-2.0, basic-5.5, and basic-11.0 to set
these data rates to basic on the 802.11b, 2.4-GHz radio.
[basic-6.0] [basic-9.0] [basic-11.0]
[basic-12.0] [basic-18.0] [basic-24.0]
[basic-36.0] [basic-48.0] [basic-54.0] |
range | throughput [ofdm] | default}
Enter basic-1.0, basic-2.0, basic-5.5, basic-6.0, basic-9.0, basic-11.0,
basic-12.0, basic-18.0, basic-24.0, basic-36.0, basic-48.0, and basic-54.0 to
set these data rates to basic on the 802.11g, 2.4-GHz radio. 802.11a 5-GHz radio:
{[6.0] [9.0] [12.0] [18.0] [24.0] [36.0]
[48.0] [54.0] [basic-6.0] [basic-9.0]
If the client must support the basic rate that you select, it cannot
associate to the wireless device. If you select 12-Mb/s or higher for
the basic data rate on the 802.11g radio, 802.11b client devices
cannot associate to the wireless device 802.11g radio.
Enter basic-6.0, basic-9.0, basic-12.0, basic-18.0, basic-24.0, basic-36.0,
basic-48.0, and basic-54.0 to set these data rates to basic on the 5-GHz radio.
[basic-12.0] [basic-18.0] [basic-24.0]
[basic-36.0] [basic-48.0] [basic-54.0] |
range | throughput | ofdm-throughput
| default}
(Optional) Enter range or throughput or {[1.0] [11.0] [2.0] [5.5]
[basic-1.0] [basic-11.0] [basic-2.0] [basic-5.5] | range |
802.11n 2.4-GHz radio:
throughput}ofdm-throughput (no ERP protection) to automatically
{[1.0] [11.0] [12.0] [18.0] [2.0] [24.0]
[36.0] [48.0] [5.5] [54.0] [6.0] [9.0]
optimize radio range or throughput. When you enter range, the wireless
device sets the lowest data rate to basic and sets the other rates to
[basic-1.0] [basic-11.0] [basic-12.0]
enabled. When you enter throughput, the wireless device sets all data
rates to basic.
[basic-18.0] [basic-24.0] [basic-36.0]
[basic-48.0] [basic-5.5] [basic-54.0]
[basic-6.0] [ basic-9.0] [default] [m0-7]
(Optional) On the 802.11g radio, enter speed throughput ofdm to set all
OFDM rates (6, 9, 12, 18, 24, 36, and 48) to basic (required) and to set all
[m0.] [m1.] [m10.] [m11.] [m12.] [m13.]
[m14.] [m15.] [m2.] [m3.] [m4.] [m5.]
the CCK rates (1, 2, 5.5, and 11) to disabled. This setting disables 802.11b
[m6.] [m7.] [m8-15] [m8.] [m9.] [ofdm]
[only-ofdm] | range | throughput}
protection mechanisms and provides maximumthroughput for 802.11g clients.
However, it prevents 802.11b clients from associating to the access point.
(Optional) Enter default to set the data rates to factory default settings
(not supported on 802.11b radios).
On the 802.11g radio, the default option sets rates 1, 2, 5.5, and 11 to basic,
and stes rates 6, 9, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48, and 54 to enabled. These rate settings
Cisco 800 Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide
226 OL-31704-02
Configuring Wireless Devices
Overview of Radio Data Rates
Purpose Command or Action
allow both 802.11b and 802.11g client devices to associate to the wireless
device 802.11g radio.
On the 5-GHz radio, the default option sets rates 6.0, 12.0, and 24.0 to basic,
and stes rates 9.0, 18.0, 36.0, 48.0, and 54.0 to enabled.
On the 802.11g/n 2.4-GHz radio, the default option sets rates 1.0, 2.0, 5.5,
and 11.0 to enabled.
On the 802.11g/n 5-GHz radio, the default option sets rates to 6.0, 12.0, and
24.0 to enabled.
The modulation coding scheme (MCS) index range for both 802.11g/n radios
is 0 to 15.
Returns to privileged EXEC mode. end Step 4
(Optional) Saves your entries in the configuration file. copy running-config startup-config Step 5
Configuration Example: Configuring Radio Data Rates
This example shows how to configure data rates basic-2.0 and basic-5.5 from the configuration:
ap1200# configure terminal
ap1200(config)# interface dot11radio 0
ap1200(config-if)# speed basic-2.0 basic-5.5
ap1200(config-if)# end
Configuring MCS Rates
Modulation coding scheme (MCS) is a specification of PHYparameters consisting of modulation order (binary
phase shift keying [BPSK], quaternary phase shift keying [QPSK], 16-quadrature amplitude modulation
[16-QAM], 64-QAM) and forward error correction (FEC) code rate (1/2, 2/3, 3/4, 5/6). MCS is used in the
wireless device 802.11n radios, which define 32 symmetrical settings (8 per spatial stream):
MCS 07
MCS 815
MCS 1623
MCS 2431
The wireless device supports MCS 015. High-throughput clients support at least MCS 07.
MCS is an important setting because it provides for potentially greater throughput. High-throughput data rates
are a function of MCS, bandwidth, and guard interval. The 802.11a, b, and g radios use 20-MHz channel
widths. Table 28: Data Rates Based on MCS Settings, Guard Interval, and Channel Width , on page 228 shows
potential data rated based on MCS, guard interval, and channel width.
Cisco 800 Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide
OL-31704-02 227
Configuring Wireless Devices
Configuring MCS Rates
Table 28: Data Rates Based on MCS Settings, Guard Interval, and Channel Width
Guard Interval = 400
Guard Interval = 800
MCS Index
40-MHz Channel
Width Data Rate
20-MHz Channel
Width Data Rate
40-MHz Channel
Width Data Rate
20-MHz Channel
Width Data Rate
15 7 2/9 13.5 6.5 0
30 14 4/9 27 13 1
45 21 2/3 40.5 19.5 2
60 28 8/9 54 26 3
90 43 1/3 81 39 4
120 57 5/9 109 52 5
135 65 121.5 58.5 6
152.5 72 2/9 135 65 7
30 14 4/9 27 13 8
60 28 8/9 54 26 9
90 43 1/3 81 39 10
120 57 7/9 108 52 11
180 86 2/3 162 78 12
240 115 5/9 216 104 13
270 130 243 117 14
300 144 4/9 270 130 15
The legacy rates are
as follows:
5 GHz: 6, 9, 12, 18,
24, 36, 48, and 54
2.4 GHz: 1, 2, 5.5,
6, 9, 11, 12, 18, 24,
36, 48, and 54 Mb/s
Cisco 800 Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide
228 OL-31704-02
Configuring Wireless Devices
Configuring MCS Rates
Configuration Example: MCS Rates
MCS rates are configured using the speed command.
The following example shows configuring speed setting for an 802.11g/n 2.4-GHz radio:
interface Dot11Radio0
no ip address
no ip route-cache
ssid 800test
speed basic-1.0 2.0 5.5 11.0 6.0 9.0 12.0 18.0 24.0 36.0 48.0 54.0 m0. m1. m2. m3. m4. m8.
m9. m10. m11. m12. m13. m14. m15.
Configuring Radio Transmit Power
Radio transmit power is based on the type of radio or radios installed in your access point and the regulatory
domain in which it operates.
To set the transmit power on access point radios, follow these steps, beginning in privileged EXEC mode:
1. configure terminal
2. interface dot11radio {0}
3. power local
4. end
5. copy running-config startup-config
Purpose Command or Action
Enters global configuration mode. configure terminal
Router# configure terminal
Step 1
Enters interface configuration mode for the radio interface. interface dot11radio {0} Step 2
The 2.4-GHz and the 802.11g/n 2.4-GHz radios are radio 0.
Sets the transmit power for the 2.4-GHz radioso that the power
level is allowed in your regulatory domain.
power local
These options are available for the
2.4-GHz 802.11n radio (in dBm):
Step 3
Use the no form of the power local command to return
the power setting to maximum, the default setting.
{8 | 9| 11 | 14 | 15 | 17 | maximum}
Cisco 800 Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide
OL-31704-02 229
Configuring Wireless Devices
Configuring Radio Transmit Power
Purpose Command or Action
Returns to privileged EXEC mode. end Step 4
(Optional) Saves your entries in the configuration file. copy running-config startup-config Step 5
Limiting the Power Level for Associated Client Devices
You can also limit the power level on client devices that associate to the wireless device. When a client device
associates to the wireless device, the wireless device sends the maximum power level setting to the client.
Cisco AVVID documentation uses the term Dynamic Power Control (DPC) to refer to limiting the power
level on associated client devices.
To specify a maximumallowed power setting on all client devices that associate to the wireless device, follow
these steps, beginning in privileged EXEC mode:
1. configure terminal
2. interface dot11radio {0}
3. power client
4. end
5. copy running-config startup-config
Purpose Command or Action
Enters global configuration mode. configure terminal Step 1
Enters interface configuration mode for the radio interface. interface dot11radio {0} Step 2
The 2.4-GHz and 802.11g/n 2.4-GHz radios are radio 0.
Sets the maximum power level allowed on client devices that associate
to the wireless device.
power client
These options are available for
Step 3
Setting the power level to local sets the client power level to that
of the access point.
802.11n 2.4-GHz clients (in dBm):
Setting the power level to maximum sets the client power to the
allowed maximum.
{local | 8 | 9 | 11 | 14 | 15 | 17
| maximum}
The settings allowed in your regulatory domain might differ
from the settings listed here.
Cisco 800 Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide
230 OL-31704-02
Configuring Wireless Devices
Configuring Radio Transmit Power
Purpose Command or Action
Returns to privileged EXEC mode. end Step 4
(Optional) Saves your entries in the configuration file. copy running-config startup-config Step 5
What to Do Next
Use the no form of the power client command to disable the maximum power level for associated clients.
Aironet extensions must be enabled to limit the power level on associated client devices. Aironet extensions
are enabled by default.
Configuring Radio Channel Settings
The default channel setting for the wireless device radios is least congested. At startup, the wireless device
scans for and selects the least-congested channel. For the most consistent performance after a site survey,
however, we recommend that you assign a static channel setting for each access point. The channel settings
on the wireless device correspond to the frequencies available in your regulatory domain. See the access point
hardware installation guide for the frequencies allowed in your domain.
Each 2.4-GHz channel covers 22 MHz. Because the bands for channels 1, 6, and 11 do not overlap, you can
set up multiple access points in the same vicinity without causing interference. The 802.11b and 802.11g
2.4-GHz radios use the same channels and frequencies.
The 5-GHz radio operates on 8 channels from 5180 to 5320 MHz, up to 27 channels from 5170 to 5850 MHz
depending on regulatory domain. Each channel covers 20 MHz, and the bands for the channels overlap slightly.
For best performance, use channels that are not adjacent (use channels 44 and 46, for example) for radios that
are close to each other.
The presence of too many access points in the same vicinity can create radio congestion that can reduce
throughput. A careful site survey can determine the best placement of access points for maximum radio
coverage and throughput.
The 802.11n standard allows both 20-MHz and 40-Mhz channel widths consisting of two contiguous
non-overlapping channels (for example, 2.4-GHz channels 1 and 6)
One of the 20-MHz channels is called the control channel. Legacy clients and 20-MHz high-throughput clients
use the control channel. Only beacons can be sent on this channel. The other 20-MHz channel is called the
extension channel. The 40-MHz stations may use this channel and the control channel simultaneously.
A 40-MHz channel is specified as a channel and extension, such as 1,1. In this example, the control channel
is channel 1 and the extension channel is above it.
Cisco 800 Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide
OL-31704-02 231
Configuring Wireless Devices
Configuring Radio Channel Settings
Configuring Wireless Channel Width
To set the wireless device channel width, follow these steps, beginning in privileged EXEC mode:
1. configure terminal
2. interface dot11radio {0 }
3. channel {frequency | least-congested | width [20 | 40-above | 40-below] | dfs}
4. end
5. copy running-config startup-config
Purpose Command or Action
Enters global configuration mode. configure terminal Step 1
Enters interface configuration mode for the radio interface. interface dot11radio {0 } Step 2
The 802.11g/n 2.4-GHz radio is radio 0
Sets the default channel for the wireless device radio.To search for the
least-congested channel on startup, enter least-congested.
channel {frequency |
least-congested | width [20 |
40-above | 40-below] | dfs}
Step 3
Use the width option to specify a bandwidth to use. This option is available
for the Cisco 800 series ISR wireless devices and consists of three available
settings: 20, 40-above, and 40-below:
Choosing 20 sets the channel width to 20 MHz.
Choosing 40-above sets the channel width to 40 MHz with the extension
channel above the control channel.
Choosing 40-belowsets the channel width to 40 MHz with the extension
channel below the control channel.
The channel command is disabled for 5-GHz radios that comply with
European Union regulations on dynamic frequency selection (DFS). See
the Enabling and Disabling World Mode, on page 233 for more
Returns to privileged EXEC mode. end Step 4
(Optional) Saves your entries in the configuration file. copy running-config
Step 5
Cisco 800 Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide
232 OL-31704-02
Configuring Wireless Devices
Configuring Radio Channel Settings
Enabling and Disabling World Mode
You can configure the wireless device to support 802.11d world mode, Cisco legacy world mode, or world
mode roaming. When you enable world mode, the wireless device adds channel carrier set information to its
beacon. Client devices with world mode enabled receive the carrier set information and adjust their settings
automatically. For example, a client device used primarily in Japan could rely on world mode to adjust its
channel and power settings automatically when it travels to Italy and joins a network there. Cisco client devices
detect whether the wireless device is using 802.11d or Cisco legacy world mode and automatically use the
world mode that matches the mode used by the wireless device.
You can also configure world mode to be always on. In this configuration, the access point essentially roams
between countries and changes its settings as required. World mode is disabled by default.
Enabling World Mode
To enable world mode, follow these steps, beginning in privileged EXEC mode:
1. configure terminal
2. interface dot11radio {0 }
3. world-mode {dot11d country_code code {both | indoor | outdoor} | world-mode roaming | legacy}
4. end
5. copy running-config startup-config
Purpose Command or Action
Enters global configuration mode. configure terminal Step 1
Enters interface configuration mode for the radio interface. interface dot11radio {0 } Step 2
Enables world mode. world-mode {dot11d country_code
code {both | indoor | outdoor} |
world-mode roaming | legacy}
Step 3
Enter the dot11d option to enable 802.11d world mode.
When you enter the dot11d option, you must enter a two-character
ISO country code (for example, the ISO country code for the United
States is US). You can find a list of ISO country codes at the ISO
After the country code, you must enter indoor, outdoor, or both to
indicate the placement of the wireless device.
Enter the legacy option to enable Cisco legacy world mode.
Enter the world-mode roaming option to place the access point in a
continuous world mode configuration.
Cisco 800 Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide
OL-31704-02 233
Configuring Wireless Devices
Enabling and Disabling World Mode
Purpose Command or Action
Aironet extensions must be enabled for legacy world mode operation,
but Aironet extensions are not required for 802.11d world mode. Aironet
extensions are enabled by default.
Returns to privileged EXEC mode. end Step 4
(Optional) Saves your entries in the configuration file. copy running-config startup-config Step 5
What to Do Next
Use the no form of the world-mode command to disable world mode.
Disabling and Enabling Short Radio Preambles
The radio preamble (sometimes called a header) is a section of data at the head of a packet that contains
information that the wireless device and client devices need when sending and receiving packets. You can set
the radio preamble to long or short:
ShortA short preamble improves throughput performance.
LongAlong preamble ensures compatibility between the wireless device and all early models of Cisco
Aironet Wireless LAN Adapters. If these client devices do not associate to the wireless devices, you
should use short preambles.
You cannot configure short or long radio preambles on the 5-GHz radio.
Disabling Short Radio Preambles
To disable short radio preambles, follow these steps, beginning in privileged EXEC mode:
1. configure terminal
2. interface dot11radio {0 }
3. no preamble-short
4. end
5. copy running-config startup-config
Purpose Command or Action
Enters global configuration mode. configure terminal Step 1
Cisco 800 Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide
234 OL-31704-02
Configuring Wireless Devices
Disabling and Enabling Short Radio Preambles
Purpose Command or Action
Enters interface configuration mode for the 2.4-GHz radio interface. interface dot11radio {0 } Step 2
Disables short preambles and enables long preambles. no preamble-short Step 3
Short preambles are enabled by default. Use the preamble-short
command to enable short preambles if they are disabled.
Returns to privileged EXEC mode. end Step 4
(Optional) Saves your entries in the configuration file. copy running-config startup-config Step 5
What to Do Next
Transmit and Receive Antennas
You can select the antenna that the wireless device uses to receive and transmit data. There are four options
for both the receive antenna and the transmit antenna:
GainSets the resultant antenna gain in decibels (dB).
DiversityThis default setting tells the wireless device to use the antenna that receives the best signal.
If the wireless device has two fixed (non-removable) antennas, you should use this setting for both
receive and transmit.
RightIf the wireless device has removable antennas and you install a high-gain antenna on the wireless
devices right connector, you should use this setting for both receive and transmit. When you look at the
wireless devices back panel, the right antenna is on the right.
LeftIf the wireless device has removable antennas and you install a high-gain antenna on the wireless
devices left connector, you should use this setting for both receive and transmit. When you look at the
wireless devices back panel, the left antenna is on the left.
See the following section for information on configuring transmit and receive antennas:
Configuring Transmit and Recieve Antennas
To select the antennas that the wireless device uses to receive and transmit data, follow these steps, beginning
in privileged EXEC mode:
Cisco 800 Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide
OL-31704-02 235
Configuring Wireless Devices
Transmit and Receive Antennas
1. configure terminal
2. interface dot11radio {0 }
3. gain dB
4. antenna receive {diversity | left | right}
5. end
6. copy running-config startup-config
Purpose Command or Action
Enters global configuration mode. configure terminal Step 1
Enters interface configuration mode for the radio interface. interface dot11radio {0 } Step 2
The 802.11g/n 2.4-GHz radio is radio 0
Specifies the resultant gain of the antenna attached to the device. gain dB Step 3
Enter a value from 128 to 128 dB. If necessary, you can use a decimal
in the value, such as 1.5.
The Cisco 860 and Cisco 880 ISRs are shipped with a fixed antenna
that cannot be removed. The antenna gain cannot be configured on
these models
Sets the receive antenna to diversity, left, or right. antenna receive {diversity | left |
Step 4
For best performance with two antennas, leave the receive antenna
setting at the default setting, diversity. For one antenna, attach the
antenna on the right and set the antenna for right.
Returns to privileged EXEC mode. end Step 5
(Optional) Saves your entries in the configuration file. copy running-config
Step 6
Disabling and Enabling Aironet Extensions
By default, the wireless device uses Cisco Aironet 802.11 extensions to detect the capabilities of Cisco Aironet
client devices and to support features that require specific interaction between the wireless device and associated
client devices. Aironet extensions must be enabled to support these features:
Load balancingThe wireless device uses Aironet extensions to direct client devices to an access point
that provides the best connection to the network on the basis of such factors as number of users, bit error
rates, and signal strength.
Cisco 800 Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide
236 OL-31704-02
Configuring Wireless Devices
Disabling and Enabling Aironet Extensions
Message Integrity Check (MIC)MIC is an additional WEP security feature that prevents attacks on
encrypted packets called bit-flip attacks. The MIC, implemented on the wireless device and all associated
client devices, adds a few bytes to each packet to make the packets tamper-proof.
Load balancingThe wireless device uses Aironet extensions to direct client devices to an access point
that provides the best connection to the network on the basis of such factors as number of users, bit error
rates, and signal strength.
Cisco Key Integrity Protocol (CKIP)Ciscos WEP key permutation technique is based on an early
algorithm presented by the IEEE 802.11i security task group. The standards-based algorithm, Temporal
Key Integrity Protocol (TKIP), does not require Aironet extensions to be enabled.
World mode (legacy only)Client devices with legacy world mode enabled receive carrier set information
from the wireless device and adjust their settings automatically. Aironet extensions are not required for
802.11d world mode operation.
Limiting the power level on associated client devicesWhen a client device associates to the wireless
device, the wireless device sends the maximum allowed power level setting to the client.
Disabling Aironet extensions disables the features listed above, but it sometimes improves the ability of
non-Cisco client devices to associate to the wireless device.
Disabling Aironet Extensions
Aironet extensions are enabled by default. To disable Aironet extensions, follow these steps, beginning in
privileged EXEC mode:
1. configure terminal
2. interface dot11radio {0 }
3. no dot11 extension aironet
4. end
5. copy running-config startup-config
Purpose Command or Action
Enters global configuration mode. configure terminal Step 1
Enters interface configuration mode for the radio interface. interface dot11radio {0 } Step 2
The 802.11g/n 2.4-GHz radio is radio 0.
Disables Aironet extensions. no dot11 extension aironet Step 3
Returns to privileged EXEC mode. end Step 4
(Optional) Saves your entries in the configuration file. copy running-config startup-config Step 5
Cisco 800 Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide
OL-31704-02 237
Configuring Wireless Devices
Disabling and Enabling Aironet Extensions
What to Do Next
Use the dot11 extension aironet command to enable Aironet extensions if they are disabled.
Ethernet Encapsulation Transformation Method
When the wireless device receives data packets that are not 802.3 packets, the wireless device must format
the packets to 802.3 by using an encapsulation transformation method. These are the two transformation
802.1HThis method provides optimum performance for Cisco wireless products.
RFC 1042Use this setting to ensure interoperability with non-Cisco wireless equipment. RFC1042
does not provide the interoperability advantages of 802.1Hbut is used by other manufacturers of wireless
For information on how to configure the ethernet encapsulation transformation method, see the following
Configuring the Ethernet Encapsulation Transformation Method
To configure the encapsulation transformation method, follow these steps, beginning in privileged EXEC
1. configure terminal
2. interface dot11radio {0 }
3. payload-encapsulation {snap | dot1h}
4. end
5. copy running-config startup-config
Purpose Command or Action
Enters global configuration mode. configure terminal Step 1
Enters interface configuration mode for the radio interface. interface dot11radio {0 } Step 2
The 802.11g/n 2.4-GHz radio is radio 0.
Sets the encapsulation transformation method to RFC 1042 (snap)
or 802.1h (dot1h, the default setting).
payload-encapsulation {snap | dot1h} Step 3
Returns to privileged EXEC mode. end Step 4
(Optional) Saves your entries in the configuration file. copy running-config startup-config Step 5
Cisco 800 Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide
238 OL-31704-02
Configuring Wireless Devices
Ethernet Encapsulation Transformation Method
Enabling and Disabling Public Secure Packet Forwarding
Public Secure Packet Forwarding (PSPF) prevents client devices that are associated to an access point from
inadvertently sharing files or communicating with other client devices that are associated to the access point.
PSPF provides Internet access to client devices without providing other capabilities of a LAN. This feature
is useful for public wireless networks like those installed in airports or on college campuses.
To prevent communication between clients associated to different access points, you must set up protected
ports on the switch to which the wireless devices are connected. See the Related Documentation, on page
218 for instructions on setting up protected ports.
To enable and disable PSPF using CLI commands on the wireless device, you use bridge groups. For a detailed
explanation of bridge groups and instructions for implementing them, see the following link:
Configuring Public Secure Packet Forwarding
PSPF is disabled by default. To enable PSPF, follow these steps, beginning in privileged EXEC mode:
1. configure terminal
2. interface dot11radio {0}
3. bridge-group group port-protected
4. end
5. copy running-config startup-config
Purpose Command or Action
Enters global configuration mode. configure terminal Step 1
Enters interface configuration mode for the radio interface. interface dot11radio {0} Step 2
The 802.11g/n 2.4-GHz radio is radio 0.
Enables PSPF. bridge-group group port-protected Step 3
Returns to privileged EXEC mode. end Step 4
(Optional) Saves your entries in the configuration file. copy running-config startup-config Step 5
Cisco 800 Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide
OL-31704-02 239
Configuring Wireless Devices
Enabling and Disabling Public Secure Packet Forwarding
What to Do Next
Use the no form of the bridge group command to disable PSPF.
Configuring Protected Ports
To prevent communication between client devices that are associated to different access points on your wireless
LAN, you must set up protected ports on the switch to which the wireless devices are connected.
To define a port on your switch as a protected port, follow these steps, beginning in privileged EXEC mode:
1. configure terminal
2. interface interface-id
3. switchport protected
4. end
5. show interfaces interface-id switchport
6. copy running-config startup-config
Purpose Command or Action
Enters global configuration mode. configure terminal Step 1
Enters interface configuration mode. interface interface-id Step 2
Enter the type and number of the switch port interface to
configure, such as wlan-gigabitethernet0.
Configures the interface to be a protected port. switchport protected Step 3
Returns to privileged EXEC mode. end Step 4
Verifies your entries. show interfaces interface-id switchport Step 5
(Optional) Saves your entries in the configuration file. copy running-config startup-config Step 6
What to Do Next
To disable protected port, use the no switchport protected command.
For detailed information on protected ports and port blocking, see the Configuring Port-Based Traffic Control
chapter in Catalyst 3550 Multilayer Switch Software Configuration Guide, 12.1(12c)EA1. Click this link to
browse to that guide: configuration/
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240 OL-31704-02
Configuring Wireless Devices
Enabling and Disabling Public Secure Packet Forwarding
Beacon Period and the DTIM
The beacon period is the amount of time between access point beacons in kilomicroseconds (Kmicrosecs).
One Kmicrosec equals 1,024 microseconds. The data beacon rate, always a multiple of the beacon period,
determines how often the beacon contains a delivery traffic indication message (DTIM). The DTIM tells
power-save client devices that a packet is waiting for them.
For example, if the beacon period is set at 100, its default setting, and if the data beacon rate is set at 2, its
default setting, then the wireless device sends a beacon containing a DTIM every 200 Kmicrosecs.
The default beacon period is 100, and the default DTIM is 2.
See the following section for information on configuring beacon period and DTIM:
Configuring the Beacon Period and the DTIM
To configure the beacon period and the DTIM, follow these steps, beginning in privileged EXEC mode:
1. configure terminal
2. interface dot11radio {0}
3. beacon period value
4. beacon dtim-period value
5. end
6. copy running-config startup-config
Purpose Command or Action
Enters global configuration mode. configure terminal Step 1
Enters interface configuration mode for the radio interface. interface dot11radio {0} Step 2
The 802.11g/n 2.4-GHz radio is radio 0
Sets the beacon period. beacon period value Step 3
Enter a value in kilomicroseconds.
Sets the DTIM. beacon dtim-period value Step 4
Enter a value in kilomicroseconds.
Returns to privileged EXEC mode. end Step 5
(Optional) Saves your entries in the configuration file. copy running-config startup-config Step 6
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Configuring Wireless Devices
Beacon Period and the DTIM
RTS Threshold and Retries
The request to send (RTS) threshold determines the packet size at which the wireless device issues an RTS
before sending the packet. A low RTS threshold setting can be useful in areas where many client devices are
associating with the wireless device, or in areas where the clients are far apart and can detect only the wireless
device and not detect each other. You can enter a setting ranging from 0 to 2347 bytes.
The maximumRTS retries is the maximumnumber of times the wireless device issues an RTS before stopping
the attempt to send the packet over the radio. Enter a value from 1 to 128.
The default RTS threshold is 2347 for all access points and bridges, and the default maximum RTS retries
setting is 32.
Configuring RTS Threshold and Retries
To configure the RTS threshold and maximum RTS retries, follow these steps, beginning in privileged EXEC
1. configure terminal
2. interface dot11radio {0}
3. rts threshold value
4. rts retries value
5. end
6. copy running-config startup-config
Purpose Command or Action
Enters global configuration mode. configure terminal Step 1
Enters interface configuration mode for the radio interface. interface dot11radio {0} Step 2
The 2.4-GHz and the 802.11g/n 2.4-GHz radios are radio 0
Sets the RTS threshold. rts threshold value Step 3
Enter an RTS threshold from 0 to 2347.
Sets the maximum RTS retries. rts retries value Step 4
Enter a setting from 1 to 128.
Returns to privileged EXEC mode. end Step 5
(Optional) Saves your entries in the configuration file. copy running-config startup-config Step 6
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Configuring Wireless Devices
RTS Threshold and Retries
What to Do Next
Use the no form of the rts command to reset the RTS settings to defaults.
Maximum Data Retries
The maximum data retries setting determines the number of attempts that the wireless device makes to send
a packet before it drops the packet. The default setting is 32.
Configuring the Maximum Data Retries
To configure the maximum data retries, follow these steps, beginning in privileged EXEC mode:
1. configure terminal
2. interface dot11radio {0}
3. packet retries value
4. end
5. copy running-config startup-config
Purpose Command or Action
Enters global configuration mode. configure terminal Step 1
Enters interface configuration mode for the radio interface. interface dot11radio {0} Step 2
The 802.11g/n 2.4-GHz radio is radio 0.
Sets the maximum data retries. packet retries value Step 3
Enter a setting from 1 to 128.
Use the no form of the packet retries command to reset the
setting to the default.
Returns to privileged EXEC mode. end Step 4
(Optional) Saves your entries in the configuration file. copy running-config startup-config Step 5
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Configuring Wireless Devices
Maximum Data Retries
What to Do Next
Configuring the Fragmentation Threshold
The fragmentation threshold determines the size at which packets are fragmented (sent as several pieces
instead of as one block). Use a low setting in areas where communication is poor or where there is a great
deal of radio interference. The default setting is 2346 bytes.
Configuring the Fragment Threshold
To configure the fragmentation threshold, follow these steps, beginning in privileged EXEC mode:
1. configure terminal
2. interface dot11radio {0}
3. fragment-threshold value
4. end
5. copy running-config startup-config
Purpose Command or Action
Enters global configuration mode. configure terminal Step 1
Enters interface configuration mode for the radio interface. interface dot11radio {0} Step 2
The 802.11g/n 2.4-GHz and 5-GHz radios are radio 0.
Sets the fragmentation threshold. fragment-threshold value Step 3
Enter a setting from 256 to 2346 bytes for the 2.4-GHz radio.
Enter a setting from 256 to 2346 bytes for the 5-GHz radio.
Use the no formof the fragment-threshold command to reset the
setting to the default.
Returns to privileged EXEC mode. end Step 4
(Optional) Saves your entries in the configuration file. copy running-config startup-config Step 5
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Configuring Wireless Devices
Configuring the Fragmentation Threshold
What to Do Next
Enabling Short Slot Time for 802.11g Radios
You can increase throughput on the 802.11g 2.4-GHz radio by enabling short slot time. Reducing the slot
time from the standard 20 microseconds to the 9-microsecond short slot time decreases the overall backoff,
which increases throughput. Backoff, which is a multiple of the slot time, is the random length of time that a
station waits before sending a packet on the LAN.
Many 802.11g radios support short slot time, but some do not. When you enable short slot time, the wireless
device uses the short slot time only when all clients associated to the 802.11g 2.4-GHz radio support short
slot time.
Short slot time is supported only on the 802.11g 2.4-GHz radio. Short slot time is disabled by default.
In radio interface mode, enter the short-slot-time command to enable short slot time:
ap(config-if)# short-slot-time
Use the no form of the short-slot-time command to disable short slot time.
Performing a Carrier Busy Test
You can perform a carrier busy test to check the radio activity on wireless channels. During the carrier busy
test, the wireless device drops all associations with wireless networking devices for 4 seconds while it conducts
the carrier test and then displays the test results.
In privileged EXEC mode, enter this command to perform a carrier busy test:
dot11 interface-number carrier busy
For interface-number, enter dot11radio 0 to run the test on the 2.4-GHz radio
Use the show dot11 carrier busy command to redisplay the carrier busy test results.
Configuring VoIP Packet Handling
You can improve the quality of VoIP packet handling per radio on access points by enhancing 802.11 MAC
behavior for lower latency for the class of service (CoS) 5 (Video) and CoS 6 (Voice) user priorities.
To configure VoIP packet handling on an access point, follow these steps:
1 Using a browser, log in to the access point.
2 Click Services in the task menu on the left side of the web-browser interface.
3 When the list of Services expands, click Stream.
The Stream page appears.
4 Click the tab for the radio to configure.
5 For both CoS 5 (Video) and CoS 6 (Voice) user priorities, choose Low Latency from the Packet Handling
drop-down menu, and enter a value for maximum retries for packet discard in the corresponding field.
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Configuring Wireless Devices
Enabling Short Slot Time for 802.11g Radios
The default value for maximum retries is 3 for the Low Latency setting. This value indicates how many
times the access point will try to retrieve a lost packet before discarding it.
Figure 15: Packet Handling Configuration
You may also configure the CoS 4 (Controlled Load) user priority and its maximum retries value. Note
6 Click Apply.
Configuring WLAN
This section describes the Wireless LAN (WLAN) configuration tasks for Cisco 810, 860, 880 and 890 series
routers and contains the following sections:
Configuring WLAN Using the Web-based Interface
Use the web-based interface to display wireless LAN (WLAN) information and configure settings. For
information about the CLI-based WLAN interface, see Configuring WLAN Using the CLI-based Interface,
on page 253.
Connecting to the Web-based WLAN Interface
To connect to the web-based WLANinterface, open the following address in a web browser:
Log in using the default credentials:
User name: admin
Password: admin
When using the default WLAN credentials, the user is prompted to change the password when logging
in for the first time.
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Configuring Wireless Devices
Configuring WLAN
Address for Accessing Web-based Interface
You can change the address for accessing the web-based interface. See Configuring Access to the Web-based
Interface, on page 247.
DHCP Server Configuration
By default, the DHCP server is not configured. Configure DHCP parameters using the Cisco IOS CLI on
Connect to the interface from a device within the LAN containing the router. The device must be within the
subnet configured for accessing the router. The default subnet mask is
Displaying Device Information
In the left pane, click Device Info -> Summary to open the Device Info page, displaying the following device
Hardware and driver information for upgrading drivers or troubleshooting
Displaying Connection Statistics
In the left pane, click Device Info -> Statistics to open the Statistics - WLAN page, displaying statistics on
packets received and packets transmitted. The page is automatically refreshed.
Configuring Access to the Web-based Interface
In the left pane, click Device Info -> Network Interface to open the Network Interface Setup page for
configuring access to the web-based interface.
The page shows the IP address and subnet mask used to access the web-based interface. You can enter a new
IP address and subnet mask for accessing the web-based interface. The default values are:
Subnet Mask:
Enter IPv4 values only. IPv6 is not supported. Note
Changing the IP address to a different subnet requires changing VLAN 1 to be in the same subnet also. Note
You can access the web-based interface only from a device within the same subnet. Note
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Configuring Wireless Devices
Configuring WLAN Using the Web-based Interface
Configuring Basic Wireless Settings
In the left pane, click Wireless -> Basic to open the Wireless - Basic page, providing configuration options
for the wireless LAN (WLAN).
The options in the top portion of the Wireless - Basic page apply to the main service set identification (SSID):
Enable WirelessEnables/disables the WLAN feature.
Hide Access PointHiding the SSID provides a small measure of security in helping to prevent
unauthorized users from accessing the network. When this feature is enabled, the WLAN access point
SSID is not broadcast, making wireless snooping more difficult.
Clients IsolationPrevents a wireless client connected to a specific SSID from communicating with
other wireless clients connected to the same SSID.
Disable WMMAdvertiseDisables the WiFi Multimedia (WMM) feature. The WMMfeature prioritizes
media traffic to improve media transmission.
Enable Wireless Multicast Forwarding (WMF)Enables the Wireless Multicast Forwarding (WMF)
SSIDMain SSID used for accessing the WLAN. Devices connected to the WLAN using the same
SSID operate within the same domain. The main SSID can be disabled only by disabling WLAN
BSSIDMAC address for the main SSID. Each enabled SSID has a separate BSSID.
Max ClientsConfigures the maximum number of clients that can connect to the main SSID. Default
value: 16 Recommended maximum: 16 Theoretical maximum: 128
Guest SSIDs
A table at the bottom of the Wireless - Basic page shows the guest SSIDs for connecting guest devices to the
WLAN. For each guest SSID, you can configure options similar to those for the main SSID.
Default SSID Values
The following are the default SSID values:
Main SSID: Cisco860
Guest SSID 1: Cisco860_Guest1
Guest SSID 2: Cisco860_Guest2
Guest SSID 3: Cisco860_Guest3
By default, the main SSID is enabled and guest SSIDs are disabled. Note
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Configuring Wireless Devices
Configuring WLAN Using the Web-based Interface
Configuring Security
In the left pane, click Wireless -> Security to open the Wireless - Security page, providing security settings
for each access point.
Complete the following steps to configure security settings for an access point:
1 In the Select SSID drop-down list, select the SSID to configure.
2 Using the drop-down lists, select network authentication options for the SSID. Selecting an authentication
type displays additional options specific to the authentication type.
By default, the network authentication is open and WEP encryption is disabled for each SSID. Note
3 Click Apply/Save.
Configuring MAC Filtering
In the left pane, click Wireless -> MAC Filter to open the Wireless - MAC Filter page, enabling you to
restrict access to specific SSIDs according to device MAC addresses.
For each SSID, you can specify MAC addresses to allow or MAC addresses to deny. By default, the MAC
restriction feature is disabled for all SSIDs.
Complete the following steps to configure MAC filtering for an SSID:
1 In the Select SSID drop-down list, select the SSID to configure.
2 To add a MAC address to the list, click Add and enter the address.
3 To remove a MAC address from the list, select the Remove check box for the address and click Remove.
4 Select a MAC restriction mode from these options:
DisabledThe feature is disabled.
AllowAllow devices with the specified MAC addresses to connect.
DenyDo not allow devices with the specified MAC addresses to connect.
Configuring Advanced Wireless Settings
In the left pane, click Wireless > Advanced to open the Wireless - Advanced page for configuring the advanced
wireless LAN (WLAN) features described in Table 29: Advanced WLAN, on page 249.
Table 29: Advanced WLAN
Description Option
Frequency band. This is preset to 2.4 GHz. Band
Radio channels. By default, the router sets the channel
automatically. You can select a specific channel. The
channel options depend on the geographic region.
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Configuring Wireless Devices
Configuring WLAN Using the Web-based Interface
Description Option
(Enabled when Channel is set to Auto)
Minutes to wait before scanning again to determine
the best channel.
Range: 1 to 35791394 minutes.
Auto Channel Timer (min)
Enables/disables 802.11n support. 802.11n/EWC
(802.11n/EWC must be set to Auto)
Configures the rate for 802.11n.
802.11n Rate
(802.11n/EWC must be set to Auto)
Configures RTS/CTS protection.
802.11n Protection
(802.11n/EWC must be set to Auto)
Restricts support to 802.11n only.
Support 802.11n Client Only
(802.11n/EWC must be set to Auto)
Enables/disables Reduced Inter-Frame Space (RIFS)
RIFS Advertisement
(802.11n/EWC must be set to Auto)
Enables/disables the power save mode.
RX Chain Power Save
(802.11n/EWC must be set to Auto and RX Chain
Power Save must be set to Enable)
Time interval (seconds) to wait before going into the
power save mode.
Range: 0 to 2147483647 seconds.
RX Chain Power Save Quiet Time
(802.11n/EWC must be set to Auto and RX Chain
Power Save must be set to Enable)
Packets per second (PPS) threshold. When the PPS
is below the threshold, the router enters power save
mode after the number of seconds configured in the
RX Chain Power Save Quiet Time field.
Range: 0 to 2147483647 packets per second.
RX Chain Power Save PPS
(802.11n/EWC must be set to Disabled or 802.11n
Rate must be set to Use 54g Rate)
Configures the 54g rate.
54g Rate
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Configuring Wireless Devices
Configuring WLAN Using the Web-based Interface
Description Option
Transmit/Receive rate for multicast packets.
If 802.11n/EWCis Disabled and 54g Mode
is set to 802.11b Only, then the options
will change.
Multicast Rate
Data rate that wireless clients should support. Basic Rate
Maximum packet size (bytes) before data is
Range: 256 to 2346 bytes.
Fragmentation Threshold
RTS threshold value that will trigger the CTS
protection mechanism. If an access point transmits a
packet larger than the threshold, this will trigger the
CTS protection mode.
Range: 0 to 2347 bytes.
RTS Threshold
Delivery Traffic Indication Message (DTIM) interval
information is included in beacon frames to inform
clients of when next to expect buffered data fromAP.
The interval is specified as number of beacons. For
example, if DTIM interval is set to 2, the client will
wake-up/check for buffered data on AP at every
second beacon.
Range: 1 to 255 beacons.
DTIM Interval
Length of time between beacon transmissions.
Range: 1 to 65535 milliseconds.
Beacon Interval
Upper limit for the maximum number of clients that
can connect to an AP. The Max Clients setting for
each SSID cannot exceed this limit.
Range: 1 to 128 Default value: 16 Recommended
maximum: 16 Theoretical maximum: 128
Global Max Clients
Configures the transmit power level. Transmit Power
Enables/disables the WMM feature, a quality of
service (QoS) feature of 802.11.
WMM (Wi-Fi Multimedia)
(WMM (Wi-Fi Multimedia) must be set to Enabled
or Auto)
Enables/disables the WMM No Acknowledgement
WMM No Acknowledgement
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Configuring Wireless Devices
Configuring WLAN Using the Web-based Interface
Description Option
(WMM (Wi-Fi Multimedia) must be set to Enabled
or Auto)
Enables/disables the WMM Automatic Power Save
Delivery feature.
When WMMis in Auto mode, WMMAPSD
must be set to Enabled to enable a client to
use Power Save Mode. When WMM is in
Enabled mode, the client can use Power Save
Mode regardless of whether WMM APSD
is Enabled or Disabled.
(802.11n/EWC must be set to Disabled)
Configures 54g mode.
54g Mode
(802.11n/EWC must be set to Disabled)
Setting this field to Auto enables the RTS/CTS
Protection mechanism.
54g Protection
(802.11n/EWC must be set to Disabled. 54g Mode
must be set to either 54g Auto or 802.11b only.)
Defines the length of the cyclic redundancy code
(CRC) block used for AP-to-WLAN client
Preamble Type
Station Information
In the left pane, click Wireless -> Station Info to open the Wireless - Authenticated Stations page, displaying
clients that have been authenticated for wireless LAN (WLAN) and the status of each client.
Configuring the Password for Connecting to the Web-based Interface
In the left pane, click Management to open the Access Control - Passwords page for configuring the
administrative password.
The user name must be admin. You can follow the instructions on this page to change the password. The
default password is admin.
The administrative account has unrestricted permission to configure the router. Note
To restore WLANconfig to the default, delete the wlconfig.txt file fromthe flash memory, using the Cisco
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Configuring Wireless Devices
Configuring WLAN Using the Web-based Interface
Saving the Wireless LAN Configuration to a File
In the left pane, click Configuration -> Backup to save a configuration file for the wireless configuration.
The file is saved locally on the workstation being used to access the GUI. For information about loading the
saved configuration from the local file, see Loading a Wireless LAN Configuration File, on page 253.
Loading a Wireless LAN Configuration File
In the left pane, click Configuration -> Update to load a configuration file for the wireless LANconfiguration
from the workstation being used to access the GUI.
Loading a configuration file restarts the router, interrupting any current connections. Caution
For information about saving a configuration file locally, see Saving the Wireless LAN Configuration to a
File, on page 253.
A configuration file can be used to load a specific configuration onto several different routers. Note
Restoring the Default Configuration
In the left pane, click Configuration -> Restore Default to restore the wireless LANconfiguration to default.
Restoring the default configuration restarts the router, interrupting any current connections. Caution
Configuring WLAN Using the CLI-based Interface
Use the CLI-based interface to display wireless LAN (WLAN) information and configure settings. For
information about the web-based WLAN interface, see Configuring WLAN Using the Web-based Interface,
on page 246.
See the following sections:
WLAN CLI Interface
The WLAN CLI interface is similar to the CLI interface for IOS.
When you enter the CLI interface, the prompt appears as follows:
Similarly to Cisco IOS, the prompt indicates the command mode. For example, using the configure terminal
command to enter global configuration mode changes the prompt to:
To exit from a specific mode, use the exit command.
For example:
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Configuring Wireless Devices
Configuring WLAN Using the CLI-based Interface
ap(config)# exit
Displaying Command Information for WLAN CLI
Entering a question mark (?) displays information about available command options. This feature provides a
simple access to information about commands and relevant command options.
Example : Displaying Command Information for WLAN CLI
In interface configuration mode, entering ? at the prompt displays the commands available in that mode:
ap(config-if)# ?
exit Exit from config-if mode
ip Interface Internet Protocol config commands
no Negate a command or set its defaults
shutdown Shutdown the interface
In SSID configuration mode, entering encryption mode wep ? displays the options available for configuring
WEP encryption mode with the encryption mode wep command, as follows:
ap(config-ssid)# encryption mode wep ?
current-key Network Key to use
encryption-strength Encryption strength
key Set encryption keys
Three arguments (current-key , encryption-strength , and key ) may be entered for the command. The <cr>
option indicates that encryption mode wep is valid by itself without additional options. In this example,
entering the command without additional arguments enables WEP encryption.
Connecting to the WLAN CLI Interface
To connect to the WLAN CLI interface, complete the following steps.
1 From the Cisco IOS command line, create a loopback interface, specifying any desired IP address. For
information about creating a loopback interface in Cisco IOS, see the Cisco IOS Master Commands List
2 Connect by Telnet to the IP address specified for the loopback interface and port 2002.
3 Log in when prompted.
The router displays the WLAN CLI interface prompt.
The default login credentials are: User name: admin Password: admin When logging in for the first time,
the router prompts you to change the default password.
Example: Configuring a Loopback Interface
Router# configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
Router(config)# interface loopback 0
Router(config-if)# ip address
Router(config-if)# end
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Configuring Wireless Devices
Configuring WLAN Using the CLI-based Interface
Example: Accessing WLAN CLI Using Telnet Through the Loopback Interface
Router# telnet 2002
Trying, 2002 ... Open
Connecting to AP console, enter Ctrl-^ followed by x,
then "disconnect" to return to router prompt
Exiting from the WLAN CLI Interface
To exit from the WLAN CLI and return to the Cisco IOS CLI prompt, press CTRL-SHIFT-6, followed by
x, then disconnect.
Setting the IP Address for the Web-based Interface
By default, the IP address used to access the web-based WLAN interface is
To change the IP address of the bridge interface used to access the web-based interface, perform these steps.
1. configure terminal
2. interface BVI 1
3. ip address IP-address subnet-mask
Purpose Command or Action
Enters configuration mode. configure terminal
ap# configure terminal
Step 1
The interface number. interface BVI 1
ap(config)# interface BVI 1
Step 2
Configures the new IP address and subnet mask. ip address IP-address subnet-mask Step 3
ap(config-if)# ip address
Use IPv4 addresses
You can display the configured IP address using the
show interfaces BVI 1 command (see Displaying the
BVI 1 Interface Details, on page 288).
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Configuring Wireless Devices
Configuring WLAN Using the CLI-based Interface
Purpose Command or Action
Enabling and Disabling WLAN
By default, the WLAN feature is enabled.
To enable or disable WLAN, follow these steps from global configuration mode:
Use shutdown to disable WLAN and no shutdown to enable WLAN.
1. interface Dot11Radio 0
2. [no] shutdown
Purpose Command or Action
Enters interface configuration mode. interface Dot11Radio 0
ap(config)# interface Dot11Radio 0
Step 1
shutdownDisables WLAN. [no] shutdown
ap(config-if)# no shutdown
Step 2
no shutdownEnables WLAN.
Configuring the Main SSID
To change the name of the main SSID, perform these steps.
1. configure terminal
2. dot11 ssid SSID-name
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Configuring Wireless Devices
Configuring WLAN Using the CLI-based Interface
Purpose Command or Action
Enters configuration mode. configure terminal
ap# configure terminal
Step 1
SSID-nameThe main SSID. The SSID may be up to 32
dot11 ssid SSID-name
ap(config)# dot11 ssid mainssid
Step 2
In the example, the new SSID is called mainssid.
Configuring Guest SSIDs
To change the name of a guest SSID, perform these steps.
1. configure terminal
2. dot11 guest-ssid guest-SSID-number SSID-name
Purpose Command or Action
Enters configuration mode. configure terminal
ap# configure terminal
Step 1
guest-SSID-numberSpecify 1, 2, or 3 to identify the guest
SSID to configure.
dot11 guest-ssid guest-SSID-number SSID-name
ap(config)# dot11 guest-ssid 1 guest1
Step 2
SSID-nameThe new SSID. The SSID may be up to 32
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Configuring Wireless Devices
Configuring WLAN Using the CLI-based Interface
Purpose Command or Action
The example specifies a new SSID of guest1 for guest SSID
number 1.
Enabling and Disabling Guest SSIDs
To enable or disable a guest SSID, follow these steps from global configuration mode:
The main SSID cannot be disabled. However, guest SSIDs can be enabled/disabled. By default, guest
SSIDs are disabled.
1. interface Dot11Radio 0
2. [no] guest-ssid guest-SSID-number SSID-name
Purpose Command or Action
Enters interface configuration mode. interface Dot11Radio 0
ap(config)# interface Dot11Radio 0
Step 1
Enables the guest SSID specified by guest-SSID-number and
[no] guest-ssid guest-SSID-number SSID-name
ap(config-if)# guest-ssid 1 guestssid1
Step 2
guest-SSID-numberSpecify 1, 2, or 3 to identify the guest
SSID to configure.
SSID-nameThe name of the guest SSID. Entering the wrong
SSID displays an error message.
The no form of the command disables the specified guest
Hiding an Access Point
To hide or unhide an SSID, follow these steps from global configuration mode:
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Configuring Wireless Devices
Configuring WLAN Using the CLI-based Interface
Hiding the SSID (access point) provides a small measure of security in helping to prevent unauthorized
users from accessing the network. When you hide the SSID, the SSID is not broadcasted, making wireless
snooping more difficult.
1. dot11 {ssid | guest-ssid} [guest-SSID-number] SSID-name
2. [no] hide-ap
Purpose Command or Action
Enters SSIDconfiguration mode for a specific SSID. The ap(config-ssid)
prompt indicates SSID configuration mode.
dot11 {ssid | guest-ssid} [guest-SSID-number]
Step 1
ap(config)# dot11 guest-ssid 1 guestssid1
ssidThe main SSID.
guest-ssidA guest SSID.
guest-SSID-numberThe guest SSID number. Use this only with
the guest-ssid option.
SSID-nameThe SSID name.
Hides the SSID specified in the previous step. [no] hide-ap Step 2
ap(config-ssid)# hide-ap
The no formof the command unhides the specified SSID. Note
Enabling and Disabling Client Isolation
To enable or disable client isolation for a specific SSID, follow these steps from global configuration mode:
Client isolation prevents a wireless client connected to a specific SSID from communicating with other
wireless clients connected to the same SSID.
1. dot11 {ssid | guest-ssid} [guest-SSID-number] SSID-name
2. [no] isolate-clients
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Configuring Wireless Devices
Configuring WLAN Using the CLI-based Interface
Purpose Command or Action
Enters SSIDconfiguration mode for a specific SSID. The ap(config-ssid)
prompt indicates SSID configuration mode.
dot11 {ssid | guest-ssid} [guest-SSID-number]
Step 1
ap(config)# dot11 guest-ssid 1 guestssid1
ssidThe main SSID.
guest-ssidA guest SSID.
guest-SSID-numberThe guest SSID number. Use this only with
the guest-ssid option.
SSID-nameThe SSID name.
Enables client isolation for the SSID specified in the previous step. [no] isolate-clients Step 2
ap(config-ssid)# isolate-clients
The no form of the command disables client isolation for the specified
Enabling and Disabling WMM Advertise
To enable or disable WiFi Multimedia (WMM) Advertise for a specific SSID, follow these steps from global
configuration mode.
The WiFi Multimedia (WMM) Advertise feature prioritizes media traffic to improve media transmission.
WMM Advertise is enabled by default.
1. dot11 {ssid | guest-ssid} [guest-SSID-number] SSID-name
2. [no] disable-wmm
Purpose Command or Action
Enters SSID configuration mode for a specific SSID. The ap(config-ssid)
prompt indicates SSID configuration mode.
dot11 {ssid | guest-ssid}
[guest-SSID-number] SSID-name
Step 1
ap(config)# dot11 guest-ssid 1
ssidThe main SSID.
guest-ssidA guest SSID.
guest-SSID-numberThe guest SSID number. Use this only with the
guest-ssid option.
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260 OL-31704-02
Configuring Wireless Devices
Configuring WLAN Using the CLI-based Interface
Purpose Command or Action
SSID-nameThe SSID name.
Disables the WMMAdvertise feature for the SSIDspecified in the previous
[no] disable-wmm
ap(config-ssid)# disable-wmm
Step 2
The no form of the command enables the WMM Advertise feature for the
specified SSID.
WMM Advertise is enabled by
Enabling and Disabling Wireless Multicast Forwarding (WMF)
To enable or disable Wireless Multicast Forwarding(WMF) for a specific SSID, followthese steps fromglobal
configuration mode:
The WMF feature improves multicast traffic performance. Note
1. dot11 {ssid | guest-ssid} [guest-SSID-number] SSID-name
2. [no] wmf
Purpose Command or Action
Enters SSID configuration mode for a specific SSID. The ap(config-ssid)
prompt indicates SSID configuration mode.
dot11 {ssid | guest-ssid}
[guest-SSID-number] SSID-name
Step 1
ap(config)# dot11 guest-ssid 1
ssidThe main SSID.
guest-ssidA guest SSID.
guest-SSID-numberThe guest SSID number. Use this only with
the guest-ssid option.
SSID-nameThe SSID name.
Enables the WMF feature for the SSID specified in the previous step. [no] wmf Step 2
ap(config-ssid)# wmf
The no form of the command disables the WMF feature for the specified
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Configuring Wireless Devices
Configuring WLAN Using the CLI-based Interface
Configuring the Global Maximum Number of Clients
To set the global maximum number of clients that can connect to an AP, follow these steps from global
configuration mode:
1. configure terminal
2. global-max-clients number-of-clients
Purpose Command or Action
Enters configuration mode. configure terminal Step 1
ap# configure terminal
To exit a configuration mode after completing
configuration tasks, use the exit command .
Configures the maximum number of clients that can connect to
an AP.
global-max-clients number-of-clients
ap(config)# global-max-clients 32
Step 2
number-of-clients range: 1 to 128 clients
Configuring the Maximum Number of Clients for an SSID
To configure the maximum number of clients, follow these steps from global configuration mode:
1. dot11 {ssid | guest-ssid} [guest-SSID-number] SSID-name
2. max-associations number-of-clients
Purpose Command or Action
Enters SSIDconfiguration mode for a specific SSID. The ap(config-ssid)
prompt indicates SSID configuration mode.
dot11 {ssid | guest-ssid} [guest-SSID-number]
Step 1
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262 OL-31704-02
Configuring Wireless Devices
Configuring WLAN Using the CLI-based Interface
Purpose Command or Action
ap(config)# dot11 guest-ssid 1 guestssid1
ssidThe main SSID.
guest-ssidA guest SSID.
guest-SSID-numberThe guest SSID number. Use this only with
the guest-ssid option.
SSID-nameThe SSID name.
Configures the maximum number of clients for the SSID specified in
the previous step.
max-associations number-of-clients
ap(config-ssid)# max-associations 24
Step 2
number-of-clientsRange is from 1 to 128 and the default value is 16.
Configuring Authentication Options
Use the authentication command to configure authentication options for a specific SSID. By default, network
authentication is Open.
To configure the authentication options, follow these steps from global configuration mode:
1. dot11 {ssid | guest-ssid} [guest-SSID-number] SSID-name
2. authentication authentication-options
Purpose Command or Action
Enters SSID configuration mode for a specific SSID. The ap(config-ssid)
prompt indicates SSID configuration mode.
dot11 {ssid | guest-ssid} [guest-SSID-number]
Step 1
ap(config)# dot11 guest-ssid 1 guestssid1
ssidThe main SSID.
guest-ssidA guest SSID.
guest-SSID-numberThe guest SSID number. Use this only with
the guest-ssid option.
SSID-nameThe SSID name.
Configures authentication options for the SSID specified in the previous
step. Table 30: Authentication Command Options, on page 264 describes
options for the authentication command.
authentication authentication-options
ap(config-ssid)# authentication open
Step 2
The default authentication option is open.
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Configuring Wireless Devices
Configuring WLAN Using the CLI-based Interface
Purpose Command or Action
What to Do Next
Table 30: Authentication Command Options, on page 264 describes options for the authentication command:
Table 30: Authentication Command Options
Description Syntax Option
Configures open authentication. open Open authentication
Configures shared authentication. shared
ap(config-ssid)# authentication
Shared authentication
802.1x Options
Defines the UDP port for the RADIUS
authentication server.
Range: 0 to 65535
Default: 1812
802.1x auth-port port-number
ap(config-ssid)# authentication 802.1x
auth-port 2000
Authentication server port
Defines the per-server encryption key.
Enter the server key in an unencrypted
(cleartext) form.
802.1x key encryption-key
ap(config-ssid)# authentication 802.1x
key ABC123ABC1
Specifies a RADIUS server. 802.1x server server-IP-address
ap(config-ssid)# authentication 802.1x
RADIUS server address
WPA Authentication
Defines the UDP port for the RADIUS
authentication server.
Range: 0 to 65535
Default: 1812
WPA auth-port port-number
ap(config-ssid)# authentication WPA
auth-port 2000
Authentication server port
Defines the per-server encryption key.
Enter the server key in an unencrypted
(cleartext) form.
WPA key encryption-key
ap(config-ssid)# authentication WPA
key ABC123ABC1
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Configuring Wireless Devices
Configuring WLAN Using the CLI-based Interface
Description Syntax Option
Defines the authentication rekey interval
in seconds.
Range: 0 to 2147483647 (seconds)
The example configures the rekey interval
to one week (604800 seconds).
WPA rekey-interval seconds
ap(config-ssid)# authentication WPA
rekey-interval 604800
WPA Group Rekey Interval
Specifies a RADIUS server. WPA server server-IP-address
ap(config-ssid)# authentication WPA
RADIUS server address
WPA-PSK Authentication
The passphrase for WPA-PSK.
Enter a cleartext/unencrypted WPA
Range: 8 to 63 ASCII characters or 64
hexadecimal digits
WPA-PSK passphrase password
ap(config-ssid)# authentication
WPA-PSK passphrase MyPaSsWoRd
WPA/WAPI passphrase
Defines the authentication rekey interval
in seconds.
Range: 0 to 2147483647 (seconds)
The example configures the rekey interval
to one week (604800 seconds).
WPA-PSK rekey-interval seconds
ap(config-ssid)# authentication
WPA-PSK rekey-interval 604800
WPA Group Rekey Interval
WPA2 Authentication
Defines the UDP port for the RADIUS
authentication server.
Range: 0 to 65535
Default: 1812
WPA2 auth-port port-number
ap(config-ssid)# authentication
WPA2 auth-port 2000
Authentication server port
Defines the per-server encryption key.
Enter the server key in an unencrypted
(cleartext) form.
WPA2 key encryption-key
ap(config-ssid)# authentication
WPA2 key ABC123ABC1
Enables WPA2 preauthentication.
The no form of the command disables
WPA2 preauth
ap(config-ssid)# authentication
WPA2 preauth
ap(config-ssid)# no authentication
WPA2 preauth
WPA2 preauthentication
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Configuring Wireless Devices
Configuring WLAN Using the CLI-based Interface
Description Syntax Option
Defines the WPA2 reauthorization interval
in seconds.
Range: 0 to 2147483647 (seconds)
The example configures the reauthorization
interval to one week (604800 seconds).
WPA2 reauth-interval seconds
ap(config-ssid)# authentication
WPA2 reauth-interval 604800
Network reauthorization interval
Defines the authentication rekey interval
in seconds.
Range: 0 to 2147483647 (seconds)
The example configures the rekey interval
to one week (604800 seconds).
WPA2 rekey-interval seconds
ap(config-ssid)# authentication
WPA2 rekey-interval 604800
WPA Group Rekey Interval
Specifies a RADIUS server. WPA2 server server-IP-address
ap(config-ssid)# authentication
WPA2 server
RADIUS server address
WPA2-PSK Authentication
The passphrase for WPA2-PSK.
Enter a cleartext/unencrypted WPA
Range: 8 to 63 ASCII characters or 64
hexadecimal digits
WPA2-PSK passphrase password
ap(config-ssid)# authentication
WPA2-PSK passphrase MyPaSsWoRd
WPA/WAPI passphrase
Defines the authentication rekey interval
in seconds.
Range: 0 to 2147483647 (seconds)
The example configures the rekey interval
to one week (604800 seconds).
WPA2-PSK rekey-interval seconds
ap(config-ssid)# authentication
WPA2-PSK rekey-interval 604800
WPA-PSK Group Rekey Interval
Mixed WPA2/WPA Authentication
Defines the UDP port for the RADIUS
authentication server.
Range: 0 to 65535
Default: 1812
Mixed-WPA2-WPA auth-port
ap(config-ssid)# authentication
Mixed-WPA2-WPA auth-port 2000
Authentication server port
Defines the per-server encryption key.
Enter the server key in an unencrypted
(cleartext) form.
Mixed-WPA2-WPA key encryption-key
ap(config-ssid)# authentication
Mixed-WPA2-WPA key ABC123ABC1
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Configuring Wireless Devices
Configuring WLAN Using the CLI-based Interface
Description Syntax Option
Enables WPA2 preauthentication.
The no form of the command disables
Mixed-WPA2-WPA preauth
ap(config-ssid)# authentication
Mixed-WPA2-WPA preauth
ap(config-ssid)# no authentication
Mixed-WPA2-WPA preauth
WPA2 preauthentication
Defines the WPA2 reauthorization interval
in seconds.
Range: 0 to 2147483647 (seconds)
The example configures the reauthorization
interval to one week (604800 seconds).
Mixed-WPA2-WPA reauth-interval
ap(config-ssid)# authentication
Mixed-WPA2-WPA reauth-interval
Network reauthorization interval
Defines the authentication rekey interval
in seconds.
Range: 0 to 2147483647 (seconds)
The example configures the rekey interval
to one week (604800 seconds).
Mixed-WPA2-WPA rekey-interval
ap(config-ssid)# authentication
Mixed-WPA2-WPA rekey-interval
WPA Group Rekey Interval
Specifies a RADIUS server. Mixed-WPA2-WPA server
ap(config-ssid)# authentication
Mixed-WPA2-WPA server
RADIUS server address
Mixed WPA2/WPA-PSK Authentication
The preshared passphrase for WiFi
protected access.
Enter a clear WPA passphrase.
Range: 8 to 63 ASCII characters or 64
hexadecimal digits
Mixed-WPA2-WPA-PSK passphrase
ap(config-ssid)# authentication
Mixed-WPA2-WPA-PSK passphrase
Defines the authentication rekey interval
in seconds.
Range: 0 to 2147483647 (seconds)
The example configures the rekey interval
to one week (604800 seconds).
WPA2-PSK rekey-interval seconds
ap(config-ssid)# authentication
Mixed-WPA2-WPA-PSK rekey-interval
WPA Group Rekey Interval
Configuring Encryption Options
To configure the encryption options for a specific SSID, follow these steps from global configuration mode:
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Configuring Wireless Devices
Configuring WLAN Using the CLI-based Interface
1. dot11 {ssid | guest-ssid} [guest-SSID-number] SSID-name
2. encryption mode encryption-options
Purpose Command or Action
Enters SSIDconfiguration mode for a specific SSID. The ap(config-ssid)
prompt indicates SSID configuration mode.
dot11 {ssid | guest-ssid} [guest-SSID-number]
Step 1
ap(config)# dot11 guest-ssid 1 guestssid1
ssidThe main SSID.
guest-ssidA guest SSID.
guest-SSID-numberThe guest SSID number. Use this only with
the guest-ssid option.
SSID-nameThe SSID name.
Configures encryption options for the SSID specified in the previous
step. Table 31: Encryption Command Options, on page 268 describes
options for the encryption mode command.
encryption mode encryption-options
ap(config-ssid)# encryption mode wep
Step 2
What to Do Next
Table 31: Encryption Command Options, on page 268 describes options for the encryption mode command:
Table 31: Encryption Command Options
Description Syntax Option
WEP encryption options
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Configuring Wireless Devices
Configuring WLAN Using the CLI-based Interface
Description Syntax Option
Enables WEP encryption. The no form of
the command disables WEP encryption.
The WEP encryption default
setting depends on the
authentication option selected.
Open authenticationDefault is
disabled. SharedDefault is
enabled; cannot disable.
802.1xDefault is enabled;
cannot disable. WPA, WPA-PSK,
WPA2, WPA2-PSK, Mixed
WPA2/WPA, Mixed
WPA2/WPA-PSKDefault is
disabled; cannot enable.
[no] encryption mode wep
ap(config-ssid)# encryption mode
ap(config-ssid)# no encryption mode
Enable/Disable WEP encryption
Configures the WEP encryption strength.
64bitSpecifies a 64-bit key.
128bitSpecifies a 128-bit key.
wep encryption-strength [64bit | 128bit]
ap(config-ssid)# encryption mode
wep encryption-strength 64bit
Encryption strength
It is possible to configure four different
network keys. This command determines
which key to use currently.
key-number range: 1 to 4
wep current-key key-number
ap(config-ssid)# encryption mode
wep current-key 1
Current network key
Configures a network key.
key-number range: 1 to 4
For a 64-bit key:
5 ASCII characters or 10 hexadecimal
For a 128-bit key:
13 ASCII characters or 26 hexadecimal
wep key key-number key
ap(config-ssid)# encryption mode
wep key 1 54321
Network key
WPA/WAPI Encryption Options
Configures the encryption mode to AES.
AES is supported only under
or Mixed WPA2/WPA-PSK.
ap(config-ssid)# encryption mode aes
Cisco 800 Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide
OL-31704-02 269
Configuring Wireless Devices
Configuring WLAN Using the CLI-based Interface
Description Syntax Option
Configures the encryption mode to
TKIP+AES is supported only
under WPA, WPA-PSK, WPA2,
or Mixed WPA2/WPA-PSK.
ap(config-ssid)# encryption mode
Configuring the MAC Address Filter Access List
To add a MAC address to the access-list or to remove a MAC address from the access-list, follow these steps
from global configuration mode :
1. dot11 {ssid | guest-ssid} [guest-SSID-number] SSID-name
2. [no] access-list MAC-address
Purpose Command or Action
Enters SSIDconfiguration mode for a specific SSID. The ap(config-ssid)
prompt indicates SSID configuration mode.
dot11 {ssid | guest-ssid} [guest-SSID-number]
Step 1
ap(config)# dot11 guest-ssid 1 guestssid1
ssidThe main SSID.
guest-ssidA guest SSID.
guest-SSID-numberThe guest SSIDnumber. Use this only with
the guest-ssid option.
SSID-nameThe SSID name.
Adds the MAC address to the access list for the SSID specified in the
previous step.
[no] access-list MAC-address
ap(config-ssid)# access-list
Step 2
MAC-addressHexadecimal characters in the following format:
The no form of the command removes a MAC address from
the access list.
ap(config-ssid)# no access-list
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Configuring Wireless Devices
Configuring WLAN Using the CLI-based Interface
Configuring the MAC Address Filter Mode
To select the MAC address access list mode, follow these steps from global configuration mode:
1. dot11 {ssid | guest-ssid} [guest-SSID-number] SSID-name
2. [no] mac-filter-mode [allow | deny]
Purpose Command or Action
Enters SSIDconfiguration mode for a specific SSID. The ap(config-ssid)
prompt indicates SSID configuration mode.
dot11 {ssid | guest-ssid} [guest-SSID-number]
Step 1
ap(config)# dot11 guest-ssid 1 guestssid1
ssidThe main SSID.
guest-ssidA guest SSID.
guest-SSID-numberThe guest SSID number. Use this only with
the guest-ssid option.
SSID-nameThe SSID name.
Configures the mode for the MAC address filter feature. [no] mac-filter-mode [allow | deny] Step 2
ap(config-ssid)# mac-filter-mode allow
allowTo allow MAC addresses on the access list to connect:
denyTo deny MACaddresses on the access list fromconnecting:
Configuring Radio Channel
To configure channel options, follow these steps from global configuration mode:
1. interface Dot11Radio 0
2. channel {channel-number | least-congested} [timer minutes-before-next-scan]
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Configuring Wireless Devices
Configuring WLAN Using the CLI-based Interface
Purpose Command or Action
Enters radio interface mode, indicated by the ap(config-if) prompt. interface Dot11Radio 0
ap(config)# interface Dot11Radio 0
Step 1
Configures a specific radio channel manually or selects automatic scanning;
and configures the automatic scanning timer.
channel {channel-number | least-congested}
[timer minutes-before-next-scan]
Step 2
ap(config-if)# channel least-congested
timer 60
channel-numberSets a specific channel. The channel-number range
is 1 to11 for American models, or 1 to 13 for European models
least-congestedConfigures automatic scanning for the least
congested channel, use the least-congested option and specify the
number of minutes to wait before scanning again for the best channel.
minutes-before-next-scanSets the timer for automatic scanning.
Range varies from 1 to 35791394.
Configuring 802.11n Options
To configure 802.11n options, follow these steps from global configuration mode:
1. interface Dot11Radio 0
2. [no] dot11n
3. dot11n rate
4. [no] dot11n protection
5. [no] dot11n n-client-only
6. [no] dot11n rifs
7. [no] dot11n [rx-pwr-save | rx-pwr-save quiet-time seconds| pps pps-value]
Purpose Command or Action
Enters radio interface mode, indicated by the ap(config-if) prompt. interface Dot11Radio 0
ap(config)# interface Dot11Radio
Step 1
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Configuring Wireless Devices
Configuring WLAN Using the CLI-based Interface
Purpose Command or Action
Configures 802.11n radio options. [no] dot11n Step 2
Configures the 802.11n rate: dot11n rate Step 3
rate range: 0 to 15. Table 32: Rate Options for 802.11n, on page 273
describes the 802.11n rates for each rate value.
54gUses the 54g rate.
autoSelects a rate automatically.
Enables 802.11n protection. [no] dot11n protection Step 4
Enables the 802.11n client-only mode, which limits the WLANto clients using
[no] dot11n n-client-only Step 5
When the 802.11n client-only option is enabled, clients are unable to
connect to SSIDs with a WEP security setting. To enable the client to
connect to the SSID, change the SSID security setting so that WEP is
not configured. Alternatively, the client can connect to an SSID with
non-WEP security settings.
Enables Reduced Inter-Frame Space (RIFS) advertisement. [no] dot11n rifs Step 6
Enables the RX Chain Power Save. [no] dot11n [rx-pwr-save |
rx-pwr-save quiet-time seconds|
pps pps-value]
Step 7
seconds Sets the RX Chain Power Save quiet time (time interval to
wait before going into power save mode): The range is from 0 to
pps-value Sets the RX Chain Power Save packets per second (PPS)
threshold. The range is from 0 to 2147483647 packets per second.
What to Do Next
Table 32: Rate Options for 802.11n, on page 273 describes the rate options for 802.11n, as specified by rate
in the dot11n rate command:
Table 32: Rate Options for 802.11n
Rate Value
MCS index 0, 6.5 Mbps 0
MCS index 1, 13 Mbps 1
MCS index 2, 19.5 Mbps 2
MCS index 3, 26 Mbps 3
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Configuring Wireless Devices
Configuring WLAN Using the CLI-based Interface
Rate Value
MCS index 4, 39 Mbps 4
MCS index 5, 52 Mbps 5
MCS index 6, 58.5 Mbps 6
MCS index 7, 65 Mbps 7
MCS index 8, 13 Mbps 8
MCS index 9, 26 Mbps 9
MCS index 10, 39 Mbps 10
MCS index 11, 52 Mbps 11
MCS index 12, 78 Mbps 12
MCS index 13, 104 Mbps 13
MCS index 14, 117 Mbps 14
MCS index 15, 130 Mbps 15
Configuring the 54g Mode
To set the 54g mode, follow these steps from global configuration mode:
1. interface Dot11Radio 0
2. 54g-mode [auto | dot11b-only | lrs | performance]
Purpose Command or Action
Enters radio interface mode, indicated by the ap(config-if) prompt. interface Dot11Radio 0
ap(config)# interface Dot11Radio 0
Step 1
Configures the 54g mode. 54g-mode [auto | dot11b-only | lrs |
Step 2
auto54g auto mode. Accepts 802.11b, 802.11g, and 54g clients.
This option provides the widest compatibility.
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Configuring Wireless Devices
Configuring WLAN Using the CLI-based Interface
Purpose Command or Action
ap(config-if)# 54g-mode auto
dot11b-onlyAccepts only 802.11b clients.
lrs54g Limited Rate Support (LRS). Intended for legacy 802.11b
client support.
performance54g Performance mode. Accepts only 54g clients,
provides the fastest performance with 54g certified equipment.
Configuring the 54g Preamble Type
To set the 54g preamble type, follow these steps from global configuration mode:
The preamble type can be set only when 802.11n is disabled (no dot11n) and 54g-mode is either auto or
1. interface Dot11Radio 0
2. 54g-mode {auto | dot11b-only} preamble {short | long}
Purpose Command or Action
Enters radio interface mode, indicated by the ap(config-if) prompt. interface Dot11Radio 0
ap(config)# interface Dot11Radio 0
Step 1
Configures 54g preamble type. 54g-mode {auto | dot11b-only} preamble {short |
Step 2
shortShort preamble. When there are no 802.11b clients,
setting preamble type to short improves performance.
ap(config-if)# 54g-mode auto preamble long
longLong preamble. When there are both 802.11g and
802.11b clients, set preamble type to long.
ap(config-if)# 54g-mode dot11b-only preamble
54g-mode must be either auto or dot11b-only.
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Configuring Wireless Devices
Configuring WLAN Using the CLI-based Interface
Configuring the 54g Rate
To set the 54g transmission rate, follow these steps from global configuration mode:
The 54g rate can be set only when the 802.11n rate is configured to use 54g rate (dot11n rate 54g) or
when 802.11n is disabled (no dot11n).
1. interface Dot11Radio 0
2. 54g-rate {Mbps-rate |auto}
Purpose Command or Action
Enters radio interface mode, indicated by the ap(config-if) prompt. interface Dot11Radio 0
ap(config)# interface Dot11Radio 0
Step 1
Configures the rate for 54g mode. 54g-rate {Mbps-rate |auto} Step 2
ap(config-if)# 54g-rate 54
Mbps-ratespecifies a rate in Mbps. The following values
are possible:
autoSets the 54g rate automatically.
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Configuring Wireless Devices
Configuring WLAN Using the CLI-based Interface
Configuring 54g Protection
To set 54g protection, follow these steps from global configuration mode:
54g protection can be set only when 802.11n is disabled. Note
1. interface Dot11Radio 0
2. 54g-protection
Purpose Command or Action
Enters radio interface mode, indicated by the ap(config-if)
interface Dot11Radio 0
ap(config)# interface Dot11Radio 0
Step 1
Enables 54g protection. 54g-protection Step 2
ap(config-if)# 54g-protection
54g-protectionEnables the RTS/CTS protection
no 54g-protectionDisables 54g protection.
Configuring the Multicast Rate
To set the multicast transmission rate, follow these steps from global configuration mode:
1. interface Dot11Radio 0
2. multicast-rate {Mbps-rate | auto}
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Configuring Wireless Devices
Configuring WLAN Using the CLI-based Interface
Purpose Command or Action
Enters radio interface mode, indicated by the ap(config-if) prompt. interface Dot11Radio 0
ap(config)# interface Dot11Radio 0
Step 1
Configures the multicast rate. multicast-rate {Mbps-rate | auto} Step 2
ap(config-if)# multicast-rate 54
Mbps-rate specifies a rate in Mbps. The following values are possible:
ap(config-if)# multicast-rate auto
autoSets the multicast rate automatically.
When 802.11n is disabled (no dot11n) and 54g-mode is
configured to 802.11b only (54g-mode dot11b-only), the only
accepted rates are auto, 1, 2, 5.5, or 11 Mbps. Attempting to
configure any other rate displays a warning message:
Configuring the Basic Rate
To set the basic transmission rate, which is the data rate that wireless clients should support, follow these
steps from global configuration mode:
1. interface Dot11Radio 0
2. basic-rate {1 | 2 | all | default}
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Configuring Wireless Devices
Configuring WLAN Using the CLI-based Interface
Purpose Command or Action
Enters radio interface mode, indicated by the ap(config-if)
interface Dot11Radio 0
ap(config)# interface Dot11Radio 0
Step 1
Configures the basic rate. basic-rate {1 | 2 | all | default} Step 2
ap(config-if)# basic-rate 2
11 and 2 Mbps
21, 2, 5.5, 6, 11, 12, and 24 Mbps
allAll rates
ap(config-if)# basic-rate all
default1, 2, 5.5, and 11 Mbps
Configuring the Fragmentation Threshold
To set the fragmentation threshold, which is the maximum packet size (bytes) before data is fragmented,
follow these steps from global configuration mode:
1. interface Dot11Radio 0
2. fragment-threshold threshold-in-bytes
Purpose Command or Action
Enters radio interface mode, indicated by the ap(config-if)
interface Dot11Radio 0
ap(config)# interface Dot11Radio 0
Step 1
Configures the fragmentation threshold in bytes. fragment-threshold threshold-in-bytes Step 2
ap(config-if)# fragment-threshold 2346
threshold-in-bytes range: 256 to 2346 bytes
Default value is 2346
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Configuring Wireless Devices
Configuring WLAN Using the CLI-based Interface
Configuring the RTS Threshold
To set the request-to-send (RTS) threshold, follow these steps from global configuration mode:
If an access point transmits a packet larger than the threshold, it will trigger CTS (clear-to-send) protection
1. interface Dot11Radio 0
2. rts-threshold threshold-in-bytes
Purpose Command or Action
Enters radio interface mode, indicated by the ap(config-if)
interface Dot11Radio 0
ap(config)# interface Dot11Radio 0
Step 1
Configures the RTS threshold in bytes. rts-threshold threshold-in-bytes Step 2
ap(config-if)# rts-threshold 2347
threshold-in-bytesRange is from 0 to 2347 bytes. Default
value is 2347
Configuring the DTIM Interval
To set the Delivery Traffic Indication Message (DTIM) interval, follow these steps from global configuration
1. interface Dot11Radio 0
2. dtim-interval number-of-beacons
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Configuring Wireless Devices
Configuring WLAN Using the CLI-based Interface
Purpose Command or Action
Enters radio interface mode, indicated by the ap(config-if) prompt. interface Dot11Radio 0
ap(config)# interface Dot11Radio 0
Step 1
Configures the DTIM interval that is included in beacon frames
to inform clients of when next to expect buffered data from the
dtim-interval number-of-beacons
ap(config-if)# dtim-interval 255
Step 2
number-of-beaconsRange is 1 to 255 beacons.
Default is 1
Configuring the Beacon Interval
To set the beacon interval, follow these steps from global configuration mode:
1. interface Dot11Radio 0
2. beacon-interval number-of-milliseconds
Purpose Command or Action
Enters radio interface mode, indicated by the ap(config-if)
interface Dot11Radio 0
ap(config)# interface Dot11Radio 0
Step 1
Configures the beacon interval. beacon-interval number-of-milliseconds Step 2
ap(config-if)# beacon-interval 65535
number-of-millisecondsrange is 1 to 65535 milliseconds
(ms) and default value is 100 milliseconds.
Configuring the Radio Transmit Power
To set the radio transmit power for WLAN, follow these steps from global configuration mode:
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Configuring Wireless Devices
Configuring WLAN Using the CLI-based Interface
1. interface Dot11Radio 0
2. tx-pwr power-percentage
Purpose Command or Action
Enters radio interface mode, indicated by the ap(config-if) prompt. interface Dot11Radio 0
ap(config)# interface Dot11Radio 0
Step 1
Configures the transmit power, as a percentage of the maximum
tx-pwr power-percentage
ap(config-if)# tx-pwr 60
Step 2
power-percentagespecifies the power percentage. The following
values are possible:
Configuring WMM Options
To configure WiFi Multimedia (WMM) options, follow these steps from global configuration mode :
1. interface Dot11Radio 0
2. [no] wmm [auto | no-ack | apsd]
Purpose Command or Action
Enters radio interface mode, indicated by the ap(config-if) prompt. interface Dot11Radio 0
ap(config)# interface Dot11Radio 0
Step 1
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Configuring Wireless Devices
Configuring WLAN Using the CLI-based Interface
Purpose Command or Action
Enable or Disables WMM. [no] wmm [auto | no-ack | apsd] Step 2
ap(config-if)# wmm
autoConfigures WMM auto mode:
no-ackConfigures no-acknowledgement for WMM
apsdEnables Automatic Power Save Delivery (APSD) mode for WMM.
When WMM is in Auto mode, WMM APSD must be set to
Enabled to enable a client to use Power Save Mode. When WMM
is in Enabled mode, the client can use Power Save Mode regardless
of whether WMM APSD is Enabled or Disabled.
Displaying Current CLI Values and Keywords
Use the show ap-config command to display the current CLI values and keywords.
1. show ap-config
Purpose Command or Action
Displays the current CLI values and keywords. show ap-config
ap# show ap-config
Step 1
What to Do Next
Example Configuration: Displaying Current CLI Values and Keywords
This example displays current CLI values and keywords.
ap# show ap-config
global-max-clients 16
dot11 ssid Cisco860
no isolate-clients
no wmf
max-associations 16
no hide-ap
no disable-wmm
no mac-filter-mode
authentication open
no encryption mode wep
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Configuring Wireless Devices
Configuring WLAN Using the CLI-based Interface
dot11 guest-ssid 1 Cisco860_Guest1
no isolate-clients
no wmf
max-associations 16
no hide-ap
no disable-wmm
no mac-filter-mode
authentication open
no encryption mode wep
dot11 guest-ssid 2 Cisco860_Guest2
no isolate-clients
no wmf
max-associations 16
no hide-ap
no disable-wmm
no mac-filter-mode
authentication open
no encryption mode wep
dot11 guest-ssid 3 Cisco860_Guest3
no isolate-clients
no wmf
max-associations 16
no hide-ap
no disable-wmm
no mac-filter-mode
authentication open
no encryption mode wep
interface Dot11Radio 0
no shutdown
ssid Cisco860
no guest-ssid 1 Cisco860_Guest1
no guest-ssid 2 Cisco860_Guest2
no guest-ssid 3 Cisco860_Guest3
channel least-congested timer 15
dot11n rate auto
dot11n protection
no dot11n n-client-only
dot11n rifs
no dot11n rx-pwr-save
dot11n rx-pwr-save quiet-time 10
dot11n rx-pwr-save pps 10
54g-rate auto
multicast-rate auto
basic-rate default
fragment-threshold 2346
rts-threshold 2347
dtim-interval 1
beacon-interval 100
tx-pwr 100
no wmm no-ack
wmm apsd
interface BVI 1
ip address
no shutdown
Displaying Current Channel and Power Information
Use the show controllers Dot11Radio 0 command to display the current channel and power information.
1. show controllers Dot11Radio 0
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Configuring Wireless Devices
Configuring WLAN Using the CLI-based Interface
Purpose Command or Action
Displays the current channel and power information. show controllers Dot11Radio 0
ap# show controllers Dot11Radio 0
Step 1
What to Do Next
ap# show controllers Dot11Radio 0
interface Dot11Radio0
Beacon Interval(ms) : 100
DTIM Interval(beacon) : 1
Power Control: On, HW
Current Channel: 11
BSS Channel: 11
BSS Local Max: 30.0 dBm
BSS Local Constraint: 0.0 dB
Channel Width: 20MHz
User Target: 31.75 dBm
SROM Antgain 2G: 2.0 dB
SROM Antgain 5G: 2.0 dB
SAR: -
Current rate: [MCS15] ht mcs 15 Tx Exp 0 BW 20 sgi
Regulatory Limits:
Rate Chains 20MHz
DSSS 1 19.0
OFDM 1 13.50
MCS0_7 1 13.50
VHT8_9SS1 1 -
OFDM_CDD1 2 10.50
MCS0_7_CDD1 2 10.50
VHT8_9SS1_CDD1 2 -
MCS0_7_STBC 2 10.50
VHT8_9SS1_STBC 2 -
MCS8_15 2 10.50
VHT8_9SS2 2 -
MCS0_7_CDD2 3 -
VHT8_9SS1_CDD2 3 -
MCS8_15_SPEXP1 3 -
VHT8_9SS2_SPEXP1 3 -
MCS16_23 3 -
VHT8_9SS3 3 -
Core Index: 0
Board Limits:
Rate Chains 20MHz
DSSS 1 17.50
OFDM 1 17.50
MCS0_7 1 17.50
VHT8_9SS1 1 -
DSSS_MULTI1 2 17.50
OFDM_CDD1 2 17.50
MCS0_7_CDD1 2 17.50
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Configuring Wireless Devices
Configuring WLAN Using the CLI-based Interface
VHT8_9SS1_CDD1 2 -
MCS0_7_STBC 2 17.50
VHT8_9SS1_STBC 2 -
MCS8_15 2 17.50
VHT8_9SS2 2 -
MCS0_7_CDD2 3 -
VHT8_9SS1_CDD2 3 -
MCS8_15_SPEXP1 3 -
VHT8_9SS2_SPEXP1 3 -
MCS16_23 3 -
VHT8_9SS3 3 -
Power Targets:
Rate Chains 20MHz
DSSS 1 16.0
OFDM 1 12.0
MCS0_7 1 12.0
VHT8_9SS1 1 8.0
OFDM_CDD1 2 9.0
MCS0_7_CDD1 2 9.0
VHT8_9SS1_CDD1 2 8.0
MCS0_7_STBC 2 9.0
VHT8_9SS1_STBC 2 8.0
MCS8_15 2 9.0
VHT8_9SS2 2 8.0
MCS0_7_CDD2 3 -
VHT8_9SS1_CDD2 3 -
MCS8_15_SPEXP1 3 -
VHT8_9SS2_SPEXP1 3 -
MCS16_23 3 -
VHT8_9SS3 3 -
Maximum Power Target among all rates: 16.0 16.0
Last est. power : 0.0 15.75
Power Target for the current rate : 16.0 16.0
Last adjusted est. power : 0.0 15.75
Power Percentage : 100
Channel Status:
No scan in progress.
current mac channel 11
target channel 11
Displaying Current Associated Clients
Use the show dot11 associations command to display the current associated clients.
1. show dot11 associations
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Configuring Wireless Devices
Configuring WLAN Using the CLI-based Interface
Purpose Command or Action
Displays the current associated clients. show dot11 associations
ap# show dot11 associations
Step 1
What to Do Next
Example: Displaying Current Associated Clients
ap# show dot11 associations
Authenticated Associated Authorized Interface
AA:BB:CC:11:22:33 yes no Dot11Radio0
Displaying the SSID to BSSID Mapping
Each SSID has an associated BSSID. Use the show dot11 bssid command to display the SSID to BSSID
1. show dot11 bssid
Purpose Command or Action
Displays the SSID to BSSID mapping. show dot11 bssid
ap# show dot11 bssid
Step 1
What to Do Next
Example: Displaying the SSID to BSSID Mapping
ap# show dot11 bssid
Interface BSSID Guest SSID
Dot11Radio0 A4:93:4C:01:7A:9A No Cisco860
Dot11Radio0 A4:93:4C:01:7A:9B Yes Cisco860_Guest1
Dot11Radio0 A4:93:4C:01:7A:9C Yes Cisco860_Guest2
Dot11Radio0 A4:93:4C:01:7A:9D Yes Cisco860_Guest3
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Configuring Wireless Devices
Configuring WLAN Using the CLI-based Interface
Displaying the Tx/Rx Statistics
Use the showdot11 statistics command to display the current transmit/receive (tx/rx) statistics for Dot11Radio
0 interface.
1. show dot11 statistics
Purpose Command or Action
Displays the current tx/rx statistics for Dot11Radio 0
show dot11 statistics
ap# show dot11 statistics
Step 1
What to Do Next
Example: Displaying the Tx/Rx Statistics
ap# show dot11 statistics
rx bytes rx pkts rx errs rx drops tx bytes tx pkts tx errs tx drops
Dot11Radio0 0 0 0 0 12824 94 0 0
Displaying the BVI 1 Interface Details
Use the show interfaces BVI 1 command to display BVI 1 interface details. Details include the IP address
of the router.
After changing the IP address used for accessing the router, this command can be used to confirm the
change. See Setting the IP Address for the Web-based Interface, on page 255.
1. show interfaces BVI 1
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Configuring Wireless Devices
Configuring WLAN Using the CLI-based Interface
Purpose Command or Action
Displays the current BVI 1 interface details. show interfaces BVI 1
ap# show interfaces BVI 1
Step 1
What to Do Next
Example: Displaying the BVI 1 Interface Details
This example displays BVI 1 interface details.
ap# show interfaces BVI 1
Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr AA:11:BB:22:CC:33
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
RX packets:260 multicast:86 unicast:0 broadcast:174
RX errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:21 multicast:0 unicast:21 broadcast:0
TX errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0
RX bytes:46642 (45.5 KiB) TX bytes:1260 (1.2 KiB)
RX multicast bytes:32164 (31.4 KiB) TX multicast bytes:0 (0.0 B)
Displaying Dot11Radio 0 Interface Information
Use the show interfaces Dot11Radio 0 command to display Dot11Radio 0 interface information.
1. show interfaces Dot11Radio 0
Purpose Command or Action
Displays the current Dot11Radio 0 interface
show interfaces Dot11Radio 0
ap# show interfaces Dot11Radio 0
Step 1
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Configuring Wireless Devices
Configuring WLAN Using the CLI-based Interface
Example: Displaying Dot11Radio 0 Interface Information
This example displays Dot11Radio 0 interface information.
ap# show interfaces Dot11Radio 0
Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr AA:11:BB:22:CC:33
RX packets:0 multicast:0 unicast:0 broadcast:0
RX errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:160876
TX packets:267 multicast:86 unicast:0 broadcast:181
TX errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0
RX bytes:0 (0.0 B) TX bytes:52150 (50.9 KiB)
RX multicast bytes:0 (0.0 B) TX multicast bytes:0 (0.0 B)
Interrupt:15 Base address:0x4000
Displaying Brief Details for All Interfaces
Use the show ip interface brief command to display brief details for all interfaces.
1. show ip interface brief
Purpose Command or Action
Displays brief details for all interfaces. show ip interface brief
ap# show ip interface brief
Step 1
What to Do Next
Example: Displaying Brief Details for All Interfaces
In the output, the Method column indicates whether the interface was user-configured or configured by DHCP.
ap# show ip interface brief
Interface IP-Address OK? Method Status Protocol
Dot11Radio0 unassigned YES NVRAM up up
Displaying CPU Statistics
Use the show processes cpu command to display CPU utilization statistics.
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Configuring Wireless Devices
Configuring WLAN Using the CLI-based Interface
1. show processes cpu
Purpose Command or Action
Displays CPU utilization statistics. show processes cpu
ap# show processes cpu
Step 1
Example: Displaying CPU Statistics
ap# show processes cpu
CPU: 0% usr 0% sys 0% nic 90% idle 0% io 0% irq 9% sirq
Showing a Summary of Memory Usage
Use the show memory summary command to display details of current memory usage.
1. show memory summary
Purpose Command or Action
Displays details of current memory usage. show memory summary
ap# show memory summary
Step 1
What to Do Next
Example: Showing a Summary of Memory Usage
ap# show memory summary
Total(kB) Used(kB) Free(kB)
Processor 88052 44212 43840
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Configuring Wireless Devices
Configuring WLAN Using the CLI-based Interface
Pinging an Address
Use the ping command to test connectivity with a specific address.
1. ping {IP-address | hostname}
Purpose Command or Action
Tests connectivity to the specified IP address or host name. ping {IP-address | hostname} Step 1
ap# ping
Entering the ping command with an address specified indicates the round trip time
in milliseconds for several transmissions of a small datagram.
Entering the ping command without specifying an address starts the interactive mode
of the command, enabling you to enter the target address, the transmission repeat
count, and the datagram size.
Changing the Administrator Password
Use the password command to change the administrator password.
The default login credentials are: User name: admin Password: admin When logging in for the first time,
the router prompts you to change the default password.
1. password old-password new-password confirm-password
Purpose Command or Action
Changes the administrator password. Note that the command
requires entering the new password twice to confirmthe exact
text of the new password.
password old-password new-password confirm-password
ap# password admin AbCdE123# AbCdE123#
Step 1
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Configuring Wireless Devices
Configuring WLAN Using the CLI-based Interface
Configuring the Number of Lines on Screen
Use the terminal length command to configure the number of lines displayed on the screen.
1. terminal length number-of-lines
Purpose Command or Action
Sets the number of lines displayed on the screen. terminal length number-of-lines Step 1
ap# terminal length 40
number-of-lines range: 0 to 512
A value of 0 specifies that the display does not pause for scrolling.
What to Do Next
Administering the Wireless Device
This module describes the following wireless device administration tasks:
Securing Access to the Wireless Device
This section provides information about performing the following tasks to secure access to the wireless device:
Disabling the Mode Button Function
This command disables password recovery. If you lose the privileged EXECmode password for the access
point after entering this command, you must contact the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) to
regain access to the access point CLI.
To reboot the wireless device, use the service-module wlan-ap reset command from the routers Cisco
IOS CLI. See the Rebooting the Wireless Device, on page 311 for information about this command.
The mode button is enabled by default. To disable the access points mode button, followthese steps, beginning
in privileged EXEC mode:
Cisco 800 Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide
OL-31704-02 293
Configuring Wireless Devices
Administering the Wireless Device
1. configure terminal
2. no boot mode-button
3. end
Purpose Command or Action
Enters global configuration mode. configure terminal Step 1
Disables the access points mode button. no boot mode-button Step 2
Returns to privileged EXEC mode. end Step 3
It is not necessary to save the
Dispaying the mode-button status
You can check the status of the mode button by executing the show boot or show boot mode-button command
in privileged EXEC mode. The status does not appear in the running configuration. The following example
shows typical responses to the show boot and show boot mode-button commands:
ap# show boot
BOOT path-list: flash:/c1200-k9w7-mx-v123_7_ja.20050430/c1200-k9w7-mx.v123_7_ja.20050430
Config file: flash:/config.txt
Private Config file: flash:/private-config
Enable Break: no
Manual boot: no
Mode button: on
Enable IOS break: no
HELPER path-list:
NVRAM/Config file
buffer size: 32768
ap# show boot mode-button
As long as the privileged EXECpassword is known, you can use the boot mode-button command to restore
the mode button to normal operation.
Preventing Unauthorized Access to Your Access Point
You can prevent unauthorized users from reconfiguring the wireless device and viewing configuration
information. Typically, you want the network administrators to have access to the wireless device while
restricting access to users who connect through a terminal or workstation from within the local network.
To prevent unauthorized access to the wireless device, configure one of these security features:
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294 OL-31704-02
Configuring Wireless Devices
Securing Access to the Wireless Device
The characters TAB, ?, $, +, and [ are invalid characters for passwords. Note
Protecting Access to Privileged EXEC Commands
A simple way of providing terminal access control in your network is to use passwords and assign privilege
levels. Password protection restricts access to a network or network device. Privilege levels define what
commands users can issue after they have logged in to a network device.
For complete syntax and usage information for the commands used in this section, see Cisco IOS Security
Command Reference for Release 12.4
This section describes how to control access to the configuration file and privileged EXEC commands. It
contains the following configuration information:
Configuring Default Password and Privilege Level
Table 33: Default Passwords and Privilege Levels , on page 295 shows the default password and privilege
level configuration.
Table 33: Default Passwords and Privilege Levels
Default Setting Privilege Level
Default username is Cisco, and the default password is Cisco. Username and password
Default password is Cisco. The default is level 15 (privileged
EXEClevel). The password is encrypted in the configuration file.
Enable password and privilege level
Default enable password is Cisco. The default is level 15
(privileged EXEC level). The password is encrypted before it is
written to the configuration file.
Enable secret password and privilege level
Default password is Cisco. The password is encrypted in the
configuration file.
Line password
Setting or Changing a Static Enable Password
The enable password controls access to the privileged EXEC mode.
The no enable password command, in global configuration mode, removes the enable password, but you
should use extreme care when using this command. If you remove the enable password, you are locked
out of the privileged EXEC mode.
To set or change a static enable password, follow these steps, beginning in privileged EXEC mode:
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Configuring Wireless Devices
Securing Access to the Wireless Device
1. configure terminal
2. enable password password
3. end
4. show running-config
5. copy running-config startup-config
Purpose Command or Action
Enters global configuration mode. configure terminal Step 1
Defines a new password or changes an existing password for access to
privileged EXEC mode.
enable password password Step 2
The default password is Cisco.
password Astring from1 to 25 alphanumeric characters. The string
cannot start with a number, is case sensitive, and allows spaces but
ignores leading spaces. The characters TAB, ?, $, +, and [ are invalid
characters for passwords.
Returns to privileged EXEC mode. end Step 3
Verifies your entries. show running-config Step 4
(Optional) Saves your entries in the configuration file. copy running-config startup-config Step 5
What to Do Next
The enable password is not encrypted and can be read in the wireless device configuration file.
Configuration Example: Changing a Static Enable Password
The following example shows how to change the enable password to l1u2c3k4y5 . The password is not
encrypted and provides access to level 15 (standard privileged EXEC mode access):
AP(config)# enable password l1u2c3k4y5
Protecting Enable and Enable Secret Passwords with Encryption
To configure encryption for enable and enable secret passwords, follow these steps, beginning in privileged
EXEC mode:
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296 OL-31704-02
Configuring Wireless Devices
Securing Access to the Wireless Device
It is recommend that you use the enable secret command because it uses an improved encryption
algorithm.If you configure the enable secret command, it takes precedence over the enable password
command; the two commands cannot be in effect simultaneously.
1. configure terminal
2. enable password [level level] {password | encryption-type encrypted-password
enable secret [level level] {password | encryption-type encrypted-password
3. service password-encryption
4. end
5. copy running-config startup-config
Purpose Command or Action
Enters global configuration mode. configure terminal Step 1
Defines a new password or changes an existing password for access to privileged
EXEC mode.
Step 2
enable password [level level]
{password | encryption-type
Defines a secret password, which is saved using a nonreversible encryption method.
enable secret [level level]
{password | encryption-type
level (Optional) Range is from0 to 15. Level 1 is normal user EXECmode
privileges. The default level is 15 (privileged EXEC mode privileges).
password Astring from1 to 25 alphanumeric characters. The string cannot
start with a number, is case sensitive, and allows spaces but ignores leading
spaces. By default, no password is defined.
encryption-type (Optional) Only type 5. Cisco proprietary encryption
algorithm, is available. If you specify an encryption type, you must provide
an encrypted passwordan encrypted password you copy fromanotheraccess
point wireless device configuration.
If you specify an encryption type and then enter a clear text password,
you cannot reenter privileged EXEC mode. You cannot recover a lost
encrypted password by any method.
(Optional) Encrypts the password when the password is defined or when the
configuration is written.
service password-encryption Step 3
Encryption prevents the password from being readable in the configuration file.
Returns to privileged EXEC mode. end Step 4
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Configuring Wireless Devices
Securing Access to the Wireless Device
Purpose Command or Action
(Optional) Saves your entries in the configuration file. copy running-config startup-config Step 5
Configuration Example: Enable Secret Passwords
This example shows how to configure the encrypted password $1$FaD0$Xyti5Rkls3LoyxzS8 for privilege
level 2:
AP(config)# enable secret level 2 5 $1$FaD0$Xyti5Rkls3LoyxzS8
Configuring Username and Password Pairs
Configure username and password pairs, which are locally stored on the wireless device. These pairs are
assigned to lines or interfaces, and they authenticate each user before the user can access the wireless device.
If you have defined privilege levels, assign a specific privilege level (with associated rights and privileges)
to each username and password pair.
To establish a username-based authentication system that requests a login username and a password, follow
these steps, beginning in privileged EXEC mode:
1. configure terminal
2. username name [privilege level] {password encryption-type password }
3. login local
4. end
5. show running-config
6. copy running-config startup-config
Purpose Command or Action
Enters global configuration mode. configure terminal Step 1
Enters the username, privilege level, and password for each user. username name [privilege level]
{password encryption-type
password }
Step 2
nameSpecifies the user ID as one word. Spaces and quotation marks are
not allowed.
level (Optional) Specifies the privilege level the user has after gaining
access. The range is 0 to 15. Level 15 gives privileged EXEC mode access.
Level 1 gives user EXEC mode access.
encryption-type Enter 0 to specify that an unencrypted password will
follow. Enter 7 to specify that a hidden password will follow.
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298 OL-31704-02
Configuring Wireless Devices
Securing Access to the Wireless Device
Purpose Command or Action
password The password the user must enter to gain access to the wireless
device. The password must be from 1 to 25 characters, can contain
embedded spaces, and must be the last option specified in the username
Enables local password checking at login time. Authentication is based on the
username specified in Step 2.
login local Step 3
Returns to privileged EXEC mode. end Step 4
Verifies your entries. show running-config Step 5
(Optional) Saves your entries in the configuration file. copy running-config
Step 6
What to Do Next
You must have at least one username configured and you must have login local set to open a Telnet session
to the wireless device. If you enter no username for the only username, you can be locked out of the
wireless device.
Configuring Multiple Privilege Levels
By default, Cisco IOS software has two modes of password security: user EXEC and privileged EXEC. You
can configure up to 16 hierarchical levels of commands for each mode. By configuring multiple passwords,
you can allow different sets of users to have access to specified commands.
For example, for many users to have access to the clear line command, you can assign it level 2 security and
distribute the level 2 password fairly widely. For more restricted access to the configure command, you can
assign it level 3 security and distribute that password to a more restricted group of users.
This section includes this configuration information:
Setting the Privilege Level for a Command
To set the privilege level for a command mode, follow these steps, beginning in privileged EXEC mode:
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1. configure terminal
2. privilege mode level level command
3. enable password level level password
4. end
5. show running-config
show privilege
6. copy running-config startup-config
Purpose Command or Action
Enters global configuration mode. configure terminal Step 1
Sets the privilege level for a command. privilege mode level level
Step 2
mode Enter configure for global configuration mode, exec for EXECmode,
interface for interface configuration mode, or line for line configuration
level Range is from 0 to 15. Level 1 is for normal user EXEC mode
privileges. Level 15 is the level of access permitted by the enable password.
command Specifies the command to which access is restricted.
Specifies the enable password for the privilege level. enable password level level
Step 3
level Range is from 0 to 15. Level 1 is for normal user EXEC mode
password Astring from1 to 25 alphanumeric characters. The string cannot
start with a number, is case sensitive, and allows spaces but ignores leading
spaces. By default, no password is defined.
The characters TAB, ?, $, +, and [ are invalid characters for passwords. Note
Returns to privileged EXEC mode. end Step 4
Verifies your entries. Step 5
show running-config
The show running-config command displays the password and access level
show privilege
The show privilege command displays the privilege level configuration.
(Optional) Saves your entries in the configuration file. copy running-config
Step 6
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Configuring Multiple Privilege Levels
When you set a command to a privilege level, all commands whose syntax is a subset of that command
are also set to that level. For example, if you set the show ip route command to level 15, the show
commands and show ip commands are automatically set to privilege level 15 unless you set them
individually to different levels. To return to the default privilege for a given command, use the no privilege
mode level level command command in global configuration mode.
Logging Into and Exiting a Privilege Level
To log in to a specified privilege level or to exit to a specified privilege level, follow these steps, beginning
in privileged EXEC mode:
1. enable level
2. disable level
Purpose Command or Action
Logs in to a specified privilege level. enable level Step 1
level The privilege range is from 0 to 15.
Exits to a specified privilege level. disable level Step 2
Controlling Access Point Access with RADIUS
This section describes how to control administrator access to the wireless device by using Remote
Authentication Dial-In User Service (RADIUS). For complete instructions on configuring the wireless device
to support RADIUS, see the Cisco IOS Software Configuration Guide for Cisco Aironet Access Points.
RADIUS provides detailed accounting information and flexible administrative control over authentication
and authorization processes. RADIUS is facilitated through authentication, authorization, and accounting
(AAA) and can be enabled only through AAA commands.
For complete syntax and usage information for the commands used in this section, see Cisco IOS Security
Command Reference .
RADIUS configuration tasks are described in the following sections:
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RADIUS Configuration
RADIUS and AAA are disabled by default. To prevent a lapse in security, you cannot configure RADIUS
through a network management application. When enabled, RADIUS can authenticate users who are accessing
the wireless device through the CLI.
To configure AAA authentication, define a named list of authentication methods and then apply the list to
various interfaces. The method list defines the types of authentication to be performed and the sequence in
which they are performed; it must be applied to a specific interface before any defined authentication methods
are performed. The only exception is the default method list (which is named default). The default method
list is automatically applied to all interfaces except those that have a named method list explicitly defined.
A method list describes the sequence and authentication methods to be used to authenticate a user. You can
designate one or more security protocols for authentication, thus ensuring a backup system for authentication
in case the initial method fails. The software uses the first method listed to authenticate users. If that method
fails to respond, the software selects the next authentication method in the method list. This process continues
until there is successful communication with a listed authentication method or until all defined methods are
exhausted. If authentication fails at any point in this cyclethat is, the security server or local username
database responds by denying the user accessthe authentication process stops, and no other authentication
methods are attempted.
Configuring RADIUS Login Authentication
To configure login authentication, follow these steps, beginning in privileged EXEC mode. This procedure
is required.
1. configure terminal
2. aaa new-model
3. aaa authentication login {default |list-name } method1 [ method2...
4. line [console | tty | vty] line-number [ending-line-number
5. login authentication {default | list-name
6. end
7. show running-config
8. copy running-config startup-config
Purpose Command or Action
Enters global configuration mode. configure terminal Step 1
Enables AAA. aaa new-model Step 2
Creates a login authentication method list. aaa authenticationlogin {default
|list-name } method1 [ method2...
Step 3
To create a default list that is used when a named list is not specified in the
login authentication command, use the default keyword followed by the
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Securing Access to the Wireless Device
Purpose Command or Action
methods that are to be used in default situations. The default method list is
automatically applied to all interfaces.
list-nameA character string to name the list you are creating.
method1... Specifies the actual method the authentication algorithm tries.
The additional methods of authentication are used only if the previous method
returns an error, not if it fails.
Select one of these methods:
localUse the local username database for authentication. You must enter
username information in the database. Use the username password global
configuration command.
radiusUse RADIUS authentication. You must configure the RADIUS
server before you can use this authentication method. For more information,
see the Identifying the RADIUS Server Host section of the Configuring
Radius and TACACS+ Servers chapter in Cisco IOS Software Configuration
Guide for Cisco Aironet Access Points.
Enters line configuration mode, and configures the lines to which the authentication
list applies.
line [console | tty | vty]
line-number [ending-line-number
Step 4
Applies the authentication list to a line or set of lines. login authentication {default |
Step 5
If you specify default, use the default list that you created with the aaa
authentication login command.
list-name Specifies the list that you created with the aaa authentication
login command.
Returns to privileged EXEC mode. end Step 6
Verifies your entries. show running-config Step 7
(Optional) Saves your entries in the configuration file. copy running-config
Step 8
What to Do Next
Defining AAA Server Groups
You can configure the wireless device to use AAA server groups to group existing server hosts for
authentication. Select a subset of the configured server hosts and use them for a particular service. The server
group is used with a global server-host list, which lists the IP addresses of the selected server hosts.
Server groups can also include multiple host entries for the same server if each entry has a unique identifier
(the combination of the IP address and UDP port number), allowing different ports to be individually defined
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as RADIUS hosts providing a specific AAA service. If you configure two different host entries on the same
RADIUS server for the same service (such as accounting), the second configured host entry acts as a failover
backup to the first one.
You use the server group server configuration command to associate a particular server with a defined group
server. You can either identify the server by its IP address or identify multiple host instances or entries by
using the optional auth-port and acct-port keywords.
Configuring AAA Server Group
To define the AAAserver group and associate a particular RADIUS server with it, followthese steps, beginning
in privileged EXEC mode:
1. configure terminal
2. aaa new-model
3. radius-server host {hostname | ip-address } [auth-port port-number ] [acct-port port-number ] [timeout
seconds ] [retransmit retries ] [key string ]
4. aaa group server radius group-name
5. server ip-address
6. end
7. show running-config
8. copy running-config startup-config
Purpose Command or Action
Enters global configuration mode. configure terminal Step 1
Enables AAA. aaa new-model Step 2
Specifies the IP address or hostname of the remote RADIUS server host. radius-server host {hostname
| ip-address } [auth-port
Step 3
auth-port port-number(Optional) Specifies the user datagram protocol (UDP)
destination port for authentication requests.
port-number ] [acct-port
port-number ] [timeout
seconds ] [retransmit retries ]
[key string ]
acct-port port-number(Optional) Specifies the UDP destination port for
accounting requests.
timeout seconds (Optional) The time interval that the wireless device waits for
the RADIUS server to reply before retransmitting. The range is 1 to 1000. This
setting overrides the radius-server timeout global configuration command setting.
If no timeout is set with the radius-server host command, the setting of the
radius-server timeout command is used.
retransmit retries(Optional) The number of times that a RADIUS request is
resent to a server if that server is not responding or responding slowly. The range
is 1 to 1000. If no retransmit value is set with the radius-server host command,
the setting of the radius-server retransmit global configuration command is
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Securing Access to the Wireless Device
Purpose Command or Action
key string (Optional) Specifies the authentication and encryption key used
between the wireless device and the RADIUS daemon running on the RADIUS
The key is a text string that must match the encryption key that is used on the
RADIUS server. Always configure the key as the last itemin the radius-server
host command. Leading spaces are ignored, but spaces within and at the end
of the key are used. If you use spaces in your key, do not enclose the key in
quotation marks unless the quotation marks are part of the key.
To configure the wireless device to recognize more than one host entry that is associated
with a single IP address, enter this command as many times as necessary, making sure
that each UDP port number is different. The wireless device software searches for hosts
in the order in which you specify them. Set the timeout, retransmit, and encryption key
values to use with the specific RADIUS host.
Defines the AAA server-group with a group name. aaa group server radius
Step 4
This command puts the wireless device in a server group configuration mode.
Associates a particular RADIUS server with the defined server group. server ip-address Step 5
Repeat this step for each RADIUS server in the AAA server group.
Each server in the group must be previously defined in Step 2.
Returns to privileged EXEC mode. end Step 6
Verifies your entries. show running-config Step 7
(Optional) Saves your entries in the configuration file. copy running-config
Step 8
What to Do Next
Enable RADIUS login authentication: See the Configuring RADIUS Login Authentication section of the
Configuring Radius and TACACS+ Servers chapter in Cisco IOS Software Configuration Guide for Cisco
Aironet Access Points for information to enable RADIUS login authentication.
Configuration Example: AAA Group
In the following is example, the wireless device is configured to recognize two different RADIUS group
servers (group1 and group2). Group1 has two different host entries on the same RADIUS server, which are
configured for the same services. The second host entry acts as a failover backup to the first entry.
AP(config)# aaa new-model
AP(config)# radius-server host auth-port 1000 acct-port 1001
AP(config)# radius-server host auth-port 1645 acct-port 1646
AP(config)# aaa group server radius group1
AP(config-sg-radius)# server auth-port 1000 acct-port 1001
AP(config-sg-radius)# exit
AP(config)# aaa group server radius group2
AP(config-sg-radius)# server auth-port 2000 acct-port 2001
AP(config-sg-radius)# exit
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Securing Access to the Wireless Device
Configuring RADIUS Authorization for User Privileged Access and Network Services
AAA authorization limits the services that are available to a user. When AAA authorization is enabled, the
wireless device uses information retrieved from the users profile, which is in the local user database or on
the security server, to configure the user session. The user is granted access to a requested service only if the
user profile allows it.
You can use the aaa authorization command in global configuration mode with the radius keyword to set
parameters that restrict a users network access to privileged EXEC mode.
The aaa authorization exec radius command sets these authorization parameters:
Use RADIUS for privileged EXEC access authorization if authentication was performed by using
Use the local database if authentication was not performed by using RADIUS.
Authorization is bypassed for authenticated users who log in through the CLI, even if authorization has
been configured.
Configuring RADIUS Authorization for User Privileged Access and Network Services
To specify RADIUS authorization for privileged EXEC access and network services, follow these steps,
beginning in privileged EXEC mode:
1. configure terminal
2. aaa authorization network radius
3. aaa authorization exec radius
4. end
5. show running-config
6. copy running-config startup-config
Purpose Command or Action
Enters global configuration mode. configure terminal Step 1
Configures the wireless device for user RADIUS authorization for all
network-related service requests.
aaa authorization network radius Step 2
Configures the wireless device for user RADIUS authorization to
determine whether the user has privileged EXEC access.
aaa authorization exec radius Step 3
The exec keyword might return user profile information (such as
autocommand information).
Returns to privileged EXEC mode. end Step 4
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Securing Access to the Wireless Device
Purpose Command or Action
Verifies your entries. show running-config Step 5
(Optional) Saves your entries in the configuration file. copy running-config startup-config Step 6
What to Do Next
To disable authorization, use the no aaa authorization {network | exec} method1 command in global
configuration mode.
Displaying the RADIUS Configuration
To display the RADIUS configuration, use the show running-config command in privileged EXEC mode.
Controlling Access Point Access with TACACS+
This section describes how to control administrator access to the wireless device using Terminal Access
Controller Access Control System Plus (TACACS+). For complete instructions on configuring the wireless
device to support TACACS+, see Cisco IOS Software Configuration Guide for Cisco Aironet Access Points
TACACS+ provides detailed accounting information and flexible administrative control over authentication
and authorization processes. TACACS+ is facilitated through AAA and can be enabled only through AAA
For complete syntax and usage information for the commands used in this section, see Cisco IOS Security
Command Reference .
These sections describe TACACS+ configuration information.
Default TACACS+ Configuration
TACACS+ and AAA are disabled by default.
To prevent a lapse in security, you cannot configure TACACS+ through a network management application.
When enabled, TACACS+ can authenticate administrators who are accessing the wireless device through the
To configure AAA authentication, you define a named list of authentication methods and then apply the list
to various interfaces. The method list defines the types of authentication to be performed and the sequence in
which they are performed; it must be applied to a specific interface before any defined authentication methods
are performed. The only exception is the default method list (which is named default ). The default method
list is automatically applied to all interfaces, except those that have a named method list explicitly defined.
A method list describes the sequence and authentication methods to be used to authenticate a user. You can
designate one or more security protocols for authentication, thus ensuring a backup system for authentication
in case the initial method fails. The software uses the first method listed to authenticate users. If that method
fails to respond, the software selects the next authentication method in the method list. This process continues
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Securing Access to the Wireless Device
until there is successful communication with a listed authentication method or until all defined methods are
exhausted. If authentication fails at any point in this cyclethat is, the security server or local username
database responds by denying the user accessthe authentication process stops, and no other authentication
methods are attempted.
Configuring TACACS+ Login Authentication
To configure login authentication, follow these steps, beginning in privileged EXEC mode. This procedure
is required.
1. configure terminal
2. aaa new-model
3. aaa authentication login {default | list-name } method1 [ method2...
4. line [console | tty | vty] line-number [ending-line-number
5. login authentication {default | list-name
6. end
7. show running-config
8. copy running-config startup-config
Purpose Command or Action
Enters global configuration mode. configure terminal Step 1
Enables AAA. aaa new-model Step 2
Creates a login authentication method list. aaa authentication login {default
| list-name } method1 [ method2...
Step 3
To create a default list that is used when a named list is not specified in the
login authentication command, use the default keyword followed by the
methods that are to be used in default situations. The default method list is
automatically applied to all interfaces.
list-name A character string to name the list you are creating.
method1... Specifies the actual method the authentication algorithmtries.
The additional methods of authentication are used only if the previous
method returns an error, not if it fails.
Select one of these methods:
localUse the local username database for authentication. You must enter
username information into the database. Use the username password
command in global configuration mode.
tacacs+Use TACACS+ authentication. You must configure the
TACACS+ server before you can use this authentication method.
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Purpose Command or Action
Enters line configuration mode, and configures the lines to which the
authentication list applies.
line [console | tty | vty]
line-number [ending-line-number
Step 4
Applies the authentication list to a line or set of lines. login authentication {default |
Step 5
If you specify default, use the default list created with the aaa
authentication login command.
list-name Specifies the list created with the aaa authentication login
Returns to privileged EXEC mode. end Step 6
Verifies your entries. show running-config Step 7
(Optional) Saves your entries in the configuration file. copy running-config
Step 8
What to Do Next
To disable AAA, use the no aaa new-model command in global configuration mode. To disable AAA
authentication, use the no aaa authentication login {default | list-name } method1 [method2... ] command
in global configuration mode. To either disable TACACS+ authentication for logins or to return to the default
value, use the no login authentication {default | list-name } command in line configuration mode.
Configuring TACACS+ Authorization for Privileged EXEC Access and Network Services
AAA authorization limits the services available to a user. When AAA authorization is enabled, the wireless
device uses information retrieved from the user profile, which is located either in the local user database or
on the security server, to configure the user session. The user is granted access to a requested service only if
the information in the user profile allows it.
You can use the aaa authorization command in global configuration mode with the tacacs+ keyword to set
parameters that restrict a user network access to privileged EXEC mode.
The aaa authorization exec tacacs+ local command sets these authorization parameters:
Use TACACS+ for privileged EXEC access authorization if authentication was performed by using
Use the local database if authentication was not performed by using TACACS+.
Authorization is bypassed for authenticated users who log in through the CLI even if authorization has
been configured.
To specify TACACS+ authorization for privileged EXEC access and network services, follow these steps,
beginning in privileged EXEC mode:
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Securing Access to the Wireless Device
1. configure terminal
2. aaa authorization network tacacs+
3. aaa authorization exec tacacs+
4. end
5. show running-config
6. copy running-config startup-config
Purpose Command or Action
Enters global configuration mode. configure terminal Step 1
Configures the wireless device for user TACACS+ authorization for
all network-related service requests.
aaa authorization network tacacs+ Step 2
Configures the wireless device for user TACACS+ authorization to
determine whether the user has privileged EXEC access.
aaa authorization exec tacacs+ Step 3
The exec keyword might return user profile information (such as
autocommand information).
Returns to privileged EXEC mode. end Step 4
Verifies your entries. show running-config Step 5
(Optional) Saves your entries in the configuration file. copy running-config startup-config Step 6
What to Do Next
Displaying the TACACS+ Configuration
To display TACACS+ server statistics, use the show tacacs command in privileged EXEC mode.
Administering the Access Point Hardware and Software
This section contains information on performing the following tasks:
Administering the Wireless Hardware and Software
This section provides instructions for performing the following tasks:
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Configuring Wireless Devices
Administering the Access Point Hardware and Software
Resetting the Wireless Device to the Factory Default Configuration
To reset the wireless device hardware and software to its factory default configuration, use the service-module
wlan-ap0 reset default-config command in the routers Cisco IOS privileged EXEC mode.
Because you may lose data, use only the service-module wlan-ap0 reset command to recover from a
shutdown or failed state.
Rebooting the Wireless Device
To perform a graceful shutdown and reboot the wireless device, use the service-module wlan-ap0 reload
command in the routers Cisco IOS privileged EXEC mode. At the confirmation prompt, press Enter to
confirm the action, or enter n to cancel.
When running in autonomous mode, the reload command saves the configuration before rebooting. If the
attempt is unsuccessful, the following message displays:
Failed to save service module configuration.
When running in Lightweight Access Point Protocol (LWAPP) mode, the reload function is typically handled
by the wireless LAN controller (WLC). If you enter the service-module wlan-ap0 reload command, you will
be prompted with the following message:
The AP is in LWAPP mode. Reload is normally handled by WLC controller.
Still want to proceed? [yes]
Monitoring the Wireless Device
This section provides commands for monitoring hardware on the router for displaying wireless device statistics
and wireless device status.
Use the service-module wlan-ap0 statistics command in privileged EXEC mode to display wireless device
statistics. The following is sample output for the command:
CLI reset count = 0
CLI reload count = 1
Registration request timeout reset count = 0
Error recovery timeout reset count = 0
Module registration count = 10
The last IOS initiated event was a cli reload at *04:27:32.041 UTC Fri Mar 8 2007
Use the service-module wlan-ap0 status command in privileged EXEC mode to display the status of the
wireless device and its configuration information. The following is sample output for the command:
Service Module is Cisco wlan-ap0
Service Module supports session via TTY line 2
Service Module is in Steady state
Service Module reset on error is disabled
Getting status from the Service Module, please wait..
Image path = flash:c8xx_19xx_ap-k9w7-mx.acregr/c8xx_19xx_ap-k9w7-mx.acre
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Administering the Access Point Hardware and Software
System uptime = 0 days, 4 hours, 28 minutes, 5 seconds
Router#d was introduced for embedded wireless LAN access points on Integrated Services
Managing the System Time and Date
You can manage the system time and date on the wireless device automatically, by using the Simple Network
Time Protocol (SNTP), or manually, by setting the time and date on the wireless device.
For complete syntax and usage information for the commands used in this section, see Cisco IOS
Configuration Fundamentals Command Reference for Release 12.4 .
This section provides the following configuration information:
Understanding Simple Network Time Protocol
Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP) is a simplified, client-only version of NTP. SNTP can only receive
the time from NTP servers; it cannot provide time services to other systems. SNTP typically provides time
within 100 milliseconds of the accurate time, but it does not provide the complex filtering and statistical
mechanisms of NTP.
You can configure SNTP to request and accept packets from configured servers or to accept NTP broadcast
packets from any source. When multiple sources are sending NTP packets, the server with the best stratum
is selected. Click this URL for more information on NTP and strata:
If multiple servers are at the same stratum, a configured server is preferred over a broadcast server. If multiple
servers pass both tests, the first one to send a time packet is selected. SNTP chooses a new server only if the
client stops receiving packets from the currently selected server, or if (according to the above criteria) SNTP
discovers a better server.
Configuring SNTP
SNTP is disabled by default. To enable SNTP on the access point, use one or both of the commands listed in
Table 34: SNTP Commands, on page 312 in global configuration mode.
Table 34: SNTP Commands
Purpose Command
Configures SNTP to request NTP packets from an
NTP server.
sntp server {address | hostname} [version number]
Configures SNTP to accept NTP packets from any
NTP broadcast server.
sntp broadcast client
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Administering the Access Point Hardware and Software
Enter the sntp server command once for each NTP server. The NTP servers must be configured to respond
to the SNTP messages from the access point.
If you enter both the sntp server command and the sntp broadcast client command, the access point accepts
time from a broadcast server but prefers time from a configured server, if the strata are equal. To display
information about SNTP, use the show sntp EXEC command.
Time and Date Manual Configuration
If no other source of time is available, you can manually configure the time and date after restsarting the
system. The time remains accurate until the next system restart. We recommend that you use manual
configuration only as a last resort. If you have an outside source to which the wireless device can synchronize,
you do not need to manually set the system clock.
You have the options to configure the system clock, time zone and summer time.
Conffiguring Time and Date
To set the system clock manually , follow these steps, beginning in privileged EXEC mode:
If you have an outside source on the network that provides time services, such as an NTP server, you do
not need to manually set the system clock.
1. clock set hh:mm:ss day month year
2. clock timezone zone hours-offset minutes-offset
3. clock summer-time zone recurring [ week day month hh:mm week day month hh:mm [ offset ]]
4. clock summer-time zone date [ month date year hh:mm month date year hh:mm [ offset ]]
clock summer-time zone date [ date month year hh:mm date month year hh:mm [ offset ]]
5. end
6. show running-config
7. copy running-config startup-config
Purpose Command or Action
Manually sets the system clock by using one of these formats: clock set hh:mm:ss day month
Step 1
hh:mm:ss Specifies the time in hours (24-hour format), minutes, and seconds.
The time specified is relative to the configured time zone.
clock set hh:mm:ss
month day year
daySpecifies the day by date in the month.
monthSpecifies the month by its full name.
yearSpecifies the year in four digits (no abbreviation).
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Purpose Command or Action
Sets the time zone. clock timezone zone hours-offset
Step 2
The wireless device keeps internal time in universal time coordinated (UTC).
Use this command only for display purposes and when the time is manually
zoneEnter the name of the time zone to be displayed when standard time is in
effect. The default is UTC.
hours-offsetEnter the hours offset from UTC.
minutes-offset(Optional) Enter the minutes offset fromUTC. The minutes-offset
variable in the clock timezone command in global configuration mode is available
for situations where a local time zone is a percentage of an hour different from
(Optional) Configures summer time to start and end on the specified days every year. clock summer-time zone
recurring [ week day month
Step 3
The first part of the clock summer-time global configuration command specifies when
summer time begins, and the second part specifies when it ends. All times are relative
hh:mm week day month hh:mm [
offset ]]
to the local time zone. The start time is relative to standard time. The end time is relative
to summer time. If the starting month is after the ending month, the system assumes that
you are in the southern hemisphere.
Summer time is disabled by default. If you specify clock summer-time zone recurring
without parameters, the summer time rules default to the United States rules.
zone Specifies the name of the time zone (for example, PDT) to be displayed
when summer time is in effect.
week (Optional) Specifies the week of the month (1 to 5 or last).
day (Optional) Specifies the day of the week (for example, Sunday).
month (Optional) Specifies the month (for example, January).
hh:mm (Optional) Specifies the time (24-hour format) in hours and minutes.
offset (Optional) Specifies the number of minutes to add during summer time.
The default is 60.
(Optional) Sets summer time if there is no recurring pattern. Configures summer time
to start on the first date and end on the second date. The first part of the clock
Step 4
clock summer-time zone
date [ month date year
summer-time global configuration command specifies when summer time begins, and
hh:mm month date year
hh:mm [ offset ]]
the second part specifies when it ends. All times are relative to the local time zone. The
start time is relative to standard time. The end time is relative to summer time. If the
starting month is after the ending month, the systemassumes that you are in the southern
clock summer-time zone
date [ date month year
Summer time is disabled by default.
hh:mm date month year
hh:mm [ offset ]]
zoneSpecifies the name of the time zone (for example, PDT) to be displayed
when summer time is in effect.
week (Optional) Specifies the week of the month (1 to 5 or last).
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Configuring Wireless Devices
Administering the Access Point Hardware and Software
Purpose Command or Action
day (Optional) Specifies the day of the week (for example, Sunday).
month (Optional) Specifies the month (for example, January).
hh:mm (Optional) Specifies the time (24-hour format) in hours and minutes.
offset (Optional) Specifies the number of minutes to add during summer time.
The default is 60.
Returns to privileged EXEC mode. end Step 5
Verifies your entries. show running-config Step 6
(Optional) Saves your entries in the configuration file. copy running-config
Step 7
What to Do Next
To display the time and date configuration, use the show clock [detail] command in privileged EXEC
mode. The system clock keeps an authoritative flag that shows whether the time is authoritative (believed
to be accurate). If the system clock has been set by a timing source such as NTP, the flag is set. If the time
is not authoritative, it is used only for display purposes. Until the clock is authoritative and the authoritative
flag is set, the flag prevents peers from synchronizing to the clock when the peers time is invalid. The
symbol that precedes the show clock display has this meaning:
Example Configuration : Time and Date
This example shows how to specify that summer time starts on the first Sunday in April at 02:00 and ends on
the last Sunday in October at 02:00:
AP(config)# clock summer-time PDT recurring 1 Sunday April 2:00 last Sunday October 2:00
This example shows how to set summer time to start on October 12, 2000, at 02:00, and end on April 26,
2001, at 02:00:
AP(config)# clock summer-time pdt date 12 October 2000 2:00 26 April 2001 2:00
Configuring a System Name and Prompt
Configure the system name on the wireless device to identify it. By default, the system name and prompt are
ap .
If you have not configured a system prompt, the first 20 characters of the system name are used as the system
prompt. A greater-than symbol (>) is appended. The prompt is updated whenever the system name changes,
unless you manually configure the prompt by using the prompt command in global configuration mode.
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Configuring Wireless Devices
Administering the Access Point Hardware and Software
For complete syntax and usage information for the commands used in this section, see Cisco IOS
Configuration Fundamentals Command Reference and Cisco IOS IP Addressing Services Command
Reference .
This section contains the following configuration information:
Configuring a System Name
To manually configure a system name, follow these steps, beginning in privileged EXEC mode:
1. configure terminal
2. hostname name
3. end
4. show running-config
5. copy running-config startup-config
Purpose Command or Action
Enters global configuration mode. configure terminal Step 1
Manually configures a system name. hostname name Step 2
The default setting is ap .
When you change the system name, the wireless device radios are reset,
and associated client devices disassociate and quickly re-associate.
You can enter up to 63 characters for the system name. However, when
the wireless device identifies itself to client devices, it uses only the first
15 characters in the system name. If it is important for client users to
distinguish between devices, make sure that a unique portion of the
system name appears in the first 15 characters.
Returns to privileged EXEC mode. end Step 3
Verifies your entries. show running-config Step 4
(Optional) Saves your entries in the configuration file. copy running-config
Step 5
Understanding DNS
The DNS protocol controls the Domain Name System (DNS), a distributed database with which you can map
hostnames to IP addresses. When you configure DNS on the wireless device, you can substitute the hostname
for the IP address with all IP commands, such as ping, telnet, connect, and related Telnet support operations.
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Configuring Wireless Devices
Administering the Access Point Hardware and Software
IP defines a hierarchical naming scheme that allows a device to be identified by its location or domain. Domain
names are pieced together with periods (.) as the delimiting characters. For example, Cisco Systems, Inc. is
a commercial organization that IP identifies by a com domain name, so its domain name is . A
specific device in this domain, such as the File Transfer Protocol (FTP) system, is identified as
To keep track of domain names, IP has defined the concept of a domain name server, which holds a cache
(or database) of names mapped to IP addresses. To map domain names to IP addresses, you must first identify
the hostnames, specify the name server that is present on your network, and enable the DNS.
This section contains the following configuration information:
Default DNS Configuration
Table 35: Default DNS Configuration , on page 317 describes the default DNS configuration.
Table 35: Default DNS Configuration
Default Setting Feature
Disabled. DNS enable state
None configured. DNS default domain name
No name server addresses are configured. DNS servers
Setting Up DNS
To set up the wireless device to use the DNS, follow these steps, beginning in privileged EXEC mode:
1. configure terminal
2. ip domain-name name
3. ip name-server server-address1 [ server-address2 ... server-address6
4. ip domain-lookup
5. end
6. show running-config
7. copy running-config startup-config
Purpose Command or Action
Enters global configuration mode. configure terminal Step 1
Defines a default domain name that the software uses to complete unqualified
hostnames (names without a dotted-decimal domain name).
ip domain-name name Step 2
Do not include the initial period that separates an unqualified name fromthe domain
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Configuring Wireless Devices
Administering the Access Point Hardware and Software
Purpose Command or Action
At boot time, no domain name is configured. However, if the wireless device
configuration comes froma BOOTP or DHCP server, then the default domain name
might be set by the BOOTP or DHCP server (if the servers were configured with
this information).
Specifies the address of one or more name servers to use for name and address
ip name-server server-address1
[ server-address2 ...
Step 3
You can specify up to six name servers. Separate server addresses with a space. The
first server specified is the primary server. The wireless device sends DNS queries
to the primary server first. If that query fails, the backup servers are queried.
(Optional) Enables DNS-based hostname-to-address translation on the wireless
device. This feature is enabled by default.
ip domain-lookup Step 4
If your network devices require connectivity with devices in networks for which
you do not control name assignment, you can dynamically assign device names that
uniquely identify your devices by using the global Internet naming scheme (DNS).
Returns to privileged EXEC mode. end Step 5
Verifies your entries. show running-config Step 6
(Optional) Saves your entries in the configuration file. copy running-config
Step 7
What to Do Next
If you use the wireless device IP address as its hostname, the IP address is used and no DNS query occurs. If
you configure a hostname that contains no periods (.), a period followed by the default domain name is
appended to the hostname before the DNS query is made to map the name to an IP address. The default domain
name is the value set by the ip domain-name command in global configuration mode. If there is a period (.)
in the hostname, Cisco IOS software looks up the IP address without appending any default domain name to
the hostname.
To remove a domain name, use the no ip domain-name name command in global configuration mode. To
remove a name server address, use the no ip name-server server-address command in global configuration
mode. To disable DNS on the wireless device, use the no ip domain-lookup command in global configuration
Displaying the DNS Configuration
To display the DNS configuration information, use the show running-config command in privileged EXEC
When DNS is configured on the wireless device, the show running-config command sometimes displays
a server IP address instead of its name.
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Configuring Wireless Devices
Administering the Access Point Hardware and Software
Creating a Banner
You can configure a message-of-the-day (MOTD) and a login banner. By default the MOTDand login banners
are not configured.The MOTD banner appears on all connected terminals at login and is useful for sending
messages that affect all network users (such as impending system shutdowns).
The login banner also appears on all connected terminals. It appears after the MOTD banner and appears
before the login prompts appear.
For complete syntax and usage information for the commands used in this section, see Cisco IOS
Configuration Fundamentals Command Reference .
This section contains the following configuration information:
Configuring a Message-of-the-Day Login Banner
You can create a single-line or multiline message banner that appears on the screen when someone logs into
the wireless device.
To configure an MOTD login banner, follow these steps, beginning in privileged EXEC mode:
1. configure terminal
2. banner motd c message c
3. end
4. show running-config
5. copy running-config startup-config
Purpose Command or Action
Enters global configuration mode. configure terminal Step 1
Specifies the message of the day. banner motd c message c Step 2
c Enter the delimiting character of your choice, such as a pound sign
(#), and press the Return key. The delimiting character signifies the
beginning and end of the banner text. Characters after the ending
delimiter are discarded.
message Enter a banner message up to 255 characters. You cannot
use the delimiting character in the message.
Returns to privileged EXEC mode. end Step 3
Verifies your entries. show running-config Step 4
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Administering the Access Point Hardware and Software
Purpose Command or Action
(Optional) Saves your entries in the configuration file. copy running-config startup-config Step 5
Example: Configuring a MOTD Banner
The following example shows how to configure a MOTD banner for the wireless device. The pound sign (#)
is used as the beginning and ending delimiter:
AP(config)# banner motd
This is a secure site. Only authorized users are allowed.
For access, contact technical support.
This example shows the banner that results from the previous configuration:
Unix> telnet
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
This is a secure site. Only authorized users are allowed.
For access, contact technical support.
User Access Verification
Configuring a Login Banner
You can configure a login banner to appear on all connected terminals. This banner appears after the MOTD
banner and appears before the login prompt appears.
To configure a login banner, follow these steps, beginning in privileged EXEC mode:
1. configure terminal
2. banner login c message c
3. end
4. show running-config
5. copy running-config startup-config
Purpose Command or Action
Enters global configuration mode. configure terminal Step 1
Specifies the login message. banner login c message c Step 2
c Enter the delimiting character of your choice, such as a pound sign
(#), and press the Return key. The delimiting character signifies the
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Configuring Wireless Devices
Administering the Access Point Hardware and Software
Purpose Command or Action
beginning and end of the banner text. Characters after the ending
delimiter are discarded.
message Enter a login message up to 255 characters. You cannot
use the delimiting character in the message.
Returns to privileged EXEC mode. end Step 3
Verifies your entries. show running-config Step 4
(Optional) Saves your entries in the configuration file. copy running-config startup-config Step 5
Example Configuration: Login Banner
The following example shows how to configure a login banner for the wireless device using the dollar sign
($) as the beginning and ending delimiter:
AP(config)# banner login
Access for authorized users only. Please enter your username and password.
Administering Wireless Device Communication
This section provides information about performing the following tasks:
Configuring Ethernet Speed and Duplex Settings
The Ethernet speed and duplex are set to auto by default. To configure Ethernet speed and duplex, follow
these steps, beginning in privileged EXEC mode:
The speed and duplex settings on the wireless device Ethernet port must match the Ethernet settings on
the port to which the wireless device is connected. If you change the settings on the port to which the
wireless device is connected, change the settings on the wireless device Ethernet port to match.
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Configuring Wireless Devices
Administering Wireless Device Communication
1. configure terminal
2. interface fastethernet0
3. speed {10 | 100 | auto}
4. duplex {auto | full | half}
5. end
6. show running-config
7. copy running-config startup-config
Purpose Command or Action
Enters global configuration mode. configure terminal Step 1
Enters configuration interface mode. interface fastethernet0 Step 2
Configures the Ethernet speed. speed {10 | 100 | auto} Step 3
We recommend that you use auto, the default setting. Note
Configures the duplex setting. duplex {auto | full | half} Step 4
We recommend that you use auto, the default setting. Note
Returns to privileged EXEC mode. end Step 5
Verifies your entries. show running-config Step 6
(Optional) Saves your entries in the configuration file. copy running-config startup-config Step 7
Configuring the Access Point for Wireless Network Management
You can enable the wireless device for wireless network management. The wireless network manager (WNM)
manages the devices on your wireless LAN.
Enter the following command to configure the wireless device to interact with the WNM:
AP(config)# wlccp wnm ip address ip-address
Enter the following command to check the authentication status between the WDS access point and the WNM:
AP# show wlccp wnm status
Possible statuses are not authenticated, authentication in progress, authentication fail, authenticated, and
security keys setup.
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Configuring Wireless Devices
Administering Wireless Device Communication
Configuring the Access Point for Local Authentication and Authorization
You can configure AAA to operate without a server by configuring the wireless device to implement AAA
in local mode. The wireless device then handles authentication and authorization. No accounting is available
in this configuration.
You can configure the wireless device as a local authenticator for 802.1x-enabled client devices to provide
a backup for your main server or to provide authentication service on a network without a RADIUS server.
See the Using the Access Point as a Local Authenticator document on for detailed instructions
on configuring the wireless device as a local authenticator.
To configure the wireless device for local AAA, follow these steps, beginning in privileged EXEC mode:
1. configure terminal
2. aaa new-model
3. aaa authentication login default local
4. aaa authorization exec local
5. aaa authorization network local
6. username name [privilege level] {password encryption-type password
7. end
8. show running-config
9. copy running-config startup-config
Purpose Command or Action
Enters global configuration mode. configure terminal Step 1
Enables AAA. aaa new-model Step 2
Sets the login authentication to use the local username database. The default
keyword applies the local user database authentication to all interfaces.
aaa authentication login default
Step 3
Configures user AAA authorization to determine whether the user is allowed
to run an EXEC shell by checking the local database.
aaa authorization exec local Step 4
Configures user AAA authorization for all network-related service requests. aaa authorization network local Step 5
Enters the local database, and establishes a username-based authentication
username name [privilege level]
{password encryption-type
Step 6
Repeat this command for each user.
nameSpecifies the user ID as one word. Spaces and quotation marks
are not allowed.
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Configuring Wireless Devices
Administering Wireless Device Communication
Purpose Command or Action
level(Optional) Specifies the privilege level that the user has after gaining
access. The range is 0 to 15. Level 15 gives privileged EXECmode access.
Level 0 gives user EXEC mode access.
encryption-typeEnter 0 to specify that an unencrypted password follows.
Enter 7 to specify that a hidden password follows.
passwordSpecifies the password that the user must enter to gain access
to the wireless device. The password must be from1 to 25 characters long,
can contain embedded spaces, and must be the last option specified in the
username command.
The characters TAB, ?, $, +, and [ are invalid characters for passwords. Note
Returns to privileged EXEC mode. end Step 7
Verifies your entries. show running-config Step 8
(Optional) Saves your entries in the configuration file. copy running-config
Step 9
What to Do Next
To disable AAA, use the no aaa new-model command in global configuration mode. To disable
authorization, use the no aaa authorization {network | exec} method1 command in global configuration
Configuring the Authentication Cache and Profile
The authentication cache and profile feature allows the access point to cache the authentication and authorization
responses for a user so that subsequent authentication and authorization requests do not need to be sent to the
AAA server.
On the access point, this feature is supported only for Admin authentication. Note
The following commands that support this feature are included in Cisco IOS Release 12.3(7):
cache expiry
cache authorization profile
cache authentication profile
aaa cache profile
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Configuring Wireless Devices
Administering Wireless Device Communication
See Cisco IOS Command Reference for Cisco Aironet Access Points and Bridges, Versions 12.4(10b)JA
and 12.3(8)JEC for information about these commands.
Example Configuration: Authentication Cache and Profile
The following is a configuration example for an access point configured for Admin authentication using
TACACS+ with the authorization cache enabled. Although this example is based on a TACACS server, the
access point could be configured for Admin authentication using RADIUS:
version 12.3
no service pad
service timestamps debug datetime msec
service timestamps log datetime msec
service password-encryption
hostname ap
username Cisco password 7 123A0C041104
username admin privilege 15 password 7 01030717481C091D25
ip subnet-zero
aaa new-model
aaa group server radius rad_eap
server auth-port 1645 acct-port 1646
aaa group server radius rad_mac
server auth-port 1645 acct-port 1646
aaa group server radius rad_acct
server auth-port 1645 acct-port 1646
aaa group server radius rad_admin
server auth-port 1645 acct-port 1646
cache expiry 1
cache authorization profile admin_cache
cache authentication profile admin_cache
aaa group server tacacs+ tac_admin
cache expiry 1
cache authorization profile admin_cache
cache authentication profile admin_cache
aaa group server radius rad_pmip
aaa group server radius dummy
aaa authentication login default local cache tac_admin group tac_admin
aaa authentication login eap_methods group rad_eap
aaa authentication login mac_methods local
aaa authorization exec default local cache tac_admin group tac_admin
aaa accounting network acct_methods start-stop group rad_acct
aaa cache profile admin_cache
aaa session-id common
bridge irb
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Configuring Wireless Devices
Administering Wireless Device Communication
interface Dot11Radio0
no ip address
no ip route-cache
speed basic-1.0 basic-2.0 basic-5.5 6.0 9.0 basic-11.0 12.0 18.0 24.0 36.0 48.0 54.0
station-role root
bridge-group 1
bridge-group 1 subscriber-loop-control
bridge-group 1 block-unknown-source
no bridge-group 1 source-learning
no bridge-group 1 unicast-flooding
bridge-group 1 spanning-disabled
interface Dot11Radio1
no ip address
no ip route-cache
speed basic-6.0 9.0 basic-12.0 18.0 basic-24.0 36.0 48.0 54.0
station-role root
bridge-group 1
bridge-group 1 subscriber-loop-control
bridge-group 1 block-unknown-source
no bridge-group 1 source-learning
no bridge-group 1 unicast-flooding
bridge-group 1 spanning-disabled
interface FastEthernet0
no ip address
no ip route-cache
duplex auto
speed auto
bridge-group 1
no bridge-group 1 source-learning
bridge-group 1 spanning-disabled
interface BVI1
ip address
no ip route-cache
ip http server
ip http authentication aaa
no ip http secure-server
ip http help-path
ip radius source-interface BVI1
tacacs-server host key 7 105E080A16001D1908
tacacs-server directed-request
radius-server attribute 32 include-in-access-req format %h
radius-server host auth-port 1645 acct-port 1646 key 7 111918160405041E00
radius-server vsa send accounting
bridge 1 route ip
line con 0
transport preferred all
transport output all
line vty 0 4
transport preferred all
transport input all
transport output all
line vty 5 15
transport preferred all
transport input all
transport output all
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Configuring Wireless Devices
Administering Wireless Device Communication
Configuring the Access Point to Provide DHCP Service
By default, access points are configured to receive IP settings from a DHCP server on your network. You can
also configure an access point to act as a DHCP server to assign IP settings to devices on both wired and
wireless LANs.
When you configure the access point as a DHCP server, it assigns IP addresses to devices on its subnet.
The devices communicate with other devices on the subnet but not beyond it. If data needs to be passed
beyond the subnet, you must assign a default router. The IP address of the default router should be on the
same subnet as the access point configured as the DHCP server.
For detailed information on DHCP-related commands and options, see the DHCP part in Cisco IOS IP
Addressing Services Configuration Guide, Release 12.4 at:
The following sections describe how to configure the wireless device to act as a DHCP server:
Setting up the DHCP Server
To configure an access point to provide DHCP service and to specify a default router, follow these steps,
beginning in privileged EXEC mode:
1. configure terminal
2. ip dhcp excluded-address low_address [high_address]
3. ip dhcp pool pool_name
4. network subnet_number [mask | prefix-length]
5. lease {days [hours] [minutes] | infinite}
6. default-router address [address2 ... address 8]
7. end
8. show running-config
9. copy running-config startup-config
Purpose Command or Action
Enters global configuration mode. configure terminal
AP# configure terminal
Step 1
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Configuring Wireless Devices
Administering Wireless Device Communication
Purpose Command or Action
Excludes the wireless device IP address from the range of addresses that the
wireless device assigns.
ip dhcp excluded-address
low_address [high_address]
Step 2
Enter the IP address in four groups of characters, such as
The wireless device assumes that all IP addresses in a DHCP address pool
subnet are available for assigning to DHCP clients. You must specify the
IP addresses that the DHCP server should not assign to clients.
(Optional) To enter a range of excluded addresses, enter the address at the
low end of the range, followed by the address at the high end of the range.
Creates a name for the pool of IP addresses that the wireless device assigns in
response to DHCP requests, and enters DHCP configuration mode.
ip dhcp pool pool_name Step 3
Assigns the subnet number for the address pool. The wireless device assigns IP
addresses within this subnet.
network subnet_number [mask |
Step 4
(Optional) Assigns a subnet mask for the address pool, or specifies the number
of bits that compose the address prefix. The prefix is an alternative way of
assigning the network mask. The prefix length must be preceded by a forward
slash (/).
Configures the duration of the lease for IP addresses assigned by the wireless
lease {days [hours] [minutes] |
Step 5
days Lease duration in number of days.
hours (Optional) Lease duration in number of hours.
minutes (Optional) Lease duration in number of minutes.
infiniteSets the lease duration to infinite.
Specifies the IP address of the default router for DHCP clients on the subnet. default-router address [address2 ...
address 8]
Step 6
One IP address is required; however, you can specify up to eight
addresses in one command line.
Returns to privileged EXEC mode. end Step 7
Verifies your entries. show running-config Step 8
(Optional) Saves your entries in the configuration file. copy running-config
Step 9
What to Do Next
Example Configuration: Setting up the DHCP Sever
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Configuring Wireless Devices
Administering Wireless Device Communication
The following example shows howto configure the wireless device as a DHCP server, howto exclude a range
of IP address, and how to assign a default router:
AP# configure terminal
AP(config)# ip dhcp excluded-address
AP(config)# ip dhcp pool wishbone
AP(dhcp-config)# network
AP(dhcp-config)# lease 10
AP(dhcp-config)# default-router
AP(dhcp-config)# end
Monitoring and Maintaining the DHCP Server Access Point
The following sections describe commands you can use to monitor and maintain the DHCP server access
show Commands
To display information about the wireless device as DHCP server, enter the commands in Table 36: Show
Commands for DHCP Server , on page 329, in privileged EXEC mode.
Table 36: Show Commands for DHCP Server
Purpose Command
Displays a list of all address conflicts recorded by a
specific DHCP Server. Enter the wireless device IP
address to show conflicts recorded by the wireless
show ip dhcp conflict [address]
Displays recent activity on the DHCP database.
Use this command in privileged EXEC
show ip dhcp database [url]
Displays count information about server statistics and
messages sent and received.
show ip dhcp server statistics
clear Commands
To clear DHCP server variables, use the commands in Table 37: Clear Commands for DHCP Server, on page
329, in privileged EXEC mode.
Table 37: Clear Commands for DHCP Server
Purpose Command
Deletes an automatic address binding fromthe DHCP
database. Specifying the address argument clears the
automatic binding for a specific (client) IP address.
Specifying an asterisk (*) clears all automatic
clear ip dhcp binding {address | *}
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Configuring Wireless Devices
Administering Wireless Device Communication
Purpose Command
Clears an address conflict from the DHCP database.
Specifying the address argument clears the conflict
for a specific IP address. Specifying an asterisk (*)
clears conflicts for all addresses.
clear ip dhcp conflict {address | *}
Resets all DHCP server counters to 0. clear ip dhcp server statistics
debug Command
To enable DHCP server debugging, use the following command in privileged EXEC mode:
debug ip dhcp server {events | packets | linkage}
Use the no form of the command to disable debugging for the wireless device DHCP server.
Configuring the Access Point for Secure Shell
This section describes how to configure the Secure Shell (SSH) feature.
For complete syntax and usage information for the commands used in this section, see the Secure Shell
Commands section in the Cisco IOS Security Command Reference for Release 12.4.
Understanding SSH
SSH is a protocol that provides a secure, remote connection to a Layer 2 or Layer 3 device. There are two
versions of SSH: SSH version 1 and SSH version 2. This software release supports both SSH versions. If you
do not specify the version number, the access point defaults to version 2.
SSHprovides more security for remote connections than Telnet by providing strong encryption when a device
is authenticated. The SSH feature has an SSH server and an SSH integrated client. The client supports the
following user authentication methods:
For more information about SSH, see Part 5, Other Security Features in the Cisco IOS Security Configuration
Guide for Release 12.4 .
The SSH feature in this software release does not support IP Security (IPsec). Note
Configuring SSH
Before configuring SSH, download the cryptographic software image For more information,
see release notes for this release.
For information about configuring SSH and displaying SSH settings, see Part 6, Other Security Features
in Cisco IOS Security Configuration Guide for Release 12.4 , which is available at:
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330 OL-31704-02
Configuring Wireless Devices
Administering Wireless Device Communication
Client ARP Caching
You can configure the wireless device to maintain an address resolution protocol (ARP) cache for associated
client devices. Maintaining an ARP cache on the wireless device reduces the traffic load on your wireless
LAN. ARP caching is disabled by default.
This section contains this information:
Understanding Client ARP Caching
ARP caching on the wireless device reduces the traffic on your wireless LAN by stopping ARP requests for
client devices at the wireless device. Instead of forwarding ARP requests to client devices, the wireless device
responds to requests on behalf of associated client devices.
When ARP caching is disabled, the wireless device forwards all ARP requests through the radio port to
associated clients. The client that receives the ARP request responds. When ARP caching is enabled, the
wireless device responds to ARP requests for associated clients and does not forward requests to clients. When
the wireless device receives an ARP request for an IP address not in the cache, the wireless device drops the
request and does not forward it. In its beacon, the wireless device includes an information element to alert
client devices that they can safely ignore broadcast messages to increase battery life.
When a non-Cisco client device is associated to an access point and is not passing data, the wireless device
might not know the client IP address. If this situation occurs frequently on your wireless LAN, you can enable
optional ARP caching. When ARP caching is optional, the wireless device responds on behalf of clients with
IP addresses known to the wireless device but forwards out of its radio port any ARP requests addressed to
unknown clients. When the wireless device learns the IP addresses for all associated clients, it drops ARP
requests not directed to its associated clients.
Configuring Client ARP Caching
To configure the wireless device to maintain an ARP cache for associated clients, followthese steps, beginning
in privileged EXEC mode:
1. configure terminal
2. dot11 arp-cache [optional]
3. end
4. show running-config
5. copy running-config startup-config
Purpose Command or Action
Enters global configuration mode. configure terminal Step 1
Enables ARP caching on the wireless device. dot11 arp-cache [optional] Step 2
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Configuring Wireless Devices
Administering Wireless Device Communication
Purpose Command or Action
(Optional) Use the optional keyword to enable ARP caching only for
the client devices whose IP addresses are known to the wireless
Returns to privileged EXEC mode. end Step 3
Verifies your entries. show running-config Step 4
(Optional) Saves your entries in the configuration file. copy running-config startup-config Step 5
What to Do Next
Example: Configure ARP Caching
The following example shows how to configure ARP caching on an access point:
AP# configure terminal
AP(config)# dot11 arp-cache
AP(config)# end
Configuring Multiple VLAN and Rate Limiting for Point-to-Multipoint Bridging
This feature modifies the way that point-to-multipoint bridging can be configured to operate on multiple
VLANs with the ability to control traffic rates on each VLAN.
A rate-limiting policy can be applied only to Fast Ethernet ingress ports on non-root bridges. Note
In a typical scenario, multiple-VLAN support permits users to set up point-to-multipoint bridge links with
remote sites, with each remote site on a separate VLAN. This configuration provides the capability for
separating and controlling traffic to each site. Rate limiting ensures that no remote site consumes more than
a specified amount of the entire link bandwidth. Only uplink traffic can be controlled by using the Fast Ethernet
ingress ports of non-root bridges.
Using the class-based policing feature, you can specify the rate limit and apply it to the ingress of the Ethernet
interface of a non-root bridge. Applying the rate at the ingress of the Ethernet interface ensures that all incoming
Ethernet packets conform to the configured rate.
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Configuring Wireless Devices
Administering Wireless Device Communication
C HAP T E R 11
Configuring PPP over Ethernet with NAT
This chapter provides an overview of Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet (PPPoE) clients and network
address translation (NAT) that can be configured on the Cisco 819, Cisco 860, Cisco 880, and Cisco 890
series Integrated Services Routers (ISRs).
Overview, page 334
PPPoE, page 334
NAT, page 335
Configuration Tasks, page 335
Configuration Example, page 342
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Multiple PCs can be connected to the LAN behind the router. Before the traffic from these PCs is sent to the
PPPoE session, it can be encrypted, filtered, and so forth. Figure 16: PPP over Ethernet with NAT shows a
typical deployment scenario with a PPPoE client and NAT configured on the Cisco router.
Figure 16: PPP over Ethernet with NAT
Multiple networked devicesDesktops, laptop PCs, switches 1
Fast Ethernet LAN interface (inside interface for NAT) 2
PPPoE clientCisco 860, Cisco 880, or Cisco 890 ISRs 3
Point at which NAT occurs 4
Fast Ethernet WAN interface (outside interface for NAT) 5
Cable modem or other server that is connected to the Internet 6
PPPoE session between the client and a PPPoE server 7
The PPPoE client feature on the router provides PPPoE client support on Ethernet interfaces. Adialer interface
must be used for cloning virtual access. Multiple PPPoE client sessions can be configured on an Ethernet
interface, but each session must use a separate dialer interface and a separate dialer pool.
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Configuring PPP over Ethernet with NAT
A PPPoE session is initiated on the client side by the Cisco 819, Cisco 860, or Cisco 880 ISRs. An established
PPPoE client session can be terminated in one of two ways:
By entering the clear vpdn tunnel pppoe command. The PPPoE client session is terminated, and the
PPPoE client immediately tries to reestablish the session. This also occurs if the session has a timeout.
By entering the no pppoe-client dial-pool number command to clear the session. The PPPoE client
does not attempt to reestablish the session.
NAT (represented as the dashed line at the edge of the Cisco router) signifies two addressing domains and
the inside source address. The source list defines how the packet travels through the network.
Configuration Tasks
Perform the following tasks to configure this network scenario:
An example showing the results of these configuration tasks is shown in the Configuration Example, on page
Configure the Virtual Private Dialup Network Group Number
Configuring a virtual private dialup network (VPDN) enables multiple clients to communicate through the
router by way of a single IP address.
To configure a VPDN, perform the following steps, starting in global configuration mode:
1. vpdn enable
2. vpdn-group name
3. request-dialin
4. protocol {l2tp | pppoe}
5. exit
6. exit
Purpose Command or Action
Enables VPDN on the router. vpdn enable
Router(config)# vpdn enable
Step 1
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Configuring PPP over Ethernet with NAT
Purpose Command or Action
Creates and associates a VPDN group with a customer or
VPDN profile.
vpdn-group name
Router(config)# vpdn-group 1
Step 2
Creates a request-dialin VPDN subgroup, indicating the
dialing direction, and initiates the tunnel.
Router(config-vpdn)# request-dialin
Step 3
Specifies the type of sessions the VPDN subgroup can
protocol {l2tp | pppoe}
Router(config-vpdn-req-in)# protocol pppoe
Step 4
Exits request-dialin VPDN group configuration mode. exit
Router(config-vpdn-req-in)# exit
Step 5
Exits VPDN configuration mode and returns to global
configuration mode.
Router(config-vpdn)# exit
Step 6
Configure Ethernet WAN Interfaces
In this scenario, the PPPoE client (your Cisco router) communicates over a 10/100 Mbps-Ethernet interface
on both the inside and the outside.
To configure the Fast Ethernet WAN interfaces, perform these steps, starting in global configuration mode:
1. interface type number
2. pppoe-client dial-pool-number number
3. no shutdown
4. exit
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Configuring PPP over Ethernet with NAT
Configure Ethernet WAN Interfaces
Purpose Command or Action
Enters interface configuration mode for WAN interface. interface type number
Router(config)# interface fastethernet 4
Step 1
Router(config)# interface gigabitethernet 4
Configures the PPPoE client and specifies the dialer
interface to use for cloning.
pppoe-client dial-pool-number number
Router(config-if)# pppoe-client dial-pool-number
Step 2
Enables the Fast Ethernet interface and the configuration
changes just made to it.
no shutdown
Router(config-if)# no shutdown
Step 3
Exits configuration mode for the Fast Ethernet interface
and returns to global configuration mode.
Router(config-if)# exit
Step 4
What to Do Next
Ethernet Operations, Administration, and Maintenance
Ethernet Operations, Administration, and Maintenance (OAM) is a protocol for installing, monitoring, and
troubleshooting Ethernet metropolitan-area networks (MANs) and Ethernet WANs. It relies on a new, optional
sublayer in the data link layer of the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model. The OAM features covered
by this protocol are Discovery, Link Monitoring, Remote Fault Detection, Remote Loopback, and Cisco
Proprietary Extensions.
For setup and configuration information about Ethernet OAM, see Using Ethernet Operations, Administration,
and Maintenance at: Carrier Ethernet Configuration Guide.
Configure the Dialer Interface
The dialer interface indicates how to handle traffic from the clients, including, for example, default routing
information, the encapsulation protocol, and the dialer pool to use. The dialer interface is also used for cloning
virtual access. Multiple PPPoE client sessions can be configured on a Fast Ethernet interface, but each session
must use a separate dialer interface and a separate dialer pool.
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Configuring PPP over Ethernet with NAT
Configure the Dialer Interface
To configure a dialer interface for one of the Fast Ethernet LANinterfaces on the router, complete the following
steps, starting in global configuration mode:
1. interface dialer dialer-rotary-group-number
2. ip address negotiated
3. ip mtu bytes
4. encapsulation encapsulation-type
5. ppp authentication {protocol1 [protocol2...]}
6. dialer pool number
7. dialer-group group-number
8. exit
9. dialer-listdialer-group protocolprotocol-name {permit | deny | list access-list-number | access-group}
10. ip routeprefix mask {interface-type interface-number}
Purpose Command or Action
Creates a dialer interface and enters interface configuration mode. interface dialer dialer-rotary-group-number Step 1
Router(config)# interface dialer 0
Range is from 0 to 255.
Specifies that the IP address for the interface is obtained through
PPP/IPCP (IP Control Protocol) address negotiation.
ip address negotiated
Router(config-if)# ip address negotiated
Step 2
Sets the size of the IP maximum transmission unit (MTU). ip mtu bytes Step 3
Router(config-if)# ip mtu 1492
The default minimum is 128 bytes. The maximum for
Ethernet is 1492 bytes.
Sets the encapsulation type to PPP for the data packets being
transmitted and received.
encapsulation encapsulation-type
Router(config-if)# encapsulation ppp
Step 4
Sets the PPP authentication method to Challenge Handshake
Authentication Protocol (CHAP).
ppp authentication {protocol1 [protocol2...]}
Router(config-if)# ppp authentication chap
Step 5
For details about this command and additional parameters that
can be set, see Cisco IOS Security Command Reference.
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Configuring PPP over Ethernet with NAT
Configure the Dialer Interface
Purpose Command or Action
Specifies the dialer pool that is used to connect to a specific
destination subnetwork.
dialer pool number
Router(config-if)# dialer pool 1
Step 6
Assigns the dialer interface to a dialer group. dialer-group group-number Step 7
Router(config-if)# dialer-group 1
Range is from 1 to 10.
Using a dialer group controls access to your
Exits the dialer 0 interface configuration mode and returns to
global configuration mode.
Router(config-if)# exit
Step 8
Creates a dialer list and associates a dial group with it. Packets
are then forwarded through the specified interface dialer group.
dialer-listdialer-group protocolprotocol-name
{permit | deny | list access-list-number |
Step 9
For details about this command and additional parameters that
can be set, see Cisco IOS Dial Technologies Command Reference.
Router(config)# dialer-list 1 protocol ip
Sets the IP route for the default gateway for the dialer 0 interface. ip routeprefix mask {interface-type
Step 10
Router(config)# ip route dialer 0
Configure Network Address Translation
Network Address Translation (NAT) translates packets from addresses that match a standard access list, using
global addresses allocated by the dialer interface. Packets that enter the router through the inside interface,
packets sourced from the router, or both are checked against the access list for possible address translation.
You can configure NAT for either static or dynamic address translations.
To configure the outside Fast Ethernet WAN interface with dynamic NAT, perform these steps, beginning in
global configuration mode:
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Configuring PPP over Ethernet with NAT
Configure Network Address Translation
1. ip nat pool name start-ip end-ip {netmask netmask | prefix-length prefix-length}
2. Do one of the following:
ip nat inside source {list access-list-number} {interface type number | pool name} [overload]