Chaturvinshadhi Roopa of Sri Narayana
Chaturvinshadhi Roopa of Sri Narayana
Chaturvinshadhi Roopa of Sri Narayana
Narayana Part1
September 16, 2011 Upendran Boovaraha
Compiled the content from various sources: Pravachanas, Books, Mailing Lists, and
Monthly Magazines.
I would like to thank all the sources for enlightening.
Sriman Narayana, has four arms, and in his four arms hold sankha (onh!, hakra (disuss!, "ada
(mae!, and padma, (lotus!#
$he onh stands for the five elements, the sound of %U&, Shali"rama, 'oddess (akshmi, the
)aters, purity and perfetion, and finally for *nana prapthi (+no)led"e!#
$he dis stands for the terrible )eapon )hih destroys the evil and protets the ri"hteous# ,t
symboli-es the li"ht bearin" sun )hih illuminates and removes darkness# ,t also stands for hi"her
onsiousness (sat.buddhi! )hih destroys all illusions, and to follo) /harma#
$he mae represents the po)er of kno)led"e, and symboli-es to "et ontrol over desires#
$he lotus symboli-es beauty, harmony, reation, self.reali-ation (moksha!#
Based on the position of these four (0! symbols held in his four hands, and )ith four "roups of olors,
Sriman Narayana is alled in 20 different names1
No. Lords Name Lakshmis
Color of Lord Tattvas (Elements)
1 Keshava Sri Gold (Yellow) Aakasha (Sky/ Space)
2 Narayana Lakshmi Whie !ay" (Air/Gas)
# $adhava Kamala %lack !ahni (&ire/Li'h)
( Govinda )adma Spaika (*rysal
Apa (Waer)
+ !ishn" )admini )adma Kesar
)rihvi (,arh)
- $adh"s"dhana Kamalalaya .ed Sha/dha (So"nd)
0 1rivikrama .ama &ire (.ed) Sparsha (1o"ch)
2 !amana !r"shaakapi .isin' S"n (.ed) .oopa (Si'h/Li'h)
3 Sridhara 4hanya Whie .asa (1ase)
15 6rishikesha !r"ddhi Li'hnin'
Gandha (Smell)
11 )admana/ha Ya'na %lack !aak (Speech)
12 4amodhara 7ndira .ed )aani (6and)
1# Sankarshana 6iranya .ed )aadha (Le's)
1( !as"deva 6arani Whie )ay" (,8creory
1+ )rady"mna Sahya Gold (Yellow) :pasha (.eprod"cory
1- Anir"dha Niya %lack Shroha (,ar)
10 )"r"shohama Nanda Spaika (*rysal
1vak (Skin)
12 Adoksha;a 1reya %lack Nera (,ye)
13 Narashima S"kha Gold (Yellow) <ihva (1on'"e)
25 Achy"a S"'andha Yellow Ghran (Nose)
21 <anardhana S"ndari .ed $anas
22 :pendra !idya %lack %"ddhi
2# 6ari S"shila Yellow Ahankara
2( Krishna S"lakshana %lack )rakr"i (*hi)
1.21 3anh Bootha, 6.101 3anh.$anm4tr4s or 3anh.5ishays, or 3anh 3r4ns, 11.121 3anha +arma.
,ndriyas!, 16.201 3anh 'nana ,ndriyas, 21.201 %ntahkarana (6our intelletual systems or funtional
operatin" units!#
shr,matpa&ka*asha&+aakra"aday% sa&BUShit7 k7Sav7
Keshava has several meanin's= and >ew
o> hem are?
Keshava (ka @ 7 @ 7sha)? Ka A
%rahma= 7 A Lakshmi= 7sha A ."dra=
va A preraka (vardhayahi)
Srihari is he )reraka >or
Lakshmi= %rahma and ."dra 4evar"
alsoB 1ha means he is he preraka >or
every/ody wiho" any e8cepionB
1he lord o> creaion= preservaion=
and dissol"ionB
9ne who is endowed wih divine
powers o> %rahma= !ishn" and Shiva
and who can make he lord o>
Generaion= iBeB %rahma and lord o>
4isr"cion Shiva /oh happyB An
operaor who is per>ec Generaor and
9ne whose Kesa or hair is lon'=
"nc" and /ea"i>"lB
9ne who desroyed he as"ra or
demon Kesi in he Krishna avaarB
9ne who is endowed wih he
rays o> li'h spreadin' wihin he
or/i o> he s"nB
hakr%&B8*a"ad%sudarshanadhar7 n%r%yaN7 sarvad%
!"# $ !
Narayana has several meanin's= and >ew o>
hem are?
NaarayaNa: Ara A 4osha= Naara A
d9sharahia G"na= Ayana AAshrayaB
9ne who does no have any /lemish=
and complee wih all '"nas (C"aliies)B
Naara A Waer= Ayana A .esin'
place= 1he S"preme Lord !ishn" whose
resin' place is waer is here>ore called
Naara A he livin' eniies (<ivas)B
1here>ore= anoher meanin' o>
Naarayana is Dresin' place >or all livin'
Narayana is F1he S"preme %ein'
who is he >o"ndaion o> all menB
Naar means waer in h"man (Nar)
/ody= is residence (Aayan) o> God
Nara means h"mans and Ayana
means sheler so Narayana means he
sheler o> all h"man /ein'sB
Naara A 9ne who has aained
$"ki= Ayana A ShelerB 9ne who 'ives
sheler o m"ka ;eevas
1he close associaion o> Narayana wih
waer e8plains he >reC"en depicion o>
Narayana in 6ind" ar as sandin' or siin'
on an ocean
Madhava %#
Baktirm7astu "ad%riSa&k%*ala*airyukt7 d9u/h% m%dhav7
&'(!)' *+,-!' ./ %#
$adhava has several meanin's= and >ew
o> hem are?
Madhava G FmaaH @ FdhavaHB
$aa A Lakshmi or <naanaB 4hava A
)ai or Adhipai
$eans A 6e is Lakshmipahi he
consor o> $a= or $ahalaksmi= he
$oher o> he "niverse
9ne who is >i o /e known
hro"'h $adh"Gvidya (kn or 9ne who
is he Lord o> F$aH or knowled'eB
9ne who was /orn (descendan) in
he ri/e o> $adh" (Yad")B
1he Lord o> %rahma !idya
9ne who is he owner o> all he
ari/"es o>
Goddess o> wealh
9ne who is /esower and so"rce o>
sweeness ("limae Ananda)B
Govinda 01
"8vi&d7 varahakradh%riNi "ad%3ull%b*aSa&+%&kit7
01 23*4 56789:&
Govinda has several meanin's= and >ew o>
hem are?
GovindaH A '9 I *ow= v,daa=
,arh= S"n
!inda A rakShakaB
9ne who proecs he ,arh= !edas=
and he *owB
9ne who enlivens he sensesB
9ne who is he owner o> o>
S"preme )ersonaliy o> pleas"re
1he proecor and preserver o> he
"niverseK he is he so"rce o> powerB
9ne who is he so"rce o> ener'y o
he s"n and one who provides li'h o
his worldB
6e is he one !edas alk a/o"= in his
!amana roopa= he ook he ,arh= and 7n
his !araha roopa he placed he earh /ack
in is or/iB
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Chaturvimshadhi Roopa 24 Keshavaadi Roopas of Lord Sriman
Narayana Part 2
&arh :, 2012 Upendran Boovaraha
Compiled the content from various sources: Pravachanas, Books, Mailing
Lists, and Monthly Magazines.
, )ould like to thank all the soures for enli"htenin"#
Click to get Kanakadasaru rachisidhaKeshavanama_with_Meaning
Consolidated Ayudhas Order for Chaturvimshadhi Roopa 24 Keshavaadi
1 Keshava Shanka Chakra Gadha Padma
2 Narayan Padma Gadha Chakra Shanka
# Madhava Chakra Shanka Padma Gadha
( Govinda Gadha Padma Shanka Chakra
+ ishn! Padma Shanka Chakra Gadha
- Madh!s!dan Shanka Padma Gadha Chakra
0 Trivikram Gadha Chakra Shanka Padma
2 aman Chakra Gadha Padma Shanka
3 "hridhar Chakra Gadha Shanka Padma
15 #rishikesh Chakra Padma Shanka Gadha
11 $admana%ha Padma Chakra Gadha Shanka
12 &amodar Shanka Gadha Chakra Padma
1# "ankarshna Shanka Padma Chakra Gadha
1( as!deva Shanka Chakra Padma Gadha
1+ $rady!mna Shanka Gadha Padma Chakra
1- 'nir!ddha Gadha Shanka Padma Chakra
10 $!r!shottam Padma Gadha Shanka Chakra
12 'doksha(a Gadha Shanka Chakra Padma
13 Narasimha Padma Gadha Shanka Chakra
25 ')h!ta Padma Chakra Shanka Gadha
21 *anardhana Chakra Shanka Gadha Padma
22 +,endra Gadha Chakra Padma Shanka
2# #ari Chakra Padma Gadha Shanka
2( Krishna Gadha Padma Chakra Shanka
Vishnu 1;<
=>?211#@ 1;<!
kaum8dakyaravi&daSa&+avidadhahakra& ha viShNurmud%
!ishn" has several meanin's= and >ew o> hem
!ishn"? vishvavapaa= sarva 'ahaB A
9mnipresen= all pervasive= indweller o>
every/ody and everyhin'B
AllG)ervadin' essence o> all /ein's= he
maser o>Land /eyondLhe pas= presen
and >""re= one who s"ppors= s"sains and
'overns he :niverse and ori'inaes and
develops all elemens wihinB !ishn" 'overns
he aspec o> preservaion and s"senance o>
he "niverse= so he is called D)reserver o> he
1he erm !ishn" is dissolved as Veveshti
Vyaapnoti iti Vishnuh-That which pervades
everywhere is Vishnu. 1ha which has he
na"re o> pervasiveness is !ishn"B 6e is he
one who pervades all and nohin' ever
pervades 6imB DEesaavaasyam Idam
SarvamGAll his is indwel= pervaded /y he
LordB 1his very same idea is descri/ed in he
ypical syle o> he )"ranas= in he incarnaion
o> he Lord as !aamana= he shorG/oy
(!amana)= who= wih 6is hree >ee= meas"red
he enire "niverseB %eca"se o> his ac= he
Lord 'o he name !ishn"= says
$ahaa/haaraaB !ishn" )"rana (#G1) says?
1he roo !is means Do enerEB 1he enire
world o> hin's and /ein's is pervaded /y
6im and he :panishad emphaically insiss
in is manra Dwhaever ha is here is he
world o> chan'eEB 6ence i means ha He is
not limited by space (Desa! time ("aala or
substance (Vastu.
!ishn" involves he roo viM= meanin' Fo
sele= o enerH= or also (in he .i'veda) Fo
pervadeH= and a s">>i8 n"= ranslain' o
appro8imaely Fhe AllG)ervadin' 9neHB An
early commenaor on he !edas= Yaska= in
his Nir"ka= de>ines !ishn" as Dvishn"
vishaehK one who eners everywhereE= and
Dyad vishio /havai ad vishn"r/havaiK ha
which is >ree >rom >eers and /onda'es is
4esroyer o> he >ear o> samsaraB
Giver and provider o> hin'sB
Madhusudhana ##"
## #A= :89=>&B
hakr%&k8 madhusudhan8 dadhadasau sha&kh%b*akaum8dak,
Govinda has several meanin's= and >ew o> hem
F$adh" @ SoodanaH A 6e has killed
$adh" named daiyaB
F$adh" @ SoodanaH A 9ne who clears all
wron' knowled'e (samshya= a'nana= and
vipariha 'nana)
F$adh" @ SoodanaH A 9ne who 'ives "s
s"kha (pleas"re and com>or) and removes
9ne who 'ives he eernal s"kham
($oksha)= and who desroys all he maerial
pleas"res and com>ors >or sadhakas
9ne whose >orm is like honey (swee)
9ne who provides and knowled'e o
conrol o"r 7ndhriyas ($adh" I 7ndhriyas)B
9ne who 'ave "s he sweeness o>
9ne who killed ahi= vr"ra= and vr"raa
bh%rat,ramaNamukhyapr%N%#ntar"ata shrii k9;iShN%rpanamastu
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Chaturvimshadhi Roopa 24 Keshavaadi Roopas of Lord Sriman
Narayana Part 3
November 2<, 2012 Upendran Boovaraha
=ompiled the ontent from various soures1 3ravahanas, Books, &ailin" (ists, and &onthly &a"a-ines#
, )ould like to thank all the soures for enli"htenin"#
Trivikrama C1
D? EFG@' C1>
Nityam 3adma"adh%sha&khasahitashit7 mama trivikram8
1rivikrama he name has several meanin'= and
>ew o> hem are?
1he lord who meas"red all he hree
worlds (wih his sin'le sep)
God o> hree srides
:pholder o> law and 'iver o> /oons
7n he hree lokas (/"r= /"var= and s"var)
9ne who has conC"ered (sands a/ove)
he hree '"nas (C"aliies A sava= ra;as= and
amas)= or one who does no have any dosha
o> ri'"nasB
&or 4evas= $an"shyas= and 4hanavas= he
provides srisi= sii= and laya and he is a/ove
Since he Lord pervades he hree worldsG
!aik"na= Ananaasana= Sveadvipa A and is
specially immanen (herein)= 6e is named
7n all he hree worlds= has over powered
he hree saes? aB AdhyAmaG *oncernin' he
S,L& (so"l)K /B Adhi/h"aG *oncernin' >ive
elemens (pancha/ooha) p.Nihvi (,arh)=
app" (Waer)= ,;as (&ire)= AkAsha (Sky) O
vAy" (Air)K cB Adhidaiva? *oncernin'
divine deiiesB
1ho"'h remainin' in he /ody o> he
person= 6e has no chan'e o> >orm= is no
encompassed /y he elemens and has special
powers o annihilae he enemiesB
Vamana "
'H';I EJK "
>uktastiShtatu shankahakra"aday% padm, sad% v%mana1
1he name !amana has several meanin'= and >ew
o> hem are?
!amana means s"ndara= dwar>= handsome
amon' all hose /ea"i>"l
S"pplier o> hin's /orn o" o> 6is desire
6e is he one who p"shed %ali o paala
!amana eaches "s ha arro'ance and
pride sho"ld /e a/andoned i> any
advancemen in li>e is o /e made= and ha
wealh sho"ld never /e aken >or 'raned
since i can so easily /e aken away
$oivaor o> all desires
Sridhara #2
#289 :" L+.
vand7 sridharamub*ahakra"aday% shank?7na h%lankruth8
1he name Sridhara has several meanin'= and >ew o>
hem are?
9ne who has SriLakshmi in his hear (M
#2C B B) A 6e who s"ppors Lakshmi
)ossessor o> vi'o"r O ener'y
D4hahE denoes /earin'K D.ahE sands >or 'ivin'
/liss>"l ;oyB Since he Lord /y /earin' (on 6is
ches) Sri6 PLakshmiQ 'ives her pleas"reB
Noe? 1he Lord has no need >or derivin' ;oy >rom any
e8ernal /ein' or so"rce= since he is DsvaramanaE and
DApaakAmaRK i is Sri6 insead who derives ;oy /y
/ein' seaed on 6is ches= wiho" ever /ecomin' a
Eca"seE or Dso"rceE >or he Lord o e8perience ;oyB
24 Roopas associated with different waterbodies of karmabhoomi (India), Except for the
Vasudevadi four roopas.
Keshava )inakani "ankarshna
Narayan Godavari as!deva
Madhava Ganga $rady!mna
Govinda Vapi 'nir!ddha
ishn! Narmada $!r!shottama Pushkarani
Madh!s!dan Manasa 'doksha(a Swami Pushkarani
Trivikram Kumudavati Narasimha BhavaNashani
aman Chandrapushkarani ')h!ta Tataka
"hridhar Bhimarathi *anardhana Malahari
#rishikesh Sarovara +,endra Devakatha
$admana%ha Saraswati #ari Kalindi
&amodar Saritha Krishna Krishnaveni
Harapanahalli Bheemavvas Keshavanama lali pada (N2E"NOP QR"2
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