Part 1

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1. Introduction
2. Need of study
3. Objective of study
4. Scope of study

DABUR INDIA LIMITED is a leading Indian consumer goods company wit interests in
FOODS. !rom its umble beginnings in the bya!e" #$ Ca%&tta 'ay ba%( )! 1**+ a" a!
Ay&r,e-)% .e-)%)!e"!y, Dab&r I!-)a Lt- ha" %#.e a #!/ 'ay t#-ay t# be%#.e a
ea-)!/ %#!"&.er pr#-&%t" .a!&$a%t&rer )! I!-)a. FOR THE PAST 101 2EARS, 3E
Thr#&/h #&r %#.prehe!"),e ra!/e #$ pr#-&%t", 'e t#&%h the ),e" #$ a %#!"&.er", )! a
a/e /r#&p", a%r#"" a "#%)a b#&!-ar)e". A!- th)" e/a%y ha" hepe- &" -e,e#p a b#!- #$
tr&"t ')th #&r %#!"&.er". That 5UARANTEES y#& the BEST IN ALL PRODUCTS
1.1.1 Dab&r I!-)a Lt-. - C#rp#rate Pr#$)e
Dab&r I!-)a Lt- is one of India"s leading !#$% $ompanies wit Re,e!&e" #$ US61 B))#!
&over 's ()*** $rore+ , #ar-et $apitalisation of .S/4 0illion &'s 2*)*** $rore+. 0uilding on
a legacy of 1uality and e2perience of over 123 years) Dab&r )" t#-ay I!-)a7" .#"t tr&"te-
!a.e a!- the '#r-7" ar/e"t Ay&r,e-)% a!- Nat&ra Heath Care!y. 4abur India
is also a world leader in 5yurveda wit a portfolio of over 2(* 6erbal75yurvedic products.
4abur8s !#$% portfolio today includes $),e $a/"h)p bra!-" wit distinct brand identities 99
Dab&r as te master brand for natural ealtcare products) 4at)(a for premium personal care)
Ha8.#a for digestives) R9a for fruit juices and beverages and Fe. for fairness bleaces and
s-in care products. 4abur today operates in -ey consumer products categories li-e Ha)r Care,
Ora Care, Heath Care, S()! Care, H#.e Care and F##-". :e company as a wide
distribution networ-) covering over 0.* .))#! reta) #&tet" wit a ig penetration in bot
urban and rural mar-ets. 4abur8s products also ave a uge presence in te overseas mar-ets
and are today a,a)abe )! #,er :; %#&!tr)e" a%r#"" the /#be. Its brands are igly popular in
te #iddle ;ast) S55'$ countries) 5frica) .S) ;urope and 'ussia. Dab&r<" #,er"ea"
re,e!&e t#-ay a%%#&!t" $#r #,er =;> #$ the t#ta t&r!#,er.:e 12(9year9old company)
promoted by te 0urman family) ad started operations in 1<<4 as an 5yurvedic medicines
company. !rom its umble beginnings in te bylanes of $alcutta) 4abur India =td as come a
long way today to become one of te biggest Indian9owned consumer goods companies wit
te largest erbal and natural product portfolio in te world. Overall) Dab&r ha" "&%%e""$&y
tra!"$#r.e- )t"e$ $r#. be)!/ a $a.)y-r&! b&")!e"" t# be%#.e a pr#$e"")#!ay .a!a/e-
e!terpr)"e. >at sets 4abur apart from te crowd is its ability to cange aead of oters and
to always set new standards in corporate governance , innovation.
1.1.0Dab&r At-a-5a!%e
4abur India =imited as mar-ed its presence wit significant acievements and today
commands a mar-et leadersip status. Our story of success is based on dedication to nature)
corporate and process ygiene) dynamic leadersip and commitment to our partners and
sta-eolders. :e results of our policies and initiatives spea- for temselves.
=eading consumer goods company in India wit a turnover of 's. ()2<3 $rore &!?12+)2 major
strategic business units &S0.+ 9 C#!"&.er Care B&")!e"" and I!ter!at)#!a B&")!e""
D),)")#! ?IBD@,2 Subsidiary %roup companies 9 Dab&r I!ter!at)#!a and Ne'U and several
step down subsidiaries@ Dab&r Nepa P,t Lt- &Nepal+) Dab&r E/ypt Lt- &;gypt+) A")a!
C#!"&.er Care ?Ba!/a-e"h@) A")a! C#!"&.er Care ?Pa()"ta!@) A$r)%a! C#!"&.er Care
&Nigeria+) Nat&ree LLC &'as 5l Aaima9.5;+) 3e)($)e- I!ter!at)#!a &.5;+ and
AaB&)!e I!%. &.S5+.13 &tra-.#-er! .a!&$a%t&r)!/ &!)t" spread around te globe Broducts
mar-eted in over :; %#&!tr)e".>ide and deep mar-et penetration wit 1; CCF a/e!t") more
tan 1;;; -)"tr)b&t#r" and over =.+ .))#! retail outlets all over India
C#!"&.er Care B&")!e"" adresses consumer needs across te entire FMC5 spectrum
troug four distinct business portfolios of Per"#!a Care) Heath Care) H#.e
Care , F##-".
1.1.= Ma"ter bra!-"D
Dab&r 9 5yurvedic ealtcare products
4at)(a 9 Bremium air care
Ha8.#a 9 :asty digestives
R9a 9 !ruit juices , beverages
Fe. 9 !airness bleaces , s-in care products
12 0illion9'upee brands@ 4abur 5mla) 4abur $yawanpras) Cati-a) 'Dal) 4abur 'ed
:ootpaste) 4abur =al 4ant #anjan) 0abool) 6ajmola) 4abur 6oney) %lucose) !em
a!- Odonil. Strategic positioning of H#!ey as food product) leading to mar-et
leadersip &over E1>+ in branded oney mar-et
4abur $yawanpras te largest selling 5yurvedic medicine wit over E(F mar-et
sare. 4at)(a as been te $a"te"t /r#')!/ ha)r %are bra!- )! the M)--e Ea"t.
6ajmola tablets in command wit E*F mar-et sare of digestive tablets category.
5bout 0.1 %r#re Ha8.#a tabet" are %#!"&.e- )! I!-)a e,ery -ay.=eader in erbal
digestives wit G*F mar-et sare.C#!"&.er Heath D),)")#! &$64+ offers a range
of classical Ay&r,e-)% .e-)%)!e" and 5yurvedic O:$ products tat deliver te age9old
benefits of 5yurveda in modern ready9to9use formats 6as more tan 3** products sold
troug prescriptions as well as over te counter. 4ivision also wor-s for promotion of
5yurveda troug organised community of traditional practitioners and developing
fres batces of students
I!ter!at)#!a B&")!e"" D),)")#! &I04+ caters to te ealt and personal care needs of
customers across different international mar-ets) spanning Nepal) 0anglades) te #iddle ;ast)
Nort , >est 5frica) ;. and te .S wit its brands 4abur , Cati-a
1.1.+ C#re 4a&e"-
Cision9 H4edicated to te ealt and well being of every ouseoldH
Ownersip9:is is our company. >e accept personal responsibility) and accountability to meet
business needs.
Bassion for winning
>e all are leaders in our area of responsibility) wit a deep commitment to deliver results. >e
are determined to be te best at doing wat matters most.
Beople 4evelopment9Beople are our most important asset. >e add value troug result driven
training) and we encourage , reward e2cellence.
$onsumer !ocus9>e ave superior understanding of consumer needs and develop products to
fulfill tem better.
:eam >or-9>e wor- togeter on te principle of mutual trust , transparency in a boundary9less
organiIation. >e are intellectually onest in advocating proposals) including recogniIing ris-s.
Innovation9$ontinuous innovation in products , processes is te basis of our success.
Integrity9>e are committed to te acievement of business success wit integrity. >e are onest
wit consumers) wit business partners and wit eac oter.
Strate/)% I!te!t->e intend to significantly a%%eerate pr#$)tabe /r#'th. :o do tis) we will@
!ocus on growing our core brands across categories) reacing out to new geograpies)
witin and outside India) and improve operational efficiencies by leveraging
0e te preferred company to meet te ealt and personal grooming needs of our target
consumers wit safe) efficacious) natural solutions by syntesiIing our deep -nowledge
of ayurveda and erbs wit modern science
Brovide our consumers wit innovative products witin easy reac
0uild a platform to enable 4abur to become a global ayurvedic leader
0e a professionally managed employer of coice) attracting) developing and retaining
1uality personnel
0e responsible citiIens wit a commitment to environmental protection
Brovide superior returns) relative to our peer group) to our sareolders
1.1.:!y H)"t#ry


0irt of 4abur
1<GE Setting up a manufacturing plant
5yurvedic medicines
1G1G ;stablisment of researc laboratories
1G2* ;2pands furter
1G3E 4abur India &4r. S.A. 0urman+ Bvt. =td.
1G32 Sift to 4eli
Saibabad factory 7 4abur 'esearc ,
4evelopment $entre &4'4$+
1G<E Bublic =imited $ompany
1GG2 Joint venture wit 5grolimen of Spain
1GG3 $ancer treatment
1GG4 Bublic issues
1GG( Joint Centures
1GGE 3 separate divisions
1GG3 !oods 4ivision 7 Broject S:5'S
1GG< Brofessionals to manage te $ompany
2*** :urnover of 's.1)*** crores
2**3 4abur demerges Barma 0usiness
2**( 4abur a1uires 0alsara
2**( 4abur announces 0onus after 12 years
4abur crosses /2 0in mar-et $ap) adopts
.S %55B
5pproves !$$07%4'754' up to /2**
2**3 $elebrating 1* years of 'eal
2**3 !oray into organised retail
2**3 4abur !oods #erged >it 4abur India
2**< 5c1uires !em $are Barma
4abur 'ed :ootpaste joins 80illion 'upee
0rand8 club
2*1* 4abur ma-es its first overseas ac1uisition
2*11 4abur enters professional s-in care mar-et
4abur India ac1uires 3*9Blus from 5janta
4abur crosses 0illion94ollar :urnover
1.1.E F#&!-er a!- Lea-er"
F#&!-)!/ Th#&/ht" "What is that life worth which cannot bring comfort to others"
The -##r"tep <Da(tar< :e story of 4abur began wit a small) but
visionary endeavour by 4r. S. A. 0urman) a pysician tuc-ed away in
0engal. 6is mission was to provide effective and affordable cure for
ordinary people in far9flung villages. >it missionary Ieal and fervour)
4r. 0urman undertoo- te tas- of preparing natural cures for te -iller
diseases of tose days) li-e colera) malaria and plague. Soon te news
of is medicines traveled) and e came to be -nown as te trusted 84a-tar8 or 4octor wo came
up wit effective cures. 5nd tat is ow is venture 4abur got its name 9 derived from te
4evanagri rendition of 4a-tar 0urman. 4r. 0urman set up 4abur in 1<<4 to produce and
dispense 5yurvedic medicines. 'eacing out to a wide mass of people wo ad no access to
proper treatment. 4r. S. A. 0urman8s commitment and ceaseless efforts resulted in te
company growing from a fledgling medicine manufacturer in a small $alcutta ouse) to a
ouseold name tat at once evo-es trust and reliability.
1.1.* M)e"t#!e"- Dab&r I!-)a Lt-. made its beginnings wit a small parmacy) but as
continued to learn and grow to a commanding status in te industry. :e $ompany as come a
long way in popularising and ma-ing easily available a wole range of products based on te
traditional science of 5yurveda. 5nd Dab&r ha" "et ,ery h)/h "ta!-ar-" )! -e,e#p)!/
pr#-&%t" a!- pr#%e""e" that .eet "tr)!/e!t B&a)ty !#r.". 5s it grows even furter) 4abur
will continue to mar- up on major milestones along te way) setting te road for oters to
follow... M)e"t#!e" T# S&%%e""
1**+ - E"tab)"he- by Dr. S K B&r.a! at K#(ata
1*F: - F)r"t pr#-&%t)#! &!)t e"tab)"he- at 5arh)a
1F1F - F)r"t RCD &!)t e"tab)"he-
Eary1F;;"-Pr#-&%t)#! #$ Ay&r,e-)% .e-)%)!e"
4abur identifies nature9based 5yurvedic medicines as its area of specialiIation. It is te $)r"t!y to provide ealt care troug "%)e!t)$)%ay te"te- a!- a&t#.ate- pr#-&%t)#! of
formulations based on our traditional science.
1F=; - A&! a!- &p /ra-at)#! #$ Ay&r,e-)% pr#-&%t" .a!&$a%t&r)!/ )!)t)ate-
1F=: - Dab&r ?Dr. S K B&r.a!@ P,t. Lt-. I!%#rp#rate-
1F+;-Per"#!a %are thr#&/h Ay&r,e-a
4abur introduces Indian consumers to per"#!a %are thr#&/h Ay&r,e-a, wit te a&!%h #$
Dab&r A.a Ha)r O). So popular is te product tat it becomes te largest selling air oil
brand in India.
1F+F-La&!%he- Dab&r Chya'a!pra"h )! t)! pa%(
>idening te popularity and usage of traditional 5yurvedic products continues. :e ancient
restorative Chya'a!pra"h )" a&!%he- in pac-aged form) and becomes te $)r"t bra!-e-
Chya'a!pra"h in India.
1F1E - C#.p&ter)"at)#! #$ #perat)#!" )!)t)ate-
1FE;-E!tere- Ora Care C D)/e"t),e" "e/.e!t
5ddressing rural mar-ets were omemade oral care is more popular tan multinational
brands) 4abur introduces La Da!t Ma!8a!. >it tis a conveniently pac-aged erbal
tootpowder is made available at affordable costs to te masses.
1FE0 - Sh)$t" ba"e t# Deh) $r#. Ca%&tta
1FE*-La&!%he" Ha8.#a tabet
4abur continues to ma-e innovative products based on traditional formulations tat can
provide olistic care in our daily life. 5n 5yurvedic medicine used as a digestive aid is
branded and launced as te popular Ha8.#a tabet.
1FEF - Dab&r Re"ear%h C De,e#p.e!t Ce!tre ?DRDC@ "et &p
1FEF - pr#-&%t)#! "tart" at Sah)baba-, the .#"t .#-er! herba .e-)%)!e"
pa!t at that t).e
1F*+ - Dab&r %#.pete" 1;; year"
1F** - La&!%he" phar.a%e&t)%a .e-)%)!e"
1F*F-Care ')th $&!:e 5yurvedic digestive formulation is converted into a cildren8s fun
product wit te a&!%h #$ Ha8.#a Ca!-y. In an innovative move) a curative product is
converted to a confectionary item for wider usage.
1FF+ - C#.e" #&t ')th $)r"t p&b)% )""&e
1FF+ - E!ter" #!%##/y "e/.e!t
1FF+-Lea-er"h)p )! heath %are
4abur establises its leadersip in ealt care as one of only two companies worldwide to
launc te a!t)-%a!%er -r&/ I!taGe ?Pa%)taGe@. 4abur 'esearc , 4evelopment $entre
&4'4$+ develops an eco9friendly process to e2tract te drug from its plant source
1FF: - E!ter" $##-" b&")!e"" ')th the a&!%h #$ Rea Fr&)t A&)%e
1FF: - Rea b)tH(r)e/
4abur captures te imagination of young Indian consumers wit te launc of Rea Fr&)t
A&)%e" 9 a new concept in te Indian foods mar-et. :e first local brand of 1**F pure natural
fruit juices made to international standards) Rea be%#.e" the $a"te"t /r#')!/ a!- ar/e"t
"e)!/ bra!- in te country.
1FF* - B&r.a! $a.)y ha!-" #,er .a!a/e.e!t #$ the!y t# pr#$e"")#!a"
0;;; - The 1,;;; %r#re .ar(
4abur establises its mar-et leadersip status by staging a t&r!#,er #$ R".1,;;; %r#re".
5cross a span of over a 1** years) 4abur as grown from a small beginning based on
traditional ealt care. :o a commanding position amongst an august league of large corporate
0;;1 - S&per "pe%)aty -r&/"
>it te setting up of 4abur Oncology8s sterile cytoto2ic facility) te $ompany gains entry
into te igly "pe%)a)"e- area #$ %a!%er therapy. :e state9of9te9art plant and laboratory
in te .A ave approval from te #$5 of .A. :ey follow FDA /&)-e)!e" for production
of drugs specifically for ;uropean and 5merican mar-ets.
0;;0 - Dab&r re%#r- "ae" #$ R" 11:=.1F %r#re #! a !et pr#$)t #$ R" :+.+
0;;= - Dab&r" Phar.a%e&t)%a" b&")!e""
4abur India approved te demerger of its parmaceuticals business from te !#$% business
into a separate company as part of plans to provider greater focus to bot te businesses. >it
tis) 4abur India now largely comprises of te !#$% business tat include personal care
products) ealtcare products and 5yurvedic Specialities) wile te Barmaceuticals business
would include 5llopatic) Oncology formulations and 0ul- 4rugs. 4abur Oncology Blc) a
subsidiary of 4abur India) would also be part of te Barmaceutical business.
Ma)!ta)!)!/ /#ba "ta!-ar-"
5s a reflection of its constant efforts at acieving superior 1uality standards) 4abur became
te $)r"t Ay&r,e-)% pr#-&%t"!y to get ISO F;;0 %ert)$)%at)#!.
S%)e!%e $#r !at&re
'einforcing its commitment to nature and its conservation) 4abur Nepal) a subsidiary of
4abur India) as set up $&y a&t#.ate- /ree!h#&"e" )! Nepa. :is scientific landmar-
elps to produce saplings of rare medicinal plants tat are under treat of e2tinction due to
ecological degradation.
0;;1 - Dab&r aB&)re" Ba"ara
5s part of its inorganic growt strategy) 4abur India ac1uires 0alsara8s 6ygiene and 6ome
products businesses) a leading provider of Oral $are and 6ouseold $are products in te
Indian mar-et) in a 's 1439crore all9cas deal.
0;;1 - Dab&r a!!#&!%e" b#!&" a$ter 10 year"
4abur India announced issue of 1@1 0onus sare to te sareolders of te company) i.e. one
sare for every one sare eld. :e 0oard also proposed an increase in te autoriIed sare
capital of te company from e2isting 's (* crore to 's 12( crore.
0;;: - Dab&r %r#""e" 60 b! .ar(et %ap, a-#pt" US 5AAP.
4abur India crosses te /29billion mar- in mar-et capitalisation. :e company also adopted
.S %55B in line wit its commitment to follow global best practices and adopt igest
standards of transparency and governance.
0;;: - Appr#,e" FCCBI5DRIADR &p t# 60;; .))#!
#oving forward on te inorganic growt pat) 4abur India decides to raise up to /2** million
from te international mar-et troug 0onds) !$$0s) %4') 54') KIBs or any oter
securities.:e capital raised will be used to fund 4abur8s aggressive growt ambitions and
ac1uisition plans in India and abroad.
0;;E - Ceebrat)!/ 1; year" #$ Rea
4abur !oods unveiled te new pac-aging and design for 'eal at te completion of 1* years of
te brand. :e new refined modern loo- depicts te natural goodness of te juice from fresly
pluc-ed fruits.
0;;E - F#ray )!t# #r/a!)"e- reta)
4abur India announced its foray into te organised retail business troug a wolly9owned
subsidiary) 6,0 Stores =td. 4abur will invest 's 14* crores by 2*1* to establis its presence
in te retail mar-et in India wit a cain of stores on te 6ealt , 0eauty format.
0;;E - Dab&r F##-" .er/e- ')th Dab&r I!-)a
4abur India decides to merge its wolly9owned subsidiary 4abur !oods =imited wit itself to
e2tract synergies and unloc- operational efficiencies. :e integration will also elp 4abur
sarpen focus on te ig growt business of foods and beverages) and enter newer product
categories in tis space.
0;;* - A%B&)re" Fe. Care Phar.a
4abur India ac1uires !em $are Barma) a leading player in te women8s s-in care mar-et.
0esides an entry into te ig9growt s-in care mar-et wit an establised brand name !;#)
tis transaction also offers 4abur a strong platform to enter newer product categories and
0;;F - Dab&r Re- T##thpa"te 8#)!" <B))#! R&pee Bra!-"< %&b
4abur 'ed :ootpaste becomes te 4abur8s nint 0illion 'upee brand. 4abur 'ed :ootpaste
crosses te billion rupee turnover mar- witin five years of its launc.
0;1; - Dab&r .a(e" )t" $)r"t #,er"ea" a%B&)")t)#!
4abur ma-es its first overseas ac1uisition) buying 6obi AoImeti- AoImeti- %roup) a leading
personal care products company in :ur-ey) for /EG million.
0;1; - Dab&r a%B&)re- 1;;> eB&)ty )! Na.a"te Lab
4abur ac1uired 1**F e1uity in NamastD =aboratories ==$ of te .S for /1** million. :is
mar-s 4abur"s entry into te fast9growing etnic air care products mar-et in ..S.) ;urope
and 5frica.
0;1; - Dab&r Chya'a!pra"h La&!%he- Ora!/e C Ma!/# Fa,#&r"
4abur launces India"s first fruit9flavoured $yawanpras. 4abur $yawanpras was
launced in Orange and #ango flavoured variants.
0;1; - Dab&r A.a Ha)r O)" e!ter" L).%a B##( #$ Re%#r-"
4abur 5mla 6air Oils enters =imca 0oo- of 'ecords for acieving a record feat of osting
te longest ever non9stop ead massage maraton.
0;11 - Dab&r e!ter" pr#$e"")#!a "()! %are .ar(et
4abur enters professional s-in care mar-et wit te launc of O2y=ife Brofessional !acial
Ait) created e2clusively for professional use.
0;11 - Dab&r a&!%he" )t" $)r"t-e,er #!)!e "h#pp)!/ p#rta
4abur India =td. launces its first9ever online sopping portal >it
tis) 4abur is te first Indian !#$% company to launc a dedicated online sopping portal
for its beauty products range. :e portal will be te online gateway for consumers to -now)
understand) buy and gift te e2clusive 4abur .veda range of s-incare products.
0;11 - Dab&r I!-)a a%B&)re" =;-P&" $r#. A8a!ta Phar.a
4abur India =td ac1uired 5janta Barma"s over9te9counter energiIer brand "3*9Blus".
0;11 - Dab&r t# e!ter Sr) La!(a
4abur India =tdsets up new subsidiary in Sri =an-a L 4abur =an-a &Bvt.+ =td. :e company
will establis a new e2port9oriented manufacturing facility for producing a range of fruit9
based beverages in %ampaa) nort of $olombo.
0;11 - Dab&r e!ter" A.#!- Ha)r O) .ar(et
4abur India =td launces 4abur 5lmond 6air Oil) a one9of9its9-ind product tat offers
superior nourisment for 1**F damage9free air.
0;10 - Dab&r %r#""e" B))#!-D#ar t&r!#,er .ar(
4abur India =td surpassed te 0illion94ollar :urnover mar- during te 2*11912 fiscal to end
te year wit Net Sales of 's ()2<3.13 $rore.
Dab&r 5r#&p
>it a bas-et including personal care) ealt care and food
products) 4abur India =imited as set up subsidiary %roup
$ompanies across te world tat can manage its businesses
more efficiently.
%iven te vast range of products) sourcing) production and mar-eting ave been divested to te
group companies tat conduct teir operations independently@

Dab&r 3#r-')-e
Dab&r<" .)"")#! #$ p#p&ar)H)!/ a !at&ra )$e"tye tra!"%e!-" !at)#!a b#&!-ar)e". T#-ay, there
)" /r#')!/ /#ba a'are!e"" #! ater!at),e .e-)%)!e, !at&re-ba"e- a!- h#)"t)% )$e"tye" a!- a!
)!tere"t )! herba pr#-&%t". 4abur as been in te forefront of populariIing tis alternative way of
life) mar-eting its products in more tan E* countries all over te world. O,er the year", Dab&r<"
#,er"ea" b&")!e"" ha" "&%%e""$&y tra!"$#r.e- $r#. be)!/ a ".a #perat)#! )!t# a multi9
location business spreading troug te #iddle ;ast) Nort 5frica) >est 5frica and Sout 5sia.
O&r Pr#-&%t" 3#r-')-e- >e ave spread ourselves wide and deep to be close to our overseas
consumers. Our overseas product portfolio is tailor9made to suit te needs and aspirations of our
growing consumer base in te international mar-ets. Offices and representatives in E&r#pe) UK) and A$r)%a.5 special erbal ealt care and personal care range successfully selling in
mar-ets ranging from te M)--e Ea"t) Far Ea"t) N#rth A$r)%a and E&r#pe. Inroads into several
;uropean and 5merican mar-ets tat ave good potential due to resurgence of te ba%(-t#-!at&re
.#,e.e!t. ;2port of A%t),e Phar.a%e&t)%a I!/re-)e!t" &5BIs+) manufactured under strict
international 1uality bencmar-s) to E&r#pe) Lat)! A$r)%a) and oter A")a! %#&!tr)e".
;2port of food and te2tile grade !at&ra /&.") e2tracted from traditional plant sources.
Part!er"h)p" C Pr#-&%t)#!- Strate/)% part!er"h)p" wit leading multinational food and ealt care
companies to introduce innovations in products and services. S)G .#-er! .a!&$a%t&r)!/ $a%))t)e"
spread across S#&th A")a, M)--e Ea"t a!- A$r)%a to optimise production by utilising local
resources and te most modern tecnology available.
1.1.1; Ma!&$a%t&r)!/ Fa%))t)e" )! I!-)a-
1.1.11 CEO OF DABUR-
Mr. S&!) D&//a too- over as te $ief ;2ecutive Officer of 4abur
India =imited in June 2**2) olding reins of te organiIation e
joined in 1GG(. #r 4uggal started is career as a management
trainee in >imco =imited in 1G<1 after getting is ;ngineering
4egree &;lectrical , ;lectronics+ from 0I:S) Bilani) and 0usiness
#anagement from II#) $alcutta. 6is stint at >imco continued till
1GG4) wit a brea- in between wen e joined 0ennett $oleman ,
$o. =td for a sort period. In 1GG4) e moved to Bepsi !oods as %#)
SalesOperation.In 1GG() e joined te 4abur family as %eneral #anager &Sales , #ar-eting+ of te
!amily Broducts 4ivision wit products li-e 4abur 5mla) =al 4ant #anjan and Cati-a in is
portfolio. :is 4ivision speareaded te spectacular growt recorded by 4abur in tis period. Cati-a
was also launced during tis period and is now te $ompany8s second biggest brand. >it is
dynamic spirit and leadersip abilities) e soon became Cice9Bresident and S0.96ead of te !amily
Broducts 4ivision. In July 2*** #r. 4uggal was appointed 4irector Sales and #ar-eting of 4abur
India =imited. 5nd in 2**2) e became te $;O of te $ompany 9 a professional wit valuable
e2perience to steer te company aead in its growt plans.
Spanning a career of over 2* years) #r. Sunil 4uggal as travelled widely across India and andled
diverse portfolios tat ave elped im understand te dynamics of !#$% businesses and mar-et
trends. 6e is well versed in te intricacies of India8s regional diversities and consumer needs.
#r. 4uggal lives in 4eli wit is wife and one cild. >enever e gets a brea- from is official
responsibilities) #r. 4uggal li-es to spend time at ome wit is family and an occasional round of
1.1.12 C#rp#rate 5#,er!a!%e- 5##- %#rp#rate /#,er!a!%e and tra!"pare!%y )! a%t)#!" of te
management )" (ey t# a "tr#!/ b#!- #$ tr&"t wit te $ompany"s sta-eolders. 4abur understands
te importance of good governance and as constantly avoided an arbitrary decision9ma-ing process.
Our initiatives towards tis end include@ 9BrofessionaliIation of te board
=ean and active 0oard &reduced from 1E to 1* members+
=ess number of promoters on te 0oard
#ore professionals and independent 4irectors for better management
%overned troug 0oard committees for 5udit) 'emuneration) Sareolder %rievances)
$ompensation and Nominations
#eets all $orporate %overnance $ode re1uirements of S;0I
1.1.1= C#rp#rate C)t)He!"h)p- >en our !ounder 4r. S. A. 0urman first establised 4abur) e
ad a vision tat saw beyond te profit motive. In is words) H>at is tat life wort wic cannot
bring comfort to oters.H :is ideal of a umane and e1uitable society led to initiatives ta-en to
give bac- some part of wat 4abur as gained from te community. Our major initiatives in te
Social sector include@ ;stablisment of te Sustainable 4evelopment Society) or S&!-e"h) in 1GG3
9 a non9profit organiIation to promote researc and welfare activities in rural areasM Bromoting
ealt and ygiene amongst te underprivileged troug te Ch&!!) La Me-)%a Tr&"tM and
OrganiIing te Pa!t $#r L)$e pr#/ra..e for "%h##%h)-re! 9 to create environmental awareness
amongst young minds.
O&r %#..)t.e!t t# E!,)r#!.e!t- A!%)e!t ')"-#. #$ %#!"er,at)#!- !rom times immemorial)
Indian sages and men of wisdom ave understood and appreciated te value of nature and its
conservation. Our ancestors recogniIed tat if we grabbed from nature beyond wat was ealty) it
would lead to all round degradation) and even te e2tinction of umanity. :at is wy nature was
sanctified and worsipped in te form of gods and goddesses.

Dab&r &ph#-" the tra-)t)#!
:oday) we at 4abur also value nature8s bounty. >itout te fruits of nature) te vision of 4abur
would never ave been fulfilled. 5nd tat is te reason for our unfailing commitment to ecological
conservation and regeneration. >e would li-e to follow te principles of our ancient te2ts) wic
say@ JDeh) .e -a-a.) teJ - Jy#& /),e .e, a!- I /),e y#&J.

Ba%( t# Nat&re
'are erbs and medicinal plants are our most valuable resource) from wic all our products are
derived. 4ue to overe2ploitation of tese resources and unsustainable practices) tese plants and
erbs are fast reacing te point of e2tinction. In view of tis critical situation) 4abur as initiated
some significant programmes for ecological regeneration and protection of endangered plant

Pa!t" $#r L)$e
>e ave set up te HBlants for =ifeH project in te mountainous regions of te 6imalayas. .nder
te project) a ig9tec greenouse facility as been set up for developing saplings of rare and
endangered medicinal plants. !ully computer9controlled and monitored) tis greenouse maintains
te igly critical environmental parameters re1uired for teir survival. >e are also developing
1uality saplings of more tan 2* erbs) < of tem endangered) troug micro propagation.
In addition) satellite nurseries spread across mountain villages and contract cultivation of
medicinal erbs elps in maintaining te ecological balance. :ese measures ave also elped
provide local cultivators te scientific -nowledge for arvesting erbs and a steady source of
income. So tat tey are not forced to e2ploit te environment to earn a liveliood.
L),)!/ a 5ree! Her)ta/e
:ese are significant stepstat can contribute to a better world for coming generations. :o wom
we would li-e to be1ueat a world not bereft of nature. 0ut full of flowering and fruit bearing
trees) animals) birds and umans living in good ealt and complete armony.
1.1.1+ IT I!)t)at),e"
5t 4abur India =imited) (!#'e-/e and te%h!##/y are -ey resources wic ave elped te
$ompany a%h)e,e h)/her e,e" #$ eG%ee!%e a!- e$$)%)e!%y. :owards tis overall goal of
tecnology9driven performance) 4abur is utiliIing Information :ecnology in a big way. :is
will elp in integrating a vast distribution system spread all over India and across te world. It
will also cut down costs and increase profitability.
O&r .a8#r IT I!)t)at),e"
#igration from 0aan and #fg ;'B Systems to centraliIed S5B ;'B system from 1st 5pril 2**E
for all business units. Implementation of a country wide new >5N Infrastructure for running
centraliIed ;'B system.
Setting up of new 4ata $entre at A$O 6ead Office.
;2tension of 'eac System to distributors for capturing Secondary Sales 4ata.
'oll out of I: services to new plants and $!5s.
F&t&re Chae!/e"
!orward Integration of S5B wit 4istributors and Stoc-ists.
0ac-ward Integration of S5B wit Suppliers.
Implementation of new BOS system at Stoc-ist point and integration wit S5B9;'B.
Implementation of S5B 6' and payroll.
S5B 'oll9out to 4NB= and oter new businesses.
1.1.11 S&"ta)!ab))ty Rep#rt-
At Dab&r, e!,)r#!.e!t a!- !at&re )" the )$e)!e #$ #&r b&")!e"". >it a portfolio of 5yurveda
and nature9based products) %#!"er,at)#! #$ !at&re C !at&ra re"#&r%e" )" -eep r##te- )! #&r
#r/a!)Hat)#!a DNA) and in every aspect of our ever9growing business. >e) at 4abur) ave not
merely incorporated te concept of sustainability into te core of our business but ave) in fact)
e2panded it to encompass our aspirations and responsibilities to te society and to te
environment. It is tis concept tat inspires us to optimiIe our business performance to tac-le te
new and growing callenges of environment and tecnology.It is a concept on wic we aspire to
build an organiIation tat will continue to increase value for all our sta-eolders for generations
to come) troug )!te!"),e $#%&" #! C#!"er,at)#! #$ E!er/y a!- Te%h!##/y Ab"#rpt)#!)
along wit Heath, Sa$ety a!- E!,)r#!.e!t Pr#te%t)#!.
1.1.1: C#!"er,at)#! #$ E!er/y-4abur as been underta-ing a ost of energy conservation
measures. Successful implementation of various energy conservation projects ave resulted in a
1=.*> re-&%t)#! )! the!y7" e!er/y b) )! the 0;;*-;F $)"%a alone. >at was
noteworty was te fact tat tis reduction as come despite an <9GF volume increase in
manufacturing) and an average 11.3F increase in cost of -ey input fuels.:e ost of measures L
-ey among tem being use of bio9fuels in boilers) generation of biogas and installation of energy
efficient e1uipment L elped lower te cost of production) besides reduce effluent and improve
ygiene conditions , productivity.
1.1.1E Te%h!##/y Ab"#rpt)#!
4abur as also made continuous efforts towards tecnology absorption and innovation) wic
ave contributed towards preserving natural resources.
:ese efforts include@
#inimum use of water in process by pre9concentration of erbal e2tract and reduction in
concentration time. .niform eating in C:4s by ot water as against steam earlier) resulting in
3*F reduction in bul- wastage by using non9stic- coating and formulation cange. Improvement
in water treatment plant troug introduction of 'O &'everse Osmosis+ system for 4# water)
reutiliIation of waste water from pump seal cooling and 'O reject waste9water management.
Introduction of water efficient $IB system wit recycling of water in fruit juice manufacturing.
4evelopment of in9ouse tecnology to convert fruit waste into organic manure by using te
culture =actobacilus burci.:e $ompany as acieved a ost of significant benefits in terms of
product improvement) cost reduction) product development) import substitution) cleaner
environment and waste disposal) amongst oters.
1.1.1* Heath Sa$ety C E!,)r#!.e!ta Re,)e'
Renewing te commitment to 6ealt Safety and ;nvironment) 4abur as formulated a policy
focusing on Beople) :ecnology and !acilities. A -e-)%ate- KSa$ety Ma!a/e.e!t Tea.L ha"
a"# bee! p&t )! pa%e to wor- towards te prevention of untoward incidents at te corporate and
unit level) besides educate , motivate employees on various aspects of 6ealt) Safety and
;nvironment. The!y )" a"# %#!t)!&#&"y .#!)t#r)!/ )t" 'a"te )! a-here!%e ')th the
p#&t)#! %#!tr# !#r.". In pursuance of its commitment towards te society) efforts ave also
been initiated to conserve and maintain te ground water level. :e efforts include
implementation of rainwater arvesting) wic as delivered encouraging results and as p&t the!y #! the path t# be%#.)!/ a 3ater-P#")t),e C#rp#rat)#!. Dab&r a"# )!)t)ate- a
Carb#! F##t Pr)!t St&-y at the &!)t e,e ')th a! a). t# be%#.e a %arb#! p#")t),e!y
)! year" t# %#.e. 5t 4abur) we are committed to sustainable development trougout our diverse
operations. 5nd) 'e ') "tr),e t# tra!"ate the /##- )!te!t)#!" )!t# %#!%rete a!- a"t)!/
re"&t", %#!tr)b&t)!/ t# the &t).ate /##- #$ the "#%)ety.

Rea A%t),
Heath CareD
Baby Care
Dab&r La Ta)
Dab&r Baby O),e O)
Dab&r Aa!.a 5h&!t)
Heath S&ppe.e!t"
Dab&r Chya'a!pra"h
Dab&r 5&%#"e D
Ha8.#a 2&."t)%(
Ha8.#a Ma"t Ma"aa
Ha8.#a Ca!-y F&!0
Ha8.#a Ca!-y
P&-)! Hara ?L)B&)- a!- Pear"@
P&-)! Hara 5
Dab&r H)!/#)
Nat&ra C&re"
Sh)a8)t 5#-
Nat&re Care
Sat I"ab/#
R)!/ R)!/
It%h Care
Sha!(ha P&"hp)
Dab&r Ba.
Sarby!a Str#!/
Per"#!a CareD
Ha)r Care O)
A.a Ha)r O)
A.a L)te Ha)r O)
4at)(a Ha)r O)
A!.# Sar"#! A.a
Ha)r Care Sha.p##
A!.# S)(y Ba%( Sha.p##
4at)(aHe!!aC#!-)t)#!)!/ Sha.p##
4at)(a A!t)Da!-r&$$ Sha.p##
A!.# Nat&ra Sh)!e Sha.p##
Ora CareD
Dab&r Re- 5e
Dab&r Re- T##thpa"te
Bab## T##thpa"te
Dab&r La Da!t Ma!8a!
Dab&rB)!a%a T##thbr&"h
S()! Care
4at)(a Fa)r!e"" Fa%e Pa%(
Ay&r,e-)% Spe%)a)t)e"
Ay&r,e-a 4)(a"
R&ra a!- &rba! p#te!t)a
R&ra-&rba! pr#$)e O4ER4IE3 OF FMC5 SECTOR IN INDIA

:e Indian !#$% sector is te fourt largest sector in te economy wit a total mar-et siIe in
e2cess of .S/ 13.1 billion. It as a strong #N$ presence and is caracteriIed by a well9
establised distribution networ-) intense competition between te organiIed and unorganiIed
segments and low operational cost. 5vailability of -ey raw materials) ceaper labour costs and
presence across te entire value cain gives India a competitive advantage.
:e !#$% mar-et is set to treble from .S/ 14.E billion in 2**< to .S/ 33.4 billion in 2*1(.
Benetration level as well as per capita consumption in most product categories li-e jams)
tootpaste) s-in care) air was etc in India is low indicating te untapped mar-et potential.
0urgeoning Indian population) particularly te middle class and te rural segments) presents
an opportunity to ma-ers of branded products to convert consumers to branded products.
%rowt is also li-ely to come from consumer 8upgrading8 in te matured product categories.
>it 2** million people e2pected to sift to processed and pac-aged food by 2*1*) India
needs around .S/ 2< billion of investment in te food9processing industry.
India is one of te largest emerging mar-ets) wit a population of over one billion. India is
middle class base of 3** million. 5round 3* per cent of te total ouseolds in India &1<<
million+ reside in te rural areas. :e total number of rural ouseolds are e2pected to rise
from 14( million in 2**3 one of te largest economies in te world in terms of purcasing
power and as a strong 9*< to 1(3 million in 2**G91*. :is presents te largest potential
mar-et in te world. :e annual siIe of te rural !#$% mar-et was estimated at around .S/
14.( billion in 2**39*<. >it growing incomes at bot te rural and te urban level) te
mar-et potential is e2pected to e2pand furter.
Urba! R&ra
P#p&at)#! 0;;E-;* ?.! h#&"eh#-@ 1= 1+1
P#p&at)#! 0;;F-1; ?.! h#&"eh#-@ :F 11=
> D)"tr)b&t)#! ?0;;E-;*@ 0* E0
Mar(et ?T#'!"I4)a/e"@ =,E:* :0E,;;;
U!),er"e #$ O&tet" ?.!@ 1 =.=
S#&r%eD Stat)"t)%a O&t)!e #$ I!-)a ?0;;*-;F@, NCAER
A! a,era/e I!-)a! "pe!-" ar#&!- +; per %e!t #$ h)" )!%#.e #! /r#%ery a!- * per %e!t #!
per"#!a %are pr#-&%t". The ar/e "hare #$ $a"t .#,)!/ %#!"&.er /##-" ?FMC5@ )! t#ta
)!-),)-&a "pe!-)!/ a#!/ ')th the ar/e p#p&at)#! ba"e )" a!#ther $a%t#r that .a(e"
I!-)a #!e #$ the ar/e"t FMC5 .ar(et".

Pr#-&%t Pr#$)e-
:e Cati-a brand was launced in 1GG( wit Cati-a 6air Oil as its first product. In te very
first year of its launc it crossed 's. 1** million in turnover. Over te years) Cati-a as
come to be amongst te company"s igest selling brands. It was joined in 1GG3 by Cati-a
6enna $ream $onditioning Sampoo and later) in 2***) by Cati-a 5nti94andruff Sampoo.
In 2**3) brand sales crossed 's. 1)*** million. !rom te company"s perspective) Cati-a is
e2pected to continue to drive its growt in te years to come. >it its innovative offerings)
te brand aims to become a frontrunner in te mar-et for air care and s-in care
products.Cati-a is a comparatively young brand but is already ac-nowledged for te
1ualitatively influential and pioneering role tat it as played in te evolution of te
categories it as ad a presence in. $urrently) te total annual sales of Cati-a products are
over 's. 1)*** million. Of tis) Cati-a 6air Oil enjoys a E.4F mar-et sare in te coconut
air oil category &Source@ 5$Nielsen O'%9#5'%) 2**3+.Cati-a as not just been
successful in garnering a premium image but) today) stands as te preferred and trusted
brand of 11.1 million users &Source@ I'S 6ouseold 4ata+.
STP A!ay")" #$ 4at)(a ha)r #)
Cati-a 6air Oil was launced at an almost 1**F premium to te mar-et leader. :is meant
tat te segment of te mar-et tat dabur wanted to cater to was te premium segment
wic valued nourisment of te air above te price and it tried to attend to tat segment
wic was not price sensitive.
:is was in line wit its proposition and overall brand strategy of a premium up9mar-et
product targeted for individual needs as opposed to te collectivist culture of te category. It
targeted te ig9income urban category of air oil users. Since te product was e2pensive
it could mainly cater to te urban mar-et as opposed to te rural mar-et were consumers
are igly price sensitive. 0eing positioned as aving amla) enna and lemon e2tracts) te
product was targeted towards te young) contemporary) educated) multi9faceted)
acievement9driven and confident women wo were positioned as te Cati-a >oman.
MT#ta ha)r Care7 bra!-D :e product innovation was fed by te vital consumer insigt tat
many women in contemporary India are worried about air problems caused by urban
pollution) fre1uent cange of diet due to geograpical mobility and oter factors. 0eset by
modern9day air problems) tey are far more inclined to rely on omegrown remedies. 0y
offering air oil tat combined te benefits of natural products in a single pac-) Cati-a
created a nice for itself as te Ntotal air care" brand.
KNat&raL #$$er)!/D Cati-a is a brand tat espouses traditional wisdom about ealt in a
modern format. It believes tat nature as perennial answers to day9to9day ealt issues)
particularly wen it comes to air care and s-in care. In a world were modern living causes
untold stress te Cati-a brand olds out te promise of providing natural ingredients tat
rejuvenate and safeguard te uman body in an e2traordinary way. :is concept is put to
wor- troug contemporary) modern products) offered by Cati-a.
The 4at)(a '#.a!D :e Cati-a woman is young) contemporary) educated) multi9faceted)
acievement9driven and confident. It is in te Cati-a brand tat se sees a true reflection of
er own personal ideals. :roug creation of te concept of Cati-a woman) it as tried to
carve out a new positioning in te minds of te new age woman.
Cati-a 6air Oil as made a uge impact wit its innovative product offering) pricing strategy)
easy availability and promotion campaigns. In te mar-eting mi2 of 4abur) we sall be
discussing te 4 Bs of mar-eting mi2 wit respect to Cati-a 6air Oil. :e mi2 sall be
analyIed as followed@
Pr#-&%t Pr)%e Pr#.#t)#! Pa%e
O Pr#-&%t
O O&a)ty
O De")/!
O Feat&re"
O Bra!-
O Ser,)%e"
O L)"t Pr)%e
O D)"%#&!t
O F)!a!%)!/
O Cre-)t Ter."
O A-,ert)")!/ C
O P&b)% Reat)#!"
O Sp#!"#r"h)p"
O I!ter!et
O Cha!!e"
O L#%at)#!
O I!,e!t#ry

Bra!- Na.eD Cati-a in 6indi means Ngarden". :e brand
attempts to live up to te promises L beauty and nature L tat are
associated wit its very name. Starting wit tese associations
Cati-a as assiduously built a brand tat delivers on all tese
values troug its various product offerings) te moter brand
being Cati-a 6air Oil.
I!!#,at),e pr#-&%t #$$er)!/D. Cati-a 6air Oil is coconut air oil wit special ingredients
adding value to te product. >ile coconut oil as been regularly used by Indian women as
a basic air nutrient) a combination of erbs and natural products suc as enna) amla and
lemon ave been used for special air needs.
$oconut air oil provides nourisment to te air) wile enna along wit oter erbs coat
te air and protect it from o2idation) tereby maintaining its natural colour. 5mla
strengtens air roots and elps maintain teir natural ealt and tic-ness. =emon wit its
astringent action controls sebum flow and elps in prevention of dandruff.
5part from enna) amla and lemon) it also contains oter natural ingredients li-e brami)
neem) baera) -apur-acari) arar) and ugda and sugandit dravyas.
Pa%(a/)!/D :e 1ualities of Cati-a products) ascribed to te brand by undreds of
tousands of satisfied consumers) ave been furter underlined by its attractive pac-aging.
In a category dominated by blue pac-s as analogous of pure coconut oils) Cati-a bro-e te
norm wit its wite and green bottle wit a musroom cap. :e green9and9wite colors)
used in its pac-aging) reflect te brands" natural ancestry and give it a premium loo-. :ese
also elp Cati-a stand out in te cluttered environment of Indian retail.
A,a)abe )!D
0ottles 3( ml) 1(* ml) 3** ml
!lip cans 1(* ml) 3** ml
!lip cans were introduced for te winter season.
O&a)tyD Cati-a products contain natural ingredients tat ave been blended togeter
troug scientific processes at 4abur"s in9ouse researc laboratories. 4abur 'esearc
!oundation as more tan 1** scientists wor-ing togeter to ma-e superior 1uality products
tat matc international standards.
H)/h M)--e L#'
I-ea F#r
O,erpr)%e- A,era/e Rea
Ma(e The
Sae a!- R&!
Cati-a products including Cati-a 6air Oil are sold in 3< countries troug more tan 1(
la- retail outlets and ()*** distributors wo service te entire country troug a wide
mar-eting networ-.
4abur"s distribution networ- e2tends beyond India in te following countries as well@
D)"tr)b&t)#! Net'#r(
$entral) Nort , Sout 5merica
#iddle ;ast
Nort , Sout 5frica
;ast , >est ;urope
Cati-a L te -ey focus brand of te company L as always been well supported. :e
company realiIed early tat) from te perspective of brand building) it was vital to invest
in tis brand.
4at)(a Ha)r O)7" $)r"t pr#.#t)#!D It focused on te -ey benefit L beautiful air
witout air problems L tat came about as a result of te e2tra nourisment troug te
value addition of enna) alma and lemon9derived additives.
Creat)!/ %#!%ept&a a'are!e""D In te initial pase of te communication) te
mar-eting objective was to create conceptual awareness about te new product L te
goodness of coconut oil enriced wit natural erbs. Cati-a was firmly establised as te
leader in te new category of value9added air oils and its promotion campaign was so
successful tat te product segment itself came to be identified wit Cati-a.
In 1GG3) te company created a new promotion campaign) wic reinforced te obvious
fact tat most coconut oil brands were) not e1uipped to combat te effects of pollution)
ard water and cemicals L te major causes of air ailments and air deterioration.
S:B 5nalysis of 450.' $6?5>5NB'5S6 S;%#;N:5:ION
4abur $yawanpras is te mar-et leader in te $yawanpras segment. It comes under
te category of ealt supplements. :e segments tat it considers are growing -ids)
competitive yout) ever9busy ousewives and te aged. !or te growing -ids@ In today8s
competitive environment) te cildren are under ig pressure to e2cel. !or te
competitive yout@ #odern life -eeps te yout busy and demands tem to be active and
efficient. !or ever9busy ousewives@ :e 8omema-er8 needs to be fit in order to soulder
all responsibilities. !or te aged@ Old age wea-ens a person pysically and mentally.
5fter segmenting te population into tese categories it aims to -eep tem fit and
:raditionally) cyawanpras was supposed to be a ealt supplement for te aged and
-ids. 4abur $yawanpras &4$B+ is now targeting adults) ousewives) yout and -ids.
:is it is trying to acieve troug its promotion activities by ma-ing 5mitab 0accan
and Cive- Oberoi do te endorsement act. 5mitab as been projected as a user of
$yawanpras attempting to establis te relevance of 4$B amongst te adults in
today"s demanding lifestyle. Cive-) wo represents an urban ambitious non9user wit a
mindset tat $yawanpras is not for im) meets is moment of trut wen
outperformed by a young $yawanpras user) tus reacing out to -ids. 6is final
conversion from a non9user to a $yawanpras user connects wit te ?out. :ese two
ads complement eac oter and connect very well wit te targeted consumers.
JA!-ar "e "tr#!/LD Dab&r %hya'a!pra"h ha" the ta/ )!e JA!-ar "e "tr#!/L By &")!/ a
!at&ra a!/&a/e )!"tea- #$ "%)e!t)$)% a!/&a/e )t )" abe t# %#!!e%t ')th the %#!"&.er"
a!- )" abe t# a%h)e,e a better p#")t)#!)!/ )! the .)!-" #$ the I!-)a! heath %#!"%)#&"
%#!"&.er. A %ate/#ry )(e Chya'a!pra"h $#r )!"ta!%e !ee-" t# &!-er"ta!- that )!
e.p#y)!/ the %ate/#ry a!/&a/e )t #"e" a!y %ha!%e #$ eGpre"")!/ )t" #'! be!e$)t
H#)"t)% Heath be!e$)t #$ Ay&r,e-aD Dab&r Chya'a!pra"h hep" )! "t).&at)!/ )..&!e
"y"te., re)e,)!/ "tre"", ).pr#,)!/ "ta.)!a, $)/ht)!/ a/)!/ thr#&/h a!t)-#G)-a!t pr#perty,
).pr#,)!/ &!/ $&!%t)#!, $)/ht)!/ re"p)rat#ry )!$e%t)#!" C b&)-)!/ re")"ta!%e t# -)"ea"e.
The bra!- %#!,ey" th)" heath %#!"%)#&" h#)"t)% ,)e' #$ the pr#-&%t.
Bra!- Tr&"tD O,er 1;; year" #$ Dab&r7" eGper)e!%e )! Ay&r,e-a e!"&re" "ee%t)#!,
pr#%e"")!/ a!- B&a)ty %#!tr# #$ r)/ht herb" a#!/ ')th "%)e!t)$)% a!- %)!)%a "t&-)e" R
.a(e" DCP a tr&"t'#rthy #$$er)!/ $#r %#!"&.er". C#!"&.er" ,)e' DCP a" a pr#-&%t by
a tr&"te- bra!- a!- there$#re -# !#t !ee- t# th)!( t')%e be$#re .a()!/ a p&r%ha")!/
Dab&r Chya'a!pra"h )" the .ar(et ea-er )! the %hya'a!pra"h "e/.e!t a!- ha"
a%h)e,e- th)" ')th )t" )!!#,at),e pr#-&%t #$$er)!/, pr)%)!/ "trate/y, ea"y a,a)ab))ty a!-
pr#.#t)#!!". I! the .ar(et)!/ .)G #$ Dab&r, 'e "ha be -)"%&"")!/ the + P" #$
.ar(et)!/ .)G ')th re"pe%t t# Dab&r Chya'a!pra"h. The .)G "ha be a!ayHe- a"
Dab&r Chya'a!pra"h )" the ea-er )! the Chya'a!pra"h %ate/#ry a!- e!8#y" a .ar(et
"hare #$ :1 per %e!t. I! 1;" Dab&r p)#!eere- the %#!%ept #$ bra!-e- Chya'a!pra"h a!-
")!%e ha" )!,e"te- hea,)y )! pr#-&%t -e,e#p.e!t, %)!)%a "t&-)e" a!- %#!"&.er
a'are!e"". The pr#-&%t )" e""e!t)ay a heath "&ppe.e!t.
K!#'! a" the Ke)G)r #$ )$eL, Chya'a!pra"h ha" ?%)!)%ay@ pr#,e! be!e$)t" )!
.a)!ta)!)!/ ".##th b#-y $&!%t)#!)!/. The pr)!%)pa )!/re-)e!t A.a ?I!-)a!
5##"eberry@ a%t" a" a! a!t)-#G)-a!t a!- )..&!e-"t).&a!t. Dab&r Chya'a!pra"h hep"
)! "t).&at)!/ )..&!e "y"te., re)e,)!/ "tre"", ).pr#,)!/ "ta.)!a, $)/ht)!/ a/)!/
thr#&/h a!t)-#G)-a!t pr#perty, ).pr#,)!/ &!/ $&!%t)#!, $)/ht)!/ re"p)rat#ry )!$e%t)#!" C
b&)-)!/ re")"ta!%e t# -)"ea"e. It )" the"e pr#pert)e" that .a(e Dab&r Chya'a!pra"h a
pre$erre- %h#)%e $#r )t" &"er".
Pr#-&%t Pr)%e Pr#.#t)#! Pa%e
O Pr#-&%t
O O&a)ty
O De")/!
O Feat&re"
O Bra!-
O Ser,)%e"
O L)"t Pr)%e
O D)"%#&!t
O F)!a!%)!/
O Cre-)t Ter."
O A-,ert)")!/ C
O P&b)% Reat)#!"
O Sp#!"#r"h)p"
O I!ter!et
O Cha!!e"
O L#%at)#!
O I!,e!t#ry
I!/re-)e!t" #$ Dab&r Chya'a!pra"h
5mla, 5swaganda, Hareeta(), Da"h.&, 5hr)t a!- "e,era
#ther herb" a!- herba eGtra%t".
4)"h'a"t $#rt)$)e- ')th a--)t)#!a heath be!e$)%)a herb" )(e
Ke"har, A(ar(ara et%.
A,a)abe )!D
Dab&r Chya'a!pra"h )" a,a)abe )! three ")He" t# %ater t# the !ee-" #$ -)$$ere!t type" #$
1. O!e ()#/ra. pa%(
0. 1;; /ra. pa%(
=. 01; /ra. pa%(
The pr)%)!/ #$ Dab&r %hya'a!pra"h )" ,ery,e. Dab&r %hya'a!pra"h &"e"
"e%#!---e/ree pr)%e -)"%r).)!at)#! ).e. .#re the B&a!t)ty, #'er the pr)%e.
1(/ R".1E1.;;
1;;/." R".1;;.;;
01;/." R". 11.;;
6ig #iddle =ow
Ideal !or
Overpriced 5verage 'eal
#a-e :e
Sale and 'un
Dab&r ha" a ,ery ')-e -)"tr)b&t)#! #$ )t" pr#-&%t" thr#&/h 1.: .))#! reta) #&tet" a!-
1; C C F a/e!t" a #,er I!-)a 'h# -)"tr)b&te pr#-&%t" t# the reta)er". A -)"tr)b&t)#! #$ C
C F a/e!t" a!- .a!&$a%t&r)!/ #%at)#!" )" /),e! be#'.
Dab&r7" -)"tr)b&t)#! !et'#r( eGte!-" bey#!- I!-)a )! the $##')!/ %#&!tr)e" a" 'eD
The (ey" #$ Dab&r )! the Ha)r O) "e/.e!t are Ke# Karp)!, E.a.), Ba8a8,
Mar)%#, HLL, 'h)%h t#/ether ')th Dab&r ha,e ab#&t :+> #$ I!-)a<" -#.e"t)% .ar(et.
Dab&r )" #!e #$ I!-)a<" ar/e"t payer" )! the ha)r #) "e/.e!t a!- the $#&rth ar/e"t
pr#-&%er #$ FMC5. It 'a" e"tab)"he- )! 1**+, a!- ha- /r#'! t# a b&")!e"" e,e )! 0;;=
#$ ab#&t :1; .))#! -#ar" per year. Dab&r Ha)r O)" ha,e a .ar(et "hare #$ 1F>.
3e ha,e tr)e- t# a!ay"e the! $#r Dab&r )! the Ha)r Care "e/.e!t a" $##'"D
Ke# Karp)!, a $)$ty-year #- bra!-, )" a p)#!eer )! the )/ht ha)r #) %ate/#ry. The
pea"a!ty per$&.e- ha)r #) ha" )t" .a)! .ar(et )! the H)!-) bet a!- a"# ha" ")/!)$)%a!t
pre"e!%e )! ea"ter! a!- 'e"ter! I!-)a. It" "hare )" :> #$ the t#ta ha)r #) .ar(et.
E.a.) ha" eG)"te!%e )! ha)r #) .ar(et thr#&/h H).a!) Na,rata! #) a!- H).a!) O).
E.a.) ha" ta(e! Ma-h&r) D)G)t a" bra!-""a-#r $#r e.a.) #) a!- A.)tabh
Ba%h%ha! $#r H).a.) Na,rata! O). O,era )t ha" a "hare #$ +> )! ha)r #) .ar(et.
Ba8a8 ha" t'# $a/"h)p #) bra!-" - Ba8a8 Brah.) A.a a!- Ba8a8 A.#!- Dr#p" S
%&rre!ty ha,e a ,a&e "hare #$ 1F per %e!t a!- 10 per %e!t )! the)r re"pe%t),e #)
%ate/#r)e" a" per OR5-Mar/. Be")-e", the!y ha" a"# -e%)-e- t# e!ha!%e )t" reta)
pre"e!%e by !eary 0; per %e!t $r#. the eG)"t)!/ 1 a(h reta) #&tet" )! a! t#
rea%h the r&ra part". O,era )t ha" a .ar(et "hare #$ +> )! ha)r #) .ar(et.
Mar)%#7" Para%h&te )" pre.)&. e-)be /ra-e #), a .ar(et ea-er )! )t" %ate/#ry.
Sy!#!y.#&" ')th p&re %#%#!&t #) )! the .ar(et, Para%h&te )" p#")t)#!e- #! the pat$#r.
#$ p&r)ty. I! $a%t #,er t).e )t ha" be%#.e the /#- "ta!-ar- $#r p&r)ty. Para%h&te<"
pr).ary tar/et" ha,e bee! '#.e! #$ a a/e. The bra!- ha" a h&/e #yaty, !#t #!y )! the
&rba! "e%t)#!" #$ I!-)a b&t a"# )! the r&ra "e%t#r. It ha" a .ar(et "hare #$ 0*>.
HLL ha" t'# pr#-&%t", C)!)% P&" Ha)r O) a!- A Cear C)!)% Ha)r O). O,era )t ha" a
=> "hare )! ha)r #) .ar(et.
The (ey" #$ Dab&r )! the Chya'a!pra"h "e/.e!t are Ba)-ya!ath, Ta!-&
a!- H).a!), 'h)%h t#/ether ')th Dab&r ha,e ab#&t *1> #$ I!-)a<" -#.e"t)% .ar(et.
Dab&r )" I!-)a<" ar/e"t Ay&r,e-)% .e-)%)!e "&pp)er a!- the $#&rth ar/e"t pr#-&%er #$
FMC5. It 'a" e"tab)"he- )! 1**+, a!- ha- /r#'! t# a b&")!e"" e,e )! 0;;= #$ ab#&t :1;
.))#! -#ar" per year, th#&/h #!y a $ra%t)#! #$ that )" )!,#,e- ')th Ay&r,e-)%
.e-)%)!e. Dab&r Chya'a!pra"h ?herba h#!ey@ ha" a .ar(et "hare #$ :1>.
3e ha,e tr)e- t# a!ay"e the! $#r Dab&r )! the Chya'a!pra"h "e/.e!t a"
Sr) Ba)-ya!ath Ay&r,e-)% Bha'a! Lt-. ?Ba)-ya!ath $#r "h#rt@ 'a" $#&!-e- )! 1F1E )!
Ca%&tta, a!- "pe%)a)He" )! Ay&r,e-)% .e-)%)!e", th#&/h )t ha" re%e!ty eGpa!-e- )!t# the
FMC5 "e%t#r ')th %#".et)% a!- ha)r %are pr#-&%t"U #!e #$ )t" )!ter!at)#!a pr#-&%t" )"
Sh)(a(a) ?"#ap p#-@ Sha.p##. It" Chya'a!pra"h ha" a .ar(et "hare #$ 1;>.
Ta!-& Phar.a%e&t)%a 3#r(" 'a" )!%#rp#rate- )! B#.bay )! 1F1F, !a.e- a$ter a! 1*
%e!t&ry Ay&r,e-)%. The!y $#%&"e" pr).ar)y #! Ay&r,e-)% pr#-&%t" ?)! 1F=;,
phar.a%e&t)%a" 'ere a--e-, b&t the phar.a%e&t)%a -),)")#! 'a" "eparate- #$$ ab#&t =;
year" ater@.
The E.a.) 5r#&p, $#&!-e- )! 1FE+, pr#,)-e" a -),er"e ra!/e #$ pr#-&%t", -#)!/ 11;
.))#! -#ar" #$ b&")!e"" a!!&ay, th#&/h #!y a p#rt)#! )" )!,#,e- ')th Ay&r,e-)%
pr#-&%t", thr#&/h )t" H).a!) )!eU the!y )" .a)!y )!,#,e- ')th t#)etr)e" a!-
%#".et)%", b&t a"# pr#,)-e" Chya'a!pra"h a!- #ther heath pr#-&%t". It" .ar(et "hare

F##')!/ are the .a8#r #b8e%t),e" #$ "t&-yD -
1. T# "t&-y the ).pa%t #$ B&-/et P#)%)e" #! Mar(et)!/ Strate/y #$ Dab&r F##-".
0. T# "t&-y the C#!"&.er, B&y)!/ beha,)#r.
=. T# "t&-y the pr#be." $a%e- by Dab&r.
Sea"#!a De.a!-? )(e %hya'a!pra"h )! ')!ter a!- 4at)(a !#t )! ')!ter@
L#' Pe!etrat)#!?Chya'a!pra"h@
H)/h pr)%e?4at)(a@
L).)te- -)$$ere!t)at)#! ?4at)(a@
U!bra!-e- payer" a%%#&!t $#r the 0I=
#$ the t#ta .ar(et?4at)(a@
1. 'esearc #etodology
2. =imitation
#ar-eting researc is a systematic problem analysis) model building and fact
finding for te purpose of important decision ma-ing and control in te mar-eting of
goods and services.S

- Phillip Kotler
5s te purpose of te project report is to analyIe te consumable products successfully
launced in te last tree years. :e data was collected bot wit te elp of primary as well as
secondary sources. !or primary data) I proceeded wit te drafting of te 1uestionnaire for
consumers was structured as undisguised) , Bersonal 9interview retailers. I anded distributors
, wolesalers and it personally to te respondents to be analyIed. :e 1uestionnaire metod
was used9
a+ :o get first and relevant and unbiased information
b+ Kuestionnaire provides versatility and solutions can be obtained by just as-ing te
c+ Kuestioning is usually faster and ceaper.
d+ #oreover) tere is more control over data gatering activities.
Secondary data was also collected personally by me) wic te company as furnised for te
general public. :e secondary data was gatered wit te elp of various magaIines)
newspapers) journals) and brocures and also troug te Internet. !or secondary sources no
fieldwor- was employed.
In order to amplify te empirical findings from primary and secondary sources) a survey was
conducted bot of consumers and retailers 4istributor , >olesalers in order to gauge te
mar-et opinion.:e 1uestionnaire was of multiple coices and te pattern of 1uestions was as
simple as possible. >it every 1uestion) multiple coices were given and respondents were
as-ed to select one of tem. :e 1uestionnaire tecni1ue was structured and not disguised as
te 1uestions followed one pattern and reason beind te 1uestionnaire was stated properly. 5ll
te 1uestions were directly related to te subject.
!or 4abur cyawanpras and Cati-a air oil.
1. Sample siIe for customers were 1(* in number and te universe comprised of all te
consumers witin te geograpical region of 4eli.
2. Sample siIe for retailers were 4* in number and te universe comprised of all te
consumers witin te geograpical region or 4eli.
3+ Sample siIe for 4istributor , >olesaler were four in number , te universe
comprised of all te consumers witin te geograpical region of 4eli.
No oter fieldwor- was employed to gater te information. :e 1uestionnaires were
distributed to te respondents and te data was collected troug primary and
secondary sources
:e statistical tecni1ue suc a Bi9cart and percentages were used in analysing and
interpreting te data.

:raining is a costly affair for te management. It needs a andsome amount and long time. So
management as to play safe game for te benefits of te company as well as te wor-ers. One
wrong decision may enforce te company to fall into deep troubles. So selecting te wea-
areas of staffs and wor-ers sould be done very carefully. !or tat te management sould be
conduct a test. !or providing an effective training) company re1uires a -nowledgeable trainer.
Selecting a particular trainer is again a difficult job. :rainer demands andsome money.
:raining needs time and cost bot.
:o conclude) it is very clear tat training sould be provided but not at te loss of te company.
It is very costly and time ta-ing affair. 0ut it is most important for te development of te
company. So management can"t avoid it at any cost.
a+ 4ue to lac- of time &i.e.) :wo monts+ it is not possible to reac all respondents.
b+ :e lac- of availability of time on te respondent"s part.
c+ Some respondent"s was biased.
d+ .nwillingness of te respondents.
Chapter III
1.De"%r)pt),e '#r( #! "&bt#p)% #$ "t&-y
5 MARKETIN5 STRATE52 in general sets a target mar-et and a mar-eting mi2. It is a
Hbig pictureH of wat a company will do in some mar-et in order to gain a competitive
advantage. 5 MARKETIN5 PLAN is a detailed brea-down of your mar-eting strategy. It is a
written statement of a mar-eting strategy wit te time 9 related details as well as te
mar-eting budget for carrying out te strategy.
It sould spell out te following in detail@ 9
O >at mar-eting mi2 will be offeredT
O :o wo &target mar-et+M
O !or ow longM
O >at company resources will be needed at wat rateM
O >at results are e2pected &sales and profits+.
0y now you sould already@
O ave decided on te nature of your business and you -now tat your business idea is
O feasibleM
O ave also identified your mar-et and decided on your target mar-etM
O -now wat te needs of your customers are and you ave identified and assessed your
O $ompetition.
Now you need to decide on@
O te Broduct and Service to offer your customersM
O ow you will ma-e your Broducts available to customersM
O ow you will communicate te benefits of your Broducts and persuade customers to buy
O temM
O te price you will carge.
:ese four decision variables are te ingredients of te so9called mar-eting mi2. ?our tas- is to
create tese elements effectively in order to mar-et your product7service to te target mar-et in
an optimal way.
:e MARKETIN5 MIN consists of all te controllable variables te company puts togeter
to satisfy its target mar-et. 5 typical MARKETIN5 MIN includes decisions regarding te
product) te price of te product) ow to promote te product and ow to get te product to te
rigt customer at te rigt time and place.
5ll tese variables are controllable elements in te mar-eting mi2 and can be reduced to four
basic ones) eac starting wit a B &also -nown as te four Bs+@
O Product.
O Place.
O Price.
O Promotion.
:e four Bs are tose factors tat you can control directly) for e2ample) you develop your
product) you decide ow to get it to te customer) you determine te price and you coose te
promotion mi2. The $#&r P" are, a" y#& ') rea)He !#', ')th the "ee%t)#! #$ y#&r tar/et
.ar(et are the ba")% )!/re-)e!t" #$ y#&r .ar(et)!/ "trate/y.
5ll four Bs are needed in a mar-eting mi2 and sould terefore be tied togeter. >en a
mar-eting mi2 is developed) all final decisions about te B8s sould be made. 5ll four Bs
sould be in armony and aimed at satisfying te customer8s needs in an optimum way.
?ou do ave control over te mar-eting mi2 and can vary it to suit te needs of your customers
and te resources of your business. $ustomers are continuously matcing teir needs wit te
products offered by you and your competitors.
?ou sould now -now your target mar-et and te needs of your potential customers. !rom
analyIing your competitors) you can identify wat tey offer te target consumer troug teir
mar-eting mi2es. :is determines wat your mar-eting mi2 and your competitive advantage
will be. 5ll of te mar-eting mi2 elements must reinforce te image of te product or service
tat te business portrays to te potential customer.
=et"s discuss eac B in te mar-eting mi2 in more detail.
:is area is concerned wit developing te rigt product for te target mar-et. :is offering
may involve a pysical product) a service) or a blend of bot. 'emember tat a product is not
limited to a pysical good. :e important ting is tat your product and7or service sould
satisfy a specific customer need.
5t te most fundamental level we normally tal- about te core product. :e core product
answers te 1uestion Hwat is te buyer really buyingTH :e woman buying a camera is not
buying a mecanical bo2) se is buying te opportunity to ta-e poto8s) wen se want to ave
and -eep forms of HimmortalityH or precious moments. :e mar-eters8 job is to sell tese core
benefits of te product or service.
Bra!-)!/ means te use of a name) term) symbol) design) or a combination of tese) to
identify a product. It includes te use of brand names) trademar-s) and practically all oter
means of product identification. 5 brand name is a word) letter) or a group of words or letters.
;2amples include Ni-e) I0#) and Aellogg8s. :rademar- is a legal term and includes only tose
words) symbols) or mar-s tat are legally registered for use by a single company.
0rand promotion as advantages for sellers as well as for customers. 5 good brand name
speeds up sopping for te customer) if te customer can immediately recogniIe te product)
and it will reduce te seller8s selling time and effort. >en customers repeatedly buy by brand)
te seller is protected against competition from oter companies. %ood brands can improve te
company8s image) and tus speed up acceptance of new products mar-eted under te same
company name.
Pa%(a/)!/ involves promoting and protecting te product. :is can be important to bot
sellers and customers. It can ma-e a product more convenient to use or store. It can prevent
spoiling or damage. %ood pac-aging ma-es products easier to identify and promotes te brand
at te point of sale and even in use.
In addition to branding and pac-aging if te formal product is a pysical object) te mar-et
may recogniIe it as aving caracteristics li-e a 1uality feel) specific features) as well as
styling. If it is a service) it may ave some or all of tese facets in an analogous manner.
:e total product can also consist of elements li-e free delivery) installation) warranties)
services) maintenance systems) customer advice) financing and oter tings tat customers
perceived to be of value.
Blace is concerned wit all te decisions involved in getting te rigt product to te target
mar-et8s environment. 5 product isn8t of muc use to a customer if it8s not available were and
wen it is wanted) or needed. 5 product reaces its target mar-et troug a cannel of
distribution 9 any series of companies or individuals) from producer to final user7consumer.
Sometimes a cannel system is 1uite sort. It may run directly from a product to a final user.
:is is especially common in business mar-ets and te mar-eting of services. Often a cannel
system is more comple2 and as levels) wic involves different middlemen and specialists.
5 Iero9level cannel) often called a direct mar-eting cannel) consists of a manufacturer
selling directly to a consumer. :e coice of te level cannel to use will be based on te
competitive advantage) offered by tis level. !or e2ample) an apple farmer may coose a Iero9
level cannel by inviting te public to come and pic- teir own apples at a muc lower price
tan buying it at a sop.
5 two9level cannel) for e2ample) contains two intermediaries. In consumer mar-ets) tey are
typically a wolesaler and a retailer. In industrial mar-ets) tey could be sales agents and
wolesalers and in te service mar-et) only sales agents could be necessary.
4istribution cannels could also be oter tan te abovementioned. !or e2ample) te Internet
is an e2cellent distribution cannel for selling information. 5 comedian can also distribute is
services via te :C to is or er target audience.
Bart of te place decision is also te layout of a store or sop. =ayout is te arrangement and
display of mercandise. 5 retailer8s success depends on a well 9 designed floor display. It
sould pull customers into te sop) ma-e it easy for tem to locate mercandise) compare
price) 1uality) and features) and ultimately buy.
In setting a price for your product) you must consider competition in te target mar-et) and te
cost of te total mar-eting mi2. ?ou must also estimate customer reaction to possible prices.
!urtermore) you also sould -now current competitor practices suc as mar-ups) discounts)
and oter terms of sale. ?ou must be aware of legal restrictions on pricing. If customers won8t
accept te price) all your planning effort will be wasted.
$onsider wat te customer is willing to pay and wat te customer is li-ely to e2pect for tat
price. 5s- yourself weter te customer feel tat e7se is getting value for money at tat
priceT 'emember it is te customer8s perception of value for money tat counts) not yours.
?ou must set te price ig enoug to cover costs and earn a reasonable profit) but low enoug
to attract customers and generate ade1uate sales volume. :e rigt price today may be
completely inappropriate tomorrow. :e reason for tis@ ;ver canging mar-et conditions.
!or many small business people non9price competition 9 focusing on factors oter tan price 9
is a more effective strategy tan trying to beat larger competitors in a price war. Non9price
competition factors are@ free trial offers) free delivery) lengty warranties) money9bac-
guarantees) allowing for bargaining) stressing durability) 1uality) reputation) or special features.
:e pricing policy of a business also offers important information about its overall image. :e
prices carged at ladies8 cloting bouti1ue reflect a completely different image from tose
carged by a cain store. 6ig prices for some products fre1uently convey te idea of 1uality)
prestige) and uni1ueness to te customer.
$ompetitors8 prices can ave a dramatic impact on your sale. ?ou sould ma-e it a abit to
monitor your rivals8 prices) especially on identical items. :e following two factors are vital to
studying te effects of competition on your pricing policies@ location of competitors) and te
nature of competing products.
>itout te advantage of a uni1ue business image 9 1uality of goods sold) number of services
provided) convenient location) favorable credit terms 9 you will ave to matc local
competitors8 prices or lose sales. ?ou also ave to recogniIe wic products are substitutes for
tose you sell and ten strive to -eep your prices in line wit tem.
E$$e%t),e Te%h!)B&e" y#& %a! &"e 'he! Pr)%)!/ a Ne' Pr#-&%t
In te initial setting of a product8s price) you must try to acieve tree objectives@
U %etting te product accepted.
U #aintaining mar-et sare as competition grows.
U ;arning a profit.
?ou ave tree strategies to coose from@
O Pe!etrat)#!D :e idea is to gain 1uic- acceptance and e2tensive distribution in te
mar-et. ?ou introduce your product at a low price. :e low profit margins may
discourage oter potential competitors from entering te mar-et wit similar products.
O S()..)!/D :e idea is to set a price well above te total unit cost and to promote te
product eavily in order to appeal to te segment of te mar-et tat isn8t sensitive to
price. :is tecni1ue often reinforces te uni1ue) prestigious image of a sop and
projects a 1uality picture of te product.
ig price until tecnological advancements enable you to lower your costs. :e art is to
reduce te product8s price sooner tan tat of your its competitors. $omputer price
declines are a good e2ample of tis tecni1ue.
Sett)!/ the Pr)%e
In tis section) we will e2plain te process of setting te price of your product7service) by te
use of two case studies. :e one is for retailers and te oter for manufacturers.
Chapter I4
1. 4ata 5nalysis , Interpretation
+.1 Data A!ay")" C I!terpretat)#!
INTERPRETATION-It was observed tat G*F customers award about te
dabur vati-a air oil.
INTERPRETATION- It was observed tat 3*F customers preferred te dabur
vati-a among te wide range of air oil.
INTERPRETATION-It was observed tat te satisfaction levels are ig
about te 1uality of te vati-a air oil.
It was observed tat te reason to buy vati-a air oil is non9stic-y 4(F) brand
loyalty 2*F fragrance 1*F , price 3*F.
It was observed tat 2(F customers could wait in case of unavailability te
dabur vati-a air oil.
It was observed tat ((F of customers preferred 1(*ml) 2*F of 3(ml , 2(F
of customers preferred 3**ml pac- of te dabur vati-a air oil.
It was observed tat 4*F of customers preferred because of availability)
2(F for price) 1(F for family siIe , 2*F of customers for storage.
It was observed tat (F of customers buy witin te 1(days) 32F of witin
te 1 mont , E3F of customers buy te air oil after te 2mont.
1. 3h)%h bra!-" #$ Ha)r O) -# y#& "t#%(V
It was observed tat 3(F of total stoc- of air oil is dabur vati-a air oil
0.O&t #$ the"e, 'h)%h are the .#"t pre$erre-V
It was observed tat 3(F of total customers mostly preferred te dabur vati-a
air oil.
=. A%%#r-)!/ t# y#& 'hat are the rea"#!" $#r %&""7 pre$ere!%e"V
It was observed tat te reasons for preferred are brand loyalty (*F
availability (F , price 2*F.
+. 3hat )" the pr#$)e #$ y#&r typ)%a %#!"&.erV
It was observed tat 2*F from ig9class income) (*F from middle class
income group , 3*F from low income.
1. 3hat "%he.e" are y#& #$$ere- by the!)e"V
It was observed tat scemes tat are mostly provided by te companies are
price discount 4*F) buy one get one 3(F , oters are 2(F.
:. 3hat "%he.e" -#e" a %#!"&.er pre$er .#"tV
It was observed tat scemes tat are mostly preferred by te customers are
price discount E*F) buy one get one 2(F , oters are 1(F.
E. A%%#r-)!/ t# y#&, -#e" )!-"t#re a-,ert)")!/ ha,e a! a$$e%t #! the %#!"&.er"7 pre$ere!%eV
It was observed tat advertisings ave an affect on te consumers" preference
yes94*F and No E*F.
*.D#e" a %ha!/e )! pr)%e a$$e%t the)r pre$ere!%e"
It was observed tat price canges migt be affected te sales by ((F.
It 'a" #b"er,e- that 1;;> #$ the %&"" area-y a'ar- ab#&t the DABUR
It 'a" #b"er,e- that :;> #$ the %&"" pre$erre- the DABUR CH2A3ANPRASH
It 'a" #b"er,e- that the "at)"$a%t)#! e,e are h)/h #$ the %&"" ab#&t the DABUR

It 'a" #b"er,e- that :1> #$ the %&"" b&y $#r the p&rp#"e #$ heath, 0;>#$ $#r
bra!- #yaty, 1;> #$ %&"" $#r pr)%e C 1> #$ %&"" $#r ta"te.
It 'a" #b"er,e- that *;> #$ the %&"" a'ar- ab#&t the DABUR CH2A3ANPRASH
thr#&/h T4, a!- #ther" thr#&/h .e-)a, )!ter!et et%.

It 'a" #b"er,e- that +;> #$ the %&"" %#&- 'a)t )! %a"e #$ &!a,a)ab))ty #$ DABUR
It 'a" #b"er,e- that 1;> #$ the %&"" pre$erre- 1;;. pa%(, =;> #$ %&""
pre$erre- 1(/ pa%( a!- 0;> #$ %&"" pre$erre- t# b&y 01;. pa%( #$ DABUR
It was observed tat 2*F of customers preferred because of availability) 4*F for
price) 2(F for family siIe , 1(F of customers for storage.
It was observed tat 3*F of customers buy witin te 1(days) ((F of witin
te 1 mont , 1(F of customers buy te air oil after te 2mont.
1. 3h)%h bra!-" #$ Chya'a!pra"h -# y#& "t#%(V

It was observed tat G*F of total stoc- of CH2A3ANPRASH is dabur
0.O&t #$ the"e, 'h)%h are the .#"t pre$erre-V

It was observed tat <*F of total customers mostly preferred te DABUR
=. A%%#r-)!/ t# y#& 'hat are the rea"#!" $#r %&""7 pre$ere!%e"V

It 'a" #b"er,e- that 11> #$ the %&"" b&y $#r the p&rp#"e #$ bra!- #yaty, =;> #$
%&"" $#r pr)%e C 1> #$ %&"" $#r a,a)ab))ty.
+.3hat )" the pr#$)e #$ y#&r typ)%a %#!"&.erT

It was observed tat 2*F from ig9class income) E(F from middle class
income group , 1(F from low income.

1.3hat "%he.e" are y#& #$$ere- by the!)e"V

It was observed tat scemes tat are mostly provided by te companies are price
discount ((F) buy one get one (F , oters are 4*F.
:.3hat "%he.e" -#e" a %#!"&.er pre$er .#"tV
It was observed tat scemes tat are mostly preferred by te customers are price
discount 3*F) buy one get one 2*F , oters are 1*F.
E.A%%#r-)!/ t# y#&, -#e" )!-"t#re a-,ert)")!/ ha,e a! a$$e%t #! the %#!"&.er"7
It was observed tat advertisings ave an affect on te consumers" preference yes9
3*F and No 3*F.
*.D#e" a %ha!/e )! pr)%e a$$e%t the)r pre$ere!%e"V
It was observed tat price canges migt be affected te sales by E*F.
S>O: 5N5=?SIS O! 450.'
Str#!/ pre"e!%e )! 'e -e$)!e-
!)%he"? )(e ,a&e a--e- Ha)r O) a!-
Ay&r,e-a "pe%)a)t)e"@
C#re (!#'e-/e #$ Ay&r,e-a a",e a-,a!ta/e
Str#!/ Bra!- I.a/e
Pr#-&%t De,e#p.e!t Stre!/th
Str#!/ D)"tr)b&t)#! Net'#r(
EGte!"),e S&ppy Cha)!
IT I!)t)at),e"
R C D R a (ey "tre!/th
Sea"#!a De.a!-? )(e
%hya'a!pra"h )! ')!ter a!- 4at)(a
!#t )! ')!ter@
L#' Pe!etrat)#!?Chya'a!pra"h@
H)/h pr)%e?4at)(a@
L).)te- -)$$ere!t)at)#! ?4at)(a@
U!bra!-e- payer" a%%#&!t $#r the
#$ the t#ta .ar(et?4at)(a@
U!tappe- Mar(et?Chya'a!pra"h@
Mar(et De,e#p.e!t
EGp#rt #pp#rt&!)t)e".
I!%rea")!/ )!%#.e e,e #$ the .)--e
Creat)!/ a--)t)#!a %#!"&.pt)#!
EG)"t)!/!? )(e H).a!),
ba)-ya!ath a!- Ta!-& $#r Dab&r
Chya'a!pra"h a!- Mar)%#,Ke#
Karp)!, HLL a!- Ba8a8 $#r 4at)(a
Ha)r O)@
Ne' E!tra!t"
Threat $r#. "&b"t)t&te" ?)(e
Bry%rea. $#r 4at)(a ha)r #)@
Chapter ,
1. $onclusion , Suggestion
:e $yawanpras Industry is yet to capture te beverage mar-et in full swing. Bac-ed
$yawanpras followed by 5mla) 5swaganda) 6areeta-i) 4asmul) %rit and several.
Oter erbs and erbal e2tracts. :e mar-et. :e consumer"s patriotic love for tea and coffee is
unfired. $yawanpras are yet to establis teir supplement use in te average ouseold ere
in lays te great opportunities. >itin te mar-et) it is safe to conclude tat dabur as it off
rater well wit te masses. 4abur as clearly lost it ead start advantage and tereby
ac1uiring just 3(F of te mar-et sare wile oters enjoy rest of te mar-et sare. :is could
be well attributed to dabur successful 5:5 &5vailability) :aste and 5ffordability+ mar-eting
module) te attributes most rated by te consumers. =ac- of publicity as ampered te
growt progress of te brand so aggressive advertising is needed to promote $yawanpras
and vati-a air oil brand .:e brands suc as tat of $yawanpras by vednat) $yawanpras
wit its Nsonacandi) N#inute9 made" and also .S food giantss4el #onte are ready to it te
$yawanpras mar-et very soon.Cati-a air oil as no major competition e2cept 5ustralian
Broduct :abasco.
5s a new product so people are not able to digest it yet 4abur is getting < crores from Cati-a
air oil in wic accounts for 4 crores) =emoneeI 1 $rore , oters 3 $rores. 5s te strategies
of te companies -eeps on canging) be it in $yawanpras industry) a company as to create
perceptions and cover tem into realities. It is an e2pensive proposition re1uiring uge
e2penditure on advertising) sponsorsips and media.
:us) te ideal company will be te one) wic combines te ig9end tecnology wit
consumer insigt. 5s 1EF of te e2cise duty is e2empted on food products in tis budget)
many food companies including 4abur got benefited from it. On te analysis of survey it was
found tat target #ar-et of $yawanpras want 1uality benefit rater tan Brice benefit) so it
is better to stress on 1uality rater tan on decreasing price to increase sales and profit. :o
increase mar-et sare 4abur sould give sligt price benefit on 4abur brand so tat customers
of oter Juice brand sould switc from oter brand to 4abur brand.
5s vati-a air oil is a new product introduced by 4abur and as 4abur is getting e2cise benefit
from te %overnment so 4abur sould pass sligt Brice benefit to te target mar-et so tat
target mar-et sould use te vati-a air oil and adopt it in ma-ing daily food tereby
increasing te mar-et sare of vati-a air oil.
1.0 S&//e"t)#!
!ocus on growing core brands across categories.
'eacing out to new geograpies) witin and outside India.
Improve operational efficiencies by leveraging tecnology.
0e te preferred company to meet te ealt and personal grooming needs of our target
consumers wit safe) efficacious) natural solutions by syntesiIing te deep -nowledge
of ayurveda and erbs wit modern science.
Brovide consumers wit innovative products witin easy reac.
Cati-a air care centre@ On te lines of #arico"s Aaya S-in $linic) 4abur could start a
venture called Cati-a air care centre) wic would provide total air care solutions. It
could ave air care e2perts to solve air problems. Services could include dandruff
treatment) straigtening of air) treatment for split ends) etc.
Bosition 4abur $yawanpras as not more of a medicine but as someting) wic is
necessary for ealt.
#ore initiatives li-e V 4abur -i 4eewarS to
increase brand visibility. It is an initiative to
occupy self space.
Chapter 4I
1. Bilip Aotlar) #ar-eting #anagement M 5nalysis Blanning , $ontrolM Brentice 6all) Gt
2. Sa2ena 'anjan) #ar-eting #anagementM :5:5 #cgraw 6ill) 4t ;dition) 2***.
3. 4r. '.=. Carsney , 4r. S.=. %upta) #ar-eting #anagementM 5n Indian BerspectiveM
Sultan $and , Sons ;ducation Bublisers) New 4eliM 2nbd ;d. 2**1.
4. $ravens , 6ills , >oodruff) #ar-eting #anagementM 5.I.I.0.S. Bublisers , 4istributor)
New 4eli) 4t ;d.) 2**3.
(. %upta Santos) 'esearc #etodology , Statistical :ecni1ueM 4eep , 4eep Bublication)
New 4eli) ;d. 2**2.
E. C.S. 'amaswamy , S. Nama-umari) #ar-eting #anagementM #ac#illian India =td.) 2nd
3. 0atra 'ajeev , Jon %. #yers , 4avid 5. 55A;'M Brentice 6all) (t ;d. 2**3.
<. Aotari $.'. 'esearc #etodologyM #etod , :ecni1ues) >iswa Bra-asan) New
4eli) 2nd ;d.
Chapter 4II
1. 5ppendices
E.0 Appe!-)%e"
Dear Re"p#!-e!t,
Tha!(" $#r "par)!/ $e' .)!&te" t# $) th)" B&e"t)#!!a)re, 'h)%h ') hep &" t# "t&-y the
%#!"&.er per%ept)#! $#r ha)r #).A!y )!$! pr#,)-e- by y#& ') "tr)%ty be &"e-
$#r A%a-e.)% P&rp#"e.
1.3h)%h bra!-" #$ ha)r #) are y#& a'are #$V
Ke# Karp)!
Ha)r A!- Care
Dab&r 4at)(a
0.3h)%h bra!- #$ Ha)r O) -# y#& &"eV
Ke# Karp)!
Ha)r A!- Care
Dab&r 4at)(a
=.3here '#&- y#& rate y#&r bra!- #! a "%ae #$ 1 R 1 ?1 be)!/ h)/he"t@V
+. 3hat are the pr).ary rea"#!" $#r 'h)%h y#& &"e th)" part)%&ar bra!-V
N#! "t)%(y
Bra!- L#yaty
1. H#' -)- y#& /et t# hear ab#&t th)" bra!-V
3#r- #$ M#&th
:. I$ y#&r bra!- )" !#t a,a)abe y#& '#&-V
P&r%ha"e a!#ther bra!-
3a)t $#r )t t# be a,a)abe
5# $#r a "&b"t)t&te
B&y 'hat )" #$$ere- by the reta)er
E. 3h)%h pa%( ")He -# y#& pre$erV
E1 .
11; .
=;; .
*. O! 'hat para.eter" -# y#& %h##"e th)" pa%( ")HeV
Fa.)y ")He
F. H#' #$te! -# y#& b&yV
O!%e )! 11 -ay"
O!%e a .#!th
O!%e )! t'# .#!th"
1;. Are y#& "at)"$)e- ')th y#&r bra!-V
Per"#!a I!$!D -
I!%#.e ?per .#!th@D
?1@ R". 1,;;; R R". 1;,;;; ?0@ R". 1;,;;; R R". =;,;;;
?=@ R". =;,;;; R R". 1;,;;; ?+@ Ab#,e R". 1;,;;
Dear Re"p#!-e!t,
Tha!(" $#r "par)!/ $e' .)!&te" t# $) th)" B&e"t)#!!a)re, 'h)%h ') hep &" t# "t&-y the
%#!"&.er per%ept)#! $#r the Ha)r O) %ate/#ry that 'e ha,e %h#"e! t# "t&-y.
A!y )!$! pr#,)-e- by y#& ') p&rey a!- "tr)%ty be &"e- $#r A%a-e.)% P&rp#"e
1. 3h)%h bra!-" #$ Ha)r O) -# y#& "t#%(V
Ke# Karp)!
Dab&r 4at)(a
0. O&t #$ the"e, 'h)%h are the .#"t pre$erre-V
Ke# Karp)!
Dab&r 4at)(a
=. A%%#r-)!/ t# y#& 'hat are the rea"#!" $#r %&""7 pre$ere!%e"V
Bra!- #yaty
N# rea"#!
+. 3hat )" the pr#$)e #$ y#&r typ)%a %#!"&.erV
H)/h )!%#.e
M)--e )!%#.e
L#' )!%#.e
1.3hat "%he.e" are y#& #$$ere- by the!)e"V
Pr)%e -)"%#&!t"
B&y #!e /et #!e $ree
:. 3hat "%he.e" -#e" a %#!"&.er pre$er .#"tV
Pr)%e -)"%#&!t"
B&y #!e /et #!e $ree
E. A%%#r-)!/ t# y#&, -#e" )!-"t#re a-,ert)")!/ ha,e a! a$$e%t #! the %#!"&.er"7
*. D#e" a %ha!/e )! pr)%e a$$e%t the)r pre$ere!%e"V
Per"#!a I!$!D -
L#%at)#! #$ "t#reD
Dear Re"p#!-e!t,
Tha!(" $#r "par)!/ $e' .)!&te" t# $) th)" B&e"t)#!!a)re, 'h)%h ') hep &" t# "t&-y the
%#!"&.er per%ept)#! $#r %ha'a!pra"h. A!y )!$! pr#,)-e- by y#& ') "tr)%ty be
&"e- $#r A%a-e.)% P&rp#"e.
1. 3h)%h bra!-" #$ Cha'a!pra"h are y#& a'are #$V
0. 3h)%h bra!- #$ Cha'a!pra"h -# y#& &"eV
=. 3here '#&- y#& rate y#&r bra!- #! a "%ae #$ 1 R 1 ?1 be)!/ h)/he"t@V
+. 3hat are the pr).ary rea"#!" $#r 'h)%h y#& &"e th)" part)%&ar bra!-V
Bra!- L#yaty
1. H#' -)- y#& /et t# hear ab#&t th)" bra!-V
3#r- #$ M#&th
:. I$ y#&r bra!- )" !#t a,a)abe y#& '#&-V
P&r%ha"e a!#ther bra!-
3a)t $#r )t t# be a,a)abe
5# $#r a "&b"t)t&te
B&y 'hat )" #$$ere- by the reta)er
E. 3h)%h pa%( ")He -# y#& pre$erV
1 (/
1;; /.
01; /.
*. O! 'hat para.eter" -# y#& %h##"e th)" pa%( ")HeV
Fa.)y ")He
F. H#' #$te! -# y#& b&yV
O!%e a .#!th
O!%e )! t'# .#!th"
O!%e )! ")G .#!th"
1;. Are y#& "at)"$)e- ')th y#&r bra!-V
Per"#!a I!$!D -
I!%#.e ?per .#!th@D
?1@ R". 1,;;; R R". 1;,;;; ?0@ R". 1;,;;; R R". =;,;;;
?=@ R". =;,;;; R R". 1;,;;; ?+@ Ab#,e R". 1;,;;;
Dear Re"p#!-e!t,
Tha!(" $#r "par)!/ $e' .)!&te" t# $) th)" B&e"t)#!!a)re, 'h)%h ') hep &" t# "t&-y the
%#!"&.er per%ept)#! $#r the Chya'a!pra"h %ate/#ry that 'e ha,e %h#"e! t# "t&-y.
A!y )!$! pr#,)-e- by y#& ') p&rey a!- "tr)%ty be &"e- $#r A%a-e.)% P&rp#"e
1.3h)%h bra!-" #$ Chya'a!pra"h -# y#& "t#%(V
0. O&t #$ the"e, 'h)%h are the .#"t pre$erre-V
=. A%%#r-)!/ t# y#& 'hat are the rea"#!" $#r %&""7 pre$ere!%e"V
Bra!- #yaty
N# rea"#!
+. 3hat )" the pr#$)e #$ y#&r typ)%a %#!"&.erV
H)/h )!%#.e
M)--e )!%#.e
L#' )!%#.e
1. 3hat "%he.e" are y#& #$$ere- by the!)e"V
Pr)%e -)"%#&!t"
B&y #!e /et #!e $ree
:. 3hat "%he.e" -#e" a %#!"&.er pre$er .#"tV
Pr)%e -)"%#&!t"
B&y #!e /et #!e $ree
E. A%%#r-)!/ t# y#&, -#e" )!-"t#re a-,ert)")!/ ha,e a! a$$e%t #! the %#!"&.er"7
*. D#e" a %ha!/e )! pr)%e a$$e%t the)r pre$ere!%e"V
Per"#!a I!$! D-
L#%at)#! #$ "t#reD

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