Replacement of Existing Railway Bridge
Replacement of Existing Railway Bridge
Replacement of Existing Railway Bridge
l B
. K
19.90 1.25 1.37
42 3 95 95 11.68
13.45 13.45
25.00 1.90
Gttingen Frankfurt
bridges. Until now the construction process corresponds nearly
exactly to the habitual construction underneath makeshift
bridges. The now following construction of two short makeshift
bridges entails close-off of one track as well as reduced traffc
speed, however, only taking a few weeks because of the small
excavation and simple elongation of the launching track. Then,
without infuencing railway traffc, the superstructures, separated
by track (generally double-tracked lines), are constructed off line
in pre-stressed concrete method on falseworks/launching tracks.
To launch the frst superstructure (track 1) into the fnal position,
including erection and demounting of the makeshift bridges, only
a short close-off is required. Immediately after positioning of the
superstructure supported on one side of the newly launched
superstructure the makeshift bridges are re-erected to create
Construction and launching processes are repeated for the su-
perstructure with the second track. Once the superstructures of
track 1 and 2 are in fnal position, framing corners or monolithic
connections between large bored piles and superstructures are
constructed underneath the makeshift bridges. Concreting the
framing corner necessitates once again a short line close-off. Af-
ter setting of the framing corners concrete, the makeshift bridges
are removed and the structure is backflled. The regular super-
structure and railway installations are completed.
5 4
6 7
Comparison of construction methods
Criteria Top down construction Construction underneath
makeshift bridges
Bridge launching
structure concept integral frame construction traditional construction integral frame construction
bearings, joints no yes no
construction type
large bored piles as frame stanchions, construc-
tion in track area
traditional construction with joints and bearings,
construction in track area within pit sheeting and
under makeshift bridges
traditional construction, monolithic
joints, construction off track on laun-
ching tracks underneath foundations
type of foundation foundations footings/foundations footings
construction type
off track, transverse launching into fnal position,
construction of framing corner (connection super-
structure substructure) as individual work step
off track, transverse launching into fnal position;
alternatively prefabrication of steel bridge with
complete lifting
off track together with substructures,
transverse launching into fnal position
makeshift bridges number reduced to the small pit areas of large
bored piles, use reduced to a few weeks, short
use of makeshift bridges, short period with
reduced speed
makeshift bridges in the area of new substructures
(abutments, piers), series of makeshift bridges with
temporary supports, construction time of substructu-
res underneath makeshift bridges from 6 to 8 month
relevant to railway operation, long-time employment
of makeshift bridges, long period with reduced speed
in general no makeshift bridges required,
no periods with reduced speed
close-off periods reduced to construction of large bored piles
and sheeting measures in the piles area, for
erection and demounting of makeshift bridges,
for bridge completion
many close-off periods due to large pits and sheeting
area as well as anchor or stiffener assembly; on some
projects for construction of temporary supports and
multi-part makeshift bridges, close-off for launching
close-offs only for pit sheeting and
bridge launching, generally, one week-
end per track
excavation quantity
minimized pits only in the area of large bored
piles, low pit depth, small pits, small sheeting
areas and excavation quantities, few ancho-
ring works for pit securing
large and deep pits acc. to abutment size and foun-
dations, large sheeting area, many anchoring works
for pit securing, large excavation quantities
large and deep pits acc. to abutment
size and foundations
high groundwater level construction above groundwater level,
no water-tight pit sheeting, no groundwater
drainage, small pits, small sheeting areas,
small space required
construction within groundwater, water-tight pit
sheeting, groundwater drainage, interference into the
groundwater, deep pits, many anchoring/stiffening
construction within groundwater,
water-tight pit sheeting, groundwater
drainage, interference into the ground-
water, deep pits, large pit sheeting
area , many anchoring works
limited construction
feld/construction within
existing strucutres
small space required as small pit dimensions large space required as deep pits for foundation
large space required as deep pits
through foundation construction
ground unsuitable
for footings
unproblematic as foundation constructed from
the track, support of abutments by superstruc-
ture in front of backfll
high effort for soil exchange, diffcult bored pile const-
ruction, working height for special engineering works
limited by makeshift bridges , backfll of abutment
problematic without support by superstructure
problematic due to settlement risk
during launching and in fnal position,
high effort for soil exchange
Construction method
Criteria Top down construction Construction underneath
makeshift bridges
Bridge launching
crossing angle unproblematic as frame structure (no rectangu-
lar superstructure connection required), span
width minimization and slender superstructure
diffcult as orthogonal superstructure connection
required, leading to larger span widths thus higher
superstructures, diffcult abutments and large pits
required, diffcult sheeting and large makeshift
bridges or series of makeshift bridges with temporary
supports, diffcult joints and bearings
unproblematic as frame structure
(see top down method)
fowing water advantageous as no pits underneath ground-
water level, new abutments built underneath
old ones, small quantity of sheeting and
excavation, no water-tight sheeting, no
groundwater drainage
diffcult as construction underneath groundwater
level, frst demolition of old abutment and installation
of water-tight sheeting during close-offs, removal of
existing superstructure at the beginning and repla-
cement by makeshift bridges or series of makeshift
diffcult as construction underneath
groundwater level, frst demolition of
old abutment and installation of water-
tight sheeting during close-offs, large
quantity of excavation
heavy traffc on
crossed road
no deep construction pits along undercrossed
traffc routes (roads), new construction under
shelter of the old abutments, small interfe-
rence in urban traffc, construction without
infuence on existing cables/pipings etc.
pits parallel to the road with large infuences on traf-
fc, hindrances by cables and ducts (in the pits), old
abutments to be demolished before new construction
deep construction pit along under-
crossed road with interference into the
traffc; hindrances by cables and ducts
(in the pits), existing abutments to be
demolished during launching
highly frequented
railway line
hindrance to operation very minimized super-
structure construction completely off line, after
launching of superstructure railway technical
installations in only 7 to 10 weeks
high interference in railway operation, time for
construction of substructures underneath makeshift
bridges between
6 to 8 month
hindrance to operation very minimized,
superstructure construction completely
off line, sheeting and launching works
within weekend close-offs (60 to 100
Top down construction is especially suitable under the
following boundary conditions:
- High groundwater level
- Limited construction feld (construction within existing
structures densely built areas)
- Unsuitable ground for footings
- Extremely oblique crossing angle
- Crossing of fowing water
- Heavy traffc on the crossed roads
- Highly frequented railway lines with short close-off periods
and high speed
Advantages of the construction method:
- Robust reinforced concrete frame structure
- No maintenance-intensive transverse and longitudinal joints
- Superstructure slender but deformation-low due to framing
- Rotation angle of fnal tangent negligibly small due to traffc
- No interference into the groundwater during construction
Economic advantage:
- Short construction time on the whole
- Minimized interference into rail traffc
- Shorter periods of reduced speed due to short use of makeshift
- Savings in the provision of makeshift bridges
- Savings in superstructure maintenance
- Cost savings in site securing measures (safety attendants)
- Savings in construction supervision
A selection of SSF projects constructed using the top down construction
1993 Railway bridge Coswitzanger Schmlln on the line Grlitz Gera
1994 Railway bridge over a road on the line Stuttgart Bad Cannstadt
(interurban train)
1995 Railway bridge Sandreuthstr. in Nuremberg on the line Treuchtlingen
1996 Railway bridge over the federal road B26 in Laufach on the line Wrzburg
1997 Railway bridge over the federal road B260 in Bad Ems on the line Wetzlar
1998 Railway bridge over the federal road B39 in Neidenfels on the line
Homburg - Ludwigshafen
1999 2 Railway bridges for a newly built groundwater trough in Schwandorf
2000 Railway bridge Siemensstrae in Frankfurt on the Main, on the line
Frankfurt Gttingen and Frankfurt Wrzburg
2000 Railway bridge over the bypass Rote-Tor in Augsburg on the line Munich
2002 Removal of a railroad crossing in Flrsheim on the line Frankfurt
2003 Railway bridge over the federal road B 236 n on the line Dortmund Soest
2007 Railway bridge Schtzenstrae in Werl on the line 2103 Dortmund Kassel
2009 Railway bridge in Dieburg, on the line 3557 Darmstadt Aschaffenburg
A selection of SSF projects constructed using the launching method
1990 RailwaybridgeNeustadt WeinstraeonthelineMannheimSaarbrcken
1992 Railway bridge over a federal road near Frstenfeldbruck
1994 Railway bridge over the federal road B 101 near Berlin
1996 Railway bridge on the track Wrzburg Aschaffenburg over the federal
road B 26
2000 Railway bridge Rotherstrae on the track Nuremberg Roth
2002 Railway bridge on the line Rolau Wittenberg over the highway
BAB A9 near Coswig
2002 Railway bridge on the line Schweinfurt Meiningen over the highway
BAB A71 near Kronungen
2010 Railway bridge on the line Pilsen Furth im Wald over the federal road
dB 20 near Furth im Wald
2010 Railway bridge on the line ABS 38 Mhldorf Ampfng
2010 Railway bridge on the line Munich Mittenwald near Uffng