The document discusses issues with the ecosystem concept as a paradigm in ecology. Specifically:
- The ecosystem concept is based on a "machine analogy" derived from systems analysis that views ecosystems as stable equilibrium systems, which does not align with current understanding of ecosystems as complex adaptive systems that may operate far from equilibrium.
- There has been a backlash against the ecosystem concept from those who see it as overly constraining human activities. However, there are also valid scientific criticisms from within ecology.
- The ecosystem concept makes assumptions, like spatial closure and system equilibrium, that limit the questions that can be asked and may hinder addressing questions of system stability that the concept aims to study. A re-examination of the ecosystem
The document discusses issues with the ecosystem concept as a paradigm in ecology. Specifically:
- The ecosystem concept is based on a "machine analogy" derived from systems analysis that views ecosystems as stable equilibrium systems, which does not align with current understanding of ecosystems as complex adaptive systems that may operate far from equilibrium.
- There has been a backlash against the ecosystem concept from those who see it as overly constraining human activities. However, there are also valid scientific criticisms from within ecology.
- The ecosystem concept makes assumptions, like spatial closure and system equilibrium, that limit the questions that can be asked and may hinder addressing questions of system stability that the concept aims to study. A re-examination of the ecosystem
The document discusses issues with the ecosystem concept as a paradigm in ecology. Specifically:
- The ecosystem concept is based on a "machine analogy" derived from systems analysis that views ecosystems as stable equilibrium systems, which does not align with current understanding of ecosystems as complex adaptive systems that may operate far from equilibrium.
- There has been a backlash against the ecosystem concept from those who see it as overly constraining human activities. However, there are also valid scientific criticisms from within ecology.
- The ecosystem concept makes assumptions, like spatial closure and system equilibrium, that limit the questions that can be asked and may hinder addressing questions of system stability that the concept aims to study. A re-examination of the ecosystem
The document discusses issues with the ecosystem concept as a paradigm in ecology. Specifically:
- The ecosystem concept is based on a "machine analogy" derived from systems analysis that views ecosystems as stable equilibrium systems, which does not align with current understanding of ecosystems as complex adaptive systems that may operate far from equilibrium.
- There has been a backlash against the ecosystem concept from those who see it as overly constraining human activities. However, there are also valid scientific criticisms from within ecology.
- The ecosystem concept makes assumptions, like spatial closure and system equilibrium, that limit the questions that can be asked and may hinder addressing questions of system stability that the concept aims to study. A re-examination of the ecosystem
2001 by the Ecological Society of America IS IT TIME TO BURY THE ECOSYSTEM CONCEPT? (WITH FULL MILITARY HONORS, OF COURSE!) 1 ROBERT V. ONEILL Environmental Sciences Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831-6036 USA ROBERT V. ONEILL, MacArthur Award Recipient, 1999 Abstract. The ecosystem concept has become a standard paradigm for studying eco- logical systems. Underlying the ecosystem concept is a machine analogy derived from Systems Analysis. This analogy is difcult to reconcile with our current understanding of ecological systems as metastable adaptive systems that may operate far from equilibrium. This paper discusses some logical and scientic problems associated with the ecosystem concept, and suggests a number of modications in the paradigm to address these problems. Key words: ecosystem; ecosystem stability; ecosystem theory; ecotone; Homo sapiens; natural selection; system dynamics; Systems Analysis. INTRODUCTION The term ecosystem was coined by Tansley in 1935. But as Botkin (1990) points out, the underlying concept goes back at least to Marsh (1864). Nature was viewed as relatively constant in the face of change and repaired itself when disrupted, returning to its previous balanced state. Clements (1905, 1916) and Elton (1930) offered plant and animal succession as basic processes that permitted relative constancy by repairing damage. Forbes (1925) described the northern lake as a micro- Manuscript received 22 June 2000; revised 5 March 2001; accepted 6 March 2001. 1 Presented 9 August 1999 in Spokane, Washington, USA. cosm, a relatively closed, self-regulating system, an archetypic ecosystem. Science emerged from the Second World War with a new paradigm, Systems Analysis (e.g., Bode 1945), which seemed uniquely suited for this balance of na- ture concept, and t well with earlier work on the stability of interacting populations (Nicholson and Bai- ley 1935). Systems Analysis dealt with complex sys- tems as interconnected components with feedback loops (Hutchinson 1948) that stabilized the system at a relatively constant equilibrium point. Systems Anal- ysis can be seen underlying E. P. Odums (1953) def- inition of the ecosystem as a . . . natural unit that includes living and nonliving parts interacting to pro- 3276 ROBERT V. ONEILL Ecology, Vol. 82, No. 12 P e r s p e c t i v e s duce a stable system in which the exchange of materials between the living and nonliving parts follows circular paths . . . . The machine analogy, inherent in Systems Analysis, became a central paradigm for many ecologists (Odum 1971, Holling 1973, Waide and Webster 1976). The paradigm offered a practical approach to the enormous complexity of natural systems (Teal 1962, Van Dyne 1969). The paradigm helped harness the power of the computer in ecosystem models (Olson 1963). The par- adigm permitted a holistic view of system properties such as nutrient cycling (Webster et al. 1974). The familiarity of the machine analogy facilitated the com- munication of ecological concepts to the public. If the ecosystem concept has held such a central place in ecology and been so productive of new ideas, why call it into question? The simple fact is that the ecosystem is not an a posteriori, empirical observation about nature. The ecosystem concept is a paradigm (sensu Kuhn 1962), an a priori intellectual structure, a specic way of looking at nature. The paradigm em- phasizes and focuses on some properties of nature, while ignoring and de-emphasizing others. After a half century of application, the paradigm is showing some rust. Limitations in the concept are becoming more apparent and leading to a vigorous backlash toward ecosystem concepts in particular, and ecology in gen- eral. BACKLASH AGAINST THE ECOSYSTEM CONCEPT Part of the backlash results from the apocalyptic fer- vor of the environmental movement over past decades. Ecology oversold its ability to predict doom, and is now seen as unnecessarily constraining human freedom and economic growth. Inuential opponents simply dismiss the prophecy (Simon 1980), and offer opti- mistic counterclaims (Naveson 1993). Human inge- nuity is seen as sufcient to feed, clothe, and supply energy to an ever-growing population for the next seven billion years (Myers and Simon 1994)! Clearly, there are ideological underpinnings to this backlash. Anything that limits human development is immediately suspect. Nevertheless, the critique high- lights important limitations in ecological theory (Shrader-Frechette and McCoy 1993, Shrader-Frech- ette 1995, Callicott 1996). The critics claim that the ecosystem concept isnt a scientic theory at all, simply a statement about physical constraints on living things (Sagoff 1997). Concepts like stability and ecosystem are ambiguous and dened in contradictory ways. In fact there is no such thing as an integrated, equilibrial, homeostatic ecosystem: It is a myth (Soule and Lease 1995)! If there is no stable equilibrium, why bother to con- serve? Protecting and restoring endangered species is unnecessary, species go extinct all the time. How do you restore ecosystems when you dont know what to restore them to? Fragmentation actually increases spe- cies diversity by adding edge species. Eutrophication leads to lakes with greater productivity. There isnt any environmental crisis at all! It is important to recognize that not all of the back- lash has an ideological bias. The ecosystem concept is also broadly criticized within ecology. One of the clear- est statements is given by Pickett et al. (1992): The classical paradigm in ecology, with its emphasis on the stable state, its suggestion of natural systems as closed and self-regulating, and its resonance with the nonsci- entic idea of balance of nature, can no longer serve as an adequate foundation for conservation. There is the temptation, of course, to respond de- fensively to the backlash. After all, the ecosystem the- ory being attacked is a sort of historical artifact, a straw man. Ecosystems are now seen as disequili- brial, open, hierarchical, spatially patterned, and scaled (ONeill et al. 1982, Pickett et al. 1992, Levin 1999). Many of the criticisms have been addressed as the the- ory matured. But rather than provoking a defensive reaction, perhaps the backlash should motivate a care- ful re-examination of the ecosystem concept. SCIENTIFIC PROBLEMS The ecosystem concept is a paradigm, i.e., a con- venient approach to organizing thought. Like any par- adigm, it is a product of the human minds limited ability to understand the complexity of the real world. In the case of ecological systems, we are faced with hundreds to thousands of interacting populations. The systems vary through time in complex ways, and they are spatially heterogeneous at every scale. The ecosystem concept takes these impossibly com- plex phenomena and focuses on a small subset: the average or integrated properties of all the populations within a specied spatial area. This approach has the advantage of identifying emergent properties such as energy ow and nutrient cycling, and permits study of the relative stability of this abstract structure and its function. But in order to gain these advantages, the concept accepts a set of assumptions that limits our thinking and determines the questions we ask. Therefore, we must continuously examine the assumptions, and con- sider the questions they might keep us from asking. Most importantly, we must examine whether the as- sumptions limit our ability to answer the very ques- tions, such as relative stability, that the concept was designed to address. The proposed exploration is rendered difcult by the ambiguity of terms like complexity, ecosystem, and stability. Pimm (1984) pointed out that a change in these denitions can lead to signicantly different con- clusions about stability. At present, the terms eco- system and ecosystem theory are used in many different ways. At one extreme, ecosystem is a con- venient term, relatively free of any assumptions, that indicates the interacting organisms and abiotic factors December 2001 3277 MACARTHUR AWARD LECTURE P e r s p e c t i v e s in an area. At the other extreme, ecosystem is a pre- cisely dened object of a predictive model or theory. As a result, any limiting assumption that is offered here may be disavowed by some subset of ecologists. Nev- ertheless, the critical examination is important, even if no single ecologist would admit allegiance to the total set of assumptions. With this difculty in mind, let us consider some implicit assumptions and their impact on addressing stability. Spatial closure The ecosystem concept considers a specic spatial unit: classically, a small watershed for terrestrial sys- tems and a lake for aquatic systems. The concept looks within these boundaries to locate the signicant dy- namics that require explanation and the signicant pro- cesses that will explain the dynamics. The boundaries may be open to the exchange of organisms, energy, and matter. Nevertheless, the ecosystem concept assumes that the interactions and feedback loops necessary and sufcient to explain dynamics occur within the bound- aries. The problem with this assumption is that the spatial distributions of the component populations may be much larger than the ecosystem boundaries. Indeed, even the home ranges of individuals may be larger than the ecosystem, particularly for predators. This leads to anomalies, such as food web calculations determining that an ecosystem can support one half of a top car- nivore, without specifying which end. But importantly, dispersal from outside system boundaries is a critical mechanism for system stability. Thus, an internal pro- cess, recovery, is not explicable by feedbacks occurring within the system specications. The critical obser- vation is that a forest plot surrounded by continuous forest behaves differently from that same forest plot in isolation. At the minimum, the spatial context of the system and all its component populations must be in- cluded in the specications of the ecosystem. The sta- bility properties of an ecological system cannot be ex- plained by a paradigm that only considers dynamics occurring within the ecosystem boundaries. Spatial homogeneity A second assumption of the concept is spatial ho- mogeneity. Spatial heterogeneity within the spatial unit is averaged in order to focus on integrated or emergent properties. And yet it is the internal heterogeneity, or the heterogeneity of the larger spatial context, that maintains the full range of populations needed to main- tain stability. Without the heterogeneity, for example, pioneer species are not maintained, and recovery be- comes impossible or follows an unpredictable course. A homogeneous ecosystem, like an overspecialized species, cannot respond to change and is inherently unstable. The critical observation is that two forest plots may have identical average properties, but dif- ferent relative stability if they differ radically in spatial heterogeneity. The stability of an ecological system cannot be predicted by a theory that ignores hetero- geneity. Latin binomials are substitutable Most ecologists consider the species list critical to the denition of an ecosystem, often designating eco- system types by their dominant species. Nevertheless, some degree of substitutability is implicit in the eco- system concept. For example, an impacted ecosystem would be considered recovered if succession re- placed the dominant species, and brought the system back to the same physiognomy and functional attri- butes. But the species list of soil organisms, for ex- ample, need not be identical. The functional properties of the system are restored, but with an altered species list. In fact, in much of ecosystem theory, the stated variables are functional groups, such as trophic levels, and which of several species perform the function is not considered. The ambiguity introduced by species substitutability is often unrecognized. But the inconsistencies are brought out by the seemingly inane question: Do eco- systems die? Consider, for example, a northern lake that has undergone eutrophication. If the ecosystem is dened as a functional system at a spatial location, then the lake is the same ecosystem, albeit altered by changed conditions. On the other hand, if the ecosystem is dened by the species list, then the oligotrophic eco- system has been killed and replaced by a eutrophic ecosystem. The ecosystem dened by a species list is almost always unstable because it rarely, if ever, re- covers to the identical list of species. If the ecosystem is dened by the species list, the only stable systems are found in extreme conditions with impoverished species lists, such as the Arctic tun- dra. In such conditions, recovery occurs to the same species list because only a few species can survive. But this leads to the anomalous conclusion that stability is inversely related to biodiversity. Although the biodi- versitystability relationship is questionable (see e.g., Huston 1994), the relationship suddenly reverses and becomes crystal clear. The probability of a system re- covering to an identical species list is dependent on how long the list is, making tundra ecosystems more stable than tropical forests! The dilemma would seem to be solved by dening the ecosystem by the rate processes plus dominant spe- cies. But problems still arise in dealing with stability. Consider a marine fouling community (Sutherland 1974) that may recover to the same rate processes, but any of several different species lists. In SerengetiMara woodlands, elephants and re interact to produce a va- riety of stable states (Dublin et al. 1990, Dublin 1995). Are these stable ecosystems with several nal states? Or are these unstable ecosystems? The problem is compounded by evidence from the pollen record. Over glacial cycles, the record shows 3278 ROBERT V. ONEILL Ecology, Vol. 82, No. 12 P e r s p e c t i v e s that species respond individually to changing condi- tions (Davis 1976). Different species, even dominants, move in or out of an area based on their individual responses to temperature and other changes (Delcourt and Delcourt 1987). As a result, intact communities of organisms do not move as a unit, and the collection of interacting species at a location is continuously chang- ing. The conservative conclusion is that the entity ecosystem is unstable. The more radical conclusion is that ecosystems, dened by their species list, dont exist and never have. The solution to the problem would seem to involve ignoring the species list altogether and assuming per- fect substitutability. The stable entity is the collection of functional groups that recover to the same rate pro- cesses, feedbacks, and complex organization. Indeed, this solution is the one implicitly adopted in many ap- plications of the ecosystem concept. But this solution also leads to anomalous conclusions when applied to ecological phenomena other than stability. Consider, for example, the phenomenon known as the ecotone. The ecotone is a tension zone where one vegetation type changes suddenly into another, e.g., grassland into scrub (Hobbs 1986) or forest (Hansen et al. 1994). These transitions have long attracted the attention of ecologists (e.g., Clements 1897, 1905, Liv- ingstone 1903, Griggs 1914). But the ecotone is dened by a change in the species list, particularly in the dom- inants. Since environmental constraints are very similar on either side of the ecotone, rate processes would also be expected to be very similar. If the ecosystem is dened strictly in terms of function, there is not a dif- ferent ecosystem on either side of the ecotone. In fact, the ecotone doesnt exist! Nevertheless, if we limit consideration to stability phenomena, a functional denition with an assumption of species substitutability seems the logical choice. The abstraction and the associated assumptions limit the utility of the theory for explaining other phenomena, such as ecotones. Of course, this means that the eco- system concept is not adequate as a general theory of ecological phenomena, but at least it permits expla- nation of stability. The functional theory denes an entity that maintains a trophic structure, recycles nu- trients, and recovers from disturbance. Minimizing the role of latin binomials seems to permit a consistent framework for dealing with stability. Natural selection minimized or ignored The assumption of species substitutability minimizes the role of natural selection. This may be the concepts most serious limitation in dealing with stability. Nat- ural selection is relegated to a background role causing component populations to optimize or maximize their share of resources. As a result, functional groups can be assumed to be operating at the rates set by physical and chemical constraints. Ecosystem dynamics can then be predicted from these constraints. Stated another way, natural selection is assumed to operate slowly. Therefore, its dynamics can be assumed to be constant over the time scales relevant to ecosystem behavior. But the advantage gained may not outweigh the losses. Natural selection is the most powerful predictive theory available to ecology. In the extreme, ecosystem specication may simply ignore the identity of component populations. But this extreme admits of a reductio ad absurdum. The forest ecosystems of eastern North America have lost the cou- gar, woodland bison, wolf, and bear. The presettlement Passenger Pigeon population is estimated at 3 to 5 bil- lion (Schorger 1955). In the 1870s, Audubon estimated a single ock at 136 million. It moved . . . like a tor- nado through the forest . . . breaking off trees up to two feet in diameter when it roosted (Schorger 1955). It is absurd to maintain that rate processes and stability were not altered by replacing these woodland species with Homo sapiens. In fact, many invasive species have this same disruptive property. Examples include cattle, kudzu, coconut, and zebra mussel. The simple empirical fact is that ecosystems are col- lections of interacting populations. The component populations have been shaped by natural selection. The resulting biotic potential determines ecosystem dynam- ics just as much as chemical and physical constraints. Critically, natural selection is one of the processes that determines system stability. Stability is a scaled concept A different ambiguity arises because the concept of stability cannot be dened independently of the scale of observation. The dependence on scale is revealed when one considers the full spatiotemporal spectrum of disturbances. Disturbances that are frequent and smaller in spatial scale than the dened ecosystem boundaries can be counteracted by internal mecha- nisms. The ecosystem would be considered stable to these disturbances. Up to some point, the ecosystem also recovers from larger scale disturbance, i.e., dis- turbances that have greater spatial extent and occur less frequently. Recovery now involves mechanisms, such as dispersal, which are not ordinarily considered as internal ecosystem processes. Nevertheless, we could still consider the ecosystem as responding stably. Ultimately, of course, the ecosystem is unstable. It is only a matter of time until a disturbance of sufcient intensity and spatial extent overwhelms the ecosys- tems ability to respond. Examples include broad-scale desertication and rare asteroid collisions. Over a suf- ciently long period of time, the cumulative probability of a catastrophic event approaches 1.0. The problem would seem to be solved by specifying the time period of concern, e.g., the ecosystem is stable over millennia. But ambiguities remain. If stability de- pends on the spatial extent of disturbances, then the size of the ecosystem matters. The relative stability of two systems that differ radically in size cannot be ex- December 2001 3279 MACARTHUR AWARD LECTURE P e r s p e c t i v e s plained by internal mechanisms. If the disturbance re- gime is the same, the smaller ecosystem is logically less stable because it can sustain itself over a shorter period of time. If the disturbance regime is radically different, the relative stability of similar-sized ecosys- tems cannot be explained by internal mechanisms. The ecosystem in the harsh environment is logically less stable because it can sustain itself over a shorter period of time. To deal with stability resulting from internal mechanisms requires that the denition of the ecosys- tem itself specify (1) the disturbance regime, and (2) the size of the specic system under consideration. Another way to view the scale problem is to consider how we use the term disturbance. Once the bound- aries of the ecosystem are delimited, the continuous distribution of environmental variability is divided into internal conditions and external disturbances. Small- scale variability, such as the daily light cycle, seasonal temperature changes, or the occasional death of a dom- inant individual are considered to be part of ecosystem dynamics. Larger scale variability, such as wildre, is not considered to be part of ecosystem dynamics. By focusing on the ecosystem as a self-regulating, integrated system, we are led to focus on that systems resistance to disturbances, minimizing the impacts, and resilience or recovery from disturbance back to some optimal state or states. Disturbances are viewed as a damaging external interference. Yet it is well docu- mented that preventing damage can be catastrophic. The obvious examples are management practices that prevent small wildres. The spatiotemporal spectrum of environmental variability determines ecosystem sta- bility just as surely as internal feedback mechanisms. Therefore, ecosystem stability cannot be explained un- less the disturbance regime is part of the specications of the ecosystem. Homo sapiens is not a component of the ecosystem The ecosystem concept typically considers human activities as external disturbances to the ecosystem. Other invasive pests, such as kudzu and brown rats, are considered as ecosystem components, and their im- pact on structure and function considered explicitly. Homo sapiens is the only important species that is con- sidered external from its ecosystem, deriving goods and services rather than participating in ecosystem dynam- ics. If there was ever a species that qualied as an in- vasive pest, it is Homo sapiens The litany is familiar but merits repetition. Since 1850, the human population has quintupled, and per capita energy use has quadru- pled (Holden 1991). Human inputs of nitrogen now exceed natural rates of nitrogen xation (Vitousek 1994), and nitrogen saturation leads to the loss of other important nutrients, such as calcium (Vitousek et al. 1997). Inputs of nitrogen to the North Atlantic have increased by a factor of two to twenty compared to pre- industrial inputs (Howarth et al. 1996). Average tem- perature is increasing faster than it has in the last 10 000 yr (Arrhenius and Waltz 1990). The human economy uses 40% of net primary production (Vitousek et al. 1986). Soil erosion is nearly universal, with soil losses exceeding soil formation rates by at least 10-fold (Pi- mentel 1993). It is clear that Homo sapiens has altered the physical environment of the ecological system. We have changed process rates ranging from productivity to dis- persal. We have changed ecological structure by elim- inating our competitors, e.g., timber wolves, and even food species, e.g., Passenger Pigeon. It becomes fa- cetious to talk about sustainability and continued ex- traction of goods and services when we cannot specify with any scientic rigor how Homo sapiens has already altered the stability properties of the system. Summary The importance of the denitional ambiguities be- comes apparent if we consider the reasons for coming up with the ecosystem concept in the rst place. The theory provides an explanatory framework for ecolog- ical phenomena. Without reverting to a naive concept of the balance of nature, the relative stability of eco- logical systems represents a fundamental phenomenon to be explained. Therefore, an adequate theory must be able to deal with stability. At present, the ambiguity involved in the denition of an ecosystem leads to basic problems in explaining stability. Therefore, the ambi- guities undercut the very purpose for which the concept was devised. The focus on internal dynamics and stability creates a mindset that excludes relevant phenomena. In fact, the most fundamental observation is sustainability un- der conditions of constant change. The stasis implied by the ecosystem concept is self-limiting. The critical property is the ability to change state in response to a continuous spectrum of change and variability. Sus- tainability of ecological systems involves two anti- thetical elements: (1) local and short-term stability in the sense of recovery from disturbance, and (2) exi- bility in the sense of maintaining variability of structure in space and time because conditions will change. ELEMENTS OF A NEW PARADIGM None of the criticisms offered in the previous section are new. Many would seem to be addressed by so- phisticated developments in ecosystem theory involv- ing, for example, nonlinear dynamics and fuzzy set theory. Unfortunately, the developments make the eco- system theory more intriguing for mathematicians, but less useful and intuitive for biologists. I would offer for consideration that none of the developments address all of the ambiguities, and that we are putting splints and patches on an old horse. What is proposed here is not a complete theory. What is offered is a set of principles that might lay the foun- dation for such a theory. In essence, these principles 3280 ROBERT V. ONEILL Ecology, Vol. 82, No. 12 P e r s p e c t i v e s constrain the theory to (1) be explicitly scaled, (2) in- clude variability, (3) consider long-term sustainability in addition to local stability, and (4) include population processes as explicit system dynamics. The rst step is to include the spatial context in the system denition. 1) An ecological system is composed of a range of spatial scales, from the local system to the potential dispersal range of all of the species within the local system. The recovery of the local ecological system depends critically on the ability of individuals and populations to disperse into an impacted area. Dispersal is a critical ingredient in explaining the stability of ecological sys- tems (Huffaker 1958). Therefore, the minimal area re- quired to explain recovery is not the boundary of the local ecosystem, but the dispersal range of its com- ponent biota. 2) The potential dispersal range is set by (a) the environmental constraints (biotic and abiotic) for each species, by (b) dispersal barriers, and by (c) species dispersal mechanisms. The critical area is not the total distribution of the species, but that portion of the range that is accessible to the local ecological system of interest. A dispersal barrier, e.g., human land use, may mean that the po- tential dispersal range is much smaller than the total distribution of the species. On the other hand, human activities may expand the potential range by providing new dispersal routes that permit the invasion of non- indigenous species. Thus, human use of space may have critical impacts on stability by creating dispersal barriers. In constrict- ing the potential dispersal range, society limits the total range of environmental variability to which the local ecosystem can respond stably. For example, a small dam makes the upstream ecosystem unstable to any uctuation that kills sh and other organisms that must migrate back into the area to permit recovery. Here the scaled impact is insidious because immediately follow- ing construction of the dam, the upstream ecosystem and its internal feedback mechanisms appear intact. Thus, Homo sapiens is a keystone species, like the beaver (Naiman et al. 1986) or starsh (Paine and Levin 1981), that alters the structure of its ecological system. By introducing dispersal barriers, Homo sapiens ex- cludes populations even though the site is within their potential dispersal range. And by constructing invasion pathways, Homo sapiens introduces populations that would not otherwise occur. As a result, land use change becomes a component of stability dynamics. Homo sa- piens, as a dynamic component of the ecological sys- tem, may have more far-reaching impacts on stability than society viewed as extracting goods and services from the local system. 3) The potential dispersal range is not constant or uniform. Over time, this potential dispersal range can change, for example, with changes in climate. In addition, geo- logic events may create or remove dispersal barriers. These changes may happen slowly and monotonically, permitting adaptive responses by component popula- tions, or they may occur rapidly and produce cata- clysmic changes. In addition, conditions within the po- tential dispersal range are not uniform. They vary on a large scale along environmental gradients, and they vary locally due to soils, topography, aspect, etc. Thus, the spatiotemporal variability that can be ignored with- in the boundaries of the local system may be critical, and must be explicitly considered before the stability of the local system can be predicted. 4) Within the potential dispersal range is an effective dispersal range that is time-scaled to the problem at hand. Typically, an individual study focuses on a limited range of scales. For simplicity, consider a regularly repeating impact on a local ecological system. The in- terval between impacts determines an effective dis- persal range, i.e., the distance over which the popu- lations needed for recovery can move and become es- tablished before the next impact. Over geologic time, the effective dispersal range might equal the complete potential dispersal range. For smaller scales or more frequent impacts, the effective dispersal range would be much smaller. 5) Within the local system, populations interact to maximize biotic potential. A local ecological system, such as a watershed, forest stand, or lake, has three factors that determine dynam- ics. First, the physical conditions at the site form a constraint set that determines the dynamic potential. Second, the potential biota are constrained to the pop- ulations whose distributions overlap at this site. Within these physical and biotic constraints, the populations then interact to form complex networks and feedback loops. Competition and dominance determine what subset of the potential biota actually function on the site and may permit a variety of different states for the site. As a result, the list of species currently resident on a site is not necessarily sufcient to explain the range of potential system responses to impact. Indeed, exibility in the species list is critical to the sustainability of ecological systems across the geologic scale of vari- ability. Competition operates within the constraints of phys- ical laws, such as thermodynamics, and the interacting populations move toward maximizing the biotic po- tential of the site. The biotic potential forms an at- tractor, and interactions, such as nutrient cycling, move the set of populations toward this potential. But nutrient cycling is an emergent property that cannot be ex- plained by competition alone. Energy ow and nutrient cycling operate on the same spatiotemporal scale as competition, and it is the combination of the two dy- namics that results in ecosystem function. 6) As the local ecological system approaches the December 2001 3281 MACARTHUR AWARD LECTURE P e r s p e c t i v e s biotic potential of a site, it increases local stability, but decreases global sustainability. As the system develops feedback loops and complex networks of interactions, it becomes better adapted to local conditions and more stable to local impacts. But, over longer time scales, conditions change continu- ously. So as the system approaches the present attractor by maximizing biotic potential, it becomes suboptimal to the changed conditions. A process analogous to spe- cies specialization occurs. The existence of local attractors becomes conspic- uous at the ecotone. A small change in the environment changes the competitive relationship between domi- nants, and as disturbances destroy the existing vege- tation and open the opportunity for new vegetation to take over the site, a different system of interacting pop- ulations gains a competitive advantage. The critical observation is that a small change in conditions has shifted the local attractor. The system that converged to one attractor becomes suboptimal when the attractor changes. It follows that the tendency to converge to a local attractor may also make the system vulnerable to changes in the attractor. What maintains the sustainability of ecological sys- tems over long periods of time is heterogeneity in time and space. Heterogeneity is not an annoyance that com- plicates experimental designs, it is a critical ingredient in explaining the stability of ecological systems (Roff 1974a, b). Consider, as an extreme case, that a uniform plain with no variation in time could result in the loss of pioneer and successional species required for re- covery when the inevitable impact does occur. The consideration of heterogeneity recommends an important change in ecosystem theory. The stability of the system depends on two complementary and scaled processes. Stability to smaller scale impacts depends on the systems ability to resist change and recover with resilience. But long-term stability or sustainability depends on a exibility of response that can only be maintained in an environment that varies in time and space. 7) Stability of the local ecological system depends on the time scale of observation and the critical balance between (a) rates of change in environmental condi- tion, and (b) rates of change in the biota. Over short intervals of observation, environmental variability is likely to be small and the local system will appear stable. Over geologic time, the probability of a catastrophic event approaches 1.0 (Crowley and North 1988), and the local system is unstable. Even in the absence of catastrophic events, gradual change in the environment may eventually move the local system across a critical threshold, change the local attractor, and make the local system unstable. Thus, the relative stability of two systems is not simply measured by the rate of recovery from a disturbance, but also by the expected length of time until the next catastrophic event. If rates of change in the conditions are slow, or the recurrence interval of disturbances is long relative to the rates of response by the local system, then the sys- tem is stable. If rates of change are rapid or the re- currence interval is short, relative to rates of response, the ecological system is unstable. If rates of change are nearly equal to rates of response, the system will appear to be highly variable or even chaotic (Phillips 1996). For this reason, human manipulations of the distur- bance regime are just as important as disrupting the structural and functional integrity of the local system itself. 8) Stability of the local ecological system depends on the spatial scale of observation and the critical balance between (a) the size distribution of distur- bances, and (b) the effective dispersal ranges of the biota. If the spatial extent of the ecological system under consideration is large, for example, approaching the size of an ecoregion, then only extremely large and rare disturbances can overcome its ability to respond stably. If a local system of small extent is being con- sidered, for example, an isolated forest plot, then the probability of a destabilizing event increases propor- tionately. If the spatial extent of disturbances is small relative to the size of the ecological system, then spatial het- erogeneity will be maintained within the effective dis- persal ranges of biota, and the system will be stable. If the disturbances are large and approach the effective dispersal range of pioneer and successional species, the system will be unstable. If the disturbance size and effective dispersal ranges are nearly equal, the local system will appear highly variable or chaotic. Clearly, time and space scales are related (ONeill 1988). Stability depends on disturbance intervals rel- ative to recovery rates, and the spatial extent of dis- turbances relative to the spatial extent of the effective dispersal range (Turner et al. 1993). The critical ob- servation is that the internal interactions and feedback mechanisms within the local system are only one of a number of processes determining stability. The life his- tory and dispersal ability of component populations, and the heterogeneity of the landscape must also be considered. 9) Homo sapiens is a keystone species that changes system stability by altering environmental constraints, rate processes, and biotic structures. The impact of Homo sapiens is not limited to the quantity of goods and services extracted from the eco- system. The long-term impact of this keystone species will likely be determined by the way it alters the sta- bility properties of ecological systems. Homo sapiens changes the frequency distribution of disturbances. For example, the suppression of small wildres changes the competitive advantage of re- resistant dominants and alters biotic structure (Botkin 1990, Buell et al. 1954). Fire suppression also decreas- 3282 ROBERT V. ONEILL Ecology, Vol. 82, No. 12 P e r s p e c t i v e s es the small-scale heterogeneity of the landscape and increases the probability of larger res. All of these impacts change the stability properties of the system. By fragmenting the spatial structure of the landscape, Homo sapiens alters habitat connectivity and dispersal rates (Gardner et al. 1993). By creating dispersal bar- riers, this species decreases the potential dispersal range of endemic species. By creating dispersal path- ways, this species greatly increases the effective dis- persal range of exotics (DAntonio and Vitousek 1992). Changes in landscape structure, such as habitat loss, can be particularly insidious if an extinction debt is incurred, and observable species loss does not occur until much later (Tilman et al. 1994, Loehle and Li 1996). Once again, these changes impact the stability properties of the system even though they are not direct effects on the interactions and feedback mechanisms within the local ecological system. Homo sapiens is changing the physical and chemical constraint space within which ecological systems op- erate. The average changes, e.g., in mean temperature, may be small and result in minor changes in average rate processes. But even small changes can switch the local attractor and move the system to a new state. Goldemberg et al. (1996) point out that even modest increases in temperature can exclude crops that are in- tolerant to the additional few extreme days. Similarly, the temporal extremes of temperature at the spatial ex- tremes of system distribution are likely to move eco- tones by switching the local attractor. The assertion that Homo sapiens is impacting the stability properties of ecological systems is not extreme or apocalyptic. Sackcloth and ashes are not required, just a review of documented examples that have already occurred (e.g., Loehle 1989): Extensive coral reefs have been destabilized (Hughes 1994), and grazing has destabilized semi-arid savannas (Walker et al. 1969, Loehle 1985). In the extreme, overgrazing turns the savanna to barren desert (Hills 1966). Nutrient addi- tions have destabilized oligotrophic lake ecosystems (Recknagel 1985, Carpenter et al. 1998). Harvesting has destabilized competitive interactions leading to the extinction of many sh populations (Watt 1968, Jones and Walters 1976). Extensive agriculture destabilized large areas of the United States to drought, resulting in massive erosion and the Dust Bowl (Kahn 1995). Theoretical studies provide the explanation for such destabilization in complex ecological systems in gen- eral (May 1977), and ecosystems in particular (ONeill et al. 1982, 1989). Tainter (1988) points to the possi- bility of similar mechanisms in the collapse of human societies. The fundamental problem is that Homo sapiens is moving ecological systems outside the envelope of conditions that have existed over evolutionary history. This is terra incognita and the assumption that ecolog- ical systems will respond stably is unjustied. CONCLUSIONS Is it time to bury the ecosystem concept? Probably not. But there is certainly need for improvement before ecology loses any more credibility. This paper suggests some of the key problems. Spatial pattern, extent, and heterogeneity are critical to stability. You cannot get a predictive theory if you assume them away. Temporal variability and scale are critical to stability. You cannot get a predictive theory if you assume them away either. It is the interplay of natural selection and internal feed- back mechanisms that determines dynamics. Again, you cannot get a predictive theory if you assume either away. Basically, all the processes and constraints need- ed to explain stability are not encompassed within the boundaries of the local ecological system. An improved paradigm would have many implica- tions for ecological applications, such as conservation. Increasing the size of an isolated preserve only in- creases the length of time until the cumulative prob- ability of a disruption approaches 1.0. Maintaining dis- persal pathways might better conserve sustainability by keeping the potential dispersal range near its orig- inal, undisturbed scale. There are also important implications for monitoring. Current theory leads us to focus on average rates and standing crops at a location. Yet scale and variability in space and time may be more important in determin- ing sustainability. Mean values at two locations may indicate that no signicant change has occurred, but if dispersal pathways between the sites have been dis- rupted, one has reduced by orders of magnitude the scale of a catastrophic disturbance. Perhaps the most important implication involves our view of human society. Homo sapiens is not an external disturbance, it is a keystone species within the system. In the long term, it may not be the magnitude of ex- tracted goods and services that will determine sustain- ability. It may well be our disruption of ecological recovery and stability mechanisms that determines sys- tem collapse. Certainly, we dont want to dismiss the current the- ory prematurely. But we must understand that the ma- chine analogy is critically limited. In so far as the local system maximizes environmental potential, it neces- sarily sacrices stability when that potential changed. The challenge to the ecological system is optimization to a moving target. Optimize too rapidly and the system is trapped in a local attractor and, like an overspecial- ized species, cannot adapt when conditions change. So, it would not be wise to send the old dobbin to the glue factory before we determine how well the new one takes the bit. But it certainly seems to be time to start shopping for a new colt. 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