Swot Analysis
Swot Analysis
Swot Analysis
It has strong and reputed parent compan !h"ch has operat"ons "n #$ countr"es and !"th
o%er &'( hote)s and resorts under "ts um*re))a+
E,ce))ent -ac")"t"es -or corporate tra%e)ers !"th spac"ous meet"ng. con-erence and *an/uet
0se o- techno)og reduced the t"me consumed "n negot"at"ng and *oo1"ng rooms+
E,ce))ent "nternet ser%"ce !"th up to date "n-ormat"on on reser%at"ons. rooms and rates+
2ore -ocus on )oca) mar1ets and the sa)es team e--orts !ere concentrated on ser%"c"ng
and cu)t"%at"ng )oca) dec"s"on ma1ers+
No com*"ned e--ort as a corporate. !h"ch )"m"ts the contacts and "n turn the *us"ness+
L"m"ted proport"on o- e,pend"ture *udget "s a))ocated to o%erseas ad%ert"s"ng+
No coord"nated across s"ster hote)s+
There are )ots o- snchron"3at"on pro*)ems as the don4t ha%e an com*"ned e--orts+
6an standard"3e g)o*a) rates !"th "ts presence o%er #$ countr"es
T"e up !"th *"g corporate *us"ness houses -or pro%"d"ng tra%e) and accommodat"on
-ac")"t"es "n an o- the"r hote)s around the !or)d+
Soc"a) med"a mar1et"ng can *e used to reach out more prospect"%e customers and not
on) the corporate *us"ness house+
Intense compet"t"on among the "nternat"ona) hote) cha"ns+
Shr"n1"ng mar1et cond"t"ons+
6hang"ng tra%e) management trends+
SWOT Ana)s"s The West"n Dha1a
Attract"%e customer *ase+ As our Hote) )ocated "n *et!eenGu)shan7 and Gu)shan 8. !e
!")) get attract"%e customer *ase. !h"ch !")) he)p us to "ncrease our sa)es+
Our workers are highly trained and efcient.
Government shows positive signs towards this kind of business.
Price and cost are competitive. As our service qualities are high, we will easily
compete with our industry rivals
t is also only eight kilometers from !ia nternational Airport
6ustomer *ase "s *ased on good!"))+ We 1no! that the good!")) he)ps a *us"ness+
$hey cannot e%pand because of land shortage
$he late entry is another weakness.
Go%ernment ru)es and regu)at"ons are not strong enough. "n our countr
&onsistent, accurate ful'llment of the clients wishes
6ompet"t"%e pr"c"ng -or the /ua)"t o- ser%"ces o--ered
(igni'cant pro't on each planned
)ost popular tourist sight of *angladesh
+ew government regulations. As the business is getting competitive, govt.
may impose new starting up business
,igher competition e%isting rivals in all aspects
$here are many players of about same si-e and strategy
SWOT Ana)s"s o- Ruposh" 9ang)a Hote)
Introduction: The -"rst reno!ned "nternat"ona) -"%e:star hote) "n 9ang)adesh. Ruposh" 9ang)a
Hote) ;-ormer Dha1a Sheraton Hote)< "s "n the most prest"g"ous )ocat"on= >ust three 1")ometers
-rom the do!nto!n *us"ness d"str"ct and near Dha1a?s most -amous Ramna 5ar1 and Nat"ona)
2useum+ It "s a)so at a con%en"ent )ocat"on -rom 5r"me 2"n"ster?s O--"ce. 9anga*andhu She"1h
2u>"*ur Rahman No%o Theatre. 9ashundhara 6"t Shopp"ng 6enter. -amous Dha1a 0n"%ers"t
campus and surround"ng h"stor"ca) p)aces+ W"th great p)easure. !e are su*m"tt"ng the report on
SWOT Analysis of Ruposhi Bangla Hotel. We ha%e tr"ed our *est to -o))o! the "nstruct"ons
-rom our teacher to comp)ete th"s report !"th"n the a))otted t"me+
SWOT Analysis
The acronm -or SWOT stands -or
The acronm -or SWOT stands -or Strength. Wea1ness. Opportun"t. and Threat+ The SWOT
ana)s"s compr"ses o- the Organ"3at"on?s "nterna) strength and !ea1ness and e,terna)
opportun"t"es and threats+ SWOT ana)s"s g"%es an organ"3at"on an "ns"ght o- !hat the can do "n
-uture and ho! the can compete !"th the"r e,"st"ng compet"tors+ Th"s too) "s %er "mportant to
"dent"- the current pos"t"on o- the organ"3at"on re)at"%e to others. !ho are p)a"ng "n the same
-"e)d and a)so used "n the strateg"c ana)s"s o- the organ"3at"on+
Strengths of Ruposhi Bangla Hotel
The strengths o- the compan are the most "mportant *u")d"ng *)oc1s re/u"red -or gro!th to ta1e
p)ace+ The West"n Dha1a "s a compan that has much strength+ In the -o))o!"ng are a -e! o- the
most pre%a)ent strengths that The West"n Dha1a has at the present t"me+
1. Location
Re)a,. re%"%e. and e,per"ence rene!a) at The West"n Dha1a @ the ne!) opened -"%e:star hote) "n
Gu)shan+ Nest)ed "n the ne! *us"ness d"str"ct. !e are steps -rom reno!ned shopp"ng ma))s.
-ore"gn m"ss"ons. restaurant. art. pr"%ate c)u*s. and mu)t"nat"ona)s+ Our hote) "s a)so on) e"ght
1")ometers -rom Ha3rat Shah>a)a) Internat"ona) A"rport+
. The !est Asian and international cuisine in "ha#a
Aood )o%ers can de)"ght themse)%es !"th the *est )oca) and "nternat"ona) cu"s"ne at The West"n
Dha1a+ Rep)en"sh ourse)- "n an o- our & restaurants and *ars= Taste: the a)) da d"n"ng ser%es
5an As"an *u--et and a )a carte mea)s+ Re>u%enate "n the poo)s"de restaurant and *ar: Sp)ash+
0n!"nd at the )"%"ng room that ser%es )"ght mea)s+ En>o a great morn"ng and a-ternoon or
e%en"ng !"th our -r"ends at our 8B hours open de)"catessen: Treats+ And !"th the *est authent"c
Ita)"an to 5an As"an and "nternat"ona) cu"s"ne+
$. %ity&s e'clusi(e selection of facilities to host conference) *eeting) e'hi!ition) !an+uet
The West"n Dha1a has a range o- con-erence. meet"ngs. e,h"*"t"on and *an/uet -ac")"t"es to
organ"3e sma)) meet"ngs to "nternat"ona) sem"nars or pr"%ate d"nners to )a%"sh !edd"ngs+ These
-ac")"t"es %ar -rom the"r )arge %enues @The Grand 9a))room are "dea) -or con-erence. e,h"*"t"on.
-a"r. etc+ !e ha%e -our mu)t":-unct"ona) meet"ng rooms @ 5orto-"no. 9ron3e. Go)d. S")%er+
B+ ,'ecuti(e Lounge at Ha-rat Shah.alal International Airport
Aore"gn Guests get a re-resh"ng treat -rom the e,ecut"%e Lounge o- Hote) at Ha3rat Shah>a)a)
Internat"ona) A"rport+ It?s a great !a to start the >ourne "n 9ang)adesh+ The e,ecut"%e Lounge "s
)ocated on the 8nd -)oor o- the ma"n term"na) !here the can en>o a re)a,"ng and p)easant
en%"ronment. tea:co--ee. snac1s. ca*)e te)e%"s"on. *athroom:sho!er -ac")"t"es. as !e)) as
"nternat"ona) and )oca) ne!spapersCmaga3"nes !"th a nom"na) cost+ A)coho)"c *e%erages are a)so
a%a")a*)e at a cost+
/. Brand i*age
In the hote) "ndustr The West"n Hote) has the strong *rand %a)ue *ecause "t "s one o- the *"ggest
and modern hote) "n Dha1a. 9ang)adesh+
Wea#nesses of Ruposhi Bangla Hotel
The -au)t o- an organ"3at"on "s the most "mportant "nterna) pro*)ems that m"ght hamper the
gro!th rate to ta1e p)ace "n a compan+ Though Ruposh" 9ang)a "s a compan that has man
strengths *ut "t a)so as !e)) has some !ea1nesses o- "ts o!n+ The -o))o!"ng are a -e! o- the most
common !ea1nesses that Hote) Ruposh" 9ang)a has at the present t"me+
1. Old style structure
The rooms are st")) -urn"shed "n the same o)d 8' ears *ac1 st)e+ The rooms at th"s hote) are
/u"te sma)) and dated+ 9athroom "s a)so sma)) )oo1ed )"1e someone used "t+ The sho!er head !as
1"nd o- rust and ou got to ad>ust the co)d and !arm !ater ourse)-+ The !ater pressure !as not
good too+
. 0ace traffic .a* to reach the location
The Ruposh" 9ang)a Hote) has the great )ocat"on+ It "s the center o- c"t+ 9ut to reach the )ocat"on
ou can ta1e o%er an hour to get to -rom the a"rport "- the tra--"c "s there+ Somet"me "t can ta1e
more t"mes to reach the hote)+ The tra--"c a)!as "s "n Dha1a so ou ma as !e)) ma1e the e--ort+
So. "t can *e one o- the ma"n !ea1ness -or The Ruposh" 9ang)a Hote)+
$. ,'pensi(e to use internet
In the Hote) Ruposh" 9ang)a. Internet "s too e,pens"%e charged on hour) *as"s+ Rooms ha%e
!"red "nternet !h"ch "s charged and WIAI on) a%a")a*)e "n the )o**+ A)though "ts o*%"ous *ut
other hote)s "nc)ude "t "n the room rate+ Internet speed "s good "n the hote)+
1. Beha(e of reception staff is not cordial
The recept"on sta-- certa"n) "sn?t courteous+ The ha%e %er )"m"ted cho"ce and most o- !h"ch
are !"th %er poor recept"on /ua)"t+ The !eren?t com"ng -rom the proper educat"ona)
*ac1ground+ E,cept recept"on"st a)) sta-- "s %er much cord"a) !"th the guests+
/. Slo2 ser(ice
The room ser%"ce "s e,treme) s)o!+ The A6 does not seem to ha%e "nd"%"dua) contro)s+ The do
not ha%e a 8BC# house1eep"ng+ 9ed sheets and to!e)s st"n1s+ Do not ha%e proper !or)d c)ass
3. Lac# of natural scenery
You can not get the or"g"na) natura) scenar"o -rom the Hote) Ruposh" 9ang)a+ It "s surrounded *
the *u")d"ngs+ A)though ou can -"nd the Ramna 5ar1 *es"de one s"de o- the hote). *ut th"s "s not
4. 5olitical conflict
As "t "s )ocated near to the Sha*agh and 0n"%ers"t o- Dha1a. "t has to -ace some po)"t"ca)
o*stac)e+ Aor th"s reason. "t )oses the"r -ore"gn customers+ I th"n1 "t "s a)so a !ea1ness -or the
Hote) Ruposh" 9ang)a+
6. Hotel ta'is not al2ays a(aila!le
A)though ou can get the ta," -ac")"t"es "n the Hote) Ruposh" 9ang)a. *ut hote) ta," "s not
a%a")a*)e !hen ou !ant+
7+ It is not co*para!le to the e'isting 2orld standards
There "s no dou*t that Hote) Ruposh" 9ang)a "s !or)d standards. *ut to compete the !or)d the
has to restructure the rooms or "nc)ude some ne! "tems+
18. They do not ha(e casino
As "t "s a ' star hote) and !or)d )e%e). so the can "nc)ude the cas"no "n the"r ne! ser%"ce+
Opportunities of Ruposhi Bangla Hotel:
An organ"3at"on?s opportun"t"es are pos"t"%e e,terna) en%"ronmenta) -actors+ An organ"3at"on
shou)d e,p)ore a)) poss"*)e opportun"t"es a%a")a*)e to "t+ These opportun"t"es are "ntended to
"mpro%e the organ"3at"on+ 9 ma1"ng "mpro%ements. the organ"3at"on shou)d *e a*)e to *ecome
more compet"t"%e "n the mar1et+ The -o))o!"ng are opportun"t"es a%a")a*)e to Hote) Ruposh"
9ang)a "n order -or "t to *ecome more aggress"%e+
7+ 9:,ST S,R;I%,S
*usiness center
+ewspaper stand
./ hrs front desk
1ive entertainment
2%press check3in
"elcome drinks on arrival
Photo studio
+on3smoking rooms
*abysitting service
(afe deposit bo%es
1aundry service
4ry cleaning service
&oncierge service
)edical service
./ hrs security
*ellstand 5 porters
2%press check3out
4elu%e bath amenities
*athroom telephone
$+ B," 0,AT:R,S
6ing 5 7ueen si-e bed
8ollaway bed
&ribs 5 *aby cots 9on request:
1. ROO< 0,AT:R,S
&onnecting rooms
,oneymoon (uite
&lub ;oor rooms
Garden view rooms
Park view rooms
Pool view rooms
4i<erent types of suites.
+on3smoking ;oor
ron 5 roning board
0ree daily newspaper
"ake up service
n3room safe
0resh ;owers
8adio 5 Alarm &l
&uisine# "estern
4ress code# (emi3formal
,ours# =.>> pm ??.>> pm9&losed on 0ridays:
Atmosphere# 2legant
&uisine# $ea3co<ee and snacks
,ours# ?>.>> am ?>.>> pm
Atmosphere# 8ela%ed
(etting# 1ounge
&uisine# nternational
,ours# =.>> am ?>.>> pm
Atmosphere# &asual &o<ee (hop
&uisine# 8egional 5 nternational
,ours# @.A> am ?..>> am
Atmosphere# 8ela%ed B friendly
(etting# $hemed bu<et
&uisine# *ar menu
,ours# /.>> pm ?..>> pm 9&losed on 0ridays:
Atmosphere# 8ela%ed B casual
&uisine# $ea3co<ee, snacks and *ar )enu
4ress code# *usiness casual
,ours# ?>.>> am ?..>> am
Atmosphere# 8ela%ed
(etting# 1ounge
&uisine# talian
,ours# ?>.>> am ?>.>> pm
Atmosphere# 8ela%ed
(etting# &asual and informal
1. I=>ROO< "I=I=9
$ea3co<ee making facility
)ini bar
)icrowave oven 9in Presidential (uites:
0ruit basket
./ hrs room service
&uisine# $ea3co<ee and snacks
,ours# ?>.>> am ?>.>> pm
Atmosphere# 8ela%ed
(etting# 1ounge
&uisine# nternational
,ours# =.>> am ?>.>> pm
Atmosphere# &asual &o<ee (hop
1/. R,%R,ATIO= ? ,=T,RTAI=<,=T
(quash court
(team bath 5 room
$able tennis
1awn tennis
Outdoor pool
0itness facility 9@ am ??pm:
2%ecutive 1ounge
)assage treatment
13. ,=T,RTAI=<,=T
(atellite $elevision &hannels
1&4 5 124 $elevisions
14. SHO55I=9
&onvenience store
Gift shop
Painting store
(elf3driven car parking
Airport transfer by shuttle service
&ar rental service
1imousine service
17. B:SI=,SS S,R;I%,S
$ranslation service
(ecretarial service
&ash machine 9A$):
&opy 5 Print service
&urrency e%change
&omputer rental
8. I=T,R=,T A%%,SS
,igh speed internet access in all guest rooms
"0 internet access at meeting rooms and public areas
The )argest mu)t" purpose -unct"on room o- D&(( s/+-t can accommodate 7((( peop)e -or
meet"ngs and '(( peop)e "n *an/uet st)e+
$E(( s/+-t o- meet"ng and -unct"on space can accommodate B(( peop)e "n meet"ngs and 8'(
peop)e -or *an/uets+ In add"t"on. there "s a -oer o- 77D( s/+-t "n -ront o- the 9a))room to
-ac")"tate the e%ents
6on-erence room )ocated at the West W"ng+ It caters -or '( peop)e "n *an/uet st)e+
Another Conference room oc!te" !t the We#t W$n% !n" c!ter# for 1&'
(eo(e $n the!tre #t)e.
2*. +ALA,H - ,HIMUL
9oth cater -or $B peop)e at an standard meet"ng+
Da)"a "s a spac"ous *oardroom !"th com-orta*)e seat"ng arrangements -or 88 peop)e+
The posh mar*)e -)oor. h"gh e)e%at"on and spar1)"ng chande)"er ma1e th"s a mar%e)ous %enue -or
5ress 6on-erence and pr"%ate d"nners+
6. ,@,%:TI;, S:55ORT
Outlet adaptors
2%ecutive desk
4ata port
7. SA0,TA 0,AT:R,S
0ire alarm in the ;oors
(moke detectors
2lectronic lock
Threats of Hotel Ruposhi Bangla:
W"th the econom"c de%e)opment o- Hote) Ruposh" 9ang)a. Dha1a. the rap"d r"se o- the
surround"ng hote)s. a)) other hote)s ha%e sett)ed do!n "n 9ang)adesh. !h")e there are man
domest"c and "nternat"ona) hote) g"ants ee"ng the -ast gro!"ng mar1et "n 9ang)adesh+ L"1e other
gro!"ng *us"ness organ"3at"on Hote) Ruposh" 9ang)a. Dha1a has to -ace a )ot o- threats+
Spec"-"ca)). the are the -o))o!"ng:
1. %o*petition:
There are a*out s", -"%e star hote)s and man domest"c hote)s "n 9ang)adesh+ The -"%e star hote)s
are h"gh) compet"t"%e !"th each other+ To susta"n "n the mar1et a)) hote)s !ant to g"%e !"de
ser%"ce -ac")"t"es to "ts c)"ents+ So. th"s "s one o- the ma"n threats -or the hote) to susta"n "n the
The other -"%e star hote)s "n 9ang)adesh are:
?. Pan Paci'c (onargaon ,otel 4haka, *angladesh
.. 8adisson3blu "ater Garden ,otel 4haka, *angladesh
A. "estin ,otel 4haka, *angladesh
/. 4haka 8egency ,otel B 8esort, 4haka, *angladesh
C. (arina ,otel 4haka, *angladesh
@. (eagull ,otel &o%Ds *a-ar, *angladesh
A)) these hote)s are the compet"tor o- Ruposh" 9ang)a Hote) Dha1a+ A)) hote)s ha%e the"r
d"st"ngu"sh"ng -eatures o!n se)- to attract -ore"gn and domest"c customers+ And these hote)s are
rea)) a *"g threat -or the Ruposh" 9ang)a Hote) Dha1a+
. ,'pansion of econo*ic hotels:
The gradua) penetrat"on o- other econom"c hote) "s a)so the r"s1 -or the e,"st"ng hote)s+ Those
econom"c hote)s are e,pand"ng and penetrat"ng -re/uent)+ The pr"ce o- those econom"c hote)s "s
reasona*)e and the"r ser%"ces are cons"derate. !h"ch are -a%ora*) rece"%ed * the customer
resources o- m"dd)e and )o! c)ass+
A)though "t?s ma"n rep)acement target "s the hote) that -e!er than three star )e%e)s. the
d"str"*ut"on "n-)uence to!ards ord"nar *us"nessmen and the customer resources o- scatter"ng
customers !ho choose se)-:ass"sted tra%e)"ng cannot *e neg)ected+
$. 5olitical Tur!ulence:
5o)"t"ca) and other demonstrat"ons can /u"c1) turn %"o)ent "n 9ang)adesh+ In the past. man such
e%ents ha%e *ecome %"o)ent. !"th e,p)os"%es and -"rearms somet"mes *e"ng used+
5o)"t"ca) tur*u)ence reduces tour"st tra--"c and thus the *us"ness o- the hote)s+ Hote) "ndustr "n
9ang)adesh rea)) -aces man o*stac)es -or the po)"t"ca) "nsta*")"t+ Aor po)"t"ca) d"sorder. str"1e.
)ac1 o- sta*)e *us"ness "n%estment tour"sts ma not "nterested to come "n 9ang)adesh and -or th"s
the hote) author"t"es ha%e to count )osses+ So th"s "s a *"g threat -or Ruposh" 9ang)a Hote)
B+ Locat"on:
Though the hote) "s )ocated a)most "n the center o- the Dha1a c"t *ut -or cons"der"ng the -ore"gn
guests "t "s o*%"ous) a great d"sad%antage that the hote) "s -ar a!a -rom the A"rport+ It "s more
con%en"ent -or the guest to chec1 "n and out FDha1a Regenc Hote) G Resort. 9ang)adesh? and
FRad"sson:*)u Water Garden Hote) Dha1a. 9ang)adesh? than Ruposh" 9ang)a Hote) Dha1a as the
t!o hote)s are so near to A"rport+ Aore"gn 5eop)e can a%o"d tra--"c >am o- Dha1a c"t a-ter )ong
>ourne "- the choose e"ther FDha1a Regenc Hote) G Resort. 9ang)adesh? or FRad"sson:*)u
Water Garden Hote) Dha1a. 9ang)adesh?+ A)so F5an 5ac"-"c Sonargaon Hote) Dha1a? "s p)aced
*es"de o- Ruposh" 9ang)a hote)+ 6)"ents ma )"1e to sta F5an 5ac"-"c Sonargaon Hote)? "nstead
o- FRuposh" *ang)a hote)?+
/. Traffic Ba* in "ha#a city:
The o%era)) tra--"c sstem o- Dha1a c"t "s *ecome poor da * da+ It "s rea)) a *ad e,per"ence
-or -ore"gn tour"sts to -ace tra--"c >am -or un)"m"ted t"me a-ter )ong p)ane >ourne+ So somet"mes
the ma )ose "nterest to come "n 9ang)adesh and as a resu)t reduces the hote) *us"ness pro*)em+
3. Terroris*:
Terror"sm has assumed ser"ous d"mens"ons a-ter the Septem*er :77 attac1 on the t!"n to!ers o-
Wor)d Trade 6entre "n 0n"ted States o- Amer"ca+ So. there "s a genera) threat -rom terror"sm -or
hote) "ndustr+ Attac1s cannot *e ru)ed out and cou)d *e "nd"scr"m"nate. "nc)ud"ng "n p)aces
-re/uented * e,patr"ates and -ore"gn tra%e)ers+ Armed ro**er. p"c1 poc1et"ng. and purse
snatch"ng are common to 9ang)adesh+ Terror"sm "s one o- the )argest threats -or hote) "ndustr
and Hote) Ruposh" 9ang)a Dha1a "s not -ree -rom th"s threat+
Terror"sts not on) 1")) peop)e *ut a)so ser"ous) damage "n-rastructure. -ame and u)t"mate)
destro the con-"dence o- *oth the common peop)e and "n%estors+ There are a*out 78 m")"tant
organ"3at"ons "n 9ang)adesh+ Some o- them are Har1at:u) H"had Is)am" ;HuHI< 9ang)adesh.
Hamaat:u) 2u>ah"deen 9ang)adesh ;H29<. Hagrata 2us)"m Hanata 9ang)adesh ;H2H9<. Shahadat:
e:a) Ha/"ma ;SAH<. H"3*ut Touh"d. Is)am" Sama>. 0)ema An>uman a) 9a""naat. H"3*:ut Tahr"r.
Is)am"c Democrat"c 5art. Touh"d Trust. Tam"r ud:Deen. A))a?r Da)+ These groups are comp)ete)
proh"*"ted -rom 9ang)adesh" 5o)"t"cs+ Somet"mes the *ecome more dangerous to -u)-")) the"r
demands+ Acts )"1e the August 8((' ser"a) *om*"ngs. cons"st"ng o- near) B(( s"mu)taneous
*om*s "n a)) *ut one d"str"ct "n 9ang)adesh. and attac1s on prom"nent persons "n 8((B:8(('
*rought terror"sm "n 9ang)adesh onto "nternat"ona) radar screens+ So. terror"sm "s a ser"ous threat
-or tour"sm "ndustr as !e)) as -or hote) "ndustr+
Hote) has to spend enough mone to ta1e %ar"ous tpe secur"t steps to a%o"d terror"st attac1+
Lac1 o- po)"t"ca) sta*")"t 9ang)adesh "s "n h"gh r"s1 -or an tpe o- terror"st attac1+ I- a terror"st
attac1 ta1es p)ace "n an hote) then "t has to strugg)e to *ac1 "n *us"ness as the customers ma
-ee) "nsecure to sta o%ern"ght. !h"ch )eads enormous )oss -or the Hote) o!ners+
4. =atural "isaster
The c)"mate "n 9ang)adesh "s su*:trop"ca) and go%erned * monsoon !"nds+ E,treme !eather
ep"sodes such as cc)ones can occur+ In the monsoon season. !h"ch "s norma)) -rom Hune to
Septem*er. there "s !"despread and e,tens"%e -)ood"ng+
Th"s can d"srupt tra%e) part"cu)ar) "n rura) areas+ A)so 9ang)adesh "s )ocated "n a h"gh:r"s1
earth/ua1e 3one+ The countr )"es on a ma>or geo)og"ca) -au)t )"ne+ 9ang)adesh can *e a--ected
* tsunam"s+ Thus "t "s a *"g threat -or Ruposh" 9ang)a Hote) as "n the *ad !eather cond"t"on
tour"sts ma not "nterested to %"s"t 9ang)adesh+
6. 0ire threat
A"re sa-et "s a ma>or concern -or an organ"3at"on+ No -"%e star hote)s can sur%"%e !"thout
proper -"re -"ght"ng sstem+ It has to spent more mone to esta*)"sh the sstem to protect "ts
assets and customer?s )"%es -rom sudden -"re acc"dent+ A"r"ng ma *e occurred -rom !o%en.
-au)t e)ectr"c e/u"pment. short c"rcu"t "n e)ectr"c )"ne. c"garettes and so on+ Once such tpe o-
acc"dent "s occurred the "mage o- the hote) ma *e -a))en do!n and customer ma not choose the
hote) aga"n+ 2oreo%er o!ner has to -ace )ots o- -"nanc"a) cr"s"s+
7. 9o(t. rules and regulation
Hote) 9us"ness ma *e a--ected * go%t+ ru)es and regu)at"on a)so+ Somet"mes hote) author"t"es
ma -a") to o--er d"st"ngu"sh"ng ser%"ces accord"ng to customer?s re/u"rement to -o))o! ru)es and
regu)at"on pro%"ded * Go%ernment+ And Ruposh" 9ang)a hote) ha%e to -ace th"s tpes o-
pro*)em %er -re/uent)+
18+ Lac# of !rand i*age:
Hust one ear ago Ruposh" 9ang)a Hote) Dha1a !as under cha"n o- Star!ood Hote) named
Dha1a Sheraton Hote) 9ang)adesh !h"ch "s the )argest and o)dest *rand "n the !or)d+ Aore"gn
regu)ar customers o- Sheraton Hote) ma not choose Ruposh" 9ang)a Hote)+ So. the hote) ma
)ose "ts potent"a) customers due to )ac1 o- "ts *rand "mage and "t "s rea)) a threat -or the hote)+
11. Others
There are some other e,terna) -actors such as poor econom"c cond"t"on o- 9ang)adesh. )ac1 o-
tour"sm de%e)opment "n 9ang)adesh. )ac1 o- s1"))ed manpo!er. cu)ture o- 9ang)adesh. sudden
*ad e,per"ence o- a -ore"gn c)"ent. )ac1 o- de%e)opment o- "ndustr"a) sector o- 9ang)adesh etc+
ha%e a d"rect and "nd"rect negat"%e "mpact on the hote) *us"ness+ A)) these are a)so treated as
threat -or Ruposh" 9ang)a hote) Dha1a+
It "s a )arge organ"3at"on and *an1"ng "s a comp)e, and comprehens"%e tas1+ So "t "s d"--"cu)t -or
me. * m "nsu--"c"ent 1no!)edge. to recommend so)%"ng the pro*)ems+ 9ut as an ee!"tness o-
some pro*)ems I can >ust g"%e some "nstruct"ons. !h"ch ma *e -o))o!ed+So -or the "mpro%ement
o- the ser%"ce the -o))o!"ng measures ma *e ta1en:
1. Hotel RuposhiBangla should change their old structure roo*) !athroo* or
other facilities.
. Internet ser(ice should !e free for the custo*ers or it can charge the 2ith
roo* rate.
$. To i*pro(e the !eha(ior of reception staff) *anager can ta#e a training
progra* a!out ho2 to !eha(e 2ith custo*ers.
1. Ta'i should !e a(aila!le for the de*and of custo*ers.
/. To protect the any type conflict security should !e al2ays alert.
3. They can gi(e *ore 9ifts and "iscounts for the 5re*iu* %usto*ers.
4. To #eep the !rand i*age) they should not change the na*e again and again.
6. Should ha(e po2er !ac#>up syste* to #eep the roo* A% 2or#ing
No!:a:das *us"ness does not mean >ust se))"ng and purchas"ng the products or ser%"ces+ Th"s "s
%er "mportant to conduct the *us"ness "n an organ"3ed and e--ect"%e manner+ No! /uest"ons
ar"se that ho! !e can ma1e th"s *us"ness process e--ect"%e+ 6ustomer?s ser%"ces can *e a *"gger
so)ut"on "n the hote) sector+ 2ore then that ma"nta"n"ng a sat"s-actor )e%e) o- customer
sat"s-act"on m"ght ma1e the hote) ser%"ce process a )ot more progress"%e+ As !e a)) 1no! "n the
hote) *us"ness !or)d th"ngs mo%e on the !")) o- "mpress"on+ In sp"te o- a)) )"m"tat"ons Hotel
Ruposhi Bangla st")) do"ng *etter and ho)d"ng a good percentage o- mar1et shares "n hote)
"ndustr. on) *ecause o- "ts *est "mpress"on. *rand %a)ue. per-ormance and trust o- "ts c)"ents+
Hote) Ruposh" 9ang)a has to 1eep strengths through o%ercom"ng the"r !ea1nesses+ The a)so
ha%e to a)ert a*out the"r threats !h"ch can %er "mportant -or the"r susta"na*")"t+ 6reate ne!
opportun"t"es !"th the e,"st"ng to g"%e *etter ser%"ce to the customers+ So. -"na)) !e can sa that
SWOT ana)s"s "s a "mportant part -or e%er organ"3at"on )"1e Ruposh" 9ang)a Hote)+