Understanding EMC Basics Webinar 3 of 3 Handout

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Understanding EMC Basics: Grounding, Immunity, Overviews of

Emissions and Immunity, and Crosstalk

Keith Armstrong
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Understanding EMC Basics series
Webinar #3 of 3, August 28, 2013
Grounding, Immunity, Overviews of
Emissions and Immunity, and Crosstalk
Presenter Contact Info
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.cherryclough.com
EurIng Keith Armstrong
Contents of Webinar #3 Contents of Webinar #3
Topics 1 through 9 were covered by the previous two webinars in this
series, and can be downloaded from Interference Technologys website
Im sorry, but I made an error in the title!
Overview of Emissions was covered in Webinar #2
10. Safety earthing/grounding does not help EMC at RF
11. Non-linearity, demodulation and intermodulation
12. Three interference mechanisms
13. Overview of RF immunity
14. Internal EMC , crosstalk, SI, PI, and saving time and cost
15. Some useful formulae and references
Understanding EMC Basics
10 10
Safety e Safety earthing/grounding arthing/grounding Safety e Safety earthing/grounding arthing/grounding
does not help EMC at RF does not help EMC at RF
Safety earthing (grounding) Safety earthing (grounding)
does not help EMC at RF does not help EMC at RF
So far in this series I havent mentioned grounding
because these terms are so widely misused and
misunderstood that it is best to use them only for safety,
and never for circuit design or EMC
Wired connections to the protective (safety) earth
have little effect at frequencies >100kHz...
because they have far too much inductance
and are also accidental antennas, just like all other wires
and other conductors (see Webinar #2)
The idea that Earthing or The idea that Earthing or
Grounding is an infinite sink for Grounding is an infinite sink for
unwanted currents , is a fallacy unwanted currents , is a fallacy
Because according to all the Laws of Physics
(Maxwells, Ampres, Conservation of Energy, etc.) any/all DM
d CM t l fl i l d l and CM currents can only flow in closed loops
and so and grounds ( earths ) only carry current when
they are part of a circuit loop
there can be no such thing as a sink for unwanted currents
So what must we use for our RF Ground?
and how should we electrically connect (bond) to it?
The only effective RF Ground The only effective RF Ground
is what I call an is what I call an RF Reference RF Reference
This is a conductive area, as large as possible,
e.g. a chassis, or a 0V plane in a PCB...
or the inside surface of a conductive enclosure
the better the shielding, the better its RF Reference
And is very close by...
<</10 at the highest frequency of concern, i.e. << 30/f
much closer spacing is better, i.e. << /100, i.e. << 3/f
spacing in metres, if f
is given in MHz
spacing in mm if f
is given in GHz
Understanding EMC Basics: Grounding, Immunity, Overviews of
Emissions and Immunity, and Crosstalk
Keith Armstrong
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Grounding to an RF Reference Grounding to an RF Reference
Plane is called RF Bonding Plane is called RF Bonding
and should achieve <<1 at f
Direct metal-to-metal connections give the best
RF-bonds (i.e. the lowest impedances at f
where two conductive parts are to be joined, they should p j , y
be RF-bonded at multiple points equally spaced </10
apart along the entire perimeter of the seam or joint
single-point RF-bonding cannot work, it just creates resonances...
ideally, use using seam-welding, seam-soldering, or a
continuous conductive gasket all around the perimeter...
although multiple wide braid straps <150mm long spaced
</10 apart might be OK but probably << 100MHz
Understanding EMC Basics
11 11
Non Non linearity demodulation linearity demodulation Non Non--linearity, demodulation linearity, demodulation
and intermodulation and intermodulation
All the previous slides, in this and the All the previous slides, in this and the
previous 2 Webinars in this series, are previous 2 Webinars in this series, are
equally valid for emissions equally valid for emissions and and immunity... immunity...
because they are all concerned with controlling the
propagation of E, H and EM fields...
that we generally call: electrical signals and power...
and these techniques are equally valid for controlling
RF emissions and immunity at the same time
However, the following slides cover some
additional topics that we have to cover...
that concern RF immunity only
Output Output
And these are: non And these are: non- -linearity, linearity,
demodulation and intermodulation demodulation and intermodulation
In a linear material the output is linearly
proportional to the input
But all semiconductors
are non-linear
Input Input
are non-linear
as are some oxidised
electrical connections
so they tend to rectify AC
signals (including RF)
in a radio receiver this is
called demodulation,
or detection, and we want it
Example of a slow opamp rectifying Example of a slow opamp rectifying
(demodulating) (demodulating) the 1kHz modulation of radio the 1kHz modulation of radio
frequencies up to 1,000MHz frequencies up to 1,000MHz
A radiated-field immunity test on a simple
opamp circuit (using an LM324, GBW=1MHz)
Using an RF test signal
ith 1kH d l ti
% error
with 1kHz modulation
Product specification
(0.1% = -60dB = 10 bits)
200 400 600 800 1,000
Non Non- -linearity, demodulation linearity, demodulation
and intermodulation and intermodulation continued continued
Where two or more frequencies are simultaneously
present in a non-linear device
new frequencies are created from their sums and new frequencies are created from their sums and
and then from the sums and differences of these new
frequencies (and so on)
it gets very complicated indeed when there are more than
three frequencies present at the same time
Understanding EMC Basics: Grounding, Immunity, Overviews of
Emissions and Immunity, and Crosstalk
Keith Armstrong
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dB dB
Demodulation and intermodulation Demodulation and intermodulation
create create new new frequencies frequencies inside circuits inside circuits
The original voltage or current
noises in a circuit from external RF
fields at two different frequencies
f1 f1
f2 f2
00 200 200 400 400 600 600 800 800 1000 1000
(in the baseband)
f1+f2 f1+f2 f2 f2- -f1 f1
2f2 2f2--f1 f1 2f1 2f1--f2 f2
2f2 2f2 2f1 2f1
Some of the many
Spectrum of two RF signals at 850 and 875MHz both input to a Spectrum of two RF signals at 850 and 875MHz both input to a
perfect diode, simulated 10MHz to 35GHz, 20dB/division perfect diode, simulated 10MHz to 35GHz, 20dB/division
order IPs at 6dBc
order IPs at 12dBc
, 4
, 5
, etc., IPs
The two input signals
Their 2
, 3
, 4
, etc., harmonics
at progressively lower levels
, 4
, 5
, etc., IPs
Understanding EMC basics
12 12
The 3 interference mechanisms The 3 interference mechanisms
High DC bias shifts
Can prevent transistors
(hence their circuits)
from working correctly
Permanent damage
To semiconductors and other
components, by overvoltage,
over-dissipation, etc.
Couple to conductors
Causing noise currents and voltages
EM phenomena in the environment
Conducted, radiated, continuous, transient, etc.
The three interference mechanisms The three interference mechanisms
g y
Direct interference
With the waveforms of clocks
and other digital signals,
and with software processes
Noise in the signal
In the frequency range of the wanted
signals, especially analogue: audio,
video, instrumentation, etc.
Demodulation (rectification)
Non-linearities produce base-
band noise and harmonics
Generally increasing magnitude of EMI
Non-linearities create new noise
frequencies: the sums and differences
of all the noise frequencies,
and of their harmonics
An example of An example of intermodulation intermodulation
Conventional (single frequency) RF immunity testing
over the range 150kHz - 1GHz reveals susceptibility
over 50 - 200MHz
shielding and filtering that is effective over 50 - 200MHz
is added, and the equipment now passes that test , q p p
But no protection was added from 200MHz - 1GHz
allowing simultaneous frequencies in this range,
in the real-life EM environment, to enter the equipment
and intermodulate inside its devices...
creating internal noises within the susceptible range
(50 - 200MHz), causing immunity problems
Understanding EMC Basics: Grounding, Immunity, Overviews of
Emissions and Immunity, and Crosstalk
Keith Armstrong
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Understanding EMC Basics
13 13
Overview of RF immunity Overview of RF immunity
All semiconductor circuits All semiconductor circuits
are really accidental radio tuners are really accidental radio tuners
For immunity, all electronics can be thought of as
many tens of thousands (maybe millions)
of accidental demodulators (rectifiers)
and accidental superheterodynes (intermodulators) and accidental superheterodynes (intermodulators)
i.e. the diodes and transistors in ICs and power devices
coupled to thousands of tuned antennas....
e.g. PCB traces, wires and cables, metal structures, slots
and gaps in shielded enclosure, etc....
all of which have resonant frequencies (that depend on
their dimensions, build conditions, terminations, routing,
and proximity to other conductors and materials)
Understanding EMC Basics
14 14
Internal EMC crosstalk SI PI Internal EMC crosstalk SI PI Internal EMC , crosstalk, SI, PI, Internal EMC , crosstalk, SI, PI,
and saving time and cost and saving time and cost
Crosstalk and other EM interactions Crosstalk and other EM interactions
inside inside equipment equipment
For EMC compliance we are only concerned with
the EM interactions between an item of equipment
and its external environment
B t EM i t ti l b t d i But EM interactions also occur between devices,
traces and wires inside an item of equipment
and we care about these because they affect the number
of design iterations and time-to-market
and we also care because they can affect reliability
and warranty costs
we might call this issue: internal EMC
Electromagnetic Compatibility
Internal EMC
External EMC
The real world of external
S/N ratio
Noise margin
The real world of external
EMC Eye closure
Clock jitter
Power integrity
Signal integrity
Etc., etc....
EMC test laboratory
Crosstalk and other EM interactions Crosstalk and other EM interactions
inside inside equipment equipment continued continued
The material in this series of three webinars applies
equally well whether the issue is external or
internal EMC
Internal EM interactions are traditionally called Internal EM interactions are traditionally called
and analysed in terms of stray capacitance and stray
mutual inductance
i.e. a Lumped Analysis approach
which only works when the victim is in the near-field
of the E of H field emissions from the noise source
Understanding EMC Basics: Grounding, Immunity, Overviews of
Emissions and Immunity, and Crosstalk
Keith Armstrong
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Crosstalk and other EM interactions Crosstalk and other EM interactions
inside inside equipment equipment continued continued
But this traditional crosstalk approach is often
inadequate for modern designs
because the high frequencies we now employ (e.g. clock
harmonics) have such short wavelengths that parts of harmonics) have such short wavelengths that parts of
the inside of the equipment are in their far field
and the wires and cables inside an equipment; PCB
traces; heatsinks and even devices themselves, can
behave as resonant accidental antennas
and far-field EM interactions cannot be estimated by
using lumped analysis methods (see Webinar #1)
Using good EMC design techniques Using good EMC design techniques
throughout a project, throughout a project, e.g e.g
in choosing components, circuit design, software
design, PCB design and layout, cables and connectors,
mechanical packaging, etc.
as well as the usual EMC shielding and filtering
controls Internal EMC and External EMC, reducing
project costs and timescales
by reducing the number of design iterations that achieves the
functional specs, reliability and regulatory approval
product overall cost of manufacture
by reducing the cost of the filtering and shielding
required to achieve regulatory approvals
Understanding EMC basics
15 15
Some useful formulae Some useful formulae Some useful formulae Some useful formulae
and references and references
Very simplified formulae for emissions Very simplified formulae for emissions
DM. For current in a loop the maximum possible far-field E-field emission (maximised
by varying antenna height over a groundplane as per normal OATS emissions-testing
method) occurs when the diameter is /2 (or an integer multiple of /2) at:
E = 263 10
A I) V/m
E = electric field in Volts/metre
f = frequency in Hz
A = loop area in square metres
I = the loops differential-mode current in Amps
R = measurement distance from loop in metres
E = 1.26 10
(f L I) V/m
CM. For a monopole (wire perpendicular to large 0V plane) the max possible E-field
emission (maximised by varying antenna height over a groundplane as per normal
emissions-testing method) occurs when the length L is /4 (or integer multiple of /4) at:
R = measurement distance from loop in metres
(divide result by 2 for free-space emissions)
E = electric field in Volts/metre
f = frequency in Hz
L = length of wire in metres
I = the wires common-mode current in Amps
R = measurement distance from wire in metres
(divide result by 2 for free-space emissions)
E.g. For 10m OATS Class B 230MHz: 3.3A CM max. For Class A: 10.5A CM max
Simplified formulae for DM voltage noise Simplified formulae for DM voltage noise
pick pick- -up from external up from external EE and and HH fields fields
For a small circular loop (max dimension /2) the maximum possible differential-
mode voltage induced in it by an external H field is:
= 8 10
(f H A) Volts
= the loops induced differential-mode voltage
f = frequency in Hz
H= the external magnetic field in Amps/metre
A = the loops area in square metres
/4 gives the max. voltage in any size of loop, so V
=60 H or (5.73)10
For a small loop (max dimension </2) the maximum possible differential-mode
voltage induced in it by an external E field is same as the above equation divided
by 377 (the impedance of free space, in ohms):
= 2.1 10
(f E A) Volts
= the loops induced differential-mode voltage
f = frequency in Hz
E = the external electric field in Volts/metre
A = the loops area in square metres
For the induced DM current in the loop, divide the induced voltage by the circuit loops (complex)
impedance (vector calculation finds the phase angle between the induced current and voltage)
/4 gives the max. voltage in any size of loop, so V
=E /2 or (1.5)10
Simplified formulae for CM voltage noise Simplified formulae for CM voltage noise
pick pick--up from external up from external EE fields fields continued... continued...
= E L Volts
For a short monopole (wire perpendicular to reference plane, maximum length /4)
the maximum possible common-mode voltage induced by an external E field is:
V= the induced common-mode voltage in Volts
E = the external electric field in Volts/metre
L = the length of the wire in metres
L = /4 gives the highest voltage possible in a length, so V
=E /4 or (0.75)10
For a small loop (max dimension </4) the maximum possible
common-mode voltage induced in it by an external E field is:
V= the induced common-mode voltage in Volts
E = the external electric field in Volts/metre
A = loop area in square metres
= the wavelength of the external electric field
(For a given loop, this gives the same V
(in V) as I
(in A)
= E 2 A Volts

For the induced CM current, divide the CM voltage by the (complex) CM impedance of the affected circuit
(vector calculation finds the phase angle between the induced current and the induced voltage)
/4 gives the highest voltage possible in any loop, so V
=E /4 or (0.75)10
Understanding EMC Basics: Grounding, Immunity, Overviews of
Emissions and Immunity, and Crosstalk
Keith Armstrong
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Some useful references Some useful references
The Physical Basis of EMC
Keith Armstrong, Nutwood UK October 2010
ISBN: 978-0-9555118-3-7, full colour graphics throughout
order from www.emcacademy.org/books.asp (NOT available from Amazon!)
provides an understanding of electromagnetic phenomena, in a way that
can be easily understood by practising electronic engineers.
Ch t 2 f b k " EMC D i T h i f l t i i " Chapter 2 of my book " EMC Design Techniques for electronic engineers"
(below) is the complete text of this book, so don't purchase both of them!
EMC Design Techniques for electronic engineers,
Chapter 2, Keith Armstrong, Nutwood UK November 2010
ISBN: 978-0-9555118-4-4, full colour graphics throughout
order from www.emcacademy.org/books.asp (NOT available from Amazon!)
covers all electronic applications, with a practical approach to good EMC
design practices proven over many years in real life to save time and cost,
reduce time-to-market, and reduce warranty costs and financial risks
Some useful references Some useful references continued continued
EMC for Product Designers 3rd edition
Tim Williams (Newnes, 2001 ISBN 0-7506-4930-5)
Chapter 5 and Appendix C
or 4th Edition, Newnes 2007, 0-7506-8170-5,
Chapters 1-3 and Appendix D
Clemson University Vehicular Electronics
Laboratory: www.cvel.clemson.edu/emc/
an introduction to EMC,
plus some useful EMC calculation tools
A reference for the Skin Depth formula
and properties of numerous metals
Understanding EMC Basics series
Webinar #3 of 3, August 28, 2013
Grounding, Immunity, Overviews of Emissions
and Immunity, and Crosstalk
the end the end the end the end
Presenter Contact Info
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.cherryclough.com
the end the end the end the end

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