The document outlines a course on church growth. It discusses the importance of churches demonstrating healthy growth and revitalization. It lists course objectives of understanding biblical principles of growth, strategies for healthy churches, and overcoming barriers. Requirements include readings, participation, and a research paper on a student's church revitalization plan.
The document outlines a course on church growth. It discusses the importance of churches demonstrating healthy growth and revitalization. It lists course objectives of understanding biblical principles of growth, strategies for healthy churches, and overcoming barriers. Requirements include readings, participation, and a research paper on a student's church revitalization plan.
The document outlines a course on church growth. It discusses the importance of churches demonstrating healthy growth and revitalization. It lists course objectives of understanding biblical principles of growth, strategies for healthy churches, and overcoming barriers. Requirements include readings, participation, and a research paper on a student's church revitalization plan.
The document outlines a course on church growth. It discusses the importance of churches demonstrating healthy growth and revitalization. It lists course objectives of understanding biblical principles of growth, strategies for healthy churches, and overcoming barriers. Requirements include readings, participation, and a research paper on a student's church revitalization plan.
Spring 2012 Term: February 28 ~ March 2 Dr. Robert Leslie Holmes
Course Description
When congregations are healthy, they grow the way God intends. Healthy churches dont need gimmicks to grow--they grow naturally, writes Rick Warren (The Purpose Driven Church, Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publishing House, 1995, p.17). A local church is the nearest thing to the body of Christ that some people will ever see, therefore it is vitally important that local churches demonstrate growth that bears witness to being healthy. This is true even in difficult environments (see, e.g., 1 Thessalonians 1:5-8). Reality is, however, that in many places around the world churches are not manifesting this healthy growth. Many churches, including formerly strong bodies are, in fact, declining while others are growing in ways that are not healthy. This course focuses on how churches can demonstrate both spiritual and numerical growth.
We will examine the biblical and theological principles for church revitalization from a Reformed perspective. Simultaneously, the course will examine biblical paradigms, strategies, church leadership, and practical applications for healthy church growth both in terms of local congregations and leadership. This course will be studied from the following four perspectives that fit the RTS Doctor of Ministries/ICS requirements:
First, this course is a historical study. - Students will be exposed to several principles and issues related to healthy church growth and revitalization through both Western Church history and Korean Church history.
Second, the course is a theological study. - Students will be exposed to several principles and issues for church revitalization and growth from a Reformed theological perspective.
Third, the course is a missiological study. - Students will be exposed to several principles and issues for healthy church revitalization and growth from a missiological perspective.
Fourth, the course is a practical study. Students will be exposed to several principles and issues for healthy church revitalization and growth by way of studying several selected healthy revitalizing and growing church examples.
Course Objectives
There are five objectives for this course. They are:
1. To assist students in attaining a general comprehension of biblical principles of healthy church revitalization and growth based on a Reformed theological perspective. 2. To assist students to adhere strictly to a proper understanding and direction for healthy church revitalization and growth through both Western Church and Korean Church history. 3. To assist students in providing biblical strategies and practical church cases for healthy church revitalization and growth in order to develop healthy pastoral ministries. 4. To assist students to overcome barriers and critical issues for healthy church revitalization and growth adhering to the biblical concept of healthy churches and healthy leadership. 5. To assist students in providing a missiological perspective for healthy church revitalization and growth.
Course Requirements
Required texts: Clowney, Edmund P. , 1995. The Church, InterVarsity Press . (IVP) 383 pgs
Hiebert, Paul G, 1997. Anthropological Insights for Missionaries, Baker Book House Company . () 448 pgs
Sanders, J. Oswald, 1994. Spiritual Leadership, Chicago: Moody Press J. . () 250 pgs J. . () 267 pgs
Finzel, Hans, 2007. The Top Ten Mistakes Leaders Make, Colorado Springs: David C. Cook . 10 ( ) 224 pgs
Reading: Students must read the required books
Class participation: Students must participate in class discussions and presentations
Research paper: Each student must prepare a 20 page paper on a topic related to healthy church revitalization and growth. This paper should reflect the following qualities: 1. A thoughtful evaluation of the students own local church experience with special reference to Stotts book as to the students assessment of which church best represents his church now 2. Evaluation of past strengths and weaknesses 3. A five-year plan for the healthy revitalization and growth of the students current church setting with a clear focus on a Reformed theological and missiological perspective
Course subjects:
Introductions and Course Orientation Why God Established the Church His World Korea in Particular What Christ Looks for in His Church The Place of Prayer The Leaders Personal and Public Life Developing Gods Vision for Your Church Why Excellence is the Only Way The Who, What, Why, Where, and How of Healthy Worship Engaging God in Our Worship: Four Delicate Tensions ...Worship and Preaching that Brings Forth Healthy Revitalization and Growth The Fellowship of the Believers: What Use Is It? Engaging and Empowering the Laity: Recognizing and releasing Spiritual Gifs Servant Evangelism: Developing the Passion, Plan, Personnel, and Power Becoming a Globally Engaged Church Writing Your Course Research Paper