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1. A nurse is caring for a client with pneumonia who has a history of bleeding esophageal
varices. Based on this information, the nurse plans care, knowing that it is important to

2. A nurse is reviewing the health care providers prescriptions written for a client
admitted with prescription would the nurse verify if noted on the client's chart?
Position the client supine and flat.

3. After a liver biopsy, the nurse places the client in which of the following positions?
A left side-lying position with a small pillow or folded towel under the
puncture site

4. A nurse will be providing postprocedure care to a client who has undergone
esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD). The nurse would plan to do which of the following
first once the client arrives?
Monitor for return of the gag reflex

5. A nurse is performing colostomy irrigation on a client. During the irrigation, the client
begins to complain of abdominal cramps. Which of the following is the appropriate
nursing action?
Stop the irrigation temporarily.

6. A client is scheduled for an endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP).
The nurse includes which intervention in the plan of care for the client?
After the procedure, keep client nothing by mouth (NPO) until the gag reflex

7. A client has undergone esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD). The nurse places highest
priority on which of the following items as part of the client's care plan?
Checking for return of a gag reflex

8. A nurse is monitoring a client for the early signs and symptoms of dumping syndrome.
Which of the following symptoms indicate this occurrence?
Sweating and pallor

9. A client with a history of gastrointestinal upset has been diagnosed with acute
diverticulitis. To aid the client in symptom management, the nurse suggests foods that
are on which of the following diets?
A low-fiber diet

10. A client arrives at the emergency department and complains of severe abdominal pain.
The initial diagnosis is acute abdomen, and an x-ray and an abdominal ultrasonogram
are prescribed to be obtained immediately. The nurse prepares the client for these
diagnostic tests and reviews the health care provider's prescriptions. Which of the
following prescriptions would the nurse question if written on the health care provider's
prescription form?
Administration of an analgesic

11. A client with ascites is scheduled for a paracentesis. The nurse is assisting the health
care provider in performing the procedure. Which of the following positions will the
nurse assist the client to assume for this procedure?

12. A nurse is evaluating the effect of dietary counseling on the client with cholecystitis. The
nurse determines that the client understands the instructions given if the client states
that which food item is acceptable to include in the diet?
Turkey and lettuce sandwich

13. A nurse documents that a client with a hiatal hernia is implementing effective health
maintenance measures after the client reports doing which of the following?
Eating low-fat or nonfat foods

14. A nurse is teaching a client with a newly diagnosed hiatal hernia about measures to
prevent recurrence of symptoms. Which statement would be included in the teaching?
"Be sure to sleep with your head elevated in bed."

15. A nurse is providing post-procedure teaching after a client underwent an upper
gastrointestinal (GI) series. The nurse reminds the client that the stools will remain
white for approximately:
1 to 2 days

16. A client being seen in a health care provider's office has just been scheduled for a
barium swallow the next day. The nurse writes down which of the following instructions
for the client to follow before the test?
"Remove jewelry before the test."

17. A client diagnosed with pernicious anemia asks the nurse what caused the deficiency.
The nurse replies that it is likely a result of which of the following conditions that is part
of the client's health history?

18. A client is admitted to the hospital with acute viral hepatitis. Which signs or symptoms
would the nurse expect to note, based upon this diagnosis?

19. A post-gastrectomy client is at high risk for hyperglycemia related to uncontrolled
gastric emptying of fluid and food into the small intestine (dumping syndrome). Because
of this risk, the nurse plans to monitor the:
Postprandial blood glucose readings

20. A nurse is reinforcing dietary instructions to a client with peptic ulcer disease. The nurse
encourages the client to:
Eat anything as long as it does not aggravate or cause pain.

21. A nurse is reviewing the record of a client with Crohn's disease. Which of the following
stool characteristics would the nurse expect to see documented in the record?

22. A postgastrectomy client who is being discharged from the hospital tells the nurse, "I
hope my stomach problems are over. I need to get back to work right away. I've missed
a lot of work and I'm really behind. If I don't get my act together, I may lose my job."
Based on the client's statement, the nurse determines that at this time, it is appropriate
to discuss:
Reducing stressors in life

23. A nurse is providing dietary instructions to a client with peptic ulcer disease. The nurse
tells the client to:
Eat anything that does not aggravate or cause pain.

24. A client complains of stomach pain 30 minutes to 1 hour after eating. The pain is not
relieved by further intake of food, although it is relieved by vomiting, and a gastric ulcer
is suspected. The nurse should gather which of the following additional supportive data
for this diagnosis from the client?
History of alcohol use, smoking, and weight loss

25. A nurse is providing medication instructions to a client with peptic ulcer disease. Which
of the following represents correct information given by the nurse?
Cimetidine (Tagamet) results in decreased secretion of stomach acid.

26. A nurse who is providing instructions to a client following gastric resection would
include which of the following suggestions?
Take action to prevent dumping syndrome.

27. A nurse gathers data from a client admitted tothe hospital with gastroesophageal reflux
disease (GERD) who is scheduled for a Nissen fundoplication. Based on an
understanding of this disease, the nurse determines that the client may be at risk for
which complication?

28. A nurse is working with a client diagnosed with anorexia nervosa. The nurse plans care,
focusing on which of the following as the primary problem?
Impaired nutritional status

29. A client who has undergone a subtotal gastrectomy is being prepared for discharge.
Which item concerning ongoing self- management should the nurse reinforce to the
Smaller and more frequent meals should be eaten.

30. A nurse is getting a client who underwent umbilical hernia repair ready for discharge.
The nurse tells the client that it is important to continue to do which of the following
after discharge?
Avoid coughing.

31. A client with peptic ulcer disease is scheduled for a pyloroplasty and the client asks the
nurse about the procedure. The nurse bases the response on which of the following?
A pyloroplasty involves an incision and resuturing of the pylorus to relax the
muscle and enlarge the opening from the stomach to the duodenum.

32. Treatment measures have been implemented for a client with bleeding esophageal
varices and have been unsuccessful. The health care provider states that a Sengstaken-
Blakemore tube will be used to control the resulting hemorrhage. The nurse prepares
for insertion via which of the following routes?

33. A nurse is caring for a client with a Sengstaken- Blakemore tube. To prevent ulceration
and necrosis of oral and nasal mucosa, the nurse should plan to:
Provide frequent oral and nasal care on a regular basis.

34. A nurse documents that a client with a hiatal hernia is complying with the prescribed
treatment if the client reports doing which of the following?
Consuming low-fat or nonfat foods

35. A licensed practical nurse (LPN) is preparing to assist a registered nurse (RN) with
removing a nasogastric (NG) tube from the client. The LPN would instruct the client to
do which of the following?
Take and hold a deep breath.

36. A client with a possible hiatal hernia complains of frequent heartburn and regurgitation.
Which sign or symptom would support this diagnosis?
Difficulty swallowing both liquids and solids

37. A nurse is caring for a client after a Billroth II procedure. On review of the postoperative
prescriptions, which of the following, if prescribed, would the nurse question and verify?
Irrigating the nasogastric (NG) tube

38. A nurse is preparing to administer a soapsuds enema to a client. Into which position
does the nurse place the client to administer the enema?
Left Sim's

39. A nurse has been reinforcing dietary teaching for a client with peptic ulcer disease who
has a routine follow-up visit. Which behavior is the best indicator of a successful
outcome for this client?
A decrease in sour eructation

40. A nurse notes that the medical record of a client with cirrhosis states that the client has
asterixis. To verify this information, the nurse would do which of the following?
Ask the client to extend the arms.

41. A client receiving a high cleansing enema complains of pain and cramping. The nurse
would take which corrective action?
Clamp the tubing for 30 seconds and restart the flow at a slower rate.

42. A client who has undergone a barium enema is being readied for discharge from the
ambulatory care unit. The nurse determines that the client has understood the
discharge instructions if the client states:
"I should take a laxative and my stool should return to normal color."

43. A nurse is caring for a client with a nasogastric (NG) tube and tests the pH of the
aspirate to determine correct placement. The nurse notes that the pH is 5 and
determines that the:
Placement of the NG tube is accurate.

44. A nurse is collecting data on a client admitted to the hospital with hepatitis. Which data
would indicate that the client may have liver damage?

45. A client will undergo a barium swallow to confirm a diagnosis of a hiatal hernia. In
preparation for the test, the nurse instructs the client to:
Avoid eating or drinking after midnight before the test.

46. A client with peptic ulcer disease has been prescribed to take misoprostol (Cytotec) and
sucralfate (Carafate). The nurse teaches the client that these two medications will work
primarily to:
Protect the gastric mucosa.

47. A nurse is collecting data about how well a client with a gastrointestinal (GI) disorder is
able to absorb food. While carrying out this function, the nurse recalls that absorption is
best defined as:
The transfer of digested food molecules from the GI tract into the bloodstream

48. A client complains of stomach pain 30 minutes to 1 hour after eating. The pain is not
relieved by further intake of food, although it is relieved by vomiting. A gastric ulcer is
suspected. Which of the following data would further support this diagnosis?
History of alcohol use, smoking, and weight loss

49. An ultrasound of the gallbladder is scheduled for the client with a suspected diagnosis of
cholecystitis. The nurse explains to the client that this test:
Requires the client to lie still for short intervals

50. A nurse is collecting admission data on the client with hepatitis. Which of the following
findings would be a direct result of this client's condition?

51. A client who has a history of chronic ulcerative colitis is anemic. The nurse interprets
that which factor is likely responsible for this laboratory finding?
Blood loss

52. A client who has undergone barium enema is being readied for discharge. The nurse
determines that the client has understood discharge instructions when the client states:
"I should take a laxative, and my stool will then return to a normal color."

53. A nurse who is assisting in the care of a client within the first 24 hours following a total
gastrectomy for gastric cancer should focus interventions on which of the following?
Maintaining a patent nasogastric (NG) tube
54. A client is admitted to the hospital with a bowel obstruction secondary to a recurrent
malignancy, and the health care provider plans to insert a Miller-Abbott tube. When the
nurse tries to explain the procedure, the client interrupts the nurse and states, "I don't
want to hear about that. Just let the doctor do it." Based on the client's statement, the
nurse determines that the best action is to:
Remain with the client and be silent.

55. A client has undergone subtotal gastrectomy and the nurse is preparing the client for
discharge. Which item should be included when teaching the client about ongoing self-
Smaller, more frequent meals should be eaten.

56. A nurse has taught a client about an upcoming endoscopic retrograde
cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) procedure. The nurse determines that the client
needs additional information if the client makes which statement?
"I'm glad I don't have to lie still for this procedure."

57. Which statement by the spouse of a client with end-stage liver failure indicates the need
for additional teaching by the multidisciplinary team regarding the management of
"This opioid will cause very deep sleep, which is what my husband needs."

58. A nurse is participating in a health screening clinic and is preparing teaching materials
about colorectal cancer. The nurse would plan to include which risk factor for colorectal
cancer in the material?
Personal history of ulcerative colitis or gastrointestinal (GI) polyps

59. After the deflation of the balloon of a client's Sengstaken-Blakemore tube, the nurse
monitors the client closely for which esophageal complication?

60. A client is admitted to an acute care facility with complications of celiac disease. Which
question would be helpful initially in obtaining information for the nursing care plan?
"What is your understanding of celiac disease?"

61. A client presents to the urgent care center with complaints of abdominal pain. Suddenly
the client vomits bright red blood. The nurse takes which immediate action?
Takes the client's vital signs

62. A client has had extensive surgery on the gastrointestinal tract and has been started on
parenteral nutrition (PN). The client tells the nurse, "I think I'm going crazy...I feel like I'm
starving and yet that bag is supposed to be feeding me." The best response of the nurse would
"That is because the empty stomach sends signals to the brain to stimulate

63. A nurse is preparing to administer an enteral feeding through a nasogastric tube. The
nurse would place the client in which position during and after the feedings?

64. A nurse is caring for a client in the emergency department who has right lower quadrant
abdominal pain. After noting a white blood cell count of 16,500/mm3, the nurse should
question a prescription for which of the following?
Milk of magnesia

65. A Client is admitted to the hospital with a diagnosis of acute pancreatitis. The nurse
plans care, knowing that which problem occurs with this disorder?
Alteration in comfort related to abdominal pain

66. A client with hepatic encephalopathy is receiving lactulose (Cephulac). The nurse
determines that the medication is effective if which of the following is observed?
Client previously oriented to person only; can now state name, year, and
present location

67. A nurse is assisting in caring for a client with aSengstaken-Blakemore tube. To prevent
ulceration and necrosis of oral and nasal mucosa, the nurse plans to:
Give frequent oral and nasal care.

68. A client is scheduled for an oral cholecystography. The nurse would plan to obtain what
type of diet for the evening meal before the test?

69. A client has been diagnosed with chronic gastritis and has been told that there is too
little intrinsic factor being produced. The nurse tells the client that which of the
following will be prescribed to treat the problem?
Vitamin B12 injections

70. A nurse is collecting data from a client admitted to the hospital with a diagnosis of
suspected gastric ulcer and is asking the client questions about pain. Which statement, if
made by the client, would support the diagnosis of gastric ulcer?
"My pain comes shortly after I eat, maybe a half hour or so later."

71. A nurse is collecting data about how well a client with a gastrointestinal (GI) disorder is
able to digest food. The nurse recalls that digestion is best defined as:
A mechanical and chemical process involving the breakdown of food

72. A nurse has a prescription to give 30 mL of an antacid to a client through a nasogastric
(NG) tube that is connected to wall suction. The nurse would do which of the following
to perform this procedure correctly?
Clamp the NG tube for 30 minutes following administration of the medication.

73. A nurse is assisting in insertion of a nasogastric (NG) tube for an adult client. The LPN
helps determine the correct length to insert the tube by measuring:
From the tip of the client's nose to the earlobe and then down to the xiphoid

74. A nurse assistant is helping a registered nurse (RN) conduct an abdominal assessment.
The LPN assists the client into which of the following positions?
Supine with the head raised slightly and the knees slightly flexed

75. A client is admitted to the hospital with viral hepatitis and is complaining of a loss of
appetite. In order to provide adequate nutrition, the nurse encourages the client to:
Increase intake of fluids.

76. A nurse is performing an abdominal assessment on a client. The nurse interprets that
which finding is abnormal and should be reported t the registered nurse (RN) or health
care provider?
Pulsation between the umbilicus and pubis

77. A nurse is reviewing the prescriptions of a client admitted to the hospital with a diagnosis
of acute pancreatitis. Choose the interventions that the nurse would expect to be prescribed
for the client. Select all that apply.
Administer antacids, as prescribed.
Encourage coughing and deep breathing.
Administer anticholinergics, as prescribed.

78. A health care provider places a Miller-Abbott tube in a client who has a bowel
obstruction. Six hours later, the nurse measures the length of the tube outside of the
nares and notes that the tube has advanced 6 cm since it was first placed. Based on this
finding, which action should the nurse take next?
Document the finding in the client's record

79. A nurse is administering a cleansing enema to a client with a fecal impaction. Before
administering the enema, the nurse assists the client to which of the following
Left Sims' position

80. A client with a tentative diagnosis of gastroesophageal reflux is going to undergo
ambulatory pH monitoring. The nurse brings which of the following items to the
Nasogastric (NG) tube

81. A health care provider asks a nurse to obtain a Salem Sump tube for gastric intubation.
The nurse selects which of the following tubes from the unit storage area?
Tube with a lumen and an air vent

82. A client with acute pancreatitis is experiencing severe pain from the disorder. The nurse
tells the client to avoid which position that could aggravate the pain?
Lying flat

83. A nurse is assigned to care for a client with a Sengstaken-Blakemore tube. The nurse
should suspect that the client has which diagnosis?
Esophageal varices

84. A nurse has assisted with the insertion of a Levin tube for gastrointestinal (GI)
decompression. The nurse expects that the health care provider will prescribe the
suction setting at:
Low and intermittent

85. A nurse is providing discharge instructions to a client who has had a total gastrectomy.
The nurse tells the client about the importance of returning to the health care clinic as
scheduled for which priority assessment?
Vitamin B12 and folic acid studies

86. A client with a Sengstaken-Blakemore tube in place to treat esophageal varices suddenly
becomes restless. The client's heart rate and blood pressure increase and the client has
difficulty breathing. The important initial nursing action is to:
Cut the tube and pull it out.

87. An adult client with hepatic encephalopathy has a serum ammonia level of 120 mcg/dL
and receives treatment with lactulose (Chronulac) syrup. The nurse determines that the
client has the best and most optimal response if the level changes to which of the
following after medication administration?
70 mcg/dL

88. A nurse assigned to care for a client with cirrhosis reviews the medical record and notes
that the client has difficulty maintaining an effective breathing pattern due to pressure on the
diaphragm. The nurse plans care, knowing that which client position will best assist in facilitating

89. A nurse has assisted in the insertion of a Levin tube for gastrointestinal (GI)
decompression. The nurse plans to set the suction to which of the following pressures?
Low and intermittent

90. A nurse is caring for a client with esophageal varices who is going to have a Sengstaken-
Blakemore tube inserted. The nurse brings which priority item to the bedside so that it
is available at all times?
A pair of scissors

91. A client with Crohn's disease has a prescription to begin taking antispasmodic
medication. The nurse should time the medication so that each dose is taken:
30 minutes before meals

92. A client has just undergone a gastroscopy.Which action should be taken by the nurse as
the essential post-procedure nursing intervention?
Monitoring for the gag reflex

93. A nurse reinforces instructions to a client following a gastrectomy about the signs and
symptoms of pernicious anemia, knowing that:
Regular monthly injections of vitamin B12 will prevent this complication.

94. A client has just returned from the radiology` department following an upper
gastrointestinal (GI) series. The nurse reviews the health care provider's prescriptions,
expecting to note which of the following needed for routine post- procedure care?
A laxative

95. It has been determined that a client with hepatitis has contracted the infection from
contaminated food. What type of hepatitis is this client most likely experiencing?
Hepatitis A

96. A sexually active 20-year-old client has developed viral hepatitis. Which of the following
statements, if made by the client, would indicate a need for teaching?
"I can never drink alcohol again."

97. A health care provider is about to perform a paracentesis on a client with abdominal
ascites. The nurse would assist the client to assume which of the following positions?
Upright Position

98. A nurse has given postprocedure instructions to a client who has undergone a
colonoscopy. The nurse determines that the client did not fully understand the
directions if the client states that:
It is all right to drive an hour after the test is finished.

99. A client who has been prescribed indomethacin (Indocin) for gout is asked to provide a
stool sample for guaiac testing. The nurse explains that the purpose of the test is to
Occult blood

100. A 56-year-old patient with diverticulitis has been admitted to the medical unit.
The nurse will most likely document which assessment in the charting?
Pain in the left lower quadrant

10. An ileostomy was performed on a patient for the treatment of debilitating ulcerative
colitis disease. A problem the nurse should watch for in patients after this surgery is
skin excoriation.
A patient with cancer of the esophagus has been receiving radiation therapy. The nurse
realizes that this patient should be assessed for
aspiration from fistula formation.

The nurse determines that a patient has a knowledge deficit regarding her diagnosis of
achalasia. The nurse begins patient teaching by explaining that achalasia is
caused by the inability of a muscle to relax.

Following a gastrectomy, the nurse would anticipate that the patient would need to be
assessed for
vitamin B12 deficiency.

A 63-year-old patient is admitted with acute diverticulitis. The most appropriate nursing
intervention to lessen this patient's signs and symptoms of increased flatus and chronic
constipation alternating with diarrhea, anorexia, and nausea would be to
encourage a diet high in fiber content.

The patient, age 32, has ulcerative colitis, and his condition is deteriorating. An
ileostomy is scheduled. After the procedure, this patient may be at risk for
Disturbed body image.

Dumping syndrome after a Billroth II procedure occurs when high-carbohydrate foods
are ingested over a period of less than 20 minutes. A nursing measure that will prevent
or minimize dumping syndrome is
to administer the feeding in six small daily meals high in protein and fat.

The emergency room staff is caring for a patient with an acute inflammatory intestinal
disorder who is being observed to rule out appendicitis. Which intervention is
Apply heat to the abdomen

After barium swallow contrast studies are performed, the nurse should ensure that the
Patient expels all barium rectally.

A patient, age 36, is admitted with diarrhea and dehydration. The physician has ordered
Several diagnostic studies of the patient's stools. When obtaining a stool specimen to be
examined for ova and parasites, the nurse should instruct the patient to obtain three
different stool specimens on subsequent days.

The patient, age 32, is admitted with possible appendicitis after being evaluated by the
physician. It is appropriate for the nurse to administer
fluid and electrolyte replacement

A patient, age 84, has a history of a large left inguinal hernia. He is complaining of nausea,
vomiting, abdominal distention, and inguinal pain. A serious complication of a hernia in
which the blood supply to the tissue becomes occluded is called a(n)
strangulated hernia.

A patient had a ruptured diverticulum in his descending colon. He has undergone a
transverse loop colostomy. He asks the nurse the purpose of this procedure, and the
nurse tells him that it is
a temporary colostomy to allow healing of the bowel by diverting feces.

The patient complains that he will never adjust to his colostomy. In this situation, it would
be best for the nurse to
encourage him to express his concern.

The most important nursing intervention to assure the patency of a nasogastric tube (NG)
is to:
Monitor NG for patency and irrigate with sterile normal saline PRN as

A progressive wavelike movement that occurs involuntarily in hollow tubes of the body,
especially in the alimentary canal, to propel fluids, gas, and digestive substances forward is

A NANDA-accepted nursing diagnosis that could be written for a patient with an
abdominoperineal resection and a permanent colostomy would include
Disturbed body image.

Bowel sound assessment is especially important for a postoperative patient who has had
abdominal surgery as it can determine the:
return of peristalsis.

A NANDA-accepted nursing diagnosis that could be written for the patient who is
hemorrhaging and in hypovolemic shock from a bleeding peptic ulcer would include
Ineffective tissue perfusion (gastrointestinal).

The goals of diet management in a patient with inflammatory bowel disease are: (Select all
that apply.)
Prevent weight loss.
Correct and prevent malnutrition.
Provide adequate nutrition.
Replace fluid and electrolyte losses.

What nursing interventions would be appropriate for inflammatory bowel disease
diagnoses of Imbalanced Nutrition: less than body requirements related to bowel
hypermotility and decreased absorption?
Provide at least six small frequent meals per day.

Which nursing intervention would be the highest priority in evaluating a patient with
peritonitis from a ruptured appendix?
Assessment of severity, location, and duration of pain

Sulfasalazine is the recommended medication for treatment of Crohn's disease. Patient
teaching should include:
ensuring adequate hydration to prevent crystallization in kidneys.

The most lethal complication of a peptic ulcer is

Symptoms of GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) can be modified or eliminated by
which nursing interventions?
Remain upright for 1 to 2 hours post meals

The purpose of antibiotic therapy in treating stomach disorders is that it
Eradicates H. pylori.

Peptic ulcers are often common in the aging population. Which medications should be
taken with caution to help prevent this problem?

You administered the medication GoLYTELY to a 78-year-old woman in preparation for
diagnostic tests. In planning for her care, which would be most appropriate?
Available bedside commode for possible weakness

A patient is admitted with a diagnosis of Crohn's disease. What nursing interventions would
be appropriate when caring for this patient? (Select all that apply.)
Daily weight
Monitor I & O every shift
Accessibility to bedside commode

A patient was recently diagnosed with colorectal cancer. His wife asks the nurse, "What
prevents colon cancer?" The nurse's answer should include which factors?
A diet high in fiber
Familial predisposition of a cancer-causing gene
Regular checkups

Constipation is a problem for many older adults. The medical management to prevent
constipation includes (Select all that apply):
Nutritional diet high in fiber
Increasing fluid intake
Increasing daily activity

Relieve abdominal distention

Instillation of liquid nutritional supplements into stomach

Internal application of pressure by means of inflated balloon to prevent GI

Irrigation of stomach to remove secretions

Which abnormal lab value would be found in a patient with a pathological condition of the
Alkaline phosphatase

The patient has cirrhosis of the liver and an albumin/globulin ratio of 0.9 g/dL. The normal
ratio is 1.2 to 2.2 g/dL. In collecting objective data for her, the nurse would probably note
which outstanding clinical sign?

An essential nursing measure to prevent peritonitis after a paracentesis is
providing oral or intravenous fluids.

Because vitamin K is malabsorbed in the presence of cirrhosis, which laboratory value would
be elevated?
Prothrombin time

A patient was scheduled for a laparoscopic cholecystectomy, but complications developed
and he underwent an open cholecystectomy with a T-tube inserted into the common bile
duct. The purpose of the T-tube is to
keep the duct open and allow drainage of the bile until edema resolves.

If the patient has a T-tube in place after a cholecystectomy, the best nursing intervention
would be to position and secure the drainage bag at the abdominal level.

After the physician has performed a liver biopsy, the nursing interventions would
usually include keeping the patient on the right side for minimum of 2 hours.

The patient, age 56, has cirrhosis of the liver with severe ascites. The nurse is assisting the
physician in the procedure to remove this fluid from his abdominal cavity. This procedure is
called an
abdominal paracentesis.

The nurse realizes that the patient requires additional teaching about an esophagoscopy after
the patient states
"Right after the test, I want breakfast with black coffee."

A client is scheduled for an oral cholecystography. The nurse would plan to obtain what type
of diet for the evening meal before the test?

A client has been diagnosed with chronic gastritis and has been told that there is too little
intrinsic factor being produced. The nurse tells the client that which of the following will be
prescribed to treat the problem?
Vitamin B12 injections

A nurse is collecting data from a client admitted to the hospital with a diagnosis of suspected
gastric ulcer and is asking the client questions about pain. Which statement, if made by the
client, would support the diagnosis of gastric ulcer?
"My pain comes shortly after I eat, maybe a half hour or so later."

A nurse is collecting data about how well a client with a gastrointestinal (GI) disorder is able
to digest food. The nurse recalls that digestion is best defined as:
A mechanical and chemical process involving the breakdown of foods

A nurse has a prescription to give 30 mL of an antacid to a client through a nasogastric (NG)
tube that is connected to wall suction. The nurse would do which of the following to perform
this procedure correctly?
Clamp the NG tube for 30 minutes following administration of the medication.

A licensed practical nurse (LPN) is assisting in insertion of a nasogastric (NG) tube for an adult
client. The LPN helps determine the correct length to insert the tube by measuring:
From the tip of the client's nose to the earlobe and then down to the xiphoid

A licensed practical nurse (LPN) is helping a registered nurse (RN) conduct an abdominal
assessment. The LPN assists the client into which of the following positions?
Supine with the head raised slightly and the knees slightly flexed

A client is admitted to the hospital with viral hepatitis and is complaining of a loss of appetite. In
order to provide adequate nutrition, the nurse encourages the client to:
Increase intake of fluids.

A nurse is performing an abdominal assessment on a client. The nurse interprets that which
finding is abnormal and should be reported to the registered nurse (RN) or health care provider?

Pulsation between the umbilicus and pubis

A nurse who is assisting in the care of a client within the first 24 hours following a total
gastrectomy for gastric cancer should focus interventions on which of the following?
Maintaining a patent nasogastric (NG) tube

A client is admitted to the hospital with a bowel obstruction secondary to a recurrent
malignancy, and the health care provider plans to insert a Miller-Abbott tube. When the nurse
tries to explain the procedure, the client interrupts the nurse and states, "I don't want to hear
about that. Just let the doctor do it." Based on the client's statement, the nurse determines that
the best action is to:
Remain with the client and be silent.

A client has undergone subtotal gastrectomy and the nurse is preparing the client for
discharge. Which item should be included when teaching the client about ongoing self-
Smaller, more frequent meals should be eaten.

A client has had extensive surgery on the gastrointestinal tract and has been started on
parenteral nutrition (PN). The client tells the nurse, "I think I'm going crazy...I feel like I'm
starving and yet that bag is supposed to be feeding me." The best response of the nurse
would be:
"That is because the empty stomach sends signals to the brain to stimulate hunger."

A client with hepatic encephalopathy is receiving lactulose (Cephulac). The nurse determines
that the medication is effective if which of the following is observed?
Client previously oriented to person only; can now state name, year, and present

A nurse is assisting in caring for a client with a Sengstaken-Blakemore tube. To prevent
ulceration and necrosis of oral and nasal mucosa, the nurse plans to:
Give frequent oral and nasal care.

A nurse is collecting data about how well a client with a gastrointestinal (GI) disorder is able
to digest food. The nurse recalls that digestion is best defined as:
A mechanical and chemical process involving the breakdown of foods

A client is admitted to the hospital with viral hepatitis and is complaining of a loss of
appetite. In order to provide adequate nutrition, the nurse encourages the client to:
Increase intake of fluids.

A nurse is reviewing the prescriptions of a client admitted to the hospital with a diagnosis of
acute pancreatitis. Choose the interventions that the nurse would expect to be prescribed for
the client. Select all that apply.
Administer antacids, as prescribed.
Encourage coughing and deep breathing.
Administer anticholinergics, as prescribed.

A health care provider places a Miller-Abbott tube in a client who has a bowel obstruction. Six
hours later, the nurse measures the length of the tube outside of the nares and notes that the
tube has advanced 6 cm since it was first placed. Based on this finding, which action should the
nurse take next?
Document the finding in the client's record.

A nurse is administering a cleansing enema to a client with a fecal impaction. Before
administering the enema, the nurse assists the client to which of the following positions?
Left Sims' position

A client with a tentative diagnosis of gastroesophageal reflux is going to undergo ambulatory pH
monitoring. The nurse brings which of the following items to the bedside?
Nasogastric (NG) tube

A health care provider asks a nurse to obtain a Salem Sump tube for gastric intubation. The
nurse selects which of the following tubes from the unit storage area?
Tube with a lumen and an air vent

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