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Tutorial Ip 2 Win English

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With IPI2Win

IPI2Win v. 2.1,
IPI_Res2, IPI_Res3

Users Guide

Moscow - 2001
IPI2Win User Manual
Introduction ..................................................................................................................................................3
Product description ..................................................................................................................................3
System requirements................................................................................................................................3
Copyright .................................................................................................................................................3
IPI2Win Overview...................................................................................................................................3
Getting started...............................................................................................................................................4
Installing IPI2Win....................................................................................................................................4
Uninstalling IPI2Win...............................................................................................................................4
Running IPI2Win.....................................................................................................................................4
IPI2Win Controls.....................................................................................................................................4
Data managing..............................................................................................................................................7
Understanding data managing..................................................................................................................7
Specifying the data file ............................................................................................................................7
Data file formats ......................................................................................................................................7
Specifying topographical features............................................................................................................9
Data alteration........................................................................................................................................10
Viewing data...............................................................................................................................................12
Viewing curves and models ...................................................................................................................12
Viewing cross-sections ..........................................................................................................................12
Interpreting sounding data..........................................................................................................................16
Creating and editing the model ..............................................................................................................16
Automated curve interpreting ................................................................................................................17
Interactive semi-automated interpreting ................................................................................................18
Editing the model in the cross-section window.....................................................................................19
Additional interpreting tools ..................................................................................................................19
Managing results.........................................................................................................................................21
Saving results.........................................................................................................................................21
Result file format ...................................................................................................................................21
Printing cross-sections ...........................................................................................................................21
Saving an image of the cross-section.....................................................................................................21
IPI_Res2 Making geological cross-section.................................................................................................23
Selection of geological bodies in cross-section - stage 1. ......................................................................23
Supplying patterns to the geological bodies - stage 2. ...........................................................................23
Scaling the cross-section and creating the legend - stage 3. ..................................................................24
Printing or saving the image - stage 4....................................................................................................24
IPI_Res3 presenting the results in the form of geoelectrical columns........................................................25
Moscow State University 2 Geoscan-M Ltd.
IPI2Win User Manual
Product description
IPI2Win is designed for automated and interactive semi-automated interpreting of vertical electric
sounding and/or induced polarization data obtained with any of a variety of the most popular arrays used in the
electrical prospecting. IPI2Win is to be run on an IBM PC -compatible personal computer under Window
95/98/NT operating system.
System requirements
IPI2Win can be run on any computer with Window 95/98/NT operating system. Monitor should be in
256 colors mode or higher.
Alexei A. Bobachev, Igor. N. Modin, Vladimir A. Shevnin, 1990-2002. All rights reserved.
IPI2Win was developed using Delphi 5 by the Borland Int. #HDC1350WW10180
All the trademarks and all the registered trademarks mentioned throughout this manual are the properties of the
corresponding owners.
IPI2Win is distributed by the Geoscan-M Ltd., Moscow, Russia due to limited license.
IPI2Win Overview
IPI2Win is designed for vertical electrical sounding and/or induced polarization data curves 1D
interpreting along a single profile. It is presumed that a user is an experienced interpreter willing to solve the
geological problem posed as well as to fit the sounding curves. Targeting at the geological result is the specific
feature distinguishing IPI2Win among other popular programs of automatic inversion.
The special attention is paid to the user-friendly interactive interpreting. Due to handy controls the
interpreter is able to choose from a set of equivalent solutions the one best fitting both geophysical data (i. e.
providing the least fitting error) and geological data (i. e. geologically sensible resistivity cross-section).
Comparing various concepts of the geological structure along the surveyed observation line rather than
independent formal sounding curves inversion is the approach implemented in IPI2Win. This approach provides
the opportunity to use the a priory geological data and extract information to the greatest possible extent in the
complicated geological situations.
Moscow State University 3 Geoscan-M Ltd.
IPI2Win User Manual
Getting started
Installing IPI2Win
IPI2Win is distributed on a single 3.5-inch floppy-disk. The set also includes this manual and a protective
To install IPI2Win on your computer insert floppy-disk into the disk drive and run the file
INSTALL.EXE by any appropriate means. The command line must be as follows:
> drive_letter: INSTALL
Type the path to the location where IPI2Win should be installed in the IPI2Win Setup window. The path
can also be pointed out using the Browse... button of that window. After this, click the Next button of the
window. Read the message and be sure that the program is to be installed to the desired location. If so, click the
Install button of the window. To change the target location, click the Back button of the window. Restart your
computer when the installation is finished.
The IPI2Win group with IPI2Win and Uninstall IPI2Win items will appear in the Programs section of the
Windows95 main menu.
IPI2Win can be installed on any number of computers. Only one copy at a time can be used as a
protective plug is needed to run IPI2Win.
The protective plug must be stuck into the parallel (printer) port of the computer where IPI2Win is to be
run. To do this, turn off the power supply of the computer and the printer (if the latter is connected to the
computer) properly, detach the printers parallel data cable from the computer (if the latter is connected to the
computer), stick the protective plug into the parallel port of the computer and fasten it, then stick the printers
parallel data cable into the plug (if needed) and fasten it. Then turn on the power supply of the computer and the
Uninstalling IPI2Win
To uninstall IPI2Win choose the Uninstall IPI2Win item from the IPI2Win group of the Programs
section of the Windows95 main menu.
Running IPI2Win
Using the created icon is the recommended way of running IPI2Win.
WARNING! Make sure that the protective plug is stuck into the parallel (printer) port of the computer
where IPI2Win is run.
If no protective plug is found on the computer, the Error window is displayed, containing the message
This is a protected program. No further operation is then available. IPI2Win is terminated after clicking the
OK button of the Error window.
IPI2Win Controls
This section contains a brief description of IPI2Win menu items (those of the menu bar are underlined
and italicized) with the corresponding hot-keys (in the rectangular brackets [...]) and toolbar buttons (in the
figured brackets {...})
Open [F3],{ New profile} opens data file.
Reopen displays the list of recently opened data files to choose one to open.
New VES point [Ctrl-Alt-N], {Make new VES point } displays the table to enter data (apparent
resistivity or voltage) for a new sounding point to insert into the opened or new data file.
Add file, {Add data file } appends data from another file to the currently opened profile.
Save [F2], {Save } saves current data and result files to the same location
Save as... saves current data and result files to another location
Export displays the list of data formats to choose the mode of saving IPI data
Info... [Ctrl-I] {Profile comments } displays Information window to deal comments, VES names,
Print section prints the cross-section(s) displayed in the Pseudo cross-section and resistivity cross-
section window (this window will be referred to as the cross-section window)
Print curves [Ctrl-P] prints the curve currently displayed and the table of the cross-sections parameters
for the corresponding sounding point
Print setup... displays Print setup window to change printer and/or page layout
Preview displays Print preview window to see how the active window will be printed
Exit [Alt-X] {Exit } quits IPI2Win
Moscow State University 4 Geoscan-M Ltd.
IPI2Win User Manual
Undo [Alt-BkSps] {UnDo } discards the latest change of the model.
Restore [Ctrl-F7] restores the model for the sounding point (i. e. discards all the changes of the latest
model editing session for the point)
Copy [Ctrl-Ins] {Copy } stores the current model properties and the bitmap image of the current
window in the Clipboard
Cut model [Shift-Del] {Cut } clears current model and stores it in the Clipboard
Paste model [Shift-Ins] {Paste } applies model properties previously stored in the Clipboard to the
current sounding
Copy curve stores theoretical curve (standard spacings and corresponding apparent resistivity values) in
the Clipboard; items stored can be pasted into a spreadsheet
Edit file [Ctrl-E] {Edit file } runs Notepad and opens the current data file in it
Edit curve [F4] {Edit field curve }displays Edit field curve window for manual data input/correction
Copy all model [Ctrl-A] stores model properties for all sounding points in the clipboard; items stored
can be pasted into a spreadsheet or a word processor
Delete all results clears model parameters for all VES points currently displayed
Copy model&curve stores model properties as the pseudo-log chart and field curve spacings and
apparent resistivity values in the Clipboard; items stored can be pasted into a spreadsheet
Copy curve stores the synthetic curve (standard spacings and apparent resistivity values in the
Clipboard; items stored can be pasted into a spreadsheet
Copy app. resist. only stores a bitmap image of the pseudo cross-section in the Clipboard without axes
and labels
Synthetic curve [Ctrl-T] replaces the field sounding curve at the current sounding point with the
theoretical curve for the model with current properties
Point (also available via context menu: click the mouse right button on the curve window)
Next [Ctrl-Left] displays the sounding curve and model properties for the next sounding point of the
current data file
Previous [Ctrl-Right] displays the sounding curve and model properties for the previous sounding point
of the current data file
First [Home] displays the sounding curve and model properties for the first sounding point of the
current data file
Last [End] displays the sounding curve and model properties for the last sounding point of the current
data file
Inversion [Space] {Inversion } implements the automated interpretation for the current sounding
curve using current model parameters as the initial model
Profile inversion [Ctrl-F3] implements the automated interpretation for all sounding curves of the
currently opened profile using current model parameters for each point as the initial model
Profile interpolation [Shift-Ctrl-F3] implements the automated interpretation for the all the
uninterpreted sounding curves of the currently opened profile using model parameters for other points as the
initial model
New model [F7] {New model } implements the automated interpretation for the current sounding
curve using the least number of layers principle
Option... displays Options window to set the fitting accuracy for using the least number of layers
Profile new model [Alt-F3] implements the automated interpretation for the all sounding curves of the
currently opened profile using the least number of layers principle
Model (also available via context menu: click the mouse right button on the model window)
Chg table [Ctrl-T] switches the modes of the model parameters table (layers in line/column)
Fixing [Ins] fixes the highlighted model parameter for further automated interpreting
Split [Ctrl-N] {Split the layer } splits the current layer in two with parameters depending on those of
initial layer
Join [Ctrl-Y] {Join two layers } joins the current layer with the underlying one into one layer with
parameters depending on those of initial layers
Minimum sets the least possible (within the equivalence limits) value for the selected model parameter
Maximum sets the greatest possible (within the equivalence limits) value for the selected model
Moscow State University 5 Geoscan-M Ltd.
IPI2Win User Manual
Section (also available via context menu: click the mouse right button on the section window)
Zoom in [Alt-F5] increases the horizontal scale of the cross-section window
Zoom out [Shift-F5] decreases the horizontal scale of the cross-section window
All profile [Ctrl-F5] displays the whole profile in the cross-section window
More depth [Gray -] decreases the vertical scale of the cross-section window
Less depth [Gray +] decreases the vertical scale of the cross-section window
Options... [Ctrl-F1] { } displays the Section options window for customizing cross-section window
Pseudo-section displays apparent the resistivity pseudo cross-section only in the cross-section window
Resistivity section displays the resistivity cross-section only in the cross-section window
Both sections displays both apparent resistivity pseudo cross-section and resistivity cross-section in the
cross-section window
VES/IP [F9], {Section mode } switches apparent resistivity/apparent chargeability pseudo cross-
sections in the cross-section window (in VES-IP mode only)
Lin/Log scale [Ctrl-Z] switches the linear/logarithmic scale for the apparent resistivity pseudo cross-
section vertical axis
Horizontal mirror reverses the order of sounding points in the cross-section window
Transformations 8
No transformation {No transformation } restores apparent resistivity pseudo cross-section
Accuracy {Fitting error pseudo section } displays the curve fitting error for all spacings of
all curves in the form of pseudo cross-section
V-transformation {Vertical derivative transformation } displays the pseudo cross-section
of the apparent resistivity/chargeability derivative by the spacing
H-transformation {Horizontal derivative transformation } displays the pseudo cross-
section of the apparent resistivity derivative/chargeability by the sounding point coordinate on the profile
displays the Options window for customizing IPI2Win
Cascade cascades opened windows in a standard Windows fashion
Tile tiles opened windows in a standard Windows fashion
IPI_V6 [Ctrl-6] arranges opened windows like in the IPI v. 6 for DOS
IPI_V7 [Ctrl-7] arranges opened windows like in the IPI v. 7 for DOS
IPI_V8 [Ctrl-8] arranges opened windows in the IPI2Win default fashion
Contents {Help contents }displays the help contents window on the current topic
Search for help on... displays the keyword search window
How to use help displays the help on help window
About displays the developers information and the program mode and data restrictions

Available through the Toolbar only:
{Conductance {S(H) } displays the Conductance window to calculate the resistivity cross-section
conductance up to a given depth and to create a plot along the profile
{Edit mode } displays the Edit mode floating toolbar to select the mouse action when editing the
model in the cross-section window

Menu contents and actions may slightly vary depending on the IPI2Win release
Moscow State University 6 Geoscan-M Ltd.
IPI2Win User Manual
Data managing
Understanding data managing
To start the process of interpreting IPI2Win needs a data file of the certain format containing the
information on the measurement system and apparent resistivity (and apparent chargeability in the VES-IP
mode) values for desegmented curves (*.dat) or for segmented curves (*.dtg). A dtg-file may also contain
potential difference and electric current values for Schlumberger and half-Schlumberger arrays. A dtg-file can
be used with resistivity data (VES mode) only.
If a dtg-file contains potential difference values, apparent resistivity values are calculated and saved to a
dat-file with the same name.
If the dtg-file contains segmented curves, these curves are desegmented automatically by parallel shifting
all the segments to the level of the rightmost segment.
The dat-file created is used for the interpreting and no further alteration of the field data in the dtg-file
takes place in the course of IPI2Win running.
The results of interpreting for a certain dat-file are stored in the result file (*.res) with the same name.
Only one data file can be opened at a time. Usually one profile of sounding points is stored in one file.
The users of multi-electrode arrays shall keep in mind that a sounding curve is regarded as the data
element in IPI2Win. Before using IPI2Win the data must be presented as a set of sounding curves for one of the
arrays available in IPI2Win. Converters to the dat-file format are freely available from the Grid files (Surfer by
the Golden Software, Inc.) files. A converter from the dat-file format to the Loke 2D inversion program format
is also freely available.
WARNING! If a dat-file is copied or moved elsewhere, the corresponding res-file must be placed to the
same new location as well. Deleting a res-file will result in loosing the interpreting results for the corresponding
Specifying the data file
To specify the data file the Open data file window is used. Standard Windows navigation capabilities are
used to select the disk and the folder containing the desired file as well as its name. Besides that it is possible to
pick up one of the recently opened files by choosing the File, Reopen menu item, and then by choosing the file
name from the list or from the drop-down list near the {New profile} button in the toolbar.
To specify the type (dat, dtg or both) choose IPI-format, DTG-format or All IPI formats items
respectively from the File type drop-down box.
WARNING! If in the local network, it is possible to open a data file from another computer. Before this,
be sure, that both read and write access is provided for the network disk on another workstation.
Data file formats
Dat-file format
Dat-files is a plain text file with DAT extension and definite structure. Format of data in each line except
5-th may be arbitrary.
1-st & 2-nd lines. any text.
3-rd line: three integers and one character, delimited by spaces.
The 1st integer (N
) specifies the total number of sounding points in the file (up to 400)
The 2nd integer is 0 if the file contains VES data (VES mode) or 1 if the file contains VES-IP data
(VES-IP mode)
The 3rd integer (N
spc max
) specifies the greatest possible number of values at a sounding point, that is
the greatest number of spacings (up to 50).
The character is one of the following: S, V, W, D, N, U, L, Z, B - and specifies the array type: S, -
Schlumberger and dipole equatorial, V, W, N - Wenner, D - Dipole axial, U - pole-pole two-
electrode array AM, L - array with linear current electrodes, Z - vertical array for river survey, B -
bottom array for river survey (Schlumberger array at the bottom of the 1
4-th line. A list of spacings, containing N
spc max
space-delimited items. The spacings should be ordered
from the smallest to the greatest. A spacing means:
for Schlumberger array - the half-distance between the current electrodes;
for the half-Schlumberger array - the distance between the current electrode and the center of the
measurement line;
for Wenner array - the half-distance between the current electrodes (V) or one third of distance
between the current electrodes (W), or [Wenner ] (N);
for the Dipole axial array - the distance between the centers of current and measurement lines.
5th line: up to 10characters beginning from 1st column - the name of the current sounding point.
Moscow State University 7 Geoscan-M Ltd.
IPI2Win User Manual
6th line: VES mode: one integer - the number of values apparent resistivity at the current sounding point
.; VES-IP mode: two space-delimited integers - the number of apparent resistivity values at the current
sounding point N
and the number of apparent chargeability values at the current sounding point N

Neither N
nor N
should exceed N
spc max
7th line: A list of apparent resistivity values, containing N
space-delimited items. The items order in
the list should correspond that of spacings.
8th line (VES-IP mode only): A list of apparent chargeability values, containing N
spc_ eta
items. The items order in the list should correspond that of spacings.
Lines from 5th to 7th (VES-IP mode - from 5th to 8th) should be repeated N
times, three (VES-IP mode
- four) lines for each sounding point.
Sounding points should be ordered in the same sequence as at the observation line.
Dtg-file format
Dtg-file is a plain text file with DTG extension and definite structure. Format of data in each line except
5-th may be arbitrary.
1-st & 2-nd lines. any text.
3-rd line: five integers and one character (probably immediately followed by _ character), delimited by
The 1st integer (N
) specifies the total number of sounding points in the file
The 2nd integer is 0 usually (is introduced for compatibility with the data files for earlier DOS
version of the program)
The 3rd integer (N
spc max
) specifies the greatest possible number of values at a sounding point, that is
the greatest number of spacings.
The 4th integer (N
) specifies the number of overlaps of segments in the curve, that is the number
of measurement lines N
- 1. N
=0 for non-segmented curve (one measurement line), N
for a curve with one overlap of segments (two measurement lines), etc.
The 5th integer (K
) specifies the type of data.
=0 if the file contains apparent resistivity values.
=3 and K
=4 if the file contains potential difference values and values of non-stabilized current
(separate current value for each measurement) for half-Schlumberger (3 electrodes) and
Schlumberger (4 electrodes) respectively.
=-3 and K
=-4 if the file contains potential difference values for half-Schlumberger (3
electrodes) and Schlumberger (4 electrodes) respectively, assuming the current to be stabilized
(equal for all measurements).
WARNING! IPI2Win is capable of calculating apparent resistivity for Shlumberger and half-
Schlumberger arrays only. For Wenner, dipole axial and pole-pole arrays apparent resistivity
values should be calculated by other means.
The character is one of the following: S, Q, W, D, U or L - and specifies the array type: S -
Schlumberger, V, W - Wenner, D - Dipole axial, U - pole-pole two-electrode array AM, L - array
with linear current electrodes. To specify that the curve segments overlap at one spacing, the _
character is placed immediately after the letter; otherwise overlapping at two consequent spacings
is assumed.
4th line: For a segmented curve - a list of spacings numbers (NOT values), on which overlaps start,
containing N
space-delimited items. For a non-segmented curve (N
=0) the 4th line is blank (but NOT
5th line: a list of measurement lines lengths, containing N
+1 space-delimited items.
6th line. A list of spacings, containing N
spc max
space-delimited items. The spacings should be ordered
from the smallest to the greatest. A spacing means:
for Schlumberger array - the half-distance between the current electrodes;
for the half-Schlumberger array - the distance between the current electrode and the center of the
measurement line;
for Wenner array - the half-distance between the current electrodes (V) or one third of distance
between the current electrodes (W);
for the Dipole axial array - the half-distance between the centers of current and measurement lines.
7th line: if K
=-3 or K
=-4 (stabilized current), the 7th line contains a value of the current. Otherwise it
is skipped and sounding points description follows from it immediately after the 6th line.
8 (7)th line: up to 8 characters beginning from 1st column - the name of the current sounding point.
9 (8)th line: one integer - the number of values at the current sounding point N
. It should not exceed
spc max
10 (9)th line: A list of apparent resistivity or potential difference values.
Moscow State University 8 Geoscan-M Ltd.
IPI2Win User Manual
(10)th line A list of current values.
The items order in the lists should correspond to that of spacings.
The number of items in potential difference and current values list will exceed N
for a certain value as
two values (for smaller and for greater measurement line) correspond to each overlap spacing. The values for a
given overlap spacing follow immediately one another; the first of them corresponds to the smaller measurement
Lines concerning sounding point should be repeated N
times, three or four lines for each sounding
Sounding points should be ordered in the same sequence as at the observation line.
Specifying topographical features
Identifying the data
After opening a data file the Information window appears. This window can also be opened in the course
of interpreting.
The Information window
The Profile comment field contains the two first lines of the opened file. It is possible to edit their
contents here. It will be saved to the same file afterwards on exiting IPI2Win or on saving the file.
Array type for the opened file can be changed by choosing the desired type from the Array type drop-
down list.
If the file was opened by mistake it is possible to open another file by clicking the New button in the
Information window.
Specifying point location
The information concerning the sounding points names, locations and altitudes is displayed in the table.
Values can be typed in the table cells. It is possible to use {Copy} and {Paste} buttons of the Information
window when editing the table cells contents as well as standard Window shortcut keys [Ctrl-Ins] and [Shift-
Ins]. Any editing operation can be undone by pressing the {Undo} button of the Information window.
The current names of sounding points from the opened file are listed in the VES name column of the
Coordinates table field. The names can be edited by typing new VES name in the selected cell of the column.
The sounding points coordinates along the observation line are listed in the X column of the Coordinates
table field. By default the first points coordinate is assumed to be 0 and all other points are placed at the
distance of 10 meters between the neighboring points. These values are coordinates in the plain mathematical
sense (NOT distances measured on the uneven surface).
The coordinates can be edited by typing new coordinate value in the selected cell of the column. If points
are named by their coordinates, the names can be transformed to the coordinates by clicking {X-coord. from VES
names X } button in the Information window.
It is also possible to fill the cells of the selected range within the X column using extrapolation or
interpolation. To extrapolate coordinates: 1) type the coordinates of the 1st and the 2nd points in the
corresponding cells of the desired range; 2) select the desired range; 3) click the {Extrapolation } button in
the Information window. To interpolate coordinates: 1) type the coordinates of the 1st and the last points in the
corresponding cells of the desired range; 2) select the desired range; 3) click the {Interpolation } button in
the Information window.
Specifying point altitudes
The sounding points altitudes are listed in the Z column of the Coordinates table field. By default all the
altitudes are assumed to be 0.
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IPI2Win User Manual
The altitude of a point can be edited by typing new value in the selected cell of the column. It is also
possible to fill the cells of the selected range within the Z column using extrapolation or interpolation.
To extrapolate altitudes: 1) type the altitudes of the 1st and the 2nd points in the corresponding cells of
the desired range; 2) select the desired range; 3) click the {Extrapolation } button in the Information
window. To interpolate altitudes: 1) type the altitudes of the 1st and the last points in the corresponding cells of
the desired range; 2) select the desired range; 3) click the {Interpolation } button in the Information
Saving and discarding changes
To accept the entered topographical information click the OK button in the Information window.
To discard all the changes in the topographycal information click the Cancel button in the Information
To discard all the changes in the topographycal information without closing the Information window
click the {UnDo} button in the Information window.
WARNING! Once entered, all topographical information on sounding points of a certain file is stored in
the file with the same name and DPR extension; if dat-file is copied or moved elsewhere, dpr-file must be placed
to the same new location as well. Deleting dpr-file will result in loosing the topographical information
concerning the corresponding dat-file.
Data alteration
Data correction
The apparent resistivity (VES-IP mode: and/or apparent chargeability) values of the sounding curve
displayed in the curve window can be edited if needed. To edit the displayed curve press the [F4] key, choose
the Point, Edit field curve menu item or click the {Edit field curve } button on the toolbar. The curve (VES-IP
mode: - both resistivity and chargeability curves) will be displayed in the Edit field curve window along with the
table of spacing and apparent resistivity (VES-IP mode: and chargeability) values.
To change an apparent resistivity value on a spacing drag the corresponding circle, marking the data
point, to the appropriate position with a mouse. It is also possible to select the corresponding cell in the table and
type a new apparent resistivity value in it. When editing the curve is finished, use the horizontal scrollbar of the
Edit field curve window to select another curve to edit. Click the OK button of the Edit field curve window to
accept all the changes for all the curves edited or the Cancel button of the Edit field curve window. The latest
change can be discarded by clicking the {UnDo } button of the Edit field curve window.
It possible to copy the apparent resistivity values of the current curve to the Clipboard by clicking the
{Copy} button of the Edit field curve window. To replace the apparent resistivity values for the current curve
with those previously copied, click the {Paste} button of the Edit field curve window.
The scrollbar in the Information window can be used to start editing the next or previous sounding curve
without closing the Information window.
WARNING! After editing the curves, new apparent resistivity values will be saved to the same file. The
old apparent resistivity values will be stored in the file with the same name and BAK extension. The bak-file
will be overwritten at the next opening the corresponding dat-file.
Creating a profile of several files
To create a profile of several dat-files, open the first of them (the one containing the curves with the least
coordinates). Then choose the File, Add file or click the {Add new data} button in the toolbar and open the next
desired file. The curves from it will be added to the profile after its last point.
Entering data
The dtg-file is generally created using the external text editor (i. e. Windows Notepad). IPI2Win internal
utility for creating data file is run by choosing the File, New VES point menu item, or by clicking the {Make new
VES point} button in the toolbar, or by pressing the [Ctrl-Alt-N] key. The New VES point window will appear.
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IPI2Win User Manual
The New VES point window
The apparent resistivity curve (VES-IP mode - and apparent resistivity curve) is displayed in the right
part of the window.
The left part of the window is a table of field data, each line represents a spacing. The columns of the
table are spacings (AB/2 column), measurement line length (MN), apparent chargeability (SP), voltage (U),
current (I), coefficient (K), apparent resistivity (Ro_a). Spacing and measurement line length must be typed into
the correspondent cells of the table. To enter voltage, current and apparent chargeability, click the Input SP, U, I
button of the window, then type the values in the corresponding cells. To enter apparent resistivity, click the
Input app. resistivity button of the window, then type the values in the corresponding cells. When editing the
table, one can use the {Copy} and {Paste} buttons of the window. It is also possible to create the table of the
same structure in some spreadsheet, store it in the Clipboard and then paste into the table by clicking the {Paste
table} button of the window. The table from the external spreadsheet can also be saved as a text file, which can
be imported into the table clicking the {Open TXT} button of the window
The table contents can be stored in the Clipboard by clicking the {Copy table} button of the window. The
stored items can be pasted then into a spreadsheet or word processor. The table contents can also be saved as the
text file by clicking the {Save TXT} button of the window.
The array type must be selected from the Array drop-down list of the window. For the meaning of
spacing for different array types see the Dat-file structure paragraph.
After all the data are entered, click the {Add} button of the window to append the curve to the currently
opened file or the {OK} button of the window to start creation of the new data file. In any case, Save as...
window will be displayed, where the file name must be pointed out or typed in the File name text box.
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IPI2Win User Manual
Viewing data
Viewing curves and models
The sounding curve for a certain point is displayed in the curve window titled with the sounding point
name. The point name is duplicated in the Name of VES location field of the status line immediately below the
toolbar. Only one curve can be displayed at a time. The position of the sounding point on the profile is marked
by a vertical line on the cross-sections in the cross-section window.
The field values of the apparent resistivity are marked by circles. To switch displaying the circles on/off
click the right mouse button on the curve window and choose the Marks item from the context menu. The curve
itself is presented by a black line, which is a smoothing spline on the field values. The curve is plotted in the
logarithmic scale for both spacing and apparent resistivity axes. The number of the orders on either of the axes is
determined automatically, so the scale of the curve plot may vary at the different sounding points.
To proceed to the next (previous) sounding point use the scroll bar in the status line or press [Ctrl-Right]
([Ctrl-Left]) key. It is also possible to click a desired sounding point on the pseudo cross-section or on the
resistivity cross-section in the cross-section window.
WARNING! The set of spacing values is fixed within IPI2Win. If the actual set of spacing values differs
from that of IPI2Win, the apparent resistivity values are interpolated to the IPI2Wins spacing grid.
The Curve window (VES
mode - left, VES-IP mode - right)
Viewing cross-sections
The pseudo cross-section of a specified value and/or resistivity cross-section are displayed (VES-IP
mode: or chargeability cross-section) in the Pseudo cross-section and resistivity cross-section window, the latter
below the former in the equal horizontal scale. The top horizontal ruler represents the names of the sounding
points, while the bottom horizontal ruler represents the coordinates of the sounding points. Vertical line marks
the sounding point for which the sounding point is displayed in the curve window. Color scale columns are
displayed besides the cross-sections, separately for the apparent resistivity (chargeability) pseudo cross-section
and resistivity (chargeability) cross-section. The following values can be displayed in the form of the pseudo
cross-section: apparent resistivity (by default); apparent chargeability (VES-IP mode only); fitting error for all
spacings of all curves; apparent resistivity derivative by the spacing; apparent resistivity derivative by the
sounding point coordinate on the profile.
It is possible to alter the ratio of pseudo cross-section and resistivity (chargeability) cross-section by
dragging the divider in the cross-section window. To view the pseudo cross-section or the resistivity
(chargeability) cross-section only choose the Section, Pseudo-section or, respectively, the Section, Resistivity
section menu item. Choose the Section, Both sections menu item to restore the initial cross-section window
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The cross-section window
In VES-IP mode, to switch between apparent resistivity and apparent chargeability pseudo cross-section
choose the Section, VES/IP menu item, or click the {Section mode} button in the toolbar, or press the [F9].
It may be sometimes useful to display the sounding points in the reversed order. To do so choose the
Section, Horizontal mirror menu item. Using mirroring, mind that on saving the mirrored profile the present
sounding points order will be saved.
Scaling the cross-sections
The horizontal and vertical scales of the cross-sections can be change accordingly to the users need. To
change the horizontal scale choose the Section, Zoom in menu item to increase the scale or the Section, Zoom out
menu item to decrease the scale, or press the [Alt-F5] or [Shift-F5] keys respectively. It is also possible to mark
the desired part of the profile by dragging with a mouse with a left button pressed beginning from some point of
the profile; the scale will be changed to display sounding points within the selected area, marked with the
rectangle, only. Choose the Section, All profile menu item or press the [Ctrl-F5] key to view all the profile again.
To change the vertical scale choose the Section, Less depth menu item to increase the scale or the Section,
More depth menu item to decrease the scale, or press the [Gray +] or [Gray -] keys on the numeric keypad
respectively. It is also possible to mark the desired part of the profile by dragging with a mouse with a left button
pressed beginning from some point on the vertical axis of the resistivity cross-section; the scale will be changed
to display the cross-section within the selected area, marked with the rectangle, only.
The pseudo cross-section can be displayed in the linear or logarithmic vertical scale. To switch between
the linear or logarithmic vertical scale choose the Section, Lin/log scale or press the [Ctrl- Alt-Z] key.
To specify certain horizontal scale value and maximal depth value choose the Section, Options menu item
or press the [Ctrl-F1] key or click the {Section options } toolbar button; the Section options window will
appear. To specify a certain horizontal scale, switch on the Horiz. scale checkbox of the window and type the
desired scale value in the neighboring text box. To specify a certain value of the maximal depth, type the desired
value in the text field of the Maximal depth field. When the desired values are entered, click the OK button of
the window. To restore automatic scaling, switch off the Horiz. scale checkbox and/or switch on the Auto
checkbox of the Maximal depth field on, then click the OK button of the window. To switch between scaled and
non-scaled way of displaying the cross-sections without changing the scale, switch on (off) the Scaled checkbox
in the bottom of the main window of the program.
It is possible to specify the bitmap resolution for printing the cross-section. To do this, set the desired
resolution value in dots per inch in the DPI numeric box of the Section options window. The cross-section
appearance on the screen will be changed as well. Use Print preview to see the results of changing resolution.

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The Section options window.
Labeling the cross-sections
The labels may appear in the cross-section window. These are sounding point names in the top of the
cross-section window, horizontal coordinates in the bottom of the cross-section window, spacings near the
pseudo cross-section vertical axes and depths (altitudes) near the resistivity (chargeability) cross-section vertical
axes. Text comments may be entered as well and the axes may be named. To label the cross-section, choose the
Section, Options menu item or press the [Ctrl-F1] key; the Section options window will appear.
Symbol substitutes can be used in text labels according to Table 1.
Table 1
Symbol substitutes in cross-section labels
Typed in the text box Appears on the cross-section
<Symbol>_< Symbol > < Symbol >

Symbol >

To display (remove) labels of a certain type, switch on (off) the corresponding checkbox of the Axis
labels field of the window. The VES labels check box is for sounding point names, the Left Axis and Right Axis
check boxes are for vertical axes labels, the Bottom Axis checkbox is for the horizontal coordinates.
To display (remove) text comments, switch on (off) the Show titles checkbox of the Titles field of the
window. Two (VES-IP mode - four) rows of text boxes are present in the Titles field. The upper row if for the
apparent resistivity pseudo cross-section, the lower one is for the resistivity cross-section. The leftmost text box
contains the name of the vertical axis of the corresponding cross-section. The rightmost text box contains the
name of the color scale column of the corresponding cross-section. The central text box may contain any text to
be displayed above the corresponding cross-section (the name of the observation line, etc.). The other two rows
appearing in the VES-IP mode are similar and deal with chargeability cross-sections. Type the desired text in the
corresponding text box, then click the OK button of the window.
True Type fonts are used to display (and print) the labels and text comments. To change the font settings,
click the Font button of the Titles field; the standard Windows Font window will appear. The font settings are
uniform for all the texts of the cross-section window.
Specifying colors of the cross-section
Color scales are used to represent the resistivity and apparent resistivity (and/or chargeability and
apparent chargeability in the VES-IP mode) values on the cross-sections. The contour levels are estimated
automatically using the data limits if the Auto checkboxes of the Contour levels field of the Section options
window are switched on. Otherwise the desired values of data limits can be typed in the neighboring text boxes
of the field. The default number of contours is 11, it can be altered from 3 to 84 in the Colors number numeric
field of the Color scale field of the Section options window. In the Gradient mode (see the next paragraph) the
quantity of color levels is arbitrary, in the Rainbow mode the level quantity can be changed with the quotient of
The default or custom color set can be chosen in the Fill colors field in the Color scale field of the
Section options window by clicking the Rainbow or Gradient button respectively. The Rainbow color set is
formed by a gradual change of colors from the color, corresponding to the greatest apparent resistivity values, to
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that corresponding to the smallest, through the consequent colors of the solar spectrum. The Gradient color set is
formed by a gradual change of colors from the color, corresponding to the greatest apparent resistivity values, to
that corresponding to the smallest, by changing their ratio in the color. To specify color, corresponding to the
greatest (smallest) values click the Maximum (Minimum) button in the Color scale field of the Section options
window, then click the desired color of the Color window and click its OK button. The color, corresponding to
the average resistivity value can also be specified. To do so, click the Middle button of the Section options
window, then click the desired color of the Color window and click its OK button. To disable the middle color
switch on the Auto middle color checkbox in the Color scale field.
It may be useful to make the cross-sections more expressive to look at by emphasizing some levels and/or
layers with a special color. To do so, click the desired color box in the Color scale field of the Section options
window, then click the desired color of the Color window and click its OK button.
It is possible to display contour lines on the resistivity cross-section. To do this, switch on the Show
contours checkbox of the Color scale field in the Section options window. Displaying contours slows down the
drawing of the apparent resistivity pseudo-cross-section.
The layers boundaries in the resistivity cross-section can be drawn in black lines (by default) or not. To
switch between these modes switch the Divide layers checkbox on (off).
To restore the default mode of displaying the cross-section click the Reset button in the Color scale field
of the Section options window.

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IPI2Win User Manual
Interpreting sounding data
The concept of the profile interpreting is the foundation of IPI2Win. It means that data for a profile are
treated as a unity representing the geological structure of the survey area as a whole, rather than a set of
independent objects dealt separately. The concept is implemented mainly by using the interactive semi-
interactive mode rather than the automated interpreting model.
IPI2Win is capable of solving resistivity electrical prospecting 1D forward and inverse problems for a
variety of commonly used arrays for the cross-sections with resistivity contrasts within the range of 0.0001 to
The forward problem is solved using the linear filtering. The filters are developed at the Near-surface
Electrical Prospecting Lab, Geophysical Dept., Geological Faculty, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia.
The thoroughly tested filters and filtering algorithm implementation provide fast and accurate direct problem
solution for a wide range of models, covering all reasonable geological situations.
The forward problem for chargeability is solved using the Komarovs equation for the apparent


, where the apparent resistivity is estimated for the layered cross-section with

, h
.. h
} parameters and the apparent resistivity is estimated for the layered cross-section with
) ..
), h
.. h
} parameters.
The inverse problem is solved using a variant of the Newton algorithm of the least number of layers or
the regularized fitting minimizing algorithm using Tikhonovs approach to solving incorrect problems. A priory
information on layers depths and resistivities can be used for regularizing the process of the fitting error
minimizing. The inverse problem is solved separately for each sounding curve.
The IPI2Win authors suppose that the approach involving interactive semi-automated interpreting is
preferable taking both the effectiveness and the geological sense into consideration. This approach provides the
opportunity of more complete and accurate taking a priory data into account. Some of these, being rather of
descriptive than quantitative nature, can hardly be introduced as formal parameters into the interpreting model.
In this case the interpreters experience and geological erudition may occur to be of even greater importance
than the calculation accuracy.
Creating and editing the model
The model parameters for the current sounding point (the resistivity (and chargeability in VES-IP mode),
the thickness and the upper boundary depth and altitude) are presented by a blue line of the pseudo-log plot in
the curve window. They are also listed in the table in the separate window titled with the fitting error values
(model window). The theoretical sounding curve for the current model parameters values is plotted in red in the
curve window. Fitting error values (VES mode - one, VES-IP mode - two) represent the relative difference
between the theoretical and field apparent resistivity curves and mean square deviation between the theoretical
and field apparent chargeability curves (VES-IP mode only, in brackets, with ) for the current sounding
point and its current model parameters. Fitting errors are also displayed in the Fitting error field of the status

The Model Window (VES mode - left, VES-IP mode - right)
At first the opening of the data file the resistivity cross-section is empty. The best fitting two-layered
model is automatically suggested for the initial interpreting model of the present sounding point. Model editing
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involves altering the quantity of layers (from 2 up to 30) by means of splitting or joining them (to add or to
remove a layer respectively) and changing the properties of the layers.
Altering the quantity of the layers
To split the current layer (i. e. the layer, highlighted in the model window) press the [Ctrl-N] keys,
choose the Model, Split menu item or click the {Split the layer} button on the toolbar. The layer is then split in
two. The resistivity and chargeability values of these new layers are equal to those of the initial layer. The total
thickness of the new layers is equal to that of the initial layer and the ratio of the new layers thicknesses is 2:3.
Splitting the deepest layer (the semi-space) results in adding a layer immediately above the semi-space; the
thickness of the layer added is 1.5 of the total thickness of the overlapping layers.
To join two consequent layers (i. e. the layer, highlighted in the model window and the following one)
press the [Ctrl-Y] keys, choose the Model, Join menu item or click the {Join two layer} button on the toolbar.
The layers are then united in a single layer. The resistivity of the new layer is the mean geometrical of those of
the two initial layers. The chargeablity of the new layer is the mean of those of the two initial layers. The
thickness of the new layer is equal to the total thickness of the two initial layers. Joining layers is impossible if
the semi-space is highlighted as the current layer.
Altering the properties of the layer
To edit layer properties click at the desired cell of the table in the model window, type the new value of
the parameter in the cell and press the [Enter] key. The theoretical curve will be redrawn for the present values
of the model parameters. Use arrow keys to proceed to the next cell in the arrow direction.
It is also possible to alter model parameters by dragging the pseudo-log plot segment with a mouse. The
theoretical curve is redrawn synchronously with altering the parameters in this manner. Dragging a vertical
segment changes the depth of the corresponding boundary, while dragging a horizontal segment changes the
resistivity of the layer. If the [Ctrl] key is pressed while dragging a segment both the resistivity and boundary
depth are being altered. If only the boundary depth is to be altered it may be more convenient to drag this
boundary in the cross-section window rather than in the cross-section window.
Getting a model from another point
The model from the current point is automatically transferred to the next selected sounding point if model
is yet empty for it. Consequent curve interpreting takes place usually and thus this effect results in automatic
transfer of the model to the next point.
The model for a certain sounding point can also be copied into the Clipboard and then assigned to
another sounding point by pasting it from the Clipboard. To do this, select the point with the desired model and
choose the Edit, Copy menu item, or press [Ctrl-Ins] keys, or click the {Copy} button on the toolbar. Then select
the sounding point to which the copied model is to be transferred and choose the Edit, Paste menu item, or press
[Shift-Ins] keys, or click the {Paste} button on the toolbar.
Clearing the model
Sometimes it is necessary to delete the model for a certain point, i. e. to start the intrepreting from the
very beginning. To do this, select the point with the desired model and choose the Edit, Cut model menu item,
or press [Shift-Del] keys, or click the {Cut } button on the toolbar.
To clear the models for the points, currently displayed in the cross-section window, choose the Delete all
results menu item.
Discarding the changes
Any completed editing operation can be discarded by pressing the [Alt-Backspace] keys, choosing the
Edit, Undo menu item or clicking the {UnDo} button on the toolbar. The editing operation is completed when
the [Enter] key is pressed after typing a value in the cell of the table in the model window or the mouse button is
released after dragging the pseudo-log plot segment. Pasting a model from the Clipboard and implementing the
automated interpreting of any kind is also a completed editing operation. Only the latest editing operation can be
To discard all model changes for the point made since it was selected choose the Edit, Restore menu item
Automated curve interpreting
The least quantity of layers approach for a single point and the whole profile
The most formal way of automated interpreting is applying of the least quantity of layers approach. To
implement the automatic interpreting using this approach for a single sounding curve select the sounding point
to interpret and choose the Point, New model menu item, or press the [F7] key or click the {Automatic
minimization with number of layers selection} button in the toolbar. A model will be created with the least
quantity of layers providing the best fitting of the field curve for the present sounding point and the theoretical
one. The least quantity of layers approach is regarded as a know-how by the IPI2Win developers.
To implement the least quantity of layers approach for all the curves of the profile, and choose the Point,
Profile new model menu item, or press the [Alt-F3] key.
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IPI2Win User Manual
This approach is likely to introduce the extremely thin layers with extremely great or small resistivity
values. The properties of such layers can be edited afterwards manually within the equivalence area. The least
quantity of layers approach is to be used to create a rough initial model for the further manual (interactive)
interpreting in case there is a lack of a priory data. It is also possible to use this approach to estimate the limits
of the equivalence area.
Implementing the least quantity of layers approach is controlled by the greatest and the least fitting error
values, specifying the limits of the fitting error for the model search, along with the specified least quantity of
layers in the model and (IP mode only) the chargeability fitting error weight when solving the inverse problem.
To specify these values choose the Options menu item. In the Options window click the New model tab, then
type the new value of the least fitting error value in the Minimal error (%) text field, the new value of the
greatest fitting error value - in the Maximal error (%) text field, the chargeability fitting error weight - in the
Charg. weight text field, the least least quantity of layers in the model - in the Min. layers number text field of
the Options window.
In VES-IP mode the resistivity and chargeability curves are both involved in the inversion process.
Regularized fitting error minimizing (Newton algorithm)
Implementing the Newton algorithm for a single point and the whole profile
Within IPI2Win, regularized fitting error minimizing is actually more frequently applied for the
automated curve interpreting than the Newton algorithm. To implement the automatic interpreting using this
approach, select the sounding point to interpret, create the initial model by any of the above mentioned means
and then choose the Point, Inversion menu item, or press the [Space] key, or click the {Inversion} button on the
toolbar. The parameters of the initial model will be altered to provide the best fitting of the field curve for the
present sounding point and the theoretical one. The quantity of layers is not altered.
To implement the same approach to all the curves of the profile, create the initial model by any of the
above mentioned means and then choose the Point, Profile inversion menu item, or press the [Ctrl-F3] key.
If a similar initial model seems to fit several consequent points, it is possible to make model interpolation
for this fragment of the profile. To do this, clear the models for the desired points, then create the initial model
for the first point of the fragment and then choose the Point, Profile interpolation menu item, or press the [Shift-
Ctrl-F3] key.
The initial model is created using the a priory data, derived from the geological cross-section and/or the
drilling data provided by the customer or available due to other reasons. These data are usually generalized by
the interpreter to represent the electrical properties of the rocks constituting the geological cross-section.
In VES-IP mode the resistivity and chargeability curves are both involved in the inversion process.
Fixing the model parameters
If the certain properties of some layers are known for sure it is possible to fix them before automated
interpreting. The fixed parameters are not changed while minimizing fitting error. Fixing the model parameters
is the way of more strict and controllable regularization of the minimization process.
To fix a parameter, click the desired cell of the table in the model window, then choose the Model, Fix
menu item, or press the [Ins] key. To release a fixed parameter, click the cell containing the desired parameter,
then do the same action, i. e. choose the Model, Fix menu item, or press the [Ins] key.
Interactive semi-automated interpreting
Interactive semi-automated interpreting is the main mode of data interpreting implemented in IPI2Win.
This paragraph expresses mainly the authors approach to the sounding data interpreting. This approach is
derived from a vast experience of interpreting practical sounding data while solving various geological
The process is usually started with visual analysis of the apparent resistivity pseudo cross-section. The
zones are distinguished on the observation line with similar types of sounding curves. Some transient palaces
usually occur between the neighboring zones. The curves within the zones may be usually interpreted using 1D
approach, while the transient curves differ considerably from 1D curves.
Sounding points with typical curves are selected on the observation line for each of the zones
distinguished. The curves for these points are interpreted using the a priory data available. If the geological
cross-section is available from a borehole for the certain sounding points, the initial model for the point is
created using its data. The number of layers depths of the boundaries according to the borehole column, while
the resistivities are asserted using the litological information. Some geological layers may be joined into uniform
geoelectrical layers according to their electrical properties and thus their influence on the sounding curve.
After interpreting the typical curves the models are transferred to other points of the corresponding zones.
The model for each curve actually needs editing. Automated interpreting with fixing certain parameters can be
applied to do so or manual model editing can be implemented. The interpreting within each zone is thus
Moscow State University 18 Geoscan-M Ltd.
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For the transient curves more radical model altering may be needed. The transient curves are interpreted
paying attention rather to how the models of the points match the general concept of the geological structure
along the observation line than to the fitting error of separate curves. A sort of facial alteration is introduced (i.
e., the resistivity and/or chargeability of the layer varies gradually while the thickness of the layer is kept
constant) or else the boundary of the layer is gradually sloped up or down until it sticks the overlapping or
underlying boundary. The choice of any variant depends mainly on the a priory data and, to some extent, of the
interpreters preferences. The developers experience in sounding data interpreting demonstrates that altering
both resistivity and depth of a layer should be generally avoided.
The geoelectrical cross-section thus obtained is actually regarded as the first-order approximation of the
model of the geological structure along the observation line. This cross-section is analyzed taking its geological
sense into account and matching of the result obtained and a priory data available. Some alterations of the cross-
section result usually from such analysis. Some layers, even having no considerable influence on the sounding
curves, may be formally introduced into a model if the existence of such layers is taken for sure due to the a
priory data. During this stage of interpreting more attention is paid to corresponding of the cross-section to the
geological situation and its general appearance, but the fitting error is still kept as small as possible.
Editing the model in the cross-section window
It is possible to alter the model parameters using solely the mouse in the resistivity cross-section image.
The currently available editing operation is determined by the mouse pointer appearance inside the cross-
section window according to Table 2.
Table 2
Editing operation in the cross-section window
Mouse pointer appearance Menu item:
operation contents; implementation
Select layer: assign the resistivity value of a layer to any other
layer on any other point; drag-and-drop the layer from one point
to the desired layer of the destination point
Chg. depth: alter the boundary depth on a sounding point;
drag-and-drop the boundary to the desired position
Chg. resist.: alter the layer resistivity on a sounding point
pressing the left mouse button, move the mouse in vertical direction
starting from the middle of the layer, watch the resistivity value
in the model window and by the mark on the resistivity color bar.
Add: add a layer to the model of the current point; click the
mouse left button on the desired depth of the desired point
Remove: remove a layer ( boundary) from the model
of the current point; click the mouse left button on the
desired boundary of the desired point

To choose the operation, display the additional toolbar by clicking the {Edit mode } or the
context menu by clicking the right mouse button on the cross-section window.
Additional interpreting tools
Estimating the equivalence limits
To estimate the equivalence limits for one of the model parameters for a certain point select the sounding
point, then choose the cell with the desired parameter. To set the parameter to the greatest value within the
equivalence limits choose the Model, Maximum menu item or press the [Ctrl-Alt-D] key. To set the parameter to
the least value within the equivalence limits choose the Model, Minimum menu item or press the [Ctrl-Alt-X]
Calculating conductance
To calculate the geoelectrical cross-section conductance to a certain depth, choose the
Transformation>Conductance context menu item or click the {S(H)} button in the toolbar. The Conductance
window will appear.
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The Conductance window
Type the depth value in the Depth text box of the window, then click the {Calculate} button in it. The
conductance plot along the profile will appear in the window. Linear or logarithmic scale is available for the
plots conductance (vertical) axis. To choose one of them, check the Linear or Log item respectively in the Scale
field of the window. Switching the Labels checkbox of the window on causes the sounding point names to
displayed on the plot.
The results can be stored in the Clipboard by clicking the Copy button of the window. The stored values
can be pasted then into a spreadsheet or word processor as a table.

Section, Transformation
Fitting error pseudo cross-section
To display the fitting error pseudo-cross section for the apparent resistivity (VES-IP mode - or apparent
chargeability), display the desired pseudo cross-section choose the Transformation>Accuracy context menu
item or click the {Fitting error} button in the toolbar. Examining the fitting error pseudo-cross section may be
useful to distinguish the zones along the profile or in some depth (spacing) intervals, where the fitting error is
the greatest. Such zones are likely to be connected with 2D or 3D effects.
Vertical derivative transformation
To display the vertical derivative transformation (derivative by the spacing) for the apparent resistivity
(VES-IP mode - or apparent chargeability), display the desired pseudo cross-section choose the
Transformation>V-Transformation context menu item or click the {Vertical derivative transformation} button
in the toolbar. The derivative can be calculated by the spasing or by spacing logarithm. To switch between these
modes choose the Transformation>dR/dLnR context menu item. Vertical derivative is likely to highlight the
characteristic points of sounding curves: extrema as zero points and bendings as extrema.
Horizontal derivative transformation
To display the horizontal derivative transformation for the apparent resistivity (VES-IP mode - or
apparent chargeability), display the desired pseudo cross-section choose the H- Transformation>Transformation
context menu item or click the {Horizontal derivative transformation} button in the toolbar. The extrema of the
horizontal derivative are likely to mark the places where one horizontally layered model is changed radically to
the other.
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Managing results
Saving results
The interpreting results are saved into a file with the same name as the dat-file curently opened and RES
extension. Saving results takes place when a dat-file is saved, i. e. on implementing Save operation, on exiting
IPI2Win or before opening another dat-file. No res-file is created or saved if none of model parameter for any
sounding point was altered. No backup files is created for res-files.
The res-file is placed into the folder where the corresponding dat-file is located. If a dat-file is moved
elsewhere the corresponding res-file must be moved to the same location. Otherwise the results of interpreting
are likely to be lost.
Automatic saving of the files after at certain time intervals is available. To specify the autosave
parameters choose the Options menu item. In the Options window click the Autosave tab, then type the new
value of the autosaving time interval value in the Autosave every text field and switch on the Autosaving
checkbox to enable autosaving. Switch that checkbox off to disable autosaving.
WARNING! Avoid altering the contents of a res-file unless using IPI2Win. The res-file format and, particularly,
the order of the sounding points must strictly correspond to those in dat-file.
Result file format
Res-file is a plain text file of definite structure. The format of each line is as follows.
1st and 2nd lines - any text; the lines duplicate those of the corresponding dat-file.
3rd line - one integer - the number of models (N
) stored in the file.
4th line - up to 10 characters beginning from 1st column - the name of the current sounding point;
transferred from the dat-file by IPI2Win.
5th line - one integer and one real;
the integer is the quantity of layers (N
) in the model for the current point;
the real is the fitting error for the current point for the current model parameters.
6th line - a list of N
items - real numbers separated with spaces - representing the resistivity values
ordered from the surface to the deepest.
7th line - a list of N
-1 items - real numbers separated with spaces - representing the thickness values
ordered from the surface to the deepest.
8th line (VES-IP mode only) - a list of N
items - real numbers separated with spaces - representing the
chargeability values ordered from the surface to the deepest.
WARNING! Lines 6 and 7 (VES-IP mode -lines 6-8) contain also the inner data of IPI2Win. Items following
the lists of values in these lines must not be altered otherwise than by IPI2Win.
Lines from 4 to 7 (VES-IP mode - from 4 to 8) are repeated N
times, four (VES-IP mode - five) lines
per each interpreted point.
Printing cross-sections
To print a cross-section (apparent resistivity or chargeability or any transformation pseudo cross-section,
resistivity or chargeability cross-section or both pseudo cross-section and cross-section), switch to the cross-
section window, display the desired cross-sections (see the Viewing cross-sections paragraph) and choose the
File, Print menu item. The displayed image will be printed on the current printer. To change the printer choose
the File, Print menu item and choose the desired printer from the Change printer drop-down list of the Print
setup window.
The cross-section is printed on the paper of the size set in the Paper size drop-down list of the Print setup
window. The image may fit a single sheet or to be of a certain horizontal scale (see the Scaling the cross-section
section of this manual for setting scale). It may be useful to see a preview of the page with the cross-sections. To
do this, choose the File, Preview menu item, or click the {Preview} button in the toolbar.
To save ink when printing on the color printer select the Section, Options... menu item and click the Pale
button of the Section options window.
If a table of results is needed in the printed form, choose the Edit, Copy all model menu item or press the
[Ctrl-A] keys. The parameters of all the models will be stored in the Clipboard. The copied values can be pasted
into a spreadsheet or a word processor and then printed from it. General agreements concerning the Clipboard
operation should be fulfilled.
Saving an image of the cross-section
A color bitmap image of a cross-section (apparent resistivity pseudo cross-section, resistivity cross-
section or both) can be saved as into the file of the Windows bitmap format (BMP) with the same name as the
corresponding dat-file. To do this, switch to the cross-section window, display the desired cross-sections (see the
Viewing cross-sections paragraph) and choose the Edit, Copy menu item. The bitmap image of the cross-section
will be stored in the Clipboard. The image can be pasted into any program capable of managing bitmaps, i. g.
Moscow State University 21 Geoscan-M Ltd.
IPI2Win User Manual
graphic application. Pasting the image is to be done using the Edit, Paste special... menu item of the desired
Moscow State University 22 Geoscan-M Ltd.
IPI2Win User Manual
Making geological cross-section
(Prof. V. A. Shevnin)
The IPI_Res2 is designed for presenting results of VES interpretation in the form of geological cross-
section with profile points along the horizontal axis and real boundary depths or altitudes along the vertical axis
including the altitudes of the day surface, legend for layers marking and text descriptions of layers.
The IPI_Res2 is a DOS program. To run it, type in the DOS command line:
ipires2e [mode]
and press Enter.
The [mode] can be skipped or it can be one of the following;
/@n - print on the HP LaserJet printer with resolution n dpi, (n=[75, 100, 150, 300])
/P - cancel printer test on running the IPI_Res2
/On - use the specified port n for output, (n may be any from the list: LPT1, LPT2, COM1,
COM2 or file name
/G - use EGA mode
/T - do not include text in the DXF file.

All the operations after running the IPI_Res2 are controlled by pressing the keys.
Input files are: *.dat, *.res and *.dpr (if any) with horizontal and vertical scales and coordinates of all
VES locations. The desired *.dat file should be opened after running the program. Internal IPI_Res2 data are
stored in *.n? files in the same folder as input files. In case the interpretation was changed using IPI after
creating the geological cross-section with IPI_Res2, the *.n? files should be deleted before updating the
geological cross-section.
Operation with program includes four stages.
Selection of geological bodies in cross-section - stage 1.
After opening the *.dat file you can see on the screen two cross-sections. The upper one is the
geoelectrical cross-section from IPI. Lower cross-section is a resulting picture of the 1-st stage. When certain
data file is opened for the first time, lower cross-section is empty and to the right of it you may see the Layer
resistivity-boundary depth cross-plot.
Moving the cursor arrow with the arrow keys among VES locations and different layers you observe
small red cross moving at the cross-plot. You may see some "clouds" of points at that diagram, corresponding to
proposed geological bodies. Such "clouded" representation helps to distinguish geological bodies in the cross-
section, according to vicinity of points from the center of a "cloud". This process is a kind of geological
classification. The main idea of 1-st stage consist of dividing total cross-section into separate geological bodies
on a base of a similarity of blocks resistivities and their depth position. After automatic procedure it is possible
to correct bodies using a priory representations and definite geological conception.
Geological body according to our conception is region in cross-section consisting of some blocks from
different VES's with similar resistivities and boundaries depths. New body among other characteristics has
resulting resistivity which is calculated as mean geometrical value of all blocks for all VES's in its boundaries.
The total number of different bodies shouldn't be more than 10, but each body may consist of several parts
without touching between them (that is fragmented). You may use for division cross-section into geological
bodies automatic and heuristic algorithm. To begin procedure you should mark representative examples for each
body (better from up to down). Then the program on the base of similarity to representative examples begin
classified all layers for all VES locations into several geological bodies.
This automatic classification may be good or bad, depending on the difference in bodies properties. But
in any case you may correct its result. Using your own and a priory representation you may reclassify some parts
of cross-section, by pressing keys with appropriate numbers of bodies. If some bodies have the same color due
to similar resistivity, you may hatch one of them by pressing Enter.
Supplying patterns to the geological bodies - stage 2.
For printing cross-section you need to hatch each geological body with separate symbols in black and
white. You may select ready hatch characters (among samples in upper part of the screen) or edit them to new
For editing one should press F4. There are three different regimes of editing, marked by arrow color.
When regime is called "Moving", arrow is of red color.
When regime is called "Adding new points" arrow is black. When regime is called "Erasing", Arrow is
Moscow State University 23 Geoscan-M Ltd.
IPI2Win User Manual
Pressing Enter you will go to 2-nd regime, and with Esc to 3-rd one. To return back to 1-st regime, you
need press Enter or Esc once more.
To finish editing press Y if you want to save new variant, or N, to stay previous one.
Scaling the cross-section and creating the legend - stage 3.
Before printing one need to specify vertical and horizontal scales by typing the desired values and type
comments (descriptions) for each geological body. The total length of picture depends on horizontal scale, this
value one can see in right lower corner of the screen.
Comment for each body may consist of 1 to 3 lines with no more than 18 symbols. The order of
comments depend on the order of bodies number, but if you wish, you may rearrange them. For that one need to
mark definite comment by pressing Enter and after moving cursor to new position press Enter once more.
Printing or saving the image - stage 4.
Epson (LX, FX)- or Hewlett-Packard LaserJet compatible printers can be used. For printing press P. To
stop printing press Esc.
WARNING! If you use a network printer, make sure the printing from DOS applications is enabled
(consult your tech support if needed).
The cross-section image can also be saved in the AutoCAD Data Exchange format (*.DXF) by pressing
Note If you work with the same data in second time the program restores all previous commands
(distribution of layers in bodies, hatch characters, scales, comments). All this information is keeping in three
files with extensions "N", "N2" & "N3". If you changed layers number by IPI program for any VES location,
then running IPI_RES2 may sometimes give crash of program due to difference in *.res and N's files. In this
occasionally happens, you need to delete these N files and begin to work a new.
Moscow State University 24 Geoscan-M Ltd.
IPI2Win User Manual
presenting the results in the form of geoelectrical columns
The IPI_Res 3 is designed for presenting the results sounding curves intrepretation in the form of
geoelectrical columns. The *.dat, *.res and *.dpr files are needed for the IPI_Res3. The cross-section image is
saved in the Enhanced Metafile (Windows) *.emf.
After running the IPI_Res3 open the desired data file by choosing the File, Open... menu item.

IPI_Res3 main window

Specify the horizontal and vertical scales by typing the values in the Horizontal scale 1: and Vertical
scale 1: text fields respectively. Mind the sizes of the image displayed next to these fields.
Specify the font properties for axes labels and VES names by pressing the button and
for resistivity values by pressing the button.
Set the axes tick length and line width in millimeters in the corresponding fields. To display/hide the axes
labels and VES names switch on/off the corresponding checkboxes. Set the axes tick length in the Mark length
(mm) text field of the Depth mark field and set the axes ticks appearance by switching on/off the Right and Left
checkboxes in the Depth mark field.
Select the resistivity value format in the Resistivity field; if Rounded format is selected specify the
number of significant digits in the numeric box next to the Resistivity field. Set the geoelectrical column tick
length in the Mark length (mm) text field of the Depth mark field and set the axes ticks appearance by switching
on/off the Right and Left checkboxes in the Depth mark field.
180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320
The interpretation results as geoelectrical columns

To see the columns click the button. To save it, choose the File, Save as... menu item; type
the file name WITH EMF EXTENSION. To print the image choose the File, Print... menu item; see the Printing
cross-section part of this Manual for details.
Moscow State University 25 Geoscan-M Ltd.

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