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2010 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 238 012009
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1. Introduction
In terms of handling problems regarding measurement processes, image processing becomes more
and more important. Many students face problems abstracting measurement problems and their
solutions caused by lack of practical experience in handling complicated measuring technology.
On the other hand understanding dimensions and scales, tolerance zones, measurement errors and
measurement deviation, specically regarding small components, is missing. Modern measuring
devices come at a high level of complexity, hence the handling of these devices in most of
the trainings and teaching concepts covers only a very limited extent of functionality. The
potential benet of each dierent method and strategy in measuring mechanic or electronic
components is seldomly demonstrated. Especially opportunities and advantages given by
combining dierent methods of measuring devices is not included in the regular curricular.
The interactive application of multi-sensor measurement devices opens new perspectives for an
integrated approach of solving measurement problems.
For students the complexity of handling the measurement device itself is another obstacle. The
interactive part of the training will be conducted on the SPECTRUM 700 coordinate measuring
machine (see gure 1a), which commands a tactile and an optical sensor. This enables teaching
of the dierent measurement methods at constant conditions.
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A given mechanical component (production part, see gure 1b) is used to dene several tasks
to be measured and specied in several assignments. For tactile measurement tasks dierent
sensors will be used to measure geometrical dimensions and positions. For optical measurment
tasks the Viscan sensor will be used, which is also available for the Zeiss coordinate measuring
machine SPECTRUM 700 (see gure 1a). The measurement results of both, the tactile
Stage One
The target of the rst stage is to explain the general handling of the measuring device. This
requires interdisciplinary theoretical knowledge acquired in the academic career. The structure
and the dierent types of coordinate measuring machines, dierent types of scanning probes and
sensors, measuring points and the number of measuring points to acquire per element as well as
important criteria for evaluating the measurement results are explained using a bent sheet metal
part as practical example.
In the next step an inspection plan has to be created by the students, using the operating
software (see gure 3). The students familiarize with the specic control options of the
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the necessary features that are to be measured have to be added to the inspection plan. Special
attention has to be given to the measuring strategies and the basic conditions they are critical
for the measurement results. The practical aspects will be strengthened not only by the operating
software itself, but also by the fact that further pc workstations with the same operating software
for simulation purposes are available.
After successful creation of the inspection plan students ca proceed to the coordinate
measuring machine. Possible errors with the positioning path, the selection process of the right
scanning probe, an appropriate positioning speed as well as a sucient number of measurement
points become apparent immediately, which encourages the process of understanding. The rst
stage is completed with a successfully processed inspection plan including the evaluation of the
measurement results afterwards.
(b) parallelism
Stage Two
Stage two contains the determination of form, positional tolerances and relations. Further
instructions are necessary to understand roundness, atness, parallelism, cylindricity, symmetry
and perpendicularity (see gure 4b). In contrast to the theoretical instructions the practical
experience with dimensional and geometrical tolerances motivates the students. Furthermore
they realize the inuence of changes in temperature between two comparative measurements.
Stage Three
Stage three of the teaching concept deals with the complex interactions of dierent sensors for
a more complex inspection plan. To measure the boreholes in the production part the scanner
probe has to be changed. The students are facing the decision for the right scanning probe again.
Scanning probes available are tactile sensors with dierent sizes and parameters as well as the
optical probe system ViScan (see gure 5a). At this stage particular attention will be devoted
to the optical probe system. In its adjustments the optical system is more dicult to handle
than the tactile one due to additional parameters like lighting, the correctly congured focus or
setting criteria for edge detection. The relationship between calibration and adjustment of the
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sensors are illustrated. First of all the tactile and the optical sensor are re-measured, then an
inspection plan for multisensor technology will be created. This illustrates specic advantages
and disadvantages of probe systems (see gure 5b).
The importance of the right setting of criteria like the direction for edge detection and correct
focus settings will lead to their inuences on the measurement results. Realizing the parameter's
inuence on the measurement result is the key element at this stage. The third stage is completed
with the successfully processed inspection plan using multisensor technology. An additional
task for the students is to nd a time ecient measurement strategy. For this purpose the
measurement points have to be brought in an order that minimizes the distance of the sensor
during the measurement. Also the time of the sensor changes have have to be chosen time
First experiences
Results from the concepts rst validation phase have shown, that the complexity is to high to
be handled by students. Specically the usage of the operating software causes many diculties
and mistakes. In fact, the students motivation decreased by diculties with handling the user
interface of the software. The tutoring concept of direct support usually helped a lot to x
the problems immediately. These results lead to a reduction in the requirements and several
adjustments in the concept.
3. The Students Opinion
Asking the students opinion about the new training, most of them agree that it is an interesting
and exciting series of experiments, explaining the connection between theory and practical
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application. The information was gained with a questionnaire which the students had to
ll in directly after the completion of the current stage. The opportunity to gain some
experiences working with multi-sensor measuring devices and discovering dierent inuences on
the measurement results was highly appreciated by the students. The prospective engineer's
motivation for training the acquired knowledge with practical demonstrations increased
signicantly. The goal of the teaching concept - solving a measurment task for a production
part by creating an inspection plan and successfully processing it on a coordinate measuring
device - could be achieved. Unfortunately is has to be pointed out that the number of students
participated in the trainings yet is too small to be convincing.
4. Summary and Prospect
The training in optical and tactile measurement technology enables students to gain experience
in the usage of measuring devices and encourages the process of understanding measurement
machines and their characteristics. The academic education will benet from the increasing
quality by combining theoretical lessons with interactive trainings. The Ilmenau University of
Technology is oering such a combined teaching method with its new consecutive degree program
`Optronik', which is a cross-section-science, based on the technical disciplines optics, electronics,
mechanical engineering and computer science.
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[2] Lin G 2006 Statistiktraining im Qualittsmanagement (Mnchen, Wien: Fachbuchverl. Leipzig im CarlHanser-Verl.)
[3] Lin G 2005 Qualittsmanagement fr Ingenieure 2nd ed (Mnchen, Wien: Fachbuchverl. Leipzig im CarlHanser-Verl.)
[4] Carl Zeiss (ed) 2009 Calypso Basisschulung (Aalen: Carl Zeiss 3D Metrology GmbH)
[5] Beets S, Roitmeier R and Weckenmann A (eds) 2002 Ausbildungskonzept Koordinatenmesstechnik - AUKOM
vol 81-01 (FQS-DGQ)