Avaya IP Office Manager Manual
Avaya IP Office Manager Manual
Avaya IP Office Manager Manual
Manager 10.1
IP Office R8.1 FP1
Manager 10.1 Page 2
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
IP Office Manager 1.
..................................................................... 16 1.1 Installing IP Office Manager
..................................................................... 18 1.2 Starting IP Office Manager
..................................................................... 19 1.3 Opening a Configuration
..................................................................... 22 1.4 Changing the IP Office Manager Language
..................................................................... 22 1.5 Backward Compatibility
..................................................................... 23 1.6 What's New in Release 8.1
Configuration Mode 2.
..................................................................... 32 2.1 The Configuration Mode Interface
..................................................................... 33 2.2 Security Settings
..................................................................... 34 2.3 Title Bar
..................................................................... 35 2.4 The Menu Bar
..................................................................... 36 2.5 Toolbars
............................................................................ 36 2.5.1 The Main Toolbar
............................................................................ 38 2.5.2 The Navigation Toolbar
............................................................................ 38 2.5.3 The Details Toolbar
..................................................................... 39 2.6 Using the Navigation Pane
..................................................................... 40 2.7 Using the Group Pane
..................................................................... 42 2.8 Using the Details Pane
..................................................................... 44 2.9 Using the Error Pane
..................................................................... 46 2.10 Altering the Interface
..................................................................... 48 2.11 The Status Bar
..................................................................... 49 2.12 Editing Configuration Settings
............................................................................ 51 2.12.1 Mergeable Settings
............................................................................ 52 2.12.2 Configuration Size
............................................................................ 53 2.12.3 Setting the Discovery Addresses
............................................................................ 55 2.12.4 Opening a Configuration from a System
............................................................................ 57 2.12.5 Opening a Configuration Stored on PC
............................................................................ 58 2.12.6 Known System Discovery
............................................................................ 59 2.12.7 Creating New Records
............................................................................ 60 2.12.8 Validation of Records
............................................................................ 62 2.12.9 Creating an Offline Configuration
............................................................................ 63 2.12.10 Importing and Exporting Settings
............................................................................ 65 2.12.11 Copying and Pasting
............................................................................ 65 2.12.12 Saving a Configuration Offline
............................................................................ 66 2.12.13 Sending a Configuration
............................................................................ 68 2.12.14 Erasing the Configuration
............................................................................ 69 2.12.15 Default Settings
IP Office Server Edition Mode 3.
..................................................................... 73 3.1 Installing IP Office Manager
..................................................................... 75 3.2 Solution View
..................................................................... 77 3.3 System Inventories
..................................................................... 78 3.4 The Navigation Pane
..................................................................... 80 3.5 Record Consolidation
..................................................................... 81 3.6 Initial Configuration Menus
..................................................................... 83 3.7 Templates
..................................................................... 85 3.8 Telephony Operation Configuration
............................................................................ 85 3.8.1 Incoming Call Routing
............................................................................ 90 3.8.2 Outgoing Call Routing
............................................................................ 107 3.8.3 Emergency Calls
............................................................................ 110 3.8.4 Network Telephone Features
..................................................................... 112 3.9 Using IP Office Server Edition Mode
............................................................................ 112 3.9.1 Opening the System Configurations
............................................................................ 114 3.9.2 Configuring the Systems
............................................................................ 115 3.9.3 Saving Configuration Changes
............................................................................ 116 3.9.4 Starting System Status
............................................................................ 117 3.9.5 Voicemail Administration
............................................................................ 118 3.9.6 Setting Up Resilience
............................................................................ 120 3.9.7 Adding a Secondary Server
............................................................................ 121 3.9.8 Adding an Expansion System
............................................................................ 122 3.9.9 Displaying the System Inventories
............................................................................ 122 3.9.10 Removing an Expansion/Secondary Server
............................................................................ 122 3.9.11 Synchronizing the Configurations
............................................................................ 122 3.9.12 Displaying the Solution View
............................................................................ 123 3.9.13 Starting Web Control
............................................................................ 123 3.9.14 On-boarding
............................................................................ 123 3.9.15 Shared Administration
..................................................................... 125 3.10 Default Settings
..................................................................... 126 3.11 IP500 V2 Conversion
Security Mode 4.
..................................................................... 129 4.1 Security Settings
..................................................................... 130 4.2 Default Security Users
..................................................................... 133 4.3 The Security Mode Interface
..................................................................... 135 4.4 Security Administration
..................................................................... 144 4.5 Editing Security Settings
............................................................................ 146 4.5.1 General Settings
............................................................................ 148 4.5.2 System
............................................................................ 154 4.5.3 Services Settings
............................................................................ 156 4.5.4 Rights Groups
............................................................................ 163 4.5.5 Service Users
Menu Bar Commands 5.
..................................................................... 168 5.1 Configuration Mode: File Menu
............................................................................ 168 5.1.1 Open Configuration
............................................................................ 168 5.1.2 Close Configuration
............................................................................ 168 5.1.3 Save Configuration
............................................................................ 168 5.1.4 Save Configuration As
............................................................................ 169 5.1.5 Change Working Directory
............................................................................ 170 5.1.6 Preferences
............................................................................ 177 5.1.7 Offline
............................................................................ 179 5.1.8 Advanced
............................................................................ 193 5.1.9 Backup/Restore
............................................................................ 194 5.1.10 Import/Export
............................................................................ 195 5.1.11 Exit
..................................................................... 196 5.2 Configuration Mode: View Menu
............................................................................ 196 5.2.1 Toolbars
............................................................................ 196 5.2.2 Tooltip
............................................................................ 196 5.2.3 Navigation Pane
............................................................................ 196 5.2.4 Group Pane
............................................................................ 196 5.2.5 Details Pane
............................................................................ 196 5.2.6 Error Pane
............................................................................ 196 5.2.7 Advance View
............................................................................ 196 5.2.8 Hide Admin Tasks
............................................................................ 196 5.2.9 Simplified View
............................................................................ 197 5.2.10 TFTP Log
..................................................................... 198 5.3 Configuration Mode: Tools Menu
............................................................................ 198 5.3.1 Extension Renumber
............................................................................ 198 5.3.2 Line Renumber
............................................................................ 198 5.3.3 Connect To
............................................................................ 199 5.3.4 Service User Management
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
............................................................................ 200 5.3.5 Busy on Held Validation
............................................................................ 200 5.3.6 MSN/DID Configuration
............................................................................ 201 5.3.7 Print Button Labels
............................................................................ 202 5.3.8 Import Templates
..................................................................... 203 5.4 Security Mode
............................................................................ 203 5.4.1 Open Security Settings
............................................................................ 203 5.4.2 Close Security Settings
............................................................................ 203 5.4.3 Save Security Settings
............................................................................ 203 5.4.4 Reset Security Settings
............................................................................ 203 5.4.5 Preferences
............................................................................ 203 5.4.6 Exit
............................................................................ 203 5.4.7 Configuration
..................................................................... 204 5.5 Embedded File Management
............................................................................ 205 5.5.1 Open File Settings
............................................................................ 205 5.5.2 Close File Settings
............................................................................ 205 5.5.3 Refresh File Settings
............................................................................ 205 5.5.4 Upload File
............................................................................ 205 5.5.5 Upload System Files
............................................................................ 205 5.5.6 Backup System Files
............................................................................ 205 5.5.7 Restore System Files
............................................................................ 205 5.5.8 Upgrade Binaries
............................................................................ 205 5.5.9 Upgrade Configuration
............................................................................ 206 5.5.10 Upload Voicemail Files
............................................................................ 206 5.5.11 Upload Phone Files
............................................................................ 206 5.5.12 Copy System Card
............................................................................ 206 5.5.13 Configuration
Configuration Settings 6.
..................................................................... 212 6.1 BOOTP
..................................................................... 213 6.2 Operator
..................................................................... 214 6.3 System
............................................................................ 215 6.3.1 System
............................................................................ 221 6.3.2 LAN1
............................................................................ 231 6.3.3 LAN2
............................................................................ 232 6.3.4 DNS
............................................................................ 233 6.3.5 Voicemail
............................................................................ 237 6.3.6 Telephony
............................................................................ 244 6.3.7 Directory Services
............................................................................ 253 6.3.8 System Events
............................................................................ 259 6.3.9 SMTP
............................................................................ 260 6.3.10 SMDR
............................................................................ 262 6.3.11 Twinning
............................................................................ 263 6.3.12 VCM
............................................................................ 266 6.3.13 CCR
............................................................................ 267 6.3.14 Codecs
..................................................................... 268 6.4 Line
............................................................................ 270 6.4.1 Trunk Templates
............................................................................ 276 6.4.2 Analog Line
............................................................................ 282 6.4.3 BRI Line
............................................................................ 287 6.4.4 E1 Line
............................................................................ 293 6.4.5 E1R2 Line
............................................................................ 298 6.4.6 T1 Line
............................................................................ 304 6.4.7 T1 PRI Line
............................................................................ 311 6.4.8 S0 Line
............................................................................ 315 6.4.9 H323 Line
............................................................................ 325 6.4.10 IP DECT Line
............................................................................ 330 6.4.11 SIP Line
............................................................................ 347 6.4.12 SES Line
..................................................................... 354 6.5 Control Unit
..................................................................... 355 6.6 Extension
............................................................................ 356 6.6.1 Extn
............................................................................ 358 6.6.2 Analog
............................................................................ 360 6.6.3 VoIP
............................................................................ 365 6.6.4 T38 Fax
............................................................................ 366 6.6.5 IP DECT
..................................................................... 367 6.7 User
............................................................................ 369 6.7.1 User
............................................................................ 373 6.7.2 Voicemail
............................................................................ 376 6.7.3 DND
............................................................................ 377 6.7.4 Short Codes
............................................................................ 378 6.7.5 Source Numbers
............................................................................ 381 6.7.6 Telephony
............................................................................ 388 6.7.7 Forwarding
............................................................................ 390 6.7.8 Dial In
............................................................................ 391 6.7.9 Voice Recording
............................................................................ 393 6.7.10 Coverage
............................................................................ 395 6.7.11 Button Programming
............................................................................ 396 6.7.12 Menu Programming
............................................................................ 399 6.7.13 Mobility (Twinning)
............................................................................ 407 6.7.14 Phone Manager Options
............................................................................ 408 6.7.15 Hunt Group Memberships
............................................................................ 409 6.7.16 Announcements
............................................................................ 411 6.7.17 SIP
............................................................................ 412 6.7.18 Personal Directory
..................................................................... 415 6.8 Hunt Group
............................................................................ 417 6.8.1 Hunt Group
............................................................................ 420 6.8.2 User List/Select Members
............................................................................ 422 6.8.3 Queuing
............................................................................ 426 6.8.4 Overflow
............................................................................ 428 6.8.5 Fallback
............................................................................ 431 6.8.6 Voicemail
............................................................................ 434 6.8.7 Voice Recording
............................................................................ 436 6.8.8 Announcements
............................................................................ 438 6.8.9 SIP
............................................................................ 439 6.8.10 Hunt Group Operation
..................................................................... 446 6.9 Short Code
..................................................................... 448 6.10 Service
............................................................................ 449 6.10.1 Normal, WAN or Intranet Services
............................................................................ 457 6.10.2 SSL VPN Service
..................................................................... 461 6.11 RAS
............................................................................ 462 6.11.1 PPP
..................................................................... 463 6.12 Incoming Call Route
............................................................................ 465 6.12.1 Standard
............................................................................ 469 6.12.2 Voice Recording
............................................................................ 470 6.12.3 Destinations
..................................................................... 471 6.13 WAN Port
............................................................................ 472 6.13.1 WAN Port
............................................................................ 473 6.13.2 Frame Relay
............................................................................ 474 6.13.3 DLCIs
............................................................................ 476 6.13.4 Advanced
............................................................................ 477 6.13.5 PPP
..................................................................... 479 6.14 Directory
............................................................................ 481 6.14.1 Directory
..................................................................... 482 6.15 Time Profile
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
............................................................................ 483 6.15.1 Time Profile
..................................................................... 484 6.16 Firewall Profile
............................................................................ 485 6.16.1 Standard
............................................................................ 486 6.16.2 Custom
............................................................................ 488 6.16.3 Static NAT
..................................................................... 489 6.17 IP Route
............................................................................ 490 6.17.1 IP Route
............................................................................ 491 6.17.2 RIP
..................................................................... 492 6.18 Least Cost Routing
............................................................................ 494 6.18.1 LCR
............................................................................ 494 6.18.2 Main Route
............................................................................ 495 6.18.3 Alternate Route 1
............................................................................ 496 6.18.4 Alternate Route 2
..................................................................... 497 6.19 Account Code
............................................................................ 499 6.19.1 Account Code
............................................................................ 500 6.19.2 Voice Recording
..................................................................... 502 6.20 License
..................................................................... 504 6.21 Tunnel
............................................................................ 505 6.21.1 L2TP Tunnel
............................................................................ 508 6.21.2 IP Security Tunnel
..................................................................... 511 6.22 Logical LAN
..................................................................... 512 6.23 Wireless
............................................................................ 512 6.23.1 SSID
............................................................................ 512 6.23.2 Security
..................................................................... 514 6.24 User Restrictions
............................................................................ 515 6.24.1 User Restrictions
............................................................................ 515 6.24.2 Short Codes
..................................................................... 516 6.25 User Rights
............................................................................ 519 6.25.1 User
............................................................................ 520 6.25.2 Short Codes
............................................................................ 521 6.25.3 Button Programming
............................................................................ 522 6.25.4 Telephony
............................................................................ 525 6.25.5 Menu Programming
............................................................................ 525 6.25.6 Twinning
............................................................................ 525 6.25.7 Phone Manager
............................................................................ 527 6.25.8 User Rights Membership
............................................................................ 528 6.25.9 Voicemail
..................................................................... 529 6.26 Auto Attendant
............................................................................ 531 6.26.1 Auto Attendant
............................................................................ 532 6.26.2 Actions
..................................................................... 533 6.27 Authorization Codes
..................................................................... 536 6.28 ARS
............................................................................ 538 6.28.1 ARS
............................................................................ 540 6.28.2 Cause Codes and ARS
............................................................................ 541 6.28.3 ARS Operation
..................................................................... 550 6.29 E911 System
............................................................................ 551 6.29.1 E911 Adjunct
............................................................................ 552 6.29.2 Zones
Short Codes 7.
..................................................................... 555 7.1 Short Code Fields and Characters
..................................................................... 558 7.2 User Dialing
..................................................................... 559 7.3 Application Dialing
..................................................................... 560 7.4 Secondary Dial Tone
..................................................................... 561 7.5 ? Short Codes
..................................................................... 562 7.6 Short Code Matching Examples
..................................................................... 565 7.7 Default System Short Code List
..................................................................... 568 7.8 Short Code Features
............................................................................ 569 7.8.1 Acquire Call
............................................................................ 569 7.8.2 AOC Previous Call
............................................................................ 569 7.8.3 AOC Reset Total
............................................................................ 569 7.8.4 AOC Total
............................................................................ 569 7.8.5 Auto Attendant
............................................................................ 570 7.8.6 Break Out
............................................................................ 570 7.8.7 Barred
............................................................................ 570 7.8.8 Busy On Held
............................................................................ 571 7.8.9 Call Intrude
............................................................................ 572 7.8.10 Call Listen
............................................................................ 574 7.8.11 Call Park
............................................................................ 574 7.8.12 Call Pickup Any
............................................................................ 575 7.8.13 Call Pickup Extn
............................................................................ 576 7.8.14 Call Pickup Group
............................................................................ 576 7.8.15 Call Pickup Line
............................................................................ 577 7.8.16 Call Pickup Members
............................................................................ 577 7.8.17 Call Pickup User
............................................................................ 578 7.8.18 Call Queue
............................................................................ 578 7.8.19 Call Record
............................................................................ 579 7.8.20 Call Steal
............................................................................ 580 7.8.21 Call Waiting On
............................................................................ 580 7.8.22 Call Waiting Off
............................................................................ 580 7.8.23 Call Waiting Suspend
............................................................................ 581 7.8.24 Cancel All Forwarding
............................................................................ 581 7.8.25 Cancel Ring Back When Free
............................................................................ 581 7.8.26 Channel Monitor
............................................................................ 582 7.8.27 Change Login Code
............................................................................ 583 7.8.28 Clear After Call Work
............................................................................ 583 7.8.29 Clear Call
............................................................................ 583 7.8.30 Clear CW
............................................................................ 584 7.8.31 Clear Hunt Group Night Service
............................................................................ 584 7.8.32 Clear Hunt Group Out Of Service
............................................................................ 585 7.8.33 Clear Quota
............................................................................ 585 7.8.34 Coaching Intrusion
............................................................................ 585 7.8.35 Conference Add
............................................................................ 586 7.8.36 Conference Meet Me
............................................................................ 587 7.8.37 CW
............................................................................ 588 7.8.38 Dial
............................................................................ 589 7.8.39 Dial 3K1
............................................................................ 589 7.8.40 Dial 56K
............................................................................ 589 7.8.41 Dial 64K
............................................................................ 589 7.8.42 Dial CW
............................................................................ 590 7.8.43 Dial Direct
............................................................................ 590 7.8.44 Dial Direct Hot Line
............................................................................ 591 7.8.45 Dial Emergency
............................................................................ 591 7.8.46 Dial Extn
............................................................................ 592 7.8.47 Dial Fax
............................................................................ 592 7.8.48 Dial Inclusion
............................................................................ 593 7.8.49 Dial Paging
............................................................................ 594 7.8.50 Dial Physical Extension By Number
............................................................................ 594 7.8.51 Dial Physical Extension By Id
............................................................................ 595 7.8.52 Dial Speech
............................................................................ 595 7.8.53 Dial V110
............................................................................ 595 7.8.54 Dial V120
............................................................................ 595 7.8.55 Dial Video
............................................................................ 596 7.8.56 Disable ARS Form
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
............................................................................ 596 7.8.57 Disable Internal Forwards
............................................................................ 596 7.8.58 Disable Internal Forward Unconditional
............................................................................ 597 7.8.59 Disable Internal Forward Busy or No Answer
............................................................................ 597 7.8.60 Display Msg
............................................................................ 598 7.8.61 Do Not Disturb Exception Add
............................................................................ 598 7.8.62 Do Not Disturb Exception Delete
............................................................................ 599 7.8.63 Do Not Disturb On
............................................................................ 599 7.8.64 Do Not Disturb Off
............................................................................ 599 7.8.65 Enable ARS Form
............................................................................ 600 7.8.66 Enable Internal Forwards
............................................................................ 600 7.8.67 Enable Internal Forward Unconditional
............................................................................ 600 7.8.68 Enable Internal Forward Busy or No Answer
............................................................................ 601 7.8.69 Extn Login
............................................................................ 601 7.8.70 Extn Logout
............................................................................ 603 7.8.71 Flash Hook
............................................................................ 603 7.8.72 FNE Service
............................................................................ 604 7.8.73 Follow Me Here
............................................................................ 605 7.8.74 Follow Me Here Cancel
............................................................................ 605 7.8.75 Follow Me To
............................................................................ 606 7.8.76 Forward Hunt Group Calls On
............................................................................ 606 7.8.77 Forward Hunt Group Calls Off
............................................................................ 607 7.8.78 Forward Number
............................................................................ 607 7.8.79 Forward On Busy Number
............................................................................ 608 7.8.80 Forward On Busy On
............................................................................ 608 7.8.81 Forward On Busy Off
............................................................................ 609 7.8.82 Forward On No Answer On
............................................................................ 609 7.8.83 Forward On No Answer Off
............................................................................ 610 7.8.84 Forward Unconditional On
............................................................................ 610 7.8.85 Forward Unconditional Off
............................................................................ 611 7.8.86 Group Listen Off
............................................................................ 611 7.8.87 Group Listen On
............................................................................ 612 7.8.88 Headset Toggle
............................................................................ 612 7.8.89 Hold Call
............................................................................ 613 7.8.90 Hold CW
............................................................................ 613 7.8.91 Hold Music
............................................................................ 614 7.8.92 Hunt Group Disable
............................................................................ 614 7.8.93 Hunt Group Enable
............................................................................ 615 7.8.94 Last Number Redial
............................................................................ 615 7.8.95 MCID Activate
............................................................................ 615 7.8.96 Mobile Twinned Call Pickup
............................................................................ 616 7.8.97 Off Hook Station
............................................................................ 617 7.8.98 Outgoing Call Bar Off
............................................................................ 617 7.8.99 Outgoing Call Bar On
............................................................................ 618 7.8.100 Private Call
............................................................................ 619 7.8.101 Private Call Off
............................................................................ 619 7.8.102 Private Call On
............................................................................ 620 7.8.103 Priority Call
............................................................................ 620 7.8.104 Record Message
............................................................................ 620 7.8.105 Relay On
............................................................................ 621 7.8.106 Relay Off
............................................................................ 622 7.8.107 Relay Pulse
............................................................................ 622 7.8.108 Resume Call
............................................................................ 623 7.8.109 Retrieve Call
............................................................................ 623 7.8.110 Ring Back When Free
............................................................................ 623 7.8.111 Secondary Dial Tone
............................................................................ 625 7.8.112 Set Absent Text
............................................................................ 626 7.8.113 Set Account Code
............................................................................ 626 7.8.114 Set Authorization Code
............................................................................ 627 7.8.115 Set Hunt Group Night Service
............................................................................ 628 7.8.116 Set Hunt Group Out Of Service
............................................................................ 629 7.8.117 Set Inside Call Seq
............................................................................ 630 7.8.118 Set Mobile Twinning Number
............................................................................ 630 7.8.119 Set Mobile Twinning On
............................................................................ 630 7.8.120 Set Mobile Twinning Off
............................................................................ 631 7.8.121 Set No Answer Time
............................................................................ 631 7.8.122 Set Outside Call Seq
............................................................................ 632 7.8.123 Set Ringback Seq
............................................................................ 632 7.8.124 Set Wrap Up Time
............................................................................ 633 7.8.125 Shutdown Embedded Voicemail
............................................................................ 633 7.8.126 Stamp Log
............................................................................ 633 7.8.127 Startup Embedded Voicemail
............................................................................ 633 7.8.128 Suspend Call
............................................................................ 634 7.8.129 Suspend CW
............................................................................ 635 7.8.130 Start After Call Work
............................................................................ 635 7.8.131 Toggle Calls
............................................................................ 635 7.8.132 Unpark Call
............................................................................ 636 7.8.133 Voicemail Collect
............................................................................ 637 7.8.134 Voicemail Node
............................................................................ 637 7.8.135 Voicemail On
............................................................................ 637 7.8.136 Voicemail Off
............................................................................ 639 7.8.137 Voicemail Ringback On
............................................................................ 639 7.8.138 Voicemail Ringback Off
............................................................................ 639 7.8.139 Whisper Page
Button Programming 8.
..................................................................... 643 8.1 Programming Buttons
............................................................................ 643 8.1.1 Programming Buttons with Manager
............................................................................ 645 8.1.2 Programming Button via the Menu Key
............................................................................ 647 8.1.3 Programming Button via an Admin Button
............................................................................ 648 8.1.4 BST Button Programming
............................................................................ 649 8.1.5 T3 Self-Administration
............................................................................ 651 8.1.6 Interactive Button Menus
............................................................................ 652 8.1.7 Label Templates
..................................................................... 653 8.2 Phone Details
............................................................................ 656 8.2.1 Phone Add-Ons
............................................................................ 658 8.2.2 Status Lamps
............................................................................ 661 8.2.3 1000 Series
............................................................................ 662 8.2.4 1100 Series
............................................................................ 663 8.2.5 1200 Series
............................................................................ 664 8.2.6 1400 Series
............................................................................ 666 8.2.7 1600 Series
............................................................................ 668 8.2.8 20 Series
............................................................................ 670 8.2.9 2400 Series
............................................................................ 674 8.2.10 3600 Series
............................................................................ 676 8.2.11 3700 Series
............................................................................ 676 8.2.12 3800 Series
............................................................................ 677 8.2.13 3900 Series
............................................................................ 678 8.2.14 4100 Series
............................................................................ 679 8.2.15 4400 Series
............................................................................ 683 8.2.16 4600 Series (Old Style)
............................................................................ 686 8.2.17 4600 Series (New Style)
............................................................................ 690 8.2.18 5400 Series
............................................................................ 694 8.2.19 5600 Series
............................................................................ 698 8.2.20 6400 Series
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
............................................................................ 700 8.2.21 7400 Series
............................................................................ 701 8.2.22 9000 Series
............................................................................ 702 8.2.23 9500 Series
............................................................................ 703 8.2.24 9600 Series
............................................................................ 711 8.2.25 B100 Series
............................................................................ 712 8.2.26 D100
............................................................................ 713 8.2.27 M-Series
............................................................................ 731 8.2.28 T-Series
............................................................................ 747 8.2.29 T3 Series
..................................................................... 750 8.3 Actions
............................................................................ 755 8.3.1 Abbreviated Dial
............................................................................ 755 8.3.2 Abbreviated Dial Pause
............................................................................ 756 8.3.3 Abbreviated Dial Program
............................................................................ 756 8.3.4 Abbreviated Dial Stop
............................................................................ 757 8.3.5 Account Code Entry
............................................................................ 758 8.3.6 ACD Agent Statistics
............................................................................ 758 8.3.7 ACD Stroke Count
............................................................................ 759 8.3.8 Acquire Call
............................................................................ 759 8.3.9 AD Special Functions
............................................................................ 759 8.3.10 AD Special Function Mark
............................................................................ 760 8.3.11 AD Special Function Wait
............................................................................ 760 8.3.12 AD Suppress
............................................................................ 761 8.3.13 After Call Work
............................................................................ 762 8.3.14 Appearance
............................................................................ 765 8.3.15 Automatic Callback
............................................................................ 766 8.3.16 Automatic Intercom
............................................................................ 767 8.3.17 Break Out
............................................................................ 768 8.3.18 Bridged Appearance
............................................................................ 769 8.3.19 Busy
............................................................................ 769 8.3.20 Busy On Held
............................................................................ 770 8.3.21 Call Forwarding All
............................................................................ 771 8.3.22 Call Intrude
............................................................................ 771 8.3.23 Call List
............................................................................ 772 8.3.24 Call Listen
............................................................................ 773 8.3.25 Call Log
............................................................................ 774 8.3.26 Call Park
............................................................................ 775 8.3.27 Call Park To Other Extension
............................................................................ 776 8.3.28 Call Pickup
............................................................................ 776 8.3.29 Call Pickup Any
............................................................................ 777 8.3.30 Call Pickup Group
............................................................................ 777 8.3.31 Call Pickup Members
............................................................................ 779 8.3.32 Call Queue
............................................................................ 779 8.3.33 Call Record
............................................................................ 780 8.3.34 Call Screening
............................................................................ 782 8.3.35 Call Steal
............................................................................ 783 8.3.36 Call Waiting Off
............................................................................ 783 8.3.37 Call Waiting On
............................................................................ 784 8.3.38 Call Waiting Suspend
............................................................................ 784 8.3.39 Cancel All Forwarding
............................................................................ 785 8.3.40 Cancel Leave Word Calling
............................................................................ 785 8.3.41 Cancel Ring Back When Free
............................................................................ 786 8.3.42 Channel Monitor
............................................................................ 787 8.3.43 Clear Call
............................................................................ 787 8.3.44 Clear CW
............................................................................ 788 8.3.45 Clear Hunt Group Night Service
............................................................................ 789 8.3.46 Clear Hunt Group Out Of Service
............................................................................ 790 8.3.47 Clear Quota
............................................................................ 790 8.3.48 Coaching Intrusion
............................................................................ 792 8.3.49 Conference
............................................................................ 792 8.3.50 Conference Add
............................................................................ 793 8.3.51 Conference Meet Me
............................................................................ 795 8.3.52 Consult
............................................................................ 796 8.3.53 Coverage Appearance
............................................................................ 797 8.3.54 Dial
............................................................................ 797 8.3.55 Dial 3K1
............................................................................ 798 8.3.56 Dial 56K
............................................................................ 798 8.3.57 Dial 64K
............................................................................ 799 8.3.58 Dial CW
............................................................................ 799 8.3.59 Dial Direct
............................................................................ 800 8.3.60 Dial Emergency
............................................................................ 800 8.3.61 Dial Inclusion
............................................................................ 802 8.3.62 Dial Intercom
............................................................................ 803 8.3.63 Dial Paging
............................................................................ 804 8.3.64 Dial Physical Extn by Number
............................................................................ 804 8.3.65 Dial Physical Extn by Id
............................................................................ 805 8.3.66 Dial Speech
............................................................................ 805 8.3.67 Dial V110
............................................................................ 806 8.3.68 Dial V120
............................................................................ 806 8.3.69 Display Msg
............................................................................ 807 8.3.70 Dial Video
............................................................................ 808 8.3.71 Directed Call Pickup
............................................................................ 809 8.3.72 Directory
............................................................................ 810 8.3.73 Do Not Disturb Exception Add
............................................................................ 810 8.3.74 Do Not Disturb Exception Delete
............................................................................ 811 8.3.75 Do Not Disturb Off
............................................................................ 811 8.3.76 Do Not Disturb On
............................................................................ 812 8.3.77 Drop
............................................................................ 813 8.3.78 Extn Login
............................................................................ 814 8.3.79 Extn Logout
............................................................................ 815 8.3.80 Flash Hook
............................................................................ 816 8.3.81 Follow Me Here
............................................................................ 816 8.3.82 Follow Me Here Cancel
............................................................................ 817 8.3.83 Follow Me To
............................................................................ 818 8.3.84 Forward Hunt Group Calls Off
............................................................................ 818 8.3.85 Forward Hunt Group Calls On
............................................................................ 820 8.3.86 Forward Number
............................................................................ 821 8.3.87 Forward On Busy Number
............................................................................ 822 8.3.88 Forward On Busy Off
............................................................................ 823 8.3.89 Forward On Busy On
............................................................................ 824 8.3.90 Forward On No Answer Off
............................................................................ 824 8.3.91 Forward On No Answer On
............................................................................ 825 8.3.92 Forward Unconditional Off
............................................................................ 826 8.3.93 Forward Unconditional On
............................................................................ 827 8.3.94 Group
............................................................................ 828 8.3.95 Group Listen On
............................................................................ 829 8.3.96 Group Paging
............................................................................ 830 8.3.97 Headset Toggle
............................................................................ 830 8.3.98 Hold Call
............................................................................ 831 8.3.99 Hold CW
............................................................................ 831 8.3.100 Hold Music
............................................................................ 832 8.3.101 Hunt Group Enable
............................................................................ 833 8.3.102 Hunt Group Disable
............................................................................ 834 8.3.103 Inspect
............................................................................ 835 8.3.104 Internal Auto-Answer
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............................................................................ 836 8.3.105 Last Number Redial
............................................................................ 836 8.3.106 Leave Word Calling
............................................................................ 837 8.3.107 Line Appearance
............................................................................ 837 8.3.108 Manual Exclude
............................................................................ 838 8.3.109 MCID Activate
............................................................................ 839 8.3.110 Off Hook Station
............................................................................ 840 8.3.111 Park
............................................................................ 840 8.3.112 Park Call
............................................................................ 841 8.3.113 Pause Recording
............................................................................ 841 8.3.114 Priority Call
............................................................................ 842 8.3.115 Priority Calling
............................................................................ 843 8.3.116 Private Call
............................................................................ 844 8.3.117 Relay Off
............................................................................ 844 8.3.118 Relay On
............................................................................ 845 8.3.119 Relay Pulse
............................................................................ 846 8.3.120 Resume Call
............................................................................ 846 8.3.121 Retrieve Call
............................................................................ 847 8.3.122 Ring Back When Free
............................................................................ 848 8.3.123 Ringer Off
............................................................................ 849 8.3.124 Self-Administer
............................................................................ 851 8.3.125 Send All Calls
............................................................................ 852 8.3.126 Set Absent Text
............................................................................ 853 8.3.127 Set Account Code
............................................................................ 854 8.3.128 Set Hunt Group Night Service
............................................................................ 855 8.3.129 Set Hunt Group Out Of Service
............................................................................ 856 8.3.130 Set Inside Call Seq
............................................................................ 856 8.3.131 Set Night Service Group
............................................................................ 857 8.3.132 Set No Answer Time
............................................................................ 857 8.3.133 Set Out of Service Group
............................................................................ 858 8.3.134 Set Outside Call Seq
............................................................................ 858 8.3.135 Set Ringback Seq
............................................................................ 859 8.3.136 Set Wrap Up Time
............................................................................ 859 8.3.137 Speed Dial
............................................................................ 861 8.3.138 Stamp Log
............................................................................ 862 8.3.139 Stored Number View
............................................................................ 863 8.3.140 Suspend Call
............................................................................ 863 8.3.141 Suspend CW
............................................................................ 864 8.3.142 Time of Day
............................................................................ 865 8.3.143 Timer
............................................................................ 866 8.3.144 Transfer
............................................................................ 866 8.3.145 Toggle Calls
............................................................................ 867 8.3.146 Twinning
............................................................................ 868 8.3.147 Unpark Call
............................................................................ 869 8.3.148 User
............................................................................ 871 8.3.149 Visual Voice
............................................................................ 873 8.3.150 Voicemail Collect
............................................................................ 874 8.3.151 Voicemail Off
............................................................................ 875 8.3.152 Voicemail On
............................................................................ 876 8.3.153 Voicemail Ringback Off
............................................................................ 877 8.3.154 Voicemail Ringback On
............................................................................ 877 8.3.155 Whisper Page
Apperance Button Operation 9.
..................................................................... 880 9.1 Appearance Button Features
..................................................................... 881 9.2 Call Appearance Buttons
............................................................................ 882 9.2.1 Example 1
............................................................................ 883 9.2.2 Example 2
............................................................................ 884 9.2.3 How are Call Appearance Buttons Treated?
............................................................................ 885 9.2.4 Button Indication
..................................................................... 886 9.3 Bridged Appearance Buttons
............................................................................ 887 9.3.1 Example 1
............................................................................ 888 9.3.2 Example 2
............................................................................ 889 9.3.3 Example 3
............................................................................ 890 9.3.4 How are Bridged Appearances Treated?
............................................................................ 891 9.3.5 Button Indication
..................................................................... 892 9.4 Call Coverage Buttons
............................................................................ 893 9.4.1 Example 1
............................................................................ 893 9.4.2 Example 2
............................................................................ 894 9.4.3 How is Call Coverage Treated?
............................................................................ 895 9.4.4 Button Indication
..................................................................... 896 9.5 Line Appearance Buttons
............................................................................ 897 9.5.1 Example 1
............................................................................ 898 9.5.2 Example 2
............................................................................ 899 9.5.3 How are Line Appearances Treated?
............................................................................ 900 9.5.4 Button Indication
............................................................................ 901 9.5.5 T3 Phone Line Appearances
..................................................................... 902 9.6 Other Appearance Controls
............................................................................ 902 9.6.1 Selected Button Indication
............................................................................ 903 9.6.2 Idle Line Preference
............................................................................ 906 9.6.3 Ringing Line Preference
............................................................................ 909 9.6.4 Answer Pre-Select
............................................................................ 910 9.6.5 Auto Hold
............................................................................ 911 9.6.6 Ring Delay
............................................................................ 913 9.6.7 Delayed Ring Preference
............................................................................ 915 9.6.8 Collapsing Appearances
............................................................................ 916 9.6.9 Joining Other Calls (Bridging)
............................................................................ 918 9.6.10 Multiple Alerting Buttons
............................................................................ 919 9.6.11 Twinning
............................................................................ 919 9.6.12 Busy on Held
............................................................................ 919 9.6.13 Reserving a Call Appearance Button
............................................................................ 920 9.6.14 Logging Off and Hot Desking
............................................................................ 920 9.6.15 Applications
..................................................................... 921 9.7 Programming Appearance Buttons
............................................................................ 923 9.7.1 System Settings
............................................................................ 924 9.7.2 User Settings
............................................................................ 926 9.7.3 Line Appearance ID Numbers
............................................................................ 927 9.7.4 Outgoing Line Programming
..................................................................... 928 9.8 Upgrading from Pre-3.0 Systems
............................................................................ 928 9.8.1 Call Handling Changes
............................................................................ 930 9.8.2 Twin LED Button Users
Telephone Features 10.
..................................................................... 934 10.1 Date and Time
..................................................................... 936 10.2 User Directory Access
..................................................................... 937 10.3 Mobile Call Control
............................................................................ 940 10.3.1 Mobile Direct Access (MDA)
............................................................................ 941 10.3.2 Mobile Callback
............................................................................ 942 10.3.3 one-X Mobile Client
..................................................................... 948 10.4 Advice of Charge
..................................................................... 949 10.5 Centralized System Directory
..................................................................... 954 10.6 Centralized Personal Directory
..................................................................... 955 10.7 Centralized Call Log
..................................................................... 958 10.8 Coverage Groups
..................................................................... 959 10.9 Fax Relay
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..................................................................... 961 10.10 Malicious Call Tracing (MCID)
..................................................................... 962 10.11 Call Barring
..................................................................... 963 10.12 Caller Display
..................................................................... 964 10.13 Call Intrusion
..................................................................... 966 10.14 Call Tagging
..................................................................... 967 10.15 Private Calls
..................................................................... 967 10.16 Call Pickup
..................................................................... 968 10.17 Call Waiting
..................................................................... 969 10.18 Parking Calls
..................................................................... 970 10.19 Ring Back When Free
..................................................................... 971 10.20 Message Waiting Indication
..................................................................... 972 10.21 Ring Tones
..................................................................... 973 10.22 Music On Hold (MOH)
..................................................................... 975 10.23 System Phone Features
..................................................................... 977 10.24 The 'No User' User
..................................................................... 978 10.25 Automatic Intercom Calls
..................................................................... 978 10.26 Forwarding Calls
............................................................................ 980 10.26.1 Do Not Disturb
............................................................................ 982 10.26.2 Follow Me
............................................................................ 984 10.26.3 Forward Unconditional
............................................................................ 986 10.26.4 Forward on Busy
............................................................................ 988 10.26.5 Forward on No Answer
............................................................................ 990 10.26.6 Determining a User's Busy Status
............................................................................ 991 10.26.7 Chaining and Loops
..................................................................... 992 10.27 Transferring Calls
............................................................................ 993 10.27.1 Off-Switch Transfer Restrictions
............................................................................ 994 10.27.2 Context Sensitive Transfer
............................................................................ 995 10.27.3 Dial Tone Transfer
............................................................................ 997 10.27.4 Handsfree Announced Transfers
............................................................................ 999 10.27.5 One Touch Transferring
............................................................................ 1000 10.27.6 Centrex Transfer
..................................................................... 1001 10.28 Conferencing
............................................................................ 1003 10.28.1 Conference Phones
............................................................................ 1004 10.28.2 Ad-Hoc Conferencing
............................................................................ 1005 10.28.3 Meet Me Conferencing
............................................................................ 1007 10.28.4 Routing External Callers
............................................................................ 1008 10.28.5 Context Sensitive Conferencing
..................................................................... 1009 10.29 Hot Desking
............................................................................ 1010 10.29.1 Remote Hot Desking
............................................................................ 1010 10.29.2 Call Center Agents
............................................................................ 1011 10.29.3 Hot Desking Examples
............................................................................ 1012 10.29.4 Automatic Log Off
..................................................................... 1013 10.30 Paging
............................................................................ 1016 10.30.1 Paging Via Voicemail Pro
..................................................................... 1018 10.31 Voice over IP Features
............................................................................ 1018 10.31.1 Wide Band Audio Support
............................................................................ 1019 10.31.2 Remote H323 Extensions
Data Routing 11.
..................................................................... 1024 11.1 Network Address Translation (NAT)
..................................................................... 1024 11.2 DHCP
..................................................................... 1025 11.3 Examples
............................................................................ 1025 11.3.1 Simple ISDN Internet Connection
............................................................................ 1026 11.3.2 ISDN Link Between IP Offices
............................................................................ 1027 11.3.3 Using a Dedicated T1/PRI ISP Link
............................................................................ 1029 11.3.4 Logical LAN Connection
............................................................................ 1030 11.3.5 Remote Access
............................................................................ 1033 11.3.6 WAN PPP
............................................................................ 1034 11.3.7 WAN Frame Relay
Small Community Networking 12.
..................................................................... 1037 12.1 Supported SCN Network Layouts
..................................................................... 1038 12.2 Supported SCN Features
..................................................................... 1040 12.3 Voicemail Support
..................................................................... 1041 12.4 Enabling Small Community Networking
..................................................................... 1043 12.5 SCN Management
............................................................................ 1043 12.5.1 Enabling SCN Discovery
............................................................................ 1044 12.5.2 Creating a Common Admin Account
............................................................................ 1045 12.5.3 Loading an SCN Configuration
............................................................................ 1046 12.5.4 Editing an SCN Configuration
............................................................................ 1048 12.5.5 Using the Network Viewer
............................................................................ 1051 12.5.6 System Inventory
..................................................................... 1052 12.6 SCN Remote Hotdesking
..................................................................... 1053 12.7 SCN Fallback
..................................................................... 1055 12.8 SCN Short Code Programming
Licenses 13.
..................................................................... 1059 13.1 System Edition Licenses
..................................................................... 1060 13.2 Upgrade Licenses
..................................................................... 1061 13.3 Trunk Licensing
..................................................................... 1062 13.4 Telephone/Endpoint Licenses
..................................................................... 1063 13.5 User Licenses
..................................................................... 1066 13.6 Voicemail Pro Licenses
..................................................................... 1069 13.7 Customer Call Reporter Licenses
..................................................................... 1072 13.8 Trial Licenses
..................................................................... 1073 13.9 Other Licenses
..................................................................... 1074 13.10 IP Office Server Edition Licenses
Appendix: Locale Settings 14.
..................................................................... 1083 14.1 Locale Defaults
..................................................................... 1085 14.2 Phone Display Language Sets and Fallback
..................................................................... 1086 14.3 Argentina
..................................................................... 1087 14.4 Australia
..................................................................... 1088 14.5 Bahrain
..................................................................... 1089 14.6 Belgium - Flemish
..................................................................... 1090 14.7 Belgium - French
..................................................................... 1091 14.8 Brazil
..................................................................... 1092 14.9 Canada
..................................................................... 1093 14.10 Chile
..................................................................... 1094 14.11 China
..................................................................... 1095 14.12 Colombia
..................................................................... 1096 14.13 Customize
..................................................................... 1097 14.14 Denmark
..................................................................... 1098 14.15 Egypt
..................................................................... 1099 14.16 Finland
..................................................................... 1100 14.17 France
..................................................................... 1101 14.18 France2
..................................................................... 1102 14.19 Greece
..................................................................... 1103 14.20 Germany
..................................................................... 1104 14.21 Hong Kong
..................................................................... 1105 14.22 Hungary
..................................................................... 1106 14.23 Iceland
..................................................................... 1107 14.24 India
..................................................................... 1108 14.25 Italy
..................................................................... 1109 14.26 Korea
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
..................................................................... 1110 14.27 Kuwait
..................................................................... 1111 14.28 Mexico
..................................................................... 1112 14.29 Morocco
..................................................................... 1113 14.30 Netherlands
..................................................................... 1114 14.31 New Zealand
..................................................................... 1115 14.32 Norway
..................................................................... 1116 14.33 Oman
..................................................................... 1117 14.34 Pakistan
..................................................................... 1118 14.35 Peru
..................................................................... 1119 14.36 Poland
..................................................................... 1120 14.37 Portugal
..................................................................... 1121 14.38 Qatar
..................................................................... 1122 14.39 Russia
..................................................................... 1123 14.40 Saudi Arabia
..................................................................... 1124 14.41 Singapore
..................................................................... 1125 14.42 South Africa
..................................................................... 1126 14.43 Spain
..................................................................... 1127 14.44 Sweden
..................................................................... 1128 14.45 Switzerland
..................................................................... 1129 14.46 Taiwan
..................................................................... 1130 14.47 Turkey
..................................................................... 1131 14.48 United Arab Emirates
..................................................................... 1132 14.49 United Kingdom
..................................................................... 1133 14.50 United States
..................................................................... 1134 14.51 Venezuela
Appendix: SMDR 15.
..................................................................... 1138 15.1 SMDR Fields
..................................................................... 1141 15.2 SMDR Examples
Appendix: CDR Records 16.
..................................................................... 1150 16.1 CDR Record Fields
..................................................................... 1152 16.2 Call Splitting
..................................................................... 1153 16.3 Record Formats
............................................................................ 1153 16.3.1 59 Character (Normal)
............................................................................ 1154 16.3.2 Expanded (Normal)
............................................................................ 1155 16.3.3 Expanded (Enhanced)
............................................................................ 1156 16.3.4 INT-Direct (Normal)
............................................................................ 1157 16.3.5 INT-ISDN (Normal)
............................................................................ 1158 16.3.6 INT-Process (Normal)
............................................................................ 1159 16.3.7 LSU (Normal)
............................................................................ 1160 16.3.8 LSU (Enhanced)
............................................................................ 1161 16.3.9 LSU (ISDN)
............................................................................ 1162 16.3.10 LSU-Expanded
............................................................................ 1163 16.3.11 Printer (Normal)
............................................................................ 1164 16.3.12 Printer (Enhanced)
............................................................................ 1165 16.3.13 Printer (ISDN)
............................................................................ 1166 16.3.14 Teleseer (Normal)
............................................................................ 1167 16.3.15 Teleseer (Enhanced)
............................................................................ 1168 16.3.16 Teleseer (ISDN)
............................................................................ 1169 16.3.17 Unformatted (Normal)
............................................................................ 1170 16.3.18 Unformatted (Enhanced)
Appendix: Release History 17.
..................................................................... 1173 17.1 What's New in Release 8.1
..................................................................... 1179 17.2 What was New in Release 8.0
..................................................................... 1187 17.3 What was New in Release 7.0
..................................................................... 1192 17.4 What was New in Release 6.1
..................................................................... 1197 17.5 What was New in Release 6.0
..................................................................... 1209 17.6 What was New in Release 5.0
..................................................................... 1218 17.7 What was New in 4.2
..................................................................... 1227 17.8 What was New in 4.1
..................................................................... 1232 17.9 What was New in 4.0 May 2007
..................................................................... 1233 17.10 What was New in 4.0
IP Office Software Compatibility 18.
Ports 19.
Single Server Support 20.
...............................................................................1254 Index
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IP Office Manager
Chapter 1.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
1. IP Office Manager
This documentation covers the use of the Avaya IP Office R8.1 IP Office Manager to configure an IP Office system. For a
summary of the new features in Release 8.1 refer to the Appendix . IP Office systems can run in several modes.
This manual covers systems running in IP Office Essential Edition, IP Office Preferred Edition, IP Office Advanced
Edition or IP Office Server Edition modes only.
IP Office Manager runs on a Windows PC and connects to the system via Ethernet LAN or WAN connections.
WARNING - Password Changes Required
New systems use default security settings. These settings must be changed to make the system secure. As a
minimum, you must change the default passwords of the Security Administrator, the default Service Users
and the Unsecured Interfaces System Password. Failure to do so will render the system potentially unsecure.
See the Security Mode section for details.
IMPORTANT - IP Office Manager is an Off-Line Editor
IP Office Manager is an off-line editor. It receives a copy of the system's current configuration settings. Changes
are made to that copy and it is then sent back to the system for those changes to become active. This means that
changes to the active configuration in the system that occur between IP Office Manager receiving and sending
back the copy may be overwritten. For example, this may affect changes made by a user through their phone or
voicemail mailbox after the copy of the configuration is received by IP Office Manager.
IP Office Manager is part of the IP Office Admin suite of programs. It is important to note that the software level of IP
Office Manager application is 2 higher than the software level of the system core software with which it is released. For
example IP Office Manager 8.1 was released with IP Office 6.1 core software. The IP Office Manager application can be
used to manage configurations from systems running Release 2.1 core software upwards. See Backward Compatibility
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
IP Office Manager:
IP Office Manager Modes
The menus and options displayed by IP Office Manager vary depending on the actions you are performing. IP Office
Manager can run in the following modes.
Simplified View
This is the default mode when no system configuration has been opened.
Advanced Configuration Mode
This is the mode used when the configuration from a system running in IP Office Essential Edition, IP Office
Preferred Edition or IP Office Advanced Edition mode is opened.
Small Community Network Management Mode
IP Office Manager supports loading the combined configurations from systems in a Small Community Network.
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IP Office Server Edition Mode
IP Office Manager switches to this mode of operation when it has the configurations from the systems in a IP Office
Server Edition network loaded.
Simplified Administration Mode
When the configuration from a system running in IP Office Basic Edition - PARTNER Mode, IP Office Basic Edition -
Norstar Mode or IP Office Basic Edition - Quick Mode mode is opened, IP Office Manager switches to this alternate
management mode. This mode is not used for a IP Office system. The use of IP Office Manager in this mode is covered in
a separate manual.
Embedded File Management
For systems with a memory card installed, IP Office Manager can be used to view and manage the files stored on the
card. This is accessed through the File | Advanced | Embedded File Management.. . .
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
IP Office Manager:
Upgrade Wizard
The Upgrade Wizard is a component of IP Office Manager used to upgrade the firmware run by the system.
Security Configuration Mode
IP Office Manager can be used to edit the security settings of systems running in IP Office Essential Edition, IP Office
Preferred Edition or IP Office Advanced Edition mode.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
1.1 Installing IP Office Manager
IP Office Manager is a component of the IP Office Admin suite of applications. This suite is supplied on the Release 8.1
DVD (Disk 1). Alternatively, the IP Office Admin Suite can be downloaded from Avaya's support website http://support.
This section covers the installation of IP Office Manager for the administration and maintenance of non-IP Office Server
Edition systems. For installation of a version of IP Office Manager suitable for administration of just IP Office Server
Edition systems, see IP Office Server Edition Mode .
In addition to IP Office Manager, the Admin suite includes options to install the following applications:
System Monitor
This is a tool for system installers and maintainers. Interpreting the information output by System Monitor requires
detailed data and telecoms knowledge.
System Status Application
This is a Java application that can be used to monitor the status of the system such as extension, trunks and other
resources. It displays current alarms and most recent historical alarms.
Call Status
This application is for pre-4.0 systems. For Release 4.0 and higher use the System Status Application. IP Office
Manager 6.2+ is backwards compatible and can be used to manage systems running software from Release 2.1
IP Office Manager PC Requirements
Minimum PC Requirements
Hard Disk Free Space 1GB*
- Pentium PIII 800MHz
- Celeron Celeron 3 800Mhz
- AMD Athlon Opteron, Athlon64/XP
Additional Apps:
- .NET2 Installed with IP Office Manager if
not already present.
Operating System Support
Server OS:
2003 Server
2008 Server
Client OS:
XP Professional
Vista Business/Enterprise
Vista Ultimate
Windows 7
*Includes disk space required for .NET2 component.
Language Support
The IP Office Manager application can run in Brazilian Portuguese, Simplified Chinese, Dutch, French, German,
Italian, Mexican Spanish, Russian, UK English and US English. By default the language used is determined by the
best match to the PC's regional setting. To change the language used see Changing the IP Office Manager
Language .
The IP Office Manager application uses the following ports for access to the telephone system. These ports may need to
be allowed within the configuration of any firewall software being run on the PC hosting the IP Office Manager application.
Note that the ports used by a particular system can be adjusted through its security settings .
Component Location - %ProgramFiles%\Avaya\IP
IP Office Manager manager.exe TCP Port 50802.
TCP Port 50804.
TCP Port 50805.
Configuration access
TCP Port 50812.
TCP Port 50813.
Security configuration
Upgrade Wizard upgradewiz.exe UDP Port 50798. System upgrade access.
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IP Office Manager: Installing IP Office Manager
Installing IP Office Manager
Note: This installation process will install Windows .NET2 if not already present. The installation of .NET2 may require
some systems to restart and the installation process to then be restarted.
1. If a pre-4.0 version of the IP Office Admin Suite is installed it must be removed. This is done using the Add or
Remove Programs option in the Windows Control Panel and selecting IP Office Admin Suite and then Remove.
2. If installing from the Admin DVD, insert the DVD and when the page is displayed click on the link for the Admin
suite. This will open a file windows showing the installation files for the suite. Locate and double-click on the
setup.exe file.
3. Select the language you want to use for the installation process. This does not affect the language used by IP
Office Manager when it is run. Click Next >.
4. If an upgrade menu appears, it indicates that a previous installation has been detected. Select Yes to upgrade the
existing installed applications.
5. If required select the destination to which the applications should be installed. We recommend that you accept the
default destination. Click Next >.
6. The next screen is used to select which applications in the suite should be installed. Clicking on each will display a
description of the application. Click on the next to each application to change the installation selection. When
you have selected the installations required, click Next >.
7. The applications selected are now ready to be installed. Click Next >.
8. Following installation, you will be prompted whether you want to run IP Office Manager. Selecting Yes runs IP
Office Manager.
9. On some versions of Windows, you may be required to restart the PC. Allow this to happen if required.
Changing the Installed Applications
The Add or Remove Programs option can be used to change the selection of Admin suite applications that are installed.
Locate IP Office Admin Suite in the list of programs and select Change.
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1.2 Starting IP Office Manager
No name or password is required to start IP Office Manager. A name and password is only required when connecting with
a system.
When started, by default IP Office Manager will attempt to discover any systems on the network. If it finds any it will
display a list from which you can select the system required.
1. Select Start and then Programs or All Programs depending on the version of Windows. Select the IP Office
program group.
2. Select Manager. If a Windows Security Alert appears select Unblock to allow IP Office Manager to run.
3. By default IP Office Manager will scan the network for any systems. What appears next depends on whether it
finds any systems.
If it finds multiple systems, it will display a list of those systems from which you can select the one whose
configuration you want to edit. If you want to open a configuration go to Opening a Configuration . If you
don't want to load a configuration click on Cancel.
If it finds a single system, it will attempt to open the configuration of that system by displaying the user name
and password request. If you want to open a configuration go to Opening a Configuration . If you don't
want to load a configuration click on Cancel.
If no systems are found or you cancel the steps above, the IP Office Manager simplified view is displayed.
4. Use the view to select the action you want to do.
Create an Offline Configuration
Open a Configuration from a System
Read a Configuration from a File
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IP Office Manager: Starting IP Office Manager
1.3 Opening a Configuration
The initial IP address ranges in which IP Office Manager searches for systems are set through the IP Office Manager
preferences (File | Preferences | Discovery ). By default it scans the local network of the IP Office Manager PC.
1. Start IP Office Manager. If IP Office Manager is already started and a configuration is open in it, that configuration
must be closed first.
If IP Office Manager is set to Auto Connect on start up , it will scan for systems automatically and either
display the list of systems discovered or automatically start login to the only system discovered.
Otherwise, click on or select File | Open Configuration.
2. The Select IP Office window appears, listing those systems that responded.
If IP Office Server Edition systems are detected, they are grouped together. By default the configuration of
those systems cannot be opened using IP Office Manager in Advanced View mode and the configuration of a
IP Office Server Edition Primary Server can only be opened if the Open with IP Office Server Edition
Manager option is also selected. See IP Office Server Edition Mode .
If IP Office Manager has been set with SCN Discovery enabled, systems in a Small Community Network
are grouped together. The checkbox next to the network name can be used to load the configurations of all
the configurations into Small Community Network management mode.
If the system required was not found, the Unit/Broadcast Address used for the search can be changed.
Either enter an address or use the drop-down to select a previously used address. Then click Refresh to
perform a new search.
The address ranges used by IP Office Manager for searching can be configured through the File |
Preferences | Discovery tab.
A list of known systems can be stored and used. See Known System Discovery
IP Office Manager can be configured to search using DNS names. See the Use DNS option.
Systems found but not supported by the version of IP Office Manager being used will be listed as Not
If the system detected is running software other than from its primary folder, a warning icon will be
shown next to it. The configuration can still be opened but only as a read-only file.
3. When you have located the system required, check the box next to the system and click OK.
If the system selected is a IP Office Server Edition system and IP Office Manager is not running in IP Office
Server Edition mode, an Open with Server Edition Manager checkbox is shown and pre-selected. Clicking
OK will switch IP Office Manager to its IP Office Server Edition mode before loading the configuration.
4. The system name and password request is displayed. Enter the required details and click OK.
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Release 3.2 and higher systems:
The name and password used must match a service user account configured within the system's security
Pre-3.2 IP Office Systems:
The name must match a IP Office Manager operator and the password must match the system's system
password. If the name does not match a IP Office Manager operator, the config will still be loaded by using
the Guest (read-only) operator.
5. Additional messages will inform you about the success or failure of opening the configuration from the system.
The method of connection, secure or insecure, attempted by IP Office Manager is set the applications Secure
Communications preferences setting.
When Secure Communications is set to On, a padlock icon is displayed at all times in the lower right IP
Office Manager status field.
New installations of IP Office Manager default to having Secure Communications enabled. This means IP
Office Manager by default attempts to use secure communications when opening a configuration.
For IP Office Server Edition systems, IP Office Manager will always attempt to use secure communications
regardless of the Secure Communications setting.
If no response to the use of secure communication is received after 5 seconds, IP Office Manager will offer to
fallback to using unsecured communications.
6. Following a successful log in, the configuration is opened in IP Office Manager. The menus and options displayed
will depend on the type of system configuration loaded.
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IP Office Manager: Opening a Configuration
Login Messages
While attempting to login to a system, various additional messages may be displayed.
Configuration Not Loaded Messages
Access Denied
This is displayed as the cause if the service user name/password were incorrect, or the service user has
insufficient rights to read the configuration. The Retry option can be used to log in again but multiple rejections in
a 10 minute period may trigger events, such as locking the user account, set by the Password Reject Limit and
Password Reject Action options in the systems security settings.
Failed to communicate with system
This is displayed as the cause if the network link fails, or the secure communication mode is incorrect (for example
IP Office Manager is set to unsecured, but the system is set to secure only).
Account Locked
The account of the service user name and password being used is locked. This can be caused by a number of
actions, for example too many incorrect password attempts, passing a fixed expiry date, etc. The account lock
may be temporary (10 minutes) or permanent until manually unlocked. An account can be enabled again through
the system's security settings.
Additional Messages
Your service user account will expire in X days
This message indicates that an Account Expiry date has been set on the system service user account and that date
is approaching. Someone with access to the system's security settings will be required unlock the account and set
a new expiry date.
Your password will expire in X days. Do you wish to change it now?
This message indicates that password ageing has been configured in the system's security settings. If your
password expires, someone with access to the system's security settings will be required to unlock the account.
Change password
Through the system's security settings, a service user account can be required to change their password when
logging in. The menu provides fields for entering the old password and new password.
Contact Information Check - This configuration is under special control
This message will appear if a IP Office Manager user with administrator rights has entered their contact
information into the configuration. For example to indicate that they do not want the configuration altered while a
possible problem is being diagnosed. The options available are:
Select this option to close the configuration without making any changes.
Set configuration alteration flag
Select this option if the configuration is being opened because some urgent maintenance action. When the
configuration is next opened, the fact that it has been altered will be indicated on the System | System tab.
Delete Contact Information
Select this option to take the system out of special control.
Leave contact information and flags unchanged (Administrators only)
This option is only available to service users logging in with administrator rights.
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1.4 Changing the IP Office Manager Language
The IP Office Manager application can run in US English, UK English, Chinese (Simplified), French, German,
Brazilian Portuguese, Dutch, Italian, Russian and Mexican Spanish. By default it tries to use the best match to the
PC's regional location settings, otherwise it will use UK English.
The process below can be used to run IP Office Manager in one of its supported languages. However it does not change
the language used for help file content.
1. Create a Windows shortcut to the IP Office Manager application .exe file. By default this file is located in C:
\Program Files\Avaya\IP Office\Manager\Manager.exe.
2. Right-click on the shortcut and select Properties.
3. The Target field can be used to specify the locale setting that IP Office Manager should use.
For example, for Italian the Target should have -locale:it-IT added to the end. For example: "C:\Program
Files\Avaya\IP Office\Manager\Manager.exe" -locale:it-IT.
4. The available locales for IP Office Manager are:
IP Office Manager Language Shortcut Locale Setting
Brazilian Portuguese -locale:pt-Br
Chinese (Simplified) -locale:zh-Hans
Dutch -locale:nl-NL
French -locale:fr-FR
German -locale:de-DE
Italian -locale:it-IT
Mexican Spanish -locale:es-MX
Russian -locale:ru-RU
US English -locale:en-US
5. Click OK.
6. IP Office Manager should now run in the selected language when launched using the updated shortcut.
1.5 Backward Compatibility
IP Office Manager is part of the IP Office Admin Suite of programs. It is important to note that the software level of IP
Office Manager application is 2 higher than the software level of the system core software with which it is released. For
example IP Office Manager 6.2 was released with IP Office 4.2 core software. The IP Office Manager application can be
used to manage configurations from systems running Release 2.1 core software.
When an Release 2.1 or higher configuration is loaded, IP Office Manager adjusts the settings and fields that it shows to
match the core software level of the system. If you attempt to load a pre-Release 2.1 configuration, IP Office Manager
will display an error message and does not load the configuration.
To receive a pre-Release 3.2 configuration requires entry of an operator name and the system password.
To receive a Release 3.2 or higher configuration requires entry of a service user name and password stored by
that system.
For Release 4.2+, IP Office Manager is able display systems with software levels it does not support in the Select IP
Office discovery menu, however those systems are indicated as not supported.
Backwards compatibility is only supported for General Availability releases of IP Office software. It is not
supported for private builds.
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IP Office Manager: Backward Compatibility
1.6 What's New in Release 8.1
This section summarizes the major changes introduced with Release 8.1.
Hardware Support
IP Office Server Edition Mode
Telephone Support
Telephony Features
IP Office Customer Call Reporter
Flare Communicator for IP Office
SIP Trunks
IP Office Web Manager
Voicemail Pro
IP Office Manager
Hardware Support
IP Office Platforms
Release 8.0 is supported on IP500 and IP500 V2 systems. It is also supported on Linux based IP Office platforms,
see IP Office Server Edition below. Systems being upgraded to Release 8.1 may require an upgrade license.
IP500 VCM 32 V2 Base Card/IP500 VCM 64 V2 Base Card
These cards are functionally the same as the existing IP500 VCM 32 and IP500 VCM 64 base card respectively.
However, they do not enable support for 12 Avaya IP endpoints when installed in a IP Office Essential Edition, IP
Office Preferred Edition or IP Office Advanced Edition system.
IP Office Server Edition Mode
This new licensed mode of operation simplifies and enhances support for multiple systems in an IP network. IP Office
Server Edition mode can be used to build a network of up to 1000 users across up to 32 systems. When the configuration
of a IP Office Server Edition network is loaded in IP Office Manager, the IP Office Manager application switches to a
special IP Office Server Edition mode for administration of the network and IP Office system configurations. Web
based management of the Linux servers is also used to provide configure and maintain the servers.
For full details of IP Office Server Edition features and operation, refer to the separate IP Office Server Edition manuals.
IP Office Server Edition Hardware
The following hardware platforms are used to build a IP Office Server Edition network.
IP Office Server Edition Primary Server
This is a Linux based server. It hosts IP Office for Linux, Voicemail Pro and one-X Portal for IP Office. This
server is a mandatory component of the IP Office Server Edition network. The server can support IP (H.323
and SIP) extensions and trunks. This server acts as a central file server for maintenance actions such as
upgrades of servers in the network. Depending on capacity requirements, the one-X Portal for IP Office
component can be relocated to a separate server.
IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
This is a Linux based server. It hosts IP Office for Linux and Voicemail Pro. The Voicemail Pro is used as the
resilience fallback server for the Voicemail Pro hosted by the IP Office Server Edition Primary Server. The
server can support IP (H.323 and SIP) extensions and trunks.
IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L)
This is a Linux based server. It hosts IP Office for Linux. The server can support IP (H.323 and SIP)
extensions and trunks.
IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2)
This is an IP500 V2 control unit. It supports the same range of extensions and trunks as supported by a IP
Office Essential Edition mode IP500 V2 system and so provides a gateway for adding non-IP extensions and
trunks to a IP Office Server Edition network.
Telephone Support
The following changes have been made for the telephones supported by Release 8.0.
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D100 Phones
This is a DECT mobile handset. It uses a DECT base station that is connected to the IP Office system via a new SIP
trunk type.
G.722 Support
G.722 is now also supported on the 9608, 9611, 9621 and 9641 telephones.
IP Office Licensing
The following changes to IP Office licensing have occurred for Release 8.0.
Upgrade License 6
All existing systems being upgraded to Release 8.0 require an appropriate upgrade license. The exception is new
systems upgraded within 90 days of the system's first power up.
Avaya Softphone License
This new license can be used to enable use of the Flare Communicator for IP Office application for a user who is
otherwise not licensed for Flare Communicator for IP Office through their user profile. This allows the use of Flare
Communicator for IP Office on IP Office Essential Edition mode systems and with user profiles other than Office
Worker and Power User.
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IP Office Manager: What's New in Release 8.1
Telephony Features
Context Sensitive Conferencing
For Release 8.1 and higher, there has been a change to which calls are conferenced when a Conference button
or Conf option is pressed on a telephone. This new behaviour applies to 1400, 1600, 9500 and 9600 Series
telephones. Previously, pressing Conference would put the user's current and all held calls into a conference. That
included any calls that had be put on held pending transfer by pressing Transfer. The result of pressing
Conference on the telephone now depends on which call is currently highlighted on the phone display and
whether there are or are not any calls held pending transfer.
Context Sensitive Call Transfer
For Release 8.1 and higher, there has been a change to telephone behaviour for call transfers. These new
behaviours apply to 1400, 1600, 9500 and 9600 Series telephones.
Calls and Button Status Indication
The status indication for a call on hold pending transfer has changed to differentiate such calls from standard
held calls.
Switching Between Calls
It is possible to switch between a connected call and a call on hold pending transfer and to complete the
transfer without requiring any additional call appearance buttons. As part of this, when a user already has a
call or calls on hold, they can now put their current call on hold pending transfer even if there are no free call
appearances available.
RTP Port Number Range
The minimum gap between the minimum and maximum port numbers has been reduced from 1024 to 254.
Mergeable Music on Hold Changes
Changes to the system hold music source are now mergeable. Changing the System Source music file is applied
to in progress calls. Switching to Alternate Sources is applied to the next call.
Log Stamp Functions
Via either a programmable button or short code (default *55), end users can now insert a line into any monitor
trace. The line includes a 3 digit log stamp number that is also briefly displayed on the user's phone display. This
allows users to indicate when a problem occurs and lets the system maintainer more easily locate the relevant
section of the monitor trace.
SIP Trunk Enhancements
The following enhancements have been made for SIP trunk configuration and operation in Release 8.1:
Caller ID from From Header
Incoming calls can include caller ID information in both the From field and in the PAI fields. Previously systems
have used just the PAI fields for caller ID information. A SIP trunk can now be configured to used the information
in the From field by selecting the Caller ID from From Header option.
Send From In Clear
When this option is selected, the user ID of the user making an outgoing call is included in the SIP From field. This
applies even if the caller has selected to be or is configured to be anonymous, though their anonymous state is
honored in other fields used to display the caller identity.
Setting the User-Agent and Server Header Information
Previously the values used for the User-Agent and Server fields used in SIP request headers were not
configurable. The value used can now be set. Setting a unique value can be useful in call diagnostics when the
system has multiple SIP trunks.
Use of UPDATE Supported
The IP Office system can now negotiate RFC 4028 for session refresh over SIP Trunks. It can either be the
refresher or expect UPDATE messages from remote party, depending on negotiation. Previously the IP Office was
only able to send RE-INVITE messages when it was the refresher. A session is terminated if the IP Office does not
receive an UPDATE/200 OK message in response to a session refresh. By default, UPDATE Supported is not
enabled and IP Office uses RE-INVITE messages for session refresh.
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IP Office Web Manager
The following additional features have been added to IP Office Web Manager:
System Backup and Restore
The IP Office Web Manager can now be used to backup and restore the contents of the /system/primary folder
on the System SD card. The backup and restore location can be either a folder on the local PC or the /system/
backup folder on the System SD card.
System Upgrade
The IP Office Web Manager can now be used to perform a software upgrade of a system, including all the binary
files for the system hardware, supported phones and files used by web management itself. It can do this from the
set of memory card files installed with IP Office Manager.
Additional Configuration Fields
Additional configuration fields have been added to IP Office Web Manager to align its configuration capabilities with
the fields offered by the traditional IP Office Manager. A full summary of the fields supported by either application
is included in the IP Office Web Manager documentation.
IP Office Web Manager is used for the registration of systems for support. It is also used to upload an on-boarding
file to configure an Avaya SSL VPN link for remote support of the system. This feature is supported for all IP Office
modes supported by IP500 V2 and Linux based IP Office systems except B5800 Branch Gateway. See On-Boarding
IP Office Manager
The following changes have been made to the operation of IP Office Manager.
Default Secure Communications
Previously the use of secure communications when opening the configuration has been off by default. That
behaviour is controlled by the Secure Communications setting (File | Preferences | Security | Secure
Communications ). The following changes have been made to this operation:
The new installations of IP Office Manager, IP Office Manager defaults to having Secure Communications
enabled. This means it will by default attempts to use secure communications when opening a configuration.
For IP Office Server Edition systems, IP Office Manager will always attempt to use secure communications
regardless of the Secure Communications setting.
If no response to the use of secure communication is received after 5 seconds, IP Office Manager will offer to
fallback to using unsecured communications.
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IP Office Manager: What's New in Release 8.1
IP Office Customer Call Reporter
The following enhancements have been made for IP Office Customer Call Reporter operation in Release 8.1:
Scheduled Report on the Same Day
Scheduled reports can now be configured to include data from the current day on which the report is run.
Call Details Report Changes
A number of changes and improvements have been made to the Call Details Report template.
A New Call event has been added to the call events that are reported.
The Answered event has been renamed as Connected.
The report filters now include options for Hold, Enquiry Answered and Not Answered events.
The way the duration of events is displayed allows easier distinction between the overall times while an agent
handles a call and the individual times that the call is in different states.
Wallboard Enhancements
The following enhancements have been made to wallboard operation:
Manual Layout Control
Previously the sizing and positioning of the elements added to a wallboard display was automatic, with the
elements adjusting automatically when the wallboard was resized. Supervisors can now select to use a manual
layout option. When selected, elements added to the wallboard need to be positioned and sized manually and
do not automatically adjust position if the wallboard is resized.
Wallboard Bookmarking and Auto-Login
While logged into a wallboard, an icon within the wallboard allows it to be bookmarked as a favorite. This is
supported in Internet Explorer and Firefox. The browser link can then be used to re-display the wallboard
without having to login again.
Display Statistics Values on League Table
Previously league table elements added to a wallboard did not display the values on which the league
positions were based. Supervisors can now select whether to also display the statistic values or not.
Adjustable Wallboard Update Rate
The update interval for the wallboard can now be adjusted between every 2 seconds (the default) to every 60
seconds. This allows reduction of the CPU requirements for running a wallboard display.
Monitor Table
This new wallboard element is similar to the existing IP Office Customer Call Reporter monitor display,
showing a table of statistic columns and queue rows which can include a System and Total row. The table
shows alarms and warnings but is not interactive, ie. it cannot be used to acknowledge alarms.
Custom Report Enhancements
The following enhancements have been made to custom reports:
The sample custom reports reflect the changes above for the Call Details Report.
Custom reports can also be scheduled to run on the same day.
A new sample custom report has been added that emulates the CCC Incoming DID Summary report.
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Flare Communicator for IP Office
Release 8.1 support the use of Flare Communicator for IP Office on devices such at the iPad to make and receive calls.
The option to use Flare Communicator for IP Office can be licensed for individual users by a specific license or as part of
the user's licensed profile (supported for Office Worker and Power User).
On-boarding is a process used for registering a IP Office system with Avaya for remote maintenance and report services.
It is supported for all IP500 V2 and Linux based IP Office products. Once a system is registered, an on-boarding file is
supplied for uploading to the system.
For full details on how to configure and administer SSL VPN services, refer to the Avaya IP Office SSL VPN
Solutions Guide.
Uploading the file makes a number of changes to the system configuration.
An SSL VPN Service is created in the system configuration.
A security certificate for the service is added to the system's security settings.
In addition, the following optional changes can also be made, depending on the settings included in the on-boarding file
by the support service provider.
Short codes for switching use of the SSL VPN service on or off can be added to the configuration.
SNMP can be configured and SNMP alarm traps added to the configuration.
A static IP route to the SSL VPN service can be added to the configuration.
Network address and port translation (NAPT)
NAPT is part of the SSL VPN solution for providing remote maintenance and support. Use an SSL VPN service and
network address and port translation (NAPT) rules to establish remote communication sessions with LAN devices on the
IP Office network.
For full details on how to configure and administer SSL VPN services, refer to the Avaya IP Office SSL VPN
Solutions Guide.
Voicemail Pro
Minimum Password Length Control
The minimum password length accepted by the voicemail server when a user sets their mailbox password can now
be adjusted through the Voicemail Pro client. The length can be set between 0 to 15 digits for IP Office mode
voicemail or 2 to 15 digits for Intuity emulation mode voicemail.
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IP Office Manager: What's New in Release 8.1
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Configuration Mode
Chapter 2.
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Configuration Mode:
2. Configuration Mode
This section of the documentation covers the operation of IP Office Manager when being used to edit the configuration of
a system running in IP Office Essential Edition, IP Office Preferred Edition or IP Office Advanced Edition modes. Much of it
is also applicable for when also editing the configuration of systems running in IP Office Server Edition mode, for which
addition functions are detailed in the IP Office Server Edition Mode chapter.
This section is divided as follows.
The Configuration Mode Interface
This part details the screen elements of IP
Office Manager's configuration mode
The Menu Bar
Using the Navigation Pane
Using the Group Pane
Using the Details Pane
Using the Error Pane
Altering the Interface
Editing Configuration Settings
This part details how IP Office Manager's
configuration mode can be used for the
following tasks.
How the Configuration is Used
Loading a Configuration
Creating a New Configuration
Importing and Exporting Settings
Sending a Configuration
Saving a Configuration Offline
Erasing the Configuration
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2.1 The Configuration Mode Interface
When IP Office Manager is in configuration mode, the screen elements shown are available. Some of these elements can
be customized, moved and hidden.
IP Office Manager Configuration Mode Screen Elements
Title Bar
In addition to the application name, when configuration settings are loaded from a system, the title bar displays the
user name used to load the settings and the operator view applied.
Menu Bar
The options available with the drop down menus provided here change according to whether IP Office Manager has a
set of configuration or security settings loaded or not.
Main Toolbar
This toolbar provides icon shortcuts to the most frequently required configuration setting actions.
Navigation Toolbar
This toolbar provides a set of drop downs which can be used to navigate to particular records in the configuration
settings. The selected options in the navigation pane, the group pane and the details pane are synchronized with the
navigation toolbar and vice versa. This toolbar is particularly useful if you want to work with the group pane and or
navigation pane hidden in order to maximize the display space for the details pane.
Navigation Pane
This pane shows icons for the different types of record that the configuration can contain. Each type is followed by the
number of records of that type already in the configuration. Selecting an icon displays the matching records in the
group pane and navigation toolbar.
Group Pane
This pane lists all the records that match the type selected in the navigation pane or navigation toolbar. The list can be
sorted by clicking on column heading. Selecting a record in this pane displays its details in the details pane.
Details Pane
This pane shows the configuration settings for a particular record within the configuration. The record is selected using
the navigation toolbar or using the navigation pane and group pane.
Error Pane
This pane shows errors and warnings about the configuration settings. Selecting an item here loads the corresponding
record into the details pane.
Status Bar
This bar display messages about communications between IP Office Manager and systems. It also displays the security
level of the communications by the use of a padlock icon.
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Configuration Mode: The Configuration Mode Interface
2.2 Security Settings
The following applies for Release 3.2 and higher. Access to system settings is controlled by Service Users and Rights
Groups. stored in the control unit's security settings. These are stored separately from the system's configuration
settings. All actions involving communications between IP Office Manager and the system require a service user name
and password. That service user must be a member of a Rights Group with permissions to perform the required action.
In the example illustrated above:
Service user X can read and write the configuration. However they can only edit Operator settings and can only
make changes that can be merged.
Service user Y can read and write the configuration, edit all settings and make changes that require reboots.
Service user Z can read and write the configuration, edit all settings and make changes that require reboots. They
can also access the security settings.
The Security Administrator can only access the security settings.
Security Administrators
By default the security administrator is the only user who can access the system's security settings using IP Office
Manager's security mode.
Service Users
Each service user has a name, a password and is a member of one or more Rights Groups.
Rights Groups
The Rights Groups to which a service user belongs determine what actions they can perform. Where a service user has
been configured as a member of more than one Rights Group, they combine the functions available to the separate
Rights Groups.
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2.3 Title Bar
The IP Office Manager title bar shows several bits of information.
The IP Office Manager application version.
The system name of the system from which the currently loaded configuration was received.
The software level of the system's control unit.
For Release 3.2+ systems, the service user name used to receive the configuration and that user's associated
operator rights. For pre-3.2 systems this is replaced with just the operator name.
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Configuration Mode: Title Bar
2.4 The Menu Bar
Details of all the options that may be available within the Menu Bar drop
downs are contained in the section Menu Bar Commands .
The commands are context sensitive. Commands are grayed out when not
For some commands, an symbol indicates that there are sub-commands
from which a selection can be made.
The following menu options are available:
File Open Configuration...
Close Configuration
Save Configuration
Save Configuration As...
Change Working Directory...
Offline Create New Config
Open File...
Open File Set...
Send Config...
Receive Config...
Advanced Erase Configuration (Default)
System Shutdown...
Change Mode...
Audit Trail...
Security Settings...
Erase Security Settings...
Embedded File Management
Format IP Office SD Card
Recreate IP Office SD Card
Memory Card Command Shutdown...
Start Up...
Launch Voicemail Pro Client
System Status
LVM Greeting Utility
Initial Configuration
Add/Display VM Locales
Backup/Restore Backup Binaries and Configurations
Restore Binaries and Configurations
Import/Export Import
View Toolbars
Navigation Pane
Group Pane
Details Pane
Error Pane
Simplified View
Tools Extension Renumber
Line Renumber
Connect To
SCN Service User Management
IP Office Server Edition Service User Management
Busy on Held Validation
MSN Configuration
Print Button Labels
Import Templates
200 200
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2.5 Toolbars
A number of toolbars can be displayed by IP Office Manager. These are:
Main Toolbar
Navigation Toolbar
Details Toolbar
Showing or Hiding Toolbars
The different toolbars can be hidden if not required.
1. Select View and then Toolbars. Those toolbars currently shown are indicated by a tick mark.
2. To show or hide a toolbar, click on its name.
Moving Toolbars
The position of the IP Office Manager toolbars can be moved. Note that when moving a toolbar, the other toolbars and
panes may adjust their size or position to ensure that all the toolbar icons remain visible.
1. Place the cursor over the end of the toolbar.
2. When the cursor changes to a four-way arrow, click and hold the cursor.
3. Move the toolbar to the required position and release the cursor.
2.5.1 The Main Toolbar
This toolbar is displayed at the top of the IP Office Manager window, just below the menu bar. This toolbar is also
available when IP Office Manager is in security mode. However many of the controls will not function in security mode.
Open Configuration from a System
Advertises to the address currently shown in the IP Office Manager's title bar for any available systems. A list of
responding systems is then displayed. When a system is selected from this list, a valid user name and password
must be entered. Equivalent to File | Open Configuration.
Open Configuration File
Open a configuration file stored on a PC. The button can be clicked to display a browse window. Alternatively the
adjacent arrow can be used to drop-down a list of the last 4 previously opened configuration files. Equivalent to
File | Offline | Open File.
Save Configuration File
The action of this icon depends on whether the currently loaded configuration settings were received from a
system or opened from a file stored on PC. If the former applies, the menu sending the configuration back to the
system is displayed. In the latter case, the file changes are saved to the original file. Equivalent to File | Save
Collapse All Groups
Causes all symbols in the navigation pane to be collapsed to symbols.
Show/Hide the Navigation Pane
Show/Hide the Group Pane
Show/Hide the Error Pane
Validate Configuration
Runs a validation on all the currently loaded configuration settings. The results appear in the error pane. By
default the configuration is automatically validated when loaded and changes are validated when made, however
the validation preferences can be changed through File | Preferences | Validation .
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Configuration Mode: Toolbars
Create New Configuration
Runs a series of dialogs that create a new configuration from scratch.
Connect To
For a standalone system, start the process of adding it to a multi-site network. Not available in IP Office Server
Edition mode.
Voicemail Pro Client
Launch the Voicemail Pro client if also installed on the IP Office Manager PC.
IP Office Server Edition Solution View
Switch to the solution view . This option is only shown when IP Office Manager is running in IP Office Server
Edition mode.
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2.5.2 The Navigation Toolbar
This toolbar provides drop down lists which can be used to navigate to particular records in the configuration settings.
The selected options in the navigation pane, group pane and the details pane are synchronized with the navigation
toolbar and vice versa. This toolbar is particularly useful if you want to work with the group pane and or navigation
pane hidden in order to maximize the display space for the details pane.
This toolbar is not available when IP Office Manager is in security mode .
2.5.3 The Details Toolbar
This toolbar is shown in the top-right of the details pane. The options within the toolbar may vary or be greyed out
depending on the actions allowed for a particular configuration record.
Create a New Record
The arrow is used to select the record type to be created. For example; when adding an extension clicking
may allow selection of a VoIP Extension or IP DECT Extension.
Export as Template (Binary)
This option is shown for IP Office Server Edition mode. It allows certain types of records to be saved as templates
. These can then be used to create new records.
Delete Current Record
Delete the currently displayed record.
Validate Current Record
By default records are validated when opened and when edited. This is set through the IP Office Manager
application's validation settings .
< > Previous Record/Next Record
Click < or > at the top-right to move to the previous or next record.
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Configuration Mode: Toolbars
2.6 Using the Navigation Pane
This pane shows icons for the different types of record that the
configuration can contain. Each type is followed by the number of records
of that type already in the configuration. When IP Office Manager is used in
security mode, this pane is also used by IP Office Manager in security mode
to display records for security settings.
Selecting an icon displays the matching records in the group pane,
navigation toolbar and details pane. Note that IP Office Manager is used to
configure different types of system. Therefore the icons shown may vary
depending on the type of system you are configuring. For descriptions of
the different icons refer to Configuration Settings .
The information in the pane also depends on whether the group pane is
visible or not. If the group pane is visible, the navigation pane just shows
icons for accessing which types of records should be shown in the group
pane. The group pane can then be used to select which of those records is
currently shown in the details pane. If the group pane is not visible, the
navigation pane shows icons for each type of records and under those icons
for each individual record. The navigation pane can then be used to select
which of those records is currently shown in the details pane.
Expanding/Collapsing the Navigation Tree
Where or icons appear in the pane, they allow the structure to
be expanded or collapsed. When the group pane is hidden, and
icons are shown for each record type and allow the record type to be
expanded to display all the existing records of that type.
The icon in the main toolbar can also be used to collapse all the
expanded record types shown in the navigation pane.
Moving the Border Between the Panes
The border between the visible panes can be adjusted. Note that this is a
proportional rather than exact position. If the whole window size is altered,
the border position may also move.
1. Place the cursor over the border between two panes.
2. When the cursor changes to a double headed arrow with a bar
through it, click and hold the cursor.
3. Drag the border to the required position and release the cursor.
Showing or Hiding the Navigation Pane
The navigation pane can be shown or hidden. To do this use either of the
following methods.
1. From the main toolbar, use the icon or select View. Those panes
currently shown are indicated by a tick mark.
2. To show or hide the navigation pane, click on its name.
Changing the Size of Configuration Icons
The size of the icons used on the navigation pane and details pane can be
1. Select File and then Preferences.
2. Select the Visual Preferences tab.
3. Select the required icon size from Small, Medium or Large.
4. Click OK.
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2.7 Using the Group Pane
This pane lists all the records that match the type selected in the navigation pane or navigation toolbar. The list can be
sorted by clicking on a column heading. Selecting a record in this pane displays its details in the details pane.
The icons used in the pane may vary according to the state of the record. For example, some of the users shown in this
example have been configured for hot desking. This pane is also used by IP Office Manager in security mode to
display records for security settings.
Sorting the List
The records shown in the group pane can be sorted using any of the columns displayed.
1. To sort the list using the details in a particular column, click on the column header.
2. Clicking on the same column header again reverses the sort order.
Customizing the Columns Displayed
For each record type, which details are shown in the group pane can be customized. Also the order of the column can be
1. Right-click on the pane and select Customize Columns.
2. To add a column, selects its name in the left-hand Available Columns list and click >> to move it to the right-
hand Selected Columns list.
3. To remove a column, select its name in the right-hand Selected Columns list and click << to move it to the left-
hand Available Columns list.
4. To change the order of the Selected Columns, click on a column name and use the ^ and V controls.
5. Click OK.
Changing the Column Widths
1. In the column headers, place the cursor over the border between two columns.
2. When the cursor changes to a double headed arrow with a bar through it, click and hold the cursor.
3. Drag the border to the required position and release the cursor.
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Configuration Mode: Using the Group Pane
Adding a New Record
The group pane can be used to add a new record of the type currently displayed.
1. Right-click on the pane and select New.
A arrow symbol next to New indicates that you can select a particular type of new record to create. Click
the arrow and select an option from the list.
2. Use the details pane to configure the new record.
3. Click OK in the details pane.
Deleting an Record
1. Select the record to be deleted by clicking on it.
2. Right-click on the pane and select Delete.
Validating an Record
1. Select the record to be validated by clicking on it.
2. Right-click on the pane and select Validate.
Show in Groups
This command groups the items shown in the group pane. The grouping method will vary depending on the record type
being listed. For example, short codes are grouped based on short code feature type such as all forwarding short codes
1. Right-click on the pane and select Show In Groups.
Moving the Border Between the Panes
The border between the visible panes can be adjusted. Note that this is a proportional rather than exact position. If the
whole window size is altered, the border position may also move.
1. Place the cursor over the border between two panes.
2. When the cursor changes to a double headed arrow with a bar through it, click and hold the cursor.
3. Drag the border to the required position and release the cursor.
Showing or Hiding Panes
The group pane can be shown or hidden. To do this use either of the following methods.
1. From the main toolbar, use the icon.
1. Select View. Those panes currently shown are indicated by a tick mark.
2. To show or hide the group pane, click on its name.
Changing the Size of Configuration Icons
The size of the icons used on the navigation pane and details pane can be adjusted.
1. Select File and then Preferences.
2. Select the Visual Preferences tab.
3. Select the required icon size from Small, Medium or Large.
4. Click OK.
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2.8 Using the Details Pane
Whenever a selection is made through the group pane or the navigation toolbar, the settings for the matching record are
shown in the details pane. This pane is also used by IP Office Manager in security mode to display records for security
The details are grouped into tabs. The tabs available may vary depending on what particular type of record is being
viewed. For example, for extension records the Analog tab is only shown for analog extensions.
Individual settings may also be grayed out. This indicates that they are either for information only or that they cannot be
used until another setting is enabled.
The top-left icon indicates the following:
Indicates that you can view the settings but cannot change them.
Indicates that you can change the settings if required.
Indicates that the settings have been changed since the tab was opened. Click OK to save the changes or Cancel to
Various icons may appear adjacent to settings:
Locked Setting
The setting cannot be changed through this tab. This icon appears on user settings where the user is associated
with User Rights that controls the setting.
Indicates a value which does not have to be set but may be useful if set.
A warning indicates a configuration setting value that is not typical and may indicate misconfiguration.
An error indicates a configuration setting value that is not supported by the system. Such settings may cause the
system to not operate as expected.
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Configuration Mode: Using the Details Pane
Editing an Record
1. The method of entering a record varies as different fields may use different methods. For example text record
boxes or drop down lists.
2. By default when changes are made, they are validated once another field is selected. See File | Preferences |
Validation .
3. Clicking on OK at the base of the details pane to accept the changes or click on Cancel to undo the changes.
Adding a New Record
1. Click at the top-right of the details pane.
2. Select the type of record required. For example, with extensions you can select from H.323 Extension or SIP
Deleting an Record
1. Click at the top-right of the details pane.
Validating an Record
1. Click at the top-right of the details pane.
Moving to the Previous or Next Record
1. Click < or > at the top-right to move to the previous or next record.
Selecting a Tab
1. To view the detail stored on a particular tab, click on the name of that tab.
2. If the tab required is not shown, use the controls if shown on the right to scroll through the available tabs.
The tabs available may vary depending on what particular type of record is being viewed.
Changing the Position of the Details Pane
When the group pane is visible, the details pane is shown either below it or to its right. This position can be adjusted.
1. Select View and then Details Pane.
2. The current position setting is indicated by a tick mark.
3. To select a position, click on it.
Changing How the Tabs Display
For records with more than two tabs, you can select whether IP Office Manager should use controls or arrange the
tabs as multiple rows when necessary.
1. Select Files | Preferences | Visual Preferences.
2. Select Multiline Tabs.
3. Click OK.
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2.9 Using the Error Pane
Validation is a process where IP Office Manager checks configuration records for errors or for values for which it regards
as requiring a warning. The results of this checking are shown by icons next to the field that caused the error or warning,
All errors and warnings are also listed in the Error Pane.
By default validation is performed automatically whenever a configuration file is opened and when any field is edited.
However, if required, the use of automatic validation can be controlled through the settings on the File | Preference |
Validation tab.
The icons used for errors and warnings are as follows. These are shown in the error pane and also next to the related
field in the details pane. In the details pane, the error or warning description is shown when the cursor is hovered over
the icon.
An error indicates a configuration setting value that is not supported by the system. Such settings are likely to
cause the system to not operate as expected.
A warning indicates a configuration setting value that is not typical and may indicate misconfiguration.
Typically indicates a setting which may be useful to set.
Altering the Automatic Validation Settings
The settings for automatic validation by IP Office Manager are adjustable.
1. Select File | Preferences.
2. Select the Validation tab. Select the options required.
Validate configuration on open
Automatically validate configuration files when they are opened in IP Office Manager.
Validate configuration on edit
Validate the whole configuration when OK is clicked after editing a record. For large configurations, disabling
this option removes the delay caused by validating the configuration after every edit.
Prompt for configuration validation on save or send
If selected, when saving or sending a configuration, a prompt is displayed asking whether the configuration
should be validated. If validation is selected and error are found, the send or save process is canceled. This
option is disabled if Validate configuration on edit is selected.
3. Click OK.
Revalidating Configuration Settings
If necessary, you can force a validation check of the whole configuration or of the current record shown in the details
1. To validate the whole configuration, click in the main toolbar.
2. For a particular record, click in the details pane.
Jumping to an Error or Warning
1. Clicking on an error or warning in the error pane will load the matching record tab into the details pane.
2. The < and > can be used to move to the next error or warning in the error pane.
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Configuration Mode: Using the Error Pane
Showing or Hiding the Error Pane
The error pane is automatically displayed if a configuration containing errors or warnings is loaded into IP Office Manager.
However it can be manually shown or hidden using either of the following methods.
1. From the main toolbar, use the icon.
1. Select View. Those panes currently shown are indicated by a tick mark.
2. To show or hide the error pane, click on its name.
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2.10 Altering the Interface
The IP Office Manager configuration settings interface can be customized in a number of ways. These changes are
remembered the next time IP Office Manager is started.
Resizing the IP Office Manager Window
When the IP Office Manager window is not maximized or minimized, it size can be adjusted.
1. Place the cursor over the edge of the current window.
2. When the cursor changes to a double-headed arrow, click and hold the cursor.
3. Drag the edge to the required position and then release the cursor.
Moving the Border Between the Panes
The border between the visible panes can be adjusted. Note that this is a proportional rather than exact position. If the
whole window size is altered, the border position may also move.
1. Place the cursor over the border between two panes.
2. When the cursor changes to a double headed arrow with a bar through it, click and hold the cursor.
3. Drag the border to the required position and release the cursor.
Showing or Hiding Toolbars
The different toolbars can be hidden if not required.
1. Select View and then Toolbars. Those toolbars currently shown are indicated by a tick mark.
2. To show or hide a toolbar, click on its name.
Moving Toolbars
The position of the IP Office Manager toolbars can be moved. Note that when moving a toolbar, the other toolbars and
panes may adjust their size or position to ensure that all the toolbar icons remain visible.
1. Place the cursor over the end of the toolbar.
2. When the cursor changes to a four-way arrow, click and hold the cursor.
3. Move the toolbar to the required position and release the cursor.
Showing or Hiding Panes
The details pane cannot be hidden. The navigation pane, group pane and error pane can be shown or hidden. To do this
use either of the following methods.
1. From the main toolbar, use the following icons:
Hide/Show Navigation Pane.
Hide/Show Group Pane.
Hide/Show Error Pane.
1. Select View. Those panes currently shown are indicated by a tick mark.
2. To show or hide a pane, click on its name.
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Configuration Mode: Altering the Interface
Changing the Position of the Details Pane
When the group pane is visible, the details pane is shown either below it or to its right. This position can be adjusted.
1. Select View and then Details Pane.
2. The current position setting is indicated by a tick mark.
3. To select a position, click on it.
Changing the Size of Configuration Icons
The size of the icons used on the navigation pane and details pane can be adjusted.
1. Select File and then Preferences.
2. Select the Visual Preferences tab.
3. Select the required icon size from Small, Medium or Large.
4. Click OK.
Changing How the Tabs Display
For records with more than two tabs, you can select whether IP Office Manager should use controls or arrange the
tabs as multiple rows when necessary.
1. Select Files | Preferences | Visual Preferences.
2. Select Multiline Tabs.
3. Click OK.
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2.11 The Status Bar
The status bar at the base of the IP Office Manager screen is used to display icons and messages about communications
between IP Office Manager and systems. If the IP Office Manager is also acting as a BOOTP and TFTP server it will also
show BOOTP and TFTP messages.
A padlock icon is displayed whenever the IP Office Manager communications settings are set to secure. This indicates all
attempted configuration and security settings exchanged will be attempted over a secure TLS link:
Status bar messages display information about communications the IP Office Manager application receives. Some typical
status bar messages are listed below.
This message is normally seen when IP Office Manager has just started and no configuration has been received.
Received BOOTP request for 001125465ab2, unable to process
IP Office Manager is acting as a BOOTP server. It has received a BOOTP request that does not match a system
listed in its BOOTP records. The cause may be a device or application, other than an IP Office, that also uses
TFTP: Received TFTP Error "NotFound" from
An attempt to receive settings from or send settings to the system failed. The most probable cause is a name or
password error.
TFTP: Received 17408 bytes for Marks_Test
IP Office Manager has received configuration settings from the named system using TFTP.
Sent 100% of C:\Program Files\Avaya\IP Office\Manager\b10d01b2_3.bin
IP Office Manager has sent the indicated file in response to a BOOTP request.
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Configuration Mode: The Status Bar
2.12 Editing Configuration Settings
Before editing the system's configuration settings, it is important to understand how those settings are stored and used
by the system.
The control unit holds copies of its configuration in both its internal non-volatile and RAM memory. A copy is also
held on the System SD card (IP500 V2).
The copies in non-volatile memory and System SD card, are retained even if power to the control unit is removed.
During power up, the system loads the configuration file stored on the System SD card into its RAM memory.
Other systems load the configuration stored in non-volatile memory into RAM memory. The copy in RAM memory
is then used to control the system's operation.
If the system encounters a problem using the configuration file in its System SD card's /primary folder, it
attempt to use the copy in its non-volatile memory. For fully details of the IP500 V2 boot process and SD card
usage refer to the IP Office Installation Manual.
Users actions such as changing their forward destinations or mailbox passcode are written to the configuration in
RAM memory.
Changes made using IP Office Manager are written to the configuration in non-volatile memory and then copied
into the RAM memory and System SD.
Between 00:00 and 00:30, a daily backup occurs which copies the configuration in the system's operation RAM
memory back into its non-volatile memory and, on IP500 V2 system's, the System SD card. For Release 6.1 and
higher: On IP500 V2 system, the contents of the system memory cards /primary folder can then also be
automatically copied to the /backup folder by enabling System | System | Automatic Backup .
When the system is shutdown using the correct shutdown method , the configuration in RAM memory is copied
to the non-volatile memory and System SD card.
Using IP Office Manager
When using IP Office Manager to edit the configuration settings, the following need to be remembered:
IP Office Manager receives the current configuration settings from RAM memory. Therefore the configuration it
receives includes any changes made by users up to that time. However it will not contain any subsequent changes
made by users.
When sending the configuration settings back to the system, IP Office Manager allows two choices, reboot or
Reboot sends the configuration to the system's non-volatile memory along with an instruction to reboot.
Following the reboot, the new configuration in non-volatile memory is copied to the RAM memory and used.
Merge sends the configuration to the system's non-volatile memory without rebooting. The system then copies
those changes that are mergeable into the RAM memory. A key point here is that not all configuration settings
are mergeable, see the Mergeable Settings list.
As a result of the above, it is important to bear the follow scenarios in mind:
Changes made by users after a configuration is received by IP Office Manager may be lost when the configuration
is sent back from IP Office Manager. Therefore it is preferable to always edit a recently received copy of the
configuration rather than one that has been open for a period of time.
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If a merge is attempted with non-mergeable changes, those items will be written to the non-volatile memory but
will not be copied to RAM memory. If a daily backup occurs, they will then be overwritten by the RAM. If a power
loss reboot occurs, they will be written to RAM memory.
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Configuration Mode: Editing Configuration Settings
2.12.1 Mergeable Settings
The table below shows the configuration records for which changes can be merged and those that require a system
reboot. The Send Configuration menu shown when sending a configuration to the system automatically indicates when
the configuration is mergeable.
Mergeable 3.2+ Pre-3.2
- System *1
- Voicemail *2
- Telephony *3
- VoIP
- System Events
- Twinning
Control Unit
Extension *4
Hunt Group
Short Code
Incoming Call Route
Mergeable 3.2+ Pre-3.2
WAN Port
Time Profile
Firewall Profile
IP Route
Least Cost Routing
Account Code
Logical LAN
User Rights
Auto Attendant
E911 System
*1 - 3.2+ | System | System
Changes to Locale, License Server IP Address and Favor RIP Routes over Static require a reboot.
*2 - 3.2+ | System | Voicemail
Changes to Voicemail Type require a reboot.
*3 - 3.2+ | System | Telephony
Changes to Companding LAW and Busy Tone Detection require a reboot.
*4 - 4.1+ | Extension
Base Extension and Disable Speakerphone are mergeable.
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2.12.2 Configuration Size
There are maximum size limits to the configuration file that can be loaded into a control unit. They are:
Control Unit Maximum
Configuration File
Small Office Edition 192KB
IP403 192KB
IP406 V1 192KB
IP406 V2 384KB
IP412 1.0MB
IP500 1.0MB
IP500 V2 2.0MB
When you attempt to save a configuration that is too large, you will be prompted and the save is canceled.
During normal operation, additional configuration records can be added to the configuration without using IP Office
Manager (for example call log records and directory records made from phones). If, during the overnight backup
to flash memory , the configuration if found to be too large, records will be removed until the configuration is
sufficiently small to be backed up. The recordsremoved are call log records, system directory records and then
personal directory in that order. Note that those records will still exist in the configuration running the system in
its RAM memory, however if the system is restarted they will disappear as the configuration is reloaded from the
Flash memory.
Figures for all individual records in the configuration cannot be given as they vary. The list below gives typical values, in
bytes, for common records:
Physical Extension: 70.
IP Extension: 70.
User: 170.
User Short Code: 40.
DSS Button: 20.
Hunt Group: 100.
Hunt Group member: 10.
System Short Code: 10.
Normal Service: 220.
Intranet Service: 240.
WAN Service: 400.
RAS Service: 110.
Incoming Call Route: 30.
WAN Port (PPP): 70.
WAN Port (FR): 120.
Directory Record: 70.
Time Profile: 40.
Time Profile Record: 20.
Firewall Profile: 40.
Custom Firewall Record:
IP Route (Static): 30.
License Key: 40.
Account Code: 40.
Logical LAN: 60.
Tunnel (L2TP): 200.
Tunnel (IPSec): 110.
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Configuration Mode: Editing Configuration Settings
2.12.3 Setting the Discovery Addresses
By default, when or File | Open configuration is selected, IP Office Manager's Select IP Office menu appears. It
performs a UDP broadcast to the address This broadcast will only locate systems that are on the same
network subnet as the PC running IP Office Manager.
The process above is called discovery. A UDP broadcast will not be routed to other networks and subnets. Therefore to
find systems not located on the same subnet as the IP Office Manager PC, the following other options are supported.
Specific Addressing
The Unit/Broadcast Address shown on the Select IP Office menu can be changed to the specific IP address of
the required system. A single address is routable and so can be used to discover a system on another subnet.
TCP Discovery Address Ranges
Release 3.2+ systems support discovery by TCP as well as UDP. A set of TCP addresses and address ranges can
be specified for use by the Select IP Office discovery process.
Known System Discovery
IP Office Manager can write the details of systems it discovers to a file. The list of systems in that file can then be
used for access to those systems. See Known System Discovery .
DNS Lookup
IP Office Manager can be configured to locate systems using DNS name lookup. This requires the systems on a
customer network to be added as names on the customer's DNS server and the IP Office Manager PC to be
configured to use that server for DNS name resolution. The use of DNS is configured through File | Preferences |
Discovery .
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Changing the Initial Discovery Settings
The Discovery tab of the Preferences menu can be used to set the UDP and TCP addresses used by the discovery
process run by the Select IP Office menu.
1. Select File | Preferences menu.
2. Select the Discovery tab.
TCP Discovery: Default = On. Release 3.2+.
This setting controls whether IP Office Manager uses TCP to discover systems. The addresses used for TCP
discovery are set through the IP Search Criteria field below.
This area is for information only. It shows the IP address settings of the LAN network interface cards (NIC) in
the PC running IP Office Manager. Double-click on a particular NIC to add the address range it is part of to the
IP Search Criteria. Note that if the address of any of the IP Office Manager PC's NIC cards is changed, the IP
Office Manager application should be closed and restarted.
IP Search Criteria
This section is used to enter TCP addresses to be used for the TCP discovery process. Individual addresses
can be entered separated by semi-colons, for example; Address ranges
can be specified using dashes, for example -
UDP Discovery: Default = On
This settings controls whether IP Office Manager uses UDP to discover systems. Pre-3.2 systems only respond to
UDP discovery. By default Release 3.2 and higher systems also respond to UDP discovery but that can be disabled
through the system's security settings.
Enter Broadcast IP Address: Default =
The broadcast IP address range that IP Office Manager should used during UDP discovery. Since UDP
broadcast is not routable, it will not locate systems that are on different subnets from the IP Office Manager
PC unless a specific address is entered.
Use DNS: Release IP Office Manager 6.2+.
Selecting this option allows IP Office Manager to use DNS name (or IP address) lookup to locate a system. Note
that this overrides the use of the TCP Discovery and UDP Discovery options above. This option requires the system
IP address to be assigned as a name on the users DNS server. When selected, the Unit/Discovery Address field
on the Select IP Office dialogue is replaced by a Enter Unit DNS Name or IP Address field.
SCN Discovery: Release IP Office Manager 8.1+.
If enabled, when discovering systems, the list of discovered systems will group systems in the same Small
Community Network and allow them to be loaded as a single configuration. At least one of the systems in the
Small Community Network must be running Release 6.0 or higher software. See Small Community Network
Management . This does not override the need for each system in the Small Community Network to also be
reachable by the TCP Discovery and or UDP Discovery settings above and accessible by the router settings at
the IP Office Manager location.
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2.12.4 Opening a Configuration from a System
The initial IP address ranges in which IP Office Manager searches for systems are set through the IP Office Manager
preferences (File | Preferences | Discovery ). By default it scans the local network of the IP Office Manager PC.
1. Start IP Office Manager. If IP Office Manager is already started and a configuration is open in it, that configuration
must be closed first.
If IP Office Manager is set to Auto Connect on start up , it will scan for systems automatically and either
display the list of systems discovered or automatically start login to the only system discovered.
Otherwise, click on or select File | Open Configuration.
2. The Select IP Office window appears, listing those systems that responded.
If IP Office Server Edition systems are detected, they are grouped together. By default the configuration of
those systems cannot be opened using IP Office Manager in Advanced View mode and the configuration of a
IP Office Server Edition Primary Server can only be opened if the Open with IP Office Server Edition
Manager option is also selected. See IP Office Server Edition Mode .
If IP Office Manager has been set with SCN Discovery enabled, systems in a Small Community Network
are grouped together. The checkbox next to the network name can be used to load the configurations of all
the configurations into Small Community Network management mode.
If the system required was not found, the Unit/Broadcast Address used for the search can be changed.
Either enter an address or use the drop-down to select a previously used address. Then click Refresh to
perform a new search.
The address ranges used by IP Office Manager for searching can be configured through the File |
Preferences | Discovery tab.
A list of known systems can be stored and used. See Known System Discovery
IP Office Manager can be configured to search using DNS names. See the Use DNS option.
Systems found but not supported by the version of IP Office Manager being used will be listed as Not
If the system detected is running software other than from its primary folder, a warning icon will be
shown next to it. The configuration can still be opened but only as a read-only file.
3. When you have located the system required, check the box next to the system and click OK.
If the system selected is a IP Office Server Edition system and IP Office Manager is not running in IP Office
Server Edition mode, an Open with Server Edition Manager checkbox is shown and pre-selected. Clicking
OK will switch IP Office Manager to its IP Office Server Edition mode before loading the configuration.
4. The system name and password request is displayed. Enter the required details and click OK.
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Release 3.2 and higher systems:
The name and password used must match a service user account configured within the system's security
Pre-3.2 IP Office Systems:
The name must match a IP Office Manager operator and the password must match the system's system
password. If the name does not match a IP Office Manager operator, the config will still be loaded by using
the Guest (read-only) operator.
5. Additional messages will inform you about the success or failure of opening the configuration from the system.
The method of connection, secure or insecure, attempted by IP Office Manager is set the applications Secure
Communications preferences setting.
When Secure Communications is set to On, a padlock icon is displayed at all times in the lower right IP
Office Manager status field.
New installations of IP Office Manager default to having Secure Communications enabled. This means IP
Office Manager by default attempts to use secure communications when opening a configuration.
For IP Office Server Edition systems, IP Office Manager will always attempt to use secure communications
regardless of the Secure Communications setting.
If no response to the use of secure communication is received after 5 seconds, IP Office Manager will offer to
fallback to using unsecured communications.
6. Following a successful log in, the configuration is opened in IP Office Manager. The menus and options displayed
will depend on the type of system configuration loaded.
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Login Messages
While attempting to login to a system, various additional messages may be displayed.
Configuration Not Loaded Messages
Access Denied
This is displayed as the cause if the service user name/password were incorrect, or the service user has
insufficient rights to read the configuration. The Retry option can be used to log in again but multiple rejections in
a 10 minute period may trigger events, such as locking the user account, set by the Password Reject Limit and
Password Reject Action options in the systems security settings.
Failed to communicate with system
This is displayed as the cause if the network link fails, or the secure communication mode is incorrect (for example
IP Office Manager is set to unsecured, but the system is set to secure only).
Account Locked
The account of the service user name and password being used is locked. This can be caused by a number of
actions, for example too many incorrect password attempts, passing a fixed expiry date, etc. The account lock
may be temporary (10 minutes) or permanent until manually unlocked. An account can be enabled again through
the system's security settings.
Additional Messages
Your service user account will expire in X days
This message indicates that an Account Expiry date has been set on the system service user account and that date
is approaching. Someone with access to the system's security settings will be required unlock the account and set
a new expiry date.
Your password will expire in X days. Do you wish to change it now?
This message indicates that password ageing has been configured in the system's security settings. If your
password expires, someone with access to the system's security settings will be required to unlock the account.
Change password
Through the system's security settings, a service user account can be required to change their password when
logging in. The menu provides fields for entering the old password and new password.
Contact Information Check - This configuration is under special control
This message will appear if a IP Office Manager user with administrator rights has entered their contact
information into the configuration. For example to indicate that they do not want the configuration altered while a
possible problem is being diagnosed. The options available are:
Select this option to close the configuration without making any changes.
Set configuration alteration flag
Select this option if the configuration is being opened because some urgent maintenance action. When the
configuration is next opened, the fact that it has been altered will be indicated on the System | System tab.
Delete Contact Information
Select this option to take the system out of special control.
Leave contact information and flags unchanged (Administrators only)
This option is only available to service users logging in with administrator rights.
2.12.5 Opening a Configuration Stored on PC
A configuration file previously saved on the PC can be reopened in IP Office Manager. This method of access does not
require entry of a service user name and password. All parts of the configuration are visible.
Use either of the following processes to load a saved configuration file:
1. Click the main toolbar or select File | Offline | Open File from the menu bar. If the files is one that has
previously been opened offline, click the symbol next to in the main toolbar
2. An Open configuration file window appears. Use this to browse to the required configuration file.
3. Select the file and click Open.
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2.12.6 Known System Discovery
The Select IP Office menu normally displays systems discovered by IP Office Manager using either UDP broadcast and
or TCP requests (see Setting the Discovery Addresses ). IP Office Manager can be configured to also record details of
discovered units and then display a list of those previously discovered ('known') systems.
Configuring IP Office Manager for Known System Discovery
Use of known systems discovery is not enabled by default. The IP Office Manager must be configured for the feature with
a file location to which it can store and retrieve known system details.
1. Select File | Change Working Directory.
2. In the Known Units File field, enter the directory path and file name for a CSV file into which IP Office Manager
can write details of the systems it discovers. If the file specified does not exist it will be created by IP Office
3. Click OK.
Using Known System Discovery
1. When the Select IP Office screen is displayed click on Known Units.
2. The screen displays the list of systems previously discovered and stored in the CSV file.
To select an control unit, highlight the row containing unit data and click OK. The selected unit will appear in
the Select IP Office window.
To filter displayed units, type the first few characters of the unit name in the Filter field. Any unit whose
name does not match the filter will be temporarily hidden.
Each discovery appends data to the known unit list. It is possible that details of some records in the list may
be out of date. Right clicking on the leftmost (grey) column of any row will bring up a floating menu offering
the options of Refresh and Delete.
A new record may be manually added without having to access the system first through normal discovery.
Enter the IP address of the new system in the IP Address column of the blank row shown with a * and select
Refresh from the floating menu. This will update the Known Units file with data relating to the unit with the
specified address.
Select Cancel to return to the Select IP Office menu.
The key used by the Known Systems CSV file is the IP address. The file cannot contain records for separate systems
that use the same IP address for access.
The file can be made read only. In that case any attempts using IP Office Manager to update the file will be ignored.
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2.12.7 Creating New Records
There are a number of ways in which you can add new records to the configuration currently loaded in IP Office
Adding a New Record Using the Details Pane
1. Use the navigation pane, groups pane or navigation toolbar, select an existing record of the type required.
2. Click at the top-right of the details pane.
3. Select the type of record required. For example, with extensions you can select from H.323 Extension or SIP
4. Complete the settings for the new record and click OK.
Adding a New Record Using the Group Pane
1. Using the navigation pane or navigation toolbar, select the type of record required.
2. Right-click on the group pane and select New.
3. If a list is displayed, select the specific type of record required.
4. Complete the settings for the new record and click OK.
Adding a New Record Using the Navigation Pane
1. In the navigation pane, right-click on the type of record required and select New.
2. If a list is displayed, select the specific type of record required.
3. Complete the settings for the new record and click OK.
Importing Records
New records can be created for users, hunt groups, short codes and directory entries by importing files. See Importing
and Exporting Settings .
Automatic Creation of Records
There are scenarios where new records are automatically added to the configuration:
Certain default records are added to the configuration when a new system is started or when a system
configuration is erased .
New records for extensions and lines are automatically added to match the hardware present when a system is
started or rebooted.
For telephones connected via IP links (H.323, SIP and DECT), the system can be configured to automatically
create extension and or user records to match the telephone.
Using Templates to Create Records
IP Office Manager supports a number of methods by which new records can be created from templates.
Trunk Templates
SIP trunks can be created from templates. For analog trunks, records are automatically created by the presence of
the trunk hardware, however a template can then be applied to an analog trunk.
IP Office Server Edition
When being used to edit the configuration of IP Office Server Edition systems, IP Office Manager has a number of
additional options to export existing records as templates and to create new records from those templates.
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2.12.8 Validation of Records
Validation is a process where IP Office Manager checks configuration records for errors or for values for which it regards
as requiring a warning. The results of this checking are shown by icons next to the field that caused the error or warning,
All errors and warnings are also listed in the Error Pane.
By default validation is performed automatically whenever a configuration file is opened and when any field is edited.
However, if required, the use of automatic validation can be controlled through the settings on the File | Preference |
Validation tab.
The icons used for errors and warnings are as follows. These are shown in the error pane and also next to the related
field in the details pane. In the details pane, the error or warning description is shown when the cursor is hovered over
the icon.
An error indicates a configuration setting value that is not supported by the system. Such settings are likely to
cause the system to not operate as expected.
A warning indicates a configuration setting value that is not typical and may indicate misconfiguration.
Typically indicates a setting which may be useful to set.
Altering the Automatic Validation Settings
The settings for automatic validation by IP Office Manager are adjustable.
1. Select File | Preferences.
2. Select the Validation tab. Select the options required.
Validate configuration on open
Automatically validate configuration files when they are opened in IP Office Manager.
Validate configuration on edit
Validate the whole configuration when OK is clicked after editing a record. For large configurations, disabling
this option removes the delay caused by validating the configuration after every edit.
Prompt for configuration validation on save or send
If selected, when saving or sending a configuration, a prompt is displayed asking whether the configuration
should be validated. If validation is selected and error are found, the send or save process is canceled. This
option is disabled if Validate configuration on edit is selected.
3. Click OK.
Revalidating Configuration Settings
If necessary, you can force a validation check of the whole configuration or of the current record shown in the details
1. To validate the whole configuration, click in the main toolbar.
2. For a particular record, click in the details pane.
Jumping to an Error or Warning
1. Clicking on an error or warning in the error pane will load the matching record tab into the details pane.
2. The < and > can be used to move to the next error or warning in the error pane.
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Showing or Hiding the Error Pane
The error pane is automatically displayed if a configuration containing errors or warnings is loaded into IP Office Manager.
However it can be manually shown or hidden using either of the following methods.
1. From the main toolbar, use the icon.
1. Select View. Those panes currently shown are indicated by a tick mark.
2. To show or hide the error pane, click on its name.
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2.12.9 Creating an Offline Configuration
IP Office Manager can be used to create a new configuration without connecting to a system. This allows the creation of a
configuration prior to installation of the real system and so can be used to speed up the installation process.
The configuration created must match the physical equipment in the system into which the configuration will be
loaded. Doing otherwise may cause the system to reset and experience other problems.
The Create Configuration tool includes all control units, external expansion modules and trunk cards supported.
It is your responsibility to confirm what equipment is supported in your locale.
Creating a New Configuration
1. Close or save any configuration currently open.
2. Click in the main toolbar or select File | Offline | Create New Config.
3. You should set the Configuration, Locale, Extension Number Length and System Unit first. Changing any of
these after you start selecting other system hardware will reset the hardware selections.
a. Select the type of Configuration you want to create. The other options available will change depending on
the selection. If the menu has been started from IP Office Manager running in IP Office Server Edition mode,
the only option is IP Office Server Edition Edition.
b. Select the Locale for the system. This defines a range of features such as default telephony settings.
c. The Extension Number Length setting value can be None or 3 to 9. If a value is selected, all default
extension, user and hunt group extension numbers created by IP Office Manager will be that length. In
addition IP Office Manager will display a warning if an extension number of a different length is entered when
editing the configuration.
d. Select the type of System Unit.
4. Select the hardware components for the system. For a IP Office Server Edition system this is only necessary if a IP
Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) is selected as the System Units option.
a. Select the additional cards to include in the control unit. The number and type of cards selectable will depend
on the control unit type.
b. Select the external expansion modules to also include in the system.
c. Click OK.
5. For non-IP Office Server Edition systems, the configuration is created and loaded into IP Office Manager. For IP
Office Server Edition systems, the Initial Configuration menu for the selected type of system unit is displayed.
Complete the menu and click Save.
6. Once this configuration has been edited as required it can be saved on the PC or sent to a system.
a. To Save a Configuration File on the PC
Use File | Save Configuration.
b. To Send the Configuration to a System
If the system which you want to use the configuration is available, use File | Offline | Send Configuration
to send the configuration to it.
! WARNING: This action will cause the system to reboot and will disconnect all current calls and service.
Ensure that you have a copy of the systems existing configuration before overwriting it with the off-line
After sending the configuration, you should receive the configuration back from the system and note any
new validation errors shown by IP Office Manager. For example, if using Embedded Voicemail, some sets
of prompt languages may need to be updated to match the new configurations locale setting using the
Add/Display VM Locales option.
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2.12.10 Importing and Exporting Settings
IP Office Manager can import configuration settings created elsewhere. This can be useful when setting up a new system
or sharing common settings such as a directory between systems.
The system supports LDAP (System | Directory Services | LDAP ) for automatic importation of directory
records (LDAP Version 2).
Release 5.0+: The system also supports HTTP (System | Directory Services HTTP ) for automatic
importation of directory records.
Settings are imported and exported in the following formats:
Binary Files (.exp)
These are non-editable files. During import and export it is possible to select what types of records should be
included in the file. During import the whole file is imported.
Comma Separated Variable Text Files (.csv)
These are plain text files. In addition to being exported from a system these files can be created and edited using
programs such as WordPad or Excel.
When opening a .csv file in Excel it will alter the way some data is displayed, automatically changing the
display format of dates and long numbers such as phone numbers.
UTF-8 Character Encoding
IP Office Manager imports and exports CSV files using UTF-8 character encoding which uses a multiple bytes
to support characters with diacritic marks such as . Other applications, such as Excel, may, depending on the
user PC settings, use different encoding which will cause such characters to be removed or corrupted. Care
should be taken to ensure that any tool used to create or edit the CSV supports all the characters expected
and uses UTF-8 format.
Importing into IP Office Manager from Excel
From Excel save the file as a .csv. This file will use ANSI character encoding. Open the file in Notepad and
use the Save As option to rename the file and select UTF-8 encoding. Import the UTF-8 version of the file
into IP Office Manager.
Exporting from IP Office Manager into Excel
Do not double-click on the file exported from IP Office Manager. Start Excel and use File | Open to select
the file. Excel will recognize that the file uses UTF-8 encoding and will start its text file importation wizard.
Follow the wizard instructions and select comma as the field delimiter.
CSV File Formats
The format is CSV using commas as field separator, no text delimiters and no header row. The simplest way to check the
required format for a CSV file prior to import, is to export and a file from an existing system configuration.
File Name Fields in Order
Directory Name, Number.
Hunt Group Name, Extension, Group, Hunt, Rotary, Longest Waiting, Queuing On, Voicemail On, Broadcast,
Voicemail Email.
Short Code Code, Telephone Number, Feature.
User Name, Extension, User Restriction/Rights, Voicemail Email address, Full Name (Release 5.0+).
Configuration Proprietary format. Note that this does not contain all configuration fields.
License License (ignored on import), License Key
Hunt Group: Apart from Name, Extension and Voicemail Email, the fields use a 1 or 0 value for on or off.
The License field is for information only and is ignored during import.
Following import the License name will appear as invalid with IP Office Manager. To resolve this save and then reload
the configuration file.
The format of the system CSV is too complex to be described. It is a full export of all the system's configuration
settings. This file format should only be used for export and import between systems and not for any offline editing.
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Exporting Settings
1. Select File | Import/Export... from the menu bar.
2. Select Export.
3. Select the type of file. The list of exportable record types will change to match the file type.
4. Select the types of items that should be exported.
5. Use the Save In path to select the location for the exported files. The default location used is sub-directory of the
IP Office Manager application directory based on system name of the currently loaded system.
6. Click OK.
Importing Settings
Importing settings will overwrite any existing records that match a record being imported.
1. Select File | Import/Export... from the menu bar.
2. Select Import.
3. Select the type of file. The list of items will change to match the type of file selected and whether a matching file
or files is found in the current file path.
4. Use Look In to adjust the file path. The default location used is sub-directory of the IP Office Manager application
directory based on system name of the currently loaded system.
5. Select the types of items that should be imported.
6. Click OK.
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2.12.11 Copying and Pasting
IP Office Manager supports the normal Windows methods of cutting, copying, pasting and deleting records and settings.
These can be accessed through the Edit menu in the menu bar or using the standard Windows keyboard shortcuts for
those actions. They can also be accessed by selecting a record or text field and then right-clicking.
Copy and paste can be used with the navigation and group panes to create a new record with the same settings as the
original. The copy will be renamed as Copy of ... to avoid conflicting with the original.
When using copy and paste between individual settings fields, whether on the same record or a different record, care
should be taken to ensure that the fields use the same type of data. Similarly copying a record in the navigation or group
pane and then pasting it into the details pane will prompt IP Office Manager to paste the copied records data into the first
field of the current record in the details pane. As a general rule, cut and paste actions should be used with the same pane
and within similar record types.
For users and user rights, a number of controls have been provided to copy settings between a user and a user right or
vice versa. See User Rights Overview in the Configuration Settings section.
2.12.12 Saving a Configuration Offline
The system configuration settings shown within IP Office Manager can be saved as a .cfg file on the IP Office Manager PC.
These files can be used as backups or sent to other persons to aid problem diagnostics. Note however that an offline
configuration file does not include the Audit Trail records for the system.
Automatically Saving Sent Configurations
By default, IP Office Manager creates a file copy of the configuration before it is sent to the system. This copy is stored in
IP Office Manager's Working Directory using the system name and .cfg. This behavior is controlled by the Backup File
on Send (File | Preferences | Security) option.
The number of backups of each systems configuration can be limited to a set number of the most recent copies.
Saving a Configuration Received from a System
1. Select File | Save Configuration as from the menu bar.
Saving a Configuration opened on the PC
1. Click in the main toolbar or select File | Save Configuration from the menu bar.
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2.12.13 Sending a Configuration
The current configuration settings open within IP Office Manager can be sent to the system. The method depends on
whether IP Office Manager is being used to edit the configuration of a single system or a network of systems.
Sending an Individual System Configuration
1. The first steps of this process depend on whether you are sending a configuration received from the system or
sending one opened offline/created new.
A Configuration Opened from a System
Click in the main toolbar or select File | Save Configuration from the menu bar.
A Configuration Created Offline or Opened from a PC File
Select File | Offline | Send Config from the menu bar.
2. The Send Configuration menu is displayed.
Password - Pre-3.2 Systems Only
This field appears for pre-3.2 system. The system password should be entered. If sending the configuration to
an Release 3.2+ system, a service username and password are requested when OK is clicked.
Configuration Reboot Mode
If IP Office Manager thinks the changes made to the configuration settings are mergeable, it will select Merge
by default, otherwise it will select Immediate.
Send the configuration settings without rebooting the system. This mode should only be used with
settings that are mergeable. Refer to Mergeable Settings .
Send the configuration and then reboot the system.
When Free
Send the configuration and reboot the system when there are no calls in progress. This mode can be
combined with the Call Barring options.
The same as When Free but waits for a specific time after which it then wait for there to be no calls in
progress. The time is specified by the Reboot Time. This mode can be combined with the Call Barring
Reboot Time
This setting is used when the reboot mode Timed is selected. It sets the time for the system reboot. If the
time is after midnight, the system's normal daily backup is canceled.
Call Barring
These settings can be used when the reboot mode When Free or Timed is selected. They bar the sending or
receiving of any new calls.
3. Click OK. A service user name and password may be requested.
If the service user name or password used do not valid, "Access Denied" is displayed.
If the service user name used does not have rights to send a configuration or to request a reboot or merge,
"Insufficient service user rights" is displayed.
If the service user name used does not have operator rights to make the changes that have been made to the
configuration, "Insufficient operator rights. Operator cannot modify xxxx records" is displayed.
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The warning will appear if the configuration being sent contain any errors indicated by a icon in the error
pane. The configuration can still be sent by selected Yes.
The message Failed to save the configuration data. (Internal error) may indicate that the IP500 V2
system has booted using software other than that in its System SD card's primary folder.
Sending Multiple Configurations
When IP Office Manager is running in IP Office Server Edition mode or SCN Management mode , it loads multiple
configurations at the same time.
1. Click in the main toolbar or select File | Save Configuration from the menu bar.
2. The menu displayed only shows details for those systems where the system configuration has been changed and
needs to be sent back to the system.
By default all systems with configuration changes are selected. If you want to exclude a system from having
its configuration updated, either deselect it or cancel the whole process.
Change Mode
If IP Office Manager thinks the changes made to the configuration settings are mergeable, it will select Merge
by default, otherwise it will select Immediate.
Send the configuration settings without rebooting the system. This mode should only be used with
settings that are mergeable. Refer to Mergeable Settings .
Send the configuration and then reboot the system.
When Free
Send the configuration and reboot the system when there are no calls in progress. This mode can be
combined with the Incoming Call Barring and Outgoing Call Barring options.
Store Offline
It is possible to add a reference for a IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server or for an expansion
server and used create offline configuration to create a configuration file for that system even though it is
not physically present. Store Offline saves that configuration on the IP Office Server Edition Primary
Server in its file store. The same file is retrieved from there until such time as the physical server is
present at which time you are prompted whether to use the stored file or the actual servers current
The same as When Free but waits for a specific time after which it then wait for there to be no calls in
progress. The time is specified by the Reboot Time. This mode can be combined with the Incoming Call
Barring and Outgoing Call Barring options.
Reboot Time
This setting is used when the reboot mode Timed is selected. It sets the time for the system reboot. If the
time is after midnight, the system's normal daily backup is canceled.
Incoming Call Barring
This setting can be used when the reboot mode When Free or Timed is selected. It bars the receiving of any
new calls.
Outgoing Call Barring
This setting can be used when the reboot mode When Free or Timed is selected. It bars the making of any
new calls.
3. Click OK. The progress of the sending of each configuration is displayed.
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2.12.14 Erasing the Configuration
The system configuration settings can be erased. During this process, the system is rebooted and starts with a set of
default settings . This process does not erase the security settings of the system.
Erasing the Configuration
1. Select File | Advanced | Erase Configuration (Default).
2. Enter a valid user name and password.
3. The system will be rebooted.
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Configuration Mode: Editing Configuration Settings
2.12.15 Default Settings
The following applies to new systems and those defaulted using the Erase Configuration command. They also apply to
IP500 and IP500 V2 control units defaulted using the reset button on the rear of the unit (refer to the Installation manual
for details of using the reset button).
IP500 V2 control units can operate in a number of modes. The initial mode is determined by the type of System SD card
fitted and the level of software.
IP Office A-Law
A system fitted with this type of card will default to A-Law telephony. The system will default to IP Office Basic
Edition - Quick Mode PBX System operation. Pre-IP Office Release 7.0: The system will default to IP Office
Essential Edition. IP Office Release 7.0+:
IP Office U-Law
A system fitted with this type of card will default to U-Law telephony. The system will default to IP Office Basic
Edition - Quick Mode Key System operation. Pre-IP Office Release 7.0: The system will default to IP Office
Essential Edition. Release 7.0+:
IP Office Partner Edition
A system fitted with this type of card will default to A-Law telephony and IP Office Basic Edition - PARTNER
Mode operation.
IP Office Norstar Edition
A system fitted with this type of card will default to U-Law telephony and IP Office Basic Edition - Norstar
Mode operation.
B5800 Branch Gateway
Use this option for an SD card intended to be used with an IP Office system running in B5800 Branch Gateway
mode. There is a separate SD card for IP Office. The B5800 Branch Gateway SD card can only be used for IP
Office operation and cannot be used to change modes to IP Office. You also cannot use or change an IP Office
SD card for use with an B5800 Branch Gateway system.
! Warning
Do not re-purpose a B5800 Branch Gateway card for use with any other IP Office mode. Doing so may
damage the SD card and make it unusable for your B5800 Branch Gateway system.
A-Law or U-Law
PCM (Pulse Code Modulation) is a method for encoding voice as data. In telephony, two methods of PCM encoding
are widely used, A-Law and U-Law (also called Mu-Law or -Law). Typically U-Law is used in North America and a
few other locations while A-Law is used elsewhere. As well as setting the correct PCM encoding for the region, the
A-Law or U-Law setting of a system when it is first started affects a wide range of regional defaults relating to line
settings and other values.
For IP400 systems, each control units was manufactured as either an A-Law variant or a U-Law variant.
For IP500 and IP500 V2 systems, the encoding default is set by the type of Feature Key installed when the
system is first started. The cards are either specifically A-Law or U-Law. PARTNER Mode cards are U-Law.
Norstar Mode cards are A-Law.
Default Short Codes
IP400 control units are manufactured as either A-Law and U-Law variants. For IP500 and IP500 V2 control units, A-Law
or U-Law operation is determined by the Feature Key dongle installed in the system. Depending on the variant, a default
system will use different sets of default short codes. See the Default System Short Code List .
Default Data Settings
When a new or defaulted control unit is switched on, it requests IP address information from a DHCP Server on the
network. This operation will occur whether the LAN cable is plugged in or not.
If a DHCP server responds within approximately 10 seconds, the control unit defaults to being a DHCP client and
uses the IP address information supplied by the DHCP server.
If no DHCP Server responds, the control unit still defaults to being the DHCP client but assumes the following
default LAN addresses:
For its LAN1 it allocates the IP address and IP Mask
For its LAN2 if supported, it allocates the IP address and IP Mask
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! Once a control unit has obtained IP address and DHCP mode settings, it will retain those settings even if rebooted
without a configuration file present on the System SD card. To fully remove the existing IP address and DHCP mode
setting, the system must be defaulted using IP Office Manager.
Default Security Settings
Security settings are held separately from the configuration settings and so are not defaulted by actions that default the
configuration. To return the security settings to their default values the separate Erase Security Settings command
should be used.
Default IP Office Essential Edition Telephony Configuration Settings
A hunt group Main is created with extension number 200. The first 16 extensions on the systems are added to the
All physical extensions ports are numbered from extension number 201 upwards. A matching user record for each
extension is also created.
A default incoming call route for all voice calls is created, with the default hunt group Main as its destination.
A default incoming call route for data calls is created with the default RAS record DialIn as its destination.
All lines are defaulted to Incoming Group ID and Outgoing Group ID of 0.
Default short codes are created based on whether the system's locale is A-Law or U-Law. See Default Short Codes
Default IP Office Server Edition Telephony Configuration Settings
No users except NoUser.
All extensions are unnumbered.
No default hunt group or incoming calls routes are created.
All auto-create options are off by default.
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IP Office Server Edition Mode
Chapter 3.
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3. IP Office Server Edition Mode
When the configuration from a IP Office Server Edition solution is loaded into IP Office Manager, IP Office Manager
switches to IP Office Server Edition mode operation.
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IP Office Server Edition Mode:
3.1 Installing IP Office Manager
IP Office Manager is used to load and edit the telephony configuration of IP Office Server Edition systems, ie. the
configuration used by the IP Office services hosted on the servers. It is a Windows PC application. The file store on the IP
Office Server Edition Primary Server includes the installation files for installing IP Office Manager and for installing the
Voicemail Pro Client.
Note that the IP Office Manager install is a minimal install just for the administration and maintenance of IP Office
Server Edition systems. It does not include all the files found in the IP Office Administrator Applications installation
that is required for non-IP Office Server Edition systems.
IP Office Manager PC Requirements
Minimum PC Requirements
Hard Disk Free Space 1GB*
- Pentium PIII 800MHz
- Celeron Celeron 3 800Mhz
- AMD Athlon Opteron, Athlon64/XP
Additional Apps:
- .NET2 Installed with IP Office Manager if
not already present.
Operating System Support
Server OS:
2003 Server
2008 Server
Client OS:
XP Professional
Vista Business/Enterprise
Vista Ultimate
Windows 7
*Includes disk space required for .NET2 component.
Language Support
The IP Office Manager application can run in Brazilian Portuguese, Simplified Chinese, Dutch, French, German,
Italian, Mexican Spanish, Russian, UK English and US English. By default the language used is determined by the
best match to the PC's regional setting. To change the language used see Changing the IP Office Manager
Language .
Installing IP Office Manager
1. Using a web browser, enter the https:// followed by the IP address of the server and then :7070.
2. Enter the Logon and Password details for the server and click Login. The defaults are Administrator and
3. On the Home menu, click on Manage. If a useable version of IP Office Manager is not already installed or an
incorrect version is installed, a menu similar to the following is displayed. The presence of a suitable Voicemail Pro
Client, used to administer the voicemail server, is also checked.
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4. Click on the link or links to download the installation files.
5. Once the files are downloaded to the PC, click on the files to run the installation for the applications.
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IP Office Server Edition Mode: Installing IP Office Manager
3.2 Solution View
When the configuration of a IP Office Server Edition solution is loaded into IP Office Manager, IP Office Manager starts
with the IP Office Server Edition Solution View menu. This menu includes the system inventory of the servers, links
for launching various functions and a summary table of the servers and the links between the servers.
Displaying the IP Office Server Edition Solution View
IP Office Manager normally starts with the IP Office Server Edition Solution View when the configuration for a IP Office
Server Edition network is loaded. However, there are a number of ways to return to the solution view at any time.
1. Click on the IP Office Server EditionSolution View icon in the toolbar.
1. Click on the Solution icon in the navigation pane.
Using the Solution View
The solution view can be used to perform a range of functions.
Configuring the Systems
Starting System Status
Voicemail Administration
Setting Up Resilience
Adding a Secondary Server
Adding an Expansion System
Showing the System Inventories
Synchronize configurations
Remove an expansion system
Displaying the Solution View
Starting Web Control
Interpreting and Using the Network Table
The table at the bottom of the solution view give a quick overview of all the servers and whether their configuration was
loaded into IP Office Manager.
This column describes the type of server being detailed by the row. It also includes a status indicator for the
configuration file that IP Office Manager has loaded for the server.
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Green - Configuration Loaded
The configuration of the server has been successfully retrieved and can be edited in IP Office Manager.
Yellow - Offline Configuration Loaded
The configuration loaded is an offline configuration. This will appear for a server that has been added to the
solution when the physical server is not currently connected on the network and Create Offline
Configuration was selected. The offline configuration file is stored on and retrieved from the primary server
until it can be replaced by or replace the actual server configuration.
Red - Configuration Not Loaded
There is no configuration for the system loaded even though the solution configuration includes an entry for
the server. This will appear for a server that has been added to the network when the physical server is not
currently connected on the network and Create Offline Configuration was not selected. If may also appear
if the server is currently not contactable.
Grey - No Connection
This icon is used in conjunctions with the others to indicate that there is no current connection to the server.
For example:
In conjunction with a green icon, it indicates that the server for which a configuration has been loaded
cannot be detected on the network. This may be a temporary issue caused by that particular server
rebooting following a configuration change.
In conjunction with a red icon, it indicates that the server for which a configuration has not been loaded
has now been detected on the network. Saving and reloading the solution configuration may resolve the
This is the server name as taken from its configuration file. Offline is shown if no configuration file is available.
The IP address of the server. This is the address that is used when IP Office Manager attempts to retrieve the
servers configuration when loading the solution configuration.
Primary Link
This value indicates the configuration settings of the H.323 IP trunk between the primary server and the server
indicated by the row. It should state Bothway. If it states anything other, that indicates a mismatch in H.323 IP
trunk configuration between the system and the primary server. To correct this, right-click on the row and select
Connect to Primary.
Secondary Link
This column is only shown after a secondary server has been added to the configuration of the solution. The
value indicates the configuration settings of the H.323 IP trunk between the secondary server and the server
indicated by the row. It should state Bothway. If it states anything other, that indicates a mismatch in H.323 IP
trunk configuration between the system and the secondary server. To correct this, right-click on the row and
select Connect to Secondary.
Users Configured
This column summarizes the number of users (other than NoUser) configured on the server. A total for the whole
network is shown in the Solution row.
Extensions Configured
This column summarizes the number of extensions configured on the server. A total for the whole network is
shown in the Solution row.
Right-clicking on a server in the table may present a number of action. The actions available vary with the current state
of the network configuration.
Remove the server from the solution configuration.
Connect to Primary
Repair the configuration of the H.323 IP trunks between the server and the primary server.
Connect to Secondary
Repair the configuration of the H.323 IP trunks between the server and the secondary server.
Create Offline Configuration
Create an offline configuration file for a server for which no actual configuration has been loaded. The Offline
Configuration menu will be displayed followed by the Initial Configuration menu for the server type. The
offline configuration file is saved on the primary server.
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IP Office Server Edition Mode: Solution View
3.3 System Inventories
IP Office Manager can be used to display a system inventory for any of the servers in the IP Office Server Edition
solution. The system inventory is a quick summary of key settings and information about the server. It can also display
an overview system inventory for the whole IP Office Server Edition solution.
Displaying a Server's System Inventory
The method for displaying the system inventory depends on what is currently being displayed by IP Office Manager.
1. In the IP Office Server Edition Solution View , using the table at the bottom of the menu, click on the
server for which you want to display the system inventory. Click on Network for the inventory of the IP Office
Server Editionnetwork.
1. In the navigation pane , click on the icon of the server for which you want to display the system inventory.
Click on the Network icon for the inventory of the IP Office Server Edition network.
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3.4 The Navigation Pane
When IP Office Manager is being used in IP Office Server Edition mode, the navigation pane works in the same way as
normal, see Using the Navigation Pane . However, the different types of configuration records are ordered and
grouped differently. This reflects the fact that some types of record are automatically shared across all systems in the
Solution Settings
The first 8 types are records have special behaviors that are different from normal records stored in the configurations of
individual systems in the network.
These records show settings for system users. Each user may or may not be associated with an extension. All the
users configured on all systems are grouped here to allow easy configuration access. The individual user records
are still stored in the configuration of the particular system on which the user was created and can also be
accessed through that system's configuration settings. New users are created through the User settings of the
system that hosts the user.
Hunt Group
These records are groups of users to which calls can be directed for answering by any one of those users. Hunt
group records are stored in the configuration of the IP Office Server Edition Primary Server but those hunt groups
are advertised for use by all systems in the network.
External names and numbers. These records are used to match names to incoming calls and for making calls by
name selection from the directory on phones or in applications. These directory records are stored in the
configuration of the IP Office Server Edition Primary Server. By default all other systems in the network
automatically import a copy of the IP Office Server Edition Primary Server system directory at regular intervals.
By default, the following types of records are all shared and replicated by each system in the network and cannot be set
at an individual system level. That operation can be changed using the consolidation settings .
Short Code
These are numbers which when dialed trigger specific features or are translated for external dialing. These short
codes are common to all systems in the network.
In a IP Office Server Edition network, only Dial, Dial Emergency, Dial Fax, Dial Speech and Dial 3k1
short codes can be set as system short codes on individual systems. All other short code types, including
other dial features not mentioned, can only be created at the network level and are shared by all systems
in the network.
Incoming Call Route
Records set here are used to match incoming call details on external trunks to destinations. These incoming call
routes are shared by all systems in the network.
Time Profile
Used to control when various functions are active. The time profiles set here are shared by all systems in the
Account Code
Used for call logging and to control the dialing of certain numbers. The account codes set here are shared by all
systems in the network.
User Rights
Provide templates to control the settings applied to users associated with a particular set of user rights. These user
rights are shared and replicated on all systems in the network.
Individual System Settings
In addition to the settings above, a range of other types of record can be configured for each individual system in the
network. Visibility and configuration of Short Code, Incoming Call Route, Time Profile, Account Code and User
Rights records (see above) is dependent on the consolidation settings of IP Office Manager.
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IP Office Server Edition Mode: The Navigation Pane
A system icon is shown for each system in the network. That is, one for the IP Office Server Edition Primary
Server, one for the the IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server if installed and one for each IP Office Server
Edition Expansion System (L) and IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) systems. Each can be expanded
to allow configuration of records that are particular to that system.
Settings for trunks and trunk channels within the system.
Control Unit
Information summary of the system.
Settings for extension ports.
Settings for each system user. They may or may not be associated with an extension.
Short Code
These are numbers which when dialed trigger specific features or are translated for external dialing.
In a IP Office Server Edition network, only Dial, Dial Emergency, Dial Fax, Dial Speech and Dial 3k1
short codes can be set as system short codes on individual systems. All other short code types, including
other dial features not mentioned, can only be created at the network level and are shared by all systems
in the network.
Configuration settings such as user names and passwords needed for connections to data services such as the
Remote Access Service settings for connecting incoming data calls.
WAN Port
Configuration settings for the WAN ports provided on some units.
Firewall Profile
Use to control the types of data traffic that can cross into or out of the system.
IP Route
These records are used to determine where data traffic on the system should be routed.
License keys are used to enable system features and applications.
Used to created IPSec and L2TP data tunnels.
Automatic Route Selection is used by to control outgoing external calls.
Authorization Codes
Authorization codes are similar to account codes. However, unlike account codes which are usable by any
user, each authorization code is only usable by a specific user or users associated with a specific set of user
E911 System
Available for US systems to support E911 services.
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3.5 Record Consolidation
By default, when IP Office Manager is being used to maintain the configurations of the systems in a IP Office Server
Edition solution, certain types of configuration records are treated differently. Short Code, Incoming Call Route, Time
Profile, Account Code and User Rights records are only shown at the solution level and cannot be edited in individual
system configurations. However, IP Office Manager invisibly replicates these records, adding a copy to the configuration
of each system in the solution and updating those copies when necessary.
Operation of record consolidation is controlled by the IP Office Manager Preferences setting Consolidate Solution to
Primary Settings. By default that setting is selected. The setting has the following effects:
If Consolidate Network to Primary Settings is selected:
Entry and administration of Short Code, Incoming Call Route, Time Profile, Account Code and User
Rights records is performed only at the solution level.
Those records are then automatically replicated in the configurations of all the systems in the solution but
are still only visible and editable at the solution level.
When the configurations are loaded into IP Office Manager or when this setting is changed to become
selected, if any inconsistency between records are found, a Consolidation Report is displayed. This
report allows selection of whether to update the system to match the primary or to update the primary to
If Consolidate Network to Primary Settings is not selected:
Entry and administration of Short Code, Incoming Call Route, Time Profile, Account Code and User
Rights records can be performed at both the solution and individual system levels.
Records entered and edited at the solution level are automatically replicated in the configurations of all
the systems in the solution. IP Office Manager displays a label on the record indicating that it is a record
that is shared across the solution.
If a shared record is edited at the individual system level, that copy of the record is no longer shared with
the other systems. It will not be updated by any changes to the solution level version of the same
No consolidation checking for inconsistencies is done by IP Office Manager when the configurations are
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IP Office Server Edition Mode: Record Consolidation
3.6 Initial Configuration Menus
The Initial Configuration menu is displayed for all new or fully defaulted IP500 V2 systems. It allows the required
operating mode for the system to be selected.
For IP Office Basic Edition - Quick Mode, IP Office Basic Edition - PARTNER Mode and IP Office Basic Edition -
Norstar Mode systems, leave the selection set to Basic Mode.
For a system that you want to run in IP Office Essential Edition, IP Office Preferred Edition or IP Office Advanced
Edition modes, select IP Office Standard Mode.
For Release 8.0 and higher, for an IP500 V2 system to run in IP Office Essential Edition, its configuration must
include an Essential Edition license. A IP Office Essential Edition system without this license will not allow
any telephony functions.
For a system that is being installed as an expansion server for a IP Office Server Edition solution, select Server
Edition Expansion. See below.
IP Office Server Edition Initial Configuration
For systems being configured for operation in a IP Office Server Edition solution, the Initial Configuration menu is used to
set or confirm a range of settings. The field shown and accessible in the form depend on the selected System Type.
Once the menu is completed and Save is clicked, the values entered are written into the system configuration and the
system is restarted. The menu is also displayed when creating an offline configuration for a IP Office Server
Editionsystem. The configuration of an existing non-IP Office Server Edition system can be converted to a IP Office
Server Edition configuration, invoking this menu, using the File | Advanced | Initial Configuration menu option.
System Type
Indicate the type of sever role the system will perform.
Retain Configuration Data
This option is shown for IP500 V2 units being converted to become IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2)s in
a IP Office Server Edition solution.
If left unselected, the default, the existing configuration of the system is defaulted as per a standard IP Office
Server Edition expansion system.
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If selected, the existing configuration is retained. However, some elements of that configuration may be invalid or
ignored in a IP Office Server Edition solution. It is the installers responsibility to ensure that the final configuration
is valid for use in the solution. See IP500 V2 Conversion .
A name to identify this system. This is typically used to identify the configuration by the location or customer's
company name. Some features such as Gatekeeper require the system to have a name. This field is case sensitive and
within any network of systems must be unique. Do not use <, >, |, \0, :, *, ?, . or /.
This setting sets default telephony and language settings based on the selection. It also sets various external line
settings and so must be set correctly to ensure correct operation of the system. See Supported Country and Locale
Settings . For individual users the system settings can be overridden through their own locale setting (User | User
| Locale).
Services Device ID
Set a Device ID for the system. This ID is displayed on the Solution View and System Inventory pages and on the
System | System tab in the configuration. The value can be changed using the Device ID field on the System |
System Events | Configuration tab.
If an SSL VPN is configured, , Avaya recommends that the Device ID match an SSL VPN service Account Name.
Each SSL VPN service account name has an associated SSL VPN tunnel IP address. Having the displayed Device ID
match an SSL VPN service account name helps identify a particular SSL VPN tunnel IP address to use for remotely
managing IP Office.
LAN Interface
This IP Address, IP Mask, Gateway and DHCP Mode settings can be set for the systems two LANs, LAN1 and LAN2.
These radio buttons are used to switch between displaying the LAN1 details or the LAN2 details.
IP Address: LAN1 Default = LAN2 Default =
This is the IP address of the Control Unit on LAN1. If the control unit is also acting as a DHCP server on the LAN, this
address is the starting address for the DHCP address range.
IP Mask: Default =
This is the IP subnet mask used with the IP address.
The address of the default gateway for routing traffic not in the same subnet address range of the IP Address/IP
Mask set above. A default IP Route for this address is added to the systems configuration.
DHCP Mode: Default = Server.
This controls the control unit's DHCP mode for the LAN. When doing DHCP:
LAN devices are allocated addresses from the bottom of the available address range upwards.
Dial In users are allocated addresses from the top of the available range downwards.
If the control unit is acting as a DHCP server on LAN1 and LAN2, Dial in users are allocated their address from the
LAN1 pool of addresses first.
When this option is selected, the system will act as a DHCP Server on this LAN, allocating address to other devices
on the network and to PPP Dial in users.
When this option is selected, the system will not use DHCP. It will not act as a DHCP server and it will not request an
IP address from a DHCP server on this LAN.
Dial In
When this option is selected, the system will allocate DHCP addresses to PPP Dial In users only. On systems using
DHCP pools, only addresses from a pool on the same subnet as the system's own LAN address will be used.
When this option is selected, the system will request its IP Address and IP Mask from a DHCP server on the LAN.
Server Edition Primary Server
The IP address of the IP Office Server Edition Primary Server. This address is used to add an IP line to the IP Office
Server Edition Primary Server to the configuration.
Server Edition Secondary Server
The IP address of the IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server. This address is used to add an IP line to the IP Office
Server Edition Secondary Server to the configuration.
DNS Server
This is the IP address of a DNS Server. If this field is left blank, the system uses its own address as the DNS server for
DHCP client and forwards DNS requests to the service provider when Request DNS is selected in the service being
used (Service | IP ).
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IP Office Server Edition Mode: Initial Configuration Menus
3.7 Templates
When running in IP Office Server Edition mode, IP Office Manager supports a number of template options. The settings
for the following types of configuration items can be saved as template files. New records of those types can then also be
created from a template file.
(H.323, SIP, IP DECT)
Hunt Group
Firewall Profile
Time Profile
IP Route
(H.323, SIP, IP DECT)
These template options are in addition to the existing trunk template options useable for SIP and analog
trunks. The access to the controls detailed below is not affected by the IP Office Manager application's Enable
Template Options setting.
Templates exported using IP Office Manager in IP Office Server Edition mode are saved by default on the IP
Office Server Edition Primary Server. This means they are available to other administrators regardless of from
which PC they are using IP Office Server Edition IP Office Manager. This is different from IP Office Manager in
non-IP Office Server Edition mode which exports templates to a local folder on the PC on which IP Office
Manager is being run.
Exporting Records as Templates
Each template file is given a file extension that indicates the template type. For example .usr for a user and .lne for a
line. By default the export dialog offers to save a template in the IP Office Manager application's
\manager_files\template sub-folder (typically C:\Program Files\Avaya\IP
Office\Manager\manager_files\template). It is recommended that you use this folder as IP Office Manager
automatically lists the available templates in that folder when creating a new record from a template.
Exporting an Record as a Template from the Detail Pane
You can save a record shown in the details pane as a template. This method cannot be used with Tunnel and Service
records, for those use the alternate method shown further below.
1. Locate and display in the details pane the record that you want to use as a template.
2. Click on the Export as Template (Binary) icon in the top-right.
3. Use the Save As dialog to name and save the template file on the PC. The file extension indicates the type of
Exporting an Record as a Template from the Navigation Pane
You can save a record shown in the navigation pane as a template.
1. Locate the record in the navigation pane.
2. Right-click on the record and select Export as Template (Binary).
3. Use the Save As dialog to name and save the template file on the PC. The file extension indicates the type of
Creating New Records from Templates
Once templates are available, they can be used to create new records in the configuration. This can be done via the
details pane or the navigation pane. Up to a maximum of 50 new entries can be created from a template at any time.
Creating a New Record from a Template from the Details Pane
While in the details pane you can use a template to create a new record of the same type as that currently shown. This
method cannot be used with Tunnel and Service records, for those use the alternate method shown further below.
1. In the details pane, click on the Create a New Record icon.
2. Select New from Template (Binary).
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3. The names of the available templates of the correct type for the record being created and available in IP Office
Manager's template folder are listed. Alternatively, the Open from file option can be used to browse to a template
file stored in another location.
4. You may be prompted for the number of new configuration entries to create using the selected template. In this
case up to 50 new configuration entries can be created at a time.
5. Some template settings may match existing records and will cause immediate validation errors or warnings.
Correct the fields showing Error or Warning icons and click OK.
Creating a New Record from a Template from the Navigation Pane
Using the navigation pane you can create new records from templates.
1. In the navigation pane, right-click on the type of record that you want to create.
2. Select New from Template (Binary).
3. The names of the available templates of the correct type for the record being created and available in IP Office
Manager's template folder are listed. Alternately, the Open from file option can be used to browse to a template
file stored in another location.
4. You may be prompted for the number of new configuration entries to create using the selected template. In this
case up to 50 new configuration entries can be created at a time.
5. Some template settings may match existing records and will cause immediate validation errors or warnings.
Correct the fields showing Error or Warning icons and click OK.
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IP Office Server Edition Mode: Templates
3.8 Telephony Operation Configuration
Each server in the network acts as a separate telephone system and supports most of the features detailed for
standalone IP Office systems in the Configuration Settings , Button Programming , Appearance Button Operation
and Telephone Features sections of this documentation. For features that are supported between systems in the
network, refer to Network Telephony Features .
Each system in the network automatically shares the extension numbers of users and hunt groups. These can be
dialed by any user regardless of which system they are hosted on and appear in the internal directories on Avaya
phones and applications.
The external system directory held by the primary server is shared with all systems on the network. It is
accessible by all users through the directory on their Avaya phones and applications.
3.8.1 Incoming Call Routing
The routing of incoming external calls is controlled by Incoming Call Route entries added to the configuration of the
Determining which incoming call route is used is based on the call matching a number of possible criteria. In order of
highest priority first, the criteria, which if set must be matched by the call in order for the call to use that route are:
1. The Bearer Capability indicated, if any, with the call. For example whether the call is a voice, data or video call.
2. The Incoming Group ID of the trunk or trunk channel on which the call was received.
3. The Incoming Number received with the call.
4. The Incoming Sub Address received with the call.
5. The Incoming CLI of the caller.
The entries are shared by all systems in the network. If a specific route is required for a particular system, it should be
recalled that the Incoming Group ID assigned to a trunk or trunks can be used as one of the criteria that must be
matched on an incoming call route for calls to use that route.
The following are a number of examples that summarize the configuration changes necessary for incoming call routing.
These are simple examples and cannot cover all possible scenarios.
Example 1: Routing All Calls to an Operator
Example 2: Routing All Calls to an Operator Group
Example 3: Routing DID Calls to Matching Extensions
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1 Example 1: Routing All Calls to an Operator
In this scenario, all incoming external calls are routed to a single user extension number. Depending on the system
licensing, that user can be configured as a receptionist, using the IP Office SoftConsole application in parallel with their
phone to answer and distribute the incoming calls.
1. Setup the Trunk Incoming Group IDs
The Incoming Group setting of the external line on the IP Office Server Edition Primary Server has been set to 8.
The same incoming group ID can be used on multiple lines and on lines on different systems.
The location of the Incoming Group field varies depending on the type of trunk. For SIP trunks, it is set as
part of the SIP URI settings used by the trunk.
2. Configure the Call Destinations
A new user with extension number 201 is added to the configuration of the primary, along with a matching
extension for their IP phone.
If the user is to use the IP Office SoftConsole application, they must be added to the configuration of the
primary server. Receptionist users are not supported on other systems in the network. If the user is not
intending to use IP Office SoftConsole, they could be located on any system in the network. External calls
would be routed to the system hosting the user.
3. Create an Incoming Call Route to Match the Calls
A new Incoming Call Route record is added to the configuration settings. The key settings used in this scenario
are listed below. All other fields are left at their defaults:
a. On the Standard tab:
The fields on this tab are used to set the criteria that are used to match incoming calls to call routes.
Bearer Capability: Any Voice
This will match the incoming voice calls.
Line Group ID: 8
This will match only calls on trunks where the trunk has its Incoming Group setting also set to 8.
Incoming Number: blank
This will match any call.
b. On the Destination tab:
This tab is used to set the destination for calls that are matched to the incoming call route. If necessary
multiple destinations can be set, with Time Profiles used to set when the different destinations are used. For
this scenario we only have one destination we want to use.
Using the Destination drop-down list, the 201 Receptionist user has been selected as the destination
for all calls. If they do not answer, the calls will go to their voicemail mailbox. This is the simplest form of
call routing. If required options such as a fallback destination could be specified and different destinations
to be automatically used outside the operators known hours of work.
4. Save the configuration.
All incoming voice calls on the primary system's SIP trunks are now matched to the new incoming call route and are
directed to the receptionist to be answered or to leave a message.
Since the Incoming Call Route entry is by default replicated as part of the configuration used by all the servers,
applying the same Incoming Group setting to any trunk hosted by any other system in the network will route calls to
the same destination without any further configuration.
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IP Office Server Edition Mode: Telephony Operation Configuration Example 2: Routing All Calls to an Operator Group
In this scenario, all incoming external calls are routed to a single hunt group extension number. That hunt group can be
used to contain a number of user extension numbers and to specify the order in which new calls should be presented to
available users, whether calls should queue for an available user and a range of other features. This is an ideal solution
for scenarios where you have several receptionists who can answer incoming external calls.
The configuration is very similar to that used in Example 1. Once the additional users have been added and the hunt
group created, the hunt group extension number automatically becomes available as a selectable destination for
Incoming Call Routes.
1. Setup the Trunk Incoming Group IDs
The Incoming Group setting of the external line on the IP Office Server Edition Primary Server has been set to 8.
The same incoming group ID can be used on multiple lines and on lines on different systems.
The location of the Incoming Group field varies depending on the type of trunk. For SIP trunks, it is set as
part of the SIP URI settings used by the trunk.
2. Configure the Call Destinations
Any existing receptionist user plus any new receptionists need to be added as members of a hunt group.
New extension users with extension numbers 201, 202 and 203 are added to the configuration of the
primary, along with a matching extension for their IP phones.
A new hunt group with extension number 200 is added to the configuration of the primary and users 201,
202 and 203 are specified as members of the group.
3. Create an Incoming Call Route to Match the Calls
A new Incoming Call Route record is added to the configuration settings. The key settings used in this scenario
are listed below. All other fields are left at their defaults:
a. On the Standard tab:
The fields on this tab are used to set the criteria that are used to match incoming calls to call routes.
Bearer Capability: Any Voice
This will match the incoming voice calls.
Line Group ID: 8
This will match only calls on trunks where the trunk has its Incoming Group setting also set to 8.
Incoming Number: blank
This will match any call.
b. On the Destination tab:
This tab is used to set the destination for calls that are matched to the incoming call route. If necessary
multiple destinations can be set, with Time Profiles used to set when the different destinations are used. For
this scenario we only have one destination we want to use.
Using the Destination drop-down list, the 200 Reception group has been selected as the destination for
all calls. If they do not answer, the calls will go to their voicemail mailbox. This is the simplest form of call
routing. If required options such as a fallback destination could be specified and different destinations to
be automatically used outside the operators known hours of work.
4. Save the configuration.
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All incoming voice calls on the primary system's SIP trunks are now matched to the new incoming call route and are
directed to the receptionist to be answered or to leave a message.
Since the Incoming Call Route entry is by default replicated as part of the configuration used by all the servers,
applying the same Incoming Group setting to any trunk hosted by any other system in the network will route calls to
the same destination without any further configuration.
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IP Office Server Edition Mode: Telephony Operation Configuration Example 3: Routing DID Calls to Matching Extensions
In this scenario, the customer has subscribed to receive incoming number digits in the range 300 to 399 on certain calls.
They want those calls routed to match extension numbers on the system, ie. to users and hunt groups with the extension
numbers in the range 300 to 399.
1. Setup the Trunk Incoming Group IDs
The Incoming Group setting of the external line on the IP Office Server Edition Primary Server has been set to 8.
The same incoming group ID can be used on multiple lines and on lines on different systems.
The location of the Incoming Group field varies depending on the type of trunk. For SIP trunks, it is set as
part of the SIP URI settings used by the trunk.
2. Configure the Call Destinations
New extension users and hunt groups with extension numbers in the range 300 to 399 have been added to the
configurations of the systems as required to meet the customers needs.
3. Create an Incoming Call Route to Match the Calls
A new Incoming Call Route record is added to the configuration settings. The key settings used in this scenario
are listed below. All other fields are left at their defaults:
a. On the Standard tab:
The fields on this tab are used to set the criteria that are used to match incoming calls to call routes.
Bearer Capability: Any Voice
This will match the incoming voice calls.
Line Group ID: 8
This will match only calls on trunks where the trunk has its Incoming Group setting also set to 8.
Incoming Number: 3XX
This will match any call where the incoming number received with the call ends in 300 to 399. If no
Incoming Number match occurs, the call will be matched to a default incoming call route with a blank
Incoming Number field as setup in examples 1 and 2.
Note that this is acting of digits supplied by the line provider, it is not caller ID (ICLID) matching.
Caller ID matching can be done using the Incoming CLI field.
b. On the Destination tab:
This tab is used to set the destination for calls that are matched to the incoming call route. If necessary
multiple destinations can be set, with Time Profiles used to set when the different destinations are used. For
this scenario we only have one destination we want to use.
In the Destination field, manually enter 3#. When this route is matched by a call, the # in the
destination is replaced by the incoming digits that matched the XX wildcards in the Incoming Number
4. Save the configuration.
Any incoming voice calls on the primary system's SIP trunks that now include 3XX at the end of an incoming number
supplied with the call are matched to this call route rather than to the route previously setup (Example 1 or Example
2 ) and are routed to the matching extension number. Calls where no incoming number match occurs are still matched
to the previous incoming call route with a blank Incoming Number field.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
3.8.2 Outgoing Call Routing
When a user dials a number, it is checked in a number of ways:
The number dialed is always checked first for a match to an extension number. If a match occurs, the call is
routed to the matching user or hunt group. This matching is against any extension number in the network, not just
local system extension numbers.
If the dialing does not match an extension number, it is checked for a matching short code. Depending on the
source of the dialing, the checking is made against user short codes, user rights short codes and finally against
system short codes. See Short Codes for full details.
Dialing that is matched to a short code that uses the Dial feature is assumed to potentially be an outgoing
external call. The matching short code defines which where the call should be sent and what number to dial should
be sent.
The normal practice is to route calls that match a Dial feature short code to an ARS form. The ARS form can
contain additional short codes to determine to which lines particular numbers are routed. Doing this also helps
keep external call short codes separate from short codes for other functions and thus easier to maintain.
Call Routing Recommendations
Calls can be routed to a trunk using short codes set in the configuration of a particular user, users (using User Rights),
system (using system short codes) or ARS short codes. The following are recommendations for the configuration on
external call routing in a network:
1. Use ARS short codes wherever possible. This simplifies configuration and maintenance by keeping call routing
short codes separate from any other short codes, making the configuration easier to implement and to understand.
It also means that the full range of other ARS features such as overflow and fallback routing can be used.
2. By default all calls are routed to the primary server and then fallback to the secondary. Implementing as much call
routing in the ARS settings of the primary as possible saves on having to implement multiple matching settings on
all the expansion servers in the network. This eases maintenance and the addition of new expansion servers.
The following are a number of examples that summarize the configuration changes necessary for outgoing call routing.
These are simple examples and cannot cover all possible scenarios. There are additional examples of how the settings in
the ARS forms can be used in the ARS section of this documentation.
Example 1: Using SIP Trunks Hosted by the IP Office Server Edition Primary Server
Example 2: Primary Trunk Fallback to Secondary Trunks
Example 3: Using Trunks Hosted on a IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2)
Example 4: Local Branch Override
Example 5: PSTN Tail-End-Hop-Off
Short Codes and ARS Forms
Outgoing call routing relies on short codes and ARS records in the system configuration. Refer to the relevant chapters
on Short Codes and ARS to understand how those types of configuration records are used.
The short method for describing short codes in this manual, for example 9N/Dial/./0, indicates the settings of the
following fields of a short code: Code/Feature/Telephone Number/Line Group ID. For a description of the individual
fields see Short Code .
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
IP Office Server Edition Mode: Telephony Operation Configuration Default Call Routing
For outgoing call routing, a combination of system short codes and ARS entries are used. The default operation is listed
below. The default configuration is not sufficient to complete call routing, additional configuration is required to route the
calls from the IP Office Server Edition Primary Server to the external trunks hosted by the network.
The default settings send all potential external calls to the IP Office Server Edition Primary Server where it is
assumed those calls will be routed to SIP trunks hosted by the primary. Additional configuration is necessary to
complete the routing from the IP Office Server Edition Primary Server. The configuration to do that will vary
depending on which system is hosting the external trunk or trunks. Examples of typical configuration changes
required are given below.
The above default operation is achieved by the following defaults:
1. IP Office Server Edition Primary Server
The following external call routing is configured by default on the IP Office Server Edition Primary Server:
a. Default System Short Code
The server has a default system short code that is used as a match for any dialing that does not match an
extension number or any other short code. This default system short code is also used for matching to
digits received on calls from other systems in the network. The default system short code used depends
on the server's companding (A-Law or U-Law) setting:
On A-Law systems, a default ? short code is used to route any external dialing to ARS record 50:
Main. This will include matching any digits received on calls from other servers in the network that
don't match extension numbers.
On U-Law systems, it is assumed that external calls are indicated by a 9 prefix. A default short code
9N is used to route the digits N to ARS record 50:Main.
b. Default ARS 50:Main
A first ? short code in the ARS form routes calls to the H.323 line that goes to the IP Office Server Edition
Primary Server server by using the Line Group ID of 0.
2. All Other Servers
On all other server types, the system and ARS defaults are set to route all potential external calls to the IP
Office Server Edition Primary Server.
a. Default System Short Code
A default system ? short code is present in the configuration. This routes any dialing that has no other
match to the ARS record 50:Main in the configuration of the system where the dialing occurred.
b. Default ARS 50:Main
A default ? short code in the ARS record is used to route all calls to the IP Office Server Edition Primary
Server. On expansion systems, an additional ? short code is used to route calls to the IP Office Server
Edition Secondary Server if the IP Office Server Edition Primary Server is not available for some reason.
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Default Settings Summary
The table below summarizes the settings described above.
A-Law Description
Server System Short Code ARS 50:Main Short Codes
IP Office Server
Edition Primary
?/Dial/./50:Main ?/Dial/./0 Send all calls with no other match to
any trunks in with the Outgoing
Group setting of 0. Since 0 is not a
valid value, this needs to be
changed to match the Outgoing
Group setting actually used for the
external trunks hosted by the IP
Office Server Edition Primary
IP Office Server
Edition Secondary
?/Dial/./50:Main ?/Dial/./99999 Send all calls with no other match to
the IP Office Server Edition Primary
Expansion ?/Dial/./50:Main ?/Dial/./99999
Send all calls with no other match to
the IP Office Server Edition Primary
Server if available, else to the IP
Office Server Edition Secondary
IP Office Server
Edition Primary
9N/Dial/N/50:Main ?/Dial/./0 Send all calls with no other match to
any trunks in with the Outgoing
Group setting of 0. Since 0 is not a
valid value, this needs to be
changed to match the Outgoing
Group setting actually used for the
external trunks hosted by the IP
Office Server Edition Primary
IP Office Server
Edition Secondary
?/Dial/./50:Main ?/Dial/./99999 Send all calls with no other match to
the IP Office Server Edition Primary
Expansion ?/Dial/./50:Main ?/Dial/./99999
Send all calls with no other match to
the IP Office Server Edition Primary
Server if available, else to the IP
Office Server Edition Secondary
The short method for describing short codes in this manual, for example 9N/Dial/./0, indicates the settings of the
following fields of a short code: Code/Feature/Telephone Number/Line Group ID. For a description of the individual
fields see Short Code .
The different destinations used for the dialing short codes in the Line Group ID field are:
Route the call to the ARS record 50:Main on the system where the short code match has occurred. If additional
ARS records are created on a system they can also be selected as the destination for calls to be routed.
Route the call to the IP Office Server Edition Primary Server.
Route the call to the IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server.
999901 to 999930
Route the call to one of the expansion systems. These destinations can only be used on short codes on the IP
Office Server Edition Primary Server and IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server.
Seize a trunk from those trunks on the system that have their Outgoing Group setting set to 0. Since 0 is not a
valid value, this needs to be changed to match the Outgoing Group setting actually used for the external trunks
hosted by the IP Office Server Edition Primary Server.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
IP Office Server Edition Mode: Telephony Operation Configuration Example 1: Using SIP Trunks Hosted by the Primary
This is the simplest example. It assumes that a SIP trunk has been added to the configuration of the IP Office Server
Edition Primary Server, along with the necessary licenses.
A.In the IP Office Server Edition Primary Server configuration:
1. In the configuration of the SIP trunk on the IP Office Server Edition Primary Server, the SIP URI form includes
a field for setting the Outgoing Group. Set this to a unique ID, by default it is set to 1.
2. In the ARS record 50:Main on the IP Office Server Edition Primary Server, select and edit the exist ? short
code to change it from Line Group ID of 0 to a Line Group ID of 1.
Code: ?
The ? short code character matches any digits for which no other short code match is present in this
ARS form.
Feature: Dial
Telephone Number: .
The . short code character matches all the digits dialled, not just those that matched the Code
Line Group ID: 1 (or whichever number was set for the SIP trunk Outgoing Group on the IP Office
Server Edition Primary Server)
This field is used to match outgoing calls (ie. calls using the Dial feature) to an available trunk on the
system with the matching number as its Outgoing Group setting. Multiple trunks on the same
system can have the same Outgoing Group setting.
B.Save the configurations.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Results: A-Law Systems
For systems operating in A-Law, it is assumed that no dialing prefix is used for external calls.
If a user hosted on an expansion system dials 555 123 4567:
Server Event Digits
A user dials 555 123 4567. 555 123 4567
The digits are matched to the ?/Dial/. system short code. This routes the call to
ARS 50:Main.
555 123 4567
The digits are matched to the first ?/Dial/. short code in the ARS form. This
routes the call to the primary.
555 123 4567
Primary Server The call is received on the H.323 line. 555 123 4567
The digits are matched to the ?/Dial/. system short code. This routes the call to
ARS 50:Main.
555 123 4567
The digits are matched to the first ?/Dial/. short code in the ARS form. This
routes the call to an available SIP trunk channel.
555 123 4567
If a user hosted on the primary system dials 555 123 4567:
Server Event Digits
Primary Server A user dials 555 123 4567. 555 123 4567
The digits are matched to the ?/Dial/. system short code. This routes the call to
ARS 50:Main.
555 123 4567
The digits are matched to the first ?/Dial/. short code in the ARS form. This
routes the call to an available SIP trunk channel.
555 123 4567
Results: U-Law Systems
For systems operating in U-Law, it is assumed that a 9 prefix is used for external calls.
If a user hosted on an expansion system dials 9 555 123 4567:
Server Event Digits
A user dials 9 555 123 4567. 9 555 123 4567
The digits are matched to the ?/Dial/. system short code. This routes the call to
ARS 50:Main.
9 555 123 4567
The digits are matched to the first ?/Dial/. short code in the ARS form. This
routes the call to the primary.
9 555 123 4567
Primary Server The call is received on the H.323 line. 9 555 123 4567
The digits are matched to the 9N/Dial/N system short code. This routes the call
to ARS 50:Main. having removed the 9 prefix.
555 123 4567
The digits are matched to the first ?/Dial/. short code in the ARS form. This
routes the call to an available SIP trunk channel.
555 123 4567
If a user hosted on the primary system dials 9 555 123 4567:
Server Event Digits
Primary Server A user dials 9 555 123 4567. 9 555 123 4567
The digits are matched to the 9N/Dial/N system short code. This routes the call
to ARS 50:Main. having removed the 9 prefix.
555 123 4567
The digits are matched to the first ?/Dial/. short code in the ARS form. This
routes the call to an available SIP trunk channel.
555 123 4567
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
IP Office Server Edition Mode: Telephony Operation Configuration Example 2: Primary Trunk Fallback to Secondary Trunks
This example is builds on example 1 . In this case the network has also has a IP Office Server Edition Secondary
Server and SIP trunks have been added to the IP Office Server Edition Secondary Servers configuration using the
Outgoing Group setting of 2.
A.In the IP Office Server Edition Primary Server configuration:
1. Configure the IP Office Server Edition Primary Server as per example 1 . This will route all outgoing calls to
the SIP trunk hosted by the IP Office Server Edition Primary Server.
B.In the IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server configuration:
1. In the configuration of the SIP trunk on the IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server, the SIP URI form
includes a field for setting the Outgoing Group. Set this to a unique ID, for this example we assume it is 2.
2. Select ARS and click on the icon to add a new ARS record.
a. Set the Route Name to something suitable descriptive such as Fallback.
b. Add a short code that will route calls that use this ARS record to the SIP trunk hosted by the secondary.
The short code depends on whether we need to remove a dial 9 prefix or not:
If no dialing prefix is being used, add a ?/Dial/./2 short code.
If a dial 9 prefix is being used, add a 9N/Dial/N/2 short code.
c. Click OK.
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3. In the ARS record 50:Main on the IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server, we need to set the record to
fallback to using the new ARS form when a route to the primary cannot be seized.
a. In the Alternate Route drop down select the fallback ARS.
b. Set the Alternate Route Priority Level to 1. This is the lowest level of priority so no users will need to
wait to use the alternate ARS is the connection to the primary is not available.
C.Save the configurations.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
IP Office Server Edition Mode: Telephony Operation Configuration
Results: A-Law Systems
For systems operating in A-Law, it is assumed that no dialing prefix is used for external calls.
If a user hosted on an expansion system dials 555 123 4567:
Server Event Digits
A user dials 555 123 4567. 555 123 4567
The digits are matched to the ?/Dial/. system short code. This routes the call to
ARS 50:Main.
555 123 4567
The digits are matched to the first ?/Dial/. short code in the ARS form. This tries
to route the call to the primary (99999).
555 123 4567
A trunk to the primary cannot be seized. The digits are matched to the next ?/
Dial/. short code in the ARS form. This routes the call to the secondary (99998).
555 123 4567
The call is received on the H.323 line. 555 123 4567
The digits are matched to the ?/Dial/. system short code. This routes the call to
ARS 50:Main.
555 123 4567
The ARS cannot seize a trunk to the primary so fallback to its alternate ARS, 51:
555 123 4567
The digits are matched to the first ?/Dial/. short code in the ARS form. This
routes the call to an available SIP trunk channel.
555 123 4567
If a user hosted on the secondary system dials 555 123 4567:
Server Event Digits
A user dials 555 123 4567. 555 123 4567
The digits are matched to the ?/Dial/. system short code. This routes the call to
ARS 50:Main.
555 123 4567
The ARS cannot seize a trunk to the primary so fallback to its alternate ARS, 51:
555 123 4567
The digits are matched to the first ?/Dial/. short code in the ARS form. This
routes the call to an available SIP trunk channel.
555 123 4567
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Results: U-Law Systems
For systems operating in U-Law, it is assumed that a 9 prefix is used for external calls.
If a user hosted on an expansion system dials 555 123 4567:
Server Event Digits
A user dials 555 123 4567. 9 555 123 4567
The digits are matched to the ?/Dial/. system short code. This routes the call to
ARS 50:Main.
9 555 123 4567
The digits are matched to the first ?/Dial/. short code in the ARS form. This tries
to route the call to the primary (99999).
9 555 123 4567
A trunk to the primary cannot be seized. The digits are matched to the next ?/
Dial/. short code in the ARS form. This routes the call to the secondary (99998).
9 555 123 4567
The call is received on the H.323 line. 9 555 123 4567
The digits are matched to the ?/Dial/. system short code. This routes the call to
ARS 50:Main.
9 555 123 4567
The ARS cannot seize a trunk to the primary so fallback to its alternate ARS, 51:
9 555 123 4567
The digits are matched to the first 9N/Dial/N short code in the ARS form. This
routes the call to an available SIP trunk channel having removed the 9 prefix.
555 123 4567
If a user hosted on the secondary system dials 555 123 4567:
Server Event Digits
A user dials 555 123 4567. 9 555 123 4567
The digits are matched to the ?/Dial/. system short code. This routes the call to
ARS 50:Main.
9 555 123 4567
The ARS cannot seize a trunk to the primary so fallback to its alternate ARS, 51:
9 555 123 4567
The digits are matched to the first 9N/Dial/N short code in the ARS form. This
routes the call to an available SIP trunk channel having removed the 9 prefix.
555 123 4567
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
IP Office Server Edition Mode: Telephony Operation Configuration Example 3: Using Trunks on an IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2)
IP Office Server Edition Primary Server, IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server and IP Office Server Edition Expansion
System (L)s only support SIP trunks for external trunk connections. An IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2)
must be used for other trunk types such as analog, BRI or PRI. In this example we assume that the IP Office Server
Edition Expansion System (V2) is being used for all outgoing external calls from the network.
A.In the Expansion A configuration:
No changes are required, this and other expansion systems still send their calls to the primary which then routes
the calls to the system which is hosting the external trunks.
B.In the IP Office Server Edition Primary Server configuration:
1. In the configuration of the IP Office Server Edition Primary Server, identify the H.323 IP trunk that is used for
calls to the IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) and note the Outgoing Group ID setting, it will
be in the range 99901 to 999930. The trunk can be recognized by the Gateway IP Address on the VoIP
Settings tab matching the IP address of the IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2).
2. In the ARS record 50:Main on the IP Office Server Edition Primary Server, select and edit the default ? short
code to route calls to the expansion system:
Code: ?
Feature: Dial
Telephone Number: .
Line Group ID: 99901 (or whichever number was set for the Outgoing Group ID to the IP Office
Server Edition Expansion System (V2)).
C.In the configuration of the system hosting the external trunk:
1. Set the Outgoing Group ID of the external trunks to a unique value. For this example we assume 3 is used.
The field where this is set depends on the trunk type but always has the same name.
2. [Optional] If the network expects a dial 9 prefix on external calls, we need to add a new system short code
that matches and removes that prefix from calls dialed on the local system as for call made on other systems
this prefix is removed by the primary. Add a system short code similar to the following:
Code: 9N
Feature: Dial
Telephone Number: N
Line Group ID: 50:Main
3. In the ARS record 50:Main, select and edit the first default ? short code to use the Line Group ID of 3.
Code: ?
Feature: Dial
Telephone Number: .
Line Group ID: 3 (or whichever number was set for the Outgoing Group ID on the system's
external trunks).
D.Save the configurations.
Manager 10.1 Page 100
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Results: A-Law
For systems operating in A-Law, it is assumed that no dialing prefix is used for external calls.
If a user hosted on other expansion systems dials 555 123 4567:
Server Event Digits
System A
A user dials 555 123 4567. 555 123 4567
The digits are matched to the ?/Dial/. system short code. This routes the call to
ARS 50:Main.
555 123 4567
The digits are matched to the first ?/Dial/. short code in the ARS form. This
routes the call to the primary.
555 123 4567
Primary Server The call is received on the H.323 line. 555 123 4567
The digits are matched to the ?/Dial/. system short code. This routes the call to
ARS 50:Main.
555 123 4567
The digits are matched to the first ?/Dial/. short code in the ARS form. This
routes the call to expansion system B.
555 123 4567
System B
The call is received on the H.323 line. 555 123 4567
The digits are matched to the ?/Dial/. system short code. This routes the call to
ARS 50:Main.
555 123 4567
The digits are matched to the first ?/Dial/. short code in the ARS form. This
routes the call to an available trunk.
555 123 4567
If a user hosted on the primary server dials 555 123 4567:
Server Event Digits
Primary Server A user dials 555 123 4567. 555 123 4567
The digits are matched to the ?/Dial/. system short code. This routes the call to
ARS 50:Main.
555 123 4567
The digits are matched to the first ?/Dial/. short code in the ARS form. This
routes the call to expansion system B.
555 123 4567
System B
The call is received on the H.323 line. 555 123 4567
The digits are matched to the ?/Dial/. system short code. This routes the call to
ARS 50:Main.
555 123 4567
The digits are matched to the first ?/Dial/. short code in the ARS form. This
routes the call to an available trunk.
555 123 4567
If a user hosted on expansion system B dial 555 123 4567:
Server Event Digits
System B
A user dials 555 123 4567. 555 123 4567
The digits are matched to the ?/Dial/. system short code. This routes the call to
ARS 50:Main.
555 123 4567
The digits are matched to the first ?/Dial/. short code in the ARS form. This
routes the call to an available trunk.
555 123 4567
Manager 10.1 Page 101
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
IP Office Server Edition Mode: Telephony Operation Configuration
Results: U-Law
For systems operating in U-Law, it is assumed that a 9 prefix is used for external calls.
If a user hosted on other expansion systems dials 9 555 123 4567:
Server Event Digits
System A
A user dials 9 555 123 4567. 9 555 123 4567
The digits are matched to the ?/Dial/. system short code. This routes the call to
ARS 50:Main.
9 555 123 4567
The digits are matched to the first ?/Dial/. short code in the ARS form. This
routes the call to the primary.
9 555 123 4567
Primary Server The call is received on the H.323 line. 9 555 123 4567
The digits are matched to the 9N/Dial/N system short code. This routes the call
to ARS 50:Main. having removed the 9 prefix.
555 123 4567
The digits are matched to the first ?/Dial/. short code in the ARS form. This
routes the call to expansion system B.
555 123 4567
System B
The call is received on the H.323 line. 555 123 4567
The digits are matched to the ?/Dial/. system short code. This routes the call to
ARS 50:Main.
555 123 4567
The digits are matched to the first ?/Dial/. short code in the ARS form. This
routes the call to an available trunk.
555 123 4567
If a user hosted on the primary server dials 9 555 123 4567:
Server Event Digits
Primary Server A user dials 9 555 123 4567. 9 555 123 4567
The digits are matched to the 9N/Dial/N system short code. This routes the call
to ARS 50:Main. having removed the 9 prefix.
555 123 4567
The digits are matched to the first ?/Dial/. short code in the ARS form. This
routes the call to expansion system B.
555 123 4567
System B
The call is received on the H.323 line. 555 123 4567
The digits are matched to the ?/Dial/. system short code. This routes the call to
ARS 50:Main.
555 123 4567
The digits are matched to the first ?/Dial/. short code in the ARS form. This
routes the call to an available trunk.
555 123 4567
If a user hosted on expansion system B dial 9 555 123 4567:
Server Event Digits
System B
A user dials 9 555 123 4567. 9 555 123 4567
The digits are matched to the 9N/Dial/N system short code. This routes the call
to ARS 50:Main. having removed the 9 prefix.
9 555 123 4567
The digits are matched to the first ?/Dial/. short code in the ARS form. This
routes the call to an available trunk.
9 555 123 4567
Manager 10.1 Page 102
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1 Example 4: Local Branch Override
This example builds on Example 1 where all external calls are routed to SIP trunks hosted by the primary server.
There may be cases where an expansion system (IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) and IP Office Server
Edition Expansion System (V2)) can route calls through its own local trunks more cheaply than through trunks located on
another system such as the primary. For example, if the site where the expansion system is located can make local calls
free of charge or at a much lower cost. If that is the case, then for certain dialing we would want to have those calls use
the local trunk rather than following the default routing to the primary server.
Suppose for this example, expansion system A is in national area code 444. The customer wants any dialing of numbers
prefixed with 444 by the users hosted on that system to be routed out on the external trunks connected to that
expansion system. All other external dialing should continue to follow the defaults of being routed to the primary.
A.In the expansion system configuration:
1. In the configuration of the expansion system, set the Outgoing Group ID of the external trunks to a unique
value. For this example we assume 4 is used. The field where this is set depends on the trunk type but always
has the same name.
2. In the ARS record 50:Main on the expansion system we need to add a new short code that matches and
routes calls that include the 444 area code. The short code required depend on whether an external dialing
prefix is used or not.
a. Add a new short code:
Code: 444N (A-Law) or 9444N (U-Law)
Feature: Dial
Telephone Number: N
Line Group ID: 4 (or whichever number was set for the Outgoing Group ID on the system's
external trunks).
3. The new code will match any dialing sent to the ARS prefixed with 444. Depending on local dialing patterns it
may also be necessary to add similar codes to match dialing prefixed with a national prefix before the local
area code. For example short codes for dialing prefixed 1444N or dialing of a particular length that would
imply its a local number, eg. XXXXXXX.
B.Save the configuration.
Manager 10.1 Page 103
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
IP Office Server Edition Mode: Telephony Operation Configuration
Results: A-Law Systems
For systems operating in A-Law, it is assumed that no dialing prefix is used for external calls.
If a user hosted on expansion system A dials 555 123 4567:
This routing matches the example setup in Example 1 where the main trunks and call routing settings for external calls
by any system are configured on the primary server.
Server Event Digits
System A
A user dials 555 123 4567. 555 123 4567
The digits are matched to the ?/Dial/. system short code. This routes the call to
ARS 50:Main.
555 123 4567
The digits are matched to the first ?/Dial/. short code in the ARS form. This
routes the call to the primary.
555 123 4567
Primary Server The call is received on the H.323 line. 555 123 4567
The digits are matched to the ?/Dial/. system short code. This routes the call to
ARS 50:Main.
555 123 4567
The digits are matched to the first ?/Dial/. short code in the ARS form. This
routes the call to an available SIP trunk channel.
555 123 4567
If a user hosted on expansion system A dials 444 123 4567:
Server Event Digits
System A
A user dials 444 123 4567. 444 123 4567
The digits are matched to the ?/Dial/. system short code. This routes the call to
ARS 50:Main.
444 123 4567
The digits are matched to the first 444N/Dial/N short code in the ARS form. This
routes the call to the external trunk on the system.
444 123 4567
Results: U-Law
For systems operating in U-Law, it is assumed that a 9 prefix is used for external calls.
If a user hosted on expansion system A dials 9 555 123 4567:
This routing matches the example setup in Example 1 where the main trunks and call routing settings for external calls
by any system are configured on the primary server.
Server Event Digits
System A
A user dials 9 555 123 4567. 9 555 123 4567
The digits are matched to the ?/Dial/. system short code. This routes the call to
ARS 50:Main.
9 555 123 4567
The digits are matched to the first ?/Dial/. short code in the ARS form. This
routes the call to the primary.
9 555 123 4567
Primary Server The call is received on the H.323 line. 9 555 123 4567
The digits are matched to the 9N/Dial/N system short code. This routes the call
to ARS 50:Main. having removed the 9 prefix.
555 123 4567
The digits are matched to the first ?/Dial/. short code in the ARS form. This
routes the call to an available SIP trunk channel.
555 123 4567
If a user hosted on expansion system A dials 9 444 123 4567:
Server Event Digits
System A
A user dials 9 444 123 4567. 9 444 123 4567
The digits are matched to the ?/Dial/. system short code. This routes the call to
ARS 50:Main.
9 444 123 4567
The digits are matched to the first 9444N/Dial/N short code in the ARS form.
This routes the call to the external trunk on the system.
444 123 4567
Manager 10.1 Page 104
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1 Example 5: PSTN Tail-End-Hop-Off
This example builds on Example 4 where calls local to a particular expansion system are routed to external trunks
hosted by that expansion system. Having setup routing similar to that example, it may be advantageous to route any
dialing of the same are code on other systems in the network to the trunks on the local expansion system.
Suppose for this example, we want users on any system in the network that dial a call prefixed with national area code
444 to have that call routed to external trunks on expansion system A which is in that local area. We can do this by
adding additional short codes to the ARS on the primary system as the default routing on all systems already sends all
calls to the primary.
Important: Check Local and National Call Routing Regulations
This type of operation may be subject to nation restrictions, especially where the expansion system trunks are
being used to make calls in a different country code to other systems in the network. Such operation is not
allowed by the telecommunications regulations in some countries.
A.In the primary server configuration:
1. In the configuration of the IP Office Server Edition Primary Server, identify the H.323 IP trunk that is used for
calls to the expansion system and note the Outgoing Group ID setting, it will be in the range 99901 to
999930. The trunk can be recognized by the Gateway IP Address on the VoIP Settings tab matching the IP
address of the expansion system.
2. In the ARS record 50:Main on the primary server:
a. Add a new short code:
Code: 444N (A-Law) or 9444N (U-Law)
Feature: Dial
Telephone Number: .
Line Group ID: 99901 (or whichever number was set for the Outgoing Group ID to the expansion
3. The new code will match any dialing sent to the ARS prefixed with 444. Again, as in Example 4 , it may also
be necessary to add similar codes to match dialing prefixed with a national prefix before the local area code.
For example short codes for dialing prefixed 1444N or dialing of a particular length that would imply its a
local number, eg. XXXXXXX.
B.In the expansion system configuration:
1. Apply the same short codes as used for Example 4 to route dialing to area code 444 dialed by users on that
system. Those short codes are also applied to calls received on the network trunks that arrive with those
C.Save the configuration.
Manager 10.1 Page 105
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
IP Office Server Edition Mode: Telephony Operation Configuration
Results: A-Law Systems
Any dialing prefixed with 444 on any system is routed to the primary server from where it is rerouted to the expansion
system hosting trunks local to that area code.
If a user hosted on expansion system A dials 444 123 4567:
Server Event Digits
System A
A user dials 444 123 4567. 444 123 4567
The digits are matched to the ?/Dial/. system short code. This routes the call to
ARS 50:Main.
444 123 4567
The digits are matched to the first 444N/Dial/N short code in the ARS form. This
routes the call to the external trunk on the system.
444 123 4567
If a user hosted on the primary server dials 444 123 4567:
Server Event Digits
Primary Server A user dials 444 123 4567. 444 123 4567
The digits are matched to the ?/Dial/. system short code. This routes the call to
ARS 50:Main.
444 123 4567
The digits are matched to the first 444N/Dial/. short code in the ARS form. This
routes the call to expansion system A.
444 123 4567
System A
The call is received on the H.323 line. 444 123 4567
The digits are matched to the ?/Dial/. system short code. This routes the call to
ARS 50:Main.
444 123 4567
The digits are matched to the first 444N/Dial/N short code in the ARS form. This
routes the call to the external trunk on the system.
123 4567
If a user hosted on other expansion systems dials 444 123 4567:
Server Event Digits
System B
A user dials 444 123 4567. 444 123 4567
The digits are matched to the ?/Dial/. system short code. This routes the call to
ARS 50:Main.
444 123 4567
The digits are matched to the first ?/Dial/. short code in the ARS form. This
routes the call to the primary.
444 123 4567
Primary Server The call is received on the H.323 line. 444 123 4567
The digits are matched to the ?/Dial/. system short code. This routes the call to
ARS 50:Main.
444 123 4567
The digits are matched to the first 444N/Dial/. short code in the ARS form. This
routes the call to expansion system A.
444 123 4567
System A
The call is received on the H.323 line. 444 123 4567
The digits are matched to the ?/Dial/. system short code. This routes the call to
ARS 50:Main.
444 123 4567
The digits are matched to the first 444N/Dial/N short code in the ARS form. This
routes the call to the external trunk on the system.
123 4567
Manager 10.1 Page 106
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Results: U-Law Systems
Any dialing prefixed with 9444 on any system is routed to the primary server from where it is rerouted to the expansion
system hosting trunks local to that area code.
If a user hosted on expansion system A dials 9 444 123 4567:
Server Event Digits
System A
A user dials 9 444 123 4567. 9 444 123 4567
The digits are matched to the ?/Dial/. system short code. This routes the call to
ARS 50:Main.
9 444 123 4567
The digits are matched to the first 9444N/Dial/N short code in the ARS form.
This routes the call to the external trunk on the system.
123 4567
If a user hosted on the primary server dials 9 444 123 4567:
Server Event Digits
Primary Server A user dials 9 444 123 4567. 9 444 123 4567
The digits are matched to the ?/Dial/. system short code. This routes the call to
ARS 50:Main.
9 444 123 4567
The digits are matched to the first 9444N/Dial/. short code in the ARS form. This
routes the call to expansion system A.
9 444 123 4567
System A
The call is received on the H.323 line. 9 444 123 4567
The digits are matched to the ?/Dial/. system short code. This routes the call to
ARS 50:Main.
9 444 123 4567
The digits are matched to the first 9444N/Dial/N short code in the ARS form.
This routes the call to the external trunk on the system.
123 4567
If a user hosted on other expansion systems dials 9 444 123 4567:
Server Event Digits
System B
A user dials 9 444 123 4567. 9 444 123 4567
The digits are matched to the ?/Dial/. system short code. This routes the call to
ARS 50:Main.
9 444 123 4567
The digits are matched to the first ?/Dial/. short code in the ARS form. This
routes the call to the primary.
9 444 123 4567
Primary Server The call is received on the H.323 line. 9 444 123 4567
The digits are matched to the ?/Dial/. system short code. This routes the call to
ARS 50:Main.
9 444 123 4567
The digits are matched to the first 9444N/Dial/. short code in the ARS form. This
routes the call to expansion system A.
9 444 123 4567
System B
The call is received on the H.323 line. 9 444 123 4567
The digits are matched to the ?/Dial/. system short code. This routes the call to
ARS 50:Main.
9 444 123 4567
The digits are matched to the first 9444N/Dial/N short code in the ARS form.
This routes the call to the external trunk on the system.
123 4567
Manager 10.1 Page 107
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
IP Office Server Edition Mode: Telephony Operation Configuration
3.8.3 Emergency Calls
IP Office Manager expects that the configuration of each system should contain at least one short code that is set to use
the Dial Emergency feature. If no such short code is present in the configuration then IP Office Manager will display an
error warning.
The importance of the Dial Emergency feature is that it overrides all external call barring that may have been applied to
the user whose dialing has been matched to the short code. You must still ensure that no other short code or extension
match occurs that would prevent the dialing of an emergency number being matched to the short code.
The short code (or codes) can be added as a system short code or as an ARS record short code. If the Dial Emergency
short code is added at the solution level, that short code is automatically replicated into the configuration of all servers in
the network and must be suitable for dialing by users on all systems. Separate Dial Emergency short codes can be
added to the configuration of an individual system. Those short codes will only be useable by users currently hosted on
the system including users who have hot desked onto an extension supported by the system.
Determining the Caller's Location
It is the installers responsibility to ensure that a Dial Emergency short code or codes are useable by all users. It is also
their responsibility to ensure that either:
1. the trunks via which the resulting call may be routed are matched to the physical location to which emergency
service will be despatched
2. the outgoing calling line ID number sent with the call matches the physical location from which the user is dialing.
Hot Desking Users
In addition to the location requirements above, you must also remember that for users who hot desk, from the networks
perspective the user's location is that of the system hosting the extension onto which the user is currently hot desked. If
that is an IP extension then that location is not necessarily the same as the physical location of the server.
Manager 10.1 Page 108
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1 Emergency Calls Example
This example shows the scenario used in outgoing call routing example 4 where for users hosted by expansion system A,
all calls are normally routed to use the SIP trunks hosted by the IP Office Server Edition Primary Server. The only
exception for normal calls is for those calls that are in the local dialling code area of expansion system A.
For emergency calls in this scenario, we want any dialing of an emergency call by a user on expansion system A to use
the local trunk hosted by the system rather than being routed to the IP Office Server Edition Primary Server. This is done
A.In the primary system configuration:
In the configuration of the primary system, for the normal external call routing example, the Outgoing Group ID
of the external trunks hosted by the system was set to 1.
1. Add a short code to ARS 50:Main that use the Dial Emergency feature for each emergency number that
needs to be routed locally. The Line Group ID of the short codes is set to 4 to use the same Outgoing Group
ID that was applied to the trunks above, rather than sending the calls to an ARS record for further routing. For
112/Dial Emergency/./1
9112/Dial Emergency/112/1
911/Dial Emergency/./1
9911/Dial Emergency/911/1
B.In the expansion system B configuration:
In the configuration of the primary system, for the normal external call routing example, no changes were made,
all potential external calls are routed by default to the primary system. While that is acceptable for normal calls for
emergency calls explicit routing should be applied. For this example we will add the short codes below. These still
route calls to the primary. This is acceptable so long as the physical location of the expansion system is the same
as that of the primary and so will result in emergency services identifying the same location.
1. Add a short code to ARS 50:Main that use the Dial Emergency feature for each emergency number that
needs to be routed locally. The Line Group ID of the short codes is set to 99999 to route the calls to the
primary. For example:
112/Dial Emergency/./99999
9112/Dial Emergency/112/99999
911/Dial Emergency/./99999
9911/Dial Emergency/911/99999
C.In the expansion system A configuration:
In the configuration of the expansion system, for the normal external call routing example, the Outgoing Group
ID of the external trunks hosted by the system was set to 4.
1. Add a short code to ARS 50:Main that use the Dial Emergency feature for each emergency number that
needs to be routed locally. The Line Group ID of the short codes is set to 4 to use the same Outgoing Group
ID that was applied to the trunks above, rather than sending the calls to an ARS record for further routing. For
112/Dial Emergency/./4
9112/Dial Emergency/112/4
Manager 10.1 Page 109
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
IP Office Server Edition Mode: Telephony Operation Configuration
911/Dial Emergency/./4
9911/Dial Emergency/911/4
D.Save the configuration and test the correct operation of call routing.
Manager 10.1 Page 110
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
3.8.4 Network Telephone Features
Each system running IP Office in a multi-site network acts as a self-contained IP Office telephone system. In addition to
the remote systems sharing knowledge of user and hunt group extension numbers, the following additional telephony
features are supported between systems in a multi-site network. Features not listed are not supported across the multi-
site network.
Feature Description Minimum
Extension Dialing Each system automatically learns the user extension numbers available on other
systems and allows routes calls to those numbers.
Absence Text Calling a remote user with absence text set will display the absence text.
Call Tagging Call tag text added to a call is retained by calls routed across the Small
Community Network.
Anti-tromboning Calls routed across the multi-site network and back to the originating system
are turned back into internal calls on the originating system only.
Hold Hold and held calls are signalled across the multi-site network.
Transfer Calls can be transferred to multi-site network extension numbers.
Forwarding Calls can be forwarded to multi-site network extension numbers.
Paging Page calls can be made to multi-site network extension numbers.
Call Pick-Up Extension The directed call pickup feature can use multi-site network extension numbers
as its target for the call pickup.
Callback When Free When calling a busy or unanswered extension across themulti-site network, the
callback when free function can be used to set a callback.
Conference For Release 8.0+, Meet Me conference IDs are now shared across a multi-site
network. For example, if a conference with the ID 500 is started on one system,
anyone else joining conference 500 on any system will join the same
conference. Each conference still uses the conference resources of the system
on which it was started and is limited by the available conference capacity of
that system.
Previously separate conferences, each with the same conference ID, could be
started on each system in a multi-site network.
User DSS/BLF Monitoring of user status only. The ability to use additional features such as call
pickup via a USER button will differ depending on whether the monitored user is
local or remote. Indication of new voicemail messages provided by Phone
Manager/SoftConsole user speed dial icon is not supported across a multi-site
Advertised Hunt Groups A hunt group can be set to be 'advertised'. Hunt groups that are advertised can
be dialed by users on other systems within the multi-site network without the
need for short codes.
Distributed Hunt
Hunt groups on a system can include users located on remote systems within
the multi-site network. A distributed hunt group can only be edited on the
system on which they were created.
Remote Hot Desking Users can hot desk between systems within the network. The system on which
the user configured is termed their 'home' system, all other systems are
'remote' systems. When a user logs in to a remote system;
The user's incoming calls are rerouted across the multi-site network.
The user's outgoing calls use the settings of the remote system at which
they are logged in.
The user's own settings are transferred. However some settings may
become unusable or may operate differently.
Users settings are transferred but user rights are not. However if user
rights with the same name exist on the remote system then they will be
used. The same applies for user rights applied by time profiles, if a time
profile with the same name also exists on the remote system .
Manager 10.1 Page 111
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
IP Office Server Edition Mode: Telephony Operation Configuration
Feature Description Minimum
Appearance buttons configured for users on the home system will no
longer operate.
Various other settings may either no longer work or may work differently
depending on the configuration of the remote system at which the user
has logged in. For example T3 phones, the personal directory is not
transferred with the user.
If a remote user's home system is no longer visible within the multi-site
network, they are automatically logged out after 24 hours.
Break Out Dialing This feature allows the user to select a system in the network from a displayed
list and then dial a subsequent number as if dialing locally on the select system.
This feature is triggered either by a programmable button or short code .
Music on Hold Source
The 4 possible music on hold sources are numbered 1 to 4, with 1 being the
System Source. Where the source number to associate with a call is changed,
that number is retained when the call is rerouted across the Small Community
Network. If the receiving switch has a matching numbered alternate source,
that source is used.
Mobile Call Control Licensed mobile call control users who remote hot desk to another system
within the multi-site network take their licensed status with them rather than
consuming (if available) a license on the system to which they hot desk.
Fallback Systems can provide fallback support for Avaya H.323 phones, advertised hunt
groups and centralized voicemail.
Centralized Personal
If the user hot desks to another system in the multi-site network, their personal
directory is still available.
Centralized Call Log The centralized call log features include support for users hot desking within a
multi-site network.
The user's call log records are stored by the system that is their home
system, ie. the one on which they are configured. When the user is
logged in on another system, new call log records are sent to the user's
home system, but using the time and date on the system where the user
is logged in.
Hunt group call log records are stored on the system on which the hunt
group is configured.
Fax Relay Fax relay can be configured on SIP lines and extensions. Within a multi-site
network, fax calls can transition from a trunk or extension with T38 support to a
system Small Community Network line with Fax Transport Support enabled.
Fax Relay is only supported on IP500/IP500 V2 systems with IP500 VCM, IP500
VCM V2 and or IP500 Combo cards. Fax Relay is supported on IP Office Server
Edition Linux servers.
User Profile Resilience When a user hot desks to another switch in the multi-site network, they retain
their Profile settings and rights as validated by the licenses in their home
switch's configuration. They do not use a license on the remote switch. This
applies even if their home switch is temporarily removed from the multi-site
Distributed Voicemail
Server Support
When using Voicemail Pro 6.0 or higher, each system can support its own
Voicemail Pro server in addition to the central Voicemail Pro server. The
distributed severs can provide call recording and auto attendant functions to
their local system. The central Voicemail Pro server is still used as the message
store for all messages. For full details refer to the Voicemail Pro Installation
Manual. This option is not supported for IP Office Server Edition multi-site
Intrusion Features Call intrusion features are supported across a multi-site network. This
applies to new intrusion features added in Release 8.0 and to existing intrusion
features which were not previously supported across the multi-site network.
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3.9 Using IP Office Server Edition Mode
The solution view can be used to perform a range of functions.
Configuring the Systems
Starting System Status
Voicemail Administration
Setting Up Resilience
Adding a Secondary Server
Adding an Expansion System
Showing the System Inventories
Synchronize configurations
Remove an expansion system
Displaying the Solution View
Starting Web Control
3.9.1 Opening the System Configurations
IP Office Manager is used to configure the telephony settings of the IP Office Server Edition systems by loading the
configuration of the IP Office Server Edition Primary Server server. During that process it will automatically also attempt
to load the configuration of any IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server and expansion systems associated with the IP
Office Server Edition Primary Server.
Opening the Configuration in IP Office Manager
1. Start IP Office Manager.
If you do not have IP Office Manager installed, it can be downloaded and installed from the IP Office
Server Edition Primary Server.
2. Click on or select File | Open Configuration. The Select IP Office window appears, listing those systems
that responded.
If IP Office Manager is not currently running in IP Office Server Edition mode, it will display any systems
detected included IP Office Server Edition expansion systems and non-IP Office Server Edition systems.
a. Select the required IP Office Server Edition Primary Server.
b. Ensure that the Open with IP Office Server Edition Manager option is selected.
c. The Use Remote Access option can be used to load the configuration using an SSL VPN service. This
option is only displayed if Use Remote Access for Multi-Site is selected in the IP Office Manager
application's preferences .
d. Click OK.
If IP Office Manager is currently running in IP Office Server Edition mode, it will display any IP Office Server
Edition Primary Servers detected.
a. Select the required IP Office Server Edition Primary Server.
b. The Use Remote Access option can be used to load the configuration using an SSL VPN service. This
option is only displayed if Use Remote Access for Multi-Site is selected in the IP Office Manager
application's preferences .
c. Click OK.
3. Enter a name and password for configuration access. The defaults are Administrator and Administrator.
4. A number of special windows may be displayed if the IP Office Server Edition mode IP Office Manager detects a
a. Each time a configuration is changed, as well as being sent to the system, a copy is stored on the IP Office
Server Edition Primary Server. The Administration Report is displayed if the time and date of the last change
to a configuration differs from that of the last copy stored on the server. The menu allows you to select
whether to use (Retain) the configuration just received or to replace (Replace) it with the stored copy.
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IP Office Server Edition Mode: Using IP Office Server Edition Mode
b. The configuration of the IP Office Server Edition Primary Server includes details of the IP Office Server Edition
Secondary Server and expansion systems and IP Office Manager automatically attempts to also load the
configurations from those systems. If it cannot load the current configurations of those systems, it will offer to
load the last copies of their configurations that it has stored on the IP Office Server Edition Primary Server.
c. Once the configurations are loaded, IP Office Manager checks for inconsistencies between the settings that are
common to all servers in the network. If it finds any inconsistencies, it displays a Consolidation Report listing
the inconsistencies found and allowing them to be corrected.
Update the setting on the system to match that of the IP Office Server Edition Primary Server.
Update Primary
Update the IP Office Server Edition Primary Server setting to match that of the system. This will also
affect all other servers in the network.
5. The configuration of the network and the servers can now be edited as required.
Opening Configurations in Non-IP Office Server Edition Mode IP Office Manager
By default, the configuration of IP Office Server Edition systems cannot be opened in IP Office Manager if it is not running
in IP Office Server Edition mode. That behavior is controlled by the security settings of the servers. For IP Office Server
Edition systems, the Service Access Source setting of the server's Configuration service is set to Business Edition
Manager. If this setting is changed to Unrestricted, the IP Office Server Edition system can be opened in IP Office
Manager in its normal Advanced View mode.
Opening the configuration of a IP Office Server Edition system in IP Office Manager running in any mode other
than IP Office Server Edition mode should be avoided unless absolutely necessary for system recovery. Even in
that case, IP Office Manager will not allow renumbering, changes to the voicemail type and changes to H.323
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3.9.2 Configuring the Systems
From the IP Office Server Edition Solution View, there are a number of ways to access the configuration settings of the
1. Click on the Configuration link on the right-hand edge of the menu. The navigation pane for configuration
records is displayed.
1. Using the drop-down options of the
navigation toolbar from left to right select the configuration record that you want to edit.
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IP Office Server Edition Mode: Using IP Office Server Edition Mode
3.9.3 Saving Configuration Changes
After making configuration changes using IP Office Manager, the process of saving the changes performs several
The configurations are validated for consistency.
For those systems for which configuration changes have been made, the new configuration is sent to that system.
IP Office Manager defaults to rebooting those systems where a reboot is necessary for the configuration
changes to come into effect.
A time stamped copy of the new configuration is also stored on the IP Office Server Edition Primary Server
For a new IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server or expansion system added to the network configuration
using the create off-line configuration option, the offline file is stored, allowing the new system to be
configured even though not yet physically present.
When opening the configuration from a network, if the timestamp of the stored copy differs from that of the
actual system configuration, IP Office Manager will prompt for which configuration it should load for editing.
Saving Configuration Changes
1. Click in the main toolbar or select File | Save Configuration from the menu bar.
2. The menu displayed only shows details for those systems where the system configuration has been changed and
needs to be sent back to the system.
By default all systems with configuration changes are selected. If you want to exclude a system from having
its configuration updated, either deselect it or cancel the whole process.
Change Mode
If IP Office Manager thinks the changes made to the configuration settings are mergeable, it will select Merge
by default, otherwise it will select Immediate.
Send the configuration settings without rebooting the system. This mode should only be used with
settings that are mergeable. Refer to Mergeable Settings .
Send the configuration and then reboot the system.
When Free
Send the configuration and reboot the system when there are no calls in progress. This mode can be
combined with the Incoming Call Barring and Outgoing Call Barring options.
Store Offline
It is possible to add a reference for a IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server or for an expansion
server and used create offline configuration to create a configuration file for that system even though it is
not physically present. Store Offline saves that configuration on the IP Office Server Edition Primary
Server in its file store. The same file is retrieved from there until such time as the physical server is
present at which time you are prompted whether to use the stored file or the actual servers current
The same as When Free but waits for a specific time after which it then wait for there to be no calls in
progress. The time is specified by the Reboot Time. This mode can be combined with the Incoming Call
Barring and Outgoing Call Barring options.
Reboot Time
This setting is used when the reboot mode Timed is selected. It sets the time for the system reboot. If the
time is after midnight, the system's normal daily backup is canceled.
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Incoming Call Barring
This setting can be used when the reboot mode When Free or Timed is selected. It bars the receiving of any
new calls.
Outgoing Call Barring
This setting can be used when the reboot mode When Free or Timed is selected. It bars the making of any
new calls.
3. Click OK. The progress of the sending of each configuration is displayed.
3.9.4 Starting System Status
System Status Application is an application that can be used to view the status of a system and activity on the system.
System Status Application can be started via IP Office Manager.
Starting System Status Application
Using the following method automatically starts System Status Application with information about the system being
1. In the IP Office Server Edition Solution View , select the system for which you want to view its status.
2. Click on the System Status link on the right-hand edge of the menu.
3. A copy of the System Status Application application hosted by the system is started.
Alternate Method
If System Status Application is installed as an application on the same PC as IP Office Manager, it can be started locally.
When started this way, it will be necessary to manually enter the IP address and other details of the system you want to
monitor after starting System Status Application.
1. Click File | Advanced | System Status.
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IP Office Server Edition Mode: Using IP Office Server Edition Mode
3.9.5 Voicemail Administration
If the Voicemail Pro client application is installed on the same PC as IP Office Manager, it can be launched from IP Office
Manager. If not already installed, the Voicemail Pro client application can be downloaded from the IP Office Server Edition
Primary Server via its web control menus. Refer to the IP Office Server Edition Deployment Guide.
Starting the Voicemail Pro Client
Using the following method automatically starts the Voicemail Pro client with information about the system to be
1. In the IP Office Server Edition Solution View , select the server for which you want to administer the
voicemail application that the server hosts. This can be either the IP Office Server Edition Primary Server or IP
Office Server Edition Secondary Server. If Solution is selected, it is assumed that the voicemail server on the IP
Office Server Edition Primary Server is being administered.
2. Click on the Voicemail Administration link on the right-hand edge of the menu.
Alternate Method
The Voicemail Pro client can . When started this way, it will be necessary to manually enter the IP address and other
details of the system you want to monitor after starting System Status Application.
1. Click File | Advanced | Launch Voicemail Pro Client.
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3.9.6 Setting Up Resilience
Within the IP Office Server Edition network, some functions hosted by a particular system can be taken over by another
system in the event of a system failure or loss of network link. That behaviour is referred to as fallback or resilience.
The options that can be supported in fallback are:
IP Phones
This option is used for Avaya 9600 Series phones registered with the system. When selected, it will share
information about the registered phones and users on those phones with the other system.
If the local system is no longer visible to the phones, the phones will reregister with the other system. The
users who were currently on those phones will appear on the other system as if they had hot desked.
Note that when the local system is restored to the network, the phones will not automatically re-register with
it. A phone reset via either a phone power cycle or using the System Status Application is required.
When phones have registered with the other system, they will show an R on their display.
If using resilience backup to support Avaya IP phones, Auto-create Extn and Auto-create User should
not be left enabled after initial configuration or any subsequent addition of new extensions and users. Leaving
auto-create options enabled on a system that is a failover target may cause duplicate extension/user records
on the multi-site network under multiple failure scenarios.
Hunt Groups
When selected, any hunt groups the local system is advertising to the network are advertised from the other
system when fallback is required. The trigger for this occurring is Avaya H.323 phones registered with the local
system registering with the other system, ie. Backs up my IP Phones above must also be enabled. In a IP Office
Server Edition network this option is only available on the H.323 trunk from the IP Office Server Edition Primary
Server to the IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server.
When used, the only hunt group members that will be available are as follows:
If the group was a distributed hunt group, those members who were remote members on other systems
still visible within the network.
Any local members who have hot desked to another system still visible within the network.
When the local system becomes visible to the other system again, the groups will return to be advertised from
the local system.
In a IP Office Server Edition network this option is available on the H.323 trunk from the IP Office Server Edition
Primary Server to the IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server. It is assumed as being on and is automatically
set by the Resilience Administration tool.
This option requires the other system to have licenses for the Voicemail Pro features that are required to
operate during any fallback period.
Fallback handover takes approximately 3 minutes. This ensure that fallback is not invoked when it is not required,
for example when the local system is simply being rebooted to complete a non-mergeable configuration change.
Fallback is only intended to provide basic call functionality while the cause of fallback occurring is investigated and
resolved. If users make changes to their settings while in fallback, for example changing their DND mode, those
changes will not apply after fallback.
If the fallback system is rebooted while it is providing fallback services, the fallback services are lost.
Fallback features require that the IP devices local to each system are still able to route data to the fallback system
when the local system is not available. This will typically require each system site to be using a separate data
router from the system.
When an IP Phone re-registers to a secondary IP Office on the failure of the primary control unit, the second
system will allow it to operate indefinitely as a guest, but only until the system resets. Licenses will never be
consumed for a guest IP phone.
Remote hot desking users on H323 extensions are automatically logged out.
Note that both ends of the trunk connection must be set to fallback.
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Setting Up Resilience
This process adjusts the individual settings of the H.323 IP lines between systems to indicate which lines are being used
to give/receive fallback options and what fallback options.
1. In the IP Office Server Edition Solution View , select the Secondary Server link on the right.
2. The Resilience Administration menu is displayed. Select the options required.
Backup Primary Server IP Phones and Hunt Groups on Secondary Server
When selected, the IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server will support hunt group operation during any
failure of the IP Office Server Edition Primary Server. Also when selected, the IP Office Server Edition
Secondary Server will support the continued operation of Avaya IP phones normally registered to the IP Office
Server Edition Primary Server.
Backup Secondary Server IP Phones on Primary Server
When selected, the IP Office Server Edition Primary Server will support the continued operation of Avaya IP
phones normally registered to the IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server.
Update Expansion System IP Phones backup settings
Select whether Avaya IP phones registered to the system can fallback to either the IP Office Server Edition
Primary Server or the IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server during any failure of the expansion system.
3. Select the options required and click OK.
4. The individual Supplementary Services and SCN Backup Options settings of the H.323 IP lines in each system
are adjusted to match the selections.
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3.9.7 Adding a Secondary Server
The IP Office Server Edition Solution View can be used to add details of a IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
server to the network configuration. This process automatically adds the necessary H.323 IP trunks for connection to the
new server into the configuration of the other servers already in the network.
Adding a Secondary Server
1. In the IP Office Server Edition Solution View , select the Secondary Server link on the right.
2. Enter the IP Address of the server and click OK. Alternatively, click on the browse icon to display the Select IP Office
menu to select a discovered system.
3. The next steps depend on whether a system is found at the address specified:
Physical System Found
The following process is applied if there is a server at the address specified.
a. The Initial Configuration menu is displayed, with the fields pre-filled with the current settings of the
b. Update the fields as required. For example, you can change the IP address settings.
c. Click Save.
d. The system is rebooted. Click OK.
e. The icon in the Description column will alternate between green and grey until the system reboot is
Physical System Not Found
The following process is applied in no server is found at the address specified. It allows the option of creating
an offline configuration for the new system that can be saved and applied to that system when it is connected
to the network.
a. IP Office Manager prompts whether you want to run the offline configuration tool. This is used to specify
the type of physical server and for IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) the hardware fitted in
the system.
If you select No:
The new system is added to the network configuration but cannot be edited.
If you select Yes:
You are taken through the process of creating a basic offline configuration for the system. That
configuration is then editable in IP Office Manager as part of the IP Office Server Edition network
configuration. When the configuration is saved, a copy of it is saved on the IP Office Server Edition
Primary Server server.
i. The Offline Configuration Creation menu is displayed. Set the Locale and, if required, the
Extension Number Length.
ii. Click OK.
iii.The Avaya IP Office Initial Configuration menu is now displayed. Complete the settings and
click Save.
Additional Configuration Required
The addition of a secondary server or expansion system requires updates to the configuration of the one-X Portal for IP
Office in order to support that system. The details of how to add the provider entries required in the one-X Portal for IP
Office configuration refer to the one-X Portal for IP Office Administration Manual.
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IP Office Server Edition Mode: Using IP Office Server Edition Mode
3.9.8 Adding an Expansion System
The IP Office Server Edition Solution View can be used to add details of a new IP Office Server Edition Expansion System
(L) or IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) to the network configuration. This process automatically adds the
necessary H.323 IP trunks for connection to the new server into the configuration of the other servers already in the
Adding an Expansion System
1. In the IP Office Server Edition Solution View , select the Expansion System link on the right.
2. Enter the IP Address of the server and click OK. Alternatively, click on the browse icon to display the Select IP
Office menu to select a discovered system.
3. The next steps depend on whether a system is found at the address specified:
Physical System Found
The following process is applied if there is a server at the address specified.
a. The Initial Configuration menu is displayed, with the fields pre-filled with the current settings of the
b. Update the fields as required. For example, you can change the IP address settings.
c. Click Save.
d. The system is rebooted. Click OK.
e. The icon in the Description column will alternate between green and grey until the system reboot is
Physical System Not Found
The following process is applied in no server is found at the address specified. It allows the option of creating
an offline configuration for the new system that can be saved and applied to that system when it is connected
to the network.
a. IP Office Manager prompts whether you want to run the offline configuration tool. This is used to specify
the type of physical server and for IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) the hardware fitted in
the system.
If you select No:
The new system is added to the network configuration but cannot be edited.
If you select Yes:
You are taken through the process of creating a basic offline configuration for the system. That
configuration is then editable in IP Office Manager as part of the IP Office Server Edition network
configuration. When the configuration is saved, a copy of it is saved on the IP Office Server Edition
Primary Server server.
i. The Offline Configuration Creation menu is displayed. Set the Locale and, if required, the
Extension Number Length.
ii. In System Units, select either a IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) or IP Office
Server Edition Expansion System (V2).
iii.For a IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2), select the other hardware options to
match the components installed in the system. Click OK.
iv.The Avaya IP Office Initial Configuration menu is now displayed. Complete the settings and
click Save.
Additional Configuration Required
The addition of a secondary server or expansion system requires updates to the configuration of the one-X Portal for IP
Office in order to support that system. The details of how to add the provider entries required in the one-X Portal for IP
Office configuration refer to the one-X Portal for IP Office Administration Manual.
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3.9.9 Displaying the System Inventories
The method for displaying the system inventory depends on what is currently being displayed by IP Office Manager.
1. In the IP Office Server Edition Solution View , using the table at the bottom of the menu, click on the
server for which you want to display the system inventory. Click on Network for the inventory of the IP Office
Server Editionnetwork.
1. In the navigation pane , click on the icon of the server for which you want to display the system inventory.
Click on the Network icon for the inventory of the IP Office Server Edition network.
3.9.10 Removing an Expansion/Secondary Server
IP Office Manager can be used to remove a IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server, IP Office Server Edition Expansion
System (L) or IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) from the network. Doing this removes all configuration
records for the server from the network. It also removes details of any H.323 IP trunks to the removed system from the
configuration of other systems.
Removing an Expansion or IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
1. In the IP Office Server Edition Solution View , right-click on the server to be removed in the table at the
bottom of the menu.
2. Select Remove.
3. Select Yes to confirm the removal.
3.9.11 Synchronizing the Configurations
Normally during configuration of the IP Office Server Edition solution, records that are shared (Incoming Call Route, Time
Profile, Account Code and User Rights) are automatically synchronized with the configuration of the individual servers as
they are edited. However, when new servers are added to the network or systems have their configuration individually
edited, it is possible that some share records may become out of synch with the IP Office Server Edition Primary Server.
This process can be used to re-establish the correct shared records.
Synchronizing the Configurations
1. In the IP Office Server Edition Solution View , right-click on Solution.
2. Select Synchronize Configurations.
3. Select Yes to confirm the removal.
3.9.12 Displaying the Solution View
IP Office Manager normally starts with the IP Office Server Edition Solution View when the configuration for a IP Office
Server Edition network is loaded. However, there are a number of ways to return to the solution view at any time.
1. Click on the IP Office Server EditionSolution View icon in the toolbar.
1. Click on the Solution icon in the navigation pane.
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IP Office Server Edition Mode: Using IP Office Server Edition Mode
3.9.13 Starting Web Control
Web control is the term used for a set of web based administration menus used by Linux based servers. That includes the
IP Office Server Edition Primary Server, IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server and IP Office Server Edition Expansion
System (L) in a IP Office Server Edition solution. The menus provide functions such as stopping and starting individual
services being run by the server. The menus for the IP Office Server Edition Primary Server provide special network
functions such as backing up and upgrading the whole network.
Starting System On-Boarding
1. In the IP Office Server Edition Solution View , select the system for which you want to display its web
control menus. The option is not available for IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2).
2. Click on the Web Control link on the right-hand edge of the menu.
3. The PCs default web browser is started with the address to the system.
4. When the login menu is displayed, login using the same configuration name and password as used for IP Office
Manager configuration access.
3.9.14 On-boarding
On-boarding is a process used to register a system for support and to upload a settings file that configures an SSL VPN
connection that can then be used for remote support. The on-boarding process is done through a set of web browser
based configuration menus.
For full details on how to configure and administer SSL VPN services, refer to the Avaya IP Office SSL VPN
Solutions Guide.
Starting System On-Boarding
1. In the IP Office Server Edition Solution View , select the system for which you want to on-board.
2. Click on the On-boarding link on the right-hand edge of the menu.
3. The PCs default web browser is started with the address to the system.
4. From the menu that is displayed select IP Office Web Management.
5. When the login menu is displayed, login using the same configuration name and password as used for IP Office
Manager configuration access.
6. When logged in, select Tools and then On-boarding.
3.9.15 Shared Administration
When managing multiple systems, it may be useful to create a common user name and password on all the systems for
configuration access. This tool can be used to create a new service user account, SCN_Admin, for configuration access.
This process requires you to have a user name and password for security configuration access to each of the systems.
Managing a Common Configuration Administration Account
1. Select Tools | IP Office Server Edition Service User Management.
2. The Select IP Office menu displays the list of discovered systems.
3. Select the systems for which you want to create a common configuration account. Typically this should be all
systems. Click OK.
4. A user name and password for security configuration access to each system is requested. Enter the values and
click OK. If the same values can be used for all systems enter those values, select Use above credentials for all
remaining, selected IPOs. If each system requires a different security user names and password, deselect Use
above credentials for all remaining, selected IPOs.
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5. The systems will be listed and whether they already have an SCN_Admin account is shown.
6. To create the SCN_Admin account on each system and set the password for those account click on Create
Service User.
7. Enter the common password and click OK.
8. The password can be changed in future using the Change Password option.
9. Click Close.
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3.10 Default Settings
Most of the defaults for systems in a IP Office Server Edition solution match those of individual IP Office systems as
detailed in the Configuration Settings section. However, there are some some differences which are applied to .
Settings IP Office Server Edition
Primary Server
IP Office Server Edition
Secondary Server
Expansion System
System Time
Hidden. Time taken from
host server.
SNTP from the primary server.
Voicemail Voicemail Pro Centralized Voicemail to the primary server
Alarms Syslog relay all alarms to
the local host.
Syslog relay all alarms to the primary server.
IP Address Specified during initial configuration menu.
Lines Physical Auto-created
IP Lines H.323 line to the secondary
and each expansion system.
Backup to secondary.
H.323 line to the primary
and each expansion system.
Backup to primary.
H.323 line to the primary
and to the secondary if
No backup.
Extension Physical Auto-created but no base
extension setting.
IP None None None
User None None None
Hunt Group None Not allowed Not allowed
Incoming Call Route None Replicated from primary.
Directory Stored on the primary Configured to obtain system directory from the primary
User Rights None Replicated from primary.
ARS 50:Main Short code to secondary Short code to primary Short code to primary and
to secondary if present.
All auto-create extension and auto-create user settings for IP devices are set to off.
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3.11 IP500 V2 Conversion
When an IP500 V2 is added to a IP Office Server Edition solution as a IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2),
those parts of its configuration that do not match the default settings for an expansion system are overwritten.
Settings are only retained where they don't conflict with those default settings. Beyond that, the range of settings
retained depends on:
Whether the IP Office Manager Preferences option Consolidate Solution to Primary Settings is selected.
Whether Retain Configuration Data is selected in the Initial Configuration menu when the expansion system
is added.
Consolidate Solution to Primary On Off
Retain Configuration Data Off On
Off On
Lines Physical Yes Yes Yes Yes
IP Lines IP DECT only Yes IP DECT only Yes
Physical Yes Yes Yes Yes
IP Yes Yes Yes Yes
User Yes Yes
Hunt Group
Short Code
Dial, Dial
Yes Yes Yes Yes
Other features Yes Yes
Service Yes Yes Yes Yes
RAS Yes Yes Yes Yes
Incoming Call Route Yes Yes
WAN Port Yes Yes Yes Yes
Time Profile Yes
Firewall Profile Yes Yes Yes Yes
IP Route Yes Yes Yes Yes
Account Code Yes
Licence Yes Yes
Tunnel Yes Yes Yes Yes
User Rights Yes
Auto Attendant
ARS Yes Yes Yes Yes
1. This action retains more records than are actually visible in IP Office Manager due to the action of the Consolidate
Solution to Primary setting. When the configuration is next loaded, the extra records cause reconsolidation
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Security Mode
Chapter 4.
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4. Security Mode
These menus are used to edit the security settings of a system. They are not used for systems running in IP Office Basic
Edition - PARTNER Mode, IP Office Basic Edition - Norstar Mode or IP Office Basic Edition - Quick Mode.
The security settings are stored on the system and are separate from the system's configuration settings. To change a
system's security settings, IP Office Manager must first be switched to security mode by selecting File | Advanced |
Security Settings from the menu bar.
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Security Mode:
4.1 Security Settings
The following applies for Release 3.2 and higher. Access to system settings is controlled by Service Users and Rights
Groups. stored in the control unit's security settings. These are stored separately from the system's configuration
settings. All actions involving communications between IP Office Manager and the system require a service user name
and password. That service user must be a member of a Rights Group with permissions to perform the required action.
In the example illustrated above:
Service user X can read and write the configuration. However they can only edit Operator settings and can only
make changes that can be merged.
Service user Y can read and write the configuration, edit all settings and make changes that require reboots.
Service user Z can read and write the configuration, edit all settings and make changes that require reboots. They
can also access the security settings.
The Security Administrator can only access the security settings.
Security Administrators
By default the security administrator is the only user who can access the system's security settings using IP Office
Manager's security mode.
Service Users
Each service user has a name, a password and is a member of one or more Rights Groups.
Rights Groups
The Rights Groups to which a service user belongs determine what actions they can perform. Where a service user has
been configured as a member of more than one Rights Group, they combine the functions available to the separate
Rights Groups.
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4.2 Default Security Users
This section lists the default Rights Groups and Service Users.
WARNING: Change Passwords
These settings must be changed to make the system secure. At minimum you must change the default passwords of
the Security Administrator and the default service users. Failure to do so will render the system unsecure.
Unique Security Control Unit
Name security
Password securitypwd
Default Service Users
Name Password Role Rights Group Memberships
Administrator These are the default accounts used for system
configuration using the IP Office Manager application.
Administrator, Customer
Admin, System Status Group.
Manager Manager Customer Admin, Manager,
System Status.
Operator Operator Customer Admin, Operator,
System Status.
EnhTcpaPwd1 This account is used for one-X Portal for IP Office
connections to the system.
TCPA Group.
SCN_Admin This account is used for multiple system configuration
using the Small Community Network Management
Administrator Group, System
Status Group.
This account is used for DECT R4 system provisioning via
an IP DECT trunk .
This account is used for web based configuration services. SGMR Admin
secureuser secureuser Security Admin
Business Partner
service service Maintainer
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Security Mode: Default Security Users
Default Rights Groups
Rights Administrator
Description These groups are intended for users using the IP
Office Manager application to configure the
Service Rights Read Configuration
Write Configuration
Default Configuration
Reboot Immediately
Reboot When Free
Reboot at Time of Day
Operator Rights Operator View Administrator Manager Operator
Web Service
(Release 8.0+)
Security Read All
Security Write All
Security Write Own Password
Config Read All
Config Write All
Business Partner Role
Service Provider Role
Administrator Role
End User Role
Rights System Status
Description This group is
intended for
users using the
System Status
Note that
System Status
Access is also
used by the IP
Office Customer
Call Reporter
This group is
used by the
one-X Portal for
IP Office
This group is
used for IP
System Status
(Release 4.0+)
System Status Access
Read all configuration
System Control
(Release 6.0+)
Enhanced TSPI
(Release 5.0+)
Enhanced TSPI Access
(Release 7.0+)
DECT R4 Provisioning
Web Service
(Release 8.0+)
Security Read All
Security Write All
Security Write Own Password
Config Read All
Config Write All
Business Partner Role
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Service Provider Role
Administrator Role
End User Role
Rights SMGR
r Admin
Description These groups are intended for users using web services to configure and manager the system.
Read All
Write All
Read All
Write All
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Security Mode: Default Security Users
4.3 The Security Mode Interface
IP Office Manager can be switched to security mode. This mode it is used to load and edit the security settings of a
system. How the controls operate is similar to IP Office Manager in configuration mode.
Switching IP Office Manager to Security Mode
1. Select File | Advanced | Security Settings.
Switching IP Office Manager Back to Configuration Mode
1. Select File | Configuration.
IP Office Manager Security Mode Screen Elements
Menu Bar
Provides commands for loading and saving security settings. See the Menu Bar Commands section.
Main Toolbar
The toolbar icons perform the following actions:
Get the Security Settings.
Save the Security Settings.
Not Used in security mode.
Show/Hide the Navigation Pane.
Show/Hide the Group Pane.
Not used in security mode.
Not used in security mode.
Security Settings Pane
This pane is used to select the type of security records that should be displayed in the group pane or details pane.
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Defines general security controls for the system. When selected, the settings are displayed in the details pane.
Defines security settings for the system such as application access. When selected, the settings are displayed in the
details pane.
Secure services supported by the system. Currently these are access to security settings and access to configuration
Rights Groups
Create groups with different access rights. When selected, the existing Rights Groups are displayed in the group
Service Users
Sets the name and password for an administrator. Also allows selection of the Rights Groups to which the user
belongs. When selected, the existing service users are displayed in the group pane.
Group Pane
This pane is used to display the existing Right Groups or Service Users when those options are selected in the security
settings pane.
Details Pane
This pane shows the settings selected in the security settings pane or the group pane.
Status Bar
This bar display messages about communications between IP Office Manager and systems. It also displays the security
level of the communications by the use of a padlock icon.
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Security Mode: The Security Mode Interface
4.4 Security Administration
Release 4.1 added support for the use of certificates if required. This section also covers a basic introduction to security
principles and the security mechanisms.
NOTE: If administration security is of no concern, the default settings allow modification of all system features
without restriction. It is recommended as a minimum that default passwords are changed.
1. Introduction
Administration security is achieved using a number of optional cryptographic elements:
Access control to prevent unauthorized use.Supported in version 3.2+.
Encryption to guarantee data remains private. Supported in version 4.1+.
Message Authentication ensures data has not been tampered with. Supported in version 4.1+.
Identity assures the source of the data. Supported in version 4.1+.
2. Access Control
Access to configuration, security settings and SSA is controlled by the use of service users, passwords and Rights Groups.
All actions involving communications between the IP Office Manager user and the system require a service user name
and password. That service user must be a member of a Rights Group configured to perform the required action.
In the example illustrated above:
Service user X can read and write the configuration. However they can only edit Operator settings and can only
make changes that can be merged.
Service user Y can read and write the configuration, edit all settings and make changes that require reboots.
Service user Z can read and write the configuration, edit all settings and make changes that require reboots. They
can also access the security settings.
The Security Administrator can only access the security settings.
Security Administrator
By default the security administrator is the only user who can access the system's security settings using IP Office
Manager's security mode.
Service Users
Each service user has a name, a password and is a member of one or more Rights Groups.
Rights Groups
The Rights Groups to which a service user belongs determine what actions they can perform. Actions available to Rights
Groups include configuration actions, security actions and system status actions.
Where a service user has been configured as a member of more than one Rights Group, they combine the functions
available to the separate Rights Groups.
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3. Encryption
Encryption ensures that all data sent by either the system or IP Office Manager cannot be read by anyone else, even
another copy of IP Office Manager. Encryption is the application of a complex mathematical process at the originating
end, and a reverse process at the receiving end. The process at each end uses the same key to encrypt and decrypt the
Any data sent may be optionally encrypted using a number of well known and cryptographically secure algorithms:
Algorithm Effective key size (bits) Use
DES-40 40 Not recommended.
DES-56 56 Minimal security.
3DES 112 Strong security.
RC4-128 128 Strong security.
AES-128 128 Very strong security.
AES-256 256 Very strong security.
In general the larger the key size, the more secure the encryption. However smaller key sizes usually incur less
processing. The system supports encryption using the Transport Layer Security (TLS) v1.0 protocol. In addition, many
cryptographic components of the TLS module have been FIPS 140-2 certified, indicating the accuracy of implementation.
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Security Mode: Security Administration
4. Message Authentication
Message authentication ensures that all data sent by either the system or IP Office Manager cannot be tempered with (or
substituted) by anyone else without detection. This involves the originator of the data producing a signature (termed a
hash) of the data sent, and sending that as well. The receiver gets the data and the signature and check both match.
Any data sent may be optionally authenticated using a number of well known and cryptographically secure algorithms:
Algorithm Effective hash size (bits) Use
MD5 128 Minimal security.
SHA-1 160 Strong security.
In general the larger the hash size, the more secure the signature. However smaller hash sizes usually incur less
IP Office supports message authentication using the Transport Layer Security (TLS) v1.0 protocol. In addition, many
cryptographic components of the TLS module have been FIPS 140-2 certified, indicating the accuracy of implementation.
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5. Identity
The identity of the equipment or person at each end of the link is achieved by the used of digital certificates more
specifically X.509 v3 certificates. Digital certificates are the preferred mechanism for the majority of internet-based
applications including e-commerce and email, and can be thought of as a credential, just like a passport or drivers
A digital certificate contains at least three things:
A public key.
Certificate information (Identity information about the user, such as name, user ID, and so on.)
One or more digital signatures
The purpose of the digital signature on a certificate is to state that the certificate information has been verified to by
some other person or entity. The digital signature does not verify authenticity of the certificate as a whole; it vouches
only that the signed identity information goes along with, or is bound to, the public key: A certificate essentially is a
public key with one or two forms of ID attached, plus a stamp of approval from some other trusted individual.
Trusted individuals (also termed Certificate Authorities) themselves have publicly available certificates, which can contain
signatures from their trusted authorities. These can be verified all the way up to a self-signed root certificate from a root
certificate authority.
Examples of root certificate authorities certificates can be found in every web browsers certificate store.
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Security Mode: Security Administration
6. Windows Certificate Store Usability
The certificate store that is used by the IP Office Manager to save X509 certificates to and retrieve certificates from is the
default one provided by the Windows operating system. This may be accessed for maintenance purposes by a user with
sufficient permission via the use of a snap-in.
Avaya accept no responsibility for changes made by users to the Windows operating system. Users are responsible
for ensure that they have read all relevant documentation and are sufficiently trained for the task being
If not installed already, the Microsoft Management Console (MMC) Certificates snap-in can be installed by following the
relevant instructions. Both user account and computer options should be installed.
For Windows XP Professional:
For Windows Server 2003:
For Windows Vista:
7. Windows Certificate Store Organization
By default, certificates are stored in the following structure:
Each of the sub folders has differing usage. The Certificates - Current User area changes with the currently logged-in
windows user. The Certificate(Local Computer) area does not change with the currently logged-in windows user.
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IP Office Manager only accesses some of the certificate sub folder:
Certificates (Local
Computer) Folder
IP Office Manager Use
Personal | Certificates Folder searched by IP Office Manager 1st for matching certificate to send to the system
when requested. Certificate matched by the subject name contained in File |
Preferences | Security | Certificate offered to the system.
Folder accessed whenever Local Machine certificate store used for Security
Folder searched by IP Office Manager for matching certificate when certificate received
from the system, and File | Preferences | Security | Manager Certificate Checks
= Medium or High.
Trusted Root Certification
Authorities | Certificates
Folder searched by IP Office Manager for matching parent certificates when non-self
signed certificate received from the system, and File | Preferences | Security |
Manager Certificate Checks = Medium or High.
Certificates Current User
IP Office Manager Use
Personal | Certificates Folder searched by IP Office Manager 2nd for matching certificate (subject name) to
send to the system when requested. Certificate matched by the subject name
contained in File | Preferences | Security | Certificate offered to the system.
Folder accessed whenever Current User certificate store used for Security Settings.
Folder searched by IP Office Manager for matching certificate when certificate received
from IP Office, and File | Preferences | Security | Manager Certificate Checks =
Medium or High.
Trusted Root Certification
Authorities | Certificates
Folder searched by IP Office Manager for matching parent certificates when non-self
signed certificate received from the system, and File | Preferences | Security |
Manager Certificate Checks = Medium or High.
Other People | Certificates Folder searched by IP Office Manager for matching parent certificates when non-self
signed certificate received from the system, and File | Preferences | Security |
Manager Certificate Checks = Medium or High.
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Security Mode: Security Administration
8. Windows Certificate Store Import
In order to use certificates either for security settings or IP Office Manager operation they must be present in the
windows certificate store. Certificates may be placed in the store by the Certificate Import Wizard or the Certificate MMC
The Certificate Import Wizard can be used whenever a certificate is viewed. In order for IP Office Manager to
subsequently access this certificate the Place all certificate in the following store option must be selected:
If the certificate is to subsequently identify the system, the Other People folder should be used.
If the certificate is to subsequently identify the IP Office Manager, the Personal folder should be used, and the
associated private key saved as well.
If the saved certificate is to be used by other windows users, the MMC certificate snap-in must be used to move it to the
Certificates (Local Computer) folder.
9. Certificate Store Export
Any certificate required outside of the IP Office Manager PC required to be first saved in the Certificate store, then
exported using the MMC snap-in.
If the certificate is to be used for identity checking (i.e. to check the far entity of a link) the certificate alone is sufficient,
and should be saved in PEM or DER format.
If the certificate is to be used for identification (i.e. to identify the near end of a link) the certificate and private key is
required, and should be saved in PKCS#12 format, along with a password to access the resultant .pfx file.
10. Implementing Administration Security
This section suggests system security settings that could implement possible security requirements. This section does not
cover the general aspects of security policy analysis or definition, or how the system administration security interacts
with other security mechanism.
10.1. Negligible Security
If all IP Office Manager and system security settings are left at default, no security mechanisms are active, other than the
use of default service user names and passwords. In addition, all legacy interfaces are active, and all configuration and
security data is sent unencrypted.
It is recommended that at the very least, the default service user passwords are changed.
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10.2. Minimum Security
A minimum security scenario could be where configuration data is open, but the security settings are constrained: Any
individual with the correct service user name and password can access the configuration from any PC installation of IP
Office Manager, no logging of access: Passwords can be simple, and will never age.
Change all default passwords of all service users and Security Administrator
Set the system Security Administration service security level to Secure, Low.
Set the system service user Password Reject Action to None.
Set the system Client Certificate Checks level to None (default).
Set the system Minimum Password Complexity to Low (default).
Set the system Previous Password Limit to zero (default).
Set the system Password Change Period to zero (default).
Set the system Account Idle Time to zero (default).
Set certificate check level to low in IP Office Manager Security Preferences (default).
In addition, any PC installation of IP Office Manager can manage any IP Office.
10.3. Medium Security
A medium security scenario could be where both configuration and security settings are constrained and a level of
logging is required: Any individual with the correct service user name and password can access the configuration from
any PC installation of IP Office Manager: Passwords cannot be simple, and will age.
Change all default passwords of all service users and Security Administrator
Set the system Security Administration service security level to Secure, Medium.
Set the system Configuration service security level to Secure, Medium.
Set the system service user Password Reject Action to Log to Audit Trail (default).
Set the system Client Certificate Checks level to None (default).
Set the system Minimum Password Complexity to Medium.
Set the system Previous Password Limit to non zero.
Set the system Password Change Period to non zero.
Set the system Account Idle Time to zero (default).
Disable all the system Unsecured Interfaces.
Set certificate check level to low in IP Office Manager Security Preferences (default).
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Security Mode: Security Administration
10.4. Maximum Security
A maximum security scenario could be where both configuration and security settings are constrained and a full level of
logging is required: Certified individuals with the correct service user name and password can access the configuration
from specific PC installations of IP Office Manager: Passwords cannot be simple, and will age: IP Office Manager can
managed specific systems.
Change all default passwords of all service users and Security Administrator
Set the system Security Administration service security level to Secure, High.
Set the system Configuration service security level to Secure, High.
Set the system service user Password Reject Action to Log and Disable Account.
Set the system Client Certificate Checks level to High.
Set the system Minimum Password Complexity to High.
Set the system Minimum Password Length to >8.
Set the system Previous Password Limit to non zero (>5).
Set the system Password Change Period to non zero.
Set the system Account Idle Time to non zero.
Set the system Session ID Cache to zero.
Install valid, 1024 bits+, non self signed certificates (+private key) in all IP Office server certificates, derived from
a trusted certificate authority.
Install the corresponding trusted CA certificate in each of the IP Office Managers windows certificate stores.
Install valid, 1024 bits+, non self signed certificate (+ private key) in all IP Office Manager Certificate Stores.
Install the corresponding certificates in all the system Certificate Stores of all permissible IP Office Manager
entities, and the trusted CA certificate.
Disable all the system Unsecured Interfaces.
Set IP Office Manager Certificate Checks level to high in IP Office Manager Security Preferences.
Set Certificate offered to the system in IP Office Manager Security Preferences.
The above essentially locks the systems and corresponding IP Office Managers together. Only recognized (by strong
certificate) entities may communicate successfully on the service interfaces. All services use strong encryption and
message authentication.
The use of intermediate CA certificates can be used to overcome the limit of 6 maximum certificates in each system
Certificate Store.
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4.5 Editing Security Settings
Security settings can only be loaded directly from a system. These settings cannot be saved as a file on the local PC, nor
do they appear as a temporary file at any time.
For Release 4.1 and higher, you can optionally secure the link between the system and IP Office Manager for
configuration and security settings exchanges. By default IP Office Manager and the system will always attempt to use
the original, unsecured link.
When secure communications mode is selected a padlock icon is present on the IP Office Manager status bar.
Loading Security Settings
The address ranges in which IP Office Manager searches for systems are set through the IP Office Manager preferences (
File | Preferences | Discovery ). The security mechanism used for security settings transfer between IP Office
Manager and a system are set through the Secure Communications attribute of IP Office Manager preferences (File |
Preferences | Security).
1. If not already done, switch IP Office Manager to security mode by selecting File | Advanced | Security Settings.
Note: If the system's configuration settings have already been loaded using a service user name and
Password that also has security access, then the security settings are automatically loaded when IP Office
Manager is switched to security mode.
2. If already in security mode, click in the main toolbar or select File | Open Security Settings from the menu
3. The Select IP Office window appears, listing those systems that responded. The list can be sorted by clicking on
the column names.
4. If the system required was not found, the address used for the search can be changed. Enter or select the
required address in the Unit/Broadcast Address field and then click Refresh to perform a new search.
5. When the system required is located, check the box next to the system and click OK.
6. The user name and password request for the system is then displayed. Enter the required details and click OK. By
default this is a different user name and password from those that can be used for configuration access.
7. If the security settings are received successfully, they appear within IP Office Manager.
If the service user name/password is incorrect, or the service user has insufficient rights to read the security
settings, "Access Denied" is displayed.
If the network link fails, or the secure communication mode is incorrect (for example IP Office Manager is set
to unsecured, but the system is set to secure only), "Failed to communicate with IP Office" is displayed.
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Security Mode: Editing Security Settings
Editing Security Settings
Editing security settings differ from editing configuration settings in a number of ways:
1. Editing of security settings may only be done online to a system. No offline saving or editing is allowed for security
2. No errors in the security settings are allowed to persist. This prevents the system becoming inaccessible through
operator error.
3. Sets of changes to security objects may be made without the need for the OK button to be selected every time.
This allows a coordinated set of changes to be accepted or canceled by the operator.
Saving Security Settings
1. Click in the Main Toolbar or select File | Save Security Settings from the menu bar. These options are only
available when some change has been made.
2. The user name and password request for the system is then displayed. Enter the required details and click OK. By
default this is a different user name and password from those that can be used for configuration access.
Resetting a System's Security Settings (Release 4.1+)
1. Select File | Reset Security Settings (if in security mode), or File | Advanced | Erase Security Settings (if in
configuration mode).
2. The Select IP Office window appears, listing those systems that responded. The list can be sorted by clicking on
the column names.
3. When the system required is located, check the box next to the system and click OK.
4. The user name and password request for the system is then displayed. Enter the required details and click OK. By
default this is a different user name and password from those that can be used for configuration access.
5. IP Office Manager will indicate if the security settings are reset successfully.
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4.5.1 General Settings
These settings are displayed when General is selected in the navigation pane.
Security Administrator
The security administrator is a special service user who does not belong to any Rights Groups. The security
administrator is able to access the system's security settings but cannot access its configuration settings. By default
they are the only service user able to access to the security settings.
Unique Security Administrator: Default = Off
When selected, only the Security Administrator is able to access the system's security settings. When this is
selected, the security options for Rights Groups are disabled. When not selected, the ability to access security
settings can also be assigned to Rights Groups.
Name: Default = 'security'. Range = 6 to 31 characters.
The name for the Security Administrator.
Password: Default = 'securitypwd'. Range = 6 to 31 characters.
The password for the Security Administrator. In order to change the Security Administrator password, the current
password must be known.
Minimum Password Complexity: Default = Low. Release 4.1+.
The password complexity requirements for the Security Administrator. This setting is active for attempted password
changes on both Security Manager and the system.
Any password characters may be used without constraint.
The password characters used must include characters from at least 2 of the 'code point sets' listed below. For
example a mix of lower case and upper case. In addition, there should not be any adjacent repeated characters of
any type.
1. Lower case alphabetic characters.
2. Upper case alphabetical character.
3. Numeric characters.
4. Non-alphanumeric characters, for example # or *.
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Security Mode: Editing Security Settings
The password characters used must include characters from at least 3 of the 'code point sets' listed above. For
example a mix of lower case, upper case and numbers. In addition, there should not be any adjacent repeated
characters of any type.
Previous Password Limit (Entries): Default = 0. Range = 0 (Off) to 10 records. Release 4.1+.
The number of previous password to check for duplicates against when changing the password. When set to 0, no
checking of previous passwords takes place. This setting is active for attempted password changes on both Security
Manager and the system.
Service User Details
These settings control service user names and password/account policies.
Minimum Name Length: Default = 6, Range 1 to 31 characters.
This field sets the minimum name length for service user names.
Minimum Password Length: Default = 6, Range 1 to 31 characters.
This field sets the minimum password length for service user passwords.
Password Reject Limit: Default = 3, Range 0 to 255 failures.
Sets how many times an invalid name or password is allowed within a 10 minute period before the Password Reject
Action is performed. Selecting 0 indicates never perform the Password Reject Action.
Password Reject Action: Default = Log to Audit Trail
The action performed when a user reaches the Password Reject Limit. Current options are:
No Action
Log to Audit Trail
Log to Audit Trail creates a record indicating the service user account name and time of last failure.
Log and Disable Account: Release 4.1+.
Log and Disable Account creates an audit trail record and additionally permanently disables the service user
account. This account may only be enabled using the Security Manager Service User settings.
Log and Temporary Disable: Release 4.1+.
Log and Temporary Disable creates an audit trail record and additionally temporarily disables the service user
account for 10 minutes. This account may additionally be enabled using the Security Manager Service User
Minimum Password Complexity: Default = Low. Release 4.1+.
The password complexity requirements for all service users. This setting is active for attempted password changes
on both Security Manager and the system.
Any password characters may be used without constraint.
The password characters used must cover two 'code point sets'. For example lower case and upper case. In
addition, Medium and High do not allow more than 2 repeated characters of any type.
The password characters used must cover three 'code point sets'. For example lower case plus upper case and
Password Change Period: Default = 0 (Off), Range 0 to 999 days. Release 4.1+.
Sets how many days a newly changed password is valid. Selecting 0 indicates any password is valid forever. This
setting is active for password changes through this form or prompted by IP Office Manager. Note that the user must
be a member of a Rights Group that has the Security Administration option Write own service user
password enabled. If this timer expires, the service user account is locked. The account may only be re-enabled
using the Service User Settings . To prompt the user a number of days before the account is locked set a Expiry
Reminder Time (see below).
Whenever this setting is changed and the OK button is clicked, the Security Manager recalculates all existing
service user password timers.
Account Idle Time: Default = 0 (Off), Range 0 to 999 days. Release 4.1+.
Sets how many days a service user account may be inactive before it becomes disabled. Selecting 0 indicates an
account may be idle forever. If this timer expires, the service user account is permanently disabled. The account
may only be re-enabled using the Service User Settings . The idle timer is reset whenever a service user
successfully logs in.
Whenever this setting is changed and the OK button is clicked, the Security Manager recalculates all existing
service user idle timers.
Expiry Reminder Time: Default = 28, Range 0 (Off) to 999 days. Release 4.1+.
Sets the period before password or account expiry during which a reminder indication if the service user logs in.
Selecting 0 prevents any reminders. Reminders are sent, for password expiry due to the Password Change Period
(above) or due to the Account Expiry date (see Service User setting) whichever is the sooner. Currently IP
Office Manager displays reminders but System Status does not.
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4.5.2 System System Details
This tab is accessible when System is selected in the navigation pane.
Base Configuration
Services Base TCP Port: Default = 50804. Range = 49152 to 65526.
This is the base TCP port for services provided by the system. It sets the ports on which the system listens for
requests to access those services, using its LAN1 IP address. Each service uses a port offset from the base port
value. If this value is changed from its default, the IP Office Manager application must be set to the same Base TCP
Port through its Services Base TCP Port setting (File | Preferences ).
Service Method Port Used Default
Configuration This service is used for access to control
unit configuration settings by the IP Office
Manager application. If set to a mode other
than secure, the IP Office Manager's
Security preferences also need to
changed to match.
(Release 3.2+)
Base TCP
50804 Unsecure
(Release 4.1+)
" plus 1. 50805
System Status
This service is used by connections to the
System Status Application and the IP Office
Customer Call Reporter applications.
(Release 4.0+)
" plus 4. 50808 Unsecure
This service is used for access to control
unit security settings by the IP Office
Manager applications.
(Release 3.2+)
" plus 8. 50812 Unsecure
(Release 4.1+)
" plus 9. 50813
Enhanced TSPI This service is used by connections to the
one-X Portal for IP Office application.
(Release 5.0+)
" plus 10. 50814 Unsecure
Web Services This service is used for access to control
unit configuration settings by web
(Release 8.0+)
" plus 14. 50818 Unsecure
(Release 8.0+)
" plus 15. 50819
HTTP The HTTP service affects all HTTP
connections provided by the system.
Changing its setting will affect applications
other than just the DECT R4. The default
Service Security Level is Secure +
(Release 7.0+)
80 Unsecure
(Release 7.0+)
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Security Mode: Editing Security Settings
Service Method Port Used Default
Unsecure, meaning both http and https
can be used.
Unsecure = HTTP port 80 available.
This is used for phone files, embedded
file manager, system file upgrade, one-X
Portal directory services, DECT R4
provisioning, IPO softphone
Secure = HTTPS port 443 available.
This can be used for DECT R4
provisioning, IPO softphone
When changing the base port, exercise caution that the selected port and those offset from it do not conflict with
any ports already in use by other applications.
Maximum Service Users: Default = 64.
This is a fixed value for indication purposes only. This value is the maximum number of service users that can be
stored in a system's security settings.
Maximum Rights Groups: Default = 32.
This is a fixed value for indication purposes only. This value is the maximum number of Rights Groups that can be
stored in a system's security settings.
System Discovery
System discovery is the processes used by applications to locate and list available systems. The IP Office can be
disabled from responding to this process if required. If this is done, access to the IP Office requires its specific IP
address to be used.
TCP Discovery Active: Default = On. Release 5.2+.
Selecting TCP Discovery Active allows the system to respond to those requests.
UDP Discovery Active: Default = On.
Selecting UDP Discovery Active allows the system to respond to those requests.
Security: Release 4.1+.
These settings cover the per-system security aspects, primarily TLS settings.
Session ID Cache: Default = 10 hours, Range 0 to 100 hours.
This sets how long a TLS session ID is retained by the system. If retained, the session ID may be used to quickly
restart TLS communications between the system and a re-connecting application. When set to 0, no caching takes
place and each TLS connection must be renegotiated.
HTTP Challenge Timeout (Seconds): Default = 10. Release 7.0+.
For HTTP/HTTPS connection attempts, this field sets the timeout for connection validation responses.
RFC2617 Session Cache (Minutes): Default = 10. Release 7.0+.
For HTTP/HTTPS sessions, this field sets the allowed duration for successful logins as per RFC2617.
Allow HTTPS: Default = Off. Release 6.0-6.1.
Allow HTTPS connection to the system for applications such as the IP Office Softphone. For Release 7.0+, this
setting is part of the HTTP service .
Server Certificate
For IP Office Manager 10.0 and higher, security certificate settings have been moved to the separate Certificate
HTTP Ports: Release 8.0+.
HTTP Port: Default = 80.
HTTPS Port: Default = 443.
Web Services Port: Default =8443.
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This tab is accessible when System is selected in the navigation pane. These features relate to applications that
access the system configuration settings using older security methods.
System Password: Default = 'password'. Range = 0 to 31 characters.
This password is required by some legacy applications such as Monitor and Call Status. It is also used for control unit
software upgrades.
VM Pro Password: Default = Blank. Range = 0 to 31 characters.
This password is required if a matching password is also set through the Voicemail Pro client application. Typically no
password is set.
Monitor Password: Default = Blank. Range = 0 to 31 characters.
This password, if set, is used by the System Monitor application. If this password is not set, those applications use the
system password. If changing this password with no previous password set, enter the system password as the old
Applications Controls: Default = All selected except TFTP Configuration Write.
These check boxes control which actions the system will support for legacy applications. Different combinations are
used by the different applications. A summary of the applications affected by changes is listed in the Application
Support list.
TFTP Configuration Read: Default = On.
TFTP Configuration Write: Default = Off.
Voicemail: Default = On.
EConf: Default = On.
Program Code: Default = On.
Real Time Interface: Default = On.
If disabled, IP Office Delta Server and related applications cannot change the status of agents.
TAPI: Default = On.
HTTP Directory Read: Default = On.. Release 5.0+.
Allow the system's current directory records to be accessed using HTTP.
HTTP Directory Write: Default = On. Release 5.0+.
Allow HTTP import to be used to place temporary directory records into the directory.
Application Support
This panel is shown for information only. It indicates the effect on various applications of the Application Controls
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Security Mode: Editing Security Settings Certificates
Services between the system and applications may, depending on the settings of the service being used for the
connection, require the exchange of security certificates. The system can either generate its own certificate or certificates
provided from a trusted source can be loaded.
The process of 'on-boarding' (refer to the IP Office Installation manual and the IP Office SSL VPN Solutions
Guide) automatically adds a certificate for the SSL VPN to the system's security settings when the on-boarding
file is uploaded to the system. Care should be taken not to delete such certificates except when advised to by
Identity Certificate: Default = None.
The Identity Certificate is an X.509v3 certificate that identifies the system to a connecting client device (usually a PC
running a application). This certificate is offered in the TLS exchange when the system is acting as a TLS server, which
occurs when accessing a secured service. By default the system's own self-generated certificate is used (see notes
below), but Set can be used to replace this with another certificate.
The certificate may be generated by the system itself, and can take up to 5 minutes to generate. This occurs
when any of the Service Security Level is set to a value other than Unsecure Only. During this time, normal
system operation is suspended.
Set the current certificate and associated private key. The certificate and key must be a matching pair. The
source may be:
Current User Certificate Store.
Local Machine Certificate Store.
File in PKCS#12 (.pfx), DER (.cer), or password protected DER (.cer) format.
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Pasted from clipboard in PEM format, including header and footer text.
View the current certificate. The certificate (not the private key) may also be installed into the local PC
certificate store for export or later use when running the manager in secured mode.
Delete the current certificate. When sent to the system, the system will generate a new certificate when next
required. This can take up to 5 minutes to generate. During this time, normal system operation is suspended.
Offer Certificate: Default = On.
This is a fixed value for indication purposes only. This sets whether the system will offer a certificate in the TLS
exchange when the IP Office is acting as a TLS server, which occurs when accessing a secured service.
Private Key: Default = None.
This is a fixed value for indication purposes only. This indicate whether the system has a private key associated with
the certificate.
Device Certificate Name: Default = None. Release 8.0+.
Received Certificate Checks (Management Interface): Default = None.
This setting is used configuration administration connections to the system by applications such as IP Office Manager.
When the Service Security Level of the service being used is set to High, a certificate is requested by the
system. The received certificate is tested as follows:
None: No extra checks are made (The certificate must be in date).
Low: Certificate minimum key size 512 bits, in date.
Medium: Certificate minimum key size 1024 bits, in date, match to store, no reflected.
High: Certificate minimum key size 1024 bits, in date, match to store, no self signed, no reflected.
Received Certificate Checks (Telephony Endpoints): Default = None.
This setting is used with IP telephony endpoints connecting to the system.
None: No extra checks are made (The certificate must be in date).
Low: Certificate minimum key size 512 bits, in date.
Medium: Certificate minimum key size 1024 bits, in date, match to store, no reflected.
High: Certificate minimum key size 1024 bits, in date, match to store, no self signed, no reflected.
Trusted Certificate Store: Default = Empty.
The certificate store contains a set of trusted certificates used to evaluate received client certificates. Up to 25 X.509v3
certificates may be installed. The source may be:
Current User Certificate Store.
Local Machine Certificate Store.
File in PKCS#12 (.pfx), DER (.cer), or password protected DER (.cer) format.
Pasted from clipboard in PEM format, including header and footer text.
Sets the current Server Certificate and associated private key. The certificate and key must be a matching
pair. The source may be:
Current User Certificate Store.
Local Machine Certificate Store.
File in PKCS#12 (.pfx), DER (.cer), or password protected DER (.cer) format.
Pasted from clipboard in PEM format, including header and footer text.
View the current selected certificate. The certificate (not the private key) may also be installed into the local
PC certificate store for export or later use when running the manager in secured mode.
Delete the current selected certificate. Any services currently using the certificate are disconnected and
disabled until the appropriate certificate is added back into the security configuration. That includes SSL VPN
connections being used to perform system maintenance.
SCEP Settings: Release 8.0+.
The Simple Certificate Enrollment Protocol is a protocol intended to ease the issuing of certificates in a network where
numerous devices are using certificates. Rather than having to individually administer the certificate being used by
each device, the devices can be configured to request a certificate using SCEP. These settings are not used in IP Office
Essential Edition, IP Office Preferred Edition or IP Office Advanced Edition mode.
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Security Mode: Editing Security Settings
Activity: Default = Off.
Request Interval: Default = 120 seconds. Range = 5 to 3600 seconds.
SCEP Server IP/Name: Default = Blank.
SCEP Server Port: Default = 80 for HTTP and 443 for HTTPS.
SCEP URI: Default = /ejbca/publicweb/apply/scep/pkiclient.exe
SCEP Domain Cert Name: Default = Blank.
SCEP Password: Default = Blank.
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4.5.3 Services Settings
This tab is accessible when Service is selected in the navigation pane. It shows details of the services that the
system runs to which service users can communicate.
The name of the service. This is a fixed value for indication purposes only.
Host System
This field shows the system's name. This is a fixed value for indication purposes only.
Service Port
This is the port on which the system listens for attempts to access the service. The routing of traffic to this port may
need to be enabled on firewalls and network devices between the service users and the system. The base port (TCP or
HTTP) for each service is offset by a fixed amount from the ports set in System Settings.
Service Method Port Used Default
Configuration This service is used for access to control
unit configuration settings by the IP Office
Manager application. If set to a mode other
than secure, the IP Office Manager's
Security preferences also need to
changed to match.
(Release 3.2+)
Base TCP
50804 Unsecure
(Release 4.1+)
" plus 1. 50805
System Status
This service is used by connections to the
System Status Application and the IP Office
Customer Call Reporter applications.
(Release 4.0+)
" plus 4. 50808 Unsecure
This service is used for access to control
unit security settings by the IP Office
Manager applications.
(Release 3.2+)
" plus 8. 50812 Unsecure
(Release 4.1+)
" plus 9. 50813
Enhanced TSPI This service is used by connections to the
one-X Portal for IP Office application.
(Release 5.0+)
" plus 10. 50814 Unsecure
Web Services This service is used for access to control
unit configuration settings by web
(Release 8.0+)
" plus 14. 50818 Unsecure
(Release 8.0+)
" plus 15. 50819
HTTP The HTTP service affects all HTTP
connections provided by the system.
Changing its setting will affect applications
other than just the DECT R4. The default
Service Security Level is Secure +
Unsecure, meaning both http and https
can be used.
Unsecure = HTTP port 80 available.
This is used for phone files, embedded
file manager, system file upgrade, one-X
Portal directory services, DECT R4
provisioning, IPO softphone
Secure = HTTPS port 443 available.
This can be used for DECT R4
provisioning, IPO softphone
(Release 7.0+)
80 Unsecure
(Release 7.0+)
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Security Mode: Editing Security Settings
Service Security Level: Default = Unsecure Only. Release 4.1+.
Sets the minimum security level the service will support. See File | Preferences | Security for the corresponding
IP Office Manager application setting, which must be changed to match the appropriate service access security
If the system does not already have an X509 security certificate, selecting a setting other than Unsecure
Only will cause the system to stop responding for a period (less than a minute) while the system generates
its own unique security certificate.
Unsecure Only
This option allows only unsecured access to the service. The service's secure TCP port, if any, is disabled. This or
disabled are the only options supported for the System Status Interface and Enhanced TSPI services.
Unsecure + Secure
This option allows both unsecured and secure (Low) access. In addition, TLS connections are accepted without
encryption, just authentication.
Secure, Low
This option allows secure access to that service using TLS, and demands weak (for example DES_40 + MD5)
encryption and authentication or higher. The service's unsecured TCP port is disabled.
Secure, Medium
This option allows secure access to that service using TLS, and demands moderate (for example DES_56 + SHA-1)
encryption and authentication or higher. The service's unsecured TCP port is disabled.
Secure, High
This option allows secure access to that service using TLS and demands strong (for example 3DES + SHA-1)
encryption and authentication, or higher. In addition, a certificate is required from the client (usually IP Office
Manager). See System Details | Client Certificate Checks for tests made on the received certificate. The service's
unsecured TCP port is disabled.
This option is available for the System Status Interface and Enhanced TSPI services. If selected, access to the
service is disabled.
Service Access Source
For IP Office Server Edition systems, it is defaulted to Business Edition Manager. When set to Business Edition
Manager, the system can only be configured using IP Office Manager in its IP Office Server Edition mode. When set to
Unrestricted, the system can be configure using IP Office Manager in its normal Simplified View or Advanced View
Opening the configuration of a IP Office Server Edition system in IP Office Manager running in any mode other
than IP Office Server Edition mode should be avoided unless absolutely necessary for system recovery. Even in
that case, IP Office Manager will not allow renumbering, changes to the voicemail type and changes to H.323
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4.5.4 Rights Groups
The Rights Groups to which a service user belongs define what the service user is able to do after that login to the
system. The maximum number of rights groups that can be created is 32.
Rights Administrator
Description These groups are intended for users using the IP
Office Manager application to configure the
Service Rights Read Configuration
Write Configuration
Default Configuration
Reboot Immediately
Reboot When Free
Reboot at Time of Day
Operator Rights Operator View Administrator Manager Operator
Web Service
(Release 8.0+)
Security Read All
Security Write All
Security Write Own Password
Config Read All
Config Write All
Business Partner Role
Service Provider Role
Administrator Role
End User Role
Rights System Status
Description This group is
intended for
users using the
System Status
Note that
System Status
Access is also
used by the IP
Office Customer
Call Reporter
This group is
used by the
one-X Portal for
IP Office
This group is
used for IP
System Status
(Release 4.0+)
System Status Access
Read all configuration
System Control
(Release 6.0+)
Enhanced TSPI
(Release 5.0+)
Enhanced TSPI Access
(Release 7.0+)
DECT R4 Provisioning
Web Service
(Release 8.0+)
Security Read All
Security Write All
Security Write Own Password
Config Read All
Config Write All
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Security Mode: Editing Security Settings
Business Partner Role
Service Provider Role
Administrator Role
End User Role
Rights SMGR
r Admin
Description These groups are intended for users using web services to configure and manager the system.
Read All
Write All
Read All
Write All
Administrator Group/Manager Group/ Operator Group:
These default groups are used for configuration access. They differ only in the level of rights to view and amend
configuration settings.
Some of the groups above have been added in different software releases. For new systems and systems with default
security settings, the new rights groups are created automatically when the system is upgraded to the new release. For
systems which have customized (non default) security settings, these rights groups may have to be created manually.
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These settings are displayed when Rights Groups is selected in the navigation pane. This tab sets the name of the
Rights Group.
The maximum number of rights groups is 32.
Name: Range = Up to 31 characters
The name for the Rights Group should be unique.
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Security Mode: Editing Security Settings Configuration
These settings are displayed when Rights Groups is selected in the navigation pane. This tab sets the configuration
settings access for service user's who are members of this Rights Group.
IP Office Service Rights
This setting controls what action on the system can be performed by members of the Rights Group.
Manager Operator Rights
This setting controls what types of configuration records IP Office Manager will allow members of the Rights Group
to viewed and what actions they can perform with those types of records.
Operator View/Edit/
Configuration Record Types
Administrator All View, edit create and delete all configuration records.
Manager View View all except WAN Port.
Edit Extension, User, Hunt Group, Short Code, Service, RAS, Incoming
Call Route, Directory, Time Profile, Firewall Profile, IP Route, Least
Cost Route, Account Code, ARS, E911 System.
Delete As edit except Short Code.
Operator View View all except WAN Port.
Edit Extension, User, Hunt Group, Short Code, Service, RAS, Incoming
Call Route, Time Profile, Firewall Profile, IP Route, Least Cost Route,
Account Code, License, ARS, E911 System.
New None.
Delete Delete Incoming Call Route and Directory.
User & Group Edit View User and Hunt Group records only.
New None
User & Group Admin All User and Hunt Group records only.
Dir & Account Admin All Directory and Account Code records only.
Time & Attendant Admin All Time Profile and Auto Attendant records only.
ICR & User Rights Admin All Incoming Call Route and User Rights records only.
Read Only View View all configuration records.
Edit None.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1 Security Administration
These settings are displayed when Rights Groups is selected in the navigation pane. This tab sets the security
settings access for Service user's who are members of this Rights Group. These settings are ignored and greyed out if a
Unique Security Administrator has been enabled in General Settings .
Read all security settings
Members of the Rights Group can view the system's security settings.
Write all security settings
Members of the Rights Group can edit and return changes to the system's security settings.
Reset all security settings: Release 4.1+.
If selected, members of the Rights Group can reset the security settings to default values.
Write own service user password: Release 4.1+.
If selected, members of the Rights Group can change their own password when requested to do so by the system.
That request may be the result of a Password Change Period , Force new password or Account
Expiry . The new password change is requested automatically at login time. System Status
These settings are displayed when Rights Groups is selected in the navigation pane. This tab sets whether
members of the group can access the system using the System Status Application (SSA). That application is only
supported by IP Office 4.0 and higher systems.
System Status Access
If selected, members of the Rights Group can view the system's current status and resources using the System
Status Application (SSA).
Read all configuration
The System Status application includes tools to take a snapshot of the system for use by Avaya for diagnostics.
That snapshot can include a full copy of the system's configuration settings. This setting must be enabled for the
SSA user to include a copy of the configuration in the snapshot.
System Control: Release 6.0+
If enabled, the SSA user is able to use SSA to initiate system shutdowns and memory card shutdown/restarts.
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Security Mode: Editing Security Settings Enhanced TSPI
These settings are displayed when Rights Groups is selected in the navigation pane. This tab sets whether
members of the group can access the system using the Enhanced TSPI application interface. This interface is only
supported by Release 5.0 and higher systems.
Enhanced TSPI Access
If selected, applications in this rights group are able to use the system's Enhanced TSPI interface. This interface is
currently used by the one-X Portal for IP Office application server for its connection to the system. HTTP
These settings are displayed when Rights Groups is selected in the navigation pane. This tab sets the HTTP
services supported for members of the group. This interface is only supported by Release 7.0 and higher.
DECT R4 Provisioing
This service is used to allow the system to configure the DECT R4 master base station and to respond to handsets
subscribing to the DECT R4 system. It requires both the system and DECT R4 master base station to be configured
to enable provisioning. For full details refer to the DECT R4 Installation Manual. Web Services
These settings are displayed when Rights Groups is selected in the navigation pane. They are used by users in
rights groups using web services to configure and manager the system. These are current not used in IP Office Essential
Edition, IP Office Preferred Edition or IP Office Advanced Edition mode.
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IP Office Service Rights
Security Read All
If selected, the rights group members can view system security settings.
Security Write All
If selected, the rights group members can change system security settings.
Security Write Own Password
If selected, members of the Rights Group can change their own password when requested to do so by the system.
That request may be the result of a Password Change Period , Force new password or Account
Expiry . The new password change is requested automatically at login time.
Config Read All
If selected, the rights group members can view system configuration settings.
Config Write All
If selected, the rights group members can change system configuration settings.
If selected, the rights group members can initiate the system backup process.
If selected, the rights group members can initiate the system restore process.
If selected, the rights group members can initiate the system upgrade process.
Web Manager Rights
These rights are used with web service access to a system such as the IP Office web manager used with IP Office Basic
Edition systems.
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Security Mode: Editing Security Settings
4.5.5 Service Users
These settings are displayed when Service Users is selected in the navigation pane and a particular service user is
selected in the group pane.
Users can be created and deleted using the and icons at the top-right of the details pane. The maximum number of
service users is 64.
Name: Range = Up to 31 characters.
Sets the service user's name. The minimum name length is controlled through General settings .
Note: If changing the user name and/or password of the current service user used to load the security settings,
after saving the changes IP Office Manager should be closed. Not closing IP Office Manager will cause error
warnings when attempting to send any further changes.
Password: Range = Up to 31 characters.
Sets the service user's password.
To change the current password click Change. Enter and confirm the new password. Note that an error will be
indicated if the password being entered does not meet the password rules set through General settings .
To clear the cache of previous password details used by the password rules setting, click Clear Cache. For
example, if the rule restricting the reuse of old passwords has been enabled, clearing the cache allows a previous
password to be used again.
Account Status: Default = 'Enabled'. Release 4.1+.
Displays the current service user account status (correct at the time of reading from the system).
This status is the normal non-error state of a service user account. This setting can be selected manually to re-
enable an account that has been disabled or locked. Note that re-enabling a locked account will reset all timers
relating to the account such as Account Idle Time.
Force New Password
This status can be selected manually. The service user is then required to change the account password when they
next log in. Until a password change is successful, no service access is allowed. Note that the user must be a
member of a Rights Group that has the Security Administration option Write own service user password
This status prevents all service access. This setting can be selected manually. The account can be enabled manually
by setting the Account Status back to Enabled.
Locked Password Error
This status indicates the account has been locked by the Password Reject Action option Log and Disable
Account on the security General Settings tab. The account can be enabled manually by setting the Account
Status back to Enabled.
Locked - Temporary
This status indicates the account is currently locked temporarily by the Password Reject Action option Log and
Temporary Disable on the security General Settings tab. The account can be enabled manually by setting
the Account Status back to Enabled, otherwise the service user must wait for the 10 minute period to expire.
Locked - Idle
This status indicates the account has been locked by passing the number of days set for the Account Idle Time on
the security General Settings tab without being used. The account can be enabled manually by setting the
Account Status back to Enabled.
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Locked - Expired
This status indicates the account has been locked after passing the Account Expiry date set below. The account can
be enabled manually by setting Account Status back to Enabled, and resetting the Account Expiry date to a
future date or to No Account Expiry.
Locked Password Expired
This status indicates the account has been locked after having not been changed within the number of days set by
the Password Change Period option on the security General Settings tab. The account can be enabled manually
by setting the Account Status back to Enabled.
Account Expiry: Default = <None> (No Expiry). Release 4.1+.
This option can be used to set a calendar date after which the account will become locked. The actual expiry time is
23:59:59 on the selected day. To prompt the user a number of days before the expiry date, set an Expiry Reminder
Time on the security General Settings tab.
Rights Group Membership
The check boxes are used to set the Rights Groups to which the user belongs. The user's rights will be a combination
of the rights assigned to the groups to which they belong.
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Menu Bar Commands
Chapter 5.
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5. Menu Bar Commands
The commands available through the IP Office Manager's menu bar change according to the mode in which IP Office
Manager is running. Commands may also be grayed out if not currently applicable. The following sections outline the
functions of each command. The Edit and Help menus are not included.
Advanced View Configuration Mode
The following menu options are available:
File Open Configuration...
Close Configuration
Save Configuration
Save Configuration As...
Change Working Directory...
Offline Create New Config
Open File...
Open File Set...
Send Config...
Receive Config...
Advanced Erase Configuration (Default)
System Shutdown...
Change Mode...
Audit Trail...
Security Settings...
Erase Security Settings...
Embedded File Management
Format IP Office SD Card
Recreate IP Office SD Card
Memory Card Command Shutdown...
Start Up...
Launch Voicemail Pro Client
System Status
LVM Greeting Utility
Initial Configuration
Add/Display VM Locales
Backup/Restore Backup Binaries and Configurations
Restore Binaries and Configurations
Import/Export Import
View Toolbars
Navigation Pane
Group Pane
Details Pane
Error Pane
Simplified View
Tools Extension Renumber
Line Renumber
Connect To
SCN Service User Management
IP Office Server Edition Service User Management
Busy on Held Validation
MSN Configuration
Print Button Labels
Import Templates
200 200
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Menu Bar Commands:
Security Mode
File Open Security Settings
Close Security Settings
Save Security Settings
Reset Security Settings
View Toolbars
Navigation Pane
Group Pane
Details Pane
Embedded File Management
File Open File Settings
Close File Settings
Refresh File Settings
Upload File
Upload System Files
Backup System Files
Restore System Files
Upgrade Binaries
Upgrade Configuration
Upload Voicemail Files
Upload Phone Files
Copy System Card
View Toolbars
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
5.1 Configuration Mode: File Menu
5.1.1 Open Configuration
This command displays the Select IP Office menu used to receive a systems configuration settings. See Loading a
Configuration .
The same action is performed by the icon in the Main Toolbar.
The Select IP Office menu is also used for other actions such as reboot and sending a configuration. If the unit required
is not found, the Unit/Broadcast Address can be changed and then Refresh clicked. To change the TCP addresses
scanned, select File | Preferences | Discovery and enter the required addresses in the IP Search Criteria.
Known Units is not available unless configured, see Known System Discovery .
5.1.2 Close Configuration
This command closes the currently loaded configuration without saving it.
5.1.3 Save Configuration
The File | Save command saves the amended configuration.
If the configuration has been received from a system, the Send Config menu is displayed. See Sending a Configuration
If the configuration file has been opened offline or created from new, the file is saved to disk only.
5.1.4 Save Configuration As
The File | Save As command allows you to save a configuration a file on the IP Office Manager computer. Note that
dynamic configuration data, for example hunt groups advertised from other systems in a network, are not included in a
configuration file saved onto PC and then reopened.
The command displays the Save File As dialog box. You can enter the new file name, including the drive and directory.
Configurations saved onto the PC in this way can be reopened using the icon or the File | Offline | Open File
IP Office Server Edition
When IP Office Manager is running in IP Office Server Edition mode, this command operates different. When used,
multiple files are saved. One .cfg file is saved for each server in the network plus a single .cfi file for the whole network.
The .cfi file can be used with the File | Offline | Open File Set command to open the whole set of files in a single
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Menu Bar Commands: Configuration Mode: File Menu
5.1.5 Change Working Directory
This command allows you to change the default locations where IP Office Manager looks for and saves files.
These fields set the default location where IP Office Manager will look for and save files. This tab is also accessed by the
File | Change Working Directory command.
Working Directory (.cfg files)
Sets the directory into which IP Office Manager saves .cfg files. By default this is the IP Office Manager
application's program directory.
This folder location is also used for the Recreate IP Office SD Card command. It uses sub-folders of
the \Memory Cards folder at the specified locations. If the Working Directory is changed to a location
without an appropriate set of \Memory Cards sub-folders, the required set of files will not be copied onto the
SD card.
Binary Directory (.bin files)
Sets the directory in which the IP Office Manager upgrade wizard, HTTP, TFTP and BOOTP functions look for
firmware files requested by phones and other hardware components. That includes .bin file, .scr files and .txt
files. By default this is the IP Office Manager application's program directory.
Note that in the Upgrade Wizard , right-clicking and selecting Change Directory also changes this setting.
Historically, by default the Working Directory and Binary Directory are the same. This is deprecated as it
potentially allows remote TFTP/HTTP file access to the folder containing copies of configuration files. Therefore
it is recommended that either of the folders is changed to an alternate location.
Known Units File: Release 4.0 Q2 2007 maintenance release+.
Sets the file and directory into which IP Office Manager can record details of the systems it has discovered. Once a
file location has been specified, a Known Units button becomes available on the discovery menu used for
loading system configuration. Pressing that button displays the known units file as a list from which the required
system can be selected. It also allows sorting of the list and records to be removed.
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5.1.6 Preferences
This command displays a menu for configuring various aspects of IP Office Manager's operation. The menu is divided into
a number of tabs.
Visual Preferences
Security Preferences
This tab is accessed through File | Preferences and then selecting the Preferences sub-tab.
Edit Services Base TCP Port: Default = On.
This field shows or hides the base communication port settings.
Service Base TCP Port: Default = 50804. Release 3.2+.
Access to the configuration and security settings on a system requires IP Office Manager to send its requests
to specific ports. This setting allows the TCP Base Port used by IP Office Manager to be set to match the TCP
Base Port setting of the system. The system's TCP Base Port is set through its security settings.
Service Base HTTP Port: Default = 80. Release 3.2+.
Access to the HTTP server on a system requires IP Office Manager to send its requests to specific ports. This
setting allows the HTTP Base Port used by IP Office Manager to be set to match the HTTP Base Port setting of
the system. The systems HTTP Base Port is set through its security settings.
Enable Time Server: Default = On.
This setting allows IP Office Manager to respond to RFC868 Time requests from systems. It will provide the system
with both the UTC time value and the local time value of the PC on which it is running. See Date and Time .
Enable BootP and TFTP Servers: Default = On.
This setting allows IP Office Manager to respond to BOOTP request from systems for which it also has a matching
BOOTP record. It also allows IP Office Manager to respond to TFTP requests for files.
Enable Port for Serial Communication
Not used. This is a legacy feature for some older control units that were managed via the serial port rather than
the LAN.
Enter Port Number to be used for Serial Communication
Used with the setting above to indicate which serial port IP Office Manager should use.
Auto Connect on start up: Default = On
If on, when IP Office Manager is started it will automatically launch the Select IP Office menu and display any
discovered systems. If only one system is discovered, IP Office Manager will automatically display the login
request for that system or load its configuration if the security settings are default.
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Menu Bar Commands: Configuration Mode: File Menu
Set Simplified View as default: Default = On
If on, the IP Office Manager will start in simplified view mode if no configuration is loaded.
Default to Standard Mode: Default = Off
If on, when a configuration from a new or defaulted system running in IP Office Basic Edition - Quick Mode is
loaded, IP Office Manager will automatically convert the configuration to IP Office Essential Edition. Sending the
configuration back to the system will restart it in IP Office Essential Edition mode. Only select this option if the only
systems you expect to install are IP Office Essential Edition systems.
This setting does not affect existing systems with non-default configurations.
For Release 8.0 and higher, for an IP500 V2 system to run in IP Office Essential Edition, its configuration must
include an Essential Edition license. A IP Office Essential Edition system without this license will not allow
any telephony functions.
Use Remote Access for Multi-Site: Default = Off. Release 8.1
If selected, access to all the configurations of a multi-site network is allowed via remote access to the primary
server on the multi-site network. When selected, an additional Use Remote Access check box option is displayed
on the Select IP Office menu when the Open with IP Office Server Edition Manager checkbox option is
selected or if IP Office Manager is already running in IP Office Server Edition mode.
Consolidate Solution to Primary Settings: Default = On. Release 8.1
This setting is used by IP Office Manager when in IP Office Server Edition mode.
If Consolidate Network to Primary Settings is selected:
Entry and administration of Short Code, Incoming Call Route, Time Profile, Account Code and User
Rights records is performed only at the solution level.
Those records are then automatically replicated in the configurations of all the systems in the solution but
are still only visible and editable at the solution level.
When the configurations are loaded into IP Office Manager or when this setting is changed to become
selected, if any inconsistency between records are found, a Consolidation Report is displayed. This
report allows selection of whether to update the system to match the primary or to update the primary to
If Consolidate Network to Primary Settings is not selected:
Entry and administration of Short Code, Incoming Call Route, Time Profile, Account Code and User
Rights records can be performed at both the solution and individual system levels.
Records entered and edited at the solution level are automatically replicated in the configurations of all
the systems in the solution. IP Office Manager displays a label on the record indicating that it is a record
that is shared across the solution.
If a shared record is edited at the individual system level, that copy of the record is no longer shared with
the other systems. It will not be updated by any changes to the solution level version of the same
No consolidation checking for inconsistencies is done by IP Office Manager when the configurations are
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1 Directories
This tab is accessed through File | Preferences and then selecting the Directories sub-tab.
These fields set the default location where IP Office Manager will look for and save files. This tab is also accessed by the
File | Change Working Directory command.
Working Directory (.cfg files)
Sets the directory into which IP Office Manager saves .cfg files. By default this is the IP Office Manager
application's program directory.
This folder location is also used for the Recreate IP Office SD Card command. It uses sub-folders of
the \Memory Cards folder at the specified locations. If the Working Directory is changed to a location
without an appropriate set of \Memory Cards sub-folders, the required set of files will not be copied onto the
SD card.
Binary Directory (.bin files)
Sets the directory in which the IP Office Manager upgrade wizard, HTTP, TFTP and BOOTP functions look for
firmware files requested by phones and other hardware components. That includes .bin file, .scr files and .txt
files. By default this is the IP Office Manager application's program directory.
Note that in the Upgrade Wizard , right-clicking and selecting Change Directory also changes this setting.
Historically, by default the Working Directory and Binary Directory are the same. This is deprecated as it
potentially allows remote TFTP/HTTP file access to the folder containing copies of configuration files. Therefore
it is recommended that either of the folders is changed to an alternate location.
Known Units File: Release 4.0 Q2 2007 maintenance release+.
Sets the file and directory into which IP Office Manager can record details of the systems it has discovered. Once a
file location has been specified, a Known Units button becomes available on the discovery menu used for
loading system configuration. Pressing that button displays the known units file as a list from which the required
system can be selected. It also allows sorting of the list and records to be removed.
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Menu Bar Commands: Configuration Mode: File Menu Discovery
This tab is accessed through File | Preferences and then selecting the Discovery sub-tab.
These settings affect the Select IP Office menu used by IP Office Manager to discovery systems. By default Release 3.2
systems respond to both UDP and TCP discovery. Pre-3.2 systems only support UDP discovery.
TCP Discovery: Default = On. Release 3.2+.
This setting controls whether IP Office Manager uses TCP to discover systems. The addresses used for TCP
discovery are set through the IP Search Criteria field below.
This area is for information only. It shows the IP address settings of the LAN network interface cards (NIC) in
the PC running IP Office Manager. Double-click on a particular NIC to add the address range it is part of to the
IP Search Criteria. Note that if the address of any of the IP Office Manager PC's NIC cards is changed, the IP
Office Manager application should be closed and restarted.
IP Search Criteria
This section is used to enter TCP addresses to be used for the TCP discovery process. Individual addresses
can be entered separated by semi-colons, for example; Address ranges
can be specified using dashes, for example -
UDP Discovery: Default = On
This settings controls whether IP Office Manager uses UDP to discover systems. Pre-3.2 systems only respond to
UDP discovery. By default Release 3.2 and higher systems also respond to UDP discovery but that can be disabled
through the system's security settings.
Enter Broadcast IP Address: Default =
The broadcast IP address range that IP Office Manager should used during UDP discovery. Since UDP
broadcast is not routable, it will not locate systems that are on different subnets from the IP Office Manager
PC unless a specific address is entered.
Use DNS: Release IP Office Manager 6.2+.
Selecting this option allows IP Office Manager to use DNS name (or IP address) lookup to locate a system. Note
that this overrides the use of the TCP Discovery and UDP Discovery options above. This option requires the system
IP address to be assigned as a name on the users DNS server. When selected, the Unit/Discovery Address field
on the Select IP Office dialogue is replaced by a Enter Unit DNS Name or IP Address field.
SCN Discovery: Release IP Office Manager 8.1+.
If enabled, when discovering systems, the list of discovered systems will group systems in the same Small
Community Network and allow them to be loaded as a single configuration. At least one of the systems in the
Small Community Network must be running Release 6.0 or higher software. See Small Community Network
Management . This does not override the need for each system in the Small Community Network to also be
reachable by the TCP Discovery and or UDP Discovery settings above and accessible by the router settings at
the IP Office Manager location.
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This tab is accessed through File | Preferences and then selecting the Visual Preferences sub-tab.
Icon size
Sets the size for the icons in the navigation pane between Small, Medium or Large.
Multiline Tabs: Default = Off.
In the details pane, for record types with more than two tabs, IP Office Manager can either use buttons to
scroll the tabs horizontally or arrange the tabs into multiple rows. This setting allows selection of which method IP
Office Manager uses.
Enable Template Options: Default = Off.
When enabled, the IP Office Manager can be used to apply trunk templates . SIP trunk templates can be used
to add SIP trunks. Analog trunk templates can also be applied to existing analog trunks. This option does not
affect the additional template options used for IP Office Server Edition mode.
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Menu Bar Commands: Configuration Mode: File Menu Security
This tab is accessed through File | Preferences and then selecting the Security sub-tab.
Controls the various security settings of IP Office Manager. To control the security settings of the system, see Security
Mode .
All settings, except Secure Communications, can only be changed when a configuration has been opened using a user
name and password with Administrator rights or security administration rights.
Request Login on Save: Default = On
By default a valid user name and password is required to receive a configuration from a system and also to send that
same configuration back to the system. Deselecting this setting allows IP Office Manager to send the configuration
back without having to renter user name and password details. This does not apply to a configuration that has been
saved on PC and then reopened. This setting can only be changed when a configuration has been opened using a user
name and password with Administrator rights or security administration rights.
Close Configuration/Security Settings After Send: Default = On.
When selected, the open configuration file or security settings are closed after being sent back to the system. This is
the normal default. This setting does not affect multi-site network modes of IP Office Manager which always close the
configuration after saving.
Before disabling this setting, you should recall that the configuration held by a running system can be changed by
actions other than IP Office Manager, for example changes made by users through their phone. Keeping a
configuration open in IP Office Manager for longer than necessary increases the chances that that copy of the
configuration differs from the current configuration of the running system and will overwrite those changes when
sent back to the system.
Save Configuration File After Load: Default = On.
When selected, a copy of the configuration is saved to IP Office Manager's working directory . The file is named
using the system name and the suffix .cfg. This setting can only be changed when a configuration has been opened
using a user name and password with Administrator rights or security administration rights.
Backup Files on Send: Default = On.
If selected, whenever a copy of a configuration is sent to a system, a backup copy is saved in IP Office Manager's
working directory . The file is saved using the system name, date and a version number followed by the Backup
File Extension as set below. This setting can only be changed when a configuration has been opened using a user
name and password with Administrator rights or security administration rights.
Backup File Extension: Default = .BAK
Sets the file extension to use for backup copies of system configurations generated by the Backup Files on Send
option above.
Number of Backup Files to keep: Default = Unlimited. Release 4.2+.
This option allows the number of backup files kept for each system to be limited. If set to a value other then
Unlimited, when that limit would be exceeded, the file with the oldest backup file is deleted.
Enable Application Idle Timer (5 minutes): Default = Off. Release 4.1+.
When enabled, no keyboard or mouse activity for 5 minutes will cause the IP Office Manager to grey out the
application and re-request the current service user password. This setting can only be changed when a configuration
has been opened using a user name and password with Administrator rights or security administration rights.
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Secure Communications: Default = On (Off pre-8.1). Release 4.1+.
When selected, any service communication from IP Office Manager to the system uses the TLS protocol. This will use
the ports set for secure configuration and secure security access. It also requires the configuration and or security
service within the system's security configuration settings to have been set to support secure access. Depending on the
level of that secure access selected, it may be necessary for the Manager Certificate Checks below to be configured
to match those expected by the system for configuration and or security service. See Security Administration .
When Secure Communications is set to On, a padlock icon is displayed at all times in the lower right IP
Office Manager status field.
New installations of IP Office Manager default to having Secure Communications enabled. This means IP
Office Manager by default attempts to use secure communications when opening a configuration.
For IP Office Server Edition systems, IP Office Manager will always attempt to use secure communications
regardless of the Secure Communications setting.
If no response to the use of secure communication is received after 5 seconds, IP Office Manager will offer to
fallback to using unsecured communications.
Manager Certificate Checks: Release 4.1+.
When the Secure Communications option above is used, IP Office Manager will process and check the certificate
received from the system. This setting can only be changed when a configuration has been opened using a user name
and password with Administrator rights or security administration rights.
Any certificate sent by the system is accepted.
Any certificate sent by the system is accepted if it has previously been previously saved in the Windows' certificate
store. If the certificate has not been previously saved, the user has the option to review and either accept or reject
the certificate.
Any certificate sent by the system is accepted if it has previously been previously saved in the Windows' certificate
store. Any other certificate cause a log in failure.
Certificate Offered to IP Office: Default = none
Specifies the certificate used to identify IP Office Manager when the Secure Communications option is used and the
system requests a certificate. Use the Set button to change the selected certificate. Any certificate selected must have
an associated private key held within the store:
Select from Current User certificate store - Display certificates currently in the currently logged-in user store.
Select from Local Machine certificate store.
Remove Selection do not offer a IP Office Manager certificate.
Security Registry Settings
WARNING: Changing Windows Registry Settings
Avaya accept no liability for any issues arising from the editing of a PCs registry settings. If you are in any doubt
about how to perform this process you should not proceed. It is your responsibility to ensure that the registry is
correctly backed up before any changes are made.
NOTE: Before manually editing any registry entry, the following Microsoft support articles should be read:
IP Office Manager stores its security preferences in the Windows Registry. The following key affects manager security
operation; its values may only be changed by a configuration or security administrator:
In order to prevent circumvention by manual editing of the Windows Registry, Regedt32.exe, the native registry editor,
allows an operator user (with Full Control permissions) to edit permissions on a per key basis.
To prevent a user from manually editing the security preferences, the HKEY_USERS\User GUID\Software\Avaya\IP400
\Manager\Security key permission should be set to Read only for that user. Ensure that all child object permissions are
replaced as well by using the Advanced button.
To allows the security policy of all local PC users to be fixed, a set of values in the key
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Avaya\IP400\Manager\Security\ may be created. This is tested and used in preference
to any value found under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Avaya\IP400\Manager\Security\.
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Menu Bar Commands: Configuration Mode: File Menu
This key is not created by the manager application. Validation
This tab is accessed through File | Preferences and then selecting the Validation sub-tab.
By default IP Office Manager validates the whole configuration when it is loaded and individual fields whenever they are
edited. This tab allows selection of when automatic validation should be applied to configuration files loaded into IP Office
Validate configuration on open
Automatically validate configuration files when they are opened in IP Office Manager.
Validate configuration on edit
Validate the whole configuration when OK is clicked after editing a record. For large configurations, disabling
this option removes the delay caused by validating the configuration after every edit.
Prompt for configuration validation on save or send
If selected, when saving or sending a configuration, a prompt is displayed asking whether the configuration
should be validated. If validation is selected and error are found, the send or save process is canceled. This
option is disabled if Validate configuration on edit is selected.
5.1.7 Offline Create New Config
This command starts a dialog that allows you to create a default offline configuration by specifying the system locales,
the type of control unit and expansion modules and the trunk cards fitted. See Creating a New Configuration . The
same action is performed by the icon in the Main Toolbar. Open File
This command allows a configuration file stored on PC to be opened in IP Office Manager. Open File Set
This command is only available when manager is running in IP Office Server Edition mode. It can be used to load a set of
files previously saved offline using the File | Save Configuration As command.
When selected, browse to the location of the saved .cfi file and associated .cfg files and select the .cfi file.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1 Send Config
This command is used to send an offline configuration to a system. See Sending a Configuration .
After this command is completed, the system is rebooted. This will end all calls and services in progress.
After sending the configuration, you should receive the configuration back from the system and note any new
validation errors shown by IP Office Manager. For example, if using Embedded Voicemail, some sets of prompt
languages may need to be updated to match the new configurations locale setting using the Add/Display VM
Locales option. Receive Config
This command displays the Select IP Office menu used to receive a systems configuration settings. See Loading a
Configuration .
Once the configuration has been received, you are prompted to save it on the PC.
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Menu Bar Commands: Configuration Mode: File Menu
5.1.8 Advanced Erase Configuration
This command returns the configuration settings of a system back to their default values . It does not affect the
system's security settings or audit trail record.
When this command is used, the Select IP Office menu is displayed. Once a system is selected, a valid configuration
user name and password are required to complete the action.
For Release 7.0 and higher, IP500 V2 systems using IP Office A-Law or IP Office U-Law System SD cards will default
to IP Office Basic Edition - Quick Mode. Loading the configuration will switch IP Office Manager to simplified view . To
change the system back to operating in IP Office Essential Edition use either of the following methods:
Change Mode
This will change the operating mode of the system and create a default configuration appropriate to that mode.
For example, this method can be used to change a IP Office Essential Edition system to a IP Office Basic Edition -
Quick Mode system.
Switch to Standard Mode
This option (only shown in IP Office Manager simplified view) will change the operating mode of a IP Office Basic
Edition - Quick Mode system to IP Office Essential Edition.
For systems running in IP Office Server Edition mode, this command can normally only be used when IP Office Manager
is also running in IP Office Server Edition mode. Reboot
When this command is used, the Select IP Office menu is displayed. Once a system is selected, a valid user name and
password are required. The type of reboot can then be selected.
When the reboot occurs can be selected as follows:
Send the configuration and then reboot the system.
When Free
Send the configuration and reboot the system when there are no calls in progress. This mode can be
combined with the Call Barring options.
The same as When Free but waits for a specific time after which it then wait for there to be no calls in
progress. The time is specified by the Reboot Time. This mode can be combined with the Call Barring
Reboot Time
This setting is used when the reboot mode Timed is selected. It sets the time for the reboot. If the time is after
midnight, the system's normal daily backup is canceled.
Call Barring
These settings can be used when the reboot mode When Free is selected. They bar the sending or receiving of any
new calls.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1 System Shutdown
Release 6.0+: This command can be used to shutdown systems. The shut down can be either indefinite or for a set
period of time after which the system will reboot. For Linux based telephone systems, the shutdown command is applied
to the telephony service on the server and not to the whole sever. In that case, if the system is shutdown indefinitely, it
can be restarted using the server's web control pages to either restart the service or to restart the whole server.
A shutdown must always be used to switch off the system. Simply removing the power cord or switching off the
power input may cause the loss of configuration data.
This is not a polite shutdown, any user calls and services in operation will be stopped. Once shutdown, the
system cannot be used to make or receive any calls until restarted.
The shutdown process takes up to a minute to complete. When shutting down a system with a Unified
Communications Module installed, the shutdown can take up to 3 minutes while the card safely closes all open
files and closes down its operating system. During this period the module's LED 1 remains green.
When shutdown, the LEDs shown on the system are as follows. Do not remove power from the system or
remove any of the memory cards until the system is in this state:
LED1 on each IP500 base card installed will also flash red rapidly plus LED 9 if a trunk daughter card
is fitted to the base card.
The CPU LED on the rear of the system will flash red rapidly.
The System SD and Optional SD memory card LEDs on the rear of the system are extinguished.
To restart a system when shutdown indefinitely, or to restart a system before the timed restart, switch power
to the system off and on again.
1. Once you have selected the system from the Select IP Office menu, the System Shutdown Mode menu is
2. Select the type of shutdown required:
If a Timed shutdown is selected, the system will reboot after the set time has elapsed.
If Indefinite is used, the system can only be restarted by having its power switched off and then on again.
For Linux based telephone systems, the telephony service must be restarted through the server's web control
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Menu Bar Commands: Configuration Mode: File Menu Upgrade
This command starts the Upgrade Wizard tool. This tool is used to compare the software level of the control unit and
modules within systems against the software level of the .bin binary files IP Office Manager has available. The Upgrade
Wizard can then be used to select which units to upgrade.
This command is not used with Linux based systems. Those systems are updated through the server's webcontrol menus.
That includes IP Office Server Edition systems.
Incorrect use of the upgrade command can halt system operation and render units in the system unusable. You
must refer to the Technical Bulletins for a specific release for full details of performing software upgrades to that
release. There may be additional steps required such as defaulting the security settings.
Performing any other actions on a system during an upgrade or closing the upgrade wizard and IP Office Manager
during an upgrade may render systems unusable.
During an upgrade the system may restrict calls and services. It will reboot and disconnect all current calls and
The Validate option must remain selected wherever possible. Use of unvalidated upgrades is subject to a number
of conditions outlined in the IP Office Installation Manual and Technical Bulletins.
The list area shows details of systems found by the Upgrade Wizard and the software currently held by those systems.
The check boxes are used to select which units should be upgraded. Upgrading will require entry of a valid name and
password for the selected system.
The name of the system as set in its configuration (System | System | Name ) .
IP Address
The IP address of the system.
This column indicates the type of system and the names of the various firmware files used by external expansion
systems supported by the system type.
The Version column details the current software each unit in the systems is running.
The Edition column indicates the operation mode of the system.
The Licensed column indicates the highest value software upgrade license present in the system's configuration.
For Release 8.1+, the IP Office Release that is supported by that license is also indicated in brackets.
Required License
The Required License column indicates the software upgrade license required for the current level of software
the system is running. For Release 8.1+, the IP Office Release that is supported by that license is also indicated in
It does not refer to the software upgrade license required for the level of software which is available for
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For IP500 V2 systems, a value of 255 indicates that the control unit is still in its initial 90 days where it can be
upgraded to a higher level without requiring an upgrade license.
The Available column shows the version of the matching firmware files that IP Office Manager has available (a
indicates no file available) in its current working directory . Upgrading to a release higher than that supported
by the current Licensed level will leave the system unable to support any functions until the appropriate upgrade
license is added to the system configuration.
The menu includes a number of check boxes that can be used to include other actions as part of the upgrade process:
The Validate option should remain selected wherever possible. When selected, the upgrade process is divided as
follows: transfer new software, confirm transfer, delete old software, restart with new software. If Validate is not
selected, the old software is deleted before the new software is transferred.
Backup System Files
For any IP500 V2 systems being upgraded, the Backup system files option will cause the system to backup its
memory card files as part of the upgrade.
Upload System File
For any IP500 V2 system being upgraded, the Upload system files option will upload various files:
It copies the binary files for the system control unit and possible external expansion modules.
It copies the firmware files used by phones supported by the system.
For systems configured to running in IP Office Basic Edition - Quick Mode, IP Office Basic Edition - PARTNER
Mode or IP Office Basic Edition - Norstar Mode mode, the files for IP Office Web Manager are copied.
For systems configured to run Embedded Voicemail, the Embedded Voicemail prompts for those supported
languages set as the system locale, user locales, incoming call route locales and short code locales are
upgraded. In addition the English language prompts are upgraded as follows: IP Office A-Law/Norstar SD
Cards - UK English, IP Office U-Law/PARTNER SD Cards - US English.
Restart IP Phones
For IP Office Manager 8.1 and higher the Restart IP Phones option can be used. This will cause those phone to
load any upgrade phone firmware included in the system upgrade (if using the system's memory card as their
firmware file source).
Searching for Particular Systems
The default address used by the Upgrade Wizard is the address shown in the IP Office Manager title bar, which is selected
through File | Preferences . If the unit required is not found, the address used can be changed.
1. Enter or select the required address in the Unit/Broadcast Address field.
2. Click Refresh to perform a new search.
Changing the .bin File Directory Used
The directory in which the Upgrade Wizard looks for .bin files is set through IP Office Manager's Binary Directory setting.
This can be changed using Files | Change Working Directory or File | Preferences | Directories . It can also
be changed directly from the Upgrade Wizard as follows.
1. Right-click on the list area.
2. Select Select Directory.
3. Browse to and highlight the folder containing the .bin files. Click OK.
4. The list in the Available column will be updated to show the .bin files in the selected directory that match units or
modules listed.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Menu Bar Commands: Configuration Mode: File Menu Change Mode
This command can be used to change the operating mode of an IP500 V2 System SD card and thus of the system. For
example, it can be used to switch a system currently running IP Office Essential Edition to IP Office Basic Edition - Quick
Using this command will default the configuration. Therefore ensure that you have a backup copy of the
configuration before using this command in case it is necessary to return to the previous mode.
Do not use this command if the system includes components not supported by the mode to which you want to
switch. If that is the case, the system may not restart correctly. For example, BRI cards are not supported by IP
Office Basic Edition - PARTNER Mode.
In order to use this command, the system security settings must be at their default settings. The current setting
can be defaulted using the Erase Security Settings (Default) command.
Follow the command, the system is restarted.
For Release 8.0 and higher, for an IP500 V2 system to run in IP Office Essential Edition, its configuration must
include an Essential Edition license. A IP Office Essential Edition system without this license will not allow
any telephony functions.
For the mode change, you should perform a system upgrade or upload system files action as the files
included in any previous upgrade or upload will have been based on the system's previous mode setting and
configuration settings.
The menu displayed after selecting a system will indicate the modes available. This menu is displayed for switching a IP
Office Essential Edition system to one of the other modes.
1. Select File | Advanced | Change Mode.
2. From the Select IP Office menu select the system.
3. The Change Mode menu is displayed. The options displayed will depend on the current mode of the system.
IP Office Essential Edition/IP Office Preferred Edition/IP Office Advanced Edition:
Select the mode required for the defaulted configuration.
Mode selection is only possible for systems fitted with IP Office A-Law or IP Office U-Law SD cards.
For systems fitted with IP Office Partner Edition or IP Office Norstar Edition SD cards, the systems
will default to the respective mode of that card regardless of the mode selection.
Note that this process does not change the formatted type of the System SD card. For example, if a
system fitted with an IP Office A-Law card has its mode changed to IP Office Basic Edition - PARTNER
Mode mode, if that system is then defaulted again it will restart as a IP Office Basic Edition - Quick Mode
system as appropriate to the card type.
IP Office Basic Edition - Quick Mode/IP Office Basic Edition - PARTNER Mode/IP Office Basic
Edition - Norstar Mode
There is no mode selection. The system will be changed to a defaulted IP Office Essential Edition mode
4. Click OK. After a short delay of a few seconds the system is restarted.
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If the system does not restart, the most likely cause is that the systems security settings were not at their
default settings. Switch to Standard Mode
This option will change the operating mode of the configuration loaded in IP Office Manager to that of a IP Office Essential
Edition system. IP Office Manager will automatically switch to its advanced view mode. When the configuration is sent
back to the system, it will restart in IP Office Essential Edition mode.
For Release 8.0 and higher, for an IP500 V2 system to run in IP Office Essential Edition, its configuration must
include an Essential Edition license. A IP Office Essential Edition system without this license will not allow
any telephony functions.
The command provides two options:
Using this method will default the configuration. It is the recommended method for installation of a new installation
or for when a IP Office Essential Edition system has been defaulted and needs to be returned to IP Office Essential
Edition operation.
Best Match
Using this method will attempt to preserve configuration settings; for examples user names, extension numbers,
licenses, SIP trunks, etc. However, many settings will be flagged as errors by IP Office Manager. These errors
should then be resolved before sending the configuration to the system.
If this is an existing system, it is recommended that you first use IP Office Manager to receives and save a copy of
the current configuration locally using Save Configuration As .
This process does not default the security settings of the system.
Do not use this command if the system includes components not supported by the IP Office Essential Edition
(currently IP500 ETR6 base cards for ETR phones). The system may not restart correctly if that is the case.
When this command is selected, IP Office Manager will first browse for available systems. When a system is selected
from those found, load its configuration. If this cannot be done using the default password (password) it may not be
possible to complete the process.
! Automatic Conversion to IP Office Essential Edition
This process can be applied automatically when a configuration for a new or defaulted system running in IP Office
Basic Edition - Quick Mode is loaded. This is done by selecting the Default to Standard Mode option in the IP
Office Manager Preferences . Only select this option if the only systems you expect to install are IP Office
Essential Edition systems. Audit Trail
The audit trail lists the last 16 actions performed on the system from which the configuration loaded into IP Office
Manager was received. It includes actions by service users such as getting the configuration, sending a configuration
back, reboots, upgrades and default the system. The audit trail is not available for systems running pre-3.2 IP Office
Release 4.1+: Audit trail events can be output to a Syslog server through the system's System | System Events
The last failed action is always recorded and shown in red. It is kept even if there have been 16 subsequent successful
The Audit Trail is part of the system configuration file received from the system. If the configuration is kept open
between send and reboot operations (ie. if Close Configuration/Security Setting After Send is not
selected), the Audit Trail will not show details of those operations. It will only show details of those operations if
the configuration is closed and then a new copy of the configuration is received from the system.
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Menu Bar Commands: Configuration Mode: File Menu
Audit Details
When a specific access event is selected from the list, the following information is shown in the Audit Details
The Security User shows the service user name used for the access action.
The Data and Time of Access indicate the local system time when the recorded event occurred.
The PC Login is the computer name of the PC used for the access.
The PC IP Address and PC MAC Address are the IP address and MAC address of the PC used for access.
The Access Type details the type of action that was performed.
The Outcome shows the system's response to the access. The outcome Success (Warning) refers to the
sending of a configuration that contains fields marked as errors or warnings by IP Office Manager's validation
function. Success (Clean) refers to the sending of a configuration that does not contain any validation errors
or warnings.
Items Changed
The Items Changed area summarizes the changes contained in a sent configuration. Where changes to a single
record of a particular type are made, the Item Name field lists the individual record changed. Where changes are
made to several records of the same type, the Item Name field displays Multiple items.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1 Security Settings
This command is used to switch the IP Office Manager application to security mode. In that mode, IP Office Manager is
used to edit the security settings of a system (3.2 or higher only). Refer to the section Security Mode . Erase Security Settings (Default)
Release 4.1+: This command returns the security settings of a system back to their default values. This action does not
affect the system's configuration or audit trail record. When this command is used, the Select IP Office menu is
displayed. Once a system is selected, a valid security user name and password are required to complete the action.
The system's security settings are returned to their defaults as indicated in the Security Mode chapter.
Note that any security certificates stored and being used by the system are deleted. Any services currently using
those certificates are disconnected and disabled until the appropriate certificates are added back to the system's
security configuration. That includes SSL VPN connections being used to perform system maintenance.
For IP Office Essential Edition, IP Office Preferred Edition, IP Office Advanced Edition and IP Office Server Edition
systems, the name and password used for this command are those required for security configuration access which
are different from those used for normal configuration access.
For IP Office Basic Edition - Quick Mode, IP Office Basic Edition - Norstar Mode and IP Office Basic Edition - PARTNER
Mode systems, this command is only usable with Release 8.0 and higher. The name and password required are those of
the Administrator account used for configuration access.
For IP500 and IP500 V2 control units, if the security settings cannot be defaulted using this command, they can be
defaulted using a DTE cable connection to the system. Refer to the IP Office Installation manual for details. Embedded File Management
For control units (except Small Office Edition) with a memory card installed, the contents of the card can be viewed using
IP Office Manager. This view can also be used to add and remove files from the card. This may be useful when the
memory card is being used to store Music on Hold or IP phone firmware files.
For Linux based systems, the folder /opt/ipoffice are used as the file repository for embedded file management actions.
For further details refer to Embedded File Management .
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Menu Bar Commands: Configuration Mode: File Menu Format IP Office SD Card
This command allows suitable SD cards to be formatted by the IP Office Manager PC. The system supports SD cards with
the following format: SDHC minimum 4GB FAT32 format (Single partition, SDHC, class2+, FAT32, SPI & SD bus). Non-
Avaya supplied cards of the same format can be used a system's Optional SD slot for additional actions such as
! Warning
Do not re-purpose a B5800 Branch Gateway SD card for use with any other IP Office mode. Doing so may damage
the SD card and make it unusable for your B5800 Branch Gateway system.
! WARNING: All File Will Be Erased
Note that this action will erase any existing files and folders on the card. If the requirement is just to update the
card, use Recreate IP Office SD Card without reformatting. Once a card has been formatted, the folders and
files required for operation can be loaded onto the card from the IP Office Manager PC using the Recreate IP Office
SD Card command.
Avaya supplied SD cards should not be formatted using any other method than the format commands within IP
Office Manager and System Status Application. Formatting the cards using any other method will remove the
feature key used for system licensing from the card.
1. Insert the SD card into a reader slot on the IP Office Manager computer.
2. Using IP Office Manager, select File | Advanced | Format IP Office SD Card.
3. Select the type of card. This selection just sets the card label shown when viewing the card details. It does not
affect the actual formatting. Select the label that matches the file set you will be placing on the card.
IP Office A-Law
A system fitted with this type of card will default to A-Law telephony. The system will default to IP Office Basic
Edition - Quick Mode PBX System operation. Pre-IP Office Release 7.0: The system will default to IP Office
Essential Edition. IP Office Release 7.0+:
IP Office U-Law
A system fitted with this type of card will default to U-Law telephony. The system will default to IP Office Basic
Edition - Quick Mode Key System operation. Pre-IP Office Release 7.0: The system will default to IP Office
Essential Edition. Release 7.0+:
IP Office Partner Edition
A system fitted with this type of card will default to A-Law telephony and IP Office Basic Edition - PARTNER
Mode operation.
IP Office Norstar Edition
A system fitted with this type of card will default to U-Law telephony and IP Office Basic Edition - Norstar
Mode operation.
B5800 Branch Gateway
Use this option for an SD card intended to be used with an IP Office system running in B5800 Branch Gateway
mode. There is a separate SD card for IP Office. The B5800 Branch Gateway SD card can only be used for IP
Office operation and cannot be used to change modes to IP Office. You also cannot use or change an IP Office
SD card for use with an B5800 Branch Gateway system.
! Warning
Do not re-purpose a B5800 Branch Gateway card for use with any other IP Office mode. Doing so may
damage the SD card and make it unusable for your B5800 Branch Gateway system.
4. Browse to the card location and click OK.
5. The status bar at the bottom of IP Office Manager will display the progress of the formatting process.
6. When the formatting is complete, you can use the Recreate IP Office SD Card command to load the system
folders and files onto the card from the IP Office Manager PC.
A-Law or U-Law
PCM (Pulse Code Modulation) is a method for encoding voice as data. In telephony, two methods of PCM encoding
are widely used, A-Law and U-Law (also called Mu-Law or -Law). Typically U-Law is used in North America and a
few other locations while A-Law is used elsewhere. As well as setting the correct PCM encoding for the region, the
A-Law or U-Law setting of a system when it is first started affects a wide range of regional defaults relating to line
settings and other values.
For IP400 systems, each control units was manufactured as either an A-Law variant or a U-Law variant.
For IP500 and IP500 V2 systems, the encoding default is set by the type of Feature Key installed when the
system is first started. The cards are either specifically A-Law or U-Law. PARTNER Mode cards are U-Law.
Norstar Mode cards are A-Law.
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Menu Bar Commands: Configuration Mode: File Menu Recreate IP Office SD Card
This command can be used with the System SD cards used by IP500 V2 control units. It allows IP Office Manager to copy
all the files and folders used by a system when starting onto the card that has been place into the card slot of the PC
running IP Office Manager. It updates the card with the version of those files installed with the IP Office Manager
application. It includes the binary files for the system, external expansion modules and phones. The command also
copies all language prompt sets used by Embedded Voicemail.
If the card contains dynamic system files such as SMDR records, they are temporarily backed up by IP Office Manager
and then restored after the card is recreated. For the card to be used in a system's System SD slot the card must be
Avaya SD Feature Key card. The card must be correctly formatted (see Format IP Office SD card ), however a
reformat of an existing working card is not necessary before using recreate to update the card contents.
The source for the files copied to the SD card are the sub-folders of the \Memory Cards folder under IP Office
Manager's Working Directory (normally C:\Program Files Avaya\IP Office\Manager). However, if the
Working Directory is changed to a location without an appropriate set of \Memory Cards sub-folders, the
required set of files will not be copied onto the SD card.
! Warning
Do not re-purpose a B5800 Branch Gateway SD card for use with any other IP Office mode. Doing so may damage
the SD card and make it unusable for your B5800 Branch Gateway system.
1. Note: This process can take up to 20 minutes depending on the PC. Once started, the process should not be
2. Insert the SD card into a reader slot on the IP Office Manager computer.
3. Using IP Office Manager, select File | Advanced | Recreate IP Office SD Card.
4. Select the type of system for which the card is intended. This selection will affect how the system operates when
defaulted with this card present in its System SD card slot.
IP Office A-Law
A system fitted with this type of card will default to A-Law telephony. The system will default to IP Office Basic
Edition - Quick Mode PBX System operation. Pre-IP Office Release 7.0: The system will default to IP Office
Essential Edition. IP Office Release 7.0+:
IP Office U-Law
A system fitted with this type of card will default to U-Law telephony. The system will default to IP Office Basic
Edition - Quick Mode Key System operation. Pre-IP Office Release 7.0: The system will default to IP Office
Essential Edition. Release 7.0+:
IP Office Partner Edition
A system fitted with this type of card will default to A-Law telephony and IP Office Basic Edition - PARTNER
Mode operation.
IP Office Norstar Edition
A system fitted with this type of card will default to U-Law telephony and IP Office Basic Edition - Norstar
Mode operation.
B5800 Branch Gateway
Use this option for an SD card intended to be used with an IP Office system running in B5800 Branch Gateway
mode. There is a separate SD card for IP Office. The B5800 Branch Gateway SD card can only be used for IP
Office operation and cannot be used to change modes to IP Office. You also cannot use or change an IP Office
SD card for use with an B5800 Branch Gateway system.
! Warning
Do not re-purpose a B5800 Branch Gateway card for use with any other IP Office mode. Doing so may
damage the SD card and make it unusable for your B5800 Branch Gateway system.
5. Browse to the card location and click OK.
6. IP Office Manager will prompt whether you want to include Avaya IP Office Web Manager files as part of the
recreate process.
For systems that will be running in IP Office Basic Edition - Quick Mode mode, these files are necessary if you
want to use IP Office Web Manager to configure the system.
For all systems, these files are necessary if you want to go through the process of on-boarding registration.
7. IP Office Manager will start creating folders on the SD card and copying the required files into those folders.
8. Do not remove the card until the process is completed and IP Office Manager displays a message that the process
has been completed.
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A-Law or U-Law
PCM (Pulse Code Modulation) is a method for encoding voice as data. In telephony, two methods of PCM encoding
are widely used, A-Law and U-Law (also called Mu-Law or -Law). Typically U-Law is used in North America and a
few other locations while A-Law is used elsewhere. As well as setting the correct PCM encoding for the region, the
A-Law or U-Law setting of a system when it is first started affects a wide range of regional defaults relating to line
settings and other values.
For IP400 systems, each control units was manufactured as either an A-Law variant or a U-Law variant.
For IP500 and IP500 V2 systems, the encoding default is set by the type of Feature Key installed when the
system is first started. The cards are either specifically A-Law or U-Law. PARTNER Mode cards are U-Law.
Norstar Mode cards are A-Law.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Menu Bar Commands: Configuration Mode: File Menu Launch Voicemail Pro Client
If the Voicemail Pro client is installed on the same PC as IP Office Manager, this link can be used to launch the Voicemail
Pro client. This can also be done by clicking on the icon in the IP Office Manager toolbar. System Status
Release 4.0+: System Status is an application that can be used to monitor and report on the status of a system.
This is a separate application from IP Office Manager but if installed on the same PC, it can be started using the File |
Advanced | System Status link within IP Office Manager. Use of the application requires a service user name and
password configured on the system for System Status Access within the system's security settings.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1 LVM Greeting Utility
This command launches a utility that can be used to convert .wav files to the formats used by Embedded Voicemail (.c23
for Small Office Edition and .c11 for others). The source file must be in the standard format used for all system
applications: PCM, 8kHz 16-bit, mono.
The resulting named greeting files can then be transferred to the Embedded Voicemail memory card and selected as auto
attendant greetings. That is done using the Recording Name field on the Auto Attendant | Auto Attendant
tab. The same named greeting file can be used in several auto attendants.
The utility can be run separately using the file LVMGreeting.exe found in the LVMGreeting sub-folder of the IP Office
Manager application.
Note: The LVM Greeting Utility option is not selectable (grayed out) when Voicemail Pro is selected as the system's
voicemail type. Initial Configuration
This option will convert the existing system configuration into a IP Office Server Edition system configuration. It will
effectively default the configuration and reload it in IP Office Manager in IP Office Server Edition mode. Once IP Office
Server Edition Expansion is selected as the System Type, the Initial Configuration menu is displayed. If IP
Office Server Edition Expansion is selected in that menu, following selection of the various menu options, the system
is rebooted as a IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) for a IP Office Server Edition network. Add/Display VM Locales
This option is only displayed displayed when the configuration from an IP500 V2 systems with its Voicemail Type set to
Embedded Voicemail is received in IP Office Manager. It is not shown for off-line configuration or configurations loaded
from a PC file.
Selecting this option displays a list of the Embedded Voicemail prompt languages. Those languages already present on
the System SD card or not supported are greyed out. Additional languages can be selected and then uploaded from IP
Office Manager to the system.
When editing the system configuration in IP Office Manager, if the locale language selected for the system, a user, a
short code or an incoming call route is not already present on the System SD card, IP Office Manager will display an
error. Add/Display VM locales can then be used to upload the prompts for the required language in order to correct
the error.
You can reload languages that are already installed on the System SD card. For example, you may want to reload the
languages if new prompts have been added in a maintenance release. To reload existing languages, upgrade the system
(File | Advanced | Upgrade ) with the Upload System Files option checked. You can also choose Upload System
Files from the Embedded File Management utility (File | Advanced | Embedded File Management ).
The Recreate IP Office SD Card command can be used to locally load all available languages onto an SD card.
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Menu Bar Commands: Configuration Mode: File Menu Memory Card Command
These commands are used with the memory cards installed in IP500/IP500 V2 control units. Shutdown
This command can be used to shutdown the operation of IP500 and IP500 V2 unit memory cards.
This action or a system shutdown must be performed before a memory card is removed from the unit. Removing a
memory card while the system is running may cause file corruption. Card services can be restarted by either reinserting
the card or using the Start Up command.
Shutting down the memory card will disable all services provided by the card including Embedded Voicemail if being
used. For IP500 V2 systems, features licensed by the memory card will continue to operate for up to 2 hours. Start Up
This command can be used to restart operation of an IP500 or IP500 V2 memory card that has been shut down . The
command will start the Select IP Office discovery process for selection of the system.
5.1.9 Backup/Restore Backup Binaries and Configuration
This command copies all configuration files (.cfg) and software binary files (.bin) stored in IP Office Manager's working
directory to a selected folder. Restore Binaries and Configuration
This command copies all configuration files (.cfg) and software files (.bin) stored in a selected folder to the IP Office
Manager's working directory.
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5.1.10 Import/Export Export
This command allows you to export the selected parts of the configuration to either a set of CSV text files (.csv) or a
single binary file (.exp). See Importing and Exporting Settings .
The display shows those exportable record types for which the configuration contains records. The File Type and the Save
In path can be selected at the base. The default location used is sub-directory of the IP Office Manager application
directory based on system name of the currently loaded system.
IP Office Manager imports and exports CSV files using UTF8 character encoding which uses a double byte to support
characters with diacritic marks such as . Other applications such as Excel, depending on the user PC settings, may use
different single-byte encoding which will cause such characters to be removed. Care should be taken to ensure that any
tool used to create or edit a CSV supports all the characters expected and is compatible with UTF8.
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Menu Bar Commands: Configuration Mode: File Menu Import
This command allows you to import configuration settings. Two formats are supported. Binary files (.exp) are settings
previously exported from a system using File | Import /Export | Export . CSV text files (.csv) can also be exported
from a system or can be created using a plain text editor. See Importing and Exporting Settings .
For the selected File Type and the Look In path, the window displays the file or files found. The default location used is
sub-directory of the IP Office Manager application directory based on system name of the currently loaded system.
IP Office Manager imports and exports CSV files using UTF8 character encoding which uses a double byte to support
characters with diacritic marks such as . Other applications such as Excel, depending on the user PC settings, may use
different single-byte encoding which will cause such characters to be removed. Care should be taken to ensure that any
tool used to create or edit a CSV supports all the characters expected and is compatible with UTF8.
5.1.11 Exit
The File | Exit command exits the IP Office Manager application.
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5.2 Configuration Mode: View Menu
5.2.1 Toolbars
This command allows selection of which toolbars should be shown or hidden in configuration mode. A tick mark is
displayed next to the name of those toolbars that are currently shown.
5.2.2 Tooltip
This setting control whether additional tooltips are displayed when IP Office Manager is running in simplified view
5.2.3 Navigation Pane
This command shows or hides the Navigation Pane. A tick mark appears next to the command when the pane is shown.
5.2.4 Group Pane
This command shows or hides the Group Pane. A tick mark appears next to the command when the pane is shown.
5.2.5 Details Pane
This command set the location of the Details Pane when the Group Pane is also shown. The Details Pane can be placed
either below or to the right of the Group Pane.
5.2.6 Error Pane
This command shows or hides the Error Pane. A tick mark appears next to the command when the pane is shown.
5.2.7 Advance View
This command causes IP Office Manager to switch from its simplified view to advanced view mode. IP Office Manager
automatically switches to advanced view mode if an IP Office Essential Edition, IP Office Preferred Edition or IP Office
Advanced Edition configuration is loaded.
5.2.8 Hide Admin Tasks
This settings shows or hides the Admin Tasks List available when IP Office Manager has a IP Office Basic Edition -
PARTNER Mode, IP Office Basic Edition - Norstar Mode or IP Office Basic Edition - Quick Mode configuration loaded.
5.2.9 Simplified View
If IP Office Manager has no configuration loaded, this command switches it from advanced view to simplified view.
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Menu Bar Commands: Configuration Mode: View Menu
5.2.10 TFTP Log
This command displays the TFTP Log window. This window shows TFTP traffic between IP Office Manager and devices
that uses TFTP to send and receive files. For example, the TFTP Log below shows an Avaya IP phone requesting and then
being sent its software files.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
5.3 Configuration Mode: Tools Menu
5.3.1 Extension Renumber
This command allows the extension numbering of user extensions to be changed. The existing extension number range to
be adjusted can be specified followed by the new start point for the range after renumbering.
The command does not alter the extension number used for hunt groups but does adjust the extension numbers of hunt
group members.
5.3.2 Line Renumber
On external trunks Line appearance ID numbers can be assigned to each channel supported in order to allow that channel
or line to be associated with a Line Appearance button on phones that support button programming. By default all lines
are automatically numbered from 701 upwards when added to the system. This command allows the lines to be
renumbered from a different starting point.
5.3.3 Connect To
This option can be used to create H.323 IP line connections between two systems in a multi-site network, one being the
system with its configuration currently loaded in IP Office Manager, the other being selected from a discovery dialog. This
option is not available for IP Office Server Edition mode.
This process will require the systems to be rebooted.
1. With the configuration of the first system received from that system and displayed in IP Office Manager, clicking
on or Tools | Connect To
2. A discovery menu is displayed and will list any other systems discovered.
3. Select the system to which connection is required.
4. Enter the login name and password for configuration access to that system.
5. IP Office Manager will switch to Small Community Network management mode, displaying the configuration of
both systems.
6. Click to save the new configuration back to each system.
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Menu Bar Commands: Configuration Mode: Tools Menu
5.3.4 Service User Management
When managing multiple systems, it may be useful to create a common user name and password on all the systems for
configuration access. This tool can be used to create a new service user account, SCN_Admin, for configuration access.
This process requires you to have a user name and password for security configuration access to each of the systems.
1. Select Tools | SCN Service User Management.
The option is not shown if a IP Office Basic Edition - Quick Mode, IP Office Basic Edition - PARTNER Mode or
IP Office Basic Edition - Norstar Mode system configuration is loaded. If no configuration is load, and the
option is not shown, select View | Advanced View.
2. The Select IP Office menu displays the list of discovered systems.
3. Select the systems for which you want to create a common configuration account. Click OK.
4. A user name and password for security configuration access to each system is requested. Enter the values and
click OK. If the same values can be used for all systems enter those values, select Use above credentials for all
remaining, selected IPOs. If each system requires a different security user names and password, deselect Use
above credentials for all remaining, selected IPOs.
5. The systems will be listed and whether they already have an SCN_Admin account is shown.
6. To create the SCN_Admin account on each system and set the password for those account click on Create
Service User.
7. Enter the common password and click OK.
8. The password can be changed in future using the Change Password option.
9. Click Close.
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5.3.5 Busy on Held Validation
Busy on Held is a user feature where, when the user has a call on hold, the system indicate the user as being busy to
any further calls.
The use of Busy on Held in conjunction with multiple call appearance buttons is deprecated. This command can be used
to identify those users who have multiple call appearance buttons and for whom Busy on Held is currently set.
When run, it shows a list of the users affected and if selected their Busy on Held setting will be switched off.
5.3.6 MSN/DID Configuration
This menu can be used to populate the Incoming Call Route table with a range of MSN or DID numbers. This option is
not available when IP Office Manager is running in IP Office Server Edition mode.
In the example above, the customer has ten DID numbers starting at 01505392201 with the central office exchange
passing through 3 digits for each. Having selected the number of presentation digits (3), set the range (10) and selected
the first destination (201); clicking Add created the ten incoming call routes (201 to 210).
The first number in the set of MSN numbers for which you have subscribed. Note: If you require to find an exact match
between the MSN numbers and the destination numbers, enter a minus (-) sign before the first MSN number.
Where incoming calls with matching digits should be routed. The drop-down list contains the extensions and groups on
the system.
Line Group ID
Specifies the incoming line group ID of the trunks to which the DID routing is applied.
Presentation Digits
Set to match the number of digits from the MSN/DID number that the central office exchange will actually present to
the system.
How many MSN or DID number routes to create in sequence using the selected MSN/DID and Destination as start
points. Only routing to user extensions is supported when creating a range of records.
Adds the appropriate records to the Incoming Call Route table using the value entered above.
Removes a specific record.
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Menu Bar Commands: Configuration Mode: Tools Menu
5.3.7 Print Button Labels
This option is only enabled if a version of DESI software is also installed on the same PC as IP Office Manager. It can then
be used when a system configuration is loaded in IP Office Manager.
DESI software can be obtained from the Avaya support web site (http://support.avaya.com) or from DESI (http//www.
desi.com). Currently, though all users are shown, only ETR, M Series, T-Series, 1400 and 1600 phones are supported by
DESI templates.
The text used on the labels:
If a text label has been added in the user's Button Programming settings, that text label is passed to the DESI
Note that the DESI application cannot import non-ASCII characters and may render them incorrectly.
IP Office Manager will display a warning if it estimates that the user's current text for some buttons may exceed
the label space of the phone type.
If no text label has been set, the default label for the action currently assigned to the button is passed to the DESI
Once the labels are shown in the DESI application, the label text can be changed.
1. Load the configuration of the system for which you want to print button labels.
2. Select Tools and then Print Button Labels.
These are the user name and extension number details of the users in the system configuration currently
loaded in IP Office Manager.
Phone Type
This field shows the type of phone, if known, that the user is currently associated with. The drop down can be
used to change the selection if required.
Expansion Modules
If the phone type supports additional button modules, this drop down can be used to select the type and
number of button modules.
Print Extn
This check box is used to select whether the phone button details should be included in the output passed to
the DESI software.
Print BM1/Print BM2/Print BM3
These check boxes are used to select whether button module button details should be included in the output
passed to the DESI software. These button will only be selectable if the user's Expansion Modules is set to
the number of button modules.
3. Click Print via DESI to transfer the information to the DESI application. Within DESI, edit the labels as required
and then print the labels.
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5.3.8 Import Templates
IP Office Manager can be used to import and use trunk templates . SIP trunk templates can be used to add SIP trunks.
Analog trunk templates can also be applied to existing analog trunks. This option does not affect the additional template
options used for IP Office Server Edition mode.
The templates need to be stored in a specific IP Office Manager sub-folder \Templates.
Some templates may be supplied with the IP Office Manager application and will be automatically installed to the correct
location. This command can be used to select a folder containing other template files and will copy those files into the
correct IP Office Manager sub-folder.
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Menu Bar Commands: Configuration Mode: Tools Menu
5.4 Security Mode
These commands are available when the IP Office Manager is in security configuration mode.
5.4.1 Open Security Settings
This command displays the Select IP Office menu to select and load a system's security settings. This requires entry of
a user name and password with rights to access security settings of the selected system.
This behavior changes when configuration settings have already be received from a system using a service user name
and password that also has security access rights for that system. In that case, the system's security settings are
automatically loaded without requiring name and password entry.
5.4.2 Close Security Settings
Close the currently open set of security settings received from a system without saving those settings.
5.4.3 Save Security Settings
Send edited security settings back to the system. Requires re-entry of a service user name and password with access
rights for security settings.
5.4.4 Reset Security Settings
Release 4.1+: Reset the security settings of the selected syste, to defaults. Requires entry of a service user name and
password with access rights for resetting the security settings. This option is not usable while a set of security
configuration settings is loaded.
The command File | Advanced | Erase Security Settings (Default) performs the same action from IP Office
Manager configuration mode.
5.4.5 Preferences
See Preferences in the Menu Bar Commands | Configuration Mode | File Menu section.
5.4.6 Exit
This command closes IP Office Manager.
5.4.7 Configuration
This command returns the IP Office Manager application to configuration mode.
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5.5 Embedded File Management
For control units (except Small Office Edition) with a memory card installed, the contents of the card can be viewed using
IP Office Manager. This view can also be used to add and remove files from the card. This may be useful when the
memory card is being used to store Music on Hold or IP phone firmware files. For Linux based systems access to the /
opt/ipoffice folder is provided.
Embedded Voicemail Files
When viewing the memory card, the files related to Embedded Voicemail are visible, however these files are
greyed out (ie. cannot be deleted, downloaded or overwritten).
Mailbox greetings and messages are shown as .clp files.
The language prompts for Embedded Voicemail functions are stored in separate language sub-folders of
lvmail. These are either .c11 (IP500/IP500 V2 and IP406 V2) or .c23 (Small Office Edition) files.
Named prompt files for use by Embedded Voicemail auto attendants are stored in the lvmail\AAG folder and
use the same .c11 or .c23 file formats as the language prompts. These files can be created from standard .
wav files before being downloaded to the memory card by using the LVM Greeting Utility .
Avaya IP Phone Files
The memory card can be used as the source of files requested by IP Phones when rebooting. For phones using
system DHCP, once the files are loaded onto the card, the TFTP Server IP Address and HTTP Server IP
Address on the System | System tab must be set to match the system's LAN address.
Viewing a Memory Card
When Advanced | Embedded File Management is selected, the IP Office Manager will go through normal
system discovery but will only allow selection of systems which can support a memory card. When a system is
selected, a valid service user name and password for configuration access to that system is requested. If the
system selected does not have a memory card installed, the files view remains blank and the message TFTP:
Received TFTP Error "Not Found" appears in Manager's status bar.
Changing the Files View
The type of display used in the Files pane can be changed by selecting from the View menu in the toolbar.
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Menu Bar Commands: Embedded File Management
5.5.1 Open File Settings
Select a system and display the contents of its memory cards if any are present and in use.
5.5.2 Close File Settings
Close the current memory card contents listing without exiting embedded file management mode.
5.5.3 Refresh File Settings
This command can be used to request a file update from the system.
5.5.4 Upload File
This command can be used to select and upload a file to the memory card in the system.
5.5.5 Upload System Files
This command is available with IP500 V2 systems. When this command is selected, IP Office Manager will upload the
software files for operation to the System SD card.
After this command is completed, the system is rebooted. This will end all calls and services in progress.
It copies the binary files for the system control unit and possible external expansion modules.
It copies the firmware files used by phones supported by the system.
For systems configured to running in IP Office Basic Edition - Quick Mode, IP Office Basic Edition - PARTNER
Mode or IP Office Basic Edition - Norstar Mode mode, the files for IP Office Web Manager are copied.
For systems configured to run Embedded Voicemail, the Embedded Voicemail prompts for those supported
languages set as the system locale, user locales, incoming call route locales and short code locales are
upgraded. In addition the English language prompts are upgraded as follows: IP Office A-Law/Norstar SD
Cards - UK English, IP Office U-Law/PARTNER SD Cards - US English.
5.5.6 Backup System Files
This command is available with IP500 V2 systems. When selected, IP Office Manager copies the folders and files from
the System SD card's /primary folder to its /backup folder. Any matching files and folders already present are
overwritten. This action can be included as part of the system's automatic daily backup process (System | System |
Automatic Backup ).
5.5.7 Restore System Files
This command is available with IP500 V2 systems. When selected, IP Office Manager copies the folders and files from
the System SD card's /backup folder to its /primary folder. Any matching files and folders already present are
After this command is completed, the system is rebooted. This will end all calls and services in progress.
5.5.8 Upgrade Binaries
This command is available for IP500 V2 systems that have a system SD card and Optional SD card installed.
When this command is selected, all files except config.cfg and keys.txt files in the Optional SD card's \primary folder
are copied to the System SD card.
After this command is completed, the system is rebooted. This will end all calls and services in progress.
5.5.9 Upgrade Configuration
This command is available for IP500 V2 systems that have a system SD card and Optional SD card installed.
When this command is selected, any config.cfg and keys.txt files in the Optional SD card's \primary folder are copied
to the System SD card.
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After this command is completed, the system is rebooted. This will end all calls and services in progress.
5.5.10 Upload Voicemail Files
This command is available with IP500 and IP406 V2 control units. When this command is selected, IP Office Manager
copies the prompts necessary for Embedded Voicemail to the memory card. For IP500 V2 control units, use Upload
System Files .
5.5.11 Upload Phone Files
This command is available for IP500 and IP406 V2 control units. When this command is selected, IP Office Manager
copies the software files relating to phone firmware to the memory card. For IP500 V2 control units, use Upload System
Files .
5.5.12 Copy System Card
This command is available for IP500 V2 systems that have an Optional SD card installed in addition to the mandatory
System SD card. When this command is selected, the system will copy the folders and files on its System SD card to
the Optional SD card. Any matching files and folders already present on the Optional SD card are overwritten.
This process takes at least 90 minutes and can take longer.
5.5.13 Configuration
This command will exit Embedded File Management and return IP Office Manager to configuration editing mode.
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Configuration Settings
Chapter 6.
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6. Configuration Settings
This following sections detail the various configuration settings provided for different record types within the system
configuration. Depending on the type and locale of the system some settings and tabs may be hidden as they are not
applicable. Other settings may be grayed out. This indicates that the setting is either for information only or that another
setting needs to be enabled first.
IP Office Manager Settings
The BOOTP and Operator settings are used by the IP Office Manager application itself. They are not system configuration
IP Office Manager settings for the support of systems requesting software.
IP Office Manager settings for the editing of configuration settings from pre-Release 3.2 systems.
The way that the system configuration settings are grouped and displayed in navigation pane depends on whether IP
Office Manager is running in its normal Advanced View mode or in IP Office Server Edition mode.
Standalone System Settings
This order of display of different types of configuration record is used for IP Office Essential Edition, IP Office Preferred
Edition and IP Office Advanced Edition systems.
Overall settings for the data and telephony operation of the system.
Settings for trunks and trunk channels within the system.
Control Unit
Information summary of the system.
Settings for extension ports.
Settings for each system user. They may or may not be associated with an extension.
Hunt Group
Collections of users to which calls can be directed for answer by any one of those users.
Short Code
These are numbers which when dialed trigger specific features or are translated for external dialing. Short codes
can be set at both the system wide level and locally for a particular system.
Configuration settings such as user names and passwords needed for connections to data services such as the
Remote Access Service settings for connecting incoming data calls.
Incoming Call Route
Records here are used to match incoming call details on external trunks to destinations on the system.
WAN Port
Configuration settings for the WAN ports provided on some units.
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Configuration Settings:
External names and numbers. Used for matching names to incoming calls and for dialing from user applications.
Time Profile
Used to control when various functions are active.
Firewall Profile
Use to control the types of data traffic that can cross into or out of the system.
IP Route
These records are used to determine where data traffic on the system should be routed.
Least Cost Routing
On pre-4.0 systems LCR is used to rerouted or block outgoing external calls. For Release 4.0+ this has been
replace by ARS.
Account Code
Used for call logging and to control the dialing of certain numbers.
License keys are used to enable system features and applications.
Used to created IPSec and L2TP data tunnels.
Logical LAN
Used to allow two subnets to be run and routed on the same physical LAN.
Used to provide wireless services on the Small Office Edition.
User Rights
Provide templates to control the settings applied to associated users.
Auto Attendant
Used when an Avaya memory card is installed in the control unit (Small Office Edition, IP406 V2, IP500 or IP500
V2 system).
Automatic Route Selection is used by to control outgoing external calls.
PLDS License
Licenses are used to enable B5800 Branch Gateway features and applications.
Authorization Codes
Authorization codes are similar to account codes. However, unlike account codes which are usable by any user,
each authorization code is only usable by a specific user or users associated with a specific set of user rights.
E911 System
Available for US systems to support E911 services.
IP Office Server Edition Settings
When IP Office Manager is being used in IP Office Server Edition mode, the navigation pane works in the same way as
normal, see Using the Navigation Pane . However, the different types of configuration records are ordered and
grouped differently. This reflects the fact that some types of record are automatically shared across all systems in the
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Solution Settings
The first 8 types are records have special behaviors that are different from normal records stored in the configurations of
individual systems in the network.
These records show settings for system users. Each user may or may not be associated with an extension. All the
users configured on all systems are grouped here to allow easy configuration access. The individual user records
are still stored in the configuration of the particular system on which the user was created and can also be
accessed through that system's configuration settings. New users are created through the User settings of the
system that hosts the user.
Hunt Group
These records are groups of users to which calls can be directed for answering by any one of those users. Hunt
group records are stored in the configuration of the IP Office Server Edition Primary Server but those hunt groups
are advertised for use by all systems in the network.
External names and numbers. These records are used to match names to incoming calls and for making calls by
name selection from the directory on phones or in applications. These directory records are stored in the
configuration of the IP Office Server Edition Primary Server. By default all other systems in the network
automatically import a copy of the IP Office Server Edition Primary Server system directory at regular intervals.
By default, the following types of records are all shared and replicated by each system in the network and cannot be set
at an individual system level. That operation can be changed using the consolidation settings .
Short Code
These are numbers which when dialed trigger specific features or are translated for external dialing. These short
codes are common to all systems in the network.
In a IP Office Server Edition network, only Dial, Dial Emergency, Dial Fax, Dial Speech and Dial 3k1
short codes can be set as system short codes on individual systems. All other short code types, including
other dial features not mentioned, can only be created at the network level and are shared by all systems
in the network.
Incoming Call Route
Records set here are used to match incoming call details on external trunks to destinations. These incoming call
routes are shared by all systems in the network.
Time Profile
Used to control when various functions are active. The time profiles set here are shared by all systems in the
Account Code
Used for call logging and to control the dialing of certain numbers. The account codes set here are shared by all
systems in the network.
User Rights
Provide templates to control the settings applied to users associated with a particular set of user rights. These user
rights are shared and replicated on all systems in the network.
Individual System Settings
In addition to the settings above, a range of other types of record can be configured for each individual system in the
network. Visibility and configuration of Short Code, Incoming Call Route, Time Profile, Account Code and User
Rights records (see above) is dependent on the consolidation settings of IP Office Manager.
A system icon is shown for each system in the network. That is, one for the IP Office Server Edition Primary
Server, one for the the IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server if installed and one for each IP Office Server
Edition Expansion System (L) and IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) systems. Each can be expanded
to allow configuration of records that are particular to that system.
Settings for trunks and trunk channels within the system.
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Configuration Settings:
Control Unit
Information summary of the system.
Settings for extension ports.
Settings for each system user. They may or may not be associated with an extension.
Short Code
These are numbers which when dialed trigger specific features or are translated for external dialing.
In a IP Office Server Edition network, only Dial, Dial Emergency, Dial Fax, Dial Speech and Dial 3k1
short codes can be set as system short codes on individual systems. All other short code types, including
other dial features not mentioned, can only be created at the network level and are shared by all systems
in the network.
Configuration settings such as user names and passwords needed for connections to data services such as the
Remote Access Service settings for connecting incoming data calls.
WAN Port
Configuration settings for the WAN ports provided on some units.
Firewall Profile
Use to control the types of data traffic that can cross into or out of the system.
IP Route
These records are used to determine where data traffic on the system should be routed.
License keys are used to enable system features and applications.
Used to created IPSec and L2TP data tunnels.
Automatic Route Selection is used by to control outgoing external calls.
Authorization Codes
Authorization codes are similar to account codes. However, unlike account codes which are usable by any
user, each authorization code is only usable by a specific user or users associated with a specific set of user
E911 System
Available for US systems to support E911 services.
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BOOTP is protocol used by devices to request software when restarting. It is used when upgrading the control
unit within a system or when the core software within the control unit has been erased. When running, IP Office
Manager can respond to BOOTP requests and, if it finds a matching BOOTP record for the system, provide the
software file indicated by that record.
BOOTP records are not part of a system's configuration settings, they are items saved on the IP Office Manager PC.
Normally IP Office Manager automatically creates a BOOTP record for each system with which it has communicated, up to
a maximum of 50 records. However BOOTP records can be added and edited manually when necessary.
File Location
The location from which IP Office Manager provides files in response to BOOTP is its binaries directory. This can be
changed using File | Change Working Directory or File | Preferences | Directories . This directory is
also the directory used by IP Office Manager when providing files by TFTP.
Disabling BOOTP
IP Office Manager can be disabled from providing BOOTP support for any systems. Select File | Preferences |
Preferences | Enable BOOTP and TFTP Server .
Enabled: Default = Enabled
If unticked, BOOTP support for the matching system from this IP Office Manager PC is disabled.
System Name
This field is not changeable. It shows the system name.
MAC Address
The MAC address of the system. The address can be obtained and or verified in a number of ways:
When a system's configuration settings are loaded into IP Office Manager, it is shown as the Serial Number on the
Unit form. On defaulted systems, it is also used as the system name.
If the system is requesting software, the MAC address is shown as part of the request in the status bar at the base
of the IP Office Manager screen.
If the system can be pinged, it may be possible to obtain its MAC address using the command arp -a <ip address>
IP Address
The IP address of the system's LAN1.
The name of the .bin software file used by that type of control unit. To be transferred to the system, this file must exist
in the IP Office Manager applications Working Directory.
Time Offset: Default = 0.
In addition to performing BOOTP support for systems, the IP Office Manager application can also act as a time server
(RFC868). This field sets the offset between the time on the PC running IP Office Manager and the time sent to the
system in response to its time requests. The field is not used if a specific Time Server IP Address is set through the
System form in the system's configuration settings.
IP Office Manager can be disabled from acting as an Internet Time (RFC868) server. Select File | Preferences |
Preferences and untick Enable time server.
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Configuration Settings: BOOTP
6.2 Operator
Operator records are not part of a system's configuration settings. They are used when a pre-Release 3.2
configuration is loaded to control what parts of a configuration can be edited.
The table below lists the settings for the default operators provided.
Operator View Edit New Delete Configuration Record Types
All configuration records.
Manager View all. Other actions Extension, User, Hunt Group, Short Code,
Service, RAS, Incoming Call Route, Directory, Time Profile, Firewall
Profile, IP Route, Least Cost Routing, Account Code, ARS.
Operator View all configuration records. Edit all except System, Line, Control Unit
and Authorization Codes.
If when receiving a configuration from a pre-3.2 system an invalid operator is specified, the settings will be loaded using
the Guest operator. This additional operator allows a read-only view.
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6.3 System
There is one System record for each system being managed. When using IP Office Manager in IP Office Server
Edition or Small Community Network Management modes, clicking on the System icon for a particular
system displays a system inventory page for that system.
The following tabs are part of the System form:
General settings for the system.
Network settings for the RJ45 Ethernet LAN port on the control unit.
Network settings for the RJ45 Ethernet WAN port on the control unit. LAN2 is not supported by all control units.
On the Small Office Edition, IP500 and IP500 V2 control units the LAN2 settings are used for the RJ45 Ethernet port
labeled WAN.
On the IP412 control units LAN2 settings are used for the RJ45 ethernet port labeled LAN2.
For IP406 V2 control units running Release 4.1+, the RJ45 LAN port 8 can be selected to act be LAN2 if required.
Specify the Domain Name Server addresses to use for address resolution.
Details the type and location of the voicemail server.
System-wide telephony settings.
H.323 Gatekeeper
Settings used for VoIP end points registering with the system and for DiffServ QoS settings applied to VoIP traffic. This
tab is only shown on pre-4.0 systems. For Release 4.0+, separate LAN1 and LAN2 VoIP settings are shown on the
LAN1 and LAN2 tabs respectively.
Directory Services
Settings to allow the system to import directory numbers from other sources.
System Events
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP), email (SMTP), and Syslog settings for the sending of system events.
Settings for SMTP email sending from the system.
System wide controls for the use of Mobile Twinning.
Settings for the sending of call records to a specified IP address.
This form is used for settings specific to the Customer Call Reporter (CCR) application. Not supported in multi-site
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Configuration Settings: System
6.3.1 System
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
Release: 1.0+.
Mergeable: These settings are mergeable. However, changes to Locale, License Server IP Address or
Favor RIP Routes over Static Routes require a reboot.
Configuration Settings
Name: Default: = System MAC Address.
A name to identify this system. This is typically used to identify the configuration by the location or customer's
company name. Some features such as Gatekeeper require the system to have a name. This field is case sensitive and
within any network of systems must be unique. Do not use <, >, |, \0, :, *, ?, . or /.
Contact Information: Default = Blank. Release 4.1+.
This field is only be edited by service user with administrator rights. If Contact Information is entered, it will set the
system under 'special control'.
If the contact information is set using a standalone version of IP Office Manager, warnings that "This configuration is
under special control" are given when the configuration is opened again. This can be used to warn other users of IP
Office Manager that the system is being monitored for some specific reason and provide them with contact details of
the person doing that monitoring. See Loading a Configuration .
This setting sets default telephony and language settings based on the selection. It also sets various external line
settings and so must be set correctly to ensure correct operation of the system. See Supported Country and Locale
Settings . For individual users the system settings can be overridden through their own locale setting (User | User
| Locale).
When the system routes a call to the voicemail server it indicates the locale for which matching prompts
should be provided if available. The locale sent to the voicemail server by the system is determined as show
below. If the required set of prompts is not available, the voicemail will fallback to another appropriate
language and finally to English (refer to the appropriate voicemail installation manual for details).
Short Code Locale: The short code locale, if set, is used if the call is routed to voicemail using the short
Incoming Call Route Locale: The incoming call route locale, if set, is used if caller is external.
User Locale: The user locale, if set, is used if the caller is internal.
System Locale: If no user or incoming call route locale is set, the system locale is used unless
overridden by a short code locale.
For Release 8.0+ systems using Embedded Voicemail, if the required set of upgraded language prompts to
match the locale is not present on the system SD card, IP Office Manager will display an error. The required
prompt set can be uploaded from IP Office Manager using the Add/Display VM Locales option.
Customize Locale Settings: Release 4.0 Q2 2007 Maintenance Release +
The Customize locale matches the Saudi Arabia locale but with the following additional controls shown below.
For other locales these are set through the System | Telephony | Tones and Music form.
Tone Plan: Default = Tone Plan 1
The tone plan control tones and ringing patterns. The options are:
Tone Plan 1: United States .
Tone Plan 2: United Kingdom .
Tone Plan 3: France .
Tone Plan 4: Germany .
Tone Plan 5: Spain .
Busy Tone Detection: Default = Off.
Enables or disables the use of busy tone detection for call clearing. This is a system wide setting.
CLI Type: Release 7.0+.
This field is used to set the CLI detection used for incoming analogue trunks. The options are DTMF, FSK V23 and
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Password: Default = password. Release 2.1 to 3.1.
A password for controlling access to the operation of the Control Unit. This is required to upgrade and reboot and to
send or receive configurations from the Control Unit. This is a required option and a prompt is given if left blank. For
Release 3.2+ systems this setting has become part of the security settings.
Monitor Password: Default = Blank. Release 2.1 to 3.1.
This password is used by the Monitor and Call Status applications to allow communication with the main unit. If left
blank these applications will use the System Password above. For Release 3.2+ systems, this setting has become part
of the security settings.
Time Offset: Default = 00:00. Release 1.0 to 6.0.
This setting can be used if the system is in a different time zone from its time server. For example, if the system is 5
hours behind the time server, this field should be configured with -5:00 to make the adjustment. The time offset can
be adjusted in 15 minute increments. Note: If the time server is a IP Office Manager PC, the adjustment can also be
done through the IP Office Manager BOOTP record for the system.
Device ID: IP Office Server Edition Only.
Displays the value set for Device ID on the System | System Events | Configuration tab.
If an SSL VPN is configured, , Avaya recommends that the Device ID match an SSL VPN service Account Name.
Each SSL VPN service account name has an associated SSL VPN tunnel IP address. Having the displayed Device ID
match an SSL VPN service account name helps identify a particular SSL VPN tunnel IP address to use for remotely
managing IP Office.
TFTP Server IP Address: Default = (Broadcast).
For Avaya IP phones using the system for DHCP, the address set here is used when they make TFTP requests for
software and settings files.
While running, IP Office Manager can act as a TFTP server and provides files from its configured binaries directory
. IP Office Manager can be disabled from doing TFTP through the Enable BootP and TFTP Servers
On systems with an Avaya memory card (Small Office Edition, IP406 V2, IP500 and IP500 V2), the LAN1 IP
Address can be entered to specify that memory card as the TFTP file source. The files required for download must
be transferred onto the card using either TFTP from the PC command line (see File Writer IP Address below) or
through Embedded File Management .
1100, 1200, 1600 and 9600 Series IP phones do not support TFTP and require an HTTP Server IP Address (see
below) to be specified.
Release 5.0+: This address is only used in DHCP responses if the Phone File Server Type is set to Custom.
HTTP Server IP Address: Default = (Disabled). Release 4.2+.
For Avaya IP phones using the system for DHCP, the address set here is used when they make HTTP requests for
software and settings files. The files for download should be placed in the HTTP server's root directory.
Release 4.2: Using the system's own memory card is supported as the source for HTTP files. This is supported for
up to 50 IP phones total. This is done by setting the TFTP Server IP Address and HTTP Server IP Address to
match the system IP address.
Release 4.2 Q4 2008 maintenance release: HTTP-TFTP Relay is support using IP Office Manager as the TFTP server
(not supported by Linux based systems). This is done by setting the TFTP Server IP Address to the address of
the IP Office Manager PC and the HTTP Server IP Address to the control unit IP address. This method is
supported for up to 5 IP phones total.
Release 5.0+: This address is only used in DHCP responses if the Phone File Server Type (see below) is set to
Phone File Server Type: Default = Custom. Release 5.0+.
For IP (H.323 and SIP) phones using the system as their DHCP server, the DHCP response can include the address of a
file server from which the phone should request files. The setting of this field control which address is used in the
DHCP response.
Phone File
Server Type
DHCP Response uses...
HTTP Source TFTP Source
Custom HTTP Server IP Address TFTP Server IP Address
Memory Card LAN IP Address LAN IP Address
Disk LAN IP Address LAN IP Address
Manager LAN IP Address Manager PC IP Address
The DHCP response provided to phones it is supporting contains the TFTP Address from the TFTP Server IP Address
above and the HTTP Address from the HTTP Server IP Address above.
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Configuration Settings: System
Memory Card
The system will respond to file requests from phones using files on its own memory card. The DHCP response provided
to phones it is supporting contains the LAN address of the system for both TFTP and HTTP address.
This option is shown on Linux based IP Office systems. The system will respond to file requests from phone using files
from the /opt/ipoffice/system/primary folder. The DHCP response provided to phones it is supporting contains the LAN
address of the system for both TFTP and HTTP address.
The system will forward any H.323 phone file request to the configured Manager PC IP Address set below.
HTTP-TFTP relay is used for HTTP requests. The DHCP response provided to phones the system is supporting contains
the LAN address of the system for the HTTP Address. This option is not supported for Linux based systems.
Manager PC IP Address: Default = (Broadcast). Release 5.0+.
This address is used when the Phone File Server Type is set to Manager.
Avaya HTTP Clients Only: Default = On. Release 5.0+.
If selected, the system will only respond to HTTP requests from sources it identifies as another system, an Avaya
phone or application.
Enable SoftPhone HTTP Provisioning: Default = Off. Release 6.0+.
This option must be enabled if the IP Office Video Softphone is being supported.
Automatic Backup: Default = On. Release 6.1+.
This command is available with IP500 V2 systems. When selected, as part of its daily backup process, the system
automatically copies the folders and files from the System SD card's /primary folder to its /backup folder. Any
matching files and folders already present in the /backup folder are overwritten.
Branch Prefix: Default = Blank. Range = 0 to 999999999. Release 4.1+.
Used to identify the system within an Avaya SIP for Branch network linked via an SES server. The branch prefixes of
each systems within the network must unique and must not overlap. For example 85, 861 and 862 are okay, but 86
and 861 overlap.
Local Number Length: Default = Blank (Off). Range = Blank (Off) or 3 to 9. Release 4.1+.
Set the default length for extension numbers for extensions, users and hunt groups. Entry of an extension number of a
different length will cause an error warning within IP Office Manager.This field is intended for systems being used in an
Avaya SIP for Branch network linked via an SES server, where fixed extension lengths must be used. Note that the
Branch Prefix and the Local Number Length must not exceed 15 digits.
Provider: Default = Not visible. Release 8.0
This field is visible only if the system has been branded by addition of a special license for a specific equipment
provider. The branding is fixed, that is it remains even if the license is subsequently removed. The number shown is a
unique reference to the particular equipment provider for whom the system has been branded. When branded, the
equipment provider's name is displayed on idle phone displays and other provider related features are enabled.
Time Server IP Address: Default = (Default), Release 1.0 to 6.0.
For pre-Release 6.1 systems, the time is either set manually (see Date and Time ) or obtained using Time protocol
(RFC868) requests. Both the Voicemail Pro server and the IP Office Manager application can respond to Time requests.
Entering disables requesting time server updates. The system makes a request to the specified address
following a reboot and every 8 hours afterwards.
This setting is replaced for Release 6.1 systems by the Time Setting Config Source and Time Settings detailed
below. means default operation. In this mode, following a reboot the control unit will send out a time request on its
LAN interfaces. It first makes the request to the Voicemail Server IP address in its configuration if set and, if it
receives no reply, it then makes a broadcast request.
If you are running IP Office Manager when the voicemail server starts, voicemail does not start as a time server. It
is therefore recommended that you have no copy of IP Office Manager running when you start or restart the
voicemail server. IP Office Manager can be disabled from acting as a RFC868 time server by deselecting the Enable
Time Server option (File | Preferences | Edit | Preferences ).
Time Setting Config Source: Default = See below.
The time is either set manually (see Date and Time ), obtained using Time protocol (RFC868) requests or obtained
using Network Time Protocol (RFC958) request. This field is used to select which method is used and to apply ancillary
settings based on the selected method.
For IP Office Server Edition networks, the IP Office Server Edition Primary Server is defaulted to use SNTP to
0.pool.ntp.org to obtain its time and date. The IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server and expansion
servers are defaulted to use SNTP to obtain their time from the IP Office Server Edition Primary Server.
For other IP Office systems the default is Voicemail Pro/Manager. This option should not be used with IP
Office Server Edition systems and systems with a Unified Communications Module as in those scenarios the
voicemail server is being hosted by and getting its time from the same server as the IP Office.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Set the system to not make any time requests. The system time and date needs to be set using a phone with
System Phone Rights (User | User ). The system can then automatically apply daylight saving settings to the
manually set time.
Time Zone: Default = Match to system Locale
The value is defaulted to match the system locale.
Local Time Offset from UTC: Default = 00:00
This setting is used to set the local time difference from the UTC time value provided by an SNTP server. For
example, if the system is 5 hours behind UTC, this field should be configured with -05:00 to make the
adjustment. The time offset can be adjusted in 15 minute increments. If also using the daylight time saving
settings below, use this offset to set the non-DST local time.
Automatic DST: Default = On
If enabled, the system will apply daylight saving time (DST) changes to the displayed local time.
Clock Forward/Back Settings
This drop down lists the currently configured dates and times for the start and end of daylight savings when
Automatic DST above is enabled. IP Office Manager initially applies up to 10 default values from the current
year based on the system locale. However, these should be checked to ensure that they match the expected
values and any recent changes to local DST requirements.
Each of the 10 entries can be edited by selecting it in the drop-down list and then clicking Edit.
An existing entry can be deleted by selecting it in the drop-down list and then clicking Delete.
If less than 10 entries are setup, a new entry can be added by selecting <Add New Entry> from
the drop-down list and then clicking Edit.
DST Offset
Set the amount by which the time should be changed when DST is applied or removed.
Clock Forward/Back
This drop down can be used to set the paired dates for the start (go forward) and end (go back) of the
daylight saving period.
Select Clock Forward and double clicking on the required date and set the Local Time to Go
Forward. Then select Clock Backward and double click on the required date and set the Local
Time to Go Back.
Local Time to Go Forward
Set the time at which the DST Offset should be added to the local time when DST is started.
Local Time to Go Back
Set the time at which the DST offset should be removed from the local time when DST is removed.
Voicemail Pro/Manager
Both the Voicemail Pro service and the IP Office Manager program can act as RFC868 Time servers for the system.
Use of other RFC868 server sources is not supported. They provide both the UTC time value and the local time as
set on the PC. The system makes a request to the specified address following a reboot and every 8 hours
afterwards. This option should not be used with IP Office Server Edition systems and systems with a Unified
Communications Module as in those scenarios the voicemail server is being hosted by and getting its time from the
same server as the IP Office.
IP Address: Default = (Broadcast)
The address to which the RFC868 request is sent. means default operation. In this mode,
following a reboot the control unit will send out a time request on its LAN interfaces. It first makes the
request to the Voicemail Server IP address in its configuration if set and, if it receives no reply, it then
makes a broadcast request.
Time Offset: Default = 00:00
This value is not normally set as any time changes, including daylight saving changes, that occur on the
PC will be matched by the system.
If you are running IP Office Manager when the voicemail server starts, voicemail does not start as a time
server. It is therefore recommended that you have no copy of IP Office Manager running when you start or
restart the voicemail server. IP Office Manager can be disabled from acting as a RFC868 time server by
deselecting the Enable Time Server option (File | Preferences | Edit | Preferences ).
SNTP (Release 6.1+)
Use a list of SNTP servers to obtain the UTC time. The records in the list are used one at a time in order until there
is a response. The system makes a request to the specified addresses following a reboot and every hour
Time Server Address: Default = Blank
Enter a list of IP addresses or names for the SNTP servers. Separate each record with a space. The use of
broadcast addresses is not supported. The list is used in order of the records until a response is received.
Time Zone: Default = Match to system Locale
The value is defaulted to match the system locale.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Configuration Settings: System
Local Time Offset from UTC: Default = 00:00
This setting is used to set the local time difference from the UTC time value provided by an SNTP server. For
example, if the system is 5 hours behind UTC, this field should be configured with -05:00 to make the
adjustment. The time offset can be adjusted in 15 minute increments. If also using the daylight time saving
settings below, use this offset to set the non-DST local time.
Automatic DST: Default = On
If enabled, the system will apply daylight saving time (DST) changes to the displayed local time.
Clock Forward/Back Settings
This drop down lists the currently configured dates and times for the start and end of daylight savings when
Automatic DST above is enabled. IP Office Manager initially applies up to 10 default values from the current
year based on the system locale. However, these should be checked to ensure that they match the expected
values and any recent changes to local DST requirements.
Each of the 10 entries can be edited by selecting it in the drop-down list and then clicking Edit.
An existing entry can be deleted by selecting it in the drop-down list and then clicking Delete.
If less than 10 entries are setup, a new entry can be added by selecting <Add New Entry> from
the drop-down list and then clicking Edit.
DST Offset
Set the amount by which the time should be changed when DST is applied or removed.
Clock Forward/Back
This drop down can be used to set the paired dates for the start (go forward) and end (go back) of the
daylight saving period.
Select Clock Forward and double clicking on the required date and set the Local Time to Go
Forward. Then select Clock Backward and double click on the required date and set the Local
Time to Go Back.
Local Time to Go Forward
Set the time at which the DST Offset should be added to the local time when DST is started.
Local Time to Go Back
Set the time at which the DST offset should be removed from the local time when DST is removed.
File Writer IP Address: Default = (Disabled)
On systems with an Avaya memory card (Small Office Edition, IP406 V2, IP500 and IP500 V2), this field sets the
address of the PC allowed to send files to the memory card using HTTP or TFTP methods other than embedded file
management. For Linux based systems it is applied to non-embedded file management access to the /opt/ipoffice
folder on the server. An address of allows access from any address. If embedded file management
is used, this address is overwritten by the address of the PC using embedded file management (unless set to
License Server IP Address: Default =
This is the IP address of the server providing license key validation for the system. The serial number of the Feature
Key dongle at that address must match the serial number used to generate the licenses in the system's configuration.
See License for more details.
For parallel and USB Feature Key dongles this address should be the IP address of a PC running the Feature Key
server software. Note that separate systems cannot use the same Feature Key server for license validation, nor can
a system validate its licenses against more than one address.
For a serial port Feature Key dongle, the address should be set to
For IP500 and IP500 V2 systems, this field is hidden as those systems must use a Feature Key dongle inserted into
the control unit.
Dongle Serial Number
This field is for information only. It shows the serial number of the feature key dongle against which the system last
validated its licenses. Local is shown for a serial port, Smart Card or System SD feature key plugged directly into the
control unit. Remote is shown for a parallel or USB feature key connected to a feature Key Server PC. For IP400 and
IP500 systems, the serial number is also printed on the feature key dongle and prefixed with SN. For IP500 V2
systems, the serial number is printed on the System SD card and prefixed with FK. For Linux based telephone systems
this field is replaced by the System Identification field below.
System Identification
This field is for information only. For Linux based systems, this value is used to validate licenses issued for use with
the system. It is a unique value generated from the combination of server hardware (the server and the server hard
AVPP IP Address: Default = (Disabled)
Where Avaya 3600 Series SpectraLink wireless handsets are being used with the system, this field is used to specify
the IP address of the Avaya Voice Priority Processor (AVPP).
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Conferencing Center URL: Default = Blank (Disabled).
This is the root URL of the web server being used to support Conferencing Center, for example http://server/. This
address is then used by the Phone Manager and SoftConsole applications to launch Conferencing Center functions. For
Phone Manager, setting this value enables use of the join conference controls.
DSS Status:
This setting has been moved to the System | Telephony | Telephony sub-tab.
Beep on Listen: Default = On (USA)/On (Rest of World)
This setting has been moved to the System | Telephony | Tones & Music sub-tab.
Hide auto record:
This setting has been moved to the System | Voicemail sub-tab.
Favour RIP Routes over Static Routes: Default = Off
RIP can be enabled on the system LAN1 and LAN2 interfaces, and on specific Services . When this setting
is on, the RIP route to a destination overrides any static route to the same destination in the system's IP Routes ,
regardless of the RIP route's metric. The only exception is RIP routes with a metric of 16 which are always ignored.
Note: If a previously learnt RIP route fails, the system applies a metric of 16 five minutes after the failure. When off,
any RIP route to a destination for which a static route has been configured is ignored. This option is not supported on
Linux based systems.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Configuration Settings: System
6.3.2 LAN1
This tab is used to configure the behavior of the services provided by the system's first LAN interface.
Depending in the control unit, up to 2 LAN's (LAN1 and LAN2) can be configured. The relationship between the physical
RJ45 Ethernet ports and LAN1 and LAN2 within the system configuration varies as follows:
IP500/IP500 V2
The control unit has 2 RJ45 Ethernet ports, marked as LAN and WAN. These form a full-duplex managed layer-3
switch. Within the system configuration, the physical LAN port is LAN1, the physical WAN port is LAN2.
IP460 V2
The control unit has 8 RJ45 Ethernet ports marked as LAN 1 to 8. These form a full-duplex unmanaged layer-2
LAN switch. Ports are auto-MDI/MDIX. Within the system configuration the physical LAN ports are LAN1.
For Release 4.1+, port 8 can be configured to act as LAN2 using the Use Port 8 as LAN2 option on the LAN1
LAN Settings tab.
The control unit has 2 RJ45 Ethernet ports marked as LAN 1 to 2. These form a half-duplex managed layer-3
switch. Both ports are fixed MDI crossover ports. Within the system configuration, physical port 1 is LAN1,
physical port 2 is LAN2.
Small Office Edition
The control unit has 4 RJ45 Ethernet ports marked LAN 1 to 4. These form a full-duplex unmanaged layer-2
switch. An addition RJ45 Ethernet socket marked as WAN exists. With the LAN ports this acts as a managed layer-
3 switch. Within the system configuration, the physical LAN ports are LAN1, the physical WAN port is LAN2.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1 LAN Settings
This form is used to set the general LAN settings for the LAN interface such as the IP address mode.
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
Release: 1.0+.
Mergeable: These settings are not mergeable. Changes to these settings will require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
IP Address: Default = or DHCP client. See Default Settings .
This is the IP address of the Control Unit on LAN1. If the control unit is also acting as a DHCP server on the LAN, this
address is the starting address for the DHCP address range.
IP Mask: Default = or DHCP client. See Default Settings .
This is the IP subnet mask used with the IP address.
Use Port 8 as LAN2: Default = Off. Release 4.1+.
This option is provided for IP406 V2 control units with Release 4.1 or higher software only. When selected, LAN port 8
on the control unit acts as LAN2 for the control unit. Note that this setting is retained by the IP Office even if the
system is defaulted. To change the setting, the value in the configuration should be changed and the configuration sent
back to the system for an immediate reboot.
Primary Trans. IP Address: Default = (Disabled)
This setting is only available on control units that support a LAN2. Any incoming IP packets without a service or session
are translated to this address if set.
RIP Mode: Default = None
Routing Information Protocol (RIP) is a method by which network routers can exchange information about device
locations and routes. Routes learnt using RIP are known as 'dynamic routes'. The system also supports 'static routes'
though its IP Route records. For IP Office Server Edition systems this setting is only available on IP Office Server
Edition Expansion System (V2) systems.
The LAN does not listen to or send RIP messages.
Listen Only (Passive)
Listen to RIP-1 and RIP-2 messages in order to learn RIP routes on the network.
Listen to RIP-1 and RIP-2 messages and send RIP-1 responses as a sub-network broadcast.
RIP2 Broadcast (RIP1 Compatibility)
Listen to RIP-1 and RIP-2 messages and send RIP-2 responses as a sub-network broadcast.
RIP2 Multicast
Listen to RIP-1 and RIP-2 messages and send RIP-2 responses to the RIP-2 multicast address.
Enable NAT: Default = Off
This setting controls whether NAT should be used for IP traffic from LAN1 to LAN2. It is only available on Small
Office Edition, IP412, IP500 and IP500 V2 systems. This setting should not be used on the same LAN interface as a
connected WAN3 expansion module.
Number of DHCP IP Addresses: Default = 200 or DHCP client. See Default Settings. Range = 1 to 999.
This defines the number of sequential IP addresses available for DHCP clients.
DHCP Mode: Default = DHCP Client. See Default Settings .
This controls the control unit's DHCP mode for the LAN. When doing DHCP:
LAN devices are allocated addresses from the bottom of the available address range upwards.
Dial In users are allocated addresses from the top of the available range downwards.
If the control unit is acting as a DHCP server on LAN1 and LAN2, Dial in users are allocated their address from the
LAN1 pool of addresses first.
When this option is selected, the system will act as a DHCP Server on this LAN, allocating address to other devices
on the network and to PPP Dial in users.
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Configuration Settings: System
When this option is selected, the system will not use DHCP. It will not act as a DHCP server and it will not request an
IP address from a DHCP server on this LAN.
Dial In
When this option is selected, the system will allocate DHCP addresses to PPP Dial In users only. On systems using
DHCP pools, only addresses from a pool on the same subnet as the system's own LAN address will be used.
When this option is selected, the system will request its IP Address and IP Mask from a DHCP server on the LAN.
Advanced: Release 4.2+ (IP500/IP500 V2 only).
The system can be configured with a number of DHCP Pools from which it can issue IP addresses.
Manager 10.1 Page 224
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1 VoIP
This form is used to set the system defaults for VoIP operation on the LAN interface. These settings are only shown on
Release 4.0+ systems. On pre-4.0 systems the H.323 settings were located on a separate System | H.323 Gatekeeper
tab for the whole system.
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
Release: 4.0+.
Mergeable: These settings are not mergeable. Changes to these settings will require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
H.323 Gatekeeper Enable: Default = On
This settings enables gatekeeper operation.
SIP Trunks Enable: Default = On
This settings enables support of SIP trunks. It also requires entry of SIP Trunk Channels licenses.
SIP Registrar Enable: Default = On. Release 5.0+.
This setting enables support for SIP extensions. When selected, the SIP Endpoints tab if visible. The SIP extensions
also require IP End Point licenses.
H.323 Auto-create Extn: Default = On (Off on IP Office Server Edition)
When this option is on, an extension record is automatically created for H.323 phones registering themselves with the
system as their gatekeeper. SIP Extensions use a separate setting on the SIP Endpoints tab.
If using resilience backup to support Avaya IP phones, Auto-create Extn and Auto-create User should
not be left enabled after initial configuration or any subsequent addition of new extensions and users. Leaving
auto-create options enabled on a system that is a failover target may cause duplicate extension/user records
on the multi-site network under multiple failure scenarios.
H.323 Auto-create User: Default = Off
When this option is on and H.323 Auto-create Extn is also on, when a new H.323 extension is created a matching
user record is also created.
RTP Port Number Range: Release 3.0+.
For each VoIP call, a receive port for incoming Real Time Protocol (RTP) traffic is selected from a defined range of
possible ports, using the even numbers in that range. The Real Time Control Protocol (RTCP) traffic for the same call
uses the RTP port number plus 1, that is the odd numbers. For control units and Avaya H.323 IP phones, the default
port range used is 49152 to 53246. On some installations, it may be a requirement to change or restrict the port range
used. It is recommended that only port numbers between 49152 and 65535 are used, that being the range defined by
the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) for dynamic usage.
The minimum and maximum settings of the port range should only be adjusted after careful consideration of the
customer network configuration and existing port usage. For pre-Release 8.1 systems, the gap between the
minimum and maximum port values must be at least 1024. For Release 8.1 and higher, the gap between the
minimum and maximum port values must be at least 254.
Port Range (minimum): Default = 49152. Pre-8.1: Range = 1024 to 64510/8.1+: 1024 to 65280.
This sets the lower limit for the RTP port numbers used by the system.
Port Range (maximum): Default = 53246. Pre-8.1: Range = 2048 to 65534/8.1+: 1278 to 65534.
This sets the upper limit for the RTP port numbers used by the system.
H.323 Remote Extn Enable: Default = Off. Release 8.0+.
The system can be configured to support remote H.323 extensions in the case where NAT is used in the connection
path. This could be the case where the IP Office is located behind a corporate NAT/Firewall router and/or the
H.323phone is located behind residential NAT enable router.
The use of this option and the interaction and configuration of external third party elements is beyond the
scope this help file.
When this setting is enabled, the Allow Remote Extn option is available on the Extension | VoIP form of
all H.323 Extensions.
In the case where the public IP address of the corporate router is unknown, the LAN's Network Topology
settings should be used to configure a STUN Server. Enabling the Allow Remote Extn option also makes
visible the configuration of the RTP Port number Range (Remote Exten) settings below.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Configuration Settings: System
This option is not supported if the Firewall/NAT Type (System | LAN1 | Network Topology ) is set to
Symmetric Firewall or Open Internet.
Currently only 9600 Series phones are supported as H.323 remote extensions.
RTP Port Number Range (Remote Extn): Release 8.0+.
These port values operate the same as the RTP Port Number Range but are used for H.323 remote extensions. For
each VoIP call, a receive port for incoming Real Time Protocol (RTP) traffic is selected from a defined range of possible
ports, using the even numbers in that range. The Real Time Control Protocol (RTCP) traffic for the same call uses the
RTP port number plus 1, that is the odd numbers. For control units and Avaya H.323 IP phones, the default port range
used is 49152 to 53246. On some installations, it may be a requirement to change or restrict the port range used. It
is recommended that only port numbers between 49152 and 65535 are used, that being the range defined by the
Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) for dynamic usage.
Note: When the system is configured on an open internet connection, the standard RTP port range is used for all
H.323 calls including remote workers. Refer to the RTP Port Number Range above.
Port Range (minimum): Default = 49152. Range = 1024 to 64510.
This sets the lower limit for the RTP port numbers used by the system.
Port Range (maximum): Default = 53246. Range = 2048 to 65534.
This sets the upper limit for the RTP port numbers used by the system.
Enable RTCP Monitor On Port 5005: Default = On. Release 5.0+.
For 1600, 4600, 5600 and 9600 Series H.323 phones, the system can collect VoIP QoS (Quality of Service) data from
the phones. For other phones, including non-IP phones, it can collect QoS data for calls if they use a VCM channel. The
QoS data collected by the system is displayed by the System Status Application.
This setting is mergeable. However it only affects H.323 phones when the register with the system. therefore any
change to this setting requires H.323 phones that have already been registered to be rebooted. Avaya H.323
phones can be remotely rebooted using the System Status Application.
The QoS data collected includes: RTP IP Address, Codec, Connection Type, Round Trip Delay, Receive Jitter,
Receive Packet Loss.
This setting is not the same as the RTCPMON option within Avaya H.323 phone settings. The system does not
support the RTCPMON option.
DiffServ Settings
When transporting voice over low speed links it is possible for normal data packets (1500 byte packets) to prevent or
delay voice packets (typically 67 or 31 bytes) from getting across the link. This can cause unacceptable speech quality.
Therefore it is important that all traffic routers and switches in a network to have some form of Quality of Service
mechanism (QoS). QoS routers are essential to ensure low speech latency and to maintain sufficient audible quality.
The system applies the DiffServ settings to outgoing traffic on any SIP lines which have their User Network
Topology Info setting (Line | Transport ) set to match the LAN interface. DiffServ settings are not applied
to any other traffic on the systems LAN interface.
The system does not use DiffServ markings used to prioritize traffic on its LAN interface.
The system supports the DiffServ (RFC2474) QoS mechanism. This uses a Type of Service (ToS) field in the IP
packet header. The system uses this field to prioritize voice and voice signaling packets on its WAN interfaces.
Note that the system does not perform QoS for its Ethernet ports including the WAN Ethernet port on the
Small Office Edition.
The hex and decimal entry fields for the following values are linked, the hex value being equal to the decimal
multiplied by 4.
DSCP (Hex): Default = B8 (Hex)/46 (decimal). Range = 00 to FC (Hex)/0 to 63 (decimal)
The DiffServ Code Point (DSCP) setting applied to VoIP calls. For correct operation, especially over WAN links, the
same value should be set at both ends.
DSCP Mask (Hex): Default = FC (Hex)/63 (decimal). Range = 00 to FC (Hex)/0 to 63 (decimal)
Allows a mask to be applied to packets for the DSCP value.
SIG DSCP (Hex): Default = 88 (Hex)/34 (decimal). Range = 00 to FC (Hex)/0 to 63 (decimal)
This setting is used to prioritize VoIP call signaling.
DHCP Settings
Primary Site Specific Option Number (SSON): Default = 176. Range = 128 to 254.
A site specific option number (SSON) is used as part of DHCP to request additional information. 176 is the default
SSON used by 4600 Series and 5600 Series IP phones.
Secondary Site Specific Option Number (SSON): Default = 242. Range = 128 to 254.
Similar to the primary SSON. 242 is the default SSON used by 1600 and 9600 Series IP phones requesting
installation settings via DHCP.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
VLAN: Default = Not present. Release 5.0+.
This option is applied to H.323 phones using the system for DHCP support. If set to Disabled, the L2Q value
indicated to phones in the DHCP response is 2 (disabled). If set to Not Present, no L2Q value is included in the
DHCP response.
1100 Voice VLAN Site Specific Option Number (SSON): Default = 232. Release 6.1
This is the SSON used for responses to 1100/1200 Series phones using the system for DHCP.
1100 Voice VLAN IDs: Default = Blank. Release 6.1
For 1100/1200 phone being supported by DHCP, this field sets the VLAN ID that should be provided if necessary.
Multiple IDs (up to 10) can be added, each separated by a + sign.
RTP keepalives: Release 6.1+
These settings can be used with SIP trunks associated with the LAN through their Use Network Topology Info
setting (Line | Transport ). For some scenarios, with frequent call forwarding on the same SIP trunk, speech path
may be lost during the connection. The use of periodic keepalive packets may prevent the issue.
Scope: Default = Disabled
Select whether the sending of keepalive packets should be disabled or sent for RTP or for both RTP and RTCP.
Periodic timeout: Default = 0 (Off). Range = 0 to 180 seconds.
Sets how long the system will wait before sending a keepalive if no other packets of the select SCOPE are seen.
Initial keepalives: Default = Disabled.
If enabled, keepalives can also been sent during the initial connection setup.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Configuration Settings: System Network Topology
STUN (Simple Traversal of UDP through NAT) is a mechanism used with overcome the effect of NAT firewalls. The
network address translation (NAT) action performed by this type of firewall can have negative effects on VoIP calls.
Test packets are sent by the system to the address of the external STUN server, those packets crossing the firewall in
the process. The STUN server replies and includes copies of the packets it received in the reply. By comparing the packet
sent and received, it is possible for the system to determine the type of NAT firewall and to modify future packets to
overcome the effects of the firewall.
These settings are used for SIP trunk connections from the LAN. For further details of system SIP operation refer
to the SIP Line section. The use of STUN is unnecessary if the SIP ITSP uses a Session Border Controller
(SBC). Use of SIP requires entry of SIP Trunk Channels licenses.
For Release 8.0+, the network topology settings are also used for H.323 remote extensions supported on the LAN.
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
Release: 4.0+.
Mergeable: These settings are not mergeable. Changes to these settings will require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
The following fields can be completed either manually or the system can attempt to automatically discover the
appropriate values. To complete the fields automatically, only the STUN Server IP Address is required. STUN operation is
then tested by clicking Run STUN. If successful the remaining fields are filled with the results.
STUN Server IP Address: Default = Blank
This is the IP address of the SIP ITSP's STUN server. The system will send basic SIP messages to this destination and
from data inserted into the replies can try to determine the type NAT changes being applied by any firewall between it
and the ITSP.
STUN Port: Default = 3478. Release 4.1+.
Defines the port to which STUN requests are sent if STUN is used.
Firewall/NAT Type: Default = Unknown
The settings here reflect different types of network firewalls. Options include Blocking Firewall, Symmetric Firewall
, Open Internet, Symmetric NAT, Full Cone NAT, Restricted Cone NAT, Port Restricted Cone NAT, Static
Port Block and Unknown.
Open Internet
No action required. If this mode is selected, settings obtained by STUN lookups are ignored. The IP address used is
that of the system LAN interface.
Symmetric Firewall
SIP packets are unchanged but ports need to be opened and kept open with keep-alives. If this type of NAT is
detected or manually selected, a warning Communication is not possible unless the STUN server is supported on
same IP address as the ITSP will be displayed as part of the manager validation.
Full Cone NAT
A full cone NAT is one where all requests from the same internal IP address and port are mapped to the same
external IP address and port. Furthermore, any external host can send a packet to the internal host, by sending a
packet to the mapped external address. SIP packets need to be mapped to NAT address and Port; any Host in the
internet can call in on the open port, that is the local info in the SDP will apply to multiple ITSP Hosts. No warning
will be displayed for this type of NAT because the system has sufficient information to make the connection).
Symmetric NAT
A symmetric NAT is one where all requests from the same internal IP address and port, to a specific destination IP
address and port, are mapped to the same external IP address and port. If the same host sends a packet with the
same source address and port, but to a different destination, a different mapping is used. Furthermore, only the
external host that receives a packet can send a UDP packet back to the internal host. SIP Packets need to be
mapped but STUN will not provide the correct information unless the IP address on the STUN server is the same as
the ITSP Host. If this type of NAT/Firewall is detected or manually selected, a warning Communication is not
possible unless the STUN server is supported on same IP address as the ITSP will be displayed as part of the
manager validation.
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Restricted Cone NAT
A restricted cone NAT is one where all requests from the same internal IP address and port are mapped to the same
external IP address and port. Unlike a full cone NAT, an external host (with IP address X) can send a packet to the
internal host only if the internal host had previously sent a packet to IP address X. SIP packets needs to be mapped.
Responses from hosts are restricted to those that a packet has been sent to. So if multiple ITSP hosts are to be
supported, a keep alive will need to be sent to each host. If this type of NAT/Firewall is detected or manually
selected, no warning will be displayed for this type of NAT.
Port Restricted Cone NAT
A port restricted cone NAT is like a restricted cone NAT, but the restriction includes port numbers. Specifically, an
external host can send a packet, with source IP address X and source port P, to the internal host only if the internal
host had previously sent a packet to IP address X and port P. SIP packets needs to be mapped. Keep-alives must be
sent to all ports that will be the source of a packet for each ITSP host IP address. If this type of NAT/Firewall is
detected or manually selected, no warning will be displayed for this type of NAT. However, some Port Restricted
NAT's have been found to be more symmetric in behavior, creating a separate binding for each opened Port, if this is
the case the manager will display a warning Communication is not possible unless the STUN server is supported on
same IP address as the ITSP as part of the manager validation.
Static Port Block: Release 4.1+.
Use the RTP Port Number Range specified on the VoIP tab without STUN translation. Those ports must be fixed
as open on any NAT firewall involved.
Binding Refresh Time (seconds): Default = 0 (Never). Range = 0 to 3600 seconds.
Having established which TCP/UDP port number to use, through either automatic or manual configuration, the system
can send recurring SIP Options requests to the remote proxy terminating the trunk. Those requests will keep the port
open through the firewall. Requests are sent every x seconds as configured by this field.
Note: If a binding refresh time has not been set you may experience problems receiving inbound SIP calls as they
are unable to get through the Firewall. In these circumstances make sure that this value has been configured.
Public IP Address: Default =
This value is either entered manually or discovered by the Run STUN process. If no address is set, the system LAN1
address is used.
Public Port: Default = 0
This value is either entered manually or discovered by the Run STUN process.
This button tests STUN operation between the system LAN and the STUN Server IP Address set above. If successful
the results are used to automatically fill the remaining fields with appropriate values discovered by the system. Before
using Run STUN the SIP trunk must be configured.
When this option is used, a information icon is shown against the fields to indicate that the values were
automatically discovered rather than manually entered.
Run STUN on startup: Default = Off
This option is used in conjunction with values automatically discovered using Run STUN. When selected, the system will
rerun STUN discovery whenever the system is rebooted or connection failure to the SIP server occurs.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Configuration Settings: System SIP Registrar
This tab is used to set the system parameters for the system acting as a SIP Registrar to which SIP endpoint devices can
register. Separate SIP registrars can be configured on LAN1 and LAN2.
Registration of a SIP endpoint requires an available IP Endpoints license. SIP endpoints are also still subject to the
extension capacity limits of the system.
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
Release: 5.0+.
Mergeable: These settings are not mergeable. Changes to these settings will require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
Domain Name: Default = Blank
This is the local SIP registrar domain name that will be needed by SIP endpoints in order to register with the system. If
this field is left blank, registration is against the LAN IP address.
Layer 4 Protocol: Default = Both TCP & UDP.
This field is used to select which protocol are supported for SIP connections; TCP and or UDP.
TCP Port: Default = 5060.
The port to use for SIP TCP support if TCP is selected as the Layer 4 Protocol above.
UDP Port: Default = 5060.
The port to use for SIP UDP support if UDP is selected as the Layer 4 Protocol above.
Challenge Expiry Time (secs): Default = 10.
The challenge expiry time is used during SIP extension registration. When a device registers, the system SIP Registrar
will send a challenge back to the device and waits for an appropriate response. If the response is not received within
this timeout the registration is failed.
Auto-create Extn/User: Default = On (Off if IP Office Server Edition).
If on, a new extension and user records are created by the registration of a new SIP endpoint. If off, SIP endpoint can
only register against existing configuration records. If a password is requested by a SIP device during registration to
create a new user and extension records in the system configuration, 0000 should be used. If registering against an
existing user record, the user Login Code should be used if set or 0000 if the user does not have a Login Code set.
Note: This setting is not applicable to the Avaya A175 Desktop Video Device with the Avaya Flare Experience.
Manager 10.1 Page 230
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1 DHCP Pools
DHCP pools allows the configuration of up to 8 ranges of IP addresses for allocation by the system when acting as a
DHCP server. By default the DHCP settings (IP Address, IP Mask and Number of DHCP IP Addresses) set on the LAN
Settings tab are reflected by the first pool here.
For support of PPP Dial In address requests, at least one of the pools must be on the same subnet as the system's
LAN. Only addresses from a pool on the same subnet as the system's own LAN address will be used for PPP Dial
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
Release: 4.2+.
Mergeable: These settings are not mergeable. Changes to these settings will require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
Apply to Avaya IP Phones Only: Default = Off.
If this option is selected, the DHCP addresses are only used for requests from Avaya IP phones. Other devices
connected to the system LAN will have to use static addresses or obtain their address from another DHCP server.
In addition to the above control, Avaya IP phones will only complete DHCP against a DHCP server configured to
supports a Site Specific Option Number (SSON) that matches that set on the phone. The SSON numbers supported
by the system DHCP are set on the VoIP sub-tab.
Up to 8 pools can be added. The first pool matches the IP Address, IP Mask and Number of DHCP IP Addresses on the
LAN Settings sub-tab. When adding or editing pools, IP Office Manager will attempt to warn about overlaps and
conflicts between pools.
Start Address
Sets the first address in the pool.
Subnet Mask: Default =
Sets the subnet mask for addresses issued from the pool.
Default Router: Default =
For pools issuing IP addresses on the same subnet as the system LAN's, instructs the system to
determined the actual default router address to issue by matching the IP address/subnet mask being issued in the
IP Routing table. This matches the default behaviour used by systems without multiple pools. For pools issuing
addresses not on the same subnet as the system LAN's, the default router should be set to the correct value for
devices on that subnet.
Pool Size: Default = 0
Set the number of DHCP client addresses available in the pool.
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Configuration Settings: System
6.3.3 LAN2
This set of tabs is used to configure the system's second LAN interface.
Control Unit: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 (Optional on Release 4.1+), IP412 ,
IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
Release: 1.0+.
Mergeable: These settings are not mergeable. Changes to these settings will require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
The fields available for LAN2 are the same as for LAN1 except for the following additional field:
Firewall: Default = <None> (No firewall)
Allows the selection of a system firewall to be applied to traffic routed from LAN2 to LAN1.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
6.3.4 DNS
DNS is a mechanism through which the URL's requested by users, such as www.avaya.com, are resolved into IP
addresses. These requests are sent to a Domain Name Server (DNS) server, which converts the URL to an IP address.
Typically the internet service provider (ISP) will specify the address of the DNS server their customers should use.
WINS (Windows Internet Name Service) is a similar mechanism used within a Windows network to convert PC and server
names to IP addresses via a WINS server.
If the system is acting as a DHCP server, in addition to providing clients with their own IP address settings it can also
provide them with their DNS and WINS settings if requested by the client.
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
Release: 1.0+.
Mergeable: These settings are not mergeable. Changes to these settings will require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
DNS Service IP Address: Default = (Do not provide DNS/Use DNS forwarding)
This is the IP address of a DNS Server. Your Internet service provider or network administrator provides this
information. If this field is left blank, the system uses its own address as the DNS server for DHCP client and forward
DNS requests to the service provider when Request DNS is selected in the service being used (Service | IP ).
Backup DNS Server IP Address: Default = (No backup)
DNS Domain: Default = Blank (No domain)
This is the domain name for your IP address. Your Internet service provider or network administrator provides this.
Typically this field is left blank.
WINS Server IP Address: Default = (Do not provide WINS)
This is the IP address of your local WINS server. This is only used by Windows PCs, and normally points to an NT
server nominated by your network administrator as your WINS server. Setting a value will result in also sending a
mode of "hybrid". For IP Office Server Edition this field is only available on IP Office Server Edition Expansion System
(V2) servers.
Backup WINS Server IP Address: Default = (No backup)
WINS Scope: Default = Blank (no scope)
This is provided by your network administrator or left blank. For IP Office Server Edition this field is only available on
IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) servers.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Configuration Settings: System
6.3.5 Voicemail
The following settings are used to set the system's voicemail server type and location. Fields are enabled or grayed out
as appropriate to the selected voicemail type. Refer to the appropriate voicemail installation manual for full details.
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
Release: 1.0+.
Mergeable: Pre-3.2 , 3.2+ (Changes to Voicemail Type require a reboot).
Configuration Settings
Voicemail Type:
Defaults: Non-IP Office Server Edition = Embedded Voicemail, IP Office Server Edition Primary Server = Voicemail Pro,
IP Office Server Edition Others: Centralized Voicemail.
Sets the type of voicemail system being used.
No voicemail operation.
Centralized Voicemail
Select this option when using a Voicemail Pro system installed and licensed on another system in a multi-site
network. The outgoing line group of the H.323 IP line connection to the system with the Voicemail Pro should be
entered as the Voicemail Destination. In a IP Office Server Edition network this option is used on IP Office Server
Edition Secondary Server, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) and IP Office Server Edition Expansion
System (V2) units to indicate that they use the IP Office Server Edition Primary Server for as their voicemail server.
Distributed Voicemail: Release 6.0+.
This option can be used when additional Voicemail Pro voicemail servers are installed in a multi-site network and
configured to exchange messages with the central voicemail server using email. This option is used if this system
should use one of the additional servers for its voicemail services rather than the central sever. When selected, the
Voicemail Destination field is used for the outgoing H.323 IP line to the central system and the Voicemail IP
Address is used for the IP address of the distributed voicemail server the system should use. This option is not
supported by IP Office Server Edition systems.
Embedded Voicemail
On systems with an Avaya memory card (Small Office Edition, IP406 V2, IP500 and IP500 V2), select this option to
run Embedded Voicemail which stores messages and prompts on the memory card. It also supports internal Auto
Attendant configuration through the system configuration. The IP500/IP500 V2 supports 2 simultaneous
Embedded Voicemail calls by default but can be licensed for up to 6. The licensed limit applies to total number of
callers leaving messages, collecting messages and or using an auto attendant. This option is not supported by IP
Office Server Edition systems.
Group Voicemail
This option is used to support third-party voicemail systems attached by extension ports in the group specified as
the Voicemail Destination. This option is not supported by IP Office Server Edition systems.
Remote Audix Voicemail
Select this option if using a remote Avaya Intuity Audix or MultiMessage voicemail system. Requires entry of an
Audix Voicemail license in Licenses. This option is not supported by IP Office Server Edition systems.
Voicemail Lite/Pro
Select this option when using Voicemail Lite or Voicemail Pro. The IP address of the PC being used should be set as
the Voicemail IP Address. Note that Voicemail Lite is not supported with Release 5.0+. In a IP Office Server
Edition network this option is used on the IP Office Server Edition Primary Server. Use of Voicemail Pro requires
licenses for the number of simultaneous calls to be supported.
Voicemail Mode: Default = IP Office Mode. Release 8.0+.
For Release 8.0 and higher, Embedded Voicemail on IP500 V2 systems can use either IP Office Mode or Intuity
Mode key presses for mailbox functions. End users should be provided with the appropriate mailbox user guide for the
mode selected. IP500 and pre-Release 8.0 systems use IP Office Mode only. You can switch between modes without
losing user data, such as passwords, greetings, or messages.
The following user guides are available from the Avaya support web site:
IP Office Basic Edition - Embedded Voicemail User Guide (Intuity Mode)
IP Office Basic Edition - Embedded Voicemail User Guide (IP Office Mode)
IP Office Basic Edition Norstar Mode - Embedded Voicemail User Guide (Intuity Mode)
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IP Office Basic Edition Norstar Mode - Embedded Voicemail User Guide (IP Office Mode)
IP Office Basic Edition Partner Mode - Embedded Voicemail User Guide (Intuity Mode)
IP Office Basic Edition Partner Mode - Embedded Voicemail User Guide (IP Office Mode)
IP Office Essential Edition - Embedded Voicemail User Guide (Intuity Mode)
IP Office Essential Edition - Embedded Voicemail User Guide (IP Office Mode)
IP Office Voicemail Pro Mailbox User Guide (Intuity Mode)
IP Office Voicemail Pro Mailbox User Guide (IP Office Mode)
Add/Display VM Locales: Release 8.0+.
For new IP500 V2 SD cards and cards recreated using IP Office Manager, the following Embedded Voicemail languages
set are placed onto cards by default. Using this option displays the list of languages that can be uploaded from IP
Office Manager. Those languages already present or not supported are greyed out. If a locale is selected for the
system, a user, a short code or an incoming call route which is not present on the SD card, IP Office Manager will
display an error. This command can be used to upload the required language prompts to correct the error.
IP Office A-Law/Norstar SD Cards: UK English.
IP Office U-Law/PARTNER SD Cards: US English.
Voicemail Destination: Defaults: Non-IP Office Server Edition = Blank, IP Office Server Edition = IP trunk connection
to the IP Office Server Edition Primary Server.
This setting is used when the Voicemail Type is set to Remote Audix Voicemail, Centralized Voicemail or
Distributed Voicemail. It is used to enter the outgoing line group of the line configured for connection to the phone
system hosting the central voicemail server. It is also used for Group Voicemail to specify the group whose user
extensions are connected to the 3rd party voicemail system.
Voicemail IP Address: Defaults: Non-IP Office Server Edition =, IP Office Server Edition Primary
Server = IP Office Server Edition Primary Server IP Address.
This setting is used when the Voicemail Type is set to Voicemail Pro or Distributed Voicemail. It is the IP address
of the PC running the voicemail server that the system should use for its voicemail services. If set as, the control unit broadcasts on the LAN for a response from a voicemail server. If set to a specific IP
address, the system connects only to the voicemail server running at that address. If the system is fitted with an
Unified Communications Module hosting Voicemail Pro, the field should be set to
Backup Voicemail IP Address : Defaults: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server = IP Office Server Edition
Secondary Server IP Address, All others = (Off). Release 6.0+.
This option is supported with Voicemail Pro. An additional voicemail server can be setup but left unused. If contact to
the voicemail server specified by the Voicemail IP Address is lost, responsibility for voicemail services is temporarily
transferred to this backup server address.
Voicemail Password : Default = Blank. Release 2.1 to 3.1.
This password is used by the main unit to confirm connection has been made to the correct Voicemail Pro Server. The
password entered must correspond to the password set on the Voicemail Pro server. This entry should be left blank
when using the any other voicemail server application. For IP Office 3.2 and higher this value is set through the IP
Office security settings.
Audix UDP
Available if the voicemail type Remote Audix Voicemail is selected. Needs to be completed with a four digit number
from the Universal Dial Plan of the Avaya Communication Manager system.
Voicemail Channel Reservation: Release 4.0+
These settings allow the channels between the system and Voicemail Pro to be reserved for particular functions.
Unreserved channels can be used for any function but reserved channels cannot be used for any function other than
that indicated. These settings are not available unless the configuration includes validated licenses for the total number
of voicemail channels.
Note that the voicemail server also restricts the maximum number of channels that can be used for some services
that would be taken from the Unreserved Channels pool. Alarms and callbacks are each limited to up to 2
channels at any time. Outcalling and conference invites are each limited to up to 5 channels at any time.
Unreserved Channels
This setting cannot be changed and by default will show the total number of licensed voicemail channels. This
number will decrease as channels are reserved for the following functions.
Mailbox Access: Default = 0
This setting sets the number of channels reserved for users accessing mailboxes to collect messages.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Configuration Settings: System
Auto-Attendant: Default = 0
This setting sets the number of channels reserved for users directed to Voicemail Pro short code and module start
Voice Recording: Default = 0
This setting sets the number of channels reserved for voice recording other than mandatory voice recording (see
below). If no channels are available recording does not occur though recording progress may be indicated.
Mandatory Voice Recording: Default = 0
This setting sets the number of channels reserved for mandatory voice recording. When no channels are available
for a call set to mandatory recording, the call is barred and the caller hears busy tone.
Announcements: Default = 0
This setting sets the number of channels reserved for announcements. When no channels are available calls continue
without announcements.
Call Recording
These setting relate to call recording. Call recording is only supported when using a Voicemail Pro voicemail server.
Auto Restart Paused Recording (secs): Default = 15 seconds. Range = Never or 5 to 999 seconds. Release
If recording, manual or automatic, of a call is halted using a Pause Recording button, this timer determines
when recording is restarted if the button is not pressed again.
Hide Auto Recording: Default = On (USA)/Off (Rest of World)
During call recording by Voicemail Pro, some Avaya phones display REC or similar to show that the call is being
recorded. When on, hide auto recording suppresses this recording indication.
Maximum Record Time: Default = 120 seconds. Range = 30 to 180 seconds. Release 3.0+.
This field is only available when Embedded Voicemail is selected as the Voicemail Type. The value sets the
maximum record time for messages and prompts.
Messages Button Goes to Visual Voice: Default = On. Release 4.2+
Visual Voice allows phone users to check their voicemail mailboxes and perform action such as play, delete and forward
messages through menus displayed on their phone. By default, on phones with a MESSAGES button, the navigation is
via spoken prompts. This option allows that to be replaced by Visual Voice on phones that support Visual Voice menus.
For further details see Visual Voice .
DTMF Breakout: Release 5.0+
Allows system defaults to be set. These are then applied to all user mailboxes unless the users own settings differ.
Reception/Breakout (DTMF 0)
The number to which a caller is transferred if they press 0 while listening to the mailbox greeting rather than
leaving a message (*0 on Embedded Voicemail in IP Office mode).
For voicemail systems set to Intuity emulation mode, the mailbox owner can also access this option when
collecting their messages by dialing *0.
If the mailbox has been reached through a Voicemail Pro call flow containing a Leave Mail action, the option
provided when 0 is pressed are:
For IP Office mode, the call follows the Leave Mail action's Failure or Success results connections
depending on whether the caller pressed 0 before or after the record tone.
For Intuity mode, pressing 0 always follows the Reception/Breakout (DTMF 0) setting.
Breakout (DTMF 2)
The number to which a caller is transferred if they press 2 while listening to the mailbox greeting rather than
leaving a message (*2 on Embedded Voicemail in IP Office mode). Pre-Release 5.0: This option is not supported
for Voicemail Pro running in IP Office mailbox mode.
Breakout (DTMF 3)
The number to which a caller is transferred if they press 3 while listening to the mailbox greeting rather than
leaving a message (*3 on Embedded Voicemail in IP Office mode). Pre-Release 5.0: This option is not supported
for Voicemail Pro running in IP Office mailbox mode.
SIP Settings
For Voicemail Pro, for calls made or received on a SIP line where any of the line's SIP URI fields are set to Use
Internal Data, that data is taken from these settings. These options are shown if the system has SIP trunks or is set
to use Voicemail Lite/Pro, Centralized Voicemail or Distributed Voicemail.
SIP Name: Default = Blank on Voicemail tab/Extension number on other tabs.
The value from this field is used when the From field of the SIP URI being used for a SIP call is set to Use
Internal Data.
SIP Display Name (Alias): Default = Blank on Voicemail tab/Name on other tabs.
The value from this field is used when the Display Name field of the SIP URI being used for a SIP call is set to Use
Internal Data.
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Contact: Default = Blank on Voicemail tab/Extension number on other tabs.
The value from this field is used when the Contact field of the SIP URI being used for a SIP call is set to Use
Internal Data.
Anonymous: Default = On on Voicemail tab/Off on other tabs.
If the From field in the SIP URI is set to Use Internal Data, selecting this option inserts Anonymous into that
field rather than the SIP Name set above.
Voicemail Language Prompts
When the system routes a call to the voicemail server it indicates the locale for which matching prompts
should be provided if available. The locale sent to the voicemail server by the system is determined as show
below. If the required set of prompts is not available, the voicemail will fallback to another appropriate
language and finally to English (refer to the appropriate voicemail installation manual for details).
Short Code Locale: The short code locale, if set, is used if the call is routed to voicemail using the short
Incoming Call Route Locale: The incoming call route locale, if set, is used if caller is external.
User Locale: The user locale, if set, is used if the caller is internal.
System Locale: If no user or incoming call route locale is set, the system locale is used unless
overridden by a short code locale.
For Release 8.0+ systems using Embedded Voicemail, if the required set of upgraded language prompts to
match the locale is not present on the system SD card, IP Office Manager will display an error. The required
prompt set can be uploaded from IP Office Manager using the Add/Display VM Locales option.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Configuration Settings: System
6.3.6 Telephony
This tab is used to set the default telephony operation of the system. Some settings shown here can be overridden for
individual users through their User | Telephony tab. The settings are split into a number of sub-tabs. Telephony
This form is used to configure a wide range of general purpose telephony settings for the whole system.
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
Release: 1.0+.
Configuration Settings
Analog Extensions
These settings apply only to analog extension ports provided by the system. For IP Office Server Edition this field is
only available on IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) systems.
Default Outside Call Sequence: Default = Normal
This setting is only used with analog extensions. It sets the ringing pattern used for incoming external calls. For
details of the ring types see Ring Tones . This setting can be overridden by a user's User | Telephony | Call
Settings | Outside Call Sequence setting. Note that changing the pattern may cause fax and modem device
extensions to not recognize and answer calls.
Default Inside Call Sequence: Default = Ring Type 1
This setting is only used with analog extensions. It sets the ringing pattern used for incoming internal calls. For
details of the ring types see Ring Tones. This setting can be overridden by a user's User | Telephony | Call
Settings | Inside Call Sequence setting.
Default Ring Back Sequence: Default = Ring Type 2
This setting is only used with analog extensions. It sets the ringing pattern used for ringback calls such as hold
return, park return, voicemail ringback, and Ring Back when Free. For details of the ring types see Ring Tones.
This setting can be overridden by a user's User | Telephony | Call Settings | Ringback Call Sequence
Restrict Analog Extension Ringer Voltage: Default = Off. Release 6.1+
Supported on IP500 V2 systems only. If selected, the ring voltage on analogue extension ports on the system is
limited to a maximum of 40V Peak-Peak. Also when selected, the message waiting indication (MWI) settings for
analog extension are limited to Line Reversal A, Line Reversal B or None. Any analog extension already set
to another MWI setting is forced to Line Reversal A.
Dial Delay Time (secs): Default = 4 (USA/Japan) or 1 (ROW). Range = 1 to 30 seconds.
This setting sets the time the system waits following a dialed digit before it starts looking for a short code match. In
situations where there are potential short codes matches but not exact match, it also sets the delay following the
dialing of a digit before dialing complete is assumed. See the Short Codes section.
Dial Delay Count: Default = 0 digits (USA/Japan) or 4 digits (ROW). Range = 0 to 30 digits.
This setting sets the number of digits dialed after which the system starts looking for a short code match regardless of
the Dial Delay Time.
Default No Answer Time (secs): Default = 15 seconds. Range = 6 to 99999 seconds.
This setting controls the amount of time before an alerting call is considered as unanswered. How the call is treated
when this time expires depends on the call type.
For calls to a user, the call follows the user's Forward on No Answer settings if enabled. If no forward is set, the call
will go to voicemail if available or else continues to ring. This timer is also used to control the duration of call
forwarding if the forward destination does not answer. It also controls the duration of ringback call alerting. This
setting is overridden by the User | Telephony | Call Settings | No Answer Time setting for a particular user
if different.
For calls to hunt groups, this setting controls the time before the call is presented to the next available hunt group
member. This setting is overridden by the Hunt Group | Hunt Group | No Answer Time setting for a
particular hunt group if different.
Hold Timeout (secs): Default = 120 (US) or 15 (Rest of World). Range = 0 (Off) to 99999 seconds.
This setting controls how long calls remain on hold before recalling to the user who held the call. Note that the recall
only occurs if the user has no other connected call. Recalled calls will continue ringing and do not follow forwards or go
to voicemail.
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Park Timeout (secs): Default = 300 seconds, Range 0 (Off) to 99999 seconds.
This setting controls how long calls remain parked before recalling to the user who parked the call. Note that the recall
only occurs if the user has no other connected call. Recalled calls will continue ringing and do not follow forwards or go
to voicemail.
Ring Delay: Default = 5 seconds. Range = 0 to 98 seconds. Release 3.2+.
This setting is used when any of the user's programmed appearance buttons is set to Delayed ringing. Calls received
on that button will initially only alert visually. Audible alerting will only occur after the ring delay has expired. This
setting can be overridden by a ring delay set for an individual user (User | Telephony | Multi-line Options | Ring Delay
Call Priority Promotion Time (secs): Default = Disabled. Range = Disabled, 10 to 999 seconds. Release 4.2+.
When calls are queued for a hunt group, higher priority calls are placed ahead of lower priority calls, with calls of the
same priority sort by time in queue. External calls are assigned a priority (1-Low, 2-Medium or 3-High) by the
Incoming Call Route that routed the call. Internal calls are assigned a priority of 1-Low. This option can be used to
increase the priority of a call each time it has remained queued for longer than this value. The calls priority is increased
by 1 each time until it reaches 3-High.
In situations where calls are queued, high priority calls are placed before calls of a lower priority. This has a
number of effects:
Mixing calls of different priority is not recommended for destinations where Voicemail Pro is being used to
provided queue ETA and queue position messages to callers since those values will no longer be accurate
when a higher priority call is placed into the queue. Note also that Voicemail Pro will not allow a value already
announced to an existing caller to increase.
If the addition of a higher priority call causes the queue length to exceed the hunt group's Queue Length
Limit , the limit is temporarily raised by 1. This means that calls already queued are not rerouted by the
addition of a higher priority call into the queue.
Companding LAW
These settings should not normally be changed from their defaults. They should only be used where 4400 Series
phones (U-Law) are installed on systems which have A-Law digital trunks.
A-Law or U-Law
PCM (Pulse Code Modulation) is a method for encoding voice as data. In telephony, two methods of PCM encoding
are widely used, A-Law and U-Law (also called Mu-Law or -Law). Typically U-Law is used in North America and a
few other locations while A-Law is used elsewhere. As well as setting the correct PCM encoding for the region, the
A-Law or U-Law setting of a system when it is first started affects a wide range of regional defaults relating to line
settings and other values.
For IP400 systems, each control units was manufactured as either an A-Law variant or a U-Law variant.
For IP500 and IP500 V2 systems, the encoding default is set by the type of Feature Key installed when the
system is first started. The cards are either specifically A-Law or U-Law. PARTNER Mode cards are U-Law.
Norstar Mode cards are A-Law.
Default Currency: Default = Locale specific . Release 4.0+.
This setting is used with ISDN Advice of Charge (AOC) services. Note that changing the currency clears all call costs
stored by the system except those already logged through SMDR . The currency is displayed in the system SMDR
Maximum SIP Sessions: Default = 0. Range = 0 256. Release 8.1+
This field is shown for IP Office Server Edition systems. The Maximum SIP Sessions setting determines the number
of SIP Trunk Channel licenses reserved for concurrent sessions on any SIP trunks provided by the server. Those
licenses are reserved from the pool of SIP Trunk Channel licenses in the configuration of the IP Office Server Edition
Primary Server.
Default Name Priority: Default = Favour Trunk. Release 8.0+.
For SIP trunks, the caller name displayed on an extension can either be that supplied by the trunk or one obtained by
checking for a number match in the extension user's personal directory and the system directory . This setting
determines which method is used by default. For each SIP line, this setting can be overridden by the line's own Name
Priority setting if required. Select one of the following options:
Favour Trunk
Display the name provided by the trunk. For example, the trunk may be configured to provide the calling number
or the name of the caller. The system should display the caller information as it is provided by the trunk. If the
trunk does not provide a name, the system uses the Favour Directory method.
Favour Directory
Search for a number match in the extension user's personal directory and then in the system directory. The first
match is used and overrides the name provided by the SIP line. If no match is found, the name provided by the
line, if any, is used.
DSS Status: Default = Off
This setting affects Avaya display phones with programmable buttons. It controls whether pressing a DSS key set to
another user who has a call ringing will display details of the caller. When off, no caller information is displayed.
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Configuration Settings: System
Auto Hold: Default = On. Release 3.0+.
Used for users with multiple appearance buttons. When on, if a user presses another appearance button during a call,
their current call is placed on hold. When off, if a users presses another appearance button during a call, their current
call is disconnected.
Dial By Name: Default = On
When on, allows the directory features on various phones to match the dialing of full names. When off, the directory
features use first character match only. See User Directory Access . For Release 5.0+ this option is fixed as On and
is not adjustable.
Show Account Code: Default = On
This setting controls the display and listing of system account codes:
When on:
When entering account codes through Phone Manager, users can select from a drop-down list of available
account codes.
When entering account codes through a phone, the account code digits are shown while being dialed.
When off:
Within Phone Manager the drop-down list of available account codes is not usable, instead account codes must
be entered using the Phone Managers PIN Code features.
When entering account codes through a phone, the account code digits are replaced by s characters on the
Allow Outgoing Transfer: Default = Off. Release 3.0 to 3.2.
When not enabled, users are only able to transfer or forward off-switch incoming external calls. When enabled, users
can forward both incoming and outgoing external calls. For pre-3.0 system the default behaviour is to bar outgoing
transfers. For Release 4.0 and higher the default behaviour is to always allow outgoing transfers.
Inhibit Off-Switch Forward/Transfer: Default = Off (Italy = On)
When enabled, this setting stops any user from transferring or forwarding calls externally. See Off-Switch Transfer
Restrictions .
Restrict Network Interconnect: Default = Off. Release 4.2+.
When this option is enabled, each trunk is provided with a Network Type option that can be configured as either
Public or Private. The system will not allow calls on a public trunk to be connected to a private trunk and vice versa,
returning number unobtainable indication instead.
Due to the nature of this feature, its use is not recommended on systems also using any of the following other
system features: multi-site networks, VPNremote, application telecommuter mode.
WAN Mode Override: Default = Off. Release 3.2/4.0 Q2 2007 Maintenance Release.
Alters the configuration of the WAN interface from the default to that required for BT X25 link inter-working. Used with
IP406 V2 systems only.
Drop External Only Impromptu Conference: Default = Off. Release 5.0+.
If selected, when the last remaining internal user in a conference exits the conference, the conference is ended,
regardless of whether it contains any external callers. If not selected, the conference is automatically ended when the
last internal party or trunk that supports reliable disconnect exits the conference. The Inhibit Off-Switch Forward/
Transfer option above is no longer applied to conference calls.
Visually Differentiate External Call: Default = Off. Release 5.0+.
This setting is applied to the lamp flashing rate used for bridged appearance and call coverage appearance buttons on
1400, 1600 and 9600 Series phones and on their button modules. When selected, external calls alerting on those
buttons will use a slow flash (200ms on/50ms off). If not selected or if the call is internal, normal flashing (500ms
on/500ms off) is used.
Unsupervised Analog Trunk Disconnect Handling: Default = Off. Release 8.0+
When using analog trunks, various methods are used for trunk supervision, ie. to detect when the far end of the trunk
has disconnected and so disconnect the local end of the call. Depending on the locale, the system uses Disconnect
Clear signalling and or Busy Tone Detection. This setting should only be enabled if it is know that the analog trunks do
not provide disconnect clear signalling or reliable busy tone. For IP Office Server Edition this field is only available on IP
Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) systems. When enabled:
Disconnect Clear signalling detection is disabled. Busy tone detection remains on.
Unsupervised transfers and trunk-to-trunk transfers of analog trunk calls are not allowed. The Allow Analog
Trunk to Trunk Connect setting on analog trunks (Line | Analog Options ) is disabled.
If Voicemail Pro is being used for external call transfers, Supervised Transfer actions should be used in call flows
rather than Transfer actions.
All systems in the network must have this setting set to match each other.
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High Quality Conferencing: Default = On. Release 8.0+
Supports the use of the G.722 codec . IP lines and extensions using G.722 are provided with wide band audio. If
High Quality Conferencing is enabled, when several wide band audio devices are in the same conference, the
system will ensure that the audio between them remains wide band, even if the conference also contains other lines
and devices using narrow band audio (analog devices, digital devices and IP devices using codecs other than G.722).
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Configuration Settings: System Tones and Music
This page is used to configure the various tones and music on hold sources used by the system.
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
Release: 2.1+.
Mergeable: Pre-3.2 , 3.2+ Changes to Busy Tone Detection. require a reboot. On pre-Release 8.1
systems, changes to the hold music System Source require a reboot. Deleting any of the hold music Alternate
Sources also requires a reboot.
Configuration Settings
Conferencing Tone: Default = Entry & Exit Tones.
This settings controls how conference tones are used. It can be set to either Entry & Exit Tones or Repeating Tone
With Entry & Exit Tones a single tone is heard when a new party joins a conference and double-tone is heard
when a party leaves the conference.
With Repeating Tone a conference tone is heard every 10 seconds by all conference parties.
Disconnect Tone: Default = Default (Use locale setting ). Release 4.0+.
For digital and IP phones, when the system detects that the far end of a call has disconnected, it can make the near
end either go idle or play disconnect tone. By default the chosen behaviour depends on the system locale . This field
can be used to override the locale's default action and force either disconnect tone or go idle.
Default: Use the system locale specific action for disconnected calls.
On: Play disconnect tone when far end disconnection is detected.
Off: Go idle when far end disconnection is detected.
The following settings are shown for locales other than Customize. For the Customize locale they are set through
the System | System form.
Tone Plan: Default = Tone Plan 1
The tone plan control tones and ringing patterns. The options are:
Tone Plan 1: United States .
Tone Plan 2: United Kingdom .
Tone Plan 3: France .
Tone Plan 4: Germany .
Tone Plan 5: Spain .
Busy Tone Detection: Default = Off.
Enables or disables the use of busy tone detection for call clearing. This is a system wide setting.
CLI Type: Release 7.0+.
This field is used to set the CLI detection used for incoming analogue trunks. The options are DTMF, FSK V23 and
Local Dial Tone: Default = On
For all normal operation this setting should be left enabled as it allows the system to provide dial tone to users
(essential for MSN working).
Local Busy Tone: Default = Off
This setting should only be used when the local exchange gives a busy signal via Q.931 but does not provide busy
Beep on Listen: Default = On
This setting controls whether call parties hear a repeating tone when their call is monitored by another party using the
Call Listen feature.
The use of features to listen to a call without the other call parties being aware of that monitoring may be subject
to local laws and regulations. Before enabling the feature you must ensure that you have complied with all
applicable local laws and regulations. Failure to do so may result in severe penalties.
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GSM Silence Suppression: Default = Off. Release 3.0+.
This setting should only be selected if voice quality problems are experienced with calls to voicemail or while recording
calls. When on, the system signals silence by generating silence data packets in periods when the voicemail system is
not playing prompts. Note that use of this option may cause some timeout routing options in voicemail to no longer
Busy Tone Detection: Default = System Frequency (Tone defined by system locale)
Allows configuration of the system's busy tone detection settings on lines that do not provide reliable disconnect
signalling. In that case, the system will use tone disconnect clearing to disconnect such lines after 6 seconds of
continuous tone. The default tone (frequency and on/off cadence) detection used is defined by the system locale .
The settings should not be adjusted unless advised by Avaya Technical Support. Changes to this setting require a
reboot rather than a merge when the new configuration is sent to the system. For IP Office Server Edition this field is
only available on IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) systems.
Hold Music
This section is used to define the source for the system's music on hold source. You must ensure that any MOH source
you use complies with copyright, performing rights and other local and national legal requirements. For full details of
music on hold configuration, see Music on Hold .
System Source: Default = WAV File.
Selects the default hold music source for most uses of music on hold. For pre-Release 8.1 systems, changes to
this setting require a reboot. For IP Office Server Edition this field is only useable on IP Office Server Edition
Expansion System (V2) systems, on all others IP Office Server Edition units it is set to WAV File only.
WAV File:
Use the WAV file holdmusic.wav. This file is loaded via TFTP.
External: Release 3.1+.
Use the audio source connected to the back of the control unit. This causes the system to not load the
holdmusic.wav file via TFTP when rebooted. Previous the presence of a holdmusic.wav file loaded onto the
system automatically overrode the use of the control units external source.
Tone: Release 4.2+.
The use of a double beep tone (425Hz, 02./0.2/0.2/3.4 seconds on/off) can be selected as the system
Release 4.0+: The hold music tone is automatically used if the system source is set to WAV File but the
holdmusic.wav file has not yet been successfully downloaded.
Alternate Sources: Release 4.2+ (Not Small Office Edition).
Up to three additional hold music source can be specified. These are wav files loaded and stored in a similar way
to holdmusic.wav above. Note that adding and changing a source can be done using a merge but deleting a
source requires a reboot.
Assigned automatically by the system. The alternate sources are numbered 2, 3 and 4.
Name: Up to 31 characters
This field is used to associate a name with the alternate source. That name is then used in the Hold Music
Source field on Incoming Call Routes and Hunt Groups.
Source: Up to 31 characters
Defines the source for the music on hold.
For a wav file, enter WAV: followed by the file name. For example, for the file holdmusic2.wav, enter
WAV:holdmusic2.wav. The system will automatically attempt to load that file via TFTP following a
Release 6.1+: Any analog extension with its Equipment Classification set as MOH Source can be
entered as the alternate source. Enter XTN: followed by the extension's Base Extension number. For
example XTN:224.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Configuration Settings: System Call Log
Release 5.0+: The system can store a centralized call log for users. Each users' centralized call log can contain up to
30 call records for user calls (10 on IP412 and IP406 V2 systems). When this limit is reached, each new call records
replaces the oldest previous record.
On Avaya phones with a fixed Call Log or History button (1400, 1600, 9500 and 9600 Series), that button can be used
to display the user's centralized call log. The centralized call log is also used for M-Series and T-Series phone. The user
can use the call log to make calls or to store as a personal speed dial. They can also edit the call log to remove records.
The same call log is also used if the user logs into one-X Portal for IP Office.
The centralized call log moves with the user if they log on and off from different phones. This includes if they hot desk
within a network.
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
Release: 5.0+.
Mergeable: These settings are mergeable. Changes to these settings do not require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
Default Centralized Call Log On: Default = On.
When selected, each user is defaulted to have the system store a call log of their calls. This call log is accessible on the
phone when the user is using a phone with a Call Log or History button. The use of centralized call logging can be
enabled/disabled on a per user basis using the Centralized Call Log user setting (User | Telephony | Call Log
Log Missed Calls Answered at Coverage: Default = Off.
This setting controls how calls to a user, that are answered by a covering user should be logged in the centralized call
log. This option applies for calls answered elsewhere (covered) by pickup, call coverage (call coverage buttons or
coverage group ), bridged appearance button, user BLF, voicemail, etc.
Setting Targeted User Covering User
Off (Default) Nothing Answered Call
On Missed Call Answered Call
Log Missed Hunt Group Calls: Default = Off.
By default, hunt group calls are not included in any user's centralized call log unless answered by the user. If this
option is selected, a separate call log is kept for each hunt group of calls that are not answered by anyone. It includes
hunt group calls that go to voicemail.
If missed hunt group calls are also being logged, the system stores up to 10 call records for each hunt group.
When this limit is reached, new call records replace the oldest record.
Within the user call log setting (User | Telephony | Call Log ), the list of hunt groups allows selection of which
hunt groups' missed call records should be displayed as part of the user's centralized call log.
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6.3.7 Directory Services
Directory services can be used to import directory records (names and numbers) from external sources. These sets of
records are regularly re-imported. For systems, the directory records can come from the following sources:
LDAP Import
The system can import up to 5000 LDAP records for use within directories shown by user phones and applications.
LDAP import is configured through the System | Directory Services | LDAP form. The LDAP used is LDAP
Version 2. For pre-Release 5.0+ system, LDAP was restricted to 500 records and only displayed within user
HTTP Import (Release 5.0+)
Systems are able to import the directory records from another system using HTTP. HTTP import is configured
through the System | Directory Services | HTTP form by specifying an IP address or multi-site network
connection. The records imported can be any or all of the following record types held by the system from which
the records are being imported: LDAP imported records, HTTP imported records, configuration records.
System Directory Records (Configuration records)
Up to 2500 records can be entered directly into the system configuration through the Directory menu. System
directory records override matching LDAP/HTTP imported records. For pre-Release 5.0+ system, the number of
system directory records is 1000.
Release 5.0+: Phones with a CONTACTS button and System Phone Rights privileges, can add, delete
and edit the system directory records of the system at which they are logged in. They cannot edit LDAP or
HTTP imported records.
System Number of Directory Records Total Number of
Records Configuration LDAP Import HTTP Import
IP500/IP500 V2 2500 5000 5000 5000
IP412 2500 2500 2500 2500
IP406 V2 2500 2500 2500 2500
IP Office
IP Office Server Edition
Primary Server
2500 5000 5000
IP Office Server Edition
Secondary Server
5000 5000
IP Office Server Edition
Expansion System (L)
5000 5000
IP Office Server Edition
Expansion System (V2)
5000 5000
IP Office Server Edition Directory Operation
In a IP Office Server Edition network, all system directory records are entered into the configuration of the IP Office
Server Edition Primary Server. Any LDAP importation is also done by the IP Office Server Edition Primary Server. All
other systems (IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) and IP Office
Server Edition Expansion System (V2)) are configured by default to import the central directory from the IP Office Server
Edition Primary Server.
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Configuration Settings: System
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Use of Directory Records
Directory records are used for two types of function:
Directory Dialing
Directory numbers are displayed by user applications such as SoftConsole/Phone Manager. Directory numbers are
viewable through the Dir function on many Avaya phones (Contacts or History). They allow the user to
select the number to dial by name. The directory will also contain the names and numbers of users and hunt
groups on the system.
The Dir function groups directory records shown to the phone user into the following categories. Depending
on the phone, the user may be able to select the category currently displayed. In some scenarios, the
categories displayed may be limited to those supported for the function being performed by the user:
Directory records from the system configuration. Release 5.0+: This includes HTTP and LDAP imported
Groups on the system. If the system is in a multi-site network, it will also include groups on other
systems in the network. For pre-Release 5 systems, this feature requires the systems to have Advanced
Small Community Networking licenses.
Users or Index
Users on the system. If the system is in a multi-site network it will also include users on other systems in
the network. For pre-Release 5 systems, this feature requires the systems to have Advanced Small
Community Networking licenses.
Available on T3, T3 IP, 1400, 1600, 9500 and 9600 Series phones. These are the user's personal
directory records stored within the system configuration.
Speed Dialing
On M-Series and T-Series phones, a Speed Dial button or dialing Feature 0 can be used to access
personal directory records with an index number.
Personal: Dial Feature 0 followed by * and the 2-digit index number in the range 01 to 99.
System: Dial Feature 0 followed by 3-digit index number in the range 001 to 999.
IP Office Releasee 8.0: The Speed Dial short code feature can also be used to access a directory
speed dial using its index number from any type of phone.
Caller Name Matching
Directory records are also used to associate a name with the dialled number on outgoing calls or the received CLI
on incoming calls. When name matching is being done, a match in the user's personal directory overrides any
match in the system directory. Note that some user applications also have their own user directory.
SoftConsole/Phone Manager applications have their own user directories which are also used by the
applications name matching. Matches in the application directory may lead to the application displaying a
different name from that shown on the phone.
Name matching is not performed when a name is supplied with the incoming call, for example QSIG trunks.
Release 8.0+: On SIP trunks the use of the name matching or the name supplied by the trunk can be selected
using the Default Name Priority setting (System | Telephony | Telephony ). This setting can also be
adjusted on individual SIP lines to override the system setting.
Directory name matching is not supported for DECT handsets.
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Configuration Settings: System
Directory Special Characters
Release 5.0+: The following characters are supported in directory records. They are supported in both system
configuration records and in imported records.
? = Any Digit
Directory records containing a ? are only used for name matching against the dialed or received digits on outgoing
or incoming. They are not included in the directory of numbers to dial available to users through their phones or
applications. The wildcard can be used in any position but typically would be used at the end of the number.
In the following example, any calls where the dialed or received number is 10 digits long and starts 732555
will have the display name Homdel associated with them.
Name: Holmdel
Number: 9732555????
( and ) brackets = Optional Digits
These brackets are frequently used to enclose an optional portion of a number, typically the area code. Only one
pair of brackets are supported in a number. Records containing digits inside ( ) brackets are used for both name
matching or user dialling. When used for name matching, the dialed or received digits are compared to the
directory number with and without the ( ) enclosed digits. When used for dialling from a phone or application
directory, the full string is dialed with the ( ) brackets removed.
The following example is a local number. When dialed by users they are likely to dial just the local number.
However on incoming calls, for the CLI the telephony provider includes the full area code. Using the ( ) to
enclose the area code digits, it is possible for the single directory record to be used for both incoming and
outgoing calls.
Name: Raj Garden
Number: 9(01707)373386
Space and - Characters
Directory records can also contain spaces and - characters. These will be ignored during name matching and
dialing from the directory.
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Imported Records
Imported directory records are temporary until the next import refresh. They are not added to the system's
They cannot be viewed or edited using IP Office Manager or edited by a system phone user.
The temporary records are lost if the system is restarted. However the system will request a new set of imported
directory records after a system restart.
The temporary records are lost if a configuration containing Directory changes is merged. The system will then
import a new set of temporary records without waiting for the Resync Interval.
If an configuration record is edited by a system phone user to match the name or number of a temporary record,
the matching temporary record is discarded.
Importation Rules
When a set of directory records is imported by HTTP or LDAP, the following rules are applied to the new records:
Imported records with a blank name or number are discarded.
Imported records that match the name or number of any existing record are discarded.
When the total number of directory records has reached the system limit, any further imported records are
System Number of Directory Records Total Number of
Records Configuration LDAP Import HTTP Import
IP500/IP500 V2 2500 5000 5000 5000
IP412 2500 2500 2500 2500
IP406 V2 2500 2500 2500 2500
IP Office
IP Office Server Edition
Primary Server
2500 5000 5000
IP Office Server Edition
Secondary Server
5000 5000
IP Office Server Edition
Expansion System (L)
5000 5000
IP Office Server Edition
Expansion System (V2)
5000 5000
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Configuration Settings: System LDAP
The system supports LDAP Version 2. LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) is a software protocol for enabling
anyone to locate organizations, individuals, and other resources such as files and devices in a network, whether on the
Internet or on a corporate intranet. LDAP is a "lightweight" (smaller amount of code) version of DAP (Directory Access
Protocol), which is part of X.500, a standard for directory services in a network. LDAP is lighter because in its initial
version, it did not include security features.
Release 5.0+: The system supports the import of directory records from one system to another using HTTP. That
includes using HTTP to import records that another system has learnt using LDAP. HTTP import , which is
simpler to configure, can be used to relay LDAP records with LDAP configured on just one system.
LDAP records can contain several telephone numbers. Each will be treated as a separate directory record when
imported into the system directory.
The NoUser source number setting ExtendLDAPDirectLimit usable with Release 4.1-4.2 systems is no longer
supported for Release 5.0+.
In a network, a directory tells you where in the network something is located. On TCP/IP networks, including the
Internet, the Domain Name System (DNS) is the directory system used to relate the domain name to a specific network
address. However, you may not know the domain name. LDAP allows you to search for an individual without knowing
where they're located (although additional information will help with the search).
An LDAP directory is organized in a simple "tree" hierarchy consisting of the following levels:
The "root" directory (the starting place or the source of the tree), which branches out to
Countries, each of which branches out to
Organizations, which branch out to
Organizational units (divisions, departments, and so forth), which branches out to (includes an entry for)
Individuals (which includes people, files, and shared resources such as printers)
An LDAP directory can be distributed among many servers. Each server can have a replicated version of the total
directory that is synchronized periodically. An LDAP server is called a Directory System Agent (DSA). An LDAP server that
receives a request from a user takes responsibility for the request, passing it to other DSA's as necessary, but ensuring a
single coordinated response for the user.
LDAP Directory Synchronization allows the telephone number Directory held in the Control Unit to be synchronized with
the information on an LDAP server. The feature can be configured to interoperate with any server that supports LDAP
Version 2.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
Release: 1.0+.
Mergeable: These settings are not mergeable. Changes to these settings will require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
LDAP Enabled: Default = Off
This option turns LDAP support on or off. The system uses LDAP Version 2. If the server being queried is an LDAP
Version 3 server, support for LDAP Version 2 requests may need to be enabled on that server (all LDAP Version 3
servers support LDAP Version 2 but do not necessarily have it enabled by default).
User Name: Default = Blank
Enter the user name to authenticate connection with the LDAP database. To determine the domain-name of a particular
Windows 2000 user look on the "Account" tab of the user's properties under "Active Directory Users and Computers".
Note that this means that the user name required is not necessarily the same as the name of the Active Directory
record. There should be a built-in account in Active Directory for anonymous Internet access, with prefix "IUSR_" and
suffix server_name (whatever was chosen at the Windows 2000 installation). Thus, for example, the user name
entered is this field might be: [email protected]
Password: Default = Blank
Enter the password to be used to authenticate connection with the LDAP database. Enter the password that has been
configured under Active Directory for the above user. Alternatively an Active Directory object may be made available
for anonymous read access. This is configured on the server as follows:
In "Active Directory Users and Computers" enable "Advanced Features" under the "View" menu. Open the properties
of the object to be published and select the "Security" tab. Click "Add" and select "ANONYMOUS LOGON", click
"Add", click "OK", click "Advanced" and select "ANONYMOUS LOGON", click "View/Edit", change "Apply onto" to "This
object and all child objects", click "OK", "OK", "OK".
Once this has been done on the server, any record can be made in the User Name field in the System configuration
form (however this field cannot be left blank) and the Password field left blank. Other non-Active Directory LDAP
servers may allow totally anonymous access, in which case neither User Name nor Password need be configured.
Server IP Address: Default = Blank
Enter the IP address of the server storing the database.
Server Port: Default = 389
This setting is used to indicate the listening port on the LDAP server.
Authentication Method: Default = Simple
Select the authentication method to be used.
Simple: clear text authentication
Kerberos: Kerberos 4 LDAP and Kerberos 4 DSA encrypted authentication (for future use).
Resync Interval (secs): Default = 3600 seconds. Range = 1 to 99999 seconds.
The frequency at which the system should resynchronize the directory with the server. This value also affects some
aspects of the internal operation.
The LDAP search inquiry contains a field specifying a time limit for the search operation and this is set to 1/16th of
the resync interval. So by default a server should terminate a search request if it has not completed within 225
seconds (3600/16).
The client end will terminate the LDAP operation if the TCP connection has been up for more than 1/8th of the resync
interval (default 450 seconds). This time is also the interval at which a change in state of the "LDAP Enabled"
configuration item is checked.
Search Base/Search Filter: Default = Blank
These 2 fields are used together to refine the extraction of directory records. Basically the Base specifies the point in
the tree to start searching and the Filter specifies which objects under the base are of interest. The search base is a
distinguished name in string form (as defined in RFC1779).
The Filter deals with the attributes of the objects found under the Base and has its format defined in RFC2254
(except that extensible matching is not supported).
If the Search Filter field is left blank the filter defaults to "(objectClass=*)", this will match all objects under the
Search Base.
The following are some examples applicable to an Active Directory database:
To get all the user phone numbers in a domain:
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Configuration Settings: System
Search Base: cn=users,dc=acme,dc=com
Search Filter: (telephonenumber=*)
To restrict the search to a particular Organizational Unit (eg office) and get cell phone numbers also:
Search Base: ou=holmdel,ou=nj,DC=acme,DC=com
Search Filter: (|(telephonenumber=*)(mobile=*))
To get the members of distribution list "group1":
Search Base: cn=users,dc=acme,dc=com
Search Filter: (&(memberof=cn=group1,cn=users,dc=acme,dc=com)(telephonenumber=*))
Number Attributes: Default = see below
Enter the number attributes the server should return for each record that matches the Search Base and Search Filter.
Other records could be ipPhone, otherIpPhone, facsimileTelephoneNumber, otherfacsimileTelephone Number, pager or
otherPager. The attribute names are not case sensitive. Other LDAP servers may use different attributes.
By default the record is "telephoneNumber,otherTelephone,homePhone=H,otherHomePhone=H,mobile=M,
otherMobile=M", as used by Windows 2000 Server Active Directory for Contacts.
The optional "=string" sub-fields define how that type of number is tagged in the directory. Thus, for example, a cell
phone number would appear in the directory as: John Birbeck M 7325551234
Manager 10.1 Page 252
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1 HTTP
The system can use HTTP to import the directory records held by another system. Note that support for HTTP can be
disabled. The Avaya HTTP Clients Only setting (System | System ) can restrict a system from responding to
HTTP requests. The system's Unsecured Interface security settings also included controls for HTTP access (HTTP
Directory Read and HTTP Directory Write).
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
Release: 5.0+.
Mergeable: These settings are mergeable. Changes to these settings do not require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
For IP Office Server Edition, on IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L)
and IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) systems, the HTTP settings are automatically defaulted to obtain the
system directory from the IP Office Server Edition Primary Server.
Directory Type: Default = None (No HTTP import)/IP Office SCN on IP Office Server Edition.
Set whether HTTP import should be used and the method of importation.
Do not use HTTP import.
IP Office
Import from the system at the IP address set in the Source field.
IP Office SCN
Import from a system in a multi-site network. The Source field is used to select the Outgoing Line ID that
matches the H.323 line to the remote system.
Source: Default = Blank/9999 on IP Office Server Edition.
The form of this field changes according to the Directory Type selection above. For IP Office this field requires the IP
address of the other system. For IP Office SCN, the outgoing group ID of the line to the remote system is used.
List: Default = All
This field sets what types of directory record should be imported.
Import the full set of directory records from the remote system.
Config Only
Import just directory records that are part of the remote system's configuration. Note that these will be treated as
imported records and will not be added to the local systems own configuration records.
Import just directory records that the remote system has obtained as the result of its own LDAP import. This
allows LDAP directory records to be relayed from one system to another.
Import just directory records that the remote system has obtained as the result of its own HTTP import. This
allows HTTP directory records to be relayed from one system to another.
URI: Default = /system/dir/complete_dir_list
This field is for information only and cannot be adjusted. The path shown changes to match the List setting above.
Resync Interval (secs): Default = 3600 seconds.
Set how often the system should request an updated import. When a new import is received, all previously imported
records are discarded and the newly imported records are processed.
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Configuration Settings: System
6.3.8 System Events
The system supports a number of methods by which events occurring on the system can be reported. These are in
addition to the real-time and historical reports available through the System Status Application (SSA).
SNMP Reporting (Release 2.1+)
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) allows SNMP clients and servers to exchange information. SNMP
clients are built into devices such as network routers, server PC's, etc. SNMP servers are typically PC application
which receive and/or request SNMP information. The system SNMP client allows the system to respond to SNMP
polling and to send alarm information to SNMP servers.
In order for an SNMP server application to interact with a system, the MIB files provided with the IP Office
Manager installation software must be compiled into the SNMP server's applications database.
The process of 'on-boarding' (refer to the IP Office Installation manual and the IP Office SSL VPN Solutions
Guide) may automatically configure SNMP and create a number of SNMP alarm traps. These will override any
existing SNMP configuration settings.
SMTP Email Reporting (Release 3.2+)
The system can send alarms to an SMTP email server. Using SMTP requires details of a valid SMTP email account
user name and password and server address. If SMTP email alarms are configured but for some reason the system
cannot connect with the SMTP server, only the last 10 alarms are stored for sending when connection is
successful. Use of SMTP alarms requires the SMTP server details to be entered in the SMTP tab.
Syslog Reporting (Release 4.1+)
The system can also send alarms to a Syslog server (RFC 3164) without needing to configure an SNMP server. In
addition Syslog output can include audit trail events.
Multiple event destinations can be created, each specifying which events and alarms to include, the method of reporting
to use (SNMP, Syslog or Email) and where to send the events. Up to 2 alarm destinations can be configured for SNMP, 2
for Syslog and 3 for SMTP email.
Enabling SNMP Alarms
1. Select System.
2. Select the System Events tab.
3. Select SNMP Enabled.
4. Complete the information in the SNMP Info section by entering the SNMP port and community details to match
those expected by your SNMP server.
5. Click OK.
Editing Alarm Destinations
The Alarms section of the System Events tab displays the currently created alarm traps. It shows the event destinations
and the types of alarms that will trigger the send of event reports. Up to 2 alarm destinations can be configured for
SNMP, 2 for Syslog and 3 for SMTP email.
1. Select the Alarms sub-tab.
2. Use the Add, Remove and Edit controls to alter the traps.
3. Click Add or select the alarm to alter and then click Edit.
4. For a new alarm, set the Destination to either Trap (SNMP) or Syslog or Email (SMTP). Note that once a
destination has been saved by clicking OK it cannot be changed to another sending mode.
5. The remaining details will indicate the required destination information and allow selection of the alarm events to
6. When completed, click OK.
7. Click OK again.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1 Configuration
This form is used for general configuration related to system alarms. For email alarms the SMTP tab is also used.
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
Release: 2.0+.
Mergeable: These settings are not mergeable. Changes to these settings will require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
SNMP Enabled: Default = Off
Enables support for SNMP. This option is not required if using SMTP or Syslog.
Community (Read-only): Default = public
The SNMP community name to which the system belongs.
SNMP Port: Default = 161. Range = 0 to 65534.
The port on which the system listens for SNMP polling.
Device ID
This is a text field used to add additional information to alarms.
If an SSL VPN is configured, Avaya recommends that the Device ID match an SSL VPN service Account Name.
Each SSL VPN service account name has an associated SSL VPN tunnel IP address. Having the displayed Device ID
match an SSL VPN service account name helps identify a particular SSL VPN tunnel IP address to use for remotely
managing IP Office.
This is a text field used to add additional information to alarms.
This is a text field used to add additional information to alarms.
QoS Parameters: Release 5.0+.
These parameters are used if Enable RTCP Monitor on Port 5005 is selected (Systems | LAN1 | VoIP ). They
are used as alarm thresholds for the QoS data collected by the system for calls made by Avaya H.323 phones and for
phones using VCM channels. If a monitored call exceeds any of the threshold an alarm is sent to the System Status
application. Quality of Service alarms can also be sent from the system using Alarms .
The alarm occurs at the end of a call. If a call is held or parked and then retrieved, an alarm can occur for
each segment of the call that exceeded a threshold.
Where a call is between two extensions on the system, it is possible that both extensions will generate an
alarm for the call.
An alarm will not be triggered for the QoS parameters recorded during the first 5 seconds of a call.
Round Trip Delay (msec): Default = 350.
Less than 160ms is high quality. Less than 350ms is good quality. Any higher delay will be noticeable by those
involved in the call. Note that, depending on the compression codec being used, some delay stems from the signal
processing and cannot be removed: G.711 = 40ms, G.723a = 160ms, G.729 = 80ms.
Jitter (msec): Default =20.
Jitter is a measure of the variance in the time for different voice packets in the same call to reach the destination.
Excessive jitter will become audible as echo.
Packet Loss (%): Default = 3.0.
Excessive packet loss will be audible as clipped words and may also cause call setup delays.
Round Trip Delay Good Quality High Quality
Round Trip Delay < 350ms < 160ms
Jitter < 20ms < 20ms
Packet Loss < 3% < 1%
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Configuration Settings: System Alarms
This form is used to configure what can cause alarms to be sent using the different alarm methods.
Up to 2 alarm traps can be configured for use with the SNMP settings on the System | System Events |
Configuration tab. 5 for IP Office Server Edition systems.
Up to 3 email alarms can be configured for the sending using the systems System | SMTP settings. The email
destination is set as part of the alarm configuration below.
Up to 2 alarms can be configured for sending to a Syslog destination that is included in the alarm settings.
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
Release: 2.0+.
Mergeable: These settings are not mergeable. Changes to these settings will require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
This section is used to show and edit the alarm.
The options are Trap (SNMP), Syslog or Email (SMTP). To use SNMP or Email the appropriate settings must be
configured on the Configuration sub-tab. Note that the Destination type will also be grayed out if the maximum
number of configurable alarms destinations of that type has been reached. Up to 2 alarm destinations can be
configured for SNMP, 2 for Syslog and 3 for SMTP email. For IP Office Server Edition, 5 SNMP alarms can be
If selected, the details required in addition to the selected Events are:
IP Address: Default =
The IP address of the SNMP server to which trap information is sent.
Port: Default = 162. Range = 0 to 65534.
The SNMP transmit port
Community: Default = Blank
The SNMP community for the transmitted traps. Must be matched by the receiving SNMP server.
Email: Release 3.2+.
If selected, the details required in addition to the selected Events are:
The destination email address.
Syslog: Release 4.1+.
If selected, the details required in addition to the selected Events are:
IP Address: Default =
The IP address of the Syslog server to which trap information is sent.
Port: Default = 516. Range = 0 to 65534.
The Syslog destination port.
Events: Default = None
Sets which types of system events should be collected and sent. The table below lists the alarms associated with
each type of event. Text in italics in the messages is replaced with the appropriate data. Items in [] brackets are
included in the message if appropriate. The subject line of SMTP email alarms takes the form "System name: IP
address - System Alarm".
Type Events Event State Message
Entity Application Voicemail operation The Voicemail server is now
Voicemail Failure The Voicemail server is down.
Voicemail Event - storage OK The Voicemail server storage is OK.
Voicemail Event - storage
nearly full
The Voicemail server storage is nearly
Voicemail Event - storage full The Voicemail server storage is full.
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Type Events Event State Message
Service (7.0+) Feature license missing Attempt to use a feature for which no
license is installed. License Type:
All licenses in use The following licenses are all in use.
License Type: <name>.
Clock source changed 8kHz clock source changed. Details will
be provided.
Logon failed Logon failure reason will be provided.
No free channels available No free channels were available.
Outgoing group ID: <number>.
Hold music file failure Failed to load Hold Music source file.
All resources in use The following system resources are all
in use: <resource type> will be
OEM card slot error System running secondary software or
error description with OEM card will be
Network interconnect failure Details of the network interconnection
failure will be
Compact Flash Card Change The PC card in name has changed.
Expansion Module Operational Expansion module name link is up.
Failure Expansion module name link is down.
Error Expansion module name link has a link
Change Expansion module name link has
Trunk Operational Trunk number (name) [on expansion
module number] is now operational.
Failure Trunk number (name) [on expansion
module number] is down.
Trunk (7.0+) Trunk seize failure Seize failure: Channel [number] or Port
Incoming call outgoing trunk
Incoming call outgoing trunk: Channel
[number] or Port [number].
CLI not delivered CLI not delivered: Channel [number] or
Port [number].
DDI incomplete DDI incomplete. Expected Number of
digits: <number>.
Red Alarm Red Alarm
Blue Alarm Blue Alarm
Yellow Alarm Yellow Alarm
IP connection failure IP connection failure. IP Trunk Line
Number: <number> or Remote end IP
address: <IP address>.
Small Community Network
invalid connection
Small Community Network invalid
connection. IP trunk line number:
<number> or remote end IP address:
<IP address>.
Link (7.0+) Device changed Device changed. Home Extension
Number: <number>.
LDAP server communication
LDAP server communication failure
Resource down Link/resource down. Module type,
number and name
will be provided.
SMTP server communication
SMTP server communication failure
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Configuration Settings: System
Type Events Event State Message
Voicemail Pro connection
Voicemail Pro connection failure
VCM Operational VCM module name is now operational.
Failure VCM module name has failed.
Memory Card Invalid Card
Free Capacity
Generic Generic Non-primary location boot
System running backup software.
Invalid SD Card Incompatible or Invalid (System or
Optional) SD Card fitted.
Network link failure Network Interface name (ip address)
has been disconnected.
Network link operational Network Interface name (ip address)
has been connected.
System warm start System has been restarted (warm
System cold start System has restarted from power fail
(cold start).
SNMP Invalid community Invalid community specified in SNMP
License License Server Server operational The license server is now operational.
Server failure The license server is no longer
License Key Failure License Key Failure
Loopback Loopback Near end line loopback Trunk number (name) [on expansion
module number] is in near end
Near end payload loopback Trunk number (name) [on expansion
module number] is in near end
loopback with payload.
Loopback off Trunk number (name) [on expansion
module number] has no loopback.
Phone Change Phone Change Phone has been unplugged The phone with id n has been removed
from extension extension (unit, port
Phone has been plugged in The phone with type type (id number)
has been plugged in for extension
extension (unit, port number).
Quality of Service QoS Monitoring
If Enable RTCP Monitor on Port 5005 is selected, any monitored
calls that exceeds the set QoS Parameters will cause an alarm.
Syslog Basic Audit
Events as written to the system Audit Trail. Available on Syslog output
System Configuration (7.0+) CCR group agent not targeted CCR Group agent not targeted as it is
not an CCR Agent. Group : <name>
Agents: <name1, ..., name n>.
Small Community Network dial
plan conflict
Small Community Network dial plan
No incoming call route for call The following line had no Incoming Call
Route for a call. Line: <number> or
Line Group ID: <number>.
Installed hardware failure Installed hardware failure details will be
System Shutdown
Running Backup
Voicemail Pro Storage Alarms
The alarm threshold is adjustable through the Voicemail Pro client.
Embedded Voicemail Storage Alarms
A disk full alarm is generated when the Embedded Voicemail memory card reaches 90% full. In addition a critical
space alarm is generated at 99% full (98% for the Small Office) and an OK alarm is generated when the disk
space returns to below 90% full.
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This type of alarm is only available for systems with a United States locale.
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Configuration Settings: System
6.3.9 SMTP
Release 3.2+: SMTP can be used as the method of sending system alarms. The email destination is set as part of the
email alarms configured in System | System Events | Alarms .
Release 4.2+: SMTP can be used with Embedded Voicemail for Voicemail Email . The voicemail destination is set by
the user's Voicemail Email address.
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
Release: 3.2+.
Mergeable: These settings are not mergeable. Changes to these settings will require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
IP Address: Default =
This field sets the IP address of the SMTP server being used to forward SNMP alarms sent by email.
Port: Default = 25. Range = 0 to 65534.
This field set the destination port on the SMTP server.
Email From Address: Default = Blank
This field set the sender address to be used with mailed alarms. Depending of the authentication requirements of the
SMTP server this may need to be a valid email address hosted by that server. Otherwise the SMTP email server may
need to be configured to support SMTP relay.
Server Requires Authentication: Default = On
This field should be selected if the SMTP server being used requires authentication to allow the sending of emails.
When selected, the User Name and Password fields become available.
User Name: Default = Blank
This field sets the user name to be used for SMTP server authentication.
Password: Default = Blank
This field sets the password to be used for SMTP server authentication.
Use Challenge Response Authentication (CRAM-MD5): Default = Off.
This field should be selected if the SMTP uses CRAM-MD5.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
6.3.10 SMDR
Using a specified IP address, the system can send a call record for each completed call.
Release 4.2+: The system can be configured to send SMDR call log records rather than CDR records. This removes the
need to have a the IP Office Delta Server application installed on a PC.
Release 5.0+: Support for CDR format records has been dropped.
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
Release: 4.2+.
Mergeable: Pre-3.2 , 3.2+ .
Configuration Settings
Output: Default = No Output.
Select the type of call record that the system should output via IP.
No Output
CDR Only: Release 3.2 to 4.2 only.
Send call records using the CDR setting below.
SMDR Only: Release 4.2+.
Send call records using the SMDR settings below.
SMDR Configuration Settings
These settings are shown if SMDR Only is selected as the Output. For further details refer to Appendix: SMDR .
IP Address: Default = (Listen).
The destination IP address for SMDR records.
The address puts the control unit in listen mode on the specified TCP port. When a connection is made on
that port, all SMDR records in the buffer are provided.
TCP Port: Default = 0.
The destination IP port for SMDR records.
Records to Buffer: Default = 500. Range = 10 to 3000.
The system can cache up to 3000 SMDR records if it detects a communications failure with destination address. If the
cache is full, the system will begin discarding the oldest records for each new record. Pre-Release 4.2+ the maximum
number of records that can be buffered was 1500.
Call Splitting for Diverts: Default = Off.
When enabled, for calls forwarded off-switch using an external trunk, the SMDR produces separate initial call and
forwarded call records. This applies for calls forwarded by forward unconditional, forward on no answer, forward on
busy, DND or mobile twinning. It also applies to calls forwarded off-switch by an incoming call route. The two sets of
records will have the same Call ID. The call time fields of the forward call record are reset from the moment of
forwarding on the external trunk. For full details see SMDR Call Records .
CDR Configuration Settings
These settings are shown if CDR Only is selected as the Output. CDR is not supported for Release 5.0 and higher.
A number of different CDR formats can be selected to match the requirements of the call logging/accounting software
being used at the destination address. For further details refer to Appendix: CDR Records .
Enable intra-switch CDRs: Default = Off.
When on, includes CDR records for internal calls.
Formatting Options
These fields are used to select the format and type of CDR records required. They must match the records expected by
the call logging application receiving the CDR records.
Record Format: Default = Unformatted.
Allows selection from a number of common CDR record formats .
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Configuration Settings: System
Record Options: Default = Enhanced.
Sets the options to include in the CDR record.
Date Format: Default = Day\Month.
Sets the date format used in the CDR records.
Call Detail Recorder Communications
This section sets the destination and method for sending of the CDR data.
IP Address: Default =
The destination IP address for CDR records.
IP Port: Default = 0.
The destination IP port for CDR records.
Max CDRs: Default = 500. Range = 0 to 1500.
The system can cache up to 1500 CDR records if it detects a communications failure with destination address. If the
cache is full, the system will begin discarding the oldest records for each new record. For system 4.2+ the maximum
number of records that can be buffered has been increased to 3000 for all systems other than the Small Office
Use UDP: Default = Off (Use TCP)
When selected, this field switches the sending of CDR record packets to use UDP instead of TCP.
If off, TCP is used. In this mode the system will resend missed or corrupted records using the standard TCP
protocol. Records are buffered until successfully sent.
If on, UDP is used. In this mode the system will not resend missed or corrupt records. Also when using UDP, the
system is less likely to detect a communications failure which would triggered record caching.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
6.3.11 Twinning
These settings are used with Mobile Twinning, see the User | Mobility tab for further details. For pre-Release 8.0
systems, the use of mobile twinning requires entry of a Mobility Features license.
Outgoing CLI Warning
Changing the outgoing CLI for calls requires the line provider to support that function. You must consult with
your line provider before attempting to change the outgoing CLI, failure to do so may result in loss of service.
If changing the outgoing CLI is allowed, most line providers required that the outgoing CLI used matches a
number valid for return calls on the same trunks. Use of any other number may cause calls to be dropped or
the outgoing CLI to be replaced with a valid number.
On mobile twinned calls, if the original party information is used or a specific calling party information CLI is
set, that number overrides setting the outgoing CLI using short codes.
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
Release: 3.2+.
Mergeable: These settings are mergeable. Changes to these settings do not require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
Send Original Party Information for Mobile Twinning: Default = Off
When on, the system will attempt to send the ICLID information provided with the incoming call to the twinning
Release 5.0+: The SIP line Send Caller ID setting takes priority.
Release 6.0+: The values on the System | Twinning tab override the SIP lines Send Caller ID setting.
Calling Party Information for Mobile Twinning: Default = Blank (Disabled). Range = Up to 32 digits.
This field is usable when Send Original Party Information for Mobile Twinning is off. Note that the number
entered here for use as the CLI must be a valid number for return calls to the same site. Some line providers may
reject calls that use a number that is not valid for return calls to the same site. In addition depending on the line type
and line provider settings the maximum number of digits may be limited.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Configuration Settings: System
6.3.12 VCM
This form allows adjustment of the operation of any Voice Compression Modules (VCM's) installed in a control unit.
The options for IP400 VCM controls are supported on IP400 systems from the Release 3.2/4.0 Q2 2007
Maintenance Releases onwards.
The same controls are supported for IP400 VCM cards in IP500 systems from Release 4.1 Q1 2008
Maintenance Release onwards.
The options for IP500 VCM controls are supported from Release 4.2 onwards.
Calls to and from IP devices can require conversion to the audio codec format being used by the IP device. For systems
this conversion is done by voice compression channels. These support the common IP audio codecs G.711, G.723 and
G.729a. For details of how to add voice compression resources to a system, refer to the IP Office Installation Manual.
When are Voice Compression Channels Used
The voice compression channels are used as follows.
IP Device to Non-IP Device
These calls require a voice compression channel for the duration of the call. If no channel is available, busy
indication is returned to the caller.
IP Device to IP Device
Call progress tones (for example dial tone, secondary dial tone, etc) do not require voice compression
channels with the following exceptions:
Short code confirmation, ARS camp on and account code entry tones require a voice compression
Devices using G.723 require a voice compression channel for all tones except call waiting.
When a call is connected:
If the IP devices use the same audio codec no voice compression channel is used.
If the devices use differing audio codecs, a voice compression channel is required for each.
Non-IP Device to Non-IP Device
No voice compression channels are required. The only exception is Small Office Edition Embedded Voicemail
Music on Hold
This is provided from the system's TDM bus and therefore requires a voice compression channel when played to an
IP device.
Conference Resources and IP Devices
Conferencing resources are managed by the conference chip which is on the system's TDM bus. Therefore, a voice
compression channel is required for each IP device involved in a conference. This includes services that use
conference resources such as call listen, intrusion and silent monitoring. They also apply to call recording.
Page Calls to IP Device
Page calls require 1 voice compression channel per audio codec being used by any IP devices involved. The system
only uses G.729a for page calls, therefore only requiring one channel but also only supporting pages to G.729a
capable devices.
Voicemail Services and IP Devices
Calls to the system voicemail servers are treated as data calls from the TDM bus. Therefore calls from an IP device
to voicemail require a voice compression channel. On the Small Office Edition, Embedded Voicemail uses voice
compression channels for audio conversion. Therefore all calls to Small Office Edition Embedded Voicemail require
a voice compression channel and calls from IP devices require two voice compression channels.
Fax Calls
These are voice calls but with a slightly wider frequency range than spoken voice calls. The system only supports
fax across IP between systems with the Fax Transport option selected.
SIP Calls
SIP Line Call to/from Non-IP Devices
Voice compression channel required.
Outgoing SIP Line Call from IP Device
No voice compression channel required.
Incoming SIP Line Call to IP Device
Voice compression channel reserved until call connected.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
T38 Fax Calls (Release 5.0+)
The system supports T38 fax on SIP trunks and SIP extensions. Each T38 fax call uses a VCM channel.
Within a multi-site network, an T38 fax call can be converted to a call across across an H.323 line between
systems using the Fax Transport Support protocol. This conversion uses 2 VCM channels.
In order use T38 Fax connection, the Equipment Classification of an analog extension connected to a fax
machine can be set Fax Machine. Additionally, the short code feature Dial Fax is available.
Note: T3 IP devices must be configured to 20ms packet size for the above conditions to apply. If left configured for 10ms
packet size, a voice compression channel is needed for all tones and for non-direct media calls.
Manager 10.1 Page 265
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Configuration Settings: System
Measuring Channel Usability
The System Status Application can be used to display voice compression channel usage. Within the Resources section it
displays the number of channel in use. It also displays how often there have been insufficient channels available and the
last time such an event occurred.
These settings should only be adjusted under the guidance of Avaya support.
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
Release: 3.2+ (IP Office 3.2/4.0 Q2 2007 Maintenance Releases).
Mergeable: These settings are mergeable. Changes to these settings do not require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
Echoes are typically generated by impedance mismatches when a signal is converted from one circuit type to another,
most notably from analog to IP. To resolve this issue, an estimated echo signal can be created from one output and then
subtracted from the input to hopefully remove any echo of the output.
Echo Return Loss (dB): Default = 6dB. IP400 VCM, IP500 VCM, IP500 VCM V2 and IP500 Combination Cards.
This control allows adjustment of expected echo loss that should be used for the echo cancellation process. The options
are 0dB, 3dB, 6dB and 9dB.
Comfort Noise/NLP
A low level of comfort noise is required on digital lines during periods where there would normally be just silence. This is
necessary to reassure users that the call is still connected. These controls allow adjustment of the comfort noise
generated by the nonlinear processor (NLP) component of the VCM.
Nonlinear Processor Mode: Default = Adaptive. IP400 VCM, IP500 VCM, IP500 VCM V2 and IP500 Combination
Allows selection of one of the following options:
Adaptive means the comfort noise generated by the NLP will try to match background noise.
Silence means the NLP will not generate comfort noise at all
Nonlinear processing is not applied, in which case some residual echo may be heard.
NLP Comfort Noise Attenuation: Default = -9dB. IP500 VCM, IP500 VCM V2 and IP500 Combination Cards.
Options are -3dB, -6dB and -9dB.
NLP Comfort Noise Ceiling: Default =-30dB. IP500 VCM, IP500 VCM V2 and IP500 Combination Cards.
Options are -30dB and -55dB.
For Fax relay, these settings allow adjustment of the TDM side operation applied to fax calls using VCM channels.
Release 5.0+. IP500 VCM, IP500 VCM V2 and IP500 Combination Cards.
Tx Level (dB): Default = -9dB. Range = 0 to -13dB.
CD Threshold: Default = -43dB, Options = -26dB, -31dB or -43dB.
No Activity Timeout (secs): Default = 30 seconds. Range = 10 to 600 seconds.
Manager 10.1 Page 266
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
6.3.13 CCR
Customer Call Reporter (CCR) is an application that collects and displays information on the current status of hunt groups
and users that have been configured for Customer Call Reporter operation. IP Office Customer Call Reporter is not
currently supported by IP Office Server Edition.
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
Release: 4.2+.
Mergeable: .
Configuration Settings
Busy Not Available Reason Codes
Agents who indicate that they are in a 'busy not available' state can be prompt to also indicate the reason for being in
that state. This menu allows descriptions for the possible reasons to be entered. The descriptions are then used in
menus from which the Agent's make selections when setting themselves into busy not available state and in reports on
Agent status.
Rows 1 to 8 can be used to contain descriptions of up to 31 characters each. Rows 0 and 9 are fixed as
Unsupported and Busy Not Available.
For Customer Call Reporter 6.1, the reason codes are used to categorize calls in the Agent Time Card report.
Reason 1 is used to define lunch. All other reason codes are reported as breaks.
Default After Call Work Time (seconds): Default = 10. Range = 10 to 999 seconds.
If an agent goes into the After Call Work (ACW) state, either automatically or manually, this field sets the duration of
that state after which it is automatically cleared. This duration can be overridden by the Agent's own setting (User |
Telephony | Supervisor Settings | After Call Work Time ). During ACW state, hunt group calls are not presented to
the user.
Manager 10.1 Page 267
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Configuration Settings: System
6.3.14 Codecs
This tab is used to set the codecs available for use with all IP (H.323 and SIP) lines and extensions and the default order
of codec preference.
Avaya H.323 telephones do not support G.723 and will ignore it if selected.
For systems with H.323 lines and extensions, one of the G.711 codecs must be selected and used.
G.723 is not supported by Linux based systems.
The number of channels provided by an IP500 VCM 32 or IP500 VCM 64 card, up to a maximum of 32 or 64
respectively, depends on the actual codecs being used. This also applies to IP500 VCM 32 V2 and IP500 VCM 64
V2 cards. The following table assumes that all calls using the VCM use the same codec.
Codec IP500 VCM 32
IP500 VCM 32 V2
IP500 VCM 64
IP500 VCM 64 V2
G.711 32 64
G.729a 30 60
G.723 22 44
G.722 30 60
When paging, always use only one codec (the preferred). It is the system administrator's responsibility to ensure all the
phones in the paging group support the codec.
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
Release: 8.0+.
Mergeable: These settings are mergeable. Changes to these settings do not require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
Available Codecs
This list shows the codecs supported by the system and those selected as usable. Those codecs selected in this list
are then available for use in other codec lists shown in the configuration settings. For example the adjacent
Default Selection list and the individual custom selection list on IP lines and extensions.
Removing a codec from this list automatically removes it from the codec lists of any individual lines and
extensions that are using it.
The available codecs in default preference order are: G.711 A-Law, G.711 U-Law, G.729 and G.723.1.
Note that the default order for G.711 codecs will vary to match the system's default companding setting.
G.723.1 is not supported on Linux based systems.
Release 8.0+: The G.722 64K codec is also supported on IP500/IP500 V2 systems with IP500 VCM, IP500
VCM V2 or IP500 Combo cards. For IP Office Server Edition it is supported on IP Office Server Edition Primary
Server, IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server and IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) systems
and on IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) systems fitted with IP500 VCM, IP500 VCM V2 or
IP500 Combo. It is not supported on any systems that include any IP400 VCM cards.
Default Codec Selection
By default, all IP (H.323 and SIP) lines and extensions added to the system have their Codec Selection setting
set to System Default. That setting matches the codec selections made in this list. The buttons between the two
lists can be used to move codecs between the Unused and the Selected parts of the list and to change the order
of the codecs in the selected codecs list.
Manager 10.1 Page 268
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
6.4 Line
The line settings shown in the system configuration will change according to the types of trunk cards installed
in the control unit or added using external expansion modules.
WARNING: Changing Trunk Cards
Changing the trunk card installed in an control unit will result in line settings for both the previous trunk
card and the currently installed trunk card. In order to change the trunk card type in a particular card slot,
the configuration must be defaulted. This does not apply if replacing an existing card with one of a higher
capacity or fitting a trunk card into a previously unused slot.
Trunk Incoming Call Routing
Each trunk type can be categorized as either an external trunk or internal trunk. The trunk type affects how the system
routes calls received on that trunk and the routing of calls to the trunk.
External Trunks Internal Trunks
Trunk Types Analog trunks
T1 Robbed Bit
ISDN BRI (excluding So)
QSIG (T1, E1 or H.323)
Incoming Calls
Routed by
All incoming calls are routed by comparison
of call details for matches within the system
Incoming Call Routes .
Line short codes are not used.
Incoming calls are routed by looking for a match
to the incoming digits in the following order:
Extension number.
Trunk short codes (excluding ? short code).
System short codes (excluding ? short
Trunk ? short code.
System ? short code.
Line Groups
Each system trunk (or in some cases individual trunk channels) can be configured with an Incoming Group ID and an
Outgoing Group ID. These group IDs are used as follows:
Incoming Call Routes
For incoming calls on external trunks, the Incoming Group ID of the trunk is one of the factors used to match the
call to one of the configured incoming call routes.
Short Codes - Routing Outgoing Calls
For dialing which matches a short code set to a Dial feature, the short codes Line Group ID can indicate either an
ARS form or to use a trunk from set to the same Outgoing Group ID. If the call is routed to an ARS form, the
short codes in the ARS form will specify the trunks to use by matching Outgoing Group ID.
Removing Unused Trunks
In cases where a trunk card is installed but the trunk is not physically connected, it is important to ensure that the trunk
is disabled in the configuration.
Pre-Release 6.1: This can be done by setting the trunk or trunk channels to Out of Service.
Release 6.1+: This can be done on most trunks using by setting the line's Admin setting to Out of Service.
This is especially important with analog trunks. Failure to do this may cause the system to attempt to present outgoing
calls to that trunk. Similarly, where the number of channels subscribed is less than those supportable by the trunk type,
the unsubscribed channels should be disabled.
Manager 10.1 Page 269
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Configuration Settings: Line
Clock Quality
Calls between systems using digital trunks (for example E1, E1R2, T1 PRI and BRI) require an common clock signal. The
system will try to obtain this clock signal from an exchange through one of its digital trunks. This is done by setting the
Clock Quality setting of that Line to Network. If there are multiple trunks to public exchanges, another trunk can be set
as Fallback should the primary clock signal fail. Other trunks should be set as Unsuitable.
Manager 10.1 Page 270
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
6.4.1 Trunk Templates
Release 7.0+: The system supports the use of trunk templates. You can use SIP trunk templates to create new SIP
trunks. You can use analog trunk templates to update the settings of existing analogue trunks.
Avaya service providers can create templates from existing trunks. These templates are stored in a specific IP Office
Manager sub-folder \Templates.
Tested SIP Trunk Templates
The SIP trunk services from selected SIP providers are tested as part of the Avaya DevConnect program. The
results of such testing are published as Avaya Application Notes available from the Avaya DevConnect web site (
Working with Templates
This following sections provide information about the following tasks:
Enabling Template Support .
Importing Templates .
Creating a New SIP Trunk from a Template .
Applying a Template to an Analogue Trunk .
SIP Template Parameters
SIP trunk templates can be used with IP Office systems running all IP Office Essential Edition/IP Office Preferred
Edition/IP Office Advanced Edition and IP Office Basic Edition - PARTNER Mode modes. However, it is important to
understand that some trunk parameters used by IP Office Essential Edition/IP Office Preferred Edition/IP Office Advanced
Edition mode systems are not used by IP Office Basic Edition - Quick Mode/IP Office Basic Edition - Norstar Mode/IP
Office Basic Edition - PARTNER Mode mode systems and vice versa.
For a summary of the differences see SIP Trunk Template Notes . Enabling Template Support
By default, template support is not enabled. To enable template support do the following:
1. Select File | Preferences.
2. Select the Visual Preferences tab.
3. Select the Enable Template Options checkbox.
4. Click OK. Importing Templates
Having enabled template support , before you can use templates from another source they must be placed in the IP
Office Manager applications \Templates directory. Use the following procedure to import a template from another
1. Select Tools | Import Templates in Manager.
2. Browse to the current folder containing the templates that you want to import and select that folder.
3. Click OK.
4. Any template files in the folder will be copied to the correct IP Office Manager sub-folder.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Configuration Settings: Line Creating a New SIP Trunk from a Template
A SIP trunk template can be used to create a new SIP trunk record in the system configuration.
1. In the navigation or group pane, right click on the any existing line.
2. Click the New icon and select New SIP Trunk from Template.
3. The template selection menu is displayed.
4. Use the Country and Service Provider drop-downs to select the required template. If Display All is selected,
the Country selection changes to All Countries.
5. Click on Create New SIP Trunk.
Manager 10.1 Page 272
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1 Applying a Template to an Analog Trunk
You can apply an analogue trunk template to existing analogue trunks.
Note: This process will require the system to be rebooted for any changes to the trunk settings to be applied.
1. In the navigation or group pane, right click on the analogue trunk.
2. Select Copy Setting from Template.
3. The template and trunk selection menu is displayed.
4. Use the Country and Service Provider drop-downs to select the required template. If Display All is selected,
the Country selection changes to All Countries.
5. Select the trunks to which you want the template to be applied.
6. Click on Copy Settings.
Manager 10.1 Page 273
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Configuration Settings: Line Exporting Trunk Templates
In addition to being used to import and apply templates, IP Office Manager can be used to export the setting of an
existing trunk as a template.
Templates exported using IP Office Manager in IP Office Server Edition mode are saved by default on the IP
Office Server Edition Primary Server. This means they are available to other administrators regardless of from
which PC they are using IP Office Server Edition IP Office Manager. This is different from IP Office Manager in
non-IP Office Server Edition mode which exports templates to a local folder on the PC on which IP Office
Manager is being run.
Enabling Template Creation
Template creation is enabled by changing a registry key.
1. Using the Windows Registry Editor, change the value of TemplateProvisioning registry key (
HKEY_CUURRENT_USER | Software | Avaya | IP400 | Manager) to 1. Restart IP Office Manager.
Creating a Trunk Template
1. Select the trunk on which you want to base your template.
SIP Trunk
In the navigation or group pane, right click on the SIP trunk and select Generate SIP Trunk Template.
Analog Trunk
In the navigation or group pane, right click on the analog trunk and select Generate Analogue Trunk
2. The trunk settings are displayed. Adjust the trunk settings if required and then click on Export.
3. Select the line provider's country and enter a name.
4. Click on Generate Template.
5. Click on OK to save the template.
Manager 10.1 Page 274
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1 SIP Trunk Template Notes
SIP trunk templates can be used with IP Office systems running all IP Office Essential Edition/IP Office Preferred
Edition/IP Office Advanced Edition and IP Office Basic Edition - PARTNER Mode modes. However, it is important to
understand that some trunk parameters used by IP Office Essential Edition/IP Office Preferred Edition/IP Office Advanced
Edition mode systems are not used by IP Office Basic Edition - Quick Mode/IP Office Basic Edition - Norstar Mode/IP
Office Basic Edition - PARTNER Mode mode systems and vice versa.
The configuration parameters available depend on the mode that you use. The table below lists the configuration
parameters available in each mode.
SIP Trunk Parameters IP Office Essential
Edition/IP Office
Preferred Edition/IP
Office Advanced
IP Office Basic
Edition - Quick
Mode/IP Office
Basic Edition -
Norstar Mode/IP
Office Basic Edition
SIP Line
Descriptive Name Yes Yes
ITSP Domain Name Yes Yes
National Prefix
Country Code
International Prefix
Send Caller ID Yes Yes
REFER Support Yes Yes
REFER Support Incoming Yes Yes
REFER Support Outgoing Yes Yes
In Service
Registration Required Yes
Use Tel URI Yes Yes
Check OOS Yes
Call Routing Method Yes
Originator Number Yes
Association Method Yes
Name priority Yes Yes
ITSP Proxy Yes Yes
Layer Four Protocol Yes Yes
Send Port Yes Yes
Listen Port Yes Yes
DNS Server One Yes Yes
DNS Server Two Yes
Calls Route Via Registrar Yes Yes
Separate Registrar Yes Yes
Compression Mode Yes Yes
Call Initiation Timeout Yes
DTMF Support Yes Yes
Voip Silence Suppression Yes Yes
Reinvite Supported Yes Yes
Fax Transport Support Yes
Use Offerer Preferred Codec Yes Yes
Codec Lockdown Yes Yes
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Configuration Settings: Line
Rel100 Supported Yes Yes
Managed SIP Channel
T38 Fax
T38 Fax Version Yes
Transport Yes
Low Speed Yes
High Speed Yes
TCF Method Yes
Max Bit Rate Yes
Eflag Start Timer Yes
Eflag Stop Timer Yes
Use Default Values Yes
Scan Line Fixup Yes
TFOP Enhancement Yes
Disable T30ECM Yes
Disable Eflags For First DIS Yes
DisableT30MR Compression Yes
NSF Override Yes
SIP Credentials
User Name
Authentication Name
Expiry Yes
Registration Required Yes
When you export a template, IP Office Manager displays a warning message if you have configured parameters that are
not supported in IP Office Basic Edition - Quick Mode/IP Office Basic Edition - Norstar Mode/IP Office Basic Edition -
PARTNER Mode mode. The warning message provides information about which parameters are not available.
Manager 10.1 Page 276
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
6.4.2 Analog Line
Analog trunks can be provided within the systems in the following ways. In all cases the physical ports are
labeled as Analog. For full details of installation refer to the IP Office Installation manual.
The system can route incoming calls using the ICLID received with the call. However ICLID is not sent instantaneously.
On analog trunks set to Loop Start ICLID, there will be a short delay while the system waits for any ICLID digits before
it can determine where to present the call.
Line Status
Analog line do not indicate call status other than whether the line is free or in use. Some system features, for example
retrieving unanswered forwards and making twinned calls make use of the call status indicated by digital lines. This is
not possible with analog lines. Once an analog line has been seized, the system has to assume that the call is
connected and treats it as having been answered.
Dialing Complete
The majority of North-American telephony services use en-bloc dialing. Therefore the use of a ; is recommended at the
end of all dialing short codes that use an N. This is also recommended for all dialing where secondary dial tone short
codes are being used.
Ground Start
This type of analog trunk is only supported through the Analog Trunk external expansion module.
Manager 10.1 Page 277
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Configuration Settings: Line Line
This tab covers general settings for an analog line.
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
Release: 1.0+.
Mergeable: These settings are not mergeable. Changes to these settings will require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
Line Number
This parameter is not configurable, it is allocated by the system.
Card/Module: Release 4.1+.
Indicates the card slot or expansion module being used for the trunk device providing the line.
For IP400 control units: SLOT A on the control unit is shown as 1, SLOT B is shown as 2. Expansion modules are
numbered from 4 upwards, for example trunks on the module in Expansion Port 1 are shown as 4.
For IP500 and IP500 V2 control units: 1 to 4 match the slots on the front of the control unit from left to right.
Expansion modules are numbered from 5 upwards, for example trunks on the module in Expansion Port 1 are shown
as 5.
Port: Release 4.1+.
Indicates the port on the Card/Module above to which the configuration settings relate.
Network Type: Default = Public. Release 4.2+.
This option is available if Restrict Network Interconnect (System | Telephony | Telephony ) is enabled. It
allows the trunk to be set as either Public or Private. The system will return number unobtainable indication to any
attempt to connect a call on a Private trunk to a Public trunk or vice versa. This restriction includes transfers,
forwarding and conference calls.
Due to the nature of this feature, its use is not recommended on systems also using any of the following other
system features: multi-site networks, VPNremote, application telecommuter mode.
Telephone Number
Used to remember the external telephone number of this line to assist with loop-back testing. For information only.
Incoming Group ID: Default = 0, Range 0 to 99999.
The Incoming Group ID to which a line belongs is used to match it to incoming call routes in the system configuration.
The matching incoming call route is then used to route incoming calls. The same ID can be used for multiple lines.
Outgoing Group ID: Default = 0, Range 0 to 99999.
Short codes that specify a number to dial also specify the line group to be used. The system will then seize a line with
a matching Outgoing Group ID. The same ID can be used for multiple lines.
In a IP Office Server Edition network, the Outgoing Group ID used on a system must also be unique within the
network, ie. the same ID cannot be used in the configuration of any lines on another server system in the
network. The IDs 99999 and 99998 which are reserved for the H.323 lines to the IP Office Server Edition Primary
Server and IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server respectively. The IDs 999901 to 99930 are reserved for the
H.323 lines from the IP Office Server Edition Primary Server to each expansion system in the network. The ID 0
cannot be used in a IP Office Server Edition network.
Outgoing Channels: Default = 1 (not changeable)
Voice Channels: Default = 1 (not changeable)
Prefix: Default = Blank
Enter the number to prefix to all incoming numbers for callback. This is useful if all users must dial a prefix to access
an outside line. The prefix is automatically placed in front of all incoming numbers so that users can dial the number
For outgoing calls: Pre-Release 4.0: When a outgoing call is presented to the line with a leading digit to dial that
matches the Prefix, that digit is stripped from the number. Release 4.0+: The system does not strip the prefix,
therefore any prefixes not suitable for external line presentation should be stripped using short codes.
National Prefix: Default = 0 (not changeable)
237 237
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Line Appearance ID: Default = Auto-assigned. Range = 2 to 9 digits. Release 3.0+.
Allows a number to be assigned to the line to identify it. On phone's that support call appearance buttons, a Line
Appearance button with the same number will show the status of the line and can be used to answer calls on the line.
The line appearance ID must be unique and not match any extension number.
Admin: Default = In Service. Release 6.1.
This field allows a trunk to be taken out of service if required for maintenance or if the trunk is not connected.
Manager 10.1 Page 279
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Configuration Settings: Line Analog Options
This tab covers analog line specific settings. Release 7.0+: The system wide setting CLI Type (System | Telephony |
Tones & Music ) is used for to set the incoming CLI detection method for all analogue trunks.
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
Release: 1.0+.
Mergeable: These settings are not mergeable. Changes to these settings will require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
Set by the system. Shown for information only.
Trunk Type: Default = Loop Start
Sets the analog line type (Ground Start, Loop Start, Loop Start ICLID).
Ground Start
Ground Start is only supported on trunks provided by the Analog Trunk 16 expansion module. It requires that the
module and the control unit are grounded. Refer to the IP Office installation manual.
Delay Waiting for Caller ID Information.
As the system can use ICLID to route incoming calls, on analog Loop Start ICLID trunks there is a few seconds delay
while ICLID is received before the call routing can be determined.
Signaling Type: Default = DTMF Dialing
Sets the signaling method used on the line (DTMF Dialing or Pulse Dialing).
Direction: Default = Both Directions
Sets the allowed direction of operation of the line (Incoming, Outgoing or Both Directions).
Flash Pulse Width: Default = 500ms. Range = 0 to 2550ms.
Set the time interval for the flash pulse width.
Await Dial Tone: Default = 3000ms. Range = 0 to 25500ms.
Sets how long the system should wait before dialing out.
Echo Cancellation: Default = 16ms.
Allows settings of Off, 8, 16, 32, 64 and 128 milliseconds. The echo cancellation should only be adjusted as high as
required to remove echo problems. Setting it to a higher value than necessary can cause other distortions. Not used
with external expansion module trunks.
Echo Reduction: Default = On. Release 8.1 Feature Pack 1+. (ATM4Uv2 card only)
Used when impedance matching is not required but echo reduction is. Options are On or Off.
Mains Hum Filter: Default = Off. Release IP500 4.2+.
If mains hum interference on the lines is detected or suspected, this settings can be used to attempt to remove that
interference. Useable with ATM16 trunks and IP500 ATM4U trunks. Options are Off, 50Hz or 60Hz.
Set the impedance used for the line. This field is only available for certain system locales. The value used for Default
is set by the system Locale.
Brazil: Default = 900R
Adjustable between 600R and 900R as required by the line provider.
Korea: Default = Default (600ohms). Release 3.2 and 4.0 Q2 2007+.
In addition to the default impedance settings, an alternate set of impedance values can be selected.
United States: Default = Default (600 ohms). Release 3.2 and 4.0 Q2 2007+.
In addition to the default impedance setting, the following alternate sets of impedance values Alternate1,
Alternate2 and Alternate3 can be selected.
The following values used for Automatic Impedance Matching: 600+2150nF, 600, 900+2150nF, 900, 220+820||
115nF, 370+620||310nF, 270+750||150nF, 320+1050||230nF, 350+1000||210nF, 800+100||210nF.
Quiet Line: IP500/IP500 V2 only. Default = Off. Release 4.2+.
This field is only available for certain system locales (see above). The setting may be required to compensate for signal
loss on long lines.
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Digits to break dial tone: Default = 2. Range = Up to 3 digits. Release 7.0+.
During automatic impedance testing (see below), once the system has seized a line, it dials this digit or digits to the
line. In some cases it may be necessary to use a different digit or digits. For example, if analog trunk go via another
PBX system or Centrex, it will be necessary to use the external trunk dialing prefix of the remote system plus another
digit, for example 92.
Automatic: Default = Yes. Release 8.1 Feature Pack 1+. (ATM4Uv2 card only)
When set to Yes, the Default value is used. The value used for Default is set by the system Locale.
When set to No, the Impedance value can be manually set. The Impedance field contains a list of possible values.
Automatic Balance Impedance Match: IP500/IP500 V2. Release 4.2+.
These controls can be used to test the impedance of a line and to then display the best match resulting from the test.
Testing should be performed with the line connected but the system otherwise idle. To start testing click Start. The
system will then send a series of signals to the line and monitor the response, repeating this at each possible
impedance setting. Testing can be stopped at any time by clicking Stop. When testing is complete, IP Office Manager
will display the best match and ask whether that match should be used for the line. If Yes is selected, IP Office
Manager will also ask whether the match should be applied to all other analog lines provided by the same analog trunk
card or module.
Note that on the Analog Trunk Module (ATM16), there are four control devices, each supporting four channels. The
impedance is set by the control device for all four channels under its control. Consequently, the impedance match tool
only functions on lines 1, 5, 9, and 13.
Before testing, ensure that the system Locale setting (System | System ) is correctly set. Also check that the
system Companding Law settings (System | Telephony | Telephony ) are set correctly. If either needs to be
changed, make the required change and save the setting to the system before proceeding with impedance
Due to hardware differences, the impedance matching result will vary slightly depending on which type of trunk
card or expansion module is being used.
Release 4.2+: Automatic Balance Impedance Matching and Quiet Line are only available for the United
States locale.
Release 6.0+: Automatic Balance Impedance Matching, Quiet Line and Digits to break dial tone are
available for the Bahrain , Egypt , Kuwait , Morocco , Oman , Pakistan , Qatar , Saudi Arabia
, South Africa , Turkey , United Arab Emirates , United States and Customize locales.
Release 8.0+: Automatic Balance Impedance Matching, Quiet Line and Digits to break dial tone are
available for the French Canadian locale.
Allow Analog Trunk to Trunk Connect: Default = Not selected (Off).
When not enabled, users cannot transfer or forward external calls back off-switch using an analog trunk if the call was
originally made or received on another analog trunk. This prevents transfers to trunks that do not support disconnect
Release 8.0+: If the Unsupervised Analog Trunk Disconnect Handling setting (System | Telephony |
Telephony ) is enabled, this setting is greyed out and trunk to trunk connections to any analog trunks are not
BCC: Default = Not selected [Brazil locale only]
A collect call is a call at the receiver's expense and by his permission. If supported by the line provider, BCC (Block
Collect Call) can be used to bar collect calls.
Secondary Dial Tone: Default = Off
Configures the use of secondary dial tone on analog lines. This is a different mechanism from secondary dial tone using
short codes. This method is used mainly within the Russian locale. When selected, the following additional settings are
Await time: Default = 3000ms. Range = 0 to 25500ms.
Used when secondary dial tone (above) is selected. Sets the delay.
After n Digits: Default = 1. Range = 0 to 10.
Sets where in the dialing string, the delay for secondary dial tone, should occur.
Matching Digit: Default =8. Range = 0 to 9.
The digit which, when first matched in the dialing string, will cause secondary dial tone delay.
Long CLI Line: Default = Off
The CLI signal on some analog lines can become degraded and is not then correctly detected. If you are sure that CLI
is being provided but not detected, selecting this option may resolve the problem.
Modem Enabled: Default = Off
The first analog trunk in a control unit can be set to modem operation (V32 with V42 error correction). This allows the
trunk to answer incoming modem calls and be used for system maintenance. When on, the trunk can only be used for
analog modem calls. The default system short code *9000* can be used to toggle this setting. For the Small Office
Edition control unit, when on, the control unit status LED flashes alternate red/green.
1088 1098 1110 1112 1116 1117 1121
1123 1125 1130 1131 1133 1096
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Configuration Settings: Line
IP500 ATM4 Uni Trunk Card Modem Support (Release 7.0 and higher)
There is no longer a need to switch the card's modem port on/off. The trunk card's V32 modem function can be
accessed simply by routing a modem call to the RAS service's extension number. The modem call does not
have to use the first analog trunk, instead the port remains available for voice calls.
Pulse Dialing
These settings are used for pulse dialing.
Mark: Default = 80 (80ms). Range = 0 to 255.
Interval when DTMF signal is kept active during transmission of DTMF signals.
Space: Default = 80 (80ms). Range = 0 to 255.
Interval of silence between DTMF signal transmissions.
Inter-Digit Pause: Default = 500ms. Range = 0 to 2550ms.
Sets the pause between digits transmitted to the line.
Ring Detection
Ring Persistency: Default = Set according to system locale. Range = 0 to 2550ms.
The minimum duration of signal required to be recognized.
Ring Off Maximum: Default = Set according to system locale. Range = 0 to 25500ms.
The time required before signaling is regarded as ended.
Disconnect Clear
Disconnect clear (also known as 'Line Break' or 'Reliable Disconnect') is a method used to signal from the line provider
that the call has cleared. The system also uses 'Tone Disconnect', which clears an analog call after 6 seconds of
continuous tone, configured through the Busy Tone Detection (System | Telephony | Tones & Music )
Enable: Default = On
Enables the use of disconnect clear.
Units: Default = 500ms. Range = 0 to 2550ms.
This time must be less than the actual disconnect time period used by the line provider by at least 150ms.
Release 8.0+: If the Unsupervised Analog Trunk Disconnect Handling setting (System | Telephony |
Telephony ) is enabled, this setting is greyed out and disconnect clear disabled..
These settings are used for DTMF dialing.
On: Default = 40ms. Range = 0 to 255ms.
The width of the on pulses generated during DTMF dialing.
Off: Default = 60ms. Range = 0 to 255ms.
The width of the off pulses generated during DTMF dialing.
BCC Flash Pulse Width: [Brazil locale only] Default = 100 (1000ms). Range = 0 to 255.
Sets the BCC (Block collect call) flash pulse width.
These settings are used to adjust the perceived volume on all calls.
A | D: Default = 0dB. Range =-10.0dB to +6.0dB in 0.5dB steps.
Sets the analog to digital gain applied to the signal received from the trunk by the system. To conform with the
Receive Objective Loudness Rating at distances greater than 2.7km from the central office, on analog trunks a
receive gain of 1.5dB must be set.
D | A: Default = 0dB. Range =-10.0dB to +6.0dB in 0.5dB steps.
Sets the digital to analog gain applied to the signal from the system to the trunk.
Voice Recording: Default = Low
Used to adjust the volume level of calls recorded by voicemail. Options are Low, Medium and High.
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6.4.3 BRI Line
BRI trunks are provided by the installation of a BRI trunk card into the control unit. The cards are available in
different variants with either 2 or 4 physical ports. Each port supports 2 B-channels for calls. For full details of
installation refer to the IP Office Installation manual.
Point-to-Point or Multipoint
BRI lines can be used in either Point-to-Point or Point-to-Multipoint mode. Point-to-Point lines are used when only one
device terminates a line in a customer's office. Point-to-Multipoint lines are used when more than one device may be
used on the line at the customer's premises. There are major benefits in using Point-to-Point lines:-
1. The exchange knows when the line/terminal equipment is down/dead, thus it will not offer calls down that line. If
the lines are Point-to-Multipoint, calls are always offered down the line and fail if there is no response from the
terminal equipment. So if you have two Point-to-Multipoint lines and one is faulty 50% of incoming calls fail.
2. You get a green LED on the Control Unit when the line is connected. With Point-to-Multipoint lines some exchanges
will drop layer 1/2 signals when the line is idle for a period.
3. The timing clock is locked to the exchange. If layer 1/2 signals disappear on a line then the Control Unit will switch
to another line, however this may result in some audible click when the switchover occurs.
The system's default Terminal Equipment Identifier (TEI) will normally allow it to work on Point-to-Point or Point-to-
Multipoint lines. However if you intend to connect multiple devices simultaneously to an BRI line, then the TEI should be
set to 127. With a TEI of 127, the control unit will ask the exchange to allocate a TEI for operation.
Note: When connected to some manufactures equipment, which provides an S0 interface (BRI), a defaulted Control Unit
will not bring up the ISDN line. Configuring the Control Unit to a TEI of 127 for that line will usually resolve this.
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Configuration Settings: Line BRI Line
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
Release: 1.0+.
Mergeable: These settings are not mergeable. Changes to these settings will require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
Card/Module: Release 4.1+.
Indicates the card slot or expansion module being used for the trunk device providing the line.
For IP400 control units: SLOT A on the control unit is shown as 1, SLOT B is shown as 2. Expansion modules are
numbered from 4 upwards, for example trunks on the module in Expansion Port 1 are shown as 4.
For IP500 and IP500 V2 control units: 1 to 4 match the slots on the front of the control unit from left to right.
Expansion modules are numbered from 5 upwards, for example trunks on the module in Expansion Port 1 are shown
as 5.
Port: Release 4.1+.
Indicates the port on the Card/Module above to which the configuration settings relate.
Line Number
This parameter is not configurable; it is allocated by the system.
Line Sub Type: Default = ETSI
Select to match the particular line type provided by the line provider.
S-Bus: Release 4.2+ (IP500 BRI daughter card only).
IP500 BRI daughter cards can be configured for So (S-Bus) operation for connection to ISDN terminal devices. Note
that this requires the addition of terminating resistors at both the system and remote ends, and the use of a suitable
cross-over cable. For full details refer to the IP Office Installation manual.
Network Type: Default = Public. Release 4.2+.
This option is available if Restrict Network Interconnect (System | Telephony | Telephony ) is enabled. It
allows the trunk to be set as either Public or Private. The system will return number unobtainable indication to any
attempt to connect a call on a Private trunk to a Public trunk or vice versa. This restriction includes transfers,
forwarding and conference calls.
Due to the nature of this feature, its use is not recommended on systems also using any of the following other
system features: multi-site networks, VPNremote, application telecommuter mode.
Telephone Number:
Used to remember the external telephone number of this line to assist with loop-back testing. For information only.
Incoming Group ID: Default = 0, Range 0 to 99999.
The Incoming Group ID to which a line belongs is used to match it to incoming call routes in the system configuration.
The matching incoming call route is then used to route incoming calls. The same ID can be used for multiple lines.
Outgoing Group ID: Default = 0, Range 0 to 99999.
Short codes that specify a number to dial also specify the line group to be used. The system will then seize a line with
a matching Outgoing Group ID. The same ID can be used for multiple lines.
In a IP Office Server Edition network, the Outgoing Group ID used on a system must also be unique within the
network, ie. the same ID cannot be used in the configuration of any lines on another server system in the
network. The IDs 99999 and 99998 which are reserved for the H.323 lines to the IP Office Server Edition Primary
Server and IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server respectively. The IDs 999901 to 99930 are reserved for the
H.323 lines from the IP Office Server Edition Primary Server to each expansion system in the network. The ID 0
cannot be used in a IP Office Server Edition network.
Prefix: Default = Blank.
The prefix is used in the following ways:
For incoming calls
The ISDN messaging tags indicates the call type (National, International or Unknown). If the call type is unknown,
then the number in the Prefix field is added to the ICLID.
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For outgoing calls
Pre-Release 4.0: When a outgoing call is presented to the line with a leading digit to dial that matches the Prefix,
that digit is stripped from the number. Release 4.0+: The prefix is not stripped, therefore any prefixes not suitable
for external line presentation should be stripped using short codes.
National Prefix: Default = 0
This indicates the digits to be prefixed to a incoming national call. When a number is presented from ISDN as a
"national number" this prefix is added. For example 1923000000 is converted to 01923000000.
International Prefix: Default = 00
This indicates the digits to be prefixed to an incoming international call. When a number is presented from ISDN as an
"international number" this prefix is added. For example 441923000000 is converted to 00441923000000.
TEI: Default = 0
The Terminal Equipment Identifier. Used to identify each device connected to a particular ISDN line. For Point-to-Point
lines this is 0. It can also be 0 on a Point to Multipoint line, however if multiple devices are sharing a Point-to-Multipoint
line it should be set to 127 which results in the exchange allocating the TEI's to be used.
Number of Channels: Default = 2. Range = 0 to 2.
Defines the number of operational channels that are available on this line.
Outgoing Channels: Default = 2. Range = 0 to 2.
This defines the number of channels available, on this line, for outgoing calls. This should normally be the same as
Number of Channels field, but can be reduced to ensure incoming calls cannot be blocked by outgoing calls.
Voice Channels: Default = 2. Range = 0 to 2.
The number of channels available for voice use.
Data Channels: Default = 2. Range = 0 to 2.
The number of channels available for data use. If left blank, the value is 0.
Clock Quality: Default = Network
Refer to the IP Office Installation Manual for full details. This option sets whether the system should try to take its
clock source for call synchronization and signalling from this line. Preference should always be given to using the clock
source from a central office exchange if available by setting at least one exchange line to Network.
If multiple lines are set as Network, the order in which those lines are used is described in the IP Office
Installation Manual. If additional lines are available, Fallback can be used to specify a clock source to use should
the Network source not be available.
Lines from which the clock source should not be taken should be set as Unsuitable.
If no clock source is available, the system uses its own internal 8KHz clock source.
In scenarios where several systems are network via digital trunk lines, care must be taken to ensure that all the
systems use the same clock source. The current source being used by a system is reported within the System
Status Application.
Add 'Not-end-to-end ISDN' Information Element: Default = Never*. Release 4.2+.
Sets whether the optional 'Not end-to-end ISDN' information element should be added to outgoing calls on the line.
The options are Never, Always or POTS (only if the call was originated by an analog extension). *The default is
Never except for the following locales; for Italy the default is POTS, for New Zealand the default is Always.
Supports Partial Rerouting: Default = Off. Release 4.0+.
Partial rerouting (PR) is an ISDN feature. It is supported on external (non-network and QSIG) ISDN exchange calls.
When an external call is transferred to another external number, the transfer is performed by the ISDN exchange and
the channels to the system are freed. Use of this service may need to be requested from the line provider and may
incur a charge.
Force Number Plan to ISDN: Default = Off. Release 4.2+.
This option is only configurable when Support Partial Rerouting is also enabled. When selected, the plan/type
parameter for Partial Rerouting is changed from Unknown/Unknown to ISDN/Unknown. For Release 4.0 and
4.1 the plan/type is fixed as Unknown/Unknown. The use of this setting will depend on line provider
requirements for partial rerouting.
Send Redirecting Number: Default = Off. Release 6.0+, IP500/IP500 V2 only.
This option can be used on ISDN trunks where the redirecting service is supported by the trunk provider. Where
supported, on twinned calls the caller ID of the original call is passed through to the twinning destination. This option is
only used for twinned calls.
Support Call Tracing: Default = Off. Release 4.0+.
The system supports the triggering of malicious caller ID (MCID) tracing at the ISDN exchange. Use of this feature
requires liaison with the ISDN service provider and the appropriate legal authorities to whom the call trace will be
passed. The user will also need to be enabled for call tracing and be provider with either a short code or programmable
button to activate MCID call trace. Refer to Malicious Call Tracing in the Telephone Features section for full details.
Active CCBS Support: Default = Off. Release 4.0+.
Call completion to a busy subscriber (CCBS). It allows automatic callback to be used on outgoing ISDN calls when the
destination is busy. This feature can only be used on point-to-point trunks. Use of this service may need to be
requested from the line provider and may incur a charge.
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Configuration Settings: Line
Passive CCBS: Default = Off. Release 4.0+.
Cost Per Charging Unit: Release 4.0+.
Advice of charge (AOC) information can be display on T3/T3IP phones and output in SMDR . The information is
provided in the form of charge units. This setting is used to enter the call cost per charging unit set by the line
provider. The values are 1/10,000th of a currency unit. For example if the call cost per unit is 1.07, a value of 10700
should be set on the line. Refer to Advice of Charge.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1 Channels
This tab allows settings for individual channels within the trunk to be adjusted. To edit a channel either double-click on it
or click the channel and then select Edit.
To edit multiple channels at the same time, select the required channels using Ctrl or Shift and then click Edit. When
editing multiple channels, fields that must be unique such as Line Appearance ID are not shown.
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
Release: 1.0+.
Mergeable: These settings are not mergeable. Changes to these settings will require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
Line Appearance ID: Default = Auto-assigned. Range = 2 to 9 digits. Release 3.0+.
Used for configuring Line Appearances with button programming. The line appearance ID must be unique and not
match any extension number. Line appearance is not supported for trunks set to QSIG operation and is not
recommended for trunks be used for DID.
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Configuration Settings: Line
6.4.4 E1 Line
PRI trunks are provided by the installation of a PRI trunk card into the control unit. IP400 PRI cards are
available in E1, E1R2 and T1/US PRI variants. The IP500 PRI-U trunk card can be configured (see below) to one
of those line types. The cards are also available with either 1 or 2 physical ports. The number of B-channels
supported by each physical port depends on the line type of the card.
E1: 30 B-channels and 1 D-channel per port.
T1: 24 B-channels per port.
US PRI: 23 B-channels and 1 D-channel per port.
E1-R2: 30 B-channels and 1 D-channel per port.
The Small Office Edition control unit only supports a 1 single port IP400 T1 PRI trunk card. For an IP406 V2
control unit, dual port PRI trunk cards are only supported in Slot A. For full details of installation refer to the IP
Office Installation manual.
IP500 PRI-U Trunk Card Line Type
The IP500 PRI-U card can be configured to support either E1, T1 or E1-R2 PRI line types. To select the line type required,
right-click on the line in the group or navigation pane and select Change Universal PRI Card Line Type.
The control unit supports 8 B-channels on each IP500 PRI-U card fitted. Additional B-channels up to the full capacity of
IP500 PRI-U ports installed require licenses added to the configuration. D-channels are not affected by licensing.
For ETSI and QSIG trunks, license instances are consumed by the number of calls in progress on B-channels.
For T1, E1R2 and ETSI CHI trunks, licenses instances are consumed by the channels set as in service.
Manager 10.1 Page 288
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1 PRI Line
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
Release: 1.0+.
Mergeable: These settings are not mergeable. Changes to these settings will require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
Line Number
This parameter is not configurable; it is allocated by the system.
Line Sub Type:
Select to match the particular line type provided by the line provider. E1 PRI trunks support ETSI, ETSI CHI, QSIG A
or QSIG B.
ETSI CHI is used to send the channel allocation ID (CHI) in the call setup signalling. This is a request to use a
particular B-channel rather than use any B-channel allocated by the central office exchange.
QSIG trunks trunks are not supported on IP500 and IP500 V2 systems without IP500 Voice Networking
Card/Module: Release 4.1+.
Indicates the card slot or expansion module being used for the trunk device providing the line.
For IP400 control units: SLOT A on the control unit is shown as 1, SLOT B is shown as 2. Expansion modules are
numbered from 4 upwards, for example trunks on the module in Expansion Port 1 are shown as 4.
For IP500 and IP500 V2 control units: 1 to 4 match the slots on the front of the control unit from left to right.
Expansion modules are numbered from 5 upwards, for example trunks on the module in Expansion Port 1 are shown
as 5.
Port: Release 4.1+.
Indicates the port on the Card/Module above to which the configuration settings relate.
Network Type: Default = Public. Release 4.2+.
This option is available if Restrict Network Interconnect (System | Telephony | Telephony ) is enabled. It
allows the trunk to be set as either Public or Private. The system will return number unobtainable indication to any
attempt to connect a call on a Private trunk to a Public trunk or vice versa. This restriction includes transfers,
forwarding and conference calls.
Due to the nature of this feature, its use is not recommended on systems also using any of the following other
system features: multi-site networks, VPNremote, application telecommuter mode.
Telephone Number:
Used to remember the external telephone number of this line to assist with loop-back testing. For information only.
Channel Allocation: Default = 30|1. Release 4.2+.
For lines set to ETSI CHI, this option allows the system to select the default order in which channels should be used
for outgoing calls. Typically this is set as the opposite of the default order in which the central office exchange uses
channels for incoming calls.
Incoming Group ID: Default = 0, Range 0 to 99999.
The Incoming Group ID to which a line belongs is used to match it to incoming call routes in the system configuration.
The matching incoming call route is then used to route incoming calls. The same ID can be used for multiple lines.
Outgoing Group ID: Default = 0, Range 0 to 99999.
Short codes that specify a number to dial also specify the line group to be used. The system will then seize a line with
a matching Outgoing Group ID. The same ID can be used for multiple lines.
In a IP Office Server Edition network, the Outgoing Group ID used on a system must also be unique within the
network, ie. the same ID cannot be used in the configuration of any lines on another server system in the
network. The IDs 99999 and 99998 which are reserved for the H.323 lines to the IP Office Server Edition Primary
Server and IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server respectively. The IDs 999901 to 99930 are reserved for the
H.323 lines from the IP Office Server Edition Primary Server to each expansion system in the network. The ID 0
cannot be used in a IP Office Server Edition network.
Release 4.2+: For lines set to the Line Sub Type of ETSI CHI, the Incoming Group ID is set as part of the
individual channel settings.
Prefix: Default = Blank.
The prefix is used in the following ways:
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Configuration Settings: Line
For incoming calls
The ISDN messaging tags indicates the call type (National, International or Unknown). If the call type is unknown,
then the number in the Prefix field is added to the ICLID.
For outgoing calls
Pre-Release 4.0: When a outgoing call is presented to the line with a leading digit to dial that matches the Prefix,
that digit is stripped from the number. Release 4.0+: The prefix is not stripped, therefore any prefixes not suitable
for external line presentation should be stripped using short codes.
National Prefix: Default = 0
This indicates the digits to be prefixed to a incoming national call. When a number is presented from ISDN as a
"national number" this prefix is added. For example 1923000000 is converted to 01923000000.
International Prefix: Default = 00
This indicates the digits to be prefixed to an incoming international call. When a number is presented from ISDN as an
"international number" this prefix is added. For example 441923000000 is converted to 00441923000000.
TEI: Default = 0
The Terminal Equipment Identifier. Used to identify each Control Unit connected to a particular ISDN line. For Point to
Point lines this is typically (always) 0. It can also be 0 on a Point to Multi-Point line, however if multiple devices are
sharing a Point to Multi-Point line it should be set to 127 which results in the exchange deciding on the TEI's to be
Number of Channels
Defines the number of operational channels that are available on this line. Up to 30 for E1 PRI, 23 for T1 PRI.
Outgoing Channels
This defines the number of channels available, on this line, for outgoing calls. This should normally be the same as
Number of Channels field, but can be reduced to ensure incoming calls cannot be blocked by outgoing calls. Only
available when the Line Sub Type is set to ETSI.
Voice Channels
The number of channels available for voice use. Only available when the Line Sub Type is set to ETSI.
Data Channels
The number of channels available for data use. Only available when the Line Sub Type is set to ETSI.
CRC Checking: Default = On
Switches CRC on or off.
Line Signalling: Default = CPE
This option is not used for lines where the Line SubType is set to QSIG. Select either CPE (customer premises
equipment) or CO (central office). The CO feature is intended to be used primarily as a testing aid. It allows PRI lines
to be tested in a back-to-back configuration, using crossover cables.
The CO feature operates on this line type by modifying the way in which incoming calls are disconnected for system
configuration in Brazil and Argentina. In these locales, the CO setting uses Forced-Release instead of Clear-Back to
disconnect incoming calls. The Brazilian Double-Seizure mechanism, used to police Collect calls, is also disabled in
CO mode.
Clock Quality: Default = Network
Refer to the IP Office Installation Manual for full details. This option sets whether the system should try to take its
clock source for call synchronization and signalling from this line. Preference should always be given to using the clock
source from a central office exchange if available by setting at least one exchange line to Network.
If multiple lines are set as Network, the order in which those lines are used is described in the IP Office
Installation Manual. If additional lines are available, Fallback can be used to specify a clock source to use should
the Network source not be available.
Lines from which the clock source should not be taken should be set as Unsuitable.
If no clock source is available, the system uses its own internal 8KHz clock source.
In scenarios where several systems are network via digital trunk lines, care must be taken to ensure that all the
systems use the same clock source. The current source being used by a system is reported within the System
Status Application.
Add 'Not-end-to-end ISDN' Information Element: Default = Never*. Release 4.2+.
Sets whether the optional 'Not end-to-end ISDN' information element should be added to outgoing calls on the line.
The options are Never, Always or POTS (only if the call was originated by an analog extension). *The default is
Never except for the following locales; for Italy the default is POTS, for New Zealand the default is Always.
Supports Partial Rerouting: Default = Off. Release 4.0+.
Partial rerouting (PR) is an ISDN feature. It is supported on external (non-network and QSIG) ISDN exchange calls.
When an external call is transferred to another external number, the transfer is performed by the ISDN exchange and
the channels to the system are freed. Use of this service may need to be requested from the line provider and may
incur a charge.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Force Number Plan to ISDN: Default = Off. Release 4.2+.
This option is only configurable when Support Partial Rerouting is also enabled. When selected, the plan/type
parameter for Partial Rerouting is changed from Unknown/Unknown to ISDN/Unknown. For Release 4.0 and
4.1 the plan/type is fixed as Unknown/Unknown. The use of this setting will depend on line provider
requirements for partial rerouting.
Send Redirecting Number: Default = Off. Release 6.0+, IP500/IP500 V2 only.
This option can be used on ISDN trunks where the redirecting service is supported by the trunk provider. Where
supported, on twinned calls the caller ID of the original call is passed through to the twinning destination. This option is
only used for twinned calls.
Support Call Tracing: Default = Off. Release 4.0+.
The system supports the triggering of malicious caller ID (MCID) tracing at the ISDN exchange. Use of this feature
requires liaison with the ISDN service provider and the appropriate legal authorities to whom the call trace will be
passed. The user will also need to be enabled for call tracing and be provider with either a short code or programmable
button to activate MCID call trace. Refer to Malicious Call Tracing in the Telephone Features section for full details.
Active CCBS Support: Default = Off. Release 4.0+.
Call completion to a busy subscriber (CCBS). It allows automatic callback to be used on outgoing ISDN calls when the
destination is busy. This feature can only be used on point-to-point trunks. Use of this service may need to be
requested from the line provider and may incur a charge.
Passive CCBS: Default = Off. Release 4.0+.
Cost Per Charging Unit: Release 4.0+.
Advice of charge (AOC) information can be display on T3/T3IP phones and output in SMDR . The information is
provided in the form of charge units. This setting is used to enter the call cost per charging unit set by the line
provider. The values are 1/10,000th of a currency unit. For example if the call cost per unit is 1.07, a value of 10700
should be set on the line. Refer to Advice of Charge.
Admin: Default = In Service. Release 6.1.
This field allows a trunk to be taken out of service if required for maintenance or if the trunk is not connected.
The following fields are shown for a US T1 trunk card set to ETSI or QSIG operation. These cards have the same settings
E1 PRI trunk cards set to ETSI or QSIG but only support 23 channels.
CSU Operation
Tick this field to enable the T1 line to respond to loop-back requests from the line.
Haul Length: Default = 0-115 feet
Sets the line length to a specific distance.
Channel Unit: Default = Foreign Exchange
This field should be set to match the channel signaling equipment provided by the Central Office. The options are
Foreign Exchange, Special Access or Normal.
Manager 10.1 Page 291
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Configuration Settings: Line Short Codes
For some types of line, Line short codes can be applied to any digits received with incoming calls.
The line Short Code tab is shown for the following trunk types which are treated as internal or private trunks: QSIG (T1,
E1, H.323), BRI S0, H.323, SCN. Incoming calls on those types of trunk are not routed using Incoming Call Route
settings. Instead the digits received with incoming calls are checked for a match as follows:
Extension number (including remote numbers in a multi-site network).
Line short codes (excluding ? short code).
System short codes (excluding ? short code).
Line ? short code.
System ? short code.
Short codes can be added and edited using the Add, Remove and Edit buttons. Alternatively you can right-click on the
list of existing short code to add and edit short codes.
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
Release: 1.0+.
Mergeable: These settings are not mergeable. Changes to these settings will require a reboot of the system.
Manager 10.1 Page 292
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1 Channels
This tab allows settings for individual channels within the trunk to be adjusted. To edit a channel either double-click on it
or click the channel and then select Edit.
To edit multiple channels at the same time, select the required channels using Ctrl or Shift and then click Edit. When
editing multiple channels, fields that must be unique such as Line Appearance ID are not shown.
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
Release: 1.0+.
Mergeable: These settings are not mergeable. Changes to these settings will require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
Line Appearance ID: Default = Auto-assigned. Range = 2 to 9 digits. Release 3.0+.
Used for configuring Line Appearances with button programming. The line appearance ID must be unique and not
match any extension number. Line appearance is not supported for trunks set to QSIG operation and is not
recommended for trunks be used for DID.
Release 4.2+: If the trunk Line Sub Type is set to ETSI CHI, outgoing line appearance calls must use the
correspond channel.
Release 4.2+: The following additional fields are shown for lines where the Line Sub Type is set to ETSI CHI.
Incoming Group ID: Default = 0, Range 0 to 99999.
The Incoming Group ID to which a line belongs is used to match it to incoming call routes in the system configuration.
The matching incoming call route is then used to route incoming calls. The same ID can be used for multiple lines.
Outgoing Group ID: Default = 0, Range 0 to 99999.
Short codes that specify a number to dial also specify the line group to be used. The system will then seize a line with
a matching Outgoing Group ID. The same ID can be used for multiple lines.
In a IP Office Server Edition network, the Outgoing Group ID used on a system must also be unique within the
network, ie. the same ID cannot be used in the configuration of any lines on another server system in the
network. The IDs 99999 and 99998 which are reserved for the H.323 lines to the IP Office Server Edition Primary
Server and IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server respectively. The IDs 999901 to 99930 are reserved for the
H.323 lines from the IP Office Server Edition Primary Server to each expansion system in the network. The ID 0
cannot be used in a IP Office Server Edition network.
Direction: Default = Bothways
Controls the direction of calls allowed on the channel. Options are Bothways, Incoming or Outgoing.
Bearer: Default = Any.
Allows selection of the type of call that can use the channel. Options are Any, Data or Voice.
Admin: Default = Out of Service.
This field can be used to indicate whether the channel is in use or not. On trunks where only a limited number of
channels have been requested from the trunk provider (known as sub-equipped trunks), those channels not provided
should be set as Out of Service. For channels that are available but are temporarily not being used select
Tx Gain: Default = 0dB. Range = -10dBb to +5dB.
The transmit gain in dB.
Rx Gain: Default = 0dB. Range = -10dBb to +5dB.
The receive gain in dB.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Configuration Settings: Line
6.4.5 E1R2 Line
PRI trunks are provided by the installation of a PRI trunk card into the control unit. IP400 PRI cards are
available in E1, E1R2 and T1/US PRI variants. The IP500 PRI-U trunk card can be configured (see below) to one
of those line types. The cards are also available with either 1 or 2 physical ports. The number of B-channels
supported by each physical port depends on the line type of the card.
E1: 30 B-channels and 1 D-channel per port.
T1: 24 B-channels per port.
US PRI: 23 B-channels and 1 D-channel per port.
E1-R2: 30 B-channels and 1 D-channel per port.
The Small Office Edition control unit only supports a 1 single port IP400 T1 PRI trunk card. For an IP406 V2
control unit, dual port PRI trunk cards are only supported in Slot A. For full details of installation refer to the IP
Office Installation manual.
IP500 PRI-U Trunk Card Line Type
The IP500 PRI-U card can be configured to support either E1, T1 or E1-R2 PRI line types. To select the line type required,
right-click on the line in the group or navigation pane and select Change Universal PRI Card Line Type.
The control unit supports 8 B-channels on each IP500 PRI-U card fitted. Additional B-channels up to the full capacity of
IP500 PRI-U ports installed require licenses added to the configuration. D-channels are not affected by licensing.
For ETSI and QSIG trunks, license instances are consumed by the number of calls in progress on B-channels.
For T1, E1R2 and ETSI CHI trunks, licenses instances are consumed by the channels set as in service.
Manager 10.1 Page 294
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1 E1-R2 Options (Line)
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
Release: 1.4+.
Mergeable: These settings are not mergeable. Changes to these settings will require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
Card/Module: Release 4.1+.
Indicates the card slot or expansion module being used for the trunk device providing the line.
For IP400 control units: SLOT A on the control unit is shown as 1, SLOT B is shown as 2. Expansion modules are
numbered from 4 upwards, for example trunks on the module in Expansion Port 1 are shown as 4.
For IP500 and IP500 V2 control units: 1 to 4 match the slots on the front of the control unit from left to right.
Expansion modules are numbered from 5 upwards, for example trunks on the module in Expansion Port 1 are shown
as 5.
Port: Release 4.1+.
Indicates the port on the Card/Module above to which the configuration settings relate.
Network Type: Default = Public. Release 4.2+.
This option is available if Restrict Network Interconnect (System | Telephony | Telephony ) is enabled. It
allows the trunk to be set as either Public or Private. The system will return number unobtainable indication to any
attempt to connect a call on a Private trunk to a Public trunk or vice versa. This restriction includes transfers,
forwarding and conference calls.
Due to the nature of this feature, its use is not recommended on systems also using any of the following other
system features: multi-site networks, VPNremote, application telecommuter mode.
Line Number:
Allocated by the system.
Line SubType: Default = E1-R2
Supported options are E1-R2, ETSI, QSIGA or QSIGB.
QSIG trunks trunks are not supported on IP500 and IP500 V2 systems without IP500 Voice Networking
Channel Allocation: Default = 30 | 1
The order, 30 | 1 or 1 | 30, in which channels are used.
Country (Locale): Default = Mexico.
Select the locale that matches the area of usage. Note that changing the locale will return the MFC Group settings to
the defaults for the selected locale. Currently supported locales Argentina, Brazil, China, India, Korea, Mexico and
Admin: Default = In Service. Release 6.1.
This field allows a trunk to be taken out of service if required for maintenance or if the trunk is not connected.
The table at the base of the form displays the settings for the individual channels provided by the line. For details of the
channel settings see Edit Channel (E1-R2) .
To edit a channel, either double-click on it or right-click and select Edit. This will display the Edit Channel dialog box.
To edit multiple channels at the same time select the channels whilst pressing the Shift or Ctrl key. Then right-click and
select Edit.
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Manager 10.1 Page 295
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Configuration Settings: Line Channels
This tab allows settings for individual channels within the trunk to be adjusted. To edit a channel, select the required
channel or channels and click Edit.
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
Release: 1.4+.
Mergeable: These settings are not mergeable. Changes to these settings will require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
The channel settings are split into two sub-tabs, E1R2 Edit Channel and Timers.
E1R2 Edit Channel Settings
The channel or channels being edited.
Incoming Group ID: Default = 0, Range 0 to 99999.
The Incoming Group ID to which a line belongs is used to match it to incoming call routes in the system configuration.
The matching incoming call route is then used to route incoming calls. The same ID can be used for multiple lines.
Outgoing Group ID: Default = 0, Range 0 to 99999.
Short codes that specify a number to dial also specify the line group to be used. The system will then seize a line with
a matching Outgoing Group ID. The same ID can be used for multiple lines.
In a IP Office Server Edition network, the Outgoing Group ID used on a system must also be unique within the
network, ie. the same ID cannot be used in the configuration of any lines on another server system in the
network. The IDs 99999 and 99998 which are reserved for the H.323 lines to the IP Office Server Edition Primary
Server and IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server respectively. The IDs 999901 to 99930 are reserved for the
H.323 lines from the IP Office Server Edition Primary Server to each expansion system in the network. The ID 0
cannot be used in a IP Office Server Edition network.
Direction: Default = Both Directions
The direction of calls on the channel (Incoming, Outgoing or Both Directions).
Bearer: Default = Any
The type of traffic carried by the channel (Voice, Data or Any).
Line Signaling Type: Default = R2 Loop Start
The signaling type used by the channel. Current supported options are: R2 Loop Start, R2 DID, R2 DOD, R2 DIOD,
Tie Immediate Start, Tie Wink Start, Tie Delay Dial, Tie Automatic, WAN Service and Out of Service.
Dial Type: Default = MFC Dialing
The type of dialing supported by the channel; MFC Dialing, Pulse Dialing or DTMF Dialing.
Timers Settings
This sub-tab displays the various timers provided for E1-R2 channels. These should only be adjusted when required to
match the line provider's settings.
Manager 10.1 Page 296
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1 MFC Group
These tabs show the parameter assigned to each signal in an MFC group. The defaults are set according to the Country
(Locale) on the Line tab. All the values can be returned to default by the Default All button on the Advanced tab.
To change a setting either double-click on it or right-click and select Edit.
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
Release: 1.4+.
Mergeable: These settings are not mergeable. Changes to these settings will require a reboot of the system. Advanced
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
Release: 1.4+.
Mergeable: These settings are not mergeable. Changes to these settings will require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
Zero Suppression: Default = HDB3
Selects the method of zero suppression used (HDB3 or AMI).
Clock Quality: Default = Network
Refer to the IP Office Installation Manual for full details. This option sets whether the system should try to take its
clock source for call synchronization and signalling from this line. Preference should always be given to using the clock
source from a central office exchange if available by setting at least one exchange line to Network.
If multiple lines are set as Network, the order in which those lines are used is described in the IP Office
Installation Manual. If additional lines are available, Fallback can be used to specify a clock source to use should
the Network source not be available.
Lines from which the clock source should not be taken should be set as Unsuitable.
If no clock source is available, the system uses its own internal 8KHz clock source.
In scenarios where several systems are network via digital trunk lines, care must be taken to ensure that all the
systems use the same clock source. The current source being used by a system is reported within the System
Status Application.
Pulse Metering Bit: Default = A Bit
Sets which bit should be used to indicate the pulse metering signal; A Bit, B Bit or C Bit.
Line Signaling: Default = CPE
Select either CPE or CO. The CO feature is intended to be used primarily as a testing aid. It allows T1 and E1 lines to
be tested in a back-to-back configuration, using crossover (QSIG) cables.
The CO feature operates by modifying the way in which incoming calls are disconnected for system configuration
in Brazil and Argentina. In these locales, the CO setting uses Forced-Release instead of Clear-Back to disconnect
incoming calls. The Brazilian Double-Seizure mechanism used to police Collect calls, is also disabled in CO mode.
Incoming Routing Digits: Default = 4
Sets the number of incoming digits used for incoming call routing.
CRC Checking: Default = Ticked (On)
Switches CRC on or off.
Default All Group Settings
Default the MFC Group tab settings.
Line Signaling Timers:
To edit one of these timers, either double-click on the timer or right-click on a timer and select the action required.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Configuration Settings: Line
Manager 10.1 Page 298
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
6.4.6 T1 Line
PRI trunks are provided by the installation of a PRI trunk card into the control unit. IP400 PRI cards are
available in E1, E1R2 and T1/US PRI variants. The IP500 PRI-U trunk card can be configured (see below) to one
of those line types. The cards are also available with either 1 or 2 physical ports. The number of B-channels
supported by each physical port depends on the line type of the card.
E1: 30 B-channels and 1 D-channel per port.
T1: 24 B-channels per port.
US PRI: 23 B-channels and 1 D-channel per port.
E1-R2: 30 B-channels and 1 D-channel per port.
The Small Office Edition control unit only supports a 1 single port IP400 T1 PRI trunk card. For an IP406 V2
control unit, dual port PRI trunk cards are only supported in Slot A. For full details of installation refer to the IP
Office Installation manual.
IP500 PRI-U Trunk Card Line Type
The IP500 PRI-U card can be configured to support either E1, T1 or E1-R2 PRI line types. To select the line type required,
right-click on the line in the group or navigation pane and select Change Universal PRI Card Line Type.
The control unit supports 8 B-channels on each IP500 PRI-U card fitted. Additional B-channels up to the full capacity of
IP500 PRI-U ports installed require licenses added to the configuration. D-channels are not affected by licensing.
For ETSI and QSIG trunks, license instances are consumed by the number of calls in progress on B-channels.
For T1, E1R2 and ETSI CHI trunks, licenses instances are consumed by the channels set as in service.
Dialing Complete
The majority of North-American telephony services use en-bloc dialing. Therefore the use of a ; is recommended at the
end of all dialing short codes that use an N. This is also recommended for all dialing where secondary dial tone short
codes are being used.
Manager 10.1 Page 299
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Configuration Settings: Line Line
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
Release: 1.0+.
Mergeable: These settings are not mergeable. Changes to these settings will require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
Line Number:
Allocated by the system.
Card/Module: Release 4.1+.
Indicates the card slot or expansion module being used for the trunk device providing the line.
For IP400 control units: SLOT A on the control unit is shown as 1, SLOT B is shown as 2. Expansion modules are
numbered from 4 upwards, for example trunks on the module in Expansion Port 1 are shown as 4.
For IP500 and IP500 V2 control units: 1 to 4 match the slots on the front of the control unit from left to right.
Expansion modules are numbered from 5 upwards, for example trunks on the module in Expansion Port 1 are shown
as 5.
Port: Release 4.1+.
Indicates the port on the Card/Module above to which the configuration settings relate.
Network Type: Default = Public. Release 4.2+.
This option is available if Restrict Network Interconnect (System | Telephony | Telephony ) is enabled. It
allows the trunk to be set as either Public or Private. The system will return number unobtainable indication to any
attempt to connect a call on a Private trunk to a Public trunk or vice versa. This restriction includes transfers,
forwarding and conference calls.
Due to the nature of this feature, its use is not recommended on systems also using any of the following other
system features: multi-site networks, VPNremote, application telecommuter mode.
Line Sub Type: Default = T1
Set to T1 for a T1 line. For PRI see Line Form (US PRI) . If set to ETSI, QSIG A or QSIG B see Line (E1) .
Channel Allocation: Default = 24 | 1
The order, 24 to 1 or 1 to 24, in which channels are used.
Prefix: Default = Blank
Enter the number to prefix to all incoming numbers for callback. This is useful if all users must dial a prefix to access
an outside line. The prefix is automatically placed in front of all incoming numbers so that users can dial the number
Framing: Default = ESF
Selects the type of signal framing used (ESF or D4).
Zero Suppression: Default = B8ZS
Selects the method of zero suppression used (B8ZS or AMI ZCS).
Clock Quality: Default = Network
Refer to the IP Office Installation Manual for full details. This option sets whether the system should try to take its
clock source for call synchronization and signalling from this line. Preference should always be given to using the clock
source from a central office exchange if available by setting at least one exchange line to Network.
If multiple lines are set as Network, the order in which those lines are used is described in the IP Office
Installation Manual. If additional lines are available, Fallback can be used to specify a clock source to use should
the Network source not be available.
Lines from which the clock source should not be taken should be set as Unsuitable.
If no clock source is available, the system uses its own internal 8KHz clock source.
In scenarios where several systems are network via digital trunk lines, care must be taken to ensure that all the
systems use the same clock source. The current source being used by a system is reported within the System
Status Application.
Haul Length: Default = 0-115 feet
Sets the line length to a specific distance.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Channel Unit: Default = Foreign Exchange
This field should be set to match the channel signaling equipment provided by the Central Office. The options are
Foreign Exchange, Special Access or Normal.
CRC Checking: Default = On
Turns CRC on or off.
Line Signaling: Default = CPE
This field affects T1 channels set to Loop-Start or Ground-Start. The field can be set to either CPE (Customer Premises
Equipment) or CO (Central Office). This field should normally be left at its default of CPE. The setting CO is normally
only used in lab back-to-back testing.
Incoming Routing Digits: Default=0 (present call immediately)
Sets the number of routing digits expected on incoming calls. This allows the line to present the call to the system once
the expected digits have been received rather than waiting for the digits timeout to expire. This field only affects T1
line channels set to E&M Tie, E&M DID, E&M Switched 56K and Direct Inward Dial.
CSU Operation:
Tick this field to enable the T1 line to respond to loop-back requests from the line.
Enhanced Called Party Number: Default = Off
This option is not supported for systems set to the United States locale. Normally the dialed number length is limited to
15 digits. Selecting this option increases the allowed dialed number length to 30 digits.
Admin: Default = In Service. Release 6.1.
This field allows a trunk to be taken out of service if required for maintenance or if the trunk is not connected.
Manager 10.1 Page 301
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Configuration Settings: Line Channels
The settings for each channel can be edited. Users have the option of editing individual channels by double-clicking on
the channel or selecting and editing multiple channels at the same time. Note that the Line Appearance ID cannot be
updated when editing multiple channels.
When editing a channel or channels, the settings available are displayed on two sub-tabs; T1 Edit Channel and Timers.
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
Release: 1.0+.
Mergeable: These settings are not mergeable. Changes to these settings will require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
T1 Edit Channel Sub-Tab Settings
Allocated by the system.
Incoming Group ID: Default = 0, Range 0 to 99999.
The Incoming Group ID to which a line belongs is used to match it to incoming call routes in the system configuration.
The matching incoming call route is then used to route incoming calls. The same ID can be used for multiple lines.
Outgoing Group ID: Default = 0, Range 0 to 99999.
Short codes that specify a number to dial also specify the line group to be used. The system will then seize a line with
a matching Outgoing Group ID. The same ID can be used for multiple lines.
In a IP Office Server Edition network, the Outgoing Group ID used on a system must also be unique within the
network, ie. the same ID cannot be used in the configuration of any lines on another server system in the
network. The IDs 99999 and 99998 which are reserved for the H.323 lines to the IP Office Server Edition Primary
Server and IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server respectively. The IDs 999901 to 99930 are reserved for the
H.323 lines from the IP Office Server Edition Primary Server to each expansion system in the network. The ID 0
cannot be used in a IP Office Server Edition network.
Line Appearance ID: Default = Auto-assigned. Range = 2 to 9 digits. Release 3.0+.
Used for configuring Line Appearances with button programming. The line appearance ID must be unique and not
match any extension number. Line appearance is not supported for trunks set to QSIG operation and is not
recommended for trunks be used for DID.
Direction: Default = Bothway
The direction of calls on the channel (Incoming, Outgoing or Bothway).
Bearer: Default = Any
The type of traffic carried by the channel.
Type: Default = Out of Service
The T1 emulates the following connections (Ground-Start, Loop-Start, E&M - TIE, E&M - DID, E&M Switched
56K, Direct Inward Dial, Clear Channel 64K or Out of Service). Trunks set to E&M - DID will only accept
incoming calls.
If E&M - TIE is selected and the Outgoing Trunk Type is set to Automatic, no secondary dial tone is provided for
outgoing calls on this line/trunk.
Dial Type: Default = DTMF Dial
Select the dialing method required (DTMF Dial or Pulse Dial).
Incoming Trunk Type: Default = Wink-Start
Used for E&M types only. The handshake method for incoming calls (Automatic, Immediate, Delay Dial or Wink-
Outgoing Trunk Type: Default = Wink-Start
Used for E&M types only. The handshake method for outgoing calls (Automatic, Immediate, Delay Dial or Wink-
If the line Type is set to E&M-TIE and the Outgoing Trunk Type is set to Automatic, no secondary dial tone is
provided for outgoing calls on this line/trunk.
Tx Gain: Default = 0dB
The transmit gain in dB.
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Rx Gain: Default = 0dB
The receive gain in dB.
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Configuration Settings: Line
Timers Sub-Tab Settings
This sub-tab allows various timers relating to operation of an individual channel to be adjusted. These should only be
adjusted to match the requirements of the line provider. The following is a list of the default values. To reset a value,
click on the current value and then right click and select from the default, minimize and maximize options displayed.
Outgoing Seizure: 10.
Wink Start: 5000.
Wink Validated: 80.
Wink End: 350.
Delay End: 5000.
Outgoing Dial Guard: 590.
Outgoing IMM Dial Guard: 1500.
Outgoing Pulse Dial Break: 60.
Outgoing Pulse Dial Make: 40.
Outgoing Pulse Dial Inter Digit: 720.
Outgoing Pulse Dial Pause: 1500.
Flash Hook Generation: 500.
Outgoing End of Dial: 1000.
Answer Supervision: 300.
Incoming Confirm: 20.
Incoming Automatic Delay: 410.
Incoming Wink Delay: 100.
Wink Signal: 200.
Incoming Dial Guard: 50.
First Incoming Digit: 15000.
Incoming Inter Digit: 5000.
Maximum Inter Digit: 300.
Flash Hook Detect: 240.
Incoming Disconnect: 300.
Incoming Disconnect Guard: 800.
Disconnected Signal Error: 240000.
Outgoing Disconnect: 300.
Outgoing Disconnect Guard: 800.
Ring Verify Duration: 220.
Ring Abandon: 6300.
Ping Verify: 600.
Long Ring Time: 1100.
Silent Interval: 1100.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
6.4.7 T1 PRI Line
PRI trunks are provided by the installation of a PRI trunk card into the control unit. IP400 PRI cards are
available in E1, E1R2 and T1/US PRI variants. The IP500 PRI-U trunk card can be configured (see below) to one
of those line types. The cards are also available with either 1 or 2 physical ports. The number of B-channels
supported by each physical port depends on the line type of the card.
E1: 30 B-channels and 1 D-channel per port.
T1: 24 B-channels per port.
US PRI: 23 B-channels and 1 D-channel per port.
E1-R2: 30 B-channels and 1 D-channel per port.
The Small Office Edition control unit only supports a 1 single port IP400 T1 PRI trunk card. For an IP406 V2
control unit, dual port PRI trunk cards are only supported in Slot A. For full details of installation refer to the IP
Office Installation manual.
IP500 PRI-U Trunk Card Line Type
The IP500 PRI-U card can be configured to support either E1, T1 or E1-R2 PRI line types. To select the line type required,
right-click on the line in the group or navigation pane and select Change Universal PRI Card Line Type.
The control unit supports 8 B-channels on each IP500 PRI-U card fitted. Additional B-channels up to the full capacity of
IP500 PRI-U ports installed require licenses added to the configuration. D-channels are not affected by licensing.
For ETSI and QSIG trunks, license instances are consumed by the number of calls in progress on B-channels.
For T1, E1R2 and ETSI CHI trunks, licenses instances are consumed by the channels set as in service.
Each physical trunk port supports up to 24 channels in T1 mode, 23 channels in PRI and QSIG modes.
Dialing Complete
The majority of North-American telephony services use en-bloc dialing. Therefore the use of a ; is recommended at the
end of all dialing short codes that use an N. This is also recommended for all dialing where secondary dial tone short
codes are being used.
AT&T Provider Settings
For AT&T operation two information elements, TNS (Transit Network Selector) and NSF (Network Specific Facility), are
sent in the call setup to the service provider. The values for TNS, NSF and the actual phone number presented to the
line are determined by parsing the number dialed through, in sequence, the TNS, Special and Call by Call tabs. These
tabs appear when the Provider setting on the Line tab is set to AT&T. Note also that B-channels within the same line
can be brought from different service providers. Additionally some B-channels can be used 'call by call', that is, use a
different service provider for each call.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Configuration Settings: Line Line
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
Release: 1.0+.
Mergeable: These settings are not mergeable. Changes to these settings will require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
Line Number:
Allocated by the system.
Card/Module: Release 4.1+.
Indicates the card slot or expansion module being used for the trunk device providing the line.
For IP400 control units: SLOT A on the control unit is shown as 1, SLOT B is shown as 2. Expansion modules are
numbered from 4 upwards, for example trunks on the module in Expansion Port 1 are shown as 4.
For IP500 and IP500 V2 control units: 1 to 4 match the slots on the front of the control unit from left to right.
Expansion modules are numbered from 5 upwards, for example trunks on the module in Expansion Port 1 are shown
as 5.
Port: Release 4.1+.
Indicates the port on the Card/Module above to which the configuration settings relate.
Network Type: Default = Public. Release 4.2+.
This option is available if Restrict Network Interconnect (System | Telephony | Telephony ) is enabled. It
allows the trunk to be set as either Public or Private. The system will return number unobtainable indication to any
attempt to connect a call on a Private trunk to a Public trunk or vice versa. This restriction includes transfers,
forwarding and conference calls.
Due to the nature of this feature, its use is not recommended on systems also using any of the following other
system features: multi-site networks, VPNremote, application telecommuter mode.
Line SubType: Default = PRI
Set to PRI. If set to T1 see Line Form (T1) . If set to ETSI, ETSI CHI (Release 4.2+), QSIG A or QSIG B see Line
(E1) .
QSIG trunks trunks are not supported on IP500 and IP500 V2 systems without IP500 Voice Networking
Channel Allocation: Default = 23 | 1
The order, 23 to 1 or 1 to 23, in which channels are used.
Switch Type: Default = NI2
Options 4ESS, 5ESS, DMS100 and NI2.
Provider: Default = Local Telco
Select the PSTN service provider (AT&T, Sprint, WorldCom or Local Telco).
Prefix: Default = Blank
Enter the number to prefix to all incoming numbers for callback. This is useful if all users must dial a prefix to access
an outside line. The prefix is automatically placed in front of all incoming numbers so that users can dial the number
Add 'Not-end-to-end ISDN' Information Element: Default = Never*. Release 4.2+.
Sets whether the optional 'Not end-to-end ISDN' information element should be added to outgoing calls on the line.
The options are Never, Always or POTS (only if the call was originated by an analog extension). *The default is
Never except for the following locales; for Italy the default is POTS, for New Zealand the default is Always.
Send Redirecting Number: Default = Off. Release 6.0+, IP500/IP500 V2 only.
This option can be used on ISDN trunks where the redirecting service is supported by the trunk provider. Where
supported, on twinned calls the caller ID of the original call is passed through to the twinning destination. This option is
only used for twinned calls.
Send Names: Release 6.0+
This option is available when the Switch Type above is set to DMS100. If set, names are sent in the display field.
The Z shortcode character can be used to specify the name to be used.
Names Length: Release 6.0+
Set the allowable length for names, up to 15 characters, when Send Names is set above.
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Test Number:
Used to remember the external telephone number of this line to assist with loop-back testing. For information only.
Framing: Default = ESF
Selects the type of signal framing used (ESF or D4).
Zero Suppression: Default = B8ZS
Selects the method of zero suppression used (B8ZS or AMI ZCS).
Clock Quality: Default = Network
Refer to the IP Office Installation Manual for full details. This option sets whether the system should try to take its
clock source for call synchronization and signalling from this line. Preference should always be given to using the clock
source from a central office exchange if available by setting at least one exchange line to Network.
If multiple lines are set as Network, the order in which those lines are used is described in the IP Office
Installation Manual. If additional lines are available, Fallback can be used to specify a clock source to use should
the Network source not be available.
Lines from which the clock source should not be taken should be set as Unsuitable.
If no clock source is available, the system uses its own internal 8KHz clock source.
In scenarios where several systems are network via digital trunk lines, care must be taken to ensure that all the
systems use the same clock source. The current source being used by a system is reported within the System
Status Application.
CSU Operation
Tick this field to enable the T1 line to respond to loop-back requests from the line.
Haul Length: Default = 0-115 feet
Sets the line length to a specific distance.
Channel Unit: Default = Foreign Exchange
This field should be set to match the channel signaling equipment provided by the Central Office. The options are
Foreign Exchange, Special Access or Normal.
CRC Checking: Default = On
Turns CRC on or off.
Line Signaling:
The field can be set to either CPE (Customer Premises Equipment) or CO (Central Office). This field should normally be
left at its default of CPE. The setting CO is normally only used in lab back-to-back testing.
Incoming Routing Digits: Default=0 (present call immediately)
Sets the number of routing digits expected on incoming calls. This allows the line to present the call to the system once
the expected digits have been received rather than waiting for the digits timeout to expire. This field only affects T1
line channels set to E&M Tie, E&M DID, E&M Switched 56K and Direct Inward Dial.
Admin: Default = In Service. Release 6.1.
This field allows a trunk to be taken out of service if required for maintenance or if the trunk is not connected.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Configuration Settings: Line Channels
This tab allows settings for individual channels within the trunk to be adjusted. This tab is not available for trunks sets to
ETSI or QSIG mode.
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
Release: 1.0+.
Mergeable: These settings are not mergeable. Changes to these settings will require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
Allocated by the system.
Incoming Group ID: Default = 0, Range 0 to 99999.
The Incoming Group ID to which a line belongs is used to match it to incoming call routes in the system configuration.
The matching incoming call route is then used to route incoming calls. The same ID can be used for multiple lines.
Outgoing Group ID: Default = 0, Range 0 to 99999.
Short codes that specify a number to dial also specify the line group to be used. The system will then seize a line with
a matching Outgoing Group ID. The same ID can be used for multiple lines.
In a IP Office Server Edition network, the Outgoing Group ID used on a system must also be unique within the
network, ie. the same ID cannot be used in the configuration of any lines on another server system in the
network. The IDs 99999 and 99998 which are reserved for the H.323 lines to the IP Office Server Edition Primary
Server and IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server respectively. The IDs 999901 to 99930 are reserved for the
H.323 lines from the IP Office Server Edition Primary Server to each expansion system in the network. The ID 0
cannot be used in a IP Office Server Edition network.
Line Appearance ID: Default = Auto-assigned. Range = 2 to 9 digits. Release 3.0+.
Used for configuring Line Appearances with button programming. The line appearance ID must be unique and not
match any extension number.
Direction: Default = Both Directions
The direction of calls on the channel (Incoming, Outgoing or Both Directions).
Bearer: Default = Any
The type of traffic carried by the channel (Voice, Data or Any).
Service: Default = None.
If the line provider is set to AT&T, selects the type of service provided by the channel from Call by Call, SDN (inc
GSDN), MegaCom800, MegaComWats, Accunet, NLDS, I800, ETN, Private Line, AT&T Multiquest. For other
providers the service options are None or No Service.
Admin: Default = Out of Service
Used to indicate the channel status (In Service, Out of Service or Maintenance).
Tx Gain: Default = 0dB
The transmit gain in dB.
Rx Gain: Default = 0dB
The receive gain in dB.
Manager 10.1 Page 308
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1 TNS
This tab is shown when the line Provider is set to AT&T. It allows the entry of the Network Selection settings. These are
prefixes for alternative long distance carriers. When a number dialed matches an entry in the table, that pattern is
stripped from the number before being sent out. This table is used to set field in the TNS (Transit Network Selection)
information element for 4ESS and 5ESS exchanges. It is also used to set fields in the NSF information element.
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
Release: 1.0+.
Mergeable: These settings are not mergeable. Changes to these settings will require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
TNS Code:
The pattern for the alternate long distance carrier. For example: The pattern 10XXX is added to this tab. If 10288 is
dialed, 10 is removed and 288 is placed in the TNS and NSF information. Special
This tab is shown when the line Provider is set to AT&T. This table is used to set additional fields in the NSF information
element after initial number parsing by the TNS tab. These are used to indicate the services required by the call. If the
channel is set to Call by Call, then further parsing is done using the records in the Call by Call tab.
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
Release: 1.0+.
Mergeable: These settings are not mergeable. Changes to these settings will require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
Short code:
The number which results from the application of the rules specified in the User or System Short code tables and the
Network Selection table and the Call-by-call table to the number dialed by the user.
The number to be dialed to line.
Special: Default = No Operator
(No Operator, Local Operator or Presubscribed Operator).
Plan: Default = National
(National or International).
Typical values are:
Short Code Number Service
011N N No Operator, International
010N N Local Operator, International
01N N Local Operator, National
00N N Presubscribed Operator, National
0N N Presubscribed Operator, National
1N 1N No operator, National
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Configuration Settings: Line
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1 Call By Call
This tab is shown when the line Provider is set to AT&T. Settings in this tab are only used when calls are routed via a
channel which has its Service set to Call by Call.
It allows short codes to be created to route calls to a different services according to the number dialed. Call By Call
reduces the costs and maximizes the use of facilities. Call By Call chooses the optimal service for a particular call by
including the Bearer capability in the routing decision. This is particularly useful when there are limited resources.
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
Release: 1.0+.
Mergeable: These settings are not mergeable. Changes to these settings will require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
Short Code:
The number which results from the application of the rules specified in the User or System Short code tables and the
Network Selection table to the number dialed by the user.
The number to be dialed to line.
Bearer: Default = Any
The type of channel required for the call (Voice, Data or Any).
Service: Default = AT&T
The service required by the call (SDN (inc GSDN), MegaCom800, MegaCom, Inwats, Wats, Accunet, NLDS, I800
, ETN, Private Line, AT&T Multiquest).
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Configuration Settings: Line
6.4.8 S0 Line
These settings are used for S0 ports provided by an S08 expansion module connected a control unit. For full
details of installation refer to the IP Office Installation manual.
Though displayed as lines, these BRI ports are used for connection of ISDN2 devices such as video
conferencing units or ISDN PC cards.
Calls received on IP, S
and QSIG trunks do not use incoming call routes. Routing for these is based on
incoming number received as if dialed on-switch. Line short codes on those trunks can be used to modify
the incoming digits. Line
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
Release: 1.0+.
Configuration Settings
Line Number
This parameter is not configurable. It is allocated by the system.
Telephone Number:
Used to remember the telephone number of this line. For information only.
Prefix: Default = Blank.
The prefix is used in the following ways:
For incoming calls
The ISDN messaging tags indicates the call type (National, International or Unknown). If the call type is unknown,
then the number in the Prefix field is added to the ICLID.
For outgoing calls
Pre-Release 4.0: When a outgoing call is presented to the line with a leading digit to dial that matches the Prefix,
that digit is stripped from the number. Release 4.0+: The prefix is not stripped, therefore any prefixes not suitable
for external line presentation should be stripped using short codes.
National Prefix: Default = 0
This indicates the digits to be prefixed to a incoming national call. When a number is presented from ISDN as a
"national number" this prefix is added. For example 1923000000 is converted to 01923000000.
International Prefix: Default = 00
This indicates the digits to be prefixed to an incoming international call. When a number is presented from ISDN as an
"international number" this prefix is added. For example 441923000000 is converted to 00441923000000.
Incoming Group ID: Default = 0, Range 0 to 99999.
The Incoming Group ID to which a line belongs is used to match it to incoming call routes in the system configuration.
The matching incoming call route is then used to route incoming calls. The same ID can be used for multiple lines.
Outgoing Group ID: Default = 0, Range 0 to 99999.
Short codes that specify a number to dial also specify the line group to be used. The system will then seize a line with
a matching Outgoing Group ID. The same ID can be used for multiple lines.
In a IP Office Server Edition network, the Outgoing Group ID used on a system must also be unique within the
network, ie. the same ID cannot be used in the configuration of any lines on another server system in the
network. The IDs 99999 and 99998 which are reserved for the H.323 lines to the IP Office Server Edition Primary
Server and IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server respectively. The IDs 999901 to 99930 are reserved for the
H.323 lines from the IP Office Server Edition Primary Server to each expansion system in the network. The ID 0
cannot be used in a IP Office Server Edition network.
TEI: Default = 0
Not used. The Control Unit will ignore any entry.
Number of Channels: Default = 2
Defines the number of operational channels that are available on this line. 2 for BRI and up to 30 for PRI - depending
upon the number of channels subscribed.
Outgoing Channels: Default = 2
This defines the number of channels available, on this line, for outgoing calls. This should normally be the same as
Number of Channels field, but can be reduced to ensure incoming calls cannot be blocked by outgoing calls.
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Voice Channels: Default = 2
The number of channels available for voice use.
Data Channels: Default = 2
The number of channels available for data use. If left blank the value is 0.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Configuration Settings: Line Short Codes
For some types of line, Line short codes can be applied to any digits received with incoming calls.
The line Short Code tab is shown for the following trunk types which are treated as internal or private trunks: QSIG (T1,
E1, H.323), BRI S0, H.323, SCN. Incoming calls on those types of trunk are not routed using Incoming Call Route
settings. Instead the digits received with incoming calls are checked for a match as follows:
Extension number (including remote numbers in a multi-site network).
Line short codes (excluding ? short code).
System short codes (excluding ? short code).
Line ? short code.
System ? short code.
Short codes can be added and edited using the Add, Remove and Edit buttons. Alternatively you can right-click on the
list of existing short code to add and edit short codes.
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
Release: 1.0+.
Mergeable: These settings are not mergeable. Changes to these settings will require a reboot of the system.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1 Channels
This tab allows settings for individual channels within the trunk to be adjusted. For So channels this form is not used.
Control Unit: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
Release: 1.0+.
Mergeable: These settings are not mergeable. Changes to these settings will require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
Line Appearance ID
Not used with So lines.
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Configuration Settings: Line
6.4.9 H323 Line
These lines are added manually. They allow voice calls to be routed over data links within the system. They are
therefore dependent on the IP data routing between the system and the destination having being configured
and tested.
Calls received on IP, S
and QSIG trunks do not use incoming call routes. Routing for these is based on
incoming number received as if dialed on-switch. Line short codes on those trunks can be used to modify the
incoming digits.
Network Assessments
Not all data connections are suitable for voice traffic. A network assessment is required for internal network connections.
For external network connections a service level agreement is required from the service provider. Avaya cannot control
or be held accountable for the suitability of a data connection for carrying voice traffic.
QSIG trunks trunks are not supported on IP500 and IP500 V2 systems without IP500 Voice Networking
Manager 10.1 Page 316
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1 Line
QSIG trunks trunks are not supported on IP500 and IP500 V2 systems without IP500 Voice Networking
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
Release: 1.0+.
Mergeable: These settings are not mergeable. Changes to these settings will require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
Line Number: Default = 0. Range = 1 to 249.
Enter the line number that you wish. Note that this must be unique.
Telephone Number:
Used to remember the telephone number of this line. For information only.
Network Type: Default = Public. Release 4.2+.
This option is available if Restrict Network Interconnect (System | Telephony | Telephony ) is enabled. It
allows the trunk to be set as either Public or Private. The system will return number unobtainable indication to any
attempt to connect a call on a Private trunk to a Public trunk or vice versa. This restriction includes transfers,
forwarding and conference calls.
Due to the nature of this feature, its use is not recommended on systems also using any of the following other
system features: multi-site networks, VPNremote, application telecommuter mode.
Outgoing Group ID: Default = 0, Range 0 to 99999.
Short codes that specify a number to dial also specify the line group to be used. The system will then seize a line with
a matching Outgoing Group ID. The same ID can be used for multiple lines.
In a IP Office Server Edition network, the Outgoing Group ID used on a system must also be unique within the
network, ie. the same ID cannot be used in the configuration of any lines on another server system in the
network. The IDs 99999 and 99998 which are reserved for the H.323 lines to the IP Office Server Edition Primary
Server and IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server respectively. The IDs 999901 to 99930 are reserved for the
H.323 lines from the IP Office Server Edition Primary Server to each expansion system in the network. The ID 0
cannot be used in a IP Office Server Edition network.
Prefix: Default = Blank.
The prefix is used in the following ways:
For incoming calls
The ISDN messaging tags indicates the call type (National, International or Unknown). If the call type is unknown,
then the number in the Prefix field is added to the ICLID.
For outgoing calls
Pre-Release 4.0: When a outgoing call is presented to the line with a leading digit to dial that matches the Prefix,
that digit is stripped from the number. Release 4.0+: The prefix is not stripped, therefore any prefixes not suitable
for external line presentation should be stripped using short codes.
National Prefix: Default = 0
This indicates the digits to be prefixed to a incoming national call. When a number is presented from ISDN as a
"national number" this prefix is added. For example 1923000000 is converted to 01923000000.
International Prefix: Default = 00
This indicates the digits to be prefixed to an incoming international call. When a number is presented from ISDN as an
"international number" this prefix is added. For example 441923000000 is converted to 00441923000000.
Number of Channels: Default = 20, Range 0 to 128.
Defines the number of operational channels that are available on this line.
Outgoing Channels: Default = 20, Range 0 to 128.
This defines the number of channels available, on this line, for outgoing calls. This should normally be the same as
Number of Channels field, but can be reduced to ensure incoming calls cannot be blocked by outgoing calls.
Voice Channels: Default = 20, Range 0 to 128.
The number of channels available for voice use.
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Configuration Settings: Line
TEI: Default = 0. Range = 0 to 127.
The Terminal Equipment Identifier. Used to identify each Control Unit connected to a particular ISDN line. For Point to
Point lines this is typically (always) 0. It can also be 0 on a Point to Multi-Point line, however if multiple devices are
actually sharing a Point to Multi-Point line it should be set to 127 which will result in the exchange deciding on the TEI's
to be used by this Control Unit.
Manager 10.1 Page 318
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1 Short Codes
For some types of line, Line short codes can be applied to any digits received with incoming calls.
The line Short Code tab is shown for the following trunk types which are treated as internal or private trunks: QSIG (T1,
E1, H.323), BRI S0, H.323, SCN. Incoming calls on those types of trunk are not routed using Incoming Call Route
settings. Instead the digits received with incoming calls are checked for a match as follows:
Extension number (including remote numbers in a multi-site network).
Line short codes (excluding ? short code).
System short codes (excluding ? short code).
Line ? short code.
System ? short code.
Short codes can be added and edited using the Add, Remove and Edit buttons. Alternatively you can right-click on the
list of existing short code to add and edit short codes.
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
Release: 1.0+.
Mergeable: These settings are not mergeable. Changes to these settings will require a reboot of the system.
Manager 10.1 Page 319
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Configuration Settings: Line VoIP
This form is used to configure the VoIP setting applied to calls on the H.323 line.
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
Release: 1.0+.
Mergeable: These settings are not mergeable. Changes to these settings will require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
The VoIP settings available for an H.323 trunk depend on the Supplementary Services setting:
Standard H.323 Line VoIP Settings
The following settings are applicable to trunks with their Supplementary Services set to H450, QSIG or None.
SCN H.323 Line VoIP Settings
The following settings are applicable to H.323 trunks with their Supplementary Services set to IP Office SCN or
IP Office SCN - Fallback.
Manager 10.1 Page 320
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1 Standard H323
The following settings are applicable to trunks with their Supplementary Services set to other than IP Office SCN or
IP Office Small Community Network - Fallback.
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
Release: 1.0+.
Mergeable: These settings are not mergeable. Changes to these settings will require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
Gateway IP Address: Default = Blank
Enter the IP address of the gateway device at the remote end. This address must not be shared by any other IP line
(H.323, SIP, SES or IP DECT).
Codec Selection: Default = System Default
This field defines the codec or codecs offered during call setup.
The available codecs in default preference order are: G.711 A-Law, G.711 U-Law, G.729 and G.723.1.
Note that the default order for G.711 codecs will vary to match the system's default companding setting.
G.723.1 is not supported on Linux based systems.
Release 8.0+: The G.722 64K codec is also supported on IP500/IP500 V2 systems with IP500 VCM, IP500
VCM V2 or IP500 Combo cards. For IP Office Server Edition it is supported on IP Office Server Edition Primary
Server, IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server and IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) systems
and on IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) systems fitted with IP500 VCM, IP500 VCM V2 or
IP500 Combo. It is not supported on any systems that include any IP400 VCM cards.
For IP Office Release 8.0: The codecs available to be used are set through the System Codec list (System |
System Codec ). The drop-down selector options are:
System Default
This is the default setting. When selected, the codec list below show matches the codecs set in the system
wide Default Selection list (System | Codecs ).
This option allows specific configuration of the codec preferences to be different from the system Default
Selection list. When Custom is selected, the list can be used to select which codecs are in the Unused list
and in the Selected list and to change the order of the selected codecs.
Release 5.0 to Release 7.0+
The Automatic Codec Preference setting (System | Telephony | Telephony ) can be used to set which
codec should be first in the list of preferred codecs. The remaining codecs are used in the order as above. Note
that the G.711 codecs are treated as a pair, so if one is selected as the first preference, the other will
automatically be second in the list.
If required, a specific codec can be selected. However, if during call setup negotiation with a specific codec,
connect fails, the system will fallback to using automatic selection.
Codecs not selected for a SIP connection are not used in codec negotiation. For H.323 it is not possible to
exclude codecs from negotiation, only to change the order of codec preference.
The Advanced button can be used to display a list of the codecs in their current order of preference. Codecs
can be dragged up or down the list or deselected from the list. Note that once a list has been edited in this
way, clicking Advanced again will return it to Automatic Select.
Pre-Release 5.0
Automatic Select uses the codecs in the order of preference G.729a, G.711 ALAW, G.711 ULAW and G.723.1
Supplementary Services: Default = IP Office SCN
Selects the supplementary service signaling method for use across the H.323 trunk. The remote end of the trunk must
support the same option. Options are:
No supplementary services are supported.
Use for H.323 lines connected to another PBX or device that uses H450.
Use for H.323 lines connected to another PBX or device that uses QSIG.
237 237
Manager 10.1 Page 321
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Configuration Settings: Line
IP Office SCN
This option is used for H.323 trunks within a multi-site network. The systems within a multi-site network
automatically exchange information about users and extensions, allowing remote users to be called without any
additional configuration on the local system. For full details of Small Community Network operation see Small
Community Networking . For full details of a IP Office Server Edition network, see IP Office Server Edition Mode
IP Office SCN - Fallback (Release 5.0+ only)
This option is used for a multi-site network trunk connection as above, where the system at the end of the trunk
will try to take over the selected SCN Backup Options if this system is not visible within the multi-site network
for a period of more than 3 minutes. See Small Community Network Fallback .
Note that both ends of the SCN trunk connection must be set to fallback.
On the system requesting backup, the required SCN Backup Options are selected, indicating that it is
requesting backup. A single system can only request backup from one other system.
A system providing backup can provide backup for up to 7 other systems.
Call Initiation Timeout: Default = 4 seconds. Range = 1 to 99 seconds. Release 4.2+.
This option sets how long the system should wait for a response to its attempt to initiate a call before following the
alternate routes set in an ARS form.
VoIP Silence Suppression: Default = Off
When selected, this option will detect periods of silence on any call over the line and will not send any data during
those silent periods. This feature is not used on IP lines using G.711 between systems. On trunk's between networked
systems, the same setting should be set at both ends.
Enable FastStart for non-Avaya IP Phones: Default = Off
A fast connection procedure. Reduces the number of messages that need to be exchanged before an audio channel is
Fax Transport Support: Off
This option is only supported on trunks with their Supplementary Services set to IP Office SCN or IP Office Small
Community Network - Fallback.
Fax relay is supported across H.323 multi-site network lines with Fax Transport Support selected. This will use
2 VCM channels in each of the systems. Fax relay is only supported on IP500/IP500 V2 systems with IP500 VCM,
IP500 VCM V2 and or IP500 Combo cards. Fax relay is supported on IP Office Server Edition Linux servers.
Local Tones: Default = Off
When selected, the tones are generated by the local system to which the phone is registered. This option should not be
used with lines being used for a multi-site network. For the Small Office Edition control unit, this field should not be
DTMF Support: Default = Out of Band
DTMF tones can be sent to the remote end either as DTMF tones within the calls audio path (In Band) or a separate
signals (Out of Band). Out of Band is recommended for compression modes such as G.729 and G.723 compression
modes where DTMF in the voice stream could become distorted.
For trunks with Supplementary Services set to IP Office SCN or IP Office SCN - Fallback, this option is fixed
to Out of Band.
Allow Direct Media Path: Default = On
This settings controls whether IP calls must be routed via the system or can be routed alternately if possible within the
network structure.
If enabled, IP calls can take routes other than through the system. This removes the need for a voice compression
channel. Both ends of the calls must support Direct Media and be using the same protocol (H.323 or SIP). Enabling
this option may cause some vendors problems with changing the media path mid call. Pre-Release 4.0, when using
direct media path, it is not always possible for the extension to be recorded or monitored.
If disabled or not supported at on one end of the call, the call is routed via the system.
On pre-4.0 these calls would then require a voice compression channel even if the IP devices use the same audio
On Release 4.0 and higher, RTP relay support allows calls between devices using the same audio codec to not
require a voice compression channel.
Progress Ends Overlap Send: Default = Off. Release 3.2+.
Some telephony equipment, primarily AT&T switches, over IP trunks send a H.323 Progress rather than H.323
Proceeding message to signal that they have recognized the digits sent in overlap state. By default the system expects
an H.323 Proceeding message. This option is not available by default. If required, the value
ProgressEndsOverlapSend must be entered into the Source Numbers tab of the NoUser user.
Default Name From Display IE: Default = Off. Release 4.2+.
When set, the Display IE is used as the default source for the name.
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Manager 10.1 Page 322
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1 SCN
The following settings are applicable to H.323 trunks with their Supplementary Services set to IP Office SCN or IP
Office SCN - Fallback.
IP Office Server Edition Network Usage
In a IP Office Server Edition network, all systems are linked in a star topography to the the IP Office Server Edition
Primary Server, using an H.323 IP trunk with its Outgoing Group ID set to 99999. If the network also includes a IP
Office Server Edition Secondary Server, all systems are also linked to the IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server using
an H.323 IP trunk with its Outgoing Group IP set to 99998.
These are the only H.323 IP trunks supported within the IP Office Server Edition network.
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
Release: 1.0+.
Mergeable: These settings are not mergeable. Changes to these settings will require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
Gateway IP Address: Default = Blank
Enter the IP address of the gateway device at the remote end. This address must not be shared by any other IP line
(H.323, SIP, SES or IP DECT).
Codec Selection: Default = System Default
This field defines the codec or codecs offered during call setup.
The available codecs in default preference order are: G.711 A-Law, G.711 U-Law, G.729 and G.723.1.
Note that the default order for G.711 codecs will vary to match the system's default companding setting.
G.723.1 is not supported on Linux based systems.
Release 8.0+: The G.722 64K codec is also supported on IP500/IP500 V2 systems with IP500 VCM, IP500
VCM V2 or IP500 Combo cards. For IP Office Server Edition it is supported on IP Office Server Edition Primary
Server, IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server and IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) systems
and on IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) systems fitted with IP500 VCM, IP500 VCM V2 or
IP500 Combo. It is not supported on any systems that include any IP400 VCM cards.
For IP Office Release 8.0: The codecs available to be used are set through the System Codec list (System |
System Codec ). The drop-down selector options are:
System Default
This is the default setting. When selected, the codec list below show matches the codecs set in the system
wide Default Selection list (System | Codecs ).
This option allows specific configuration of the codec preferences to be different from the system Default
Selection list. When Custom is selected, the list can be used to select which codecs are in the Unused list
and in the Selected list and to change the order of the selected codecs.
Release 5.0 to Release 7.0+
The Automatic Codec Preference setting (System | Telephony | Telephony ) can be used to set which
codec should be first in the list of preferred codecs. The remaining codecs are used in the order as above. Note
that the G.711 codecs are treated as a pair, so if one is selected as the first preference, the other will
automatically be second in the list.
If required, a specific codec can be selected. However, if during call setup negotiation with a specific codec,
connect fails, the system will fallback to using automatic selection.
Codecs not selected for a SIP connection are not used in codec negotiation. For H.323 it is not possible to
exclude codecs from negotiation, only to change the order of codec preference.
The Advanced button can be used to display a list of the codecs in their current order of preference. Codecs
can be dragged up or down the list or deselected from the list. Note that once a list has been edited in this
way, clicking Advanced again will return it to Automatic Select.
Pre-Release 5.0
Automatic Select uses the codecs in the order of preference G.729a, G.711 ALAW, G.711 ULAW and G.723.1
Supplementary Services: Default = IP Office SCN
Selects the supplementary service signaling method for use across the H.323 trunk. The remote end of the trunk must
support the same option. Options are:
No supplementary services are supported.
237 237
Manager 10.1 Page 323
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Configuration Settings: Line
Use for H.323 lines connected to another PBX or device that uses H450.
Use for H.323 lines connected to another PBX or device that uses QSIG.
IP Office SCN
This option is used for H.323 trunks within a multi-site network. The systems within a multi-site network
automatically exchange information about users and extensions, allowing remote users to be called without any
additional configuration on the local system. For full details of Small Community Network operation see Small
Community Networking . For full details of a IP Office Server Edition network, see IP Office Server Edition Mode
IP Office SCN - Fallback (Release 5.0+ only)
This option is used for a multi-site network trunk connection as above, where the system at the end of the trunk
will try to take over the selected SCN Backup Options if this system is not visible within the multi-site network
for a period of more than 3 minutes. See Small Community Network Fallback .
Note that both ends of the SCN trunk connection must be set to fallback.
On the system requesting backup, the required SCN Backup Options are selected, indicating that it is
requesting backup. A single system can only request backup from one other system.
A system providing backup can provide backup for up to 7 other systems.
SCN Backup Options: Release 5.0+.
These options are only available on when the Supplementary Services option is set to IP Office - Fallback. The
intention of this feature is to attempt to maintain a minimal level of operation while problems with the local system are
Backs up my IP Phones: Default = On.
This option is used for Avaya 1600, 4600, 5600 and 9600 Series phones registered with the system. When
selected, it will share information about the registered phones and users on those phones with the other system.
If the local system is no longer visible to the phones, the phones will reregister with the other system. The
users who were currently on those phones will appear on the other system as if they had hot desked.
Note that when the local system is restored to the network, the phones will not automatically re-register with
it. A phone reset via either a phone power cycle or using the System Status Application is required.
When phones have registered with the other system, they will show an R on their display.
If using resilience backup to support Avaya IP phones, Auto-create Extn and Auto-create User should
not be left enabled after initial configuration or any subsequent addition of new extensions and users. Leaving
auto-create options enabled on a system that is a failover target may cause duplicate extension/user records
on the multi-site network under multiple failure scenarios.
Backs up my Hunt Groups: Default = On.
When selected, any hunt groups the local system is advertising to the network are advertised from the other
system when fallback is required. The trigger for this occurring is Avaya H.323 phones registered with the local
system registering with the other system, ie. Backs up my IP Phones above must also be enabled. In a IP Office
Server Edition network this option is only available on the H.323 trunk from the IP Office Server Edition Primary
Server to the IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server.
When used, the only hunt group members that will be available are as follows:
If the group was a distributed hunt group, those members who were remote members on other systems
still visible within the network.
Any local members who have hot desked to another system still visible within the network.
When the local system becomes visible to the other system again, the groups will return to be advertised from
the local system.
Backs up my Voicemail: Default = On.
This option can be used if the local system is hosting the Voicemail Pro server being used by the network. If
selected, when the local system is no longer visible to the voicemail server, the other system will act as host for
the voicemail server. In a IP Office Server Edition network this option is only available on the H.323 trunk from the
IP Office Server Edition Primary Server to the IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server. It is assumed as being on
an is automatically set by the Resilience Administration tool.
This option requires the other system to have licenses for the Voicemail Pro features that are required to
operate during any fallback period.
This option requires Voicemail Pro 5.0+.
Call Initiation Timeout: Default = 4 seconds. Range = 1 to 99 seconds. Release 4.2+.
This option sets how long the system should wait for a response to its attempt to initiate a call before following the
alternate routes set in an ARS form.
Manager 10.1 Page 324
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
VoIP Silence Suppression: Default = Off
When selected, this option will detect periods of silence on any call over the line and will not send any data during
those silent periods. This feature is not used on IP lines using G.711 between systems. On trunk's between networked
systems, the same setting should be set at both ends.
Fax Transport Support: Off
This option is only supported on trunks with their Supplementary Services set to IP Office SCN or IP Office Small
Community Network - Fallback.
Fax relay is supported across H.323 multi-site network lines with Fax Transport Support selected. This will use
2 VCM channels in each of the systems. Fax relay is only supported on IP500/IP500 V2 systems with IP500 VCM,
IP500 VCM V2 and or IP500 Combo cards. Fax relay is supported on IP Office Server Edition Linux servers.
Local Tones: Default = Off
When selected, the tones are generated by the local system to which the phone is registered. This option should not be
used with lines being used for a multi-site network. For the Small Office Edition control unit, this field should not be
DTMF Support: Default = Out of Band
DTMF tones can be sent to the remote end either as DTMF tones within the calls audio path (In Band) or a separate
signals (Out of Band). Out of Band is recommended for compression modes such as G.729 and G.723 compression
modes where DTMF in the voice stream could become distorted.
For trunks with Supplementary Services set to IP Office SCN or IP Office SCN - Fallback, this option is fixed
to Out of Band.
Allow Direct Media Path: Default = On
This settings controls whether IP calls must be routed via the system or can be routed alternately if possible within the
network structure.
If enabled, IP calls can take routes other than through the system. This removes the need for a voice compression
channel. Both ends of the calls must support Direct Media and be using the same protocol (H.323 or SIP). Enabling
this option may cause some vendors problems with changing the media path mid call. Pre-Release 4.0, when using
direct media path, it is not always possible for the extension to be recorded or monitored.
If disabled or not supported at on one end of the call, the call is routed via the system.
On pre-4.0 these calls would then require a voice compression channel even if the IP devices use the same audio
On Release 4.0 and higher, RTP relay support allows calls between devices using the same audio codec to not
require a voice compression channel.
Manager 10.1 Page 325
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Configuration Settings: Line
6.4.10 IP DECT Line
This type of line can be manually added. They are used to route voice calls over an IP data connection to
an Avaya IP DECT system. Only one IP DECT line can be added to a system. Refer to the IP DECT R4
Installation manual for full details.
For North American locales, an IP DECT line is only supported with the Release 4.0 Q2 2007 maintenance release and
higher. Line
Currently only one IP DECT line is supported on a system. For North American locales, an IP DECT line is only supported
with the Release 4.0 Q2 2007 maintenance release and higher.
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
Release: 3.1+.
Mergeable: These settings are not mergeable. Changes to these settings will require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
Line Number
This number is allocated by the system and is not adjustable.
Associated Extensions
Lists all the DECT extensions associated with the IP DECT line.
Manager 10.1 Page 326
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1 Gateway
This form is used to configure aspects of information exchange between the IP Office and IP DECT systems.
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
Release: 3.1+.
Mergeable: These settings are not mergeable. Changes to these settings will require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
Auto-Create Extension: Default = Off. Release 4.0+.
If enabled, subscription of a handset with the DECT system causes the auto-creation of a matching numbered
extension within the system configuration if one does not already exist.
Auto-Create User: Default = Off. Release 7.0
This option is only usable if Auto-Create Extension is also enabled. If enabled, subscription of a handset with the
DECT system causes the auto-creation of a matching user within the system configuration if one does not already
Enable DHCP Support: Default = Off
This option is not supported for use with Avaya IP DECT R4. The IP DECT base stations require DHCP and TFTP
support. Enable this option if the system is being used to provide that support, using IP addresses from its DHCP range
(LAN1 or LAN2) and its TFTP server setting. If not enabled, alternate DHCP and TFTP options must be provided during
the IP DECT installation.
If it is desired to use the system for DHCP support of the ADMM and IP DECT base stations only, the system
address range should be set to match that number of addresses. Those addresses are then taken during the
system restart and will not be available for other DHCP responses following the restart.
For Small Office Edition and IP406V2 control units, use of the Embedded Voicemail memory card slot for the
TFTP server is recommended for small IP DECT installations. See System | TFTP IP Server Address . For
other control units, or larger IP DECT installations, the use of a non-embedded TFTP software option other
than IP Office Manager is recommended.
Boot File: Default = ADMM_RFP_1_0_0.tftp. Range = Up to 31 characters.
The name and path of the ADMM software file. The path is relative to the TFTP server root directory.
ADMM MAC Address: Default = 00:00:00:00:00:00
This field must be used to indicate the MAC address of the IP DECT base station that should load the ADMM software
file and then act as the IP DECT system's ADMM. The address is entered in hexadecimal format using comma, dash,
colon or period separators.
VLAN ID: Default = Blank. Range = 0 to 4095.
If VLAN is being used by the IP DECT network, this field sets the VLAN address assigned to the base stations by the
system if Enable DHCP Support is selected.
The system itself does not apply or use VLAN marking. It is assumed that the addition of VLAN marking and
routing of VLAN traffic is performed by other switches within the customer network.
An ID of zero is not recommended for normal VLAN operation.
When blank, no VLAN option is sent to the IP DECT base station.
Base Station Address List: Default = Empty
This box is used to list the MAC addresses of the IP DECT base stations, other than the base station being used as
the ADMM and entered in the ADMM MAC Address field. Right-click on the list to select Add or Delete. or use the
Insert and Delete keys. The addresses are entered in hexadecimal format using comma, dash, colon or period
Enable Provisioning: Release 7.0+
This option can be used with DECT R4 systems. It allows the setting of several values in the system configuration that
previously needed to be set separately in the master base stations configuration. For full details refer to the DECT R4
Installation manual. The use of provisioning requires the system security settings to include an IPDECT Group.
SARI/PARK: Default = 0
Enter the PARK (Portable Access Rights Key) license key of the DECT R4 system. DECT handset users enter this
key when subscribing to the DECT system.
Subscriptions: Default = Disabled
Select the method of subscription supported for handsets subscribing to the DECT R4 system.
Manager 10.1 Page 327
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Configuration Settings: Line
Disables subscription of handsets.
Allow anonymous subscription of handsets. Once subscribed, the handset is assigned a temporary extension
number. That extension number can be confirmed by dialing *#. A new extension number can be specified by
dialing <Extension Number>*<Login Code>#. The Auto-Create Extension and Auto-Create User settings
above should also be enabled. While configured to this mode, IP Office Manager will not allow the manual
addition of new IP DECT extensions.
Allow subscription only against existing IP DECT extensions records in the system configuration. The handset
IPEI number is used to match the subscribing handset to a system extension.
Authentication Code: Default = Blank.
Set an authentication code that DECT handset users should enter when subscribing to the DECT system.
Manager 10.1 Page 328
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1 VoIP
This form is used to configure the VoIP setting applied to calls on the IP DECT line.
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
Release: 3.1+.
Mergeable: These settings are not mergeable. Changes to these settings will require a reboot of the system.
Gateway IP Address: Default = Blank
Enter the IP address of the gateway device at the remote end. This address must not be shared by any other IP line
(H.323, SIP, SES or IP DECT).
Codec Selection: Default = System Default
This field defines the codec or codecs offered during call setup.
The available codecs in default preference order are: G.711 A-Law, G.711 U-Law, G.729 and G.723.1.
Note that the default order for G.711 codecs will vary to match the system's default companding setting.
G.723.1 is not supported on Linux based systems.
Release 8.0+: The G.722 64K codec is also supported on IP500/IP500 V2 systems with IP500 VCM, IP500
VCM V2 or IP500 Combo cards. For IP Office Server Edition it is supported on IP Office Server Edition Primary
Server, IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server and IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) systems
and on IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) systems fitted with IP500 VCM, IP500 VCM V2 or
IP500 Combo. It is not supported on any systems that include any IP400 VCM cards.
For IP Office Release 8.0: The codecs available to be used are set through the System Codec list (System |
System Codec ). The drop-down selector options are:
System Default
This is the default setting. When selected, the codec list below show matches the codecs set in the system
wide Default Selection list (System | Codecs ).
This option allows specific configuration of the codec preferences to be different from the system Default
Selection list. When Custom is selected, the list can be used to select which codecs are in the Unused list
and in the Selected list and to change the order of the selected codecs.
Release 5.0 to Release 7.0+
The Automatic Codec Preference setting (System | Telephony | Telephony ) can be used to set which
codec should be first in the list of preferred codecs. The remaining codecs are used in the order as above. Note
that the G.711 codecs are treated as a pair, so if one is selected as the first preference, the other will
automatically be second in the list.
If required, a specific codec can be selected. However, if during call setup negotiation with a specific codec,
connect fails, the system will fallback to using automatic selection.
Codecs not selected for a SIP connection are not used in codec negotiation. For H.323 it is not possible to
exclude codecs from negotiation, only to change the order of codec preference.
The Advanced button can be used to display a list of the codecs in their current order of preference. Codecs
can be dragged up or down the list or deselected from the list. Note that once a list has been edited in this
way, clicking Advanced again will return it to Automatic Select.
Pre-Release 5.0
Automatic Select uses the codecs in the order of preference G.729a, G.711 ALAW, G.711 ULAW and G.723.1
Gain: Default = Default. Release 3.0 to 4.1.
Allows adjustment of the volume. The gain is selectable from -31dB to +31dB in 1dB increments.
TDM | IP Gain: Default = Default (0dB). Range = -31dB to +31dB. Release 4.1 Q1 2008+.
Allows adjustment of the gain on audio from the system TDM interface to the IP connection. This field is not shown on
Linux based platforms.
IP | TDM Gain: Default = Default (0dB). Range = -31dB to +31dB. Release 4.1 Q1 2008+.
Allows adjustment of the gain on audio from the IP connection to the system TDM interface. This field is not shown on
Linux based platforms.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Configuration Settings: Line
VoIP Silence Suppression: Default = Off
When selected, this option will detect periods of silence on any call over the line and will not send any data during
those silent periods. This feature is not used on IP lines using G.711 between systems. On trunk's between networked
systems, the same setting should be set at both ends.
Allow Direct Media Path: Default = On
This settings controls whether IP calls must be routed via the system or can be routed alternately if possible within the
network structure.
If enabled, IP calls can take routes other than through the system. This removes the need for a voice compression
channel. Both ends of the calls must support Direct Media and be using the same protocol (H.323 or SIP). Enabling
this option may cause some vendors problems with changing the media path mid call. Pre-Release 4.0, when using
direct media path, it is not always possible for the extension to be recorded or monitored.
If disabled or not supported at on one end of the call, the call is routed via the system.
On pre-4.0 these calls would then require a voice compression channel even if the IP devices use the same audio
On Release 4.0 and higher, RTP relay support allows calls between devices using the same audio codec to not
require a voice compression channel.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
6.4.11 SIP Line
Release 4.0 and higher supports SIP voice calls through the addition of SIP trunks to the system configuration. This
approach allows users with non-SIP phones to make and receive SIP calls.
Use of SIP requires the following:
1. SIP Service Account
An account or accounts with a SIP internet service provider (ITSP). The method of operation and the information
provided will vary. The key requirement is a SIP URI, a web address of the form [email protected]. This is the
equivalent of a SIP telephone number for making and receiving calls via SIP.
2. Voice Compression Channels
SIP calls use system voice compression channels in the same way as used for standard IP trunks and extensions.
These are provided by the installation of VCM modules within the control unit. For an IP Office Server Edition Expansion
System (V2) these are provided by the installation of VCM modules within the control unit. RTP relay is applied to SIP
calls where applicable.
3. Licensing
SIP trunks require licenses in the system configuration. These set the maximum number of simultaneous SIP calls
supported by the system.
4. Firewall Traversal
Routing traditional H.323 VoIP calls through firewalls often fails due to the effects of NAT (Network Address
Translation). For SIP a number of ways to ensure successful firewall traversal can be used. The system does not apply
any firewall between LAN1 and LAN2 to SIP calls.
STUN (Simple Traverse of UDP NAT)
UDP SIP can use a mechanism called STUN to cross firewalls between the switch and the ITSP. This requires the
ITSP to provide the IP address of their STUN server and the system to then select from various STUN methods
how to connect to that server. The system can attempt to auto-detect the required settings to successfully
connect. To use STUN, the line must be linked to the Network Topology settings of a LAN interface using the
line's Use Network Topology Info setting.
TURN (Traversal Using Relay NAT)
TCP SIP can use a mechanism called TURN (Traversal Using Relay NAT). This is not currently supported.
Session Border Control
STUN is not required is the ITSP if a Session Border Controller (SBC) is used between the system and the ITSP.
The system does not perform its own SBC.
5. SIP Trunks
These trunks are manually added to the system configuration. Typically a SIP trunk is required for each SIP ITSP being
used. As the configuration provides methods for multiple URI's from that ITSP to use the same trunk. For each trunk at
least one SIP URI entry is required, up to 150 SIP URI's are supported on the same trunk. Amongst other things this
sets the incoming and outgoing groups for call routing.
6. Outgoing Call Routing
The initial routing uses any standard short code with a dial feature. The short code's Line Group ID should be set to
match the Outgoing Group ID of the SIP URI channels to use. However the short code must also change the
number dialed into a destination SIP URI suitable for routing by the ITSP. In most cases, if the destination is a public
telephone network number, a URI of the form [email protected] is suitable. For example:
Code: 9N#
Feature: Dial
Telephone Number: N"@example.com"
Line Group ID: 100
7. Incoming Call Routing
Incoming SIP calls are routed in the same way as other incoming external calls. The caller and called information in the
SIP call header can be used to match Incoming CLI and Incoming Number settings in normal system Incoming Call
Route records.
8. DiffServ Marking
DiffServ marking is applied to calls using the DiffServer Settings on the System | LAN | VoIP tab of the LAN
interface as set by the line's Use Network Topology Info setting.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Configuration Settings: Line
Calls across SIP require URI's (Uniform Resource Identifiers), one for the source and one for the destination. Each SIP
URI consists of two parts, the user part (for example name) and the domain part (for example example.com) to form a
full URI (in this case [email protected]). SIP URI's can take several forms:
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Typically each account with a SIP service provider will include a SIP URI or a set of URI's. The domain part is then used
for the SIP trunk configured for routing calls to that provider. The user part can be assigned either to an individual user if
you have one URI per user for that ITSP, or it can also be configured against the line for use by all users who have calls
routed via that line.
Release 5.0+: If the wildcard * is used in the SIP trunk's Local URI, Contact and Display fields, that SIP trunk
will accept any incoming SIP call. The incoming call routing is still performed by the system incoming call routes
based on matching the values received with the call or the URI's incoming group setting. For outgoing calls using
this SIP URI, all valid short code CLI manipulations are used (transforming calling party number to ISDN will be
Resource Limitation
A number of limits can affect the number of SIP calls. When one of these limits is reached the following occurs: any
further outgoing SIP calls are blocked unless some alternate route is available using ARS; any incoming SIP calls are
queued until the required resource becomes available. Limiting factors are:
the number of licensed SIP channels.
the number of SIP channels configured for a SIP URI.
the number of voice compression channels.
SIP Line Call to/from Non-IP Devices
Voice compression channel required.
Outgoing SIP Line Call from IP Device
No voice compression channel required.
Incoming SIP Line Call to IP Device
If using the same codec, voice compression channel reserved until call connected. If using differing codecs
then 2 channels used.
SIP Information Display
The full from and to SIP URI will be recorded for use by SMDR, CBC and CCC. For all other applications and for telephone
devices, the SIP URI is put through system directory matching the same as for incoming CLI matching. First a match
against the full URI is attempted, then a match against the user part of the URI. Directory wildcards can also be used for
the URI matching.
SIP Standards
The system implementation of SIP conforms to the following SIP RFC's.
RFC Description
2833 [7] RTP Payload for DTMF digits, telephony tones and telephony signals.
3261 [8] SIP Session Initiation Protocol.
3263 Locating SIP Services (Release 6.1+)
3264 [11] An Offer/Answer Model with Session Description Protocol (SDP).
3323 [14] A Privacy Mechanism for SIP
3489 [18] STUN - Simple Traversal of User Datagram Protocol (UDP) Through Network Address Translators
3824 [24] Using E.164 Numbers with the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP). E.164 is the ITU-T recommendation for
international public telecommunication numbering plans.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1 Incoming Call Routing
Incoming SIP calls are routed using Incoming Call Routes in the same way as call arriving on other external trunks.
The following Incoming Call Route fields are used to determine which route is the best match for a call.
Line Group ID
This field is matched against the Incoming Group settings of the SIP URI (Line | SIP URI). This must be an exact
Incoming Number
This field can be used to match the called details (TO) in the SIP header of incoming calls. It can contain a number, SIP
URI or Tel URI. For SIP URI's the domain part of the URI is removed before matching by incoming call routing occurs.
For example, for the SIP URI [email protected] , only the user part of the URI, ie. mysip, is used for matching.
Incoming CLI
This field can be used to match the calling details (FROM) in the SDP header of incoming SIP calls. It can contain a
number, SIP URI, Tel URI or IP address received with SIP calls. For all types of incoming CLI except IP addresses, a
partial entry can be used to achieve the match, records being read from left to right. For IP addresses only full entry
matching is supported.
The fields Bearer Capability and Incoming Sub Address are not used for matching of incoming SIP calls. The remain
Incoming Call Route fields, including those voice recording, as used as for all call types.
Release 5.0+: If the wildcard * is used in the SIP trunk's Local URI, Contact and Display fields, that SIP trunk
will accept any incoming SIP call. The incoming call routing is still performed by the system incoming call routes
based on matching the values received with the call or the URI's incoming group setting. For outgoing calls using
this SIP URI, all valid short code CLI manipulations are used (transforming calling party number to ISDN will be
Manager 10.1 Page 333
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Configuration Settings: Line SIP Line
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
Release: 4.0+.
Mergeable: These settings are not mergeable. Changes to these settings will require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
Line Number: Default = Automatically assigned.
By default a value is assigned by the system. This value can be changed but it must be unique.
ITSP Domain Name: Default = Blank.
This field is used to enter the domain part of the SIP URI provided by the ITSP. For example, in the SIP URI
[email protected], the domain part of the URI is example.com. For outgoing calls the user part of the SIP URI is
determined in a number of ways:
For the user making the call, the user part of the FROM SIP URI is determined by the settings of the SIP URI
channel record being used to route the call. This will use one of the following:
a specific name entered in Local URI field of the channel record.
or specify using the primary or secondary authentication name set for the line below
or specify using the SIP Name set for the user making the call (User | SIP | SIP Name ).
For the destination of the call, the user part of the TO SIP URI is determined by the dialing short codes of the form
9N/N"@example.com" where N is the user part of the SIP URI.
ITSP IP Address: Default = Release 4.0 to 6.0.
This value is provided by the SIP ITSP. This address must not be shared by any other IP, IP DECT or SIP line in the
system configuration.
Release 6.0+: Domain name resolution using the ITSP Domain Name value can be used instead. This requires a
DNS server and the system to be acting as a DHCP client. If that is the case, leaving the ITSP IP Address as will cause the system to attempt to resolve the domain name using DNS.
Release 6.1+: This setting has replaced by ITSP Proxy Address on the Transport tab.
Prefix: Default = Blank. Release 6.0.
This prefix is removed from the called number on outgoing calls if present. See SIP Prefix Operation below.
National Prefix: Default = 0. Release 6.0.
This prefix is added to calls identified as not being international.
Country Code: Default = Blank. Release 6.0.
Set to match the local country code of the system location.
International Prefix: Default = 00. Release 6.0.
This prefix is added to calls identified as not being national.
Send Caller ID: Default = None. Release 5.0+.
Select which value the SIP line should use for the original calling party ID when routing twinned calls.
Release 6.1: This setting is also used for forwarded calls. Note that the values on the System | Twinning
tab override this if set. For incoming calls to a hunt group, the hunt group details will be provided and not the
details of the answering agent. This setting is mergeable.
Release 5.0+: The SIP line Send Caller ID setting takes priority.
Release 6.0+: The values on the System | Twinning tab override the SIP lines Send Caller ID setting.
Diversion Header (Release 6.0+)
Use the information from the Diversion Header.
Remote Party ID
Use the Remote Part ID.
P Asserted ID
Use the contact information from the P Asserted ID.
This option corresponds to the ISDN withheld setting. This is the default setting for existing SIP lines in
configurations upgraded to Release 5.0+.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Network Type: Default = Public. Release 4.2+.
This option is available if Restrict Network Interconnect (System | Telephony | Telephony ) is enabled. It
allows the trunk to be set as either Public or Private. The system will return number unobtainable indication to any
attempt to connect a call on a Private trunk to a Public trunk or vice versa. This restriction includes transfers,
forwarding and conference calls.
Due to the nature of this feature, its use is not recommended on systems also using any of the following other
system features: multi-site networks, VPNremote, application telecommuter mode.
Association Method: Default = By Source IP Address. Release 7.0
This setting sets the method by which a SIP line is associated with an incoming SIP request.
Pre-Release 7.0: The system associates incoming SIP requests with a particular SIP line in its configuration by
matching the source IP address of the request. If no match is found the request is ignored. This means that in
pre-Release 7.0 systems, each SIP line must have a unique IP address or fully qualified domain name that can
be resolved to an address.
Release 7.0 and higher: The match criteria used for each line can be varied. The search for a line match for an
incoming request is done against each line in turn using each lines Association Method. The order of line
matching uses the configured Line Number settings until a match occurs. If no match occurs the request is
ignored. This method allows multiple SIP lines with the same address settings. This may be necessary for
scenarios where it may be required to support multiple SIP lines to the same ITSP. For example when the
same ITSP supports different call plans on separate lines or where all outgoing SIP lines are routed from the
system via an additional on-site system.
By Source IP Address
This option uses the source IP address and port of the incoming request for association. The match is against the
configured remote end of the SIP line, using either an IP address/port or the resolution of a fully qualified domain
name. This matches the method used by pre-Release 7.0 systems.
"From" header hostpart against ITSP domain
This option uses the host part of the From header in the incoming SIP request for association. The match is
against the ITSP Domain Name above.
R-URI hostpart against ITSP domain
This option uses the host part of the Request-URI header in the incoming SIP request for association. The match is
against the ITSP Domain Name above.
"To" header hostpart against ITSP domain
This option uses the host part of the To header in the incoming SIP request for association. The match is against
the ITSP Domain Name above.
"From" header hostpart against DNS-resolved ITSP domain
This option uses the host part of the FROM header in the incoming SIP request for association. The match is found
by comparing the FROM header against a list of IP addresses resulting from resolution of the ITSP Domain Name
above or, if set, the ITSP Proxy Address on the Transport tab.
"Via" header hostpart against DNS-resolved ITSP domain
This option uses the host part of the VIA header in the incoming SIP request for association. The match is found
by comparing the VIA header against a list of IP addresses resulting from resolution of the ITSP Domain Name
above or, if set, the ITSP Proxy Address on the Transport tab.
"From" header hostpart against ITSP proxy
This option uses the host part of the From header in the incoming SIP request for association. The match is
against the ITSP Proxy Address on the Transport tab.
"To" header hostpart against ITSP proxy
This option uses the host part of the From header in the incoming SIP request for association. The match is
against the ITSP Proxy Address on the Transport tab.
R-URI hostpart against ITSP proxy
This option uses the host part of the Request-URI in the incoming SIP request for association. The match is against
the ITSP Proxy Address on the Transport tab.
REFER Support: Default = On. Release 6.1+
REFER is the method used by many SIP device, including SIP trunks, to transfer calls. These settings can be used to
control whether REFER is used as the method to transfer calls on this SIP trunk to another call on the same trunk. If
supported, once the transfer has been completed, the system is no longer involved in the call. If not supported, the
transfer may still be completed but the call will continue to be routed via the system.
Incoming: Default = Auto
Select whether REFER can or should be used when an attempt to transfer an incoming call on the trunk results in
an outgoing call on another channel on the same trunk. The options are:
Always use REFER for call transfers that use this trunk for both legs of the transfer. If REFER is not supported,
the call transfer attempt is stopped.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Configuration Settings: Line
Request to use REFER if possible for call transfers that use this trunk for both legs of the transfer. If REFER is
not supported, transfer the call via the system as for the Never setting below.
Do not use REFER for call transfers that use this trunk for both legs of the transfer. The transfer can be
completed but will use 2 channels on the trunk.
Outgoing: Default = Auto
Select whether REFER can or should be used when attempt to transfer an outgoing call on the trunk results in an
incoming call on another channel on the same trunk. This uses system resources and may incur costs for the
duration of the transferred call. The options available are the same as for the Incoming setting.
UPDATE Supported: Default = Never. Release 8.0+.
The SIP UPDATE method (RFC 3311) allows a client to update parameters of a session (such as the set of media
streams and their codecs) but has no impact on the state of a dialog. It is similar to RE-INVITE, but can be sent before
the initial INVITE has completed. This allows it to update session parameters within early dialogs. The settings are
Never, Allow or Auto. If set to Allow or Auto and the other party supports UPDATE, the IP Office will send UPDATE
messages for session refresh.
In Service: Default = On.
When this field is not selected, the SIP trunk is unregistered and not available to incoming and outgoing calls.
Registration Required: Default = Off. Release 4.0 to 6.0.
If selected, the SIP trunk will register with the ITSP using the value in the ITSP Domain Name field. For Release 6.1
this setting has moved to the SIP Credentials tab.
Use Tel URI: Default = Off.
Use Tel URI format (for example TEL: +1-425-555-4567) rather than SIP URI format (for example name@example.
com). This affects the From field of outgoing calls. The To field for outgoing calls will always use the format specified
by the short codes used for outgoing call routing.
Check OOS: Default = On. Release 6.0+.
If enabled, the system will regularly check if the trunk is in service using the methods listed below. Checking that SIP
trunks are in service ensures that outgoing call routing is not delayed waiting for response on a SIP trunk that is not
currently usable.
For UDP and TCP trunks, OPTIONS message are regularly sent. If no reply to an OPTIONS message is received the
trunk is taken out of service.
For TCP trunks, if the TCP connection is disconnected the trunk will be taken out of service.
For trunks using DNS, if the IP address is not resolved or the DNS resolution has expired, the trunk is taken out of
Call Routing Method: Default = Request URI. Release 6.0+.
This field allows selection of which incoming SIP information should be used for incoming number matching by the
system's incoming call routes. The options are to match either the Request URI or the To Header element provided
with the incoming call.
Originator number for forwarded and twinning calls: Default = Blank. Release 6.1+.
This field can be used to set a originator number for forwarded and twinned calls when using any of the Send Caller
ID options above other than None. If exported or imported as part of a trunk template , this setting is not
supported by IP Office Basic Edition - Quick Mode mode systems.
Name Priority: Default = System Default. Release 8.0+.
For SIP trunks, the caller name displayed on an extension can either be that supplied by the trunk or one obtained by
checking for a number match in the extension user's personal directory and the system directory . This setting
determines which method is used by the line. Select one of the following options:
System Default
Use the system's Default Name Priority setting (System | Telephony | Telephony ).
Favour Trunk
Display the name provided by the trunk. For example, the trunk may be configured to provide the calling number
or the name of the caller. The system should display the caller information as it is provided by the trunk. If the
trunk does not provide a name, the system uses the Favour Directory method.
Favour Directory
Search for a number match in the extension user's personal directory and then in the system directory. The first
match is used and overrides the name provided by the SIP line. If no match is found, the name provided by the
line, if any, is used.
Caller ID from From Header: Default = Off. Release 8.1.
Incoming calls can include caller ID information in both the From field and in the PAI fields. When this option is
selected, the caller ID information in the From field is used rather than that in the PAI fields.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Send From In Clear: Default = Off. Release 8.1.
When selected, the user ID of the caller is included in the From field. This applies even if the caller has selected to be
or is configured to be anonymous, though their anonymous state is honored in other fields used to display the caller
User-Agent and Server Headers: Default = Blank (Use system type and software level). Release 8.1.
The value set in this field is used as the User-Agent and Server value included in SIP request headers made by this
line. If the field is blank, the type of IP Office system and its software level used. Setting a unique value can be useful
in call diagnostics when the system has multiple SIP trunks.
For Release 6.1 and higher, the following fields have been replaced by those on the Transport tab.
Network Configuration: Release 4.0 to 6.0.
Layer 4 Protocol: Default = UDP
This field sets whether the line uses UDP SIP or TCP SIP.
Use Network Topology Info: Default = LAN1
This field associates the SIP line with the System | LAN1 | Network Topology settings of either LAN1 or
LAN2. If None is selected, STUN lookup is not applied and routing is determined by the system routing tables.
Send Port: Default = 5060
This field sets the port to which the system sends outgoing SIP calls.
Listen Port: Default = 5060
This field sets the port on which the system listens for incoming SIP calls.
For Release 6.0 and higher, the following fields have been replaced by those on the SIP Credentials tab.
Primary Authentication Name: Default = Blank.
This value is provided by the SIP ITSP. Depending on the settings on the Local URI tab associated with the SIP call it
may also be used as the user part of the SIP URI.
If the From field on the Local URI being used for the call is set to Use Authentication Name and the Registration
is set to Primary, this value is used as the user part of the SIP URI for calls.
Primary Authentication Password: Default = Blank.
This value is provided by the SIP ITSP.
Primary Registration Expiry: Default = 60 minutes.
This setting defines how often registration with the SIP ITSP is required following any previous registration.
Secondary Authentication Name: Default = Blank.
This value is provided by the SIP ITSP. Depending on the settings on the Local URI tab associated with the SIP call it
may also be used as the user part of the SIP URI.
If the From field on the Local URI being used for the call is set to Use Authentication Name and the Registration
is set to Secondary, this value is used as the user part of the SIP URI for calls.
Secondary Authentication Password: Default = Blank.
This value is provided by the SIP ITSP.
Secondary Registration Expiry: Default = 60 minutes.
This setting defines how often registration with the SIP ITSP is required following any previous registration.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Configuration Settings: Line
SIP Prefix Operation
Release 6.0+: The prefix fields Prefix, National Prefix, Country Code and International Prefix are available with the
SIP Line settings. These fields are used in the following order:
1. If an incoming number (called or calling) starts with the + symbol, the + is replaced with the International
2. If the Country Code has been set and an incoming number begins with that Country Code or with the
International Prefix and Country Code, they are replaced with the National Prefix.
3. If the Country Code has been set and the incoming number does not start with the National Prefix or
International Prefix, the International Prefix is added.
4. If the incoming number does not begin with either the National Prefix or International Prefix, then the Prefix
is added.
For example, if the SIP Line is configured with prefixes as follows:
Line Prefix: 9
National Prefix: 90
International Prefix: 900
Country Code: 44
Number Received Processing Resulting
+441707362200 Following rule 1 above, the + is replace with the International Prefix
(900), resulting in 900441707362200.
The number now matches the International Prefix (900) and Country
Code (44).Following rule 2 above they are replace with the National
Prefix (90).
00441707362200 Following rule 2 above the International Prefix (900) and the Country
Code (44) are replaced with the National Prefix (90).
441707362200 Following rule 2 above, the Country Code (44) is replace with the
National Prefix (90).
6494770557 Following rule 3 above the International Prefix (900) is added. 9006494770557
OPTIONS Operation
For Release 8.1, the sending of OPTIONS messages on a SIP line is controlled by a number of fields as follows:
If either REFER Support or the UPDATE Supported values are set to Auto, then OPTIONS messages are sent.
If neither REFER Support or the UPDATE Supported values are set to Auto, then:
If the LAN interface's Binding Refresh Time is set, addition OPTIONS messages are not sent.
If the LAN interface's Binding Refresh Time is 0, the sending of OPTIONS messages depends on the line's
Check OOS setting. If Check OOS is enabled, OPTIONS are not sent if line registrations occur more
frequently, otherwise OPTIONS are sent.
Manager 10.1 Page 338
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1 Transport
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
Release: 6.1+.
Mergeable: These settings are not mergeable. Changes to these settings will require a reboot of the system.
ITSP Proxy Address and Calls Route via Registrar are mergeable.
Configuration Settings
ITSP Proxy Address: Default = Blank
This is the SIP Proxy address used for outgoing SIP calls.
The address can be specified in the following ways:
If left blank, the ITSP Domain Name is used and is resolved by DNS resolution in the same way as if a DNS
address had been specified as below.
An IP address.
A list of up to 4 IP addresses, with each address separated by a comma or space.
The addresses can include an indication of the relative call weighting of each address compared to the
others. This is done by adding a wN suffix to the address where N is the weighting value. For example, in
the list, the weighting values assigns 1.5 times the weight of calls to
the first address. The default weight if not specified is 1. A weight of 0 can be used to disable an address.
Weight is only applied to outgoing calls.
If the Calls Route via Registrar setting below is enabled, the weighting is applied to registrations rather
than calls.
A DNS address, for example sbc.example.com.
The DNS response may return multiple proxy addresses (RFC 3263). If that is the case, the system will
resolve the address to use based on priority, TTL and weighting information included with each address.
A load balancing suffix can be added to specify that multiple proxy results should be returned if possible,
for example sbc.example.com(N). where N is the required number of addresses from 1 to 4.
This field is mergeable. However, no more than 4 IP Addresses should be in use at any time. So, if the combined
new and old address settings exceed 4, the new addresses are only phased into use as transactions in progress on
the previous addresses are completed.
Network Configuration
These settings are applied to all calls using this SIP line.
Layer 4 Protocol: Default = UDP
This field sets which protocol the line uses for sending and receiving SIP packets. The options are UDP or TCP.
Use Network Topology Info: Default = LAN1
This field associates the SIP line with the Network Topology settings (System | LAN1 | Network Topology )
settings of the LAN interface. It also applies the LAN interfaces DiffServ Settings (System | LAN1 | VoIP ) to
the outgoing traffic on the SIP line. If None is selected, STUN lookup is not applied and routing is determined by
the system's routing tables.
Send Port: Default = 5060
This field sets the port to which the system send outgoing SIP calls.
Listen Port: Default = 5060
This field sets the port on which the system listens for incoming SIP calls.
Explicit DNS Server(s): Default = (Off)
If specific DNS servers should be used for SIP trunk operation rather than the general DNS server specified or obtained
for the system, the server addresses can be specified here. If exported or imported as part of a trunk template ,
this setting not supported by IP Office Basic Edition - Quick Mode mode systems.
Calls Route via Registrar: Default = On
If selected, all calls are routed via the same proxy as used for registration. If multiple ITSP proxy addresses have been
specified, the weighting for those addresses is applied to the registrations.
Separate Registrar: Default = Blank
This field allows the SIP registrar address to be specified if it is different from that of the SIP proxy. The address can
be specified as an IP address or DNS name.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Configuration Settings: Line
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Behaviour during Service unavailable
A proxy server is considered Active once the system has received a response to an INVITE, REGISTER or OPTIONS.
In the case of the proxy server responding with 503 - Service Unavailable, it should be considered Active - In
Maintenance. In this case, the following should occur:
If the response 503 - Service Unavailable was in response to an INVITE request:
If calls are tied to registrations (Calls Route via Registrar enabled) and there are other proxies available,
the tied registrations should issue an Un-REGISTER and try to REGISTER with a different proxy. The call
should fail with cause = Temporary Fail.
If calls are not tied, the INVITE should be immediately tried to a different proxy.
If the response 503 - Service Unavailable was in response to a REGISTER request:
If there are other proxies available, this registration only should issue an Un-REGISTER and try to REGISTER
with a different proxy.
If Explicit DNS Server(s) are configured, a DNS request should be sent out to see whether the proxy server has
disappeared from those being offered.
An Active-InMaintenance proxy server should not be used for a new transactions (INVITE or REGISTER) until:
There is a change in DNS responses indicating the proxy has become active.
The configuration does not leave any better option available. In this case, there should be a throttle so that no
more than 5 failures (without successes) in 1 minute should be allowed.
A config merge has occurred where the proxy string is changed.
10 minutes has expired.
Behaviour during Not Responding
A proxy server that is not-responding (UDP) is indicated when 3 requests are sent and no replies are received. This would
normally occur during a single INVITE transaction.
Consideration should be given whether this is caused by a local network fault or is caused by the Proxy being out of
service. Since it is likely to be local, no action should be taken unless traffic is received from an alternative proxy while
this proxy is actually not responding. The state should be "Possibly non responding".
If explicit DNS servers are configured, a DNS request should be sent out to see whether this Proxy server has
disappeared from those being offered.
If possible, an alternative proxy should be stimulated simultaneously with stimulating the suspect server.
The server should be considered non-responding if it is persistently nonresponding while other proxies are responding or
if it is non-responding and has disappeared from the DNS advertisement.
While in the "possibly not responding" state, it would be better to send an INVITE to an alternative proxy while
simultaneously sending any appropriate message to this proxy. This will help to resolve whether it is really not
responding rather than there being local network problems. However, there is no requirement to blacklist the proxy.
Once in the "definitely not responding" state:
If there are other proxies available: this registration only should issue an Un-REGISTER, and try to REGISTER with
a different proxy. Calls should not automatically clear.
If a SIP message is received from it, the state should immediately go"Active".
This proxy should be blacklisted unless there are no better options available. While blacklisted, only one
transaction per 10 minutes is allowed.
Even if not blacklisted, there should be a throttle so that no more than 5 failures (without successes) in 1 minute
should be alowed.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Configuration Settings: Line SIP URI
Having setup the SIP trunk to the SIP ITSP, the SIP URI's registered with that ITSP are entered on this tab. A SIP URI
(Uniform Resource Identifier) is similar to an internet email address, for example [email protected], or
[email protected] and represents the source or destination for SIP connection. The URI consists of two parts,
the user part (eg. name) and the host part (eg. example.com).
Release 5.0+: If the wildcard * is used in the SIP trunk's Local URI, Contact and Display fields, that SIP trunk
will accept any incoming SIP call. The incoming call routing is still performed by the system incoming call routes
based on matching the values received with the call or the URI's incoming group setting. For outgoing calls using
this SIP URI, all valid short code CLI manipulations are used (transforming calling party number to ISDN will be
For the system, each SIP URI acts as a set of trunk channels. Outgoing calls can then be routed to the required URI by
short codes that match that URI's Outgoing Group setting. Incoming calls can be routed by incoming call routes that
match the URI's Incoming Group setting.
Note that the system only supports up to 150 URI records on a SIP line.
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
Release: 4.0+.
Mergeable: These settings are not mergeable. Changes to these settings will require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
This field is for information only and cannot be edited. It shows the IP address of the system LAN interface with which
the SIP trunk is associated.
Local URI: Default = Use Authentication Name
This field sets the 'From' field for outgoing SIP calls using this URI. The value can either be entered manually or one of
the following options can be selected.
Use Authentication Name: Release 4.0 to 5.0.
Use the appropriate Authentication Name on the SIP Line tab as indicated by the Registration setting below.
Use Credentials User Name: Release 6.0+.
Use the User Name from the SIP Credentials record being used for the call.
Use Internal Data
Use the SIP Name value from the User | SIP tab of the user making the call. Release 6.0+: The system can
also use SIP URI information configured for a hunt group (Hunt Group | SIP ) or for the voicemail (System |
Voicemail ).
Use Credentials Authentication Name
Use the Authentication Name from the SIP Credentials record being used for the call.
Use Credentials Contact
Use the Contact information from the SIP Credentials record being used for the call.
Contact: Default = Use Authentication Name
This field sets the 'Contact' field for SIP calls using this URI. The value can either be entered manually or one of the
following options can be selected.
Use Authentication Name: Release 4.0 to 5.0.
Use the appropriate Authentication Name on the SIP Line tab as indicated by the Registration setting below.
Use Credentials User Name: Release 6.0+.
Use the User Name from the SIP Credentials record being used for the call.
Use Internal Data
Use the SIP Name value from the User | SIP tab of the user making the call. Release 6.0+: The system can
also use SIP URI information configured for a hunt group (Hunt Group | SIP ) or for the voicemail (System |
Voicemail ).
Use Credentials Authentication Name
Use the Authentication Name from the SIP Credentials record being used for the call.
Use Credentials Contact
Use the Contact information from the SIP Credentials record being used for the call.
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Display Name: Default = Use Authentication Name
This field sets the 'Name' value for SIP calls using this URI. The value can either be entered manually or one of the
following options can be selected.
Use Authentication Name: Release 4.0 to 5.0.
Use the appropriate Authentication Name on the SIP Line tab as indicated by the Registration setting below.
Use Credentials User Name: Release 6.0+.
Use the User Name from the SIP Credentials record being used for the call.
Use Internal Data
Use the SIP Name value from the User | SIP tab of the user making the call. Release 6.0+: The system can
also use SIP URI information configured for a hunt group (Hunt Group | SIP ) or for the voicemail (System |
Voicemail ).
Use Credentials Authentication Name
Use the Authentication Name from the SIP Credentials record being used for the call.
Use Credentials Contact
Use the Contact information from the SIP Credentials record being used for the call.
PAI: Default = None. Release 6.1
You can enable P-Asserted-Identity (PAI) headers to assert the identity of users in outgoing SIP requests or response
messages. Use this setting to select the source of the user identity information or enter a value manually. The
selectable options are:
When selected, the P-Preferred-Identity header is used instead of the P-Asserted-Identity, in order to ensure
compatibility with legacy networks.
Use Authentication Name: Release 4.0 to 5.0.
Use the appropriate Authentication Name on the SIP Line tab as indicated by the Registration setting below.
Use Credentials User Name: Release 6.0+.
Use the User Name from the SIP Credentials record being used for the call.
Use Internal Data
Use the SIP Name value from the User | SIP tab of the user making the call. Release 6.0+: The system can
also use SIP URI information configured for a hunt group (Hunt Group | SIP ) or for the voicemail (System |
Voicemail ).
Use Credentials Authentication Name
Use the Authentication Name from the SIP Credentials record being used for the call.
Use Credentials Contact
Use the Contact information from the SIP Credentials record being used for the call.
Registration: Default = Primary
Pre-Release 6.0: This field sets whether the primary or secondary authentication name values set on the SIP Line tab
should be used for calls by this SIP URI. Release 6.0: This field is used to select from a list of the account credentials
configured on the line's SIP Credentials tab.
Incoming Group ID: Default = 0, Range 0 to 99999.
The Incoming Group ID to which a line belongs is used to match it to incoming call routes in the system configuration.
The matching incoming call route is then used to route incoming calls. The same ID can be used for multiple lines.
Outgoing Group ID: Default = 0, Range 0 to 99999.
Short codes that specify a number to dial also specify the line group to be used. The system will then seize a line with
a matching Outgoing Group ID. The same ID can be used for multiple lines.
In a IP Office Server Edition network, the Outgoing Group ID used on a system must also be unique within the
network, ie. the same ID cannot be used in the configuration of any lines on another server system in the
network. The IDs 99999 and 99998 which are reserved for the H.323 lines to the IP Office Server Edition Primary
Server and IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server respectively. The IDs 999901 to 99930 are reserved for the
H.323 lines from the IP Office Server Edition Primary Server to each expansion system in the network. The ID 0
cannot be used in a IP Office Server Edition network.
Max Calls per Channel: Default =10
This field sets the maximum number of simultaneous calls that can use the URI before the system returns busy to any
further calls.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Configuration Settings: Line VoIP
This form is used to configure the VoIP settings applied to calls on the SIP trunk.
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
Release: 4.0+.
Mergeable: These settings are not mergeable. Changes to these settings will require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
Codec Selection: Default = System Default
This field defines the codec or codecs offered during call setup.
The available codecs in default preference order are: G.711 A-Law, G.711 U-Law, G.729 and G.723.1.
Note that the default order for G.711 codecs will vary to match the system's default companding setting.
G.723.1 is not supported on Linux based systems.
Release 8.0+: The G.722 64K codec is also supported on IP500/IP500 V2 systems with IP500 VCM, IP500
VCM V2 or IP500 Combo cards. For IP Office Server Edition it is supported on IP Office Server Edition Primary
Server, IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server and IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) systems
and on IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) systems fitted with IP500 VCM, IP500 VCM V2 or
IP500 Combo. It is not supported on any systems that include any IP400 VCM cards.
For IP Office Release 8.0: The codecs available to be used are set through the System Codec list (System |
System Codec ). The drop-down selector options are:
System Default
This is the default setting. When selected, the codec list below show matches the codecs set in the system
wide Default Selection list (System | Codecs ).
This option allows specific configuration of the codec preferences to be different from the system Default
Selection list. When Custom is selected, the list can be used to select which codecs are in the Unused list
and in the Selected list and to change the order of the selected codecs.
Release 5.0 to Release 7.0+
The Automatic Codec Preference setting (System | Telephony | Telephony ) can be used to set which
codec should be first in the list of preferred codecs. The remaining codecs are used in the order as above. Note
that the G.711 codecs are treated as a pair, so if one is selected as the first preference, the other will
automatically be second in the list.
If required, a specific codec can be selected. However, if during call setup negotiation with a specific codec,
connect fails, the system will fallback to using automatic selection.
Codecs not selected for a SIP connection are not used in codec negotiation. For H.323 it is not possible to
exclude codecs from negotiation, only to change the order of codec preference.
The Advanced button can be used to display a list of the codecs in their current order of preference. Codecs
can be dragged up or down the list or deselected from the list. Note that once a list has been edited in this
way, clicking Advanced again will return it to Automatic Select.
Pre-Release 5.0
Automatic Select uses the codecs in the order of preference G.729a, G.711 ALAW, G.711 ULAW and G.723.1
Fax Transport Support: Default = Off. Release 5.0+. IP500 and IP500 V2 SIP lines.
This option is only available if Re-Invite Supported is selected. When enabled, the system performs fax tone
detection on calls routed via the line and, if fax tone is detected, renegotiates the call codec as configured below. The
SIP line provider must support the selected fax method and Re-Invite. The system must have available VCM resources
using an IP500 VCM, IP500 VCM V2 or IP500 Combo base card. For systems in a network, fax relay is supported
for fax calls between the systems.
Select this option if fax is not supported by the line provider.
G.711 (Release 7.0)
G.711 is used for the sending and receiving of faxes.
T38 (Release 6.0+)
T38 is used for the sending and receiving of faxes.
T38 Fallback (Release 8.0+)
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When you enable this option, T38 is used for sending and receiving faxes on a SIP line. If the called destination
does not support T38, the system will send a re-invite to change the transport method to G.711. This option is not
supported by Linux based systems.
Call Initiation Timeout: Default = 4 seconds. Range = 1 to 99 seconds. Release 4.2+.
This option sets how long the system should wait for a response to its attempt to initiate a call before following the
alternate routes set in an ARS form.
DTMF Support: Default = RFC2833.
This setting is used to select the method by which DTMF key presses are signalled to the remote end. The supported
options are In Band, RFC2833 or Info.
VoIP Silence Suppression: Default = Off
When selected, this option will detect periods of silence on any call over the line and will not send any data during
those silent periods. This feature is not used on IP lines using G.711 between systems. On trunk's between networked
systems, the same setting should be set at both ends.
Allow Direct Media Path: Default = Off.
This setting is only supported on IP Office Server Edition systems. The settings controls whether IP calls must be
routed via the system or can be routed alternately if possible within the network structure. If enabled, IP calls can take
routes other than through the system. This removes the need for a voice compression channel. Both ends of the calls
must support Direct Media and be using the same protocol (H.323 or SIP). Enabling this option may cause some
vendors problems with changing the media path mid call.
RE-Invite Supported: Default = Off.
When enabled, Re-Invite can be used during a session to change the characteristics of the session. For example when
the target of an incoming call or a transfer does not support the codec originally negotiated on the trunk. Requires the
ITSP to also support Re-Invite.
Use Offerer's Preferred Codec: Default = Off. Release 4.2+.
Normally for SIP calls, the initiator of the calls sends a SIP offer which includes the codecs that they support in order of
preference. The SIP response includes the codec the remote end wants to use for the call. This option can be used to
override that behaviour and use the codec preference offered by the caller. This option is only used when the IP Office
sends INVITES.
Codec Lockdown: Default = Off. Release 7.0
Supports RFC 3264 Section 10.2 when RE-Invite Supported and Codec Lockdown are enabled. In response to a
SIP offer with a list of codecs supported, some SIP user agents supply a SDP answer that also lists multiple codecs.
This means that the user agent may switch to any of those codecs during the session without further negotiation. The
system does not support multiple concurrent codecs for a session, so loss of speech path will occur if the codec is
changed during the session. If codec lockdown is enabled, when the system receives an SDP answer with more than
one codec from the list of offered codecs, it sends an extra re-INVITE using just a single codec from the list and
resubmits a new SDP offer with just the single chosen codec.
PRACK/100rel Supported: Default = Off. Release 8.0
When selected, supports Provisional Reliable Acknowledgement (PRACK) on SIP trunks. Enable this parameter when
you want to ensure that provisional responses, such as announcement messages, have been delivered. Provisional
responses provide information on the progress of the request that is in process. For example, while a cell phone call is
being connected, there may be a delay while the cell phone is located; an announcement such as please wait while we
attempt to reach the subscriber provides provisional information to the caller while the request is in process. PRACK,
which is defined in RFC 3262, provides a mechanism to ensure the delivery of these provisional responses.
Force direct media with phones: Default = Off. Release 8.1 (IP Office Server Edition only)
This setting is only supported on IP Office Server Edition systems. The setting is only useable when the trunk's Re-
invite Supported and Allow Direct Media Path settings are enabled and its DTMF Support option is set to
RFC2833/RFC4733. It also requires the H.323 IP extension involved in the call to also have Allow Direct Media
Path enabled. This feature is only supported with Avaya H.323 IP telephones. For calls where the Avaya H.323 IP
extension using the trunk is doing so as a direct media call, this feature allows digits presses on the extension to be
detected and the call changed to an indirect media call so that RFC2833 DTMF can be sent. The call remains as a direct
media call for 15 seconds after the last digit before reverting back to being an indirect media call.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Configuration Settings: Line T38 Fax
The settings on this tab are only accessible if Re-invite Supported and Fax Transport Support are selected on the
VoIP tab.
Fax relay is only supported on IP500/IP500 V2 systems with IP500 VCM, IP500 VCM V2 and or IP500 Combo cards.
Fax relay is supported on IP Office Server Edition Linux servers.
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
Release: 5.0+.
Mergeable: These settings are not mergeable. Changes to these settings will require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
Use Default Values: Default = On.
If selected, all the fields are set to their default values and greyed out.
T38 Fax Version: Default = 3.
The system can support Versions 0, 1, 2 and 3. During fax relay, the two gateways will negotiate to use the highest
version which they both support.
Transport: Default = UDPTL (fixed).
Currently only UDPTL is supported. TCP and RTP transport are not supported.
For UDPTL, redundancy error correction is supported. Forward Error Correction (FEC) is not supported.
Redundancy sends additional fax packets in order to increase the reliability. However increased redundancy increases
the bandwidth required for the fax transport.
Low Speed: Default = 0 (No redundancy). Range = 0 to 5.
Sets the number of redundant T38 fax packets that should be sent for low speed V.21 T.30 fax transmissions.
High Speed: Default = 0 (No redundancy). Range = 0 to 5.
Sets the number of redundant T38 fax packets that should be sent for V.17, V.27 and V.28 fax transmissions.
TCF Method: Default = Trans TCF.
TCF = Training Check Frame.
Max Bit Rate (bps): Default = 14400.
Lower rates can be selected if the current rate is not supported by the fax equipment or is found to not be reliable.
EFlag Start Timer (msecs): Default = 2600.
EFlag Stop Timer (msecs): Default = 2300.
Tx Network Timeout (secs): Default = 150.
Scan Line Fix-up: Default = On.
TFOP Enhancement: Default = On.
Disable T30 ECM: Default = Off.
When selected, disabled the T.30 Error Correction Mode used for fax transmission.
Disable EFlags For First DIS: Default = Off.
Disable T30 MR Compression: Default = Off.
NSF Override: Default = Off.
If selected, the NSF (Non-Standard Facility) information sent by the T38 device can be overridden using the values in
the fields below.
Country Code: Default = 0.
Vendor Code: Default = 0.
Manager 10.1 Page 346
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1 SIP Credentials
Release 6.0+. It is used to enter the ITSP username and password for the SIP account with the ITSP. If you have several
SIP accounts going to the same ITSP IP address or domain name, you can enter up to 30 sets of ITSP account names
and passwords on this tab.
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
Release: 6.0+.
Mergeable: These settings are mergeable. Changes to these settings do not require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
Use the Add..., Edit... and Remove buttons to manage the set of credentials for the SIP trunk accounts. The settings for
each account are:
This number is assigned automatically and cannot be edited. If the From field on the SIP URI being used for
the call is set to Use Authentication Name , the registration field of the SIP URI will indicate the index number
of the SIP credentials to use for calls by that SIP URI.
User Name
This name must be unique and is used to identify the trunk. The name can include the domain if necessary.
Authentication Name: Default = Blank.
This field can be blank but must be completed if a Password is also specified. This value is provided by the SIP
ITSP. Depending on the settings on the Local URI tab associated with the SIP call, it may also be used as the user
part of the SIP URI. The name can include the domain if necessary.
Contact: Default = Blank. Release 6.1.
This field is used to enter a contact and can include the domain if necessary.
Password: Default = Blank.
This value is provided by the SIP ITSP. If a password is specified, the matching Authentication Name must also
be set.
Expiry: Default = 60 minutes.
This setting defines how often registration with the SIP ITSP is required following any previous registration.
Registration Required: Default = On. Release 6.1.
If selected, the fields above above are used for registration when making calls. If exported or imported as part of
a trunk template , this setting is not supported by IP Office Basic Edition - Quick Mode mode systems.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Configuration Settings: Line
6.4.12 SES Line
SES lines are used for connection to an Avaya SIP Enablement Service (SES) server within an Avaya SIP for Branch
network. This is a variant of TCP SIP line and requires SIP Trunk Channels licenses in the system configuration for the
number of simultaneous SIP and or SES calls. The SES server supports up to 1000 branches arranged in a star network
SES Trunks are not supported in Release 8.0 and higher.
With an Avaya SIP for Branch network, all extensions are reachable from any branch. Using short codes, the system
should be configured to route calls for other branches in the network to the SES server via a SES line. The SES server
acts as a SIP proxy. It holds a table of all branch prefixes and uses that table to reroute each call to the appropriate
destination branch. The SES server will only route calls to the branch if the number match both the branch prefix and the
expected extension number length.
Related Fields
There are a number of fields in the system configuration which are used with SES lines but are not on the SES Line form.
The following are located on the System | System tab:
Branch Prefix: Default = Blank. Range = 0 to 999999999. Release 4.1+.
Used to identify the system within an Avaya SIP for Branch network linked via an SES server. The branch prefixes of
each systems within the network must unique and must not overlap. For example 85, 861 and 862 are okay, but 86
and 861 overlap.
Local Number Length: Default = Blank (Off). Range = Blank (Off) or 3 to 9. Release 4.1+.
Set the default length for extension numbers for extensions, users and hunt groups. Entry of an extension number of a
different length will cause an error warning within IP Office Manager.This field is intended for systems being used in an
Avaya SIP for Branch network linked via an SES server, where fixed extension lengths must be used. Note that the
Branch Prefix and the Local Number Length must not exceed 15 digits.
Short Codes
Calls are routed to the SES line using short codes in the same was as for other line types. The short codes can route calls
directly to the SES line's Outgoing Group ID or to an ARS form configured for the SES line. If at all possible, requiring a
short code for each branch within the SIP for Branch Network should be avoided.
Common Branch Prefix Leading Digit Routing
If a common digit has been used at the start of all branch prefixes, that digit can be used as the key for a single
SES routing short code. For example, first use a single range for branch prefixes, ie. 80 to 89 in a small network,
800 to 899 in a medium network or 8000 to 8999 in a large network. At each branch a single short code of the
form 8N could then be used to start SES routing.
Common Branch Prefix and Extension Length Routing
If the above method cannot be used, maintaining a common branch prefix and local number length throughout the
network is another option to simplify routing. For example, if all branches have a two digit branch prefixes and
then 4 digit extension numbers, a short code of the form XXXXXX; could be used to only match dialed six digit
numbers. Longer dialing is still possible so long as the first additional digit is dialed within the Dial Delay Time
setting of the system.
SES Line Prefix
The SES line includes a prefix field that can be added to any calling number information supplied with calls
received on a SES line. That prefix can then be used as the mechanism to route return calls back to the SES line.
For example, if the line prefix is 3, a short code of the form 3N/N can be used.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Additional Notes
1. Voice Compression Channels
SES calls use system voice compression channels in the same way as used for standard IP trunks and extensions.
These are provided by the installation of VCM modules within the control unit. RTP relay is applied to SES calls
where applicable.
2. Licensing
SIP Trunk Channels licenses is required in the system configuration. These set the maximum number of
simultaneous SIP and SES calls supported by the system. Multiple licenses can be added to achieve a cumulative
maximum number of channels supported.
3. Firewall
The system firewall between LAN1 and LAN2 is not applied to SES calls.
4. Incoming Call Routing
Incoming SES calls are routed as if being internal calls. The dialed branch prefix is removed and the remaining
extension number is used as if dialed on switch.
5. DiffServ Marking
DiffServ marking is applied to calls using the DiffServ Settings on the System | LAN | VoIP tab of either LAN1
or LAN2 as set by the line's Use Network Topology Info setting.
Resource Limitation
A number of limits can affect the number of SES calls. When one of these limits is reached the following occurs: any
further outgoing SES calls are blocked unless some alternate route is available using ARS; any incoming SES calls are
queued until the required resource becomes available.
Limiting factors are:
the number of licensed SIP channels.
the Max Calls setting of the SES line.
the number of voice compression channels.
SES Line Call to/from Non-IP Devices
Voice compression channel required.
Outgoing SES Line Call from IP Device
No voice compression channel required.
Incoming SIP Line Call to IP Device
Voice compression channel reserved until call connected.
If the system also used SIP trunks, the same resources are shared between SES and SIP calls.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Configuration Settings: Line SES Line
SES Trunks are not supported in Release 8.0 and higher.
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
Release: 4.1 to 7.0.
Mergeable: These settings are not mergeable. Changes to these settings will require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
Line Number: Default = Automatically assigned.
By default a value is assigned by the system. This value can be changed but it must be unique.
Network Type: Default = Public. Release 4.2+.
This option is available if Restrict Network Interconnect (System | Telephony | Telephony ) is enabled. It
allows the trunk to be set as either Public or Private. The system will return number unobtainable indication to any
attempt to connect a call on a Private trunk to a Public trunk or vice versa. This restriction includes transfers,
forwarding and conference calls.
Due to the nature of this feature, its use is not recommended on systems also using any of the following other
system features: multi-site networks, VPNremote, application telecommuter mode.
SES Domain Name: Default = Blank.
This field is used to enter the domain part of the SIP URI provided by the ITSP. For example, in the SIP URI
[email protected], the domain part of the URI is example.com. For outgoing calls the user part of the SIP URI is
the Branch Prefix and the extension number.
SES Address: Default =
This value is the public IP address of the SES server. This address must not be shared by any other IP, IP DECT or SIP
line in the system configuration.
Inactivity Timeout (seconds): Default = 120. Range = 0 to 99999 seconds.
If no SIP messages or signalling have been sent or received during this period the system will close the connection.
Outgoing Group: Default = 0, Range 0 to 99999.
Short codes that specify a number to dial also specify the line group to be used. The IP Office will then seize a line with
a matching Outgoing Group ID.
Prefix: Default = Blank.
This prefix will be added to any source number received with incoming calls. Normally this should match a dialing short
code configured to route matching calls to the SES line's Outgoing Group ID number.
Max Calls: Default =10
This field sets the maximum number of simultaneous calls that can use the URI before the system returns busy to any
further calls.
In Service: Default = On.
When this field is not selected, the SIP trunk is unregistered and not available to incoming and outgoing calls.
Network Configuration
Layer 4 Protocol: Default = TCP
This field cannot be changed.
Use Network Topology Info: Default = LAN1
For various settings, this field indicates whether the SES line uses the System | LAN | Network Topology settings
of either LAN1 or LAN2. For instance the DiffServ Settings applied to outgoing SES calls and the IP address (see
description of Via Nat below).
Send Port: Default = 5060
This field cannot be changed.
Listen Port: Default = 5060
This field cannot be changed.
Via NAT: Default = Off.
This option controls which address should be used as the IP address of the system that is entered into the SES
server configuration.
If disabled, the address used is the IP Address of the system as set on the LAN Settings sub-tab of LAN1 or
LAN2. The selection of LAN1 or LAN2 is determined by the Use Network Topology field above.
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If enabled, the address used is the Public IP Address as set on the Network Topology sub-tab of LAN1 or
LAN2. The selection of LAN1 or LAN2 is determined by the Use Network Topology field above.
Prefix Allocation Check
As SES lines are configured within each system in the SIP for Branch network, details of the system can be written to a
CSV file. This file can then be used to ensure the following:
1. Check branch allocation
Check that the settings of the system and SES line being added are both complete and do not conflict with those of
other systems already added to the CSV file. Select this option and click Execute , then select the CSV file
containing details of the other systems with SES lines.
2. List branch allocations
Provide the source of the details that need to be entered in the SES server configuration for each system. Select
this option and click Execute to select and display the CSV file containing details of existing system SES line
settings. This file provides the information necessary for matching line records in the SES server configuration.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Configuration Settings: Line VoIP
SES Trunks are not supported in Release 8.0 and higher.
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
Release: 4.1 to 7.0.
Mergeable: These settings are not mergeable. Changes to these settings will require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
Gateway IP Address: Default = Blank
Enter the IP address of the gateway device at the remote end. This address must not be shared by any other IP line
(H.323, SIP, SES or IP DECT).
Codec Selection: Default = System Default
This field defines the codec or codecs offered during call setup.
The available codecs in default preference order are: G.711 A-Law, G.711 U-Law, G.729 and G.723.1.
Note that the default order for G.711 codecs will vary to match the system's default companding setting.
G.723.1 is not supported on Linux based systems.
Release 8.0+: The G.722 64K codec is also supported on IP500/IP500 V2 systems with IP500 VCM, IP500
VCM V2 or IP500 Combo cards. For IP Office Server Edition it is supported on IP Office Server Edition Primary
Server, IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server and IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) systems
and on IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) systems fitted with IP500 VCM, IP500 VCM V2 or
IP500 Combo. It is not supported on any systems that include any IP400 VCM cards.
For IP Office Release 8.0: The codecs available to be used are set through the System Codec list (System |
System Codec ). The drop-down selector options are:
System Default
This is the default setting. When selected, the codec list below show matches the codecs set in the system
wide Default Selection list (System | Codecs ).
This option allows specific configuration of the codec preferences to be different from the system Default
Selection list. When Custom is selected, the list can be used to select which codecs are in the Unused list
and in the Selected list and to change the order of the selected codecs.
Release 5.0 to Release 7.0+
The Automatic Codec Preference setting (System | Telephony | Telephony ) can be used to set which
codec should be first in the list of preferred codecs. The remaining codecs are used in the order as above. Note
that the G.711 codecs are treated as a pair, so if one is selected as the first preference, the other will
automatically be second in the list.
If required, a specific codec can be selected. However, if during call setup negotiation with a specific codec,
connect fails, the system will fallback to using automatic selection.
Codecs not selected for a SIP connection are not used in codec negotiation. For H.323 it is not possible to
exclude codecs from negotiation, only to change the order of codec preference.
The Advanced button can be used to display a list of the codecs in their current order of preference. Codecs
can be dragged up or down the list or deselected from the list. Note that once a list has been edited in this
way, clicking Advanced again will return it to Automatic Select.
Pre-Release 5.0
Automatic Select uses the codecs in the order of preference G.729a, G.711 ALAW, G.711 ULAW and G.723.1
Call Initiation Timeout: Default = 4 seconds. Range = 1 to 99 seconds. Release 4.2+.
This option sets how long the system should wait for a response to its attempt to initiate a call before following the
alternate routes set in an ARS form.
DTMF Support: Default = RFC2833.
This setting is used to select the method by which DTMF key presses are signalled to the remote end. The supported
options are In Band, RFC2833 or Info.
VoIP Silence Suppression: Default = Off
When selected, this option will detect periods of silence on any call over the line and will not send any data during
those silent periods. This feature is not used on IP lines using G.711 between systems. On trunk's between networked
systems, the same setting should be set at both ends.
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Local Tones: On (Fixed)
Indicates that the system will generate tones when required.
Allow Direct Media Path: Default = On
This settings controls whether IP calls must be routed via the system or can be routed alternately if possible within the
network structure.
If enabled, IP calls can take routes other than through the system. This removes the need for a voice compression
channel. Both ends of the calls must support Direct Media and be using the same protocol (H.323 or SIP). Enabling
this option may cause some vendors problems with changing the media path mid call. Pre-Release 4.0, when using
direct media path, it is not always possible for the extension to be recorded or monitored.
If disabled or not supported at on one end of the call, the call is routed via the system.
On pre-4.0 these calls would then require a voice compression channel even if the IP devices use the same audio
On Release 4.0 and higher, RTP relay support allows calls between devices using the same audio codec to not
require a voice compression channel.
RE-Invite Supported: Default = Off.
When enabled, Re-Invite can be used during a session to change the characteristics of the session. For example when
the target of an incoming call or a transfer does not support the codec originally negotiated on the trunk. Requires the
ITSP to also support Re-Invite.
Use Offerer's Preferred Codec: Default = Off. Release 4.2+.
Normally for SIP calls, the initiator of the calls sends a SIP offer which includes the codecs that they support in order of
preference. The SIP response includes the codec the remote end wants to use for the call. This option can be used to
override that behaviour and use the codec preference offered by the caller. This option is only used when the IP Office
sends INVITES.
Codec Lockdown: Default = Off. Release 7.0
Supports RFC 3264 Section 10.2 when RE-Invite Supported and Codec Lockdown are enabled. In response to a
SIP offer with a list of codecs supported, some SIP user agents supply a SDP answer that also lists multiple codecs.
This means that the user agent may switch to any of those codecs during the session without further negotiation. The
system does not support multiple concurrent codecs for a session, so loss of speech path will occur if the codec is
changed during the session. If codec lockdown is enabled, when the system receives an SDP answer with more than
one codec from the list of offered codecs, it sends an extra re-INVITE using just a single codec from the list and
resubmits a new SDP offer with just the single chosen codec.
Manager 10.1 Page 353
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Configuration Settings: Line T38 Fax
SES Trunks are not supported in Release 8.0 and higher.
The settings on this tab are only accessible if Re-invite Supported and Fax Transport Support are selected on the
VoIP tab.
Fax relay is only supported on IP500/IP500 V2 systems with IP500 VCM, IP500 VCM V2 and or IP500 Combo cards.
Fax relay is supported on IP Office Server Edition Linux servers.
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
Release: 5.0 to 7.0.
Mergeable: These settings are not mergeable. Changes to these settings will require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
Use Default Values: Default = On.
If selected, all the fields are set to their default values and greyed out.
T38 Fax Version: Default = 3.
The system can support Versions 0, 1, 2 and 3. During fax relay, the two gateways will negotiate to use the highest
version which they both support.
Transport: Default = UDPTL (fixed).
Currently only UDPTL is supported. TCP and RTP transport are not supported.
For UDPTL, redundancy error correction is supported. Forward Error Correction (FEC) is not supported.
Redundancy sends additional fax packets in order to increase the reliability. However increased redundancy increases
the bandwidth required for the fax transport.
Low Speed: Default = 0 (No redundancy). Range = 0 to 5.
Sets the number of redundant T38 fax packets that should be sent for low speed V.21 T.30 fax transmissions.
High Speed: Default = 0 (No redundancy). Range = 0 to 5.
Sets the number of redundant T38 fax packets that should be sent for V.17, V.27 and V.28 fax transmissions.
TCF Method: Default = Trans TCF.
TCF = Training Check Frame.
Max Bit Rate (bps): Default = 14400.
Lower rates can be selected if the current rate is not supported by the fax equipment or is found to not be reliable.
EFlag Start Timer (msecs): Default = 2600.
EFlag Stop Timer (msecs): Default = 2300.
Tx Network Timeout (secs): Default = 150.
Scan Line Fix-up: Default = On.
TFOP Enhancement: Default = On.
Disable T30 ECM: Default = Off.
When selected, disabled the T.30 Error Correction Mode used for fax transmission.
Disable EFlags For First DIS: Default = Off.
Disable T30 MR Compression: Default = Off.
NSF Override: Default = Off.
If selected, the NSF (Non-Standard Facility) information sent by the T38 device can be overridden using the values in
the fields below.
Country Code: Default = 0.
Vendor Code: Default = 0.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
6.5 Control Unit
The Control Unit form gives details of the system and some devices connected to or within the system.
This includes some modules within the control unit as well as external expansion modules.
For IP Office Server Edition systems, for the IP Office Server Edition Primary Server, IP Office Server Edition
Secondary Server and IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) it shows details for the physical server
platform and details for the IP Office Media service being hosted on that server. For the IP Office Server
Edition Expansion System (V2) it shows details of the IP500 V2 control unit and the cards installed into the
control unit.
The New and Delete actions on this form have special functions.
This action is used to added a WAN3 expansion module. If when a WAN3 is added to the system, the WAN3 is
not recognized following a system reboot, New on this form can be used to scan for the WAN3 module.
This action can only be used with external expansion modules. This action can only be used with external
expansion modules attached to a system. The action should used with caution as deleting a module will also
delete any extensions or lines associated with the module being deleted. If the module is physically present,
default records are automatically recreated following a reboot.
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
Release: 1.0+.
Mergeable: These settings are not mergeable. Changes to these settings will require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
Device Number
This is automatically allocated by the system.
Unit Type
The name of the device.
The version of software running on each unit.
Serial Number
This is the number the system uses to tie a physical Control Unit to a device configuration (device number). For the
control unit this is the MAC address. For a device connected to an Expansion port, it is the Expansion port number plus
Unit IP Address
This field shows the IP address for the LAN1.
Interconnect Number
For external expansion modules this is the control unit expansion port used for connection. For other devices this is 0.
Module Number
For external expansion modules this is the control unit expansion port used for connection. For internal devices in the
control unit, Control Unit is displayed.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Configuration Settings: Control Unit
6.6 Extension
By default, each extension is normally associated with a user and uses that user's directory number and
other setting. Users with a log in code can move between extensions by logging in and out, so the directory
number is not a fixed property of the extension.
Non-IP Extensions
Physical extension ports are either integral to the control unit or added by the installation of an analog or digital phone
expansion module. Extension records are automatically created for each physical extension port within the system. These
ports cannot be added or deleted manually.For IP Office Server Edition, non-IP extensions are only supported on IP
Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) units.
Standard Telephone
A standard extension.
Quiet Headset
Used for analog extension devices that are permanently off-hook.
IVR Port
Used for analog ports connected to devices that require a specific disconnect clear signal at the end of each call.
Paging Speaker
An analog extension port set to be used as a paging speaker connection.
FAX Machine
Indicates that the extension is connected to a FAX machine.
MOH Source
Indicates that the extension is being used as a music on hold source.
IP Extensions
These are used for IP phone devices and VoIP applications.
H.323 or SIP Extension
This icon indicates an IP extension. IP extensions are either added manually or by the automatic detection of the
phone being connected. IP extensions can also be added manually to support a Phone Manager Pro PC Softphone or
a third-party IP phone device. Note that third-party IP phone devices require entry of an IP End-Points license.
An extension port manually added to match extensions within an Avaya IP DECT system connected to the system via
an IP DECT line.
For systems with users using the IP Office Video Softphone, an extension record is created while the user is logged into
the application. That record is not editable. The softphone extension record is automatically deleted within a few minutes
of the user closing the softphone application.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
6.6.1 Extn
This tab contains settings applicable to most types of extension.
For IP Office Server Edition this type of configuration record can be saved as a template and new records created from a
template. See Templates .
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
Release: 1.0+.
Mergeable: These settings are not mergeable. Changes to these settings will require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
Extension ID
The physical ID of the extension port. Except for IP extensions, this settings is allocated by the system and is not
Base Extension: Range = 2 to 9 digits.
This is the directory number of the extension's default associated user.
Following a restart, the system will attempt to log in the user with the same extension number (if they are not
already logged in elsewhere in the multi-site network). This does not occur it that user is set to Force Login (User |
Telephone ).
If another user logs onto an extension, when they log out, the extension returns to its default associated user unless
they have logged in elsewhere or are set to Force Login.
In the US, the Base Extension number is used for E911 calls. Any change to an extension's base extension must be
matched by changes to the E911 adjunct database, see E911 Overview . The extensions default associated user
should not be deleted.
Extensions associated with IP phones should not be given extension numbers greater than 7 digits.
For pre-Release 6.0, extension numbers in the range 8897 to 9999 are reserved for use by the Delta Server.
Users for Delta Server, CBC and CCC should only use up to 4 digit extension numbers.
Caller Display Type: Default = On.
Controls the presentation of caller display information for analog extensions, see Caller Display . For digital and IP
extensions, this value is fixed as On. The table below lists the supported options, all others are currently not used and
default to matching UK.
Type Description
Off Disables caller display.
On Enables caller display using the caller display type appropriate to the System Locale, see Supported
Country and Locale Settings . If a different setting is required it can be selected from the list of
supported options. For an analog extension connected to a fax server or other device that requires the
pass through of DTMF tones, select DTMFF.
UK FSK before the first ring conforming to BT SIN 227. Name and number.
UK20 As per UK but with a maximum length of 20 characters. Name and number.
DTMFA Caller ID in the DTMF pattern A<caller ID>C. Number only.
DTMFB Caller ID in DTMF after call connection. Number only.
DTMFC Caller ID in the DTMF pattern A<caller ID>#. Number only.
DTMFF Sends the called number in DTMF after call connection. Number only. Used for fax servers. When calls are
delivered via a hunt group it is recommended that hunt group queuing is not used. If hunt group queuing
is being used, set the Queue Type to Assign Call on Agent Alert.
DTMFD Caller ID in the DTMF pattern D<caller ID>C. Number only.
FSKA Variant of UK used for BT Relate 1100 phones. Name and number.
FSKB ETSI specification with 0.25 second leading ring. Name and number.
FSKC ETSI specification with 1.2 second leading ring. Name and number.
FSKD Conforms to Belcore specification. Name and number.
Reset Volume after Calls: Default = Off.
Resets the phone's handset volume after each call. This option is supported on Avaya 1400, 1600, 2400, 4400, 4600,
5400, 5600, 6400, 9500 and 9600 Series phones.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Configuration Settings: Extension
Device Type
This field indicates, the last known type of phone connected to the extension port.
Analogue extension ports always report as Analog Handset since the presence or absence of actual analog phone
cannot be detected.
Digital extension ports report the type of digital phone connected or Unknown digital handset if no phone is
H.323 extensions report the type of IP phone registered or Unknown H.323 handset if no phone is currently
registered as that extension.
SIP extensions report the type of SIP phone registered or Unknown SIP device if no SIP device is currently
registered as that extension.
For some types of phone, the phone can only report its general type to the system but not the specific model.
When that is the case, the field acts as a drop-drown to allow selection of a specific model. The value selected
here is also reported in other applications such as the System Status Application, SNMP, etc.
Default Type Possible Phone Models
T7100 M7100, M7100N, T7100, Audio Conferencing Unit.
T7208 M7208, M7208N, T7208.
M7310 M7310, M7310N, T7406, T7406E.
M7310BLF M7310BLF, T7316.
M7324 M7324, M7324N.
This field indicates the external expansion module on which the port is located. BP indicates an analog phone extension
port on the base or control unit. BD indicates a digital station (DS) port on the control unit. For an IP500/IP500 V2
control unit, BD and BP is also followed by the slot number. VoIP extensions report as 0.
This field indicates the port number on the Module indicated above. VoIP extensions report as 0.
Disable Speakerphone: Default = Off (Speakerphone enabled). Release 4.1+.
When selected, disables the fixed SPEAKER button if present on the phone using this extension port. Only supported
on Avaya DS, TCM and H.323 IP phones. An audible beep is sounded when a disabled SPEAKER button is pressed.
Incoming calls such as pages and intercom calls are still connected but the speech path is not audible until the user
goes off-hook using the handset or headset. Similarly calls made or answered using other buttons on the phone are
not audible unless the user goes off-hook using the handset or headset. Currently connected calls are not affected by
changes to this setting.
Force Authorization: Default = On. Release 5.0+, SIP Extensions only.
This setting is used with SIP extension devices.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
6.6.2 Analog
This tab contains settings that are applicable to analog extensions. These extensions are provided by ports marked as
POT or PHONE on control units and expansion modules.
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
Release: 1.0+.
Mergeable: These settings are not mergeable. Changes to these settings will require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
Equipment Classification: Default = Standard Telephone
Only available for analog extension ports. Note that changing this settings should be followed by a system reboot.
Release 6.1+: Changes to this setting are mergeable.
Quiet Headset
On extensions set to Quiet Headset, the audio path is disabled when the extension is idle. Ringing is presented in
the audio path. Caller ID is not supported on the phone. This option can be used with analog extensions where the
handset is replaced by a headset since in such a scenario audio is only desired when a call is connected. Since the
audio path is disabled when idle, the Quiet Headset extension cannot dial digits to make calls. Therefore to make
and answer calls this option is typically used with the user Offhook Station (User | Telephony | Call Settings
) setting which allows the extension user to make and answer calls using applications.
Paging Speaker
Used for analog ports connected to a paging amplifier. This extension will present busy and cannot be called or be
used to make calls. It can only be accessed using Dial Paging features.
Release 4.0+: When using a UPAM connected to an analog extension port, the extension's Equipment
Classification (Extension | Analog) should be set to IVR Port and not Paging Speaker.
Standard Telephone
Use for normal analog phones.
Door Phone 1/Door Phone 2
These two options are currently not used and so are grayed out.
IVR Port
Used for analog ports connected to devices that require a disconnect clear signal (ie. a break in the loop current) at
the end of each call. When selected the Disconnect Pulse Width is used. For pre-3.2 systems, this option was only
supported on systems with the locale set to United States or Saudi Arabia.
FAX Machine (Release 5.0+)
If fax Relay is being used, this setting should be selected on any analog extension connected to an analog fax
machine. Release 7.0+: This setting can also be used with SIP trunks.
MOH Source (Release 6.1+)
If selected, the port can be used as a music on hold source in the Tones and Music settings. An extension set
as a music on hold source cannot make or receive calls. The audio input can be monitored through the extension
music on hold controls. A suitable interface device is required to provide the audio input to the extension port. It
must look to the system like an off-hook analog phone. For example a transformer with a 600 Ohm winding (such as
a Bogen WMT1A) or a dedicated MoH device with a 600Ohm output designed for connection to a PBX extension port
which is providing loop current can be used.
Message Waiting Lamp Indication Type: Default = None
Allows the selection of the message waiting indication (MWI) mode for analog and IP DECT extensions.
For control unit and Phone V1 module analog extensions, the options None, On, 51V Stepped, 81V, Line
Reversal A and Line Reversal B are available.
For Phone V2 external module extensions and IP500 Phone base cards, the additional option 101V is available.
On defaults the message waiting indication as follows using the system locale.
Locale 'On' =
Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Japan,
Korea, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa,
Spain, United States, Venezuela.
51V Stepped
381 381
358 358
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Configuration Settings: Extension
Bahrain, Belgium, Denmark, Egypt, Finland, France, Germany, Greece,
Hong Kong, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, India, Kuwait, Morocco,
Netherlands, Norway, Oman, Pakistan, Poland, Portugal, Qatar,
Singapore, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Turkey, United Arab
Emirates, United Kingdom.
On = 101V on Phone V2
modules and IP500 Phone
cards, otherwise 81V.
IP500 V2: If the option Restrict Analog Extension Ringer Voltage is selected (System | Telephony | Telephony
), the MWI options are restricted to Line Reversal A, Line Reversal B or None. Any extensions set to
another option are forced to Line Reversal A.
Hook Persistency: Default = 100ms. Range = 50 to 255ms.
Defines the time frame (in milliseconds) in which the system will wait before determining that the phone is off-hook.
Flash Hook Pulse Width
The following options are only available for analog extension ports. They define the length of loop break that will be
considered a time break recall (TBR) signal.
Use System Defaults: Default = Selected (On)
Use the default values appropriate to the system's locale. See Appendix A: Locale Settings .
Minimum Width: Range = 0 to 2540 milliseconds.
Minimum hook flash length used if Use System Defaults is not selected. Shorter breaks are ignored a glitches.
Maximum Width: Range = 0 to 2550 milliseconds.
Maximum hook flash length used if Use System Defaults is not selected. Longer breaks are treated as clearing.
Disconnect Pulse Width: Default = 0ms. Range = 0 to 2550ms
This setting is used with analog extensions where the Equipment Classification above has been set to IVR Port. It
sets the length of loop current break used to indicate call clearing.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
6.6.3 VoIP
This tab is only available for H.323 and SIP extensions. The settings available will vary depending on the extension type:
H.323 IP Extension
SIP Extension H323 Extension
These settings are shown for a H.323 IP extension.
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
Release: 1.0+.
Mergeable: These settings are not mergeable. Changes to these settings will require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
IP Address: Default =
The IP address of the phone. The default setting accepts connection from any address. For phones using DHCP, the
field is not updated to show the IP address being used by the phone.
For T3 IP phones installed using DHCP, the address obtained and being used by the phone is displayed. If that
address is from the same range as the DHCP pool being supported by the IP Office system, IP Office Manager will
indicate an error.
The IP Address field can be used to restrict the the source IP address that can used by a Remote H.323
Extension . However, it should not used in the case where there is more than one remote extension behind the
domestic router.
MAC Address: Default = 0000000000000 (Grayed out)
This field is grayed out and not used.
Codec Selection: Default = System Default
This field defines the codec or codecs offered during call setup.
The available codecs in default preference order are: G.711 A-Law, G.711 U-Law, G.729 and G.723.1.
Note that the default order for G.711 codecs will vary to match the system's default companding setting.
G.723.1 is not supported on Linux based systems.
Release 8.0+: The G.722 64K codec is also supported on IP500/IP500 V2 systems with IP500 VCM, IP500
VCM V2 or IP500 Combo cards. For IP Office Server Edition it is supported on IP Office Server Edition Primary
Server, IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server and IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) systems
and on IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) systems fitted with IP500 VCM, IP500 VCM V2 or
IP500 Combo. It is not supported on any systems that include any IP400 VCM cards.
For IP Office Release 8.0: The codecs available to be used are set through the System Codec list (System |
System Codec ). The drop-down selector options are:
System Default
This is the default setting. When selected, the codec list below show matches the codecs set in the system
wide Default Selection list (System | Codecs ).
This option allows specific configuration of the codec preferences to be different from the system Default
Selection list. When Custom is selected, the list can be used to select which codecs are in the Unused list
and in the Selected list and to change the order of the selected codecs.
Release 5.0 to Release 7.0+
The Automatic Codec Preference setting (System | Telephony | Telephony ) can be used to set which
codec should be first in the list of preferred codecs. The remaining codecs are used in the order as above. Note
that the G.711 codecs are treated as a pair, so if one is selected as the first preference, the other will
automatically be second in the list.
If required, a specific codec can be selected. However, if during call setup negotiation with a specific codec,
connect fails, the system will fallback to using automatic selection.
Codecs not selected for a SIP connection are not used in codec negotiation. For H.323 it is not possible to
exclude codecs from negotiation, only to change the order of codec preference.
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Configuration Settings: Extension
The Advanced button can be used to display a list of the codecs in their current order of preference. Codecs
can be dragged up or down the list or deselected from the list. Note that once a list has been edited in this
way, clicking Advanced again will return it to Automatic Select.
Pre-Release 5.0
Automatic Select uses the codecs in the order of preference G.729a, G.711 ALAW, G.711 ULAW and G.723.1
Gain: Default = Default. Release 3.0 to 4.1.
Allows adjustment of the volume. The gain is selectable from -31dB to +31dB in 1dB increments.
TDM | IP Gain: Default = Default (0dB). Range = -31dB to +31dB. Release 4.1 Q1 2008+.
Allows adjustment of the gain on audio from the system TDM interface to the IP connection. This field is not shown on
Linux based platforms.
IP | TDM Gain: Default = Default (0dB). Range = -31dB to +31dB. Release 4.1 Q1 2008+.
Allows adjustment of the gain on audio from the IP connection to the system TDM interface. This field is not shown on
Linux based platforms.
Supplementary Services: Default = H450. Release 4.0+.
Selects the supplementary service signaling method for use with non-Avaya IP devices. Options are None, QSIG and
H450. For H450, hold and transfer are supported. Note that the selected method must be supported by the remote
VoIP Silence Suppression: Default = Off
When selected, this option will detect periods of silence on any call over the line and will not send any data during
those silent periods. This feature is not used on IP lines using G.711 between systems. On trunk's between networked
systems, the same setting should be set at both ends.
Enable FastStart for non-Avaya IP Phones: Default = Off
A fast connection procedure. Reduces the number of messages that need to be exchanged before an audio channel is
Out of Band DTMF: Default = On
When on, DTMF is sent as a separate signal ("Out of Band") rather than as part of the encoded voice stream ("In
Band"). The "Out of Band" signaling is inserted back into the audio by the remote end. This is recommended for low
bit-rate compression modes such as G.729 and G.723 where DTMF in the voice stream can become distorted. Switch
off for T3 IP extensions.
For Avaya 1600, 4600, 5600 and 9600 Series phones, the system will enforce the appropriate setting for the
phone type.
For Avaya T3 IP phones, when Out-Of-Band is unchecked, the Allow Direct Media Path option is ignored and
calls are via the system in order to provide tones.
Local Tones: Default = Off
When selected, the H.323 phones generate their own tones. This option is not supported by Avaya IP phones and
Phone Manager Pro PC Softphone.
Allow Direct Media Path: Default = On
This settings controls whether IP calls must be routed via the system or can be routed alternately if possible within the
network structure.
If enabled, IP calls can take routes other than through the system. This removes the need for a voice compression
channel. Both ends of the calls must support Direct Media and be using the same protocol (H.323 or SIP). Enabling
this option may cause some vendors problems with changing the media path mid call. Pre-Release 4.0, when using
direct media path, it is not always possible for the extension to be recorded or monitored.
If disabled or not supported at on one end of the call, the call is routed via the system.
On pre-4.0 these calls would then require a voice compression channel even if the IP devices use the same audio
On Release 4.0 and higher, RTP relay support allows calls between devices using the same audio codec to not
require a voice compression channel.
T3 IP phones must be configured to 20ms packet size to use RTP relay. With the Release 4.0 Q2 2007
maintenance release, previous restrictions on T3 IP phones using direct media were removed. The phone must
have firmware T246 or higher.
VPN Phone Allowed: Default = Off. Release 4.1 - 5.0.
Indicates that the extension can be used with Avaya VPNremote Phone firmware. The phones must be licensed using a
VPN IP Extensions licenses added to the system configuration for the number of VPN IP phones required. Note that
the field is grayed out if there are no available licenses. Note that this license is no longer used for Release 6.0, phones
using VPNremote being licensed through standard Avaya IP Phone licenses.
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Reserve Avaya IP Endpoint License: Release 6.0+.
Each Avaya IP phones requires an Avaya IP Endpoint license . Normally these licenses are issued in the order that
devices register. This option allows this extension to be pre-licensed before the device has registered. This will help
prevent a previously licensed phone becoming unlicensed following a system restart if unlicensed devices are also
Reserve 3rd Party IP Endpoint License: Release 6.0+.
Each non-Avaya IP phones requires an 3rd Party IP Endpoint license . Normally these licenses are issued in the
order that devices register. This option allows this extension to be pre-licensed before the device has registered.
Allow Remote Extn: Default = Off. Release 8.0+.
This setting is used to indicate that the extension is a remote H.323 extension . Addition routing is applied to calls to
and from such extensions using the LAN's Network Topology and RTP Port Number Range (Remote Extn)
settings. This option is only available if H.323 Remote Extn Enable (System | LAN | VoIP ) is selected.
Currently only 9600 Series phones are supported as H.323 remote extensions.
If the user's Extension Number matches the Base Extension setting of an IP extension, the Allow
Remote Extn setting of that extension is automatically changed to match the user's Enable Remote
Worker setting and vice versa.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Configuration Settings: Extension SIP Extension
There settings are shown for SIP IP extensions.
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
Release: 5.0+.
Mergeable: These settings are not mergeable. Changes to these settings will require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
IP Address: Default =
The IP address of the phone. The default setting accepts connection from any address. If an address is entered,
registration is only accepted from a device with that address.
Codec Selection: Default = System Default
This field defines the codec or codecs offered during call setup.
The available codecs in default preference order are: G.711 A-Law, G.711 U-Law, G.729 and G.723.1.
Note that the default order for G.711 codecs will vary to match the system's default companding setting.
G.723.1 is not supported on Linux based systems.
Release 8.0+: The G.722 64K codec is also supported on IP500/IP500 V2 systems with IP500 VCM, IP500
VCM V2 or IP500 Combo cards. For IP Office Server Edition it is supported on IP Office Server Edition Primary
Server, IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server and IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) systems
and on IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) systems fitted with IP500 VCM, IP500 VCM V2 or
IP500 Combo. It is not supported on any systems that include any IP400 VCM cards.
For IP Office Release 8.0: The codecs available to be used are set through the System Codec list (System |
System Codec ). The drop-down selector options are:
System Default
This is the default setting. When selected, the codec list below show matches the codecs set in the system
wide Default Selection list (System | Codecs ).
This option allows specific configuration of the codec preferences to be different from the system Default
Selection list. When Custom is selected, the list can be used to select which codecs are in the Unused list
and in the Selected list and to change the order of the selected codecs.
Release 5.0 to Release 7.0+
The Automatic Codec Preference setting (System | Telephony | Telephony ) can be used to set which
codec should be first in the list of preferred codecs. The remaining codecs are used in the order as above. Note
that the G.711 codecs are treated as a pair, so if one is selected as the first preference, the other will
automatically be second in the list.
If required, a specific codec can be selected. However, if during call setup negotiation with a specific codec,
connect fails, the system will fallback to using automatic selection.
Codecs not selected for a SIP connection are not used in codec negotiation. For H.323 it is not possible to
exclude codecs from negotiation, only to change the order of codec preference.
The Advanced button can be used to display a list of the codecs in their current order of preference. Codecs
can be dragged up or down the list or deselected from the list. Note that once a list has been edited in this
way, clicking Advanced again will return it to Automatic Select.
Pre-Release 5.0
Automatic Select uses the codecs in the order of preference G.729a, G.711 ALAW, G.711 ULAW and G.723.1
Fax Transport Support: Default = Off. Release 5.0+. IP500 and IP500 V2 SIP lines.
This option is only available if Re-Invite Supported is selected. When enabled, the system performs fax tone
detection on calls routed via the line and, if fax tone is detected, renegotiates the call codec as configured below. The
SIP line provider must support the selected fax method and Re-Invite. The system must have available VCM resources
using an IP500 VCM, IP500 VCM V2 or IP500 Combo base card. For systems in a network, fax relay is supported
for fax calls between the systems.
Select this option if fax is not supported by the line provider.
G.711 (Release 7.0)
G.711 is used for the sending and receiving of faxes.
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T38 (Release 6.0+)
T38 is used for the sending and receiving of faxes.
T38 Fallback (Release 8.0+)
When you enable this option, T38 is used for sending and receiving faxes on a SIP line. If the called destination
does not support T38, the system will send a re-invite to change the transport method to G.711. This option is not
supported by Linux based systems.
Gain: Default = Default. Release 3.0 to 4.1.
Allows adjustment of the volume. The gain is selectable from -31dB to +31dB in 1dB increments.
TDM | IP Gain: Default = Default (0dB). Range = -31dB to +31dB. Release 4.1 Q1 2008+.
Allows adjustment of the gain on audio from the system TDM interface to the IP connection. This field is not shown on
Linux based platforms.
IP | TDM Gain: Default = Default (0dB). Range = -31dB to +31dB. Release 4.1 Q1 2008+.
Allows adjustment of the gain on audio from the IP connection to the system TDM interface. This field is not shown on
Linux based platforms.
DTMF Support: Default = RFC2833.
This setting is used to select the method by which DTMF key presses are signalled to the remote end. The supported
options are In Band, RFC2833 or Info.
VoIP Silence Suppression: Default = Off
When selected, this option will detect periods of silence on any call over the line and will not send any data during
those silent periods. This feature is not used on IP lines using G.711 between systems. On trunk's between networked
systems, the same setting should be set at both ends.
Local Hold Music: Default = Off
Allow Direct Media Path: Default = On
This settings controls whether IP calls must be routed via the system or can be routed alternately if possible within the
network structure.
If enabled, IP calls can take routes other than through the system. This removes the need for a voice compression
channel. Both ends of the calls must support Direct Media and be using the same protocol (H.323 or SIP). Enabling
this option may cause some vendors problems with changing the media path mid call. Pre-Release 4.0, when using
direct media path, it is not always possible for the extension to be recorded or monitored.
If disabled or not supported at on one end of the call, the call is routed via the system.
On pre-4.0 these calls would then require a voice compression channel even if the IP devices use the same audio
On Release 4.0 and higher, RTP relay support allows calls between devices using the same audio codec to not
require a voice compression channel.
RE-Invite Supported: Default = Off.
When enabled, Re-Invite can be used during a session to change the characteristics of the session. For example when
the target of an incoming call or a transfer does not support the codec originally negotiated on the trunk. Requires the
ITSP to also support Re-Invite.
Use Offerer's Preferred Codec: Default = Off. Release 4.2+.
Normally for SIP calls, the initiator of the calls sends a SIP offer which includes the codecs that they support in order of
preference. The SIP response includes the codec the remote end wants to use for the call. This option can be used to
override that behaviour and use the codec preference offered by the caller. This option is only used when the IP Office
sends INVITES.
Reserve Avaya IP Endpoint License: Release 6.0+.
Each Avaya IP phones requires an Avaya IP Endpoint license . Normally these licenses are issued in the order that
devices register. This option allows this extension to be pre-licensed before the device has registered. This will help
prevent a previously licensed phone becoming unlicensed following a system restart if unlicensed devices are also
Reserve 3rd Party IP Endpoint License: Release 6.0+.
Each non-Avaya IP phones requires an 3rd Party IP Endpoint license . Normally these licenses are issued in the
order that devices register. This option allows this extension to be pre-licensed before the device has registered.
PRACK/100rel Supported: Default = Off. Release 8.0
When selected, supports Provisional Reliable Acknowledgement (PRACK) on SIP trunks. Enable this parameter when
you want to ensure that provisional responses, such as announcement messages, have been delivered. Provisional
responses provide information on the progress of the request that is in process. For example, while a cell phone call is
being connected, there may be a delay while the cell phone is located; an announcement such as please wait while we
attempt to reach the subscriber provides provisional information to the caller while the request is in process. PRACK,
which is defined in RFC 3262, provides a mechanism to ensure the delivery of these provisional responses.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Configuration Settings: Extension
6.6.4 T38 Fax
The settings on this tab are only accessible if Re-invite Supported and Fax Transport Support are selected on the
VoIP tab.
Fax relay is only supported on IP500/IP500 V2 systems with IP500 VCM, IP500 VCM V2 and or IP500 Combo cards.
Fax relay is supported on IP Office Server Edition Linux servers.
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
Release: 5.0+.
Mergeable: These settings are not mergeable. Changes to these settings will require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
Use Default Values: Default = On.
If selected, all the fields are set to their default values and greyed out.
T38 Fax Version: Default = 3.
The system can support Versions 0, 1, 2 and 3. During fax relay, the two gateways will negotiate to use the highest
version which they both support.
Transport: Default = UDPTL (fixed).
Currently only UDPTL is supported. TCP and RTP transport are not supported.
For UDPTL, redundancy error correction is supported. Forward Error Correction (FEC) is not supported.
Redundancy sends additional fax packets in order to increase the reliability. However increased redundancy increases
the bandwidth required for the fax transport.
Low Speed: Default = 0 (No redundancy). Range = 0 to 5.
Sets the number of redundant T38 fax packets that should be sent for low speed V.21 T.30 fax transmissions.
High Speed: Default = 0 (No redundancy). Range = 0 to 5.
Sets the number of redundant T38 fax packets that should be sent for V.17, V.27 and V.28 fax transmissions.
TCF Method: Default = Trans TCF.
TCF = Training Check Frame.
Max Bit Rate (bps): Default = 14400.
Lower rates can be selected if the current rate is not supported by the fax equipment or is found to not be reliable.
EFlag Start Timer (msecs): Default = 2600.
EFlag Stop Timer (msecs): Default = 2300.
Tx Network Timeout (secs): Default = 150.
Scan Line Fix-up: Default = On.
TFOP Enhancement: Default = On.
Disable T30 ECM: Default = Off.
When selected, disabled the T.30 Error Correction Mode used for fax transmission.
Disable EFlags For First DIS: Default = Off.
Disable T30 MR Compression: Default = Off.
NSF Override: Default = Off.
If selected, the NSF (Non-Standard Facility) information sent by the T38 device can be overridden using the values in
the fields below.
Country Code: Default = 0.
Vendor Code: Default = 0.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
6.6.5 IP DECT
This tab is displayed for IP DECT extensions. These are created manually after an IP DECT line has been added to the
configuration or added automatically as DECT handsets subscribe to the DECT system.
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
Release: 3.1+.
Mergeable: These settings are not mergeable. Changes to these settings will require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
Use the drop-down list to select the IP DECT line from the system to the Avaya IP DECT system.
Message Waiting Lamp Indication Type: Default = On
Allows selection of the message waiting indication to use with the IP DECT extension. Options are: None, On.
Reserve Avaya IP Endpoint License: Release 6.0+.
Avaya IP phones require an Avaya IP Endpoint license in order to register with the system. Normally licenses are
issued in the order that devices register. This option allows this extension to be pre-licensed before the device has
Release 7.0: The additional fields below depend on whether the IP DECT line has Enable Provisioning selected.
Enable Provisioning Not Selected
Handset Type: Default = Unknown
Correct selection of the handset type allows application of appropriate settings for the handset display and
buttons. Selectable handset types are 3720, 3725, 3740, 3749 or Unknown.
Enable Provisioning Selected
IPEI: Default = 0
This field, if set to a value other than 0, sets the IPEI number of the handset that is able to subscribe to the
DECT R4 system using this extension number. The IPEI for each DECT handset is unique.
Use Handset Configuration: Default = Off.
If Use Handset Configuration. is selected, the handset user is able to set the phone language and date/
time format. If not selected, those settings will be driven by the system or user locale settings in the system
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Configuration Settings: Extension
6.7 User
Users are the people who use the system. They do not necessary have to be an extension user, for example
users are used for RAS dial in data access. In addition, more users can be created than there are extensions,
with users logging in to an extension when they want to receive calls.
By default, a user is automatically created to match each extension. They are numbered from 201 upwards and the first
16 are placed in the hunt group Main (200), which is the default destination for incoming calls.
Standard User: A standard user.
No User: Used to apply settings for extensions which currently have no associated user.
Remote Manager: Used as the default settings for dial in user connections.
Hot Desking User: Users with a Login Code can move between extensions by logging in and off.
When a User is Deleted?
When a user is deleted, any calls in progress continue until completed. The ownership of the call is shown as the NoUser
user. Merging the deletion of a user causes all references to that deleted user to be removed from the system.
Changing a User's Extension
Changing a user's extension number automatically logs the user in on the matching base extension if available and the
user doesn't have Forced Login enabled. If Forced Login is enabled, then the user remains on the current
extension being used until they log out and log in at the new extension.
Note that changing a user's extension number affects the user's ability to collect Voicemail messages from their own
extension. Each user's extension is set up as a "trusted location" under the Source Numbers tab of the User configuration
form. This "trusted location" allows the user to dial *17 to collect Voicemail from his own extension. Therefore if the
extension number is changed so must the "trusted location".
The following related configuration items are automatically updated when a user extension is changed:
User, Coverage and Bridged Appearance buttons associated with the user.
Hunt group membership (disabled membership state is maintained).
Forwards and Follow Me's set to the user as the destination.
Incoming call routes to this destination.
Dial in source numbers for access to the user's own voicemail.
Direct call pickup buttons are updated.
The extension number of an associated extension is updated.
IP Office Server Edition User Management
In a IP Office Server Edition network, individual users are still added to the configuration of a particular server. Typically
they are added to the configuration of the server that hosts the user's physical extension or supports their main place of
work. That server is treated as the host system for the user. However, once a user is added to the configuration of a
particular system, their settings can also be accessed and edited under the Users grouping at the top of the navigation
pane of IP Office Manager.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Creating a User Right Based on an Existing User
1. Select User Rights.
2. In the group pane, right-click and select New User Rights from a User.
3. Select the user and click OK.
Associating User Rights to a User
1. Select User Rights or User.
2. In the group pane, right-click and select Apply User Rights to Users.
3. Select the user rights to be applied.
4. On the Members of this User Rights sub tab select the users to which the user rights should be applied as their
Working Hours User Rights.
5. On the Members when out of hours sub tab select which users should use the selected user rights as their out
of hours user rights.
6. Click OK.
1. Select the required user to display their settings in the details pane.
2. Select the User tab.
3. Use Working Hours User Rights drop-down to select the user rights required.
4. If required a Working Hours Time Profile and Out of Hours User Rights can be selected.
5. Click OK.
Copy User Rights Settings over a User's Settings
This process replaces a user's current settings with those that are part of the selected user rights. It does not associate
the user with the user rights.
1. Select User Rights.
2. In the group pane, right-click and select Copy user rights values to users.
3. Select the user rights to be applied.
4. Click OK.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Configuration Settings: User
6.7.1 User
Users are the people who use the system or are Dial In users for data access. A system User may or may not have an
Extension Number that physical exists - this is useful if users do not require a physical extension but wish to use system
features, for example voicemail, forwarding etc.
NoUser is used to apply settings to extensions which have no associated user. Remote Manager is used as the default
settings for dial in connections.
For IP Office Server Edition this type of configuration record can be saved as a template and new records created from a
template. See Templates .
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
Release: 1.0+.
Mergeable: These settings are mergeable. Changes to these settings do not require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
A symbol indicates that the setting can also be set and locked within a set of user rights with which the user is
associated using the Working Hour User Rights and Out of Hours User Rights settings. The user rights
applied can be controlled by a time profile selected as the user's Working Hours Time Profile setting. The effect
of the user rights can be displayed using the User Rights View control.
Name: Range = Up to 15 characters
This is the user's account name used for RAS Dial In, Caller Display and voicemail mailbox. As the display on Caller
Display telephones is normally only 16 digits long it is useful to keep the name short. Only alphanumeric characters
and space are supported in this field. This field is case sensitive and must be unique.
Names should not start with a space. Do not use punctuation characters such as #, ?, /, ^, > and ,.
Voicemail uses the name to match a user to their mailbox. Changing a user's name will route their voicemail calls to
a new mailbox. Note however that Voicemail Pro is not case sensitive and will treat names such as "Steve Smith",
"steve smith" and "STEVE SMITH" as being the same.
Password: Default = Blank. Range = Up to 31 alphanumeric characters.
This password is used by user applications such as SoftConsole, Phone Manager and TAPI. It is also used for user's
with Dial In access. Note that this is not the user's voicemail mailbox password (see User | Voicemail | Voicemail Code
) or their phone log in code (see User | Telephony | Supervisor Settings | Login Code ).
Release 4.2+: Users can change their Password using the File | Change Password option within Phone
Full Name: Default = Blank
Use this field to enter the user's full name. The recommended format is <first name><space><last name> in order for
this value to be used correctly by voicemail dial by name features. When set, the Full Name is used in place of the
Name for display by phones and user applications.
Names should not start with a space. Do not use punctuation characters such as #, ?, /, ^, > and ,.
Extension: Range = 2 to 9 digits.
In general all extensions should have the same number of digits. This setting can be left blank for users used just for
dial in data connections.
Users for Delta Server, CBC and CCC should only use up to 4 digit extension numbers.
Users associated with IP phones or who may log in as such devices should not be given extension numbers greater
than 7 digits.
For pre-Release 6.0, extension numbers in the range 8897 to 9999 are reserved for use by the Delta Server.
Email Address: Default = Blank
Use this field to enter the user's email address.
Locale: Default = Blank (Use system locale )
Configures the language used for voicemail prompts played to the user, assuming the language is available on the
voicemail server. See Supported Country and Locale Settings . On a digital extension it also controls the display
language used for messages from the system. Note however that some phones have their own menu options for the
selected language for the phone menus.
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When the system routes a call to the voicemail server it indicates the locale for which matching prompts
should be provided if available. The locale sent to the voicemail server by the system is determined as show
below. If the required set of prompts is not available, the voicemail will fallback to another appropriate
language and finally to English (refer to the appropriate voicemail installation manual for details).
Short Code Locale: The short code locale, if set, is used if the call is routed to voicemail using the short
Incoming Call Route Locale: The incoming call route locale, if set, is used if caller is external.
User Locale: The user locale, if set, is used if the caller is internal.
System Locale: If no user or incoming call route locale is set, the system locale is used unless
overridden by a short code locale.
For Release 8.0+ systems using Embedded Voicemail, if the required set of upgraded language prompts to
match the locale is not present on the system SD card, IP Office Manager will display an error. The required
prompt set can be uploaded from IP Office Manager using the Add/Display VM Locales option.
Priority: Default = 5. Range = 1 (Lowest) to 5 (Highest)
Pre-Release 4.0: This setting is used by Least Cost Routing . Release 4.0+: This setting is used by ARS .
System Phone Rights: Default = None.
This option replaces the System Phone option used on pre-Release 6.0 systems. Users set as a system phone
user are able to access additional functions .
The user cannot access any system phone options.
Level 1
The user can access all system phone options supported on the type of phone they are using except system
management and memory card commands.
Level 2
The user can access all system phone options supported on the type of phone they are using including system
management and memory card commands. Due to the nature of the additional commands a login code should
be set for the user to restrict access.
Profile : Default = Basic User. Release 6.0+.
A user's profile controls whether they can be configured for a number of features. The table below lists the different
user profiles and the features accessible by each profile. Setting a user to a particular profile enables those features by
default, however they can be manually disabled if necessary. The number of users that can be configured for each
profile, other than Basic User, is controlled by the user licenses present in the configuration.
System Type IP Office Essential Edition, IP Office Preferred
Edition, IP Office Advanced Edition
IP Office Server Edition
User Profile
one-X Portal Services Yes
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
" Telecommuter
Yes Yes Yes
UMS Web Services Yes
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Mobility Features
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
TTS for Email Reading Yes Yes Yes
IP Office SoftPhone Yes Yes Yes
Remote Worker
Yes Yes Yes
Flare Communicator
for IP Office
Yes Yes Yes Yes
* These features are supported for Basic User users on upgraded systems with the appropriate pre-
Release 6.0 legacy licenses.
1. For Release 8.0 and higher, a Preferred Edition system license is a pre-requisite for any user profile
For system's upgrade to Release 8.0, user profiles licenses are valid without the need for a
Preferred Edition license. This applies to systems upgraded within the 90-day free upgrade period
for new systems or upgraded with an System Upgrade License.
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Configuration Settings: User
In a multi-site network, the Preferred Edition license of the central system is automatically shared
with other systems in the network, enabling user profile licenses on those other systems. However,
each system supporting a Voicemail Pro server still requires its own Preferred Edition license for
Voicemail Pro operation.
2. For Release 8.0, the mobility features are enabled for all users by the Essential Edition system license.
3. Release 8.0+: The system supports users using remote H.323 extensions . On non-IP Office Server
Edition systems, up to 4 Basic users are supported as remote extensions without needing to be licensed,
ie. not configured and licensed for a user profile. Additional remote users are supported if licensed and
configured for either a Teleworker or Power User user profile. On IP Office Server Edition systems,
remote workers are supported for users licensed and configured for the Power User user profile.
4. Supported for advanced Flare Communicator for IP Office usage if one-X Portal for IP Office and Voicemail
Pro applications are also installed. If otherwise, only basic Flare Communicator for IP Office usage is
supported. Basic Flare Communicator for IP Office usage can also be enabled for any user profile using a
Avaya Softphone license.
Receptionist : Default = Off. Release 6.0+.
This settings allows the user to use the SoftConsole application. This requires the configuration to contain
Receptionist licenses . Up to 4 users can be licensed, 10 for IP Office Server Edition systems.
For IP Office Server Edition mode, the licenses for SoftConsole are only supported in the configuration of the
IP Office Server Edition Primary Server and with users hosted by that server. The use of SoftConsole is not
supported for user's who then hot-desk to other systems in the multi-site network.
Pre-Release 7.0: A license is required for each user configured as a receptionist.
Release 7.0+: A license is only required when a configured user runs SoftConsole.
Enable Softphone : Default = Off. Release 6.0+.
If selected, the user is able to use the IP Office Softphone application.
Enable one-X Portal Services: Default = Off. Release 5.0+.
If selected, the user is able to use the one-X Portal for IP Office application to access their phone settings and to
control phone calls. For systems upgraded to Release 6.0 with existing licenses for one-X Portal for IP Office, those
licenses can be used with users whose Profile is set to Basic User.
Enable one-X TeleCommuter: Release 6.0+.
If selected, the user is able to use the telecommuter mode features of the one-X Portal for IP Office application.
Enable Remote Worker: Default = Off. Release 8.0+.
Indicates whether the user is allowed to use an H.323 remote extension . Supported for up to 4 Basic users plus
any users licensed and configured as Teleworker and or Power User user profiles.
If the user's Extension Number matches the Base Extension setting of an IP extension, the Allow
Remote Extn setting of that extension is automatically changed to match the user's Enable Remote
Worker setting and vice versa.
Enable Flare: Release 8.1
This option allows the user to use Flare Communicator for IP Office as their current telephone device. It can be enabled
for users whose Profile is set to Officeworker or Power User. To enable Flare for Basic User, Mobile Worker or
Teleworker, you need the Avaya Softphone license.
Flare Mode: Default = Simultaneous. Release 8.1
When a user logs into Flare Communicator for IP Office, it can be used as their telephone device in one of two
In this mode, when the user logs into their Flare Communicator for IP Office application, they are
automatically logged out of their normal desk telephone. In this state, incoming calls only alert on the Flare
Communicator for IP Office device.
In this mode, the user be logged into Flare Communicator for IP Office and their normal desk telephone at the
same time. Incoming calls alert on both the Flare Communicator for IP Office device and the normal telephone
Ex Directory: Default = Off
When on, the user does not appear in the directory list shown by the user applications and on phones with a directory
Send Mobility Email: Default = Off
When on, users that are assigned a Profile of Mobile Worker or Power User automatically receive a welcome email
with the following information:
A brief introduction of one-X Mobile Preferred for IP Office.
Instructions and links for installing and configuring the one-X Mobile Preferred client.
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For more information on installing the one-X Mobile Preferred client, see Avaya one-X Mobile for IP Office
Administration Guide.
Restrictions: Default = None. Release Up to 3.1.
Sets which set of User Restrictions applies to the user.
Phone Manager Type: Default = Lite. Release Up to 3.1.
Determines the mode in which the user's copy of the Phone Manager application will operate. Modes are Lite, Pro and
VoIP (Phone Manager Pro PC Softphone). Note that the number of users able to simultaneously use Pro and VoIP
modes is controlled by licenses entered into the system configuration. *In Release 3.2 configurations this option has
moved to the Phone Manager Options tab.
Connect Phone Manager to Conferencing Center: Default = Off. Release Up to 3.1.
When enabled, displays links in the user's Phone Manager application for access to the Conferencing Center application
if installed. Note that to book a conference requires the user to have a Conferencing Center user ID and password. This
feature also requires the Conferencing Center IP Address and Conferencing Center URL to be set (System | System).
*In Release 3.2 configurations, this option has moved to the Phone Manager Options tab.
Device Type:
This field shows the type of phone at which the user is current logged in. If the user is logged out but is associated
with a Base Extension, the device type for that extension port is shown. If the user has been logged out and is not
associated with a Base Extension, the device type is listed as Device Type Unknown.
User Rights View: Release 3.2+.
This field affects IP Office Manager only. It allows you to switch between displaying the user settings as affected by
their associated Working Hours User Rights or Out of Hours User Rights.
Working Hours Time Profile: Default = <None> (Continuous). Release 3.2+.
If set, the selected time profile defines when the user's Working Hours User Rights are applied. Outside the time
profile, the user's Out of Hours User Rights are applied.
Working Hours User Rights: Default = Blank (No rights restrictions). Release 3.2+.
This field allows selection of user rights which may set and lock some user settings. If a Working Hours Time Profile
has been selected, the Working Hours User Rights are only applied during the times defined by that time profile,
otherwise they are applied at all times.
Out of Hours User Rights: Default = Blank (No rights restrictions). Release 3.2+.
This field allows selection of alternate user rights that are used outside the times defined by the user's Working Hours
Time Profile.
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Configuration Settings: User
6.7.2 Voicemail
If a voicemail server application is being used on your system, each user has use of a voicemail mailbox. You can use this
form to enable this facility and various user voicemail settings.
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
Release: 1.0+.
Mergeable: These settings are mergeable. Changes to these settings do not require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
A symbol indicates that the setting can also be set and locked within a set of user rights with which the user is
associated using the Working Hour User Rights and Out of Hours User Rights settings. The user rights
applied can be controlled by a time profile selected as the user's Working Hours Time Profile setting. The effect
of the user rights can be displayed using the User Rights View control.
Voicemail Code: Default = Blank. Range = 0 (no code) to 15 digits.
A code used by the voicemail server to validate access to this mailbox. If remote access is attempted to a mailbox that
has no voicemail code set, the prompt "Remote access is not configured on this mailbox" is played.
The mailbox access code can be set through the mailbox telephone user interface. For Release 8.1+, the
minimum password length is set by Voicemail Pro client setting and is 0 digits for IP Office mailbox mode and
2 digits for Intuity mailbox mode. For previous releases the minimum is 4 digits.
Codes set through the Voicemail Pro telephone user interface are restricted to valid sequences. For example,
attempting to enter a code that matches the mailbox extension, repeat the same number (1111) or a
sequence of numbers (1234) are not allowed. If these types of code are required they can be entered through
IP Office Manager.
IP Office Manager does not enforce any password requirements for the code if one is set through IP Office
Embedded Voicemail
For Embedded Voicemail running in IP Office mailbox mode, the voicemail code is used if set.
IP Office mode
The voicemail code is required when accessing the mailbox from a location that is not set as a trusted number in
the user's Source Numbers list.
Intuity Emulation mode
By default the voicemail code is required for all mailbox access. The first time the mailbox is accessed the user will
be prompted to change the password. Also if the voicemail code setting is left blank, the caller will be prompted to
set a code when they next access the mailbox. The requirement to enter the voicemail code can be removed by
adding a customized user or default collect call flow, refer to the Voicemail Pro manuals for full details.
Trusted Source Access
The voicemail code is required when accessing the mailbox from a location that is not set as a trusted number in
the user's Source Numbers list.
Call Flow Password Request
Voicemail Pro call flows containing an action where the action's PIN code set to $ will prompt the user for their
voicemail code.
Changing the Code
All of the voicemail interfaces, except IMS and IMAP, provide options for the user to change the voicemail code
themselves. In addition, Voicemail Pro running in Intuity emulation mode will request that the user sets a code
when they first log in to their mailbox using the phone.
Voicemail On Default = On
When on, the mailbox is used by the system to answer the user's unanswered calls or calls when the user's extension
returns busy. Note that selecting off does not disable use of the user's mailbox. Messages can still be forward to their
mailbox and recordings can be placed in it. The mailbox can also still be accessed to collect messages.
When a caller is directed to voicemail to leave a message, the system indicates the target user or hunt group
Pre-Release 4.0: The mailbox of the user or hunt group whose settings have caused the call to go to voicemail
is used.
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For Release 4.0+: The mailbox of the originally targeted user or hunt group is used. This applies even if the
call has been forwarded to another destination. It also includes scenarios where a hunt group call overflows or
is in fallback to another group.
Voicemail Pro can be used to customize which mailbox is used separately from the mailbox indicated by the
Voicemail Help Default = Off
This option controls whether users retrieving messages are automatically given an additional prompt "For help at any
time press 8." If switched off, users can still press 8 for help. For voicemail systems running in Intuity emulation mode,
this option has no effect. On those systems the default access greeting always includes the prompt "For help at any
time, press *4" (*H in the US locale).
Voicemail Ringback: Default = Off
When enabled and a new message has been received, the voicemail server calls the user's extension to attempt to
deliver the message each time the telephone is put down. Voicemail will not ring the extension more than once every
30 seconds.
Voicemail Email Reading: Default = Off
This option can be enabled for users whose Profile is set to Mobile Worker or Power User. If enabled, when you
log into you voicemail box, it will detect your email messages and read them to you. This email text to speech feature
is set-up through Voicemail Pro. This option is not currently supported with Linux based Voicemail Pro.
UMS Web Services: Default = Off. Release 4.2+.
For IP Office Server Edition systems this option can be enabled for users whose Profile is set to Office Worker or
Power User. For standalone systems the option can be enabled for users whose Profile is set to Teleworker,
Office Worker or Power User. When selected, the user can use any of the Voicemail Pro UMS services to access their
voicemail messages (IMAP email client, web browser or Exchange 2007 mailbox). Note that the user must have a
voicemail code set in order to use the UMS services.
For systems upgraded to Release 6.0 with existing UMS Web Service licenses, those licenses can be used
with users whose Profile is set to Basic User.
Voicemail Email: Default = Blank (No voicemail email features)
This field is used to set the user or group email address used by the voicemail server for voicemail email operation.
When an address is entered, the additional Voicemail Email control below are selectable to configure the type of
voicemail email service that should be provided.
Use of voicemail email requires the Voicemail Pro server to have been configured to use either a local MAPI email
client or an SMTP email server account. For Embedded Voicemail, voicemail email is supported with Release 4.2+
(except not on Small Office Edition) and uses the system's SMTP settings.
The use of voicemail email for the sending (automatic or manual) of email messages with wav files attached
should be considered with care. A one-minute message creates a 1MB .wav file. Many email systems impose limits
on emails and email attachment sizes. For example the default limit on an Exchange server is 5MB.
Voicemail Email Default = Off
If an email address is entered for the user or group, the following options become selectable. These control the mode
of automatic voicemail email operation provided by the voicemail server whenever the voicemail mailbox receives a
new voicemail message.
Users can change their voicemail email mode using visual voice. If the voicemail server is set to IP Office
mode, user can also change their voicemail email mode through the telephone prompts. The ability to change
the voicemail email mode can also be provided by Voicemail Pro in a call flow using a Play Configuration Menu
action or a Generic action.
If the voicemail server is set to IP Office mode, users can manually forward a message to email.
If off, none of the options below are used for automatic voicemail email. Users can also select this mode by dialing
*03 from their extension.
If this mode is selected, each time a new voicemail message is received in the voicemail mailbox, a copy of the
message is attached to an email and sent to the email address. There is no mailbox synchronization between the
email and voicemail mailboxes. For example reading and deletion of the email message does not affect the
message in the voicemail mailbox or the message waiting indication provided for that new message.
If this mode is selected, each time a new voicemail message is received in the voicemail mailbox, that message is
attached to an email and sent to the email address. No copy of the voicemail message is retained in the voicemail
mailbox and their is no message waiting indication. As with Copy, there is no mailbox synchronization between the
email and voicemail mailboxes. Users can also select this mode by dialing *01 from their extension.
Note that until email forwarding is completed, the message is present in the voicemail server mailbox and so
may trigger features such as message waiting indication.
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Configuration Settings: User
UMS Exchange 2007 (Release 5.0+)
With Voicemail Pro, the system supports voicemail email to an Exchange 2007 server email account. For users
and groups also enabled for UMS Web Services this significantly changes their mailbox operation. The
Exchange Server inbox is used as their voicemail message store and features such as message waiting
indication are set by new messages in that location rather than the voicemail mailbox on the voicemail server.
Telephone access to voicemail messages, including Visual Voice access, is redirected to the Exchange 2007
If this mode is selected, each time a new voicemail message is received in the voicemail mailbox, a simple email
message is sent to the email address. This is an email message announcing details of the voicemail message but
with no copy of the voicemail message attached. Users can also select this mode by dialing *02 from their
DTMF Breakout
When a caller is directed to voicemail to leave a message, they can be given the option to be transferred to a different
extension. The greeting message needs to be recorded telling the caller the options available. The extension numbers
that they can be transferred to are entered in the fields below. Release 5.0+: System default values can be set for
these numbers and are used unless a different number is set within these user settings. The values can be set using
User Rights .
Reception/Breakout (DTMF 0)
The number to which a caller is transferred if they press 0 while listening to the mailbox greeting rather than
leaving a message (*0 on Embedded Voicemail in IP Office mode).
For voicemail systems set to Intuity emulation mode, the mailbox owner can also access this option when
collecting their messages by dialing *0.
If the mailbox has been reached through a Voicemail Pro call flow containing a Leave Mail action, the option
provided when 0 is pressed are:
For IP Office mode, the call follows the Leave Mail action's Failure or Success results connections
depending on whether the caller pressed 0 before or after the record tone.
For Intuity mode, pressing 0 always follows the Reception/Breakout (DTMF 0) setting.
Breakout (DTMF 2)
The number to which a caller is transferred if they press 2 while listening to the mailbox greeting rather than
leaving a message (*2 on Embedded Voicemail in IP Office mode). Pre-Release 5.0: This option is not supported
for Voicemail Pro running in IP Office mailbox mode.
Breakout (DTMF 3)
The number to which a caller is transferred if they press 3 while listening to the mailbox greeting rather than
leaving a message (*3 on Embedded Voicemail in IP Office mode). Pre-Release 5.0: This option is not supported
for Voicemail Pro running in IP Office mailbox mode.
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6.7.3 DND
Do not disturb prevents the user from receiving hunt group and page calls. Direct callers hear busy tone or are diverted
to voicemail if available. It overrides any call forwarding, follow me and call coverage settings. A set of exception
numbers can be added to list numbers from which the user still wants to be able to receive calls when they have do not
disturb in use. See Do Not Disturb in the Telephone Features section for full details of Do Not Disturb operation.
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
Release: 1.0+.
Mergeable: These settings are mergeable. Changes to these settings do not require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
A symbol indicates that the setting can also be set and locked within a set of user rights with which the user is
associated using the Working Hour User Rights and Out of Hours User Rights settings. The user rights
applied can be controlled by a time profile selected as the user's Working Hours Time Profile setting. The effect
of the user rights can be displayed using the User Rights View control.
Do Not Disturb: Default = Off
When checked the user's extension is considered busy, except for calls coming from sources listed in their Do Not
Disturb Exception List. When a user has do not disturb in use, their normal extension will give alternate dialtone
when off hook. Release 4.2+: Users with DND on are indicated as 'busy' on any BLF indicators set to that user.
Do Not Disturb Exception List: Default = Blank
This is the list of telephone numbers that are still allowed through when Do Not Disturb is set. For example this could
be an assistant or an expected phone call. Internal extension numbers or external telephone numbers can be entered.
If you wish to add a range of numbers, you can either enter each number separately or make use of the wildcards "N"
and "X" in the number. For example, to allow all numbers from 7325551000 to 7325551099, the DND Exception
number can be entered as either 73255510XX or 73255510N. Note that this list is only applied to direct calls to the
Calls to a hunt group of which the user is a member do not use the Do Not Disturb Exceptions list.
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Configuration Settings: User
6.7.4 Short Codes
Short codes entered in this list can only be dialed by the user. They will override any matching user rights or system
short code. See Short Codes for details.
User and User Rights short codes are only applied to numbers dialed by that user. For example they are not applied to
calls forwarded via the user.
User dialing of emergency numbers must not be blocked by the addition of short codes. If short codes are added, the
users ability to dial emergency numbers must be tested and maintained.
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
Release: 1.0+.
Mergeable: These settings are mergeable. Changes to these settings do not require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
A symbol indicates that the setting can also be set and locked within a set of user rights with which the user is
associated using the Working Hour User Rights and Out of Hours User Rights settings. The user rights
applied can be controlled by a time profile selected as the user's Working Hours Time Profile setting. The effect
of the user rights can be displayed using the User Rights View control.
Short codes can be added and edited using the Add, Remove and Edit buttons. Alternatively you can right-click on the
list of existing short code to add and edit short codes.
Short codes of this form are inserted by the system. They are used in conjunction with the User | Forwarding
settings to remember previously used forwarding numbers. They can be accessed on that tab by using the drop-down
selector on the forwarding fields.
Short codes of this form are often inserted by the system. They are used by some phone types to contain settings
relating to functions such as ring volume and auto answer. Deleting such short codes will cause related phone settings
to return to their defaults.
*DCP/Dial/8xxxxxxx, 0, 1, 1, 0/0
For system's with TCM phone ports, when a phone is first connected to the port, the button programming of the
associated user is overwritten with the default button programming appropriate for the phone model. Adding the
above short code prevents that behavior if not required, for example if a pre-built configuration including user
button programming is added to the system before the connection of phones.
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6.7.5 Source Numbers
This form is used to enter values that have special usages. These are entered using the Add, Edit and Remove buttons.
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
Release: 1.0+.
Mergeable: These settings are mergeable. Changes to these settings do not require a reboot of the system.
Standard User Source Numbers
The following types of record can be added to a user's source numbers:
V<Caller's ICLID>
Strings prefixed with a V indicate numbers from which access to the users mailbox is allowed without requiring entry of
the mailbox's voicemail code. This is referred to as "trusted source".
For Voicemail Pro running in Intuity mode, trusted source is used for calls from programmable buttons set to
Voicemail Collect and Visual Voice. Other controls are prompted for the mailbox number and then password.
R<Caller's ICLID>
To allow Dial In/RAS call access only from a specified number prefix the number with a "R", for example
H<Group Name>
Allows the user to receive message waiting indication of new group messages. Enter H followed by the group name, for
example HMain.
On suitable display extensions, the hunt group name and number of new messages is displayed. Refer to the
appropriate telephone user guide.
If the user is using Phone Manager, the Messages tab shows the hunt group name and number of new messages.
If the user is not a member of the group, a voicemail code must be set for the group's mailbox. See Voicemail Code
on the Hunt Group | Voicemail tab.
P<Telephone Number>
This record sets the destination for callback (outbound alert) calls from voicemail. Enter P followed by the telephone
number including any necessary external dialing prefix, for example P917325559876. This facility is only available
when using Voicemail Pro through which a default Callback or a user specific Callback start point has been configured.
Refer to the Voicemail Pro documentation. This feature is separate from voicemail ringback and Voicemail Pro
RESERVE_LAST_CA= Release Up to 3.2.
Used for users with multiple call appearance buttons. When present, this string stops the users last call appearance
button from being used to receive incoming calls. This ensures that the user always has a call appearance button
available to make outgoing calls and to initiate transfers and conferences. For Release 4.0 and higher this option has
been replaced by Reserve Last CA (User | Telephony | Multi-line Options ).
Strings beginning with AT can be used with a user called DTEDefault to configure the default settings of the control
unit's DTE port.
Enable one touch transfer operation for the user.
NoUser User Source Numbers
The following source numbers can also be used on the Source Numbers tab of the NoUser user. These affect all
users on the system. Note that changes to these source numbers require a reboot of the system to become effective.
ACD_QUEUE_DELAY=nn Release Up to 3.2.
Used to change the timeout for still queued messages. The parameter nn can be replaced with a time in seconds
between 20 and 180. For IPOffice 4.0+ this has been replaced by Hunt Group | Announcements .
ALLOW_5410_UPGRADES Software level - 4.1 Q1 2008 Maintenance Release+.
Previously the only control over the upgrading of 5410 phones was controlled by the use of the turn_on.bat and
turn_off.bat batch files installed with the IP Office Manager application. Now in addition this option must be present for
5410 phones to update their firmware. Refer to the IP Office Installation manual for full details.
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Configuration Settings: User
DECT_REVERSE_RING (Release 8.0+)
By default, when this parameter is not set, calls on DECT phones associated with a CTI application will ring as a Priority
call. When this parameter is set, DECT phones ring as a normal, external or internal, call.
Used to display a specific message about the call type for calls returning after timing out from being parked or held. If
set, such calls display Return Call - Held or Return Call Parked rather than connected party name or line name.
ExtendDirectLimit <optional limit> (Release 4.1 4.2)
This command allows the number of directory records that can be added to the configuration to be controlled. By
default IP Office Manager imposes a limit of 1000 directory records. If this command is used without specifying an
optional limit, the limit set is determined by the type of control unit; refer to the table below. Note that specifying or
allowing a large directory limit may affect the performance of applications that use and display the directory, for
example Phone Manager.
! Warning
Specifying a large directory limit may affect the performance of applications that use and display the directory, for
example Phone Manager, SoftConsole and phones with access to the directory. It may also delay the inward
routing of calls as the system attempts to match ICLID's received to names using the directory records.
ExtendLDAPDirectLimit <optional limit> (Release 4.1 4.2)
This command allows the number of LDAP directory records that the system will read to be controlled. By default the
system will only support up to 500 LDAP directory records. If this command is used without specifying an optional
limit, the limit set is determined by the type of control unit; refer to the table below. Note that specifying or allowing a
large directory limit may affect the performance of applications that use and display the directory, for example Phone
Control Unit Directory Records LDAP Records
Small Office Edition 100 1000
IP406 V2 2500 10000
IP412 10000 10000
IP500 10000 10000
FORCE_HANDSFREE_TRANSFER (Release 4.2 Q4 Maintenance release+)
If set, when using the handsfree announced transfer process, both the transfer enquiry and transfer completion
calls are auto-answered. Without this setting only the transfer enquiry call is auto-answered.
H.323SetupTimerNoLCR (Release 3.2 only)
Used to set the fallback time from VoIP trunks to non-VoIP trunks within LCR. See IP Trunk Fallback. For Release 4.2+
the setting Call Initiation Timeout is available on SIP and IP trunks.
Used to hide the call status information, for example Dial, Conn, etc, on DS phones. Used in conjunction with the
LONGER_NAMES option. Not supported for 1600 and 9600 Series phones.
Used to increase the length of names sent for display on DS phones. See Caller Display . Not supported for 1600
and 9600 Series phones.
On outgoing external calls made using short codes to dial the full number, only the short code dialed is displayed on
the dialing user's phone and any directory matching is based on that number dialled. On systems with this source
number added to the configuration, after dialing a short code the full number dialled by that short code is shown and
directory matching is based on that full number.
See Line | VoIP .
SIP_OPTIONS_PERIOD=X (X = time in minutes)
The system sends SIP options messages periodically to determine if the SIP connection is active. See Options
Operations for information on when SIP options messages are sent.
The rate at which the messages are sent is determined by the combination of the Binding Refresh Time (in seconds)
set on the Network Topology tab and the SIP_OPTIONS_PERIOD parameter (in minutes). The frequency of
sent messages is determined as follows:
If no SIP_OPTIONS_PERIOD parameter is defined and the Binding Refresh Time is 0, then the default value of
300 seconds is used.
To establish a period less than 300 seconds, do not define a SIP_OPTIONS_PERIOD parameter and set the
Binding Refresh Time to a value less than 300 seconds. The OPTIONS message period will be equal to the
Binding Refresh Time.
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To establish a period greater than 300 seconds, a SIP_OPTIONS_PERIOD parameter must be defined. The
Binding Refresh Time must be set to a value greater than 300 seconds. The OPTIONS message period will be the
smaller of the Binding Refresh Time and the SIP_OPTIONS_PERIOD.
VM_TRUNCATE_TIME=X (Range X = 0 to 7 seconds. Release 3.2 Maintenance Releases and 4.0+)
On analog trunks, call disconnection can occur though busy tone detection. When such calls go to voicemail to be
recorded or leave a message, when the call ends the system indicates to the voicemail server how much to remove
from the end of the recording in order to remove the busy tone segment. This amount varies by system locale , the
defaults being listed below. For some systems it may be necessary to override the default if analog call recordings are
being clipped or include busy tone. That can be done by adding a VM_TRUNCATE_TIME= setting with the required
value in the range 0 to 7 seconds.
New Zealand, Australia, China, Saudi Arabia and Custom: 5 seconds.
Korea: 3 seconds.
Italy, Mexico, Chile, Colombia and Brazil: 2 seconds.
Argentina, United States, Canada and Turkey: 0 seconds.
All other locales: 7 seconds.
VMAIL_WAIT_DURATION=X (Release 4.2 2Q09+)
The number of milliseconds to wait before cutting through the audio to Voicemail. Some delay is required to allow for
codec negotiation.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Configuration Settings: User
6.7.6 Telephony
This form allows you to set telephony related features for the user. These override any matching setting in the System |
Telephony tab. The settings are grouped into a number of sub-tabs. Call Settings
For details of the ringing tones, see Ring Tones . DefaultRing uses the system default setting set through the System |
Telephony tab.
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
Release: 1.0+.
Mergeable: These settings are mergeable. Changes to these settings do not require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
A symbol indicates that the setting can also be set and locked within a set of user rights with which the user is
associated using the Working Hour User Rights and Out of Hours User Rights settings. The user rights
applied can be controlled by a time profile selected as the user's Working Hours Time Profile setting. The effect
of the user rights can be displayed using the User Rights View control.
Outside Call Sequence: Default = Default Ring (Use system setting )
Applies only to analog phones. Sets the ring pattern used for external calls to the user. The distinctive ring patterns
used for other phones are fixed. Note that changing the pattern for users associated with fax and modem device
extensions may cause those devices to not recognize and answer calls.
Inside Call Sequence: Default = Default Ring (Use system setting )
Applies only to analog phones. Sets the ring pattern used for internal calls to the user. The distinctive ring patterns
used for other phones are fixed.
Ring Back Sequence: Default = Default Ring (Use system setting )
Applies only to analog phones. Sets the ring pattern used for ringback calls to the user. The distinctive ring patterns
used for other phones are fixed.
No Answer Time: Default = Blank (Use system setting ). Range = 6 to 99999 seconds.
Sets how long a call rings the user before following forwarded on no answer if set or going to voicemail. Leave blank to
use the system default setting.
Wrap-up Time (secs): Default = 2 seconds, Range 0 to 99999 seconds.
Specifies the amount of time after ending one call during which the user is treated as still being busy. During this
Other phones or applications monitoring the user's status will indicate the user as still being busy (on a call).
Hunt group calls will not be presented to the user.
If the user is using a single line set, direct calls also receive busy treatment. If the user is using a mutli-line
set (multiple call appearances), direct calls to them will ring as normal.
It is recommended that this option is not set to less than the default of 2 seconds. 0 is used to allow immediate
For users set as an CCR Agent, the After Call Work Time (User | Telephony | Supervisor Settings ) setting
should be used.
Transfer Return Time (secs): Default = Blank (Off), Range 1 to 99999 seconds.
Sets the delay after which any call transferred by the user, which remains unanswered, should return to the user. A
return call will continue ringing and does not follow any forwards or go to voicemail.
Pre-Release 3.2: The transfer return only occurs if the user has no other connected call.
Release 3.2+: Transfer return will occur if the user has an available call appearance button.
Transfer return is not applied if the transfer is to a hunt group that has queuing enabled.
Call Cost Mark-Up: Default = 100. Release 4.0+.
This setting is used for ISDN advice of charge (AOC). The markup is applied to the cost calculations based on the
number of units and the line base cost per charging unit. The field is in units of 1/100th, for example an entry of 100 is
a markup factor of 1. This value is included in the system SMDR output.
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Call Waiting On: Default = Off
For users on phones without appearance buttons, if the user is on a call and a second call arrives for them, an audio
tone can be given in the speech path to indicate a waiting call (the call waiting tone varies according to locale). The
waiting caller hears ringing rather than receiving busy. There can only be one waiting call, any further calls receive
normal busy treatment. If the call waiting is not answered within the no answer time, it follows forward on no answer
or goes to voicemail as appropriate. User call waiting is not used for users on phones with multiple call appearance
buttons. Call waiting can also be applied to hunt group calls, see Hunt Group | Hunt Group | Call Waiting . Call
waiting should not be used for fax and modem devices.
Answer Call Waiting on Hold: Default = On
Applies to analog and IP DECT extension users only. If the user has a call waiting and places their current call on hold,
the waiting call is automatically connected.
Busy on Held: Default = On
If on, when the user has a call on hold, new calls receive busy treatment. They will follow the user's forward on busy
setting or are diverted to voicemail. Otherwise busy tone (ringing for incoming analog calls) is played. This overrides
call waiting when the user has a call on hold. The use of Busy on Held for users with multiple call appearance buttons
is deprecated and IP Office Manager will prompt whether it should switch off the feature off for such a user.
Offhook Station: Default = Off
Off-hook station allows an analog extension to be left permanently off-hook, with calls being made and answered using
an application or TAPI. When enabled, the analog extension user is able to control calls using the application in the
following ways:
Offhook station does not disable the physical off-hook on the phone. When starting with the phone on-hook,
making and answering calls is the same as normal analog extension operation. Additionally however calls can be
initiated from the application. After entering the required number and making the call, the on-hook analog
extension receives a ringback showing the users own caller ID and when answered the outgoing call leg to the
dialed number is started.
Pre-Release 4.0: Calls to a busy destination are cleared immediately without hearing busy tone.
Release 4.0+: Calls to a busy destination present busy tone before being cleared. Except Phone Manager PC
The application can be used to end a call with the analog extension still off-hook. Instead of hearing disconnect
tone the user hears silence and can use the application to make another call. Though off-hook the user is indicated
as idle on BLF indicators. Without off-hook Station set the user would be indicated as busy when off-hook, whether
on a call or not.
If off-hook and idle (having cleared a previous call), incoming call alerts by presenting ringing through the audio
path. The call can be answered using the application or going on-hook/off-hook or by pressing recall. Note that if
the phone normally displays call ID, any caller ID displayed on the phone is not updated in this mode, however the
call ID in the application will be that of the current call.
If on-hook, an incoming call alerts as normal using the phone's ringer and is answered by going off-hook. The
answer call option in the application cannot be used to answer calls to an on-hook analog extension.
While off-hook and idle, the analog extension user will receive page calls.
If the analog extension handset is replaced with a headset, changing the Extension Classification (Extn |
Analog) to Quiet Handset is recommended.
Offhook Station is not intended for non-analog phone extension. However, since it enables the answer calls control
in Phone Manager it is recommended that the option is selected for non-analog extension users.
System Phone: Default = Off
Users set as a system phone user are able to access additional functions . For Release 6.0 and higher systems, the
setting has been replaced by the System Phone Rights setting on the User | User tab.
Remote Homeworker/Agent: Default = Off. Release Up to 3.2 only.
Select if the user has been configured as a remote extension on an Avaya INDeX telephone system. Refer to the
INDeX Level 10 documentation for full details. Only available in Locales where the Avaya INDeX switch is supported.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Configuration Settings: User Supervisor Settings
These settings relate to user features normally only adjusted by the user's supervisor.
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
Release: 1.0+.
Mergeable: These settings are mergeable. Changes to these settings do not require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
A symbol indicates that the setting can also be set and locked within a set of user rights with which the user is
associated using the Working Hour User Rights and Out of Hours User Rights settings. The user rights
applied can be controlled by a time profile selected as the user's Working Hours Time Profile setting. The effect
of the user rights can be displayed using the User Rights View control.
Login Code: Default = Blank. Range = Up to 31 digits.
The code that has to be entered, as part of a log in sequence, to allow a user to make use of an extension as if it was
their own phone. This log in code can be used for hot desking as well as logging back onto your phone after it has been
used by a hot desking user. This entry must be at least 4 digits for DS port users. Login codes of up to 15 digits are
supported with Extn Login buttons . Login codes of up to 31 digits are supported with Extn Login short
codes .
For IP phone users, the login code should be limited to 13 digits. The user's login code is used by IP phones during
registration with the system.
Release 4.0+: Users can hot desking between systems. To log in at a pre-Release 5.0 system requires that IP Office
to have a Advanced Small Community Networking license.
Release 4.0+: Users can only log out if they have a Login Code set.
Release 4.1 2008 Q2 maintenance release+: Supports the short code feature Change Login Code .
Release 4.2+: Users can log out without having a Login Code set if they are currently logged in at an extension
whose Base Extension Number (Extension | Extn) no longer matches their own Extension (User |
User) .
If the user has a login code set, it is used by the Outgoing Call Bar Off short code feature.
If the user has a login code set, access to a range of programmable button features will require entry of the login
code. For example access Self Admin and System Phone features.
Login Idle Period (secs): Default = Blank (Off). Range = 0 (Off) to 99999.
If the telephone is not used for this period; the user currently logged in is automatically logged out. This option should
be used only in conjunction with Force Login (see below).
Monitor Group: Default = <None>
Sets the hunt group whose members the user can monitor if silent monitoring is setup. See Call Listen .
Coverage Group: Default = <None>. Release 5.0+
If a group is selected, then in scenarios where an external call would normally have gone to voicemail, it instead
continues ringing and also starts alerting the members of the coverage group. For further details refer to Coverage
Groups .
Status on No Answer: Default = Logged On. Release 4.0+.
Hunt groups can change the status of call center agents (users with a log in code and set to forced log in) who do not
answer a hunt group call presented to them before it is automatically presented to the next agent. Use of this is
controlled by the Agent's Status on No Answer Applies To setting of the hunt group. This option is not used for
calls ringing the agent because the agent is in another group's overflow group.
Logged On
If this option is selected, the user's status is not changed.
Busy Wrap-Up
If this option is selected the user's membership status of the hunt group triggering the action is changed to disabled.
The user can still make and receive calls and will still continue to receive calls from other hunt groups to which they
Busy Not Available
If this option is selected the user's status is changed to do not disturb. This is the equivalent of DND and will affect
all calls to the user.
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Logged Off
If this option is selected the users status is changed to logged out. In that state they cannot make calls or receive
calls. Hunt group calls go to the next available agent and personal calls treat the user as being busy.
Reset Longest Idle Time: Default = All Calls. Release 4.0+.
This setting is used in conjunction with hunt groups set to Longest Waiting (also known as Idle and Longest Waiting). It
defines what type of calls reset the idle time of users who are members of these hunt groups. Options are All Calls
and External Incoming.
Force Login: Default = Off
If checked, the user must log in using their Login Code to use any extension including an extension to which they are
the default associated user (Base Extension). For example, if Force Login is ticked for user A and user B has logged
onto A's phone, when B logs off user A is not automatically associated with their normal phone and instead must log
back on. If Force Login was not ticked, A would be automatically logged back in.
For users set as CCR Agents, Forced Login is automatically enabled and cannot be switched off.
Note that users with a Login Code and set to Forced Login are treated as call center agents. These users consume
CCC agents licenses and their status is reported within CBC and CCC applications.
Force Account Code: Default = Off
If checked, the user must enter a valid account code to make an external call.
Force Authorization Code: Default = Off. Release 3.2+.
If checked, the user must enter a valid authorization code to make an external call. That authorization code must be
one associated with the user or the user rights to which the user belongs. See Authorization Codes .
Outgoing Call Bar: Default = Off
When enabled, this setting stops a user from making any external calls except those that use dial emergency features.
On many Avaya display phones, this causes a B to be displayed. The following features can be used with outgoing call
bar: Outgoing Call Bar On , Outgoing Call Bar Off and Change Login Code .
Inhibit Off-Switch Forward/Transfers: Default = Off. Release 3.2+.
When enabled, this setting stops the user from transferring or forwarding calls externally. This does not stop another
user transferring the restricted users calls off-switch on their behalf. Note that a number of other controls may inhibit
the transfer operation, see Off-Switch Transfer Restriction .
Can Intrude: Default = Off
Check this option if the user can join or interrupt other user's calls using call intrusion methods other than
Cannot be Intruded: Default = On (Pre-4.0 - Off in Italy)
If checked, this user's calls cannot be interrupted or acquired by other internal users using call intrusion . For users
with Cannot Be Intruded off, private call can be used to indicate whether a call can be intrude or not.
Can Trace Calls: Default = Off. Release 4.0+.
This settings controls whether the user is able to make used of ISDN MCID controls.
Can Accept Collect Calls: Default = Off [Brazil Only]
Determines whether the user is able to receive and accept collect calls.
CCR Agent: Default = Off. Release 4.2+.
This field is used by the CCR application to indicate which users are Agents monitored by that application. It also
indicate to the system those users who can use other CCR features within the system configuration. If a user is set as
an CCR Agent, Forced Login is enabled and greyed out from being changed and a warning is given if the user does
not have a log in code set.
The number of simultaneous logged in CCR Agents supported by the system is controlled by licenses entered
into the configuration. If all agent licenses on a system have been used, additional agents are prevented from
logging in.
Automatic After Call Work: Default = Off. Release 4.2.
CCR Agents (see above) can be automatically put into After Call Work (ACW) state after ending a hunt group call.
During ACW state, further hunt group calls are not presented to the agent. Unless ended manually, the After Call Work
state is automatically cleared after the agent's After Call Work Time setting. Automatic after call work is only supported
when the agent is using a phone that supports an After Call Work button.
After Call Work Time (secs): Default = System Default. Range = 0 (No ACW) to 999 seconds. Release 4.2+.
For CCR Agents with Automatic After Call Work enabled, this value sets the duration of the ACW period. If set to
System Default, the value set in System | CCR | Default After Call Work Time is used. A value of 0 disables
the user from using ACW.
Deny Auto Intercom Calls: Default = Off. Release 8.1.
When enabled, any automatic intercom calls to the user's extension are automatically turned into normal calls.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Configuration Settings: User Multi-line Options
Multi-line options are applied to a user's phone when the user is using an Avaya phones which supports appearance
buttons (call appearance, line appearance, bridged and call coverage). See Appearance Button Operation .
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
Release: 1.0+.
Mergeable: These settings are mergeable. Changes to these settings do not require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
A symbol indicates that the setting can also be set and locked within a set of user rights with which the user is
associated using the Working Hour User Rights and Out of Hours User Rights settings. The user rights
applied can be controlled by a time profile selected as the user's Working Hours Time Profile setting. The effect
of the user rights can be displayed using the User Rights View control.
Individual Coverage Time (secs): Default = 10 seconds, Range 1 to 99999 seconds. Software level 3.0+.
This function sets how long the phone will ring at your extension before also alerting at any call coverage users. This
time setting should not be equal to or greater than the No Answer Time applicable for the user.
Ring Delay: Default = Blank (Use system setting). Range = 0 (use system setting ) to 98 seconds. Release 3.2+.
This setting is used when any of the user's programmed appearance buttons is set to Delayed ringing. Calls received
on that button will initially only alert visually. Audible alerting will only occur after the ring delay has expired.
Coverage Ring: Default = Ring. Release 5.0+.
This field selects the type of ringing that should be used for calls alerting on any the user's call coverage and bridged
appearance buttons. Ring selects normal ringing. Abbreviated Ring selects a single non-repeated ring. No Ring
disables audible ringing. Note that each button's own ring settings (Immediate, Delayed Ring or No Ring) are still
The ring used for a call alerting on a call coverage or bridged appearance button will vary according to whether the
user is currently connected to a call or not.
If not currently on a call, the Coverage Ring setting is used.
If currently on a call, the quieter of the Coverage Ring and Attention Ring settings is used.
Attention Ring
Coverage Ring Setting
Ring Abbreviated Off
Ring Ring Abbreviated Off
Abbreviated Abbreviated Abbreviated Off
Attention Ring: Default = Abbreviated Ring. Release 4.1+.
This field selects the type of ringing that should be used for calls alerting on appearance buttons when the user already
has a connected call on one of their appearance buttons. Ring selects normal ringing. Abbreviated Ring selects a
single ring. Note that each button's own ring settings (Immediate, Delayed Ring or No Ring) are still applied.
Ringing Line Preference: Default = On. Release 3.0+.
For users with multiple appearance buttons. When the user is free and has several calls alerting, ringing line preference
assigns currently selected button status to the appearance button of the longest waiting call. Ringing line preference
overrides idle line preference.
Idle Line Preference: Default = On. Release 3.0+.
For users with multiple appearance buttons. When the user is free and has no alerting calls, idle line preference assigns
the currently selected button status to the first available appearance button.
Delayed Ring Preference: Default = Off. Release 4.0+.
This setting is used in conjunction with appearance buttons set to delayed or no ring. It sets whether ringing line
preference should use or ignore the delayed ring settings applied to the user's appearance buttons.
When on, ringing line preference is only applied to alerting buttons on which the ring delay has expired.
When off, ringing line preference can be applied to an alerting button even if it has delayed ring applied. This is
the same as pre-4.0 ringing line preference operation.
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Answer Pre-Select: Default = Off. Release 4.0+.
Normally when a user has multiple alerting calls, only the details and functions for the call on currently selected button
are shown. Pressing any of the alerting buttons will answer the call on that button, going off-hook will answer the
currently selected button. Enabling Answer Pre-Select allows the user to press any alerting button to make it the
current selected button and displaying its call details without answering that call until the user either presses that
button again or goes off-hook. Note that when both Answer Pre-Select and Ringing Line Preference are enabled,
once current selected status is assigned to a button through ringing line preference it is not automatically moved to
any other button.
Reserve Last CA: Default = Off. Release 4.0+.
Used for users with multiple call appearance buttons. When selected, this option stops the user's last call appearance
button from being used to receive incoming calls. This ensures that the user always has a call appearance button
available to make an outgoing call and to initiate actions such as transfers and conferences. For pre-4.0 IP Office, this
option is set by adding the RESERVE_LAST_CA= option on the User | Source Numbers tab.
Release 8.1+: 1400, 1600, 9500 and 9600 Series telephone users can put a call on hold pending transfer if they
already have held calls even if they have no free call appearance button available. See Context Sensitive Transfer
Abbreviated Ring:
This option has been replaced by the Attention Ring setting above.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Configuration Settings: User Call Log
Release 5.0+: The system can store a centralized call log for users. Each users' centralized call log can contain up to
30 call records for user calls (10 on IP412 and IP406 V2 systems). When this limit is reached, each new call records
replaces the oldest previous record.
On Avaya phones with a fixed Call Log or History button (1400, 1600, 9500 and 9600 Series), that button can be used
to display the user's centralized call log. The centralized call log is also used for M-Series and T-Series phone. The user
can use the call log to make calls or to store as a personal speed dial. They can also edit the call log to remove records.
The same call log is also used if the user logs into one-X Portal for IP Office.
The centralized call log moves with the user if they log on and off from different phones. This includes if they hot desk
within a network.
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
Release: 5.0+.
Mergeable: These settings are mergeable. Changes to these settings do not require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
A symbol indicates that the setting can also be set and locked within a set of user rights with which the user is
associated using the Working Hour User Rights and Out of Hours User Rights settings. The user rights
applied can be controlled by a time profile selected as the user's Working Hours Time Profile setting. The effect
of the user rights can be displayed using the User Rights View control.
Centralized Call Log: Default = System Default (On)
This setting allows the use of centralized call logging to be enabled or disabled on a per user basis. The default is to
match the system setting Default Centralized Call Log On (System | Telephony | Call Log ). The other
options are On or Off for the individual user. If off is selected, the call log shown on the users phone is the local call
log stored by the phone.
Delete records after (hours:minutes): Default = 00:00 (Never). Release 6.1+.
If a time period is set, records in the user's call log are automatically deleted after this period.
Groups: Default = System Default (On).
This section contains a list of hunt groups on the system. If the system setting Log Missed Huntgroup Calls
(System | Telephony | Call Log) has been enabled, then missed calls for those groups selected are shown as part
of the users call log. The missed calls are any missed calls for the hunt group, not just group calls presented to the
user and not answered by them.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
6.7.7 Forwarding
This form can be used to check and adjust a user's call forwarding and follow me settings.
Follow Me is intended for use when the user is present to answer calls but for some reason is working at another
extension. For example; temporarily sitting at a colleague's desk or in another office or meeting room. As a user, you
would use Follow Me instead of Hot-Desking if you don't have a log in code or you don't want to interrupt you colleague
also receiving their own calls. Multiple users can use follow me to the same phone.
Forwarding is intended for use when, for some reason, the user is unable to answer a call. They may be busy on other
calls, unavailable or simply don't answer. Calls may be forwarded to internal or, subject to the user's call barring controls,
external numbers.
To bar a user from forwarding calls to an external number, the Inhibit Off-Switch Forward/Transfers (User |
Telephony | Supervisor Settings ) option should be selected. To bar all users from forwarding calls to external
numbers the Inhibit Off-Switch Forward/Transfers (System | Telephony | Telephony ) option should be
Note that analog lines doe not provide call progress signalling. Therefore calls forwarded off-switch via an analog line are
treated as answered and are not recalled.
Calls Forwarded
Once a call has been forwarded to an internal destination, it will ignore any further Forward No Answer or Forward
on Busy settings but may follow additional Forward Unconditional settings.
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
Release: 1.0+.
Mergeable: These settings are mergeable. Changes to these settings do not require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
A symbol indicates that the setting can also be set and locked within a set of user rights with which the user is
associated using the Working Hour User Rights and Out of Hours User Rights settings. The user rights
applied can be controlled by a time profile selected as the user's Working Hours Time Profile setting. The effect
of the user rights can be displayed using the User Rights View control.
Follow Me Number: Default = Blank. Range = Internal extension number.
Redirects the user's calls to the internal extension number entered. If the redirected call receives busy or is not
answered, it follows the user's forwarding and or voicemail settings as if it had been presented to their normal
extension. When a user has follow me in use, their normal extension will give alternate dialtone when off hook. For
further details see Follow Me .
Calls targeting longest waiting type hunt groups ignore Follow Me.
Calls triggered by actions at the user's original extension, for example voicemail ringback, ignore Follow Me.
Park, hold and transfer return calls will go to the extension at which the user initiated the park, hold or transfer
Forward Unconditional: Default = Off
This option, when checked and a Forward Number is also set, forwards all external calls immediately. Additional
options allow this forwarding to also be applied to internal calls and to hunt group calls if required. Using Follow Me
overrides Forward Unconditional. When a user has forward unconditional in use, their normal extension will give
alternate dialtone when off hook. If the destination is an internal user on the same system, they are able to
transfer calls back to the user, overriding the Forward Unconditional.
To Voicemail: Default = Off. Release 5.0+.
If selected and forward unconditional is enabled, calls are forwarded to the user's voicemail mailbox. The Forward
Number and Forward Hunt Group Calls settings are not used. This option is not available if the system's
Voicemail Type is set to None. 1400, 1600, 9500 and 9600 Series phone users can select this setting through
the phone menu. Note that if the user disables forward unconditional the To Voicemail setting is cleared.
Forward Number: Default = Blank. Range = Internal or External number. Up to 32 characters.
This option sets the destination number to which calls are forwarded when Forward Unconditional is checked.
The number can be an internal or external number. This option is also used for Forward on Busy and Forward
on No Answer if no separate Forward Number is set for those features. If a user forwards a call to a hunt
group of which they are a member, the group call is not presented to them but is presented to other members of
the hunt group.
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Configuration Settings: User
Forward Hunt Group Calls: Default = Off
Hunt group calls (internal and external) are not normally presented to a user who has forward unconditional
active. Instead they are presented to the next available member of the hunt group. This option, when checked,
sets that hunt group calls (internal and external) are also forwarded when forward unconditional is active. The
group's Ring Type must be Sequential or Rotary, not Collective or Longest Waiting. The call is forwarded for
the period defined by the hunt group's No Answer Time after which it returns to the hunt group if unanswered.
Note also that hunt group calls cannot be forwarded to another hunt group.
Forward Internal Calls: Default = On. Release 3.2+.
This option, when checked, sets that internal calls should be also be forwarded immediately when forward
unconditional is active.
Forward On Busy: Default = Off
When checked and a forward number is set, external calls are forwarded when the user's extension is busy. The
number used is either the Forward Number set for Forward Unconditional or if set, the separate Forward
Number set under Forward On Busy. Having Forward Unconditional active overrides Forward on Busy.
If the user has Busy on Held selected, if forward on busy is active it is applied when the user is free to receive
calls but already has a call on hold.
If the user's phone has multiple call appearance buttons, the system will not treat them as busy until all the call
appearance buttons are in use unless the last appearance button has been reserved for outgoing calls only.
Forward On No Answer: Default = Off
When checked and a forward number is set, calls are forwarded when the user does not answer within their set No
Answer Time (User | Telephony | Call Settings ). Having Forward Unconditional active overrides Forward
on No Answer.
Forward Number: Default = Blank. Range = Internal or External number. Up to 32 characters.
If set, this number is used as the destination for Forward On Busy and Forward On No Answer when on. If not
set, the Forward Number set for Forward Unconditional is used. If a user forwards a call to a hunt group of
which they are a member, the group call is not presented to them but is presented to other members of the hunt
Forward Internal Calls: Default = On. Release 3.2+.
When checked, this option sets that internal calls should be also be forwarded when forward on no answer or
forward on busy is active.
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6.7.8 Dial In
Use this dialogue box to enable dial in access for a remote user. An Incoming Call Route and RAS service must also be
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
Release: 1.0+.
Mergeable: These settings are mergeable. Changes to these settings do not require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
Dial In On: Default = Off
When enabled, dial in access into the system is available via this user.
Dial In Time Profile: Default = <None>
Select the Time Profile applicable to this User account. A Time Profile can be used to set time restrictions on dial
in access via this User account. Dial In is allowed during the times set in the Time Profile form. If left blank, then there
are no restrictions.
Dial In Firewall Profile: Default = <None>
Select the Firewall Profile to restrict access to the system via this User account. If blank, there are no Dial In
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Configuration Settings: User
6.7.9 Voice Recording
This tab is used to activate the automatic recording of user's external calls. Release 6.1: The recording of internal calls is
also supported.
Call recording requires Voicemail Pro to be installed and running. Call recording also requires available conference
resources similar to a 3-way conference.
Release 4.0+ introduces the following changes to recording:
Calls to and from IP devices, including those using Direct media, can be recorded.
Calls parked or held pause recording until the unparked or taken off hold.
Recording is stopped if:
User recording stops if the call is transferred to another user.
User account code recording stops if the call is transferred to another user.
Hunt group recording stops if the call is transferred to another user who is not a member of the hunt
Incoming call route recording continues for the duration of the call on the system.
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
Release: 1.0+.
Mergeable: These settings are mergeable. Changes to these settings do not require a reboot of the system.
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Configuration Settings
Record Outbound: Default = None
Select whether automatic recording of outgoing calls is enabled. The Auto Record Calls option sets whether just
external calls or external and internal calls are included. Options for recording are:
None: Do not automatically record calls.
On: Record the call if possible. If not possible to record, allow the call to continue.
Mandatory: Record the call if possible. If not possible to record, block the call and return busy tone.
Percentages of calls: Record a selected percentages of the calls.
Record Time Profile: Default = <None> (Any time)
Used to select a time profile during which automatic call recording of outgoing calls is applied. If no profile is
selected, automatic recording of outgoing calls is active at all times.
Record Inbound: Default = None
Select whether automatic recording of incoming calls is enabled. Options for recording are:
None: Do not automatically record calls.
On: Record the call if possible. If not possible to record, allow the call to continue.
Mandatory: Record the call if possible. If not possible to record, block the call and return busy tone.
Percentages of calls: Record a selected percentages of the calls.
Record Time Profile: Default = <None> (Any time)
Used to select a time profile during which automatic call recording of incoming calls is applied. If no profile is
selected, automatic recording of incoming calls is active at all times.
Recording (Auto): Default = Mailbox
Sets the destination for automatically triggered recordings.
This option sets the destination for the recording to be a selected user or hunt group mailbox. The adjacent drop
down list is used to select the mailbox.
Voice Recording Library: Release 3.0+.
This options set the destination for the recording to be a VRL folder on the voicemail server. The ContactStore
application polls that folder and collects waiting recordings which it then places in its own archive. Recording is still
done by the Voicemail Pro.
Voice Recording Library Authenticated: Release 7.0
This option is similar to Voice Recording Library above but instructs the voicemail server to create an
authenticated recording. If the file contents are changed, the file is invalidated though it can still be played.
Auto Record Calls: Default = External. Release 6.1
This setting allows selection of whether External or External & Internal calls are subject to automatic call
Recording (Manual): Default = Mailbox
Sets the destination for manually triggered recordings.
This option sets the destination for the recording to be a selected user or hunt group mailbox. The adjacent drop
down list is used to select the mailbox.
Voice Recording Library: Release 3.0+.
This options set the destination for the recording to be a VRL folder on the voicemail server. The ContactStore
application polls that folder and collects waiting recordings which it then places in its own archive. Recording is still
done by the Voicemail Pro.
Voice Recording Library Authenticated: Release 7.0
This option is similar to Voice Recording Library above but instructs the voicemail server to create an
authenticated recording. If the file contents are changed, the file is invalidated though it can still be played.
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Configuration Settings: User
6.7.10 Coverage
Call coverage allows calls ringing at one extension (the 'Sender') to also be presented and answered at other defined
extensions (the 'Covering Extensions').
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
Release: 1.3 to 3.0DT only. Post-3.0DT systems use Call Coverage appearance buttons .
Mergeable: These settings are mergeable. Changes to these settings do not require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
Covering Extension
The number of the extension that will be receiving the calls from the selected extension.
Covering User
This is the user's account name associated with the covering extension.
To add a covering extension
1. Right-click within the Coverage window and select Add.
2. Choose from the list of extension/users.
3. Click OK.
Senders are extensions that share their alerting calls with other extensions, referred to as their covering extensions. The
only calls that are not shared are:
Hunt Group calls that alert at the sender.
Automatic Intercom calls.
Calls that have been forwarded/diverted to the sender.
Paging calls.
Calls that are being covered for another station.
Calls from one of their covering extensions.
Covering Extensions
When the sender's extension rings, the covering extensions also ring and show the call on a free call appearance button.
The display indicates that the call is from the sender by showing the incoming call's name or number and the sender's
Covering Extensions can receive their own calls as well as calls for the Sender. A Covering Extension can receive a call
Send All Calls/Do Not Disturb is not active.
Forwarding/Divert is not active.
They have an available Call Appearance button to accept the call.
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To help covering extensions handle coverage calls efficiently it is suggested that the following buttons are programmed.
Program additional Call Appearance buttons
Covering extensions must have enough call appearance buttons for their own calls and for the extensions they are
covering. By default each extension has three call appearance buttons. A suggested minimum extra is one less than
the number of call appearance buttons on the sender's extension.
Program a Voicemail Collect button for the Sender
This will allow the covering extension to transfer a call directly to the sender's voicemail.
Program an Automatic Intercom button for the Sender
This allows the covering extension to place a voice announcement. If you do not wish to make voice announcement
calls, use Dial Intercom instead.
Program a Send All Calls button
Program a Drop Button
This helps in transferring calls.
Call Alerting Scenarios
Listed below are examples of how calls to the sender's extension are handled in specific scenarios.
Sender and Covering Extensions available
An incoming call alerts both the sender's and covering extension's on call appearance buttons. It alert the sender's
extension for their set No Answer Time and then alerts the covering extension only until the call is answered or the
caller hangs up.
Sender available/Covering Extension not available
An incoming call alerts the sender only. The call remains alerting until it is answered or the caller hangs up.
Sender not available/Covering Extension available
The call will alert the covering extension but not the sender. The call remains alerting until the call is answered or the
call hangs up.
If voicemail is available and enabled for the sender, then in all the above scenarios, following the sender's No Answer
Time the call is redirected to the Sender's voicemail.
Sender and Covering Extension not available
The caller hears busy tone or is redirected to the sender's voicemail.
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Configuration Settings: User
6.7.11 Button Programming
This tab is used to assign functions to the programmable keys provided on many Avaya telephones. For full details of
button programming refer to the section Button Programming .
T3 Phones
T3 phone buttons have default functions. These are not shown in the configuration file but can be overridden by
settings added to the configuration file. Buttons left blank or set to call appearance will use the phone's default
function for that button.
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
Release: 1.1+.
Mergeable: These settings are mergeable. Changes to these settings do not require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
A symbol indicates that the setting can also be set and locked within a set of user rights with which the user is
associated using the Working Hour User Rights and Out of Hours User Rights settings. The user rights
applied can be controlled by a time profile selected as the user's Working Hours Time Profile setting. The effect
of the user rights can be displayed using the User Rights View control.
Button No.
The number of the DSS key against which the function is being set. To set a function against a button double-click it or
select it and then click Edit.
This is a text label for display on the phone. If no label is entered, the default label for the selected action is used.
Defines the action taken by the menu item.
Action Data
This is a parameter used by the selected action. The options here will vary according to the selected button action.
Display All
The number of button displayed is based on the phone associated with the user when the configuration was loaded.
This can be overridden by selecting Display All Buttons. This may be necessary for users who switch between
different phones using hot desking or have an expansion unit attached to their phone.
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6.7.12 Menu Programming
These menus control a range of options that are specific to different types of phones. The functions become accessible
when the user logs in on the appropriate type of phone. T3 Telephony
These settings are applied to the user when they are using a T3 phone.
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
Release: 3.1+.
Mergeable: These settings are mergeable. Changes to these settings do not require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
Third Party Forwarding
Avaya T3 phone users can be given menu options to change the forwarding settings of other users. In addition to the
following controls, this functionality is protected by the forwarding user's log in code.
Allow Third Party Forwarding: Default = Off
Sets whether this user can change the forwarding settings of other users.
Protect from Third Party Forwarding: Default = Off
Sets whether this user's forwarding settings can be changed by other users.
Advice of Charge
Display Charges: Default = On. Release 4.0+.
This setting is used to control whether the user sees ISDN AOC information when using a T3 phone.
Allow Self Administer: Default = Off. Release 5.0+.
If selected, this option allows the user to self-administer button programming. Huntgroup
Avaya T3, 1400, 1600, 9500 and 9600 Series phone users can control various settings for selected hunt groups. These
settings are also used for one-X Portal for IP Office.
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
Release: 3.1+.
Mergeable: These settings are mergeable. Changes to these settings do not require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
Can Change Membership: Default = Off
This list shows the hunt groups of which the user is a member. Up to 10 of these groups can be checked; those
group and the users current membership status are then displayed on the phone. The user can change their
membership status through the phone's menus.
T3 Series Phones Pre-IP Office 4.2: For the selected group, their status can be viewed and changed from the
phone by the user using Menu | Settings | Display/Audio |Group Membership.
T3 Series Phones - IP Office 4.2+: The selected hunt groups and the user's current membership status are
displayed on the T3 phones status display. That display can be used to change the status.
Can Change Service Status: Default = Off
This list shows all the hunt groups on the system. Up to 10 of these groups can be checked.
T3 Series Phones: The user is then able to view and change the service status of the checked groups through
their T3 phones menus (Menu | Group State).
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Configuration Settings: User
T3 Series Phones - IP Office 4.2+: In addition to changing the status of the individual hunt groups displayed
via Menu | Group State, the menu also displays option to change the status of all the groups; All in service
, All night service and All out service.
Can Change Night Service Group: Default = Off. Release 5.0+.
If selected, the user can change the fallback group used when the hunt group is in Night Service mode.
Can Change Out of Service Group: Default = Off. Release 5.0+.
If selected, the user can change the fallback group used when the hunt group is in Out of Service mode.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1 1400/1600
This menu applies to 1400, 1600, 9500 and 9600 Series phones.
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
Release: 5.0+.
Configuration Settings
Include Forwarding in Menu: Default = On. Release 5.0+.
This setting controls whether the user is able to view and use options to control their forwarding within the phone's
menus. 4400/6400
4412, 4424, 4612, 4624, 6408, 6416 and 6424 phones have a Menu key, sometimes marked with an icon. When
Menu is pressed, a number of default functions are displayed. The < and > keys can be used to scroll through the
functions while the keys below the display can be used to select the required function.
The default functions can be overwritten by selections made within this tab.
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
Release: 3.2+.
Mergeable: These settings are mergeable. Changes to these settings do not require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
Menu No.
The menu position which the function is being set.
This is a text label for display on the phone. If no label is entered, the default label for the selected action is used.
Labels can also be changed through the menu on some phones, refer to the appropriate telephone user guide.
Defines the action taken by the menu button.
Action Data
This is a parameter used by the selected action. The options here will vary according to the selected button action.
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Configuration Settings: User
6.7.13 Mobility (Twinning)
These settings relate to twinning features. These are where a user has a main or primary extension but also regularly
answer calls at a secondary or twinned phone. These features are intended for a single user, they are not aimed at two
users answering calls presented to a single primary extension.
Twinning allows a user's calls to be presented to both their current extension and to another number. The system
supports two modes of twinning:
Internal Mobile
Twinning Destination Internal extensions only External numbers only.
Supported in All locales.* All locales.
License Required No No (Release 8.0+
Yes (pre-Release 8.0)
*IP Office 4.0 Q2 2007 maintenance release and higher only. Prior to Release 4.0 Q2 2007 maintenance release,
Internal twinning was not supported in North American locales.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1 Internal Twinning
Release 3.1+: Internal twinning can be used to link two system extensions to act as a single extension. Typically this
would be used to link a users desk phone with some form of wireless extension such as a DECT or WiFi handset.
Internal twinning is an exclusive arrangement, only one phone may be twinned with another. When twinned, one acts as
the primary phone and the other as the secondary phone. With internal twinning in operation, calls to the user's primary
phone are also presented to their twinned secondary phone. Other users cannot dial the secondary phone directly.
If the primary or secondary phones have call appearance buttons, they are used for call alerting. If otherwise, call
waiting tone is used, regardless of the users call waiting settings. In either case, the Maximum Number of Calls
setting applies.
Calls to and from the secondary phone are presented with the name and number settings of the primary.
The twinning user can transfer calls between the primary and secondary phones.
Logging out or setting do not disturb at the primary stops twinned calls alerting at the secondary also.
Logging out or setting do not disturb at the secondary only affects the secondary.
User buttons set to monitor the status of the primary also reflect the status of the secondary.
Depending on the secondary phone type, calls alerting at the secondary but then answered at the primary may
still be logged in the secondary's call log. This occurs if the call log is a function of the phone rather than the
Call alerting at the secondary phone ignoring any Ring Delay settings applied to the appearance button being
used at the primary phone. The only exception is buttons set to No Ring, in which case calls are not twinned.
If the internal secondary extension is a Phone Manager Pro PC Softphone, it will only support basic call functions.
Advanced functions such as mailbox access to the primary mailbox are not supported.
Internal twinning is currently not supported between systems in a multi-site network.
For Release 5.0+, the following enhancements apply to internal twinned extensions:
If using a T3, 1400, 1600, 9500 or 9600 Series phone as the secondary extension:
The secondary extension's directory/contacts functions access the primary user's Centralized Personal
Directory records in addition to the Centralized System Directory .
The secondary extension's call Log/call List functions access the primary user's Centralized Call Log .
The secondary extension's redial function uses the primary users Centralized Call Log . Note: The list mode
or single number mode setting is local to the phone.
On 1400, 1600, 9500 and 9600 Series phones, twinned status is indicated by a T in the display of the secondary
extension. It is also shown on 3700 Series phones on a DECT R4 system installed using system provisioning (Release
For all phone types, changing the following settings from either the primary or secondary extension, will apply the
setting to the primary user. This applies whether using a short code, programmable button or phone menu. The
status of the function will be indicated on both extensions if supported by the extension type.
Forwarding settings.
Group membership status and group service status.
Voicemail on/off.
Do Not Disturb on/off and DND Exceptions Add/Delete.
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Configuration Settings: User
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
Release: 3.2+ (For North American locales, only supported from the Release 4.0 Q2 2007 maintenance release).
Mergeable: These settings are mergeable. Changes to these settings do not require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
Internal Twinning: Release 3.1+.
Select this option to enable internal twinning for a user. Internal Twinning cannot be selected for a user if they
already have Mobility Features selected.
Twinned Handset: Default = Blank.
For internal twinning, the drop-down list can be used to select an available user as the twinned calls destination.
Users not displayed in the list are already twinned with another user. If the list is grayed out, the user is a
twinning destination and the primary to which they are twinned is displayed. The secondary phone must be on the
same system.
Maximum Number of Calls: Default = 1.
If set to one, when either the primary or secondary phone are in use, any additional incoming call receives busy
treatment. If set to two, when either phone is in use, it receives call waiting indication for any second call. Any
further calls above two receive busy treatment.
Twin Bridge Appearances: Default = Off. Release 4.1+.
By default only calls alerting on the primary phone's call appearance buttons also alert at the secondary. When this
option is enabled, calls alerting on a bridged appearance button at the primary can also alert at the secondary.
Twin Coverage Appearances: Default = Off. Release 4.1+.
By default only calls alerting on the primary phone's call appearance buttons also alert at the secondary. When this
option is enabled, calls alerting on a coverage appearance button at the primary can also alert at the secondary.
Twin Line Appearances: Default = Off. Release 4.1+.
By default only calls alerting on the primary phone's call appearance buttons also alert at the secondary. When this
option is enabled, calls alerting on a line appearance button at the primary can also alert at the secondary.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1 Mobile Twinning
This method of twinning can be used with external numbers. Calls routed to the secondary remain under control of the
system and can be pulled back to the primary if required. If either leg of an alerting twinned call is answered, the other
leg is ended.
Release 4.2+: The Mobile Twinning license is now called the Mobility Features license, reflecting the fact that
it can be used for Mobile Call Control and one-X Mobile Client support in addition to just mobile twinning. The
mode of license operation has also changed. Prior to Release 4.2, the license was only consumed by users who
had Mobile Twinning enabled. For Release 4.2, it is consumed by a user when they are configured for any of the
mobility features, including mobile twinning even if they have turned mobile twinning off.
Release 6.0: Mobility options can be enabled for users whose Profile is set to Mobile Worker or Power User
For systems upgraded to Release 6.0 with existing UMS Web Service licenses, those licenses can be used with
users whose Profile is set to Basic User.
For Release 8.0, the mobility features are enabled for all users by the Essential Edition system license. No
specific user profile is required.
A number of controls are available in addition to those on this tab.
Button Programming Actions
The Emulation | Twinning action can be used to control use of mobile twinning. Set on the primary extension,
when that extension is idle the button can be used to set the twinning destination and to switch twinning usage
on/off. When a twinned call has been answered at the twinned destination, the button can be used to retrieve the
call at the primary extension.
Mobile Twinning Handover (Release 6.1)
When on a call on the primary extension, pressing the Twinning button will make an unassisted transfer to the
twinning destination. This feature can be used even if the user's Mobile Twinning setting was not enabled.
During the transfer process the button will wink.
Pressing the twinning button again will halt the transfer attempt and reconnect the call at the primary
The transfer may return if it cannot connect to the twinning destination or is unanswered within the user's
configured Transfer Return Time (if the user has no Transfer Return Time configured, a enforced time of
15 seconds is used).
Short Code Features
The following short code actions are available for use with mobile twinning.
Set Mobile Twinning Number.
Set Mobile Twinning On.
Set Mobile Twinning Off.
Mobile Twinned Call Pickup.
Caller ID
The options on the System | Twinning tab can be used to control which caller ID is sent with calls sent to the
twinned destination. The use of those options may be restricted by the trunk type carrying the twinned call and
the services provided by the line provider.
Mobile twinning is only applied to normal calls. It is not applied to:
Intercom, dial direct and page calls.
Calls alerting on line appearance, bridged appearance and call coverage buttons.
Returning held, returning parked, returning transferred and automatic callback calls.
Follow me calls.
Forwarded calls except if the user's Forwarded Calls Eligible for Mobile Twinning setting is enabled.
Hunt group calls except if the user's Hunt Group Calls Eligible for Mobile Twinning setting is enabled.
Additional calls when the primary extension is active on a call or the twinning destination has a connected twinned
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Configuration Settings: User
Do Not Disturb and Twinning
Mobile Twinning
Selecting DND disables mobile twinning.
Internal Twinning
Logging out or setting do not disturb at the primary stops twinned calls alerting at the secondary also.
Logging out or setting do not disturb at the secondary only affects the secondary.
Do Not Disturb Exceptions List
For both types of twinning, when DND is selected, calls from numbers entered in the user's Do Not Disturb
Exception List are presented to both the primary and secondary phones.
User BLF indicators and application speed dials set to the primary user will indicate busy when they are connected to a
twinned call including twinned calls answered at the mobile twinning destination.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Configuration Settings: User
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
Release: 3.2+.
Mergeable: These settings are mergeable. Changes to these settings do not require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
A symbol indicates that the setting can also be set and locked within a set of user rights with which the user is
associated using the Working Hour User Rights and Out of Hours User Rights settings. The user rights
applied can be controlled by a time profile selected as the user's Working Hours Time Profile setting. The effect
of the user rights can be displayed using the User Rights View control.
Mobility Features:
If enabled this option allows any of the mobility features to be enabled for the user. This is subject to license
requirements of the system software release.
For systems being upgraded to Release 4.2 where users have been previously enabled for Mobile Twinning,
this option will be off by default. This will disables the user's mobile twinning until their Mobility Features
option is also enabled.
For Release 6.0, this option can be enabled for users whose Profile is set to Teleworker or Power User.
For systems upgraded to Release 6.0 with existing UMS Web Service licenses, those licenses can be used
with users whose Profile is set to Basic User.
For Release 8.0, the mobility features are enabled for all users by the Essential Edition system license.
Mobile Twinning: Release 3.2+.
If selected, the user is enable for mobile twinning. The user can control this option through a Twinning
programmable button on their a phone.
For user's setup for one-X Mobile Client, changes to their Mobile Twinning status made through the
system configuration or using a Twinning button are not reflected in the status of the Extension to
Cellular icon on their mobile client. However, changes to the Extension to Cellular status made from
the mobile client are reflected by the Mobile Twinning field in the system configuration. Therefore, for
one-X Mobile Client users, it is recommended that they control their Mobile Twinning status through the
one-X Mobile Client rather than through a Twinning button.
Twinned Mobile Number: Default = Blank.
This field sets the external destination number for mobile twinned calls. It is subject to normal short code
processing and should include any external dialing prefix if necessary. For users of one-X Mobile Client and
or Mobile Call Control the number in this field is used to match the users setting to the incoming CLI.
Twinning Time Profile: Default = <None> (Any time)
This field allows selection of a time profile during which mobile twinning will be used.
Mobile Dial Delay: Default = 2 seconds
This setting controls how long calls should ring at the user's primary extension before also being routed to
ring at the twinning destination number. This setting may be used at the user's choice, however it may also be
a necessary control. For example, if the twinning number is a mobile device that has been switched off, the
mobile service provider may immediately answer the call with their own voicemail service. This would create a
scenario where the user's primary extension does not ring or ring only briefly.
Mobile Answer Guard: Default = 0 (Off). Range = 0 to 99 seconds. Release 4.2+.
This control can be used in situations where calls sent to the twinned destination are automatically answered
by a voicemail service or automatic message if the twinned device is not available. If a twinned call is
answered before the Mobile Answer Guard expires, the system will drop the call to the twin.
Hunt group calls eligible for mobile twinning: Default = Off
This setting controls whether hunt group calls ringing the user's primary extension should also be presented to
the mobile twinning number.
Forwarded calls eligible for mobile twinning: Default = Off
This setting controls whether calls forwarded to the user's primary extension should also be presented to the
mobile twinning number.
Twin When Logged Out: Default = Off. Release 4.2+.
If enabled, if the user logs off their primary extension, calls to that extension will still alert at their twinned
device rather than going immediately to voicemail or busy.
When logged out but twinned, Mobile Dial Delay is not applied.
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Hunt group calls (all types) will be twinned if Hunt group calls eligible for mobile twinning is
enabled. When this is the case the user's idle time is reset for each externally twinned call answered.
Note that calls twinned over analog and analog emulation trunks are automatically treated as answered.
When the user's Mobile Time Profile, if configured, is not active they will not get twinning calls. Calls
will be treated the same as the user was logged out user with no twinning.
Callback calls initiated by the user will mature to the Twinned Mobile Number. It will also be possible to
initiate Automatic Callback to the user with external twinning and their busy/free state will be tracked for
all calls via the system.
Any Bridged Appearance set to the user will not alert. Coverage appearance buttons for the user will
continue to operate.
The BLF/user button status shown for a logged out user with Logged Off Mobile Twinning is as follows:
If there are any calls alerting or in progress through the system to the twin the user status is shown
as alerting or in-use as appropriate. This includes the user showing as busy/in-use if they have such
a call on hold and they have Busy on Held enabled.
If the user enables DND through Mobile Call Control or one-X Mobile client their status will show as
Calls from the system dialed direct to the users twinned destination rather than directed by twinning
from their primary extension will not change the user's status.
one-X Mobile Client: Default = Off. Release 4.2+ (IP500/IP500 V2 digital trunks only).
one-X Mobile Client is a software application that can be installed on Windows Mobile and Symbian mobile cell
phones. It allows the user to access a number of system features. For details see one-X Mobile Client .
Mobile Call Control: Default = Off. Release 4.2+ (IP500/IP500 V2 digital trunks only).
Mobile call control is only supported on digital trunks. It allows a user receiving a call on their twinned device to
access system dial tone and then perform dialing action including making calls and activating short codes. For
details see Mobile Call Control .
Mobile Callback : Default = Off. Release 6.0+ (IP500/IP500 V2 digital trunks only).
Mobile callback allows the user to call the system and then hang up. The system will then make a call to the
user's CLI and when answered, provide them with dial tone from the system to make calls.
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Configuration Settings: User
6.7.14 Phone Manager Options
These settings are affect the user's use of the IP Office Phone Manager application.
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
Release: 3.2+.
Mergeable: These settings are mergeable. Changes to these settings do not require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
A symbol indicates that the setting can also be set and locked within a set of user rights with which the user is
associated using the Working Hour User Rights and Out of Hours User Rights settings. The user rights
applied can be controlled by a time profile selected as the user's Working Hours Time Profile setting. The effect
of the user rights can be displayed using the User Rights View control.
Allow user to modify Phone Manager settings: Default = On
This setting is used with the Phone Manager Status Options, Screen Pop Options and Hide Options below. It
controls whether those options are applied every time the user starts Phone Manager or only the first time the user
starts Phone Manager.
If this setting is enabled, then the system configuration setting of those options are only applied the first time a user
starts Phone Manager on a PC. Those settings become part of the user's Phone Manager profile on that PC. They can
be changed by the user through Phone Manager. On subsequent Phone Manager starts the Manager settings are
If this setting is not enabled, the system configuration settings are applied every time the user starts Phone Manager
and cannot be overridden by the user.
Agent Mode: Default = Off
This option controls the setting of the Agent Mode option on the Configure Preferences | Agent Mode tab within
Phone Manager Pro. When enabled, the user has additional toolbar controls for Busy Wrap Up, Busy Not Available and
Select Group. Note that the options on the Phone Manager Pro Agent Mode tab can be grayed out from user changes
by the Agent Mode setting in Configuration Options below.
Phone Manager Type: Default = Lite
Determines the mode in which the user's copy of the Phone Manager application operates. Note that the number of
users able to simultaneously use modes other than Lite is controlled by licenses entered into the system configuration.
This setting cannot be changed by the user. For pre-3.2 systems this setting was located on the User | User tab.
Basic Phone Manager mode. This mode does not require any licenses.
Advanced Phone Manager mode that enables a range of additional functions. This mode requires an available Phone
Manager Pro license, otherwise the application will run in Phone Manager Lite mode.
Phone Manager PC Softphone
This is the VoIP IP phone mode of Phone Manager Pro. This mode requires both an available Phone Manager Pro
license and a Phone Manager Pro IP Audio Enabled license. The user must be associated with an VoIP extension
within the system configuration.
Pro Telecommuter: Release 4.1+.
This version of Phone Manager Pro is supported with Phone Manager 4.1+. It allows the user to make and receive
calls via an external phone specified at Phone Manager log in. This mode requires an available Phone Manager Pro
license, otherwise the application will run in Phone Manager Lite mode.
VoIP Mode: Default = On
This option only appears if the selected Phone Manager Type is set to Phone Manager PC Softphone. It sets the
Enable VoIP control within the user's Phone Manager PC Softphone. For Release 4.2+, this setting is automatically
enabled and greyed out.
Connect Phone Manager to Conferencing Center: Default = Off
When enabled, displays links in the user's Phone Manager application for access to the Conferencing Center application
if installed. Note that to book a conference requires the user to have a Conferencing Center user ID and password. This
feature also requires the Conferencing Center URL (System | System) to be set. This setting cannot be
changed by the user. *For pre-3.2 systems this setting was located on the User | User tab.
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Configuration Options
These options allow the user to changes the settings on the indicated configure preferences tabs within Phone
The controllable tabs for Phone Manager Lite are Telephone and Do Not Disturb. For Release 4.0+, the Mobile
Twinning option on the Forwarding tab is also controllable (the twinning number remains editable even if the
Mobile Twinning option has been restricted).
The additional controllable tabs for Phone Manager Pro and Phone Manager PC Softphone are Screen Pop,
Compact Mode, Agent Mode, Voicemail (Voicemail and Voicemail Ringback controls only).
Screen Pop Options
These options allow selection of the Phone Manager Pro/Phone Manager PC Softphone screen pop options Ringing,
Answering, Internal, External and Outlook.
The Allow user to modify Phone Manager setting controls whether these settings are applied only when Phone
Manager is first started or every time Phone Manager is started.
Phone Manager Status Options
These options allow selection of the tabs to show within the call history area of the user's Phone Manager.
The tabs selectable for Phone Manager are All, Missed, Status and Messages.
The additional tabs selectable for Phone Manager Pro and PC Softphone are Incoming, Outgoing and Account
The Allow user to modify Phone Manager setting controls whether these settings are applied only when Phone
Manager is first started or every time Phone Manager is started.
Hide Options
These options allow selection of the Phone Manager Pro/Phone Manager PC Softphone options Hide on close and Hide
on no calls.
The Allow user to modify Phone Manager settings option controls whether these settings are applied only when
Phone Manager is first started or every time Phone Manager is started.
6.7.15 Hunt Group Memberships
This tab displays the hunt group of which the user has been made a member. The tick boxes indicate whether the user's
membership of each of those groups is currently enabled or disabled.
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Configuration Settings: User
6.7.16 Announcements
Announcements are played to callers waiting to be answered. This includes callers being presented to hunt group
members, ie. ringing, and callers queued for presentation.
The system supports announcements using Voicemail Pro, Voicemail Lite (pre-5.0 only) or Embedded Voicemail.
If no voicemail channel is available for an announcement, the announcement is not played.
In conjunction with Voicemail Pro, the system allows a number of voicemail channels to be reserved for
announcements. See System | Voicemail .
With Voicemail Pro, the announcement can be replaced by the action specified in a Queued (1st announcement) or
Still Queued (2nd announcement) start point call flow. Refer to the Voicemail Pro Installation and Maintenance
documentation for details.
Calls can be answered during the announcement. If it is a mandatory requirement that announcements should be
heard before a call is answered, then a Voicemail Pro call flow should be used before the call is presented.
Warning: Call Billing and Logging
Note that a call becomes connected when the first announcement is played to it. That connected state is
signaled to the call provider who may start billing at that point. The call will also be recorded as answered
within the SMDR output once the first announcement is played.
If a call is rerouted, for example forwarded, the announcement plan of the original user is still applied until the call
is answered. The exception is calls rerouted to a hunt group at which point the hunt group announcement settings
are applied.
For announcements to be used effectively, either the user's no answer time must be extended beyond the default
15 seconds or Voicemail On should be deselected.
Recording Announcements
Voicemail Pro
There is no mechanism within the telephony user interfaces (TUI) to record user announcements. To provide
custom announcements, user queued and still queued start points must be configured with Voicemail Pro with the
required prompts played by a generic action.
Embedded Voicemail
Embedded Voicemail does not include any default announcement or method for recording an announcement. The
Record Message short code feature is provided to allow the recording of announcements. The telephone
number field of short codes using this feature requires the extension number followed by either ".1" for
announcement 1 or ".2" for announcement 2. For example, for extension number 300, the short codes *91N# |
Record Message | N".1" and *92N# | Record Message | N".2" could be used to allow recording of the
announcements by dialing *91300# and *92300#.
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Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
Release: 4.0+.
Mergeable: These settings are mergeable. Changes to these settings do not require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
Announcements On: Default = Off.
This setting enables or disables announcements.
Wait before 1st announcement: Default = 10 seconds. Range = 0 to 9999 seconds.
This setting sets the time delay from the calls presentation, after which the first announcement should be played to the
caller. If Synchronize Calls is selected, the actual wait may differ, see below.
Flag call as answered: Default = Off.
This setting is used by the CCC and CBC applications. By default they do not regarded a call as answered until it has
been answered by a person or by a Voicemail Pro action with Flag call as answered selected. This setting allows
calls to be marked as answered once the caller has heard the first announcement. This setting is not used by the
Customer Call Reporter application.
Warning: Call Billing and Logging
Note that a call becomes connected when the first announcement is played to it. That connected state is
signaled to the call provider who may start billing at that point. The call will also be recorded as answered
within the SMDR output once the first announcement is played.
Post announcement tone: Default = Music on hold.
Following the first announcement, you can select whether the caller should hear Music on Hold , Ringing or
Silence until answered or played another announcement.
2nd Announcement: Default = On.
If selected, a second announcement can be played to the caller if they have still not been answered.
Wait before 2nd announcement: Default = 20 seconds. Range = 0 to 9999 seconds.
This setting sets the wait between the 1st and the 2nd announcement. If Synchronize Calls is selected, the actual
wait may differ, see below.
Repeat last announcement: Default = On.
If selected, the last announcement played to the caller is repeated until they are answered or hang-up.
Wait before repeat: Default = 20 seconds. Range = 0 to 9999 seconds.
If Repeat last announcement is selected, this setting sets is applied between each repeat of the last announcement.
If Synchronize Calls is selected, this value is grayed out and set to match the Wait before 2nd announcement
Synchronize calls: Default = Off
This option can be used to restrict how many voicemail channels are required to provide the announcements.
When Synchronize calls is off, announcement are played individually for each call. This requires a separate
voicemail channel each time an announcement is played to each caller. While this ensures accurate following of the
wait settings selected, it does not make efficient use of voicemail channels.
When Synchronize calls is on, if a required announcement is already being played to another caller, further callers
wait until the announcement been completed and can be restarted. In addition, when a caller has waited for the set
wait period and the announcement is started, any other callers waiting for the same announcement hear it even if
they have not waited for the wait period. Using this setting, the maximum number of voicemail channels ever
needed is 1 or 2 depending on the number of selected announcements.
Note: Interaction with Voicemail Pro Queued and Still Queued Start Points
If either custom Queued or Still Queued start point call flows are being used for the announcements, when
Synchronize Calls is enabled those call flows will support the playing of prompts only. Voicemail Pro actions such
as Speak ETA, Speak Position, Menu, Leave Mail, Transfer and Assisted Transfer, etc. are not supported.
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Configuration Settings: User
6.7.17 SIP
This tab is available when a SIP trunk with a SIP URI record has been added to the configuration. It is also available
when an H.323 trunk set to IP Office SCN or IP Office SCN - Fallback has been added to the configuration.
Various fields within the URI settings used by SIP trunks can be set to Use Internal Data. When that is the case, the
values from this tab are used inserted into the URI when the user makes or receives a SIP call. Within a multi-site
network, that includes calls which break out using a SIP trunk on another system within the network.
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
Release: 4.0+.
Mergeable: These settings are mergeable. Changes to these settings do not require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
SIP Name: Default = Blank on Voicemail tab/Extension number on other tabs.
The value from this field is used when the From field of the SIP URI being used for a SIP call is set to Use
Internal Data.
SIP Display Name (Alias): Default = Blank on Voicemail tab/Name on other tabs.
The value from this field is used when the Display Name field of the SIP URI being used for a SIP call is set to Use
Internal Data.
Contact: Default = Blank on Voicemail tab/Extension number on other tabs.
The value from this field is used when the Contact field of the SIP URI being used for a SIP call is set to Use
Internal Data.
Anonymous: Default = On on Voicemail tab/Off on other tabs.
If the From field in the SIP URI is set to Use Internal Data, selecting this option inserts Anonymous into that
field rather than the SIP Name set above.
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6.7.18 Personal Directory
Each user is able to have up to 100 personal directory records, up to the overall system limit as follows:
IP Office Total User Directory Records
IP Office Server
IP500/IP500 V2 10800
IP412 3600
IP406 V2 1900
These records are used as follows:
Pre-Release 5.0
When using a T3 phone, the user is able to view and call their personal directory numbers.
Unlike system directory numbers, these records are not used for name matching against the incoming ICLID
of calls the user received.
Release 5.0+
When using ETR, M-Series, T-Series, T3, 1400, 1600, 9500 or 9600 Series phones, the user is able to view
and call their personal directory numbers.
When using a 1400, 1600, 9500 or 9600 Series phone, the user is also able to edit and add personal directory
If the user hot desks to a T3, 1400, 1600, 9500 or 9600 Series phone on another system in a multi-site
network, they can still access their personal directory.
Users are able to view and edit their personal directory through their phone.
Directory records are used for two types of function:
Directory Dialing
Directory numbers are displayed by user applications such as SoftConsole/Phone Manager. Directory numbers are
viewable through the Dir function on many Avaya phones (Contacts or History). They allow the user to
select the number to dial by name. The directory will also contain the names and numbers of users and hunt
groups on the system.
The Dir function groups directory records shown to the phone user into the following categories. Depending
on the phone, the user may be able to select the category currently displayed. In some scenarios, the
categories displayed may be limited to those supported for the function being performed by the user:
Directory records from the system configuration. Release 5.0+: This includes HTTP and LDAP imported
Groups on the system. If the system is in a multi-site network, it will also include groups on other
systems in the network. For pre-Release 5 systems, this feature requires the systems to have Advanced
Small Community Networking licenses.
Users or Index
Users on the system. If the system is in a multi-site network it will also include users on other systems in
the network. For pre-Release 5 systems, this feature requires the systems to have Advanced Small
Community Networking licenses.
Available on T3, T3 IP, 1400, 1600, 9500 and 9600 Series phones. These are the user's personal
directory records stored within the system configuration.
Speed Dialing
On M-Series and T-Series phones, a Speed Dial button or dialing Feature 0 can be used to access
personal directory records with an index number.
Personal: Dial Feature 0 followed by * and the 2-digit index number in the range 01 to 99.
System: Dial Feature 0 followed by 3-digit index number in the range 001 to 999.
IP Office Releasee 8.0: The Speed Dial short code feature can also be used to access a directory
speed dial using its index number from any type of phone.
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Configuration Settings: User
Caller Name Matching
Directory records are also used to associate a name with the dialled number on outgoing calls or the received CLI
on incoming calls. When name matching is being done, a match in the user's personal directory overrides any
match in the system directory. Note that some user applications also have their own user directory.
SoftConsole/Phone Manager applications have their own user directories which are also used by the
applications name matching. Matches in the application directory may lead to the application displaying a
different name from that shown on the phone.
Name matching is not performed when a name is supplied with the incoming call, for example QSIG trunks.
Release 8.0+: On SIP trunks the use of the name matching or the name supplied by the trunk can be selected
using the Default Name Priority setting (System | Telephony | Telephony ). This setting can also be
adjusted on individual SIP lines to override the system setting.
Directory name matching is not supported for DECT handsets.
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Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
Release: 3.1+.
Mergeable: These settings are mergeable. Changes to these settings do not require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
Index: Range = 01 to 99 or None. Release 7.0+.
This value is used with personal speed dials set and dialed from M and T-Series phones. The value can be changed but
each value can only be applied to one directory record at any time. Setting the value to None makes the speed dial
inaccessible from M and T-Series phones, however it may still be accessible from the directory functions of other
phones and applications. For Release 8.0 and higher, the Speed Dial short code feature can be used to create short
codes to dial the number stored with a specific index value.
Name: Range = Up to 31 characters.
Enter the text to be used to identify the number.
Number: Range = Up to 31 digits plus * and #.
Enter the number, without spaces, to be dialed. Wildcards are not supported in user personal directory records. Note
that if the system has been configured to use an external dialing prefix, that prefix should be added to directory
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Configuration Settings: User
6.8 Hunt Group
A hunt group is a collection of users accessible through a single directory number. Calls to that hunt group
can be answered by any available member of the group. The order in which calls are presented can be
adjusted by selecting different group types and adjusting the order in which group members are listed.
Call Presentation
The order in which the available members of the hunt group are used for call presentation
is selectable.
There are a range of factors which control whether hunt group calls are presented to a
user in addition to that user being a member of the hunt group.
This optional feature allows calls to be queued when the number of calls to be presented
exceeds the number of available hunt group members to which call can be presented.
On systems with a voicemail server (Voicemail Pro, Voicemail Lite (pre-Release 5.0) or
Embedded Voicemail), announcements can be played to callers waiting to be answered.
That includes calls that are ringing and calls that are queued.
This optional feature can be used to include additional agents from an overflow group or
groups when a call is not answered.
A hunt group can be taken out of operation manually or using a time profile. During
fallback, calls can be redirected to a fallback group or sent to voicemail or just receive
busy tone. Two types of fallback are supported; night service and out of service.
Calls can be redirected to voicemail. The system allows selection of whether hunt group
calls remain in the hunt group mailbox or are copied (broadcast) to the individual
mailboxes of the hunt group members. When messages are stored in the hunt group's
own mailbox, selection of who receives message waiting indication is possible.
Hunt Group Editing
Changing the name of a hunt group has the following effects:
A new empty mailbox is created on voicemail with the new hunt group name.
Records in other groups' Overflow lists will be updated.
Out-of-Service and Night-Service fallback references are updated.
Modifying the extension number of a hunt group updates the following:
Group buttons.
Overflow, Out of Service Fallback and Night Service Fallback group records.
Incoming call route records.
When a hunt group is deleted, all references to the deleted group will be removed including:
Records in Incoming call routing tables.
Transfer target in internal auto-attendant.
Overflow, Night-Service or Fallback-Service on other groups.
DSS keys monitoring group status.
IP Office Server Edition Hunt Group Management
In a IP Office Server Edition network, all hunt groups are stored in the configuration of the IP Office Server Edition
Primary Server. However they can include users from any of the systems in the network. All hunt groups are
automatically advertised to and diallable on any of the systems in the network.
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Hunt Groups in a Multi-Site Network
In a multi-site network, the extension numbers of users are automatically shared between systems and become diallable
from other systems without any further programming.
For Release 4.0+, the following features are available for hunt groups. For pre-Release 5.0 systems, these features
requires the IP Offices to have Advanced Small Community Networking licenses.
Advertised Hunt Groups
Each hunt group can be set as being 'advertised'. The hunt group can then be dialed from other systems within the
multi-site network. The hunt groups extension number and name must be unique within the network. Non-
advertised hunt group numbers remain local only to system hosting the hunt group.
Distributed Hunt Groups
Hunt groups on a system can include users located on other systems within the network. Distributed hunt groups
are automatically advertised to other systems within the network. Note that distributed hunt groups can only be
edited on the system on which they were created.
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Configuration Settings: Hunt Group
6.8.1 Hunt Group
This tab is used to define the name, extension number and basic operation of the hunt group. It is also used to select the
hunt group members.
For IP Office Server Edition this type of configuration record can be saved as a template and new records created from a
template. See Templates .
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
In a IP Office Server Edition network, all hunt groups are configured at the network level and stored in the
configuration of the IP Office Server Edition Primary Server. However, they are automatically advertised to
and useable on any system in the network and can include users from any system.
Release: 1.0+.
Mergeable: These settings are mergeable. Changes to these settings do not require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
Name: Range = Up to 15 characters
The name to identify this hunt group. This field is case sensitive and must be unique.
Names should not start with a space. Do not use punctuation characters such as #, ?, /, ^, > and ,.
Voicemail uses the name to match a group and its mailbox. Changing a group's name will route its voicemail calls to
a new mailbox. Note however that Voicemail Pro will treat names such as "Sales", "sales" and "SALES" as being the
CCR Agent Group: Default = Off. Release 4.2+.
This option is used in conjunction with IP Office CCR application to indicate the groups for which it collects information.
CCR Agent Hunt Groups should only contain users who have been configured as CCR Agents (User | Telephony |
Supervisor Settings ) option. When selected, the menus to select hunt group members will only show users
configured as CCR Agents and a warning will be given if the group already contains any users who are not CCR Agents.
The queuing option for the hunt group is also forced on for a CCR Agent group.
Extension: Range = 2 to 9 digits.
This sets the directory number for calls to the hunt group.
Groups for CBC and CCC should only use up to 4 digit extension numbers.
Extension numbers in the range 8897 to 9999 are reserved for use by the IP Office Delta Server.
Ring Mode: Default = Sequential
Sets how the system determines which hunt group member to ring first and the next hunt group member to ring if
unanswered. This is used in conjunction with the User List which list the order of group membership.
Collective (previously known as Group)
All available phones in the User List ring simultaneously.
Collective Call Waiting (Release 3.0+)
This is a Collective hunt group as above but with hunt group call waiting also enabled (previous versions of IP
Office Manager used a separate Call Waiting On control to select this option for a Collective group). When an
additional call to the hunt group call is waiting to be answered, users in the group who are already on a call will
receive call waiting indication. On phones with call appearance buttons, the call waiting indication takes the form of
an alert on the next available call appearance button. On other phones, call waiting indication is given by a tone in
the speech path (the tone is locale specific).
Pre-Release 4.0: All the users in the group must also have their own Call Waiting On setting enabled.
Release 4.0+: The user's own Call Waiting On setting is overridden when they are using a phone with call
appearances. Otherwise the user's Call Waiting On setting is used in conjunction with the hunt group
Sequential (previously known as Linear and Hunt)
Each extension is rung in order, one after the other, starting from the first extension in the list each time.
Rotary (previously known as Circular)
Each extension is rung in order, one after the other. However, the last extension used is remembered. The next call
received rings the next extension in the list.
Longest Waiting (previously known as Idle and Most Idle)
The extension that has been unused for the longest period rings first, then the extension that has been idle second
longest rings, etc. For extensions with equal idle time, 'sequential' mode is used.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Release 4.2+: Where hunt group calls are being presented to a twinned extension, the longest waiting status of
the user can be reset by calls answered at either their master or twinned extension.
No Answer Time (secs): Default = System Default. Range = System Default or 6 to 99999 seconds.
The number of seconds an extension rings before the call is passed to another extension in the list. This applies to all
telephones in this group and also any Overflow Groups it uses. For collective hunt groups, the idea of moving to
the next member when the No Answer Time expires does not apply, instead calls will continue ringing unless
overflow or voicemail is applied.
Hold Music Source: Default = No Change. Release4.2+ (Not Small Office Edition).
The system can support up to 4 music on hold sources; the System Source (either an internal file or the external
source port or tones) plus up to 3 additional internal wav files, see System | Telephony | Tones & Music . Before
reaching a hunt group, the source used is set by the system wide setting or by the Incoming Call Route that
routed the call. If the system has several hold music sources available, this field allows selection of the source to
associate with calls presented to this hunt group or to leave it unchanged. The new source selection will then apply
even if the call is forwarded or transferred out of the hunt group unless changed again by another hunt group. If the
call is routed to another Release 4.2+ system in a multi-site network, the matching source on that system (System
Source or Alternate Sources 2 to 4) is used if available.
Calls overflowing from a hunt group will use the hold music source setting of the original hunt group and ignore
the setting of the overflow group.
Calls going to night service or out of service fallback group use the hold music source setting of the original hunt
group and then, if different, the setting of the fallback group. The setting of further fallback groups from the first
are ignored.
Voicemail Answer Time:
For Release 8.0, this settings has been moved to the Voicemail tab.
Agent's Status on No-Answer Applies To: Default = None (No status change). Release 4.0+.
For call center agents, that is hunt group members with a log in code and set to forced log in, the system can change
the agent's status if they do not answer a hunt group call presented to them before being automatically presented to
the next available agent.
This setting defines what type of hunt group calls should trigger use of the agent's Status on No Answer setting.
The options are None, Any Call and External Inbound Calls Only.
The new status is set by the agent's Status on No Answer (User | Telephony | Supervisor Settings ) setting.
This action is only applied if the call is unanswered at the agent for the hunt group's No Answer Time or longer. It
does not apply if the call is presented and, before the No Answer Time expires, is answered elsewhere or the caller
This option is not used for calls ringing the agent because the agent is in another group's overflow group.
Central System: Release 4.0+.
The field is for information only. It displays the IP Office system where the hunt group was created and can be
configured. For pre-Release 5.0 systems, this field is only visible if the IP Office has an Advanced Small Community
Networking license.
Advertise Group: Default = Off (On for IP Office Server Edition). Release 4.0+.
If selected, details of the hunt group are advertised to the other systems within a multi-site network and the hunt
group can be dialled from those other systems without the need for routing short codes. For pre-Release 5.0 systems,
this field is only visible if the IP Office has an Advanced Small Community Networking license. In a IP Office
Server Edition system this field is fixed as on and details of all hunt groups are advertised to all systems within the
Advertised groups must have an extension number that is unique within the network. If an advertised hunt group's
extension number conflicts with a local groups extension number, the advertised group is ignored.
Groups set as advertised will appear in the configuration of other IP Office systems. However an advertised group
can only be edited on the IP Office system on which it was created. Note that advertised groups are not saved as
part of the configuration file when File | Save Configuration As is used.
Hunt groups that contain members from other IP Office systems are automatically advertised.
Call Waiting On: Default = Off. Release 3.0+.
For IP Office Manager 6.2 and above, this control has been combined with the Ring Type option Collective. See the
Ring Mode setting Collective Call Waiting above.
User List
This is an ordered list of the users who are members of the hunt group. For Sequential and Rotary groups it also sets
the order in which group members are used for call presentation.
Repeated numbers can be used, for example 201, 202, 201, 203, etc. Each extension will ring for the number of
seconds defined by the No Answer Time before moving to the next extension in the list, dependent on the Hunt
Type chosen.
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Configuration Settings: Hunt Group
The check box next to each member indicates the status of their membership. Group calls are not presented to
members who have their membership currently disabled. However, those users are still able to perform group
functions such as group call pickup.
The order of the users can be changed by dragging the existing records to the required position.
To add records select Edit. A new menu is displayed that shows available users on the left and current group
members of the right. The lists can be sorted and filtered.
Users on remote systems in a multi-site network can also be included. Groups containing remote members are
automatically advertised within the network. For pre-Release 5.0 systems, this can only be done if the IP Office has
an Advanced Small Community Networking license.
For Release 8.0, all overflow settings have been moved to a separate Overflow tab.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
6.8.2 User List/Select Members
The hunt group Select Members form is used to add and remove users from the hunt group. For hunt group's with a
Ring Mode of Sequential or Rotary it is also used to set the order of use for the members of the hunt group.
The filters section at the top of the form can be used to filter the users shown. Note for hunt groups set as a CCR Agent
Group, only users set as CCR Agent are shown.
The controls and data on the form vary depending on the hunt group's Ring Mode setting and on whether the system is
in a multi-site network.
To sort either table, click on the column header that should be used for the sort the table. Sort changes the order of
display only, it does not change the actual order of hunt group membership.
For Sequential and Rotary hunt groups, an Order column is shown. To change the order position of a hunt group
member, select the member and then use the up and down arrow buttons.
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Configuration Settings: Hunt Group
During the actions below, the Shift and Ctrl keys can be used as normal to select multiple users. Note that that the list of
members has been sorted, the sort is updated after adding or moving members.
Add Before
Using the Shift and/or Ctrl keys, select the users you want to add and then on the right select the existing
member that you want to add them before.
Add After
Using the Shift and/or Ctrl keys, select the users you want to add and then on the left select the existing
member after which you want them added.
Add the selected users on the left to the hunt group members on the right as the last member in the group
Remove the selected users on the right from the list of hunt group members.
Move the selected member on the right up or down the membership order of the group.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
6.8.3 Queuing
When is a Call Queued?
The definition of when a call is in a queue can vary:
Pre-Release 4.0: Calls to a hunt group were only queued when the number of calls waiting exceeded the number of
available hunt group members that could be ringing. Using that definition, calls that were actually ringing were not
regarded as queued.
Release 4.0+: Any calls waiting to be answered at a hunt group are regarded as being queued. The Normalise
Queue Length control allows selection of whether features that are triggered by the queue length should include or
exclude ringing calls.
Additional Calls
Once one call is queued, any further calls are also queued. When an available hunt group member becomes idle, the
first call in the queue is presented.
How Many Calls Can be Queued?
Calls are added to the queue until the hunt group's Queue Limit, if set, is reached.
When the queue limit is reached, any further calls are redirected to the hunt group's voicemail if available.
If voicemail is not available excess calls receive busy tone. An exception to this are analog trunk and T1 CAS trunk
calls which will remain queued regardless of the queue limit if no alternate destination is available.
If an existing queued call is displaced by a higher priority call, the displaced call will remain queued even if it now
exceeds the queue limit.
Queue Announcements
The method of hunt group announcements depends on the system software level:
Pre-Release 4.0: Systems with Voicemail Pro or Voicemail Lite, announcements are applied to queued calls.
Release 4.0+: Hunt group announcements are separate from queuing. Announcements can be used even if queuing
is turned off and are applied to ringing and queued calls. See Hunt Group | Announcements .
Queue Monitoring
There are several methods of displaying a hunt group queue.
Group Button
On phones, with programmable buttons, the Group function can be assigned to monitor a specified group. The
button indicates when there are calls ringing within the group and also when there are calls queued. The button can
be used to answer the longest waiting call.
Phone Manager/SoftConsole
Both these applications can display queue monitors for selected hunt groups, 2 using Phone Manager, 7 using
SoftConsole. This requires the hunt group to have queuing enabled. These queues can be used by the SoftConsole
user to answer calls.
What Happens When A Hunt Group Member Becomes Available
When a hunt group member becomes available, the first call in the queue is presented to that member. If several
members become available, the first call in the queue is simultaneously presented to all the free members.
Overflow Calls
Calls that overflow are counted in the queue of the original hunt group from which they overflow and not that of the
hunt group to which they overflow. This affects the Queue Limit and Calls in Queue Threshold.
Manager 10.1 Page 423
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Configuration Settings: Hunt Group
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
In a IP Office Server Edition network, all hunt groups are configured at the network level and stored in the
configuration of the IP Office Server Edition Primary Server. However, they are automatically advertised to
and useable on any system in the network and can include users from any system.
Release: 1.0+.
Mergeable: These settings are mergeable. Changes to these settings do not require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
Queuing On: Default = On
This settings allows calls to this hunt group to be queued. The normal icon is replaced . This option is
automatically enabled and cannot be disabled for a CCR agent group.
Queue Limit: Default = No Limit. Range = No Limit, 1 to 999 calls.
This setting can be used to limit the number of calls that can be queued. Calls exceeding this limit are passed to
voicemail if available or otherwise receive busy tone. This value is affected by Normalize Queue Length setting.
If voicemail is not available excess calls receive busy tone. An exception to this is analog trunk and T1 CAS trunk
calls which will remain queued regardless of the queue limit if no alternate destination is available. This is due to the
limited call status signalling supported by those trunks which would otherwise create scenarios where the caller has
received ringing from the local line provider and then suddenly gets busy from the system, creating the impression
that the call was answered and then hung up.
If priority is being used with incoming call routes, high priority calls are place ahead of lower priority calls. If this
would exceed the queue limit the limit is temporarily increased by 1.
If an existing queued call is displaced by a higher priority call, the displaced call will remain queued even if it now
exceeds the queue limit.
Normalize Queue Length: Default = Off. Release 4.0+.
Pre-Release 4.0: The call queue only included calls waiting to ring and did not include calls actually ringing. Release 4.0
+: Calls both waiting to ring and ringing are regarded as being queued. This therefore affects the use of the Queue
Limit and Calls in Queue Alarm thresholds. If Normalize Queue Length is enabled, the number of hunt group
members logged in and not on DND is added to those thresholds.
Example: A customer has two products that it is selling through a call center with 10 available agents; one product
with a $10 margin and one with a $100 margin. Separate hunt groups with the same 10 members are created for
each product.
The $100 product has a Queue Limit of 5 and Normalize Queue Length is on. The maximum number of $100 calls
that can be waiting to be answered will be 15 (10 ringing/connected + 5 waiting to ring).
The $10 product has a Queue Limit of 5 and Normalize Queue Length is off. The maximum number of $10 calls
that can be waiting to be answered is 5 (5 ringing/connected).
Queue Type: Default = Assign Call On Agent Answer. Release 4.2+.
When queuing is being used, the call that the agent receives when they answer can be assigned in one of two ways:
Assign Call On Agent Answer
In this mode the call answered by the hunt group member will always be the longest waiting call of the highest
priority. The same call will be shown on all ringing phones in the group. At the moment of answering that may not
necessarily be the same call as was shown by the call details at the start of ringing. This is the default mode for
Release 4.0+.
Assign Call on Agent Alert
In this mode, once a call has been presented to a hunt group member, that is the call they will answer if they go
off hook. This is similar to the method used for Release 3.2 and earlier. This mode should be used when calls are
being presented to applications which use the call details such as a fax server, CTI or TAPI.
Queue Ring Time (secs): Default = 10 seconds. Range = 0 to 99999 seconds. Release Up to 3.2 only.
On systems with Voicemail Lite (pre-Release 5 only) or Voicemail Pro, the voicemail system can provide
announcements to queued callers. This setting controls the time before the first queued announcement is played to a
queued caller. For Release 4.0+ this has been replaced by the Hunt Group | Announcement tab controls.
Calls In Queue Alarm: Release 4.1+.
The system can be set to send an alert to a analog specified extension when the number of calls queued for the hunt
group reaches the specified threshold.
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Calls In Queue Threshold: Default = Off. Range = 1 to 99. Release 4.1+.
Alerting is triggered when the number of queued calls reaches this threshold. Alerting will stop only when the
number of queued calls drops back below this threshold. This value is affected by Normalize Queue Length setting
Analog Extension to Notify: Default = <None>. Release 4.1+.
This should be set to the extension number of a user associated with an analog extension. The intention is that this
analog extension port should be connected to a loud ringer or other alerting device and so is not used for making or
receiving calls. The list will only shown analog extensions that are not members of any hunt group or the queuing
alarm target for any other hunt group queue. The alert does not follow user settings such as forwarding, follow me,
DND, call coverage, etc or receive ICLID information.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Configuration Settings: Hunt Group
Hunt Group Queue Controls
Hunt Group Queue Settings
Manager Hunt group queuing is enabled using the Queuing On option on the Hunt Group | Queuing tab. When
enabled, the icon is used for the hunt group.
Controls The following short code features/button programming actions can be used:
Feature/Action Short Code Default Button
SoftConsole SoftConsole can display up to 7 hunt group queues (an eight queue is reserved for recall calls). They are
configured by clicking and selecting the Queue Mode tab. For each queue alarm threshold can be set
based on number of queued calls and longest queued call time. Actions can then be selected for when a
queue exceeds its alarm threshold; Automatically Restore SoftConsole, Ask me whether to restore
SoftConsole or Ignore the Alarm.
Within the displayed queues, the number of queued calls is indicated and the time of the longest queued
call is shown. Exceeding an alarm threshold is indicated by the queue icons changing from white to red.
The longest waiting call in a queue can be answered by clicking on the adjacent button.
Phone manager Pro can be used to monitor up to two hunt group queues. This is configured by clicking
and then on the Queue ID tab selecting the two hunt groups. During normal operation the Phone
Manager user then has access to a Queue tab which is automatically given focus when calls become
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
6.8.4 Overflow
Overflow can be used to expand the list of group members who can be used to answer a call. This is done by defining an
overflow group or groups. The call is still targeted to the original group and subject to that group's settings, but is now
presented to available members in the overflow groups in addition to its own available members.
What Group Settings are Applied to Overflowing Calls?
Overflow calls still use the settings of the original target group. The only settings of the overflow group that is used
is it's Ring Mode. For example:
Calls that overflow use the announcement settings of the group from which they are overflowing.
Calls that overflow use the Voicemail Answer Time of the original group from which are are overflowing.
Calls that are overflowing are included in the overflowing group's Queue Length and Calls In Queue Threshold
. They are not included in those values for the hunt group to which they overflow.
The queuing and overflow settings of the overflow groups are not used, ie. calls cannot cascade through a series
of multiple overflows.
When is Overflow Used?
A call will overflow in the following scenarios:
If Queuing is off and all members of the hunt group are busy, a call presented to the group will overflow
immediately, irrespective of the Overflow Time.
If Queuing is on and all members of the hunt group are busy, a call presented to the group will queue for up to the
Overflow Time before overflowing.
If Queuing is on but there are no members logged in or enabled, calls can be set to overflow immediately by setting
the Overflow Immediate setting to No Active Members. Otherwise calls will queue until the Overflow Time
expires. (Release 8.0+)
If no Overflow Time is set, a call will overflow when it has rung each available hunt group member without being
Once one call is in overflow mode, any additional calls will also overflow if the Overflow Mode is set to Group (the
default). (Release 4.2+)
What Happens When a Call Overflows?
An overflow call is presented to available group members as follows:
Once a call overflows, it is presented to the first available member of the first overflow group listed. The Ring
Mode of the overflow group is used to determine its first available member. However the No Answer Time of the
original targeted group is used to determine how long the call is presented.
When the No Answer Time expires, the call is presented to the next available member in the overflow group. If
all available members in the overflow group have been tried, the first member in the next listed overflow group is
When the call has been presented to all available members in the overflow groups, it is presented back to the first
available member in the original target group.
While the call is being presented to members in an overflow group, the announcement and voicemail
settings of the original targeted group are still applied.
How are Overflow Calls Recorded?
For calls being tracked by the IP Office Customer Call Reporter application, overflow calls are recorded against the
original targeted group but using separate statistics; Overflowed Calls, Overflowed Calls Waiting, Overflowed
Answered and Overflowed Lost. For full details refer to the IP Office Customer Call Reporter User Guide.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Configuration Settings: Hunt Group
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
In a IP Office Server Edition network, all hunt groups are configured at the network level and stored in the
configuration of the IP Office Server Edition Primary Server. However, they are automatically advertised to
and useable on any system in the network and can include users from any system.
Release: 1.0+.
Mergeable: These settings are mergeable. Changes to these settings do not require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
Overflow Time: Default = Blank. Range = Off or 1 to 3600 seconds.
For a group using queuing , the Overflow Time sets how long a call queues before being presented to available
agents in the group's Overflow Group List. Note that if the call is currently ringing an agent when the timer expires,
it will complete ringing for the group's No Answer Time before overflowing.
Overflow Mode: Default = Group. Release 4.2+.
This option allows selection of whether the overflow of queued calls is determined on an individual call by call basis or
is applied to all calls once any one call overflows.
In this mode, once one call overflows all additional queued calls also overflow. This is equivalent to the overflow
mode used by Release 4.0-4.1 systems.
In this mode, each individual call will follow the group's overflow settings before it overflows. This is equivalent to
the overflow mode used by pre-Release 4.0 system.
Immediate Overflow: Default = Off. Release 8.0+.
For groups which are using queueing , this setting can be used to control whether calls should overflow immediately
when there are no available or active agents.
Do not overflow immediately. Use the Overflow Time setting as normal.
No Active Agents
Overflow immediately if there are no available or active agents as defined above, regardless of the Overflow
Time setting.
An active agent is an agent who is either busy on a call or in after call work. An available agent is one who is
logged in and enabled in the hunt group but is otherwise idle.
A hunt group is automatically treated as having no available or active agents if:
The group's extension list is empty.
The group's extension list contains no enabled users.
The group's extension list contains no extensions that resolve to a logged in agent (or mobile twin in the
case of a user logged out mobile twinning).
Overflow Group List
This list is used to set the group or groups that are used for overflow. Each group is used in turn, in order from the top
of the list. The call is presented to each overflow group member once, using the Ring Mode of the overflow group. If
the call remains unanswered, the next overflow group in the list is used. If the call remains unanswered at the end of
the list of overflow groups, it is presented to available members of the original targeted group again and then to those
in its overflow list in a repeating loop. A group can be included in the overflow list more than once if required and the
same agent can be in multiple groups.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
6.8.5 Fallback
Fallback settings can be used to make a hunt group unavailable and to set where the hunt group's calls should be
redirected at such times. Hunt groups can be manually placed In Service, Out of Service or in Night Service. Additionally
using a time profile, a group can be automatically placed in Night Service when outside the Time Profile settings.
Summary: Fallback redirects a hunt group's calls when the hunt group is not available, for example outside normal
working hours. It can be triggered either manually or using an associated time profile.
Hunt Group Service States
A hunt group can be in one of three states; In Service, Out of Service or Night Service. When In Service, calls are
presented as normal. In any other state calls are redirected as below.
Call Redirection
The following options are possible when a hunt group is either Out of Service or in Night Service.
Fallback Group
When in Out of Service, if an Out of Service Fallback Group has been set, calls are redirected to that group.
When in Night Service, if a Night Service Fallback Group has been set, calls are redirected to that group.
If no fallback group has been set but voicemail is enabled for the group, calls are redirected to voicemail.
Busy Tone
If no fallback group has been set and voicemail is not available, busy tone is returned to calls.
Manually Controlling the Service State
IP Office Manager and or short codes can be used to change the service state of a hunt group. The short code actions
can also be assigned to programmable buttons on phones.
The icon is used for a hunt group manually set to Night Service mode.
The icon is used for a hunt group manually set to Out of Service mode.
Setting and clearing hunt group night service can be done using either manual controls or using a system time
profile. The use of both methods to control the night service status of a particular hunt group is not
This function is currently not supported between systems in a multi-site network. It can only be used by a
user currently logged onto the same system as hosting the hunt group.
Time Profile
A time profile can be associated with the hunt group. When outside the time profile, the hunt group is automatically
place into night service. When inside the time profile, the hunt group uses manually selected mode.
When outside the time profile and therefore in night service, manual night service controls cannot be used to
override the night service. However the hunt group can be put into out of service.
When a hunt group is in Night Service due to a time profile, this is not indicated within IP Office Manager.
Release 4.0+: Time profile operation does not affect hunt groups set to Out of Service.
Manager 10.1 Page 429
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Configuration Settings: Hunt Group
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
In a IP Office Server Edition network, all hunt groups are configured at the network level and stored in the
configuration of the IP Office Server Edition Primary Server. However, they are automatically advertised to
and useable on any system in the network and can include users from any system.
Release: 1.0+.
Mergeable: These settings are mergeable. Changes to these settings do not require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
Time Profile: Default = <None> (No automatic night service)
This field allows selection of a previously created Time Profile . That profile then specifies the times at which it
should use the manually selected Service Mode settings. Outside the period defined in the time profile, the hunt group
behaves as if set to Night Service mode.
Please note that when a hunt group is in Night Service due to it associated time profile, this is not reflected by the
Service Mode on this tab. Note also that the manual controls for changing a hunt group's service mode cannot be
used to take a hunt group out of time profile night service.
Out of Service Fallback Group: Default = <None> (Voicemail or Busy Tone)
This field sets the alternate hunt group destination for calls when this hunt group is in Out of Service mode. If left
blank, calls are redirected to voicemail if available or otherwise receive busy tone.
Night Service Fallback Group: Default = <None> (Voicemail or Busy Tone)
This field sets the alternate hunt group destination for calls when this hunt group is in Night Service mode. If left blank,
calls are redirected to voicemail if available or otherwise receive busy tone.
Service Mode: Default = In Service
This field is used to manually select the current service mode for the hunt group.
Setting and clearing hunt group night service can be done using either manual controls or using a system time
profile. The use of both methods to control the night service status of a particular hunt group is not
Out of Service
When selected, calls are redirected using the Out of Service Fallback Group setting. This setting can also be
manually controlled using the short code and button programming features Set Hunt Group Out of Service and Clear
Hunt Group Out of Service.
or : In Service
When selected the hunt group is enabled. This is the default mode.
Night Service
When selected, calls are redirected using the Night Service Fallback Group setting. This setting can also be
manually controlled using the short code and button programming features Set Hunt Group Night Service and Clear
Hunt Group Night Service.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Hunt Group Fallback Controls
Hunt Group Fallback
IP Office
Hunt group fallback selection is done through the Hunt Group | Fallback tab.
A time profile if required is set through the Time Profile | Time Profile tab.
Controls The following short code features/button programming actions can be used:
Feature/Action Short Code Default Button
Set Hunt Group Night Service *20*N# - Toggles.
Clear Hunt Group Night Service *21*N#
Set Hunt Group Out of Service - Toggles.
Clear Hunt Group Out of Service
Note that for a hunt group using a time profile, these controls only are only applied when the hunt group
is within the specified time profile period. When outside its time profile, the hunt group is in night service
mode and cannot be overridden.
SoftConsole There are no specific controls for the operation of hunt group fallback.
Voicemail There are no specific controls for the operation of hunt group fallback.
There are no specific controls for the operation of hunt group fallback.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Configuration Settings: Hunt Group
6.8.6 Voicemail
The system supports voicemail for hunt groups in addition to individual user voicemail mailboxes.
When is voicemail used?
If voicemail is available and enabled for a hunt group, it is used in the following scenarios.
Voicemail Answer Time (Release 4.0+)
A call goes to voicemail when this timeout is reached, regardless of any announcement, overflow, queuing or other
settings. The default timeout is 45 seconds.
Unanswered Calls
A call goes to voicemail when it has been presented to all the available hunt group members without being
answered. If overflow is being used, this includes be presented to all the available overflow group members.
Night Service
A call goes to voicemail if the hunt group is in night service with no Night Service Fallback Group set.
Out of Service
A call goes to voicemail if the hunt group is out of service with no Out of Service Fallback Group set.
Queue Limit Reached
If queuing is being used, it overrides use of voicemail prior to expiry of the Voicemail Answer Time, unless the
number of queued callers exceeds the set Queue Limit. By default there is no set limit.
Automatic Call Recording
Incoming calls to a hunt group can be automatically recorded using the settings on the Hunt Group | Voice
Recording tab.
Which Mailbox is Used
When a caller is directed to voicemail to leave a message, the system indicates the target user or hunt group
Pre-Release 4.0: The mailbox of the user or hunt group whose settings have caused the call to go to voicemail
is used.
For Release 4.0+: The mailbox of the originally targeted user or hunt group is used. This applies even if the
call has been forwarded to another destination. It also includes scenarios where a hunt group call overflows or
is in fallback to another group.
Voicemail Pro can be used to customize which mailbox is used separately from the mailbox indicated by the
Who Receives Message Waiting Indication?
By default no user is configured to receive message waiting indication when a hunt group voicemail mailbox contains
new messages. Message waiting indication is configured by adding a Hgroupname record to a user's
SourceNumbers tab (User | Source Numbers ).
Accessing Hunt Group Messages
By default no mechanism is provided for access to specific hunt group mailboxes. Access needs to be configured using
either a short code, programmable button or source number.
Phone Manager
User's with hunt group message waiting indication can access the hunt group mailbox through Phone Manager.
Intuity Emulation Mailbox Mode
For systems using Intuity emulation mode mailboxes, the hunt group extension number and voicemail code can be
used during normal mailbox access.
IP Office Mailbox Mode
For this mode of mailbox access, short codes or a Voicemail Collect button are required to access the mailbox
The voicemail system (Voicemail Pro only) can be instructed to automatically forward messages to the individual
mailboxes of the hunt group members. The messages are not stored in the hunt group mailbox.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
In a IP Office Server Edition network, all hunt groups are configured at the network level and stored in the
configuration of the IP Office Server Edition Primary Server. However, they are automatically advertised to
and useable on any system in the network and can include users from any system.
Release: 1.0+.
Mergeable: These settings are mergeable. Changes to these settings do not require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
Voicemail On Default = On
When on, the mailbox is used by the system to answer the any calls to the group that reach the Voicemail Answer
Time. Note that selecting off does not disable use of the group mailbox. Messages can still be forward to the mailbox
and recordings can be placed in it. The mailbox can also still be accessed to collect messages.
When a caller is directed to voicemail to leave a message, the system indicates the target user or hunt group
Pre-Release 4.0: The mailbox of the user or hunt group whose settings have caused the call to go to voicemail
is used.
For Release 4.0+: The mailbox of the originally targeted user or hunt group is used. This applies even if the
call has been forwarded to another destination. It also includes scenarios where a hunt group call overflows or
is in fallback to another group.
Voicemail Pro can be used to customize which mailbox is used separately from the mailbox indicated by the
Voicemail Answer Time: Default = 45 seconds. Range = Off, 1 to 99999 seconds. Release 4.0+.
This setting sets how long a call should be presented to a hunt group, and its overflow groups if set, before going to
voicemail. When exceeded the call goes to voicemail (if available) regardless of any announcements, overflow, queuing
or any other actions. If set to Off, voicemail is used when all available members of the hunt group have been alerted
for the no answer time.
Voicemail Code: Default = Blank. Range = 0 (no code) to 15 digits.
A code used by the voicemail server to validate access to this mailbox. If remote access is attempted to a mailbox that
has no voicemail code set, the prompt "Remote access is not configured on this mailbox" is played.
The mailbox access code can be set through the mailbox telephone user interface. For Release 8.1+, the
minimum password length is set by Voicemail Pro client setting and is 0 digits for IP Office mailbox mode and
2 digits for Intuity mailbox mode. For previous releases the minimum is 4 digits.
Codes set through the Voicemail Pro telephone user interface are restricted to valid sequences. For example,
attempting to enter a code that matches the mailbox extension, repeat the same number (1111) or a
sequence of numbers (1234) are not allowed. If these types of code are required they can be entered through
IP Office Manager.
IP Office Manager does not enforce any password requirements for the code if one is set through IP Office
Embedded Voicemail
For Embedded Voicemail running in IP Office mailbox mode, the voicemail code is used if set.
IP Office mode
The voicemail code is required when accessing the mailbox from a location that is not set as a trusted number in
the user's Source Numbers list.
Intuity Emulation mode
By default the voicemail code is required for all mailbox access. The first time the mailbox is accessed the user will
be prompted to change the password. Also if the voicemail code setting is left blank, the caller will be prompted to
set a code when they next access the mailbox. The requirement to enter the voicemail code can be removed by
adding a customized user or default collect call flow, refer to the Voicemail Pro manuals for full details.
Trusted Source Access
The voicemail code is required when accessing the mailbox from a location that is not set as a trusted number in
the user's Source Numbers list.
Call Flow Password Request
Voicemail Pro call flows containing an action where the action's PIN code set to $ will prompt the user for their
voicemail code.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Configuration Settings: Hunt Group
Voicemail Help Default = Off
This option controls whether users retrieving messages are automatically given an additional prompt "For help at any
time press 8." If switched off, users can still press 8 for help. For voicemail systems running in Intuity emulation mode,
this option has no effect. On those systems the default access greeting always includes the prompt "For help at any
time, press *4" (*H in the US locale).
Broadcast: Default = Off. Release 3.0+ (Voicemail Pro only).
If a voicemail message is left for the hunt group and Broadcast is enabled, copies of the message are forwarded to the
mailboxes of the individual group members. The original message in the hunt group mailbox is deleted unless it
occurred as the result of call recording.
UMS Web Services: Default = Off. Release 5.0+.
This option is used with Voicemail Pro. If enabled, the hunt group mailbox can be accessed using either an IMAP email
client or a web browser. Note that the mailbox must have a voicemail code set in order to use either of the UMS
interfaces. UMS Web Service licenses are required for the number of groups configured.
In the License section, double-clicking on the UMS Web Services license display a menu that allows you to
add and remove users and groups from the list of those enabled for UMS Web Services without having to open the
settings of each individual user or group.
Voicemail Email: Default = Blank (No voicemail email features)
This field is used to set the user or group email address used by the voicemail server for voicemail email operation.
When an address is entered, the additional Voicemail Email control below are selectable to configure the type of
voicemail email service that should be provided.
Use of voicemail email requires the Voicemail Pro server to have been configured to use either a local MAPI email
client or an SMTP email server account. For Embedded Voicemail, voicemail email is supported with Release 4.2+
(except not on Small Office Edition) and uses the system's SMTP settings.
The use of voicemail email for the sending (automatic or manual) of email messages with wav files attached
should be considered with care. A one-minute message creates a 1MB .wav file. Many email systems impose limits
on emails and email attachment sizes. For example the default limit on an Exchange server is 5MB.
Voicemail Email Default = Off
If an email address is entered for the user or group, the following options become selectable. These control the mode
of automatic voicemail email operation provided by the voicemail server whenever the voicemail mailbox receives a
new voicemail message.
Users can change their voicemail email mode using visual voice. If the voicemail server is set to IP Office
mode, user can also change their voicemail email mode through the telephone prompts. The ability to change
the voicemail email mode can also be provided by Voicemail Pro in a call flow using a Play Configuration Menu
action or a Generic action.
If the voicemail server is set to IP Office mode, users can manually forward a message to email.
If off, none of the options below are used for automatic voicemail email. Users can also select this mode by dialing
*03 from their extension.
If this mode is selected, each time a new voicemail message is received in the voicemail mailbox, a copy of the
message is attached to an email and sent to the email address. There is no mailbox synchronization between the
email and voicemail mailboxes. For example reading and deletion of the email message does not affect the
message in the voicemail mailbox or the message waiting indication provided for that new message.
If this mode is selected, each time a new voicemail message is received in the voicemail mailbox, that message is
attached to an email and sent to the email address. No copy of the voicemail message is retained in the voicemail
mailbox and their is no message waiting indication. As with Copy, there is no mailbox synchronization between the
email and voicemail mailboxes. Users can also select this mode by dialing *01 from their extension.
Note that until email forwarding is completed, the message is present in the voicemail server mailbox and so
may trigger features such as message waiting indication.
UMS Exchange 2007 (Release 5.0+)
With Voicemail Pro, the system supports voicemail email to an Exchange 2007 server email account. For users
and groups also enabled for UMS Web Services this significantly changes their mailbox operation. The
Exchange Server inbox is used as their voicemail message store and features such as message waiting
indication are set by new messages in that location rather than the voicemail mailbox on the voicemail server.
Telephone access to voicemail messages, including Visual Voice access, is redirected to the Exchange 2007
If this mode is selected, each time a new voicemail message is received in the voicemail mailbox, a simple email
message is sent to the email address. This is an email message announcing details of the voicemail message but
with no copy of the voicemail message attached. Users can also select this mode by dialing *02 from their
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
6.8.7 Voice Recording
This tab is used to configure automatic recording of external calls handled by hunt group members. Release 6.1: The
recording of internal calls as well is also supported.
Call recording requires Voicemail Pro to be installed and running. Call recording also requires available conference
resources similar to a 3-way conference.
Release 4.0+ introduces the following changes to recording:
Calls to and from IP devices, including those using Direct media, can be recorded.
Calls parked or held pause recording until the unparked or taken off hold.
Recording is stopped if:
User recording stops if the call is transferred to another user.
User account code recording stops if the call is transferred to another user.
Hunt group recording stops if the call is transferred to another user who is not a member of the hunt
Incoming call route recording continues for the duration of the call on the system.
Release 4.1+: A destination mailbox other than the hunt group's own mailbox can be specified as the destination
for recordings.
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
In a IP Office Server Edition network, all hunt groups are configured at the network level and stored in the
configuration of the IP Office Server Edition Primary Server. However, they are automatically advertised to
and useable on any system in the network and can include users from any system.
Release: 1.0+.
Mergeable: These settings are mergeable. Changes to these settings do not require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
Record Inbound: Default = None
Select whether automatic recording of incoming calls is enabled. Options for recording are:
None: Do not automatically record calls.
On: Record the call if possible. If not possible to record, allow the call to continue.
Mandatory: Record the call if possible. If not possible to record, block the call and return busy tone.
Percentages of calls: Record a selected percentages of the calls.
Record Time Profile: Default = <None> (Any time)
Used to select a time profile during which automatic call recording of incoming calls is applied. If no profile is
selected, automatic recording of incoming calls is active at all times.
Recording (Auto): Default = Mailbox
Sets the destination for automatically triggered recordings.
This option sets the destination for the recording to be a selected user or hunt group mailbox. The adjacent drop
down list is used to select the mailbox.
Voice Recording Library: Release 3.0+.
This options set the destination for the recording to be a VRL folder on the voicemail server. The ContactStore
application polls that folder and collects waiting recordings which it then places in its own archive. Recording is still
done by the Voicemail Pro.
Voice Recording Library Authenticated: Release 7.0
This option is similar to Voice Recording Library above but instructs the voicemail server to create an
authenticated recording. If the file contents are changed, the file is invalidated though it can still be played.
Auto Record Calls: Default = External. Release 6.1
This setting allows selection of whether External or External & Internal calls are subject to automatic call
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Configuration Settings: Hunt Group
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6.8.8 Announcements
This tab is new for Release 4.0 and higher. Unlike pre-4.0 systems, this method of using announcements is independent
of hunt group queuing.
Announcements are played to callers waiting to be answered. This includes callers being presented to hunt group
members, ie. ringing, and callers queued for presentation.
The system supports announcements using Voicemail Pro, Voicemail Lite (pre-5.0 only) or Embedded Voicemail.
If no voicemail channel is available for an announcement, the announcement is not played.
In conjunction with Voicemail Pro, the system allows a number of voicemail channels to be reserved for
announcements. See System | Voicemail .
With Voicemail Pro, the announcement can be replaced by the action specified in a Queued (1st announcement) or
Still Queued (2nd announcement) start point call flow. Refer to the Voicemail Pro Installation and Maintenance
documentation for details.
Calls can be answered during the announcement. If it is a mandatory requirement that announcements should be
heard before a call is answered, then a Voicemail Pro call flow should be used before the call is presented.
Warning: Call Billing and Logging
Note that a call becomes connected when the first announcement is played to it. That connected state is
signaled to the call provider who may start billing at that point. The call will also be recorded as answered
within the SMDR output once the first announcement is played.
If a call is rerouted to a hunt group's Night Service Group or Out of Service Fallback Group, the announcements of
the new group are applied.
If a call overflows, the announcements of the original group are still applied, not those of the overflow group.
For announcements to be used effectively, the hunt group's Voicemail Answer Time must be extended or
Voicemail On must be unselected.
Recording the Hunt Group Announcement
Voicemail Pro provides a default announcement "I'm afraid all the operators are busy but please hold and you will be
transferred when somebody becomes available". This default is used for announcement 1 and announcement 2 if no
specific hunt group announcement has been recorded. Embedded Voicemail does not provide any default announcement.
Voicemail Lite also provides the default announcements.
The maximum length for announcements is 10 minutes. New announcements can be recorded using the following
Voicemail Lite
Access the hunt group mailbox and press 3. Then press either 3 to record the 1st announcement for the hunt
group or 4 to record the 2nd announcement for the hunt group.
Voicemail Pro
The method of recording announcements depends on the mailbox mode being used by the voicemail server:
IP Office Mailbox Mode
Access the hunt group mailbox and press 3. Then press either 3 to record the 1st announcement for the hunt
group or 4 to record the 2nd announcement for the hunt group.
Intuity Emulation Mailbox Mode
There is no mechanism within the Intuity telephony user interface (TUI) to record hunt group announcements.
To provide custom announcements, hunt group queued and still queued start points must be configured with
Voicemail Pro with the required prompts played by a generic action.
Embedded Voicemail
Embedded Voicemail does not include any default announcement or method for recording announcements. The
Record Message short code feature is provided to allow the recording of announcements. The telephone
number field of short codes using this feature requires the extension number followed by either ".1" for
announcement 1 or ".2" for announcement 2. For example, for extension number 300, the short codes *91N# |
Record Message | N".1" and *92N# | Record Message | N".2" could be used to allow recording of the
announcements by dialing *91300# and *92300#.
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Configuration Settings: Hunt Group
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
In a IP Office Server Edition network, all hunt groups are configured at the network level and stored in the
configuration of the IP Office Server Edition Primary Server. However, they are automatically advertised to
and useable on any system in the network and can include users from any system.
Release: 4.0+.
Mergeable: These settings are mergeable. Changes to these settings do not require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
Announcements On: Default = Off.
This setting enables or disables announcements.
Wait before 1st announcement: Default = 10 seconds. Range = 0 to 9999 seconds.
This setting sets the time delay from the calls presentation, after which the first announcement should be played to the
caller. If Synchronize Calls is selected, the actual wait may differ, see below.
Flag call as answered: Default = Off.
This setting is used by the CCC and CBC applications. By default they do not regarded a call as answered until it has
been answered by a person or by a Voicemail Pro action with Flag call as answered selected. This setting allows
calls to be marked as answered once the caller has heard the first announcement. This setting is not used by the
Customer Call Reporter application.
Warning: Call Billing and Logging
Note that a call becomes connected when the first announcement is played to it. That connected state is
signaled to the call provider who may start billing at that point. The call will also be recorded as answered
within the SMDR output once the first announcement is played.
Post announcement tone: Default = Music on hold.
Following the first announcement, you can select whether the caller should hear Music on Hold , Ringing or
Silence until answered or played another announcement.
2nd Announcement: Default = On.
If selected, a second announcement can be played to the caller if they have still not been answered.
Wait before 2nd announcement: Default = 20 seconds. Range = 0 to 9999 seconds.
This setting sets the wait between the 1st and the 2nd announcement. If Synchronize Calls is selected, the actual
wait may differ, see below.
Repeat last announcement: Default = On.
If selected, the last announcement played to the caller is repeated until they are answered or hang-up.
Wait before repeat: Default = 20 seconds. Range = 0 to 9999 seconds.
If Repeat last announcement is selected, this setting sets is applied between each repeat of the last announcement.
If Synchronize Calls is selected, this value is grayed out and set to match the Wait before 2nd announcement
Synchronize calls: Default = Off
This option can be used to restrict how many voicemail channels are required to provide the announcements.
When Synchronize calls is off, announcement are played individually for each call. This requires a separate
voicemail channel each time an announcement is played to each caller. While this ensures accurate following of the
wait settings selected, it does not make efficient use of voicemail channels.
When Synchronize calls is on, if a required announcement is already being played to another caller, further callers
wait until the announcement been completed and can be restarted. In addition, when a caller has waited for the set
wait period and the announcement is started, any other callers waiting for the same announcement hear it even if
they have not waited for the wait period. Using this setting, the maximum number of voicemail channels ever
needed is 1 or 2 depending on the number of selected announcements.
Note: Interaction with Voicemail Pro Queued and Still Queued Start Points
If either custom Queued or Still Queued start point call flows are being used for the announcements, when
Synchronize Calls is enabled those call flows will support the playing of prompts only. Voicemail Pro actions such
as Speak ETA, Speak Position, Menu, Leave Mail, Transfer and Assisted Transfer, etc. are not supported.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
6.8.9 SIP
Each hunt group can be configured with its own SIP URI information. For calls received on a SIP line where any of the
line's SIP URI fields are set to Use Internal Data, if the call is presented to the hunt group that data is taken from these
This form is hidden if there are no system multi-site network lines in the configuration or no SIP lines with a URI set to
Use Internal Data.
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
In a IP Office Server Edition network, all hunt groups are configured at the network level and stored in the
configuration of the IP Office Server Edition Primary Server. However, they are automatically advertised to
and useable on any system in the network and can include users from any system.
Release: 6.0+.
Mergeable: These settings are mergeable. Changes to these settings do not require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
SIP Name: Default = Blank on Voicemail tab/Extension number on other tabs.
The value from this field is used when the From field of the SIP URI being used for a SIP call is set to Use
Internal Data.
SIP Display Name (Alias): Default = Blank on Voicemail tab/Name on other tabs.
The value from this field is used when the Display Name field of the SIP URI being used for a SIP call is set to Use
Internal Data.
Contact: Default = Blank on Voicemail tab/Extension number on other tabs.
The value from this field is used when the Contact field of the SIP URI being used for a SIP call is set to Use
Internal Data.
Anonymous: Default = On on Voicemail tab/Off on other tabs.
If the From field in the SIP URI is set to Use Internal Data, selecting this option inserts Anonymous into that
field rather than the SIP Name set above.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Configuration Settings: Hunt Group
6.8.10 Hunt Group Operation Hunt Types
At its most basic, a hunt groups settings consist of a hunt group name, an extension number, a list of hunt group
members and a hunt type selection. It is the last two settings which determine the order in which incoming calls are
presented to hunt group members.
The available hunt types are; Collective, Sequential, Rotary and Longest Waiting. These work are follows:
Collective Group (formerly Group Group)
An incoming call is presented
simultaneously to all the available hunt
group members.
Sequential Group (formerly Hunt or Linear Group)
An incoming call is presented to the first
available member in the list. If
unanswered, it is presented to the next
available member in the list.
The next incoming call uses the same
order. It is presented to the available
members starting again from the top of
the list.
Rotary Hunt Type (formerly Circular Group)
This hunt type operates similarly to
Sequential. However the starting point
for call presentation is the first available
member after the last member to answer
a call.
Longest Waiting Hunt Type (formerly Idle or Most Idle)
This hunt type does not present calls to hunt group members in the order that they are listed. It presents calls using the
order of how long the available hunt group members have been idle.
An incoming call is first presented to the available member who has been idle the longest. If unanswered it is presented
to the next longest idle member.
Release 4.2+: Where hunt group calls are being presented to a twinned extension, the longest waiting status of the
user can be reset by calls answered at either their master or twinned extension.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1 Call Presentation
Summary: Calls are presented to each available hunt group member in turn. If having been presented to all the
available members, none answers, the call is redirected to voicemail if available, otherwise it continues to be presented
to the next available member.
In addition to the summary, options exist to have calls queued or to have calls also presented to agents in an overflow
group or groups.
First and Next Available Members
The first available member to which a call is presented and the order of the next available members to which a call is
presented are determined by the hunt group's Hunt Type setting.
Additional Calls
When additional calls are waiting to be presented, additional available hunt group members are alerted using the hunt
group type. The way additional calls are presented if there are available members depends on the system software
Pre-Release 4.0
Additional calls ring around the group separately. This means that additional calls may be answered ahead of the
first call.
Release 4.0 and Higher
When any member answers a call it will be the first waiting call that is answered.
No Available Members
If the number of incoming calls exceeds the number of available members to which calls can be presented, the
following actions are usable in order of precedence.
If queuing has been enabled for the hunt, it is applied to the excess calls up to the limits specified for the number
of queued calls or length of time queued.
If voicemail has been enabled for the hunt group, excess calls are directed to voicemail.
Busy Tone
Busy tone is returned to the excess calls (except analog and T1 CAS calls which remain queued).
No Answer Time
This value is used to determine how long a call should ring at a hunt group member before being presented to the next
available hunt group member. The System | Telephony | Telephony | No Answer Time setting is used unless a
specific Hunt | Hunt Group | No Answer Time is set.
If voicemail is being used, if having been presented to all the available group members the call is still not answered
then it goes to voicemail.
Release 4.0+: The call will also go to voicemail when the hunt group's Voicemail Answer Time is exceeded. the
mailbox of the originally targeted hunt group is used even if the call has overflowed or gone to a night server hunt
Pre-Release 4.0: When voicemail was invoked, the mailbox of whichever hunt group was currently handling the
call was used, for example the mailbox of the overflow or night service hunt group might be used if the call had
gone from the original hunt group to an overflow or night server hunt group.
Calls Not Being Answered Quick Enough - Overflow
In addition to ringing at each available member for the No Answer Time, a separate Overflow Time can be set. When
a calls total ring time against the group exceeds this, the call can be redirected to an overflow group or groups.
No Available Member Answers
If a call has been presented unanswered to all the available members, either of two actions can be applied. If voicemail
is available, the call is redirected to voicemail. If otherwise, the call will continue being presented to hunt group
members until answered or, if set, overflow is used.
Call Waiting
For hunt groups using the Group hunt type, call waiting can be used.
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Configuration Settings: Hunt Group Member Availability
Summary: Details when a hunt group member is seen as being available to be presented a hunt group call.
The Hunt Group settings within IP Office Manager list those users who are members of the hunt group and therefore may
receive calls directed to that hunt group. However there are a range of factors that can affect whether a particular hunt
group member is available to take hunt group calls at any time.
Existing Connected Call
Users with an existing connected call are not available to further hunt group calls. This is regardless of the type of
connected call, whether the user has available call appearance buttons or is using call waiting.
Hunt Group Call Waiting
For Collective hunt groups call waiting can be enabled using the Ring Type of Collective Call Waiting.
Logged In/Logged Out
The system allows user's to log in and out extensions, a process known as 'hot desking'. Whilst a user is logged out
they are not available to receive hunt group calls.
Release 4.2+: Mobile Twinning users with both Hunt group calls eligible for mobile twinning and Twin when
logged out selected will still receive hunt group calls unless they switch off twinning.
Membership Enabled/Disabled
The system provides controls to temporarily disable a users' membership of a hunt group. Whilst disabled, the user is
not available to receive calls directed to that hunt group.
Do Not Disturb
This function is used by users to indicate that they do not want to receive any calls. This includes hunt group calls. In
call center environments this state is also known as 'Busy Not Available'. See Do Not Disturb .
Busy on Held
When a user has a held call, they can receive other calls including hunt group calls. The Busy on Held settings can be
used to indicate that the user is not available to further calls when they have a held call.
Forward Unconditional
Users set to Forward Unconditional are by default not available to hunt group calls. The system allows the forwarding
of hunt group calls to be selected as an option.
Idle /Off Hook
The hunt group member must be idle in order to receive hunt group call ringing.
No Available Members
If queuing has been enabled, calls will be queued. If queuing has not been enabled, calls will go to the overflow group
if set, even if the overflow time is not set or is set to 0. If queuing is not enabled and no overflow is set, calls will go to
voicemail. If voicemail is not available, external calls go to the incoming call routes fallback destination while internal
calls receive busy indication.
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Hunt Group Member Availability Settings
IP Office
Forwarding and do not disturb controls for a user are found on the User | Forwarding and User | DND
Enabling and disabling a users hunt group membership is done by ticking or unticking the user entry in
the hunt group's extensions list on the Hunt Group | Hunt Group tab.
Controls The following short code features/button programming actions can be used:
Feature/Action Short Code Default Button
Hunt Group Enable HGEna - Toggles.
Hunt Group Disable HGDis
Forward Hunt Group On -*50 FwDH+ - Toggles
Forward Hunt Group Off -*51 FwDH-
Busy on Held BusyH
Do Not Disturb On -*08 DNDOn - Toggles
Do Not Disturb Off -*09 DNDOf
Extn Login -*35*N# Login
Extn Logout -*36 Logof
SoftConsole A SoftConsole user can view and edit a user's settings. Through the directory, select the required user.
Their current status including DND, Logged In and hunt group membership states are shown and can be
changed. Forwarding settings can be accessed by then selecting Forwarding.
DND, Forwarding and Busy on Held can all be controlled through Phone Manager. They are accessed by
clicking and then selecting the Do Not Disturb, Forwarding or Telephone tabs respectively.
Phone Manager Pro users can select agent mode by clicking , selecting the Agent Mode tab and
selecting Agent Mode. In this mode, Phone Manager provides icons for Busy Wrap Up (Hunt group
disable) and Busy Not Available (DND). It also allows individual selection of which group memberships
are enabled.
Phone Manager can also be used to log in and log out when the application is started or stopped.
Manager 10.1 Page 443
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Configuration Settings: Hunt Group Example Hunt Group
The follow are simple examples of how a department might use the facilities of a hunt group.
1. Basic Hunt Group
Scenario The Sales department want all sales related calls to be presented first to Jane, then Peter and finally Anne.
Actions 1. Create a hunt group named Sales and assign it an extension number.
2. Set the Hunt Type to Sequential.
3. Add Jane, Peter and Ann to the User List in that order.
4. Turn off queuing on the Queuing tab and voicemail on the Voicemail tab.
5. Route relevant calls to the Sales group by selecting it as the destination in the appropriate Incoming
Call Routes.
Results Any call received by the Sales hunt group is first presented to Jane if she is available. If Jane is not
available or does not answer within 15 seconds the call is presented to Peter. If Peter is not available or
does not answer within 15 seconds the call goes Anne. Since voicemail is not on, the call will continue to be
presented around the group members in that order until it is answered or the callers hangs up.
2. Adding Voicemail Support
Scenario A voicemail server has now been added to the system. The Sales department wants to use it to take
messages from unanswered callers. When messages are left, they want Jane to receive message waiting
Actions 1. Open the Sales hunt group settings and select Voicemail On on the Voicemail tab.
2. Select the User settings for Jane. On the Source Numbers tab, add the entry HSales.
Results Once a call to the Sales group has been presented to all the available members, if it is still unanswered
then the call will be redirected to the group's voicemail mailbox to leave a message. When a message has
been left, the message waiting indication lamp on Jane's phone is lit.
3. Using the Queuing Facility
Scenario The Sales department now wants calls queued when no one is available to answer. However if the number
of queued calls exceeds 3 they then want any further callers directed to voicemail.
Actions 1. Open the Sales hunt group settings and select Queuing On on the Queuing tab.
2. Set the Queue Limit to 3.
Results When the Sales group are all on calls or ringing, any further calls to the group are queued and receive
queuing announcements from the voicemail server. When the number of queued calls exceeds 3, any
further calls are routed to the group's voicemail mailbox.
4. Using Out of Service Fallback
Scenario During team meetings, the Sales department want their calls redirected to another group, for this example
Actions 1. Open the Sales hunt group settings and select the Fallback tab. In the Out of Service Fallback
Group field select the Support group.
2. Create a system short code *98/Set Hunt Group Out of Service/300.
3. Create a system short code *99/Clear Hunt Group Out of Service/300.
Results Prior to team meetings, dialing *98 puts the Sales group into out of service mode. Its calls are then
redirected to the Support group. Following the meeting, dialing *99 puts the Sales group back In Service.
Manager 10.1 Page 444
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
5. Using a Night Service Time Profile
Scenario Outside their normal business hours, the Sales department want their group calls automatically sent to
voicemail. This can be done using a time profile and leaving the Night Service Fallback Group setting blank.
Actions 1. Create a Time Profile called Sales Hours and in it enter the times during which the Sales department
are normally available.
2. Open the Sales hunt group settings and select the Fallback tab.
3. In the Time Profile field select Sales Hours.
Results Outside the normal business hours set in the time profile, the Sales hunt group is automatically put into
Night Service mode. Since no Night Service Fallback Group has been set, calls are redirected to voicemail.
Manager 10.1 Page 445
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Configuration Settings: Hunt Group CBC/CCC Agents and Hunt Groups
The use of and reporting on hunt groups is a key feature of call center operation. For IP Office, reporting is provided
through the Compact Business Center (CBC) or Compact Contact Center (CCC) applications.
In order for these applications to provide hunt group and hunt group user (agent) reports, the following rules apply:
The hunt group names must be restricted to a maximum of 12 characters.
The hunt group and user extension numbers should be a maximum of 4 digits.
Hunt group members should be given a Login Code and set to Force Login.
The agent state Busy Not Available is equivalent to Do Not Disturb. The agent state Busy Wrap Up is equivalent to
hunt group disable.
Manager 10.1 Page 446
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
6.9 Short Code
This form is used to create System Short Codes. System short codes can be dialed by all system users.
However the system short code is ignored if the user dialing matches a user or user rights short code. For full
details on short code usage and parameter see the section Short Codes .
User dialing of emergency numbers must not be blocked. If short codes are edited, the users ability to dial
emergency numbers must be tested and maintained.
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
In a IP Office Server Edition network, only Dial, Dial Emergency, Dial Fax, Dial Speech and Dial 3k1
short codes can be set as system short codes on individual systems. All other short code types, including
other dial features not mentioned, can only be created at the network level and are shared by all systems
in the network.
Release: 1.0+.
Mergeable: These settings are mergeable. Changes to these settings do not require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
Short Code
The dialing digits used to trigger the short code. Maximum length 31 characters.
Telephone Number
The number dialed by the short code or parameters for the short code feature. This field can contain numbers and
characters. For example, it can contain Voicemail Pro start point names, user names, hunt group names and telephone
numbers (including those with special characters). Maximum length 31 characters.
Dialing Complete
The majority of North-American telephony services use 'en-bloc' dialing, ie. they expect to receive all the routing
digits for a call as a single simultaneous set of digits. Therefore the use of a ; is recommended at the end of all
dialing short codes that use an N. This is also recommended for all dialing where secondary dial tone short codes are
being used.
Line Group ID: Default = 0
For short codes that result in the dialing of a number, that is short codes with a Dial feature, this field is used to enter
the initially routing destination of the call. The drop down can be used to select the following from the displayed list:
Outgoing Group ID
The Outgoing Group ID's current setup within the system configuration are listed. If an Outgoing Group ID is
selected, the call will be routed to the first available line or channel within that group.
ARS (Release 4.0+)
The ARS records currently configured in the system are listed. If an ARS record is selected, the call will be routed by
the setting within that ARS record. Refer to ARS Overview .
Select the action to be performed by the short code.
Locale : Default = Blank
For short codes that route calls to voicemail, this field can be used to set the prompts locale that should be used if
available on the voicemail server.
When the system routes a call to the voicemail server it indicates the locale for which matching prompts
should be provided if available. The locale sent to the voicemail server by the system is determined as show
below. If the required set of prompts is not available, the voicemail will fallback to another appropriate
language and finally to English (refer to the appropriate voicemail installation manual for details).
Short Code Locale: The short code locale, if set, is used if the call is routed to voicemail using the short
Incoming Call Route Locale: The incoming call route locale, if set, is used if caller is external.
User Locale: The user locale, if set, is used if the caller is internal.
System Locale: If no user or incoming call route locale is set, the system locale is used unless
overridden by a short code locale.
Manager 10.1 Page 447
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Configuration Settings: Short Code
For Release 8.0+ systems using Embedded Voicemail, if the required set of upgraded language prompts to
match the locale is not present on the system SD card, IP Office Manager will display an error. The required
prompt set can be uploaded from IP Office Manager using the Add/Display VM Locales option.
Force Account Code: Default = Off.
For short codes that result in the dialing of a number, this field trigger the user being prompted to enter a valid
account code before the call is allowed to continue.
Force Authorization Code : Default = Off
This option is only shown on systems where authorization codes have been enabled. If selected, then for short codes
that result in the dialing of a number, the user is required to enter a valid authorization code in order to continue the
Manager 10.1 Page 448
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
6.10 Service
Services are used to configure the settings required when a user or device on the LAN needs to connect to a
off-switch data service such as the Internet or another network. Services can be used when making data
connections via trunk or WAN interfaces.
Once a service is created, it can be used as the destination for an IP Route record. One service can also be
set as the Default Service. That service will then be used for any data traffic received by the system for
which no IP Route is specified.
The system supports the following types of service:
Normal Service
This type of service should be selected when for example, connecting to an ISP.
WAN Service
This type of service is used when creating a WAN link. A User and RAS Service will also be created with the same
name. These three records are automatically linked and each open the same form. Note however, that this type of
Service cannot be used if the Encrypted Password option is checked. In this case the RAS Service name must
match the Account Name. Therefore either create each record manually or create an Intranet Service.
Intranet Service
This type of service can be selected to automatically create a User with the same name at the same time. These
two records are linked and will each open the same form. The User's password is entered in the Incoming
Password field at the bottom on the Service tab. An Intranet Services shares the same configuration tabs as those
available to the WAN Service.
SSL VPN Service
This type of service provides a secure tunnel between the IP Office system at a customer site and an Avaya VPN
Gateway (AVG) installed at a service provider site. This secure tunnel allows service providers to offer remote
management services to customers, such as fault management, monitoring, and administration.
For full details on how to configure and administer SSL VPN services, refer to the Avaya IP Office SSL VPN
Solutions Guide.
Manager 10.1 Page 449
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Configuration Settings: Service
6.10.1 Normal, WAN or Intranet Services Service
For IP Office Server Edition this type of configuration record can be saved as a template and new records created from a
template. See Templates .
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
Release: 1.0+.
Mergeable: These settings are mergeable. Changes to these settings do not require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
Service Name
The name of the service. It is recommended that only alphanumeric characters be used.
Account Name
The user name that is used to authenticate the connection. This is provided by the ISP or remote system.
Password: Default = Blank
Enter the password that is used to authenticate the connection. This is provided by the ISP or remote system.
Telephone Number: Default = Blank
If the connection is to be made via ISDN enter the telephone number to be dialed. This is provided by the ISP or
remote system.
Firewall Profile: Default = Internet01 if present, otherwise <None>
From the list box select the Firewall Profile that is used to allow/disallow protocols through this Service.
Encrypted Password: Default = Off
When enabled the password is authenticated via CHAP (this must also be supported at the remote end). If disabled,
PAP is used as the authentication method.
Default Route: Default = Off
When enabled this Service is the default route for data packets unless a blank IP Route has been defined in the
system IP Routes . A green arrow appears to the left of the Service in the Configuration Tree. Only one Service can
be the default route. If disabled, a route must be created under IP Route.
Incoming Password: Default = Blank
Shown on WAN and Intranet services. Enter the password that will be used to authenticate the connection from the
remote Control Unit. (If this field has appeared because you have created a Service and User of the same name, this is
the password you entered in the User's Password field).
Manager 10.1 Page 450
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1 Bandwidth
These options give the ability to make ISDN calls between sites only when there is data to be sent or sufficient data to
warrant an additional call. The calls are made automatically without the users being aware of when calls begin or end.
Using ISDN it is possible to establish a data call and be passing data in less that a second. Note: the system will check
Minimum Call Time first, then Idle Period, then the Active Idle Period.
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
Release: 1.0+.
Mergeable: These settings are mergeable. Changes to these settings do not require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
Minimum No of Channels: Default = 1. Range = 1 to 30.
Defines the number of channels used to connect for an outgoing connection. The initial channel must be established
and stable, before further calls are made.
Maximum No of Channels: Default = 1. Range = 1 to 30.
Defines the maximum number of channels to can be used. This field should contain a value equal to or greater than the
Minimum Channels field.
Extra BW Threshold: Default = 50%. Range = 0 to 100%.
Defines the utilization threshold at which extra channels are connected. The value entered is a %. The % utilization is
calculated over the total number of channels in use at any time, which may be one, two etc.
For example, if Minimum Channels set to 1, Maximum Channels set to 2 and Extra Bandwidth set to 50 - once
50% of first channel has been used the second channel is connected.
Reduce BW Threshold: Default = 10%. Range = 0 to 100%.
Defines the utilization threshold at which additional channels are disconnected. The value entered is a %. Additional
calls are only dropped when the % utilization, calculated over the total number of channels in use, falls below the %
value set for a time period defined by the Service-Idle Time. The last call (calls - if Minimum Calls is greater than 1) to
the Service is only dropped if the % utilization falls to 0, for a time period defined by the Service-Idle Time. Only used
when 2 or more channels are set above.
For example, if Minimum Channels set to 1, Maximum Channels set to 2 and Reduce Bandwidth is set to 10 - once
the usage of the 2 channels drops to 10% the number of channels used is 1.
Callback Telephone Number: Default = Blank
The number that is given to the remote service, via BAP, which the remote Control Unit then dials to allow the
bandwidth to be increased. Incoming Call routing and RAS Services must be appropriately configured.
Idle Period (secs): Default = 10 seconds. Range = 0 to 999999 seconds.
The time period, in seconds, required to expire after the line has gone idle. At this point the call is considered inactive
and is completely closed.
For example, the 'Idle Period' is set to X seconds. X seconds before the 'Active Idle Period' timeouts the Control Unit
checks the packets being transmitted/received, if there is nothing then at the end of the 'Active Idle Period' the
session is closed & the line is dropped. If there are some packets being transmitted or received then the line stays
up. After the 'Active Idle Period' has timed out the system performs the same check every X seconds, until there are
no packets being transferred and the session is closed and the line dropped.
Active Idle Period (secs): Default = 180 seconds. Range = 0 to 999999 seconds.
Sets the time period during which time the line has gone idle but there are still active sessions in progress (for
example an FTP is in process, but not actually passing data at the moment). Only after this timeout will call be
For example, you are downloading a file from your PC and for some reason the other end has stopped responding,
(the remote site may have a problem etc.) the line is idle, not down, no data is being transmitted/ received but the
file download session is still active. After the set time period of being in this state the line will drop and the sessions
close. You may receive a remote server timeout error on your PC in the Browser/FTP client you were using.
Minimum Call Time (secs): Default = 60 seconds. Range = 0 to 999999 seconds.
Sets the minimum time that a call is held up after initial connection. This is useful if you pay a minimum call charge
every time a call is made, no matter the actual length of the call. The minimum call time should be set to match that
provided by the line provider.
Extra BW Mode: Default = Incoming Outgoing
Defines the mode of operation used to increases bandwidth to the initial call to the remote Service.
Manager 10.1 Page 451
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Configuration Settings: Service
Outgoing Only
Bandwidth is added by making outgoing calls.
Incoming Only
Bandwidth is added by the remote service calling back on the BACP number (assuming that BACP is successfully
Outgoing Incoming
Uses both methods but bandwidth is first added using outgoing calls.
Incoming Outgoing
Uses both methods but bandwidth is first added using incoming BACP calls.
Manager 10.1 Page 452
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1 IP
The fields in this tab are used to configure network addressing for the services you are running. Depending on how your
network is configured, the use of Network Address Translation (NAT) may be required.
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
Release: 1.0+.
Mergeable: These settings are mergeable. Changes to these settings do not require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
IP Address: Default = (address assigned by ISP)
An address should only be entered here if a specific IP address and mask have been provided by the Service Provider.
Note that if the address is in a different domain from the system then NAT is automatically enabled.
IP Mask: Default = (use NAT)
Enter the IP Mask associated with the IP Address if an address is entered.
Primary Transfer IP Address: Default = (No transfer)
This address acts as a primary address for incoming IP traffic. All incoming IP packets without a session are translated
to this address. This would normally be set to the local mail or web server address.
For control units supporting a LAN1 and LAN2, the primary transfer address for each LAN can be set through the
System | LAN1 and System | LAN2 tabs.
Request DNS: Default = Off
When selected, DNS information is obtained from the service provider. To use this, the DNS Server addresses set in
the system configuration (System | DNS ) should be blank. The PC making the DNS request should have the system
set as its DNS Server. For DHCP clients the system will provide its own address as the DNS server.
Forward Multicast Messages: Default = On
By default this option is on. Multicasting allows WAN bandwidth to be maximized through the reduction of traffic that
needs to be passed between sites.
RIP Mode: Default = None
Routing Information Protocol (RIP) is a method by which network routers can exchange information about device
locations and routes. RIP can be used within small networks to allow dynamic route configuration as opposed to static
configuration using.
The LAN does not listen to or send RIP messages.
Listen Only (Passive)
Listen to RIP-1 and RIP-2 messages in order to learn RIP routes on the network.
Listen to RIP-1 and RIP-2 messages and send RIP-1 responses as a sub-network broadcast.
RIP2 Broadcast (RIP1 Compatibility)
Listen to RIP-1 and RIP-2 messages and send RIP-2 responses as a sub-network broadcast.
RIP2 Multicast
Listen to RIP-1 and RIP-2 messages and send RIP-2 responses to the RIP-2 multicast address.
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Manager 10.1 Page 453
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Configuration Settings: Service Autoconnect
Fields in this tab enable you to set up automatic connections to the specified Service.
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
Release: 1.0+.
Mergeable: These settings are mergeable. Changes to these settings do not require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
Auto Connect Interval (mins): Default = 0 (disabled). Range = 0 to 99999 minutes.
This field defines how often this Service will automatically be called ("polled"). For example setting 60 means the
system will call this Service every hour in the absence of any normally generated call (this timer is reset for every call;
therefore if the service is already connected, then no additional calls are made). This is ideal for SMTP Mail polling from
Internet Service Providers.
Auto Connect Time Profile: Default = <None>
Allows the selection of any configured Time Profiles. The selected profile controls the time period during which
automatic connections to the service are made. It does NOT mean that connection to that service is barred outside of
these hours. For example, if a time profile called "Working Hours" is selected, where the profile is defined to be
9:00AM to 6:00PM Monday to Friday, then automatic connection to the service will not be made unless its within the
defined profile. If there is an existing connection to the service at 9:00AM, then the connection will continue. If there is
no connection, then an automatic connection will be made at 9:00AM.
Manager 10.1 Page 454
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1 Quota
Quotas are associated with outgoing calls, they place a time limit on calls to a particular IP Service. This avoids excessive
call charges when perhaps something changes on your network and call frequency increases unintentionally.
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
Release: 1.0+.
Mergeable: These settings are mergeable. Changes to these settings do not require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
Quota Time (mins): Default = 240 minutes. Range = 0 to 99999 minutes.
Defines the number of minutes used in the quota. When the quota time is used up no further data can be passed to
this service. This feature is useful to stop things like an internet game keeping a call to your ISP open for a long
Warning: Setting a value here without selecting a Quota period below will stop all further calls after the Quota Time
has expired.
Quota: Default = Daily. Range = None, Daily, Weekly or Monthly
Sets the period during which the quota is applied. For example, if the Quota Time is 60 minutes and the Quota is set
to Daily, then the maximum total connect time during any day is 60 minutes. Any time beyond this will cause the
system to close the service and prevent any further calls to this service. To disable quotas select None and set a
Quota Time of zero.
Note: The ClearQuota feature can be used to create short codes to refresh the quota time.
Manager 10.1 Page 455
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Configuration Settings: Service Fallback
These options allow you to set up a fallback for the Service. For example, you may wish to connect to your ISP during
working hours and at other times take advantage of varying call charges from an alternative carrier. You could therefore
set up one Service to connect during peak times and another to act as fallback during the cheaper period.
You need to create an additional Service to be used during the cheaper period and select this service from the Fallback
Service list box (open the Service form and select the Fallback tab).
If the original Service is to be used during specific hours and the Fallback Service to be used outside of these hours, a
Time Profile can be created. Select this Time Profile from the Time Profile list box. At the set time the original Service
goes into Fallback and the Fallback Service is used.
A Service can also be put into Fallback manually using short codes, for example:
Put the service "Internet" into fallback:
Short Code: *85
Telephone Number: "Internet"
Line Group ID: 0
Feature: SetHuntGroupNightService
Take the service "Internet" out of fallback:
Short Code: *86
Telephone Number: "Internet"
Line Group ID: 0
Feature: ClearHuntGroupNightService
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
Release: 1.0+.
Mergeable: These settings are mergeable. Changes to these settings do not require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
In Fallback: Default = Off
This option indicates whether the Service is in Fallback or not. A service can be set into fallback using this setting.
Alternatively a service can be set into fallback using a time profile or short codes.
Time profile: Default = <None> (No automatic fallback)
Select the time profile you wish to use for the service. The time profile should be set up for the hours that you wish
this service to be operational, out of these hours the Fallback Service is used.
Fallback Service: <None>
Select the service that is used when this service is in fallback.
Manager 10.1 Page 456
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1 DialIn
Only available for WAN and Intranet Services. This tab is used to define a WAN connection.
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
Release: 1.0+.
Mergeable: These settings are mergeable. Changes to these settings do not require a reboot of the system.
To define a WAN connection
1. Select Add.
2. Enter WAN if the service is being routed via a WAN port on a WAN3 expansion module.
Manager 10.1 Page 457
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Configuration Settings: Service
6.10.2 SSL VPN Service
This type of service provides a secure tunnel between the IP Office system at a customer site and an Avaya VPN Gateway
(AVG) installed at a service provider site. This secure tunnel allows service providers to offer remote management
services to customers, such as fault management, monitoring, and administration.
SSL VPN Services are supported by IP500 V2 and Linux based IP Office systems only, except B5800 Branch Gateway.
For full details on how to configure and administer SSL VPN services, refer to the Avaya IP Office SSL VPN
Solutions Guide.
The process of 'on-boarding' (refer to the IP Office Installation manual and the IP Office SSL VPN Solutions
Guide) automatically creates an SSL VPN service in the system configuration when the on-boarding file is
uploaded to the system. Care should be taken not to delete or modify such a service except when advised to
by Avaya. Service
The configuration settings for the SSL VPN service.
For IP Office Server Edition this type of configuration record can be saved as a template and new records created from a
template. See Templates .
For full details on how to configure and administer SSL VPN services, refer to the Avaya IP Office SSL VPN
Solutions Guide.
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
Release: 8.1+.
Mergeable: These settings are mergeable. Changes to these settings do not require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
Service Name
Enter a name for the SSL VPN service.
Account Name
Enter the SSL VPN service account name. This account name is used for authenticating the SSL VPN service when
connecting with the Avaya VPN Gateway (AVG).
Account Password
Enter the password for the SSL VPN service account.
Confirm Password
Confirm the password for the SSL VPN service account.
Server Address
Enter the address of the VPN gateway. The address can be a fully qualified domain name or an IPv4 address.
Server Type: Default = AVG.
This field is fixed to AVG (Avaya VPN Gateway).
Server Port Number: Default = 443.
Select a port number.
Manager 10.1 Page 458
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1 Session
The session configuration settings for the SSL VPN service.
For full details on how to configure and administer SSL VPN services, refer to the Avaya IP Office SSL VPN
Solutions Guide.
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
Release: 8.1+.
Mergeable: These settings are mergeable. Changes to these settings do not require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
Session Mode: Default = Always On.
This setting is greyed out and cannot be adjusted.
Preferred Data Transport Protocol: Default = UDP.
This is the protocol used by the SSL VPN service for data transport. For Release 8.1 only TCP is supported. If you
select UDP as the protocol when you configure the connection, UDP displays in this field but the SSL VPN service
falls back to TCP.
Heartbeat Interval: Default = 30 seconds. Range = 1 to 600 seconds.
Enter the length of the interval between heartbeat messages, in seconds. The default value is 30 seconds.
Heartbeat Retries: Default = 4. Range = 1 to 10.
Enter the number of unacknowledged heartbeat messages that IP Office sends to AVG before determining that
AVG is not responsive. When this number of consecutive heartbeat messages is reached and AVG has not
acknowledged them, IP Office ends the connection. The default value is 4.
Keepalive Interval: Default = 10 seconds. Range = 0 (Disabled) to 600 seconds.
Not used for TCP connections. Keepalive messages are sent over the UDP data transport channel to prevent
sessions in network routers from timing out.
Reconnection Interval on Failure: Default = 60 seconds. Range = 1 to 600 seconds.
The interval the system waits attempting to re-establish a connection with the AVG. The interval begins when the
SSL VPN tunnel is in-service and makes an unsuccessful attempt to connect with the AVG, or when the connection
with the AVG is lost. The default is 60 seconds.
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Configuration Settings: Service NAPT
The Network Address Port Translation (NAPT) rules are part of SSL VPN configuration. NAPT rules allow a support service
provider to remotely access LAN devices located on a private IP Office network. You can configure each SSL VPN service
instance with a unique set of NAPT rules.
For full details on how to configure and administer SSL VPN services, refer to the Avaya IP Office SSL VPN
Solutions Guide.
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
Release: 8.1 Feature Pack+.
Mergeable: These settings are mergeable. Changes to these settings do not require a reboot of the system.
The SSL VPN restarts after a setting change.
Configuration Settings
Application: Default = Blank
Defines the communication application used to connect to the LAN device through the SSL VPN tunnel. When you select
an application, the Protocol and Port Number fields are filled with the default values.
The drop-down Application selector options and the associated default values are:
Application Protocol External and Internal
Port Number
Custom TCP 0
VMPro TCP 50791
OneXPortal TCP 8080
RDP TCP 3389
WebControl TCP 7070
Protocol: Default = TCP
The protocol used by the application. The options are TCP and UDP.
External Port Number: Default = the default port number for the application. Range = 0 to 65535
Defines the port number used by the application to connect from the external network to the LAN device in the
customer private network.
Internal IP address: Default = Blank.
the IP address of the LAN device in the customer network.
Internal Port Number: Default = the default port number for the application. Range = 0 to 65535
Defines the port number used by the application to connect to the LAN device in the customer private network.
Manager 10.1 Page 460
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1 Fallback
For full details on how to configure and administer SSL VPN services, refer to the Avaya IP Office SSL VPN
Solutions Guide.
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
Release: 8.1+.
Mergeable: These settings are mergeable. Changes to these settings do not require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
In Fallback: Default = Off.
This setting is used to indicate whether the SSL VPN service is in use or not.
To configure the service without establishing an SSL VPN connection, or to disable an SSL VPN connection,
select this option.
To enable the service and establish an SSL VPN connection, de-select this option.
For Release 8.1+, the Set Hunt Group Night Service and Clear Hunt Group Night Service short code and
button features can be used to switch an SSL VPN service off or on respectively. The service is indicated
by setting the service name as the telephone number or action data. Do not use quotation marks.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Configuration Settings: Service
6.11 RAS
A Remote Access Server (RAS) is a piece of computer hardware which sits on a corporate LAN and into which
employees dial on the public switched telephone network to get access to their email and to software and
data on the corporate LAN.
This form is used to create a RAS service that the system offers Dial In users. A RAS service is needed when configuring
modem dial in access, digital (ISDN) dial in access and a WAN link. Some systems may only require one RAS service
since the incoming call type can be automatically sensed.
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
Release: 1.0+.
Mergeable: These settings are mergeable. Changes to these settings do not require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
A textual name for this service. If Encrypted Password below is used, this name must match the Account Name
entered in the Service form.
Enter an extension number if this service is to be accessed internally.
COM Port
For future use.
TA Enable: Default = Off
Select to enable or disable - if enabled RAS will pass the call onto a TA port for external handling.
Encrypted Password: Default = Off
This option is used to define whether Dial In users are asked to use PAP or CHAP during their initial log in to the RAS
Service. If the Encrypted Password box is checked then Dial In users are sent a CHAP challenge, if the box is
unchecked PAP is used as the Dial In Authorization method.
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6.11.1 PPP
PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol) is a Protocol for communication between two computers using a Serial interface, typically a
personal computer connected by phone line to a server.
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
Release: 1.0+.
Mergeable: These settings are mergeable. Changes to these settings do not require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
CHAP Challenge Interval (secs): Default = 0 (disabled). Range = 0 to 99999 seconds.
The period between successive CHAP challenges. Blank or 0 disables repeated challenges. Some software, for example
Windows 95 DUN, does not support repeated CHAP challenges.
Header Compression: Default = Off
Enables the negotiation and use of IP Header Compression as per RFC2507, RFC2508 and RFC2509.
PPP Compression Mode: Default = MPPC
This option is used to negotiate compression (or not) using CCP. If set to MPPC or StacLZS the system will try to
negotiate this mode with the remote Control Unit. If set to Disable CCP is not negotiated.
Do not use or attempt to use compression.
Attempt to use and negotiate STAC compression (the standard, Mode 3)
Attempt to use and negotiate MPPC (Microsoft) compression. Useful for dialing into NT Servers.
PPP Callback Mode: Default = Disable
Callback is not enabled
LCP: (Link Control Protocol)
After authentication the incoming call is dropped and an outgoing call to the number configured in the Service will be
made to reestablish the link.
Callback CP: (Microsoft's Callback Control Protocol)
After acceptance from both ends the incoming call is dropped and an outgoing call to the number configured in the
Service is made to reestablish the link.
Extended CBCP: (Extended Callback Control Protocol)
Similar to Callback CP however the Microsoft application at the remote end will prompt for a telephone number. An
outgoing call will then be made to that number to reestablish the link.
Data Pkt. Size: Default = 0. Range = 0 to 2048.
This is the number of data bytes contained in a Data Packet.
BACP: Default = Off
Allows negotiation of the BACP/BCP protocols. These are used to control the addition of additional B channels to
simultaneously improve data throughput.
Multilink: Default = Off
When enabled the system attempts to negotiate the use of the Multilink protocol (MPPC) on the link(s) into this
Service. Multilink must be enabled if the more than one channel is allowed to be Bundled/Multilinked to this RAS
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Configuration Settings: RAS
6.12 Incoming Call Route
Incoming call routes are used to determine the destination of voice and data calls received by the system.
On systems where a large number incoming call routes need to be setup for DID numbers, the MSN/DID
Configuration tool can be used. Select Tools | MSN Configuration.
Calls received on IP, S
and QSIG trunks do not use incoming call routes. Routing for these is based on
incoming number received as if dialed on-switch. Line short codes on those trunks can be used to modify
the incoming digits.
For a IP Office Server Edition network, these settings can be configured at the network level and are then
automatically replicated in the configuration of all systems in the network. They can only be seen and edited
at the individual system configuration level if record consolidation is switched off.
Determining which incoming call route is used is based on the call matching a number of possible criteria. In order of
highest priority first, the criteria, which if set must be matched by the call in order for the call to use that route are:
1. The Bearer Capability indicated, if any, with the call. For example whether the call is a voice, data or video call.
2. The Incoming Group ID of the trunk or trunk channel on which the call was received.
3. The Incoming Number received with the call.
4. The Incoming Sub Address received with the call.
5. The Incoming CLI of the caller.
Multiple Matches
If there is a match between more than one incoming call route record, the one added to the configuration first is used.
Incoming Call Route Destinations
Each incoming route can include a fallback destination for when the primary destination is busy. It can also include a time
profile which control when the primary destination is used. Outside the time profile calls are redirected to a night service
Release 4.1+: Multiple time profiles can be associated with an incoming call route. Each time profile used has its
own destination and fallback destination specified.
Incoming Call Routing Examples
Example 1
For this example, the customer has subscribes to receive two 2-digit DID numbers. They want calls on one routed to a
Sales hunt group and calls on the other to a Services hunt group. Other calls should use the normal default route to hunt
group Main. The following incoming call routes were added to the configuration to achieve this:
Line Group Incoming Number Destination
0 77 Sales
0 88 Services
0 blank Main
Note that the incoming numbers could have been entered as the full dialed number, for example 7325551177 and
7325551188 respectively. The result would still remain the same as incoming number matching is done from right-to-left.
Line Group Incoming Number Destination
0 7325551177 Sales
0 7325551188 Services
0 blank Main
Example 2
In the example below the incoming number digits 77 are received. The incoming call route records 677 and 77 have the
same number of matching digit place and no non-matching places so both a potential matches. In this scenario the
systemwill use the incoming call route with the Incoming Number specified for matching.
Line Group Incoming Number Destination
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0 677 Support
0 77 Sales
0 7 Services
0 blank Main
Example 3
In the following example, the 677 record is used as the match for 77 as it has more matching digits than the 7 record
and no non-matching digits.
Line Group Incoming Number Destination
0 677 Support
0 7 Services
0 blank Main
Example 4
In this example the digits 777 are received. The 677 record had a non-matching digit, so it is not a match. The 7 record
is used as it has one matching digit and no non-matching digits.
Line Group Incoming Number Destination
0 677 Support
0 7 Services
0 blank Main
Example 5
In this example the digits 77 are received. Both the additional incoming call routes are potential matches. In this case the
route with the shorter Incoming Number specified for matching is used and the call is routed to Services.
Line Group Incoming Number Destination
0 98XXX Support
0 8XXX Services
0 blank Main
Example 6
In this example two incoming call routes have been added, one for incoming number 6XXX and one for incoming number
8XXX. In this case, any three digit incoming numbers will potential match both routes. When this occurs, potential match
that was added to the system configuration first is used. If 4 or more digits were received then an exact matching or
non-matching would occur.
Line Group Incoming Number Destination
0 6XXX Support
0 8XXX Services
0 blank Main
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Configuration Settings: Incoming Call Route
6.12.1 Standard
Incoming call routes are used to match call received with destinations. Routes can be based on the incoming
line group, the type of call, incoming digits or the caller's ICLID. If a range of MSN/DID numbers has been
issued, this form can be populated using the MSN Configuration tool (see MSN Configuration ).
Default Blank Call Routes
By default the configuration contains two incoming calls routes; one set for Any Voice calls (including analog modem)
and one for Any Data calls. While the destination of these default routes can be changed, it is strongly recommended
that the default routes are not deleted.
Deleting the default call routes, may cause busy tone to be returned to any incoming external call that does not
match any incoming call route.
Setting any route to a blank destination field, may cause the incoming number to be checked against system short
codes for a match. This may lead to the call being rerouted off-switch.
Calls received on IP, S
and QSIG trunks do not use incoming call routes. Routing for these is based on incoming
number received as if dialed on-switch. Line short codes on those trunks can be used to modify the incoming digits.
If there is no matching incoming call route for a call, matching is attempted against system short codes and finally
against voicemail nodes before the call is dropped.
SIP Calls
For SIP calls, the following fields are used for call matching:
Line Group ID
This field is matched against the Incoming Group settings of the SIP URI (Line | SIP URI ). This must be an
exact match.
Incoming Number
This field can be used to match the called details (TO) in the SIP header of incoming calls. It can contain a number,
SIP URI or Tel URI. For SIP URI's the domain part of the URI is removed before matching by incoming call routing
occurs. For example, for the SIP URI [email protected] , only the user part of the URI, ie. mysip, is used for
Release 6.0: The Call Routing Method setting of the SIP line can be used to select whether the value used
for incoming number matching is taken from the To Header or the Request URI information provided with
incoming calls on that line.
Incoming CLI
This field can be used to match the calling details (FROM) in the SDP header of incoming SIP calls. It can contain a
number, SIP URI, Tel URI or IP address received with SIP calls. For all types of incoming CLI except IP addresses a
partial record can be used to achieve the match, records being read from left to right. For IP addresses only full
record matching is supported.
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
For a IP Office Server Edition network, these settings can be configured at the network level and are then
automatically replicated in the configuration of all systems in the network. They can only be seen and edited
at the individual system configuration level if record consolidation is switched off.
Release: 1.0+.
Mergeable: These settings are mergeable. Changes to these settings do not require a reboot of the system.
Incoming Call Matching Fields
The following fields are used to determine if the Incoming Call Route is a potential match for the incoming call. By default
the fields are used for matching in the order shown starting with Bearer Capability.
Bearer Capability: Default = Any Voice
The type of call selected from the list of standard bearer capabilities: Any, Any Voice, Any Data, Speech, Audio
3K1, Data 56K, Data 64K, Data V110, Video.
Line Group ID: Default = 0. Range = 0 to 99999.
Matches against the Incoming Line Group to which the trunk receiving the call belongs.
For Server Edition systems, the default value 0 is not allowed. You must change the default value and enter the
unique Line Group ID for the line.
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Incoming Number: Default = Blank (Match any unspecified)
Matches to the digits presented by the line provider. A blank record matches all calls that do not match other records.
By default this is a right-to-left matching.
* = Incoming CLI Matching Takes Precedence
= Left-to-Right Exact Length Matching
Using a - in front of the number causes a left-to-right match. When left-to-right matching is used, the number match
must be the same length. For example -96XXX will match a DID of 96000 but not 9600 or 960000.
X = Single Digit Wildcard
Use X's to enter a single digit wild card character. For example 91XXXXXXXX will only match DID numbers of at
least 10 digits and starting with 91, -91XXXXXXXX would only match numbers of exactly 10 digits starting with 91.
Other wildcard such as N, n and ? cannot be used.
Where the incoming number potentially matches two incoming call routes with X wildcards and the number of
incoming number digits is shorter than the number of wildcards, the one with the shorter overall Incoming
Number specified for matching is used.
i = ISDN Calling Party Number 'National'
The i character does not affect the incoming number matching. It is used for Outgoing Caller ID Matching, see notes
Incoming Sub Address: Default = Blank (Match all)
Matches any sub address component sent with the incoming call. If this field is left blank, it matches all calls.
Incoming CLI: Default = Blank (Match all)
Enter a number to match the caller's ICLID provided with the call. This field is matched left-to-right. Number options
Full telephone number.
Partial telephone number, for example just the area code.
! : Matches calls where the ICLID was withheld.
? : for number unavailable.
Blank for all.
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Configuration Settings: Incoming Call Route
Call Setting Fields
For calls routed using this Incoming Call Route, the settings of the following fields are applied to the call regardless of the
Locale: Default = Blank (Use system setting)
This option specifies the language prompts, if available, that voicemail should use for the call if it is directed to
When the system routes a call to the voicemail server it indicates the locale for which matching prompts
should be provided if available. The locale sent to the voicemail server by the system is determined as show
below. If the required set of prompts is not available, the voicemail will fallback to another appropriate
language and finally to English (refer to the appropriate voicemail installation manual for details).
Short Code Locale: The short code locale, if set, is used if the call is routed to voicemail using the short
Incoming Call Route Locale: The incoming call route locale, if set, is used if caller is external.
User Locale: The user locale, if set, is used if the caller is internal.
System Locale: If no user or incoming call route locale is set, the system locale is used unless
overridden by a short code locale.
For Release 8.0+ systems using Embedded Voicemail, if the required set of upgraded language prompts to
match the locale is not present on the system SD card, IP Office Manager will display an error. The required
prompt set can be uploaded from IP Office Manager using the Add/Display VM Locales option.
Priority: Default = 1-Low. Range = 1-Low to 3-High.
This setting allows incoming calls to be assigned a priority. Other calls such as internal calls are assigned priority 1-
In situations where calls are queued, high priority calls are placed before calls of a lower priority. This has a
number of effects:
Mixing calls of different priority is not recommended for destinations where Voicemail Pro is being used to
provided queue ETA and queue position messages to callers since those values will no longer be accurate
when a higher priority call is placed into the queue. Note also that Voicemail Pro will not allow a value already
announced to an existing caller to increase.
If the addition of a higher priority call causes the queue length to exceed the hunt group's Queue Length
Limit , the limit is temporarily raised by 1. This means that calls already queued are not rerouted by the
addition of a higher priority call into the queue.
Release 4.2+: A timer can be used to increase the priority of queued calls, see System | Telephony | Telephony |
Call Priority Promotion Time .
Release 4.2+: The current priority of a call can be changed through the use of the p short code character in a
short code used to transfer the call.
Tag: Default = Blank (No tag). Release 4.1+.
Allows a text tag to be associated with calls routed by this incoming call route. This tag is displayed with the call within
applications and on phone displays. See Call Tagging .
Hold Music Source: Default = System source. Release 4.2+ (Not Small Office Edition).
The system can support up to 4 music on hold source; the System Source (either an internal file or the external
source port or tones) plus up to 3 additional internal wav files, see System | Telephony | Tones & Music . If the
system has several hold music sources available, this field allows selection of the source to associate with calls routed
by this incoming call route. The new source selection will then apply even if the call is forwarded or transferred away
from the Incoming Call Route destination. If the call is routed to another Release 4.2+ system in a multi-site network,
the matching source on that system (System Source or Alternate Sources 2 to 4) is used if available. The hold
music source associated with a call can also be changed by a hunt group's Hold Music Source setting.
Destination: Default = Blank, Release Up to 4.0 only.
For Release 4.1+, this option has moved to the Incoming Call Route | Destinations tab. Select the destination for
the call from the drop-down list box which contains all available extensions, users, groups, RAS services and voicemail.
System short codes and dialing numbers can be entered manually. Once the incoming call is matched the call is passed
to that destination.
Drop-Down List Options
The following options appear in the drop-down in the following order:
Voicemail allows remote mailbox access with Embedded Voicemail, Voicemail Lite or Voicemail Pro. Callers are
asked to enter the extension ID of the mailbox required and then the mailbox access code.
User Names
Hunt Groups Names
AA:Name directs calls to an Embedded Voicemail auto-attendant services.
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Manually Entered Options
The following options can be entered manually into the field.
VM:Name Directs calls to the matching start point in Voicemail Pro.
A . matches the Incoming Number field. This can be used even when X wildcards are being used in the Incoming
Number field.
A # matches all X wildcards in the Incoming Number field. For example, if the Incoming Number was -
91XXXXXXXXXXX, the Destination would be XXXXXXXXXXX.
Text and number strings entered here are passed through to system short codes, for example to direct calls into a
conference. Note that not all short code features are supported.
Fallback Extension: Default = Blank (No fallback). Release Up to 4.0 only.
For Release 4.1+, this option has moved to the Incoming Call Route | Destinations tab. Defines an alternate
destination which should be used when the current destination, set in the Destination or Night Service Destination field,
cannot be obtained. For example if the primary destination is a hunt group returning busy and without queuing or
Night Service Profile: Default = <None> (No night service). Release Up to 4.0 only.
A time profile during which the Night Service Destination should be used rather than the Destination.
Night Service Destination: Default = Blank. Release Up to 4.0 only.
Set the destination to be used during periods defined by the Night Service Profile. The same range of values can be
used as for the Destination field.
Outgoing Caller ID Matching
In cases where a particular Incoming Number is routed to a specific individual user, the system will attempt to use that
Incoming Number as the user's caller ID when they make outgoing calls if no other number is specified. This requires
that the Incoming Number is a full number suitable for user as outgoing caller ID and acceptable to the line provider.
When this is the case, the character i can also be added to the Incoming Number field. This character does not affect the
incoming call routing. However when the same Incoming Number is used for an outgoing caller ID, the calling party
number plan is set to ISDN and the type is set to National. This option may be required by some network providers.
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Configuration Settings: Incoming Call Route
6.12.2 Voice Recording
This tab is used to activate the automatic recording of incoming calls that match the incoming call route.
Call recording requires Voicemail Pro to be installed and running. Call recording also requires available conference
resources similar to a 3-way conference.
Release 4.0+ introduces the following changes to recording:
Calls to and from IP devices, including those using Direct media, can be recorded.
Calls parked or held pause recording until the unparked or taken off hold.
Recording is stopped if:
User recording stops if the call is transferred to another user.
User account code recording stops if the call is transferred to another user.
Hunt group recording stops if the call is transferred to another user who is not a member of the hunt
Incoming call route recording continues for the duration of the call on the system.
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
For a IP Office Server Edition network, these settings can be configured at the network level and are then
automatically replicated in the configuration of all systems in the network. They can only be seen and edited
at the individual system configuration level if record consolidation is switched off.
Release: 4.0+.
Mergeable: These settings are mergeable. Changes to these settings do not require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
Record Inbound: Default = None
Select whether automatic recording of incoming calls is enabled. Options for recording are:
None: Do not automatically record calls.
On: Record the call if possible. If not possible to record, allow the call to continue.
Mandatory: Record the call if possible. If not possible to record, block the call and return busy tone.
Percentages of calls: Record a selected percentages of the calls.
Record Time Profile: Default = <None> (Any time)
Used to select a time profile during which automatic call recording of incoming calls is applied. If no profile is
selected, automatic recording of incoming calls is active at all times.
Recording (Auto): Default = Mailbox
Sets the destination for automatically triggered recordings.
This option sets the destination for the recording to be a selected user or hunt group mailbox. The adjacent drop
down list is used to select the mailbox.
Voice Recording Library: Release 3.0+.
This options set the destination for the recording to be a VRL folder on the voicemail server. The ContactStore
application polls that folder and collects waiting recordings which it then places in its own archive. Recording is still
done by the Voicemail Pro.
Voice Recording Library Authenticated: Release 7.0
This option is similar to Voice Recording Library above but instructs the voicemail server to create an
authenticated recording. If the file contents are changed, the file is invalidated though it can still be played.
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6.12.3 Destinations
The system allows multiple time profiles to be associated with an incoming call route. For each time profile, a separate
Destination and Fallback Extension can be specified.
When multiple records are added, they are resolved from the bottom up. The record used will be the first one, working
from the bottom of the list upwards, that is currently 'true', ie. the current day and time or date and time match those
specified by the Time Profile. If no match occurs the Default Value options are used.
Once a match is found, the system does not use any other destination set even if the intended Destination and Fallback
Extension destinations are busy or not available.
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
For a IP Office Server Edition network, these settings can be configured at the network level and are then
automatically replicated in the configuration of all systems in the network. They can only be seen and edited
at the individual system configuration level if record consolidation is switched off.
Release: 4.1+.
Mergeable: These settings are mergeable. Changes to these settings do not require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
Time Profile
This column is used to specify the time profiles used by the incoming call routes. It displays a drop-down list of
existing time profiles from which a selection can be made. To remove an existing entry, select it by clicking on the
button on the left of the row, then right-click on the row and select Delete.
Default Value
This entry is fixed and is used if no match to a time profile below occurs.
Destination: Default = Blank
Either enter the destination manually or select the destination for the call from the drop-down list. The dr box which
contains all available extensions, users, groups, RAS services and voicemail. System short codes and dialing numbers
can be entered manually. Once the incoming call is matched the call is passed to that destination.
Drop-Down List Options
The following options appear in the drop-down list:
Voicemail allows remote mailbox access with voicemail. Callers are asked to enter the extension ID of the
mailbox required and then the mailbox access code.
Local user names.
Local hunt groups names.
AA:Name directs calls to an Embedded Voicemail auto-attendant services.
Manually Entered Options
In addition to short codes, extension and external numbers, the following options can be also be entered manually:
VM:Name Directs calls to the matching start point in Voicemail Pro.
A . matches the Incoming Number field. This can be used even when X wildcards are being used in the Incoming
Number field.
A # matches all X wildcards in the Incoming Number field. For example, if the Incoming Number was -
91XXXXXXXXXXX, the Destination of "#" would match XXXXXXXXXXX.
Text and number strings entered here are passed through to system short codes, for example to direct calls into a
conference. Note that not all short code features are supported.
Fallback Extension: Default = Blank (No fallback)
Defines an alternate destination which should be used when the current destination, set in the Destination field
cannot be obtained. For example if the primary destination is a hunt group returning busy and without queuing or
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Configuration Settings: Incoming Call Route
6.13 WAN Port
These records are used to configure the operation of system WAN ports and services.
Physical WAN ports are the 37-way D-type WAN ports found on the rear of IP403, IP406, IP406v2 and IP412
control unit. Additional WAN ports can be added by the installation of up to two WAN3 expansion modules,
each module providing 3 additional WAN ports. On the Small Office Edition control unit, a single WAN port
can be added by the installation of a WAN trunk card at the rear of the unit. Physical WAN ports are not
supported with IP500 and IP500 V2 systems. For full details of installing additional WAN ports, refer to the IP
Office Installation Manual.
Creating a Virtual WAN Port
WAN services can be run over a T1 PRI trunk connection. This requires creation of a virtual WAN port. For full details
refer to Using a Dedicated T1/PRI ISP Link in Appendix A.
1. Select WAN Port.
2. Click and select PPP.
3. In the Name field, enter either LINEx.y where:
LINE must be in uppercase.
x is the line number. For a PRI/T1 module in Slot A, this will be 1. For a PRI/T1 module in Slot B, this will be
y is the lowest numbered channel number to be used by the WAN link minus 1. For example, if the lowest
channel to be used is channel 1 then y = 1 - 1 = 0.
4. In the Speed field, enter the total combined speed of the maximum number of channels sets in the Service.
In this example, 12 channels x 64000 bits = 76800.Note: The maximum number of channels that can be used
will be limited by the number of data channels supported by the system Control Unit and not already in use.
5. In the RAS Name field, select the RAS name created when the new Service of that name was created.
6. Click OK.
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6.13.1 WAN Port
Use this form to configure the leased line connected to the WAN port on the Control Unit. Normally this connection is
automatically detected by the control unit. If a WAN Port is not displayed, connect the WAN cable, reboot the Control Unit
and receive the configuration. The WAN Port configuration form should now be added.
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
Release: 1.0+.
Mergeable: These settings are not mergeable. Changes to these settings will require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
The physical ID of the Extension port,. This parameter is not configurable; it is allocated by the system.
The operational speed of this port. For example for a 128K connection, enter 128000. This should be set to the actual
speed of the leased line as this value is used in the calculation of bandwidth utilization. If set incorrectly, additional
calls may be made to increase Bandwidth erroneously.
Mode: Default = SyncPPP
Select the protocol required:
For a data link.
For a link supporting Frame Relay.
RAS Name
If the Mode is SyncPPP, selects the RAS service to associate with the port. If the Mode is SyncFrameRelay, the
RAS Name is set through the DLCIs tab.
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Configuration Settings: WAN Port
6.13.2 Frame Relay
This tab is only available for Frame Relay records. These show SyncFrameRelay as the Mode on the WAN Port tab.
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
Release: 1.0+.
Mergeable: These settings are not mergeable. Changes to these settings will require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
Frame Management Type
This must match the management type expected by the network provider. Selecting AutoLearn allows the system to
automatically determine the management type based on the first few management frames received. If a fixed option is
required the following are supported: Q933 AnnexA 0393, Ansi AnnexD , FRFLMI and None.
Frame Learn Mode
This parameter allows the DLCIs that exist on the given WAN port to be provisioned in a number of different ways.
No automatic learning of DLCIs. DLCIs must be entered and configured manually.
Use LMI to learn what DLCIs are available on this WAN.
Listen for DLCIs arriving at the network. This presumes that a network provider will only send DLCIs that are
configured for this particular WAN port.
Do both management and network listening to perform DLCI learning and creation.
Max Frame Length
Maximum frame size that is allowed to traverse the frame relay network.
Fragmentation Method
Options are RFC1490 or RFC1490+FRF12.
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6.13.3 DLCIs
This tab is only available for Frame Relay records. These show SyncFrameRelay as the Mode on the WAN Port tab.
The tab lists the DLCIs created for the connection. These can be edited using the Add, Edit and Remove buttons.
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
Release: 1.0+.
Mergeable: These settings are not mergeable. Changes to these settings will require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
Frame Link Type: Default = PPP
Data transfer encapsulation method. Set to the same value at both ends of the PVC (Permanent Virtual Channel).
Using PPP offers features such as out of sequence traffic reception, compression and link level connection
RFC 1490
RFC 1490 encapsulation offers performance and ease of configuration and more inter-working with third party CPE.
RFC1490 + FRF12
Alternate encapsulation to PPP for VoIP over Frame Relay. When selected all parameters on the Service | PPP tab
being used are overridden.
DLCI: Default = 100
This is the Data Link Connection Identifier, a unique number assigned to a PVC end point that has local significance
only. Identifies a particular PVC endpoint within a user's physical access channel in a frame relay.
RAS Name
Select the RAS Service you wish to use.
Tc: Default = 10
This is the Time Constant in milliseconds. This is used for measurement of data traffic rates. The Tc used by the
system can be shorter than that used by the network provider.
CIR: (Committed Information Rate) Default = 64000 bps
This is the Committed Information Rate setting. It is the maximum data rate that the WAN network provider has
agreed to transfer. The committed burst size (Bc) can be calculated from the set Tc and CIR as Bc = CIR x Tc. For links
carrying VoIP traffic, the Bc should be sufficient to carry a full VoIP packet including all its required headers. See the
example below.
EIR: (Excess Information Rate) Default = 0 bps
This is the maximum amount of data in excess of the CIR that a frame relay network may attempt to transfer during
the given time interval. This traffic is normally marked as De (discard eligible). Delivery of De packets depends on the
network provider and is not guaranteed and therefore they are not suitable for UDP and VoIP traffic. The excess burst
size (Be) can be calculated as Be = EIR x Tc.
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Configuration Settings: WAN Port
Example: Adjusting the Tc Setting
G.729 VoIP creates a 20 byte packet every 20ms. Adding typical WAN PPP headers results in a 33 byte packet every
For a Committed Information Rate (CIR) of 14Kbps, with the Time Constant (Tc) set to 10ms; we can calculate the
Committed Burst size:
Bc = CIR x Tc = 14,000 x 0.01 = 140 bits = 17.5 bytes.
Using 10ms as the Tc, a full G.729 VoIP packet (33 bytes) cannot be sent without exceeding the Bc. The most likely
result is lost packets and jitter.
If the Tc is increased to 20ms:
Bc = CIR x Tc = 14,000 x 0.02 = 280 bits = 35 bytes.
The Bc is now sufficient to carry a full G.729 VoIP packet.
1. Backup over Frame Relay is not supported when the Frame Link Type is set to RFC1490.
2. When multiple DLCIs are configured, the WAN link LED is switched off if any of those DLCIs is made inactive,
regardless of the state of the other DLCIs. Note also that the WAN link LED is switched on following a reboot even if
one of the DLCIs is inactive. Therefore when multiple DLCIs are used, the WAN link LED cannot be used to determine
the current state of all DLCIs.
3. When the Frame Link Type is set to RFC1490, the WAN link LED is switched on when the WAN cable is attached
regardless other whether being connected to a frame relay network.
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6.13.4 Advanced
The settings on this tab are used for Frame Relay connections.
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
Release: 1.0+.
Mergeable: These settings are not mergeable. Changes to these settings will require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
Address Length
The address length used by the frame relay network. The network provider will indicate if lengths other than two bytes
are to be used.
N391: Full Status Polling Counter
Polling cycles count used by the CPE and the network provider equipment when bidirectional procedures are in
operation. This is a count of the number of link integrity verification polls (T391) that are performed (that is Status
Inquiry messages) prior to a Full Status Inquiry message being issued.
N392: Error Threshold Counter
Error counter used by both the CPE and network provider equipment. This value is incremented for every LMI error
that occurs on the given WAN interface. The DLCIs attached to the given WAN interface are disabled if the number of
LMI errors exceeds this value when N393 events have occurred. If the given WAN interface is in an error condition
then that error condition is cleared when N392 consecutive clear events occur.
N393: Monitored Events Counter
Events counter measure used by both the CPE and network provider equipment. This counter is used to count the total
number of management events that have occurred in order to measure error thresholds and clearing thresholds.
T391: Link Integrity Verification Polling Timer
The link integrity verification polling timer normally applies to the user equipment and to the network equipment when
bidirectional procedures are in operation. It is the time between transmissions of Status Inquiry messages.
T392: Polling Verification Timer
The polling verification timer only applies to the user equipment when bidirectional procedures are in operation. It is
the timeout value within which to receive a Status Inquiry message from the network in response to transmitting a
Status message. If the timeout lapses an error is recorded (N392 incremented).
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Configuration Settings: WAN Port
6.13.5 PPP
Fields in this tab enable you to configure Point to Point Protocol (PPP) in relation to this particular service. PPP is a
protocol for communication between two computers using a Serial interface.
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
Release: 1.0+.
Mergeable: These settings are not mergeable. Changes to these settings will require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
Chap Challenge Interval (secs): Default = 0 (disabled). Range = 0 to 99999 seconds.
The period between CHAP challenges. Blank or 0 disables repeated challenges. Some software such as Windows 95
DUN does not support repeated CHAP challenges.
Bi-Directional Chap: Default =Off.
Header Compression: Default = None selected
Enables the negotiation and use of IP Header Compression. Supported modes are IPHC and VJ. IPHC should be used
on WAN links.
PPP Compression Mode: Default = MPPC
Enables the negotiate and use of compression. Do not use on VoIP WAN links.
Do not use or attempt to use compression.
Attempt to use STAC compression (Mode 3, sequence check mode).
Attempt to use MPPC compression. Useful for NT Servers.
PPP Callback Mode: Default = Disable
Callback is not enabled
LCP: (Link Control Protocol)
After authentication the incoming call is dropped and an outgoing call to the number configured in the Service is
made to re-establish the link.
Callback CP: (Microsoft's Callback Control Protocol)
After acceptance from both ends the incoming call is dropped and an outgoing call to the number configured in the
Service is made to re-establish the link.
Extended CBCP: (Extended Callback Control Protocol)
Similar to Callback CP except the Microsoft application at the remote end prompts for a telephone number. An
outgoing call is then made to that number to re-establish the link.
PPP Access Mode: Default = Digital64
Sets the protocol, line speed and connection request type used when making outgoing calls. Incoming calls are
automatically handled (see RAS services).
Protocol set to Sync PPP, rate 64000 bps, call presented to local exchange as a "Data Call".
As above but rate 56000 bps.
As above but call is presented to local exchange as a "Voice Call".
Protocol set to Async PPP, rate V.120, call presented to local exchange as a "Data Call". This mode runs at up to 64K
per channel but has a higher Protocol overhead than pure 64K operation. Used for some bulletin board systems as it
allows the destination end to run at a different asynchronous speed to the calling end.
Protocol is set to Async PPP, rate V.110. This runs at 9600 bps, call is presented to local exchange as a "Data Call".
It is ideal for some bulletin boards.
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Allows Asynchronous PPP to run over an auto-adapting Modem to a service provider (requires a Modem2 card in the
main unit)
Data Pkt. Size: Default = 0. Range = 0 to 2048.
Sets the size limit for the Maximum Transmissible Unit.
BACP: Default = Off
Enables the negotiation and use of BACP/BCP protocols. These are used to control the addition of B channels to
increase bandwidth.
Incoming traffic does not keep link up: Default = On
When enabled, the link is not kept up for incoming traffic only.
Multilink/QoS: Default = Off
Enables the negotiation and use of Multilink protocol (MPPC) on links into this Service. Multilink must be enabled if
there is more than one channel that is allowed to be Bundled/Multilinked to this RAS Service.
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Configuration Settings: WAN Port
6.14 Directory
This section is used to edit directory records that are stored in the system's configuration. Directory records
can also be manually imported from a CSV file . The system can also use Directory Services to
automatically import directory records from an LDAP server at regular intervals.
Release 5.0+: A system can also automatically import directory records from another system. Automatically
imported records are used as part of the system directory but are not part of the editable configuration.
Automatically imported records cannot override manually entered records.
For a IP Office Server Edition network, these settings can only be configured at the network level and they are
stored in the configuration of the IP Office Server Edition Primary Server. All other systems in the network are
configured to share the directory settings of the IP Office Server Edition Primary Server through their own
System | Directory Services | HTTP configuration.
Directory Record Usage
Directory records are used for two types of function:
Directory Dialing
Directory numbers are displayed by user applications such as SoftConsole/Phone Manager. Directory numbers are
viewable through the Dir function on many Avaya phones (Contacts or History). They allow the user to
select the number to dial by name. The directory will also contain the names and numbers of users and hunt
groups on the system.
The Dir function groups directory records shown to the phone user into the following categories. Depending
on the phone, the user may be able to select the category currently displayed. In some scenarios, the
categories displayed may be limited to those supported for the function being performed by the user:
Directory records from the system configuration. Release 5.0+: This includes HTTP and LDAP imported
Groups on the system. If the system is in a multi-site network, it will also include groups on other
systems in the network. For pre-Release 5 systems, this feature requires the systems to have Advanced
Small Community Networking licenses.
Users or Index
Users on the system. If the system is in a multi-site network it will also include users on other systems in
the network. For pre-Release 5 systems, this feature requires the systems to have Advanced Small
Community Networking licenses.
Available on T3, T3 IP, 1400, 1600, 9500 and 9600 Series phones. These are the user's personal
directory records stored within the system configuration.
Speed Dialing
On M-Series and T-Series phones, a Speed Dial button or dialing Feature 0 can be used to access
personal directory records with an index number.
Personal: Dial Feature 0 followed by * and the 2-digit index number in the range 01 to 99.
System: Dial Feature 0 followed by 3-digit index number in the range 001 to 999.
IP Office Releasee 8.0: The Speed Dial short code feature can also be used to access a directory
speed dial using its index number from any type of phone.
Caller Name Matching
Directory records are also used to associate a name with the dialled number on outgoing calls or the received CLI
on incoming calls. When name matching is being done, a match in the user's personal directory overrides any
match in the system directory. Note that some user applications also have their own user directory.
SoftConsole/Phone Manager applications have their own user directories which are also used by the
applications name matching. Matches in the application directory may lead to the application displaying a
different name from that shown on the phone.
Name matching is not performed when a name is supplied with the incoming call, for example QSIG trunks.
Release 8.0+: On SIP trunks the use of the name matching or the name supplied by the trunk can be selected
using the Default Name Priority setting (System | Telephony | Telephony ). This setting can also be
adjusted on individual SIP lines to override the system setting.
Directory name matching is not supported for DECT handsets.
63 244
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Directory Record Capacity
A maximum of 2500 directory records (1000 in pre-Release 5.0 systems) are supported in the system configuration.
When using a 1400, 1600, 9500 or 9600 Series phone, system phone users can also edit the configuration directory
System Number of Directory Records Total Number of
Records Configuration LDAP Import HTTP Import
IP500/IP500 V2 2500 5000 5000 5000
IP412 2500 2500 2500 2500
IP406 V2 2500 2500 2500 2500
IP Office
IP Office Server Edition
Primary Server
2500 5000 5000
IP Office Server Edition
Secondary Server
5000 5000
IP Office Server Edition
Expansion System (L)
5000 5000
IP Office Server Edition
Expansion System (V2)
5000 5000
IP Office Server Edition Directory Operation
For IP Office Server Edition systems, system directory configuration is only supported through the IP Office Server
Edition Primary Server. It is used to setup the central system directory. Other systems in the network are configured to
import the central directory from the IP Office Server Edition Primary Server. See Centralized System Directory .
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Configuration Settings: Directory
6.14.1 Directory
This tab is used to configure system directory records that are stored in the system configuration.
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
For a IP Office Server Edition network, these settings can only be configured at the network level and they are
stored in the configuration of the IP Office Server Edition Primary Server. All other systems in the network are
configured to share the directory settings of the IP Office Server Edition Primary Server through their own
System | Directory Services | HTTP configuration.
Release: 1.0+.
Mergeable: These settings are mergeable. Changes to these settings do not require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
Index: Range = 001 to 999 or None. Release 7.0+.
This value is used with system speed dials dialed from M and T-Series phones. The value can be changed but each
value can only be applied to one directory record at any time. Setting the value to None makes the speed dial
inaccessible from M and T-Series phones, however it may still be accessible from the directory functions of other phone
types and applications. Release 8.0+: The Speed Dial short code feature can be used to create short codes to dial the
number stored with a specific index value.
Enter the text, to be used to identify the number. Names should not begin with numbers.
Enter the number to be matched with the above name. Any brackets or - characters used in the number string are
ignored. The directory number match is done on reading from the left-hand side of the number string. Note that if the
system has been configured to use an external dialing prefix, that prefix should be added to directory numbers.
Release 5.0+: The following characters are supported in directory records. They are supported in both system
configuration records and in imported records.
? = Any Digit
Directory records containing a ? are only used for name matching against the dialed or received digits on outgoing
or incoming. They are not included in the directory of numbers to dial available to users through their phones or
applications. The wildcard can be used in any position but typically would be used at the end of the number.
In the following example, any calls where the dialed or received number is 10 digits long and starts 732555
will have the display name Homdel associated with them.
Name: Holmdel
Number: 9732555????
( and ) brackets = Optional Digits
These brackets are frequently used to enclose an optional portion of a number, typically the area code. Only one
pair of brackets are supported in a number. Records containing digits inside ( ) brackets are used for both name
matching or user dialling. When used for name matching, the dialed or received digits are compared to the
directory number with and without the ( ) enclosed digits. When used for dialling from a phone or application
directory, the full string is dialed with the ( ) brackets removed.
The following example is a local number. When dialed by users they are likely to dial just the local number.
However on incoming calls, for the CLI the telephony provider includes the full area code. Using the ( ) to
enclose the area code digits, it is possible for the single directory record to be used for both incoming and
outgoing calls.
Name: Raj Garden
Number: 9(01707)373386
Space and - Characters
Directory records can also contain spaces and - characters. These will be ignored during name matching and
dialing from the directory.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
6.15 Time Profile
Time Profiles are used by different services to change their operation when required. In most areas where
time profiles can be used, not setting a time profile is taken as meaning 24-hour operation.
Time profiles consist of recurring weekly patterns of days and times when the time profile is in effect.
Release 4.1+: Time profiles can include time periods on specified calendar days when the time profile is in
effect. Calendar records can be entered for the current and following calendar year.
For a IP Office Server Edition network, these settings can be configured at the network level and are then
automatically replicated in the configuration of all systems in the network. They can only be seen and edited
at the individual system configuration level if record consolidation is switched off.
Time profiles are used by the following record types:
Hunt Group
A hunt group can use time profiles in the following ways:
A time profile can be used to determine when a hunt group is put into night service mode . Calls then go to
an alternate Night Service Fallback group if set, otherwise to voicemail if available or busy tone if not.
Setting and clearing hunt group night service can be done using either manual controls or using a system time
profile. The use of both methods to control the night service status of a particular hunt group is not
For automatic voice recording , a time profile can be used to set when voice recording is used.
A user can use time profiles in the following ways:
Users being used for Dial In data services such as RAS can have an associated time profile that defines
when they can be used for that service.
Users can be associated with a working hours and an out of hours user rights. A time profile can then be used
to determine which user rights is used at any moment.
For automatic voice recording , a time profile can be used to set when that voice recording is used.
For mobile twinning , a time profile can be used to define when twinning should be used.
Incoming Call Route
Incoming call routes can also use time profiles to specify when calls should be recorded. Multiple time profiles can
be associate with an incoming call route, each profile specifying a destination and fall back destination.
Least Cost Routing
Pre-Release 4.0: A least cost route uses time profiles to determine when routes should be used.
Release 4.0 and higher: ARS forms use time profile to determine when the ARS form should be used or calls
rerouted to an out of hours route.
Account Code
Account Codes can use automatic voice recording triggered by calls with particular account codes. A time profile
can be used to set when this function is used.
Auto Attendant
Embedded voicemail auto attendants can use time profiles to control the different greetings played to callers.
A Service can use time profiles in the following ways:
A time profile can be used to set when a data service is available. Outside its time profile, the service is either
not available or uses an alternate fallback service if set.
For services using auto connect, a time profile can be used to set when that function is used. See Service |
Autoconnect .
IP Office Server Edition Time Profile Management
For systems in a IP Office Server Edition system, any time profiles are shared by all systems in the network.
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Configuration Settings: Time Profile
6.15.1 Time Profile
For a time profile with multiple records, for example a week pattern and some calendar records, the profile is valid when
any entry is valid.
For IP Office Server Edition this type of configuration record can be saved as a template and new records created from a
template. See Templates .
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
For a IP Office Server Edition network, these settings can be configured at the network level and are then
automatically replicated in the configuration of all systems in the network. They can only be seen and edited
at the individual system configuration level if record consolidation is switched off.
Release: 1.0+.
Mergeable: Pre-3.2 , 3.2+ .
Configuration Settings
Name: Range = Up to 31 characters
This name is used to select the time profile from within other tabs.
Time Entry List
This list shows the current periods during which the time profile is active. Clicking on an existing entry will display the
existing settings and allows them to be edited if required. To remove an entry, selecting it and then click on Remove or
right-click and select Delete.
Recurrence Pattern (Weekly Time Pattern)
When a new time entry is required, click Add Recurring and then enter the settings for the entry using the fields
displayed. Alternately right-click and select Add Recurring Time Entry. This type of entry specific a time period and
the days on which it occurs, for example 9:00 - 12:00, Monday to Friday. A time entry cannot span over two days. For
example you cannot have a time profile starting at 18:00 and ending 8:00. If this time period is required two Time
Entries should be created - one starting at 18:00 and ending 11:59, the other starting at 00:00 and ending 8:00.
Start Time
The time at which the time period starts.
End Time
The time at which the time period ends.
Days of Week
The days of the week to which the time period applies.
Recurrence Pattern (Calendar Date): Release 4.1+.
When a new calendar date entry is required, click Add Date and then enter the settings required. Alternately right-
click and select Add Calendar Time Entry. Calendar records can be set for up to the end of the next calendar year.
Start Time
The time at which the time period starts.
End Time
The time at which the time period ends.
Select either the current year or the next calendar year.
To select or de-select a particular day, double-click on the date. Selected days are shown with a dark gray
background. Click and drag the cursor to select or de-select a range of days.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
6.16 Firewall Profile
The system can act as a firewall, allowing only specific types of data traffic to start a session across the
firewall and controlling in which direction such sessions can be started.
Static NAT (Release 4.2+)
The system supports Static NAT address translation by a firewall profiles. If the Firewall Profile
contains any Static NAT records, all packets received by the firewall must match one of those static
NAT records to not be blocked.
System firewall profiles can be applied in the following areas of operation:
A firewall profile can be selected to be applied to traffic between LAN1 and LAN2.
Users can be used as the destination of incoming RAS calls. For those users a firewall profile can be selected on
the user's Dial In tab.
Services are used as the destination for IP routes connection to off-switch data services such as the internet. A
Firewall Profile can be selected for use with a service.
Logical LAN
Where a logical LAN is created for use as an IP Route destination, a Firewall Profile can be selected for use with
the logical LAN.
If Network Address Translation (NAT) is used with the firewall (which it typically is), then you must also configure a
Primary Incoming Translation Address (see IP tab of the Service configuration form) if you wish sessions to be
started into your site (typically for SMTP) from the Internet.
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Configuration Settings: Firewall Profile
6.16.1 Standard
By default, any protocol not listed in the standard firewall list is dropped unless a custom firewall entry is configured
for that protocol.
For IP Office Server Edition this type of configuration record can be saved as a template and new records created from a
template. See Templates .
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
Release: 1.0+.
Mergeable: These settings are mergeable. Changes to these settings do not require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
Name: Range = Up to 31 characters
Enter the name to identify this profile.
Protocol Control
For each of the listed protocols, the options Drop, In (Incoming traffic can start a session), Out (Outgoing traffic can
start a session) and Both Directions can be selected. Once a session is started, return traffic for that session is also
able to cross the firewall.
Protocol Default Description
TELNET Out Remote terminal log in.
FTP Out File Transfer Protocol.
SMTP Out Simple Mail Transfer Protocol.
TIME Out Time update protocol.
DNS Out Domain Name System.
GOPHER Drop Internet menu system.
FINGER Drop Remote user information protocol.
RSVP Drop Resource Reservation Protocol.
HTTP/S Out Hypertext Transfer Protocol.
POP3 Out Post Office Protocol.
NNTP Out Network News Transfer Protocol.
SNMP Drop Simple Network Management Protocol.
IRC Out Internet Relay Chat.
PPTP Drop Point to Point Tunneling Protocol.
IGMP Drop Internet Group Membership Protocol.
Service Control: Release 4.0+.
For each of the listed services, the options Drop, In, Out and Both Directions can be selected. Once a session is
started, return traffic for that session is also able to cross the firewall.
Protocol Default Description
SSI In System Status Application access.
SEC Drop TCP security settings access.
CFG Drop TCP configuration settings access.
TSPI In TSPI service access.
WS Drop IP Office web management services.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
6.16.2 Custom
The tab lists custom firewall settings added to the firewall profile. The Add, Edit and Remove controls can be used to
amend the settings in the list.
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
Release: 1.0+.
Mergeable: These settings are mergeable. Changes to these settings do not require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
For information only. Enter text to remind you of the purpose of the custom firewall record.
Remote IP Address
The IP address of the system at the far end of the link. Blank allows all IP addresses.
Remote IP Mask
The mask to use when checking the Remote IP Address. When left blank no mask is set, equivalent to - allow all.
Local IP Address
The address of devices local to this network (pre-translated). Blank allows all IP addresses.
Local IP Mask
The mask to use when checking the Local IP Address. When left blank no mask is set, equivalent to -
allow all.
IP Protocol
The value entered here corresponds to the IP Protocol which is to be processed by this Firewall profile: 1 for ICMP, 6
for TCP, 17 for UDP or 47 for GRE. This information can be obtained from the "pcol" parameter in a Monitor trace.
Match Offset
The offset into the packet (0 = first byte of IP packet) where checking commences for either a specific port number, a
range of port numbers, or data.
Match Length
The number of bytes to check in the packet, from the Match Offset point, that are checked against the Match Data and
Match Mask settings.
Match Data
The values the data must equal once masked with the Match Mask. This information can be obtained from "TCP Dst"
parameter in a Monitor trace (the firewall uses hex so a port number of 80 is 50 in hex)
Match Mask
This is the byte pattern, which is logically ANDed with the data in the packet from the offset point. The result of this
process is then compared against the contents of the "Match Data" field.
The direction that data may take if matching this filter.
Drop All matching traffic is dropped.
In Incoming traffic can start a session.
Out Outgoing traffic can start a session.
Both Directions Both incoming and outgoing traffic can start sessions.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Configuration Settings: Firewall Profile
Example Custom Firewall Records
Example: Dropping NetBIOS searches on an ISPs DNS
We suggest that the following filter is always added to the firewall facing the Internet to avoid costly but otherwise
typically pointless requests from Windows machines making DNS searches on the DNS server at your ISP.
Direction: Drop
IP Protocol: 6 (TCP)
Match Offset: 20
Match Length: 4
Match Data: 00890035
Match Mask: FFFFFFFF
Example: Browsing Non-Standard Port Numbers
The radio button for HTTP permits ports 80 and 443 through the firewall. Some hosts use non-standard ports for HTTP
traffic, for example 8080, 8000, 8001, 8002, etc. You can add individual filters for these ports as you find them.
You wish to access a web page but you cannot because it uses TCP port 8000 instead of the more usual port 80, use the
entry below.
Direction: Out
IP Protocol: 6 (TCP)
Match Offset: 22
Match Length: 2
Match Data: 1F40
Match Mask: FFFF
A more general additional entry given below allows all TCP ports out.
Direction: Out
IP Protocol: 6 (TCP)
Match Offset: 0
Match Length: 0
Match Data: 00000000000000000000000000000000
Match Mask: 00000000000000000000000000000000
Example: Routing All Internet Traffic through a WinProxy
If you wish to put WinProxy in front of all Internet traffic via the Control Unit. The following firewall allows only the
WinProxy server to contact the Internet : -
1. Create a new Firewall profile and select Drop for all protocols
2. Under Custom create a new Firewall Entry
3. In Notes enter the name of the server allowed. Then use the default settings except in Local IP Address enter the
IP address of the WinProxy Server, in Local IP Mask enter and in Direction select Both Directions.
Stopping PINGs
You wish to stop pings - this is ICMP Filtering. Using the data below can create a firewall filter that performs the
following; Trap Pings; Trap Ping Replies; Trap Both.
Trap Pings: Protocol = 1, offset = 20, data = 08, mask = FF
Trap Ping Replies: Protocol = 1, offset = 20, data = 00, mask = FF
Trap Both: Protocol = 1, offset = 20, data = 00, mask = F7, Traps Both.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
6.16.3 Static NAT
The Static NAT table allows the firewall to perform address translation between selected internal and external IP
addresses. Up to 64 internal and external IP address pairs can be added to the Static NAT section of a Firewall Profile.
This feature is intended for incoming maintenance access using applications such as PC-Anywhere, IP Office Manager and
the Voicemail Pro Client. The address translation is used for destinations such a Voicemail Pro server or the system's own
LAN1 address.
If there are any records in the Static NAT settings of a Firewall Profile, each packet attempting to pass through
the firewall must match one of the static NAT pairs or else the packet will be dropped.
The destination address of incoming packets is checked for a matching External IP Address. If a match is found,
the target destination address is changed to the corresponding Internal IP Address.
The source address of outgoing packets is checked for a matching Internal IP Address. If a match is found, the
source address is changed to the corresponding External IP Address.
Even when a static NAT address match occurs, the other settings on the Firewall Profile Standard and
Custom tabs are still applied and may block the packet.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Configuration Settings: Firewall Profile
6.17 IP Route
The system acts as the default gateway for its DHCP clients. It can also be specified as the default gateway
for devices with static IP addresses on the same subnet as the system. When devices want to send data to IP
addresses on different subnets, they will send that data to the system as their default gateway for onward
The IP Route table is used by the system to determine where data traffic should be forwarded. This is done
by matching details of the destination IP address to IP Route records and then using the Destination specified
by the matching IP route. These are referred to as 'static routes'.
Automatic Routing (RIP)
The system can support RIP (Routing Information Protocol) on LAN1 and or LAN2. This is a method through which
the system can automatically learn routes for data traffic from other routers that also support matching RIP
options, see RIP . These are referred to as 'dynamic routes'. This option is not supported on Linux based
Dynamic versus Static Routes
By default, static routes entered into the system override any dynamic routes it learns by the use of RIP. This
behavior is controlled by the Favor RIP Routes over static routes option on the System | System tab.
Static IP Route Destinations
The system allows the following to be used as the destinations for IP routes:
Direct the traffic to the system's LAN1.
On Small Office Edition, IP412, IP500 and IP500 V2 systems, traffic can be directed to LAN2. For IP Office 4.1
+, LAN port 8 on IP406 V2 control units can be enabled as LAN2.
Traffic can be directed to a service. The service defines the details necessary to connect to a remote data
Logical LAN
Traffic can be directed to a logical LAN already added to the configuration.
Traffic can be directed to an IPSec or L2TP tunnel.
Default Route
The system provides two methods of defining a default route for IP traffic that does not match any other specified
routes. Use either of the following methods:
Default Service
Within the settings for services, one service can be set as the Default Route (Service | Service ).
Default IP Route
Create an IP Route record with a blank IP Address and blank IP Mask set to the required destination for default
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
6.17.1 IP Route
This tab is used to setup static IP routes from the system. These are in addition to RIP if RIP is enabled on LAN1 and or
LAN2. Up to 100 routes are supported.
For IP Office Server Edition this type of configuration record can be saved as a template and new records created from a
template. See Templates .
The process of 'on-boarding' (refer to the IP Office SSL VPN Solutions Guide) may automatically add a static
route to an SSL VPN service in the system configuration when the on-boarding file is uploaded to the system.
Care should be taken not to delete or amend such a route except when advised to by Avaya.
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
Release: 1.0+.
Mergeable: These settings are mergeable. Changes to these settings do not require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
IP Address
The IP address to match for ongoing routing. Any packets meeting the IP Address and IP Mask settings are routed to
the entry configured in the Destination field. When left blank then an IP Address of (all) is used.
IP Mask
The subnet mask used to mask the IP Address for ongoing route matching. If blank, the mask used is (all).
A entry in the IP Address and IP Mask fields routes all packets for which there is no other specific IP Route
available. The Default Route option with Services can be used to do this if a blank IP route is not added.
Gateway IP Address: Default = Blank
The address of the gateway where packets for the above address are to be sent. If this field is set to or is left
blank then all packets are just sent down to the Destination specified, not to a specific IP Address. This is normally
only used to forward packets to another Router on the local LAN.
Allows selection of LAN1, LAN2 and any configured Service, Logical LAN or Tunnel (L2TP only).
Metric: Default = 0
The number of "hops" this route counts as.
Proxy ARP: Default = Off
This allows the system to respond on behalf of this IP address when receiving an ARP request.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Configuration Settings: IP Route
6.17.2 RIP
Routing Information Protocol (RIP) is a protocol which allows routers within a network to exchange routes of which they
are aware approximately every 30 seconds. Through this process, each router adds devices and routes in the network to
its routing table.
Each router to router link is called a 'hop' and routes of up to 15 hops are created in the routing tables. When more than
one route to a destination exists, the route with the lowest metric (number of hops) is added to the routing table.
When an existing route becomes unavailable, after 5 minutes it is marked as requiring 'infinite' (16 hops). It is then
advertised as such to other routers for the next few updates before being removed from the routing table. The system
also uses 'split horizon' and 'poison reverse'.
RIP is a simple method for automatic route sharing and updating within small homogeneous networks. It allows alternate
routes to be advertised when an existing route fails. Within a large network the exchange of routing information every 30
seconds can create excessive traffic. In addition the routing table held by each system is limited to 100 routes (including
static and internal routes).
RIP is supported with system's from Level 2.0 upwards. It can be enabled on LAN1 , LAN2 and individual services
. The normal default is for RIP to be disabled.
Listen Only (Passive):
The system listens to RIP1 and RIP2 messages and uses these to update its routing table. However the system
does not respond.
The system listens to RIP1 and RIP2 messages. It advertises its own routes in a RIP1 sub-network broadcast.
RIP2 Broadcast (RIP1 Compatibility):
The system listens to RIP1 and RIP2 messages. It advertises its own routes in a RIP2 sub-network broadcast. This
method is compatible with RIP1 routers.
RIP2 Multicast:
The system listens to RIP1 and RIP2 messages. It advertises its own routes to the RIP2 multicast address
( This method is not compatible with RIP1 routers.
Broadcast and multicast routes (those with addresses such as and are not included in RIP
broadcasts. Static routes (those in the IP Route table) take precedence over a RIP route when the two routes have the
same metric.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
6.18 Least Cost Routing
Summary: Least cost routes allow short code matching on the number being dialed from the system rather
than the number originally dialed by the user or application.
For Release 4.0 and higher, Least Cost Routing have been replaced by ARS . When a system is upgraded
to Release 4.0, the LCR records are automatically replaced by ARS records and appropriate short codes.
When a line, user, user rights or system short code results in a number to be dialed
off-switch, the resulting telephone number to be dialed can be further processed by
matching to Least Cost Route (LCR) short codes.
LCR short codes are grouped in sets. Within each set, the short codes are grouped
into tabs called Main Route, Alternate Route 1 and Alternate Route 2. Each tab also
has a priority and a timeout setting.
Using a Time Profile
Each LCR set can have an associated time profile. LCR sets without a time profile
are active all the time. LCR sets with a time profile are only active within the
times defined by that profile.
Which Number is Used For Matching
The telephone number output by the original matched short code is checked
against the Main Route tab short codes of the active LCR sets.
If a match is found, that set is used for processing.
If no match is found, the calls is dialed without LCR.
Returning Busy
If the LCR short code match is set to the Busy feature:
If the user's priority is higher than the LCR tabs, the system will immediately
look for a matching short code on the next tab and use that short code if
Otherwise the user receives busy tone.
Switching Outgoing Line Groups
If the LCR short code match is a dial feature, the system will attempt to seize a
line from the outgoing line group specified by the LCR short code.
If a line cannot be seized within the time specified on the LCR tab, the
system will look in the next tab for an alternate LCR short code match. If an
alternate match is found it is used.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Configuration Settings: Least Cost Routing
Least Cost Routing Example
Site A has two outgoing line groups. Outgoing line group 0 contains external lines to the public telephone network.
Outgoing line group 1 contains private lines to Site B.
Scenario 1
The external public number for Site B is 123456. The internal speed dial number is 600. When a user dials 600,
the administrator want the call to be routed by the private lines if possible.
Scenario 2
The sales hot line at Site B has the public number 654321. The administrator only want high priority users at Site
A to be able to dial that number to test its performance.
System Short Code 1: 600/Dial/123456/0.
System Short Code 2: 654321/Dial/N/0.
User 1: Priority 2. User 2: Priority 4.
Least Cost Route "SiteB" Main Route Alternate Route 1
Timeout 10 30
Priority 3 5
Short Codes 123456/Dial/N/1 123456/Dial/N/0
654321/Busy/N 654321/Dial/N/0
Scenario 1
When a user dials 123456, it matches system short code 1. That short code specifies dialing Site B via the public lines
(Outgoing line group 0).
The number to be dialed is checked against the least cost routing Main Route tabs for any match. In this example a
match occurs in the SiteB least cost route. The short code there specifies dialing the number using the private lines
(Outgoing line group 1).
If the system cannot seize a line for the call from that group within 10 seconds, it looks for an alternate short code match
in Alternate Route 1 tab of the Site B least cost route. In this example that match changes the call to using the public
lines (Outgoing line group 0).
Scenario 2
When a user dials 654321, it matches system short code 2. That short code specifies dialing the Site B sale hot line
number via the public lines (Outgoing line group 0).
Since this short code is set to a Dial feature, the number to be dialed is checked against the least cost routing Main Route
tabs for any match. In this example a match occurs in the SiteB least cost route. The short code there specifies Busy and
so returns busy to callers.
User 1 has a priority of 2. They will receive busy tone when they dial 654321.
User 2 has a priority of 4 which is higher than the Main Route tab in the Site B least cost route. Therefore the system will
immediately check for a further match in the Alternate Route 1 tab. In this example the short code match for 654321 in
the Alternate 1 tab allows the number to be dialed to the public lines.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
6.18.1 LCR
Control Unit: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
Release: 1.0 to 3.2.
Mergeable: These settings are mergeable. Changes to these settings do not require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
The name to identify the LCR set.
Time Profile: Default = Blank
Selects a time profile that is used to define when this least cost route can be used. If no profile is selected the
route settings apply at all times.
6.18.2 Main Route
This tab is used for the initial short code matching. The match is performed on the telephone number outputs by a Line,
User, User Rights or System short code that resulted in a number to dial. If a match is found it is used, otherwise the call
is dialed using the original short code.
Control Unit: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
Release: 1.0 to 3.2.
Mergeable: These settings are mergeable. Changes to these settings do not require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
Timeout (secs): Default = 30 seconds. Range = 1 to 99999 seconds or 0 (No IP trunk fallback).
If an LCR short code match is found, the system will attempt to seize a line in the outgoing line group specified by that
short code. If, after this timeout period has expired, the system still cannot seize a line, it will look for a alternate short
code match in the Alternate Route 1 tab.
Priority: Default = 5, Range 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest).
Normally, if the LCR short code match is a short code set to Busy, the user will receive busy tone. For users whose
own Priority setting (User | User | Priority) is higher than the Main Route tab's, the system will look for an alternate
short code match in the Alternate Route 1 tab.
Allow Bump: Default = Off
When a line indicated by the LCR short code match cannot be seized because lines in that outgoing line group are
being used for a multilink PPP data call, this options allows a line to be seized from the data call.
Short Code List
These are the short codes used for matching against the telephone number output Line, User, User Right or System
dial short code.
The only short code features that should be used in a Least Cost Routing short code are: Dial, Dial3K1, Dial56K,
Dial64K, DialEmergency, DialSpeech, DialV110, DialV120, DialVideo and Busy.
The ; character and [ ] characters cannot be used.
Short codes can be added and edited using the Add, Remove and Edit buttons. Alternatively you can right-click on
the list of existing short code to add and edit short codes.
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Configuration Settings: Least Cost Routing
6.18.3 Alternate Route 1
This tab is used in the following cases:
The short code match on the Main Route tab is set to Busy but the user has a higher priority than that tab.
The Main Route tab timeout has expired while trying to seize a line from the outgoing line group specified by the
short code match on that tab.
In either case the system will look for an alternate short code match on this tab. The match is performed on the
telephone number outputs by a Line, User, User Rights or System short code that resulted in a number to dial. If a match
is found it is used, otherwise the call receives busy.
Control Unit: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
Release: 1.0 to 3.2.
Mergeable: These settings are mergeable. Changes to these settings do not require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
Timeout (secs): Default = 30 seconds. Range = 1 to 99999 seconds or 0 (No IP trunk fallback).
If an LCR short code match is found, the system will attempt to seize a line in the outgoing line group specified by that
short code. If, after this timeout period has expired, the system still cannot seize a line, it will look for a alternate short
code match in the Alternate Route 2 tab.
Priority: Default = 5, Range 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest).
Normally, if the LCR short code match is a short code set to Busy, the user will receive busy tone. For users whose
own Priority setting (User | User | Priority) is higher than the Main Route tab's, the system will look for an alternate
short code match in the Alternate Route 2 tab.
Allow Bump: Default = Off
When a line indicated by the LCR short code match cannot be seized because lines in that outgoing line group are
being used for a multilink PPP data call, this options allows a line to be seized from the data call.
Short Code List
These are the short codes used for matching against the telephone number output Line, User, User Right or System
dial short code.
The only short code features that should be used in a Least Cost Routing short code are: Dial, Dial3K1, Dial56K,
Dial64K, DialEmergency, DialSpeech, DialV110, DialV120, DialVideo and Busy.
The ; character and [ ] characters cannot be used.
Short codes can be added and edited using the Add, Remove and Edit buttons. Alternatively you can right-click on
the list of existing short code to add and edit short codes.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
6.18.4 Alternate Route 2
This tab is used in the following cases:
The short code match on the Alternate Route 1 tab is set to Busy but the user has a higher priority than that
The Alternate Route 1 tab timeout has expired while trying to seize a line from the outgoing line group
specified by the short code match on that tab.
In either case the system will look for an alternate short code match on this tab. The match is performed on the
telephone number outputs by a Line, User, User Rights or System short code that resulted in a number to dial. If a match
is found it is used, otherwise the call receives busy.
Control Unit: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
Release: 1.0 to 3.2.
Mergeable: These settings are mergeable. Changes to these settings do not require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
Timeout (secs)
Not used. This is the last tab within a Least Cost Route.
Not used. This is the last tab within a Least Cost Route.
Allow Bump: Default = Off
When a line indicated by the LCR short code match cannot be seized because lines in that outgoing line group are
being used for a multilink PPP data call, this options allows a line to be seized from the data call.
Short Code List
These are the short codes used for matching against the telephone number output Line, User, User Right or System
dial short code.
The only short code features that should be used in a Least Cost Route short code are: Dial, Dial3K1, Dial56K,
Dial64K, DialEmergency, DialSpeech, DialV110, DialV120, DialVideo and Busy.
The ; character and [ ] characters cannot be used.
Short codes can be added and edited using the Add, Remove and Edit buttons. Alternatively you can right-click on
the list of existing short code to add and edit short codes.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Configuration Settings: Least Cost Routing
6.19 Account Code
Account codes are commonly used to control cost allocation and out-going call restriction. The account code
used on a call is included in the call information output by the system's call log. Incoming calls can also
trigger account codes automatically by matching the Caller ID stored with the account code.
For a IP Office Server Edition network, these settings can be configured at the network level and
are then automatically replicated in the configuration of all systems in the network. They can only
be seen and edited at the individual system configuration level if record consolidation is
switched off.
Once a call has been completed using an account code, the account code information is removed from the user's call
information. This means that redial functions will not re-enter the account code. The maximum recommended number of
accounts codes is 1000.
Setting a User to Forced Account Code
1. Receive the system configuration if one is not opened.
2. In the left-hand panel, click User. The list of existing user is shown in the right-hand panel.
3. Double-click the required user.
4. Select the Telephony tab.
5. Tick the Force Account Code option.
6. Click OK.
7. Merge the configuration.
Forcing Account Code Entry for Specific Numbers
Account code can be set a being required for any dialing that matches a particular short code. This is done by ticking the
Force Account Code option found in the short code settings. Note that the account code request happens when the short
code match occurs. Potentially this can be in the middle of dialing the external number, therefore the use of X wildcards
in the short code to ensure full number dialing is recommended.
Entering Account Codes
The method for entering account codes depends on the type of phone being used. Refer to the relevant telephone User's
Guide for details.
Account Code Button
The Account Code Entry action (User | Button Programming | Emulation | Account Code Entry) and Set
Account Code action (User | Button Programming | Advanced | Set | Set Account Code) can be assigned to
a programmable button on some phones. They both operate the same. The button can be preset with a specific
account code or left blank to request account code entry when pressed. The button can then be used to specify an
account code before a call or during a call.
Phone Manager
The Phone Manager application can be used to enter account codes before or during calls. For full details refer to the
Phone Manager documentation.
To enter an account code before making a call or during a call select Actions | Account Code. A valid account code
can then be selected from the Account Code drop down.
The Account Codes tab can be used to create icons to speed dial specific numbers and account codes that are
regularly used.
Setting an Account Code using Short Codes
The Set Account Code feature allows short codes to be created that specify an account code before making a call.
Show Account Code Setting (System | Telephony | Telephony )
This setting controls the display and listing of system account codes:
When on:
When entering account codes through Phone Manager, users can select from a drop-down list of available
account codes.
When entering account codes through a phone, the account code digits are shown while being dialed.
When off:
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Within Phone Manager the drop-down list of available account codes is not usable, instead account codes must
be entered using the Phone Managers PIN Code features.
When entering account codes through a phone, the account code digits are replaced by s characters on the
IP Office Server Edition Account Code Management
Accounts codes configured on IP Office Server Edition are shared by all systems in the network.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Configuration Settings: Account Code
6.19.1 Account Code
This tab is used to define an individual account code.
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
For a IP Office Server Edition network, these settings can be configured at the network level and are then
automatically replicated in the configuration of all systems in the network. They can only be seen and edited
at the individual system configuration level if record consolidation is switched off.
Release: 1.0+.
Mergeable: These settings are mergeable. Changes to these settings do not require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
Account Code
Enter the account code required. It can also include wildcards; ? matches a single digit and * matches any digits. The
code can include alphabetic characters for users dialing via Phone Manager.
Caller ID
A caller ID can be entered and used to automatically assign an account code to calls made to or received from caller
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
6.19.2 Voice Recording
This tab is used to activate the automatic recording of external calls when the account code is entered at the start of the
call. For pre-Release 4.0 systems the tab also provided settings for recording on calls automatically assigned by caller ID
matching when the call is received.
Call recording requires Voicemail Pro to be installed and running. Call recording also requires available conference
resources similar to a 3-way conference.
Release 4.0+ introduces the following changes to recording:
Calls to and from IP devices, including those using Direct media, can be recorded.
Calls parked or held pause recording until the unparked or taken off hold.
Recording is stopped if:
User recording stops if the call is transferred to another user.
User account code recording stops if the call is transferred to another user.
Hunt group recording stops if the call is transferred to another user who is not a member of the hunt
Incoming call route recording continues for the duration of the call on the system.
Release 4.1+: The destination mailbox for the recording can be specified.
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
For a IP Office Server Edition network, these settings can be configured at the network level and are then
automatically replicated in the configuration of all systems in the network. They can only be seen and edited
at the individual system configuration level if record consolidation is switched off.
Release: 1.0+.
Mergeable: These settings are mergeable. Changes to these settings do not require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
Record Outbound: Default = None
Select whether automatic recording of outgoing calls is enabled. The Auto Record Calls option sets whether just
external calls or external and internal calls are included. Options for recording are:
None: Do not automatically record calls.
On: Record the call if possible. If not possible to record, allow the call to continue.
Mandatory: Record the call if possible. If not possible to record, block the call and return busy tone.
Percentages of calls: Record a selected percentages of the calls.
Record Time Profile: Default = <None> (Any time)
Used to select a time profile during which automatic call recording of outgoing calls is applied. If no profile is
selected, automatic recording of outgoing calls is active at all times.
Recording (Auto): Default = Mailbox
Sets the destination for automatically triggered recordings.
This option sets the destination for the recording to be a selected user or hunt group mailbox. The adjacent drop
down list is used to select the mailbox.
Voice Recording Library: Release 3.0+.
This options set the destination for the recording to be a VRL folder on the voicemail server. The ContactStore
application polls that folder and collects waiting recordings which it then places in its own archive. Recording is still
done by the Voicemail Pro.
Voice Recording Library Authenticated: Release 7.0
This option is similar to Voice Recording Library above but instructs the voicemail server to create an
authenticated recording. If the file contents are changed, the file is invalidated though it can still be played.
Auto Record Calls: Default = External. Release 6.1
This setting allows selection of whether External or External & Internal calls are subject to automatic call
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Configuration Settings: Account Code
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
6.20 License
This form is used to display the function, value and status of license keys entered into the system
configuration. License keys are character strings uniquely based on the feature they active and unique serial
number. For Linux based systems, the System Identification is used and is displayed on the System |
System tab. For other systems a Feature Key dongle needs to be added to the control unit. The serial
number is printed on the feature key dongle and prefixed with SN (FK for IP500 V2 SD card dongles). It
can also be viewed in the system configuration by selecting System | System | Dongle Serial Number
Feature Key dongles are available in several types. Each system only supports license validation against a single dongle
and vice versa. The licenses in the systems configuration must match the serial number of the Feature Key dongle.
Depending on the dongle type, it is installed either directly on the control unit or onto a PC running the Feature Key
Server application.
Each will only support license validation against one feature key dongle.
If being used, a Feature Key Server PC will only validate licenses for the first system to which it connects after
For parallel and USB feature keys, the address of the PC hosting the dongle and running the Feature Key Server
software is set by the License Server IP Address setting on the System | System tab. For serial key
dongles, the address is set to
Note that for IP500 and IP500 V2 control units, a Feature Key dongle must be present even if no licensed features
are being used.
The serial number and whether the control unit has an local (serial or smart card) or remote (parallel or USB)
Feature Key dongle are indicated by the Dongle Serial Number field on the System | System tab.
For Release 6.0 and higher, feature key dongles using the Feature Key server application are not supported.
Feature Key Dongle Server
Server IP
SOE IP403/
IP500 IP500
This type of feature key dongle is plugged
into the parallel port of a PC running the
Feature Key Server software.
5.255 or
server PC
This type of feature key dongle is plugged
into the USB port of a PC running the
Feature Key Server software.
5.255 or
server PC
This type of feature key dongle is plugged
into the 9-pin serial port on the back of
Small Office Edition and IP406 V2 control
units. No separate PC running Feature Key
software is required.
Smart Card
This type of feature key dongle, a credit-
card sized memory card, is plugged into
IP500 control units.
Not used.
SD Memory Card
This type of feature key dongle is plugged
into IP500 V2 control units.
Not used.
Importing License Keys
It is recommended that licenses are cut and pasted electronically. This removes the chances of errors due to mistyping
and misinterpretation of characters fonts. Where multiple licenses need to be added, the CSV import option can be used (
File | Import/Export | Import). Licenses imported this way may be listed as invalid until the configuration is saved
and then reloaded.
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Configuration Settings: License
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
Release: 1.0+.
Mergeable: These settings are mergeable. Changes to these settings do not require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
License Key
This is the license key string supplied. It is a unique value based on the feature being licensed and the either the
system's Dongle Serial Number or System Identification depending on the type of system (System | System
License Type
If the license key is recognized, its function is listed here. Invalid indicates that the License Key value was not
License Status
For information only. This field indicates the current validation status of the license key.
This status is shown for licenses that have just been added to the configuration shown in IP Office Manager.
Once the configuration has been sent back to the system and then reloaded, the status will change to one of
those below.
The license has is valid.
The license was not recognized. It did not match the Dongle Serial Number or the System Identification
number of the system.
The license is valid but is conditional on some other pre-requisite licenses.
The license is valid but is one no longer used by the level of software running on the system.
For information only. Some licenses enable a number of port, channels or users. When that is the case, the
number of such is indicated here. Multiple licenses for the same feature are usually cumulative.
Expiry Date
For information only. Licenses can be set to expire within a set period from their issue. The expiry date is shown
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
6.21 Tunnel
Tunneling allows additional security to be applied to IP data traffic. This is useful when sites across an
unsecure network such as the public internet. The system supports two methods of tunneling, L2TP and IPSec.
Once a tunnel is created, it can be used as the destination for selected IP traffic in the IP Route table.
The use of tunnels is not supported by Linux based systems. On other systems two types of tunneling are
L2TP - Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol
PPP (Point to Point Protocol) authentication normally takes place between directly connected routing devices. For
example when connecting to the internet, authentication is between the customer router and the internet service
provider's equipment. L2TP allows additional authentication to be performed between the routers at each end of
the connection regardless of any intermediate network routers. The use of L2TP does not require a license.
IPSec allows data between two locations to be secured using various methods of sender authentication and or data
encryption. The use of IPSec requires entry of an IPSec Tunneling license into the system at each end.
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Configuration Settings: Tunnel
6.21.1 L2TP Tunnel Tunnel
For IP Office Server Edition this type of configuration record can be saved as a template and new records created from a
template. See Templates .
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
Release: 2.0+.
Mergeable: These settings are not mergeable. Changes to these settings will require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
Name: Default = Blank.
A unique name for the tunnel. Once the tunnel is created, the name can be selected as a destination in the IP Route
Local Configuration
The account name and password is used to set the PPP authentication parameters.
Local Account Name
The local user name used in outgoing authentication.
Local Account Password/Confirm Password
The local user password. Used during authentication.
Local IP Address
The source IP address to use when originating an L2TP tunnel. By default (un-configured), the system uses the IP
address of the interface on which the tunnel is to be established as the source address of tunnel.
Remote Configuration
The account name and password is used to set the PPP authentication parameters.
Remote Account Name
The remote user name that is expected for the authentication of the peer.
Remote Account Password/Confirm Password
The password for the remote user. Used during authentication.
Remote IP Address
The IP address of the remote L2TP peer or the local VPN line IP address or the WAN IP address.
Minimum Call Time (Mins): Default = 60 minutes. Range = 1 to 999.
The minimum time that the tunnel will remain active.
Forward Multicast Messages: Default = On
Allow the tunnel to carry multicast messages when enabled.
Encrypted Password: Default = Off
When enabled, the CHAP protocol is used to authenticate the incoming peer.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1 L2TP
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
Release: 2.0+.
Mergeable: These settings are not mergeable. Changes to these settings will require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
Shared Secret/Confirm Password
User setting used for authentication. Must be matched at both ends of the tunnel. This password is separate from the
PPP authentication parameters defined on the L2TP|Tunnel tab.
Total Control Retransmission Interval: Default = 0. Range = 0 to 65535.
Time delay before retransmission.
Receive Window Size: Default = 4. Range = 0 to 65535.
The number of unacknowledged packets allowed.
Sequence numbers on Data Channel: Default = On
When on, adds sequence numbers to L2TP packets.
Add checksum on UDP packets: Default = On.
When on, uses checksums to verify L2TP packets.
Use Hiding: Default = Off
When on, encrypts the tunnel's control channel.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Configuration Settings: Tunnel PPP
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
Release: 2.0+.
Mergeable: These settings are not mergeable. Changes to these settings will require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
CHAP Challenge Interval (secs): Default = 0 (Disabled). Range = 0 to 99999 seconds.
Sets the period between CHAP challenges. Blank or 0 disables repeated challenges. Some software (such as Windows
95 DUN) does not support repeated challenges.
Header Compression: Default = None
Select header compression. Options are: IPHC and/or VJ.
PPP Compression Mode: Default = MPPC
Select the compression mode for the tunnel connection. Options are: Disable, StacLZS or MPPC.
Multilink/QoS: Default = Off
Enable the use of Multilink protocol (MPPC) on the link.
Incoming traffic does not keep link up: Default = On
When enabled, the link is not kept up when the only traffic is incoming traffic.
LCP Echo Timeout (secs): Default = 6. Range = 0 to 99999 seconds.
When a PPP link is established, it is normal for each end to send echo packets to verify that the link is still connected.
This field defines the time between LCP echo packets. Four missed responses in a row will cause the link to terminate.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
6.21.2 IP Security Tunnel Main
For IP Office Server Edition this type of configuration record can be saved as a template and new records created from a
template. See Templates .
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
Release: 2.0+.
Mergeable: These settings are not mergeable. Changes to these settings will require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
Name: Default = Blank.
A unique name for the tunnel. Once the tunnel is created, the name can be selected as a destination for traffic in the IP
Route table.
Local Configuration
The IP Address and IP Mask are used in conjunction with each other to configure and set the conditions for this
Security Association (SA) with regard to inbound and outbound IP packets.
IP Address
The IP address or sub-net for the start of the tunnel.
IP Mask
The IP mask for the above address.
Tunnel Endpoint IP Address
The local IP address to be used to establish the SA to the remote peer. If left un-configured, the system will use the
IP address of the local interface on which the tunnel is to be configured.
Remote Configuration
The IP Address and IP Mask are used in conjunction with each other to configure and set the conditions for this
Security Association (SA) with regard to inbound and outbound IP packets.
IP Address
The IP address or sub-net for the end of the tunnel.
IP Mask
The IP mask for the above address.
Tunnel Endpoint IP Address
The IP address of the peer to which a SA must be established before the specified local and remote addresses can
be forwarded.
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Configuration Settings: Tunnel IKE Policies
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
Release: 2.0+.
Mergeable: These settings are not mergeable. Changes to these settings will require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
Shared Secret/Confirm Password
The password used for authentication. This must be matched at both ends of the tunnel.
Exchange Type: Default = ID Prot
Aggressive provides faster security setup but does not hide the ID's of the communicating devices. ID Prot is slower
but hides the ID's of the communicating devices.
Encryption: Default = DES CBC
Select the encryption method used by the tunnel. The options are: DES CBC, 3DES or Any.
Authentication: Default = MD5
The method of password authentication. Options are: MD5, SHA or Any.
DH Group: Default = Group 1
Life Type: Default = KBytes
Sets whether Life (below) is measured in seconds or kilobytes.
Life: Range = 0 to 99999999.
Determines the period of time or the number of bytes after which the SA key is refreshed or re-calculated.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1 IPSec Policies
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
Release: 2.0+.
Mergeable: These settings are not mergeable. Changes to these settings will require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
Protocol: Default = ESP
ESP (Encapsulated Security Payload) or AH (Authentication Header, no encryption).
Encryption: Default = DES
Select the encryption method used by the tunnel. The options are: DES CBC, 3DES or Any.
Authentication: Default = HMAC MD5
The method of password authentication. Options are: HMAC MD5, HMAC SHA or Any.
Life Type: Default = KBytes
Sets whether Life (below) is measured in seconds or kilobytes.
Determines the period of time or the number of bytes after which the SA key is refreshed or re-calculated.
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Configuration Settings: Tunnel
6.22 Logical LAN
A logical LAN can be used on control units with only a single LAN (LAN1) . A logical LAN allows these systems to
support a second separately addressed LAN on the same interface. Traffic between the system LAN1 and the
logical LAN can then be controlled by the system's IP route table and firewalls. Logical LAN settings are not
supported in Release 6.1+.
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
Release: 2.0 to 6.0.
Mergeable: These settings are not mergeable. Changes to these settings will require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
Name: Default = Blank. Range = Up to 31 characters.
A unique name for the logical LAN. This name becomes selectable as a destination in the IP Route table.
IP Address: Default =
The IP address provided by the internet service provider for the logical LAN.
IP Mask: Default =
The IP address mask provided by the internet service provider for the logical LAN.
Gateway IP Address: Default =
The IP address of the router on the logical LAN.
Gateway Mac Address: Default = 00:00:00:00:00:00
The MAC address of the router. If the MAC address isn't known, from a PC that can ping the router's IP address, use
the command arp -a <ip address>.
Firewall Profile: Default = Blank
This field allows selection of an existing firewall profile that should be applied to traffic to and from the logical LAN.
Enable NAT: Default = On (Grayed out).
NAT is applied to all traffic from the system LAN to the logical LAN. The use of NAT is not compatible with H.323 VoIP
operation, therefore a VPN tunnel should also be applied to traffic being routed
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
6.23 Wireless
The Small Office Edition control unit can act as an 802.11b wireless access point. To do this requires the
insertion of an Avaya supplied wireless card into one of the control unit's PCMCIA slots and entry of a Small
Office Edition WiFi license into the configuration. The wireless settings can then be configured.
In order to connect to the LAN, wireless devices must be configured to match the wireless settings. Additionally the
wireless device must match the control unit's LAN1 or LAN2 network settings unless using DHCP.
6.23.1 SSID
This tab is used to set the general identity of the wireless connection to the system LAN.
Control Unit: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
Release: 2.0 to 4.2.
Mergeable: These settings are not mergeable. Changes to these settings will require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
Network Name: Default = IP Office Wireless.Net
A unique name used to identify and distinguish the system wireless LAN from other wireless LAN's. This is the wireless
LAN's Service Set Identifier (SSID).
Wireless Mac Address
Displays a list of the MAC addresses of the devices currently connected to the wireless LAN.
Frequency/Channel: Default = 6
The 802.11b wireless frequency band is sub-divided into a number of channels. In locations where there are multiple
wireless LAN's or multiple access points to the same wireless LAN, each access point should use a separate channel.
Devices connecting to a wireless LAN will automatically connect to the channel providing the strongest signal.
The number of channels available is country specific. In the US channels 1 to 11 are available. In most of Europe,
channels 1 to 13 are available. In Japan only channel 14 is available.
The channel frequencies overlap. For instance, channel 2 shares part of the same frequency band as channels 1 and
3. In areas with multiple access points or LAN, use widely spaced channels. For example uses channels 1, 6 and 11
on different access points.
Accept Any: Default = Off
If on, allows any wireless device to connect to the wireless LAN without having to have a matching wireless network
name (SSID) set. When off, only devices configured with a matching wireless network name can connect to the
wireless LAN.
6.23.2 Security
This tab allows for additional security through the use of WEP wireless encryption keys. If enabled, in addition to
encrypting the wireless traffic, only devices using a matching encryption key can connect to the wireless LAN.
Control Unit: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
Release: 2.0 to 4.2.
Mergeable: These settings are not mergeable. Changes to these settings will require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
Encryption: Default = Disabled
Allows selection of 50/64 bit or 128 bit security. Note: 50/64 bit encryption is also known as 40/64 encryption in some
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Configuration Settings: Wireless
Alpha/Hex: Default = Hex
Switch key entry between hexadecimal and alphabetic entry modes.
Key 1/4
Allows entry of the security key and selection of which key is the current key to use.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
6.24 User Restrictions
User Restrictions are only available in pre-Release 3.2 configurations. For Release 3.2 and higher they have been
replaced by User Rights .
Within IP Office Manager, users can be grouped by the types of numbers they are allowed to dial or not allowed to dial.
For example, those who are allowed to dial 1900 or international numbers.
The User Restriction form allows named groups of dialing short codes/restrictions to be created. These short codes can
then be applied to a user by associating them with the User Restriction name rather than having to recreate the short
codes for each user.
To set up a restriction within the User Restriction form
1. Click User Restriction form within the Configuration Tree.
2. Enter a name for the restriction.
3. Click the Short Code List tab and create a short code.
4. Merge the configuration.
To apply a User Restriction to a specific user
1. Click the User form within the Configuration Tree.
2. Double-click the user for whom you want this restriction applied.
3. Within the User tab, click the Restriction drop down box and select the User Restriction you want applied to this
4. Merge the configuration.
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Configuration Settings: User Restrictions
6.24.1 User Restrictions
User Restrictions are only available in pre-Release 3.2 configurations. For Release 3.2 and higher, they have been
replaced by User Rights .
Control Unit: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
Release: 2.0 to 3.1.
Mergeable: These settings are mergeable. Changes to these settings do not require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
Name: Default = Blank
A name used to identify the set of user restrictions and allow its selection through the Restrictions field in each
individual user's User settings.
Priority: Default = 5 (highest), Range 0 to 5
The priority that should be applied to user calls if routed via a Least Cost Route . This overrides the priority of the
individual user.
Outgoing Call Bar: Default = Off.
When on, bars users making external calls.
6.24.2 Short Codes
User Restrictions are only available in pre-Release 3.2 configurations. For Release 3.2 and higher they have been
replaced by User Rights .
User dialing of emergency numbers must not be blocked. If short codes are edited, the users ability to dial
emergency numbers must be tested and maintained.
Allows entry of short codes for dialing by associated users. These short codes override any match system short codes but
not individual user short codes.
Control Unit: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
Release: 2.0 to 3.1.
Mergeable: These settings are mergeable. Changes to these settings do not require a reboot of the system.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
6.25 User Rights
User Rights act as templates for selected user settings. The settings of a user rights template are applied to all
users associated with that template. The use of a template can also be controlled by a time profile to set
when the template is used for a particular user.
For a IP Office Server Edition network, these settings can be configured at the network level and
are then automatically replicated in the configuration of all systems in the network. They can only
be seen and edited at the individual system configuration level if record consolidation is
switched off.
For most setting in a user rights template, the adjacent drop down list is used to indicate whether the setting is part of
the template or not. The drop down options are:
Apply User Rights Value
Apply the value set in the user rights template to all users associated with the template.
The matching user setting is grayed out and displays a lock symbol.
Users attempting to change the settings using short codes receive inaccessible tone.
For users using IP Office Phone Manager, within the application the associated fields are grayed out or hidden.
Not Part of User Rights
Ignore the user rights template setting.
Adding User Rights
1. Select User Rights.
2. Click and select User Rights.
3. Enter a name.
4. Configure the user rights as required.
5. Click OK.
Creating User Rights Based on an Existing User
1. Select User Rights.
2. In the group pane, right-click and select New User Rights from User.
3. Select the user and click OK.
Associating User Rights to a User
1. Select User Rights or User.
2. In the group pane, right-click and select Apply User Rights to Users.
3. Select the user rights to be applied.
4. On the Members of this User Rights sub tab select the users to which the user rights should be applied as their
Working Hours User Rights.
5. On the Members when out of hours sub tab select which users should use the selected user rights as their out
of hours user rights.
6. Click OK.
1. Select the required user to display their settings in the details pane.
2. Select the User tab.
3. Use Working Hours User Rights drop-down to select the user rights required.
4. If required a Working Hours Time Profile and Out of Hours User Rights can be selected.
5. Click OK.
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Configuration Settings: User Rights
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Copy User Rights Settings over a User's Settings
This process replaces a user's current settings with those that are part of the selected user rights. It does not associate
the user with the user rights.
1. Select User Rights or User.
2. In the group pane, right-click and select Copy user rights values to users.
3. Select the user rights to be applied.
4. Click OK.
Default User Rights
For defaulted systems, the following user rights are created as a part of the default configuration. Fields not listed are not
part of the user rights.
= Set to On. = Set to Off. = Not part of the user rights.
User Rights Call Center
Boss Application Default IP Hard
Mailbox Paging T3
Priority 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
Voicemail Ringback
Outgoing Call Bar
No Answer Time 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Transfer Return Time 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Individual Coverage Time 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Busy on Held
Call Waiting
Can Intruded
Cannot be Intruded
Force Login
Force Account Code
Button Programming 1: a=
2: b=
4: HGEna
5: DNDOn
6: Busy
1: a=
2: b=
3: c=
6: DNDOn
7: Dial *17
1: a=
2: b=
3: c=
1: a=
2: b=
3: c=
6: Dial *17
Manager 10.1 Page 519
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Configuration Settings: User Rights
6.25.1 User
This tab is used to set and lock various user settings.
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
For a IP Office Server Edition network, these settings can be configured at the network level and are then
automatically replicated in the configuration of all systems in the network. They can only be seen and edited
at the individual system configuration level if record consolidation is switched off.
Release: 3.2+.
Mergeable: These settings are mergeable. Changes to these settings do not require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
The name for the user rights . This must be set in order to allow the user rights to be selected within the User Rights
drop down list on the User | User tab of individual users.
Locale: Default = Blank
Sets and locks the language used for voicemail prompts to the user, assuming the language is available on the
voicemail server. On a digital extension it also controls the display language used for messages from the system to the
phone. See Supported Country and Locale Settings .
Priority: Default = 5, Range 1 (Lowest) to 5 (Highest)
Sets and locks the user's priority setting for least cost routing.
Do Not Disturb: Default = Off
Sets and locks the user's DND status setting.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
6.25.2 Short Codes
This tab is used to set and lock the user's short code set. The tab operates in the same way as the User | Short Codes
tab. User and User Rights short codes are only applied to numbers dialed by that user. For example they are not applied
to calls forwarded via the user.
User dialing of emergency numbers must not be blocked. If short codes are edited, the users ability to dial
emergency numbers must be tested and maintained.
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
For a IP Office Server Edition network, these settings can be configured at the network level and are then
automatically replicated in the configuration of all systems in the network. They can only be seen and edited
at the individual system configuration level if record consolidation is switched off.
Release: 3.2+.
Mergeable: These settings are mergeable. Changes to these settings do not require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
Short codes can be added and edited using the Add, Remove and Edit buttons. Alternatively you can right-click on the
list of existing short code to add and edit short codes.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Configuration Settings: User Rights
6.25.3 Button Programming
This tab is used to set and lock the user's programmable button set. When locked, the user cannot use Admin or
Admin1 buttons on their phone to override any button set by their user rights.
Buttons not set through the user rights can be set through the user's own settings . When Apply user rights value is
selected, the tab operates in the same manner as the User | Button Programming tab.
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
For a IP Office Server Edition network, these settings can be configured at the network level and are then
automatically replicated in the configuration of all systems in the network. They can only be seen and edited
at the individual system configuration level if record consolidation is switched off.
Release: 3.2+.
Mergeable: These settings are mergeable. Changes to these settings do not require a reboot of the system.
Adding Blank Buttons
There are scenarios where users are able to program their own buttons but you may want to force certain buttons to be
blank. This can be done through the user's associated User Rights as follows:
1. Assign the action Emulation | Inspect to the button. This action has no specific function. Enter some spaces as
the button label.
2. When pressed by the user, this button will not perform any action. However it cannot be overridden by the user.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
6.25.4 Telephony
This tab allows various user telephony settings to be set and locked. These match settings found on the User |
Telephony tab. These settings are divided in to a number of sub-tabs:
Call Settings
Supervisor Settings
Multi-line Options
Call Log Call Settings
For details of the ringing tones, see Ring Tones . DefaultRing uses the system default setting set through the System |
Telephony tab.
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
For a IP Office Server Edition network, these settings can be configured at the network level and are then
automatically replicated in the configuration of all systems in the network. They can only be seen and edited
at the individual system configuration level if record consolidation is switched off.
Release: 3.2+.
Mergeable: These settings are mergeable. Changes to these settings do not require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
No Answer Time: Default = Blank (Use system setting). Range = 6 to 99999 seconds.
Sets how long a call rings the user before following forwarded on no answer if set or going to voicemail. Leave blank to
use the system default setting.
Transfer return Time (secs): Default = Blank (Off), Range 1 to 99999 seconds.
Sets the delay after which any call transferred by the user, which remains unanswered, should return to the user if
Wrap up Time (secs): Default = 2 seconds, Range 0 to 99999 seconds.
Specifies the amount of time after ending one call before another call can ring. You may wish to increase this in a "call
center" environment where users may need time to log call details before taking the next call. It is recommended that
this option is not set to less than the default of 2 seconds. 0 is used for immediate ringing.
Call waiting on/Enable call waiting: Default = Off
For users on phones without appearance buttons, if the user is on a call and a second call arrives for them, an audio
tone can be given in the speech path to indicate a waiting call (the call waiting tone varies according to locale). The
waiting caller hears ringing rather than receiving busy. There can only be one waiting call, any further calls receive
normal busy treatment. If the call waiting is not answered within the no answer time, it follows forward on no answer
or goes to voicemail as appropriate. User call waiting is not used for users on phones with multiple call appearance
buttons. Call waiting can also be applied to hunt group calls, see Hunt Group | Hunt Group | Call Waiting .
Busy on held/Enable busy on Held: Default = Off
If on, when the user has a call on hold, new calls receive busy tone (ringing for incoming analog call) or are diverted to
voicemail if enabled, rather than ringing the user. Note this overrides call waiting when the user has a call on hold.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Configuration Settings: User Rights Supervisor Settings
These settings relate to user features normally only adjusted by the user's supervisor.
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
For a IP Office Server Edition network, these settings can be configured at the network level and are then
automatically replicated in the configuration of all systems in the network. They can only be seen and edited
at the individual system configuration level if record consolidation is switched off.
Release: 3.2+.
Mergeable: These settings are mergeable. Changes to these settings do not require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
Can Intrude: Default = Off
Check this option if the User can interrupt other user's calls. This setting and the setting below are used to control the
use of the following short code and button features: Call Intrude, Call Listen, Call Steal and Dial Inclusion.
Cannot be Intruded: Default = On
If checked, this user's calls cannot be interrupted or acquired. In addition to the features listed above, this setting also
affects whether other users can use their appearance buttons to bridge into a call to which this user has been the
longest present user.
Force Login: Default = Off
If checked, the user must log in using their Login Code to use an extension. For example, if Force Login is ticked for
User A and user B has logged into A's phone, after B logs off A must log back. If Force Login was not ticked, A would
be automatically logged back in.
Force Account Code: Default = Off
If checked, the user must enter a valid account code to make an external call.
Inhibit Off-Switch Forward/Transfer: Default = Off
When enabled, this setting stops the user from transferring or forwarding calls externally. Note that all user can be
barred from forwarding or transferring calls externally by the System | Telephony | Telephony | Inhibit Off-Switch
Forward/Transfers setting.
CCR Agent: Default = Off. Release 4.2+.
This field is used by the CCR application to indicate which users are Agents monitored by that application. It also
indicate to the system those users who can use other CCR features within the system configuration. If a user is set as
an CCR Agent, Forced Login is enabled and greyed out from being changed and a warning is given if the user does
not have a log in code set.
This setting should not be enabled/disabled for a user by using User Rights associated with a Time Profile. Do so
will cause invalid data to be recorded in the Customer Call Reporter applications database.
The number of simultaneous logged in CCR Agents supported by the system is controlled by licenses entered into
the configuration. If all CCR Agent licenses on a system have been used, additional agents are prevented from
logging in.
After Call Work Time: Default = System Default. Range = 10 to 999 seconds. Release 4.2+.
CCR Agents (see above) can be automatically put into After Call Work (ACW) state after ending a hunt group call.
During ACW state, hunt group calls are not presented to the user. If set to System Default, the value set in Default
After Call Work (System | CCR) is used.
Automatic After Call Work: Default = Off. Release 4.2+.
For CCR Agents with Automatic After Call Work enabled, this value sets the duration of the ACW period.
Outgoing Call Bar: Default = Off
When set, bars the user from making external calls.
Coverage Group: Default = <None>. Release 5.0+
If a group is selected, the system will not use voicemail to answer the users unanswered calls. Instead the call will
continue ringing until either answered or the caller disconnects. For external calls, after the users no answer time, the
call is also presented to the users who are members of the selected Coverage Group. For further details refer to
Coverage Groups .
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Manager 10.1 Page 524
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1 Multi-line Options
Multi-line options are applied to a user's phone when the user is using an Avaya phones which supports appearance
buttons (call appearance, line appearance, bridged and call coverage). See Appearance Button Operation .
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
For a IP Office Server Edition network, these settings can be configured at the network level and are then
automatically replicated in the configuration of all systems in the network. They can only be seen and edited
at the individual system configuration level if record consolidation is switched off.
Release: 3.2+.
Mergeable: These settings are mergeable. Changes to these settings do not require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
Individual Coverage Time (secs): Default = 10 seconds, Range 1 to 99999 seconds.
This function sets how long the phone will ring at your extension before also alerting at any call coverage users. This
time setting should not be equal to or greater than the No Answer Time. Call Log
Release 5.0+: The system can store a centralized call log for users. Each users' centralized call log can contain up to
30 call records for user calls (10 on IP412 and IP406 V2 systems). When this limit is reached, each new call records
replaces the oldest previous record.
On Avaya phones with a fixed Call Log or History button (1400, 1600, 9500 and 9600 Series), that button can be used
to display the user's centralized call log. The centralized call log is also used for M-Series and T-Series phone. The user
can use the call log to make calls or to store as a personal speed dial. They can also edit the call log to remove records.
The same call log is also used if the user logs into one-X Portal for IP Office.
The centralized call log moves with the user if they log on and off from different phones. This includes if they hot desk
within a network.
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
For a IP Office Server Edition network, these settings can be configured at the network level and are then
automatically replicated in the configuration of all systems in the network. They can only be seen and edited
at the individual system configuration level if record consolidation is switched off.
Release: 5.0+.
Mergeable: These settings are mergeable. Changes to these settings do not require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
Centralized Call Log: Default = System Default (On)
This setting allows the use of centralized call logging to be enabled or disabled on a per user basis. The default is to
match the system setting Default Centralized Call Log On (System | Telephony | Call Log ). The other
options are On or Off for the individual user. If off is selected, the call log shown on the users phone is the local call
log stored by the phone.
Delete records after (hours:minutes): Default = 00:00 (Never). Release 6.1+.
If a time period is set, records in the user's call log are automatically deleted after this period.
Groups: Default = System Default (On).
This section contains a list of hunt groups on the system. If the system setting Log Missed Huntgroup Calls
(System | Telephony | Call Log) has been enabled, then missed calls for those groups selected are shown as part
of the users call log. The missed calls are any missed calls for the hunt group, not just group calls presented to the
user and not answered by them.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Configuration Settings: User Rights
6.25.5 Menu Programming
This tab is used to set and lock the user's programmable button set.
When Apply User Rights value is selected, the tab operates in the same manner as the User | Menu Programming
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
For a IP Office Server Edition network, these settings can be configured at the network level and are then
automatically replicated in the configuration of all systems in the network. They can only be seen and edited
at the individual system configuration level if record consolidation is switched off.
Release: 3.2 to 4.2.
Mergeable: .
6.25.6 Twinning
This tab is used to set and lock the following settings relating to the use of mobile twinning. Use of mobile twinning
requires entry of a mobile twinning license. This tab is no longer available for Release 4.2+.
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
For a IP Office Server Edition network, these settings can be configured at the network level and are then
automatically replicated in the configuration of all systems in the network. They can only be seen and edited
at the individual system configuration level if record consolidation is switched off.
Release: 3.2 to 4.1 only.
Mergeable: These settings are mergeable. Changes to these settings do not require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
Mobile Dial Delay
Sets and locks the dial delay applied to calls eligible for mobile twinning.
Hunt group calls eligible for mobile twinning
Sets whether mobile twinning is applied to hunt group calls.
Forwarded calls eligible for mobile twinning
Sets whether mobile twinning is applied to forwarded calls.
6.25.7 Phone Manager
This tab is used to set and lock which parts of the IP Office Phone Manager application associated users can use or
adjust. IP Office Phone Manager is not supported with IP Office Release 8.1 and higher.
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
For a IP Office Server Edition network, these settings can be configured at the network level and are then
automatically replicated in the configuration of all systems in the network. They can only be seen and edited
at the individual system configuration level if record consolidation is switched off.
Release: 3.2+.
Mergeable: .
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Configuration Settings
Allow user to modify Phone Manager settings: Default = On
This setting is used with the Phone Manager Status Options, Screen Pop Options and Hide Options. It controls whether
those options are applied every time the user starts Phone Manager or only the first time the user starts Phone
If this setting is enabled, then the system configuration setting of those options are only applied the first time a user
starts Phone Manager on a PC. Those settings become part of the user's Phone Manager profile on that PC. They can
be changed by the user through Phone Manager. On subsequent Phone Manager starts the Manager settings are
If this setting is not enabled, the system configuration settings are applied every time the user starts Phone Manager
and cannot be overridden by the user.
Agent Mode: Default = Off
This option controls the setting of the Agent Mode option on the Configure Preferences | Agent Mode tab within
Phone Manager Pro. When enabled, the user has additional toolbar controls for Busy Wrap Up, Busy Not Available and
Select Group. Note that the options on the Phone Manager Pro Agent Mode tab can be grayed out from user changes
by the Agent Mode setting in Configuration Options below.
Phone Manager Type: Default = Lite
Determines the mode in which the user's copy of the Phone Manager application operates. This setting cannot be
changed by the user.
Basic Phone Manager mode. This mode does not require any licenses.
Advanced Phone Manager mode that enables a range of additional functions. This mode requires an available Phone
Manager Pro license, otherwise the application will run in Phone Manager Lite mode.
Phone Manager PC Softphone
This is the VoIP IP phone mode of Phone Manager Pro. This mode requires both an available Phone Manager Pro
license and a Phone Manager Pro IP Audio Enabled license. The user must be associated with an VoIP extension
within the system configuration.
Pro Telecommuter: Release 4.1+.
This version of Phone Manager Pro is supported with Phone Manager 4.1+. It allows the user to make and receive
calls via an external phone specified at Phone Manager log in. This mode requires an available Phone Manager Pro
license, otherwise the application will run in Phone Manager Lite mode.
Enable VoIP: Default = Off
This option only appears if the selected Phone Manager Type is Phone Manager PC Softphone. It enables or disables
the matching setting on the user's Phone Manager PC Softphone.
Configuration Options
These options allow the user access to the indicated configure preferences tabs within Phone Manager.
The controllable tabs for Phone Manager Lite are Telephone and Do Not Disturb.
Release 4.0+: The Mobile Twinning option on the Forwarding tab is also controllable (the twinning number
remains editable even if the Mobile Twinning option has been restricted).
The additional controllable tabs for Phone Manager Pro and Phone Manager PC Softphone are Screen Pop,
Compact Mode, Agent Mode, Voicemail (Voicemail and Voicemail Ringback controls only).
Screen Pop Options
These options allow selection of the Phone Manager Pro/Phone Manager PC Softphone screen pop options Ringing,
Answering, Internal, External and Outlook. The Allow user to modify Phone Manager settings option controls whether
these settings are applied only when Phone Manager is first started or every time Phone Manager is started.
Phone Manager Status Options
These options allow selection of the tabs to show within the call history area of the user's Phone Manager. The tabs
selectable for Phone Manager are All, Missed, Status and Messages. The additional tabs selectable for Phone
Manager Pro and PC Softphone are Incoming, Outgoing and Account Code. The Allow user to modify Phone
Manager settings option controls whether these settings are applied only when Phone Manager is first started or every
time Phone Manager is started.
Hide Options
These options allow selection of the Phone Manager Pro/Phone Manager PC Softphone options Hide on close and Hide
on no calls. The Allow user to modify Phone Manager settings option controls whether these settings are applied only
when Phone Manager is first started or every time Phone Manager is started.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Configuration Settings: User Rights
6.25.8 User Rights Membership
The tabs display the users associated with the user rights and allows these to be changed.
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
For a IP Office Server Edition network, these settings can be configured at the network level and are then
automatically replicated in the configuration of all systems in the network. They can only be seen and edited
at the individual system configuration level if record consolidation is switched off.
Release: 3.2+.
Mergeable: These settings are mergeable. Changes to these settings do not require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
Members of this User Rights
This tab indicates those users associated with the user rights. If the user has an associated Working hours time profile,
their association to the user rights applies only during the periods defined by the time profile. If the user does not have
an associated Working hours time profile, they are associated with the user rights at all times.
Members when out of service
This tab indicates those users associated with the user rights outside the time periods defined by their Working hours
time profile. The Members when out of service tab is not populated unless there are time profiles available within the
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
6.25.9 Voicemail
The tabs display the users associated with the user rights and allows these to be changed.
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
For a IP Office Server Edition network, these settings can be configured at the network level and are then
automatically replicated in the configuration of all systems in the network. They can only be seen and edited
at the individual system configuration level if record consolidation is switched off.
Release: 5.0+.
Mergeable: These settings are mergeable. Changes to these settings do not require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
Voicemail On Default = On
When on, the mailbox is used by the system to answer the user's unanswered calls or calls when the user's extension
returns busy. Note that selecting off does not disable use of the user's mailbox. Messages can still be forward to their
mailbox and recordings can be placed in it. The mailbox can also still be accessed to collect messages.
Voicemail Ringback: Default = Off
When enabled and a new message has been received, the voicemail server calls the user's extension to attempt to
deliver the message each time the telephone is put down. Voicemail will not ring the extension more than once every
30 seconds.
DTMF Breakout
When a caller is directed to voicemail to leave a message, they can be given the option to be transferred to a different
extension. The greeting message needs to be recorded telling the caller the options available. The extension numbers
that they can be transferred to are entered in the fields below. Release 5.0+: These system default values can be set
for these numbers and are used unless a different number is set within these user settings.
Reception/Breakout (DTMF 0)
The number to which a caller is transferred if they press 0 while listening to the mailbox greeting rather than
leaving a message (*0 on Embedded Voicemail in IP Office mode).
For voicemail systems set to Intuity emulation mode, the mailbox owner can also access this option when
collecting their messages by dialing *0.
If the mailbox has been reached through a Voicemail Pro call flow containing a Leave Mail action, the option
provided when 0 is pressed are:
For IP Office mode, the call follows the Leave Mail action's Failure or Success results connections
depending on whether the caller pressed 0 before or after the record tone.
For Intuity mode, pressing 0 always follows the Reception/Breakout (DTMF 0) setting.
Breakout (DTMF 2)
The number to which a caller is transferred if they press 2 while listening to the mailbox greeting rather than
leaving a message (*2 on Embedded Voicemail in IP Office mode). Pre-Release 5.0: This option is not supported
for Voicemail Pro running in IP Office mailbox mode.
Breakout (DTMF 3)
The number to which a caller is transferred if they press 3 while listening to the mailbox greeting rather than
leaving a message (*3 on Embedded Voicemail in IP Office mode). Pre-Release 5.0: This option is not supported
for Voicemail Pro running in IP Office mailbox mode.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Configuration Settings: User Rights
6.26 Auto Attendant
These settings are used for embedded voicemail provided by the IP Office control unit. IP Office Small
Office Edition, IP406 V2, IP500 and IP500 V2 control units can support Embedded Voicemail. This is setup
by adding an Avaya Embedded Voicemail memory card to the control unit and then selecting Embedded
Voicemail as the Voicemail Type on the System | Voicemail tab.
This tab and its settings are hidden unless the system has been configured to use Embedded Voicemail
on the System | Voicemail tab.
For full details on configuration and operation of Embedded Voicemail auto-attendants refer to the IP
Office Embedded Voicemail Installation Manual.
Up to 40 auto-attendant services can be configured. For pre-Release 4.1 systems, only 4 auto-attendant services are
Embedded voicemail services include auto-attendant, callers accessing mailboxes to leave or collect messages and
announcements to callers waiting to be answered.
The IP500 V2 supports 2 simultaneous Embedded Voicemail calls by default but can be licensed for up to 6. The
licensed limit applies to total number of callers leaving messages, collecting messages and or using an auto
The IP406 V2 and IP500 support up to 4 simultaneous calls to Embedded Voicemail services.
The Small Office Edition supports up to 10 simultaneous calls to Embedded Voicemail depending on available voice
compression channels. A call from an IP device to voicemail uses two voice compression channels on the Small
Office Edition.
In addition to basic mailbox functionality, Embedded Voicemail can also provide auto-attendant operation. Each auto
attendant can use existing time profiles to select the greeting given to callers and then provide follow on actions relating
to the key presses 0 to 9, * and #.
Time Profiles
Each auto attendant can use up to three existing time profiles , on each for Morning, Afternoon and Evening.
These are used to decide which greeting is played to callers. They do not change the actions selectable by callers
within the auto attendant. If the time profiles overlap or create gaps, then the order of precedence used is
morning, afternoon, evening.
Four different greetings are used for each auto attendant. One for each time profile period. This is then always
followed by the greeting for the auto-attendant actions. By default a number of system short codes are
automatically created to allow the recording of these greetings from a system extension. See below.
Separate actions can be defined for the DTMF keys 0 to 9, * and #. Actions include transfer to a specified
destination, transfer to another auto-attendant transfer to a user extension specified by the caller (dial by number)
and replaying the greetings.
Release 4.0+: The Fax action can be used to reroute fax calls when fax tone is detected by the auto-
Release 5.0+: The Dial by Name action can be used to let callers specify the transfer destination.
Short Codes
Adding an auto attendant automatically adds a number of system short codes. These use the Auto Attendant
short code feature. These short codes are used to provide dialing access to record the auto attendant greetings.
For pre-Release 4.1
Four system short codes are automatically added for each auto attendant. These use a telephone number of
the form AA:Name.Y where Name is replaced by the Auto Attendant name and Y is 1, 2, 3 or 4 for the
morning, afternoon, evening or menu option greeting.
You can manually delete the short codes or add additional short codes as required.
To create a short code to access an auto attendant, for example to allow internal calls to an auto
attendant, omit the .Y part of the short code telephone number.
For Release 4.1+
Four system short codes (*81XX, *82XX, *83XX and *84XX) are automatically added for use with all auto
attendants, for the morning, afternoon, evening and menu options greetings respectively. These use a
telephone number of the form "AA:"N".Y" where N is the replaced with the auto attendant number dialed
and Y is 1, 2, 3 or 4 for the morning, afternoon, evening or menu option greeting.
An additional short code of the form (for example) *80XX/Auto Attendant/"AA:"N can be added
manual if internal dialed access to auto attendants is required.
For Release 4.1+, to add a short code to access a specific auto attendant, the name method as used for
pre-Release 4.1 should be used.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Routing Calls to the Auto Attendant
The telephone number format AA:Name can be used to route callers to an auto attendant. It can be used in the
destination field of incoming call routes and telephone number field of short codes set to the Auto Attend feature.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Configuration Settings: Auto Attendant
6.26.1 Auto Attendant
This tab is used to define the name of the auto attendant service and the time profiles that should control which auto
attendant greetings are played.
Control Unit: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
Release: 2.0+.
Mergeable: Pre-3.2 , 3.2+ .
Configuration Settings
Name: Range = Up to 12 characters
This field sets the name for the auto-attendant service. External calls can be routed to the auto attendant by entering
AA:Name in the destination field of an Incoming Call Route.
Maximum Inactivity: Default = 8 seconds; Range = 1 to 20 seconds. Release 3.0+.
This field sets how long after playing the prompts the Auto Attendant should wait for a valid key press. If exceeded,
the caller is either transferred to the Fallback Extension set within the Incoming Call Route used for their call or else
the caller is disconnected.
Enable Local Recording: Default = On. Release 4.0+ (Q2 2007 Maintenance release).
When off, use of short codes to record auto-attendant prompts is blocked. The short codes can still be used to
playback the greetings.
Direct Dial-By-Number: Default = Off. Release 6.0+.
This setting affects the operation of any key presses in the auto attendant menu set to use the Dial By Number
If selected, the key press for the action is included in any following digits dialed by the caller for system extension
matching. For example, if 2 is set in the actions to Dial by Number, a caller can dial 201 for extension 201.
If not selected, the key press for the action is not included in any following digits dialed by the caller for system
extension matching. For example, if 2 is set in the actions to Dial by Number, a caller must dial 2 and then 201
for extension 201.
Dial by Name Match Order: Default = First Name/Last Name. Release 5.0+.
Determines the name order used for the Embedded Voicemail Dial by Name function. The options are First then Last
or Last then First.
AA Number: Release 4.1+.
This number is assigned by the system and cannot be changed. It is used in conjunction with short codes to access the
auto attendant service or to record auto attendant greetings.
Morning/Afternoon/Evening/Menu Options:
Each auto-attendant can consist of three distinct time periods, defined by associated time profiles. A greeting can be
recorded for each period. The appropriate greeting is played to callers and followed by the Menu Options greeting
which should list the available actions.
Time Profile
The time profile that defines each period of auto-attendant operation. When there are overlaps or gaps between
time profiles, precedence is given in the order morning, afternoon and then evening.
Short code
These fields indicate the system short codes automatically created to allow recording of the time profile greetings
and the menu options prompt.
Recording Name: Default = Blank. Range = Up to 31 characters. Release 4.0+ (Q2 2007 Maintenance release).
This field appears next to the short code used for manually recording auto-attendant prompts. It is only used is
using pre-recorded wav files as greeting rather than manually recording greetings using the indicated short codes. If
used, note that the field is case sensitive and uses the name embedded within the wav file file header rather than
the actual file name.
Release 4.1+: This field can be used with all systems supporting Embedded Voicemail. The utility for converting .
wav files to the correct format is provided with IP Office Manager and can be launched via File | Advanced | LVM
Greeting Utility . Files then need to be manually transferred to the Embedded Voicemail memory card. For full
details refer to the IP Office Embedded Voicemail Installation manual.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
6.26.2 Actions
This tab defines the actions available to callers dependant on which DTMF key they press. To change an action, select the
appropriate row and click Edit. When the key is configured as required click OK.
Control Unit: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
Release: 2.0+.
Mergeable: Pre-3.2 , 3.2+ .
Configuration Settings
The standard telephone dial pad keys, 0 to 9 plus * and #.
Release 4.0+: The option Fax can be used for a transfer to the required fax destination and will then be triggered by
fax tone detection. If left as Not Defined, fax calls will follow the incoming call routes fallback settings once the
auto-attendant Maximum Inactivity Time set on the Auto Attendant | Auto Attendant tab is reached.
The following actions can be assigned to each key.
Dial by Name: Release 5.0+.
Callers are asked to dial the name of the user they require and then press #. The recorded name prompts of
matching users are then played back for the caller to make a selection. The name order used is set by the Dial by
Name Match Order setting on the Auto Attendant tab. Note the name used is the user's Full Name if set,
otherwise their User Name is used. Users without a recorded name prompt or set to Ex Directory are not included.
Users can record their name by accessing their mailbox and dialing *05.
Dial By Number: Release 4.0+.
This option allows callers with DTMF phones to dial the extension number of the user they require. No destination is
set for this option. The prompt for using this option should be included in the auto attendant Menu Options greeting.
A uniform length of extension number is required for all users and hunt group numbers. Release 6.0: The operation
of this action is affected by the auto attendant's Direct Dial-by-Number setting.
Normal Transfer
Transfer the caller to the selected destination. This is an unsupervised transfer, if the caller is not answered they will
be handled as per a direct call to that number. If no destination is set, the caller can dial the user extension number
that they require.
Not Defined
The corresponding key takes no action.
Replay Menu Greeting
Replay the auto-attendant greetings again.
Transfer: Release 4.0+.
Transfer the call to the selected destination. This is an unsupervised transfer, if the caller is not answered they will
be handled as per a direct call to that number.
Transfer to Attendant: Release 4.0+.
This action can be used to transfer calls to another existing auto attendant.
Transfer to Operator: Release Up to 3.2 only.
Transfer the caller to the selected destination. Operates the same as the Normal Transfer option above.
Sets the destination for the action:
Destination can be a user, a hunt group or a short code.
If the destination field is left blank, callers can dial the user extension number that they require. Note however
that no prompt is provided for this option so it should be included in the auto attendant Menu Options greeting.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Configuration Settings: Auto Attendant
6.27 Authorization Codes
Authorization codes are not shown by default. IP Office Manager must be modified in order to support
authorization codes. Similarly in order to record authorization codes used with calls in the system SMDR, the
Delta Server software must be modified.
Each authorization code is associated with a particular user or user rights set. The user or users associated
with the user rights, can then dial numbers which are set to trigger forced authorization code entry. Once a
code is entered, the short code settings of the user or user rights with which the code is associated are used
to completed the call.
This can be used to allow authorized users to make otherwise restricted calls from any extension without first
having to log in to that extension and then log out after the call. Authorization code usage can be recorded
along with the call details by the Delta Server in its SMDR output, including valid/invalid code entry and the
code used.
A user dials a number that matches a short code set to Force Authorization Code.
The user is prompted to enter an authorization code.
They dial their authorization code. If a matching entry is found in Authorization Codes records the system checks the
corresponding user or user right (in that order). Note that the user or user right checked does not necessarily need to
be connected with the user dialing or the user whose extension is being used to make the call.
The dial string is checked against the short codes with the matching user or user rights.
If it matches a dial short code or no short code the call is allowed, otherwise it is blocked. Note that the short code
is not processed, it is just checked for a match.
If multi-tier authorization codes are required there must be blocking (busy) short codes (or a wild card '?' )
A restaurant has a number of phones in publicly accessible areas and so want to control what calls can be made. They
want the phones to anyone to make allow local calls, restrict restaurant staff to locale and cell phone (044...) numbers
while the manager can dial local, cell phone and long distance (01...) numbers).
ARS Table Authorization Codes
In the Main (50) ARS table, they add the following short
044XXXXXXXXXX/Dial/044N/Force Auth Code
01XXXXXXXXXX/Dial/01N/Force Auth Code
They have two authorization codes configured.
2008 is associated with a set of User Rights called
1983 is associate with a set of User Rights called
User Rights
Cell LDandCell
Allows calls to cell phone numbers.
Blocks calls to long distance numbers.
Block any other calls that require an authorization
Allows calls to cell phone numbers.
Allows calls to long distance numbers.
Block any other calls that require an authorization
It is recommended to use short codes that use X characters to match the full number of characters to be dialed. That
ensures that authorization code entry is not triggered until the full number has been dialed rather than mid-dialing. For
example 09 numbers are premium rate in the UK, so you would create a 09XXXXXXXXX/Dial/N short code set to
Forced Authorization. In the associated user or user right short code it is recommended to use 09N type short codes.
For Release 4.0+ systems, system short codes that route to ARS will not have their Force Authorization Code setting
used. However short codes within an ARS table will have their Force Authorization Code setting used.
WARNING: Changing PC Registry Settings
Avaya accepts no liability for any issues arising from the editing of a PC's registry settings. If you are in any doubt
about how to perform this process you should not proceed. It is your responsibility to ensure that the registry is
correctly backed up before any changes are made.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Enabling Authorization Codes in IP Office Manager
To enable support for authorization codes within IP Office Manager requires a change to the IP Office Manager PC registry
settings. Once this change is made, various authorization code related features are visible when IP Office Manager is
restarted and a configuration from a 3.2 or higher system is loaded.
1. Close IP Office Manager.
2. Locate the registry key
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Avaya\IP400\Manager\EnableAuthorisationCodes and change its
value from 0 to 1.
3. Restart IP Office Manager and load a configuration from an Release 3.2 or higher system.
Enabling Authorization Codes in Delta Server
The use of authorization codes can be included in the SMDR output logged by the Delta Server application. Again this
requires changes to the registry of the PC running the Delta Server application.
1. Open the registry and locate the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Avaya\CCCServer\Setup registry keys.
2. Add two new DWORD registry keys and set their values to 1. They are:
3. Open the browser to the Delta Server configuration screens.
4. Select SMDR. An Add Authorization Fields to SMDR option should now be available. Select this to enable
logging of authorization codes to the SMDR log file.
Authorization codes are only logged to the SMDR log file. Two new fields are added to the end of each call log record in
the SMDR log file. The first new field is the authorization code used or n/a if no authorization code was used. The second
field is 1 for valid authorization or 0 for invalid authorization.
Forcing Authorization Codes
There are two methods to force a user to enter an authorization code in order to complete dialing an external call.
To Force Authorization Codes on All External Calls
A user can be required to enter an authorization code for all external calls. This is done by selecting Force
Authorization Code (User | Telephony | Supervisor Settings ).
To Force Authorization Codes on Specific Calls
To require entry of an authorization code on a particular call or call type, the Force Authorization Code option
should be selected in the short code settings. This can be used in user, user rights or system short codes in order
to apply its effect to a user, group of users or all users respectively. You need to ensure that the user cannot dial
the same number by any other method that would by pass the short code, for example with a different prefix.
Entering an Authorization Code
Where possible, when an authorization code is required, the user can enter it through their phones display. However, this
is not possible for all type of phone, for example it is not possible with analog phones and Avaya XX01 or XX02 phones.
The users of these device must either enter the authorization code using a short code set to the Set Authorization Code
feature immediately before making the call.
When entry of an authorization code is triggered, the user can enter any authorization code with which they are either
directly associated or associated through their current user rights.
1. If account code entry is setup for a particular number, calls forwarded or transferred to that number will also
trigger account code entry.
2. On systems using line appearances to BRI trunk channels to make outgoing calls, account code entry may not be
triggered. This can be resolved by adding a short code such as [9]XN;/Dial/XN/0 (adjust the prefix and line group
as necessary).
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Configuration Settings: Authorization Codes
Control Unit: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
Release: 3.2+.
Mergeable: These settings are mergeable. Changes to these settings do not require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
Authorization Code: Range = Up to 12 digits.
The digits used for the authorization code. Each code must be unique. Wildcards are not usable with authorization
User Rights
This field is used to select the user right with which the authorization code is associated. The authorization code
can then be used to authorize calls made by users currently associated with that set of user rights.
This field is used to select a user with which the authorization code is associated. The authorization code can then
be used to authorize calls made by that user.
Manager 10.1 Page 536
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
6.28 ARS
ARS (Alternate Route Selection) is used by Release 4.0+. It replaces LCR (Least Cost Routing) used by
previous releases of IP Office. It also replaces the need to keep outgoing call routing short codes in the
system short codes.
When a dialed number matches a short code that specifies that the number should be dialled, there are two
methods by which the routing of the outgoing call can be controlled.
Routing Calls Directly to a Line
Every line and channel belongs has an Outgoing Group ID setting. Several lines and channels can have
belong to the same Outgoing Group ID. Within short codes that should be routed via a line within that
group, the required Outgoing Group ID is specified in the short code's Line Group ID setting.
Routing Calls via ARS
The short code for a number can specify an ARS form as the destination. The final routing of the call is
then controlled by the setting available within that ARS form.
ARS Features
Secondary Dial Tone
The first ARS form to which a call is routed can specify whether the caller should receive secondary dial tone.
Out of Service Routing
ARS forms can be taken out of service, rerouting any calls to an alternate ARS form while out of service. This can be
done through the configuration or using short codes.
Out of Hours Routing
ARS forms can reroute calls to an alternate ARS form outside the hours defined by an associated time profile.
Priority Routing
Alternate routes can be made available to users with sufficient priority if the initial routes specified in an ARS form are
not available. For users with insufficient priority, a delay is applied before the alternate routes become available.
Line Types
ARS can be used with all line types:
Release 4.2+: A SIP line is treated as busy and can follow alternate routes based on the SIP line setting Call
Initiation Timeout . Previously a SIP line was only seen as busy if all the configured channels were in use.
IP lines use the NoUser Source Number setting H.323SetupTimerNoLCR to determine how long to wait for
successful connection before treating the line as busy and following ARS alternate routing. For Release 4.2+, this
is now set through the IP line option Call Initiation Timeout .
Multi-Site Network Calls
Calls to multi-site extension numbers are always routed using the appropriate network trunk. ARS can be configured
for multi-site network numbers but will only be used if the network call fails due to congestion or network failure.
Main Route
The ARS form 50, named "Main" cannot be deleted. For defaulted systems it is used as a default route for outgoing
Routing Calls to ARS
1. Create the ARS form.
2. Create the required system, user or user rights short code to match the user dialing.
2.1.In the Telephone Number field, define the digits that will be used to match a short code in the ARS form.
2.2.Use the Line Group ID field drop-down to select the ARS form required for routing the call.
Manager 10.1 Page 537
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Configuration Settings: ARS
Example ARS Operation
The simplest example for ARS operation are the settings applied to a defaulted system. These vary between U-Law
systems and A-Law systems. For IP Office Server Edition systems refer to IP Office Server Edition Outgoing Call Routing
A-Law Systems
This set of defaults is applied to A-Law systems, typically supplied to locales other than North America. The defaults allow
any dialing that does not match an internal number to be routed off-switch as follows:
1. System Short Code - ?/Dial/./50:Main
The default system short code ? will match any dialing for which no other user, user rights or system short code match
is found. This short code is set to route all the digits dialed to ARS form 50.
2. ARS Form - 50:Main
This form contains just a single short code.
This short code matches any digits passed to the ARS form. It then dials the digits out on the first available line
within line group 0 (the default outgoing line group for all lines).
U-Law Systems
This set of defaults is applied to U-Law systems, typically supplied to locales in North America. The defaults route any
dialing prefixed with a 9 to the ARS and secondary dial tone.
1. System Short Code - 9N/Dial/N/50:Main
The default system short code 9N is used to match any dialing that is prefixed with a 9. It passes any digits following
the 9 to ARS form 50.
2. ARS Form - 50:Main
This form has secondary dial tone enabled. It contains a number of short codes which all pass any matching calls to the
first available line within line group 0 (the default outgoing line group for all lines). Whilst all these short code route
calls to the same destination, having them as separate items allows customization if required. The short codes are:
11/Dial Emergency/911/0
This short code matches an user dialing 911 for emergency services.
911/Dial Emergency/911/0
This short code matches an user dialing 9911 for emergency services.
This short code matches any international calls.
This short code matches any national calls.
This short code matches 7 digit local numbers.
This short code matches 10 digit local numbers.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
6.28.1 ARS
Each ARS form contains short codes which are used to match the result of the short code that triggered use of the ARS
form, ie. the Telephone Number resulting from the short code is used rather than the original number dialed by the user.
For IP Office Server Edition this type of configuration record can be saved as a template and new records created from a
template. See Templates .
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
Release: 4.0+.
Mergeable: These settings are mergeable. Changes to these settings do not require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
ARS Route ID
This value is automatically assigned and cannot be edited.
Route Name: Default = Blank. Range = Up to 15 characters.
The name is used for reference and is displayed in other areas when selecting which ARS to use.
Dial Delay Time: Default = System. Range = 1 to 30 seconds.
This settings defines how long ARS should wait for further dialing digits before assuming that dialing is complete and
looking for a short code match against the ARS form short codes. When set to System, the system's Dial Delay Time
(System | Telephony | Telephony ) value is used.
Secondary Dial Tone: Defaults = Off.
When on, this setting instructs the system to play secondary dial tone to the user. The tone used is set by the field
The tone used is set as either System Tone (normal dial tone) or Network Tone (secondary dial tone). Both
tone types are generated by the system in accordance with the system specific locale setting . Note that in
some locales normal dial tone and secondary dial tone are the same.
When Secondary Dial Tone is selected, the ARS form will return tone until it receives digits with which it can
begin short code matching. Those digits can be the result of user dialing or digits passed by the short code which
invoked the ARS form. For example with the following system short codes:
In this example, the 9 is stripped from the dialed number and is not part of the telephone number passed to
the ARS form. So in this case secondary dial tone is given until the user dials another digit or dialing times
Code: 9N
Telephone Number: N
Line Group ID: 50 Main
In this example, the dialed 9 is included in the telephone number passed to the ARS form. This will inhibit the
use of secondary dial tone even if secondary dial tone is selected on the ARS form.
Code: 9N
Telephone Number: 9N
Line Group ID: 50 Main
Check User Call Barring: Default = Off
If enabled, the dialing user's Outgoing Call Bar setting and any user short codes set to the function Barred are
checked to see whether they are appropriate and should be used to bar the call.
In Service: Default = On
This field is used to indicate whether the ARS form is in or out of service. When out of service, calls are rerouted to the
ARS form selected in the Out of Service Route field.
Short codes can be used to take an ARS form in and out of service. This is done using the short code features
Disable ARS Form and Enable ARS Form and entering the ARS Route ID as the short code Telephone
Number value.
Out of Service Route: Default = None.
This is the alternate ARS form used to route calls when this ARS form is not in service.
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Configuration Settings: ARS
Time Profile: Default = None.
Use of a ARS form can be controlled by an associate time profile. Outside the hours defined within the time profile,
calls are rerouted to an alternate ARS form specified in the Out of Hours Route drop-down. Note that the Time Profile
field cannot be set until an Out of Hours Route is selected.
Out of Hours Route: Default = None.
This is the alternate ARS form used to route calls outside the hours defined within the Time Profile selected above.
Short Codes
Short codes within the ARS form are matched against the "Telephone Number" output by the short code that
routed the call to ARS. The system then looks for another match using the short codes with the ARS form.
Only short codes using the following features are supported within ARS: Dial, Dial Emergency, Dial Speech, Dial
56K, Dial64K, Dial3K1, DialVideo, DialV110, DialV120 and Busy.
Multiple short codes with the same Code field can be entered so long as they have differing Telephone Number
and or Line Group ID settings. In this case when a match occurs the system will use the first match that points to a
route which is available.
Alternate Route Priority: Default = 3. Range = 1 (low) to 5 (high).
If the routes specified by this form are not available and an Alternate Route has been specified, that route will be
used if the users priority is equal to or higher than the value set here. User priority is set through the User | User
form and by default is 5. If the users priority is lower than this value, the Alternate Route Wait Time is applied. This
field is grayed out and not used if an ARS form has not been selected in the Alternate Route field.
If the caller's dialing matches a short code set to the Barred function, the call remains at that short code and is
not escalated in any way.
Alternate Route Wait Time: Default = 30 seconds. Range = Off, 1 to 60 seconds.
If the routes specified by this form are not available and an Alternate Route has been specified, users with
insufficient priority to use the alternate route immediately must wait for the period defined by this value. During the
wait the user hears camp on tone. If during that period a route becomes available it is used. This field is grayed out
and not used if an ARS form has not been selected in the Alternate Route field.
Alternate Route: Default = None.
This field is used when the route or routes specified by the short codes are not available. The routes it specifies are
checked in addition to those in this ARS form and the first route to become available is used.
Manager 10.1 Page 540
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
6.28.2 Cause Codes and ARS
ARS routing to digital trunks can be affected by signalling from the trunk. The response to cause codes received from the
line is as follows:
Reroute with ARS
The following cause codes cause ARS to no longer target the line group (unless it is specified by an alternate ARS
Code Cause Code
1 Unallocated Number.
2 No route to specific transit network/(5ESS) Calling party off hold.
3 No route to destination./(5ESS) Calling party dropped while on hold.
4 Send special information tone/(NI-2) Vacant Code.
5 Misdialed trunk prefix.
8 Preemption/(NI-2) Prefix 0 dialed in error.
9 Preemption, cct reserved/ (NI-2) Prefix 1 dialed in error.
10 (NI-2) Prefix 1 not dialed.
11 (NI-2) Excessive digits received call proceeding.
22 Number Changed.
28 Invalid Format Number.
29 Facility Rejected.
50 Requested Facility Not Subscribed.
52 Outgoing calls barred.
57 Bearer Capability Not Authorized.
63 Service or Option Unavailable.
65 Bearer Capability Not Implemented.
66 Channel Type Not Implemented.
69 Requested Facility Not Implemented.
70 Only Restricted Digital Information Bearer Capability Is Available.
79 Service Or Option Not Implemented.
88 Incompatible.
91 Invalid Transit Network Selection.
95 Invalid Message.
96 Missing Mandatory IE.
97 Message Type Nonexistent Or Not Implemented.
98 Message Not Implemented.
99 Parameter Not Implemented.
100 Invalid IE Contents.
101 Msg Not Compatible.
111 Protocol Error.
127 Interworking Unspecified.
Stop ARS
The following cause codes stop ARS targeting completely.
Code Cause Code
17 Busy.
21 Call Rejected.
27 Destination Out of Order.
No Affect
All other cause codes do not affect ARS operation.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Configuration Settings: ARS
6.28.3 ARS Operation
The diagram below illustrates the default ARS routing applied to systems (other than IP Office Server Edition) defaulted
to the United States system locale. In summary:
Any dialing prefixed with 9 will match the default system short code 9N.
That short code routes calls to the default ARS form 50:Main.
The short codes in that ARS form route all calls to an available line that has its Outgoing Group ID set to 0.
The table describes in more detail the process that the system has applied to the user's dialing, in this example
The user dials...
9 The Dial Delay Count is zero, so the system begins looking for short code matches in the system and
user's short codes immediately.
Since there is only one match, the 9N system short code, it is used immediately.
The 9N short code is set to route the call to the ARS form Main. It only passes those digits that match
the N part of the dialing, ie. the 9 is not passed to the ARS, only any further digits dialed by the user.
Secondary Dial Tone is selected in the ARS form. Since no digits for ARS short code matching have
been received, secondary dial tone is played to the user.
1 Having received some digits, the secondary dial tone stops.
The ARS form short codes are assessed for matches.
The 11 and 1N; short codes are possible matches.
The 911 and 0N; short codes are not possible matches.
The XN; and XXXXXXXXXXN; short codes are also not matches because the 1N; short code is
already a more exact match.
Since there is more than one possible match, the system waits for further digits to be dialed.
555 The 11 short code is no longer a possible match. The only match is left is the 1N; short code.
The ; in the short code tells the system to wait for the Dial Delay Time to expire after the last digit it
received before assuming that dialing has been completed. This is necessary for line providers that
expect to receive all the routing digits for a call 'en bloc'. The user can also indicate they have
completed dialing by pressing #.
707392200 When the dialing is completed, a line that has its Outgoing Group ID set to 0 (the default for any line)
is seized.
If no line is available, the alternate route settings would applied if they had been configured.
Manager 10.1 Page 542
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1 ARS Short Codes
The short codes in the default ARS form have the following roles:
Code Feature Telephone
Group ID
11 Dial
911 0 These two short codes are used to route emergency calls. Note that
the E911 settings may override the routing and attempt to send
an emergency call by a particular line if possible. A Dial Emergency
call is never blocked. If the required line is not available, the system
will use the first available line. Similarly, calls using Dial Emergency
ignore any outgoing call bar settings that would be normally applied
to the user.
911 Dial
911 0
0N; Dial 3K1 0N 0 Matches international numbers.
1N; Dial 3K1 1N 0 Matches national numbers.
XN; Dial 3K1 N 0 Matches 7 digit local numbers.
Dial 3K1 N 0 Matches 10 digit local numbers.
ARS Short Code Settings
The digits used for matching to the user dialing.
ARS short codes can use any of the Dial short code features or the Barred feature. When a Barred short code is
matched, the call will not proced any further.
Telephone Number
The number that will be output to the line as the result of the short code being used as the match for the user
dialing. Short code characters can be used such as N to match any digits dialed for N or X in the Code.
Line Group ID
The line group from which a line should be seized once short code matching is completed. Another ARS form can
also be specified as the destination.
Not used for outgoing external calls.
Forced Account Code
If enabled, the user will be prompted to enter a valid account code before the call can continue. The account code
must match one set in the system configuration.
Manager 10.1 Page 543
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Configuration Settings: ARS Simple Alternate Line Example
Using the default ARS settings , despite having several short codes in the ARS form, all outgoing calls are actually
routed the same way using the same trunks. However, by having separate short codes for different call types present, it
is easy to change the routing of each call type if required.
For this example, the customer has separate sets of lines for local calls and for national/international calls. These have
been configured as follows:
The lines for local and emergency calls have been left with the default Outgoing Group ID of 0.
The lines for national and international calls have been set with the Outgoing Group ID of 1.
The default ARS can be configured to match this by just changing the Line Group ID settings of the default ARS short
codes to match.
Manager 10.1 Page 544
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1 Simple Call Barring
All ARS short codes use one of the Dial short code features. The exception is the Barred short code feature. This can be
selected for ARS short codes that match dialing that is not allowed.
In the example below, any user dialing an international number will be routed to the Barred short code. This prevents
the dialing of external numbers prefixed with 0.
To restrict a user from making any outgoing external calls, use the user's Outgoing Call Bar option.
Manager 10.1 Page 545
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Configuration Settings: ARS User Priority Escalation
User priority can be used to alter call routing when the required route is not available.
In this example, international calls are initially targeted to seize a line in outgoing line group 1. However an alternate
route has been defined which will be used if no line in line group 1 is available. The fallback ARS form allows international
calls to seize a line from line group 0. Whether this is done immediately or after a delay is set by whether the users
priority is high enough.
Manager 10.1 Page 546
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1 Time Base Routing
Time profiles can be used to switch call routing from one ARS form to another.
In the example below, a time profile has been define that sets the hours for normal operation. Outside the times set in
the time profile, the other ARS form is used. This other ARS form only allows local and emergency calls.
Manager 10.1 Page 547
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Configuration Settings: ARS Account Code Restriction
The short codes within an ARS form can be individually set to require an account code before allowing any call that
matches it to proceed.
In the example below, the short code for international calls has been set to require the user to enter an account code. A
valid account code must be dialed to continue with the call.
If a user should always enter an account code to make any external call, the user option Force Account Code
should be used.
When using account codes to restrict calls rather than just track calls it is recommended that Show Account
Codes is disabled. This stops the list of available account codes being shown by Phone Manager.
Manager 10.1 Page 548
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1 Tiered ARS Forms
It is possible for an ARS short code in one form to have another ARS form as its destination. Dialing that matches the
short code is then subject to further matching against the short codes in the other ARS form.
In the example below, the user wants different routing applied to international calls based on the country code dialed. To
do that in the default ARS form would introduce a large number of short codes in the one form, making maintenance
So the short code matching calls with the international dialing prefix 0 has been set to route matching calls to another
ARS form. That form contains short codes for the different country dialing codes of interest plus a default for any others.
Manager 10.1 Page 549
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Configuration Settings: ARS Planning ARS
Using the methods shown in the previous examples, it is possible to achieve ARS that meets most requirements.
However the key to a good ARS implementation is planning.
A number of questions need to be assessed and answered to match the system's call routing to the customer's dialing.
What numbers will be dialed and what needs to be output by the system. What are the different call tariffs and the
dialing codes.
Where should calls be routed.
Which users should be allowed to use the call routes determined by the previous questions.
When should outgoing external calls be allowed. Should barring be applied at any particular times? Does the
routing of calls need to be adjusted for reasons such as time dependant call tariffs.
Manager 10.1 Page 550
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
6.29 E911 System
This section is only for U-Law systems with their system Locale set to United States.
When the central office receives and emergency call, it routes the call to a dedicated emergency network. The
call is then distributed to the correct emergency operator using either the automatic line identification
information (ALI) received with the call or the registered billing address of the line on which the call was made.
E911 is system whereby emergency calls are routed through an E911 Adjunct which adds additional location
information to the call based on the extension making the call. The use of E911 may be mandatory in some
locations and may include the provision of an adjunct owned and managed by a third party or the central
Using Dial Emergency Short Codes
On all systems, regardless of locale; system and or ARS short codes using the Dial Emergency feature should be
created for any required emergency service numbers. Those short codes should be usable by all users from all
extensions. Those short codes should route the calls to suitable lines. If the system uses prefixes for external dialing, the
dialing of emergency numbers with and without the prefix should be allowed.
The blocking of emergency calls or the rerouting of emergency calls to a intermediate destination other than the central
office may be against local and nation laws.
Emergency Dialing without an E911 Adjunct
The system E911 settings are only applicable for a system configured with an E911 Adjunct. If no adjunct is present, Dial
Emergency short codes are used as described above.
Emergency Dialing with an E911 Adjunct
An E911 adjunct is an additional piece of equipment. It holds a database of location information based on the base
extension number passed to it by the system. Connection from the system is by loop-start analog trunks. The adjunct is
then connected to the central office's 911 emergency network by CAMA (Centralized Automatic Message Accounting)
When E911 is enabled and operating, all Dial Emergency calls are routed to the adjunct. The base extension ID is used
by the adjuncts database to add the appropriate location information to the calls ALI before passing it to the emergency
If Dial Emergency calls cannot be routed to the E911 adjunct due to congestion, the system will automatically
fallback to using the E911 Zones.
The E911 adjunct includes an alarm switch that can be connected to a system analog extension port. Dial
Emergency calls will fallback to using E911 Zones if the E911 adjunct indicates an alarm.
If you are using E911 with an E911 Adjunct, the following needs to be administered:
1. Ensure that the appropriate Dial Emergency short codes have been configure either in system short codes or in
an ARS form.
2. On the E911 Adjunct tab select Enable.
3. In the Adjunct Trunks list select those trunks that are connected to the E911 Adjunct.
4. In the Alarm Station field, indicate the extension number of the user to which the E911 adjunct's alarm
connection has been connected.
On an operator or security extension, a programmable button can be set to monitor the status of the Alarm
Station user. That button will then indicate in use (busy) when the E911 adjunct is in its alarm state.
5. E911 Zones should still be configured. These are used if the system cannot seize one of the Adjunct Trunks or the
Alarm Station is busy (indicating a fault with the E911 adjunct connections).
Manager 10.1 Page 551
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Configuration Settings: E911 System
6.29.1 E911 Adjunct
The settings on this tab relate to the use of an E911 adjunct if installed.
Dial Emergency calls routed to the E911 adjunct include the extension ID of the extension on the system. This is used to
lookup information stored in a database on the E911 Adjunct and then send that information to the central office. The
extension ID of each extension is shown on the Extension | Extn tab.
To call an extension using its Base Extension number, the short code feature Dial Physical Extn by Id can be
used. This is normally provided by the default short code *71*N# when N can be replaced by the required
extension ID.
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
Release: 1.0+.
Mergeable: These settings are not mergeable. Changes to these settings will require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
Enable: Default = Off (Not Selected)
When selected, all Dial Emergency calls are routed via the selected Adjunct Trunks and includes the extension
ID of the dialing extension.
Alarm Station: Default = Blank
This is an analog extension port on the system, connected to the alarm switch provided on the E911 adjunct.
When the E911 adjunct detects an error, for example disconnection of the CAMA trunks, it will indicate this by
taking the alarm connection off-hook, making the analog extension busy.
When an alarm occurs and is indicated to the system by the alarm station being busy, the system will reroute
Dial Emergency calls using the E911 | Zones settings.
To monitor the status of the alarm connection a user should be associated with the analog extension (one
should exist by default). Another user such as the reception desk or security desk can then be provided with a
programmable button set to the action User and the appropriate user. That button will then indicate busy
when the alarm connection is in an alarm state.
Adjunct Trunks:
This section lists all the analog and digital trunks (except VoIP trunks) available on the system. Only the trunks
which are connected to the E911 Adjunct should be selected.
Manager 10.1 Page 552
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
6.29.2 Zones
Zones are used for Dial Emergency calls on US systems when a trunk to the E911 adjunct cannot be seized or the E911
adjunct is indicating an alarm through its alarm station being off-hook (busy).
Zones allow extensions in the same location to be grouped and to have the external trunks registered to the same
location associated with them. This billing address of those trunks or other information held by the trunk provider can
then be used to identify the correct emergency center that should respond to Dial Emergency calls from extensions in
that zone.
The extension number used for this function is the Base Extension number set through the Extension | Extn tab.
This allows the physical extension to be correctly identified even if currently being used by a hot desking user with a
different associated extension number.
A zone named Default is maintained by the system. By default all extensions and lines are included in this zone. This
zone can be edited but cannot be removed. Any extension included in another zone and then removed is automatically
placed back into the Default zone. Trunks can be deleted as some trunks will not be public trunks suitable for emergency
To call an extension using its Base Extension number, the short code feature Dial Physical Extn by Number
can be used. This is normally provided by the default short code *70*N# when N can be replaced by the
required Base Extension number.
Standalone: Small Office Edition , IP403 , IP406 V1 , IP406 V2 , IP412 , IP500 , IP500 V2 .
IP Office Server Edition: IP Office Server Edition Primary Server , IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
, IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) , IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) .
Release: 1.0+.
Mergeable: These settings are not mergeable. Changes to these settings will require a reboot of the system.
Configuration Settings
This tab shows the existing E911 zones, the number of stations (extensions) and trunks in each zone and the base
extension numbers of the extensions. The settings can be edited by clicking on an existing zone and selecting Edit. A
new zone can be created by selecting Add.
Name: Default = Default. Range = Up to 15 characters.
Allows a unique name to be assigned to each zone.
Stations: Default = Contains all Extension ID's
Lists the extensions in the zone. Click Add to add and remove extensions. To just remove extensions, select the
extension or extensions and click Remove. Extensions removed from any zone are automatically included in the
Default zone and cannot be removed from that zone except by inclusion in another zone. Each extension can only
be included in one zone.
Trunks: Default = Blank
List the trunks associated with the zone. Click Add to add and remove trunks. To just remove trunks, select the
trunk or trunks and click Remove. Each trunk can only be included in one zone. Dial emergency calls will seize the
first available trunk. If no available trunk can be seized, the call will fallback to using the routing indicated with the
Line Group ID of the Dial Emergency short code and final to using any available analog or digital trunk.
Manager 10.1 Page 553
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Short Codes
Chapter 7.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
7. Short Codes
The system uses short codes to match the number dialed to an action. The number dialed or part of the number dialed
can be used as parameter for the feature.
User dialing of emergency numbers must not be blocked. If short codes are edited, the users ability to dial
emergency numbers must be tested and maintained.
The short method for describing short codes in this manual, for example 9N/Dial/./0, indicates the settings of the
following fields of a short code: Code/Feature/Telephone Number/Line Group ID. For a description of the individual
fields see Short Code .
The method of detailing a short codes settings lists the short code fields separated by a /.
A user dialing *17 is connected to voicemail.
If a user dials *14*210# at their own extension, their calls are redirected to extension 210.
Dialing Short Codes
The following types of short code applied to on-switch dialing. The result may be an action to be performed by the
system, a change to the user's settings or a number to be dialed. The order below is the order of priority in which they
are used when applied to user dialing.
User Short Codes
These are usable by the specific user only. User short codes are only applied to numbers dialed by that user. For
example they are not applied to calls forwarded via the user.
User Rights Short Codes
These are usable by any users associated with the user rights in which they are set. User Rights short codes are
only applied to numbers dialed by that user. For example they are not applied to calls forwarded via the user.
System Short Codes
These are available to all users on the system. They can be overridden by user or user rights short codes.
Post-Dialing Short Codes
When any the short code above result in a number to be dialed, further short code can be applied to that number to be
dialed. This is done using the following types of short codes.
ARS (Alternate Route Selection) Short Codes
The short code that matches dialing can specify that the resulting number should be passed to an ARS form. The
ARS form can specify which routes should be used for the call by using further short code matches and also
provide option to use other ARS forms based on other factors such as time and availability of routes. In Release
4.0+, ARS has replaced Least Cost Routing.
Least Cost Routing Short Codes
Least Cost Routes are used by pre-4.0 systems only. On these systems any short code that results in a number to
be dialed, has is telephone number further checked for a match against LCR short codes. Time profiles can be
used to control when particular sets of LCR short codes are used.
Transit Network Selection (TNS) Short Codes
Used on T1 ISDN trunks set to use AT&T as the Provider. Applied to the digits presented following any other short
code processing.
Incoming Number Short Codes
On certain types of trunks short codes can be applied to the incoming digits received with calls.
Line Short Codes
These short codes are used to translate incoming digits received with calls. The stage at which they are applied
varies between different line types and may be overridden by an extension number match.
Manager 10.1 Page 555
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Short Codes:
7.1 Short Code Fields and Characters
Each short code, regardless of its type, has the following fields:
Short Code: Default =Blank. Range = Up to 31 characters.
The digits which if matched trigger use of the short code. Characters can also be used to create short codes which
cannot be dialed from a phone but can be dialed from application speed dials. However some characters have
special meaning, see the table below.
Telephone Number: Default = Blank. Range = Up to 32 characters.
The number output by the short code. When necessary, this is used as parameter for the selected short code
Feature. See the table below for the special characters that can be used here.
Line Group ID: Default = 0
This field is used for short codes that result in a number to be dialed.It acts as a drop-down from which either an
outgoing line group or an ARS form (Release 4.0+) can be selected.
Feature: Default = Dial
This sets the action performed by the short code when used. See Short Code Features .
Locale: Default = Blank
Features that transfer the caller to voicemail can indicate the language locale required for prompts. This is subject
to the language being supported and installed on the voicemail server.
When the system routes a call to the voicemail server it indicates the locale for which matching prompts
should be provided if available. The locale sent to the voicemail server by the system is determined as show
below. If the required set of prompts is not available, the voicemail will fallback to another appropriate
language and finally to English (refer to the appropriate voicemail installation manual for details).
Short Code Locale: The short code locale, if set, is used if the call is routed to voicemail using the short
Incoming Call Route Locale: The incoming call route locale, if set, is used if caller is external.
User Locale: The user locale, if set, is used if the caller is internal.
System Locale: If no user or incoming call route locale is set, the system locale is used unless
overridden by a short code locale.
For Release 8.0+ systems using Embedded Voicemail, if the required set of upgraded language prompts to
match the locale is not present on the system SD card, IP Office Manager will display an error. The required
prompt set can be uploaded from IP Office Manager using the Add/Display VM Locales option.
Force Account Code: Default = Off
When selected, for short codes that result in the dialing of a number, the user is prompted to enter a valid account
code before the call is allowed to continue.
Short Code Field Characters
? - Default Match
This character can be used on its own to create a short code match in the absence of any other short code match.
See ? Short Codes .
?D - Default Number Dialing
This character combination makes a call to the defined phone number as soon as the user goes off-hook. See
? Short Codes .
N - Match Any Digits
Matches any dialed digits (including none). The Dial Delay Time or a following matching character is used to
resolve when dialing is complete.
X - Match a Digit
Matches a single digit. When a group of X's is used, the short code matches against the total number of X's.
[ ] - Secondary Dial Tone Trigger
For pre-4.0 IP Office systems used to trigger secondary dial tone. Not used for Release 4.0+. See Secondary
Dial Tone .
; - Receive Sending Complete
When used this must be the last character in the short code string. If the Dial Delay Count is 0, a ; instructs the
system to wait for the number to be fully dialed, using the Dial Delay Time or the user dialing #, to indicate
completion and then acting on the short code. If the Dial Delay Count is not zero, the dialing is only evaluated
when # is pressed.
The majority of North-American telephony services use en-bloc dialing. Therefore the use of a ; is
recommended at the end of all dialing short codes that use an N before routing those calls to a trunk or ARS.
This is also recommended for all dialing where secondary dial tone short codes are being used.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Telephone Number Field Characters
A - Allow Outgoing CLI
Allow the calling party number sent with the call to be used. This character may be required by service providers
in some locales.
C - Use Called Number Field
Place any following digits in the outgoing call's Called number field rather than the Keypad field.
D - Wait for Connect
Wait for a connect message before sending any following digits as DTMF.
E - Extension Number
Replace with the extension number of the dialing user. Note that if a call is forwarded this will be replaced with the
extension number of the forwarding user.
h - Hold Music Source (Release 6.1+)
When used as part of the short code telephone number field, this character allows the source for music on hold to
be selected. Enter h(X) where X is 1 to 4 indicating the required hold music source if available. This overrides
any previous hold music selection that may have been applied to the call. When used with ParkCall shortcodes,
the h(X) should be entered before the park slot number part of the telephone number.
I - Use Information Packet
Send data in an Information Packet rather than Set-up Packet.
K - Use Keypad Field
Place any following digits in the outgoing call's Keypad field rather than the Called Number field. Only supported
on ISDN and QSIG.
l - Last Number Dialed (lower case L)
Use the last number dialed.
L - Last Number Received
Use the last number received.
N - Dialed Digit Wildcard Match
Substitute with the digits used for the N or X character match in the Short Code number field.
p - Priority (Release 4.2+)
The priority of a call is normally assigned by the Incoming Call Route or else is 1-Low for all other calls. Dial
Extn short codes can use p(x) as a suffix to the Telephone Number to change the priority of a call.
Allowable values for x are 1, 2 or 3 for low, medium or high priority respectively.
In situations where calls are queued, high priority calls are placed before calls of a lower priority. This has a
number of effects:
Mixing calls of different priority is not recommended for destinations where Voicemail Pro is being used to
provided queue ETA and queue position messages to callers since those values will no longer be accurate
when a higher priority call is placed into the queue. Note also that Voicemail Pro will not allow a value already
announced to an existing caller to increase.
If the addition of a higher priority call causes the queue length to exceed the hunt group's Queue Length
Limit , the limit is temporarily raised by 1. This means that calls already queued are not rerouted by the
addition of a higher priority call into the queue.
S - Calling Number
Place any following digits into the outgoing call's calling number field. Using S does not alter any allow or withhold
CLI setting associated with the call, the short code characters A or W should be used respectively. Note that for
SIP trunks, the SIP URI configuration options override this setting.
Outgoing CLI Warning
Changing the outgoing CLI for calls requires the line provider to support that function. You must consult with
your line provider before attempting to change the outgoing CLI, failure to do so may result in loss of service.
If changing the outgoing CLI is allowed, most line providers required that the outgoing CLI used matches a
number valid for return calls on the same trunks. Use of any other number may cause calls to be dropped or
the outgoing CLI to be replaced with a valid number.
On mobile twinned calls, if the original party information is used or a specific calling party information CLI is
set, that number overrides setting the outgoing CLI using short codes.
SS - Pass Through Calling Number
Pass through the Calling Party Number. For example, to provide the incoming ICLID at the far end of a VoIP
connection, a short code ? with telephone number .SS should be added to the IP line.
i - National
Both the S and SS characters can be followed by an i, that is Si and SSi. Doing this sets the calling party number
plan to ISDN and number type to National. This may be required for some network providers.
t - Allowed Call Duration
Set the maximum duration in minutes for a call plus or minus a minute. Follow the character with the number of
minutes in brackets, for example t(5).
U - User Name
Replace with the User Name of the dialing user. Used with voicemail.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Short Codes: Short Code Fields and Characters
W - Withhold Outgoing CLI
Withhold the sending of calling ID number. Operation is service provider dependent.
Y - Wait for Call Progress Message
Wait for a Call Progress or Call Proceeding message before sending any following digits as DTMF. For example, the
Y character would be necessary at a site where they have signed up with their telephone service provider to
withhold international dialing until a DTMF pin/account number is entered that initiates the call progress/
proceeding message.
Z - Calling Party Name (Release 6.0+)
This option can be used with trunks that support the sending of name information. The Z character should be
followed by the name enclosed in " " quotation marks. Note that their may be name length restrictions that vary
between line providers. The changing of name information on calls being forwarded or twinned may also not be
supported by the line provider.
@ - Use Sub Address Field
Enter any following digits into the sub-address field.
. - Dialed Digits
Replace with the full set of dialed digits that triggered the short code match.
, - One Second Pause
Add a one second pause in DTMF dialing.
; - Receive Sending Complete
When used this must be the last character in the short code string. If the Dial Delay Count is 0, a ; instructs the
system to wait for the number to be fully dialed, using the Dial Delay Time or the user dialing #, to indicate
completion and then acting on the short code. If the Dial Delay Count is not zero, the dialing is only evaluated
when # is pressed.
" " - Non Short Code Characters
Use to enclose any characters that should not be interpreted as possible short code special characters by the
system. For example characters being passed to the voicemail server.
Manager 10.1 Page 558
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
7.2 User Dialing
Summary: Looks at how the system looks for possible short code matches to user dialing.
The following system settings influence user dialing.
Dial Delay Count: Default = 0 (US/Japan), 4 (ROW)
This value sets the number of digits dialed before the system looks for
a short code match.
Dial Delay Time: Default = 4 seconds (US/Japan), 1 second (ROW)
This value sets the maximum allowed interval between the dialing of
each digit. If exceeded, the system looks for a short code match even
if the Dial Delay Count has not been reached.
Off-Hook Timer: Length Fixed by locale.
When a user goes off-hook, the system starts a 30 second off-hook
timer (10 seconds in Italy). If the off-hook timer expires before a short
code match occurs, the user is disconnected.
The following rules are used when short code matching is performed for
user dialing:
A short code is used immediately an exact match is found unless
followed by a ;.
If no match is found but partial matches exist, the user can
continue dialing.
If no match or partial matches are found, incompatible is returned.
The following precedence is used to determine which short codes
are used:
Extension number matches override all short codes.
User short codes override user rights and system short codes.
User Rights short code matches override system short codes.
When multiple exact matches occur,
The match with the most specified digits rather than wildcards
is used.
If there are still more than one match, the match with the
most exact length is used. This means X wildcards will
override N when both match.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Short Codes: User Dialing
7.3 Application Dialing
Numbers speed dialed by system applications such as Phone Manager/SoftConsole are treated differently. Since the digits
are received en bloc as a single group, they can override some short code matches. The same applies to short codes
used within system configuration settings such as Incoming Call Route destinations.
Telephone Number: 12345678
Short Code 1: 1234XX/Dial/Extn/207
Short Code 2: 12345678/Dial Extn/210
If dialed manually by the user, as soon as they have dialed 123456 a match to short code 1 occurs. They can never dial
short code 2.
If dialed using an application, 12345678 is sent as a string and a match to short code 2 occurs.
Partial Dialing
If the application dialing does not trigger an exact match, the user can dial additional digits through their extension. The
processes for normal user dialing are applied.
Non-Digit Short Codes
Short codes can be created that use alphabetic characters instead of numbers. While these short codes cannot be dialed
from a phone, they can be dialed using application speed dials and settings. However characters that are interpreted as
special short code characters will still be interpreted as such.
Manager 10.1 Page 560
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
7.4 Secondary Dial Tone
Some locales prefer to provide users with secondary dial tone once they have started dialing external calls. This dial tone
is heard by the user until they have completed dialing and a trunk is seized at which point call progress tones are
provided by the trunk, or camp on/busy tone is provided by the system if the required trunk cannot be seized.
Release 4.0 and Higher
The use of secondary dial tone is provided through the Secondary Dial Tone check box option on the ARS form to
which the call is routed. When on, this setting instructs the system to play secondary dial tone to the user.
The tone used is set as either System Tone (normal dial tone) or Network Tone (secondary dial tone). Both
tone types are generated by the system in accordance with the system specific locale setting . Note that in
some locales normal dial tone and secondary dial tone are the same.
When Secondary Dial Tone is selected, the ARS form will return tone until it receives digits with which it can
begin short code matching. Those digits can be the result of user dialing or digits passed by the short code which
invoked the ARS form. For example with the following system short codes:
In this example, the 9 is stripped from the dialed number and is not part of the telephone number passed to
the ARS form. So in this case secondary dial tone is given until the user dials another digit or dialing times
Code: 9N
Telephone Number: N
Line Group ID: 50 Main
In this example, the dialed 9 is included in the telephone number passed to the ARS form. This will inhibit the
use of secondary dial tone even if secondary dial tone is selected on the ARS form.
Code: 9N
Telephone Number: 9N
Line Group ID: 50 Main
Pre-4.0 IP Office Secondary Dial Tone
Pre-4.0 systems provided dial tone through the use of the short code feature Secondary Dial Tone and the [ ] special
characters. For example, on a system where 9 is used as a prefix for external dialing, the system short code 9/./
Secondary Dial Tone/0 will trigger secondary dial tone when users dial a number prefixed with 9. This method is not
supported by Release 4.0 which provides ARS forms for the control of outgoing calls.
In order to allow further digit matching, the digits dialed are put back through short code matching against any short
codes that start with [n] where n is the digit used to trigger the system secondary dial tone short code.
On all systems where secondary dial tone is used, a ; should also be used in dialing short codes that contain N.
For example:
System Short Codes
User Short Code
The user dials 90114445551234. The 9 is matches the system secondary dial tone short code and unlike other short
codes this is applied immediately. The user's dialing is put through short code matching again using the normal order of
precedence but matched to possible short codes beginning [9]. In this case the user's [9]0N; short code would take
precedence over the system [9]0N; short code.
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Short Codes: Secondary Dial Tone
7.5 ? Short Codes
The ? character can be used in short codes in the following ways:
Default Short Code Matching
? short codes are used in short code matching in the following way. If no user or system short code match is
found, the system will then look for a ? short code match. It will look first for a user ? short code and then, if not
found, a system ? short code.
Example: On systems outside North America, the system short code ?/Dial/./0 is added as a default short
code. This short code provides a match for any dialing to which there is no other match. Therefore, on
systems with this short code, the default is that any unrecognized number will be dialed to Outgoing Line
Group 0.
Hot-Line Dialing
A user short code ?D can be used to perform a short code action immediately the user extension goes off-hook.
This is supported with Dial type short code features (except Dial Direct Hotline). Typically it is used with door,
lift and lobby phones to immediately connect the phone to a number such as the operator or reception.
Voicemail Collect Short Codes
The ? character can appear in the Telephone Number field of a short code. This is done with short codes using
the VoicemailCollect feature. In this instance the ? character is not interpreted by the system, it is used by
the voicemail server.
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7.6 Short Code Matching Examples
The following examples are not meant as practical examples. However they are simple to implement and test on real
system without conflicting with its normal operation. They illustrate the interaction between different short codes in
resolving which short code is an exact match. They assume that extension numbers are in the 200 to 299 range.
The term 'dials' means dialing the indicated digit or digits without the inter-digit Dial Delay Time expiring.
The term 'pause' means a wait that exceeds the inter-digit Dial Delay Time.
Scenario 1
Short Code 1 = 60/Dial Extn/203
Dial Delay Count = 0. Dial Delay Time = 4 seconds.
Test Dialing Effect
1 8 No possible match, incompatible returned immediately
2 6 No exact match but there is a potential match, so the system waits. When the Dial Delay Time expires,
no exact match is found so incompatible is returned.
3 60 Exact match to Short Code 1. Extension 203 called immediately.
4 61 No possible match, the system returns incompatible.
Scenario 2
Short Code 1 = 60/Dial Extn/203
Short Code 2 = 601/Dial Extn/210
Dial Delay Count = 0. Dial Delay Time = 4 seconds.
Test Dialing Effect
1 8 No possible match, incompatible returned immediately
2 60 Exact match to Short Code 1. Extension 203 called immediately.
3 601 Exact match to Short Code 1 as soon as the 0 is dialed. The user cannot manually dial 601. The only
way they can dial 601 is using a Phone Manager speed dial set to dial that string.
Scenario 3
Short Code 1 = 60/Dial Extn/203
Short Code 2 = 601/Dial Extn/210
Dial Delay Count = 3. Dial Delay Time = 4 seconds.
Test Dialing Effect
1 8 Insufficient digits to trigger matching. The system waits for additional digits or for Dial Delay Time to
expire. When Dial Delay Time expires, no possible match is found so incompatible is returned.
2 60 Insufficient digits to trigger matching. The system waits for additional digits or for Dial Delay Time to
expire. When Dial Delay Time expires, matching started and exact match to Short Code 1 occurs. .
3 601 Third digit triggers matching. Exact match to Short Code 2. Extension 210 dialed immediately.
4 60# # is treated as a digit and as the third digit triggers matching. No exact match found. The system
returns incompatible.
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Short Codes: Short Code Matching Examples
Scenario 4
Short Code 1 = 60;/Dial Extn/203
Short Code 2 = 601/Dial Extn/210
Dial Delay Count = 3. Dial Delay Time = 4 seconds.
Test Dialing Effect
1 8 Insufficient digits to trigger matching. The system waits for additional digits or for Dial Delay Time to
expire. When Dial Delay Time expires, no possible match is found so incompatible is returned.
2 6 Insufficient digits to trigger matching. The system waits for additional digits or for the interdigit Dial
Delay Time to expire. If the Dial Delay Time expires, a potential match exists to a short code that
uses ; so the system waits for an additional digit until the off-hook timer expires.
3 60 As above but an additional digit now may create a match.
If 1 is dialed, it creates an exact match to Short Code 2 and is used immediately.
If 0, * or 2 to 9 is dialed, no possible match exists. The system returns incompatible.
If the next digit is a #, it is treated as signaling dialing complete rather than being a digit. Short code
1 becomes an exact match and is used immediately.
4 601 Third digit triggers matching. Exact match to Short Code 2. Extension 210 dialed immediately.
Scenario 5
Short Code 1 = 601/Dial Extn/203
Short Code 2 = 60N/Dial Extn/210
Dial Delay Count = 0. Dial Delay Time = 4 seconds.
Test Dialing Effect
1 6 No exact match but there is a potential match, so the system waits for additional dialing. If the Dial
Delay Time expires, no exact match is found so incompatible is returned.
2 60 Potential match to both short codes. The system waits for additional dialing. If the Dial Delay Time
expires, Short Code 2 becomes an exact match with N blank.
3 601 Exact match to Short Code 1. Used immediately
4 602 Exact match to Short Code 2. Used immediately.
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Scenario 6
Short Code 1 = 601/Dial Extn/203
Short Code 2 = 60N/Dial Extn/210
Short Code 3 = 60X/Dial Extn/207
Dial Delay Count = 0. Dial Delay Time = 4 seconds.
Test Dialing Effect
1 6 No exact match but there are potential matches so the system waits for additional dialing. If the Dial
Delay Time expires, no exact match has occurred so incompatible is returned.
2 60 Potential match to all short codes. System waits for additional dialing. If the Dial Delay Time
expires, Short Code 2 becomes an exact match with N blank. If a digit is dialed, Short Code 3
becomes a more exact match and is used.
3 601 Exact match all short code, however Short Code 1 is treated as being more exact (more matching
digits) and is used immediately
4 602 Exact match to short codes 2 and 3, however the Short Code 3 is treated as being more exact
(length match) and is used immediately.
Scenario 7
Short Code 1 = 601/Dial Extn/203
Short Code 2 = 60N/Dial Extn/210
Short Code 3 = 6XX/Dial Extn/207
Dial Delay Count = 0. Dial Delay Time = 4 seconds.
Test Dialing Effect
1 6 No exact match but there are potential matches so the system waits for additional dialing. If the
Dial Delay Time expires, no exact match has occurred so incompatible is returned.
2 60 Potential match to all short codes. System waits for additional dialing. If the Dial Delay Time
expires, Short Code 2 becomes an exact match with N blank. If a digit is dialed, Short Code 3
becomes an more exact match and is used.
3 601 Exact match all short code, however Short Code 1 is treated as being more exact (more matching
digits) and is used immediately
4 602 Exact match to short codes 2 and 3, however the Short Code 2 is treated as being more exact
(more matching digits) and is used immediately.
5 612 Exact match to Short Code 3.
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Short Codes: Short Code Matching Examples
7.7 Default System Short Code List
Most control units are available in A-Law and U-Law models. Typically U-Law models are supplied to North American
locales, A-Law models are supplied to the rest of the world. In addition to the using different default companding for
digital lines and phone, A-Law and U-Law models support different default short codes. The following table lists the
default system short codes present in a system's configuration.
IP Office Essential Edition/IP Office Preferred Edition/IP Office Advanced Edition
Short Code Telephone
Feature A-Law U-Law
*00 Blank Cancel All Forwarding
*01 Blank Forward Unconditional On
*02 Blank Forward Unconditional Off
*03 Blank Forward On Busy On
*04 Blank Forward On Busy Off
*05 Blank Forward On No Answer On
*06 Blank Forward On No Answer Off
*07*N# N Forward Number
*08 Blank Do Not Disturb On
*09 Blank Do Not Disturb Off
*10*N# N Do Not Disturb Exception Add
*11*N# N Do Not Disturb Exception Del
*12*N# N Follow Me Here
*13*N# N Follow Me Here Cancel
*14*N# N Follow Me To
*15 Blank Call Waiting On
*16 Blank Call Waiting Off
*17 ?U Voicemail Collect
*18 Blank Voicemail On
*19 Blank Voicemail Off
*20*N# N Set Hunt Group Night Service
*21*N# N Clear Hunt Group Night Service
*22*N# N Suspend Call
*23*N# N Resume Call
*24*N# N Hold Call
*25*N# N Retrieve Call
*26 Clear CW
*27*N# N Hold CW
*28*N# N Suspend CW
*29 Blank Toggle Calls
*30 Blank Call Pickup Any
*31 Blank Call Pickup Group
*32*N# N Call Pickup Extn
*33*N# N Call Queue
*34N; N Hold Music
*35*N# N Extn Login
*36 Blank Extn Logout
*37*N# N Call Park
*38*N# N Unpark Call
*39 1 Relay On
*40 1 Relay Off
*41 1 Relay Pulse
*42 2 Relay On
*43 2 Relay Off
*44 2 Relay Pulse
*45*N# N Acquire Call
*46 Blank Acquire Call
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Short Code Telephone
Feature A-Law U-Law
*47 Blank Conference Add
*48 Blank Voicemail Ringback On
*49 Blank Voicemail Ringback Off
*50 Blank Forward Huntgroup On
*51 Blank Forward Huntgroup Off
*52 Blank Cancel or Deny
*53*N# N Call Pickup Members
*55 Blank Stamp Log
*57*N# N Forward On Busy Number
*70 Blank Call Waiting Suspend
*70*N# N Dial Physical Extn by Number
*71*N# N Dial Physical Extn by Id
*9000* "MAINTENANCE" Relay On
*91N; N".1" Record Message
*92N; N".2" Record Message
9N N Dial
? . Dial
IP Office Server Edition
Short Code Telephone
Feature A-Law U-Law
*00 Blank Cancel All Forwarding
*01 Blank Forward Unconditional On
*02 Blank Forward Unconditional Off
*03 Blank Forward On Busy On
*04 Blank Forward On Busy Off
*05 Blank Forward On No Answer On
*06 Blank Forward On No Answer Off
*07*N# N Forward Number
*08 Blank Do Not Disturb On
*09 Blank Do Not Disturb Off
*10*N# N Do Not Disturb Exception Add
*11*N# N Do Not Disturb Exception Del
*12*N# N Follow Me Here
*13*N# N Follow Me Here Cancel
*14*N# N Follow Me To
*17 ?U Voicemail Collect
*18 Blank Voicemail On
*19 Blank Voicemail Off
*20*N# N Set Hunt Group Night Service
*21*N# N Clear Hunt Group Night Service
*29 Blank Toggle Calls
*30 Blank Call Pickup Any
*31 Blank Call Pickup Group
*32*N# N Call Pickup Extn
*33*N# N Call Queue
*34N; N Hold Music
*35*N# N Extn Login
*36 Blank Extn Logout
*37*N# N Call Park
*38*N# N Unpark Call
*44 2 Relay Pulse
*45*N# N Acquire Call
*46 Blank Acquire Call
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Short Codes: Default System Short Code List
Short Code Telephone
Feature A-Law U-Law
*47 Blank Conference Add
*48 Blank Voicemail Ringback On
*49 Blank Voicemail Ringback Off
*50 Blank Forward Huntgroup On
*51 Blank Forward Huntgroup Off
*52 Blank Cancel or Deny
*53*N# N Call Pickup Members
*55 Blank Stamp Log
*57*N# N Forward On Busy Number
*66*N# N Conference Meet Me
*70 Blank Call Waiting Suspend
*70*N# N Dial Physical Extn by Number
*71*N# N Dial Physical Extn by Id
9N N Dial
? . Dial
1. For U-Law systems, a 9N is a default short code on the IP Office Server Edition Primary Server while a ? short
code is a default on all other servers.
Additional short codes of the form *DSSN, *SDN, *SKN, these are used by the system for internal functions and should
not be removed or altered. Short codes *#N and **N may also visible, these are used for ISDN functions in Scandinavian
For Release 4.2+, the default *34 short code for music on hold has changed to *34N;.
Default auto attendant short codes of the form *81XX, *82XX, *83XX and *84XX are only added when an Embedded
Voicemail auto attendant is added to the system configuration.
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7.8 Short Code Features
This following section details the available system short code features.
Acquire Call
AOC Previous Call
AOC Reset Total
AOC Total
Auto Attendant
Break Out
Busy On Held
Call Intrude
Call Listen
Call Park
Call Pickup Any
Call Pickup Extn
Call Pickup Line
Call Pickup Group
Call Pickup Members
Call Pickup User
Call Queue
Call Record
Call Steal
Call Waiting On
Call Waiting Off
Call Waiting Suspend
Cancel All Forwarding
Cancel Ring Back When Free
Channel Monitor
Clear Call
Clear CW
Clear Hunt Group Night Service
Clear Hunt Group Out Of Service
Clear Quota
Change Login Code
Coaching Intrusion
Conference Add
Conference Meet Me
Dial 3K1
Dial 56K
Dial 64K
Dial CW
Dial Direct
Dial Direct Hot Line
Dial Emergency
Dial Extn
Dial Fax
Dial Inclusion
Dial Paging
Dial Speech
Dial V110
Dial V120
Dial Video
Disable ARS Form
Disable Internal Forwards
Disable Internal Forwards Unconditional
Disable Internal Forwards Busy or No Answer
Display Msg
Do Not Disturb Exception Add
Do Not Disturb Exception Delete
Do Not Disturb On
Do Not Disturb Off
Enable ARS Form
Enable Internal Forwards
Enable Internal Forward Unconditional
Enable Internal Forward Busy or No Answer
Extn Login
Extn Logout
Flash Hook
FNE Service
Follow Me Here
Follow Me Here Cancel
Follow Me To
Forward Hunt Group Calls On
Forward Hunt Group Calls Off
Forward Number
Forward On Busy Number
Forward On Busy On
Forward On Busy Off
Forward On No Answer On
Forward On No Answer Off
Forward Unconditional On
Forward Unconditional Off
Group Listen Off
Group Listen On
Headset Toggle
Hold Call
Hold CW
Hold Music
Hunt Group Disable
Hunt Group Enable
Last Number Redial
MCID Activate
Mobile Twinned Call Pickup
Off Hook Station
Outgoing Call Bar Off
Outgoing Call Bar On
Private Call
Private Call Off
Private Call On
Priority Call
Record Message
Relay On
Relay Off
Relay Pulse
Resume Call
Retrieve Call
Ring Back When Free
Secondary Dial Tone
Set Absent Text
Set Account Code
Set Authorization Code
Set Hunt Group Night Service
Set Hunt Group Out Of Service
Set Inside Call Seq
Set No Answer Time
Set Mobile Twinning Number
Set Mobile Twinning On
Set Mobile Twinning Off
Set Outside Call Seq
Set Ringback Seq
Set Wrap Up Time
Speed Dial
Shut Down Embedded Voicemail
Stamp Log
Startup Embedded Voicemail
Suspend Call
Suspend CW
Toggle Calls
Unpark Call
Voicemail Collect
Voicemail Node
Voicemail On
Voicemail Off
Voicemail Ringback On
Voicemail Ringback Off
Whisper Page
For each feature the following are listed:
Telephone Number: The parameter required for the short code feature.
Default Short Code: Whether the short code feature is used by any default system short code.
Programmable Button Control: Whether the same action can be assigned to a programmable button.
Toggling Short Codes
Previously the Set Hunt Group Night Service , Set Hunt Group Out of Service and Hunt Group Enable short
code features toggled. That behaviour is not supported in 4.0+.
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Short Codes: Short Code Features
7.8.1 Acquire Call
See Call Steal .
7.8.2 AOC Previous Call
Display of advice of charge information is only supported on T3 phones, T3 IP phones and Phone Manager.
7.8.3 AOC Reset Total
Display of advice of charge information is only supported on T3 phones, T3 IP phones and Phone Manager.
7.8.4 AOC Total
Display of advice of charge information is only supported on T3 phones, T3 IP phones and Phone Manager.
7.8.5 Auto Attendant
This feature is used with Embedded Voicemail. It is not supported by IP Office Server Edition. It allows the recording of
the greetings used by auto-attendant services and the transfer of calls to that auto attendant. This feature was previously
called Record Greeting.
Telephone Number:
For pre-Release 4.1
Four system short codes are automatically added for each auto attendant. These use a telephone number of
the form AA:Name.Y where Name is replaced by the Auto Attendant name and Y is 1, 2, 3 or 4 for the
morning, afternoon, evening or menu option greeting.
You can manually delete the short codes or add additional short codes as required.
To create a short code to access an auto attendant, for example to allow internal calls to an auto
attendant, omit the .Y part of the short code telephone number.
For Release 4.1+
Four system short codes (*81XX, *82XX, *83XX and *84XX) are automatically added for use with all auto
attendants, for the morning, afternoon, evening and menu options greetings respectively. These use a
telephone number of the form "AA:"N".Y" where N is the replaced with the auto attendant number dialed
and Y is 1, 2, 3 or 4 for the morning, afternoon, evening or menu option greeting.
An additional short code of the form (for example) *80XX/Auto Attendant/"AA:"N can be added
manual if internal dialed access to auto attendants is required.
For Release 4.1+, to add a short code to access a specific auto attendant, the name method as used for
pre-Release 4.1 should be used.
Default Short Code: See Configuration Settings | Auto Attendant .
Programmable Button Control:
Release: 2.0+.
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7.8.6 Break Out
This feature is usable within a system multi-site network. It allows a user on one system in the network to specify that
the following dialing be processed by another system on the network as if the user dialed it locally on that other system.
Pre-Release 5.0: This feature requires the IP Offices to have Advanced Small Community Networking licenses.
Telephone Number: The IP Address or Name of the system, using * characters in place of . characters.
Default Short Code:
Programmable Button Control: BkOut
Release: 4.0+.
On a system, to break out via a system called RemoteSwitch with the IP Address, either of the following
short codes could be used.
Example 1
Code: *80*N#
Telephone Number: N
Feature: Break Out
Example 2
Code: *81
Telephone Number: RemoteSwitch
Feature: Break Out
Example 1 allows break out using any remote switch by dialing its IP address, for example *80*192*168*42*3#.
Example 2 does this for a specific remote system by dialing just *81.
7.8.7 Barred
This short code feature can be used for call barring by using the short code as the call destination. This short code
feature was previously called Busy. It has been renamed but its function has not changed.
When used in an ARS form that has been configured with an Alternate Route, for callers whose dialing has matched
the short code no further routing is applied.
Telephone Number:
Default Short Code:
Programmable Button Control:
Release: 1.0+.
7.8.8 Busy On Held
When on, busy on held returns busy to new calls when the user has an existing call on hold. This short code feature is
useful when a user does not want to be distracted by an additional incoming call when they have a call on hold.
Telephone Number: Y or 1 for on, N or 0 for off.
Default Short Code:
Programmable Button Control: BusyH
Release: 1.0+.
Example: Turning Busy on Held on
If on, when the user has a call on hold, new calls receive busy tone (ringing if analog) or are diverted to Voicemail if
enabled, rather than ringing the user. Note: this overrides call waiting when the user has a call on hold.
Short Code: *12
Telephone Number: Y
Feature: BusyOnHeld
Example: Turning Busy on Held off
Another short code must be created to turn the Busy on Held feature off. If off, when the uses has a call on hold, new
calls will still get directed to the user.
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Short Codes: Short Code Features
Short Code: *13
Telephone Number: N
Feature: BusyOnHeld
7.8.9 Call Intrude
This feature allows you to intrude on the existing connected call of the specified target user. All call parties are put into a
conference and can talk to and hear each other. A Call Intrude attempt to a user who is idle becomes a Priority Call .
The ability to intrude and be intruded is controlled by two configuration settings, the Can Intrude (User |
Telephony | Supervisor Settings ) setting of the user intruding and the Cannot Be Intruded (User |
Telephony | Supervisor Settings ) setting of target being intruded on. The setting of any other internal party is
ignored. By default, no users can intrude and all users are set to cannot be intruded.
Note that this feature requires conference resources from the system for the duration of the intrusion.
Release 4.0+: Users can use privacy features that to indicate that a call cannot be intruded on. See Private Calls
Release 4.2+: Intruding onto an a user doing silent monitoring (Call Listen ) is turned into a silent monitoring
The system support a range of other call intrusion methods in addition to this feature.
Telephone Number: Target extension number.
Default Short Code:
Programmable Button Control: Intru
See also: Call Listen , Coaching Intrusion , Dial Inclusion , Whisper Page .
Release: 1.0+.
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7.8.10 Call Listen
This feature allows you to monitor another user's call without being heard. Monitoring can be accompanied by a tone
heard by all parties. Use of the tone is controlled by the Beep on Listen setting on the System | Telephony | Tones
& Music tab. The default for this setting is on. If enabled, this is the only indication of monitoring given to the
monitored user. There is no phone display indication of monitoring.
The use of features to listen to a call without the other call parties being aware of that monitoring may be subject
to local laws and regulations. Before enabling the feature you must ensure that you have complied with all
applicable local laws and regulations. Failure to do so may result in severe penalties.
The use of call listen is dependant on:
The target being a member of the group set as the user's Monitor Group (User | Telephony | Supervisor
Settings) . The user does not have to be a member of the group.
The ability to intrude and be intruded is controlled by two configuration settings, the Can Intrude (User |
Telephony | Supervisor Settings ) setting of the user intruding and the Cannot Be Intruded (User |
Telephony | Supervisor Settings ) setting of target being intruded on. The setting of any other internal party is
ignored. By default, no users can intrude and all users are set to cannot be intruded.
This feature uses system conference resources. If insufficient conference resource are available it will not be
possible to use this feature.
For Release 4.0+ a number of new features are supported for call listening:
Users can be given privacy features that allow them to indicate that a call cannot be monitored. See Private
Calls .
IP extensions can be monitored including those using direct media. Previously the monitoring of IP extensions
could not be guaranteed.
The monitoring call can be initiated even if the target user is not currently on a call and remains active until
the monitoring user clears the monitoring call.
The user who initiated the call listen can also record the call.
Release 4.2+: Intruding onto an a user doing silent monitoring (Call Listen ) is turned into a silent monitoring
1400, 1600, 9500 and 9600 Series phones with a user button can initiate listening using that button if the target user
meets the criteria for listening.
The system support a range of other call intrusion methods in addition to this feature.
Telephone Number: Target extension number (extension must be local).
Default Short Code:
Programmable Button Control: Listn
See also: Call Intrude , Coaching Intrusion , Dial Inclusion , Whisper Page .
Release: 1.0+.
User 'Extn205' wants to be able to monitor calls received by members of the Hunt Group 'Sales'.
1. For user 'Extn205', in the Monitor Group (User | Telephony | Supervisor Settings ) list box select the hunt
2. Ensure that Can Intrude is checked.
3. Create a user short code to allow Extn205 to start monitoring.
Short Code: *99*N#
Telephone Number: N
Line Group ID: 0.
Feature: CallListen
4. For each member of the hunt group, check that their Cannot be Intruded setting is unchecked.
5. Now when a member of the 'Sales' hunt group is on a call, Extn205 can replace N in the short code with the extension
number of that member and monitor their call.
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Short Codes: Short Code Features
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7.8.11 Call Park
Parks the user's current call into the specified park slot number. The call can then be retrieved by other extensions (refer
to the appropriate telephone user guide). While parked the caller hears music on hold if available. The 'Unpark Call '
feature can be used to retrieve calls from specific park slots.
Park Timeout (System | Telephony | Telephony ) controls how long a call will remain parked. When this expires
the call will recall to the parking user if they are idle or when they next become idle. The recall call will continue ring and
does follow any forwards or go to voicemail.
Park and unpark features are not currently supported between systems in a multi-site network.
Telephone Number: Park slot number.
If no park slot number is specified when this short code is used, the system automatically assigns a park slot number
based on the extension number of the user parking the call plus one digit 0 to 9.
Park slot IDs can be up to 9 digits in length. Names can also be used for application park slots.
Default Short Code: *37*N#
Programmable Button Control: Call Park
See also: Unpark Call .
Release: 1.0+.
This short code is a default within the system configuration. This short code can be used to toggle the feature on/off. N
represents the park slot number in which the call will be parked. For example, if a user wants to park a call to slot
number 9, the user would dial *37*9#. The call will be parked there until retrieved by another extension or the original
Short Code: *37*N#
Telephone Number: N
Feature: ParkCall
7.8.12 Call Pickup Any
Pick up the first available ringing call.
Telephone Number:
Default Short Code: *30
Programmable Button Control: PickA
See also: Call Pickup Extn , Call Pickup Group , Call Pickup Members , Acquire Call , Call Pickup Line ,
Call Pickup User .
Release: 1.0+.
Below is an example of the short code setup:
Short Code: *30
Feature: CallPickupAny
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Short Codes: Short Code Features
7.8.13 Call Pickup Extn
Pick up a ringing call from a specific extension.
Telephone Number: Target extension number.
Default Short Code: *32*N#
Programmable Button Control: CpkUp
See also: Call Pickup Any , Call Pickup Group , Call Pickup Members , Acquire Call , Call Pickup Line ,
Call Pickup User .
Release: 1.0+.
This short code is a default within the system configuration. N represents the specific extension. For example, if a user
dials *32*201#, they will pick up the call coming into extension 201.
Short Code: *32*N#
Telephone Number: N
Feature: CallPickupAny
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7.8.14 Call Pickup Group
Pick up a call ringing any hunt group of which the user is a member. The user can use this feature even if their
membership of the group is currently set as disabled.
Telephone Number:
Default Short Code: *31
Programmable Button Control: PickG
See also: Call Pickup Any , Call Pickup Extn , Call Pickup Members , Acquire Call , Call Pickup Line , Call
Pickup User .
Release: 1.0+.
Below is an example of the short code setup.
Short Code: *31
Feature: CallPickupGroup
7.8.15 Call Pickup Line
Pick up an incoming call which is alerting, parked or held. The pickup uses the Line Appearance ID specified in Telephone
Number field of the short code. It cannot be used to pickup conferenced calls. The normal user intrusion features are not
applied to this pickup feature. This feature is not supported on T3 phones.
Telephone Number: Target Line Appearance ID.
Default Short Code:
Programmable Button Control:
See also: Call Pickup Any , Call Pickup Extn , Call Pickup Group , Call Pickup Members , Acquire Call ,
Call Pickup User .
Release: 4.0+ (Added in the Release 4.0 Q2 2007 maintenance release).
This short code is a default within the system configuration. N represents the specific Line Appearance ID.
Short Code: *99*N#
Telephone Number: N
Feature: CallPickupLine
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Short Codes: Short Code Features
7.8.16 Call Pickup Members
This feature can be used to pick up a ringing or queuing call at an extension that is a member of the Hunt Group
specified. The call picked up does not have to be a hunt group call. The function includes group members even if their
membership of the group is currently disabled.
Telephone Number: Group number or "Group name".
Default Short Code: *53*N#
Programmable Button Control: PickM
See also: Call Pickup Any , Call Pickup Extn , Call Pickup Group , Acquire Call , Call Pickup Line , Call
Pickup User .
Release: 1.0+.
Below is an example of the short code setup. N represents the extension number of the Hunt Group. For example, if a
user dials *53*500#, they will pick up the call coming into extension 500 (the hunt group's extension).
Short Code: *53*N#
Telephone Number: N
Feature: CallPickupMembers
7.8.17 Call Pickup User
Pick up an incoming call which is alerting, parked or held. The pickup uses the user extension number specified in
Telephone Number field of the short code. If there are multiple calls, priority is given to picking up alerting, then parked
and then held in that order of priority. It cannot be used to pickup conferenced calls. The normal user intrusion features
are not applied to this pickup feature. This feature is not supported on T3 phones.
Telephone Number: Target user extension number.
Default Short Code:
Programmable Button Control:
See also: Call Pickup Any , Call Pickup Extn , Call Pickup Group , Call Pickup Members , Acquire Call ,
Call Pickup Line .
Release: 4.0+ (Added in the Release 4.0 Q2 2007 maintenance release).
N represents the specific user.
Short Code: *99*N#
Telephone Number: N
Feature: CallPickupUser
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7.8.18 Call Queue
Queue the current call to the destination phone, even when the destination phone is busy. This is the same as a transfer
except it allows you to transfer to a busy phone.
Telephone Number: Target extension number.
Default Short Code: *33*N#
Programmable Button Control: Queue
Release: 1.0+.
Below is an example of the short code setup. N represents the extension the caller wishes to queue for. For example, if a
user dials *33*201# while connected to a caller, this caller will be queued for extension 201.
Short Code: *33*N#
Telephone Number: N
Feature: CallQueue
7.8.19 Call Record
This feature allows you to record a conversation. To use this requires Voicemail Pro. Refer to your local regulations in
relation to the recording of calls.
This feature uses system conference resources. If insufficient conference resource are available it will not be
possible to use this feature.
Release 4.0+: The system provides privacy features that allow users to indicate that a call should not be recorded.
See Private Calls .
Telephone Number: Target extension number.
Default Short Code:
Programmable Button Control: Recor
Release: 1.0+.
Example: Record your own extension's call
To use this short code, the user should place the call on hold and dial *55. They will automatically be reconnected to the
call when recording begins.
Short Code: *55
Telephone Number: None
Feature: CallRecord
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Short Codes: Short Code Features
7.8.20 Call Steal
This function can be used with or without a specified user target.
If the target has alerting calls, the function will connect to the longest waiting call.
If the target has no alerting calls but does have a connected call, the function will take over the connected call,
disconnecting the original user. This usage is subject to the Can Intrude setting of the Call Steal user and the
Cannot Be Intruded setting of the target.
If no target is specified, the function attempts to reclaim the user's last ringing or transferred call if it has not been
answered or has been answered by voicemail.
Telephone Number: Target extension number or blank for last call transferred.
Default Short Code: *45*N# and *46
Programmable Button Control: Aquire
Release: 2.1+
Example: Taking Over a Call
In this example, N represents the extension to be taken over. For example, if a user dials *45*201#, they will take over
the current call on extension 201.
Short Code: *45*N#
Telephone Number: N
Feature: Call Steal
Example: Reclaiming a Call
This short code reclaims the last call from your extension. This function is useful when you want to catch a call you have
just missed that has gone off to Voicemail.
Short Code: *46
Feature: Call Steal
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7.8.21 Call Waiting On
Enables call waiting on the user's extension. When on, if the user receives a second calls when already on a call, they
hear a call waiting tone in the speech path.
Call waiting settings are ignored for users with multiple call appearance buttons. In this case the appearance buttons are
used to indicate additional calls. Call waiting is automatically applied for users with 'internal twinned' phones.
Telephone Number:
Default Short Code: *15 (not on IP Office Server Edition)
Programmable Button Control: CWOn
See also: Call Waiting Off , Call Waiting Suspend .
Release: 1.0+.
Below is a sample of the short code setup.
Short Code: *15
Feature: CallWaitingOn
7.8.22 Call Waiting Off
Disables call waiting on the user's extension. Call waiting may be applied for users with internal twinned phones
regardless of their call waiting settings.
Telephone Number:
Default Short Code: *16 (not on IP Office Server Edition)
Programmable Button Control: CWOff
See also: Call Waiting On , Call Waiting Suspend .
Release: 1.0+.
Below is a sample of the short code setup.
Short Code: *16
Feature: Call Waiting Off
7.8.23 Call Waiting Suspend
For phones using call waiting, this feature temporarily disables call waiting for the duration of the user's next call.
Telephone Number:
Default Short Code: *70 (A-Law only)
Programmable Button Control: CWSus
See also: Call Waiting On , Call Waiting Off .
Release: 1.0+.
Below is a sample of the short code setup. This short code is a default within the system configuration.
Short Code: *70
Feature: CallWaitingSuspend
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580 580
580 580
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Short Codes: Short Code Features
7.8.24 Cancel All Forwarding
This feature cancels all forms of forwarding on the user's extension including "Follow Me" and "Do Not Disturb".
Telephone Number:
Default Short Code: *00
Programmable Button Control: FwdOf
See also: Forward On Busy On , Forward On Busy Off , Forward On No Answer On , Forward On No Answer
Off , Forward Unconditional On , Forward Unconditional Off , Do Not Disturb On , Do Not Disturb Off .
Release: 1.0+.
Below is a sample of the short code setup.
Short Code: *00
Feature: CancelCallForwarding
7.8.25 Cancel Ring Back When Free
Cancels any existing ring back (also known as callback) set by the user.
Telephone Number:
Default Short Code:
Programmable Button Control: RBak-
See also: Ring Back When Free .
Release: 1.0+.
Example: Cancel Ring Back When Free
This example Short Code will cancel Ring Back When Free on the specified extension. N represents the target extension
from which you have set a ring back. For example, if Paul has set a ring back on extension 201, he must dial *84*201#
to cancel that ring back request.
Short Code: *84*N#
Telephone Number: N
Feature: CancelRingBackWhenFree
7.8.26 Channel Monitor
For Avaya use only.
Release: 1.0+.
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7.8.27 Change Login Code
Allows a user to change their log in code.
Telephone Number: The user's current and new log in codes separated by a *, see the examples below.
Default Short Code:
Programmable Button Control:
Release: 4.2+ (Also added to Release 4.1 2008Q2 Maintenance release).
The user has a Login Code of 1234 and wants to change it to 5678. To use the short code below below, the user must
dial *60*1234*5678#.
Short Code: *60*N#
Telephone Number: N
Feature: Change Login Code.
For a user with no login code currently set, they can still use the short code to set a login code. For example using the
short code created above to set their login code to 1234 they should dial *60**1234#.
System phone users can also use this short code to change the login code of an other user. For example 403 is
configured as a system phone with a login code of 1234. User 410 has forgotten their login code and needs it
changed. User 403 can do this by dialing the following:
*60*410*1234*<new code>#
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Short Codes: Short Code Features
7.8.28 Clear After Call Work
This feature can be users who have been configured as CCR agents. It allows them to dial a short code to exit the After
Call Work (ACW) state as reported by the Customer Call Reporter (CCR) application.
Telephone Number:
Default Short Code:
Programmable Button Control: ACWrk
See also: Start After Call Work .
Release: 4.2 4Q 2008 Maintenance release+.
7.8.29 Clear Call
This feature can be used to end the current call.
Telephone Number:
Default Short Code: *52
Programmable Button Control: Clear
Release: 1.0+.
Below is a sample of the short code setup. This example could be used in a situation where you are doing a supervised
transfer and the party to be transferred to does not want to take the call. In this scenario, you can put the call on hold
and dial *52. This will clear the last connected call (for example the party who has just refused the transfer), and retrieve
the original call or dial tone.
Short Code: *52
Feature: Deny/ClearCall
7.8.30 Clear CW
This feature is most commonly used to end the user's current call and answer the waiting call. Note: Call waiting settings
are ignored for users with multiple call appearance buttons.
Telephone Number:
Default Short Code: *26 (A-Law only) (not on IP Office Server Edition)
Programmable Button Control: ClrCW
Release: 1.0+.
Below is a sample of the short code setup.
Short Code: *26
Feature: ClearCW
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7.8.31 Clear Hunt Group Night Service
This feature changes the specified hunt group from Night Service mode to In Service mode.
Setting and clearing hunt group night service can be done using either manual controls or using a system time
profile. The use of both methods to control the night service status of a particular hunt group is not
This function is currently not supported between systems in a multi-site network. It can only be used by a
user currently logged onto the same system as hosting the hunt group.
Telephone Number: Hunt group extension number. Release 4.0+: If left blank, the short code will affect all hunt
groups of which the user is a member.
For Release 8.1+, the Set Hunt Group Night Service and Clear Hunt Group Night Service short code and
button features can be used to switch an SSL VPN service off or on respectively. The service is indicated
by setting the service name as the telephone number or action data. Do not use quotation marks.
Default Short Code: *21*N#
Programmable Button Control: HGNS-
See also: Clear Hunt Group Out Of Service , Set Hunt Group Night Service , Set Hunt Group Out Of Service .
Release: 1.0+.
Below is a sample of the short code setup. N represents the telephone number of the hunt group to be taken out of
"Night Service" mode and placed into "In Service" mode. For example, when *21*201# is dialed, the hunt group
associated with extension 201 will be taken out of "Night Service" mode.
Short Code: *21*N#
Telephone Number: N
Feature: ClearHuntGroupNightService
7.8.32 Clear Hunt Group Out Of Service
This feature changes the specified hunt group from Out of Service mode to In Service mode. This will not override a
hunt group in night service due to a time profile.
This function is currently not supported between systems in a multi-site network. It can only be used by a
user currently logged onto the same system as hosting the hunt group.
Telephone Number: Hunt group extension number. Release 4.0+: If left blank, the short code will affect all hunt
groups of which the user is a member.
Default Short Code:
Programmable Button Control: HGOS-
See also: Clear Hunt Group Night Service , Set Hunt Group Night Service , Set Hunt Group Out Of Service .
Release: 1.0+.
Below is a sample short code using the Clear Hunt Group Out Of Service feature. N represents the telephone number of
the hunt group to be taken out of "Out of Service" mode. For example, when *55*201# is dialed, the hunt group
associated with extension 201 will be placed into "In Service" mode.
Short Code: *55*N#
Telephone Number: N
Feature: ClearHuntGroupOutOfService
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Short Codes: Short Code Features
7.8.33 Clear Quota
This feature refreshes the time quota for all services or a specific service.
Telephone Number: "Service name" or "" (all services).
Default Short Code:
Programmable Button Control: Quota
Release: 1.0+.
7.8.34 Coaching Intrusion
This feature allows the you to intrude on another user's call and to talk to them without being heard by the other call
parties to which they can still talk. For example: User A is on a call with user B. When user C intrudes on user A, they can
hear users A and B but can only be heard by user A.
The ability to intrude and be intruded is controlled by two configuration settings, the Can Intrude (User |
Telephony | Supervisor Settings ) setting of the user intruding and the Cannot Be Intruded (User |
Telephony | Supervisor Settings ) setting of target being intruded on. The setting of any other internal party is
ignored. By default, no users can intrude and all users are set to cannot be intruded.
The use of features to listen to a call without the other call parties being aware of that monitoring may be subject
to local laws and regulations. Before enabling the feature you must ensure that you have complied with all
applicable local laws and regulations. Failure to do so may result in severe penalties.
The system support a range of other call intrusion methods in addition to this feature.
Telephone Number: Target extension number.
Default Short Code:
Programmable Button Control: Coach .
See also: Call Intrude , Call Listen , Dial Inclusion , Whisper Page .
Release: 8.0+.
7.8.35 Conference Add
Conference add controls can be used to place the user, their current call and any calls they have on hold into a
conference. When used to start a new conference, the system automatically assigns a conference ID to the call. This is
termed ad-hoc (impromptu) conferencing.
If the call on hold is an existing conference, the user and any current call are added to that conference. This can be used
to add additional calls to an ad-hoc conference or to a meet-me conference. Conference add can be used to connect
two parties together. After creating the conference, the user can drop from the conference and the two incoming calls
remain connected.
For further details refer to the Conferencing section.
Telephone Number:
Default Short Code: *47
Programmable Button Control: Conf+
See also: Conference Meet Me .
Release: 1.0+.
Below is a sample of the short code setup.
Short Code: *47
Feature: ConferenceAdd
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7.8.36 Conference Meet Me
Conference meet-me refers to features that allow a user or caller to join a specific conference by using the conference's
ID number (either pre-set in the control or entered at the time of joining the conference).
Pre-Release 5.0: This function is not supported on IP500 systems without an IP500 Upgrade Standard to
Professional license.
Release 6.0+: IP500 and IP500 V2 systems require a Preferred Edition license.
! Note
Conference Meet Me features can create conferences that include only one or two parties. These are still
conferences that are using resources from the host system's conference capacity.
Conference ID Numbers
By default, ad hoc conferences are assigned numbers starting from 100 for the first conference in progress. Therefore,
for conference Meet Me features specify a number away from this range ensure that the conference joined is not an ad
hoc conference started by other users. For Release 8.0 it is no longer possible to join a conference using conference Meet
Me features when the conference ID is in use by an ad-hoc conference.
User Personal Conference Number
For Release 8.0+, each user's own extension number is treated as their own personal conference number.
Only that user is able to start a conference using that number as the conference ID. Any one else attempting
to start a conference with that number will find themselves in a conference but on hold until the owner also
joins. Personal conferences are always hosted on the owner's system. Note, when a user calls from their
mobile twinned number, the personal conference feature will only work if they access the conference using an
FNE 18 service.
Multi-Site Network Conferencing
For Release 8.0+, Meet Me conference IDs are now shared across a multi-site network. For example, if a conference with
the ID 500 is started on one system, anyone else joining conference 500 on any system will join the same conference.
Each conference still uses the conference resources of the system on which it was started and is limited by the available
conference capacity of that system.
Previously separate conferences, each with the same conference ID, could be started on each system in a multi-site
Other Features
Transfer to a Conference Button (Release 4.1 and higher)
A currently connected caller can be transferred into the conference by pressing TRANSFER, then the Conference
Meet Me button and TRANSFER again to complete the transfer. This allows the user to place callers into the
conference specified by the button without being part of the conference call themselves. This option is only
support on Avaya phones with a fixed TRANSFER button (excluding T3 and T3 IP phones).
Conference Button Status Indication (Release 4.1 and higher)
When the conference is active, any buttons associated with the conference ID indicate the active state.
For further details refer to the Conferencing section.
Telephone Number: Conference number. This can be an alphanumeric value up to 15 characters.
User Personal Conference Number
For Release 8.0+, each user's own extension number is treated as their own personal conference number.
Only that user is able to start a conference using that number as the conference ID. Any one else attempting
to start a conference with that number will find themselves in a conference but on hold until the owner also
joins. Personal conferences are always hosted on the owner's system. Note, when a user calls from their
mobile twinned number, the personal conference feature will only work if they access the conference using an
FNE 18 service.
Default Short Code: / *66*N# on IP Office Server Edition systems.
Programmable Button Control: CnfMM
See also: Conference Add .
Release: 1.0+.
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Short Codes: Short Code Features
7.8.37 CW
Pick up the waiting call. This feature provides same functionality as pressing the Recall or Hold key on the phone. Unlike
the Clear CW feature, this feature does not disconnect you from the existing call when the second call is picked up.
Telephone Number:
Default Short Code:
Programmable Button Control:
Release: 1.0+.
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7.8.38 Dial
This short code feature allows users to dial the number specified to an outside line.
Telephone Number: Telephone number.
Default Short Code: Various depending on locale and system type.
Programmable Button Control: Dial
See also: Dial Direct , Dial Emergency , Dial Extn , Dial Inclusion , Dial Paging .
Release: 1.0+.
Example: Creating a Speed Dial
In this example, users entering 401 on their telephone key pad will dial the New Jersey Office on 212 555 0000.
Short Code: 401
Telephone Number: 2125550000
Example: Replace Outgoing Caller ID
This short code is useful in a "call center" environment where you do not want customers to have access to the number
of your direct line; you want the general office number displayed. The sample short code below will force the outgoing
caller ID to display 123. Note: The usability of this feature is dependent upon your local service provider.
Short Code: ?
Telephone Number: .s123
Example: External Dialing Prefix
The short code is for dialing a prefix for an outside line N represents the external number you want to call.
Short Code: 9N
Telephone Number: N
Example: Blocking Caller ID
This is for blocking Caller ID for external calls. This feature can be applied to specific external numbers or to all out going
calls. In most situations, the company will choose to block the caller ID for all external calls or leave it available for all
external calls.
Short Code: 9N
Telephone Number: NW
Example: Maximum Call Length
The character t can be used in dialing short codes to set the maximum allowed duration of a call. For example, the
following short code will dial a number but then disconnect the call after 20 minutes (plus or minus a minute).
Short Code: 9N
Telephone Number: Nt(20)
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Short Codes: Short Code Features
7.8.39 Dial 3K1
Sets the ISDN bearer capabilities to 3.1Khz audio call.
Telephone Number: Telephone number.
Default Short Code:
Programmable Button Control: D3K1
Release: 1.0+.
7.8.40 Dial 56K
Sets the ISDN bearer capabilities to 56Kbps data call.
Telephone Number: Telephone number.
Default Short Code:
Programmable Button Control: D56K
Release: 1.0+.
7.8.41 Dial 64K
Sets the ISDN bearer capabilities to 64Kbps data call.
Telephone Number: Telephone number.
Default Short Code:
Programmable Button Control: D64K
Release: 1.0+.
7.8.42 Dial CW
Call the specified extension number and force call waiting indication on if the extension is already on a call.
If the user has call appearance buttons programmed, call waiting will not get activated. The next incoming call will appear
on an available call appearance button. When there are no available call appearance buttons, the next incoming call will
receive busy tone.
Telephone Number: Extension number.
Default Short Code:
Programmable Button Control: DCW
Release: 1.0+.
N represents the extension number to be dialed. For example, a user dialing *97*201# will force call waiting indication
on at extension 201 if extension 201 is already on a call.
Short Code: *97*N#
Telephone Number: N
Feature: DialCW
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7.8.43 Dial Direct
Automatic intercom functions allow you to call an extension and have the call automatically answered on speaker
phone after 3 beeps. The extension called must support a handsfree speaker. If the extension does not have a handsfree
microphone then the user must use the handset if they want to talk. If the extension is not free when called, the call is
presented as a normal call on a call appearance button if available.
Telephone Number: Extension number
Default Short Code:
Programmable Button Control: Dirct
See also: Dial Paging .
Release: 1.0+.
This allows the extension specified to be automatically answered. N represents the extension that will be forced to
automatically answer. For example, when a user dials *83*201#, extension 201 will be forced to automatically answer
the call.
Short Code: *83*N#
Telephone Number: N
Feature: DialDirect
7.8.44 Dial Direct Hot Line
When the line appearance button is mapped to a short code using the DialDirectHotLine short code feature, no secondary
dial tone is generated and the number is dialed directly. This feature should not be confused with the hot line feature
enabled using ?D short codes.
Telephone Number:
Default Short Code:
Programmable Button Control:
Release: 3.0 to 4.0, 8.0+
Below is a sample short code using the DialDirectHotLine feature. The short code *83* should then be set as the prefix
for the particular line required.
Short Code: *83*
Telephone Number: .
Feature: DialDirectHotLine
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Short Codes: Short Code Features
7.8.45 Dial Emergency
Dials the number specified regardless of any call barring applicable to the user.
On all systems, regardless of locale; system and or ARS short codes using the Dial Emergency feature should be
created for any required emergency service numbers. Those short codes should be usable by all users from all
extensions. Those short codes should route the calls to suitable lines. If the system uses prefixes for external dialing, the
dialing of emergency numbers with and without the prefix should be allowed.
The blocking of emergency calls or the rerouting of emergency calls to a intermediate destination other than the central
office may be against local and nation laws.
For systems with a United States locale, the Dial Emergency short code acts differently if the system is configured to
use an E911 adjunct.
Telephone Number: Telephone number.
Default Short Code:
Programmable Button Control: Emrgy
Release: 1.0+.
7.8.46 Dial Extn
This feature can be used to dial an internal extension number (user or hunt group).
Telephone Number: Extension number.
Release 4.2+: p(x) can be added as a suffix to the Telephone Number to change the priority of a call.
Allowable values for x are 1, 2 or 3 for low, medium or high priority respectively. For example Np(1).
Default Short Code:
Programmable Button Control:
See also: Dial Direct , Dial Paging , DialPhysicalExtensionByNumber , DialPhysicalNumberByID .
Release: 1.0+.
Example: Dial on Pick up
The following user short code dials the extension specified the moment the user's handset is picked up.
Short Code: ?D
Telephone Number: 201
Line Group ID: 0
Feature: Dial Extn
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7.8.47 Dial Fax
This feature is used to route fax calls via Fax Relay .
Telephone Number: Fax destination number.
Default Short Code:
Programmable Button Control:
Release: 5.0+.
In this example, the line group ID matches the URI configured on a SIP line that has been configured for Fax Relay.
Short Code: 6N
Telephone Number: N"@"
Line Group ID: 17
Feature: Dial Fax
7.8.48 Dial Inclusion
This feature allows you to intrude on another user's call to talk to them. Their current call is put on hold while you talk
and automatically reconnected when you end the intrusion. The intruder and the target extension can then talk but
cannot be heard by the other party. This can include intruding into a conference call, where the conference will continue
without the intrusion target.
During the intrusion all parties hear a repeated intrusion tone. When the intruder hangs-up the original call parties are
reconnected. Attempting to hold a dial inclusion call simply ends the intrusion. The inclusion cannot be parked.
The ability to intrude and be intruded is controlled by two configuration settings, the Can Intrude (User |
Telephony | Supervisor Settings ) setting of the user intruding and the Cannot Be Intruded (User |
Telephony | Supervisor Settings ) setting of target being intruded on. The setting of any other internal party is
ignored. By default, no users can intrude and all users are set to cannot be intruded.
The system support a range of other call intrusion methods in addition to this feature.
Telephone Number: Target extension number.
Default Short Code:
Programmable Button Control: Inclu.
See also: Call Intrude , Call Listen , Coaching Intrusion , Whisper Page .
Release: 1.4+.
N represents the extension to be intruded upon. For example, if a user dials *97*201# while extension 201 is on a call,
then the user is intruding into extn. 201's current call.
Short Code: *97*N#
Telephone Number: N
Feature: DialInclusion
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Short Codes: Short Code Features
7.8.49 Dial Paging
This feature makes a page call to an extension or group. The target extension or group members must support page calls
(that is be able to auto-answer calls).
Telephone Number: Extension or group number.
Default Short Code:
Programmable Button Control: Page
See also: Dial Direct .
Release: 1.0+.
Paging Limits
The table below lists the maximum recommended size for paging groups.
Control Unit Software Level
4.0+ 3.2
IP500/IP500 V2 64
IP412 48 24
IP406 V2 32 16
Small Office Edition 16 16
IP406 V1 16
IP403 16
When paging, always use only one codec (the preferred). It is the system administrator's responsibility to ensure all the
phones in the paging group support the codec.
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7.8.50 Dial Physical Extension By Number
Dial a specified extension number regardless of the current user logged in at that extension and any forwarding, follow
me or do not disturb settings applied by the current extension user. Note that the extension number used is the Base
Extension number set against the extension configuration settings.
Telephone Number: Base Extension number.
Default Short Code: *70*N# (U-Law only) (not on IP Office Server Edition)
Programmable Button Control: PhyEx
See also: Dial Physical Extension By Id , Priority Call .
Release: 1.4+.
The example below allows the extension with the base extension number 201 to be called regardless of the extension
number of the user currently logged in at that extension.
Short Code: *97
Telephone Number: 201
Feature: DialPhysicalExtnByNumber
7.8.51 Dial Physical Extension By Id
Dial a specific extension using its system ID. This may be necessary in hot desking environments where some extensions
have been created with no default extension number. Without an extension number, a call can not be made to that
extension unless a short code is created.
Telephone Number: Extension ID
Default Short Code: *71*N# (U-Law only)
Programmable Button Control: DialP
See also: DialPhysicalExtensionByNumber , Priority Call .
Release: 1.4+.
In the above example, if the telephone at extension ID 16 is not associated with an extension number, a user can dial
*97 to connect to that phone. This may be useful in hot desking environments where some extensions may not have a
dedicated base extension number.
Short Code: *97
Telephone Number: 16
Feature: DialPhysicalNumberByID
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Short Codes: Short Code Features
7.8.52 Dial Speech
This feature allows a short code to be created to force the outgoing call to use the Speech bearer capability.
Telephone Number: Telephone number.
Default Short Code:
Programmable Button Control: DSpch
Release: 1.0+.
7.8.53 Dial V110
Sets the ISDN bearer capabilities to V110. The call is presented to local exchange as a "Data Call".
Telephone Number: Telephone number.
Default Short Code:
Programmable Button Control: DV110
Release: 1.0+.
7.8.54 Dial V120
Sets the ISDN bear capabilities using V.120.
Telephone Number: Telephone number.
Default Short Code:
Programmable Button Control: DV120
Release: 1.0+.
7.8.55 Dial Video
The call is presented to the local exchange as a "Video Call".
Telephone Number: Telephone number.
Default Short Code:
Programmable Button Control: Dvide
Release: 1.0+.
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7.8.56 Disable ARS Form
This feature can be used to put an ARS form out of service. It can be used with ARS forms for which an Out of Service
Route has been configured in IP Office Manager. The short code feature Enable ARS Form can be used to return an ARS
form to in service.
Telephone Number: ARS form number.
Default Short Code:
Programmable Button Control:
See also: Enable ARS Form
Release: 4.0+.
7.8.57 Disable Internal Forwards
This feature turns off the forwarding of internal calls for the user. It applies to Forward Unconditional, Forward on Busy
and Forward on No Answer.
Telephone Number:
Default Short Code:
Programmable Button Control:
See also: Disable Internal Forwards Unconditional , Disable Internal Forwards Busy or No Answer , Cancel All
Forwarding , Enable Internal Forwards , Enable Internal Forwards Unconditional , Enable Internal Forwards
Busy or No Answer .
Release: 3.2+.
7.8.58 Disable Internal Forward Unconditional
This feature turns off the forwarding of internal calls for the user. It applies to Forward Unconditional only.
Telephone Number:
Default Short Code:
Programmable Button Control:
See also: Disable Internal Forwards , Disable Internal Forwards Busy or No Answer , Cancel All Forwarding ,
Enable Internal Forwards , Enable Internal Forwards Unconditional , Enable Internal Forwards Busy or No Answer
Release: 3.2+.
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581 600 600
596 597 581
600 600
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Short Codes: Short Code Features
7.8.59 Disable Internal Forward Busy or No Answer
This feature turns off the forwarding of internal calls for the user. It applies to Forward on Busy and Forward on No
Telephone Number:
Default Short Code:
Programmable Button Control:
See also: Disable Internal Forwards , Disable Internal Forwards Unconditional , Cancel All Forwarding ,
Enable Internal Forwards , Enable Internal Forwards Unconditional , Enable Internal Forwards Busy or No Answer
Release: 3.2+.
7.8.60 Display Msg
Allows the sending of text messages to digital phones on the local system.
Telephone Number: The telephone number takes the format N";T" where:
N is the target extension.
T is the text message. Note that the "; before the text and the " after the text are required.
Default Short Code:
Programmable Button Control: Displ
Release: 1.0+.
Below is a sample of the short code setup. When used, the target extension will hear a single ring and then see the
message. If the target extension is on a call then may need to scroll the display to a free call appearance in order to see
the text message.
Short Code: *78*N#
Feature: Display Msg
Telephone Number: N";Visitor in Reception"
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7.8.61 Do Not Disturb Exception Add
This feature adds a number to the user's "Do Not Disturb Exception Numbers List". This can be an internal extension
number or external ICLID. Calls from that number, except hunt group calls, will ignore the user's Do Not Disturb setting.
For further details see Do Not Disturb (DND).
Telephone Number: Telephone number or ICLID. Up to 31 characters.
For ICLID numbers any prefix added by the system must also be included.
Default Short Code: *10*N#
Programmable Button Control: DNDX+
See also: Do Not Disturb Exception Delete , Do Not Disturb On , Do Not Disturb Off .
Release: 1.0+.
N represents the number to be added to the user's "Do Not Disturb Exception List". For example, when a user has DND
turned on and dials *10*4085551234#, incoming calls from telephone number (408) 555-1234. All other calls, except
those numbers on the exception list hear busy tones or are redirected to voicemail if available.
Short Code: *10*N#
Telephone Number: N
Feature: DoNotDisturbExceptionAdd
In this example, the last number received by the user is added to their exception list.
Short Code: *99
Telephone Number: L
Feature: DoNotDisturbExceptionAdd
7.8.62 Do Not Disturb Exception Delete
This feature removes a number from the user's "Do Not Disturb Exception List". For further details see Do Not Disturb
Telephone Number: Telephone number or ICLID.
Default Short Code: *11*N#
Programmable Button Control: DNDX-
See also: Do Not Disturb Exception Add , Do Not Disturb On , Do Not Disturb Off .
Release: 1.0+.
N represents the number to be deleted from the user's "Do Not Disturb Exception List". For example, when a user has
DND turned on and the telephone number (408) 555-1234 in their "Do Not Disturb Exception List", dialing
*10*4085551234# will remove this phone number from the list. Incoming calls from (408) 555-1234 will no longer be
allowed through; instead they will hear busy tone or be redirected to voicemail if available.
Short Code: *11*N#
Telephone Number: N
Feature: DoNotDisturbExceptionDel
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Short Codes: Short Code Features
7.8.63 Do Not Disturb On
This feature puts the user into 'Do Not Disturb' mode. When on, all calls, except those from numbers in the user's
exception list hear busy tones or are redirected to voicemail if available. For further details see Do Not Disturb (DND) .
Telephone Number:
Default Short Code: *08
Programmable Button Control: DNDOn
See also: Do Not Disturb Off , Do Not Disturb Exception Add , Do Not Disturb Exception Delete .
Release: 1.0+.
Below is a sample of the short code setup.
Short Code: *08
Feature: DoNotDisturbOn
7.8.64 Do Not Disturb Off
Cancels the user's 'do not disturb' mode if set. For further details see Do Not Disturb (DND).
Telephone Number:
Default Short Code: *09
Programmable Button Control: DNDOf
See also: Do Not Disturb On , Do Not Disturb Exception Add , Do Not Disturb Exception Delete .
Release: 1.0+.
This short code is a default within the system configuration. Below is a sample of the short code setup.
Short Code: *09
Feature: DoNotDisturbOff
7.8.65 Enable ARS Form
This feature can be used to put an ARS form in service. It can be used with ARS forms that have been put out of service
through IP Office Manager or the use of a Disable ARS Form short code.
Telephone Number: ARS form number.
Default Short Code:
Programmable Button Control:
Release: 4.0+
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7.8.66 Enable Internal Forwards
This feature turns on the forwarding of internal calls for the user. It applies to Forward Unconditional, Forward on Busy
and Forward on No Answer.
Telephone Number:
Default Short Code:
Programmable Button Control:
See also: Disable Internal Forwards , Disable Internal Forwards Unconditional , Disable Internal Forwards Busy
or No Answer , Cancel All Forwarding , Enable Internal Forwards Unconditional , Enable Internal Forwards
Busy or No Answer .
Release: 3.2+.
7.8.67 Enable Internal Forward Unconditional
This feature turns on the forwarding of internal calls for the user. It applies to Forward Unconditional only.
Telephone Number:
Default Short Code:
Programmable Button Control:
See also: Disable Internal Forwards , Disable Internal Forwards Unconditional , Disable Internal Forwards Busy
or No Answer , Cancel All Forwarding , Enable Internal Forwards , Enable Internal Forwards Busy or No
Answer .
Release: 3.2+.
7.8.68 Enable Internal Forward Busy or No Answer
This feature turns on the forwarding of internal calls for the user. It applies to Forward on Busy and Forward on No
Telephone Number:
Default Short Code:
Programmable Button Control:
See also: Disable Internal Forwards , Disable Internal Forwards Unconditional , Disable Internal Forwards Busy
or No Answer , Cancel All Forwarding , Enable Internal Forwards , Enable Internal Forwards Unconditional .
Release: 3.2+.
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Short Codes: Short Code Features
7.8.69 Extn Login
Extn Login allows a user who has been configured with a Login Code (User | Telephony | Supervisor Settings )
to take over ownership of any extension. That user's extension number becomes the extension number of the extension
while they are logged.
When used, the user will be prompted to enter their extension number and then their log in code. Login codes of up to 15
digits are supported with Extn Login buttons. Login codes of up to 31 digits are supported with Extn Login short codes.
When a user logs in, as many of their user settings as possible are applied to the extension. The range of settings
applied depends on the phone type and on the system configuration.
By default, on 1400 Series, 1600 Series, 9500 Series and 9600 Series phones, the user's call log and personal
directory are accessible while they are logged in. This also applied to M-Series and T-Series telephones.
On other types of phone, those items such as call logs and speed dials are typically stored locally by the
phone and will not change when users log in and log out.
If the user logging in was already logged in or associated with another phone, they will be automatically logged
out that phone.
Telephone Number: Extension Number*Login Code.
If just a single number is dialed containing no * separator, the system assumes that the extension number to use is
the physical extension's Base Extension number and that the number dialed is the log in code.
Default Short Code: *35*N#
Programmable Button Control: Login
See also: Extn Logout .
Release: 1.0+.
Example: Individual Hot Desking
Based on the above sample short code, Paul (extension 204) can go to another phone (even if it is already logged in by
another user) and log in as extension 204 by simply dialing 299. Once Paul has logged into this phone, extension 204 is
logged out at Paul's original phone. For Paul to make use of this short code, his log in code must match that configured in
the above short code. When Paul logs out of the phone he has "borrowed", his original extension will automatically be
logged back in.
Short Code: 299
Telephone Number: 204*1234
Feature: Extnlogin
Example: Log In
The default short code for logging into a phone is configured as shown below. N represents the users extension number
followed by a * and then their log in code, for example *35*401*123#.
Short Code: *35*N#
Telephone: N
Feature: ExtnLogin
7.8.70 Extn Logout
This feature logs the user off the phone at which they are logged in.Release 4.0+: This feature cannot be used by a user
who does not have a log in code or by the default associated user of an extension unless they are set to forced log in.
Telephone Number:
Default Short Code: *36
Programmable Button Control: Logof
See also: Extn Login .
Release: 1.0+.
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Below is a sample short code using the Extn Logout feature. This short code is a default within the system configuration.
Short Code: *36
Feature: ExtnLogout
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Short Codes: Short Code Features
7.8.71 Flash Hook
This feature sends a hook flash signal to the currently connected line if it is an analog line.
Telephone Number: Pre-Release 4.0/ Release 4.0+: Optional
Release 4.0+: The telephone number field can be used to set the transfer destination number for a Centrex Transfer
. In this case the use of the short code Forced Account Code and Forced Authorization Code are not supported and
the Line Group Id must match the outgoing line to the Centrex service provider.
Default Short Code:
Programmable Button Control: Flash
Release: 1.4+.
Below is a sample short code using the Flash Hook feature.
Short Code: *96
Feature: FlashHook
7.8.72 FNE Service
This short code feature is used for Mobile Call Control and one-X Mobile Client support.
Telephone Number:
This number sets the required FNE function. For a list of supported functions see one-X Mobile Control .
Default Short Code:
Programmable Button Control:
Release: 4.2+.
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7.8.73 Follow Me Here
Causes calls to the extension number specified to be redirected to the extension initiating the 'Follow Me Here'. If the
redirected call receives a busy tone or is not answered, then the call behaves as though the User's extension had failed to
answer. For further details see Follow Me.
The use of Follow Me features is not supported between systems in a multi-site network.
Telephone Number: Extension to redirect to the dialing extension.
Default Short Code: *12*N#
Programmable Button Control: Here+
See also: Follow Me Here Cancel , Follow Me To .
Release: 1.0+.
This feature is used at the Follow Me destination. N represents the extension number of the user wanting their calls
redirected to that destination. For example, User A's extension is 224. However they are working at extension 201 and
want their calls redirected there. If the following short code is available, they can do this by dialing *12*224# at
extension 201.
Short Code: *12*N#
Telephone Number: N
Feature: FollowMeHere
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Short Codes: Short Code Features
7.8.74 Follow Me Here Cancel
Cancels any Follow Me set on the specified extension. This action can only be performed at the extension to which the
Follow Me Here is targetted. For further details see Follow Me.
The use of Follow Me features is not supported between systems in a multi-site network.
Telephone Number: Extension being redirected to the dialing extension.
Default Short Code: *13*N#
Programmable Button Control: Here-
See also: Follow Me Here , Follow Me To .
Release: 1.0+.
This feature is used at the Follow Me destination. N represents the extension number of the user whose calls are being
redirected to that destination. For example, User A's extension is 224. However they are working at extension 201 and so
have set a Follow Me on their own extension to redirect their calls to 201. If the following short code is available, they
can cancel the Follow Me by dialing *13*224# at extension 201.
Short Code: *13*N#
Telephone Number: N
Feature: FollowMeHereCancel
7.8.75 Follow Me To
Causes calls to the extension to be redirected to the Follow Me destination extension specified. For further details see
Follow Me.
The use of Follow Me features is not supported between systems in a multi-site network.
Telephone Number: Target extension number or blank (cancel Follow Me To)
Default Short Code: *14*N#
Programmable Button Control: FolTo
See also: Follow Me Here , Follow Me Here Cancel .
Release: 1.0+.
This feature is used at the extension that wants to be redirected. N represents the extension number to which the user
wants their calls redirected. For example, User A's extension is 224. However they are working at extension 201 and
want their calls redirected there. If the following short code is available, they can do this by dialing *14*201# at
extension 224.
Short Code: *14*N#
Telephone Number: N
Feature: FollowMeTo
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604 605
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7.8.76 Forward Hunt Group Calls On
Forward the user's hunt group calls (internal and external) to their forward number when the user has Forward
Unconditional active. For further details see Forward Unconditional.
This option is only applied for calls to Sequential and Rotary type hunt groups. Calls from other types of hunt group
types are not presented to the user when they have Forward Unconditional active. Note also that hunt group calls cannot
be forwarded to another hunt group.
Telephone Number:
Default Short Code: *50
Programmable Button Control: FwdH+
See also: Forward Hunt Group Calls Off , Forward Unconditional On , Forward Unconditional Off .
Release: 1.0+.
This short code is useful if the hunt group member temporarily uses another workstation and so does not require a
permanent extension change.
Short Code: *50
Feature: ForwardHuntgroupCallsOn
7.8.77 Forward Hunt Group Calls Off
This feature cancels the forwarding of the user's hunt group calls. For further details see Forward Unconditional.
Telephone Number:
Default Short Code: *51
Programmable Button Control: FwdH-
See also: Forward Hunt Group Calls On , Forward Unconditional On , Forward Unconditional Off .
Release: 1.0+.
Below is a sample of the short code setup.
Short Code: *51
Feature: ForwardHuntgroupCallsOff
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Short Codes: Short Code Features
7.8.78 Forward Number
Sets the number to which the user's calls are redirected. This can be an internal or external number. The number is still
subject to the user's call barring settings. For further details see Forward Unconditional.
This feature does not activate forwarding; it only sets the number for the forwarding destination.
This number is used for all forward types; Forward Unconditional, Forward on Busy and Forward on No Answer, unless
the user has a separate Forward on Busy Number set for forward on busy and forward on no answer functions.
Telephone Number: Telephone number.
Default Short Code: *07*N#
Programmable Button Control: FwdNo
See also: Forward On Busy Number .
Release: 1.0+.
N represents the forward destination. For example, if extension 224 wants to set the forwarding number to extension
201, the user can dial *07*201#.
Short Code: *07N*#
Telephone Number: N
Feature: ForwardNumber
7.8.79 Forward On Busy Number
Sets the number to which the user's calls are forwarded when Forward on Busy or Forward on No Answer are on. If no
Forward on Busy Number is set, those functions use the Forward Number.
This feature does not activate the forwarding, it only sets the number for the forwarding destination.
Telephone Number: Telephone number.
Default Short Code: *57*N#
Programmable Button Control: FwBNo
See also: Forward Number .
Release: 1.0+.
N represents the extension number to be forwarded to. For example, if Paul (whose extension is 224) wants to set the
forwarding number for his 'Forward on Busy' and/or 'Forward on No Answer' feature to extension 201, Paul can dial
*57*201# followed by the short code for the forwarding function.
Short Code: *57N*#
Telephone Number: N
Feature: ForwardOnBusyNumber
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7.8.80 Forward On Busy On
This feature enables forwarding when the user's extension is busy. It uses the Forward Number destination or, if set, the
Forward on Busy Number destination. If the user has call appearance buttons programmed, the system will not treat
them as busy until all the call appearance buttons are in use.
Release 3.2+: Forward Internal (User | Forwarding) can also be used to control whether internal calls are forwarded.
Telephone Number:
Default Short Code: *03
Programmable Button Control: FwBOn
See also: Forward On Busy Off , Cancel All Forwarding , Enable Internal Forward Busy or No Answer .
Release: 1.0+.
Below is a sample of the short code setup.
Short Code: *03
Feature: ForwardOnBusyOn
7.8.81 Forward On Busy Off
This feature cancels forwarding when the user's extension is busy.
Telephone Number:
Default Short Code: *04
Programmable Button Control: FwBOf
See also: Forward On Busy On , Cancel All Forwarding .
Release: 1.0+.
Below is a sample of the short code setup.
Short Code: *04
Feature: ForwardOnBusyOff
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Short Codes: Short Code Features
7.8.82 Forward On No Answer On
This feature enables forwarding when the user's extension is not answered within the period defined by their No Answer
Time. It uses the Forward Number destination or, if set, the Forward on Busy Number destination.
Release 3.2+: Forward Internal (User | Forwarding) can also be used to control whether internal calls are forwarded.
Telephone Number:
Default Short Code: *05
Programmable Button Control: FwNOn
See also: Forward On No Answer Off , Cancel All Forwarding .
Release: 1.0+.
Below is a sample of the short code setup. Remember that the forwarding number for this feature uses the 'Forward on
Busy Number'.
Short Code: *05
Feature: ForwardOnNoAnswerOn
7.8.83 Forward On No Answer Off
This feature cancels forwarding when the user's extension is not answered.
Telephone Number:
Default Short Code: *06
Programmable Button Control: FwNOf
See also: Forward On No Answer On .
Release: 1.0+.
Below is a sample of the short code setup.
Short Code: *06
Feature: ForwardOnNoAnswerOff
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7.8.84 Forward Unconditional On
This feature enables forwarding of all calls, except group calls, to the Forward Number set for the user's extension. To
also forward hunt group calls, Forward Hunt Group Calls On must also be used. For further details see Forward
Unconditional .
Release 3.2+: Forward Internal (User | Forwarding) can also be used to control whether internal calls are forwarded.
Telephone Number:
Default Short Code:
Programmable Button Control: FwUOn
See also: Forward Unconditional Off .
Release: 1.0+.
Remember that this feature requires having a forward number configured.
Short Code: *01
Feature: ForwardUnconditionalOn
7.8.85 Forward Unconditional Off
This feature cancels forwarding of all calls from the user's extension. Note: This does not disable Forward on No Answer
and or Forward on Busy if those functions are also on. For further details see Forward Unconditional .
Telephone Number:
Default Short Code: *02
Programmable Button Control: FwUOf
See also: Forward Unconditional On .
Release: 1.0+.
Below is a sample of the short code setup.
Short Code: *02
Feature: ForwardUnconditionalOff
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Short Codes: Short Code Features
7.8.86 Group Listen Off
Disables the group listen function for the users extension. See Group Listen On .
Telephone Number:
Default Short Code:
Programmable Button Control: GroupListenOn
Release: 4.1+.
Below is a sample short code using the Group Listen Off feature.
Short Code: *27
Feature: GroupListenOff
7.8.87 Group Listen On
Using group listen allows callers to be heard through the phone's handsfree speaker but to only hear the phone's handset
microphone. When group listen is enabled, it modifies the handsfree functionality of the users phone in the following
When the users phone is placed in handsfree/speaker mode, the speech path from the connected party is
broadcast on the phone speaker but the phone's base microphone is disabled.
The connected party can only hear speech delivered via the phone's handset microphone.
Group listen is not supported for IP phones or when using a phone's HEADSET button.
Currently connected calls are not affected by changes to this setting. If group listen is required it must be selected
before the call is connected.
This enables listeners at the users phone to hear the connected party whilst limiting the connected party to hear only
what is communicated via the phone handset.
Telephone Number:
Default Short Code:
Programmable Button Control: GroupListenOn
Release: 4.1+.
Below is a sample short code using the Group Listen Off feature.
Short Code: *28
Feature: GroupListenOn
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7.8.88 Headset Toggle
Toggles between the use of a headset and the telephone handset.
Telephone Number:
Default Short Code:
Programmable Button Control: HdSet
Release: 1.4+.
Below is a sample short code using the Headset Toggle feature. This short code can be used to toggle the feature on/off.
If an Avaya supported headset is connected to your telephone, this short code can be used to toggle between using the
headset and the telephone handset.
Short Code: *55
Feature: HeadsetToggle
7.8.89 Hold Call
This uses the Q.931 Hold facility, and "holds" the incoming call at the ISDN exchange, freeing up the ISDN B channel.
The Hold Call feature "holds" the current call to a slot. The current call is always automatically placed into slot 0 if it has
not been placed in a specified slot. Only available if supported by the ISDN exchange.
Telephone Number: Exchange hold slot number or blank (slot 0).
Default Short Code:
Programmable Button Control: Hold
See also: Hold CW , Hold Music , Suspend Call .
Release: 1.0+.
Below is a sample short code using the Hold Call feature. This short code is a default within the system configuration. N
represents the exchange hold slot number you want to hold the call on. For example, while connected to a call, dialing
*24*3# will hold the call onto slot 3 on the ISDN.
Short Code: *24*N#
Telephone Number: N
Feature: HoldCall
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Short Codes: Short Code Features
7.8.90 Hold CW
This uses the Q.931 Hold facility, and "holds" the incoming call at the ISDN exchange, freeing up the ISDN B channel.
The Hold CW feature "holds" the current call to an exchange slot and answers the call waiting. The current call is always
automatically placed into slot 0 if it has not been placed in a specified slot. Only available if supported by the ISDN
Telephone Number: Exchange slot number or blank (slot 0).
Default Short Code: *27*N# (A-Law only) (not on IP Office Server Edition)
Programmable Button Control: HoldCW
See also: Hold Call , Suspend Call .
Release: 1.0+.
Below is a sample short code using the Hold CW feature.
Short Code: *27*N#
Feature: HoldCW
7.8.91 Hold Music
This feature allows the user to check the system's music on hold. See Music On Hold for more information.
Telephone Number: Optional.
If no number is specified, the default system source is assumed. Release 4.2+: (not Small Office Edition) The system
supports up to 4 hold music sources, numbered 1 to 4. 1 represents the System Source . 2 to 4 represent the
Alternate Sources .
Default Short Code:
Pre-Release 4.2: *34. If a system is upgraded from pre-4.2 to 4.2+, existing hold music short codes may need to
be modified.
Release 4.2+: *34N; where N is the number of the hold music source required.
Programmable Button Control: Music
Release: 1.0+.
Below is a sample short code using the Hold Music feature. This short code is a default within the configuration.
Short Code: *34N;
Feature: HoldMusic
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7.8.92 Hunt Group Disable
This feature disables the user's membership of the specified hunt group. They will no longer receive call to that hunt
group until their membership is enabled again. To use this feature, you must already belong to the hunt group. See also
Hunt Group Enable .
Telephone Number: Group number.
Default Short Code:
Programmable Button Control: HGDis
See also: Hunt Group Enable .
Release: 1.0+.
N represents the hunt group number from which the user wants to be disabled from. For example, if Paul wants to be
disabled from the Sales hunt group (extn. 500), he needs to dial *90*500#.
Short Code: *90*N#
Telephone Number: N
Feature: HuntGroupDisable
7.8.93 Hunt Group Enable
This feature enables the user's membership of a hunt group so they can begin to receive calls to the specified hunt
group. To use this feature, the user must already belong to the hunt group. This short code can not be used to add
someone to a hunt group, that must be done within IP Office Manager's Hunt Group form.
Telephone Number: Group number.
Default Short Code:
Programmable Button Control: HGEna
See also: Hunt Group Disable .
Release: 1.0+.
Previously in Release 3.2 the Set Hunt Group Night Service, Set Hunt Group Out of Service and Hunt Group
Enable short code features toggled. That behaviour is not supported in 4.0 and higher.
This short code can be used to turn the feature on. N represents the hunt group number for which the user wants to start
receiving calls. For example, if Paul is already a member of the sales hunt group (extn. 500) but has changed his
availability status for that hunt group using hunt group disable, he can make himself available for receiving calls to the
Sales hunt group again by dialing *91*500#.
Short Code: *91*N#
Telephone Number: N
Feature: HuntGroupEnable
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Short Codes: Short Code Features
7.8.94 Last Number Redial
This feature allows an extension to redial the last number they dialed.
Telephone Number:
Default Short Code:
Programmable Button Control:
Release: 3.0+.
7.8.95 MCID Activate
This feature should only be used in agreement with the ISDN service provider and the appropriate local legal authorities.
It allows users with Can Trace Calls (User | Telephony | Supervisor Settings ) set to trigger a malicious call trace
of their previous call at the ISDN exchange. Refer to Telephone Features Malicious Call Tracing for further details.
Telephone Number:
Default Short Code:
Programmable Button Control: Advanced | Miscellaneous | MCID Activate.
Release: 4.0+.
7.8.96 Mobile Twinned Call Pickup
This short code feature allows the user to pickup a call ringing or connected at the destination of their mobile twinning
number. This short code can only be used from the primary extension which is being used for the twinning operation.
Note that the use of mobile twinning requires entry of a Mobile Twinning license and may be subject to a time profile.
Telephone Number:
Default Short Code:
Programmable Button Control:
See also: Set Mobile Twinning Number , Set Mobile Twinning On , Set Mobile Twinning Off .
Release: 3.2+.
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7.8.97 Off Hook Station
Enables or disables whether the user's extension acts as a fully handsfree unit. Typically this is used when the answering
and clearing of calls is done through an application such as Phone Manager. This feature is also configurable via Phone
Manager. For more details see Off Hook Station (User | Telephony | Call Settings ).
Telephone Number: "Y" for on or "N" for off.
Default Short Code:
Programmable Button Control: OHStn
Release: 1.0+.
Example: Turning the off hook station off
Short Code: *99
Telephone Number: N
Feature: OffHookStation
Example: Turning the off hook station on
Short Code: *98
Telephone Number: Y
Feature: OffHookStation
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Short Codes: Short Code Features
7.8.98 Outgoing Call Bar Off
Allows a user to switch off their outgoing call bar status. The short code user must enter their log in code, if set, in order
to be successful.
If you add a short code using this feature to a system it is recommended that you also assign a login code to the
No User user to prevent the short code being used to change the status of that user.
Telephone Number: The user's log in code.
System phone users can use <target user>*<system phone user's login code>.
Default Short Code:
Programmable Button Control:
Release: 4.1+ (Added to Release 4.1 2008Q2 Maintenance release).
The user has a Login Code of 1234. To use the short code below below, the user must dial *59*1234#.
Short Code: *59*N#
Telephone Number: N
Feature: Outgoing Call Bar Off.
A user set as a system phone can also switch off the Outgoing Call Bar status of another user. This is done using their
own login code. For example the system phone 401 with login code 1234 can switch off the outgoing call bar status of
extension 403 as follows:
7.8.99 Outgoing Call Bar On
Allows a user to switch on their outgoing call bar status.
Telephone Number:
Default Short Code:
Programmable Button Control:
Release: 4.1+ (Added to Release 4.1 2008Q2 Maintenance release).
To use the short code below below, the user must dial *58.
Short Code: *58
Telephone Number: <blank>
Feature: Outgoing Call Bar On.
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7.8.100 Private Call
Not supported.
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Short Codes: Short Code Features
7.8.101 Private Call Off
Short codes using this feature turn off private call status for the user if set. The short code features Private Call and
Private Call On can be used to turn private call on.
When on, any subsequent calls cannot be intruded on until the user's private call status is switched off. The exception
is Whisper Page which can be used to talk to a user on a private call.
Note that use of private calls is separate from the user's intrusion settings. If the user's Cannot be Intruded (User |
Telephony | Supervisor Settings ) setting is enabled, switching private calls off does not affect that status. To allow
private calls to be used to fully control the user status, Cannot be Intruded (User | Telephony | Supervisor Settings
) should be disabled for the user.
Telephone Number:
Default Short Code:
Programmable Button Control: Advanced | Call | Private Call.
Release: 4.0+.
7.8.102 Private Call On
Short codes using this feature turn on the private call settings for the user regardless.
When on, any subsequent calls cannot be intruded on until the user's private call status is switched off. The exception
is Whisper Page which can be used to talk to a user on a private call.
Note that use of private calls is separate from the user's intrusion settings. If the user's Cannot be Intruded (User |
Telephony | Supervisor Settings ) setting is enabled, switching private calls off does not affect that status. To allow
private calls to be used to fully control the user status, Cannot be Intruded (User | Telephony | Supervisor Settings
) should be disabled for the user.
Private call status can be switched off using a short code with the Private Call Off feature or a programmed button set
to the Private Call action. To enable private call status for a single following call only the Private Call short code
feature should be used.
Telephone Number:
Default Short Code:
Programmable Button Control: Advanced | Call | Private Call.
Release: 4.0+.
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7.8.103 Priority Call
This feature allows the user to call another user even if they are set to 'do not disturb'. Priority calls to a user without
DND will follow forwarding and follow me settings but will not go to voicemail.
Telephone Number: Extension number.
Default Short Code:
Programmable Button Control: PCall
See also: DialPhysicalExtensionByNumber , DialPhysicalNumberByID .
Release: 1.0+.
N represents the extension number to be called, despite the extension being set to 'do not disturb'. For example, if
extension 201 has 'do not disturb' enabled, a user can dial *71*201# and still get through. This short code is useful for
companies that frequently use the 'do not disturb' feature and can be given to Managing Directors or people who may
need to get through to people regardless of their 'do not disturb' status.
Short Code: *71*N#
Telephone Number: N
Feature: PriorityCall
7.8.104 Record Message
This short code feature is used to record hunt group announcements on Embedded Voicemail, see Hunt Group |
Announcements . Release 5.0+: It is also used to record mailbox user name prompts for the auto attendant Dial
by Name function.
Telephone Number:
For a hunt group queue announcement, use the hunt group extension number followed by ".1".
For a hunt group still queue announcement, use the hunt group extension number followed by ".2".
For a mailbox user name prompt, use the user extension number followed by ".3".
Default Short Code: *91N; and *92N; (not on IP Office Server Edition)
Programmable Button Control:
Release: 4.0+.
For a hunt group with extension number 300, the default short codes *91N;/Record Message/N".1" and *92N;/
Record Message/N".2" can be used to allow recording of the announcements by dialing *91300# and *92300#.
To allow users to record their own name prompt, the short code *99#/Record Message/E."3" can be used. The E is
replace by the extension number of the dialing user.
7.8.105 Relay On
This feature closes the specified switch in the system's external output (EXT O/P) port.
This feature is not supported by Linux based systems. For IP Office Server Edition system, this option is only supported
on IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) units.
Telephone Number: Switch number (1 or 2).
Default Short Code: *39 (Switch 1), *42 (Switch 2), *9000*. (not on IP Office Server Edition)
Programmable Button Control: Rely+
See also: Relay Off , Relay Pulse .
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Short Codes: Short Code Features
Release: 1.0+.
This short code is a default within the system configuration. This short code is useful for companies that have external
devices, such as door controls, connected to the system. Based on this sample short code, a user dialing *42 is closing
switch number 2 to activate an external device.
Short Code: *42
Telephone Number: 2
Feature: RelayOn
Analog Modem Control
On systems with an analog trunk card in the control unit, the first analog trunk can be set to answer V.32 modem calls.
This is done by either selecting the Modem Enabled option on the analog line settings or using the default short
code *9000* to toggle this service on or off. This short code uses the RelayOn feature with the Telephone Number set to
"MAINTENANCE". Note that the short code method is always returned to off following a reboot or if used for accessing the
system date and time menu.
IP500 ATM4 Uni Trunk Card Modem Support (Release 7.0 and higher)
There is no longer a need to switch the card's modem port on/off. The trunk card's V32 modem function can be
accessed simply by routing a modem call to the RAS service's extension number. The modem call does not
have to use the first analog trunk, instead the port remains available for voice calls.
7.8.106 Relay Off
This feature opens the specified switch in the system's external output (EXT O/P) port.
This feature is not supported by Linux based systems. For IP Office Server Edition system, this option is only supported
on IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) units.
Telephone Number: Switch number (1 or 2).
Default Short Code: *40 (Switch 1), *43 (Switch 2) (not on IP Office Server Edition)
Programmable Button Control: Rely-
See also: Relay On , Relay Pulse .
Release: 1.0+.
This short code is a default within the system configuration. This short code is useful for companies that have external
devices, such as door controls, connected to the system. Based on this sample short code, a user dialing *43 is opening
switch number 2 to activate an external device.
Short Code: *43
Telephone Number: 2
Feature: RelayOff
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7.8.107 Relay Pulse
This feature closes the specified switch in the system's external output (EXT O/P) port for 5 seconds and then opens the
This feature is not supported by Linux based systems. For IP Office Server Edition system, this option is only supported
on IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) units.
Telephone Number: Switch number (1 or 2).
Default Short Code: *41 (Switch 1), *44 (Switch 2) (not on IP Office Server Edition)
Programmable Button Control: Relay
See also: Relay On , Relay Off .
Release: 1.0+.
This short code is a default within the system configuration. This short code is useful for companies that have external
devices, such as door controls, connected to the system. Based on this sample short code, a user dialing *44 is opening
switch number 2 to activate an external device.
Short Code: *44
Telephone Number: 2
Feature: RelayPulse
7.8.108 Resume Call
Resume a call previously suspended to the specified ISDN exchange slot. The suspended call may be resumed from
another phone/ISDN Control Unit on the same line.
Telephone Number: Exchange suspend slot number.
Default Short Code: *23*N# (A-Law only) (not on IP Office Server Edition)
Programmable Button Control: Resum
See also: Suspend Call .
Release: 1.0+.
Below is sample short code using the Resume Call feature. N represents the exchange slot number from which the call
has been suspended. For example, if a user has suspended a call on slot number 4, this user can resume that call by
dialing *23*4#.
Short Code: *23*N#
Telephone Number: N
Feature: ResumeCall
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Short Codes: Short Code Features
7.8.109 Retrieve Call
Retrieves a call previously held to a specific ISDN exchange slot.
Telephone Number: Exchange hold slot number.
Default Short Code: *25*N# (A-Law only) (not on IP Office Server Edition)
Programmable Button Control: Retriv
See also: Hold Call .
Release: 1.0+.
Below is sample short code using the Retrieve Call feature. N represents the exchange slot number from which the call
has been placed on hold. For example, if a user has placed a call hold on slot number 4, the user can resume that call by
dialing *25*4#.
Short Code: *25*N#
Telephone Number: N
Feature: RetrieveCall
7.8.110 Ring Back When Free
This feature sets a ringback on the specified extension. This sets a 'ringback when free' on an extension currently on a
call or a 'ringback when next used' for an extension that is free but does not answer.
When the target extension is next used or ends its current call, the users is rung and when they answer a call is made to
the target extension.
Telephone Number: Target extension number.
Default Short Code:
Programmable Button Control: RBak+
See also: Cancel Ring Back When Free .
Release: 1.0+.
N represents the target extension from which you want to receive the callback. For example, if you call extension 201 but
the line is busy, hang up and then dial *71*201#. When extension 201 disconnects from its current call, your phone will
ring. Once you pick up the phone, extension 201's line will start ringing to indicate an incoming call.
Short Code: *71*N#
Telephone Number: N
Feature: RingBackWhenFree
7.8.111 Secondary Dial Tone
Secondary dial tone is a system feature to generate a secondary dial tone after the user has begun dialing an external
number. This dial tone is then played until the number dialing and an external trunk seized.
Pre-Release 4.0: Secondary dial tone is triggered through the use of the secondary dial tone short code feature.
Release 4.0+: The use of this short code feature has been replaced by the Secondary Dial Tone check box option on
ARS forms.
Telephone Number: Digit which triggers secondary dial tone.
Default Short Code: 9 (U-Law only)
Programmable Button Control:
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Release: 1.0+.
For pre-4.0 systems secondary dial tone works in two parts. The following system short code will trigger secondary dial
tone. To use it to trigger secondary dial tone and then continue dialing, other user, user rights and system short codes
should begin with [9].
Short Code: 9
Telephone Number: .
Feature: Secondary Dial Tone
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Short Codes: Short Code Features
7.8.112 Set Absent Text
This feature can be used to select the user's current absence text. This text is then displayed to internal callers who have
suitable display phones or applications. It doesn't changes the users status. The absence text message is limited to 128
characters. Note however that the amount displayed will depend on the caller's device or application.
The text is displayed to callers even if the user has forwarded their calls or is using follow me. Absence text is supported
across a multi-site network.
Telephone Number: The telephone number should take the format "y,n,text" where:
y = 0 or 1 to turn this feature on or off.
n = the number of the absent statement to use, see the list below:
0 = None. 4 = Meeting until. 8 = With cust. til.
1 = On vacation until. 5 = Please call. 9 = Back soon.
2 = Will be back. 6 = Don't disturb until. 10 = Back tomorrow.
3 = At lunch until. 7 = With visitors until. 11 = Custom.
text = any text to follow the absent statement.
Default Short Code:
Programmable Button Control: Absnt
Release: 1.0+.
The following short code can be used to turn an absent text message on:
Short Code: *88
Telephone Number: "1,5,me on 208"
Line Group ID: 0
Feature: SetAbsentText
The following short code could be used to turn this facility off. In the Telephone Number the first 0 is used to turn this
facility off and the second 0 is used to select the absent statement "None".
Short Code: *89
Telephone Number: "0,0"
Line Group ID: 0
Feature: SetAbsentText
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7.8.113 Set Account Code
This short code feature is used to allow system users to enter a valid account code prior to making a phone call. Once
this short code is set up, any existing account code in the system configuration can be used in conjunction with it.
This short code feature is essential for allowing analog phone users to enter account codes as they cannot enter account
code through the phone during a call or after dial a number.
Telephone Number: A valid account code.
Default Short Code:
Programmable Button Control: Acct.
Release: 2.1+.
In this example, N represents any valid account code. For the purpose of this example, we will imagine the account code
to be 1234. Once this short code is created, a user can dial 11*1234# to get a dial tone for dialing the restricted
telephone number or the phone number needing to be tracked for billing purposes.
Short code: 11*N#
Telephone Number: N
Feature: SetAccountCode
7.8.114 Set Authorization Code
This short code feature is only available on systems configured to use authorization codes. See Authorization Codes .
The feature is used to allow a user to enter a valid authorization code prior to making a phone call.
This short code feature is essential for allowing analog phone users to enter authorization codes. Note that the
authorization code must be associated with the user or the user rights to which the user belongs.
Telephone Number: A valid authorization code.
Default Short Code:
Programmable Button Control:
Release: 3.2+.
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Short Codes: Short Code Features
7.8.115 Set Hunt Group Night Service
This feature puts the specified hunt group into Night Service mode.
Setting and clearing hunt group night service can be done using either manual controls or using a system time
profile. The use of both methods to control the night service status of a particular hunt group is not
This function is currently not supported between systems in a multi-site network. It can only be used by a
user currently logged onto the same system as hosting the hunt group.
Telephone Number: Hunt group extension number.
Release 4.0+: If left blank, the short code will affect all hunt groups of which the user is a member.
For Release 8.1+, the Set Hunt Group Night Service and Clear Hunt Group Night Service short code and
button features can be used to switch an SSL VPN service off or on respectively. The service is indicated
by setting the service name as the telephone number or action data. Do not use quotation marks.
Default Short Code: *20*N#
Programmable Button Control: HGNS+
See also: Set Hunt Group Out Of Service , Clear Hunt Group Night Service , Clear Hunt Group Out Of Service
Release: 1.0+.
Previously in Release 3.2, the Set Hunt Group Night Service, Set Hunt Group Out of Service and Hunt Group
Enable short code features toggled. That behaviour is not supported in 4.0 and higher.
This short code is a default within the system configuration. N represents the telephone number of the hunt group to be
placed into "Night Service" mode. For example, when *20*201# is dialed, the hunt group associated with extension 201
will be placed into "Night Service" mode.
Short Code: *20*N#
Telephone Number: N
Feature: SetHuntGroupNightService
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7.8.116 Set Hunt Group Out Of Service
This feature manually puts the specified hunt group into Out of Service mode. If a time profile has also been defined
to control hunt group night service, the action may vary:
Pre-Release 4.0: Set Hunt Group Out of Service cannot be used to override a hunt group put into night service
by a time profile.
Release 4.0+: Set Hunt Group Out of Service can be used to override a time profile and change a hunt group
from night service to out of service.
This function is currently not supported between systems in a multi-site network. It can only be used by a
user currently logged onto the same system as hosting the hunt group.
Telephone Number: Hunt group extension number.
For Release 4.0+, if left blank, the short code will affect all hunt groups of which the user is a member.
Default Short Code:
Programmable Button Control: HGOS+
Release: 1.0+.
Previously the Set Hunt Group Night Service and Set Hunt Group Out of Service short code features toggled.
That behaviour is not supported in 4.0 and higher.
Below is a sample short code using the Set Hunt Group Out Of Service feature. N represents the telephone number of
the hunt group to be placed into "Out of Service" mode. For example, when *56*201# is dialed, the hunt group
associated with extension 201 will be placed into "Out of Service" mode.
Short Code: *56*N#
Telephone Number: N
Feature: SetHuntGroupOutOfService
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Short Codes: Short Code Features
7.8.117 Set Inside Call Seq
This feature allows the user to select the ringing used on their analog extension for internal calls.
The number entered corresponds to the ring pattern required. This is 0 for Default Ring, 1 for RingNormal, 2 for
RingType1, etc. For more information on selectable ringing patterns, see Ring Tones . Use of this short code function
is applicable to analog phone users only. The distinctive ringing pattern used for other phones is set by the phone
Telephone Number: Number corresponding to the desired ring pattern. See Ring Tones .
Default Short Code:
Programmable Button Control: ICSeq
See also: Set Ringback Seq , Set Inside Call Seq .
Release: 1.0+.
This Short Code allows a user to change their inside call pattern. N represents the number corresponding to the Call
Sequence the user wishes to choose, the numbering starts at 0 selecting Default Ring, 1 selects Ring Normal, 2 selects
RingType1, etc. For example, if a user wants to set her/his internal ring pattern to RingType1, the user would dial
*80*2# because 2 corresponds to RingType1. This short code is useful for distinguishing an external call from an internal
one simply by the ring tone.
Short Code: *80*N#
Telephone Number: N
Feature: SetInsideCallSeq
632 629
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7.8.118 Set Mobile Twinning Number
This short code feature can be used to set a mobile twinning number. The destination can be any external number the
user is able to dial normally. It should include any prefix if necessary.
Telephone Number: Twinning destination.
Default Short Code:
Programmable Button Control:
See also: Set Mobile Twinning On , Set Mobile Twinning Off , Mobile Twinned Call Pickup .
Release: 3.2+.
7.8.119 Set Mobile Twinning On
This short code feature turns on the user's mobile twinning. It requires a mobile twinning number to have been set for
the user. That can be done through using the Set Mobile Twinning Number short code feature or through the User |
Twinning tab within IP Office Manager.
Telephone Number:
Default Short Code:
Programmable Button Control:
See also: Set Mobile Twinning Off , Set Mobile Twinning Number , Mobile Twinned Call Pickup .
Release: 3.2+.
7.8.120 Set Mobile Twinning Off
This short code feature turns off the user's mobile twinning.
Telephone Number:
Default Short Code:
Programmable Button Control:
See also: Set Mobile Twinning On , Set Mobile Twinning Number , Mobile Twinned Call Pickup .
Release: 3.2+.
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Short Codes: Short Code Features
7.8.121 Set No Answer Time
This short code feature allows the user to change their No Answer Time (User | Telephony | Call Settings ).
Telephone Number: Time in seconds.
Default Short Code:
Programmable Button Control: NATim
See also: Set Wrap Up Time .
Release: 1.0+.
This short code allows a user to change the length of time they have to answer the phone before it goes to divert or
voicemail. N represents the number of seconds. For example, if a user wants to set the no answer time to 15 seconds,
the following information needs to be entered: *81*15#.
Short Code: *81*N#
Telephone Number: N
Feature: SetNoAnswerTime
7.8.122 Set Outside Call Seq
This feature allows the user to select the ringing used on their analog extension for external calls.
The number entered corresponds to the ring pattern required. This is 0 for Default Ring, 1 for RingNormal, 2 for
RingType1, etc. For more information on selectable ringing patterns, see Ring Tones . Use of this short code function
is applicable to analog phone users only. The distinctive ringing pattern used for other phones is set by the phone
Telephone Number: Number corresponding to the desired ring pattern. See Ring Tones .
Default Short Code:
Programmable Button Control: OCSeq
See also: Set Ringback Seq , Set Outside Call Seq .
Release: 1.0+.
This short code allows a user to change the ringing tone for an external call. N represents the number corresponding to
the Call Sequence the user wishes to choose, the numbering starts at 0 selecting Default Ring, 1 selects RingNormal, 2
selects RingType1, etc. For example, if a user wants to set her/his ring pattern for external calls to RingType1, the user
would dial *81*2# because 2 corresponds to RingType1. This short code is useful for distinguishing an external call from
an internal one simply by the ring tone.
Short Code: *81*N#
Telephone Number: N
Feature: SetOutsideCallSeq
381 381
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7.8.123 Set Ringback Seq
This feature allows the user to select the ringing used on their analog extension for ringback calls.
The number entered corresponds to the ring pattern required. This is 0 for Default Ring, 1 for RingNormal, 2 for
RingType1, etc. For more information on selectable ringing patterns, see Ring Tones . Use of this short code function
is applicable to analog phone users only. The distinctive ringing pattern used for other phones is set by the phone
Telephone Number: Number corresponding to the desired ring pattern. See Ring Tones .
Default Short Code:
Programmable Button Control: RBSeq
See also: Set Outside Call Seq , Set Inside Call Seq .
Release: 1.0+.
This short code allows a user to change the ringing tone for a ringback call. N represents the number corresponding to
the ring tone the user wishes to choose, the numbering starts at 0 selecting Default Ring, 1 selects RingNormal, 2 selects
RingType1, etc. For example, if a user wants to set her/his ring pattern for ringback calls to RingType1, the user would
dial *81*2# because 2 corresponds to RingType1. This short code is useful for distinguishing a ringback call from any
other call simply by the ring tone.
Short Code: *81*N#
Telephone Number: N
Feature: SetRingbackSeq
7.8.124 Set Wrap Up Time
Allows users to change their Wrap-up Time (User | Telephony | Call Settings ) setting.
Other phones or applications monitoring the user's status will indicate the user as still being busy (on a call).
Hunt group calls will not be presented to the user.
If the user is using a single line set, direct calls also receive busy treatment. If the user is using a mutli-line
set (multiple call appearances), direct calls to them will ring as normal.
It is recommended that this option is not set to less than the default of 2 seconds. 0 is used to allow immediate
For users set as an CCR Agent, the After Call Work Time (User | Telephony | Supervisor Settings ) setting
should be used.
Telephone Number: Time in seconds.
Default Short Code:
Programmable Button Control: WUTim
See also: Set No Answer Time .
Release: 1.0+.
N represents the number of seconds. For example, if a user wants to set her/his wrap up time to 8 seconds, this user
would dial *82*5#. This short code is useful in a "call center" environment where users may need time to log call details
before taking the next call. If set to 0 the user does not receive any calls. It is recommended that this option is not set to
less than the default of 2 seconds.
Short Code: *82*N#
Telephone Number: N
Feature: SetWrapUpTime
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Short Codes: Short Code Features
7.8.125 Shutdown Embedded Voicemail
Allows the Embedded Voicemail service provided by an Avaya memory card in a control unit to be shut down. To restart
the service, a Startup Embedded Voicemail short code should be used.
The short code has the following effects:
1. Immediately disconnect all current users within Embedded Voicemail. This is not a polite shutdown.
2. Mark the Embedded Voicemail as inactive so that it will not receive any new calls.
Telephone Number:
Default Short Code:
Programmable Button Control:
Release: 4.0+ (Added in the Release 4.0 Q2 2007 maintenance release).
7.8.126 Stamp Log
The stamp log function is used to insert a line into any System Monitor trace that is running. The line in the trace
indicates the date, time, user name and extension plus additional information. The line is prefixed with LSTMP: Log
Stamped and a log stamp number. When invoked from a Avaya phone with a display, Log Stamped# is also briefly
displayed on the phone. This allows users to indicate when they have experienced a particular problem that the system
maintainer want them to report and allows the maintainer to more easily locate the relevant section in the monitor trace.
The log stamp number is set to 000 when the system is restarted. The number is then incremented after each time the
function is used in a cycle between 000 and 999. Alternately if required, a specific stamp number can be assigned to the
button or short code being used for the feature.
Telephone Number: Optional. If not set, a number in the sequence 000 to 999 is automatically used. If set, the
number set is used.
Default Short Code: *55
Programmable Button Control: Stamp Log
Release: 8.1+.
7.8.127 Startup Embedded Voicemail
Restarts the Embedded Voicemail service provided by an Avaya Memory in a control unit.
Telephone Number:
Default Short Code:
Programmable Button Control:
Release: 6.0+
7.8.128 Suspend Call
This feature uses the Q.931 Suspend facility. It suspends the incoming call at the ISDN exchange, freeing up the ISDN B
channel. The call is placed in exchange slot 0 if a slot number is not specified.
Telephone Number: Exchange slot number or blank (slot 0).
Default Short Code:
Programmable Button Control: Suspe
See also: Resume Call .
Release: 1.0+.
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7.8.129 Suspend CW
This feature uses the Q.931 Suspend facility. Suspends the incoming call at the ISDN exchange and answer the call
waiting. The call is placed in exchange slot 0 if a slot number is not specified. Only available when supported by the ISDN
Telephone Number: Exchange slot number or blank (slot 0).
Default Short Code: *28*N# (A-Law only) (not on IP Office Server Edition)
Programmable Button Control: SusCW
See also: Resume Call .
Release: 1.0+.
Sample short code using the Suspend CW feature.
Short Code: *28*N#
Feature: Suspend CW
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Short Codes: Short Code Features
7.8.130 Start After Call Work
This feature can be users who have been configured as CCR agents. It allows them to dial a short code to enter the After
Call Work (ACW) state as reported by the Customer Call Reporter (CCR) application.
Telephone Number:
Default Short Code:
Programmable Button Control: ACWrk
See also: Clear After Call Work .
Release: 4.2 4Q 2008 Maintenance release+.
7.8.131 Toggle Calls
This feature cycles through each call that the user has on hold on the system. This feature is useful when a user with a
single-line telephone has several calls on hold and needs to respond to each one in turn.
Telephone Number:
Default Short Code: *29
Programmable Button Control: Toggl
Release: 1.0+.
Below is sample short code using the Toggle Calls feature.
Short Code: *29
Feature: ToggleCalls
7.8.132 Unpark Call
Retrieve a parked call from a specified system park slot. In pre-3.2 IP Office, this feature was call Ride Call.
Park and unpark features are not currently supported between systems in a multi-site network.
Telephone Number: System park slot number.
Default Short Code: *38*N#
Programmable Button Control: Ride
See also: Park Call .
Release: 1.0+.
Below is a sample short code using the Unpark Call feature. N represents the park slot number in which the call you want
to retrieve was parked. For example, if a user parked a call to slot number 9, you can retrieve that call by dialing
Short Code: *38*N#
Telephone Number: N
Feature: Unpark Call
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7.8.133 Voicemail Collect
This feature connects to the voicemail system. Normally the telephone number field is used to indicate the name of the
mailbox to be accessed, for example "?Extn201" or "#Extn201".
? indicates 'collect messages'.
# indicates 'leave a message'. It also instructs the voicemail server to give a brief period of ringing before
connecting the caller. This is useful if the short code is used for functions like call transfers as otherwise the
voicemail server can start playing prompts before the transfer is completed. However, the # can be omitted for
immediate connection if required.
" " quotation marks must be used to enclose any information that needs to be sent to the voicemail server as is.
Any text not enclosed by quote marks is checked by the telephone system for short code character matches
which will be replaced before being sent to the voicemail server.
Release 4.1+: Manager will automatically add quotation marks to the Telephone Number field if there are no
manually added quotation marks. Care should be taken to ensure that special characters that you want
replaced by the telephone system, such as U, N or X, are not enclosed by the quotation marks. For scenarios
where the telephone number only contains short code characters, an empty pair of quotation marks, for
example ""N.
When using Voicemail Pro, names of specific call flow start points can directly access those start points via a short
code. In these cases, ? is not used and # is only used if ringing is required before the start point's call flow begins.
Short codes using the Voicemail Collect feature, with either "Short Codes.name" and "#Short Codes.name" records
in the Telephone Number field are automatically converted to the Voicemail Node feature and name.
Telephone Number: See the notes above.
Default Short Code: *17
Programmable Button Control: VMCol
See also: Voicemail On , Voicemail Off , Voicemail Node .
Release: 1.0+.
Example: Retrieve Messages from Specific Mailbox
This short code allows a user to retrieve messages from the mailbox of the hunt group 'Sales'. This usage is not
supported on Voicemail Pro running in Intuity emulation mode unless a custom call flow has been created for the hunt
group, refer to the Voicemail Pro help.
Short Code: *99
Telephone Number: "?Sales"
Feature: VoicemailCollect
Example: Record Message to Specific Mailbox
To allow users to deposit a message directly to Extn201's Voicemail box. This short code is useful when you know the
person is not at her/his desk and you want to immediately leave a message rather than call the person and wait to be
redirected to voicemail.
Short Code: *201
Telephone Number: "#Extn201"
Feature: VoicemailCollect
Example: Accessing a Specific Voicemail Pro Module
This short code can be used in instances where you have a conference bridge set up on the system and a module has
been created via Voicemail Pro to access this conference bridge. A short code can be created for internal access to the
module. In the sample short code below, the telephone number field contains the name of the module. In this example, if
a short burst of ringing is required before connecting the module, "#conferenc" would be used as the telephone number.
Short Code: *100
Telephone Number: "conferenc"
Feature: VoicemailCollect
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Short Codes: Short Code Features
7.8.134 Voicemail Node
Similar to Voicemail Collect but used for calls being directed to a Voicemail Pro Short Codes start point. Useful if you have
set up a short code start point with Voicemail Pro and want to give direct internal access to it.
Telephone Number: Voicemail Pro Short Code start point name without quotation marks.
Default Short Code:
Programmable Button Control:
See also: Voicemail Collect .
Release: 2.0+.
Having created a short codes start point call flow called Sales, the following system short code can be used to route calls
to that call flow:
Short Code: *96
Telephone Number: Sales
Feature: VoicemailNode
7.8.135 Voicemail On
This feature enables the user's voicemail mailbox to answer calls which ring unanswered or arrive when the user is busy.
Telephone Number: None.
Default Short Code: *18
Programmable Button Control: VMOn
See also: Voicemail Off .
Release: 1.0+.
For Release 3.2, the Voicemail On and Voicemail Ringback On short code features toggled. For Release 4.0 and higher,
they no longer toggle.
This short code can be used to toggle the feature on.
Short Code: *18
Feature: VoicemailOn
7.8.136 Voicemail Off
This feature disables the user's voicemail mailbox box from being used to answer calls. It does not disable the voicemail
mailbox being used as the target for other functions such as call recording or messages forwarded from other mailboxes.
Telephone Number: None.
Default Short Code: *19
Programmable Button Control: VMOff
See also: Voicemail On .
Release: 1.0+.
Below is a sample of the short code setup.
Short Code: *19
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Feature: VoicemailOff
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Short Codes: Short Code Features
7.8.137 Voicemail Ringback On
This feature enables voicemail ringback to the user's extension. Voicemail ringback is used to call the user when they
have new voicemail messages. The ringback takes place each time the extension is used. This feature is useful for users
who do not have voicemail light/button indicators on their telephone.
If the user has been configured to receive message waiting indication for any hunt groups, a separate voicemail ringback
will occur for each such group and for the users own mailbox.
Telephone Number:
Default Short Code: *48
Programmable Button Control: VMRB+
See also: Voicemail Ringback Off .
Release: 1.0+.
For Release 3.2, the Voicemail On and Voicemail Ringback On short code features toggled. For Release 4.0 and higher,
they no longer toggle.
This short code can be used to turn the feature on.
Short Code: *48
Feature: VoicemailRingbackOn
7.8.138 Voicemail Ringback Off
This feature disables voicemail ringback to the user's extension.
Telephone Number:
Default Short Code: *49
Programmable Button Control: VMRB-
See also: Voicemail Ringback On .
Release: 1.0+.
Below is a sample of the short code setup.
Short Code: *49
Feature: VoicemailRingbackOff
7.8.139 Whisper Page
This feature allows you to intrude on another user and be heard by them without being able to hear the user's existing
call which is not interrupted. For example: User A is on a call with user B. When user C intrudes on user A, they can be
heard by user A but not by user B who can still hear user A. Whisper page can be used to talk to a user who has enabled
private call.
The ability to intrude and be intruded is controlled by two configuration settings, the Can Intrude (User |
Telephony | Supervisor Settings ) setting of the user intruding and the Cannot Be Intruded (User |
Telephony | Supervisor Settings ) setting of target being intruded on. The setting of any other internal party is
ignored. By default, no users can intrude and all users are set to cannot be intruded.
The system support a range of other call intrusion methods in addition to this feature.
Telephone Number: Target extension number.
Default Short Code:
Programmable Button Control: Whisp .
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See also: Call Intrude , Call Listen , Coaching Intrusion , Dial Inclusion .
Release: 8.0+.
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Button Programming
Chapter 8.
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8. Button Programming
This section covers the system actions that can be assigned to programmable buttons on Avaya phones. This assignment
can be done through the system configuration using IP Office Manager and for some functions using the phone itself.
Appearance Functions
The functions Call Appearance, Bridged Appearance, Coverage and Line Appearance are collectively known
as "appearance functions". For full details of their operation and usage refer to the Appearance Button Operation
section. The following restrictions must be observed for the correct operation of phones.
2.1 or 3.0DT On systems running IP Office 2.1 or 3.0DT software, the first programmable button must
be set as a call appearance button. This requirement is necessary for the correct operation
of phone functions such as call log.
3.0+ For systems running 3.0 or higher (excluding 3.0DT), the first 3 programmable buttons
must be set as call appearance buttons. This requirement is necessary for the correct
operation of functions such as transfer, conference and call log.
On phones with only two physical programmable buttons both buttons must be used as
call appearance buttons.
4.2+ T3 phones support Line Appearance buttons only and are exempt from the above rules.
5.0+ Users can have line appearances programmed before call appearances. This option is
only supported by users using 1400, 1600, 9500 and 9600 Series phones.
On 1400, 1600 and 9600 Series phones, all the appearance buttons must be
programmed as a continuous block with no gaps between the appearance buttons.
7.0+ The requirements to have appearance buttons start from the first programmable button
and to also be programmed in a continuous blocks no longer apply.
Phone Support
Note that not all functions are supported on all phones with programmable buttons. Where possible exceptions,
have been indicated. Those buttons will typically play an error tone when used on that phone. Programming of
those features however is not restricted as users may hot desk between different types of phones, including some
where the feature is supported.
Actions that use status feedback are only supported on buttons that provide that feedback through lamps or
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Button Programming:
8.1 Programming Buttons
8.1.1 Programming Buttons with Manager
Using IP Office Manager, if only button programming changes are required, the configuration changes can be merged
back to the system without requiring a reboot.
Appearance Functions
The functions Call Appearance, Bridged Appearance, Coverage and Line Appearance are collectively known
as "appearance functions". For full details of their operation and usage refer to the Appearance Button Operation
section. The following restrictions must be observed for the correct operation of phones.
2.1 or 3.0DT On systems running IP Office 2.1 or 3.0DT software, the first programmable button must
be set as a call appearance button. This requirement is necessary for the correct operation
of phone functions such as call log.
3.0+ For systems running 3.0 or higher (excluding 3.0DT), the first 3 programmable buttons
must be set as call appearance buttons. This requirement is necessary for the correct
operation of functions such as transfer, conference and call log.
On phones with only two physical programmable buttons both buttons must be used as
call appearance buttons.
4.2+ T3 phones support Line Appearance buttons only and are exempt from the above rules.
5.0+ Users can have line appearances programmed before call appearances. This option is
only supported by users using 1400, 1600, 9500 and 9600 Series phones.
On 1400, 1600 and 9600 Series phones, all the appearance buttons must be
programmed as a continuous block with no gaps between the appearance buttons.
7.0+ The requirements to have appearance buttons start from the first programmable button
and to also be programmed in a continuous blocks no longer apply.
1. Using IP Office Manager load the current configuration from the system.
2. Select the User required to display their configuration details.
3. Select Button Programming.
The number of button displayed is based on the phone associated with the user when the configuration was
loaded. This can be overridden by selecting Display All Buttons. This may be necessary for users who switch
between different phones using hot desking or have an expansion unit attached to their phone.
4. For the required button, either select the button and then click Edit or double-click the button.
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5. Edit the settings as required. Use the ... button to display the menu for selecting the required button action. Select
the action and set the action data, then click OK.
6. Click OK. Repeat for any other buttons.
7. Click OK.
An alternate method for the above programming is to right-click on the various fields. To do this start with the Action
field, then Action Data and then Label if required.
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Button Programming: Programming Buttons
8.1.2 Programming Button via the Menu Key
On 4412D+, 4424D+, 4612IP, 4624IP, 6408D, 6416D, 6424D phones the Menu button can be used to program
some functions against other buttons. This programming also includes programmable buttons on any associated add-on
units associated with the phone. Buttons already programmed as appearance buttons cannot be altered using these
A Self-Administer button can also be added to allow the phone user to program the functions on their other
buttons, see Self-Administer .
For Release 4.2+, T3 phone users can also program buttons using a Menu function, see T3 Self-Administration
Setting a Button to Dial a Number
This process sets the selected programmable button to the Dial function in the system configuration.
1. With the phone idle and on-hook, press MENU .
2. Press and select PROG.
3. Enter the number required. The left-most display button can be used to backspace and the right-most display
button can be used to Clear the whole number.
4. Press the programmable button against which the number should be set.
5. If the button is already programmed, options to replace (Repla), keep (Keep) or delete (Delet) the buttons
existing programming appear. Select the option required.
6. The message BUTTON PROGRAMMED! indicates that the button is now programmed. Select Cont and then
press Exit .
Setting a Button to a Switch Function
This process allows users to program there own Group , User and Park slot monitor buttons. It also allows the
programming of Dial and Flash Hook buttons.
1. With the phone idle and on-hook, press Menu twice.
2. Press and select ProgA.
3. Press and select DSS.
4. Use the and buttons to display the function required. Press the display button below the function to select it.
5. If the function requires a telephone number value set, enter the number. The left-most display button can be used
to backspace and the right-most display button can be used to Clear the whole number.
6. Press the programmable button against which the number should be set.
7. If the button is already programmed, options to replace (Repla), keep (Keep) or delete (Delet) the buttons
existing programming appear. Select the option required.
8. The message BUTTON PROGRAMMED! indicates that the button is now programmed. Select Cont and then
press Exit .
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Setting Buttons to Admin Function
Phones with a Menu key can program a range of self-administer functions onto their programmable buttons. These
Dir - Directory.
Drop - Drop.
HFAns - Internal Auto-Answer.
Timer - Timer.
AutCB - Automatic Callback.
Prog - Abbreviated Dial Program.
CFrwd - Call Forwarding All.
CPark - Call Park.
SAC - Send All Calls.
TmDay - Time of Day.
Admin - Self-Administer.
Acct - Account Code Entry.
AD - Abbreviated Dial.
Park - Call Park to Other Extn.
GrpPg - Group Paging.
CPkUp - Call Pickup.
DPkUp - Directed Call Pickup.
RngOf - Ringer Off.
Spres - AD Suppress.
HdSet - Headset Toggle.
HGNS+ - Set Hunt Group Night Service.
This is the same set of functions that can be programmed by users with a button set to Self-Administer (see Self-
Administer ).
1. With the phone idle and on-hook, press Menu .
2. Press twice and select Admin.
3. Use the and keys to display the function required and then select it by pressing the display button below the
Selecting Expl? changes the display from short name mode to long name mode. In this mode the full names of
the features are displayed. Select SHORTMODE to return to that mode.
4. If the function requires a telephone number value set, enter the number. The left-most display button can be used
to backspace and the right-most display button can be used to Clear the whole number.
5. Press the programmable button against which the number should be set.
6. If the button is already programmed, options to replace (Repla), keep (Keep) or delete (Delet) the buttons
existing programming appear. Select the option required.
7. The message BUTTON PROGRAMMED! indicates that the button is now programmed. Select Cont and then
press Exit .
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Button Programming: Programming Buttons
8.1.3 Programming Button via an Admin Button
The Admin (also called Self-Administer ) function can be assigned to a programmable button on a user's phone.
That button then allows the user to program functions against other programmable buttons on their phone, except those
already set as appearance buttons.
Admin buttons are only supported on 2410, 2420, 4406D+, 4412D+, 4424D+, 4606IP, 4612IP, 4624IP,
5410, 5420, 6408D, 6416D and 6424D.
On 4412D+, 4424D+, 4612IP, 4624IP, 6408D, 6416D, 6424D phones:
Admin can be permanently accessed via Menu , , , Admin.
Admin1 can be permanently accessed via Menu , Menu , , ProgA, , , DSS.
Using an Admin Button
1. With the phone idle and on-hook, press the button programmed to Admin or Admin1.
2. The list of available functions is shown. Use the and buttons to move through the list.
Selecting Expl? changes the display from short name mode to long name mode. In this mode the full names
of the features are displayed. Select SHORTMODE to return to that mode.
3. Select the function required.
4. If the function requires a telephone number value set, enter the number. The left-most display button can be used
to backspace and the right-most display button can be used to Clear the whole number.
5. Press the programmable button against which the number should be set. On phones with multiple pages of
buttons use the and button to select the required page before pressing the button to program.
6. If the button is already programmed, options to replace, keep or delete the button's existing programming
appear. Select the option required.
7. The message BUTTON PROGRAMMED! indicates that the button is now programmed.
8. Select Cont. and then press Exit or lift the handset to go off-hook.
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8.1.4 BST Button Programming
The process below can be used to assign functions to programmable buttons on T-Series and M-Series phones. Existing
button can be overwritten except buttons set to appearance functions.
1. Press Feature *3. If a security code is requested, enter your phone login code and press #.
2. Use one of the processes below. Press * to switch between processes (or More if displayed). On T7000 phones,
only the first process is supported.
a. Select Button and then Function
i. Press the button to program.
ii. Enter the feature code of the function required (the only * function supported is *7 for contrast).
iii.If the button has an existing function it is displayed and the option to replace the button or return to
function selection.
b. Select Function and then Button
i. Enter the number for the feature required or use the volume buttons to move through the list of
01. Speed dial
02. Ring Again
03. Conference
04. Call Forward All
05. Last Number
06. Page Group
07. Voicemail
08. Automatic
09. Priority Call
10. Transfer
11. Call Park
12. Group Pickup
13. Direct Pickup
14. Timer
15. Do Not Disturb On
16. Contrast
17. Group Listen On
18. Time of Day
17. Call Log
18. Self-Administer
19. Account Code
20. Forward on Busy
21. Forward on No
22. Pickup
23. Directory
24. Flash Hook
25. Internal Auto Answer
26. Set Hunt Group Night
27. Twinning
28. Ringer Off
ii. Press Hold to select a currently displayed function.
iii.Press the button to which the function should be assigned.
iv.If the button has an existing function it is displayed and the option to replace the button or return to
function selection.
c. Default Buttons
When Default Buttons is displayed, press Hold (or the Prog softkey if displayed). The phone buttons are
defaulted to those appropriate to the phone type. Note that only buttons that have a default function on the
phone type are defaulted. It does not affect the functions assigned to any buttons that do not have default
Default Buttons
For T-Series and M-Series phones, default button functions are assigned to buttons when a phone is first connected to
the extension port. The functions assigned depend on the particular phone model.
The default functions for the phone model are also assigned when Feature *3 is used to default the phone's buttons.
Buttons without a default function are not overwritten when the buttons are defaulted.
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Button Programming: Programming Buttons
8.1.5 T3 Self-Administration
Release 4.2+ supports functions for T3 phone users to be able to program their own buttons. This is similar to the
existing Self-Administer button supported on other phones but is configured and accessed via different methods.
The user accesses button programming through Menu | Settings | Button programming. This function is not available
by default, instead it must be configured as available for the user using the method detailed below.
Once enabled, the user is able to configure the following functions on buttons:
Function Description
empty Returns the button to it normal default function.
Account Code Allows the user to enter an account code before or during a call. The account code can be preset
or entered after the button press. See the Account Code Entry function.
Callback Set a callback from the currently dialed extension number. See the Automatic Callback
Call list Displays a list of calls received. See the Call List function.
Call Tracing Activate malicious call tracing. See the MCID Activate function and Malicious Call Tracing
(MCID) .
Dial Dial a preset number or partial number that can be completed after the button press. See the
Dial function.
Dial Intercom Make a page call to the selected target if it supports handsfree answer. See Dial Intercom .
Directory Display the system directory. See the Directory function.
Do not disturb Toggle the phone between do not distrub on and off. See the Send All Calls function.
Follow me here Activate/cancel follow me here. See the Follow Me Here function.
Activate/cancel forward all calls. See the Forward Unconditional On function.
Group Paging Page a group of phones. See the Group Paging function.
Group Membership Enable/disable the user membership of a group or all groups. See the Hunt Group Enable
Group State Change a hunt group's out of service status. See the Set Hunt Group Out of Service function.
Headset Switch between handset and headset modes. See the Headset Toggle function.
Internal Auto-
Auto connect internal calls after a single tone. See the Internal Auto-answer function.
Login Access the menu for phone log in. See the Extn Login function.
Logout Log out from the phone. See the Extn Logout function.
Night Service Change a hunt group's night service status. See the Set Hunt Group Night Service function.
Paging Page an extension or group. See the Dial Paging function.
Pickup Answer a call alerting on the system. See the Call Pickup function.
Pickup Member Answer a call alerting the hunt group of which the user is a member. See the Call Pickup
Members function.
Twinning Switch mobile twinning on/off and set the twinning destination. Also used to pull a call answered
at the twinned number back to the users primary extension. See the Twinning function.
User Monitor the status of a user. Also used to call them or to pickup calls alerting them. See the User
Visual Voice Create a visual voice access button. See Visual Voice .
Voicemail Equivalent to the Voicemail Collect function.
Voicemail on/off Switch the use of the user's mailbox to answer unanswered calls calls on/off. See the Voicemail
On function.
The user will need to be made aware of which physical buttons can be programmed as this varies between the different
T3 phones. See T3 Compact , T3 Classic and T3 Comfort .
Configuring a T3 User for Button Programming
1. Using IP Office Manager, receive the configuration from the system.
2. Select the T3 user and then select Menu Programming.
3. Set the action for one of the menus to Self-Administer.
747 748 749
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4. Send the configuration back to the system.
5. The user will now be able to access button programming from their phone via Menu | Settings | Button
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Button Programming: Programming Buttons
8.1.6 Interactive Button Menus
Release 4.0+: For display phones where the a button has been configured without a specific number, the menu for
number entry. The menu includes a Dir option for selecting a number from the directories held by the system.
Functions that use the interactive menu are:
Feature Directory lists... Feature Directory lists...
Automatic Intercom Users Follow Me Here Cancel Users
Acquire Call/Call Steal Users Follow Me Here Users
Call Forwarding All Users Follow Me To Users
Call Intrude Users Forward Number Users/Groups
Call Park To Other Extension Users Forward Busy Number Users/Groups
Dial Inclusion Users Group Paging Users/Groups
Dial Intercom Users Leave Word Calling Users/Groups
Directed Call Pickup Users/Groups Priority Calling Users/Groups
User and Group buttons can be used to indicate the required user or hunt group only if those buttons are
on an associated button module. User and Group buttons on the users extension are not accessible while the
interactive button menu is being displayed.
For functions supported across a multi-site network, the directory will include remote users and advertised hunt
For M-Series and T-Series phone, the volume buttons are used to scroll through the list of matching names. If this
is done during a call or while a call is alerting, this will also adjust the call or ring volume.
766 816
759 816
770 817
771 820
775 821
800 829
802 836
808 842
869 827
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
8.1.7 Label Templates
The attached zip file below contains Word document templates for the paper programmable key labels on various phones
supported by the system. Two templates are provided, one for A4 size paper, the other for US Letter sized paper.
DSS Key Label Template File (Microsoft Word .dot Files)
For ETR, M-Series, T-Series, 1400 and 1600 phones, a number of tools and perforated printable labels are available. For
further details visit http://support.avaya.com and search for information on DESI. Alternatively visit http://www.desi.com
IP Office Manager is able to pass user button information to a DESI application on the same PC. This allows printing of
labels using the label text set within the system configuration. Currently only ETR, M-Series, T-Series, 1400 and 1600
phonesphones are supported by DESI.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Button Programming: Programming Buttons
8.2 Phone Details
The table below lists the feature phones supported by IP Office Essential Edition, IP Office Preferred Edition or IP Office
Advanced Edition mode. Note that the range of phones supported varies with the control unit software level.
For some phones the annotation 24 (4x6) or similar is used. This can be read as 24 programmable buttons, typically
arranged as 4 screen pages with 6 physical buttons.
Phone Programmable
Button Type Add-On Software
1010 0 6.1+
1040 0 6.1+
1120E 4 Yes 6.1+
1140E 6 Yes 6.1+
1220 8 (2x4) Yes 6.1+
1230 12 (2x6) Yes 6.1+
1403 3 6.0+
1408 8 6.0+
1416 16 DBM32 6.0+
1603 3 4.2 Q4 '08+
1603I 3 6.0+
1603SW 3 5.0+
1603I SW 3 6.0+
1608 8 4.2 Q4 '08+
1608I 8 6.0+
1616 16 BM32 4.2 Q4 '08+
1616I 16 6.0+
2010 0 1.0-3.0DT
2030 8 20DS 1.0-3.0DT
2050 8 20DS 1.0-3.0DT
20CC 8 20DS 1.0-3.0DT
20DT 0 1.0-4.2
2402D 2 (+12) 3.0+
2410D 12 (2x6) 3.0+
2420 24 (3x8) EU24 1.4+
3616 6 2.0+
3620 6 3.2+
3626 6 2.0+
3641 12 4.0+
3645 12 4.0+
3701 0 3.1+
3711 0 3.1+
3720 0 5.0+
3725 0 5.0+
3740 0 7.0+
3749 0 7.0+
3810 4 2.1+
3910 0 6.0+
3920 0 6.0+
4135 0 7.0+
4136 0 7.0+
4145 0 7.0+
4145EX 0 7.0+
4146 0 7.0+
4146EX 0 7.0+
4406D 6 1.0+
4412D 24 / 4450 1.0+
665 656
667 656
668 669
668 669
668 669
672 656
680 682
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Phone Programmable
Button Type Add-On Software
4424D 24 4450 1.0+
4601 2 3.0+
4602IP 2 1.3+
4602SW 2 1.3+
4606 6 1.0-3.2
4610SW 24 (4x6) 3.0+
4612 12 1.0-3.2
4620 24 (2x12) EU24BL 1.4+
4620SW 24 (2x12) EU24BL 1.4+
4621 24 (2x12) EU24BL 3.1+
4624 24 1.0-3.2
4625 24 (2x12) EU24BL 3.2+
5402 2 (+12) 3.0+
5410 12 (2x6) 3.0+
5420 24 (3x8) EU24 3.0+
5601 2 3.0+
5602IP 2 3.0+
5602SW 2 3.0+
5610SW 24 (4x6) 3.0+
5620SW 24 (2x12) EU24BL 3.0+
5621 24 (2x12) EU24BL 3.2+
6408D 8 1.0 to 7.0
6416D 16 XM24 1.0 to 7.0
6424D 24 XM24 1.0 to 7.0
7420 0 7.0+
7430 0 7.0+
7434 0 7.0+
7439 0 7.0+
7440 0 7.0+
7444 0 7.0+
7449 0 7.0+
9040 8 (2x4) 1.0-3.2
9504 12 BM12 7.0+
9508 24 BM12 7.0+
9608 24 BM12 8.0+
9611 24 BM12 8.0+
9620L 12 6.0+
9620G 12 6.0+
9621 24 Touchscreen 8.0+
9630G 24 SMB24 6.0+
9640G 24 SMB24 6.0+
9640 24 SMB24 6.0+
9641 24 Touchscreen BM12 8.0+
9650 24 SMB24 6.0+
9650C 24 SMB24 6.0+
ACU 0 7.0+
B149 0 7.0+
B159 0 7.0+
B179 0 7.0+
M7100 1 7.0+
M7100N 1 7.0+
M7208 7 7.0+
M7208N 7 7.0+
681 682
689 656
689 656
689 656
689 656
692 656
697 656
697 656
698 656
699 656
702 656
702 656
703 656
704 656
705 656
707 656
707 656
709 656
710 656
710 656
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Button Programming: Phone Details
Phone Programmable
Button Type Add-On Software
M7310 33 7.0+
M7310N 33 7.0+
M7324 23 KLM 7.0+
M7324N 23 7.0+
T7000 4 7.0+
T7100 1 7.0+
T7208 7 7.0+
T7316 24 7.0+
T7316E 24 T24 KIM 7.0+
T7406 6 7.0+
T7406E 6 7.0+
T3 Compact 4
T3 DSS 3.1+
T3 Classic 10
T3 DSS 3.1+
T3 Comfort 22
T3 DSS 3.1+
T3 IP Compact 4
T3 DSS 3.2+
T3 IP Classic 10
T3 DSS 3.2+
T3 IP Comfort 22
T3 DSS 3.2+
1. Line appearances only.
A number of phones only have two physical programmable buttons. On systems running Release 3.0 or higher
(excluding 3.0DT) these button should only be used as call appearance buttons.
The 2402 and 5402 phones have an additional 12 programmable slots that can be accessed by pressing FEATURE
*T3 and T3 IP phones support line appearance buttons only and only for Release 4.2+.
727 656
740 656
747 656
748 656
749 656
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
8.2.1 Phone Add-Ons
The following add-on's can be used to provide some Avaya phones will additional programmable buttons.
For Release 5.0 and higher, the maximum combined number of buttons on buttons modules per system is 1024
For Release 4.2 2Q 2009+, in addition to the individual limits above, the maximum combined number of buttons
per system is 512, regardless of whether the buttons are programmed or not.
T3 DSS modules are not included in the combined limits stated above but are limited to 30 T3 DSS modules (1080
Additional buttons can be used for button programming actions and in some cases as appearance buttons for key &
lamp operation .
Those marked symbol support programmable buttons but those buttons cannot be used as appearance
Those marked symbol support programmable buttons which can be used as appearance buttons.
Button Module Description Per
Per DS
1100 KEM:
Add-on for 1120E and 1140E phones. Each module provides 18
additional programmable buttons. Up to 3 modules can be added per
3 56
1200 KEM:
Add-on for 1220 and 1230 phones. Each module provides 12
additional programmable buttons. Up to 7 modules can be added per
7 85
Add-on for 2030 , 2050 and 20CC phones. One per phone.
Provides an additional 42 programmable buttons with dual-color lamps.
+60 (50x ,
10x )
Add-on for 4412D+ and 4424D+ phones. Provides an additional
60 programmable buttons with a single lamp - red except for the bottom
two rows which are green. Due to the single lamp not recommended for
appearance functions as not all button states can be indicated.
2 2 8
Add-on for 9508 , 9608 , 9611 and 9641 telephones.
Provides 12 buttons assignable in 2 pages for 24 features. When used
with a 9508, power must be supplied to the phone using an inline power
module such as the 1151C or equivalent.
3 42
Add-on for the 1616 phones that provides two columns of 16
buttons. Up to 3 BM32 modules are supported with any 1616.
For IP Office 5.0, up to a maximum of 32 BM32 modules total are
supported the system. For pre-Release 5 systems, only a total of 16
BM32 modules is supported.
3 32
Similar to the BM32 but used for the 1416 phone. 3 32
+24 (2x12)
Add-on for the 2420, 4620, 4620SW, 4625, 5420, 5620, 5620SW and
5621. Provides an additional 24 programmable buttons. Button display
icons are on two switchable pages with 12 icons on each page. Connects
direct to the phone. One per phone. Maximum of eight per system.
1 8
+24 (2x12)
As per the EU24 above but with a backlight function to match the 4621.
Not supported on the 2420 and 5420.
1 8
Used with M7324 phones. Up to 2 buttons modules are supported per
phone. Each button module provides 48 programmable buttons.
2 21
Supported with 9630G , 9640 , 9640G , 9650 and 9650C
3 42
662 662
663 663
668 668 668
680 681
702 703 704 709
707 708 708 710 710
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Button Programming: Phone Details
Button Module Description Per
Per DS
T7316E KEM
Used with T7316E phones. Each button module provides 24
programmable buttons. Up to 4 buttons modules are supported per
phone without additional power supply. From 5 to 9 modules can be
supported with additional power.
9 42
+36 LED
Up to 3 of these units can be connected to any of the system T3 phones.
Each provides an additional 36 programmable buttons. Each button
includes a single red status LED. Connection of the T3 DSS varies:
With non-IP models, the first T3 DSS connects directly to a link port on
the phone. No additional power supplies are required.
With T3 IP Models, the first T3 DSS connects to a DSS Link Unit fitted to
the phone. A power supply is required for the DSS.
3 30
Add-on for 6416D and 6424D phones. Provides an additional 24
programmable buttons. Connects direct to phone. One per phone.
Maximum of two per system DS module or control unit.
1 2 21
698 699
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8.2.2 Status Lamps
The following table summarizes the different status indications used by programmable buttons with lamps or icon
indicators. It does not include appearance functions which are covered in the Appearance Button Operation section.
The details of whether a particular function is supported on a particular phone type are included in the individual sections
describing the function.
Button Type 2400,
AD Suppress Spres Spres Green
Red on Green
Green On On
Spres Spres Off Off Off Off Grey Off Off
After Call
ACWrk AcWrk Green
Red on Green
Green On On
ACWrk AcWrk Off Off Off Off Grey Off Off
AutCB AutCB Green
Red on Green
Green On On
AutCB AutCB Off Off Off Off Grey Off Off
CFrwd CFrwd Green
Red on Green
Green On On
CFrwd CFrwd Off Off Off Off Grey Off Off
Call Park Cpark Cpark Green
Red flash Green
Blue Slow
Parked by
Cpark Cpark Red flash Red flash Red on Red flash Green Slow
Parked by other
Cpark Cpark Off Off Off Off Grey Off No parked calls.
Call Park To
Rpark Rpark Green
Red flash Green
Blue Slow
Parked call.
Rpark Rpark Off Off Off Off Grey Off No parked call.
Red on Green
Green On On
Off Off Off Off Grey Off Off
Call Waiting
CWOn CWOn Green
On On
CWOn CWOn Off Off Off Off
Meet Me
CnfMM CnfMM Green
Red on Green
Green On On
CnfMM CnfMM Off Off Off Off Grey Off Off
Do Not
Disturb On
Red on Green
Green On On
DNDOn DNDOn Off Off Off Off Grey Off Off
Extn Login Login Login Green
Red on Green
Green On Logged In
Login Login Off Off Off Off Grey Off No User
Follow Me To FolTo FolTo Green
Red on Green
Green On On
FolTo FolTo Off Off Off Off Grey Off Off
Forward Hunt
Group Calls
FwdH+ FwDH+ Green
Red on Green
Green On On
FwdH+ FwDH+ Off Off Off Off Grey Off Off
FwdNo FwdNo Green
Red on Green
Green On Set.
FwdNo FwdNo Off Off Off Off Grey Off Not set.
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Button Programming: Phone Details
Button Type 2400,
Forward On
Busy Number
FwBNo FwBNo Green
Red on Green
Green On Set.
FwBNo FwBNo Off Off Off Off Grey Off Not set.
Forward On
Busy On
FwBOn FwBOn Green
Red on Green
Green On On
FwBOn FwBOn Off Off Off Off Grey Off Off
Forward On
No Answer
FwNOn FwNOn Green
Red on Green
Green On On
FwNOn FwNOn Off Off Off Off Grey Off Off
FwUOn FwUOn Green
Red on Green
Green On On
FwUOn FwUOn Off Off Off Off Grey Off Off
Group Main Main Off Off Off Off Grey Off No calls.
Main Main Green
Red flash Green
Blue Slow
Call alerting.
Main Main Red flash Red flash Red on Red flash Green Slow
Calls queued.
Group Listen
GrpList GrpList Green
On On
GrpList GrpList Off Off Off Off
Hunt Group
HGEna HGEna Green
Red on Green
Green On On
HGEna HGEna Off Off Off Off Grey Off Off
HFAns HFAns Green
Red on Green
Green On On
HFAns HFAns Off Off Off Off Grey Off Off
Off Hook
OHStn OHStn Green
On On
OHStn OHStn Off Off Off Off
Private Call PrivC PrivC Green
Red on Green
Green On On
PrivC PrivC Off Off Off Off Grey Off Off
Ring Back
When Free
AutCB AutCB+ Green
Red on Green
Green On On
AutCB AutCB+ Off Off Off Off Grey Off Off
Ringer Off RngOf RngOf Green
Red on Green
Green On On (no ring)
RngOf RngOf Off Off Off Off Grey Off Off (ring)
Send All Calls SAC SAC Green
Red on Green
Green On Do Not Disturb On
SAC SAC Off Off Off Off Grey Off Do Not Disturb Off
Set Hunt
Group Night
Red on Green
Green On On
Off Off Off Off Grey Off Off
Set Hunt
Group Out Of
Red on Green
Green On On
Off Off Off Off Grey Off Off
Time of Day TmDay TmDay Green
On On
TmDay TmDay Off Off Off Off
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Button Type 2400,
Timer Timer Timer Green
Off On On
Timer Timer Off Off Off Off
Twinning Twinnin
Red on Green
Green On On
Off Off Off Off Grey Off Off
Red on Red on Red flash Red on Blue On
Twinned call at
User Extn221 Extn221 Off Off Off Off Grey Off Idle
Extn221 Extn221 Green
Red flash Red flash Red flash Blue Slow
Extn221 Extn221 Green
Red wink Red wink Red wink Blue Fast
In Use/Busy
Extn221 Extn221 Green
Red on Red on Red on Green On DND
Voicemail On VMOn VMOn Green
Red on Green
Green On On
VMOn VMOn Off Off Off Off Grey Off Off
Ringback On
Red on Green
Green On On
VMRB+ VMRB+ Off Off Off Off Grey Off Off
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Button Programming: Phone Details
8.2.3 1000 Series
The 1000 Series phones are high-quality SIP video phone devices. The 1010 and 1040 phones are supported. Each
consists of a main module to which a range of video camera and microphone/speaker devices can be attached. The main
module provides outputs for display of video on HD video compatible devices.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
8.2.4 1100 Series
These Avaya SIP phones are supported on IP500 and IP500 V2 systems running Release 6.1 and higher. They are
currently only supported when using the system as the file server for phone firmware and other files.
Expansion modules providing an additional 18 programmable buttons per module are supported. Up to 3 such modules
are supported per phone.
1120E SIP Telephone
1140E SIP Telephone
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Button Programming: Phone Details
8.2.5 1200 Series
These Avaya SIP phones are supported on IP500 and IP500 V2 systems running Release 6.1 and higher. They are
currently only supported when using the system as the file server for phone firmware and other files.
Expansion modules providing an additional 12 programmable buttons per module are supported. Up to 7 such modules
are supported per phone.
1220 SIP Telephone
1230 SIP Telephone
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
8.2.6 1400 Series 1403
IP Office Manager is able to pass user button information to a DESI application on the same PC. This allows printing of
labels using the label text set within the system configuration. Currently only ETR, M-Series, T-Series, 1400 and 1600
phonesphones are supported by DESI.
Note: For IP Office Basic Edition - PARTNER Mode, IP Office Basic Edition - Norstar Mode and IP Office Basic Edition -
Quick Mode systems, the programmable button order varies according to the system configuration. Refer to the PARTNER
Edition documentation for details.
01 02 03
As these phones only have 3 programmable buttons, those
buttons should only be used for call appearance buttons.
1403: Release 6.0+. 1408
IP Office Manager is able to pass user button information to a DESI application on the same PC. This allows printing of
labels using the label text set within the system configuration. Currently only ETR, M-Series, T-Series, 1400 and 1600
phonesphones are supported by DESI.
Note: For IP Office Basic Edition - PARTNER Mode, IP Office Basic Edition - Norstar Mode and IP Office Basic Edition -
Quick Mode systems, the programmable button order varies according to the system configuration. Refer to the PARTNER
Edition documentation for details.
01 02 03 04
05 06 07 08
The appearance buttons on these phones must be programmed as a
continuous block starting from button 1.
1408: Release 6.0+.
Manager 10.1 Page 665
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Button Programming: Phone Details 1416
For 1416 phones, additional buttons can be added using DBM32 modules.
IP Office Manager is able to pass user button information to a DESI application on the same PC. This allows printing of
labels using the label text set within the system configuration. Currently only ETR, M-Series, T-Series, 1400 and 1600
phonesphones are supported by DESI.
Note: For IP Office Basic Edition - PARTNER Mode, IP Office Basic Edition - Norstar Mode and IP Office Basic Edition -
Quick Mode systems, the programmable button order varies according to the system configuration. Refer to the PARTNER
Edition documentation for details.
The appearance buttons on these phones
must be programmed as a continuous block
starting from button 1.
1416: Release 6.0+.
Manager 10.1 Page 666
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
8.2.7 1600 Series 1603
IP Office Manager is able to pass user button information to a DESI application on the same PC. This allows printing of
labels using the label text set within the system configuration. Currently only ETR, M-Series, T-Series, 1400 and 1600
phonesphones are supported by DESI.
01 02 03
As these phones only have 3 programmable buttons, those
buttons should only be used for call appearance buttons.
1603: system 4.2 Q4 2008+.
1603SW: Release 5.
1603I: Release 6.0+.
1603I SW: Release 6.0+. 1608
IP Office Manager is able to pass user button information to a DESI application on the same PC. This allows printing of
labels using the label text set within the system configuration. Currently only ETR, M-Series, T-Series, 1400 and 1600
phonesphones are supported by DESI.
01 02 03 04
05 06 07 08
The appearance buttons on these phones must be programmed as a
continuous block starting from button 1.
1608: system 4.2 Q4 2008+.
1608I: Release 6.0+.
Manager 10.1 Page 667
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Button Programming: Phone Details 1616
For 1616 phones, additional buttons can be added using a BM32 module. The use of a BM32 requires the phone to be
powered by a 1600 Series power supply unit rather than PoE.
IP Office Manager is able to pass user button information to a DESI application on the same PC. This allows printing of
labels using the label text set within the system configuration. Currently only ETR, M-Series, T-Series, 1400 and 1600
phonesphones are supported by DESI.
The appearance buttons on these phones
must be programmed as a continuous block
starting from button 1.
1616: system 4.2 Q4 2008+.
1616I: Release 6.0+.
Manager 10.1 Page 668
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
8.2.8 20 Series 2030
This phone has 8 programmable buttons. They do not include any status indicator lamps.
2030: Up to system 3.0DT.
08 2050 and 20CC
These phones have 8 programmable buttons. Each button includes a dual status indicator lamp.
2050: Up to system 3.0DT only.
20CC: Up to system 3.0DT only.
Manager 10.1 Page 669
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Button Programming: Phone Details 20DS
This add-on is used with 2030, 2050 and 20CC phones. It provides an additional 42 programmable buttons with dual
status indicator lamps. The unit requires a power supply and is connected to the next DT port on the same expansion
module as the phone with which it is associated.
20DS: Up to system 3.0DT only.
09 23 37
10 24 38
11 25 39
12 26 40
13 27 41
14 28 42
15 29 43
16 30 44
17 31 45
18 32 46
19 33 47
20 34 48
21 35 49
22 36 50
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
8.2.9 2400 Series 2402D
These phones only have two physical programmable buttons with no display text labels. For systems running system 3.0
or higher (excluding 3.0DT) these buttons should only be used for call appearance buttons.
Display icons are used for status indication with a * used for current selected appearance button indication. For
appearance functions, these only display active, alerting, held here and current selected button. They do not display in
use elsewhere and on hold elsewhere.
Another 12 programmable buttons (buttons 4 to 15) are accessed by the user pressing FEATURE and then any key
from 0 to 9, * and #.
2402D: system 3.0+.
4 = FEATURE + 1
5 = FEATURE + 2
6 = FEATURE + 3
7 = FEATURE + 4
8 = FEATURE + 5
9 = FEATURE + 6
10 = FEATURE + 7
11 = FEATURE + 8
12 = FEATURE + 9
13 = FEATURE + *
14 = FEATURE + 0
15 = FEATURE + #
Manager 10.1 Page 671
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Button Programming: Phone Details 2410
These phones have 6 physical display keys that provide 12 programmable buttons arranged in two pages. The and
keys are used to switch the display between different button display pages as shown below.
2410: system 3.0+.
Manager 10.1 Page 672
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1 2420
These phones have 8 physical display keys and 24 programmable buttons. The and keys are used to switch the
display between different button display pages as shown below.
These phones support two modes of button display, selected by the user through the phone (press Option | Display
Mode | Call Center Mode).
2420: system 2.1+.
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Button Programming: Phone Details
Normal Mode
Call Center Mode
In this mode, several of the programmable button position are repeated and replace the normal functions on the base on
the phone display.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
8.2.10 3600 Series 3616, 3620, 3626
These phones support 6 programmable buttons. These are accessed by pressing LINE and then 1 to 6 when the phone is
off hook. The FCN options are not re-programmable.
3616: system 2.1+.
3626: system 3.2+.
3620: system 3.2+.
1 LINE + 1
2 LINE + 2
3 LINE + 3
4 LINE + 4
5 LINE + 5
6 LINE + 6
The following should be noted with these phones:
'In use' is indicated by the button number being shown. The same indication is used for 'In use elsewhere' and 'On
Hold elsewhere' are not distinguished from 'In use'.
'Alerting' and 'Held here' are indicated by the button number flashing.
No indication is shown when the 3616 or 3626 is idle. Only an alerting call will override idle.
When off hook, the phones do not give any abbreviated ringing to indicate an alerting button.
Manager 10.1 Page 675
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Button Programming: Phone Details 3641, 3645
These phones support up to 12 programmable buttons (the system option within the phone menu must be selected,
otherwise only 6 programmable buttons are provided). These are accessed by pressing LINE or FCN and then 1 to 6
when the phone is off hook.
3641/3645: Supported from the system 4.0 Q2 2007 Maintenance release onwards.
System Button 3641/3645 Button
1 LINE 1
2 LINE 2
3 LINE 3
4 LINE 4
5 LINE 5
6 LINE 6
7 FCN 1
8 FCN 2
9 FCN 3
10 FCN 4
11 FCN 5
12 FCN 6
The following should be noted with these phones:
'In use' is indicated by the button number being shown. The same indication is used for 'In use elsewhere' and 'On
Hold elsewhere' are not distinguished from 'In use'.
'Alerting' and 'Held here' are indicated by the button number flashing.
No indication is shown when the 3616 or 3626 is idle. Only an alerting call will override idle.
When off hook, the phones do not give any abbreviated ringing to indicate an alerting button.
Manager 10.1 Page 676
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
8.2.11 3700 Series
The 3700 Series phones are a range of DECT handsets.
The 3701 and 3711 are supported with the Avaya IP DECT system. This is supported by Release 3.1 and higher.
They can also be used with the Avaya DECT R4 system but only as GAP compatible handsets.
The 3720 and 3725 are supported with the Avaya DECT R4 system. This is supported by Release 5.0 and higher.
The 3740 and 3749 are supported with the Avaya DECT R4 system. This is supported by Release 7.0 and higher.
8.2.12 3800 Series
This phone supports 4 programmable buttons.
3810: System 2.1+.
This phone is supported in North America (U-Law) only. Not supported on the IP500 Digital Station and IP500
Combination cards.
8 1
9 2
1 3
2 4
Note that the correspondence between system button numbers and the phone buttons is not logical. If call appearance
buttons are programmed, only the first two will be usable and will appear as buttons 3 and 4 on the actual phone.
Line, bridged and call appearance buttons would need to be programmed as system buttons 8 and 9 and would appear
on buttons 1 and 2 on the phone. If all four buttons are required as call appearances, then buttons 1 to 9 must be
programmed as call appearance buttons in the configuration.
Manager 10.1 Page 677
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Button Programming: Phone Details
8.2.13 3900 Series
This single station DECT phone is supported on an IP500 V2 control unit running in IP Office Basic Edition - PARTNER
Mode. The base station uses an ETR port for connection to the system. The 3910 is no longer available from Avaya and
has been superseded by the 3920.
Manager 10.1 Page 678
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
8.2.14 4100 Series
These phones are supported by the Digital Mobility Solution (DMS) DECT system. This is supported by Release 7.0. The
DMS attaches to the system via a DS16A or DS30A external expansion module. The system supports 4100 Series and
7400 Series DECT handsets.
These phones use virtual call appearances . set by programming Call Appearance buttons on buttons 1 to 3 of the
user's Button Programming setting. No other button functions should be assigned to those buttons. If a user with other
functions assigned to those buttons hot desks onto this type of phone, those other functions will not operate.
4145EX Handset
The supported 4100 Series phones are the:
Manager 10.1 Page 679
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Button Programming: Phone Details
8.2.15 4400 Series 4406D+
This phone has 6 programmable buttons with twin lamps; one green, one red.
This phone is supported in North America (U-Law) only. Not supported on the IP500 Digital Station and IP500
Combination cards.
4406D+: system 2.1+.
1 4
2 5
3 6
Manager 10.1 Page 680
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1 4412D+
This phone has 24 programmable buttons. The first 12 have twin lamps; one green, one red. The last 12 buttons do not
include lamps.
This phone is supported in North America (U-Law) only. Not supported on the IP500 Digital Station and IP500
Combination cards.
4412D+: System 2.1+.
01 07 13 19
02 08 14 20
03 09 15 21
04 10 16 22
05 11 17 23
06 12 18 24
Manager 10.1 Page 681
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Button Programming: Phone Details 4424D+
This phone has 24 programmable buttons with twin lamps; one green, one red.
This phone is supported in North America (U-Law) only. Not supported on the IP500 Digital Station and IP500
Combination cards.
Note: A maximum of twenty-seven 4424D telephones are supported on the IP500 DS30 expansion modules and on
IP400 DS30 (Version 2) expansion module at PCS level 5. Earlier IP400 DS30 expansion modules will only support
sixteen of these telephones.
4424D+: System 2.1+.
01 07 13 19
02 08 14 20
03 09 15 21
04 10 16 22
05 11 17 23
06 12 18 24
Manager 10.1 Page 682
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1 4450
Add-on for 4412D+ and 4424D+ phones. Provides an additional 60 programmable buttons with single lamps. Up to two
4450 units can be connected to an existing phone. Not recommended for appearance functions as the current selected
button and on hold elsewhere are not indicated. A maximum of 2 unit as supported per DS module or control unit. A
maximum of 10 units total are supported on a system. The 4450 buttons cannot indicate on hold elsewhere.
4450: system 1.0+.
In the button maps below, note that the bottom two rows break the normal pattern of button numbering.
025 035 045 055 065
026 036 046 056 066
027 037 047 057 067
028 038 048 058 068
029 039 049 059 069
030 040 050 060 070
031 041 051 061 071
032 042 052 062 072
033 043 053 063 073
034 044 054 064 074
075 077 079 081 083
076 078 080 082 084
085 095 105 115 125
086 096 106 116 126
087 097 107 117 127
088 098 108 118 128
089 099 109 119 129
090 100 110 120 130
091 101 111 121 131
092 102 112 122 132
093 103 113 123 133
094 104 114 124 134
135 137 139 141 143
136 138 140 142 144
Manager 10.1 Page 683
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Button Programming: Phone Details
8.2.16 4600 Series (Old Style) 4606
This phone has 6 programmable buttons with twin lamps; one green, one red.
4606: Up to system 3.2 only.
1 4
2 5
3 6
Manager 10.1 Page 684
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1 4612
This phone has 12 programmable buttons with twin lamps; one green, one red.
4612: Up to system 3.2 only.
01 07
02 08
03 09
04 10
05 11
06 12
Manager 10.1 Page 685
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Button Programming: Phone Details 4624
This phone has 24 programmable buttons with twin lamps; one green, one red.
4624: Up to system 3.2 only.
01 07 13 19
02 08 14 20
03 09 15 21
04 10 16 22
05 11 17 23
06 12 18 24
Manager 10.1 Page 686
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
8.2.17 4600 Series (New Style) 4601
This phone has two programmable buttons, each with a single red lamp. For systems running system 3.0 or higher
(excluding 3.0DT), these buttons should only be used for call appearance buttons.
4601: system 3.0+.
1 2
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Button Programming: Phone Details 4602, 4602SW
These phones only have two programmable buttons. For systems running system 3.0 or higher (excluding 3.0DT) these
buttons should only be used for call appearance buttons.
Display icons are used for status indication with a * used for current selected appearance button indication. These only
display active, alerting, held here and current selected button. They do not display in use elsewhere and on hold
4602IP/4602SW: system 2.1+.
Manager 10.1 Page 688
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1 4610SW
This phone has 6 physical display keys that provide 24 programmable buttons arranged in 4 pages. The and keys
are used to switch the display between different button display pages as shown below.
4610: system 3.1+.
Manager 10.1 Page 689
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Button Programming: Phone Details 4620, 4620SW, 4621, 4625
These phones have 12 physical display keys that provide 24 programmable buttons arranged in two pages. The and
keys are used to switch the display between different button display pages as shown below.
4620/4620SW: system 2.1+.
4621: system 3.1+.
4625SW: system 3.2+.
By default appearance actions use a full screen width display line and can be accessed by the display key on either side.
The numbering of buttons and the number of display pages available is adjusted accordingly up 4 pages. The appearance
buttons can be changed to half-width mode from the phone by pressing Options | Application Options | Call
Appearance Width.
Button numbering with call appearance width set to
full width mode and 3 appearance buttons.
Button numbering with call appearance width
set to half width mode.
Manager 10.1 Page 690
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
8.2.18 5400 Series 5402D
These phones only have two physical programmable buttons with no display text labels. For systems running system 3.0
or higher (excluding 3.0DT) these buttons should only be used for call appearance buttons.
Display icons are used for status indication with a * used for current selected appearance button indication. For
appearance functions, these only display active, alerting, held here and current selected button. They do not display in
use elsewhere and on hold elsewhere.
Another 12 programmable buttons (buttons 4 to 15) are accessed by the user pressing FEATURE and then any key
from 0 to 9, * and #.
5402D: system 3.0+.
4 = FEATURE + 1
5 = FEATURE + 2
6 = FEATURE + 3
7 = FEATURE + 4
8 = FEATURE + 5
9 = FEATURE + 6
10 = FEATURE + 7
11 = FEATURE + 8
12 = FEATURE + 9
13 = FEATURE + *
14 = FEATURE + 0
15 = FEATURE + #
Manager 10.1 Page 691
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Button Programming: Phone Details 5410
These phones have 6 physical display keys that provide 12 programmable buttons arranged in two pages. The and
keys are used to switch the display between different button display pages as shown below.
5410: system 3.0+.
Manager 10.1 Page 692
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1 5420
These phones have 8 physical display keys and 24 programmable buttons. The and keys are used to switch the
display between different button display pages as shown below.
These phones support two modes of button display, selected by the user through the phone (press Option | Display
Mode | Call Center Mode).
5420: system 3.0+.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Button Programming: Phone Details
Normal Mode
Call Center Mode
In this mode, several of the programmable button position are repeated and replace the normal functions on the base on
the phone display.
Manager 10.1 Page 694
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
8.2.19 5600 Series 5601
This phone has two programmable buttons, each with a single red lamp. For systems running system 3.0 or higher
(excluding 3.0DT), these buttons should only be used for call appearance buttons.
5601: system 3.0+.
1 2
Manager 10.1 Page 695
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Button Programming: Phone Details 5602, 5602SW
These phones only have two programmable buttons. For systems running system 3.0 or higher (excluding 3.0DT) these
buttons should only be used for call appearance buttons.
Display icons are used for status indication with a * used for current selected appearance button indication. These only
display active, alerting, held here and current selected button. They do not display in use elsewhere and on hold
5602IP/5602SW: system 3.0+.
Manager 10.1 Page 696
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1 5610SW
This phone has 6 physical display keys that provide 24 programmable buttons arranged in 4 pages. The and keys
are used to switch the display between different button display pages as shown below.
5610: system 3.1+.
Manager 10.1 Page 697
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Button Programming: Phone Details 5620, 5620SW, 5621
These phones have 12 physical display keys that provide 24 programmable buttons arranged in two pages. The and
keys are used to switch the display between different button display pages as shown below.
5620/5620SW: system 3.1+.
5621: system 3.2+.
By default appearance actions use a full screen width display line and can be accessed by the display key on either side.
The numbering of buttons and the number of display pages available is adjusted accordingly up 4 pages. The appearance
buttons can be changed to half-width mode from the phone by pressing Options | Application Options | Call
Appearance Width.
Button numbering with call appearance width set to
full width mode and 3 appearance buttons.
Button numbering with call appearance width
set to half width mode.
Manager 10.1 Page 698
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
8.2.20 6400 Series 6408D
This phone has 8 programmable buttons. Each button includes twin lamps; one red, one green.
6408D: System 1.0 to 7.0 only.
08 6416D
This phone has 16 programmable buttons. Each button includes twin lamps; one red, one green.
6416D: System 1.0 to 7.0 only.
01 09
02 10
03 11
04 12
05 13
06 14
07 15
08 16
Manager 10.1 Page 699
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Button Programming: Phone Details 6424D
This phone has 24 programmable buttons. Each button includes twin lamps; one red, one green.
6424D: System 1.0 to 7.0 only.
01 17
02 18
03 19
04 20
05 21
06 22
07 23
08 24
Manager 10.1 Page 700
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
8.2.21 7400 Series
These phones are supported by the Digital Mobility Solution (DMS) DECT system. This is supported by Release 7.0. The
DMS attaches to the system via a DS16A or DS30A external expansion module. The system supports 4100 Series and
7400 Series DECT handsets.
These phones use virtual call appearances . set by programming Call Appearance buttons on buttons 1 to 3 of the
user's Button Programming setting. No other button functions should be assigned to those buttons. If a user with other
functions assigned to those buttons hot desks onto this type of phone, those other functions will not operate.
7420 Handset
7430 Handset
7440 Handset
The supported 7400 Series phones are the:
Manager 10.1 Page 701
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Button Programming: Phone Details
8.2.22 9000 Series
The 9040 has four display keys. These relate to two rows of display labels shown above, 1 to 4 and A to D. A < symbol
is shown next to the currently selected row of labels, selection can be switched using the ^ shift key.
9040: Pre system 2.1 only.
9040 display buttons labeled 1 to 4 correspond with user buttons 1 to 4. 9040 display buttons labeled A to D correspond
with user buttons 8 to 11.
It is only possible to use 9040 buttons 1, 2, A and B (buttons 1, 2, 8 and 9 in the system configuration) as appearance
buttons. If all four of those buttons are required as call appearances, then buttons 1 to 9 must be programmed as call
appearance buttons in the configuration. However button 3 and 4 on the handset will become disabled.
Manager 10.1 Page 702
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
8.2.23 9500 Series 9504
9500 Series phones are supported by Release 7.0 and higher.
The phones provide 4 physical buttons with red and green LEDs. These can be used for up to 12 programmable features. 9508
9500 Series phones are supported by Release 7.0 and higher.
The phones provide 8 physical buttons with red and green LEDs. These can be used for up to 24 programmable features.
The phones support the addition of up to 3 BM12 button modules supporting an additional 24 programmable features
(using 12 buttons) per module. When used with a 9508, power must be supplied to the phone using an inline power
module such as the 1151C or equivalent.
Manager 10.1 Page 703
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Button Programming: Phone Details
8.2.24 9600 Series 9608
These phones are supported by Release 8.0 2012 Q1 Service Pack and higher on IP500 and IP500 V2 systems
The voice activated dialing and USB features are not supported.
The use of the IP Office control unit as the HTTP file server for these phones is not supported. A third-party HTTP
file server must be used.
The phones supports 24 programmable buttons. These can be used for call appearance functions and other system
This phone can be used with up to 3 x BM12 button module. Each module provides an additional 24 programmable
buttons. Attaching button modules may change the phones PoE class and may require a separate power supply.
Manager 10.1 Page 704
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1 9611
These phones are supported by Release 8.0 2012 Q1 Service Pack and higher on IP500 and IP500 V2 systems
The voice activated dialing and USB features are not supported.
The use of the IP Office control unit as the HTTP file server for these phones is not supported. A third-party HTTP
file server must be used.
The phones supports 24 programmable buttons. These can be used for call appearance functions and other system
This phone can be used with up to 3 x SBM24 button module. Each module provides an additional 24 programmable
buttons. Attaching button modules may change the phones PoE class and may require a separate power supply.
Manager 10.1 Page 705
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Button Programming: Phone Details 9620C, 9620L
These phones are supported by Release 6.0+ on IP500, IP500 V2 systems only.
The voice activated dialing and USB features are not supported.
The 9620 variants supported are the 9620L and the 9620C. The phones support 12 programmable buttons but with no
physical button keys. Button functions are accessed through the phone's display menu with button status only indicated
when the button is one of the 3 that can be displayed at any time.
These phones do not support any button modules.
Manager 10.1 Page 706
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1 9621
These phones are supported by Release 8.0 2012 Q1 Service Pack and higher on IP500 and IP500 V2 systems
The voice activated dialing and USB features are not supported.
The use of the IP Office control unit as the HTTP file server for these phones is not supported. A third-party HTTP
file server must be used.
The phones support 24 programmable buttons which are displayed as touchscreen options. These can be used for call
appearance functions and other system features. In addition the phone supports a home screen on which the user can
add up to 8 icons for programmable functions in addition to those icons present through installation configuration.
These phones do not support any button modules.
Manager 10.1 Page 707
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Button Programming: Phone Details 9630G
These phones are supported by Release 6.0+ on IP500, IP500 V2 systems only.
The voice activated dialing and USB features are not supported.
The phones support 24 programmable buttons. These can be accessed by scrolling the display and selecting the required
button function using one of the 6 button to the right of the display.
This phone can be used with up to 3 x SBM24 button module. Each module provides an additional 24 programmable
buttons. Attaching button modules may change the phones PoE class and may require a separate power supply.
Manager 10.1 Page 708
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1 9640, 9640G
These phones are supported by Release 6.0+ on IP500, IP500 V2 systems only.
The voice activated dialing and USB features are not supported.
The phones support 24 programmable buttons. These can be accessed by scrolling the display and selecting the required
button function using one of the 6 button to the right of the display.
This phone can be used with up to 3 x SBM24 button module. Each module provides an additional 24 programmable
buttons. Attaching button modules may change the phones PoE class and may require a separate power supply.
Manager 10.1 Page 709
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Button Programming: Phone Details 9641
These phones are supported by Release 8.0 2012 Q1 Service Pack and higher on IP500 and IP500 V2 systems
The voice activated dialing and USB features are not supported.
The use of the IP Office control unit as the HTTP file server for these phones is not supported. A third-party HTTP
file server must be used.
The phones support 24 programmable buttons which are displayed as touchscreen options. These can be used for call
appearance functions and other system features. In addition the phone supports a home screen on which the user can
add up to 8 icons for programmable functions in addition to those icons present through installation configuration.
This phone can be used with up to 3 x BM12 button module. Each module provides an additional 24 programmable
buttons. Attaching button modules may change the phones PoE class and may require a separate power supply.
Manager 10.1 Page 710
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1 9650, 9650C
These phones are supported by Release 6.0+ on IP500, IP500 V2 systems only.
The voice activated dialing and USB features are not supported.
The phones support 24 programmable buttons. These can be accessed by scrolling the display and selecting the required
button function using one of the 3 button to the right of the display. In addition buttons 4 to 19 can be accessed using
the 8 buttons below the display acting in two pages of 8 buttons, the page being selected by the SHIFT button.
This phone can be used with up to 3 x SBM24 button module. Each module provides an additional 24 programmable
buttons. Attaching button modules may change the phones PoE class and may require a separate power supply.
Manager 10.1 Page 711
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Button Programming: Phone Details
8.2.25 B100 Series
This is a series of high quality conference phones intended to support calls with multiple users speaking and listening via
the same conference phone. They are supported by IP Office Release 7.0 and higher.
All the models support local call recording onto a SD card of up to 2GB capacity (not SDHC). Additional microphones can
be added to each model.
B149 Conference Phone
Conference phone for personal office use and small and medium sized conference rooms. Connects to the IP Office
system using an analog extension port.
B159 Conference Phone
Conference phone for medium to large sized conference rooms. Connects to the IP Office system using an analog
extension port. This model can also be connected to a PC using USB or to a DECT/GSM device.
B179 Conference Phone
Conference phone for medium to large sized conference rooms. Connects as a SIP extension using an Avaya IP
Endpoint license.
The B179 uses codecs configured through the phone's own menus rather than those configured for the
matching extension record in the IP Office system configuration. Therefore care should be taken to ensure
that the configuration of the IP Office codec selection for the extension record and those configured on the
physical telephone match.
For IP Office Release 8.0, use of the G.722 wide band audio codec is supported with the B179 conference phone.
If the IP Office system does not have a suitable system or upgrade license, B100 Series phones cannot register with the
system. This is indicated on the phone by the little empty square in front of the extension and can also be verified by
checking the status on the phone. When in unregistered state, B100 Series phone still allow users the dial extension
however this call will never get answered from the IPO.
Manager 10.1 Page 712
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
8.2.26 D100
The D100 SIP Wireless Terminal is a cordless phone system that is adapted for IP Office. The D100 solution delivers the
productivity-boosting benefits of IP and wireless communications across multiple offices in a convenient, lightweight
handset. It provides businesses with a highly functional wireless solution with the ability to scale to support large
numbers of users. A single base station can support up to eight (8) handsets, each of which can support up to five (5)
simultaneous calls. Each IP Office can support up to four (4) base stations.
Manager 10.1 Page 713
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Button Programming: Phone Details
8.2.27 M-Series
M-Series and T-Series phones can access a range of functions by pressing the phone's Feature key and dialing the
required feature code.
Function Feature Code Description
Speed Dial 0 <index> This feature code can be used to dial a stored number.
If Feature 0 is followed by a 3-digit index number in the range 000 to
999, the system directory record with the matching index is dialed.
If Feature 0 is followed by * and a 2-digit index number in the range
00 to 99, the personal directory record with the matching index is
dialed. Alternatively Feature 0 can be followed by 00# to 99#.
Ring Again 2 Sets a ringback on the extension being called. When the target extension ends
its current call, the ringback users is rung and if they answer, a new call is
made to the target extension.
Ring Again Cancel #2 Cancel the currently set 'ring again' function.
Conference 3 Turn the current call and held call into a conference call. The held call can be
an existing conference to which you want to add another call.
Unconditional On
4 <number> Switch on immediate forwarding of calls to the number entered. If a number is
already set, that number is displayed and can be used or replaced by dialing a
new number.
On phones with a display, an D for divert is displayed when forward
unconditional is on.
Unconditional Off
#4 Switch off immediate call forwarding. The forwarding number is left set.
Last Number Redial 5 Redial the last number dialed for a normal call. This code can only be used
when the phone is currently idle.
Page 60 <number> Makes a paging call to an extension or group specified. If no number is
specified, this can be dialed after pressing the button. The target extension or
group members must be free and must support handsfree auto-answer in
order to hear the page.
On Avaya phones with a CONFERENCE button, a paged user can convert the
page call into a normal call by pressing that button.
Retrieve Messages
65 Access the user's voicemail box to collect messages. Same as Feature 981.
Dial Voice Call 66 <number> Automatic intercom functions allow you to call an extension and have the
call automatically answered on speaker phone after 3 beeps. The extension
called must support a handsfree speaker. If the extension does not have a
handsfree microphone then the user must use the handset if they want to talk.
If the extension is not free when called, the call is presented as a normal call
on a call appearance button if available.
Priority Call 69 This feature allows the user to call another user even if they are set to 'do not
disturb'. A priority call will follow forward and follow me settings but will not go
to voicemail. Not supported on phones without a display and phones on the
DECT systems.
Transfer (Internal) 70 <number> Using this code put the current call on hold pending transfer and makes an
transfer enquiry call to the number entered. Pressing Feature 70 again or
selecting Complete on the display completes the transfer.
Pressing the Release button or selecting Cancel on the display ends the
transfer call attempt and reconnects the call that was held pending transfer.
An available call appearance is required to initiate the transfer process.
Reserve Last CA can be used to help reserve a call appearance for outgoing
call or transfer usage.
Call Park 74 Allows the user to park the current call. The park slot number used is based on
the extension number. For example, for extension XXX, the first parked call is
assigned to park slot XXX0, the next to XXX1 and so on up to XXX9.
802 978
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Function Feature Code Description
Any user can unpark the call by entering that park slot number.
Not supported on phones without a display except the T7000 which supports a
single park slot XXX0. Not supported on phones on DECT systems.
Call Unpark #74 <park slot
Unpark a call. The code is followed by the park slot number used to park the
Not supported on phones without a display.
Call Pickup Group 75 Answer a call ringing a hunt group of which the extension user is a member.
Not supported on phones without a display and phones on the DECT systems.
Directed Call Pickup 76 Answer a call ringing the user or hunt group extension number specified. Not
supported on phones without a display and phones on the DECT systems.
Do Not Disturb On 85 Switch on do not disturb for the user. Do not disturb overrides all forwarding
and follow me functions. Calls go to voicemail if available, other the caller
receives busy.
On phones with a display, an N for no calls is displayed when do not disturb is
Do Not Disturb Off #85 Switch off do not disturb for the user.
Group Listen On 802 Using group listen allows callers to be heard through the phone's handsfree
speaker but to only hear the phone's handset microphone. When group listen
is enabled, it modifies the handsfree functionality of the users phone in the
following manner. The code must be dialed during the call. Group listen is
automatically turned off at the end of a call.
Not supported on phones without a display and phones on the DECT systems.
Group Listen Off #802 Turn off the group listen feature. The code must be dialed during the call.
Not supported on phones without a display and phones on the DECT systems.
Call Log 812 Displays the user's call log. Use the * key to switch between all calls, missed
calls, outgoing calls and incoming calls.
Use the volume keys to move through the calls in the currently displayed
category. To make a return to the entry displayed press #, to delete the entry
press Hold.
Not supported on phones without a display and phones on the DECT systems.
Voicemail Collect 981 Access the user's voicemail box to collect messages. Same as Feature 65.
Stamp Log 9*9 Insert a unique numbered stamp log line into any System Monitor trace being
run on the system and for a few seconds display the log stamp number on the
phone display.
The Audio Conferencing Unit can only use a restricted set of features (F0, F2, F3 and F5).
Manager 10.1 Page 715
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Button Programming: Phone Details
Administration Functions
The following feature codes can be used to edit phone settings. Some functions may request a security code after the
feature code is entered. When this occurs, enter your phone login code and press #.
Function Feature Code Description
Button Inspect *0 After selecting this function, pressing any programmable button will display the
function currently assigned to that button.
Not supported on phones without a display and phones on the DECT systems.
Speed Dial Button
(Abbreviated Dial )
*1 This feature allows the user to store a number against a programmable button.
After entering the code, press the button to be programmed and then enter
the number that the button should dial.
Note that any existing function on the button is overwritten.
Not supported on phones on DECT systems.
Internal Autodial
(User )
*2 This feature allow the user to create a user button that matches another user
extension number. The button can then be used to call the other user and also
to see the current state of the other user.
After entering the code, press the button to be programmed and then enter
the other user's extension number.
Note that any existing function on the button is overwritten.
Not supported on phones on DECT systems.
Button Program
(Self-Administer )
*3 This feature allows programming of a range of features onto programmable
buttons. See below for details.
Not supported on phones without a display and phones on the DECT systems.
Edit Personal Speed
*4 This feature code allows configuration of personal directory records for use as
speed dials.
After selecting this function, dial the two digit number between 00 to 99 for
the personal directory record to be programmed. Note that no warning is given
if the record is already programmed.
Enter the number and press Hold. Then enter a name to associate with the
number. The volume buttons are used to move the cursor. When complete,
press Hold again.
Not supported on phones without a display and phones on the DECT systems.
Ringer Type *6 Adjust the ringer sound type. When selected, the number keys 1 to 4 can be
used to select the required ringer. The volume can also be adjusted using the
volume controls.
Contrast *7 Adjust the display contrast. When selected, the number keys 1 to 9 can be
used to select the required contrast.
Not supported on phones without a display and phones on the DECT systems.
Ringer Volume *80 This feature code causes the phone's ringer to sound for a short period during
which its volume can be adjusted using the phone's volume controls.
Not supported on phones on DECT systems.
Enbloc *82 This code allows the user to switch enbloc dialing on or off.
When off (the default), dialing a number without going off hook will
automatically select the first available call appearance button.
When on, the user can dial a telephone number without it being sent to the
phone system. When the number is complete, going off hook or selecting an
appearance button will dial the number.
Not supported on phones without a display.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Button Programming
The process below can be used to assign functions to programmable buttons on T-Series and M-Series phones. Existing
button can be overwritten except buttons set to appearance functions.
1. Press Feature *3. If a security code is requested, enter your phone login code and press #.
2. Use one of the processes below. Press * to switch between processes (or More if displayed). On T7000 phones,
only the first process is supported.
a. Select Button and then Function
i. Press the button to program.
ii. Enter the feature code of the function required (the only * function supported is *7 for contrast).
iii.If the button has an existing function it is displayed and the option to replace the button or return to
function selection.
b. Select Function and then Button
i. Enter the number for the feature required or use the volume buttons to move through the list of
01. Speed dial
02. Ring Again
03. Conference
04. Call Forward All
05. Last Number
06. Page Group
07. Voicemail
08. Automatic
09. Priority Call
10. Transfer
11. Call Park
12. Group Pickup
13. Direct Pickup
14. Timer
15. Do Not Disturb On
16. Contrast
17. Group Listen On
18. Time of Day
17. Call Log
18. Self-Administer
19. Account Code
20. Forward on Busy
21. Forward on No
22. Pickup
23. Directory
24. Flash Hook
25. Internal Auto Answer
26. Set Hunt Group Night
27. Twinning
28. Ringer Off
ii. Press Hold to select a currently displayed function.
iii.Press the button to which the function should be assigned.
iv.If the button has an existing function it is displayed and the option to replace the button or return to
function selection.
c. Default Buttons
When Default Buttons is displayed, press Hold (or the Prog softkey if displayed). The phone buttons are
defaulted to those appropriate to the phone type. Note that only buttons that have a default function on the
phone type are defaulted. It does not affect the functions assigned to any buttons that do not have default
Some button function use the directory to allow number selection. When this is the case, the volume buttons are used to
scroll through the list of matching names. If this is done during a call or while a call is alerting, this will also adjust the
call or ring volume.
Manager 10.1 Page 717
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Button Programming: Phone Details M7100
Avaya M-Series and T-Series phones are supported by Release 7.0 and higher on an IP500 V2. They can be connected to
digital station ports provided by an IP500 TCM8 base card (IP500 V2 only) or on a DS16A/DS30A external expansion
module (IP500 V2 only).
IP Office Manager is able to pass user button information to a DESI application on the same PC. This allows printing of
labels using the label text set within the system configuration. Currently only ETR, M-Series, T-Series, 1400 and 1600
phonesphones are supported by DESI.
Some older M-Series phones have the Q and Z letters printed on the 0 key rather than 7 and 9 keys respectively. For all
system functions using letter input, the latter ITU standard keypad marking is assumed.
Button Functions
The diagram below indicates the button functions during normal phone operation. Buttons 01 upwards are programmable
buttons. The default programmable button functions indicated, if any, are those automatically assigned if the phone is the
first device connected to a TCM port after the system configuration is defaulted. The default button functions indicated
below are also those assigned when Feature *3 is used to default the phone's buttons. Buttons without a default
function are not overwritten when the buttons are defaulted.
If the new system is being installed with a pre-staged configuration that include user button programming, the automatic
defaulting of buttons to match the phone type will overwrite the user button settings. This behavior can be prevented by
adding the following short code to the user's setup in the pre-programmed configuration: *DCP/ Dial/
84000004,1,1,0/0. Note that subsequently removing this short code will cause the buttons to return to defaulting
according to the phone type.
These phones use virtual call appearances . set by programming Call Appearance buttons on buttons 1 to 3 of the
user's Button Programming setting. No other button functions should be assigned to those buttons. If a user with other
functions assigned to those buttons hot desks onto this type of phone, those other functions will not operate.
1 2 3 Release
4 5 6
7 8 9 04 Last Number Redial
* 0 # Feature
Volume + Hold
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Manager 10.1 Page 719
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Button Programming: Phone Details M7100N
Avaya M-Series and T-Series phones are supported by Release 7.0 and higher on an IP500 V2. They can be connected to
digital station ports provided by an IP500 TCM8 base card (IP500 V2 only) or on a DS16A/DS30A external expansion
module (IP500 V2 only).
IP Office Manager is able to pass user button information to a DESI application on the same PC. This allows printing of
labels using the label text set within the system configuration. Currently only ETR, M-Series, T-Series, 1400 and 1600
phonesphones are supported by DESI.
Some older M-Series phones have the Q and Z letters printed on the 0 key rather than 7 and 9 keys respectively. For all
system functions using letter input, the latter ITU standard keypad marking is assumed.
Button Functions
The diagram below indicates the button functions during normal phone operation. Buttons 01 upwards are programmable
buttons. The default programmable button functions indicated, if any, are those automatically assigned if the phone is the
first device connected to a TCM port after the system configuration is defaulted. The default button functions indicated
below are also those assigned when Feature *3 is used to default the phone's buttons. Buttons without a default
function are not overwritten when the buttons are defaulted.
If the new system is being installed with a pre-staged configuration that include user button programming, the automatic
defaulting of buttons to match the phone type will overwrite the user button settings. This behavior can be prevented by
adding the following short code to the user's setup in the pre-programmed configuration: *DCP/ Dial/
84000004,1,1,0/0. Note that subsequently removing this short code will cause the buttons to return to defaulting
according to the phone type.
These phones use virtual call appearances . set by programming Call Appearance buttons on buttons 1 to 3 of the
user's Button Programming setting. No other button functions should be assigned to those buttons. If a user with other
functions assigned to those buttons hot desks onto this type of phone, those other functions will not operate.
Hold Feature Release
1 2 3
4 5 6
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7 8 9
* 0 #
Volume +
04 Last Number Redial
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Button Programming: Phone Details M7208
Avaya M-Series and T-Series phones are supported by Release 7.0 and higher on an IP500 V2. They can be connected to
digital station ports provided by an IP500 TCM8 base card (IP500 V2 only) or on a DS16A/DS30A external expansion
module (IP500 V2 only).
IP Office Manager is able to pass user button information to a DESI application on the same PC. This allows printing of
labels using the label text set within the system configuration. Currently only ETR, M-Series, T-Series, 1400 and 1600
phonesphones are supported by DESI.
Some older M-Series phones have the Q and Z letters printed on the 0 key rather than 7 and 9 keys respectively. For all
system functions using letter input, the latter ITU standard keypad marking is assumed.
Button Functions
The diagram below indicates the button functions during normal phone operation. Buttons 01 upwards are programmable
buttons. The default programmable button functions indicated, if any, are those automatically assigned if the phone is the
first device connected to a TCM port after the system configuration is defaulted. The default button functions indicated
below are also those assigned when Feature *3 is used to default the phone's buttons. Buttons without a default
function are not overwritten when the buttons are defaulted.
If the new system is being installed with a pre-staged configuration that include user button programming, the automatic
defaulting of buttons to match the phone type will overwrite the user button settings. This behavior can be prevented by
adding the following short code to the user's setup in the pre-programmed configuration: *DCP/ Dial/
84000004,1,1,0/0. Note that subsequently removing this short code will cause the buttons to return to defaulting
according to the phone type.
Release Feature 07 Call Pickup Group
Hold 06 Transfer
05 Last Number Redial
1 2 3 04 Group Paging
4 5 6 03 Conference
7 8 9 02 Appearance
* 0 # 01 Appearance
Volume + Speaker
The bottom right button is fixed as a handsfree speaker button. The status of this button is not reported to the system.
Manager 10.1 Page 722
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1 M7208N
Avaya M-Series and T-Series phones are supported by Release 7.0 and higher on an IP500 V2. They can be connected to
digital station ports provided by an IP500 TCM8 base card (IP500 V2 only) or on a DS16A/DS30A external expansion
module (IP500 V2 only).
IP Office Manager is able to pass user button information to a DESI application on the same PC. This allows printing of
labels using the label text set within the system configuration. Currently only ETR, M-Series, T-Series, 1400 and 1600
phonesphones are supported by DESI.
Some older M-Series phones have the Q and Z letters printed on the 0 key rather than 7 and 9 keys respectively. For all
system functions using letter input, the latter ITU standard keypad marking is assumed.
Button Functions
The diagram below indicates the button functions during normal phone operation. Buttons 01 upwards are programmable
buttons. The default programmable button functions indicated, if any, are those automatically assigned if the phone is the
first device connected to a TCM port after the system configuration is defaulted. The default button functions indicated
below are also those assigned when Feature *3 is used to default the phone's buttons. Buttons without a default
function are not overwritten when the buttons are defaulted.
If the new system is being installed with a pre-staged configuration that include user button programming, the automatic
defaulting of buttons to match the phone type will overwrite the user button settings. This behavior can be prevented by
adding the following short code to the user's setup in the pre-programmed configuration: *DCP/ Dial/
84000004,1,1,0/0. Note that subsequently removing this short code will cause the buttons to return to defaulting
according to the phone type.
07 Call Pickup Group
Hold Feature Release 06 Transfer
1 2 3 05 Last Number Redial
4 5 6 04 Group Paging
7 8 9 03 Conference
* 0 # 02 Appearance
Volume + 01 Appearance
The bottom right button is fixed as a handsfree speaker button. The status of this button is not reported to the system.
Manager 10.1 Page 723
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Button Programming: Phone Details M7310
Avaya M-Series and T-Series phones are supported by Release 7.0 and higher on an IP500 V2. They can be connected to
digital station ports provided by an IP500 TCM8 base card (IP500 V2 only) or on a DS16A/DS30A external expansion
module (IP500 V2 only).
IP Office Manager is able to pass user button information to a DESI application on the same PC. This allows printing of
labels using the label text set within the system configuration. Currently only ETR, M-Series, T-Series, 1400 and 1600
phonesphones are supported by DESI.
Some older M-Series phones have the Q and Z letters printed on the 0 key rather than 7 and 9 keys respectively. For all
system functions using letter input, the latter ITU standard keypad marking is assumed.
Button Functions
The diagram below indicates the button functions during normal phone operation. Buttons 01 upwards are programmable
buttons. The default programmable button functions indicated, if any, are those automatically assigned if the phone is the
first device connected to a TCM port after the system configuration is defaulted. The default button functions indicated
below are also those assigned when Feature *3 is used to default the phone's buttons. Buttons without a default
function are not overwritten when the buttons are defaulted.
If the new system is being installed with a pre-staged configuration that include user button programming, the automatic
defaulting of buttons to match the phone type will overwrite the user button settings. This behavior can be prevented by
adding the following short code to the user's setup in the pre-programmed configuration: *DCP/ Dial/
84000004,1,1,0/0. Note that subsequently removing this short code will cause the buttons to return to defaulting
according to the phone type.
An option BLF module can be attached to a M7310 phone. The module provides status lamp indication for buttons 10 to
10/22 14/26 18/30
11/23 15/27 19/31
12/24 16/28 20/32
13/25 17/29 21/33 Shift
Release Feature
Hold Softkey 1 Softkey 2 Softkey 3
1 2 3 Do Not Disturb
09 04 Conference
4 5 6 Transfer 08 03 Last Number Redial
866 836
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7 8 9 Call Forwarding
07 02 Appearance
* 0 # Call Pickup Group 06 01 Appearance
Volume + Group Paging 05 Speaker
The bottom right button is fixed as a handsfree speaker button. The status of this button is not reported to the system.
Manager 10.1 Page 725
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Button Programming: Phone Details M7310N
Avaya M-Series and T-Series phones are supported by Release 7.0 and higher on an IP500 V2. They can be connected to
digital station ports provided by an IP500 TCM8 base card (IP500 V2 only) or on a DS16A/DS30A external expansion
module (IP500 V2 only).
IP Office Manager is able to pass user button information to a DESI application on the same PC. This allows printing of
labels using the label text set within the system configuration. Currently only ETR, M-Series, T-Series, 1400 and 1600
phonesphones are supported by DESI.
Some older M-Series phones have the Q and Z letters printed on the 0 key rather than 7 and 9 keys respectively. For all
system functions using letter input, the latter ITU standard keypad marking is assumed.
Button Functions
The diagram below indicates the button functions during normal phone operation. Buttons 01 upwards are programmable
buttons. The default programmable button functions indicated, if any, are those automatically assigned if the phone is the
first device connected to a TCM port after the system configuration is defaulted. The default button functions indicated
below are also those assigned when Feature *3 is used to default the phone's buttons. Buttons without a default
function are not overwritten when the buttons are defaulted.
If the new system is being installed with a pre-staged configuration that include user button programming, the automatic
defaulting of buttons to match the phone type will overwrite the user button settings. This behavior can be prevented by
adding the following short code to the user's setup in the pre-programmed configuration: *DCP/ Dial/
84000004,1,1,0/0. Note that subsequently removing this short code will cause the buttons to return to defaulting
according to the phone type.
Softkey 1 Softkey 2 Softkey 3 Shift
Do Not Disturb On 09
Transfer 08 10/11 22/23
Hold Feature Release Conference 07 12/13 24/25
1 2 3 Call Pickup Group 06 14/15 26/37
4 5 6 Group Paging 05 16/17 28/29
7 8 9 Conference 04 18/19 30/31
* 0 # Last Number Redial 03 20/21 32/33
Volume + Appearance 02
Appearance 01
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The bottom center button is fixed as a handsfree/mute button. The status of this button is not reported to the system.
Manager 10.1 Page 727
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Button Programming: Phone Details M7324
Avaya M-Series and T-Series phones are supported by Release 7.0 and higher on an IP500 V2. They can be connected to
digital station ports provided by an IP500 TCM8 base card (IP500 V2 only) or on a DS16A/DS30A external expansion
module (IP500 V2 only).
IP Office Manager is able to pass user button information to a DESI application on the same PC. This allows printing of
labels using the label text set within the system configuration. Currently only ETR, M-Series, T-Series, 1400 and 1600
phonesphones are supported by DESI.
Additional buttons can be supported on a M7324 phone through the addition of KLM button module .
Some older M-Series phones have the Q and Z letters printed on the 0 key rather than 7 and 9 keys respectively. For all
system functions using letter input, the latter ITU standard keypad marking is assumed.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Button Functions
The diagram below indicates the button functions during normal phone operation. Buttons 01 upwards are programmable
buttons. The default programmable button functions indicated, if any, are those automatically assigned if the phone is the
first device connected to a TCM port after the system configuration is defaulted. The default button functions indicated
below are also those assigned when Feature *3 is used to default the phone's buttons. Buttons without a default
function are not overwritten when the buttons are defaulted.
If the new system is being installed with a pre-staged configuration that include user button programming, the automatic
defaulting of buttons to match the phone type will overwrite the user button settings. This behavior can be prevented by
adding the following short code to the user's setup in the pre-programmed configuration: *DCP/ Dial/
84000004,1,1,0/0. Note that subsequently removing this short code will cause the buttons to return to defaulting
according to the phone type.
23 11 Call
22 10 Speed Dial
21 09 Last
Display 20 08
19 07 Conference
Softkey 1 Softkey 2 Softkey 3 18 06 Transfer
17 05 Do Not
Disturb On
1 2 3 Release 16 04 Call Pickup
4 5 6 15 03 Automatic
7 8 9 14 02 Appearance
* 0 # Feature 13 01 Appearance
Volume + Hold 12 Speaker
The bottom right button is fixed as a handsfree speaker button. The status of this button is not reported to the system.
Manager 10.1 Page 729
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Button Programming: Phone Details M7324N
Avaya M-Series and T-Series phones are supported by Release 7.0 and higher on an IP500 V2. They can be connected to
digital station ports provided by an IP500 TCM8 base card (IP500 V2 only) or on a DS16A/DS30A external expansion
module (IP500 V2 only).
IP Office Manager is able to pass user button information to a DESI application on the same PC. This allows printing of
labels using the label text set within the system configuration. Currently only ETR, M-Series, T-Series, 1400 and 1600
phonesphones are supported by DESI.
Some older M-Series phones have the Q and Z letters printed on the 0 key rather than 7 and 9 keys respectively. For all
system functions using letter input, the latter ITU standard keypad marking is assumed.
Button Functions
The diagram below indicates the button functions during normal phone operation. Buttons 01 upwards are programmable
buttons. The default programmable button functions indicated, if any, are those automatically assigned if the phone is the
first device connected to a TCM port after the system configuration is defaulted. The default button functions indicated
below are also those assigned when Feature *3 is used to default the phone's buttons. Buttons without a default
function are not overwritten when the buttons are defaulted.
If the new system is being installed with a pre-staged configuration that include user button programming, the automatic
defaulting of buttons to match the phone type will overwrite the user button settings. This behavior can be prevented by
adding the following short code to the user's setup in the pre-programmed configuration: *DCP/ Dial/
84000004,1,1,0/0. Note that subsequently removing this short code will cause the buttons to return to defaulting
according to the phone type.
23 11 07 Conference
Hold Feature Release 22 10 06 Transfer
21 09 05 Do Not Disturb
1 2 3 20 08 04 Call Pickup
4 5 6 19 12 Call Forwarding All 03 Automatic
7 8 9 18 13 Speed Dial 02 Appearance
* 0 # 17 14 Last Number
01 Appearance
Volume + 16 15 Speaker
The bottom right button is fixed as a handsfree speaker button. The status of this button is not reported to the system.
770 766
859 762
Manager 10.1 Page 730
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1 KLM Module
This type of button module can be used with the M7324 phones to provide additional programmable buttons. Up to 2
KLM modules can be attached to a M7324 phone. Each module requires its own power supply unit.
+01 +13 +25 +37
+02 +14 +26 +38
+03 +15 +27 +39
+04 +16 +28 +40
+05 +17 +29 +41
+06 +18 +30 +42
+07 +19 +31 +43
+08 +20 +32 +44
+09 +21 +33 +45
+10 +22 +34 +46
+11 +23 +35 +47
+12 +24 +36 +48
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Button Programming: Phone Details
8.2.28 T-Series
M-Series and T-Series phones can access a range of functions by pressing the phone's Feature key and dialing the
required feature code.
Function Feature Code Description
Speed Dial 0 <index> This feature code can be used to dial a stored number.
If Feature 0 is followed by a 3-digit index number in the range 000 to
999, the system directory record with the matching index is dialed.
If Feature 0 is followed by * and a 2-digit index number in the range
00 to 99, the personal directory record with the matching index is
dialed. Alternatively Feature 0 can be followed by 00# to 99#.
Ring Again 2 Sets a ringback on the extension being called. When the target extension ends
its current call, the ringback users is rung and if they answer, a new call is
made to the target extension.
Ring Again Cancel #2 Cancel the currently set 'ring again' function.
Conference 3 Turn the current call and held call into a conference call. The held call can be
an existing conference to which you want to add another call.
Unconditional On
4 <number> Switch on immediate forwarding of calls to the number entered. If a number is
already set, that number is displayed and can be used or replaced by dialing a
new number.
On phones with a display, an D for divert is displayed when forward
unconditional is on.
Unconditional Off
#4 Switch off immediate call forwarding. The forwarding number is left set.
Last Number Redial 5 Redial the last number dialed for a normal call. This code can only be used
when the phone is currently idle.
Page 60 <number> Makes a paging call to an extension or group specified. If no number is
specified, this can be dialed after pressing the button. The target extension or
group members must be free and must support handsfree auto-answer in
order to hear the page.
On Avaya phones with a CONFERENCE button, a paged user can convert the
page call into a normal call by pressing that button.
Retrieve Messages
65 Access the user's voicemail box to collect messages. Same as Feature 981.
Dial Voice Call 66 <number> Automatic intercom functions allow you to call an extension and have the
call automatically answered on speaker phone after 3 beeps. The extension
called must support a handsfree speaker. If the extension does not have a
handsfree microphone then the user must use the handset if they want to talk.
If the extension is not free when called, the call is presented as a normal call
on a call appearance button if available.
Priority Call 69 This feature allows the user to call another user even if they are set to 'do not
disturb'. A priority call will follow forward and follow me settings but will not go
to voicemail. Not supported on phones without a display and phones on the
DECT systems.
Transfer (Internal) 70 <number> Using this code put the current call on hold pending transfer and makes an
transfer enquiry call to the number entered. Pressing Feature 70 again or
selecting Complete on the display completes the transfer.
Pressing the Release button or selecting Cancel on the display ends the
transfer call attempt and reconnects the call that was held pending transfer.
An available call appearance is required to initiate the transfer process.
Reserve Last CA can be used to help reserve a call appearance for outgoing
call or transfer usage.
Call Park 74 Allows the user to park the current call. The park slot number used is based on
the extension number. For example, for extension XXX, the first parked call is
assigned to park slot XXX0, the next to XXX1 and so on up to XXX9.
802 978
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Function Feature Code Description
Any user can unpark the call by entering that park slot number.
Not supported on phones without a display except the T7000 which supports a
single park slot XXX0. Not supported on phones on DECT systems.
Call Unpark #74 <park slot
Unpark a call. The code is followed by the park slot number used to park the
Not supported on phones without a display.
Call Pickup Group 75 Answer a call ringing a hunt group of which the extension user is a member.
Not supported on phones without a display and phones on the DECT systems.
Directed Call Pickup 76 Answer a call ringing the user or hunt group extension number specified. Not
supported on phones without a display and phones on the DECT systems.
Do Not Disturb On 85 Switch on do not disturb for the user. Do not disturb overrides all forwarding
and follow me functions. Calls go to voicemail if available, other the caller
receives busy.
On phones with a display, an N for no calls is displayed when do not disturb is
Do Not Disturb Off #85 Switch off do not disturb for the user.
Group Listen On 802 Using group listen allows callers to be heard through the phone's handsfree
speaker but to only hear the phone's handset microphone. When group listen
is enabled, it modifies the handsfree functionality of the users phone in the
following manner. The code must be dialed during the call. Group listen is
automatically turned off at the end of a call.
Not supported on phones without a display and phones on the DECT systems.
Group Listen Off #802 Turn off the group listen feature. The code must be dialed during the call.
Not supported on phones without a display and phones on the DECT systems.
Call Log 812 Displays the user's call log. Use the * key to switch between all calls, missed
calls, outgoing calls and incoming calls.
Use the volume keys to move through the calls in the currently displayed
category. To make a return to the entry displayed press #, to delete the entry
press Hold.
Not supported on phones without a display and phones on the DECT systems.
Voicemail Collect 981 Access the user's voicemail box to collect messages. Same as Feature 65.
Stamp Log 9*9 Insert a unique numbered stamp log line into any System Monitor trace being
run on the system and for a few seconds display the log stamp number on the
phone display.
The Audio Conferencing Unit can only use a restricted set of features (F0, F2, F3 and F5).
Manager 10.1 Page 733
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Button Programming: Phone Details
Administration Functions
The following feature codes can be used to edit phone settings. Some functions may request a security code after the
feature code is entered. When this occurs, enter your phone login code and press #.
Function Feature Code Description
Button Inspect *0 After selecting this function, pressing any programmable button will display the
function currently assigned to that button.
Not supported on phones without a display and phones on the DECT systems.
Speed Dial Button
(Abbreviated Dial )
*1 This feature allows the user to store a number against a programmable button.
After entering the code, press the button to be programmed and then enter
the number that the button should dial.
Note that any existing function on the button is overwritten.
Not supported on phones on DECT systems.
Internal Autodial
(User )
*2 This feature allow the user to create a user button that matches another user
extension number. The button can then be used to call the other user and also
to see the current state of the other user.
After entering the code, press the button to be programmed and then enter
the other user's extension number.
Note that any existing function on the button is overwritten.
Not supported on phones on DECT systems.
Button Program
(Self-Administer )
*3 This feature allows programming of a range of features onto programmable
buttons. See below for details.
Not supported on phones without a display and phones on the DECT systems.
Edit Personal Speed
*4 This feature code allows configuration of personal directory records for use as
speed dials.
After selecting this function, dial the two digit number between 00 to 99 for
the personal directory record to be programmed. Note that no warning is given
if the record is already programmed.
Enter the number and press Hold. Then enter a name to associate with the
number. The volume buttons are used to move the cursor. When complete,
press Hold again.
Not supported on phones without a display and phones on the DECT systems.
Ringer Type *6 Adjust the ringer sound type. When selected, the number keys 1 to 4 can be
used to select the required ringer. The volume can also be adjusted using the
volume controls.
Contrast *7 Adjust the display contrast. When selected, the number keys 1 to 9 can be
used to select the required contrast.
Not supported on phones without a display and phones on the DECT systems.
Ringer Volume *80 This feature code causes the phone's ringer to sound for a short period during
which its volume can be adjusted using the phone's volume controls.
Not supported on phones on DECT systems.
Enbloc *82 This code allows the user to switch enbloc dialing on or off.
When off (the default), dialing a number without going off hook will
automatically select the first available call appearance button.
When on, the user can dial a telephone number without it being sent to the
phone system. When the number is complete, going off hook or selecting an
appearance button will dial the number.
Not supported on phones without a display.
Manager 10.1 Page 734
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Button Programming
The process below can be used to assign functions to programmable buttons on T-Series and M-Series phones. Existing
button can be overwritten except buttons set to appearance functions.
1. Press Feature *3. If a security code is requested, enter your phone login code and press #.
2. Use one of the processes below. Press * to switch between processes (or More if displayed). On T7000 phones,
only the first process is supported.
a. Select Button and then Function
i. Press the button to program.
ii. Enter the feature code of the function required (the only * function supported is *7 for contrast).
iii.If the button has an existing function it is displayed and the option to replace the button or return to
function selection.
b. Select Function and then Button
i. Enter the number for the feature required or use the volume buttons to move through the list of
01. Speed dial
02. Ring Again
03. Conference
04. Call Forward All
05. Last Number
06. Page Group
07. Voicemail
08. Automatic
09. Priority Call
10. Transfer
11. Call Park
12. Group Pickup
13. Direct Pickup
14. Timer
15. Do Not Disturb On
16. Contrast
17. Group Listen On
18. Time of Day
17. Call Log
18. Self-Administer
19. Account Code
20. Forward on Busy
21. Forward on No
22. Pickup
23. Directory
24. Flash Hook
25. Internal Auto Answer
26. Set Hunt Group Night
27. Twinning
28. Ringer Off
ii. Press Hold to select a currently displayed function.
iii.Press the button to which the function should be assigned.
iv.If the button has an existing function it is displayed and the option to replace the button or return to
function selection.
c. Default Buttons
When Default Buttons is displayed, press Hold (or the Prog softkey if displayed). The phone buttons are
defaulted to those appropriate to the phone type. Note that only buttons that have a default function on the
phone type are defaulted. It does not affect the functions assigned to any buttons that do not have default
Some button function use the directory to allow number selection. When this is the case, the volume buttons are used to
scroll through the list of matching names. If this is done during a call or while a call is alerting, this will also adjust the
call or ring volume.
Manager 10.1 Page 735
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Button Programming: Phone Details T7000
Avaya M-Series and T-Series phones are supported by Release 7.0 and higher on an IP500 V2. They can be connected to
digital station ports provided by an IP500 TCM8 base card (IP500 V2 only) or on a DS16A/DS30A external expansion
module (IP500 V2 only).
IP Office Manager is able to pass user button information to a DESI application on the same PC. This allows printing of
labels using the label text set within the system configuration. Currently only ETR, M-Series, T-Series, 1400 and 1600
phonesphones are supported by DESI.
The T7000 telephone is an entry-level digital set for basic low-use office environments. The T7000 is used primarily in the
EMEA (not available in North America).
Button Functions
The diagram below indicates the button functions during normal phone operation. Buttons 01 upwards are programmable
buttons. The default programmable button functions indicated, if any, are those automatically assigned if the phone is the
first device connected to a TCM port after the system configuration is defaulted. The default button functions indicated
below are also those assigned when Feature *3 is used to default the phone's buttons. Buttons without a default
function are not overwritten when the buttons are defaulted.
If the new system is being installed with a pre-staged configuration that include user button programming, the automatic
defaulting of buttons to match the phone type will overwrite the user button settings. This behavior can be prevented by
adding the following short code to the user's setup in the pre-programmed configuration: *DCP/ Dial/
84000004,1,1,0/0. Note that subsequently removing this short code will cause the buttons to return to defaulting
according to the phone type.
These phones use virtual call appearances . set by programming Call Appearance buttons on buttons 1 to 3 of the
user's Button Programming setting. No other button functions should be assigned to those buttons. If a user with other
functions assigned to those buttons hot desks onto this type of phone, those other functions will not operate.
04 Last Number Redial
05 Call Forwarding All
06 Transfer
07 Conference
Feature Hold
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
* 0 #
Volume +
Manager 10.1 Page 736
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Manager 10.1 Page 737
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Button Programming: Phone Details T7100
Avaya M-Series and T-Series phones are supported by Release 7.0 and higher on an IP500 V2. They can be connected to
digital station ports provided by an IP500 TCM8 base card (IP500 V2 only) or on a DS16A/DS30A external expansion
module (IP500 V2 only).
IP Office Manager is able to pass user button information to a DESI application on the same PC. This allows printing of
labels using the label text set within the system configuration. Currently only ETR, M-Series, T-Series, 1400 and 1600
phonesphones are supported by DESI.
Button Functions
The diagram below indicates the button functions during normal phone operation. Buttons 01 upwards are programmable
buttons. The default programmable button functions indicated, if any, are those automatically assigned if the phone is the
first device connected to a TCM port after the system configuration is defaulted. The default button functions indicated
below are also those assigned when Feature *3 is used to default the phone's buttons. Buttons without a default
function are not overwritten when the buttons are defaulted.
If the new system is being installed with a pre-staged configuration that include user button programming, the automatic
defaulting of buttons to match the phone type will overwrite the user button settings. This behavior can be prevented by
adding the following short code to the user's setup in the pre-programmed configuration: *DCP/ Dial/
84000004,1,1,0/0. Note that subsequently removing this short code will cause the buttons to return to defaulting
according to the phone type.
These phones use virtual call appearances . set by programming Call Appearance buttons on buttons 1 to 3 of the
user's Button Programming setting. No other button functions should be assigned to those buttons. If a user with other
functions assigned to those buttons hot desks onto this type of phone, those other functions will not operate.
Release Hold
1 2 3
4 5 6 04 Last Number Redial
7 8 9
Manager 10.1 Page 738
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
* 0 #
Volume +
Manager 10.1 Page 739
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Button Programming: Phone Details T7208
Avaya M-Series and T-Series phones are supported by Release 7.0 and higher on an IP500 V2. They can be connected to
digital station ports provided by an IP500 TCM8 base card (IP500 V2 only) or on a DS16A/DS30A external expansion
module (IP500 V2 only).
IP Office Manager is able to pass user button information to a DESI application on the same PC. This allows printing of
labels using the label text set within the system configuration. Currently only ETR, M-Series, T-Series, 1400 and 1600
phonesphones are supported by DESI.
Button Functions
The diagram below indicates the button functions during normal phone operation. Buttons 01 upwards are programmable
buttons. The default programmable button functions indicated, if any, are those automatically assigned if the phone is the
first device connected to a TCM port after the system configuration is defaulted. The default button functions indicated
below are also those assigned when Feature *3 is used to default the phone's buttons. Buttons without a default
function are not overwritten when the buttons are defaulted.
If the new system is being installed with a pre-staged configuration that include user button programming, the automatic
defaulting of buttons to match the phone type will overwrite the user button settings. This behavior can be prevented by
adding the following short code to the user's setup in the pre-programmed configuration: *DCP/ Dial/
84000004,1,1,0/0. Note that subsequently removing this short code will cause the buttons to return to defaulting
according to the phone type.
Release Hold 07 Call Pickup Group
06 Transfer
1 2 3 05 Last Number Redial
4 5 6 04 Group Paging
7 8 9 03 Conference
* 0 # 02 Appearance
Volume + 01 Appearance
Mute Headset Speaker
The bottom right button is fixed as a handsfree speaker button. The status of this button is not reported to the system.
Manager 10.1 Page 740
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1 T7316
Avaya M-Series and T-Series phones are supported by Release 7.0 and higher on an IP500 V2. They can be connected to
digital station ports provided by an IP500 TCM8 base card (IP500 V2 only) or on a DS16A/DS30A external expansion
module (IP500 V2 only).
IP Office Manager is able to pass user button information to a DESI application on the same PC. This allows printing of
labels using the label text set within the system configuration. Currently only ETR, M-Series, T-Series, 1400 and 1600
phonesphones are supported by DESI.
Note that while physically very similar, the programmable button numbering order for the T7316 and T7316E
phones differ. The T7316 is more similar to the M7310 in the order of button numbering.
Manager 10.1 Page 741
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Button Programming: Phone Details
Button Functions
The diagram below indicates the button functions during normal phone operation. Buttons 01 upwards are programmable
buttons. The default programmable button functions indicated, if any, are those automatically assigned if the phone is the
first device connected to a TCM port after the system configuration is defaulted. The default button functions indicated
below are also those assigned when Feature *3 is used to default the phone's buttons. Buttons without a default
function are not overwritten when the buttons are defaulted.
If the new system is being installed with a pre-staged configuration that include user button programming, the automatic
defaulting of buttons to match the phone type will overwrite the user button settings. This behavior can be prevented by
adding the following short code to the user's setup in the pre-programmed configuration: *DCP/ Dial/
84000004,1,1,0/0. Note that subsequently removing this short code will cause the buttons to return to defaulting
according to the phone type.
Display 16 20
17 21
Softkey 1 Softkey 2 Softkey 3 18 28
19 29
10 13
Release Hold 11 14
1 2 3 12 15
4 5 6 Do Not Disturb On 09 04 Confere
7 8 9 Transfer 08 03 Last
* 0 # Call Forwarding All 07 02 Appeara
Volume + Call Pickup Group 06 01 Appeara
Mute Headset Group Paging 05 Speaker
The bottom right button is fixed as a handsfree speaker button. The status of this button is not reported to the system.
811 792
770 762
777 762
Manager 10.1 Page 742
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1 T7316E
Avaya M-Series and T-Series phones are supported by Release 7.0 and higher on an IP500 V2. They can be connected to
digital station ports provided by an IP500 TCM8 base card (IP500 V2 only) or on a DS16A/DS30A external expansion
module (IP500 V2 only).
IP Office Manager is able to pass user button information to a DESI application on the same PC. This allows printing of
labels using the label text set within the system configuration. Currently only ETR, M-Series, T-Series, 1400 and 1600
phonesphones are supported by DESI.
Note that while physically very similar, the programmable button numbering order for the T7316 and T7316E
phones differ. The T7316 is more similar to the M7310 in the order of button numbering.
Additional buttons can be supported on a T7316E phone through the addition of T7316E KEM button modules.
Manager 10.1 Page 743
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Button Programming: Phone Details
Button Functions
The diagram below indicates the button functions during normal phone operation. Buttons 01 upwards are programmable
buttons. The default programmable button functions indicated, if any, are those automatically assigned if the phone is the
first device connected to a TCM port after the system configuration is defaulted. The default button functions indicated
below are also those assigned when Feature *3 is used to default the phone's buttons. Buttons without a default
function are not overwritten when the buttons are defaulted.
If the new system is being installed with a pre-staged configuration that include user button programming, the automatic
defaulting of buttons to match the phone type will overwrite the user button settings. This behavior can be prevented by
adding the following short code to the user's setup in the pre-programmed configuration: *DCP/ Dial/
84000004,1,1,0/0. Note that subsequently removing this short code will cause the buttons to return to defaulting
according to the phone type.
Display Self-Administer 3 17 21
18 22
Softkey 1 Softkey 2 Softkey 3 19 23
20 24 Speed
Call Park 16 08
Release Hold 15 07 Ringba
1 2 3 Call Forwarding All 14 06 Do Not
4 5 6 Call Pickup Group 13 05 Confer
7 8 9 Group Paging 12 04 Last
* 0 # Transfer 11 03 Autom
Volume + 10 02 Appear
Mute Speaker Headset 09 01 Appear
Manager 10.1 Page 744
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1 T7316 KEM Module
This type of button module can be used with the T7316E phones to provide additional programmable buttons. Up to 9
modules can be added, though addition power requirements apply if more than 4 modules are used with a phone.
+01 +13
+02 +14
+03 +15
+04 +16
+05 +17
+06 +18
+07 +19
+08 +20
+09 +21
+10 +22
+11 +23
+12 +24 T7406, T7406e
Avaya M-Series and T-Series phones are supported by Release 7.0 and higher on an IP500 V2. They can be connected to
digital station ports provided by an IP500 TCM8 base card (IP500 V2 only) or on a DS16A/DS30A external expansion
module (IP500 V2 only).
These cordless phones use a base station that can support multiple sets. The T7406E base station supports up to 4
T7406E handsets. The T7406 base station supports up to 3 T7406 handsets. Each supported handset requires a
connection from the base station to a TCM port on the system.
Each phone is dedicated to its base station and cannot roam even if multiple base stations are installed.
The T7406E is available in North America, Mexico and Caribbean countries excluding Jamaica and Trinidad. The T7406E
replaces the discontinued T7406 cordless telephone.
Manager 10.1 Page 745
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Button Programming: Phone Details
Softkey 1 Softkey 2 Softkey 3
Do Not Disturb On 09 03 Last Number Redial
Transfer 08 02 Appearance
Call Forwarding All 07 01 Appearance
On Hook Spkr Off Hook
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
* 0 #
811 836
866 762
770 762
Manager 10.1 Page 746
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1 Audio Conferencing Unit
Avaya M-Series and T-Series phones are supported by Release 7.0 and higher on an IP500 V2. They can be connected to
digital station ports provided by an IP500 TCM8 base card (IP500 V2 only) or on a DS16A/DS30A external expansion
module (IP500 V2 only).
These phones use virtual call appearances . set by programming Call Appearance buttons on buttons 1 to 3 of the
user's Button Programming setting. No other button functions should be assigned to those buttons. If a user with other
functions assigned to those buttons hot desks onto this type of phone, those other functions will not operate.
The Audio Conferencing Unit (ACU) is a multiple microphone desktop conferencing unit.
The Audio Conferencing unit only supports the following Feature codes:
Speeddial: Feature 0
This feature code can be used to dial a stored number.
If Feature 0 is followed by a 3-dight number in the range 000 to 255, the system directory record with the
matching index is dialed.
If Feature 0 is followed by * and a 2-digit number in the range 71 to 94, the personal directory record with
the matching index is dialed.
Hold/Switch Calls: Feature 2
This feature code will hold the current call. If there was already a call on hold, the feature code will switch between
Conference: Feature 3
If the Audio Conferencing Unit has a call connected and another call on hold, using this feature code will
conference the unit and those calls.
Last Number Redial: Feature 5
When the phone is idle, this feature code can be used to redial the last number dialed from the Audio Conferencing
Manager 10.1 Page 747
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Button Programming: Phone Details
8.2.29 T3 Series T3 Compact/T3 IP Compact
This phone has eight buttons on the right-hand edge, however only 4 (those numbered below) are programmable
buttons, the remainder are fixed feature buttons. Note that some of the programmable buttons have default features
and, if not programmed to a specific function in the system configuration, they will perform their default function.
T3 Compact: system 3.1+.
T3 IP Compact: system 3.2+.
01 Call List
02 Voicemail
03 Do Not Disturb
04 Forward Unconditional
Manager 10.1 Page 748
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1 T3 Classic/T3 IP Classic
This phone supports 10 programmable buttons (those numbered below). Note that some of the programmable buttons
have default features and, if not programmed to a specific function in the system configuration, they will perform their
default function.
T3 Classic: system 3.1+.
T3 IP Classic: system 3.2+.
The four buttons below the display act as two pages of four using the display above. The four buttons on page one can
be programmed and match system buttons 1 to 4. The other page cannot be programmed. In addition, some of the
buttons in the two columns of buttons on the right can be programmed.
01 02 03 04
05 Call List
Handsfree 06 Voicemail
Mute 07 Headset
Menu 08 Do Not Disturb
Redial 09 Forward Unconditional
Hold 10 Directory
Manager 10.1 Page 749
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Button Programming: Phone Details T3 Comfort/T3 IP Comfort
This phone supports 22 programmable buttons (those numbered below). Note that some of the programmable buttons
have default features and, if not programmed to a specific function in the system configuration, they will perform their
default function.
T3 Comfort: system 3.1+.
T3 IP Comfort: system 3.2+.
The ten buttons below the display act as eight pages of ten using the display above. The ten buttons on page one can be
programmed and match system buttons 1 to 10. The other pages cannot be programmed. In addition, some of the
buttons in the three columns of buttons on the right can be programmed.
01 02 03 04 05
06 07 08 09 10
17 Paging 11 Call List
Handsfree 18 Pickup 12 Voicemail
Mute 19 Group Enable 13 Headset
Menu 20 Group Night Service 14 DND
Redial 21 Follow me Here 15 Forward All
Hold 22 Door 16 Directory
Manager 10.1 Page 750
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
8.3 Actions
The following sections provide details for each of the button actions supported by system. Note that this does not include
buttons on phones on a system running in Partner Edition mode.
For each the following details are listed:
Software Level
Indicates the software levels on which the action is supported.
Indicates the selection path to the action from within the list of actions displayed in IP Office Manager.
Action Data
Indicates the type of data required by the action. For some actions no data is required while for others action data
may be optional. The option to enter the data after pressing the button is not available for all phones, see
Interactive Button Menus .
Default Label
This is the default text label displayed on phones which provide a display area next to programmable buttons.
Alternate labels can be specified in the system configuration or entered by the phone user (refer to the telephone
user guide). Note that for buttons with action data set, the action data may also be displayed as part of the default
label. Depending on the display capacity of the particular phone, either a short or long label is displayed.
Indicates whether the action toggles between two states, typically on or off.
Status Indication
Indicates whether the button provides status indication relevant to the feature if the button has status lamps or
display. If the Status Indication is listed as Required it indicates that the button action is only supported on
programmable buttons that can provide status indication.
User Admin
This item indicates that users with a Self-Administer button can assign the action to other buttons themselves.
Phone Support
This is only a general indication of support or otherwise of an action by phones within particular series. On phones
with 3 or less programmable buttons those button can only be used for the Call Appearance action. In addition
some actions are only supported on phones where the programmable buttons provide status indication and or a
display for data entry once the feature is invoked.
Table of Button Programming Actions
The following tables list the actions available for programmable buttons on system.
Login Code Required
Some function may require the user to enter their log in code. This typically applies when the action data is left blank
for entry when the button is pressed.
Action Action Data Default Label
Dial Any number. Dial
Group "Group name" in quote marks. <Group name>
User "User name" in quote marks. <User name>
Supported from Release 3.0 unless otherwise stated.
Action Action Data Default Label
Appearance None. a=
Bridged Appearance User name and call appearance button
<user name><appearance label>
Coverage Appearance User name. <user name>
Line Appearance Line appearance ID. Line
Action Action Data Short Label Long Label
Abbreviated Dial Any number. AD Abbreviate
Abbreviated Dial Pause None. Pause
Abbreviated Dial ProgramNone. Prog
Manager 10.1 Page 751
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Button Programming: Actions
Action Action Data Short Label Long Label
Abbreviated Dial Stop None. Stop
Account Code Entry Account code or blank for entry when pressed. Acct Account
ACD Agent Statistics None. Stats
ACD Stroke Count None. Count
AD Special Function Mark None. Mark
AD Special Function Wait None. Wait
AD Special Functions None. Sfunc
AD Suppress None. Spres Suppress
Automatic Callback None. AutCB Auto
Automatic Intercom User number or name. Iauto Auto
Call Forwarding All
Any number or blank for entry when pressed. CFrwd Call Forward
Call Park Park slot ID (alphanumeric) or blank for menu of slots in
CPark Call Park
Call Park To Other
User number. RPark Call Park to
Call Pickup None. CpkUp Call Pickup
Cancel Leave Word
None. CnLWC
Consult None. Cnslt
Dial Intercom User number or name or blank for entry when pressed. Idial Auto
Directed Call Pickup User number or name or group number or name or or blank
for entry when pressed..
DpkUp Call Pickup
Directory None. Dir
Drop None. Drop Drop Call
Group Paging User or group number or name or blank for entry when
GrpPg Page
Headset Toggle None or FF (Release 1.4+) HdSet
Inspect None. Inspt
Internal Auto-Answer None. HFAns Auto Answer
Leave Word Calling None. LWC
Manual Exclude None. Excl
Priority Calling None. Pcall
Ringer Off None. RngOf Ringer Off
Blank or 1 or 2 Admin Self
Send All Calls None. SAC Send All
Stored Number View None. BtnVu
Time of Day None. TmDay
Timer None. Timer
Twinning None. (Release 3.2+) Twinning Twinning
Visual Voice None. (Release 4.0+) Voice Voice
Supported from Release 1.1 unless otherwise stated.
Action Action Data Category Short Label Long Label
Acquire Call User number or blank for last call
Call Acquir Acquire
Manager 10.1 Page 752
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Action Action Data Category Short Label Long Label
After Call Work (Release 4.2+) Miscellaneous ACWrk After Call
Break Out System name or IP address or blank for
selection when pressed. (Release 4.0+)
Dial BkOut Breakout
Busy None. Busy Busy
Busy On Held 0 (off) or 1 (on). Busy BusyH
Call Intrude User number or blank for entry when
Call Intru Call Intrude
Call List None. (Release 3.1+) Call LIST
Call Listen User number. Call Listn Listen
Call Log None. Call Call Log
Call Pickup Any None. Call PickA Pickup Any
Call Pickup Group None. Call PickG Pickup Group
Call Pickup Members Group number or name. Call PickM Pickup
Call Queue User number. Call Queue Queue
Call Record None. Call Recor Record
Call Screening None. (8.0+) Call CallScreen Call
Call Steal User number or blank for last call
Call Steal
Call Waiting Off None. Call CWOff
Call Waiting On None. Call CWOn
Call Waiting Suspend None. Call CWSus
Cancel All Forwarding None. Call FwdOf Call Forward
Cancel Ring Back When
None. Miscellaneous RBak-
Channel Monitor Channel number. Call ChMon
Clear Call None. Call Clear Clear
Clear CW None. Call ClrCW
Clear Hunt Group Night
Group number. Call HGNS-
Clear Hunt Group Out Of
Group number. Call HNOS-
Clear Quota "Service name" within quote marks or "" for
all services.
Call Quota
Coaching Intrusion User number or name or blank for entry
when pressed. (8.0+)
Call Coach Coaching
Conference Invoke the conference process. (M and T-
Series phones only) (Release 7.0)
Call Conf
Conference Add None. Call Conf+ Conference
Conference Meet Me Conference name or number. Call CnfMM Conf. Meet
Dial 3K1 Any number. Dial D3K1 Dial 3K1
Dial 56K Any number. Dial D56K Dial 56K
Dial 64K Any number. Dial D64K Dial 64K
Dial CW User number. Dial DCW Dial Call
Dial Direct User number or name or blank for entry
when pressed.
Dial Dirct Auto
Dial Emergency Any number. Dial Emrgy Dial
Dial Inclusion User number or name or blank for entry
when pressed. (Release 1.4+)
Dial Inclu Dial
Dial Paging User or group number or name or blank for
entry when pressed.
Dial Page Page
Dial Physical Extn by Extension port Base Extension number. Dial PhyEx Dial Physical
Manager 10.1 Page 753
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Button Programming: Actions
Action Action Data Category Short Label Long Label
Number (Release 1.4+) Extn
Dial Physical Extn by Id Extension port ID number. (Release 1.4+) Dial DialP Dial Extn by
Dial Speech Any number. Dial DSpch Dial Speech
Dial V110 Any number. Dial DV110 Dial V110
Dial V120 Any number. Dial DV120 Dial V120
Dial Video Any number. Dial Dvide Dial Video
Display Msg Command string. Dial Displ
Do Not Disturb Exception
Any number. Do Not Disturb DNDX+
Do Not Disturb Exception
Any number. Do Not Disturb DNDX-
Do Not Disturb Off None. Do Not Disturb DNDOf
Do Not Disturb On None. Do Not Disturb DNDOn Do Not
Extn Login None. Extension Login Login
Extn Logout None. Extension Logof Logout
Flash Hook None. (Release 1.4+) Miscellaneous Flash Flash Hook
Follow Me Here
User number. Follow Me Here+ Follow Me
Follow Me Here Cancel User number or blank for entry when
Follow Me Here- Follow Me
Follow Me To
User name or user number or blank for
entry when pressed.
Follow Me FolTo Follow Me To
Forward Hunt Group
Calls On
None. Forward FwdH+
Forward Hunt Group
Calls Off
None. Forward FwdH- Fwd HG Calls
Forward Number
Any number or blank for entry when
Forward FwdNo Fwd Number
Forward On Busy
Any number or blank for entry when
Forward FwBNo Fwd Busy
Forward On Busy Off None. Forward FwBOf
Forward On Busy On None. Forward FwBOn Fwd Busy
Forward On No Answer
None. Forward FwNOf
Forward On No Answer
None. Forward FwNOn Fwd No
Forward Unconditional
None. Forward FwUOf
Forward Unconditional
None. Forward FwUOn Fwd
Group Listen On None. (Release 4.1+) Extension GroupListenO
T3/T3 IP Series:
1. Not 1403, 1603, 2402, 4601, 4602, 5402, 5601 and 5602 models.
8.3.2 Abbreviated Dial Pause
Not supported. Provided for CTI emulation only. Allows a user to enter a pause character when programming an
abbreviated dial.
Release: 1.0+.
Action: Emulation | Abbreviated Dial Pause.
Action Data: None.
Default Label: Pause.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: .
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series:
5400 Series:
5600 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
T3/T3 IP Series:
1. Not 1403, 1603, 2402, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1 and
3.0DT software.
2. May have limited support on some specific T3 phone models if detailed below.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
8.3.3 Abbreviated Dial Program
Not supported. Provided for CTI emulation only. Allows a user to program abbreviated dialing numbers against other
programmable buttons. This function cannot be used to overwrite call appearance buttons.
Release: 1.0+.
Action: Emulation | Abbreviated Dial Program.
Action Data: None.
Default Label: Prog.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: .
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series:
5400 Series:
5600 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
T3/T3 IP Series:
8.3.4 Abbreviated Dial Stop
Not supported. Provided for CTI emulation only. Allows a user to enter a stop character when programming an
abbreviated dial.
Release: 1.0+.
Action: Emulation | Abbreviated Dial Stop.
Action Data: None.
Default Label: Stop.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: .
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series:
5400 Series:
5600 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
T3/T3 IP Series:
1. Not 1403, 1603, 2402, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1 and
3.0DT software.
2. May have limited support on some specific T3 phone models if detailed below.
Manager 10.1 Page 757
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Button Programming: Actions
8.3.5 Account Code Entry
Enter an account code for a call. This button can be used before dialing a number or during a call.
Release: 1.0+.
Action: Emulation | Account Code Entry.
Action Data: Optional. If an code is set it must match an account code set in the account codes list. If no account
code is set, the phone display will request entry of a valid code. This option is not supported on XX02 phones and
the T7000 phone.
Default Label: Acct or Account Code.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: .
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series:
5400 Series:
5600 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
T3/T3 IP Series:
1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1 and 3.0DT
2. May have limited support on some specific T3 phone models if detailed below.
T3 Phones:
Classic/Comfort icon: Displays 1234.
DSS Link LED: None.
Manager 10.1 Page 758
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
8.3.6 ACD Agent Statistics
Not supported. Provided for CTI emulation only.
Release: 1.0+.
Action: Emulation | ACD Agent Statistics.
Action Data: None.
Default Label: Stats.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: .
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series:
5400 Series:
5600 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
T3/T3 IP Series:
1. Not 1403, 1603, 2402, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1 and
3.0DT software.
2. May have limited support on some specific T3 phone models if detailed below.
8.3.7 ACD Stroke Count
Not supported. Provided for CTI emulation only.
Release: 1.0+.
Action: Emulation | ACD Stroke Count.
Action Data: None.
Default Label: Count.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: .
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series:
5400 Series:
5600 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
T3/T3 IP Series:
1. Not 1403, 1603, 2402, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1 and
3.0DT software.
2. May have limited support on some specific T3 phone models if detailed below.
Manager 10.1 Page 759
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Button Programming: Actions
8.3.8 Acquire Call
See Call Steal .
8.3.9 AD Special Functions
Not supported. Provided for CTI emulation only. Allows a user to enter a special character (mark, pause suppress, wait)
when entering an abbreviated dial.
Release: 1.0+.
Action: Emulation | AD Special Functions.
Action Data: None.
Default Label: Sfunc.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: .
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series:
5400 Series:
5600 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
T3/T3 IP Series:
1. Not 1403, 1603, 2402, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1 and
3.0DT software.
2. May have limited support on some specific T3 phone models if detailed below.
8.3.10 AD Special Function Mark
Not supported. Provided for CTI emulation only. Allows a user to enter a mark character when programming abbreviated
Release: 1.0+.
Action: Emulation | AD Special Function Mark.
Action Data: None.
Default Label: Mark.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: .
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series:
5400 Series:
5600 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
T3/T3 IP Series:
1. Not 1403, 1603, 2402, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1 and
3.0DT software.
2. May have limited support on some specific T3 phone models if detailed below.
Manager 10.1 Page 760
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
8.3.11 AD Special Function Wait
Not supported. Provided for CTI emulation only. Allows a user to enter a Wait for Dial Tone character when programming
an abbreviated dial.
Release: 1.0+.
Action: Emulation | AD Special Function Wait.
Action Data: None.
Default Label: Wait.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: .
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series:
5400 Series:
5600 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
T3/T3 IP Series:
1. Not 1403, 1603, 2402, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1 and
3.0DT software.
2. May have limited support on some specific T3 phone models if detailed below.
8.3.12 AD Suppress
Suppresses the display of dialed digits on the telephone display. Dialed digits are replaced with an s character.
Release: 1.0+.
Action: Emulation | AD Suppress.
Action Data: None.
Default Label: Spres or Suppress Digits.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: .
Status 2400, 5400
4600, 5600
1400, 1600,
4400, 6400,
9500 Series
9600 Series 9608, 9611 9621, 9641 T-Series,
- On. <Label> <Label> Green on Red on Green on Green On
- Off. <Label> <Label> Off Off Off Grey Off
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series:
5400 Series:
5600 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
T3/T3 IP Series:
1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1 and 3.0DT
2. May have limited support on some specific T3 phone models if detailed below.
Manager 10.1 Page 761
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Button Programming: Actions
8.3.13 After Call Work
This button is used by users configured as an CCR Agent (User | Telephony | Supervisor Settings )and working
with the IP Office Customer Call Reporter application. It shows the CCR agent their current After Call Work (ACW) status
and allow them to manually change status. While in ACW state, the agent will not receive hunt group calls.
CCR Agents can be automatically put into and taken out of ACW by the system if the user is configured for Automatic
After Call Work (User | Telephony | Supervisor Settings ). Those users must have an After Call Work button.
Release: 4.2+.
Action: Advanced | Miscellaneous | After Call Work
Action Data: None.
Default Label: ACWrk or After Call Work.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: Required.
Status 2400, 5400
4600, 5600
1400, 1600,
4400, 6400,
9500 Series
9600 Series 9608, 9611 9621, 9641 T-Series,
- On. <Label> <Label> Green on Red on Green on Green On
- Off. <Label> <Label> Off Off Off Grey Off
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series: *
1600 Series: *
20 Series:
2400 Series: *
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series: *
5400 Series: *
5600 Series: *
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
T3/T3 IP Series:
*: Not 1403, 1603, 2402, 4601, 4602, 5402, 5601 and 5602.
383 383
383 383
Manager 10.1 Page 762
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
8.3.14 Appearance
Creates a call appearance button . This can be used to answer and make calls. Users with multiple call appearance
buttons can handle multiple calls.
Call appearance functions, assigned to buttons that do not have status lamps or icons, are automatically disabled until
the user logs in at a phone with suitable buttons.
Release 3.2+: Appearance buttons can be set with a ring delay if required or to not ring. This does not affect the visual
alerting displayed next to the button. The delay uses the user's Ring Delay (User | Telephony | Multi-line Options
) setting.
Release: 3.0+.
Action: Appearance | Appearance.
Action Data: Optional text label.
Default Label: a=.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: Required. See Call Appearance Button Indication .
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series: *
4400 Series:
5400 Series:
4600 Series:
5600 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series: *
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
M-Series: *
T-Series: *
T3/T3 IP Series:
*4100 Series and 7400 Series phones support virtual call appearance button operation. This also applies
to T7000, T7100, M7100 and M7100N phones and the Audio Conferencing Unit (ACU).
385 385
Manager 10.1 Page 763
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Button Programming: Actions
Virtual Call Appearances
4100 Series and 7400 Series phones support virtual call appearance button operation. This also applies to T7000, T7100,
M7100 and M7100N phones and the Audio Conferencing Unit (ACU).
Virtual call appearance operation is similar to an analog phone with call waiting enabled. However, it does not use the call
waiting on/off settings, instead it uses call appearance buttons.
The number of virtual call appearances is set by the call appearance buttons programmed in the user's settings. These
must be programmed as a single block start from button 1. It is recommended that only a maximum of 3 call
appearances are used, however the user must have at least 1 call appearance programmed in order to make and receive
Virtual Call Appearance Usability
If the user goes off-hook, they are connected to the alerting call if any, else to dial tone in order to make an outgoing
call. This uses one of their virtual call appearance buttons.
With a call connected:
If another call arrives on another virtual call appearance, the user will hear a call waiting tone on the set. The
display, if the phone has one, will switch between details of the current and the waiting caller.
If the user presses Hold, the connected call is placed on hold and:
If there are any available virtual call appearances, dial tone is heard. This allows the user to make a call or to
use short codes that may affect the held or waiting calls. The following are some of the default short codes
that can be used:
*26: Clear CW
Drop the previous call and answer the waiting call.
*52: Clear Call
Drop the previous call.
*47: Conference Add
Start a conference between the user and any held calls.
Else, if there is a call waiting, that call is answered.
Else, if there is a call on hold, that call is reconnected.
If the user presses Release or Drop or goes on-hook during a call, the current call is ended and the user's phone
returns to idle. If there is a waiting call, it starts ringing. The user can answer the call by going off hook or
pressing Hold.
With the phone idle:
If the user goes off hook:
The first alerting call appearance is answered if any.
Else, the first idle call appearance is seized and the user hears dial tone.
The user can press Hold to switch between virtual call appearances. This will answer or retrieve any call on
next virtual call appearance or else hear dial tone to make a call.
With the phone idle but a call alerting:
Going off-hook or pressing Hold will answer the call.
When all the users virtual call appearances are in use, they are busy to any further calls. Calls will follow forward on busy
if set, else go to voicemail is available or else get busy indication.
The only other appearance button controls applied and supported are
Reserve Last CA
This setting can be enabled for the extension user. When selected, the last available call appearance is reserved
for outgoing calls only. For example, for a user with 3 call appearances, they return busy to any further calls when
2 virtual appearances are in use. The extension user can press hold to get dial tone on the reserved call
appearance. An available call appearance is also required when using Feature 70 to initiate a call transfer.
Coverage Appearances
Other users can have Coverage Appearance buttons set to provided coverage to the virtual call appearance user.
The virtual appearance users Individual Coverage Time setting is applied.
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Manager 10.1 Page 765
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Button Programming: Actions
8.3.15 Automatic Callback
Sets a ringback on the extension being called. When the target extension ends its current call, the ringback user is rung
(for their set No Answer Time) and if they answer, a new call is made to the target extension.
Ringback can also be cleared using the Cancel Ring Back When Free function.
Release: 1.0+.
Action: Emulation | Automatic Callback.
Action Data: None.
Default Label: AutCB or Auto Callback.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: .
Status 2400, 5400
4600, 5600
1400, 1600,
4400, 6400,
9500 Series
9600 Series 9608, 9611 9621, 9641 T-Series,
- On. <Label> <Label> Green on Red on Green on Green On
- Off. <Label> <Label> Off Off Off Grey Off
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series:
5400 Series:
5600 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
T3/T3 IP Series:
1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1 and 3.0DT
2. May have limited support on some specific T3 phone models if detailed below.
Manager 10.1 Page 766
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
8.3.16 Automatic Intercom
Automatic intercom functions allow you to call an extension and have the call automatically answered on speaker
phone after 3 beeps. The extension called must support a handsfree speaker. If the extension does not have a handsfree
microphone then the user must use the handset if they want to talk. If the extension is not free when called, the call is
presented as a normal call on a call appearance button if available.
Release 4.2 Q4 maintenance release and higher: This feature can be used as part of handsfree announced
transfers .
Release: 1.0+.
Action: Emulation | Automatic Intercom.
Action Data: User number or name.
Release 4.0+: This field can be left blank for number entry when pressed .
Release 4.0+: On large display phones, if configured without a preset target, this type of button will display
an interactive button menu for target selection.
Default Label: Iauto or Auto Intercom.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: .
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series:
5400 Series:
5600 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
T3/T3 IP Series:
1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1 and 3.0DT
2. May have limited support on some specific T3 phone models if detailed below.
T3 Phones:
Classic/Comfort icon: Displays followed by the set number.
DSS Link LED: None.
Manager 10.1 Page 767
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Button Programming: Actions
8.3.17 Break Out
This feature is usable within a system multi-site network. It allows a user on one system in the network to specify that
the following dialing be processed by another system on the network as if the user dialed it locally on that other system.
Pre-Release 5.0: This feature requires the IP Offices to have Advanced Small Community Networking licenses.
On phones with a multi-line display, if the target system is not specified in the button settings, a menu of the available
systems in the network is displayed from which a selection can be made.
Release: 4.0+.
Action: Advanced | Dial | Break Out.
Action Data: Optional. The system name or IP address of the required system can be specified. If no system
name or IP address is set, on display phones a list of systems within the network is displayed when the button is
Default Label: BkOut or Breakout.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: .
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series:
5400 Series:
5600 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
T3/T3 IP Series:
1. Not 1403, 1603, 2402, 4601, 4602, 5402, 5601 and 5602 models.
Manager 10.1 Page 768
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
8.3.18 Bridged Appearance
Creates an appearance button that follows the state of another user's call appearance button. The bridged appearance
can be used to make and answer calls on behalf of the call appearance user.
The bridged appearance button user must also have at least one call appearance button programmed.
Bridged appearance functions, assigned to buttons that do not have status lamps or icons, are automatically disabled
until the user logs in at a phone with suitable buttons.
Release 3.2+: Appearance buttons can be set with a ring delay if required or to not ring. This does not affect the visual
alerting displayed next to the button. The delay uses the user's Ring Delay (User | Telephony | Multi-line Options
) setting.
Release: 3.0+.
Action: Appearance | Bridged Appearance.
Action Data: User name and call appearance button number.
Default Label: <user name><call appearance label>.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: Required. See Bridge Appearance Button Indication .
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series:
5400 Series:
5600 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
M-Series: *
T-Series: *
T3/T3 IP Series:
*Not supported on T7000, T7100, M7100, M7100N and the Audio Conferencing Unit (ACU).
385 385
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Button Programming: Actions
8.3.19 Busy
Not used.
8.3.20 Busy On Held
When on, busy on held returns busy to new calls while the user has an existing call on hold. While this feature can be
used by users with appearance keys, it is not recommended as this overrides the basic call handling intent of appearance
Release: 1.1+.
Action: Advanced | Busy | Busy on Held.
Action Data: 1 for on, 0 for off.
Default Label: BusyH.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: .
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series:
5400 Series:
5600 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
T3/T3 IP Series:
1. Not 1403, 1603, 2402, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1 and
3.0DT software.
2. May have limited support on some specific T3 phone models if detailed below.
Manager 10.1 Page 770
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
8.3.21 Call Forwarding All
Switches forward unconditional on and sets the forward number to the number specified or prompts the user to enter a
number if none is specified.
Release: 1.0+.
Action: Emulation | Call Forwarding All.
Action Data: Telephone number or blank for entry when pressed .
Release 4.0+: On large display phones, if configured without a preset target, this type of button will display
an interactive button menu for target selection.
If blank, the phone displays the user's current forward number and allows it to be changed if required. This
option is not supported on XX02 phone models.
Release 4.0+: If blank, user's with a log in code will be prompted to enter that code to use this function.
Default Label: CFrwd or Call Forward All.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: .
Status 2400, 5400
4600, 5600
1400, 1600,
4400, 6400,
9500 Series
9600 Series 9608, 9611 9621, 9641 T-Series,
- On. <Label> <Label> Green on Red on Green on Green On
- Off. <Label> <Label> Off Off Off Grey Off
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series:
5400 Series:
5600 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
T3/T3 IP Series:
1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1 and 3.0DT
2. May have limited support on some specific T3 phone models if detailed below.
Manager 10.1 Page 771
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Button Programming: Actions
8.3.22 Call Intrude
This feature allows you to intrude on the existing connected call of the specified target user. All call parties are put into a
conference and can talk to and hear each other. A Call Intrude attempt to a user who is idle becomes a Priority Call .
The ability to intrude and be intruded is controlled by two configuration settings, the Can Intrude (User |
Telephony | Supervisor Settings ) setting of the user intruding and the Cannot Be Intruded (User |
Telephony | Supervisor Settings ) setting of target being intruded on. The setting of any other internal party is
ignored. By default, no users can intrude and all users are set to cannot be intruded.
The system support a range of other call intrusion methods in addition to this feature.
Release: 1.1+.
Action: Advanced | Call | Call Intrude.
Action Data: User number or blank for entry when pressed .
Release 4.0+: On large display phones, if configured without a preset target, this type of button will display
an interactive button menu for target selection.
Default Label: Intru or Intrude.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: .
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series:
5400 Series:
5600 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
T3/T3 IP Series:
1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1 and 3.0DT
2. May have limited support on some specific T3 phone models if detailed below.
8.3.23 Call List
This function is only supported for T3 phones. It provides access to a list of received calls.
Release: 3.1+.
Action: Advanced | Call | Call List.
Action Data: None.
Default Label: LIST.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: Required.
User Admin: .
Phone Support
This function is only supported for T3 phones.
T3 Phones:
Classic/Comfort icon: Displays LIST.
DSS Link LED: On when calls are in the list. Flashes when new calls are in the list.
383 383
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
8.3.24 Call Listen
This feature allows you to monitor another user's call without being heard. Monitoring can be accompanied by a tone
heard by all parties. Use of the tone is controlled by the Beep on Listen setting on the System | Telephony | Tones
& Music tab. The default for this setting is on. If enabled, this is the only indication of monitoring given to the
monitored user. There is no phone display indication of monitoring.
The use of features to listen to a call without the other call parties being aware of that monitoring may be subject
to local laws and regulations. Before enabling the feature you must ensure that you have complied with all
applicable local laws and regulations. Failure to do so may result in severe penalties.
The use of call listen is dependant on:
The target being a member of the group set as the user's Monitor Group (User | Telephony | Supervisor
Settings) . The user does not have to be a member of the group.
The ability to intrude and be intruded is controlled by two configuration settings, the Can Intrude (User |
Telephony | Supervisor Settings ) setting of the user intruding and the Cannot Be Intruded (User |
Telephony | Supervisor Settings ) setting of target being intruded on. The setting of any other internal party is
ignored. By default, no users can intrude and all users are set to cannot be intruded.
This feature uses system conference resources. If insufficient conference resource are available it will not be
possible to use this feature.
For Release 4.0+ a number of new features are supported for call listening:
Users can be given privacy features that allow them to indicate that a call cannot be monitored. See Private
Calls .
IP extensions can be monitored including those using direct media. Previously the monitoring of IP extensions
could not be guaranteed.
The monitoring call can be initiated even if the target user is not currently on a call and remains active until
the monitoring user clears the monitoring call.
The user who initiated the call listen can also record the call.
Release 4.2+: Intruding onto an a user doing silent monitoring (Call Listen ) is turned into a silent monitoring
1400, 1600, 9500 and 9600 Series phones with a user button can initiate listening using that button if the target user
meets the criteria for listening.
The system support a range of other call intrusion methods in addition to this feature.
Release: 1.1+.
Action: Advanced | Call | Call Listen.
Action Data: User number.
Default Label: Listn or Listen.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: .
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series:
5400 Series:
5600 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
T3/T3 IP Series:
1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1 and 3.0DT
2. May have limited support on some specific T3 phone models if detailed below.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Button Programming: Actions
8.3.25 Call Log
This function is only supported for . It provides access to a list of received calls.
Release: 8.1+.
Action: Advanced | Call | Call Log.
Action Data: None.
Default Label: Call Log.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: .
User Admin: .
Phone Support
This function is only supported on M-Series and T-Series phones with a display. Not supported on phones on a
DECT systems.
Manager 10.1 Page 774
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
8.3.26 Call Park
Allows the user to park and unpark calls. The button can be used in two ways, either associated with a specified park slot
number or unspecified.
When associated with a specific park slot number, the button will park and unpark calls from that park slot and
indicate when a call is parked in that park slot. Similarly the Park buttons within application (for example
SoftConsole, Phone Manager and one-X Portal for IP Office) can be used to park, retrieve and indicate parked calls.
When not associated with a specific park slot number, the button will park calls by assigning them a park slot
number based on the users extension number. For example, for extension XXX, the first parked call is assigned to
park slot XXX0, the next to XXX1 and so on up to XXX9. The button will indicate when there are parked calls in any
of those slots. On the T7000 phone, only a single automatic part slot XXX0 is supported.
With a call connected, pressing the button will park that call using a park slot number assigned by the system
based on the extension number.
With no call connected, pressing the button will display details of any calls parked by the extension and allow
their retrieval.
Park and unpark features are not currently supported between systems in a multi-site network.
Release: 1.0+.
Action: Emulation | Call Park.
Action Data: Optional. Either blank or a specific park slot number. Name ca
Park slot IDs can be up to 9 digits in length. Names can also be used for application park slots.
Default Label: CPark or Call Park.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: .
Status 2400,
- Calls parked by extension CPark CPark Green
Red flash Green
Blue Slow
- Call Parked by other
CPark CPark Red flash Red on Red flash Green Slow
- No parked calls CPark CPark Off Off Off Grey Off
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
5400 Series:
4600 Series:
5600 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
T3/T3 IP Series:
1. Not 1403, 1603, 2402, 4601, 4602, 5402, 5601 and 5602.
M-Series/T-Series: The button is equivalent to Feature 74.
Manager 10.1 Page 775
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Button Programming: Actions
8.3.27 Call Park To Other Extension
Allows the user to park their current call against another user's extension. The parked call indication on that extension is
then activated according to the telephone type.
If the target extension has a Call Park button with no specific park slot number, the parked call will be indicated by that
button and can be unparked from the list of parked calls shown when that button is pressed.
Park and unpark features are not currently supported between systems in a multi-site network.
Pre-Release 4.0: The park slot number assigned to the parked call is based on the number of the extension
against which the call is being parked. For example, calls parked against extension 203 are assigned park slot ID
2030, 2031 and so on up to 2039 depending on the number of calls parked.
Release 4.0+: The park slot number assigned to the parked call is based on the number of the extension parking
the call. For example, calls parked by extension 201 are assigned the park slot ID 2010, 2011 and so on up to
2019 depending on the number of calls parked.
Release: 1.0+.
Action: Emulation | Call Park To Other Extension.
Action Data: User number. For system 4.0+ this field can be left blank for number entry when pressed .
Release 4.0+: On large display phones, if configured without a preset target, this type of button will display
an interactive button menu for target selection.
Default Label: RPark ("Park" in pre-4.0 system) or Call Park to Other.
Toggles: Pre-4.0/ 4.0+.
Status Indication: Pre-4.0/ 4.0+.
This is the status indication on the extension parking the call.
Status 2400, 5400
4600, 5600
6400, 9500
9608, 9611 9621, 9641 T-Series,
- Parked call RPark RPark Green flash Red flash Green flash Blue Slow
- No parked call RPark RPark Off Off Off Grey Off
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
5400 Series:
4600 Series:
5600 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
T3/T3 IP Series:
1. Not 1403, 1603, 2402, 4601, 4602, 5402, 5601 and 5602.
Manager 10.1 Page 776
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
8.3.28 Call Pickup
Answer an alerting call on the system.
Release: 1.0+.
Action: Emulation | Call Pickup.
Action Data: None.
Default Label: CpkUp or Call Pickup Any.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: .
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series:
5400 Series:
5600 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
T3/T3 IP Series:
1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1 and 3.0DT
2. May have limited support on some specific T3 phone models if detailed below.
T3 Phones: Displays a menu for entry of the extension number from which to pickup a call.
Classic/Comfort icon: Displays .
DSS Link LED: None.
8.3.29 Call Pickup Any
Pick up the first available ringing call on the system.
Release: 1.1+.
Action: Advanced | Call | Call Pickup Any.
Action Data: None.
Default Label: PickA or Pickup Any.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: .
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series:
5400 Series:
5600 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
T3/T3 IP Series:
1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1 and 3.0DT
2. May have limited support on some specific T3 phone models if detailed below.
T3 Phones: Displays a list of call ringing from which the user can select a call to answer.
Classic/Comfort icon: Displays .
DSS Link LED: None.
Manager 10.1 Page 777
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Button Programming: Actions
8.3.30 Call Pickup Group
Pick up a call ringing any hunt group of which the user is a member. The user can use this feature even if their
membership of the group is currently set as disabled.
Release: 1.1+.
Action: Advanced | Call | Call Pickup Group.
Action Data: None.
Default Label: PickG or Pickup Group.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: .
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series:
5400 Series:
5600 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
T3/T3 IP Series:
1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1 and 3.0DT
2. May have limited support on some specific T3 phone models if detailed below.
T3 Phones: Displays a list of calls ringing the hunt group from which the user can select which call to answer.
Classic/Comfort icon: Displays followed by group name.
DSS Link LED: None.
M-Series/T-Series: The button is equivalent to Feature 75.
8.3.31 Call Pickup Members
This feature can be used to pick up any call to an extension that is a member of the hunt group specified. The call picked
up does not have to be a hunt group call. The call picked up does not have to be a hunt group call. The function includes
group members even if their membership of the group is currently disabled.
Release: 1.1+.
Action: Advanced | Call | Call Pickup Members.
Action Data: Group number or name.
Default Label: PickM or Pickup Members.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: .
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series:
5400 Series:
5600 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
T3/T3 IP Series:
1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1 and 3.0DT
2. May have limited support on some specific T3 phone models if detailed below.
T3 Phones: Displays a list of calls ringing the hunt group from which the user can select which call to answer.
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Classic/Comfort icon: Displays followed by group name.
DSS Link LED: None.
Manager 10.1 Page 779
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Button Programming: Actions
8.3.32 Call Queue
Transfer the call to the target extension if free or busy. If busy, the call is queued to wait for the phone to become free.
This is similar to transfer except it allows you to transfer calls to a busy phone.
Release: 1.1+.
Action: Advanced | Call | Call Queue.
Action Data: User number.
Default Label: Queue.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: .
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series:
5400 Series:
5600 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
T3/T3 IP Series:
1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1 and 3.0DT
2. May have limited support on some specific T3 phone models if detailed below.
8.3.33 Call Record
This feature allows you to record a conversation and requires Voicemail Pro to be installed. An advice of recording
warning will be given if configured on the voicemail system. The recording is placed in the mailbox specified by the
user's Manual Recording Mailbox setting. Call recording also requires available conference resources similar to a three-
party conference.
Release: 1.1+.
Action: Advanced | Call | Call Record.
Action Data: None.
Default Label: Recor or Record.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: .
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series:
5400 Series:
5600 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
T3/T3 IP Series:
1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1 and 3.0DT
2. May have limited support on some specific T3 phone models if detailed below.
Manager 10.1 Page 780
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
8.3.34 Call Screening
This function is used to enable or disable call screening. While enabled, when a caller is presented to the user's voicemail
mailbox, if the user's phone is idle they will hear through the phone's handsfree speaker the caller leaving the message
and can select to answer or ignore the call.
This feature is supported on 1408, 1416, 1608, 1616, 9500 Series, 9600 Series, M7310, M7310N, M7208,
M7208N, M7324, M7324N, T7208, T7316 and T7316E phones. It can be used with both Embedded Voicemail and
Voicemail Pro.
Call screening is only applied as follows:
It is only applied to calls that have audible alerted at the user's extension before going to voicemail. This
requires the user to have both voicemail coverage and call screening enabled and the phone's ringer not set
to silent. However it is not applied if the user transfers the call to voicemail.
It is only applied if the user's phone is idle, ie. not on a call or with a call held pending transfer or conference.
Calls that ring the user, are then rerouted (for example follow a forward on busy setting) and then return to
the user's mailbox are screened.
While a call is being screened, the phone can be used to either answer or ignore the screened call. Auto answer
options are ignored.
Answering a screened call:
A screened call can be answered by pressing the Answer soft key (if displayed) or lifting the handset.
Pressing the call appearance or line button on which the call is indicated will also answer the call.
When answered:
The phone's microphone is unmuted and a normal call between the user and caller now exists.
The voicemail recording stops but that portion of the call already recorded is left as a new message in
the user's mailbox.
Ignoring a screened call:
A screened call can be ignored by pressing the Ignore soft key if displayed. On 1400, 1600, 9500 and 9600
Series phones, pressing the SPEAKER button will ignore the call. On M-Series and T-Series phones, pressing
the Release key will ignore the call.
When ignored:
The call continues to be recorded until the caller hangs up or transfers out of the mailbox.
The user's phone returns to idle with call screening still enabled. However any other call that has
already gone to voicemail is not screened.
While a call is being screened:
The mailbox greeting played and the caller can be heard on the phone's speakerphone. The caller cannot hear
the user.
The user is regarded as being active on a call. They will not be presented with hunt group calls and additional
personal calls use abbreviated ringing.
1400/1600/9500/9600 Series phones: If the phone's default audio path is set to headset or the phone is idle
on headset, then the screened call is heard through the headset.
Any additional calls that go to the user's mailbox when they are already screening a call, remain at the
mailbox and are not screened even if the existing call being screened is ended.
Making or answering another call while listening to a screened call is treated as ignoring the screened call. For
users with Answer Pre-Select enabled (User | Telephony | Multi-line Options ), pressing an appearance
button to display details of a call is also treated as ignoring the screened call.
Other users cannot access a call that is being screened. For example they cannot use call pickup, bridged
appearance or line appearance buttons, call intrude or call acquire functions.
Phone based administration cannot be accessed and the hold, transfer and conference buttons are ignored.
The screened caller using DTMF breakout ends the call screening.
Enabling do not disturb overrides call screening except for calls from numbers in the user's do not disturb
exceptions list.
Locking the phone overrides call screening.
Manual call recording cannot be applied to a call being screened.
While a call is being screened, it uses one of the available voicemail channels. If no voicemail channels are
available, call screening does not occur.
Manager 10.1 Page 781
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Button Programming: Actions
The use of features to listen to a call without the other call parties being aware of that monitoring may be subject
to local laws and regulations. Before enabling the feature you must ensure that you have complied with all
applicable local laws and regulations. Failure to do so may result in severe penalties.
Release: 8.0+.
Action: Advanced | Call | Call Screening.
Action Data: None.
Default Label: CallScreen or Call Screening.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: .
Status 2400, 5400
4600, 5600
1400, 1600,
4400, 6400,
9500 Series
9600 Series 9608, 9611 9621, 9641 T-Series,
- On. <Label> <Label> Green on Red on Green on Green On
- Off. <Label> <Label> Off Off Off Grey Off
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series:
5400 Series:
5600 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
T3/T3 IP Series:
1. Not 1403, 1603, T7406E.
Manager 10.1 Page 782
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
8.3.35 Call Steal
This function can be used with or without a specified user target.
If the target has alerting calls, the function will connect to the longest waiting call.
If the target has no alerting calls but does have a connected call, the function will take over the connected call,
disconnecting the original user. This usage is subject to the Can Intrude setting of the Call Steal user and the
Cannot Be Intruded setting of the target.
If no target is specified, the function attempts to reclaim the user's last ringing or transferred call if it has not been
answered or has been answered by voicemail.
Release: 1.1+.
Action: Advanced | Call | Call Steal.
Action Data: User number or blank for last call transferred.
Default Label: Aquir or Aquire.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: .
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series:
5400 Series:
5600 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
T3/T3 IP Series:
1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1 and 3.0DT
2. May have limited support on some specific T3 phone models if detailed below.
Manager 10.1 Page 783
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Button Programming: Actions
8.3.36 Call Waiting Off
Switches call waiting off for the user. This button function is obsolete. The Call Waiting On button function toggles on/
off and indicates current status.
Release: 1.1+.
Action: Advanced | Call | Call Waiting Off.
Action Data: None.
Default Label: CWOff.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: .
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series:
5400 Series:
5600 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
T3/T3 IP Series:
1. Not 1403, 1603, 2402, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1 and
3.0DT software.
2. May have limited support on some specific T3 phone models if detailed below.
8.3.37 Call Waiting On
Enables call waiting on the user's extension. When the user is on a call and another call arrives, they will hear a call
waiting tone. Note: Call waiting does not operate for user's with call appearance buttons. See Call Waiting .
Release: 1.1+.
Action: Advanced | Call | Call Waiting On.
Action Data: None.
Default Label: CWOn or Call Waiting On.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: .
Status 2400, 5400
4600, 5600
1400, 1600,
4400, 6400,
9500 Series
9600 Series 9608, 9611 9621, 9641 T-Series,
- On. <Label> <Label> Green on Red on Green on Green On
- Off. <Label> <Label> Off Off Off Grey Off
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series:
5400 Series:
5600 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
T3/T3 IP Series:
1. Not 1403, 1603, 2402, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1 and
3.0DT software.
2. May have limited support on some specific T3 phone models if detailed below.
Manager 10.1 Page 784
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
8.3.38 Call Waiting Suspend
Disables call waiting, if on, for the duration of the extension's next call.
Release: 1.1+.
Action: Advanced | Call | Call Waiting Suspend.
Action Data: None.
Default Label: CWSus.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: .
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series:
5400 Series:
5600 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
T3/T3 IP Series:
1. Not 1403, 1603, 2402, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1 and
3.0DT software.
2. May have limited support on some specific T3 phone models if detailed below.
8.3.39 Cancel All Forwarding
Cancels forward unconditional, forward on busy, forward on no answer, follow me and do not disturb if any of those are
active on the user's extension.
Release: 1.1+.
Action: Advanced | Call | Cancel All Forwarding.
Action Data: None.
Default Label: FwdOf or Call Forward Off.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: .
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series:
5400 Series:
5600 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
T3/T3 IP Series:
1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1 and 3.0DT
2. May have limited support on some specific T3 phone models if detailed below.
Manager 10.1 Page 785
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Button Programming: Actions
8.3.40 Cancel Leave Word Calling
Not supported. Provided for CTI emulation only. Cancels the last Leave Word Calling message originated by the user.
Release: 1.0+.
Action: Emulation | Cancel Leave Word Calling.
Action Data: None.
Default Label: CnLWC.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: .
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series:
5400 Series:
5600 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
T3/T3 IP Series:
1. Not 1403, 1603, 2402, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1 and
3.0DT software.
2. May have limited support on some specific T3 phone models if detailed below.
8.3.41 Cancel Ring Back When Free
Cancels any existing ringback set by the user, see Ring Back When Free . Note that the Ring Back When Free button
toggles to set or cancel ringback when free and also indicates the current status.
Release: 1.1+.
Action: Advanced | Miscellaneous | Cancel Ring Back When Free.
Action Data: None.
Default Label: RBak-.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: .
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series:
5400 Series:
5600 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
T3/T3 IP Series:
1. Not 1403, 1603, 2402, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1 and
3.0DT software.
2. May have limited support on some specific T3 phone models if detailed below.
M-Series/T-Series: The button is equivalent to Feature #2.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
8.3.42 Channel Monitor
For Avaya use only.
Release: 1.1+.
Action: Advanced | Call | Channel Monitor.
Action Data: Channel.
Default Label: ChMon.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: .
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series:
5400 Series:
5600 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
T3/T3 IP Series:
1. Not 1403, 1603, 2402, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1 and
3.0DT software.
2. May have limited support on some specific T3 phone models if detailed below.
Manager 10.1 Page 787
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Button Programming: Actions
8.3.43 Clear Call
This feature can be used to end the last call put on hold. This can be used in scenarios where a first call is already on
hold and simply ending the second call will cause an unsupervised transfer of the first call.
Release: 1.1+.
Action: Advanced | Call | Clear Call.
Action Data: None.
Default Label: Clear.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: .
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series:
5400 Series:
5600 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
T3/T3 IP Series:
1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1 and 3.0DT
2. May have limited support on some specific T3 phone models if detailed below.
8.3.44 Clear CW
End the user's current call and answer any call waiting. Requires the user to also have call waiting indication on. This
function does not work for users with multiple call appearance buttons.
Release: 1.1+.
Action: Advanced | Call |Clear CW.
Action Data: None.
Default Label: ClrCW.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: .
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series:
5400 Series:
5600 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
T3/T3 IP Series:
1. Not 1403, 1603, 2402, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1 and
3.0DT software.
2. May have limited support on some specific T3 phone models if detailed below.
Manager 10.1 Page 788
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
8.3.45 Clear Hunt Group Night Service
Changes the specified hunt group from Night Service mode to 'In Service' mode. This button function is obsolete.
The Set Hunt Group Night Service function can be used to toggle a group in/out of service and provides lamp status
Setting and clearing hunt group night service can be done using either manual controls or using a system time
profile. The use of both methods to control the night service status of a particular hunt group is not
This function is currently not supported between systems in a multi-site network. It can only be used by a
user currently logged onto the same system as hosting the hunt group.
Release: 1.1+.
Action: Advanced | Call | Clear Hunt Group Night Service.
Action Data: Group number.
Release 4.0+: If left blank, the button will affect all hunt groups of which the user is a member.
For Release 8.1+, the Set Hunt Group Night Service and Clear Hunt Group Night Service short code and
button features can be used to switch an SSL VPN service off or on respectively. The service is indicated
by setting the service name as the telephone number or action data. Do not use quotation marks.
Default Label: HGNS-.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: .
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series:
5400 Series:
5600 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
T3/T3 IP Series:
1. Not 1403, 1603, 2402, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1 and
3.0DT software.
2. May have limited support on some specific T3 phone models if detailed below.
Manager 10.1 Page 789
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Button Programming: Actions
8.3.46 Clear Hunt Group Out Of Service
Changes the specified hunt groups status from Out of Service mode to 'In Service' mode. This button function is
obsolete. The Set Hunt Group Out Of Service function can be used to toggle a group in/out of service and provides
lamp status indication.
This function is currently not supported between systems in a multi-site network. It can only be used by a
user currently logged onto the same system as hosting the hunt group.
Release: 1.1+.
Action: Advanced | Call | Clear Hunt Group Out of Service.
Action Data: Group number.
Release 4.0+: If left blank, the button will affect all hunt groups of which the user is a member.
Default Label: HGOS-.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: .
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series:
5400 Series:
5600 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
T3/T3 IP Series:
1. Not 1403, 1603, 2402, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1 and
3.0DT software.
2. May have limited support on some specific T3 phone models if detailed below.
Manager 10.1 Page 790
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
8.3.47 Clear Quota
Quotas can be assigned on outgoing calls to data services such as internet connections. The quota defines the number of
minutes available for the service within a time frame set within the service, for example each day, each week or each
The Clear Quota function can be used to reset the quota for a specific service or for all services.
Release: 1.1+.
Action: Advanced | Call | Clear Quota.
Action Data: Service name" or "" (all services).
Default Label: Quota.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: .
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series:
5400 Series:
5600 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
T3/T3 IP Series:
1. Not 1403, 1603, 2402, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1 and
3.0DT software.
2. May have limited support on some specific T3 phone models if detailed below.
8.3.48 Coaching Intrusion
This feature allows the you to intrude on another user's call and to talk to them without being heard by the other call
parties to which they can still talk. For example: User A is on a call with user B. When user C intrudes on user A, they can
hear users A and B but can only be heard by user A.
The ability to intrude and be intruded is controlled by two configuration settings, the Can Intrude (User |
Telephony | Supervisor Settings ) setting of the user intruding and the Cannot Be Intruded (User |
Telephony | Supervisor Settings ) setting of target being intruded on. The setting of any other internal party is
ignored. By default, no users can intrude and all users are set to cannot be intruded.
The use of features to listen to a call without the other call parties being aware of that monitoring may be subject
to local laws and regulations. Before enabling the feature you must ensure that you have complied with all
applicable local laws and regulations. Failure to do so may result in severe penalties.
The system support a range of other call intrusion methods in addition to this feature.
Release: 8.0+.
Action: Advanced | Call | Coaching Intrusion.
Action Data: None.
Default Label: Coach or Coaching Intrusion.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: .
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series:
5400 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
T3/T3 IP Series:
383 383
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Button Programming: Actions
5600 Series:
1. Not 1403, 1603.
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8.3.49 Conference
This function is intend for use with Avaya M-Series and T-Series phones only. When pressed, the button invokes the
same conference process as dialing Feature 3.
Release: 7.0+.
Action: Advanced | Call | Conference.
Action Data: None.
Default Label: Conf or Conference Add.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: .
User Admin: .
Phone Support
This function is only supported on Avaya M-Series and T-Series phones.
M-Series/T-Series: The button is equivalent to Feature 3.
8.3.50 Conference Add
Conference add controls can be used to place the user, their current call and any calls they have on hold into a
conference. When used to start a new conference, the system automatically assigns a conference ID to the call. This is
termed ad-hoc (impromptu) conferencing.
If the call on hold is an existing conference, the user and any current call are added to that conference. This can be used
to add additional calls to an ad-hoc conference or to a meet-me conference. Conference add can be used to connect
two parties together. After creating the conference, the user can drop from the conference and the two incoming calls
remain connected.
For further details refer to the Conferencing section.
Release: 1.1+.
Action: Advanced | Call | Conference Add.
Action Data: None.
Default Label: Conf+ or Conference Add.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: .
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series:
5400 Series:
5600 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
T3/T3 IP Series:
1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1 and 3.0DT
2. May have limited support on some specific T3 phone models if detailed below.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Button Programming: Actions
8.3.51 Conference Meet Me
Conference meet-me refers to features that allow a user or caller to join a specific conference by using the conference's
ID number (either pre-set in the control or entered at the time of joining the conference).
Pre-Release 5.0: This function is not supported on IP500 systems without an IP500 Upgrade Standard to
Professional license.
Release 6.0+: IP500 and IP500 V2 systems require a Preferred Edition license.
! Note
Conference Meet Me features can create conferences that include only one or two parties. These are still
conferences that are using resources from the host system's conference capacity.
Conference ID Numbers
By default, ad hoc conferences are assigned numbers starting from 100 for the first conference in progress. Therefore,
for conference Meet Me features specify a number away from this range ensure that the conference joined is not an ad
hoc conference started by other users. For Release 8.0 it is no longer possible to join a conference using conference Meet
Me features when the conference ID is in use by an ad-hoc conference.
User Personal Conference Number
For Release 8.0+, each user's own extension number is treated as their own personal conference number.
Only that user is able to start a conference using that number as the conference ID. Any one else attempting
to start a conference with that number will find themselves in a conference but on hold until the owner also
joins. Personal conferences are always hosted on the owner's system. Note, when a user calls from their
mobile twinned number, the personal conference feature will only work if they access the conference using an
FNE 18 service.
Multi-Site Network Conferencing
For Release 8.0+, Meet Me conference IDs are now shared across a multi-site network. For example, if a conference with
the ID 500 is started on one system, anyone else joining conference 500 on any system will join the same conference.
Each conference still uses the conference resources of the system on which it was started and is limited by the available
conference capacity of that system.
Previously separate conferences, each with the same conference ID, could be started on each system in a multi-site
Other Features
Transfer to a Conference Button (Release 4.1 and higher)
A currently connected caller can be transferred into the conference by pressing TRANSFER, then the Conference
Meet Me button and TRANSFER again to complete the transfer. This allows the user to place callers into the
conference specified by the button without being part of the conference call themselves. This option is only
support on Avaya phones with a fixed TRANSFER button (excluding T3 and T3 IP phones).
Conference Button Status Indication (Release 4.1 and higher)
When the conference is active, any buttons associated with the conference ID indicate the active state.
For further details refer to the Conferencing section. 1001
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Release: 1.1+.
Action: Advanced | Call | Conference Meet Me.
Action Data: Conference number. This can be an alphanumeric value up to 15 characters.
User Personal Conference Number
For Release 8.0+, each user's own extension number is treated as their own personal conference number.
Only that user is able to start a conference using that number as the conference ID. Any one else attempting
to start a conference with that number will find themselves in a conference but on hold until the owner also
joins. Personal conferences are always hosted on the owner's system. Note, when a user calls from their
mobile twinned number, the personal conference feature will only work if they access the conference using an
FNE 18 service.
Default Label: CnfMM <conference number> or Conf. Meet Me <conference number>.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: Release 4.1+
Status 2400,
- Conference In
CnfMM CnfMM Green on Red on Green on Green On
- Conference Idle CnfMM CnfMM Off Off Off Grey Off
For a Conference Meet Me configured to the user's own extension number, the indicator flashes red when the
conference is in use but the user has not joined. There is also an abbreviated ring when the indicator changes
to flashing red. It changes to solid red when the user joins.
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series:
5400 Series:
5600 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
T3/T3 IP Series:
1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1 and 3.0DT
2. May have limited support on some specific T3 phone models if detailed below.
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Button Programming: Actions
8.3.52 Consult
Not supported. Provided for CTI emulation only.
Release: 1.0+.
Action: Emulation | Consult.
Action Data: None.
Default Label: Cnslt.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: .
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series:
5400 Series:
5600 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
T3/T3 IP Series:
1. Not 1403, 1603, 2402, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1 and
3.0DT software.
2. May have limited support on some specific T3 phone models if detailed below.
Manager 10.1 Page 796
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
8.3.53 Coverage Appearance
Creates a button that alerts when a call to the specified covered user is unanswered after that users Individual
Coverage Timer expires.
The call coverage appearance button user must also have at least one call appearance button programmed. The covered
user does not need to be using call appearance buttons.
Coverage appearance functions, assigned to buttons that do not have status lamps or icons, are automatically disabled
until the user logs in at a phone with suitable buttons.
IP Office: Appearance buttons can be set with a ring delay if required or to not ring. This does not affect the visual
alerting displayed next to the button. The delay uses the user's Ring Delay (User | Telephony | Multi-line Options
) setting.
Release: 3.0+.
Action: Appearance | Coverage Appearance.
Action Data: User name.
Default Label: <user name>.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: . See Coverage Button Indication .
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series:
5400 Series:
5600 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
M-Series: *
T-Series: *
T3/T3 IP Series:
*Not supported on T7000, T7100, M7100, M7100N and the Audio Conferencing Unit (ACU).
385 385
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Button Programming: Actions
8.3.54 Dial
This action is used to dial the number contained in the Telephone Number field. A partial number can be enter for the
user to complete. On buttons with a text label area, Dial followed by the number is shown.
Release: 1.0+.
Action: Dial.
Action Data: Telephone number or partial telephone number.
Default Label: Dial.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: .
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series:
5400 Series:
5600 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
T3/T3 IP Series:
1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1 and 3.0DT
2. May have limited support on some specific T3 phone models if detailed below.
T3 Phones:
Classic/Comfort icon: Displays the telephone number set.
DSS Link LED: None.
8.3.55 Dial 3K1
The call is presented to local exchange as a "3K1 Speech Call". Useful in some where voice calls cost less than data calls.
Release: 1.1+.
Action: Advanced | Dial | Dial 3K1.
Action Data: Telephone number.
Default Label: D3K1 or Dial 3K1.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: .
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series:
5400 Series:
5600 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
T3/T3 IP Series:
1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1 and 3.0DT
2. May have limited support on some specific T3 phone models if detailed below.
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8.3.56 Dial 56K
The call presented to local exchange as a "Data Call".
Release: 1.1+.
Action: Advanced | Dial | Dial 56K.
Action Data: Telephone number.
Default Label: D56K or Dial 56K.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: .
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series:
5400 Series:
5600 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
T3/T3 IP Series:
1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1 and 3.0DT
2. May have limited support on some specific T3 phone models if detailed below.
8.3.57 Dial 64K
The call is presented to local exchange as a "Data Call".
Release: 1.1+.
Action: Advanced | Dial | Dial 64K.
Action Data: Telephone number.
Default Label: D64K or Dial 64K.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: .
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series:
5400 Series:
5600 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
T3/T3 IP Series:
1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1 and 3.0DT
2. May have limited support on some specific T3 phone models if detailed below.
Manager 10.1 Page 799
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Button Programming: Actions
8.3.58 Dial CW
Call the specified extension number and force call waiting indication on if the extension is already on a call. The call
waiting indication will not work if the extension called has multiple call appearance buttons in use.
Release: 1.1+.
Action: Advanced | Dial | Dial CW.
Action Data: User number.
Default Label: DCW or Dial Call Waiting.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: .
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series:
5400 Series:
5600 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
T3/T3 IP Series:
1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1 and 3.0DT
2. May have limited support on some specific T3 phone models if detailed below.
8.3.59 Dial Direct
Automatic intercom functions allow you to call an extension and have the call automatically answered on speaker
phone after 3 beeps. The extension called must support a handsfree speaker. If the extension does not have a handsfree
microphone then the user must use the handset if they want to talk. If the extension is not free when called, the call is
presented as a normal call on a call appearance button if available.
Release 4.2 Q4 maintenance release and higher: This feature can be used as part of handsfree announced
transfers .
Release: 1.1+.
Action: Advanced | Dial | Dial Direct.
Action Data: User number or name or blank for entry when pressed.
If left blank, the Dial Direct button can be used with User buttons to specify the target.
Default Label: Dirct or Auto Intercom.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: .
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series:
5400 Series:
5600 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
T3/T3 IP Series:
1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1 and 3.0DT
2. May have limited support on some specific T3 phone models if detailed below.
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8.3.60 Dial Emergency
Dials the number specified regardless of any outgoing call barring applicable to the user.
Release: 1.1+.
Action: Advanced | Dial | Dial Emergency.
Action Data: Telephone number.
Default Label: Emrgy or Dial Emergency.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: .
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series:
5400 Series:
5600 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
T3/T3 IP Series:
1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1 and 3.0DT
2. May have limited support on some specific T3 phone models if detailed below.
8.3.61 Dial Inclusion
This feature allows you to intrude on another user's call to talk to them. Their current call is put on hold while you talk
and automatically reconnected when you end the intrusion. The intruder and the target extension can then talk but
cannot be heard by the other party. This can include intruding into a conference call, where the conference will continue
without the intrusion target.
During the intrusion all parties hear a repeated intrusion tone. When the intruder hangs-up the original call parties are
reconnected. Attempting to hold a dial inclusion call simply ends the intrusion. The inclusion cannot be parked.
The ability to intrude and be intruded is controlled by two configuration settings, the Can Intrude (User |
Telephony | Supervisor Settings ) setting of the user intruding and the Cannot Be Intruded (User |
Telephony | Supervisor Settings ) setting of target being intruded on. The setting of any other internal party is
ignored. By default, no users can intrude and all users are set to cannot be intruded.
The system support a range of other call intrusion methods in addition to this feature.
Release: 1.4+.
Action: Advanced | Dial | Dial Inclusion.
Action Data: User number or name or blank for user selection when pressed .
Release 4.0+: On large display phones, if configured without a preset target, this type of button will display
an interactive button menu for target selection.
Default Label: Inclu or Dial Inclusion.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: .
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series:
5400 Series:
5600 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
T3/T3 IP Series:
383 383
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Button Programming: Actions
1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1 and 3.0DT
2. May have limited support on some specific T3 phone models if detailed below.
Manager 10.1 Page 802
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
8.3.62 Dial Intercom
Automatic intercom functions allow you to call an extension and have the call automatically answered on speaker
phone after 3 beeps. The extension called must support a handsfree speaker. If the extension does not have a handsfree
microphone then the user must use the handset if they want to talk. If the extension is not free when called, the call is
presented as a normal call on a call appearance button if available.
Release 4.2 Q4 maintenance release and higher: This feature can be used as part of handsfree announced
transfers .
Release: 1.0+.
Action: Emulation | Dial Intercom.
Action Data: User number or name or blank for number entry when pressed .
Release 4.0+: On large display phones, if configured without a preset target, this type of button will display
an interactive button menu for target selection.
Default Label: Idial or Auto Intercom.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: .
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series:
5400 Series:
5600 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
T3/T3 IP Series:
1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1 and 3.0DT
2. May have limited support on some specific T3 phone models if detailed below.
T3 Phones:
Classic/Comfort icon: Displays followed by the set number.
DSS Link LED: None.
M-Series/T-Series: The button is equivalent to Feature 66 <number>.
Manager 10.1 Page 803
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Button Programming: Actions
8.3.63 Dial Paging
Makes a paging call to an extension or group specified. If no number is specified, this can be dialed after pressing the
button. The target extension or group members must be free and must support handsfree auto-answer in order to hear
the page.
On Avaya phones with a CONFERENCE button, a paged user can convert the page call into a normal call by pressing that
Release: 1.1+.
Action: Advanced | Dial | Dial Paging.
Action Data: User number or name or group number or name or blank for number entry when pressed.
Default Label: Page.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: .
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series:
5400 Series:
5600 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
T3/T3 IP Series:
1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1 and 3.0DT
2. May have limited support on some specific T3 phone models if detailed below.
T3 Phones:
Classic/Comfort icon: Displays followed by target number if set.
DSS Link LED: None.
Paging Limits
The table below lists the maximum recommended size for paging groups.
Control Unit Software Level
4.0+ 3.2
IP500/IP500 V2 64
IP412 48 24
IP406 V2 32 16
Small Office Edition 16 16
IP406 V1 16
IP403 16
Manager 10.1 Page 804
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
8.3.64 Dial Physical Extn by Number
Call the specified extension using its Base Extension number setting. This is regardless of the current user logged in at
that extension and any forwarding, follow me or do not disturb settings applied by the extension user. This function
requires the extension to be assigned a default extension number in the system configuration. If the extension does not
have a default extension number, Dial Physical Extn by Id should be used.
Release: 1.4+.
Action: Advanced | Dial | Dial Physical Extn by Number.
Action Data: Extension port base extension number.
Default Label: PhyEx or Dial Physical Extn.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: .
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series:
5400 Series:
5600 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
T3/T3 IP Series:
1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1 and 3.0DT
2. May have limited support on some specific T3 phone models if detailed below.
8.3.65 Dial Physical Extn by Id
Call the specified extension, if free, regardless of the current user logged in at that extension and any forwarding, follow
me or do not disturb settings applied by the extension user. This function uses the port ID shown in the system
Release: 1.4+.
Action: Advanced | Dial | Dial Physical Extn by Id.
Action Data: Extension port ID number.
Default Label: DialP or Dial Extn by Id.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: .
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series:
5400 Series:
5600 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
T3/T3 IP Series:
1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1 and 3.0DT
2. May have limited support on some specific T3 phone models if detailed below.
Manager 10.1 Page 805
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Button Programming: Actions
8.3.66 Dial Speech
This feature allows a short code to be created to force the outgoing call to use the Speech bearer capability.
Release: 1.1+.
Action: Advanced | Dial | Dial Speech.
Action Data: Telephone number.
Default Label: DSpch or Dial Speech.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: .
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series:
5400 Series:
5600 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
T3/T3 IP Series:
1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1 and 3.0DT
2. May have limited support on some specific T3 phone models if detailed below.
8.3.67 Dial V110
The call is presented to local exchange as a "Data Call".
Release: 1.1+.
Action: Advanced | Dial | Dial V110.
Action Data: Telephone number.
Default Label: DV110 or Dial V110.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: .
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series:
5400 Series:
5600 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
T3/T3 IP Series:
1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1 and 3.0DT
2. May have limited support on some specific T3 phone models if detailed below.
Manager 10.1 Page 806
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
8.3.68 Dial V120
The call is presented to local exchange as a "Data Call".
Release: 1.1+.
Action: Advanced | Dial | Dial V120.
Action Data: Telephone number.
Default Label: DV120 or Dial V120.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: .
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series:
5400 Series:
5600 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
T3/T3 IP Series:
1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1 and 3.0DT
2. May have limited support on some specific T3 phone models if detailed below.
8.3.69 Display Msg
Allows the sending of text messages to digital phones on the local system.
Release: 1.0+.
Action: Advanced | Dial | Display Msg.
Action Data: The telephone number takes the format N";T" where:
N is the target extension.
T is the text message. Note that the "; before the text and the " after the text are required.
Default Label: Displ.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: .
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series:
5400 Series:
5600 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
T3/T3 IP Series:
1. Not 1403, 1603, 2402, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1 and
3.0DT software.
2. May have limited support on some specific T3 phone models if detailed below.
Manager 10.1 Page 807
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Button Programming: Actions
8.3.70 Dial Video
The call is presented to the local exchange as a "Video Call".
Release: 1.1+.
Action: Advanced | Dial | Dial Video.
Action Data: Telephone number.
Default Label: Dvide or Dial Video.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: .
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series:
5400 Series:
5600 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
T3/T3 IP Series:
1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1 and 3.0DT
2. May have limited support on some specific T3 phone models if detailed below.
Manager 10.1 Page 808
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
8.3.71 Directed Call Pickup
Pickup a call ringing at a specific extension or hunt group.
Release: 1.0+.
Action: Emulation | Directed Pickup.
Action Data: User number or name or group number or name or blank for number entry when pressed .
Release 4.0+: On large display phones, if configured without a preset target, this type of button will display
an interactive button menu for target selection.
Default Label: DpkUp or Call Pickup.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: .
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series:
5400 Series:
5600 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
T3/T3 IP Series:
1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1 and 3.0DT
2. May have limited support on some specific T3 phone models if detailed below.
M-Series/T-Series: The button is equivalent to Feature 76.
Manager 10.1 Page 809
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Button Programming: Actions
8.3.72 Directory
A Dir button provides access to various directories and allows telephone number selection by dialed name matching. The
directories available for searching depend on the phone type, see User Directory Access . Once they user has selected
a directory, dialing on the dial pad letter keys is used to display matching names, with controls for scrolling through the
matching names and for calling the currently displayed name.
The method of name matching is controlled by the Dial by Name (System | Telephony | Telephony) setting in
the system configuration:
With Dial By Name on
Matching is done against all the dial keys pressed. For example, dialing 527 matches names starting with JAS (for
example "Jason") and KAR (for example "Karl"). Only the first 50 matches are displayed.
With Dial By Name off
Matching is done against the first letter only. For example pressing 5 displays names beginning with J. Press 5
again displays names beginning with K. Only the first 50 matches are displayed. This mode is not supported by
Release 5.0+.
Name dialing functions on the system assume that the phone is using the standard ITU keypad as follows:
Dialing Spaces
For names that include spaces, the method of indicating a space has changed in Release 5.
Pre-Release 5
To enter a name with a space, nothing is dialed for the space. For example "John S..." is dialed as 56467.
Release 5.0+
To enter a name with a space, the 0 key is used for the space. For example "John S..." is dialed as 564607.
Release: 1.0+.
Action: Emulation | Directory.
Action Data: None.
Default Label: Dir.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: .
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1400 Series:
1600 Series: *
20 Series:
2400 Series: *
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
5400 Series: *
4600 Series: *
5600 Series: *
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
T-Series: *
T3/T3 IP Series:
* Not 1603, 2402, 4601, 4602, 5402, 5601, 5602 and T7100 models.
T3 Phones:
Classic/Comfort icon: Displays .
DSS Link LED: None.
237 237
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
8.3.73 Do Not Disturb Exception Add
Adds a number to the user's "Do Not Disturb Exception List". This can be the number of an internal user or a number to
match the CLI of a particular external caller.Calls from that number, except hunt group calls, will ignore the user's Do Not
Disturb setting. For further details see Do Not Disturb (DND).
Release: 1.1+.
Action: Advanced | Do Not Disturb | Do Not Disturb Exception Add.
Action Data: Telephone number or CLI. Up to 31 characters. For CLI numbers any prefix added by the system
must also be included.
Default Label: DNDX+.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: .
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series:
5400 Series:
5600 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
T3/T3 IP Series:
1. Not 1403, 1603, 2402, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1 and
3.0DT software.
2. May have limited support on some specific T3 phone models if detailed below.
8.3.74 Do Not Disturb Exception Delete
Removes a number from the user's "Do Not Disturb Exception List". This can be the number of an internal user or a
number to match the CLI of a particular external caller.
Release: 1.1+.
Action: Advanced | Do Not Disturb | Do Not Disturb Exception Delete.
Action Data: Telephone number or CLI.
Default Label: DNDX-.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: .
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series:
5400 Series:
5600 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
T3/T3 IP Series:
1. Not 1403, 1603, 2402, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1 and
3.0DT software.
2. May have limited support on some specific T3 phone models if detailed below.
Manager 10.1 Page 811
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Button Programming: Actions
8.3.75 Do Not Disturb Off
Cancels the user's 'do not disturb' mode if set. This button function is obsolete as the do not disturb on function
toggles on/off and indicates the button status.
Release: 1.1+.
Action: Advanced | Do Not Disturb | Do Not Disturb Off.
Action Data: None.
Default Label: DNDOf.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: .
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series:
5400 Series:
5600 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
T3/T3 IP Series:
1. Not 1403, 1603, 2402, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1 and
3.0DT software.
2. May have limited support on some specific T3 phone models if detailed below.
M-Series/T-Series: The button is equivalent to Feature #85.
8.3.76 Do Not Disturb On
Enables the user's 'do not disturb' mode.
For CCR Agents, using this function button on the following phones will be requested the user to select a reason code -
1400, 1600, 2400, 4600, 5400, 5600, 9500 and 9600 Series phones with available programmable buttons.
Release: 1.1+.
Action: Advanced | Do Not Disturb | Do Not Disturb On.
Action Data: None.
Default Label: DNDOn or Do Not Disturb.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: .
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series:
5400 Series:
5600 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
T3/T3 IP Series:
1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1 and 3.0DT
2. May have limited support on some specific T3 phone models if detailed below.
M-Series/T-Series: The button is equivalent to Feature 85.
Manager 10.1 Page 812
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
8.3.77 Drop
This action is supported on phones which do not have a permanent Drop button.
For a currently connected call, pressing Drop disconnects the call. When drop is used to end a call, silence is
returned to the user rather than dial tone. This is intended operation, reflecting that Drop is mainly intended for
use by call center headset users.
If the user has no currently connected call, pressing Drop will redirect a ringing call using the user's Forward on
No Answer setting if set or otherwise to voicemail if available.
For a conference call, on phones with a suitable display, Drop can be used to display the conference parties and
allow selection of which party to drop from the conference.
Release: 1.0+.
Action: Emulation | Drop.
Action Data: None.
Default Label: Drop or Drop Call.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: .
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
5400 Series:
4600 Series:
5600 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
T3/T3 IP Series:
Manager 10.1 Page 813
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Button Programming: Actions
8.3.78 Extn Login
Extn Login allows a user who has been configured with a Login Code (User | Telephony | Supervisor Settings )
to take over ownership of any extension. That user's extension number becomes the extension number of the extension
while they are logged.
When used, the user will be prompted to enter their extension number and then their log in code. Login codes of up to 15
digits are supported with Extn Login buttons. Login codes of up to 31 digits are supported with Extn Login short codes.
When a user logs in, as many of their user settings as possible are applied to the extension. The range of settings
applied depends on the phone type and on the system configuration.
By default, on 1400 Series, 1600 Series, 9500 Series and 9600 Series phones, the user's call log and personal
directory are accessible while they are logged in. This also applied to M-Series and T-Series telephones.
On other types of phone, those items such as call logs and speed dials are typically stored locally by the
phone and will not change when users log in and log out.
If the user logging in was already logged in or associated with another phone, they will be automatically logged
out that phone.
Release: 1.1+.
Action: Advanced | Extension | Extn Login.
Action Data: None.
Default Label: Login.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: .
Status 2400, 5400
4600, 5600
1400, 1600,
4400, 6400,
9500 Series
9600 Series 9608, 9611 9621, 9641 T-Series,
- On. <Label> <Label> Green on Red on Green on Green On
- Off. <Label> <Label> Off Off Off Grey Off
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series:
5400 Series:
5600 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
T3/T3 IP Series:
1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1 and 3.0DT
2. May have limited support on some specific T3 phone models if detailed below.
383 383
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
8.3.79 Extn Logout
Logs out a user from the phone. The phone will return to its normal default user, if an extension number is set against
the physical extension settings in the configuration. Otherwise it takes the setting of the NoUser user. This action is
obsolete as Extn Login can be used to log out an existing logged in user.
If the user who logged out was the default user for an extension, dialing *36 will associate the extension with the user
unless they are set to forced log in.
Release 4.0+: This feature cannot be used by a user who does not have a log in code.
Release: 1.1+.
Action: Advanced | Extension | Extn Logout.
Action Data: None.
Default Label: Logof or Logout.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: .
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series:
5400 Series:
5600 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
T3/T3 IP Series:
1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1 and 3.0DT
2. May have limited support on some specific T3 phone models if detailed below.
Manager 10.1 Page 815
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Button Programming: Actions
8.3.80 Flash Hook
Sends a hook flash signal to the currently connected line if that line is an analog line.
Release: 1.4+.
Action: Advanced | Miscellaneous | Flash Hook.
Action Data: Optional.
Normally this field is left blank. Release 4.0+: It can contain the destination number for a Centrex Transfer for
external calls on a line from a Centrex service provider.
Default Label: Flash or Flash Hook.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: .
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series:
5400 Series:
5600 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
T3/T3 IP Series:
1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1 and 3.0DT
2. May have limited support on some specific T3 phone models if detailed below.
Manager 10.1 Page 816
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
8.3.81 Follow Me Here
Causes calls to the extension number specified, to be redirected to this user's extension. Release 4.0+: User's with a log
in code will be prompted to enter that code when using this function.
The use of Follow Me features is not supported between systems in a multi-site network.
Release: 1.1+.
Action: Advanced | Follow Me | Follow Me Here.
Action Data: User name or user number.
If a user name or user number has been entered in the Action Data field, when the interactive menu opens,
press Enter to activate Follow Me Here for the number displayed on the screen.
Release 4.0+: This field can be left blank for number entry when pressed .
Release 4.0+: On large display phones, if configured without a preset target, this type of button will display
an interactive button menu for target selection.
Default Label: Here+ or Follow Me Here.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: .
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series:
5400 Series:
5600 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
T3/T3 IP Series:
1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1 and 3.0DT
2. May have limited support on some specific T3 phone models if detailed below.
T3 Phones:
Classic/Comfort icon: Displays followed by the user name.
DSS Link LED: On when active.
8.3.82 Follow Me Here Cancel
Cancels any 'Follow Me Here' set on the specified extension. Only works if entered at the extension to which the
extension's calls are being sent by the follow me action.
The use of Follow Me features is not supported between systems in a multi-site network.
Release: 1.1+.
Action: Advanced | Follow Me | Follow Me Here Cancel.
Action Data: User number or blank for number entry when pressed .
If a user name or user number has been entered in the Action Data field, when the interactive menu opens,
press Enter to deactivate Follow Me Here for the number displayed on the screen.
Release 4.0+: On large display phones, if configured without a preset target, this type of button will display
an interactive button menu for target selection.
Default Label: Here- or Follow Me Here-.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: .
User Admin: .
Manager 10.1 Page 817
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Button Programming: Actions
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series:
5400 Series:
5600 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
T3/T3 IP Series:
1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1 and 3.0DT
2. May have limited support on some specific T3 phone models if detailed below.
8.3.83 Follow Me To
Leaving the extension blank prompts the user to enter the extension to which their calls should be redirected. Release
4.0+: User's with a log in code will be prompted to enter that code when using this function.
The use of Follow Me features is not supported between systems in a multi-site network.
Release: 1.1+.
Action: Advanced | Follow Me | Follow Me To.
Action Data: User name or user number or blank for number entry when pressed .
If a user name or user number has been entered in the Action Data field, when the interactive menu opens,
press Enter to activate Follow Me To for the number displayed on the screen.
Release 4.0+: On large display phones, if configured without a preset target, this type of button will display
an interactive button menu for target selection.
Default Label: FolTo or Follow Me To.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: .
On/off status indication is provided if the button is programmed with a user name or number.
Status 2400, 5400
4600, 5600
1400, 1600,
4400, 6400,
9500 Series
9600 Series 9608, 9611 9621, 9641 T-Series,
- On. <Label> <Label> Green on Red on Green on Green On
- Off. <Label> <Label> Off Off Off Grey Off
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series:
5400 Series:
5600 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
T3/T3 IP Series:
1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1 and 3.0DT
2. May have limited support on some specific T3 phone models if detailed below.
Manager 10.1 Page 818
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
8.3.84 Forward Hunt Group Calls Off
Cancels the forwarding of the user's hunt group calls. This function is obsolete since the button function Forward Hunt
Group Calls On toggles on/off and indicates status.
Release: 1.1+.
Action: Advanced | Forward | Forward Hunt Group Calls Off.
Action Data: None.
Default Label: FwdH-.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: .
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series:
5400 Series:
5600 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
T3/T3 IP Series:
1. Not 1403, 1603, 2402, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1 and
3.0DT software.
2. May have limited support on some specific T3 phone models if detailed below.
8.3.85 Forward Hunt Group Calls On
Forward the user's hunt group calls (internal and external). This function only works when forward unconditional is also
on and uses the same forwarding number as forward unconditional.
This option is only applied for calls to Sequential and Rotary type hunt groups. Calls from other hunt group types are
not presented to the user when they have Forward Unconditional active. Note also that hunt group calls cannot be
forwarded to another hunt group.
Release: 1.1+.
Action: Advanced | Forward | Forward Hunt Group Calls On.
Action Data: None.
Default Label: FwdH+ or Fwd HG Calls.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: .
Status 2400, 5400
4600, 5600
1400, 1600,
4400, 6400,
9500 Series
9600 Series 9608, 9611 9621, 9641 T-Series,
- On. <Label> <Label> Green on Red on Green on Green On
- Off. <Label> <Label> Off Off Off Grey Off
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series:
5400 Series:
5600 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
T3/T3 IP Series:
1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1 and 3.0DT
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Button Programming: Actions
2. May have limited support on some specific T3 phone models if detailed below.
Manager 10.1 Page 820
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
8.3.86 Forward Number
Sets the number to which calls are forwarded when the user has forwarding on. Used for all forwarding options unless a
separate Forward On Busy Number is also set. Forwarding to an external number is blocked if Inhibit Off-Switch
Transfers is selected within the system configuration.
Release: 1.1+.
Action: Advanced | Forward | Forward Number.
Action Data: Telephone number.
Release 4.0+: The field to be left blank to prompt the user for entry when the button is pressed . If blank,
users with a log in code will be prompted to enter that code.
Release 4.0+: On large display phones, if configured without a preset target, this type of button will display
an interactive button menu for target selection.
Default Label: FwdNo or Fwd Number.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: for system 4.0+.
For a button with a prefixed number, status indication will indicate when that number matches the users current
set number. For a button with a no number, status indication will show when a number has been set.
Status 2400, 5400
4600, 5600
1400, 1600,
4400, 6400,
9500 Series
9600 Series 9608, 9611 9621, 9641 T-Series,
- On. <Label> <Label> Green on Red on Green on Green On
- Off. <Label> <Label> Off Off Off Grey Off
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series:
5400 Series:
5600 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
T3/T3 IP Series:
1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1 and 3.0DT
2. May have limited support on some specific T3 phone models if detailed below.
Manager 10.1 Page 821
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Button Programming: Actions
8.3.87 Forward On Busy Number
Sets the number to which calls are forwarded when using 'Forward on Busy' and/or 'Forward on No Answer'. Forwarding
to an external number is blocked if Inhibit Off-Switch Transfers is selected within the system configuration.
Release: 1.1+.
Action: Advanced | Forward | Forward on Busy Number.
Action Data: Telephone number.
Release 4.0+: The field to be left blank to prompt the user for entry when the button is pressed . If blank,
users with a log in code will be prompted to enter that code.
Release 4.0+: On large display phones, if configured without a preset target, this type of button will display
an interactive button menu for target selection.
Default Label: FwBNo or Fwd Busy Number.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: for system 4.0+.
For a button with a prefixed number, status indication will indicate when that number matches the users current
set number. For a button with a no number, status indication will show when a number has been set.
Status 2400, 5400
4600, 5600
1400, 1600,
4400, 6400,
9500 Series
9600 Series 9608, 9611 9621, 9641 T-Series,
- On. <Label> <Label> Green on Red on Green on Green On
- Off. <Label> <Label> Off Off Off Grey Off
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series:
5400 Series:
5600 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
T3/T3 IP Series:
1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1 and 3.0DT
2. May have limited support on some specific T3 phone models if detailed below.
Manager 10.1 Page 822
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
8.3.88 Forward On Busy Off
Switches forward on busy off. This button function is obsolete, as Forward On Busy On can be used to switch
forward on busy on/off and provides status indication.
Release: 1.1+.
Action: Advanced | Forward | Forward on Busy Off.
Action Data: None.
Default Label: FwBOf.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: .
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series:
5400 Series:
5600 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
T3/T3 IP Series:
1. Not 1403, 1603, 2402, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1 and
3.0DT software.
2. May have limited support on some specific T3 phone models if detailed below.
Manager 10.1 Page 823
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Button Programming: Actions
8.3.89 Forward On Busy On
Enables forwarding when the user's extension is busy. For users with call appearance buttons, they will only return busy
when all call appearance buttons are in use. Uses the Forward Number as its destination unless a separate Forward on
Busy Number is set.
Release 3.2+: Forward Internal (User | Forwarding) can also be used to control whether internal calls are forwarded.
Release: 1.1+.
Action: Advanced | Forward | Forward on Busy On.
Action Data: None.
Default Label: FwBOn or Fwd Busy.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: .
Status 2400, 5400
4600, 5600
1400, 1600,
4400, 6400,
9500 Series
9600 Series 9608, 9611 9621, 9641 T-Series,
- On. <Label> <Label> Green on Red on Green on Green On
- Off. <Label> <Label> Off Off Off Grey Off
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series:
5400 Series:
5600 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
T3/T3 IP Series:
1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1 and 3.0DT
2. May have limited support on some specific T3 phone models if detailed below.
Manager 10.1 Page 824
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
8.3.90 Forward On No Answer Off
Switches forward on no answer off. This button function is obsolete, as Forward On No Answer On can be used to
switch forward on no answer on/off and provides status indication.
Release: 1.1+.
Action: Advanced | Forward | Forward on No Answer Off.
Action Data: None.
Default Label: FwNOf.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: .
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series:
5400 Series:
5600 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
T3/T3 IP Series:
1. Not 1403, 1603, 2402, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1 and
3.0DT software.
2. May have limited support on some specific T3 phone models if detailed below.
8.3.91 Forward On No Answer On
Switches forward on no answer on/off. The time used to determine the call as unanswered is the user's no answer time.
Uses the Forward Number as its destination unless a separate Forward on Busy Number is set.
Release 3.2+: Forward Internal (User | Forwarding) can also be used to control whether internal calls are forwarded.
Release: 1.1+.
Action: Advanced | Forward | Forward on No Answer On.
Action Data: None.
Default Label: FwNOn or Fwd No Answer.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: .
Status 2400, 5400
4600, 5600
1400, 1600,
4400, 6400,
9500 Series
9600 Series 9608, 9611 9621, 9641 T-Series,
- On. <Label> <Label> Green on Red on Green on Green On
- Off. <Label> <Label> Off Off Off Grey Off
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series:
5400 Series:
5600 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
T3/T3 IP Series:
1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1 and 3.0DT
2. May have limited support on some specific T3 phone models if detailed below.
Manager 10.1 Page 825
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Button Programming: Actions
8.3.92 Forward Unconditional Off
Switch 'forward all calls' off. This does not affect 'Forward on No Answer' and/or 'Forward on Busy' if also on. This
function is obsolete as a button set to Forward Unconditional On toggles on/off and indicates when on.
Release: 1.1+.
Action: Advanced | Forward | Forward Unconditional Off.
Action Data: None.
Default Label: FwUOf.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: .
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series:
5400 Series:
5600 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
T3/T3 IP Series:
1. Not 1403, 1603, 2402, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1 and
3.0DT software.
2. May have limited support on some specific T3 phone models if detailed below.
Manager 10.1 Page 826
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
8.3.93 Forward Unconditional On
This function is also known as 'divert all' and 'forward all'. It forwards all calls, except hunt group and page calls, to the
forward number set for the user's extension. To also forward hunt group calls to the same number 'Forward Hunt Group
Calls On ' must also be used.
Release 3.2+: Forward Internal (User | Forwarding) can also be used to control whether internal calls are forwarded.
In addition to the lamp indication shown below, most phones display D when forward unconditional is on.
Release: 1.1+.
Action: Advanced | Forward | Forward Unconditional On.
Action Data: None.
Default Label: FwUOn or Fwd Unconditional.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: .
Status 2400, 5400
4600, 5600
1400, 1600,
4400, 6400,
9500 Series
9600 Series 9608, 9611 9621, 9641 T-Series,
- On. <Label> <Label> Green on Red on Green on Green On
- Off. <Label> <Label> Off Off Off Grey Off
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series:
5400 Series:
5600 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
T3/T3 IP Series:
1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1 and 3.0DT
2. May have limited support on some specific T3 phone models if detailed below.
T3 Phones:
Classic/Comfort icon: Displays followed by the user name.
DSS Link LED: On when active.
M-Series/T-Series: The button is equivalent to Feature 4 <number>.
Manager 10.1 Page 827
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Button Programming: Actions
8.3.94 Group
Monitors the status of a hunt group queue. This option is only supported for hunt groups with queuing enabled. The user
does not have to be a member of the group.
Depending on the users button type, indication is given for when the group has alerting calls and queued calls (queued in
this case is defined as more calls waiting than there are available group members).
Pre-Release 4.0: Pressing a Group button displayed information about the longest waiting call in the queue and
options to answer, drop or ignore the call.
Release 4.0+: Pressing a Group button answers the longest waiting call.
Release 4.0+: The definition of queued calls include group calls that are ringing. However, for operation of the
Group button, ringing calls are separate from other queued calls.
Release: 1.0+.
Action: Group.
Action Data: Group name enclosed in " " double-quotes or group number.
Default Label: <group name>.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: Required.
Status 2400, 5400
4600, 5600
6400, 9500
9608, 9611 9621, 9641 T-Series,
- No calls Main Main Off Off Off Grey Off
- Call alerting Main Main Green flash Red flash Green flash Blue Slow flash
- Calls queued Main Main Red flash Red on Red flash Green Slow flash
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series:
5400 Series:
5600 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
T3/T3 IP Series:
1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1 and 3.0DT
2. May have limited support on some specific T3 phone models if detailed below.
Manager 10.1 Page 828
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
8.3.95 Group Listen On
Using group listen allows callers to be heard through the phone's handsfree speaker but to only hear the phone's handset
microphone. This enables listeners at the users phone to hear the connected party whilst limiting the connected party to
hear only what is communicated via the phone handset
When group listen is enabled, it modifies the handsfree functionality of the users phone in the following manner
When the users phone is placed in handsfree/speaker mode, the speech path from the connected party is
broadcast on the phone speaker but the phone's base microphone is disabled.
The connected party can only hear speech delivered via the phone's handset microphone.
Group listen is not supported for IP phones or when using a phone's HEADSET button.
For T-Series and M- Series phones, this option can be turned on or off during a call. For other phones, currently
connected calls are not affected by changes to this setting, instead group listen must be selected before the call is
Group listen is automatically turned off when the call is ended.
Release: 4.1+.
Action: Advanced | Extension | Group Listen On.
Action Data: None.
Default Label: Group Listen On.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: .
Status 2400, 5400
4600, 5600
1400, 1600,
4400, 6400,
9500 Series
9600 Series 9608, 9611 9621, 9641 T-Series,
- On. <Label> <Label> Green on Red on Green on Green On
- Off. <Label> <Label> Off Off Off Grey Off
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series:
5400 Series:
5600 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
9600 Series:
T3/T3 IP Series:
M-Series/T-Series: The button is equivalent to Feature 802 (On) and Feature #802 (Off).
Manager 10.1 Page 829
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Button Programming: Actions
8.3.96 Group Paging
Makes a paging call to an extension or group specified. If no number is specified, this can be dialed after pressing the
button. The target extension or group members must be free and must support handsfree auto-answer in order to hear
the page.
On Avaya phones, a paged user can convert the page call into a normal call by pressing the Conference button.
Release: 1.0+.
Action: Emulation | Group Paging.
Action Data: User number or name or group number or name.
Release 4.0+: On large display phones, if configured without a preset target, this type of button will display
an interactive button menu for target selection.
Default Label: GrpPg.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: .
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series:
5400 Series:
5600 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
T3/T3 IP Series:
1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1 and 3.0DT
2. May have limited support on some specific T3 phone models if detailed below.
T3 Phones:
Classic/Comfort icon: Displays followed by target number if set.
DSS Link LED: None.
M-Series/T-Series: The button is equivalent to Feature 60 <number>.
Paging Limits
The table below lists the maximum recommended size for paging groups.
Control Unit Software Level
4.0+ 3.2
IP500/IP500 V2 64
IP412 48 24
IP406 V2 32 16
Small Office Edition 16 16
IP406 V1 16
IP403 16
Manager 10.1 Page 830
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
8.3.97 Headset Toggle
This function is intended for use with Avaya phones that have separate handset and headset sockets but do not provide a
dedicated Headset button, for example older style 4400 Series and 4600 Series phones. On phones without a headset
socket or with a dedicated headset button this control will have no effect.
Release: 1.4+.
Action: Miscellaneous | Headset Toggle.
Action Data: None.
Default Label: HdSet.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: .
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series: *
5400 Series:
5600 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
T3/T3 IP Series:
*4606, 4612 and 4624 only.
T3 Phones:
Classic/Comfort icon: Displays HdSet.
DSS Link LED: On when active.
8.3.98 Hold Call
This uses the Q.931 Hold facility, and "holds" the incoming call at the ISDN exchange, freeing up the ISDN B channel.
The Hold Call feature "holds" the current call to a slot. The current call is always automatically placed into slot 0 if it has
not been placed in a specified slot. Only available if supported by the ISDN exchange.
Release: 1.1+.
Action: Advanced | Hold | Hold Call.
Action Data: ISDN Exchange hold slot number or blank (slot 0).
Default Label: Hold.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: .
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series:
5400 Series:
5600 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
T3/T3 IP Series:
1. Not 1403, 1603, 2402, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1 and
3.0DT software.
2. May have limited support on some specific T3 phone models if detailed below.
Manager 10.1 Page 831
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Button Programming: Actions
8.3.99 Hold CW
Place the user's current call on hold and answers the waiting call. This function is not supported on phones which have
multiple call appearance buttons set.
Release: 1.1+.
Action: Advanced | Hold | Hold CW.
Action Data: None.
Default Label: HoldCW.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: .
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series:
5400 Series:
5600 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
T3/T3 IP Series:
1. Not 1403, 1603, 2402, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1 and
3.0DT software.
2. May have limited support on some specific T3 phone models if detailed below.
8.3.100 Hold Music
This feature allows the user to listen to the system's music on hold. See Music On Hold for more information.
Release: 1.1+.
Action: Advanced | Hold | Hold Music.
Action Data: Optional.
Systems can support multiple hold music sources. However only the system source is supported for Hold Music
Default Label: Music or Hold Music.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: .
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series:
5400 Series:
5600 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
T3/T3 IP Series:
1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1 and 3.0DT
2. May have limited support on some specific T3 phone models if detailed below.
Manager 10.1 Page 832
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
8.3.101 Hunt Group Enable
An individual users membership of any particular hunt groups is programmed through the system configuration. This
control allows the user to enable or disable that membership. While enabled, the user can receive hunt group calls when
logged in.
In addition to the lamp indication below, phones display G when any group membership is enabled.
Release: 1.1+.
Action: Advanced | Hunt Group | Hunt Group Enable.
Action Data: Group number or name or blank for all groups of which the user is a member.
Default Label: HGEna or HG Enable.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: Required.
Status 2400, 5400
4600, 5600
1400, 1600,
4400, 6400,
9500 Series
9600 Series 9608, 9611 9621, 9641 T-Series,
- On. <Label> <Label> Green on Red on Green on Green On
- Off. <Label> <Label> Off Off Off Grey Off
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series:
5400 Series:
5600 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
T3/T3 IP Series:
1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1 and 3.0DT
2. May have limited support on some specific T3 phone models if detailed below.
T3 Phones:
Classic/Comfort icon: Displays followed by the group number or * for all if programmed with no
specific group number.
DSS Link LED: On when active.
Manager 10.1 Page 833
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Button Programming: Actions
8.3.102 Hunt Group Disable
This function is obsolete, the Hunt Group Enable function being able to toggle membership between enabled and
disabled and providing lamp indication of when membership is enabled.
An individual user's membership of any particular hunt groups is programmed through the system configuration. This
control allows the user to disable that membership. They will no longer receive calls to that hunt group until their
membership is enabled again.
Release: 1.1+.
Action: Advanced | Hunt Group | Hunt Group Disable.
Action Data: Group number or blank for all groups of which the user is a member.
Default Label: HGDis.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: .
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series:
5400 Series:
5600 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
T3/T3 IP Series:
1. Not 1403, 1603, 2402, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1 and
3.0DT software.
2. May have limited support on some specific T3 phone models if detailed below.
Manager 10.1 Page 834
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
8.3.103 Inspect
Not supported. Provided for CTI emulation only. Allows users on display phones to determine the identification of held
calls. Allows users on an active call to display the identification of incoming calls.
Release: 1.0+.
Action: Emulation | Inspect.
Action Data: None.
Default Label: Inspt.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: .
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series:
5400 Series:
5600 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
T3/T3 IP Series:
1. Not 1403, 1603, 2402, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1 and
3.0DT software.
2. May have limited support on some specific T3 phone models if detailed below.
Manager 10.1 Page 835
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Button Programming: Actions
8.3.104 Internal Auto-Answer
This function is also known as handsfree auto-answer. It sets the user's extension to automatically connect internal calls
after a single tone. This function should only be used on phones that support handsfree operation.
Release: 1.0+.
Action: Emulation | Internal Auto-Answer.
Action Data: Optional.
If left blank this function acts as described above for internal auto-answer.
Release 4.1+: FF can be entered. In that case the button will enable/disable headset force feed operation for
external calls. In this mode, when headset mode is selected but the phone is idle, an incoming external call will
cause a single tone and then be automatically connected. This operation is only supported on Avaya phones with
a fixed HEADSET button. Ring delay is applied if set on the appearance button receiving the call before the call
is auto-connected.
Default Label: HFAns or Auto Answer.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: Required.
Status 2400, 5400
4600, 5600
1400, 1600,
4400, 6400,
9500 Series
9600 Series 9608, 9611 9621, 9641 T-Series,
- On. <Label> <Label> Green on Red on Green on Green On
- Off. <Label> <Label> Off Off Off Grey Off
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series:
5400 Series:
5600 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
T3/T3 IP Series:
1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1 and 3.0DT
2. May have limited support on some specific T3 phone models if detailed below.
T3 Phones:
Classic/Comfort icon: Displays HFAns.
DSS Link LED: On when active.
Manager 10.1 Page 836
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
8.3.105 Last Number Redial
This function is intend for use with Avaya M-Series and T-Series phones only. When pressed, the button invokes the
same last number redial process as dialing Feature 5.
Release: 7.0+.
Action: Advanced | Call | Last Number Redial.
Action Data: None.
Default Label: Again.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: .
User Admin: .
Phone Support
This function is only supported on Avaya M-Series and T-Series phones.
M-Series/T-Series: The button is equivalent to Feature 5.
8.3.106 Leave Word Calling
Not supported. Provided for CTI emulation only. Leaves a message for the user associated with the last number dialed to
call the originator.
Release: 1.0+.
Action: Emulation | Leave Word Calling.
Action Data: None.
Default Label: LWC.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: .
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series:
5400 Series:
5600 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
T3/T3 IP Series:
1. Not 1403, 1603, 2402, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1 and
3.0DT software.
2. May have limited support on some specific T3 phone models if detailed below.
Manager 10.1 Page 837
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Button Programming: Actions
8.3.107 Line Appearance
Creates an line appearance button linked to the activity of a specified line appearance ID number. The button can then be
used to answer and make calls on that line.
The line appearance button user must also have at least one call appearance button programmed before line appearance
buttons can be programmed.
Line appearance functions, assigned to buttons that do not have status lamps or icons, are automatically disabled until
the user logs in at a phone with suitable buttons.
Release 3.2+: Appearance buttons can be set with a ring delay if required or to not ring. This does not affect the
visual alerting displayed next to the button. The delay uses the user's Ring Delay (User | Telephony | Multi-
line Options ) setting.
Release 4.2+: Line appearances are supported on T3 and T3 IP phones. These phones do not require (or support)
call appearance buttons in order to use line appearances.
Release: 3.0+.
Action: Appearance | Line Appearance.
Action Data: Line ID number.
Default Label: Line <Line ID number>.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: . See Line Appearance Button Indication .
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series:
5400 Series:
5600 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
M-Series: *
T-Series: *
T3/T3 IP Series:
*Not supported on T7000, T7100, M7100, M7100N and the Audio Conferencing Unit (ACU).
8.3.108 Manual Exclude
Not supported. Provided for CTI emulation only.
Release: 1.0+.
Action: Emulation | Manual Exclude.
Action Data: None.
Default Label: Excl.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: .
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series:
5400 Series:
5600 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
T3/T3 IP Series:
1. Not 1403, 1603, 2402, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1 and
3.0DT software.
2. May have limited support on some specific T3 phone models if detailed below.
Manager 10.1 Page 838
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
8.3.109 MCID Activate
This action is used with ISDN Malicious Caller ID call tracing. It is used to trigger a call trace at the ISDN exchange. The
call trace information is then provided to the appropriate legal authorities.
This option requires the line to the ISDN to have MCID enabled at both the ISDN exchange and on the system. The user
must also be configured with Can Trace Calls (User | Telephony | Supervisor Settings ) enabled.
Release: 4.0+.
Action: Advanced | Miscellaneous | MCID Activate.
Action Data: None.
Default Label: MCID or Malicious Call.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: .
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1400 Series:
1600 Series: *
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series: *
5400 Series:
5600 Series: *
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
T3/T3 IP Series:
*Not 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602.
383 383
Manager 10.1 Page 839
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Button Programming: Actions
8.3.110 Off Hook Station
Enables the user's extension to be controlled by an application, for example Phone Manager/SoftConsole. Calls can then
be answered and cleared through the application without having to manually go off or on hook. Requires the phone to
support full handsfree operation.
Release: 1.1+.
Action: Advanced | Miscellaneous | Off Hook Station.
Action Data: None.
Default Label: OHStn.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: .
Status 2400, 5400
4600, 5600
1400, 1600,
4400, 6400,
9500 Series
9600 Series 9608, 9611 9621, 9641 T-Series,
- On. <Label> <Label> Green on Red on Green on Green On
- Off. <Label> <Label> Off Off Off Grey Off
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series: *
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series: *
5400 Series: *
5600 Series: *
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
T3/T3 IP Series:
* Not 2402, 4601, 4602, 5402, 5601 and 5602 models.
Manager 10.1 Page 840
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
8.3.111 Park
Monitors the status of a system park slot. The user can use the button to park a call into that slot and to also retrieve a
call parked in that slot including calls parked by other users.
Park buttons with indication will indicate when the park slot is in use. Similarly, the Park buttons within application (for
example SoftConsole, Phone Manager and one-X Portal for IP Office) can be used to park, retrieve and indicate parked
Release: 1.0 to 3.2 only.
For Release 4.0 and higher this function has been replaced by Emulation | Call Park .
Action: Call Park.
Action Data: Park slot number.
Default Label: Park.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: Required.
Status 2400, 5400
4600, 5600
- No parked call PARK1 PARK1
- Parked here PARK1 PARK1
- Parked elsewhere PARK1 PARK1
User Admin: .
8.3.112 Park Call
Release 4.0+: This function has been replaced by Emulation | Call Park .
Release: 1.0 to 3.2 only.
Action: Advanced | Call | Park Call.
Action Data: Park slot number.
Default Label: Park.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: .
Status 2400, 5400
4600, 5600
- No parked call PARK1 PARK1
- Parked here PARK1 PARK1
- Parked elsewhere PARK1 PARK1
User Admin: .
Manager 10.1 Page 841
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Button Programming: Actions
8.3.113 Pause Recording
This feature can be used to pause any call recording. It can be used during a call that is being recorded to omit sensitive
information such as customer credit card information. This feature can be used with calls that are recorded both manually
or calls that are recorded automatically.
The button status indicates when call recording has been paused. The button can be used to restart call recording. The
system Auto Restart Paused Recording (System | Voicemail ) setting can be used to set a delay after which
recording is automatically resumed.
If the voicemail system is configured to provide advice of call recording warnings, then pausing the recording will trigger
a "Recording paused" prompt and a repeat of the advice of call recording warning when recording is resumed.
Release: 8.0+.
Action: Advanced | Call | Pause Recording.
Action Data: None.
Default Label: PauseRec or Pause Recording.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: .
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series:
5400 Series:
5600 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
T3/T3 IP Series:
1. Not 1403, 1603.
8.3.114 Priority Call
This feature allows the user to call another user even if they are set to 'do not disturb'. A priority call will follow forward
and follow me settings but will not go to voicemail.
Release: 1.1+.
Action: Advanced | Call | Priority Call.
Action Data: User number or name.
Default Label: PCall or Priority Call.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: .
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series:
5400 Series:
5600 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
T3/T3 IP Series:
1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1 and 3.0DT
2. May have limited support on some specific T3 phone models if detailed below.
Manager 10.1 Page 842
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
8.3.115 Priority Calling
Not supported. Provided for CTI emulation only.
Release: 1.0+.
Action: Emulation | Priority Calling.
Action Data: None.
Default Label: Pcall.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: .
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series:
5400 Series:
5600 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
T3/T3 IP Series:
1. Not 1403, 1603, 2402, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1 and
3.0DT software.
2. May have limited support on some specific T3 phone models if detailed below.
Manager 10.1 Page 843
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Button Programming: Actions
8.3.116 Private Call
When on, any subsequent calls cannot be intruded on until the user's private call status is switched off. The exception
is Whisper Page which can be used to talk to a user on a private call.
Note that use of private calls is separate from the user's intrusion settings. If the user's Cannot be Intruded (User |
Telephony | Supervisor Settings ) setting is enabled, switching private calls off does not affect that status. To allow
private calls to be used to fully control the user status, Cannot be Intruded (User | Telephony | Supervisor Settings
) should be disabled for the user.
If enabled during a call, any current recording, intrusion or monitoring is ended.
Release: 4.0+.
Action: Advanced | Call | Private Call.
Action Data: None.
Default Label: PrivC or Private Call.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: .
Status 2400, 5400
4600, 5600
1400, 1600,
4400, 6400,
9500 Series
9600 Series 9608, 9611 9621, 9641 T-Series,
- On. <Label> <Label> Green on Red on Green on Green On
- Off. <Label> <Label> Off Off Off Grey Off
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series: *
5400 Series:
5600 Series: *
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
T3/T3 IP Series:
*Not 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602.
Manager 10.1 Page 844
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
8.3.117 Relay Off
Opens the specified switch in the system's external output port (EXT O/P).
This feature is not supported by Linux based systems. For IP Office Server Edition system, this option is only supported
on IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) units.
Release: 1.1+.
Action: Advanced | Relay | Relay Off.
Action Data: Switch number (1 or 2).
Default Label: Rely-.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: .
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series:
5400 Series:
5600 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
T3/T3 IP Series:
1. Not 1403, 1603, 2402, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1 and
3.0DT software.
2. May have limited support on some specific T3 phone models if detailed below.
8.3.118 Relay On
Closes the specified switch in the system's external output port (EXT O/P).
This feature is not supported by Linux based systems. For IP Office Server Edition system, this option is only supported
on IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) units.
Release: 1.1+.
Action: Advanced | Relay | Relay On.
Action Data: Switch number (1 or 2).
Default Label: Rely+ or Relay On.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: .
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series:
5400 Series:
5600 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
T3/T3 IP Series:
1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1 and 3.0DT
2. May have limited support on some specific T3 phone models if detailed below.
Manager 10.1 Page 845
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Button Programming: Actions
8.3.119 Relay Pulse
Closes the specified switch in the system's external output port (EXT O/P) for 5 seconds and then opens the switch.
This feature is not supported by Linux based systems. For IP Office Server Edition system, this option is only supported
on IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) units.
Release: 1.1+.
Action: Advanced | Relay | Relay Pulse.
Action Data: Switch number (1 or 2).
Default Label: Relay or Relay Pulse.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: .
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series:
5400 Series:
5600 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
T3/T3 IP Series:
1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1 and 3.0DT
2. May have limited support on some specific T3 phone models if detailed below.
T3 Phones:
Classic/Comfort icon: Displays S1 or S2 dependant on switch number.
DSS Link LED: None.
Manager 10.1 Page 846
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
8.3.120 Resume Call
Resume a call previously suspended to the specified ISDN exchange slot. The suspended call may be resumed from
another phone/ISDN Control Unit on the same line.
Release: 1.1+.
Action: Advanced | Call | Resume Call.
Action Data: ISDN Exchange suspend slot number.
Default Label: Resum.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: .
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series:
5400 Series:
5600 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
T3/T3 IP Series:
1. Not 1403, 1603, 2402, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1 and
3.0DT software.
2. May have limited support on some specific T3 phone models if detailed below.
8.3.121 Retrieve Call
Retrieves a call previously held to a specific ISDN exchange slot. Only available when supported by the ISDN exchange.
Release: 1.1+.
Action: Advanced | Call | Retrieve Call.
Action Data: Exchange hold slot number.
Default Label: Retriv.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: .
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series:
5400 Series:
5600 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
T3/T3 IP Series:
1. Not 1403, 1603, 2402, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1 and
3.0DT software.
2. May have limited support on some specific T3 phone models if detailed below.
Manager 10.1 Page 847
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Button Programming: Actions
8.3.122 Ring Back When Free
Sets a ringback on the extension being called. When the target extension ends its current call, the ringback users is rung
(for their set No Answer Time) and if they answer, a new call is made to the target extension.
Ringback can be cleared using the Cancel Ring Back When Free function.
Release: 1.1+.
Action: Advanced | Miscellaneous | Ring Back When Free.
Action Data: None.
Default Label: AutCB or Auto Callback.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: .
Status 2400, 5400
4600, 5600
1400, 1600,
4400, 6400,
9500 Series
9600 Series 9608, 9611 9621, 9641 T-Series,
- On. <Label> <Label> Green on Red on Green on Green On
- Off. <Label> <Label> Off Off Off Grey Off
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series:
5400 Series:
5600 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
T3/T3 IP Series:
1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1 and 3.0DT
2. May have limited support on some specific T3 phone models if detailed below.
M-Series/T-Series: The button is equivalent to Feature 2.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
8.3.123 Ringer Off
Switches the phone's call alerting ring on/off.
Release: 1.0+.
Action: Emulation | Ringer Off.
Action Data: None.
Default Label: RngOf or Ringer Off.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: Required.
Status 2400, 5400
4600, 5600
1400, 1600,
4400, 6400,
9500 Series
9600 Series 9608, 9611 9621, 9641 T-Series,
- On. <Label> <Label> Green on Red on Green on Green On
- Off. <Label> <Label> Off Off Off Grey Off
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series:
5400 Series:
5600 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
T3/T3 IP Series:
1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1 and 3.0DT
2. May have limited support on some specific T3 phone models if detailed below.
Manager 10.1 Page 849
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Button Programming: Actions
8.3.124 Self-Administer
Allows a user to program features against other programmable buttons themselves.
Release 3.0+: Appearance can no longer be used to create call appearance buttons. Similarly, existing call
appearance button cannot be overwritten using any of the other Admin button functions.
Release 4.0+: User's with a log in code will be prompted to enter that code when they use this button action.
Release 4.2+: T3 phone users can access a similar set of functions for button programming, see T3 Phone Self-
Administration .
On 4412D+, 4424D+, 4612IP, 4624IP, 6408D, 6416D, 6424D phones:
Admin can be permanently accessed via Menu , , , Admin. See Using a Menu Key .
Admin1 can be permanently accessed via Menu , Menu , , ProgA, , , DSS.
Release: 1.0+.
Action: Emulation | Self-Administer.
Action Data: See below.
Value T-Series and M-Series phones Other Phones
None The Feature *3 process is started
with an alternate set of possible
If no value is set, the button allows user programming of the
following emulation actions.
Abbreviated Dial
Account Code
AD Suppress.
Break Out (4.0
Call Forwarding
Call Park (4.0+).
Call Park To Other
Extension (4.0+).
Call Pickup.
Directed Call Pickup.
Group Paging.
Headset Toggle.
Hook Flash (4.0+).
Internal Auto-
Park Call (pre-
Ringer Off.
Send All Calls.
Set Hunt Group
Night Service.
Time of Day.
1 The Feature *1 process is started for
assigning Abbreviated Dial button.
If 1 is entered as the telephone number, allows user programming
of the following system functions.
Dial (pre-4.0).
Abbreviated Dial
Park (pre-4.0).
CPark (4.0+).
Flash Hook.
2 The Feature *6 process is started for
setting the ring type.
If 2 is entered, the button can be used for viewing details of the
control unit type and its software version. This option is available in
Release 4.1+. If the user has a log in code set, they will be
prompted to enter that code. System phone users can also use
the button to manually set the system's date and time .
3 The option 3 is used with M-Series and
T-Series sets to enable display contrast
Not used.
Default Label: Admin or Self Administer.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: .
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1400 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9600 Series:
Manager 10.1 Page 850
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
1600 Series:
20 Series:
3700 Series:
4600 Series: *
5400 Series: *
5600 Series: *
9500 Series:
T3/T3 IP Series:
*Not 1403, 1603, 2402, 5402, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602.
*2: Release 4.2+: See T3 Phone Self-Administration .
Manager 10.1 Page 851
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Button Programming: Actions
8.3.125 Send All Calls
Sets the user's extension into 'Do Not Disturb' mode. Callers, other than those on the user's do not disturb exception list,
receive busy or are diverted to the users voicemail mailbox. Note that with a call already connected and other calls
already alerting, enabling Do Not Disturb will not affect those calls already existing. For full details of see Do Not Disturb
When on, most phones display an N on the display. This function and the Do Not Disturb On function work in parallel,
ie. setting one sets the other.
Release: 1.0+.
Action: Emulation | Send All Call.
Action Data: None.
Default Label: SAC or Send All Calls.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: .
Status 2400, 5400
4600, 5600
1400, 1600,
4400, 6400,
9500 Series
9600 Series 9608, 9611 9621, 9641 T-Series,
- On. <Label> <Label> Green on Red on Green on Green On
- Off. <Label> <Label> Off Off Off Grey Off
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series:
5400 Series:
5600 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
T3/T3 IP Series:
1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1 and 3.0DT
2. May have limited support on some specific T3 phone models if detailed below.
T3 Phones:
Classic/Comfort icon: Displays .
DSS Link LED: On when active.
Manager 10.1 Page 852
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
8.3.126 Set Absent Text
This feature can be used to select the user's current absence text. This text is then displayed to internal callers who have
suitable display phones or applications. It doesn't changes the users status. The absence text message is limited to 128
characters. Note however that the amount displayed will depend on the caller's device or application.
The text is displayed to callers even if the user has forwarded their calls or is using follow me. Absence text is supported
across a multi-site network.
Note: The user still has to select Set or Clear on their phone to display or hide the text.
Release: 1.1+.
Action: Advanced | Set | Set Absent Text.
Action Data: The telephone number should take the format "y,n,text" where:
y = 0 or 1 to turn this feature off or on repesctively.
n = the number of the absent statement to use:
0 = None. 4 = Meeting until. 8 = With cust. til.
1 = On vacation until. 5 = Please call. 9 = Back soon.
2 = Will be back. 6 = Don't disturb until. 10 = Back tomorrow.
3 = At lunch until. 7 = With visitors until. 11 = Custom.
text = any text to follow the absent statement..
Default Label: Absnt or Absence Text.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: .
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
5400 Series:
4600 Series:
5600 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
T3/T3 IP Series:
1. Not 1403, 1603, 2402, 4601, 4602, 5402, 5601 and 5602.
Manager 10.1 Page 853
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Button Programming: Actions
8.3.127 Set Account Code
Dials an account code and then returns dial tone for the user to dial a number. Can also be used to enter an account code
after a call has been connected.
Release: 2.1+.
Action: Advanced | Set | Set Account Code..
Action Data: Account code or blank.
If blank, the user is prompted to dial an account code after pressing the button. This option is not supported on
XX02 phone modules.
Default Label: Acct or Account Code.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: .
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series:
5400 Series:
5600 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
T3/T3 IP Series:
1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1 and 3.0DT
2. May have limited support on some specific T3 phone models if detailed below.
T3 Phones:
Classic/Comfort icon: Displays 1234.
DSS Link LED: None.
Manager 10.1 Page 854
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
8.3.128 Set Hunt Group Night Service
Puts the specified hunt group into Night Service mode. Calls to a group set to night service, receive busy or are
diverted to voicemail if available or are diverted to the group's night service fallback group if set.
Setting and clearing hunt group night service can be done using either manual controls or using a system time
profile. The use of both methods to control the night service status of a particular hunt group is not
This function is currently not supported between systems in a multi-site network. It can only be used by a
user currently logged onto the same system as hosting the hunt group.
Release: 1.1+.
Action: Advanced | Set | Set Hunt Group Night Service.
Action Data: Hunt group extension number.
Release 4.0+: If left blank, the button will affect all hunt groups of which the user is a member.
For Release 8.1+, the Set Hunt Group Night Service and Clear Hunt Group Night Service short code and
button features can be used to switch an SSL VPN service off or on respectively. The service is indicated
by setting the service name as the telephone number or action data. Do not use quotation marks.
Default Label: HGNS+ or HG Night Service.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: Required.
If the button is blank (no specific hunt group) it will indicate on if any one of the hunt groups of which the user is a
member is set to night service. If the button is set for multiple hunt groups it will indicate on if any one of those
groups is set to night service.
Status 2400, 5400
4600, 5600
1400, 1600,
4400, 6400,
9500 Series
9600 Series 9608, 9611 9621, 9641 T-Series,
- On. <Label> <Label> Green on Red on Green on Green On
- Off. <Label> <Label> Off Off Off Grey Off
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series:
5400 Series:
5600 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
T3/T3 IP Series:
1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1 and 3.0DT
2. May have limited support on some specific T3 phone models if detailed below.
T3 Phones: Supported on Avaya T3 Classic, T3 Comfort phones and DSS Link units only.
T3 Classic/T3 Comfort icon: Displays followed by the group number. The background uses the same
settings as the LED below.
DSS Link LED: On when all related groups are in night service. Slow flash if related hunt groups are in
mixed states.
Manager 10.1 Page 855
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Button Programming: Actions
8.3.129 Set Hunt Group Out Of Service
Puts the specified hunt group into Out of Service mode. Calls to a group set to out of service receive busy or are
diverted to voicemail if available or are diverted to the group's out of service fallback group if set.
Pre-Release 4.0: This function cannot be used to override hunt groups already set to night service mode by an
associated time profile.
Release 4.0+: This function can be used to used to override hunt groups already set to night service mode by
an associated time profile.
This function is currently not supported between systems in a multi-site network. It can only be used by a
user currently logged onto the same system as hosting the hunt group.
Release: 1.1+.
Action: Advanced | Set | Set Hunt Group Out of Service.
Action Data: Hunt group extension number.
Release 4.0+: If left blank, the button will affect all hunt groups of which the user is a member.
Default Label: HGOS+ or HG Out of Service.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: Required.
If the button is blank (no specific hunt group) it will indicate on if any one of the hunt groups of which the user is a
member is set out of service. If the button is set for multiple hunt groups it will indicate on if any one of those
groups is set out of service.
Status 2400, 5400
4600, 5600
1400, 1600,
4400, 6400,
9500 Series
9600 Series 9608, 9611 9621, 9641 T-Series,
- On. <Label> <Label> Green on Red on Green on Green On
- Off. <Label> <Label> Off Off Off Grey Off
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series:
5400 Series:
5600 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
T3/T3 IP Series:
1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1 and 3.0DT
2. May have limited support on some specific T3 phone models if detailed below.
T3 Phones:
Classic/Comfort icon: Displays followed by the group number. The background uses the same settings as
the LED below.
DSS Link LED: On when set. On when all related groups are out of service. Slow flash if related hunt groups are
in mixed states.
Manager 10.1 Page 856
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
8.3.130 Set Inside Call Seq
This feature allows the user to select the ringing used on their analog extension for internal calls.
The number entered corresponds to the ring pattern required. This is 0 for Default Ring, 1 for RingNormal, 2 for
RingType1, etc. For more information on selectable ringing patterns, see Ring Tones . Use of this short code function
is applicable to analog phone users only. The distinctive ringing pattern used for other phones is set by the phone
8.3.131 Set Night Service Group
This button allows the user to change the Night Service target of a hunt group. The button user does not have to be a
member of the hunt group. In a multi-site network this function can be used for hunt groups on remote systems.
Changing the destination does not affect calls already ringing at the hunt groups previous night service destination.
Release: 4.2+.
Action: Advanced | Set | Set Night Service Group.
Action Data: Hunt group extension number. This is the group for which the night service destination is being set.
Default Label: SetNSG or HG NS Group.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: .
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series:
5400 Series:
5600 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
T3/T3 IP Series:
1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1 and 3.0DT
2. May have limited support on some specific T3 phone models if detailed below.
On T3 phones this option is accessible through the phone's menus.
Manager 10.1 Page 857
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Button Programming: Actions
8.3.132 Set No Answer Time
Allows the user to change their no answer time setting. This is the time calls ring before going to voicemail or following
the user's divert on no answer setting if set on.
In situations where call coverage is also being used, the user's no answer time must be greater than their individual
coverage time for coverage to occur.
Release: 1.1+.
Action: Advanced | Set | Set No Answer Time.
Action Data: Time in seconds.
Default Label: NATim or No Answer Time.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: .
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series:
5400 Series:
5600 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
T3/T3 IP Series:
1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1 and 3.0DT
2. May have limited support on some specific T3 phone models if detailed below.
8.3.133 Set Out of Service Group
This button allows the user to change the Out of Service target of a hunt group. The button user does not have to be a
member of the hunt group. In a multi-site network this function can be used for hunt groups on remote systems.
Changing the destination does not affect calls already ringing at the hunt groups previous Out of Service destination.
Release: 4.2+.
Action: Advanced | Set | Set Out of Service Group.
Action Data: Hunt group extension number. This is the group for which the night service destination is being set.
Default Label: SetOOSG or HG OS Group.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: .
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series:
5400 Series:
5600 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
T3/T3 IP Series:
1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1 and 3.0DT
2. May have limited support on some specific T3 phone models if detailed below.
On T3 phones this option is accessible through the phone's menus.
Manager 10.1 Page 858
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
8.3.134 Set Outside Call Seq
This feature allows the user to select the ringing used on their analog extension for external calls.
The number entered corresponds to the ring pattern required. This is 0 for Default Ring, 1 for RingNormal, 2 for
RingType1, etc. For more information on selectable ringing patterns, see Ring Tones . Use of this short code function
is applicable to analog phone users only. The distinctive ringing pattern used for other phones is set by the phone
8.3.135 Set Ringback Seq
This feature allows the user to select the ringing used on their analog extension for ringback calls.
The number entered corresponds to the ring pattern required. This is 0 for Default Ring, 1 for RingNormal, 2 for
RingType1, etc. For more information on selectable ringing patterns, see Ring Tones . Use of this short code function
is applicable to analog phone users only. The distinctive ringing pattern used for other phones is set by the phone
Manager 10.1 Page 859
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Button Programming: Actions
8.3.136 Set Wrap Up Time
Allows users to change their Wrap-up Time (User | Telephony | Call Settings ) setting.
Other phones or applications monitoring the user's status will indicate the user as still being busy (on a call).
Hunt group calls will not be presented to the user.
If the user is using a single line set, direct calls also receive busy treatment. If the user is using a mutli-line
set (multiple call appearances), direct calls to them will ring as normal.
It is recommended that this option is not set to less than the default of 2 seconds. 0 is used to allow immediate
For users set as an CCR Agent, the After Call Work Time (User | Telephony | Supervisor Settings ) setting
should be used.
Release: 1.1+.
Action: Advanced | Set | Set Wrap Up Time.
Action Data: Time in seconds. Range 0 to 99999 seconds.
Default Label: WUTim or Wrap-up Time.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: .
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series:
5400 Series:
5600 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
T3/T3 IP Series:
1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1 and 3.0DT
2. May have limited support on some specific T3 phone models if detailed below.
8.3.137 Speed Dial
When pressed, the button invokes the same process as dialing Feature 0.
If Feature 0 is followed by a 3-dight number in the range 000 to 999, the system directory entry with the
matching index is dialed.
If Feature 0 is followed by * and a 2-digit number in the range 00 to 99, the personal directory entry with the
matching index is dialed.
Release: 7.0+.
Action: Advanced | Dial | Speed Dial.
Action Data: None.
Default Label: SpdDial.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: .
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
20 Series
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series:
5400 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
381 381
383 383
Manager 10.1 Page 860
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1600 Series: 3810: 5600 Series: 9600 Series: T3/T3 IP Series:
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Button Programming: Actions
8.3.138 Stamp Log
The stamp log function is used to insert a line into any System Monitor trace that is running. The line in the trace
indicates the date, time, user name and extension plus additional information. The line is prefixed with LSTMP: Log
Stamped and a log stamp number. When invoked from a Avaya phone with a display, Log Stamped# is also briefly
displayed on the phone. This allows users to indicate when they have experienced a particular problem that the system
maintainer want them to report and allows the maintainer to more easily locate the relevant section in the monitor trace.
The log stamp number is set to 000 when the system is restarted. The number is then incremented after each time the
function is used in a cycle between 000 and 999. Alternately if required, a specific stamp number can be assigned to the
button or short code being used for the feature.
Release: 8.1+.
Action: Advanced | Miscellaneous | Stamp Log.
Action Data: Optional. Blank or any 3 digit number.
Default Label: Stamp Log.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: .
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series:
5400 Series:
5600 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
M-Series: *
T-Series: *
T3/T3 IP Series:
*Not supported on T7000, T7100, M7100, M7100N and the Audio Conferencing Unit (ACU).
Manager 10.1 Page 862
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
8.3.139 Stored Number View
Not supported. Provided for CTI emulation only. Allows a user to view the contents of any programmed feature button.
Release: 1.0+.
Action: Emulation | Stored Number View.
Action Data: None.
Default Label: BtnVu.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: .
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series:
5400 Series:
5600 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
T3/T3 IP Series:
1. Not 1403, 1603, 2402, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1 and
3.0DT software.
2. May have limited support on some specific T3 phone models if detailed below.
Manager 10.1 Page 863
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Button Programming: Actions
8.3.140 Suspend Call
Uses the Q.931 Suspend facility. Suspends the incoming call at the ISDN exchange, freeing up the ISDN B channel. The
call is placed in exchange slot 0 if a slot number is not specified. Only available when supported by the ISDN exchange.
Release: 1.1+.
Action: Advanced | Suspend | Suspend.
Action Data: Exchange slot number or blank (slot 0).
Default Label: Suspe.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: .
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series:
5400 Series:
5600 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
T3/T3 IP Series:
1. Not 1403, 1603, 2402, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1 and
3.0DT software.
2. May have limited support on some specific T3 phone models if detailed below.
8.3.141 Suspend CW
Uses the Q.931 Suspend facility. Suspends the incoming call at the ISDN exchange and answer the call waiting. The call
is placed in exchange slot 0 if a slot number is not specified. Only available when supported by the ISDN exchange.
Release: 1.1+.
Action: Advanced | Suspend | Suspend CW.
Action Data: Exchange slot number or blank (slot 0).
Default Label: SusCW.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: .
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series:
5400 Series:
5600 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
T3/T3 IP Series:
1. Not 1403, 1603, 2402, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1 and
3.0DT software.
2. May have limited support on some specific T3 phone models if detailed below.
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8.3.142 Time of Day
Displays the time and date on the user's telephone. This function is ignored on those Avaya phones that display the date/
time by default.
Release: 1.0+.
Action: Emulation | Time of Day.
Action Data: None.
Default Label: TmDay.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: .
Status 2400, 5400
4600, 5600
1400, 1600,
4400, 6400,
9500 Series
9600 Series 9608, 9611 9621, 9641 T-Series,
- On. <Label> <Label> Green on Red on Green on Green On
- Off. <Label> <Label> Off Off Off Grey Off
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series:
5400 Series:
5600 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
D100: :
T3/T3 IP Series:
1. Not 1403, 1603, 2402, 4601, 4602, 5402, 5601 and 5602 models.
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Button Programming: Actions
8.3.143 Timer
Starts a timer running on the display of the user's extension. The timer disappears when the user ends a call.
Pre-Release 6.1: This function is not supported on Avaya phones that display a call timer next to each call
appearance through the phone's own settings.
Release 6.1: This function can be used on Avaya phones (except 9600 Series) that display a call timer next to
each call appearance. The button will temporarily turn the call timer on or off for the currently selected call
appearance. The change only applies for the duration of the current call.
Release: 1.0+.
Action: Emulation | Timer.
Action Data: None.
Default Label: Timer.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: .
Status 2400,
- On. <Label> <Label> Green on Off On
- Off. <Label> <Label> Off Off Off
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series:
5400 Series:
5600 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
D100: :
T3/T3 IP Series:
1. Not 1403, 1603, 2402, 4601, 4602, 5402, 5601 and 5602 models.
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8.3.144 Transfer
This function is intend for use with Avaya M-Series and T-Series phones only. When pressed, the button invokes the
same transfer process as dialing Feature 70.
Release: 7.0+.
Action: Advanced | Call | Transfer.
Action Data: None.
Default Label: Xfer.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: .
User Admin: .
Phone Support
This function is only supported on Avaya M-Series and T-Series phones.
8.3.145 Toggle Calls
Cycle between the user's current call and any held calls.
Release: 1.1+.
Action: Advanced | Call | Toggle Calls..
Action Data: None.
Default Label: Toggl.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: .
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series:
5400 Series:
5600 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
T3/T3 IP Series:
1. Not 1403, 1603, 2402, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1 and
3.0DT software.
2. May have limited support on some specific T3 phone models if detailed below.
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Button Programming: Actions
8.3.146 Twinning
This action can be used by user's setup for mobile twinning. This action is not used for internal twinning.
While the phone is idle, the button allows the user to set and change the destination for their twinned calls. It can
also be used to switch mobile twinning on/off and indicates the status of that setting.
When a call has been routed by the system to the user's twinned destination, the Twinning button can be used to
retrieve the call at the user's primary extension.
In configurations where the call arrives over an IP trunk and the outbound call is on an IP trunk, multi-site
network may optimise the routing and in this case the button may not be usable to retrieve the call.
For user's setup for one-X Mobile Client, changes to their Mobile Twinning status made through the
system configuration or using a Twinning button are not reflected in the status of the Extension to
Cellular icon on their mobile client. However, changes to the Extension to Cellular status made from
the mobile client are reflected by the Mobile Twinning field in the system configuration. Therefore, for
one-X Mobile Client users, it is recommended that they control their Mobile Twinning status through the
one-X Mobile Client rather than through a Twinning button.
Mobile Twinning Handover (Release 6.1)
When on a call on the primary extension, pressing the Twinning button will make an unassisted transfer to the
twinning destination. This feature can be used even if the user's Mobile Twinning setting was not enabled.
During the transfer process the button will wink.
Pressing the twinning button again will halt the transfer attempt and reconnect the call at the primary
The transfer may return if it cannot connect to the twinning destination or is unanswered within the user's
configured Transfer Return Time (if the user has no Transfer Return Time configured, a enforced time of
15 seconds is used).
Release: 3.2+.
Action: Emulation | Twinning.
Action Data: None.
Default Label: Twinning.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: .
Status 2400,
- On. Twinning Twinning Green on Red on Green on Green On
- Off. Twinning Twinning Off Off Off Grey Off
- Twinned call at
Twinning Twinning Red on Red flash Red on Blue On
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series:
5400 Series:
5600 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
T3/T3 IP Series:
1. Not 1403, 1603, 2402, 4601, 4602, 5402, 5601 and 5602 models.
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8.3.147 Unpark Call
This function is obsolete, since the Call Park function can be used to both park and retrieve calls and provides visual
indication of when calls are parked. Retrieve a parked call from a specified system park slot.
Park and unpark features are not currently supported between systems in a multi-site network.
Release: 1.1+.
Action: Advanced | Call | Unpark Call.
Action Data: System park slot number. This must match a park slot ID used to park the call.
Default Label: UnPark.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: .
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series:
5400 Series:
5600 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
T3/T3 IP Series:
1. Not 1403, 1603, 2402, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1 and
3.0DT software.
2. May have limited support on some specific T3 phone models if detailed below.
M-Series/T-Series: The button is equivalent to Feature #74 <park slot number>.
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Button Programming: Actions
8.3.148 User
Monitors whether another user's phone is idle or in use. The Telephone Number field should contain the users name
enclosed in double quotes. The button can be used to make calls to the user or pickup their longest waiting call when
ringing. On buttons with a text label, the user name is shown.
The actions performed when the button is pressed will depend on the state of the target user and the type of phone
being used. It also depend on whether the user is local or on a remote multi-site network system.
Phone Large display 1400, 1600, 2400, 4600, 5400, 5600,
9500, 9600, M-Series and T-Series Phones
Other Phones or across a multi-site
Idle Call the user.
Ringing Displays an option to pickup the call. Picks up the call.
On a Call For Release 4.0+ the following options are displayed (name
lengths may vary depending on the phone display):
Initiates a call to the users.
Cause a single burst of ringing on the target phone. On
some phones, when they end their current call their phone
will then display PLEASE CALL and your extension number.
Call the user's voicemail mailbox.
Set an automatic callback.
No action.
For 1400, 1600, 9500 and 9600 Series
phones, the Call, Voicemail and Callback
options are supported.
For 1400, 1600, 9500 and 9600 Series phones the following
additional options are displayed:
Disconnect the user's current call.
If configured to be able to intrude on the user:
Take control of the call.
Intrude into the call, turning it into a 3-way
If configured to be able to listen to the user:
Start silent monitoring of the user's call.
A User button can be used in conjunction with other buttons to indicate the target user when those buttons have
been configured with no pre-set user target. In cases where the other button uses the phone display for target
selection this is only possible using User buttons on an associate button module.
Release 4.2+: The following changes have been made to the indication of user status via BLF (busy lamp field)
indicators such as a User button:
The status shown for a logged out user without mobile twinning will depend on whether they have Forward
Unconditional enabled.
If they have Forward Unconditional enabled the user is shown as idle.
If they do not have Forward Unconditional enabled they will show as if on DND.
The status shown for a logged out user with mobile twinning will be as follows:
If there are any calls alerting or in progress through the system to the twinned destination, the user
status is shown as alerting or in-use as appropriate. This includes the user showing as busy/in-use if they
have such a call on hold and they have Busy on Held enabled.
If the user enables DND through Mobile Call Control or one-X Mobile client, their status will show as DND.
Calls from the system direct to the user's twinned destination number rather than redirected by twinning
will not change the user's status.
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Release: 1.0+.
Action: User.
Action Data: User name enclosed in "double-quotes".
Default Label: <the user name>.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: .
Status 2400
- Idle. Extn221 Extn221 Off Off Off Off Grey Off
- Alerting. Extn221 Extn221 Green flash Red flash Red flash Red flash Blue Slow
- In Use/
Extn221 Extn221 Green on Red wink Red wink Red wink Blue Fast
- DND Extn221 Extn221 Green on Red on Red on Red on Green On
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series:
5400 Series:
5600 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
T3/T3 IP Series:
1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1 and 3.0DT
2. May have limited support on some specific T3 phone models if detailed below.
T3 Phones:
Classic/Comfort icon: Displays the user name.
DSS Link LED: On when busy, flashing when call alerting user.
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Button Programming: Actions
8.3.149 Visual Voice
This action provides the user with a display menu for access to their mailbox. The menu provide the user with options to
listening to messages, leaving messages and managing the mailbox.
If pressed when a call is connected, the button allows entry of an extension number for direct to voicemail transfer of the
connected call.
On phones that have a display but do not support full visual voice operation as indicated below, use of the button for user
mailbox access using voice prompts and for direct to voicemail transfer during a call is supported (does not include T3
and T3 IP phones).
Access to Visual Voice on supported phones can be triggered by the phone's MESSAGES button rather than requiring a
separate Visual Voice programmable button. This is done using the System | Voicemail option Messages button
goes to Visual Voice.
Release: 4.0+.
Action: Emulation | Visual Voice.
Action Data: None.
Default Label: Voice.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: .
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series: *
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series: *
5400 Series: *
5600 Series: *
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
T3/T3 IP Series:
*Not 1403, 1603, 2402, 5402, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602.
*2: Takes the user direct to the listen part of Visual Voice. For the full Visual Voice menu options the user
should use Menu | Settings | Voicemail Settings.
Visual Voice Controls
The arrangement of options on the screen will vary depending on the phone type and display size.
Access your own voicemail mailbox. When pressed the screen will show the number of New, Old and Saved
messages. Select one of those options to start playback of messages in that category. Use the up arrow and
arrow keys to move through the message. Use the options below
Play the message.
Pause the message playback.
Delete the message.
Mark the message as a saved message.
Call the message sender if a caller ID is available.
Copy the message to another mailbox. When pressed a number of
additional options are displayed.
Record and send a voicemail message to another mailbox or mailboxes.
Change the main greeting used for callers to your mailbox. If no greeting has been recorded then the default
system mailbox greeting is used.
This option is only shown if you have been configured with an email address for voicemail email usage in the
system configuration. This control allows you to see and change the current voicemail email mode being used for
new messages received by your voicemail mailbox. Use Change to change the selected mode. Press Done when
the required mode is displayed. Possible modes are:
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Change the voicemail mailbox password. To do this requires entry of the existing password.
Switch voicemail coverage on/off.
Using the Visual Voice Button for Voicemail Transfer
If pressed when you have a call is connected, the MESSAGE button allows entry of an extension number for direct to
voicemail transfer of the connected call.
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Button Programming: Actions
8.3.150 Voicemail Collect
Connects to the voicemail server. The telephone number must indicate the name of the Voicemail box to be accessed, eg.
"?Extn201" or "#Extn201". The ? indicates "collect Voicemail" and the # indicates "deposit Voicemail". This action is not
supported by voicemail using Intuity emulation mode.
When used with Voicemail Pro, names of specific call flow start points can also be used to directly access those start
points via a short code. In these cases ? is not used and # is only used if ringing is required before the start points call
flow begins.
Release: 1.1+.
Action: Advanced | Voicemail | Voicemail Collect.
Action Data: See above.
Default Label: VMCol or VMail Collect.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: .
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series:
5400 Series:
5600 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
T3/T3 IP Series:
1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1 and 3.0DT
2. May have limited support on some specific T3 phone models if detailed below.
M-Series/T-Series: For access to the users own mailbox, this button is equivalent to Feature 652 and
Feature 981.
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8.3.151 Voicemail Off
Disables the user's voicemail box from answering calls that ring unanswered at the users extension. This does not disable
the user's mailbox and other methods of placing messages into their mailbox.
This button function is obsolete as the Voicemail On function toggles on/off.
Release: 1.1+.
Action: Advanced | Voicemail | Voicemail Off.
Action Data: None.
Default Label: VMOff.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: .
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series:
5400 Series:
5600 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
T3/T3 IP Series:
1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1 and 3.0DT
2. May have limited support on some specific T3 phone models if detailed below.
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Button Programming: Actions
8.3.152 Voicemail On
Enables the user's voicemail mailbox to answer calls which ring unanswered or arrive when the user is busy.
Release: 1.1+.
Action: Advanced | Voicemail | Voicemail On.
Action Data: None.
Default Label: VMOn or VMail On.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: .
Status 2400, 5400
4600, 5600
1400, 1600,
4400, 6400,
9500 Series
9600 Series 9608, 9611 9621, 9641 T-Series,
- On. <Label> <Label> Green on Red on Green on Green On
- Off. <Label> <Label> Off Off Off Grey Off
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series:
5400 Series:
5600 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
T3/T3 IP Series:
1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1 and 3.0DT
2. May have limited support on some specific T3 phone models if detailed below.
T3 Phones: Supported on Avaya T3 Classic, Comfort and Compact phones for Release 4.2+.
Classic/Comfort icon: Displays . The background uses the same settings as the LED below.
DSS Link LED: On when set.
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8.3.153 Voicemail Ringback Off
Disables voicemail ringback to the user's extension. This button function is obsolete as the Voicemail Ringback On
function toggles on/off.
Release: 1.1+.
Action: Advanced | Voicemail | Voicemail Ringback Off.
Action Data: None.
Default Label: VMRB-
Toggles: .
Status Indication: .
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series:
5400 Series:
5600 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
T3/T3 IP Series:
1. Not 1403, 1603, 2402, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1 and
3.0DT software.
2. May have limited support on some specific T3 phone models if detailed below.
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Button Programming: Actions
8.3.154 Voicemail Ringback On
Enables voicemail ringback to the user's extension. Voicemail ringback is used to call the user when they have new
voicemail messages in their own mailbox or a hunt group mailbox for which they have been configured with message
waiting indication.
The ringback takes place when the user's phone returns to idle after any call is ended.
Release: 1.1+.
Action: Advanced | Voicemail | Voicemail Ringback On.
Action Data: None.
Default Label: VMRB+ or VMail Ringback.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: .
Status 2400, 5400
4600, 5600
1400, 1600,
4400, 6400,
9500 Series
9600 Series 9608, 9611 9621, 9641 T-Series,
- On. <Label> <Label> Green on Red on Green on Green On
- Off. <Label> <Label> Off Off Off Grey Off
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
1600 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series:
5400 Series:
5600 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
9600 Series:
T3/T3 IP Series:
1. Not 1403, 1603, 4601, 4602, 5601 and 5602 except where 4602 is supported on Release 2.1 and 3.0DT
2. May have limited support on some specific T3 phone models if detailed below.
8.3.155 Whisper Page
This feature allows you to intrude on another user and be heard by them without being able to hear the user's existing
call which is not interrupted. For example: User A is on a call with user B. When user C intrudes on user A, they can be
heard by user A but not by user B who can still hear user A. Whisper page can be used to talk to a user who has enabled
private call.
The ability to intrude and be intruded is controlled by two configuration settings, the Can Intrude (User |
Telephony | Supervisor Settings ) setting of the user intruding and the Cannot Be Intruded (User |
Telephony | Supervisor Settings ) setting of target being intruded on. The setting of any other internal party is
ignored. By default, no users can intrude and all users are set to cannot be intruded.
The system support a range of other call intrusion methods in addition to this feature.
Release: 8.0+.
Action: Advanced | Call | Whisper Page.
Action Data: None.
Default Label: Whisp or Whisper Page.
Toggles: .
Status Indication: .
User Admin: .
Phone Support
Note that support for particular phone models is also dependant on the system software level.
1100 Series:
1200 Series:
1400 Series:
20 Series:
2400 Series:
3600 Series:
3700 Series:
4100 Series:
4400 Series:
4600 Series:
5400 Series:
6400 Series:
7400 Series:
9500 Series:
383 383
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1600 Series:
3810: 5600 Series: 9600 Series: T3/T3 IP Series:
1. Not 1403, 1603.
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Apperance Button Operation
Chapter 9.
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9. Apperance Button Operation
Release 3.0*. Many Avaya phones supported on system have a programmable keys or buttons (the terms 'key' and
'button' mean the same thing in this context). Various actions can be assigned to each of these keys, allowing the phone
user to access that action.
Many of the phones also have indicator lamps next to the programmable buttons. These lamps are used to indicate the
status of the button, for example 'on' or 'off'. On other phones the programmable buttons use an adjacent area of the
phones display to show status icons and text labels for the buttons.
The example below shows the display and programmable buttons on an Avaya 5421 phone where a number of
programmable features have been assigned to the user.
This type of phone displays text labels for the programmed features. On other phones a paper label may have to
be updated to indicate the programmed feature.
The system supports the following 'appearance' actions - Call Appearance , Bridged Appearance , Line Appearance
and Call Coverage Appearance . These actions can be assigned to the programmable buttons on a user's phone.
Those 'appearance' buttons can then be used to answer, share, switch between and in some case make calls. This type of
call handling is often called 'key and lamp mode'.
This document covers the programming and operation of phones using the appearance functions. Details of the other
actions that can be assigned to programmable keys are covered in Button Programming .
*Release 3.0DT does not support appearance buttons.
For all the examples within this documentation, it is assumed that Auto Hold is on and Answer Pre-Select (4.0
+) is off unless otherwise stated.
The text shown on phone displays are typical and may vary between phone types, locales and system software
9.1 Appearance Button Features
Appearance functions are only supported on Avaya phones which have programmable buttons and also support multiple
calls. Appearance functions are also only supported on those buttons that have suitable adjacent indicator lamps or a
display area. Appearance buttons are not supported across a multi-site network.
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Apperance Button Operation: Appearance Button Features
9.2 Call Appearance Buttons
Call appearance buttons are used to display alerts for incoming calls directed to a user's extension number or to a hunt
group of which they are a member. Call appearance buttons are also used to make outgoing calls.
By having several call appearance buttons, a user is able to be alerted about several calls, select which call to answer,
switch between calls and take other actions.
When all the user's call appearance buttons are in use or alerting, any further calls to their extension number receive
busy treatment. Instead of busy tone, the user's forward on busy is used if enabled or otherwise voicemail if available.
Call appearance buttons are the primary feature of key and lamp operation. None of the other appearance button
features can be used until a user has some call appearance button programmed
There are also addition requirements to programming call appearance buttons:
Call appearance buttons must be the first button programmed for the user.
It must be followed by any further call appearance buttons in a continuous block.
Release 5.0+: Line appearance buttons can be programmed before call appearance buttons for 1400, 1600
and 9600 Series phone users.
Release 7.0: The above restriction is no longer applied.
Programming a single call appearance button for a user is not supported. The normal default is 3 call appearances
per user except on phones where only two physical buttons are available.
[1] For Release 4.2+, T3 phones support the use of Line Appearance buttons. These can be programmed against
buttons on T3 phones without requiring call appearance buttons. See T3 Phone Line Appearances .
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9.2.1 Example 1
In this example, the user has multiple call appearance buttons.
1. Phone Idle
The phone is currently idle.
2. First Call Alerts
A call arrives. It alerts against the first available call appearance button.
Pressing that button will answer the call.
3. Call Answered
The call is now connected.
4. Second Call Alerts
A second call arrives whilst the first is still connected. It alerts against the
next available call appearance button. As the user has a call in progress, the
alert gives just a single ring and briefly display details of the caller.
5. Pressing the Second Call Appearance
Pressing the second call appearance button will hold the first call and answer
the second.
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Apperance Button Operation: Call Appearance Buttons
9.2.2 Example 2
In this example, the user will use their call appearances to make two calls and start a conference between those calls.
1. Initial Call
The user has a call in progress, shown on their first call appearance button.
It is decided to conference another user into the call.
2. Make Conference Enquiry
Pressing the CONFERENCE button on the users phone automatically places
the current call on hold and takes the phone off hook on the next available
call appearance.
3. Enquiry in Progress
The other extension has been dialed and invited to join a conference call. The
user presses the CONFERENCE button on their phone again.
4. Conference Starts
The conference call has started. The separate call appearances have
collapsed to a single appearance that represents the conference.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
9.2.3 How are Call Appearance Buttons Treated?
For incoming calls
Call Waiting settings are ignored except for hunt group call waiting where the call waiting tone is replaced by an
alert on a call appearance button if available.
Follow Me, Forward Unconditional and Forward Hunt Group Calls are used when set.
If Do Not Disturb is set, only calls from numbers in the user's Do Not Disturb Exception list will alert if a call
appearance is available.
Busy status
For calls direct to the user's extension number
The user is busy when all their available call appearances are in use. Instead of busy tone, the user's forward on
busy is used if enabled or otherwise voicemail if available.
For calls to a hunt group of which the user is a member
The user is busy to further hunt group calls when they have any appearance button in use on their phone. The only
exception is calls to a collective hunt group with call waiting.
In both cases above, even when busy, the user may still receive alerts on other appearance buttons.
For outgoing calls
Outgoing calls are treated exactly the same as calls made by non-appearance button users.
External Calls made on a call appearance, which route out on a line for which the user also has a line appearance,
will remain on the call appearance. The line appearance will indicate 'in use elsewhere'.
For call appearance buttons matched by a bridged appearance button
If the bridged appearance is used to make or answer calls, the state of the call appearance will match that of the
bridged appearance.
If the call is put on hold by the bridged appearance user, the call appearance will show 'on hold elsewhere'.
Held/Parked Call Timeout
If the user has parked a call, the parked call timer only starts running when the user is idle rather than on another
Incoming calls routed directly to the user as the incoming call routes destination on a line for which the user also
has a line appearance, will only alert on the line appearance. These calls do not follow any forwarding set but can
be covered.
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Apperance Button Operation: Call Appearance Buttons
9.2.4 Button Indication
On phones with a text display area next to the button, by default a=, b= and so on is displayed. This can be replaced by
another label if required.
When the user is not connected to a call, the button indicated as selected is the button that will be used if the user goes
off hook without pressing an appearance button. When a user is connected to a call, that call is the selected button.
The following table shows how the different states of call appearance buttons (alerting, held, etc) are indicated. This is a
general table, not all phone button types are covered. The ring that accompanies the visual indication can be delayed or
switched off. See Ring Delay .
Icon Button Dual LED Button Call Appearance Button State
Red off,
Green off.
The call appearance is not in use and is not currently selected.
Red on,
Green off.
Idle + Selected
The call appearance is not in use but is the current selected button that will be
used if the user goes off hook.
Flashing icon.
Red off,
Green steady
The matching call appearance is alerting for an incoming call. This is
accompanied by ringing. If the user is already on a call, only a single ring is
Flashing icon.
Red on,
Green steady
Alerting + Selected
As above but Ringing Line Preference has made this the user's current selected
Red on,
Green on.
In Use Here
The user has a call connected on the call appearance or is dialing.
Red off,
Green on.
In Use Elsewhere
The call appearance button is in use on a bridged appearance.
Red off,
Green fast flash.
On Hold Here
The call has been put on hold by this user.
Red fast flash,
Green fast flash
On Hold Pending Transfer
Adding for 1400, 1600, 9500 and 9600 Series phones in Release 8.1.
Red off,
Green intermittent
On Hold Elsewhere
A call on a bridged appearance button matched to the call appearance has
been put on hold. Calls on a call appearance that are put on hold by another
user will continue to show connected lamp status, though the phone display
will indicate a held call.
flashes off.
Red off,
Green broken
The button pressed is not accessible. The call is still dialing, ringing or cannot
be bridged into.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
9.3 Bridged Appearance Buttons
A bridged appearance button shows the state of one of another user's call appearance buttons. It can be used to answer
or join calls on that user's call appearance button. It can also be used to make a call that the call appearance user can
then join or retrieve from hold.
When the user's call appearance button alerts, any associated bridged appearance buttons on other user's phones
also alert. The bridged appearance buttons can be used to answer the call on the call appearance button user's
When the call appearance button user answers or makes a call, any associated bridged appearance buttons on
other users' phones show the status of the call, ie. active, on hold, etc. The bridged appearance button can be
used to retrieve the call if on hold or to join the call if active (subject to intrusion permissions).
Bridged appearance buttons are different from the action of bridging into a call (joining a call). See Joining Other
Calls (Bridging) .
Bridged appearance buttons are not supported between users on different systems in a multi-site network.
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Apperance Button Operation: Bridged Appearance Buttons
9.3.1 Example 1
In this example, one user is able to see the status of the other user's call appearances, and when necessary answer calls
for the other user. Both users have Ringing Line Preference and Auto Hold on.
Call Appearance User Bridged Appearance User
1. Both Phone Idle
Our user has bridged appearance
buttons that match a colleague's call
appearances buttons.
2. First Call
The colleague has a call alerting on
their first call appearance button. It
also alerts on our user's first
bridged appearance button.
3. Call Answered
The colleague has answered the
call. The bridged appearance
indicates 'in use elsewhere'.
4. Second Call
Another call alerts at the colleagues
phone and again is mirrored on our
user's second bridged call
appearance button.
5. Call Answered
Our user has gone off hook and
answered the incoming call alerting
on the bridged call appearance.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
9.3.2 Example 2
In this example, the bridged appearance user makes a call on behalf of the call appearance user. Once the call is
connected, they put it on hold. The call appearance user is able to take the call off hold using their call appearance
button. Both users have Ringing Line Preference and Auto Hold on.
Call Appearance User Bridge Appearance User
1. Both Phones Idle
Our user has bridged appearance
buttons that match a colleague's call
appearances buttons.
2. Bridged User Makes Call
Our user has pressed a bridged
appearance and made a call on it.
The matching call appearance shows
'in use elsewhere'.
3. Call Put on Hold
Having made the call, the bridged
user puts it on hold. The matching
call appearance indicates 'on hold
4. Call Taken Off Hold
By pressing the call appearance, the
first user has answered the held
call. The bridged appearance user
returns to idle.
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Apperance Button Operation: Bridged Appearance Buttons
9.3.3 Example 3
In this example, a call is passed from the call appearance user to the bridged appearance user. Both users have Ringing
Line Preference and Auto Hold on.
Bridged Appearance User
1. Call on Colleague's Phone
The call appearance user has answered a call on one of their call
appearances. The bridged appearance user's matching bridged appearance
shows 'in use elsewhere'.
2. Call Held by Colleague
The call appearance user has put the call on hold and called the bridged
appearance user. The first bridged call appearance shows a call 'on hold
elsewhere' whilst the second matches the call between users.
3. Enquiry Call Between Colleagues
By going off hook, the bridged appearance user has answered the call from
the call appearance user. They are asked to pickup the call on the colleagues
first call appearance.
4. Call Taken Off Hold
Pressing the first bridged appearance button takes that call off hold and
connects it to the bridged appearance user.
In this example, Auto Hold is not set for the system, so pressing the
bridged appearance button disconnected the call from the colleague.
If Auto Hold had been set, the colleague's call would have been put on
hold until they hung up.
Manager 10.1 Page 890
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
9.3.4 How are Bridged Appearances Treated?
Bridged appearance buttons operate in parallel with their matching call appearance button.
Whose user settings control the call?
Until answered on a bridged appearance button, calls alerting on a bridged appearance button follow the settings
of the user or hunt group to which the call was originally directed.
If the call appearance is in use, any matching bridged appearance will indicate the same.
If a bridged appearance is in use, the call appearance it matches will indicate the same.
The bridge appearance will only alert if the call appearance is alerting. For example, direct intercom and paging call
to the call appearance will show on the bridged appearance but will not give any audible alert.
If the bridged appearance user put the call on hold, the call appearance will indicate 'on hold elsewhere'.
Bridged appearances to a user who has logged out, or has logged into a non-multi line phone, will not operate.
If the bridged appearance user has 'do not disturb' (DND) enabled, the bridge appearance button icon or lamps will
still operate but alerting and ringing line preference selection are not applied unless the caller is in their DND
exception list.
Bridged appearance buttons are not supported between users on different systems in a multi-site network.
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Apperance Button Operation: Bridged Appearance Buttons
9.3.5 Button Indication
On phones with a text display area next to the button, the name of the bridged user and the label from the bridged user's
call appearance key are displayed.
The following table shows how the different states of bridged appearance buttons (alerting, held, etc) are indicated. This
is a general table, not all phone button types are covered. The ring that accompanies the visual indication can be delayed
or switched off. See Ring Delay .
Icon Button Dual LED Button Bridge Appearance Button State
Red off,
Green off.
The bridged appearance is not in use.
Flashing icon.
Red off,
Green steady flash.
The matching call appearance is alerting for an incoming call. This is
accompanied by ringing. If the user is already on a call, only a single ring is
Flashing icon.
Red on,
Green steady flash.
Alerting + Selected
As above but Ringing Line Preference has made this the user's current
selected button.
Red off,
Green on.
In Use Elsewhere
The matching call appearance button is in use.
Red on,
Green on.
In Use Here
The user has made a call or answered a call on the bridged appearance, or
bridged into it.
Red off,
Green fast flash.
On Hold Here
The call has been put on hold by this user.
Red off,
Green intermittent
On Hold Elsewhere
The call on that call appearance has been put on hold by another user.
Icon flashes off.
Red off,
Green broken flash.
The button pressed is not usable. The call is still dialing, ringing or cannot be
bridged into.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
9.4 Call Coverage Buttons
Call coverage allows a user to be alerted when another user has an unanswered call.
The user being covered does not necessarily have to be a key and lamp user or have any programmed appearance
buttons. Their Individual Coverage Time setting (default 10 seconds) sets how long calls will alert at their extension
before also alerting on call coverage buttons set to that user.
The user doing the covering must have appearance buttons including a call coverage appearance button programmed to
the covered users name.
Note: Call coverage has been supported from Release 1.3. However the method of programming and operation has
changed with Release 3.0. Users of pre-Release 3.0 systems that used call coverage should refer to "Upgrading
from Pre-Release 3.0" .
Call coverage appearance buttons are not supported between users on different systems in a multi-site network.
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Apperance Button Operation: Call Coverage Buttons
9.4.1 Example 1
In this example, the covering user is able to answer their colleagues call when it rings unanswered. Both users have
Ringing Line Preference and Auto Hold on.
Covered User Covering User
1. Both Phones Idle
Our user has a call coverage button
to cover their colleague.
2. Call to Covered User
A call arrives for the covered user.
3. Call Alerts to Coverage
After ringing for the covered user's
Individual Coverage Time, the call
also begins alerting on the call
coverage button .
4. Covering User Answers
By going off hook or pressing the
alerting button, the covering user
has answered the call.
9.4.2 Example 2
In this example, the covered user has calls on all their available call appearances. Both users have Ringing Line
Preference and Auto Hold on.
Covered User Covering User
1. Calls in Progress
The covered user already has a
number of calls in progress on all
their call appearance keys.
2. Call Alerts to Coverage
The covered user is treated as busy,
so their next call goes immediately
to call coverage.
3. Covering User Answers
The covering user has answered the
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9.4.3 How is Call Coverage Treated?
Whose user settings control the call?
Until answered, calls alerting on a call coverage button follow the settings of the user to which the call
was originally directed.
Once answered, the call follows the user settings of the user who answered it.
Coverage is applied to:
Internal calls dialed to the covered user's extension number.
External calls routed to the covered user by a incoming call route.
Calls forwarded internally by the covered user or on follow me from the covered user.
Coverage is not applied to:
Hunt group calls to a hunt group of which the covered user is a member.
Calls forwarded to the covered user using forward or follow me functions.
Calls alerting on the covered user's bridged appearance and call coverage buttons.
Coverage is only applied to calls alerting on a line appearance if the call was also routed to that user by an
incoming call route.
Page and intercom calls.
Parked, transferred and held calls ringing back to the user.
Automatic callback calls set by the covered user.
Voicemail ringback calls.
Call coverage appearance buttons are not supported between users on different systems in a multi-site network.
Coverage is applied:
If the covered user's phone is available, call coverage is applied only after the covered user's Individual Coverage
Time has expired.
If the covered user's phone is busy, call coverage is applied immediately.
If the covered user is using follow me or forward all to an internal number to divert their calls, call coverage is still
If the covered user has 'do not disturb' on, call coverage is applied immediately except for calls from numbers in
the covered user's do not disturb exceptions list.
Other items:
If the call is not answered after the covered user's No Answer Time it will go to the covered user's voicemail if
available or follow their forward on no answer settings.
If the covered user has several alerting calls, the call answered by the call coverage button is the covered user's
longest ringing call.
Calls will not alert at a covering user who has 'do not disturb' enabled, except when the calling number is in the
covering user's do not disturb exception list.
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Apperance Button Operation: Call Coverage Buttons
9.4.4 Button Indication
On phones with a text display area next to the button, the name of the covered user is displayed followed by the word
When the user is not connected to a call, the button indicated as selected is the button that will be used if the user goes
off hook without pressing an appearance button. When a user is connected to a call, that call is the selected button.
The following table shows how the different states of call coverage appearance buttons (alerting, held, etc) are indicated.
This is a general table, not all phone button types are covered. The ring that accompanies the visual indication can be
delayed or switched off. See Ring Delay .
Icon Button Dual LED Button Call Coverage Button State
Red off,
Green off.
The button is not in use.
Flashing icon.
Red off,
Green steady flash.
The call coverage is alerting for an unanswered call at the covered user's
phone. This is accompanied by ringing. If the user is already on a call,
only a single ring is given.
Flashing icon.
Red on,
Green steady flash.
Alerting + Selected
As above but Ringing Line Preference has made this the user's current
selected button.
Red on,
Green on.
In Use Here
The user has answered the call requiring coverage.
Red off,
Green fast flash.
On Hold Here
The covered call has been put on hold by the call coverage button user.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
9.5 Line Appearance Buttons
Line appearance buttons allow specific individual line to be used when making calls or answered when they have an
incoming call. It also allows users to bridge into calls on a particular line.
Incoming call routing is still used to determine the destination of all incoming calls. Line appearance buttons allow a call
on a specific line to alert the button user as well as the intended call destination. When these are one and the same, the
call will only alert on the line appearance but can still receive call coverage.
When alerting on suitable phones, details of the caller and the call destination are shown during the initial alert.
Individual line appearance ID numbers to be assigned to selected lines on a system. Line appearance buttons are only
supported for analog, E1 PRI, T1, T1 PRI, and BRI PSTN trunks; they are not supported for other trunks including E1R2,
QSIG and IP trunks.
Line appearance buttons are not supported for lines on remote systems in a multi-site network.
Using Line Appearances for Outgoing Calls
In order to use a line appearance to make outgoing calls, changes to the normal external dialing short codes are
required. For full details see Outgoing Line Programming .
Private Lines
Special behaviour is applied to calls where the user has both a line appearance for the line involved and is also the
Incoming Call Route destination of that call. Such calls will alert only on the Line Appearance button and not on any
other buttons. These calls will also not follow any forwarding.
T3 Phone Line Appearances
Release 4.2+: Line appearances are supported on T3 and T3 IP phones, see T3 Phone Line Appearances .
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Apperance Button Operation: Line Appearance Buttons
9.5.1 Example 1
In this example, the user is able to answer a call alerting on a particular line.
1. Line Goes Active
A call is active on the line with line ID number 601. This is indicated as 'in
use elsewhere'.
For an incoming call, the line will show active but will not alert until call
routing has been determined. On analog ICLID lines, alerting is delayed
until the ICLID that might be used to do the call routing has been
2. Line Appearance Alerting
The routing of the call has been complete and it is ringing against its
destination. On our user's phone the line appearance also alerts and ringing
line preference has made it the current selected button.
3. Answer Call
By going off hook or pressing the line appearance, our user has answered
the call on that line.
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9.5.2 Example 2
In this example, two users exchange a call using line appearance buttons set to the same line. Note that this requires
that the user who first answers the call to have Cannot be Intruded off. Both users have Ringing Line Preference
and Auto Hold on.
1. Idle
The two users has line appearances
for the same line.
2. Call Alerts
A call arrives. Either user can
answer it by pressing the alerting
line appearance
3. Call Answered
The first user has answer the call.
4. Line Held
The first user has put the call on
5. Line Retrieved
The second user has retrieved the
held call by pressing the line
Manager 10.1 Page 899
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Apperance Button Operation: Line Appearance Buttons
9.5.3 How are Line Appearances Treated?
Incoming Calls
Until answered using a line appearance button, incoming calls alerting on a line appearance, follow the
settings of the incoming call route's destination group or user. They do not follow the settings of any
line appearance user.
If an incoming calls destination is voicemail, or once the incoming call has passed from its destination to voicemail,
it cannot be answered or bridged into using a line appearance button.
If the line appearance user is also the incoming call route destination for the call, the call will alert on their line
appearance only. In this case:
It will alert on the line appearance even if all call appearances are in use.
The call will not follow any of the user's forwarding settings .
The call will receive call coverage from other user's with call coverage buttons set to the line appearance user.
The ring delay used is that of the first free call appearance.
For analog lines set to ICLID, any line appearances show active while the system waits for ICLID information.
During this time the line has not been routed and cannot be answered using a line appearance button.
Calls alerting on a line appearance can also alert on a call coverage appearance on the same phone. If Ringing Line
Preference is set, the current selected button will change from the line appearance to the call coverage
If the line appearance user has do not disturb (DND) enabled, the line appearance button icon or lamps will still
operate but alerting and ringing line preference selection are not applied unless the caller is in their DND exception
Outgoing Calls
In order to be used for making outgoing calls, some additional system programming may be required. See
Outgoing Line Programming .
Calls made on a call appearance, which are routed out on a line for which the user also has a line appearance, will
remain on the call appearance. The line appearance will indicate 'in use elsewhere'.
Additional Notes
Calls alerting on a line appearance do not receive call coverage or go to a users voicemail unless the user was the
call's original incoming call route destination.
If a call indicated by a line appearance is parked, it cannot be joined or unparked by using another line
Where a line appearance button is used to answer a call for which automatic call recording is invoked, the
recording will go to the automatic recording mailbox setting of the original call destination.
Line appearance buttons are not supported for lines on remote systems in a multi-site network.
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9.5.4 Button Indication
On phones with a text display area next to the button, the label Line and the line number are displayed.
When the user is not connected to a call, the button indicated as selected is the button that will be used if the user goes
off hook without pressing an appearance button. When a user is connected to a call, that call is the selected button.
The following table shows how the different states of line appearance buttons (alerting, held, etc) are indicated. This is a
general table, not all phone button types are covered. The ring that accompanies the visual indication can be delayed or
switched off. See Ring Delay .
Icon Button Dual LED Button Line Appearance Button State
All off.
The associated line is not in use.
Idle + Selected
The associated line is not in use but the button is the user currently
selected button.
Flashing icon.
Red off,
Green steady flash.
The line is ringing at its incoming call route destination. This is
accompanied by ringing. If the user is already on a call, only a single ring
is given.
Flashing icon.
Red on,
Green steady flash.
Alerting + Selected
As above but Ringing Line Preference has made this the user's current
selected button.
Red off,
Green on.
In Use Elsewhere
The line is in use.
Red on,
Green on.
In Use Here
The user has answered the line, made a call on it or bridged into the call
on the line.
Red off,
Green fast flash.
On Hold Here
The call on the line has been put on hold by this user.
Red off,
Green intermittent flash.
On Hold Elsewhere
The call on the line has been put on hold by another appearance button
Icon flashes off.
Red off,
Green broken flash.
The button pressed is not accessible. The call is still dialing, ringing,
routing or cannot be bridged into.
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Apperance Button Operation: Line Appearance Buttons
9.5.5 T3 Phone Line Appearances
Release 4.2+: Line appearances are supported on T3 and T3 IP phones. As these phones do not support call appearance,
bridge appearance or call coverage appearance buttons the user can be programmed with just line appearance buttons.
Soft Key LED Key Line Appearance Button State
L601 Off Idle
The associated line is not in use.
601 Off Idle + Selected
The associated line is not in use but the button is the user currently
selected button.
L601 alternating
with bell symbol.
Fast flashing Alerting
The line is ringing at it incoming call route destination. This is accompanied
by ringing. If the user is already on a call, only a single ring is given.
L601 alternating
with bell symbol.
Fast flashing Alerting + Selected
As above but Ringing Line Preference has made this the user's current
selected button.
L601 On In Use Elsewhere
The line is in use.
601 On In Use Here
The user has answered the line, made a call on it or bridged into the call on
the line.
Slow flash
Slow flash On Hold Here
The call on the line has been put on hold by this user.
Slow flash
Slow flash On Hold Elsewhere
The call on the line has been put on hold by another appearance button
-601 Off Inaccessible
The button pressed is not accessible. The call is still dialing, ringing, routing
or cannot be bridged into. A single tone is also given.
Hot Desking
The following applies to appearance button programmed for a user on a system with T3 phones.
From a T3 Phone
If a T3 user with programmed line appearances but no programmed call appearances hot desks onto a phone
type that requires call appearances, the phone will not operate correctly. This configuration is not supported
by Avaya.
To a T3 Phone
If appearance buttons other than line appearance are programmed for a user, when that user in on a T3
phone those other appearance buttons will be treated as blank. Depending on the button and type of T3
phone the button may assume its default T3 phone function. See T3 Compact , T3 Classic and T3
Comfort .
Call Waiting
Line appearances will ignore the T3 phones user selected call waiting setting. So with a call connected and call
waiting off, calls can still alert on line appearances.
Multiple Calls
T3 phones are limited to a maximum of 6 associated calls at any time, including calls connected, on hold and
Delayed Ringing
The only Ring Delay options supported are Immediate or No Ring. Any other delayed
Idle line preference is always used, however T3 phones will never default to using a line appearance for an
outbound call.
Joining a call active on a line appearance is supported. This is subject to the intrusion settings of the users
involved. The call then becomes a conference call.
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9.6 Other Appearance Controls
9.6.1 Selected Button Indication
During appearance button usage, one of the user's appearance buttons may be indicated as the user's current selected
button. This is the appearance button already in use, or if idle, the appearance button that will be used if the user goes
off hook by lifting the handset.
On phones with a display area next to each button, the current selected button is indicated by either an _
underscore of the button label, a * star or a shaded background.
On phones with twin LED lamps, the current selected button is indicated by the red lamp being on .
On Transtalk 9040 phones, the current selected button is indicated by a icon.
The system sets which appearance button is the current selected button using the following methods:
Idle Line Preference
This feature can be set on or off for each individual user, the default is on. When on, it sets the current selected
button as the first available idle call/line appearance button. See Idle Line Preference .
Ringing Line Preference
This feature can be set on or off for each individual user, the default is on. When on, it sets the current selected
button as the button which has been alerting at the users phone for the longest. Ringing Line Preference overrides
Idle Line Preference. See Ringing Line Preference .
Delayed Ring Preference: (Release 4.0+)
This setting is used in conjunction with ringing line preference and appearance buttons set to delayed or no ring. It
sets whether ringing line preference should observe or ignore the delayed ring applied to the user's appearance
buttons when determining which button should have current selected button status.
User Selection
The phone user can override both Idle Line Preference and Ringing Line Preference by pressing the
appearance button they want to use or answer. That button will then remain the current selected button whilst
If the user currently has a call connected, pressing another appearance button will either hold or disconnect that
call. The action is determined by the system's Auto Hold setting.
Answer Pre-Select: (Release 4.0+)
Normally when a user has multiple alerting calls, only the details of the call on current selected button are shown.
Pressing any of the alerting buttons will answer the call on that button, going off-hook will answer the current
selected button. Enabling the user telephony setting Answer Pre-Select allows the user to press any alerting
button to make it the current selected button and displaying its call details without answering that call. To answer
a call when the user has Answer Pre-Select enabled, the user must press the alerting button to display the call
details and then either press the button again or go off-hook.
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Apperance Button Operation: Other Appearance Controls
9.6.2 Idle Line Preference
Idle Line Preference determines the user's currently selected button as the first available idle call/line appearance
button. Selected button indication is applied to that button and if the user goes off-hook, for example by lifting their
handset, an outgoing call is started on that button.
Idle Line Preference is overridden by Ringing Line Preference if also on for the user.
By default Idle Line Preference is on for all users.
For appearance button users with Idle Line Preference off, going off-hook (lifting the handset or pressing
SPEAKER, HEADSET, etc) will have no effect until an appearance button is pressed.
If all the available call/line appearance buttons are in use, no current selected button choice is made by Idle Line
Preference. In this case, going off hook will have no effect.
?Why Would I Use Just Idle Line Preference
In environments that are focused on making outgoing calls, for example telemarketing, incoming calls are
infrequent and user's go off-hook expecting to make a call. Using Idle Line Preference without Ringing Line
Preference ensures that the user doesn't inadvertently answer a call when expecting to make a call.
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Idle Line Preference Example 1
In this example, only Idle Line Preference has been programmed for the user. Ringing Line Preference has not been
1. Phone Idle
The phone is idle. The current selected button determined by Idle Line
Preference is the first available idle call appearance button. This is shown
by the _ underscore of the button text.
2. First Call to User
A call for the user arrives. It alerts on the first available call appearance
button. Idle Line Preference has changed the current selected button to
the next available idle call appearance.
3. User Goes Off Hook
With the call still alerting, if the user goes off hook, it will be interpreted
as making a call using the currently selected button, not as answering the
alerting button.
4. To answer the alerting call, the user should press the alerting button.
Idle Line Preference Example 2
In this example, only Idle Line Preference has been programmed for the user. Ringing Line Preference has not been
not programmed.
1. Two Calls Alerting
The users has two incoming calls alerting. Idle Line Preference has set
the currently selected button to their third call appearance.
2. First Caller Abandons
If the first incoming caller disconnects, the currently selected button
changes to the first call appearance as this is now the first available idle
call appearance button.
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Apperance Button Operation: Other Appearance Controls
Idle Line Preference Example 3
In this example, both Idle Line Preference and Ringing Line Preference are set for the user.
1. Phone Idle
The phone is idle and Idle Line Preference has assigned current
selected button to the first call appearance.
2. Call Alerting
A call has arrived and Ringing Line Preference keeps the current
selected button at the first call appearance.
3. Call Answered
With the call answered it retains current selected button status.
4. Call Held
When the call is put on hold, Idle Line Preference assigns current
selected button status to the next available call appearance button.
Idle Line Preference Example 4
In this example, only Idle Line Preference has been programmed for the user. Ringing Line Preference has not been
1. All Call Appearances Alerting
In this case, all the users call appearance buttons are alerting incoming
calls. Idle Line Preference has changed the currently selected button to
the first available line appearance.
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9.6.3 Ringing Line Preference
Ringing Line Preference determines the user's currently selected button as the button which has been alerting the
longest. Selected button indication is applied to that button and if the user goes off-hook, for example by lifting their
handset, the alerting call on that button is answered.
Ringing Line Preference includes calls alerting on call appearance, line appearance, bridged appearance and call coverage
Ringing Line Preference overrides Idle Line Preference.
By default Ringing Line Preference is on for all users.
Ringing Line Preference Order
When a user's longest waiting call alerts on several of the user's appearance buttons and Ringing Line Preference is
set for the user, the order used for current selected button assignment is;
Call appearance.
Bridged appearance.
Call coverage.
Line appearance.
A user has a call to a covered user alerting initially on a line appearance button. Ringing Line Preference assigns
current selected button status to the line appearance. When the same call also begins to alert on the call
coverage appearance button, current selected button status switches to the call coverage appearance button.
Ring Delay and Ringing Line Preference (Release 3.2+)
Appearance buttons can be set to Delayed Ring or No Ring. These buttons still alert visually but do not give an
audible ring or tone. Ringing line preference is still applied to alerting buttons even if set to Delayed Ring or No
Delayed Ring Preference (Release 4.0+)
For users with Ringing Line Preference selected, their Delayed Ring Preference setting sets whether ringing
line preference is used or ignores buttons that are visually alerting but have Delayed Ring or No Ring set. The
default is off, ie. ignore ring delay.
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Apperance Button Operation: Other Appearance Controls
Ringing Line Preference Example 1
In this example, both Ring Line Preference and Idle Line Preference have been set for the user. They also have
Ringing Line Preference on and Auto Hold is on. Answer Pre-Select is off.
1. Phone Idle
The phone is idle. The current selected button has been determined by Idle
Line Preference as the first available idle call appearance button. This is
shown by the _ underscore next to that button.
2. First Call Alerting
A call for the user arrives. It alerts on the first available call appearance
button. Ringing Line Preference uses this as the currently selected button as
it is the only alerting call.
3. Second Call Alerting
Another call for the user arrives. It alerts on the next available call
appearance button. As the first call has been alerting longer, under Ringing
Line Preference it retains the currently select button status.
4. The First Call Abandons
The first caller disconnects. Ringing Line Preference changes the currently
selected button status to the second call appearance button.
5. Another Call Arrives
Another call arrives. It alerts as the first free call appearance button.
However the call at the second call appearance has been alerting longer and
so under Ringing Line Preference retain the currently selected button status.
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Ringing Line Preference Example 2
In this example, the user has both Ring Line Preference and Idle Line Preference programmed. They also have Ringing
Line Preference on and Auto Hold is on. Answer Pre-Select is off.
1. First Call to User
A call for the user arrives. It alerts on the first available call appearance
button. Ringing Line Preference uses this as the currently selected button as
it is the only alerting call.
2. Call on Line 601
The user's Line Appearance is alerting due to an incoming call on the
associated line. Details of the call and its destination are shown. Ringing Line
Preference keeps the currently selected button status on the call appearance
button as this has been alerting longest.
3. Second Call to User
A second call to the user arrives and alerts on the second call appearance
button. Ringing Line Preference keeps the currently selected button status on
the call appearance button as this has been alerting longest.
4. The First Caller Abandons
The first call to the user disconnects. Ringing Line Preference passes the
currently selected button status to the Line Appearance button as this has
been alerting longest.
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Apperance Button Operation: Other Appearance Controls
9.6.4 Answer Pre-Select
Release 4.0+: On some phones, only the details of the call alerting or connected on the current selected button are
shown. The details of calls alerting on other buttons are not shown or only shown briefly when they are first presented
and are then replaced again by the details of the call on the current selected button.
By default, pressing any of the other alerting buttons will answer the call on that button. Answer pre-select allows a user
to press alerting buttons other than the current selected button without actually answering them. Instead the button
pressed becomes the current selected button and its call details are displayed.
Note that using answer pre-select with a currently connected call will still either hold or end that call in accordance with
the system's Auto Hold setting.
Answer Pre-Select Example 1
1. Phone Idle
The phone is idle. The current selected button has been determined by
Idle Line Preference as the first available idle call appearance button. This
is shown by the _ underscore next to that button.
2. First Call Alerting
A call for the user arrives. It alerts on the first available call appearance
button. Ringing Line Preference uses this as the currently selected button
as it is the only alerting call.
3. Second Call Alerting
Another call for the user arrives. It alerts on the next available call
appearance button. As the first call has been alerting longer, under
Ringing Line Preference it retains the currently select button status.
4. The User Presses the Second Call Appearance
Pressing the second call appearance overrides ringing line preference and
assigns current selected button status to the button without actually
answering the call. The details of the caller are displayed.
5. The User Answers the Call
The user can press the button again to answer the call or just go off-hook
to answer as it is now the currently selected button.
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9.6.5 Auto Hold
Auto Hold is a system wide feature that affects all appearance button users. This feature determines what happens when
a user, who is already on a call, presses another appearance button. The options are:
If Auto Hold is off, the current call is disconnected.
If Auto Hold is on, the current call is placed on hold.
On Release 4.0 and higher systems Auto Hold is on by default. On previous levels of system software the default for US
was off.
Auto Hold Example 1
In this example, the user has two calls currently shown on call appearance buttons. Answer Pre-Select is off.
1. This user has three call appearance buttons. They have answer one call
and are still connected to it, shown by the icon. A second call is now
alerting on their second call appearance button, shown by the icon.
2. What happens when the user presses the second call appearance key is
determined by the system's Auto Hold setting:
Auto Hold On
When the second call appearance key is pressed, that call is
answered and the first call is put on hold, shown by the icon.
The user can switch between calls using the call appearance
buttons and make/receive other calls if they have additional call
appearance buttons
Auto Hold Off
When the second call appearance key is pressed, that call is
answered and the first call is disconnected.
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Apperance Button Operation: Other Appearance Controls
9.6.6 Ring Delay
Release 3.2+: Ring delay can be applied to appearance buttons. This option can be used with all types of appearance
buttons and can be selected separately for each appearance button a user has. Using ring delay does not affect the
buttons visual alerting through the display and display icons or button lamps.
Ring delay is typically used with line appearance buttons for lines which a user wants to monitor but does not normally
answer. However ring delay can be applied to any type of appearance button.
The selectable ring delay options for an appearance button are listed below. The option is selected as part of the normal
button programming process.
Provide audible alerting as per normal system operation.
Delayed Ring
Only provide audible alerting after the system ring delay or, if set, the individual user's ring delay.
No Ring
Do not provide any audible alerting.
There are two possible sources for the delay used when delayed ringing is selected for a button.
System | Telephony | Telephony | Ring Delay: Default = 5 seconds, Range 1 to 98 seconds.
This is the setting used for all users unless a specific value is set for an individual user.
User | Telephony | Multi-line Options | Ring Delay: Default = Blank (Use system setting), Range 1 to 98
This setting can be used to override the system setting. It allows a different ring delay to be set for each user.
Calls That Ignore Ring Delay
Ring delay is not applied to hold recall calls, park recall calls, transfer return calls, voicemail ringback calls and
automatic callback calls. For phones using Internal Twinning, ring delay settings are not applied to calls alerting at
a secondary twinned extension (except appearance buttons set to No Ring which are not twinned).
Auto Connect Calls
Release 3.2/4.0: Auto-connected calls such as Internal Auto-Answer override Ring delay. Release 4.1+: Ring delay
is applied to these calls before auto-connection. This does not apply to page calls.
Multiple Alerting Buttons
Where a call is presented on more than one button on a user's phone, see Multiple Alerting Buttons , the
shortest delay will be applied for all the alerting buttons. For example, if one of the alerting buttons is set to
Immediate, that will override any alerting button set to Delayed Ring. Similarly if one of the alerting buttons is
set to No Ring, it will be overridden if the other alerting button is set to Immediate or Delayed Ring.
Line Appearance Buttons
Calls routed to a user that could potentially be presented on both a call appearance button and a line appearance
button are only presented on the line appearance button. In this scenario, the ring delay settings used is that of
the first free call appearance button.
Delay on Analog Lines
Analog lines set to Loop Start ICLID already delay ringing whilst the system waits for the full ICLID in order to
resolve incoming call routing. In this scenario the ring delay operates in parallel to the routing delay.
Ring Delay and Ringing Line Preference
Appearance buttons can be set to Delayed Ring or No Ring. However ringing line preference is still applied to
alerting buttons even if set to Delayed Ring or No Ring.
Release 4.0+: The user's Delayed Ring Preference setting is used to determine whether ringing line
preference is used with or ignores buttons that are alerting but have Delayed Ring or No Ring set.
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Ring Delay Example 1
In this example, the user has a line appearance button set but configured to no ring.
1. Phone Idle
The phone is idle. The current selected button has been determined by
Idle Line Preference as the first available call appearance button. This is
shown by the _ underscore next to that button.
2. Incoming Call Alerting on the Line
An incoming call arrives on the line and begin to alert somewhere on the
system. The user's line appearance button shows this visually but
doesn't ring audibly. Ringing line preference would makes the line
appearance the user's currently selected button and therefore they
would answer the line if they went off-hook.
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Apperance Button Operation: Other Appearance Controls
9.6.7 Delayed Ring Preference
When a call is alerting at an idle phone, by default Ringing Line Preference sets the call as the currently selected
button and if the user then goes off-hook they will answer that call.
In most situations this is acceptable as the user hears ringing which informs them that there is a call waiting to be
answered. If the user wants to make a call instead, they can press another call appearance button to go off-hook on that
other button.
When ring delay is being used there can potentially be a problem if the user lifts the handset to make a call without
looking at the display. If they do this while the a call is alerting silently on a button with ring delay, the user will actually
answer the waiting call rather than get dial tone to make a call.
Once the call alerting on a button has currently selected call status, it retains that status even if a prior call on a button
with ring delay applied comes out of its ring delay period.
Delayed Ring Preference Example 1
In this example the user has a line appearance button for a line they monitor. This line appearance button has been set
to no ring as the user occasionally need to use that line but does not normally answer calls on that line.
1. Phone Idle
The phone is idle. The current selected button has been determined by
Idle Line Preference as the first available call appearance button. This is
shown by the _ underscore next to that button.
2. Incoming Call Alerting on the Line
An incoming call arrives on the line and begin to alert somewhere on the
system. The user's line appearance button shows this visually but doesn't
ring audibly.
Normally ringing line preference would make the line appearance the
user's currently selected button and therefore they would answer the
line if they went off-hook expecting to make a call.
However, because Delayed Ring Preference is on for the user,
ringing line preference is not applied and idle line preference makes
their current selected button the first call appearance. If the user
were to go off-hook they would be making a call on that call
3. Call Alerting for the User
A call for the user arrives. It alerts on the first available call appearance
button. Ringing line preference is applied and makes that the users
currently selected button. If the user goes off-hook now that will answer
the call on the call appearance and not the line appearance.
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Delayed Ring Preference Example 2
This is similar to the previous example except that the user and the line has been configured for a 15 second ring delay.
This informs the users that the line has not been answered for some reason and allows them to answer it by just going
1. Phone Idle
The phone is idle. The current selected button has been determined by
Idle Line Preference as the first available call appearance button. This is
shown by the _ underscore next to that button.
2. Incoming Call Alerting on the Line
An incoming call arrives on the line and begin to alert somewhere on the
system. The user's line appearance button shows this visually but doesn't
ring audibly. Because Delayed Ring Preference is on for the user,
ringing line preference is not applied and idle line preference makes their
current selected button the first call appearance. If the user were to go
off-hook they would be making a call on that call appearance.
3. Call Continues Alerting
When the ring delay for the line appearance expires, if no other call has
taken ringing line preference it becomes the current selected call and will
be answered if the user goes off-hook.
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Apperance Button Operation: Other Appearance Controls
9.6.8 Collapsing Appearances
This topic covers what happens when a user with several calls on different appearance buttons, creates a conference
between those calls. In this scenario, the call indication will collapse to a single appearance button and other appearance
buttons will return to idle. The exception is any line appearance buttons involved which will show 'in use elsewhere'.
Collapsing Appearances Example 1
In this example, the user will setup a simple conference. Ringing Line Preference and Idle Line Preference are set
for the user. Auto Hold for the system is on. Answer Pre-Select is off.
1. Initial Call
The user has a call in progress, shown on their first call appearance button.
It is decided to conference another user into the call.
2. Make Conference Enquiry
Pressing the CONFERENCE button on the users phone automatically places
the current call on hold and takes the phone off hook on the next available
call appearance.
3. Enquiry in Progress
The other extension has answered and is invited to join a conference call.
The user presses the CONFERENCE button on their phone again.
4. Conference Starts/Call Appearances Collapse
The conference call has started. The call appearances have collapsed to a
single appearance.
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9.6.9 Joining Other Calls (Bridging)
Appearance buttons can be used to "join" existing calls and create a conference call. A user can join calls that are shown
on their phone as 'in use elsewhere'.
This feature is often referred to as 'bridging into a call'. However this causes confusion with Bridged appearance
buttons and so the term should be avoided.
The ability to join calls is controlled by the following feature which can be set for each user:
Cannot be Intruded: Default = On
If this option is set on for the user who has been in the call the longest, no other user can join the call. If that user
leaves the call, the status is taken from the next internal user who has been in the call the longest. The exceptions
Voicemail calls are treated as Cannot be Intruded at all times.
When an external call is routed off switch by a user who then leaves the call, the Cannot be Intruded status
used is that of the user who forwarded the call off switch.
Any call that does not involve an internal user at any stage is treated as Cannot be Intruded on. For example:
When an external call is routed off switch automatically using a short code in the incoming call route.
multi-site network calls from other systems that are routed off-switch.
VoIP calls from a device not registered on the system.
The Can Intrude setting is not used for joining calls using appearance buttons.
The following also apply:
In addition to the use of the Cannot be Intruded setting above, a call is inaccessible if:
The call is still being dialed, ringing or routed.
It is a ringback call, for example a call timing out from hold or park.
If all the internal parties, if two or more, involved in the call have placed it on hold.
Conferencing Resources
The ability to bridge depends on the available conferencing resource of the system. Those resources are limited
and will vary with the number of existing parties in bridged calls and conferences. The possible amount of
conferencing resource depends on the system type and whether Conferencing Center is also installed.
Conference Tone
When a call is joined, all parties in the call hear the system conferencing tones. By default this is a single tone
when a party joins the call and a double-tone when a party leaves the call. This is a system setting.
Holding a Bridged Call
If a user puts a call they joined on hold, it is their connection to the joined call (conference) that is put on hold.
The other parties within the call remain connected and can continue talking. This will be reflected by the button
status indicators. The user who pressed hold will show 'on hold here' on the button they used to join the call. All
other appearance users will still show 'in use here'.
Maximum Two Analog Trunks
Only a maximum of two analog trunks can be included in a conference call.
Parked Calls
A Line Appearance button may indicate that a call is in progress on that line. Release 4.0+: Such calls to be
unparked using a line appearance.
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Apperance Button Operation: Other Appearance Controls
Joining Example 1: Joining with a Bridged Appearance
In this example, the user joins a call using a bridged appearance button. Answer Pre-Select is off.
1. User with Bridged Appearance Buttons
The user has bridged appearance buttons that match their colleagues call
appearance buttons.
2. Call on Bridged Appearance
The colleague has a call in progress on their first call appearance. This is
matched on the first bridged appearance button.
3. User Joins the Call
Pressing the bridged appearance button will take our user off hook and join
them into their colleagues call, creating a conference call.
Joining Example 2: Joining with a Line Appearance
In this example, the user joins a call by pressing a line appearance button. Answer Pre-Select is off.
1. Line Goes Active
A call is active on the line with line ID number 601.
If this is an incoming call, it will show active but will not alert until its call
routing has been determined. On ICLID analog lines, alerting is delayed
until the ICLID that might be used to do that routing has been received.
2. Line Appearance Alerting
The call routing is completed and the call is now ringing against its target.
The line appearance also begins alerting and Ringing Line Preference has
made it the current selected button.
3. Call Answered
Alerting on the line appearance has stopped but the line is still active. This
indicates that the call has probably been answered. As our user's phone is
idle, Idle Line Preference has returned the current select button to the first
available call appearance button.
4. User Joins the Call
Our extension user has been asked by their colleague to join the call just
answered on line 601. By pressing the line appearance button they have
joined the call on that line and created a conference call.
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9.6.10 Multiple Alerting Buttons
In some scenarios, it is may be potentially possible for the same call to alert on several appearance buttons. In this case
the following apply:
Line appearance buttons override call and bridged appearance buttons
In cases where a call on a line goes directly to the user as the incoming call route's destination, the call will only
alert on the line appearance. In this scenario the ring delay settings used is that of the first free call appearance
A call can alert both call appearance, line appearance and bridged appearance buttons
The most common example of this will be hunt group calls where the hunt group members also have bridged call
appearances to each other. In this case the button used to answer the call will remain active whilst the other
button will return to idle.
Calls on a line/bridged appearance buttons can also alert on call coverage button
In this case alerting on the call coverage button may be delayed until the covered user's Individual Coverage
Time has expired.
Ringing Line Preference Order
When a call alerts on several of the user's appearance buttons and Ringing Line Preference is set for the user,
the order used for current selected button assignment is:
1. Call appearance.
2. Bridged appearance.
3. Call coverage.
4. Line appearance.
A user has a call to a covered user alerting initially on a line appearance button. Ringing Line Preference will
assign current selected button status to the line appearance. When the same call also begins to alert on the call
coverage appearance button, current selected button status switches to the call coverage appearance button.
Ring Delay
Where ring delays are being used, the shortest delay will be applied for all the alerting buttons. For example, if one of the
alerting buttons is set to Immediate, that will override any alerting button set to Delayed Ring. Similarly if one of the
alerting buttons is set to No Ring, it will be overridden if the other alerting button is set to Immediate or Delayed Ring
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Apperance Button Operation: Other Appearance Controls
9.6.11 Twinning
Twinning is a mechanism that allows an user to have their calls alert at two phones. The user's normal phone is referred
to as the primary, the twinned phone as the secondary.
By default only calls alerting on the primary phone's call appearance buttons are twinned. For internal twinning, the
system supports options to allow calls alerting on other types of appearance buttons to also alert at the secondary phone.
These options are set through the User | Twinning section of the system configuration and are Twin Bridge
Appearances, Twin Coverage Appearances and Twin Line Appearances. In all cases they are subject to the
secondary having the ability to indicate additional alerting calls.
Call alerting at the secondary phone ignoring any Ring Delay settings of the appearance button being used at the primary
phone. The only exception is buttons set to No Ring, in which case calls are not twinned.
9.6.12 Busy on Held
For a user who has Busy on Held selected, when they have a call on hold, the system treats them as busy to any
further calls. This feature is intended primarily for analog phone extension users. Within IP Office Manager, selecting
Busy on Held for a user who also has call appearance keys will cause a prompt offering to remove the Busy on Held
9.6.13 Reserving a Call Appearance Button
Functions such as transferring calls using a Transfer key require the user to have at least one available call appearance
button in order to complete the outgoing call part of the process. However, by default all call appearance button are
available to receive incoming calls at all times. Through the system configuration it is possible to reserve the user's last
call appearance button for making outgoing calls only.
Release 8.1+: 1400, 1600, 9500 and 9600 Series telephone users can put a call on hold pending transfer if they
already have held calls even if they have no free call appearance button available. See Context Sensitive Transfer
Reserving a Call Appearance
The method for doing this depends on the system software level.
Pre-4.0 IP Office: On the User | Source Numbers tab, enter the line RESERVE_LAST_CA= .
Release 4.0+: On the User | Telephony | Multi-line Options tab, select the option Reserve Last CA.
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9.6.14 Logging Off and Hot Desking
Users can be setup to log in and log out at different phones, this is called 'hot desking'. All the users settings, including
their extension number, are transferred to the phone at which the user is logged in. This includes their key and lamp
settings and appearance buttons.
This type of activity has the following effect on appearance buttons:
If logged out, or logged in at a phone that doesn't support appearance button functions:
Bridged appearances set to the user will be inactive.
Call coverage set to the user will still operate.
If logged in at a phone with fewer buttons than programmed for the user:
Those buttons which are inaccessible on the logged in phone will be inactive.
Any bridged appearances to those button from other users will be inactive.
Remote Hot Desking
Release 4.0+ supports, through the addition of license keys, users hot desking between systems within a multi-site
network. However, the use of appearance buttons (call coverage, bridged appearance and line appearance) within a
multi-site network is not supported. Therefore when a user logs in to a remote system, any such button that they have
will no longer operate. Similarly any button that other users have with the remote user as the target will not operate.
9.6.15 Applications
A number of system applications can be used to make, answer and monitor calls. These applications treat calls handled
using key and lamp operation follows:
Phone Manager/SoftConsole
These applications are able to display multiple calls to or from a user and allow those calls to be handled through
their graphical interface.
All calls alerting on call appearance buttons are displayed.
Calls on line, call coverage and bridged appearance buttons are not displayed until connected using the
appropriate appearance button
Connected and calls held here on all appearance button types are displayed.
The status of alerting call appearance calls, connected and held calls is shown in the Phone Manager's call status
panel. Clicking on a call here can be used to answer or unhold a call. This action will place any current connected
call on hold regardless of the system's Auto Hold setting.
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Apperance Button Operation: Other Appearance Controls
9.7 Programming Appearance Buttons
This section covers the programming of appearance buttons for users into existing system configurations.
Appearance Functions
The functions Call Appearance, Bridged Appearance, Coverage and Line Appearance are collectively known
as "appearance functions". For full details of their operation and usage refer to the Appearance Button Operation
section. The following restrictions must be observed for the correct operation of phones.
2.1 or 3.0DT On systems running IP Office 2.1 or 3.0DT software, the first programmable button must
be set as a call appearance button. This requirement is necessary for the correct operation
of phone functions such as call log.
3.0+ For systems running 3.0 or higher (excluding 3.0DT), the first 3 programmable buttons
must be set as call appearance buttons. This requirement is necessary for the correct
operation of functions such as transfer, conference and call log.
On phones with only two physical programmable buttons both buttons must be used as
call appearance buttons.
4.2+ T3 phones support Line Appearance buttons only and are exempt from the above rules.
5.0+ Users can have line appearances programmed before call appearances. This option is
only supported by users using 1400, 1600, 9500 and 9600 Series phones.
On 1400, 1600 and 9600 Series phones, all the appearance buttons must be
programmed as a continuous block with no gaps between the appearance buttons.
7.0+ The requirements to have appearance buttons start from the first programmable button
and to also be programmed in a continuous blocks no longer apply.
Appearance functions programmed to buttons without suitable status lamps or icons are treated as disabled. These
buttons are enabled when the user logs in on a phone with suitable buttons in those positions.
Line appearance buttons require line ID numbers to have been assigned, see Programming Line Appearance
Numbers . The use of line appearances to lines where incoming calls are routed using DID (DDI) is not
How many buttons are allowed?
The recommended limits are as follows:
A maximum of 10 bridged appearances to the same call appearance.
A maximum of 10 line appearances to the same line.
A maximum of 10 call coverages of the same covered user.
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Programming Appearance Buttons Using IP Office Manager
If only button programming changes are required, the configuration changes can be merged back to the system without
requiring a reboot.
1. Start IP Office Manager and load the current configuration from the system.
2. Locate and select the user for whom appearance buttons are required.
3. Select Button Programming.
The number of buttons displayed is based on the phone associated with the user when the configuration was
loaded from the system. This can be overridden by selecting Display all buttons.
4. For the required button, click the button number and then click Edit.
5. Click the ... button.
6. From the list of options that appears, click Appearance.
7. Select the type of appearance button required.
8. Use the Action Data drop-down fields to select the required settings. Click OK.
9. Repeat for any additional call appearance buttons required. Click OK.
10.Repeat for any other users requiring appearance buttons.
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Apperance Button Operation: Programming Appearance Buttons
9.7.1 System Settings
System settings are applied to all users and calls. The system settings that affect appearance operation are found on the
System | Telephony tabs and are:
Auto Hold: Default = On. Release 3.0+.
Used for users with multiple appearance buttons. When on, if a user presses another appearance button during a call,
their current call is placed on hold. When off, if a users presses another appearance button during a call, their current
call is disconnected.
Conferencing Tone: Default = Entry & Exit Tones.
This settings controls how conference tones are used. It can be set to either Entry & Exit Tones or Repeating Tone
With Entry & Exit Tones a single tone is heard when a new party joins a conference and double-tone is heard
when a party leaves the conference.
With Repeating Tone a conference tone is heard every 10 seconds by all conference parties.
Ring Delay: Default = 5 seconds. Range = 0 to 98 seconds. Release 3.2+.
This setting is used when any of the user's programmed appearance buttons is set to Delayed ringing. Calls received
on that button will initially only alert visually. Audible alerting will only occur after the ring delay has expired. This
setting can be overridden by a ring delay set for an individual user (User | Telephony | Multi-line Options | Ring Delay
Visually Differentiate External Call: Default = Off. Release 5.0+.
This setting is applied to the lamp flashing rate used for bridged appearance and call coverage appearance buttons on
1400, 1600 and 9600 Series phones and on their button modules. When selected, external calls alerting on those
buttons will use a slow flash (200ms on/50ms off). If not selected or if the call is internal, normal flashing (500ms
on/500ms off) is used.
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9.7.2 User Settings
User settings are applied separately to each individual user. In addition to button programming, the following user
settings are applicable to appearance button operation:
Cannot be Intruded: Default = On.
This feature controls whether other users can use their appearance buttons to join the users call. It applies when the
user is the longest present internal party already within the call.
Individual Coverage Time (secs): Default = 10 seconds, Range 1 to 99999 seconds. Software level 3.0+.
This function sets how long the phone will ring at your extension before also alerting at any call coverage users. This
time setting should not be equal to or greater than the No Answer Time applicable for the user.
Ring Delay: Default = Blank (Use system setting). Range = 0 (use system setting ) to 98 seconds. Release 3.2+.
This setting is used when any of the user's programmed appearance buttons is set to Delayed ringing. Calls received
on that button will initially only alert visually. Audible alerting will only occur after the ring delay has expired.
Coverage Ring: Default = Ring. Release 5.0+.
This field selects the type of ringing that should be used for calls alerting on any the user's call coverage and bridged
appearance buttons. Ring selects normal ringing. Abbreviated Ring selects a single non-repeated ring. No Ring
disables audible ringing. Note that each button's own ring settings (Immediate, Delayed Ring or No Ring) are still
The ring used for a call alerting on a call coverage or bridged appearance button will vary according to whether the
user is currently connected to a call or not.
If not currently on a call, the Coverage Ring setting is used.
If currently on a call, the quieter of the Coverage Ring and Attention Ring settings is used.
Attention Ring
Coverage Ring Setting
Ring Abbreviated Off
Ring Ring Abbreviated Off
Abbreviated Abbreviated Abbreviated Off
Attention Ring: Default = Abbreviated Ring. Release 4.1+.
This field selects the type of ringing that should be used for calls alerting on appearance buttons when the user already
has a connected call on one of their appearance buttons. Ring selects normal ringing. Abbreviated Ring selects a
single ring. Note that each button's own ring settings (Immediate, Delayed Ring or No Ring) are still applied.
Ringing Line Preference: Default = On. Release 3.0+.
For users with multiple appearance buttons. When the user is free and has several calls alerting, ringing line preference
assigns currently selected button status to the appearance button of the longest waiting call. Ringing line preference
overrides idle line preference.
Idle Line Preference: Default = On. Release 3.0+.
For users with multiple appearance buttons. When the user is free and has no alerting calls, idle line preference assigns
the currently selected button status to the first available appearance button.
Delayed Ring Preference: Default = Off. Release 4.0+.
This setting is used in conjunction with appearance buttons set to delayed or no ring. It sets whether ringing line
preference should use or ignore the delayed ring settings applied to the user's appearance buttons.
When on, ringing line preference is only applied to alerting buttons on which the ring delay has expired.
When off, ringing line preference can be applied to an alerting button even if it has delayed ring applied. This is
the same as pre-4.0 ringing line preference operation.
Answer Pre-Select: Default = Off. Release 4.0+.
Normally when a user has multiple alerting calls, only the details and functions for the call on currently selected button
are shown. Pressing any of the alerting buttons will answer the call on that button, going off-hook will answer the
currently selected button. Enabling Answer Pre-Select allows the user to press any alerting button to make it the
current selected button and displaying its call details without answering that call until the user either presses that
button again or goes off-hook. Note that when both Answer Pre-Select and Ringing Line Preference are enabled,
once current selected status is assigned to a button through ringing line preference it is not automatically moved to
any other button.
Reserve Last CA: Default = Off. Release 4.0+.
Used for users with multiple call appearance buttons. When selected, this option stops the user's last call appearance
button from being used to receive incoming calls. This ensures that the user always has a call appearance button
available to make an outgoing call and to initiate actions such as transfers and conferences. For pre-4.0 IP Office, this
option is set by adding the RESERVE_LAST_CA= option on the User | Source Numbers tab.
Release 8.1+: 1400, 1600, 9500 and 9600 Series telephone users can put a call on hold pending transfer if they
already have held calls even if they have no free call appearance button available. See Context Sensitive Transfer
Abbreviated Ring:
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Apperance Button Operation: Programming Appearance Buttons
This option has been replaced by the Attention Ring setting above.
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9.7.3 Line Appearance ID Numbers
Line appearances are supported for analog, E1 PRI, T1, T1 PRI, and BRI PSTN trunks. They are not supported for E1R2,
QSIG and IP trunks.
Note that setting and changing line settings including line appearance ID numbers requires the system to be rebooted.
Automatic Renumbering
1. Select Tools | Line Renumber.
2. Select the starting number required for line numbering and click OK.
3. All lines that support Line Appearance ID will be numbered in sequence.
Manual Renumbering
1. Start IP Office Manager and load the current configuration from the system.
2. Select Line.
3. Select the line required. The tab through which line appearance ID numbers are set will vary depending on the
type of line. A couple of examples are shown below.
Analog Line
On the Line Settings tab select Line Appearance ID and enter the ID required.
Basic/Primary Rate Trunks
On the Channels tab select the individual channel and click Edit. Select Line Appearance ID and enter the
required ID, then click OK. Repeat for all the channels required.
4. Click OK and repeat for any other lines.
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Apperance Button Operation: Programming Appearance Buttons
9.7.4 Outgoing Line Programming
Assigning line ID numbers to lines and associating line appearance buttons to those lines is sufficient for answering
incoming calls on those lines. However, to use line appearance buttons for outgoing calls may require further
Short Codes and Outgoing Line Appearance Calls
Once a line has been seized using a line appearance button, short code matching is still applied to the number dialed.
That can include user, system and ARS or LCR short codes.
The short codes matching must resolve to an off-switch number suitable to be passed direct to the line.
The final short code applied must specify a 'dial' feature. This allows call barring of specific matching numbers to
be applied using short codes set to features such as 'Busy'.
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9.8 Upgrading from Pre-3.0 Systems
Most of the aspects of appearance functions have no effect on systems being upgraded from versions earlier than 3.0.
However the following existing configuration settings are affected:
Call Appearance Buttons
Call appearance buttons should start with button 1 and form a single block. On systems being upgraded where the
call appearance buttons have been programmed differently, those buttons will be lost following the upgrade to 3.0.
Call Coverage
Call coverage support was originally added in Release 1.3. Call coverage operation in Release 3.0 is a total
replacement and uses different methods of setup and operation. If upgrading from a version earlier than 3.0, all
existing call coverage settings will be lost. Therefore it is necessary to make manual notes of the covered and
covering users before upgrading to Release 3.0 or higher.
Outgoing Call Routing
If it is a requirement to use line appearance button for outgoing calls, then it will be necessary to add incoming line
prefixes and to setup secondary dial tone short codes based on the same prefixes. See Outgoing Line Programming
9.8.1 Call Handling Changes
People who have used phones on systems prior to Release 3.0 will find a number of changes to the way the phones
Selected Button
By default one appearance button is indicated as the current selected button. This is done either by the adjacent
red LED being on or the button display label being underlined.
The current selected button represents either the appearance button of the current connected call or the
appearance button that will be used if the user goes off hook (ie. lifts the handset or presses the Speaker key).
Auto Hold
The default operation of this feature depends on the phone system's locale:
In the US, the default setting for Auto Hold is off. With a current call already connected on one appearance
button, pressing another appearance key will disconnect the current call.
Outside the US, the default setting for Auto Hold is on. With a current call already connected on one
appearance button, pressing another appearance key will hold the current call.
Note that for Release 4.0+, on all systems regardless of locale, the default for Auto Hold is off.
Call Waiting
Call waiting features are not applied to non-hunt group calls. Hunt group call waiting is applied, subject to the
normal conditions for hunt group call waiting, but with the call waiting tone replaced by a call appearance button
Busy Status
For a user with call appearance buttons, you are busy when:
For calls direct to your extension number, you are busy only when you have no further call appearance buttons
available on which to present the call.
For calls to any hunt group of which you are a member, you are busy to further group calls once you have a call
connected unless hunt group call waiting is being used. However you may still receive additional calls dialed or
forwarded direct to your extension number if you have any free call appearance buttons.
In either case above, even when busy, you may be alerted on other types of appearance button, for example
line appearance and call coverage.
Busy on held can be used to return busy to further calls when you have an existing call on hold, however this is
not recommended in conjunction with appearance buttons.
Retrieving Held Calls
Pressing Hold will put the current connected call on hold. The appearance button will indicate the held call
with, depending on the phone type, a flashing green lamp or a icon. However pressing Hold again will not
retrieve the held call.
To retrieve a held call, press the appearance button against which the call was held.
An intermittent green flashing lamp or an icon indicate a call held by another user. These can also be
retrieved by pressing that appearance button.
Transferring Calls
To transfer calls, the Transfer function of the phone or Phone Manager application should be used.
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Apperance Button Operation: Upgrading from Pre-3.0 Systems
Joining Another Call
Appearance buttons can indicate a call taking place elsewhere. You may be able to join that call by pressing the
appearance button.
Permission to join a call is controlled by the intrusion settings of the party who has been in the call the longest,
not by your intrusion settings. See Joining Other Calls for full details.
The joined call is a conference call and is subject to the system's conference controls. If you press Hold, it is
your connection to the conference that is held, it does not affect the other parties in the call.
Unparking Calls
Parked calls can be indicated by buttons programmed to the Park function and a particular park slot number. These
can be calls parked by the phone user or parked by other users. If the phone is idle, the parked call can be
unparked by pressing the park button. If another call is connected on an appearance button, that call must be put
on hold or ended before the parked call can be unparked.
Unprogrammed/Inaccessible Keys
Buttons to which no function has been set or which the function is currently not usable, will produce a short burst
of tone or ringing when pressed. If the button has an associated status lamp, it will also flash briefly.
Call Count
Avaya phones with twin LED buttons display a call count. This appears as a digit count, for example 01 on the
display. It increments for all calls that alert at a user's extension including missed and unanswered calls.
Sequential calls from the same number do not increment the count more than once.
Calls alerting on bridged, line and call coverage buttons are not included in the call count and history.
The count is reset whenever the system is restarted.
On Avaya 4400, 4600 and 6400 Series phones with a MENU key, details of the call count can be accessed and
records called or deleted. Press MENU | MENU and select Hist.
Call Log
On 2410, 2420, 4610, 4620, 5410, 5420, 5610 and 5620, the call count is replaced by a Log function instead of
the call count and history detailed above.
Self-Administration of Appearance Keys
Previously users with a programmable button set to Self-Administer (Admin) could program their own call
appearance buttons. In IP Office 3.0 this is no longer possible. In addition users cannot overwrite keys already
programmed to an appearance function.
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9.8.2 Twin LED Button Users
These notes are for users of Avaya phones which have twin LED lamps next to the programmable buttons. That is most
4400 Series, 6400 Series and older style 4600 Series phones.
Red LED On
This is called the currently selected button. It indicates either the button that will be used if you go off-hook
(pickup the handset or press the Spkr button) or the appearance button of the call to which you are currently
connected. When your phone is idle your first call appearance button will show the red LED on.
Green LED
The green LED is used as follows on appearance buttons:
On/Off: The button is in use/idle. This can include being used by another user, for example a line appearance
button of a shared line.
Flashing: A call is alerting you.
Fast Flash: The call is on hold.
Intermittent Flash: The call has been put on hold by another user (on hold elsewhere).
Call Handling
Having appearance keys means:
You can make and answer calls by pressing the appearance buttons.
Auto Hold: When connected to a call on one appearance button, pressing another appearance button will place
the first call on hold and make/answer a call on the button pressed. For US systems this changes to
disconnecting the first call.
Transferring Calls: To transfer a call, press Trnsfr, call the transfer destination and then press Trnsfr again.
Retrieving Held Calls: You cannot retrieve a held call by pressing Hold again. To retrieve a call from hold,
press the appearance key associated with that call. Held calls are indicated by a fast flashing green lamp.
Busy Status
Call appearance buttons allow you to make, receive and switch between multiple calls. This changes when the
system returns busy to additional calls
Hunt Group Calls: You are seen as busy to further hunt group calls once you have any appearance button in
Personal Calls: You are seen as busy to further calls directed to your extension number once all your call
appearance buttons are in use.
Forward on busy, if set, is only used when all your call appearance buttons are in use. Even when busy,
additional calls can alert you about other calls on call coverage, bridged appearance and line appearance button
if programmed for you..
Busy on Held can be used but we strongly recommend it is avoided for appearance key users.
Joining a Call
When an appearance button indicates a call in progress elsewhere. You may be able to use that button to join the
call. Whether you are allowed to join the call depends on the Cannot Be Intruded setting of the user who has
been in the call the longest.
Call waiting settings are ignored for direct call to appearance button users. Hunt group call waiting can be used if
Unprogrammed/Inaccessible Keys
These keys will return a short tone and flash.
Self-Administration: Users with access to this function can no longer program their own appearance keys or
replace the programming of existing appearance buttons.
Hot Desking/Logging On: If you move to a phone that doesn't have suitable programmable keys to support
appearance buttons, you are treated as a normal PBX mode user while on that phone.
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Apperance Button Operation: Upgrading from Pre-3.0 Systems
Twin LED Button Users Lamp States
The table below summarizes the meaning of the twin LED lamp states.
Selected refers to the button indicating either the appearance button of the currently connected call or, if idle, the
appearance button that would be used if the user goes off hook.
Call Appearance Buttons Release 2.1/3.0DT Release 3.0+
- Idle. All off. All off.
- Idle: Selected. Red on.
- Alerting. Green flash. Green flash.
- Alerting: Selected. Red on, Green flash.
- In Use: Here. Green on. Red on, Green on.
- In Use: Elsewhere. Green on.
- Held: Here. Red on. Green fast flash.
- Held: Elsewhere. Green intermittent flash.
Other Buttons Release 2.1/3.0DT Release 3.0+
- Parked: Here Green flash. Green flash.
- Parked: Elsewhere Red flash. Red flash.
- User: Ringing Red flash. Green flash.
- User: In use. Red on. Green on.
- Group: Ringing. Green Flash. Green flash.
- Group: Queued. Red flash. Red flash.
- Other toggling features: On. Green on. Green on.
- Other toggling features: Off. All off. All off.
- Non-toggling features All off. All off.
The flash rate on button lamps is sometimes used to indicate different status. For example a fast flash is used for calls
you put on hold and a intermittent flash for calls put on hold by someone else.
Steady Flash: **********---------- (0.5s on/0.5 s off/...)
Used mainly to indicate alerting calls.
Fast Flash: *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- (50ms on/50ms off/...)
Used mainly to indicate calls put on hold by you. This flash mode is also called 'Flutter'.
Intermittent Flash: *----*----*----*---- (50ms on/200ms off/...)
Used mainly to indicate calls on hold elsewhere, ie. put on hold by another user. This flash mode is also called
'Inverse Wink'.
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Telephone Features
Chapter 10.
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Telephone Features:
10. Telephone Features
This section provides descriptions of the following telephony functions provided by the system.
Handsfree Announced Transfers
Mobile Call Control
one-X Mobile Client
Advice of Charge
Malicious Call Tracing
Call Barring
Caller Display
Call Intrusion
Call Tagging
Private Calls
Call Pickup
Call Waiting
Parking Calls
Ring Back When Free
Message Waiting Indication
Automatic Intercom Calls
Ring Tones
Music on Hold
Date and Time
System Phone Features
The 'No User' User
Forwarding and Transferring Calls
Hot Desk Operation
Coverage Group
Dial Tone Transfer
Centralized Personal Directory
Centralized Call Log
Fax Relay
G.722 Wide Band Audio Support
Remote H.323 Extensions
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10.1 Date and Time
The control unit contains a battery backed clock which is used to maintain system time during normal operation and
when mains power is removed.
For files stored on memory cards the system uses the UTC time. For other activities such as call logs, SMDR records, time
display on phones; the local time (UTC + any offsets) is used.
The time can be set in a number of ways list below. The method used is set through the Time Server IP Address or
Time Setting Config Source settings on the System | System form.
Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP - RFC4330) (Release 6.1+)
SNTP can be used to make time requests to a list of NTP servers. The response is just a UTC time value, therefore
the system has to be configured with the required offset for the local time value and also optional daylight savings
values. The time request is sent when the system is started and every hour afterwards.
Voicemail Pro/Manager (TIME RFC868)
Both the Voicemail Pro service and the IP Office Manager application can act as RF868 time servers, obtaining the
time for the PC on which they are running. Use of other RFC868 server sources is not supported. In response to a
request from a system, they will provide both the UTC time and local PC time. The time request is sent when the
system is started and every 8 hours afterwards.
When the Voicemail Pro server is running on the same server as the IP Office, for example a Unified
Communications Module or IP Office Server Edition Primary Server, it should not be used at the time
source for the IP Office. Either SNTP or manual time setting must be used.
If you are running Manager when the Voicemail Server starts, then Voicemail does not start as a time server.
It is therefore recommended that you have no copy of Manager running when you start or restart the
Voicemail Server.
By default a broadcast address is used. A specific address for the time server that should be used can be set if
When using a time server located in a different time zone from the system, there are two mechanisms for
applying an offset to the time. If Manager is acting as the time server, the time offset can be specified
through the Time Offset of the BOOTP record for the system. Alternatively, the offset can specified in the
system configuration using Time Offset (System | System) .
Note that this new behaviour only applies to conferences being initiated from the telephone. The original behaviour of
conferencing all calls still applies if the conference function is initiated from elsewhere such as from an application like
one-X Portal for IP Office.
Changing which call is currently highlighted
On phones with a set of cursor keys (four cursor keys around an OK key), the up and down cursor key can be
used to change the current highlighted call (or call appearance if idle). This can be done even whilst there is a
currently connected call. On touchscreen phones, the cursor buttons on the right-hand edge of the screen can be
used for the same purpose. The method of highlighting is
1400 Series/1600 Series Telephones
On these phones only details of a single call are shown on the display at any time. The displayed call is the
currently highlighted call.
9500 Series/9600 Series Telephones
On most phones in these series, the background of the shading is changed for the currently selected call. The
except is 9611, 9621 and 9641 telephones where a yellow symbol is shown on the right of the highlighted
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Telephone Features: Conferencing
10.29 Hot Desking
Hot desking allows users to log in at another phone. Their incoming calls are rerouted to that phone and their user
settings are applied to that phone. There are a number of setting and features which affect logging in and out of system
In order to hot desk, a user must be assigned a Login Code (User | Telephony | Supervisor Settings ) in
the system configuration.
By default, each system extension has an Base Extension setting. This associates the extension with the user
who has the matching Extension settings as being that extension's default associated user.
By leaving the Base Extension setting for an extension blank, it is possible to have an extension with no
default associated user. All extensions in this state use the settings of a special user named NoUser. On
suitable phones the display may show NoUser.
You can create users whose Extension directory number is not associated with any physical extension. These
users must have a log in code in order to log in at a phone when they need to make or receive calls. In this
way the system can support more users than it has physical extensions.
When another user logs in at an extension, they take control of that phone. Any existing user, including the default
associated user, is logged out that phone.
Any user settings not applicable to the type of phone on which the user has logged in become inaccessible.
For example some programmable button features will become inaccessible if the phone at which a user logs in
does not have a sufficient number of programmable buttons.
Note that settings that are stored by the phone rather than by the system remain with the phone and do not
move when a user hot desks.
1400 Series, 1600 Series, 9500 Series, 9600 Series, M-Series and T-Series telephones all use the
centralized call log and centralized personal directory features that move those settings with the user as
they hot desk.
Other Avaya H.323 IP telephones can be configured to backup and restore user settings to a file server
when a user hot desks between phones. The range of settings supported depends on the particular phone
model. Refer to the IP Office H.323 IP Telephone Installation Manual.
For all other features and phone types, it must be assumed that any settings and data shown by the
phone is stored by the phone and are still accessible after logging off.
When a user logs off or is logged out by someone else logging in, they are automatically logged back in at the
extension for which they are the default associated user if no one else is logged in at that extension. However this
does not happen for users set to Forced Login (User | Telephony | Supervisor Settings ).
For each user, you can configure how long the extension at which they are logged in can remain idle before they
are automatically logged out. This is done using the Login Idle Period option. This option should only be used in
conjunction with Force Login.
Logged in users who are members of a hunt group can be automatically logged out if they do not answer hunt
group calls presented to them. This is done by selecting Logged Off as the user's Status on No Answer (User |
Telephony | Supervisor Settings ) setting.
Calls to a logged out user are treated as if the user is busy until the user logs in.
Logging in and out at a phone can be done either using system short codes or programmable buttons.
The default system short code for logging in, is *35*N# where the user replaces N with their extension
number and then log in code separated by a *. This uses the short code feature ExtnLogin . If the user
dials just a log in code as N, it is checked against the user with the same extension number as the extension's
base extension number.
The default system short code for logging out is *36. This uses the short code feature ExtLogout . For
Release 4.0 and higher this feature cannot be used by a user who does not have a log in code or by the
default associated user of an extension unless they are set to forced log in.
The ExtnLogin and ExtnLogout features can be assigned to programmable buttons on suitable Avaya
phones. The ExtnLogin button will then prompt the user to enter their details.
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10.29.1 Remote Hot Desking
Release 4.0+: The system supports hot desking between systems within a network. For pre-Release 5 systems, this
feature requires the systems to have Advanced Small Community Networking licenses.
In the descriptions below, the system on which the user is configured is termed their 'home' system, all other systems
are 'remote' systems.
When a user logs in to a remote system:
The user's incoming calls are rerouted to that system.
The user's outgoing calls uses the settings of the remote system.
The user's license privileges move with them, for example their user profile setting is retained. The host system
does not need to be licensed for the user.
The user's own settings are transferred. However, some settings may become unusable or may operate
User rights are not transferred to the remote system but the name of any user rights associated with the user
are transferred. If user rights with the same name exist on the remote system, then they will be used. The
same applies for user rights applied by time profiles, if time profiles with the same name exist on the remote
system .
Appearance buttons configured for users on the home system will no longer operate.
Various other settings may either no longer work or may work differently depending on the configuration of
the remote system at which the user has logged in. For example: For T3 phones, the personal directory is not
transferred with the user.
Release 6.0+: The rights granted to the user by their Profile settings are retained by the user. There is no
requirement for the remote system to have the appropriate licenses for the Profile.
If the user's home system is disconnected while the user is remotely hot desked, the user will remain remotely hot
desked. They can remain in that state unless the current host system is restarted. They retain their license
privileges as if they were on their home system. Note however that when the user's home system is reconnected,
the user may be automatically logged back onto that system.
Break Out Dialing
In some scenarios a hot desking user logged in at a remote system will want to dial a number using the system
short codes of another system. This can be done using either short codes with the Break Out feature or a
programmable button set to Break Out. This feature can be used by any user within the multi-site network but is
of most use to remote hot deskers.
10.29.2 Call Center Agents
On systems with a call center application such as Compact Contact Center (CCC) or Compact Business Center (CBC),
logging in and logging out is a key part of tracking and reporting on call center agents. It also controls call distribution as,
until the agent logs in, their hunt group membership is seen as disabled.
For CCC, CBC and Delta Server, an agent is defined as being a user with a Login Code and set to Forced Login. Those
users consume a CCC agent license.
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Telephone Features: Hot Desking
10.29.3 Hot Desking Examples
The following are example of different ways that the hot desking settings can be used.
Scenario 1: Occasional Hot Desking
In this scenario, a particular user, for this example extension 204, needs to occasionally work at other locations within
the building.
1. A Login Code is added to the user's configuration settings, for this example 1234.
2. The user can now log in when needed at any other phone by dialing *35*204*1234#. The phone's default
associated user is logged out by this and their calls get busy treatment. User 204 is also logged out their normal
phone and their calls now rerouted to the phone at which they have logged in.
3. When finished, the user can dial *36 to log out.
4. This logs the phone's normal default user back on. Its also logs the hot desking user back on at their normal
Scenario 2: Regular Hot Desking
This scenario is very similar to the one above. However, the user doesn't want to be automatically logged back in on their
normal phone until they return to its location.
1. A Login Code is added to the user's configuration settings, for this example 1234.
2. The Forced Login option is selected.
3. When the user logs out of the phone that they are currently using, they are no longer automatically logged in on
their normal extension. When they return to it they must dial *35*204*1234# to log in.
4. Whilst not logged in anywhere, calls to the user receive busy treatment.
Scenario 3: Full Hot Desking
Similar to the scenarios above but this time the user doesn't have a regular phone extension that they use. In order to
make and receive calls they must find a phone at which they can log in.
1. The user is given an Extension directory number that is not matched by the extension directory number setting of
any existing extension.
2. They are also given a Login Code and a Login Idle Period is set, for this example 3600 seconds (an hour).
Forced Login isn't required as the user has no default extension at which they might be automatically logged in
by the system.
3. The user can now log in at any available phone when needed.
4. If at the end of the business day they forget to log out, the Login Idle Period will eventually log them off
Scenario 4: Call Center Hot Desking
In this scenario, the phone extensions have no default extension number. Several phones set like this might be used in a
call center where the agents use whichever desk is available at the start of their shift. Alternatively a set of desks with
such phones might be provided for staff that are normally on the road but occasionally return to the office and need a
temporary desk area to complete paper work.
1. For the extensions, the Extension setting is left blank. This means that those phones will be associated with the
NoUser user's settings and display NOT LOGGED ON.
2. The call center agents or road-warrior users are configured with Extension directory numbers that also don't match
any existing physical extensions. They are all given Login Code numbers.
3. The users can log in at any of the extensions when required. When they log out or log in elsewhere, the extensions
return to the NoUser setting.
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10.29.4 Automatic Log Off
Normally a user can either log themselves out or be logged out by another user logging in. The following methods can be
used by the system to automatically log out a user. A remote hot desking user whose home system can no longer be
seen by the remote system at which they are logged in is automatically logged out after 24 hours.
The following methods only apply to users with a Login Code and set to Forced Login.
Idle Timeout
The user Login Idle Period (User | Telephony | Supervisor Settings ) can be used to automatically log out the
user after a set period of phone inactivity. The period can be set between 1 to 99999 seconds and is based on call
inactivity other than ringing calls.
Unanswered Calls
Users who are members of hunt groups are presented with hunt group calls when they are logged in and not already on
a call. If the user is logged in but not actually present they will continue to be presented with hunt group calls. In this
scenario it can be useful to log the user off.
1. For the hunt group
On the Hunt Group | Hunt Group tab, use the Agent's Status on No Answer Applies to setting to select which types of
unanswered hunt group calls should change the user's status. The options are:
Any Calls.
External Inbound Calls Only.
2. For the user
The Status on No Answer (User | Telephony | Supervisor Settings ) can be used. This sets what the user's
status should be changed to if they do not answer a hunt group call. The options are:
Logged In
If this option is selected, the user's status is not changed.
Busy Wrap-Up
If this option is selected the user's membership status of the hunt group triggering the action is changed to
disabled. The user can still make and receive calls and will still continue to receive calls from other hunt groups to
which they belong.
Busy Not Available
If this option is selected the user's status is changed to do not disturb. This is the equivalent of DND and will affect
all calls to the user.
Logged Off
If this option is selected the users status is changed to logged out. In that state the cannot make calls and cannot
receive calls. Hunt group calls go to the next available agent and personal calls treat the user as being busy.
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Telephone Features: Hot Desking
10.30 Paging
Paging Scenario Paged Device
Connects to...
Short Code/
Button Feature
Phone to Phone
Simple paging to other system extensions.
Digital Station and
Avaya H.323 Phones
Dial Paging
Mixed Paging
This refers to simultaneous paging to phones and a
paging speaker.
Analog Extension
(Paging Speaker)
Dial Paging
Paging Interface Device
This refers to paging to a paging interface device such as
Analog Extension
(IVR Port)
Dial Extn
Analog Trunk Dial
Paging Limits
The table below lists the maximum recommended size for paging groups.
Control Unit Software Level
4.0+ 3.2
IP500/IP500 V2 64
IP412 48 24
IP406 V2 32 16
Small Office Edition 16 16
IP406 V1 16
IP403 16
Phone to Phone Paging
Paging is supported from all phone types. A page call can be to a single phone or a group of phones.
From analog and non-Avaya phones, use a Dial Paging short code.
From Avaya feature phones, a programmable button set to Dial Paging can be used.
Paging is only supported to Avaya phones that support auto answer.
The page is not heard on phones that are active on another call.
The page is not heard on phones where the user is set to Do Not Disturb or has Forward Unconditional active.
On Avaya phones with a dedicated Conference button, the user can answer a page call by pressing that button.
This turns the page into a normal call with the pager.
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Telephone Features: Paging
Mixed Paging
Uses an amplifier connected to an analog extension port via a 600ohm isolating transformer. Some amplifiers
include an integral transformer.
Avaya/Lucent branded amplifiers are designed for connection to special paging output ports not provided on
systems. They are not suitable for supporting mixed paging.
The transformer and amplifier must be connected when the system is restarted.
If background music is required between pages, the amplifier must support a separate background music
connection and VOX switching.
The analog extension port is set as a Paging Speaker in the system configuration (Extn | Analog | Equipment
Classification) .
Short code/programmable button: Use DialPaging .
Paging Interface Device
Uses a paging interface device such as a UPAM or amplifier with analog trunk/extension interface.
The device can be connected to an analog trunk port or analog extension port.
If connected to a trunk port:
Short code: Use Dial and the same Line Group ID as the Outgoing Line ID set for the analog trunk.
If connected to an extension port:
Set the analog extension as an IVR Port in the system configuration (Extn | Analog | Equipment
Classification ).
Short code/programmable button: Use Dial Extn .
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10.30.1 Paging Via Voicemail Pro
Voicemail Pro can be used to deliver pre-recorded announcements. This can be useful when the same announcement is
repeated frequently. This method requires the paging port to be an analog extension.
This method also removes the feedback loop that can occur on some sites as the page is first recorded and then played.
Example 1
1. In Voicemail Pro, a new Module was added and named Page.
2. A Post Dial action was added to the module. The properties of the Specific tab were set as shown:
3. We then saved and made live the new Voicemail Pro call flow.
4. In IP Office Manager we received the system configuration and created a new short code.
Short Code: *80
Telephone Number : "Page"
Feature: VoicemailCollect.
5. The new system configuration was then merged.
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Telephone Features: Paging
Example 2
This example builds on example 1 by allowing the user to select which message is played from a menu. In this example
the user can press 1, 2 or 3 for different messages. They can also re-record the message associated with option 3 by
pressing #.
A Play List action was added and in this example set to record pagemsg3.wav. Note that just the file name was specified
as this action saves files relative to the Voicemail Server's WAVS folder.
In the Post Dial action that plays back pagemsg3.wav note that the full file path needs to be used.
In IP Office Manager, we then added a short code that triggers the module "Paging" using the VoicemailCollect feature.
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10.31 Voice over IP Features
10.31.1 Wide Band Audio Support
IP Office Release 8.0 systems support the G.722 64K codec for wide band audio. G.722 can be used with H.323 and SIP
trunks. If can also be used with some SIP and H.323 IP telephones (see below). G.722 uses a higher speech sample rate
(16KHz) than is used by most other audio codecs (8KHz).
G.722 is only supported by systems that are using IP500 VCM, IP500 VCM V2 and or IP500 Combination cards. It is not
supported if any IP400 VCM legacy card is also present in the system.
Avaya Phone Support
Use of G.722 is supported by the following Avaya phones on a IP Office system: 1010, 1040, 1120E, 1140E, B179
and the IP Office Video Softphone application. For Release 8.1, supported telephones also include 9608, 9611, 9621
and 9641 telephones.
Using the G.722 Codec
The G.722 codec is not available for use by default. If the codec is to be used, it must first be selected in the system's
Available Codecs list (System | Codecs ). The codec can then be used in the system's default codec preference list
and or in the individual codec preferences of IP lines and extensions.
The method of codec selection for specific phones will depend on the phone type. Refer to the appropriate installation
Where devices using G.722 are in a system conference, the system can attempt to ensures that the speech between
devices using G.722 remains wide-band even if there are also narrow-band audio devices in the same conference. This is
done if the system's High Quality Conferencing option is enabled (System | Telephony | Telephony ).
Known Limitations
The following limitations apply to G.722 wide band audio operation:
Call recording uses G.711.
Page calls only use G.722 when all devices being paged can use G.722.
Fax is not supported in G.722, use G.711 or T38.
Soft tones provided by the system use G.711.
A maximum of 15 G.722 devices receiving wide-band audio are supported in conferences.
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Telephone Features: Voice over IP Features
10.31.2 Remote H323 Extensions
For Release 8.0+, the configuration of remote H.323 extensions is supported without needing those extensions to be
running special VPN firmware. This option is intended for use in the following scenario:
The customer LAN has a public IP address which is forwarded to the IP Office system. That address is used as the
call server address by the H.323 remote extensions.
The user has a H.323 phone behind a domestic router. It is assumed that the domestic router allows all outbound
traffic from the home network to pass through and allows all symmetric traffic. That is, if the phone sends
RTP/RTCP to a public IP address and port, it will be able to receive RTP/RTCP from that same IP address and port.
If this is not the case, the configuration of the user's router to support that is not covered by this documentation.
Other scenarios can be configured. For example one of the IP Office's LAN interfaces can be connected to the
public internet.
Supported Telephones
Currently remote H.323 extension operation is only supported with 9600 Series phones already supported by the
IP Office system.
License Requirements
For non-IP Office Server Edition systems, by default only 4 users can be configured for remote H.323 extension
usage. Additional users can be configured if those additional users are licensed and configured with either
Teleworker or Power User user profiles. On IP Office Server Edition systems remote workers can only be
configured for users licensed and set to the Power User user profile.
Customer Network Configuration
The corporate LAN hosting the IP Office system requires a public IP address that is routed to the LAN interface of the IP
Office system configured for remote H.323 extension support.
STUN from the IP Office system to the Internet is used to determine the type of NAT being applied to traffic between the
system and the Internet. Any routers and other firewall devices between the H.323 phone location and the IP Office
system must allow the following traffic.
Protocol Port Description
UDP 1719 UDP port 1719 traffic to the IP Office system must be allowed. This is used for H225 RAS
processes such as gatekeeper discovery, registration, keepalive, etc. If this port is not open
the phone the phone will bot be able to register with the IP Office system.
TCP 1720 TCP port 1720 traffic must be allowed. This is used for H225 (call signalling).
RTP Various The ports in the range specified by the system's RTP Port Number Range (Remote Extn)
settings must be allowed.
User Network Configuration
It is assumed that the domestic router allows all outbound traffic from the home network to pass through and allows all
symmetric traffic. That is, if the phone sends RTP/RTCP to a public IP address and port, it will be able to receive
RTP/RTCP from that same IP address and port. If this is not the case, the configuration of the user's router to support
that is not covered by this documentation.
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System Configuration
This is a summary of the system configuration changes necessary. Additional details and information for H.323 telephone
installation are included in the H.323 IP Telephone Installation manual. This section assumes that you are already familiar
with IP Office system and H.323 IP telephone installation.
For non-IP Office Server Edition systems, by default only 4 users can be configured for remote H.323 extension
usage. Additional users can be configured if those additional users are licensed and configured with either
Teleworker or Power User user profiles. On IP Office Server Edition systems remote workers can only be
configured for users licensed and set to the Power User user profile.
2.System Configuration
The following needs to be configured on the IP Office system LAN interface to which the public IP address is
a. Select System | LAN1/LAN2 | VoIP. Check that the H.323 Gatekeeper Enable setting is selected.
b. Due to the additional user and extension settings needed for remote H.323 extension configuration, we
assume that the extension and user records for the remote H.323 extensions and users are added manually.
c. Select H.323 Remote Extn Enable.
d. Set the RTP Port Number Range (Remote Extn) range to encompass the port range that should be used
for remote H.323 extension RTP and RTCP traffic. The range setup must provide at least 2 ports per extension
being supported.
Note: When the system is configured on an open internet connection, the standard RTP port range is
used for all H.323 calls including remote workers. In such a case the RTP Port Number Range is used.
3.Network Topology Configuration
STUN can be used to determine the type of NAT/firewall processes being applied to traffic between between the IP
Office system and the Internet.
a. Select the Network Topology tab. Set the STUN Server IP Address to a known STUN server. Click OK.
The Run STUN button should now be enabled. Click it and wait while the STUN process is run. The results
discovered by the process will be indicated by ! icons next to the fields.
b. If STUN reports the Firewall/NAT Type as one of the following, the network must be reconfigured if possible
as these types are not supported for remote H.323 extensions: Static Port Block, Symmetric NAT or Open
4.H.323 Extension Configuration
H.323 remote extensions use non default settings and so cannot be setup directly using auto-create.
a. Within Manager, add a new H.323 extension or edit an existing extension.
b. On the Extn tab, set the Base Extension number.
c. On the VoIP tab, select Allow Remote Extn.
d. The other settings are as standard for an Avaya H.323 telephone.
The IP Address field can be used to restrict the the source IP address that can used by the Remote
Worker. However, it should not used in the case where there is more than one phone behind the domestic
Regardless of direct media configuration, direct media is not used for remote H.323 extensions.
5.User Configuration
For non-IP Office Server Edition systems, by default only 4 users can be configured for remote H.323 extension
usage. Additional users can be configured if those additional users are licensed and configured with either
Teleworker or Power User user profiles.
a. In the user configuration, select Enable Remote Worker.
If the user's Extension Number matches the Base Extension setting of an IP extension, the Allow
Remote Extn setting of that extension is automatically changed to match the user's Enable Remote
Worker setting and vice versa.
Phone Configuration
The phones do not require any special firmware. Therefore they should first be installed as normal internal extensions,
during which they will load the firmware provided by the IP Office system.
Once this process has been completed, the address settings of the phone should be cleared and the call server address
set to the public address to be used by remote H.323 extensions.
It is assumed that at the remote location, the phone will obtain other address information by DHCP from the user's
router. If that is not the case, the other address setting for the phone will need to be statically administered to match
addresses suitable for the user's home network.
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Telephone Features: Voice over IP Features
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Data Routing
Chapter 11.
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11. Data Routing
The system is a network router. In this role it can connect users on its LAN to remote services by using WAN links and
telephone trunk connections. It can also allow users to dial-in and then act as if they were using a PC on the LAN.
As well as being a network router, the system is a telephone system. These dual roles allow it to support a range of
functions that involve traffic between the network and telephony interfaces. These functions use internal data channels.
The number of internal data channels that can be connected from the system's LAN interface to its telephony interface at
any time is restricted.
An internal data channel is a connection between the system's telephony and LAN interfaces. For example a
Voicemail connection, an internet connection or a RAS user.
Calls using a VCM channel do not use a data channel.
The number of data channels in use does not necessarily match the number of users:
Several LAN network users, browsing the internet using the same service to an ISP would be a single data
Several dial-in network users would each have a separate data channel.
The maximum number of data channels that can be simultaneously in use for voicemail is restricted. These
channels also require entry of an appropriate license.
The restriction depends on the type of control unit being used.
System Control Unit Internal Data
Maximum Data Channels
for Voicemail
Small Office Edition 18 10
IP403 18 10
IP406 V1 24 20
IP406 V2 40 20
IP412 100 30
IP500 48
IP500 V2 48
1. Reduced to 44 when an IP500 4-Port Expansion card is installed.
2. Increased from 30 channels for Release 5.0+.
11.1 Network Address Translation (NAT)
NAT allows the addresses used within your LAN to be replaced by a different address when connecting to an external
Typically a service provider will allocate you a single IP address to be used when connecting to their service. NAT allows
all your user's traffic to appears to be coming from that single address without having to change any of your user's real
addresses. This is useful as internally most networks use addresses that have been reserved for public use within
networks but are not valid for routing across the internet (since the same addresses may be being used on other
networks). Also as stated it allows multiple users to use the same service simultaneously.
The use of NAT is automatically enabled if the system Service being used includes an IP address that is not in the same
domain as the its LAN1 IP address.
An exception to the above applies for systems with two LAN's, LAN1 and LAN2. For these units, on each LAN, Enable
NAT can be selected and then applied to traffic between the two LAN's.
11.2 DHCP
The system can act as a simple DHCP server. When switched on with a defaulted configuration, the Control Unit request
IP address information from a DHCP server. If it gets no response it assumes the role of DHCP server for the LAN.
In DHCP Server mode, by default the Control Unit issues itself the address It allocates 200 addresses for
DHCP clients, to This leaves to available for any
computers that need to be allocated a fixed or static IP address. is not used as this is a broadcast
address for the LAN.
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Data Routing: DHCP
11.3 Examples
11.3.1 Simple ISDN Internet Connection
In this example, we want all non-local data traffic to be routed to the Internet. The Internet Service Provider (ISP) has
provided the account details required. Using the system's Network Address Translation (NAT), a single account can be
used for all users.
1. Select Service and add a normal service. Change the following settings and click OK.
Name: Internet
Account Name: As provided by the ISP.
Password: As provided by the ISP.
Telephone Number: As provided by the ISP.
Check Request DNS.
2. Select IP Route and add a new route. Change the following settings and click OK.
1. Leave the IP Address and IP Mask blank. This will then match any data traffic that isn't matched by any other IP
Route record.
2. Select the service created above as the Destination.
In the example above, a default IP Route was created which then routed all traffic to the required Service. An alternate
method to do this with system is to select Default Route within the Service settings.
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11.3.2 ISDN Link Between IP Offices
To create a data link between two sites via ISDN configure the Control Unit as per the following example:
At Site A on IP address
1.Create a Normal Service:
The Service name can be any text and is used to identify this particular Service. The Account Name and password are
presented to the remote end, therefore must match the User name and password configured at Site B. The Telephone
Number is the number of the remote end.
2.Create an IP Route:
In the IP Address field enter the network address of the remote end, not the IP address of the Control Unit. Under
Destination select the Service created above.
3.Create a User:
Under the Dial In tab tick Dial In On. This User account is used to authenticate the connection from the Site B. Note
that as the Service and User have the same names, these two configuration forms are automatically linked and become
an Intranet Service. The User password is displayed at the bottom of the Service tab as the Incoming Password.
4.Setup RAS:
Check the default RAS settings "Dial In" are available, otherwise create a new one. If the RAS settings are given the
same name as the Service and User they are automatically linked and become a WAN Service. Ensure that the
Encrypted Password option is not checked when using a WAN Service.
5.Setup an Incoming Call Route:
Check the default Incoming Call Route is available, otherwise create a new one. If the Incoming Number is left blank,
the Incoming Call Route accepts data calls on any number. Under Destination select the RAS service created above.
The Bearer Capability should be AnyData.
At Site B on IP address
1. Repeat the above process but altering the details to create an route from Site B to Site A.
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Data Routing: Examples
11.3.3 Using a Dedicated T1/PRI ISP Link
This section shows an example of a dedicated WAN PPP link to an Internet Service Provider (ISP) over a set of T1 or T1
PRI line channels. The ISP must support this mode of connection and will need to provide details of the required settings.
If multiple channels are to be used, then the ISP must support Multilink PPP.
1. Create a New WAN Service
A service is used to define connection settings such as name, password, bandwidth, etc.
1. Select Service to display the existing services.
2. Click on and select WAN Service.
3. Select the Service tab.
1. In the Name field enter an appropriate name, such as Internet. Note that the system will also
automatically create User record and a RAS record with the same name.
2. Enter the Account Name, Password and Telephone Number details provided by the ISP.
3. For the Firewall Profile select the firewall created previously.
4. Click the Bandwidth tab.
1. Set the Maximum No. of Channels to the maximum number of channels that the service should use. In this
example, 12 channels were used.
2. Leave all the other records at their default values.
3. If the ISP has allocated IP address details these are entered through the IP tab. If the IP Address and IP Mask
define a different domain from the system LAN, then NAT is automatically applied.
5. Click the IP tab.
1. In the IP Address field enter the IP address specified by the ISP.
2. In the IP Mask field enter the IP Mask specified by the ISP.
3. The settings shown are typical. The actual settings must match those required by the ISP. For example, if
Cisco routers are being used then IPHC needs to be ticked.
6. Click the PPP tab.
1. Ensure that the following options are selected. Leave all other options at their default settings.
Compression Mode: Disable.
Callback Mode: Disable.
Access Mode: Digital64
7. Click OK.
2. Create the Virtual WAN Port
In this stage, a WAN port is defined that actually uses T1 or T1 ISDN trunk channels.
1. Select WAN Port to display existing ports.
2. Click on and select WAN Port.
3. In the Name field, enter either LINEx.y where:
LINE must be in uppercase.
x is the line number. For a trunk card in Slot A, this will be 1. For a trunk card in Slot B, this will be 5.
y is the lowest numbered channel number to be used by the WAN link minus 1. For example, if the lowest
channel to be used is channel 1 then y = 1 - 1 = 0.
4. In the Speed field, enter the total combined speed of the maximum number of channels sets in the Service. In
this example, 12 channels x 64000 bits = 76800.
5. Set the Mode to SyncPPP.
6. In the RAS Name field, select the name used for the Service.
7. Click OK.
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3. Create an IP Route
By creating an IP route with blank IP address details, it becomes the default route for outgoing IP traffic.
1. Select IP Route to display existing routes.
2. Click on and select IP Route.
3. Leave the IP Address and IP Mask fields blank.
4. In the Destination field, select the WAN service.
5. Leave the Metric at default value of 1.
6. Click OK.
4. Configure the Line Channels
This stage of the process differs according to the type of trunk being used.
5. T1 Trunk
Use the following for a T1 trunk.
1. Click Line to display the existing lines.
2. Double-click on the line previously entered in the WAN Port settings.
3. Check that the Channel Allocation order matches that required by the ISP. Cisco routers typically use 1|24.
4. Select the channels to be used in the WAN PPP link and change their Channel Type to Clear Channel 64k.
5. Click OK.
6. Click OK again.
7. Send the configuration to the system and reboot.
6. T1 PRI Trunk
Use the following for a T1 PRI trunk.
1. Click on Line to display the list of existing lines.
2. Double-click on the line previously entered in the WAN Port settings.
3. Check that the Channel Allocation order matches that required by the ISP. Cisco routers typically use 1|23.
4. Select the channels to be used in the WAN PPP link and change their Admin to Out of Service.
5. Click OK.
6. Click OK again.
7. Send the configuration to the system and reboot.
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Data Routing: Examples
11.3.4 Logical LAN Connection
This option is not supported in Release 7.0 and higher.
Small Office Edition and IP412 control units support two separate LAN interfaces (LAN1 and LAN2). These are separately
addressed and the system's IP route table and firewalls can be used to control traffic between device attached to the two
On other control units only a single LAN (LAN1) is available. A logical LAN allows these systems to support a second
separately addressed LAN on the same interface. Traffic between the system LAN1 and the logical LAN can then be
controlled by the system's IP route table and firewalls.
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11.3.5 Remote Access
The system support remote access for incoming data calls on trunks.
To do remote access, an incoming call is passed through the following
elements of the system configuration.
Incoming Call Route
A Incoming Call Route is used to match incoming remote access
calls and pass them to a RAS service as the destination.
RAS Service
The RAS service defines settings relating to the data traffic methods
usable with the call.
The user defines the name and password required for the RAS
service. The user must have Dial In On enabled.
An R setting on the user's Source Numbers tab can be used to
define the ICLID from which RAS calls are accepted.
Time Profile
The user settings can specify a time profile. The time profile then
controls when remote access is allowed.
Firewall Profile
The user settings can specify a firewall profile. The firewall profile
then controls what traffic is allowed through the remote access
Static NAT (Release 4.2+)
The system supports the use of Static NAT records in
firewall profiles. These are used to translate external IP
addresses to internal IP addresses.
System | LAN
The system can provide DHCP support for remote access
connections when it is set to Server or Dial in modes. Alternatively
the remote access client can use a static IP address on the system's
IP Route
If the remote access client uses a IP address that is from a different
subnet from the system, then a IP route record is required for
returning data. The RAS service is set as the destination.
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Data Routing: Examples
ISDN Remote Access Example
1. Create a User
The required details are:
In the User tab:
Enter a Name and Password. The system is case sensitive. Remember to take care with passwords as this is a
remote access link into your network.
In the Dial In tab:
Ensure that Dial In On is ticked. The Firewall Profile and Time Profile are optional.
2. Create a RAS Record
In the RAS tab:
Enter the same name as the user that you created earlier. Again, remember this is case sensitive.
3. Create an Incoming Call Route
Set the Bearer Capability to Any Data.
In the Destination drop-down list, select the RAS record created above.
The values that you enter for any of the other fields will depend on whether the remote user will be calling in on a
particular line, number or from a set ICLID.
4. Is a Return IP Route Needed ?
Go to Step 5.
5. Create a IP Route (Optional)
If the remote user has an IP address that is not in the same domain as the system, then an IP Route is needed for
return data. This is not necessary if the remote user's dial-up connection method is set to 'Obtain an IP Address
Automatically' and the system's DHCP mode is set to Server or Dial In.
Enter the IP Address and IP Mask of the remote system.
In the Destination drop-down list select the RAS record created above.
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Analog Remote Access Example
Configuration for a connection from an analog modem call is very similar to the ISDN example. However the system must
be able to answer modem calls. This can be done in the following ways;
Modem Cards
For control units except the Small Office Edition, IP500 and IP500 V2, a modem card can be installed. This module
allows the system to answer V.90 analog modem calls. The Internal Modem Card allows the system to support 12
simultaneous modem calls (4 only on the IP403). The Modem 2 card allows the system to support 2 simultaneous
modem calls.
Analog Trunk Modem Mode
On systems with an analog trunk card in the control unit, the first analog trunk can be set to answer V.32 modem calls.
This is done by checking the Modem Enabled option on the analog line settings or using the default short code
*9000* to toggle this service on or off.
IP500 ATM4 Uni Trunk Card Modem Support (Release 7.0 and higher)
There is no longer a need to switch the card's modem port on/off. The trunk card's V32 modem function can be
accessed simply by routing a modem call to the RAS service's extension number. The modem call does not
have to use the first analog trunk, instead the port remains available for voice calls.
When using an analog modem, the Bearer Capability of the incoming call route used should be Any Voice.
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Data Routing: Examples
11.3.6 WAN PPP
A VoIP link across a leased line requires the Control Unit at both ends to have a Voice Compression Module installed.
These provide for a fixed number of channels to use VoIP at any time. They are used to compress voice down to either
6k3 (G.723) or 8k (G.729) and provide echo cancellation.
Both ends must using the same version of software and configured to use the same speed and compression.
At Site A on IP address
1. Create a Normal Service:
The Account Name and password is presented to the remote end, therefore must match the User name and password
configured at Site B. The Encrypted Password option can only be used if the remote end also supports CHAP.
2. Create a User:
Under the Dial In tab tick Dial In On. This User account is used to authenticate the connection from the Site B. As the
Service and User have the same name these two configuration forms are automatically linked and become an Intranet
Service. The User password is displayed at the bottom of the Service tab as the Incoming Password.
Name: SiteB
Dial In | Dial In On: Enabled.
3. Create a RAS service:
If CHAP is to be used on this link, then the Encrypted Password option must be checked in the Service and in the RAS
service. The name of the RAS service must match the name of the Service at Site B. If the RAS service is given the
same name as the Service and User, they are automatically linked and become a WAN Service. Ensure that the
Encrypted Password option is not checked when using a WAN Service.
4. Edit the WANPort:
Note - do not create a new WANPort, this is automatically detected. If a WANPort is not displayed, connect the WAN
cable, reboot the Control Unit and receive the configuration. The WANPort configuration form should now be added.
RAS Name: SiteA
5. Create an IP Route:
The IP Address is the network address of the remote end. Under Destination select the Service created above.
6. Create a new Line:
The Line Number and Line Group ID must be unique, in other words, not used by any other line. The Gateway IP
Address is the IP Address of the Control Unit at the remote end. The Compression Mode used is dependent on the
Voice Compression Card the Control Unit is running and the speed of the link.
7. Create a Short Code:
To route all calls where the number dialed starts with 8 via Line Group ID 1, therefore via the VPN Line created above.
Short Code: 8N
Telephone Number: N
Line Group ID: 1
Feature: Dial
At Site B on IP address
1. Repeat the above steps for VoIP traffic from Site B to Site A.
Note: For the Small Office Edition Control Unit, enabling Local Tones under the Line and Extension VoIP tabs is
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11.3.7 WAN Frame Relay
To create a VoIP link via the WAN port using frame relay, the first step is to attach a WAN cable and reboot the Control
Unit. After this, receive a copy of the configuration.
Both ends must using the same version of software and configured to use the same speed and compression.
At Site A
1.Create a WAN Service:
On the Service Tab:
The Name is "FR_link". The Account Name should be "FR_Link" and all password fields (both Password and Incoming
Password) should be left blank.
On the PPP Tab:
Check the MultiLink/QoS box. Set the Header Compression Mode to IPHC.
On the Dial In Tab:
If you are using a WAN 3 module, you must add "WAN" as the Dial In Service number.
2.On the Wan Port Form:
In the WanPort Tab
Set the speed to match the link. Set the RAS Name to Dial In. Set the Mode as SyncFrameRelay.
In the FrameRelay Tab
Set the appropriate Frame Relay Management Type. The other default settings are appropriate for a basic Frame
Relay Connection.
In the DLCI tab
Set the RAS Name to "FR_link". Frame Link Type = PPP. DLCI set to the network setting
3.Create a RAS service:
Encrypted Password option is not checked when using a WAN Service. Have the Name = "FR_Link"
4.Create an IP Route:
The IP Address is the network address of the remote end. Under Destination select the "FR_link" that was created
5.Create a new Line:
The Line Number and Line Group ID must be unique, in other words, not used by any other line. The Gateway IP
Address is the IP Address of the Control Unit at the remote end.
6.Create a Short Code:
To route all calls where the number dialed starts with 8 via Line Group ID 1, therefore via the VPN Line created above.
Short Code: 8N
Telephone Number: N
Line Group ID: 1
Feature: Dial
At Site B
1. Repeat the above steps for VoIP traffic from Site B to Site A.
Note: For the Small Office Edition Control Unit, enabling Local Tones under the Line and Extension VoIP tabs is
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Small Community
Chapter 12.
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12. Small Community Networking
Systems linked by H.323 IP trunks can enable voice networking across those trunks to form a multi-site network. Within
a multi-site network, the separate systems automatically learn each other's extension numbers and user names. This
allows calls between systems and support for a range of internal call features, see Supported Small Community Network
Features .
The following are the supported capacity limits for a Small Community Network system.
Software Level Pre-5.0 5.0+ 6.0+
Maximum Number of Systems 16 32 32
Maximum Number of Users 500 500 1000
Maximum H.323 Line Hops Between Systems 5 5 5
Star H.323 Line Layout
Serial H.323 Line Layout
Mesh H.323 Line Layout
Configuration Summary
To set up a Small Community Network, the following are required:
A working H.323 trunk between the systems, that has been tested for correct voice and data traffic routing.
The arrangement the H.323 trunks must meet the requirements detailed in Supported Small Community
Network Network Layouts .
Within a particular system, all SCN trunks should be on the same LAN interface.
On IP500 and IP500 V2 systems, H.323 trunks require the entry of IP500 Voice Networking licenses.
VCM channels are required in all systems.
The extension, user and group numbering on each system must be unique.
The user and group names on each system must be unique.
We also recommend that all names and numbers (line, services, etc) on the separate systems are kept unique.
This will reduce potential maintenance confusion.
The Outgoing Group ID on the Small Community Network lines should be changed to a number other than the
default 0.
All systems should use the same set of telephony timers, especially the Default No Answer Time.
Only one system should have its Voicemail Type set to Voicemail Pro/Lite. All other systems must be set to
either Centralized Voicemail or Distributed Voicemail. No other settings are supported.
Software Level Interoperation
Small Community Network is supported between systems with the same major software level or one level of difference in
major software level. For example between 6.1 and 6.0 (same major level) and between 7.0 and 6.0 (one major level of
This option is intended mainly to allow the phased upgrading of sites within a Small Community Network. It is still
recommended that all systems within a network are upgraded to the same level where possible. Within a Small
Community Network including differing levels of software, the network features and capacity will be based on the lowest
level of software within the network.
For a Small Community Network with more than 16 systems, only Release 5.0 and higher systems are supported. If a
pre-Release 5 system is included in a network of more than 16 systems, it will not receive any Small Community
Network support.
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Small Community Networking:
12.1 Supported SCN Network Layouts
The allowed arrangement of H.323 Small Community Network lines between the systems depends on the lowest software
level of any system in the network. Note that we are referring to H.323 Small Community Network lines configured in the
system configurations. The actual IP network configuration, including IP routes in the system configurations, can differ as
per the customer network requirements.
Software Level Pre-5.0 5.0+ 6.0+
Maximum Number of Systems 16 32 32
Maximum Number of Users 500 500 1000
Maximum H.323 Line Hops Between Systems 5 5 5
Star H.323 Line Layout
Serial H.323 Line Layout
Mesh H.323 Line Layout
Star/Serial Layouts
The following are examples of star and serial layouts. These are the only types of layouts supported for a Small
Community Network containing any pre-Release 5 systems.
---- = IP network, | = H.323 Small Community Network Line.
Mesh Layout
The use of 'mesh' layouts connections is only supported for a Small Community Network of Release 5.0 or higher
systems. A mesh layout is one where there is more than one possible H.323 Small Community Network Line route
between any two systems. The following are examples of mesh layouts. Mesh, star and serial layouts can be combined.
Small Community Network Signalling
Small Community Network uses a signalling similar to RIP is order to update each other of there presence. This traffic
can be seen in the System Monitor application as AVRIP packets. This traffic is is sent to port 50795 on which each
system listens.
Each system in the Small Community Network transmits an update every 30 seconds. Additionally BLF updates are
transmitted when applicable up to a maximum of every 0.5 seconds. Typically the volume is less than 1Kbps per system.
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12.2 Supported SCN Features
Each system running IP Office in a multi-site network acts as a self-contained IP Office telephone system. In addition to
the remote systems sharing knowledge of user and hunt group extension numbers, the following additional telephony
features are supported between systems in a multi-site network. Features not listed are not supported across the multi-
site network.
Feature Description Minimum
Extension Dialing Each system automatically learns the user extension numbers available on other
systems and allows routes calls to those numbers.
Absence Text Calling a remote user with absence text set will display the absence text.
Call Tagging Call tag text added to a call is retained by calls routed across the Small
Community Network.
Anti-tromboning Calls routed across the multi-site network and back to the originating system
are turned back into internal calls on the originating system only.
Hold Hold and held calls are signalled across the multi-site network.
Transfer Calls can be transferred to multi-site network extension numbers.
Forwarding Calls can be forwarded to multi-site network extension numbers.
Paging Page calls can be made to multi-site network extension numbers.
Call Pick-Up Extension The directed call pickup feature can use multi-site network extension numbers
as its target for the call pickup.
Callback When Free When calling a busy or unanswered extension across themulti-site network, the
callback when free function can be used to set a callback.
Conference For Release 8.0+, Meet Me conference IDs are now shared across a multi-site
network. For example, if a conference with the ID 500 is started on one system,
anyone else joining conference 500 on any system will join the same
conference. Each conference still uses the conference resources of the system
on which it was started and is limited by the available conference capacity of
that system.
Previously separate conferences, each with the same conference ID, could be
started on each system in a multi-site network.
User DSS/BLF Monitoring of user status only. The ability to use additional features such as call
pickup via a USER button will differ depending on whether the monitored user is
local or remote. Indication of new voicemail messages provided by Phone
Manager/SoftConsole user speed dial icon is not supported across a multi-site
Advertised Hunt Groups A hunt group can be set to be 'advertised'. Hunt groups that are advertised can
be dialed by users on other systems within the multi-site network without the
need for short codes.
Distributed Hunt
Hunt groups on a system can include users located on remote systems within
the multi-site network. A distributed hunt group can only be edited on the
system on which they were created.
Remote Hot Desking Users can hot desk between systems within the network. The system on which
the user configured is termed their 'home' system, all other systems are
'remote' systems. When a user logs in to a remote system;
The user's incoming calls are rerouted across the multi-site network.
The user's outgoing calls use the settings of the remote system at which
they are logged in.
The user's own settings are transferred. However some settings may
become unusable or may operate differently.
Users settings are transferred but user rights are not. However if user
rights with the same name exist on the remote system then they will be
used. The same applies for user rights applied by time profiles, if a time
profile with the same name also exists on the remote system .
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Small Community Networking: Supported SCN Features
Feature Description Minimum
Appearance buttons configured for users on the home system will no
longer operate.
Various other settings may either no longer work or may work differently
depending on the configuration of the remote system at which the user
has logged in. For example T3 phones, the personal directory is not
transferred with the user.
If a remote user's home system is no longer visible within the multi-site
network, they are automatically logged out after 24 hours.
Break Out Dialing This feature allows the user to select a system in the network from a displayed
list and then dial a subsequent number as if dialing locally on the select system.
This feature is triggered either by a programmable button or short code .
Music on Hold Source
The 4 possible music on hold sources are numbered 1 to 4, with 1 being the
System Source. Where the source number to associate with a call is changed,
that number is retained when the call is rerouted across the Small Community
Network. If the receiving switch has a matching numbered alternate source,
that source is used.
Mobile Call Control Licensed mobile call control users who remote hot desk to another system
within the multi-site network take their licensed status with them rather than
consuming (if available) a license on the system to which they hot desk.
Fallback Systems can provide fallback support for Avaya H.323 phones, advertised hunt
groups and centralized voicemail.
Centralized Personal
If the user hot desks to another system in the multi-site network, their personal
directory is still available.
Centralized Call Log The centralized call log features include support for users hot desking within a
multi-site network.
The user's call log records are stored by the system that is their home
system, ie. the one on which they are configured. When the user is
logged in on another system, new call log records are sent to the user's
home system, but using the time and date on the system where the user
is logged in.
Hunt group call log records are stored on the system on which the hunt
group is configured.
Fax Relay Fax relay can be configured on SIP lines and extensions. Within a multi-site
network, fax calls can transition from a trunk or extension with T38 support to a
system Small Community Network line with Fax Transport Support enabled.
Fax Relay is only supported on IP500/IP500 V2 systems with IP500 VCM, IP500
VCM V2 and or IP500 Combo cards. Fax Relay is supported on IP Office Server
Edition Linux servers.
User Profile Resilience When a user hot desks to another switch in the multi-site network, they retain
their Profile settings and rights as validated by the licenses in their home
switch's configuration. They do not use a license on the remote switch. This
applies even if their home switch is temporarily removed from the multi-site
Distributed Voicemail
Server Support
When using Voicemail Pro 6.0 or higher, each system can support its own
Voicemail Pro server in addition to the central Voicemail Pro server. The
distributed severs can provide call recording and auto attendant functions to
their local system. The central Voicemail Pro server is still used as the message
store for all messages. For full details refer to the Voicemail Pro Installation
Manual. This option is not supported for IP Office Server Edition multi-site
Intrusion Features Call intrusion features are supported across a multi-site network. This
applies to new intrusion features added in Release 8.0 and to existing intrusion
features which were not previously supported across the multi-site network.
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12.3 Voicemail Support
Within a Small Community Network, a single Voicemail Pro can be used to provide voicemail services for all the systems.
For full details of installation and setup refer to the Voicemail Pro documentation. The Voicemail Pro is licensed and
hosted by a chosen central system and provides full operation for that system. The voicemail features supported for the
other remote systems are listed below:
For pre-Release 5 IP500 systems, centralized voicemail does not require the remote systems to be running in
IP500 Professional mode. Only the IP500 hosting the Voicemail Pro server is required to have an IP500
Upgrade Standard to Professional license.
Release 6.0 and higher: The use of additional Voicemail Pro servers is supported. The distributed severs
provide call recording and auto attendant functions to their local system. The central Voice Pro server is still
used as the message store for all messages. Refer to the Voicemail Pro documentation.
User mailboxes.
Call recording.
Recording of incoming call routes is only supported for destinations on the same system, not for remote Small
Community Network destinations.
Dial by Name.
Auto Attendants.
Requires that the numbers used are routable by the system hosting the voicemail server.
Pre-4.0 announcements are only supported for queues on the system hosting the voicemail server.
This application is supported but requires each individual system to have a VMPro Recordings Administrator
UMS Web Services
Users for UMS Web Services (IMAP and or web voicemail) are licensed through the UMS Web Services license on
their host system. This applies even if the user remote hot desks to another system in the Small Community
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Small Community Networking: Voicemail Support
12.4 Enabling Small Community Networking
The process below adds an H.323 Small Community Network Line to the system configuration. It is assumed that data
routing between the systems has already been configured and tested. For IP Office Manager 8.1, adding Small
Community Network connections between systems can also be done using IP Office Manager's Small Community Network
Management mode.
A working H.323 trunk between the systems, that has been tested for correct voice and data traffic routing.
The arrangement the H.323 trunks must meet the requirements detailed in Supported Small Community
Network Network Layouts .
Within a particular system, all SCN trunks should be on the same LAN interface.
On IP500 and IP500 V2 systems, H.323 trunks require the entry of IP500 Voice Networking licenses.
VCM channels are required in all systems.
The extension, user and group numbering on each system must be unique.
The user and group names on each system must be unique.
We also recommend that all names and numbers (line, services, etc) on the separate systems are kept unique.
This will reduce potential maintenance confusion.
The Outgoing Group ID on the Small Community Network lines should be changed to a number other than the
default 0.
All systems should use the same set of telephony timers, especially the Default No Answer Time.
Only one system should have its Voicemail Type set to Voicemail Pro/Lite. All other systems must be set to
either Centralized Voicemail or Distributed Voicemail. No other settings are supported.
A. Setup the VoIP Line from System A to System B
1. Receive the system configuration for System A. Prepare the system for addition to the Small Community Network:
a. For IP500 and IP500 V2 systems, check that the Voice Networking license is present and valid.
b. Change all extensions numbers and names to values that will be unique within the multi-site network.
For users and extensions this can be done using the Extension Renumber tool. That will adjust all users
and extension and all items using those numbers, for example hunt group memberships and incoming call
For hunt groups, each hunt group must be change individually.
2. Click Line to display a list of existing lines.
3. Right-click on the displayed list and select New and then H.323 Line.
4. Select the Line tab and set the following:
In the Telephone Number field, enter a description of the link. For example System B Small Community
Set the Outgoing Group ID to a unique value. For example match the automatically assigned Line Number
value shown above.
5. Select the VoIP Settings tab and set the following:
For the Gateway IP Address, enter the IP address of the remote System B.
In the Supplementary Services field select IP Office SCN. Use of IP Office SCN - Fallback is detailed in
Small Community Network Fallback .
Select the preferred Compression Mode. The same mode must be used by all VoIP lines and extensions
within the network.
The other option can be configured as required but must be matched by the other H.323 Small Community
Network lines in the network. For example the Silence Suppression settings on all the network trunks must
6. Select System | Voicemail.
a. Only one system should have its Voicemail Type set to Voicemail Pro/Lite. The Voicemail IP Address
will be the IP address of the central voicemail server PC.
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b. Any other system with its own Voicemail Pro server PC should have its Voicemail Type set to Distributed
Voicemail. The Voicemail IP Address should be the IP address of the distributed voicemail server PC. The
Voicemail Destination should be set to the Outgoing Group ID used for the Small Community Network
line to the system that is set as Voicemail Pro/Lite.
c. All other systems should have their Voicemail Type set to Centralized Voicemail. The Voicemail Destination
should be set to the Outgoing Group ID used for the Small Community Network line to the system that is
set as Voicemail Pro/Lite.
7. Save the configuration and reboot System A.
B. Setup the VoIP Line from System B to System A
1. On the remote system, repeat the previous steps to create an H.323 Small Community Network line to System A.
As stated above, where possible the line settings, especially the VoIP settings, must match those used for other
H.323 SCN lines in the network.
2. Load the configuration and reboot the remote system.
C. Test Small Community Networking
1. Test by making calls between extensions on the different systems.
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Small Community Networking: Enabling Small Community Networking
12.5 SCN Management
IP Office Manager 8.1 and higher supports the ability to load and manage the configurations of the systems in a Small
Community Network at the same time. This requires IP Office Manager to be enabled for Small Community Network
discovery and at least one system in the Small Community Network to have 6.0 or higher software.
When the configurations of the systems in a Small Community Network are loaded, IP Office Manager switched to Small
Community Network management mode. This differs from normal system configuration mode in a number of ways:
A network viewer is available. In addition to giving a graphical view of the Small Community Network, the view
can be used to add and remove links between the systems in the Small Community Network.
In the configuration tree, the records for users and hunt groups on all systems are grouped together.
Time Profiles and User Right common to all systems are grouped together.
The configuration settings for each system in the Small Community Network can be accessed and edited.
12.5.1 Enabling SCN Discovery
In order for the Select IP Office menu to groups systems in a Small Community Network and allow loading of all the
Small Community Network configurations, IP Office Manager must be enabled for SCN discovery.
1. Select File | Preferences.
2. Select the Discovery tab.
3. Select the SCN Discovery option.
4. Check that the other discovery setting are sufficient to discover all the systems in the Small Community Network.
5. Click OK.
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12.5.2 Creating a Common Admin Account
When managing multiple systems, it may be useful to create a common user name and password on all the systems for
configuration access. This tool can be used to create a new service user account, SCN_Admin, for configuration access.
This process requires you to have a user name and password for security configuration access to each of the systems.
1. Select Tools | SCN Service User Management.
The option is not shown if a IP Office Basic Edition - Quick Mode, IP Office Basic Edition - PARTNER Mode or
IP Office Basic Edition - Norstar Mode system configuration is loaded. If no configuration is load, and the
option is not shown, select View | Advanced View.
2. The Select IP Office menu displays the list of discovered systems.
3. Select the systems for which you want to create a common configuration account. Click OK.
4. A user name and password for security configuration access to each system is requested. Enter the values and
click OK. If the same values can be used for all systems enter those values, select Use above credentials for all
remaining, selected IPOs. If each system requires a different security user names and password, deselect Use
above credentials for all remaining, selected IPOs.
5. The systems will be listed and whether they already have an SCN_Admin account is shown.
6. To create the SCN_Admin account on each system and set the password for those account click on Create
Service User.
7. Enter the common password and click OK.
8. The password can be changed in future using the Change Password option.
9. Click Close.
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Small Community Networking: SCN Management
12.5.3 Loading an SCN Configuration
If IP Office Manager is configured with SCN Discovery enabled, the Select IP Office menu will display any SCNs it
1. With no configuration loaded, click on or select File | Open Configuration.
2. The Select IP Office menu is displayed. Any systems in a Small Community Network will be grouped together.
3. To load the configuration of all the systems in the network, click the check box next to the network name and then
click OK.
If a warning icon is displayed next to the SCN check box, it indicates that not all the systems known to be
in the Small Community Network were discovered. Hovering the cursor over the icon will display details of the
missing systems. Loading the network configuration at this time would not include the configuration of the
missing system or systems. The missing systems:
May be disconnected
The discovery settings for the IP Office Manager PC may be incorrect.
The data routing between the IP Office Manager PC and the missing systems may be incorrect or
4. Enter the name and password for configuration access to each system. If the systems all have a common user
name and password (see Common Administrator Access below), select Use above credentials for all
remaining selected IPOs. Click OK.
5. IP Office Manager will load and display the combined configurations in Small Community Network Management
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12.5.4 Editing an SCN Configuration
When the configuration of a Small Community Network is loaded, IP Office Manager displays the configuration in a
different way from when the configuration of a single system is loaded. The main differences are in how configuration
records are grouped in the configuration tree.
Clicking on the Small Community Network icon displays the Network Viewer which shows the lines
between the systems in the Small Community Network.
Small Community Network Configuration Records
Certain records from each of the systems in the Small Community Network are grouped together in the
configuration tree differently from when just a single system configuration is loaded. There are two types, unique
Small Community Network records and shared Small Community Network records:
Unique Records
They can be edited here and the system to which they belong is indicated in the group pane and in the title
bar of the details pane. However, to add or delete these types of record must be done within the configuration
records of the particular system that will host the entry's configuration details.
All user in the Small Community Network are shown under the User icon.
All hunt groups in the Small Community Network are shown under the Hunt Group icon.
Shared Records
Shared records are configuration items that exist on all systems in the Small Community Network, having the
same name and settings on each system. Editing the shared record updates the matching copy in the
configuration of each system. Similarly, adding or deleting a shared record adds or deletes from the individual
system configurations. If the copy of the shared record within an individual configuration is edited, it is no
longer a shared record for the Small Community Network though the individual records on other system will
remain. Changing the individual records back to matching will turn the records back into a shared record.
Shared time profiles are shown under the Time Profile icon.
Shared user rights are shown under the User Rights icon.
Individual System Configurations
The full configuration for each system in the Small Community Network can be accessed and edited as required. It
is possible to copy and paste configuration records between systems using the configuration tree.
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Saving Changes
When the save icon or File | Save Configuration is selected, the menu for multiple configuration saves is displayed.
It provides similar options are for a normal single configuration save. Note that when working in Small Community
NetworkManagement mode, after saving configuration changes the IP Office Manager will always close the displayed
Change Mode
If IP Office Manager thinks the changes made to the configuration settings are mergeable, it will select Merge by
default, otherwise it will select Reboot.
Send the configuration settings without rebooting the system. This mode should only be used with settings
that are mergeable. Refer to Mergeable Settings .
Send the configuration and then immediately reboot the system.
Reboot When Free
Send the configuration and reboot the system when there are no calls in progress. This mode can be
combined with the Call Barring options.
The same as When Free but waits for a specific time after which it then wait for there to be no calls in
progress. The time is specified by the Reboot Time. This mode can be combined with the Call Barring
Reboot Time
This setting is used when the reboot mode Timed is selected. It sets the time for the system reboot. If the time is
after midnight, the system's normal daily backup is canceled.
Call Barring
These settings can be used when the reboot mode Reboot When Free is selected. They bar the sending or
receiving of any new calls.
Error Status
The warning will appear if the configuration being sent contains any validation errors indicated by a icon in the
error pane. The configuration can still be sent if required.
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12.5.5 Using the Network Viewer
Clicking on Small Community Network in the configuration tree displays the Network Viewer. This shows each of the
systems in the Small Community Network and the links between each of the systems. Systems with attached Voicemail
Pro servers are also indicated.
System with Voicemail Pro system.
Small Community Network line between two systems.
Incorrect Small Community Network line between systems (probably one-way connection). Right-click on the line
and select Repair.
You can use the Network Viewer to perform a range of functions:
Arrange the View
Launch System Status
Launch Voicemail Pro
Add a Small Community Network Line
Add a system
Remove a Small Community Network Line
Remove a system from the Small Community Network
Repairing a Small Community Network Line
Add a Background Image
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Arranging the View
You can click and drag items around in order to position them where required. Alternatively if you right click on the view
you can select Auto Arrange.
Note that the position of elements in the network view are stored as part of the system configuration. Therefore changes
to the view will require the configuration to be saved.
Adding a Line Within the Small Community Network
You can use the network viewer to add a Small Community Network link between two systems in the Small Community
Network that are currently linked. This process will add new H.323 Small Community Network line records to the
configurations of each of the systems.
1. Note that adding a line between systems will require those systems to reboot when the changes are saved.
2. Right click on the starting system for the link. Select Connect To and select the name of the other system in the
Small Community Network to which you want to link.
3. Select the type of line, IP Office SCN or IP Office SCN-Fallback. Click OK.
If Small Community Network-Fallback is selected, the actual backup function still need to be configured.
4. The newly added line is displayed in the network viewer.
5. Click OK.
Repairing a Line Within the Small Community Network
A red line in the network viewer indicates a incorrectly configured line between two systems in the Small Community
Network. Typically this will be a line configured in one of the systems but not matched by a line configured in the other
system. The network viewer can be used to correct this error.
1. Note that adding a line between systems will require those systems to reboot when the changes are saved.
2. Right click on the red line and select Repair Line.
3. The line is changed to black.
4. Click OK.
Adding a System to the Small Community Network
You can use the network viewer to add a Small Community Network line to a system not yet in the Small Community
Network. This process will add new H.323 Small Community Network line records to the configurations of each of the
1. Note that adding a line between systems will require those systems to reboot when the changes are saved.
2. Right click on the starting system for the link. Select Connect To and select Discovery.
3. The Select IP Office menu will display any discoverable systems not already in the Small Community Network.
If the discovery includes systems already in another Small Community Network it will not indicate such. If you
want to add such a system in order to join the SCNs you can do so. However after adding the system, you
should immediately save the configuration and reload the Small Community Network.
4. Select the required system and click OK.
5. Enter the name and password for configuration access to the selected system and click OK.
6. The newly added system is displayed in the network viewer.
7. Click OK. The configuration of the newly added system is now included in the configuration tree.
8. If the Error List is visible (View | Error Pane), check that none of the error are Small Community Network
specific errors, for example duplicate names or extension numbers.
Removing a Small Community Network Line
You can use the network viewer to remove the Small Community Network lines between two systems in the Small
Community Network.
1. Note that removing a link between systems will require those systems to reboot when the changes are saved.
2. Right click on the link and select Delete Line.
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3. The line is removed from the network viewer.
4. Click OK.
Removing a System
You can use the network viewer to remove a system from the Small Community Network.
1. Note that removing a system will require previous linked systems to reboot when the changes are saved.
2. Right click on the system and select Remove From Small Community Network.
3. Any lines to other system in the Small Community Network are removed.
4. Click OK.
Start System Status
If the System Status Application is also installed on the IP Office Manager PC, you can start it for a particular system.
1. Right click on the system and select System Status.
2. The application is started and the login form pre filled with the IP address of the system.
Start Voicemail Pro
If the Voicemail Pro client is also installed on the IP Office Manager PC, you can start it for the any system with an
associated Voicemail Pro server.
1. Right click on the voicemail server icon and select Launch VMPro Client.
Add a Background Image
You can select an image file to be displayed in the background of the Network Viewer display. This file is not saved as
part of the configuration in any way, ie. if the image file is moved or deleted it is not longer used by IP Office Manager.
1. Right click on the general background area of the network viewer and select Background Image.
2. Select Set Background Image to browse to the location of the file to be used.
3. The Visible option can be used to switch the display of the background image on or off.
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12.5.6 System Inventory
When working in Small Community Network Management mode, clicking on the System icon for a particular system
displays a system inventory page for that system.
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12.6 SCN Remote Hotdesking
Release 4.0+: The system supports hot desking between systems within a network. For pre-Release 5 systems, this
feature requires the systems to have Advanced Small Community Networking licenses.
In the descriptions below, the system on which the user is configured is termed their 'home' system, all other systems
are 'remote' systems.
When a user logs in to a remote system:
The user's incoming calls are rerouted to that system.
The user's outgoing calls uses the settings of the remote system.
The user's license privileges move with them, for example their user profile setting is retained. The host system
does not need to be licensed for the user.
The user's own settings are transferred. However, some settings may become unusable or may operate
User rights are not transferred to the remote system but the name of any user rights associated with the user
are transferred. If user rights with the same name exist on the remote system, then they will be used. The
same applies for user rights applied by time profiles, if time profiles with the same name exist on the remote
system .
Appearance buttons configured for users on the home system will no longer operate.
Various other settings may either no longer work or may work differently depending on the configuration of
the remote system at which the user has logged in. For example: For T3 phones, the personal directory is not
transferred with the user.
Release 6.0+: The rights granted to the user by their Profile settings are retained by the user. There is no
requirement for the remote system to have the appropriate licenses for the Profile.
If the user's home system is disconnected while the user is remotely hot desked, the user will remain remotely hot
desked. They can remain in that state unless the current host system is restarted. They retain their license
privileges as if they were on their home system. Note however that when the user's home system is reconnected,
the user may be automatically logged back onto that system.
Break Out Dialing
In some scenarios a hot desking user logged in at a remote system will want to dial a number using the system
short codes of another system. This can be done using either short codes with the Break Out feature or a
programmable button set to Break Out. This feature can be used by any user within the multi-site network but is
of most use to remote hot deskers.
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12.7 SCN Fallback
Release 5.0+: Each system in the Small Community Network can include one H.323 line where the Supplementary
Services is set to IP Office SCN - Fallback rather than IP Office SCN. The system to which the H.323 line connects is
then requested to provide fallback support for selected options for the local system.
Note that both ends of the SCN trunk connection must be set to fallback.
On the system requesting backup, the required SCN Backup Options are selected, indicating that it is
requesting backup. A single system can only request backup from one other system.
A system providing backup can provide backup for up to 7 other systems.
Fallback handover takes approximately 3 minutes. This ensure that fallback is not invoked when it is not required,
for example when the local system is simply being rebooted to complete a non-mergeable configuration change.
Fallback is only intended to provide basic call functionality while the cause of fallback occurring is investigated and
resolved. If users make changes to their settings while in fallback, for example changing their DND mode, those
changes will not apply after fallback.
If the fallback system is rebooted while it is providing fallback services, the fallback services are lost.
Fallback features require that the IP devices local to each system are still able to route data to the fallback system
when the local system is not available. This will typically require each system site to be using a separate data
router from the system.
When an IP Phone re-registers to a secondary IP Office on the failure of the primary control unit, the second
system will allow it to operate indefinitely as a guest, but only until the system resets. Licenses will never be
consumed for a guest IP phone.
Remote hot desking users on H323 extensions are automatically logged out.
Note that both ends of the trunk connection must be set to fallback.
If using resilience backup to support Avaya IP phones, Auto-create Extn and Auto-create User should
not be left enabled after initial configuration or any subsequent addition of new extensions and users. Leaving
auto-create options enabled on a system that is a failover target may cause duplicate extension/user records
on the multi-site network under multiple failure scenarios.
Fallback Options
Once a line is set to IP Office SCN - Fallback, the following options are available:
SCN Backup Options: Release 5.0+.
These options are only available on when the Supplementary Services option is set to IP Office - Fallback. The
intention of this feature is to attempt to maintain a minimal level of operation while problems with the local system are
Backs up my IP Phones: Default = On.
This option is used for Avaya 1600, 4600, 5600 and 9600 Series phones registered with the system. When
selected, it will share information about the registered phones and users on those phones with the other system.
If the local system is no longer visible to the phones, the phones will reregister with the other system. The
users who were currently on those phones will appear on the other system as if they had hot desked.
Note that when the local system is restored to the network, the phones will not automatically re-register with
it. A phone reset via either a phone power cycle or using the System Status Application is required.
When phones have registered with the other system, they will show an R on their display.
If using resilience backup to support Avaya IP phones, Auto-create Extn and Auto-create User should
not be left enabled after initial configuration or any subsequent addition of new extensions and users. Leaving
auto-create options enabled on a system that is a failover target may cause duplicate extension/user records
on the multi-site network under multiple failure scenarios.
Backs up my Hunt Groups: Default = On.
When selected, any hunt groups the local system is advertising to the network are advertised from the other
system when fallback is required. The trigger for this occurring is Avaya H.323 phones registered with the local
system registering with the other system, ie. Backs up my IP Phones above must also be enabled. In a IP Office
Server Edition network this option is only available on the H.323 trunk from the IP Office Server Edition Primary
Server to the IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server.
When used, the only hunt group members that will be available are as follows:
If the group was a distributed hunt group, those members who were remote members on other systems
still visible within the network.
Any local members who have hot desked to another system still visible within the network.
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When the local system becomes visible to the other system again, the groups will return to be advertised from
the local system.
Backs up my Voicemail: Default = On.
This option can be used if the local system is hosting the Voicemail Pro server being used by the network. If
selected, when the local system is no longer visible to the voicemail server, the other system will act as host for
the voicemail server. In a IP Office Server Edition network this option is only available on the H.323 trunk from the
IP Office Server Edition Primary Server to the IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server. It is assumed as being on
an is automatically set by the Resilience Administration tool.
This option requires the other system to have licenses for the Voicemail Pro features that are required to
operate during any fallback period.
This option requires Voicemail Pro 5.0+.
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Small Community Networking: SCN Fallback
12.8 SCN Short Code Programming
In a multi-site network, the systems automatically learn each others extension numbers and route calls appropriately.
However the same does not apply to dialing of other numbers. Using short codes it is possible to have the dialing of
numbers on one system to be redirected to another system and dialed there. The dialing is then matched against the
short codes available on the remote system.
We want a short code on System A which will correctly route any 3000 range number to System B. This will allow System
B group numbers to be dialed from System A. To achieve the above scenario, we will add a new system short code. By
using a system short code it becomes available to all users.
Example Short Code
1. In the configuration for System A.
a. Click Short code to display a list of existing system short codes.
b. Right-click on the displayed list and select New.
c. Enter the short code settings as follows:
Short Code: 3XXX
This will match any four-digit number beginning with 3.
Telephone Number: .
The . indicates that the short code should output the digits as dialed.
Line Group ID: 99999
This should match the Outgoing Group ID given to the system H.323 IP line connected to System B.
Feature: Dial
d. Click OK.
2. A similar system short code can be added to System B's configuration to route 2XXX dialing to System A.
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Chapter 13.
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13. Licenses
Note that this section covers just the licensing for Release 8.1 systems.
The license keys are unique 32-character codes based on the feature being activated and the serial number of the
Feature Key dongle being used by the system.
For the following control units, the feature key dongle is a item or hardware attached to the control unit. Its serial
number is shown in the Dongle Serial Number field (System | System ) in the configuration:
For IP406 V2 and IP412 systems, the Feature Key dongle takes the form of a device attached to the serial port of
the control unit. This key is only required if licensed features are needed. The serial number is printed on the
feature key dongle and prefixed with SN (FK for IP500 V2 SD card dongles).
For IP500 and IP500 V2 systems, the Feature Key dongle takes the form of a card (smart media or SD card
respectively) inserted into the control unit. The card is a mandatory item for these systems even if they use no
licensed features. The serial number is printed on the feature key dongle and prefixed with SN (FK for IP500 V2
SD card dongles).
For Linux based systems, including IP Office Server Edition, the System Identification value of the system is used. The
System Identification value (System | System ) is a 'fingerprint' value generated from the server hardware (the
server and the server hard disk). This means that licenses are tied to a particular system and cannot be used on another
Example 1: Enabling Features
In the example above, the system has a valid Power User Profile license. In this case the license is for 20
instances. That means that up to 20 users can have their Profile set to Power User. This allows them to be
configured for a range of features not available to other users.
Example 2: Enabling Applications and Features
In the example above the system also has a Preferred Edition (Voicemail Pro) license. This licenses enables a
range of features including support for the Voicemail Pro application and 4 ports between the system and the
voicemail server. Additional ports have also been added using an Preferred Edition Additional Voicemail Ports
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When a license key is entered into the system configuration, the following information is shown.
License Key
This is the license key string supplied. It is a unique value based on the feature being licensed and the either the
system's Dongle Serial Number or System Identification depending on the type of system (System | System
License Type
If the license key is recognized, its function is listed here. Invalid indicates that the License Key value was not
License Status
For information only. This field indicates the current validation status of the license key.
This status is shown for licenses that have just been added to the configuration shown in IP Office Manager.
Once the configuration has been sent back to the system and then reloaded, the status will change to one of
those below.
The license has is valid.
The license was not recognized. It did not match the Dongle Serial Number or the System Identification
number of the system.
The license is valid but is conditional on some other pre-requisite licenses.
The license is valid but is one no longer used by the level of software running on the system.
For information only. Some licenses enable a number of port, channels or users. When that is the case, the
number of such is indicated here. Multiple licenses for the same feature are usually cumulative.
Expiry Date
For information only. Licenses can be set to expire within a set period from their issue. The expiry date is shown
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13.1 System Edition Licenses
These license are used to set what range of features the IP Office system supports.
This section covers license usage by IP Office Essential Edition, IP Office Preferred Edition and IP Office Advanced Edition
systems. For details of those licenses supported by IP Office Server Edition mode see IP Office Server Edition Licenses
Essential Edition : IPO R8+ ESSNTL EDITION+ LIC - 267786.
For Release 8.0 and higher, this license is required for IP500 V2 systems to run in IP Office Essential Edition mode.
It is therefore a pre-requisite for Preferred Edition and Advanced Edition licenses on those systems. This
license is not required for systems running IP Office Basic Edition - PARTNER Mode, IP Office Basic Edition -
Norstar Mode or IP Office Basic Edition - Quick Mode.
For systems upgraded to 8.0 during the 90-day entitlement period applied to new systems, a Virtual
Essential Edition license is automatically added to the system configuration.
For systems upgraded to 8.0 outside the 90-day period above, a Virtual Essential Edition license is
automatically generated by the presence of an appropriate Upgrade License 5.
Essential Edition Additional Voicemail Ports : IPO LIC R6 ESSNTL EDDITION ADD 2 - 229423.
For IP500 V2 only. Unlicensed, the embedded Voicemail Provided by the system supports 2 simultaneous
connections and 15 hours of storage. This can be expanded up to 6 channels by the addition of licenses, each
of which enables an additional two channels. For Release 7.0+ each license also enables an additional 5 hours
of storage.
Preferred Edition (Voicemail Pro) : IP400 LIC PREFRD (VMPRO) - 171991.
This license enables support for Voicemail Pro as the IP Office's voicemail server with 4 voicemail ports. The
Preferred Edition license allows the voicemail server to provide the services listed below. For Release8.0 and
higher, an Essential Edition license is a pre-requisite for this license on IP500 V2 systems.
Mailboxes for all users and hunt groups.
Announcements for users and hunt
Customizable call flows.
Call recording to mailboxes.
TTS email reading for users licensed to Mobile Worker or
Power User profiles.
Use of Conference Meet Me functions on IP500 and IP500 V2
1. For Release 8.0 and higher, a Preferred Edition system license is a pre-requisite for any user profile
For system's upgrade to Release 8.0, user profiles licenses are valid without the need for a
Preferred Edition license. This applies to systems upgraded within the 90-day free upgrade period
for new systems or upgraded with an System Upgrade License.
In a multi-site network, the Preferred Edition license of the central system is automatically shared
with other systems in the network, enabling user profile licenses on those other systems. However,
each system supporting a Voicemail Pro server still requires its own Preferred Edition license for
Voicemail Pro operation.
2. For a IP500 V2 system fitted with an Unified Communications Module, the presence of the card acts as an
automatic Preferred Edition license.
Advanced Edition
This license enables the additional features listed below. A Preferred Edition license is a pre-requisite for this
license. For Release 8.0 and higher, an Essential Edition license is also a pre-requisite for this license on IP500
V2 systems.
Support for Customer Call Reporter including 1
Voicemail Pro database interaction (IVR).
Voicemail Pro call flow generic TTS (8 ports).
Voicemail Pro Visual Basic Scripting.
Voicemail Pro call recording to ContactStore.
1. Only supported on Windows based Voicemail Pro servers.
2. Provides up to 8 ports of generic TTS for use with Speak Text actions within Voicemail Pro call flows. Not
used for user TTS email reading. Not supported for Linux based voicemail servers.
3. Note: In a multi-site network using centralized voicemail, this license only enables ContactStore support
for the central IP Office. Remote IP Offices in the network require their own Advanced Edition license or a
VMPro Recordings Administrator license.
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13.2 Upgrade Licenses
Existing IP Office systems being upgraded to Release 6.0 or higher may require a software upgrade license.
This section covers license usage by IP Office Essential Edition, IP Office Preferred Edition and IP Office Advanced Edition
systems. For details of those licenses supported by IP Office Server Edition mode see IP Office Server Edition Licenses
New IP500 V2 Systems
For the first 90 days, a new IP500 V2 control unit can run any IP Office Release supported on IP500 V2 systems
without requiring an upgrade license. The highest level run is written into the control unit's memory (not the SD
card) and becomes a permanent entitlement for the control unit. After 90 days, the IP500 V2 may require an
upgrade license if upgraded to a software release higher than any that it has run during the initial 90 day period.
! Warning
Systems upgraded without the appropriate license will display "No license available" and will not allow any
telephony functions.
Software Upgrade
Existing IP Office systems being upgraded to IP Office Release 6.0 or higher require an upgrade license. This
applies to all IP Office system modes, for example IP Office standard mode, IP Office Essential Edition, IP Office
Basic Edition - Quick Mode, IP Office Basic Edition - Norstar Mode and IP Office Basic Edition - PARTNER Mode.
IP Office Basic Edition - Quick Mode, IP Office Basic Edition - Norstar Mode and IP Office Basic Edition -
PARTNER Mode systems are automatically configured with either 48 or 100 users and so cannot use a
Small System Upgrade License.
IP Office Essential Edition systems being upgraded to IP Office Release 8.0 or higher also require a
Essential Edition system license in order to operate. This license is automatically added to the
system configuration the addition of the upgrade license.
Small System Upgrade License: IPO LIC UPG R8.1 SML - 270680.
This license can be used to upgrade systems with up to 32 users and no external expansion modules.
Large System Upgrade License: IPO LIC UPG R8.1 LARGE - 270399.
This license can be used to upgrade system with more than 32 users or with external expansion modules.
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Licenses: Upgrade Licenses
13.3 Trunk Licensing
This section covers license usage by IP Office Essential Edition, IP Office Preferred Edition and IP Office Advanced Edition
systems. For details of those licenses supported by IP Office Server Edition mode see IP Office Server Edition Licenses
SIP Trunk Channels
These licenses are used to configure the maximum number of simultaneous SIP trunk calls supported. For IP
Office Server Edition these licenses are entered into the IP Office Server Edition Primary Server configuration.
IPO LIC SIP TRNK RFA 1 - 202967.
IPO LIC SIP TRNK RFA 5 - 202968.
IPO LIC SIP TRNK RFA 10 - 202969.
IPO LIC SIP TRNK RFA 20 - 202970.
IP500 Universal PRI (Additional channels)
These licenses are used to enable additional B-channels above the basic 8 supported by any IP500 PRI-U card. The
IP500 PRI-U card supports E1, T1 and E1-R2 PRI modes. The system supports 8 unlicensed B-channels on each
IP500 PRI-U port fitted. Additional B-channels, up to the capacity of ports installed and PRI mode selected require
licenses. These additional channels consume the licenses based on which additional channels are configured as in-
service from port 9 of slot 1 upwards. D-channels are not affected by licensing. For IP Office Server Edition these
licenses are entered into the configuration of the IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) system hosting
the IP500 PRI-U card.
IP500 T1 CHANNELS ADD 2CH - 215180.
IP500 T1 CHANNELS ADD 8CH - 215181.
IP500 T1 CHANNELS ADD 32CH - 215182.
IP500 E1 CHANNELS ADD 2CH - 215183.
IP500 E1 CHANNELS ADD 8CH - 215184.
IP500 E1 CHANNELS ADD 22CH - 215185.
IP500 E1R2 CHANNELS ADD 2CH - 215186.
IP500 E1R2 CHANNELS ADD 8CH - 215187.
IP500 E1R2 CHANNELS ADD 22CH - 215188.
IP500 Voice Networking
These licenses are used with the IP500 and IP500 V2 systems to enable support for multi-site network, QSIG and
H.323 IP trunks. For Release 5.0+, the additional ports license can be used without requiring a base license first.
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13.4 Telephone/Endpoint Licenses
The use of H.323 and SIP phones with Release 6.0 and higher is controlled by the following licenses. Different licenses
are used for Avaya IP phones, non-Avaya phones (including non-Avaya softphones) and Avaya softphones. For details of
the Phone Manager Pro PC SoftPhone refer to the Other Licenses section .
This section covers license usage by IP Office Essential Edition, IP Office Preferred Edition and IP Office Advanced Edition
systems. For details of those licenses supported by IP Office Server Edition mode see IP Office Server Edition Licenses
Avaya IP Endpoints License
These licenses are used to license additional Avaya IP phones on IP500 and IP500 V2 systems. This includes all
1600, 4600, 5600, 9600, IP DECT, DECT R4, T3 IP, Spectralink and VPN phones.
IPO LIC R6 AV IP ENDPOINT 20 - 229447.
By default licenses are consumed by each Avaya IP phone that registers with the system in the order that
they register. The license is released if the phone unregisters. However, it is possible to reserve a license for
particular phones in order to ensure that those phones always obtain a license first if available. This is done
through the Reserve Avaya IP Endpoint License setting of each IP extension.
! Warning
Avaya IP phones without a license will still be able to register but will be limited to making emergency calls
only (Dial Emergency short code calls). The associated user will be treated as if logged off and the phone will
display "No license available" and "Emergency Calls Only". If a license becomes available, it will be assigned to
any unlicensed DECT handsets first and then to any other unlicensed Avaya IP phone in the order that the
phones registered.
For existing IP500 systems upgraded to Release 6.0 or higher, existing VCM channels and IP500 VCM
Channels license are treated as follows:
For each IP400 VCM card installed in the system, each VCM channel supported by the card allows support
for 3 Avaya IP phones.
For each IP500 VCM 32 and IP500 VCM 64 card installed in the system, the 4 unlicensed VCM channels
previously provided by each card are converted to allow unlicensed support of 12 Avaya IP phones. This
does not apply for IP500 VCM 32 V2 and IP500 VCM 64 V2 cards and IP500 Combination cards.
For each legacy IP500 VCM Channels license, the license are converted Channel Migration licenses
supporting 3 Avaya IP phones. See the Channel Migration license below.
The number of channels provided by an IP500 VCM 32 or IP500 VCM 64 card, up to a maximum of 32 or 64
respectively, depends on the actual codecs being used. See Codecs .
3rd Party IP Endpoints License
These licenses are used for support of non-Avaya IP phones including SIP extensions. The available license are
used in order of phone registration. If no licenses are available the phone will not be able to register. Available
licenses can reserved for a particular phone using the Reserve 3rd Party IP Endpoint License setting in the
each IP extension. This license was previously called the IP End-points license.
IP400 IP ENDPOINTS RFA 1 LIC - 174956.
IP400 IP ENDPOINTS RFA 5 LIC - 174957.
IP400 IP ENDPOINTS RFA 20 LIC - 174959.
Legacy Endpoint Licenses
Channel Migration
These licenses were previously called IP500 VCM Channels. In pre-Release 6.0 systems, these license were used
to enable additional VCM channels on IP500 VCM 32 and IP500 VCM 64 cards. For Release 6.0 these license are no
longer required. Any present in the configuration of systems upgraded to Release 6.0 are renamed Channel
Migration. Each Channel Migration license instance enables support for 3 Avaya IP phones.
IPO LIC IP500 VCM LIC 4 CH LIC - 202961.
IPO LIC IP500 VCM LIC 8 CH LIC - 202962.
IPO LIC IP500 VCM LIC 16 CH LIC - 202963.
IPO LIC IP500 VCM LIC 28 CH LIC - 202964.
IPO LIC IP500 VCM LIC 60 CH LIC - 202965.
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Licenses: Telephone/Endpoint Licenses
13.5 User Licenses
The features available to a basic user can be enhanced by the addition of 'User Profile' licenses. Once these licenses are
present in the system configuration, the profiles can be applied to selected users through the User | User | Profile
setting in the system configuration.
This section covers license usage by IP Office Essential Edition, IP Office Preferred Edition and IP Office Advanced Edition
systems. For details of those licenses supported by IP Office Server Edition mode see IP Office Server Edition Licenses
System Type IP Office Essential Edition, IP Office Preferred
Edition, IP Office Advanced Edition
IP Office Server Edition
User Profile
one-X Portal Services Yes
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
" Telecommuter
Yes Yes Yes
UMS Web Services Yes
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Mobility Features
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
TTS for Email Reading Yes Yes Yes
IP Office SoftPhone Yes Yes Yes
Remote Worker
Yes Yes Yes
Flare Communicator
for IP Office
Yes Yes Yes Yes
* These features are supported for Basic User users on upgraded systems with the appropriate pre-
Release 6.0 legacy licenses.
1. For Release 8.0 and higher, a Preferred Edition system license is a pre-requisite for any user profile
For system's upgrade to Release 8.0, user profiles licenses are valid without the need for a
Preferred Edition license. This applies to systems upgraded within the 90-day free upgrade period
for new systems or upgraded with an System Upgrade License.
In a multi-site network, the Preferred Edition license of the central system is automatically shared
with other systems in the network, enabling user profile licenses on those other systems. However,
each system supporting a Voicemail Pro server still requires its own Preferred Edition license for
Voicemail Pro operation.
2. For Release 8.0, the mobility features are enabled for all users by the Essential Edition system license.
3. Release 8.0+: The system supports users using remote H.323 extensions . On non-IP Office Server
Edition systems, up to 4 Basic users are supported as remote extensions without needing to be licensed,
ie. not configured and licensed for a user profile. Additional remote users are supported if licensed and
configured for either a Teleworker or Power User user profile. On IP Office Server Edition systems,
remote workers are supported for users licensed and configured for the Power User user profile.
4. Supported for advanced Flare Communicator for IP Office usage if one-X Portal for IP Office and Voicemail
Pro applications are also installed. If otherwise, only basic Flare Communicator for IP Office usage is
supported. Basic Flare Communicator for IP Office usage can also be enabled for any user profile using a
Avaya Softphone license.
Teleworker Profile License
These licenses set the number of users who can have their profile set as Teleworker. For user with this optional,
additional settings are enabled in the configuration for the following services: one-X Portal Services, one-X
Telecommuter, SoftPhone and UMS Web Services. For Release 8.0 and higher, a Preferred Edition system
license is a pre-requisite.
IPO LIC R6 TELEWORKER 20 - 229432.
Mobile Worker Profile License
These licenses set the number of users who can have their profile set as Mobile Worker. For user with this
optional, additional settings are enabled in the configuration for the following services: Mobility Features and
TTS for Email Reading. For Release 8.0 and higher, all mobility features are enabled for all users by the
Essential Edition license.
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Office Worker Profile License
These licenses set the number of users who can have their profile set as Office Worker. If no Office Worker
Profile licenses are present, existing legacy Phone Manager Pro (per seat) licenses can be used to enable
users for the Office Worker profile. For Release 8.0 and higher, on non-IP Office Server Edition systems, a
Preferred Edition system license is a pre-requisite.
IPO LIC R6 OFF WORKER RFA 20 - 229440.
Power User Profile License
These licenses set the number of users who can have their profile set as Power User. For Release 8.0 and
higher, on non-IP Office Server Edition systems, a Preferred Edition system license is a pre-requisite.
IPO LIC R6 PWR USER 1 - 229426.
IPO LIC R6 PWR USER 5 - 229427.
IPO LIC R6 PWR USER 20 - 229428.
User Profile Upgrade Licenses
These licenses are supported for Release 8.0 and higher. They can be used to upgrade existing user profile
licenses. For Release 8.0 and higher, a Preferred Edition system license is a pre-requisite.
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Licenses: User Licenses
Other User Licenses
In addition to the user profile licenses above, the following individual user licenses are available:
Receptionist: IPO LIC RECEPTIONIST RFA - 171987.
This license is used to enable support for the IP Office SoftConsole application. This license can only be used by
users set to Receptionist in the IP Office configuration. A maximum of 4 receptionist are supported, 10 for IP
Office Server Edition mode. Instances of this license are only consumed while a user is using the application.
For IP Office Server Edition mode, the licenses for SoftConsole are only supported in the configuration of the
IP Office Server Edition Primary Server and with users hosted by that server. The use of SoftConsole is not
supported for user's who then hot-desk to other systems in the multi-site network.
For Release 6.0 and 6.1, an instance of this license is consumed by each user configured as a Receptionist.
If the user hot desks to another system in a multi-site network, their license entitlement is retained, ie. the
remote system does not require a Receptionist license.
For Release 7.0+, instances of this license are only consumed when the user is using the application. If the
user hot desks to another IP Office system in a multi-site network, that system requires an available license in
its configuration.
Avaya Softphone
This license can be used to enable support for basic Flare Communicator for IP Office usage on IP500 V2 systems
when either one-X Portal for IP Office or Voicemail Pro is not available. The license can be used with any user
profile including Basic User.
CCR User Agent
See IP Office Customer Call Reporter licenses .
Legacy User Licenses
The following licenses are no longer available from Avaya but are still supported for systems upgraded to Release 6.0 or
Mobility Features
These legacy licenses were used to enable mobility features, for example mobile twinning or mobile call control,
for users set to the Basic User profile. For Release 8.0 and higher, the mobile twinning mobility feature is
automatically enabled for all users.
one-X Portal for IP Office
These legacy licenses were used to enable one-X Portal for IP Office support for users set to the Basic User
profile. The licenses were purchased as part of the Release 5 Power User license packages.
UMS Web Services
These licenses are used to allow UMS voicemail services for hunt groups. For non-IP Office Server Edition systems
these licenses can also be used to enable UMS voicemail services support for users set to the Basic User profile.
Other users are enabled for UMS through their licensed user profile. These licenses are also used to license hunt
groups for UMS voicemail services.
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13.6 Voicemail Pro Licenses
This section covers license usage by IP Office Essential Edition, IP Office Preferred Edition and IP Office Advanced Edition
systems. For details of those licenses supported by IP Office Server Edition mode see IP Office Server Edition Licenses
For Release 6.0 and higher, support for Voicemail Pro is enable by the addition of the following licenses.
Essential Edition : IPO R8+ ESSNTL EDITION+ LIC - 267786.
For Release 8.0 and higher, this license is required for IP500 V2 systems to run in IP Office Essential Edition mode.
It is therefore a pre-requisite for Preferred Edition and Advanced Edition licenses on those systems. This
license is not required for systems running IP Office Basic Edition - PARTNER Mode, IP Office Basic Edition -
Norstar Mode or IP Office Basic Edition - Quick Mode.
For systems upgraded to 8.0 during the 90-day entitlement period applied to new systems, a Virtual
Essential Edition license is automatically added to the system configuration.
For systems upgraded to 8.0 outside the 90-day period above, a Virtual Essential Edition license is
automatically generated by the presence of an appropriate Upgrade License 5.
Preferred Edition (Voicemail Pro) : IP400 LIC PREFRD (VMPRO) - 171991.
This license enables support for Voicemail Pro as the IP Office's voicemail server with 4 voicemail ports. The
Preferred Edition license allows the voicemail server to provide the services listed below. For Release8.0 and
higher, an Essential Edition license is a pre-requisite for this license on IP500 V2 systems.
Mailboxes for all users and hunt groups.
Announcements for users and hunt
Customizable call flows.
Call recording to mailboxes.
TTS email reading for users licensed to Mobile Worker or
Power User profiles.
Use of Conference Meet Me functions on IP500 and IP500 V2
1. For Release 8.0 and higher, a Preferred Edition system license is a pre-requisite for any user profile
For system's upgrade to Release 8.0, user profiles licenses are valid without the need for a
Preferred Edition license. This applies to systems upgraded within the 90-day free upgrade period
for new systems or upgraded with an System Upgrade License.
In a multi-site network, the Preferred Edition license of the central system is automatically shared
with other systems in the network, enabling user profile licenses on those other systems. However,
each system supporting a Voicemail Pro server still requires its own Preferred Edition license for
Voicemail Pro operation.
2. For a IP500 V2 system fitted with an Unified Communications Module, the presence of the card acts as an
automatic Preferred Edition license.
Advanced Edition
This license enables the additional features listed below. A Preferred Edition license is a pre-requisite for this
license. For Release 8.0 and higher, an Essential Edition license is also a pre-requisite for this license on IP500
V2 systems.
Support for Customer Call Reporter including 1
Voicemail Pro database interaction (IVR).
Voicemail Pro call flow generic TTS (8 ports).
Voicemail Pro Visual Basic Scripting.
Voicemail Pro call recording to ContactStore.
1. Only supported on Windows based Voicemail Pro servers.
2. Provides up to 8 ports of generic TTS for use with Speak Text actions within Voicemail Pro call flows. Not
used for user TTS email reading. Not supported for Linux based voicemail servers.
3. Note: In a multi-site network using centralized voicemail, this license only enables ContactStore support
for the central IP Office. Remote IP Offices in the network require their own Advanced Edition license or a
VMPro Recordings Administrator license.
Preferred Edition Additional Voicemail Ports
By default the Voicemail Pro supports 4 voicemail ports. Additional ports can be enabled using these licenses, up
to the maximum capacity of 40.
IPO LIC VM PRO RFA 2 LIC - 174459.
IPO LIC VM PRO RFA 4 LIC - 174460.
IPO LIC VM PRO RFA 8 LIC - 174461.
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Licenses: Voicemail Pro Licenses
IPO LIC VM PRO RFA 16 LIC - 174462.
VMPro Recordings Administrators: IPO LIC CONTACTSTORE RFA LIC - 187166.
To support ContactStore in a multi-site network, IP Offices other than the central IP Office require either their own
Advanced Edition license or this license.
VMPro Networked Messaging: IPO LIC NTWKD MSGING RFA LIC - 182297.
Enables the VPNM (Voicemail Pro Networked Messaging) functionality within Voicemail Pro. Enabling VPNM is
required for message exchange with remote Voicemail Pro systems and Avaya Interchange systems.
VMPro TTS (Generic): IP400 3rd PARTY TTS LIC RFA - 182303.
This legacy license enables use of text-to-speech facilities using third-party TTS software with Voicemail Pro. One
license per simultaneous instance of TTS usage. The IP Office Advanced Edition license also enables eight ports
of generic TTS.
VMPro TTS (ScanSoft): IPO LIC AVAYA TTS RFA 1 - 182299.
This legacy license enables use of text-to-speech facilities using Avaya-supplied TTS software with Voicemail Pro
running on a Windows server. One license per simultaneous instance of TTS usage.
VMPro TTS Professional: IPO R8+ TTS PRO RFA 1 LIC - 268844.
This license enables use of all text-to-speech facilities provided by Voicemail Pro running on a Linux server. One
license per simultaneous instance of TTS usage.
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Legacy Voicemail Licenses
The following legacy licenses are still supported by Release 6.0 and higher.
UMS Web Services
These licenses are used to allow UMS voicemail services for hunt groups. For non-IP Office Server Edition systems
these licenses can also be used to enable UMS voicemail services support for users set to the Basic User profile.
Other users are enabled for UMS through their licensed user profile. These licenses are also used to license hunt
groups for UMS voicemail services.
VMPro Database Interface : IP400 3RD PARTY IVR LIC RFA - 182298.
This legacy license enables 3rd party database support within Voicemail Pro call flows. For Release 6.0 this is also
enabled by the Advanced Edition license.
VMPro VB Script : IP400 VB SCRIPTING LIC RFA - 182300.
This legacy license enables Visual Basic Script support with Voicemail Pro. For Release 6.0 this is also enabled by
the Advanced Edition license.
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Licenses: Voicemail Pro Licenses
13.7 Customer Call Reporter Licenses
This section covers license usage by IP Office Essential Edition, IP Office Preferred Edition and IP Office Advanced Edition
systems. For details of those licenses supported by IP Office Server Edition mode see IP Office Server Edition Licenses
Support for the Customer Call Reporter application is enabled by the presence of an Advanced Edition license in the IP
Office configuration. For system being upgraded, Customer Call Reporter can alternately be enabled by a legacy CCR
Sup license or a CCC Supervisor and CCR CCC Upg license.
Essential Edition : IPO R8+ ESSNTL EDITION+ LIC - 267786.
For Release 8.0 and higher, this license is required for IP500 V2 systems to run in IP Office Essential Edition mode.
It is therefore a pre-requisite for Preferred Edition and Advanced Edition licenses on those systems. This
license is not required for systems running IP Office Basic Edition - PARTNER Mode, IP Office Basic Edition -
Norstar Mode or IP Office Basic Edition - Quick Mode.
For systems upgraded to 8.0 during the 90-day entitlement period applied to new systems, a Virtual
Essential Edition license is automatically added to the system configuration.
For systems upgraded to 8.0 outside the 90-day period above, a Virtual Essential Edition license is
automatically generated by the presence of an appropriate Upgrade License 5.
Preferred Edition (Voicemail Pro) : IP400 LIC PREFRD (VMPRO) - 171991.
This license enables support for Voicemail Pro as the IP Office's voicemail server with 4 voicemail ports. The
Preferred Edition license allows the voicemail server to provide the services listed below. For Release8.0 and
higher, an Essential Edition license is a pre-requisite for this license on IP500 V2 systems.
Mailboxes for all users and hunt groups.
Announcements for users and hunt
Customizable call flows.
Call recording to mailboxes.
TTS email reading for users licensed to Mobile Worker or
Power User profiles.
Use of Conference Meet Me functions on IP500 and IP500 V2
1. For Release 8.0 and higher, a Preferred Edition system license is a pre-requisite for any user profile
For system's upgrade to Release 8.0, user profiles licenses are valid without the need for a
Preferred Edition license. This applies to systems upgraded within the 90-day free upgrade period
for new systems or upgraded with an System Upgrade License.
In a multi-site network, the Preferred Edition license of the central system is automatically shared
with other systems in the network, enabling user profile licenses on those other systems. However,
each system supporting a Voicemail Pro server still requires its own Preferred Edition license for
Voicemail Pro operation.
2. For a IP500 V2 system fitted with an Unified Communications Module, the presence of the card acts as an
automatic Preferred Edition license.
Advanced Edition
This license enables the additional features listed below. A Preferred Edition license is a pre-requisite for this
license. For Release 8.0 and higher, an Essential Edition license is also a pre-requisite for this license on IP500
V2 systems.
Support for Customer Call Reporter including 1
Voicemail Pro database interaction (IVR).
Voicemail Pro call flow generic TTS (8 ports).
Voicemail Pro Visual Basic Scripting.
Voicemail Pro call recording to ContactStore.
1. Only supported on Windows based Voicemail Pro servers.
2. Provides up to 8 ports of generic TTS for use with Speak Text actions within Voicemail Pro call flows. Not
used for user TTS email reading. Not supported for Linux based voicemail servers.
3. Note: In a multi-site network using centralized voicemail, this license only enables ContactStore support
for the central IP Office. Remote IP Offices in the network require their own Advanced Edition license or a
VMPro Recordings Administrator license.
Customer Service Agent
These licenses enable the configuration of users as CCR agents. Multiple license can be added for up to the
maximum of 150 agents. A license is consumed for each CCR agent logged in. If no more license are available,
further agents cannot log in. This license was previous called CCR Agent.
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Customer Service Supervisor
This license is used to enable support for CCR supervisor and wallboard accounts. Each license instance enables
both 1 supervisor account and 1 wallboard account. Multiple license can be added for up to 30 supervisors/
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Licenses: Customer Call Reporter Licenses
Legacy CCR Licenses
These legacy licenses were used to enable support for the Customer Call Reporter application and CCR
This license allows legacy CCC application licenses to be used for Customer Call Reporter.
CCC Server - Enables 1 supervisor, 1 wallboard and 5 agents.
CCC Supervisors - Enables the equivalent number of supervisors and wallboards.
CCC Agents - Enables the equivalent number of agents.
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13.8 Trial Licenses
The following trial licenses can be requested. Each is valid for 60 days from the date of issue and can only be issued once
for a particular system Feature Key serial number. Apart from that restriction the trial license works the same as a full
This section covers license usage by IP Office Essential Edition, IP Office Preferred Edition and IP Office Advanced Edition
systems. For details of those licenses supported by IP Office Server Edition mode see IP Office Server Edition Licenses
Essential Edition: IPO R8+ ESSENTIAL EDITION TRIAL LIC - 268842.*
Preferred Edition: IPO LIC PREFERRED (VM PRO) TRIAL RFA LIC:DS - 189782.*
Advanced Edition: IPO LIC R6 ADV EDITION TRIAL LIC:DS - 229425.*
Power User (5 Users): IPO LIC R6 PWR USER 5 TRIAL LIC:CU - 229429.*
Teleworker (5 Users): IPO LIC R6 TELEWORKER 5 TRIAL:CU - 229433.*
Mobile Worker (5 Users): IPO LIC R6 MOBILE WORKER 5 TRIAL CU - 229437.*
Office Worker (5 Users): IPO LIC R6 OFF WORKER 5 TRIAL CU - 229441.*
Customer Service Agent: IPO LIC CUSTMR SVC AGT RFA TRIAL 5 - 227053.*
Customer Service Supervisor: IPO LIC R6 CUSTMR SVC SPV 1 TRIAL - 229443.*
Avaya IP Endpoints (5 Extensions): IPO LIC R6 AVAYA IP ENDPOINT 5 TRIAL - 229449.
Receptionist (1 User): IPO LIC RECEPTIONIST RFA 1 TRIAL LIC:CU - 189783.*
VMPro Networked Messaging: IPO LIC NTWKD MSGING TRIAL RFA LIC:DS - 189776.
VMPro TTS (Linux Voicemail Pro): IPO R8+ TTS RFA 1 TRIAL LIC - 268845.
Audix Voicemail: IPO LIC ACM CENTRAL VM TRIAL LIC:DS - 189786.
IPSec Tunneling: IPO LIC IPSec VPN RFA TRIAL LIC:DS - 189806.
SIP Trunk Channels: IPO LIC SIP TRUNKING TRIAL RFA 5 - 205820.
IP500 Voice Networking: IPO LIC IP500 VCE NTWK ADD 4 TRIAL - 205823.
CTI Link Pro : IPO LIC CTI RFA TRIAL - 263128.
*All new IP500 V2 systems are supplied with the indicated trial licenses.
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Licenses: Trial Licenses
13.9 Other Licenses
This section covers license usage by IP Office Essential Edition, IP Office Preferred Edition and IP Office Advanced Edition
systems. For details of those licenses supported by IP Office Server Edition mode see IP Office Server Edition Licenses
Audix Voicemail : IPO LIC ACM CENTRAL VM - 177467.
Enables the system to use a remote Intuity Audix or Modular Messaging system for voicemail rather than requiring
a local voicemail server.
IPSec Tunneling: IPO LIC IPSEC VPN RFA - 182301.
Enables the system to initiate and terminate IPSec and L2TP tunnels.
CTI Licenses
CTI Link Pro : IPO LIC CTI RFA - 171988
Enables CTI Link Pro functionality required for use of the TAPI Link Pro and DEVLink Pro interfaces.
Wave User : IPO LIC TAPI WAV RFA 4 - 177466
Allows streaming of WAV files, using TAPILink Pro, for 3rd party voice applications. This is a per user license. Note
that TAPI WAV calls use system data channels taken from the same pools as used for voicemail ports. The
maximum number of simultaneous TAPI WAV user calls and voicemail users is determined by the control unit
type; IP406 V2 = 20, IP412 = 30, IP500 = 40, IP500 V2 =40. For IP Office Server Edition the maximum number
of simultaneous TAPI WAV user calls and voicemail users is 40.
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13.10 IP Office Server Edition Licenses
Licenses for a IP Office Server Edition network are based on a combination of centralized licensing done through the IP
Office Server Edition Primary Server plus some server specific licenses.
Centralized licenses are entered into the configuration of the IP Office Server Edition Primary Server and are based
on the System Identification of that server.
Where a centralized license is are used to enabled features on other systems, for example SIP trnk channels,
the IP Office Server Edition Primary Server only allocates those licenses to other systems after it has meet its
own license needs.
When another system loses connection to the IP Office Server Edition Primary Server, any license
requirements based on those licenses entered in the IP Office Server Edition Primary Server's configuration
are supported for a grace period of 15 days provided the system is not restarted.
Other server specific licenses are entered into the configuration of the server requiring the feature are are based
on the System Identification or Dongle Serial Number of that system.
License Centralized
(IP Office Server
Edition Primary
Server Specific
IP Office Server Edition
Avaya IP Endpoints
3rd Party IP Endpoints
SIP Trunk Channels
IP500 Universal PRI Channels
Additional Voicemail Ports
UMS Web Services
Office Worker
Power User
CTI Link Pro
WAV User
IPSec Tunneling
System License
IP Office Server Edition: IPO R8.1+ SERVER EDITION LIC - 270397.
One license is required for the IP Office Server Edition Primary Server, the IP Office Server Edition Secondary
Server and for each IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L) and IP Office Server Edition Expansion System
(V2). These licenses are entered into the configuration of the IP Office Server Edition Primary Server.
The license enables support for the Voicemail Pro application on the IP Office Server Edition Primary Server
and IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server servers, with default support for 4 voicemail channels. For each
additional IP Office Server Edition system licensed, 2 additional voicemail ports are enabled on the IP Office
Server Edition Primary Server's voicemail server.
The license acts as the equivalent of an Essential Edition and Preferred Edition license for the system it
The license enables voice networking between systems in the IP Office Server Edition network.
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Licenses: IP Office Server Edition Licenses
Trunk Licenses
These licenses are user to enable external trunks. These licenses are entered into the configuration of the server hosting
those trunks and so must be based on the System Identification or Dongle Serial Number of that server. Internal
trunk connections between servers in the multi-site network do not require any licenses.
SIP Trunk Channels
These licenses are used to configure the maximum number of simultaneous SIP trunk calls supported. For IP
Office Server Edition these licenses are entered into the IP Office Server Edition Primary Server configuration.
IPO LIC SIP TRNK RFA 1 - 202967.
IPO LIC SIP TRNK RFA 5 - 202968.
IPO LIC SIP TRNK RFA 10 - 202969.
IPO LIC SIP TRNK RFA 20 - 202970.
IP500 Universal PRI (Additional channels)
These licenses are used to enable additional B-channels above the basic 8 supported by any IP500 PRI-U card. The
IP500 PRI-U card supports E1, T1 and E1-R2 PRI modes. The system supports 8 unlicensed B-channels on each
IP500 PRI-U port fitted. Additional B-channels, up to the capacity of ports installed and PRI mode selected require
licenses. These additional channels consume the licenses based on which additional channels are configured as in-
service from port 9 of slot 1 upwards. D-channels are not affected by licensing. For IP Office Server Edition these
licenses are entered into the configuration of the IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2) system hosting
the IP500 PRI-U card.
IP500 T1 CHANNELS ADD 2CH - 215180.
IP500 T1 CHANNELS ADD 8CH - 215181.
IP500 T1 CHANNELS ADD 32CH - 215182.
IP500 E1 CHANNELS ADD 2CH - 215183.
IP500 E1 CHANNELS ADD 8CH - 215184.
IP500 E1 CHANNELS ADD 22CH - 215185.
IP500 E1R2 CHANNELS ADD 2CH - 215186.
IP500 E1R2 CHANNELS ADD 8CH - 215187.
IP500 E1R2 CHANNELS ADD 22CH - 215188.
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Telephone Licenses
These licenses are used to enable support for IP telephones (H.323 and SIP). The licenses are entered into the
configuration of the IP Office Server Edition Primary Server and are based on its System Identification number..
Avaya IP Endpoints License
These licenses are used to license additional Avaya IP phones on IP500 and IP500 V2 systems. This includes all
1600, 4600, 5600, 9600, IP DECT, DECT R4, T3 IP, Spectralink and VPN phones.
IPO LIC R6 AV IP ENDPOINT 20 - 229447.
By default licenses are consumed by each Avaya IP phone that registers with the system in the order that
they register. The license is released if the phone unregisters. However, it is possible to reserve a license for
particular phones in order to ensure that those phones always obtain a license first if available. This is done
through the Reserve Avaya IP Endpoint License setting of each IP extension.
! Warning
Avaya IP phones without a license will still be able to register but will be limited to making emergency calls
only (Dial Emergency short code calls). The associated user will be treated as if logged off and the phone will
display "No license available" and "Emergency Calls Only". If a license becomes available, it will be assigned to
any unlicensed DECT handsets first and then to any other unlicensed Avaya IP phone in the order that the
phones registered.
Each IP500 VCM 32 and IP500 VCM 64 card installed in the a IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2)
provides unlicensed support for 12 Avaya IP phones. This does not apply for IP500 VCM 32 V2 and IP500 VCM
64 V2 cards and IP500 Combination cards.
3rd Party IP Endpoints License
These licenses are used for support of non-Avaya IP phones including SIP extensions. The available license are
used in order of phone registration. If no licenses are available the phone will not be able to register. Available
licenses can reserved for a particular phone using the Reserve 3rd Party IP Endpoint License setting in the
each IP extension. This license was previously called the IP End-points license.
IP400 IP ENDPOINTS RFA 1 LIC - 174956.
IP400 IP ENDPOINTS RFA 5 LIC - 174957.
IP400 IP ENDPOINTS RFA 20 LIC - 174959.
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Licenses: IP Office Server Edition Licenses
Voicemail Licenses
The IP Office Server Edition licenses for the IP Office Server Edition Primary Server and IP Office Server Edition
Secondary Server include implicit support for the Voicemail Pro application hosted by those servers. These licenses are
used to add additional Voicemail Pro feature support. These licenses are entered into the configuration of the system
requiring the additional features and are based on the System Identification or Dongle Serial Number of that
Preferred Edition Additional Voicemail Ports
By default the Voicemail Pro supports 4 voicemail ports. Additional ports can be enabled using these licenses, up
to the maximum capacity of 40.
IPO LIC VM PRO RFA 2 LIC - 174459.
IPO LIC VM PRO RFA 4 LIC - 174460.
IPO LIC VM PRO RFA 8 LIC - 174461.
IPO LIC VM PRO RFA 16 LIC - 174462.
UMS Web Services
These licenses are used to allow UMS voicemail services for hunt groups. For non-IP Office Server Edition systems
these licenses can also be used to enable UMS voicemail services support for users set to the Basic User profile.
Other users are enabled for UMS through their licensed user profile. These licenses are also used to license hunt
groups for UMS voicemail services.
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User Profile Licenses
These licenses are used to enable the configuration of selected users with a Profile setting other than Basic User. These
licenses are entered into configuration of the IP Office Server Edition Primary Server and are based on the System
Identification of that server. The only license pre-requisite it that the system hosting the user must be licensed by a IP
Office Server Edition license.
System Type IP Office Server Edition
User Profile
Basic User Office
Power User
one-X Portal Services Yes Yes
" Telecommuter options Yes
UMS Web Services Yes Yes
Mobility Features
Yes Yes Yes
TTS for Email Reading Yes
IP Office SoftPhone Yes
Remote Worker
Flare Communicator for IP
Yes Yes
Office Worker Profile License
These licenses set the number of users who can have their profile set as Office Worker. If no Office Worker
Profile licenses are present, existing legacy Phone Manager Pro (per seat) licenses can be used to enable
users for the Office Worker profile. For Release 8.0 and higher, on non-IP Office Server Edition systems, a
Preferred Edition system license is a pre-requisite.
IPO LIC R6 OFF WORKER RFA 20 - 229440.
Power User Profile License
These licenses set the number of users who can have their profile set as Power User. For Release 8.0 and
higher, on non-IP Office Server Edition systems, a Preferred Edition system license is a pre-requisite.
IPO LIC R6 PWR USER 1 - 229426.
IPO LIC R6 PWR USER 5 - 229427.
IPO LIC R6 PWR USER 20 - 229428.
Other User Licenses
These license are entered into the configuration of the IP Office Server Edition Primary Server and are based on the
System Identification of that server.
Receptionist: IPO LIC RECEPTIONIST RFA - 171987.
This license is used to enable support for the IP Office SoftConsole application. This license can only be used by
users set to Receptionist in the IP Office configuration. A maximum of 4 receptionist are supported, 10 for IP
Office Server Edition mode. Instances of this license are only consumed while a user is using the application.
For IP Office Server Edition mode, the licenses for SoftConsole are only supported in the configuration of the
IP Office Server Edition Primary Server and with users hosted by that server. The use of SoftConsole is not
supported for user's who then hot-desk to other systems in the multi-site network.
For Release 6.0 and 6.1, an instance of this license is consumed by each user configured as a Receptionist.
If the user hot desks to another system in a multi-site network, their license entitlement is retained, ie. the
remote system does not require a Receptionist license.
For Release 7.0+, instances of this license are only consumed when the user is using the application. If the
user hot desks to another IP Office system in a multi-site network, that system requires an available license in
its configuration.
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Licenses: IP Office Server Edition Licenses
Other Licenses
These licenses are entered into the configuration of the server where the feature is required and so must be based on
the System Identification or Dongle Serial Number of that server.
CTI Link Pro : IPO LIC CTI RFA - 171988
Enables CTI Link Pro functionality required for use of the TAPI Link Pro and DEVLink Pro interfaces.
Wave User : IPO LIC TAPI WAV RFA 4 - 177466
Allows streaming of WAV files, using TAPILink Pro, for 3rd party voice applications. This is a per user license. Note
that TAPI WAV calls use system data channels taken from the same pools as used for voicemail ports. The
maximum number of simultaneous TAPI WAV user calls and voicemail users is determined by the control unit
type; IP406 V2 = 20, IP412 = 30, IP500 = 40, IP500 V2 =40. For IP Office Server Edition the maximum number
of simultaneous TAPI WAV user calls and voicemail users is 40.
IPSec Tunneling: IPO LIC IPSEC VPN RFA - 182301.
Enables the system to initiate and terminate IPSec and L2TP tunnels.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Appendix: Locale Settings
Chapter 14.
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Appendix: Locale Settings:
14. Appendix: Locale Settings
The system Locale sets factors such as the default ringing tones and caller display settings. The locale also controls the
default language that the system voicemail server will use for prompts.
Users and incoming call routes can also be set to a locale. That locale will then override the system settings for calls to
This following table indicates locale settings used for different functions. Note that reference to a locale does not
necessarily indicate support, availability or approval for system within that country.
Argentina (ess) France (fra) Netherlands (nld) Spain (esp)
Australia (ena) France2 (fro) New Zealand (enz) Sweden (sve)
Bahrain (arh) Germany (deu) Norway (nor) Switzerland (French) (frs)
Belgium (nlb) Greece (ell) Oman (aro) Switzerland (German)
Belgium (frb) Hong Kong (zhh) Pakistan (urd) Switzerland (Italian) (its)
Brazil (ptb) Hungary (hun) Peru (esr) Taiwan (cht)
Canada (frc) Iceland (isl) Poland (plk) Turkey (trk)
Chile (esl) India (ind) Portugal (ptg) United Arab Emirates (aru)
China (chs) Italy (ita) Qatar (arq) United Kingdom (eng)
Colombia (eso) Korea (kor) Russia (rus) USA (enu)
Denmark (dan) Kuwait (ark) Saudi Arabia (ara) Venezuela (esv)
Egypt (are) Mexico (esm) Singapore (zhi)
Finland (fin) Morocco (arm) South Africa (ens)
* Locale defaults to best match. For example New Zealand (enz) falls back to UK English (eng). Embedded voicemail
supports simple fallback based on the first two letters of the locale TLA. Voicemail Pro employs multiple fallback always
ending in UK or US English.
TLA (Three-Letter Abbreviation):
These are the three character codes used by pre-6.0 IP Office Manager to set locales. In Release 3.2 they were
replaced by selection of the required country and or language by name.
The country represented by the locale. Teletype (Textphone) is used with Voicemail Pro, refer to the Voicemail Pro
The Voicemail Pro prompt language used for that locale.
IP Office Manager:
Indicates that the IP Office Manager application can run in the specific locale language. IP Office Manager uses the best
match it has (French, German, Brazilian, Dutch, Italian, Mexican Spanish or US English) for the regional location
settings setting of the PC on which it is running, otherwise it defaults to UK English. If required the language used
within the IP Office Manager screens can be overridden, see Changing the IP Office Manager Language .
The system provides default telephony settings matching the normal expected defaults for the locale.
Phone Display:
Indicates that display messages from the system to Avaya phones can be sent using the appropriate language for that
locale. Note that the user locale can be used to override the system locale for these messages. Note also some strings
displayed on a phone may come from the phone's own software and may differ. Also refer to Phone Display Language
Sets and Fallback for details of how the system loads and resolves phone display strings.
T3 Phones:
Menus for T3 Series phones available in the specific language.
These columns indicate for which locales the different voicemail servers can provide the appropriate language prompts.
In all cases, the system locale can be overridden by setting a different user locale.
Indicates that the locale is recognized by Embedded Voicemail and appropriate language prompts are then used.
VM Pro:
Indicates that the locale is recognized by Voicemail Pro and appropriate language prompts are then used.
1086 1100 1113 1126
1087 1101 1114 1127
1088 1103 1115 1128
1089 1102 1116 1128
1090 1104 1117 1128
1091 1105 1118 1129
1092 1106 1119 1130
1093 1107 1120 1131
1094 1108 1121 1132
1095 1109 1122 1133
1097 1110 1123 1134
1098 1111 1124
1099 1112 1125
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If an unsupported locale is used, or one for which the necessary prompt is not available, the voicemail server will
attempt the best match using a sequence of alternate locales. For example, French Canadian (frc) will fallback to
French (fra) if available, then US English (enu) and finally UK English (eng). For further details refer to the
appropriate voicemail installation manual.
All Voicemail
For calls to voicemail, the locale that is passed to voicemail to determine the prompt languages to play (if available).
If the required set of prompts is not available, the voicemail will fallback to another language. Embedded voicemail
supports simple fallback based on the first two letters of the locale TLA. Voicemail Pro employs multiple fallback
always ending in UK or US English (refer to the Voicemail Pro documentation).
When the system routes a call to the voicemail server it indicates the locale for which matching prompts
should be provided if available. The locale sent to the voicemail server by the system is determined as show
below. If the required set of prompts is not available, the voicemail will fallback to another appropriate
language and finally to English (refer to the appropriate voicemail installation manual for details).
Short Code Locale: The short code locale, if set, is used if the call is routed to voicemail using the short
Incoming Call Route Locale: The incoming call route locale, if set, is used if caller is external.
User Locale: The user locale, if set, is used if the caller is internal.
System Locale: If no user or incoming call route locale is set, the system locale is used unless
overridden by a short code locale.
For Release 8.0+ systems using Embedded Voicemail, if the required set of upgraded language prompts to
match the locale is not present on the system SD card, IP Office Manager will display an error. The required
prompt set can be uploaded from IP Office Manager using the Add/Display VM Locales option.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Appendix: Locale Settings:
14.1 Locale Defaults
A Locale being covered in this document does not imply approvals or availability.
The table below describes the different system tones. The tones used are determined by the system locale setting.
Note that in some locales, the same tone sound may be used for several purposes, for example for Busy and Fast Busy
may be the same.
Tone Description
Dial Tone Normal dial tone.
Alternate Dial
This tone is also known as 'interrupted', 'broken' or 'stutter' dial tone. It is used on extensions when
the user has DND, Follow-Me or Forward Unconditional set. It is also used on analog phones and DECT
phones when the user has a call on hold, for example during a transfer.
Secondary Dial
Used when accessing an external trunk using a short code or ARS that specifies secondary dial tone. If
no specific tone is defined for the locale, normal dial tone is used.
Busy Tone Used when the number called is busy.
Fast Busy Tone No channel.
Intercept Busy
Unallocated number.
Ring Tone Other end is ringing. This tone is also known as 'ringback'.
Call Waiting
Used when a user has a call waiting enable and a is call waiting.
Number Unobtainable.
All tone frequencies are in Hertz (Hz). Where a tone uses a combination of frequencies, the frequencies are shown
separated by a + symbol. Where a tone uses alternating frequencies, the frequencies are shown separated by a /
The tone cadence is indicated as either a sequence of on/off times or as a sequence of alternating frequency 1/
frequency 2 times. Where a portion of the sequence is enclosed in ( ) symbols, it indicates a repeating sequence.
POT Port Settings
These settings are used for analog phone extensions. The settings used are determined by the system locale.
Analog Phone Settings
Ring Current
The frequency of ring current.
Minimum Flash
Hook Time
The minimum time that loop current has to be broken to detect a timed break recall (TBR). Anything
shorter is regarded as a glitch.
Maximum Flash
Hook Time
The maximum time the loop current can be broken for it to be detected as a time break recall (TBR).
Anything longer is regarded as clearing.
Default Caller
Display Type
The type of caller display used when Extn | Caller Display Type is set to On.
Default MWI
The type of message waiting indication used when Extn | Message Waiting Indication Type is set
to On. Note that the setting may also be dependant on the equipment providing the analog port.
Locale Specific Behavior
Companding The typical companding method employed for telephone systems in that locale. Companding operation
can be adjusted through the System | Telephony | Telephony tab.
Dialing Timeout The method used by the system to determine when to disconnect an extension that does not complete
dialing a valid routable number.
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The tone used when disconnect indication is provided to an extension.
Indicates whether the locale uses Busy tone disconnect or disconnect clear operation on analog
The default language used for messages sent to extensions.
Feature Phone
The locale specific action applied to digital and IP phones when the far end of a call disconnects. This
action can be overridden by the Disconnect Tone option on the System | Telephony | Telephony
On analog trunks, call disconnection can occur though busy tone detection. When such calls go to
voicemail to be recorded or leave a message, when the call ends the system indicates to the voicemail
system how much to remove from the end of the recording in order to remove the busy tone
segment. For some systems it may be necessary to override the default if analog call recordings are
being clipped or include busy tone. That can be done by adding a VM_TRUNCATE_TIME= setting
with the required value in the range 0 to 7 seconds.
Used for Advice of Charge operation where supported on ISDN lines.
Default Time
This value is used to set the default time offset and daylight saving settings for a system when using
SNTP to obtain the UTC time value.
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Appendix: Locale Settings: Locale Defaults
14.2 Phone Display Language Sets and Fallback
The phone display strings loaded by the system are based on the system Locale setting of the system. These are the
languages used for display information sent to the phone from the system. Individual phones may have support for
differing languages through the phones own menus.
System Locale Languages Loaded
Belgium (Flemish), Belgium (French), Denmark,
Finland, France, German, Greece, Hungarian, Italian,
Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Spain,
Sweden, United Kingdom.
Danish, Dutch, English (UK), Finnish, French, German,
Italian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish.
Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Peru,
Brazilian Portuguese, English (US), Mexican Spanish.
Russia. English (US), Finnish, French, Russian, Swedish.
Canada, United States. English (US), French Canadian, Mexican Spanish.
All others. English (UK), French, German, Portuguese, Russian,
If the user locale setting differs from the system locale, the set of loaded languages are searched for the best match. If
no match is possible then the loaded variant of English is used.
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14.3 Argentina
Tone Frequency (Hz) Cadence (seconds)
Dial Tone 425 Continuous.
Alternate Dial Tone 425 (2.0/4.0) on/off.
Secondary Dial Tone Use Dial Tone.
Busy Tone 480+620 (0.5/0.5) on/off.
Fast Busy Tone 480+620 (0.25/0.25) on/off.
Intercept Busy Tone 440/620 (0.25/0.25) alternating tones.
Ring Tone 440+480 (1.0/3.0) on/off.
Call Waiting Tone 480+620 (0.06/0.25/0.06/5.0) on/off.
Number Unobtainable
480+620 Continuous.
Analog Phone Settings
Ring Current Frequency 25Hz
Minimum Flash Hook Time 0.070s
Maximum Flash Hook Time 1.000s
Default Caller Display Type FSKD
Default Message Waiting Indication Type 51V Stepped
Locale Specific Behavior
Companding U-Law
Dialling Timeout 30 seconds from start of dialing.
Disconnect Tone Number Unobtainable
Disconnect Method Busy tone disconnect.
Display Language Latin Spanish
Feature Phone Clearing Disconnect Tone.
Voicemail Truncation Time 0 seconds.
Default Currency ARS
Default Time Zone UTC-03:00 - Buenos Aires
These are the language support options for the Release 8.1 suite of software. The language support options will differ
from other system releases.
Language Latin Spanish
Phone Display
- DS Phones
- T3 Phones
Voicemail prompts
- Voicemail Pro
- Embedded Voicemail
Language Latin Spanish
IP Office Manager
System Status Application
Phone Manager
Soft Console
one-X Portal for IP Office
IP Office Customer Call
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Appendix: Locale Settings: Argentina
14.4 Australia
Tone Frequency
Cadence (seconds)
Dial Tone 350+440 Continuous.
Alternate Dial Tone 350+440 (1.0/0.5) on/off.
Secondary Dial Tone Use Dial Tone.
Busy Tone 400 (0.375/0.375) on/off.
Fast Busy Tone 400 (0.375/0.375) on/off.
Intercept Busy Tone 400 Continuous.
Ring Tone 400+450 (0.4/0.2/0.4/2.0) on/off.
Call Waiting Tone 400 (0.1/30) on/off.
Number Unobtainable
400 Continuous.
Analog Phone Settings
Ring Current Frequency 25Hz
Minimum Flash Hook Time 0.010s
Maximum Flash Hook Time 0.350s
Default Caller Display Type FSKD
Default Message Waiting Indication Type 51V Stepped
Locale Specific Behavior
Companding A-Law
Dialling Timeout 30 seconds from start of dialing.
Disconnect Tone Number Unobtainable
Disconnect Method Busy tone disconnect.
Display Language English (UK)
Feature Phone Clearing Disconnect Tone.
Voicemail Truncation Time 5 seconds.
Default Currency AUD
Default Time Zone UTC+10:00 - Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney
These are the language support options for the Release 8.1 suite of software. The language support options will differ
from other system releases.
Language English UK English US
Phone Display
- DS Phones
- T3 Phones
Voicemail prompts
- Voicemail Pro
- Embedded Voicemail
Language English
IP Office Manager
System Status Application
Phone Manager
Soft Console
one-X Portal for IP Office
IP Office Customer Call
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14.5 Bahrain
Support added in Release 6.1.
Tone Frequency
Cadence (seconds)
Dial Tone 440 Continuous.
Alternate Dial Tone 440 (1.0/0.5) on/off.
Secondary Dial Tone 440+350 Continuous.
Busy Tone 400 (0.375/0.375) on/off.
Fast Busy Tone 400 (0.4/0.35/0.225/0.525) on/off.
Intercept Busy Tone 400 Continuous.
Ring Tone 400+450 (0.4/0.2/0.4/2.0) on/off.
Call Waiting Tone 400 (0.1/30.0) on/off.
Number Unobtainable
425 Continuous.
Analog Phone Settings
Ring Current Frequency 20Hz
Minimum Flash Hook Time 0.300s
Maximum Flash Hook Time 1.000s
Default Caller Display Type FSKD
Default Message Waiting Indication Type 81V
Locale Specific Behavior
Companding A-Law
Dialling Timeout 30 seconds from start of dialing.
Disconnect Tone Number Unobtainable
Disconnect Method Busy tone disconnect.
Display Language English (UK)
Feature Phone Clearing Go Idle
Voicemail Truncation Time -
Default Currency -
Default Time Zone UTC+03:00 -Abu Dhabi.
These are the language support options for the Release 8.1 suite of software. The language support options will differ
from other system releases.
Language English Arabic
Phone Display
- DS Phones
- T3 Phones
Voicemail prompts
- Voicemail Pro
- Embedded Voicemail
Language English Arabic
IP Office Manager
System Status Application
Phone Manager
Soft Console
one-X Portal for IP Office
IP Office Customer Call
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Appendix: Locale Settings: Bahrain
14.6 Belgium - Flemish
Tone Frequency
Cadence (seconds)
Dial Tone 425 Continuous.
Alternate Dial Tone 425 (1.0/0.5) on/off.
Secondary Dial Tone Use Dial Tone.
Busy Tone 425 (0.5/0.5) on/off.
Fast Busy Tone 425 (0.5/0.5) on/off.
Intercept Busy Tone 425 (0.5/0.5) on/off.
Ring Tone 425 (1.0/3.0) on/off.
Call Waiting Tone 400 (0.08/0.175/0.08/10.0) on/off.
Number Unobtainable
425 Continuous.
Analog Phone Settings
Ring Current Frequency 25Hz
Minimum Flash Hook Time 0.025s
Maximum Flash Hook Time 0.350s
Default Caller Display Type FSKD
Default Message Waiting Indication Type On = 101V on Phone V2 modules and IP500 Phone cards, otherwise 81V.
Locale Specific Behavior
Companding A-Law
Dialling Timeout 30 seconds from start of dialing.
Disconnect Tone Number Unobtainable
Disconnect Method Busy tone disconnect.
Display Language Dutch.
Feature Phone Clearing Disconnect Tone.
Voicemail Truncation Time 7 seconds.
Default Currency EUR
Default Time Zone UTC+01:00 - Brussels
These are the language support options for the Release 8.1 suite of software. The language support options will differ
from other system releases.
Language Dutch
Phone Display
- DS Phones
- T3 Phones
Voicemail prompts
- Voicemail Pro
- Embedded Voicemail
Language Dutch
IP Office Manager
System Status Application
Phone Manager
Soft Console
one-X Portal for IP Office
IP Office Customer Call
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14.7 Belgium - French
Tone Frequency
Cadence (seconds)
Dial Tone 425 Continuous.
Alternate Dial Tone 425 (1.0/0.5) on/off.
Secondary Dial Tone Use Dial Tone.
Busy Tone 425 (0.5/0.5) on/off.
Fast Busy Tone 425 (0.5/0.5) on/off.
Intercept Busy Tone 425 (0.5/0.5) on/off.
Ring Tone 425 (1.0/3.0) on/off.
Call Waiting Tone 400 (0.08/0.175/0.08/10.0) on/off.
Number Unobtainable
425 Continuous.
Analog Phone Settings
Ring Current Frequency 25Hz
Minimum Flash Hook Time 0.025s
Maximum Flash Hook Time 0.350s
Default Caller Display Type FSKD
Default Message Waiting Indication Type On = 101V on Phone V2 modules and IP500 Phone
cards, otherwise 81V.
Locale Specific Behavior
Companding A-Law
Dialling Timeout 30 seconds from start of dialing.
Disconnect Tone Number Unobtainable
Disconnect Method Busy tone disconnect.
Display Language French.
Feature Phone Clearing Disconnect Tone.
Voicemail Truncation Time 7 seconds.
Default Currency EUR
Default Time Zone UTC+01:00 - Paris
These are the language support options for the Release 8.1 suite of software. The language support options will differ
from other system releases.
Language French French
Phone Display
- DS Phones
- T3 Phones
Voicemail prompts
- Voicemail Pro
- Embedded Voicemail
Language French
IP Office Manager
System Status Application
Phone Manager
Soft Console
one-X Portal for IP Office
IP Office Customer Call
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Appendix: Locale Settings: Belgium - French
14.8 Brazil
Tone Frequency
Cadence (seconds)
Dial Tone 425 Continuous.
Alternate Dial Tone 425 (2.0/4.0) on/off.
Secondary Dial Tone Use Dial Tone.
Busy Tone 425 (0.25/0.25) on/off.
Fast Busy Tone 425 (0.25/0.25) on/off.
Intercept Busy Tone 425 (0.1/0.1/0.1/0.1) on/off.
Ring Tone 425 (1.0/4.0) on/off.
Call Waiting Tone 425 (0.06/0.25/0.06/5) on/off.
Number Unobtainable
425 Release 4.2+: (0.25/0.25/0.75/0.25) on/off.
Pre-Release 4.2: Continuous.
Analog Phone Settings
Ring Current Frequency 25Hz
Minimum Flash Hook Time 0.100s
Maximum Flash Hook Time 1.000s
Default Caller Display Type DTMFD
Default Message Waiting Indication Type 51V Stepped
Locale Specific Behavior
Companding A-Law/U-Law
Dialling Timeout 30 seconds from start of dialing.
Disconnect Tone Number Unobtainable
Disconnect Method Busy tone disconnect.
Display Language Brazilian Portuguese
Feature Phone Clearing Go Idle
Voicemail Truncation Time 2 seconds.
Default Currency BRL
Default Time Zone UTC-03:00 - Brasilia
These are the language support options for the Release 8.1 suite of software. The language support options will differ
from other system releases.
Language Brazilian Portuguese
Phone Display
- DS Phones
- T3 Phones
Voicemail prompts
- Voicemail Pro
- Embedded Voicemail
Language Brazilian Portuguese
IP Office Manager
System Status Application
Phone Manager
Soft Console
one-X Portal for IP Office
IP Office Customer Call
Manager 10.1 Page 1092
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
14.9 Canada
Tone Frequency
Cadence (seconds)
Dial Tone 350+440 Continuous.
Alternate Dial Tone 350+440 (0.25/0.25) on/off.
Secondary Dial Tone Use Dial Tone.
Busy Tone 480+620 (0.5/0.5) on/off.
Fast Busy Tone 480+620 (0.25/0.25) on/off.
Intercept Busy Tone 440/620 (0.25/0.25) alternating tones.
Ring Tone 440+480 (2.0/4.0) on/off.
Call Waiting Tone 480+620 (0.0/0.1/0.2/1200) on/off.
Number Unobtainable
480+620 Continuous.
Analog Phone Settings
Ring Current Frequency 25Hz
Minimum Flash Hook Time 0.300s
Maximum Flash Hook Time 1.000s
Default Caller Display Type FSKD
Default Message Waiting Indication Type 51V Stepped
Locale Specific Behavior
Companding U-Law
Dialling Timeout 30 seconds from start of dialing.
Disconnect Tone Number Unobtainable
Disconnect Method Disconnect clear.
Display Language Canadian French
Feature Phone Clearing Go Idle
Voicemail Truncation Time 0 seconds.
Default Currency CAD
Default Time Zone UTC-05:00 - Eastern Standard Time (EST)
These are the language support options for the Release 8.1 suite of software. The language support options will differ
from other system releases.
Language French French
Phone Display
- DS Phones
- T3 Phones
Voicemail prompts
- Voicemail Pro
- Embedded Voicemail
Language French
IP Office Manager
System Status Application
Phone Manager
Soft Console
one-X Portal for IP Office
IP Office Customer Call
Manager 10.1 Page 1093
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Appendix: Locale Settings: Canada
14.10 Chile
Tone Frequency (Hz) Cadence (seconds)
Dial Tone 425 Continuous.
Alternate Dial Tone 425 (2.0/4.0) on/off.
Secondary Dial Tone Use Dial Tone.
Busy Tone 480+620 (0.5/0.5) on/off.
Fast Busy Tone 480+620 (0.25/0.25) on/off.
Intercept Busy Tone 440/620 (0.25/0.25) alternating tones.
Ring Tone 480+620 (1.0/3.0) on/off.
Call Waiting Tone 480+620 (0.06/0.25/0.06/5.0) on/off.
Number Unobtainable
480+620 Continuous.
Analog Phone Settings
Ring Current Frequency 25Hz
Minimum Flash Hook Time 0.050s
Maximum Flash Hook Time 1.000s
Default Caller Display Type FSKD
Default Message Waiting Indication Type 51V Stepped
Locale Specific Behavior
Companding U-Law
Dialling Timeout 30 seconds from start of dialing.
Disconnect Tone Number Unobtainable
Disconnect Method Busy tone disconnect.
Display Language Mexican Spanish.
Feature Phone Clearing Disconnect Tone.
Voicemail Truncation Time 2 seconds.
Default Currency CLP
Default Time Zone UTC-04:00 - Santiago
These are the language support options for the Release 8.1 suite of software. The language support options will differ
from other system releases.
Language Latin Spanish
Phone Display
- DS Phones
- T3 Phones
Voicemail prompts
- Voicemail Pro
- Embedded Voicemail
Language Latin Spanish
IP Office Manager
System Status Application
Phone Manager
Soft Console
one-X Portal for IP Office
IP Office Customer Call
Manager 10.1 Page 1094
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
14.11 China
Tone Frequency (Hz) Cadence (seconds)
Dial Tone 425 Continuous.
Alternate Dial Tone 425 (0.4/0.04) on/off.
Secondary Dial Tone Use Dial Tone.
Busy Tone 440 (0.35/0.35) on/off.
Fast Busy Tone 440 (0.7/0.7) on/off.
Intercept Busy Tone 440 (0.1/0.1/0.1/0.1/0.1/0.1/0.4/0.4) on/off.
Ring Tone 440 (1.0/4.0) on/off.
Call Waiting Tone 440 (0.4/4.0) on/off.
Number Unobtainable
440 Continuous.
Analog Phone Settings
Ring Current Frequency 25Hz
Minimum Flash Hook Time 0.050s
Maximum Flash Hook Time 0.900s
Default Caller Display Type FSKD
Default Message Waiting Indication Type 51V Stepped
Locale Specific Behavior
Companding A-Law
Dialling Timeout 30 seconds from start of dialing.
Disconnect Tone Number Unobtainable
Disconnect Method Busy tone disconnect.
Display Language English (UK)
Feature Phone Clearing Disconnect Tone.
Voicemail Truncation Time 5 seconds.
Default Currency CNY
Default Time Zone UTC+08:00 - Beijing, Hong Kong.
These are the language support options for the Release 8.1 suite of software. The language support options will differ
from other system releases.
Language Simplified
Madarin Cantonese
Phone Display
- DS Phones
- T3 Phones
Voicemail prompts
- Voicemail Pro
- Embedded Voicemail
Language Simplified
Madarin Cantonese
IP Office Manager
System Status Application
Phone Manager
Soft Console
one-X Portal for IP Office
IP Office Customer Call
Manager 10.1 Page 1095
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Appendix: Locale Settings: China
14.12 Colombia
Tone Frequency (Hz) Cadence (seconds)
Dial Tone 425 Continuous.
Alternate Dial Tone 425 (2.0/4.0) on/off.
Secondary Dial Tone Use Dial Tone.
Busy Tone 480+620 (0.5/0.5) on/off.
Fast Busy Tone 480+620 (0.25/0.25) on/off.
Intercept Busy Tone 440/620 (0.25/0.25 alternating tones.
Ring Tone 440+480 (1.0/3.0) on/off.
Call Waiting Tone 480+620 (0.06/0.25/0.06/5.0) on/off.
Number Unobtainable
480+620 Continuous.
Analog Phone Settings
Ring Current Frequency 25Hz
Minimum Flash Hook Time 0.050s
Maximum Flash Hook Time 1.000s
Default Caller Display Type FSKD
Default Message Waiting Indication Type 51V Stepped
Locale Specific Behavior
Companding U-Law
Dialling Timeout 30 seconds from start of dialing.
Disconnect Tone Number Unobtainable
Disconnect Method Busy tone disconnect.
Display Language Latin Spanish
Feature Phone Clearing Disconnect tone.
Voicemail Truncation Time 2 seconds.
Default Currency COP
Default Time Zone UTC-05:00 - Bogota.
These are the language support options for the Release 8.1 suite of software. The language support options will differ
from other system releases.
Language Latin Spanish
Phone Display
- DS Phones
- T3 Phones
Voicemail prompts
- Voicemail Pro
- Embedded Voicemail
Language Latin Spanish
IP Office Manager
System Status Application
Phone Manager
Soft Console
one-X Portal for IP Office
IP Office Customer Call
Manager 10.1 Page 1096
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
14.13 Customize
Release 4.0 Q2 2007 maintenance release and higher: On the System | System tab, the Locale can be set to
Customize. This option is intended for those locales which use a mix of telephony equipment from a range of other
locales. Testing and use of this locale option is entirely the responsibility of the installer.
The Customize locale matches the Saudi Arabia locale but with the following additional controls:
Tone Plan: Default = Tone Plan 1
The tone plan controls dial and ringing tone. The options are:
Tone Plan 1: United States.
Tone Plan 2: United Kingdom.
Tone Plan 3: France.
Tone Plan 4: Germany.
Tone Plan 5: Spain.
CLI Type: Default = FSK V23
This is the method used for CLI signalling on analog lines.
Busy Tone Detection: Default = Off.
Enables or disables the use of busy tone detection for call clearing. This is a system wide setting.
Manager 10.1 Page 1097
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Appendix: Locale Settings: Customize
14.14 Denmark
Tone Frequency
Cadence (seconds)
Dial Tone 425 Continuous.
Alternate Dial Tone 425 (1.0/0.5) on/off.
Secondary Dial Tone Use Dial Tone.
Busy Tone 425 (0.25/0.25) on/off.
Fast Busy Tone 425 (0.25/0.25) on/off.
Intercept Busy Tone 425 (0.25/0.25) on/off.
Ring Tone 425 (0.75/7.5) on/off.
Call Waiting Tone 425 (0.08/10.0) on/off.
Number Unobtainable
425 Continuous.
Analog Phone Settings
Ring Current Frequency 25Hz
Minimum Flash Hook Time 0.025s
Maximum Flash Hook Time 0.350s
Default Caller Display Type DTMFC
Default Message Waiting Indication Type On = 101V on Phone V2 modules and IP500 Phone cards, otherwise
Locale Specific Behavior
Companding A-Law
Dialling Timeout 30 seconds from start of dialing.
Disconnect Tone Number Unobtainable
Disconnect Method Busy tone disconnect.
Display Language Danish
Feature Phone Clearing Disconnect Tone.
Voicemail Truncation Time 7 seconds.
Default Currency DKK
Default Time Zone UTC+01:00 - Coppenhagen.
These are the language support options for the Release 8.1 suite of software. The language support options will differ
from other system releases.
Language Danish
Phone Display
- DS Phones
- T3 Phones
Voicemail prompts
- Voicemail Pro
- Embedded Voicemail
Language Danish
- IP Office Manager
- System Status
- Phone Manager
- Soft Console
- one-X Portal for IP
- IP Office Customer Call
Manager 10.1 Page 1098
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
14.15 Egypt
Support added in Release 6.1.
Tone Frequency
Cadence (seconds)
Dial Tone 425 Continuous.
Alternate Dial Tone 425 (1.0/0.5) on/off.
Secondary Dial Tone 440+350 Continuous.
Busy Tone 400 (0.375/0.375) on/off.
Fast Busy Tone 425+450 (0.5/0.5) on/off.
Intercept Busy Tone 425+450 Continuous.
Ring Tone 425+450 (2.0/1.0) on/off.
Call Waiting Tone 425+450 (0.1/30.0) on/off.
Number Unobtainable
425+450 Continuous.
Analog Phone Settings
Ring Current Frequency 20Hz
Minimum Flash Hook Time 0.300s
Maximum Flash Hook Time 1.000s
Default Caller Display Type FSKD
Default Message Waiting Indication Type 81V
Locale Specific Behavior
Companding A-Law
Dialling Timeout 30 seconds from start of dialing.
Disconnect Tone Number Unobtainable
Disconnect Method Busy tone disconnect.
Display Language English (UK)
Feature Phone Clearing Go Idle
Voicemail Truncation Time -
Default Currency -
Default Time Zone UTC+02:00
Emergency Numbers 122, 122, 180
These are the language support options for the Release 8.1 suite of software. The language support options will differ
from other system releases.
Language English Arabic
Phone Display
- DS Phones
- T3 Phones
Voicemail prompts
- Voicemail Pro
- Embedded Voicemail
Language English Arabic
IP Office Manager
System Status Application
Phone Manager
Soft Console
one-X Portal for IP Office
IP Office Customer Call
Manager 10.1 Page 1099
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Appendix: Locale Settings: Egypt
14.16 Finland
Tone Frequency (Hz) Cadence (seconds)
Dial Tone 425 Continuous.
Alternate Dial Tone 425 (1.0/0.5) on/off.
Secondary Dial Tone Use Dial Tone.
Busy Tone 425 (0.25/0.25) on/off.
Fast Busy Tone 425 (0.25/0.25) on/off.
Intercept Busy Tone 425 (0.25/0.25) on/off.
Ring Tone 425 (1.0/5.0) on/off.
Call Waiting Tone 425 (0.08/120.0) on/off.
Number Unobtainable
425 Continuous.
Analog Phone Settings
Ring Current Frequency 25Hz
Minimum Flash Hook Time 0.025s
Maximum Flash Hook Time 0.350s
Default Caller Display Type DTMFA
Default Message Waiting Indication Type On = 101V on Phone V2 modules and IP500 Phone cards, otherwise
Locale Specific Behavior
Companding A-Law
Dialling Timeout 30 seconds from start of dialing.
Disconnect Tone Number Unobtainable
Disconnect Method Busy tone disconnect.
Display Language Finnish (Suomi)
Feature Phone Clearing Disconnect Tone.
Voicemail Truncation Time 7 seconds.
Default Currency EUR
Default Time Zone UTC+02:00 - Helsinki
These are the language support options for the Release 8.1 suite of software. The language support options will differ
from other system releases.
Language Finnish
Phone Display
- DS Phones
- T3 Phones
Voicemail prompts
- Voicemail Pro
- Embedded Voicemail
Language Finnish
IP Office Manager
System Status Application
Phone Manager
Soft Console
one-X Portal for IP Office
IP Office Customer Call
Manager 10.1 Page 1100
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
14.17 France
Tone Frequency
Cadence (seconds)
Dial Tone 330 Continuous.
Alternate Dial Tone 330 (1.0/0.5) on/off.
Secondary Dial Tone Use Dial Tone.
Busy Tone 440 (0.5/0.5) on/off.
Fast Busy Tone 440 (0.5/0.5) on/off.
Intercept Busy Tone 440 (0.5/0.5) on/off.
Ring Tone 440 (1.5/3.5) on/off.
Call Waiting Tone 440 (0.1/8.0) on/off.
Number Unobtainable
440 Continuous.
Analog Phone Settings
Ring Current Frequency 25Hz
Minimum Flash Hook Time 0.025s
Maximum Flash Hook Time 0.350s
Default Caller Display Type FSKD
Default Message Waiting Indication Type On = 101V on Phone V2 modules and IP500 Phone cards, otherwise
Locale Specific Behavior
Companding A-Law
Dialling Timeout 30 seconds from start of dialing.
Disconnect Tone Busy Tone
Disconnect Method Busy tone disconnect.
Display Language French
Feature Phone Clearing Disconnect Tone
Voicemail Truncation Time 7 seconds.
Default Currency EUR
Default Time Zone UTC+01:00 - Paris
These are the language support options for the Release 8.1 suite of software. The language support options will differ
from other system releases.
Language French French
Phone Display
- DS Phones
- T3 Phones
Voicemail prompts
- Voicemail Pro
- Embedded Voicemail
Language French
IP Office Manager
System Status Application
Phone Manager
Soft Console
one-X Portal for IP Office
IP Office Customer Call
Manager 10.1 Page 1101
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Appendix: Locale Settings: France
14.18 France2
This locale is supported for Release 8.1 and higher for systems in a IP Office Server Edition network. It is a special
variant of the France locale required for a specific French telecoms provider. In addition to the setting below it also alters
the call intrusion tone, message waiting indication and call forwarding indication used by Avaya phones.
Tone Frequency
Cadence (seconds)
Dial Tone 440 Continuous.
Alternate Dial Tone 440+330 Continuous
Secondary Dial Tone Use Dial Tone.
Busy Tone 440 (0.5/0.5) on/off.
Fast Busy Tone 440 (0.5/0.5) on/off.
Intercept Busy Tone 440 (0.5/0.5) on/off.
Ring Tone 440 (1.5/3.5) on/off.
Call Waiting Tone 440 (0.3/10.0) on/off.
Number Unobtainable
440 Continuous.
Analog Phone Settings
Ring Current Frequency 25Hz
Minimum Flash Hook Time 0.025s
Maximum Flash Hook Time 0.350s
Default Caller Display Type FSKD
Default Message Waiting Indication Type On = 101V on Phone V2 modules and IP500 Phone cards, otherwise
Locale Specific Behavior
Companding A-Law
Dialling Timeout 30 seconds from start of dialing.
Disconnect Tone Busy Tone
Disconnect Method Busy tone disconnect.
Display Language French
Feature Phone Clearing Disconnect Tone
Voicemail Truncation Time 7 seconds.
Default Currency EUR
Default Time Zone UTC+01:00 - Paris
These are the language support options for the Release 8.1 suite of software. The language support options will differ
from other system releases.
Language French
Phone Display
- DS Phones
- T3 Phones
Voicemail prompts
- Voicemail Pro
- Embedded Voicemail
Language French
IP Office Manager
System Status Application
Phone Manager
Soft Console
one-X Portal for IP Office
IP Office Customer Call
Manager 10.1 Page 1102
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
14.19 Greece
The tones and cadences below are applicable for the Release 3.2 4Q7+ and 4.1 1Q8+ maintenance releases and for
Release 4.2+. Releases prior to those used the United Kingdom set of tones and cadences.
Tone Frequency
Cadence (seconds)
Dial Tone 425 Continuous
Alternate Dial Tone 425 (0.5/1.0) on/off
Secondary Dial Tone 425 (0.2/0.3/0.7/0.8) on/off
Busy Tone 425 (0.3/0.3) on/off
Fast Busy Tone 425 (0.15/0.15) on/off
Intercept Busy Tone 425 (0.1/0.1/0.2/0.2) on/off
Ring Tone 425 (1.0/4.0) on/off
Call Waiting Tone 425 (0.3/8.0) on/off
Number Unobtainable
425 (0.1/0.2) on/off
Analog Phone Settings
Ring Current Frequency 25Hz
Minimum Flash Hook Time 0.025s
Maximum Flash Hook Time 0.350s
Default Caller Display Type FSKD
Default Message Waiting Indication Type On = 101V on Phone V2 modules and IP500 Phone cards, otherwise 81V
Locale Specific Behavior
Companding A-Law
Dialling Timeout 30 seconds from start of dialing.
Disconnect Tone Number Unobtainable
Disconnect Method Busy tone disconnect.
Display Language English (UK)
Feature Phone Clearing Disconnect Tone.
Voicemail Truncation Time 7 seconds.
Default Currency EUR
Default Time Zone UTC+02:00 - Athens.
These are the language support options for the Release 8.1 suite of software. The language support options will differ
from other system releases.
Language English Greek
Phone Display
- DS Phones
- T3 Phones
Voicemail prompts
- Voicemail Pro
- Embedded Voicemail
Language English Greek
IP Office Manager
System Status Application
Phone Manager
Soft Console
one-X Portal for IP Office
IP Office Customer Call
Manager 10.1 Page 1103
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Appendix: Locale Settings: Greece
14.20 Germany
Tone Frequency (Hz) Cadence (seconds)
Dial Tone 425 (0.16/0.16/0.16/0.16/0.16/0.8) on/off.
Alternate Dial Tone 425 (1.0/0.5) on/off.
Secondary Dial Tone 425 Continuous
Busy Tone 425 (0.48/0.48) on/off.
Fast Busy Tone 425 (0.48/0.48) on/off.
Intercept Busy Tone 425 (0.48/0.48) on/off.
Ring Tone 425 (0.945/4.05) on/off.
Call Waiting Tone 425 (0.08/0.2/0.08/10) on/off.
Number Unobtainable
425 Continuous.
Analog Phone Settings
Ring Current Frequency 25Hz
Minimum Flash Hook Time 0.025s
Maximum Flash Hook Time 0.350s
Default Caller Display Type FSKD
Default Message Waiting Indication Type On = 101V on Phone V2 modules and IP500 Phone cards, otherwise
Locale Specific Behavior
Companding A-Law
Dialling Timeout 30 seconds from start of dialing.
Disconnect Tone Busy Tone.
Disconnect Method Busy tone disconnect.
Display Language German.
Feature Phone Clearing Disconnect Tone.
Voicemail Truncation Time 7 seconds.
Default Currency EUR
Default Time Zone UTC+01:00 - Berlin.
These are the language support options for the Release 8.1 suite of software. The language support options will differ
from other system releases.
Language French
Phone Display
- DS Phones
- T3 Phones
Voicemail prompts
- Voicemail Pro
- Embedded Voicemail
Language French
IP Office Manager
System Status Application
Phone Manager
Soft Console
one-X Portal for IP Office
IP Office Customer Call
Manager 10.1 Page 1104
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
14.21 Hong Kong
Tone Frequency (Hz) Cadence (seconds)
Dial Tone 350+440 Continuous.
Alternate Dial Tone 350+440 (0.25/0.25) on/off.
Secondary Dial Tone Use Dial Tone.
Busy Tone 480+620 (0.5/0.5) on/off.
Fast Busy Tone 480+620 (0.25/0.25) on/off.
Intercept Busy Tone 480/620 (0.25/0.25) on/off.
Ring Tone 440/620 (2.0/4.0) on/off.
Call Waiting Tone 480+620 (0.06/0.25/0.06/5.0) on/off.
Number Unobtainable
480+620 Continuous.
Analog Phone Settings
Ring Current Frequency 25Hz
Minimum Flash Hook Time 0.300s
Maximum Flash Hook Time 1.000s
Default Caller Display Type
Default Message Waiting Indication Type On = 101V on Phone V2 modules and IP500 Phone
cards, otherwise 81V.
Locale Specific Behavior
Companding U-Law
Dialling Timeout 30 seconds from start of dialing.
Disconnect Tone Number Unobtainable
Disconnect Method Disconnect clear.
Display Language English (UK)
Feature Phone Clearing Go Idle
Voicemail Truncation Time 7 seconds.
Default Currency CNY
Default Time Zone UTC+08:00 - Hong Kong.
These are the language support options for the Release 8.1 suite of software. The language support options will differ
from other system releases.
Language Simplified
Madarin Cantonese
Phone Display
- DS Phones
- T3 Phones
Voicemail prompts
- Voicemail Pro
- Embedded Voicemail
Language Simplified
Madarin Cantonese
IP Office Manager
System Status Application
Phone Manager
Soft Console
one-X Portal for IP Office
IP Office Customer Call
Manager 10.1 Page 1105
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Appendix: Locale Settings: Hong Kong
14.22 Hungary
Tone Frequency
Cadence (seconds)
Dial Tone 425 Continuous.
Alternate Dial Tone 425 (1.0/0.5) on/off.
Secondary Dial Tone Use Dial Tone.
Busy Tone 425 (0.5/0.5) on/off.
Fast Busy Tone 425 (0.5/0.5) on/off.
Intercept Busy Tone 425 (0.5/0.5) on/off.
Ring Tone 425 (1.0/4.0) on/off.
Call Waiting Tone 425 (0.15/0.15/0.15/10.0) on/off.
Number Unobtainable
425 Continuous.
Analog Phone Settings
Ring Current Frequency 25Hz
Minimum Flash Hook Time 0.025s
Maximum Flash Hook Time 0.350s
Default Caller Display Type FSKD
Default Message Waiting Indication Type On = 101V on Phone V2 modules and IP500 Phone
cards, otherwise 81V.
Locale Specific Behavior
Companding A-Law
Dialling Timeout 30 seconds from start of dialing.
Disconnect Tone Number Unobtainable
Disconnect Method Busy tone disconnect.
Display Language English (UK)
Feature Phone Clearing Disconnect Tone
Voicemail Truncation Time 7 seconds.
Default Currency HUF
Default Time Zone UTC+01:00 - Belgrade.
These are the language support options for the Release 8.1 suite of software. The language support options will differ
from other system releases.
Language English Hungarian
Phone Display
- DS Phones
- T3 Phones
Voicemail prompts
- Voicemail Pro
- Embedded Voicemail
Language English Hungarian
IP Office Manager
System Status Application
Phone Manager
Soft Console
one-X Portal for IP Office
IP Office Customer Call
Manager 10.1 Page 1106
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
14.23 Iceland
Tone Frequency
Cadence (seconds)
Dial Tone 350+450 Continuous.
Alternate Dial Tone 350+450 (1.0/0.5) on/off.
Secondary Dial Tone Use Dial Tone.
Busy Tone 400 (0.375/0.375) on/off.
Fast Busy Tone 400 (0.375/0.375) on/off.
Intercept Busy Tone 400 Continuous.
Ring Tone 400+450 (0.4/0.2/0.4/2.0) on/off.
Call Waiting Tone 400 (0.1/30.0) on/off.
Number Unobtainable
400 Continuous.
Analog Phone Settings
Ring Current Frequency 25Hz
Minimum Flash Hook Time 0.025s
Maximum Flash Hook Time 0.350s
Default Caller Display Type UK20
Default Message Waiting Indication Type On = 101V on Phone V2 modules and IP500 Phone
cards, otherwise 81V.
Locale Specific Behavior
Companding A-Law
Dialling Timeout 30 seconds from start of dialing.
Disconnect Tone Number Unobtainable
Disconnect Method Busy tone disconnect.
Display Language English (UK)
Feature Phone Clearing Disconnect Tone.
Voicemail Truncation Time 7 seconds.
Default Currency ISK
Default Time Zone UTC+00:00 - Reykjavik
These are the language support options for the Release 8.1 suite of software. The language support options will differ
from other system releases.
Language English UK English US
Phone Display
- DS Phones
- T3 Phones
Voicemail prompts
- Voicemail Pro
- Embedded Voicemail
Language English
IP Office Manager
System Status Application
Phone Manager
Soft Console
one-X Portal for IP Office
IP Office Customer Call
Manager 10.1 Page 1107
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Appendix: Locale Settings: Iceland
14.24 India
Support for this locale was added as part of Release 4.1.
Tone Frequency
Cadence (seconds)
Dial Tone 400 Continuous.
Alternate Dial Tone 400 (0.25/0.25/0.25/3.25) on/off.
Secondary Dial Tone Use Dial Tone.
Busy Tone 400 (0.75/0.75) on/off.
Fast Busy Tone 400 (0.25/0.25) on/off.
Intercept Busy Tone 400 (0.75/0.75) on/off.
Ring Tone 400 (0.4/0.2/0.4/2.0) on/off.
Call Waiting Tone 400 (0.2/0.1/0.2/7.5) on/off.
Number Unobtainable
400 (2.8/0.2) on/off.
Analog Phone Settings
Ring Current Frequency 25Hz
Minimum Flash Hook Time 0.050s
Maximum Flash Hook Time 0.300s
Default Caller Display Type DTMFA
Default Message Waiting Indication Type On = 101V on Phone V2 modules and IP500 Phone
cards, otherwise 81V.
Locale Specific Behavior
Companding A-Law
Dialling Timeout 30 seconds from start of dialing.
Disconnect Tone Number Unobtainable
Disconnect Method Busy tone disconnect.
Display Language English (UK)
Feature Phone Clearing Go Idle
Voicemail Truncation Time 7 seconds.
Default Currency INR
Default Time Zone UTC+05:30 - Chennai, Mumbai, New Dehli.
These are the language support options for the Release 8.1 suite of software. The language support options will differ
from other system releases.
Language English UK English US
Phone Display
- DS Phones
- T3 Phones
Voicemail prompts
- Voicemail Pro
- Embedded Voicemail
Language English
IP Office Manager
System Status Application
Phone Manager
Soft Console
one-X Portal for IP Office
IP Office Customer Call
Manager 10.1 Page 1108
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
14.25 Italy
Tone Frequency
Cadence (seconds)
Dial Tone 350+425 Continuous.
Alternate Dial Tone 350+425 (1.0/0.5) on/off.
Secondary Dial Tone 425 (0.2/0.2/0.6/1.0) on/off.
Busy Tone 400 (0.5/0.5) on/off.
Fast Busy Tone 425 (0.5/0.5) on/off.
Intercept Busy Tone 425 (0.5/0.5) on/off.
Ring Tone 425 (1.0/4.0) on/off.
Call Waiting Tone 400 (0.1/4.9) on/off.
Number Unobtainable
400 (0.1/0.1) on/off.
Analog Phone Settings
Ring Current Frequency 25Hz
Minimum Flash Hook Time 0.025s
Maximum Flash Hook Time 0.350s
Default Caller Display Type FSKD
Default Message Waiting Indication Type On = 101V on Phone V2 modules and IP500 Phone
cards, otherwise 81V.
Locale Specific Behavior
Companding A-Law
Dialling Timeout 10 seconds with no digit dialed.
Disconnect Tone Number Unobtainable
Disconnect Method Busy tone disconnect.
Display Language Italian
Feature Phone Clearing Go Idle
Voicemail Truncation Time 2 seconds.
Default Currency EUR
Default Time Zone UTC+01:00 - Rome.
These are the language support options for the Release 8.1 suite of software. The language support options will differ
from other system releases.
Language Italian
Phone Display
- DS Phones
- T3 Phones
Voicemail prompts
- Voicemail Pro
- Embedded Voicemail
Language Italian
- IP Office Manager
- System Status
- Phone Manager
- Soft Console
- one-X Portal for IP
- IP Office Customer Call
Manager 10.1 Page 1109
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Appendix: Locale Settings: Italy
14.26 Korea
Tone Frequency
Cadence (seconds)
Dial Tone 350+440 (1.0/0.25) on/off.
Alternate Dial Tone 350+440 (0.25/0.25) on/off.
Secondary Dial Tone Use Dial Tone.
Busy Tone 480+620 (0.5/0.5) on/off.
Fast Busy Tone 480+620 (0.3/0.2) on/off.
Intercept Busy Tone 480+620 (0.125/0.025/0.125/1.5) on/off.
Ring Tone 440+480 (1.0/2.0) on/off.
Call Waiting Tone 480+620 (0.06/0.25/0.06/5.0) on/off.
Number Unobtainable
480+620 Continuous.
Analog Phone Settings
Ring Current Frequency 25Hz
Minimum Flash Hook Time 0.050s
Maximum Flash Hook Time 1.000s
Default Caller Display Type FSKD
Default Message Waiting Indication Type 51V Stepped
Locale Specific Behavior
Companding A-Law
Dialling Timeout 30 seconds from start of dialing.
Disconnect Tone Number Unobtainable
Disconnect Method Busy tone disconnect.
Display Language English (UK)
Feature Phone Clearing Disconnect Tone
Voicemail Truncation Time 3 seconds.
Default Currency KRW
Default Time Zone UTC+09:00 - Seoul.
These are the language support options for the Release 8.1 suite of software. The language support options will differ
from other system releases.
Language English Korean
Phone Display
- DS Phones
- T3 Phones
Voicemail prompts
- Voicemail Pro
- Embedded Voicemail
Language English Korean
IP Office Manager
System Status Application
Phone Manager
Soft Console
one-X Portal for IP Office
IP Office Customer Call
Manager 10.1 Page 1110
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
14.27 Kuwait
Support added in Release 6.1.
Tone Frequency
Cadence (seconds)
Dial Tone 425 Continuous.
Alternate Dial Tone 425 (1.0/0.5) on/off.
Secondary Dial Tone 440+350 Continuous.
Busy Tone 425 (0.375/0.375) on/off.
Fast Busy Tone 425 (0.25/0.25) on/off.
Intercept Busy Tone 425 Continuous.
Ring Tone 425 (1.0/4.0) on/off.
Call Waiting Tone 425 (0.1/4.0) on/off.
Number Unobtainable
425 Continuous.
Analog Phone Settings
Ring Current Frequency 20Hz
Minimum Flash Hook Time 0.300s
Maximum Flash Hook Time 1.000s
Default Caller Display Type FSKD
Default Message Waiting Indication Type 81V
Locale Specific Behavior
Companding A-Law
Dialling Timeout 30 seconds from start of dialing.
Disconnect Tone Number Unobtainable
Disconnect Method Busy tone disconnect.
Display Language English (UK)
Feature Phone Clearing Go Idle
Voicemail Truncation Time -
Default Currency -
Default Time Zone UTC+03:00
Emergency Numbers 112
These are the language support options for the Release 8.1 suite of software. The language support options will differ
from other system releases.
Language English Arabic
Phone Display
- DS Phones
- T3 Phones
Voicemail prompts
- Voicemail Pro
- Embedded Voicemail
Language English Arabic
IP Office Manager
System Status Application
Phone Manager
Soft Console
one-X Portal for IP Office
IP Office Customer Call
Manager 10.1 Page 1111
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Appendix: Locale Settings: Kuwait
14.28 Mexico
Tone Frequency
Cadence (seconds)
Dial Tone 425 Continuous.
Alternate Dial Tone 425 (2.0/4.0) on/off.
Secondary Dial Tone Use Dial Tone.
Busy Tone 480+620 (0.5/0.5) on/off.
Fast Busy Tone 480+620 (0.25/0.25) on/off.
Intercept Busy Tone 440/620 (0.25/0.25) alternating tones.
Ring Tone 440+480 (1.0/3.0) on/off.
Call Waiting Tone 480+620 (0.06/0.25/0.06/5.0) on/off.
Number Unobtainable
480+620 Continuous.
Analog Phone Settings
Ring Current Frequency 25Hz
Minimum Flash Hook Time 0.050s
Maximum Flash Hook Time 1.000s
Default Caller Display Type FSKD
Default Message Waiting Indication Type 51V Stepped
Locale Specific Behavior
Companding U-Law
Dialling Timeout 30 seconds from start of dialing.
Disconnect Tone Number Unobtainable
Disconnect Method Busy tone disconnect.
Display Language Mexican Spanish
Feature Phone Clearing Disconnect Tone.
Voicemail Truncation Time 2 seconds.
Default Currency MXN
Default Time Zone UTC-06:00 - Guadalajara, Mexico City.
These are the language support options for the Release 8.1 suite of software. The language support options will differ
from other system releases.
Language Latin Spanish
Phone Display
- DS Phones
- T3 Phones
Voicemail prompts
- Voicemail Pro
- Embedded Voicemail
Language Latin Spanish
IP Office Manager
System Status Application
Phone Manager
Soft Console
one-X Portal for IP Office
IP Office Customer Call
Manager 10.1 Page 1112
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
14.29 Morocco
Support added in Release 6.1.
Tone Frequency
Cadence (seconds)
Dial Tone 425 Continuous.
Alternate Dial Tone 425 (1.0/0.5) on/off.
Secondary Dial Tone 440+350 Continuous.
Busy Tone 425 (0.375/0.375) on/off.
Fast Busy Tone 425 (0.5/0.5) on/off.
Intercept Busy Tone 425 Continuous.
Ring Tone 425 (1.7/3.3) on/off.
Call Waiting Tone 425 (0.1/30.0) on/off.
Number Unobtainable
425 Continuous.
Analog Phone Settings
Ring Current Frequency 20Hz
Minimum Flash Hook Time 0.300s
Maximum Flash Hook Time 1.000s
Default Caller Display Type FSKD
Default Message Waiting Indication Type 81V
Locale Specific Behavior
Companding A-Law
Dialling Timeout 30 seconds from start of dialing.
Disconnect Tone Number Unobtainable
Disconnect Method Busy tone disconnect.
Display Language French
Feature Phone Clearing Go Idle
Voicemail Truncation Time -
Default Currency -
Default Time Zone UTC+00:00
Emergency Numbers 19, 177, 15
These are the language support options for the Release 8.1 suite of software. The language support options will differ
from other system releases.
Language English Arabic
Phone Display
- DS Phones
- T3 Phones
Voicemail prompts
- Voicemail Pro
- Embedded Voicemail
Language English Arabic
IP Office Manager
System Status Application
Phone Manager
Soft Console
one-X Portal for IP Office
IP Office Customer Call
Manager 10.1 Page 1113
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Appendix: Locale Settings: Morocco
14.30 Netherlands
Tone Frequency
Cadence (seconds)
Dial Tone 425 Continuous.
Alternate Dial Tone 425 (1.0/0.5) on/off.
Secondary Dial Tone Use Dial Tone.
Busy Tone 425 (0.48/0.48) on/off.
Fast Busy Tone 425 (0.48/0.48) on/off.
Intercept Busy Tone 425 (0.48/0.48) on/off.
Ring Tone 425 (0.945/4.05) on/off.
Call Waiting Tone 400 (0.08/10.0) on/off.
Number Unobtainable
425 Continuous.
Analog Phone Settings
Ring Current Frequency 25Hz
Minimum Flash Hook Time 0.025s
Maximum Flash Hook Time 0.350s
Default Caller Display Type DTMFD
Default Message Waiting Indication Type On = 101V on Phone V2 modules and IP500 Phone
cards, otherwise 81V.
Locale Specific Behavior
Companding A-Law
Dialling Timeout 30 seconds from start of dialing.
Disconnect Tone Busy.
Busy tone disconnect.
Display Language Dutch.
Feature Phone Clearing Go Idle.
Voicemail Truncation Time 7 seconds.
Default Currency EUR
Default Time Zone UTC+01:00 - Amsterdam.
These are the language support options for the Release 8.1 suite of software. The language support options will differ
from other system releases.
Language Dutch
Phone Display
- DS Phones
- T3 Phones
Voicemail prompts
- Voicemail Pro
- Embedded Voicemail
Language Dutch
IP Office Manager
System Status Application
Phone Manager
Soft Console
one-X Portal for IP Office
IP Office Customer Call
Manager 10.1 Page 1114
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
14.31 New Zealand
Tone Frequency
Cadence (seconds)
Dial Tone 350+350 Continuous.
Alternate Dial Tone 350+350 (1.0/0.5) on/off.
Secondary Dial Tone Use Dial Tone.
Busy Tone 400 (0.375/0.375) on/off.
Fast Busy Tone 400 (0.375/0.375) on/off.
Intercept Busy Tone 400 Continuous.
Ring Tone 400+450 (0.4/0.2/0.4/2.0) on/off.
Call Waiting Tone 400 (0.1/30.0) on/off.
Number Unobtainable
400 (0.075/0.1/0.075/0.1/0.075/0.1/0.075/0.4) on/off.
Analog Phone Settings
Ring Current Frequency 25Hz
Minimum Flash Hook Time 0.025s
Maximum Flash Hook Time 0.350s
Default Caller Display Type FSKD
Default Message Waiting Indication Type 51V Stepped
Locale Specific Behavior
Companding A-Law
Dialling Timeout 30 seconds from start of dialing.
Disconnect Tone Busy Tone.
Disconnect Method Busy tone disconnect.
Display Language English (UK)
Feature Phone Clearing Disconnect Tone.
Voicemail Truncation Time 5 seconds.
Default Currency NZD
Default Time Zone UTC+12:00 - Auckland, Wellington.
These are the language support options for the Release 8.1 suite of software. The language support options will differ
from other system releases.
Language English UK English US
Phone Display
- DS Phones
- T3 Phones
Voicemail prompts
- Voicemail Pro
- Embedded Voicemail
Language English
IP Office Manager
System Status Application
Phone Manager
Soft Console
one-X Portal for IP Office
IP Office Customer Call
Manager 10.1 Page 1115
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Appendix: Locale Settings: New Zealand
14.32 Norway
Tone Frequency
Cadence (seconds)
Dial Tone 425 Continuous.
Alternate Dial Tone 425 (1.0/0.5) on/off.
Secondary Dial Tone Use Dial Tone.
Busy Tone 425 (0.5/0.5) on/off.
Fast Busy Tone 425 (0.5/0.5) on/off.
Intercept Busy Tone 425 (0.5/0.5) on/off.
Ring Tone 425 1.0/1.5/(1.0/4.0) on/off.
Call Waiting Tone 425 (0.08/0.6/0.08/10.0) on/off.
Number Unobtainable
425 Continuous.
Analog Phone Settings
Ring Current Frequency 25Hz
Minimum Flash Hook Time 0.025s
Maximum Flash Hook Time 0.350s
Default Caller Display Type UK
Default Message Waiting Indication Type On = 101V on Phone V2 modules and IP500 Phone
cards, otherwise 81V.
Locale Specific Behavior
Companding A-Law
Dialling Timeout 30 seconds from start of dialing.
Disconnect Tone Number Unobtainable
Disconnect Method Busy tone disconnect.
Display Language Norwegian
Feature Phone Clearing Disconnect Tone.
Voicemail Truncation Time 7 seconds.
Default Currency NOK
Default Time Zone UTC+01:00 - Oslo.
These are the language support options for the Release 8.1 suite of software. The language support options will differ
from other system releases.
Language Norwegian
Phone Display
- DS Phones
- T3 Phones
Voicemail prompts
- Voicemail Pro
- Embedded Voicemail
Language Norwegian
IP Office Manager
System Status Application
Phone Manager
Soft Console
one-X Portal for IP Office
IP Office Customer Call
Manager 10.1 Page 1116
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
14.33 Oman
Support added in Release 6.1.
Tone Frequency
Cadence (seconds)
Dial Tone 425 Continuous.
Alternate Dial Tone 425 (1.0/0.5) on/off.
Secondary Dial Tone 440+350 Continuous.
Busy Tone 425 (0.375/0.375) on/off.
Fast Busy Tone 425 (0.4/0.35/0.225/0.525) on/off.
Intercept Busy Tone 425 Continuous.
Ring Tone 425 (0.4/0.2/0.4/2.0) on/off.
Call Waiting Tone 425 (0.3/10.0) on/off.
Number Unobtainable
425 Continuous.
Analog Phone Settings
Ring Current Frequency 20Hz
Minimum Flash Hook Time 0.300s
Maximum Flash Hook Time 1.000s
Default Caller Display Type FSKD
Default Message Waiting Indication Type 81V
Locale Specific Behavior
Companding A-Law
Dialling Timeout 30 seconds from start of dialing.
Disconnect Tone Number Unobtainable
Disconnect Method Busy tone disconnect.
Display Language English (UK)
Feature Phone Clearing Go Idle
Voicemail Truncation Time -
Default Currency -
Default Time Zone UTC+04:00
Emergency Numbers 999
These are the language support options for the Release 8.1 suite of software. The language support options will differ
from other system releases.
Language English Arabic
Phone Display
- DS Phones
- T3 Phones
Voicemail prompts
- Voicemail Pro
- Embedded Voicemail
Language English Arabic
IP Office Manager
System Status Application
Phone Manager
Soft Console
one-X Portal for IP Office
IP Office Customer Call
Manager 10.1 Page 1117
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Appendix: Locale Settings: Oman
14.34 Pakistan
Support added in Release 6.1.
Tone Frequency
Cadence (seconds)
Dial Tone 425 Continuous.
Alternate Dial Tone 425 (1.0/0.5) on/off.
Secondary Dial Tone 440+350 Continuous.
Busy Tone 425 (0.375/0.375) on/off.
Fast Busy Tone 400 (0.25/0.25) on/off.
Intercept Busy Tone 400 Continuous.
Ring Tone 400 (1.0/2.0) on/off.
Call Waiting Tone 400 (0.1/30.0) on/off.
Number Unobtainable
400 Continuous.
Analog Phone Settings
Ring Current Frequency 20Hz
Minimum Flash Hook Time 0.300s
Maximum Flash Hook Time 1.000s
Default Caller Display Type FSKD
Default Message Waiting Indication Type 81V
Locale Specific Behavior
Companding A-Law
Dialling Timeout 30 seconds from start of dialing.
Disconnect Tone Number Unobtainable
Disconnect Method Busy tone disconnect.
Display Language English (UK)
Feature Phone Clearing Go Idle
Voicemail Truncation Time -
Default Currency -
Default Time Zone UTC+05:00
Emergency Numbers 15, 1122, 115, 16.
These are the language support options for the Release 8.1 suite of software. The language support options will differ
from other system releases.
Language English Arabic
Phone Display
- DS Phones
- T3 Phones
Voicemail prompts
- Voicemail Pro
- Embedded Voicemail
Language English Arabic
IP Office Manager
System Status Application
Phone Manager
Soft Console
one-X Portal for IP Office
IP Office Customer Call
Manager 10.1 Page 1118
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
14.35 Peru
Tone Frequency (Hz) Cadence (seconds)
Dial Tone 425 Continuous.
Alternate Dial Tone 425 (2.0/4.0) on/off.
Secondary Dial Tone Use Dial Tone.
Busy Tone 480+620 (0.5/0.5) on/off.
Fast Busy Tone 480+620 (0.25/0.25) on/off.
Intercept Busy Tone 440/620 (0.25/0.25) alternating tones.
Ring Tone 440+480 (1.0/3.0) on/off.
Call Waiting Tone 480+620 (0.06/0.25/0.06/5.0) on/off.
Number Unobtainable
480+620 Continuous.
Analog Phone Settings
Ring Current Frequency 25Hz
Minimum Flash Hook Time 0.050s
Maximum Flash Hook Time 1.000s
Default Caller Display Type FSKD
Default Message Waiting Indication Type 51V Stepped
Locale Specific Behavior
Companding U-Law
Dialling Timeout 30 seconds from start of dialing.
Disconnect Tone Number Unobtainable
Disconnect Method Busy tone disconnect.
Display Language Mexican Spanish
Feature Phone Clearing Disconnect Tone
Voicemail Truncation Time 7 seconds.
Default Currency PEN
Default Time Zone GMT-05:00 - Lima
These are the language support options for the Release 8.1 suite of software. The language support options will differ
from other system releases.
Language Latin Spanish
Phone Display
- DS Phones
- T3 Phones
Voicemail prompts
- Voicemail Pro
- Embedded Voicemail
Language Latin Spanish
IP Office Manager
System Status Application
Phone Manager
Soft Console
one-X Portal for IP Office
IP Office Customer Call
Manager 10.1 Page 1119
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Appendix: Locale Settings: Peru
14.36 Poland
Tone Frequency
Cadence (seconds)
Dial Tone 425 Continuous.
Alternate Dial Tone 425 (1.0/0.5) on/off.
Secondary Dial Tone Use Dial Tone.
Busy Tone 425 (0.5/0.5) on/off.
Fast Busy Tone 425 (0.5/0.5) on/off.
Intercept Busy Tone 425 (0.5/0.5) on/off.
Ring Tone 425 (1.0/4.0) on/off.
Call Waiting Tone 425 (0.15/0.15/0.15/10.0) on/off.
Number Unobtainable
425 Continuous.
Analog Phone Settings
Ring Current Frequency 25Hz
Minimum Flash Hook Time 0.025s
Maximum Flash Hook Time 0.350s
Default Caller Display Type FSKD
Default Message Waiting Indication Type On = 101V on Phone V2 modules and IP500 Phone
cards, otherwise 81V.
Locale Specific Behavior
Companding A-Law
Dialling Timeout 30 seconds from start of dialing.
Disconnect Tone Number Unobtainable
Disconnect Method Busy tone disconnect.
Display Language English (UK)
Feature Phone Clearing Disconnect tone.
Voicemail Truncation Time 7 seconds.
Default Currency PLN
Default Time Zone UTC+01:00 - Warsaw.
These are the language support options for the Release 8.1 suite of software. The language support options will differ
from other system releases.
Language English Polish
Phone Display
- DS Phones
- T3 Phones
Voicemail prompts
- Voicemail Pro
- Embedded Voicemail
Language English Polish
IP Office Manager
System Status Application
Phone Manager
Soft Console
one-X Portal for IP Office
IP Office Customer Call
Manager 10.1 Page 1120
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
14.37 Portugal
Tone Frequency
Cadence (seconds)
Dial Tone 350+450 Continuous
Alternate Dial Tone 350+450 (1.0/0.5) on/off.
Secondary Dial Tone Use Dial Tone.
Busy Tone 400 (0.375/0.375) on/off.
Fast Busy Tone 400 (0.375/0.375) on/off.
Intercept Busy Tone 400 Continuous
Ring Tone 400+450 (0.4/0.2/0.4/2.0) on/off.
Call Waiting Tone 400 (0.1/30.0) on/off.
Number Unobtainable
400 Continuous
Analog Phone Settings
Ring Current Frequency 25Hz
Minimum Flash Hook Time 0.025s
Maximum Flash Hook Time 0.350s
Default Caller Display Type UK20
Default Message Waiting Indication Type On = 101V on Phone V2 modules and IP500 Phone
cards, otherwise 81V.
Locale Specific Behavior
Companding A-Law
Dialling Timeout 30 seconds from start of dialing.
Disconnect Tone Number Unobtainable
Disconnect Method Busy tone disconnect.
Display Language Portuguese
Feature Phone Clearing Disconnect Tone
Voicemail Truncation Time 7 seconds.
Default Currency EUR
Default Time Zone UTC+00:00 - Lisbon.
These are the language support options for the Release 8.1 suite of software. The language support options will differ
from other system releases.
Language Brazilian Portuguese
Phone Display
- DS Phones
- T3 Phones
Voicemail prompts
- Voicemail Pro
- Embedded Voicemail
Language Brazilian Portuguese
IP Office Manager
System Status Application
Phone Manager
Soft Console
one-X Portal for IP Office
IP Office Customer Call
Manager 10.1 Page 1121
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Appendix: Locale Settings: Portugal
14.38 Qatar
Support added in Release 6.1.
Tone Frequency
Cadence (seconds)
Dial Tone 350+440 Continuous.
Alternate Dial Tone 350+440 (1.0/0.5) on/off.
Secondary Dial Tone 440+350 Continuous.
Busy Tone 400 (0.375/0.375) on/off.
Fast Busy Tone 400 (0.4/0.35/0.22/0.52) on/off.
Intercept Busy Tone 400 Continuous.
Ring Tone 400+450 (0.38/0.25/0.38/2.0) on/off.
Call Waiting Tone 400 (0.2/0.6/0.2/5.0) on/off.
Number Unobtainable
400 Continuous.
Analog Phone Settings
Ring Current Frequency 20Hz
Minimum Flash Hook Time 0.300s
Maximum Flash Hook Time 1.000s
Default Caller Display Type FSKD
Default Message Waiting Indication Type 81V
Locale Specific Behavior
Companding A-Law
Dialling Timeout 30 seconds from start of dialing.
Disconnect Tone Number Unobtainable
Disconnect Method Busy tone disconnect.
Display Language English (UK)
Feature Phone Clearing Go Idle
Voicemail Truncation Time -
Default Currency -
Default Time Zone UTC+03:00
Emergency Numbers 999
These are the language support options for the Release 8.1 suite of software. The language support options will differ
from other system releases.
Language English Arabic
Phone Display
- DS Phones
- T3 Phones
Voicemail prompts
- Voicemail Pro
- Embedded Voicemail
Language English Arabic
IP Office Manager
System Status Application
Phone Manager
Soft Console
one-X Portal for IP Office
IP Office Customer Call
Manager 10.1 Page 1122
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
14.39 Russia
Tone Frequency
Cadence (seconds)
Dial Tone 425 Continuous.
Alternate Dial Tone 425 Continuous.
Secondary Dial Tone Use Dial Tone.
Busy Tone 425 (0.35/0.35) on/off.
Fast Busy Tone 425 (0.2/0.2) on/off.
Intercept Busy Tone 425 (0.35/0.35) on/off.
Ring Tone 425 (1.0/4.0) on/off.
Call Waiting Tone 425 (0.2/5.0) on/off.
Number Unobtainable
425 Continuous.
Analog Phone Settings
Ring Current Frequency 25Hz
Minimum Flash Hook Time 0.025s
Maximum Flash Hook Time 0.350s
Default Caller Display Type None
Default Message Waiting Indication Type 51V Stepped
Locale Specific Behavior
Companding A-Law
Dialling Timeout 30 seconds from start of dialing.
Disconnect Tone Number Unobtainable
Disconnect Method Busy tone disconnect.
Display Language Russian
Feature Phone Clearing Disconnect Tone
Voicemail Truncation Time 7 seconds.
Default Currency RUR
Default Time Zone UTC+03:00 - Moscow.
These are the language support options for the Release 8.1 suite of software. The language support options will differ
from other system releases.
Language Russian
Phone Display
- DS Phones
- T3 Phones
Voicemail prompts
- Voicemail Pro
- Embedded Voicemail
Language Russian
IP Office Manager
System Status Application
Phone Manager
Soft Console
one-X Portal for IP Office
IP Office Customer Call
Cyrillic display support for the Russian locale is limited on phones as follows:
4600 Series/5600 Series: All display strings if using the double-byte build of phone firmware.
EU24/EU24BL: No Cyrillic language support.
Manager 10.1 Page 1123
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Appendix: Locale Settings: Russia
14.40 Saudi Arabia
Tone Frequency
Cadence (seconds)
Dial Tone 350+440 Continuous.
Alternate Dial Tone 350+440 (0.25/0.25) on/off.
Secondary Dial Tone Use Dial Tone.
Busy Tone 425 (0.5/0.5) on/off.
Fast Busy Tone 480+620 (0.25/0.25) on/off.
Intercept Busy Tone 480+620 (0.25/0.25/0.25/0.25) on/off.
Ring Tone 440+480 (2.0/4.0) on/off.
Call Waiting Tone 480+620 (0.1/0.2/1200.0) on/off.
Number Unobtainable
480+620 Continuous.
Analog Phone Settings
Ring Current Frequency 25Hz
Minimum Flash Hook Time 0.300s
Maximum Flash Hook Time 1.000s
Default Caller Display Type FSKD
Default Message Waiting Indication Type 51V Stepped
Locale Specific Behavior
Companding U-Law
Dialling Timeout 30 seconds from start of dialing.
Disconnect Tone Number Unobtainable
Disconnect Method Busy tone disconnect.
Display Language English (UK)
Feature Phone Clearing Go Idle
Voicemail Truncation Time 5 seconds.
Default Currency SAR
Default Time Zone UTC+03:00 - Kuwait, Riyadh.
Emergency Numbers 997, 998, 999
These are the language support options for the Release 8.1 suite of software. The language support options will differ
from other system releases.
Language English Arabic
Phone Display
- DS Phones
- T3 Phones
Voicemail prompts
- Voicemail Pro
- Embedded Voicemail
Language English Arabic
IP Office Manager
System Status Application
Phone Manager
Soft Console
one-X Portal for IP Office
IP Office Customer Call
Manager 10.1 Page 1124
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
14.41 Singapore
Support added in Release 6.1.
Tone Frequency
Cadence (seconds)
Dial Tone 425 Continuous.
Alternate Dial Tone 425 (1.0/0.5) on/off.
Secondary Dial Tone 440+350 Continuous.
Busy Tone 425+50 (1.0/4.0) on/off.
Fast Busy Tone 450 (0.5/0.5) on/off.
Intercept Busy Tone
Ring Tone 425+50 (2.0/1.0) on/off.
Call Waiting Tone 400 (0.1/30.0) on/off.
Number Unobtainable
400 Continuous.
Analog Phone Settings
Ring Current Frequency 20Hz
Minimum Flash Hook Time 0.300s
Maximum Flash Hook Time 1.000s
Default Caller Display Type FSKD
Default Message Waiting Indication Type 81V
Locale Specific Behavior
Companding A-Law
Dialling Timeout 30 seconds from start of dialing.
Disconnect Tone Number Unobtainable
Disconnect Method Disconnect clear.
Display Language English (UK)
Feature Phone Clearing Go Idle
Voicemail Truncation Time -
Default Currency -
Default Time Zone UTC+03:00
Emergency Numbers 122, 122, 180
These are the language support options for the Release 8.1 suite of software. The language support options will differ
from other system releases.
Language English UK English US
Phone Display
- DS Phones
- T3 Phones
Voicemail prompts
- Voicemail Pro
- Embedded Voicemail
Language English
IP Office Manager
System Status Application
Phone Manager
Soft Console
one-X Portal for IP Office
IP Office Customer Call
Manager 10.1 Page 1125
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Appendix: Locale Settings: Singapore
14.42 South Africa
Tone Frequency (Hz) Cadence (seconds)
Dial Tone 350+450 Continuous.
Alternate Dial Tone 350+450 (1.0/0.5) on/off.
Secondary Dial Tone Use Dial Tone.
Busy Tone 400 (0.375/0.375) on/off.
Fast Busy Tone 400 (0.375/0.375) on/off.
Intercept Busy Tone 400 Continuous.
Ring Tone 400+450 (0.4/0.2/0.4/2.0) on/off.
Call Waiting Tone 400 (0.1/30.0) on/off.
Number Unobtainable
400 Continuous.
Analog Phone Settings
Ring Current Frequency 25Hz
Minimum Flash Hook Time 0.025s
Maximum Flash Hook Time 0.350s
Default Caller Display Type UK20
Default Message Waiting Indication Type 51V Stepped
Locale Specific Behavior
Companding A-Law
Dialling Timeout 30 seconds from start of dialing.
Disconnect Tone Number Unobtainable
Disconnect Method Busy tone disconnect.
Display Language English (UK)
Feature Phone Clearing Disconnect Tone.
Voicemail Truncation Time 7 seconds.
Default Currency ZAR
Default Time Zone UTC+02:00 - Pretoria.
Emergency Numbers 10111, 10177
These are the language support options for the Release 8.1 suite of software. The language support options will differ
from other system releases.
Language English UK English US
Phone Display
- DS Phones
- T3 Phones
Voicemail prompts
- Voicemail Pro
- Embedded Voicemail
Language English
IP Office Manager
System Status Application
Phone Manager
Soft Console
one-X Portal for IP Office
IP Office Customer Call
Manager 10.1 Page 1126
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
14.43 Spain
Tone Frequency (Hz) Cadence (seconds)
Dial Tone 425 Continuous.
Alternate Dial Tone 425 (1.0/0.5) on/off.
Secondary Dial Tone Use Dial Tone.
Busy Tone 425 (0.25/0.25) on/off.
Fast Busy Tone 425 (0.25/0.25) on/off.
Intercept Busy Tone 425 (0.25/0.25) on/off.
Ring Tone 425 (1.5/3.0) on/off.
Call Waiting Tone 425 (0.15/0.15/0.15/30.0) on/off.
Number Unobtainable
425 Continuous.
Analog Phone Settings
Ring Current Frequency 25Hz
Minimum Flash Hook Time 0.025s
Maximum Flash Hook Time 0.350s
Default Caller Display Type FSKD
Default Message Waiting Indication Type 51V Stepped
Locale Specific Behavior
Companding A-Law.
Dialling Timeout 30 seconds from start of dialing.
Disconnect Tone Number Unobtainable
Disconnect Method Busy tone disconnect.
Display Language Spanish.
Feature Phone Clearing Disconnect tone.
Voicemail Truncation Time 7 seconds.
Default Currency EUR
Default Time Zone UTC+01:00 - Madrid.
These are the language support options for the Release 8.1 suite of software. The language support options will differ
from other system releases.
Language Latin
Phone Display
- DS Phones
- T3 Phones
Voicemail prompts
- Voicemail Pro
- Embedded Voicemail
Language Latin
IP Office Manager
System Status Application
Phone Manager
Soft Console
one-X Portal for IP Office
IP Office Customer Call
Manager 10.1 Page 1127
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Appendix: Locale Settings: Spain
14.44 Sweden
Tone Frequency
Cadence (seconds)
Dial Tone 425 Continuous.
Alternate Dial Tone 425 (1.0/0.5) on/off.
Secondary Dial Tone Use Dial Tone.
Busy Tone 425 (0.25/0.25) on/off.
Fast Busy Tone 425 (0.25/0.25) on/off.
Intercept Busy Tone 425 (0.25/0.25) on/off.
Ring Tone 425 (1.0/5.0) on/off.
Call Waiting Tone 425 (0.08/120) on/off.
Number Unobtainable
425 Continuous.
Analog Phone Settings
Ring Current Frequency 25Hz
Minimum Flash Hook Time 0.025s
Maximum Flash Hook Time 0.350s
Default Caller Display Type DTMFA
Default Message Waiting Indication Type On = 101V on Phone V2 modules and IP500 Phone
cards, otherwise 81V.
Locale Specific Behavior
Companding A-Law
Dialling Timeout 30 seconds from start of dialing.
Disconnect Tone Number Unobtainable
Disconnect Method Busy tone disconnect.
Display Language Swedish
Feature Phone Clearing Disconnect Tone
Voicemail Truncation Time 7 seconds.
Default Currency SEK
Default Time Zone UTC+01:00 - Stockholm
These are the language support options for the Release 8.1 suite of software. The language support options will differ
from other system releases.
Language Swedish
Phone Display
- DS Phones
- T3 Phones
Voicemail prompts
- Voicemail Pro
- Embedded Voicemail
Language Swedish
IP Office Manager
System Status Application
Phone Manager
Soft Console
one-X Portal for IP Office
IP Office Customer Call
Manager 10.1 Page 1128
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
14.45 Switzerland
Tone Frequency (Hz) Cadence (seconds)
Dial Tone 425 Continuous.
Alternate Dial Tone 425 (1.0/0.5) on/off.
Secondary Dial Tone Use Dial Tone.
Busy Tone 425 (0.5/0.5) on/off.
Fast Busy Tone 425 (0.5/0.5) on/off.
Intercept Busy Tone 425 (0.2/0.2) on/off.
Ring Tone 425 (1.0/4.0) on/off.
Call Waiting Tone 425 (0.2/0.2/0.2/4.0) on/off.
Number Unobtainable Tone 425 (0.2/0.2) on/off.
Analog Phone Settings
Ring Current Frequency 25Hz
Minimum Flash Hook Time 0.025s
Maximum Flash Hook Time 0.350s
Default Caller Display Type UK20
Default Message Waiting Indication Type On = 101V on Phone V2 modules and IP500 Phone
cards, otherwise 81V.
Locale Specific Behavior
Companding A-Law
Dialling Timeout 30 seconds from start of dialing.
Disconnect Tone Busy
Disconnect Method Busy tone disconnect.
Display Language French, Italian or German depending on specific selected
Feature Phone Clearing Disconnect Tone.
Voicemail Truncation Time 7 seconds.
Default Currency CHF
Default Time Zone UTC+01:00 - Bern.
Manager 10.1 Page 1129
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Appendix: Locale Settings: Switzerland
14.46 Taiwan
Tone Frequency
Cadence (seconds)
Dial Tone 350+440 Continuous.
Alternate Dial Tone 350+440 (0.1/0.1) on/off.
Secondary Dial Tone Use Dial Tone.
Busy Tone 480+620 (0.5/0.5) on/off.
Fast Busy Tone 480+620 (0.25/0.25) on/off.
Intercept Busy Tone 480/620 (0.25/0.25)/(0.25/0.25) on/off.
Ring Tone 440+480 (1.2/2.0) on/off.
Call Waiting Tone 350+440 (0.25/0.25/0.25/5.25) on/off.
Number Unobtainable
480+620 Continuous.
Analog Phone Settings
Ring Current Frequency 25Hz
Minimum Flash Hook Time 0.150s
Maximum Flash Hook Time 1.000s
Default Caller Display Type DTMFD/FSKD (auto detected)
Default Message Waiting Indication Type On = 101V on Phone V2 modules and IP500 Phone
cards, otherwise 81V.
Locale Specific Behavior
Companding U-Law
Dialling Timeout 30 seconds from start of dialing.
Disconnect Tone Number Unobtainable
Disconnect Method Busy tone disconnect.
Display Language English (UK)
Feature Phone Clearing Disconnect Tone.
Voicemail Truncation Time 7 seconds.
Default Currency TWD
Default Time Zone UTC+08:00 - Taipei.
These are the language support options for the Release 8.1 suite of software. The language support options will differ
from other system releases.
Language Simplified
Madarin Cantonese
Phone Display
- DS Phones
- T3 Phones
Voicemail prompts
- Voicemail Pro
- Embedded Voicemail
Language Simplified
Madarin Cantonese
IP Office Manager
System Status Application
Phone Manager
Soft Console
one-X Portal for IP Office
IP Office Customer Call
Manager 10.1 Page 1130
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
14.47 Turkey
Support for this locale was added as part of Release 4.2.
Tone Frequency (Hz) Cadence (seconds)
Dial Tone 350+440 Continuous.
Alternate Dial Tone 350+440 (0.25/0.25) on/off.
Secondary Dial Tone 350+440 Continuous.
Busy Tone 450 (0.5/0.5) on/off.
Fast Busy Tone 480+620 (0.25/0.25) on/off.
Intercept Busy Tone 480+620 Continuous.
Ring Tone 440+480 (2.0/4.0) on/off.
Call Waiting Tone 480+620 (0.0/0.1/0.2/1200) on/off.
Number Unobtainable
480+620 (0.1/0.2) on/off.
Analog Phone Settings
Ring Current Frequency 25Hz.
Minimum Flash Hook Time 0.025s
Maximum Flash Hook Time 0.350s
Default Caller Display Type FSKD
Default Message Waiting Indication Type On = 101V on Phone V2 modules and IP500 Phone
cards, otherwise 81V.
Locale Specific Behavior
Companding A-Law
Dialling Timeout 30 seconds from start of dialing.
Disconnect Tone Number Unobtainable
Disconnect Method Busy tone disconnect.
Display Language English (UK)
Feature Phone Clearing Go Idle.
Voicemail Truncation Time 0 seconds.
Default Currency YTL
Default Time Zone UTC+02:00 - Istanbul.
Emergency Numbers 155, 112, 110
These are the language support options for the Release 8.1 suite of software. The language support options will differ
from other system releases.
Language English UK English US
Phone Display
- DS Phones
- T3 Phones
Voicemail prompts
- Voicemail Pro
- Embedded Voicemail
Language English
IP Office Manager
System Status Application
Phone Manager
Soft Console
one-X Portal for IP Office
IP Office Customer Call
Manager 10.1 Page 1131
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Appendix: Locale Settings: Turkey
14.48 United Arab Emirates
Support added in Release 6.1.
Tone Frequency
Cadence (seconds)
Dial Tone 440 Continuous.
Alternate Dial Tone 440 (1.0/0.5) on/off.
Secondary Dial Tone 440+350 Continuous.
Busy Tone 425 (0.375/0.375) on/off.
Fast Busy Tone 400 (0.4/0.35/0.225/0.525) on/off.
Intercept Busy Tone 400 Continuous.
Ring Tone 400+450 (0.4/0.2/0.4/2.0) on/off.
Call Waiting Tone 400 (0.1/30.0) on/off.
Number Unobtainable
400 Continuous.
Analog Phone Settings
Ring Current Frequency 20Hz
Minimum Flash Hook Time 0.300s
Maximum Flash Hook Time 1.000s
Default Caller Display Type FSKD
Default Message Waiting Indication Type 81V
Locale Specific Behavior
Companding A-Law
Dialling Timeout 30 seconds from start of dialing.
Disconnect Tone Number Unobtainable
Disconnect Method Busy tone disconnect.
Display Language English (UK)
Feature Phone Clearing Go Idle
Voicemail Truncation Time -
Default Currency -
Default Time Zone UTC+04:00 -Abu Dhabi.
These are the language support options for the Release 8.1 suite of software. The language support options will differ
from other system releases.
Language English Arabic
Phone Display
- DS Phones
- T3 Phones
Voicemail prompts
- Voicemail Pro
- Embedded Voicemail
Language English Arabic
IP Office Manager
System Status Application
Phone Manager
Soft Console
one-X Portal for IP Office
IP Office Customer Call
Manager 10.1 Page 1132
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
14.49 United Kingdom
Tone Frequency (Hz) Cadence (seconds)
Dial Tone 350+450 Continuous.
Alternate Dial Tone 350+450 (1.0/0.5) on/off.
Secondary Dial Tone Use Dial Tone.
Busy Tone 400 (0.375/0.375) on/off.
Fast Busy Tone 400 (0.375/0.375) on/off.
Intercept Busy Tone 400 Continuous.
Ring Tone 400+450 (0.4/0.2/0.4/2.0) on/off.
Call Waiting Tone 400 (0.1/30) on/off.
Number Unobtainable
400 Continuous.
Analog Phone Settings
Ring Current Frequency 25Hz
Ring Current Cadence (0.4/0.2/0.4/2.0s) on/off.
Minimum Flash Hook Time 0.025s
Maximum Flash Hook Time 0.350s
Default Caller Display Type UK
Default Message Waiting Indication Type On = 101V on Phone V2 modules and IP500 Phone
cards, otherwise 81V.
Locale Specific Behavior
Companding A-Law
Dialling Timeout 30 seconds from start of dialing.
Disconnect Tone Number Unobtainable
Disconnect Method Disconnect clear.
Display Language English (UK)
Feature Phone Clearing Go Idle
Voicemail Truncation Time 7 seconds.
Default Currency GBP
Default Time Zone UTC+00:00 - London.
These are the language support options for the Release 8.1 suite of software. The language support options will differ
from other system releases.
Language English UK English US
Phone Display
- DS Phones
- T3 Phones
Voicemail prompts
- Voicemail Pro
- Embedded Voicemail
Language English
IP Office Manager
System Status Application
Phone Manager
Soft Console
one-X Portal for IP Office
IP Office Customer Call
Manager 10.1 Page 1133
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Appendix: Locale Settings: United Kingdom
14.50 United States
Tone Frequency (Hz) Cadence (seconds)
Dial Tone 350+440 Continuous.
Alternate Dial Tone 350+440 (0.25/0.25) on/off.
Secondary Dial Tone Use Dial Tone.
Busy Tone 480+620 (0.5/0.5) on/off.
Fast Busy Tone 480+620 (0.25/0.25) on/off.
Intercept Busy Tone 440/620 (0.25/0.25) alternating tone.
Ring Tone 440+480 (2.0/4.0) on/off.
Call Waiting Tone 480+620 (0.0/0.1/0.2/1200) on/off.
Number Unobtainable
400 Continuous.
Analog Phone Settings
Ring Current Frequency 20Hz
Minimum Flash Hook Time 0.300s
Maximum Flash Hook Time 1.000s
Default Caller Display Type FSKD
Default Message Waiting Indication Type 51V Stepped
Locale Specific Behavior
Companding U-Law.
Dialling Timeout 30 seconds from start of dialing.
Disconnect Tone Silence.
Disconnect Method Disconnect clear.
Display Language English (US).
Feature Phone Clearing Go Idle.
Voicemail Truncation Time 0 seconds.
Default Currency USD
Default Time Zone UTC-05:00 - Eastern Standard Time (EST)
These are the language support options for the Release 8.1 suite of software. The language support options will differ
from other system releases.
Language English UK English US
Phone Display
- DS Phones
- T3 Phones
Voicemail prompts
- Voicemail Pro
- Embedded Voicemail
Language English
IP Office Manager
System Status Application
Phone Manager
Soft Console
one-X Portal for IP Office
IP Office Customer Call
Manager 10.1 Page 1134
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
14.51 Venezuela
Tone Frequency
Cadence (seconds)
Dial Tone Tone 425 Continuous.
Alternate Dial Tone 425 (2.0/4.0) on/off.
Secondary Dial Tone Use Dial Tone.
Busy Tone 480+620 (0.5/0.5) on/off.
Fast Busy Tone 480+620 (0.25/0.25) on/off.
Intercept Busy Tone 440/620 (0.25/0.25) alternating tone.
Ring Tone 440+480 (1.0/3.0) on/off.
Call Waiting Tone 480+620 (0.06/0.25/0.06/5.0) on/off.
Number Unobtainable Tone 480+620 Continuous.
Analog Phone Settings
Ring Current Frequency 25Hz
Minimum Flash Hook Time 0.050s
Maximum Flash Hook Time 1.000s
Default Caller Display Type FSKD
Default Message Waiting Indication Type 51V Stepped.
Locale Specific Behavior
Companding U-Law
Dialling Timeout 30 seconds from start of dialing.
Disconnect Tone Number Unobtainable
Disconnect Method Busy tone disconnect.
Display Language Mexican Spanish.
Feature Phone Clearing Disconnect Tone.
Voicemail Truncation Time 7 seconds.
Default Currency VEB
Default Time Zone UTC-04:30 - Caracas.
These are the language support options for the Release 8.1 suite of software. The language support options will differ
from other system releases.
Language Latin Spanish
Phone Display
- DS Phones
- T3 Phones
Voicemail prompts
- Voicemail Pro
- Embedded Voicemail
Language Latin Spanish
IP Office Manager
System Status Application
Phone Manager
Soft Console
one-X Portal for IP Office
IP Office Customer Call
Manager 10.1 Page 1135
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Appendix: SMDR
Chapter 15.
Manager 10.1 Page 1136
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
15. Appendix: SMDR
Release 4.2+: The control unit is able to send SMDR (Station Message Detail Reporting) records to a specified IP address
and port.
Typically an SMDR record is output for each call between two parties (internal and or external) that is handled by the
system. In some scenarios, for examples transfers, where a call involves multiple parties then multiple SMDR records
may be output for each part of the call. See SMDR Examples .
Each SMDR record contains call information in a comma-separated format (CSV) format, that is variable-width fields with
each field separated by commas. See SMDR Fields .
Unless otherwise stated, the SMDR referred to in this documentation is the SMDR output direct from the system rather
than that output via the Delta Server application.
SMDR Buffer Persistence
For Release 6.0, the operation of SMDR on IP500 and IP500 V2 control units has been enhanced to store any
buffered SMDR records during any controlled system power downs or reboots.
Enabling SMDR
1. Receive the configuration from the system.
2. Select System and then select the CDR/SMDR tab.
3. Use the Output drop down box to select SMDR only.
4. In the SMDR settings, enter the required IP Address and TCP Port.
SMDR Records
An SMDR record is generated for each call between two devices on the system. Devices include extensions, trunk lines
(or channels on a trunk), voicemail channels, conference channels and system tones.
Calls which are not presented to another device do not generate an SMDR record. For example internal users dialing
short code that simply changes a configuration setting.
The SMDR record is generated when the call ends, therefore the order of the SMDR records output does not match the
call start times.
Each record contains a call ID which is increased by 1 for each subsequent call.
When a call moves from one device to another, an SMDR record is output for the first part of the call and an additional
SMDR record will be generated for the subsequent part of the call.
Each of these records will have the same Call ID.
Each record for a call indicates in the Continuation field if there will be further records for the same call.
Call Times
Each SMDR record can include values for ringing time, connected time, held time and parked time. The total duration of
an SMDR record is the sum of those values.
The time when a call is not in any one of the states above, for example when one party to the call has disconnected, is
not measured and included in SMDR records.
Where announcements are being used, the connected time for a call begins either when the call is answered or the first
announcement begins.
All times are rounded up to the nearest second.
Each SMDR record has a Call Start time taken from the system clock time. For calls being transferred or subject to call
splitting, each of the multiple SMDR records will have the same Call Start time as the original call.
Manager 10.1 Page 1137
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Appendix: SMDR:
Delta Server SMDR Differences
Previously SMDR records were obtained using the Delta Server application running on a PC connected to the system via
the LAN. This method was used for pre-Release 4.2 systems. Delta Server SMDR output is still supported with Release
4.2+ systems. However, it is not supported if also outputting direct SMDR records from the system.
There are a number of differences between the system SMDR output and that output by the Delta Server application. The
key differences are:
Advice of Charge and Authorization Code Fields are Included as Standard
These fields are optional in the Delta Server SMDR output. They are included as standard in the SMDR output.
Additional Fields are Included for External Outgoing Call Routing
The SMDR output can include additional external targeting fields for calls routed out via external lines. These fields
indicate what device targeted the call externally, how, and to what number.
Call ID Starting Number
The Call ID is always reset whenever the system is restarted and then incremented by 1 for each subsequent call
that is not a continuation of a previous call.
The Call ID used by the Delta Server applications starts from 1.
The Call ID used for system SMDR starts from 1,000,000.
Multi-Site Network
The following differences apply for calls to and from multi-site network destinations.
System SMDR indicates calls across a multi-site network as internal.
System SMDR inserts the hunt group or user name of the remote multi-site network party rather than the
local line used.
Parked and Held Time
For parked calls, the Delta Server included the time a call was parked in both the Park Time and Hold Time
fields. The system SMDR uses just the Park Time field.
Additional Records Through Call Splitting
The system supports Call Splitting for Diverts which produces separate initial call and forwarded call
records. This applies for calls forwarded by forward unconditional, forward on no answer, forward on busy, DND or
mobile twinning. It also applies to calls forwarded off-switch by an incoming call route. The two sets of records will
have the same Call ID. The call time fields of the forward call record are reset from the moment of forwarding on
the external trunk.
Manager 10.1 Page 1138
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
15.1 SMDR Fields
The SMDR output contains the following fields. Note that time values are rounded up to the nearest second.
1.Call Start
Call start time in the format YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS. For all transferred call segment this is the time the call was
initiated, so each segment of the call has the same call start time.
2.Connected Time
Duration of the connected part of the call in HH:MM:SS format. This does not include ringing, held and parked time. A
lost or failed call will have a duration of 00:00:00. The total duration of a record is calculated as Connected Time +
Ring Time + Hold Time + Park Time.
3.Ring Time
Duration of the ring part of the call in seconds.
For inbound calls this represents the interval between the call arriving at the switch and it being answered, not the
time it rang at an individual extension.
For outbound calls, this indicates the interval between the call being initiated and being answered at the remote
end if supported by the trunk type. Analog trunks are not able to detect remote answer and therefore cannot
provide a ring duration for outbound calls.
The callers' number. If the call was originated at an extension, this will be that extension number. If the call originated
externally, this will be the CLI of the caller if available, otherwise blank.
Direction of the call I for Inbound, O for outbound. Internal calls are represented as O for outbound. This field can be
used in conjunction with Is_Internal below to determine if the call is internal, external outbound or external inbound.
6.Called Number
This is the number called by the system. For a call that is transferred this field shows the original called number, not
the number of the party who transferred the call.
Internal calls: The extension, group or short code called.
Inbound calls: The target extension number for the call.
Outbound calls: The dialed digits.
Voice Mail: Calls to a user's own voicemail mailbox.
7.Dialled Number
For internal calls and outbound calls, this is identical to the Called Number above. For inbound calls, this is the DDI of
the incoming caller.
The last account code attached to the call. Note: System account codes may contain alphanumeric characters.
9.Is Internal
0 or 1, denoting whether both parties on the call are internal or external (1 being an internal call). Calls to destinations
on other switches in a network are indicated as internal.
Direction Is Internal Call Type
I 0 Incoming external call.
O 1 Internal call.
O 0 Outgoing external call.
10.Call ID
This is a number starting from 1,000,000 and incremented by 1 for each unique call. If the call has generates several
SMDR records, each record will have the same Call ID. Note that the Call ID used is restarted from 1,000,000 if the
system is restarted.
1 if there is a further record for this call id, 0 otherwise.
The device 1 number. This is usually the call initiator though in some scenarios such as conferences this may vary. If
an extension/hunt group is involved in the call its details will have priority over a trunk. That includes remote network
Type Party Device Party Name
Internal Number E<extension number> <name>
Voicemail V<9500 + channel number> VM Channel <channel number>
Conference V<1><conference number>+<channel
CO Channel <conference number.channel number>
Manager 10.1 Page 1139
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Appendix: SMDR: SMDR Fields
Type Party Device Party Name
Line T<9000+line number> Line <line number>.<channel if applicable>
Other V<8000+device number> U<device class> <device number>.<device
Unknown/Tone V8000 U1 0.0
The name of the device for an extension or agent, this is the user name.
The other party for the SMDR record of this call segment. See Party1Device above.
The other party for the SMDR record of this call segment. See Party1Name above.
16.Hold Time
The amount of time in seconds the call has been held during this call segment.
17.Park Time
The amount of time in seconds the call has been parked during this call segment.
This field is used for authorization codes. This field shows 1 for valid authorization or 0 for invalid authorization.
This field shows either the authorization code used or n/a if no authorization code was used.
20.User Charged
This and the following fields are used for ISDN Advice of Charge (AoC) . The user to which the call charge has been
assigned. This is not necessarily the user involved in the call.
21.Call Charge
The total call charge calculated using the line cost per unit and user markup.
The currency. This is a system wide setting set in the system configuration.
23.Amount at Last User Change
The current AoC amount at user change.
24.Call Units
The total call units.
25.Units at Last User Change
The current AoC units at user change.
26.Cost per Unit
This value is set in the system configuration against each line on which Advice of Charge signalling is set. The values
are 1/10,000th of a currency unit. For example if the call cost per unit is 1.07, a value of 10700 should be set on the
27.Mark Up
Indicates the mark up value set in the system configuration for the user to which the call is being charged. The field is
in units of 1/100th, for example an entry of 100 is a markup factor of 1.
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The following additional fields are provided by system SMDR. They are not provided by Delta Server SMDR.
28.External Targeting Cause
This field indicates who or what caused the external call and a reason code. For example U FU indicates that the
external call was caused by the Forward Unconditional setting of a User.
Targeted by Reason Code
HG Hunt Group. fb Forward on Busy.
U User. fu Forward unconditional.
LINE Line. fnr Forward on No Response.
AA Auto Attendant. fdnd Forward on DND.
ICR Incoming Call Route. CfP Conference proposal (consultation) call.
RAS Remote Access Service. Cfd Conferenced.
? Other. MT Mobile Twinning.
TW Teleworker.
XfP Transfer proposal (consultation) call.
Xfd Transferred call.
29.External Targeter Id
The associated name of the targeter indicated in the External Targeting Cause field. For hunt groups and users this will
be their name in the system configuration. For an Incoming Call Route this will be the Tag if set, otherwise ICR.
30.External Targeted Number
This field is used for forwarded, Incoming Call Route targeted and mobile twin calls to an external line. It shows the
external number called by the system as a result of the off switch targeting where as other called fields give the
original number dialled.
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Appendix: SMDR: SMDR Fields
15.2 SMDR Examples
The following are examples of system SMDR records for common call scenarios.
Basic Examples
Lost incoming Call
In this record, the Call duration is zero and the Continuation field is 0, indicating that the call was never connected. The
Ring Time shows that it rang for 9 seconds before ending.
2008/06/28 09:28:41,00:00:00,9,8004206,I,4324,4324,,0,1000014155,0,E4324,Joe Bloggs,T9161,LINE 5.1,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Call Answered by Voicemail
In this example, 215 has made a call to 211. However the Party2Device and Party2Name show that the call was
answered by voicemail.
2008/10/20 06:43:58,00:00:10,21,215,O,211,211,,I,28,0,E215,Extn215,V9051,VM Channel 1,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Call Transferred to Voicemail
In this example, the Continuation field in the first record tells us that it wasn't the end of the call. The matching Call ID
identifies the second record as part of the same call. The change in Party 1 details between the two records show that the
call was transferred to voicemail.
2008/06/28 09:30:57,00:00:13,7,01707392200,I,299999,299999,,0,1000014160,1,E4750,John Smith,T9002,LINE 1.2,11,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2008/06/28 09:30:57,00:00:21,0,01707392200,I,299999,299999,,0,1000014160,0,V9502,VM Channel 2,T9002,LINE 1.2,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,
External Call
The Is Internal field being 0 shows this to be a external call. The Direction field as I shows that it was an incoming call.
The Ring Time was 7 seconds and the total Connected Time was 5 seconds.
2008/08/01 15:14:19,00:00:05,7,01707299900,I,403,390664,,0,1000013,0,E403,Extn403,T9001,Line 1.2,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Internal call
The Is Internal field being 1 shows this to be a internal call. The Ring Time was 4 seconds and the total Connected Time
was 44 seconds.
2008/06/26 10:27:44,00:00:44,4,4688,O,4207,4207,,1,1000013898,0,E4688,Joe Bloggs,E4207,John Smith,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Outgoing Call
The combination of the Direction field being outbound and the Is Internal field be 0 show that this was a outgoing
external call. The line (and in this case channel) used are indicated by the Party2 Name and being a digital channel the
Ring Time before the call was answered is also shown.
2008/06/28 08:55:02,00:08:51,9,4797,O,08000123456,08000123456,,0,1000014129,0,E4797,Joe Bloggs,T9001,LINE 1.1,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Voicemail Call
The two records below show calls to voicemail. The first shows the Dialed Number as*17, the default short code for
voicemail access. The second shows the Dialed Number as VoiceMail, indicating some other method such as the Message
key on a phone was used to initiate the call.
2008/06/28 09:06:03,00:00:19,0,4966,O,*17,*17[1],,1,1000014131,0,E4966,John Smith,V9501,VM Channel 1,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2008/06/28 09:06:03,00:00:19,0,4966,O,VoiceMail,VoiceMail,,1,1000014134,0,E4966,John Smith,V9501,VM Channel 1,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Parked Call
In this example the first record has a Park Time showing that the call was parked. The Continuation field indicates that
the call did not end this way and there are further records. The second record has the same Call ID and shows a change
in the Party2Name [4], indicating that party unparked the call. Note also that both records share the same call start
2008/10/20 07:18:31,00:00:12,3,215,O,210,210,,1,38,1,E215,Extn215,E210,Extn210,0,7,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2008/10/20 07:18:31,00:00:10,0,215,O,210,210,,1,38,0,E215,Extn215,E211,Extn211,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Incoming call with Account Code
In this example, at some stage as the call was made or during the call, an Account Code has been entered. In this
specific case it is a text account code which can be selected and entered by the user using Phone Manager.
2008/06/28 11:29:12,00:00:02,2,5002,I,1924,1924,Support,0,1000014169,0,E1924,Extn1924,T9620,LINE 8.20,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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Appendix: SMDR: SMDR Examples
Conference Using Conference Add Short Code
In this example 2101 has made a call and put put it on hold (record 2), then made another call and put it on hold (record
1) and then dialled the default short code *47 to conference all their held calls (record 3). The records for the first two
calls have the Continuation field set as 1 indicating that the calls continued in further records.
Record 3 shows 2101 making a new call in which they dial *47, which places them and their held calls into a conference.
This is shown by the Party Device and Party Name details as being a conference (100) and the conference channel used
for each.
For both the Continuation fields show that the calls do not end but rather have subsequent records.
2008/07/09 17:55,00:00:03,3,2101,O,8262623#,8262623#,,0,1000024,1,E2101,Extn2101,T9002,Line 2.1,8,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2008/07/09 17:54,00:00:29,7,2101,O,2121,2121,,1,1000023,1,E2101,Extn2101,E2121,Extn2121,23,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2008/07/09 17:55,00:00:46,0,2101,O,*47,*47,,1,1000026,0,E2101,Extn2101,V11001,CO Channel 100.1,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2008/07/09 17:54,00:00:49,0,,O,71234567890,71234567890,,1,1000023,0,E2121,Extn2121,V11003,CO Channel 100.3,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2008/07/09 17:55,00:00:49,0,,O,8262623#,8262623#,,0,1000024,0,V11002,CO Channel 100.2,T9002,Line 2.1,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Conference Using Conference Button
In this example, an extension user answers a call and then brings in another user by using the Conference button on
their phone. Again we see records for the initial call, the conference proposal call and then for the 3 parties in the
conference that is created.
2008/07/09 15:05:41,00:00:04,3,203,O,201,201,,1,1000009,1,E203,Extn203,E201,Extn201,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2008/07/09 15:05:26,00:00:09,3,207,O,203,203,,1,1000008,1,E207,Extn207,E203,Extn203,10,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2008/07/09 15:05:41,00:00:08,0,,O,,,,1,1000009,0,E201,Extn201,V11001,CO Channel 100.1,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2008/07/09 15:05:50,00:00:10,0,203,O,201,201,,1,1000010,0,E203,Extn203,V11002,CO Channel 100.2,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2008/07/09 15:05:26,00:00:10,0,207,O,203,203,,1,1000008,0,E207,Extn207,V11003,CO Channel 100.3,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Adding a Party to a Conference
This example is a variant on that above. Having started a conference, extension 203 adds another party.
2008/07/09 15:08:31,00:00:03,3,203,O,201,201,,1,1000014,1,E203,Extn203,E201,Extn201,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2008/07/09 15:08:02,00:00:22,6,207,O,203,203,,1,1000013,1,E207,Extn207,E203,Extn203,9,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2008/07/09 15:08:45,00:00:02,4,203,O,403,403,,0,1000016,1,E203,Extn203,E403,Libby Franks,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2008/07/09 15:08:02,00:00:24,0,207,O,203,203,,1,1000013,0,E207,Extn207,V11003,CO Channel 100.3,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2008/07/09 15:08:39,00:00:17,0,203,O,201,201,,1,1000015,0,E203,Extn203,V11002,CO Channel 100.2,8,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2008/07/09 15:08:31,00:00:26,0,,O,,,,1,1000014,0,E201,Extn201,V11001,CO Channel 100.1,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2008/07/09 15:08:45,00:00:12,0,,O,403,403,,0,1000016,0,E403,Libby Franks,V11004,CO Channel 100.4,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,
In this example 2126 has called 2102. The record (1) for this has the Continuation set a 1 indicating that it has further
records. In the following record (3) with the same Call ID it can be seen that the Party 2 Device and Party 2 Name fields
have changed, indicating that the call is now connected to a different device, in this example 2121. We can infer the blind
transfer from the intermediate record (2) which shows a call of zero Connected Time between the original call destination
2102 and the final destination 2121.
2008/07/09 17:51,00:00:38,18,2126,O,2102,2102,,1,1000019,1,E2126,Extn2126,E2102,Extn2102,19,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2008/07/09 17:52,00:00:00,7,2102,O,2121,2121,,1,1000020,0,E2102,Extn2102,E2121,Extn2121,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2008/07/09 17:51,00:00:39,16,2126,O,2102,2102,,1,1000019,0,E2126,Extn2126,E2121,Extn2121,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,
In this second example extension 402 answers an external call and then transfers it to extension 403. Again the two legs
of the external call have the same time/date stamp and same call ID.
2008/08/01 15:23:37,00:00:04,7,01707299900,I,4001,390664,,0,1000019,1,E402,Extn402,T9001,Line 1.1,6,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2008/08/01 15:23:46,00:00:00,3,402,O,403,403,,1,1000020,0,E402,Extn402,E403,Extn403,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2008/08/01 15:23:37,00:00:04,4,01707299900,I,4001,390664,,0,1000019,0,E403,Extn403,T9001,Line 1.1,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Busy/Number Unavailable Tone
In this example 2122 calls 2123 who is set to DND without voicemail. This results in 2122 receiving busy tone.
The records shows a call with a Connected Time of 0. The Call Number field shows 2123 as the call target but the Party 2
Device and Party 2 Name fields show that the connection is to a virtual device.
2008/07/09 17:59,00:00:00,0,2122,O,2123,2123,,1,1000033,0,E2122,Extn2122,V8000,U1 0.0,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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Call Pickup
The first record shows a call from 2122 to 2124 with a Connected Time of zero but a Ring Time of 8. The Continuation
field indicates that the call has further records.
The second record has the same Call ID but the Party 2 Device and Party 2 Name details show that the call has been
answered by 2121.
2008/07/09 18:00,00:00:00,8,2122,O,2124,2124,,1,1000038,1,E2122,Extn2122,E2124,Extn2124,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2008/07/09 18:00,00:00:38,1,2122,O,2124,2124,,1,1000038,0,E2122,Extn2122,E2121,Extn2121,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Internal Twinning
The records for scenarios such as internal call forwarding or follow me indicate the rerouting in a single record by having
Caller and Called Number details that differ from the final Party 1 and Party 2 details. Internal twinning differs is showing
a call answered at the twin exactly the same as having been answered at the primary.
203 is internally twinned to 201. Call from 207 to 203 but answer at 201.
2008/07/09 16:25:26,00:00:03,7,207,O,203,203,,1,1000037,0,E207,Extn207,E203,Extn203,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Park and Unpark
Parking and unparking of a call at the same extension is simply shown by the Park Time field of the eventual SMDR
record. Similarly calls held and unheld at the same extension are shown by the Held Time field of the eventual SMDR
record for the call. The records below however show a call parked at one extension and then unparked at another.
The records show a call from 207 to 203. 203 then parks the call shown by the Park Time. The call is unparked by 201,
hence the first record is indicated as continued in its Continuation field. The matching Call ID indicates the subsequent
record for the call.
2008/07/09 16:39:11,00:00:00,2,207,O,203,203,,1,1000052,1,E207,Extn207,E203,Extn203,0,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2008/07/09 16:39:11,00:00:02,0,207,O,203,203,,1,1000052,0,E207,Extn207,E201,Extn201,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Distributed Hunt Group Call
An incoming call to site A is targeted to a distributed hunt group member on site B. They transfer the call back to a hunt
group member on site A.
2008/08/01 15:32:52,00:00:10,19,01707299900,I,4002,390664,,0,1000024,1,E209,Luther-209,T9001,Line 1.2,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2008/08/01 15:33:19,00:00:00,2,209,I,403,403,,0,1000025,0,E209,Luther-209,E403,Extn403,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2008/08/01 15:32:52,00:00:03,3,01707299900,I,4002,390664,,0,1000024,0,E403,Extn403,T9001,Line 1.2,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Voicemail Supervised Transfer
A call is routed to a voicemail module that performs a supervised transfer.
2008/08/01 16:36:04,00:00:09,0,01707299900,I,xfer,390664,,0,1000061,1,T9001,Line 1.1,V9508,VM Channel 8,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2008/08/01 16:36:07,00:00:03,4,,I,402,402,,0,1000062,0,E402,Extn402,V8000,U12 0.8,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2008/08/01 16:36:04,00:00:09,0,01707299900,I,402,390664,,0,1000061,0,E402,Extn402,T9001,Line 1.1,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Outgoing External Call
The External Targeting Cause indicates that the external call was caused by a user. The lack of specific reason implies
that it was most likely dialed. The External Targeter ID is the user name in this example
16:23:06,00:00:04,5,203,O,9416,9416,,0,1000035,0,E203,Extn203,T9005,Line 5.1,0,0,,,Extn203,,,,,,,,U,Extn203,,
Rerouted External Call
In this example an incoming external call has been rerouted back off switch, shown by the Party 1 fields and the Party 2
fields being external line details. The External Targeter Cause shows that rerouting of the incoming call was done by an
incoming call route (ICR). The External Targeter ID in this case is the Tag set on the incoming call route. The External
Targeted Number is the actual external number call.
08:14:27,00:00:03,5,392200,I,9416,200,,0,1000073,0,T9005,Line 5.1,T9005,Line 5.2,0,0,,,,0000.00,,0000.00,0,0,618,0.01,ICR,Main ICR,416,
External Forward Unconditional
In this example, user 203 has a forward unconditional number set for calls. This is indicated by the External Targeting
Cause showing user and forward unconditional. The External Targeter ID shows the source of the call being forwarded, in
this example user 207. The External Targeted Number shows the actual external number called by the system.
16:22:41,00:00:02,5,207,O,203,203,,0,1000034,0,E207,Extn207,T9005,Line 5.1,0,0,,,Extn203,0000.00,,0000.00,0,0,618,1.00,U fu,Extn207,9416,
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Appendix: SMDR: SMDR Examples
Transferred Manually
In this example the internal user transfers a call to an external number. The External Targeting Cause in the first record
indicates that this external call is the result of a user (U) transfer proposal (XfP) call. The Continuation field indicates that
another record with the same Call ID will be output.
The additional records are output after the transferred call is completed. The first relates to the initial call prior. The
second is the transferred call with the External Targeting Cause now indicating user (U) transferred (Xfd).
16:33:19,00:00:05,3,203,O,9416,9416,,0,1000044,1,E203,Extn203,T9005,Line 5.1,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,U XfP,Extn207,,
16:33:19,00:00:04,0,207,O,9416,9416,,0,1000044,0,E207,Extn207,T9005,Line 5.1,0,0,,,Extn207,,,,,,,,U Xfd,Extn203,,
Mobile Twinned Call Answered Internally
For this example user 203 has mobile twining enabled to the external number 9416 as twin. Their mobile dial delay is set
to 2 seconds. The call is answered at the user's internal extension.
In this scenario the record for the external call part of twinning is output immediately the call is answered internally. The
Call Start for this record differs dues to the user's Mobile Dial Delay setting. The External Targeting Cause indicates the
external call was the result of user (U) mobile twinning (MT) settings. If the call had been answered before the mobile
dial delay expired, no external call and therefore no record would be produced. When the call is completed the second
record is output.
16:17:59,00:00:00,7,,O,9416,9416,,0,1000028,0,E203,Extn203,T9005,Line 5.1,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,U MT,Extn203,9416,
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Mobile Twinned Call Answered at the Mobile Twin
This is the same scenario as the example above except that the call is answered at the external mobile twinning
destination. Unlike the previous example the external call record has a non-zero Call Time showing that the call was also
answered externally.
16:17:04,00:00:06,9,,O,9416,9416,,0,1000026,0,E203,Extn203,T9005,Line 5.1,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,U MT,Extn203,9416
Mobile Twinned Call Picked Up Using the Twinning Button
This is the same scenario as the example above, however after answering the call on the external twinned device, the
user has picked it up internally by using a twinning button. The first two records are for the answered external call and
are output when that call is picked up by the internal extension. The third record is output when the call is ended
16:19:20,00:00:05,9,,O,9416,9416,,0,1000030,0,E203,Extn203,T9005,Line 5.1,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,U MT,Extn203,9416
External Conference Party
This is similar to internal conferencing (see examples above) but the conference setup and progress records include
External Targeting Cause codes for user (U) conference proposal (CfP) and user (U) conferenced (Cfd).
16:48:58,00:00:02,2,203,O,9416,9416,,0,1000066,1,E203,Extn203,T9005,Line 5.1,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,U CfP,Extn203,,
16:49:04,00:00:08,0,203,O,9416,9416,,1,1000067,0,E203,Extn203,V11002,CO Channel 100.2,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
16:48:37,00:00:13,0,,O,,,,1,1000064,0,E207,Extn207,V11003,CO Channel 100.3,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
16:48:58,00:00:13,0,,O,9416,9416,,0,1000066,0,V11001,CO Channel 100.1,T9005,Line 5.1,0,0,,,Extn203,,,,,,,,U Cfd,Extn203,
Call Routed by Incoming Call Route
Call from external number 403 rerouted by incoming call route (ICR) for incoming line group 701 back out to 404.
2008/08/01 11:45:36,00:00:01,2,403,I,9404,,,0,1000007,0,T9001,Line 1.0,T9010,Line 10.0,0,0,n/a,0,,,,,,,,,ICR,ICR701,404
Two Outgoing External Calls Transferred Together
This scenario shows an outgoing call which is then transferred to another outgoing call.
2009/02/19 11:13:26,00:00:06,0,203,O,9403,9403,,0,1000012,1,E203,Extn203,T9001,Line 1.0,8,0,n/a,0,,,,,,,,,U,Extn203,,
2009/02/19 11:13:36,00:00:02,0,203,O,8404,8404,,0,1000013,0,E203,Extn203,T9002,Line 2.0,0,0,n/a,0,,,,,,,,,U XfP,Extn203,,
2009/02/19 11:13:26,00:00:11,0,8404,I,404,,,0,1000012,0,T9002,Line 2.0,T9001,Line 1.0,0,0,n/a,0,,,,,,,,,LINE Xfd,0.1038.0 13 Alog Trunk:2,,
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Appendix: CDR Records
Chapter 16.
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Appendix: CDR Records:
16. Appendix: CDR Records
Note that CDR output is not supported by Release 5.0+.
There are a number of formats available for CDR output. Each format consist of two types of records; date records and
call detail records.
Date Records
A date record is sent each time a CDR connection is started and then once a day (at midnight). The date can be in
month/day or day/month format, as selected on the System | CDR tab.
Call Detail Records
Call detail records are sent at the termination of a call. For some formats, additional fields can be selected using the
Normal, Enhanced, or ISDN options on the System | CDR tab.
CDR Record Formats
Record Format Record Options
Normal Enhanced ISDN
LSU Expanded
INT Direct
INT Process
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16.1 CDR Record Fields
The following list describes the fields which, depending on the selected report format and options, may be included in the
CDR records.
Those fields shown in italics are not supported by CDR. Where the report format includes such a field, the data is
replaced by a space or spaces. Similarly fields not appropriate to the call type are replaced by a space or spaces as
Access Code Dialed
The access code the user dialed to place an outgoing call. This will be the digit used to trigger secondary dial tone if
Access Code Used
The number of the line used for an outgoing call.
Account Code
This field may contain a number to associate call information with projects or account numbers. For some formats, a
long account code overwrites spaces on the record that are assigned to other fields.
Attendant Console - Not supported.
Authorization Code - Not supported.
Bandwidth - Not supported.
BCC (Bearer Capability Class)
This field identifies the type of ISDN call. Any one of the following may appear in this field.
0 = Voice Grade Data and Voice.
1 = Mode 1 (56 Kbps synchronous data).
2 = Mode 2 (less than 19.2 Kbps synchronous or asynchronous data).
3 = Mode 3 (64 Kbps data for LDAP protocol).
4 = Mode 0 (64 Kbps data clear).
Calling Number
For outgoing or intra-switch calls, this field contains the extension number of the originating telephone user. For
incoming and tandem calls, this field contains the trunk access code in standard formats. The fifth digit is the first digit
of a 5-digit dialing plan. In formats where the field is less than 7 digits, this also shows the trunk access code of the
incoming call.
This field shows the calling party number in Unformatted or Expanded records. If the calling party number is not
available, this field is blank for both formats.
Calling Number/Incoming Trunk Access Code
For incoming calls this field contains the incoming trunk access code. For outgoing calls, this field contains the calling
Carriage Return
The ASCII carriage return character followed by a line feed indicates the end of a call record.
Condition Code
The condition code indicates what type of call the record describes. For example, condition code C indicates a
conference call, 7 indicates an ARS call, etc. The table below shows condition codes for most record formats. The 59-
character format uses different condition codes from those used for other record types.
Code 59 Description
0 - Identifies an outgoing intra-switch call (a call that originates and terminates on the switch).
9 I Identifies an incoming external call.
A - Identifies an outgoing external call.
C L Identifies a conference call.
E N An incomplete external call, due to all trunks being busy or out of service. Incoming trunk calls to a busy
phone do not generate a CDR record.
G - Indicates a call terminating to a ringing station.
H - Indicates that a ringing call that was then abandoned.
I - Indicates a call attempt to a busy station.
CDR can also record the ring time to answer or abandon for incoming calls originated by the trunk group. In addition,
CDR indicates if the incoming destination is busy. This record is separate from the normal call duration record printed
for an answered call. This information is indicated by the condition code.
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Appendix: CDR Records: CDR Record Fields
When an incoming call is terminated to an internal destination, the call is tracked from the time ringing feedback is
given to the originator. If the call is answered, a CDR record is printed with the condition code G and the duration
reflects the time between the start of ringing and the answer of the call. If the call is abandoned before being
answered, the system prints a record with the condition code H and the duration reflects the time between the start
of ringing and the time the call was abandoned. If the destination is busy, a CDR record is printed with the condition
code I and a duration of 0.
Dialed Number
This field contains the number dialed. If it is an outgoing call, the field contains the number dialed by a system user. If
it is an incoming call, the field contains the extension that was dialed. If more than 18 digits are dialed, the least
significant digits (starting from the right) are truncated.
This is the duration of the call or call segment. It is recorded in hours, minutes and tenths of minutes. Calls are
rounded down in 6-second increments. Therefore, a call of 5-second duration will be indicated as 0 duration. If 9999
appears in this field, this call was in progress when a time change was made in the switch.
Feature Flag
1 for a data call, 0 for voice calls.
Format Code - Not supported.
FRL - Not supported.
Incoming Circuit Id.
This field identifies the trunk used for an incoming call. For outgoing calls this field is blank.
Incoming Trunk Access Code
This field contains the access code of the incoming trunk group.
ISDN Network Service - Not supported.
ISDN CC - Not supported.
IXC (Interexchange Carrier Code) - Not supported.
Line Feed
The ASCII line feed character follows a carriage return to terminate CDR records.
MA-UUI (Message Associated User-to-User Signaling) - Not supported.
Node Number - Not supported.
Used to terminate and divide CDR Records (usually in triplets) when needed.
Outgoing Circuit Id.
For outgoing calls, this field identifies the trunk used.
Packet Count - Not supported.
PPM (Periodic Pulse Metering) - Not supported.
Resource Flag - Not supported.
The ASCII space character separates other CDR fields or fills unused record locations.
TSC Flag - Not supported.
This fields contains the time that the call ended, or the time that a user dropped from a multi-party call.
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16.2 Call Splitting
Call splitting keeps track of calls where more than two parties are involved. These can be calls that are transferred or
conferenced. When any of these situations arise, CDR produces a separate record for each new party involved in the call.
Caller A makes an incoming trunk call to switch party B (201). They talk for 2 minutes, then B conferences in C (202),
and D (203). The entire group talks for another 8 minutes, at which point B drops off the call. This produces a record for
segment AB.
A, C and D continue to talk for another 5 minutes. All remaining parties drop, producing two more records; AC and AD.
Note that each record shows the incoming trunk ID as the calling number.
Segment Duration Condition Code Calling Number Dialed Number
A-B 0:10:0 C 123 201
A-C 0:13:0 C 123 202
A-D 0:13:0 C 123 203
A calls B (201). They talk for 1 minute, then B transfers the call to C (202). CDR generates a record for segment AB. A
and C talk for 5 minutes. CDR then generates a record for segment AC.
Segment Duration Condition Code Calling Number Dialed Number
A-B 0:01:0 9 123 201
A-C 0:05:0 9 123 202
Trunk to Trunk Transfer
A calls switch party B (201), they talk for one minute. B transfers the call to public-network party E (5665555), they talk
for 4 minutes. Note that the duration of the original incoming trunk call includes the time after the call was transferred to
an outgoing trunk, until all trunk parties drop.
Segment Duration Condition Code Access Code Used Calling Number Dialed Number
A-B 0:05:0 9 123 201
A-E 0:04:0 9 345 123 5665555
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Appendix: CDR Records: Call Splitting
16.3 Record Formats
16.3.1 59 Character (Normal)
Those fields shown in italics are not supported by CDR and are replaced by a space or spaces.
Date Record Call Details Record
Position Field Description Position Field Description
1-2 Month * 1-2 Time of day-hours
3-4 Day * 3-4 Time of day-minutes
5 Carriage return 5 Duration-hours
6 Line feed 6-7 Duration-minutes
7-9 Null 8 Duration-tenths of minutes
*Leading 0 added if needed. 9 Condition code
10-12 Access code dialed
13-15 Access code used
16-30 Dialed number
31-35 Calling number
36-50 Account code
51 FRL
52 IXC
53-55 Incoming circuit ID
56-58 Outgoing circuit ID
59 Carriage return
60 Line feed
61-63 Null
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16.3.2 Expanded (Normal)
Those fields shown in italics are not supported by CDR and are replaced by a space or spaces. Those positions not listed
are spaces.
Date Record Call Details Record
Position Field Description Position Field Description
1-2 Month * 1-2 Time of day-hours
4-5 Day * 3-4 Time of day-minutes
6 Carriage return 6 Duration-hours
7 Line feed 7-8 Duration-minutes
8-10 Null 9 Duration-tenths of minute
*Leading 0 added if needed. 11 Condition code
13-16 Access code dialed
18-21 Access code used
23-37 Dialed number
39-48 Calling number
50-64 Account code
66-72 Authorization code
77 FRL
79-81 Incoming circuit ID
83-85 Outgoing circuit ID
87 Feature flag
89-90 Attendant console
92-95 Incoming trunk access code
97-98 Node number
100-102 ISDN NSV
104-106 IXC
108 Bearer Capability Class
110 MA-UUI
112 Resource flag
114-117 Packet count
119 TSC flag
121-129 Reserved
131 Carriage return
132 Line feed
133-135 Null
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Appendix: CDR Records: Record Formats
16.3.3 Expanded (Enhanced)
Those fields shown in italics are not supported by CDR and are replaced by a space or spaces. Those positions not listed
are spaces.
Date Record Call Details Record
Position Field Description Position Field Description
1-2 Month * 1-2 Time of day-hours
4-5 Day * 3-4 Time of day-minutes
6 Carriage return 6 Duration-hours
7 Line feed 7-8 Duration-minutes
8-10 Null 9 Duration-tenths of minutes
*Leading 0 added if needed. 11 Condition code
13-16 Access code dialed
18-21 Access code used
23-37 Dialed number
39-48 Calling number
50-64 Account code
66-72 Authorization code
74-75 Time in queue
77 FRL
79-81 Incoming circuit ID
83-85 Outgoing circuit ID
87 Feature flag
89-90 Attendant console
92-95 Incoming TAC
97-98 Node number
100-102 ISDN NSV
104-107 IXC
109 Bearer Capability Class
111 MA-UUI
113 Resource flag
115-118 Packet count
120 TSC flag
122-123 Bandwidth
125-130 ISDN CC (digits 16)
131-135 ISDN CC (digits 711) /PPM count (15)
136-146 Reserved for future use
147 Carriage return
148 Line feed
149-151 Null
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16.3.4 INT-Direct (Normal)
Those fields shown in italics are not supported by CDR and are replaced by a space or spaces. Those positions not listed
are spaces.
Date Record Call Details Record
Position Field Description Position Field Description
1-2 Month * 1-2 Day of month
3-4 Day * 3-4 Month
5 Carriage return 5-6 Year
6 Line feed 8-9 Time of day-hours
7-9 Null 10-11 Time of day-minutes
*Leading 0 added if needed. 13 Duration-hours
14-15 Duration-minutes
16 Duration-tenths of minutes
18 Condition code
20-22 Access code dialed
23-25 Access code used
27-44 Dialed number used
46-50 Calling number
52-66 Account code
68-72 PPM count
74-75 Incoming circuit ID
77-78 Outgoing circuit ID
79 Carriage return
80 Line feed
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Appendix: CDR Records: Record Formats
16.3.5 INT-ISDN (Normal)
Those fields shown in italics are not supported by CDR and are replaced by a space or spaces. Those positions not listed
are spaces.
Date Record Call Details Record
Position Field Description Position Field Description
1-2 Month * 1-2 Time of day-hours
3-4 Day * 3-4 Time of day-minutes
5 Carriage return 5 Space
6 Line feed 6 Duration-hours
7-9 Null 7-8 Duration-minutes
*Leading 0 added if needed. 9 Duration-tenths of minutes
11 Condition code
13-16 Access code dialed
18-21 Access code used
23-37 Dialed number
39-48 Calling number
50-64 Account code
66-72 Authorization code
74 Line feed
76 FRL
78 Incoming circuit ID (hundreds)
79 Incoming circuit ID (tens)
80 Incoming circuit ID (units)
82-84 Outgoing circuit ID
86 Feature flag
88-89 Attendant console (1st digit)
91-94 Incoming trunk access code
96-97 Node number
99-101 ISDN NSV
103-106 IXC
108 Bearer Capability Class
110 MA-UUI
112 Resource flag
114-119 Reserved
120-124 PPM
132 Carriage return
133 Line feed
134-136 Null
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16.3.6 INT-Process (Normal)
Those fields shown in italics are not supported by CDR and are replaced by a space or spaces. Those positions not listed
are spaces.
Date Record Call Details Record
Position Field Description Position Field Description
1-2 Month * 1-2 Format code
3-4 Day * 3-4 Time of day-hours
5 Carriage return 5-6 Time of day-minutes
6 Line feed 7 Duration-hours
7-9 Null 8-9 Duration-minutes
*Leading 0 added if needed. 10 Duration-tenths of minutes
12 Condition code
14-16 Access code dialed
17-19 Access code used
21-38 Dialed number (digits 118)
39-43 Calling number (digits 15)
45-59 Account code (digits 115)
61 IXC
62 FRL
66-67 Incoming circuit ID (digits 12)
71-72 Outgoing circuit ID (digits 12)
74-78 PPM (digits 15)
79 Carriage return
80 Line feed
81-83 Null
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Appendix: CDR Records: Record Formats
16.3.7 LSU (Normal)
Those fields shown in italics are not supported by CDR and are replaced by a space or spaces. Those positions not listed
are spaces.
Date Record Call Details Record
Position Field Description Position Field Description
1-2 Hour * 1 Duration-hours
3 Colon (:) 2-3 Duration-minutes
4-5 Minute * 4 Duration-tenths of minutes
6 Blank 5 Condition code
7-8 Month * 6-8 Access code dialed
9 Slash (/) 9-11 Access code used
10-11 Day * 12-26 Dialed number
12 Carriage return 27-30 Calling number (digits 25)
13 Line feed 31-35 Account code (first 5 digits)
14-16 Null 36-42 Authorization code or digits 612 of account code
*Leading 0 added if needed. 43-44 Space or digits 1314 of account code
45 FRL or digit 15 of account code
46 Calling number (1st digit)
47-48 Incoming circuit ID (tens, units)
49 Feature flag
50-52 Outgoing circuit ID (tens, units, hundreds)
53 Incoming circuit ID (hundreds)
54 IXC
55 Carriage return
56 Line feed
57-59 Null
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16.3.8 LSU (Enhanced)
Those fields shown in italics are not supported by CDR and are replaced by a space or spaces. Those positions not listed
are spaces.
Date Record Call Details Record
Position Field Description Position Field Description
1-2 Hour * 1 Duration-hours
3 Colon (:) 2-3 Duration-minutes
4-5 Minute * 4 Duration-tenths of minutes
6 Blank 5 Condition code
7-8 Month * 6-9 IXC
9 Slash (/) 10-12 Access code used
10-11 Day * 13-27 Dialed number
12 Carriage return 28-31 Calling number
13 Line feed 32-35 Account code (digits 14)
14-16 Null 36-42 Authorization code or digits 612 of account code
*Leading 0 added if needed. 43-45 ISDN NSV
46 1st digit of a 5-digit calling number
47-48 Incoming circuit ID (tens, units)
49 Feature flag
50-52 Outgoing circuit ID (tens, units, hundreds)
53 Incoming circuit ID (hundreds)
54 FRL
55 Carriage return
56 Line feed
57-59 Null
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Appendix: CDR Records: Record Formats
16.3.9 LSU (ISDN)
Those fields shown in italics are not supported by CDR and are replaced by a space or spaces. Those positions not listed
are spaces.
Date Record Call Details Record
Position Field Description Position Field Description
1-2 Hour * 1 Duration-hours
3 Colon (:) 2-3 Duration-minutes
4-5 Minute * 4 Duration-tenths of minutes
6 Blank 5 Condition code
7-8 Month * 6-8 IXC
9 Slash (/) 9-11 Access code used
10-11 Day * 12-26 Dialed number
12 Carriage return 27-30 Calling number (digits 25)
13 Line feed 31-35 Account code (digits 15)
14-16 Null 36-42 Authorization code or digits 612 of account code
*Leading 0 added if needed. 43-44 ISDN NSV or digits 1314 of account code
45 ISDN NSV (3rd digit) or FRL, or digit 15 of account code
46 Calling number (1st digit)
47-48 Incoming circuit ID (tens, units)
49 Feature flag
50-52 Outgoing circuit ID (tens, units, hundreds)
53 Incoming circuit ID (hundreds)
54 FRL
55 Carriage return
56 Line feed
57-59 Null
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16.3.10 LSU-Expanded
Those fields shown in italics are not supported by CDR and are replaced by a space or spaces. Those positions not listed
are spaces.
Date Record Call Details Record
Position Field Description Position Field Description
1-2 Hour * 1-2 Time of day-hours
3 Colon (:) 3-4 Time of day-minutes
4-5 Minute * 6 Duration-hours
6 Blank 7-8 Duration-minutes
7-8 Month * 9 Duration-tenths of minutes
9 Slash (/) 11 Condition code
10-11 Day * 13-15 Access code dialed
12 Carriage return 16-18 Access code used
13 Line feed 20-34 Dialed number
14-16 Null 36-39 Calling number
*Leading 0 added if needed. 41-45 Account code
47-53 Authorization code
58 FRL
60 Calling number (1st digit)
62-63 Incoming circuit ID (tens, units)
65 Feature flag
67-68 Outgoing circuit ID (tens, units)
70 Outgoing circuit ID (hundreds)
72 Incoming circuit ID (hundreds)
73 IXC
74 Carriage return
75 Line feed
76-78 Null
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Appendix: CDR Records: Record Formats
16.3.11 Printer (Normal)
Those fields shown in italics are not supported by CDR and are replaced by a space or spaces. Those positions not listed
are spaces.
Date Record Call Details Record
Position Field Description Position Field Description
1-2 Month * 1-2 Time of day-hours
4-5 Day * 3-4 Time of day-minutes
6 Carriage return 6 Duration-hours
7 Line feed 7-8 Duration-minutes
8-10 Null 9 Duration-tenths of minutes
*Leading 0 added if needed. 11 Condition code
13-15 Access code dialed
17-19 Access code used
21-35 Dialed number
37-41 Calling number
43-57 Account code
59-65 Authorization code
70 FRL
72 IXC
74-76 Incoming circuit ID
78-80 Outgoing circuit ID
82 Feature flag
83 Carriage return
84 Line feed
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16.3.12 Printer (Enhanced)
Those fields shown in italics are not supported by CDR and are replaced by a space or spaces. Those positions not listed
are spaces.
Date Record Call Details Record
Position Field Description Position Field Description
1-2 Month * 1-2 Time of day-hours
4-5 Day * 3-4 Time of day-minutes
6 Carriage return 6 Duration-hours
7 Line feed 7-8 Duration-minutes
8-10 Null 9 Duration-tenths of minutes
*Leading 0 added if needed. 11 Condition code
13-16 IXC
18-21 Access code used
23-37 Dialed number
39-43 Calling number
45-59 Account code
61-67 Authorization code
69-71 ISDN NSV
73 FRL
75-77 Incoming circuit ID
79-81 Outgoing circuit ID
83 Feature flag
84 Carriage return
85 Line feed
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Appendix: CDR Records: Record Formats
16.3.13 Printer (ISDN)
Those fields shown in italics are not supported by CDR and are replaced by a space or spaces. Those positions not listed
are spaces.
Date Record Call Details Record
Position Field Description Position Field Description
1-2 Month * 1-2 Time of day-hours
4-5 Day * 3-4 Time of day-minutes
6 Carriage return 6 Duration-hours
7 Line feed 7-8 Duration-minutes
8-10 Null 9 Duration-tenths of minutes
*Leading 0 added if needed. 11 Condition code
13-15 IXC
17-19 Access code used
21-35 Dialed number
37-41 Calling number
43-57 Account code
59-65 Authorization code
67-68 ISDN NSV (hundreds, tens)
70 ISDN NSV (units)
72 FRL
74-76 Incoming circuit ID
78-80 Outgoing circuit ID
82 Feature flag
83 Carriage return
84 Line feed
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16.3.14 Teleseer (Normal)
Those fields shown in italics are not supported by CDR and are replaced by a space or spaces. Those positions not listed
are spaces.
Date Record Call Details Record
Position Field Description Position Field Description
1-2 Month * 1-3 Space
3-4 Day * 4-5 Time of day-hours
5 Carriage return 6-7 Time of day-minutes
6 Line feed 8 Duration-hours
7-9 Null 9-10 Duration-minutes
*Leading 0 added if needed. 11 Duration-tenths of minutes
12 Condition code
13-15 Access code dialed
16-18 Access code used
19-33 Dialed number
34-38 Calling number
39-53 Account code
54 FRL
55 IXC
56-58 Incoming circuit ID
59-61 Outgoing circuit ID
62 Feature flag
63-69 Authorization code
70-76 Space
77 Carriage return
78 Line feed
79-81 Null
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Appendix: CDR Records: Record Formats
16.3.15 Teleseer (Enhanced)
Those fields shown in italics are not supported by CDR and are replaced by a space or spaces. Those positions not listed
are spaces.
Date Record Call Details Record
Position Field Description Position Field Description
1-2 Month * 1-3 Space
3-4 Day * 4-5 Time of day-hours
5 Carriage return 6-7 Time of day-minutes
6 Line feed 8 Duration-hours
7-9 Null 9-10 Duration-minutes
*Leading 0 added if needed. 11 Duration-tenths of minutes
12 Condition code
13-16 IXC
17-19 Access code used
20-34 Dialed number
35-39 Calling number
40-54 Account code
55 ISDN NSV (units)
56 FRL
57-59 Incoming circuit ID
60-62 Outgoing circuit ID
63 Feature flag
64-70 Authorization code
71-72 ISDN NSV (hundreds, tens)
77 Carriage return
78 Line feed
79-81 Null
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16.3.16 Teleseer (ISDN)
Those fields shown in italics are not supported by CDR and are replaced by a space or spaces. Those positions not listed
are spaces.
Date Record Call Details Record
Position Field Description Position Field Description
1-2 Month * 1-3 Space
3-4 Day * 4-5 Time of day-hours
5 Carriage return 6-7 Time of day-minutes
6 Line feed 8 Duration-hours
7-9 Null 9-10 Duration-minutes
*Leading 0 added if needed. 11 Duration-tenths of minutes
12 Condition code
13-15 IXC
16-18 Access code used
19-33 Dialed number
34-38 Calling number
39-53 Account code
54 ISDN NSV (units)
55 FRL
56-58 Incoming circuit ID
59-61 Outgoing circuit ID
62 Feature flag
63-69 Authorization code
70-71 ISDN NSV (hundreds, tens)
77 Line feed
78-80 Null
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Appendix: CDR Records: Record Formats
16.3.17 Unformatted (Normal)
Those fields shown in italics are not supported by CDR and are replaced by a space or spaces. Those positions not listed
are spaces.
Date Record Call Details Record
Position Field Description Position Field Description
1-2 Hour * 1-2 Time of day-hours
3 Colon (:) 3-4 Time of day-minutes
4-5 Minute * 5 Duration-hours
6 Blank 6-7 Duration-minutes
7-8 Month * 8 Duration-tenths of minutes
9 Slash (/) 9 Condition code
10-11 Day * 10-13 Access code dialed
12 Carriage return 14-17 Access code used
13 Line feed 18-32 Dialed number
14-16 Null 33-42 Calling number
*Leading 0 added if needed. 43-57 Account code
58-64 Authorization code
67 FRL
68-70 Incoming circuit ID
71-73 Outgoing circuit ID
74 Feature flag
75-76 Attendant console
77-80 Incoming TAC
81-82 Node number
83-85 ISDN NSV
86-88 IXC
89 Bearer Capability Class
91 Resource flag
92-95 Packet count
96 TSC flag
97-100 Reserved
101 Carriage return
102 Line feed
103-105 Null
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16.3.18 Unformatted (Enhanced)
Those fields shown in italics are not supported by CDR and are replaced by a space or spaces. Those positions not listed
are spaces.
Date Record Call Details Record
Position Field Description Position Field Description
1-2 Hour * 1-2 Time of day-hours
3 Colon (:) 3-4 Time of day-minutes
4-5 Minute * 5 Duration-hours
6 Blank 6-7 Duration-minutes
7-8 Month * 8 Duration-tenths of minutes
9 Slash (/) 9 Condition code
10-11 Day * 10-13 Access code dialed
12 Carriage return 14-17 Access code used
13 Line feed 18-32 Dialed number
14-16 Null 33-42 Calling number
*Leading 0 added if needed. 43-57 Account code
58-64 Authorization code
65-66 Time in queue
67 FRL
68-70 Incoming circuit ID
71-73 Outgoing circuit ID
74 Feature flag
75-76 Attendant console number
77-80 Incoming TAC
81-82 Node number
83-87 ISDN NSV
88-89 IXC
90 Bearer Capability Class
92 Resource flag
93-96 Packet count
97 TSC flag
98-99 Bandwidth
100-105 ISDN CC (digits 16)
106-110 ISDN CC (digits 711)/PPM
111-114 Reserved for future use
115 Carriage return
116 Line feed
117-119 Null
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Appendix: CDR Records: Record Formats
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Appendix: Release History
Chapter 17.
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Appendix: Release History: What's New in Release 8.1
17. Appendix: Release History
17.1 What's New in Release 8.1
This section summarizes the major changes introduced with Release 8.1.
Hardware Support
IP Office Server Edition Mode
Telephone Support
Telephony Features
IP Office Customer Call Reporter
Flare Communicator for IP Office
SIP Trunks
IP Office Web Manager
Voicemail Pro
IP Office Manager
Hardware Support
IP Office Platforms
Release 8.0 is supported on IP500 and IP500 V2 systems. It is also supported on Linux based IP Office platforms,
see IP Office Server Edition below. Systems being upgraded to Release 8.1 may require an upgrade license.
IP500 VCM 32 V2 Base Card/IP500 VCM 64 V2 Base Card
These cards are functionally the same as the existing IP500 VCM 32 and IP500 VCM 64 base card respectively.
However, they do not enable support for 12 Avaya IP endpoints when installed in a IP Office Essential Edition, IP
Office Preferred Edition or IP Office Advanced Edition system.
IP Office Server Edition Mode
This new licensed mode of operation simplifies and enhances support for multiple systems in an IP network. IP Office
Server Edition mode can be used to build a network of up to 1000 users across up to 32 systems. When the configuration
of a IP Office Server Edition network is loaded in IP Office Manager, the IP Office Manager application switches to a
special IP Office Server Edition mode for administration of the network and IP Office system configurations. Web
based management of the Linux servers is also used to provide configure and maintain the servers.
For full details of IP Office Server Edition features and operation, refer to the separate IP Office Server Edition manuals.
IP Office Server Edition Hardware
The following hardware platforms are used to build a IP Office Server Edition network.
IP Office Server Edition Primary Server
This is a Linux based server. It hosts IP Office for Linux, Voicemail Pro and one-X Portal for IP Office. This
server is a mandatory component of the IP Office Server Edition network. The server can support IP (H.323
and SIP) extensions and trunks. This server acts as a central file server for maintenance actions such as
upgrades of servers in the network. Depending on capacity requirements, the one-X Portal for IP Office
component can be relocated to a separate server.
IP Office Server Edition Secondary Server
This is a Linux based server. It hosts IP Office for Linux and Voicemail Pro. The Voicemail Pro is used as the
resilience fallback server for the Voicemail Pro hosted by the IP Office Server Edition Primary Server. The
server can support IP (H.323 and SIP) extensions and trunks.
IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (L)
This is a Linux based server. It hosts IP Office for Linux. The server can support IP (H.323 and SIP)
extensions and trunks.
IP Office Server Edition Expansion System (V2)
This is an IP500 V2 control unit. It supports the same range of extensions and trunks as supported by a IP
Office Essential Edition mode IP500 V2 system and so provides a gateway for adding non-IP extensions and
trunks to a IP Office Server Edition network.
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Telephone Support
The following changes have been made for the telephones supported by Release 8.0.
D100 Phones
This is a DECT mobile handset. It uses a DECT base station that is connected to the IP Office system via a new SIP
trunk type.
G.722 Support
G.722 is now also supported on the 9608, 9611, 9621 and 9641 telephones.
IP Office Licensing
The following changes to IP Office licensing have occurred for Release 8.0.
Upgrade License 6
All existing systems being upgraded to Release 8.0 require an appropriate upgrade license. The exception is new
systems upgraded within 90 days of the system's first power up.
Avaya Softphone License
This new license can be used to enable use of the Flare Communicator for IP Office application for a user who is
otherwise not licensed for Flare Communicator for IP Office through their user profile. This allows the use of Flare
Communicator for IP Office on IP Office Essential Edition mode systems and with user profiles other than Office
Worker and Power User.
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Appendix: Release History: What's New in Release 8.1
Telephony Features
Context Sensitive Conferencing
For Release 8.1 and higher, there has been a change to which calls are conferenced when a Conference button
or Conf option is pressed on a telephone. This new behaviour applies to 1400, 1600, 9500 and 9600 Series
telephones. Previously, pressing Conference would put the user's current and all held calls into a conference. That
included any calls that had be put on held pending transfer by pressing Transfer. The result of pressing
Conference on the telephone now depends on which call is currently highlighted on the phone display and
whether there are or are not any calls held pending transfer.
Context Sensitive Call Transfer
For Release 8.1 and higher, there has been a change to telephone behaviour for call transfers. These new
behaviours apply to 1400, 1600, 9500 and 9600 Series telephones.
Calls and Button Status Indication
The status indication for a call on hold pending transfer has changed to differentiate such calls from standard
held calls.
Switching Between Calls
It is possible to switch between a connected call and a call on hold pending transfer and to complete the
transfer without requiring any additional call appearance buttons. As part of this, when a user already has a
call or calls on hold, they can now put their current call on hold pending transfer even if there are no free call
appearances available.
RTP Port Number Range
The minimum gap between the minimum and maximum port numbers has been reduced from 1024 to 254.
Mergeable Music on Hold Changes
Changes to the system hold music source are now mergeable. Changing the System Source music file is applied
to in progress calls. Switching to Alternate Sources is applied to the next call.
Log Stamp Functions
Via either a programmable button or short code (default *55), end users can now insert a line into any monitor
trace. The line includes a 3 digit log stamp number that is also briefly displayed on the user's phone display. This
allows users to indicate when a problem occurs and lets the system maintainer more easily locate the relevant
section of the monitor trace.
SIP Trunk Enhancements
The following enhancements have been made for SIP trunk configuration and operation in Release 8.1:
Caller ID from From Header
Incoming calls can include caller ID information in both the From field and in the PAI fields. Previously systems
have used just the PAI fields for caller ID information. A SIP trunk can now be configured to used the information
in the From field by selecting the Caller ID from From Header option.
Send From In Clear
When this option is selected, the user ID of the user making an outgoing call is included in the SIP From field. This
applies even if the caller has selected to be or is configured to be anonymous, though their anonymous state is
honored in other fields used to display the caller identity.
Setting the User-Agent and Server Header Information
Previously the values used for the User-Agent and Server fields used in SIP request headers were not
configurable. The value used can now be set. Setting a unique value can be useful in call diagnostics when the
system has multiple SIP trunks.
Use of UPDATE Supported
The IP Office system can now negotiate RFC 4028 for session refresh over SIP Trunks. It can either be the
refresher or expect UPDATE messages from remote party, depending on negotiation. Previously the IP Office was
only able to send RE-INVITE messages when it was the refresher. A session is terminated if the IP Office does not
receive an UPDATE/200 OK message in response to a session refresh. By default, UPDATE Supported is not
enabled and IP Office uses RE-INVITE messages for session refresh.
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IP Office Web Manager
The following additional features have been added to IP Office Web Manager:
System Backup and Restore
The IP Office Web Manager can now be used to backup and restore the contents of the /system/primary folder
on the System SD card. The backup and restore location can be either a folder on the local PC or the /system/
backup folder on the System SD card.
System Upgrade
The IP Office Web Manager can now be used to perform a software upgrade of a system, including all the binary
files for the system hardware, supported phones and files used by web management itself. It can do this from the
set of memory card files installed with IP Office Manager.
Additional Configuration Fields
Additional configuration fields have been added to IP Office Web Manager to align its configuration capabilities with
the fields offered by the traditional IP Office Manager. A full summary of the fields supported by either application
is included in the IP Office Web Manager documentation.
IP Office Web Manager is used for the registration of systems for support. It is also used to upload an on-boarding
file to configure an Avaya SSL VPN link for remote support of the system. This feature is supported for all IP Office
modes supported by IP500 V2 and Linux based IP Office systems except B5800 Branch Gateway. See On-Boarding
IP Office Manager
The following changes have been made to the operation of IP Office Manager.
Default Secure Communications
Previously the use of secure communications when opening the configuration has been off by default. That
behaviour is controlled by the Secure Communications setting (File | Preferences | Security | Secure
Communications ). The following changes have been made to this operation:
The new installations of IP Office Manager, IP Office Manager defaults to having Secure Communications
enabled. This means it will by default attempts to use secure communications when opening a configuration.
For IP Office Server Edition systems, IP Office Manager will always attempt to use secure communications
regardless of the Secure Communications setting.
If no response to the use of secure communication is received after 5 seconds, IP Office Manager will offer to
fallback to using unsecured communications.
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Appendix: Release History: What's New in Release 8.1
IP Office Customer Call Reporter
The following enhancements have been made for IP Office Customer Call Reporter operation in Release 8.1:
Scheduled Report on the Same Day
Scheduled reports can now be configured to include data from the current day on which the report is run.
Call Details Report Changes
A number of changes and improvements have been made to the Call Details Report template.
A New Call event has been added to the call events that are reported.
The Answered event has been renamed as Connected.
The report filters now include options for Hold, Enquiry Answered and Not Answered events.
The way the duration of events is displayed allows easier distinction between the overall times while an agent
handles a call and the individual times that the call is in different states.
Wallboard Enhancements
The following enhancements have been made to wallboard operation:
Manual Layout Control
Previously the sizing and positioning of the elements added to a wallboard display was automatic, with the
elements adjusting automatically when the wallboard was resized. Supervisors can now select to use a manual
layout option. When selected, elements added to the wallboard need to be positioned and sized manually and
do not automatically adjust position if the wallboard is resized.
Wallboard Bookmarking and Auto-Login
While logged into a wallboard, an icon within the wallboard allows it to be bookmarked as a favorite. This is
supported in Internet Explorer and Firefox. The browser link can then be used to re-display the wallboard
without having to login again.
Display Statistics Values on League Table
Previously league table elements added to a wallboard did not display the values on which the league
positions were based. Supervisors can now select whether to also display the statistic values or not.
Adjustable Wallboard Update Rate
The update interval for the wallboard can now be adjusted between every 2 seconds (the default) to every 60
seconds. This allows reduction of the CPU requirements for running a wallboard display.
Monitor Table
This new wallboard element is similar to the existing IP Office Customer Call Reporter monitor display,
showing a table of statistic columns and queue rows which can include a System and Total row. The table
shows alarms and warnings but is not interactive, ie. it cannot be used to acknowledge alarms.
Custom Report Enhancements
The following enhancements have been made to custom reports:
The sample custom reports reflect the changes above for the Call Details Report.
Custom reports can also be scheduled to run on the same day.
A new sample custom report has been added that emulates the CCC Incoming DID Summary report.
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Flare Communicator for IP Office
Release 8.1 support the use of Flare Communicator for IP Office on devices such at the iPad to make and receive calls.
The option to use Flare Communicator for IP Office can be licensed for individual users by a specific license or as part of
the user's licensed profile (supported for Office Worker and Power User).
On-boarding is a process used for registering a IP Office system with Avaya for remote maintenance and report services.
It is supported for all IP500 V2 and Linux based IP Office products. Once a system is registered, an on-boarding file is
supplied for uploading to the system.
For full details on how to configure and administer SSL VPN services, refer to the Avaya IP Office SSL VPN
Solutions Guide.
Uploading the file makes a number of changes to the system configuration.
An SSL VPN Service is created in the system configuration.
A security certificate for the service is added to the system's security settings.
In addition, the following optional changes can also be made, depending on the settings included in the on-boarding file
by the support service provider.
Short codes for switching use of the SSL VPN service on or off can be added to the configuration.
SNMP can be configured and SNMP alarm traps added to the configuration.
A static IP route to the SSL VPN service can be added to the configuration.
Network address and port translation (NAPT)
NAPT is part of the SSL VPN solution for providing remote maintenance and support. Use an SSL VPN service and
network address and port translation (NAPT) rules to establish remote communication sessions with LAN devices on the
IP Office network.
For full details on how to configure and administer SSL VPN services, refer to the Avaya IP Office SSL VPN
Solutions Guide.
Voicemail Pro
Minimum Password Length Control
The minimum password length accepted by the voicemail server when a user sets their mailbox password can now
be adjusted through the Voicemail Pro client. The length can be set between 0 to 15 digits for IP Office mode
voicemail or 2 to 15 digits for Intuity emulation mode voicemail.
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Appendix: Release History: What's New in Release 8.1
17.2 What was New in Release 8.0
This section summarizes the major changes introduced with Release 8.0.
Hardware Support
Telephone Support
IP Office Licensing
Telephony Features
Embedded Voicemail
Voicemail Pro
one-X Portal for IP Office
IP Office Customer Call Reporter
Other Modes
Hardware Support
IP Office Platforms
Release 8.0 is supported on IP500 and IP500 V2 systems only. Systems being upgraded to Release 8.0 may
require an upgrade license (see below).
Unified Communications Module
This card is supported by IP500 V2 systems. The card supports embedded Linux versions of the Voicemail Pro and
one-X Portal for IP Office applications. The presence of this card acts as Preferred Edition license for the
Telephone Support
The following changes have been made for the telephones supported by Release 8.0.
1100/1200 Series Phones
The requirement for and use of system short code features to enabled the same features through the phone menu
has been removed. This simplifies the installation of these phones.
Extended 9600 Series Telephone Support
The 9608, 9611, 9621 and 9641 telephones from the 9600 Series are now supported.
9600 Series H.323 Remote Extension Support
These phones can now be supported at remote locations without the requirement for VPN tunnels. Up to 2 users
are supported as remote H.323 extension users on any IP Office Essential Edition system. Additional remote users
can be licensed and configured using Teleworker and or Power User user profiles.
G.722 Audio Codec Support
The G.722 64K audio codec, referred to as wide-band audio, is supported on systems using IP500 VCM cards or
IP500 combination cards. It can be used by H.323 and SIP trunks. It can also be used with 1010, 1040, 1120E,
1140E and B179 phones and with the IP Office Video Softphone application.
High Quality Conferencing
Where devices using G.722 are in an IP Office conference, the system ensures that the speech between them
remains wide-band even if there are also narrow-band audio devices in the same conference.
IP Office Video Softphone for Mac
A version of the IP Office Video Softphone application for use of Mac PCs is now available in addition to the
Windows version.
IP Office Licensing
The following changes to IP Office licensing have occurred for Release 8.0.
Upgrade License 5
All existing systems being upgraded to Release 8.0 require an appropriate upgrade license. The exception is new
systems upgraded within 90 days of the system's first power up.
Essential Edition License
All systems running in IP Office Essential Edition require an Essential Edition license. IP Office Essential Edition
systems without the appropriate license will display "No license available" and will not allow any telephony
functions. This license is a pre-requisite for Preferred Edition and Advanced Edition. It is not required for
systems running in other modes, ie. Basic Edition modes.
For systems upgraded to 8.0 during the 90-day entitlement period applied to new systems, a virtual Essential
Edition license is automatically added to the system configuration.
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For systems upgraded to 8.0 outside the 90-day period above, a virtual Essential Edition license is
automatically generated by the presence of an appropriate Upgrade License 5.
Mobile Twinning is No Longer Licensed
All IP Office Essential Edition, IP Office Preferred Edition or IP Office Advanced Edition mode users can now be
enabled for mobile twinning and mobility features without the need to first be licensed for a Mobile Worker or
Power User user profile. This applies to all Mobility features.
Preferred Edition is a Pre-Requisite for User Profile Licenses
A Preferred Edition system license is now a pre-requisite for the operation of any user profile licenses (Office
Worker, Teleworker, Mobile Worker and Power User).
Telephony Features
Analog Trunk Unsupervised Disconnect Operation
In areas where no disconnect clear signalling or reliable tone disconnect is available, the system operation can be
set for unsupervised disconnect on analog trunks. When enabled, unsupervised (blind) transfers and trunk to trunk
transfers to analog trunks are not allowed. While enabled, the analog trunk settings for Disconnect Clear and
Allow Analog Trunk to Trunk Connect are disabled.
Additional Call Intrusion Methods
2 New methods of call intrusion are supported, using either short codes or programmable button features.
Whisper Page
This feature allows you to talk to another user while they are on a call without being able to hear them or be
heard by their current call.
Coaching Intrusion
This feature allows you to talk to another user while they are on a call and hear their current call but not be
heard by the other parties in the call.
Call Screening
This function is used to enable or disable call screening. While enabled, when a caller is presented to the user's
voicemail mailbox, if the user's phone is idle they will hear through the phone's handsfree speaker the caller
leaving the message and can select to answer or ignore the call.
Hunt Group Configuration and Operation
The configuration of hunt groups has been modified and enhanced as follows:
Hunt Group Configuration
All hunt group overflow settings have been moved to a new Overflow tab with the hunt group settings.
Similarly the Voicemail No Answer Time setting has been moved to the hunt group's Voicemail tab.
Hunt Group Immediate Overflow Option
For hunt groups using queuing but with no available or active members (ie. agents enabled, logged in and
either on a call or idle), overflow can be triggered immediately rather than waiting for the Overflow Time to
Speed Dial Short Code
Previously index numbers assigned to system Directory and Personal Directory numbers could only be used to
then dial those numbers from M-Series and T-Series telephones. This Speed Dial short code feature allows the
selection of directory numbers from any type of phone.
Conferencing Changes
The following changes have been made to the conference operation.
Personal Conference Number
Each user's own extension number is treated as their own personal conference number. Only that user is able
to start a conference using that number as the conference ID. Any one else attempting to start a conference
with that number will find themselves in a held conference until the owner also joins.
High Quality Audio Conferencing
When a conference includes devices that are using the G.722 wide-band audio codec, the IP Office system will
attempt to maintain wide-band audio between those devices when the conference also includes devices using
traditional narrow-band audio.
Multi-Site Network Conferencing
Previously separate conferences, each with the same conference ID, could be started on each IP Office system
in a Small Community Network. Conference IDs are now shared across a Small Community Network. For
example, if a conference with the ID 100 is started on one system, anyone else joining conference 100 on any
system will join the same conference. Each conference still uses the conference resources of the system on
which it was started and is limited by the available conference capacity of that system.
Conference Meet-Me and Ad-Hoc Conferencing
Ad-hoc conference IDs are now separate from Meet Me conference IDs. This means that it is not possible to
use Conference Meet-Me controls to join an ad-hoc conference. The ability to use ad-hoc conference methods
to add another user to an existing meet-me conference is still supported.
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Appendix: Release History: What was New in Release 8.0
IP Office Conferencing Center
Support for IP Office Conferencing Center was ended in Release 6.0. In Release 7.0, the IP Office system will
no longer respond to any existing IP Office Conferencing Center server.
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Voicemail Features
The following changes and enhancements have been made for voicemail operation.
Call Screening
This function allows a user to hear calls that have rung their extension and then gone to their voicemail mailbox.
The greeting played to the caller and the caller's message are heard. The user is able to select whether they want
to answer the call or ignore it (leave the caller in voicemail). Call screening is controlled by use of a programmable
button set to the Call Screening feature. Call screening is supported by Embedded Voicemailand Voicemail Pro
voicemail servers.
IP Office Manager Configuration Changes
The following changes have been made to existing voicemail settings within IP Office Manager.
The Hide Auto Recording setting has been moved to from the System | System tab to the System |
Voicemail tab.
The hunt group Voicemail No Answer Time setting has been moved from the Hunt Group | Hunt Group
tab to the Hunt Group | Voicemail tab.
Embedded Voicemail
In addition to the general changes above, the following specific changes apply to Embedded Voicemail support. These
changes apply to Embedded Voicemail on IP500 V2:
Intuity Mode
For IP500 V2 systems, Embedded Voicemail can now operate in IP Office mailbox mode or Intuity mailbox mode.
The selected mode can be changed using IP Office Manager. For IP Office Basic Edition - Norstar Mode, IP Office
Basic Edition - PARTNER Mode and IP Office Basic Edition - Quick Mode systems, the default mode is Intuity
mailbox mode. For IP Office Essential Edition, IP Office Preferred Edition and IP Office Advanced Edition systems
the default mode is IP Office mailbox mode.
Prompt Set Upgrade Changes
Previously for IP500 V2 systems, when upgrading the system files all files were updated including the sets of
prompt files for all languages supported by Embedded Voicemail. For Release 8.0, the following changes have
been made:
When upgrading the system files, the current configuration of the system is used to determine which files to
include in the upgrade in addition to the system and phone firmware files. This applies when using the Upload
System Files option during a system upgrade (File | Advanced | Upgrade ) or when using Upload
System Files within embedded file management (File | Advanced | Embedded File Management ),
Embedded voicemail prompts are only upgraded if the system is currently configured to use Embedded
Voicemail. English language prompts are upgraded as follows: IP Office A-Law/Norstar SD Cards - UK
English, IP Office U-Law/PARTNER SD Cards - US English. Other languages are upgraded if they
match the locale languages of the system locale, user locales, incoming call route locales or short code
locales in the configuration.
The files for IP Office Web Manager are only upgraded for systems configured to IP Office Basic Edition -
Quick Mode, IP Office Basic Edition - PARTNER Mode or IP Office Basic Edition - Norstar Mode mode.
When editing the configuration of a system that uses Embedded Voicemail, when the locale of the system, a
user, a short code or an incoming call route is changed, IP Office Manager will display a warning if the
matching set of prompts on the System SD card have not been upgraded.
A new option within IP Office Manager, Add/Display VM locales can be used to display the upgraded
languages on the SD card and to upload an additional language or languages.
The Recreate IP Office SD Card command still adds all the available Embedded Voicemail language
prompts for all languages and all files for IP Office Web Manager.
Voicemail Pro
In addition to the general changes above, the following specific changes apply to Voicemail Pro support:
Pause Recording
The manual and automatic recording of calls by Voicemail Pro can now be paused. This may be required by
customers who operate call recording of calls which may include sensitive information such as credit card
Recording can be paused and resumed using a programmable button set to the Pause Recording
When paused, recording can be automatically restarted by the system wide Auto Restart Paused
Recording (System | Voicemail ) setting.
If advice of call recording warning prompts are being used, a recording paused warning is now also used when
recording is paused and the advice of call recording prompt is repeated when recording is resumed.
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Appendix: Release History: What was New in Release 8.0
Local Message Time Stamps
For voicemail in a Small Community Network, the timestamp used with messages is that of the IP Office system
that hosts the mailbox owner rather than the system hosting the centralized voicemail server. In addition, the
operation of various other components will use the time of the IP Office routing the call:
The time used for the Clock action will be the local time.
The time used for Week Planner conditions will be the local time.
Text to Speech on Linux
Text to speech features are now supported on Linux based Voicemail Pro systems. This uses a new set of TTS
prompt supplied on DVD for installation with the Linux system. It also uses a specific Linux TTS license, ie. it does
not use the existing generic and Avaya TTS licenses used with Windows based voicemail servers.
Linux Voicemail and Exchange Support
Linux based Voicemail Pro systems can now be used to support integration with Microsoft Exchange in the same
ways as Windows based servers. This allows Voicemail Email and UMS to Microsoft Exchange. This option requires
the installation of a proxy component on a Windows PC.
Speak Text Action Enhancements
Previously, if SAPI tags were used to alter the text to speech playback, those tags had to be entered manually.
The Speak text action now provides additional controls that allow selection of the tags to be applied to a selected
section of the text.
Queue Position Prompts
Previously the Queue Position action used standard prompts supplied by Avaya for the announcement of the
caller's queue position. The Queue Position action now allows the recording of custom prompts for the action. This
allows more consistency with the recording voice that a customer may have used in other parts of their voicemail
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one-X Portal for IP Office
User Friendly URLs
Additional URLs for accessing the one-X Portal for IP Office are now created during the installation. These are in
addition to the former URLs which can still be used.
User access: http://<server>:8080/onexportal.html
Administrator access: http://<server>:8080/onexportal-admin.html
Backup Restore Utility access: http://<server>:8080/onexportal-afa.html
Dialing Digits During a Call
Previously, using the one-X Portal for IP Office controls to dial additional digits during a call was interpreted as
setting up a new call. Within the one-X Portal for IP Office dial pad you can now select Send DTMF Tones to
indicate that the digits you enter should be dialed as part of the current call, for example to navigate an auto
attendant menu.
Enhanced Conference Controls
The following enhancements have been made for conference calls started by the one-X Portal for IP Office user:
Previously some conference controls, for example muting individual parties, were only available to the user if
they started the conference using the one-X Portal for IP Office. Those one-X Portal for IP Office conference
controls are now available even if the user starts the conference using their phone.
The one-X Portal for IP Office conference controls for conferences started by the user now include options for
Drop All and Conference Lock (bar other further people joining the conference).
The one-X Portal for IP Office park button can be used to park a conference. The other parties in the
conference can continue talking while the user has their connection to the conference parked.
External Gadgets
User can select from an administered list, additional gadgets to include in their one-X Portal for IP Office main
display, for example Google News or Facebook. A default list of external internet gadgets is included in the
installation and can be edited by the administrator to add or remove gadgets. Users can add additional tabs to the
one-X Portal for IP Office for the display of gadgets.
Instant Messaging Integration and Presence
The one-X Portal for IP Office is now able to display the presence status of contacts addresses in OCS, GTalk and
other XMPP compatible instant messaging applications. It is also able to use its own instant messaging tools to
host a chat session with those contacts, that is a session where they use their XMPP IM client rather than having to
also be using one-X Portal for IP Office. one-X Portal for IP Office users can turn a chat session into a voice call by
entering @call into the chat session.
Call Assistant Plug-Ins
The one-X Portal for IP Office Call Assistant application now supports a number of plug-ins that allow the user to
make, answer and control their calls using another application rather than having to also log in to one-X Portal for
IP Office.
Outlook Plug In
The user can make, answer and control their calls using Outlook. They can also select Outlook contacts and
have them copied to their one-X Portal for IP Office directory.
Salesforce Plug In
The user can make, answer and control their calls using Salesforce.
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Appendix: Release History: What was New in Release 8.0
IP Office Customer Call Reporter
The following enhancements have been made to IP Office Customer Call Reporter operation in Release 8.0. For full details
of the features refer to the IP Office Customer Call Reporter documentation.
Additional System Statistics Values
The SYSTEM value can now be obtained for the Talk Internal, Talk Inbound and Talk Outbound statistics.
Hide Logged Out Agents
A supervisor account setting can be used to set whether the logged out agents are included in the supervisor's
monitor views.
15 and 30 Minute Report Groupings
Reports based on the Call Details Report and Call Summary Report templates can be set to group calls in 15 or 30
minute groups.
Agent Performance Factor Reporting
The Agent Performance Factor statistic value is now included in reports based on the Agent Time Card template.
The various thresholds required to calculate the performance factor can be adjusted in the report settings.
Presented Calls Statistic
This new statistics is available for monitor and wallboard views. It is the sum of calls answered and calls lost for
the statistic target.
Report Template Copying
Each supervisor can now select and send a copy of any of their report templates to another supervisor or
Custom Reports
This new tab in the Reports section allows supervisors to upload and download report templates created using
Microsoft Report Builder.
Hide Dialed Digits
A number of digits specified by the administrator can be hidden from the end of dialed numbers in reports based
on the Call Details Report and Trace Report templates.
DECT R4 Support
IP Office Customer Call Reporter now supports agents using handsets on DECT R4 systems supported by the IP
Office system.
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IP Office Basic Edition - PARTNER Mode/IP Office Basic Edition - Norstar Mode/IP
Office Basic Edition - Quick Mode Systems
The following changes and additional features have been made for an IP Office Basic Edition - Quick Mode, IP Office Basic
Edition - PARTNER Mode and IP Office Basic Edition - Norstar Mode systems running Release 8.0 software.
Name Changes
The name for these systems has changed from IP Office Essential Edition - Norstar Mode, IP Office Essential Edition -
PARTNER Mode and IP Office Essential Edition - Quick Mode to IP Office Basic Edition - Norstar Mode, IP Office Basic
Edition - PARTNER Mode and IP Office Basic Edition. This is to clarify the operational and functional distinction from IP
Office Essential Edition, IP Office Preferred Edition and IP Office Advanced Edition modes.
Changed Default Administrator Password
The default password for the Administrator account used for access to the system using IP Office Manager has
changed from password to Administrator. This applies to new systems and to systems that are defaulted.
Phone Based Administration During a Call
The ability to enter and use phone base administration menus during a call is now supported on all phone types
capable of phone based administration. Previously this option was limited to ETR, M-Series and T-Series phones. It
includes entering system, centralized and personal telephone administration.
IP Office Web Manager
Systems can now be configured via web browser. The default access is via the same Administrator account as
used for IP Office Manager and via a new default BusinessPartner account. The BusinessPartner account can
be used to create additional user accounts for IP Office Web Manager and to set what aspects of the configuration
those additional accounts can change.
Analog Trunk Unsupervised Disconnect Operation
In areas where no disconnect clear signalling or reliable tone disconnect is available, the system operation can be
set for unsupervised disconnect on analog trunks. When enabled, unsupervised transfers and trunk to trunk
transfers to analog trunks are not allowed.
Intuity Mode Embedded Voicemail Support
Previous software releases have used IP Office mode key presses to navigate the Embedded Voicemail menus. The
system now supports Intuity mode key presses. The mode used by the system is selectable. Intuity mode is the
default used for new systems.
Prompt Set Upgrade Changes
Previously for IP500 V2 systems, when upgrading the system files all files were updated including the sets of
prompt files for all languages supported by Embedded Voicemail. For Release 8.0, the following changes have
been made:
When upgrading the system files, the current configuration of the system is used to determine which files to
include in the upgrade in addition to the system and phone firmware files. This applies when using the Upload
System Files option during a system upgrade (File | Advanced | Upgrade ) or when using Upload
System Files within embedded file management (File | Advanced | Embedded File Management ),
Embedded voicemail prompts are only upgraded if the system is currently configured to use Embedded
Voicemail. English language prompts are upgraded as follows: IP Office A-Law/Norstar SD Cards - UK
English, IP Office U-Law/PARTNER SD Cards - US English. Other languages are upgraded if they
match the locale languages of the system locale, user locales, incoming call route locales or short code
locales in the system's configuration.
The files for IP Office Web Manager are only upgraded for systems configured to IP Office Basic Edition -
Quick Mode, IP Office Basic Edition - PARTNER Mode or IP Office Basic Edition - Norstar Mode mode.
When editing the configuration of a system that uses Embedded Voicemail, when the locale of the system, a
user, a short code or an incoming call route is change, IP Office Manager will display a warning if the matching
set of prompts on the System SD card have not be upgraded.
A new option within IP Office Manager, Add/Display VM locales can be used to display the upgraded
languages on the SD card and to upload an additional language or languages.
The Recreate IP Office SD Card command still adds all the available Embedded Voicemail language
prompts for all languages and all files for IP Office Web Manager.
Mobile Twinning No Longer Supported
The mobile twinning features available in previous releases are no longer supported. On existing systems
upgraded to Release 8.0, the related settings such a Mobile Twin buttons are converted to Remote Call
Forward during the upgrade. Any licenses added for mobile twinning are retained but not used. Customers
wanting to use mobile twinning will need to upgrade to IP Office Essential Edition.
Call Screening
This function is used to enable or disable call screening. While enabled, when a caller is presented to the user's
voicemail mailbox, if the user's phone is idle they will hear through the phone's handsfree speaker the caller
leaving the message and can select to answer or ignore the call.
SIP Trunk Enhancements
A number of features have been added for SIP trunk operation.
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Appendix: Release History: What was New in Release 8.0
Trunk Service Status Checking
The system can regularly check the availability of a SIP trunk in order to ensure that outgoing calls are not
delayed by attempting to use a trunk which is no longer in service.
Call Routing Method Control
Which part of the incoming call information should be used as the incoming number can now be selected. The
options are to match either the Request URI or the To Header.
Associate Method Control
The method by which the system associates a incoming SIP call with a particular SIP trunk can be configured.
Fax Transport Support
Support for fax calls can be enabled if also supported by the line provider. G.711 and/or T38 fax support can
be selected.
PRACK/100 rel Support
This feature is sometimes called 'early media support' and allows features such as in-band call tones and call
progress announcements to be played while the call connection process is still in progress.
The following previously supported features are no longer supported in Release 8.0.
SES Trunks
This type of trunk is not supported in systems upgraded to Release 8.0.
17.3 What was New in Release 7.0
Release 7.0 is supported on IP500 and IP500 V2 systems.
Hardware Support
Quick Mode
Phone Support
IP Office Customer Call Reporter
one-X Portal for IP Office
Voicemail Pro
Embedded Voicemail
SIP Trunk Enhancements
PARTNER Version/Norstar Version
Hardware Support
IP500 Control Units Only
Release 7.0 is only supported on IP500 and IP500 V2 control units.
IP500 TCM8 Base Card
This base card provides ports for connection of 8 Avaya M-Series and T-Series digital stations via RJ45 ports. Each
card supports a single IP500 trunk daughter card. Up to 4 TCM8 base cards can be fitted to an IP500 V2 control
unit. They can also be used to connect a Digital Mobility System (DMS) for 4100 and 7400 Series phones.
IP500 DS16A/DS30A External Expansion Modules
These external expansion modules provide ports that can be used by Avaya M-Series and T-Series digital stations
via RJ45 ports. Variants are available with 16 and 30 ports using 1 or 2 RJ21 connectors respectively. They can
also be used to connect a Digital Mobility System (DMS) for 4100 and 7400 Series phones.
Wall/Rack Mounting Kit
A new design of wall mounting kit for the IP500 and IP500 V2 systems is available. This new design includes cable
covers, choice of unit orientation and can also be used to wall mount IP500 external expansion modules. The kit
can also be used for rack mounting of units as well, with or without the cable cover.
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Quick Mode
Systems can now run in a new mode called IP Office Basic Edition - Quick Mode. This mode is similar to IP Office Basic
Edition - PARTNER Mode. It is supported globally and is the default mode adopted by new and defaulted IP500 V2
systems with IP Office System SD cards. The operation and features of IP Office Basic Edition - Quick Mode are covered
in separate documentation.
Phone Support
The following additional phones are supported by Release 7.0.
Avaya 3700 Series Phones
The Avaya 3740 and 3749 phones are now supported. These are ruggedized DECT handsets used with DECT R4.
Avaya 9500 Series Phones
Release 7.0 supports the 9504 and 9508 phones. These phones can only be used on IP Office phone systems.
Functionally they are similar to the 1400 Series of phones.
Avaya M-Series and T-Series Phones
Various phones in these series are supported by Release 7.0. They connect to the system using TCM ports on
IP500 TCM8 base cards and IP500 DS16A, DS30A external expansion modules.
The following M-Series phones are supported: M7100, M7100N, M7208, M7208N, M7310, M7310N, M7324
and M7324N.
The following T-Series phones are supported: T7000, T7100, T7208, T7316, T7316E, T7406, T7406E and
Audio Conferencing Unit (ACU).
Digital Mobility Solution (DMS)
This DECT solution connects to the system via TCM ports. It provides support for 4100 Series phones (4135, 4145,
4145EX, 4136, 4146 and 4146EX) and 7400 Series phones (7420, 7430, 7440, 7439, 7449).
Enhanced 1100/1200 Series Phone Support
Support for selected 1100 Series and 1200 Series phones was added as part of Release 6.1. The range of
functions supported was restricted to basic telephony functions. Support for these phones has now been extended
to include system specific functions.
The following license changes have been made in Release 7.0.
Embedded Voicemail Additional Channels Licenses
Used on IP500 V2 systems only. Previously each of these licenses enabled an additional 2 Embedded Voicemail
channels up to a maximum of 6. Each license now also enables an additional 5 hours of message storage. This
means that the storage can be increased from the basic 15 hours up to a maximum of 25 hours.
Receptionist License
Previously instances of this license were consumed by each user configured as a Receptionist, regardless of
whether they were currently using the SoftConsole application or not. For Release 7.0 the license is only consumed
when a user is running the SoftConsole application. The user must still be configured as a Receptionist user.
IP Office Customer Call Reporter
The following changes have been made for the statistics:
In addition to using statistics to display queue or agent values, for many statistics a system value can also be
displayed. The value will be the total or weighted average for all the IP Office Customer Call Reporter queues
and agents. System statistics can be used in the dashboard and as a row in monitor views. Alarms and
warnings are not applied to system statistics.
Display Accuracy/Standardization
Many statistics were previously displayed to two decimal points. These are now rounded to a single decimal
point. This change applies to statistic display in the dashboard, monitor, wallboard and reports. Time values
are standardized as hours:minutes:seconds except average speed of answer (just seconds).
The following changes have been made to wallboards:
Wallboard Logout
The wallboard display now includes a log out icon that can be used to return to the IP Office Customer Call
Reporter login screen.
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Appendix: Release History: What was New in Release 7.0
Wallboard Animation Settings
The Silverlight animation settings can be accessed and adjusted to optimize CPU usage on PCs that are not
dedicated to wallboard display only.
The following changes have been made to reports:
Inline Display
When manually viewing a report, the report results are displayed in the main IP Office Customer Call Reporter
windows rather than requiring a pop up window. Use of a separate popup window can be enabled if desired.
Saved Reports
When reports are run manually, a copy of the report results are saved with a time and date stamp. These
saved reports are kept for a period (up to 12 months) set in the supervisors account settings. The saved
reports can be viewed again at any time without having to reprocess the data.
Daily Reports On/Off
For automatic reports scheduled to run daily, an additional scheduling option is available to disable the
running of a daily report at weekends.
one-X Portal for IP Office Agent Control Gadget
IP Office Customer Call Reporter agents who also use the one-X Portal for IP Office now have an Agent Control
gadget displayed in their portal. This gadget allows them to:
change their state between Available, After Call Work and Busy Not Available.
select a Reason Code when entering Busy Not Available.
see and select which of their queue memberships are currently enabled or disabled. The system administrator
can configure for which queues an agent can change their membership status.
one-X Portal for IP Office
The following features are new in one-X Portal for IP Office 7.0.
World Clock Gadget
This gadget can be configured by the user to display the current time in a number of different time zones.
Agent Control Gadget
Customer Call Reporter agents using the one-X Portal for IP Office see an Agent Control gadget. They can use it to
change their agent state (available, after call work, busy not available), select a reason code when selecting the
busy not available state, and to change their currently enabled queue memberships.
Twinned Call Controls
Users with mobile twinning enabled are able to use additional controls in their Calls gadget to transfer calls
between their primary extension and their twinning number.
Directory Search All Tab
The search all directories option has been moved to its own tab which is used both for the search and the display
of result.
Chrome Browser
The one-X Portal for IP Office is now tested and supported with the Google Chrome browser.
Voicemail Pro
The following features have been added to Voicemail Pro 7.0.
Authenticated Call Recording
For systems where the Voicemail Pro is being used in conjunction with ContactStore, the recording method can be
specified to use authenticated recordings. When that is the case, the recording file is encoded in such as way that
any attempt to change or manipulate the file settings or its recording content will invalidate the file, though not
prevent its playback.
Within the system configuration settings, any of the manual and automatic recording destinations that could
previously be set to Voice Recording Library can now also be set to Voice Recording Library
The Voicemail Pro client can be used to scan a folder of recording files and will verify the recording settings.
Backup/Restore Between Windows and Linux Servers
The backup and restore options in the Voicemail Pro client can now be used to move settings between a Windows
based server and a Linux based server and vice versa. This allows migration from one server platform to another.
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Embedded Voicemail
The following changes have been made to Embedded Voicemail support.
Mailbox users can now switch the use of outcalling on or off as well as configuring the target number for outcalling
notification. When enabled, outcalling is used to alert the use when they have a new message waiting in their
Embedded Voicemail Additional Channels Licenses
Previously each of these licenses enabled an additional 2 Embedded Voicemail channels up to a maximum of 6.
Each licenses now also enables an additional 5 hours of message storage. This means that the storage can be
increased from the basic 15 hours up to a maximum of 25 hours.
DECT R4 Support
Support for DECT R4 has been enhanced in a number of ways.
Avaya 3700 Series Phones
The Avaya 3740 and 3749 phones are now supported. These are ruggedized DECT handsets used with DECT R4.
Simplified DECT Installation
In the master base station configuration settings, advanced options not typically used with SME installations can
now be hidden.
Provisioned Installation
A new method of installation, referred to as 'provisioning', can be used with 3700 Series phones. When selected,
the system automatically provides installation and configuration settings to the DECT system. It also provides
additional information to the handsets during normal operation.
The setup of the master base station is simplified as it uses data supplied by the system. The setup of slave
base stations is simplified even further.
This need to configure an extension on both the master base station and the system is removed. DECT
extensions are managed through the system configuration.
The 3700 Series handsets are automatically provided with additional information and system specific call
services when idle and during calls.
SIP Trunk Enhancements
SIP Trunk Templates
IP Office Manager can import and use SIP trunk templates. These allow a working trunk configuration for a
particular SIP provider to be applied to other systems. A number of templates for SIP trunk providers are included
with the IP Office Manager installation.
SIP Trunk Association Method
By default the system associates incoming SIP requests with a particular SIP line in its configuration by matching
the source IP address of the request. If no match is found the request is ignored. For Release 7.0, the association
method used for each line can be changed.
G.711 Fax Support
In addition to supporting T38 on SIP trunks, the system now also supports the G.711 fax.
PARTNER Version/Norstar Version
The following additional features are available for an IP Office Basic Edition - PARTNER Mode and IP Office Basic Edition
- Norstar Mode systems running to Release 7.0 software.
System Mode: Key System or PBX System
Systems can now be configured as either key or PBX systems.
2/3 Digit Extension Numbering
Systems can now be configured to use 2-digit or 3-digit extension numbering. When configured to use 2-digit
extension numbering, those numbers are in the range 10 to 57 and cannot be changed. When configured to use 3-
digit extension numbering, those numbers are in the range 100 to 579 but can be changed using IP Office
100 Extensions
In 3-digit numbering mode, the system can support up to 100 extensions.
DND Exceptions
Using IP Office Manager, the system administrator can now see and if necessary change the do not disturb status
of a user. In addition the system administrator can now edit do not disturb exception numbers for the user.
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Appendix: Release History: What was New in Release 7.0
Country and Language Control
The system locale settings has been separated into Country and Language values. Selecting a country will also set
a default language, however that can be overridden if required using the separate language setting.
Embedded Voicemail Enhancements
The following changes have been made to Embedded Voicemail operation.
Through the mailbox prompts menu, mailbox users can now enable voicemail outcalling. This will call a
number that they configured when their mailbox contains new messages.
The additional ports license that enables 2 additional ports now also enabled 5 hours of additional prompt and
message storage.
SIP Trunk Templates
IP Office Manager can be used to both export and import SIP trunk settings. The exported settings can be used as
a SIP trunk template that can be imported into other systems.
Avaya BST Phone Support
These systems can now use the TCM8 base card and DS16A or DS30A external expansion modules to support the
addition of Avaya M-Series, T-Series, 4100 Series and 7400 Series phones.
PRI Trunk Support
Systems can now be installed with an IP500 PRI trunk daughter card. Only one such card is supported in any
BRI Trunk Support
Systems can now be installed with IP500 BRI trunk daughter cards. Multiple cards can be installed up to a
maximum capacity of 12 BRI trunk channels. This includes the IP500 Combination card pre-fitted with a BRI trunk
daughter card. Note that BRI and PRI trunks are not supported in the same system.
Avaya 9500 Series Phone Support
Avaya 9500 Series phones are supported. They connect to the system using Digital Station (DS) ports in the same
way as existing 1400 Series phones.
Button Programming
The following changes have been made to button programming features:
Absent Text Inspect
The existing Absent Text button function used to set and clear a users absent text can now also be used to
see the absent text of another user without having to make a call to that user.
Message Waiting Indicator Inspect
This feature can be assigned to a programmable button. In conjunction with Auto Dial - Intercom buttons
for other user extensions, it can be used to see the current message waiting indicator status of those users.
Enhanced System Alarms
Most of the alarms available to the System Status Application can now also be output as system alarms (SNMP,
email and Syslog outputs). This includes license, service, trunk, link and configuration alarms.
Trunk Templates
IP Office Manager supports the use of trunk templates. These can be used to create new SIP trunks or can be
applied to existing analogue trunks.
Analog Trunk CLI Detection Method
For Release 7.0+, the system wide setting CLI Type (System | Telephony | Tones & Music ) is used to set
the incoming CLI detection method for all analogue trunks. Previously this settings was not visible and was driven
by the system locale.
Appearance Button Programming
The requirement for appearance buttons to be programmed as the first button onwards and as a continuous block
before other button functions has now been removed.
IP500 ATM4 Uni Trunk Card Modem Support (Release 7.0 and higher)
There is no longer a need to switch the card's modem port on/off. The trunk card's V32 modem function can be
accessed simply by routing a modem call to the RAS service's extension number. The modem call does not
have to use the first analog trunk, instead the port remains available for voice calls.
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17.4 What was New in Release 6.1
Release 6.1 is supported on IP406v2, IP412, IP500 and IP500 V2 systems.
Phone Support
Small Community Network Management
one-X Portal for IP Office
IP Office Customer Call Reporter
Embedded Voicemail
IP Office Basic Edition - PARTNER Mode
IP Office Basic Edition - Norstar Mode
Voicemail Pro
Music on Hold
The following additional phones and phone features are supported by Release 6.1:
1000 Series
The 1010 and 1040 SIP devices are HD video softphone devices. The main units provided connections for a variety
of video and audio inputs and outputs.
1100/1200 Series
The following phones from the Avaya range of SIP phones are supported: 1120E, 1140E, 1220 and 1230.
Automatic Call Log Expiry
For call log records written into a user's centralized call log, a expiry time can be set after which the call log record
is automatically deleted from the user's call log.
Mobile Twinning Handover (Release 6.1)
When on a call on the primary extension, pressing the Twinning button will make an unassisted transfer to the
twinning destination. This feature can be used even if the user's Mobile Twinning setting was not enabled.
During the transfer process the button will wink.
Pressing the twinning button again will halt the transfer attempt and reconnect the call at the primary
The transfer may return if it cannot connect to the twinning destination or is unanswered within the user's
configured Transfer Return Time (if the user has no Transfer Return Time configured, a enforced time of
15 seconds is used).
Show Last Call Duration
1400, 1600 and 9600 phones will briefly display the duration of a call after it is ended. This setting is a user
accessible option through the phone menu Features | Call Settings | Show Last Call Duration (except on
1403 and 1603 phones where it is on by default).
Small Community Network Management
IP Office Manager 8.1 is able to load and display the configuration of all systems in a Small Community Network. The
configurations can be edited and saved. When working in Small Community Network management mode, Manager can
also display a graphic view of the network and allow the adding of additional systems and Small Community Network
lines between systems.
one-X Portal for IP Office
Release 6.1 supports one-X Portal for IP Office 6.1. one-X Portal for IP Office 6.1 provides the following new features:
Adjustable Layout
The gadgets provided on the one-X Portal for IP Office's main page can now be moved, resized and minimized by
the user. The users positioning of the gadgets is retained between one-X Portal for IP Office sessions.
Multi Directory Search
It is now possible to display results for a search across all directories (System, Personal and External).
Call Assistant
The one-X Portal for IP Office Call Assistant is now supported for Windows based users of one-X Portal for IP
Office. The Call Assistant provides pop up messages about calls even when not logged into one-X Portal for IP
Office, screen popping to Outlook and hot key dialing of numbers.
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Appendix: Release History: What was New in Release 6.1
IP Office Customer Call Reporter
Microsoft SQL 2008 Support
IP Office Customer Call Reporter is now supported using Microsoft SQL 2008.
Visual Redesign
Some elements of the browser display have been redesigned.
Many of the tabs used by Supervisors to move between the available pages have been replaced by icons.
The color used for warnings has been changed from yellow to orange.
New Supervisor Pages
Supervisors are able to access two new pages of call information in addition to the views that they share with their
Dashboard Display
The dashboard display is the default page displayed to a supervisor when they login. They can customize it to
display a combination of up to three graphs and data display elements.
Customer Map
Supervisors can display and configure a map that will plot calls based on caller ID numbers. The map can be
used to show a combination of historical and realtime calls and can be overlayed onto Google or Yahoo maps.
Force Agent State
Supervisors can now force force a change to an agent's status. For example log an agent out or enable/disable an
agents queue membership. The IP Office Customer Call Reporter administrator configures which supervisors have
this function. This feature requires the IP Office Customer Call Reporter server to have access to a one-X Portal for
IP Office server.
New Statistics
The following new statistics are available for use in views.
Agent Productivity Factor
Talk Average
Talk Inbound
Talk Inbound Average
Talk Internal
Talk Outbound
Talk Outbound Average
Talk Total
Report Templates
The follow changes have been made for historical reporting.
The Call Summary Report now includes Average Answer Time when reporting on agents (previously this
value was blank when reporting on an agent or agents).
A new template called the Agent Report Card template has been added. It provides historical reporting on
the Talk Time statistics.
Message Color
When scheduling a wallboard message, supervisors can now select the color for the message.
IP Office Customer Call Reporter Help
IP Office Customer Call Reporter help is now also available in French and Latin Spanish.
Wallboard Controls
The wallboard Background and Content Settings now include options to adjust the animation effect applied to
changing statistic values and the aspect ratio used for the display of the wallboard elements.
Embedded Voicemail
Skip Your Mailbox Greeting
Caller's can skip your mailbox greeting by pressing 1. Instead they immediately hear the tone for the start of
IP Office Basic Edition - PARTNER Mode
Phantom Users
Previously user settings were only created and configurable for the physical extensions present in the system (and
excluding ports 7 and 8 on ETR6 cards). User settings are now created for all possible user extensions regardless
of whether a matching physical extension port is present or not.
Calls to a phantom extension number go directly to that user's mailbox. This applies for normal dialing, DDI
call routing, line coverage, transfers and routing from an auto-attendant.
Auto Attendant Enhancements
The following changes have been made to auto attendant support for IP Office Basic Edition - PARTNER Mode
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9 Auto Attendants
Up to 9 auto attendants are now supported. Where a line is associated with an auto attendant the auto
attendant required can be selected.
Transfer to Auto Attendant Action
This additional menu action allows calls to be routed from one auto attendant to another. When this
occurs, only the menu prompt of the new auto attendant is played.
Language Selection
Each auto attendant can be configured with a language selection. The selected language controls the prompts
used by the auto attendant actions where applicable.
Time Profile Dependant Menu Actions
In addition to controlling with initial greeting is played to callers, each auto attendants time profiles now also
control which set of menu actions are available to the callers with the appropriate time dependant menu
actions greeting.
Selectable Night Service Mode
Previously when the system was put into night service, the auto attendant switched to its out of hours
greeting. Each auto attendant now has a Follow Night Service setting. If selected, the previously behavior
still applies. If not selected, when the system is put into night service, the auto attendant continues to follow
its own time profile settings.
Picking Up Auto Attendant Calls
Bridging into a call being handled by an auto attendant drops the auto attendant from the call.
Emergency Greeting
Each auto attendant can have a recorded emergency greeting and a setting for whether that greeting is active
or not. When active, the emergency greeting is played before any of the other auto attendant greetings. When
an emergency greeting is active, a warning is displayed on extensions 10 and 11.
Transfer to Greeting Action
This additional menu action allows the caller to play and record the emergency greeting. It also allows
them to select whether the greeting is active or not. If a system password has been set, it is used to
restrict access to this option.
Line Enhancements
Unique Line Ringing
Each incoming line, channel or DID can be assigned a ringing pattern. That pattern is then used for incoming
calls on that line unless overridden by the user's setting.
Assigning Lines to Auto Attendants
Previously assignment of a line to an auto attendant could only be done through the IP Office Manager. This
option can now be selected through the administrator menus on extensions 10 and 11.
User Setting Enhancements
The following changes have been made to user support for IP Office Basic Edition - PARTNER Mode 6.1.
Immediate Voicemail
The user setting for VMS Cover Ring can now be set to 0 for immediate voicemail.
Transfer Return Extension
For users who have transfer return enabled, a different extension destination for the return calls can now be
Override Line Ringing
For selected users the new Unique Line Ringing can be overridden.
Language Control
Previously only individual users could be configured with a language selection. For IP Office Basic Edition -
PARTNER Mode 6.1 the default language selection can now be done at the system level. In addition a language
setting can be applied to each auto attendant.
Embedded Voicemail Enhancements
The following changes have been made to the embedded Voicemail Provided to IP Office Basic Edition -
PARTNER Mode 6.1 users.
Caller Post Message Options
After leaving a mailbox message, callers can now press # rather than hanging up immediately. The caller will
hear a prompt informing them whether the message has been saved or whether the messages was too short
(less than 3 seconds) and so was not saved.
Skip Your Mailbox Greeting
Caller's can skip your mailbox greeting by pressing 1. Instead they immediately hear the tone for the start of
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Appendix: Release History: What was New in Release 6.1
Mark Messages as New
You can now change an old or saved message's status back to new while it is being played or just after it has
played by dialing *06. The message waiting light is relit. However if voicemail email is being used no new
message email is sent.
IP Office Basic Edition - Norstar Mode
To replace Avaya Norstar systems in the middle eastern market, IP500 V2 systems can be configured to run in IP Office
Basic Edition - Norstar Mode. This is done using a IP Office Basic Edition - Norstar Mode System SD card. Operation is
similar to IP Office Basic Edition - PARTNER Mode except with no support for ETR phones.
The locales supported for IP Office Basic Edition - Norstar Mode are: Bahrain, Egypt,, Kuwait, Morocco, Oman,
Pakistan, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates.
Automatic impedance matching is also available for the locales above.
For Embedded Voicemail, Arabic language prompts are supported.
Voicemail Pro
The following features have been added to Voicemail Pro 6.1.
Additional Generic Action String Manipulation Options
The String Manipulation command has two additional options. They are:
This action can be used to copy the value of one variable to another variable. The command can copy the
whole value or can, treating the value as a string, copy a section to or from a specified matching character.
This action can be used to return the length of variable. It can return the full length or the length from or to a
specified matching character.
Post Call Completion Call Flows
Call flows can be configured to continue running even after the caller has disconnected. If the current action which
the call had reached has a Timeout or Next result, the connection from that result is followed immediately until
the call flow either reaches a Disconnect action or an unconnected result.
Automatic Call Recording for Internal Calls
The user and hunt group options for call recording can now be set to work for internal calls. Previously they only
applied to external calls.
Music on Hold
The following changes have been made for hold music support:
Analog Extension Source
For alternate music on hold sources 2 to 4, the audio input to an analog extension port can be specified as the
Short Code Music on Hold Selection
For calls routed by short codes, including outgoing external calls, the hold music source for the call can be
specified using the h character in the short code telephone number.
IP Office Application Server
The IP Office Application Server is a Linux based server running server applications, currently Voicemail Pro and one-X
Portal for IP Office. It does not require Linux knowledge to install. The sever and the applications are managed remotely
via web browser and the existing Voicemail Pro client.
Miscellaneous Features
Restrict Analog Extension Ringer Voltage
If this system setting is selected, the available message waiting lamp indication settings for analog extensions are
restricted to None and Line Reversal.
Time Support
A number of changes have been made to the way that the systems time and date can be set.
The existing RFC868 Time method using the Voicemail Pro server or IP Office Manager as the source is still
supported. Use of other RFC868 server sources is not supported.
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Using SNTP requests to a NTP server is now supported. When using SNTP, additional fields for the local time
offset and for daylight savings time (DST) settings are also available.
If the time is being set manually through a system phone, the system can be configured with a manually
adjustable offset and or with automatic daylight savings time settings.
The time settings, including the time server being used and whether DST is in use or not, can be viewed
through system phones.
Restart IP Phones on System Upgrade
The IP Office Manager Upgrade Wizard now includes an option to restart all connected IP phones following a
system upgrade. This will cause those phones to check and, if necessary, upgrade their phone firmware following
the system upgrade.
Multiple SIP Proxies
The use of multiple SIP proxy servers in SIP line settings is now supported. The multiple proxies can be specified
by IP address or obtained through DNS response (RFC3263). When specified by IP address, weighting can be
applied to each address.
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Appendix: Release History: What was New in Release 6.1
17.5 What was New in Release 6.0
This section summarizes the major changes introduced with Release 6.0
IP500 V2
Partner Version
IP Office Manager
Telephone Support
Telephony Features
SIP Trunk Enhancements
DECT R4 Changes
Customer Call Reporter
one-X Portal for IP Office
Voicemail Pro
Windows Operating System
Features No Longer Supported
IP500 V2
The IP500 V2 control unit is similar to the existing IP500 control unit with 4 slots for IP500 base cards. Key differences
SD Memory Card and Feature Key Dongle
The Feature Key dongle used is an Avaya SD memory card with a unique serial number on which the IP500 V2
systems licenses are based. This card must be present for the correct operation of the control unit.
The cards are supplied with a set of core software and phone binary files. When a system is started, it will
compare its current software (plus that of phones and expansion modules) and if necessary will upgrade the
system using the files on the card.
In addition the card can contain a license file which will be merged with the systems current configuration
during a restart.
The card provides Embedded Voicemail. It provides 2 channels by default but can be licensed for up to 6
channels total.
The System Status application is present on the card and can be run from the card.
An additional SD card slot on the control unit can be used for an additional memory card to or from which files
can be copied to the system card.
Various commands within IP Office Manager, System Status and on system phones can be used to perform
memory card management function such as backing up the System card to an Optional card.
Partner Version Mode
In addition to A-Law and U-Law variants of the Feature Key, a Partner Version variant exists. IP500 V2 systems
using this card run in Partner Version mode, see below.
IP500 V2 Combination Cards
These cards are a pre-built pairing of IP500 base card and daughter card. They provide 6 digital station ports, 2
analog phone ports, 10 VCM channels and either 4 analog trunk ports or 4 BRI channels. A maximum of 2
combination cards can be installed in an IP500 V2 control unit. The cards will not operate if the trunk daughter
card is removed or change for one of another type.
ETR6 Cards
This card supports 6 Partner ETR phones (ETR 6/18/34D, 3910 and 3920). The card can only be used in IP500 V2
systems running in Partner Version mode. A maximum of 3 ETR6 cards can be installed.
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Partner Version Mode
IP500 V2 systems run in Partner Version mode by fitting them with a Partner Feature Key. In this mode the operation of
the system and the telephones supported closely emulate Partner ACS systems.
IP Office Basic Edition - PARTNER Mode systems support the following equipment.
Maximum Variants Supported
IP500 Base Cards 4 Digital Station 8 (Max 3)
Phone 2
Phone 8
ETR6 (Max 3)
Combination Card ATM4
IP500 Daughter Cards 4 ATM4 Uni
PRI 1 Uni (Max 1)
Expansion Modules 1 Digital Station 16
Phone 16
Phones 40 1403, 1408 and 1416 Phones
ETR 6, ETR 6D.
ETR 18, ETR 18D.
ETR 34D (Max 4 total. Max 2 per
base card)
Analog phones
The Feature Key dongle provides voicemail services for the system.
In addition to emulating Partner ACS operation, SIP trunks and mobile twinning can be licensed.
IP Office Basic Edition - PARTNER Mode systems cannot be included in a Small Community Network.
Auto Connect at Start Up
By default, when started Manager will automatically performed system discovery and display a list of systems
found. If only when system is found it will start login to the system. Manager will also do this when an existing
configuration open in Manager is closed. Auto connect can be switched off through the Manager's preferences.
Partner Version Administration Mode
When a configuration from an IP500 V2 running in Partner Version mode is loaded, Manager will switch to
displaying Partner Administration menus.
Memory Card Commands
Manager can be used to perform a range of memory card commands. For IP500 and IP500 V2 systems it can
shutdown and restart memory card operation. For IP500 V2 systems it can be used to copy, create and upgrade
memory cards.
System Shutdown
Manager can be used to issue a shutdown command to an Release 6.0 system. The shutdown can be for a
specified duration in minutes or permanent until the control unit power is switched off and on again.
Features No Longer Supported
In addition to the ending of Voicemail Lite support in Release 5, the following applications are no longer supported in
Release 6.0
Delta Server
Customer Contact Center (CCC)
Compact Business Center (CBC)
Conferencing Center
Feature Key Server
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Appendix: Release History: What was New in Release 6.0
For full details of licenses used by Release 6.0 refer to Licenses .
Feature Key Dongle Support
The Feature Key Server application is not supported for systems running Release 6.0, meaning that the use of
parallel port and USB port Feature Key dongles attached to a server PC is not supported. Therefore IP406 V2 and
IP412 systems being upgraded to Release 6.0 must also be upgraded to using a serial port feature key.
System Edition Licenses
Systems can be upgraded from the unlicensed Essential Edition mode to Preferred Edition mode and then to
Advanced Edition mode using Preferred Edition and Advanced Edition licenses. Each license enables a range of
additional features.
Preferred Edition
Enables support for Voicemail Pro with 4 voicemail ports and licensable for additional ports. Preferred Edition
voicemail features include announcements, customizable call flows, campaigns and generic TTS email reading
for licensed users.
Advanced Edition
Enables support for Customer Call Reporter and advance Voicemail Pro features (voicemail database
interactions, voicemail speak text actions (8 ports generic TTS), visual basic scripting and ContactStore.
Software Upgrade Licenses
Existing systems being upgraded to Release 6.0 require a Software Upgrade license. If the license is not present
following an upgrade, phones will display an unlicensed message and can only be used for emergency calls.
User Profiles and Profile Licenses
For Release 6.0, each user has a profile setting; Basic User, Office Worker, Teleworker, Mobile Worker or
Power User. A user's profile controls whether they can be enabled for other functions. Profiles other than Basic
User require appropriate licenses.
Teleworker Profile License
These licenses set the number of users who can have their profile set as Teleworker. For user with this
optional, additional settings are enabled in the system configuration for the following services: one-X Portal
for IP Office and UMS Web Services.
Mobile Worker Profile License
Thee licenses set the number of users who can have their profile set as Mobile Worker. For user with this
optional, additional settings are enabled in the system configuration for the following services: Mobility
Features and TTS for Email Reading.
Office Worker Profile License
These licenses set the number of users who can have their profile set as Office Worker. For user with this
optional, additional settings are enabled in the system configuration for the following services: one-X Portal
for IP Office (no telecommuter features) and UMS Web Services. If no Office Worker Profile licenses are
present, existing legacy Phone Manager Pro licenses can also be used to enable users for the Office Worker
Power User Profile License
These licenses set the number of users who can have their profile set as Power User. For user with this
optional, the same additional services as for Teleworker and Mobile Worker are enabled for the user in the
system configuration plus the following service: SoftPhone.
Pre-IP Office licenses for individual features now controlled by profile licenses can still be used by users set to
the Basic User profile.
Changes to the licensing for TTS and user profiles mean that on systems being upgraded to Release 6.0, users
currently enabled for TTS email reading may find that function not longer enabled.
Avaya IP Phone Licenses
On IP500 and IP500 V2 systems, Avaya 1600, 4600, 5600, 9600, IP DECT, DECT R4, T3 IP, Spectralink and VPN
phones are licensed by Avaya IP Endpoint licenses. These licenses are consumed by each phone as it registers
with the system. Existing VCM channel resources and VCM Channel licenses enable a number of unlicensed phone
Existing VPN Remote licenses are no longer used. Phones using VPNremote client software require an Avaya
IP Phones license.
Licenses are used on a first come first served basis as phones register with the system. Phones that register
but cannot get a license will only be able to make emergency calls. Through the system configuration, it is
possible to pre-allocate available license capacity to selected extensions.
Text to Speech Licensing
The licenses for Voicemail Pro text to speech functions, TTS email reading and the call flow speak text actions,
have now been separated.
TTS email reading is now licensed and enabled by a combination of the Preferred Edition system license and
the Mobile Worker Profile or Power User Profile user licenses.
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8 ports of generic TTS usage for use of the Voicemail Pro Speak Text action are enabled by the Advanced
Edition system license. Additional ports can be enabled using the existing legacy TTS licenses.
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Appendix: Release History: What was New in Release 6.0
Telephone Support
Avaya IP Endpoint Licenses
On IP500 and IP500 V2 systems, Avaya 1600, 4600, 5600, 9600, IP DECT, DECT R4, T3 IP, Spectralink and VPN
phones are licensed by Avaya IP Endpoint licenses. These licenses are consumed by each phone as it registers
with the system. Existing VCM channel resources and VCM Channel licenses enable a number of unlicensed phone
Additional Phones
The following additional phones are supported by Release 6.0
1400 Series Phones
Using digital station ports, Release 6.0 supports the Avaya 1400 Series phones; 1403, 1408 and 1416. To the
user they provide the same range of features are the equivalent 1600 Series phones. Each 1416 can support
up to 3 DBM32 buttons modules.
1600-I Series Phones
The 1600-I variants of the 1603, 1603SW, 1608 and 1616 phones are supported.
9600 Series Phones
The following Avaya H.323 IP phones are supported: 9620L, 9620C, 9630G, 9640, 9640G, 9650 and 9650C.
All except the 9620s can support up to 3 SMB24 button modules.
ETR Phones and 3900 Series Phones
Using the ETR ports provided by the ETR6 base card, the IP500 V2 control unit can support the ETR 6D, ETR
18D and ETR 34D phones plus the 3910 and 3920 wireless phones.
Avaya IP Office SoftPhone
Release 6.0 supports the IP Office SoftPhone application. This application is licensed by a SoftPhone IP
Endpoint license.
Telephony Features
Mobile Callback
This feature is an enhancement to the existing mobile call control features. Mobile callback allows the user to call
the system and then hang up. The system will then make a call to the user's CLI and when answered, provide the
user with dial tone from the system to make calls.
SMDR Buffer Persistence
For Release 6.0, the operation of SMDR on IP500 and IP500 V2 control units has been enhanced to store any
buffered SMDR records during any controlled system power downs or reboots. The current buffer is also stored at
approximately midnight and midday.
Embedded Voicemail Dial by Number Enhancement
The new auto attendant setting Direct Dial-by-Number can be used to select how keys set to the Dial By
Number operate.
If selected, the key press for the action is included in any following digits dialed by the caller for system
extension matching. For example, if 2 is set in the actions to Dial by Number, a caller can dial 201 for
extension 201.
If not selected, the key press for the action is not included in any following digits dialed by the caller for
system extension matching. For example, if 2 is set in the actions to Dial by Number, a caller must dial 2
and then 201 for extension 201.
Twinned Caller Number
Where supported by the ISDN provider, on ISDN trunks the system can pass through the caller ID to the twinned
call destination.
ISDN Redirected Caller Number
For twinned calls routed out on ISDN trunks, the original number of the caller can be displayed on the twinned call
destination. This function is only supported on IP500 and IP500 V2 systems.
Telephone Features
For 1400, 1600 and 9600 Series phones, the following features have been added:
En-bloc Dialing
Users can select en-bloc dialing mode through the phone's own menus. In en-bloc mode the user can
compose and edit the number to dial while on-hook. This is similar to the method of dialing supported by
mobile cell phones and wireless handsets. The number composed is dialed from the phone when the user goes
off hook or presses an appearance button.
Call Park Button Enhancement
The operation of the Call Park button has been enhanced to display details of parked calls. This allows the
user to select whether to unpark a call or to cancel the action.
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Phone Inactivity Timers - Auto Return and Auto Lock
The phones now support two inactivity timers. These can be adjusted by the user through the phone's menus.
For 9600 Series phones these are in addition to the phone screen saver options.
Auto Return
When this timer expires, the phone will exit any menu and return to it normal idle phone display.
Auto Lock
When this timer expires, the phone will be automatically locked.
Name Display (1400 and 1600 Series only)
Through the phone's menus the user can select to have their name displayed rather than the extension
number when the phone is idle.
Visual Voice
The operation of visual voice has been enhanced. After selecting a messages category (New, Old or Saved)
playback no longer starts automatically. Instead the user can scroll through a listing of the messages and select
which message to play or delete.
Small Community Networking
The Small Community Network user limit has been increased from 500 to 1000.
The following features are support for DECT R4 systems upgraded to the new firmware supplied with Release 6.0
Compact Base Station
This is a 4 channel base station with internal aerials. Up to 5 compact base stations can be include in a system, in
conjunction with existing 8 channel base stations.
Directory Integration
Directory integration can now be done without needing a AIWS unit on the LAN. An AIWS is still required for over
the air firmware upgrades to the phones.
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Appendix: Release History: What was New in Release 6.0
SIP Trunk Enhancements
SIP Trunk Prefixes
The SIP line settings now include fields for defining the prefixes to be added to the caller's number. This is similar
to the prefix fields used by other supported external line types. On systems where a prefix is required to make
external calls, adding the prefix to the number received on incoming calls allows the call records shown in call logs
and other areas to be used for return calls.
SIP URI Parameters for Hunt Groups and Voicemail
SIP URI information can now be configured the hunt groups and for the Voicemail Pro voicemail server.
SIP Session Timers
Conforming to RFC4028, the system uses SIP session timers to detect whether a call is no longer connected.
Multiple SIP Accounts per Trunk
Previously only two sets of ITSP account details could be configured for each SIP line to a particular ITSP IP
address. Release 6.0 allows up to 30 sets of account details to be added to the line settings.
SIP Trunk Out of Service Detection
The system can regularly check if a SIP trunk is in service. Checking that SIP trunks are in service ensures that
outgoing call routing is not delayed waiting for response on a SIP trunk that is not currently usable.
For both UDP and TCP trunks, the OPTIONS message will be regularly sent. If no reply is received the trunk is
taken out of service.
For TCP trunks, if the TCP connection is disconnected the trunk will be taken out of service.
For trunks using DNS, if the IP address is not resolved or the DNS resolution has expired, the trunk is taken out
of service.
SIP Trunk Registration Using DNS Domain Names
If the system is a DHCP client in a network with a DNS server, the SIP trunks can be configured to use the ITSPs
domain name rather than requiring the ITSPs IP address.
one-X Portal for IP Office
For Release 6.0, the one-X Portal for IP Office application has been enhanced as follows:
Conference Display and Conference Functions
The display of conference calls has been changed and can now be used to drop parties from a conference and to
mute parties in the conference including muting all.
The user can now add and configure profiles. Each profile contains a range of telephone settings. The user can
then use the one-X Portal to select which of their profiles is active. Profiles contain settings for mobility
(forwarding, mobile twinning and telecommuting), voicemail (on/off, ringback, outcalling on/off and playback
destination) and call pickup.
Instant Messaging
one-X Portal for users can use the application to launch instant messaging sessions between each other.
Language Support
In addition to English and German, the one-X Portal for IP Office also supports French, Italian, Dutch, Brazilian
Portuguese and Russian.
Personal Directory Tabs
In addition to the default Personal tab, users can now add additional tabs onto which they can add personal
Call Pickup
Users can now enable call pickup for their calls by other one-X Portal users. When enabled, the user's directory
record in other user's directories will indicate when they have unanswered calls waiting and allow those calls to be
picked up.
Telecommuter Mode
The one-X Portal for IP Office can be used in telecommuter mode.
Voicemail Features
The following additional options are supported with one-X Portal and Voicemail Pro 6.
Browser Playback
Using one-X Portal profiles (see above), the user can select to playback messages through their phone or
through their browser.
Voicemail Greeting
Users can upload mailbox greeting files using one-X Portal and select which greeting is active.
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Customer Call Reporter
Version 1.2 of the Customer Call Reporter is supported by Release 5 and Release 6.0
Windows 2008 Server Support
Support for installation on Windows Server 2008 systems. That includes both 32-bit and 64-bit systems.
Switch Configuration
Switch discovery and selection is no longer part of the IP Office Customer Call Reporter software installation.
Instead the system switch details can be edited manually by the IP Office Customer Call Reporter administrator
after software installation.
Maximum Database Size Configuration
The maximum MS-SQL database size can now be set by the IP Office Customer Call Reporter administrator. The IP
Office Customer Call Reporter will then provide warnings and take housekeeping actions when the actual database
size approaches the configured maximum size.
Supervisor Scheduled Housekeeping Tasks
Through the scheduler tab previous used for historical reports, supervisors with Self Administer rights can now
also configure a number of house keeping tasks. Housekeeping tasks configured by one supervisor can be seen by
other supervisors. Each task can be configured to run with a specified frequency or just once. The housekeeping
tasks include:
Reset Realtime Statistic
Reset the statistics shown in all supervisor, agent and wallboard views.
Backup Database
The backup database is placed into the default MS-SQL backups folder with a date and time prefix to the file
Re-Index Database
By default this task is already scheduled and occurs at 1:30am. Re-indexing the database allows reports to
run faster, however during the actual re-indexing the response of IP Office Customer Call Reporter is slowed.
Reset Web Services
By default this task is already scheduled and occurs at 11:00pm.
Wallboard Display Mode
In addition to creating supervisor accounts, the administrator can also add wallboard accounts. When a browser is
logged in using a wallboard account it displays real-time data on queues and agents in a style intended for display
on large screen monitors being used a wallboards.
Each IP Office Customer Call Reporter supervisor license instance enables one supervisor login and also one
wallboard login.
The wallboard display mode requires the web browser being used to support Microsoft Silverlight.
The wallboard display can include combinations of queue and agents statistics from all IP Office Customer Call
Reporter queues and agents. For each statistic displayed, alarm and warning settings can be applied and,
where appropriate, inclusion of internal and or external calls can be selected.
In addition to IP Office Customer Call Reporter statistics, a number of other items can be selected for the
wallboard display such as:
Title - A customizable text title can be added to the wallboard display.
Logo - A logo picture file can be uploaded for display in the wallboard.
Agent League Table - A dynamic table showing the top, the bottom or a combination of the top and
bottom agents for a selected queue and statistic.
Graph - Display a graph of a selected queue statistic over time.
Supervisor Messages - IP Office Customer Call Reporter supervisors can configure scheduled messages
which appear in the message bar of selected wallboards.
Report Changes
The following changes have been made to the historical report templates:
Connection Loss Reporting
If the data analyzer component of IP Office Customer Call Reporter is unable to connect to the system, it will
record details in the IP Office Customer Call Reporter database. Any reports run that cover the same period as
a lose of connection will include details of the connectionless period in the report.
Call Summary Report Template Changes
In the Call Summary Report template, the Total Calls column is now Call Interactions and does not include
No Answer calls. An additional column, Customer Calls, which is the number of unique calls has been
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Appendix: Release History: What was New in Release 6.0
Call Details Report Template Change
In the Call Details Report template, the summary sections now include totals for Customer Calls and Call
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Voicemail Pro
The following is a summary of the new features in the Voicemail Pro 6.0 release. For details of previous releases refer to
the Appendix. Voicemail Pro 6.0 is supported with systems running Release 6.0 That includes IP406 V2, IP412, IP500 and
IP500 V2 systems.
Centralized Voicemail
In addition to the support for system control fallback added in Release 5, the following additional options are now
supported within a Small Community Network using Release 6.0 and Voicemail Pro 6.0:
Backup Voicemail Server
An additional Voicemail Pro server can be installed. The address of this server is entered in the configuration of the
central system. During normal operation; messages, call flows and other settings on the backup voicemail server
are synchronized with those on the central voicemail server. If the central voicemail server becomes unavailable,
the central system will switch to using the backup voicemail server for voicemail services. When the central
voicemail server is restored, the central system will switch back to using it for voicemail services and any new
messages on the backup server are synchronized with it. The backup voicemail server operates using the existing
voicemail licenses held by the central system for normal operation.
Distributed Voicemail Servers
Multiple Voicemail Pro servers can be installed within a Small Community Network. These are referred to as
distributed voicemail servers. Within the configuration of the systems in the network (other than the central
system and its fallback if any), you can specify that the system uses a particular distributed voicemail server for
its voicemail services. This requires the system to have licenses for voicemail operation and the voicemail features
it requires. Multiple distributed servers can be supported and several systems can share the same distributed
server, each using their own license set. The distributed server is used for all services apart from message
collection and message waiting indication, those services are still performed by the central voicemail server.
Messages recording is done by the distributed servers with the messages then being forwarded to the central
voicemail server.
Voicemail Operation Features
Alarm Action Enhancements
The alarms provided by the voicemail server using the Alarm Set action and the Alarms queue panel have
been enhanced to allow alarm repetition and to require an dialed response to clear an alarm in order to prevent it
Alarm Duration and Retries
The ring duration for an unanswered alarm call can be adjusted. In addition, a number of retries and the
interval between retries can be specified for an unanswered alarm.
Alarm Clearing
Normally the alarm and any repeats are cleared once the alarm call is answered. For Voicemail Pro 6.0, a
cancel code of up to 4 digits can be specified and must be dialed to stop the alarm from using any further
Alarms Administrator
A new type of client account has been added. The Basic account user can only edit alarm settings shown in
the Alarms queue panel.
Administration of Mailbox User Settings for Outcalling and Personal Distribution Lists
User mailbox settings such as outcalling settings and personal distribution lists can be accessed and edited through
the Voicemail Pro client.
TTS Prompt Generation
On voicemail servers licensed for text to speech (TTS), the prompts used for call flow actions can be generated
using TTS. The text entered in the action's Description field is used as the script for the recording.
Voicemail Configuration Backup and Restore
The Voicemail Pro client can be used to configure daily, weekly and monthly automatic backups or to run an
immediate manual backup. Each backup type can be individual configured for the types of files and settings it
should include including messages. The client can also be used to restore the files from a previous backup.
Get Mail Action - Advanced Personal Options
For systems running in Intuity mode, a Get Mail action can be used in call flows to provide the user with access to
a range of mailbox control actions. These actions become part of the mailbox telephone user interface. The options
that become available are:
Voicemail on/off.
Voicemail email mode.
DND on/off.
Follow Me.
Edit Voicemail.
Edit Callback Number.
Edit Mobile Twinning.
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Appendix: Release History: What was New in Release 6.0
Personal Options Menu Action
The Play Configuration Menu action has been replaced by the Personal Options Menu action. This action can
operate in one of two modes. The legacy mode
Generic Action - Set Interdigit Delay
The delay that the voicemail server allows between the dialing of digits in numbers (by default 5 seconds) can be
adjusted for a call flow using a Generic action.
Recording Auto Deletion
System wide automatic deletion delays can now be specified for new and old recordings. These are separate
settings from those used for new and old messages. In addition the playback order for recordings (first in-first out
or last in-first out) can also be specified.
Voicemail Server Shut Down and Suspend Controls
The Voicemail Pro client can be used to shut down or suspend voicemail server operation. In either mode,
voicemail is treated as no longer available by the system. Suspend mode can be canceled using the Voicemail Pro
client, after which normal voicemail server operation is resumed. Shut down mode can only be canceled by
restarting the voicemail service or the server PC. The shut down and suspend processes are polite processes,
allowing existing calls to be completed while stopping new calls. However if required the shut down process can be
turned from a polite shut down to an immediate shut down.
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Application Support
This sections summarizes the support for applications by Release 7.0. Some specific features of applications may have
additional requirements. Those requirements will be details in the appropriate application installation manual.
Windows Operating System Support
The following table gives a summary of the operating systems on which the applications that are part of the Release 7.0
have been tested and are supported. While the applications may function of other operating systems, they have not been
tested by Avaya and are not supported.
Application Windows Clients Windows Servers
XP Pro Vista Windows 7 2003 2008
32 64 32 64 32 64 32 32 64
Voicemail Pro server
... plus UMS
... plus campaigns
Voicemail Pro client
one-X Portal for IP Office
Customer Call Reporter
IP Office Manager
System Monitor
System Status Application
TAPI - 1st Party
TAPI - 3rd Party
Phone Manager Lite/Pro
Phone Manager PC SoftPhone
Vista support is only on Business, Enterprise and Ultimate versions.
Windows 7 support is only on Professional, Enterprise and Ultimate versions.
Virtual Server Support
For Release 6.0, all applications supported on Windows server operating systems are supported while running on the
following virtual servers:
VMWare Server.
Microsoft Virtual Server 2005 R2.
Microsoft Server Hyper-V.
Browser Application Support
The following applications are accessed using web browsers. The table below details the browsers tested by Avaya.
Application Windows Mac
Firefox Opera Safari Safari
Voicemail Pro UMS 7+ 3+ 2+ 3.2+ 3.2+
one-X Portal for IP Office 7+ 3+ 2+ 3.2+ 3.2+
Customer Call Reporter 7+ 3+ 2+ 3.2+ 3.2+
ContactStore 7+
Microsoft Outlook Support
Where applications interact with Microsoft Outlook, for Release 6.0 the version of Outlook supported are Outlook 2003
and Outlook 2007.
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Appendix: Release History: What was New in Release 5.0
17.6 What was New in Release 5.0
This section outlines the major new features and changes in Release 5. For detail of other releases see Appendix: History
IP500 Control Unit
IP Telephony
Centralized Directories and Call Logs
1600 Series Phones
Voicemail (General)
Embedded Voicemail
Small Community Networking
Appearance Buttons
SIP Telephony
Voicemail Pro
Other Features
Supported Control Units
Release 5.0 is supported on IP500, IP412 and IP406 V2 control units. It is not supported on Small Office Edition
control units or IP401, IP403 and IP406 V1 control units.
IP500 Control Unit
Extension Capacity Increased to 384
The maximum supported extension capacity of IP500 control units has been increased from 272 to 384
extensions. The maximum number of supported users remains 500.
Conference Capacity Increased to 128
The conference capacity of IP500 control units has been increased to 128 conference channels with a maximum of
64 parties in any particular conference. Unlike the IP412 control unit, this capacity is not split into two separate
banks of 64 party capacity. Note that the capacity is reduced by the number of Embedded Voicemail channels in
Voicemail Channels Capacity Increased to 40
The IP500 can now be licensed for up to 40 voicemail channels.
IP500 4-Port Expansion Card
This IP500 base card can be used to provide the IP500 control unit with an additional 4 ports for connection to
external expansion modules.
Installing the card provides the following changes to the IP500 system capacity:
Support for 12 expansion ports. These can be used for the same external expansion units as already
supported by the IP500's integral expansion ports.
The card is only supported in slot 4 of the control unit. That is the right hand slot when facing the control unit.
The card does not support the addition of an IP500 trunk daughter card.
The card is supplied with four 2 metre yellow interconnect cables. These cables or the 1 metre blue
interconnect cables supplied with each external expansion unit can be used for connection to the IP500 4-Port
Expansion Card. No other cables must be used. The 2 metre yellow interconnect cables must not be used for
the connection of external expansion modules to the expansion ports on the rear of the control units.
The following changes have been made to license operation:
IP500 Professional Licenses No Longer Needed
For Release 5.0+, the IP500 Upgrade Standard to Professional license is no longer required. Features
previously restricted if this license was not present and valid can now be used. That include support for the
Voicemail Pro and Conferencing Center applications, support for external expansion modules and support for the
Conference Meet me short code.
IP500 Voice Networking License Change
For Release 5.0+, IP500 Voice Networking (Additional channels) licenses can be used without needing an
IP500 Voice Networking (Base 4 channels) license to be present first.
Advanced Small Community Networking License No Longer Needed
For Release 5.0+, the Advanced Small Community Networking license is no longer needed to enable advanced
Small Community Network features. That includes support for remote hot desking and for distributed hunt
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one-X Portal for IP Office
one-X Portal for IP Office is an application that allows users to control their phone via a web browser. It can be
used to make and answer calls and to perform call related actions such as hold, transfer and conference. It also
allows the user to access their voicemail messages, call log, personal and system directories.
one-X Portal for IP Office runs on a server connected to the system via the LAN.
Accessed is licensed per user and enabled by the Enable one-X Portal Services option (User | User
The application uses an new TSPI interface provided by the system and configured within the system's
security settings.
IP Telephony
SIP Extension Support
The system can now support SIP extensions. Each SIP extension requires an IP End Points license in order to
register with the system.
H.323 Phone File Generation
When using the system memory card as the source for H.323 phone files, the system is able to provide auto-
generate appropriate settings files in response to phone request when the actual file is not present. This feature is
supported for phones requesting any of the following files: 46xxupgrade.scr, 16xxupgrade.txt, 46xxsettings.txt,
16xx language files and ext_16xxdata.txt files.
Phone Firmware Upload
Within Manager the Embedded File Management option can be used to view the files on a system memory card.
For Release 5, an option Upload Phone Files is provided. When selected, all necessary binary files for DS, H.323
and IP DECT are transferred from Manager to the embedded memory card.
1600 Series Phone User Settings Backup/Restore
These phones can be configured to restore and backup user settings from an HTTP server. For Release 5.0+, the
system memory card can be used for this backup and restore operation.
Codec Selection
A number of changes have been made for compression codec selection on IP lines and extensions.
By default, for all IP lines and extensions the Compression Mode is set to Automatic Select. That uses the
following order of preference for codec negotiation during call setup: G.729, G.723, G.711 U-Law, G.711 A-
Law. For IP Office5, the Automatic Codec Preference setting (System | Telephony | Telephony )
allows selection of which codec should come first in the order of preference for lines and extension set to
Automatic Select.
On SIP/SES lines and SIP extensions, the codecs used and the order of preference can be adjusted.
Phone Quality of Service (QoS) Monitoring
The System Status already displays H.323 trunk QoS information. For Release 5 it can also display QoS
information for phones. For 4600, 5600 and 1600 Series H.323 phones, the system can collect VoIP QoS data
from the phones. For other phones, including non-IP phones, it can collect QoS data for calls that use a VCM
The collection of phone QoS data is enabled by the Enable RTCP Monitor setting (System | LAN1 | VoIP
The QoS data collected by the system is displayed by the System Status Application.
QoS alarm thresholds can be configured for round trip delay, jitter and packet loss. If during a call, any of the
thresholds is exceeded, an alarm is sent to the System Status Application. The alarm can also be sent to any
of the System Events outputs configured in the system configuration (SNMP, Syslog and SMTP Email).
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Appendix: Release History: What was New in Release 5.0
SIP Telephony
SIP Extensions
The system now supports SIP extension devices. That includes both SIP phones and SIP devices such as
conference servers. SIP Extension use the IP End-Points license.
T38 Fax Relay
T38 Fax Relay is a set of protocols that allow the transport of Group 3 faxes over IP connections. Release 5 can
act as a T38 Fax Relay gateway. This is only supported for IP500 systems fitted with an IP500 VCM or IP500
Combo cards.
T38 fax is supported on SIP trunks and SIP extensions. Each T38 fax call uses a VCM channel.
Within a Small Community Network, an T38 fax call can be converted to a call across across an H.323 Small
Community Network lines using Fax Transport Support protocol. This conversion uses 2 VCM channels.
In order use T38 Fax connection, the Equipment Classification of an analog extension connected to a fax
machine can be set Fax Machine. Additionally, a new short code feature Dial Fax is available.
Release 5.0+: If the wildcard * is used in the SIP trunk's Local URI, Contact and Display fields, that SIP trunk
will accept any incoming SIP call. The incoming call routing is still performed by the system incoming call routes
based on matching the values received with the call or the URI's incoming group setting. For outgoing calls using
this SIP URI, all valid short code CLI manipulations are used (transforming calling party number to ISDN will be
Small Community Network
The following new features are supported for Small Community Networks.
Support for 32 Systems
The maximum supported capacity for a Small Community Network has been increased from 16 systems to 32. The
maximum number of users within the network remains 500.
This option is only supported if all systems in the network are running Release 5 or higher.
Networks including any system running pre-Release 5 software are still restricted to a maximum of 16
Support for Meshed Layouts
Within a Small Community Network of Release 5.0+ systems, the H.323 Small Community Network lines can be
connected in a meshed layout.
Small Community Network Fallback
A number of fallback features are supported. These are intended to maintain a minimal level of functionality while
possible issues with the system are resolved. One system Small Community Network Line within the local systems
configuration can be set a its fallback trunk. The other system to which that trunk connects will then provide
fallback support. The following features can then be selected for fallback support:
Secondary DHCP Gatekeeper for IP Extensions
Avaya 1600, 4600 and 5600 Series phones registered with the system are re-registered with the other
system during fallback.
Advertised Hunt Groups
Hunt groups hosted by the system are advertised from the other system during fallback.
Voicemail Pro Server Support
If the local system is hosting the Voicemail Pro server for centralized voicemail, the other system act as the
voicemail server host during fallback.
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Centralized Directories and Call Logs
Centralized System Directory
The system directory consists of both configuration records and temporary imported records. The following
changes have been added for Release 5:
The capacity for directory records has been increased as listed in the table below.
In addition to the existing LDAP directory import, a system can be configured to automatically import
directory records from another system using HTTP.
LDAP directory records are now included in the directory on phones. Previously LDAP records were only
included in Phone Manager and SoftConsole listings.
A system phone user, using a 1600 Series phone, can edit a system's configuration records
System Number of Directory Records Total Number of
Records Configuration LDAP Import HTTP Import
IP500/IP500 V2 2500 5000 5000 5000
IP412 2500 2500 2500 2500
IP406 V2 2500 2500 2500 2500
IP Office
IP Office Server Edition
Primary Server
2500 5000 5000
IP Office Server Edition
Secondary Server
5000 5000
IP Office Server Edition
Expansion System (L)
5000 5000
IP Office Server Edition
Expansion System (V2)
5000 5000
Centralized Personal Directory
Previously, when using a T3 phone, the user could view up to 100 personal directory records that were stored for
them within the system configuration. For Release 5 the following changes have been made to this personal
The user can now view and use their personal directory when using a 1600 Series phone or T3 phone.
In addition, when using a 1600 Series phone, the user is able to edit their personal directory records.
If the user host desks to another T3 or 1600 Series phone in the Small Community Network, their personal
directory is accessible across the Small Community Network.
Centralized Call Log
Previously, individual phones have maintained the call log shown to users, ie. it is a log of calls handled by the
phone rather than calls to the user. If the user then hot desked to another phone, the call log did not move with
them. For Release 5, the call log shown on 1600 Series phones is a user call log stored by the system.
The user call log is updated even when the user is using a phone that cannot display it. The log contains
records for the 30 most recent calls (10 on IP412 and IP406 V2 systems).
It includes calls while the user is logged off or set to do not disturb.
It includes calls made and answered by the user using a twinned devices, one-X Mobile client, using mobile
call control and Phone Manager Telecommuter mode.
When the user hot desks to another 1600 Series phone, their call log becomes viewable on that phone.
When the user has hot desked to another system in the Small Community Network, their call log is still
updated. If they are using a 1600 Series phone they can also still view and their call log.
The system also maintains a missed call log for hunt groups (a missed call being one not answered by any of
the group members). This group log will contain records for the 10 most recent missed calls. The system can
be configured to include selected hunt group logs within a users view of their personal call log.
The user's call log is also used for the Redial function.
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Appendix: Release History: What was New in Release 5.0
1600 Series Phones
1603SW Phone
The new variant 1603SW phone is supported. This phone is similar to the existing 1630 but provides a PC port for
connection of the user's PC through the phone.
1600 Series Phone Display and Menu
The menus used to access features on 1600 Series phones have been changed and expanded to allow access to
wider set of user features. This set is similar to to those accessible by T3 phone users.
Phone Locking
1600 Series phone users can select a Phone Locked option through the phone's menu. This prevents the being
used to make outgoing external calls. It also prevents changes to user settings. The phone can still be used to
answer incoming calls and to make internal calls. The lock can only be removed using the user's login code.
Line Appearances
Release 5 allows line appearance buttons to be placed before call appearances. The user still requires at least one
call appearance button. This configuration is only supported for users using 1600 Series phones. When configured
in this way, idle line preference will select the first free line appearance before the first free call appearance.
Appearance Buttons
Bridged Appearance/Call Covering Appearance Ring
For each user, Release 5 allows the selection of either normal ringing, a single abbreviated ring or no ringing when
a call alerts on any of their call coverage appearance and bridged appearance buttons. The choice is selected
through the Coverage Ring setting (User | Telephony | Multi-line Options ). This is in addition to the
existing per button settings for immediate, delayed or no ring.
Bridged Appearance/Call Coverage Appearance Lamp
On 1400 Series and 1600 Series phones and BM32 button modules, the button lamp flash type for external calls
can be selected. This is done using the Visually Differentiate External Call setting (System | Telephony |
Telephony ). When selected, a slow flash (500ms on/20ms off) is used for external calls. When off and for
internal calls the normal flash is used (500ms on/500ms off).
Line Appearances
Release 5 allows line appearance buttons to be placed before call appearances. The user still requires at least one
call appearance button. This configuration is only supported for users using 1600 Series phones. When configured
in this way, idle line preference will select the first free line appearance before the first free call appearance.
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Other Features
Coverage Group
A user can be configured to have unanswered external calls presented to a group of other users rather than to
voicemail. When a Coverage Group (User | Telephony | Supervisor Settings ) is selected, unanswered
external calls continue ringing at the users extension. After the user's no answer time expires, the call also alert at
the phone's of the Coverage Group members. If the user is logged off or on DND, the coverage group is used
immediately for external calls.
CDR Support
Output of CDR records is not supported by Release 5.0+.
Forward to Voicemail
A user's forward unconditional setting can be set to voicemail. This is done through the system configuration or
the menu on 1600 Series phones. This option is not applied to hunt group calls and is cleared if the user disabled
forward unconditional using short codes or an application.
Drop External Only Impromptu Conference Control
This option (on the System | Telephony | Telephony tab) can be selected to have the system automatically end
any conference when the last internal user exits. This stops users using conference as a method to transfer
external callers back off switch.
CSV User Import/Export
The CSV import and export of user details now supports the full name of the user.
Button Label Printing
If a version of DESI label printing software is installed on the same PC as IP Office Manager, the option Tools |
Print Button Labels becomes available. Manager can then be used to select and export user button details to the
DESI software for printing.
Dial Tone Transfer
A user who is not able to make external calls (for example, due to Outgoing Call Bar), can call a user who is able
to make external calls and ask to be transferred to dial tone. Similarly, this feature can be used by a user unable
to dial specific numbers to request dial tone from a user who is able to dial such numbers. The transfer destination
must be an ARS form that provides secondary dial tone.
Improved Internal Twinning
When using T3 or 1600 Series phones that are internally twinned, access to user settings and information from
either extension has been improved. That includes status indication for those features and related functions such
as message waiting indication.
Personal directory. Group membership. DND Exceptions list.
Call Log. Forwarding. Voicemail access.
Redial. Voicemail On. Do Not Disturb.
On 1600 Series phones twinned status is indicated by a T in the display.
Phone Manager Screen Popping
For Release 5 and higher, screen popping is only supported with Outlook 2003/2007.
When you attempt to save a configuration that is too large, you will be prompted and the save is canceled.
During normal operation, additional configuration records can be added to the configuration without using IP Office
Manager (for example call log records and directory records made from phones). If, during the overnight backup
to flash memory , the configuration if found to be too large, records will be removed until the configuration is
sufficiently small to be backed up. The recordsremoved are call log records, system directory records and then
personal directory in that order. Note that those records will still exist in the configuration running the system in
its RAM memory, however if the system is restarted they will disappear as the configuration is reloaded from the
Flash memory.
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Appendix: Release History: What was New in Release 5.0
Voicemail (General)
System Default Mailbox Reception Numbers
Breakout numbers allow callers to select another destination while listening to a user's mailbox greeting. Each user
mailbox can have up to 3 possible breakout numbers set, accessed by the caller dialing 0, 2 or 3 (*0, *2, *3 on
Embedded Voicemail).
Release 5.0+ allows system default numbers to be set for each mailbox breakout. These system defaults are
then applicable to all user mailboxes unless overridden by a user's own breakout number settings.
Release 5.0+ also allows the breakout numbers to be set through User Rights.
For Voicemail Pro 5.0 with Release 5, the additional breakouts 2 and 3 are now also supported in IP Office
mailbox mode as well as Intuity emulation mailbox mode.
Forward Unconditional to Voicemail
Within the system configuration for a user's forwarding settings, for Forward Unconditional the option To
Voicemail can be selected. This will override any forwarding number set and send calls immediately to voicemail
when forward unconditional is enabled. This option is supported with all system voicemail types including Voicemail
Voicemail Lite
The Voicemail Lite application is not supported with Release 5.
Embedded Voicemail
The following new feature has been added to Embedded Voicemail operation:
Auto Attendant Dial by Name Action
Embedded voicemail auto attendant menus can now include Dial by Name as an menu option. Callers can dial the
name, or part of the name, of the user they require. Then, using the recorded name prompts of mailbox users, the
matching names are listed to the caller to either make a selection or to enter further characters to improve the
match. When a match is selected, the user is called.
Users without a recorded name prompt or set as Ex Directory are not included.
Each auto attendant can be configured to match names using either Last then First or First then Last
The mailbox prompt menu now includes an option (*05) that lets mailbox users record their name prompt.
The existing Record Message short code feature can be used to record mailbox name prompts.
Prompt Upload
Using the embedded file management option, the IP Office Manager application can now automatically load the
prompts onto the Embedded Voicemail Card including any new prompts required for Release 5 features.
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Voicemail Pro 5.0
ContactStore 7.8
The ContactStore software has been updated. The new version uses a different database format and supports a
wider range of search options. The method of interaction with the voicemail server and the system has not
changed. However, ContactStore 7.8 has not been tested with pre-5.0 versions of Voicemail Pro and IP Office. For
full details refer to the IP Office ContactStore Installation manual.
Updated Text To Speech TTS (ScanSoft) Prompts and Software
The TTS (ScanSoft) software include with Voicemail Pro 5.0 has been updated. The change allows:
Additional Languages
Additional language support for Chinese (Mandarin), Danish, Finnish, French Canadian, Greek, Hungarian,
Polish, Portuguese and Swedish. The set of TTS languages now matches the recorded prompt languages
provided by Voicemail Pro with the exception of Hungarian.
Vista Support
The updated TTS drivers are supported on Vista and on 64-bit versions of supported Windows operating
IP500 Voicemail Pro Ports
For IP500 control units, the maximum number of licensable voicemail channels has increased to 40.
Small Community Network Fallback
Within a Small Community Network, voicemail server is associated with a central system via which it provides
voicemail services to all the systems in the Small Community Network. Release 5 provides a number of fallback
settings, including allowing the voicemail server to work with fallback system if the central system is removed
from the network for any reason. This feature is configured within the system configurations and requires the
fallback system to have the appropriate licenses for the voicemail features required during fallback.
UMS Enhancements
The following additions have been made to UMS operation:
Hunt Group Mailbox Support
Hunt group mailboxes are now supported. A UMS Web Service option is available on the Hunt Group |
Voicemail tab within the system configuration. The use of this option allows access to the hunt group mailbox
messages using IMAP or a web browser. This consumes UMS Web Service licenses in the same way as enabling
users for UMS.
Additional Web Browser Playback Options
During message playback through the UMS web browser interface, options for previous message, next message,
first message and last message are now available to the user. In addition if playing back using an extension an
option to callback the caller is available if the CLI is known. Also the forward message option now displays a list
from which selection of the forward destination or destinations can be made.
UMS Exchange 2007
A user or group can be configured to have their voicemail messages forwarded to the inbox of an Exchange 2007
email account. Telephone, including Visual Voice, mailbox access is redirected to that email inbox as the store for
voicemail messages. Alternatively the user can access their voicemail messages using Outlook 2007 or any other
mechanisms supported by Exchange 2007. Voicemail messages in an Exchange 2007 inbox are not visible to UMS
IMAP and UMS Web Voicemail, however Exchange 2007 provides its own methods for IMAP and web browsing of
Exchange mailboxes.
Call Flow Actions
The following changes have been made to Voicemail Pro actions.
Whisper Action
Two new options are now provided by the Whisper action. The action can now be used requiring a caller recording.
The transfer target is still able to accept or reject the call but will do this based on the displayed text and the
prompts pre-recorded with the action when it was setup. Whisper calls can also be used with auto accept. When
selected, after hearing the caller's recording and the action prompts the call is automatically connected to the
transfer target.
Alarm Set
This action was previously restricted to setting up a single non-repeated alarm back to an internal caller's own
extension. The action has now been enhanced to allow the setup of alarms to other extension and repeating
Clock Action
The clock action can now be used to say the time just once before moving to the next call flow action or to repeat
the time until the caller presses a DTMF key or hangs up.
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Appendix: Release History: What was New in Release 5.0
Increment and Test Counter/Decrement and Test Counter
These two new actions have been added to the list of Condition actions. They can be used to change the value of
one of the 15 new $COUNTER call variables and then branch the call flow if the new value matches a specified
target value.
Transfer/Assisted Transfer
These actions now include an option to change the caller's priority prior to the transfer.
Generic Action
The Specific tab settings of this action have been changed to allow the entry of generic commands by the
selection from a list of commands and then completion of relevant parameters. The resulting text string for the
resulting generic command can still be displayed and edited if required or if a generic command not included in the
parameterized command list is being used.
Call and User Defined Variables
The following changes have been made to the call and user defined variables provided by the voicemail server.
A set of $COUNTER call variables, $COUNTER1 to $COUNTER15 have been added. The value of these can be set,
incremented and decremented using Generic actions and the specific Increment and Test Counter, Decrement and
Test Counter actions.
User Defined Variable Display
The current values of all the user defined variables can be displayed and edited through using the Voicemail Pro
client. This is done by selecting Server Queues and then User Variables in the left hand navigation pane.
Voicemail Pro Client Changes
Minimum Message Length
Through the voicemail server's general preferences, the minimum message length saved by the voicemail server
can be seen and changed. The value can be set between 0 and 10 seconds.
Navigation Changes
A number of changes have been made to the items that can be selected in the left hand navigation pane of the
Voicemail Pro client.
Selecting Users or Groups in the left hand navigation pane displays details for each mailbox. Voicemail Pro 5.0
provides the following additional options when using this display.
Disable Mailbox
By right clicking on a listed mailbox and selecting Disable Mailbox, the use of the mailbox can be
disabled. Attempts to connect to the mailbox will receive number unobtainable indication from the
voicemail server.
Clear Mailbox
By right-clicking on the listed mailbox and selecting Clear Mailbox, all existing messages and prompts in
the mailbox are deleted.
Server Queues
The option Server Queues in the navigation pane gives access to the following information.
When selected, outgoing alarms calls set using Alarm Set actions are listed in the Voicemail Pro client's
right hand pane. The list can also be used to add, delete alarms and to edit alarm settings.
User Variables
When selected, the current values of user defined variables are listed in the Voicemail Pro client's right
hand pane. The list can be used to add, delete user defined variables and to edit the current value of
those variables.
When selected, outgoing calls being made or scheduled to be made by the voicemail server are listed in
the Voicemail Pro client's right hand pane. The list can be used to delete calls.
Conditions Import/Export
Existing conditions can now be exported to a file and then imported into the configuration of another
Voicemail Pro 5.0+ system.
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17.7 What was New in 4.2
This section summarizes the main changes in Release 4.2.
IP Office Manager Changes. Music on Hold. Hunt Group Operation.
Button Programming. Phone Manager. Call Presentation/User Display.
Voicemail. System Status Application. SMDR.
Voicemail Pro. 1600 Series IP Phones. T3 Phone Enhancements.
Embedded Voicemail. VoIP Phone Support. Other Features.
Mobility Features. Trunk Support Changes. Platform Restrictions.
4.2 Q4 2008 Maintenance Release
Handsfree Announced Transfer
The IP Office now supports a number of methods by which the enquiry call part of a supervised transfer can be made
as a call which is auto-answered call.
HTTP-TFTP Relay Using IP Office Manager
For IP phones making HTTP files requests for phone firmware files, HTTP-TFTP Relay is support using IP Office Manager
as the TFTP server. This is done by setting the TFTP Server IP Address to the address of the Manager PC and the
HTTP Server IP Address to the control unit IP address. This method is supported for up to 5 phones. This is in
addition to using the Embedded Voicemail memory card to support up to 50 IP phones.
IP Office Manager Changes
Embedded File Management
For systems with a memory card installed, the contents of the card can be viewed through Manager. This mode is
accessed through the File | Advanced | Embedded File Management option. This view can also be used to add
and remove files from the card. This may be useful when the memory card is being used to store music on hold files
and or phone firmware files.
Embedded Voicemail message and mailbox greeting files in .clp format are protected and cannot be deleted or
downloaded. Embedded voicemail prompts files in .c11 or .c23 formats can be managed through this interface.
Improved Backup File Control
Previously if set to keep up backup copies of configuration, the number of backup kept was not controllable. The
Release 4.2 Manager now allows the number of backups kept by Manager for each system to be limited. This is
controlled by the Number of Backup files to keep control within File | Preferences | Security .
Discovery of Unsupported Systems
Previously the IP Office Manager discovery menu did not display systems with core software that it did not support.
The discovery menu will now show those units but indicate that they are not supported.
SMTP Server Settings
The SMTP server settings have been moved from the System | System Events tab to a separate System | SMTP
tab. This reflects the usage of SMTP sending for functions other than just system event notification. For Release 4.2
that includes Voicemail Email support for Embedded Voicemail.
IP Office Discovery using DNS
For customers who have configured their systems as records on a DNS server, IP Office Manager can no be set to use
DNS to locate the required system. The use of DNS is configured through Files | Preferences | Discovery . When
selected the Unit/Discovery Address field on the Select IP Office dialogue is replaced by a Enter Unit DNS
Name or IP Address field.
Button Programming
Set Night Service Group /Set Out of Service Group
Programmable buttons can be configured to change the Night Service Group and Out of Service Group targets of the
hunt group associated with the button.
Visual Voice through MESSAGES Button
The System | Voicemail option Messages button goes to Visual Voice allows the default spoken prompts to be
replaced by the Visual Voice menus on phones able to support Visual Voice.
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Appendix: Release History: What was New in 4.2
Voicemail Pro
IP Office Unified Messaging Service (UMS)
Two new methods for users to access their mailbox are now supported. The methods are mailbox access using email
applications that support IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol) and mailbox access via web browsers. The use of
these requires the IP Office configuration to contain UMS Web Services licenses for the number of required users.
IMAP Service
The Voicemail Pro now includes an IMAP server. Users can then access their voicemail messages using email
clients such as Outlook and Lotus notes that support an IMAP Client. When connected, the IMAP client and
Voicemail Pro will synchronize messages in the mailbox with message files in the IMAP client. Playback is
through the sound facilities of the user PC.
Web Voicemail Service
The Voicemail Pro web service allows users to access their mailbox using a web browser. This has been tested
with the Internet Explorer 7, Firefox 2 and Opera 9.10 PC browsers. This method of access requires Voicemail
Pro to be installed on a PC already running Microsoft's IIS web server. Users can select to have message
playback via an IP Office extension or through their PC's sound facilities.
Test Variable Action
The existing Check Digits action has been replaced by a Test Variable action. This, in addition to offering the
capabilities of the Check Digits action, provides significant enhancements. In addition to being able to match the
user's DTMF input against a specified string offered by the Check Digits action, the Test Variable action allows the
testing of the contents of any system variable against known user extensions, hunt-groups, mailboxes and the
contents of another variable. This will allow callers to enter numbers via a menu action, that can be verified as
matching an existing extension or hunt groups prior to attempting to carry out transfers to otherwise potentially
non-existent numbers.
Menu Action Invalid Input Handling
The Menu action has been enhanced. It now includes a control for the number of retries for the caller to make a valid
record and an Invalid Input result for connection to following call flow actions. Also prompts can be selected for
playback whenever an invalid entry or entry timeout occurs.
License and Service Status Display
When the Voicemail Pro client is connected to a Voicemail Pro server, the Help | About screen displays a list of the
licenses being used by the Voicemail Pro server. This license details include the validation status and capacity of those
licenses. The status of related services, for example the UMS IMAP server, are also listed.
System Variable Length Increase
Previously the length of values stored by system variables has been limited to 64 characters. That maximum length
has been increased to 512 characters.
Outcalling Configuration
In conjunction with Phone Manager 4.2, Voicemail Pro 4.2 allows users to adjust their outcalling settings through using
a visual menu within Phone Manager.
Using the Phone Manager interface, users can now apply a delay between each notification call in an
escalation list.
Embedded Voicemail
Cantonese Prompt Support
Cantonese Chinese prompts are now supported. They will be used for the system or user Locale set to Hong Kong
Voicemail Email Support
The Voicemail Email options are now usable with Embedded Voicemail. This requires an accessible SMTP server to be
configured in the System | SMTP tab. Not supported on the Small Office Edition.
Mobility Features
The user Twinning options have been relabeled Mobility to reflect the addition of a number of features for Mobile
Workers. In addition the Mobile Twinning license has been relabeled Mobility Features. The additional features are:
Mobile Call Control
IP500 systems with digital trunks (PRI, BRI or SIP) can support users configured for Mobile Call Control. When those
users receive a twinned call from the IP Office, they can dial ** to place that call on hold and access IP Office dial
tone. They can then dial as if an extension on the IP Office. The IP Officecan also be configured to allow incoming calls
from the user's mobile twin device to receive IP Office dial tone (also known as DISA (Direct Inward System Access)).
one-X Mobile Client Support
Release 4.2 supports devices using the Avaya one-X Mobile Client software (Windows Mobile V5 and V6 and Symbian
Single-Mode only) as the destinations for mobile twinning. An IP Office specific set of one-X Mobile functions are
supported using DID's routed to special IP Office short codes. This allows one-X Mobile Client users to invoke various
IP Office functions. For example picking up a call ringing at their primary extension or on calls received from the IP
Office, transferring the call to their voicemail mailbox.
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Logged Off Mobile Twinning
Previously mobile twinning was not used when the user logged out the IP Office. Release 4.2 allows selection of
whether calls should still alert the user's twinned device when the user is logged out. This selection is per individual
user. When used, the user's Mobile Dial Delay setting is ignored when logged out.
Longest Idle Status for Twinned Users
The longest idle information is now updated for calls to the internal or mobile twin of a hunt group member. The
member is seen as busy to hunt group calls if either the master or the twin is on a call. In addition, for mobile
If mobile twinning of hunt group calls is selected and the master is idle, the longest waiting state will reflect that of
the mobile twin.
The above also applies if the master is logged out and logged out twinning is selected.
User BLF Indication Changes
Changes have been made to the BLF status applied to users. For most user, logged in or associated with a specific
extension, there will be no visible change.
Users set to DND are now indicated as busy on BLF indicators. This applies to BLF indication only and not to how
calls are routing which still follow the previous operation for DND on.
For users who are logged out there are a number of changes:
The status shown for a logged out user without Logged Off Mobile Twinning depends on whether they
have Forward Unconditional enabled. If they have Forward Unconditional enabled, the user is shown as
idle. If they do not have Forward Unconditional enabled they will show as if on DND.
The status shown for a logged out user with Logged Off Mobile Twinning will be as follows:
If there are any calls alerting or in progress through the IP Office to the twin the user status is shown as
alerting or in-use as appropriate. This includes the user showing as busy/in-use if they have such a call on
hold and they have Busy on Held enabled.
If the user enables DND through Mobile Call Control or one-X Mobile client their status will show as DND.
Calls from the IP Office direct to the users twinned destination rather than directed by twinning from their
primary extension will not change the user's status.
License Change
The Mobile Twinning license is now called the Mobility Features license, reflecting the fact that it can be used for
Mobile Call Control and one-X Mobile Client support in addition to mobile twinning. The mode of license operation has
also changed. Prior to Release 4.2, the license was only consumed by users who had Mobile Twinning enabled. For IP
Office4.2 it is consumed by a user when they are configured for any of the mobility features, including mobile twinning
even if they have turned mobile twinning off.
Music on Hold
The following changes have been made to music on hold (MoH) support.
3 Additional Internal Sources
Previously the IP Office has supported a single music on hold source which could be either an internal source
(holdmusic.wav file), an external source connection or a default tone (Release 4.0+). Except for Small Office Edition,
Release 4.2 systems can be configured with up to 3 additional internal hold music sources. These are loaded and
stored in the same way as the standard holdmusic.wav file plus the IP Office will attempt to load new sources
specified in a configuration merge.
IP500 Increased Internal Hold Music Length
The standard length of the holdmusic.wav file is 30 seconds. For the IP500 control unit, the length for all internal wav
files for music on hold can be up to 90 seconds.
Incoming Call Route Hold Music Selection
On systems with multiple music on hold sources, the source to associate with external calls can be specified by the
Incoming Call Route applied to the call.
Hunt Group Hold Music Selection
On systems with multiple music on hold sources, the source to associate with calls received by a hunt group can be
specified within the hunt group configuration.
Calls overflowing from a hunt group will use the hold music source setting of the original hunt group and ignore
the setting of the overflow group.
Calls going to night service or out of service fallback group use the hold music source setting of the original hunt
group and then, if different, the setting of the fallback group. The setting of further fallback groups from the first
are ignored.
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Appendix: Release History: What was New in 4.2
Small Community Network Support
The 4 possible music on hold sources are numbered 1 to 4, with 1 being the IP Office System Source. Where the
source number to associate with a call is changed by an Incoming Call Route or Hunt Group, that number is retained
when the call is rerouted across the Small Community Network. If the receiving switch has a matching numbered
alternate source that source is used, otherwise it default to the default system source.
Merging Music on Hold Changes
Where possible, when an internal source is specified or details of an existing internal source are changed, the
configuration changes can be merged and IP Office will attempt to download any newly specified file at that time. Once
downloaded, any existing file is replaced even if callers are listening to that source.
System Status Reporting
The status of the up to 4 internal sources is reported in SSA (Waiting to Load, Loading, Loaded and Failed to Load). An
alarm is also generated if the IP Office is unable to load a specified source.
Phone Manager
The following new features are supported for Phone Manager 4.2 users in conjunction the Release 4.2.
Change Password
Users can now change their Password (User | User | Password) using Phone Manager. This is the password
used as part of the log in to IP Office for the Phone Manager, SoftConsole and IP Office TAPI applications.
Outcalling Configuration
Outcalling was added as part of Voicemail Pro 4.1. It allows users of Intuity emulation mode mailboxes to configure a
escalating series of telephone numbers at which the Voicemail Pro would attempt to alert them about new messages.
For Release 4.2, configuration of Outcalling can be done through Phone Manager Pro. This allows the user to view their
current outcalling settings and to make changes when necessary.
Using the Phone Manager interface, users can now apply a delay between each notification call in an escalation
Forward Messages
When accessing a voicemail mailbox using Phone Manager Pro, the user can now right-click on a message and select to
forward it to another mailbox.
Version Display
The About Phone Manager menu (Help | About Phone Manager) now includes version information for the IP
Office phone system and the Voicemail Pro server. This is information that may aid in the resolution of support issues.
Phone Manager Pro PC Softphone
The software element used for the PC softphone updated with the following changes:
Phone Manager Pro PC Softphone 4.2+ is supported on Vista operating systems (excluding the Home editions).
The VoIP Settings tab has been removed from the Phone Manager preferences. All codec and similar options are
controlled through the IP Office configuration.
System Status Application (SSA)
The following new features have been added to the System Status Application as part of Release 4.2+:
Feature Key and License Information
All licenses and their current status is listed on the SSA's Resources | Licenses screen. It includes details of how
often the license limit has been reached and the last time that occurred. The type and serial number of the Feature key
dongle is also shown.
Control Unit Audit Trail
The Audit Trail information held by the IP Office and previously visible through Manager is now also shown in SSA.
IP Routes
Details about IP routes are now listed.
Voicemail Summary and Details Screens
A voicemail status screen is now available. It details the voicemail server type and other information such as the
number of ports and port in use. In addition a mailbox status screen is available detailing the basic voicemail settings
of each mailbox and the number of new, read and saved messages.
The SSA can now display a directory of all the extensions, users and hunt groups known to the IP Office. This includes
users and hunt groups known through Small Community Network connections. In addition any conflicting Small
Community Network numbers are indicated.
IP Phone Control
SSA can be used to reboot specific IP phones. This allows control over which phones are upgrading.
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1600 Series IP Phones
The IP Office now supports the Avaya 1603, 1608 and 1616 phones.
This is the basic model. It provides only 3 programmable feature keys. Supports power from a power supply unit
or PoE, however to use a 1603 with PoE requires an additional PoE power adaptor.
Provides 8 programmable feature keys with twin LED's on each button. Supports power from a power supply unit
or PoE.
Provides 16 programmable feature keys with twin LED's on each button. Supports power from a power supply unit
or PoE.
Usable with the 1616 only, the BM32 provides an additional 32 programmable feature keys with twin LED's. Up to
1 BM32 can be daisy-chained to the same 1616 phone. Each BM32 draws power from its associated 1616 phone
and requires the phone to be using a dedicated power supply rather than PoE. A maximum of 16 BM32's are
supported on the whole system. Note that appearance buttons are not supported on BM32's.
VoIP Phone Support Enhancements
In parallel with the addition of 1600 Series IP phones, a number of improvements have been made to the IP Office's
support for IP phones.
Avaya IP Phone HTTP Server Support
For Avaya IP phones using IP Office DHCP, the address of the HTTP server from which those phones should
download their software and settings files can now be specified in the IP Office configuration. 4600 Series and
5600 Series phones attempt to load files via HTTPS and then HTTP before falling back to TFTP. 1600 Series IP
phones only support HTTPS or HTTP.
For Release 4.2, using the Embedded Voicemail memory card is also supported for HTTP file requests for up to
50 IP phones. This is done by setting the TFTP Server IP Address and HTTP Server IP Address to match
the control units IP address. This is supported for up to 50 IP phones. This feature is called HTTP-TFTP Relay.
HTTP-TFTP Relay is not supported using IP Office Manager or other TFTP servers.
Secondary Site Specific Options Number
A Site Specific Option Number (SSON) is used by Avaya IP phones when requesting phone specific settings from a
DHCP server. When the IP Office is acting as the DHCP server, the matching number must be set in the IP Office
configuration. Release 4.2 now provides two fields for settings SSON numbers in order to support Avaya 4600 and
5600 Series IP Phones (which use a default SSON of 176) and Avaya 1600 Series phones (which use a default
SSON of 242).
IP Phone Restart using System Status Application
Individual Avaya IP phones or groups of phones can be selected and then restarted remotely using the System
Status Application. This allows individual phones or groups of phones (up to 20 at a time) to be restarted in order
to upgrade their firmware.
IP500 DHCP Enhancements
The scope of DHCP support on IP500 has been enhanced in a number of areas.
Full Avaya IP Phone Support
Previous only a maximum of 5 IP phones have been supported if using the IP Office for DHCP and TFTP
functions. An external DHCP server is required to support more than 5 Avaya IP Phones. For Release 4.2+,
the IP500 supports up to 272 Avaya IP phones, the maximum extension capacity of the IP500 control unit.
Multiple DHCP IP Address Pools
On each IP Office LAN interface, up to 8 DHCP address ranges (called 'pools') can be specified. These pools do
not have to be on the same subnet as the IP Office itself. This allows devices being supported by IP Office
DHCP to be given addresses on a different subnet than the IP Office.
DHCP for Avaya IP Phones Only
The DHCP pools provided by the IP Office can be restricted for use by Avaya IP phones only. The IP Office will
then not respond to DHCP request from other devices.
IP500 VCM Controls
For Release 4.2+, the VCM controls for echo and comfort noise supported in the IP Office configuration (System |
VCM ) are now also applied to IP500 VCM cards.
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Appendix: Release History: What was New in 4.2
Trunk Support Changes
IP500 BRI Trunks So/To Control (IP500 BRI Daughter cards only)
IP500 BRI daughter cards can be configured for So (S-Bus) operation for connection to ISDN terminal devices. Note
that this requires the addition of terminating resistors at both the IP Office and remote end, and the use of a suitable
ISDN cross-over cable. For full details refer to the IP Office Installation manual.
IP500 Analog Trunk Impedance Matching (IP500 Analog Trunk Daughter cards only)
For systems set to the United States or French Canadian locale, the number of trunk impedance settings supported
has been increased. In addition, IP Office Manager can now be used to perform line testing that will attempt to detect
and display the recommended impedance setting. A In addition, options for improved signalling of long lines (Quiet
Line) and mains hum filtering (Mains Hum Filter) have been added.
Increased ETSI CHI Trunk Support
Lines that support ETSI CHI (Channel Allocation ID) allow the IP Office to indicate to the central office exchange which
trunk B-channel should be used for a call. Release 4.2 extends ETSI CHI support to all trunks that support ETSI and
extends the number of features that can be used on ETSI CHI trunks.
E1 PRI and US PRI trunks can now select ETSI CHI operation.
The default Channel Allocation order to use for outgoing calls can be specified.
Previously only Line Appearance was configurable for each channel. For Release 4.2, the Incoming Group,
Outgoing Group, Admin, Direction and Bearer can be set for each individual channel.
Network Interconnection Control (Trunk Cross-Connect Barring)
For the system, Restrict Network Interconnect (System | Telephony | Telephony ) can be enabled When
enabled, each trunk is provided with a Network Type option that can be configured as either Public or Private. The
IP Office will not allow calls on a Public trunk to be connected to a Private trunk and vice versa, returning number
unobtainable indication instead. This features is designed for markets that restrict certain trunk to trunk connections
between private and public networks.
Due to the nature of this feature, its use is not recommended on systems also using any of the following other
system features: multi-site networks, VPNremote, application telecommuter mode.
SIP Trunk Enhancements
The following changes have been made for SIP trunks offered by the IP Office:
SIP Trunk ARS Routing Enhancement
Previously, when used within an ARS form, alternate call routes were only used when no further channels were
available on the SIP trunk. The IP Office now supports a Call Initiation Timeout on SIP lines which determines
how long the IP Office should wait for a response to a SIP packet sent to initiate a new call before failing to an
alternate route. The default timeout is 4 seconds and can be configured between 1 and 99 seconds.
Use Offerer's Preferred Codec
When negotiating the codec to be used for a call, the call answerers preferences are normally used. For some SIP
providers this needs to be changed and priority given to the offerers preferences. The Use Offerer's Preferred
Codec option on the SIP line can be used to enable this option.
IP Trunk Enhancement
The timeout used to determine when an IP line waiting for a response should use an alternate ARS route was
previously set by the H.323SetupTimerNoLCR option in the NoUser user Source Numbers. This option is now set
for each IP line through a Call Initiation Timeout option on the IP lines VoIP Settings tab. The default timeout is 4
seconds and can be configured between 1 and 99 seconds.
Hunt Group Operation
Call Priority Enhancements
Call priority is used by hunt group queues, with calls in the queue being sorted by priority and then longest waiting
time. Previously the priority setting applied to a call was set by the Incoming Call Route that routed the call onto the
IP Office or for all other calls was 1-Low. Release 4.2 allows call priority to be changed in a number of ways.
Call Priority Promotion Time
A system wide call promotion time can be defined (System | Telephony | Telephony | Call Priority Promotion Time
). By default this feature is disabled. When enabled, calls queued for a hunt group have their priority increased
by 1 each time they have been queued longer than the promotion time value until they have reached the
maximum priority of 3.
Call Priority Short Code Character
The character p can be used in the Telephone Number field of Dial Extn short codes to change the priority of a
call. It is added as a suffix to the Telephone Number using the format p(x) where x is 1, 2 or 3 for low, medium
or high priority.
Hunt Group Music on Hold Selection
With Release 4.2 now supporting up to 4 music on hold sources, the source to use for calls presented to a hunt group
can now be specified to override the system or incoming call route setting. See Music on Hold above.
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Longest Idle Status for Twinned Users
The longest idle information is now updated for calls to the internal or mobile twin of a hunt group member. The
member is seen as busy to hunt group calls if either the master or the twin is on a call. In addition, for mobile
If mobile twinning of hunt group calls is selected and the master is idle, the longest waiting state will reflect that of
the mobile twin.
The above also applies if the master is logged out and logged out twinning is selected.
Hunt Group Queued Call Presentation
For hunt groups where multiple calls are waiting to be answered, two methods of setting which calls the hunt group
member answers when they go off-hook. This is controlled by the Queue Type option on the Hunt Group | Queuing
Assign Call On Agent Answer
In this mode the call answered by the hunt group member will always be the longest waiting call of the highest
priority. At the moment of answering that may not necessarily be the same call as was shown by the call details at
the start of ringing. This is the default mode for Release 4.0+.
Assign Call on Agent Alert
In this mode, once a call has been presented to a hunt group member, that is the call they will answer if they go
off hook. This is similar to the method used for Release 3.2 and earlier. This mode should be used when calls are
being presented to applications which use the call details such as a fax server, CTI or TAPI.
Overflow Mode Selection
Pre and post Release 4.0 system used different overflow methods. For pre-Release 4.0 system, whether a call should
overflow was determined on a call by call basis. For Release 4.0+ system, once one call had met the criteria to
overflow, all currently queued calls overflowed. For Release 4.2 systems the mode of overflow operation can be
selected through the hunt group Overflow Mode setting.
Call Presentation/User Information Display
Called Number Display overrides Dialed Number Display
For Release 4.0+, the digits displayed to users after making an outgoing call was changed to show the digits dialled to
line by the IP Office rather than the digits dialed by the user. Release 4.2 returns to displaying the digits dialed by the
user. When making a call via a directory feature the digits dialed from the directory are shown. The user dialed digits
are retained with the call when parked, held, transferred and retrieved. Directory matching is still performed on the
number dialed.
User BLF Change
Changes have been made to the BLF status applied to users. For most user, logged in or associated with a specific
extension, there will be no visible change. However for users who have logged out there are a number of changes.
The status shown for a logged out user without mobile twinning will depend on whether they have Forward
Unconditional enabled. If they have Forward Unconditional enabled the user is shown as idle. If they do not
have Forward Unconditional enabled they will show as if on DND.
The status shown for a logged out user with mobile twinning will be as follows:
If there are any calls alerting or in progress through the IP Office to the twinned destination, the user status is
shown as alerting or in-use as appropriate. This includes the user showing as busy/in-use if they have such a
call on hold and they have Busy on Held enabled.
If the user enables DND through Mobile Call Control or one-X Mobile client, their status will show as DND.
Calls from the IP Office direct to the user's twinned destination number rather than redirected by twinning will
not change the user's status.
Longest Idle Status for Twinned Users
The longest idle information is now updated for calls to the internal or mobile twin of a hunt group member. The
member is seen as busy to hunt group calls if either the master or the twin is on a call. In addition, for mobile
If mobile twinning of hunt group calls is selected and the master is idle, the longest waiting state will reflect that of
the mobile twin.
The above also applies if the master is logged out and logged out twinning is selected.
SMDR via IP Direct from the IP Office
The control unit can be configured to send its SMDR call log records via IP to a designated address and port. The
controls for this are on the System | CDR/SMDR form.
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Appendix: Release History: What was New in 4.2
Increased SMDR/CDR Buffering
For systems other than the Small Office Edition, the maximum of records that the system can buffer if the remote
connect is lost has been increased from 1500 to 3000.
T3 Phone Enhancements
The following changes have been made to the range of features supported by T3 phones (all types) supported on IP
Line Appearances
The use of line appearance buttons is now supported with T3 phones. Other appearance button types are not
supported. Unlike other phones that support line appearances, the T3 phones do not need to have call appearance
buttons programmed.
Self-Administered Button Programming
T3 phone users can be given access to a menu to program their own phone buttons (Menu | Settings | Button
programming). This feature is not available by default, the user must be configured for this feature.
Voicemail Settings Menu
On systems with a voicemail server installed, T3 phone users can now access a menu of voicemail settings via Menu |
Settings | Voicemail Settings. The options available depend on whether the voicemail server supports Visual Voice
(Voicemail Pro and Embedded Voicemail).
On systems that do not support Visual Voice, the menu provides options for turning the user's voicemail on/off and
for listening to their messages via traditional audio prompts.
On system that support Visual Voice, then menu provides options for turning the user's voicemail on/off, listening
to messages through menu of visual options (Listen) and the other Visual Voice menu options (Message,
Greeting, PIN, Email and hunt group mailboxes).
Visual Voice Support
In addition to access to Visual Voice through the menu above, buttons set to access Visual Voice go direct to the Visual
Voice Listen function.
Display of "Follow Me Here"
When another user sets a follow me to the T3 user's phone, Follow me here and the user using the follow me are
displayed on the T3 phone's status display. The item can be selected and used to cancel the follow me.
Hunt Group Membership Display
For selected hunt groups of which the user is a member, the user can be configured to display and change the status
of their membership. The hunt groups are selected through the IP Office Manager (User | Hunt Group Memberships |
Change Hunt Group Membership Status ). Previously that list of hunt groups was accessed on the T3 phone using
Menu | Settings | Display/Audio |Group Membership. For Release 4.2 that menu option has been removed,
instead the selected hunt groups are displayed on the phone's status display and the status can be changed through
that display.
Change Hunt Group Status
For selected hunt groups on the system the user can be configured to be able to display and change the in service, out
of service and night service status of the group. The hunt groups are selected through the IP Office Manager (User |
Hunt Group Memberships | Change Hunt Group Membership Status ). The user can then change the status from
their phone using the Menu | Group state option. For Release 4.2 that option now includes options to set all the
displayed groups in service, out of service or into night service. Previous this had to be done group by group for each
displayed group.
System Name and Version Display
Following a restart of the system or the T3 phone, the phone will briefly display the system software level and system
name. This information can also be accessed using Menu | Settings | System Info.
Other Features
Logged Off Users
The following changes have been made in regard to logging out:
For Release 4.0 and 4.1, users without a configured Login Code are not allowed to log out. For 4.2+, these users
are allowed to log out if they are currently associated with (logged in at) an extension that has a different Base
Extension Number from their own Extension Number, so long as they are not set to Forced Login. This allows
system maintainers to change and merge changed Base Extension Numbers. Affected users can then log out
and will automatically be logged back in at the appropriate extension if available.
Mobile Twinning Users
Mobile twinning users can be configured to still receive calls for their primary extension on their twinned device
even when logged out from their primary extension. This is done using the Twin When Logged Off (User |
Mobility) option.
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Static NAT Options in IP Office Firewalls
Static NAT records can be added to IP Office Firewall Profiles in order to translate between external and internal IP
addresses. When static NAT records are added to a Firewall Profile, only traffic that matches one of the static NAT
records (plus all the other firewall settings) is allowed. Each Firewall Profile can contain up to 64 static NAT pairs.
Enhanced Outgoing Call Barring
A number of new features have been added around the existing user setting Outgoing Call Bar (User | Telephony
| Supervisor Settings ). When enabled, this setting stops the user from making any outgoing external calls other
than those using Dial Emergency features. Note that the features below have also been added to the Release 4.1
2008 Q2 maintenance release.
Outgoing Call Bar Short Code Controls
The short code features Outgoing Call Bar On and Outgoing Call Bar Off can be used by a user to
change their outgoing call bar status. In addition the short code Change Login Code has been added.
User Password Controls
Each user has a number of passwords.
Login Code Controls
The user log in code is used to log in at an extension and to switch off outgoing call bar. A Change Login Code
short code feature has been added.
Voicemail Code
The voicemail code is used for access to the user's voicemail mailbox when accessed from destinations not
configured as trusted sources. This code can be changed through the mailbox prompts interface or through Visual
Voice. For Release 4.2 it can also be changed through the UMS Web Voicemail (IMAP) interface.
User Password
The user password is used by IP Office application such as Phone Manager, SoftConsole and TAPI. Phone Manager
4.2 now provides a Change Password option that allows the user to change their password. In addition to changing
their password, it will update the Phone Manager profile if Remember Password is enabled and will attempt
where possible to update the TAPI settings if the IP Office TAPI driver is installed on the same PC (Phone Manager
will display a warning if the TAPI configuration needs to be manually updated to the new password).
Phone Time and Date Display
For 4.2, the following phones now display the current time and date at the bottom right of their display when idle:
2410, 2420, 5410 and 5420.
Platform Restrictions
Where some of the features listed about are not supported on all systems that can run Release 4.2, the table and notes
below detail the restrictions.
Restricted Feature Small
IP412 IP500
Mobile Call Control
one-X Mobile Support
Switchable To/So BRI
VoIP Enhancements
Embedded Voicemail Email
Embedded File Management
T3 Phone Enhancements
Multiple Music on Hold Sources
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Appendix: Release History: What was New in 4.2
17.8 What was New in 4.1
This section summarizes the main changes in Release 4.1.
General Manager Changes
Optional Legal/Informational Message Display
When starting IP Office Manager, a message dialogue can be displayed which features Continue and Cancel (closing
Manager) options. This can be used to display legal warning text or information text before Manager is used.
Application Idle Timeout
A timeout can be enabled. After 5 minutes of no mouse or keyboard activity, Manager will request reentry of the
service user password used to load the current configuration or security settings.
Card and Port Indication
For line types provided by the installation of physical trunk cards or modules, within the line settings the card slot or
module location is now indicated and the port number on that device.
System Events
The System Alarms tab has been renamed Systems Events.
Merging Extension Changes
For extension settings, the Base Extension and Disable Speakerphone fields are now mergeable.
Security Enhancements
Service User Password Controls
Various controls have been added within the IP Office security settings for service user passwords. These control can
be used to enforce the required level of password complexity. Service user accounts can be disabled after too many
incorrect password records, after a specified period of not being used or after a specific expiry date. Service users can
also be prompted to change their password when they next log in after a specified period.
Security Reset
Service users with sufficient rights can reset the IP Office security settings to their defaults using IP Office Manager.
The command File | Advanced | Erase Security Settings (Default) in available in configuration mode and File |
Reset Security Settings in security mode.
Transport Layer Security (TLS) Secure Connection Support
Secured communication is supported between the system and IP Office Manager using TLS for both authentication and
encryption. Each of the IP Office services (configuration access, security access and system status access) can be
configured for secure and/or unsecure connect. Secure connect can include the exchange of security certificates
between the system and the IP Office Manager PC.
Avaya SIP for Branch Support
The Avaya SIP for Branch is a service delivered by interlinking Avaya switches through an Avaya SES (SIP Enablement
Service) server. Release 4.1+ supports connect to the SES server through the following new features:
SES Lines
This type of line is used for connection from the system to the SES server. It is a variant of the SIP trunk type and
requires the IP Office to have SIP Trunk Channel licenses available.
Branch Prefix
Each system within a SIP for Branch network requires a unique branch prefix. The Branch Prefix field on the System |
System tab is used to set that prefix. Calls to extensions on other systems within the network require the dialing of
the branch prefix followed by the extension number.
Local Number Length
Extension numbers on systems within a SIP for Branch network should all be the same length. The Local Number
Length field on the System | System tab can be used to set the length of user, extension and hunt group extension
numbers. Attempting to enter an extension number of a different length will cause a warning with IP Office Manager.
Though intended for systems within a SIP for Branch network this field can be used in any system configuration.
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General IP Office Features
Time Profile Calendar Dates
IP Office Time Profiles have been enhanced. In addition to the existing weekly time patterns, specific times on
particular calendar dates can now also be added. Dates in the current and next year can be specified, including
multiple dates.
Incoming Call Route Multiple Time Profile Support
Incoming call routes have now been amended to allow the use of multiple time profiles, with separate destinations and
fallback destinations for use when a particular time profile is in effect.
IP406 V2 LAN2 Support
RJ45 Ethernet LAN port 8 on the front of the IP406 V2 control unit can now be specified as being the LAN2 port for the
system. This enables the System | LAN2 tab and associated settings within the IP Office configuration. This mode is
controlled by a Use Port 8 as LAN2 option on the System | LAN1 | LAN Settings tab.
System Events Syslog Support
In addition to using SNMP and SMTP email, the IP Office can now send system events to up to two Syslog server
destinations. The Syslog output can include IP Office Audit Trail events (not supported for SNMP and SMTP email).
Phone Manager Pro Telecommuter Mode
This additional mode has been added to the available Phone Manager Type options. This mode is supported by Phone
Manager Pro 4.1+. Users of this mode can start Phone Manager as either a remote or local application. In remote
mode the user uses a data connection for Phone Manager and specifies a telephone number available to them to make/
receive calls. The IP Office then makes calls to that number when the user makes or answer calls using their Phone
Manager application. In local mode the application function as a normal Phone Manager Pro with the user's associated
extension. For full details refer to the Phone Manager User Guide and Phone Manager Installation Manual.
Hunt Group Operation
Queuing Alert Extension
For each hunt group, when a number of queued calls threshold is reached, an analog extension can be alerted with
ringing. This is intended for an extension connected to a loud ringer device or similar (that is calls are not answered at
that extension). This feature is controlled through the Hunt Group | Queuing tab settings Calls in Queue Threshold
and Pots Extension to Notify.
Automatic Recording Mailbox for Account Codes
By default automatic recordings for account codes are routed to the mailbox of the user making the call. Previously this
could not be changed except through customized call flows on the Voicemail Pro. An alternate mailbox destination can
now be specified through the Account | Voice Recording tab.
Group Listen
Using group listen allows callers to be heard through the phone's handsfree speaker but to only hear the phone's
handset microphone. This feature can be enabled/disabled using either short codes and or a programmable button.
Note: Group listen is not supported on IP phones.
Disable Speakerphone
The handsfree speaker enabled by the SPEAKER key on Avaya DS and IP phones can be disabled through the IP Office
extension configuration settings. This allows handsfree operation to be disabled where such operation is not desirable.
Button Programming
IP Office Date, Time and Version
The Self Administer button function can be used to set the system date and time. It can also be used to view the
control unit type and software version. The user must be configured as a System Phone (User | Telephony | Call
Settings ) and a value of 2 entered as the button's action data.
Headset Force Feed
On Avaya phones with fixed HEADSET buttons, a programmable button can be assigned to put the phone into headset
force feed mode. In this mode, when headset mode is selected but the phone is idle, an incoming external call will
cause a single tone and then be automatically connected.
Group Listen
The group listen feature (see Telephony above) can be assigned to a programmable button. That button can be used to
switch group listen on/off and indicates when group listen is on.
Enhanced Conference Meet Me
For Release 4.1+ this button has been enhanced. Buttons associated with a particular conference ID will indicate when
the conference is active. Callers connected on other appearance buttons can be transferred into the conference by
pressing TRANSFER and then the Conference Meet Me button. This allows the user to place callers into the
conference specified by the button without being part of the conference call themselves. This option is only support on
Avaya phones with a fixed TRANSFER button (excluding T3 and T3 IP phones).
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Appendix: Release History: What was New in 4.1
Short Codes
Group Listen On/Off
The group listen feature (see Telephony above) can be switched on/off through the use of the Group Listen On and
Group Listen Off short code features.
Default Embedded Voicemail Auto Attendant Short Codes
Previously 4 system short codes were automatically added for each auto attendant added to the configuration. With the
increase in the number of supported auto attendants to 40, the method of short code usage has changed to allow just
4 system short codes for all auto attendants by using the auto attendant number rather than name.
IP Office 500 PRI Trunk Card (PRI-U)
This card can be added as a trunk daughter card to any IP500 base card except the Legacy Card Carrier base card.
The card is available in single and dual port PRI variants. The IP500 PRI-U card supports E1, T1 and E1-R2 PRI modes.
To select the mode required, right-click on the line in the group or navigation pane and select Change Universal PRI
Card Line Type. The systems supports 8 B-channels for each IP500 PRI-U port fitted, using in-service channels from
port 9 of slot 1 upwards. Additional B-channels up to the capacity of ports installed and PRI mode selected require
IP500 Universal PRI (Additional Channels) licenses added to the configuration. D-channels are not affected by
With the introduction of the IP500 PRI-U trunk daughter card, the design of stand off pillars supplied with IP500
trunk daughter cards has been changed. New cards will be supplied with 2 pre-fitted metal stand off pillar and 3
loose plastic pillars. Screws and washers are provided for the metal pillars for the final installation onto the IP500
base card. This changes is required for IP500 PRI-U cards but has been applied to all trunk daughter card types. This
does not affect existing trunk daughter cards supplied with 5 plastic stand off pillars.
H.323 Trunk Support in Standard Edition Mode
H.323 trunks (IP trunks and QSIG trunks) on IP500 systems require the addition of IP500 Voice Networking licenses.
At launch those trunk and license were only supported on IP500 system running in Professional Edition mode. Release
4.1 allows licensed H.323 trunks to be used in Standard Edition mode also.
Small Community Networking in Standard Edition Mode
The above change allows Small Community Networking to be used with IP500 systems running in Standard Edition
mode. That includes Centralized Voicemail and, subject to the appropriate additional licenses, advanced Small
Community Networkfeatures.
Embedded Voicemail
40 Auto Attendants
Previously on 4 auto attendants were supported with the IP Office configuration. Release 4.1 allows up to 40 Auto
Attendants to be created and to be chained together to support a flexible multi-tiered operation. Each auto-attendant is
numbered and that number can be used in short codes for accessing the auto-attendant.
Named Greeting Files - LVMGreeting
For Release 4.1+ the utility required to create named greeting files (LVMGreeting.exe) is now provided with IP Office
Manager. Those files can then be place on the Embedded Voicemail memory card and selected in the Recording Name
field. The same recording can be shared between multiple auto-attendants. The tools is accessed from Manager via the
menu command Advanced | LVM Greeting Utility . For full details refer to the IP Office Embedded Voicemail
Installation manual.
Voicemail Pro
In conjunction with Release 4.1, Voicemail Pro 4.1 supports the following new features:
Automatic Recording Mailbox for Hunt Groups
By default automatic recordings for hunt groups are routed to the hunt group mailbox. Previously this could not be
changed except through customized call flows on the Voicemail Pro. An alternate mailbox destination can now be
specified through the Hunt Group | Voice Recording tab.
Automatic Recording Mailbox for Account Codes
By default automatic recordings for account codes are routed to the mailbox of the user making the call. Previously this
could not be changed except through customized call flows on the Voicemail Pro. An alternate mailbox destination can
now be specified through the Account | Voice Recording tab.
Call Data Tagging on Transfer Actions
The Transfer action now supports fields for setting the transfer source and description to display on phones receiving
the transfer. The ability to associate call data for MS-CRM via Assisted Transfer actions is now also supported on
Transfer actions.
Call Transfer Announcements
The Transfer and Assisted Transfer actions can be configure to announce the transfer to the caller. The announcement
uses the recorded name of the mailbox associated with the transfer if available or the number if otherwise.
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LIFO/FIFO Mailbox Operation
The default message playback order of First In-First Out (FIFO) can now be changed to Last In-First Out (LIFO). This is
separately adjustable for new, old and saved messages. These are set through the System Preferences | Housekeeping
tab (Administration | Preferences | General).
Time in Queue and Time on System Variables
Two new variables can be used in Queued and Still Queued call flows. They are $TimeQueued for the time in the queue
and $TimeSystem for the time the call has been on the system.
Castelle Fax Server Support
The Voicemail Pro can be configured to recognize faxes of this type left in user's email mailboxes and include
announcement of there presence in the user's mailbox prompts.
Hunt Group/Account Code Call Recording Destination
Previously the destinations for automatic call recording triggered by hunt groups or account codes could not be
changed except through a custom Voicemail Pro call flow. The Release 4.1 configuration now allows the required
destination for the call recording to be specified.
$DDI System variable for DDI Numbers
This variable is available on DDI calls passed from the IP Office to the Voicemail Pro.
Variable Routing (replaces the CLI Routing Action)
The existing CLI Routing action has been replaced by the Variable Routing action. This action allows the call routing
to be based on matching specified values to system variables such as $CLI and $DDI. The numbers to which matching
is performed can include wildcards such as ? for a single digits and * for any digits.
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Appendix: Release History: What was New in 4.1
Key and Lamp Operation
Abbreviated Ring Control
For users with multiple call appearance buttons, it can be selected whether additional calls once a call is connected, are
presented with a short single abbreviated ring or with normal ringing.
Twinned Bridge/Coverage/Line Appearances
For users with a twinned secondary phone, only calls on call appearances at their primary phone also alert at the
secondary phone. For Release 4.1 it is possible to configure that calls alerting on bridged, coverage and line
appearance buttons on the primary should also alert on the secondary.
IP500 Voice Networking
This type of license is now supported on IP500 systems running in Standard Edition mode. This allows those systems
to use IP and QSIG trunks and to be included in a Small Community Network.
IP500 PRI Universal (Additional Channels)
The systems supports 8 B-channels for each IP500 PRI-U port fitted. Additional B-channels up to the capacity of ports
installed and PRI mode selected require IP500 Universal PRI (Additional Channels) licenses added to the configuration.
D-channels are not affected by licensing.
VPN IP Extensions Licenses
Release 4.1+ supports 4610, 4621, 5610 and 5621 phones running the VPNremote firmware. These work in
conjunction with the Extension | VoIP | VPN Phone Allow setting. The phones are licensed against VPN IP Extensions
licenses added to the IP Office configuration.
Windows Operating System Support
Windows Vista
With Release 4.1, Vista support is expanded to all Release 4.1 applications also supported on Windows XP Pro. Note
that the Vista support refers to Vista Business Ultimate and Vista Enterprise editions; the Vista Home Basic and Vista
Home Premium editions are not supported.
System Status Application
The following changes have been made to the System Status Application (SSA) including in the Release 4.1 suite.
Device Version Numbers
IP500 trunk, extension and VCM cards have electronic version numbers. SSA is now able to display those version
Digital Trunk Clock Source Change Alarm
SSA can report when the clock source being used by the system changes from one digital trunk to another.
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17.9 What was New in 4.0 May 2007
This section summarizes the changes made for the May 2007 maintenance release of the Release 4.0 suite of
applications. This is not an exhaustive list. For full details refer to the appropriate IP Office Technical Bulletin.
Call Pickup Line Short Code
This short code feature allows the answering of calls ringing, parked or held on a line by use of the line's Line
Appearance ID. This is intended for use with phones where Line Appearance buttons cannot be programmed. Not
supported on T3 phones.
Call Pickup User Short Code
This short code feature allows the answering of calls ringing, parked or held against a user by use of the user's
Extension Number setting. If the targeted user has multiple calls, preference is given to ringing, parked and held calls
in that order. Not supported on T3 phones.
Embedded Voicemail
The following new features appears for Embedded Voicemail:
Enable Local Recording Control
The use of short code to record auto attendant greetings can be disabled if required. The short codes are still active
and can be used to hear the current prompts, however the option to record a new prompt will not operate.
Embedded Voicemail Shutdown Short Code
The Embedded Voicemail memory card is not a hot-swappable device, and so the system must be switched off in
order to remove/replace the memory card. Use of this short code feature allows safe removal of the memory card
whilst the system is running.
Known IP Office System Discovery
IP Office Manager can be configured to record details of systems it discovers and to then allow later rediscovery of
those known systems. This feature is only available when Manager has been configured with a .csv file location to
which to record known system details. When this has been done, a Known Units button is available within the IP Office
Manager discovery screen.
Custom Locale
For some systems, the locales fully supported by IP Office may not match the local requirements. In these cases, the
option Customize can be selected in the Locale field of the System | System tab. Additional options are then made
visible to select the tone usage, CLI type and busy tone detection settings.
System Time Setting Through Phones
For systems without access to an appropriate time server or where an immediate time and date change is required, a
manual method for setting the system date and time has been added.
Internal Twinning for North America
The Internal Twinning function was added in the Release 3.1 release but not supported for systems with a North
American locale. This feature is now supported in North American locales.
The Avaya IP DECT solution is now supported in North American locales. For IP Office Manager this means that an IP
DECT line and IP DECT extensions can now be created on systems with a North American locale.
3641 and 3645 Wireless IP Phones
These phones are now supported. They can be used with 802.11a, 802.11b and 802.11g wireless networks.
T3 Direct Media Support
T3 IP phones have previously not supported Direct Media mode connection. For T3 IP phones with T246 or higher
firmware that restriction no longer applies and the specific restrictions on the number of T3 IP phones can be removed.
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Appendix: Release History: What was New in 4.0 May 2007
17.10 What was New in 4.0
This section summarizes the main changes in the Release 4.0 General Availability release.
Manager Changes
Validation Control
Control of when Manager applies automatic validation to configuration files is now available through the File |
Preferences menu.
Busy on Held Validation
The Tools menu now contains a Busy on Held Validation option that checks all users. Previously this check was only
performed when a user's settings were edited.
Line Renumber
The Tools menu now contains a Line Renumber option for renumbering all Line Appearance ID's upwards from a
selected base number.
BOOTP Records
The maximum number of BOOTP records has been increased from 20 to 50.
Hardware Support Changes
IP Office 500 System Unit (IP500)
This control unit has no integral extension or trunk ports. On its front the unit has 4 card slots into which IP500 base
cards can be inserted. These card provide various combinations of digital station port, analog extension ports, voice
compression channels and trunk ports. On its rear the unit has slots for Embedded Voicemail, a feature key dongle
slot, audio port, door relay switch port and ethernet LAN/WAN ports plus 8 external expansion module ports.
4406, 4412 and 4424 are only supported on external expansion modules. They are not supported directly on the
IP500 system unit.
IP Office Standard Edition
By default the IP500 control unit runs a subset of full IP Office functionality called IP Office Standard Edition. In this
mode the IP Office is restricted as follows. These restriction can be removed by adding an IP500 Upgrade Standard to
Professional license to the configuration.
The IP500 is restricted to a maximum of 32 users using ports on base cards in the control unit.
In Standard Edition mode the IP500 does not support any external expansion modules.
The applications Embedded Voicemail, Phone Manager Lite/Pro, SoftConsole, TAPI, Delta Server and CBC, Manager,
SSA and Monitor are supported.
Advanced applications such as Voicemail Lite/Pro, CCC, Conferencing Center, MS-CRM, etc are not supported.
IP trunks (H.323, QSIG, Small Community Network) not supported. IP DECT and SIP trunks are supported. Enabling
IP trunks requires an IP500 Upgrade Standard to Professional license and IP500 Voice Networking licenses. Note:
This restriction was removed in later Release 4.0 maintenance releases.
Meet-me conferencing is not supported.
Hardware Support
The following hardware is not supported with Release 4.0.
The WAN3 external expansion module is not supported (the WAN3 10/100 is still supported).
All Network Alchemy external expansion modules are no longer supported.
The IP403 and IP406 V1 control units are not supported.
Phone Support
The following phones are not supported by Release 4.0. They may function but have not been tested with 4.0 and any
faults reported with 4.0 will not be fixed.
The 20DT Analog DECT phone used with IP Office Analog DECT and Compact DECT is not supported. It may be used
with Avaya IP DECT but only as a generic GAP compatible DECT device.
The 4606, 4612 and 4624 phones are no longer supported.
The Transtalk 9040 is no longer supported.
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System Status Monitoring
System Status Application (SSA)
This application provides information about the equipment and resources in Release 4.0 and higher systems. This
information includes indication of alarms and details of current calls in progress. Use of SSA requires a service user
name and password configured for System Status in the IP Office's security settings.
Call Status Application
This application is not supported by Release 4.0. It has been replaced by the IP Office System Status Application
above. Call Status is still included in the IP Office Admin suite for use with pre-4.0 systems.
The SysMonitor application has been enhanced but is no longer fully backwards compatible with pre-Release 4.0
systems. Therefore two versions of Monitor are included in the IP Office Admin suite; version 6.0 for use with Release
4.0 systems and version 5.2 for use with pre-Release 4.0 systems.
SIP Trunks
Release 4.0+ supports SIP calls through the implementation of SIP trunks. Through normal short code routing of
outgoing group ID's any user can make outgoing calls using SIP services, ie. users do not require SIP phones to make
and receive SIP calls. Incoming call routing can be used to route incoming calls on SIP trunks. SIP trunks are a
licensed feature.
Hot Desking (Logging In/Out)
Agent Status on No Answer
The IP Office can change the status of call center agents who do not answer a hunt group call presented to them. This
can include logging the agent off the system. The change of status can be set per user and the use of this option can
be set per hunt group.
Remote Hot Desking
Users can now hot desk between systems in a Small Community Network. This requires a Advanced Small Community
Networking license in the system where a user logs in remotely.
Logging Out
User who do not have a log in code set cannot log out.
NoUser User
By default the NoUser user's first programmable button is set to the Login function.
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Appendix: Release History: What was New in 4.0
Voicemail Channel Reservation
Release 4.0 allows the licensed voicemail channels between Voicemail Pro and the IP Office to be reserved for
particular functions or to be left unreserved for any function.
Visual Voice
Users with Avaya multi-line display phones can use a display menu driven interface for accessing and controlling the
playback of messages in voicemail mailboxes. This is supported with Voicemail Pro, in Intuity emulation and IP Office
modes, and Embedded Voicemail.
Voice Recording
A number of improvements have been made to call recording operation in conjunction with Voicemail Pro. In the
descriptions below 'party' can mean user, hunt group or incoming call route involved in a call.
Calls including IP end points, including those using Direct Media, can now be recorded.
Voicemail Pro automatic call recording can be triggered by Incoming Call Routes.
Where recording is triggered by several parties within the same call, separate recordings are produced for each
For example if both automatic hunt group recording and automatic user recording are applicable to the same call,
separate recordings are produced for both the hunt group and the user.
If a call is to be recorded multiple times to the same mailbox only a single recording is made; resolved in the
order of: incoming call route, account Code, hunt group and user settings.
Recording only continues while the party triggering the recording is part of the call, for example:
Recording triggered by a user stops when that call is transferred to another user.
Recording triggered by a hunt group continues if the call is transferred to another member of the same group.
Recording stops if the call is transferred to a user outside the hunt group.
Recording triggered by an incoming call route continues for the duration of the call on the system.
Parking and holding a call pauses recording. Recording is restarted in the same file when the calls is unparked or
taken of hold.
User Announcements
With Voicemail Pro 4.0 and higher, announcements are supported for calls waiting to be answered by an individual
user. User start points in Voicemail Pro now include Queued and Still Queued options.
Embedded Voicemail
Embedded voicemail is supported on the IP500 control unit using the same options as the IP406 V2 control unit.
Hunt group announcements are supported using Embedded Voicemail.
The auto-attendant menu includes a Fax option for rerouting fax calls.
Support for Visual Voice.
Support for Fast Forward (#), Rewind (*), Skip message (9) and Call Sender (**) when listening to messages.
Support for 3 voicemail reception destinations using *0, *2 and *3.
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Hunt Groups
Agent Status on No Answer
The IP Office can change the status of call center agents when a hunt group call is presented but not answered. The
agent can be put into busy wrap-up, busy not available or logged out. The change of status can be set per user and
the use of this option can be set per hunt group. This feature is not applied if the call is answered elsewhere before the
No Answer Time expires.
Night service fallback using a time profile is no longer applied to a hunt group already set to out of service. Short
codes and buttons can be used to set a hunt group out of service, overriding the night service time profile.
Voicemail Answer Time
A separate value has been added to hunt group settings to control when hunt group calls go to voicemail if
unanswered. The default value is 45 seconds.
Previously the definition of queued calls did not include calls ringing against hunt group members. The definition now
includes ringing calls and calls waiting to be present for ringing.
Control and usage of announcements has been separated from queuing (see below).
The queue limit can be set to include queued and ringing calls or just queued calls.
Hunt group announcements have been separated from hunt group queuing and can be used even when queuing is
Hunt group announcements are now supported by Embedded Voicemail in addition to Voicemail Pro and Voicemail
The times for the first announcement, second announcement and between repeated announcements are
Advertised Hunt Groups
A hunt group can be set to be 'advertised'. This requires an Advanced Small Community Networking license. Hunt
groups that are advertised can be dialed by users on other systems within the Small Community Network (Small
Community Network) without the need for short codes. This feature requires entry of a Advanced Small Community
Networking license on each system.
Small Community Network Distributed Hunt Groups
Hunt groups in a Small Community Network can include members located on other systems within the network. This
feature requires entry of a Advanced Small Community Networking license on each system. Distributed hunt groups
are automatically advertised to other systems within the Small Community Network.
Idle Status
For longest waiting hunt groups, the type of calls that change a hunt group member's idle status can be selected.
Call Presentation
When additional calls are waiting to be presented, additional hunt group members are alerted using the hunt group
type. However when any member answers a call it will be the first waiting call that is answered.
Set Hunt Group Night Service and Set Hunt Group Out of Service Short Codes
Previously the Set Hunt Group Night Service and Set Hunt Group Out of Service short code features toggled.
That behaviour is not supported in 4.0 and higher.
Voicemail Mailbox Operation
For Release 3.2 and earlier, when voicemail was invoked, the mailbox of whichever hunt group was currently handling
the call was used, for example the mailbox of the overflow or night service hunt group might be used if the call had
gone from the original hunt group to an overflow or night server hunt group. For Release 4.0 and higher, the mailbox
of the originally targetted hunt group is used even if the call has overflowed or gone to a night server hunt group.
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Appendix: Release History: What was New in 4.0
Alternate Route Selection (ARS)
Least Cost Routing (LCR)
LCR has been replaced by ARS. On systems being upgraded to Release 4.0, any LCR records will be automatically
converted as far as possible to ARS forms. However due to the difference in method of operation the ARS forms will
need to be checked.
Secondary Dial Tone
Where secondary dial tone is required it is provided through a check box option in ARS. This simplifies the
configuration of secondary dial tone.
Outgoing Call Routing
LCR forms were never explicitly applied to particular calls. Instead any number to be dialed externally, was compared
to the LCR short codes for a possible match. In Release 4.0, dialing short codes are explicitly routed either to a
outgoing line group or to an ARS form.
ISDN Features
The following ISDN features are now supported by Release 4.0+. Note that availability of these feature is dependant on
their also being supported and available from the ISDN service provider for which there may be charges.
Malicious Call Identification - MCID
Short codes and button programming features have been added so that users can be configured to trigger this activity
at the ISDN exchange when required.
Advice of Charge - AOC
Advice of charge during a call (AOC-D) and at the end of a call (AOC-E) is supported for outgoing ISDN calls other than
QSIG. The call cost is displayable on T3 phones and included in the IP Office Delta Server output. The IP Office allows
configuration of call cost currency and a call cost mark-up for each user.
Call Completion to Busy Subscriber - CCBS
CCBS can be used where provided by the ISDN service provider. It allows a callback to be set on external ISDN calls
that return busy. It can also be used by incoming ISDN calls to a busy user.
Partial Rerouting - PR
When forwarding a call on an ISDN channel to an external number using another ISDN channel, partial rerouting
informs the ISDN exchange to perform the forward, thus freeing the channels to the IP Office. Not supported on QSIG.
Advanced Small Community Networking (Advanced Small Community Network)
The following new features are supported for Release 4.0+ Small Community Networks. Note that these feature require
entry of an Advanced Networking License into systems in the network.
Network Hot Desking
Hot desking is supported between systems within the Small Community Network.
Distributed Hunt Groups
Hunt groups can now include members who are located on different systems within the Small Community Network.
This feature requires entry of a Advanced Small Community Networking license on each system.
Break Out
This feature is provided primarily to support network hot desking but can be used for other purposes. It allows the
dialing on one system in the network to be done as if dialed locally on an other system.
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Key and Lamp Operation
The following key and lamp operation features were added in Release 4.0:
Delayed Ring Preference
This user telephony setting works in conjunction with the user's Ringing Line Preference setting. It sets whether ringing
line preference should use or ignore the ring delay applied to the user's appearance buttons.
Answer Pre-Select
Normally when a user has multiple alerting calls, only the details of the call on current selected button are shown.
Pressing any of the alerting buttons will answer the call on that button, going off-hook will answer the current selected
button. Enabling the user telephony setting Answer Pre-Select allows the user to press any alerting button to make it
the current selected button and displaying its call details without answering that call. To answer a call when the user
has Answer Pre-Select enabled, the user must press the alerting button to display the call details and then either press
the button again or go off-hook.
Reserve Last CA
Phones with appearance buttons require a free call appearance button to perform actions such as call transfers.
However it is possible in some scenarios for all available call appearances to be occupied or alerting. The user
telephony setting Reserve Last CA can be used to restrict the user's last call appearance button for outgoing calls only.
The following new licenses are used by Release 4.0:
IP500 Upgrade Standard to Professional
This license is required for an IP500 system to run in IP Office Professional Edition mode rather than IP Office Standard
Edition mode. It is a pre-requisite for the IP500 Voice Networking licenses and any licensed features not supported in
Standard Edition mode.
IP500 Voice Networking (Base 4 channels)
For IP500 systems running in Professional Edition mode, this license enables support for H.323 IP trunks between
systems and QSIG or Small Community Networking over those trunks.
IP500 Voice Networking (Additional channels)
Allows an additional 4 H.323 voice networking trunks.
IP500 VCM Channels
Used with the IP500 VCM 32 and IP500 VCM 64 base cards. Each card supports 4 channels by default, with additional
channels enabled by the addition of licenses.
SIP Trunk Channels
This license is used to configure the maximum number of simultaneous SIP trunk calls supported. Multiple licenses can
be added for the cumulative number of SIP trunks required.
Advanced Small Community Networking
This license is used to enable support for hosting hot deskers from remote systems, creation of distributed hunt groups
and the viewing of advertised hunt groups.
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Appendix: Release History: What was New in 4.0
Other Features
Private Call
Users can set a status of private call using short codes or a programmed button. Private calls cannot be recorded,
intruded on, bridged into or monitored.
RTP Relay
RTP relay allows much more efficient use of the voice compression channels available in a system:
Calls between IP endpoints using the same audio codecs that are routed via the IP Office (for example when not
using direct media path) no longer use voice compression channels.
Call setup and progress tones no longer require a voice compression channel. The exceptions are short code
confirmation tones, ARS camp on tone, account code entry tone and G.723 calls (except Call Waiting).
Page calls to IP devices use G.729a only and therefore only 1 channel regardless of the number of IP devices.
For T3 IP devices to benefit from RTP relay they must be configured to 20ms packet size.
Password Lockout
Any phone features that require a validated entry (for example password or account code entry) will automatically fail
if they have been preceded by 4 failed attempted in the previous 90 seconds.
Firewall IP Office Service Controls
The IP Office firewall standard settings now include controls to drop or allow connects to Release 3.2 configuration
settings, security settings and system status.
User Announcements
User announcements can be configured for use with Voicemail Pro. These announcements are used for external calls
waiting to be answered.
Feature Key Dongle Serial Number
The IP Office configuration settings now displays the serial number of the last Feature Key dongle with which the
system validated its licenses and whether the dongle is local (ie. serial or Smart Card) or remote (ie. USB or parallel).
Line ID Numbers
For defaulted systems, all lines supported line ID numbers are numbers from 701 upwards by default. The Line
Renumber tool is now available again within Manager to renumber all lines starting from a user selected starting
Ending Conferences
For pre-4.0 systems, if a conference has two parties, and one party leaves, the conference call is ended. This may
affect conferences that are just beginning but currently only contain the first two parties to join.
For Release 4.0, a conference remains active until the last extension or trunk with reliable disconnect leaves.
Connects to voicemail or a trunk without reliable disconnect (for example an analog loop-start trunk) will not hold a
conference open.
Disconnect Tone
For digital and IP phones, when the IP Office detects that the far end of a call has disconnected it can either make the
near end go idle or play disconnect tone. By default this behaviour depends on the system locale. The Disconnect
Tone (System | Telephony | Tones & Music ) field can be used to override the locale default and force either
disconnect tone use or go idle.
241 241
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
IP Office Software
Chapter 18.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
18. IP Office Software Compatibility
This page summarizes the hardware components supported on different releases of core software.
Control Units
Control Unit 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 2.0 2.1 3.0
3.0 3.1 3.2 4.0 4.1 4.2 5.0 6.0 6.1 7.0 8.0 8.1
Small Office Edition
IP406 V1
IP406 V2
IP500 V2
External Expansion Modules
Control Unit 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 2.0 2.1 3.0
3.0 3.1 3.2 4.0 4.1 4.2 5.0 6.0 6.1 7.0 8.0 8.1
IP400 ATM16
IP400 DS16
IP400 DS30
IP400 DS16 V2
IP400 DS30 V2
IP400 Phone 8
IP400 Phone 16
IP400 Phone 30
IP400 Phone 8
IP400 Phone 16 V2
IP400 Phone 30 V2
IP400 So8
IP400 WAN3
IP400 WAN3 10/100
IP500 ATM16
IP500 So8
IP500 DS16
IP500 DS30
IP500 DS16A (RJ21)
IP500 DS30A (RJ21)
IP500 Phone 16 V2
IP500 Phone 30 V2
1. Not supported on IP500 and IP500 V2 systems.
2. North America only.
3. IP500 V2 systems only.
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IP Office Software Compatibility:
IP500 Base Cards 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 2.0 2.1 3.0
3.0 3.1 3.2 4.0 4.1 4.2 5.0 6.0 6.1 7.0 8.0 8.1
IP500 Phone 2
IP500 Phone 8
IP500 Digital Station 8
IP500 Card Carrier
IP500 VCM 32
IP500 VCM 64
IP500 VCM 32 V2
IP500 VCM 64 V2
IP500 4-Port Expansion
IP500 ETR6
IP500 Combination
IP500 Combination BRI
IP500 TCM 8
IP500 Trunk Cards 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 2.0 2.1 3.0
3.0 3.1 3.2 4.0 4.1 4.2 5.0 6.0 6.1 7.0 8.0 8.1
IP500 Analog Trunk
IP500 BRI 2 Trunk Card
IP500 BRI 4 Trunk Card
IP500 PRI-1U
IP500 PRI-2U
1. IP500 V2 systems only.
2. Only supported in IP Office Basic Edition - PARTNER Mode or IP Office Basic Edition - Quick Mode (U-Law) modes
running in a North American locale.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
1000 Series
Phone 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 2.0 2.1 3.0
3.0 3.1 3.2 4.0 4.1 4.2 5.0 6.0 6.1 7.0 8.0 8.1
1100/1200 Series
Phone 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 2.0 2.1 3.0
3.0 3.1 3.2 4.0 4.1 4.2 5.0 6.0 6.1 7.0 8.0 8.1
1400 Series
Phone 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 2.0 2.1 3.0
3.0 3.1 3.2 4.0 4.1 4.2 5.0 6.0 6.1 7.0 8.0 8.1
1600 Series
Phone 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 2.0 2.1 3.0
3.0 3.1 3.2 4.0 4.1 4.2 5.0 6.0 6.1 7.0 8.0 8.1
1. 4.2 Q4 '08+.
20 Series
Phone 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 2.0 2.1 3.0
3.0 3.1 3.2 4.0 4.1 4.2 5.0 6.0 6.1 7.0 8.0 8.1
2400 Series
Phone 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 2.0 2.1 3.0
3.0 3.1 3.2 4.0 4.1 4.2 5.0 6.0 6.1 7.0 8.0 8.1
3600 Series
Phone 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 2.0 2.1 3.0
3.0 3.1 3.2 4.0 4.1 4.2 5.0 6.0 6.1 7.0 8.0 8.1
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
IP Office Software Compatibility:
3700 Series
Phone 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 2.0 2.1 3.0
3.0 3.1 3.2 4.0 4.1 4.2 5.0 6.0 6.1 7.0 8.0 8.1
3800/3900 Series
Phone 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 2.0 2.1 3.0
3.0 3.1 3.2 4.0 4.1 4.2 5.0 6.0 6.1 7.0 8.0 8.1
4100 Series
Phone 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 2.0 2.1 3.0
3.0 3.1 3.2 4.0 4.1 4.2 5.0 6.0 6.1 7.0 8.0 8.1
4400 Series
Phone 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 2.0 2.1 3.0
3.0 3.1 3.2 4.0 4.1 4.2 5.0 6.0 6.1 7.0 8.0 8.1
4600 Series
Phone 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 2.0 2.1 3.0
3.0 3.1 3.2 4.0 4.1 4.2 5.0 6.0 6.1 7.0 8.0 8.1
5400 Series
Phone 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 2.0 2.1 3.0
3.0 3.1 3.2 4.0 4.1 4.2 5.0 6.0 6.1 7.0 8.0 8.1
5600 Series
Phone 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 2.0 2.1 3.0
3.0 3.1 3.2 4.0 4.1 4.2 5.0 6.0 6.1 7.0 8.0 8.1
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Phone 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 2.0 2.1 3.0
3.0 3.1 3.2 4.0 4.1 4.2 5.0 6.0 6.1 7.0 8.0 8.1
6400 Series
Phone 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 2.0 2.1 3.0
3.0 3.1 3.2 4.0 4.1 4.2 5.0 6.0 6.1 7.0 8.0 8.1
7400 Series
Phone 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 2.0 2.1 3.0
3.0 3.1 3.2 4.0 4.1 4.2 5.0 6.0 6.1 7.0 8.0 8.1
9000 Series
Phone 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 2.0 2.1 3.0
3.0 3.1 3.2 4.0 4.1 4.2 5.0 6.0 6.1 7.0 8.0 8.1
9500 Series
Phone 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 2.0 2.1 3.0
3.0 3.1 3.2 4.0 4.1 4.2 5.0 6.0 6.1 7.0 8.0 8.1
9600 Series
Phone 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 2.0 2.1 3.0
3.0 3.1 3.2 4.0 4.1 4.2 5.0 6.0 6.1 7.0 8.0 8.1
1. Release 8.0 2012 Q1 service pack and higher.
Phone 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 2.0 2.1 3.0
3.0 3.1 3.2 4.0 4.1 4.2 5.0 6.0 6.1 7.0 8.0 8.1
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
IP Office Software Compatibility:
ETR Series
Phone 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 2.0 2.1 3.0
3.0 3.1 3.2 4.0 4.1 4.2 5.0 6.0 6.1 7.0 8.0 8.1
Phone 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 2.0 2.1 3.0
3.0 3.1 3.2 4.0 4.1 4.2 5.0 6.0 6.1 7.0 8.0 8.1
Phone 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 2.0 2.1 3.0
3.0 3.1 3.2 4.0 4.1 4.2 5.0 6.0 6.1 7.0 8.0 8.1
T3/T3IP Series
Phone 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 2.0 2.1 3.0
3.0 3.1 3.2 4.0 4.1 4.2 5.0 6.0 6.1 7.0 8.0 8.1
T3 Compact
T3 Classic
T3 Comfort
T3 IP Compact
T3 IP Classic
T3 IP Comfort
Other Avaya Telephones
Phone 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 2.0 2.1 3.0
3.0 3.1 3.2 4.0 4.1 4.2 5.0 6.0 6.1 7.0 8.0 8.1
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Chapter 19.
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19. Ports
As mentioned, a number of different ports are used for access to systems. The following table lists some of the ports on
which the control unit listens for different types of access. Indicates a listening port on the control unit. indicates a
port to which the system sends, for example to a PC running an application.
* Indicates that the port and or protocol can be changed.
Port Protocol Function
25* SMTP TCP Email system alarms from the system to SMTP server. For Release 4.2 also used
for Voicemail Email on Embedded Voicemail.
37 Time UDP Time requests from the system to a Time Server (RFC868).
53 DNS UDP Domain Name Service responses.
67 BOOTP/DHCP UDP DHCP server operation.
68 BOOTP/DHCP UDP DHCP client operation.
69 TFTP UDP File requests to the system.
69 TFTP UDP File requests by the system.
80 HTTP TCP HTTP file requests to the system.
161* SNMP UDP From SNMP applications.
162* SNMP Trap UDP To addresses set in the system configuration.
500 IKE UDP Key exchange for IPSec protocol.
389* LDAP TCP Lightweight Directory Access Protocol.
514 UDP Syslog client.
520 RIP UDP To and from the system to other RIP devices. For RIP1 and RIP2 (RIP1
compatible) the destination address is a subnet broadcast, eg.
For RIP2 Multicast the destination address is
833 Network Relay UDP Network relay.
1701 L2TP UDP Layer 2 tunneling protocol.
1718 H.323 UDP H.323 Discovery
1719 H.323 RAS UDP H.323 Status. VoIP device registering with the system.
1720 H.323/H.245 UDP H.323 Signalling. Data to a registered VoIP device.
2127 (UDP) UDP PC Wallboard to CCC Wallboard Server.
3478 SIP UDP Port used for STUN requests from the system to the SIP provider.
5005 RTCP Monitor UDP RTCP Monitoring information from Avaya H.323 phones. (Release 5.0+)
5060 SIP UDP/
SIP Line Signalling/SIP End points.
8080 HTTP TCP one-X Portal for IP Office
8089 Enconf UDP From the system to the Conferencing Center Server Service. User access to the
conference center is direct via HTTP sessions.
8888 HTTP TCP Browser access to the system ContactStore (VRL) application.
RTP/RTCP UDP Dynamically allocated ports used during VoIP calls for RTP and RTCP traffic. The
port range can be adjusted through the System | LAN1 | VoIP tab.
50791 IPO Voicemail UDP To voicemail server address.
50793 IPO Solo
UDP From system TAPI PC with Wave drive user support.
50794 IPO Monitor UDP From the system Monitor application.
50795 IPO Voice
UDP Small Community Network signalling (AVRIP) and BLF updates. Each system does
a broadcast every 30 seconds. BLF updates are sent required up a maximum of
every 0.5 seconds.
50796 IPO PCPartner UDP From a system application (for example Phone Manager or SoftConsole). Used to
initiate a session between the system and the application.
50797 IPO TAPI UDP From a system TAPI user PC.
50798 (UDP) UDP BT Fusion variant. No longer used.
50799 IPO BLF UDP Broadcast to the system LAN and the first 10 IP addresses registered from other
50800 IPO License
UDP To the License Server IP Address set in the system configuration.
50801 EConf UDP Conferencing Center Service to system.
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Port Protocol Function
50802 Discovery TCP System discovery from IP Office Manager.
Service Access
TCP System configuration settings access.
TCP " TLS Secure.
TCP System status access. Used by the System Status Application (SSA) and
Customer Call Reporter Application (CCR).
TCP System security settings access.
TCP " TLS Secure.
TCP System Enhanced TSPI access. (Release 5.0+)
CDR/SMDR from the IP Office is sent to the port number and IP address defined during configuration and using either
TCP or UDP as selected.
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Single Server Support
Chapter 20.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Single Server Support:
20. Single Server Support
The following scenarios are supported for combining system server applications onto a single Windows server PC.
In all cases, the individual requirements of each application as if installed on a separate server are still applicable. Also,
depending on the application combination, additional restrictions and requirements may be applied as detailed below.
Voicemail Pro Customer Call
one-X Portal for IP
Minimum IP
Minimum PC
1. 16 Ports 150 Agents Release 5.0 As per each
2. 8 Ports
(4 TTS)
50 Simultaneous
Release 6.0 2GHz Dual Core, 4GB
RAM, Windows 2008
Server (32 or 64-bit).
3. 16 ports
(8 TTS)
50 Agents 150 Simultaneous
Release 6.0 2GHz Quad Core, 6GB
RAM, Windows 2008
CCR run in Windows
2003 on a virtual
Voicemail Pro includes UMS, VB Scripting and 3rd party database operation. It also includes the installation of
ContactStore if required.
Both ContactStore and one-X Portal for IP Office use Tomcat servers as part of the application. For scenarios with
both installed, the redirect port setting of the ContactStore's Tomcat server should be configured to a port other
than 8080.
The supported virtual servers are:
VMWare Server.
Microsoft Virtual Server 2005 R2.
Microsoft Server Hyper-V.
When used in a virtual server configuration, Customer Call Reporter and one-X Portal each require a 2GB RAM
virtual machine. Voicemail Pro and ContactStore each require a 1GB RAM virtual machine.
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
AA 531
AA Number 531
Abandon 1150
Abbreviated Dial 755, 756, 759, 760
Abbreviated Dial Pause 755
Abbreviated Dial Program 756
Abbreviated Dial Stop 756
Abbreviated Ring 381
Absence Text/Call Tagging 1038
Absnt 625, 852
Accept Any 512
Accept Collect Calls 381
access 135, 170
Hunt Group Messages 431
Queue 422
Service 160
Service User's 159
Specific Voicemail Pro Module 636
Time 184
Access Code Dialed 1150
Access Code Used 1158
Access Control 135
access greeting 431
Access Mode 1027
Access Type 184
Client 148
Client Certificate Checks 148
Country 296
account 1026
10 146
required unlock 55
Service User 55
timers relating 163
Account Admin 159
Account Code 446
Account Code Entry 533, 757
Forcing 962
account code recording 500
Account Expiry
passing 163
resetting 163
account expiry during 146
Account Idle Time 135
set 163
Account Locked 55
Account Name 369
match 461
Account Status 163
Acct 626, 757, 853
Accunet 310
ACD Agent Statistics 758
ACD Stroke Count 758
Acquire Call 759
Action Data 1227
Actions 440
Actions | Intrude 571
Actions | Reclaim 579
Actions | Reclaim Call 579
actions involving communications 135
MCID 961
Active CCBS Support 288
Active Directory 249
Active Directory Users 249
Active Idle Period 450
Active MCID Control
Providing 961
AD 755, 759, 760
AD Special Function Mark 759
AD Special Function Wait 760
AD Special Functions 759, 760
AD Suppress 760
Adaptive 263
Add Authorization Fields
SMDR 533
Add Calendar Time Entry 483
Add Date 483
Add Recurring 483
Add Recurring Time Entry 483
Adding 200, 377, 431, 521, 552
Blank Buttons 521
Dialing Prefix 963
IP500 Upgrade Standard 1233
Manager Start Dialogue 16
New Entry 42
Voicemail Support 443
Addition Prefix Dialing 1000
Additional B-channels 305
additional Call Appearance buttons 393
Additional Calls 450
Additional Channels 305
Additional Notes 349
Additionally BLF 1037
Add-On's 645, 656, 669, 682
Address Length 476
Address Translation 1024
Addressing 934
DHCP 1024
DNS 232
LAN 1024
PC 502
Tc Setting 474
Admin 233, 928
Admin Button 647, 849
Admin CD 233
Admin Function 645, 647
Admin Suite 16, 1233
Admin1 521, 647
Administration | Preferences 1227
Administration Manual 431
Administration Security 135
Administrator 232
Administrator Applications CD 16
Administrator rights 175
ADMM 326
ADMM MAC Address 326
Advanced 570
Default All button 296
Advanced | Call 967
Advanced | Dial 570
Advanced | Erase Security Settings 166
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Advanced | Miscellaneous 615
Advanced Features 249
Advanced Networking License 1233
Advanced SCN Networking Features 1038
Advanced button 175
Advertise Group 417
Advice 569
Charge 948
AES-128 135
AES-256 135
affect 584
From 333
affect existing 1227
affect existing trunk 1227
Afternoon 531
Agent Mode
selecting 441
Agent Status on No Answer 1233
Agent's 1010
Agent's Status on No-Answer Applies To 417
AH 510
AIM CSM 1227
Ignore 422
SMTP email 253
Syslog 253
Alarm Destinations
Editing 253
Alarm Station 552
Alarms Sub-Tab Settings 253
A-Law 623
A-LAW systems 536
A-Law/Mu-Law 1091
Line 911, 913
All 584
cancels forwarding 610
Certificate Stores 135
All Call Appearances Alerting 903
All Calls 948
All Calls button 393
all dialing 446
All Forwarding 581, 784
All Group Settings 296
All Internet Traffic
Routing 486
All Network Alchemy 1233
All Programs 18
All remaining 1152
IP 68
TEI's 283
Allow 286
ringback 970
Allow Analog Trunk
Trunk Connect 279
Allow Bump 494
allow connects 1233
Allow Direct Media Path 326
Allow Outgoing Transfer 993
allow recording 531
announcements 409
allow/disallow 449
AllowAuthorization 533
allowed during 390
allows sorting
list 172
Alpha/Hex 512
Configuration Interface 46
Toolbars 36
Alternate Route Selection 536
Alternate Route Wait Time 538
AMD Athlon XP 16
AMD Athlon64 16
AMD Opteron 16
AMI 305
An Add Authorization Fields 533
an alert 237
an alerting button 381
An attempt 48
an auto-adapting 477
an existing 453
an existing entry 483
an existing queued 422
an existing route 491
an existing system 63
an existing zone 552
an outgoing 446
an outgoing intra-switch 1150
an outgoing trunk 1152
Analog DECT 1233
Analog Extensions
Centrex Transfer Operation 1000
Notify 422
analog gain 279
Analog Line 911, 926
Analog Lines 603
Analog Modem Control 620
Analog Options 279
Analog Phone 1115
Analog Phone Message Waiting Indication 971
Analog Phone Ringing Patterns 972
Analog Phone Settings 1115
Analog Remote Access Example 1030
Analog Trunk 1001
Trunk Connection 993
Analog Trunk 16 279
Analog Trunk Modem Mode 1030
Analog Trunk Restriction 1001
analogue 440
and/or 656, 821, 825, 1227
and/or unsecure 1227
ANDed 486
announcement played 409
Announcements 233
allow recording 409
Announcements On 620
Anonymous 249
Another Call 884, 887, 906, 909, 913
Joining 928
Ansi AnnexD 473
Answer Call 897
Answer Call Waiting 381
Answer Call Waiting on Hold 381
Answer Pre-Select 880, 902, 903, 906, 909, 910, 915,
916, 924
Enabling 381
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Answer Pre-Select 4.0 902
Answer Supervision 301
Answer Time 436
Answering 407
Anti-tromboning 1038
Any Call 591
any call barring 591
any call forwarding 376
any call ringing on 967
any call waiting 1000
Any Data 135
Any Voice 1030
set 465
AnyData 1026
AOC 569
display 948
AOC during 948
AOC Operation
Enabling 948
AOC Previous Call 569
AOC Reset Total 948
AOC Short Codes 948
AOC signalling 948
AOC Total 948
AOC-D 948
AOC-E 948
appearance button during 237
Appearance Button Features 880
appearance button indicates
call 930
Appearance Buttons 381, 880, 883, 884, 885, 887, 895,
900, 902, 903, 910, 911, 913, 915, 919, 920, 923, 924,
928, 930
Programming 921
Appearance Function System Settings 923
Appearance Function User Settings 924
Appearance Functions 920, 923, 924, 928
Appearance ID 286
appearance key 928, 930
Appearance Keys
Self-Administration 928
appearance shows 899
Appearances 295
Appearances Alerting 903
Appearances Example
Collapsing 915
Appearances Treated 890, 899
appears 196
Appendix 135
appendix covers 135
Application Controls 150
Application Options 697
Application Support list 150
Applications 16
Applications Controls 150
applied during 369
applies even 963
Apply 200
Call Cost Markup 948
appropriate 522
System Locale 356
appropriate greeting 531
Aquire 759
ara 1123
Argentina 288
receiving 490
ARP request 490
ARS 536, 927
return 596
take 538
ARS Features 536
ARS finds 536
ARS form providing 560
ARS Operation 536
ARS Overview 536
ARS Route ID
entering 538
ASCII 1150
Ask 177
Assisted Transfer 966
SIP 333
Async PPP 797, 805, 806
set 477
Asynchronous PPP 477
Voicemail file 373
WAN 1034
Attendant 192
Transfer 532
Attendant Admin 159
Attendant Console 1155
Audio 3K1 465
Audit Details 184
Audit Trail 186, 1227
include 65
Log 146
Audit Trail creates 146
Audit Trail records 186
Audix UDP 233
Audix Voicemail 233
Australia 1087
AutCB 765
Authentication Header 510
Authentication Method 449
Authentication Name
SIP Line 341
Authorization 446
Enabling 533
Forcing 533
Authorization Code 446
Enabling 533
Forcing 533
Auto 453
Auto Attendant 192
Auto Attendant Short Codes 1227
Auto Attendant Template 531
auto connect 483
Auto Connect Calls 911
Auto Connect Interval 453
Auto Connect Time Profile 453
Auto Hold 237, 880, 887, 888, 889, 893, 898, 903, 906,
910, 915, 920, 923, 928, 930
Auto Hold Example 910
Auto Hold Off 910
Auto Hold On 887, 888, 889, 893, 898, 910
Modem 477
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Auto-Answer 911
Range 286
Autoconnect 453
auto-connection 911
Auto-create Extension 326
Selecting 473
Immediate 301
set 301
Automatic Callback 288, 765
Automatic Delay 301
Automatic Intercom 393, 766
Automatic Intercom button
Program 393
automatic learning
DLCIs 473
Automatic Log Off 1012
automatic recording
external 434
Automatic Renumbering 926
Automatic Route Selection 208
Automatic Selection 349
Automatic Transfer 992
Automatically Restore SoftConsole 422
Automatically Saving Sent Configurations 65
auto-MDI/MDIX 221
Available column 181
Available Columns list 40
Available Member Answers 440
available/Covering Extension 393
Avaya 396
interlinking 1227
Avaya 3600 215
Avaya 3600 Series SpectraLink 215
Avaya 4600 1024
Avaya Communication Manager
Universal Dial Plan 233
Avaya DS 992
Avaya DS Phone 992
Avaya H.323 221
Avaya H.323 IP 221
Avaya Intuity Audix 233
Avaya IP 366
shows 197
Avaya IP DECT 326, 366
Avaya IP DECT Mobility Manager 326
Avaya phones 642, 652, 656, 793, 811, 830, 835, 851,
880, 930
Avaya SES 1227
Avaya SIP Enablement Service 349
Avaya T3 Classic 854
Avaya Technical Support 237
Avaya use 786
Avaya Voice Priority Processor 215
avpots16.bin 212
AVPP 215
AVPP IP Address 215
Await Dial Tone 279
B8 221
B8ZS 305
SES 349
Back Sequence 381
Back When Free 970
Backup 193
Backup Binaries 193
Backup DNS Server IP Address 232
Backup File Extension 175
Backup Files on Send 170
Backup WINS Server IP Address 232
Backup/Restore 193
Backward Compatibility 22
BACP 450
BAK 175
Out 360
Bandwidth 326
Bandwidth - Not 1150
BAP 450
Bar Commands 166
External Transfers 962
Particular Numbers/Number 962
Particular Numbers/Number Types 962
User From Making Any External Calls 962
Base 594
Base Configuration 148
Base Extension 594, 804
leaving 1009
US 356
Base specifies
point 249
Base Station Address List 326
Base TCP Port 154
Basic Audit 253
Basic Hunt Group 443
Basic/Primary Rate Trunks 926
exceeding 474
BCC 279
BCC Flash Pulse Width 279
B-channels 305
Bearer 595
including 310
Bearer Capability 595
Set 1030
Bearer Capability Class 1155
become 349
Intranet Service 1026
WAN Service 1026
Beep on Listen 215
behaviour 614, 651
behaviour applies
functions 651
Conforms 356
Belgium 1090
Bi-Directional Chap 477
Binary Directory 212
Binary Files 194
Refresh Time 221
Bit 135
BkOut 767
Blank 286
Adding 521
Manager 10.1 Page 1258
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Blank Buttons
Adding 521
Blank Call Routes 465
Blind Transfer 992
set 532
Blind Transfer button 992
Caller ID 588
Blocking Firewall 221
Conference 407
Conferencing Center 369
Boot File 326
creates 212
Disabling 212
matching 170
performing 212
providing 212
respond 212
BOOTP Entries 170
BOOTP Server 48
Border Between
Moving 46
Both Directions 295
Bothway 301
BP 356
bps 477, 805
Branch 349
Branch network 349
Branch Prefix 349
Branch Support 1227
Brazil 279
Brazil Only 381
Brazilian 1120
Brazilian Double-Seizure 288
Brazilian Portuguese 1120
Break Out 570, 767
set 1010
Break Out Dialing 1010
Breakout Dialing 1038
BRI 286, 880, 926, 927
BRI PSTN 880, 926
Bridge Appearance Button State 891
Bridged 880, 884, 885, 887, 888, 889, 890, 891, 894, 899,
900, 906, 916, 918, 919, 920, 921, 923, 928, 930
Bridged Appearance 642, 768, 811, 880, 884, 885, 887,
888, 889, 890, 891, 894, 906, 916, 918, 920, 921, 930, 990
bridged appearance button follow 890
Bridged Appearance Button Indication 891
bridged appearance button shows
user 880
Bridged Appearance Buttons 880, 884, 885, 887, 889,
890, 891, 916
Bridged Appearance Example 887, 888, 889
Bridged Appearance User 884, 887, 888, 889, 890
Bridged Appearances Treated 890
Bridged Call 887, 889, 918, 923
Holding 916
Bridged User Makes Call 888
Broadcast 611
broadcast address
LAN 1024
Broadcast IP Address 173
Browser/FTP 450
internet 1024
Non-Standard 486
Non-Standard Port Numbers 486
BT Relate 1100 356
BT SIN 227
conforming 356
BT X25 237
BtnVu 862
Bundled/Multilinked 462
Busy 598, 769, 779, 811, 823, 851, 854, 855, 869, 875,
884, 893, 894, 919, 927, 928, 930
contains 1233
exchange gives 237
set 369
Turning 570
Busy Controls 986
Busy Not Available 1012
Busy on Held 769, 919, 928, 930
busy signal 237
user 570, 769
Busy Status 928, 930
Busy Subscriber 288
Call Completion 1233
Busy Tone 440
Busy Tone Detection 215
Busy Wrap Up 441
BusyH 441, 769
BusyOnHeld 570
Button 286
3A 934
Editing 395
Inspect 521
Setting 645
Use 2A 934
button during 1000
button follow 894
button includes 656, 668
Button Indication 880, 902
button label 902
Button No 395
Button Programming 286, 643, 911, 924
Select 921
Button Programming Actions 399
Button Programming Manual 880
button receives
call 880
button requires
user 849
Button via
Programming 645, 647
buttons allow 930
user 880
buttons display 928
buttons show
user 880
Buttons Treated 884
Buttons Using 921
Programming 643
By Name 1081
By Number 594
Manager 10.1 Page 1259
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Extinguish 633
Small Office Edition 192
c723 192
CA 135, 762
calculate 450
Committed Burst 474
Calendar Date 163
Call Alerting Scenarios 393
Call Answered 882, 887, 898, 903, 916
Call Appearance 277, 642, 670, 676, 694, 695, 697, 701,
756, 762, 766, 768, 783, 787, 796, 799, 802, 811, 823,
831, 837, 849, 880, 882, 883, 884, 885, 887, 888, 889,
890, 891, 893, 899, 902, 903, 906, 909, 910, 911, 913,
915, 916, 918, 919, 920, 921, 924, 928, 930
Call Appearance button 589
Call Appearance Button Indication 885
Call Appearance Button State 885
Call Appearance Buttons 880, 882, 884, 885, 888, 890,
891, 903, 906, 909, 911, 913, 916, 918, 924, 928, 930
Reserving 919
Call Appearance Buttons Treated 884
Call Appearance Example 882, 883
Call Appearance User 887, 888, 889
Call Appearance Width 697, 762, 768, 796, 837
call arrives 893
line 884
Call Bar
Outgoing 993
Call Barring 927, 962
Call Barring options 66
Call By Call 308
Call By Call chooses 310
Call By Call reduces 310
Call Center 1010
Call Center Agents 1010
Call Center Hot Desking 1011
Call Center Mode 672
Call Completion 288
Busy Subscriber 1233
Call Continues Alerting 913
Call Cost 288
Set 948
Call Cost Markup
Applying 948
Call Cost Mark-Up 1233
Call Count 928
Call Coverage 880, 884, 893, 894, 895, 899, 906, 918,
920, 924, 928, 930
Call Coverage Appearance 880, 894, 895, 899, 906, 918
Call Coverage Appearance Buttons 906, 918
Call Coverage Button Indication 895
Call Coverage Button State 895
Call Coverage Example 893
Call Coverage Treated 894
Call Data Tagging on Transfer Actions 1227
Call Detail Recorder Communications 260
Call Details Record 1158
send 260
call follows
user 894
Call Forwarding All 770
Call Handling 930
Call Handling Changes 928
Call Held 889, 903, 920, 928
Call Intrude 771, 964
Call Intrude attempt
user 571
Call Intrusion 1001
Call List 747, 748, 749, 771
Call Listen 572, 772
Call Log 928
Call Park 774, 840, 966
Other Extension 775
Call Park To 775
Call Pickup 574, 776, 777
Call Pickup Any 574, 776
Call Pickup Extn 575
Call Pickup Group 576, 777
Call Pickup Line 576
Call Pickup Members 577, 777
Call Pickup User 577
Call Presentation 409
Call Proceeding 555
Call Progress 560
call progress signalling 388
Call Put on Hold 888, 930
Call Queue 779
Call Queued 578
Call Record 569, 779
Call Redirection During Fallback 428
Call Route 469
Call Sender 1233
Call Sequence
corresponding 629
Call Splitting 1152
Call Status 150, 920
Call Status Application 1233
Call Steal 579
Call Steal user 759
Call Tagging 966
Call Taken Off Hold 888, 889
call timing 916
Call Tracing
User 961
Call Transfer Announcements 1227
Call Types Blocked 980
Call Types Forwarded 988
Call Types Redirected 982
Call Waiting 440, 884, 913, 928, 930
Call Waiting Off 580, 783
Call Waiting On 580, 783
Call Waiting setting 417
Call waiting settings 884, 930
Call Waiting Suspend 580, 784
Call Waiting Tone 1115
Callback 450
Callback CP 462
Callback Mode 1027
Callback Telephone Number 450
Callback When Free 1038
Call-by-call 308
Call-by-call table
number 308
called Record Greeting 569
called/calling 963
Caller Display 1115
Caller Display Type 1115
Caller ID 378
Blocking 588
Manager 10.1 Page 1260
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Caller ID Information 356
Delay Waiting 279
Calling 417
5-second 1150
Directory System Agent 249
Hunt Group 577
ID 555
Number 1150
Number/Incoming Trunk Access Code 1150
Parking 969
Party Information 262
Reclaiming 579
Routing 536
Sales 443
set 308
Transferring 992
Calling Party Information
Mobile Twinning 262
Calling Party Number 299
CallIntrude 964
CallListen 572
CallPickupAny 574
CallPickupGroup 576
CallPickupLine 576
CallPickupMembers 577
CallPickupUser 577
CallQueue 578
CallRecord 578
Calls 759, 771, 772, 776, 777, 783, 784, 792
Sequential 818
Transferring 928
Calls Alerting 880, 887, 890, 894, 898, 899, 903, 906,
909, 911, 919, 920, 928
button 913
Coverage 893
User 913
calls direct 928
user's 884
Calls Directly
Routing 536
Calls forwarded 894
calls ringing 894
calls routed 894, 916
user 911, 918
Calls That Ignore 911
CallWaitingOn 580
CallWaitingSuspend 580
Can Intrude 381, 772, 916
subject 579, 759, 771, 800
Can Trace Calls 838, 961
Canada 1092
Canadian French 1081
Cancel 177
Follow Me 605
ringback 970
Cancel All Forwarding 581, 784
Cancel button
Selecting 58
Cancel Leave Word Calling 785
Cancel Ring Back When Free 581, 785
CancelCallForwarding 581
CancelRingBackWhenFree 581
cancels forwarding 608
all 610
Cannot 286, 645, 656, 670, 682, 748, 749, 756, 759, 771,
772, 788, 800, 814, 818, 849, 854, 855, 885, 891, 899,
900, 924, 928, 930
set 843, 967
use 916
Cannot Be 286, 645, 656, 670, 748, 749, 756, 759, 771,
772, 800, 814, 818, 843, 849, 854, 855, 885, 891, 898,
899, 900, 916, 924, 930
cannot be answered 899
cannot be called 358
cannot be forwarded 606
Cannot Be Intruded 772, 930, 964
cannot forward 962
cannot retrieve 930
Cantonese 1081
Card 233
Card/Module 277
Carriage Return 1158
VoIP 474
Case 651, 827, 835, 873
Castelle Fax Server Support 1227
cause 454
IP Office 62
login 175
Manager 175
CBC 1010
CBC/CCC Agents 445
CCBS 288
consume 1010
CCP 462
Insert 16
open 16
CDR 1158
generate 1150
receiving 260
type 260
CDR produces 1152
CDR Record Fields 1150
CDR Record Formats 1162
CDR Records 1158
internal 260
CE 1013
Center Mode 672
Central System 417
Centralized Voicemail 279
Centrex service 815
Centrex Transfer 815
complete 1000
performs 1000
Centrex Transfer Button Operation 1000
Centrex Transfer Operation
Analog Extensions 1000
Centrex Transfer Short Code Operation 1000
cer 148
Certificate Authorities 135
Certificate Checks 135
Certificate Import Wizard 135
Certificate MMC 135
Certificate Offered 175
certificate store 175
all 135
Certificate Store Export 135
Manager 10.1 Page 1261
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Certificate Stores 135
Certificates 1227
Certificates Current User Folder 135
CF TII 215
CFG 193
cfg file
Manager PC 65
cfg files 65
CFrwd 770
Challenge Response Authentication 253
Change Directory
selecting 172
Change Passwords 55
Change Universal PRI Card Line Type 305
Change Working Directory 172
Changes 643, 645, 647, 651, 697, 762, 768, 770, 788,
789, 796, 827, 828, 837, 857, 859, 867
Changing 172
characteristics 349
Column Widths 40
Companding LAW 237
E911 356
How 42
Initial 53
Initial Discovery Settings 53
Installed Applications 16
Locale 215
Manager Language 22
Manager PC 533
PC Registry Settings 533
Position 42
Size 46
TCP 168
timeout 378
Voicemail Type 233
Windows Registry Settings 175
Channel 233
Maximum No 450
Minimum No 450
Number 311
Outgoing 311
Channel Allocation 288
Channel Monitor 581, 786
Channel Name 286, 900
Channel Reservation 233
channel signaling 305
Channel Type 1027
Channel Unit 305
Channels 900, 926
CHAP 507
Chap Challenge Interval 507
CHAP during 461
Character 286
character encoding 194
character follows 1150
change 349
Charge 450
Advice 948
ISDN Advice 237
charge during 1233
Charge Unit 288
Line 948
Check Request DNS 1025
Check User Call Barring 538
Local IP Address 486
Modem Enabled 620
MultiLink/QoS 1034
Music 973
Remote IP Address 486
Checks level 135
CHI 288
Chile 1093
China 294
Chinese Simplified 1129
ChMon 786
chs 1094
cht 1129
CIR 474
Circuit Id
Outgoing 1150
Circular 439
Circular Group 439
Cisco 1027
Classic/Comfort icon 757, 766, 771, 776, 777, 797, 802,
803, 809, 811, 816, 826, 829, 830, 832, 835, 845, 851,
853, 854, 855, 869
Clear 645, 647, 765, 787, 788, 789, 790, 839, 847, 852
Clear Call 787, 968
Clear Channel 64K 301
Clear CW 583, 787
Clear Hunt Group Night Service 428, 788
Clear Hunt Group Out
Service 584, 789
Clear Hunt Group Out Of Service 428, 789
Clear Quota 585, 790
Clear-Back 288
ClearCW 583
ClearHuntGroupNightService 584
ClearHuntGroupOutOfService 584
ClearQuota 454
CLI 215
match 810
CLI Routing
existing 1227
CLI Routing Action
replaces 1227
CLI signalling 215
CLI Type 1232
Run STUN 221
CLID 899
Client 450
according 148
Client Certificate Checks 135
according 148
Client Certificate Store 148
Clock Quality 311
Close Configuration 168
Close Configuration/Security Settings After 170
Close Configuration/Security Settings After Send 170
Close Manager 1227
Close Security Settings 203
closing 203
Manager 1227
ClrCW 583, 787
cn 249
CnfMM 793
CnfRV 586, 793
Manager 10.1 Page 1262
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
CnLWC 785
Cnslt 795
CO 305
Code 286
Telephone Number 63
Code Dialed 1150
Code Features 399
Code Field Characters 555
Code Fields 538
Code List 494
Code Matching Examples 562
Code Programming
Small Community Networks 1055
Code Toggles 611
Code Used 494
codec 349
codecs 1233
codes beginning 560
Appearances 915
Appearances Example 915
Colleague 880, 887, 888, 889, 893, 916
Colleague's Phone 887, 889
Collect 233, 873
collect Voicemail 873
Collective 417
Collective Group 439
Colombia 1095
Colors 16
Columbia 971
column heading 32
Column Widths
Changing 40
Columns 32
Customizing 40
Columns Displayed
Customizing 40
COM Port 461
Comfort phones 854
Comma Separated Variable Text Files 63
Committed Burst
calculate 474
Committed Information Rate 474
Common Branch Prefix 349
Common Branch Prefix Leading Digit Routing 349
Communication 32
Compact Business Center 1010
Compact Contact Center 1010
Compact DECT 1233
Compact Flash Card 253
Compact Mode 407
Companding 1115
Companding LAW
Changes 237
companding method 237
compared 221
LCR 1233
complete 233
Centrex Transfer 1000
Dialing 446
complete dialing 533
complete ringing 417
Compression Mode 507
Computers 462
Condition Code 1158
Conf 585, 792
conferenc 636
Conference Add 585, 792
Pressing 883, 915
Conference Calls 1001
Conference Capability 1001
Conference Center 1001
Book 369
Conference Center IP Address 369
Conference Center URL
moved 369
Conference Handling 1004
Conference Meet Me 793, 1227
Conference Meet Me button 1227
pressing 1005
Conference Resources
Other Use 1001
Conference Starts 883
Conference Starts/Call Appearances Collapse 915
ConferenceAdd 585
Conferences 469
Book 407
DSP 1001
Ending 1001
Recording 1001
conferencing 916
Conferencing Center 916
Conferencing Overview 1001
Conferencing Tone 237, 916, 923
config 55
Configuration 135
Erasing 68
Loading 55
Saving 65
Sending 66
Configuration Icons 46
Configuration Interface
Altering 46
Configuration Mode 32
Configuration Mode Interface 31
Configuration Mode Screen Elements 32
Configuration onto PC
Saving 65
Configuration Received
Saving 65
Configuration Settings 32
Revalidating 44
Configuration Stored
Loading 55
Configurations 594
Configure Preferences 407
configuring 407
Line Appearances 286
Manager 58
Confirm 233
Belcore 356
BT SIN 227 356
CONN 378
Connected Call 969
Existing 441
IP Office 62
Manager 10.1 Page 1263
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
SES 1227
WAN 472
Consult 795
consume 305
CCC 1010
Contact 349
Internet 486
Windows 2000 Server Active Directory 249
Contact Information 55
Contact Information Check 55
ContactStore 469
contains 450
Busy 1233
Line Renumber 1233
Continue 440
continue dialing 558
continue ringing 381
control outgoing external 208
Control Unit
IP Address 1034
selected 221
timeouts 450
type 1024
Voice Compression Card 1033
Control Unit checks 450
Control Unit IP
including 221
Control Unit on LAN1 221
control unit runs 1233
Control Unit's LAN1 68
converts 311
URL 232
copy 193
IP Office Manager 55
Voicemail 431
Corrections 279
Call Sequence 629
IP Protocol 486
Manager application 154
Managers 135
RingType1 629
corresponds 701, 856
Cost Per 948
Cost Per Charging Unit 288
Country 249
according 296
set according 296
Country Locales 1081
Cover 880, 884, 885, 891, 894, 895, 900, 906, 915, 918,
User 893
User Answers 893
Coverage 642, 796, 811, 857, 880, 894, 895, 919, 921,
Call Alerts 893
Coverage Appearance 796
Coverage Appearances 399
Coverage window 393
Covered User 880, 893, 894, 895, 906, 918, 921
Call 893
covered user alerting 906, 918
Extension 393
User 393
Covering Extensions 393
Covering User Answers 893
covers 651, 796
CPark 774
CPE 305
CpkUp 575, 776
CRAM-MD5 253
CRC 305
CRC Checking 305
Create Configuration tool 62
Create New Config 62
Create New Configuration 36
Create New Record 36
firewall 485
CSU Operation 305
CSV 349
set 194
CSV file
display 349
CSV File Formats 63
CTI 755, 756, 758, 759, 760, 785, 795, 834, 836, 837,
842, 862
Ctrl key 294
Currency 288
Current Cadence 1132
Current Configuration 1227
Loading 55
Current Frequency 1115
Current User 594
Current User Certificate Store 175
cust 625, 852
Custom 636
Custom Firewall Entry 485
Customer Premises Equipment 305
Customize Columns 40
Customize Locale Settings 215
Customizing 215
Columns 40
Columns Displayed 40
set 1096
CW 589, 799
CWOff 580, 783
CWOn 580, 783
CWSus 580, 784
Cyrillic 1122
D3K1 797
D4 305
D56K 798
D64K 798
Range 454
set 454
dan 1097
Danish 1081
DAP 249
Data 450
Data 56K 465
Data 64K 465
Data Call 450, 798, 805, 806
Data Channel 1024
Data Link Connection Identifier 474
Data Packet 462
Manager 10.1 Page 1264
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Data Pkt 462
data producing 135
data relating
unit 58
Data Routing
Overview 1024
Data Settings 68
Data Tagging 1227
Data V110 465
Date 1158
Date Format 260
Date Record 1158
Day 454, 790
Time 864, 934
Day/Month 1149
dB 301
D-channels 305
DCLIs 1034
DCW 589, 799
DDI 921, 1227
DDI Numbers 1227
DDI System 1227
De 474
TEI's 288
DECT 366
DECT Line ID 366
de-DE 22
Dedicated T1/PRI ISP Link 1027
Default All button
Advanced 296
Default Blank Call Routes 465
default companding 565
Default Currency 237
Default Message Waiting 1115
Default No Answer Time 237, 924
Default Ring 972
selecting 629
default ringing tones 972
Default Route 1027
Default Service 135
Default Value 1027
occurs 470
DefaultRing 381
MWI 358
define 450
ICLID 1030
WAN 456
Definity 597, 806
Delay 177, 880, 885, 891, 895, 897, 900, 902, 906, 911,
913, 916, 918, 923, 924
set 381
Delay Count 558
Delay Dial 301
Delay End 301
delay following 237
Delay Time 538
Delay Waiting
Caller ID Information 279
Delayed Ring 906
set 911, 918
use 911
Delayed Ring Preference 381, 906, 911, 913, 924
Delayed Ring Preference setting 911
Delayed ringing 381
Delete 55
Delete Contact Information 55
Delete Entry 36
Delete Incoming Call Route 159
Entry 42
Delta 1010
Delta Server 253
Delta Server Failure 253
Delta Server Operational 253
Denmark 971
Deny/ClearCall 583
dongle 502
DER 135
DES 509
DES_40 154
DES_56 154
DES-40 135
DES-56 135
describes 36
Manager 18
deselected 409
Enable Time Server 215
desker 381
deskers 1010
desking 594, 643, 920
Twinning 399
destination exists 491
profile specifying 483
set 253
Details Pane 32
Details Pane Actions 42
Details Toolbar 36
User's Busy Status 990
deu 1103
Device ID 253
Device Number 354
Device Type 356
Device Version Numbers 1227
DH Group 509
DHCP 326
addresses 1024
starting address 221
DHCP Client 232
DHCP IP Addresses 221
DHCP Mode 1030
DHCP Server 232
DHCP Server on LAN1 221
Dial 883, 885, 891, 894, 900, 913, 916, 927, 928
Dial 3K1 589, 797
Dial 56K 589, 798
Dial 64K 798
Dial By Name 1038
Dial CW 799
Dial Delay Count 237
Dial Delay Time 558
Dial Delay Time expiring 562
Manager 10.1 Page 1265
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Dial Direct 799
Dial Direct Hotline 561
Dial Emergency 377, 800
Line Group ID 552
respond 552
Dial Emergency Short Codes 591
Dial Guard
Outgoing 301
Dial In 1034
Dial In Authorization 461
Dial In On 390
Dial In Service 1034
Dial In Tab 1026
Dial Inclusion 592, 800
Dial Intercom 393, 802
Dial Paging 803
Dial Physical Extn 551
Dial Physical Extn By ID 804
Dial Physical Extn By Number 804
Dial Speech 595, 805, 833
Dial Tone 760, 812, 853, 988
Dial V110 805
Dial V120 806
Dial Video 807
Dial/0 555
Dial3K1 494
Dial56K 494
Dial64K 494
DialCW 589
DialDirect 590
DialDirectHotLine 590, 927
Dialed Number 1158
DialEmergency 494
DialExtn 591
DialIn 456
DialIn window 456
DialInclusion 592
Dialing Prefix 481
Adding 963
Dialling Timeout 1083
DialP 594, 804
DialPhysicalExtnByNumber 594
DialPhysicalNumberByID 594
DialSpeech 494
DialV110 494
DialV120 494
DialVideo 494
DID 286, 921
result 577, 777
DID call 577
DID routing 200
Telephone Number 538
DiffServ 221
DiffServ Code Point 221
DiffServ QoS 214
DiffServe 221
DiffServe Marking 349
DiffServe Settings 349
DiffServer 349
DiffServer Settings 349
Digital Station 356
Digital Station V2 212
Digital Trunk Clock Source Change Alarm 1227
Digital56 477
Digital64 1027
Digits 286
Matching 279
digits following 536
Dir 481, 651, 809
Dirct 590, 799
Direct 440, 656, 799, 808, 871
direct call 1038
Direct Hot Line 590
Direct Inward Dial 305
Direct Media 469
Direct Remote Access 1030
Directed Call Pickup 808
Directed Call Pick-Up 1038
Directed Pickup 808
Direction 295
Directories 369
selecting 172
Working 172
Directory 651, 748, 749, 809
Directory | Directory Entry 481
Directory Access Protocol 249
Directory Entries 378
Directory Entry
creates 249
Directory Name Matching 963
Directory System Agent
called 249
StacLZS 507
Disable Account 135
Disable Account creates 146
Disable ARS Form 538
Disable CCP
set 462
Disable Internal Forward Busy 597
Disable Internal Forward Unconditional 596
Disable Internal Forwards 596
Disable Speakerphone 1227
Disabled 614
Disconnect 417
Outgoing 301
tone disconnect clearing 237
Disconnect Clear 358
Disconnect Guard
Outgoing 301
Disconnect Pulse Width
selected 358
Disconnect Tone 1115
Disconnected Signal Error 301
IP Office 53
Discovery 173, 221
Discovery Addresses 53
Displ 597, 806
Display 1026
AOC 948
CSV file 349
Withheld 378
Display All 39
selecting 643
Display All Buttons
selecting 395, 643
Display Charges
Manager 10.1 Page 1266
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Display Charges
User 948
display existing ports 1027
display existing routes 1027
Display Mode 672
Display Msg 597, 806
Display Name 1122
displays calling 963
Displays HdSet 830
Displays HfAns 835
Displays LIST 771
Displays S1 845
Distinctive Ringing 972
ringback 632
Distributed Network 349
diverted 631
Voicemail 570
DLCI learning 473
DLCIs 1034
automatic learning 473
learning 473
Listen 473
DLCIs arriving 473
DMS100 305
DND 598, 749, 811, 890, 899
Enabling 980
including 441
DND Exception 978
DND Exception Numbers List 978
DNDOf 441, 811
DNDOn 441, 811
DNDX 598, 810
DNS 173
address 232
making 486
DNS Domain 232
DNS Server 486
DNS Service IP Address 232
DNS/Use DNS 232
DNS/Use DNS forwarding 232
DO 1227
Do Not Disturb 594, 747, 748, 784, 804, 810, 811, 841,
851, 884, 890, 894, 899
selecting 441
Do Not Disturb Exception 598
Do Not Disturb Exception Add 598, 810
Do Not Disturb Exception Delete 598, 810
Do Not Disturb Exception list 598, 810, 811, 851, 884, 894
Do Not Disturb Exception Numbers List 598
Do Not Disturb On 811
Domain Name Server 232
Domain Name Server addresses 214
Domain Name System 249
Done 428
Depending 502
Dongle Serial Number 215
dongles 502
DoNotDisturbExceptionAdd 598
DoNotDisturbExceptionDel 598
DoNotDisturbOff 599
DoNotDisturbOn 599
Dont 625
Door Phone 1/Door Phone 358
DpkUp 808
Drop 32, 812, 827
10 450
NetBIOS 486
Drop button 812
Program 393
Drop disconnects 812
Drop-Down 366
Drop-Down List Options 470
DS 68, 856, 858
functions 597, 806
DS16 V2 681
DS30 681
DSA 249
DSCP 221
DSCP Mask 221
conferencing 1001
DSP Conferencing 1001
DSpch 595, 805
DSS 215, 645, 647, 656, 757, 766, 771, 776, 777, 797,
802, 803, 809, 811, 816, 826, 829, 830, 832, 835, 845,
851, 853, 854, 855, 869
DSS key
pressing 215
DSS Link 656, 757, 766, 771, 776, 777, 797, 802, 803,
809, 811, 816, 826, 829, 830, 832, 835, 845, 851, 853,
854, 855, 869
DSS Link LED 757, 766, 771, 776, 777, 797, 802, 803,
809, 811, 816, 826, 829, 830, 832, 835, 845, 851, 853,
854, 855, 869
DSS Link Unit 656
DSS Status 215
DSS/BLF 1038
DSSN 565
DT 669
DTMF 295
DTMF 2/3 373
DTMF Dialing 555
DTMF key 532
DTMF Mark 279
DTMF pin/account 555
DTMF signalling 356
DTMF Space 279
DTMFD 1113
Duration-minutes 1158
Duration-tenths 1158
minute 1154
Dutch 1113
DV110 805
DV120 806
Dvide 807
dvpots.bin 212
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol 1024
E&M 305
E&M DID 305
set 301
Manager 10.1 Page 1267
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
E&M Switched 301
E&M Switched 56K 305
E&M Tie
set 305
set 301
E1 PRI 880, 926, 927
E1R2 880, 926
E1-R2 305
E1R2 Edit Channel 295
E1R2 Edit Channel Settings 295
E1-R2 Options 294
E911 591
changes 356
E911 Adjunct 552
E911 adjunct detects
error 551
E911 Adjunct Settings 551
Echo Return Loss 263
Edit 643, 926
Edit buttons 377
Edit menu 65
NAT firewalls 221
EIR 474
send 373
email address 253
email application 431
Email From Address 253
Email Mode 373
Email Reading 373
emails 253
EMC 1013
Emergency 377, 800
Emrgy 591, 800
Emulation 597
set 934
EN41003 1013
EN60950 1013
ena 1087
Enable Application Idle Timer 175
Enable ARS Form 538
Enable BootP 170
Enable CDRs 260
Enable DHCP Support 326
Enable Faststart 319
non-Avaya IP Phones 360
Enable Internal Forward Busy 600
Enable Internal Forward Unconditional 600
Enable Internal Forwards 600
Enable intra-switch CDRs 260
Enable Local Recording 531
Enable NAT 221
Enable Port
Serial Communication 170
Enable RSVP 326
Enable SNMP 253
Enable Time Server 170
deselecting 215
Enable User AOC Display 948
Enable VoIP
sets 407
enable/disable 462, 835
Software 391
enabled/disabled 1227
Small Community Networking 1041
Encapsulated Security Payload 510
Encrypted Password 1026
End 450, 483
Conferences 1001
Outgoing 301
PVC 474
VoIP 555
end prompts 477
End Time 483
Ends Overlap Send 319
eng 1081
English 1081
Enhanced 299
Enhanced Called Party Number 299
Enhanced Conference Meet Me 1227
Enquiry Call Between Colleagues 889
ens 1125
Entry 233
Deleting 42
Editing 42
Validating 42
Entry List 483
Entry Types 36
entry/exit 923
enu 1081
en-US 22
enz 1081
Erase 68
Erase Configuration 68
Configuration 68
IP Office Configuration 68
Error 450
E911 adjunct detects 551
Jumping 44
timeout lapses 476
Error Pane 46
hides 196
Show/Hide 36
Error Pane Actions 44
Error Threshold Counter 476
ESF 305
esl 1093
esm 1111
es-MX 22
eso 1095
ESP 1126
esr 1118
ess 1086
establish 450
SA 508
esv 1134
ETA 465
etcissue.txt 16
Ethernet 1233
Ethernet LAN 12
ethernet LAN/WAN 1233
ETN 310
set 305
sets 307
Manager 10.1 Page 1268
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
EU24 656
EU24/EU24BL 1122
EU24BL 656
Europe 512
European 1013
European Union 1013
Event State 253
Events 1227
Events Counter 476
Ex Directory 369
Joining 916
Bc 474
Excel 194
except 598
IP 356
Small Office Edition 1030
except Call Waiting 1233
Excess Information Rate 474
exchange 311
exchange allocating
TEI's 283
exchange deciding 288
exchange gives
busy 237
exchange passing 200
Exchange Type 509
Excl 837
Home Editions 16
T3 1227
WAN3 62
exe file 22
Execute 576
CLI Routing 1227
Connected Call 441
Flash Hook 1000
Rights Groups 133
ringback 785
Service Users 133
Existing User 1009
Exit 647, 1004
Manager application 195
exp 194
Expanded 1227
Expansion 62
Expansion Module 221
Expansion Port 354
expects 349
H323 Proceeding 319
expiry 431
Expiry Date 1227
Expiry Reminder Time
set 163
Selecting 645, 647
Export 148
Exporting 135
Settings 63
Exporting Settings 63
EXT O/P 622, 844, 845
ExtendDirectLimit 378
Extended Callback Control Protocol 462
Extended CBCP 462
Extended Length Name Display 963
ExtendLDAPDirectLimit 378
Extension 286
Covering 393
ID 472
matching 1009
User 594
User Restriction/Rights 63
Extension | Analog 358
Extension | Extn 551
extension clicking 36
Extension ID 470
Extension ID's 552
extension initiating 604
Extension Length Routing 349
Extension List 441
Ann 443
Extension Number 584
extension number sharing 319
extension number specified 604
Extension Number*Login Code 601
extension rings 393
extension specified 591
Extension VoIP 1227
Extension*Login Code 601
extension/users 393
extension/VCM 62
Extensions Renumber 198
External 598
automatic recording 434
place 1232
External Call 978
Making 481
External Calls 884, 916
External Dialing Prefix 588
external handling 461
External Inbound Calls Only 1012
External Incoming 381
External MOH 973
External Music on Hold 973
External Transfers
Barring 962
Externally Forwarded Calls
Retrieving 978
C/F LED 633
ExtLogout 1009
Extn 601, 813, 814
Extn Login 381, 813
Extn Logout 601, 814
Extn201 636, 873
Extn201's Voicemail 636
Extn202 68
Extn205 572
Extn221 869
Extnlogin 1009
ExtnLogin button 1009
ExtnLogout 601
Extra Bandwidth 450
Extra BW Mode 450
Extra BW Threshold 450
Extrn 809
Manager 10.1 Page 1269
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
F7 486
facsimileTelephoneNumber 249
Failure 221
set 311
fallback during 455
Fallback Extension 531
Fallback Service 483
Fallback Service list 455
Fast Busy 1115
Fast Busy Tone 1115
Fast Flash 885, 891, 895, 900, 930
Fast Forward 1233
Faststart 360
Favor 215
Favor RIP Routes 215
Favour RIP Routes 215
Fax 349, 959
includes 1233
Fax Transport Support 319
FC 221
FCC 1013
FCN 674, 675
Feature Key 16, 215
Feature Key dongle 215, 502
match 502
Feature Key Server PC 215
Feature/Action 428
features/button 428
features/button programming actions 428
Feed 1158
FF 835
Field Description 1158
FIFO 1227
File Directory Used 181
File Menu 166
File Sizes 52
File Type 63
Files 450
files during 12
Filters 486
Find 928
Finland 971
Finnish 1081
FIPS 140-2 135
Firewall 1233
create 486
cross 485
following 486
Firewall Entry 486
firewall facing
Internet 486
firewall list 485
Firewall Profile 486
Firewall Service Controls 1233
Firewall/NAT Type 221
firewalls 221
First Call 882, 883, 889, 909, 910, 913, 915, 916, 930
User 903, 906
First Call Alerting 909
First Call Alerts 882, 906, 909
First Caller Abandons 903, 906
First Incoming Digit 301
First In-First Out
order 1227
Fixed Length Numbering 62
Flag 311
set 409
flash 603, 885, 891, 895, 900, 928, 930, 1000
Flash Hook 301, 815
dialing 1000
existing 1000
set 1000
Flash Hook button 1000
Flash Hook Detect 301
Flash Hook Generation 301
Flash Hook Pulse Width 358
Flash Pulse Width 279
flash signal 1000
FlashHook 603
Flemish 1089
Flutter 930
FNE32 937
Follow Me 594, 749, 784, 804, 816, 817, 841, 852, 884,
cancel 605
including 982
Number 982
set 605
Follow Me Calls 991
Follow Me Controls 982
Follow Me Here 604, 749, 816
Follow Me Here Cancel 605, 816
Follow Me Number 982
Follow Me To 817, 982
Follow Me To Number
set 982
firewall 486
Incoming Call Route 332
ISDN 1233
Microsoft 175
T1 1027
T1 PRI 1027
toolbars 36
Follow-Me 1083
FollowMeHere 604
FollowMeHereCancel 605
FollowMeTo 605
FollowTo 982
FolTo 605, 817
Force Authorization 446
Force Authorization Code 446
selecting 533
Force Authorization Codes on All External Calls 533
Force Authorization Codes on Specific Calls 533
Force New Password 163
Forced Account Code 446
Forced Login 601
set 1010
Forced-Release 288
Account Code Entry 962
Authorization 533
Authorization Codes 533
Foreign Exchange 305
Form 968
Manager 10.1 Page 1270
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Form 968
ID 135
Quality 221
Format Code 1158
Options 260
Forward 651, 747, 748, 749, 770, 784, 804, 812, 818,
820, 821, 822, 823, 824, 825, 826, 841, 852
Forward Hunt Group Calls 388, 884
Forward Hunt Group Calls Off 606, 818
Forward Hunt Group Calls On 606, 818
Forward Internal 823, 824, 826, 978
Forward Internal Calls 388
Forward Multicast Messages 505
Forward Number 606, 770, 818, 820, 823, 824, 826
uses 608
Forward on Busy 608, 784, 820, 821, 822, 823, 824, 825,
884, 930
Forward On Busy Number 820, 821, 823, 824, 978
Forward On Busy Off 608, 822
Forward On Busy On 608, 823
Forward on No Answer 381, 784, 812, 821, 824, 825
Forward On No Answer Off 609, 824
Forward On No Answer On 609, 824
Forward Unconditional 610, 747, 748, 770, 784, 818, 825,
826, 884
Having 388
set 441
Forward Unconditional Controls 984
Forward Unconditional Off 610, 825
Forward Unconditional On 610, 770, 826
Forwarded Extension 963
Transfers 992
forwarded/diverted 393
ForwardHuntgroupCallsOff 606
ForwardHuntgroupCallsOn 606
Forwarding 606
Maximum Number 991
selecting 441
Forwarding All 651, 749, 770, 825, 826
Forwarding tab 993
Forwarding/Divert 393
ForwardNumber 607
ForwardOnBusyNumber 607
ForwardOnBusyOff 608
ForwardOnBusyOn 608
ForwardOnNoAnswerOff 609
ForwardOnNoAnswerOn 609
ForwardUnconditionalOff 610
ForwardUnconditionalOn 610
FR 52
FR_link 1034
fra 1081
Fragmentation Method 473
Frame Learn Mode 473
Frame Link Type 1034
Frame Management Type 473
Frame Relay 1034
supporting 472
Frame Relay Connection 1034
Frame Relay Management Type 1034
FrameRelay Tab 1034
France 215
frb 1090
frc 1081
Free 611
French 1100
German 22
French Canadian 1081
Frequency 454
Frequency Shift Keying 356
Frequency/Channel 512
FRF12 474
fr-FR 22
00PM Monday 453
Monday 483
FRL 1158
affects 333
From Making Any External Calls 962
FSK 215
FSK V23 215
FSKA 356
FSKB 356
FSKC 356
FSKD 1093
FTP 450
Full Cone NAT 221
Full Control 619
Full Hot Desking 1011
Full Names 369
Full Status Inquiry 476
Full Status Polling Counter 476
Func 381
function 396
DS 597
users 611
Function | Reclaim 992
function attempts 579
Further Calls 417
FwBNo 607, 821
FwBOf 608, 822
FwBOn 608, 823
Fwd 988
Fwd on Busy 986
Fwd on No Answer 988
FwdH 441, 818
FwdNo 607, 820
FwdOf 581, 784
FwNOf 609, 824
FwNOff 824
FwNOn 609, 824
FwUOf 610, 825
FwUOn 610, 826
G.711 349
G.711 ALAW 349
G.711 ALAW 64K 349
G.711 ULAW 64K 349
G.711/G.729 349
G.723 349
G.723.1 6K3 MP-MLQ 349
G.729 Simple 326
G.729 VoIP 474
G.729 VoIP creates
20 474
Fax 959
Manager 10.1 Page 1271
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
G711 ALAW 349
G711 ULAW 349
G729 1033
G729a 349
GAP 1233
Gatekeeper 319
Gatekeeper Settings 221
Gateway 1034
Gateway IP Address 326
General 135
General Availability 22
General Manager Changes 1227
General Settings 146
generate 453
CDR 1150
German 1081
Germany 215
Get 135
Security Settings 133
Goes Off Hook 880, 885, 895, 900, 902, 903, 928, 930
GRE 486
Greece 1102
Greek 1081
Green flash 930
greyed 175
Ground-Start 299
Group 651, 749, 772, 777, 788, 789, 803, 808, 809, 818,
827, 828, 829, 832, 833, 854, 855
Overflow 426
Group Admin 159
Group button 422, 827
Group Call Waiting 441
Group Calls 441
Group Details 158
Group Disable 614
Group Edit 159
Group Enable 614, 749
Group Fallback 428
Group Fallback Controls 428
Group Group 439
Group ID 349
Outgoing 286
group ID's 1233
Group Listen 611
Group Listen Off 611
Group Listen On 611
Group Listen On/Off 1227
Group Member Availability 441
Group Member Availability Settings 441
Group Membership 130
Group Message Waiting Indication 971
Group Night Service 749, 854
Group Operation 1227
Group Paging 829
Group Pane 32
hides 196
right 196
Show/Hide 133
Group Pane Actions 40
Group Queue Settings 422
group reaching 417
Group Service States 428
Group Settings 440
group talks 1152
Group Types 441
Group Voicemail 440
Group/Account Code Call Recording Destination 1227
group1 249
group1,cn 249
GroupListenOff 611
GroupListenOn 611, 828
Groups 628
Outgoing 349
Overflow Time 417
X's 555
Groups Names 417
groups Voicemail Time 417
GrpPg 829
GSM Silence Suppression 237
Guest 213
H.323 51
H.323 Trunk Support 1227
H<Group Name 378
H323 Auto-create Extn 221
H323 Auto-create User 221
H323 Gatekeeper Enable 221
H323 Proceeding
expects 319
H323 Progress
send 319
H323SetupTimerNoLCR Software 378
H450 319
set 1041
H450 Support 319
handsfree 611, 748, 749, 766, 802, 828, 829, 839
Handsfree/Monitoring 747
Happens When 369
Hunt Group Members Becomes Available 422
Hard Disk Space 16
Hardware 461
Hardware Support 1233
Haul Length 305
Forward Unconditional 388
HDB3 296
HdSet 612, 830
Header Compression 1034
Header Compression Mode
Set 1034
HEADSET 611, 903
Headset button 611, 830, 835
Headset Force Feed 1227
Headset Toggle 612, 830
HeadsetToggle 612
hear 522, 913, 923
systems 973
hear ringing 381
hears ringing 913
Held 450, 670, 674, 675, 695, 834, 846, 866, 884, 885,
891, 894, 895, 898, 900, 920, 923, 928, 930
held call 928
Held Calls 884, 885, 888, 898
Retrieving 928, 930
Held Validation 1233
Held/Parked Call Timeout 884
Help menus 166
her/his 636
Hertz 1083
Manager 10.1 Page 1272
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
HfAns 835
HGDis 441, 833
HGEna 441, 832
HGNS 584, 788, 854
HGNS+200 854
HGOS 584, 789, 855
HGOS+200 855
adding 431
hide 36
Error Pane 196
Group Pane 196
ID's 509
Navigation Pane 196
Service Base TCP Port 170
Hide Options 407
Hide/Show Error Pane 46
Hide/Show Group Pane 46
Hide/Show Navigation Pane 46
Hiding 506
Hiding Panes 46
Hiding Toolbars 36
High 148, 538
Minimum Password Complexity 135
Hist 928
HMAC MD5 510
HMain 378
Hold 585, 747, 748, 749, 830, 831, 846, 880, 882, 883,
884, 885, 888, 889, 890, 891, 895, 898, 900, 902, 903,
909, 910, 911, 915, 919, 920
Bridged Call 916
Pressing 928, 930
Hold Call 612, 830
Hold CW 613, 831
Hold Elsewhere 884, 885, 888, 889, 890, 891, 900, 930
Hold Here 885, 891, 895, 900, 916
Hold key 587
Hold Music 319, 831
Hold Return 237
Hold Timeout 237
HoldCall 612
HoldCW 613, 831
HoldMusic 613
holdmusic.wav 973
holdmusic.wav file
look 973
Holmdel 481
holmdel,ou 249
Home Editions
excluding 16
Hong Kong 1104
Hook Persistency 358
Hook Station 616
Host System 154
hosting 221
IP Office 16
Voicemail Pro 1038
Hot Desking 920, 982
Hot Desking Examples 1011
Hot Desking login 982
Hot Desking/Logging On 930
Hot-Desking 388
Hot-Line Dialing 561
hot-swappable 1232
Hours 428
Working 369
Hours Route 483
Out 538
Hours Routing 536
Hours Time Profile 527
Working 369
Hours User Rights
Out 369
Working 369
Housekeeping 1227
Housekeeping tab 1227
How 440
Changing 42
How Many Calls Can 422
However BOOTP 212
However QSIG 1041
HSales 971
hun 1105
Hungarian 1081
Hungary 971
Hunt Group 522, 777, 783, 788, 808, 818, 826, 827, 832,
833, 854, 855, 877
call 577
Overflow 426
Sets 381
Hunt Group | Call Waiting On 968
Hunt Group Announcement 409
Recording 436
hunt group call ringing 441
Hunt group call waiting 417, 884, 928, 930
Hunt Group Calls 441, 783, 826, 884, 928, 930
Hunt Group Calls Off 606, 818
Hunt Group Calls On 606, 818
Hunt Group Disable 833
Hunt Group Enable 627, 832
hunt group exceeds 422
Hunt Group Members Becomes Available
Happens When 422
Hunt Group Memberships 1010
hunt group message waiting indication 971
Hunt Group Messages 971
Accessing 431
Hunt Group Operation 1227
hunt group recording 1233
Hunt Type 440
Set 443
HuntGroup 63
HuntGroupDisable 614
HuntGroupEnable 614
Hypertext Transfer Protocol 485
Hz 1115
I800 310
IANA 221
Iauto 766
Iceland 971
Icelandic 1081
ICLID 286, 897, 899, 911, 916
define 1030
ICLID numbers 810
ICMP 486
ICMP Filtering 486
ICR 159
Manager 10.1 Page 1273
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
ICSeq 629, 856
ID 349, 775, 804, 837, 868, 897, 916, 921, 926, 927
calling 555
Extension 472
forms 135
ID 16 594
ID 2010 775
ID Numbers 555
ID Prot 509
identifies 135, 1026
LCR 494
Manager 135
Idial 802
Idle Line Preference 902, 903, 906, 909, 911, 913, 915,
916, 924
Idle Line Preference Example 903
Idle Period 450
ID's 1233
hide 509
ie 811, 851, 906, 928, 930
IGMP 485
Ignore 311
Alarm 422
ignored during 63
ignored during import 63
IKE 509
IKE Policies 509
IMM Dial Guard
Outgoing 301
Immediate 221, 880, 924
set 911, 918
Immediate Overflow 426
immediate ringing 381
Implementation 135
Import 502
Import/Export 194
Importing 194
License Keys 502
Settings 63
IMS 431
In Firewall Profile 390
In On 1011
In Queue Alarm 422
In Queue Threshold 417
In Service 349, 788, 789
In Time Profile 390
In use 670, 674, 675, 695, 799, 823, 840, 869
in/out 788, 789
Inactivity Timeout 349
inc GSDN 310
Inclu 592, 800
Includes DHCP 214
includes ringing 1233
Inclusion 800, 1038
Calls 899
Outgoing 450
incoming call alerts 393
Incoming Call Route 286
Create 1030
following 332
Incoming call route records 469
Incoming Call Routing 450
incoming call routing occurs 332
Incoming Caller Line Identification 963
Incoming Calls 286
ISDN 311
Incoming CLI 332
Incoming Group 286
Incoming Group ID 325
Incoming Line Group 200
Incoming Number Short Codes 554
Incoming Password 449
ind 1107
Index 381, 809
India 294
MAC 326
start ringing 623
Indicates follow 972
Indication 968
Individual Coverage Time 893, 894, 918, 924
Individual Coverage Timer 796
Individual Hot Desking 601
individual 135
Information Packet 555
Information Protocol 485
Routing 491
Inhibit Off-Switch 993
Inhibit Off-Switch Forward/Transfer 993
Inhibit Off-Switch Transfers 820, 821
numbers 978
Initial 450
Changing 53
Initial Call 450, 883, 915
Initial Discovery Settings
Changing 53
Insert 233
CD 16
Inside 428
Inside Call Sequence 381
Inspect 834
button 521
Inspt 834
Install 407
Installed Applications
Changing 16
Manager 16
MIB 253
instructs 555
ISDN 961
Insufficient 536
INT Direct 1149
INT Process 1149
INT-Direct 1156
Integrated Management Control 55
Inter Digit 301
Interactive Button Menus 651
Intercept Busy Tone 1115
Intercom 802
Interconnect Number 354
Interexchange Carrier Code 1150
Interface 135
Avaya 1227
Intermediate Digit Pause 279
Intermittent Flash 885, 891, 900, 930
Manager 10.1 Page 1274
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Internal 598, 911
CDR records 260
set 399
Internal Auto-Answer 835, 911
Internal Call 1036
Internal Data 1024
Internal Forwards 596
Internal Modem Card 1030
Internal Music on Hold File 237
Internal Twinning 1232
Internal Twinning function 1232
Internal Twinning Settings 399
International 536
international dialing 555
International Prefix 311, 927
Internet 453, 790
browsing 1024
contact 486
firewall facing 486
including 249
like 454
routed 1025
Internet Assigned Numbers Authority 221
internet email 341
internet email address 341
Internet Group Membership Protocol 485
Internet menu 485
Internet Relay Chat 485
Internet Service Provider 232
Internet Time 215
Internet 1027
Internet01 449
internet-based 135
interoperate 249
interoperation 249
INT-Process 1158
Intranet 1026
Intranet Service
become 1026
intra-switch 260
Intru 571, 771
Intruded 759, 771, 772, 800, 843, 898, 916, 924, 930, 964
Intuity 636, 871, 873
Intuity Emulation 636
Intuity Emulation Mailbox Mode 431
Intuity Emulation Mode 636
Inverse Wink 930
Inwats 310
IP 173, 585
allocates 68
creating 1027
Enabling 1233
Except 356
includes 1024
including 1233
names 232
obtain 221
outgoing 1027
uses 68
working 1036
IP 500 633
IP Address 232, 570 490
Control Unit 1034
Leave 1027
local 221
mask 490
meeting 490
IP Address 570
IP Address Automatically
Obtain 1030
IP Audio Enabled license 407
deleting 325
during 326
IP DECT Extension 366
IP Device
SIP Line Call 349
IP Extensions 360
IP Header Compression 462
IP Lines 555
IP Mask 68
IP Mask 68
IP Mask 68
IP Office Admin Suite
selecting 16
IP Office Administrator Applications CD 16
IP Office Configuration
Erasing 68
IP Office DVD 16
IP Office Functions 12
IP Office Manager
copy 55
IP Office Manager Language 22
IP Office Service User 55
IP Office System Discovery 58
IP Phones 772, 828
IP Port 260
IP Protocol
corresponds 486
IP Route 1029
Create 1026
IP Search Criteria 173
IP Service 454
IP subnet 221
IP Trunk Fallback 494
IP400 ATM4 279
IP400 ATM4 Universal 279
IP400 VCM 263
ip401ng.bin 212
IP403 593
ip403.bin 212
IP406 593
IP406 V1 286
IP406 V2 593
ip406.bin 212
ip406u.bin 212
IP406V2 326
IP412 593
ip412.bin 212
IP460 V2 221
IP500 793
IP500 Analog 279
IP500 Analog Trunk 279
IP500 PRI Universal 1227
IP500 PRI-U 305
IP500 Universal PRI 305
IP500 Upgrade Standard
Manager 10.1 Page 1275
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
IP500 Upgrade Standard
adding 1233
IP500 VCM 1233
IP500 VCM 32 1233
IP500 VCM 64 1233
IP500 VCM Channels 1233
IP500 Voice Networking 305
ip500.bin 212
IPHC 507
IPHC and/or VJ 507
ipPhone 249
IPSec Policies 510
ipwan3.bin 212
IRC 485
ISDN 797, 798, 807, 830, 838, 846, 863, 1155
following 1233
Incoming Calls 311
instructs 961
On Incoming Calls 311
outgoing 288
plan 555
set 589
Sets 589
ISDN Advice 381
Charge 237
ISDN CC 1155
ISDN Exchange 830, 838, 846, 863
ISDN Malicious Caller ID 838
ISDN messaging 288
ISDN Network Service 1150
ISDN Only 948
ISDN Remote Access Example 1030
ISDN Service Provider 615
isl 1106
ISP 454
ISP during 455
ISPs DNS 486
issues arising 533
its 175
ita 1108
Italian 1081
Target 22
Italy 1108
Item Name 184
Items Changed 184
it-IT 22
ITSP 349
ITSP Domain Name 333
ITSP Hosts 221
ITSP IP Address 333
itsp.com 349
ITSP 221
IUSR 249
IVR Port
set 358
IXC 1158
Japan 971
JAS 809
Jason 809
Java 16
Java application 16
[email protected] 431
Another Call 928
Call 930
Calls 916
Example 916
KAR 809
Karl 809
Kbps 1150
KBytes 510
keep-alives 221
Kerberos 249
Key Dongle Serial Number 1233
Key Server 16
Key Server PC 215
Keys 396
Know System Discovery 58
Know Units 58
Known System Discovery 58
Known Systems 1232
Known Systems CSV file 58
Known Units button 1232
Known Units File 58, 172
kor 1109
Korea 294
Korean 1081
L2TP 507
numbers 506
originating 505
L2TP peer 505
L2TP|Tunnel 506
Label 231
Line Appearance 277
Lamp Manual 277, 762, 768, 796, 837
Lamp Operation 880, 920, 964
Lamp Operation Manual 642
LAN 349
address 1024
broadcast address 1024
PC 1024
LAN Settings 349
LAN1 215, 221
LAN2 231
supporting 452
units supporting 452
LAN1 IP 215
LAN1 IP Address 1024
LAN1 LAN Settings 221
LAN1 pool 221
LAN1/LAN2 51
LAN2 349
LAN1 231
LAN2 H.323 214
Language Support 1122
LAN's Service Set Identifier 512
Large 177
Last In-First Out 1227
Last Number Redial 615
Latin Spanish 1081
Layer 349
layer-2 221
layer-2 LAN 221
layer-3 221
Manager 10.1 Page 1276
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
LCP 507
LCP Echo Timeout 507
LCR 369, 927
compared 1233
identify 494
sets 554
terminate 249
LDAP Directory Synchronization 249
LDAP Enabled 249
LDAP Entries 378
DLCIs 473
Least Cost Route 494
Least Cost Route Short Codes 494
Least Cost Routing 494
Leave 636
Base Extension 1009
IP Address 1027
Metric 1027
Night Service Fallback Group 443
Leave Mail 436
Leave Word Calling 785, 836
LED 656, 902, 928, 930
LED's 474
Legacy Card Carrier
except 1227
Legal Requirements 973
Licence 253
License 233
License Key 63
License | License 63
License Keys 215
Importing 502
License Required 399
License Status 502
License Type 502
licenses enable
number 502
Life 510
Life Type 510
LIFO 1227
LIFO/FIFO Mailbox Operation 1227
light/button 639
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol 249
like 135
internet 454
Limit 593
1000 378
Maximum Transmissible Unit 477
RTP 221
limits specified
number 440
LINE 674, 675, 880, 890, 894, 897, 898, 899, 900, 902,
903, 906, 915, 916, 918, 919, 920, 921, 924, 926, 927,
928, 930, 1027
Alerting 911, 913
calls arriving 884
Line 601 906, 916
Line Appearance 642, 811, 835, 837, 880, 884, 894, 897,
898, 899, 900, 902, 903, 906, 911, 913, 915, 916, 918,
919, 920, 921, 924, 926, 927, 928, 930
Line Appearance Alerting 897, 916
Line Appearance button 399
Line Appearance Button Indication 900
Line Appearance Button State 900
Line Appearance Buttons 880, 884, 899, 900, 902, 903,
906, 911, 913, 916, 918, 924, 927, 930
Line Appearance Example 897, 898
Line Appearance Hot Lines 927
Line Appearance ID 286, 900, 926
Line Appearance ID Numbers
Programming 926
Line Appearance ID's 1233
Line Appearances 295
configuring 286
label 277
Line Appearances Treated 899
Line Break 279
Line Channels 1027
Line Goes Active 897, 916
Line Group ID 200
Dial Emergency 552
specify 927
Line Groups 200
Line Held 898
Line ID 837
Line Name 900, 1232
Line Number 311
Line Preference
Ringing 381, 902, 903, 906, 915, 918, 924
line preference assigns 381
Line Preference Example
Ringing 906
Line Preference Order
Ringing 906, 918
Line Programming
Outgoing 927
Line Renumber 198, 926
contains 1233
Line Renumber tool 1233
Line Retrieved 898
Line Reversal 971
Line Settings 926
Line Signaling 305
Line Signaling Timers 296
Line SubType 305
line/trunk 301
Linear 439
Linear Group 439
lines 200
Charge Unit 948
lines dedicated 279
LINEx.y 1027
Link Control Protocol 462
Link Integrity Verification Polling Timer 476
LIST 593, 771
allows sorting 172
Overflow Groups 426
Sorting 181
Listen 349, 772, 828, 871
DLCIs 473
RIP-1 221
SNMP 253
systems 973
Listen On 828
Listen Only 221
Listen Port 249
Listn 572, 772
Lite 871, 1115
Manager 10.1 Page 1277
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Lite/Pro 233
Lite/Voicemail Pro 431
LKE Policies 509
LMI 476
Configuration 55
Configuration Stored 55
Current Configuration 55
enabling 1034
Local Account Name 505
Local Account Password/Confirm Password 505
Local Busy Tone 237
Local Computer 135
Local Configuration 505
Local Dial Tone 237
Local Hold Music 319
Local IP Address 508
checking 486
Local IP Mask 486
Local Machine 148
Local Machine Certificate Store 175
Local Number Length 349
Local Operator 308
Local Recording 531
Local Telco 305
Local Tones 349
Local URI 349
Locale Specific Behavior 1115
Locales 968
Changes 215
locales prefer 560
Locate IP Office Admin Suite 16
Locked - Expired 163
Locked - Idle 163
Locked - Temporary 163
Locked Setting 42
Log 594, 890, 920, 928
Audit Trail 146
Out 1233
Service User Password Reject Action 135
Log In 1010
Logged Off 1010
selecting 1009
Logged On 594
Logged On/Logged Off 441
Logging Off 890, 920
logging/accounting 260
logging/accounting software 260
Logical LAN 1029
Logical LAN Connection 1029
login 770, 813, 814, 816, 817, 820, 821, 849, 1010
cause 175
include 601
set 977
Login Code 601
Login Code set 849
Login Idle Period 1011
login sequence 381
Logof 441, 814
RAS Service 461
long 454
TLS 148
Long CLI Line 279
Long Ring Duration 301
Longest Waiting 982
set 381
Longest Waiting Hunt Type 439
look 369
holdmusic.wav file 973
Loop Start 978
Loop Start ICLID 279, 911
Loopback 253
Loops 978
set 299
Low 349
Software 146
Low Voltage 1013
low/in 319
LSU 1149
LSU Expanded 1149
LSU-Expanded 1162
LSU-Expanded CDR Record Formats 1162
LVM Greeting 192
LVM Greeting Utility 192
LVMGreeting 192
LVMGreeting.exe 192
LWC 836
M,otherMobile 249
MAC 360
indicate 326
MAC Address 326
Mailbox 440
Recording 469
Mailbox Access 470
mailbox greeting 373
Mailbox Operation 1233
Main 233
Main Route 494
Main Toolbar 62
Maintenance 135
Maintenance Short Code 934
Make Conference Enquiry 883, 915
make/answer 930
make/receive 1227
DNS 486
External Calls 481
SIP 341
Malicious Call Identification 1233
Manager 642, 920, 924
Manager PC 1227
mandatory recording 233
Mandatory Voice Recording 233
Manual 428
manual editing 175
Manual Exclude 837
Manual Recording Mailbox 391, 779
Manual Renumbering 926
Manual Transfer 992
Manual Transfer Methods 992
Manually Controlling
Service State 428
Manually Entered Options 470
Manually Setting
System Time 934
Manager 10.1 Page 1278
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
mask 221
IP Address 490
match 748, 749, 809, 868
4621 656
CLI 810
Match Data 486
match exists 558
Match Length 486
Match Mask 486
Match Offset 486
matches 884, 885, 887, 888, 889, 890, 891, 916
Outgoing Group ID 927
matches dialing 554
Matching Examples 562
matching Outgoing 286
MA-UUI 1155
Max Calls 349
Max CDRs 260
Max Frame Length 473
Maximum 279, 454
Maximum Call Length 588
Maximum Channels 450
Maximum Configuration 52
Maximum Data Channels 1024
Maximum Flash Hook Time 1115
Maximum Inactivity 532
Maximum Inactivity Time 532
Maximum Inter Digit 301
Maximum No
Channels 450
Set 1027
Maximum Number 450
Forwards 991
Twinned Calls 399
Maximum Record Time 233
Maximum Rights Groups 148
Maximum Security 135
Maximum Service Users 148
Maximum Transmissible Unit
limit 477
Maximum Two Analog Trunks 916
Maximum Width 358
May 2007 1232
MCID 615, 838
Activating 961
trigger 961
MCID Activate 615, 838
MCID Activate Button 961
MCID Activate Short Codes 961
MCID Call Tracing
Enabling 961
MD5 135
MDA 937
MDI 221
24-hour 483
Medium 349
Password Complexity 135
Medium Security 135
Meet Me 1005
IP Address 490
MegaCom 310
MegaCom800 310
MegaComWats 307
member answers 440
Member Availability 441
Member Availability Settings 441
memberof 249
Members 584
Membership Enabled/Disabled 441
MENU 396, 645, 928
pressing 381
Menu key 396
Menu Bar 166
Menu Bar Commands 166
Menu button 645
MENU key 645, 928
Menu Options 531
Menu Programming 396
Merge 135
Message Associated User-to-User Signaling 1150
Message Authentication 135
Message Waiting 1083
Message Waiting Indication 971
Message Waiting Indication Type 1115
Message Waiting Lamp 366
Message Waiting Lamp Indication Type 366
Method 450
Metric 215
Leave 1027
Mexican Spanish 1081
Mexico 294
MFC 295
MFC Dialing 295
MFC Group 296
return 294
MG 319
Mgmt 473
installing 253
following 175
Microsoft application 462
Microsoft Management Console 135
Microsoft's Callback Control Protocol 462
Minimum 1115
Minimum Call Time 450
Minimum Calls 505
Minimum Channels 450
Minimum Flash Hook Time 1115
Minimum Name Length 163
Minimum No
Channels 450
Minimum Password Complexity 135, 146
High 135
Low 135
Medium 135
Minimum Password Length 135, 163
Minimum Security 154
Minimum Width 358
Mins 454
minute 454
Duration-tenths 1154
Miscellaneous 785, 815, 830, 838, 839, 847
misconfiguration 42
Missed 507
MMC 135
Mobile 483
Manager 10.1 Page 1279
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Mobile 483
set 399
Mobile Dial Delay 525
Mobile Direct Access 937
Mobile Twinned Call Pickup 399
Mobile Twinning 483
Calling Party Information 262
Send Original Part Information 262
Send Original Party Information 262
mobile twinning destination 399
Mobile Twinning license 630
mobile twinning number 630
Mobile Twinning Off 630
Mobile Twinning On 399
Mobile Twinning Settings 399
mobile twinning users 399
Mode 450
Set 1027
WAN Port 474
models 971
Modem 461
auto-adapting 477
Modem Cards 1030
Modem Enabled 279
checking 620
Modem2 477
Module 233
Module Number 354
MOH 973
relating 613
Friday 483
Monitor 1037
VoIP 572
Monitor Group 772
Monitor Password 150
Monitored Events Counter 476
month/day 1149
Monthly 454
Morning/Afternoon/Evening/Menu Options 531
Most Idle 439
Most Waiting 417
Border Between 46
Previous 42
Toolbars 36
MPPC 507
set 462
MS-CRM 1227
MSN 36
MSN Configuration 465
MSN Configuration tool 465
MSN working 237
MU 565
Mu-Law 594
MU-Law models 565
MU-Law only 594
MU-Law systems 536
multicast 452
Multicast Messages 505
Multicasting 452
Multi-Line Options 381
Multi-Line Tabs 42
Multilink 494
multilink PPP 1027
MultiLink/QoS 477
Check 1034
MultiMessage 233
Multiple 522
Multiple Alerting 381, 918
Multiple Alerting Appearance Buttons 918
Multiple Alerting Buttons 911
Point 283
Point 288
Music 409
Checking 973
Music on Hold 969
Music on Hold Tones 973
MWI 1083
defaults 358
MWI Type 1083
mysip 332
[email protected] 333
mysipitsp 341
Name 645, 647, 766, 767, 768, 777, 790, 796, 799, 800,
802, 803, 808, 809, 816, 817, 826, 827, 829, 841, 869, 873
Name.x 569
named greeting files 192
named Page 1016
Names 1026
IP 232
place 369
Recording 531
set 378
names beginning 809
Names Length 305
names starting 809
nas0-16.bin 212
NAT 349
type 221
NAT firewall 221
NAT firewalls
effect 221
type 221
NATim 631, 857
National 277
International 288
type 555
National Prefix 311, 927
Navigation Pane 32
hides 196
Show/Hide 133
Navigation Pane Actions 39
Navigation Toolbar 32
Negligible Security 135
NET 16
NET1 16
NET2 16
Dropping 486
Netherlands 1113
Network 454
set 311
network address 249
services 452
Manager 10.1 Page 1280
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Network Address Translation 1024
Network Hot Desking 1233
Network Layouts 1037
Network Selection 308
Network Selection table 308
number 310
Network Time Protocol 934
Network Tone 538
Network Topology 349
Network Topology Settings 221
Networking Enable Fast Start 1041
Networking Features 570
NetworkMgmt 473
New Configuration
Creating 62
New Entry 65
Adding 42
New WAN Service
Create 1027
New Zealand 378
New/Delete 159
News Transfer Protocol 485
Next 440
Next Available Members 388
Next Entry 42
NI2 305
NIC 173
NIC IP/NIC Subnet 173
Night Service 440, 788, 854, 855
set 428
Night Service Destination 483
Night Service Fallback 428
Night Service Fallback Group
leaving 443
Night Service Group 436
Night Service Profile 465
Night Service Time Profile 1233
nlb 1089
nld 1113
NLDS 310
nl-NL 22
NNTP 485
No Account Expiry 163
No Answer 440
No Answer Controls 988
No Answer Time 409, 894, 924
No Answer Time/Allocated Answer Interval 765, 847
No Ring 906, 919
set 399, 911, 918
No Ring set 906, 911
No Service 163
No User 369
Node 1155
Node Number 1155
non-Avaya IP 360
non-Avaya IP Phones
Enable Faststart 360
Non-Digit 559
Non-Digit Short Codes 559
none answers 440
non-IP 656
non-IP models 656
non-ISDN 948
Nonlinear Processor Mode 263
Browsing 486
Non-Standard Port Numbers
Browsing 486
non-VoIP 378
Normal 672, 682, 766, 802, 814, 856, 858
Normal Mode 672
Normal Service 1025
Create 1026
Normal Transfer 532
Normalise Queue Length 422
Normalize Queue Length 422
Normally Manager 212
North American 325
North-American 446
Norway 1115
Norwegian 1115
Not Available 233
Not Being Answered Quick Enough 440
Not Defined 532
Not Disturb 441, 747, 748
Not Disturb Controls 980
Not Disturb Exception Add 598, 810
Not Disturb Exception Delete 598, 810
Not Disturb Exception List 376
Not Disturb Off 599, 811
Not Disturb On 599, 811
NotFound 48
Analog Extension 422
Pots Extension 1227
NoUser 286, 814
return 1011
NoUser Source Numbers 378
NoUser User 286
NoUser User Source Numbers 378
NSF 308
points 232
NT Servers 232
NTP 934
NU 1083
NU Tone 279
Number 880, 894, 900, 916, 919, 920, 921, 924, 928, 930
Calling 1150
number beginning 1055
Number corresponding 629
Number Field Characters 555
number flashing 674, 675
Number Of Channels 325
number parsing 308
Number Short Codes 554
number specified 816
number string 481
Number/Incoming Trunk Access Code
Calling 1150
numbers 286
Call-by-call table 308
Channels 311
Follow Me 982
Inhibit Off-Switch Transfers 978
Manager 10.1 Page 1281
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
numbers 286
L2TP 506
licenses enable 502
limits specified 440
Network Selection table 310
services according 310
numbers starting 793
NW 588
objectClass 249
Obtain 249
IP 221
IP Address Automatically 1030
Occasional Hot Desking 1011
occurs 233
Default Value 470
OCSeq 631, 858
Software 924
Software Level 924
Off Hook 674, 675, 839, 982
Off Hook Station 616, 839
Manager 175
Offer Server Certificate 148
Offhook Station 381
Off-Hook Timer 562
OffHookStation 616
offline 62
send 178
offline editing 63
offline/created 66
Offset 486
Off-Switch 978
Off-Switch Forwarding Restrictions 978
Off-Switch Transfer Restrictions 993
OHStn 839
On Hold 670, 674, 675, 682, 695, 769, 787, 792, 831
One touch transfer 999
only during 527
Only routing 200
open 454
CD 16
IP Office 36
Sales 443
Service 455
Open Configuration 175
Open File 177
Open Internet 221
Opened Offline/Newly Created Configuration 66
System 16
Transfer 532
Operator Rights 159
Operator View 32
Option 645, 651, 672, 674, 675, 697, 757, 762, 768, 770,
793, 796, 818, 820, 827, 837, 838, 849, 853, 871
option Customize 1232
option increases 299
option requires 838
option specifies 465
Options 450
Formatting 260
options exist 440
options give 450
Options greeting 531
Options requests
remote 221
options Ringing 407
Order 440
First In-First Out 1227
Manager 135
remove/replace 1232
SNMP 253
order morning 531
Organizational Unit 249
L2TP 505
Other Appearance Buttons 990
Other Buttons 913, 918, 930
Other Extension 774
Call Park 775
Other LDAP 249
Other non-Active Directory LDAP 249
Other People 135
Other Use
Conference Resources 1001
otherfacsimileTelephone Number 249
otherIpPhone 249
otherPager 249
Otherwise 417
otherwise create 422
Out 450, 814
Band 360
Hours Route 538
Hours User Rights 369
Logging 1233
Service 428, 789, 855
Service Fallback 443
Service Fallback Group 428
Service Route 538
Service 1027
set 428
Outcalling 233
Outcome 184
Outgoing 536
Call Bar 993
Calls 899
Channels 311
Circuit Id 1150
Dial Guard 301
Disconnect 301
Disconnect Guard 301
End 301
Group 349
Group ID 286
IMM Dial Guard 301
Incoming 450
IP 1027
ISDN 288
Line Programming 927
Only 450
Pulse Dial Break 301
Pulse Dial Inter Digit 301
Pulse Dial Make 301
Pulse Dial Pause 301
Seizure 301
SES 349
SES Line Call 349
Manager 10.1 Page 1282
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Outgoing 536
SIP 333
Trunk Type 301
Outgoing Call Bar 993
outgoing call part 919
Outgoing Caller ID Matching 465
Outgoing Calls 903, 919
Outgoing Group ID
matches 927
matching 286
Outgoing Group ID's 446
Outgoing Line Appearance Calls 927
Outgoing Line Group 233
Outgoing Trunk Type 301
Outlook 407
Outside 428
Outside Call Sequence 381
Over 450
Taking 579
Overflow 422, 426
Overflow Calls 422
Overflow Group List 417
Overflow Groups 440
Overflow Time 441
groups 417
Data Routing 1024
Manager 12
Security Settings 128
P917325559876 378
Packet Count 1155
pagemsg3.wav 1016
Pagers 249
Paging 803
3rd-party 1013
Speaker 358
Via Voicemail Pro 1016
Paging Amplifier 358
Paging Speaker 358
Panes 32
PAP 461
Parameters 311
Park 774, 775, 840, 868, 884, 894, 899, 911, 916, 928,
Park Call 774, 775, 840, 868, 969
Park Return 237
Park Timeout 969
Park To Other Extension 775
PARK1 840
ParkCall 969
Parked 469
Calls 969
user wants 574
Parked Calls 884, 916, 928
Retrieving 930
Partial Dialing 559
Partial Number 755, 797
Partial Rerouting 1233
Particular Numbers 533
Particular Numbers/Number
Barring 962
Particular Numbers/Number Types
Barring 962
Particular Systems 181
parts 967
Party Information
Calling 262
pass 461
shortcode 533
Account Expiry 163
Passive CCBS 288
Password 1026
Password - Pre-3.2 Systems Only 66
password ageing 55
Password Change Period 135, 163
Password Change Required 12
Password Expired 163
Password Lockout 1233
Password Reject Action 163
perform 146
Password Reject Limit 55
password/account 146
Pasting 65
PBX 930
PC 1038
address 502
LAN 1024
PC application 253
PC file 1038
PC IP Address 184
PC Login 184
PC MAC Address 184
PC making 452
PC Registry Settings
Changing 533
PC Requirements 16
PC running 233
PC running Manager 173
PC Softphone 360
PC Softphone None 360
editing 175
Pcall 620, 841, 842
PCM 192
pcol 486
editing 533
match 22
PEM 135
perform 450
Centrex Transfer 1000
Password Reject Action 146
UDP 53
Performance 474
Period 454
Periodic Pulse Metering 1150
periods during 450
Permanent Virtual Channel 474
Persistency 279
Personal 462
Personal | Certificates 135
Personal Calls 930
Personal Directory 1010
Personalized Ringing 972
Peru 1118
pfx 135
Manager 10.1 Page 1283
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
pfx file 135
Phone Change 253
Phone Clearing 1115
Phone Defaults 1011
Phone Display 533
phone displays 672, 757, 811, 826, 832, 851
Phone Idle 882, 887, 888, 893, 903, 906, 909, 911, 913
phone ignoring 919
phone returns 877
Phone Software Level 441
Phone V1 358
Phone V2 971
phone/ISDN Control Unit 622
phones display 880, 885
PhyEx 594, 804
Physic Extension By ID 594
Physical Extension By Number 804
Physical Extensions 369
Physical Extn By ID 804
Physical WAN 221
Pick 574
PickA 574, 776
PickG 576, 777
PickM 577, 777
Pickup 749, 776, 808, 869
Pickup Any 776
Pickup Group 777
Pickup Members 777
PIN 237
Ping Verify 301
Stopping 486
PKCS#12 135
place 585
External 1232
Name 369
ISDN 555
Play Configuration Menu 988
Play List 1016
plk 1119
Point 288
Multipoint 283
Multi-Point 288
Point Protocol 477
sharing 288
Point Protocol
Point 477
Point Tunneling Protocol 485
points 450
Base specifies 249
NT 232
sharing 283
Point-to-Point 462
Point-to-Point Protocol 462
Poland 971
Verification Timer 476
POP3 485
Port 170
Port Number 221
Port Restricted Cone NAT 221
Port Restricted NAT's 221
Portugal 1120
Portuguese 1081
Pos 1162
position 1158
Changing 42
Manager toolbars 36
Post Dial 1016
Post Office Protocol 485
Post-Dialing 554
Post-Dialing Short Codes 554
POT 1083
POT Port 1083
POT Port Settings 1083
Pots Extension
Notify 1227
PPM 1158
PPP 221
set 505
VoIP 474
PPP Access Mode 477
PPP Callback Mode 462
PPP Compression Mode 507
PPP Dial 221
PPP Dial In 221
PPP Tab 1027
ppppppp 597
PPTP 485
PR 288
pre-2.1 IP Office 22
pre-4.0 221, 919, 924
Preferences 349
selecting 170
Preferences menu 1233
Prefix 598, 927
Prefix Allocation Check 349
Prefix Dialing 1000
Present 1026
Presentation Digits 200
presented following 554
Press Transfer 1005
Press Done 934
Press Hold 934
Press MENU 928
CONFERENCE button 883, 915
Conference Meet Me button 1005
DSS key 215
Hold 928, 930
Menu 381
Recall 587
Second Call Appearance 882
Shift 294
Spkr button 930
Transfer 1227
Presubscribed Operator 308
prevents 454
Previous 615
Moving 42
Previous Password Limit 135, 146
Set 305
PRI E1 465
PRI Line 288
PRI Trunk Card 1227
Primary 221
Manager 10.1 Page 1284
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Primary 221
set 333
primary address 452
Primary Authentication Name 333
Primary Authentication Password 333
Primary Incoming Translation Address 485
Primary Registration Expiry 333
Primary Trans 221
Primary Transfer IP Address 452
Printer 249
Priority 369
Priority Call 465, 841
Priority Calling 841, 842
Priority Routing 536
PriorityCall 620
PRI-U 1227
Private Call 843, 967
set 619
Private Call Off 967
Private Call On 619
Private Line 310
PrivC 843
Pro 1115
Pro PC Softphone 360
Pro Short Code 637
Pro Storage Alarms 253
Professional 1227
Professional Edition 1227
Profile 453
Profile Entry 52
Profile Overview 483
profile specifying
destination 483
PROG 645, 756
ProgA 645, 647
Automatic Intercom button 393
Drop Button 393
Send All Calls button 393
Voicemail Collect button 393
Programmable Button 585
Programmable Button Control 585
Programming 927, 967
Appearance Buttons 921
Button via 645, 647
Buttons 642, 643
Line Appearance ID Numbers 926
User Settings 924
Programming Actions 967
Programs depending 18
Progress Ends Overlap Send 319
progress/proceeding 555
ProgressEndsOverlapSend 319
Properties 249
Protocol 135, 797, 798, 805, 806, 807
Protocol Control 485
Provider 450
Active MCID Control 961
Proxy ARP 490
ptb 1091
pt-Br 22
ptg 1120
Public IP Address 349
Public Port 221
Pulse Dial Break
Outgoing 301
Pulse Dial Inter Digit
Outgoing 301
Pulse Dial Make
Outgoing 301
Pulse Dial Pause
Outgoing 301
Pulse Dialing 295
Pulse Metering Bit 296
Pulse Width Off 279
Pulse Width On 279
Putonghua 1081
ends 474
Q.931 633
Q.931 Hold 830
uses 612
Q.931 Suspend 863
uses 633
Q2 2007 900, 934
Q2 2007 Maintenance 934
Q2 2007 Maintenance Release 934
Q933 AnnexA 0393 473
QoS 507
QSIG 880, 926
set 286
Quality 326
form 221
Queue 779, 827
Queue Alarm 422
Queue Announcements 422
Queue ID 422
Queue Length 417
Queue Limit 1233
Set 443
Queue Limit Reached 431
Queue Mode
selecting 422
Queue Monitoring 422
Queue Ring Time 422
Queue Threshold 1227
Queued 440
access 422
On 422
Queuing 443
Queuing On 443
Queuing Facility 443
Queuing On 1038
Queuing 443
Quiet Headset 358
Quite Headset 381
Quota 585
selecting 454
Quota Time
set 454
R<Caller's ICLID 378
R2 DID 295
R2 DIOD 295
Manager 10.1 Page 1285
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
R2 DOD 295
R2 Loop Start 295
R7325551234 378
RAM 16
Range 911, 923, 924
Range 128
254 221
RAS 450
Create 461
RAS Entry 1027
Create 1030
RAS Name 1027
Set 1034
RAS Service 1026
logon 461
RBak 623, 785, 847
RBSeq 632, 858
RC4-128 135
Read All Configuration 160
Read All Security Settings 130
Read Configuration 130
Read Only 58
Real Time Control Protocol 221
Real Time Protocol 221
reason 450
Reboot Immediately 33, 129
Reboot Mode 66
reboot mode Timed 66
Reboot Time 66
Reboot When Free 33, 129
rebooting 179
IP Office 66
REC 215
Recall 969
pressing 587
Receive Config 178
Received BOOTP 48
Received TFTP Error 48
Receives Message Waiting Indication 431
ARP 490
CDR 260
SIP 411
SNMP 253
Reception 349
Reception / Breakout 373
Call 579
recognised 135
recognised following
system 354
Recor 578, 779
Record 779, 843
Record Format 1149
Record Greeting 569
Record Inbound 469
Record Message 409
Specific Mailbox 636
Record Options 1149
Record Outbound 469
Record Time Profile 469
1st 436
2nd 436
Conferences 1001
Hunt Group Announcement 436
Mailbox 469
Name 531
Recording Name 531
recording warning 779
Recurrence Pattern 483
Red LED On 930
red/green 279
Redial 747, 748, 749
Reduce Bandwidth 450
Reduce BW Threshold 450
Refer 647
Refresh 454
Refresh Time
Binding 221
Regedt32.exe 175
Registration 333
Registration Required 333
Registry Settings 533
Regular Hot Desking 1011
RE-INVITE Supported 349
MOH 613
Relay 844, 845, 959
Relay Off 621, 844
Relay On 620, 844
Relay Pulse 622, 845
RelayOff 621
uses 620
RelayPulse 622
Reliable Disconnect 1001
reliable disconnect signalling 237
Remote 450
Options requests 221
Remote Access Server 461
Remote Access Service 208
Remote Account Name 505
Remote Account Password/Confirm Password 505
Remote Audix Voicemail
set 233
Remote Configuration 505
Remote Homeworker/Agent 381
Remote Hot Desking 570, 920
Remote Hot Desking users 570
Remote IP Address
checking 486
Remote IP Mask 486
Remote Manager 369
RemoteSwitch 570
Remove 967
Remove Programs 16
Remove Selection 175
order 1232
render 181
Renumber 1233
Repeat 1026
Repeated double-ring 972
Repeated single-ring 972
Repla 645
replace 1158
Withheld 277
Manager 10.1 Page 1286
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Replace Outgoing 588
Replace Outgoing Caller ID 588
replaces Least Cost Routes 554
Replay Greeting 532
re-programmable 674, 675
Request DNS 232
Request Login on Save 170
requests 170
IP Office 12
require 434
require resetting 52
required following 333
required Outgoing 536
required unlock
account 55
requires 880, 885, 895, 898, 899, 919, 923, 924, 927
Requires Authentication 253
requires changes 533
requires having 610
Rerun STUN 221
Reserve Last Appearance 990
Reserve Last CA 378, 919, 924
RESERVE_LAST_CA 378, 919, 924
adding 381
Call Appearance Buttons 919
Reset 453
Reset All Security Settings 130
Reset Longest Idle Time 381
Reset Security Settings 166
Reset Volume 356
resetting 166
Account Expiry 163
Manager Window 46
Resource Flag 1155
Resource Limitation 349
Resource Reservation Protocol 485
respond 450
Dial Emergency 552
SNMP 253
Rest 565
World 215
Restart Manager 533
restarting 973
restore 193
Restore Binaries 193
Restricted Cone NAT 221
Restrictions 993
result 446
DID 577, 777
Resum 622, 846
Resume Call 622, 846
ResumeCall 622
1/8th 249
Resync Interval 249
resynchronize 249
retransmission 506
Retrieve Call 623, 846
Retrieve Messages 636
RetrieveCall 623
Externally Forwarded Calls 978
Held Calls 928, 930
Parked Calls 930
Retriv 623, 846
Retry 973
retry loading 973
return 440
ARS 596
IP Office 68
Manager application 203
MFC Group 294
NoUser 1011
Return Call 378
return changes 160
Return IP Route Needed 1030
Return Loss 263
Configuration Settings 44
RFC 1490 474
RFC 3164 253
set 474
RFC1490+FRF12 473
RFC1779 249
RFC2254 249
RFC2474 221
RFC2507 462
RFC2508 462
RFC2509 462
RFC2833 349
RFT 16
Ride Call 969
right 135
Group Pane 196
Right clicking 58
Rights Group Membership 130
Rights Groups
existing 133
set 163
Rights Membership 527
Rights View 34
Rights/User Restrictions Short Codes 554
Ring Back 1038
Ring Back Sequence 381
Ring Back When Free 237, 785, 847
sets 970
Ring Delay 381, 762, 768, 796, 835, 837, 880, 899, 906,
911, 913, 918, 919, 923, 924
Ring Normal 629
Ring Tones 1115
Ring Type 237
set 417
Ring/hold 988
Ringback 519, 858, 876, 877, 916
allow 970
cancel 970
distinguishing 632
existing 785
set 970
Sets 623, 765, 847
Ringback Call 237
ringback call alerting 237
Ringback Off 639, 876
Ringback On 765, 847, 877, 970
RingBackWhenFree 623
Ringer Off 848
Manager 10.1 Page 1287
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Ringing 629, 911
Line Preference 381, 902, 903, 906, 915, 918, 924
Line Preference Example 906
Line Preference Order 906, 918
Ringing Line Preference 381, 880, 885, 887, 888, 889,
890, 891, 893, 895, 897, 898, 899, 900, 902, 903, 906,
909, 911, 913, 915, 916, 918, 924
Ringing Line Preference determines
user's 906
Ringing Line Preference keeps 906
Ringing Line Preference Order 906, 918
Ringing Line Preference retain 906
ringing/connected 422
RingNormal 972
RingType1 629, 972
RingType2 972
RingType3 972
RingType4 972
RingType5 972
RingType6 972
RingType7 972
RingType8 972
RingType9 972
RIP 51
RIP Dynamic Routing 491
RIP Mode 221
RIP1 221
Listen 221
RIP1 Compatibility 221
RIP2 221
RIP-2 221
RIP2 Broadcast 221
RIP2 Multicast 221
RIP-2 multicast 221
RJ45 231
RJ45 Ethernet 1227
RJ45 Ethernet LAN 1227
RJ45 Ethernet WAN 68
RJ45 LAN 231
RngOf 848
Rotary 984
Rotary Hunt Type 439
Rotary type 818
routable 173
Route 286
route fails 215
Route Name 538
Route Priority Default 538
Route Selection 536
route sharing 491
Route Wait Time 538
Router 1027
All Internet Traffic 486
Calls 536
Calls Directly 536
Information Protocol 491
Internet 1025
SES 349
VLAN 326
Routing action 1227
Routing Digits 305
ROW 558
RPark 775
RSVP 326
RTF 16
limit 221
uses 221
RTP Port Number Range 221
RTP Relay 349
Run STUN 221
rus 1122
Russia 971
Russian 1081
Russian rus 1122
Rx 301
Rx Gain 301
s123 588
S2 845
SA 510
establish 508
SA key 510
SAC 851
call 443
Open 443
Sales Hours 443
Saudi Arabia 971
Save 203
Configuration 65
Configuration onto PC 65
Configuration Received 65
Save As 135
Save Configuration 170
Save Configuration As 65
Save Configuration File After Load 170
Save File As dialog 168
Save In 135
Saving Security Settings 203
Saving Sent Configurations 65
SBC 221
scan 168
WAN3 354
SCN 852, 880, 920, 1037
SCN Distributed Hunt Groups 1233
SCN Features 1038
SCN Signalling 1037
SCN User Extension 318
Screen Pop 407
Screen Pop Options 407
SDN 310
SDP 221
Search Base 249
Search Filter 249
SEC 485
Second Call 882, 887, 909, 910
User 906
Second Call Alerting 909
Second Call Alerts 882, 906, 909
Second Call Appearance 906, 909, 910
Pressing 882
Secondary 1115
set 333
Secondary Authentication Name 341
Secondary Authentication Password 333
Secondary Dial Tone 446, 560
Secondary Registration Expiry 333
Manager 10.1 Page 1288
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
secs 450
Secure 135
Secure Administration 148
Secure Communications 1227
selecting 175
Security Administration 175
Security Administrator 175
Security Association 508
Security Enhancements 1227
Security Manager 135
Security Manager Service User 146
Security Mode 135
Security Mode Interface 133
Security Mode Screen Elements 133
Security Service User Settings 163
Security Services Settings 154
Security Settings 135
Get 133
Overview 128
Save 133
Security Settings Pane 133
Security User 130
securitypwd 130
seized 286
Outgoing 301
Select 168, 880, 885, 890, 891, 895, 897, 899, 900, 902,
903, 906, 909, 911, 913, 916, 918, 919, 926, 928, 930
Button Programming 921
Telephony 923, 924
Select Line 926
Select System 923
Select Button Programming 643
Select Cont 645, 647
Select Directory 181
Select Group 407
Select Line Appearance ID 926
Select SHORTMODE 645, 647
Select Tools 926
Select User 924
Selected Columns 40
Selected Columns list 40
Selected refers
button 930
selecting 40
Add 552
Agent Mode 441
AutoLearn 473
Cancel button 58
Change Directory 172
Control Unit 221
Default Ring 629
Directories 172
Disconnect Pulse Width 358
Display All 643
Display All Buttons 395, 643
Do Not Disturb 441
Edit 552
Expl 645, 647
Force Authorization Code 533
Forwarding 441
IP Office Admin Suite 16
Logged Off 1009
Preferences 170
Queue Mode 422
Quota 454
Security 175
Tab 42
TCP Discovery Active 148
UDP Discovery Active 148
Use External Music 973
User 643
Validation 177
Visual 174
Visual Preferences 174
Yes 16
selecting Display 921
Selection 890, 899, 902, 919
Self Administer button 1227
Self-Administer 647, 849, 934
set 645, 928
Self-Administration 930
Appearance Keys 928
send 170
Call Detail Record 260
Configuration 66
email 373
H323 Progress 319
offline 178
SMTP email 253
UDP 221
Send All Calls 851
Send All Calls button
Program 393
Send All Calls/Do Not Disturb 393
Send Config 168
Send Config menu 168
Send Configuration menu 51
Send Names 305
Send Original Part Information
Mobile Twinning 262
Send Original Party Information
Mobile Twinning 262
send outgoing SIP 333
Send Port 349
send recurring 221
sender address 253
Sender available/Covering Extension 393
Sequential 221
calls 818
Sequential Group 439
Serial 170
Serial Communication
Enable Port 170
Serial Number 215
Series 62
Series IP 221
Series IP Phones 360
Series phones 930
Series/4400 Series 1122
Series/5400 Series 1122
Series/5600 Series 1122
Server 450
set 1030
Server Certificate 148
Server IP Address 934
Server PC Required 502
server PC's 253
Server Port 249
Manager 10.1 Page 1289
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Server Private Key 148
server providing 215
Server Requires Authentication 253
server storing 249
server_name 249
Server's WAVS 1016
Service 788, 790, 815
access 160
Clear Hunt Group Out 584, 789
network addressing 452
open 455
Out 428, 789, 855
Set Hunt Group Out 614, 855
Service | Autoconnect 453
Service | Bandwidth 450
Service | Dial In 456
Service | Fallback 428
Out 443
Service | IP 452
Service | PPP 474
Service | Quota 454
Service | Service 449
service calling 450
Service Control 485
Service Fallback Group
Out 428
Service Mode 584
Service Provider 232
Service Rights 159
Service Route
Out 538
Service Routing 536
Service Security Level 135
Service Short Codes
Set Hunt Group Out 1233
service signaling 319
Service State
Manually Controlling 428
Service Tab 1026
Service User 130, 191
access 159
account 55
existing 133
match 55
Sets 163
Service User Details 146
Service User Password Reject Action
Log 135
None 135
Service-Idle Time 450
services according
number 310
Services Base TCP 170
Services Base TCP Port
hides 170
back 349
connect 1227
outgoing 349
routed 349
SES Address 349
SES Domain Name 349
SES Line 349
SES Line Call
Outgoing 349
SES Line Call to/from Non-IP Devices 349
SES Line Prefix 349
SES routing 349
Session Border Controller 221
Session ID Cache 135, 148
set 880, 884, 889, 894, 898, 902, 903, 906, 909, 910, 913,
915, 916, 919, 920, 923, 924, 926, 927, 930
Delayed Ring 911, 918
Immediate 911, 918
Loop Start ICLID 911
No Ring 911, 918
Self-Administer 928
Set Absent Text 625, 852
set according 279
Country 296
Set Account Code 626, 853
Set Authorization Code 626
Set button 175
Set Certificate 135
Set Hunt Group Night Service 614, 854
Set Hunt Group Out
Service 614, 855
Service Short Codes 1233
Set Hunt Group Out Of Service 614, 855
Set Hunt Group Out of Service Short Codes 1233
Set Inside Call Seq 629, 856
Set Inside Call Sequence 856
Set Manager Certificate Checks 135
Set Mobile Twinning Number 630
Set Mobile Twinning Off 630
Set Mobile Twinning On 399
Set No Answer Time 417, 857
Set Outside Call Seq 631, 858
Set Outside Call Sequence 858
Set Ringback Call Sequence 858
Set Ringback Seq 632, 858
Set Wrap Up Time 632, 859
SetAbsentText 625
SetAccountCode 626
SetHuntGroupNightService 627
SetHuntGroupOutOfService 628
SetInsideCallSeq 629
SetNoAnswerTime 631
SetOutsideCallSeq 631
SetRingbackSeq 632
Sets 642, 643, 647, 651, 697, 757, 759, 762, 766, 767,
768, 770, 772, 779, 785, 790, 796, 797, 802, 803, 804,
805, 806, 809, 810, 811, 812, 814, 816, 820, 821, 823,
824, 825, 826, 828, 829, 831, 835, 837, 841, 849, 851,
852, 853, 854, 855, 856, 857, 858, 859, 867
56000 bps 798
64000 bps 797, 798, 807
Button 645
Cannot 843
ringback 765, 847
Self-Administer 645
setting Answer Pre-Select 880, 902, 924
setting Answer Pre-Select allows
user 880, 902, 924
setting associating 977
setting enables 436
setting Reserve Last CA 880
setting stops
user 993
Manager 10.1 Page 1290
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Settings 286, 880, 884, 890, 894, 899, 911, 918, 919, 920,
921, 923, 924, 926, 928, 930
Exporting 63
Importing 63
Manager adjusts 22
settings Calls 1227
settings control
call 890, 894
settings cover 148
settings including 926
settings relating
use 525
Setup 585
Set-up Packet 555
Setup RAS 1026
setup signalling 288
setup.exe 16
SetWrapUpTime 632
Several LAN 1024
Sfunc 759
SHA 509
Shared Secret/Confirm Password 506
Point 288
Point-to-Multipoint 283
Shift 1011
pressing 294
Shift Keying 356
Short 585
Dialing 554
short burst 636
Short Code
Create 1034
short code feature ExtnLogin 1009
Short Code Features 446
Short Code Field Characters 555
Short Code Fields 555
Short Code List 494
short code processing 554
Short Code Programming 1055
short code reclaims 579
short code removes 927
short code routing 1001
short code string 555
Short Codes 916, 927
Dialing 554
match 562
Short Codes.name 636
Short Message Services 373
pass 533
Shortcut Locale Setting 22
Show In Groups 40
Show Previous/Next Entry 36
Error Pane 36
Group Pane 133
Navigation Pane 133
Refer 900
string 286
ShowAllowAuthorization 533
shows 170
Avaya IP 197
Shutdown 633
Si 555
Signaling 305
Type 279
Signaling Timers 296
Signaling Type 279
Silence 349
Silence Suppression 1001
Silent Interval 301
Simple ISDN Internet Connection 1025
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol 485
Simple Network Management Protocol 253
Simple Traversal
UDP 221
SIP 215
associates 333
including 221
making 341
outgoing 333
receives 411
Run STUN 221
SIP Calls 333
SIP Display Name 411
SIP Enablement Service 1227
SIP Incoming Call Routing 332
SIP Line
Authentication Name 341
SIP Line Call
IP Device 349
SIP Name 349
SIP Options requests 221
SIP Packets 221
SIP Proxy Enabled 221
SIP Trunk Channels 349
SIP Trunks 349
Site 450
on IP 1026
Site A on IP 1026
SiteA 1033
Size 593
Changing 46
SKN 565
Slot 633
on 277
Small 593
Small Community Network 233, 767, 852, 880, 890, 894,
916, 920
Code Programming 1055
enabler 1041
Enabling 1041
Small Community Networking Enable Fast Start 1041
Small Office 593
Small Office Edition 593
c711 192
except 1030
Smart Card 215
SMDR 381
Add Authorization Fields 533
SMTP 453
SMTP email 1227
alarms 253
sending 253
Manager 10.1 Page 1291
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
SMTP Email Reporting 253
SMTP Mail 453
SMTP Mail polling 453
SMTP Server Configuration 253
listens 253
order 253
receiving 253
respond 253
SNMP Agent Configuration 253
SNMP Enabled 253
SNMP Info 253
SNMP Invalid 253
SNMP polling 253
SNMP Port 253
SNMP Reporting 253
SNMP System Alarms
Enabling 253
SO Trunks 318
SOE 286
SoftConsole 585, 839, 840
SoftConsole application 969
SoftConsole Control 585
SoftConsole's Send Message 381
Software 593, 924
Software Level 440, 593
Software Level Interoperation 1036
software running on 354
List 181
Source 311
source address
tunnel 505
Source Number 919
Source Numbers 349, 919, 924
SourceNumbers 977
South Africa 1125
SP2 16
SP4 16
Spain 1126
Spanish 1081
Speak ETA 436
Speak Position 436
Paging 358
pressing 903
SPEAKER button 356
Speaker key 928
SPEAKER key on Avaya DS
refer 1227
Speakerphone 356
Special 446
Special Access 305
special meaning 555
Specific Mailbox
Record Message 636
Specific Option Number 221
Specific tab 1016
Specific Voicemail Pro Module
Accessing 636
Line Group ID 927
Speech 828, 968
use 805
Speed 62
Speed Dial 559
Creating 588
Spkr button
press 930
Spres 760
Sprint 305
SS 555
SSA 135
SSI 555
SSID 512
match 221
STAC 462
StacLZS 462
Standard 233
Standard Edition 1227
Standard Edition Mode 1036
Standard SCN Features 1038
Standard Telephone 532
start dialing 533
start ringing
indicate 623
start searching 249
Start Time 483
start/add 1004
started 233
Manager 18
user wants 614
started dialing external 560
starting address
DHCP 221
Static 221
Static Port Block 221
Static Routes 215
transmitting 476
Status Access 191
Status Application 150
Status Group 130
Status Inquiry 476
Status Interface 154
Status on No Answer 381
Status Polling Counter 476
status signalling 422
Steady Flash 885, 891, 895, 900, 930
Steal 782
Step 62
steve 369
Steve Smith 369
Still 450
Still Queued Start Points 436
still ringing 992
still wants 376
PINGs 486
Stored 233
Stored Number View 862
Strong 135
STUN 333
STUN Server IP Address 221
Sub Address 465
Sub Type 299
subject 135, 772, 880, 919, 924
Manager 10.1 Page 1292
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
subject 135, 772, 880, 919, 924
Can Intrude 579, 759, 771, 800
subnet 490
Subnet Mask 490
SubType 305
Success 184
Supervised Transfer 583
Supplementary Signaling Services 1041
Support Call 277
Support Call Tracing 288
Support Call Tracing Option
include 961
Support group 443
support.microsoft.com/kb/256986 175
Supported SCN Features 1038
Supported SCN Network Layouts 1037
supporting 1037
Frame Relay 472
LAN1 452
Supports Partial Rerouting 288
SusCW 634, 863
Suspe 633, 863
Suspend 846, 863
Suspend Call 622, 846, 863
Suspend CW 634, 863
sve 1127
Svenska 1081
Sweden 971
Swedish 1127
Switch Function 645
Switch Type 305
switchable 656
Switches CRC 288
Manager 31
Manager application 186
Manager Back 133
Switzerland 971
Symmetric Firewall 221
Symmetric NAT 221
Sync PPP 798, 807
set 477
SyncFrameRelay 1034
synchronization 311
Synchronize 32
Synchronize Calls 436
SyncPPP 1027
Syslog 1227
alarms 253
Syslog Reporting 253
SysMonitor application 1233
System 642, 643, 656, 670, 694, 695, 767, 772, 774, 776,
779, 793, 806, 809, 810, 820, 821, 831, 840, 844, 845,
849, 855, 856, 858, 868
System | Telephony 911, 923, 924
System Alarms 1227
Enabling 253
system attempts 462
System B's 1055
System Currency
Set 948
System Defaults 972
System Details 148
System Discovery 148
system during
upgrade 181
System Events 1227
System Locale 369
appropriate 356
System Password 150
System Phone 381
System Preferences 1227
system prints 1150
system programming 899
system sees
user 978
System Settings 417, 902, 909, 911, 916, 923, 924
system short code barring 962
System Short Code List 565
System Status 191
System Status Access 191
System Status Application 150
System Status Interface 154
System Time 215
Manually Setting 934
system time during 215
System Tone 538
System Unit 1233
System Variables 1227
hear 973
listen 973
Systems 286
2XXX dialing 1055
Operating 16
recognised following 354
set 538
System 1041
VoIP VPN link 1041
systems running 191
systems supporting 531
T1 440, 880, 926, 927
enable 305
following 1027
Set 1027
T1 CAS 440
T1 Edit Channel 301
T1 Edit Channel Sub-Tab Settings 301
T1 PRI 308, 880, 926
23 288
following 1027
T1 Trunk 1027
T246 1232
T3 360
excluding 1227
T3 Direct Media Support 1232
T3 IP 569
T3 Options 948
T3 Series 1081
T3/T3IP 288
T38 959
T391 476
T392 476
TA 461
TA Enable 461
Tab 286
Selecting 42
tab relate
use 551
Manager 10.1 Page 1293
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
tab selecting 422
Tabs Display 527
TAC 1155
Taiwan 1129
take 968
ARS 538
IP Office 55
Over 579
Target 440
Italian 22
Target Line Appearance ID 576
TBR 1083
Tc 474
Tc Setting
Adjusting 474
TCP 170, 173
change 168
set 53
TCP addresses 173
TCP Base Port 170
TCP Discovery Active
Selecting 148
TCP Discovery Address Ranges 53
TCP Dst 486
TCP/IP 249
Technical Bulletins 181, 1232
TEI 311
allocating 283
deciding 288
exchange allocating 283
TEL 333
Tel URI 332
telecoms 16
Telephone Features 598
Telephone Number 585, 645, 647, 755, 770, 797, 798,
800, 805, 806, 807, 810, 820, 821, 849, 852, 869, 873
differing 538
Telephone Number Field Characters 555
telephone number takes 806
telephone number value 645
Telephone tabs 441
telephonenumber 249
telephoneNumber,otherTelephone,homePhone 249
Telephony 446, 762, 768, 772, 796, 837, 838, 849, 880,
902, 911, 919
Select 923, 924
set 1036
Telephony Features 381
Telephony Offhook Station 358
Telephony Settings 1012
Teleseer 1149
Templates 652
Temporary Disable 163
Temporary Disable creates 146
Terminal Equipment Identifier 288
Terminal Support 1233
terminate 507
LDAP 249
Test Number 305
Test SIP 221
Test Small Community Networking 1041
Text Labels 762, 797, 869
Textphone 1081
TFTP 150
TFTP Configuration Write 150
TFTP Log 197
TFTP Log window 197
TFTP Server 326
TFTP Server IP Address 215
This configuration 62
Those toolbars 196
Though Manager 31
Tick SNMP Enabled 253
TIE 301
Tie Automatic 295
Tie Delay Dial 295
Tie Immediate Start 295
Tie Wink Start 295
til 625
TIME 485, 788, 790, 824, 849, 854, 855, 857, 859
Access 184
Day 864, 934
Time Constant 474
Time Entries 483
Time Entry 483
Time Offset 215
Time on System Variables 1227
Time Profile 469
Create 443
Twinning 399
time profile during 469
Time Profile list 455
Time protocol 934
Time Server IP Address 215
Time servers 215
timeout 450
change 378
Dialing 1083
timeout lapses
error 476
timeout routing options 237
Control Unit 450
TimeQueued 1227
Timer 865
timer expires 146
Timers 453
timers relating 301
account 163
Timers Settings 295
Timers Sub-Tab Settings 301
TimeSystem 1227
Title Bar 988
TLA 1081
TLS 135
long 148
TmDay 864
TNS 308
TNS Code 308
TO 333
to/connected 319
Toggl 635, 866
Toggle Calls 635, 866
ToggleCalls 635
Toggling 441
Tone 598
Tone Detection 532
Manager 10.1 Page 1294
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Tone Disconnect 237
tone disconnect clearing
disconnect 237
Tone Plan 215
Tone Tone 1134
Altering 36
following 36
Moving 36
Tools 166
Tools menu 166
ToS 221
Total Control Retransmission Interval 506
Trace Calls 381
Trace Options 961
traffic 231
traffic routing 1036
Transfer 450, 793, 924, 928
Attendant 532
Calls 992
Forwarded Extension 992
One touch transfer 999
Operator 532
pressing 1227
transfer address 452
TRANSFER button 793, 1227
Transfer function
phone 928
Transfer key 919
Transfer Protocol 485
Transfer Return Time 381
Transferring 880, 894, 911, 919, 920, 924
Calls 928, 930
Transferring Calls 579
Transit Network Selection 308
transmitted/received 450
Status 476
Transport Layer Security 135
Transtalk 9040 701, 902, 1233
Trap 486
Trap Both 486
Trap Ping Replies 486
Trap Pings 486
trigger 469
MCID 961
triggered during 961
Trnsfr 930
Trunk 286
Trunk Access Code 1154
trunk call 1152
Trunk Connect
Allow Analog Trunk 279
Trunk Connection
Analog Trunk 993
trunk receiving 465
Trunk Transfer 1152
Trunk Type 318
Outgoing 301
trunk type carrying 399
Trusted Root Certification Authorities 135
Trusted Source Access 373
TSC 1150
TSC Flag 1155
TUI 409
Tunnel 51
source address 505
Tunnel | IPSec Policies 510
Tunnel | LKE Policies 509
Tunnel | PPP 507
Tunnel | Tunnel 505
Tunnel Endpoint IP Address 508
Tunnnel 508
Busy 570
Turns CRC 305
Twin 880, 902, 911, 919, 928, 930
Twin Bridge Appearances 399
Twin Coverage Appearances 399
Twin LED Button Users 930
Twin LED Button Users Lamp States 930
Twin Line Appearances 399
Twinned Call Pickup 399
Twinned Calls 262
Maximum Number 399
Twinned Handset 399
Twinned Line/Bridge/Coverage Appearances 880
Twinned Mobile Number 399
twinning 262
Destination 399
on/off 867
Time Profile 399
Type 399
Twinning action 399
Twinning tab 399
Twinning Type 399
Tx 301
Tx Gain 301
type 440
CDR 260
Control Unit 1024
IP Office 62
NAT 221
NAT/Firewall 221
National 555
Signaling 279
Twinning 399
uses 221
Types 775, 799, 813, 818, 827, 849, 856, 858
Types Blocked 980
Types Forwarded 607
Types Redirected 982
types; Forward Unconditional 607
3rd-party 1013
Typically MU-Law 565
Typically U-Law 237
UDP 173
17 486
performs 53
send 221
set 53
Simple Traversal 221
UDP Broadcast 58
UDP broadcast address 53
UDP Discovery Active
Selecting 148
Manager 10.1 Page 1295
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
matching 356
UK English
back 1081
defaults 1081
UK20 1120
U-Law models 237
Unanswered Calls 1012
Unblock 18
Under Custom 486
Under Custom create 486
Under Destination 1026
Under UDP Discovery 53
unencrypted 135
Unformatted 1149
unhold 920
Unique Security Control Unit 130
Unit IP Address 354
Unit Type 58
Unit/Broadcast Address 168
United Kingdom 215
RingNormal 972
data relating 58
units running 231
units supporting
LAN1 452
Universal Dial Plan
Avaya Communication Manager 233
Unknown 311
Unobtainable 441
unpark 635, 774, 868, 930
Unpark Call 868, 969
UnparkCall 969
unparked 469, 775, 899, 916, 928
Unparking Calls 928
unparks 969
Unprogrammed/Inaccessible Keys 928, 930
Unreserved Channels 233
unsecure 148
Unsecure Only 154
Unsecure Only 154
Unsecured Interfaces 135, 150
set 311
Unsupervised Transfer 532
untick Enable 212
unticked 212
unticking 441
unvalidated 181
Update Service 214
Manager during 181
system during 181
Upgrade Wizard tool 181
URI 349
URI's Incoming Group
match 341
URI's Outgoing 341
URI's Outgoing Group 341
converts 232
US 288, 880, 910, 923, 927, 928, 930
Base Extension 356
US English 1081
US PRI 927
US T1 288
US T1 PRI 288
US/Japan 558
USA 215
USA/Japan 237
USB 215
USB Feature Key dongles 215
Use 880, 884, 885, 890, 891, 895, 897, 899, 900, 902,
906, 913, 915, 920, 924, 930
Action Data 921
Cannot 916
Use 2A
button 934
Use Authentication Name
set 333
Use Elsewhere 884, 885, 887, 888, 889, 891, 897, 899,
900, 915, 916
Use External Music 237
selecting 973
Use External Music on Hold 237
Use Here 885, 891, 895, 900, 916
Use Hiding 506
Use Network Topology 333
Use Network Topology Info 333
Use Port 231
Use System Defaults 358
Use User Data
set 411
use/idle 930
Covering 393
create 1026
match 1026
User | Button Programming tab 934
User Answers
Call 909
Covering 893
User A's 605
user attempts
set 993
User Button
Enabling 934
User Call Barring 538
User Call Waiting 968
User Data 341
User dialing 446
User forwarding 978
User From Making Any External Calls
Barring 962
user joins
call 916
user leaves
call 916
user lifts 913
User Name 1026
user presses 909, 934
user programming 849
User recording 1233
User Registered 961
User Restriction 446
set 369
User Restriction/Rights 63
User Rights 65
User Rights Admin 159
Manager 10.1 Page 1296
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
User Rights Membership 527
User Rights/User 554
User Rights/User Restrictions Short Codes 554
User Settings
Programming 924
User Short Code 446
Create 572
user waits 992
user wants 911, 913
user wishes 629
users 611, 828
function 611
users phone 828
User's 584
busy signal 570
Call Intrude attempt 571
Call Tracing 961
Display Charges 948
setting stops 993
system sees 978
voicemail prompts 519
User's Busy Status
Determining 990
users existing 964
user's forwarding 899
user's forwarding settings 899, 988
User's Guide 969
Users Lamp States 930
users making external 515
user's Manual Recording Mailbox setting 779
users outgoing 1010
User's Password 1026
users retrieving 431
User's Settings 237
users wanting
park 574
set 631
start 614
user's Working 369
user's Working Hours 369
users,dc 249
uses 450
Forward Number 608
Incoming Caller Line Identification 963
IP 68
Q.931 Hold 612
Q.931 Suspend 633
RelayOn 620
RTP 221
settings relating 525
tab relate 551
Type 221
uses alternating 1083
Using Line Appearances 898
Using Manager 642, 643
UTF8 194
V.110 477, 805
V.120 477, 806
V.32 620
V.90 1030
V<Caller's ICLID 378
V110 477, 805
V120 477, 806
V32 279
V42 279
including 533
Validate 233
Validate Configuration 177
Validate Entry 1233
Validate option 181
Validating 177
Entry 42
Validation 221
selecting 177
Validation Control 1233
value equal 450
values 417
10700 288
Variable 1227
Variable Routing 1227
Variable Routing action 1227
VCM 349
Venezuela 1134
Verification Timer
Polling 476
Verify Duration 301
Verizon's 279
Very strong 135
Via Nat 349
Via Voicemail Pro 636
Paging 1016
Video 807
Video Call 595, 807
View 849, 862
View/Edit 249
Viewing 249
Virtual WAN Port
Create 1027
Vista 1227
Vista Business Ultimate
refers 1227
Vista Enterprise 1227
Vista Home Basic 1227
Vista Home Premium 1227
Visual 42
selecting 174
Visual Preferences 42
selecting 174
Visual Voice 378, 871
VJ 477
routing 326
sets 326
VLAN marking 326
VM 150
VM Lite 1081
VM Pro 150
VM Pro Password 150
VM Ringback 988
adding 378
VMCol 636, 873
VMOff 637, 874
VMOn 637, 875
VMRB 639, 876, 877
Voice 469
Voice Call 477
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15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Voice Channels 311
Voice Compression Card
Control Unit 1033
Voice Compression Channels 1001
Voice Grade Data 1150
Voice Mail Lite 16
Voice Networking 319
Voice Packet Size 349
Voice Payload Size 319
Voice Recording 483
Voice Recording Library 469
voice recording triggered 483
voice signaling 221
Voice56 477
voicemail 598, 884, 894, 899, 911, 916, 919
copy 431
diverted 570
Voicemail On 443
Voicemail Answer Time 417
Voicemail application 16
Voicemail Code 431
Voicemail Collect 393, 873
set 378
Voicemail Collect button
Program 393
Voicemail Destination 233
Voicemail Email 63
Voicemail Email Reading 373
Voicemail file
attaching 373
Voicemail Help 431
Voicemail Installation
Refer 431
Voicemail IP Address 233
Voicemail Lite 215
Voicemail Lite Server 215
Voicemail Lite/Pro
set 233
Voicemail Node 637
Voicemail Off 874
Voicemail On 639, 875, 884
Voicemail 443
Voicemail Password 233
Voicemail Pro 636, 779, 871, 873
hosting 1038
Voicemail Pro Assisted Transfer 966
Voicemail Pro Installation
Refer 409
Voicemail Pro provide 436
Voicemail Pro Queued 436
Voicemail Pro running 636
Voicemail Pro Server 434
Voicemail Pro Server/Service 934
Voicemail Pro Service 215
Voicemail Pro Short 233
Voicemail Pro Short Codes 233
Voicemail Pro Storage Alarms 253
voicemail prompts 1081
user 519
Voicemail ringback 637, 894, 911
Voicemail Ringback Off 876
Voicemail Ringback On 877
Voicemail Server 1038
Voicemail Server IP 215
voicemail server running 233
Voicemail Server's WAVS 1016
voicemail sever 233
Voicemail Support 1038
Adding 443
Voicemail Time 417
Voicemail Type
Changes 233
Voicemail/Auto-Attendant 1000
VoicemailCollect 636
VoicemailNode 637
VoicemailOff 637
VoicemailOn 637
VoicemailRingbackOff 639
VoicemailRingbackOn 639
VoIP 477, 916
carrying 474
create 1034
end 555
Monitoring 572
PPP 474
VoIP call signaling 221
VoIP Extension 407
VoIP IP 407
VoIP Line 1041
VoIP Link
Creating 1034
VoIP Mode 407
VoIP Settings 319
VoIP Silence Suppression 349
create 1041
VoIP VPN link
System 1041
VoIP WAN 477
VPN 1034
VPN IP 1227
VPN IP Extensions 1227
VPN IP Extensions Licenses 1227
VPN Line 505
VPN Phone Allowed 1227
running 1227
VPNremote Phone 360
Wait 759, 760, 779, 783, 784, 787, 799, 827, 831, 863,
869, 877
Waiting Off 783
Waiting On 783
Waiting Suspend 784
WAN 1026
attach 1034
connect 472
define 456
WAN Ethernet
including 221
WAN IP 505
WAN links 1027
WAN Mode Override 237
WAN Port 1034
Mode 474
Wan Port Form 1034
WAN Port Using Frame Relay 1034
WAN Port Using PPP 1033
WAN PPP 1027
WAN PPP link 1027
Manager 10.1 Page 1298
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
WAN Service
become 1026
Create 1034
WAN3 212
excluding 62
scan 354
WAN3 10/100 212
WANPort 1033
WanPort Tab 1034
Wats 310
wav 431
WAV file 531
Week 483
Weekly 483
Weekly Time Pattern 483
WEP 512
What's New 1227
When Free 972
Widths 40
WiFi 399
wildcards 1227
Window Size 46
Windows 507
Create 22
Windows 2000 16
Windows 2000 Professional 16
Windows 2000 Server 249
Windows 2000 Server Active Directory
Contacts 249
Windows 2003 SBS 16
Windows 2003 Server 16
Windows 95 DUN 507
Windows Certificate Store Import 135
Windows Certificate Store Organisation 135
Windows Certificate Store Usage 135
Windows Control Panel 16
Windows Internet Name Service 232
Windows Notepad 16
Windows operating system 135
Windows Operating System Support 1227
Windows PC 12
Windows PCs 232
Windows Registry
editing 175
Windows Registry Settings
Changing 175
Windows Security Alert 18
Windows Server 2003 135
Windows Vista 135
Windows XP 135
Windows XP Pro 1227
Windows XP Professional 135
Wink Delay 301
Wink End 301
Wink Signal 301
Wink Start 301
Wink Validated 301
Wink-Start 301
WinProxy 486
WinProxy Server 486
WINS 232
WINS Scope 232
WINS Server IP Address 232
Wireless 215
Wireless | Security 512
Wireless | SSID 512
Wireless IP Phones 1232
Wireless Mac Address 512
Withheld 465
display 378
replace 277
Within Manager 428
Within Preferences 173
Word 652, 785, 836
WordPad 16
Directory 172
Hours 369
Hours Time Profile 369
Hours User Rights 369
IP 1036
Working Directory 193
Working Hours 369
Working Hours Time Profile 369
Working Hours User Rights 369
World 565
Rest 215
WorldCom 305
Wrap-Up 632
Wrap-up Time 632, 859
Write 135
Write All Security Settings 130
Write Configuration 130
Writer IP Address 215
WUTim 632, 859
www.avaya.com 232
X.500 249
X.509 v3 135
X.509v3 148
X509 135
XM24 656
XX02 533, 757, 770, 853
XXX 774
XXX0 774
XXX1 774
XXX9 774
xxxx 806
y,n,text 852
Zealand 378
Zero Suppression 305
zhh 1104
Manager 10.1 Page 1299
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Manager 10.1 Page 1300
15-601011 Issue 29r (Friday, November 02, 2012) IP Office R8.1
Performance figures and data quoted in this document are typical, and must be
specifically confirmed in writing by Avaya before they become applicable to any
particular order or contract. The company reserves the right to make alterations
or amendments to the detailed specifications at its discretion. The publication of
information in this document does not imply freedom from patent or other
protective rights of Avaya or others.
All trademarks identified by the or are registered trademarks or trademarks,
respectively, of Avaya Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their
respective owners.
This document contains proprietary information of Avaya and is not to be
disclosed or used except in accordance with applicable agreements.
2012 Avaya Inc. All rights reserved.