This document provides information about Advanced Quality Planning (AQP) and the supplier source evaluation process. It begins with introducing AQP, explaining that it focuses on designing the supplier's manufacturing process to ensure parts meet requirements. It then describes the objectives, foundation, and need for AQP. The document outlines the AQP process, including inputs needed, milestones, and risk evaluation. It provides details on how to conduct a supplier source evaluation, including scoring, determining risk levels, and developing corrective actions. The overall goal of AQP and source evaluations is to eliminate waste and ensure parts meet requirements to increase customer satisfaction.
This document provides information about Advanced Quality Planning (AQP) and the supplier source evaluation process. It begins with introducing AQP, explaining that it focuses on designing the supplier's manufacturing process to ensure parts meet requirements. It then describes the objectives, foundation, and need for AQP. The document outlines the AQP process, including inputs needed, milestones, and risk evaluation. It provides details on how to conduct a supplier source evaluation, including scoring, determining risk levels, and developing corrective actions. The overall goal of AQP and source evaluations is to eliminate waste and ensure parts meet requirements to increase customer satisfaction.
This document provides information about Advanced Quality Planning (AQP) and the supplier source evaluation process. It begins with introducing AQP, explaining that it focuses on designing the supplier's manufacturing process to ensure parts meet requirements. It then describes the objectives, foundation, and need for AQP. The document outlines the AQP process, including inputs needed, milestones, and risk evaluation. It provides details on how to conduct a supplier source evaluation, including scoring, determining risk levels, and developing corrective actions. The overall goal of AQP and source evaluations is to eliminate waste and ensure parts meet requirements to increase customer satisfaction.
This document provides information about Advanced Quality Planning (AQP) and the supplier source evaluation process. It begins with introducing AQP, explaining that it focuses on designing the supplier's manufacturing process to ensure parts meet requirements. It then describes the objectives, foundation, and need for AQP. The document outlines the AQP process, including inputs needed, milestones, and risk evaluation. It provides details on how to conduct a supplier source evaluation, including scoring, determining risk levels, and developing corrective actions. The overall goal of AQP and source evaluations is to eliminate waste and ensure parts meet requirements to increase customer satisfaction.
2 INTRODUCTION Tell us about yourself Your name Your job and how long youve been doing it Your role in the AQP process What you would like to know about AQP? 3 OBJECTIVES 1. What is AQP?
2. Why should we do it?
3. How do we do it?
4 FOUNDATION OF AQP: CPCP Chrysler Product Creation Process Process Design / AQP (SQ Lead) IRE (Approx. timing) Product Design (Engineering Lead) Sourcing (Purchasing Lead) 5 FOUNDATION OF AQP: CPCP 6 FOUNDATION OF AQP: CPCP 7 AQP PSO A process that will ensure parts that meet all requirements are delivered on time to designated manufacturing facilities. AQP/PSO Manual 7 th Edition, page 1 AQP: WHAT IS IT? 8 AQP: WHAT IS IT? AQP focuses on the design/development of the Suppliers manufacturing process to ensure that it is capable of producing parts that meet design requirements at the quoted tooling capacity Customer requirements / CPCP timing AQP Meetings VP Build Trial Runs (SRE) Process Sign-Off / PV Testing PPAP PVP Build
Corrective Actions Lessons Learned Depicting product quality planning as a cycle illustrates the never-ending pursuit of continual improvement that can only be achieved by taking the experience in one program and applying that acquired knowledge to the next program. APQP & Control Plan Manual, 2 nd Edition, page 1 9 AQP: WHY DO IT? Minimize / reduce late changes to the part and process Reduce / eliminate quality spills at all stages of production Reduce / eliminate warranty Increase customer satisfaction
In short, to eliminate waste and save money! 10 WHAT IS NEEDED: INPUTS What do we need before we can begin AQP?
Sourced part or module (Supplier must be known) Source package CPCP Program Timing Design Model Engineering specifications Engineering Change Notices (CNs), if applicable Lessons Learned from previous programs 11 AQP: HOW DO WE DO IT? Milestone Pre-Volume Production (PVP) Volume Readiness Phase Job 1 Offline Launch Phase Commercial Launch PSO On-Site Visit & Production Demonstration Run PSO Result Submit final PSW/PPAP Complete PPAP requirements & submit Dimensional PSW/PPAP Complete corrective actions; reschedule On-Site Visit / PDR as necessary 5 (Z) 1-4 (N) End & Forever Requirements Lessons Learned A B C 5 + PVT (A) D 12 Source Evaluation New Supplier (Also new management/ organization structure) New Location New Process, Commodity or Technology New Product or Project Has Not Shipped Product for More Than 24 Months Events On-Site Source Evaluation 13 Source Evaluation 1. Review list of possible suppliers. 2. Analyze Fiat and Chrysler suppliers with existing ratings or evaluations. 3. Screen supplier pre- evaluation data. 4. Determine strategic suppliers needing evaluations. 1. Clarify scope of tasks related to product, site, technology and supplier performance data. 2. Prepare decision making recommendation and obtain management approval for task. 1. Form the cross functional team. 2. Hold kickoff meeting and assign roles and responsibilities. 3. Preliminary discussion of supplier pre-evaluation package. 4. Schedule on-site visit and confirm trip details. 1. Perform on-site evaluation. 2. Inspect facility. 3. Collate and coordinate analysis results and scoring. 4. Conduct closing meeting with supplier with verbal feedback of major observations. 5. Resolve/clarify discrepancies. 1. Finalize summary report and defined criteria. 2. Calculate evaluation pass/fail rating and identify any risk factors. 3. Report to approved managers. 4. Upload information to GPSIS. 1. Complete gap analysis form if supplier can be considered for business. 2. Assign supplier target dates on action items. 3. Track progress to gap close and follow-up meetings. 4. Notify approved managers of completed status. 5. Re-load updated SE form in GPSIS. Identification Task Clarification Visit Preparation On-Site Visit Results and Reporting Closure SOURCE EVALUATION Check if Fiat has a PSA (Potential Supplier Assessment) If so, use PSA result Pre-Evaluation form sent to Supplier for completion Buyer sends Request form to SQ Commodity Manager SQ Commodity Manager determines the SQE to lead the Source Evaluation SQE assembles team SQE, Engineering are mandatory Purchasing, Supply recommended but may delegate
14 General Navigation The tabs on this tool are arranged by function. Tan tabs are general information and Cover Sheet Green tabs are for the area-specific questions and data input Dark Blue tabs are for reporting Light Blue tabs are reference material Supplier Source Evaluation Toolkit Instructions for using this tool appear below Note: Macros must be enabled for this tool to work properly. SOURCE EVALUATION Team reviews Pre-Evaluation information Team holds on-site review at the Supplier with the SE tool Gap analysis completed with action items and target dates for unacceptable items SE result determines if Supplier can be sourced or not 15 Date: Zip / Postal Code DUNS Code eMail/Nic: eMail/Nic: Commodity Code N N N Total Management N Expiration Date: Name and Local # Mailing Executive Position Supplier Profile Small Business Y/N Woman Owned Y/N Sheltered Workshop Y/N Foreign Ownership Name Main Contact Minority Classification E-mail Address Country Percentage HR/Safety Union Representation Y/N Union Information Number of Employees at facility? Dedicated to the Product Line Name Country Buyer Name Plant Manager Head of Sales Quality Manager Supplier Contacts CEO / President City, State [email protected] Country Jim Buyer City, ST 12345 Materials Management Phone # Account Rep Address (Assessed Location) Address Comm name DC4321 Commodity Name Author Name email 123456789 Address Address 2 Hourly Supplier Source Evaluation Toolkit Sname City, ST Sname Supplier Name After Hours Contact Traffic Manager SOURCE EVALUATION 16 Score each question (or N/A) 0, 15, or 30 pts possible Click on question number to go directly to applicable workbook section Summary tab shows results for each section, plus an overall percentage score Overall percentage score determines if Supplier can be sourced SEs for commodities with safety characteristics require a higher score Individual items that are RED still require corrective actions! 17 17 SOURCE EVALUATION 18 SCORING 60-80% >80% <60% 70-90% >90% <70% Green: OK to bid / source business Yellow: Requires SQ Sr. Manager or Commodity Managers approval to bid / source business Red: Cannot bid / source business unless SQ Directors approval is given "Safety" components are any part that contains characteristics with Safety shields (<S>) and/or governmental safety regulations. SOURCE EVALUATION 19 INITIAL RISK EVALUATION (IRE) What is the IRE? An assessment of the inherent risks in a new or modified part Determines Chrysler involvement with the AQP and PSO for the new or modified part Required to be completed within 14 business days of the part appearing in CQMS AQP: Supplier PSO: Supplier Initial Risk Evaluation AQP: Supplier PSO: Chrysler AQP: Chrysler PSO: Chrysler LOW MEDIUM HIGH 20 IRE RISK DRIVERS Are there issues preventing Production Tools Complete by the required date? Expectation: Review the planned Tooling Kickoff (TKO) and Production Tools Complete (PTC) dates. PTC is required by Verification of Process (VP). Guidelines: Tooling completion affects numerous AQP deliverables, such as PV Testing, Process Sign-Off, PPAP, etc. Late tooling should equate to a higher risk level; completion after Pre Volume Production (PVP) should be an automatic High risk. Will PPAP be completed by the required date? Expectation: Review the planned PPAP date. PPAP completion is required by PVP. Guidelines: Late PPAP may equate to a higher risk level. Late engineering changes that push PPAP beyond PVP or Job 1 should be re-evaluated to determine if the risk level of the part should increase. As soon as it is known that PPAP will be after PVP, follow the "PPAP Submission Delay - Escalation" process in the Book of Knowledge . Is the design complete? Expectation: Part design / CAD should be complete and attached as part of the original Source Package. Guidelines: If the Supplier submitted an RFQ to an incomplete or non-existent design, there is increased risk to the program. TKO without a complete design also represents a High risk to the program. 21 IRE RISK DRIVERS Has historical design stability (e.g., high CN activity) been considered? Expectation: Review Lessons Learned from previous programs (both from the Supplier and on similarly-designed parts) for CN activity. Were engineering changes minimal and minor in scope? Guidelines: A high incidence of CNs on the part, or one or more major part redesigns, should reflect a higher risk level. What is the customer impact if the part fails? (Safety, Appearance, functionality, etc.) Expectation: Determine the potential customer impact if the part fails. Would it cause injury, result in vehicle breakdown, or negatively impact customer perception? Guidelines: Parts with a high degree of customer interface should have correspondingly higher risk levels. Examples include Safety components, parts that could result in a "walk-home" condition, or parts in high-visibility areas with Appearance requirements. What is the level of process technology (e.g., established, widespread, innovative)? Expectation: Review the proposed manufacturing process. Guidelines: Processes that are using technologies new to the Supplier, Chrysler, or the industry may require a higher risk level. 22 IRE RISK DRIVERS Is this a new manufacturing location? Expectation: Manufacturing locations new to Chrysler require a Source Evaluation performed with an acceptable score. Ensure open issues from Source Evaluation have been closed. If the Supplier received an unacceptable rating, were the proper overrides obtained? Guidelines: New Suppliers to Chrysler represent a higher risk to the program. Lack of an acceptable Source Evaluation for a new Supplier should be an automatic High risk. Have there been historical quality problems with similar parts? Expectation: Review the quality history (Nonconformance Tickets, yardholds/PRIs, warranty issues and field actions) of the part in question (if applicable) or parts with a similar design. Review the Master PFMEA for this commodity to ensure these issues have been addressed. Have there been repeat issues? Guidelines: A high incidence of NCTs, a high c's/1000 rating, or ANY PRIs or field actions on similar parts represents a higher risk. Repeat issues or lack of corrective actions in the Master PFMEA also indicate a higher program risk. What is the Supplier's Supplier Quality Bid List score? Expectation: The Supplier should be "green" per the Supplier Quality Bid List (SQBL). Their overall score includes AQP/NCT, 3CPR (Level 1 and Level 2 incidences; reference ), yardholds, Forever Requirement Violations (reference ), ISO/TS-16949 Certification, and New Business Hold (NBH; reference ). "Yellow" or "Red" scores on the SQBL require a written override from a SQ Director for the Supplier to receive business. Guidelines: A Supplier with a "yellow" or "red" SQBL score indicates potential additional risk to the program.
23 IRE RISK DRIVERS What is the Supplier's Warranty history? Expectation: Review the Supplier's warranty history with the Customer Satisfaction Team (CST). Are they meeting their targets? Have they had any recent warranty spikes or field actions? Guidelines: If the Supplier's warranty has been increasing, or if they have had a field action recently, it may indicate additional risk. What is the Supplier's ability to successfully conduct AQP activities? Expectation: Assess the Tier 1 Supplier's ability to manage AQP / APQP activities. Review PSO Element 1, requirements 1.2 through 1.2.4 ("Supply Base Management"); the Tier 1 should have all requirements met. Review if the Supplier location has required multiple PSO visits in the past before receiving approval. Guidelines: A lack of sub-tier Supplier management processes indicates high program risk, as does a history of failing to meet deliverable due dates. Multiple PSO visits in the past can also indicate poor AQP management.
24 IRE RISK LEVELS High Risk (H) Chrysler SQE leads the AQP Chrysler SQE leads the PSO
Medium Risk (M) Supplier leads the AQP Chrysler SQE leads the PSO
Low Risk (L) Supplier leads the AQP Supplier leads the PSO 25 DESIGNATING THE IRE IN CQMS Use the Part Information tab in CQMS Select Part Risk Review and acknowledge the IRE risk drivers! 26 To Enter Initial Risk Evaluation for One or More Parts: 1. Click the Part Information tab. Then, click the Part Risk link. 2. Logon to CQMS with your TID and user password. 3. Enter valid Chrysler Supplier Quality Deck Code Note: SQE Deck Code is populated by default, where applicable. Select Clear to enter a new value. 4. Check the box for Unassigned Risk 5. To limit the results, enter a value for one or more Optional filters. 6. Click Find. 7. Click the radio button(s) for the parts where you want to apply a single Initial Risk value. 8. Select a risk value from the Initial Risk drop down. Note: Do not make a separate selection for Current risk. The initial risk value will automatically populate to Current risk when updated. 9. Check the box to Acknowledge Risk Drivers 10.Click Update.
To Enter Initial Risk Evaluation for a Single Part: 1.Logon to CQMS with your TID and user password. 2.Click Part Information tab. Then, click the Part Risk link. 3.Type the full Chrysler part number in the Part Number field. 4.Check the box for Unassigned Risk 5.Click Find. 6.Click the radio button for the Supplier Code where you want to apply Initial Risk. 7.Select a risk value from the Initial Risk drop down. Note: Do not make a separate selection for Current risk. The initial risk value will automatically populate to Current risk when updated. 8.Check the box to Acknowledge Risk Drivers 9.Click Update. DESIGNATING THE IRE IN CQMS 27 To Change Current Part Risk for a Single Part: 1. Logon to CQMS with your TID and user password. 2. Click Part Information tab. Then, click the Part Risk link. 3. Type the full Chrysler part number in the Part Number field. 4. De-select the check box for Unassigned Risk 5. Click Find. 6. Click the radio button for the Supplier Code where you want to change Current Risk. Note: Current Risk can only be changed once the Initial Risk has been captured. Do not select rows where the Current risk value is the same as the new risk value. 7. Select a risk value from the Current Risk drop down. Note: Do not make a separate selection for Initial risk. The initial risk value cannot be changed once it is captured. If you attempt to enter a value for Initial risk, you will receive an error message. 8. Click Update. To Change Current Part Risk for One or More Parts: 1. Logon to CQMS with your TID and user password. 2. Click the Part Information tab. Then, click the Part Risk link. 3. Enter valid Chrysler Supplier Quality Deck Code Note: SQE Deck Code is populated by default, where applicable. Select Clear to enter a new value. 4. De-select the check box for Unassigned Risk 5. To limit the results, enter a value for one or more Optional filters. DESIGNATING THE IRE IN CQMS 28 QUALITY PLANNING / AQP MEETINGS What are AQP Meetings? Regular reviews of the program status A way to ensure progress of CPCP milestone deliverables Ensures communication between AQP team members 1. AQP Kick-off Meeting 2. Hold regular AQP Meetings and track status with Executive Summary, Timing Chart 29 WHEN / WHERE ARE AQP MEETINGS HELD? Required for all programs following the AQP process All components with a High IRE Recommended for Medium and Low IRE programs, although the Supplier may also use the APQP process (see the AIAGs Advanced Product Quality Planning and Control Plan Manual, 2 nd Edition) Regular, frequent schedule Recommended weekly No mandatory location If possible, it is strongly recommend that some meetings are held at the Tier 1 manufacturing location, critical Tier 2 or lower Suppliers, and at the Chrysler manufacturing facility 30 WHOS IN CHARGE? The Chrysler SQE leads the AQP Meetings for High IRE programs The Supplier leads their own AQP/APQP Meetings for Medium and Low IRE programs
The Chrysler SQE can require AQP Meetings for any program on an as needed basis 31 THE AQP KICK-OFF MEETING Should occur as soon as the part is sourced and given an IRE in CQMS Early involvement by Supplier Quality and the Supplier is critical Should include all AQP Team members Chrysler Supplier Quality Engineer Chrysler Product Engineer Supplier Personnel Core Team
Chrysler SQ Manager / Vehicle Lead Chrysler Buyer Chrysler Supply Other Chrysler Personnel as needed Sub-Tier Suppliers as needed
Extended Team 32 Review the IRE Gain additional team input Review issues/risk drivers that gave the highest risk Establish team roles and responsibilities (including responsibilities between Tier 1 and Directed/Consigned Suppliers) THE AQP KICK-OFF MEETING AGENDA Directed Tier II Part PO Tier I Tool PO Chrysler AQP/PSO Resp. Chrysler Release/Logistics Tier I Receiving Location Tier I NCT Issued to: Tier I eCIMS Issued to: Tier II Consigned Tier II Part PO Chrysler Tool PO Chrysler AQP/PSO Resp. Chrysler Release/Logistics Chrysler Receiving Location Tier I NCT Issued to: Tier II eCIMS Issued to: Tier II Standard Tier II Part PO Tier I Tool PO Tier I AQP/PSO Resp. Tier I Release/Logistics Tier I Receiving Location Tier I NCT Issued to: Tier I eCIMS Issued to: Tier I 33 THE AQP KICK-OFF MEETING AGENDA Determine AQP meeting frequency How often, at what location, attendance expectations, etc. Confirm core AQP Team members Chrysler SQE Chrysler Engineer Supplier Personnel (Quality and Program Management, at a minimum) Review the source package Ensure requirements are accurate Engineering specifications Prototype build requirements Review volume assumptions (e.g., shift pattern agreement with P.O. volumes) Get an early idea of SRE/PSO cycle time & line speed requirements Identify potential capacity issues up-front
34 Establish and review program timing / major CPCP milestones Prototype (VP, PVP) and Launch (Job 1) build dates and Material Required Dates (MRD) Dates for deliverables (including, but not limited to):
THE AQP KICK-OFF MEETING AGENDA PFMEA Acceptance Production Tools Complete Equipment, Fixtures, Facilities, and Gages Complete Gage R&R Supplier Readiness Evaluation (SRE) Dimensional Capability Part I/S Draft & Final Complete Pre-PSO Meeting PSO On-Site Visit PSO Complete IMDS Submitted PV Testing Start / Complete PPAP submission When initial program timing is developed, deliverables for milestones that are already past due shall be included for completion. These deliverables shall be distributed into appropriate, future milestones as determined by the AQP Team. 35 THE AQP KICK-OFF MEETING AGENDA Establish AQP/Process Sign-Off (PSO) expectations Maintenance of AQP forms and documents SRE/PDR part run quantities Extended Run PSO? Etc. Confirm manufacturing location 36 GENERAL AQP MEETINGS Agenda should include: Program timing and major milestones If timing slips, an appropriate Risk Mitigation Plan shall be developed and implemented to manage the risk CPCP timing and deliverables for the current and next milestone Late deliverables also require an appropriate Recovery Plan Open issues Prototype quality issues (NCTs, eCIMS, etc.) Current or proposed Engineering Changes, IAAs Sub-tier Supplier status Etc. 37 Sometimes broken up into two types: High-level AQP and Working-level AQP
High-level Agenda based on Milestones / Timing Focus on process-readiness vs. product design Team provides brief updates on status
Working-level Agenda targets specific deliverables Team members do the work during these meetings (i.e., develop PFMEA, Part Inspection Standard, Control Plan, etc.)
GENERAL AQP MEETINGS 38 AQP MEETING FORMS AND DOCUMENTS AQP Timing Chart Supplier must maintain and update for each AQP meeting Tracks progress towards completion of all PSO elements, plus key Supplier Quality deliverables and AQP tasks (IRE, PPAP, etc.) Details item status and customer responsible lead Required for all programs following AQP (and all Fiat parts managed by Chrysler) SUPPLIER: SUPPLIER CODE: MY/VEHICLE FAMILY: PART NUMBER(S): REVISION: PART NAME(S): REVISION DATE: AQP MEETING DATE: PART RISK (H/M/L): AQP MEETING LOCATION: VP PVP Job 1 BEGIN PLAN ACT PLAN ACT SQE - SQE 1 SQE - ENG - SQE - SQE - SQE - SQE - Confirm composition and commitment of Core AQP Team Members C U S T O M E R
L E A D PSO Element END Build Name MRD Build Date Month-Date Month-Date Month-Date Month-Date SUPPLIER RESPONSIBLE # of Veh AQP ACTIVITIES eCIMS / Lessons Learned Reviewed If status is 1, 2, or 3 (Red or Yellow), you must provide a Risk Mitigation Plan Enter 1-5 Advance Quality Planning Month-Date Month-Date Month-Date ADVANCE QUALITY PLANNING (AQP) TIMING CHART Month-Date Month-Date Month-Date Month-Date STATUS # of Days YEAR Month-Date #NUM! FIAT PROGRAM REVIEW STATUS #NUM! CHRYSLER AQP STATUS RISK MITIGTION PLAN YEAR Month-Date Initial Risk Evaluation (IRE) Source Package Review KEY MATERIAL/BUILD DATES Verify deliverables timing to CPCP timing Prior PSO Review (similar products) Volume, ramp-up curve, and product mix verified and capable - CPV, P.O, SP Program & Style Approval EF EF EF Step 2 Style Freeze Step 3 Tooling Kickoff EF Verification of Process VP EF Pre Volume Production PVP EF Job 1 Offline EF Commercial Launch EF Step 5 Prod. Designs Complete 0 0 0 VP PVP Job 1 BEGIN PLAN ACT PLAN ACT SQE - SQE 1 SQE - ENG - SQE - SQE - SQE - SQE - SQE - PTS - ENG - ENG - ENG - SQE - ENG - ENG 3 ENG 4 SQE - Review CNs and IAAs (including associated Risk) TAG Review (Chrysler-purchased tooling only) Confirm composition and commitment of Core AQP Team Members Part Development Plan Complete Status of Open Issues from Technical Review Risk Assessment (FIAT parts only) Supplier Quality Risk Assessment (SQRA) C U S T O M E R
L E A D PSO Element END Build Name MRD Build Date Production Tooling Complete (PTC) SUPPLIER RESPONSIBLE # of Veh AQP ACTIVITIES eCIMS / Lessons Learned Reviewed Advance Quality Planning Design FMEA Test Sample Sizes and Frequencies # of Days Design Review - Customer Perception targets Initial Risk Evaluation (IRE) Source Package Review Confirm Supplier PPAP Self-Certification status KEY MATERIAL/BUILD DATES Verify deliverables timing to CPCP timing Prior PSO Review (similar products) Volume, ramp-up curve, and product mix verified and capable - CPV, P.O, SP 39 AQP TIMING CHART 1. Item or activity title Key AQP tasks and SQ deliverables (IRE, Production Tools Complete, IMDS, PPAP) All PSO Elements
2. Tracks Supplier responsibility for each item, with begin/end dates
3. Key build/MRD dates
4. Details Chrysler lead for each item
1 2 3 4 If status is 1, 2, or 3 (Red or Yellow), you must provide a Risk Mitigation Plan Enter 1-5 STATUS RISK MITIGTION PLAN Commercial 40 AQP TIMING CHART 5 6 5. Indicate the status of the task.
6. Brief description of the risk mitigation plan (or reference to a more detailed action plan) Score Chrysler Definition 1 Not present / not started and: Very late to required milestone and will cause other required deliverables to be late to their required milestone/vehicle launch Risk Mitigation Plan does not exist Extremely High Risk to milestone/vehicle launch (certain to cause delay in milestone/vehicle launch) 2 Incomplete and: Late to required milestone and may cause other deliverables to be late to their required milestone/vehicle launch Risk Mitigation Plan exists but is not acceptable or requires unrealistic timing to meet milestone High Risk to milestone/vehicle launch (may cause delay in milestone/vehicle launch) 3 Incomplete and: Late to required milestone Risk Mitigation Plan exists and is acceptable Low Risk to milestone/vehicle launch 4 Incomplete and: Progressing according to required milestone timing No Risk to milestone/vehicle launch 5 Complete and approved 41 AQP TIMING CHART 7. Use this section to track progress of each item towards completion Shows suggested AQP start and finish CPCP milestones (solid black line) Shows current progress (gold dotted line; manually adjusted) Use solid red line to show current date (manually adjusted) Details required deliverable dates (black diamonds) Month-Date Month-Date Month-Date Month-Date Month-Date YEAR Month-Date Month-Date Month-Date Month-Date Month-Date Month-Date Month-Date YEAR Month-Date High risk; PO + 8 wks All Other Program & Style Approval EF EF EF Step 2 Style Freeze Step 3 Tooling Kickoff EF Verification of Process VP EF Pre Volume Production PVP EF Job 1 Offline EF Commercial Launch EF Step 5 Prod. Designs Complete 7 10 AQP Activities [Specific] Follow the instructions listed below: Used in FIAT Program Review? Initial Risk Evaluation (IRE) The SQE performs the Initial Risk Evaluation and determines the part risk to be High, Medium, or Low. No Advance Quality Planning PSO Element 1. Includes overall program timing, Supply Base Management, Problem Solving, and most supporting processes. Verify timing for tooling, fixtures, gages, testing requirements, and sub-components. Regularly review and update timing plans, as needed. Review risk assessments for sub-components. Ensure the Tier 1 Supplier has a process for tracking Sub-Tier Supplier quality and delivery, and that poor-performing suppliers have been replaced or are receiving commensurate additional attention during the development phase. Review the Tier 1 Supplier's plan for PSO on sub-components, and verify back-up plans exist for Sub- Tier Suppliers with a high risk for supply issues. Yes Confirm composition and commitment of Core AQP Team Members Verify the core AQP Team members: Supplier Quality, Engineering, Plant Quality Center (for Part I/S), and key Suppler team members (Quality, Program Management/Engineering). Identify non-core AQP Team members that may need to provide input, such as Purchasing, Logistics/Supply, Supplier Sales Representative, etc. Complete, and keep up-to-date, a contact list with all AQP Team members, their phone numbers, and email addresses. Yes Source Package Review At the AQP Kick-Off Meeting, review the completed Source Package, noting key information and program deliverables. Ensure engineering specifications and Quality and Supply requirements are understood by the Supplier. No Volume, ramp-up curve, and product mix verified and capable - CPV, P.O, SP Review program volume requirements, planned product mix, and planned launch ramp-up curve. Ensure the Supplier understands the requirements. Support the Buyer in timely Purchase Order issuance, and ensure the quoted Daily Tooling Capacity is sufficient to meet Chrysler's needs. Yes eCIMS / Lessons Learned Reviewed Review quality spills from previous and similar products/processes. Use the eCIMS system, NCT system, and completed 8-steps. Ensure issues are accounted for when developing Design and Process FMEAs. Verify that issues resulting in past yardholds, PRIs, or Field Actions are adequately error-proofed or completely designed out of the part in the new process. Yes Prior PSO Review (similar products) Review Process Sign-Off (or PCPA, for Fiat parts) results from previous programs, both on similar product and from the same Supplier. Account for issues that may have resulted in lack of PSO approval so that do not reoccur, and make sure all open issues have been closed. Yes Verify deliverables timing to CPCP timing Ensure the AQP Team has the most current CPCP timing, including all milestones. Verify that Supplier promise dates for all deliverables are consistent with CPCP timing and are not late. Reference the "Supplier Quality Deliverables Timing" form on the AQP/PSO website. Yes Status of Open Issues from Technical Review Risk Assessment (FIAT parts only) Applicable for FIAT parts only. Review the status of open issues created from the Risk Assessment during the Technical Review (part of the FIAT Sourcing process). Verify progress and ensure it is consistent with what was planned. Yes Supplier Quality Risk Assessment (SQRA) Review the status and issues from the Supplier Quality Risk Assessment (SQRA) with the Product Team SQE. Ensure the AQP Executive Summary form is kept updated after each AQP Meeting with potential launch risks and Risk Mitigation plans. No Part Number, Description, and Change Level PSO Element 2. Verify that the Supplier has the latest Technical Documentation, including the design model, GD&T, access to the latest Chrysler Engineering Standards, access to color/gloss/graining masters, etc. Review GD&T to ensure datums are adequately defined and special characteristics are identified. Verify CNs allow sufficient time for tool modifications, testing, etc.; propose V2 timing for CNs that may create a risk to launch. Note: Planning to run the PSO at an unapproved revision level (i.e., a future CN) results in a maximum score of "3" for this item. Yes AQP TIMING CHART 42 Sample of task directions: AQP TIMING CHART 43 Scoring Examples: Task
Production Tooling Complete (PTC)
Process FMEA Issue
Late design release means the Supplier will not have production tools ready by VP. They plan to build parts with prototype tooling, using production intent materials and gages. Tools will be available in time to provide parts for PSO and the Pre-series build. (Suggested score = 3)
In a review of the PFMEA, the SQE discovers that the Supplier has not implemented error/mistake-proofing on several safety-related items. In addition, an overall audit using the Supplier PFMEA Audit form returns a red result. (Suggested score = 1 or 2, depending on when this is discovered) 44 AQP MEETING FORMS AND DOCUMENTS AQP Open Issues Open Issues must be created and maintained throughout the program SQE has responsibility to maintain, but can delegate to the Supplier Key Points: 1. ONE Individual as responsible for an item 2. Dates: when the issue was opened, target for completion, and actual completion or closed 3. Priority or risk level (recommended) 4. Updates and comments AQP Open Issues are considered quality records Kept for life of the program, plus one year Who retains them? (SQE)
45 PART INSPECTION STANDARD (PART I/S) Provides clear communication and agreement between the Chrysler Manufacturing Plant, Engineering, Supplier Quality and the Supplier in regards to: Characteristics on the design model which the Chrysler Manufacturing Plant considers to be most important The measurement method, sample size, and frequency with which the Supplier checks those characteristics DRAWING/SKETCH SUPPLIER CHRYSLER DATE REVISION / DESCRIPTION FINAL PART NO: PART NAME/DESC: SUPPLIER NAME: MANUFACTURING LOCATION: SUPPLIER CODE: PART INSPECTION STANDARD VEHICLE MY / FAMILY: DATE: DRAFT ENG QLTY MGR REV. # ENG PLANT QC SQE INITIAL SIGN-OFF / APPROVAL DATE TITLE SIGNATURE NAME Engineer - Chrysler Plant QC Eng. - Chrysler SQE - Chrysler DRAWING NO. / REVISION LEVEL: Engineering - Supplier Quality Mgr. - Supplier 46 PART I/S SUPPLIER CODE: SUPPLIER NAME: MANUFACTURING LOCATION: FINAL PART INSPECTION STANDARD VEHICLE MY / FAMILY: DATE: DRAFT PART NO: PART NAME/DESC: INITIAL SIGN-OFF / APPROVAL TITLE DATE NAME SIGNATURE Plant QC Eng. - Chrysler SQE - Chrysler Engineer - Chrysler Quality Mgr. - Supplier Engineering - Supplier ITEM # REMARKS / INSPECTION METHOD FREQ. SAMPLE SIZE MEAS. METHOD SPECIFICATION / TOLERANCE CHARACTERISTIC / INSPECTION POINT DRAWING NO. / REVISION LEVEL: Provides the Chrysler Manufacturing Plant a tool to more quickly identify a problem and responsibility when a quality issue occurs
Gives the AQP team an opportunity to identify potential problems/conflicts between individual part requirements and Chrysler Build Objectives before the prototype build phase. 47 PART I/S TEAM Team Members (minimum): Chrysler:
Supplier Quality Engineer Engineer Plant Quality Center Engineer
Quality Manager Engineering / Program Manager
Additional team members may be added, as needed. Examples include the Chrysler Dimensional Engineer, Design Office, TAG representative, etc. 48 PART I/S RASIC S u p p l i e r S u p p l i e r
Q u a l i t y S y s t e m
C o m p o n e n t
E n g i n e e r i n g M a n u f a c t u r i n g
Q u a l i t y
( P l a n t ) V e h i c l e
E n g i n e e r i n g D e s i g n
O f f i c e Selection of Parts C CS C RA C Confirm Assembly vs Part Datum Scheme Alignment 1 R/S C C/R A Selection of Critical Dimensions 1 R/S C C/R A Sample Size and Frequency determination R A C C Measurement Method of Critical Dimensions R S A C Selection of Appearance Specs/Characteristics 1 R/S C C/R A C S Boundary Sample Creation and Review/Sign-off R S C A S S Selection of Functional Specs/Characteristics 1 R/S C C/R A Completion of Part I/S form R S CA Retention of Completed Part I/S RA I I I I I Responsible - Those who do the work to achieve the task. There is typically one role with a participation type of Responsible Accountable - Final Approving Authority Support - Resources allocated to Responsible Informed - Those who are kept up-to-date on progress, often only on completion of the task or deliverable; and with whom there is just one way Consulted -Those whose opinions are sought; and with whom there is two-way communication NOTES 1: Dependant upon which party is design-responsible 49 HOW IS THE PART I/S DONE? Chrysler Product Creation Process (CPCP) FINAL DRAFT CREATION PART INSPECTION STANDARD IRE FPSC PSO & PPAP 50 Part I/S Creation Phase HOW IS THE PART I/S DONE? Scope of the program is defined (parts identified, critical characteristics identified, etc.) Document is created Identify Parts & Provide Information Team Review Revise & Sign Create Part I/S 51 Use of the Part I/S Draft to check parts for the VP and PVP pilot builds Follows the same basic flow for each build: Part I/S Draft Phase Implement & Collect Data Team Review Revise & Resubmit Build Event HOW IS THE PART I/S DONE? 52 Part I/S is finalized for Job 1 and continuing volume production The Part I/S remains a living document and can be revised as needed Part I/S Final Phase The Part I/S does not replace either the Control Plan or FPSC at any program stage. HOW IS THE PART I/S DONE? 53 PART I/S AND OTHER DOCUMENTS The Part I/S should be developed alongside other quality documents, especially the PFMEA, Control Plan, and FPSC plan The Part I/S does NOT replace or supersede any other quality documents! Characteristics included on the Part I/S should also be included on the Control Plan for the part The Part I/S should be updated at the same time as other quality documents (e.g., for CNs, FRs, etc.) PART I/S AND OTHER DOCUMENTS 54
FPSC: Safe Launch; checks/inspections over and above Control Plan
Control Plan: Controls (w/ frequency, sample size) for entire process
Part I/S: Ties controls for the final product characteristics with visual representation (GD&T) and allows for measurement scheme agreement with the Chrysler Manufacturing Plant
PART I/S AND OTHER DOCUMENTS Question: If were instituting 100% inspection for VP (or other pilot build), with a gradual lessening of frequency as we move into production, should the Part I/S reflect this? No. The Part I/S is a tool to communicate how the Supplier will check parts in production. As such, it should reflect the production control plan inspection frequencies and sample sizes. If the team is requiring 100% inspection for a pilot build, this should be reflected on the FPSC plan, NOT Part I/S. Per the RASIC on slide 8, SQ has the final approving authority on sample sizes and frequencies.
55 PART I/S FLAG IN CQMS 56 PFMEA ACCEPTANCE 57 Part Inspection Standard (Part I/S) PFMEA Acceptance What is significant PFMEA Acceptance? An audit or assessment of the Suppliers Process FMEA Applicable for any part that also requires a Part I/S All parts with a High IRE and those parts selected by the Assembly Plant Required to be completed 14 weeks prior to VP PFMEA ACCEPTANCE 58 Supplier Quality Engineer (SQE) Supplier 3rd Party Audit Result? Identify Significant PFMEA Acceptance parts (Notify Supplier) End 3rd Party Review required? ReviewPFMEA using "Supplier PFMEA Audit Summary" form ReviewPFMEA using "Supplier PFMEA Audit Summary" form Forward PFMEA to SQE Forward PFMEA to 3P (copy SQE) YES Audit Result? Make corrections to PFMEA (work with Chrysler SQE) Enter Actual Date in CQMS GREEN NO Make corrections to PFMEA (work with 3P) RED RED YELLOW YELLOW Dispute Process If Supplier and/or SQE disagrees with 3P assessment: 1. Submit PFMEA to Sr. Manager - SQ Operations 2. Sr. Manager - SQ Operations reviews PFMEA 3. If result matches 3P, 3P assessment stands and process is followed as normal 4. If result differs, Audit Result changes and process follows the new result flow for 3P Audit Result? GREEN RED YELLOW GREEN SQE determines if audit will be done by themselves or 3 rd Party Auditor uses the Supplier PFMEA Audit Summary form If not green, Supplier makes corrections and resubmits per the flowchart PFMEA ACCEPTANCE Criteria for using a 3 rd Party Auditor include (but is not limited to): Suppliers who are "Red" in the Quality Bid List system Suppliers who are on New Business Hold Suppliers on the Top Problem Supplier Locations list Parts from Suppliers that have been involved with / responsible for recent yardholds, Product Related Issues (PRIs), or Field Actions
The SQE makes the final decision for whether or not a Supplier must use a 3 rd Party auditor for this process
59 PFMEA ACCEPTANCE 60 Dispute Process
If the Supplier and/or SQE disagrees with the 3 rd Party assessment: 1. Submit the PFMEA to the Sr. Manager - SQ Operations 2. The Sr. Manager - SQ Operations reviews the PFMEA with Supplier PFMEA Audit Summary form 3. If the result matches the 3 rd Party, the assessment stands and process is followed as normal 4. If the result differs, the Audit Result is changed and the process follows the process flow for the new result PFMEA ACCEPTANCE 61 Supplier Process FMEA: Audit Summary (based on Fourth Edition FMEA Manual) MY/Program Name of Component(s), Sub-System(s) or System(s): Part Number(s): Responsible Supplier: Responsible Chrysler Supplier Quality Engineer: Name of Auditor: Date Reviewed: Date of PFMEA audited (Later of Original or Rev. Level): Rating Detail Criteria Header: "Yes" if all answers in section 1 are "Yes." Non-Header sections (2 through 13): Count # of sections 2-13 "No" and # "E/I." Header "Yes" overall and no more than three sections "E/I" overall = "Green" Neither "Green" nor "Red" criteria met = "Yellow" Six or more non-Header sections "No" overall = "Red" 1 Header Yes E/I No N/A Auditor Comments 1a Name of Vehicle(s)/Program(s) included? - - 1b Model Year of Program(s) included? - - 1c Name of Supplier included? - - 1d Part Number and Description included? - - 1e Core Team includes (at a minimum): Chrysler: Supplier Quality Engineer and design-responsible Engineer. Supplier: Quality Engineer and Plant Mfg. Engineer? Names and titles or area of responsibility are included? Note: Phone #'s recommended, but not mandatory for this audit. - - 1f Key Date shown is PPDC date or P.O. issuance + 60 days, whichever is later (for new vehicle programs), or does not exceed PPAP date (for programs already in production )? Note: Contact Chrysler SQE, if required. - - 1g FMEA Date (Orig.) is shown? - - 1h FMEA "(Rev.)" date within past 60 days? Note: "N/A" if "(Orig.)" date is within 60 days. - - Additonal Comments (not to impact audit results): - - - - If all answers "Yes," check "Yes." If one or more "No," check "No." - - Result "No"___ "E/I"___ Overall Rating (place an "X" in the appropriate box) Note 1: "E/I" = only minor "E"xceptions or requirement "I"nconsistently applied (approx. 25% or less) and correction still required. Note 2: Do not allow a "No" answer to one question (e.g., Detection ranking too low) result in a "No" answer to another related question (e.g., lack of "Recommended Actions" or "Action Results"). Evaluate each question based only on their own merits. Note: If PFMEA is done by process vs. part, a separate header sheet listing the various programs, parts, etc. for each element in Section 1 is acceptable. If you dont know if something has been done, answer , No then follow up later.
Ask how? and when? vs. yes/no questions when assessing certain questions, (i.e., Did the Design- responsible Engineer provide input on Effects?).
Be sure to read and understand the Notes to help ensure consistency.
Additional Comments on the PFMEA PFMEAs shall incorporate lessons learned from past programs or similar parts, internal and external nonconformance data related to the parts, and customer (Chrysler) inputs, as outlined in the Supplier PFMEA Audit Summary. For the parts requiring PFMEA Acceptance in the Chrysler Quality Management System (CQMS), the SQE and Supplier shall jointly audit the PFMEA no later than (14) weeks prior to VP SOF. In addition, the result of the PFMEA audit shall be "Green" before the Actual Date is entered in CQMS. All PFMEAs, regardless of the risk level, shall be rated "Green" per the "Supplier PFMEA Audit Summary" form as part of PSO requirements.
Please refer the PFMEA Acceptance process standard in the Book of Knowledge for more details.
62 The responsible SQE is expected to provide following support: Ensure the Supplier provides the PFMEA and supporting documents within 2 weeks of email notification. Do not rework the documents beforehand. If the 3rd party audit obtains a "Red result, the Supplier is required to contract one of the 3rd Party Auditors and start coaching and audits within (2) weeks. The Supplier works with the 3rd Party Auditor until a "Green" result is achieved. The supplier may be issued a Forever Requirement Violation (FRV) as Failure to follow/respond to Chrysler requirements or requests if they refuse to seek coaching within (2) weeks of receiving a Red audit result. If the supplier needs to dispute the audit result, the Supplier and/or SQE shall submit the PFMEA audit form as originally completed by the auditor and an explanation for the dispute to the PFMEA Auditor Facilitator, Stanley Zhou ([email protected]).
Please refer to the PFMEA 3rd Party Audits and Coaching process standard in the Book of Knowledge for more details. 3 rd Party PFMEA Audits 64 FIRST PRODUCTION SHIPMENT CERTIFICATION What is FPSC? Safe Launch activities Audit / inspection above and beyond standard process controls Records retained by the Supplier; may be requested by Chrysler personnel at any time 65 FPSC BASICS FPSC includes all Special Characteristics Product characteristics or manufacturing process parameters which can affect safety or compliance with regulations, fit, function, performance or subsequent processing of a product
Also includes any additional characteristics selected by the AQP and/or PSO Team (Chrysler or Supplier)
Key <D> characteristics Safety <S> characteristics Emissions <E> characteristics Torque requirements SPC points Others deemed critical by the Supplier or Chrysler S 66 FPSC BY PROGRAM NEW PROGRAMS
Begins with first shipment for VP build Duration is until Job 1 + 90 days has passed (minimum) Plan, results for VP, and effectiveness of the FPSC reviewed during the Pre-PSO Meeting MODIFIED PROGRAMS / FR CHANGES / RESOURCING
Begins with first shipment to a Chrysler (or Chrysler-designated) facility Duration is until 1 st shipment + 90 days has passed (minimum) Plan reviewed during PSO
The Chrysler AQP Team is final approver of the FPSC duration. Deviations from the minimum are to be approved in writing by the Chrysler AQP Team. 67 OTHER FPSC INFORMATION The Supplier is responsible for ensuring that FPSC (or equivalent) activities are implemented through the Supply Chain (Tier 2 and lower). The duration of FPSC (or equivalent) at sub-tier suppliers shall match that of the Tier 1 Supplier's FPSC.
FPSC is not a replacement for the Part I/S or Control Plan, nor is the Part I/S or Control Plan a replacement for FPSC. FPSC is intended to be an additional level of inspections or audits to protect the Chrysler (or Chrysler-designated) manufacturing facility during the pilot and launch phases.
PART QUALIFICATION PROCESS 68 Plant validation of BIW/QAF (Interior & Exterior Quality Assurance Fixtures) components (internal and external suppliers) to fulfill the customer requirements, Quality standards, Build Objectives (EBO) and Design intent. Validation includes Dimensional control. Plant Metrology Center lead; SQE supports the plant by ensuring Supplier submits parts and data when required and corrective actions are completed 75% of Tolerance 75%-100% of Tolerance Over 100% of Tolerance PART QUALIFICATION PROCESS 69 Supplier submits part data from 5 parts and transfer to Plant Mark up two parts with measured data to bring to plant Meet with Plant to review parts and data Supplier Creates new PDCA if required Supplier incorporates Changes in Manufacturing Process if req. If part has Red data supplier should submit PDCA and sub-tier data Supplier (Internal & External) Requirements for Part Submission (preferred two Weeks prior to MRD) for each build phase Plan Do Check Act (PDCA)/Quick Kaizen required for any red points More loops should be repeated as corrective action timing permits Parts and Data need to be characterized : Part made from Soft Tool / Hard Tool Tools are on Home Line / Temp Line Special Means were /were not Gage R&R Roadmap of Part PART QUALIFICATION PROCESS 70 Vehicle Development Phase Mass Production Continuous Loops Additional loops will be required within each build phase (S1A, S1B etc.) according to: Part achievement of Dimensional Compliance Engineering changes Part availability (Pilot Build Phase) Measurement schedule Process changes (e.g. soft to hard tools) Must have knowledge of part production process hard tools/soft tools , maturity of supplier process
Parts shall be dimensionally correct for S1 / VP Parts shall meet PP/PPK per Appendix B of the AQP/PSO Manual at S2 / PVP (min 30 pc sample) Parts shall meet CP/CPK of 1.33 at V1 and later (min 30 pc Sample) NOTE: Supplier should build in small batches for each burst build in the pilot phase to accommodate continuous improvement plans NOTE: Submission due date - preferred 2 weeks prior to MRD First submission for each Pilot Phase must be complete before A Phase framing NOTE: Request 2 additional parts for each pilot phase to accommodate submission requirement NOTE: Supplier Must submit for each of the 3 Pilot Phase (if applicable) S1/VP S2/PVP V1 S1A - Framing S2A - Framing Loop 1 PART QUALIFICATION PROCESS 71 PART AVG. WEIGHT SUBMISSIONDATE: SUBMISSION: BUILD: PHASE: FIRST PRODUCTIONSHIPMENT CERTIFICATION(FPSC) S1 / VP Phase A PART QUALIFICATION S2 / PVP Phase B PART INSPECTIONSTANDARD(PART I/S) V1 / Job 1 Other INITIAL PROCESS STUDY Post-V1 / Post-Job 1 OTHER PROCESS: TOOLING ASSEMBLY SPECIAL MEANS COMMENTS: Chrysler SQE/ASME Phone ( ) Chrysler Plant QE Phone ( ) Chrysler Engineer Phone ( ) Plant Mgr. (Supplier) Phone ( ) Quality Mgr. (Supplier) Phone ( ) Data Prepared by: Phone ( ) Special Means Not Required Date: Home Line Complete Date: Production Tooling Complete Date: Email Email Email Email Email Email Characteristic Char # PROTOTYPE PRODUCTION TEMP LINE HOMELINE PART NUMBER SUPPLIERCODE SUPPLIERNAME Meisterbock R/Y/G CP 3 CPK 3 Gage R&R Acc? ACC/REJ Free State Fit QAF Variable / Attribute Dim. Correct? 1 PP 2 PPK 2 YES NO MEASUREMENT RESULTS SUMMARY Specification / Tolerance Classif. MFG. LOCATION PART DESCRIPTION MY/VEHICLE 3 Parts shall meet CP/CPK of 1.33 at V1 and later 2 Parts shall meet PP/PPK per Appendix B of the AQP/PSOManual at S2 / PVP NOTES: 1 Parts shall be dimensionally correct f or S1 / VP Supplier Completes Part Data Submission form- Requirement of Submission prior to MRD Metrology Center will notify supplier of Disposition Green = Dimensionally Correct (< 75% of Tolerance) Yellow Dimensionally Correct (>75% and < 100% of Tolerance) Red = Dimensionally incorrect - Quick Kaizen/PDCA needed with data submission Metrology Center will notify supplier of Part Validation Meeting Green Part = Metrology Center will notify supplier of next build phase submission and give approval for next batch build Red Part = Suppliers corrective action will determine next submission (PDCA needed documenting plan) PART QUALIFICATION PROCESS 72 Supplier Submits GD&T or PIS (Part Inspection Standard - if available) - Requirement of Submission Part I/S is used only if the part is required to have one based on Part I/S criteria Part I/S is NOT automatically required for parts undergoing the Part Qualification Process! PART QUALIFICATION PROCESS 73 PART QUALIFICATION PROCESS 74 Dimensional Compliance Team: -Product Release Engineer -Have the released model/GD&T up to date -Ensure CN is complete to document dimensional revisions -Supplier Quality Engineer (SQE) External Suppliers -Assist Metrology Center Rep by communicating requirements to the supply base -Assist supplier with Quick Kaizen/PDCA -Advance Stamping Manufacturing Engineer (ASME) Internal Suppliers -Assist Metrology Center Rep by communicating requirements to the supply base -Assist supplier with Quick Kaizen/PDCA -Metrology Center Representative -Maintains Master Part Approval Schedule -Schedules part disposition Team Meetings -Schedules part submissions -Supplier Representative (Internal & External) -Timely part submissions with appropriate forms -When part is red, develops Quick Kaizen/PDCA PART QUALIFICATION PROCESS 75 After 1 Day late Escalates to SQ Manager/Metrology Manager
After 3 Days Escalates to Plant Manager , Director, and Plant Metrology Center Manager Level
After 5 Days Escalates to VP level, Manufacturing , P & SQ, Engineering Escalation Process: PART DATA SUBMISSION FORM 76 Data Sheet 77 PART DATA SUBMISSION FORM PART AVG. WEIGHT SUBMISSIONDATE: SUBMISSION: BUILD: PHASE: FIRST PRODUCTION SHIPMENT CERTIFICATION (FPSC) S1 / VP Phase A PART QUALIFICATION S2 / PVP Phase B PART INSPECTION STANDARD (PART I/S) V1 / Job 1 Other INITIAL PROCESS STUDY Post-V1 / Post-Job 1 OTHER PROCESS: TOOLING ASSEMBLY SPECIAL MEANS COMMENTS: Chrysler SQE/ASME Phone ( ) Chrysler Plant QE Phone ( ) Chrysler Engineer Phone ( ) Plant Mgr. (Supplier) Phone ( ) Quality Mgr. (Supplier) Phone ( ) Data Prepared by: Phone ( ) Email Email Email Email Email Email 3 Parts shall meet CP/CPK of 1.33 at V1 and later 2 Parts shall meet PP/PPK per Appendix B of the AQP/PSO Manual at S2 / PVP NOTES: 1 Parts shall be dimensionally correct f or S1 / VP PROTOTYPE PRODUCTION Classif. Home Line Complete Date: Production Tooling Complete Date: Variable / Attribute Dim. Correct? 1 PP 2 Char # PPK 2 YES NO TEMP LINE HOMELINE Meisterbock R/Y/G CP 3 CPK 3 Gage R&R Acc? Special Means Not Required Date: Build Use? Free State Fit QAF MEASUREMENT RESULTS SUMMARY Specification / Tolerance Characteristic MFG. LOCATION PART DESCRIPTION MY/VEHICLE PART NUMBER SUPPLIERCODE SUPPLIERNAME Results sheet
Form used to submit data for: FPSC Part Qualification Part I/S Initial Process Study
Information carried over from data sheet WHAT IS CRAFTSMANSHIP? INFLUENCES AND CONCEPTS CRAFTSMANSHIP REVIEWS 8 CRAFTSMANSHIP INFLUENCES Design: tolerance stackup, mating parts have different form (Eng) AAR: colour, gloss, grain (PDO) Appearance Standards: AS-10169, objective standard which must be met for conformance (Supplier) Supplier Process: no spec, boundary samples required, flow lines, sink marks, squeezeout, etc. (Supplier, SQ) HMI: human-machine interface, tactile feel of buttons and controls, sounds made while functioning, efforts to press buttons, etc. (All) Chrysler Assembly Process: internal practices, mallet scuff marks, ISD, missing/loose/shy, etc. (Mfg) Nonconforming Parts: (Supplier, SQ) Cleanliness: smudge marks, dirt, dust, etc.(All) What else? Interior vs Exterior Craftsmanship Philosophies within Chrysler Both follow the same principles Interior managed by dedicated Interior Quality and Craftsmanship department, interior SQE is part of team Exterior historically managed by SQ and started later in product development phase, craftsmanship reviews held during S2 timeframe Exterior Craftsmanship Reviews Main areas of Concentration
Appearance Standards: AS-10169, objective standard which must be met for conformance (Supplier) Supplier Process: no spec, boundary samples required, flow lines, sink marks, squeezeout, etc. (Supplier, SQ) Nonconforming Parts: dimensional issues, improper materials used, (Supplier, SQ) CRAFTSMANSHIP FOLLOW UP Document results of review on PIS Schedule follow up visits Maintain craftsmanship PDCA Ask for boundary samples during supplier visits to gauge current production Maintain good communication between advance and current SQ post-review 83 PROCESS SIGN-OFF What is PSO? Verification that the AQP activities have been successfully completed A review of the Suppliers process, from beginning to end
Production Validation Phase Verification of Process (VP) Supplier Readiness Evaluation (SRE) First Production Shipment Certification (FPSC) PV Testing Pre-PSO Meeting PSO On-Site Visit & Production Demonstration Run PSO Result Complete PPAP requirements & submit Dimensional PSW/PPAP Complete corrective actions; reschedule On-Site Visit / PDR as necessary 5 (Z) 1-4 (N) 5 + PVT (A) Supplier Quality Risk Assessment (SQRA) Part Qualification Process (Assembly Plant Lead) 84 PROCESS SIGN-OFF: BRIEF SUMMARY FOUR BASIC ACTIVITIES TO PSO:
1.Trial Runs / Supplier Readiness Evaluation (SRE) Readiness for the PSO On-Site Visit Yields parts for PV Testing
2.Pre-PSO Meeting Document review Evaluate SRE results Schedule PSO On-Site Visit 85 PROCESS SIGN-OFF: BRIEF SUMMARY 3. PSO On-Site Visit Review of Suppliers process and facilities Production Demonstration Run Initial Process Study
4. PV Testing Functional testing, et. al. Select component & system PV (Production Validation) level testing required by VP: Only that testing required to ensure the components function as intended, and which have been agreed upon between the supplier and the Chrysler Product Engineer at Production Design Clean-up (PDC), and documented in the Design Verification Plan and Report (DVP&R). Concurrent with other PSO activities 86 MORE INFORMATION For full information and training on the Process Sign-Off, please sign up for PSQPSO200 in TEDS 87 PPAP PSO Z APPROVAL
Supplier can submit the dimensional PSW SQE can enter the dimensional PPAP into CQMS Receive partial tool payment (at the discretion of purchasing) Still needs an IAA to ship parts PSO A APPROVAL
Supplier can submit the full PSW SQE can enter full PPAP into CQMS Receive full tooling payment Can ship parts normally 88 Supplier sends the PSW to the Chrysler SQE Must copy the Supplier Quality Group mailbox ([email protected]) SQE reviews the PSW for proper information Verifies correct part number, CN, IMDS number present, etc. SQE enters PPAP dates & disposition into CQMS Supplier enters PPAP dates & disposition into CQMS Medium & High risk parts Low risk parts PPAP 89 CQMS - PPAP Submission Enter a Chrysler part number, click Find. Check box indicates row(s) to update. Enter dates as MM/DD/YYYY or use the calendar icon. The Disposition is required with Actual Dates.
90 CQMS - PPAP Mass Update Select an Update Element: Blank Promise Dates, Promise Due Next 30 Days, Not Approved or All. Enter a CN or enter a Supplier Code and CN Model Year. Click Find. Optionally enter a Commodity Code or a Deck Code (with Supplier Code and CN Model Year) for additional filters. 91 CQMS - PPAP Mass Update Check box indicates row(s) to update. Enter dates as MM/DD/YYYY or use the calendar icon. The Disposition is required with Actual Dates. 92 LESSONS LEARNED Ensure lessons learned from the current program are carried forward into new programs Corrective actions for issues documented in FMEAs, Control Plans, etc. and added to the quality documents of other, similar products Hold a Things Gone Right / Things Gone Wrong review meeting (30-60 days post launch) Document TGR/TGW and retain in an accessible location Review prior to beginning new programs Review AQP meeting minutes and open issues from previous programs Keep the Master PFMEA updated as issues occur 93 FOREVER REQUIREMENTS 1. Proactively communicate with Chrysler. Know when to raise the red flag. 2. Request approval from Chrysler prior to implementing any anticipated process changes. 3. Request approval from Chrysler prior to implementing any internal or Sub-Tier manufacturing location changes. 4. Watch for sub-tier Supplier issues and tell Chrysler about them. 5. Notify Chrysler of potential supply / capacity issues
AQP/PSO 7th Edition Manual, Appendix E 94 FOREVER REQUIREMENTS Changes to the process post-PSO require submission to Chrysler via the Forever Requirements system The Tier 1 Supplier is responsible to ensure all of their sub-tier Suppliers follow the Forever Requirements Submissions to Chrysler always come from the Tier 1, regardless of what level of sub- tier is making the change Full information and training on the Forever Requirements can be found in MQCFRR200, available through TEDS AQP TIMING CHART Group Activity AQP Timing Chart scoring 96 SQ DELIVERABLES & TIMING Shaded deliverables require promise and actual date entries into, or are managed through, the Chrysler Quality Management System (CQMS) SQ Deliverable Chrysler Product Creation Process (CPCP) Milestone Initial Risk Evaluation (IRE) Complete N/A (Source Identified in CQMS + 2 weeks) Part I/S Parts Identified 22 weeks prior to VP Start of Frame PFMEA Accepted [PFMEA] 14 weeks prior to VP Start of Frame Part Inspection Standard (draft) [Part I/S (d)] 10 weeks prior to VP Start of Frame Component-level Production Validation (PV) Testing Complete VP - Verification of Process Build Equipment, Fixtures, Facilities, and Gages Complete VP - Verification of Process Build First Production Shipment Certification (FPSC) Start VP - Verification of Process Build Gage R&R Complete [Gage R&R] VP - Verification of Process Build IMDS Submitted VP - Verification of Process Build Production Tooling Complete [PTC] VP - Verification of Process Build Station Cycle Time / FTC Compliant VP - Verification of Process Build Supplier Quality Risk Assessment (SQRA) VP, PVP, & Job 1 Offline Dimensional Capability Complete [Dim Cap] PVP - Pre-Volume Production (Pre-Series) Error / Mistake Proofing Implemented PVP - Pre-Volume Production (Pre-Series) Key Personnel Hiring/Training Complete PVP - Pre-Volume Production (Pre-Series) Production Demonstration Run (PDR) Complete [PDR] PVP - Pre-Volume Production (Pre-Series) Production Validation (PV) Testing Complete [PVT] PVP - Pre-Volume Production (Pre-Series) PPAP Complete [PPAP] PVP - Pre-Volume Production (Pre-Series) Part Inspection Standard (final) [Part I/S (f)] Job 1 Offline 97 ADDITIONAL TRAINING Register through TEDS
Process Sign-Off PSQPSO200 Forever Requirements / Resourcing MQCFRR100 Chrysler Quality Management System MQCQMS100 Advanced PFMEA DQIFMA210 Nonconformance Tracking System MQCNCT100 eCIMS DQCZRO100 Warranty Management MQCSWM100 3 Legged 5 Why MQCTLW100 Part Inspection Standard PSQPIS100 98 ADDITIONAL TRAINING Training CDs available
DQIFMA201 - PFMEA DQISPC350 - Statistical Process Control DQIPCA300 - Process Capability Analysis DQIMPT300 - Error Mistake Proofing DQICPD400 - Control Plan Development DQIFMA275 - Design FMEA
Contacts: Sheri De Hesselle [email protected] 722-1370 Paula Mack [email protected] 722-1370 99 QUESTIONS? Please visit the AQP/PSO website for electronic versions of the following: The AQP/PSO 7 th Edition Manual AQP Executive Summary and Open Issues forms (including the PTLR) AQP Timing Chart PSO forms FPSC form Part I/S form Appearance Approval form and instructions Supplier PFMEA Audit Summary Supplier Quality Deliverables Timing Requirements Part Data Submission form
Suppliers can access through the Chrysler Portal Reference section of COVISINT BACKUP Special Notes for Chrysler SQEs Managing parts for FIAT 100 Chrysler SQEs Managing Fiat Parts 101 Macro phases legend Approach / Style / initiative Approval / Sourcing Technical / Technological Development Industrialization Production Ramp Up Production Tracking (6 months minimum) / Supplier Containment / Continuos Improvement 6 months 9 - 10 months 1 m 16 - 17 months Card 0 CSE Product Card Recommendation IRE AQP TC 1 m DaP = OK to Ship PSO = Process Sign-Off (w/ PDR) IRE = Initial Risk Evaluation PS = Pre Series CSE = Chrysler Source Evaluation TFU = Tooling Follow Up VP = Process Verification AQP TC = AQP Timing Chart Review SRE = Supplier Readiness Eval. FPSC = First Prod. Shipment Cert. Main Deliverables Main Milestones SQ Tools Supplier Tooling Sign Off 5 - 6 months VP PS 2 m SRE DaP Commercial Launch 2 m Job1 PSO TFU - Start - > Final CAD Mathematics (Step 5) Article Card Final Drawings Availability Codep . Samples - Selfqualification /PPAP (SQ) - Integrative tests (E&D) - Plant Approval (Plant) Qualification Informative System VDDP AQP TC FPSC Pre-PSO Fiat Sourcing Process The Chrysler SQE is required to support the Fiat Sourcing Process in the same manner as Fiat SQEs 102 Opening of the Sourcing Agenda Extraction to the Roll Out PACKAGES creation Input Check Key Stakeholders Meeting PRE-RFQ Input Check RFQ dispatch Quotation analysis Technical review Target setting Negotiation Recommendation Process steps requiring SQE involvement 103 Used when the Input check finds a gap in the data needed to proceed in the sourcing process The KSM is a meeting among all those with key responsibilities in the development of major items, time and strategy management Its goal is to ensure that all the quotations received after the RFQ are comparable and compliant to the requirements Key Stakeholders Meeting (KSM) 104 PRE RFQ - Supplier Preliminary Data Profile The SPDP is a survey where we ask a potential supplier to provide all the general information regarding its organizational size and structure Applies to new suppliers, not yet present in our data base Equivalent to the Supplier Pre-Evaluation form in the Source Evaluation process
105 PRE RFQ - Quality Bid List
All the suppliers involved in the sourcing process shall be included in the Quality Bid List. If they are not, the SQE must complete a Business Case The suitable suppliers will receive the RFQ from the buyer An approved Business Case is requested for every new supplier, containing data about its Quality System, benchmarks for similar parts and the PSA (Chrysler personnel will use the CSE) Chrysler Source Evaluation 106 SCORING
Potential Supplier Assessment
Source Evaluation Tool
60-80% >80% <60% 70-90% >90% <70% 60-80% >80% <60% 70-90% >90% <70% The new SE tool defaults to the standard part scores. In the future, we will add a box to check for safety components that will switch the formatting. 107 PRE RFQ - Quality Bid List
80 + = green (ok to bid) 60-79 = yellow (need SQ Sr. Manager or Commodity Managers (Chrysler) approval to bid) Below 60 = red (need SQ Directors approval to bid) 108 PRE RFQ - Quality Statement of Requirements
Goals of the QSR: Inform the supplier about Fiat quality requirements, including those special requirements linked to the part construction technology and/or the specific supplier Obtain from the supplier all the information related to its Quality system, its standards, its future behaviors Have the supplier commitment to project feasibility, as required on the Product Card (Scheda Prodotto).
The supplier shall fulfill and submit the form together with the quotation, being ready for clarifications during the Technical Review 109 Technical Review Attendees Purchasing: Lead Buyer, SQE, TAG, E&D, Logistics: SCD Technologies: (mandatory only in case of Stampings) Quality Risk Assessment for all potential suppliers strong and weak points, improvement recommendations to be agreed upon before sourcing 110 Technical Review procedure regarding the SQE The SQE receives the Quality SOR from the supplier and prepares related questions prior to the meeting, then verifies the agreement Any partial agreement from the supplier to our Quality SOR must be discussed and could result in the suppliers exclusion from the subsequent stages Neither the buyer nor the SQE may accept any technical deviation from the requirements (e.g. Reliability targets, metrics like ICP and TOC, Customer profile) without the approval of the model Vehicle line Team/Platform When the RASI chart is required, the SQE takes care that the document is properly shared. Any deviation in the Technical documentation, with all the underlying risks, must be accepted under the approval of the MR only, with the updated documentation itself Quality Risk Assessment 111 QUALITY RISK ASSESSMENT
Supplier Name: Supplier Code: Part Number: Part Description: Project: Supplier Quality Engineer: Commodity (C;E;M;P): Buyer: Co-design? (Y/N): Design Engineer: ASSESSMENT CATEGORY ISSUE (OBLIGATORY FOR CONDITIONAL RATING) RATING ASSES SMENT # 1. New Process, Technology and/or Capacity
A = Approved; C = Conditional; NS = Not Sourceable.
2. Supplying Location A = Approved; C = Conditional; NS = Not Sourceable
3. Facilities/Equipment A = Approved; C = Conditional; NS = Not Sourceable
4. New Design Responsibility
A = Approved; C = Conditional; NS = Not Sourceable
5. Quality History A = Approved; C = Conditional; NS = Not Sourceable
Supplier Project Responsible Name & Signature (Obligatory for Conditional Rating)
NOTE: If one of more Assessment Categories are rated Not Sourceable, the whole Risk Assessment is considered NOT SOURCEABLE. New process, technology, tools, capacity: not present; new tools capacity increase/new tooling new process to the plant extremely fast production acceleration new technology to company new technology to the industry
Supplying location current supplier current supplier-new location new supplier to the division out of region supplier with more than 2 years new to region new to industry out of region supplier first year imported
Facilities/Equipment existing facility new addition/rearrangement to existing building new building new plant
New Design Responsibilities carryover design customer is design responsible source is design & production responsible contract house is design responsible
Quality History few past problems; good response minor problems; poor responses company requires multiple Qualificazioni submissions high PPM or Bills with weight 90 no data-new source high Warranty or bid list Field Major Disruptions Top Q supplier
Key Characteristics Mgt. (Important, Critical, Safety/Report & Legal) used to manage key characteristics good for important characteristics, not used to S/R characteristics not used to manage key characteristics
Quality Targets (PPM, R/100, Quality Tracking ICP/TOC) It means how are the Supplier performances with respect to the targets
Timing Concerns no timing concerns late release/source to plan PPAP/Qualificazioni late but before Material Required Date Full approval after start of saleable vehicles
Program management past successful launches Advanced IP new source; unknown APQP program mgt ability launch problems/Launch Major Disruptions or Launch IP limited program management team capacity issues with past programs Initial Risk Evaluation (IRE) The IRE shall be completed within 1 month of the sourcing Recommendation Report the equivalent Monitoring Level to Fiat at this time, using the following chart:
Document the part risk level from the IRE on the AQP Timing Chart; the IRE will NOT be added in CQMS 112 SUPPLIER: SUPPLIER CODE: PART NUMBER(S): PART NAME(S): PART RISK (H/M/L): #NUM! FIAT PROGRAM REVIEW STATUS #NUM! CHRYSLER AQP STATUS ADVANCE QUALITY PLANNING (AQP) TIMING CHART IRE Result Monitoring Level High Total Medium Low Partial Advance Quality Planning (AQP) The AQP Kick-Off Meeting shall be held within 1 month of the sourcing Recommendation. Complete the first revision of the AQP Timing Chart, including a status for each applicable task. Report the Fiat Program Review Status to Fiat for entry into the VDDP system 113 #NUM! FIAT PROGRAM REVIEW STATUS #NUM! CHRYSLER AQP STATUS ADVANCE QUALITY PLANNING (AQP) TIMING CHART Advance Quality Planning (AQP) General Notes: Update the AQP Timing Chart after each AQP Meeting is held. The Fiat Program Review Status will need to be reported to Fiat once more following the Supplier Tooling Sign-Off milestone, approximately 6 months before VP The First Production Shipment Certification (FPSC) process is followed as normal, beginning at VP The Chrysler SQE shall support the Fiat Assembly Plant for the Benestare process The Part Inspection Standard process is not applicable and not required for Fiat parts. Completion of a Part I/S is at the discretion of the Chrysler SQE (Fiat Assembly Plants do not currently follow the Part I/S process). 114 Using the AQP Timing Chart form 115 115 RISK MITIGTION PLAN If status is 1, 2, or 3 (Red or Yellow), you must provide a Risk Mitigation Plan Enter 1-5 STATUS Commercial Score Chrysler Definition FIAT Definition 1 Incompl ete/non-exi stant; no recovery pl an i n pl ace and Hi gh Ri sk to l aunch Job Stopper 2 Incompl ete w/ i nadequate recovery pl an i n pl ace or Hi gh Ri sk to l aunch Job Stopper ri sk 3 Incompl ete w/ recovery pl an i n pl ace or mi nor i ssues and Low ri sk to l aunch 2nd Level Issue 4 Incompl ete but progressi ng accordi ng to pl an w/ no or very mi nor i ssues Pl anned Acti vi ty accordi ng to Project 5 Compl ete and approved Impl emented Acti vi ty 116 #NUM! FIAT PROGRAM REVIEW STATUS #NUM! CHRYSLER AQP STATUS ADVANCE QUALITY PLANNING (AQP) TIMING CHART Includes only the 29 tasks shown below Tasks used in calculating the FIAT Program Review status: Review CNs and IAAs (including associated Risk) TAG Review (Chrysler-purchased tooling only) Confirm composition and commitment of Core AQP Team Members Design Model Status review eCIMS / Lessons Learned Reviewed Status of Open Issues from Technical Review Risk Assessment (FIAT parts only) Part Number, Description, and Change Level Production Tooling Complete (PTC) Advance Quality Planning Design FMEA Design Review - Customer Perception targets Verify deliverables timing to CPCP timing Volume, ramp-up curve, and product mix verified and capable - CPV, P.O, SP Prior PSO Review (similar products) Error and Mistake Proofing Production Validation Testing Complete Control Plan and Process Monitoring Operating Instructions Special Characteristics Identified and FPSC Gage and Test Equipment Evaluation Incoming & Outgoing Material Certification Plan Test Sample Sizes and Frequencies Parts Packaging and Shipment Specifications Process Flow Diagram & Mfg. Floor Plan Production Demonstration Run Process FMEA Part Delivery Plan Review (for VP, PVP, V1, etc.) Part Qualification Process (PQP) Confirm Supplier PPAP Self-Certification status Use this task to track Fiat Benestare and matchability Non-Chrysler Suppliers will not have this; for Fiat parts, verify the Suppliers testing facilities have been appropriately certified. Use this task to track Fiat Self- Qualification and Integrative testing Using the AQP Timing Chart form 117 It is strongly recommended that Chrysler personnel tracking Fiat parts monitor and track the status of all tasks, not just the tasks used in calculating the Program Review result. A small number of tasks remain N/A, however.
Tasks on the AQP Timing Chart that are Not Applicable when managing Fiat Parts: Part Development Plan Complete Supplier Quality Risk Assessment (SQRA) Layered Process Audit Part Inspection Standard Please be aware: the Chrysler AQP Status and the Fiat Program Review status may be different! Only N/A for Fiat parts from Non-Chrysler Suppliers! Using the AQP Timing Chart form