Canada Immigration Forms: 0058E

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Citizenship and Citoyenneté et

Immigration Canada Immigration Canada

CITIZENSHIP Table of Contents

Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Citizenship Fees. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Canada How to Complete the Form . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Where to Send Your Application. . . . . . . . 8
What happens next? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Application for a Application for a Search of Citizenship

Records (CIT 0058)
Search of Citizenship Receipt (IMM 5401)


This application is made available free by

Citizenship and Immigration Canada and
is not to be sold to applicants.

Également disponible en français

CIT 0058E (07-2007)

Contact Information

Web site
For more information on the programs offered by Citizenship and Immigration Canada, visit our Web site
at For some types of applications you can inform us of a change of address and find out what
is happening with your application through on-line services on the Web site.

Within Canada
If you are in Canada, you can also phone our Call Centre. An automated telephone service is available
seven days a week, 24 hours a day and is easy to use if you have a touch-tone phone. You can listen to
pre-recorded information on many programs, order application forms, and for some types of applications
the automated service can even update you on the status of your case.
When you call, have a pen and paper ready to record the information you need. Listen carefully to the
instructions and press the number for the selection you want. At any time during your call, you may press
* (the star key) to repeat a message, 9 to return to the main menu, 0 to speak to an agent, or 8 to end your
call. If you have a rotary phone, wait for an agent to answer your call.
If you need to speak to an agent, you must call Monday to Friday between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. local time.

From anywhere in Canada, call 1-888-242-2100 (toll-free)

Using a text telephone?

Call our TTY service from Monday to Friday between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. local time at: 1-888-576-8502

Outside Canada
If you are outside Canada, you can contact a Canadian embassy, high commission or consulate. Consult our
Web site for addresses, phone numbers and Web site addresses of our visa offices.

This is not a legal document. For legal information, refer to the Immigration and Refugee
Protection Act and Regulations or the Citizenship Act and Regulations, as applicable.

This publication is available in alternative formats upon request.

2 Application for a Search of Citizenship Records

This application can be used to request a search of Canadian citizenship records to verify naturalization or
citizenship information. In response to your application, you will receive a:
• No Record Letter, if no record of the person is found; or
• Record Letter detailing how and when the person became a Canadian citizen, or if a
pending Canadian Citizenship application is in process.
Note: Record Letters are issued for specific reasons and are valid for a limited time period only.
These letters cannot be used as proof of citizenship. These letters cannot be used to cross
international borders including the Canadian/U.S.A. border. The only official proof of
citizenship is a citizenship certificate. For information on how to get a citizenship
certificate, contact the Call Centre or visit our Web site.

Before you apply

Read the information contained in this guide carefully. If your application is completed incorrectly or
you fail to provide the necessary documents, your application will not be processed and will be
returned to you.

What you must send with this form

See the Citizenship Fees section of this guide for information on the current fee and method of
payment. The fee is not refundable. If you have printed this application from the Web site, a receipt is
not included. You must order an original receipt as shown in the Citizenship Fees section.
Note: If you are submitting an application for a search of citizenship records at the same time as
an application for a citizenship certificate (proof of citizenship), you do not have to pay for
the search of citizenship records.

Whether you are applying for information about yourself, or about another person, you must send a
clear and legible photocopy of two (2) pieces of your personal identification to show your identity.
For example, your driver’s licence, and your health insurance card. If you are applying for information
regarding another person, you may have to provide clear and legible photocopies of other documents,
such as proof of your relationship to that person and/or proof of death.

Application for a Search of Citizenship Records 3

Citizenship Fees
What fees are required?
You must pay a Processing Fee when you submit an application for a search of citizenship records.
Processing fee: $75 per person
Note: If you are submitting this form at the same time as an application for a citizenship
certificate (proof of citizenship), you do not have to pay for a search of citizenship records.

Are fees refundable?

Processing Fee
The processing fee is not refundable. The processing fee will not be refunded, regardless of the final
decision, once the Case Processing Centre in Sydney has started processing your application.

How do I calculate the fees required?

STEP 1. Use this chart to calculate the fees required.

Number of Amount per Amount

Persons Person Due


Total $

STEP 2. Fill out one receipt form (IMM 5401) for yourself and other members of your family if
you are applying at the same time.

An original receipt must be used; a photocopy is not acceptable. You can order an
original receipt from our Web site or by contacting a Call Centre Agent (see the Contact
Information section of this guide).

STEP 3. Insert the ‘Total’ on line 09 Citizenship or Immigration Services Fees.

Do not complete the top two portions of the receipt; these will be completed by the
financial institution.

STEP 4. Complete the ‘Payer Information’ sections on the reverse of the receipt.

If you already have an open file and know the client identification number that we have
assigned to you, enter the number in the box provided for that purpose. If not, leave that
box empty.

STEP 5. Bring the receipt and your payment to the financial institution.

Do not make payment using the automated teller machines.

4 Application for a Search of Citizenship Records

What if I make an incorrect payment?
If you are required to pay additional fees, the Case Processing Centre will send you a form (IMM
5412), which will indicate the amount required for correct payment. Not paying the correct fee will
result in a delay in finalizing your application. This payment must also be paid at a designated financial
If you have paid too much, your application will be processed and the amount of the overpayment will
be refunded.
A cheque will be issued by Citizenship and Immigration Canada as soon as possible.

Where can the fees be paid?

Payment can be made at most financial institutions in Canada. Check with financial institutions in your
Note: There is no banking charge to pay. The service is free.

What can I use to pay the fees?

The financial institution will let you know what form of payment it considers acceptable.
Note: Personal cheques and travellers’ cheques are not acceptable.

What if there is no local financial institution which will accept

In this situation, you may pay the fees by mail. Contact a Call Centre Agent for instructions.

What does the financial institution do?

The financial institution will accept your payment. The financial institution will stamp and insert the
amount paid in the upper two portions of the receipt. You will receive the top two portions of the
receipt. Make sure you are given these and that they have been stamped and completed before
you leave the financial institution.
Note: Do not present your application to the financial institution, only your receipt.

What do I do after I have paid the fees?

Retain the top portion (Copy 1 – Client’s copy) of the receipt which you have been given for your
records. Attach the middle portion (Copy 2 – To be sent by client to Citizenship and Immigration
Canada) to your completed application and mail it to the Case Processing Centre. Do not send any
other form of payment with your application.

Application for a Search of Citizenship Records 5

How to Complete the Form
Follow the instructions carefully. Delays will result if your application is not properly completed. If you
need more space to answer any questions, use an extra sheet of paper and indicate the number and/or letter
of the question you are answering.
Warning: If you send us an application that has any misleading or fraudulent information on it, you
can be charged with a criminal offence, and you may be subject to criminal prosecution in a court, and
refusal of your application.

Follow these step-by-step instructions

Section 1
You must indicate whether you would like service in English or French.

Section 2

A. Whether you are applying for information about yourself or about another person, write down the
surname/last name and given name(s) of the person whose record you want us to search. It will
help us find the record if you write the name the same way the name has been recorded on the
Record of Landing (IMM 1000), Permanent Resident Card (PRC), or on a citizenship certificate.
B. You must indicate all the names the person has ever used, for example, name at birth, name used
during a previous marriage, nick names etc.
C. Indicate the date of birth and the place and country where the person was born. Give the date the
person entered Canada as a permanent resident.
D. If the person ever had a citizenship certificate, indicate the name that was on that certificate, when
it was issued and the number of the certificate if you have this information.
E. If the person entered Canada before 1915, you will need to fill out the section on the person's
father. This is because citizenship records for persons who entered Canada before 1915 are usually
based on the father's record. Without the father's information, we will not be able to find the
person's record. For this section, fill in as much detail as you know about the name of the town and
province where the father lived, what his job was and the father's birth date.
Section 3
Whether you are applying for information about yourself or about another person, you must fill in this
section about yourself.
• Write down your surname/last name and given name(s).
• Provide your current mailing address, complete with postal code.
• We may need to contact you by phone. List the telephone number(s) where you can be

6 Application for a Search of Citizenship Records

Section 4

Authorization for the release of information

Citizenship and Immigration Canada cannot release information about an individual unless the
individual agrees.
The information contained in citizenship records is protected under the Privacy Act. The Act
also states that information cannot be released without the written consent of the person
concerned. This is why you must complete Section 4 of the application (Authorization for the
release of information), if you want to release information about your application to an
authorized individual. By signing Section 4, you are agreeing to let us release the information to
the individual or organization identified.

A. If this Application for a Search of Citizenship Records is for information about you only, tick off
“Yes” in the first box and go to the next section (Section 5).

If the information you need is about a relative or another person, tick off “No” in the second box
and complete all of section 4. You must have the permission of the person indicated, for the release
of this personal information.
B. Have the other person sign their name where it says “signature”, and have the person fill in the
date of the signing.
C. If the other person is deceased, you will need to give the date of death. Do not forget to provide
proof of death if the person has been deceased for less than 20 years. If the other person is not
deceased and does not give us permission to release the information, you will not be able to access
the record.
D. You must indicate what your relationship is to the person whose record is requested; for example,
husband, wife, child, brother, sister or parent, and provide proof of relationship for example birth
certificate showing parentage.
Section 5
• You must indicate why you need a letter. Use the space provided to indicate the reasons
you need the letter.
• Sign the application in the same manner you would sign any other official document. Do
not print. Indicate the date and place. Date the application the same day you sign it.

Application for a Search of Citizenship Records 7

Where to Send Your Application
On the envelope to mail your application, print:
Your Name
Your Address
Your Postal Code

Case Processing Centre - Sydney - Search

P.O. Box 10010

• Print your name and address in the top left corner of the envelope.
• Remember to include all supporting documents and fees.

If you are sending more than one application (for example, applications for family members),
you may send one receipt to cover all applications. Mail the receipt and all applications together
in one envelope. That way they will be processed together.

What Happens Next?

Once your application has been received at the Case Processing Centre in Sydney, Nova Scotia, Citizenship
and Immigration Canada officials will search the Citizenship Registration System for the requested record.
If the record is located, a letter will be sent to the mailing address provided by you. The letter will indicate
when the person became a citizen, or if there is a Canadian citizenship application in process.
If there is no record, or if no record can be located based on the information provided, a letter indicating that
there is no record will be sent to the mailing address provided by you.

Remember: You must advise us of any change of address or telephone number by calling the
Call Centre.

8 Application for a Search of Citizenship Records

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