Online Exam Project Report

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Final Year Project Report, Online Examination System, PHP +

Project Abstract

Online Examination System is an on-line test simulator is to take online
examination, test in an efficient manner and no time wasting for manually
checking of the test paper. The main objective of this web based online
examination system is to efficiently evaluate the student thoroughly through
a fully automated system that not only saves lot of time but also gives fast
and accurate results. For students they give papers according to their
convenience from any location by using internet and time and there is no
need of using extra thing like paper, pen etc.
Online examination system helps students to offer a quick and easy way to
appear for the test. It also provides the results immediately after the
examination with 100% accuracy and security. Student can enter to perform
exam only with their valid username and password. This examination
contains multiple choice questions and appropriate number of options. There
are no limitations on number of options and it can be randomized so same
set of question will not appear to all student so it prevent manipulation.
More than one option can be correct but the user can select only one option.
This provides time limit. The user can see their results after completing the
exam. This helps the students to write the exam from far distance and which
can provide security and simplicity and other beneficial features to the user.
Limitation of Existing Examination System
We have study ABC College and find existing system is manual entry and
keeping of the details of the student who are registered already. And it is
very difficult for each student to come to the exam center. It is very difficult
to the students from far distance to reach the exam center. This system is
required to prepare registration\application form, question paper for the
students and required to print a lot of number manually. To calculate how
many students registered, and verification of details of these students in a
month by hand is very difficult. This requires quite a lot of time and wastage
of money as it requires quite lot of manpower to do that. Another factor that
takes into account that is the possibility of errors. The limitation of existing
system is that it is not all personalized. It cannot be used for personal and
quick reference. Even the other staff members can make quick entries if the
responsible person is not present.
Time Consuming for creating question paper
Time to check right and wrong answers
Calculation of Marks
Human error
Limitation of no of student can give examination at a time
Require teacher to monitor exam center
Student needs to come exam center for giving test

Proposed System and its Advantages
The modern computerized system is developed with the aim to overcome
the drawbacks of existing manual system. We have study manual
examination system of ABC college and identify possible automation. The
proposed system has got many advantages. People from different parts of
the world can register very easily. The new system is more personalized. It
is maze in such a manner that all the new users can understand all the
options in it very easily. It is made in a quick and easy referential manner.
Access to all important matters are not always locked and can be opened
easily at the time of urgency. The advantages of proposed system are that
security is maintained in the new system. Securities for all important data
are maintained confidentially. As it is easily understandable and user
friendly, quick entries can be made in this system

Provides complete online web based solution, including student registration, giving tests, storing of
Complete web based administration, administrator can manage examination and question bank from web
No geographical boundary
Student can give examination from anywhere of the world by 24X7
100% accuracy in result calculation
Randomization of question set

Software Requirement
MySQL Server
NetBeans / FrontPage / NotePad
Hardware Requirement
Intel 3.0 ghz or higher processor
10 GB HDD Space
Database Tables Used
Schema diagram of online examination system

ER Diagrams for Online Examination System

DFD - Data Flow Diagram for Online Examination System

Future Improvements
We have prepare new system after identify issue in existing manual
examination system. Scope of this online examination system is very broad
in terms of other manually taking exams. However we can improve our
system in next version like.
Linking of other online site
Include graphical and media file as question and answers
Use of JQuery for more smooth interface

Reference and Bibliography
Book : Php And Mysql In Easy by Mike Mcgrath
Book : Beginning PHP and MySQL by Jason Gilmore

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