Michelle Ann P. de Gracia: Present Address
Michelle Ann P. de Gracia: Present Address
Michelle Ann P. de Gracia: Present Address
Present Address:
Uling, City of Naga, Cebu
Handyphone : +639166727507
!"ail #dd$e%% : "adg$a&ia'yahoo(&o"
)o attain an ent$y le*el a% labo$ato$y analy%t + ,uality &ont$ol offi&e$ + ,uality a%%u$an&e %taff+
do&u"ent and data &ont$olle$+ ,uality "anage"ent $ep$e%entati*e+ p$odu&tion &ont$olle$ -he$e
"y %.ill% and .no-ledge -ill &ont$ibute to you$ &o"pany(
/0123341N#5 /01245:
5i&en%e p$ofe%%ional tea&he$ "a6o$ &he"i%t$y
Ne-ly &e$tified and p$e%ently p$a&ti&e% the follo-ing field:
o 431 22000:2005 Ce$tifi&ation
o 431 9001:2007 Ce$tifi&ation
o Ha8a$d #naly%i% and C$iti&al Cont$ol /oint 9H#CC/: Ce$tifi&ation
o ;ood <anufa&tu$ing /$a&ti&e 9;</: Ce$tifi&ation
o 2i$e 3afety and =i%a%te$ #-a$ene%% Ce$tifi&ation
o 4"p$o*e"ent and 53 #ppli&ation
o 4n&o"ing in%pe&tion %upe$*i%ion and t$aining
Ha*e a good &o""and in %po.en and -$itten ngli%h and ha% a %t$ong influen&ing natu$e
&oupled -ith pe$%onal &o""it"ent to-a$d% the a&hie*e"ent of goal%
0epo$t ob%e$*ation% and potential i"pli&ation% and $e&o""endation% fo$ "anage"ent>%
?uality, /$odu&ti*ity and =eli*e$y p$odu&t appli&ation
=etail!o$iented app$oa&h and &$eati*e p$oble" %ol*ing %.ill% u%ing p$o*en ?C tool%
1pe$ating %y%te"%: <3 -indo- 7 and <i&$o%oft 1ffi&e 2007
/hy%i&o!&he"i&al analy%i%
</51@<N) 0C10=:
Auly 21, 2011 B /$e%ent Teacher
=/#0)<N) 12 =UC#)41N
=i*i%ion of City of Naga
Uling National High 3&hool
=utie% and 0e%pon%ibilitie%
)ea&he% 3&ien&e %ub6e&t% in %e&onda$y le*el
*aluate %tudent%> p$og$e%% and p$o*ide *a$iou% eCpe$ien&e% fo$ &ontinuou%
Do$.% -ith othe$ pe$%onnel, pa$ent% and &o""unity to p$o"ote total
de*elop"ent of %tudent%
3upe$*i%e% &u$$i&ula$ and &o!&u$$i&ula$ p$o6e&t% and a&ti*itie% of the %tudent%
Eeep %tudent and %&hool $e&o$d% and p$epa$e% $e,ui$ed $epo$t%
/a$ti&ipate% in the %o&io!e&ono"i& de*elop"ent p$o6e&t% in the &o""unity
Aune 17, 2010 B Auly 20, 2011 Qa!"t# Assrance O$$"cer
CFU 3H0454N #;01!4N=U3)04#5 C10/(
9Naga /oult$y =$e%%ed Chi&.en /lant:
0i*e$%ide, /angdan, City of Naga, Cebu,
=utie% and 0e%pon%ibilitie%:
#%%i%t% ?# 3upe$*i%o$ in $e*ie-ing and e*aluating ade,ua&y of %y%te" in pla&e
to "aintain te%t 431 22000:2005, 431 9001:2007 &e$tifi&ate% obtained
0e*ie-%, &he&.% and $e*i%e% do&u"ent% *e$%u% the a&tual p$o&e%%e%(
<onito$% and "aintain% the ,uality of the p$odu&t and p$o&e%%
0e%pon%ible fo$ all ?C a&ti*itie%, de*elop and i"ple"ent in&o"ing, in!p$o&e%%
and out!going in%pe&tion %tanda$d%, p$o&edu$e% and -o$. in%t$u&tion
0e%pon%ible fo$ the p$o&e%% of f$e%h, f$o8en and "a$inated d$e%%ed and &ut!up%
/e$fo$"% tho$ough in*e%tigation on non&onfo$"ing p$odu&t% and &u%to"e$
2ollo-!up and $e%ol*e% &o$$e&ti*e and p$e*enti*e a&tion% fo$"ulated f$o" i%%ue%
by %upplie$%, inte$nal audit%, eCte$nal &e$tifying bodie% and &u%to"e$ &o"plaint%
U%ed ;</ and H#CC/ %y%te" to &o"ply and %ol*e p$oble"% f$o" fi$%t p$o&e%%
to fini%hed good% -a$ehou%e(
Coo$dinate -ith othe$ depa$t"ent% in the p$epa$ation of defe&t $edu&tion and &o%t
&utting "ea%u$e%(
<onito$% and "aintain% the ,uality in&o"ing pa$t% u%ing the gi*en %tanda$d
3upe$*i%e% and t$ain% in&o"ing in%pe&to$
3uppo$t and update all ,uality "anage"ent %y%te" do&u"ent%
U%ed ;</, H#CC/ and 0i%. #naly%i% %y%te" to &o"ply and %ol*e p$oble"%
f$o" fi$%t p$o&e%% to fini%hed good% -a$ehou%e(
Cont$ol% do&u"ent% and $e&o$d%
0e%pon%ible fo$ the "aintenan&e of ,uality "anual%, p$o&edu$e% "anual%, -o$.
in%t$u&tion%, ,uality plan% and othe$ ,uality do&u"entation% that it be in
&o"plian&e -ith national %tanda$d%
)i"e and "otion appli&ation
)$aining Cou$%e:
?uality 4n&o"ing 4n%pe&tion fo$ $a- "ate$ial%
1ut!going 4n%pe&tion fo$ fini%hed good% p$odu&t%
<45!3)=!105 3a"pling 4n%pe&tion
=UC#)41N#5 #))#4N<N):
Dece%&er '() *+'+ /a%%ed the 5i&en%u$e Ca"ination fo$ Pr,$ess",na! Teacher
gi*en by the /$ofe%%ional 0egulation Co""i%%ion 9/0C:
0epubli& of the /hilippine%
Jne *++- . March *+'+ Bache!,r ,$ Sc"ence Ma/,r "n Che%"str#
Aune 2011 0e&o$d% <anage"ent 3e"ina$
3a$o%a Hotel
<abolo, Cebu City, /hilippine%
=e&e"be$ 1 B 3, 2010 Unde$%tanding and 4"ple"enting 431 9001:2007
9?uality <anage"ent 3y%te":
3a$o%a Hotel
<abolo, Cebu City, /hilippine%
#ugu%t 06, 2010 Ce$tifi&ate of /a$ti&ipation in 2i$e, 3afety and =i%a%te$
Cebu 3he$ilin #g$o!4ndu%t$ial Co$po$ation
0i*e$%ide, /angdan, City of Naga, Cebu /hilippine%
Auly 27 B 29, 2010 Ce$tifi&ate of #ttendan&e and /a$ti&ipation,
Unde$%tanding and 4"ple"enting H#CC/
Cebu 3he$ilin #g$o!4ndu%t$ial Co$po$ation
0i*e$%ide, /angdan, City of Naga, Cebu /hilippine%
Auly 26, 2010 Ce$tifi&ate of #ttendan&e
n%u$ing 2ood 3afety
9Cu$$ent ;ood <anufa&tu$ing /$a&ti&e%:
Cebu 3he$ilin #g$o!4ndu%t$ial Co$po$ation
0i*e$%ide, /angdan, City of Naga, Cebu /hilippine%
Auly 06, 2010 4nt$odu&tion to ;ene$al /e%t and 0odent Cont$ol
Cebu 3he$ilin #g$o!4ndu%t$ial Co$po$ation
0i*e$%ide, /angdan, City of Naga, Cebu /hilippine%
Aune 19, 2010 ;</ and H#CC/
Ce$tifi&ate of /a$ti&ipation
Cebu 3he$ilin #g$o!4ndu%t$ial Co$po$ation
0i*e$%ide, /angdan, City of Naga, Cebu /hilippine%
Auly 1G, 2010 Ce$tifi&ate of #ttenda&ne
1$ientation on He$ifi&ation and Calib$ation
/$o&edu$e% of )he$"o"ete$%, Deighing 3&ale%
#nd )e%t Deight%
<andaue /oult$y /$o&e%%ing /lant
0i*e$%ide, Candu"an, <andaue City, Cebu /hilippine%
/031N#5 =#)#:
#ge : 22 yea$% old
=ate of Fi$th : #ugu%t 7, 1979
;ende$ : 2e"ale
Nationality : 2ilipino
0eligion : 0o"an Catholi&
<a$ital 3tatu% : 3ingle
#==4)41N#5 4N210<#)41N:
ngli%h and 2ilipino
3po$t%, <u%i&, <o*ie%, Foo.%
<3 appli&ation 9C&el, Do$d, /o-e$point:
AoCan 3( 5abu&a
Cebu 3he$ilin #g$o! 4ndu%t$ial Co$po$ation
Eathe$ine #( #ta&ado$
2ood 3afety Coo$dinato$
3<24 ! CeHi%
;e$$y ( #bellaIa
Cebu 3he$ilin #g$o!4ndu%t$ial Co$po$ation