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Blood Transfusion Service is a vital part of the National Health Service and there is no substitute for Human Blood and its components. Increasing advancement in the field of Transfusion Technology has necessitated to enforce stricter control over the quality of Blood and its products. In most of the developed countries, the blood banking system has advanced in all facets of donor management, storage of blood, grouping and cross matching, testing of transmissible diseases, rationale use of blood and distribution. The ovt. has the full responsibility for the blood programme even though, in some countries, the management of blood transfusion services are delegated fully or partly to an appropriate non!governmental organi"ation #N$s% &orking on a non!profit basis, e.g. 'ed (ross Society. )hen a N$ is assigned this responsibility, the ovt. should formally recogni"e it and give a clear mandate formulating the national blood policy, it is important to consider policy decisions enforcing appropriate regulations or necessary functions of health service to ensure high quality service and safe blood.
In order to improve the standards of Blood and its components, the (entral ovt. through *rugs (ontroller eneral of India, has formulated a comprehensive legislation to ensure better quality control system on collection, storage, testing and distribution of blood and its components. (entral ovt. amended from time to time the e+isting requirements of Blood Banks in the *rugs , (osmetics -ct, ./01 and 'ules thereunder to meet the latest standards. (onsequent to a public litigation case recently, Supreme (ourt of India directed (entral ovt. to enact a comprehensive legislation on Blood Banks in collection, storage, testing and distribution of blood and its components. In this conte+t, the office of *rugs (ontroller eneral of India made draft rules to further amend the e+isting la& in the *rugs , (osmetics -ct, ./01 and 'ules thereunder to meet the direction of Hon2ble Supreme (ourt in order to improve the blood banking system in the country.
overnment of India published in the year 3113 the National Blood 4olicy. The ob5ective of the policy is to provide safe, adequate quantity of blood, blood components and products. The main aim of the policy is to procure non remunerated regular blood donors by the blood banks. The policy also addresses various issues &ith regard to technical personnel, research , development and to eliminate profiteering by the blood banks by selling blood. The policy also envisages that fresh licences to stand alone blood banks in private sector shall not be granted and rene&al of such blood banks shall be sub5ected to thorough scrutiny.
Human blood is covered under the definition of 6*rug2 under Sec. 7#b% of *rugs , (osmetics -ct. Hence, it is imperative that Blood Banks need to be regulated under the *rugs , (osmetics -ct and rules thereunder.
In the year ./89, (entral ovt. #:inistry of Health% enacted a separate provision in Schedule ; 4art <II B of *rugs , (osmetics 'ules. =arious requirements such as -ccommodation, Technical staff, equipments etc. for operation of blood bank &ere included in this 4art. State *rugs (ontrollers &ere authori"ed to issue the licences for blood banks. The standards for 6)hole Human Blood2 &as prescribed in Indian 4harmacopoeia.
*ue to prevalence of -I*S virus, the :inistry of Health , ;amily )elfare #ovt. of India% issued a notification in the year ./>/ under the *rugs and (osmetics 'ules and made the test HI= .,3 antibodies of )hole Human Blood as mandatory requirement before transfusion. It is imperative that each unit of blood and blood products &ere regulated in the year .//1 and 7 laboratories vi". NI(* *elhi, NI= 4une and (:(, =ellore &ere notified to function as laboratory under 7- of *rugs and (osmetics 'ules to test HI= antibodies in respect of human blood and human blood products.
-s trained technicians &ere not available in the Blood Banks to carry out the test for HI= .,3 antibodies, the :inistry of Health , ;amily )elfare notified ..3 Surveillance (entres to act as a testing lab for the blood banks for carrying out the above test #?BT(%. The list of ..3 Surveillance (entres is anne+ed.
;ollo&ing :@s. ;erguson2s 'eport #&hich brought out various deficiencies &ith regard to quality control of blood and blood products etc. in the year .//1 and based on concern e+pressed in different fora and in 4arliament, the *,( 'ules &ere again amended #'ules 8>-, 4art <B and 4art <IIB of Schedule ;% in the year .//3!/7 and *rugs (ontroller eneral #India% &as vested &ith the po&er of (entral Aicence -pproving -uthority #(A--% to approve the licence of notified drugs vi". Blood and Blood 4roducts, I.=. ;luids and =accines and Sera.
The requirement of a blood bank is inserted in 4art <!B of the *rugs and (osmetics 'ules, ./0B. The 'ules from .33; to .334 e+plain the various procedure of making applications by a blood bank, fees to be paid for grant@rene&al of licence by the applicant and conditions of licence to be follo&ed by the applicant after grant@rene&al and conditions of licence to be follo&ed by the applicant after grant@rene&al of licnece.
In accordance &ith the Supreme (ourt order, blood bank legislation has been e+tensively revised on B.0../// to include ood :anufacturing 4ractices, Standard $perating 4rocedure and validation of equipments etc. The brief requirements for grant@rene&al of blood bank licences are as follo&sC
122-EA. De!"!#!$"%.! #.% In this 4art and in the ;orms contained in Schedule - and in 4art <II B and 4art <II( of schedule ;, unless there is anything repugnant in the sub5ect or conte+t,!
#a% 6apheresis2 means for the process by &hich blood dra&n from a donor, after separating plasma or platelets or leucocytes, is retransfused D simultaneously into the said donorE #b% 6autologous blood2 means the blood dra&n from the patient for re!transfusion unto himself later onE #c% 6blood2 means and includes &hole human blood, dra&n from a donor and mi+ed &ith an anti!coagulantE #d% 6blood bank2 means a place or organi"ation or unit or institution or other arrangements made by such organi"ation, unit or institution for carrying out all or any of the operations for collection, apheresis, storage, processing and distribution of blood dra&n from donors and@or for preparation, storage and distribution of blood componentsE #e% 6blood component2 means a drug prepared, obtained, derived or separated from a unit of blood dra&n from a donorE #f% 6blood product2 means a drug manufactured or obtained from pooled plasma or blood by fractionation, dra&n from donorsE #g% 6donor2 means a person &ho voluntarily donates blood after he has been declared fit after a medical e+amination, for donating blood, on fulfilling the criteria given hereinafter, &ithout accepting in return any consideration in cash or kind from any source, but does not include a professional or a paid donor.
EXPLANATION.! ;or the purposes of this clause, benefits or incentives like pins, plaques, badges, medals, commendation certificates, time!off from &ork, membership of blood assurance programme, gifts or little or intrinsic monetary value shall not be construed as considerationE
#h% 6leucapheresis2 means the process by &hich the blood dra&n from a donor, after leucocyte concentrates have been separated, is re!transfused simultaneously into the said donorE #i% 6plasmapheresis2 means the process by &hich the blood dra&n from a donor, after plasma has been separated, is re!transfused during the same sitting into the said donorE #5% 6plateletpheresis2 means the process by &hich the blood dra&n from a donor, after platelet concentrates have been separated, is re!transfused simultaneously into the said donor. #k% 6professional donor2 means a person &ho donates blood for a valuable consideration, in cash or kind, from any source, on behalf of the recipient D patient and includes a paid donor or a commercial donorE (l) 6replacement donor2 means a donor &ho is a family friend or a relative of the patient Drecipient.
122-F. F$&' $ ())*!+(#!$" $& *!+e"+e $& $)e&(#!$" $ B*$$, B("-/)&$+e%%!". $ /0$*e 01'(" 2*$$, $& +$')$"e"#%/'("1(+#1&e $& B*$$, P&$,1+#% $& %(*e $& ,!%#&!21#!$" #.% -pplication for the grant and@or rene&al of licence for the operation of Blood Bank@processing of Human Blood for components@manufacture of Blood 4roducts shall be made to the Aicensing -uthority appointed under 4art =II in ;orm 39!( or ;orm 39!F as the case may be and shall be accompanied by licence fees of rupees si+ thousand and an inspection fees of rupees one thousand and five hundred for every inspection thereof or for the purpose of rene&al of licence.
4rovided that if the applicant applies for rene&al of licence after the e+piry but &ithin si+ months of such e+piry the fee payable for the rene&al of the licnece shall be rupees si+ thousand and inspection fees of rupees one thousand and five hundred plus an additional fees at the rate of rupees one thousand per month or a part thereof in additional to the inspection fee.
4rovided further that a licensee holding a licence in ;orm 3>!( or ;orm 3>!F as the case may be for operation of blood bank@processing of &hole human blood for components@manufacture of blood products shall apply for grant of licence under sub! rule #.% before the e+piry of the said licnece on ;orm 39!( or ;orm 39!F as the case may be and he shall continue to operate the same till the orders on his application are communicated to him.
.. GF<4A-N-TI$N.! ;or the purpose of this rule, 6Blood Bank2 means a place or organi"ational unit or an institution, or other arrangement made by such organi"ational unit or institution for carrying out all or any of the operations of manufacture of human blood components or blood products or &hole human blood for its collection, storage, processing, distribution from selected human donors.H 3. - fee of rupees one thousand shall be paid for a duplicate copy of licence issued under this rule, if the original is defaced, damaged or lost. 7. -pplication by licensee to manufacture additional drugs listed in the application shall be accompanied by a fee of rupees three hundred for each drug listed in the application. 0. $n receipt of the application for the grant or rene&al of such licence, the Aicensing -uthority shall, !
#i% verify the statements made in the application form. #ii% (ause the manufacturing and testing establishment to be inspected in accordance &ith the provisions of rules .33!IE and #iii% In case the application is for rene&al of licence, call for information of past performance of the licensee.
B. If the Aicensing -uthority is satisfied that the applicant is in position to fulfill the requirements laid do&n in the rules, he shall prepare a report to that effect and for&ard it along &ith the application and the licence #in triplicate% to be granted or rene&ed, duly completed to the (entral Aicence -pproving -uthorityC
4rovided that if the Aicensing -uthority is of the opinion that the applicant is not in a position to fulfill the requirements laid do&n in these rules, he may, by order, for reason to be recorded in &riting, refuse to grant or rene& the licence, as the case may be.
8. If, on receipt of application and the report of the Aicensing -uthority referred to in Sub!rule B and after taking such measures including inspection of the premises, by the inspector, appointed by the (entral ovt. under Section 3. of the -ct, and@or along &ith e+pert in the field concerned if deemed necessary, the (entral Aicence -pproving -uthority, is satisfied that the applicant is in a position to fulfill the requirement laid do&n in this rule. He may grant or rene& the licnece, as the case may beC
4rovided that if the (entral Aicence -pproving -uthority is of the opinion that the applicant is not in a position to fulfill the requirements laid do&n in these rules he may, not&ithstanding the report of the Aicensing -uthority, by order, for reason to be recorded in the &riting, re5ect the application for grant or rene&al of licence as the case may be and shall supply the applicant &ith a copy of the inspection report.
.33!. ;orm of licence for the operation of a Blood Bank@4rocessing of )hole Human Blood for components and manufacture of Blood products and the conditions for the grant or rene&al of such licence.! - licence for the operation of a Blood Bank or for processing &hole Human Blood for components and manufacture of blood products shall be issued in ;orm 3>!( or ;orm!3>!F or ;orm 38! or ;orm 38!I as the case may be. Before a licence in ;orm 3>!( or ;orm!3>!F or ;orm 38! or ;orm 38!I, as the case may be, is granted or rene&ed the follo&ing conditions shall be complied &ith by the applicant.!
#i% The operation of the Blood Bank and@or processing of &hole human blood for components@manufacture of blood product shall be carried out under the active direction and personal supervision of component technical staff consisting of at least one person &ho is &hole time employee and &ho is a :edical $fficer, and possessing! a% 4ost raduate degree in :edicine!:.*. #4athology@Transfusion :edicines%E or b% *egree in :edicine #:.B.B.S.% &ith *iploma in 4athology or Transfusion :edicines having adequate kno&ledge in blood group serology, blood group methodology and medical principles involved in the procurement of blood and@or preparation of its componentsE or c% *egree in :edicine #:.B.B.S.% having e+perience in Blood Bank for one year during regular service and also has adequate kno&ledge and e+perience in blood group serology, blood group methodology and medical principles involved in the procurement of blood and@or preparation of its components, the degree or diploma being from a university recogni"ed by the (entral overnment.
F<4A-N-TI$N! ;or the purposes of this condition, the e+perience in Blood Bank for one year shall not apply in the case of persons &ho are approved by the Aicensing -uthority and@or (entral Aicence -pproving -uthority prior to the commencement of the *rugs , (osmetics #Second -mendment% 'ules,.///.
#ii% The applicant shall provide adequate space, plant and equipment for any or all the operations of blood collection or blood processing. The space, plant and equipment required for various operations is given in Schedule 6;2, 4art <II!B and @ or <II!(. #iii% The applicant shall provide and maintain adequate technical staff as specified in Schedule 6;2, 4art <II!B and@or <II!(. #iv% The applicant shall provide adequate arrangements for storage of )hole Human Blood, Human Blood (omponents and blood products. #v% The applicant shall furnish to the Aicensing -uthority, if required to do so, data on the stability of )hole Human Blood, its components or blood products &hich are likely to deteriorate, for fi+ing the date of e+piry &hich shall be printed on the labels of such products on the basis of the data so furnished.
.33!H. *uration of Aicence.! -n original licence in ;orm 3>!( or ;orm 3> DF or a rene&ed licence in ;orm 38! or ;orm 38!I unless sooner suspended or cancelled shall valid for a period of five years and from the date on &hich the year in &hich it is granted or rene&ed.
.33!I. Inspection before grant or rene&al of licence for operation of Blood Bank, processing of )hole Human Blood for (omponents and :anufacture of Blood 4roducts.! Before a licence in ;orm 3>!( or ;orm 3> DF is granted or a rene&al of licence in ;orm 38! or ;orm 38!I is made ,as the case may be, the Aicensing -uthority or (entral Aicence -pproving -uthority, as the case may be , shall cause the establishment in &hich Blood Bank is proposed to be operated@ &hole human blood for component is processedI@J blood products are manufactured to be inspected by one or more inspectors, appointed under the -ct and @ or along &ith the F+pert in the field concerned. The Inspector or Inspectors shall e+amine all portions of the premises and appliances@ equipments and inspect the process of manufacture intended to be employed or being employed along &ith the means to be employed or being employed for operation of blood bank@processing of &hole human blood for components@ manufacture of blood products together &ith their ItestingJ facilities and also enquire into the professional qualification of the e+pert staff and other technical staff to be employed. .33!K. 'eport by Inspector.! The Inspector or Inspectors shall for&ard a detailed descriptive report giving his finding on each aspect of inspection along &ith his recommendation in accordance &ith the provisions of 'ule .33!I to the Aicensing -uthority or to the (entral Aicence -pproving -uthority.
.33!L. ;urther application after re5ection.! If &ithin a period of si+ months from the re5ection of application for a licence the applicant informs the licensing -uthority that the conditions laid do&n have been satisfied and deposits an inspection fee of rupees t&o hundred and fifty the Aicensing -uthority, if after causing further inspection to be made is satisfied that the conditions for the grant of a licence have been complied &ith, shall grant or rene& a licence in ;orm 3>!( or ;orm 3> DFE
4rovided that in case of drug notified by the (entral overnment under rule 8>!-, the application , together &ith the inspection report and the ;orm of licence #in triplicate to be granted or rene&ed%, duly completed shall be sent, to the (entral Aicence -pproving -uthority, &ho may approve the same and return it to the licensing -uthority for issue of the licence.
.33!A. *elegation of po&ers by the (entral Aicensing -pproving -uthority.! The (entral Aicensing -pproving -uthority may, &ith the approval of the (entral overnment, by notification delegate his po&er of signing licences and any other po&er under rules to persons under his control having same qualifications as prescribed for (ontrolling -uthority under 'ule B1!-, for such areas and for such periods as may be specified.
.33!:. 4rovision for appeal to the State overnment by a 4arty &hose licence has not been granted or rene&ed.! -ny person &ho is aggrieved by the order passed by the Aicensing -uthority or (entral Aicence -pproving -uthority, as the case may be, may &ithin thirty days from the date of receipt of such order, appeal to the State overnment or (entral overnment, as the case may be, after such enquiry, into the matter as it considers necessary and after giving the said person an opportunity for representing his vie& in the matter may pass such order in relation thereto as it thinks fit.
.33!N. additional information to be furnished by an IapplicantJ for licence or by a licensee to the Aicensing -uthority.! The applicant for the grant of licence or any person granted a licence under the part shall, on demand furnish to the Aicensing -uthority, before the grant of the licence or during the period the licence is in force as, as the case may be, documentary evidence in respect of the o&nership or occupation, rental or other basis of the premises, specified in the application for licence or in the licence granted, constitution of the firm or any other relevant matter, &hich may be required for the purpose of verifying the correctness of the statement made by the applicant or the licensee, &hile applying for or after obtaining the licence, as the case may be.
.33!$.(ancellation and suspension of licences.! #.% The Aicensing -uthority or (entral Aicence -pproving -uthority may for such licences granted or rene&ed by him after giving the licensee an opportunity to sho& cause by such an order should not be passed by an order in &riting stating the reason thereof, cancel a licence issued under this part or suspend it for such period as he thinks fit, either &holly or in respect of some of the substances to &hich it relates, Ior direct the licensee to stop collection, storage, processing, manufacture and distribution of the said substances and Ithereupon order the destruction of substances andJ stocks thereof in the presence of an InspectorJ if in his opinion, the licensee has failed to comply &ith any of the conditions of the licence or &ith any provision of the -ct or 'ules thereunder.
#3% - licensee &hose licence has been suspended or cancelled, &ithin three months of the date of the order under sub!rule #.% prefer an appeal against that order to the State overnment or (entral overnment, &hich shall decide the same.
.33!4. (onditions of licence! - licence in ;orm 3>!(, ;orm 3>!F, ;orm 38! or ;orm 38!I shall be sub5ect to the special conditions set out in Schedule ;, 4art <II!B and 4art <II!(, as the case may be, &hich relate to the substance in respect of &hich the licence is granted or rene&ed and to the follo&ing general conditions, namelyC! #i% #a% The licensee shall provide and maintain adequate staff, plant and premises for the proper operation of a Blood Bank for processing &hole human blood, its components and@or manufacture of blood products.
#b% The licensee shall maintain staff, premises and equipments as specified in 'ule .33!. The licensee shall maintain necessary records and registers as specified in Schedule ;, 4arts <II!B and <II!(.
#c% The licensee shall test in his o&n laboratory &hole human blood, its components and blood products and Imaintain records andJ registers in respect of such tests as specified in Schedule ;, 4art <II!B and 4art <II!(. The records and registers shall be maintained for a period of five years from the date of manufacture.
#d% The licensee shall maintain@preserve reference Isample andJ supply to the Inspector the reference sample of the &hole human blood collected by him in adequate quantity to conduct all the prescribed tests. The licensee shall supply to the Inspector the reference sample for the purpose of testing.
#ii% The licensee shall allo& an inspector appointed under the -ct to enter, &ith or I&ithoutJ prior notice, any premises &here the activities of the Blood Bank are being carried out, for the processing of )hole Human Blood and@or Blood 4roducts, to inspect the premises and plant and the process of manufacture and the means employed for standardi"ing and testing the substance.
#iii% The licensee shall allo& an Inspector appointed under the -ct to inspect all registers and records maintained under these rules and to take samples of the manufactured product and shall supply to Inspector such information as he may require for the purpose of ascertaining &hether the provisions of the -ct and 'ules thereunder have been observed.
#iv% The licensee shall from time to time report to the Aicensing -uthority any changes in the e+pert staff responsible for the operation of a Blood Bank@processing of &hole human blood for components and@or manufacture of blood products and any material alterations in the premises or plant used for that purpose &hich have been made since the date of last inspection made on behalf of the Aicensing -uthority before the grant of the licence.
#v% The licensee shall on request furnish to the Aicensing -uthority, or (entral Aicence -pproving -uthority or to such -uthority as the Aicensing -uthority, or the (entral Aicence -pproving -uthority may direct, from any batch unit of drugs as the Aicensing -uthority or the (entral Aicence -pproving may from time to time specify, sample of such quantity as may be considered adequate by such -uthority for any e+amination and, if so required, also furnish full protocols of the test &hich have been applied.
#vi% If the Aicensing -uthority or the (entral Aicence -pproving -uthority so directs, the licensee shall not sell or offer for sale any batch@unit in respect of &hich a sample is, or protocols are furnished under the last preceding sub! paragraph until a certificate authori"ing the sales of batch@unit has been issued to him by or on behalf of the Aicensing -uthority or the (entral Aicence -pproving -uthority.
#vii% The licensee shall on being informed by the Aicensing -uthority or the (ontrolling -uthority that any part of any batch@unit of the substance has been found by the Aicensing -uthority or the (entral Aicence -pproving -uthority not to conform &ith the standards of strength, quality or purity specified in these 'ules and on being directed so to do so, &ithdra&, from sales and so far as may in the particular circumstances of the case be practicable recall all issues already made from that batch@unit.
#viii% No drug manufactured under the licence shall be sold unless the precautions necessary for preserving its properties have been observed throughout the period after manufacture. ;urther no batch@unit manufactured under this licence shall be supplied@distributed to any person &ithout prescription of 'egistered :edical 4ractitioner.
#i+% The licensee shall comply &ith the provisions of the -ct and of these 'ules and &ith such further requirements, if any, as may be specified in any 'ules subsequently made under (hapter I= of the -ct, provided that &here such further requirements are specified in the 'ules, these &ould come in force four months after publication in the $fficial a"ette.
#+% The licensee shall maintain an Inspection Book in ;orm 7B to enable an Inspector to record his impressions and defects noticed.
#+i% The licensee shall destroy the stocks of batch@unit &hich does not comply &ith standard tests in such a &ay that it &ould not spread any disease@infection by &ay of proper disinfection method.
#+ii% -ll bio!medical &aste shall be treated, disposed off or destroyed as per the provisions of The Bio!:edical )astes #:anagement and Handling% 'ules .//8.
#+iii% The licensee shall neither collect blood from any professional donor or paid donor nor shall he prepare blood components and@or manufacture blood products from the blood dra&n from such a donor.
F$&' 23-G #See 'ule .33!;%
. (ertified that licence number MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMgranted on MMMMMMMM to :@s MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM for the operation of a Blood Bank for processing of &hole blood and @ or for preparation of its components at the premises situated at MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM is hereby rene&ed &ith effect from MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM to MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM.
3 Name #s% of Items C .. 3. 7.
7. Name#s% of competent Technical Staff C .. 3. 7. 0. B. 8.
Name and *esignation MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM Aicensing -uthority MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMM (entral Aicence -pproving -uthority
N delete, &hichever is not applicable.OE
#b% after ;orm 38!H, the follo&ing ;orm shall be inserted, namely C!
5F$&' 23-I #See rule .33!I%
(ertified that licence number MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMgranted on MMMMMMMMMMM to :@s MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM for manufacture of blood products at the premises situated at MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM is hereby rene&ed &ith effect from MMMMMMMMMMMMM to MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM.
3. Name#s% of item#s% C .. 3. 7.
7. Names of competent Technical Staff C #a% responsible for manufacturing #b% responsible for testing
.. .. 3. 3. 7. 7. 0. 0.
Name and *esignation MMMMMMMMMMMMMM Aicensing -uthority MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM (entral Aicence -pproving -uthorityO.E
#c% for ;orm 39!(, the follo&ing form shall be substituted, namelyC!
5F$&' 26-C #See rule .33!;%
.. I@)e MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMof :@sMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMhereby apply for the grant of licence @ rene&al of licence number MMMMMMMMMMMMMMdated MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM to operate a Blood Bank, for processing of &hole blood and@orN for preparation of its components on the premises situated at MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM.
3. Name#s% of the item#s%C .. 3. 7.
7. The name#s%, qualification and e+perience of competent Technical Staff are as under C
#a% Name#s% of :edical $fficer.
#b% Name#s% of Technical Supervisor.
#c% Name#s% of 'egistered Nurse.
#d% Name#s% of Blood Bank Technician.
0. The premises and plant are ready for inspection@ &ill be ready for inspection on MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM.
B. - licence fee of rupees MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM and an inspection fee of rupees MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM has been credited to the overnment under the Head of -ccount MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM #receipt enclosed%.
N delete, &hichever is not applicable.
Note .. The application shall be accompanied by a plan of the premises, list of machinery and equipment for collection, processing, storage and testing of &hole blood and its components, memorandum of association@ constitution of the firm, copies of certificate relating to educational qualifications and e+perience of the competent technical staff and documents relating to o&nership or tenancy of the premises.
3. - copy of the application together &ith the relevant enclosures shall also be sent to the (entral Aicence -pproving -uthority and to the concerned ?onal@Sub! ?onal $fficers of the (entral *rugs Standard (ontrol $rgani"ation.OE
#d% after ;orm 39!*, the follo&ing ;orm shall be inserted, namely C!
5F$&' 26-E #See rule .33!;%
.. I@)e MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMof :@sMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMhereby apply for the grant of licence@rene&al of licence number MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM dated MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM to manufacture blood products on the premises situated at MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
3. Name#s% of item#s% C .. 3. 7. 0.
7. The name#s%, qualification and e+perience of competent Technical Staff as under C #a% responsible for manufacturing #b% responsible for testing
.. .. 3. 3. 7. 7.
0. The premises and plant are ready for inspection @ &ill be ready for inspection onMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
B. - licence fee of rupees MMMMMMMMMMMMMMand an inspection fee of rupees MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM has been credited to the overnment under the Head of -ccount MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM #receipt enclosed%,
N$TF .. The application shall be accompanied by a plan of the premises, list of machinery and equipment for manufacture of blood products, memorandum of association@constitution of the firm, copies of certificate relating to educational qualifications and e+perience of the competent technical staff and documents relating to o&nership or tenancy of the said premises. 3. - copy of the application together &ith the relevant enclosures shall also be sent to the (entral Aicence -pproving -uthority and to the concerned ?onal @ Sub ?onal $fficers of the (entral *rugs Standard (ontrol $rganisation.OE
#e% for ;orm 3>!(, the follo&ing ;orm shall be substituted, namely C!
5F$&' 27-C #See rule .33!%
3. :@s MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM is hereby licensed to collect, store, process and distribute &hole blood and @ or its components.
7. Name#s% of the item#s% C .. 3. 7.
0. Name#s% of competent Technical Staff C .. 3. 7. 0. B. 8.
B. The licence authori"es licensee to manufacture, store, sell or distribute the blood products, sub5ect to the conditions applicable to this licence. 8. The licence shall be in force from MMMMMMMMMMMM to MMMMMMMMMMMMM 9. The licence shall be sub5ect to the conditions stated belo& and to such other conditions as may be specified from time to time in the 'ules made under the *rugs and (osmetics -ct, ./01.
Name and *esignation MMMMMMMMMMMMM Aicensing -uthority MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMM (entral Aicence -pproving -uthority Ndelete, &hichever is not applicable
.. The licensee shall neither collect blood from any professional donor nor paid donor nor shall he prepare blood components from the blood collected from such a donor. 3. The licence and any certificate of rene&al in force shall be displayed on the approved premises and the original shall be produced at the request of an Inspector appointed under the *rugs and (osmetics -ct, ./01. 7. -ny change in the technical staff shall be forth&ith reported to the Aicensing -uthority and @ or (entral Aicence -pproving -uthority. 0. The licensee shall inform the Aicensing -uthority and@or (entral Aicence -pproving -uthority in &riting in the event of any change in the constitution of the firm operating under the licence. )here any change in the constitution of the firm takes place, the current licence shall be deemed to be valid for ma+imum period of three months from the date on &hich the change has taken place unless, in the meantime, a fresh licence has been taken from the Aicensing -uthority and@or (entral Aicence -pproving -uthority in the name of the firm &ith the changed constitution.OE
#f% after ;orm 3>!*, the follo&ing ;orm shall be inserted, namely C!
5F$&' 27-E #See rule .33!%
.. Number of licence MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM date of issue MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMat the premises situated at MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM 3. :@s MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMis hereby licensed to manufacture, store, sell or distribute the follo&ing blood products C! 7. Name#s% of the item#s% C .. 3. 7. 0. B. 0. Name#s% of competent Technical Staff C #a%responsible for manufacturing #b% responsible for testing .. .. 3. 3. 7 7. B. The licence authori"es licensee to manufacture, store, sell or distribute the blood products, sub5ect to the conditions applicable to this licence. 8. The licence shall be in force from MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM to MMMMMMMMMMMMM 9. The licence shall be sub5ect to the conditions stated belo& and to such other conditions as may be specified from time to time in the 'ules made under the *rugs and (osmetics -ct, ./01.
Name and *esignation MMMMMMMMMMMMM Aicensing -uthority MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MM (entral Aicence -pproving -uthority Ndelete, &hichever is not applicable
CONDITIONS OF LICENCE .. The licensee shall not manufacture blood products from any professional donor or paid donor. 3. This licence and any certificate of rene&al in force shall be displayed on the approved premises and the original shall be produced at the request of an Inspector appointed under the *rugs and (osmetics -ct, ./01. 7. -ny change in the technical staff shall be forth&ith reported to the Aicensing -uthority and @ or (entral Aicence -pproving -uthority. 0. The licensee shall inform the Aicensing -uthority and@ or (entral Aicence -pproving -uthority in &riting in the event of any change in the constitution of the firm, operating under the licence. )here any change in the constitution of the firm takes place, the current licence shall be deemed to be valid for ma+imum period of three months from the date on &hich the change has taken place unless, in the meantime, a fresh licence has been taken from the Aicensing -uthority and@or (entral Aicence -pproving -uthority in the name of the firm &ith the changed constitution.E
.. Aocation and Surroundings C The blood bank shall be located at a place &hich shall be a&ay from open se&age, drain, public lavatory or similar unhygienic surroundings.
3 Building C The building #s%, used for operation of a blood bank and@or preparation of blood components shall be constructed in such a manner so as to permit the operation of the blood bank and preparation of blood components under hygienic conditions and shall avoid the entry of insects, rodents and flies. It shall be &ell lighted, ventilated and screened #mesh%, &herever necessary. The &alls and floors of the rooms, &here collection of blood or preparation of blood components or blood products is carried out shall be smooth, &ashable and capable of being kept clean. *rains shall be of adequate si"e and &here connected directly to a se&er, shall be equipped &ith traps to prevent back siphonage.
7. Health, clothing and sanitation of staff C The employees shall be free from contagious or infectious diseases. They shall be provided &ith clean overalls, head!gears, foot!&ears and gloves, &herever required. There shall be adequate, clean and convenient hand &ashing and toilet facilities.
- blood bank shall have an area of .11 square meters for its operations and an additional area of B1 square meters for preparation of blood components. It shall be consisting of a room each for D
#.% 'egistration and medical e+amination &ith adequate furniture and facilities for registration and selection of donorsE
#3% blood collection #air!conditioned%E
#7% blood component preparation. #This shall be air!conditioned to maintain temperature bet&een 31 degree centigrade to 3B degree centigrade%E
#0% laboratory for blood group serology. #air!conditioned%
#B% laboratory for blood transmissible diseases like Hepatitis, Syphilis, :alaria, HI=!antibodies #air!conditioned%E
#8% sterili"ation!cum!&ashingE
#9% refreshment!cum!rest room #air!conditioned%E
#>% store!cum!records.
NOTES 8 #.% The above requirements as to accommodation and area may be rela+ed, In respect of testing laboratories and sterili"ation!cum! &ashing room, for reasons to be recorded in &riting by the Aicensing -uthority and @ or the (entral Aicence -pproving -uthority, in respect of blood banks operating in Hospitals, provided the hospital concerned has a pathological laboratory and a sterili"ation!cum! &ashing room common &ith other departments in the said hospital.
#3% 'efreshments to the donor after phlebotomy shall be served so that he is kept under observation in the Blood Bank.
Fvery blood bank shall have follo&ing categories of &hole time competent technical staff C! #a% :edical $fficer, possessing the qualifications specified in condition of rule .33!.
#b% Blood Bank Technician#s% ,possessing ! #i% *egree in :edical Aaboratory Technology #:.A.T.% &ith si+ monthsP e+perience in the testing of blood and@or its componentsE or #ii% *iploma in :edical Aaboratory Technology #:AT% &ith one yearPs e+perience in the testing of blood and@or its components, the degree or diploma being from a Qniversity@Institution recognised by the (entral overnment or State overnment.
#c% 'egistered Nurse#s%.
#d% Technical Supervisor#&here blood components are manufactured%, possessing !
#i% *egree in :edical Aaboratory Technology #:.A.T.% &ith si+ monthsP e+perience in the preparation of blood componentsE or #ii% *iploma in :edical Aaboratory Technology #:.A.T% &ith one yearPs e+perience in the preparation of blood components, the degree or diploma being from a Qniversity@Institution recognised by the (entral overnment or State overnment.
NOTES8 #.% The requirements of qualification and e+perience in respect of Technical Supervisor and Blood Bank Technician shall apply in the cases of persons &ho are approved by the Aicensing -uthority and@or (entral Aicence -pproving -uthority after the commencement of the *rugs and (osmetics# -mendment% 'ules, .///. #3% -s regards, the number of &hole time competent technical personnel, the blood bank shall comply &ith the requirements laid do&n in the *irectorate eneral of Health Services :anual. #7% It shall be the responsibility of the licensee to ensure through maintenance of records and other latest techniques used in blood banking system that the personnel involved in blood banking activities for collection, storage, testing and distribution are adequately trained in the current ood :anufacturing 4ractices@Standard $perating 4rocedures for the tasks undertaken by each personnel. The personnel shall be made a&are of the principles of ood :anufacturing 4ractices@Standard operating 4rocedures that affect them and receive initial and continuing training relevant to their needs.
The premises shall be maintained in a clean and proper manner to ensure adequate cleaning and maintenance of proper operations. The facilities shall include D
# .% 4rivacy and thorough e+amination of individuals to determine their suitability as donors.
#3% (ollection of blood from donors &ith minimal risk of contamination or e+posure to activities and equipment unrelated to blood collection.
#7% Storage of blood or blood components pending completion of tests. #0% 4rovision for quarantine, storage of blood and blood components in a designated location, pending repetition of those tests that initially give questionable serological results.
#B% 4rovision for quarantine, storage, handling and disposal of products and reagents not suitable for use.
#8% Storage of finished products prior to distribution or issue.
#9% 4roper collection, processing, compatibility testing, storage and distribution of blood and blood components to prevent contamination.
#>% -dequate and proper performance of all procedures relating to plasmapheresis, plateletpheresis and leucapheresis.
#/% 4roper conduct of all packaging, labeling and other finishing operations.
#.1% 4rovision for safe and sanitary disposal of D
#i% Blood and@or blood components not suitable for use, distribution or sale.
#ii% Trash and items used during the collection, processing and compatibility testing of blood and@or blood components.
Fquipment used in the collection, processing, testing, storage and sale@distribution of blood and its components shall be maintained in a clean and proper manner and so placed as to facilitate cleaning and maintenance. The equipment shall be observed, standardised and calibrated on a regularly scheduled basis as described in the Standard $perating 4rocedures :anual and shell operate in the manner for &hich it &as designed so as to ensure compliance &ith the official requirements #the equipments% as stated belo& for blood and its components.
Fquipment that shall be observed, standardised and calibrated &ith at least the follo&ing frequencies C!
FRQI4:FNT 4F';$':-N(F ;'FRQFN(S ;'FRQFN(S $; (-AIB'-TI$N .. Temperature recorder (ompare against thermometer *aily -s often as necessary 3. 'efrigerated centrifuge $bserve speed and temperature Fach day of use -s often as necessary 7. Hematocrit centrifuge !! !! Standardise before initial use, after repair or ad5ustments, and annually.
0. eneral lab. centrifuge !! !! Tachometer. every 8 months, B. -utomated Blood typing $bserve controls for correct results Fach day of use !!! 8. Haemoglo! bihometer Standardi"e against cyanamethemo! globulin standard Fach day of use !!! 9. 'efractiometer or Qrinometer Standardi"e against distilled &ater . !!!ditto !!! !!! >. Blood container &eighing device standardi"e against container of kno&n &eight !!!ditto !! -s often as necessary, /. )ater Bath $bserve Temperature !!!ditto !! !!!!ditto!!!! .1. 'h vie& bo+#&herever necessary% !!ditto !! !!ditto!! !!!!ditto!!!! ... -utoclave !!ditto !! Fach time of use !! ditto !! .3. serologic rotators $bserve controls for correct results Fach day of use speed as often as necessary .7. Aaboratory thermometers !! !! Before initial use .0. Flectronic thermometers !! :onthly !! .B. Blood agitator $bserve &eight of the first container of blood filled for correct results Fach day of use standardi"e &ith container of kno&n mass or volume before initial use, and after repairs or ad5ustments.
-ll supplies and reagents used in the collection, processing, compatibility, testing, storage and distribution of blood and blood components shall be stored at proper temperature in a safe and hygienic place, in a proper manner and in particular D
#a% all supplies coming and contact &ith blood and blood components intended for transfusion shall be sterile, pyrogen!free, and shall not interact &ith the product in such a manner as to have an adverse effect upon the safety, purity, potency or effectiveness of the product.
#b% supplies and reagents that do not bear an e+piry date shall be stored in a manner that the oldest is used first.
#c% supplies and reagents shall be used in a manner consistent &ith instructions provided by the manufacturer .
#d% all final containers and closures for blood and blood components not intended for transfusion shall be clean and free of surface solids and other contaminants.
#e% each blood collecting container and its satellite container#s%, if any, shall be e+amined visually for damage or evidence of contamination prior to its use and immediately after filling. Such e+amination shall include inspection for breakage of seals, &hen indicated, and abnormal discoloration. )here any defect is observed, the container shall not be used or, if detected after filling, shall be properly discarded.
#f% representative samples of each lot of the follo&ing reagents and@or solution shall be tested regularly on a scheduled basis by methods described in the Standard $perating 4rocedures :anual to determine their capacity to perform as required C
'eagents and solutions ;requency of testing along&ith controls
-nti!human serum Fach day of use Blood grouping serums Fach day of use Aectin Fach day of use -ntibody screening and reverse Fach day of use grouping cells Hepatitis test reagents Fach run Syphilis serology reagents Fach run Fn"ymes Fach day of use HI= I and II reagents Fach run Normal saline #AISS and 4BS% Fach day of use Bovine -lbumin Fach day of use
)ritten Standard $perating 4rocedures shall be maintained and shall include all steps to be follo&ed in the collection, processing, compatibility testing, storage and sale or distribution of blood and@or preparation of blood components for homologous transfusion, autologous transfusion and further manufacturing purposes. Such procedures shall be available to the personnel for use in the concerned areas. The Standard $perating 4rocedures shall inter alia include C
.. #a% criteria used to determine donor suitability.
#b% methods of performing donor qualifying tests and measurements Including minimum and ma+imum values for a test or procedure, &hen a factor in determining acceptabilityE
#c% solutions and methods used to prepare the site of phlebotomy so as to give ma+imum assurance of a sterile container of bloodE
#d% method of accurately relating the product#s% to the donorE
#e% blood collection procedure, including in!process precautions taken to measure accurately the quantity of blood dra&n from the donorE
#f% methods of component preparation including, any time restrictions for specific steps in processingE
#g% all tests and repeat tests performed on blood and blood components during processingE
#h% pre!transfusion testing, &herever applicable, including precautions to be taken to identify accurately the recipient blood components during processingE
#i% procedures of managing adverse reactions in donor and recipient reactions
#5% storage temperatures and methods of controlling storage temperatures for blood and its components and reagentsE
#i% length of e+piry dates, if any, assigned for all final productsE
#I% criteria for determining &hether returned blood is suitable for re! issueE
#m% procedures used for relating a unit of blood or blood component from the donor to its final disposalE
#n% quality control procedures for supplies and reagents employed in blood collection, processing and re!transfusion testingE
#o% schedules and procedures for equipment maintenance and calibrationE
#p% labelling procedures to safe guard its mi+!ups, receipt, issue, re5ected and in!handE
#q% procedures of plasmapheresis, plateletphersis and leucapheresis if performed, including precautions to be taken to ensure re! infusion of donorPs o&n cells.
#r% procedures for preparing recovered #salvaged% plasma if performed, including details of separation, pooling, labeling, storage and distribution.
#s% all records pertinent to the lot or unit maintained pursuant to these regulations shall be revie&ed before the release or distribution of a lot or unit of final product. The revie& or portions of the revie& may be performed at appropriate periods during or after blood collection, processing, testing and storage - thorough investigation, including the conclusions and follo&!up, of any une+plained discrepancy or the failure of a lot or unit to meet any of its specification shall be made and recordedE
3. - licensee may utilise current Standard $perating 4rocedures, such as the :anuals of the follo&ing organisations, so long as such specific procedures are consistent &ith, and at least as stringent as, the requirements contained in this 4art, namely C!
#i% *irectorate eneral of Health Services :anual. #ii% $ther $rganisations or individual blood bankPs manuals, sub5ect to the approval of State Aicensing -uthority and (entral Aicence -pproving -uthority.
(onditions for donation of blood C
# .% eneral !No person shall donate blood and no blood bank shall dra& blood from a person, more than once in three months. The donor shall be in good health, mentally alert and physically fit and shall not be inmates of 5ail, persons having multiple se+ partners and drug!addicts. The donors shall fulfill the follo&ing requirements, namely C!
#a% the donor shall be in the age group of .> to 81 years. #b% the donor shall not be less than 0B kilogramsE #c% temperature and 4ulse of the donor shall be normalE #d% the systolic and diastolic blood pressures are &ithin normal limits &ithout medicationE #e% haemoglobin &hich shall not be less than .3.B gramsE #f% the donor shall be free from acute respiratory diseasesE #g% the donor shall be free from any skin diseases at the site of phlebotomy E #h% the donor shall be free from any disease transmissible by blood transfusion, insofar as can be determined by history and e+amination indicated aboveE #i% the arms and forearms of the donor shall be free from skin punctures or scars indicative of professional blood donors or addiction of self in5ected narcotics
#3% -dditional qualifications of a donor. !No person shall donate blood, and no blood bank shall dra& blood from a donor, in the conditions mentioned in column #.% of the Table given belo& before the e+piry of the period of deferment mentioned in the column #3% of the said Table.
TableC *eferment of blood donation
#a% -bortions 8 months #b% History of Blood transfusion 8 months #c% Surgery .3 months #d% Typhoid .3 months after recovery #e% History of :alaria and 7 months #endemic% duly treated 7 years #non endemic area% #f% Tattoo 8 months #h% Breast feeding .3 months after delivery #i% Immuni"ation #(holera, .B days Typhoid, *iphtheria, Tetanus, 4lague, ammaglobulin% #5% 'abies vaccination . year after vaccination #k% History of Hepatitis in .3 months family or close contact #l% Immunoglobulin .3 months.
#7% No person shall donate blood and no brood bank shall dra& blood from a person, suffering from any of the diseases mentioned belo&, namely .!
a. (ancer b. Heart disease c. -bnormal bleeding tendencies d. Qne+plained &eight loss e. *iabetes!controlled on Insulin f. Hepatitis infection g. (hronic nephritis h. Signs and symptoms, suggestive of -I*S i. Aiver disease 5. Tuberculosis k. 4olycythemia =era l. -sthma m. Fpilepsy n. Aeprosy o. Schi"ophrenia p. Fndocrine disorders
.. ;or blood collection room C #i% *onor beds, chairs and tablesC These shall be suitably and comfortably cushioned and shall be of appropriate si"e. #ii% Bedside table. #iii% Sphygmomanometer and Stethoscope. #iv% 'ecovery beds for donors. #v% 'efrigerators, for storing separately tested and untested blood, maintaining temperature bet&een 3 to 8 degree centigrade &ith digital dial thermometer, recording thermograph and alarm device, &ith provision for continuous po&er supply. #vi% )eighing devices for donor and blood containers.
3. ;or haemoglobin determination C
#i% (opper sulphate solution #specific gravity ..1B7% #ii% Sterile lancet and impregnated alcohol s&abs. #ii% (apillary tube #..7+..0+/8 mm or pasteur pipettes% #iv% 'ubber bulbs for capillary tubings. #v% SahliPs haemoglobinometer@(olorimeteric method.
7. ;or temperature and pulse determinationC #i% (linical thermometers. #ii% )atch #fitted &ith a seconds!hand% and a stop!&atch.
0. ;or blood containers C
#a% $nly disposable 4=( blood bags shall be used #closed system% as per the specifications of I4@QS4@B4. #b% -nti!coagulantsC The anti!coagulant solution shall be sterile, pyrogen!free and of the follo&ing composition that &ill ensure satisfactory safety and efficacy of the &hole blood and@or for all the separated blood components. #i% (itrate 4hosphate *e+trose -denine solution #(4*-% or (itrate 4hosphate *e+trose -denine! . #(4*-!.% !!!!.0 ml. Solution shall be required for .11 ml of blood.
N$TF .. #i% In case of single@double@triple@quadruple blood collection bags used for blood component preparations, (4*- blood collection bags may be used. #ii% -cid (itrate *e+trose solution #-.(.* &ith ;ormula! -%. I.4. !! .Bml. Solution shall be required for .11ml of blood. #iii% -dditive solutions such as S-:, -*S$A, NQT'I(FA may be used for storing, and retaining 'ed Blood (orpuscles upto 03 days.
N$TF3. The licensee shall ensure that the anti!coagulant solutions are of a licensed manufacturer and the blood bags in &hich the said solutions are contained have a certificate of analysis of the said manufacturer.
B. Fmergency equipments@items .
#i% $+ygen cylinder &ith mask, gauge and pressure regulator. #ii% B percent lucose or Normal Saline. #iii% *isposable sterile syringes and needles of various si"es. #iv% *isposable sterile I.=. infusion sets. #v% -mpoules of -drenaline, Noradrenaline, :ephentin, Betamethasone or *e+amethasone, :etoclorpropamide in5ections #vi% -spirin.
8. -ccessories C
#i% Such as blankets, emesis basins, haemostats, set clamps, sponge forceps, gau"e, dressing 5ars, solution 5ars, &aste cans. #ii% :edium cotton balls, ..3B cm. adhesive tapes. #iii% *enatured spirit, Tincture Iodine, green soap or liquid soap. #iv% 4aper napkins or to&els. #v% -utoclave &ith temperature and pressure indicator. #vi% Incinerator #vii% Stand!by generator.
9. Aaboratory equipmentC
#i% 'efrigerators, for storing diagnostic kits and reagents, maintaining a temperature bet&een 0 to 8 degree ceritigrade #plus@minus 3 degree centigrade% &ith digital dial thermometer having provision for continuous po&er supply. #ii% (ompound :icroscope &ith lo& and high po&er ob5ectives. #iii% (entrifuge Table :odel #iv% )ater bathC having range bet&een 79 degree centigrade to B8 degree centigrade #v% 'h vie&ing bo+ in case of slide technique. #vi% Incubator &ith thermostatic control. #vii% :echanical shakers for serological tests for Syphilis. #viii% Hand!lens for observing tests conducted in tubes. #i+% Serological graduated pipettes of various si"es #+% 4ipettes #4asteur% #+i% lass slides #+ii% Test tubes of various si"es@micrometer plates #Q or = type% #+iii% 4recipitating tubes 8mm+B1mm of different si"es and glass beakers of different si"es #+iv% Test tube racks of different specifications. #+v% Interval timer electric or spring &ound. . #+vi% Fquipment and materials for cleaning glass &ares adequately. #+vii% Insulated containers for transporting blood, bet&een 3 degree centigrade to .1 degree centigrade temperatures, to &ards and hospitals. #+viii% )ash bottles #+i+% ;ilter papers #++% *ielectric tube sealer. #++i% 4lain and F*T - vials #++ii% (hemical balance #&herever necessary% #++iii% FAIS- reader &ith printer, &asher and micropipettes.
#.% Standard blood grouping sera -nti -, -nti B and -nti * &ith kno&n controls. 'h typing sera shall be in double quantity and each of different brand or if from the same, supplier each supply shall be of different lot numbers. #3% 'eagents for serological tests for syphilis and positive sera for controls. #7% -nti Human lobulin Serum #(oombPs serum% #0% Bovine -lbumin 33 percent Fn"yme reagents for incomplete antibodies. #B% FAIS- or '4H- test kits for Hepatitis and HI= I , II. #8% *etergent and other agents for cleaning laboratory glass&ares.
# .% It shall be responsibility of the licensee to ensure that the &hole blood collected, processed and supplied conforms to the standards laid do&n in the Indian 4harmacopoeia and other tests published, if any, by the overnment.
#3% ;reedom from HI= antibodies #-I*S% Tests !Fvery licensee shall get samples of every blood unit tested, before use, for freedom from HI= I and HI= II antibodies either from laboratories specified for the purpose by the (entral overnment or in his o&n laboratory. The results of such testing shall be recorded on the label of the container.
#7% Fach blood unit shall also be tested for freedom from Hepatitis B surface antigen, and Hepatitis ( =irus antibody =*'A and malarial parasite and results of such testing shall be recorded on the label of the container. N$TFC #a% Blood samples of donors in pilot tube and the blood samples of the recipient shall be preserved for 9 days after issue. #b% The blood intended for transfusion shall not be fro"en at any stage. #c% Blood containers shall not come directly in contact &ith ice at any stage.
The records &hich the licensee is required to maintain shall include inter alia the follo&ing particulars, namelyC!
#.% Blood donor recordC It shall indicate serial number, date of bleeding, name, address and signature of donor &ith other particulars of age, &eight, hemoglobin, blood grouping, blood pressure, medical e+amination, bag number and patientPs detail for &hom donated in case of replacement donation, category of donation #voluntary@replacement% and deferral records and signature of :edical $fficer In!charge.
#3% :aster records for blood and its componentsC It shall indicate bag serial number, date of collection, date of e+piry, quantity in ml. -B$@'h roup, results for testing of HI= I and HI= II antibodies, :alaria, =.*.'.A., Hepatitis B surface antigen and Hepatitis ( virus antibody and irregular antibodies #if any%, name and address of the donor &ith particulars, utilisation issue number, components prepared or discarded and signature of the :edical $fficer Incharge.
#7% Issue register C It shall indicate serial number, date and time of issue, bag serial number, -B$@'h roup, total quantity in ml, name and address of the recipient, group of recipient, unit@institution, details of cross!matching report, indication for transfusion.
#0% 'ecords of components suppliedC quantity suppliedE compatibility report, details of recipient and signature of issuing person.
#B% 'ecords of -.(.*.@(.4.*@(4*!-@S-: bags giving details of manufacturer, batch number, date of supply, and results of testing.
#8% 'egister for diagnostic kits and reagents usedC name of the kits@reagents, details of batch number, date of e+piry and date of use.
#9% Blood bank must issue the cross matching report of the blood to the patient together &ith the blood unit.
#>% Transfusion adverse reaction records.
#/% 'ecords of purchase, use and stock in hand of disposable needles, syringes, blood bags, shall be maintained.
N$TFC The above said records shall be kept by the licensee for a period of five years.
The labels on every bag containing blood and@or component shall contain the follo&ing particulars, namelyC
#.% The proper name of the product in a prominent place and in bold letters on the bag. #3% Name and address of the blood bank #7% Aicence number #0% Serial number #B% The date on &hich the blood is dra&n and the date of e+piry as prescribed under Schedule 4 to these rules. #8% - colored label shall be put on every bag containing blood. The follo&ing color scheme for the said labels shall be used for different groups of bloodC
Blood roup (olor of the label $ Blue - Sello& B 4ink -B )hite
#9% The results of the tests for Hepatitis B surface antigen, and Hepatitis ( virus antibody, syphilis, freedom from HI= I and HI= II antibodies and malarial parasite. #>% The 'h group. #/% Total volume of blood, the preparation of blood, nature and percentage of anti!coagulant. #.1% Leep continuously temperature at 3 degree centigrade to 8 degree centigrade for &hole human blood and@or components as contained under III of 4art <II B. #..% *isposable transfusion sets &ith filter shall be used in administration equipment. #.3% -ppropriate compatible cross matched blood &ithout a typical antibody in recipient shall be used. G.7% The contents of the bag shall not be used if there is any visible evidence of deterioration .ike haemolysis, clotting or discoloration. #.0% The label shall indicate the appropriate donor classification like T=oluntary *onorT or T'eplacement *onorT in no less prominence than the proper name.
N$TFSC ..ln the case of blood components, particulars of the blood from &hich such components have been prepared shall be given against item numbers #B%, #9%, #>%, #/% and #.0%. 3. The blood and@or its components shall be distributed on the prescription of a 'egistered :edical 4ractitioner .
- blood donation camp may be organi"ed by !
#a% a licensed designated 'egional Blood Transfusion (entreE or #b% a licensed overnment blood bankE or #c% the Indian 'ed (ross Society E or #d% a licenced blood bank run by registered voluntary or charitable organi"ations recogni"ed by State or Qnion Territory Blood Transfusion (ouncil.
N$TFC #i% T*esignated 'egional Blood Transfusion (entreT shall be a centre approved and designated by a Blood Transfusion (ouncil constituted by a State overnment to collect, process and distribute blood and its components to cater to the needs of the region and that centre has also been licensed and approved by the Aicensing -uthority and (entral Aicence -pproving -uthority for the purpose. #ii% The designated 'egional Blood Transfusion (entre. overnment blood bank and Indian 'ed (ross Society shall intimate &ithin a period of seven days, the venue &here blood camp &as held and details of group &ise blood units collected in the said camp to the licensing -uthority and (entral Aicence -pproving -uthority.
;or holding a blood donation camp, the follo&ing requirements shall be fulfilled@complied &ith, namelyC!
#a% 4remises under the blood donation camp shall have sufficient area and the location shall be hygienic so as to allo& proper operation, maintenance and cleaning. #b% -ll information regarding the personnel &orking, equipment used and facilities available at such a (amp shall be &ell documented and made available for inspection, if required, and ensuringU #i% continuous and uninterrupted electrical supply for equipment used in the (ampE #ii% adequate lighting for all the required activitiesE #iii% hand!&ashing facilities for staffE #iv% reliable communication system to the central office of the (ontroller@$rganiser of the (ampE #v% furniture and equipment arranged &ithin the available placeE #v5% refreshment facilities for donors and staffE #vii% facilities for medical e+amination of the donorsE #viii% proper disposal of &aste.
To collect blood from B1 to 91 donors in about 7 hours or from .11 to .31 donors in B hours, the follo&ing requirements shall be fulfilled@complied &ith C!
#i% $ne :edical $fficer and t&o nurses or phlebotomists for managing 8!> donor tablesE #ii% t&o medico social &orkersE #iii% three blood bank techniciansE #iv% t&o attendantsE #v% vehicle having a capacity to seat >!.1 persons, &ith provision for carriage of donation goods including facilities to conduct a blood donation camp.
.. B4 apparatus. 3. Stethoscope. 7. Blood bags #single, double, triple, quadruple% 0. *onor questionnaire. B. )eighing device for donors. 8. )eighing device for blood bags, 9. -rtery forceps, scissors. >. Stripper for blood tubing. /. Bed sheets, blankets@matress. .1. Aancets, s&ab stick@tooth picks. ... lass slides. .3. 4ortable Hb meter@copper sulphate. .7. Test tube #big% and .3+.11 mm #small% .0. Test tube stand. .B. -nti!-, -nti!B and -nti.-B, -ntisera and -nti!* .8. Test tube sealer film. .9. :edicated adhesive tape. .>. 4lastic &aste basket ./. *onor cards and refreshment for donors. 31. Fmergency medical kit 3.. Insulated blood bag containers &ith provisions for storing bet&een 3 degree centigrade to .1 degree centigrade. 33. *ielectric sealer or portable sealer 37. Needle destroyer #&herever necessary%
The Blood components shall be prepared by blood banks as a part of the Blood Bank services. The conditions for grant or rene&al of licence to prepare blood components shall be as follo&sC ! :A; ACCOMMODATION 8 #.% 'ooms &ith adequate area and other specifications, for preparing blood components depending on quantum of &ork load shall be as specified in item B under the heading TI. BA$$* B-NLS@BA$$* ($:4$NFNTST of this 4art. #3% 4reparation of Blood components shall be carried out only under closed system using single, double, triple or quadruple plastic bags e+cept for preparation of 'ed Blood (ells (oncentrates, &here single bags may be used &ith transfer bags.
:B; EQUIPMENT 8 #i% -ir conditionerE #ii% Aaminar air flo& benchE #iii% Suitable refrigerated centrifugeE #iv% 4lasma e+presserE #v% (lipper and clips and or dielectric sealerE #vi% )eighing deviceE #vii% *ry rubber balancing materialE #viii% -rtery forceps, scissorsE #i+% 'efrigerator maintaining a temperature bet&een 3 degree centigrade to 8 degree centigrade, a digital dial thermometer &ith recording thermograph and alarm device, &ith provision for continuous po&er supplyE #+% 4latelet agitator &ith incubator #&herever necessary% #+i% *eep free"ers maintaining a temperature bet&een minus 71 degree centigrade to minus 01 degree centigrade and minus 9B degree centigrade to minus >1 degree centigradeE #+ii% 'efrigerated )ater bath for 4lasma Tha&ingE #+iii% Insulated blood bag containers &ith provisions for storing at appropriate temperature for transport purposesC
:C; PERSONNEL8 The &hole time competent technical staff meant for processing of Blood (omponents #that is :edical $fficer, Technical Supervisor, Blood Bank Technician and 'egistered Nurse% shall be as specified in item (, under the heading TI. BA$$* B-NLS@BA$$* ($:4$NFNTST of this 4art.
:D; TFSTIN ;-(IAITIFSC eneralC ;acilities for -,B, -B and $ groups and 'h#*% grouping. HepatitisC B Surface antigen and Hepatitis ( virus antibody, =*'A, HI= I and HI= II antibodies and malarial parasites shall be mandatory for every blood unit before it is used for the preparation of blood components. The results of such testing shall be indicated on the label.
:E; CATEGORIES OF BLOOD COMPONENTS8 #.% CONCENTRATED HUMAN RED BLOOD CORPUSCLES8 The product shall be kno&n as T4acked 'ed Blood (ellsT that is 4acked 'ed Blood (ells remaining after separating plasma from human blood.
eneral 'equirements C #a% StorageC Immediately after processing, the 4acked 'ed Blood (ells shall be kept at a temperature maintained bet&een 3 degree centigrade to 8 degree centigrade. #b% InspectionC The component shall be inspected immediately after separation of the plasma, during storage and again at the time of issue. The product shall not be issued if there is any abnormality in color or physical appearance or any indication of microbial contamination. #c% Suitability of *onorC The source blood for 4acked 'ed Blood (ells shall be obtained from a donor &ho meets the criteria for Blood *onation as specified in item H under the heading TI. BA$$* B-NLS@BA$$* ($:4$NFNTST of this 4art. #d% Testing of )hole BloodC Blood from &hich 4acked 'ed Blood (ells are prepared shall be tested as specified in item L relating to Testing of )hole Blood under the heading TI.BA$$* B-NLS@BA$$* ($:4$NFNTST of this 4art. #e% 4ilot samplesC 4ilot samples collected in integral tubing or in separate pilot tubes shall meet the follo&ing specificationsC #i% $ne or more pilot samples of either the original blood or of the 4acked 'ed Blood (ells being processed shall be preserved &ith each unit of 4acked 'ed Blood (ells &hich is issued. #ii% Before they are filled, all pilot sample tubes shall be marked or identified so as to relate them to the donor of that unit or 4acked 'ed Blood (ells. #iii% Before the final container is filled or at the time the final product is prepared, the pilot sample tubes accompanying a unit of 4acked 'ed Blood (ells, shall be attached in a tamper!proof manner that shall conspicuously identify removal and re!attachment. #iv% -ll pilot sample tubes, accompanying a unit of packed red blood cells, shall be filled immediately after the blood is collected or at the time the final product is prepared, in each case, by the person &ho performs the collection of preparation.
:F; PROCESSING 8 #i% SeparationC 4acked 'ed Blood (ells shall be separated from the &hole blood,! #a% if the &hole blood is stored in -(* solution &ithin 3.days, and #b% if the &hole blood is stored in (4*-!. solution, &ithin 7B days, from the date of collection. 4acked 'ed Blood (ells may be prepared either by centrifugation done in a manner that shall not tend to increase the temperature of the blood or by normal undisturbed sedimentation method. - portion of the plasma, sufficient to ensure optimal cell preservation, shall be left &ith the 4acked 'ed Blood (ells.
#ii% 4acked 'ed Blood (ells ;ro"enC (ryophylactic substance may be added to the 4acked 'ed Blood (ells for e+tended manufacturerPs storage not &armer than minus 8B degree centigrade provided the manufacturer submits data to the satisfaction of the Aicensing -uthority and (entral Aicence -pproving -uthority, as adequately demonstrating through in!vivo cells survival and other appropriate tests that the addition of the substance, the material used and the processing methods results in a final product meets the required standards of safety, purity and potency for 4acked 'ed Blood (ells, and that the fro"en product shall maintain those properties for the specified e+piry period.
#iii% TestingC 4acked 'ed Blood (ells shall conform to the standards as laid do&n in the Indian 4harmacopoeia.
:2; PLATELETS CONCENTRATES8 The product shall be kno&n as T4latelets (oncentratesT that is platelets collected from one unit of blood and re!suspended in an appropriate volume of original plasma. eneral 'equirements C #i% SourceC The source material for platelets shall be platelet!rich plasma or buffy coat &hich may be obtained from the &hole blood or by plateletpheresis. #ii% 4rocessingC #a% Separation of buffy!coat or platelet!rich plasma and platelets and re! suspension of the platelets shall be in a closed system by!centrifugal method &ith appropriate speed, force and time. #b% Immediately after collection, the &hole blood or plasma shall be held in storage bet&een 31 degree centigrade to 30 degree centigrade. )hen it is to be transported from the venue of blood collection to the processing laboratory, during such transport action, the temperature as close as possible to a range bet&een 31 degree centigrade to 30 degree centigrade shall be ensured. The platelet concentrates shall be separated &ithin 8 hours after the time of collection of the unit of &hole blood or plasma. #c% The time and speed of centrifugation shall be demonstrated to produce an unclamped product, &ithout visible haemolysis, that yields a count of not less than 7.B+.1.1 #7.B+.1 raised to the po&er of .1% and 0.B+.1.1#0.B+.1 raised to the po&er ten% i.e. platelets per unit from a unit of 7B1 ml and 0B1 ml blood respectively. $ne percent of total platelets prepared shall be tested of &hich 9B percent of the units shall conform to the above said platelet count. #d% The volume of original plasma used for re!suspension of the platelets shall be determined by the maintenance of the pH of not less than 8 during the storage period. The pH shall be measured on a sample of platelets &hich has been stored for the permissible ma+imum e+piry period at 31 degree centigrade to 30 degree centigrade. #d% ;inal containers used for platelets shall be colorless and transparent to permit visual inspection of the contents. The caps selected shall maintain a hermetic seal to prevent contamination of the contents. The container material shall not interact &ith the contents, under the normal conditions of the storage and use, in such a manner as to have an adverse effect upon the safety, purity, potency, or efficacy of the product. -t the time of filling, the final container shall be marked or identified by number so as to relate it to the donor. #iii% StorageC Immediately after re!suspension, platelets shall be placed in storage not e+ceeding for a period B days, bet&een 31 degree centigrade to 30 degree centigrade, &ith continuous gentleagitation of the platelet concentrates maintained throughout such storage. #iv% TestingC The units prepared from different donors shall be tested at the end of the storage period for ! #a% 4latelet countE #b% pH of not less than 8 measured at the storage temperature of the unitE #c% measurement of actual plasma volumeE #d% one percent of the total platelets prepared shall be tested for sterilityE #e% the tests for functional viability of the platelets shall be done by s&irling movement before issueE #f% if the results of the testing indicate that the product does not meet the specified requirements, immediate corrective action shall be taken and records maintained. #iv% (ompatibility TestC (ompatible transfusion for the purpose of variable number of 'ed Blood (ells, -, B, -B and $ grouping shall be done if the platelets concentrate is contaminated &ith red blood cells.
:=; GRANULOCYTE CONCERNTRATES8 #i% StorageC It shall be kept bet&een 31 degree centigrade to 30 degree centigrade for a ma+imum period of 30 hours. #ii% Qnit of granulocytes shall not be less than . +.1.1 #i.e. .+.1 raised to the po&er of .1% &hen prepared on cell separator. #iii% roup specific tests@HA- test &herever required shall be carried out.
:>; FRESH FRO?EN PLASMA8 4lasma fro"en &ithin 8 hours after blood collection and stored at a temperature not &armer than minus 71 degree centigrade, shall be preserved for a period of not more than one year.
:@; CRYOPRECIPITATE8 (oncentrate of anti!hemophiliac factor shall be prepared by tha&ing of the fresh plasma fro"en stored at minus 71 degree centigrade.
#a% StorageC (ryoprecipitate shall be preserved at a temperature not higher than minus 71 degree centigrade and may be preserved for a period of not more than one year from the date of collection.
#b% -ctivityC -nti!hemophiliac factor activity in the final product shall be not less than >1 units per bag. $ne percent of the total cryoprecipitate prepared shall be tested of &hich seventy five percent of the unit shall conform to the said specification.
:3; PLASMAPHERESIS, PLATELETPHERESIS, LEUCAPHERESIS USING A CELL SEPARATOR. -n area of .1 square meters shall be provided for apheresis in the blood Bank. The blood banks specifically permitted to undertake the said apheresis on the donor shall observe the criteria as specified in item H relating to (riteria for blood donation under the heading TI. Blood Banks@Blood (omponentsT of this 4art. The &ritten consent of the donor shall be taken and the donor must be e+plained, the ha"ards of apheresis. The :edical $fficer shall certify that donor is fit for apheresis and it shall be carried out by a trained person under supervision of the :edical $fficer.
:A; PLASMAPHERESIS, PLATELET PHERESIS AND LEUCAPHERESIS8 The donors sub5ected to plasmapheresis, plateletpheresis and leucopheresis shall, 5n addition to the criteria specified in item H relating to the ('ITF'I- ;$' BA$$* *$N-TI$N, under the heading TI. BA$$* B-NLS@ BA$$* ($:4$NFNTST of this 4art being observed, be also sub5ected to protein estimation on post!pheresis@ first sitting &hose results shall be taken as a reference for subsequent 4heresis@Sitting. It shall also be necessary that the total plasma obtained from such donor and periodicity of 4lasmapheresis shall be according to the standards described under validated Standard $perating 4rocedures. N$TFC #i% -t least 0> hours must elapse bet&een successive apheresis and not more than t&ice in a &eek. #ii% F+tracoporeal blood volume shall not e+ceed .BV of donorPs estimated blood =olume. #iii% 4latelet pheresis shall not be carried out on donors &ho have taken medication containing -sprin &ithin 7 days prior to donation. #iv% If during plateletpheresis or leucapheresis, 'B(s cannot be re! transfused then at least .3 &eeks shall elapse before a second cytapheresis procedure is conducted.
:B; MONITORING FOR APHERESIS8 Before starting apheresis procedure. hemoglobin or haematocrit shall be done. 4latelet count, )B( counts, differential count may be carried out. In repeated plasmapheresis, the serum protein shall be 8 gm @.11 ml.
:C; COLLECTION OF PLASMA8 The quantity of plasma separated from the blood of a donor shall not e+ceed B11 ml per sitting and once in a fortnight or shall not e+ceed .111 ml per month.
The blood products shall be manufactured in a separate premises other than that meant for blood bank. The requirements that are essential for grant or rene&al of licence to manufacture blood products such as -lbumin, 4lasma 4rotein ;raction, Immunoglobins and (oagulation ;actor (oncentrates, shall be as follo&s, namelyC!
A. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS .. Aocation and surroundings, buildings and &ater supplyC The requirements as regards location and surrounding, buildings and &ater supply as contained in paragraphs ....., ....3, ....7 of 4art I of Schedule : shall apply mutatis mutandis to the manufacture of blood products. 3. *isposal of &aste and infectious materialsC #i% The requirement as regards disposal of &aste and infectious materials as contained in paragraph ....0 of 4art I of Schedule : shall apply mutatis mutandis to the manufacture of blood products. #ii% 4roper facility shall also be provided for potentially infectious materials, particularly HI= I , HI= II, Hepatitis B #surface antigen and Hepatitis ( virus antibody% through autoclaving, incineration or any other suitable validated methods. 7. Health, clothing and sanitation of personnelC #i% The requirement as contained in paragraph 7 of 4art I of Schedule : shall be complied &ith. #ii% The personnel &orking in the manufacturing areas shall be vaccinated against Hepatitis B virus and other infectious transmitting diseases. 0. 'equirements for manufacturing area for Blood 4roductsC #i% ;or the manufacture of blood products, separate enclosed areas specifically designed for the purpose shall be provided. These areas be provided &ith air locks for entry and shall be essentially dust free and ventilated &ith an air supply. -ir supply for manufacturing area shall be filtered through bacteria retaining filters #HF4- ;ilters% and shall be at a pressure higher than in the ad5acent areas. The filters shall be checked for performance on installation and periodically thereafter, and records thereof shall be maintained. #ii% Interior surfaces #&alls, floors and ceilings% shall be smooth and free from cracks, they shall not shed matter and shall permit easy cleaning and disinfection. *rains shall be e+cluded from aseptic areas. 'outine microbial counts of the manufacturing area shall be carried out during manufacturing operations. The results of such counts shall be checked against &ell documented in!house standards and records maintained. -ccess to the manufacturing areas shall be restricted to a minimum number of authorised personnel. Special procedures for entering and leaving of the manufacturing areas shall be prominently displayed. #iii% Sinks shall be e+cluded from aseptic areas. -ny sink installed in other clean areas shall be of suitable material such as stainless steel, &ithout an overflo&, and be supplied &ith &ater of potable quality. -dequate precautions shall be taken to avoid contamination of the drainage system &ith dangerous effluents and airborne dissemination of pathogenic micro!organisms. #iv% Aighting, air!conditioning, ventilation shall be designed to maintain a satisfactory temperature and relative humidity to minimise contamination and to take account of the comfort of personnels &orking &ith protective clothing. #v% 4remises used for the manufacture of blood products shall be suitably designed and constructed to facilitate good sanitation. #vi 4remises shall be carefully maintained and it shall be ensured that repair and maintenance operations do not present any ha"ard to the quality of products. 4remises shall be cleaned and, &hereapplicable, disinfected according to detailed &ritten validated procedures. #vii% -dequate facilities and equipments shall be used for the manufacture of blood products derived from blood plasma. #viii% -ll containers of blood products, regardless of the stage of manufacture, shall be identified by securely attached labels. (ross contamination shall be prevented by adoption of the follo&ing measures, namely C! #a% processing and filling shall be in segregated A areas E #b% manufacture of different products at the same time shall be avoidedE #c% simultaneous filling of the different products shall be avoidedE #d% ensure transfer, containers@materials by means of airlocks, air e+traction, clothing change and careful &ashing and decontamination of equipmentE #e% protecting containers@materials against the risk of contamination caused by re!circulation of untreated air or by accidental re!entry of e+tracted airE #f% using containers that are sterilised or are of documented lo& TbioburdenT. #i+% 4ositive pressure area shall be dedicated to the processing area concernedE
#+% -ir!handling units shall be dedicated to the processing area concernedE #+i% 4ipe &ork, valves and vent filters shall be properly designed to facilitate cleaning and sterlisation. =alves on fractionation @ reacting vessels shall be completely steam!sterlisable. -ir vent filters shall be hydrophobic and shall be validated for their designated useE B. -ncillary -reasC #i% 'est and refreshment rooms shall be separated from other areas. #ii% ;acilities for changing and storing clothes and for &ashing and toilet purposes shall be easily accessible and appropriate for the number of users. Toilets shall not be connected directly &ith production or storage areas. #iii% :aintenance &orkshops shall be separated from production areas. )herever parts and tools are stored in the production area, they shall be kept in rooms or lockers reserved for that use. #iv% -nimal houses shall be &ell isolated from other areas, &ith separate entrance.
B. COLLECTION AND STORAGE OF PLASMA FOR FRACTIONATION8 #a% (ollection C #.% 4lasma shall be collected from the licensed Blood Banks through a cold chain process and stored in fro"en condition not &armer than minus t&enty degree centigradeE #3% Individual plasma shall remain in quarantine till it is tested for Hepatitis B surface antigen and Hepatitis ( virus antibody HI= I and HI= II. #7% - sample from pooled !lot plasma of about .1!.3 units of different donors shall be tested for Hepatitis B surface antigen and Hepatitis ( virus antibody, HI= I and HI= II and if the sample found negative, only then it shall be taken up for fractionation. #b% Storage -rea C #.% Storage areas shall be of sufficient space and capacity to allo& orderly storage of the various categories of materials, intermediates, bulk and finished products, products in quarantine, released, re5ected, returned, or recalled products. #3% Storage areas shall be designed or adopted to ensure good storage conditions. In particular, they shall be clean, dry and maintained &ithin temperature required for such storage and &here special storage conditions are required #e.g. temperature, humidity%, these shall be provided, checked and monitored. #7% 'eceiving and dispatch bays shall protect materials and products from the &eather and shall be designed and equipped to allo& containers of incoming materials to be cleaned, if necessary, before storage. #0% )here quarantine status is ensured by storage in separate areas, these areas shall be clearly marked and their access restricted only to authorised personnel.
#B% There shall be separate sampling area for ra& materials. If sampling is performed in the storage area, it shall be conducted in such a &ay so as to prevent contamination or cross!contamination. #8% Segregation shall be provided for the storage of re5ected, recalled, or returned materials or products. #9% -dequate facility shall be provided for supply of ancillary material, such as ethanol, &ater, salts and polyethylene glycol. Separate facilities shall be provided for the recovery of organic solvents used in fractionation.
C. PERSONNEL 8 # .% :anufactureC The manufacture of blood products shall be conducted under the active direction and personal supervision of competent technical staff, consisting of at least one person &ho shall be a &hole time employee, &ith one year practical e+perience in the manufacture of blood products @ plasma fractionation and possesses D #a% 4ost!graduate degree in :edicine !:.*. #:icrobiology@ 4athology@ Bacteriology @ Immunology @ Biochemistry%E or #b% 4ost!graduate degree in Science #:icrobiology%E or #c% 4ost!graduate degree in 4harmacy #:icrobiology%, from a recognised Qniversity or Institution. #3% Testing C The head of the testing unit shall be independent of the manufacturing unit and testing shall be conducted under the active direction and personal supervision of competent technical staff consisting at least one person &ho shall be a &hole time employee. The Head of the, testing unit shall have eighteen months practical e+perience in the testing of drugs, especially the blood products and possesses D #a% 4ost!graduate degree in 4harmacy or Science ! #(hemistry@:icrobiology@Bio!chemistry%E or #b% 4ost!graduate degree in :edicine!:.*. #:icrobiology @4athology @ Biochemistry%,from a recognised Qniversity or Institution.
D PRODUCTION CONTROL 8 #.% The production area and the viral inactivation room shall be centrally air!conditioned and fitted &ith HF4- ;ilters having rade ( #(lass .1,111% environment as given in the Table belo&. #3% The filling and sealing shall be carried out under aseptic conditions in centrally air!conditioned areas fitted &ith HF4- ;ilters having rade - or, as the case may be, grade B #(lass .11% environment given in the said Table
:a+imum number of particles permitted per m7
:-<I:Q: NQ:BF' $; 4-'TI(AFS 4F':ITTF* 4F' m7 :-<I:Q: NQ:BF' $; =I-BAF :I('$$'-NIS: 4F':ITTF* 4F' m7 '-*F 1.B !B micron Aess than B micron - #(lass .11% #Aaminar! -irflo& &orkstation% 7B11 None Aess than . B #(lass .11% 7B11 None Aess than B ( #(lass .1111% 7B1111 3111 Aess Than .11
#7% The physical and chemical operations used for the manufacture of plasma fractionation shall maintain high yield of safe and effective protein. #0% The fractionation procedure used shall give a good yield of products meeting the in!house quality requirements as approved by the Aicensing -uthority and (entral Aicence -pproving -uthority reducing the risk of microbiological contamination and protein denaturation to the minimum. #B% The procedure adopted shall not affect the antibody activity and biological half!life or biological characteristics of the products.
E. AIRAL INACTIAATION PROCESS 8 The procedure used by the licensee to inactivate the pathogenic organisms such as enveloped and non!enveloped virus, especially infectivity from HI= I , HI= II, Hepatitis B surface antigens and Hepatitis ( virus antibody the viral inactivation and validation methods adopted by the licensee, shall be submitted for approval to the Aicensing -uthority and (entral Aicence -pproving -uthority NOTESC #.% No preservative # e+cept stabiliser to prevent Dprotein denaturation such as glycine, sodium chloride or sodium caprylate% shall be added to -lbumin, 4lasma 4rotein ;raction, Intravenous Immunoglobulins or (oagulation ;actor (oncentrates &ithout the prior approval of Aicensing -uthority and (entral Aicence -pproving -uthority. #3% The licensee shall ensure that the said stabilisers do not have deleterial effect on the final product in the quantity present so as not to cause any unto&ard or adverse reaction in human beings.
F. QUALITY CONTROL C Separate facilities shall be provided for Ruality (ontrol such as Hematological, Bio!chemical, 4hysico!chemical, :icrobiological, 4yrogens, Instrumental and Safety testing. The Ruality (ontrol *epartment shall have inter alia the follo&ing principal duties, namely.! # .% To prepare detailed instructions, in &riting for carrying out test and analysis. #3% To approve or re5ect ra& material, components.containers, closures, in! process materials, packaging material, labeling and finished products. #7% To release or re5ect batch of finished products &hich are ready for distribution. #0% To evaluate the adequacy of the conditions under &hich ra& materials, semi!finished products and finished products are stored. #B% To evaluate the quality and stability of finished products and &hen necessary of ra& materials and semi!finished products. #8% To revie& production records to ensure that no errors have occurred or if errors have occurred that they have been fully investigated. #9% To approve or re5ect all procedures or specifications impacting on the identity, strength, quality and purity of the product. #>% To establish shelf!life and storage requirements on the basis of stability tests related to storage conditions. #/% To establish and &hen necessary revise, control procedures and specifications. #.1%To revie& complaints, recalls, returned or salvaged products and investigations conducted thereunder for each product. #..% To revie& :aster ;ormula 'ecords@(ards periodically.
G. TESTING OF BLOOD PRODUCTS8 The products manufactured shall conform to the standards specified in the Indian 4harmacopoeia and &here standard of any product is not specified in the 4harmacopoeia, the standard for such product shall conform to the standard specified in the Qnited States 4harmacopoeia or the British 4harmacopoeia. The final products shall be tested for freedom from HI= I and HI= II antibodies, Hepatitis B surface antigen and Hepatitis ( virus antibody.WW
H. STORAGE OF FINISHED PRODUCT8 #i% The final products shall be stored bet&een t&o degree centigrade to eight degree centigrade, unless other&ise specified by the (entral Aicence -pproving -uthority. #iii% The shelf!life assigned to the products by the licensee shall be submitted for approval to the Aicensing -uthority and (entral Aicence -pproving -uthority.
I. LABELLING8 The products manufactured shall be labeled as specified in the Indian 4harmacopoeia, the British 4harmacopoeia or the Qnited States 4harmacopoeia &hich shall be in addition to any other requirement stated under 4art I< or 4art < of these rules. The labels shall indicate the results of tests for Hepatitis B surface antigen and Hepatitis ( =irus antibody, freedom from HI= I and HI= II antibodies.
<. RECORDS8 The licensee shall maintain records as per Schedule Q and also comply &ith Batch manufacturing records as specified in 4aragraph / of 4art I of Schedule : and any other requirement as may be directed by Aicensing -uthority and (entral Aicence -pproving -uthority.
K. MASTER FORMULA RECORDS8 The licensee shall maintain :aster ;ormula 'ecords relating to all manufacturing and quality control procedures for each product, &hich shall be prepared and endorsed by the competent Technical Staff, i.e., Head of the manufacturing unit. The :aster ;ormula 'ecords shall contain !! #i% the patent or proprietary name of the product along&ith the generic name, if any, strength and the dosage formE #ii% a description or identification of the final containers, packaging materials, labels and closures to be usedE #iii% the identity, quantity and quality of each ra& material to be used irrespective of &hether or not it appears in the finished product. The permissible overage that may be included in a formulated batch shall be indicatedE #iv% a description of all vessels and equipments and the si"es used in the processE #v% manufacturing and control instructions along &ith parameters for critical steps such as mi+ing, drying, blending, sieving and sterilising the productE #vi% the theoretical yield to be e+pected from the formulation at different stages of manufacture and permissible yield limitsE #vii% detailed instructions on precautions to be taken in the manufacture and storage of drugs and of semi!finished productsE and #viii% the requirements in!process quality control tests and analysis to be carried out during each stage of manufacture including the designation of persons or departments responsible for the e+ecution of such tests and analysis.
)here the blood products, such as -lbumin, 4lasma 4rotein ;raction, Immunoglobulins and (oagulation ;actor (oncentrates are manufactured through the manufacturing activities of filling and sealing the blood products from bulk po&der or solution or both, the requirements as they apply to the manufacture of blood products from &hole blood shall apply mutatis mutandis to such manufacture of blood products, unless other requirements have been approved by the (entral Aicence -pproving -uthority. GUIDELINES FOR APPROAAL OF BLOOD AND/OR ITS COMPONENTS TO STORAGE CENTRES AND FIRST REFERRAL UNIT, COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTRE, PRIMARY HEALTH CENTRE OR ANY HOSPITAL
:inistry of Health , ;amily )elfare #*eptt. of Health% vide Notification No. S' /1/#F% dated 31th *ecember, 311. e+empted blood storage centers run by ;'Q, (ommunity Health (entre, 4H( or any hospital from the purvie& of obtaining licence for operation. This notification has been inserted under Schedule L of *rugs , (osmetics rules, ./0B under serial no. BB. The main aim of this notification is to make abundant availability of &hole human blood or its components to the said hospitals &ithout taking licence. Ho&ever, this e+emption is applicable to those centers &hich are transfusing blood and@or its components less than 3111 units per annum.
In order to ensure the safety and quality of blood and@or its components to be stored in such blood storage centres, the follo&ing conditions are applicable before getting e+emption from the purvie& of taking of a licence from the respective State *rugs (ontrollersC!
XBB. )hole Human Blood I.4. and @ or its components stored for transfusion by a ;irst 'eferral Qnit, (ommunity Health (entre, 4rimary Health (entre and a Hospital The provisions of (hapter I= of the -ct and the rules made thereunder &hich require obtaining of a licence for operation of a blood bank or processing )hole Human Blood and @ or its components, sub5ect to the follo&ing conditions, namelyC!
#.% The ;irst 'eferral Qnit, (ommunity Health (entre, 4rimary Health (entre and @ or any Hospital shall be approved by the State @ Qnion Territory Aicensing -uthority after satisfying the conditions and facilities through inspection.
#3% The captive consumption or )hole Human Blood I.4. or its components in the ;irst 'eferral Qnit, (ommunity Health (entre, 4rimary Health (entre and@or any Hospital shall not be more than 3111 units annually.
#7% The )hole Human Blood and@or its components shall be procured only from overnment Blood Bank and@or Indian 'ed (ross Society Blood Bank and@or 'egional Blood Transfusion (entre duly licensed.
#0% The approval shall be valid for a period of t&o years from the date of issue unless sooner suspended or cancelled and ;irst 'eferral Qnit, (ommunity Health (entre, 4rimary Health (entre or the Hospital shall apply for rene&al to the State Aicensing -uthority three months prior to the date of e+piry of the approval.
#B% The ;irst 'eferral Qnit, (ommunity Health (entre, 4rimary Health (entre and@or any Hospital shall have the follo&ing technical staff for storage of blood or its componentsC! #a% - trained :edical $fficer for proper procurement, storage and cross matching of blood and@or its components. He@she shall also be responsible for identifying haemolysed blood and ensure non!supply of date e+pired blood or its components. #b% - blood bank Technician &ith the qualification and e+perience as specified in 4art <II B of Schedule ; or an e+perienced laboratory technician trained in blood grouping and cross matching.
#B% The ;irst 'eferral Qnit, (ommunity Health (entre, 4rimary Health (entre and Hospital shall have an area of .1 sq. metres. It shall be &ell lighted, clean and preferably air!conditioned. Blood bank refrigerator of appropriate capacity fitted &ith alarm device and temperature indicator &ith regular temperature monitoring shall be provided to store blood units bet&een 3Y( to >Y( and if the components are proposed to be stored, specified equipments as specified in 4art <II B of Schedule ; shall also be provided.
#8% The ;irst 'eferral Qnit, (ommunity Health (entre, 4rimary Health (entre and Hospital shall maintain records and registers including details of procurements of )hole Human Blood I.4. and@or blood components, as required under 4art <II B of Schedule ;.
#9% The ;irst 'eferral Qnit, (ommunity Health (entre, 4rimary Health (entre and Hospital shall store samples of donors blood as &ell as patients sera for a period of seven days after transfusion.O
The follo&ing guidelines may be follo&ed before e+empting the said institutions for obtaining of a licence for operation of a Blood Bank or processing )hole Human Blood @ or its components C
.. The applicant shall be ;irst 'eferral Qnit, (ommunity Health (entre, 4rimary Health (entre or any Hospital.
3. The applicant shall furnish an undertaking to the licensing authority that the captive consumption of )hole Human Blood or (omponents shall not be more than 3111 units annually.
7. The applicant shall enclose list of equipment needed for storage vi" blood bank refrigerator &ith alarm system , temperature indicator. - separate list of equipments for blood components &ould be enclosed if proposed to be stored.
0. The applicant shall furnish the follo&ing C a Name of the medical officer responsible for conducting operation of blood storage center. b -ttested certified copies of :BBS or :* qualification c Name, certified copies of qualification and e+perience of the blood bank technician. d Name, attested certified copies of qualification and e+perience of the blood bank technician having non!*:AT qualification
B. The applicant shall furnish the source of procurement of )hole Human Blood @ Blood (omponents namely the name and address of the Blood Banks. a. The source of procurement of blood @ components shall be from licensed Blood Banks run by ovt. Hospitals @ Indian 'ed (ross Society @ 'egional Blood Transfusion (entres only. b. - letter of consent from the above Blood Banks &ho intend to supply )hole Human Blood @ Blood (omponents to the Blood Storage (entres shall be furnished along &ith the application.
8. The applicant shall submit the plan of the premises. - minimum area of .1 sq. meter is essential for the Blood Storage (entre.
9. In order to satisfy the conditions and facilities, an inspection of the proposed Blood Storage (entre may be carried out by the respective State *rug (ontrol *epartment.
>. The Inspection team shall also inspect the Blood Banks &ho have given consent letters for supply of )hole Human Blood @ (omponents. The inspection team may verify &hether the Blood Banks have sufficient quantity of blood units to be supplied to the Blood Storage (entres and also verify the mode of shipper or containers used for supply of blood units @ components to ensure that the proper storage condition is maintained as per the pharmacopeia. The Blood Bank shall label the blood units @ components as per the *rugs , (osmetics 'ules, ./0B.
/. The Blood Banks &ho intend to supply the blood units @ components shall test the follo&ing mandatory tests before supplying to Blood Storage (entres. a. Blood rouping b. -nti Body Testing c. Haemoglobin (ontent d. HI= I , II -nti Bodies e. Hepatitis B Surface antigen f. Hepatitis ( -nti Body g. :alarial 4arasite h. Syphillis or =*'A
The label of the tested blood unit shall contain the above particulars &ith date of testing before supplying to Blood Storage (entres. The Blood Bank shall maintain a separate register for supply of blood units @ components to Blood Storage (entres &ith all necessary details.
.1. The validity of approval shall be for a period of 3 years from the date of issue of the approval.
... The State Aicensing -uthority shall for&ard the approved Blood Storage (entres to the concerned ?onal $fficer immediately.
.3. - format of the approval proforma is enclosed.
:@s MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM is hereby approved to store the follo&ing items on the premises situated at MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM under the supervision of the follo&ing technical staff C .. Names of the approved medical officer C .. Names of the items C 3. Name of the qualified Blood Bank Technician C 7. Name , address of the licensed Blood C Bank from &hom the blood units &ould be procured. B. The approval shall be inforce from to Signature *esignation Aicensing -uthority *ated N *elete &hichever is not applicable. CONDITIONS
The Blood storage center shall comply &ith the conditions as stipulated under item BB of Schedule L of the *rugs and (osmetics 'ules &hich also includes as under C!
.. The captive conception of )hole Human Blood or its components in the above said center shall not be more than 3111 units annually.
3. In the event of any change in the technical staff shall be forth&ith reported to the licensing authority.
7. In the event of any change in the name of the licensed blood bank from &hom the blood units are procured, the same shall be intimated to the licensing authority for approval.
0. The center shall apply for rene&al of the approval to the licensing authority three months prior to the date of e+piry of the approval.
B. The center shall maintain records and registers including the details of procurement of bloodN @ its components.
8. The center shall store samples of donors2 blood as &ell as patients2 sera for a period of 9 days after transfusion.