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Austria on its way to a top position in the Information Society

May 2003

Dr Po-Wen LIU
Broadband Status Report / May 2003 2 / 8
1 Management Summary
Motivation and Objectives
Information and communication technologies and the services and applications made
possible by them are changing peoples everyday lives, the key processes of the economy
and public administration. They are the foundation of the knowledge-based society, which
requires broadband access technologies in order to fully realize its potential.
It has become evident that broadband does not only have a significant impact on individual
branches of industry, but is also a core stimulus for other spheres that determine the
progress and growth of a country. Broadband has a key influence on the following areas:
the structure and organisation of enterprises
as well as the general standard of education
of a national economy.

Owing to a multitude of influencing factors it is hard to quantify exactly the economic
influence and importance of an extensive modern broadband infrastructure and the services
based on it. However there are economists who assume future scenarios in which potentially
50% of GDP may depend on broadband applications and the utility based on them.
In all three of the levels shown above there are challenges not only for politics and private
business but also for the general public. It is necessary that the supply of infrastructure with
the supply of services are put together so that this combination creates an automatic
upwards spiral with self-sustaining competition. This means that initiatives for furthering the
ubiquitous infrastructure have to be coordinated with initiatives concerning content, such as
The utility of broadband internet access in the information and knowledge-based society shall
be illustrated with a few key examples:
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The search for and procurement of information will be revolutionized, becoming faster,
easier and more cost-effective.
Information can be made available to anyone, at any time, at any place. In order to
guarantee universal access it will no longer be necessary to make available information
in a decentralized system of multiple physical outlets (e.g. in libraries) now it is possible
to access a webpage from anywhere in the world. Global cooperation makes it possible
to reduce parallel work.
New branches of industry, products, different and more efficient distribution channels are
being created (e-commerce, e-banking).
Within the whole subject area of e-government supply-side measures of the public
authorities are being addressed. This comprises services such as the electronic tax
return or the availability of information online. Whats more the public authorities have
been in the vanguard in the use of ICT (information, communication, telecommunication)
services, and, by being early adopters, they serve as a forerunner in the use of new
technologies. The overall demand for ICT services serve as a stimulus on upstream and
downstream sectors of economic activity on the demand side.
Universal supply and affordable access to information make it easier to overcome the
geographical and social digital divide. On the one hand it enables more people to
access information and knowledge already available in well-developed urban areas. On
the other hand, due to the low costs of electronic dissemination, information can be made
accessible to large segments of society which up to now have been excluded by high
costs, e.g. for the printed version. The costs for searching information have also been
reduced dramatically, e.g. by efficient search engines.
Increasing the individual local quality of life counteracts the tendencies of migration
from these regions.
It is easy for enterprises to set up a business in a region where broadband
infrastructure already exits SMEs, in contrast to large companies, cannot finance
the necessary installation costs.
The local tourism industry is provided with the opportunity of marketing its region
globally in an effective and, most importantly, cost-efficient manner.

In connection with the promotion of broadband infrastructure the multiplier effect plays an
essential role. This is well-known in the sphere of transport infrastructure, for example. A
motorway or a well-developed railway infrastructure in itself does not create any added
value, but shorter handling times (in upstream and downstream industries) enable increased
quality and the reduction of costs. Industries like just-in-time delivery or logistics enterprises
arise. This also has an effect on airports or leisure activities, for example, which depend on
an efficient feeder infrastructure and/or an extensive catchment area. In addition this
infrastructure helps to stimulate regions, as the improved logistical possibilities induce new
enterprises to move in and the inhabitants are able to reach their workplaces faster.
Investment in broadband infrastructures does not create an added value in itself either, but
lays the foundation for the information society and causes positive growth and innovation
effects on the upstream, downstream and associated levels of value added. This starts with
increased turnover in the telecommunications sector itself, includes stimulating growth in the
supply industry and ends with increased productivity in other economic sectors, e.g. due to
employment effects in the content sphere.
Thus not only the industry establishing this infrastructure profits from investments, the
benefit also spreads via downstream and associated economic sectors, which are able to
increase their productivity and thus their competitiveness by means of a robust, extensive
broadband network.

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The resulting overall economic utility exceeds the original investments many times over.
These positive growth stimuli constitute a multiplication of the means employed in the total
value added chain and thus an increased prosperity of the overall economy.


Illustration 2 shows the networked environment in the subject area of broadband. On the one
hand the users have to meet the preconditions so that they are able to use the services and
content in the first place. The public authorities have an essential influence on this, and also
on the creation of a stable economic environment providing opportunities and stable
framework conditions for all parties involved, for example by regulatory measures.
Apart from efficient services and widely usable content, a universally available broadband
infrastructure constitutes a location factor, especially in view of the imminent EU
enlargement. Here Austria can differentiate itself compared to other countries with lower
wage costs.
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It is true that Austria, with a broadband penetration of approx. 16% of all households at the
end of the first quarter of 2003, comes sixth in Europe and is thus above the EU average of
approx. 10%; however leading broadband nations such as Belgium and the Netherlands
have already achieved 18% and 22 % respectively due to their focused broadband policies. It
becomes evident from Illustration 3, which shows the latest available international overview,
as well as from the current market penetration, how dynamic the development has been in
this market. After a relatively early introduction of broadband to the market (via TV cables in
1997, ADSL 1999) Austria has now fallen behind in comparison with other European
. In order to regain its top position amongst the information societies of Europe
Austria needs well-directed national efforts concerning broadband access technologies,
applications and the content sphere. Not taking these opportunities would not only mean that
great future development potentials for the economy and society will be missed, but also that
an impending digital divide in some areas would not be overcome. This would have
immediate effects, some of them negative, on the business location Austria in international

In the beginning of 2000 Austria came second in an international comparison, according to IRG figures referring to
households it came fifth at the end of the third quarter of 2002, at the end of the fourth quarter of 2002 it only came sixth
in a European comparison.
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The objective is to increase the revs of the broadband engine between supply push and
demand pull and thus position Austria at the top of the European knowledge society.
The first objective of the initiative is to raise the awareness of decision-makers, opinion
leaders and the general public regarding the positive social and economic effects in
connection with broadband. In addition to the symposium of the Regulatory Agency on 2
April 2003 the present report demonstrates the opportunities as well as the potential costs if
this chance is missed.
The second objective of this initiative is to start a comprehensive communication and
discussion process and to initiate the establishment of a task force on a high political level,
which, based on a master plan, coordinates and controls all relevant Austrian activities.
For this purpose the RTR GmbH will evaluate the suitability of existing and new aid models
to give the politicians the possibility to increase the broadband access to the Internet and to
guarantee a universal coverage. One of the topics of this report are different ways to reach a
maximum of results regarding the national economy, through the use of public funds.
Recommendations and further steps
The promotion of broadband has to take into account all aspects of its promotion. It starts
with the passing on of basic skills of the information society (e-literacy) both at school and in
adulthood, which create the fundamental awareness of their utility and the corresponding
In densely populated areas the supply of broadband infrastructure and the services
connected with it is market-driven and takes place even without any promotional activities.
The question is whether, or rather when and at what rate, the comprehensive supply that
Austria needs will be realised or which maximum rate of supply can be expected based
purely on the mechanisms of the market economy.
In regions where the development of broadband is inefficient , whether due to unfavourable
geographical conditions, a low population density or a low purchasing power, there will be no
broadband connections provided at market conditions in the foreseeable future. In order to
be able to realise the above-mentioned opportunities and bridge the social and economic
digital divide, regional promotional activities are recommended. Aiming in the medium term at
a self-sustaining competition of enterprises in the private sector without any long-term
involvement of public authorities, and taking into consideration the lower levels of
administration, the (knock-on) promotion of enterprises providing infrastructure seems to be
an efficient instrument for the supply of these regions. In order not to cause a market
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distortion by promotional activities, strict neutrality is called for in the selection of technology
and operators. Furthermore it is necessary that the promotional measures are compatible
with the European regulations on state subsidies (Article 87 EU Treaty).
Due to their multiplier effect, general measures for an increase in the deployment of
broadband, e.g. by tax benefits, exceed in their utility the mere supply of infrastructure to
regions that have so far not been connected. An increased supply of broadband services
increases the individually felt utility and thus the overall demand in the sector, which in turn
intensifies the interplay of supply and demand. Apart from the direct promotion of strictly
determined geographical areas, demand-side models that do not affect competition should
be implemented.
If no services are offered nobody can use them if there is no demand, no supplier acting in
an economically rational manner will offer services the well-known chicken and egg
dilemma. Here the power of a demand-side accumulation of initiatives set up by the state
comes in, as is intended by the eEurope programmes of the EU.
Austria in particular disposes of widely utilizable content to a high extent; in this context
attention must be drawn to the existing museum archives, for example. The removal of
barriers that obstruct a more widespread use of contents could stimulate growth while using
only modest monetary funds.
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The set objectives cannot be achieved in a short sprint, as this is rather a long-distance run;
success in this context means making broadband universally available in Austria and on a
sustainable level.
As international experience has shown the establishment of a task force staffed with senior
politicians is a precondition for this, which both drafts and implements a geographically and
sectorally comprehensive master plan devised for a long-term and sustainable success.
To achieve this requires the following:
the introduction of broadband has to become a national task;
geographical full supply;
the involvement of all relevant stakeholders such as associations and regional initiatives
in a joint approach;
stronger orientation of the public sector towards broadband applications by supplying the
respective content and by using broadband services itself;
creating the preconditions for a flourishing market with the help of legal and regulatory
Within the framework of its functions in the public sphere as a specialist center, RTR-GmbH
is prepared to act as a think tank and make substantial contributions and provide focused
inputs, such as the present report. Future activities comprise symposia, accompanying
benchmark reports and background reports in the RTR newsletter and RTR reports at
In the following chapters
In the following chapters the subject of broadband Internet access will be examined in detail
and the possibilities of its promotion will be discussed. Based on the collation of existing
definitions of the term broadband the positive effects on the economy and society are
illustrated. It is widely known that the availability of broadband connections alone is not
sufficient for an information-based society. E-literacy, the knowledge of how to handle new
technologies, is of crucial importance. Adequate terminals are necessary to be able to use
the services. However, what has to be solved is the chicken and egg dilemma: if services are
not offered, nobody will use them if there is no demand, no supplier acting in an
economically rational manner will ever offer such services. This demonstrates the power of a
demand-side accumulation of the initiatives set up by the state, as foreseen by eEurope. The
following chapter is dedicated to the general possibilities of promotion and its admissibility as
regards neutrality in competition and state subsidies. Finally, international role models and
model projects are illustrated and examined.

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