Soda Ash: Market Outlook To 2018: Save 10% On Roskill's New Report

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Soda Ash: Market Outlook to 2018

The 2014 edition of Roskills Soda Ash Market
Outlook profiles over 50 companies in 37 countries, including all the major and potential producers. The report also evaluates output, international trade, consumption and the trends within these
areas. The market balance for soda ash is examined
and factors that influence it are discussed. End uses
are described and how structural changes within
these markets are affecting consumption of soda ash.
The effects of changes in supply and consumption on
prices are also covered.

and some soda ash producers are switching to other

products, notably sodium bicarbonate, in order to remain competitive. Turkish companies have emerged
as significant suppliers to the Middle East/Europe
and will become more important in the future. The Indian market is now protected from lower cost imports
by tariffs and is likely to show lower growth in demand
as a consequence. The South American market has
grown markedly in recent years and this is forecast
to continue.
The nature of the global soda ash industry is
changing as operations based on trona and other
natural materials enjoy a lower cost of production
than those based on synthetic methods. Rising
energy costs, particularly in Europe, have led to the
closure of a number of synthetic plants in the last decade and more may follow. This may lead to greater
global trade in soda ash and possibly the imposition
of anti-dumping duties by some countries.

The global soda ash industry recovered strongly after 2009 but consumption has slowed in recent years
because of lower than expected economic growth
in Europe and North America. Chinese consumption continues to rise but the rate of growth has been
more gentle than forecast because of lower activity
in the construction sector. The Chinese soda ash
industry continues to be the largest of any nation
but faces considerable economic headwinds.
Capacity continues to open and be planned in China
at a much higher rate than domestic consumption or
exports are rising, leading to falling operating rates
and profitability.

Glass is the main market for soda ash and will continue to remain so into the future. Increased recycling rates have gradually reduced the rate of growth
in consumption of soda ash in this market and will
become more significant in some regions. Markets
in metal processing and flue gas desulphurisation in
particular are expected to show strong growth in the

In the USA producers are enjoying highly competitive production costs and output is rising to supply
the export market. European operations face rising
production costs and stagnant regional consumption,

World: Annual percentage change in production of

soda ash and global GDP, 1990 to 2012

Get accurate answers from independent experts

1. What is the outlook for global demand to 2018
and where will most of the increase be located?
2. What will the structure of the global soda ash
industry look like by 2018?
3. Are there expected to be any significant changes
in the ownership of capacity in the next five
4. How important will the glass industry be in terms
of soda ash demand by 2018?
5. What will be the likely effects of increased glass
recycling on regional soda ash industries?
6. What effects will the expected construction of
more capacity in China have on global supplies
and prices?

Soda ash production


This report builds on Roskills experience in evaluating end-use, supply and price trends, providing both market insight
and market projections through to 2018.




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