This document summarizes Francisco J. Ayala's article "Teleological Explanations in Evolutionary Biology". It discusses three key points:
1. Natural selection provides a mechanistic explanation for the adaptation and end-directed structures in living organisms, replacing the need for theological explanations.
2. Heredity and genetic variation are the two factors that drive evolution. Mutation introduces variation while natural selection directs evolution by preferentially reproducing adaptive gene combinations.
3. There are three categories of biological phenomena where teleological explanations are appropriate: hereditary variability, adaptation, and the functional design of structures and behaviors.
This document summarizes Francisco J. Ayala's article "Teleological Explanations in Evolutionary Biology". It discusses three key points:
1. Natural selection provides a mechanistic explanation for the adaptation and end-directed structures in living organisms, replacing the need for theological explanations.
2. Heredity and genetic variation are the two factors that drive evolution. Mutation introduces variation while natural selection directs evolution by preferentially reproducing adaptive gene combinations.
3. There are three categories of biological phenomena where teleological explanations are appropriate: hereditary variability, adaptation, and the functional design of structures and behaviors.
This document summarizes Francisco J. Ayala's article "Teleological Explanations in Evolutionary Biology". It discusses three key points:
1. Natural selection provides a mechanistic explanation for the adaptation and end-directed structures in living organisms, replacing the need for theological explanations.
2. Heredity and genetic variation are the two factors that drive evolution. Mutation introduces variation while natural selection directs evolution by preferentially reproducing adaptive gene combinations.
3. There are three categories of biological phenomena where teleological explanations are appropriate: hereditary variability, adaptation, and the functional design of structures and behaviors.
This document summarizes Francisco J. Ayala's article "Teleological Explanations in Evolutionary Biology". It discusses three key points:
1. Natural selection provides a mechanistic explanation for the adaptation and end-directed structures in living organisms, replacing the need for theological explanations.
2. Heredity and genetic variation are the two factors that drive evolution. Mutation introduces variation while natural selection directs evolution by preferentially reproducing adaptive gene combinations.
3. There are three categories of biological phenomena where teleological explanations are appropriate: hereditary variability, adaptation, and the functional design of structures and behaviors.
Source: Philosophy of Science, Vol. 37, No. 1 (Mar., 1970), pp. 1-15 Published by: The University of Chicago Press on behalf of the Philosophy of Science Association Stable URL: . Accessed: 06/08/2014 21:01 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at . . JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact [email protected]. . The University of Chicago Press and Philosophy of Science Association are collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Philosophy of Science. This content downloaded from on Wed, 6 Aug 2014 21:01:41 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions Philosophy of Science March, 1970 TELEOLOGICAL EXPLANATIONS IN EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY* FRANCISCO J. AYALAt The Rockef eller University The ultimate source of explanation in biology is the principle of natural selection. Natural selection means dif f erential reproduction of genes and gene combinations. It is a mechanistic process which accounts f or the existence in living organisms of end- directed structures and processes. It is argued that teleological explanations in biology are not only acceptable but indeed indispensable. There are at least three categories of biological phenomena where teleological explanations are appropriate. Early in the nineteenth century, William Paley in his Natural Theology [6] pointed out the obvious f unctional design of the human eye. For Paley, it was absurd to suppose that the human eye, by mere chance, "should have consisted, f irst, of a series of transparent lenses (very dif f erent, by and by, even in their substance f rom the opaque materials of which the rest of the body is, in general at least, composed; and with which the whole of its surf ace, this single portion of it excepted, is covered) secondly of a black cloth or canvas (the only membrane of the body which is black) spread out behind these lenses so as to receive the image f ormed by pencils of light transmitted through them; and placed at the precise geometrical distance at which, and at which alone, a distinct image could be f ormed, namely at the concourse of the ref racted rays: thirdly, of a large nerve communicating between this membrane and the brain." The adaptive character of the structures, organs, and behavior of plants and animals is an incontrovertible f act. The vertebrate eye, with its complicated anatomy of highly specialized tissues, is obviously adapted f or vision; the hand of man is made f or grasping, and the bird's wing f or f lying. Organisms show them- selves to be adapted to live where they live and the way they live. To explain the phenomenon of the adaptation of lif e is one of the main objectives of natural science and of natural philosophy. Bef ore 1859, the year Darwin published The Origin of the Species, the adaptation of organisms was either accepted as a f act without any explanation of its origin, or more f requently, it was attributed to the omniscient design of the Creator. God * Received September 1967. t I wish to express my appreciation to Prof essors Th. Dobzhansky, E. Mayr, and E. Nagel, who read an earlier version of this paper and made many valuable suggestions. I This content downloaded from on Wed, 6 Aug 2014 21:01:41 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 2 FRANCISCO J. AYALA had given wings to birds so that they might f ly, and had provided man with kidneys to regulate the composition of his blood. For Paley, living nature is a manif estation of the existence and wisdom of the Creator. In The Origin of the Species Darwin accumulated an impressive number of observations supporting the evolutionary origin of living organisms. Moreover, and perhaps most importantly, he provided a causal explanation of evolutionary processes-the theory of natural selection. The principle of natural selection, as Darwin saw it, makes it possible to give a natural explanation of the adaptation of organisms to their environment. With The Origin of the Species the study of adaptation, the problem of design in nature came f ully into the domain of natural science. Darwin recognized, and accepted without reservation, that organisms are adapted to their environments, and that their parts are adapted to the f unctions they serve. Fish are adapted to live in water, the hand of man is made f or grasping, and the eye is made to see. Darwin accepted the f acts of adaptation, and then provided a natural explanation f or the f acts. One of his greatest accomplishments was to bring the teleological aspects of nature into the realm of science. He sub- stituted a scientif ic teleology f or a theological one. The teleology of nature could now be explained, at least in principle, as the result of natural laws manif ested in natural processes, without recourse to an external Creator or to spiritual or non- material f orces. At that point biology came into maturity as a science. 1. Hereditary Variability. About the time Darwin published The Origin of the Species, Gregor Mendel was perf orming in his Augustinian monastery in Briinn (Austria) experiments with peas. The results of such experiments, published in 1866, provided the f undamental principles of heredity. The Mendelian principles remained generally unknown until 1900, when they were independently and nearly simultaneously rediscovered by three biologists. The principles of heredity were extended during the nineteen hundreds to a considerable number of species of plants and animals. A whole body of knowledge concerning heredity blossomed. The biological or synthetic theory of evolution as we know it today is a synthesis of Darwin's principle of natural selection and genetic knowledge. It is in essence a two-f actor theory. Mutation is the ultimate source of hereditary variability; natural selection is the directional f actor that results in organized complexes of hereditary material and in adaptation. Heredity is the transmission, f rom parent to of f spring, of the inf ormation that directs the development of the f ertilized egg to its adult stage and controls the living activity of the organism. The hereditary inf ormation is carried in a chemical substance known as deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). Molecules of DNA exist in discrete but complexly interacting units called genes. The genes are organized in chromosomes, which exist in sets. One or more sets of chromosomes-most f requently two in higher organisms-exist in the f ertilized egg cell (zygote) f rom which the adult individual develops. In sexually reproducing organisms, one of the two sets of chromosomes is inherited f rom each parent via the sex cells. The genes of a population are shuf f led and combined in dif f erent ways every This content downloaded from on Wed, 6 Aug 2014 21:01:41 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions TELEOLOGICAL EXPLANATIONS IN EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY 3 generation. In the process of genetic recombination during the f ormation of the sex cells (gametes), the two sets of hereditary material received by each individual f rom its parents are combined in dif f erent ways. The sex cells carry a single set of genes each, representing combinations in dif f erent proportions of the two sets possessed by the individual. Fertilization brings together two sex cells in the zygote f rom which the mature individual develops. Gametic recombination and f ertiliza- tion create new combinations of genes and chromosomes every generation. These new sets of inf ormation are tested against the environment where the individual lives. Thus, genetic experimentation, so to speak, occurs in all natural populations every generation. The sum total of genetic inf ormation in a population of sexually interbreeding individuals can be thought of as the "gene pool" of the population. The gene pool of a population is characterized by the totality of genes in the population, their combinations, and the relative f requencies of both among the individuals of the population. Evolution consists in changes in the gene pool of a population. Recombination produces new combinations of genes but by itself it does not change the gene pool. There are f our known processes which can do so-mutation, random f luctuation of genetic f requencies known as "sampling errors," migration of individuals in and out of the population, and natural selection. The f irst three of these processes are essentially random. Although the relative importance f or evolu- tion of random genetic sampling has been questioned, it must have played a role in certain instances-in particular, when a new environment is colonized by a small number of individuals and when populations are reduced to f ew individuals in their usual environments by drastic environmental stresses. For our present purpose we need consider neither random sampling nor migration. Genes are f airly stable entities but not completely so. Occasionally, mutations occur. The f requencies of mutations vary f or dif f erent genes and f or dif f erent organisms. It is probably f air to estimate the f requency of a majority of mutations in higher organisms between one in ten thousand, and one in a million per gene per generation. Mutations in a broad sense include not only changes in the hereditary inf ormation of single genes, but also changes in the arrangement and distribution of genes in chromosomes, and in the number of chromosomes and sets of chromo- somes. Mutations have sometimes been described as "errors" in the replication of the hereditary material. Such a description may be misleading, since the alleged "errors", are the ultimate source of evolutionary change. Mutation provides the raw materials of evolution, i.e., mutation is the ultimate source of genetic variability. Mutations are random changes of the hereditary material. They are random in the sense that they occur independently of the needs of the organism in which they happen. Most new mutations are in f act harmf ul to the organism. If mutation were the only f actor promoting genetic change in a population, it would result in an array of f reaks and f inally in total disorder. The genetic inf ormation stored in the DNA of the population would ultimately disintegrate. However, there is a directive process that counteracts mutation and results in order and adaptation-natural selection. Natural selection is able to produce and to preserve the stored inf orma- tion transmitted by the hereditary process. This content downloaded from on Wed, 6 Aug 2014 21:01:41 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 4 FRANCISCO J. AYALA 2. Natural Selection. Natural selection was Darwin's major contribution to the explanation of the evolution of lif e. For Darwin, natural selection was primarily dif f erential survival. The modern understanding of the principle of natural selection derives f rom Darwin's concept, although it is f ormulated in a somewhat dif f erent way. Natural selection is understood today in genetic and statistical terms as dif f erential reproduction. Dif f erential reproduction is a compound process, the elements of which are dif f erential survival, dif f erential mating success, and dif f er- ential f ecundity. Natural selection implies that some genes and genetic combina- tions are transmitted to the f ollowing generation on the average more f requently than their alternates. Such genetic units will become more common in every subsequent generation and their alternates less common. Natural selection is a statistical bias in the relative rate of reproduction of alternative genetic units. Genes and gene combinations are the entities subject to natural selection. Genes do not exist by themselves but in organisms. Genes increase or decrease in relative f requency depending on their average ef f ects in the organisms which carry them. The process of natural selection can be also predicated of individual organisms- and in a less precise sense, of populations of organisms as well-in the sense that some organisms leave more progeny than others. Individual organisms are not last- ing, however. Genes persist in the progenies of the organisms which carry them. Natural selection is a process determined by the environment. The selective advantage of certain genetic variants must be understood in relation to the environ- ment where the population lives. A genetic unit which is f avorably selected in one environment may be selected again in a dif f erent one. A trivial example is that wings-and theref ore the genes responsible f or the development of wings-may increase the reproductive success of a bird, but will probably be of no advantage, and presumably will be disadvantageous, to a deep sea f ish. To speak of the environ- ment of a population is, however, an oversimplif ication. The environment is highly heterogeneous both in the dimension of time and in the dimension of space. The environment of a population includes all the physical and biotic elements af f ecting the individuals of the population in the whole range of their geographic distribution. Small or large dif f erences in climate, f ood resources, competitors, etc. exist within the spatial distribution of any population. Moreover, no environment remains constant in time. It changes f rom morning to night, f rom one season to another, f rom one year to the next. The reproductive f itness of a genetic variant is then the average result of the ef f ects of that genetic unit in all the environments where the population lives. It may change f rom one to another generation as the biotic and physical environments of the population change. Environmental diversity and environmental change are responsible f or the continuous evolution of natural popu- lations. If lif e existed in only a single unif orm and constant environment, evolu- tion might conceivably have produced a genotype optimally f itted to that environment with no f urther change. An absolutely unif orm and constant environ- ment is an abstraction; it does not exist in nature. Genes act in concert with other genes. The average ef f ect of a gene in a population may vary depending on the other genes and genetic combinations existing in the population. The reproductive f itness of a genetic unit must be understood as the This content downloaded from on Wed, 6 Aug 2014 21:01:41 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions TELEOLOGICAL EXPLANATIONS IN EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY 5 average ef f ect it has on all the individuals carrying it. That average ef f ect is likely to change as the genetic composition of the population changes f rom generation to generation. The numbers of alternative genetic variants existing in a natural population is a debated question, but they vary widely f or dif f erent kinds of organisms. If two variants, A1 and A2, of a gene exist in a population, there are in diploid organisms three possible dif f erent genotypes with respect to that gene, namely A1A1, A1A2, and A2A2. If the number of genes existing in two alternative f orms is n, 3n dif f erent genotypes are possible. That number becomes very large as n increases. For instance, if n equals 10, the number of possible dif f erent genotypes is nearly one hundred thousand; if n equals 20, there are more than one billion potential genotypes; and if n equals 30, there are nearly one million billion possible dif f erent genotypes. The number of possible genetic combinations in a population of diploid organisms, even in those organisms carrying relatively f ew alternative genetic units, is enormous. Most of them will never occur because the number of individuals in the population is much less than the number of possible dif f erent genetic combinations. Natural selection operates exclusively on the genetic combinations actually realized in the population. If a gene or genetic combination increases on the average the reproductive success of the individuals carrying it, its f requency in the population will increase gradually. It has been shown both theoretically and experimentally that a newly arisen genetic unit will swamp the population in relatively f ew generations, even if the advantage over its alternative f orms is moderately small. Natural selection has been compared to a sieve which retains the rarely arising usef ul and lets go the more f requently arising harmf ul mutants. Natural selection acts in that way, but it is much more than a purely negative process, f or it is able to generate novelty by increasing the probability of otherwise extremely improbable genetic combinations. Natural selection is creative in a way. It does not "create" the genetic entities upon which it operates, but it produces adaptive genetic combina- tions which would not have existed otherwise. The creative role of natural selection must not be understood in the sense of the "absolute" creation that traditional Christian theology predicates of the Divine act by which the universe was brought into being ex nihilo. Natural selection may be compared rather to a painter which creates a picture by mixing and distributing pigments in various ways over the canvas. The canvas and the pigments are not created by the artist but the painting is. It is conceivable that a random combination of the pigments might result in the orderly whole which is the f inal work of art. Some modern paintings look very much like a random association of materials, to be sure. But the probability of , say, Leonardo's Mona Lisa resulting f rom a random combination of pigments is nearly inf initely small. In the same way, the combination of genetic units which carries the hereditary inf ormation responsible f or the f ormation of the vertebrate eye could have never been produced by a random process like mutation. Not even if we allow f or the three billion years plus during which lif e has existed on earth. The complicated anatomy of the eye like the exact f unctioning of the kidney are the result of a nonrandom process-natural selection. This content downloaded from on Wed, 6 Aug 2014 21:01:41 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 6 FRANCISCO J. AYALA How natural selection, a purely material process, can generate novelty in the f orm of accumulated hereditary inf ormation may be illustrated by the f ollowing example. Some strains of the colon bacterium, Escherichia coli, to be able to reproduce in a culture medium, require that a certain substance, the amino acid histidine, be provided in the medium. When a f ew such bacteria are added to a cubic centimeter of liquid culture medium, they multiply rapidly and produce between two and three billion bacteria in a f ew hours. Spontaneous mutations to streptomycin resistance occur in normal, i.e., sensitive, bacteria at rates of the order of one in one hundred million (1 x 10-8) cells. In our bacterial culture we expect between twenty and thirty bacteria to be resistant to streptomycin due to spontan- eous mutation. If a proper concentration of the antibiotic is added to the culture, only the resistant cells survive. The twenty plus surviving bacteria will start re- producing, however, and allowing a f ew hours f or the necessary number of cell divisions, several billion bacteria are produced, all resistant to streptomycin. Among cells requiring histidine as a growth f actor, spontaneous mutants able to reproduce in the absence of histidine arise at rates of about f our in one hundred million (4 x 10-8) bacteria. The streptomycin resistant cells may now be transf erred to an agar-medium plate with streptomycin but with no histidine. Most of them will not be able to reproduce, but about a hundred will start dividing and f orm colonies until the available medium is saturated. Natural selection has produced in two steps bacterial cells resistant to streptomycin and not requiring histidine f or growth. The probability of the two mutational events happening in the same bacterium is of about f our in ten million billion (1 x 10-8 x 4 x 10-8 - 4 x 10-16) cells. An event of such low probability is unlikely to occur even in a large laboratory culture of bacterial cells. With natural selection cells having both properties are the common result. Natural selection produces highly improbable combinations of genes by pro- ceeding step-wise. The human eye did not appear suddenly in all its present perf ec- tion. It requires the appropriate integration of many genetic units, and thus it could not have resulted f rom a random process. Our ancestors have had f or at least the last half billion years some kind of organs sensitive to light. Perception of light, and later vision, were important f or their survival and reproductive success. Natural selection accordingly f avored genes and gene combinations increasing the f unctional ef f iciency of the eye. Such genetic units gradually accumulated eventually leading to the highly complex and ef f icient human eye. Natural selection can account f or the rise and spread of genetic constitutions, and theref ore of types of organisms, that would never have existed under the uncontrolled action of random mutation and recombination of the hereditary materials. In this sense, although it does not create the raw materials, that is, the genes, selection is def initely creative. 3. Natural Selection and Adaptation. Evolutionary changes in the gene pool of a population f requently occur in the direction of increased adaptation. The organisms likely to leave more descendants are those whose variations are most advantageous as adaptations to the environment. Natural selection, however, occurs in ref erence This content downloaded from on Wed, 6 Aug 2014 21:01:41 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions TELEOLOGICAL EXPLANATIONS IN EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY 7 to the environment where the population presently lives. Evolutionary adaptations are not anticipatory of the f uture. The environmental challenges that a population may meet in the f uture cannot af f ect in any way the reproductive f itness of the organisms in the present environment. If the population is unable to react adaptively to a new environmental challenge, the result may be extinction. The f ossil record bears witness that a majority of the species living in the past became eventually extinct without issue. The evolutionary course of a population is conditioned by the past history of the population. The genetic conf iguration of a population is determined by the environ- ments where the population has lived in the past. Those genes and genetic combina- tions were f avorably selected which increased the reproductive f itness of their carriers in the environments where the population lived. The present conf iguration of its gene pool sets limits to the evolutionary potentialities of a population. The only genes that may be f avored by natural selection are those actually present in the population. An obvious example is the colonization of the land by organisms. The colonization of the land by plants occurred during the Silurian geological period, and by animals during the Devonian period. New and diversif ied environments were open to the evolution of lif e. New f orms of plants evolved, but the basic adaptations to plant lif e remained in all of them. These adaptations had occurred in the past and set limits to the evolutionary potentialities of their descendants. The considerable diversif ication of anatomic and physiological characteristics that occurred in animals were not open to plants and vice versa. Natural selection is thoroughly opportunistic. A new environmental challenge is responded to by appropriate adaptations in the population or results in its extinction. Adaptation to the same environment may occur in a variety of dif f erent ways. An example may be taken f rom the adaptations of plant lif e to desert climate (Dobzhansky [1]). The f undamental adaptation is to the condition of dryness which carries the danger of desiccation. During a major part of the year, sometimes f or several years in succession, there is no rain. Plants have accomplished the urgent necessity of saving water in dif f erent ways. Cacti have transf ormed their leaves into spines, having made their stems into barrels containing a reserve of water. Photo- synthesis is perf ormed in the surf ace of the stem instead of in the leaves. Other plants have no leaves during the dry season, but af ter it rains they burst into leaves and f lowers and produce seeds. A third type of adaptation exists. Ephemeral plants germinate f rom seeds, grow, f lower, and produce seeds-all within the space of the f ew weeks while water is available. The rest of the year the seeds lie quiescent in the soil. Natural selection can explain the f acts of the adaptation of living organisms to their environments and to their ways of lif e. The account of natural selection given here is also consistent with the history of lif e as obtained f rom the f ossil record and with the diversity of plants and animals existing today (Simpson [101). The f ossil record shows that the evolution of lif e occurred in a haphazard f ashion. The phenomena of radiation, expansion, relaying of one f orm by another, diversif ica- tion, occasional trends and extinction shown by the f ossil record, are best explained by the synthetic theory of evolution. They are not compatible with a preordained This content downloaded from on Wed, 6 Aug 2014 21:01:41 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 8 FRANCISCO J. AYALA plan whether imprinted f rom without by an omniscient Creator, or the result of the orthogenetic activity of any immanent nonmaterial f orce, be it called "elan vital," "radial energy" or "vital f orce." 4. Teleological Explanations in Biology. Nagel ([5], p. 24) has written that "the notion of teleology is neither hopelessly archaic nor necessarily a mark of super- stition." The concept of teleology is in general disrepute in modern science. The main reason f or this discredit is that the notion of teleology is equated with the belief that f uture events are active agents in their own realization. Such belief , however, is not necessarily implied in the concept of teleology. Teleological explana- tions are appropriate in certain areas of natural science. In particular, I shall attempt to show that teleological explanations are appropriate and indispensable in biology, and that they are f ully compatible with causal accounts, although they cannot be reduced to nonteleological explanations without loss of explanatory content. The notion of teleology arose most probably as a result of man's ref lection on the circumstances connected with his own voluntary actions. The anticipated outcome of his actions can be envisaged by man as the goal or purpose towards which he directs his activity. Human actions can be said to be purposef ul when they are intentionally directed towards the obtention of a goal. The plan or purpose of the human agent may f requently be inf erred f rom the actions he perf orms. That is, his actions can be seen to be purposef ully or teleo- logically ordained towards the obtention of the goal. In this sense the concept of teleology can be extended, and has been extended, to describe actions, objects or processes which exhibit an orientation towards a certain goal or end-state. No requirement is necessarily implied that the objects or processes tend consciously towards their specif ic goals, nor that there is any external agent directing the process or the object towards its end-state or goal. In this generic sense, teleological explana- tions are those explanations where the presence of an object or a process in a system is explained by exhibiting its connection with a specif ic state or property of the system to whose existence or maintenance the object or process contributes. Teleological explanations require that the object or process contribute to the exist- ence of a certain state or property of the system. Moreover, they imply that such contribution is the explanatory reason f or the presence of the process or object in the system. It is appropriate to give a teleological explanation of the operation of the kidney in regulating the concentration of salt in the blood, or of the structure of the hand obviously adapted f or grasping. But it makes no sense to explain teleologically the f alling of a stone, or a chemical reaction. There are at least three categories of biological phenomena where teleological explanations are appropriate, although the distinction between the categories need not always be clearly def ined. These three classes of teleological phenomena are established according to the mode of relationship between the object or process and the end-state or property that accounts f or its presence. Other classif ications of teleological phenomena are possible according to other principles of distinction. A second classif ication will be suggested below. This content downloaded from on Wed, 6 Aug 2014 21:01:41 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions TELEOLOGICAL EXPLANATIONS IN EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY 9 (1) When the end-state or goal is consciously anticipated by the agent. This is purposef ul activity and it occurs in man and probably in other animals. I am acting teleologically when I pick up a pencil and paper in order to express in writing my ideas about teleology. A deer running away f rom a mountain lion, or a bird building its nest, has at least the appearance of purposef ul behavior. (2) In connection with self -regulating or teleonomic systems, when there exists a mechanism that enables the system to reach or to maintain a specif ic property in spite of environmental f luctuations. The regulation of body temperature in mammals is of this kind. In general the homeostatic reactions of organisms belong to this category of teleological phenomena. Two types of homeostasis are usually distin- guished by biologists-physiological and developmental homeostasis, although intermediate situations may exist. Physiological homeostatic reactions enable the organism to maintain certain physiological steady states in spite of environmental shocks. The regulation of the composition of the blood by the kidneys, or the hypertrophy of a structure like muscle due to strenuous use, are examples of this type of homeostasis. Developmental homeostasis ref ers to the regulation of the dif f erent paths that an organism may f ollow in its progression f rom zygote to adult. Self -regulating systems or servo-mechanisms built by man are teleological in this second sense. The simplest example of such servo-mechanisms is a thermostat unit that maintains a specif ied room temperature by turning on and of f the source of heat. Self -regulating mechanisms of this kind, living or man-made, are controlled by a f eed-back system of inf ormation. (3) In ref erence to structures anatomically and physiologically designed to perf orm a certain f unction. The hand of man is made f or grasping, and his eye f or vision. Tools and certain types of machines made by man are teleological in this sense. A watch f or instance, is made to tell time, and a f aucet to draw water. The distinction between this and the previous category of teleological systems is some- times blurred. Thus the human eye is able to regulate itself within a certain range to the conditions of brightness and distance so as to perf orm its f unction more ef f ectively. Teleological mechanisms in living organisms are biological adaptations. They have arisen as a result of the process of natural selection. The adaptations of organisms-whether organs, homeostatic mechanisms, or patterns of behavior- are explained teleologically in that their existence is accounted f or in terms of their contribution to the reproductive f itness of the population. As explained above, a f eature of an organism that increases its reproductive f itness will be selectively f avored. Given enough time it will extend to all the members of the population. Patterns of behavior, such as the nesting habits of birds or the web-spinning of spiders, have developed because they f avored the reproductive success of their possessors in the environments where the population lived. Similarly, natural selection can account f or the presence of homeostatic mechanisms. Some processes can be operative only within a certain range of conditions. If the conditions are af f ected by the environment, natural selection will f avor self -regulating mechanisms that maintain the system within the f unction range. In man death results if the body This content downloaded from on Wed, 6 Aug 2014 21:01:41 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 10 FRANCISCO J. AYALA temperature is allowed to rise or f all by more than a f ew degrees above or below normal. Body temperature is regulated by dissipating heat in warm environments through perspiration and dilatation of the blood vessels in the skin. In cool weather the loss of heat is minimized and additional heat is produced by increased activity and shivering. Finally, the adaptation of an organ or structure to its f unction is explained teleologically in that its presence is accounted f or in terms of the con- tribution it makes to reproductive success in the population. The vertebrate eye arose because genetic mutations responsible f or its development arose and increased the reproductive f itness of their possessors. There are two levels of teleology in organisms. There usually exists a specif ic and proximate end f or every f eature of an animal or plant. The existence of the f eature is explained in terms of the f unction or end-state it serves. But there is also an ulti- mate goal to which all f eatures contribute or have contributed in the past- reproductive success. The ultimate end to which all other f unctions and ends contribute is increased reproductive ef f iciency. In this sense the ultimate source of explanation in biology is the principle of natural selection. Natural selection can be said to be a teleological process in two ways. Firstly, natural selection is a mechanistic end-directed process which results in increased reproductive ef f iciency. Reproductive f itness can, then, be said to be the end result or goal of natural selection. Secondly, natural selection is teleological in the sense that it produces and maintains end-directed organs and processes, when the f unction or end-state served by the organ or process contributes to the reproductive f itness of the organisms. However, the process of natural selection is not at all teleological in a dif f erent sense. Natural selection does not tend in any way towards the production of specif ic kinds of organisms or towards organisms having certain specif ic properties. The over-all process of evolution cannot be said to be teleological in the sense of proceeding towards certain specif ied goals, preconceived or not. The only non- random process in evolution is natural selection understood as dif f erential re- production. Natural selection is a purely mechanistic process and it is opportunistic in the sense discussed above. The f inal result of natural selection f or any species may be extinction, as shown by the f ossil record, if the species f ails to cope with environmental change. The presence of organs, processes and patterns of behavior can be explained teleologically by exhibiting their contribution to the reproductive f itness of the organisms in which they occur. This need not imply that reproductive f itness is a consciously intended goal. Such intent must in f act be denied, except in the case of the voluntary behavior of man and perhaps of some animals. In teleological explanation the end-state is not to be understood as the ef f icient cause of the object or process that it explains. The end-state is causally-and in general temporally also-posterior. Mayr (cf . [3], p. 42) has pointed out that the term "teleology" has been applied to two dif f erent sets of phenomena. "On one hand is the production and perf ection throughout the history of the animal and plant kingdoms of ever new and ever improved DNA programs of inf ormation. On the other hand is the testing of these This content downloaded from on Wed, 6 Aug 2014 21:01:41 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions TELEOLOGICAL EXPLANATIONS IN EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY 11 programs and their decoding throughout the lif etime of each individual." The behavioral activities or developmental processes of an individual are controlled by the program of inf ormation encoded in the DNA inherited by the organism f rom its parents. The decoding of the DNA programs of inf ormation can properly be said to be a teleological-or as Mayr pref ers to call it, teleonomic-process. Teleology has also been applied to the evolution of organisms, that is, to the production and perf ection of DNA codes of inf ormation. The overall process of evolution cannot be said to be teleological in the sense of directed towards the pro- duction of specif ied DNA codes of inf ormation, i.e., organisms. But it is my con- tention that it can be said to be teleological in the sense of being directed towards the production of DNA codes of inf ormation which improve the reproductive f itness of a population in the environments where it lives. The process of evolution can also be said to be teleological in that it has the potentiality of producing end- directed DNA codes of inf ormation, and has in f act resulted in teleologically oriented structures, patterns of behavior, and self -regulating mechanisms. Three categories of teleological systems have been distinguished above, according to the nature of the relationship existing between the object or process and its end-state or goal. Another classif ication of teleology may be suggested in ref erence to the agency giving origin to the teleological mechanism. The end-directedness of living organisms and their f eatures may be said to be "internal" teleology, while that of man-made tools and servo-mechanisms may be called "external" teleology. It might also be appropriate to ref er to these two kinds of teleology as "natural" and "artif icial," but the other two terms, "internal" and "external," have already been used (cf . [2], p. 193). Internal teleological systems are accounted f or by natural selection which is a strictly mechanistic process. External teleological mechanism are products of the human mind, or more generally, are the result of purposef ul activity consciously intending specif ied ends. Living organisms, then, exhibit internal teleology, but do not in general possess external teleology. The overall process of evolution is not teleological in the external sense. Evolution can be explained without recourse to a Creator or planning agent external to the organisms themselves. There is no evidence either of any vital f orce or immanent energy directing the process towards production of specif ied kinds of organisms. The evidence of the f ossil record is against any necessitating f orce, external or immanent, leading the process towards specif ied goals. 5. Teleology and Causality. Nagel ([5], p. 24, 25) has convincingly argued that "teleological explanations are f ully compatible with causal accounts.... Indeed, a teleological explanation can always be transf ormed into a causal one." Teleological explanations can be ref ormulated, without loss of explicit content, to take the f orm of nonteleological ones. A typical teleological statement in biology is the f ollowing, "The f unction of gills in f ishes is respiration, that is the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the blood and the external water." Statements of this kind account f or the presence of a certain f eature A (gills) in every member of a class of systems S (f ish) which possess a certain organization C (the characteristic anatomy and physiology of f ishes). It does so by declaring that when S is placed in a certain This content downloaded from on Wed, 6 Aug 2014 21:01:41 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 12 FRANCISCO J. AYALA environment E (water with dissolved oxygen) it will perf orm a f unction F (respira- tion) only if S (f ish) has A (gills). The teleological statement, says Nagel, is a telescoped argument the content of which can be unravelled approximately as f ollows: When supplied with water containing dissolved oxygen, f ish respire; if f ish have no gills, they do not respire even if supplied with water containing dissolved oxygen; theref ore f ish have gills. More generally, a statement of the f orm "The f unction of A in a system S with organization C is to enable S in environment E to engage in process F" can be f ormulated more explicitly; "Every system S with organization C and in environment E engage in f unction F; if S with organization C and in environment E does not have A, then S cannot engage in F; hence, S must have A." The dif f erence between a teleological explanation and a nonteleological one is, then, one of emphasis rather than of asserted content. A teleological explanation directs our attention to "the consequences f or a given system of a constituent part or process." The equivalent nonteleological f ormula- tion f ocuses attention on "some of the conditions ... under which the system per- sists in its characteristic organization and activities" ([4], p. 405). Although a teleological explanation can be ref ormulated in a nonteleological one, the teleological explanation connotes something more than the equivalent nonteleological one. A teleological explanation imples that the system under consideration is directively organized. For that reason, teleological explanations are appropriate in biology and in the domain of cybernetics but make no sense when used in the physical sciences to describe phenomena like the f all of a stone. Moreover, and most importantly, teleological explanations imply that the end result is the explanatory reason f or the existence of the object or process which serves or leads to it. A teleological account of the gills of f ish implies that gills came to existence precisely because they serve f or respiration. If the above reasoning is correct, the use of teleological explanations in biology is not only acceptable but indeed indispensable. Biological organisms are systems directively organized towards reproductive f itness. Parts of organisms are direct- ively organized towards specif ic ends that, generally, contribute to the ultimate goal of reproductive survival. One question biologists ask about organic structures and activities is "What f or ?" That is, "What is the f unction or role of such structure or such process ?" The answer to this question must be f ormulated in teleological language. Only teleological explanations connote the important f act that plants and animals are directively organized systems. That such connotation-or, in Nagel's expression, "surplus meaning"-can always be expressed in nonteleological language is beside the point. As Nagel ([4], p. 423) has written questions about the value of an explanation "can be answered only by examining the ef f ective role an explanation plays in inquiry and in the communication of ideas." It has been noted by some authors that the distinction between systems that are goal-directed and those which are not is highly vague. The classif ication of certain systems as end-directed is allegedly rather arbitrary. A chemical buf f er, and elastic solid or a pendulum at rest are examples of physical-systems that appear to be goal-directed. I suggest the use of the criterion of utility to determine whether an entity is teleological or not. The criterion of utility can be applied to both internal This content downloaded from on Wed, 6 Aug 2014 21:01:41 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions TELEOLOGICAL EXPLANATIONS IN EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY 13 and external teleological systems. A f eature of a system will be teleological in the sense of internal teleology if the f eature has utility f or the system in which it exists and if such utility explains the presence of the f eature in the systems. Utility in living organisms is def ined in ref erence to survival or reproduction. A structure or process of an organism is teleological if it contributes to the reproductive ef f iciency of the organism itself , and if such contribution accounts f or the existence of the structure or process. Man-made tools or mechanisms are teleological with external teleology if they have utility, i.e., if they have been designed to serve a specif ied purpose, which theref ore explains their existence and properties. If the criterion of utility cannot be applied, a system is not teleological. Chemical buf f ers, elastic solids and a pendulum at rest are not teleological systems. The utility of f eatures of organisms is with respect to the individual or the species in which they exist at any given time. It does not include usef ulness to any other organisms. The elaborate plumage and display of the peacock serves the peacock in its attempt to f ind a mate. The beautif ul display is not teleologically directed towards pleasing man's aesthetic sense. That it pleases the human eye is accidental, because it does not contribute to the reproductive f itness of the peacock (except, of course, in the case of artif icial selection by man). The criterion of utility introduces needed objectivity in the determination of what biological mechanisms are end-directed. Provincial human interests should be avoided when using teleological explanations, as Nagel says. But he selects the wrong example when he observes that "the development of corn seeds into corn plants is sometimes said to be natural, while their transf ormation into the f lesh of birds or men is asserted to be merely accidental" ([4], p. 424). The adaptation of corn seeds have developed to serve the f unction of corn reproduction, not to become a palatable f ood f or birds or man. The role of wild corn as f ood is accidental, and cannot be considered a biological f unction of the corn seed in the teleological sense. Some f eatures of organisms are not adaptive nor usef ul by themselves. They have arisen because they are concommitant of other f eatures that are adaptive or usef ul. Features of organisms may also be present because they were usef ul to the organisms in the past although they are no longer adaptive. Vestigial organs like the vermif orm appendix of man are f eatures of this kind. If they are neutral to reproductive f itness they may remain in the population indef initely. 6. Teleology, Teleonomy, and Aristotle. I want to take up, very brief ly, two more issues; the f irst is a semantic question, the second a historical one. Pittendrigh [7], Simpson [10], Mayr [3], Williams [11], and others, have proposed to use the term "teleonomic" to describe end-directed processes which do not imply that f uture events are active agents in their own realization, nor that things or activities are conscious agents or the product of such agents. They argue that the term "teleo- logy" has sometimes been used to explain the animal and plant kingdoms as the result of a preordained plan necessarily leading to the existing kinds of organisms. To avoid such connotation, the authors argue, the term teleonomy should be used to explain adaptation in nature as the result of natural selection. Although the notion of teleology has been used, and it is still being used, in the This content downloaded from on Wed, 6 Aug 2014 21:01:41 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 14 FRANCISCO J. AYALA alleged sense, it is also true that other authors, like Nagel [4], [5], Goudge [2], etc., employ the term "teleology" without implying a preordained relationship of means to an end. Thus, it might originate more conf usion than clarity to repudiate the notion of teleology on the grounds that it connotes an intentional relationship of means to an end. The point is that what is needed is to clarif y the notion of teleo- logy by explaining the various meanings the term may have. One may then explicitly express in which sense the term is used in a particular context. Should the term "teleology" eventually be discarded f rom the scientif ic vocabul- ary, or restricted in its meaning to preordained end-directed processes, I shall welcome such event. But the substitution of a term by another does not necessarily clarif y the issues at stake. It would still be necessary to explicate whatever term is used instead of teleology, whether teleonomy or any other. It may f urther be noted that the term "teleonomic" is commonly employed in the restricted sense of self - regulating mechanisms. There are phenomena in biology that are end-directed without being self -regulating mechanisms in the usual sense. The hand of man, f or example. Pittendrigh ([7], p. 394) has written that "It seems unf ortunate that the term 'teleology' should be resurrected.... The biologists' long-standing conf usion would be more f ully removed if all end-directed systems were described by some other term, like 'teleonomic,' in order to emphasize that the recognition and description of end-directedness does not carry a commitment to Aristotelian teleology as an ef f icient causal principle." The Aristotelian concept of teleology allegedly implies that f uture events are active agents in their own realization. According to other authors, Aristotelian teleology connotes that there exists an overall design in the world attributable to a Deity, or at least that nature exists only f or and in relation to man, considered as the ultimate purpose of creation (cf . Simpson [10], Mayr [3]). Science, f or Aristotle, is a knowledge of the "whys," the "reasons f or" true statements. Of a thing we can ask f our dif f erent kinds of questions: "What is it ?", "Out of what is it made?", "By what agent?", "What f or?" The f our kinds of answers that can be elicited to these questions are his f our causes-f ormal, material, ef f icient, and f inal. Only the third type of answer is causal in the modern scientif ic sense. Aition, the Greek term that Cicero translated "cause" (causa, in Latin) means literally ground of explanation, i.e., what can be answered to a question. It does not necessarily mean causality in the sense of ef f icient agency. According to Aristotle, to f ully understand an object we need to f ind out, among other things, its end; what f unction does it serve or what results it produces. An egg can be understood f ully only if we consider it as a possible chicken. The structures and organs of animals have f unctions, are organized towards certain ends. Living processes proceed towards certain goals. Final causes, f or Aristotle, are principles of intelligibility; they are not in any sense active agents in their own realization. For Aristotle, ends "never do anything. Ends do not act or operate, they are never ef f icient causes." (cf . Randall, [8], p. 128). According to Aristotle there is no intelligent maker of the world. The ends of things are not consciously intended. Nature, man excepted, has no purposes. The This content downloaded from on Wed, 6 Aug 2014 21:01:41 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions TELEOLOGICAL EXPLANATIONS IN EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY 15 teleology of nature is objective, and empirically observable. It does not require the inf erence of unobservable causes. (cf . Ross [9], Randall [8]) There is no God designer of nature. According to Aristotle, if there is a God, He cannot have purposes (Randall [8], p. 125). Finally, f or Aristotle, the teleology of nature is wholly "immanent." The end served by any structure or process is the good or survival of that kind of thing in which they exist. Animals, plants, or their parts do not exist f or the benef it of any other thing but themselves. Aristotle makes it clear that nutritious as acorns may be f or a squirrel, they do not exist to serve as a squirrel's meal. The natural end of an acorn is to become an oak tree. Anything else that may happen to the acorn is accidental and may not be explained teleologically. Aristotle's main concern was the study of organisms, and their processes and structures. He observed the f acts of adaptation and explained them with consider- able insight considering that he did not know about biological evolution. His error was not that he used teleological explanations in biology, but that he extended the concept of teleology to the nonliving world. REFERENCES (11 Dobzhansky, Th., "Determinism and Indeterminism in Biological Evolution," in Philo- sophical Problems in Biology (ed. E. Smith), St. John's University Press, New York, 1966, pp. 55-66. (2] Goudge, T. A., The Ascent of Lif e, University of Toronto Press, Toronto, 1961. (3] Mayr, E., "Cause and Ef f ect in Biology," in Cause and Ef f ect (ed. D. Lerner), Free Press, New York, 1965, pp. 33-50. (4] Nagel, E., The Structure of Science, Harcourt, Brace and World, New York, 1961. (5] Nagel, E., "Types of Causal Explanation in Science," in Cause and Ef f ect, (ed. D. Lerner), Free Press, New York, 1965, pp. 11-32. [6] Paley, W., Natural Theology, Charles Knight, London, 1836. [7] Pittendrigh, C. S., "Adaptation, Natural Selection and Behavior," in Behavior and Evolution (eds. A. Roe and G. G. Simpson), Yale University Press, New Haven, 1958, pp. 390-416. [8] Randall, J. H., Aristotle, Columbia University Press, New York, 1960. [9] Ross, D., Aristotle, 5th edit., Barnes and Noble, New York, 1949. (10] Simpson, G. G., This View of Lif e, Harcourt, Brace and World, New York, 1964. (11] Williams, G. C., Adaptation and Natural Selection, Princeton University Press, Princeton, N.J., 1966. 2-P.s. This content downloaded from on Wed, 6 Aug 2014 21:01:41 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions