Filipinas Colleges V Timbang (1959)
Filipinas Colleges V Timbang (1959)
Filipinas Colleges V Timbang (1959)
G.R. No. L-12812 September 29, 1959
FILIPINAS COLLEGES, INC., plaintiff-appellee,
G.R. No. L-1281! September 29, 1959
MARIA GARICA TIMANG, plaintiff-appellant,
MARIA GER"ACIO LAS, defendant-appellee.
De Guzman and Fernandez for appellee Filipinas Colleges, Inc.
San Huan, Africa and Benedicto for appellant Maria Garcia Timang.
!icanor S. Sison for appellee Maria Ger"acio Blas.
This is an appeal taken fro an order of the Court of !irst "nstance of Manila dated
Ma# $%, $&'( )a* declarin+ the ,heriff-s certificate of sale coverin+ a school buildin+
sold at public auction null and void unless .ithin $' da#s fro notice of said order the
successful bidders, defendants-appellants spouses Maria /arcia Tiban+ and
Marcelino Tiban+, shall pa# to, appellee Maria /ervacio Blas directl# or throu+h the
,heriff of Manila the su of P',('%.%% that the spouses Tiban+ had bid for the
buildin+ at the ,heriff-s sale0 )b* declarin+ the other appellee !ilipinas Colle+es, "nc.
o.ner of 12,'%%34,15',&42 undivided interest in 6ot No. 1-a covered b# certificate of
tile No 2'&(%, on .hich the buildin+ sold in the auction sale is situated0 and )c*
orderin+ the sale in public auction of the said undivided interest of the !ilipinas
Colle+es, "nc., in lot No. 1-a aforeentioned to satisf# the unpaid portion of the
7ud+ent in favor of appellee Blas and a+ainst !ilipinas Colle+es, "nc. in the aount of
P5,1%%.%% inus the su of P',('%.%% entioned in )a* above.
The order appealed fro is the result of three otions filed in the court a #uo in the
course of the e8ecution of a final 7ud+ent of the Court of Appeals rendered in 1 cases
appealed to it in .hich the spouses Tiban+, the !ilipinas Colle+es, "nc., and Maria
/ervacio Blas .ere the parties. "N that 7ud+ent of the Court of Appeals, the
respective ri+hts of the liti+ants have been ad7udicated as follo.s9$%&p'(l.n)t
)$* !ilipinas Colle+es, "nc. .as declared to have ac:uired the ri+hts of the
spouses Tiban+ in and to lot No. 1-a entioned above and in consideration
thereof, !ilipinas Colle+es, "nc., .as ordered to pa# the spouses Tiban+ the
aount of P$',5%(.&% plus such other aounts .hich said spouses i+ht
have paid or had to pa# after !ebruar#, $&'4, to ;oskins and Co. "nc., a+ent
of the <rban Estates, "nc., ori+inal vendor of the lot. !ilipinas Colle+es, "nc.
ori+inal vendor of the total aount .ith the court .ithin &% da#s after the
decision shall have becoe final.
)1* Maria /ervacio Blas .as declared to be a builder in +ood faith of the
school buildin+ constructed on the lot in :uestion and entitled to be paid the
aount of P$&,%%%.%% for the sae. !ilipinas Colle+es, "nc., purchaser of the
said buildin+ .as ordered to deliver to Blas stock certificate )E8h. C* for $%5
shares of !ilipinas Colle+es, "nc. .ith a par value of P$%,5%%.%% and to pa#
Blas the su of P5,1%%.%% of the house.
)4* "n case !ilipinas Colle+es, "nc. failed to deposit the value of the land,
.hich after li:uidation .as fi8ed at P41,5'&.42, .ithin the &%-da# period set
b# the court, !ilipinas Colle+es .ould lose all its ri+hts to the land and the
spouses Tiban+ .ould then becoe the o.ners thereof. "n that eventualit#,
the Tiban+s .ould ake kno.n to the court their option under Art. 225 of
the Civil Code .hether the# .ould appropriate the buildin+ in :uestion, in
.hich even the# .ould have to pa# !ilipinas Colle+es, "nc. the su of
P$&,%%%.%%, or .ould copel the latter to ac:uire the land and pa# the price
!ilipinas Colle+es, "nc. havin+ failed to pa# or deposit the su of P41,5'&.42 .ithin the
tie prescribed, the spouses Tiban+, in copliance .ith the 7ud+ent of the Court of
Appeals, on ,epteber 15, $&'=, ade kno.n to the court their decision that the# had
chosen not of appropriate the buildin+ but to copel !ilipinas Colle+es, "nc., for the
pa#ent of the su of P41,5'&,42. The otion havin+ been +ranted, a .rit of
e8ecution .as issued on >anuar# 5, $&'(.
?n >anuar# $=, $&'(, appellee Blas in turn filed a otion for e8ecution of her 7ud+ent
of P5,1%%.%% representin+ the unpaid portion of the price of the house sold to !ilipinas
Colle+es, "nc. ?ver the ob7ect of the Tiban+s, the court +rated the otion and the
correspondin+ .rit of e8ecution .as issued on >anuar# 4%, $&'(, date of the +rantin+
of the otion for e8ecution, Blas throu+h counsel, sent a letter to the ,heriff of Manila
advisin+ hi of her preferential clai or lien on the house to satisf# the unpaid balance
of the purchase price thereof under Article 1121 of the Civil Code, and to .ithhold fro
the proceed of the auction sale the su of P5,1%%.%%. 6ev# havin+ been ade on the
house in virtue of the .rits of e8ecution, the ,heriff of Manila on March ', $&'(, sold
the buildin+ in public auction in favor of the spouses Tiban+, as the hi+hest bidders,
in the aount of P',('%.%%. Personal properties of !ilipinas Colle+es, "nc. .ere also
auctioned for P12'.%% in favor of the spouses Tiban+.
As a result of these actuation, three otion .ere subse:uentl# filed before the
)$* B# appellee Blas, pra#in+ that the ,heriff of Manila and3or the Tiban+
spouses be ordered to pa# and deliver to her the su of P',('%.%%
representin+ the proceeds of the auction sale of the buildin+ of !ilipinas
Colle+es, "nc. over .hich she has a lien of P5,1%%.%% for the unpaid balance
of the purchase price thereof0.
)1* Also b# the appellee Bals, pra#in+ that there bein+ still t.o unsatisfied
e8ecutions, one for the su of P41,5'&.42 in favor the land involved, 6ot No.
1-a, be sold at public auction0 and )4* B# !ilipinas Colle+es, "nc. pra#in+ that
because its properties, the house and soe personal properties, have been
auctioned for P',('%.%% and P12'.%% respectivel# in favor of the Tiban+
spouses .ho applied the proceeds to the partial pa#ent of the su of
P41,5'&.42 value of the land, 6ot No. 1-a, it )!ilipinas Colle+es, "nc.* be
declared part o.ner of said lot to the e8tent of the total aount reali@ed fro
the e8ecution sale of its properties.$%&p'(l.n)t
The Tiban+ spouses presented their opposition to each and all of these otion. After
due hearin+ the court rendered its resolution in the anner indicated at the
be+innin+ of this decision, fro .hich the Tiban+s alone have appealed.
"n assailin+ the order of the court a :uo directin+ the appellants to pa# appellee Blas
the aount of their bid )P',('%.%%* ade at the public auction, appellants- counsel has
presented a novel, albeit in+enious, ar+uent. "t is contended that because the builder
in +ood faith has failed to pa# the price of the land after the o.ners thereof e8ercised
their option under Article 225 of the Civil Code, the builder lost his ri+ht of retention
provided in Article '2= and b# operation of Article 22', the appellants as o.ners of the
land autoaticall# becae the o.ners ipso facto, the e8ecution sale of the house in
their favor .as superfluous. Conse:uentl#, the# are not bound to ake +ood their bid
of P',('%.%% as that .ould be to ake +oods to pa# for their o.n propert#. B# the
sae token, Blas clai for preference on account of the unpaid balance of the
purchase price of the house does not appl# because preference applies onl# .ith
respect to the propert# of the debtor, and the Tiban+s, o.ners of the house, are not
the debtors of Blas.
This Court cannot accept this oversiplification of appellants- position. Article 225 and
'2= of the Civil Code definin+ the ri+ht of the parties in case a person in +ood faith
builds, so.s or plants on the land of another, respectivel# provides9
ART. 225. The o.ner of the land on .hich an#thin+ has been built, so.n or
plated in +ood faith shall have the ri+ht to appropriate as his o.n the .orks, or plantin+, after pa#ent of the indenif# provided for in article '2=
and '25, or to obli+ate the one .ho built or planted to pa# the price of the
land, and the one .ho so.ed, the proper rent. ;o.ever, the builder or planter
cannot be obli+ed to bu# the land if its value is considerabl# ore than that of
the buildin+ or trees. "n such case, he shall pa# reasonable rent, if the o.ner
of the land does not choose to appropriate the buildin+ or trees after proper
indenit#. The parties shall a+ree upon the ters of the lease and in case of
disa+reeent, the court shall fi8 the ters thereof.
ART. '2=. Necessar# e8penses shall be refunded to ever# possessor0 but
onl# the possessor in +ood faith a# retain the thin+ until he has reibursed
<seful e8penses shall be refunded onl# to the possessor in +ood faith .ith
the sae ri+ht of retention the person .ho has defeated hi in the
possession havin+ to option of refundin+ the aount of e8penses or of pa#in+
the case in value .hich thin+ a# have ac:uired b# reason thereof.
<nder the ters of these article, it is true that the o.ner of the land has the ri+ht to
choose bet.een appropriatin+ the buildin+ b# reibursin+ the builder of the value
thereof or copellin+ the builder in +ood faith to pa# for his land. Even this second
ri+ht cannot be e8ercised if the value of the land is considerabl# ore than that of the
buildin+. "n addition to the ri+ht of the builder to be paid the value of his iproveent,
Article '2= +ives hi the corollar# ri+ht of retention of the propert# until he is
indenified b# the o.ner of the land. There is nothin+ in the lan+ua+e of these t.o
article, 225 and '2=, .hich .ould 7ustif# the conclusion of appellants that, upon the
failure of the builder to pa# the value of the land, .hen such is deanded b# the land-
o.ner, the latter becoes autoaticall# the o.ner of the iproveent under Article
22'. The case of Bernardo "s. Bataclan, == Phil., '&% cited b# appellants is no
authorit# for this conclusion. Althou+h it is true it .as declared therein that in the event
of the failure of the builder to pa# the land after the o.ner thereof has chosen this
alternative, the builder-s ri+ht of retention provided in Article '2= is lost, nevertheless
there .as nothin+ said that as a conse:uence thereof, the builder loses entirel# all
ri+hts over his o.n buildin+. The :uestion is0 .hat is the recourse or reed# left to the
parties in such eventualit# .here the builder fails to pa# the value of the landA Bhile
the Code is silent on this Court in the cases of Miranda "s. Fadullon, et al., &( Phil.,
5%$0 '$ ?ff. /a@., C$1D =11=0 Ignacio "s. Hilario, (= Phil., =%' and the cited case
of Bernardo "s. Bataclan, supra.
"n the first case, this Court has said9
A builder in +ood faith not be re:uired to pa# rentals. he has ri+ht to retain the
land on .hich he has built in +ood faith until he is reibursed the e8penses
incurred b# hi. *ossil+ 'e mig't e made to pa+ rental onl+ &'en t'e
o&ner of t'e land c'ooses not to appropriate t'e impro"ement and re#uires
t'e uilder in good fait' to pa+ for t'e land ut t'at t'e uilder is un&illing or
unale to pa+ t'e land, and t'en t'e+ decide to lea"e t'ings as t'e+ are and
assume t'e relation of lessor and lessee, and s'ould t'e+ disagree as to t'e
amount of rental t'en t'e+ can go to t'e court to fi, t'at amount. )Ephasis
,hould the parties not a+ree to leave thin+s as the# are and to assue the relation of
lessor and lessee, another reed# is su++ested in the case of Ignacio "s. Hilario,
supra, .herein the court has ruled that the o.ner of the land in entitled to have the
iproveent reoved .hen after havin+ chosen to sell his land to the other part#, i.e.,
the builder in +ood faith fails to pa# for the sae.
A further reed# is indicated in the case of Bernardo "s. Bataclan, supra, .here this
Court approved the sale of the land and the iproveent in a public auction appl#in+
the proceeds thereof first to the pa#ent of the value of the land and the e8cess, if
an#, to be delivered to the o.ner of the house in pa#ent thereof.
The appellants herein, o.ners o the land, instead of electin+ an# of the alternative
above indicated chose to seek recover# of the value of their land b# askin+ for a .rit of
e8ecution0 lev#in+ on the house of the builder0 and sellin+ the sae in public auction.
,and because the# are the hi+hest bidder in their o.n auction sale, the# no. clai
the# ac:uired title to the buildin+ .ithout necessit# of pa#in+ in cash on account of
their bid. "n other .ords, the# in effect pretend to retain their land and ac:uire the
house .ithout pa#in+ a cent therefor.
This contention is .ithout erit. This Court has alread# held in Matias "s. T'e
*ro"incial S'eriff of !ue"a -ci.a )(2 Phil., 41=* that .hile it is the inveriable practice,
dictated b# coon sense, that .here the successful bidder is the e8ecution creditor
hiself, he need not pa# do.n the aount of the bid if it does not e8ceed the aount
of his 7ud+eent, nevertheless, .hen their is a clai b# a third-part#, to the proceeds
of the sale superior to his 7ud+ent credit, the e8ecution creditor, as successful bidder,
ust pa# in cash the aount of his bid as a condition precedent to the issuance to hi
of the certificate of sale. "n the instant case, the Court of Appeals has alread# ad7ud+ed
that appellee Blas is entitled to the pa#ent of the unpaid balance of the purchase
price of the school buildin+. Blas is actuall# a lien on the school buildin+ are
concerned. The order of the court directin+ the Tiban+ spouses, as successful
bidders, to pa# in cash the aount of their bid in the su of P',('%.%% is therefore
Bith respect to the order of the court declarin+ appellee !ilipinas Colle+es, "nc. part
o.ner of the land to the e8tent of the value of its personal properties sold at public
auction in favor of the Tiban+, this Court 6ike.ise finds the sae as 7ustified, for
such aount represents, in effect, a partial pa#ent of the value of the land. "f this
resulted in the continuation of the so-called involuntar# partnership :uestioned b# the
difference bet.een P5,1%%.%% E the unpaid balance of the purchase price of the
buildin+ and the su of P',('%.%% E aount to be paid b# the Tiban+s, the order of
the court directin+ the sale of such undivided interest of the !ilipinas Colle+es, "nc. is
like.ise 7ustified to satisf# the clai of the appellee Blas.
Considerin+ that the appellant spouses Marcelino Tiban+ and Maria /arcia Tiban+
a# not voluntaril# pa# the su of P',('%.%% as ordered, thereb# further dela#in+ the
final terination of this case, the first part of the dispositive portion of the order
appealed fro is odified in the sense that upon failure of the Tiban+ spouses to pa#
to the ,heriff or to Manila /ervacio Blas said su of P',('%.%% .ithin fifteen )$'* da#s
fro notice of the final 7ud+ent, an order of e8ecution shall issue in favor of Maria
/ervasio Blas to be levied upon all properties of the Tiban+ spouses not e8ept
fro e8ecution for the satisfaction of the said aount.
"n all other respects, the appealed order of the court a #uo is hereb# affired, .ith
costs a+ainst the appellants.
"t is so ordered.