This document contains an article by Pastor Jerry Brewster announcing his retirement from pastoring after 27 years. He explains that he and his wife Gloria have felt called to retire for several years due to his declining health after a heart attack. While retiring from pastoring, they do not consider themselves retiring from ministry and hope to continue serving God through encouraging other pastors and churches. The document also includes obituaries for two deceased church members, Ross David Fite and Chubby Perkins.
This document contains an article by Pastor Jerry Brewster announcing his retirement from pastoring after 27 years. He explains that he and his wife Gloria have felt called to retire for several years due to his declining health after a heart attack. While retiring from pastoring, they do not consider themselves retiring from ministry and hope to continue serving God through encouraging other pastors and churches. The document also includes obituaries for two deceased church members, Ross David Fite and Chubby Perkins.
This document contains an article by Pastor Jerry Brewster announcing his retirement from pastoring after 27 years. He explains that he and his wife Gloria have felt called to retire for several years due to his declining health after a heart attack. While retiring from pastoring, they do not consider themselves retiring from ministry and hope to continue serving God through encouraging other pastors and churches. The document also includes obituaries for two deceased church members, Ross David Fite and Chubby Perkins.
This document contains an article by Pastor Jerry Brewster announcing his retirement from pastoring after 27 years. He explains that he and his wife Gloria have felt called to retire for several years due to his declining health after a heart attack. While retiring from pastoring, they do not consider themselves retiring from ministry and hope to continue serving God through encouraging other pastors and churches. The document also includes obituaries for two deceased church members, Ross David Fite and Chubby Perkins.
Tid Bits of Wisdom From the Wonderful Word Publishers TO EVERYTHING THERE IS A SEASON, AND A TIME TO EVERY PURPOSE! A couple of months ago I announced that I would be retiring from the pastorate the last Sunday in August. I have been shocked and amazed at the different responses I have received from church members, friends and family. My eyes have been opened to many things I had never thought about. Gloria and I began to feel the need to lea ve the pastorate about fve years ago. After my heart attack, almost nine years ago, my strength has continued to dwindle. God has done amazing things for me and I have not had to live like a sick man. I still put in a full days work, but it is very dif- fcult to accomplish. We knew that the time was coming to turn the church over to the next man of God and let the church keep going forward, but we could not leave until God said, OK. Sometime back God began to wake me at 3:00 a.m. each morning and talk to me. When I was sure, as to what He wanted me to do, I took my wife to a nice restaurant for lunch and told her God had turned us loose from the pastorate. When the Lord set up the tabernacle, He removed the men from hard work at ffty years of age. They were used in other service after ffty. Just because you can no longer carry the burden does not mean that you cannot be useful! To pastor is a great responsibility and requires a lot of strength if done properly. I count it a great honor to have been intrusted with the work of a pastor these past 27 years. Our frst 27 years were served from the pew and we loved every minute of it. I am not sure which 27 years has been the most productive, but all of them have been a privilege. Serving the Lord from any position is a privilege. When our children were small, sometimes Gloria and I would need a baby sitter to watch our children while we were needing to be somewhere else. We did not leave our children with just anyone. We had to KNOW that person and feel we could trust them to be responsible for the safety of our children. A pastorate is God choosing someone to watch over His sheep. A pastor is to feed, comfort, and protect those sheep until the Master returns. That is a great responsibility and no pastor should ever take that lightly. (Continued on page 2) Ross David Fite January 7, 1926 - August 3, 2014 Ross David Fite laid his earthly body aside and went home to be with his Savior on August 3, 2014. Bro. Ross grew up in west Texas. After graduating, he entered the Navy and served as a Naval lifeguard, Seaman First Class on the USS Zuni during World War II. After receiving an honorable discharge he went home to care for his family. He met his one and only bride, Ila Mae Bivens Fite, while attending church in Ft. Worth, Texas, where he received the Lord Jesus Christ as Sav- ior. From the time he was saved, he began serving God and never looked back. He later was called to preach. He attended the Bible Baptist Seminary of Ft. Worth , Texas, and graduated in 1954. (Continued on page 3) 2 (Continued from page 1) TO EVERYTHING THERE IS A SEASON, AND A TIME TO EVERY PURPOSE! Anyone who has ever done any baby sitting knows how scary it can be knowing you are responsible for the life of those children. Your job is to see that they stay within the bounds their parents placed for them. As a pastor, our job is to see that the children left in our care stay within the bounds of Gods law. As a baby setter your job is to see that the children do not hurt or do damage to each other. This is a tough job for a pastor, but it is very important to our job. God tells us to be just and right in our actions, so we must not take sides or respect one per- sons rights above anothers rights. We must love ALL with the same quality of love. That means we must keep our lives straight with God in order to act godly. To do the pastorate properly, we must have a MATURE relationship with God! The pastor and the people are siblings!!! Did you ever have your parents leave your brother or sister in charge of you while they were away? How did you feel about that? Most of us resent our siblings being in charge of us. That is why a pastor must not be a novice. He must have matured in such a way that his siblings have respect and honor toward his life and therefore they do not resent his being in charge. But dont kid yourself, they never forget that you are just one more of the siblings!!! You must gain their respect. Pastors are not perfect! Neither are members! We are to pray for one another. Sometimes it is the members teaching the pastor. A wise pastor can learn from his congregation. No one knows everything and many times the people have jewels of knowledge that the pastor needs. Members either aide in making good pastors or they assist in destroying good pastors! Likewise, pastors either bring their people to a greater place of worship or they discourage them from worship. Whether in the pulpit or the pew, it is a great responsibility to be part of the body of Christ. We are either the muscel of the body or the disease of the body! When we used the word retire many saw us as though we were laying down our armor and removing our uniforms. We are not leaving the service!!! We are changing positions of service. There is no discharge in this army. I pray that mine and Glorias service will be more effective and more valuable in our last days than our frst. As mature Christians we should be able to use the knowledge, wisdom, and understanding that we have collected through the years to make a difference in the body of Christ and in this lost world. May we never stop working for Christ as long as we have breath. Ecclesiastes tells us that there is a time of change in life. Romans tells us that the gifts and the callings of God are without repentance! His gifts are eternal life and the working of the Holy Spirit in our lives. His calling is where He places us to work in the body of Christ. These do not change!!! They are ir- revocable! We build works or ministries in which to accomplish the work of God. Where I minister can and has changed many times in my life, but where I ft in the body of Christ has never changed and will not change. Many of Gods people do not understand that it can be of God to change where you minister without chang- ing who you are as a minister. The Scripture tells us that Jesus never changes. He is the same yesterday and today. Why pray? Because prayer can change the mind of God but never the character of God. The reason we can trust our God is because He never changes His character or His promised word. The reason we can love Him so is because we can move His heart when we have a need. Many stay in a work longer than they should because others might think that they are quitters. They may be a stumbling block to the very work they mean to bless. There is only one thing that we must remember and that is The Will Of God. I dont want to stand in the way of Gods work. I want to be used to cause the work too go for- ward. In order to do that, all I need is to discern where God wants me to stand. (Eph. 6:13) Over and over we have been asked the question, What are you going to do? We dont know. God made our leaving plain, but He hasnt revealed our next step at this time. In order to obey Gods leading, we are re- leasing a good salary, our housing al- lowance, and other benefts, not know- ing where our needs will be met or how they will be met. Most think we have lost our minds, but we truly believe that if we obey, God will provide and lead us in the path He has for us. Our God owns the cattle on a thousand hills and as one man prayed, Dear Lord, would you please sell a few of those cows and give me the money! The Scripture also says that the Lord takes from the wicked and lays it up for the righteous. With all the wickedness in the world to- day there must be an abundant supply of goods that the Lord could give His people. Its our hope that the Lord will use us to help those churches who need encouragement. We will not ask to go anywhere, but we will go wherever we are invited. I can preach the Word, lead music and choir. Gloria can teach women, counsel and play the piano. Maybe we can just stand in the gap and encourage others to keep on keeping on! We hope to encourage pastors and their families most of all. We appreci- ate every prayer prayed for us. ----Jerry Brewster 3 (Continued from page 1) Memorials He started the Fayetteville Baptist Church in Fayetteville, Arkansas, and was pastor for seven years. He then answered the call to become a mission- ary in Latin America. He labored faith- fully as a missionary in El Salvador and then in southern Mexico for over ffty years. More than forty churches and missions and two Bible seminar- ies are in existence today as a result of his ministry. He also established three radio ministries in Mexico and El Sal- vador. Bro. Fite was a true soldier of the cross. IN MEMORY OF: Chubby Perkins Bro. Chubby went home to be with the Lord on July 24, 2014. He was a member of the Walnut Springs Bap- tist Church in Canton, Texas. He was the kind of church member that makes a difference. Bro. Chubby and his wife Betty were there every time the doors were opened. They were always smiling and making everyone feel welcome. Bro. Chubby loved the good old gospel singing. They have loved and supported a great number of preachers through the years and Im sure made a great difference in the lives of those preachers. As for one of those preachers kids, my life was blessed by watching their faith- fulness and their joyous spirits. Pray for his wife Mrs. Betty, because Bro. Chubby will be greatly missed. IN MEMORY OF: The Patee Family Please pray for the Patee family whose neice-in-laws father passed away the frst part of July. (Do not have his name) JUST IN TIME! There are those who ask me to please share stories of Gods working in our lives. We are glad to do that, just hope we do not bore you with our stories. We would also like to hear your stories of Gods working in your lives. Write to us! Going into the ministry full time was a large change in our lives. We gave up over 50% of our income to work for a church. After getting there, everything we had left broke down. Our loss was great, but we had the confdence of know- ing that we had done what God asked of us, and that meant everything to us. After a few years at that work the church had a split and many of the members left. It was the pastors frst church (Jerry was the Assistant Pastor). The church no lon- ger could pay two pastors and have enough money to go forward with the work. Jerry prayed much about it and we frst took a 50% cut in pay and then 6 months later Jerry gave his resignation. The deacons begged him to stay through the end of the year, so we did. We did not know what God wanted us to do. Jerry prayed, Lord, if you want me to remain in ministry and you want me to preach then put it in the hearts of churches to call and ask me to preach. In ten months, there was only one Sun- day that Jerry did not have a place to preach, but we still did not have an income or know just what to do. Jerry began praying, Lord if you want me to pastor, have churches to call me in view of a call. The calls began coming and for months we went from church to church not feeling like God had put us anywhere. During these months, everything happened that could happened. Our daughter in Florida had to have surgery and that meant a plane ticket plus money for expenses. The day I returned, my mother was hospitalized and I had to spend many days at the hospital driving 70 miles each way, which meant money for gas, food and parking. God was there for every need just as we had to have it. I also found a tumor in my throat and had to have two test at the cost of $1,000. Not only was money a major issue there were the issues of physical strength and basic needs. One night I came home from the hospital exhausted and I had to be back the next morning very early. I had worn all my clothes and everything was dirty. I didnt have anything decent to put on the next day and I just could not sit up and wash clothes. My thoughts were, Lord, what do I do now? Just as plain as day, the Holy Spirit whispered in my ear, Go to the mail box! It was late at night and usually we had already gotten the mail, but this day we had forgotten to get it. I went to the mail box and there was a package from Mrs. Martha Green (Bro. Roloffs secretary). In it was a blouse and a skirt. Jerry said, Arent you going to try them on? I said, No! That would be a slap in the Lords face. He has provided this and He knows my size. It was a perfect ft and a day that I looked my best! Mrs. Maratha had no idea what my needs were that day. When I talked to her later she didnt even know why she sent them. She said she had other clothes to give me but something told her to just go ahead and mail those. I dont know which is best. To have your need met or to meet someone elses need. Either way it is sure nice to be a part of the body of Christ. 1 Peter 5:6-7 Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time: Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you. 4 F E M A L E I N S P I R A T I O N S By Gloria Brewster MADE IN THE IMAGE OF GOD! Genesis 1:26-27 Growing up in the church I often heard preachers say that the trinity could not be explained. I never believed that ! I set out to discern just how the godhead worked. It was a lot of years before I began to understand. Learning about the trinity caused me to understand marriage in a way that made my marriage the most special work of my life. The struggle is that the Bible is very clear that there is ONE God, yet there are three persons. How can that be. The Bible also makes it very clear that when a male and female join in marriage they become ONE, yet there are three of them. You might say, No Gloria, there are two, but you would be wrong. There are three, because the union of the two produce a spirit and that spirit is the power of their union. In the godhead there is the Father, the Word and the Holy Spirit. In man there is the male, the female and the spirit of their union. Two males or two females cannot join as one. They can be friends, they can have great love for one anothers life, but they do not make a man. A man is a male and female joined in marriage. God created ONE man and that man was male and female. (Gen. 1:26-27) The male and female were created for particular purposes. While both are capable of doing the others job from time to time, the male is not capable of doing the work of the womb, and the woman is not capable of producing seed. Two males or two females do not and cannot produce fruit. There is much more that could be said about this, but for now, lets go back to the picture of the trinity and marriage. I am taking the last four weeks of my Sunday School hour to teach what I have gleaned about mankind. I have had my class for 16 years and my ladies have heard most of this many times, but I wanted to teach the heart of my life and make sure they understand the power and the beauty that God gave us at creation. So many people, and mostly women, do not have a proper concept of who they are or what they were created for. It is important that we see ourselves as God sees us. Unless we have the same measurement as God, we will never live a balanced life. We will be like the see-saw. We will either be up or down. Balance is the secret to a blessed life. Anything out of balance is perverted, which is an evidence of Satans work in our lives. EQUALITY! God works with equality. He is not a respecter of persons. All through Scripture you will fnd that the godhead shares equality. One is not more God than the other two. They are all three equally God! Why did the people get so angry at Jesus? Because He said He was equal with the Father. (Phil. 2:6) You should see the looks I get when I say that I am equal to my husband. You can hear everyone holding their breath thinking God is going to kill me for say- ing that. The men in Jesus day didnt understand how the godhead worked and mankind today doesnt seem to understand how man works either. It is possible to know that you are equal to man and also be a very submissive wife. We are equal because of our cre- ated person, but we are submissive be- cause of a personal choice to serve man the way God said to serve. My equality was given to me by God. My submis- sion is my willing offering to God so I can serve mankind effectively and do the work God created me to do. Every- thing we do is to be AS UNTO THE LORD. America was born in order to give its people an opportunity to live equal lives. We have inalienable rights. Our country understands that we were created equal, yet too often we either think too high or too low of ourselves. We become weak when we get out of balance concerning equality. In I Corinthians 11:8-12 we fnd that the man is not of the woman; but the woman of the man. Satan often tells woman that she was second choice and he attempts to convince her that she is less than the male. What we miss so often is that while the woman is OF the male, the male is BY the woman. Neither can do the job of bearing fruit without the other. They were not cre- ated to compete with one another, they were created to compliment one an- other. Its amazing how many couples come together in marriage only to end up hurting and destroying one another. The whole purpose for marriage was to produce, multiply and prosper. I fear that too often we eat and devour one another instead of serving one another. If we take the life lines and put all three, the Father, the Word and the Holy Spirit together, we have a tri- angle. It is an equilateral triangle. All sides are equal. On the right side of the work sheet the three life lines are the (Continued on page 7) 5 GOD MAN LIFE LINES L O R D
C H R I S T / H u s b a n d - W o r d F A T H E R / H U S B A N D / P r o d u c t - s e e d H E A V E N L Y / F A T H E R / P r o d u c t - s e e d W O R D / P r o d u c e r S A I N T S / B R I D E / B r i d e - S o u l
w i n n i n g W I F E / H e l p
M e e t / P r o d u c e r - w o m b HOLY SPIRIT/Life HOLY SPIRIT/Life SPIRIT/United we stand or divided we fall Heavenly Father/Eterna Male/Appointed time The Word/Eterna Female/Appointed time Holy Spirit/Eterna Spirit/Appointed time Satan/prince of world/power of death/prince of darkness/seducer Joining of spirits = Godhead Joining of fesh = Mankind CREATED IN IMAGE OF GOD EQUAL/NO RESPECT OF PERSONS ONE UNITED/Working within one will GODHEAD/Creation HOME/Creation of the family CHURCH Bride of Christ/Marriage of the Lamb JOINT HEIRS/ One will JOINT HEIRS/ One Will JOINT HEIRS/ One will GODHEAD SPIRIT/Worship-heart EQUAL JOINT HEIRS SUBMISSION TO FATHERS WILL ONE/UNITED ROCK Fortress, tower, sanctuary, salvation, Eternal Life ROCK ROCK SAND/fesh MANKIND FLESH/Work-hands EQUAL JOINT HEIRS SUBMISSION TO FATHERS WILL ONE/United or divided SAND Dust thou art and dust thou shall return. Earth only. OVERCOMERS!!! Righteous Sinners LIFE IN THE IMAGE OF GOD (Please keep this sheet. The next few lessons will be referring to this graph) , 6 TID BITS MONTHLY REPORT What a summer. This has been the coolest summer we can remember for Texas. We have had more rain in the month of August than any other month this year. As a rule, this is the month when we get less rain. It has really helped on the utilities and it has helped to have pleasant temperaments. Temperaments always seem to rage in the heat of Texas! We received some unexpected gifts this month and we really do appreci- ate you sharing with this work. Our faithful supporters are such a blessing and give us encouragement each month, but there are usually expenses that are not covered by our monthly support. Because of the extra gifts we were able to add some electronics this month that help in organizing the paper work. Some time ago many of the supporters said for us not to send monthly responses to their giving, but to just send at the end of the year. We will send out a letter at the beginning of the new year stating your giving for that year. If you need something more please let us know. The personal notes are such an encour- agement to us. If you have, or know of someone who might have, some old books of the great men of God, we would like to add to our collection of Godly Men. When we look at the books in the offce our thoughts are how many people God gave insights too that were willing to share them with us. Dr. John R. Rices daughter, Grace McMullins, told Gloria one day to write down her thoughts. Her daddy taught her and her sisters that God gave you those thought to share, not just keep them to yourselves! I know that we have everything on electronics today but what if the lights go out! If you lost electricity today we would lose history. The books are there for us to read at anytime. Letters: Thank you so much for praying for me. I feel much better and the test all turned out OK or better. I have been able to go to church the last two Sundays. Glenda and I go to church not to Sunday School because my feet swell so large God is so good. Glenda is also better. Bobbie M. Tenn. Hi Friends. Hope this fnds you all doing well. Al & Perley/Old Breakfast friends We love you all and thank God for you! Hope this gift helps keep the Tid Bits going. Dennis & Karen/ Bible Fellowship Baptist Church I received your wonderful paper and enjoyed it so much. I am so sorry I havent written. I am still at the rest home here in Nat- chez, Ms. I trust & pray that the Lord will Make a way for me to send help for the paper which is such a blessing to me. Please keep me in your prayers about this matter. I love you all and your love for our precious Saviour and Lord. Thank you for sending it to me. I am praying much for your wonderful work you do for the Lord. Thanks be unto the Lord for His unspeakable gift. Mrs. Henny Etta L. MS Greetings from SC. Hope this small check can help you out this month. Happy to help - Love you Sherri SC. Tid Bits of Wisdom is a non-proft work and operates through the Wonderful Word Publishers, whose founders were Bro. Dick and Mrs. Rose Cimino. The Tid Bits of Wisdom is published by Bro. Jerry and Mrs. Gloria Brewster. The tract ministry is operated by Mrs. Connie Cimino. All gifts are tax deductible. Tid Bits of Wisdoms web site is Our email is [email protected]. DROP A PEBBLE IN THE WATER Drop a pebble in the water: just a splash, and it is gone; But theres half-a-hundred ripples circling on and on and on, Spreading, spreading from the center, fowing on out to the sea. And there is no way of telling where the end is going to be. Drop a word of cheer and kind- ness: just a fash and it is gone; But theres half-a-hundred ripples circling on and on and on, Bearing hope and joy and com- fort on each splashing, dashing wave Till you wouldnt believe the volume of the one kind word you gave. Drop a word of cheer and kind- ness: in a minute you forget; But theres gladness still a-swell- ing, and theres joy a-circling yet, And youve rolled a wave of comfort whose sweet music can be heard Over miles and miles of water just by dropping one kind word. James W. FOLEY HOW OLD ARE YOU? Age is a quality of mind. If you have left your dreams behind, If hope is cold, If you no longer look ahead, If your ambitions fres are dead- Then you are old. But if from life you take the best, And if in life you keep the jest, If love you hold; No matter how the years go by, No matter how the birthdays fy - YOUR ARE NOT OLD. H. S. FRITSCH 7 male, the female and the spirit of their union. Marriage works like the Godhead, thats why divorce is so destructive. A broken marriage distorts the picture of the Godhead. A marriage is created by vows to God and to one another. Their vows bond them together. When we break our word, we say our word cannot be trusted. Gods word never fails. What He speaks He performs. We must mention here that some people are victims of divorce. When I say victim, I do not mean that they didnt have a part in the trouble, but they never wanted divorce. Those who are willing to stay in their marriage and work with their problems, yet their mates chose to divorce, they become the victim of divorce. I think the church has failed to realize that there are victims and the church has failed to serve those victims. Divorce is probably 50% or more in the church. The church has failed to teach the importance of keeping the marriage vows and we have failed at taking care of those damaged by divorce. Because in the church we strive for perfection, often we dont know how to fx brokenness. Jesus came to heal the broken hearted, that means healing should be our ministry. Many who have suffered divorce believe they cannot serve in the church any more. Divorce may change your position in the church, but it doesnt have anything to do with your ability to serve. A divorced person may be more effective in their work than those who have never suffered brokenness, as long as they see divorce through Gods eyes and do not justify divorce. I was counseling a Christian woman, who was thinking about divorcing her husband of 27 years. When I asked her what she believed God thought of divorce. She said, Well, I guess you might say He frowns upon it. I said to her, He is a little bolder than that. I believe He said He HATED divorce. We are convincing ourselves that our God is going to overlook our actions when we go against His word. Not so! The only reason Jerry and I are not divorced today is because we FEARED going against Gods word. God said if we broke our vows He would destroy the works of our hands, and we believed He would. There was no desire in either of us to live in the mess we had created. We remained in our marriage with a commitment to let God change our lives and fx our marriage. It didnt happen overnight, but it started the moment we surrendered. Today, we live in the blessings of having trusted our God with the hardest thing in our lives and we are both glad we did. Its my desire to encourage everyone to seek to save their marriage as long as possible, but it is also my desire to encourage those who have already divorced, and cannot put their marriages back together. They must understand that divorce is not an excuse to stop serving God. Now that we have thought about divorce, lets think about how to succeed at Gods created plan for life. On page fve you fnd four time lines. These lines represent our lives. Lets start with the trinity. One line represents God the Father, one represents God the Word and the other is God the Holy Spirit. They are all three God!!! One is not more God than the other and all three are complete in themselves and can work alone, lacking nothing. The same is true of man. The male and female are complete in themselves and have everything they need for life within themselves. The beauty of the Trinity is three working through one will and that will is the will of the Father. The Word WILLINGLY submits to doing all His work through the Fathers will. That willing spirit, and the characters of both the Father and the Word produces the Holy Spirit. There is no mention of the Holy Spirit having a will. I believe the Holy Spirit is the outcome of the life of both the Father and the Word. The Holy Spirit is the power/life of the Godhead. (Continued from page 4) MADE IN THE IMAGE OF GOD! In the trinity God the Father is the Authority and provides the products that are needed to do the work of the trinity. He owns all things. The Word is one with the Father and what belongs to the Father belongs to the Word. The Word is the producer of the Fathers products. The Holy Spirit is the power of the union of the Father and the Word. Because they are God and without sin, their union produces LIFE. In the Godhead the Heavenly Father is an ex- ample to the male of how to lead, take charge and love his family. The Word is the wifes example of how to serve the males position and how to produce the males life. The Godhead works through love and there is no resistance or rebellion within the working of the three. They work in harmony. We are created in that image and you can see by the Godhead that that image works. Why does it work with the Godhead and it doesnt seem to work with man? Well, thanks to Adam and Eve we have to work at overcoming sin and rebellion before we can create a picture of the Godhead. That sin and rebellion is in both male and female and if not overcome, it becomes obvious in the spirit of that union. That spirit be- comes a spirit of death to all who take of it. We were created to live daily, not to die daily. Because of sin, now we must die to our fesh/self daily so we can live in the life God had for us in beginning of creation. That old serpent said to Eve that if she ate of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil she would become as God!!! Man did be- come as gods. Little judges. Man must judge between every action or thought as to whether it is right or wrong, yet, because we do not have all knowledge we cannot rule righteously without God ruling in us and through us. Satan says he will be as God. Satan did not submit his will to the Fathers will. Who is on the throne of our lives? Is it one of the little gods or is it the Living God? TO BE CONTINUED! THE WONDERFUL WORD & Tid Bits of Wisdom --Psalms 68:11-- Founded December, 1966 WONDERFUL WORD Magazine, now Tid Bits of Wisdom, is the of- fcial voice of WONDERFUL WORD PUBLISHERS, a non-proft, religious organization, endeavoring to publish Gospel Literature in the Spanish Lan- guage for world-wide distribution, through Bible believing Missionar- ies at no cost to them. It is published as the Lord enables. It is dedicated to Missionary activity on the felds already white unto harvest, and contending for the verbally inspired Word, exalting the LIVING WORD. SPANISH TRACTS Wonderful Word Publishers P.O., Box 315 Powell, Tenn 37849 [email protected] TID BITS OF WISDOM Bro. Jerry & Gloria Brewster 1801 Old Hickory Trail DeSoto, Texas 75115 E-mail TidBitsWWW@aol. com Website: 214-293-5252 Non-Proft Organ. U.S. Postage Permit 697 DeSoto, Texas 75115 TID BITS of WISDOM from the WONDERFUL WORD Publishers, Inc. 1801 Old Hickory Trail DeSoto, Texas 75115 1 Peter 5:6-11 Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time: Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you. Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: Whom resist stedfast in the faith, knowing that the same affictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world. But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you. To him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen. KJV GOD WILL TAKE CARE OF YOU Be not dismayed whater be tide, God will take care of you; Beneath His wings of love abide, God will take care of you. All you may need He will provide, God will take care of you; Nothing you ask will be denied, God will take care of you. No matter what may be the test, God will take care of you; Lean, weary one, upon His breast, God will take care of you. God will take care of you, Thro evry day, Oer all the way; He will take care of you, God will take care of you.
From Ashes to the Glory ; De Las Cenizas a La Gloria: A Real Testimony of Perseverance in a Ministry Life ; Un Testimonio Real De Lo Que Es La Perseverancia Y El Ministerio Pastoral
Malay-English Vocabulary Containing Over 7000 Malay Words or Phrases With Their English Equivalents Together With An Appendix of Household, Nautical and Medical Terms (IA Malayenglishvoca00sheliala)